#but ending up in the same place anyway and just melting into each other on that first night because they missed each other so much!!
coldshrugs · 4 months
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we're still right where we're supposed to be together through ups and the downs, dungeons and ivory towers
@froschkuss has blessed me with this lovely commission of io and estinien, i can't stop looking at it!
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hairmetal666 · 2 months
It's a fluke that Eddie ends up a gymnast. Wayne only signs him up for summer classes at Hawkins's tumbling gym to burn off his excess six-year-old energy. Nobody, lest of all Eddie or Wayne, expects him to be talented at it.
And now, somehow, he's at his first ever elite gymnastics competition. His coaches all said he was good, but he hadn't really had a frame of reference for what that meant. Not until now. Not until he's in 3rd place after high bar, right behind Steve Harrington.
They tumbled together, as little kids. Steve a tiny boy with an absurd pompadour, monopolizing the mats for insane tumbling passes and lording his high-end competition shirts over the other kids (none of the rest even wore actual gymnastics gear; they were six and it was Hawkins).
Now, he's a swaggering fifteen year old with the same pompadour and bad attitude. They're not on the same rotation, but as Eddie moves on from his floor exercise, Steve makes a point to ram into him.
Eddie doesn't react and maybe that would've been the end of it, but he ends up placing, and Steve corners him in the locker room.
"Come to congratulate me?" Eddie smirks.
"You better watch your back, Munson." Steve shoves him into the lockers.
"I knew you were an asshole, Harrington, but I didn't realize you were a sore loser."
Steve leans close, heat melting into Eddie. "You better count yourself lucky you've gotten this far. Not really a sport for poor kids."
Eddie bristles at this. Yeah, sure, his gear is secondhand, and he and Wayne learned how to sew to mend his competition shirts, gymnastics pants, and warmups, but they work hard, together, for Eddie to do this. "Don't worry about how I afford to be here." Eddie checks him as he brushes past. "Just fix those wobbly flairs on pommel."
The rivalry is hot and fierce and mean, made even worse by the fact that Eddie has an enormous hate-boner for Harrington. It's not, Eddie reasons, his fault. He's gay and surrounded by guys whose bodies are honed for a sport based on strength, endurance, and agility, Steve the most beautiful of all. So he looks, and he longs, and he hates Harrington with every fiber of his being.
Eddie's sure this would continue for their competitive lives, but everything changes the summer before their junior years of high school. They're at a training camp, the kind for world champion, Olympic hopeful types. Steve is practicing ring dismounts when he loses himself in the air, lands hard off the mat, destroys something in his knee. He needs surgery, the recovery time 6-8 months, if he's lucky to be able to compete again.
Maybe a year ago, Eddie would be excited by this development, but now it's kind of devastating. He doesn't bother examining why.
Steve comes back and he's--different. His first competition, he comes up, asks, "Eddie, hey, can we talk?" And, well, they've never been on a first name basis before and Steve is so so pretty, so he agrees.
"I just want to say, I'm sorry how I treated you back before. I was a real piece of shit and you never deserved it."
Eddie truly doesn't know how to respond, never foresaw this day coming. "Thanks. Uh--yeah. Thanks."
They stare at each other for a few seconds longer before Steve taps him on the shoulder and walks away.
It's not the only thing that's changed about Steve. There's this big group of feral children that follow him around everywhere now. Apparently, Harrington told them Eddie plays dnd and now they follow him around too.
He also. Has a girlfriend now. She's pretty; delicate looking. Her name is Nancy. And she's nice, or whatever. Eddie definitely isn't jealous. It's just. He's been with Steve in locker rooms for years, and he thought--well, he'd seen the way Harrington's eyes sometimes lingered on a bicep, a well-cut thigh, the intrigue of a pelvic v, and he thought--not that it matters, but he thought--
Anyway, Steve has a girlfriend.
They're at the winter classic, when it happens.
Eddie is doing good. Like. Really good. Like his routines, they're not flawless, but he's hitting the big skills and sticking landings, and stays in 2nd throughout the majority of the rotations.
It's not a huge shock when he finishes his final rotation, vault, and winds up finishing in 2nd. What is a shock, though, is that, when the scores go up, Steve is wrapping his arms around Eddie's waist, hoisting him into the sky. And, even after he's back on solid ground, Harrington doesn't loosen his hold.
And it's, like. Nothing, right? It's nothing because he has a girlfriend and, sure, maybe he's bi, but that doesn't stop Nancy from existing.
He's not going to think about it, is the thing. He knows it doesn't mean anything, so he isn't going to dwell. It's definitely not all he thinks about during the podium ceremony, or after when he talks to media, or even later walking into the empty locker room.
Or. He thought it was empty. But Steve is there, smiling, saying "you were amazing out there."
They hug again, and Eddie tries not to enjoy the warmth of Harrington's body, the comforting strength of his toned biceps. Eddie pulls back and Steve is--he's so close, gazing at Eddie's lips and--
Steve's mouth is hot and sweet, like he's wearing cherry chapstick, and Eddie can't--he thinks of Nancy; she's nice, doesn't deserve this, they should stop--
But he's sucking on Steve's tongue and Steve is making the sweetest sounds, hard against Eddie's thigh, and nothing else matters.
It goes on for months.
Eddie knows he needs to end it, vows to as soon as they're apart.
It all goes out the window as soon as they're together again. He can't get enough. It's Steve. How is he supposed to resist?
(He needs to. It's horrifying, what they're doing to Nancy)
The children who follow Steve around invite him to dinner after the first day of the USA gymnastics championships.
Nancy is there.
It's the worst three hours of his life. He can't look at Steve, can barely speak to him.
Nancy is beautiful and smart and kind and strong. She doesn't deserve any of this.
And when Steve drops by his hotel room hours later, Eddie greets him by saying, "I can't do this anymore."
Steve's shoulders drop, eyes squeezing shut. "Right. Yeah, I--Yeah."
"I like you, Steve. A lot. But I can't--you have a girlfriend. And I can't keep being whatever this is for you."
Steve nods, won't meet his eyes. "You're right. It's not fair to either of you. I--My parents expect--And I--I'm sorry," he whispers the last part.
Eddie smiles, heart aching. "Sweetheart. I get it. But. Figure out your shit, yeah? Maybe then we can talk?"
The smile Steve flashes him is a broken thing. "Maybe. Sure."
And that's it.
Eddie cries himself to sleep that night.
The next day, he wins first in the all-around.
He and Steve stop speaking.
Somewhere around, ohh, the very first time they hooked up, he caught feelings. So sue him if it kills him, seeing Steve at every competition.
They don't speak again until the Olympic trials. And isn't that ridiculous? Eddie at the Olympic trials. It's such an insane pipe dream, being an Olympian, that he doesn't actually have any expectations whatsoever.
So knock him over with a feather when he fucking makes it on the team.
And so does Steve.
The announcement rings out, and Steve is there, out of nowhere, pulling Eddie into his arms. And Eddie's so hyped, so excited, that he just shouts and hugs Steve right back.
He pretends the proximity, the musk of Steve's cologne, the tangy saltiness of his sweat, doesn't bother him, doesn't transport him immediately back to Steve's bed.
They're teammates now; he can keep it casual.
Right before they leave for the games, news breaks that Steve and Nancy have broken up.
The Team competition at the fucking Olympics is going well. They've had good routines, with no huge errors, stay consistently within the top 5 scores. But then they're on the last rotation, parallel bars, and he's the very last competitor to go. They'll win bronze if he can score above 14.933.
He's inconsistent on parallel bars, always has been, something deep and psychological he can't quite let go of, and now their medal chances are all on him.
He salutes the judges, jumps into his starting position--and his mind goes quiet. Muscle memory, skill, years of training take over--he's flawless.
Eddie sticks his dismount, and the place erupts. He doesn't have a score yet, doesn't know if he's done it, but the rest of the team screams like he has.
They pull him into their arms, but Steve is closest, his grip the tightest. Their eyes keep catching, holding, and Eddie can't really breathe but he doesn't think it's the anxiety or the excitement.
The score goes up.
Not only is it high enough for bronze, it puts them in silver.
Eddie has barely a second to process before he's being hoisted into the air, Steve's arms bracing him up. The crowd's going crazy, his teammates screaming and hugging him, each other, but all he sees is Steve beaming up at him.
He's slowly lowered to the ground, Steve's arms still around him. "You were perfect, baby," Steve whispers. "Never seen anyone like you."
He wishes he could stay right there, Steve beaming at him, but they won the silver--they won the silver at the goddamn Olympics--and they have to get medals, do interviews.
They don't have a chance to be alone together until they're back at the Village, where Steve is just waiting in Eddie's room when he gets back.
"Is this okay?" Steve asks. "I wanted to talk to you and Jason let me in, but I can--I'll leave."
"Please don't." Eddie swallows. "Stay."
Steve smiles, a little. "I needed to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did to you and Nancy. It was unfair to both of you. I love her, you know? But she's not who--I'm not in love with her."
"No. I thought it would make my parents happy, settling down with a nice girl. But it turned out it didn't actually make a difference to them, who I dated. And she isn't who I wanted to be with."
"I'm proud of you for figuring out what you really wanted. It's brave."
"I wish I could've been brave earlier." He gives a little laugh. "Before I hurt you."
Eddie doesn't know what to say to that. He wishes the same thing.
"Um, which is also why I'm here." Steve plucks at the waistband of his Team USA Nike joggers. "I wanted to see if maybe we could try again? Officially this time?"
Eddie can't keep his smile from taking over his entire face. "Sweetheart, I would love to."
And Eddie just--after all this time, he just--pulls Steve into his arms and kisses him. The silver medals, still around both of their necks, clink together with the force, but neither of them really care.
Steve sighs, nuzzles his nose to Eddie's. "Missed you so bad," he whispers. "I'm so sorry."
"Me too," Eddie smiles. "But kiss me a while."
Eventually, they fall back onto Eddie's bed, which makes a horrible noise as their combined weight topples onto it, and they break apart to laugh. Steve smooths back his hair, wrapping a few fingers through his curls to keep Eddie close, even though he's not about to go anywhere.
"Can't believe we made it all the way here." Steve's looking at him like he hung the moon
"Cause we're taking medals home?"
"Honey," he laughs. "Because I'm taking you home."
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theostrophywife · 1 year
heat wave.
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pairing: azriel x reader x cassian.
request: Hi I don’t know if your requests are open but if so would u write something with reader x cassian x Azriel maybe smutty little bit ( I feel like cass would have a size kink and Az a corruption one anyway🤷🏻‍♀️😂)
author's note: size kink cassian 🤝 corruption kink azriel. i swear i haven't forgotten about the bat boys, i'm just deep in the slytherin boys brain rot rn.
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Summer swept through the city of starlight with a sweltering heat wave. The blistering sun left you feeling hot, damp, and sticky as sweat dripped down your back. The only relief to be found was in the sugary sweet cone of strawberry ice cream that Azriel had brought back for you from his trip to the market square. The shadowsinger kissed your temple before sauntering into the training pit to come face-to-face with Cassian.
The Illyrian warlord raised an amused brow. "So that's why you were late." Cassian mused, sending you a conspiratorial wink from your place underneath the shade. "You spoil her, Az."
"You're just jealous he didn't buy you a cone too, Cassie."
Cassian grinned. "You're the only sweet treat worth indulging in, and I'll have my taste of you soon enough, pretty girl." The suggestive words made your body buzz with excitement. "Right after I kick Azriel's ass for making me wait."
The shadowsinger chuckled before disappearing in a dark blur. He reemerged seconds later with twin blades in his hands and a mischievous grin. "Show me what you've got, Cassie."
You leaned back in your lounge chair, enjoying the cool relief of the sweet treat. It would've been cooler inside the house, but nothing, not even the thick muggy air could stop you from watching the two males spar.
By nature, Azriel and Cassian were competitive males.
The Illyrian warriors were opposite sides of the same coin—Cassian with his boldness and passion and heat; Azriel with his mystery and brooding and seduction. You always thought of them as fire and ice. The best of both worlds.
While the competition between them was fierce — whether in fighting or drinking or fucking, you found that Azriel and Cassian worked best in tandem.
More specifically, when they worked you in tandem.
At first, you were skeptical about the dynamic, but the more the three of you explored, the more comfortable you became with one another. It didn’t hurt that you had Cassian and Azriel completely wrapped around your finger. They would do anything for their sweet, innocent little priestess. Though the thoughts running through your mind as you watched them train were far from virtuous. If anything, they were downright sinful.
Underneath the sweltering summer sun, Cassian and Azriel moved swiftly, shedding their leathers to reveal planes of smooth, hard muscles that flexed with each movement as they darted across the red sand. Mirroring the treat in your hand, you were reduced to a sticky pool of desire as you shamelessly ogled your two favorite males.
Azriel glanced at you, a knowing smile gracing his handsome face. “Better lick it up fast, angel. You wouldn’t want to make a mess.”
Strawberry ice cream dripped all over your fingers and while you did your best to lap up the melted liquid, the heat was working against you. Besides, you were too distracted by their glistening bodies, golden brown and sweat slicked and all too tempting. You licked your lips, indulging in the lingering sweetness of strawberries and cream and wishing it was the taste of a set of deliciously sinful abs instead.
“I think she’d rather lick something else up, Az.”
You flushed, suddenly feeling hot all over despite your refuge in the shade. Cassian was a shameless flirt, but it was all in good fun. Teasing was his favorite part of this little game of yours, but in the end he always gave in. At your core, the two of you were absolute hedonists. Both too impatient to deny each other gratification.
Azriel, on the other hand, wasn’t as self indulgent. The shadowsinger could hold out for hours. Make both you and Cassian really beg for it. This time, you decided to get ahead of the game.
You shot a sly glance at Cassian while the shadowsinger had his back turned, urging him to play along. The Illyrian warlord grinned like a devil and discretely nodded before pivoting so that Azriel was facing you.
With a saccharine smile, you licked long, deliberate stripes along the cone while holding the shadowsinger’s heated gaze. “I was wondering,” you pondered as you wrapped your lips around the scoop rather suggestively. “If it feels as good for males as it does for females.”
Azriel cocked his head, intrigued. shadows twisted through his dark wings. “If what feels as good, angel?”
“Pleasuring someone with your mouth.” The shadowsinger stilled. Behind him, Cassian’s mouth dropped open. “I’ve never done it before, but I’d like to try. Maybe you could teach me, Az.”
Azriel’s jaw clenched as he inhaled deeply. Hook, line, and sinker. “Then you and Cas could both confirm my theory.”
Moments later, you found yourself crammed into the shower between Cassian and Azriel. The Illyrian warlord spread out on the built in marble bench, water dripping down his shoulders as his unbound hair formed a dark curtain around his face. He looked like the god of war, all lean muscle and rugged beauty.
Warm, honey eyes tracked your movements as you discarded your dress and stepped underneath the steady stream of water. The shadowsinger's gaze hungrily raked over your naked body as he tucked his wings in close.
"Get on your knees for me, angel."
You followed azriel’s instructions and knelt in front of Cassian. When you looked up, you found nothing but dark pools of lust staring back at you. Cassian suppressed a shiver at the sight of you on your knees, watching and waiting. Hanging onto every word.
Azriel brushed his thumb over your bottom lip. “Open your mouth, baby. Go slow at first. Treat it like the ice cream. Lick from the shaft to the tip.”
You did as you were told and gave tentative little licks along the underside of his cock. Cassian was warm velvet in your mouth. “That’s it, angel. You’re doing so well.”
Cassian moaned in agreement while the shadowsinger gathered your hair into a ponytail. “Now, hold your breath and take him as far as you can.”
You obliged, slightly gagging as Cassian settled in the back of your throat. Azriel knelt behind you, pressing encouraging kisses behind your ear. Sharp teeth grazed the column of your throat and you moaned, which elicited a hum of pleasure from the male above you. Peering through your lashes, you waited for Azriel’s instructions. he smirked, knowing he was in full control.
“Bob your head up and down. Make it messy, my love.” Cassian groaned as you picked up the pace, his dark lashes kissing the tops of his cheekbones while the back of his head rested against the marble tile. He gripped the edges of the bench so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.
Azriel chuckled darkly. He caressed your cheek, stroking over where Cassian was slotted in your mouth. “Our perfect little whore. So good at following instructions when you want to, yeah?”
You groaned as Azriel pushed your head down. Cassian hit the back of your throat, making you gag on his cock. His head fell back, mouth opening to release a filthy moan.
“That’s my good girl. Do you see what you’re doing to poor little Cassie? You’re unraveling him, angel. I bet he’s close to coming. Aren’t you, Cas?”
Cassian shuddered, his wings flexing behind him in confirmation. “Gods, don’t stop. Your mouth is perfect. Feels too fucking good.”
"Use both hands, love." Azriel instructed as he helped you get a firm grip on cassian. Water trickled through his perfectly sculpted abs, clenching as his release came closer and closer.
"Fuck, Y/N," Cassian growled. His hazel eyes burned as he watched you take all of him. Rough, calloused fingers caressed the hollow of your throat. He could feel you gag around him as he fucked your pretty mouth. You were so tiny and delicate, but absolutely fucking filthy too. Cassian was obsessed. "You're so pretty when you suck my cock."
You hummed in response, making the winged male buck against you. He gripped the back of your head and thrusted in and out as you moaned your approval. "Oh gods, Y/N. I'm so fucking close."
The shadowsinger grazed your earlobe with his teeth. "Swallow, baby. Every single drop. Do you understand?"
You nodded as Cassian shot hot ribbons into your mouth. The Illyrian warrior shuddered as you milked him dry, savoring the salt and musk of him hitting the back of your throat. He pulled you under the running water, droplets catching in your lashes as Cassian pressed you against the cold tile.
A mischevious grin curled against his lips as he caged you in. You startled at the way he completely enveloped you, the cover of his wings blocking out the light as his lips met yours. Cassian loved towering over you like this, his large hands roaming your body as he gripped your hips and lifted you up with ease.
You groaned as he wrapped your legs around his waist, his gruff movements making you feel as light as a rag doll as he kissed you fervently. He tasted like cinnamon and whiskey, an intoxicating combination that you chased with your tongue as you pulled at his hair. Cassian returned the favor by biting down on your bottom lip, chuckling darkly as your stiffened peaks pressed against the hard planes of his chest.
"Feisty little doll, aren't you?" He growled against your ear. Cassian hiked you up, letting you feel the effect of the kiss poking against your inner thigh. "I could take you right here and then without even breaking a sweat, sweetheart. You're such a tiny little thing, but you take cock so well, don't you?"
You responded with a whimper. Cassian bit into your neck, hard enough to leave a mark. "Cas, please."
The desperation in your voice was enough to make Cassian's cock twitch against your leg. You knew that with the right combination of pleading eyes and trembling lips, Cassian would be putty in your hands. You rolled your hips against him and he moaned against your neck. When his gaze met yours, his pupils were nothing but dark depths of desire.
"I need you, Cassian."
"Cauldron fucking boil me," he muttered. "Have me then, pretty girl."
You smirked, satisfied with your little victory until Azriel hovered behind Cassian's wings.
"Now who's spoiling her, Cas?" He nudged his brother aside and pulled you back down. Cassian smiled sheepishly, knowing full well that he would've fully given into you if the shadowsinger hadn't stepped in.
Azriel's smile was a cruel slant. "You're a devious little minx," he said. "You may be the perfect picture of innocence, but you're nothing but a filthy little slut, aren't you? It's too bad that I know all your tricks, angel. Seeing as how I’m the one who taught them to you."
You grinned. "It just means you're a great teacher, Az." The shadowsinger raised a brow as you snaked your arms around his neck. "You should be proud."
Azriel chuckled darkly before peeling you off of him. A dark curl clung to his cheek, covering the mischievous glint in his golden eyes. "I'll be proud after I make you squirt in my mouth two or three times." He nodded back to the marble bench. "Now be a good girl and lie down. You’re about to reap the consequences of your actions. I don't take kindly to being teased, my love."
The shadowsinger briefly glanced at Cassian. "You too, Cas. Hold her hips down. I don't want her squirming away before she's learned her lesson."
Cassian winked before settling onto the marble bench. Azriel instructed you to lie back against his brother's chest before kneeling between your legs. You swallowed thickly as the shadowsinger spread your thighs apart.
Azriel smirked as he secured your ankles around his neck. "You're dripping, angel." His seductive laugh skittered up your spine. "You like being a tease, don't you? Do you enjoy bringing Cassian and I to our knees?"
"Only because I love the view," you said with a smile. "But not as much as I love the both of you."
Cassian chuckled and wrapped you up in his arms. "We love you too, sweetheart, but Az is going to make you pay like he promised. Can't save you from him now, baby doll."
The shadowsinger kissed the inside of your knee and smiled. His warm breath fanned against your overheated core as he licked a teasing strip along your folds. You instantly arched into him, your body begging for more. Azriel signaled to Cassian, who shook his head and held your hips down.
"Don't let her up, Cassian." Azriel said. "Not until she begs."
Cassian only nodded and kept you firmly pressed against him as Azriel went to work. His tongue explored every inch of you, licking and sucking as though you were the strawberry cone from earlier. You nearly cried when he teased two fingers in, his mouth working in tandem to push you over the edge. The sensations were overwhelming and the combination of his mouth and fingers was enough to make you want to weep.
As always, Azriel set a punishing pace. It was like he was gauging how far he could push you until you completely lost your grip on reality. Your first orgasm felt like an explosion. Stars flooded your vision as though you were witnessing the demise of a dying star. A supernova.
The second time Azriel made you cum, you thought you were going to pass out from the intensity of the pleasure. When the third rolled around, you couldn't even remember your name.
"Az please," you cried. "I can't take any more."
Azriel glanced up at you, a damp curl clinging to his cheek as his mouth glistened with your arousal. He looked like a lion after devouring a fresh kill. Dark, lethal, and utterly dangerous. And you fucking loved him for it.
"You've got one more in you, darling. Doesn't she, Cas?"
Cassian smirked, his rough hands biting into your hips. "Maybe she needs a little motivation."
"Oh?" The smirk on Azriel's lips spelled nothing but trouble. He licked his lips, gathering the juices with his tongue. "Come and taste her on me, then. That should inspire her to ride another one out."
You swallowed thickly as Cassian kissed Azriel hungrily. The shadowsinger's scarred fingers snaked through Cassian's hair possessively, claiming him with his tongue and his touch. You groaned, whining until Azriel shot you a glare. He wasn't going to let you join in on the fun.
Cassian pulled away, looking dazed and disoriented. "You taste like heaven, doll." He kissed your cheek and chuckled as you tried to turn and catch his lips instead. "Be good and give Azriel one more, sweetheart. Then you can get all the kisses you want."
You pouted, but did as you were told. Azriel disappeared between your thighs again. Despite how overstimulated you felt, release found you in record time. Before you knew it, you were writhing against Azriel's mouth and coming for the fourth time.
It felt like both heaven and hell. Heaven because the pleasure was unlike any other. Hell because receiving that many orgasms back to back had you utterly spent even though you would've begged for more if you had the energy to speak.
"What did you learn today, angel?"
"Don't interrupt training." Azriel nodded in satisfaction. "And—"
The shadowsinger raised a brow. "There's an and?"
"And you eat pussy like a god," you stated matter-of-factly.
That earned you an amused smile. "Hear that, Cas? I think I might get a plaque made to put in my office."
Cassian only rolled his eyes. "She's only saying that because I haven't worked my magic yet." He brushed through your hair and kissed your temple. "I'll prove myself soon enough, but for now, you should get some rest pretty girl."
You nodded in agreement. "Cuddles?"
"Cuddles," Cassian confirmed.
After you cleaned up and dried off, you settled into bed. Sometimes the three of you slept in Cassian's room. Other times at Azriel's. But since your bed was the biggest, the three of you tended to prefer sleeping in your room most nights.
Your eyes felt heavy as Azriel snuggled behind you, smiling gently as Cassian tucked you underneath the blankets. You threw your leg over his, giggling as he complained about your cold feet.
"Shut up, you love it."
With the moonlight glistening against Cassian and Azriel's shirtless torsos as they snuggled up on either side, you couldn't help but feel like the luckiest female in the realm. The shadowsinger leaned over to kiss both of you good night.
“The next time you two conspire against me like that, I won’t be as nice. Do you understand?”
You and Cassian nodded, but the moment that Azriel looked away, you smirked at each other.
There would definitely be a next time.
You two never learned.
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mvth3r · 6 months
you and daryl are incredibly similar. sometimes that isn’t a good thing.
CW: 18+ MDNI
A/N: herbalist reader is one of my favorite pairings for daryl, i’ll probably end up writing more of them specifically. anyways, this is for the anxious (me) over thinkers (also me)!
you and daryl hadn’t been together very long. months starving on the road had brought you closer, him hunting constantly to feed the group and you analyzing and collecting every edible leaf and berry right alongside.
the hunter and the herbalist. terms like “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” seemed a bit childish to both of you, given that you weren’t teenagers anymore, but you were partners through and through. to some, you were an unlikely pair, but your group understood the many ways you intersected.
you’d grown up damn near just as rough as he did, with an abusive mother and a father who drank himself to death trying to cope. it’d been a lonely childhood, and you spent most of it outdoors, falling in love with nature.
your similarities made your relationship strong and laid the foundation for understanding each another, but sometimes it made for a worse situation, like now.
you and daryl laid next to each other on your cot, pressed together from the lack of space. it wasn't uncomfortable, but the charged awkwardness that had lingered between the two of you recently soured the air.
you couldn't see daryl's face, but you knew from the irregular rise and fall of his chest that he wasn't asleep. the cell was dark save from the strip of moonlight peeking around the sides of the privacy sheet.
you sighed silently, only your shoulders moving with the expression, but it didn’t go unnoticed.
daryl pulled away from you, leaning as far out of your embrace as he could without falling off the bed.
“what?” he mumbled, voice gruff. you could hear his confusion, and it made you wince.
“nothing, just,” you paused. for a moment, you considered letting it go. he would come to you when he was ready. or he wouldn’t if he truly hadn’t enjoyed it. or if he wasn’t really interested in sex. but would that mean he hadn’t really wanted to do it with you? or that he had, god forbid, felt pressured?
no, you steeled your resolve, you would not let this overthinking and anxiety overtake you anymore. it was just a question. you could ask a question.
you pushed yourself up onto your elbow and, reaching over daryl, flicked on the oil lamp that sat on your makeshift nightstand. you blinked as your vision adjusted, finally bringing daryl into view.
staring just below his eyes, you blurted out your ailment, not wanting to allow yourself time to bow out.
“did you not like having sex with me? when we did a few weeks ago,” you kept your voice low, though you were sure most everyone was asleep.
daryl had already been frowning, but it deepened at your words, “what’re you talkin’ about?”
and out came the word vomit.
“well i just mean that, y’know, we haven’t had sex again since that first time, which was great. i really enjoyed myself, and i thought you did too, but then you never mentioned it and you never tried to do it again, and i’m thinking maybe you just aren’t into sex? which is fine! but then it’s also not, because that would mean i either forced you or you felt like you had to have sex with me, which isn’t cool, and—“
daryl cut you off with a hand over your mouth and you opened your eyes at the interruption, never even realizing you had closed them during your rambling.
meeting daryl’s eyes, you saw shock and amusement melting the confusion right off his expression. a blush was starting to bloom across his cheeks.
“i didn’t mean to leave ya hanging,” he said, “I guess i was in my own head too. thought ya would come to me when ya was ready.”
“when i was ready…” you trailed off, dumbfounded.
all that overthinking, just for you both to be in the same place.
“ain’t wanna force ya or nothin’,” he clarified at your expression.
you stared at him in shock for a moment, and then you were moving, surging up from the cot and swinging your leg over to straddle his waist. your hands settled on his deliciously firm shoulders for balance.
daryl’s hands roamed over your hips, slipping underneath your his loose sleep shirt to press into your skin. his head bowed to lay against your neck, whispering, “i always want ya, babe,” as his lips peppered kisses up your throat and over the soft curve of your jaw.
you could feel him getting hard beneath you where he was pressed against the thin cotton of your panties. you started getting wet in response, hoping, albeit naively, that he wouldn’t be able to feel it.
daryl’s hands tightened on your hips, encouraging you to grind down against him and you followed his lead easily. a moan bubbled out of your mouth unbidden at the feeling. you weren’t going to last long, not with the pressure just right and just where you needed. it had been too long.
your man, just as needy as you, was in the same position. his head rested back against the wall, lips parted on a moan of his own as he controlled your pace, rolling your hips down again and again against his.
you felt your orgasm starting in your belly and you slumped forward, hips stuttering as you rode it out. the fabric of daryl’s shirt muffled your whimper.
stuck in his shirt as you were, you couldn’t see daryl’s face when he came, instead feeling him shudder and his hips jerking sporadically once, twice, and then stilling all together. he hissed out his release, hands tightening like a vice around your hips before he let you go.
you hid your smile against his shirt.
later, after you and daryl had changed into different bottoms and laid back down on the cot, you drifted easily into sleep for the first time in weeks, your mind quieted.
being so well sated was a bonus, though, and, by the quiet snores daryl was making, tucked against your chest, you figured he would agree.
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twistedlovelines · 1 month
Do you have anything for Sebek please, I'm like so desperate for any smut about him cause he's so underrated 😭
sdfHDIFS sebeks so cute , , , he's a little cunt (2 me) i need to shake him in a jar
here's some personal hcs, but lemme know if u want me 2 elaborate or anything!!
18+, gn! dom! reader, sebek zigvolt, breeding kink later on
he's a service sub. 100%.
this man has dedicated his life to serving the future ruler of the briar valley and he will dedicate himself to your pleasure with the same steadfastness and determination <3
this rings particularly true when it comes to oral- he'll ask you what feels good and what doesn't. he's not the best at gauging your reactions since it's all new to him, so direct communication is incredibly helpful and will benefit the both of you in the long run.
mostly voices his pleasure through groans at first, but after you notice how much he's biting his lips and encourage him to be more vocal, you'll hear all the pretty moans he's been holding in <3
i also hc sebek to pick at the skin on his fingers/bite his lips when he's feeling anxious. when you're more familiar and comfortable with each other sexually, i think he's quite touched and gets a bit teary eyed if you were to ever kiss the tips of his fingers with reverence, holding his hand as if it were the finest jewel on earth.
praise kink. i mean is it really that surprising , , , the first time you give him orders in bed you can see his eyes sparkling when he looks back at you , , , every time you praise him, it eggs him on even further and it'll feel as if he has no end to his stamina sdhfuji
i wouldn't say his libido is high but if you tease him and leave him pent up for a week he gets sooo desperate its adorable. he wouldn't voice it out loud (he would never dishonor you!!) but. he's not the most subtle LOL. he gets more nervous and gives excuses to escort you places so that he can walk close to you (just kiss him when u get back to your dorm <3 he will be very receptive <3)
cries the first time you say i love you during sex
his breeding kink is also crazy aiugsdhf. the thought of building a future with you and cementing your legacy together makes his brain go haywire so fast. gets whimpery and whiny when you croon about him marking you and making sure you're his and only his , ,,
he's also a biter LOL. doesn't do it on purpose but he can't help but want to have you in his mouth when he cums , , , (mind, he won't bite your dick off if he cums while giving you oral but he has an oral fixation and enjoys biting akhusdfi). will get so embarrassed if you have hickeys the next day and will beg you to cover it with makeup or clothing to "protect your decency" but gets a half chub when he wakes up and sees them on u.
as for oral fixation . . . i mentioned how he is with oral earlier but he genuinely loves having his mouth on you so much. kissing is so intimate to him. will melt into your arms the second you plant your lips on his and turn your head to the side just so , , ,
but anyways. if u have a cock he will be between your spread legs like it's his last day on earth every time he gives you oral. something about you filling his mouth and being immersed in your scent , , , if you cum down his throat he's swallowing because he wants to savor your very essence. will also stick his tongue out if you ask for proof that he swallowed, no question <3
and if u have a pussy he unintentionally bullies your clit sm asbdhfiS. he can't help it!! he just likes how it feels in his mouth and enjoys how you squirm when he's focusing on it , , but god its so worth it because when he finally parts from you in order to breathe the lower half of his face is shining.
but yeah!! these are my general nsfw hcs for sebek, lmk if you wanna hear more <3
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theemporium · 7 months
hi!! i have a potential blurb request - Oscar having that "oh my god i love her" moment with reader
ily and i hope you're doing well <33
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It hit him at the most random, mundane moment—which was ironic, considering it completely turned his world around.
He was still fighting the lingering effects of jet lag when you invited him over to hang out. He knew Mark would have wanted him to be responsible, to sleep and not fuck up his sleep schedule any further. He was still getting used to how taxing the life of a Formula One driver was, and he underestimated how heavily travel and jet lag would play into that.
But it had been so long since he had seen you. And maybe it was guilt or maybe it was his own selfish desire, but he found himself throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants, grabbing his keys and heading to your place before the universe somehow stopped him. 
It was no different to the million other days you hung out together. Absolutely nothing different that he had come to expect in the last fifteen or so years you two had been friends. He showed up, knocked four times, waited for you to open the door and settled himself on his side of your coach whilst you did the same.
There was nothing special about the day, or the moment. But it still hit him like a freight train.
“Do you want popcorn? I got the salty flavour from that brand you like, the one that fits into your diet.” 
That was all you said. Twenty-one words that somehow managed to send the boy spiralling as he turned to gape at you, his body melted into the couch to the point he didn’t think he could get up if he tried. 
And there was you, sitting there as you smiled and waited for his response. You didn’t even look different, just lounging around in some shorts and a hoodie with his number on it. Your hair was a mess, you had even made a joke about it when he first came in. And the bags under your eyes told him your sleep schedule was probably as shit as his was right now, probably from staying up to watch the races. 
But, fuck, Oscar thought you looked so pretty. 
You had always looked pretty to him, but this was something else. This was a whole new level. This wasn’t just an appreciation of your looks, this was a full kick to the chest that screamed ‘oh shit, this isn’t platonic’. You just looked so cosy and comfortable and domestic, and Oscar could almost let himself imagine that this was a sight he got to see every day, that he got to wake up to, that he spent forever with. 
Because Oscar Piastri was in love with his best friend and he hadn’t even realised until now, until this very fucking moment. 
“Do you not want popcorn?” You asked, creases forming between your brows as you furrowed them together. He had the strongest urge to smooth the spot with his thumb.
“Uh no, yeah,” he cleared his throat and gave you a sleepy, slightly strained smile. “Popcorn sounds good.”
Your face brightened. “Good, I was gonna make it anyways.”
He watched as you stood from the couch, making your way towards your kitchen. He watched you walk away as his heart pounded in his chest, as he pressed the heel of his palm against his ribs like that would calm him down. He watched as you rambled on, oblivious to the existential crisis your best friend was experiencing. 
There was a voice in the back of his head telling him he should say something, that he should tell you how he feels. You two don’t lie to each other, or hold back on anything. He knew he should have told you. But that selfish desire returned and Oscar had the strongest urge to keep his mouth shut for one more night, to enjoy the rush of feelings overwhelming him until he had to tell you.
He couldn’t imagine a life without you, so he let himself have tonight just on the off chance his feelings were the start of the end of your friendship, just in case he lost you forever.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Little things, they do (Alex, Soap, König) (headcannons)
Part 2 (Price, Ghost, Gaz) here
Ok, guys, first of all, thank you all for giving this little sketch THAT much love. Honestly, I'mm shocked. I'm blaming mister Riley here, but boy, thank you so-so-so much for 100 beautiful followers. I`ve actually had something for this milestone, but I was sure, it would be hit somewhere in the end of the summer. Hope, you like it!
Little things, they do, that get you every time. Silly, warm, heart-melting, wholesome things.
Alex Keller
Almost unconsciously lowers his head to stay on your eye-level whenever you two are sitting at a table and chatting.
If you are cooking and even insisting on doing it solo (maybe it's just your thing, maybe you like to have more room in the kitchen), he is never leaving you. He will just sit there and keep you company, or tell you some stories, or maybe find a youtube video for you both to listen to, while you're doing your magic.
Talking about your cooking, he never turns down anything, you've made. Never. “Alex, don't take that bun, I burnt it!” Eats it anyway, because it's your effort that counts and makes anything you cook so special to him.
If you are dating, and he needs to go early in the morning, he covers your eyes with the corner of his blanket (very carefully so as not to wake you up!). That way, he can turn on the light and collect his clothes without waking you up.
Def pulls you closer in his sleep. Buries his face in your hair, mumbles some sweet nonsense, places a soft kiss on the top of your head. (by gods I need more headcanons on this man sleeping)
Sometimes just stops whatever he is doing to say “I love you” and give you a kiss. The fridge is still open, his sweater is halfway off him, his hands still wet and water runs on uncleaned dishes? Doesn't matter, the kiss is what important to him.
Johnny Soap MacTavish
Once Price saw how you two interact and commented it like “Looks like our Tweedledum finally found his Tweedledee…” And while other pairs could get offended, you two weren't bothered at all (you're two chaotic crows, nothing can stop you!). In fact, from that moment anything he buys or makes for you, comes with a small handwritten note, saying, “to: my Dee. from: your Dum.”
Once he cooked an absolutely amazing pie. You were practicaly moaning, while savouring it and he just sat there all bright with pride. In a few years you saw the same kind of pie in a menu in the pub, where you were supposed to meet Johnny and others from the 141. Once you pointed it out to Johnny, others flinched and looked at each other. In response to your uncomprehending look, one of them admits that Soap was so worried that you would not like his cooking that he practiced at the base for several weeks. Because of it, their diet consisted only of Johnnys` pies for these weeks.
Has no concept of “too girly stuff”. Will gladly go shopping with you, paint your nails, help you dye your hair at home, if you feel like it. Will sneak your eye patches, because they smell so nice, and he feels so fresh after using them!
During his deployments, sends you tons of the most random photos just to calm you down and cheer you up (because every time you are too scared, this could be his last mission). “Ok, bonnie, this time I present you the collection of random rocks, I've met on work.” For the next week, you keep getting… exactly that. Photos of rocks with short comments like “Here's wee one.”
You don't know why the last photo he sent you that week was a photo of some guy in a creepy mask. You also don't have a single idea, why Johnny then goes radio silent for two days and why he has a brand-new phone, when he's back.
You have a stiff back? He will gladly take you by the hands and lift you up so that your spine is extended. "König! No, no, wait, don't, OH!... Oh… Sweet mother of jesus, I actually feel better..."
Even if you are just friends, and you are staying over at his place - he presents you with a shampoo, shower gel, conditioner and body lotion of EXACTLY the same brands as you're using at home. He just notes these small things and wants you to feel relaxed and taken care of when you're around him. 
You can call him anytime on any occasion and if his phone is on, he will answer in SECONDS. You had a bad dream, and it's 4 am, and he lives on the other end of the town? In another town even? No problems, he answers almost immediately and comes to you as soon as he can. Even if It's just to hold you for 15-20 minutes, while you slowly drift to sleep, and then to drive back to his place for another good hour. 
Thanks you for everything, and not only verbally! Writes small notes and leaves them on your bag or just straight gives them to you. He doesn't take anything for granted. Every your intention is a gift for him.
And that goes not only for the time, when you two have just met each other. You are his wife or husband since 10 years, you already have 2-3 beautiful kids? He still writes you notes, thanking you for the most incredible goodnight kiss, you gave him yesterday (every your goodnight kiss is the most incredible to him).
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dearanakin · 4 months
trust you - Anakin Skywalker x f! reader
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Summary: You work as a tech for the Jedi Temple and end up having to fix Anakin's robotic arm, once again. He starts having trust issues when she and his son, Luke Skywalker, become close to each other.
Warning: Angst, hurt, mentions of injury, cursing | Ps: Luke is his only child in this story. Anakin doesn't become a Sith (for now hehe)
Word count: 1.7k
Anakin arrived in the tech room with a frown plastered over his face, as always. His cheekbone was bloody and his metal arm was loose as well as malfunctioning.
She was sitting on her table, writing down on a piece of paper when his name was announced. She turned her head around and watched as he silently sat down on a chair across from her. One of her droids excused itself, leaving them both alone.
Anakin had his blank stare at some random point in the room, not bothering to look at her, who dragged the chair closer to him. (Y/N) gently grabbed his metallic arm, looking at the prosthetic.
"What happened this time?" She asked, trailing his limb. He still didn't look at her, or even mentioned to do so. "Tough assignment today?"
He sighed, rubbing off the dripping blood from his chin as he tried to close his fake fist. The motion failed, and he pulled his fingertips as he's supposed to feel the touch.
"Got a blast shot on it" His husky voice was almost a whisper, she nodded. When (Y/N) looked at again, she noticed how tired he looked. He had bags under his eyes and his forehead seemed to have more wrinkles to it.
She nodded and got up looking for her tools. It wasn't actually strange for her to fix his arm, because this wasn't her first time doing it. Maybe it wasn't even her first time seeing him coming back from a mission all beaten up.
Sometimes, he would look less upset or mad. But it was hard to decipher how he was feeling because Anakin was a pro at hiding his emotions ever since he lost his love interest. Perhaps having Luke around him would make him seem less disturbed, but also, having a kid wasn't easy for him.
(Y/N) took a closer look and noticed the robotic articulations were almost melting. It was going to take a while and she was afraid of telling him the bad news. Most people are always feeling intimidated by him, especially by the way he looks at everyone.
She let out a quiet sigh, catching his attention anyway. Since he became a stronger Jedi, his hearing had improved a lot. "What?"
It was the first time Anakin actually looked at her, wondering just what the fuck happened now. Slowly lifting her gaze at him, she gathered all of her courage to speak up.
"Your robotic articulations are "injured". And we're going to need some time to fix it, I'm sorry". She gave him a sympathetic look, to which he scoffed and shut his eyes.
"How long?" His voice carried some sort of rage and (Y/N) saw him making a fist with his other hand.
"Uh, we don't know. But I'll make sure it won't take too long".
Anakin grunted and ran his fingers between his hair. It was quite hot to see him like that, she thought to herself. At the same time, (Y/N) scolded herself for even thinking of something like that.
He didn't look at her when he released his fingers from his curls. "I'll give you a day".
While detaching his faux limb, she tried not to roll her eyes. He was always giving orders to people, not ever caring who they were. "We'll try our best Master Skywalker", she said bluntly.
(Y/N) placed the robotic arm above another table and reached for a first aid kit. She approached the man cautiously while holding a wet cotton. Anakin, who finally looked at her after snapping out of his reverie, furrowed his eyebrows when he saw what she was doing.
(Y/N) gently placed her hand on the Jedi's cheekbone, who remained still as she wiped the almost dried blood from his face. Anakin didn't flinch, even though he felt his skin burn from the contact with the stinging product.
He closed his eyes tightly to avoid eye contact with her, he didn't want to show any fragility at that moment. He was forced to face (Y/N) in front of him anyway, when she walked away to throw the material in the trash.
"You should get some rest, Master. Take this as an excuse to cool off for a bit". (Y/N) gave him an ice pack for his wound, smiling at him.
Anakin stood up from his chair holding a serious expression on his face while nodding. "Yeah, thank you".
He left the tech room without looking back. She scoffed. It was his thing to be the least polite ever and not even look at anyone.
(Y/N) considered it a win having caught his attention twice that day. He never does that. Not ever since he lost Padmé anyway.
Luke came running straight to me as soon as I got to the loft. He was doing his homework with C-3PO before I arrived.
"Daddy!" He shouted as his small arms hugged my legs. "Your arm is missing, what happened?".
Little guy never failed to actually notice things. I crouched down to stay on his level and messed up his hair. "Dad was on an assignment, and it got shot with a blast".
He frowned for a second before messing my hair back. "Hey, little one!"
Luke started laughing as he ran back to the Droid, hiding behind him. "Are you alright, Master Skywalker? Do I need to contact the medical bay?"
I shook my head and flopped down on my bed. "Thank you, 3PO. I just need some rest".
The Droid nodded and walked back to the table, so my son could finish his homework. I sighed, it was weird to have a missing limb. It has been so long, I don't even remember how it felt like. I could still feel my ghost fingers moving.
I felt a throbbing pain on my cheekbone as well as my ribs, making it harder for me to breathe properly. My single hand went straight to my hair as I ran through it nervously.
I tried to dial down the stress, but couldn't even keep my eyes shut for what felt like half an hour. Luke had left the loft with C-P30 for whatever reason, which made me feel relieved. I didn't want my kid to see me like that.
"Fuck", I muttered under my breath. I wasn't sure I had painkillers lying around, and I didn't feel like going to the medical bay for an appointment.
I only found a bottle of liquor and decided to pour some into a glass. The strong taste burned my throat, and it hit my stomach briskly. If that doesn't numb the pain, I would have to drag myself out of the house. It was enough already I didn't have my metal arm, I wouldn't want to deal with that excruciating pain.
I didn't realize I had laid my head down on the kitchen countertop. The muffled sounds coming from my door woke me up, and I quickly grabbed my lightsaber, holding it next to me.
It was already dark, and only then I noticed Luke wasn't there. He wasn't watching TV or playing with his toys. Nor was he trying to sneak on me looking for my weapons that he fancied.
My fingertips became cold as I carefully walked towards the living room, still hearing low whispers. The giggling made me drop my shoulders and put down my lightsaber when I realized it was Luke.
"Luke! What the hell were you doing out? It's dark" My voice came out louder than I intended, and it scared him. He was using both hands to hold (Y/N)'s left arm, like he was trying to drag her inside.
"I'm sorry, Master Skywalker. He went to the tech room with 3PO. He wanted to see your arm". Her voice sounds apologetic and a bit apprehensive, even.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest, watching as Luke reluctantly let go of her. "Sorry, dad. I just wanted to see how your arm was. I asked Miss (Y/N) to show me around as well, and 3PO said it was ok if she watched me".
"I didn't mean to bother, I'm really sor-" I cut her off before she could even apologize. My gaze met his and he nodded, knowing he should go to his bedroom.
"You should've brought him right away. He's not supposed to be out when I'm not with him". (Y/N) bit her lip and brought her hands together. "Don't do that again, please. Or I won't let him go near you".
She got taken aback, her eyes met the floor as she crossed her arms. "I really am sorry. I didn't know". I could barely hear her voice, it felt like she had a lump in her throat.
All I did was nod and watch as she turned her back to me and walked out of my door. I was about to make my way to Luke's room, when I found him propped up on the door stop, looking at me with fear.
"Buddy, I said you should only stay with C-3PO" The boy looked down at his feet and sniffed.
"But I wanted to look. I wanted to see how your metal arm is. It's pretty cool, by the way! Dad, don't be mad at her. She was nice to me, and she stayed with me the whole time!" He pleaded, he had his small hands holding the hem of my under tunic.
I released a drained sigh and sat close to Luke. "You can't trust everyone, Skywalker. It's a different world out there, we need to watch ourselves".
I didn't want him to trust anyone, I didn't need to see him trust every person who's nice to him. I've been there before, I know what it was like. I lost my girl. I trusted someone and I got stabbed behind my back.
I don't want Luke to be like me. I know who I became after losing Padmé. And I can't trust anyone anymore, either. I have issues trying to trust Obi-Wan again.
And more importantly, I don't want to fall for someone and lose them again. Because at some point, it always happens. 
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jade-jini · 1 year
Student Council president!Chaewon x Little Menace reader Headcanon
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Genre: Fluff. Smut.
Warning: this sht is LONG and well as I said there’s a little bit of smut-
I recommend reading Yunjin’s headcanon first since it’s where this chaewon is first introduced. Not necessary tho. I mentioned before that I think this will be some type of series. And yes, but also I might post other student council content but with Yunjin as the romantic interest. Almost the same universe as these but with that difference. Anyway we’ll see how it goes in the future.
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-Your dynamic is basically arguing almost 24/7 dbdjdjnd
-Your friends find it amusing most of the time tbh.
-Your routine is based on having breakfast, creating a little bit of chaos here and there, and getting detention/afternoon activities as punishment which were mostly with the student council members.
-Which in your brain translates to having a good day because you had food, went to class, had a lot of fun and spent time with your favorite girl(s) during the afternoon. What’s better than that??
-Chaewon, on the other hand, just can’t believe you.
-How are you always getting in trouble but looking so happy? Aren’t you concerned about anything?! She knows you’re smart, and knows you’re not a bad person neither, but you’re so reckless and impulsive and just a magnet for trouble sometimes and Omg you get on her nerves, you’re like a puppy who never listens!
“Why would you do something like that!”
“It was Yeonjun‘s fault! Why Tf would he say green flavor when red or blue are better!”
“Those are colors, y/n. not flavors!”
“you don’t get it :(!”
-you’d complain with a pout like a little kid. Again, you get on her nerves so easily.
-She’s always scolding you, telling you that you need to tone it down, to learn how to behave, be responsible and to stop being such a troublemaker.
-To respect your school and take some pride on being a student there.
-You just sigh, roll your eyes and complain that maybe you don’t need to tone it down, maybe she needs to tone it up and learn to have fun and to let go of all that seriousness.
-And you guys spend the time arguing about it.
-The rest of the girls look at you in amusement
-You’re sure you heard Eunchae said that you two should get a room.
“Hey! What do you know about those things huh?!” You heard Sakura said while chasing Eunchae down, who ran away to avoid being scolded as well.
-You looked at chaewon, who also heard the whole thing and laughed at how her cheeks turned into a cute pink tone. You winked at her and started walking to the gym to meet with Ryujin and Yujin but
“Hey I’m not done with you! You still have detention today and the principal said you’re assigned to help me move some equipment from a practice room and…”
-But when she’s not scolding you tho…
-Ohoho when you guys are alone
-you’re all over each other kissing until your chests hurt ‘cause of the lack of air.
-You’re sure you’ve kissed her in every secret corner of the school.
-In the library, when you meet up with the excuse of tutoring you.
-You have her against the bookshelves at the end of the hall, holding her so close to you while her arms are around your shoulders. Kissing her like her mouth is more interesting than any adventure in any book in that library.
-And it is! You’re sure about it.
-In empty rooms when you’re assigned to help her with anything the prestigious Stucon president might desire. Lucky for you, very often what she desires the most is you.
-Encounters in the student council’s office when you have detention and Yunjin is not there to watch you. It’s never planned and she always says it won’t happen again because it’s their office and it’s the school! It’s not a place for such acts!
-But it always ends up happening bsjsndjd you just let her talk ‘cause it’s funny. But it really only takes for you to kiss her neck and she’s melting in your arms, ready for you to please her.
-You lift her and make her sit on her own desk, while you get on your knees and eat her out so good she almost forgets where she is.
-She’ll grab your hair and push you closer to her pussy, rubbing herself on your tongue and looking at that pretty face between her legs while she bites her hand trying to keep herself quiet.
“Hurry up! they’re gonna come in any second”
“Hopefully you too”
“Omg shut up…”
-As I said you let her talk ‘cause it’s just comical that she tries to lie to herself when you both know she can’t keep her hands off you when you’re both alone.
-Unless you’re not in the mood to deal with that.
-Either ‘cause something happened and you’re angry or ‘cause you’re stressed.
-You’d be rather quiet for your usual self, surprising her.
“What’s up with you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow (the rock).
-You looked at her, without answering while an idea popped in your head.
-Maybe the dear stucon president could help you destress.
-So you get up and sit on her lap while you kiss her aggressively.
-She tries pushing you, shocked about it.
“Wait ! Not here, somebody could walk in and-”
“Kim Chaewon, shut. up” you said in a rather deeper voice that gave her shivers and made her close her mouth immediately, ‘cause there weren’t many occasions where you’d be actually dominant like that. “I’m gonna fuck you on top of this desk until you can’t feel your fucking legs do you hear me?”
-And she’s scared but is even more turned on ‘cause damn didn’t you look hot af like that bekdkdkd
-So instead of “complaining or arguing” about how you shouldn’t be having sex at school, she follows your each and every order, enjoying how you fuck her while bent over her own desk, the papers she was working on long forgotten. Pulling her hair, spanking her ass and grabbing her tits from behind while focusing all your energy and anger in only one thing: making the girl under you come hard as you fuck her until her brain can’t organize an easy thought besides you you and you only.
-After you’re done and dressed again tho, she’ll ask you why you were so upset.
-You ended up telling her what happened and depending on what is it, she always has a way of making you feel better. (Besides Fuckin, Ofc)
-If it’s a silly thing, then she’ll jokingly scold you a little bit
“Seriously?! You’re angry because Ryujin scored and won against you?!”
“I’m angry because she cheated! I wouldn’t be angry if she’d won fairly but she wasn’t following the rules we stablished ! Not fair” you said with cross arms and a pout, causing Chaewon to laugh at you.
She shook her head to then rest it on your shoulder “fine you’re right, but still I can’t believe you, y/n”.
-If it’s something serious tho, she’ll quietly listen to you as you vent and either give you a little bit of advice if you ask for it or she’ll just let you talk if she doesn’t know what to say, knowing sometimes you just need to let things off your chest.
-And since Yunjin wasn’t there that day, she could do her role as your bestie. Ofc she could, you could always come to her.
-Lowkey jealous and a lil possessive as you can see lol
-Not if it’s her friends tho (well -)
-But like if she sees someone being too touchy or extra smiley with you it’ll show. ‘Cause yeah you’re funny and charming but she didn’t know you was a fvckin comedian to have that girl almost rolling on the floor and choking when you’re just there breathing-
-You think it’s hot tho. Oh-
-Specially since you know it’ll reflect when you’re alone jddjkfjf. More details here.
-Constantly fixing your tie ‘cause it’s always loose and your shirt sndkdjj.
-You tell her that’s just your style and you like it like that!
-But she says your uniform should always look impeccable because students represent the school. You roll your eyes, but let her have her way because secretly you enjoy the attention and how cute she always looks fixing your tie and shirt collar.
-It’s not like she’s trying to change the person you are. Even if you’re a little bit of a mess, she respects and appreciates you.
-But Ofc you know she’d like you to be a little less of a menace kdndkfh. She knows it won’t happen. Not that easy. But she’s happy to be a little bit of a good influence sometimes (lol).
-And you’re happy to be the one corrupting the oh so well mannered student council president Kim Chaewon.
-It’s a win-win, sex or not related.
-You love your dynamic. It’s fun, it’s interesting.
-Sometimes you wish you didn’t have to watch out for how much distance you had to keep with her sometimes tho. You weren’t good at it anyway, you let yourself be guided by your feelings. Often hugging her close, Ofc with the excuse you guys are friends (even when most of the time people see you arguing shjdkdjf).
-People bought it tho.
-You had that cute golden retriever puppy energy, so they knew you got clingy with your friends sometimes.
-didn’t expect it to happen with the stucon presi who sometimes seem like your enemy more than your friend but oh well -
-Who could say no to you anyway, right?
-You like it like that tho, being each other’s little secret. Maybe eventually the guilt of hiding this whatever-it-is from your friends will invade you two. But for that you’d have to first realize that what you’re feeling is more than physical attraction aaand
-we’re not there yet jdndkdn.
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wileys-russo · 11 months
hey!! could i request a little fluffy kcc fic where it’s like ‘the 5 times you and kyra almost kissed and the 1 time u did’ or sumth like that :P
the five times you almost kissed kyra, and the one time you did II k.cooney-cross
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this is a super cute concept, maybe I’ll make this a lil prompt series for different players 🫶🏻
@celmeme this one’s for you bby
the five times you almost kissed kyra, and the one time you did II k.cooney-cross
one. you'd befriended kyra since the very first day the two of you had signed for melbourne victory. having played alongside one another a few times before in the young matildas a few years prior you knew of each other, but beyond that you’d really not interacted all that much at all.
you'd grown a lot closer at victory, being the same age you often roomed together for away games and through nights spent filled with breathless laughter, poor dad jokes and card games your friendship deepened.
you hadn't realized you felt much more for her than loving her like your best friend until it was during one of those sleepless sleepovers, the two of you clutching at your stomachs as your guts hurt from the deep belly laughs you desperately tried to stifle into your hands.
you were sprawled out on her bed, your own laying untouched with both your cases on it, clothes flung messily around the room as the two of you came down from a post win high, agreeing to pull an all nighter so you could sleep on the flight home tomorrow.
kyra was determined to teach you a new card game, one she'd grown up playing that must have been a queensland tribute as you'd grown up in victoria and never once heard of it.
your growing frustrations at losing over and over were grating at your patience, but the more annoyed you became the more kyra's grin grew.
"i give up!" you huffed, throwing the cards in her smug face and flopping down onto the bed with a frown. "sore loser! sore loser! sore loser!" the girl chanted beside you, playfully smacking you in the face with the playing cards as she grinned.
she finally ceased her teasing and laid down beside you, the two of you on your sides so you were face to face. kyra challenged you to a staring competition, forever competing with you over anything she could, and you of course accepted.
though as you were practically forced to look at her, properly look at her, you couldn't help but be distracted as you locked in on all the little features which made her, well her.
the freckles which littered her sun kissed skin, arching over her nose and cheeks, the alluringly safe and warm pools of hazel which were her eyes, the dimples in each corner of her mouth as she gave you that signature cheeky grin.
and her lips, her rosy pink lips which sat there staring right at you, you felt a weird pull in your stomach and blinked, the girls cheering at her victory snapping you out of it.
you could have kissed the smug smile right off her face then and there.
two. you don't know how you ended up here, you hated crowds and you hated the feel of the sweaty bodies all pressed up against you, the sour tang of alcohol soaked clothing filling the air.
but when you glance to your left and see her smile, everything else just melted away and suddenly there isn't anywhere else you'd rather be than here by her side.
you'd lost the rest of your friends hours ago but neither of you minded, wanting to see different bands than they had anyway and you all knew where to meet up later once the festival came to a close and the six of you would begin your long walk back to the caravan park you were spending the weekend at.
you hear her yell in your ear that she wants to get closer, her favourite band are up next and she's been hanging for their set all day, they were the main reason the two of you even ended up at this festival in the first place.
neither of you were drinking, just soaking in the luxury of another blisteringly hot australian summer and having a week break in between the A League season finishing and the international camp starting.
you felt her hand slip into yours, squeezing tightly as she threaded her way through the throng of intoxicated bodies littered around you, glancing over her shoulder with an excited grin to check you were still with her, eventually settling a few rows back from the front of the barricade.
she chattered away happily to you, always having been the talker among the pair of you as you were ever an avid listener. you loved the way she spoke so animatedly, gesturing her hands around and throwing her whole body into a story, switching between personalities and accents to really make you feel as though you'd been there with her.
the sun setting behind the main stage casted a gorgeous orange glow on the eager crowd below, the next band announced as a deafening cheer ripped out the pack of festival goers, kyra screaming in your ear as she shook you happily making you let out a loud laugh.
it was a few songs in when two more of your friends found you, hands resting on your shoulders as kyra's face lit up even more as they started to play her favourite song. you laughed in surprise as she grabbed your hands, sunglasses teetering on the end of her nose as she sang to you, spinning you around and dipping you as your laughter only increased.
though your breath caught in your throat as she suddenly pulled your body into hers, pressing her sweat dampened forehead to yours and screaming the final few lyrics in your face, lips only a mere millimeters from yours
all it would have taken was a slight adjustment, a sudden burst of unwavering confidence and you'd have kissed her, you wished you had.
three. the first real bump in the road came when both you and kyra finally broke out of the A League and into the international football scene. she signed with hammerby and you with arsenal, and though you'd spent time on different teams when she'd moved briefly to the wanderers, you'd never had this sort of distance between you.
it meant for more sleepless nights but this time alone, the two of you staying up to watch one anothers respective matches when they were on, face timing as much as you could and keeping in as much contact as possible.
and though your feelings for kyra should have dimmed given the way you'd not seen one another properly for so long, it seemed the distance in between you two had made your heart grow fonder.
you found your mind constantly occupied wondering what she was doing in the spare pockets of time you had to yourself.
not that you really had to try to hard to imagine it given kyra texted you at least a hundred times a day with constant updates of her whereabouts, inner monologue and just sometimes the most unhinged random thoughts which popped into her head.
as the months ticked by you found yourself counting down to the next matildas camp, your stomach knotting at the worry that you might not be called up, despite steph and caitlin's constant reassurance you would be.
of course, you were, and not even thirty seconds after hanging up with tony did kyra's contact photo flashed across your screen making you smile.
"looks like i'll be stuck with you again in july." she sighed dramatically as the two of you chattered away and wandered from where a few of the other girls were huddled together for a movie night, sitting out on steph's back deck as calvin came to keep you company.
"oh show me!" kyra begged as you scratched at the furball with his head on your legs, switching to facetime and flipping your screen to show him, kyra cooing her hello's. "well well well and here i was thinking you were out here alone." you jumped slightly hearing steph's voice as she came to join you.
"congratulations on the squad call up, not that any of us doubted you both would be. except maybe this one!" steph playfully shoved your head as you handed her your phone, her and kyra catching up for a moment before your best friend bid you both goodbye, needing to get ready for training.
"god you're both such oblivious idiots." steph chuckled as she handed you back your phone. "and what's that supposed to mean stephanie?" you challenged with narrowed eyes as the two of you stood, the older girl shaking her head with a smile.
"it means you're both clearly obsessed with one another but too in denial the other feels the same way to act on it." she smiled knowingly, slinging an arm over your shoulder and whistling for calvin to follow you both inside.
"shut up." you grumbled, shoving her off and taking your seat back beside lia and leah. "you didn't deny it." steph teased with a wink, prompting several of the other girls to try and wedge their way into whatever the two of you had been discussing, you waving them all off refusing to continue the conversation.
though as you tucked your knees into your chest your phone vibrated and you glanced down seeing kyra had sent you a series of snapchats. you turned your body a little more for privacy and opened them, smiling as you clicked through the various selfies.
the last one your finger hovered over to click out of, kyra up close to the camera with her lips pursed into a duck faced pout, captioning it 'smooches for pooches' and telling you to give calvin a kiss for her.
but unbeknownst to your best friend, the only person you wished you could give a kiss was her.
four. the world cup had all but flown by, weeks felt like hours and with every match played your emotions became all the more heightened. you were lucky enough to get your starting debut in the game against canada, having been utilized as a super sub in every other game.
once you were informed the first person you sought out to tell was your best friend, who'd started most games and you knew would understand the electric combination of excitement and nerves wracking your body.
"i'm starting tomorrow!" you burst through the door of your shared room, making kyra jump from where she'd been previously laid in bed doom scrolling. your best friend let out an excited squeal, jumping to her feet and launching herself at you.
"ow! dickhead." you laughed and shoved her as she landed on top of you, sending the two of you tumbling to the ground, a tangled mess of limbs. "see! i told you! i toldddd you!" the brunette sang out with a grin, grabbing your face and kissing your cheek with a loud mwah, and you were aware of the blush you felt creeping up your neck, wishing nothing more than for her to kiss you like that but not on the cheek.
"i'm so proud of you squish." the girl grinned, the two of you standing before she quite literally tackled you onto the bed, beaming down at you as you rolled your eyes at the nickname. "god don't call me that." you groaned, the midfielder only squishing your cheeks together aggressively with her hands making you squirm and push her away.
"hey kid, breathe." caitlin chuckled behind you, squeezing your shoulders as you tapped your foot anxiously in the tunnel, peering out to the thundering screams of the pitch which awaited you.
"you've earned this, go and show the world why!" stephs hand came to rest on your cheek where she stood in front of you, captains armband sitting proudly on her bicep as you nodded, sending her an appreciative smile.
your best friend watched from toward the back of the line up, the pining look after you not lost on her other best friend whom you were also quite close with, the blondes eyes narrowing as a smile curled on her lips.
"i think that if she scores tonight you need to reward her by telling her how you really feel." charlie leant forward and whispered in kyra's ear, causing the girl to turn around and shoot her a glare, mumbling for her to shut up before facing forward again.
unlike the match prior the team kicked off with a flying start, hayley getting you all on the score sheet early on much to the teams collective relief, everyone feeling the pressure of two prior lackluster performances looming over them.
by the time the clock wound down into injury time you were three goals up and absoloutely flying. you hadn't expected to play the entire match, tony had given you the heads up you'd likely be subbed off not long after half time for some fresh legs.
but here you were entering the 100th minute, legs still pounding the pitch as you trailed after hayley, flanked by ellie on your left and kyra on your right as they passed between them as you moved into position on the other side of the box.
kyra's head popped up for a moment and her eyes caught yours, you sent her a grin expecting her to cross it over to charlie who was right by the post, but she sent you a nod and suddenly the ball was sailing toward you as a sea of red uniforms came charging in.
you jumped suddenly realising that if you didn't the ball would be easily clipped out of play by a defender. you went in blind as two canadians pressed into either side of you, then suddenly as your eyes squeezed closed and you felt someone crash into your midsection, something came bouncing off your forehead moments before you slumped down to the ground.
any pain you felt from the harsh tackle was immediately wiped away as the stadium errupted and bodies piled on top of you as the final whistle sounded to end the game.
you were drowned in kisses and hugs and slung over shoulders and passed from team mate to team mate, celebrating your debut goal as you couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off your face.
"look! see! you're a little fucking rocket." steph beamed, grabbing you by the shoulders and turning your body, pointing up to the big screen where your goal was replayed, your captain shaking you with an excited cheer, kissing your cheek before running off.
you watched the goal replay as a sense of pride unlike something you'd ever known began to creep through your body, drowning out the deafening cheers and chants of the crowd as you finally felt like you belonged here.
though the moment was cut short as a body crashed into you, sending you tumbling to the ground as your best friend hovered over you. "you fucking did it! you scored! you played the full game and you pulled out a banger in the last minute!" kyra screamed at the top of her lungs, tilting her head back as she sat on top of you and cheering as loud as she could up toward the open sky making you laugh.
"wouldn't have happened without your assist!" you smacked her chest as you sat up, kyra shuffling off of you as the two of you sat side by side on the pitch, her head falling to your shoulder as you both soaked it all in for a moment.
you felt a warm hand slip into yours, fingers intertwining and gently squeezing as kyra brought your hand up to her mouth, kissing it and sending you a smile so soft you could have melted into the grass beneath you.
and again you both felt the world slip away as your eyes remained locked, the two of you seemingly caught in a trance as without realizing you both began to lean in slightly, kyra's eyes dropping down to your lips before flickering back up, left eyebrow every so slightly raised as if asking permission for something.
however you were both brought swiftly back to reality as charlie suddenly launched herself on top of the two of you with a squeal, arms slung around your necks as both yours and kyras cheeks burnt red, both avoiding one anothers gaze as if it would turn one another to stone.
five. ever since the almost kiss after the canada game and the crushing semi final elimination, things with you and kyra for the first time ever had felt strained, awkward, different.
decompressing after a whirlwind world cup you threw yourself with pre season and a week away with your arsenal national teammates, you and kyra had hardly spoken bar a few painfully awkward text conversations.
you were both aware of how uncomfortable things had become, and of course you both knew why and wanted to speak about it, but neither of you realised the other was feeling the same. and for fear of rejection or losing your friendship all together, you both suffered through the rough patch silently.
but then, everything changed the day that kyra's signing was announced.
seeing it pop up on your social media's you found yourself overcome with waves of differing emotions. you were angry she'd not told you, sad that she hadn't felt like it was something she could have told you, over the moon that once again you'd finally be playing alongside one another at a club level, and absolutely terrified at the thought of seeing her again in person.
turns out your chance came quite soon, kyra arriving to colney for her first training session with the team meant she'd called you the night before. she'd apologised over and over for not telling you, explaining she was doing her best to keep it as under wraps as she could before it was announced given it was such a last minute buy and transfer.
this had then snowballed into the two of you spending three and a half hours on the phone together, catching up on everything and anything from the past month you'd not actually spoken about, things finally starting to feel a little more normal again.
"you nervous to see your little girlfriend squish?" caitlin teased quietly as she took her seat beside you at breakfast, causing you to send her a firm glare, ignoring her words. "girlfriend?" katie had then chimed in, a lot louder than your australian team mate as your eyes widened and you smacked a hand over her mouth.
"do you have any other volume than fucking loud mccabe?" you scowled, removing your hand and shoveling a mouthful of fruit into your mouth.
"well clearly someone pissed in your cereal this morning." the irishwoman clipped, not taking the teasing any further as steph arrived and sent both women beside you a firm look, having overheard their previous words.
"hey, you okay?" the older girl kicked you softly causing you to look up and send her a nod, gaze dropping back to your tray as you picked at your breakfast.
"girls!" you all glanced up at jonas's voice, your breakfast suddenly caught in your throat at the sight of the tanned midfielder standing beside him with a nervous smile as jonas introduced her properly.
seeing the clearly overwhelmed look twinkle in her eyes, masked to almost everyone but you, you grabbed your tray and quickly stood to your feet. abandoning your breakfast you were quickly by her side, squeezing her hip reassuringly and grabbing her hand, pulling her with you to start introducing her to all of the girls.
“do you think they’ll ever confess that they’re in love with one another?” caitlin quietly murmured to steph who smiled, seeing the obvious glances of longing you and kyra would bathe one another with when you assumed the other wasn’t looking, and the way your gaze’s would quickly flick down to the others lips as you spoke, clearly distracted with the turmoil of your hidden affections for one another.
“yeah you know I do, but when they’re ready.”
things finally felt normal between you and your best friend again, well as normal as it could be.
everyday you’d find you had to catch yourself, getting a little too close with the tanned midfielder.
a hug perhaps lingering a few moments too long, hands grazing skin as the two of you brushed up against one another in training, causing you both to become flustered and overwhelmed and yet somehow you both failed to notice the others obvious pining.
you both felt the tension between you two growing, but determined not to form any cracks in your once again rock solid friendship you refused to acknowledge them, pushing your feelings deep deep down and ignoring them as best as you could.
until one day, everything bubbled over.
it was the window of international break, so with over half your team mates scattered across the globe with national team commitments you and kyra found yourself with a lot more uninterrupted time together.
the two of you had done a lower body workout together earlier in the day under the watchful eyes of kim and jen, steph and caitlin normally your assigned babysitters away on a weekend getaway in spain together for some much needed r+r.
finishing up the two of you were left to your own devices, kim and jen satisfied that with your energy levels seemingly at bay you and kyra could be left alone in the gym for awhile before you’d all link back up later for some drills.
“i bet you i can hang upside down on this for five whole minutes!” kyra challenged as the two of you messed around with the gymnastics ropes, swinging around like monkeys as kyra had control of the gym speakers, your favourite band blasting around you.
“no way. you’ll break your neck if you fall!” you warned as the girl simply sent you a cheeky grin and shifted her position so she could get her legs up and into the hoops she’d been hanging off.
“ky you could seriously hurt yourself.” you warned again as she waved you off and continued on with her task, stubborn nature kicking in as you sighed in defeat and moved in closer, hoping to be able to catch her if she fell.
“okay start timing me!” the girl ordered, pulling herself up as you rolled your eyes but tapped onto the timer of your apple watch as she dropped her body, now hanging upside down with her feet through the hoops.
“see! told you, piece of cake mate.” kyra beamed beckoning you closer as you shook your head at her, the two of you basically eye to eye given how high she was on the ropes. “i feel like spider man this is so cool.” the brunette giggled, face starting to go red as the blood rushed to her head.
“you wish.” you rolled your eyes playfully, moving a stray hair out of her face as a comfortable silence settled between the two of you, eyes roaming one another’s faces silently.
“you could be my gwen stacey.” kyra smiled though much softer this time, her hands reaching out for you as you grabbed them, fingers intertwining, breath hitching as she tugged you closer, the two of you so close that if you even turned your head slightly your nose would bump hers.
and just like all those weeks ago everything seemed to slow, the guitar riff currently booming around the gym ceasing to a quiet hum as you found yourself completely lost in the soft pools of hazel brown which stared at you, a subtle longing drawing you in closer.
kyra’s breath hitched slightly as your hands came to gently clasp her cheeks, your touch warm and comforting and familiar. your eyes flickered up to her lips as she ever so slightly nodded, her body screaming out for the exact same thing yours was.
ever so slowly, agonisingly so for kyra, you leaned in that little bit further until finally, finally, your lips met hers.
her lips felt soft, and warm and your stomach did a backflip as they moved against your own, her mouth slotting perfectly with yours as fireworks punched their way around your insides, the gentle touch of your best friend setting your hairs on end, goosebumps rippling your tanned skin.
“kyra! jesus christ get the hell down from there you’re gonna break your neck!” you jumped away from her as the sound of your captains voice rang sternly through the gym.
caught off guard kyra let out a squeal as her feet unhooked, sending her tumbling down on top of you, the two of you crashing down to the ground with a loud thud and a shared groan.
but as the scottish woman ripped into the two of you angrily your eyes still found kyra’s, lips curling into a soft smile and cheeks glowing bright red as you slipped your hand into hers, squeezing softly as kyra reciprocated your shy smile.
because to the two of you in that moment, nothing else mattered.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
me: i'd like a little chaggie angst in my life.
me: nothing major. no blood or screaming or anything like that.
me: maybe something that could slot into canon without much trouble? something quiet. something sad. a small gut punch, is what im after
my brain: On in boss! Give me a sec.
my brain: .....
my brain: Okay how about this- Charlie was so hyped and determined to have Vaggie come with for the heaven trip not just bc they're partners, but also because- Charlie was gonna propose.
me: .... why would she propose? and in heaven? aside from it just being a nicer less gory place in general, i mean
my brain: Well Charlie was super excited about the trip, right? She thought there was a good chance they'd win their case, confirm Angel Dust's path to redemption, show their hotel could work, and prove the exterminations aren't needed and should stop. That's HUGE! That's her and Vaggie's current life goal getting checked off- and if they can stick together through making a hotel for redeeming sinners work, then marriage is kinda just yelling that for everyone to hear.
me: wouldn't charlie be freaked out by marriage tho. her parents are separated, and her family fell apart for while afterwards. she's only just started picking up the pieces with vaggie
my brain: EXACTLY!!! Vaggie got her talking with her dad, talking with him got him kinda onboard with the save sinners plan- the plan Charlie is trying to make her mom proud with! So her mom and dad aren't together, but they're least on the same page now! As far as Charlie knows anyway. Meaning them being married had REASONS behind it, reasons that haven't gone away even after they separated- so it's not like them being married to each other was for nothing or a mistake. It was good! It can still end good! And having Vaggie in her life is what helped all of that happen in the first place. Soooooo....
me: marry that girl?
my brain: Charlie was expecting her and Vaggie to get a great win up in heaven, together, as partners. What better time and place to say how much she wants to keep doing that with her?
me: hmm
my brain: Plus if Angel Dust got the green light for an eventual move to heaven, having the wedding before then would be kinda important if they wanted to be SURE he could be there for it. And Charlie would DEFINITELY want Angel there for it.
me: true, true.... so, what are we picturing here tho? how does all this... become a thing i can feel sad over?
my brain: Well first, imagine Charlie planning it. Being exited for it.
me: oh she'd be so very excited
my brain: Imagine her the entire time they're headed to and are up in heaven, checking her pocket whenever no one's looking, triple checking on the ring, grinning to herself- physically straining under the urge to just blurt everything out to Vaggie like she usually does BUT wanting SO MUCH for this to be a special surprise for Vaggie!
my brain: She goes on the heaven tour while Vaggie stays behind, and Charlie's a little relieved to get a break from the constant urge to get down on one knee whenever she looks over at her girlfriend- she spends the whole tour of heaven gushing about Vaggie, barely taking in the sights- maybe even lets slip, to her HORROR, what she's planning to ask (a beaming Emily SWEARS not to say a word)
Getting back to their room Charlie has to spend ten minutes pacing outside, muttering to herself and checking the ring and REMINDING herself NOT to just pull it out the moment she walks in and sees Vaggie again after a whole two hours apart- She goes in, buzzing with pent up marriage proposal energy, not sure she WON'T just say it all right then and there, and...
Vaggie's curled up on the bed, asleep, luggage open next to her and one of Charlie's spare shirts tucked around her like a blanket, a small stressed frown on her face as she naps.
Charlie melts. She takes a slow deep breath, lets out a long happy sigh, and tip toes quietly over. She does get down on one knee- to be on a level with Vaggie so she can smile at her and stroke her hair and smooch that pinchy frowny face, chuckling softly about how Vaggie never stops worrying about things, even in her sleep. At least Vaggie IS sleeping now. She hadn't gotten much of it, leading up to the trip here.
The ring is pulled out of Charlie's coat and slipped into pants pocket instead so Charlie can safely drape the coat itself over Vaggie, who's curled up as if Heaven's perfect temperature feels a bit chilly- and Charlie moves the luggage to make room on the the bed so she can snuggle in behind Vaggie, arms wrapped around her, maybe not able to resist playing with her girlfriend's left hand a little before dozing off herself.
Imagine Vaggie had been working up the courage to tell Charlie the truth when Charlie came back.... but she wakes up already safe in Charlie's hug, and it's- it'd be one thing to face Charlie across the room and see her turn away- it'd be another to FEEL her let go. Or to be the one who breaks the hold, maybe for the last time
So Vaggie doesn't tell Charlie.
And the trial goes, the way it goes, and Charlie- never tells Vaggie what she wanted to say either.
Instead of asking a question, Charlie gets answer, and they both find themselves on their knees in heaven- but for all the wrong reasons.
Then its bad. Charlie's up in their room alone with Razzle and Dazzle- and the RING- and she keeps trying to put it away or even chuck it out the window... but it always ends up tucked in her fist. Slipped safely back in her pocket.
In Cannibal Town, at Rosie's, when asked if she loves Vaggie, Charlie stumbles over her answer- not because she doesn't love her or doubt it, but.
She almost blurts out, at the worst moment- yes she loves Vaggie. She was even going to ask her to....
Everything all flies out the window back at the hotel gates.
They've got a fighting chance against heaven, hungry cannibals to arm with angelic steel, friends who chose to stay and FIGHT for their home and each other instead of running for cover- it's not what Charlie wanted but she'll damn well take it and she means to KEEP IT- there's no time to think about what the actual battle will be like or what (or if anything) comes after.
Charlie doesn't remember the ring again until days after the After.
At night in bed, after a long day doing more minor endless finishing touches to the new hotel (with Vaggie) and an evening writing out thank yous to everyone who helped hoping none of the overlords suddenly think of an extra cost to that help, rewording until her hand ached (and Vaggie took it gently and tugged her away with a "we'll finish them tomorrow, sweetie")
Charlie wakes up at night, in bed with Vaggie, and lays there staring up at the dark ceiling, frozen in panic- until she not frozen anymore but slipping out of bed and into carpeted middle of the room, hooves muffled as she paces, picking up KeeKee on the way and petting her frantically as she tries to THINK-
The ring, the fucking RING.
She doesn't know where the ring went.
Where she put it- still in her pocket when she was changing into her dress for the battle? Which pocket- pants or coat? Where had she put those- no one had bothered much with stuff like laundry when there were fortifications to be made! Not with Vaggie running daily drills on how to fight exorcists, not with Charlie scrambling to learn how to fight after a life of not ever wanting or needing to, but heaven had done those things to Vaggie, had hurt her, and wanted to do worse to their friends and Charlie would be DAMNED if-
had Charlie's one random set of clothes survived the blasts from the battle? Had they been sitting in the rubble somewhere? The ring- the ring should have made it- it'd been made to LAST after all-
Had someone else found it? She would've heard if anyone from the hotel had picked up a fancy ring though- a random cannibal or sinner maybe?
... maybe it was just lost. Just, gone.
Fallen in some crevasse or crack into some deeper part of hell, if it hadn't been melted and shattered with all the holy and unholy power being thrown around.
She knows exactly what that would look like, after all those times spent checking the ring, staring at it and trying to picture Vaggie wearing it without squeeing too loud. It would've looked good on her- but that daydream is gone too, and Charlie just sees the ruins of it.
Black obsidian band broken, gold edging melted, inner inscription burned away. The paired musical notes articulated with fermata like little rising suns above them (the pause, to be held as long as they wanted it to be) bracketed and bracketing the blood red, small, heart-shaped diamond....
All of it now probably just one dulled chip of rock lying somewhere no one will ever see.
Charlie, standing in the middle of her and Vaggie's new bedroom, staring at Vaggie asleep in their bed- her exhausted girlfriend planted face-fist into a pillow, silver gray angel wings flopped awkwardly over the covers and spreading out so long and slack (relaxed) they droop over mattress on either side, flight feathers brushing the floor.
The scars are still there too. Also silvery pale in the dim glow of hell outside the windows.
But when Charlie finally releases KeeKee and slips over to adjust Vaggie's pillow (she'd get a cricked neck otherwise) she has to stop and kneel down on the floor for a bit (down on one knee again too) and stare.
Vaggie's smiling in her sleep. Her eyepatch is off for the night, thin slit of black nothing peeking out under the lashes of that eye, and Charlie can see the fresh scars on her left arm from fighting off Lute.
Charlie, picking up Vaggie's left hand playing with it again, like she had up in heaven. Pressing a small kiss to the stab wound in it's palm.
It would've been nice to put on ring on that hand instead.
But Charlie finds herself smiling anyway, softly, as she squeezes into the thin strip of space between Vaggie and the edge of her side of the bed. She snuggles in close, Charlie's cheek on Vaggie's scarred hand and her arms wrapping tight around her own small piece of something way better than heaven.
Vaggie's wing stirring and drawing in, folding over Charlie like an extra blanket and a dreamy hug, not even having to be awake to want her closer.
"Next time," Charlie whispering as she falls asleep looking at her partner- her partner in every way that matters. "'m gonna wait for you to ask... 's your turn to worry about stupid rings, and, stuff...."
On the carpet in the middle of the room, KeeKee licks a paw. Stops. Coughs. Spits something out- something that chimes metallically as it bounces and rolls off the edge of the carpet an onto the floor-
KeeKee sniffs the thing curiously. Bats at it with one paw, pushing it under a dresser drawer. Then, bored, licks said paw and saunters off.
Vaggie's startled wings will fling herself backwards so hard and fast into the bedroom wall she'll end up giving herself a concussion, later, when she finds the ring.
it's her turn to worry about it, after all
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Omg, girl!! Im the one who requested the "enemies" to lovers with Jason Todd one, and GIRL. I loved it. Was better than i was expecting. Please, write part two!( kiss scene? Hehe)Or a whole Bible if you want. Honestly, i only said a "quick" one because i was trying to be polite, didn't want to push or anything lol.
Anyway, thank you for writing my request!!
thank you soo much!! <333 this is a second parter to this post, but it can be read as a stand alone. hope you enjoy it as much as I liked continuing it!!
The kiss happens in two parts. Not to say that you can carefully dissect it into two parts, but that the kiss almost happens once and then it finally does, kind of.
Once when the two of you are on mission. In a slimy dive bar in some redacted location. You've been following your mark all day and ended up here. He's slinging back cheap shots of an off brand liquor as you and Red watch from the roof of the place.
He's been followed all day and hasn't made you once, which is a good thing. Or a bad thing. So you and Red decide to switch it up. There was no need to drag it out any longer. You could confront him and get the info you needed.
That was the plan.
Until the two of you were about to corner your mark. You were waiting on the street and Red was on the other side of it. It was going well until all of a sudden he met up with a familiar face. Falcone. Red pulled off his side of the street quickly and met up with you.
He doesn't say much. He doesn't say anything at all as he takes your arm and drags you around the wall of a store. You have half the mind to question him but you don't. Until he starts taking off the bottom part of his mask.
You try to stop him, but he crowds into your space. He whispers a very clear apology for being too close to you. And then he explains that him being here, would be a dead give away to Falcone. He might blow up whatever plans he has.
Both of you can hear them walking your way. And the only thing you can think of is apologizing to Red before fitting his fcae right into your neck. In the darkness of the night no one can really see his helmet. Or both of your suits.
They walk by without any second thought to the two of you. And you wait about five seconds before telling Red he was okay to pick his head up from your neck.
The drive to he motel was awkward to say the least.
The second time is when you're in the middle of changing in said motel. It's the last night of the mission. You're just about ready to go home to your comfortable bed and front door that has more than one lock.
Red is in a room on this floor. But the two of you haven't run into each other outside of your masks. It's weird. Like weird as in, it probably should have happened by now, but it hasn't. You think to yourself maybe the universe isn't ready to answer that question yet.
With a towel wrapped around your body you're about to start changing into your sleep wear when you hear something odd. A pop coming from outside. Then another one.
You grab your firearm and go over to the door. You look through the peep hole and see nothing. But you know you heard something. So you open the door , just to peek your head out. And at the right time too.
All of a sudden you see a tall man, white streak of hair, coming your way. He's wearing sweatpants and a black muscle tee. Once he makes eye contact with you, he starts running your way. You don't have time to close the door before he's standing in your face begging you to kiss him.
He's out a breath, and he's practically begging at this point. You're not about to kiss a random man. But when you hear the following footsteps you know he is in danger.
So you agree. And this guy apologizes to you in advance as he leans you against your door and cradles the back of your head with his hand. You almost sort of melt into the kiss. Just for a second. only for a second actually.
Because you realize, the way this man just apologized for what he was about to do, is the same way Red apologized to you the other night. And your brain feels like it's on fire because you realize this isn't some random man. This is Red.
This is Red and you know what he looks like. And he definitely knows it you because your'e the same person he saved in the alleyway in Gotham. Coincidences like that don't happen. Especially when you kind of hinted at it with the first word you said to him as a civilian.
🏷️ @12134z03
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buriedpair · 5 months
How would all the yanderes react to a shy darling working at the casino as wait staff who attempts to keep their distance only working to pay off a debt the innocent type like a frightened kitten or bunny
You got it! Sorry for posting so much followers, I love my guys so much. I have a Gambit post incoming after this!!!
Yandere!OCS x GN Reader
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He's had you as his server a few times. Admittedly, you never spoke much and got nervous easily, but he enjoys your company. It's a nice change from the other over dramatic fucks working in this damn place.
That's how he finds himself requesting you to his confused waiter one day, and then the next. Eventually, everyone just assumes he wants you as his server when he walks in. He starts ordering drinks more frequently to try and make you open up. It's just too endearing, how you avoid his questions and avert your gaze and whatnot.
You, on the other hand, are alarmed. You've never had a regular before. You immediately try to get out of it. Every day he asks for you, you're miraculously missing, busy, or on break.
It doesn't frustrate Amias in the slightest. When he's told that you're not there, he simply gets up to look for you.
No doubt, he WILL find you.
"So afraid all the time... Rightfully. You should be."
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As a dealer, he doesn't get to move from his spot much. You've been formally introduced to each other before, but he's never cared much. You're not interesting to him.
On one of his late-night shifts, he notices you're still there. But... weren't you there when he came in? On his next break, he asks you about it. He doesn't seem concerned, just curious. Hesitantly, you explain that you had to pick up someone else's shift because you needed the cash. You try to explain that it's definitely not like you're in crippling debt right now, and you're totally fine.
He finds this curious. He's no doubt had to pick up shifts before in his life, but he finds it endearing how insistent you are that you're fine. When he pokes further into it, he ends up with all the information he needs.
You're such a meek little thing, he wonders how easily you'd break under his thumb.
Time passes, and he slowly starts to nudge and press against your insecurities. It's like your melting into a pool of "what the fuck" and being rebuilt over and over again. He supports you financially for a while, and you're forced to stay at his side for as long as he wants you to. Which is to say, until you're boring again.
"Love, ownership... Are they not the same?"
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Double Down
He thinks you're just ADORABLE. He finds time to flirt with you, even when he's busy. He'll dedicate his executions to you, he'll watch you like a hawk from where he stands... You're like his own personal pet!
It's superficial at first. He just wants to get you in his grasp long enough to entertain him. Once he's done with you, he casts you aside again. Yet, once you're gone, he finds himself waiting for you to come back.
You don't.
You realize you've been used like an object, and timidly resign to go find a better job. (Frankly, it's good for you anyways. It's hard to watch so many people bite it each day.) You're madly, deeply, truly embarrassed that you let him win.
When DD finds out you've quit, he grows furious. Why? He doesn't know. All he knows is that you left him. NOBODY leaves him. Not until he's done with them.
Rest assured that you are completely and utterly unsafe now. Poor kitten, he'll be sure to take terrible care of you.
"Leaving me is the last mistake you'll ever make, if you want to keep your cute little eyes open."
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Jackpot and Gambit
Jackpot just oozes confidence, so naturally you stay as far away from him as you can. He's practically the exact opposite of you. Plus, looking at him makes you nervous. Additionally, Gambit is like the boss of all bosses. There's no way you could speak to him other than a small squeak every time he regards you.
They noticed you, though. How do you think you got this job? Jackpot saw you and knew he wanted you, and Gambit followed suit as soon as he saw your poor, pitiful self.
You spilled someone's drink. Fuck. You're screwed. You're dead. You're fired. You'll crawl into a hole now, thank you. The drunk customer is enraged in an instant. He stands to throw hands, and you flinch back.
The punch never lands, however. Your knight in blue, skin-tight armor has arrived. Jackpot smiles softly at the offender, as if he wasn't holding his fist in a death grip. In a deceptively sweet tone, he explains that he doesn't tolerate any sort of violence toward the staff.
Once the customer is kindly escorted out of the establishment, Jackpot finally acknowledges you. He doesn't speak, he simply pulls your shaking form into his strong embrace. Your fear is overshadowed by intense embarrassment considering the amount of clothes he's wearing. He's warm, though.
He hushes you as he holds you, stroking your hair and swaying back and fourth. You internally wonder how this man manages to show such intimacy.
You hardly notice that there's a discussion going on around you until your arm is gently taken by... Well, fuck. Your boss is here. You're definitely fired.
Gambit chuckles in acknowledgement of your nerves, shaking his head. He doesn't seem angry, more amused. He plants a kiss to the back of your hand, asking you how you're feeling. You stumble over your words, unable to form a coherent sentence in such a situation.
They both smile fondly-- Nay, possessively-- down at you. How cute, maybe now you'll learn that they're the only ones who can protect you.
"You don't need to worry, sweet thing. We'll never let anyone hurt you again."
"I'll make sure you feel much better by your next shift. You'll have to stay with us for a while. No arguments, unless you want that debt to swallow you whole."
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lxkeeeee · 1 year
—husband! scaramouche x male kitsune husband! reader
synopsis: his husband may be one the powerful figure in the fatui—both of them are, but scaramouche knows what could make his husband weak in the knees.
genre: mildly spicy, implies they had sex at the end.
notes: Anyways, to my male readers I am sorry for forgetting to feed you so here>:D
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⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
Indigo colored eyes stared at the figure Infront of him, an amused look on Scaramouche's face as he watched his husband's furrowed eyebrows as the male was reviewing his papers.
Scaramouche has been watching him pace back and forth across their shared bedroom, the same paper on his hand while occasionally rambling to him about how ridiculous it is. The Balladeer assumed his husband made a mistake on his paperwork or the organization gave him another set of paperwork to review.
Indigo eyes kept staring at the fox like ears constantly twitching as the kitsune muttered curses to himself and to the gods which the puppet found amusing.
Despite the kitsune's stressed out look, Scaramouche can't helped but admire his husband's body—the black and red hakama he wore fit him so well, a katana sheathed safely into his waist, truly fit to be his warrior.
Scaramouche just looked at the other male with fondness in his indigo colored eyes while the other male is too busy stressing over his paperwork.
“Like take a look at this love, Signora wants me to approve 1 billion mora budget for her! Like what the fuck, this woman I swear to celestia.” [M/n] mutters angrily, his fox tail briefly appearing out of thin air before immediately disappearing.
“Also why did Childe spent so much during his stay in Liyue?” The kitsune mutters to himself.
Scaramouche can just softly chuckle in the comfort of their shared bed before playfully rolling his eyes.
“That's what you get for agreeing to be the temporary treasurer. You only have yourself to blame.” Scaramouche says, his voice teasing and playful. The kitsune male immediately whipped his head into his direction and small annoyed huff left his lips before pouting at his husband.
“Because I thought the budget requests were reasonable but no, like Dottore for example. Why the actual fuck this man needs 2 billion mora?” [M/n] asked with an annoyed tone and Scaramouche could only agree, “Reject that.”
“Already did.” [M/n] answers before walking to his bedroom desk and placed the papers on the table, putting his hands up in a surrender position, “I give up, cuddle me right now.” he says and immediately walking back to their shared bed and jumped into the other male's arms—which Scaramouche gladly opened for him, “As you wish my darling.” he teasingly say.
Warmth, despite his cold puppet body, his husband never fails to share his warmth with him. It always makes him want to melt in his embrace.
Scaramouche rolled over to make him lie on top of his husband, their hands on each other's waists.
Scaramouche watched his husband's furrowed eyebrows slowly became relaxed and the annoyed look on his face was replaced with a calm and gentle one.
Scaramouche swept the hair that fell Infront of his husband's face and he can see how [m/n] immediately relaxes underneath his touch. Scaramouche cupped the males cheeks, both of their eyes half lidded as their face inches apart.
“What's taking you so long?” [m/n] asked, a slight annoyed tone in his voice making Scaramouche looked at him with a smirk, “What's the rush my love? Too eager for me?”
“You're annoying and an idiot.” [M/n] softly whined making the dark violet haired male chuckle sinisterly as he showed his hand where a gold band is placed on his ring finger.
“But I'm your idiot forever.”
The kitsune just facepalmed with the hand where his wedding ring is also located, Scaramouche immediately grabbed that hand and placed a kissed on [m/n]'s ring while looking at the [h/c] male with a smirk while doing so.
[M/n] could looked at his husband with widened eyes as a blush immediately covered his cheeks and ears, Scaramouche is enjoying this, to see his husband so flabbergasted underneath his touch. He glided his thumb over [m/n]'s lower lip and pulling it down gently.
[M/n] could look at him with anticipation, his paperwork worries vanishing in the air like a mist, unaware of the erratic beating of his heart—but Scaramouche is aware, Scaramouche is aware how fast [m/n]'s heart is beating, after all he is laying on top of him, their chest pressed against each other.
Scaramouche smirked before leaning down and making their lips met.
Soft and gentle kisses at the start, pulling away for a brief moment to let [m/n] before Scaramouche is back again kissing his husband to his content, slipping his tongue into [M/n]'s soft and plump lips.
Lips desperate to catch up with one another, tongues dancing against one another like a tango. The kitsune male's hand immediately found its way into Scaramouche's hair, tugging it and making the other male grunt in between kisses.
Scaramouche softly pulls away to let the other male breathe, amusement on his face to watch him pant heavily with flushed cheeks. His indigo eyes landed into the fox like ears that stood tall in alert and a playful smirk comes into his unfairly attractive face.
[M/n] could watch with annoyance on how stupidly attractive Scaramouche is, especially with the smirk on his face. Like how dare he seduce him like that.
Scaramouche just chuckled at the small pout his husband was giving him, giving him a quick peck on the lips before immediately diving back into a heated make out session.
Wet noises of their kisses filled the room, grunts on moans could also be heard.
Scaramouche smirked in between the kiss as his long slender hands found its way at the back of the fox like ears of his husband's and immediate scratched them.
Scaramouche felt the other male freeze before he felt him shiver and a loud moan escaping the said male's lips, “Aa-ah not the ears, the-they're sensitive.” [M/n] stutters out, his blush became a deeper shade of red, making the cheeky balladeer give him a teasing smirk as he once again rubbed the oh so sensitive fox ears.
Making soft whimpers and moans leave the [h/c] male's lips and oh how Scaramouche love listening to that sound.
The Balladeer's lips found his husband's neck, giving small kisses and love bites while his hand worked magic on the kitsune's ears.
“Ah-ah it's too much~!” he whines and Scaramouche just chuckles as he pressed a finger over the other male's Adams apple, feeling it bobbed up and down.
“Relax my love, we're just getting started.”
Then moans and whines can be heard during the night and along with the sound of bed creaking.
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
a/n: this was inspired by the one ask in my inbox but it was for fem reader but I decided to use it for this scenario. I promise anon to include your req in the main story 🫰🫰🫰
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dark-frosted-heart · 10 days
Melted by Summer's Lust - Roger Barel (Premium End)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
After coming back from the beach and showering came our 4th night.
Kate: Haaa…Nnn…
Roger: That’s a surprise…You easily took 4 fingers this time. Have you been fingering yourself behind my back since you couldn’t wait for me to touch you?
I knew he was trying to humiliate me, but tears welled up and my face burned with shame anyway.
Kate: I…didn’t…
Roger: Really now? …Then how’re you able to take me so well?
As Roger kissed my tears away, noises could be heard as he moved his fingers around.
I desperately tried to answer him as my body trembled, each movement of his fingers sending aftershocks throughout my body.
Kate: These past 4 days…I’ve been wanting you more and more…I couldn’t take it… Nnnn…so, probably, my body slowly lost tension…
Roger: …You wanna have sex with me?
Roger had cornered in both body and mind, and there was no escape.
Kate: Yes…
My voice trembled with pleasure when I answered him. Roger laughed softly despite the hand currently driving me into a corner.
Roger: Good answer…Looks like you’re almost at your limit. I’ll let you cum once.
Kate: Ah…
Roger’s fingers pressed against the most sensitive spot—
My vision immediately went white.
Roger: Let’s get some sleep and prepare for tomorrow.
Roger removed his fingers, wiped slick-stained body, and fixed my clothes…
As if nothing happened just now, he hugged me and lay down.
(My body’s aching as if I can still feel Roger’s fingers inside me…but I wonder how he’s holding up)
Kate: …Roger.
Roger: What is it?
(No…wait. If I ask how he’s doing, whatever answer he gives will be troubling…)
(I’ll ask him something else. Um…)
Kate: Y-you asked if I pleasured myself… Have you been doing that since we got here?
The silence between us was deafening.
Kate: That was a weird question…forget I asked.
Roger: I’m the one that brought it up in the first place…I haven’t. So it’s been pretty painful for me. Tomorrow…nevermind, it’s already today. I can’t wait to have you in my arms tonight.
(...Me too)
My heart and body wanted nothing more than to be held by Roger.
Morning of the 5th day. Roger and I woke up at the same time.
Kate: Ah……
Roger: …
We locked eyes…not a word was said between us as we stared at each other.
It felt as if there was some sort of irresistible tug that would land us back in bed.
Roger: …Morning, Kate.
Kate: Good morning…Roger.
Any temptation I felt faded when Roger greeted me.
We both realized we wanted the same thing…creating a titillating atmosphere.
Had either of us said the word, we could’ve immediately gotten what we wanted. Instead, we decided to wait until night time, like kids saving their favorite food for last.
It was like we were teetering on a tightrope.
—It was almost time.
On the 5th day, we grilled our dinner in the garden, similar to the barbecue we had the other day.
Kate: Thank you for the food! The fish you caught was really good.
Roger: Glad you liked it. But…you don’t look like you’ve eaten much today.
Kate: Your cooking is really good! It’s just that…I’m afraid that eating too much might affect tonight—ah…
After saying that, I realized that I couldn’t stop thinking about tonight.
(H-how embarrassing…)
When I looked away, Roger leaned over to whisper in my ear.
Roger: …How thoughtful.
The way Roger looked as he whispered those words captivated me and my thoughts drifted to tonight.
And thus, the night I’ve been waiting for arrived.
Roger: I’ve been keeping you waiting.
Kate: N-no, it’s fine…I was so nervous that time passed in a blink of an eye. Did you hear my heartbeat in the hallway?
I said that as a joke, hoping to calm myself down a bit.
Roger: …Nope, didn’t hear anything at all.
He took my hand and placed it against his chest.
I could feel his muscles through his shirt.
Roger: Didn’t hear a thing ‘cause of my own heartbeat.
—And so began our final night on this island.
First, we gave each other a hug to ease the awkward tension.
(Roger’s heartbeat is really fast…)
I closed my eyes and focused on the sound of his heartbeat.
Roger: …You can listen, but try not to fall asleep, okay?
Kate: I won’t. I’m just glad to hear the sound that proves you’re alive. I want to keep hearing this beloved sound for as long as I can, into the future.
Roger: You’re gonna have to live a long life if you wanna hear it.
And then our kisses slowly deepened…before long, I couldn’t hold back my overflowing desires any longer.
Kate: Mnn, ha…
Roger’s movements made me very aware of how his tongue probed my mouth.
We nibbled at each other’s lips, and the kiss got really wet and messy.
Kate: Roger, I…
Roger: Yeah…I’m at my limit too.
Roger shucked off his pants, revealing his erection that curved toward his abdomen.
Roger: …Let me prep you first.
Roger reached toward my soaking entrance.
Kate: Wait…
Roger: Scared?
Kate: No…It’s just…I don’t think I can wait any longer… You don’t need to prep me…You already…
Before I could finish, he pushed me down onto the bed.
Roger: …Damn it, had to put up with so much.
The way Roger looked down at me with the eyes of a predator, filled with pain and desire, scared me a little.
But it was sweet to see him control his restless desires through love and reason.
Roger: You really sure about this…?
Kate: Yes…
I wrapped my arms around Roger’s neck and pulled him toward me.
Roger took the signal to go ahead and I felt something hot enter me.
Kate: Mnn…Haaa…Aaaah!
He managed to work the tip in—
And slowly sank in deeper and deeper with each breath I took.
Once he was all the way in, he paused as we held each other and took shallow breaths.
Roger: Haaa…I can feel your walls pulsating around me…it’s like my hips wanna give out. You’re gonna have to go easy on me.
Kate: There’s no way…just having you inside me feels so good…
Roger wasn’t moving at all, but pleasure continued to course through me in waves, making me clench around him.
I was so needy that I couldn’t even consider how he felt.
Kate: What do I do…Roger. I’ve never felt so much pleasure just from putting it in… My body’s probably going crazy…because I’ve been denied for so long.
Roger: That’s fine…Let’s lose ourselves together.
We kissed and lay with each other more than enough times to make up for the past 4 days.
We melted from both the summer heat and our love for each other—but the 5th night wasn’t over yet.
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
࿏ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐒𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
࿏ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭!𝐀𝐔 (𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫), 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬/𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔, 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐀𝐔; 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, (𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞) 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
࿏ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓𝐤
࿏ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠
࿏ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫...
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"I'm going to tell my uncle to take pictures of me to send to you and Noona, Hyung!", Seyun's little voice fills the small space of the car and as his words reach you, a soft chuckle falls past your lips, barely able to handle his cuteness.
Just from the way he's been smiling and giggling throughout the whole drive to his grandma, you can tell just how excited the four year old is about his little day trip, which definitely helps easing the feeling of guilt that's been weighing on your chest for leaving him.
You know Jake is feeling the exact same, if not even worse, because he's been bringing his younger brother over to stay at his gran a lot more recently and despite knowing it's because of his uncle and cousins actually requesting the younger one's presence, the young parent can't help it.
Just a few months ago Seyun was too anxious and scared to stay away from his older brother for longer than three hours and todsy they're going to be away from each other for almost two days; the longest they've gone without seeing each other has never passed the twenty hour mark.
Jaeyun's been awfully quiet ever since you got into the car and he hasn't left his poor bottom lip alone, biting and nibbling, twisting it between his fingers every few seconds as he's obviously trying his best to hide just how nervous he is.
He's already had a quick chat about the whole situation with his younger brother and despite Seyun's enthusiasm and excitement, he just seems to loosen up.
Once your conversation with the little guy in the backseat comes to an end, you let your eyes shift to Jake and instinctively reaching for his arm and gently caressing it before it slowly makes its way to his cheek and all he can do is move further into your gentle touch. You calmly watch the way he lets out a loud sigh, taking your hand in his to place a soft kiss into your palm and making your heart melt rught then and there.
"It's okay, Jae", you whisper and look at him, subconsciously admiring the perfection of his side profile, "and if anything happens or he wants to be with you, we're just gonna head back yeah? It's just an hour of a drive anyway."
You try to find the right words to reassure and canm him, yet for some reason he seems to be a lot more worried than before.
"What if he thinks I'm abandoning him?"
The sudden sound of his raspy voice, his words and the heartbreak wavering in his tone tightens your chest and before you can even realise it, a thick veil of tears has blocked your sight.
"Oh, Baby, no", you say instinctively, yet quickly bite your lip and keep talking to stop the awkwardness even have a chance to get to you, "he's a smart kid and he knows his Hyung always keeps his promises. We'll be back before he's even awake tomorrow and then we're going to spend the whole day together, just like we told him."
"I'll be okay, Hyung", Seyun's cute voice startles you, to say the least and you quickly turn around to look at him with teary eyes, a soft smile plsstered on his tiny face as he nods at you approvingly.
"You know, I'm a big boy, right? I'm even a Hyung, too! Siwoo's Hyung!"
The words elicits the first little chuckle from the young parent and you finally let go of the breath you were holding in, when his knuckles finally lose their whiteness as he loosens his tight grip on the steering wheel.
"That's true", Jake says and shoots his brother a smile through the mirror, "I'm proud of you, Yunie. We'll both be okay."
It doesn't take much longer for you to arrive at Jake's grandmother's and after giving your littlest friend a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead, you wave him goodbye and calmly watch the two brothers make their way to the front door.
After a few minutes of waiting outside of the car, Jake makes his way back to you and before you can even say anything, he just pulls you into a tight hug and lets out a loud sigh.
"Thank you", he whispers and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek and then your forehead, "I really appreciate your patience and understanding."
You sadly smile against his neck, tightening your hold on him because you know you're going to cry if you use your words, as sudden sadness overwhelms you the more you think about their situation.
After a good five minutes of just standing there, Jake slowly pulls away and opens the door for you, a big smile on his lips and you finally feel yourself losing some of the tension in your muscles.
The drive passes by a lot quicker than you expect as the two of you just vibe to the music, soft gazes and shy smiles exchanged every few minutes as you leave the busy life in the big capital behind you.
The closer you get to your destination, the more nervous you start to become, anticipation filling your body as you think of all the things you're going to do and talk about.
In the back of your mind you can't help but remember your rather heated make out session from the previous night and even if you refuse to admit it, you're definitely hoping for it to happen again.
Ever since the two of you had decided to take things seriously, you've noticed how clingy and touch starved you've become; the urge to be in constant skinship with the young college student almost always on your mind. And from the was Jake's been shyly caressing your thigh throughout the whole drive, you can tell he feels quite similar if not the same about it.
Every now and then, a certain type of silence fills your company, yet for the first time in your life you don't feel the urge to replace it by saying something just to talk. Jake's mere presence is enough for you to feel comfortable and at ease, something you also haven't experienced before and you can't help the giggle escaping your lips once your brain takes notice of all these firsts.
Jake thanks the owner of the Airbnb and it doesn't take another minute for you two to walk through the door, bags in his hands as he strictly forbid you to even touch them.
"I'm starving", he sighs and places your luggage on the bedroom floor, his ears suddenly changing their colour to a deep shade of red and as soon as your eyes meet the sight of the king sized bed in the room, you know where the sudden change comes from.
"Let's just see how the evening goes and then we can decide who sleeps where, yeah?", you say quickly and take off your jacket ss well as your head and look at him with a soft smile.
"Yes", Jake mumbles and rolls his eyes at himself, feeling slightly awkward for being so obvious with his reactions and to avoid making it worse for him, you just make your way to the kitchen and start taking out the few groceries you had bought at the little market on your way.
"How about you go and lie down a little? The drive must have been exhausting? I'll make us something to eat really quick and then we can head out to the city afterwards, hm?"
As you voice your suggestion, you have your back turned to him and despite being aware of his presence, you still feel chills run down your whole body as soon as Jake places his big hand on your back, reminding you of the way he could barely stop himself from groping every bit of flesh he could get his hands on the other night.
You nervously pull your bottom lip in between your teeth and let out a soft sigh to stop yourself from whimpering because there's no way you're going to be even more obvious about how easy you are for him.
"I won't let you do all the cooking by yourself", Jake replies and pulls away to take off his windbreaker, throws it on the couch and comes to stand next to you at the sink in his sweater and a baseball hat to hide his messy hair.
"I'm so nervous", you suddenly blurt not quite sure where the sudden urge to confess comes from as you turn to look at him with wide eye only for you both to burst into laughter at the same time.
Jaeyun wraps his arms around your shoulders as he laughs about how cute you are, yet also feels relieved to know you're currently in the same emotional state as him.
"Don't worry, pretty girl", he sighs and kisses your forehead, "I'm just as nervous, I actually feel like throwing up. But I think it's mostly excitement."
The following two hours go by just like that: exchanges of silly jokes, funny stories snd facts, lots of quick kisses and barely a minute where you're not touching each other. You would have never expected yourself to actually become addicted to the feelings skinship comes with, but then again, Jake Sim hasn't failed to show you completely new sides of yourself just yet.
As soon as you're done eating, the young parent goes to take care of the dishes to let you get ready, promising to leave the drying to you to make everything fair only to have the whole kitchen cleaned by the time you step out of the bedroom in your new outfit.
Of course he doesn't listen to the way you're scolding him for doing it all by himself, just disappears in the bedroom, the sound of the shower running quickly following him and you can't help but sigh at just how dreamy he is.
You actually have no idea how time has passed by so quickly as the two of you reach your final destination of the day, which just so happens to be a cute little street food place which is said to have the best ramen noodles in the city and as the biggest noodlesoup enthusiast, Jake has been quite determined about going ever since you suggested the roadtrip.
The first place you visited was the local art gallery, where you spend a good two hours arguing over why your individual favorite piece of art is better, followed by a little sightseeing bus tour where Jake refused to let go of your hand up until the very end. You also decided to head to the city and have some snacks, only for you to lose your marbles the second you spot a cat café on your way to the store. Of course Jake physically and emotionally couldn't say no to you, so you ended up sharing some cheesecake and each having your third coffee of the day all while two little kittens had gotten comfortable on each of your laps.
Most of the time you're just reminiscing about old times, Jake about his childhood and teenage years in Australia as well ss his summer vocations ins Korea, whereas you stick to the stories about visiting your relatives and your parents' villages, both of you cracking up each time when you realise just how similar your lives actually are.
Every now and then Jake catches himself staring at you for a little too long, quickly shifting his gaze to stop himself, whereas you just try your best not to get flustered each time you feel his gaze on you. There's just something about the way he looks at you with such softness and adoration, something you've been craving for so long and are actually getting to experience for once.
When the two of you sit down on the plastic chairs outside the little ramen place, Jake lets you know that this is probably gonna be the best you've ever had and for some reason his enthusiasm makes you giggle.
Of course after a few hours of only mentioning him every now and then, your conversation lands on Sim Seyun and this time Jaeyun makes sure to show you his pictures in chronological order, yet almost instinctively skipping the family picture taken on the day the youngest Sim had turned one hundred days.
You wordlessly watch the way Jake stops himself from skipping it before he zooms in on his parents, a soft sigh falling past his lips as he looks up at you with teary eyes.
"He looks so much like the perfect mixture of them, doesn't he?" His words are carefully chosen and heavy in meaning, the pain and love evident in his tone and the expression in his eyes, so all you can do is nod and hold back your tears to let him have this moment.
"He even has the same mole underneath his right eye as my mother", Jaeyun sighs and you don't say anything in response, just reach for his hand and intertwine your fingers with his to let him know you're there.
"And he laughs like my father, it's like every time I look at him I see pieces of them living on through him and that's why it's been so hard for me to just let go. It's definitely gotten easier but the older he gets, the more he resembles them."
Jake doesn't give his tears a chance to escape, gently pulls away his hand from yours and runs both of them over his face before he sighs and shoots you a tiny smile.
"But as much as that breaks my heart, I also can't help but love it. He's the reason I'm not afraid of forgetting them."
And as soon as those words leave his lips you've had enough.
A soft sob follows his words and sends an expression of worry over Jake's handsome face in an instant, making him get up from his chair and pull you into a tight hug.
"This is so embarrassing", you whisper and push your hand into his hair regardless of your emtional state, "I have to stop this or you're going to think I'm doing it on purpose."
Jake chuckles softly at your words, the weight disappearing off his heart as soon ss he hears your little giggle when he starts to wipe your tears away and heads back to sit down across from you once you've gotten ahold of yourself again.
"Don't worry, Baby", he sighs and from the way he smiles you can tell he doesn't even realise what he just said, whereas you're about to lose ever bit of composure you've been holding onto for the past few hours, "I know how empathetic you are and it's honestly one of my favorite things about you."
You feel your heart double in its size at his words and the sudden urge to kiss him overwhelms you, but you're more than aware that this is the lost inappropriate place to go for one so you just smile and nod at him gratefully.
After eating some of the best ramen you've ever had, you make your way back to the Airbnb with exhausted sighs, both of you just plopping onto the couch as soon as you take your shoes off and as if they sensed your return, you get a call from Jen, whereas Sunghoon's name appears on Jake's display.
You quickly give your best friend a rundown of today as you change into your pyjamas and go through your night time skin care routine, having to turn your volume down each time the crazy lady on the other side of the line starts screaming in response to your words.
It takes you a good twenty minutes before you come back to Jake facetiming Seyun, the little guy telling his brother about his exciting day at the zoo while actually acting out the animals' behavior and as soon as you come to sit quite close to the older Sim, you're met with the cutest smile.
This time you and Jake switch places and as you entertain your little best friend, the young parent makes his way to the bedroom and goes through his own routine, only to come back a few minutes later, dressed in the cutest little sweater and some nerdy glasses, hair messily falling into his freshly washed and moisturized face and with a bright smile you sit up to welcome him back.
However, as soon as your eyes watch the way Jaeyun gets to the kitchen, you're reminded of the conversation you've been meaning to have with him, regarding a certain someone who usually breaks the gentle and soft nature of the 21-year old.
But you've went almost three whole days without telling him and it's been actually eating you alive, so there's absolutely no way you can hold it back any longer.
Jake comes back to sit next to you, taking your phone from you as he takes a sip from his water bottle and you feel yojr whole body tense up from the anxiety
You know he's not going to blame you, because you're not at fault but you're pretty sure his mood is going to drop and it won't be as easy to bring it back up.
"What's wrong?"
His sudden question surprises you, so you look at him with wide eyes at the realisation just how easy it is for him to read your body language.
"I have to tell you about something that happened the day you went to play soccer with the boys", you quickly reply and scoot away from him a little, slightly afraid he might not want you to be close to him once you've told him.
"Oh? Alright, go ahead", Jake quickly replies and turns his body to face you properly, not even missing a best to fiddle with his bottom lip and you absolutely hate how quick he's gotten anxious.
After thinking about how to say it, you decide to just go for it because there's barely a way to break this to him without any complications.
"Chan came to the coffee shop."
You pull away just a little more as your head fills with mental images of Jake being angry and upset to the point where your presence might become a bother and you can't help but feel the knot in your throat growing bigger.
Jake doesn't say anything for a good two minutes, then just throws his head back with a loud sigh and nods, his hand reaching for yours and before you can even overthink it, you hold your own up only for him to pull you onto his lap and bury his face in your neck.
The position is still something you have to get used to, despite spending most of the previous night's evening in exactly this one but different than the first time, you actually know what to do. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and caress the back of his neck, pushing your hand into his thick hair and massaging his scalp just how you know he likes it.
"I just don't know why he's so persistent" Jake whispers against your skin, his hot breath sending chills down your arms and you can't help but sigh.
"What did you tell him?" The young parent pulls away to look at you, the prettiest, softest and sweetest soul he's ever seem and the one who never fails to knock the air out of his lungs with just a single smile. He doesn't know why or how but there's just something so calming about you and everything surrounding you, it's like he's been looking for you his whole life and has finally gotten the chance to feel at absolute ease without a worry in the world. Every time he finds himself getting anxious, he thinks of you and takes a deep breath to find a way to handle everything.
Maybe that's why he doesn't break down as bad as he used to whenever his older brother is mentioned, but he still has to figure this one out since there's also a lot of denial and ignorance from his side.
"I told him it's not my place to hear him out or talk to him", you begin softly and caress his cheek, pushing the hair out of his face and adjusting his glasses, "and that I can't risk losing the two of you by talking to him. I also asked him to just please leave you alone and then left, it hurt me to know I'm looking at the guy who made you go through so much."
Jake feels the tension leave his body with each of your words; your response reassuing him of the trust he's put in you and allowing him to let go of every doubt he's had to suppress these past few weeks.
He never really doubted you as a person, but not knowing what his own brother is capable of doing has definitely had him on edge for a while, subconsciously.
"I really appreciate it", he whispers and lets his hand find your cheek, while his whole body reacts to the way you move further into his touch and wrap your fingers around his wrist.
"It's the least I can do, Jake", you reply calmly and let your eyes roam his handsome face, "you two really mean a lot to me and I wouldn't want to do anything which might have you question my loyalty."
All he does is nod in response, his big puppy eyes filled with adoration and something you haven't been able to pinpoint quite yet. However, the longer the two of you just look at each other, the heavier the air becomes and all of a sudden there's a shift in the whole atmosphere which has you holding your breath.
"Can I kiss you? It's been so long...", Jake whispers and moves his hand to the side of your neck, his thumb gently caressing your bottom lip, whereas his own is firmly tugged between his teeth to the point where they've swollen up again.
Again, you answer with nothing but a nod and look at him with needy eyes, the tension in between your legs slowly starting to become absolutely unbearable and the fact you're neatly seated in his lap doesn't make things easier at all.
Jake smiles with hooded eyes, the arousal taking over his body in a way he's never experienced it before and he feels the blood rushing all the way down to his cock from just the thought of kissing you. He knows you can feel him hardening underneath you and before shame or embarrassment can make an appearance, Jake just pulls you into a soft kiss.
Even though this isn't your first kiss with him, you still feel like the butterflies in your tummy are about to explode as he takes your bottom lip inbetween his own and sighs softly, making sure to savior and swallow every single one of your cute noises.
It doesn't take much for your hands to find home in his thick hair, losing yourself in the feeling of his pretty lips capturing yours in just the right way.
You don't even know what you're body is doing in response to the feeling of his hands groping the flesh of your waist and your thighs, the sound of his deep grunts and needy breaths as well as the sight of his flushed cheeks and glossy eyes each time you pull back for air.
But Jake never gives you more than a moment.
"Closer", he whispers and finally presses you against his chest, hands tightening their grip on your hips as he slowly starts guiding your movements and elicits the sweetest sound he's ever heard from your throat.
"Fuck", the profanity is an instinctive response to the mixture of adrenaline and arousal rushing through his veins and the delicious feeling of your clothed cunt dragging along his hard cock.
He can feel how warm and wet you are; your pyjama shorts are barely any sort of barrier after all.
"J-Jake", you mumble against his plump lips and feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into the sweet haze of pleasure with every single one of your movements.
However, he doesn't respond right away. All he does is pull away and throw his head back with a loud moan, the pressure of his cock and the fact he's been dreaming about you in all these different states of pleasure is slowly but surely getting the best of him.
Jake feels drunk on you and the way you seem to know exactly what to do, despite being just as inexperienced as he is.
Maybe it's the fact nobody's ever gotten to do this to you that's driving him crazy or maybe the way his heartbeat goes from rapid to agonisingly slow to the point where he feels like passing out. Jaeyun doesn't know and there's absolutely nothing in him that feels the urge to find out.
All he knows is you're in his lap, humping his hard cock like it's the only thing on your mind and every time he subconsciously moves his hips to meet your cute little thrusts, he can tell just how far gone you are.
"You're so pretty", he suddenly whispers and pushes the hair out of your seeaty face, leaning back to have an even better look at you, just for his breath to hitch in his throat as soon as you start moving your hips in circles, applying the sweetest pressure on the tip of his cock.
"And you're doing so well." The words just leave his lips before his brain can overthink them and to his luck you seem to enjoy them: your grip in his hair tightening and the patch of your sweet juices soaking through your panties and shorts growing bigger and bigger with each word.
The air is heavy as your heavy breaths and needy noises meet each other.
"F-Fuck", Jake can't seem to hold himself back anymore snd he hates how it's only been a bit over a minute. But as if you could resd his mind, you push yourself against his chest and pull him into another sloppy kiss, sucking on his tongue and finally taking your own turn of bitting down on his plump bottom lip as you moan and whimper into his mouth.
"I'm close, Jae", you whisper and look up at him, a thin layer of sweat covering your face, eyes glossy and your voice hoarse from all the pleasure.
You've always been one to cum fast whenever you touched yourself but this is definitely new to you, too.
Yet, you can't blame yourself.
There's absolutely no way you could have resisted Jake's touches, his firm and sloppy kisses, the feeling of his tongue grazing yours, his tight grip on your hips, his rock hard cock applying just the right amount of pressure on your sensitive clit, his smell and especially the way he seems to genuinely enjoy it as much as you are.
"Yeah? Me too, Baby", he grunts and finally lets the hunger take over every pore in his body, thrusting his hips up to meet the movement of your hips and feeling lightheaded at the way your moans are becoming more and more high pitched.
"Please, I need it", his words are a plea, whereas his tone is demanding and sends you even deeper into your pleasure, "cum for me, Baby. Cum with me."
And like flipping a switch, you feel the knot in your core finally snap as the waves of your orgasm start breaking down on you in the sweetest way possible.
You quickly bury your face in his neck, moans snd whimpers, even lighthearted sobs falling past your lips as the sensation of your high spreads in your whole body.
Jake barely manages to take your face into his hands and press his lips against yours before he finally stumbles over the edge with a breathy whimper of your name and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. You make sure to kiss him throughout his high, your hips still moving against his cock and subconsciously pushing him into overstimulation.
"S-Stop", his voice is raspier and a little deeper than you've expected, a jolt of excitement rushing through you at the thought of being the reason behind this particular shift, "I'm still cumming."
You nod, yet refuse to listen to his words as you feel his cock twitch against your clothed, yet soaked cunt and his cum slowly seeping through the fabric of his boxers and sweats.
"No more, Baby", he begs gently and kisses your forehead completely out of breath, "way too sensitive. I've never finished this hard before." His confession has warmth blossoming in your chest because even if you've decided to not care about his past experience, you can't help but like the fact of being his first, too.
And once your thighs start aching from the way you've been tensing up for the past few minutes, you let yourself fall against his chest and give each other a good five minutes to catch your breathes.
"Fuck", Jake suddenly chuckles and runs a hair through his messy hair, finally adjusting his glasses and plscing both of his hands on your naked thighs.
"You sound too fucking good", he quickly explains and lets out another soft giggle, "just thinking about it is making me hard again."
"I can definitely return that one", you reply and sit up with a soft hiss the second you're aware of just how much your panties are stuck to the sensitive flesh of your soaked cunt, "I can't wait to hear more of that."
A row of laughters from the both of you fills the room rather quickly and you feel every bit of awkwardness and embarrassment vanish with each second.
After a few minutes of giggling and kissing each other, you both decide it's time to get changed and before you can even think about it, you follow Jake into the bedroom like a little puppy.
You look at him with brows furrowed in confusion until you realise the reason behind your walk to the other room.
"Oh", you reply and smile sheepishly, "sorry, I got too excited."
"You're okay", Jake mumbles quickly and gives you a quick kiss before he reaches for his bag and pulls out a fresh pair of boxers and can't even begin to explain how glad he is about the second pair of sweats he decided to pack.
You patiently wait for him to return from the bedroom, the shirt he wore throughout the day neatly placed right next to where you're laying on the bed and without any shame you press the fabric against your nose and inhale Jake's calming scent.
You don't even realise how heavy your lids have gotten until that particular moment; the lack of sleep and tiredness from quite the eventful day finally catching up on you. And that's probably why Jake comes out of the bathroom to find you firmly asleep on one side of the bed, his shirt in your hands and your pretty lips pushed into an almost angry pout.
The young parent quickly reaches for the blanket and places it over your body, giving you one last kiss on the forehead before he straightens himself to make his way to the living room.
However, you seem to have comple different plans.
With a soft whine and slightly opened eyes, you reach for his hand and pull him back to you, turning to lay on your back and look up at him.
"I don't mind", you whisper, "I don't mind sleeping in the same bed, if you're comfortable." Of course the young parent doesn't even need a second to decide, just makes his way around to the other side and calmly slips underneath the blanket before he pulls you closer to his body and turns the world off.
And in that particular moment, Jake wonders if this is what home feels like.
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(A/N: Comments, reblogs, asks – feedback of any kind is very very appreciated!🥺🎀🧸)
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