#but everyone thinks it was ty lee’s idea. and since she knows mai would get in a lot of trouble if anyone found it was actually her idea
sirianasims · 2 months
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Chapter 43.9
I arrive at GeekCon both sweaty and with a vague sense of unease. The stifling heatwave has turned the city into a pressure cooker, and it feels foreboding, like something terrible is building and about to break free.
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I’m greeted by my own face by the door, advertising the panel that I’m supposed to be on this morning. I never got comfortable seeing myself like this, I prefer it when they just use the logo or my masked promo pictures. At least today is the last time I’ll appear as Llama Man in any official capacity, and then…
Then I don’t know.
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But there’ll be time to figure that out later, right now I’m about to see Julia again. I can’t believe it’s only been a year since we met, and I have no idea how she feels about me right now.
I spent most of the night in my hotel room tossing and turning, thinking about what I’ll say to her, but I still don’t have a plan. I just want to apologise for ending things so abruptly.
It really wasn’t my best work.
She said she just wanted to be with you. And then you dumped her.
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I groan inwardly as I scan the faces of everyone I see. There’s no sign of her, but the cosplay competition isn’t until later, she may not have arrived yet.
I wonder if she’ll refuse to speak to me at all. I wouldn’t blame her, but she never seemed like the type to carry a grudge. I just want to see her and make sure she’s not too upset about how things ended, something I should have done months ago.
I need to make sure she doesn’t hate me. I can’t handle if she hates me.
I guess I’ll have to play it by ear, although Lee would tell me that’s not my strongest suit.
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I leave my jacket in the wardrobe and linger a bit, fiddling with my VIP bracelet. The gallery’s air-conditioning is working overtime, and it helps a little with the heat but I still feel uneasy. My eyes are drawn to the bathroom door.
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If this was a movie, Julia would come out of the bathroom right now, exactly like last time. Our eyes would meet. A beat, as the camera cut from her face to mine, both of us too surprised to speak. I would recover first, tell her that we can’t keep meeting like this, and her face would crack into a smile. Then she’d leap into my arms and I would kiss her like there were no tomorrow.
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Get it together, Romeo. She’s not kissing you ever again, you’re going to be lucky if she even speaks to you. Focus. You’re at work.
At least I’m not in full costume this year, I would probably have died from heatstroke. And it would have made me feel silly trying to have a serious conversation with Julia.
I decide to take a quick tour of the convention floor before the panel starts.
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Even though it’s still early in the day, there’s people everywhere. Some tabletop role-players are recording their podcast on location, kids are running around, and several people are dressed up despite the heat. I wish Julia had shown me pictures of the costume she was planning so I knew what to look for.
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A woman with long, red hair makes me do a double take, but I know it isn’t Julia before she even turns around, the way she moves is wrong. I know every inch of Julia’s body and this isn’t it. Everything Julia is, the way she walks and talks and laughs is imprinted on my brain, and it feels like I should be able to locate her by telepathy, by following some sort of invisible string tying me to her.
“Uh, Mr. Romeo! Sorry, hello.”
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“Oh, hey. Edmund, right?”
The young man beams, clearly pleased that I remember his name. His booth was next to mine last year, we talked about old movies. I wish I could introduce Julia to him, she would have loved to discuss Cow Plant Love with an expert.
“Wait, you do know him? I thought you were lying!” The teenage girl next to him sounds somewhere between impressed and angry.
“Yeah, why would I lie about that? Sorry, sir, this is my sister Liz, she’s a big fan of Llama Man.”
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“Can I have your autograph? I collect them, I already got the Coolala guy and the Freezer Bunny lady this morning. Oh, and can you make it out to ‘Lizette’, with a Z, please?”
“Of course. That’s a very cool costume, Lizette with a Z.”
“I made it myself! It’s Michelle from Doherty’s Revenge, have you seen it? The one with the zombie gym teacher?”
“Oh? Haven’t heard of it, do you think I should watch it?”
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“You have to, it’s so good! I used to think it was actually really scary but now I just think it’s funny. Me and Edmund watch a lot of like, retro movies with dad, we even watched the really old Llama Man movies once. I’m gonna tell my dad I met you, he won’t believe it!”
“I’m flattered. Thanks for the movie recommendation, I’ll make sure to check it out.” I hand her the autograph before waving goodbye to Edmund who mouths a silent thank you.
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I know everything seems ancient to a teenager, but the word tastes like dusty VHS tapes, like lava lamps and shag carpets, like mid-century kitchens. This is my demographic, I suppose, nostalgic dads and their excitable kids.
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Julia is not in the panel crowd either, but I guess that would have been too much to hope for. I would probably have found her presence too distracting anyway.
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I know one of the other panellists, Mei Zhang, the iconic voice of the Freezer Bunny for over fifteen years. We’ve met briefly at conventions and even on a few gigs, but never really got a chance to speak much.
The third panellist is a young man named Andy Okeke, who seems to be voicing a few Voidcritters as well as a bear-like creature I’ve never heard of. It’s his first time on a panel, but he’s already annoyingly good for his age, and I can imagine him having a pretty impressive career at the speed he’s going.
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I answer the same questions I’ve answered a million times before and try to find some sort of comfort in the fact that it’s the last time. As much as I loved my job, it got repetitive after almost a decade. Maybe I should get that number for Sierra’s agent, try to get back on screen. Maybe I’ve grown too complacent, stagnant.
Finally, the questions dry up and the last people leave the room, and just like that, I’m free from my contract. It doesn’t feel like freedom, though, more like a free fall.
“Hey, Romeo, wait up.” Mei stops me by the doors.
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“How are you doing? It must be so weird.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know what I’ll do if they ever retire Bunny.”
“You’ll still have others, won’t you?”
“I know, but I’m known for Freezer Bunny, not for… four or five Voidcritters. I can’t even keep track of their names, which is ironic since it’s all they ever say.”
I’m not sure how to respond so I just nod. I’m impatient to get to the cosplay competition, but I don’t want to be rude.
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“Mei, it was great seeing you again, but I’m in a bit of a hurry, actually.”
“Sure. Would you – would you want to grab coffee some time, though?”
Shit. Before Julia, I would have gladly followed Mei home tonight, maybe we’d even go on a couple of real dates before things fizzled out as they normally do. But right now, every muscle in my body is telling me that I have to go, to move, to be somewhere else.
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“Sorry, I’m, uh. Maybe another time, I don’t…”
The giant poster of my face is judging my lame attempt at stringing together a sentence, and I’m painfully aware that the woman behind us has been sweeping the same spot for a minute now, pretending not to eavesdrop.
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“I’m a big girl, Romeo. If you’re not interested, that’s fine.”
“Right. I am sorry, though, it’s not…” I mumble something politely incoherent and more or less flee the room.
Fuck. One year and I’ve completely lost my touch.
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I hurry up the stairs, the competition must be just about to end. I can see through the doors before I even reach them, all of the contestants are on stage – and she’s not there.
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I stand in front of the doors, frozen, arm still outstretched. This doesn’t make sense, she loves this, she told me about the costume she was planning, she should be here.
There’s no time to dwell on why I so desperately need to see her again, what I would even say to her, the only thing left is fear.
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What if something has happened to her? Would I ever know? We’re not together anymore and we have no friends in common, no one who would think of me or assume I’d want to know if she got hurt or sick.
She could be dead. She could be dead and I would never know.
I’m vaguely aware that I’m spiralling but I can’t stop, I feel dizzy. The heat and the lights and the people, everything is too much and I can barely see.
Somehow my feet carry me outside, to the very same bench where we talked for hours on that first night. I try to breathe, deep breaths, but the air is too warm and feels thick.
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My hands shake as I log into the anonymous account I made during a moment of weakness after she blocked me, and I pull up her social media in the hopes that she posted something recently, anything that can reassure me that she’s fine.
Relief floods through me when I see the timestamp on her latest updates. San Sequoia Aquarium, just a couple of hours ago. But the relief dissipates quickly as I scroll through the photos.
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Nestled between fish and family pictures, there are two selfies with her friend Marten.
I stare at them, suddenly feeling numb.
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Her eyes are shining like stars in the lights from the tanks. She’s smiling, and so is he. His arm is around her, possessively, and there’s a hint of triumph in his eyes that I don’t like.
He seems to be carrying her on his back in the other photo, and the thought of her legs wrapped around him awakens an urge to tear him away from her that is almost suffocating.
If they’re not already dating, it’s a matter of time. They would probably have gotten together a long time ago if I hadn’t been there. A petty part of me wonders if he was really being her friend or just biding his time, waiting for me to fumble, but that’s crazy. I barely know the guy. Actually, I don’t really know any of Julia’s friends, I just have a vague idea about their names and who they were to her.
I wasn’t a very good boyfriend, was I?
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I told you it was better this way.
I’ve kept reminding myself that I didn’t make a mistake, and here’s proof at last. This was meant to be, they were meant to get together, I just happened to get in the way. He’s been a good friend to her, nice and considerate, while I only brought her chaos and pain.
I was so worried that Julia was wasting my time, but all along, I was the one wasting hers. She deserves better, I know this, but it still feels like I lost her all over again.
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I put away the phone and take a deep breath of the scorching air. And then I reach for the tiny, secret corner of my heart where I was nursing my last hope of getting her back and stomp it out.
beginning / previous / next
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amloveabledeathmo · 5 months
ATLA Headcanons
Was just thinking about ATLA the other day and have come up with new headcanons. In a world where my health wasn't shit I would love to write about them but instead I will just share the bits.
This is all after the canon events. Most of the Gaang travel with Toph back to her house to make sure she isn't kidnapped or kept against her will. She shows up basically says you all are terrible people I'm here for my stuff and goodbye.
They all get together to talk to Azula and decide what to do about her. Basically Iroh, Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee all tell her they still care about her but don't know what to do to help her and Toph is sympathetic about ridiculous parental expectations. Azula is so happy and incredulous that they all care about her. She says she knows Aang took her dad's bending power and asks if he can do that for her.
Everyone is quite shocked by the request but she wants to not be a danger as she is trying to learn how to be whoever she is. Also she wants to know what she can do without her bending since that is all that she has ever been praised and loved for by her father. Aang warns that he doesn't know if he can give it back but she insists.
Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Mai, and Ty Lee all spend a lot of time together and there are many rumors about who is dating who. They announce a wedding and everyone assumes it's Zuko and Mai. When the wedding actually happens it turns out to be a triple wedding, Aang and Katara, Zuko and Sokka, and Suki, Mai, and Ty Lee. Azula and Toph get to stand up for everyone as witnesses and Iroh is the officiant.
Zuko and Sokka go to the air temple to discuss a new idea that Sokka had with Teo's dad. Azula tags along and Sokka introduces her to Teo. He teaches her to fly and the rest is history.
Azula asks if Aang could try to give her bending back, she thinks it would work great for creating updrafts while flying. He is successful at it and him and Zuko teach her how beautiful fire can be just like they learned.
Pretty soon Zuko and Sokka start collecting children. They end up with 10. Suki and Ty Lee both want to experience pregnancy and the throuple only want 2 kids anyway. No one asks who the dad's are. Katara and Aang have some kids too. Azula and Teo have a small wedding and at first Azula is afraid to have kids but she loves her nieces and nephews so much that she is happy when she ends up pregnant. It's triplets.
Sokka and Katara convince Hakoda that he should court Bato. That it would not mean he loved Kya any less.
Iroh, Hakoda, and Bato all get to be grandpa's to all the kids. Iroh is Grandpa, Hakoda is Gramps, and Bato is Papa. There are as many family gatherings as they can all manage.
Toph is the fun aunt who lives with them all for a few months at a time. She has a dedicated room at everyone's house since she is family. She is not interested in having a long term relationship or her own kids. She much prefers one night stands and spoiling her nieces and nephews and taking them on one on one trips. She also brings earth bending wrestling to the masses and is very famous as the Blind Bandit.
They also start finding a few air benders here and there who's ancestors had married into other nations before the fire nation wiped them out. Of course everyone would hide any air benders in their families until it's safe. Aang starts a school teaching air bending.
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king-bumis-armpit · 4 months
What would your headcanons be for Modern AU Mai?
I could talk about Mai for hours! I have so many thoughts about what she would be like in the modern day. I’m working on a modern au fic right now, so consider this a little teaser for that ^^ This was my first time writing head canons, so I hope this is what you were looking for. 
First things first, music. I think it would be a big part of modern Mai’s life:
Her parents definitely made her learn some instrument as a kid, and she didn’t hate it as much as her other forced hobbies
As a teen and adult, she listens to metal, classical music, and top 40 hits indiscriminately. People always freak out when she recognizes Taylor Swift songs because they assume she’s too alternative for that.
But the truth is that she drowns herself in music and always has airpods in, so she listens to a wide variety. Because of her airpods, sometimes her parents think she can’t hear them, but she definitely can. She will play into this by waiting to respond to questions until her mom asks them a few times.
She also writes songs, but she has never shown anyone. Not even Zuko or Ty Lee. Her songs are the place where she feels completely safe to be emotionally vulnerable, so I don’t think she’ll show Zuko until they’re married. Alternately, I like the idea that he finds her notebook at some point after they live together.
There’s a song called “Think of You” by Rose Betts and I swear Mai wrote it about Zuko after one of their breakups. You have to listen to it! It will give you such Maiko feels!! OMG
I think that Mai did very well in high school. Her parents’ invested in the best education of course, but I also think Azula would play a big part in her success. Azula is very motivated to be the valedictorian of her graduating class, so she makes Mai and Ty Lee study with her for hours. (Mai would have done just fine without Azula, but I think she would have cared less about school without the extra encouragement.)
In college, Mai has enough AP credits from high school to easily double major in Political Science and Philosophy. 
She becomes a professor of Political Theory at a small local school and all of her students love her. The job is a bit social for her comfort zone, but she loves studying game theory and political power structures. And working with students reminds her of her time studying with her friends. She accepts no nonsense in the classroom, but her quick wit and dry humor earn her a good rapport with her students.
On the weekends and in the summers Mai also works part time as a tattoo artist. This earns her extra coolness points with her students as well.
Our emo cuties are still very in love
I envision them being childhood friends. Ozai is a big politician and Mai’s dad is one of his top campaign donors. So Mai and Zuko and Azula end up at all the same press events and become friends. 
They start dating in her sophomore year (his junior year) of high school and everyone thinks they’re not gonna last, but I say they do ❤️
When they’re teens, they fight because they don't know how else to communicate. They never learned properly for obvious reasons. But they also really value each other since they relied on each other during the hardest parts of their upbringing 
Sometimes they do take breaks in the early years of their relationship, but they rarely if ever see other people. Zuko uses the time to focus on himself and his mental health, and Mai uses the time to focus on her career.
They get better at communication with time and they don’t take each other for granted. Zuko proposes to Mai after her senior year of university (his first year of law school), but they opt for a long engagement and wait until Mai is done with grad school to tie the knot officially. 
When Izumi is born, Zuko and Mai are both fortunate enough to be able to take parental leave from their jobs for six months. They are determined to give her all of the love and support that they lacked. Despite her apprehensions about being a mother, Mai enjoys taking some time away from her busy lifestyle and building her family. (Nonetheless, she’s happy to return to work and have intellectually stimulating conversations again.)
Other Family 
Mai’s parents are SUPER wealthy, but she hates feeling dependent on them. I bet she’d get a crappy customer service job as soon as she's legally old enough to work so that she can have some money of her own saved away
Her parents set very high expectations for her in childhood, which she cares about less and less every year.
When Tom-Tom is little, she tries to counteract her parents’ messaging. They’re a bit softer on him since he’s the youngest, but Mai never resents him for it. She goes to all of his school events and little league games, even when their parents are busy. The two are quite close, even into adulthood.
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bunthebreadboy · 6 months
so i’ve been on my atla bs once again, and while rewatching today i got the lovely thought that azula reminded me of a specific kpop idol and spiraled from there. so. here’s my personal list of kpop idols as atla characters!!
these are mostly based on vibes and/or visuals. by no means do i mean to make idols i think are similar to the show’s antagonists out to be bad people!!! i will give an explanation behind my thoughts as well.
also disclaimer, i know next to nothing about boy groups, so please spare me lol
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seungkwan (seventeen) as aang
- once again, i know nothing about boy groups
- i did however watch the devil’s plan (amazing show by the way, it’s on netflix) and the positive but still very determined vibe seungkwan brought to the show reminded me of aang
- also, this selfie of him reminds me of the one scene with aang in the flower crown
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jihyo (twice/soloist) as katara
- extremely hard workers who trained for years to get to where they are now
- have natural leadership abilities and are total mom friends
- would cuss someone out if they were very annoyed
- thanks to jeongyeon and her water bottles, jihyo is actually a pro waterbender already (jeongyeon is pakku but without the misogyny. the entire pakku/katara fight is just a compilation every single concert encore where jeong and jihyo bicker)
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chan (skz) as sokka
- this honestly just felt right
- every time i see a clip of chan on a live i end up laughing
- i have also heard from stays that skz would collapse without chan and i very much think the same of sokka since he’s the ideas guy
- also aussie sokka lmao
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hyunjin (loossemble) as toph
- competitive level 1000000 (please watch one episode of loossemble assemble and tell me i’m wrong)
- would do something out of spite but is also very protective of friends
- cannot be left alone without causing hazards
- theft (“stealing can be fun” -hyunjin)
- chaos reincarnate when younger, calmer (a bit) when older
- toph would also wear that shirt and pretend she didn’t know what it said even though sokka told her
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heejin (artms/soloist) as suki
- i mostly thought of this because heejin and hyunjin are former loona members and good friends. which would make the scene where suki saves toph from drowning even funnier imo
- but also have you SEEN this woman’s muscles??? i have full confidence that heejin could handle her own in a fight
- every sapphic i know who’s seen atla had a crush on suki growing up and every sapphic loona stan i’ve met (which is most loona stans) has had a crush on heejin
- heejin’s lore in loonaverse is basically being a god and i personally equate that to suki
- also, they’re dorks
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siyeon (dreamcatcher) as azula
- LITERALLY THE REASON I THOUGHT OF THIS POST (specifically vision era hello???) LOOK AT HER
- siyeon is at the scene of the crime like 90% of the time something chaotic happens in dreamcatcher so i can fully imagine her cosplaying azula and running around with sparklers or something
- she’s also very good at looking evil in mvs so i think she could play azula
- that scene in the deja vu music video right before the last chorus when fire shoots up from behind her? she’s literally a firebender
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seonghwa (ateez) as zuko
- i know absolutely NOTHING about ateez aside from a couple of their title tracks but this man looks so much like siyeon i couldn’t resist
- idk i just feel like they’d be good at being the fire disaster siblings
- he also looks like he’d eat up the “the scar is not on the wrong side” line for some reason???
- was probably an angsty teenager at some point
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miyeon (gidle) as ty lee
- nobody can out femme either of these two
- cute extroverts who could also be deadly (like imagine x-file miyeon during boiling rock)
- i feel like ty lee would LOVE doing dance challenges with anyone and everyone
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bibi (soloist) as mai
- i am fully aware that bibi isn’t an idol but i couldn’t resist
- she just gives the mai vibes honestly. you know that trope where the guard asks the character to hand over all of their weapons and just stands there and stares as said character pulls out knives from everywhere? that is both bibi and mai
- bibi is also the queen of every concept so i fully believe she could probably play the entire cast of atla in a chaotic one-woman show
anyways i hope you enjoyed my chaos rambling and i kind of want to do this with other shows so if you liked this please leave me recommendations!
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Random Miraculous Gaang thoughts
All are suggestions, feel free to take or leave whichever!
In no particular order:
(this got REAL long lmao)
1) Sokka is 16, Katara 15, but they are JUST close enough in age to be in the same class. Irish Twins, or whatever they call that. Everyone else’s ages to be decided in relation to them. So, Aang and Toph are 14, but got bumped ahead a year. Zuko is 17 but got held back. Suki and Yue are 16. Ty Lee & Mai are 15. Azula, I’m split on her being 14 or 15? She’s in Katara and Sokka’s year, regardless. Kuzon, Bumi Jr, and Teo are JUST 15, like barely. Haru is 17, but he’s friends with Sokka and Katara, so hangs out with them. Haru and Zuko used to be in the same class. (Please, someone who is better at numbers try this list)
2) Cabbage Man is here. He’s their version of Mister Pigeon. Is regularly Akumatized when his fresh produce stalls get wrecked. He’s either just generally unlucky, has TERRIBLE spacial awareness, or whoever makes his carts keep ripping him off, cause these things are so shoddily designed.
3) Uncertain musing, but. I think I said before, the night Zuko gets his scar, Azula calls Iroh in a panic, that’s how Iroh knows to go and look for him. I guess my question is, would this version of Azula do this? Like, Canon!Azula wouldn’t, but Canon!Azula had a whole bunch of other shit going on, that MG!Azula wouldn’t, so. Would she call Iroh, and straight up tell him “Zuko got his face burned, Dad threw him out” or more vague, “Zuko needs you to come get him”? Would she not call at all, worried about Ozai finding out?
Also, like
3.5) Like, If we are taking the “burned his face and tossed him out” literally, Zuko is heavily injured, in a lot of pain, probably disoriented - would he be able to find his way to Iroh’s? Assuming it’s late/nighttime - cause middle of the day, I’m assuming someone would, ya know, notice the injured bleeding kid stumbling around and call somebody - would he even be able to see? And what age exactly is this happening? Like, my general understanding of Canon!Atla was, Ursa leaves when Zuko is about 9 or 10, then he gets burned at 13, spends the next 3-4 years looking for the Avatar. But we’re bumping around the ages, and most of these kids go to school together, so if 13!Zuko got the burn and got pulled out, wouldn’t everybody be talking about it? Was Zuko out of school for A WHILE (say, a year or more), partially cause medical reasons, then trauma stuff, and is just going back to public school at the start of the series? Did Ozai even burn him with fire, or is this more of a “Shoto” burn, boiling water and ice? Just generally musing how this scene translates to MG-verse, I guess.
4) pure suggestion, but Sokka and Yue date BEFORE the start of the “series”, and “mutually” decided they were better off as friends. Reality being that Yue broke up with Sokka cause of family drama with her’s and Hahn’s parents playing matchmaker, and Yue trying to protect Sokka from Hahn’s folks possibly being … well, not sure WHAT she’s scared of, but that’s the general idea. And by the time that all gets hammered out, Sokka is dating Suki, and starting to get into a situationship with Zuko and Jin, while Yue has started falling for Azula. So, it’s not that they were bad for each other or anything, or even that they wouldn’t have lasted or been a good couple, but they kind of … miss their window? Cause my other thought is, if Yue and Sokka stay together, how does that work out with all the other ships? (I need a frigging chart for this)
5) Since I’m pretty sure Ty Lee’s parents are rich, or at least influential, how likely is it that she’s met Toph before? Actually, how likely is it that Toph has met Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko, and Mai? Did any of them help convince Toph’s parents to let her attend school? Has Ty Lee taught her all the insane stunts she does? Do Toph and Ty Lee share a love for professional wrestling?
6) Would Iroh have an actual shop, or a roving food-cart? Cause on the one hand, he canonically HAS a shop, while on the other, I’m really attached to the idea that Iroh has a roving food & tea cart, and seems to appear just when someone needs tea and advice. Also, I got an image of him getting into a fistfight with Andre the Ice Cream Man, and I kind want to see that?
7) What school do these kids go to, Cause Avatar Academy appeals in a very kitchsy kind of way.
8) Did we decide on Harmony City? Cause if Sokka isn’t using Harmonia, that could work too. I’m imaging a city that’s like, in a bay, or close to the sea, but also some mountains? Maybe, like. An hour or less from a desert, or large forest?
9) So, like. Ursa kills Azulon cause of Ozai’s machinations. However, since this setting and situation are different, thoughts on Ursa spending however long she’s gone working to get enough evidence to take Ozai down? Trying to figure out a way to contact the kids without Ozai finding out?
10) Someone mentioned Meng, the girl who worked for Fortune Teller Wu. ( Fun Fact, Meng and Toph share a voice actor!) But anyway, I suddenly have an image of Iroh and Wu dating. Zuko and Lu Ten are both, “ok, well. This happened.”
11) Do we still have “secret identities at all costs” and how long does that last for the whole team?
12) suggestion: Gyatso managed to track down the Butterfly, just as Ozai did, and the two duke it out, before Ozai yoinks it and vanishes. Gyatso was Miraculoused up, so Ozai doesn’t know who he is, but he knows the “Guardian” exists, and is an old man, while Gyatso now knows someone with likely less than noble intentions took the Butterfly, and that he couldn’t stop him even with a Miraculous of his own.
13) Aang has a large, fluffy dog called Appa, as well as Momo (cat or sugar glider?). Appa seems a … touch too smart to be a regular dog, but no one brings that up.
14) if the city is broken up into districts that mimic the Canon Four Nations, make it a harbour/port city, and Sokka and Katara live at the marina, on their house boat. Like, they have smaller boats that they use to give boat tours/clean the city rivers, but also their neighbours and everybody does a lot of fishing and transport of goods. 
15) Possible Akumas!
- “The Boulder”, wrestler who got pissed about something, and becomes a massive rock man; probably the debut of Tiger!Toph
- Zuko: gets into a fight with someone about [his dad/his scar/his status/whatever], becomes “the Blue Spirit”
- Rando gets upset because people keep calling him “bland and boring”, saying he “doesn’t have an interesting face”, becomes “Koh the Face Stealer”
- Kuzon gets mad about something environmental, turns into that Panda Spirit 
- Toph gets into a fight with her parents, Akumatized into the Blind Bandit
- Wu, gets upset when Sokka dismisses her fortune-telling (I mean, here, she might actually have some ability, but it’s also, like, her living? And when Sokka discounts it LOUDLY, IN PUBLIC, it harms her business) become Fortuna, Goddess of Fate
- Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot are the first Unified Akuma, ie, the first time Ozai Akumatizes multiple people at once. They’re collective Akuma is called the Freedom Fighters. (Unless someone knows their ACTUAL names, I’m calling them Ren [Smellerbee] and Hao [Longshot]).
- Iroh gets Akumatized into The Dragon of the West, in a scheme to throw him off Ozai’s trail. Ozai has Noriko use the Butterfly to Akumatize Iroh, while Ozai is with him, so Iroh thinks it isn’t Ozai.
- Azula, the “Phoenix Princess”. Possibly Dragon Princess.
- Yue, the “Lady of the Moon”; other thought, have her be a dual Akuma with Sokka, as “Tui and La: Spirits of the Moon and Ocean”
Ok, this got longer than I thought it would! 
(thoughts, feelings, opinions, new ideas?)
Let’s go!
1.) We actually don’t have to change their ages at all tbh. Katara, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are all 14. Sokka is 15. Zuko is 16. Aang and Toph are 12.  Yue is the only character with an on-screen birthday turning 16. I don’t think any of the other kids have canonical ages.
So we can have Aang and Toph skip a grade or two because homeschool-to-publicschool  placed them according to ability rather than age. And then Zuko and Yue are both a grade younger for various reasons (Zuko got held back due to all the missing class when he was kicked out. Yue would still have her health issues as a child so she started classes a year late on the whole).
Everyone else is in the 14-turning-15 range already and/or don’t have exact ages.
2.) Cabbage Man as Mr. Pigoen is fucking perfect oh my god.
3.) I think she would in like. For me, the reason Azula got as bad as she did in Canon is because she was exclusively around Ozai and/or people who agreed with him for three years after Zuko’s banishment. Before that she wasn’t perfect, but she still had the capacity to care instead of shoving it down out of fear for what her father would do to her.
Which continues with Azula being a bit better because, due to the change in circumstances, she hasn’t been able to be as isolated. There’s certainly still a lot she needs to unlearn, and she still would throw others under the bus to save herself from Ozai’s wrath. But she’s not fully loyal to him and will do things he doesn’t want if she thinks she can get away with it.
3.5) I’m still having it be when Zuko is 13 to keep with Canon. The exact ‘how’ is up in the air but a lot of household objects can cause burns. Unlike the Shoto thing though this was done 100% intentionally. (Though Ozai gaslights everyone and lies like ‘oh i have no idea how he got that!’). 
Zuko’s been back in school for a bit. But I think. I think we’ll go with American grades so they’re all in their first year of High School which is how everyone is kinda just now meeting. Like they all went to different Elementary/Middle schools but now for High School they’re together.
(side note, just having a mini crisis of ‘oh my god they’re BABIES’ because holy shit.)
Anyway! Night of the getting kicked out! I think Zuko even kinda half-there would be able to make his way over because at this point Iroh has the Jasmine Dragon so he’d know to go there. Combined with Azula calling Iroh so he’s out looking for the kid, they kinda meet in the middle. Iroh would take Zuko to a hospital and ofc the hospital calls Ozai who lies and is like ‘Oh we got in a fight and he decided he wanted to run away. You know how disrespectful teenagers can be. But sure if he wants to throw a fit and stay with an uncle who enables that behavior, so be it! Oh the burn? No idea how that happened nope not at all!’.
4.) Oh yeah the- the Sokka/Yue thing! I think it’s like. Yue knows her parents are kinda pushing her toward Hahn, and she’s not sure how they’d react to her dating someone else because of that. Eventually she weighs the options and decides to save Sokka the drama and do what her parents seem to want her to do. Which. Sucks.
And like later when Sokka’s in his situationship and Yue starts falling for Azula they kinda talk about it and like. He gives her advice to fight for it this time around.
5.) I’m not sure because knowing Toph’s parents, they’d very much keep her away from most people in general. Too fragile to really attend those galas. After all, she can’t see! What if she runs into someone! No if she must make an appearance, she must have someone Actually Capable™ holding her hand the whole time!.
Like seriously though. Reminder that in Canon the local townsfolk didn’t even know the Beifongs had a daughter at all. Not just ‘oh she’s reclusive and stays on the manor grounds’, just ‘they don’t have a child’.
Here it’d be harder to fully hide a child’s existence, but they’d keep her close.
I think Toph may kinda leverage the whole publicity thing of like. If she sneaks out into the school and makes it a public thing of ‘oh yes my parents just finally decided to trust me enough to let me go! Aren’t they so wonderful? Isn’t it so kind that they believe in my despite my disability?’ it’d kinda force their hand because they can’t go back on that and call her a liar without looking bad. 
6.) I want Iroh to have the actual shop but there can also be a cart as well. Like a combination of extra business and advertising.
7.) ‘Avatar Academy’ sounds so lame I fucking love it.
8.) Harmony City! Named for the most fucked Minecraft-looking terrain of chaos. I say this with all the love in my heart I love it .
9.) Yes and no and yes? So like. Here, Ozai has a lot less power than he does in Canon. He’s not ruler of a nation, he’s some rich asshole. But he does have some pull in the City Council and connection to shady people (he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty looking for the Miraculous). 
Ursa may have more of a chance to be able to do something if she can look into his dealings. But as much as she’d love to get in direct contact with her kids she has to wait. To act too soon could seal their fate.
Doesn’t stop her from low-key stalking their social media accounts and becoming very concerned about Zuko’s scar.
10.) Iroh/Wu is a fantastic addition. I’d imagine Aunt Wu’s shop is like right next to the Jasmine Dragon.
11.) Secret Identities are more chill. Like. Gyatso isn’t as paranoid as Fu is more of a ‘I respect the rules but I will break them if I feel necessary’ person. Sokka and Katara immediately clock each other. Since Gyatso was training Aang a little, Aang probably knows who is who. Toph accidentally connects the dots re: me replacing her Earthbending Sight with Magic Synesthesia. So they’re kinda ending up in a ‘the Gaang knows but don’t tell anyone else’.
12.) That works in an explaination for how the Butterfly ended up where it did and why Ozai would think that causing Akumas would lure in the Guardian. (Something ML canon never gave us for Gabriel).
13.) Appa is a big doggo! Also in reference to Something Else, I suggest the comedy of Momo actually being a Sentimonster that had been created back before the Order went to shit and Sozin yoinked the Peacock. He’s just stuck around since then.
14.) Oh yeah the districts being like the Elements and all works well!
15.) I love all of those Akuma Suggestions
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stardust948 · 10 months
Urzai adopts the Gaang AU
More ideas for this AU because the thread was getting too long.
The main story takes place over 3 years; 1 year for each season.
Urzai didn't really know how to relate to the Fire sibling in their care bc they didn't spend much time with them. For example, Ursa gets Azula a Fire Nation doll thinking she just hated the EK one but Azula still burns it. And Ozai gets Zuko some firebending scrolls because that the only thing he saw Zuko reading at the palace. But Zuko thinks Ozai’s telling him that his bending still sucks and gets even more depressed. Likewise Zuko and Azula kept asking about the other parent the first couple of months. Things were pretty rough but they eventually work it out. Azula and Ursa bond over sparing and herbology and Ozai and Zuko over criticizing reviewing street plays.
Ozai feels guilty for Zuko scar since Zuko took the hit meant for him. Also because Ozai didn't know how to treat it properly so he thinks the scarring could have been prevented. Of course, Ozai has no idea how to express this to Zuko so he thinks Ozai’s ashamed of his weakness. This doesn't get resolved until after The Boiling Rock when they finally have a heart to heart.
The family unlearn the FN propaganda while hiding amongst the villages. Witness and experience first hand that the FN is not spreading prosperity through the nations. Just the opposite actually.
Azula's 1st friend (who wasn't required to play with her like Mai and Ty Lee) was Suki. While Ursa was in Kyoshi Warrior training, the two would rough house. Suki wasn't afraid to shove the young ex-princess back. Azula was annoyed at first but grew to enjoy the rivalry. (Sokka and Suki never hears the end of it when Azula finds out they like each other)
Iroh gives Lu Ten a cushy job to keep him safe but Lu Ten wants to redeem himself. Sets off on a self appointed mission to track down his ex-family and recuse his cousins. Jee goes with him and reteaches him firebending for battle.
Ozai and Ursa keep barely missing each other during Book 2. What's even more aggravating is they have no idea.
The Fire Family being back together after 6 years apart was awkward at first. Not until the Gaang each found an excuse to leave them alone did they finally hash things out and get back into the swing of things.
Ursa and Katara get into a big fight when Katara trains with Hama. Ursa doesn't trust her but Katara really wants to learn SWT waterbending and thinks Ursa’s holding her back. Katara yells at Ursa to stop telling her what to do and she's not actually her mom. Which was very traumatic for both of them but they make up at end after Katara stops Hama from trying to kill Ursa.
Urzai stay behind with the other adults during DOTBS. Ursa is taken to FN palace dungeon and Ozai and Hakoda to The Boiling Rock. Meanwhile Lu Ten talks to Ursa in the dungeons and learns the truth about the coup. He confronts Iroh but Iroh tries to arrest him for "his own protection". Lu Ten escapes and sets off to find the Gaang.
Iroh plans to execute Ursa and use Sozin’s Comet to wipe out BSS. Reference to "If we don't burn it down first" in his letter. The gaang go to stop Iroh and free Ursa. Ozai fights Iroh as they waited for Aang’s return.
Fun ideas:
Katara, Azula, and Toph’s girls night out as they rob from rich FN ppl and blow up factories.
Many "that's not what they did 100 years ago Aang we think your friend was messing with you" conversations
Appa has final authority over everyone.
A family that fights together stays together TM
The Gaang out voted Urzai for Aang’s secret dance party. Urzai has to wear disguises bc they can't leave the kids alone after the incident (accidently got high off cactus juice)
Ozai: Why did you shove your boomerang into the beard???
Sokka: To give it character.
Ursa: At least you don't have a pillow stuffed down your shirt.
Ozai and Hakoda bond in The Boiling Rock. (Nothing says fun bonding experience like doing time in a cruel abusive prison full of ppl who want to kill you)
Suki assumes Sokka's from a community compound like Kyoshi Island and doesn't question the multiple parents arrangement. (The more the merrier! It takes a community after all)
Lu Ten is very confused. He thought he had 2 little cousins not 6.
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
Wait… ATLA… I need some zuko fics for suree!! ❤️
.. I know you’re not currently taking prompts at this time but maybe something to considerrrr when you arrree :3 hehe
zuko my beloved my skrunkly my sweet <3 headcanons for you as a treat <3
when Zuko snorts, a lil puff of smoke comes out his nose. I know it to be true. Iroh told me.
He has a rly sweet breathy laugh that sometimes goes silent prematurely. very giggle prone and he pretends to hate it, but if he actually did he would barbecue everybody so. checkmate.
This one might be a hot take but I feel like he might actually be great at pretending something doesn't tickle if it's one sensation in one place. I'm choosing this hill because I think it makes things so much funnier if the gaang is trying to catch him off-guard and can't. and he knows. and he's smug.
but, flipside to this coin, he's like a jumpy cat. if you do catch him off guard he will launch directly into the stratosphere and squeak. there's nothing he can do to recover.
if zuko knows you're going to tickle him he will giggle uncontrollably before you touch him, get mad that he's doing it, and then (rare phenomenon) angry giggle. very cute.
Zuko can't firebend if he's laughing because firebending needs air. When he throws his little tantrums or goes to do something reckless (and stupid), whoever is closest to him is quick to poke his sides and the air leaves him in this big woosh. If he tries to firebend (which he probably doesn't, he doesn't wanna hurt anyone), lil sparks come off his hands.
tickling Zuko is objectively funny because he curls up like a lil pillbug, but when you hit a bad spot he uncurls and every limb seeks violence. category six flailing event. Sokka comes back to camp with a black eye and Suki and Katara are ready for bloodshed, but he has to stumble through an explanation of why on earth he thought tickling Zuko was a good idea (worth it, no regrets. not pictured: toph smirking bc she could feel zuko's laughter reverberating through the ground)
mai does not know this about him until Ty Lee finds out. Mai takes full advantage and Zuko pretends to hate it with all his might.
i think if we're exiting the lil utopia bubble here for a sec zuko canonically probably hates being tickled. azula strikes me as the kind to torment him with it. but i'm choosing to remain within the bubble. i like the bubble.
zuko mirrors behaviors that he sees other gaang members doing to try and fit in. and i just. Zuko getting bold enough to poke someone and everyone is delighted because he's graduated to physical contact. and then he's like "why are you all looking at me like that"
i can one hundred percent see the gaang having like a 'days since zuko's last temper tantrum' counter or whatever. like as he mellows out it becomes harder to provoke him. Except one day Sokka goes too far and Zuko jumps him and everyone has a split-second fear that he's like genuinely snapped...until Sokka is shrieking and everything's fine actually. (the counter gets reset).
zuko and toph being touchy besties is everything to me actually and i like to think they are constantly irritating each other with lil pokes and stuff. toph likes to drape herself over Zuko at her own peril.
Aang sometimes won't take his training seriously because he's just not intimidated by Zuko anymore. Zuko's like. well. I can fix that. and aang Flees.
Zuko has so much respect for Suki and refuses to lay a hand on her and hurt her when they spar, but Suki's like. C'mon fireboy. Zuko remembers something about her that Sokka said in passing and he's like well! this will work! (i just have this visual of aang being like 'wow the kyoshi warriors are so cool zuko's so special getting to train with Suki'. meanwhile Zuko and Suki are in a tickle fight so intense that they've smashed and burnt furniture).
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phoukanamedpookie · 2 years
Azula adopts a cat and names it Mochi.
Tagging @balsa-margarita @millyblank @ultranos @lightdancer1 for Azula shitposting shenanigans.
How it starts...
Ty Lee: "Maybe you'd feel better if you had something to take care of, like a pet. I know! You should adopt a kitten!" Azula: "Please, Ty Lee. As if I'd waste my time babysitting some dumb, pathetic animal." Zuko tries to pet the kitten, who claws him and draws blood. His yelling and cursing can be heard throughout the palace. Azula: "I'll take her." She names the cat Mochi. Mai pretends not to be amused.
How it goes... (Yes, half of these are Mochi making Zuko's life hell, which delights Azula to no end.)
Azula, who has never had a pet before and is determined to be the perfect pet parent, learns everything she can about cats. She's deeply impressed by the fact that, under that sweet exterior, there's a ruthless killing machine.
Mochi lets everyone pet them except Zuko, who gets a hiss and a nasty scratch every time he tries.
When Ty Lee asks Azula if Mochi sleeps on her bed, Azula says, "I am the Princess of the Fire Nation. Such a thing would be undignified." (Mai says, "She didn't deny it, though.")
Zuko swears that Mochi smirks at him when no one else is looking.
Azula insists on Mochi having official titles. When they make a public appearance, they are introduced as Her Royal Highness Princess Azula of the Fire Nation and her personal bodyguard, Mochi of the Caldera, Supreme Feline Companion, Royal Squirrelmouse Catcher, Ruler of the East Wing of the Royal Palace, and Princex of Cats.
According to Ty Lee, Mochi can see and understand auras. Azula's aura has had more pink in it since adopting Mochi.
Zuko: "Why does that stupid cat hate me?" Ursa: "Zuko, sometimes it takes a while for animals to warm up to you. You just have to be patient." Zuko: "Azula's teaching it to hate me on purpose."
Katara: "I never thought of Azula as a cat person. Or any kind of pet person, really." Mai: "One of the things she likes best about Mochi is that they're a ruthless, efficient killer." Katara: "Oh. When you put it that way, it makes perfect sense."
One of Zuko's old shirts lines Mochi's cardboard box. Mochi loves to tear it to shreds. Zuko: "Hey, that's my shirt!" He reaches to grab it, and Mochi claws him good. "OW! STUPID CAT!"
Appa likes it when Mochi makes a nest in his fur and naps in it. Momo and Mochi sometimes get in squabbles because Momo gets jealous of Mochi "stealing" his spot on Appa.
Azula may have studied Mochi intently and incorporated her movements into her firebending forms.
Zuko: "Azula! You let that stupid cat in my room again, didn't you! My room is a mess! It looks like a hurricane went through it, and it smells like cat pee! The cleaning ladies are gonna think I'm some kind of slob!" Azula: "I have no idea what you're talking about, Zuko." *flashback to Azula opening Zuko's room and letting Mochi inside, where she gets the zoomies and tears everything up*
Sokka and Mochi play catch with the boomerang.
Mai and Mochi have regular contests about who gives the least amount of fucks. It's a close contest.
Zuko: "I found fur balls in my palanquin, Azula. You need to control that stupid cat." Azula: "Of course." *later* Azula: "Who's a good kitty? Yes, Mochi's a good kitty."
Mai pets Mochi and gives them treats but would die before admitting it.
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loopy777 · 11 months
How do you think Mai would handle being The Bachelorette? Her bachelors are Zuko, Kei Lo, Ruon Jian, and Sokka. Who would get her final rose? 
To begin with, let's note that I have never see an episode of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette and I have no idea what the competition involves. Dating-like activities, I guess? But do they all go as a group while the men try to discreetly (or discretely) murder each other, or does the Bachelorette just run through the same date multiple times and the last guy on the list really needs to being his A-game to keep her from getting bored? At least with Mai, every guy will have to work hard to keep her from getting bored, so that's a bit more fair.
But before we get too deep into the game itself, I think we have to take a moment and explore something critical. Why is Mai picking a husband on a reality show? That makes so little sense there has to be an agenda at work.
Is she being put up to it by her parents? Is it some kind of ironic comedic performance on her part? Is Azula torturing her? Did she swap bodies with Ty Lee in a zany magical adventure again?
The explanation we pick is going to heavily affect who she chooses as her Reality TV Husband, so we have to be responsible about it. We can't just come up with an explanation that will allow Sokka to win, even though that's the objectively correct choice. Mai's clearly not in it to actually find a long-term romantic partner. You don't have to be as cynical as Mai to know that these Reality TV Romances don't last a week beyond the airing of the final episode, if that. And a quick search on my part turned up that The Bachelorette does not award prize money to the winning couple, so it can't be that she needs the cash.
In the end, I think we should stick with the classics- the most common reason for going on Reality TV.
Mai wants the attention, for some reason. And since most of the contestants are from the Fire Nation, it's specifically that nation's attention which she wants.
The fandom can't seem to settle on what the Fire Nation thinks of Mai, and sadly the comics have not really elaborated on the situation. Sometimes it's convenient to make her reviled, either for betraying the Fire Nation or for sticking her tongue in Zuko's mouth or not sticking her tongue in Zuko's mouth or not being Ty Lee or her strange lack of affinity for just-bear-bears. Other times, she's popular for her support of Zuko and/or being the coolest girl in the cast with the knives and the dour sarcasm and whatever is going on with her hair. Her reception amongst the Evil Factions isn't any more consistent, what with her complicated relationship with her father and her father's complicated relationship with being a villain. Even her temporary terrorist boyfriend couldn't decide which side he was on, thanks to her.
So I would personally avoid the question of whether Mai is loved or reviled. Instead, let's once again go on the most well-trod road of the Reality TV Star: she just wants everyone to know her name so she can get a better job later. This mandates that Mai does not start as a famous figure, despite how notable her life has been. But then, Upper Class Fire Nation Teenagers one island over from the capital didn't recognize Zuko's face, arguably the most famous face in the entire world, so obviously if you're not a Reality TV Star, the Fire Nation doesn't care about you.
All right, so we know why Mai is doing this. She wants to be famous. Now, what do the guys want?
The most simple of them is Zuko; he just wants Mai. Even the comics agree on this point.
Kei Lo also wants Mai. We know he doesn't have any other friends, and he seems to really like her, so I can see him being willing to debase himself on Reality TV just so that the girl he likes will consider pretending to date him until a week after the finale airs.
Ruon Jian, from what little we saw of him, seems to be honesty interested in Mai, perhaps even fully attracted to her. She helped wreck and burn down his best friend's beach house, but perhaps he found that amusing. Perhaps he likes dangerous girls. Perhaps he was always looking for the same kind of excitement as she was, and before he met her, he could never really admit it. So he's on the show to give wooing her a go, sure, but also to discover his best, true life.
Sokka is here as part of a scam. Disappointing, I know, but he's too much like Mai -- too perfect as a potential romantic partner -- for him to take Reality TV seriously, either. I can see him annoying Katara, who loves both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, by insisting that these things are scripted. So he has to have ulterior motives. Perhaps Mai is even in on it with him, helping him out while she's pursuing her own agenda. She probably thinks it's funny.
So with that established, how does the elimination go?
Kei Lo goes out first. I have nothing against the guy, but when he's not being a terrorist, there's nothing interesting about him. The most amount of spice he can bring is offering to pick a lock, and let's face it, he's no charismatic criminal gentleman. In contrast, Zuko lights things on fire and struts around like he owns the place (never mind all that delicious backstory on him), and Sokka is a strange foreign hero who even other foreigners think is compellingly odd. And Ruon Jian calls everyone else a loser while preening for the camera, so he's a natural Reality TV star and will probably be recruited for Survivor next season.
In the next episode, sadly, Sokka is out. He managed to use one of the dates as a cover to sneak his way into Ruon Jian's rooms and find evidence of Lord Ruon (Ruon Jian's father, of course) defrauding his international trading partners. Mai smirks, tells Sokka to hit the road, and he happily does so after giving her a peck on the cheek and asking how much prize money he gets for lasting two episodes. He walks away in a slump when he's informed the only prize is Mai.
In the final episode, it's down to Zuko and Ruon Jian. There's tension in the air on every activity. The boys spend more time insulting each other, sometimes even brawling, than paying attention to Mai. Despite this, neither one is stopped by any of the pitfalls prepared by the show's producers. Neither notices Ty Lee trying to seduce them. They sabotage Azula's attempt to assassinate Mai without even realizing she's there. When they get trapped together in the Spirit World, they manage to work together long enough to defeat the Reality TV Spirit (it's a giant glowing gross bug, formed from the tortured energies of all the gross bugs people have eaten on Reality TV for attention) and get back home. They even manage not to burn the mansion down (I think this franchise takes place in a mansion?) when doing the baking challenge, although Sokka proclaims neither one's bean pastries are sweet enough. (Oh yeah, the producers bring Sokka back for the finale as a surprise guest because he's so popular with audiences. He enjoys judging the baking competition but doesn't understand why the producers insist he not wear a shirt.) At last we come to the final scene, where Mai has to award her rose.
Mai tells Zuko that she's loved him since the day she met him, since before she even knew what love is, and that no one will ever be more suited for her.
Mai tells Ruon Jian that he's kind of good-looking when the lights are low and not quite as boring as most other people, even though she can't remember his name.
Then she gives Ruon Jian her rose.
There's scandal in the Fire Nation! No one can believe Mai picked this random dude over the Fire Lord! Everyone is talking about it. Zuko's fangirls are torn between being relieved and being offended on his behalf. Mai becomes a celebrity world-wide for her individualism and standing up to the weird culture of the Fire Nation that has people compete on Reality TV for love, instead of competing on Reality TV for money and singing contracts like normal people.
Mai becomes the most famous woman in the Fire Nation. Everyone wants her at their parties, even if they hate her. She cuts celebrity endorsement deals and appears at every big social event. She even gets to host the Tonys, which suits her fine because no one watches the Tonys. Mai becomes rich and everyone does what she says. Mission accomplished, she and her family never have to work a day in their lives again!
She also breaks up with Ruon Jian a week after the finale airs, without ever having gone on a real date with him.
She's seen going out with Zuko a month later, but by then everyone is more concerned with how Sokka has managed to get through eight episodes of his The Bachelor season without eliminating a single girl. It's a happy ending for everyone, except maybe Kei Lo but that's okay because he ends up on Celebrity Big Brother a few years later and wins when no one notices that he's been living there the whole time.
That's reality for you.
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ssreeder · 2 years
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This might be the most specific I have ever been. I had to envision how I think the entire book would go because I’m low key lost on what the next steps are. But I can see the vague idea of characters reuniting again which keeps me going.
I’m really sad about where Sokka’s headspace is at and I’m a little worried about the sorts of decisions he might make. So that’ll be interesting to see. I agree Katara is really the only one who could tell him that he’s still a good person and that other people are good too. Because I think that might be the thing he’s struggling with most right now since he doesn’t trust anything (even his own decisions like with Ara). I just hope she is mature about things and doesn’t say anything hurtful that can’t be taken back once they see each other again. That’s like my biggest fear for him to have something said similar to the southern raiders episode because he’s not in the mental space to take that.
And Zuko better find someone else to help him deal with his trauma. Mai, Ty Lee, Rasu or Iroh. I don’t care just someone needs to give that man some care. Also is he 17 now? I think Sokka had his birthday sometime in the LIAB series already because he’s 16 now. So did Zuko have his bday too? Will this be a point where people cry later? Very concerned for everyone’s well being.
Your writing is lovely and whenever you choose to drop the next book I will be so excited to see where things go. I can feel the tension.
Ahhh! I love this BINGO card! & the vague idea of characters reuniting is becoming more of a reality, finally!
I agree, Sokka’s mental state is questionable to put it very nicely. But for the first time ever, he is on his own and he won’t have Zuko there to use as an emotional crutch. Maybe it will help, maybe it’ll make things worse lol,,,,
Katara is a wild card, we won’t really know how she will react until we see the situation they are in when she is reunited with Sokka! It’ll be fun I promise ;) :D
Zuko getting healing? Pffft. We’ll see…….
You’re lovely I’ll see you sooner than I anticipated.
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Azula x Kai Series: Part 5
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Click here for Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five and Part Seven.
"You know, I thought when we returned to the Fire Nation after defeating the Avatar, we'd get a prize or something" Mai said dryly. Ty lee nodded "or a parade!" which made Mai frown. Kai smiled "well Azula gave us this great house just outside the palace so we can stay here in the Capital with her! That's pretty great" Kai pointed out. Mai did give the slightest nod, agreeing that not having to return home to her parents was at least something. "And she got you a job at the palace!" Ty lee cried "someone is definitely in her good books". Kai smiled but Mai outright smirked "or being bought, I mean you do work for her now". Kai didn't even let that comment bother him and instead smirked "yeah I do but why do you think we got a house so close to the palace? That’s so easy to sneak in and out off?" Kai asked "maybe Zuko put in a good word?". Mai actually blushed making Ty lee and Kai burst out laughing. "Shut up!" Mai cried but she knew it was true. Zuko and Mai had gotten back together and Kai was happy for his sister but that was where his happiness ended. He didn't trust Zuko and wished his sister would've gone for someone more honourable. Zuko had been welcomed back with more than open arms and it bothered Kai. He'd been taught his whole life, loyalty to his family and dedication to the Fire Nation was everything and he'd lived his life by both without complaint. However Zuko had disregarded both and was a hero? The heir to the throne? It wasn't right and Kai was determined to catch him out and prove to everyone Zuko wasn't to be trusted...and he found a way.
The job Azula had got for Kai was a palace guard. Her reasoning was it would show he was good at taking orders and doing more than just being a soldier. Mai claimed it was Azula’s excuse to keep him around when she needed him but either way Kai was happy. He heard a rumour from one of his fellow guards that there had been a cloaked figure of late leaving the palace in the middle of the night and re-entering about an hour later. So he managed to get placed on guard duty at various exits to the palace and waited. Finally one night weeks later the figure appeared. It was cloaked in a red hood and he had no idea who it was, so he followed. The figure went to the prison and this was when Kai started getting suspicious. He followed inside but couldn't find the figure anywhere. He found the nearest guard and asked if he'd seen a red figure. From the guard's face he knew he had and with a little persuasion aka Kai flexed he was friends with the princess, the guard told him the figure had been coming each week and was visiting General Iroh's cell. Kai nearly jumped for joy he was so sure this was Zuko but he resisted the urge. He needed proof so he went to the General's cell and listened. Sure enough, there was the Prince of the Fire Nation, chatting away to a traitor without a care in the world. Kai rushed back to the palace and acted like he'd been on watch all night. Then when his shift was over in the morning he went looking for Azula. He went to her room but her maid said she'd gone to training. So he went to the training grounds but she wasn't there either. He was about to give up when he spotted her walking down a corridor with a figure. "Azula!" he called "wait, I need to talk to you. Azula didn't stop until Kai was right beside her "didn't you hear me calling you?" he asked. The man with Azula looked like a council member and he glanced from Kai to Azula. "You go ahead war minister, I'll see what the fire is" she said rolling her eyes slightly. Kai frowned but he knew Azula would change her tone when he told her. "What is it?" Azula asked "I'm very busy". Azula had been cold to Kai ever since they'd gotten back and he couldn't work out why. She'd gotten him a job at the palace and a house literally on the doorstep but barely spoken to him since they'd gotten back. Kai didn't know what to think! "I have news" he said "there's been a figure sneaking out of the palace each week and I suspected it was Zuko. I can now confirm it is and he's visiting none other than your uncle Iroh in prison". Azula's eyes lit up and she leaned in closer "you saw him with your own eyes?". "I heard his voice from inside the room and watched him leave the palace, there was no mistaking it". Azula paused "but aren't there guards there?". "Yes but they know it's the prince so are scared to speak out". Azula nodded and Kai was waiting for her to compliment him but she just looked at him "is there anything else?". Kai paused "no but I...". "But what?" Azula asked and Kai looked down "nothing". "Good, I'll be going then" Azula said "also don't address me as Azula when you're in a guard uniform. I'm a princess not your colleague" and she flounced away. "She actually said that?" Ty lee asked as Kai recounted the event and Kai nodded "yep, she got me this job and now apparently it makes me beneath her. Why would she do that?". "Because she's Azula!" Mai said and Kai sighed. "Or...I think she's a little emotionally stunted and is attacking you instead of pulling you closer. You know Azula cares for you, we've all seen it!" Ty lee reasoned. Kai sighed, there had been times when he thought she liked him, on the mission and when she first saw him in Omashu after a while apart, but then she did stuff like this Kai had no idea where he stood. To make things worse the next day they got a royal letter, the three of them were going on holiday with Azula and Zuko and you couldn't exactly say no to the royal Fire Siblings. So Kai boarded the ship behind Mai and Ty lee to find Zuko and Azula already there. Azula smiled "finally you guys took forever, is it not enough we're taking you on holiday did you want picking up from your house too?". "You said 9. it's 8:55" Kai replied and everyone paused. Azula pretended like she didn't hear him and gave the word for the captain to embark. "Hey careful" Mai said "I know you're mad at her but she's still the princess". Kai sighed "I know" but he was hurt and couldn't help it. He sat brooding during the ship journey and didn't join in with Ty lee's enthusiasm or Azula's good mood. The further from the Fire Nation they got the more normal she began acting but it was too late. Kai didn't want her to treat him badly in public and then be his friend in private, he wanted more. They quickly headed to the beach upon arrival and Kai was stuck at the back of the group. Ty lee noticed and hung back too. "Are you okay?" she asked and Kai sighed "I'm fine...just not looking forward to a whole weekend around Azula".  Ty lee frowned "I know it must be hard but she's not the only one here! You've got me and Mai and Zuko! All your friends are here not just Azula". Mai was his sister and Zuko wasn't really his friend but Kai appreciated the sentiment so he smiled "yeah that's true, fancy a swim?". Ty lee nodded "you're on but just so you're prepared I'm an excellent swimmer" and they raced to the waves. Azula watched from the shore with a frown "what are they doing?" she asked Mai. Mai frowned, annoyed she'd got stuck with Azula and looked up to see what she was so angry about. “Swimming" Mai replied curtly and Azula made a face "but why? I've never seen either of them swim". Mai almost laughed "so? Have you ever asked them if they liked to swim?". "Of course not" Azula replied and Mai nodded "so that's probably why you don't know...they're pretty good friends". Azula's frown deepened wondering how good friends the two were. Kai had noticed Azula watching him and Ty lee and was enjoying making her jealous. It was childish and dangerous for Ty lee as well as himself but he didn't care. However just because people here didn't know Azula was royalty didn't mean they could disobey a direct order from here. "Ty lee get over here now!" Azula called gesturing to the volleyball court. Ty lee obeyed, leaving Kai with little more than a look and took her place beside the princess. Azula shot Kai a look before purposefully leaving him out of her team. She chose Zuko instead which annoyed him, especially as he saw Zuko perform well in the game. Then to add insult to injury Azula played amazingly. She actually destroyed the court with her victory and then breezed away back to the house like it was nothing. She kept Ty lee close to her and Mai and Zuko were allied together so stuck close. Kai was on his own.
The atmosphere in the villa was stormy at best. Azula was clearly furious at Kai but she wouldn't even speak to him so Kai acted like he had no idea. The others were...wary to speak to him in front of Azula which was annoying but he couldn't exactly do anything to stop it so just decided to get through this weekend and tried not to let it bother him. They'd apparently got invited to some beach party earlier and Azula kept making it sound like the host only invited her instead of the others. Kai figured she was doing it to try and make him jealous but it wasn't working. He dressed for the party picking a shirt he thought Azula would like and made sure his hair was styled just the way she liked.
When they got to the party everyone went their separate ways and Kai lingered by the drinks. He got chatting with a group and managed to make them laugh a few times. One girl in the group was particularly attentive to him and Kai was pretty sure she had a thing for him. She was pretty and nice but all he could think was she wasn't Azula and he was annoyed at himself for still not being able to get over her. Azula was across the room talking to some jerk who he assumed was Chan, the guy who invited them all here who Azula wouldn’t shut up about. She was all smiles with Chan clearly trying to make Kai jealous and it was working. Even when they were arguing she had a pull over him! 
He was wondering how to get out of this group to avoid leading the girl on when he heard Ty lee. She was being cornered by a group of guys from earlier and looked distressed. So Kai excused himself explaining his friend needed help and rushed to Ty Lee's side. "Excuse me" he called pushing his way to the front of the crowd "I think my friend has made it clear she's not interested in you in that way" he said "so why don't we all stop being creepy and leave her alone?". Half of the group was fine with it and backed off but the other half began to moan and grumble as if Ty lee owed them something. "I want to hear it from Ty lee" one annoying guy in particular said and Kai rolled his eyes "she's tried but you're too pig-headed to hear what she's so politely saying so let me spell it out for you N.O. Got it?". "Who are you anyway? Her boyfriend?" the guy asked trying to square up to him. Kai sighed and stood up to his full height towering over the guy "no but what do you think I'd do in this situation if I was because we can pretend" and he took a step closer. The guy quickly rushed away and Kai turned back to Ty lee "are you okay?". She nodded "I'm fine, thanks Kai! I kept telling them but they wouldn't leave me alone and it felt really weird and scary". Kai nodded "well don't worry they won't bother you anymore and I'll stick by you to make sure they don't". Ty lee smiled "thanks Kai but you don't have to, I saw you'd made some friends so go back to them". Kai laughed "I'm actually avoiding them, I think one of the girls was into me and I don't want to give her the wrong idea". "Oh, you don't like her?" Ty lee asked and Kai sighed "it's annoying because she's pretty and funny but all I could think when she was talking to me was she isn't Azula". Ty lee chuckled and Kai continued "even though she's ashamed to be seen with me and clearly doesn't respect me...I still want her". Ty lee frowned "See I don't think she's ashamed to be seen with you, more she just doesn't want anyone to know she has a weakness and that's you. She doesn't know how to deal with having feelings for someone and that's why she's attacking you. She can't attack her own feelings so she's going for you". Kai frowned "that doesn't make it much better". Ty lee nodded "I know it doesn't excuse it at all but she does care for you I promise! She just has an odd way of showing it that's all. So if you like her, know she does like you too". Kai wasn't convinced. "I'm not too sure but I trust you Ty lee so I'll agree with you". Ty lee beamed at Kai but then froze as she looked at something behind him. "If you two are quite done we're leaving" a voice said.
Kai turned to find Azula staring at him, or more accurately glaring at his feet because she was refusing to look at him. "Well what if we don't want to leave?" Kai asked "we don't have to do exactly what you say here". At that Azula did look up at him and Kai froze at the look on her face. If he needed any reminder she was a princess, this was it. "I am not asking you to leave I am telling you we have to leave" she said sharply "Zuko got into a fight and destroyed a vase, if the two of you had been paying attention to anything other than yourselves. As for doing exactly what I say when I say it, you do it because you know what I say is best. I am the smartest, quickest and frankly best out of all of us. You follow me because you know this and it's the only reason you're still alive. So I suggest you stop pouting and show me some respect" Azula finished. Kai shook his head "I always respect you Azula and more...you know that, you can see how I feel about you". At that the princess faltered and Kai sighed "but you clearly don't care about me at all" and he pushed past her and walked away. Ty lee watched Kai walk away and saw Azula's mask momentarily slip...until she saw her watching her. "Let's go" she said and the two fell in step. "Azula, why do you treat Kai that way?" Ty lee asked. Azula glared "as if I'd talk to you of all people about him, I saw how you were around him all day". "How I was?" Ty lee asked and Azula nodded "if you wanted him for yourself you could've at least had the decency to fight for him, not sneak in and take my leftovers". Ty lee shook her head "Azula I'm not interested in Kai, I love him but like a brother!". "Don't lie to me, I've seen you with my own eyes! You’ve been glued to his side this whole trip". "That's because he's been miserable the whole time you've been arguing! He doesn't understand what he's done wrong and hates being on your bad side. That boy really cares about you Azula and he's perfect for you! You're both strong, talented, stubborn individuals who would be an amazing pairing but you keep sabotaging it!". Azula shook her head "well what am I supposed to do? Trust him? Run into his arms like a lovesick teenager?". "But Azula you are a teenager" Ty lee laughed "we're not adults yet and this is the time when we can act foolish and take risks, it's okay to be vulnerable". Azula shook her head "maybe for people like you but not for me. I don't get that choice". "Azula being vulnerable isn't a bad thing it takes a lot of strength" Ty lee argued. Azula snorted "weakness takes strength?". "Yes!" Ty lee cried "and if you don't show Kai some weakness you're going to lose him". Azula huffed "who said I even want him?". Ty lee sighed "nobody but if you do want him you need to do something about it" and they reached the beach. Kai was there and Azula didn't want to deal with him so she wasted some time and went up to their old summer house where Zuko was stomping around. That hardly helped though and within no time she was back staring at Kai's pouty face across the campfire. An argument quickly broke out when Ty lee made a comment that angered Zuko and in return Kai of course came running to her defence. "Hey don't talk to her like that!" Kai said and Azula smirked "of course you'd say that". "What's that supposed to mean?" Kai asked and Azula shrugged "just you've been worshipping the ground she walks on for weeks, fighting guys off her all day, following her around like a lost puppy. It'd be cute if it was so pathetic". "Seriously? You think Ty Lee is the person who Kai gives everything to?" Mai asked jumping to her brother's defence. Then because Zuko was angry at Mai he sided with Azula. "I'm surprised you noticed something that wasn't directly related to you" Zuko said under his breath and Mai glared at him "you're the one incapable of thinking about anyone else! You're moody and rude and snap at anyone whenever you like! We can't all be your punching bag Zuko even if you are a prince". "like that title will be there for long" Kai said and everyone froze. "What did you say?" Zuko asked and Kai shrugged "I was just wondering how long you'll actually be crown-prince before you upset your father again and go back to being a banished one". Zuko went to move forwards and at once everyone else moved. Azula went for Zuko, Mai for Kai and Ty lee got in the middle. "Stop it right now!"  Ty lee yelled. "Kai that was out of hand you need to apologise" Mai said while Azula pushed Zuko down telling him "don't be stupid Zuko, he didn't mean it". With both boys being forced to control their egos the situation calmed down. "I'm sorry" Kai said "I still haven't gotten over you being banished and leaving your country and everything...". Zuko shook his head "I didn't choose to leave I was forced, I love my country as much as you and I'm not going to do anything to hurt it". Kai nodded "then we have no problem" and bowed which Zuko returned. "Boys" Mai said rolling her eyes but Ty lee shook her head "we were behaving just as badly, snapping at each other and picking sides". Mai and Azula looked at one another and a quick ceasefire passed. "I'm sorry for what I said to you Mai" Zuko said stepping forwards and Azula quickly turned away going to sit back on the edge of the campfire.
Kai frowned and followed her "are you okay?". "Of course I am" she replied and after a brief hesitation she asked "are you?". Kai went to nod and just pretend everything was alright like the Fire Nation custom but he was sick of it so he shook his head. "No...I never know where I stand with you Azula. Sometimes I think you like me and respect me and then other times it's like you hate me! Which sucks because I really like you Azula". Azula hadn't reacted much while he was talking but when he said that her hands twitched slightly. "I thought you might but I wasn't sure" she admitted. Kai laughed "I had no idea how to make it more obvious without having you incinerate me". Azula shook her head "I've given signs too, smaller ones but what do you expect from me? I'm a public figure. I can't be frivolous or reckless". Kai nodded "I know but just some reassurance or reciprocation would be nice, it's like since we got back to the Fire Nation you couldn't stand to be near me". "I got you a job!" Azula cried and Kai nodded "yes but then you said I couldn't speak to you in the palace and avoided me like I was a water bender. I just want you to meet me halfway that's all...so we can give us a try". "Us?" Azula asked and Kai nodded "yeah, I'd like to date you Azula". Azula blushed before she could help it and looked down rapidly which Kai thought was adorable. “I suppose...I’d like that” Azula said looking at him and Kai beamed “great” and Azula nodded “yes...” making Kai laugh. He tentatively placed an arm around her and Azula tensed before relaxing into it. Kai looked up and saw the others watching them. Ty lee was beaming, Zuko looked shocked and Mai looked...well his sister was hard to read but she looked wary. “What are you idiots gawking at?” Azula called and Kai laughed all over again. This was the girl for him. 
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backhurtyy · 3 years
ummm how about matchablossom or mailee + 18?💕
18 - willow by taylor swift
the more that you say, the less i know
wherever you stray, i follow
im begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans
For all that she pretended to be ditzy and thoughtless, Ty Lee never made a single decision without thinking it all the way through. She analyzed it down to every possible consequence, every minute detail, every tiny ripple in her life it could cause. Only once she was satisfied she’d thought of every outcome— so quickly that it barely seemed she’d given it any thought at all— did she pick the best one and act.
It was a system, and it worked, and nothing could make her decide on things differently.
Except for when Mai was involved.
Because when Mai was involved, then she really was ditzy and thoughtless. She acted irrationally, without thinking, without analyzing, without breaking things down. So long as what she did helped Mai, or brought her back to Mai, or kept her at Mai’s side, she didn’t care what she did.
That was the thing about being in love with someone since childhood, she’d learned. Decisions always seemed to end up skewed in their favor.
And looking back at her life, all of the biggest decisions Ty Lee had made, and the ones involving the least amount of thought, circled back to Mai somehow.
She’d only run away and joined the circus because Mai told her it was a good idea. She’d only been able to betray Azula at Boiling Rock because Mai had the courage to do it first. She’d only become a Kyoshi Warrior because Mai encouraged her. Time and time again, Mai was at the center of everything she did.
Mai was captivating, the star that Ty Lee orbited around, with a gravity to her that Ty Lee couldn’t escape even if she wanted to.
And now, Mai seemed determined to change her life once again, appearing in front of her right as she was finishing her shift with her hand out and an expectant look on her face. The gesture was unmistakable in its meaning, but Ty Lee was still surprised when the first thing Mai said was, “Come with me.”
Ty Lee blinked once, then grabbed Mai’s outstretched hand. She had no clue where they were going, and she was exhausted after following Zuko around all day and had been looking forward to collapsing into her bed to sleep, but it didn’t matter. She’d known from the moment Mai showed up and held out her hand that she was going to go with her, no matter how it wreaked her plans for the evening.
Mai smiled, the small but genuinely happy kind she reserved just for Ty Lee, and started leading them down the hall, never making any move to drop Ty Lee’s hand.
“Where are we going?” Ty Lee finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“You’ll see,” Mai responded cryptically. She took a complicated series of turns down the winding red halls, but Ty Lee was familiar enough with the palace after so long that she knew they were heading towards one of the secret exits.
She raised an eyebrow. “We’re sneaking out? What for?”
There was no reason, after all; Zuko didn’t care where they went, Ty Lee wasn’t on shift anymore, and no one was going to look at Mai with her knives and scowl and pointed eyeliner and tell her she couldn’t go wherever she wanted.
Mai shrugged and finally looked over her shoulder at Ty Lee, a glimmer of what Ty Lee could only describe as mischief in her eyes. “Just for old times sake. I mean, how many times did we sneak out as kids?”
Ty Lee grinned, remembering how they’d gotten caught a thousand times over after failing to stifle their giggles as they snuck out to get sweet rolls from the city. Everyone had always assumed Ty Lee was the mastermind encouraging them to sneak out, and she’d never corrected them, but in reality it had always been Mai; just another example of how Ty Lee failed to make good decisions when Mai was involved.
Although, with Mai’s hand in hers now and the memory of her laughter as a kid in her ears, Ty Lee wasn’t sure how Mai could be anything but a good decision.
She just laughed and squeezed Mai’s hand once. “Are there going to be sweet rolls involved?”
“Amongst other things.”
Ty Lee hummed once, curiosity growing with every cryptic response, but she didn’t pry anymore— she just let Mai continue leading the way, content to follow her wherever she went. So long as Mai kept holding on to her hand, she didn’t care what the plan was.
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asciendo · 3 years
Your Eyes Tell
You break up with Zuko when Ozai threatens his life if you continue with your relationship. But when you find out Ozai sends an assassin to kill him when he leaves to join team Avatar, you leave the Fire Nation to save him despite knowing how much you hurt him. 
It's been two months since you broke up with Zuko and now he's gone.
You heard from your father that Zuko switched sides and joined the Avatar. You tried to hide your concern at the dinner table as your father broke the news to your family. Your mother gave you a worried look as she always had suspicions about your relationship with the Prince.
"Ozai is furious. I don't think he's going to give Zuko another chance after this." Your father stated as you continued to fiddle with your hands. "That's his son. I don't think...do you think he'd go that far?" Your mother questioned. "I don't know...you saw what he did to Zuko after he questioned him..." Your father sighed. You tried to remain calm but you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Your father was a high ranking general and was a close confidant of Ozai. Although, lately you could tell he's been questioning Ozai's methods after seeing the destruction and death he's been laying upon the other nations. Your father was loyal to the Fire Nation would do anything to protect its people, but you'd overhear him and your mother talking about how he was worried about Ozai's methods.
"He's sending an assassin after Zuko." Your gaze shot up, "WHAT?!" You blurted out. "A-are you sure?" Your mother asked and your dad nodded. "He's sending the combustion mad." You froze. He was known to be one of the most ruthless assassins in the Fire Nation. He was known to master a rare style of fire bending that allows him to trigger explosions from a tattoo on his forehead. "I'm not feeling well...can I go to my room?" You asked and your father nodded leaving your mother with a concerned look in her eyes as you left.
As soon as you entered your room you fell to the floor and cried. You hated this. You hated yourself for breaking up with Zuko but you had no choice.
It was two months ago and you were walking around the palace. Thanks to your father's close relationship with the Fire Lord, you spent your whole life within the palace walls. You grew up with Azula and Zuko and your families were close as well. It wasn't until Zuko returned from his banishment that the both of you began your relationship but decided to keep it a secret as he still had a lot to prove to his father. Zuko wanted to prove he was focused and determined and if Ozai found out he was seeing you, Zuko would be right back where he started before leaving to capture the Avatar.
Unfortunately, your fears came true and Ozai discovered your secret relationship. You were on your way home after sneaking into Zuko's room and as you made your way to the throne room until you heard voices. You recognized one to be Ozai's and the other Azula's.
"Your brother appears to be distracted these days." Ozai's voice boomed throughout the room. " Well it's because he's with his little girlfriend most of the time." Azula replied
"Girlfriend?!" Ozai fires back and you gulp. "Yes, your favorite general's daughter." There was a hint of disgust in Azula's voice which made your blood boil. Despite being "friends" with Azula, it was obvious she looked down on you along with Mai and Tai Lee.
"First, Zuko questions me, now he's frolicking with that girl instead of focusing on his duties as Fire Prince." Ozai growls and you heard his footsteps walk back and forth as he paced around his throne. "He has to be taught a lesson that boy."
"I couldn't agree more, father." You could almost see the smirk on Azula's face at the tone of her voice. "I wonder...does Zuko really need his other eye?" Your heart dropped. His father was about to punish Zuko again...because of you. Your memory shot back to the moment Ozai burned Zuko's face in their Agni Kai. You remember burying your face in your hands while trying to shut out Zuko's screams. .
"Bring him here." Ozai commanded. You don't know what came over you, but you found yourself running into the throne room.
Azula and Ozai both stared at you and Azula chuckled. "Don't hurt him." You were surprised at your own voice coming out. "And why shouldn't I? He's being careless and has to be taught a lesson."
"I'll end it." Your voice shook as you were being stared down by the two of them. "Would that even do anything?" Azula rolled her eyes as she lazily observed her fingers.
"It will. You'll see...it was my idea to start a relationship. Not his. If you're going to punish someone...punish me." Azula raised an eyebrow at your suggestion and looked towards Ozai who began to think.
"Not necessary." Ozai stated and Azula frowned. "Your father is an important ally of mine, wouldn't want to upset him."
The room fell silent as the three of you stared at one another. "I suppose...if you end your relationship with my son...that will do for now." Your shoulders dropped in relief.
"But, I don't care if you're together or not, if he upsets me in any way again I won't hold back." Ozai turned his back and left the room. Azula smirked at you and followed him out.
You were lying in bed that night and couldn't sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts of Zuko and how you were going to end it. You heard the window open and the sound of familiar footsteps making its way to your bed.
Before Zuko could slip in next to you, you immediately turned away from him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he chuckled but you refused to answer.
"I don't need you anymore." You spat out and he stammered back. "What do you mean you don't need me anymore?!"
You buried your head in your covers, trying not to look at him. "I mean, I don't need you anymore, Zuko. I'm done."
"Done?! W-what do you mean done—did something happen?" you heard his footsteps come over to your side of the bed and you huffed.
He lifted the covers over your face and you had no choice but to look at him.
Zuko's eyes were a mixture of sadness and confusion and you chocked out a sob. He slowly brought his hands to your face, but you swatted it. Knowing exactly what to say to get him to leave, to leave you for good. "I can't be with a coward." Zuko stumbled back after this. You knew about his never-ending torment about betraying Iroh out of fear of his father. How he barely slept every night thinking about his uncle sitting in his cell, about how he was scared to do the right thing because he would lose his honor in his family again. "W-what?" Zuko was farther from you now, sad eyes staring into your like daggers. You were fighting the urge to break right there, tell him everything you knew about his father's warning, but you had to protect him. "You left Iroh to rot in a cell. You can't even stand up against your father and you're a disgrace to the Fire Nation. What kind of future is that?" You said coldly, biting your tongue to fight back the tears that were fighting to come out. "
"Do you really mean it?" His voice broke and you were dying to apologize to him, to tell him you thought he was so much more than what he thought of himself, that he was one of the few genuinely good people here, but you had to do this to protect him.
"Yes. I hate you, Zuko...I didn't realize it till now but...I'm embarrassed of you. Being with you...makes me hate myself too." You stated, face blank. Zuko's face dropped. You've never seen him like this, so empty, like he lost all the hope he had in the world. You wanted to reach out to him, you did...but he was gone before you could.
You'd see him in State events but never spoke, and the one time he had to greet you out of courtesy it was like he was talking to a stranger.
Now, here you are somewhere in the forest, looking for him. You heard from one of the guards who was loyal to you that combustion man was able to track Team Avatar near the mountains next to the refugee camps. He told you that he got his scent and was close by.
You heard voices and crouched by the bush. You saw a figure by the river and crawled closer to see who it was. It was a girl, probably your age dressed in blue who was doing laundry. This must be the water bender you thought. Mai and Ty Lee would tell you stories about their time chasing the Avatar and reuniting with Zuko.
Deciding to confront her and ask where Zuko was you began to walk towards her. Her shoulders tensed at the sound of footsteps behind. The girl whipped her head around and her eyes grew wide. Before you could speak, she was shooting water in your direction. "HEY!" You dodged, but she kept going. Grunting in frustration, you began shooting fire back at her.
You were fighting for a while now until suddenly, a boomerang was flying next to your head which caused you to duck.
There was a boy in blue running towards you with a smaller girl in green running next to him.
The girl stomped her foot on the ground and rocks in the shape of bars began to form around you but you were able to roll out of the way. The water bender was about to attack once more but then you heard your name being called behind you.
"Y/N?" You froze and your heart dropped. You haven't heard Zuko's voice in so long and you swore you almost crumbled right there. Slowly, you turned around and faced him for the first time in months. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked, and you couldn't answer. The Avatar arrived and the whole group was staring at you.
You couldn't speak. You didn't know what to say to him and time just stopped. Your eyes never left Zuko and he was staring right back at you.
"Who is she?!" The water bender asked as you and Zuko continued to look at each other.
"Y/N." Was all Zuko said which caused everyone to look at one another in confusion except the guy with the boomerang. "Oh...is she the one you were telling me about?" Zuko blushed in embarrassment but walked towards you.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost...who is she?" The Avatar asked.
"Zuko's ex-girlfriend." Boomerang guy attempted to whisper but failed as everyone heard him. The water bender stared at you curiously while the earth bender huffed and stuck up her nose.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Zuko was in front of you now and your heartbeat was rising. You missed him. All you wanted was to kiss him right then and there, but you knew whatever you two had was over. Before you could reply, you saw a figure suddenly appear behind Zuko. The rest of the team was too busy waiting what would happen that they didn't notice combustion man's arrival.
Combustion man's eyes turned red and he smirked, the eye in the middle of his head started to glow and you knew he was about to attack.
"LOOK OUT!" You shouted and shoved Zuko to the side before Combustion man could strike.
The rest of the group were on the floor from the explosion except the Avatar who was on a tree.
"WHO IS THAT?!" Boomerang guy yelled above the explosion.
Looking down, you realized you fell on top of Zuko. Your eyes met his and you noticed his expression change to somewhat of realization. He looked like he was putting the pieces of a puzzle together while looking at you and he was frozen. Combustion Man tried to attack Zuko again but you pulled him away.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Boomerang guy yelled once more. Spotting the boomerang attached to his waist, you created a plan.
"AVATAR!" You yelled and he looked down at you from the tree. "Distract him!" He looked at you with confusion. You realized they didn't trust you yet, still being in your Fire Nation clothes, they still weren't sure what side you were on. "Come on! Do it!" You yelled and he nodded.
"BOOMERANG GUY!" You shouted once more and he looked at you in fear. "When the Avatar has him distracted, throw your boomerang at the eye on his forehead, it will block his chi."
"Why should I listen to you?! You were just attacking my sister!" he yelled back. "GOSH SOKKA JUST DO IT! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!" The earth bender yelled and Sokka jumped back in shock. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!"
The Avatar shot an air ball at Combustion Man which caused him to stumble. While he was caught off guard, Sokka threw his boomerang hitting him directly on the eye.
Combustion Man grunted in pain but suddenly lost control and shot an explosion to the nearby mountain. Suddenly the rocks began to shake and immediately rolled down the mountain and crushed him.
The whole group sighed but Zuko was still looking at you. Suddenly, you felt rock squeeze around your wrists. Looking down, your wrists were bound in handcuffs made of rocks.
"Seriously?! I just saved your lives!" You yelled but the group continued to stare at you. "Yeah, but you were attacking Katara when we got here." The earth bender stated.
"SHE ATTACKED ME FIRST!" But they weren't having it. You looked at Zuko and his expression changed. He looked deep in thought as he stared back at you.
"Come on...just let me go and I'll be out of here." You whispered still looking at him. "We still don't know why you're here. You could be a spy." You rolled your eyes at the small girl.
"If I as a spy I would have let you all be killed by Combustion Man." You stated.
"That makes sense..." Katara nodded slowly but earth bender was still not having it.
"Still. It's risky to let you go, you're coming with us." She announced and began to walk away. Sokka grabbed your elbow and began to lead you behind her.
Zuko wasn't moving for a moment, watching the scene unfold like it was a movie. "Zuko...are you coming?" The Avatar asked. Zuko nodded slowly began to follow.
The earth bender, who you learned was called Toph made you a makeshift cell in their campsite. Rolling your eyes as you watched them enter their tents to go to bed, you sunk down and sat on the ground.
You started to drift off to sleep until you heard the door of your cell open. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up to see Zuko.
Your lips part in surprise as you slowly stand up to stare at him.
"What do you want?" You finally gained the courage to speak to him.
The Zuko in front of you is a different one than the one you left. The broken Zuko. The Zuko you hurt. Now, all you see are his golden eyes pouring into yours, mixed with anger and determination.
"Why are you here?" he asked, his tone was serious.
"Your friends put me in here! I don't wanna stay in this dumb cell—"
"No. Why are you here?!" He almost yelled at you, but he kept his voice low enough so he wouldn't wake the others.
"I don't know what you mean—"
"Bull Shit." Zuko interrupted but moved closer to you. "I don't know what you want me to say—"
"Do you still hate me?" His question caught you off guard. Unlike last time, there was no sadness in his voice, now, it felt like he was challenging you.
"Did you come here to protect me? I know you knew about Combustion Man." You looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. You didn't know why you were being so difficult. It wasn't like Ozai or Azula were here. But you felt immense guilt for what you said to him, you didn't deserve him.
"When you broke up with me...there was something else right? You were just saying all of those things to protect me?!" Zuko was angry. He had every right to be, for you to just show up here, and not even telling him the real reason why you came.
"I'm not stupid, alright? I know combustion man is an assassin under my father! I know he was here to kill me...and after everything, you show up out of nowhere...I know you were here for me!" He was yelling now but you refused to budge.
"You made me think all this time you hated me! I thought the person I loved the most in this world hated me! For months I couldn't get you out of my head and it was torture seeing you around the palace looking like you didn't care! And you won't even tell me the real reason why you're here?" You looked at him in shock but still refused to speak and he shouted in frustration.
"Y/N...tell me right now why you're here—"
"Yes. I still hate you." Was all you said. You didn't though. You loved him. You were so proud of him for finally standing up to his father and carving his own destiny, but you didn't want to cause him anymore pain. You wanted him to continue being the man he was meant to be...even without you. You felt like you would bring him down, that you didn't deserve Zuko. You wanted to leave, to finally leave him, for good.
"No you don't." His voice was hard and his eyes didn't leave yours. "Zuko, what do you want from me?" You asked and he sighed.
"Do you really hate me?" He asked once more but he took a step closer to you and you backed away.
"YES! God, Zuko I don't know how many times I have to tell you! I hate—"
Before you could finish, Zuko's lips were on yours. Your eyes widened in surprise but as soon as his arms snaked around your waist, you melted around him.
You missed this. The feeling of his lips on yours. His touch. The way he clung to you like his life depended on it.
"No you don't." Was all he said when he pulled away. You were out of breath, and you looked up at him. The hard expression he had was replaced with tender eyes and you felt tears forming.
"H-how'd you know?" Your voice cracked as Zuko began to gently wipe the tears on your face.
"Your eyes tell." Was all he said and before you could speak, his lips were on yours again.
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zuko-always-lies · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion: Zuko’s treatment of Mai is deeply toxic.
Mai is a character who is often maligned in the fandom, with it even occasionally being claimed that she was “abusive” toward Zuko. Any objective analysis of Mai’s behavior in her relationship with Zuko will instead find that she was, in fact, a shockingly good romantic partner, generally treating Zuko very well and being loyal to him far beyond reasonable expectation.  Claims that Mai behaved toxically toward Zuko seem to be instead founded in misogynistic expectations that women be perfect caretakers for the men in their lives.
That is not to say that the Zuko-Mai relationship isn’t still deeply toxic. However, its toxicity stems from the manner which Zuko badly mistreats Mai, often in ways which devalue her. Much more under the cut.
Our story begins in the first half of Book 3.  The vast majority of episodes there don’t show anything particularly toxic going on in the relationship. The most you can say is that they suggest that Zuko tends to dump his problems on others and doesn’t have best understanding of his girlfriend.
However, inevitably we must turn to “The Beach,” the episode which, by far, gets the most into the Zuko-Mai relationship. To say that Zuko doesn’t behave well toward Mai in this episode would be an understatement. I don’t speak here of Zuko’s unsuccessful attempts to please Mai early in the episode, but instead how badly he starts treating her beginning at the party:
Ruon Jian: Hey, first ones here, huh? Zuko: (cut to shot of Zuko and Mai walking side by side) Pft. He thinks he's so great. (to Mai) Well, what do you think of him? (they stop walking) Mai: I don't have any opinion about him. I hardly know him. Zuko: You like him, don't you? (Mai sighs and walks away, as Zuko looks angrily in the direction of Ruon Jian. The camera zooms in on Ruon Jian)
(Cut to shot of Ruon Jian leaning over Mai. Zuko rushes toward them angrily and pushes Ruon Jian away from her. Cut to shot of Ruon Jian straightening his hair.) Ruon Jian: Whoa. What are you doing? Zuko: (close-up shot of Zuko, angry) Stop talking to my girlfriend! Ruon Jian: (Ruon Jian approaches Zuko) Relax, it's just a party. (Zuko pushes Ruon Jian hard, sending him flying across the room, breaking a giant vase.) Mai: (Mai stands up and grabs Zuko's shoulder. He turns towards her.) Zuko, what is wrong with you?! Zuko: What's wrong with me?! Mai: (angrily) Your temper's out of control. You blow up over every little thing. You're so impatient and hot-headed and angry. Zuko: Well, at least I feel something...as opposed to you. You have no passion for anything. (raising his arms is the air) You're just a big "blah". Mai: (turning away from him) It's over, Zuko. We're done.
(Zuko follows her and the camera pans down to the handprint, left alone on the porch. Cut to wide view of the camera panning down Ember Island Beach. Zuko and Azula are walking side by side toward Mai and Ty Lee. Close shot of Zuko looking toward Mai and then looking away. Close shot of Mai looking angry and a bit sad.) Mai: Hey... (Interrupted) Zuko: (close shot of Zuko) Where's your new boyfriend? (Mai turns away angrily. Zuko comes and sits next to her) Are you cold? (he puts his arm around her, but she slaps it away)
Zuko is acting in a massively controlling fashion toward Mai, motivated by his violent and rage-filled jealously.  She literally can’t talk to a boy without Zuko flying into a jealous rage, trying to separate her from the person she’s talking to, and accusing her of emotional infidelity. In real life, this is considered a warning sign for an abusive relationship(although I don’t think Zuko has crossed the line into abusive yet).
“The Beach” also gives us this:
Mai: Oh, well, I'm sorry I can't be as high-strung and crazy as the rest of you. (Cut to over-head shot of the four teens. Zuko walks closer to the fire and Mai.) Zuko: I'm sorry, too. I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once, (Close shot of Mai looking away and Zuko standing over her) instead of keeping all your feelings bottled up inside. She just called your aura dingy. Are you gonna take that?
Zuko tries to provoke Mai into having a fight with her best friend Ty Lee just so he can watch her express strong emotions.  Zuko very much wants to Mai to be and act like someone she’s not, which has its own issues.
Overall, Zuko treats Mai quite poorly in “The Beach.” The episode ends with this:
Mai: I know one thing I care about... (Cut to shot of Mai smiling at Zuko) I care about you. (Mai and Zuko kiss. Azula claps, causing them to separate and turn toward Azula. The camera pans left to include her.)
Mai forgives Zuko and accepts him back without him acknowledging his behavior was wrong, apologizing for it, or giving her any guarantee that he will treat her better in the future. That’s unfortunate, as Zuko soon ends up treating her far, far worse than he ever did in this episode.
Zuko’s disregard for Mai cumulates with the manner he commits treason on the Day of Black Sun. Let us start our understanding of what he did wrong from the beginning. Breaking up with Mai via a letter which didn’t give her a real explanation was a real asshole move, but it’s not at the core of what he did wrong.  For that, we need to turn to this conversation from “The Headband”:
Zuko: Can't you see we're busy? (He and Mai resume their "business".) Azula: (not to be put off) Oh, Mai... Ty Lee needs your help untangling her braid. Mai: (complaisantly) Sounds pretty serious. (She gets up and leaves. Walking past Azula, towards the camera, she shoots the princess a quick, poisonous glance behind her back.) Azula: So...I hear you've been to visit your Uncle Fatso in the prison tower. Zuko: (standing, incensed) That guard told you. Azula: (smugly) No, you did. Just now. Zuko: (sitting back down) Okay, you caught me. What is it that you want, Azula? Azula: (solicitiously) Actually, nothing. Believe it or not, I'm looking out for you. If people find out you've been to see Uncle, they'll think you're plotting with him. Just be careful, dum-dum.
Zuko has proven his loyalty to the Fire Nation beyond doubt, yet Azula is still very worried that him spending time with Iroh will get him accused of treason, because having a close association with traitors puts oneself under almost automatic suspicion of treason.
“Day of Black Sun, Part II”:
Zuko: First of all, in Ba Sing Se, it was Azula who took down the Avatar, not me. Fire Lord Ozai: Why would she lie to me about that? Zuko: Because the Avatar is not dead. He survived. Fire Lord Ozai: (alarmed) What?!
Zuko deliberately throws Azula under the bus, hurting her and reducing her status with Ozai as much possible while effectively accusing her of deliberately committing treason. He also deliberately pisses off Ozai as much as possible.
So where does this leave us? Mai is Zuko’s known girlfriend and extremely close associate. Automatically, the suspicion of knowing of Zuko’s treason ahead of time or being involved falls upon her. She’s in grave risk of being imprisoned, tortured, or executed, especially since Ozai seems not the type to be strictly concerned with ensuring those he punishes are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The Fire Nation seems like a society which might have collective punishment(as historical East Asian societies, Nazi Germany, and the Stalinist Soviet Union did), and Mai might be under risk from that direction.  Finally, Ozai might hurt her simply as way of retaliating against Zuko.
Normally Azula would almost certainly be able to protect her friend, even under these trying circumstances, given Azula’s prestige and accomplishments.  However, Zuko has deliberately undermined Azula as much as possible and effectively accused her of committing treason herself, dramatically reducing the probability that she will be able to protect Mai.  In fact, Mai stands risk of being accused of being involved in Azula’s effort to “conceal the fact that the Avatar survived,” given Mai’s close association with Azula and her close involvement in the events where the Avatar “died.” She’s thus under danger from two different directions.
“But Zuko had to betray his father and become good through aiding Team Avatar.” Yes, it’s a good thing he did so. But Zuko had other options than the course he adopted. He could have avoided confronting Ozai at all and instead focused on rescuing Iroh(interesting AU idea right here).  He could have confronted Ozai but not thrown Azula under the bus, and that alone would have vastly reduced the risk to Mai(and also made Zuko out to be a better person, because deliberately throwing your younger sister under the bus and then abandoning her to the mercy of your abusive father is not a good look).  Zuko could have killed Ozai right then and there during the eclipse.  He even could have tried to lead Team Avatar to the bunker and tried to end the war right then and there.
“Zuko didn’t understand that he was placing Mai in danger.” Quite possible, but Zuko being so self-centered that he is unable of understanding that his actions can have negative effects on other people is a mark against him, not for him.
Now we turn to the Zuko’s behavior toward Mai in the rest of the third season.  Let us start with “The Boiling Rock, Part 1”:
Sokka: (emphatically) I think your Uncle would be proud of you. Leaving your home to come help us, that's hard. Zuko: It wasn't that hard. Sokka: (Cut to a side view of the basket) Really? You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about? Zuko: Well I did have a girlfriend. Mai. Sokka: (He goes closer to Zuko with a surprised look on his face) That gloomy girl who sighs a lot? Zuko: (Cut back to show Zuko grinning goofily) Yeah. (his face turns serious) Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it. Sokka: (Cut back to Sokka who leans back on the basket) My first girlfriend turned into the Moon. Zuko: (looks up) That's rough buddy
There are two things to unpack here. First, Zuko claims he “couldn’t drag her into it,” yet he already did, as I’ve illustrated above. Second, Zuko seems to expect that Mai would have followed him into treason if he asked her, that she would be willing to betray her nation, ideology, family, and friends just for the sake of her love for him. That’s an insane and pretty toxic expectation for Zuko to have for her relationship with him, especially since he wouldn’t do the same for her.
We also get more confirmation that Zuko doesn’t care at all about Ty Lee or Azula.
I don’t have a lot to say about the Zuko-Mai conversation during Boiling Rock, Part 2. The only things I would like to note are that Zuko is not very sorry for what he did, not very empathetic toward Mai’s pain, and doesn’t give Mai a real apology for his actions.
Of course, Mai proceeds to save Zuko’s life through committing treason in front of dozens of witnesses at Boiling Rock, something which places her own life in serous jeopardy. How does Zuko react to this?
Zuko: (Cut to a shocked Zuko) It's Mai. Azula: (Cut to a furious Azula) What is she doing?! (Cut to the backs of Azula and Ty Lee as Ty Lee shrugs and makes a "I don't know" noise. Cut to the gondola as it reaches the outer part of the crater. Cut to the inside of the entrance tower as the door opens and Suki rushes out followed by Sokka, Zuko, Hakoda and Chit Sang. Hakoda turns towards Chit Sang and points to the inside of the gondola. Chit Sang proceeds to throw the warden back in.) Hakoda: (Cut to the back of Hakoda's head looking at the warden lying on the floor) Sorry Warden, your record is officially broken. (Hakoda walks off screen while the warden continues to struggle on the floor. Cut to a front shot of the group as they run up a rocky incline.) Suki: Well, we made it out. Now what? Sokka: (Sokka stops and looks back at Zuko who pauses in his tracks, thinking) Zuko, what are you doing? Zuko: My sister was on that island. Sokka: Yeah and she's probably right behind us. So let's not stop. Zuko: What I mean is she must have come here somehow. (He runs to the edge of the rocks and looks down) There. (Cut to an area looking up at the edge of the cliff) That's our way out of here. (Camera pans down to reveal a Fire Nation zeppelin docked at the shore.
Zuko says Mai’s name once and then abandons her (to die?) with zero hesitation.  This is probably objectively the correct decision. It would probably be extremely difficult and dangerous if not outright impossible to save Mai.  The prison-break crew do have access to an airship, but it’s difficult to fly an airship over the lake’s thermals.
Yet that’s not my point. Zuko abandons Mai with zero hesitation, with zero anguish, with zero angst. He doesn’t even to seem consider the possibility that he should save her.  Something tells me if Iroh had just saved Zuko’s life under identical circumstances and then was in imminent risk of harm, Zuko would act very differently, that Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda would have to drag him off that island.
Zuko’s complete disregard for Mai continues for the rest the series. Remember this exchange from “The Cave of Two Lovers”?
Zuko: (losing his patience) We're not taking any more chances with these plants! We need to get help. Iroh: But where are we going to go? We're enemies of the Earth Kingdom, and fugitives from the Fire Nation. Zuko: (musingly) If the Earth Kingdom, discovers us, they'll have us killed. Iroh: But if the Fire Nation discovers us, we'll be turned over to Azula.
Zuko considers being captured by Azula a worse fate than death!
But do we see Zuko worry once about Mai’s fate? Do we see angst about what might have happened to her? Do we see him make any effort to even discover her fate, much less rescue her?
No. In fact, Zuko launches a sophisticated operation to infiltrate a Fire Nation information center so that he can gain intelligence in order to help Katara murder someone so that she’ll like him, but he doesn’t even consider doing the same to find out about Mai’s fate so that he could potentially rescue her. Zuko doesn’t even mention Mai once after Boiling Rock until the very end of the series finale, even though she sacrificed herself to save him. Remember this exchange(“Sozin’s Comet, Part 3”):
Zuko: Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today. (jumps off Appa) I am. Azula: (laughs) You're hilarious. Katara: (standing beside Zuko) And you're going down. (The fire sage motions to crown Azula, but she raises her hand, signalling him to stop.) Azula: Wait. You want to be Fire Lord Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai! Zuko: You're on. (Katara turns to Zuko, surprised. Cut to a close up of Azula's lips as the curls into a smile. Cut back to Katara and Zuko.) Katara: What are you doing? She's playing you. She knows she can't take us both so she is trying to separate us. Zuko: I know. But I can take her this time. Katara: But even you admitted to your Uncle that you would need help facing Azula. Zuko: There's something off about her, I can't explain it but she's slipping. And this way, no one else has to get hurt. (Fade to a shot of the courtyard from the side. The camera pans from Zuko kneeling on the right end to Azula kneeling on the left end. Cut to a shot of Zuko rising and turning around, then cut to a shot of Azula rising. Each can be seen behind the other. Cut to a shot of Azula from the front turning and removing the Fire Lord robes.) Azula: I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother. Zuko: (in his stance) No, you're not.
Notice something? Zuko doesn’t demand to know what happened to Mai! It’s almost like he forgot she existed!
Now we turn to the final infamous exchange(“Sozin’s Comet, Part 4”):
Mai:(off screen) You need some help with that? (He looks up surprised and moves aside to reveal Mai leaning against the doorway. Cut to a close up of Mai as she walks towards Zuko.) Zuko: (Cut to a delighted Zuko) Mai! (Walks off screen) You're ok. (Cut to an area behind Mai's back as Zuko opens his arms out in a hug) They let you out of prison? (Mai walks behind Zuko and lifts up his empty robe sleeve.) Mai: My uncle (Zuko puts his arms through the sleeve) pulled some strings, (she proceeds to fasten his robe) and it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your boyfriend. (She walks in front of Zuko and places a hand on his chest) Zuko: So does this mean you don't hate me anymore? Mai: (she blushes) I think it means... (Cut to a close up of the couple) I actually (places a hand on Zuko's cheek) kind of like you. (They lean in for a kiss and part a fewseconds later, looking into each other's eyes happily) But don't ever (She jabs a finger into Zuko's shoulder and Zuko's eye traces the movement of her finger) break up (She lifts her finger into the air and Zuko's eyes still follows it) with me again. (She jabs her finger into Zuko's shoulder one last time and Zuko smiles goofily. They embrace and the camera zooms out slowly.
Zuko seems surprised to learn that Mai is OK, almost like he made no effort to find out her fate once he took charge of the Fire Nation. And indeed, his first acts as leader of the Fire Nation were not to find out what happened to her or, if he actually knew, to get her released from prison.  Mai only got released from prison when her uncle and his connections got sufficiently confident that Zuko had been completely accepted as the new leader to release a massive traitor completely on their own initiative.  This was quite possibly weeks after Azula-Zuko Agni Kai, yet he made no apparent effort to get her released. It’s almost like Zuko completely forgot about Mai, even though she sacrificed herself to save him.
And, of course, Zuko doesn’t accept responsibility for any of the awful ways he treated Mai, much less apologize to her or offer any guarantee he will behave better in the future. Mai still forgives him anyways, just like she did in “The Beach,” only for Zuko to continue to screw her over. There is something deeply depressing here, as there’s every reason to believe that Zuko will screw over Mai over, devalue her, and disregard her well-being, desires, and interests again the moment it’s convenient for him to do so. He certainly has not recognized that his toxic behavior here is something he needs to stop doing. Ironically, the comics get this right by having Zuko try to use his power as Firelord to order Mai to stay his girlfriend.
Ultimately, Zuko loves Mai and cares about her deeply, yet he still treats her as a tool and acts like she exists to serve him. It reminds me how show! canon Ozai genuinely loved show! canon Ursa, but still used her as a tool and threw her away.  Honestly, I doubt 16-year-old Zuko is really ready for any romantic relationship at all, given his often toxic behavior, his trauma, and the incredibly stressful position he’s placed in at the end of the series.
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spiderling-space · 3 years
Hey so this thought has been on my mind for like ages and I think that you'd be able to write a headcanon about it in a wonderful way, so I'm presenting this idea to you hehe ( I love ur blog so so so much btw!)
So let's say that whatever miracles of seven happened, that Yuu overblots. Being constantly pushed around by other students by being magicless, solving the idiot trio's problems, trying to survive overblots and dealing with Crowley's neglectful ass cheeks sure is not easy. With all the piled and bottled up negative emotions, Yuu like the previous boys, overblots. Yuu wasn't that hard to defeat cuz you know, they're magicless, but the twst boys did struggle and Yuu's quite the challenge too. So what if, after Yuu's overblot, they had a full on mental breakdown. Not like crying mental breakdown, they're full on SCREAMING, their voice are cracking too, and very painful to hear. They started to unconsciously harm themselves so they have to be tied down to prevent to hurt themselves further. How would the dormleaders react to that?
(Sorry for my English and if I ever break a rule, it's OK if you decide to not do this too. Btw I got this idea when I watch ATLA aka Aang the last airbender, for reference of the breakdown of Yuu just search "Azula's breakdown" that practically how their breakdown looked like :D)
I cant write headcanons because you basically wrote everything. I will just make comments and additions to this. first I mention the background, secondly Azula’s breakdown so non ATLA watchers can understand a little and lastly, MC having breakdown like Azula. For the record, I could write about ATLA for pages since it is something I love since 2005. LOL This became a bit meta xd
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Firstly, the back ground:
I was 7 years old when ATLA started airing. I’d be excited to get back home to watch ATLA after school. Azula’s breakdown was awful back then when I first watch it as a kid. And of course, when they aired the episodes again and again. I rewatched again because I remembered the show being dope when I was in 12th grade which was stress relief while studying for university exams, and then I rewatched last year and even founded a Zutara server. Now I’m getting back to the point. In the last two rewatching, I saw Azula in a different light and her breakdown at the end of the show was understandable. I can recommend some ATLA meta that you might like. 
Secondly, Azula’s breakdown: 
Azula lost everything. In the flashbacks, you saw she was getting along with Zuko, laughing and playing tag until Ozai’s influence on her grew while Ursa showed more affection towards Zuko since Ozai basically hated Zuko. These two triggered each other and it grew like snowball effect which came to the point that Ozai-Azula and Ursa-Zuko. She didn’t get love from Ozai, she was just a puppet, someone to empower him more, not his daughter meanwhile to Ursa, she was a monster. Azula was 8 years old  Ursa disappeared. Imagine how this would affect the child. After this, she had estranged brother that she was jealous of because of Ursa’s love, a father who manipulated her, and an uncle who was too in pain to do anything and he was more focused on Zuko. She only had Mai and Ty Lee as “friends” but it was toxic and Azula used fear to control them. After Zuko got banished, Mai and Ty Lee went to their own places, leaving Azula alone with Ozai. Just when Zuko got back, she was being like the last times, cruel teasing, Mai and Ty Lee with her. Later, Zuko went away and probably got lectured by Ozai for her lie. Mai and Ty Lee stood against her. In the end, she had no one. Ozai didn’t want her with him either because he only wants power. Being alone drew her to the edge. In the Royal Hair Washing, the girl sje fired had her face. Her self hatred was palpable. She started to reflect this via Ursa, the mother who thought her as monster and didn’t love her like she did Zuko. I believe she would have had breakdown if she actually killed Zuko. At the end, she couldn’t handle it anymore. Being all alone, not being loved, self hatred and finally failing at something which is something she knows Ozai would never tolerate like he did with Zuko. This 14-year-old wouldn’t be able to handle it anymore and had breakdown.
Now last section, MC having breakdown like Azula’s:
Let’s see the things MC went through:
Stripped away from home
Doesn’t have much memory of it
Is thrusted into a world so foreign to them, where everything is foreign to them. There is no familiar thing that can make them recall home or feel at home
Is forced to study things that they have no prior info where the others have prior info and they are expected to ace the tests. This puts on pressure on regular students, can’t imagine the pressure they would feel since they barely understand the magic.
Is treated like trash by everyone at least once. From the first moment they came to Twisted Wonderland, they were like dirtbag. Dire gave them a house where they could get Hepatitis A to C, tetanus, hypothermia and any other disease. They have lived in that state for months and the house barely got fixed by the end of exams. They got belittled or used by almost all characters at least once. Examples: Vil calling them nobody; Azul trying to take the only thing they have from them, the dorm; Riddle calling them uneducated because not having magical parents; Leona acting like they are a toy in E2; Jamil literally manipulating their choice; sometimes NPC characters talked; Cater making them do his work etc.
They are given more than a person should handle. They are not certificated psychologist, they aren’t superhuman, they don’t have super healing... They are just human but has to fight enemies than can easily kill them if it were not the magic users around them. They are given the task of dealing with the emotional breakdown of the other people.
All of these are building up more and more. Maybe they started to get along with people after the belittlement and being used but every new character does this. At one point, it will be too much and they will think “they are only nice to me because I did a favor to them. If not for that, they wouldn’t be nice to me” which would lead to self doubt. When one starts doubting themselves, everything else starts to go down. Also, new characters treating them that way adds salt to the wound.
MC isn’t a professional psychologist. They can’t handle other people’s issues without taking a toll at themselves. They don’t even catch a break between everything.
Dire is deliberately keeping them away from home as they all do the errands he say. To him, what MC wants doesn’t matter much. The game doesn’t show but if MC has family and friends or pets, you can’t tell me that they wouldn’t miss them once or see, hug them or know their state, alive-dead, healthy-sick etc. 
Lastly not being invincible. The end of Episode 5 shows this well. They couldn’t stand against Grim who isn’t as powerful as the other overblot characters. They are mortal who can get hurt easily.
Now all these build up meanwhile we don’t see an MC centered chapter, how they are etc. It’s all about the others. Maybe there were a few chapters asking if MC is okay after everything but it feels like it is in the second plan. 
Everything that I mentioned can lead to a breakdown like Azula’s. Everything is just too much to handle and they don’t talk with a professional about it. When they finally let out everything, it feels much better, screaming out their lungs, lashing out like all of them did. They are finally letting out all of their emotions, crying and screaming; yet still feels better than bottling everything up. They think maybe that’s how overblot characters felt.
All in all, everyone in NRC needs a counselor.
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
The Gaang are Roommates AU ~
note: this is a rewrite and repost of my old roommates au, there was some stuff I wanted to change, and I wanted to make the parts a little longer, so yeah, ta-dah! 
- think modern setting in the canon universe, bending is still a thing 
- the Gaang are all in going to Ba Sing Se University 
- I’m gonna change the ages a bit to make it easier for myself, sorry 
- Zuko, Sokka, Suki and Mai are 20, Katara, Ty Lee and Azula are 19, Aang, Toph and Yue are 18
- so, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Aang and Toph end up living together in a big loft type apartment 
- Sokka and Aang are old best friends, they met Toph in Middle School, and Katara is a natural part of the group 
- until now Sokka and Katara have both been living in the dorms, and they both hate it intensely 
- but now that Aang and Toph are also in uni, they all decide to move in together!
- …but the only problem is that the only place they find that they like is just out of their price rage (Toph’s parents aren’t supportive of her major so they’re not helping out much)
- enter: ~ Zuko ~
- so, Zuko has been living with his uncle Iroh since his Father, who’s a high up in some big and important company the Fire Nation, disowned him for speaking up against the company’s shifty treatment of workers and ruining a lot of sacred land etc 
- they’re still firebenders and the scar still happened, not in an Agni Kai, but it happened 
- but after Zuko started uni, Iroh really tried to push him to meet some people his own age and make some friends
- the only people Zuko talks to on the regular besides Iroh is Azula, Ty Lee and Mai, and Mai is the only one who is like, his friend yanno?
- the last year the deal was that if Zuko didn’t branch out, Iroh would have him live one year with other students
- it’s his idea of tough love 
- Zuko tried to do some random kid’s homework to have them pretend to be his new friend in front of Iroh so he wouldn’t have to, but Iroh can tell he’s lying so easily 
- so, Zuko ends up hearing about the Gaang through Mai, who heard from Ty Lee, who plays field hockey, Suki, who’s best friends with Sokka
- so, he goes to meet them, and it’s so awkward mY GOD
- Katara is a B I G environmental activist and HATES Ozai and his company, with good reason
- she eases up a tad when Zuko admits to being turned away from as a teen, but she is still suspicious
- Aang loves him right away, ofc, and that makes Katara even more suspicious because she’s pretty protective of Aang
- she claims it’s because he’s so kind and believes everyone but she totally liikeees hiiiim
- Toph is just like, sure, as long as he pays his rent idgaf
- Sokka is weirdly quiet, because he’s had a huge crush on Zuko forever, and the only one who knows is Aang (and Toph but she ain’t no snitch)
- so, ya boy makes the cut, and before they know it, it’s move-in day!
- but, the idiots didn’t think through the facts that it’s only three bedrooms oops
- and Toph is NOT afraid to pull the “I’m blind and I need my space” card
- and nobody’s up to fight her on it, so 
- let’s just say there is A LOT of back and forth, but with Katara refusing to room with her brother again, and Zuko being rightfully scared of Katara, it ends up with Zuko and Sokka sharing a bedroom, and Katara and Aang
- they have separate beds ofc
- but still, tension, man, so much tension
- it takes a while, but the dynamics starts working out really well
- Zuko is good at grocery shopping and likes to clean, and Aang is always happy to help him out
- Sokka loves cooking, so he does that a lot
- Katara is always on top of the others with schoolwork and making sure everyone is okay, and she usually does it in genius, sneaky ways so people doesn’t even notice that she does it
- Toph is clearing the air off bullshit
- like, she will call a bitch out
- but because she cares about said bitch
- so, Aang knows that Sokka has a crush on Zuko because Sokka told him in a weak moment, and Toph knows because she just knows
- Aang is a good friend tho, and he tries to like, ease them together
- but he is so awkward about it, the poor thing, and Zuko doesn’t understand AT ALL
- Toph is just sitting back and sighing a lot
- Katara doesn’t understand either but she just stays out of it (smart girl)
- but okay, we know how oblivious Zuko can be right?
- Sokka can give him googly eyes and blush and stutter around him so much and he still has no clue at all
- Zuko starts thinking Sokka just doesn’t like him at all
- but then one night Zuko has this really intense nightmare
- okay and quick addition, his scar is… handshaped? Like, you can clearly tell what happened to him
- but nobody talks about it, yet
- but then he’s having a terrible nightmare and is talking and begging and pleading in his sleep
- so much that Sokka wakes up
- and he catches on pretty fast, but had no idea what to do
- so he just shuffles over to Zuko’s side of the room and starts tapping his shoulder rapidly
- but nothing happens
- so he just… gently and awkwardly pats his head until Zuko wakes up
- and Zuko is like… wat u doin there bro
- and Sokka is like… just patting ur head to wake you from a nightmare bro
- and they awkwardly just mumble and go back to their beds
- but Zuko is smiling a lot because someone who’s not his family or a family friend really cares about him
- after that, Zuko slowly starts opening up to all of them, but Sokka especially 
- he never really tells them about being cast out and burned tho
- until one day he kinda casually slings it into a convo all fast and awkwardly
- it’s just Toph, Aang and Sokka there
- Toph yells so WHAATTT so loudly and just metalbends the whole fridge into a clump in rage
- Aang cries lmao but he tries to hide to and be supportive and not awkward
- Sokka is kinda quiet, but he carefully asks about it that night when they’re in their beds, and they talk a little about it
- Aang tells Katara (with permission) and she awkwardly, but wholeheartedly tells him that he can always talk to her
- they do that «awkward sibling hug» from Gravity Falls after
- *hugs stiffly* «pat, pat»
- but okay, Toph and metalbending when angry, it happens quite a lot 
- this was the first time it was the fridge, but the toaster, the microwave, and several other appliances have met the same fate
- everyone is kinda used to it now, and she always replaces it
- except Zuko, who’s still kinda new to them all
- but what are you supposed to say when your new friends is so outraged by the abuse you went through that they crush a whole ass fridge?
- it actually reminds him that he’s cared for here, by these people who owe him nothing, and is not related to him, and it makes him a little dizzy to have people care this way
- he casually mentions it to his Uncle Iroh the time he’s in at work, that his new friend is a metalbender and squashed their whole fridge when she was pissed on his behalf
- Iroh is thrilled
- to the point of offering Toph a job lmao
- Toph, desperate to cut of as much ties with her family and be as self-sufficient as possible, agrees
- and now Iroh have two formerly rich kids with no clue about any sort of customer service and basic stuff like that working for him
- Toph is a hard worker tho, and she and Zuko work surprisingly well together
- Katara is a little relived, because the more those two work, the less are the chances of either of them trying to cook or do too many chores around their apartment
- they mean well, or, Zuko does, but he does so much dumb shit when trying to help lmao
- Sokka starts spending a lot of time over at The Jasmine Drago too
- Aang is still trying to keep the fact that Sokka likes Zuko a secret, but he is having trouble
- Katara is his biggest weakness, and now they’re suddenly alone with her a lot
- someone else who could always read Sokka really well is Suki
. whom he used date in high school, but they parted as friends and everything s cool
- but Sokka is a little taken aback when she comes into The Jasmine Dragon one day, hand in hand with Sokka’s childhood crush obsession, Yue
- for the first time in man’s memory, Sokka is a little speechless
- and Suki’s like “lmao dude I haven’t seen you like this since the first time you saw Zu-”
- cue Zuko popping out behind them like “WELCOME TO THE JASMINE DRAGON FRIENDS OF SOKKA :D”
- Sokka is so fucking red, poor boy is just about having an aneurism at this point
- but luckily something happens and Zuko gets distracted
- Suki is having the time of her life tho, Sokka always used to tease her for her crushes before and after they dated, and suddenly, here they are
- at the apartment, Aang decides they need some apartment traditions
- they’ve been living there for almost three months, after all
- so he decides that weekly movie nights are mandatory
- so are pillowforts
- Katara is actually really excited for it, she loves all things cozy and fall-like
- also… she is weak for Aang, y’all, and she loves seeing him all excited
- Zuko barely knows what a pillowfort is, he didn’t think real people actually made it
- but imagine these dorks in a pillowfort with hot chocolate and lot’s of pillows
- Toph claims that she thinks it’s soo dumb, but she will always make sit in the middle of the group all wrapped in her blanket and laughing when the others jump and get spooked from the horror movies Sokka always wants to watch
- and she will make sure the fort is right and perfect lmao
- Zuko is a little awkward about it at first, but he likes it too
- Sokka always manages to plop in next to Zuko lmao
- they haven’t talked about the head patting incident yet, but Zuko is def starting to feel the butterflies
- one time after a movie night Sokka falls asleep on Zuko’s shoulder, after the others have left for the night
- Zuko can’t resist waking him up with awkward head pats similar to the one Sokka used on him
- Sokka thinks he died and went to heaven lmao
- but then he fully wakes and sees Zuko’s shit eating grin and can’t help but laugh at the whole thing
- and Zuko has his “oh no he’s hot beautiful and I really adore him” moment
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