#but for lesbian ships it's literally ALWAYS women it's always sapphics themselves
maddy-ferguson · 2 years
the way men (including queer men) don't watch women-centric media is so crazy to me
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honeybabymp3 · 1 year
you know what sucks ass? ppl love to draw parallels between larries (a community of mostly straight girls/women fetishizing gay men) and gaylors (a community of mostly sapphic women who see themselves represented by frankly pretty ambiguous art). it's just not the same especially considering how gaylors will get some of the most vile homophobic shit sent their way and the fandom will ALWAYS excuse it as “ohhh but saying taylor is gay is creepy so…” like fuck offfffffffff
yeahh i'm not really like hands on familiar with l/arrisms but That's What I've Heard and like. in general i feel like lesbian ~shipping~ communities are a bit rarer. it is a pretty fascinating if disturbing difference isn't it? so many fandoms i've been in revolved around gay shipping or at least gay interpretations and it's so strange to suddenly be in a fandom where it's seen as taboo? and obviously you can't compare Fiction To emo bands who make out on stage To ms taylor swift, i GUESS, but swifties are just so obsessively protective. i think a lot of us feel a sense of ownership over the taylor swift who is our best friend in our head, so the idea we were wrong, specifically the idea that she's gay when you yourself are a homophobe, puts people esp on edge lol. and also i can't fully attest to the levels of homophobia in other fandoms i've been in cause i don't actually tend to venture too far away from my dash and stuff, so i don't want to imply it doesn't happen in other fandoms. but i just get a bit agitated when tumblr people dunk on gaylors cause yeah we can be ridiculous and delusional sometimes but people get so much vitriol from INSIDE the fandom over nothing that it just feels like. fuck OFF it's literally none of your business you know?
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tr3ns-d3ath-d3ity · 2 years
"LGBTQA+ is one of the most accepting communities, you're not being targeted by other queer people!! 😤​😡​"
Aight, time for the list of things related to my queer identity I've been yelled at for by other LGBTQA+ people (for context: I am an oriented aroace, trans, queer, and polyamorous dude):
・Being a trans man.
・Identifying as queer/calling myself queer.
・Saying that gay And mlm are two different things, just like wlw and lesbian are two different things
・Saying that trans women are women.
・Being attracted to men.
・Not being attracted to women and people on the genderqueer/nonbinary spectrum.
・Being oriented aroace.
・Not being monogamous.
・Talking about genuinely loving men.
・Being aspec and having npd (quote the girl who yelled at me for that: "your npd made you aroace, you're just to selfish to commit to genuine love lol.").
・Not being lesbian.
・Not being pan.
・Saying that I support mspec gays/lesbians because it’s not my place to judge other people’s identities just because I may not fully understand them.
・Saying mspec, the multi spectrum, or multiromantic/multisexual (to include ply, pan, omni, bi, neptunic, uranic, and every other pluralian sexuality) instead of just bi.
・Saying that nonbinary people can present themselves as masculine, androgynous, neutral, or feminine as they want, and still be nonbinary.
・Literally just. wearing green eyeshadow????? (quote the person who yelled at me for that: “t hat's a lesbian color, bro, you're literally appropriating lesbian culture by that.")
・Presenting masculine.
・Using he/him pronouns.
・Referring to the D-Slur as tThe D-Slur (y'all want me to say a slur I can't reclaim?????).
・Saying that the og polyamory flag (the blue-red-black one with the yellow pi symbol in the middle) looks neat.
・Not using any of the new polyamory flags because I prefer the blue-red-black + pi symbol one.
・Asking if there’s a word for nonbinary people who are exclusively/only attracted to other nonbinary people.
・Hating non-men who fetishize achillean relationships.
・Being specifically Half-Asian and queer.
・Writing books about exclusively queer men/non-women, mostly to cope with trauma stuff (apparently if your writing doesn't consist of a trillion sapphics, two gay fathers that get three seconds of screentime, and the occasionally non-human nonbinary person, it's automatically bad writing???? Okay damn. Sorry for focusing on my own experiences, I guess?).
・Not necessarily wanting to get married or have a romantic/sexual relationship.
・Shipping two characters in a queerplatonic way instead of a sexual/romantic one.
・Headcanoning a popular fandom character as aroace.
・Mentioning aroallo people.
・Saying that straight asexuals and straights aromantics are LGBTQA+ since that's what the A stands for.
・Not being T4T (I just wanna love men in peace fuck off with your "but cis men are horrible!! 🥺🤢😱 Limit yourself to trans men because I said so!! 😤🤬🤬"-Bullshit).
・Using someone’s neopronouns.
・Supporting xenogender people.
・Headcanoning a canonically lesbian character as trans female.
・Saying that I want more representation of achillean, aroace, trans, and asexual men in media.
・Asking asking someone who knew I used he/him pronouns to not refer to me with they/them (like, girlie, that’s called misgendering).
・Mentioning that women can be aroallo.
・Saying that people who don’t label their genders/sexualities can be LGBTQA+ too.
・Saying that two pan women I know in reallife dating each other aren’t lesbians because... they’re both pan?
・Mentioning that queer men should always be welcome in queer spaces.
・Saying that amab nonbinary folks can be lesbian.
・Wanting to go on T.
・Jokingly referring to my tiddies and my pussy as boys.
And last but not least,
・Saying "people", "y'all", "esteemed guests", or "everyone present" instead of "ladies and gentlemen".
I dunno, homie, I actually do feel a little targeted here.
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apriceonemotion · 4 years
Larries Are a Problem: An Essay by a Former Larrie
I spent about seven years of my life believing in theories with vague proofs, not only referring to Larry Stylinson, but plenty of other ships of real life people. Even though I was only a child and young teenager for the majority of that time, that doesn’t excuse that me and plenty of other people, some older than me, were blindly believing and creating different theories about two men that didn’t know we existed. It’s fair to believe in whatever you believe in with the information that we are given in the public and I honestly do not have any hate for anyone in those years that fully believed in those theories that were created, however, there was a line being crossed that even I was blind to notice.
Before you start furiously typing at your keyboard to call me an “anti” or a “het” or even a “solo harrie” and that I’m the problem, read this in its completion. This is coming from someone that was once like you, but grew out of it and realized that things had gone a bit too far.
I think a line needs to be set into place when it comes to shipping real life people. There is a huge difference in believing that two people would look cute together and fetishizing them, analyzing every move they make, and turning every song lyric into a theory. You have to realize that these people have real lives and are real human beings, not characters from a television show that doesn’t exist in our world. The two of them have lives outside of the ones that they show publicly and it’s pretty obvious that they keep a lot of the information about their private lives, well, private. But when you skew that into hiding information from the public because they are being forced, that’s when things get out of hand. I have watched in the years that I had been a fan of this group: larries publicly harassing online (and even offline) the family members and friends of all those involved. Even now, as the Watermelon Sugar video had been released, larries bombarded livestreams of the models in the video asking if Louis had been on set, if Larry was real, and things of that nature. Not only questions, but telling family members and friends of the two horrible things, threatening some, and even making a few of them make their account private or just deleted all together (ahem, Xander). They even make them say “Larry” in livestreams in order to get a sliver of proof, which is a desperate attempt to be honest.
But worst of all is the girlfriends of both of them. I have watched Eleanor Calder grow from the moment she started dating Louis in the way beginning of One Direction being formed, but I have also sadly seen her every move, every facial feature, every body part being picked apart by larries on every platform she’s ever been on. To this day, she will innocently post a selfie of herself and I will see tweets and comments floating around saying that she doesn’t look like herself, she’s ugly, or she just simply doesn’t look good. Or that she’s trying too hard and everything she does is to cover something up, even if there is no proof of something going on. There was even a whole theory about her having a twin because she apparently looked too different in her pictures. The girl that Louis had a baby with, Brianna, is still shamed and made fun of daily, even if she is just simply posting pictures of the child they had together. They have no shame in telling women that they are ugly, that they are doing things for attention, all because they are linked to a man they think is in a secret gay relationship. 
The trend of larries bombarding the comments and replies of these girls must have a very bad effect on them. Eleanor Calder especially since she’s been with Louis for about ten years now (on and off but the harassment has definitely been consistent). (Some examples: here, here, here) They have picked apart the way that she smiles (or if she doesn’t), the way that she acts, what she wears, how she talks, and who she hangs out with. Not to mention she got literally jumped once. It’s almost borderline misogynistic the way that larries think that it’s okay to shame and make fun of women just to support their theories. Of course, not all larries, but a majority is too many. 
I have been called homophobic by larries online for the past few months whenever I speak up about me disagreeing with what they believe in, but why have they never turned the camera around and looked at themselves? A majority of larries are straight - I didn’t conduct an experiment to figure this out, it’s just that a lot that I see end up being straight - and use them being allies and their gay mutuals that also believe in Larry as their defense of them enjoying a gay ship. They’re just supporting gay people, right? Wrong. Louis has countlessly said that he is straight, no sense of homosexuality in his bones. It’s been argued that he has stereotypical characteristics of a gay man but that is legitimately just stereotyping to think that way. 
The only proof that I’ve ever been given is that he sits “like a gay man” or moves his body “like a gay man”, and that in itself is basically homophobic to think that a man doing anything feminine has to be gay. We live in a time that it’s becoming more acceptable to blur the lines of what is feminine and masculine and who can wear what - it doesn’t matter what a person defines themselves as, they can dress and do whatever they want without it being deemed feminine or masculine. So, when the only reasoning for placing a straight man as gay is the way that he walks, talks, and acts is forcing a sexuality just because of the stereotype that gay men are more feminine in those ways. 
There is no way that me not believing in two people being together is homophobic. Just because I say “Larry isn’t real”, that doesn’t mean I hate gay men? I don’t understand the logic. 
Let’s discuss the Watermelon Sugar video. This is the main thing that got me into making this post (and entire blog). The video is very sex positive - the themes of the 60s and 70s being implemented are very symbolic as that was a time of embracing sexuality. Harry’s video was very colorful, showed women in a non-fetishizing way, and was a huge thing for a lot of sapphics that watched the video. But, it was also a very attractive video, and people are allowed to believe that Harry is an attractive person and want to be with him (even if we know that it won’t happen). And because of that, a large amount of larries got angry that people even dared to thirst over Harry on Twitter. Not enjoying ‘thirst tweets’ is fine in retrospect, but many, and I mean many, larries were wishing death on anyone that did them, even calling them ‘sick in the head’, which can be incredibly offensive to people with any mental problems. They filled people’s replies with angry tweets, throwing TPWK at the end of them (as if that helps), and trying to make them feel disgusting for tweeting what they did.
 A tweet came out after the announcement video released joking about how even his walk is hot, and larries came in heavy accusing the OP of sexualizing everything he does.
These incidents don’t stop at just the video being released, it’s been going on for years. Think pieces saying “Harry has always been deemed as a womanizer his entire time of being in the spotlight, so don’t sexualize him every chance you get” come out whenever someone makes a joke about how sexy he is. They bring out the quote from Harry saying he doesn’t like being called a ‘sex symbol’ and use that against anyone that makes these ‘thirst tweets’ about him, claiming that he wouldn’t want to come back to social media because of people that do that. 
There is an entire series on Buzzfeed where celebrity men read ‘thirst tweets’ and laugh about the ones that are descriptive and strange. Every celebrity gets tweets about them being attractive and/or sexy, it’s a very normal thing for this to happen since no one expects the celebrity to ever see it. It’s basically word vomit that they post in no hopes for the person to see. 
Let’s turn the camera back to you guys now. The smutty fics, fan-art, and tweets about what you wish Larry would do together. Those are okay? It’s a double standard. Save the energy that is put on attacking harries for ‘thirst tweeting’ if you aren’t going to feel the same way when larries do the same thing. It’s even stranger when you go back to how I’ve said a lot of larries are straight. Finding it hot when gay men kiss and have sex when you’re a straight woman is fetishizing the idea of gay men and what they do in their personal and private sex lives. If you believe that men shouldn’t fetishize lesbians’ sex lives, then why do that to two men? 
When larries stop harassing other fans, family members and friends of both of them, and sending death threats to anyone that gives them a differing opinion, I’ll stop believing that they are one of the worst people on social media platforms. Harry and Louis could do anything, and there will be theories, comments, and arguments. Have you ever wondered why none of them even play with any of your ideas anymore? It has been ten years. Something should’ve happened by now, don’t you think? 
Their family members and friends shouldn’t be so sick of all of this that they get upset about it on lives, that they turn off their comments, that they don’t always feel comfortable being online. 
Again, I used to be one of them (I sincerely apologize), but I do not see how any of this behavior is okay. It’s been plaguing Twitter and Instagram for years now and I just want this to be a smack in the face that it isn’t okay to be this way. 
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name a more iconic duo than lightning farron and lesbianism. i'll wait.
i promised a post on how the lightning saga games highly imply and most likely intentionally imply lightning farron to be a lesbian, and here it is!
this will be prefaced with a brief note on the way lgbt content is handled in japanese society and media, which is essential to understanding all of this. in japanese society, acceptance of lgbt issues is tenuous in a strange way. while lgbt people are accepted in theory, in japanese society you are often expected to be at least relatively closeted, especially if you are in the public eye. business marriages between lesbians and gay men are not only common but are what is largely expected. this attitude is less common with younger people, but it is very prevalent in japanese media, especially video games and anime. the concept of “q*eerbaiting” in discussion of japanese media even gets complicated due to the fact that in much of japanese media, subtext is looked at the way that most of us would look at confirmed lgbt characters in western media. due to the complicated nature of how lgbt characters are handled in japanese media, the common western media argument of “this character is not lgbt because if they were they would be shown in a relationship with a character of the same gender or it would be directly mentioned” is not very valid in discussion of japanese media.
after that, now i will move on to actual discussions of the games themselves! 😊
-Final Fantasy XIII- -much of the proof in the first game of the lightning saga is the things always pointed out in discussion of evidence for the fang x lightning ship (flight, fangrai, whatever you want to call it). the difference in lightning’s interactions with fang and her interactions with every other character in the game, the romantic undertones there, the looks they exchange, the way that lightning’s pupils dilate when she looks at fang, pretty much everything about lightning’s interactions with fang. i have seen very few people in the final fantasy xiii fandom who try to argue that lightning is not at least sexually attracted to fang.
-in final fantasy xiii, there are two characters who are the personality archetype lightning would be attracted to, and those characters are fang and snow. fang and snow are both the same heroic protector type of character. lightning is obviously attracted to fang, and obviously not attracted to snow, even after she has accepted him as a friend but before she has accepted him as family. a scene in particular i will point to here is the scene in the estheim house where lightning talks to snow after he wakes up after being injured (before the fight with the psicom airship). snow is shirtless and is what most people who are attracted to men would consider to be extremely attractive at least sexually, and lightning does not notice or acknowledge this in any way, and as i have pointed out before, snow is precisely the sort of man lightning would be interested in if she were attracted to men, because in so many ways snow is male fang, and is the hero archetype that would be lightning’s “type”.
-Lightning Returns- -this game fucking ramps up alot of the gay, which is not exactly part of my argument but like oh goddess this game is a goldmine of proof for lesbian lightning. nearly every interaction lightning has with anyone in this game screams “socially awkward lesbian”.
-first of all, there is a massive contrast in this game between the way lightning interacts with women and the way lightning interacts with men. in every conversation with a woman, lightning is much more attentive than she is in her conversations with men. lightning often seems nearly interested in women’s troubles, where the troubles of men are listened to in a way that is much more “this is just my job” than “i maybe care”
-there is alot more with fang here, but it has all been discussed in depth in shipping conversations. lightning and fang’s constant flirting, the “it’s a date” line before fang leaves the dunes, the fact that lightning effectively starts to ask fang to go out on a date with her before fang tells her she is going to leave, lightning’s awkward intensified shyness during that conversation, etc.
-there is literally a quest in this game where lightning only agrees to go on a “date” with a man because he says he will pay for her meal at an expensive restaurant, and she spends the entire quest until he starts discussing his backstory complaining about him trying to be romantic instead of just buying her food and letting her eat. one of the lines in this quest is “i’m just here for the steak”. this is not the reaction of someone attracted to men.
-lightning is always obviously uncomfortable when heterosexual relationships are discussed unless the relationship reminds her of serah and snow’s relationship or can be related back to serah and snow. if lightning were attracted to men in any way, she would not be so obviously uncomfortable around straight and straight-passing romance. contrast this to lightning’s visible reactions to romantic dialogue and romantic gestures between fang and vanille. lightning is not uncomfortable around sapphic relationships, but is around straight-passing relationships.
-the dialogue with the ticket seller in yusnaan during the main quest is a big thing. (some slight paraphrase in the quote here because i am pulling from memory but the idea of the ticket seller’s dialogue is there and lightning’s line i know is correct. ticket-seller: what’s wrong? did your boyfriend break up with you? trust me, i know what a woman wants. lightning: you obviously don’t know me.
-also, the difference in the way lightning responds to fang’s flirting contrasted with the way she responds to hope’s flirting. lightning encourages fang’s flirting, and literally threatens hope over his flirting.
there are probably some more things i am forgetting from my playthroughs of the games, but those are the key points. if anyone would like more in-depth analysis, i am planning on doing a 100% run of lightning returns soon and could take notes, and i would not mind replaying xiii in the not too distant future. all of this was mostly pulled from memory of having played through the games recently. if you would be interested in some more in-depth thoughts, feel free to ask! 😊
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