#but for now they are mincing toward being friends
nadvs · 2 months
rafe x reader meeting eachother’s family ?? love the series !!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
thank you!! i got a few requests for this one, i hope y’all like it 🥰
based on this fic
» au masterlist
they decided it’s best to meet each other’s families right before he moves away to start training and playing basketball professionally. the timing works out well, considering they’ve been together for five months now and things are slowly getting more serious.
when rafe met her family, she could not believe he was even capable of being so polite. he shook hands. he asked questions. he even fake-laughed at jokes. he was charming as hell. and she teased him mercilessly for it.
“didn’t expect you to call my dad sir,” she mumbled with a small smile as he drove them out onto the street.
“i can’t afford to fuck up,” he replied with a shrug. the fact that he cared so much made her heart flutter.
now, a week later, they’re driving to rafe’s family house and she can’t believe how big the homes in his neighborhood are.
he had told her about how his dad owned a successful business. she knew he was well off based on how carelessly he throws money around, the opposite of most of their friends, who fit the cliche of poor students scraping by. but this? this is ridiculous.
“could’ve told me that you live in a mansion,” she says as the gate at the end of his driveway opens.
“okay. i live in a mansion.”
she nudges his shoulder and huffs a laugh.
when they step through the front door, she can tell rafe didn’t mince his words when he told her about his familial relationships. the way everyone greets him makes it clear he was telling the truth about everything.
his youngest sister, who he said he always had a soft spot for, throws her arms around him. his other sister only offers a nod of her head. apparently all they do is bicker.
his step-mom’s side hug is impersonal but polite. and rafe visibly stiffens when his dad approaches him, pulling him into a hug, patting his son’s back hard.
he told her all about how much he’s always tried to get his dad’s approval. that his sister usually got it without having to try, while rafe always struggled for it. she can tell her boyfriend is tense.
“congratulations are in order,” ward says, diving into conversation about draft night. then, because he just seems to love making his son feel less than, he mentions how the team he was drafted to hasn’t won a championship in a few years.
“but hey, maybe things will change this year,” his father adds.
she can’t hold herself back from interjecting.
“they will. they have a new team of coaches now. they’re making all kinds of improvements, including the rookies they signed,” she says. she forces a smile and offers a handshake, introducing herself.
rafe watches her with a smirk he can’t stifle. he was just about to introduce her, but she couldn’t help herself from butting in to bat for him. they have a lot in common, including how protective she is.
sure enough, after dinner, wheezie quietly mentions to rafe that she’s basically a girl version of him.
“you think so?” he mumbles.
“no kidding,” sarah says, overhearing. “except i actually like her.”
rafe watches his girlfriend drift towards a wall of photos, cocking her head as she looks at the images of him in different stages of his life.
“wow,” she mumbles when he comes up next to her.
“you’re playing basketball in like, all of these,” she says with a soft chuckle. “it was meant to be.”
he looks down at her. he know he’s grinning like an idiot because he notices rose close by, smiling at him like a proud parent.
afterwards, she goes to the restroom before they head out, and his step-mom turns to look at rafe the second she’s out of earshot.
“we like her,” rose says, her arm at the crook of ward’s elbow. “you seem happy.”
“i am,” rafe admits. he didn’t need their approval, but it feels really good to have it. it’s not a surprise to him, though. she was talkative and fun. she was likeable. she was herself.
“make good choices when you’re out there, son,” his dad says. “let us know if you need anything for the move.”
rafe nods. it’s bizarre how he’s taking such a big step, moving states away for an nba contract, yet he still feels like a kid when he’s here.
but then she comes back into the room and he feels like the self-assured man he knows he is.
they say their goodbyes and she breathes a breath of relief when she shuts the passenger door of his car.
“you good?” he laughs.
“that was so nerve-racking,” she admits.
“what?” she seemed totally cool and collected the whole time.
“the first thing i did was snap at your dad,” she says nervously. “i thought i blew it.”
“nah, everyone liked you,” rafe says. he turns the car on. “my sisters said that we’re the same person.”
the sentiment warms her heart.
“you’re really sweet with wheezie, by the way,” she says. “the guys would never believe it.”
“and they don’t have to,” he mumbles, feigning irritation. she laughs. he puts up a tough, intimidating front with his teammates. she sees right past it.
she leans over to kiss his cheek. she’s glad it went well. she sees a future with him. he sees one with her, too.
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lunagojo · 2 years
Various Anime Boys: Being Told "I love you" For the First Time (Part 4!)
Full disclaimer about this part, this is a partial revision of the first part, I decided to go more in depth with the first few guys I did :) I will continue to revise the rest of the boys I did in the first part <3 Please enjoy!
Featured: Satoru Gojo, Dabi / Touya Todoroki, Giyuu Tomioka
Warnings: Dabi being a bit rude
~ Part 1 ~ ~ Part 2 ~ ~ Part 3 ~ ~ Part 5 ~
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Satoru Gojo
(love of my life <3)
“Y/NNNNNNNNN. Let’s go do sooommmeeethinnnnngggg. This is boooooring.” Satoru whined, reclining on your couch.
“You’re the one who decided to come over when you knew damn well I’m working on my thesis, Satoru.” You replied, brows furrowed in concentration as you typed away at your desk. The deadline for your paper was fast approaching and you were stressed, to say the least. That much Satoru could tell.
He stretched himself out, long limbs dangling off the sides of the plush sofa. “Why d’you need to do this stuff anyway? All it does is stress you out n’ keep you away from me.”
You had been friends with Satoru for years now, having met him back when you worked at a cake shop. You had commented on how his spending there would finance your whole university tuition, and it had gone from there.
He was handsome, of course. But also funny, endearing, and so unbearably annoying. But he did have a heart of gold, you had to admit, and a very blunt manner of speaking to say the least. He didn’t mince words when it came to people he didn’t like, and that was something that you admired. He spent so much money on you, too; you couldn’t understand why. Satoru insisted that he was merely giving you what you deserved, but some of the gifts had been of the more sentimental and intimate variety, like the custom made locket necklace he had made for you, when you had mentioned your grandmother had one just like it.
Suffice it to say, you had feelings for him, strong ones. But a small part of you had doubts, which would creep up just when you had mustered the strength to tell him. Satoru Gojo was a beautiful, strapping young man, perfect in nearly every way. How could he ever see you as anything more than a friend?
You snorted. “If I don’t get this in I’ll fail and I’ll have to repeat the whole year, and that’ll set me back. I need to make something of myself, Toru.”
He rolled off the couch and strolled over to your desk, placing his hands on your shoulders. “What if you took a break though? Just for tonight? C’mon, I miss you.”
You looked over your shoulder to see glimmering big blue eyes peering at you, a soft pout on Satoru’s lips. “You’re such a child,” You sighed, but relented for now. After all, he was here and he was doing nothing but distracting you. And a break did sound nice. “Fine. What do you wanna do?” You asked, resting back in your desk chair.
“Something fun.”
“Iunno, let’s go out! Let’s see what’s playing at the theatre or if they got my favourite cake back in stock at the shop!” He pulled you out of your chair, grinning.
“Oh, of course.” You rolled your eyes, but you did enjoy seeing him smile. He was annoying as hell, but you had to admit…it was kinda cute. You stood, going to grab your keys. “Or, we could go stock up on snacks, find some dumb movies, come back here and stay up til 4 AM.” You suggested with a smile. Satoru’s smile widened and he grasped your hand eagerly.
“Yes! You’re a genius, Y/N! Let’s go!” He started to pull you toward the door.
“Hah, I love you, Satoru, you dork.”
He froze in place, looking back at you with huge eyes. “Wha?”
You blinked. “What?”
“You said you love me.”
“I did?” You looked confused.
“Yeah, you did.” He turned and smooshed your cheeks in his palms. “Do you mean it? You’re not just pulling my leg, are you? ‘Cause that would be beyond cruel, Y/N. I have a heart too, y’know!”
You chewed on your lip, heat rising in your face. You did love him. He was an idiot, but you didn’t want him to be anyone else’s idiot. Slowly you nodded, placing a hand over one of his.
His blue eyes softened and he leaned in, resting his forehead against yours. “Tell me again.” He murmured.
“I love you, Satoru Gojo.” You replied in a whisper, your eyes half-lidded but still locked on his.
Without second thought his lips met yours and he kissed you tenderly, his fingers tucking through your hair. You swore you could hear his heart thudding in his chest. When he pulled away, hesitantly, he smiled and grabbed your hand again.
“Dunno if we’re gonna be watching all too much of the movies,” He said with a wiggle of his brows. “But we can still try, I’m a good multitasker.” He looked back at you, his grin widening. “And, in case it wasn’t obvious, Y/N, I love you, too. I always have.”
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Dabi / Touya Todoroki
(I love him sm, he deserved so much better... :( )
You were busy doing your university homework when you heard a tap on your window. Yep, it was 3 AM, about that time. Without hesitation you got up and went to the window, sliding it open.
Hazy blue eyes met yours as booted feet landed on the floor. “Thought you were gonna leave me out here to fuckin’ freeze.” Dabi said, grumbling as he maneuvered his way in.
“I came here as soon as I heard you,” You argued back. Never a thank you from Dabi, even though he had been crashing at your place for the past six months. You both had met almost a year ago, when the League of Villains had crossed your path on your way home from work one night. Their leader, some guy with a hand on his face, wanted to kill you in case you were gonna narc on them, but for some reason, a couple of the others in the group had stopped him. Dabi wouldn't stop staring at you that night.
Since then he'd show up at your place every night around 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. He claimed it was because the cops and heroes would never suspect him to be hiding out in a random civilian's home, but you were somewhat suspicious of the validity of that. After all, he'd said it'd only be for a couple weeks and here you were six months later.
“Is your hot water back on again?” He asked casually, kicking off his boots. “I fuckin’ smell.”
“What kind of trouble did you get up to tonight?” You asked, wrinkling your nose. “You smell like a lawnmower.”
Dabi snorted. “None of your damn business, brat.” His words were harsh but his tone was almost tired. “Is it on again or not?”
You nodded, “Yeah, it's on. Washed the clothes you left the other night, too.”
Once again, not a thank you in sight as he went off to your bathroom, shutting the door behind him. You sighed. What were you doing? Why were you going to all this trouble for someone like him? You could just as easily lock your window and cut him off, but you didn't want to. A part of you felt that he needed someone to help him, be there for him. You could tell it was hard for him to show any sort of emotion other than gruff and bothered…and you could sense he had more pain and heartbreak than most people realized.
You went back to work on your homework, quietly writing away in your notebook. You tried to ignore the sound of the bathroom door opening and Dabi walking down the hallway.
Warm breath fanned across the back of your neck suddenly and you shivered in response.
“Why do you bother with this crap?” Dabi asked, leaning over your shoulder. He smelled like your body wash. You tried to hide the telltale blush growing on your face.
“Counter question. Why are you here, Dabi? It's been six months.”
“You know why, dumbass.”
You turned in your seat. “You're here every night now, you use my shower, sleep on my couch, eat my food, and I don't get any sort of appreciation or even a thank you. I'm harboring a fucking criminal in my apartment and you don't seem to be bothered.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “Yknow I could ask the same of you. Why do you keep letting me in, then? Washing my clothes, too, getting me those snacks I told you I like…why do you fuckin seem to care so much?!”
“Because I'm in love with you!” You blurted suddenly, hands balled into fists.
Dabi stood there, stunned. He rubbed the back of his neck. “You really are nuts, then.”
You breathed out a laugh, tears stinging your eyes. Turning back to your work, you tried to focus on your writing again. “Just leave me alone, Dabi.”
“Nah, don't think I will.” A hand slid along your shoulder. “Put that shit away and look at me, for God's sake.”
With a heavy sigh, you did as he said, only to be met with rough lips on yours. A sound of surprise escaped your throat but you melted into the kiss, fingers finding Dabi's damp black hair.
“There's a million places I could hide out,” he said against your mouth. “But I keep coming back here. Something pulls me back every time. I've never felt what love is, brat, but when I think of what it must feel like, I think of you.”
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Giyuu Tomioka
(T_T i just wanna hug him and give him the love he deserves)
You had never seen Giyuu smile in the time you had known him. You two were close friends, but time spent with the Water Hashira was quiet and tranquil. You knew it was just the way he was, and didn’t mind it, but you had begun to wonder if he ever smiled at all. In the time that you had known each other, you had formed a deep bond and understanding of one another. It took you a long time to realize that you had feelings for him, but you could never tell him. It would ruin everything you both already had.
You two were returning from a mission one night, battered and exhausted from the fight you had just endured, and were intent on finding some place to sleep for the night. Ubuyashiki’s mansion and the Butterfly Manor were too far away, so it seemed like the only option for you both was to find an inn to rest in for the night, and then you could return properly the next morning.
You both finally found a place to stay for the night, but the owner of the inn charged you two an exorbitant amount of yen to stay. Giyuu huffed and, irritated, paid the man, before leading the way to your room silently. He had been dead silent the whole time you had traveled back, and this time, you were worried. Normally he would ask if you were okay or if you needed anything, but this time he was quiet.
“…Are you serious?” Giyuu asked, to nobody in particular, when he opened the sliding door. Only one futon.
You looked over his shoulder at the room and sighed. You had been looking forward to just going to bed after the hell you two had been through.
Giyuu sighed and ran a callused hand over his face, his blue eyes narrowed.
You glanced at him. “…Giyuu…You take the futon, I can just…figure something else out.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, “What?”
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor after what we just went through. We’ll just have to…sleep together, I suppose.” He looked away quickly, a small blush on his face.
“Sleep together?”
“Not…not like that,” He replied quickly, his face turning from pink to full-blown red. “Just…just sleeping. Beside each other.”
“If you’re okay with that, Giyuu, then I am.” You offered him a small smile, momentarily placing a hand on his arm as you entered the room. He was incredibly tense.
You both bathed first, one at a time, then returned to the room. Giyuu had gone first, and when you came back, he was perched on the futon, his haori and Demon Slayer Corps uniform folded neatly on the floor with his nichirin sword laid atop. He still had his underclothes on, but his torso was bare. You paused, studying his bare back and the various scars that adorned his pale skin. Your heart hurt when you suddenly realized how much Giyuu must have been through. Was that why he was so quiet, and distanced himself from everyone else?
“You’re letting all the cold in,” Giyuu said suddenly, startling you.
“Oh. Right. Sorry…” You quickly shut the sliding door behind you, setting your own clothing down on the floor before crawling under the thick comforter and settling on the futon. It felt heavenly to finally rest your weary, sore muscles.
Giyuu watched you for a moment before following your lead, settling in beside you. His blue eyes scanned your face.
“…What?” You asked, “Did I miss a spot of dirt on my face or something?”
“No,” Giyuu replied, a small tinge of pink rising in his face.
“I’m…going to sleep. Goodnight, Y/N.” He said quietly, starting to roll onto his other side, so he would be facing away from you. You caught him by the arm, however, stopping him.
“…Have you been doing okay, lately? You’re way quieter than usual…I’m getting a bit worried about you.” You told him, your eyes meeting his again.
The Water Hashira sighed, “…I’ve been thinking.”
“Me?” You looked surprised. “Why?”
“…Because you terrify me.” He replied, and if you hadn’t seen the look on his face you would have thought he was joking.
“It…doesn’t matter. Let’s just go to sleep, okay.” He sighed, closing his eyes.
Something came over you then. You didn’t know what it was, but you acted without really thinking it through first. Your hands cupped his face and you gently kissed him. It only lasted for a moment, but when you pulled away, Giyuu was looking at you with wide, stunned eyes.
His mouth moved, trying to form words, but nothing came out. “Wha…”He finally gasped out. “Why’d you…”
“…Because I love you, Giyuu. And I didn’t want to say anything because I was worried that it would ruin everything, and I’m sorry if it has, I just couldn’t—” You were cut off by another kiss, one instigated by him this time.
You gazed at him in surprise.
“You terrify me,” Giyuu said, holding your face in his hands. “Because I feel things for you that have been foreign to me for so long. I was…too afraid to say anything.” His lips pulled into a small but genuine smile. The first smile you had ever seen from him.
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
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skepsiss · 9 months
It's Snowing in Hawkins; Winter Exchange - Batboys
Here is my fic for the BatBoys Winter Exchange! @batboysxprompts I hope whoever submitted this request is pleased with what I wrote. I was a little liberal with the suggestion, but I think I followed along with Eddie's competitive streak like they wanted. I hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: This is all fluff. Steve goes over to visit Eddie during a heavy snow in Hawkins and gets roped into helping him build a snow fort. Both of them have been inching toward a romance for months now, and Steve adores how innocent and young their relationship feels. It’s the start of something real tonight, and it makes Steve feel brilliantly happy. 
Season: Winter
Quote: The kids at the trailer park are having a snowman competition. Eddie joins in to one up them
Song: My Chemical Romance - "Every Snowflake is Different (just like you)"
AU/Place: Trailer park
Rating: T Words: 3,609 CW: Aggressive/degrading language toward the poor, slightly mature language/themes, mention of skin grafts/scaring, mention of mobility challenges from injuries
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It’s snowing in Hawkins, and the fat, fluffy flakes caught on the windowpanes and the aspens of Mirkwood. Four children roam the deep fields of Forest Hills Trailer Park, gathering snow and shrieking their laughter skyward. The end of winter break is but a week away and time must be utilized well or be lost. A fifth joins them and the festivities begin. 
It’s late afternoon and the sun is already starting its slow descent over the little town of Hawkins. It gets dark, fast, in the wintertime in Indiana, and the chill becomes biting as the wind rolls off the Appalachian mountains. 
Steve had gotten used to this kind of cold; he had grown up in it after all, and despite the foot of snow he had still decided to trudge his way toward the trailer park. It wasn’t smart to drive in this kind of weather, and really, Steve lived fairly close to the park if he wasn’t being lazy. His proximity to ‘Mirkwood’ had been a black stain on his mind ever since Barb’s death–before that as well. His father had always hated the fact that their property backed up onto public land and just anyone could walk into their yard. That had been a point of contention in the Harrington household, even though Steve quietly noted that his father never went ahead and put up a fence. Likely, it had just been something for his father to complain about, and his intentions to erect a barrier between himself and ‘those varmints in their mobile homes’ had been all for show in the end.  
It was convenient for Steve now, though, since he could walk out his back door and to Eddie’s house in ten minutes flat—a bit more with all this snow.
Steve had never lived this close to a friend before, and it made impromptu visits that much easier. It also spoke to what lengths Steve was willing to go despite only being ‘friends’ with Eddie. 
They had started hanging out nearly a year ago now—just three more months, and it would be spring break again, even if Steve quietly dreaded the second coming of the holiday. Nothing had happened since March of ‘86 though, and Steve was finally starting to believe that the ‘other shoe’ wasn’t going to drop after all. He had been proven wrong before, though, if Halloween of ‘84 said anything about the pattern of these supernatural pains in the neck. 
He was optimistic though… if only because he was willing it.
After the trauma of spring break, it had been difficult (like it always was) to fall back into routines. He had watched Eddie struggle the most with that and while his injuries had been nothing to sniff at, once he was stitched up and given some blood so he wasn’t going to die from blood loss he was… fine. The wounds had scarred, of course, and Eddie had more scars than wounds because they had needed a skin graft for the larger bites. It was sort of difficult to stitch someone back together when their skin was minced like that—or at least that was what Dustin had crudely explained. 
Robin had asked him last week when he was going to stop flirting and actually do something about it. 
Eddie had struggled, and Steve had found it was easier to talk to Eddie than it had been to speak to most of the others, with all this Upside Down crap.
Robin was fantastic—he adored Robin, and he talked to her more than anyone, but he never felt like he was quite on her level when it came to compartmentalizing all the trauma. The kids were the same way; they were all so smart, and they could puzzle away or focus on their nerd hobbies to distract themselves from the abuse. Steve on the other hand… Steve’s hobbies allowed for far too much space to think, so it was hard to escape the memories.
Eddie, similarly, seemed unable to just quietly shut up and focus on something. It came at him like waves, and Steve had noticed that he had been distracting himself almost as much as Steve needed. Maybe he was lying to himself about that, though. Maybe he was just making up excuses to be around Eddie because he had found—after everything was said and done—that he really enjoyed spending time with the Freak. 
Steve hadn’t been such a dunce not to realize that he had feelings for Eddie, but his feelings felt so juvenile compared to how he usually reacted around women. It felt innocent and ephemeral in a way that reminded him of being thirteen. It was all small touches and little smiles, and Eddie seemed to fall into step with that behaviour easily. Eddie was older than him… but in a lot of ways he seemed less mature. That, in turn, made Steve want to slow everything down, too. 
He’d bob and Eddie would weave, and they’d sit and watch movies together without saying a word about the fact that Eddie’s feet were propped in Steve’s lap. Or they’d go for a swim and all they would do was smile when they touched hands on the pool edge.
It was just so goddamn innocent… and Steve found himself liking the slow roll of whatever this was. He wasn’t exactly convinced that Eddie liked him back that way—Eddie was a physical guy with everyone, but he didn’t seem to pause and consider his contact with everyone like he did with Steve.
Or so Steve liked to think.
Steve rounded on the trailer park and shivered slightly as he brought his shoulders up to his ears. The forest was less densely packed with snow than the open field of the trailer park, and he struggled a bit until he made it to a worn footpath through the snow. He started getting a view of the open expanse beyond the mobile homes, and he stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walked.
Steve heard the laughter before he saw them, but as he made his way toward Eddie’s trailer, he could see some of the kids traipsing through the snow and rolling snowballs. He paused and watched them—Max, Lucas, Mike, and Eleven—and smiled a bit at how carefree they looked.
Max of course was struggling to move through the snow, but she was making the best of it and was commanding Lucas to do the heavy lifting while she took frequent breaks. Comparatively, Mike was taking it slow and stopping to explain exactly how to pack and roll the snow properly to Eleven, instructing her on snowman building.
“You’re doing it all wrong, Wheeler!”
Steve paused as he walked up the first step of the Munson’s trailer, and then hesitated as he caught snippets of conversation.
“It’s not dry enough snow for that, you’ve got to squeeze with the body!”
Steve could recognize that diction anywhere, and he stepped to the side of the trailer to see Eddie pointing at Mike and Lucas. They all seemed to be having fun, but there was definitely an air of combativeness to the scene.
“What’re you guys up to?” Steve asked, feeling like a dad talking like that to all of them.
They all turned, and Steve couldn’t help but smile at the way Eddie beamed at him. 
“Good, good,” Eddie was saying before he said hello as he walked over to Steve.
Steve half waved as Lucas raised a hand to him, only for Max to scold him for losing momentum and letting the snowball he was rolling crack.
“You can help me out,” Eddie declared as he grabbed Steve by his forearm and started pulling him into the field.
“We’re building snowmen,” Eleven said happily, smiling at Steve as she helped Mike lift one of the large balls to place on top of another.
“Or at least we are,” Mike added as he looked toward the pile that Steve was currently being pulled toward.
“Shut your pie-hole, Wheeler. This’ll be a feat of engineering,” Eddie hissed, letting go of Steve and then handing him an empty bucket.
“Yeah, sure,” Max condescended, turning to focus on her own snowman.
Steve stood there a bit dumbfounded as Eddie picked up a small trowel and handed that over as well.
Eddie was doing that thing where he was so focused he forgot that not everyone thought the same way as him. Usually, Steve found it endearing—and he did right now as well—but he was equally confused and Eddie seemed to want him to be doing something.
“Uh…” Steve said quietly, looking at the bucket and the shovel he was now holding. “What am I doing with these?”
Eddie only took a moment to pause and look at him before continuing his work.
“I’m making a snow-dome, Steve,” Eddie said distractedly, “I need snow.”
“Igloo,” Lucas corrected as he rolled a large snowball past them.
“It’s not an igloo!” Eddie declared. “First of all, it’s not ice, and second of all, it isn’t fucking square-ass blocks. Snow-dome, you twat. Steve! I need snow.”
Steve flinched slightly, not really expecting to be put to work so quickly upon arrival. He moved, though, choosing a relatively large patch of snow to start digging.
“No—” Eddie chastised, trudging over to him and pointing farther west. “Grab the snow from out there. And I need you to pack it in, man. Like, really pack it. I’ll assemble, you can… dig or whatever.”
Steve sighed but did as he was told, he walked farther into the field and started to scoop and shovel the snow into the bucket before bringing it back over to Eddie.
“So… why are we doing this?” Steve asked as he was handed an empty bucket and shooed away.
“Said I couldn’t…” Eddie muttered, concentrating again as he plunked down the full bucket of snow and began making the base of his ‘snow-dome.’
“Before…” Eddie muttered, focusing. “It’s a contest, man.”
He wasn’t explaining much, and Steve didn’t press the subject as he diligently scooped up snow and brought it back to Eddie until he was sweating from the effort. Eventually, he was told to stop and was sent toward the woods to gather ‘tinder’ for Eddie’s elaborate plan to thatch his snow-dome so it was more structurally sound. 
Really, Steve didn’t get it or understand Eddie’s vision, but he didn’t protest. It was a touch annoying to be trudging around in the snow though when he had expected to walk over here and share cocoa and maybe curl up on the couch with Eddie. He had been much more snugly with the cold weather and had started commenting freely on how warm Steve was. It was true, but it also felt like an excuse so they could press up against each other ‘innocently.’
“You’re not even close to being done,” Max said as she pressed two rocks into the head of her snowman.
Max and Lucas plodded inside, and Steve watched as the trailer lights came on. 
Mike and Eleven were almost finished with their snowman as well, but Eleven seemed to be struggling with what she wanted to do with the face.
“You can’t rush perfection!” Eddie hollered as he began to leisurely weave the sticks Steve brought back into the ‘wall’ of his snow-dome.
“Perfection, sure,” Max said with a roll of her eyes. “Well, I’m freezing my ass off, so I’m going in. Come on, Lucas. We can judge the snowmen and the ‘snow-dome’ from the window.” 
Max’s mom must be working late again and though she would never complain, Steve knew that Max still struggled to do basic tasks around the house like prepping meals and cleaning. He could see Lucas readily putting a pot of water on the boil though and seeing to her needs. 
“So, what kind of contest is this?” Steve asked as he knelt in the snow with Eddie and began handing him sticks as he wove.
“Snowmen building,” Eddie answered simply, obviously concentrating.
“Well, this is the weirdest snowman I’ve ever seen,” Steve commented, looking up at the walls of Eddie’s snow-dome and wondering just how high he was planning to make it.
“No, well, obviously it’s not,” Eddie corrected, sounding annoyed that Steve didn’t understand. “The kids were building snowmen, and making a kind of contest about it, and I was going to show them up on that too, but… I don’t really remember how we got onto the topic, but one of those twerps said something about building a fort out of snow would be impossible, so it was like challenge accepted and boom, snow-dome.”
Steve listened quietly as he lazily handed over sticks to Eddie; well, at least he seemed energized by it and Steve didn’t really mind helping out, but it was starting to get dark already. How long were they going to be at this?
“We’re going in, Eddie,” Mike declared as he held Eleven’s hand and led her toward Max’s trailer. “You’re welcome to join when you finish.”
Mike seemed a bit awkward as he hovered, obviously not wanting to leave Eddie out here and wanting his attention. Eddie wasn’t even looking at him though and waved Mike off without a second thought.
“Yeah, later, Wheeler,” Eddie replied, waving over his shoulder at the teen.
“Bye, Steve,” Eleven said, waving at him. “I’m sure you can join too.”
Steve waved back lightly, smiling a bit forcefully at the teens. He appreciated the invite, but it felt a bit awkward to accept, plus, he had come over to spend time with Eddie.
“I need more snow,” Eddie declared, standing up as he started to pack the snow around the stick frame he had built. “We’re like… thatching this bitch. If we get it about—so—high, then we can start curving it inward to create the dome part. It’ll be more like a tapered cylinder, like a watch tower, but it’ll work.”
“Right,” Steve grunted as he stood up, grabbed the bucket again, and walked out into the snowy field. “I’ll be back then, Mr. Architect.”
Steve assisted diligently and didn’t complain as he brought back bucket after bucket full of snow and then stopped to help Eddie pack it all together. Eventually, Eddie was kneeling inside the dome and Steve was on the outside so they could sandwich the snow together and make it stick better.
It was nearly pitch black by the time they finished; it had stopped snowing a while ago, and the sky was clear enough to show the stars and the moon above. Their work was only being illuminated by the moon and the dim light coming from people’s trailers, but it left everything feeling rather private, and nostalgic.
“We gotta leave a hole at the top to let the air out,” Eddie declared, carefully packing the snow into place. Honestly, it looked like it was working and while Steve couldn’t say how long the walls would stay up, Eddie had succeeded in making a snow-dome. 
“Wanna check it out?” Eddie asked as he ducked down and looked at Steve through the small opening in the side of his dome.
“Uhh… sure,” Steve said, before crawling through the entrance. “Make room, wide-load.”
He was teasing of course because Eddie was ridiculously thin and all he really had to do was move over to the side to let Steve in.
“See?” Eddie indicated, gesturing around the dome, before laying on his back.
Steve mirrored Eddie’s position and lay beside him as he stared up at the ceiling of the dome.
“This better not fall on me,” Steve said lightly, having to adjust awkwardly and stick his feet out of the entrance in order to fit.
“Enjoy yourself for once, Harrington,” Eddie teased, before sighing and looking up through the hole in the roof.
It was pretty to look at, even if they only had a small window. You could make out the blackness of the sky and the little pinpricks of light dotting across the expanse, creating a sort of telescope effect.
Really, the only thing Steve could properly appreciate at the moment was being able to rest for the first time since he got here.
He glanced at Eddie, though, who was staring at the sky and breathing calmly—the little puffs of vapour floating away from his lips—a slight smile on his face. He looked peaceful—happy, too. Steve didn’t get to see Eddie pause all that often, and it was nice to see him enjoying the fruits of his labour.
“Thanks for helping out,” Eddie said idly, not looking away from the sky. He dropped his hand slowly and nudged up against the back of Steve’s hand.
“Yeah… of course,” Steve replied, finishing the motion and taking Eddie’s hand to hold. He returned his gaze to the roof, looking at the darkness and the moon that was slowly inching into view.
The two of them grew quietly again, and Steve could feel his sweat slowly starting to chill his body. They should head in soon, but it felt terribly romantic to be out here together now that they had finished Eddie’s snow-dome.
“Steve?” Eddie said suddenly, his voice quiet and distant sounding.
“Yeah, Eddie?” Steve asked, rolling his head to look at Eddie again. He was still staring up through the ceiling, but his smile had faded, and instead, he looked thoughtful as he breathed slowly. Even in the dull light, Steve could tell that his nose was red from the chill and snow had clumped in parts of his hair. He looked young… and there was a wanderlust to him that Steve envied. He liked looking at Eddie when he wasn’t moving around so frantically—the pause always made him look like an artist, and Steve found himself drawn to that. This contemplation that Steve didn’t think he had ever experienced for himself, but that he valued more than anything in others. 
“Do you like me?” Eddie asked, his tone quiet but lacking fear. They were still holding hands and Steve didn’t feel intimidated at all by answering him; they’d been inching toward this anyway, they just hadn’t said it out loud yet.
“… yeah,” Steve answered back, watching as Eddie slowly rolled his head so they were looking at one another.
Steve squeezed his hand and Eddie smiled, looking positively brilliant as he lay there.
“Me too,” Eddie sighed, which made Steve’s breath hitch slightly. It wasn’t always that Eddie looked so happy, and Steve felt softhearted being in the presence of Eddie’s bliss like this. 
Steve reached over slowly with his free hand and touched Eddie’s cheek, stroking along his jaw. It felt right to do this now, and Eddie seemed to have much the same idea as he rolled onto his side and let Steve guide him.
They both scanned each other’s expressions as Steve drew Eddie in closer, their noses brushing together first as Steve felt the sting of cold against his skin. Eddie seemed to be transfixed by him, and Steve could feel the world stopping around them as he sunk into the moment. It felt innocent and romantic, and Eddie seemed to hesitate not out of denial, but out of uncertainty. As if he wasn’t sure what to do at this point now that they were here.
Steve smiled lightly at that and closed the distance between them, kissing Eddie softly as he felt the other man draw in a breath. It was still cold out, but Steve felt a bloom of heat against his skin as their lips met and Steve guided them into a slow roll of their tongues.
At every junction, Eddie seemed to hesitate and then follow suit, marking his actions as inexperienced and timid. That felt like a paradox for Eddie, but Steve didn’t mind as he smiled into the contact and squeezed Eddie’s other hand with his.
They parted eventually, despite Steve staying tucked in close. He could hear Eddie breathing a bit hard as they continued to watch one another quietly.
“Was that…” Steve asked, swiping Eddie’s bangs out of his face. “Your first kiss?”
As if to answer him, Steve saw Eddie’s face turn beet red as he ducked down and away from Steve. He was hiding, and Steve felt his chest explode with adoration at the action.
“Shut up,” Eddie mumbled, hiding as he pressed his forehead against Steve’s chin.
Steve had to close his eyes from how adorable it was. How Eddie had rendered him positively smitten and made Steve’s whole body light up like a Christmas tree.
“Was it bad?” Eddie asked, sounding incredibly small as he continued to hide.
“No,” Steve sighed, sounding almost dreamy as he slid his hand to Eddie’s back and soothed him slightly. “No… just… gentle.”
Steve wasn’t sure how else to describe the contact, and he wouldn’t press Eddie on it any further, but judging from this very likely being Eddie’s first kiss… that probably also meant he was a virgin. A twenty-year-old metal head that was supposed to be the scourge of the devil himself… and Eddie had never so much as kissed someone before.
Steve pulled in a breath to steady himself, his entire body tingling with affection as he held Eddie and just let them lay there in the snow.
“Can we go in?” Eddie asked, still sounding shy. “I’m freezing my ass off out here.”
Steve chuckled and let go of Eddie, rolling onto his back again.
“Yeah, course,” he offered, sighing happily and stealing one last look at the moon before shifting onto his knees and crawling out of the snow fort. 
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helslastangel · 4 days
Amerie Wadia (Heartbreak High) - Astro Character Theory
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Right so judging from Reddit, Amerie is no one's favorite, but I don't really care.
I kinda like her and I think people are way too hard on her compared to the others. She's a selfish brat half the time-but so are the rest of her friends and nearly everyone in that school except for Ca$h and usually Quinni.
At least, as far as I've seen for now.
I've got one episode left in season 2 though, so I'm pretty sure of my position lol).
But that's not my fight today
I just want to analyse her potential sun, moon and mercury based on an (unconfirmed and hypothetical) chart.
The only character (tmk) in Heartbreak High with a fully confirmed birth date so far is Harper (Nov 21, 2005).
Amerie's sun sign (Virgo) is confirmed but there is NO CONFIRMED birthdate. I repeat: WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING. Everything I'm about to say is just speculation based on clues and hunches. Save the tears for another day.
We can reasonably guess that she's the same age as Harper, +-1 a year.
Someone put forward a theory that her birthday is September 4, 2005 and I'm going to roll with that one for two reasons.
Beyonce's birthday is Sept 4th and, to me, Amerie has the same preoccupied, "in my own world" energy that Queen B does.
As a Virgo myself who has been close with Virgos of all decans, I would not put Amerie in the 3rd decan at all if I had to guess. 1st could work-maybe. But the 2nd makes the most sense to me, as it influenced by Saturn & Capricorn, which I see a lot of in her approach and response to certain things (like trying to head out and work through moments that she should ABSOLUTELY spend resting. I'm not spoiling THAT scene, but IYKYK). She seems to deal with a lot of karmic stuff too, so there is that.
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Again: there is no confirmed birth date. I hate when people don't read and jump to lose it in the comments, so I'm emphasizing that this is all just for fun. Amerie is a fictional character.
The actress herself (Ayesha Madon) is an Aquarius. But it's acting. Acting professionals are literally masters of not acting like themselves if they want to.
Virgo Sun (11°)
With her sun at an Aquarius degree, Amerie identifies with her friend group and social communities more than you might expect from a stereotypical Virgo. She strives to develop the humanitarian side of her character.
She also makes an effort to get better at considering the big picture and the wider impact of everyone's actions, despite her natural tendency to get bogged down in the weeds of whatever she's involved with or working on.
Virgo Moon (14°)
While Amerie seeks emotional fulfilment in being useful/valuable to the people around her, with her moon at a Taurus degree she also holds a phenomenal amount of space for others, both emotionally and in a practical sense too.
You see this in how quick she is to set up a comfortable environment and make lots of room for her friends, especially if given the opportunity to help them in some way.
Leo Mercury (28°)
Amerie speaks in a direct and simple manner-she doesn't really mince words or try to present herself as someone she's not. Whatever she says is either exactly what it sounds like, or not to far from it. But we notice that she has a way of being blunt yet also compassionate, especially towards those who actually need it.
With her Leo Mercury being at a Cancer degree, some of her fire is watered down which can make her appear to second-guess herself or lack conviction at times. Mostly it works to make her come across as more likeable than she might be otherwise.
Maybe I'll look at the other placements later, but I'm curious about what others think about this.
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magadauthan · 5 months
Ep 24: Sin
@trigun98watchparty Knives emerges from his Plant bulb and begins his endgame. It's unclear to me whether it took him that long to recover fully from the beating he took in July, or whether he just prefers hanging out in his light socket when he's not ranting at Legato about causing Vash eternal pain.
(gonna try to get two of these done today so I don't miss the Ep 25 party haha)
--Legato rides in NML's version of a Cinderella coach, are you fucking kidding me, you blue-haired drama queen
--Chapel might be a GHG, but being forced to shoot his star pupil in the back is a bridge too far. Kudos to him for getting a dig in at Knives before he's obliterated.
--Meanwhile, Midvalley is wondering what he's done with his life; all he wanted to do was play sax and now he's signed his life away to a homicidal, psychotic blond guy with terrible fashion sense.
--Vash is trying. He's trying so damn hard, and his usual tricks aren't working. Life goes on around him, with ordinary people enjoying their ordinary lives, which is everything he ever wanted, and instead he's alone again with his best friend dead and his brother's henchmen dogging him at every turn.
--Meryl asked, and for his own reasons, Vash told her. He thought she'd finally give up and let him go, and then she and Milly would be safe. He'd rather her be alive in the world without him than put at risk by being with him. He couldn't protect WW, who was armed and dangerous and more than capable of handling himself. Little Meryl, with her little derringers, doesn't have a chance.
--And Vash tells her everything. Having all those scenes from his childhood in the montage leads me to believe that he's not mincing words to her about what he is and where he came from. Maybe, in a roundabout way, it was a challenge - would you, could you still accept me, knowing what I am? (Yes.)
--Milly needs Meryl. Milly pushes back, out of enormous love for her senpai, for WW, and for Vash. The time is coming, and soon, where Vash is going to need someone who loves him for who he is, no matter what he is. Milly is grieving terribly, but she knows that with WW dead and gone for the crime of believing in Vash, Vash is in a worse place than ever. It's come to do or die for Vash, and he's becoming inclined towards the latter option.
--The fight with Midvalley is... kinda boring. It doesn't add a whole lot to the story except another mini-boss. Again, Orange, if you use him, please do something memorable with the big pimpin' jazz guy besides having him soliloquize.
--You do get a feeling that Midvalley isn't doing this because he wants to. He signed on for the health benefits because the jazz club wasn't paying enough, and now he's embroiled in a fight to the death with Vash the Stampede. (the "oh, shit" face he makes when meeting Knives says to me that he didn't think Knives was ever going to show up for reals.) Sucks, dude.
--No matter how much Vash pleads, it's not going to make a difference to a nihilist like Legato. Vash can hold a gun at him - Legato knows he's bluffing. Vash can try to appeal to Legato's humanity - but Knives has been in there messing around with his psyche so much that Legato genuinely hates his own humanity.
--One bullet. One shot, and it all stops, and all it took was for Legato to massacre thousands of innocents, kill Vash's best friend, threaten the girls, and insult Vash's mother to his face.
--It's a lie, of course. Knives isn't done. Knives will never be done.
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cresneta · 1 year
Chapter 85
Now that I'm not mentally hungover from watching a certain 3 hour movie that released recently directly after reading the chapter, here's a longer post on chapter 85.
Just to preface this - this is just my theory, and there are some pretty big ifs here, so I could big wrong about this. Also I put forth some negative opinions for Nightfall towards the end, so hardcore fans of her may want to skip this post.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think Nightfall is going to be out of the picture for a while after this arc. However, I think the are a few more reasons why this makes sense for the narrative than just her injuries.
Endo just introduced a new named female character: Chloe ( I'll admit this is possibly my weakest point on this)
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By ushering out Nightfall for a bit, Endo frees up some space explore her character and her relationship with Yuri. While he could have done this with Nightfall around, people do tend to get annoyed if too many chapters go by between major arcs and Nightfall leaving for a bit will allow Chloe to take the chapter slots that Nightfall normally would have taken while Endo establishes Chloe's character.
Endo has also been showing interest in progressing Yuri's character arc of late and one way or another Chloe could end up helping him with that. Part of that arc will likely include Yuri getting over being a siscon. While I think there's a decent chance that Chloe will become a love interest for Yuri, I could also see her just being the sort of friend to him who is willing smack him up the side of the head with the cold hard truth and everyone needs a friend like that, IMO. She doesn't mince words and got away with referring to Yor as his 'damn sister.' Yuri getting over being a siscon could also set him to contrast with Nightfall and how she deals with her unrequited love for Twilight - which brings me to my next point:
If Twilight was awake enough here to hear what Nightfall said then there's a good chance he's going to tell her that he's not interested in her like that and she's going to have to cope with that rejection
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A reasonable person after such a rejection will try to get over their feelings for the other person. I've seen at least one dating coach recommend that going no contact for a while with the person who doesn't love you back can be a good way to get over your feelings for them. Nightfall gong away for a while to recover from her injuries will also give her the chance to get over her feelings for Twilight. Who knows if she'll actually take that opportunity though? Reasonable and good people dealing with unrequited feelings DO NOT try to break up the relationships of the subject of their affections just so they have a shot at getting with them after all.
If Nightfall does the reasonable thing this could set her to finally be ready to get into a relationship with someone else. Possibly an existing character like Franky or Yuri if Chloe ends up just being the friend who gives him the tough love he needs to get past being a siscon. Possibly an existing character most people aren't considering could be an option - like Chloe, the WISE rookie, or any number of other characters or even a brand new one.
If she DOESN'T do the reasonable thing, especially if Yuri gets over being a siscon as this will contrast with him, then she could end up doubling down on trying to win Twilight's affections when she gets back. She could end up picking a physical fight with Yor or any other desperate attempts to get her away from Twilight for good. If Yuri has left the SSS by this point, Nightfall could even try reporting her to them even though that will put Twilight at some risk as well. If she goes this route, I think a nasty suspicion that I posted about her before is more likely to be true - that she may have done horrible things in the past to get rid of her rivals for Twilight's affections.
Anyways, that's just some more of my thoughts on the matter. As always, I could be very wrong about any and all of this
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Hey there BMT
Happy new year
So...after today's Tae Wlive...I was left feeling a bit confused
Okay to be honest...ever since the solo chapter two era began...I deleted my twitter account and it has been one of the best decisions I made...but in my journey as an Army...Tae has always rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't really pinpoint what exactly it was about him because when you first come into this fandom it is ot7 kumbaya all the time....so I can't help but realize Tae doesn't like being left out on being in the spotlight...he is someone who seems to know what goes on in the fandom like how most of his solo stans are shippers of him and the maknae...and how said shippers are one of the biggest reasons this fandom is going to shit and how they portray he's supposed soulmate..so...it's how he always comes online when one of the other members is on the spotlight for some reason and he feels the need to name drop the maknae..like today...he comes on for two minutes,comes back and mentions how he is with the maknae and friends but he decided to do the live cause he was bored...plus I found it a bit weird how he didn't mention Jihope being in Paris....considering he likes fashion...something so big and new and exciting for his bandmates,his family,friends...but instead go on and just rally up his psycho cult by adding innuendos with strawberries and "pineapples?"....and I'm just wondering JK couldn't even pop in his head for a second to say hi but then I sit down and remember he likes to lie?troll?be funny? So many narratives to explain away his behaviour....anyways...what was the purpose of all this....you are one of the bangtan fans who is so level headed and I wanted to know if I'm just tripping..
Have an amazing day/night
Alright, I think it's time for a real talk here. I'm not going to mince my words because I don't care what anyone says. I'm no Army, you all know where I stand, so let's fucking go.
This fandom is made of butthurt, two-faced, kumbaya, fruity bangtan-lover people who are rarely able to show some spine because they're too afraid of losing their clout on twitter and their followers on tumblr. They're so programmned to believe that a bunch of seven men are the epitome of perfection, unable to do something even worthy of mentioning any type of criticism because they all live in this fairytale-like world. They are super human, incapable of actions and emotions that govern the daily lives of us, the inferior human race. Well guess what? Believing it doesn't make it real.
We can like nasty people and we can dislike them for the same damn reasons. We can dislike nice people and we can love those good people all the same. And guess what? BTS are people. Tae is one of them. Rm is one of them. Jimin. Yoongi and so on. And we can like BTS, while at the same time, not like some of the things they say or do. It's not the end of the world, the sky won't fall on us. Just as we have complex emotions and reactions towards the people in our own lives and towards our own self. I know I'm seen as some Tae/RM anti. Unfortunately for those people, I can never give them the satisfaction because I don't have a ''hate Tae today and talk shit about him'' on my to-do list every day. And they can say I'm biased and I only care about two people in BTS and I see them as perfect and I get frustrated when someone else talks shit about them. Yeah dude, I do care only about two of them. There ya go. The Earth is still spinning. And you know what? I can dislike stuff about them too.
I don't like Jimin treating the fandom as if they're all kids and even going as far as to cover a damn photo on a hotel wall. It's stupid and it won't help and he's part of the problem. I once thought that Jungkook is going to do something more artistic in the future because I saw the potential after My Time, but for now, all he did was confirm how damn basic he is from an artistic pov. I think he made a wrong decision making that song for the World Cup in Qatar and it shows that money comes first. I don't like RM because he's pretentious as fuck. I don't like Hobi because he's too damn loud and as a fan, I couldn't give a flying fuck about his presence at FW or what brand deals he gets. I think Jin is severely out of touch and money does that to you.I think Tae is insecure for no fucking damn reason, but he is. I think Yoongi can be so damn insensitive sometimes and he doesn't know when to shut up. And, for the sake of inclusivity and fairness, I'll add myself too in this dislike fest (not that I'm some world superstar and I have no fans, but you know what I mean).I am a selfish bitch that tends to ghost people. I have ex-friends that probably hate me and I don't blame them.
What does all this mean? That my opinions are facts? That the aspects I've mentioned reflect someone's entire being? That when I look at Hobi, all I see is an obnoxius loud guy? No. Of course not. He's not just that because none of us are only one thing. Layers, people. As simple as that. And if I or anyone else ends up thinking that Tae is insecure and doesn't like being left out, then so be it. Just as I mentioned all that stuff that I personally don't like, there are many more reasons that still make me enjoy them. They're not horrible people worthy of being burned at the stake. But one bad word and this fandom acts like that's exactly what one means when they are not a fan of a BTS member. Then they jump to call people antis, bitches, cunt whores and every other insult. Because that's certainly nicer that any sort of criticism made towards BTS, but it's an acceptable and desired form of bullying. If this was twitter or perhaps my inbox after this text is posted, some will jump and say that Tae would burn me to keep himself and JK warm. Oh no, I'm about to cry and do my penance and apply 30 lashes on my naked body.
Everything is so absurd and every day when I go on twitter and come here, I'm taking the bad pill on purpose so I can enter this alternative reality. And I accept that, I made my bed. But I'm also not going to be some sheep that parrots whatever this fandom deems acceptable.
So yes, anon. I don't blame you for thinking this. Yes, it does seem to look like a pattern. Why? I don't fucking know. Why doesn't it seem genuine? Because there's a history of lying for no damn reason. No one in their right mind should be upset that he's hanging out with his bandmate (be it in person or playing online games). That's not the problem here. It's just that it has become such a habit of only him doing this one-side whatever the fuck he is trying to do, that I had a bunch of people in my inbox from one-two weeks ago saying that this exact thing will happen at the right moment. And it did. I say we should place some bets next time. It will be more fun.
Why does he suffer from a bad case of mimetic desire? Is it needed? Not from an outsider pov, but I have no idea what insecurities Tae has. Except from that time he told Jungkook during their ITS talk that he uses weverse to get some love from fans because he was indeed insecure at that time. So, that tells you something. Which means, it's not completely out of the realm of all possibilities that some of the stuff he does can be on purpose. I'm glad I'm not a Tae stan or some ot7 army cause I would feel kinda shitty seeing Tae's attitude towards his fans. He laughts at them on Weverse while they believe they're laughing together. Look at how the others are using a live stream to connect with the fans they so much love, while he uses that because he's bored for 5 minutes. What is he? A teenage girl that gets bored after the guys come over? Is this high school? I didn't know he's some 16 year old cause at least his behavior would make more sense. But his fans thinks this is cool behavior, except he's a rebel without any cause that makes threats when the Paradise heir gets dragged in a scandal and other times he's keeping his mouth shut. Anyway......
And if we're dropping names (which doesn't happen just with JK, it's only that he's the main character lately) and if JK was there too, why couldn't he just give a shout and call him to say hi to his beloved fans? No one would think it's weird. We have footage of all the group hanging out together for years everywhere. Either tell him to shut up cause he's about to be live and doesn't want anyone to know, or actually do something? Cause this is what I don't get? Making situations be odd when it's not necessary. Now, it's not confirmed that JK is actually there, it could be just a theory and people having bad hearing and apparently Jungkook can sing like shit sometimes. We don't know.
And I don't want to hear anyone saying he doesn't know his stans and his shippers. First of all, they all do and second of all, he's on damn twitter and there's evidence of that. No, he doesn't have to call out his fans, but why rile them up? But then again, all of them are like that, so there's no escape.
Tae doesn't need to go live and talk about Paris Fashion Week and what his bandmates did. He's not the news so he can cover all the events that are happening. But the timing...like clockwork, every single time. Sometimes it's during and sometimes immediately after. Now he waited a day. Good for him, he's being considerate. If anyone would have to patience to look at the bts archive for the last half of year, I bet the pattern is more easily recognizable.
The point to all this and I'm going to end this post cause it got way too long, celebrities (that includes BTS) are people like everyone else. They put themselves in the public eye which means that everyone else watching them is bound to draw conclusions. Some are favorable and others are not. And saying that Tae seems to want some spotlight and he's not very nice sometimes is not a smear campaign. Whoever believes that, get a life. You have no idea what that means. But this fandom distorts all sense of reality and the actual meaning of words.
People can like Tae for exactly the same reasons I don't. I wish he would be an actual bad boy. That would make him at least interesting. I like shitty people. I like nice people who do shitty things. I like people who are considered persona non grata. So what? So if his fans like Tae for who he is, then absolutely fine. But then I can also say that I don't. That's the basics of all of this.
And one last thought. I can't truly take someone seriously or argue with them in some weird act of defending men. I value myself a bit more than that. So whoever wants to be an Army on a high horse and call me names, you can take them and shove them.
Happy New Year, Anon!
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scratchandplaster · 7 months
FEBUWHUMP DAY 13 - "I love you"
CW: love bombing, conditioning, emotional manipulation
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To go unpunished for his betrayal sounded more than fine, too good to be true in all honesty. If Dad planned otherwise, he had been given about enough time to get it over with already. Unless his words were full of the honesty Ben always wished from him.
At the very least, his dad hadn't asked about Lukas yet, so there was still time to think of a makeshift alibi. Ben wondered what his brother was doing right now. Probably being furious about his trip back home or locking himself in the pantry until things went how he demanded, either way would end badly for everyone involved. Maybe he could write a postcard…which street was it again?
Stepping out of the community tent, their feet met dew-sprinkled grass, wet from the light drizzle this afternoon. Leading Ben to the cooking station on their left, Shepard greeted the big table full of busy chefs: chopping, dicing, mincing away the fresh greens picked off the fields. In the middle of the pasture, close to their creek, the table was being set.
Not a single molecule had left its place since Ben left.
"Hello, Shepard," Birdie exclaimed and turned fully towards them, "and look who you have in tow!"
Oh, dear. Dad wasn't upset, a clear win, but his other family definitely had to be furious with him.
"Hello, Birdie," Ben mumbled and pressed himself closer to his father. Shepard was a good catcher, so no matter what she would throw at them, it wouldn't hurt very much. Hopefully.
Her bright laugh rang through the air: „Why so shy, buddy? I hope you didn't forget me during your adventures, I'm so glad you're back again. Would you be a doll and put this on the table?"
Birdie came closer to hand them a basket full of eggs, still toasty from their boiling water bath. Her reassuring smile told Ben everything: there was no need to be anxious. She, too, hadn't changed.
Luckily, the warm dish and Shepard's expert knitting held back the fresh evening breeze, as slowly but surly everyone collected in the center of the pasture.
"How did you know where to find me, Dad?" Ben wanted to know, strangely thankful.
"Oh, I had a bit of help. All this new technology does have its perks, if you know how to use it."
Bens perplexed face just lured a hum out of Shepard: "I can tell when you are in distress, a parent can feel such a thing."
Finally arriving at the oversized plank of wood all members of the settlement had a place at, new and old faces greeted them cheerfully: the daily chores were dealt with. 
No Sam in sight, though, maybe they liked to eat by themself. Luke did this often, much to his friends' sorrow.
Without warning, Ben was knocked over by a harsh force. Shawn was grabbing onto his waist as if he never intended to let go again, a squeeze so tight Ben gasped for air: "Yes, you're finally here! We were dying of boredom out in the woods."
Quickly, Ben twisted himself out of Shawn's hold to put the unlucky guy into a headlock and give him the most ruthless noogie until he was nearly hyperventilating through his giggles.
Ben let him go...for now! Sitting back up in the grass, Shawn breathed heavily and pulled out a thin string of colorful yarn: "Look, I made you a bracelet while you unpacked!"
Ben blushed; any more gifts and he would have a whole welcoming outfit ready to go.
Shepard's expectant hand brushed through his hair again: "And what do you say, starshine?"
"Thank you, I love you!" was the automatic response. Not his own words, a fact Reuben failed to comprehend.
"You're welcome, I love you too."
No judging stares, no hateful words. At last the settlement came to a rest as every member, always present or just staying for a brief visit, took a seat. 
One after another let their hands join to an unending chain around their day's work, silently thanking each other for providing their share. Be it the field workers, the washers, or the beekeeper: everyone was cherished. 
The piping hot stew in front of them was justly handed out, nobody had to go hungry. The hearty broth full of soft potatoes, onions and a tolerable amount of fennel was Ben's first real dinner in a long time, no tepid ramen or Hot Pockets could keep up with the domestic warmth filling his heart and stomach. Still, he always tried to ignore where the meat came from.
Between exhausted bits of silence and easy conversation, Ben finally had the chance to pass out little pieces of chocolate that he prepared beforehand. 
One of the few things they had to forgo out here, the closest candy they could make do with was Otis' always popular pumpkin butter. Maybe one day he would figure out how to plant cacao trees. Even the triplets enjoyed his gift, all under Birdie's reluctant eyes. Shepard practically saw the warning "processed sugar" looming over her head but, like many of her other dogmatic opinions, chose to ignore it. Today, they would celebrate.
Every breath felt natural again. Here Reuben knew what to say, how to behave. To just be himself. Ben was precisely where he's supposed to be: the puzzle piece in a bigger picture.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist]
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leviathanverse · 10 months
Chapter 36: Finale battle (Part 1)
" Food?"
" No, Zoha. Friends."
" Food?"
" Let's just move onto the next lesson..."
You sighed as you struggled to get Zoha to speak english a bit more fluently. You were so glad that your french didn't activate just yet. Surprisingly.
" Repeat after me. Friends."
" Friends?"
" Yes! Good jo- OH FUCK!"
Zoha dodged the spear that had intended to impale you. It was black, red and had a familiar symbol you had searched for your entire life.
Zoha stopped mid air as you tried to see what was happening. You saw Zika being cradled by Aizetsu while he hissed at the hunters.
You watched as Kai fought against the attackers, protecting Reina. You saw the entire crew fight against the enemies.
" Que Dieu nous sauve tous..."
Zoha was confused when your French came out, but quickly dodged another arrow and circled above the HQ.
" Sakura- TOUT LE MONDE EST EN DANGER ! Tout est de ma faute..."
Speaking of Sakura, you saw her fight against Yami. Chiyeko was right by Sakura's side, fighting like the righthand man he was.
You turned around and commanded the Poison Firefrost Dragons to attack the hunters.
The larger of the entire pack gave a look at the others and they all dive bombed, right towards the enemies.
They attacked, using their abilities against the hunters. You saw Yami press a button, and the dragons that burned down your home came out of nowhere.
You saw the Poison Firefrost Dragons attack the enemy dragons, dodging the venomous tail, saliva and teeth.
" Land Zoha. Land!"
Zoha obeyed and landed right behind his brothers. You jumped off and ran to the building.
As much as you had hated to tell him to kill dragons under the control of Yami, you knew that he was a predator.
You knew he could stay off of dragon meat for so long until his instincts kicked in. You heard him bite the Goretrappers, snapping their bones as he began his feast.
You ran through the doors of the HQ, almost tripping as you did so. You kept your balance, and ran up the stairs that led to the roof.
Right where your boss and friend fought against Yami. You ran up the stars, adrenaline the only thing that kept you running.
You reached the second floor, running up the third flight of stars. You knew that Yami was capable of killing Sakura and Chiyeko.
You saw her skills up close. Even she beat you before you found out that she was a traitor during training.
Tears filled your eyes, brows furrowed as you tried to run as quickly as you could. You HAD to reach the rooftop. You had to save Sakura and Chiyeko.
You finally made it to the rooftop, and saw Sakura wrestling Yami. As if she was John Cena herself.
Chiyeko, however, was unconscious. He was only within arms reach, not moving but breathing.
" I'm going to fucking make sure you die, you fucking traitor!"
" Same could be said to you!"
You ran up to Chiyeko, dragging his bulk of a form inside where it was safer. Good thing too, because Sakura and Yami decided to fight like angry rhinos fighting over territory.
You fell on your behind when you let go of Chiyeko after getting surprised. Your eyes were wide, and you could only watch the fight.
You saw Sakura go for Yami's throat with her dagger and bare hands. Yami tried to make Sakura mince by throwing her mace at her.
Thank goodness Sakura dodged all the attacks from Yami. If she didn't, then she would have been mince by now.
You got up, grabbed Chiyeko's weapons and ran into the battle. You blocked Yami's attack from hitting Sakura.
" Y/N?! I thought those dragons digested you and that fucking crybaby!"
" You need to think of something better than that, fat fuck! And don't you DARE call Zika a crybaby!
You pushed her away, your weapons clashing as she tried to land a blow on you. Sakura shook her head and joined you.
" Thought I'd never see you again."
" Lucky for you, Zoha plays favourites! Now let's get rid of this motherfucking bitch!"
" I am with you there!"
You both pushed Yami away from you two, doing some cool tricks with your weapons as you ran at Yami at full speed.
" You fuckers always ruin my fucking plans!"
She whistled, and a Goretrapper with a muzzle over its face landed next to her. You saw how it shrunk back in fear when she yelled at it.
She got on and flew in the air with the dragon. She took off the muzzle and pointed at you two.
" Fire."
At Yami's command, the dragon shot acid at you two. You and Sakura dodged, landing aways from each other.
" You have got to be kidding me."
" You were the leader all this time?!"
Yami grinned, eyes gleaming with satisfaction and amusement. Her grin gave it away a bit too much for your liking.
" It took you this long to figure it out. I must say, I am surprised you hadn't figured it out already."
You and Sakura dodged another acidic fire, doing backflips in order to do so. You were doing it to rile Yami up.
Probably wasn't a good idea as she ordered the dragon to fire its acid at you. You were thankful for dodge class. Otherwise you'd be dead from flesh eating acid.
" Tu es un putain de connard, Yami. Je peux croire que je te considérais comme mon meilleur ami, pour ensuite avoir été trahi."
Yami did not understand a single word you said. Good. That was the one thing you hadn't told or taught her.
" Fuck you, Y/n!"
" Fuck you too, Yami!"
" Fuck you, you disgusting motherfucking traitor!"
You knew that this was only the beginning of the fight. The beginning of the final battle between good and evil, light and dark.
You were furious. You attacked, deflected and jumped away from any chance you got on landing a hit on Yami and her dragon.
This was only the beginning of the end. The beginning of the battle between two humans with different goals and intentions.
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
Sweet Mango Slushie ~ For Mala
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Happy belated birthday to @sanccharine. You're awesome in so many ways! ❤️
TW: Heights, Paladin! AU
Masterlist 》》》 Prompt List
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A Mango Slushie is something you share with a close friend when the sizing is a bit too big for the both of you. Sharing is a sweet gesture, but someone hogging everything to themselves is the sour end of sharing.
I swear to God, Katie, when I get out of this floating metal box, I'm going to murder you for pulling a stunt like this.
Okay, that was definitely an overstatement because Sparrow would turn you into minced meat if you ever touched her child, and Neon and King would probably turn you away until the day that you die, which would be coming soon if you didn't-
Fuck, I'm spiraling, I need to take a breather.
"Are you doing okay?" Moonsua asks with a soft smile on her face.
She was always the caring type, which made sense given that Moonsua and Katie were friends.
Right now I wouldn't call Katie very caring because she left me up here alone-
"I've … been better." You admit before sighing and looking out of the pod.
"Do you not like heights?"
"Yeah, something like that." You mutter as the ferris wheel stops moving when you reach the top.
Moonsua observes you for a moment before staring out at the view as well.
"Katie's cute, you know, for trying to set us up like this." She softly says as you gasp.
"You knew?"
"You didn't?" She says before laughing. "Ah, she can be tricky at times, but not all of her schemes are fool-proof."
"Yeah… she's something, alright." You nervously rub the back of your neck as you watch the people below you pass the ferris wheel with not a care in the world.
What I would give to be one of them…
"So… do you want to hang out after this? Just the two of us, perhaps?"
Her words shock you as you turn to face her.
"Wait, you're actually into me?? I thought Katie was joking with me when she said you had a crush on me!"
"Of course I am. What's not to like about you?" She looks you up and down before turning back to look at the skyline. "Don't feel pressured. If you want to do something another time, I'm down."
"I'd like to hang out with you… as just the two of us." You repeat before the pod jerks slightly before beginning to move towards the ground.
"Sounds like a great plan." Moonsua gives you a bright smile, and your heart continues to beat faster as you share a smile with her.
The two of you sit in silence as the pod slowly comes to a stop at the ground. You're very glad that your legs don't shake when you stand up, and that the nausea in your stomach stays where it is.
Being on a ferris wheel and sharing a beautiful view with a girl that I like wasn't such a bad outcome after all…
As soon as you exit the ride, Moonsua takes your hand.
"Are you ready to go? There's a lot more of the fair that we have yet to explore."
You look at the ferris wheel for another moment before turning your attention to the girl in front of you.
"Let's go."
"Let's go!" She cheers before dragging you through the fairgrounds for a night full of fun and laughter.
You have received a text from: Katie aka Your Favorite Person on Earth 🥰
Katie aka Your Favorite Person on Earth 🥰: How did your date with Moonsua go????
Y/N: I hate you.
Katie aka Your Favorite Person on Earth 🥰: But you got to hang out with a cute girl???
A win is a win, take the W
Y/N: You're so mean.
Katie aka Your Favorite Person on Earth 🥰: I think what you're trying to say is, "Thank you?"
You're welcome, by the way.
Y/N: I changed my mind, murder is still on the table for you.
Katie aka Your Favorite Person on Earth 🥰: EEEEKKK!
You wouldn't murder me, I'm too cute! 🥺🥺
Y/N: Bet.
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dramioneasks · 2 years
HP FESTS: HP Yuletide Bliss
HP Yuletide Bliss 2022:
Naughty or Nice by riddikulus_puff - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger is sure of the fact that she is listed on the nice list, along with her children. How couldn't they be? They were all such darlings. But, there was one anomaly within the Granger-Malfoy family. The Golden Girl's husband himself, Draco Malfoy, was a Slytherin through and through. The constant questioning from their children about what list their father was on, led to even Hermione herself questioning the fact. Would Draco Malfoy be on the naughty or the nice list?
Of Cherries, Shea Butter, Apples, and Licorice by unholyaffliction - G, one-shot - He knew her through the passing of months, rain and shine. In sickness and in- he was getting ahead of himself.
A Tradition Most Outdated by unholyaffliction - G, one-shot - She should leave.  She knows this. Head for the bar, or Ginny, or anywhere away from him. Distance herself, both emotionally and physically.She will.She's going to.She- can't?In which our two favourite idiots refuse to adhere to tradition and inconvenience a certain chosen one in the process.
Blue Christmas by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - A year ago everything was going amazingly in the world for Hermione Granger until everything changed suddenly in one day. This amazing day had bought the arrival of her wonderful son, Scorpius Draco Malfoy, but the heartbreaking day had also taken away her one and only true love, Draco Malfoy. And now, it was Scorpius and Hermione's first Christmas without him and she wasn't sure how to feel about the festive holidays without her boyfriend. But she had a support system around her to get through this hard time.
Baby It's Cold Outside by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger-Malfoy and Draco Malfoy were currently calling themselves the best parents of the year to their four darling children, Scorpius, Lyra, Leo and Jeanie. But ever since moving out of the family Manor in Wiltshire and back towards London to be closer to their friends and family, the Granger-Malfoy family had missed seeing the snow-covered gardens and experiencing the true wonder of waking up on early Christmas morning to the delights of there being snow waiting outside of their windows. But, things could always change and maybe they would wake up this Christmas morning and see snow waiting for them.
Kingdom Dance by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - Don't get her wrong because fourteen-year-old Hermione Granger loved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it was truly her second home. Her home away from home. But nothing would top the feeling of her true home, the Granger family home where her mother and father were. The warm crackling fire as she and her father cuddled up on the sofa together. The smell of freshly baked mince pies out of the oven. The feeling of cold tingled her nose as her mother, father and Hermione skate around the frozen lake together, singing loudly to their favourite Christmas songs. She missed those feelings and that atmosphere while at Hogwarts, so her plan was to replicate some of them.
Sweater Weather by riddikulus_puff - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger-Malfoy always thought that she might have been sorted into the wrong house during her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but there was hardly much proof. Her husband, Draco Malfoy, constantly called her out for her Slytherin traits. But, when the time arrives for Hermione to purchase Christmas presents for her husband, she ropes in the help of Mrs Weasley to plan a gift for her blond man, for the love of her life.
This fest is ongoing.
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msbigredmachine · 1 year
TARGETS - 23 - License To Kill
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Roman Reigns is an agent in the secret organisation The Authority and one of the world’s deadliest assassins. When he crosses paths with a mysterious woman during an assignment, he makes a life-changing decision that switches his role from the hunter to the hunted.  (AU Espionage Story)
“What's the sit-rep, Miss Belair?" Hunter asked, seated behind his large oak desk as he observed the young woman across from him. Judging from the grim expression on her pretty features, she had bad news. Hunter was immediately displeased.
Bianca Belair was never one to mince words. She spoke the way she handled her missions; cleanly, calmly, concisely. Dusting off her grey pants suit, she gave her report. "The hostiles have gone AWOL sir," she said. "They were last seen at a train station on the outskirts of Providence, but as of right now, we're unsure of their exact whereabouts. Eight of our twelve men are unaccounted for.” She clutched her iPad close, taking a deep, cautious breath as she stared at her boss. “There’s more, sir.” 
Hunter sighed heavily. “Jeez, I wonder what other fuckery has taken place.”
“Xavier Woods has been found deceased in a motel room several miles away from the Courthouse where he was being hidden. We have evidence confirming Reigns and Jasmine are responsible for his kidnapping and murder."
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Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, also in Hunter's office, exchanged subtle but relieved glances. Their friend had escaped, just as they had hoped he would. He was safe, for now.
Kevin Owens, meanwhile, was pacing back and forth in a corner, like a caged animal desperate for freedom. "So they got away. Again. Is that what you're saying, 'cause that's all I'm hearing." He stalked towards Bianca, getting in her face. "You fucking let them get away again! Can you idiots not do anything right?"
Owens easily towered over his female colleague, but she did not flinch. There was something lurking in the depths of her dark irises; a cold callousness that belied her calm demeanor. Kevin could rant all he wanted, but if he so much as touched her the wrong way, he would regret it.
"Where are they now?" he demanded. "Do you even know?"
"You heard my report, Owens. We're working on it as we speak," Bianca replied, peering passively at him.
"Obviously not working hard enough," Kevin griped. "They're going to disappear and it will be your fault, you and your incompetent buffoons!"
Seth had heard enough. "Leave her alone, Owens! How is this her fault?"
"You! Do not talk to me!" Kevin rounded on him. "I don't see you rushing out looking for Reigns! You and Ambrose have let your friendship," he spat out the word like it was taboo, "cloud your judgment. As far as I'm concerned you're just as in breach of the Code as he is."
"Right, stand there and act like your blind hatred for him hasn't completely poisoned your fucking mind, you fucking hater!” Seth retorted, standing his ground.
Kevin scoffed. "Calling me names? How childish. Besides, this has nothing to do with me. Reigns was literally fucking the enemy right under our noses for months, and when he's given the simple task to eliminate her - a job which he accepted, mind you - he takes off with her! Open your fucking eyes, you two and stop acting like fucking groupies! Roman Reigns has compromised The Authority," he went on, pointing around for emphasis. "He has compromised us all. He had no problem turning his back on us and choosing that bitch over us, so he should have no problem facing the consequences." Kevin shrugged. "And if none of you can take him out...I'll have no problem doing it myself. Heck, you won't even have to pay me."
"Won't have to pay me to take you out, you self-righteous piece of shit," Dean growled, advancing.
Owens cracked his knuckles, a wide, maniacal smile on his face. "Is that right? Give it your best shot then, Ambrose."
Dean Ambrose never backed down from a fight in his life. His arms shot out, catching Kevin square in the chest. The other man stumbled backwards, his expression briefly registering mild surprise. In a heartbeat, however, it was gone; replaced by a wild, incredulous glare. But just as he lunged, Seth intervened, throwing his arm across Dean's chest and yanking him out of Owens's reach, while Bianca blocked the other snarling man.
Seated quietly at his desk, Hunter remained silent throughout the exchange, but when he eventually spoke his tone had an ominous edge to it. "If either of you lays a hand on the other again, I will guarantee it will be the last thing you ever do." His eyes were dark, dangerous, and each man knew better than to defy him.
Kevin roughly shrugged off Bianca 's grasp on his arm and glowered at Dean and Seth. "I shoulda pulled the trigger the night you found Reigns, all those years ago. I should have put a bullet in his head there and we’ve never had gotten to this bullshit in the first place." His blue eyes blazed. "He was a liability then, and he's a liability now, and both of you are to blame." He spat on the ground, before turning on his heel and storming out of the office.
Hunter still hadn't moved from his place at his desk. "Please excuse us, gentlemen. I need a word with Miss Belair."
He waited for them to leave before going over to his large computer screen and pressing a few keys on it. It was time to go all out. "We have a new top priority, Bianca. Get everybody in this building to drop what they're doing and focus on this."
He pressed another key on the screen, and the images of Jasmine and Roman walking side by side into the train station, appeared. "Upgrade the contract to Class One. Open house. A million dollars each. Whoever gets them first gets the bounty. Send the word out. These two must be eliminated, no matter what it takes to do it. Just get it done."
Seth and Dean gaped at the classified information on their devices, shocked. Hunter had just sanctioned a free-for-all hit on Roman and Jasmine. For a million dollars per head. Every agent from The Authority would be gunning for Roman now. "Shit." Seth’s voice was a subdued whisper.
Dean was fuming. "We have to help him."
"You know we can't," Seth said sadly. "There'll be a bullseye on our backs as well."
"Roman wouldn't have cared about that if he were in our shoes," the man formerly from Cincinnati pointed out. "He would have stood up for us. You know that."
Seth nodded. He was right. "Then we stand up for him too, the only way we can right now." Scrolling down to the acceptance section of the message, he hit the 'Reject' button. Dean followed suit, and they put their devices away, their consciences easing only a little bit.
"I wish we could do more," Dean uttered after a while of silence.
"Me too," Seth sighed. Roman would have laid down his life for any one of them without question. They knew that. But this was out of their hands. There was little to no chance in hell of withstanding an onslaught of thousands of assassins. So this was the only thing they could do. They would play no part in Roman’s potential demise.
"Mr. Rollins. Mr. Ambrose," Bianca appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "Hope the pissing contest is over."
The worry was instantly wiped from their faces, replaced with detached, emotionless expressions. "Miss Belair. What can we do for you?" asked Seth.
"I saw that you both turned down the Reigns contract. May I ask why?" The young woman folded her hands in front of her, head titled innocently to the side as she regarded her colleagues. "After all, you are two of our best men. You could probably get it done without breaking a sweat, right?"
Seth and Dean knew what Bianca was like. She was the silent, observant type that never missed a lie or a wrongly uttered word and punished you severely for it. They had to play this right if they wanted to make it out unscathed.
Dean nodded reverently, as though her words were gospel. He turned to Seth. "Well, Mr. Rollins?" he asked casually.
"It was a tempting offer," Seth remarked, raising a critical eyebrow at Bianca, "but not good enough. Because when you think about it, one million is a measly sum to take out two master assassins of their caliber; disrespectful, even. I want five million dollars. For each of them.”
Bianca’s eyes widened. “I’m not sure that’s possible, Mr. Rollins.”
“I know. Which is why I chose to reject the mission. A waste of my time, really." Throwing on his sunglasses, he haughtily tilted his chin. "Hope that clears it up for you. Or do we need to put it down in writing?"
Dean brushed his thumb over his nose and jerked his head towards Seth. "What he said," he finally answered, putting on his sunglasses as well. "Sorry, sweet cheeks."
And giving her a smack on her butt, Dean strolled past a shocked Bianca out of Headquarters, trailing behind Seth with a shake of his head.
"We're here," Roman breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the familiar door.
Jasmine turned to him, biting her lip. "You think she'll like me?" she blurted out, her voice tinged with nervousness.
Laughing, Roman leaned down for a quick kiss and gently squeezed her hand. "Of course. You'll be fast friends in no time."
He knocked on the door a couple of times, but there was no answer. Placing his hand on the door knob, he was surprised to see the door swing open unattended. Something was off. Leona never left her door open. 
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Motioning for Jasmine to be quiet, Roman withdrew his gun and crept into the house. Behind him, he heard Jasmine cock her own firearm quietly, following him as they both looked around for anything else out of the ordinary. Nothing so far. But where was Leona? Roman wondered.
He heard Jasmine's surprised shriek from behind him, followed by a loud thud, and he spun around, gun pointed, only to see Jasmine lying face down on the ground and Leona on top of her. Her knee was buried between the younger woman's back and shoulder blades, wrenching her arm backwards in a painful-looking angle. But the thing that stunned Roman more than anything was the gun Leona was pointing at him. Jasmine’s gun.
"Were you followed?" Leona demanded, her brown eyes flashing with what looked eerily like mistrust.
The Samoan couldn't speak, rendered momentarily speechless by the scene before him. "Leona, what are you-"
"Were you followed?" she repeated, her aim unwavering. At that moment, Jasmine hissed in pain, unable to move. Leona didn't release the pressure on her, instead continuing to yank back on the arm as she awaited Roman's answer.
"No. No we weren't. I double-checked." Roman regarded his former mentor with concern and even an inkling of fear. He'd never seen her like that, not even when she was on active duty. The composure she was so famous for had slipped, revealing a hint of desperation that had him both curious and slightly fearful. Something did not feel right to him.
“They’ve put a million dollars on each of your heads. A lot of people are looking for you right now.”
Roman and Jasmine exchanged shocked glances. A million dollars? Shit. No wonder she was so jittery.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” Leona insisted.
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Lowering his gun and returning it to its holster, he slowly put his hands up in surrender, palms out to show her he wasn’t hiding anything. "I know. I know I shouldn't be here, like you always tell me,” he said. “But we didn't have anywhere else to go. We need your help. Please."
Leona eyed him for a long, tense beat. Seemingly satisfied with his answer, she relented and finally released Jasmine, standing upright and helping the other woman to her feet. "Sorry about that," she apologized, dusting her off.
"It's okay," a slightly dazed Jasmine replied, casting a distressed glance at Roman as she shook her arm to get the blood flowing again.
"Are you alright, Leona?" the former Authority agent asked, "Did someone try to come here?"
"No. But considering the situation with you two, I had to be vigilant. You can never be too careful, you know." Leona offered Jasmine a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I frightened you. I've heard a lot about you from that man over there."
"Likewise," Jasmine said graciously. "Roman has nothing but nice things to say about you."
"Well, he'd better if he wants to stay here," Leona retorted.
"Thank you so much, Leona. We really appreciate it," said Jasmine, as Roman wrapped an arm around his girlfriend’s waist. "It's only temporary. We'll be gone before you know it," he added with a smile.
"Very well. So while you're here, be of use to me, Roman, and put the kettle on. I’ve got leftovers. You must be starving."
"Yeah, being on the run gets the appetite going," he quipped dryly, walking towards the kitchen. Both women stared after him, shaking their heads at his pitiful joke. Leona extended her hand to Jasmine. "Come. Let me take a look at that arm."
Watching the two women interact, Roman breathed a sigh of relief. That was a close call with Leona. Very close.
Hunter sat in the darkened room, his elbows propped up on the desk, fingers interlocked. "I'm sure you understand what you need to do," he said, talking into the darkness. "Of all the employees at this company, you're the only one I've ever truly trusted to do what's necessary to preserve the Code. This will be no different." He slid two photographs, one of Seth, the other of Jasmine, across the desk. "Find them and kill them. How you do it is at your discretion. Just make sure you get the job done."
One would have been forgiven to think the Director was alone in the room, talking to himself. It was difficult to make out the figure of the tall man sitting in the opposite corner, his all-black attire reducing him to a shadow amongst shadows. He eventually emerged, removing his hands from his pockets to take the photographs from his boss's hand. His face was expressionless as he regarded the images. He pulled out a lighter and flicked it open, touching the flame to the edges of the pictures. Then slowly, his lips twisted into a cruel, evil smirk, his handsome features and blue eyes alight with the aura of a viper about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting prey.
"Hunter," came the answer, "it will be my genuine pleasure."
The evil smile Hunter returned could level several third-world countries. "We're counting on you, Mr. Corbin."
Chapter 11 reminds us of what Corbin is capable of doing. There was something about Lone Wolf Corbin that I liked and incorporated into this story.
Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
Please leave comments, I still love comments! ❤
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
Rosie, could I tell you a very much not real hypothetical story lol? A fan fiction if you will?
You see, I’m an OT7 BT21 fan who ships Chimmy and Cooky and I was happy to find a bunch of like-minded people on Weverse that also shipped ChimCooky but loved all the other BT21 characters. There is another group of shippers who ship Tata and Cooky together and that is all good and dandy, except for the fact that they take any opportunity to put Chimmy down. The group of ChimCookies that I rolled with always hated the way that Chimmy was made the villain of the TataCooky ship and once they sense ANY type of negative Chimmy talk from someone, they blocked/reported/disengaged with that person. As of late, the TataCooky pairing has been seen hanging out more and the ChimCook pairing hasn’t been seen together as much which is understandable as Chimmy is preparing for a comeback. Unfortunately the cool group of ChimCookies that I rolled with started turning bitter towards Tata because of the TataCooky shippers gloating. Like I said before, these ChimCookies were a cool group of people I followed on Weverse and they presented themselves as OT7 and wouldn’t stand for a word of hate against ANY BT21 characters. Now there’s this big account on Weverse that loves Chimmy and Cooky as friends but thinks Tata is a dick and they don’t mince their words when they speak of their dislike for Tata. Tell me why all my former cool ChimCookies jumped off the OT7 ship and are now buddy buddy with this Weverse account who strongly dislikes Tata when they NEVER used to tolerate anyone who would say these same words against Chimmy? When I confronted my fellow ChimCooky friends about this, they say “we’re not hating on Tata but we have eyes to see that Tata is doing things for his personal gain.” Most of them still consider themselves OT7 even though they don’t think Tata is being 100% genuine in his friendship with Cooky. I vaguely remember these same people preaching that Chimmy is 100% genuine with his friendship to Cooky when the TataCookies came for him. Now I am left behind watching as my former ChimCookies take subtle digs at Tata and TataCookies friendship, wondering what went wrong. But like I said I’m the beginning, this all just a hypothetical story, it isn’t real or anything. Thanks for coming to my hypothetical BT21 Ted Talk.
This is the best analogy… I mean hypothetical story I have read in a long time. Is really sad that your former ChimCookies friends are acting like that and what is worse, that they don’t accept that they are being unfair and mean too. At least they should stop pretending they are OT7. This is a sad story, Anon but thank you for sharing it with me.
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lordkingsmith · 4 months
“You wanna get ice cream for everybody?” He asked as he pulled Minh towards the backdoor. “I’m pretty sure I saw a parlor a block away right?”
“Oh-yea. Yea!” Billy sighed in quiet relief as Minh and Rot left. Good guy. Azul, Jaune and Arrossa got up too.
“We’re gonna ask what flavors everyone wants. Then catch up to Rot and Minh.” Which was a good idea and a good way to keep themselves out of this. Ollie was hyperventilating with Billy absently rubbing his back with one hand as soothingly as he could.
“You were the one who asked him to kiss you.” Billy pointed out diplomatically. “For a bet. I am curious what you thought would happen?”
“Nothing! I didn’t think anything would happen.” Ollie told his knees. “Never had kissing do anything for me before!”
“Ah.” Billy closed his eyes for a long moment before opening them. Grid give him strength. “Have you ever kissed another man before or…?”
“….oh Grid.”
Billy nodded, feeling a little bit of Deja vu. At least he wasn’t the one experiencing this. Had not been fun at all. “Mine was Jason Lee Scott.” He offered. “Didn’t mean anything but the fact I realized I wasn’t actually straight.” Ollie looked at him oddly. Billy smiled faintly. “Attraction’s weird, you know? Besides I’m going on a limb and saying if you want to pursue Jack…wait. Think about it. Instead of jumping into something. Was it the kiss with a guy that was doing it for you or was it Jack.”
“….there’s a difference?”
Oh boy. “….Yes. Yes there is.” Billy sighed as there was more groaning. “You’re doing to have to talk to Amelia.” Billy added. “Seriously. You might have been able to laugh this off. But the panic attack’s not something you could just explain away.” Ollie paused to give him an affronted glare and Billy shrugged half apologetically. “I’m just saying in case you were planning on ignoring this for the time being.”
“I got dipped into a kiss by an Adonis! Not going to be able to go on ignoring this!” Was hissed at him and Billy raised an eyebrow, feeling largely unsympathetic now.
“You did it for money, Ollie. And even if that wasn’t going to make things difficult?Your “Adonis” probably’s got other things on his mind” Billy had no idea if Jack was seriously considering a relationship while he was recovering in Angel Grove, but he felt like he could reasonably assume even if he was Jack probably would consider Ollie off the table. Or not, he’d been surprised before, but he’d hedge his bets.
He recognized the same stubbornness in himself in Ollie, and for Jack’s sake decided to nip the obsession in the bud. If anything bloomed between them, it wouldn’t be over this. He could already see heartbreak if Ollie didn’t take his advice.
“This is so messed up.” Ollie muttered. Billy snorted.
“You’ll figure it out. Just…talk to people. I’d start with Amelia.” He looked over at the team. “Your first instinct with breaking up’s probably correct. And then I’d talk to Aiyon.”
Ollie sat up properly. “Aiyon? Why?”
“Because I’ve got a feeling he’s ready to attack Jack and I’ve got a feeling it’s out of jealousy.” Billy said bluntly. No use beating around the bush here; Ollie wasn’t good with minced words. “So you need to sort that out before you can even think about talking to Jack.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Ollie. They’re your team. Your girlfriend-ex but still-and friend who’s at the very least crushing on you.” Billy was surprised at the patience he was managing. Perhaps it was from raising Minh. “Higher on your list of priorities than a stranger you asked to kiss you. Sort them out, and if you still need to, talk to Jack.”
Looked like Eugene was now in the process of lecturing his nephew, and Billy walked Ollie to his team past him.
“-what your problem is, but do you think this little war you’ve got going on is worth it? Nick-”
He’d deal with that later.
“A-Amelia?” Ollie asked with uncharacteristic hesitancy. “We need to talk.”
Her eyebrows were in her hair. “Yea, yea I think we do.”
He cleared his throat. “I…made an error and a realization.”
Fern turned to Izzy. “Told you he didn’t know.”
Everyone, but especially Javi looked at his sister and her girlfriend. “And you two did?”
Izzy looked at him like it was obvious. “We couldn’t figure if he’d realized or if he was in denial. And you can’t tell Ollie Akana anything.”
Amelia pressed clasped hands to her lips with eyes closed before opening them and giving a stained smile. “Maybe we talk later in private, yea?”
Billy patted Ollie on the back one more time before leaving him to his team.
Billy’s having a Time lol
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Pride Month Watch: Mama Gogo (ep 5-7)
My thoughts on episodes 1-4.
I'm currently going through my Pride Month Watch List and Mama Gogo is on my list of shows/films I haven't watched before but have wanted to get to.
I'm having another long weekend where I live, so I will watch Mama Gogo all day (and probably finish it today).
So, let's dive into the 5th episode!
Oh, where is my pretty thief?
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But… Has he paid off his debt (the money he stole from Annie)?
Btw, if I remember correctly, he was in the scene from the beginning of the first episode. So, he’s coming back.
Look at this bitch…
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He’s brought more reinforcements this time.
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If Auto quit, why is he here?
Look at this stupid bitch:
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I love him so much!
Seriously, he enters the club to wreak havoc (which they kind of do) but he ends up dancing just like the others (though, he does it in tiny). What a ridiculous man. I love him so much.
This woman!
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She is such a legend. She’s my everything. I love her so much!
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Well deserved.
Annie is such a legend…
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She just keeps getting under his skin, and I love her so much for it.
This is…
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Completely fair.
At the risk of sounding delulu…
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Why didn’t the other guy drop dead after Chen winked? Lmfao!
Of course…
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It’s kind of obvious considering how much he touches it all the time, lol.
The way I fucking laughed…
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Please, Moodang, never tell the client that. You’ll be minced meat, lol.
Why do I get the feeling that Auto is being targeted because he happens to have a record?
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The police in these shows are always suspicious in my eyes.
So, my guess is that either Choke or what's Earth's character's name? Kampan set him up.
Choke clearly has a problem with Auto, but I also feel like he wouldn't be stupid enough to put them all (+ the club) at risk. Therefore, I'm leaning more towards Kampan. At the moment, he and his club have the most to gain from Mama Gogo shutting down. Maybe he, somehow, found out Auto had been in jail before and decided he was the easy target?
Let's see if I'm right or wrong (most likely wrong).
Oh, they actually revealed it already...
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It's the girl from Kampan's club. I didn't expect it to be her, but it makes sense that Kampan's club had something to do with it. Whether Kampan was directly involved or not remains to be seen. But I definitely think he knew something about what would happen.
Btw, if the owner of the other club turns out to be Annie's old partner (I can't even remember her name, lol), then that scene from the beginning of the first episode could make sense.
Your honor...
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I love this woman to the moon and back.
Look at this baby gangster...
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Worrying about his debtor. Just admit that you like her already!
Oh, lord...
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Just shut up and kiss. We all know you both want to (well, maybe Chen more than Annie, and who can blame him? I want to kiss her too).
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I'm so invested in these two. I love their chemistry.
Look at my baby gangster...
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Now, go and tell Annie that you're whipped for her.
The enemy of my enemy...
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Is my friend.
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It will be interesting to see what these two idiots will cook up together and the mess they'll create.
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Bring it on!
I've reached my image limit again, so I'm switching to another post.
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mickmundy · 2 years
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thread of some of my scout hcs, thoughts on his personality and little miscellaneous tidbits!
starting off strong by saying that i think he's very emotionally intelligent. knows when his loved ones are upset and will set about doing whatever he can to cheer them up. he defaults to trying to make you laugh since that's what he thinks he's best at, though!
cant always offer the Sagely Advice that one might get from spy, but he'll tell you whats on his mind and what he thinks of the situation. won't mince words; if he disagrees with you, he'll tell you Directly... but Gently. "Uhhh, dunno if i agree with that. think of it this way.."
maybe the last person you'd think to have a heart to heart with, but he might surprise you! he's a good listener and while he prefers to do things while talking (throwing a ball against a wall, pacing, etc), you've got 150% of his attention if the subject matter is serious!
competitive, but more likely to let others win than he is to Rub It In when He wins. battlefield smacktalk to the enemy is one thing, but Some People (not naming names) are VERY sore losers (sniper) so scout's content to botch a few billiards shots if it means that his friend is having fun! :)
cries. only when hes alone! feels like he has to have a good cry now and then to get everything out and to "emotionally reset". doesn't think crying is Girly/Weak or w/e, but he still doesn't like doing it around others. "okay, needed that. shake it off, scout, you're all good!"
VERY scrappy. resourceful through street smarts/intuition as opposed to technical know-how. tenacious and a total wildcard! that said, he won't be argumentative for no reason; he'll listen to any orders that engie or solly put down, but not without giving his input, asked for or not!
part of being a good scrapper is knowing when to fight and when to take a walk. when scout's truly mad, he prefers being alone, drawing or going on a run to get his thoughts clear. not afraid to ask for help and is always ready to "repay" friends for their kindnesses towards him.
growing up, he never wanted to trouble his mom with anything. scout was always the reliable one (although a complete hellion), often putting his own priorities to the side for his mom. places a lot of weight on his own shoulders to be good, or better, for her, and to be a son she can be proud of!
cannot drive. engineer has tried to teach him, sniper has tried, spy has tried, heavy has tried... but he just can't do it LOL. crashes into something every time and is always like CRAP!! SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!! it's not a big deal, though. plenty of the mercs enjoy driving after all!
he was always taught to share, even though he kind of hates it! always hated being forced to share with his brothers as a kid. in his adult life, he doesn't Mind, but he prefers being able to choose when he does share. if he's splitting something with you, its a BIG deal!!
easily hands out apologies and doesn't like long-standing conflict. "lets just hash this crap out and move on already!" good at putting you on ice, but only if he needs time to think or gather his thoughts. the longest grudge he'd ever held was against his Absent Father...... spy! but their relationship begins to get better after the events of the comics. i could sincerely write a whole thread on Just their dynamics together!
ultimately i think scout hated His Absent Father for so long because it was just "Easier" to. but now that spy is There and Trying, well, scout can't really Hate Him. theres still a lot of "repairing" to do, and they aren't the Perfect Father And Son, but scout appreciates spy's effort and the sincerity of his explanation (once he hears it from spy and not tom jones)!
will always value the truth over lies. he'd rather you tell him something Horrible if it was the truth than sugarcoat it with a lie. i think spy wanted to give scout what he wanted when he was dying (being comforted by his "dad"), but in retrospect when scout learns the truth, he wished spy would have just been honest with him, even if it did suck to know that his dad was someone like spy and not actually tom jones. regardless, he understood that spy just wanted to give scout what he thought scout wanted, but understands/respects scout's wishes going forward and promises to be a little more honest :) this is when they can really start repairing and Building on their relationship as father and son, in the ways that work for both spy and scout!
i don't think Dad Issues is the only facet of scout's personality nor do i think it even Dominates a lot of his thoughts BUT i just happen to have a lot of thoughts on it lmao
i don't think any of the other mercs Baby him (he's literally a Grown Man and imo being babied would piss him off), and i don't think any of them think he is "inferior" or "childish". i think all of the mercs are at least a little immature!
However i will say that i think a very interesting dynamic between scout and sniper is their views on their fathers and how it shaped them as people. while "jealousy" sounds a bit dramatic, i think they Lightly Envy one another; wouldn't ever take it out on each other but if they think about it for too long they kind of get Bummed Out. scout loves his family but sometimes wishes he'd been an only child with a Mom and a Dad that were around all the time. he doesnt know the Extent of snipers Complicated Feelings about his own family!
sniper loves his family too but sometimes thinks about how even though his own father was Present in his life, he'd been Very Hard on him and Basically rejected him. sniper was present while spy was comforting Dying Scout and took notice of how spy treated scout the way that he thought scout would want, disregarding his own feelings. sniper's dad, on the other hand, only told him he was proud of him after he'd technically died... ouch!
and No i Don't Think sniper wants spy to be his dad nor does he see/want to see spy as a/his own father figure in any capacity lol. i think this is just something that crosses both sniper and scout's minds every now and then and they're like "Huh. Wish I Had What He'd Had!"
i don't see scout struggling with internalized homphobia or anything like that, either. i think his mom, like scout (and spy!), says what they mean and mean what they say and when scout's mom says "i love you no matter what", she means it! scout never gives that kind of stuff a second thought; if he brings a Fella home for the holidays, it doesn't matter! scout's mom is still going to show his Date Of Choice all of the most embarrassing photos of scout she can find! x)
holds his liquor well; he came from a big cathoIic family after all! x) gets a little more Snarky and a little more Hostile if he gets Truly Drunk, but doesn't like to make himself go that far Often. he can always brawl with the mercs when he's sober! prefers to have some beers with demo, engie and sniper and play darts or billiards with them. doesn't like mixed drinks. freakin gross!
will break your balls over anything and everything (like spy and scout's mom!). you tripped on the field? hell tease you for a week! nothing ever mean-spirited and not about anything that he thinks would Upset you! if you ask him to stop, he will, and he'll apologize and mean it!
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