#but for real why do we feel so old and beaten if we're ONLY in our 20s
codenamesazanka · 2 months
I feel like Scissors-kun is not actually a Tenko expy. I feel like it's more accurate to say Tenko is a Scissors-kun expy, of AFO's creation, reversed-in-time.
Because Scissors-kun and Tenko (pre-AFO-pick-up) share a lot of similarities! Scissors-kun even arguably gets it 'worst' due to the severity and length of time of his abuse. Both Scissors and Tenko get a quirk mutation that their families are unprepared for; both are from abusive families that can't accept them or support them; both eventually lose their family and runs away, and so is left wandering the streets for a while.
At the moment, it doesn't seem like Scissors has any connection to AFO - which means what Scissors went through is a very real thing that happens. And that means what happened to Tenko really could've happened organically - and this was the belief that Shigaraki had for years, this was why Shigaraki harbored hatred in his heart and sought to destroy (with help from AFO).
The 419 Reveal made it so that AFO engineered this tragedy, and thus we can dismiss Shigaraki's resentment as false... except now that we know such tragedy can and does happen to other children, that resentment is not so false. But we already knew that, thanks to Toga, thanks to Dabi, thanks to Spinner. The League's anger is still real. Shigaraki's hatred - of complicity, of Heroes' failures, of ostracization - is still basically real; maybe not coming from him, after the 419 reveal, but definitely can be from someone else.
Shigaraki's backstory was a very strong case against how Hero Society, an indictment of its failures. Chapter 419 destroyed that argument by claiming it was actually AFO, and things wouldn't have been that bad if not for this Evil Man. But now Scissors-kun's backstory destroys Chapter 419's claim. We're back to where we started.
The only thing that is different, that the story claims to have changed, is that Scissors-kun is saved by That Old Lady... Who only saves Scissors-kun because of her previous experience with Tenko, and of watching grown-up Tenko get killed by Deku.
Had AFO not targeted the Shimura family, had AFO not plotted creating Tenko, then The Walk would not have happened, and The Old Lady would not have ever failed to help Tenko and never got her guilt complex--
--But this means that Scissors-kun is still abused, a 'Tenko' still existed out there, and should he have ever managed to ran away even in this 'nicer no-AFO interference timeline', the Old Lady might not have helped him either.
The Walk is very painfully real, and Shigaraki truly suffered that - but of all the things that Deku needed to save Shigaraki's heart from - Kotarou's slap, having Decay, killing his family, all of which turns out to be something that can be traced back to AFO's design - that's the one thing Deku does not do. Barely addressed.
(Leaving Scissors to potentially become a diet Shigaraki/League member who, without the backing of an Evil Mastermind, would've just been beaten up early on by the Heroes and tossed into jail, no one to save his heart because, hey, he's just a rampaging but manageable villain with no convenient psychic link to a Hero student.)
What might have worked is if we had an Old Lady Expy help Scissors instead, to show that 'What Deku Showed the World That Day' made an impact on even randos, so that any rando is now happy to help creepy looking homeless kids??? But for some reason it had to be That Old Lady, and it feels like the series has effectively cannibalized itself. Again.
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melonteee · 11 months
Gotta be real, One Piece has a really big flaw in that there's no real threat to losing... characters never die, even after making a big hoopla about 'if that hits you you'll die!' or what have you. The only deaths to stick were Whitebeard and Ace, but they're the exception that proves the rule at this point. There's no threat or tension to characters losing a battle. This is particularly bad in the Skypia arc, where every time a character was struck down by Eneru, it was treated like death... only for everyone to be 100% okay, zero lasting damage. Or Luffy vs Bellamy in Dressrossa - 'the next hit will kill you' - nope he's totally fine afterwards. While I totally appreciate Oda avoiding needless, gratuitous death, he's swerved way to hard in the other direction and now losses have zero tension. No one ever dies or suffers grievous injuries that can change the story. Something like Zoro losing his eye would actually help this, a loss that leaves actual lasting damage... but nope, it happens totally off screen and is never mentioned or impacts the story. When every loss is treated like a death, but isn't, how are we supposed to 1) know when characters are *actually* killed and not just (handwave) hiding and 2) care about possible loss? It feels like being asked which hand Oda holds an apple in, but he can just change the hand if we guess right and tell us we were wrong. And if every battle wound can just be rested off, why should we care about bad wounds? After big battles, they immediately party when it would be far more impactful to show characters weak and recovering but peaceful in their success or something - again, Skypia is a big offender in this and Wano is bad about it as well.
Sorry, I hope this makes sense. I've just been watching One Piece and I can't bring myself to care during battles. There's no risk! It's one thing to avoid unnecessary character death, it's another to have loss have zero lasting consequences. Even the few that do happen, like Luffy's shortened lifespan or, again, Zoro's eye, just don't really effect the story. We were never going to hang around to see Luffy grow old regardless...
I have no idea what you're talking about because if Luffy loses the world is fucked. Were you not on the edge of your seat for his fight with Crocodile? Or his fight with Enel, trying to ring that golden bell? I guess if you focus on the characters themselves and their injuries, yeah it wouldn't matter, but these fights aren't ever just about who gets the biggest wounds. The tension in each fight and battle relies on everything else happening around them, they rely on what the characters are saying to each other and the events that have taken place for these fights to be happening. I also couldn't care less about how many wounds one gets, I couldn't care if Luffy loses and arm or Zoro loses a leg - the emotional and world impact of these fights is what we're looking at.
Law lost an arm against Doffy, did he sew it back on? Yes, but we're not meant to give a shit about that. What we're meant to care about is how much Doflamingo had scarred him, both mentally AND physically, and how he was finally free with Luffy defeating him. Bellamy didn't die because Luffy didn't want to kill Bellamy - that was VERY purposeful - because Luffy's main target was Doflamingo, and Doffy even laughed at how Luffy 'wasted time' not wanting to kill a 'friend.'
One Piece's fights are not something I look at on a physical level, and I don't think that's what they're meant to be. These fights are the cultivations of every single story point we have seen reaching a climax. These fights rely on the mental state of these characters MUCH more than the physical, with a good example being how Zoro was so fucked up after Kuma beat him, that he rushed in head first in Sabaody due to not wanting to be weak.
Luffy's fight with Doflamingo not only had the entirety of the Dressrosa country on the line, but Law had literally been mentally beaten to hell and back due to Doffy's abusing of him. The conversation Law and Doffy had the whole time was fucking terrifying with how Doffy was manipulating him.
Ace's death wasn't even meant to be a 'threat' of the moment, but the most important part was the follow up of how Luffy was mentally distraught from it. I guess if you see it on a simple fighting level, yeah I can see where you're coming from, but death is not the end all be all of consequences and stakes - especially in One Piece's world. I feel SO MUCH tension with every fight in One Piece due to seeing what all these people have been through, due to knowing what will happen if Luffy DOESN'T win, and whether Luffy comes out of it fully healed or not honestly doesn't matter to me. There are huge wounds in all these fights, they're just not physical ones, and Wano especially is a great example of just how everyone was grieving until Kaido's downfall.
This is why I always say, you need to focus on the dialogue more than ANYTHING during fights, because there is TONS of tension there. At least, tension I felt, and risks I could see, but maybe it's just me idk. I don't tend to care about battle shonen to begin with, so obviously One Piece is doing something right in its battles to make me care lmao
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Yes I'm still using the gifset shut up -Danny Words: 2,811 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: ''Til Kingdom Come' -by Coldplay
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LIX: I Wanna Go Home
"What are we looking at?"
"Ah, Señor Zhang, you know how you're always saying, 'Leo, you are the only true genius among demigods'?"
"I'm pretty sure I never said that."
"Well, turns out there are other true geniuses! Because one of them must have made that work of art down there."
When the eery-looking boy taps away in the Archimedes sphere, all Ara sees is her favorite person on Earth, and the closer they get to fighting Gaea, the more Ara wastes her time staring at him.
"It's a stone circle," Frank raises a brow. "Probably the foundation of an old shrine."
"No, it's more than that," Piper studies it carefully. "Look at the ridges and grooves carved around the rim."
"Like the teeth of a gear," Jason points out.
"And those concentric rings." Hazel adds. "The pattern reminds me of Pasiphaë's pendant: the symbol of the Labyrinth."
"Huh." Leo frowns. "Well, I hadn't thought of that. But think mechanical. Frank, Hazel... where did we see concentric circles like that before?"
"The laboratory under Rome—"
"The Archimedes lock on the door," Hazel nods. "It had rings within rings."
"You're telling me that's a massive stone lock? It's, like, fifty feet in diameter." Percy scoffs in disbelief.
"Leo might be right," Annabeth shrugs. "In ancient times, the temple of Asclepius was like the General Hospital of Greece. Everybody came here for the best healing. Aboveground, it was the size of a major city, but supposedly the real action happened belowground. That's where the high priests had their intensive-care super-magical-type compound, accessed by a secret passage."
"So, if that big round thing is the lock, how do we get the key?" Percy asks.
"Way ahead of you, Aquaman."
"Okay, do not call me Aquaman. That's even worse than water boy."
"You gotta give me something, man, you don't let me call you Nemo!"
"My name is Percy."
"Boys, focus," Ara presses.
Leo shifts his attention to Jason, Piper, and her. "You guys remember the giant Archimedes grabber arm I told you I was building?"
"I thought you were kidding," Jason frowns.
"Oh, my friend, I never kid about giant grabber arms!" Leo rubs his palms excitedly. "It's time to go fishing for prizes!"
While Leo and Jason open the entry to the secret palace, Piper pulls her away from the group. For a moment, Ara feels a wild desperation, because she isn't ready to say goodbye and others can see it.
"You okay? I'm getting big waves of 'Help me!' from you, and I was standing pretty far away."
Ara watches how Leo works from a distance. "He treats machines in a kind, gentle way—they need care as much as us... He'll be sorely missed in camp."
Piper tries to get a real answer. "Ara, what's the matter?"
"Take a wild guess," she turns to her with frustration. "Jason is at risk of dying too. How do you feel about that?"
"I don't need to think of Jason to understand it," Piper responds dejectedly. "I'm scared for Leo too—even if he pretends to be okay, he's dreading it as much as us... I can try and make him reconsider."
Ara gives her a dry smile. "And what about me? Are you going to try and charmspeak me too?"
Piper looks like she might cry, but her face sets determinately. "If that's what my General orders me to do."
"This is my order, McLean," Ara squares her shoulders. "We can't fail, so make sure we stick to the plan."
Piper hugs her. "Ara..."
"It's opening!" Leo calls to them. "Piper, Ara, get ready!"
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"Idiot mode," Ara kills the flames on her shoulder, groaning as they walk through the empty corridor. "I would've never thought of that."
"I do the absurd thinking for you," Leo winks, looking just as beaten. "I don't know why Hazel was so worried, it was easy."
"Yeah, right," Jason scowls at his ruined T-shirt. 
"At least now we're seeing a doctor," Piper says. "He can fix us up."
"If he's a nice doctor—but maybe he's the father of apathetic medics," Ara jokes.
"Sometimes I wish you used your inner voice," Jason grumbles.
Piper knocks on the door gently. "Dr Asclepius?"
The guy behind the desk reminds Ara so much of her father—Paul, not the other idiot—that it softens her. He's got the hair, and smiles in the same playful yet calming manner her dad does, Ara almost expects him to start talking to Leo in Spanish.
"Doctor." Piper smiles. "We'd be so grateful for your help. We need the physician's cure." Six months ago the girl had to lean on Ara to get her charmspeak working, now she's pouring it out of her effortlessly. 
Asclepius presses a hand to his chest. "Oh, my dear, I would be delighted to help."
"You would?" Piper pulls herself out of the shock promptly. "I mean, of course you would!"
"Come in! Come in!"
The tug of nostalgia grows stronger when they enter his office: it reminds her of the infirmary in the camp. It's crazy, she's been away for only two months, but it comes down on her just now, as she's reaching the end of her trip—being so close yet so far from home is pure torture.
"Please, sit!" There are only two chairs, so Leo and Ara remain standing behind Jason and Piper. "So, I can't tell you how nice it is to actually talk with patients. The last few thousand years, the paperwork has got out of control. Rush, rush, rush. Fill in forms. Deal with red tape. Not to mention the giant alabaster guardian who kills everyone in the waiting room. It takes all the fun out of medicine!"
"Yeah, Hygeia is kind of a downer," Leo replies.
"My real daughter Hygeia isn't like that, I assure you," Asclepius chuckles. "She's quite nice. At any rate, you did well reprogramming the statue. You have a surgeon's hands."
"Leo with a scalpel?" Jason gets goosebumps. "Don't encourage him."
The doctor laughs openly. "Now, what seems to be the trouble?" He scans Jason. "Hmm... Imperial gold sword wound, but that's healed nicely. No cancer, no heart problems. Watch that mole on your left foot, but I'm sure it's benign."
Jason's eyes widen. "How did you—"
"Oh, of course! You're a bit short-sighted! Simple fix." He draws out a case and scribbles something on a notepad before handing it to the boy. "Keep the prescription for future reference, but these lenses should work. Try them on."
"Wait," Leo smirks. "Jason is short-sighted?"
"I—I have had a little trouble seeing stuff from a distance lately, I thought I was just tired." He puts on the glasses and blinks a few times. "Wow. Yeah. That's better."
"You look very distinguished," Piper smiles.
"Your transformation to nerd has been completed," Ara pipes in.
Leo snickers. "I'd go for contacts—glowing orange ones with cat's-eye pupils. Those would be cool."
"Glasses are fine," Jason glares at them. "Thanks, uh, Dr Asclepius, but that's not why we came."
"No? Well, let's see then..." He turns to Piper. "You seem fine, my dear. Broken arm when you were six. Fell off a horse?"
"How could you possibly know that?" Piper breathes in awe.
"Vegetarian diet—No problem, just make sure you're getting enough iron and protein. Hmm... a little weak in the left shoulder. I assume you got hit with something heavy about a month ago?"
"A sandbag in Rome. That's amazing."
"Alternate ice and a hot pack if it bothers you," Asclepius looks up at the person behind her, which happens to be Ara. His smile falters like he's reading something nonsensical. "Who are you?"
"Arae Jackson..." she voices reluctantly.
"The daughter of Olympus! That explains it," the doctor chuckles but still looks slightly tense. "You'll be fine."
"Cool," Ara tries to push her sarcasm to its lowest level. "That'll help me sleep at night."
"You sleep? Even better!" The doctor moves to Leo. "And you... Oh, my—Oh, I see..." The god's happy demeanor deflates as if there's nothing left to do.
"What?" Jason demands. "What's wrong with Leo?"
"Hey, doc," Leo clears his throat. "We came for the physician's cure. Can you help us? I've got some Pylosian mint here and a very nice yellow daisy..."
"Hold it," Piper interrupts. "Is there something wrong with Leo? Because he's planning to do something crazy, and if that won't help him—"
"Seriously, guys," Leo presses. "I'm fine, except for the fact that Gaia's destroying the world tomorrow, so I'm a bit bummed out about it. Let's focus."
"So this daisy was picked by my father, Apollo?" Asclepius continues. Ara has to admire his determination to maintain Leo's dignity.
"Yep—He sends hugs and kisses."
"I do hope Dad comes through this war all right," he glances at Ara. "You should too. Now, the only missing ingredient is the heartbeat of the chained god."
"I have it," Piper says. "At least... I can summon the makhai."
"Excellent. Just a moment, dear—Spike, are you ready?" The doctor asks to his staff.
Leo can't help snorting. "Your snake's name is Spike?" The python spreads its deathly-looking crown with a hiss. "My bad," he squeaks. "Of course your name is Spike."
"He's a little grumpy," Asclepius explains. "People are always confusing my staff with the staff of Hermes, which has two snakes, obviously. Over the centuries, people have called Hermes's staff the symbol of medicine, when of course it should be my staff. Spike feels slighted. George and Martha get all the attention."
"Unacceptable," Ara retorts plainly.
"Pylosian mint—certainty of death," the god lists the ingredients on his desk. "The curse of Delos—anchoring that which cannot be anchored. Now the final ingredient: the heartbeat of the chained god—chaos, violence and fear of mortality—My dear, you may release the makhai."
Wind surrounds Piper before it slides across the desk, carrying screams with it, and landing directly into Spike's mouth. The python then swallows the rest of the ingredients.
"Won't the poison hurt him?" Jason asks with curiosity.
"No, no," Asclepius brushes it off. "Wait and see."
Spike regurgitates a glass tube containing a dark reddish liquid that looks like thick blood, it's fragile, thin, and unassumingly small. "Lovely," Ara gulps, feeling sick. "That's it?"
"The physician's cure." Asclepius picks up the vial and blinks in confusion. "Wait... why did I agree to make this?"
"Because we need it to save the world. It's very important. You're the only one who can help us." Piper says, reaching out for it.
"Of course," Asclepius smiles again. "I forgot. But you must be careful. Hades hates it when I raise people from the dead. The last time I gave someone this potion, the Lord of the Underworld complained to Zeus, and I was killed by a lightning bolt. BOOM!"
Ara makes a face. "I know how that feels..."
Leo tilts his head. "You look pretty good for a dead guy."
"Oh, I got better. That was part of the compromise. You see, when Zeus killed me, my father Apollo got very upset. He couldn't take out his anger on Zeus directly; the king of the gods was much too powerful. So Apollo took revenge on the makers of lightning bolts instead. He killed some of the Elder Cyclopes. For that, Zeus punished Apollo... quite severely. Finally, to make peace, Zeus agreed to make me a god of medicine, with the understanding that I wouldn't bring anyone else back to life. And yet here I am... giving you the cure."
"Because you realize how important this is," Piper insists when the god's eyes lose focus. "You're willing to make an exception."
"Yes... At any rate, the potion must be administered as soon as possible after death. It can be injected or poured into the mouth. And there is only enough for one person. Do you understand me?" He looks pointedly at Leo.
"We understand," Piper glances at the boy with concern. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Asclepius? Your guardian is out of commission. You'd be really helpful aboard the Argo II."
"The Argo... back when I was a demigod, I sailed on the original ship, you know," he smiles. "Ah, to be a carefree adventurer again!"
"Yeah..." Jason lowers his gaze and pouts. "Carefree."
"But, alas, I cannot. Zeus will already be quite angry with me for helping you. Besides, the guardian will reprogram itself soon. You should leave. Best wishes, demigods. And, if you see my father again, please... give him my regrets."
This is a haven she'll miss, but she must face the world no matter how much it stresses her out—it is what she asked for, after all. Ara doesn't want to leave, but the reason she wants to stay is ridiculous.
"Birdy?" Leo tugs her hand. "Time to go."
The girl clears her throat and nods, turning around quickly. "Gods, I miss my parents."
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"So where are you putting that?" Percy asks. "It has to be close to you when you die, so where are you keeping it?"
"Festus," Ara and Leo reply.
"We've been working on something... Leo did, since we started building the ship," Ara glances at the boy, still grumpy about it. "The blueprints never made much sense because they were two machines combined."
Annabeth raises a brow. "You're trusting Festus will work perfectly on its first try?"
"All my machines work on their first try, Chase, don't insult me," Leo scoffs.
No one speaks against it, all they know is they've been talking to Nike and Apollo, and their plan is solid enough to give them a glimmer of hope. That is all they'll get while handling two prophecies at once.
"Okay, then!" Leo claps, bringing them out of their stupor. "Athens tomorrow morning, gang. Be ready to fight some giants."
"Yeah..." Frank heaves a sigh. "I know I'll sleep well."
Leo sets the cure in place. "That'll do."
He traces the outline of Festus's open panel with reverence and Ara's heart tightens at the scene. Leo spent months perfecting the ship, and now they'll have to say goodbye to it... It's meant to be, but that doesn't mean it hurts less.
"Stop staring like that," Leo mumbles. "You make me feel like a wounded animal."
Ara looks away. "I know we didn't have a blast here... but I love this spanking hot war machine."
Leo scans the room wistfully. "We had our first kiss here, remember?"
All she can do is nod. Leo stands and hugs her loosely, leaning his head on her shoulder. Ara takes a shaky breath. "Such clumsy and unromantic first kiss—"
"Shut up." Leo scolds her. "You don't get to decide what it was. It's my first kiss. Mine." He shakes his head and steps back slightly. "I've heard all of your stories—even the ones you probably don't want me to know, and they tell me that inside this immaculate Barbie, there is a human girl who doesn't care about perfection. Why do you torture yourself like this?"
"That Ara isn't good enough," she scowls. "I'm better this way."
Leo frowns. "Do you know how much I love you just the way you are?"
"Do you know how long it took me to become the Ara that you know?" She asks back. "Nothing comes naturally, Leo. I don't wake up and simply exist—it's a full-time job..." Her voice dies a little, her words reminding her of what Eros hissed at Nico.
"Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work—a quest that never ends. It demands everything from you—especially the truth. Only then does it yield rewards."
Ara's voice quivers. "I know you love me, Leo... I don't think I've done a good job loving you, that's all."
The boy cradles her face so she looks at him. "You warned me of the risks, and I fell in love anyway. You didn't trick me into being here, and I'll never regret it."
"I'm sorry," she sulks. "I focused on being a leader and I pushed our relationship aside, I should've—"
"Look at me," he insists, holding her firmly. "I dare you to say we weren't happy."
Ara tears up. "I thought I had more than enough to get by and then... I met you. I laughed and loved so much—life was beautiful for a moment. I was so lucky."
Leo's hands are shaking, but he manages a crooked smile. "Honestly, I still can't believe my luck either. My girlfriend is the hottest girl to ever live—" He lowers his gaze a moment when his voice breaks, unable to hide his true feelings. "Gods, Ara..." he takes a shaky breath. "I used to be so lonely."
Festus interrupts and Leo responds without looking up. "Yeah, buddy, it's time." The dragon creaks again and the boy chuckles weakly. "Yes, she'll wait for us. Won't you, doll?"
Ara pouts and nods, Leo wipes the tears from her face tenderly. "I've been waiting on you my whole life, and I'd like to say there is no pressure, but..."
Leo smirks. "I love a challenge."
Ara grins through the tears, then glances at the cure in Festus's panel. "So this is really happening, huh?"
"Too late to change plans," the boy nods, also staring at the vial.
"You can sleep in my cabin tonight."
"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Bufford hollers.
They burst out laughing. "Don't worry, son," Leo tells the small table as he closes the access panel. He then holds Ara's hand and pulls her out of the engine room. "We'll save that part for when I get back."
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Next Chapter –>
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gwemmieee · 30 days
I do just want to say, I think most people under a certain level of maturity fundamentally misunderstand something vital about femininity and feminine people.
Women are constantly beaten down by the world, and a lot of us have developed persecution complexes as a result of that continuous lifelong trauma. A lot of us also can unconsciously choose to operate in this toxic masculine mode of personal growth where you scold yourself and negatively criticize yourself before actually processing your feelings and your pain. But I think a core component of what defines the feminine gender identity for me and many women is the simple fact that it's deeply unhealthy for us to do that. Given education and a choice, we're better, happier people when we focus on building ourselves up, including constructive criticism (and never any other kind of criticism pleasethankyou). That's why we can be so kind, open, and nurturing--it's how we have to treat ourselves to get along, so it's natural to treat others that way too.
I think a lot of people catch a vibe that I operate this way and start to judge me. They psychoanalyze me, or treat me like a predator, because the mere hint that someone is actually being so compassionate with themselves reminds them of an abusive narcissist. Which is actually really weird to me, because I've spent most of my life being abused by narcissists, including my entire biological family, and their abusive behavior was actually very toxic masculine and very clearly came from how *not* nurturing they were with themselves, choosing only to affirm their righteousness when they were angry with me for having feelings.
And to be honest, it's been a real challenge to unpack everything they taught me and become a better person than them, and this decision of building myself up as a feminine person and validating my own pain as a deeply sensitive person with a persecution complex, has been by far the most helpful and self-improving decision I've ever made. And I can't help but notice that it's... actually extremely normal these days for almost any woman out there, especially victims of abuse (which is most of us), to openly broadcast that they, too, have struggled with all of this, and that it's OK and in fact really good to operate this way. From your local community caretakers being tough by experience to Taylor Swift shaking it off.
So yeah. I'm a woman, and I'm 30 years old, and I've been around myself enough to know for a fact how I can continue to become a better and better person to myself and everyone around me. And it's weird and harmful that a lot of immature folks out there sort of unconsciously hate me and try to control me as a response, though maybe not as much now that I'm able to really recognize this.
It was also a lot harder before I transitioned. People REALLY hate it when perceived men are like this. They REALLY assume that person is a predator almost at first glance when they catch that vibe. And that is also super weird, unfair, and... prejudiced, tbh. And this I think is a big part of the root of why transmisogyny happens. Because being a trans woman means a lot of people who haven't fully unpacked their own internalized bullshit kind of just instinctively believe that I must be an evil person if I operate this way as someone who was (unsuccessfully) raised/socialized as male. And it's a vicious cycle I think, because the tendency for people who only understand toxic masculinity and do not understand how women operate is probably a huge part of why so many people abuse and control women, and also why so many women are so afraid of anything perceived as masculine.
Frankly? Y'all need to educate yourselves on what narcissism actually is and how it actually works. Vibing out your instinct that someone is a narcissist because they visibly praise and nurture themselves is not that different from vibing out that an AMAB person is a serial killer just because they're experimenting with feminine presentations.
I know that a lot of abusive narcissists in history and the media who you don't know personally, like cult leaders, fake psychologists, etc., project this image of someone who is charming and always loves and praises themselves, and maybe that's why it's so common that people sort of assume that's what a narcissist looks like. But it's not. I promise you, every single one of them is actually deeply mean and toxic to anyone and everyone behind closed doors, including themselves, and they've just gotten really good at hiding it because they're an actual predator. And--this is key--there is nothing harmful about presenting as a kind, loving, charming person. It's actually very good to do that. It's specifically the part where they treat it like a facade that is dropped when it's time to prey on people, that makes them abusive. Being judgmental and afraid of someone just because you think they're *too* charming and kind is just... weird. Just because one of their yums is themselves in a way you don't personally vibe with, doesn't mean you need to yuck it. Attributing danger and harm onto someone who's shown signs of neither doesn't help anyone. Actual predators will show themselves eventually. And predators that competent are hecking rare. I have spent so much time being abused by narcissists who basically can't fake being better people like we always expect them to, but they were able to fake it to me because I didn't know any better at the time. Making me their prey. Most predators just aren't that good at it and so they find more gullible prey. The really scary predators who will successfully trick you, the discerning skeptic misanthrope, are vastly outnumbered by just regular people who happen to have highly developed self-love skills.
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.14 (1/3) ~
[Rozenom Line Milate 04 - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Rei : So this is it.
Heero : We're always at 11 O'Clock, sharp.
Wufei : Don't be late! We got some butt kicking to do.
Quatre : Mission accomplished!
Trowa : Totally impact!
Duo : I'm here make some Gundam noise.
Rei : Now then...[put on some shades] Let's do this!
Illuminus Soldier A : You there! State your name and--
Illuminus Soldier B : Do not let them take over the--[gets shot]
Heero : Piece of cake!
Duo : AW YEAH! THIS IS HOW KICK SEGA BUTT! [excited] WOO-HO-HO-HOOOO!!! How do you like that, Illumnius Dorks!? You don't mess with the Duo!
Quatre : This is gonna get crazy tonight, motherf***kers!
Trowa : Nobody makes us the fools out of a fool!
Rei : Hope you like getting your butts splanked, boys!
Heero : You mean "getting your ass kicked", ma'am? And it's "Spank", not "Splanked".
Rei : I thought so.
Rei : That's how you spank their own heinies!
Heero : Couldn't have the context here. Let's hammer through them.
Illuminus Soldier A : *WHACK!* GUUUGGGHHH!!! My Gasp pocket! *THUNK!*
Illuminus Soldier B : *Strong Punch* AUUGGGH! My Organs!
Illuminus Soldier C : ...? *DBZ SFX : Slash* My Arm!
Heero : You think these scums will take us down?
Rei : Only one way to find out. Here catch!
Illumnius Solider : Why thank you, kind person. But you're no match for us with--(realzing that he's holding a greneade in his hand) Aww, Cra--
Rei : Heh! That's three strikes and you're out!
Heero : Better luck next time!
Duo : Andele! Andele! Get out of our way!
Rei : Don't get too cocky, cause you're about to find another way!
Rei : Darn! There's just too many enemies to pull through! I can't still get my way through! If only I told that everyone would speak up about Shinji getting in the robot, he would be safer in there.
Heero : Yeah, whatevs!
Fate : Special delivery for an amazing butt-kicking sequence!
Rei : Hey, not to be a little rude to myself, but who the heck are you supposed to be?
Heero : Hey, I know you. You're that Magical Girl of that smash-hit TV show Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.
Fate : That's right. I'm a Magical Girl star of our show. Nanoha used to be part of the world of a visual novel before she abandoned it along with her family.
Duo : Don't you mean the world of eroge novel.
Fate : That's what I thought.
Heero : Could you mind a little helping us, we're in a war zone with these Sega Baddies! Hoping shooting them one by one is necessary to get to the main source of our goal of reaching Shinji.
Fate : Don't worry. I got this, I know how to take things to clean up the trash. (walks off for minute) I'm just feeling lucky that I have a few muscles take care of.
*Smash Bros SFX : Fighting Impact*
Fate : (walks back, wiping her hands off) Well...That's that.
(soldiers moan in pain)
Illuminus Soldier : [beaten up] Kill me...I'm in constant pain.
Fate : Now, you were explaining everything.
Rei : So who are you anyway and do you got a name, person?
Fate : The name's Fate T. Harlaown. But you can call me "Fate Testarossa".
Heero : A Magical Girl. You weren't part of Triangle Heart that happened about 9 years ago would ya? I knew it! You live in Real World AU?
Fate : Kind of. But I'm also part of Nanoha's universe.
Heero : Bingo.
Fate : Yes, I've been like this since I first met her on that day, 4 years ago, Nanoha was only 12 years old. I know it's kinda of a long story, but I promise. Although she did say that she was part of her family's story in the Real World. Not much of being a hero, She used to be an Elementary student at age the 12, but lacking any particular for her future. While Kyoya of the Takamachi is the hero of the story. For me, Fate Testarossa is just a girl who was thrown away like street trash.
Heero : Kyoya Takamachi, Nanoha's predecessor. From Eroge Novel to Magical Girl show. Hey, don't mind whole Magical Girl in space you know, that's literally a...
Fate : A spin-off Magical Girl TV show of real world AU.
Heero : Exactly, so I'm guessing that you used meet Nanoha in the Real World as kids, but then you...
Fate : Yes, this happened. When someone is one their birthday, I went a weirdly transformation called "Age Progression" which transformed Nanoha into a grown up busty girl and of course...(gulps) this. I don't know how that happen on our birthdays, but it's really weird to grow up like that in some sort of way.
Duo : (playing cards with the group) That's definitely something. For a kid who mysteriously grewed up into an adult, you sure how Age Progression in most logical ways. So, umm, nothing's bit too much about being a kid inside the body of a grown girl, how are you this a young-looking girl with a grown up body?
Fate : Don't be ridiculous. I was only a 9-year old after I went into progression at the age of eight. So yeah, I clearly had no comment of that.
[Flowers Fall - Yutaka Minobe]
Heero : Hold up!
Rei : Did you say that...
Duo : You're 9 years old!?
~ Stage 14 : The Lyrical Hero Pt. 1 ~
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s1ep12 gamer (the real ep12 according to the creator; i was looking at the wrong list before lol)
this one was actually decent. the pacing felt good. the characters didn't feel like they were speaking at 2x the speed. but of course, i still have my criticisms.
i mean it's really the same old song and dance at this point. we're like 4 episodes away now from the end of s1 and there's really nothing new to complain about.
i do love that they decided to make max weirdly muscular but only in his abdominal area. that was very funny and a little uncanny.
i will say, i do have a very episode-specific critique tho and it's the fact that marinette has to learn another lesson and the way the writers go about it. bc this is very much an adrienette episode. but my criticisms from before still stand: they completely talk past each other and don't listen to each other.
but 1) tikki scolding marinette for beating max out after the tournament. what bothered me about that was that tikki is absolutely right, max has been working hard to compete and marinette shouldn't have taken that away from him, necessarily, just bc she wanted to be partnered with adrien. like does she think her nerves are going to go away suddenly and she'll be able to compete without messing things up? but more importantly, what i really didn't like was the heel-face turn tikki did when marinette realized she had to take all her pictures of adrien down before he went over to her house. and tikki acts like that was the real reason she scolded marinette. like honestly? there's nothing wrong with marinette taking max's spot. and there's nothing wrong with max being really disappointed about it esp if he put in all that work to get there. and it would've been fine if marinette had done it for selfish reasons and then lost the tournament bc she was too flustered to be around adrien or too focused on adrien to focus on the game. that would've made more sense as a lesson for her. but no, instead we get a lukewarm plot device to akumatize max and marinette learns nothing. like do i want the narrative to constantly punish her? no, that's bad writing. but so is not following-through on your own narrative when she does need to learn a lesson. there's no character growth!!
2) adrien complaining about being bad at the game and marinette being much better. the scene just irks me bc like, it feels so forced from the writers. oh boo hoo the rich white boy is bad at video games. and the fact that marinette likes him so much she insults herself when it's clear she is better than him is so annoying.
3) this is an old complaint but i'm making it again: them knowing things they shouldn't know and it would be suspicious if they did. when chat noir rescues marinette from max, he comments that he heard she'd beaten him in a tournament. how would he know that???!!! UNLESS HE WAS THERE!!! if marinette had been in ladybug mode, that would've been a dead giveaway that chat noir was one of her classmates. like i highly doubt if chat noir really was just another random parisian citizen the gossip about a small high school game tournament would've gotten out that fast, or at all.
4) also another old complaint that i'm making again: chat noir's cataclysm being utterly useless. like why even try anymore? where is the creativity? why couldn't they have spent 10 seconds longer working on the logistics of the akuma fight to make sure the chat noir's power actually went somewhere? or better yet, if they're having so much trouble, they really should've just went back to the drawing board and figured out a different power for him.
yknow i think this is just a symptom of the bigger problem the creator has and it's casual racism toward e. asian people (and, honestly, just all asian people given the "kingdom of achoo") and his simultaneous fascination with oriental mysticism. bc ladybug and chat noir are supposed to represent yin and yang, and balance, creation and destruction. and they try to make it seem like it's balanced by having ladybug be really smart and competent while marinette has extremely bad luck. and adrien is rich and white i guess, but chat noir is,,,idk too flirty and irresponsible even tho it's implied that master fu gave him the ring to give him freedom in his stifled life. i honestly don't see the balance there. but i digress.
what i'm trying to get at is the creator has no idea what he's fucking talking about bc he's too racist to actually take care in learning about yin and yang, and what they mean/represent in the religious practices throughout asia. but specifically in china, since marinette is half-chinese and the miracle box has roots in ancient china.
if he actually enjoyed learning about chinese culture, i think he would've had a better understanding of what yin and yang represent, and thus had a better idea on how to balance ladybug and chat noir. instead of a weird and contrived: ladybug is perfect but marinette has constant bad luck and. whatever the hell is going on in adrien's perfect life.
5) i just remembered that i wanted to also talk about how terrible the set up for adrien/chat noir and gabriel/hawk moth is. like it's just convenient that adrien's dad is a reclusive and very disagreeable man, isn't it. i'm surprised the fandom didn't figure out he was hawkmoth sooner. also the fact that he's shown as extremely overbearing towards his son while at the same time neglecting to keep track of him at all when he's hawkmoth. like he would've never let adrien go over to marinette's for a silly game tournament! i feel like if he'd actually been paying attention, gabriel would've been able to figure out his son was chat noir in a heartbeat.
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catbaexpress · 2 years
We provide values that go beyond just a trip
At Cat Ba Express, we not only bring you to the most beautiful places of Cat Ba Island and Lan Ha Bay but also foster a connection to the locals you meet and the cultural values they embrace in our homeland. We believe traveling can be the best way to connect with the mysterious and stunning world, but more importantly, to connect us with the balance inside us. Lay eyes on the top view of Lan Ha Bay, walk with a light heart in Ba Trai Dao, and tread humbly through the wonders of life where you are calm, escape from the chaotic city madness, and hear your own heart beating.
Our Passion
Cat Ba Express started with endless love and passion for our homeland: Cat Ba and Lan Ha Bay. 5 years ago, we began as just a bus company, but as time flies, we conquered the road to many other services: Lan Ha Bay Day cruise, an overnight cruise, national park trekking and so on. We're moving ahead day by day for more unique destinations and experiences with the belief in the incredible impossibilities of endless roads.
Why We Do This?
Lying to the south of Halong Bay off the northeastern coast of Vietnam, the 300-or-so karst islands and limestone outcrops of Lan Ha are just as gorgeous as those of its superstar neighbour but feel more isolated and untouched. There're tons of tour and bus agencies in Cat Ba you can easily find. Though they're doing well, they tell only half of the story: hitting the tourist hot spots and crowded places just to take coveted photos, transferring by the old and low ferry boat, and booking once for all services is challenging. Keeping these downsides in mind, we designed a rare bridge that allows you unrivalled access to the true Cat Ba and Lan Ha experience.
- High-quality Bus and Speedboat transfer from Hanoi to Cat Ba which is faster and far more convenient - One day Lan Ha Bay in Serenity Premium Cruise - the most spacious day cruise in Lan Ha Bay - Overnight on Halong Serenity Cruise - the rare cruise that goes to off-the-beaten-track sites with unforgettable experiences. - National Park trekking - A real way of exploring the nature
With Vietnam's long history, cultural richness, and environmental regions as amazing as Cat Ba Island, it is no wonder that the island receives millions of tourist turns each year. As travelers, we desire to wander, explore and learn, but we put protecting the planet at the forefront. We see our responsibility to protect what beauty is left, for those who come after and to leave things better, fairer, and more sustainable. We are committed to positively impacting the environment for the future, developing better life and work opportunities for local nomads and villagers, and educating clients and communities about the needs of their surroundings.
We do not see ourselves as just tour organizers. We see each one of the team as the independent ambassador of my beloved country - Vietnam.
GREEN LAN HA INTERNATIONAL TOURSIM.,.JSC– Cat Ba Express, founded in May 09, 2017 Legal representator:  Hien Van Tran (Mr.) Address: 106 Tran Nhat Duat, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi​
Office: No. 106 Tran Nhat Duat Str., Hang Buom ward, Hoan Kiem Dist., Hanoi City Phone: (+84) 0243.873.4999 Hotline: (+84) 1248.244.999 Email: [email protected]    Website: http://catbaexpress.com 
Cat Ba Office: No. 191, 1/4 Street, Cat Ba Town, Hai Phong, Vietnam   Hotline: +84.84 8244 999  / FB/ Viber/ WhatsApp / IM / Zalo ....  Email: [email protected]
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
In my early 20s, I am too fucking old to stay up past 1 AM. Fuck that shit.
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thedupshadove · 2 years
(Inspired by that @bemusedlybespectacled post I reblogged a few days ago, as well as the trend of writing Reddit posts about fictional characters)
Posted by u/Ginger-Gin on r/relationships:
My (24f) boyfriend (27m) won't hit me
So, I started dating this guy a few months ago, and things have been pretty great. He's hot, he's funny, he's smart, he's nice, we have similar interests, I'd be lying if I said his income wasn't a nice bonus, and the sex...well. At first, the sex was about as good as it had ever been for me, which is to say that it was fun, but that magic everyone talks about wasn't there. Until one night, when right as we were building to the climax, he (apparently spontaneously) bit my neck, pulled my hair a little, and practically snarled "You're all mine" in my ear. Readers, it was so hot. But afterwards, he seemed really upset, apologizing over and over and genuinely looking like he was about to cry.
This started a tricky conversation, and I finally got out of him that he had been fairly active in our city's BDSM scene (but swears he hasn't "scened" with anyone since before we started dating). I didn't really know anything about BDSM, so I decided to pause the conversation while I did a little poking around online. The more I found, the more certain I was that this was something for me, that this could be the source of the much-vaunted "spark" that I had never felt from sex before.
But when I tried to suggest to my boyfriend that we incorporate some of this stuff into our relationship, he was adamantly against it. I couldn't get him to explain why in detail, but at one point he did say "I can't. Not to you."
I don't understand. I know he's into this stuff. The more I learn, the more certain I am that I'm into this stuff. And we're into each other. So why can't we be into this stuff together? Do I just not have the right... submissive energy?
Posted by u/Anonymous on r/amitheasshole
Aita for wanting to treat my girlfriend well?
A little background. For several years, I (27M) was a regular participant in the BDSM subculture. I'm not proud of it, but--for reasons too complicated to explain--I got myself into a place where I could only really find satisfaction at the thought of tying a woman up and "punishing" her for even thinking about leaving.
But a little less than a year ago, I decided that I wanted to change; leave the clubs and the hookups and the "scene" and try to hammer myself into a functional human being.
Not long after that, I met an amazing woman (24f). It was touch-and-go trying to build my first real romantic relationship (I'm not particularly good with people outside of a work context, and I make considerably more money than her, which made it hard to find the sweet spot between "not doing nice things for her" and "showing off"), but now we've been together for several months, and it seems like I find new things to love about her every day. I could still feel the dark perversions of my past rumbling in my breast, but I clamped down on it, and I'm proud to report that our sex has been strictly vanilla.
That is, until a few nights ago. Our lovemaking was particularly passionate, and I...lost control. Let my old self out, if only a little bit. As soon as the lust-induced stupidity wore off, I of course immediately tried to apologize for my behavior, but she didn't seem upset; instead just asking question after question. I hadn't wanted her to find out about this side of me, but after my outburst, I felt I owed her honesty. So, I told her the truth, while trying to emphasize that this wasn't a part of me I had any intention of giving into again.
That seemed to satisfy her at the time, but only a few days later she told me that she had been "doing some digging", and was interested in "exploring" BDSM with me. I'm not sure which possibility horrifies me more; that she felt it necessary to feign interest in being beaten and threatened just to maintain a relationship with me, or that I have somehow managed to corrupt this angel after only glancing exposure to my twisted proclivities. Either way, I tried to explain that this wasn't what I wanted--that I wanted to change, to find a version of myself that I could be proud of, and most of all to give her the genuine love and tenderness and safety that I know she deserves. She eventually dropped the subject, but I could tell she wasn't satisfied or convinced.
At an impasse with the most important person in my life, and lacking anyone else in my real life to whom I could tell any of this, I put the matter to all of you for your input.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Edwards exploit?
It's one of my favourite Edward story's next to old iron.
Hmm, sometimes I prefer “Old Iron” myself, at least so far as TVS goes ♥ (that long tracking shot over the bridge is friggin’ gold, man.)
But only in TVS. Story-wise, while both are great, there's just a little extra something going on in this one...
So many people have noticed the similarities between those two stories, of course, and indeed you can throw in Edward’s introductory arc too—this story doesn’t really break new ground in the Edward-proves-himself genre. And with it, the genre is DONE. Okay y'all? DONE. NO MORE. FIND ANOTHER PLOT. YES, SHOW WRITERS OF YEARS PAST, I AM TALKING TO YOU. Nor is the “exploit” really any more impressive than “Old Faithful” and “Gallant Old Engine,” which in RWS actually come before this story, and in which the stakes were higher.
And yet I still feel like “Exploit” is in a league of its own, and judging from its insane popularity I’m not the only one who feels that way.
At least one thing that sets this story apart, something I’ve come to really treasure: The feat is such a group effort. The crew’s contribution in “Faithful” and “Gallant” was mostly to get out once the train stopped, do an examination, and pronounce, Huh. You’re broken. And we're stuck. *awkward pause* Soooo, uhh… whatcha got, hotshot? And it was really all down to Skarloey and Rheneas. Whereas in this story the main character’s willpower alone is not enough, and the crew had to contribute their own talents. More than once, actually. True teamwork. So, like, yes, this is a story about perseverance, it’s a story about beating the odds, but it’s not only about that. This time at least (for we’ve seen that old theme in RWS before—many times) there’s also something about it that moves me in a similar way to the Henry arc.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that this story also shows something important about disability. If your only takeaway here is “Edward is an inspiring badass,” it’s not that you’re wrong, but there’s more. Specifically—he could not have done it without help. Even with the help, he could have done it but it would not have necessarily been a triumph. I mean, this could have easily been a story about a stubborn, in-denial old git finally learning his limits the hard way and limping back home, shamed and beaten and probably damn sure never taking another “important train” ever again. In fact it could very easily be this sort of story, given the big engines’ gossip at the beginning and, at the end, good ol’ STH being on hand and proper pissed off about the extreme lateness.
Why isn’t it an L? Apart from the meta that Edward is a ray of sunshine and one of Awdry’s favorites? Mostly it’s because of the passengers—so let’s give them props, too. They had all the power to define this narrative! But instead of being put out and caught up in their own inconvenience when stranded in the middle of nowhere during a wild dark wet rainstorm, they had the sense to notice and appreciate the efforts of engine and crew. Instead of stropping out onto the platform and complaining, they celebrated and thanked everyone. Whether this incident was a disgrace or an “exploit” is really all a matter of perspective. Hell, they literally changed STH’s!
And, of course, we see it as a triumph because of the way Awdry frames it. Do we always see it that way in real life, though? I hope so. I wish we lived in a world where the need for aid and accommodation does not invalidate what we do. I wish we lived in a world where the disabled or old or sick or just the plain not-as-gifted were always respected rather than disparaged due to the fact that it may take them three times as much trouble and effort to accomplish things that are easy to others.
But let’s be honest: we don’t live in that world. We’re a long ways from it. And while there are lots of RWS stories that inspire us to persevere and to press on and to do our best and to never give up… “Exploit” really hits me in the heart because it also portrays how the need for others’ help and for adjusted expectations isn’t shameful at all, in fact it shows me how interesting and impressive it is when people (people and, I guess, the occasional sapient locomotive) work together in complementary ways—not to mention, it portrays how much more exciting life is when we show each other genuine, unstinting grace.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
guys oh my GOD i just found my newsies rants from the first BIG night of my hyperfixation and. hng. there's so much good content in here
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*messages copy and pasted under the cut!
NOTE: all of these messages are from April 19, 2020- the first day of my newsies hyperfixation!
listen racetrack and crutchie are some of my babes and i fucking love them
I CANT LISTEN TO KING OF NEW YORK ANYMORE BECAUSE. IT ISNT RACE. dont get me wrong racetrack from the soundtrack is like. really good but he ain't livesies racetrack good
also everyone ships race and spot which is valid but idk I just feel like race and albert have more in common?? like. spot is a great character and all of the Brooklyn Newsies deserve so much more screentime and so much more content but i just feel like the only reason people like race × spot is because of the Inner-Bourough Relations and the territorial stuff (bc the brooklyn bois are pretty spooky) but race × albert is so much cuter ?? like they're both Manhattan newsies and they share a lot more screentime and they have a lot more in common and like !! their interactions throughout King of New York makes me cry so hard i love them so much
something is telling me that if i dont learn All Of The Newsies by tomorrow i'm gonna scream
so i think later today i'm gonna rewatch livesies, then watch 92sies, then make myself a google slides presentation with a pic of each newsie and their name so i can figure this shit out
if anyone tries to tell me that racetrack ain't Jack's #2 Dude i WILL bite i dont care
like??? we literally see race kinda take charge after the bulls bust up their strike and jack fucks off to be Emo On The Rooftop (which is still valid and i love him for it) but race steps in and lifts everyone's spirits again and god i love him for it
it's real "Loving Racetrack Higgins Hours"
LIKE. FUCK. people kinda got on Jack's case for leaving after the big fight breaks out and the bulls take Crutchie, but what else can he do? jack is 17. he's scared. he's dealing with his own trauma after what happened to him at The Refuge (which is never explicitly stated, but his reaction leads me to believe there was definitely some kind of ab•se (and its canon that the officers at the refuge don't feed the kids as they should)). he's seen as the tough guy, as the leader, as the father figure for all of the newsies, but he's a kid. he put his life on the line for them, but that's too much responsibility for a teenager.
jack got thrown in the refuge- a jail for kids- because he stole food and clothing for the other boys. he did everything he did for everyone else, without ever taking his own feelings into consideration; it was never a case of "what's in it for me?", it was always "will this help the guys i love?" and that is Jack's biggest quality i think.
anyway- so, he disappears after the fight because he's guilty. he watch his best friend- no, his brother- get taken by the bulls and watched the others he loves get hurt, and he couldn't stop it. again, this is a 17 year old we're talking about. his whole Santa Fe scene is the most pivotal part of the show in my opinion? like- we see Jack having a breakdown, essentially. "just be real is all i'm askin', not some paintin' in my head" is such a painful line because he's holding onto the hope that somewhere he's never seen is good enough to risk leaving his life behind for, and we see the struggles between wanting to stay and help his friends and wanting to get out and live and be able to have a life where he doesn't have to live with such a huge responsibility on his shoulders.
like Pulitzer basically said "if you don't tell them to stop this, i'll personally make sure all of them end up in the refuge" and even used Davey as a plot device, since Davey is one of the few that has folks and a little brother, and Pulitzer essentially said "you wouldn't want your pal Davey getting separated from his family, would you?"
Jack believed in the Strike, and he believed in the Newsies, but he couldn't handle the risk of more of his family getting beaten and thrown into The Refuge, and it kills me to see that he couldn't tell the others why he suddenly had a "change of heart", and that they all think that jw just gave up on them until they realize later on that Pulitzer manipulated him right where it hurt most
listen i could write an entire essay over Santa Fe and i love that song and it's just such an iconic "I Want" song and !!! fuck !!!!!! it's so sad but it bops!!!!!
"folks are fightin, bleedin, fallin, thanks to good old Captain Jack! Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and GO"
and then theres a really long pause and his voice cracks and the next line just ?? hurts me ??
"let me go, far away, somewhere they won't never find me, and tomorrow won't remind me of today"
i just realized ive been ranting for 30 minutes i love u all goodnight
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yesttoheaven · 4 years
I SEE YOU – chapter II
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.4k
warnings – none, just some rude people. It's gotham.
a/n – I'm late with this chapter, I know... 🙃 but I hope you like it!
chapter one here:
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
Y/L/N – your last name
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A week has passed since Y/N met Arthur Fleck. It was a long week for her – with TV appearances, some biased rumors about a possible affair with her co-star and problems with the city's main NGO. The place was invaded and looters took what little they had to offer to the population. Gotham police were doing their best to find those responsible, but it would take some time.
Despite the problems, Y/N constantly found herself thinking about the brown-haired man. At some point he was always in her thoughts. Since the day she left him in front of a building on Winslow Avenue, they haven't seen each other anymore. Y/N would like to know what he thought of the movie, but the man never came.
Maybe he didn't like the movie, she thought. And that was totally fine. What was not right was this desire to find him again.
On Wednesday, Brian asked if 'the guy with the big shoes' had called her, but the actress confessed that she had not given him her phone number. What the young actress didn’t know, was that Arthur had crossed the city – more than once – just to tell her what he thought about the movie, but his attempts were marked by misunderstandings.
"The entrance for employees is on the other side." The receptionist informed, attracting the attention of Arthur, who was walking through the luxurious hotel lobby. He didn't know if she was talking to him directly, but he approached the counter anyway.
"Huh... Y-You talked to me?"
"You are the new janitor, right?" The woman stopped what she was doing and finally looked at him, repressing the urge to roll her eyes.
Arthur shook his head and with a small smile, he said:
"I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N." The mere fact of saying her name made his heart run so fast. Arthur could not explain, but since he met Y/N, his days have become colorful. He still suffered from the brutality of the citizens of Gotham, but everything became more bearable.
"Y/N Y/L/N? The actress? Are you sure?" The receptionist asked incredulously and at the same time seemed to hold herself back from laughing. It really seemed like a joke to her. What could this strange man want with Gotham's Golden Star?
"I need to deliver this to her." Arthur showed the VHS tape, hoping it would guarantee his free pass. "What room is she in?"
"Listen, I don't know how you got through security... but you certainly saw all those people out there. Everyone wants to talk to Y/N or just ask for an autograph. The problem is that none of you are allowed to be here."
"Autograph? I'm not here for the autograph! She wants to know m-my opinion about her new movie."
"I'm sure the only opinion that matters to her is that of the Academy of Oscars."
"You are not understanding... We are practically friends, she saved my life in that alley! Ask her! Say that Arthur Fleck is here... S-She... She will remember me!" While Arthur was stuck in his own words, the woman called the security guards.
The moment two men approached, Arthur realized that things were going very, very badly. In his mind everything seemed easy. He found Y/N and she was happy to see him, but in practice he hadn't reached the elevator yet and the security guards were already putting him out.
"Wait! You got it wrong..." He tried to explain and get rid of the men who were holding him, but the receptionist just shook her head, telling them to get him out of the lobby before the residents showed up to see this show. This would not be good for the hotel's image. "I just want to see Y/N..."
"That's what everyone wants." One of the men said, laughing.
"And I wanted her to dance for me." The other security guard confessed, sighing sadly, while that desire would remain only in his dirty imagination.
Near the main door of the luxurious hotel, they treated Arthur like trash, throwing him on the sidewalk. The poor man managed to maintain his balance and remain standing with the little dignity that remained, but that disappeared as soon as a painful laugh cut his throat.
"Go back to your filthy home! You are too old for this fan and idol thing."
When the elevator doors opened, Brian left the metal box accompanied by two officers. Because of the police's satisfactory commitment in this case – obviously Y/N's status contributed to this – the actress received good news. The stolen supplies from the institution were found in a shed and a man was caught in the act. Other suspects are still being sought, but the only piece that doesn’t fit, is that the owner of this shed is Thomas Wayne, candidate for mayor and also owner of WayneCorp.
"Tell Miss. Y/L/N that we will capture the responsible."
"Or those responsible." The other officer added, reinforcing his commitment to the citizens of Gotham.
As soon as the officers left the building, Brian intended to go back to Y/N's room and check on her, mainly after receiving new information about the case, but his plans were interrupted by Susan, the receptionist. She showed a big smile, waving, and he approached the counter trying to look friendly.
"Hey, Susan! How was your day?"
"You know, check-in, check-out... The same things." She laughed, shaking her head. Her job was not exciting, but it paid her bills. That was enough. "I saw the cops... Do they have any suspects?" Curiosity was plastered on her face and Brian sighed, fully understanding why she had called for him. Gossip.
"Unfortunately I can't give too many details, but they are doing a good job." He stated, satisfied with the investigations.
"I don't know if that can help anything, but maybe he participated in the theft..." The woman murmured. The words seemed to be directed at herself, like a loud thought, but the bodyguard was unable to ignore and asked:
"What are you talking about, Susan?"
"A man was here looking for Miss. Y/L/N. His insistence scared me. He was determined to go into her room, only God knows what he intended to do, so I called the security guards, they put the man out. But Carl saw him across the street for three days straight."
"You did the right thing. It's unbelievable how Gothan became a fucking asylum!"
"Do you think I don't know? Sometimes it feels like we're living in hell... But the freak left his name. Arthur Fleck. I don't know if it's real, but you should check with the police."
"I will do this... Wait! Did you say Arthur Fleck?" Brian questioned, as confusion appeared on his face. That name was familiar to him.
"It's a strange name for a strange guy."
If it were possible, a lamp would be shining next to Brian's head right now. Arthur Fleck is the name of the guy with the big shoes.
Without any explanation, Brian ran for the elevator, leaving Susan extremely confused behind. When he arrived at the actress' room, he found her talking on the phone. She didn't look happy.
"Oh, he does not want to talk to me? Very busy, huh? You know I don't like to get involved in these problems... but he started it, Alfred!" Y/N had crossed her limit. The only thing she wanted to do was talk to Thomas Wayne about the NGO supplies that magically appeared in his shed, but that would be impossible. Alfred insisted, saying that the billionaire was at an important business meeting and that he had no connection to the theft. "Okay, I will not insist. Maybe when you regain your senses, you understand my side. Have a nice day, Alfred!" She ended the call and looked at Brian.
"I can't believe you called Thomas..."
"Likewise when he called the mayor’s office trying to ban the showing of Midnight Seduction." The actress argued, showing a fake smile. "These NGOs that I help, they are hindering his path, it is not very difficult to see. You know how men like Thomas Wayne build their empires. It's not pretty."
"God, I know... but be careful what you say. It is a very serious accusation." He advised, concerned for her safety. Y/N just walked over to the table in the center of the room, picking up her glass of scotch and drinking all the amber liquid.
"Don't worry, I'm used to white-collar men."
"Oh, I can see it, but I hope you're used to clowns too, because I have news about the guy with the big shoes." Brian started, capturing her attention immediately.
"Arthur was here?" Y/N's voice took on a hopeful tone and a beautiful smile formed on her lips. For a moment it was as if all her problems were gone.
"Well..." Brian cleared his throat, choosing the right words to tell her, but deep down he knew it wouldn't work. "Arthur was committed to seeing you, but Susan did not allow his entry."
"Why she did it? Usually she talks to me first..."
"It is the protocol, but in this case she considered his behavior to be atypical. I don't know if he was nervous and had another fit of laughter in the middle of the lobby, but she believed that he could present you with some danger or even be involved in the theft of the NGO... The security guards kicked him out."
For the first time in this conversation, Y/N didn't know what to say. The words were stuck in her throat. She felt stupid for not giving Arthur her number or simply putting his name on the reception list. Any of these options would have avoided the embarrassment he went through.
"Maybe you should talk to him. Do you know where he lives." The blond-haired man suggested. It was clear as the day outside that Y/N was silently blaming herself for what happened and that was not fair to her. "What do you think?"
"Arthur possibly hates me now..." She murmured, walking across the room. First he was beaten in a dark alley and now humiliated, practically compared to a criminal. All Y/N wanted at the moment was to go down to the lobby to clarify some points with Susan, but Brian was right. Talking to Arthur is the best she could do. "Prepare the car."
"What? Now?" The surprise was tangible in his voice.
"I don't know, maybe next month?" She rolled her eyes. "You have an appointment?"
"No, but you have." Brian added, crossing his arms. It took a few minutes, but as soon as the actress finally remembered, her mouth opened in a perfect O.
"The dinner with Charles is today! I completely forgot!"
"And before that I need to get Misty. If she gets here with the makeup artist and you're on the other side of town, we'll be in big trouble."
"Maybe not." Y/N smiled.
"If Misty finds out where we are..."
"First: You need to calm down. Second: She will only know if you open your mouth and tell her." Y/N listed it on her fingers and then took off her sunglasses, looking at the building across Winslow Avenue. "Just trust me."
"I think I will regret this later." He whispered to himself, leaving the interior of the car and opening the door for her. Y/N accepted the help and together they went to the entrance to the building. The next step would be to find out which floor Arthur lived with his mother. "And now what do we do, genius?"
"I confess I didn't think about that part..." The actress replied, looking around curiously. The place was nothing like the luxurious buildings in downtown. There was no lobby to ask for information and the reality here was completely different.
"Do you need help?" Brian and Y/N were surprised by a female voice and found a woman near the building's front door, holding some groceries from the market.
"Oh, hi!" Y/N smiled as the woman approached where they were. "We are a little lost... Do you know which floor Arthur Fleck lives on?" After that question, a mixture of confusion and surprise appeared on the woman's face.
She didn't believe it when Arthur said that a downtown girl saved his life, especially when that girl was the Gotham's Golden Star. It seemed impossible, but now Y/N Y/L/N was here, asking to see him.
Abandoning these thoughts, Sophie smiled, agreeing immediately.
"You are lucky. Arthur and I live on the same floor, I can accompany you there."
The actress smiled appreciatively and Brian offered to help with the bags from the grocery store. As soon as they were inside the metal box, the woman pressed the number 8 button and looked at Y/N, saying:
"By the way, I’m Sophie Dumond."
"Nice to meet you, Sophie. I am..."
"Oh, I know who you are." She stated, dispensing with the introduction. "I mean... Gotham breathes you!"
"Sometimes it is strange to open the window and see your own face on a billboard or on TV." Y/N confessed. The fame was glamorous, but sometimes suffocating.
"It sure is better than opening the window and seeing a pile of garbage. This is the privileged view we have here." The woman argued, laughing at the situation and the elevator stopped on the eighth floor. "Well, Arthur lives there." After leaving the metal box, she pointed to the end of the hall and while Brian helped her with the bags from the grocery store, Y/N thanked Sophie for the information and walked to the location indicated.
Looking at the "8J" sign, she took a deep breath, wishing she had a mirror nearby to check her appearance. She wanted to be presentable to finally meet Arthur again, even though he might be mad at her. Gathering courage, Y/N knocked on the door. To her disappointment, no one came. The apartment continued in absolute silence.
"Don't tell me there is no one at home." Brian appeared beside her. Realizing that the actress was anxious, he knocked on the door again, with more insistence this time. "We can come back another day..."
Without a better option, Y/N was ready to go back to the elevator, when the door was opened unexpectedly, revealing a woman on the other side.
"Hello, you must be Arthur's mother! I'm Y/N and this is Brian, we are friends of your son."
a/n – I really don't know if anyone is going to read this, but I would be happy to know what you think of the story :)
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fly-like-a-phoenix · 3 years
House of Lust (part 5)
Abbé de Coulmier x reader.
Summary: Five years has passed since the events of Quills. The Abbé de Coulmier is released of prision by a misterious event. And he will know again those feelings he never thought will meet again: love... and lust.
Warnings: spoilers from Quills, some mentions of sex, things will go a little wild from here...
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"Excuse me, madmoiselle." François said. "But I don't really understand anything. My parents said you will---"
"Oh, yeah. Your parents, yeah." Odelle interrupted him. "They... They came here two weeks ago, maybe more, before leaving to Spain. Are you hungry, Abbé?"
His stomach was grunting. He was thirsty too. He hadn't drink anything since the morning. But he needed some answers from those women wearing their nightgowns.
"Who are you two? Why am I here?" He said, his voice deeper than never.
"Come with us. You too, Y/N." Josephine said. But you stepped in front of François, covering him from your sisters view.
"He asked you two questions. Answer him, Odelle." You said. Knowing your sisters, you will try to protect him to all costs.
"My name is Odelle, and she's my sister Josephine. And it seems you already know Y/N, the little one. You knew us all, Abbé. But let me explain you better in the dinning room."
François and you shared a look. You nodded with your head, walking right next to him while he zipped his shirt. You weren't going to let him alone with them.
François saw the large hallways, admiring them. The walls were full of paintings, but there were not enough lights to see them properly. Some red courtains covered the windows, not letting the moon light enter the house.
And then you all arrived to the giant dinning room. A large table was in the middle, at least thirty chairs surrounding it. Josephine moved her hand to him, inviting him to sit.
"Y/N, can you bring him some food?" Odelle said, siting next to him. "As I was saying, we knew you from before. The three of us went to that theatre play in Charenton five years ago. We thought we were seeing The Happy Shoemaker, but actually you allowed the presentation of the Marquis de Sade play.
"I didn't allowed it. I didn't knew the inmates prepared another play to mock about doctor Roger-Collard and his young wife. I didn't---"
"Shh, shh. Whatever you say, Abbé. But let me finish. That play, those moments, seeing everyone enjoying it, and some quotes said from the actors... That changed us completely."
"It changed you both, Odelle." You said, bringing a plate with potatoes, a piece of meat and bread, letting it in front of François. "Don't talk for me, please. I was just sixteen years old, and I didn't care so much about---"
"Let me finish, then, if you think you didn't change too."
The silence crowned the large room for a few seconds. You looked at your sister with hate. You did hate her, actually. Because of many things.
"As I was saying before my sister interrupted me," said, as she didn't do it before with you and him. "That Marquis' play changed us. We started to read more of his work, you know? More of those hundreds of stories he had to tell. And then, we started to believe different, to feel the world and see it with other eyes. Seeing that we're just here to enjoy the carnal pleasures."
François looked at you, but you were with a hand in your face, trying not to see him or your sisters and not showing the shame you were feeling. Josephine continued what Odelle was saying.
"It's like a creed, Abbé. A creed based on lust, greed and violence. And we believe in it, as many other friends of ours do. You are pale, Abbé. Are you okay? Is the food alright?"
François was breathing heavier. He remembered that horrendous play very well. The Marquis, with Madeline's help, used the inmates to perfom those blaspheming performances that made Roger-Collard angry with him.
"This is the House of Lust in France, Abbé. Many people come here to satiate their thirst for sex and perversion. We help them to do it. And we enjoy it a lot too, just as the Marquis used to say."
"You're damn crazy, all of you!" He said, getting what Josephine just told him.
"Abbé, I'm not part of---"
"Shut up, Y/N." Odelle interrupted you again. "What were you saying, Abbé?"
"Please, stop calling me Abbé. I don't have that charge anymore. What am I doing here, for Christ sake?"
Josephine left her chair, and went to stand just behind François, letting her hands in his shoulders. Odelle touched his hand with her fingers slowly, her nails scratching the skin, hurting him a little.
"Your parents asked us to help you, that's true." Odelle said. "But they didn't know about our... activities this month. And you, as a man who took the vows, have never experienced things like we do. You're still innocent and pure, even if your body doesn't feel like that. And you got free and arrived the Villa just at the perfect moment to discover those feelings.
"What the hell are you talking about? I just wanted a place to sleep and eat something. I think I'm going to Paris again..." He responded, trying to get up. But Josephine stopped him, sitting him again.
"Now, Abbé, are you going to be a good boy and accept we're helping you? or you are going to try to escape? It's not gonna be easy, tho. Guards are everywhere, and we're not letting a cute virgin guy like you to come to this house and let you go like that. He have to taste you, you know what I mean. Or we kill you right now and we say to your parents you were killed by a thief. You choose."
François looked at you again. This time, you were seeing him too. Not only shame in your face, but fear. You nodded again, convincing him not only to stay in there, accept and survive, but also that you were in the same situation, under their threat.
"Alright, mesdemoiselles. I see I don't have other option. What do I have to do?"
"For now, just go to sleep. You arrived late, and every room in the Villa is full of our guests. We don't have other, maybe the dungeon. But I think Y/N doesn't mind he can sleep in her room. Do you, Y/N?"
You saw the young man with pity. What a poor lad! Just getting out of his unjust imprisonment to get beaten and now under the power of those mad women that your sisters were.
"It's okay." You answered, knowing that in your bedroom, at least, he will be safe for some hours. And that you both could plan a way to escape.
"Amazing! But will you let her fuck him, Odelle?" Josephine said, as if he was just a toy. "We should take care of that first."
"And we will, sister. We will. Tomorrow we will see how we start him in this. They can do whatever they want. But as I see it, she's too shy even to touch herself, so I don't think she will do nothing. And he... well, he can't do nothing without our permission. So don't you dare to do nothing to our little sister, Abbé. You're still a priest to her, until she doesn't respect those vows. She never wanted to be part of our creed, but she's our sister, and we love her. Are we clear?"
François couldn't believe all that was happening. How could people be so sick? You see them on the streets, walking, shopping, being arrogant assholes. And then, you learn how depraved they are, as Roger-Collard and Madeline herself.
"What will happen tomorrow?" Said he, scared.
"It's a surprise, my dear." Josephine responded. "For now, finish you dinner, go and sleep. Recover from that beaten you took. And wait for us. Tomorrow you will get a bath and new clothes."
Josephine squeezed his shoulders, and left with Odelle, both talking low and laughing while they went to their bedrooms.
François kept his eyes in the plate, looking at the meal in shock. What did he got into? He just needed some help his parents promised. What a fuckminded friends they got!
You served him some wine, and gave it to him. He drank it quickly, feeling the sweet savour going through his throat, waiting for you to say something.
"I'm sorry, François. I'm truly sorry. I don't even know if your parents really came here and talked with these two harpies. Maybe that isn't even true. But I should have taken you out of here as soon as I recognized you."
François looked at you in awe. He couldn't believe you were so different to them. He took your hand with care, and smiled even if he didn't knew what your sisters will do to him the day after.
"Is other people in here?" He asked.
"Around seventy guests of the famous House of Lust my sisters run. God damn it, I can't believe this is not an awful dream. They've being doing this since the last five years. And it's so wicked that I can't believe is real. I fear all them."
"Well, I can't believe you're so different to them. It's true you're not part of this madness." Said he, smiling again with pain in his eyes. "So you think we can't get through this? I'll help you escape if you help me."
Your prayers were answered! This young man you felt attracted to five years ago was going to got through many things these days, but you both will go out that Villa, that was for sure.
He finished dinner in silence, you looking at him, admiring his factions and manners. He was in prison a lot of time, but he was still a gentleman.
He decided to sleep in the divan you cured his face before. He didn't want to disturb you. But he was the most normal man in that house at the moment.
You regretted talking about him to your sisters that time after the play five years ago. Maybe him being in there was all your fault.
"That priest is really gorgeous." You said to them when you were at the carriage, leaving Charenton. "I wish he hadn't taken the vows. Maybe we could know each other and have been friends."
Your sisters seemed to take this seriously, because when they knew he could get out of the asylum, they took advantage of it.
And now, there he was, a prisoner again, like you were those last years, of your own family. Hopefully, his mind would not get so dirty those days as his body covered of mud when he was out the Villa a few hours ago.
Tagging: @darknessisafriend @five-miles-over @yukis-writing @thegirlwho @jokerflecker @missrockabilly99 @luperugorria99 @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @skaraboo @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @ohcarlesmycarles @beautifulyoungprospect @sophiefleck @the-queen-of-things @jokerphoenix @ajokerfangirl
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c4llm3h4ru · 4 years
The Restore of our Rotten Souls - Ch. 4 - I’m Magne’s kid
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My name is Milli, 15 years old, quirk: Ventriloquism, my villain relative, Keiji Hikiishi, AKA Magne. And no, SHE is NOT my mother, but my aunt (I usually call her Tia, since a part of my family is latino), still she was the closest relative to my disowned ass. Thankfully UA still kept me after my parents told me: you're not Hikiishi anymore. Just because I CRIED due to Magne's death.
After that day, I promissed myself to be the best hero I could be, for her, since her ghost watches over me (some people says she haunts me, but I feel better with her around). But like any older sister, she still cares about the league, and I'm the only one who seems to care about her. So I swore that I'd save all of them.
But now... things are out of control...
A giant villain appeared kinda out of thin air and was with everyone Auntie Mag loves on his back. It was taking a lot of us to take him down... AND we failed... no surprise, not until Oumei started to tremble, pant and tear down:
 - Uh... San?
 - Puppeteer...
By her tone, I knew that something was wrong:
- I think... I need to go up there.
 - WHAT?! San, is there anything wrong?!
 - Oh yeah. Really, really wrong. He's coming, along with a near dead friend on his arms. We lost someone else today, along with your aunt.
"Another one?!" I was paralized, "who's coming?! Which one of us... or them... died this time?!"
 - YOU CAN'T GO THERE SENPAI! It's too dangerous!
Yaoyorozu, the class 1A vice-president suddenly shouted at us, trying to warn, but Oumei knows, as the top and the president of our class, our league's vice leader, and the one with special trainament, she also knows what she is doing:
 - I know, Creativi. But I bear some bad news for someone up there.
 - B-but... then at least, let me go with you!
 - Sorry, dear, but I need you down here, if he's still breathing, you're the one who's the best with first aids.
 - Huh?
But before she could get any explaining, Oumei was already flying to face whoever would recieve the bad news. Yaoyorozu was worried:
 - Puppeteer... who is coming?
 - Uh... I don't k-
At that moment, I was looking around, and I saw something moving in the woods:
 - Wait...
 - Wh-
 - Shh...
I slowly walked near the trees and tried to focus more:
 - Hello? Anyone there?
A long second of silence before I heard a snap close to where I was. At that moment, Auntie's ghost pointed from where she the sound was coming from.
At the pointed place, I saw a silhouete of a man with black suit and blonde messy hair carrying someone on his arms, who was looking really beaten up. I knew who they were:
 - Wha- Puppeteer! Are you crazy?!
 - Ok! He's gone nuts.
I could hear whet they were talking about me, but why in the world Twice isn't with the other... "Oh jeez..." that meant something was REALLY wrong.
I fell down on my knees, that alarmed my other classmates, Elijah Mio (The blind hero: Third Eye) and Nekoshi Hyotora (The night hero: Night Panther). They came to my side quickly:
 - Puppeteer?
Nekoshi started:
 - Why are you... (snif, snif) I smell... blood and... (snif snif) burned flesh... Hyuko!
 - What?! Night, are you sure?
 - I fear so, Inner Eyes.
 - What are we waiting for?
And as quick as the blink of an eye, Nekoshi transformed into a panther and they went after the two. But I was still in shock. Yaoyorozu touched my shoulder:
 - Puppeteer... who's hurt?
 - ... Hyuko... he went after Twice due to some personal reason that I don't know...
 - Milli...
 - I feel like... he made a self-sacrifice for Twice... I can't sense why and-
And shortly after Elijah and Nekoshi left, they came back. Bubaigawara and Hyuko were with them at the back travel. I slowly walked near him and:
 - Where is my Oumei? Where is Himiko?
He was crying, and holding Hyuko like a lifeline. It was clear that he wasn't able to say many words. As I was approaching him, his tears were overflowing even more, I knew why:
 - Thanks for bringing him here, Jin.
 - I-I... I'm... I didn't mean, I-
 - Don't worry, I'll take care of him from now, Okay?
 - That's not what I... I mean, this too, but... your aunt... it was my-
 - About that, have you ever heard of the spirit guides? They sat it's been more frequent supernatural events since the 3rd generation of quirks.
 - What...?
 - Actually, there is something I need to tell you later, now, Hyuko needs help.
 - Uh... okay!
But at the moment we were going to start the first aids, my radio was recieving a message:
 - Hello?! Hello?! Anyone on the line?!
 - Keep going, I REALLY need to answer! Hello?! Ushio?! Is that you? What's wrong?!
 - Puppeteer, did the giant crazy villain showed up?!
 - Yes, the heroes couldn't stop it yet, and-
 -  Listen! If there is ANYONE on their back, you must take them of immediately!
 - Wha-
 - Okay! I'm on it!
As I was looking for a way to get everyone that was up there, Elijah said:
 - 5 people, I'll guide the threads.
I just need to attach one thread to be able to take someone's free will to move, and I can pull them like a ragdoll with a rope attached to their neck. I climbed a tree and deatached the strings from my fingers and threw them on the back of the giant creature:
 - NOW! Did I caught one?
 - The one of the mask! You got the spine right away.
This power that Elijah have does allow him to see silhouettes of people and their clothes, he describes as seing points in the middle of nowhere, since his actual eyes are blinded.
 - Go up and you'll get two more, and... San already got Toga for you!
 - GOT IT!
With the last drops of my arm's strenght, I pulled them, and to make sure I'd get everyone together, I tangled the strings in the air, and the moment in middle air, a giant dragon appeared and threw itself on the giant villain with all their strenght. The ground even shook with the impact:
 - MACHIA!!!!!!!
 - WHAT?!
The villains' faces were the best faces of "WTF, WE WERE JUST THERE!", but  I needed to get them down.
Since I didn't have any strenght left, to slow the fall, I hung the stings on a tree and slowly took thre strings off. Twice watched everything, and was really relieved. But when they saw him, the reaction was priceless:
 - TWICE?!
 - But you died! In front of me!
 - This must be a trick! It can't be real!
But Jin himself went to Himiko first  begging for forgiveness. It was clear she didn't know everything, until Oumei said:
 - At what moment I said that I was talking about my dad, Himiko?
Oumei's flashback
I pretty much had a tormented flight, but I got a clear spot to fall:
 - Himiko. Toga. You better explain yourself now!
 - What?! No! I don't have snything to explain to you!
 - Oh yeah?! Guess what?! I have some news to you!
I went close and pulled her by her sweater:
 - WHAT?! You think I'M the one who killed Jin?! COME ON! IT WAS THAT BIRD'S FAULT!!! HAWKS KILLED YOUR FATHER!!!
At that moment, Milli's threads appeared and were attaching to each one of the villains. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Then I ran and got two strings, to me and Himiko, and suddenly we were flying.
Back to Milli's POV
The scene was devastating, Twice was crying on Himiko's feet, unable to look her in the eye, repeating what Hyuko asked him to tell her:
 - ...and then, Hyuko, he asked me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him! Not there!
He was already proclaimed dead when we were doing the first aids. But I wasn't crying yet. I was trying to think what should I do.
Suddenly I saw a baby blue light, I knew that baby blue light, Auntie Mag:
 - What are you doing here, Tia?
But then I saw the others, their faces, she was visible to everyone, as she was talking to Hyuko's body:
 - You still has a lot to live, young boy, but still, you did something amazing, not even holding a trace of grudge, but I guess, if it's your end, you need to prepare your sister for it.
The other members of the League were in shock, is not everyday you see a ghost, specially from a friend. When she saw everyone safe, she turned to me and smiled:
 - You did it! YOU DID IT!
She tugged and hugged me, but it wasn't cold, her ghost was wasm as if she was alive, this was scarying me, I felt like she was saying goodbye:
 - T-Tia? W-why do they see you? Why are you so warm?
 - My boy, it doesn't matter, thank you! Thank you for saving them!
 - W- well... that's my job... saving people...
 - Even the villains?
 - THEY ARE STILL PEOPLE! Like the two of us! I'm a boy in a girl's body, and you were a woman in a man's body, but we're still people!
 - Yeah, we are... Milli, could you promise me something?
 - I'm listening...
 - Take care of them for me? They're my family and-
 - No need to say anything more. I will. No matter what will happen, I'll do my best.
 - Heh... you're really like me.
Then she pulled back a bit, and kissed my forehead:
 - Take care, my boy...
And then she started to fade, and somehow I knew, she finally found her peace. But this made me so desperate, I started to cry:
 - T-Tia? I-I don't know if-
 - I know you can, and your friends will help y...
And then she were gone. I was a train wreck at that moment. But then a question, coming from the lizard man, Spinner:
 - Who the hell are you? And why could you talk and understand what that ghost? She was our friend!
I recomposed myself a bit, and with the strongest face I could manage, I answered:
 - I'm Magne's kid.
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badboysdoitbetter · 5 years
— winner | sc
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pairing: takeshi wakatsuki x reader
fandom: kengan ashura
genre: angst, fluff; friends to lovers!AU, mutual pining!AU, fighter!reader, dense!reader
tags/warnings: a little violence, some L bombs, a disgustingly cute ending (this ones kinda cringey ngl), not much else :)
word count: 1.5k
synopsis: takeshi is in love with you; the only other fighter who’s been in the kengan tournament for as long as he has. it’s a shame you’re too oblivious to realize it...
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        "This next fighter needs no introduction, but I'll give it anyway!" said Sayaka Katahara, a girl you'd gotten to know over your many years in the Kengan matches. "With a record of 308 wins and 5 losses, she's been the longest-standing female fighter in the Kengan Tournament!
"Her signature move is knocking out her competition before they even see her coming! Although, with that body, it could be seducing her competition into submission."
You blushed and began fixing your skin-tight outfit, pulling down your spandex and adjusting your bra. "If you haven't heard of her, which I highly doubt, here's (Y/N) (L/N), better known as the 'Angel of Death!'"
Running into the view of spectators, where cheers immediately erupted, you held out your arms out beside you, so they were parallel to the floor like you had wings.
It was like the crowd got impossibly louder, and you even saw people standing up in their seats and pumping their fists in the air. Smirking, you knew your signature move would get them riled up.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N!)" You stopped in the middle of the field, greeting your opponent.
This is going to be an easy match.
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It was. Within the first three minutes your 6'3", 390-pound brick-of-a-man adversary was on the ground, unresponsive.
"The Angel of Death strikes again!" You stepped away from his limp body, limping to where the other fighters you'd met waited to greet you.
"That was awesome!" Cosmo Imai, a 19-year-old boy you considered your child, wrapped his muscular arms around you. You winced when he pushed you back a little, as you'd stepped back with your injured foot. "You were like whoosh, and then you were like BAM, and he went ah! and then it was over! Can you teach me how to do that?"
"Stop bothering her, idiot! (Y/N), I gotta admit, you look pretty good in that getup!" Takeshi Wakatsuki smirked at you, and you blushed hard.
Why does he tease me every chance he gets! Doesn't he know how I feel about him already? It's like he wants me to know I can't have him.
"Thanks! I work really hard, so I'm glad it's paying off!" Giving him a bright smile, you shook off your thoughts as you began limping away. You may have beaten the human-brick, but it didn't mean he was weak. "Sorry, but I have an interview to get to!"
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"So, (Y/N), how does it feel to be one of the longest-standing competitors in this tournament?" Your interviewer, you'd forgotten her name as soon as she'd said it, asked inquisitively.
"Alright," She cut you off, ignoring the fact that she'd just asked you a question. "I think we all want to know what's going on with you and the other longest fighter." You raised a brow.
"You know! Your old pal Takeshi."
"Huh? Oh, Takeshi and I are just friends, Miss!" No one looked like they believed you. "I swear!" Holding your hands up in front of you, the interviewer took one look at your closed-eye smile and replied.
"Oh really? We've got some clips of you two that tell us otherwise. Roll the tape!"
As the tape began to play, you and Takeshi appeared on the screen.
When were they able to capture this?
The two of you were training before one of your biggest matches that had a high reward for your company, and you were about to shit yourself out of pure nervousness. Takeshi was across from you, calm and collected, sparring with you so could practice your hits.
You went to attack, and he could have knocked you out right then and there, but... He didn't. Instead, he took one of your "Angel Kicks" right to the face, giving you a sore foot and him a minor concussion, but it did wonders in calming you down. You hadn't known it then, but you won your match because you believed that if you could beat the "Wild Tiger," you could beat anyone.
The next clip started to play. This time, it was after another big match, and it was your 5th loss in total. Disheartened, you sobbed as you ran from the crowds, all of whom were cheering for the real winner, one of Metsudo's "Fangs."
Takeshi took you into his arms as soon as you were past the crowd. He didn't break away as you tried to shove him to get by or let you leave as your body wracked with sobs. He held you in his arms and told you to keep going, to keep fighting, and you did. That's what got you to where you were today.
He does that to all of his friends, I bet. I'm not special to him, although I wish I was...
"(Y/N)? Hello... (Y/N)?" A hand waving in front of your face pulled you out of your trance. "Don't even try to deny it anymore. There's obviously something happening there, and I want to know the deets!"
Overwhelmed, you stood up and limped out of the interview as fast as you could, trying to wobble as far as you could to get away from there.
Why can't he love me like that, the way I love him?
"(Y/N)? Oof—" Falling onto someone while you weren't looking, you were met with steely blue eyes staring back at you.
"Takeshi, what are you doing here?" He saw your black and blue leg, and he noticed that you were stuttering through your sentence, but what killed Takeshi the most was the tears staining your otherwise-perfect cheeks.
"Are you okay?" Your eyes widened.
"Um, yeah, why?"
"You don't look it..."
"Well, I'm fine. If that's all you came to ask me, I need to get to my room." You went to move around him, but he stopped you.
"Oh, how'd your interview go?"
You sobbed even harder.
He doesn't even know that I'm crying about him.
"It went fine. Excuse me." This time, he moved out of the way and let you pass him, watching as you quickly turned the corner of the hallway to get your hotel room.
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The only thought Takeshi Wakatsuki had as he walked towards your room was that you were an idiot.
He watched the interview, and he'd seen the way you reacted to his caring attitude towards you. He saw the longing in your eyes when you denied being anything more than "friends."
Takeshi wasn't cocky, or overly-confident, but he was observant. He knew you liked him back and didn't understand how you didn't realize he felt the same way...He thought it was pretty obvious.
Hearing a knock, you opened the door to see the man you were crying over.
"What are you doing—" Not waiting for you to finish, he pulled you towards him and locked his lips on yours. Not waiting very long, he could feel you return the kiss with just as much passion.
As he pulled away, he told you what he came here to say.
"You're an idiot."
"What?" You looked at him dumbfounded.
"I take every possible moment we're together to can to show you how much I love you, and you can't even figure it out when another person points it out to you? (Y/N), I let you give me a concussion because I wanted to be happy, for christ's sake."
Your mouth was agape, and you couldn't bring yourself to reply. "Now, I don't even know if you like me, but it sure as hell seems as if you do, so this time, I'm going to make it as clear as possible.
"I LO—"
You put a hand over his mouth, stopping him from finishing his declaration. As you pulled away, he went, "Why'd you do that?"
You smirked, regathering your thoughts as you let out those three little words.
"I love you."
Time seemed to stop between the two of you, and you almost cackled when Takeshi realized what you did.
"Seriously? You had to say it first, didn't you? Even though you wouldn't have confessed if I hadn't figured it out before you did—"
"Takeshi," You started, "Did you seriously think I'd lose to you again?"
"You know what, (Y/N), the scores 2:1, and I'm winning."
"What do you mean?" He laughed as your face went red, "You won during our fight, and I won now! Since when was it two to one?"
"That may be true, but I won something even better." You scoffed.
"Oh yeah, and what's that?"
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softyshibu · 5 years
Showdown bandit OC: Ghost Bandit (Long Post)
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So I have an SB OC (I have a few actually but we're gonna start with this one) and he goes by the name of Ghost.
Ghost is yet another Bandit roaming around showdown valley but not quite as often as many others.
If there is one thing to know about him it's that there will frequently be days you may not ever see him around but he definitely will always see you. Just like a g h o s t would.
The Ghost bandit may not always be around in showdown valley but when he is it's usually because a terrible threat is on the rise or just because he low-key enjoys watching the Bandit do stupid stuff as an attempt to impress him and than get in trouble for it afterwards.
He is a man of little words but speaks whenever he feels is necessary especially When the faceless bandit is present trying to bring havoc across showdown valley or trying to harm the bandit for whatever reason only he and the puppet master knows.
Despite his intimidating features and straight forwardness he's actually quite friendly and a giant softy when around puppets he's comfortable with and have befriended.
Surprisingly ghost wasn't always the ghost bandit, he actually went by Reid (his real name) and he was your average townfolk with an actual occupation in showdown valley, he was a piano player. He wore a bowler hat to go over his head full of fluffy pulled back hair,a nice little bow-tie to go with his tucked in black vest and Striped red velvet long sleeved banded shirt along with Burgundy pants and boots that came up over the knee, and one gold earring in his left ear (hm not much has changed). He took pride in his profession and was always ready to play a tune for anyone who would listen.
He spent most of his days at the saloon quietly sat in front of a beautiful themola london pianola practically living in his own world as he played a lovely tune. He also had a frequent little visitor who loved to come watch him play and she went by the name of Belle, Belle was a small shy youngin puppet who'd sneak into the saloon just to watch him play. At first she used to hide or run whenever he would finish a song but after many gentle pleads and friendly gestures she eventually warmed up to him. Now all would seem well for Reid at this time he had a wonderful small friend and loved the part he played even if it was rather minor. His life was perfect, well, it would had been anyway until one late night at the saloon would change everything.
It was closing time when a gang of no good ruffians attempted to rob the place . Reid had stayed to finish up cleaning tables for the bartender with Belle not too far behind him when they heard the saloon doors being kicked open.
Three masked Robbers ran in and demanded for everything that was in the cash register. They threaten the two with guns, knives, and molotov bombs. Belle was terrified and clinged tightly to Reid who was not phased at all by their taunts. As a warning he would politely yet sternly ask them to leave and when they refused to he'd escort them out himself.
Though Reid may had been a quiet puppet that keeps to himself, he was no one you would want to be on the bad side of. He did have a particular weapon on him at all times that he never used for any malicious reason but only if it was really necessary and it was a weapon that not one puppet with strings would want to go up against.
Reid had a whip but not just any whip, it was quite a special one. It had a powerful Aura that surrounded it and with just one lash from It the person in its path strings would be stunned and covered in the whips purple ghost-like aura making it were all movement from it's host obsolete immediately giving Reid the ability to take complete control over them or to put it short, it allowed him to be their temporary puppet master. Though only for but so long
(it tends to take a lot of energy out of him. ).
So when the thieves refused to leave when uponed being warned to, reid took out his whip and with little hesitation thrashed at each of their strings. One of them seemed to have put up a bit of a fight after realizing what had taken place. But his squirming was useless.
Though as reid began to forcibly “walk” them out the door one of the goons had just enough strength to throw a molotov bomb towards whatever direction they could which happened to be were little Belle was standing. Her screams would fill reids ears breaking his concentration and causing him to release the thieves, she wasn't hurt but the fire began to rapidly spread around her and then eventually all through out the saloon, the moment the Robbers were let go they began to throw more bombs around the place and stole what they could .
As things turned for the worse Reid refused to panic and tried to focus on getting Belle away from the fire and into safety. Though when he tried to reach out for her he could feel a set of hands on him pulling him back. It was the unwanted guest who were not quite thrilled by the string pulling act he had committed just then and apparently they were feeling pretty brave to show him just how they felt about it .
They dragged him out of the saloon their voices loud as they taunted him with all the things they wanted to do to him.
Unfortunately for them Reid bearly paid them any mind he was currently in hysterics and squirming to get out of their grasp so he could hurry back for Belle who was still trapped behind the flames in the soon to be crumbling saloon. Though no matter how much he struggled he didn't have enough energy to fight them off.
He was weakened by the string hypnosis (controlling three puppets at once took a lot out of him).
Belle continued to cry out for him as the flames risen higher leaving Reid to feel helpless as he sadly watched until he couldn't hear her anymore.
Once they were outside Reid was thrown to the ground and was searched him for the supposed whip, aware of what it could do the crooks wanted to use it for their own needs but it would seemed to have “vanished” leaving them all quite puzzled.
Reid would then begin to try to pick himself up but the ruthless puppets took notice of this chuckling to themselves and began to kick him, landing hard vicious blows to his stomach,back, and face. One of them kicked so hard their foot made a hole on the right side of his face completely shattering his right eye and brow which achieved a weakened yelp out of him.
Finally once they all felt like they've gotten most of their anger out and done enough physical damage, one of them would take out a knife and began to cut his strings
one .
When they had finished their little “fun” they began to tease Reid again by telling him:
“if ya had just given us what we wanted things could have ended differently”
“hope your little friends life was worth the risk”
which ate him up but he was so emotionally drained he bearly showed it.
A gust of wind would then blow into the area quickly silencing the three thieves just enough for them to hear the sound of something thumping onto the ground in a slow repetitive pattern along with foot steps coming from out of the darkness.
One of the thieves whipped out their gun and demand to know who was there and when he saw just who it was his eyes widened and he begin to back up slowly.
It was the faceless bandit.
The other two picked up on their friends sudden changed demeanor and also whipped out their guns (shakily) even though by now everyone knows guns have little to no effect on him.
The faceless bandit would get closer and closer though before he could do anything to them the three masked puppets ran off as quickly as they could.
The tall smudged face puppet would watch them then look down when he heard the disheveled puppet the three left behind breathing hitch a little.
He'd kneel down to the now shivering puppets level and tilt his head when the pianist began to softly cry.
Everything was hitting him hard. He realized he had lost everything just in that moment.
The one place he worked and enjoyed to be at everyday was now in a blaze (the bartender will certainly be royally pissed), his one true friend had perished there and he blamed himself harshly for it, He was beaten senselessly and had his strings cut unwillingly and
Now to top it all off he was face to face with the faceless bandit himself who was surely going to kill him and you know what? He was okay with it. He has nothing to go on for so just might as well be dismembered and be used for spare parts right? Sounds like a decent way to let it all end.
But in reality death never really came.
Instead with out a word the Faceless bandit
Would hoist him up and take him some place not to kill em and maybe eat em or something but
to “F i x” him.
In some old room where extra items were stored,
the Faceless bandit would provided Reid a coat,scarf, a new vest, and a hat for his now messy head.
Reid was confused. Why exactly was he of all people doing this?
When he finally built up the courage to ask him why the faceless bandit stayed quiet until they were finished.
When reid was dressed he felt and looked like a whole new person. He was no longer the quiet pianist that sat in the corner of a saloon losing himself in a tune.
He was.
He was someone else.
“you have a new purpose now. ”
He'd hear the faceless bandit finally say. He'd turn to face him his now one eye wide.
“I'm not gonna lie to you.
I've been there by that saloon for a moment, when I heard commotion I just had to see what the bustle was about and I'm glad that I did. I saw what you did back there with your fancy little whip, it's quite special i'll admit. I was impressed.”
Reid blushed and looked away from him. He didn't know what exactly to say to this. Especially that it was coming from the faceless bandit himself.
“I didn't want to get in the middle of anything though so I waited until they brought you out and oh boy, I didn't expect to watch ya get yer ass handed to”
Faceless chuckled which caused Reid to frown and wince, all this time he's been there watching from the shadows but then again he shouldn't be too shocked about it.
It was the faceless bandit after all.
“what do you want from me.”
he'd ask the distorted bandit carefully to not sound blunt. The faceless bandit walked up to him and placed a finger under his chin then lifted his face to meet his own.
“ You have a gift my dear friend, a gift that goes beyond anything that anyone in this damn town can even fathom and you're letting it waste away.”
the faceless bandit stepped back from him.
“So you have a choice. you can stick with me and I can show you what it's like to have great power over those who have wronged you, or.. you can leave from here and I don't know... get lost and probably get eaten by a stringless or some shit. You know. etc, etc,....”
The weary tense pianist was hesitant at the two offers but eventually gave in and agreed to stay by the tattered bandits side.
It's been a long day, he was heart broken and his whole life was taken away from him and the last thing he needed was more trouble.
Days, weeks to months would go by and things in the small town would suffer a massive shift, all around the valley many would be afraid of the faceless bandit and his unknown new acquaintance.
For awhile walking about was almost a death wish, there were so many stringed and stringless victims that never saw the light of day when they walked into the two puppets path. Whether it was an accident or not.
Though most of the victims (that weren't stringless) untimely demise would be in the faceless bandits hands because his red head partner could never bring himself to hurt anyone but he'd control their strings whenever faceless ask-no- demanded him to.
But his unwillingness would eventually be put to the test.
One night the faceless bandit would take Reid to a special “meet and greet”
To his surprise faceless had taken him back to the saloon.
It was charred and abandoned now but had an unkind presence.
The red head puppet could feel memories faintly flooding him as he stood at the porch of the place but would be snapped out of his daze abruptly when he heard a noise and shift his eye to faceless who'd smile and beckon him to follow as he disappeared inside.
Hesitantly, Reid would slowly walk across the old porch receiving creaks as a response before entering the saloon.
When he was inside his eye widen and he froze in place.
Next to faceless a few candles were lit across the old bar and front of the bar sat right next to the scared faced puppet was another puppet who was tied to a chair and had a bag over his head.
The faceless bandit would then yank the bag off the tied down puppets head revealing that it was one of the thieves that was the very reason for the former pianists current state and the loss of the one he held dearly.
He was at a lost for words.
“I couldn't get em all but I got one as you can see here,”
The facelsss bandit would say With a low chuckle as he patted the shakened up puppets shoulder harshly.
“now it's your chance speckles. Show em how you feel about what they did to you that night, show how you feel when they took little belle from ya with no mercy! ”
Reid looked at faceless then turned his gaze to the frighten puppet who would then begin to beg for mercy when Reid slowly pulled out his whip from behind his back and cracked it against the wind, its Aura beginning to loom around it and him.
He walked up to the pleading puppet then leaned in close to them, his eye glowing and flickering a purple hue.
The very puppet that had robbed the saloon in past had started to tremble, not so tough anymore are we?
Without breaking eye contact, Reid rose his free hand above his perpetrators head and took hold of one his strings and proceeded to yank on it.
Then he yanked harder and harder until the tied down puppet yelled out for him to stop.
“stop? Why should I? I asked for you and your friends to leave but did you? ”
The puppet remained quiet.
“I didn't think so. ”
Reid stood up straight and then slowly took hold of all the strings which gained him a pitiful whimper. Faceless, still present and rather quiet watched in amusement and was awfully curious to see where this was going.
“all you and your little “gang” had to do was leave was that all too much to ask? I didn't ask for any of this shit! I could still have a place! and Belle!... Belle would still be safe... ”
He began to pull down on the strings harshly making the so called goon squeeze his eyes shut waiting to hear them come undone.
But they never did.
Reid let go of his strings then began to untie him.
The stringed doll was gravely confused by this action and apparently so was Faceless.
Reid threw the rope to the side then winced at his surprised unharmed victim.
“you listen to me, I want you to get out of here and gather your little “buddies” and when you do I want you all to go far, far away from this place. Because If I see you or any of them around here in showdown valley.
I Won't be as merciful. ”
The puppet quickly nodded then scrambled out of the saloon when Reid stepped aside. Faceless walked up to his freckled partner with his arm crossed and scoffed.
“tell me speckles.. why did you let him go free? After all he and his brainless bunch did you STILL show mercy. Why is that? ”
Reid looked at faceless then back at the saloon door way.
“oh, believe me I wanted to but what good would it have done me? It wouldn't make things go back to the way they were and it certainly wouldn't bring belle back... I'd be no better then them. ”
With that being said Reid began to walk towards the doors but then paused once he was in front of them.
“you know. I don't think this thing we have going is working out, I think it's best we go our separate ways... wouldn't you agree?”
The Faceless bandit was abit stunned but then let out another scoff and nodded slightly.
“I suppose speckles. I won't stop ya. ”
Reid gave a bit of a smirk and tipped has hat to him before vanishing behind the saloon doors.
From that point onward reid was on his own, he decided he would aid those in need whenever they were in potential danger and when all was fine he'd remain hidden.
he'd also eventually pick up a new name. He felt that his own name was off putting and represented something (and someone) he was no longer.
So after years of fighting off araknits, grieves, and stringless without ever being seen he'd officially (and rather quickly when asked upon who he was by the showdown bandit himself)go under the nickname :
The Ghost Bandit.
((Note: whew! This was a long post but you made it to the end so you must feel special. I'm Sorry for the lack of post, lately school has been pretty rough right now due to the semester coming to a close but in the future I promise to post more and answer all your lovely ask!))
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