#but he does understand wanting to make a good professional first impression!
luveline · 4 months
Hey Jade!
I can’t remember if you’ve already written this or not but if not, could you please write bombshell!reader finally joining the BAU? I wanna know how Spencer and everyone else reacted to her finally joining
Thanks lovely :) hope you’re doing well
ty for requesting 💌 fem, 1.3k
The trek from the SCU to the BAU is familiar. If you aren’t being asked to consult, or occasionally brought along on sex crime specific cases, you’ll make any excuse to get there. A broken laptop, an updated reading list, a good cup of coffee. Spencer Reid always provides. 
He just doesn’t get it. You think about it every time you see him, but he can’t understand how nice, kind, and pretty he really is, or he wouldn’t be so shy, and he wouldn’t act surprised to have you seeking him out. 
He’s sitting now behind his desk with a hand over his mouth. You can tell he’s smiling despite it, a warm light to his brown eyes as you approach. 
“Hello,” you say. 
“Hi.” He sniffs, curling his hand into a fist under his nose. His smile is a thousand times more obvious as he tries to hide. “You okay?” 
“Hotch asked me to come. You don’t know what it’s for?” 
His smile finally softens before fading to a more neutral expression. “I have no idea.” 
You wipe your hands down over your hips. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, and not at all like last time.” Hotch has never been angry with you before. It was strange. “I hope he still likes me.” 
“What are you talking about? Of course he does.” 
“What am I talking about?” You agree. “Kiss for luck?” 
“Pucker up,” Morgan says, a coffee cup in hand. Without coffee you’re sure this office would cease to function. 
You shoot him a smile, Spencer a promising look to return, and start up the stairs to the office. You watch your shoes on each step, their shiny black, and you try not to be nervous, but Spencer was acting strange and Hotch has enough reason to revisit his anger. 
Your best defence is a smile, you decide. If you act like nothing happened, you won’t get another rehashing of your mistakes. 
You knock his door. “Hotch? It’s me.” 
“Come in, please.” 
You turn the handle and feel the weight of the door against your elbow as you enter. Hotch sits behind his desk, as usual, but when you’re a few paces from the desk he stand up, which is unusual. 
“How are you?” he asks.
Your eyes widen against your will. “I’m fine. How are you, Hotch? How’s your sweet boy? Did he have fun at little league?” 
“Jack’s perfect. I’m good, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“I assumed.” You wait. Then, neck growing warm, “If it’s about last time, I'm still so sorry.” 
“I’m not going to get angry at you twice for a mistake. But no, that’s not what you’re here for.” 
He’s making you nervous. Is this a guessing game? You lean into your nerves and put your arms behind your back, grasping your wrist as you tilt your head ever so slightly to the side. “It’s not about Spencer, is it? I told you, he’s just a friend. A good friend. But I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise my chances.” 
“It’s about that.” 
You stand straighter. “I do like him,” you confess, which Hotch already knows. Everybody seems to know except for Spencer. It’s not like you’re in love with him, just you could be, maybe. “But I’m really not– I would never do anything–” You start again. “I want this job more than anything. I know I flirt and I make more jokes than I should, but I take the work seriously, I promise. You guys are the most impressive people I know and I might feel like you’re a friend to me, Hotch, but you have to know how much I admire you. I admire Spencer, and I’d never let my feelings impede my professional ability.” 
“Y/N, I’m not reprimanding you for anything.” 
You swallow awkwardly. “You’re not?” 
He raises his eyebrows and turns to his desk. There’s a packet waiting across his outgoings, which he picks up and gives to you. “I need you to fill these in, first and foremost.” 
He’s smiling. Why is he smiling? 
You peer inside cautiously. Chest suddenly aching, thinking, It isn’t what you want, don’t break your own heart, you pull out the very top sheet from inside. FBI letterhead greets you. 
Facilitation of department transfer for Y/N L/N from the Sexual Crimes Unit to the Behavioural Analysis Unit, as requested by Unit Chief Supervisory Special Agent A. Hotchner and approved by Unit Chief S. Peterson. 
You lay it on top of the envelope. All the papers whine under your tight hand. “You requested it?” you ask. 
“Months ago.” 
“And Sandy said yes.” 
“Strauss, finally. If you sign them today, Penelope’s promised to expedite your processing, whether that’s fair or not. Your desk is ready.” 
“Hotch,” you whisper, not without excitement, but sound hard to summon, “are you serious? You’re not messing with me?”
“You deserve it. You have for a long time.” 
You squeeze your eyes closed. For five long seconds, you stand there, and you think about how hard you’ve worked and how badly you’ve wanted this, and how much faith everybody’s had in you the whole time. You’re so thankful. For Hotch, Morgan, and especially for Spencer Reid. 
“Don’t get upset,” Hotch says, taking your arm. He gives it a good squeeze. It’s so friendly and kind you consider jumping up to wrap your arms around him, but you restrain yourself. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pressing the packet to your chest. 
“You’re welcome. I didn’t mind fighting for you.” 
“I need to go and tell Spencer.” 
“Spencer, your good friend.” 
Your laugh comes in fractures from a sudden deep breath. “My good friend,” you agree. “Hotch, thank you. Thank you, I’m gonna go tell Spencer. I’ll be right back.” 
“It’s fine. Just make sure you finish those forms before lunch.” 
You leave with some dignity. You close Hotch’s office door, and you walk to the balcony and look down at Spencer where he’s waiting for you. His hair falls against his neck, his head angled up, and he’s smiling so hard he must’ve already known what you were summoned into the office for. 
You rush down the stairs. He, in all his loveliness, stands in time to open his arms. “I can’t believe it,” you say, your laugh like a ring as you lean against him. He holds you tight and hugs right back, forcing you to bend under his weight. “Spencer.” 
He pulls away just as quickly. “Tell me,” he says. 
“I’m gonna be part of the BAU.” It’s so insane to finally say aloud. 
Spencer looks extremely, achingly happy for you, but his second hug still surprises you. Your nose ends up pressed to his hair, strands of it falling from behind his ear as his palm cups your shoulder. 
You close your eyes. Spencer laughs, his lips a hair's width from your cheek. 
Your excitement grows too much. You squirm away from him and wrap your hands around yourself, holding in a girlish, giggly squeal. “I did it. I can’t believe I did it.” 
He takes your hand. You barely notice. “Why can’t you believe that? You’re amazing. You work hard and you didn’t give up.” 
Morgan returns from wherever he’s been with Emily and Garcia in tow. “There she is!” he says. 
It’s possibly the best round of hugs you’ve ever had in your life. The little congratulations cupcake they present you with is the sweetest you’ve ever tasted. Spencer puts a makeshift name tag on your desk and you don’t bother pretending your eyes haven’t filled with tears, but nobody cares or minds. 
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 11 months
Dorm leaders with a female singer reader?
Yup yup!
Dorm Leaders + Female Singer Reader!
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle is very impressed by your technique and talent. He understands that singing for more than just fun takes a ton of effort, and he’s very proud of you for being able to stick with it.
He loves when he you offer to perform at Heartslabyul’s Unbirthday parties. These were few and far between, since he didn’t want you to strain your voice too much by asking you to make an constant appearance.
When it’s just the two of you, he usually likes to talk over tea. Not only does it soothe your throat, it also gives the two of you ample time to chitchat without anyone needing him.
Your voice is one of his favorite things. To him, you sound as lovely as a songbird. Nothing would ever compare, and he adores it when he gets to hear you.
“Thank you once again for performing, it was quite exemplary. Hm? I don’t need to be so formal? Very well. Thank you for singing for me, I’d love to hear you do it again.”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona likes your voice. No need for flowery language or something. He tells you straight up, and fairly often too.
He can hear you singing from pretty far away, so it’s not uncommon for him to mention it from time to time. It confuses you the first couple of times but you eventually remember that most beastmen hear better than humans in the first place.
When you sing or hum to yourself, he finds it quite cute. Especially if it’s a song you’re practicing for a performance. He likes the feeling of being one of the first people to hear your rendition of it.
You didn’t hear this from me, but if you have an upcoming performance, he’s going to send you some things to ease your nerves. It’s pretty common to see Ruggie bitching muttering about having to “deliver another goodie basket”. He’s not mad at you; just your partner.
“Huh? Ruggie dropped by a little while ago? Hm, wonder what that was about. What? Don’t give me that look, it’s just a coincidence that you’ve got a performance comin’ up.”
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul immediately tries to figure out how to incorporate you into the lounge. You’ve got a beautiful voice, and he has the perfect platform to show it off. It’s just a perfect combination, no?
Of course, that’s only if you want to. He might be cruel to his employees, but he’d never turn and use the same cruelty on you.
He’ll show up to every one of your performances. The only exception is if something at the Monstro Lounge is making work late; but he’ll be sure to make it up to you later.
Although it isn’t mentioned much, he is also a good singer. Whether it’s his naturally or he got it through a contract is up for debate. If you wanted to have a duet, it might take some convincing but he’d ultimately be willing to do it.
“Oh? Are you sure you want me on stage with you? You’re not gonna let up are you? Fine, I’ll sing with you. But just this once.”
Kalim Al Asim
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Kalim loves the fact that you sing! It’s a very common sight to see you and him sharing a song. Even if he’s very off-key at times.
He wants everyone to be able to hear your voice, so he’s the most supportive of any of your wishes. Want to perform at a big venue? He’s your guy. Want to have your work recorded? He knows twenty guys.
If you prefer to stay locally, that’s also fine by him. He’ll show up to each and every one of your performances, as well as staying until after it’s over so he can talk with you.
Karaoke nights at Scarabia go absolutely wild with the two of you. You, since you’re literally a professional, and Kalim because he has So Much Energy. It’s basically just giving his dorm-mates a free concert.
“Hey! They’re really liking our show! How about we give them an encore?” You’ve been going for nearly twenty minutes and your voice is tired.
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil is also accustomed to being on the stage so if you want any advice, he’s your guy. He’ll be pretty strict, but he’s just trying to push you to be the best.
He’ll have you do some of the training that he does for himself. Whether it be grueling hikes or practicing for hours to perfect your posture, you’re definitely gonna show quick progress. While hurting in places you didn’t know could hurt.
He’s more than happy to have you accompany him to the events he gets invited to. Even more so if you’re offered to preform.
Unfortunately, he won’t be able to attend all of your shows due to scheduling conflicts, but he still tries to make it to the vast majority. If it’s being recorded, he will watch it and still support you that way. If not, he’ll call you after it’s over to congratulate you on your show.
“Hello dear, how was your show? I’m very sorry I couldn’t make it, I’ll do my best to make it to the next one. I promise you. It’s been far overdue for me to support you in person.”
Idia Shroud
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Idia immediately becomes your biggest fan. You thought he was passionate about his idols? That increases tenfold when he’s cheering you on.
Although you’re more likely to see his tablet where he’s should be, you’ll still hear his cheers through it’s speakers. In fact, the little screen will show you new cute emoticons while you sing to keep you motivated.
He’ll ramble about you to just about anyone who’ll ask. Soon the poor soul talking to him will know your entire discography and the dates of all your best performances. Spoiler: it’s all of them.
While he’ll basically melt into a nervous puddle if you ask him to sing with you onstage, he’ll be more willing to sing if it’s just the two of you. And maybe Ortho if he asks.
“Huh?! You wanna do Karaoke? With me?! But I’m not nearly the same rank as you are! I mean… I guess it’ll be cool if it’s just us. But no recording, okay?!”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus absolutely adores your singing. No matter what genre you sing, he’ll sit and listen the entire time.
If you have a performance, please tell him like a week in advance. That way he won’t loose track of the days and actually make it. He actually marks it on a little calendar in his room, it’s adorable.
He’d be over the moon if you ask him to have a duet with you. Although most of the songs he knows are centuries old, he’d love to sing something that you know.
It becomes a sort of unofficial event in the Diasomnia dorm for the two of you to sing together. Partly because the Malleus Draconia is singing and you two make really pleasing harmonies in the mostly quiet dorm.
“I wouldn’t mind if you taught me a song you enjoyed. Although I may not be able to return the favor. All of my favorites are just lullabies that were sang to me years ago.”
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666writingcafe · 6 months
The Final Boss
MC is too smart for their own good. And it's making them fail my test.
Have they demonstrated an understanding of Beel's powers? Yes. Have they used those powers to defeat their foes? Yes, and in an impressive fashion, I might add.
But the fire they normally have is missing.
"You've noticed it too, haven't you?" Asmo scooches closer to me and looks into the viewing ball I set up. "The passion's not there." I sigh.
"I suppose it's my fault for allowing your brothers to pick out the location of this test," I tell him. "I would have simply reserved an arena in the Devildom and have the battle there, but Satan insisted that this game of Levi's would be perfect."
"As if MC doesn't know the tropes of a RPG game."
"I mean, even if they had no knowledge whatsoever before the exchange program, Levi would have at least taught them the basics." Asmo runs a hand through his hair to get some of it off his face. "Do you remember the first time you made full and complete use of my powers?"
"All too well." It was during a threesome with a girl we both liked. To put it simply, we fed off each other's lust and inadvertently overstimulating her to the point of death.
Asmo likes to joke about it sometimes. I don't.
"So, how do we get MC to do what you're asking?" Right. The task at hand.
"To be honest, I don't know," I answer. "I suspect they'll put more energy into their battle with me, but I don't know if it'll be enough to bring out all of Beelzebub's power."
"Why now?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've never been this invested in your apprentices becoming sorcerers." Asmo pauses. "Does MC mean that much to you?"
"You already know the answer to that." He sighs.
"Yes, but I want to hear you say it! Do you know how tiring it is to constantly use my powers to get dirt on people? It's so exhausting!"
"Yes, what?" The patronizing look in his eyes makes me want to barf.
"I care about MC. A lot. They're the first human in a long time that I see myself having a future with." I pause. "Is that good enough for you, Asmodeus?" He playfully snarls like a cat, bending his fingers to look like claws.
"What an attitude!" he exclaims, smiling at me.
"You annoy me."
"Only because I care." Asmo glances back into the ball, appearing to think. "What if we upset MC?"
"No." Asmo huffs.
"I'm not saying we make them destroy the game or anything that extreme! I just think that if we tease them a little bit, we'd get them to feel something other than sheer boredom."
"Teasing might work. Just not on MC. They'll get too flustered to focus properly." I pause as an idea pops into my head. "Your brother, on the other hand..." Asmo's eyes widen before gleefully laughing.
"That's it! Oh, Solomon, you're such a genius!"
"How, exactly?" I'm asking because I want to know where his mind went, because he seldom complements me in a professional setting.
"You see, MC hates when we're reduced to our sins. That was why it took them so long to warm up to me; I wasn't being my true self, but merely a caricature. If I act like gluttony is Beel's only personality trait, then MC will feel the need to jump to his defense, thus triggering that connection you told me about." Interesting...
"You do realize that MC will be controlling your brother, right? The more angry they get, the stronger Beel will become, and I'm pretty sure you don't want him pummeling you." Asmo makes a dismissive noise.
"I'll be fine! Don't worry about me. Any injuries I sustain will be temporary." He smiles, nudging me with his elbow. "I want MC to become an official sorcerer as much as you do, you know."
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bnha-imagines-only · 1 year
may we have some kinda angsty headcanons for Iida, Kirishima, and Keigo overhearing their crush say that they made a promise to themself to never date heroes because of how messy it can be and there’s little to no privacy and heroes always have to choose the world, and this causes them to rethink some a some stuff?
please, and thank you ❤️‍🩹
A/N: Thank you for the request!
CW: General Light Angst, Unspoken/Unrequited Romantic Feelings, Reference to the Stain Arc.
Characters x GN!Reader: Tenya Iida, Eijirou Kirishima, and Keigo Takami
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• Iida falls for you as a student, quietly nursing his crush with the knowledge that a high school romance would distract from him becoming a top-tier hero—the entire reason he’s attending this school. There’s a small part of him that thinks it’s a right person, wrong time situation and after he settles into the routine of coursework he might confess. Provided, of course, you’re available and his feelings are requited.
• Iida is, first and foremost, embarrassed to have eavesdropped on your private conversation with a friend. In his defense, your lunch table is close to the line and your friend group is pretty loud.
• One of your friends is dreamily discussing Kamui Woods when you confess that you promised yourself you’d never date a professional hero. And you make good points: the lifestyle is messy, the hours are inconsistent, both press and fans invade the family’s privacy, heroes have a greater obligation than one’s own personal life, etc.
• Of the three, Iida has an interesting perspective on this, because he’s the second son in a family that has spent generations in the hero business. If you were having this conversation with him, he might feel compelled to make this argument with you; he grew up in a happy home, well-loved, and there’s no professional reason that a job title meant a hero had to neglect their family. It’s all about balance.
• Because he’s only overheard your thoughts on the matter, Iida chooses not to intrude, pushing his feelings down. It makes him sad, even though he understands your position from a pragmatic point of view, and his mood toward his coursework dampens for a few weeks. He wonders if you have similar stances toward other jobs that pose risks, like police officers or firefighters, or toward jobs with very long hours that might keep your spouse away from home.
• Iida doesn’t want to convince you otherwise so much as he wants to understand, but he doesn’t consider himself close enough to you to ask.
• He doesn’t truly understand your position until his brother is injured.
• That’s the first time he’s ever wondered whether the hero path is really for him. He’s never seen his mother cry like that. And the anger he feels—that’s something else entirely.
• Iida never speaks to you regarding that opinion he heard, all those weeks ago—and although his heartbeat quickens when he sees you in the halls, he decides to never confess. After all, who would know what you want better than you?
• Although he occasionally wonders what might have been, he doesn’t feel it appropriate to convince you otherwise and feels responsible for upholding his brother’s mantle. He goes on with life wondering if maybe you were the one that got away.
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• Kirishima is also a student when he falls for you, and he gets it when he hears you discussing the kind of spouse you’d want—or more specifically not want—with one of your friends in the hallway.
• Instead of associating your view with heroes in general, Kirishima does take it personally. Would you feel that way if he was stronger, braver, better? If his quirk was different? Maybe the “right kind” of hero would impress you.
• Unlike Iida, who pulls away out of respect for you, Kirishima gets friendlier. Just because you won’t date a hero doesn’t mean he can’t be your friend, right? And that’s good enough for him… even though he feels like he’s on fire every time your shoulder accidentally bumps him, or like he may melt whenever you shoot a smile his way.
• So, Kirishima dedicated himself to being nice, and that comes pretty naturally for him. You end up good friends.
• Kirishima comes off as incredibly genuine, and your general studies friend group becomes quite fond of the 1-A hero student that kept seeming to make time for you all. He hides his crush so well that they’re convinced he’s just that friendly, a typical himbo hero, and your friend group becomes his first set of fans. Positive energy all around, since you can respect what he does and still not want to date him.
• The only one of the three who actually would broach the subject, in his own tentative way. Long after he’d overheard that conversation, long after you’d become friends, he fields it: “Have you ever thought about… like sometimes I worry about what it will be like for my spouse. If they’ll be worried all the time, you know? If marrying a hero is too much weight on someone’s shoulders?”
• It’s not a confession per se, so presuming you haven’t changed your mind in the time you’ve known each other, he’ll field your concerns and finally get some closure. Maybe you have a specific reason to not want to date a hero, maybe the career you want to pursue is also demanding and you’d like a spouse that’s more flexible to reconcile that, etc. Either way, he feels a little better knowing it’s not a personal fault of his own.
• I don’t think he ever genuinely considers not being a hero to be with you, because it was his childhood dream. The closest he comes is when you enter a serious relationship with someone else, someone not a hero.
• Because you’re friends at this point, he’s happy for you. He really is. He just wonders sometimes if he’d decided to be something different, if he’d been a general studies student instead, that could be him holding your hand at lunch.
• His hero course friends need him too, and he does think he’s doing what he’s meant to do in being a hero. You’ll always be his favorite “what if?”
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• Hawks would be the least likely to let it affect his behavior, because the Hero Commission is consistently in his business, so he completely understands. He’s actually not supposed to date—it impacts his popularity.
• Will it stop him from flirting with you at every opportunity? Absolutely not.
• Hanging around the office and cracking jokes for “group morale.” Not so he can try and make you laugh, nope, no way.
• You’re an admin working at the Hero Commission, so it does surprise him when he overhears you discussing with a coworker how you could never be with a hero. You may respect everything they do from a professional standpoint, but you need more from a partner.
• Hawks understands, and it’s not like the higher-ups would let him date you anyway, but oof is it a blow to his ego.
• You, like most of the people in the office, are used to his playful exuberance. It seems to be business as normal after he overhears you. He continues to make small talk and platonically tease you, just like before.
• When he’s alone, he does reflect on his life. If things were different, if he’d been born to a different set of parents, if he’d never been picked up by the Commission.
• But then again, were it not for his job, he may have never met you in the first place. He can’t bring himself to regret it. He thinks it’s worth it as long as he can enjoy your presence at the Commission.
• One day, it’s mentioned to him that you’ve put in notice. You’d accepted some cushy position in another field with less demanding hours than Hero Commission Admin. He took a very lengthy fly around the city to convince himself he was fine.
• When he shook your hand at your office farewell party, you thought he was only being polite when he said to keep in touch and reach out if you need anything at all. He meant it.
My inbox is currently open for more requests, hope you enjoyed 🥰
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usamifriends · 4 days
IDOLiSH7 Anime vs Game Comparisons
First Beat - Episode 1
Banri & Tsumugi’s first interaction
Takanashi Productions was in charge of a few other talents before: models, dancers, choir. But i7 is their first boy idol group.
Banri calls the i7 boys as a Japanese multi-course bento (Kaiseki Bento). Tsumugi is confused in both the anime and game, but we don’t get an explanation for why he calls them this in the anime.
It’s actually Banri’s temporary group name 🤣 He says the it’s a name filled with the agency’s hopes and dreams!
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Basketball Game
There’s more dialogue in the game that shows us more of their personalities and dynamics. But we’ll learn that eventually~
Sogo, Riku, Nagi team is disorganized. Nagi does what he wants. Riku gets distracted by Nagi. Sogo tries to keep things under control.
Tamaki, Mitsuki, Iori team is super competitive. Tamaki and Mitsuki says, “I hate losing!”, while Iori says, “My life has no room for defeat”.
Unlike in the anime, we actually see parts that show that they’re unfamiliar with each other. Mitsuki and Iori were taken aback at Tamaki’s nicknames. Sogo got a bit weirded out by Nagi’s monologues. They don’t feel like they’ve known each other for a long time like Tsumugi observed (probably bc she was watching from farther away).
Auditions! We get to see Tsumugi’s reactions to this in the game.
Iori is good at singing and dancing. He makes it look effortless!
Yamato is great at expressing things both in singing and dancing. It’s interesting because he’s always repressing his feelings.
Mitsuki has great energy. He brings life to the room.
Tamaki is great at dancing and is athletic.
Sogou is an all-rounder, ready for a professional debut.
Nagi has the elegance of a Prince but also a touch of sensuality to him. On top of that, he’s handsome! A girl’s ideal type.
Riku!! He stumbles on his introduction 😆 He’s really, really good at singing!!
The anime moves these comments to Tsumugi’s report to Takanashi papa. I like this change because we’re not just watching Tsumugi listen and watch the boys as they perform one by one.
When telling the boys about the audition results:
I like the little detail when Tsumugi goes, “Iori-kun… Iori-san.” Iori can be quite intimidating when you first meet him. Although he has a very sharp tongue, he doesn’t come off as some high school brat; he speaks really formally and is really serious about the task on hand, so it’s hard to treat him like a younger person. He has an aura that commands respect.
Side Story I
This side story is from Riku’s POV. We start from Riku walking over to Takanashi Productions to sign the contract. He was calling his mom! He tells him mom about how he won’t be like “that person” (Tenn) who abandoned his family. He calls Tenn “that person” because he doesn’t want to call him “Tenn-nii” anymore, but his mom points out how he called Tenn “Tenn-nii” just yesterday 😂😂 And then he just fully returns to calling Tenn, “Tenn-nii”. He also promised his mom that he will buy her something amazing once he gets famous 🥺❤️
Riku explains that he wants be an idol because he got curious about the job that convinced Tenn to abandon his family (Gon, is that you?)
We see Riku’s first impressions of the members. His interactions show more of his carefree, no sensor, shameless self (ily Riku), which is quite different to the good boy who works hard that we see from Tsumugi’s POV in Part 1, Ch. 1.
Riku -> Nagi: “Wow, this person has a beautiful face unlike any I’ve ever seen! Is he Japanese? …Maybe a foreigner? He face looks as pretty as a sculpture… He seems like a cool and elegant person. He must be a calm person.” (🤭). Riku says Nagi looks 25. Nagi replies that he’s nineteen in English. Riku didn’t understand but just assumed Nagi is younger than him. Iori was speechless. Mitsuki explains that nineteen = 19. Later, Riku introduces Nagi and the Izumi brothers to Sogou and Tamaki. He says the Izumi’s brothers ages normally in Japanese but chooses to use English to say nineteen for Nagi 😂😂 (He’s adorable)
Riku -> Izumi brothers: “Looks like a bright younger brother and a somewhat cold older brother. They’re probably both younger than me?” After making this assumption, he immediately treats them like younger people. He calls Iori “Iori-kun” and Mitsuki “Mitsuki-kun”. Iori immediately criticizes him, but Riku pays him no mind.🙂‍↕️😂 Mitsuki explains that he’s the older brother and that he’s probably older than Riku as he is 21. Riku…. Asks if that’s his shoe size. 😭😭😭😭😭 Mitsuki shouts, “That’s my age! And I’m not that small!!”. Riku is not bothered at all. He just goes “Oh ok!” Then, he POINTS HIS FINGER at Iori and asks, “Then what about this kid over here?” 😂 Iori says, “Don’t point your fingers at other people.” (Is this why they chose NOT to be in Riku’s team? 😂)
Riku -> Sogou: He looks like a nice person!
Riku -> Tamaki: This guy looks like a punk (punk with a cat ears hoodie? Rikuuuu 😂😂)
No first impression for Yamato :(
Side Story 2:
Most of this side story actually makes it into the anime! It’s the part with Sogou and Yamato buying drinks and the rest of the five’s reaction to the auditions.
We get to see a bit more in the game because we get to hear the boys’ thoughts. One of my favorite parts is seeing Iori’s more dangerous side 😌
He calls Takanashi papa a “smug, opportunistic old man”
And threatens to file a complaint, drag Takanashi Production’s reputation down, and drive Takanashi papa to bankruptcy if Mitsuki doesn’t make it in.
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lucky-clover-gazette · 4 months
prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 1
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
Across the courtyard, a couple of alaunt hounds came bounding down the stone stairs to throw themselves ecstatically at Laurent, who indulged one of them with a rub behind the ears, causing a spasm of jealousy in the other.
the first thing laurent does in this book is pet a dog. i love him so much.
craft-wise, this foreshadows the shift in damen’s perception of laurent that occurs throughout book 2. his/our first impression of laurent in book 1 is him cruelly demeaning damen, almost like a dog, which is something we’re meant to hate. our first impression here is him affectionately indulging actual dogs who clearly know and love him. this might make the reader ask: why do these animals love laurent, when we understand him to be cruel? is our understanding incorrect, and/or incomplete?
context: in arles, the regent closely observes laurent’s attachments. he can and will destroy anything or anyone laurent cares about. but here, outside of arles, it makes sense that laurent would immediately feel more comfortable being affectionate.
laurent’s hot girl summer has officially begun ✨
Damen craned for a glimpse but, not being an owl, saw almost nothing.
The physician rummaged in the satchel and produced one of his endless ointments.
doesn’t this become a running gag? ointment reference #1
That was really too much. ‘It’s cosmetic?’
does damen take pride in his scars, and other physical indications of his experiences? that could be an interesting parallel to the cuffs throughout the series. or maybe he just knows he’s hot either way. or doesn’t want to be fussed over.
he is technically still laurent’s property—has laurent given any kind of indication that he finds the scars unattractive? or did paschal simply make that assumption, which laurent then went along with, knowing it would annoy damen?
The physician said, ‘I was told you would be difficult. Very well. The better it heals, the less your back will trouble you with stiffness, both now and later in life, so that you will be better able to swing a sword around, killing a great many people. I was told you would be responsive to that argument.’ ‘The Prince,’ said Damen.
paschal, sighing deeply as he commits laurent’s exact words to memory: i’m about to become the first homophobe in vere because these petty gay bitches can’t keep their nonsense to themselves
actually, new thing to count—every time a minor or secondary character has a valid reason to complain about damen and laurent’s lack of professionalism in the workplace. this is lamen hr complaint #1 (paschal).
But of course. All this tender care of his back, like soothing with a kiss the reddened cheek you have slapped.
great line.
connects to an ongoing theme: niceness vs. goodness. damen “sees through” laurent’s niceness, as it conflicts with laurent’s meanness that he personally has experienced. in the same way damen has a favorable bias towards kastor and the regent, he has an automatically unfavorable bias against laurent. which is totally fair, given the events of book 1! but this is a new book, and a new stage in damen’s overall series arc.
additional theme for books 2&3: tenderness. a wound is tender; it aches in need of soothing. but what soothes an ache? tender care. if nice is good and mean is bad, where does a concept like tenderness fit in? how exactly will we go from “all this tender care of his back, like soothing with a kiss the reddened cheek you have slapped” to “i think if i gave you my heart, you would treat it tenderly”?
Damen snorted. ‘It wasn’t that bad.’
a consistent damen behavior: the refusal to admit that he is helplessness, and/or experiencing circumstances beyond his control. i would call it toxic masculinity, but i don’t think it’s meant as gender commentary—it has more to do with being a prince and a king, worthy of the throne. toxic royalty, if you will.
‘If you served the King,’ said Damen, ‘how is it you now find yourself in the Prince’s household, and not his uncle’s?’ ‘Men find themselves in the places they put themselves,’ Paschal said, closing his satchel with a snap.
laurent of vere: the people’s prince ✨
also, interesting juxtaposition with previous dialogue about damen and paschal both being at marlas, on different sides of the battle. can we truly say that damen, at age 19, had put himself there? what does that suggest about his character and his kingdom?
‘Yes, of course,’ said Damen. Then stopped. Jord didn’t notice.
he needs acting classes from laurent
Damen said, ‘If you’re not going to tip your head back, why don’t we go find Paschal? He can give you a scented ointment.’
HA. ointment reference #2.
Damen thought of the ivory and gold casing that held a creature duplicitous, self-serving and untrustworthy. ‘You’re so loyal to him. Why is that?’
really nailing in the damen perspective subversion setup. also, the irony re: aimeric's loyalty!
Damen joined the work, where he was the only man to smell, expensively, of ointments and cinnamon.
ointment reference #3. he’s expensive.
‘Aimeric’s young. He says it won’t happen again,’ said Jord. It will happen again, and once the two factions in this camp start retaliating against one another your campaign is over, he didn’t say.
i love how we finally get to see damen in his element here, after experiencing The Horrors for 13 + prologue entire chapters in book 1
‘The Captain is in one of the horse stalls, up to his waist in the stableboy,’ said Jord. ‘The Prince has been waiting for him at the barracks. Actually . . . I was told to have you fetch him.’ ‘From the stables,’ said Damen. He stared at Jord in disbelief.
laurent wastes no time before assigning damen unpleasant tasks. does this count as an hr complaint? i mean it would be damen doing the complaining, am i counting charges they have against each other? no. they’d wreck the curve.
Inside, Govart was unambiguously fucking the stableboy against the far wall.
‘The Prince stays here often?’ The castellan mistook him to mean the keep, not the rooms. ‘Not often. He and his uncle came here a great deal together, in the year or two after Marlas. As he grew older, the Prince lost his taste for the runs here. He now comes only rarely to Chastillon.’
context: >:(
Laurent said, ‘I have saved you till last.’ Damen said, ‘You owe the stableboy a copper sol.’ ‘The stableboy should learn to demand payment before he bends over.’
“honey, i’m home!” sitcom entrance
‘Your virtue’s safe. It’s just water. Probably.’
somebody’s feeling playfulllll
Laurent placed the goblet carefully back on the table, and picked up the knife. It was a sharp knife, made for cutting meat. Damen felt his pulse quicken as Laurent came forward. Only a handful of nights ago, he had watched Laurent slit a man’s throat, spilling blood as red as the silk that covered this room’s bed. He felt shock as Laurent’s fingers touched his, pressing the hilt of the knife into his hand. Laurent took hold of Damen’s wrist below the gold cuff, firmed his grip, and drew the knife forward so that it was angled towards his own stomach. The tip of the blade pressed slightly into the dark blue of his prince’s garment. ‘You heard me tell Orlant to leave,’ said Laurent. Damen felt Laurent’s grip slide down his wrist to his fingers, and tighten. Laurent said, ‘I am not going to waste time on posturing and threats. Why don’t we clear up any uncertainty about your intentions?’
laurent explaining to damen that his behavior in arles was a bit in the most insane way possible
He was so infuriatingly sure of himself, proving a point. Damen felt desire come hard upon him: not wholly a desire for violence, but a desire to drive the knife into Laurent’s composure, to force him to show something other than cool indifference.
they’re so normal and well-adjusted
He said: ‘I’m sure there are house servants still awake. How do I know you won’t scream?’ ‘Do I seem like the type to scream?’ ‘I’m not going to use the knife,’ said Damen, ‘but if you’re willing to put it in my hand, you underestimate how much I want to.’ ‘No,’ said Laurent. ‘I know exactly what it is to want to kill a man, and to wait.’
“yes, and” “yes, and” “yes, and”
Laurent said, ‘When this campaign is over, I think—if you are a man and not a worm—you will attempt to gain retribution for what has happened to you. I expect it. On that day, we roll the dice and see how they fall. Until then, you serve me. Let me therefore make one thing above all clear to you: I expect your obedience. You are under my command. If you object to what you are told to do I will hear reasoned arguments in private, but if you disobey an order once it is made, I will send you back to the flogging post.’
this is their starting place for the book! “we hate each other, we owe each other nothing, we know that we are going to eventually attempt to kill each other—but for now, we are calling a truce and working together”
also. would laurent still love damen if he was a worm 🥺
Another pause, and then Laurent indicated once again to the chair. This time Damen followed his prompt and sat. Laurent took the chair opposite. Between them, unfurled on the table, was all the intricate detail of the map. ‘You said you knew the territory,’ Laurent said.
this is part of why i love damen and laurent so much as a pairing. they have interests and skills in common, and they make a genuinely good team. they’re intellectually compatible, in addition to sexually and romantically compatible.
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
i’m thinking about how devastating it must have been for shikadai to find out that boruto cheated in the exams.
put yourself in his shoes.
there’s already a lot of pressure— everyone is watching, this is broadcast on international television, family from out of town is here, everyone knows who your parents are, both your parents were promoted quickly so you’re projected to follow in their footsteps— and on top of that, literally anything is possible at the exams. underdogs rise, prodigies fall, nations attack, some competitors find new friends or rivals or enemies, and yet some find love. that’s the epic love story you grew up hearing about your parents. there’s no telling who you’ll fight today or how they’ll fit into your story. and maybe those thoughts briefly surface as your first competitor steps into the ring, a feisty blonde from suna, and it almost seems as if history might repeat itself. but maybe that last thought never occurs at all because you’re already weighted with the other pressures and you’re in the zone because you have to win.
and then in the next round you’re set to battle one of your best friends. coincidentally, the hokage’s son. there are already minor political implications if you beat him, but you’ve been advised to fight with everything you’ve got, and you’re determined to do so. whether that’s good enough to win or not, you can say it was your best effort. besides, what’s a fair fight between friends?
and then, ironically, history does repeat itself as you forfeit like your father. you pulled out all the stops and really put on an impressive display of skill, but at the end of the day boruto is still stronger. you’ve heard your father speak of his friendship and professional relationship with naruto, and though it’s never been explicitly said, you understand that being friends with boruto means your relationship will mirror that of your fathers. you have a responsibility as boruto’s friend to maintain an implicit level of trust and use that bond to keep his head screwed on. all that so he can do things his way, which would be so much more of a drag if boruto’s way weren’t so mesmerizing. every word teems with authentic conviction and heart, and he’s so damn inspiring that, yeah, if boruto continuing to make the world a better place means shouldering some extra responsibility, you’ll do that. because that’s what friends do for each other.
and then in his moment of triumph, when you could not be any more proud of your unconventional but unfathomably brilliant best friend, you find out he won by cheating.
and this glorious moment is forever stained as your stomach drops and the vision shatters and you realize that everything today could have been— a meeting with someone extraordinary for the first time, a chance to truly fight your weird cousin, a hard-won promotion to make mom and dad proud and stick it to the cranky clan elders, a level-up in missions for your team— was ruined by your best friend.
surely boruto wouldn’t do that to you. then again, he did it to sarada. are you and he closer than he and sarada? regardless, would he have the nerve to betray you?
and when you finally get the chance to tearfully face him and ask upfront if he cheated during your fight, he won’t even clearly answer you.
and in a cruel twist of fate history repeats itself again, and like your father you are the sole candidate promoted. a tainted honor granted in memory of a victory you didn’t secure. and now that stupid vest collects dust in your bedroom because the only way to reshape its connotation in your head is to debut it once the rest of your team has earned theirs, and your annoying old relatives ask every day why you don’t wear the damn vest, and there are so many more important things going on in the village but that is all anyone is worried about as far as you’re concerned. you could have gone into politics like the elders wanted and avoided this altogether. but you wanted to be a shinobi. you’ve made your bed and now you must lie in it.
and time heals your wounds, and that deep trust is slowly rebuilt, and of course you eventually dust off your vest and zip it on for the first time, but you can never really look at boruto the same way.
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spyridonya · 15 days
Kadira's Opinions About the Companions
Tag game: Give your KC’s first impression and final opinion of each of their companions!
Thank you for tagging me, @dujour13!
First Impressions are generally spoiler free. Past that… well. Heavier spoilers aren't there. My Golden Shell AU rose up to reply to this one.
Tagging: @jean-dieu, @dmagedgoods, @cassynite, @chaosteddybear, @thesolemnhour, @bearvanhelsing
First impressions
Seelah - Every time I read of paladins, I read stories of self rightous men with strong jaws and arrogant air demanding of others. She didn't know me but despite the danger she was the one to seek out help for me without question. She seems friendly but… is it due to her being young like I am?
Camellia - Oh, she's so lovely and regal. There's something that… It strikes me that if you have amnesia like I do, you shouldn't be reminded of someone or something. Yet I am. My only question is how she didn't managed to get injured or attacked like that poor man she found.
Seelah – A paladin with a party spirit. Now this is someone I can really get behind. (wink)
Lann - That smile doesn't reach either of his eyes and that frown just suits him too well. He's familiar with it … and he's so young. I think he has about as much social grace as I do, which makes sense, but he's already embracing such a short life.
Wenduag - Excuse me? Does she really not know that most tieflings had no choice in their conception? Does she truly believe that most tieflings of the Worldwound come from a consensual union? The damn ingorance of her!
Woljif - Oh, Shelyn and the Stag Mother! He's not the only tiefling that acts as he does that I've met these past few days… but how much and how many are of us that he can be so arrogant and fearless?
Ember - She's an elf! An elf! A child! Likely no older than a 14 year old human in her maturity if that… Her family must of arrived before … whatever happened to me, did. I don't know if this kindness she holds is genuine, madness, or divinely inspired considering that crow
Daeran – I know that voice! I know that damned voice telling someone to toss me in a ditch… though, he has a very good point on why I was brought to a festival rather than something more appropriate. ... ... I won't tell him this, of course. Jerk.
Nenio- She… she might be brilliant and she can retain so much information. It's simply the output of that information that's in question…
Ulbrig - He doesn't look like my grandparents, but there is variety among the tribes of our people. It's shocking how different we are despite the accent.
Galfrey - Oh. Oh, my grandfather adored this woman and saw her as our only hope. He can't… I think so much has happened between then and now. God, there's so much in the books.
Sosiel - Another Shelynite! He truly does embrace her art and has a sense of compassion but… there's naviety with him. Or maybe I just… Maybe I put too much focus on Shelyn and her boundless love.
Regill - I believe the only difference between a Cheliax Hellknight and a Crusader is one is far better dressed. They're both invaders to this land and they're determined to change everything whole cloth and commit atrocities… yet the Hellknights don't act like they never committed a horror.
Arueshalae - I don't know how I know this but… I believe her. Even if she didn't tell me Desna granted her this partiular grace, I could tell. There's still damnation in her gaze and spirit, but she's aware of it, and she aches about it. Succubi don't do that…
Greybor - The Stag Mother forgive me, he reminds me of my Uncle Ila. The distance and focus of his professionalism… though I think Ila didn't want to be seen as another refugee.
Trevor - I shouldn't even ask how long he's been here. I know he's… He didn't have protection down here. None.
Final Impressions
Seelah - She passed through the fire of her own self doubt, but I'm so glad she never forgot that compassion, kindness, and understanding is all we have against the demonic forces now.. .and now that they're gone. I'm going to miss her hugs, but I know she's going to save the world again and again.
Camellia - The was a question of nature versus nurture, and all the protesting that Gwerm gave us, I don't think… Nothing excuses what she's done, nothing excuses for me not seeing it sooner. But the man who could burn a painting of what he should have cherished the most isn't a man who could help her.
Lann - I don't want him to go. I want him to stay. The very idea of neither myself or Daeran not being there to take care of him hurts. I'm so scared he won't come back… I don't think he's going to age and come back to us old and broken. However, sea is so terrifying and chaotic despite it not being cruel. I know he needs to see the world but it's going to hurt so much.
Wenduag - It seems in the end, she was the one who prostrated herself before demons, and in the back of her mind, she knew this but couldn't allow herself to look at what she had become. If she looked back, I think she would have shattered.
Woljif – Idiot boy, I love you so much and I'm so very damn proud to become your sister you never had.
Ember - Once upon a time, when we were both recently hurt and broken, we came to a decision on what to be. I saw compassion as a choice, not because I was naive… I saw it necessary because it gives joy. And I never knew much. Maybe this concept was selfish but… Ember sees it much the same way. It was how she survived and bloomed.
Daeran - When he sleeps now, next to me or between Lann and I, he breathes so deeply and evenly. Even when the occasional nightmare shatters somewhere among the three of us, he's no longer afraid to sleep. And, oh, how I love watching him sleep… as much as he loves watching me smile.
Nenio - I think she's one of the most beautiful mistakes in the world, and I'm always glad to help her discover.
Ulbrig - We were both not whole, I don't think we'll ever be, but Ulbrig isn't the old anymore. He's absolutely new and true… I can't think of a better person to help break new ground in our homeland. Galfrey - The world changes, and she cannot… and she never has. Not really. There is no crusade for a crusader queen and mistakes and stubborn beliefs can no longer be forgiven because there are demons at the door. I hope she realizes she's no longer a crusader queen for her own sake.
Sosiel - I'm afraid he'll find he can't go home to what he remembers with Trevor… Not the way it used to be. In some ways it will be better, in other ways, what he's learned will make his home and his future with his brother and Kirr all the more better.
Regill - He's one of the few people I can respect and admire… But I am glad he's going away and staying true to his word. I don't know what the other Orders will do, but the Godclaw's vigil is done.
Trevor - I think in finally being shown a measure of compassion he never truly understood, he understands the tenets of Shelyn's fate isn't someone who is naive but someone who has to have a strong will. And Trevor has such a strong will.
Arueshalae - That weight she has on her shoulders will never leave her, and she knows this. Redemption doesn't entirely free you of burdens. Redemption gives you the chance and belief that anything is possible, including saving your own heart and soul as you save others. One day, I know her wings are going to become gossmer.
Greybor - Going home is hard, but he realizes he can go home and become the man he always afraid to be.
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otome-obsessions · 2 months
Fairytale Keeper Archives - Madam Beryl
At the request of Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, I have enclosed a series of summations regarding the personal opinions, recollections, and experiences of the members of the covert organization Crown. Each member was interviewed in regards to their developing relationship with the newest additions to Crown's assemblage in an effort to ascertain the efficacy of expanding Great Britain's cursed forces. With great humility, I submit my findings for your consideration.
Kate, Her Majesty's Royal Fairytale Keeper
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1. To the Members of Crown, what do you think about Beryl? William: I'd say we've become friends in our short time together. We share many of the same goals and passions, and she's a formidable ally. It's a pity that she continues to suffocate her true desires, but I have a feeling that will change soon Harrison: The Madam's a crafty woman. It's impressive how many ears she has throughout London now. Seems like I'm always running into one of her birds when we're on a mission. Liam: Beryl's always kind to me, even when I make mistakes. She's even become a regular at the Scala to watch me perform! Elbert: I regret how we met, but she says that 'the scales were balanced.' Even so, she doesn't seem to trust me... I can't blame her for feeling as she does. Alfons: Her establishments have become a favored getaway for me and my friends. Though, I must say I find it strange that she's never seen indulging herself. Roger: She's a beautiful lady, but we're not compatible. Oh, you meant how i thought about her as a member of Crown? She's efficient. Ruthless, even. That's about all I know since she refuses to visit me or my clinic. Jude: Heh. That uppity bird loves to act all proper and prim, but she goes mad the moment you ruffle her feathers. I'll never get tired of takin' the piss out of her. Ellis: I respect her, even though we misunderstood each other at first. I don't know if I agree with her methods, but I believe she wants to protect the happiness of others. Victor: I value her contribution to expanding our information network, but I'm most impressed by her tenacity. She rejects the inevitability of her fate with everything she has... It's as beautiful as it is tragic. ━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━
2. To Beryl, what you think about the members of Crown? William: Oh, Will is simply lovely. A phenomenal pianist, a passionate philanthropist, and a poetic butcher when is suits him. What's not to admire? I do feel a bit, shall we say, perturbed by the keenness of his insight at times, but that simply speaks to his cunning. Harrison: Harry is a clever boy and quite the asset. His cursed power would prove most meddlesome if not for his outstanding discretion. Once you get a sense of him, his lies are fairly simple to decipher. Liam: Poor, tormented thing... His fans always liken him to a star, but he seems to me like a candle slowly burning away. I do hope that one day he'll find the strength to bear his pain and move forward, but until then I can only support him. Elbert: Hm. How do I put this kindly? Considering the nature of our curses, it's best that Lord Greetia and I maintain a professional distance... I'd hate to have to kill him. Alfons: We've started to run in the same circles around the city, and he's fantastic at driving business. That said, on a more personal note I find that our fundamental philosophies are direct opposites. Roger: I appreciate Roger's dedication to his craft and convictions. I'm not overly concerned about his propensity for betrayal as it seems that he has a good grasp of how to mitigate his cursed tendencies. It's nice to find another individual who believes in defying fate. Jude: Ugh, that man. While I fully understand the cause of his initial poor impression of me, the uncouth cur insists on continuing to be a thorn in my side! I find him acerbic, arrogant, uncivil, ill-tempered, loathsome, and, most of all, short. Though, I must admit I love how much of a sore loser he is. The look on his face when he realizes I've bested him is simply priceless. Ellis: I've yet to place where his pathological people pleasing comes from, so I find it difficult to accept his kindness at face value. That said, he's pleasant company and an excellent bodyguard. Victor: Vic is an outstanding ally and a terrifying enemy. Honestly, I'm grateful he chose to negotiate with me when I first encountered Crown. I hesitate to say I wouldn't be here otherwise, but in the very least an extended conflict between Crown and my network would have been a bloodbath of the tragic variety. As opposed to the fun sort, of course.
Part 2
Author's Note: I'll be writing up answers for my other OCs and other questions as they pop into my head. If you vibe with this idea and want to do something similar for your own OC(s), please tag me! I think this is a fun way to get the big picture of a character without writing a standard intro.
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lady-of-endless · 3 months
JJBA part 3, 5, 6 match-up trade for @little-bunny-in-space 🌹
Author's Note: Again, thank you for accepting to do this trade. I enjoyed reading your info, you seem like a very cool person! Hope you'll like this.
SPOILER ALERT for those who want to read it!
(gifs are not mine, please show appreciation to the owners)
From part 3, I match you with...
Kujo Jotaro
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- You're tough and complex. So is he. I think at first you'd get along silently without saying. It would be that kind of initial fascination that makes everyone wonder. You two will just click.
- He too needs peace and quiet, oh how much he needs it. Hopefully, you'll take him on a hike with you. Jotaro loves those moments but he doesn't express it. However, you'll understand from how often he demands those and from his rare relaxed expression. It's a rarity to see him like that so it's going to surprise you and everyone else.
- He is low-key curious about what you collect and sometimes, when he finds a thing that would fit your collections, he won't hesitate to put it in his pocket and bring it to you. Of course, he's rolling his eyes because he knows he's getting attached to you if he does such a meaningful thing but he's fine with it.
- Jotaro would like to take a break and visit your farm, once the mission to get Dio and save his mother is over. He needs it and I think he'll feel great with you there.
- Once you start talking about astrophysics, he's done. His mind? Occupied by you, that's it. I imagine you casually saying something about it while looking at the stars while you two are the only ones still up and his heart skips a beat. Both because he's impressed by your knowledge and also because he likes how your expression changes when you talk about something you're passionate about.
- You two will become colleagues in the future, one way or another. Or at least it's what he wishes. You're probably going to trigger or at least boost his interest in marine biology.
- He will be there with you as much as you need him when struggling with a decision. He won't be overbearing but he will let you know that you're not alone.
- Jotaro is subtle when staring at something or someone. So you won't notice when his eyes are fixated on you. He secretly loves it that you're small but strong. (simp)
- I feel that you two would accidentally spend sleepless nights while discussing random theories about the miseries of the universe. Watch out for Joseph because he's either going to bang on the door of your room telling you to rest because the adventure is too tiring or tease his nephew for finally finding a special someone.
Runner-up: Mohammed Avdol - he too will find you so interesting. He'll keep finding himself being drawn to you, wanting to learn more about you and from you.
From part 5, I match you with...
Risotto Nero
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- He too has seen way too many things from a young age and it all left a mark on him. He appreciates that you were strong enough to handle everything. He is curious about your stories, and your past, but won't insist.
- The first thing I think he'll notice about you is how you want to control your emotions and stay on the rational side. He admires that and naturally resonates with it.
- He also admires that you're book-smart. Of course, at first, he thinks that it's a good asset for his team (he always prioritizes his team, don't blame him), but in time, he gets drawn to it. He's impressed and willing to listen to you.
- You'd be surprised but I think he also collects cryptic things. It's going to be so cute when you share those interests with one another. (Watch how his teammates look at you two with disturbed expressions, it's going to be hilarious)
- He likes your tattoos and will always support your ideas. He'll even go with you to some places he knows are professional enough. Risotto knows you're not whiny while getting inked but he'll still hold your hand and even kiss it gently, looking at you with his dark eyes.
- Risotto enjoys your dark sense of humor even if it comes from a dark place. Again, he gets it. (hc: the others from La Squadra only realized that Risotto has dimples when you made a joke and he smiled and looked away.)
- No one told him how cliché it sounds but once he's comfortable enough with you, he'll ask for a playlist from you because he likes what you're listening to. (Really simple date idea: chilling with him, listening to your and his favorite songs. Mafia life is hectic so moments like these are heaven.)
- I feel like your bonding time with him will be when you open up about your past. As much as he wishes to remain unfazed by it, he can't. Especially because of the part about the police and justice system. He struggled to understand it when his cousin died from that drunk driver. From that point on, not only he starts opening up too but he's getting more protective of you.
- Damn, this man LOVES how you dress. But of course, he will appreciate this in silence. And how do you look in maroon? Yeah, he's done.
Runner-up: Pannacotta Fugo - You'll see him get extra careful when wanting to let his anger out because he knows how you dislike anger in general. He enjoys your academic interests so much. He thinks about how it could have been if you two were colleagues.
From part 6, I match you with...
Weather Report
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- He knows from the start that you've been through a lot and there's so much more to you than what meets the eye so he can't help it and feels intrigued.
- You just know so many things from so many domains. Do you know how to get his memories back? That's how you two would probably bond. He listens to your theories and you think of ways to help him.
- After he gets his memories back, his impression doesn't change but he gets more bolder with his intentions. He loved and lost everything, he's not willing to go through it again so he makes it clear that he wants you close and safe. And he'll make sure of that.
- You both are Geminis so embrace yourself for deep conversations, the deeper meaning of each gesture, and a strong connection. However, he's more on the introverted side, as a difference between you two but that works perfectly.
- He's generally a good listener but listening to you comes easy to him. He might get tired of other people but never tired of you. He might get upset with other people but never with you. He can't really understand how it works but won't question this feeling.
- He likes that you appreciate nature so much. Weather thinks that this trait is rare these days and so he's cherishing it. He also admires nature so he'll feel even more close to your soul.
- I feel like you two would be comfortable with moments of silence. Just the two of you, leaning against each other and enjoying peace.
- He has so much patience in general and you're not an exception. He has this power to make anyone open up to him and when you do, he'll be totally mesmerized. It pains him to know that you also went through trauma but he cherishes your strength because without it he probably wouldn't have met you. So he's grateful for your strength, he's grateful for you.
- Might get a little insecure about his academic knowledge when listening to you. He wants to learn more things so you won't get bored of him. But that won't happen, and you'll explain that to him.
- You won't need rain sounds anymore, you've got him and he loves to help you with soft rain. It's a win-win situation because as you enjoy the rain, he enjoys your peaceful expression.
Runner-up: Enrico Pucci - He might start daydreaming about a life with you. He sees the perfect partner in you and can't help but feel fascinated.
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ourtearsofrain · 3 months
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Epilogue
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, (background) Josh Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: drabble, fluff
Word Count:  842
Warnings: ouchie but in a good way
September 4th, 2034, 8:30 AM
“Alright everyone, I know it’s too early in the morning for this lecture, so I’ll go easy on you guys for the first day.” Sam smiles at the students in his lecture hall, praying that he would make a good impression even after all the years he had spent teaching. “We’re just going to start out with you guys getting to know me, I always feel better teaching a class when I know that my students know me, and then we’ll go over the syllabus and all that fun technical stuff.”
The room stays silent, all 57 pairs of tired eyes trained on him. “First of all, I just want to say that I’m fine with you all calling me Sam, we’re all adults here. If you’re more comfortable calling me Professor or Doctor Kiszka-Wagner, that’s fine too. I really don’t care what you call me as long as it’s not Sammy; that’s reserved for my family and close friends. Second, raise your hand if you’re coming from out of state.” He smiles again when he sees ¾ of the room does so. “Alright, good to know. I was an out of state kid at NYU too. And I know that you’re all freshman, right?”
Met with silent nods, he continues. “This is a small intro class so I figured. This isn’t like high school, if you need to go to the bathroom, just go. If you get hungry and have a snack, eat it, just don't leave a mess please. Attendance isn’t mandatory but all I ask is that you show up at least once a week. We will have quizzes on lecture material though, so being here will help. I do post notes from lectures online, but again, it will significantly help if you come to the lectures. We’ll get into more of that later but now I’ll introduce myself more. I’m originally from Frankenmuth, Michigan; which if none of you know where that is, that’s totally fine, it’s practically Christmastown, Michigan.”
When he hears quiet laughter, Sam feels a slight boost, helping him continue. “I didn’t come to NYU until I was a Senior at a college in Michigan, changed my major from business to astronomy the second I got here. To get really personal for a moment to help you guys better understand me, I want you all to know that moving here was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. Since most of you are out of state, I know how hard this might have been for you. My older brother once told me that I needed to take control of my life, stop being scared to fully live and just do it. That has changed my life in more ways than I can count on one hand, so if that’s the only thing you take away from this first day, then I’ll be happy. My office hours are on the syllabus, if you need to talk, even if it isn’t about the lecture, my door is always open. And I know that the school has a complicated, longer than necessary process for mental health resources, so if you need that please come and talk to me. My brother’s husband is a local therapist, and he’s told me that he will always make time for any of my students if they need to talk to a professional. I know that I don’t need to share this with you all, it may be unorthodox, and you’ll find probably none of your other professors will do this, but it’s important to me that you know this. On a less serious note, my husband teaches some Marine Biology classes here that satisfy your general university requirements, and he’s a great professor so you should definitely take a class with him. Daniel Kiszka-Wagner in the directory, look him up.”
Sam is met with silence once more, not an uncomfortable one, but one of understanding; and he knew that he truly had begun to connect with his students. “Alright, I’ll pull up the syllabus now, although I am old so you might need to give me a minute to figure this technology out. I’m not that old, I’m only 35 so if you call me old to my face I will flunk you.” Met with quiet laughter again, he smiles before moving to the desk where his computer sat, working to project his syllabus on the projector.
Pulling it up successfully, he glances at the screen before addressing his students again. “Also, I do have tenure so I don’t care a lot anymore, I will drop some curse words, but I won’t tell if you don’t. And the textbook is definitely free some places online, so please don’t pay for it. You didn’t hear that from me though.” He winks once before raising the clicker in his hand, beginning to walk his students through the syllabus, only stopping to answer a question here and there. This semester was going to be a good one, he could feel it.
A/N: thank you all for reading, I loved writing this (even though it was very angsty and painful, but they got a happy ending eventually)
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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aiura-stan · 5 months
0-7, this one for sure isn’t Saiki heaven!
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More evidence for the “saiki just uses low level hypnosis to make people believe whatever they want about him” theory. Actually, I think someone on Tumblr proposed this, kind of going off of his mind erasing power, where the mind just fills in a blank spot with a plausible story. I don’t remember who first brought up this theory. Make some noise if it was you.
I will be completely honest, I don’t remember this chapter at all. Maybe I skipped it or something. More likely, I read it half asleep at 3am.
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I don’t understand why the spirit of the person is the thing that retains the dazed status effect, but then again, this is fiction, and we are pretending that souls exist in the first place in a way that can be separated from the body.
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…okay. Another thing that really could have been put in the manga proper and also the anime. Nendou is being scouted as a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER?? HELLO???? That makes him at least 200% more impressive as a character.
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Um… Saiki… those aren’t lies…
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Hello??? SAIKI??? He’s really about to just leave Nendou’s body and wander around… I’m glad they added a definitive (rather short) time limit to the animanga before the soul has to go somewhere. It does bring up more questions about ghosts, and the religious belief system portrayed in Saiki k, but let’s not think about that right now. From the chapter thus far, seems like Saiki really enjoys taking otherwise purposeless strolls. Old man behavior.
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Yeah, Saiki really is on another level.
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This makes me kind of sad actually?? I’d explain but I’m sure you all can guess my thoughts here. Gah…
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Also, it’s kind of nice to see glasses-less and limiter-less Saiki. He’s actually quite pretty. His limiters do a lot to detract from his looks overall, on account of being highly ridiculous accessories. And his glasses hide his eye color (speaking more of the anime, but you know.)
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I have so many questions about this scene. How does a soul “wake up”? What happens when it does; does Saiki’s soul just automatically get kicked back into his proper body? Why did it take so long?? People can’t (rather: really shouldn’t) pass out for much longer than a few seconds. I’ll chalk it up to another Saikiverse modification where Saiki made real life more like a fictional story (and less harrowing. A world where fastballs are not potentially lethal.) And all of that crap about souls just doesn’t get explained. Okay. So much of this story is left up to readers to fill in the blanks with their own assumptions. Maybe that’s part of what makes it so good. Sidenote: I envy Nendou's superior ability to go with the flow. 'Oh, looks like I fell alseep while taking a shit.' <- Fantastic.
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Jfc Saiki, so little faith in people. (Understandably.)
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Saiki, I fail to see what the spinach has to do with you getting published in Jump.
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In all seriousness, the amount of times that people refer to Saiki’s powers as creepy or monstrous really is… a lot. Like, those baseball guys were calling Nendou (Saiki) a monster just for being (freakishly) good at baseball. Anyways
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Yeah, that’s about what I figured. They’re designed to be read independently. XD. Yeah, sorry, I’m one of those people apparently. Well, I’m sure Asou never expected his manga to be read quickly via scans by English speakers some years after the fact.
I am so glad that Asou sensei got serialized. And that he didn’t let his self doubt stop him from creating Saiki k. Yeah, that’s right. Can’t let the fans down!
よし!that'll do it. See you all next time. 💫
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A much smaller, much faster, much shorter analysis of the color red (and other colors too) compared to the behemoth of a post I just made about Heart.
And by that I mean, this isn't really an analysis I just wanted to continue from my post yesterday about Heart finally being lit with red light after multiple episodes of being lit in only blue.
I really like that the lighting designers/colorists in this show have chosen to wash the household scenes completely in blue or red for Heart and Li Ming. So much of the lighting in Heart's house is a cool blue color giving the impression of...well coldness. Li Ming's house however, has a red wash to it giving the impression of warmth. And while this house has not been warm to Li Ming of late, Li Ming is warmth to Heart, and therefore Li Ming's house is also warm.
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First of all, Heart was wearing a pink shirt this episode and all I could think about when I saw him wear it was he Professional Life Ruin-er Formerly Known as "@respectthepetty"'s post about color swapping in Moonlight Chicken. It's important for me to note that Heart was looking at pictures of him and Li Ming right before this, and this is after the confrontation with his mother so it's totally possible Heart thinks he might not get to see Li Ming anymore, but he's wearing the closest thing he has to Li Ming's color, regardless.
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And then at the New Year's Eve celebration with Li Ming, Li Ming puts him in a red hat.
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Stripes my beloved!!!!!!
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Li Ming has a blue confetti popper (blue being Heart's color) and Heart has a red one, because of course they do.
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On the subject of color swapping, Li Ming does not wear any blue in this scene, however the blue light from the entryway is behind him.
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And then I just want to commend the way they shot the kiss scene real quick and I'm putting this here because red is still relevant. Even though Li Ming is wearing almost entirely white, his red is still present on his shirt that says "Tomato Sauce" and he is still matching Heart here who has a giant white stripe going across his shirt.
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I love the way these scene turns from general celebration into something soft.
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And I didn't really get a picture of it, but I do have to point out that the confetti that Li Ming is pulling out of Heart's hair is also white. Which like, if you want to get a little silly, goofy about it, Heart having white confetti on his head can act as symbolism for Heart having Li Ming on his mind.
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I'm putting this picture in a second time because I originally intended to use it here to talk about the little eyebrow raise he does to basically ask Heart to kiss him. I love that Heart catches on to it too, which makes sense, these two are honed in on one another, it doesn't take much at all for them to understand what the other one means.
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Listen, we're all gay here, right? What gay doesn't love a good hand imagery moment? Holding hands for this couple also feels especially powerful because this is how Heart and Li Ming communicate.
And forgive the quality of this screen shot, but come the fuck on, the fucking fireworks in the background when they kiss? The red fireworks above them when they kiss? Like???? Talk about visuals representing the feelings of the characters...Jeez. Also, continuing along the color train, there is still so much red in this scene. Heart's hat, the fireworks, the garland in the top right corner, the banner above the television, the tapestry under the banner above the television. RED. (and also a little blue hat next to the TV to represent Heart's place in Li Ming's world)
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And then my favorite moment, blissfully unaware that they had been seen, we get to watch them play again. Li Ming teasing Heart by repeatedly trying to kiss him in overly exaggerated motions, tickling his chin, the wrestling. And we get to see that lovely bi-color again. The blue at the front of the house, calling. And the warm light inside the house, where two people who understand each other, are free to play.
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Do you believe im Ko-Chan und Akane-Chan supremacy?
I’m sorry for the late reply. I’ve been up to my ears in work lately and I needed some time as English is not my mother tongue. I hope I understood your question correctly. If by "supremacy" you mean do I believe in Shinkane then my answer is yes, of course. I guess my blog betrays my true feelings for this ship ;)
I’m very excited about Providence and would like to use this opportunity to express my thoughts and expectations. I must admit that I’m out of practice when it comes to writing, but this is my first Ask and I want to make an effort. I really enjoyed writing about this ship in the past and I’m still in love with their dynamics. Hopefully the muse hasn’t left me yet.
From what I saw in the trailer, it looks as if Akane and Kogami will once again work together as a team and solve a case that will bring to light another mystery of the Sibyl System. We’ve been waiting quite a long time for this to happen, but it remains to be seen whether their relationship will also develop in a romantic way. I really hope so, even though Shiotani keeps emphazising that PP is not a Shoujo anime. The authors will probably just drop a few breadcrumbs here and there and we’ll have to read between the lines to understand the personal motivations and relationships of our characters – but who knows?
I think Akane and Kogami’s relationship is very complex and it's always fun to watch them work together and mature. Despite their different opinions and occasional disputes, their actions were always proof of how deeply these two care for each other. Not only have they always tried to protect the other from physical harm/death but also they have always supported each other mentally in times of doubt. There’s mutual trust and respect. And there’s this insanely powerful connection between them, this spark they can ignite in each other, even if they're miles apart. Kogami was subject to Akane’s influence while he was living abroad in war zones. His firm belief in her righteousness and the fact that his revenge led him into exile made him reflect more closely on moral duties. On the other hand, Akane developed this peculiar habit of lighting Spinels that helped her solve cases in Tokyo. There’s also this bittersweet scene in the PP movie where Akane finds a paperback of Proust: she immediately associates it with Kogami, takes it home and therefore withholds evidence. The authors have taken great pains to avoid the stereotypical portrayal of romance but the message gets across anyway if you pay attention.
Providence will very likely focus on their professional teamwork. Still, it will be exciting to see how they approach each other after all this time – and not just because of their mutual attraction that seems to become clearer with each new story. They both have matured on their individual journey, and they both have changed. Akane has gotten quite tough and she is more committed than ever to changing the Sibyl System and society for the better. She still rejects violence and strictly adheres to the law. While Kogami admires her for it, these are qualities which he himself does not possess. After he killed Makishima, Kogami had to survive for a long time in a lawless world and he wandered around there without any real goals. I had the impression that he hated his new life and eventually got weary. Akane's sense of justice has always been the magnetic north of his compass, so if there was someone who could provide him with a sense of purpose again it would be her – or some task associated with her. I really hope that he’s willing to get his life back on track this time.
(-Did you come back to fight violence with violence?
- I’m just doing what needs to be done. I don’t have any regrets.)
The phone call probably occurs at the beginning of the movie and I bet you that it was Kogami trying to get in touch with Akane for the first time. The atmosphere is tense and it provides a good starting point for the hero’s journey. One of the basic dramaturgical recipes in PP has always been Akane and Kogami pursuing the same goal while favouring different approaches. Personally, I think this is due to the different realities of their lives and individual experiences. As an enforcer and mercenary, Kogami was always in a position of powerlessness and only violence could help him change a situation. Akane, on the other hand, was able to seek peaceful solutions because of her relationship with the system by either slapping Sibyl’s wrist or negotiating deals. Moreover, it seems as if Akane has worked her way up on the job ladder since she is now shown as a supervising inspector. Kogami is still in the dark about Sibyl’s true nature or Akane’s dangerous ties to the system, so I think we’re looking forward to some kind of collision here.
Kogami seems a bit depressed during the conversation and the falling rain enhances the impression. It’s unrealistic to expect that he could immediately reconnect with his friends after all this time but man, does he have to be so bad at making conversation or saying sorry? He’s lying through his teeth when he says that he doesn’t regret anything. He’s full of regrets but as always his pride prevents him from being honest. I have long suspected that PP actually stands for "pride and prejudice" as Kogami seems to have no idea how to handle his own wants and needs or Akane’s newly acquired toughness. But you don’t have to be a profiler to know the reason why Akane acts so business-like and tough: she seems to protect herself emotionally because she didn’t do so in the past and therefore got her heart broken.
Kogami should have known that Akane won’t be thrilled to bits. She probably worries whether or not Kogami was only allowed to return to Japan to do the "dirty work" for Sibyl. We know from SS that Akane doesn’t trust Frederika or Foreign Affairs. There’s a lot of competition between their ministries and the SAD is a brand new unit whose mission is still unclear. You can’t blame Akane for being suspicious and wondering what to make of this. However, given the development of his character, I think Kogami won’t let himself be used for fights he doesn't believe in ever again. But I'm not so naive as to think that he suddenly stops doing what he always does (fighting fire with fire or whatever the fate of Kei’s brother may be) and be good, especially when he comes under emotional pressure or has to defend his idealism. Akane knows that he can’t help it. Of course she knows.
 (-The next time you violate the law, I will stop you no matter what.
-Even so, I’ll believe in you who strives for righteousness.)
I think Akane says that more to herself. She must have realized that his return has the potential to become a great burden for her. She has a soft spot for Kogami and she knows it. She has proven more than once that she is willing to put herself in jeopardy for him and as much as she despises his illegal actions, she has never held him accountable. At the present time, she would have to use a dominator or arrest him. Both options would put Kogami at the mercy of the Sibyl System and that’s exactly what she has always wanted to avoid. Now that he’s back, she must be afraid that Sibyl may only spare his life as long as he complies and makes himself useful. Kogami created chaos in everything he did and the system is notoriously unforgiving. But not Akane. She has always tried to protect Kogami either by letting him go or by warding off an overly harsh judgement. Considering that, it’s kind of crazy that he of all people always emphasizes Akane’s sense of justice. Objectively speaking, she let a murderer go because she has feelings for him and knew that Sibyl would execute him. That’s why Kogami looks so pathetic every time he begs for condemnation. He must know that he’ll never get it from her.
Anyway, a collaboration between the PSB and SAD seems to be under way and they will probably meet regularly in the future. Keeping Sibyl in check and ensuring justice is Akane’s second full-time job. She has enough on her plate already and she certainly doesn’t want to babysit Kogami, who she knows will neglect his duties whenever he feels like it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to see Kogami disobeying Frederika’s orders in Providence just so he can support Akane and follow the path of her "righteousness". As always, he’ll wreak havoc on the mission and his life will probably hang by a thread again causing a distraction for Akane who will then be compelled to save him from one of Sibyl’s crazy minions. She’ll go to jail for this, but we all know she will forgive him in the end. I can’t wait to see something like that in Providence. These two are practically made for each other. Try and convince me otherwise!
(-Will you come with me?
-Even if you told me not to, I will follow you.)
Be still my beating heart. I’ve always believed that Akane and Kogami are more than just colleagues. The romantic subplot has always been there given that Japanese culture is based on subtlety. Japanese people love to beat around the bush. Admittedly, Akane’s girlish demeanour in PP1 gave the impression that it might only be a one-sided and immature crush, but once Akane began to mature as a result of the Makishima case, their romance gained momentum. I’m glad she never broke the habit of looking at Kogami with dreamy wide eyes. It’s quite adorable and reminiscent of their early days as inspector and subordinate.
Some people think that Kogami only recognizes his younger self in Akane and that for him their relationship is merely platonic. His idealization of Akane raises questions, though. It’s clear that he has irrevocably changed and will never go back to his old self. I don’t even think he wants to. He respects Akane as his equal but considers her sense of justice superior to his or anyone else’s. In the PP movie, we witnessed how carefully he weighted every word she said when they talked on the balcony at night. He shielded her from the explosion without a second thought and the first thing he did when the camp was under attack was to help her escape. He always treats Akane with extreme care and priority. And if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, bear in mind that Kogami refers to Akane as her in the novel – as if he were sanctifying her. His character is not easily understood but I think it’s obvious that he has feelings for Akane. And from what I saw in FI and the new trailer, it seems that he no longer wants to hide them.
"Even if you told me not to, I will follow you". Kogami can be absolutely stubborn and persistent. He has already proven that in PP1 when he was chasing after Makishima. He was far too busy and selfish to be considerate of other people’s feelings back then and he didn’t let Akane’s warning get through to him. He had to learn the hard way. There’s something about this snipped that reminds me of Natsume Soseki’s "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?" to which the answer is: "I can die happy." Both are confessions of love. By saying that he would follow Akane unconditionally, Kogami reveals his real motives for the first time. And no, I don’t think he’s doing that as atonement for his crimes. He has undergone a transformation in SS which allows him to stop running away and "take responsibility". He had strayed far from the straight and narrow and it added to his loneliness and made him unhappy. Frederika recognized that. She must also have recognized that Kogami feels drawn to Akane and that he has found hope through his encounter with Tenzing. So, wherever their path may lead, I think he’s willing to die for Akane and become a happy man.
And as far as Akane is concerned: Kogami has always been the person she trusted the most and I really hope he becomes Akane’s ally. I’d love to see her laugh and find some happiness in this crazy world. She has secluded herself from friends and family over the course of the series and she absolutely needs someone to open up to plus a shoulder to lean on. She should no longer be a lonesome queen. Providence could be a first step in that direction and whatever happens between them as colleagues, friends or lovers, I expect it to be very important for their character arc. Kogami will probably learn to hold back and try to see the world through Akane’s eyes. And since we already know that Akane will end up in jail, it would be interesting to see if her policy might change in the future. Will she lose her influence over Sibyl? Will she be able to hold on to her non-violent way of life if it means she can no longer ensure justice and create change in the system? A system that won’t stop its Machiavellian practices and has begun to spread its tentacles all over the world? In PP3 Akane says something akin to "justice must be enforced, even if it disrupts a peaceful society." It doesn't sound vindictive or bitter, just reasonable.
The system despises both Akane and Kogami. They have demonstrated time and again that they would rather act according to their own principles than blindly follow orders. This is not in the interest of an authoritarian system. We learned in SS that Akane is being observed by the higher-ups since SEAUn. My gut feeling is that we should probably not trust Atsushi Shindou who has been portrayed as a Sibyl enthusiast in PP3 and who seems to have practiced strange mind manipulation techniques as an inspector. But what do I know? However, I’m pretty sure that the authors won’t be able to avoid showing the romantic side of their relationship in PP4. After the ending of FI it would come across as very artificial and forced.
Gosh, this answer has developed into a novel! I don’t know if you enjoyed my rambling analysis but I’ve always loved this little fandom and it feels good to be back! I want to thank steoh @mochidoodle for the translation of the trailer which I have quoted above in brackets.
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
Kawi is a perfect Cartoon Character filmed in BL
We were talking about comedy acting of gmm actors in our discord, and I understandably went on a rant about Krist's comedic performance in Be My Favorite (because his dramatic acting is good but he chose such a unique delicious comedy to give to Kawi, and I've been obsessed with it since the very first episode so let me bring it here too xD)
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I was so surprised and intrigued when I saw Kawi in BMF, because in the beginning of the series Kawi looks funny. Unhinged. Unserious. AND IT DOES NOT LOOK CRINGE! (fight me)
For me it's something that's so easy to fuck up, and Thai comedies just love being silly-cringe on purpose (I'm sorry, I have to admit, I get second hand embarrassment often when watching unserious scenes in BLs). But Kawi. He's just. So excitingly funny for the viewers. Krist created his behavior with such a careful nuance, he gave us the first impression of Kawi so nicely, that a non-social immature main character who easily could get 'EW noo' reaction from viewers, is just a very adorable weird fool you can't help but keep watching to see in what kind of trash situations he'll end up.
I think here's a huge reason why: Kawi looks and feels like a cartoon character. I don't even know how Krist did it, I worked as 2d/3d animator and artist for some time in the past and I deliberately tried to make myself act like a cartoon character to film references for animation, so let me tell you – it's HARD xD
Disclaimer: i'm not big professional, just a freelancer so my terms might not be official, i'm just describing what i've learnt from professionals, these are basic things
I think Krist said it himself somewhere in bts that it was his deliberate choice and hard work but Kawi is absolutely animated in a very cartoonish way, but he also calms down and matures throughout the whole series, his movements become more gentle, fluid and less loud.  It's such a difficult way to smoothly change the character and it's a hard work for the actor, if you consider that episodes and scenes aren't usually filmed chronologically.
The first episode of BMF is like the epitome of Kawi As Cartoon Character (remember Kawi stealing Pisaeng's clothes scene, the dancing, fighting the gangster, everything) and it works really great to establish that comedic introduction and fool us all into thinking this is just a silly comedic BL show and not a very complicated, profound and mature series as it turned out to be :D
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I dissect for myself why this happens, what Krist makes:
Loud hyperactive movements (wide animated gestures, compared to all other characters behaving like adults in real world; think of Stage Persona and theatrics)
Action lines and curves (compare Pisaeng and Kawi on screenshots, think how Pisaeng would hold his hand out and look how Kawi is posing. Krist said they rehearsed poses in that scene a lot, and I really believe it. He stretches out arms a bit too far away, he bends more than usual person, he cranes his neck, he makes just perfect action lines throughout his whole body. When you want to make a cartoon character out of someone's photo, you exaggerate and smooth out posture so the motion would be felt, and Krist just does it in real life)
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Fast movements ending up in an abrupt VERY ART-LIKE POSE, and quick change of sharp poses (it's a base rule for good artists to make characters have a clear pose, so you would be able to guess what's going on from only the silhouette). It's probably not a natural way to stand in front of the camera, but Krist often turns his body just enough to have very recognizable silhouettes (enhanced by directing from P'Waa probably)
He exaggerates emotions like a comic character as well; wide eyes, mouth, furrowed eyebrows or extreme pout; even his voice is loud, he shouts and yells louder than anyone else in the series. Of course, only when he's comfortable (with Pisaeng, with Magic Uncle, sometimes with Max). When Kawi isn't comfortable, Krist makes him small, roll into himself, speak quieter and softer, while still having cute gestures like fidgeting.
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Cartoonish character compliments Kawi's childish behavior so well, it adds cuteness and stops viewers from rolling their eyes
KAWI LITERALLY IS ACCOMPANIED BY CARTOON SOUND EFFECTS IN THE SERIES, I mean - Pisaeng sometimes gets his sound effect of something breaking, u know like huh??, but if you listen, so many actions and gestures of Kawi are followed by various cartoon sounds. All the time. Even when he gets more mature and reaches zen, they are still present, just not as often.
And that dance? Might not be truly something cartoons would have, but it's so unhinged and quick and childishly weird, Kawi is almost literally operating at 24fps there, the flashing lighting helps a lot as well xD
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(overall, think about famous tiktok videos of a girl acting like a disney character irl but if i'm not wrong, there's also a technique of slowing and speeding up the video/audio, and Krist simply acts like that in front of the camera. fascinating)
Krist's work on Kawi's comedic behavior is just chef's kiss, even if you didn't know the plot, just by seeing Kawi in random scenes, you'd know it's a whole character arc just reflected through the body. Which is, I guess, what acting is about xD But it is SO RARE to see for me in BLs and Thai's lakorns, and maybe I just don't watch a lot of comedy series but I'm extremely impressed with how great that cartoonish Kawi looks, from an artist point of view.
I think the other character from BLs close to this feeling would be Sky from Love in the Air. If you know others, please let me know!
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hoghtastic · 1 month
Rant, because my oh my…🌪️
This is so disappointing to hear from Alex as someone who’s been a fan for a while and has been working on the arts for years and actually takes the work seriously. What he said was disrespectful to the people he’s worked for and with by calling the opportunities he’s been given stupid? That attitude shown in the video is exactly why he’s not getting good roles. He doesn’t take himself seriously enough, or the work that he does miraculously get, seriously enough and wonders why he doesn’t land much work and had to make his own show at one point (which flopped hard compared to what he expected) That 1 minute clip right there might do even more damage to his job if a casting director or director sees that, that’s why they took the mic away from him “jokingly”. He doesn’t have a good balance of professionalism and looseness to really do anything anymore, he’s too laid back and unserious. He’s literally turned into what he said he feared the most as an actor when he was in his early 20’s. He is now nearly 30, still doing cons for a character that didn’t really get him anywhere and I think he’s a bit bitter about it. Which is also why he acts and responds the way he does when asked about his job, because at this point it doesn’t seem like a career path to him, he just does it for an extra buck. And that’s not an issue, unless he didn’t make it seem like it’s his passion when it benefits him. 🤷‍♀️ He expected the roles to just come piling in after Vikings without putting much work into his actual acting abilities and instead mainly focused on pointing out all the physical stuff he did in his hotel room for Ivars crawl. Compared to many, many other actors and their preparations for roles, that’s not much. The only reason they milked it so much is because that was his first real role and it was impressive considering he didn’t have much experience at the time. Also if I’m not mistaken, when he was asked anything about how he played Ivar or got into his character, every answer was almost the exact same. Talking about the work he did to “perfect” the crawl, and talking about how he just tried to see the “humanity” in Ivar, that’s about all he could say because I don’t think he genuinely got into it like other people did. Travis Fimmel even takes his roles more serious and he’s very open about the fact that it wasn’t a career path he saw initially, just takes those opportunities so he can do other things he actually wants to spend his time doing.
while I’m on the topic, him comparing his lack of work to others on that stage who probably actually take their jobs seriously and spend their time and energy on it, was also disrespectful. Joe scooted away from him when he said that because it probably made him feel some kind of way, I’m not a body language expert but that would be my response too. So uncomfortable.
His performance based off what he did know and understand about his role was just disturbing enough to give people chills but there was nothing portrayed on a deeper level to the character, no matter how hard they tried to give him different arks, because he just couldn’t move past the one dimensional understanding he had of playing Ivar due to his lack of experience at the time I’m sure. But now with the same level of experience, but years of opportunity to work on his craft and acting abilities, it’s just not impressive anymore and he doesn’t have a real “acting resume” at the moment. It shows people that could potentially want to hire him that he’s really not that serious in what he does like he tries to say he is. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, wanting to actually do photography (which it seems like he’s pulled back from as well) or fear of being in the public eye again or whatever is pausing his work load right now, it’s not a good look for him to act the way he does, even if it was just a joke, he should have worded it better I feel. Especially when it’s a joke that essentially downs other peoples hard work, not just his own. Because remember, those “stupid characters” were where made because of someone’s time and energy put into writing, someone putting together looks for his costumes, setting the lights, and hair and makeup to make him look as good as possible, all the work that’s put into even the little details of a set. If he didn’t have any of the makeup and hair, the costumes, something as simple as a backdrop for a scene, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in his characters would you?🙊Except for Emil who was self admittedly just Alex on paper. It’s very discrediting to other people who actually put in the work and have spent years perfecting their crafts.
Let’s be so for real right now. If Johanne had said something like that, she would have been ripped to shreds here. She would never live it down, but that’s definitely something I can say that I don’t not like and respect about her, her work ethic and her understanding of the work she does. She understands that it includes all the people who are involved. Making it possible to do what she does. She actually appreciates those people out loud and says how grateful she is to have her opportunities. She actually worked to get where she is right now, and that’s admirable. Opposed to Alex.
Musicals and theater in general are different in a lot of ways than being on a set, she made the comparison in a Venus effect interview I found. But the main thing that was the same was people understanding the importance of their roles. The lighting is just as important for a scene as having the right costumes and saying the lines right so the whole character that your playing is brought together by the work of others. It’s quite literally never a one man show and that’s one of the things Alex needs to realize on top of many others I’ve mentioned. If he did I’m sure he wouldn’t have made such an inconsiderate joke and would have worded it better. Bummer
Dear anon, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to put all of this into words so well! 🙏💖 It’s definitely a very honest and fair perspective, and personally, I couldn’t have written it better. Thank you for sharing! (In response to this ask.)
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