#but he wasnt & thats becoming more and more clear
endersdead · 6 months
starting to think that this might actually be real trauma memories popping up & not just awful intrusive thoughts like i was hoping it was 😬😔 i feel sick
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rosecreates · 9 months
The favorite places of the BG3 Unholy Trio are as follows...
Sylve: She grew up in Rivington and after she became a mercenary and managed to earn herself a home in the Lower City, she found herself spending a lot of time in Elfsong Tavern to relax, and it soon became her favorite place.
Raven: The Bazaar of Menzoberranzan, where she often found a place to 'perch' and watch the people go to-and-fro, or spend time window shopping. Prior to being adopted into House Mizzrym she would also scam people, and even though she can't say she enjoyed having to make ends meet through conning, she can't deny it was fun fooling people into believing her.
Nimue: Prior to losing her memory, her favorite place was Bloomridge Park. Her foster parents took her there often, where she often had picnics with them and played with other children. After killing her foster parents when consumed by her dark urge when she was a preteen and covering up the murder out of fear, she was taken in by the Church dedicated to Corellon Larethian that she had often visited with her parents. She constantly visited the park at that point, watching the scenery from afar whilst drowning in her thoughts, if she wasn't praying at the Church for Corellon to purge the urges from her and forgive her for her sins or mourning her parents at the graveyard. After losing her memory and returning to Baldur's Gate in Act 3, she regains several memories when taken to Bloomridge Park and finds herself spending a lot of time there again to reminisce.
#{oc info}#{oc: sylve}#{oc: raven}#{oc: nimue}#nim having worshipped corellon before fel eventually took her to the bhaal temple is really sad actually because i very much make it clear-#that she for all intents and purposes is just an imitation of a high elf. she adores elven culture and takes pride in her identity as one-#and it WRECKED her when she realized she was a fake one and that corellon must surely despise her (i dunno if he actually does but)-#because why would he ever accept something like her. a bhaalspawn imitating a high elf. who has surely killed many elves at that-#including the family that took her in and i figure she probably slaughtered the church too which is just AGH. shes just wants to be a-#normal high elf. she probably had planned originally to become a cleric of corellon. her parents probably were clerics of him. and she-#wanted to be just like them. when it was realized the natural power she held and capability to become a sorcerer she maybe was gonna be-#like a sorcerer/cleric hybrid of sorts. but things didnt turn out that way. when she killed her parents she dropped any and all of her-#cleric training because she felt like she was too tainted to become a cleric now. focused more into sorcerer studies and maybe was trained-#by some sorcerer who she met at church. whenever she wasnt at bloomridge or the graveyard or praying for forgiveness ofc. and then-#she probably slaughtered her church as an adult and thats when fel came and took her to bhaal so haha :-D#nimue is not ok dear lord help her nkjgfbjkbgf
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wszczebrzyszynie · 4 months
Does Mikita know his biological parents at all? What are his feelings about them? I know he was more raised by his teacher but after she died why wouldn’t he go back home?
Those are some really good questions. I did my best trying to answer them as clear as possible without going off topic, but it didnt go as planned. Well i think its for the better. As always with oc things its under the read more
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Mika does know his parents and siblings; Apolonia was his sisters governess at first after all, before becoming his, and later his guardian as well. He remembers his childhood home, but has very little feelings about it. When it comes to his relationship with his family, he just never felt especially close to them, especially after Apolonia became the most prominent person in his life. He doesnt like them or hate them, if anything, Mikita at the time of the story is generally forgetful about them. To him, it wasnt an important part of his life, so he just doesnt really bother with it. Hes cold, if anything. Its a consequence of his childhood isolation, both self inflicted and influenced by Apolonia; shes the most important person in his life because she was for the most part the only person in his life, and everything was tied back to her. I mentioned it before, but as cruel as it sounds Mikita never reflects back on it; i dont think hes able to be critical about his guardian-mother, nor does he consider her behaviour to be potentially abusive or even unhealthy in any way, even in the modern au
The love he had for her was one of the reasons he didnt want to go back to his family after her death. She was his caretaker after all, and he did feel safe with her, feeling closer to her friends and social circles than his own. The other reason was because it could prove... problematic. Apolonia was a part of this social artistic circle (that Eliza often engaged with; she and Apolonia were friends, to some degree), consisting of mostly writers, and considering the time and place, it was anti censorship and therefore anti tsarist. Some of them distributed books that were illegal, which is what got Apolonia arrested in the first place, and in the prison she fell ill, which later caused her death. Mikita always adored his mother and wanted to be a part of this, but he was too young to really do anything other than hanging out in the background while they talked. That being said, he was still raised in that enviroment and took a lot from it, especially ages 12-15. His identity was shaped by all of it; From his interests and beliefs, to even his names - neither Mikita or Nika are his legal names, and nor is his surname. He esentially became a completly new person. He was also very interested in reading everything his mother would give him, which did include illegal literature. That very thing is what got him expelled from school, something his parents never learned about. And thats just the tip of Mikas school experience. So when Apolonia died, and Mikita lost the only present adult in his life, he grasped at the opportunity to go with Eliza instead of coming back
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 4: its personal
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“So uh, about my brother he’s just… like that don’t take it personally” Yuji awkwardly laughs as he warns megumi about sukuna
He’s always been used to having to warn people about his brother because he knows he can be a bit… off putting to say the least. He understands megumi doesn’t want to hang out at his own house because apparently the niece you babysit is really annoying but he doesn’t think sukuna is any more pleasant to be around
Megumi cant find any words to say so he just nods his head in response. If this was any other person he really wouldn’t care but its the fact that he knows something he shouldn’t and he would be lying if he said he wasnt the least bit curious about sukuna.
Yuji hesitates as he unlocks his front door, he too knows something he shouldn’t and its an awkward moment of silence between the two boys. Megumi feels eyes on him as soon as they enter the place, the man he can only assume is sukuna, eyeing them as they take their shoes off. Sukuna is sat on the couch with the tv only becoming white noise with the clear interruption. Yuji thought his best option was to just walk past sukuna without introducing megumi but with the way he’s staring it probably wont be possible.
Yuji looks back at megumi and then nods in sukunas direction “fushiguro this is my brother, sukuna” megumi makes eye contact with said man and he feels his eyes slightly widen because airi is a carbon copy of this guy, aside from airi having your smile your genes put up absolutely no fight
Megumi clears his throat before introducing himself and adding “thank you for letting me come over” he swallows thickly after he says that because sukunas glare only grows worse and megumi swears he can feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up
Sukuna says nothing and turns his attention back to the tv and yuji motions for megumi to follow him to his room. Megumi wonders if sukuna has really always been like that because he cant imagine you stepping within 6 feet of that guy. He doesn’t linger too long on the thought because Yuji speaks up
“Thats just his face, I don’t think he’s capable of smiling” yuji jokes but also laughs uncomfortably because yes while sukunas face is usually one of disinterest he doesn’t usually glare that intensely without reason but yuji knows why he did. He debates whether or not he should mention to megumi that he thinks you and sukuna used to date but he decides against it because its not technically his business and he’s not even sure that megumi would know.
Megumi just shrugs “its fine, I didn’t take offense” and he’s not lying in fact, the only thing he’s thinking is that airi often glares like that (obviously not as threatening) whenever she’s forced to eat vegetables or when she has to go to bed and while he wants to laugh at the thought he keeps it to himself
Sukuna sat sulking, annoyed that someone related to gojo in any sense was in his home
He tells himself over and over that he doesn’t care about you or what you’re doing but the prospect that you’ve actually moved on— with gojo of all people, makes his blood boil. The truth he cant admit to himself or to you is that he regrets breaking up with you, at the time he was so sure that he didn’t want to be tied down anymore that he was wasting his youth in a relationship that he didn’t feel he could handle anymore.
You looked at him with a gleam in your eyes that he couldn’t bare to be in the line of sight of anymore because whenever he looked at you he couldn’t find it in himself to deny you of anything you asked for. He swore that's not who he was, and that he wasn’t made for the domesticity of it all.
It wasn’t always like that he felt he never knew peace or happiness like he felt when he was with you, he just had to start looking for excuses. As time went by it became harder to live up to the expectations you had for him, even if you never directly told him anything he could feel the way you wanted a life with him that he wasn’t emotionally capable of giving. He didn’t know how to keep loving you, not because of you specifically, it just wasn’t something he knew.
The first month after the breakup he swears he’s happy, that this is the life he was made for. No attachments or responsibilities, just sleeping around, drinking and gambling. He fools himself into believing it was fulfilling in a way a relationship wasn’t. A month turns into 2 and he finds himself at your apartment telling you to go out with him, one last time. He’d be lying if the state he saw you in didn’t pull at his heart— bags under your eyes, having lost a noticeable amount of weight and your smile wasn’t even present. Seeing you one last time was what he thought he wanted but having to leave you the next morning, as you clung to him in your sleep like you felt he’d be leaving he knew it was a mistake.
He doesn’t even notice he drifted off to sleep on the couch while his thoughts were filled with you. He only awakens a few hours later when he hears yuji and megumi come back down the stairs laughing at something as he sits up irritated that his sleep was interrupted
As Yuji leads megumi to the door megumi turns around before speaking “it was nice to meet you sukuna” it wasn’t but he knew if you were here you’d chew him out for not having proper manners as a guest
Sukuna still remains silent so yuji just ushers megumi out the door as he rolls his eyes at his brother. By the time yuji returns from walking megumi outside sukuna is fully awake and starting up dinner in the kitchen, which yuji has found the only thing his brother is for sure good at— cooking.
“Did that white haired bastard pick him up?” Sukuna speaks up
Yuji furrows his brows in annoyance “his name is gojo and no he didn’t, he just paid for a ride”
“Cause I don’t want that idiot knowing where I live” Sukuna mumbles
“Well it doesn’t even matter because gojo didn’t pick him up, he also doesn’t know I’m your brother” yuji responds none the wiser about the fact that everyone obviously knows each other
Sukuna just scoffs because he knows thats not true gojo may be a lot of things but that idiot was always observant
“I don’t want that kid coming over here anymore”
Yujis eyes widen not expecting that at all “what? why? He didn’t even do anything”
“Because I said so” sukuna replies like his word is final
And yuji is so angry and annoyed that he lets your name slip out of his mouth and he notices his brother stiffen up and turn around to look at him
“its because of her, huh?” Yuji asks quieter this time but as he sees the look in his brothers eyes an anger he hadnt expected to see from him. He regrets not thinking before he spoke
“What do you know” sukuna asks with a monotone voice like he’s trying to keep calm, he knows yuji met you but how does he know that’s the reason he doesn’t want the fushiguro kid around? as far as sukuna knows he’s never mentioned you to yuji
“Nothing” yuji decides thats a half truth so it should be enough
“Did she tell you about me”
“No, she doesn’t even know I know her” yuji responds irritated
Sukuna finds himself slightly disappointed though he doesn’t know why, maybe because if you knew he was back he expected you to be at his door asking to get back together. What’s even worse is the possibility that you already know because of gojos big mouth he was sure to mention the run in at his job and that pisses him off more that you haven’t even made an effort to search sukuna out.
“Hes gonna come around sukuna, whatever happened between you and her isn’t my problem” yuji says before he can stop himself
“Watch it brat” sukuna warns before agreeing to letting fushiguro come over even if he doesnt necessarily want him here, he can’t let you get to him like that
Megumi returns home feeling a little awkward having seen sukuna now, he wonders what you saw in the guy, yeah he wasn’t ugly but that personality sure was at least from what he saw.
You greet him as soon as he steps into the house, you’re cooking while airi colors at the table
“Hey megumi, how did yujis house go?” You ask but you didn’t turn to acknowledge him
“It was fine” he leaves it at that because he’s not entirely sure what to say if he can even say anything in front of airi
Airi gasps excitedly “gumi, come color with me!”
“No baby let him relax, maybe later” you respond on his behalf you feel bad cause you know his social battery is little to non existent
“After dinner sounds good to me airi” megumi half smiles as he walks by ruffling her hair before disappearing into his room, thankful you gave him an out
The rest of the evening went as smooth as it usually does, all 4 of you now sat at the table, megumi and airi coloring while satoru sorted through some paperwork he brought home for the weekend
You cleared your throat “so satoru… anything for your birthday this year?”
Airi heard ‘birthday’ and immediately perked up
Satoru began “I was wondering why you hadn’t bought that up yet, but no not that I can think of… I’m sure ill be working anyways”
You nod, satorus birthday was always a bit sad he never felt truly happy and you cant say you blamed him you speak up quieter “it’s still not til next month but the usual then?”
He nodded back “the usual”
For reasons you didn’t know but felt like you understood there was more to it, Satoru would always choose to go to the beach around his birthday even if it was freezing cold he insisted on just walking along the shore or parking in front of it. You feel bad in a sense that satoru didn’t have the youth he probably wanted and each birthday is a simple reminder that this is a future your past selves probably never saw. You joined him once while you were pregnant but after that it became harder considering airi was too young, so it became a thing for him to go by himself then all of you go out to eat and have his choice of dessert afterwards
“What are we doing?” Airi asked excitedly
“We’re gonna go out to eat to wherever toru chooses for his birthday” you responded
“When is his birthday”
“In December, thats still a little bit away” you know she doesn’t quite grasp months and weeks yet
Airi pouted and felt a little disappointed because if it wasnt “tomorrow” it simply wasn’t fast enough for her yet said nothing else
Satoru cut in “you can help me choose the dessert” he smiled at airi, she simply nodded in response
“And you megumi?” you ask
Megumi never really liked his birthday the older he got and neither you or satoru forced him to do anything, if he wanted to do nothing then that was up to him but you would always get him a cake
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking up “um yeah I might hang out with yuji”
You and satoru glanced at each other thoroughly surprised megumi actually wants to celebrate his birthday
“That sounds nice! Im glad, do you have any ideas?” You didn’t wanna scare him out of it but you were curious, he just shook his head in response
You changed the subject “okay airi, its time for bed lets clean up”
Your daughter, ever the defiant just glared at you with great distaste to which megumi laughed briefly which made your daughter even more upset because she thought he was laughing at her
You glanced at megumi confused because he never acted like that before and he just looked at you and shook his head, waving the laugh off. Airi after much protest finally cleaned up and you helped her get changed and tucked her in. As soon as you came back megumi spoke up
“Sorry I wasnt laughing at her, its just…” he trailed off and you had a feeling you knew what he was gonna say after all he probably finally met sukuna so you give him a soft yet sad smile, so he decides that he can speak again
“They just look so much alike I was kind of taken aback when I first saw him, although he’s much more…” he decided not to say anything more cause he didn’t want to offend you
You laugh “I know he was probably rude, I’m sorry for that but don’t take it personally he’s just like that”
Megumis eyes widened before he let out a laugh of his own “yuji said the same thing, but I don’t know he really stared like he had a problem”
This prompted gojo to speak up who had been suspiciously quiet since the topic of sukuna came up “oops that might be my bad” he turned to megumi “I think sukuna remembers you, and if he didn’t he definitely saw you get into my car at the movies”
“I doubt he saw you satoru” you cut in
Gojo shook his head “No, he definitely did especially cause yuji yelled my name and yours from across the parking lot, not just that but-“ he cut himself off deciding against telling you about the job run in
“But what” you asked impatiently
“Relax, I didn’t do anything if that’s what you’re thinking, he was at my job the other day, we didn’t speak he was just there for business but its odd it happened after the movies”
You and megumi looked at each other the same look of worry on your faces
You groaned “I don't understand why he’s all of sudden everywhere”
3 weeks go by and you’ve worked out a system with the yuji issue, you find out when he’s coming for how long and you plan entirely around it. Taking airi out of the house opting not to spend extended amounts of time outside since the weather was colder, you didn’t like to risk her getting sick too much especially since she was so susceptible to it.
Megumi also goes over to yujis house mostly after school if he does cause its harder to hide airi on the weekdays. Megumi finds sukuna is hardly there and when he is he’s intent on ignoring megumi so it just resorts in awkward silence. Other than that, it was working much better than you could’ve imagined and it helped that yuji never really strayed outside of megumis room.
Theres been a few close calls where sometimes he comes out of the room the moment you come home with airi or forgetting to close airis door to her room. All small moments that seem to slip yujis attention, he chalks it up to you being busy with babysitting, and the kid laugh he hears sometimes is just more proof.
Seeing as airi was out of the house with satoru, megumi and yuji head downstairs for a snack
You speak up “hey megumi so any clue about your birthday yet?” You mainly asked because you’d like to get him a cake yet you’re not sure it would work out if he’d be busy
He nods “yeah I’m thinking bowling, we have a few other friends who’d probably come but I’m not sure thats a lot of people already”
Yuji laughs “it’s like 4 people Fushiguro that's not too bad”
“To you” megumi mumbled
You smiled to yourself “what about you yuji when’s your birthday?”
“March 20th, I know I want to go to the movies and eat a bunch afterwards though” he says proudly
And you know your face went pale and so did megumis, because airis birthday was March 21st. How they managed to be a day apart was some hideous trick of fate and yuji noticed both of you looking stunned
“Uh is that a bad day for you or…” yuji began
You laughed nervously “Oh no! Thats my best friends birthday, the one I baby sit for its just crazy”
Yuji furrowed his brow because he doesn’t think that required such a shocked reaction but he just shrugs it off “I guess, yeah thats cool though”
Megumi changes the subject “so next week for gojo right?”
You nod “yup, Saturday the usual”
“I wonder what dessert he’s gonna torture us with” megumi joked
“Oh is it gojos birthday too?” Yuji butted in
“Yeah Decembers a busy month for us” you smiled
Yuji felt a pang of sadness, he finds that you seem very kind and he wishes for family moments like this. Sure he has sukuna but he hardly counts and growing up he just had his grandfather, his parents having passed away shortly after he was born. It’s something that feels unfamiliar and out of reach for him
“I can imagine it must be fun though” Yuji doesn’t mean to sound as dejected as he does when he responds
You and Megumi glance at each other before changing the subject to the movie marathon they’ve been having, some scary movie series that in your opinion didn’t sound scary at all but you guess if its entertaining thats what matters.
Yuji leaves soon after and you're left with your heart feeling heavier than before because he truly seemed like a good kid and if things had been different you would've loved for airi to grow up around him
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vigilskeep · 7 days
do you have any refs for Minerva’s relationship with the other dao companions? I did not realize she and leliana was estranged 😭 also if im remembering correctly she makes loghain do the dark ritual? sorry I do like spinning her around in my head and knowing the little details she’s such a great character!!
leliana and minerva did not have a clear breakup in the alistair minerva sense but they did grow apart because of the simple reason that post dao minerva becomes politically at odds with the chantry while leliana is serving its leader. leliana is not a type of person minerva finds very easy to like or trust so while they did grow on each other over the course of dao they never had a simple friendship in the first place
alistair you probably know about bc its kind of the cornerstone of minervaposting but theres a post fully explaining it not much further down in her tag
zevran is her romance <3 i hesitate to use the word “soulmates” exactly but they definitely fit together in a way no other minerva pairing could match
morrigan she has a weird close complicated vaguely homosexual friendship with, i’m sure this is par for the course for f!wardens. they probably could have been in love if morrigan had been willing to pursue it in the start and if minerva hadn’t already gone for someone else by the end, and all that is unspoken but very present in everything about them
sten is i guess kind of the typical high approval relationship as presented in game? not much more unique. a lot of respect a lot of arguing a lot of dry humour. they could hang out in silence comfortably and they’re also both know and respect that they’re very capable of killing the other if their greater purposes ever demand it
oghren she kind of doesn’t pay much mind in origins when she doesn’t have to but he becomes part of the family in awakening. they bond over having their insane shared experiences of the blight, and also over him trying to quit drinking and her trying to quit blood magic which leads to some really wild out of context conversations for the others. and hey, eventually over first attempting to parent at similar times
wynne she has a bit of a sharp relationship with. i think this could vary a lot if i pick her up earlier, but in my main minerva playthrough i picked her up late by which time minerva had absolutely no fucking interest in getting the kind of lectures she grew up with. sorry grandma </3
uhhhh who else. shale idk man im sorry for being a fake fan but shale’s dlc truly does nothing for me it’s unfunny and i dont think abt it at all 💔 this would be written in less harsh terms if i wasnt sleepy
loghain is. well that’s a kettle of fish. minerva spares him because it happens to be a preferable move for her agenda and her way of thinking, it’s not rlly about him as a person at all. she doesn’t absolve him of anything he did, like, she still thinks he’s a bastard it’s just that she doesn’t really believe at all in the concept of justice being done if it doesn’t serve a purpose. when he’s in the party they do build up respect and a weird kind of friendship. he sucks and she’s bitter about what sparing him cost her, but that isn’t relevant, it’s not going to stop her learning from him, or fighting at his side as the best team she can quickly make them, or simply finding him entertaining to talk to. so by the end it’s as a friend that she asks him to do the dark ritual, whatever that means. post dao she agrees with weisshaupt that him being assigned outside of ferelden is wise but they continue to write to each other extremely regularly, mostly on matters of news and strategy but occasionally on the more personal
is that everyone i think thats everyone
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ludinusdaleth · 3 months
i havent seen anyone else really post about him even if we all seem to think he's badass as hell (pun intended), so it's my duty to: teven could easily become one of the most interesting & complex c3 characters soon, and i am deeply excited.
conceptually, he's already a treat; one of asmodeus's biggest champions whose vices lead him to bind a pact with fearne, utterly unaware of what hes getting into. he thinks this will secure him & asmodeus power with fae royalty, only for fearne to thrust him into a situation where he is not only given the hunt of his life against a demon - asserting himself as an ultimate legend of all devils, which should be a dream - but instantly after is caught up in the biggest conspiracy against the gods - against his god - with proof.
teven is a devil in all his details - he values bloodlust & dark pleasure through pacts that others are caught in, through his honeyed words. it wasnt angelic of him to take fearne into the wings of the hells by kissing her hand with a seal of his lord's crest. but it interests me how, when he realized fearne didnt know the details of this pact, he not only explained what it entailed plainly, but encouraged her not to utilize it until she was sure she could handle losing a part of herself, which he could presently tell she couldn't. he is practically hungry with lust (of power and more), especially from fearne, but wanted her to know what she would benefit & lose from using this.... and thats frankly more than almost any other power source has done. he barely knows fearne but takes it upon himself to gruffly defend & include her whenever possible. it strikes me that teven has a code of honor. i mean, he should, as a paladin, but his is clear enough he would undermine his god (whom he clearly still loves) and burn the world if it meant assuring a woman he just met - who he should by all means completely manipulate - is safe.
with that code of honor that even undercuts his lord in mind, the group that will bear witness to the secrets that divinity hid consists of the bells, ludinus, essek... and him. no one asked him to follow ludinus to the occultus thalamus. matt should have forgotten him, juggling his 8 players as well as the world shaking villain of the campaign (and his once-protégé). but matt pointedly brought him in, last to enter. he is bearing witness to something his god would hate him ever knowing. of his own free will. (and if there's one thing we know, asmodeus is not fond of much free will at all.)
teven has only been present in 3 episodes so far; we dont know every detail about him, or what he will do in the future. but his setup and every implication around him is fascinating; it is hard not to hunger for his reaction to aeor's truth, not just because of him, but because of the ever-looming burden of history behind him, of zerxus chained away by asmodeus as avalir falls, of the way a fae & devil together are witnessing the worst of calamity when their people once allied to allow it. teven can see through smoke & mirrors; he knows that asmodeus is "shaken", that the gods are more familial than they want to admit. what else will he bluntly see in the memories he's about to witness? will he care about the mortals slaughtered for the crime of hubris & knowledge (especially with the theories he is a cambion, half human)? even if he doesnt care for the mortal suffering... what will he take out of actual proof of the gods uniting as one - to hide something fundamental from their followers? from him?
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
can we get another lo’ak/tsireya x reader?
maybe reader is close friends with both of them, and has a crush on them. yet after lo’ak and tsireya become a couple reader begins to avoid them bc she’s jealous (little does reader know that they both want her too). reader tries to focus her attention on other clan members to try and get over them.
lo’ak and tsireya goes to look for reader to try and confront her about ignoring them. finds reader with another boy in the clan being extra flirtatious. they drag her off and maybe angry jealous smut with dom! lo’ak and tsireya ??
(sorry i’m not good at putting my thoughts into cohesive sentences lmao)
Revengeful Thoughts
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Warning: threesome, degradation, f x m x f, angst, dom!Lo'ak, soft!dom!Tsireya, mentions of jealousy,etc.
Pairing: Lo'ak x reader x Tsireya
Synopsis: You love them both but they loved each more, so you took matters in your own hands.
You always wanted to believe Lo'ak looked at you lovingly but reality would always bite you on the neck. It clearly wasnt you, it was Tsireya. You thought it would be the same like the forest. Where he loved you and only you. Where he would push away any girl that dared to flirt with him. You missed your Lo'ak. The Lo'ak now was different.
He became different and Tsireya too. It was as if Lo'ak was her breathing supply, if she didnt talk about Lo'ak for just a second, you would have been shocked. Tsireya pushed you away when he was around as pulled you close when she was sad or wanted to talk about how sweet he was. Sweet? The Lo'ak you knew wasnt sweet, he was rebellious, troublesome.
You even imagined spending the rest of your life with him. But Tsireya was always on your mind too. Who knew a Na'vi could so beautiful? Yet the jealousy of seeing them together made your eyes burn with tears threatening to spill. You had to find someone to ease your pain and frustration. You were angry. You were sad. What happened to Lo'ak only loving you? What happened to Tsireya saying she would be by your side?
Until your light bulb of thoughts shone bright. You whipped your head to the side only to see a boy weaving a net. Bingo! You've seen him around before. His eyes always locked with yourself but he looked away shyly. This is perfectly fine. After all, Tsireya and Lo'ak clearly abandoned you.
The truth was Lo'ak and Tsireya truly loved you. They wanted to talk to you about their stuation but you pushed them away claiming they were a couple and you didnt matter. "Lo'ak what if she disagrees and we lose her forever!", Tsireya exclaimed. "Tsireya have some hope. What if she doesnt disagree? Hmm. Calm down, m'kay?", he said rubbing her cheek. Her distress fell off her shoulders and they continued to walk on the shore.
Lo'ak was surprisingly calm at the moment but Tsireya, on the other jand, was panicking. Tsireya pulled Lo'ak's hand harshly over to the section of the beach you normally were. You weren't there. "Thats weird, she usually stayed right here.", Tsireya started to look around. Loak spotted you with one of the hunters of the clan.
Tsireya's eyes widen as Lo'ak's anger began to built up. He stormed over to you. He could hear how you were complimenting on his muscles and her tattoos. Lo'ak had tattoos too yet you never compliment how great he looked. You were too busy flirting with the boy that you didnt even see Lo'ak fumed towards you.
Loak cleared his throat. Your eyes widen under Lo'ak's deadly glance. "Lemme borrow her for now.", Loak stated with the fakest smile you have ever seen. He harshly grabbed your hand and began to pull you towards his marūi. You were confused. You thought ignoring the two would resolve the fact your feeble heart only beat for them and them alone.
Loak threw you down on the mat. "Be gentle with her Lo'ak!", Tsireya yelled. Lo'ak rolled his eyes. His girlfriend's words didn't matter right now. The problem was you were prancing about the village flirting with a boy who barely glanced at you. You crawled away from the couple that stood in front of you. What did you even do?
"So that's what you are? A slut! A whore! Going from boy to a boy riding their cock when no one is around!", he hissed his harsh words at you.
You feel ashamed to be called such names by Lo'ak of all people. You were on the urge of breaking down. Tsireya noticed how hurtful Lo'ak's words were. Your eyes were bloodshot red from holding back your tears. Tsireya kneeled down beside you and rubbed your shoulders. "Don't baby her Tsireya! It's the truth, the truth hurts!", he barked. Tsireya glared at her boyfriend and huffed, going back to comfort you. "It's ok, it's ok tìyawn.", she whispered in your ear.
Lo'ak began to untie his loincloth as he walked over to your shivering body. His length and girth were more than impressive. Tsireya pulled your head onto her thighs and smiled. "It's okay baby but you must take your punishment like a good girl, okay?", she said. You nodded shyly. Lo'ak glared as he lined up his huge cock with your cunt. "Wait, please! I'm not ready!", you squealed. Tsireya peppered your face with kisses before her fingers ran down your stomach down to your clit.
She slowly increased in speed, and you feel shock waves of pleasure overtake your body. Your hands grabbed Tsireya's thigh as your back arched in her lap. Lo'ak trusted his entire length inside of you.
"Oh—oh fuuuuck!” You moaned, your ass slapping against Lo'ak's thighs as he thrusted in a quick pace. Lo'ak's large hands were on your hips, gripped you, and helped you on and off his cock. He stretched you perfectly, the head of his massive cock sending shivers down your spine when he pressed on your cervix, delivering much pleasure to your small frame.
“Your pussy feels so good.", Lo'ak groaned. "Need to feel you come around me. Going around fucking all those boys, hmm?”, Lo'ak panted as he fucked up into you, grinding you against him on his member. "Noo, i dint fuck themmm!", you whimpered. Your puffy and sensitive clit was grinding against his pubic bone.
Your cunt was sticky and messy, sloppy all over Lo'ak's cock with a mix of your juices which splattered against your thighs, staining their mat below you. Lo'ak's cock churned into you, wet squelches echoing in the room, almost overtaking your moans.
“Oh shit! Oh, my great mother! I’m gonna come, fuck fuck fuck, I’m gonna come, please! Lo'ak let me come!”
Your walls fluttered and clenched, Lo'ak was moaning loudly and his hips stuttering up against you.
“Eywa, this pussy — you’re drippin’ all over me baby. Want you to come for me, yeah?”, Lo'ak's hand slid over the plush of your ass, forcing you to grind down on him while he reached between your legs and bullied your clit until your thighs shook almost violently. "You're taking him so well, syulang! Even better than me!", Tsireya praised you through your moans.
Loak pushed his thumb inside of your mouth. “Eywa, you’re so fucking beautiful f'me, and the way you’re suckin’ on my thumb like it’s my cock — fuck Y/n, you’re so sexy.", you licked the tip of his thumb as he began to remove it from your mouth.
You shifted your hips, Lo'ak's cock slid inside of you again until it was pressed against the tip of your womb. You moaned as Tsireya's hands traveled along your now sensitive nipples. “Oh, fuck, Y/n, the way you’re squeezin’ ‘round me — fuuuck , so fuckin’ tight for me, baby.”
You tried to respond, but could barely even focus on Lo'ak's face, eyes filled with lust. “That was so fucking hot, Y/n. Looked so pretty comin’ like that, going to pound you ‘n make you come again, baby,” he moaned into your ear, he fucked you so hard into the mattress, his weight on your body, you were very sure an imprint would be left behind when he was through with you.
You should have been begging him to stop, to let your body have some peace, but you was horny. Your pussy was fluttering around his cock as he whispered praises and curses into your ear, pounding into you, using your pussy as his own, until he finally came again, filling you with so much of his seed that it spilled immediately out of you and down your thighs.
Lo'ak pulled back, breathing heavy, eyes so dark as he watched the way his cum slipped out of your abused pussy, fingers already scooping it up from your plush and abused thighs, trying to push it all back in.
“I promise I'll never do it again.,” You mumbled, Tsireya smiled at you, toothy and wholesome as if she hadn’t just watch his boyfriend fuck the life out of you.
You fell asleep in Tsireya's lap knowin you would wake up to see the two Na'vi you loved most by your side.
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hdra77 · 2 months
Hello, I just browsed your whole disarray AU tag and I think it's really cool. It's a little hard to tell what is it about but from what I can tell everyone is evil and corrupted for some reason (except for NSH?) There was an old ask talking about Pebbles and NSH's friendship, and I wanted to ask if you could tell more about that their friendship in this AU is like if you feel like it
Hello anon!! Thank you so much for taking your time to look into my au that means a lot to me!! 💗💗 sorry if some parts may be a bit confusing lol ive had pmvs planned to explain the plot better but thats been on the back burner for a while
To explain it simply, the triple affirmative occurred except that its something that could possibly make their kind turn on against each other.
Triple affirmative is a type of virus that spreads throughout the iterator's system and they would slowly rot on the inside as time passes. And the process is very very painful imagine your insides getting fried and there is nothing you can do about it but to lash out at others and infecting your kind in a desperate attempt to dull down the excruciating pain.
Basically this virus would just straight up kill them in the end it would keep on infecting their system until they shut down and collapse. Because of this others finds a way to search for the cure and some others accepts this fate.
Soo not everyone in the au are evil! Atleast for the first half of the plot.
All of the cast would have atleast one or two major flaws in them and it depends if you see their actions justified or just plain right evil.
Focusing on the early timeline where pebbles wasnt infected yet. If you noticed some of the pebbles asks recently the sign that this takes place before his corruption is his white eyes and sometimes seen with his golden irises!
Not exactly sure where im going with this lol but explaining more about pebbles and nsh's friendship:
Pebbles met sig through suns and he only grew to tolerate NSH because in his own perspective, taking in the false belief to see the image of his administrator infront of him instead of his friend is his way of coping from the abandonment of his creators. Which isnt..a good way to start a friendship if he only treated sig as a manifestation of someone else honestly
Slowly,but eventually sig managed to get pebbles to let him show him around outside his can and encouraging him to explore the places together and this was enough for pebbles to snap out of his delusion and see the iterator in front of him. NSH, the real him. not just a tool for him to cope with.
They became close, having a supportive friend that always pulls him out of his hole and encouraging him to have a more positive take in life despite the dying surroundings around them that makes it harder for pebbles to even believe that theres something beautiful in a world who wants to die. This is basically just a opportunistic friend and the pessimistic friend. NSH isnt always that opportunistic type of guy though, even after the ancients left the entire ecosystem in destruction he still finds beauty in things and he shows pebbles signs of life seeping through the cracks still finding its way back to reclaim the dying world.
Their friendship became more strained right after pebbles got in contact of his sister once again. Pebbles had become a lot more defensive and pushing others aside until his disappearance and the last time he had been in contact was with suns. This reason tear their friendship apart especially how sig suspects that suns had been keeping secrets from him and that they could even be involved in his disappearance.
So in an attempt to search for pebbles, sig sent hunter to investigate pebbles' superstructure. And it all goes from there
I may have gotten carried away like most of the time! But thats a simple explanation of how their friendship came to be! Friendship lore !! Hope this clears things up 💕 if you got any questions just ask me!
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ok im about to start rambling like crazy because since yesterday i cant stop thinking about this fucking scene and how it just makes stsg's future fight worse better. this is a wonderful point to stop, and think about their breakup and how it was clearly motivated by a lot more than just a clash of ideals
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to get started its really interesting to think about how gojo was the one who gave the idea of going against any rules and fighting the person at the foundation of the jujutsu society for riko. he was ready to risk everything for a single kid, to grant her the life she wanted. both he and geto knew, that if they chose this path, the consequences would be irreparable. even if they won against tengen, it meant the barriers would be totally fucked up and they would likely become fugitives, but that was alright! as long as they gave riko the opportunity to be a child! to be happy! even tho they were also just teenagers themselves and its clear that this being a kickoff to turn their lives upside down sounds so similar to what happened to geto, and its why his deflection and all the lack of communication around it are even more depressing. the thing is: i cant imagine a world where gojo, knowing about mimiko and nanako, would disagree with getos attitude. even if you dont take into consideration how gojo was ready to kill the whole star cult after riko died, it just doesnt goes with what we saw of him until that point (and from that point onward too) some people disagree with this, because it goes in favor of the whole "gojo didnt had a moral compass of his own when he was a teenager" thing (which is totally wrong). to me, it doesnt. gojo had his own opinions, but he also seemed very aware of how this didnt mean he was ready for the nuances of every situation he could get caught on, and that was where talking to geto helped him. they had similar opinions, gojo felt safe being honest with him, and they were equals! who could be better to question his decisions, right? well, thats exactly why theres a whole plot line about geto looking gojo and feeling that they were no longer neck to neck when gojo goes after geto in shinjuku, its really unambiguous the fact that his goal was not to kill him, but to talk to him. gojo wanted to understand what was the meaning behind geto's actions. geto, who always made sure everything he did had a clear and well-thought motivation, would surely have an explanation for his choice. and in a certain way, he did, yes. i think its quite easy to see that gojo, who even ten years later was out there saying he would side with yuta in a fight, if the higher ups decided to kill him, would see at least a little bit of sense in the core of geto's choice if he just knew about it. but he didnt when geto decided that gojo would never understand him, he wasnt thinking about gojo disagreeing with the effectiveness of it, because geto himself knew it was a dumb idea. the heart of what he was doing, wasnt really to succeed, even tho he gives his best to make himself believe that he will. its all about choosing the murder spree he did in that village, and then doing a backward justification; its about hopelessly doing something, for the sake of doing something. if he were gojo, his plan wouldnt be stupid. if he were gojo, there wasnt any plan that would sound stupid. because gojo had the power to change the world if he set his heart on doing so, but geto didnt. what he could do was choose his path and give his best at staying at it, no matter how painful it was
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frostiislushii · 10 months
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"Merry Christmas, Dolly"
Ghost x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Content Warnings: Implied smut, rough sex, hand bondage.
A/N: I dont write much, but here it goes, i guess. There also isnt much dialogue because Im more action based with my writing. My apologies, guys.
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Ghost was coming home from deployment soon. It was Christmas, and y/n chose the best present to possibly reward him with for making it back. Herself. She, with a considerable amount of struggle, managed to wrap herself with ribbon (nude, mind you) and put herself under the tree. The only thing that even alluded ro Ghost's surprise was a message she set him reading "Merry Christmas, big guy. Hope you enjoy the gift under the tree". With that, it was a waiting game.
Ghost would come through the front door, his hands ever so slightly jittery given the anticipation for whatever was awaiting him under the tree. He took his balaclava and mask off, resting them on a hatrack. He would call out to y/n, his voice tired yet gruff. "Hey Dolly, Im home." This was dollowed with a gleeful reply fron y/n, telling him to come into the livingroom, where the tree was set up. He would follow as told, walking in. His jaw rested slightly agape for a moment, his eyes wide.
There was his darling, his dolly, y/n, next to the tree. She was rested comfortably, tired and wrapped in ribbon. The ribbons were loose, giving Ghost the slightest peek of what was hidden underneath. It brough him visible excitement, his bulge becoming visible through his pants. He would walk over to her slowly, a low whistle leaving his lips. He let out a soft groan, his cock feeling constricted by his pants as he observed every inch of y/n's wrapped figure. "My my..You've outdone yourself, Dolly. All of this work, all for me to enjoy." His voice was a low rumble, seduction and lust clear in his tone.
Y/N looked so good all wrapped up like that. Ghost would move closer to her before suddenly pulling her up, throwing her over his shoulder as he started to walk off to the bedroom. This warrented a surprised gasp from y/n, as she didnt quite expect or anticipate his actions. She didnt onject, though. How could she when her man was this needy? She merely let out a chuckle, her voice sweet like honeydew to Ghost's ears. Ghost would make it to the bedroom, carrying y/n over to the bed before tossing her onto it. Y/N let out a surprised gasp, her eyes widened. Though she carried a mischeivous smirk. This was going to be fun.
Ghost would climb on top of her, hardly giving her time to react or get a word in as he kissed her passionately and roughly. As he kissed her, his hands were working diligently and desperately to get the ribbons off of y/n so he could have full access to her body. He would get them off of her, using them to tie her wrists together. He would rub his clothed bulge over her clit, something that wouldve been uncomfortable for her if it wasnt for how wet she was. "You havent the faintest clue how long I've been waiting to pound your tight little cunt, Dolly." He grumbled before pulling his crotch from hers, undoing his pants and pulling his boxers down to put his hard, girthy cock on full display. He was a big boy, ready to take his prize that he so desperately wanted. He would rub the tip of his cock against her cunt, watching as she squirmed. He had a cocky smirk on his face watching her reactions. "Simon please fuck me already.." Y/N would whine. She moved her hips up in an attempt to make him slide in, but he backed up, clicking his tongue. "Now now, Dolly..What'd we say about patience?" He purred.
This caused y/n to pout, but that was quickly forgotten as he started rubbing her clit in circled with his thumb, inserting two fingers into her cunt. She would moan softly, her pleasure evident. "So excited, even for just my fingers." He teased, pumping his fingers in and out in a smoothe rhythm. He kept going until she was close, her wall tightening around his fingers. Thats when he'd stop. He kept this up, taking pleasure in the fact that y/n, his dolly, couldnt do anything about this besides watch and beg for him to fuck her stupid. After a while, he obliged.
Ghost would line his hard, throbbing cock up with her cunt, sparing no time as he rammed balls deep into her tight cunt. He would let out a groan of pleasure, staying deep inside for a moment as he watched y/n desperately move her hips, wanting more from him. She was a whimpering, begging mess for him already, and they barely begun. He'd chuckle as he'd start thrusting, his pace slow and sweet at first, letting her feel every inch inside of her. He loved listening to the sweet sounds she made for him. She was moaning his name as he picked up the pace, the sounds merely encouraging him, pushing him to go harder. Soon enough, he was pounding her tight cunt, the wetness providing the lubrication he needed to slide in and out with ease.
These two kept their passionate love making going for three rounds, a mix of y/n's cum and Ghost's cum leaking out of her cunt and onto her thighs at this point. They kept going until they were both tired and exhaused. With one last thrust, Ghost released his last load into her sore, pulsing cunt. She milked him dry of everything he had, and he certaibly wasnt opposing that fact. The two of them would lay down in the bed side by side, Ghost whispering sweet words of praise and love into her ear. His dark eyes would lock onto hers, a content smile on his face.
"I loved my present..Merry Christmas, Dolly."
A/N: Thats it, Im done. Im done. My hand went numb from typing this. Byebye
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dullgecko · 1 month
Two things, 1) sorry if this is long and I ramble and 2) even if this is a pretty light hearted headcannon, I'm going to add a trigger warning just in case because I don't wanna trigger anyone on accident.
TW: Knife
I feel like Fabian would buy the bad kids knives. It started with Kristen, she is their healer and only has her staff as a weapon. Then it was Adaine and Fig because they are also magic users and, even though they have better weapons than Kristen, it is always nice to have a secret knife. He made it very clear that he knows they can all hold themselves great in battle but it is good to have a weapon that none knows about. He got ones for Gorgug and Riz because he didn't want them to be left out and also just in case. He also got himself one. Riz is scary with knives. I have a few thoughts about what kind he would get them but I wanted to know what you think he would get them!
Kristen LOVES her knive, Fabian got it when he went to visit his grandfather over a long weekend. Its small and the blade is as sharp as a scalpel which he thought was fitting given it was for their primary healer (thats also what she ended up naming it, because she thought it was funny). It wasnt specifically forged for her but Telemaine had a lot of elven forged blades lying around that he had apparently forged for 'practice' thousands of years ago and had just tossed in a corner that he let Fabian take. Its incredibly light, and the handle is covered in beautiful engravings that Fabian did himself with the help of Telemaine. He even gave her a matching scabbard, so she can clip it to the back of her belt so she has easy access if it's needed.
Once he decorated one for Kristen he realised that it would be weird to just gift ONE friend a custom blade, so he just decided to engrave one for all of them.
Adaine gets a very short dagger, small enough to be kept hidden under her jacket as a backup. She hasnt acually used it in a fight yet but it makes an EXCELLENT package-opener. Even though she's constantly using it to cut through cardboard, the dagger hasnt lost any of its sharpness yet.
Fig doesn't seem to really understand the concept of a HIDDEN blade, given that she's constantly fidgeting with hers at every opportunity. Hers is an incredibly thin stilleto dagger that when she's not messing around with it she keeps it tucked into one of her boots.
Gorgugs, Fabian thinks, was his grandfathers attempt to make a machete. It's massive for a half-elf but just the right size for their barbarian to keep hidden on his person. Somehow, despite being made of the same elven metal as all the others, it's also incredibly /heavy/. The heft of it probably would help a normal blade cut through thick vegetation but the keenness of the blade makes the weight totally unnecessary. Gorgug dropped it once and it buried itself up to the handle in concrete like it was hot butter.
Fabian had a tough time finding something that he thought would be functional for Riz, given his size, but he ended up settling on a pair of karambits with rings on the end so the goblin could spin them around to adjust his grip. He thought the claw-like shape and small size suited the goblin the best and he was pleased when he absoloutly LOVED them. Riz immediatly ended up readjusting his loadout to incorporate them in a holster hidden against the small of his back under his vest. They become Riz's favorite close-range sneak attack weapon and Fabian thinks of them as his friends 'backup claws'.
Riz is by far the best out of all of them at combat with daggers even though he prefers to fight long range and USUALLY if he gets in close he defaults to his claws and teeth. He'll use blades up close if he knows whatever they're fighting tastes bad though (he has a particular dislike for biting undead enemies), some things he also just doesnt want in his mouth (plant monsters can be tricky and he has more than once had to pop some allergy medication after a fight because it left his mouth incrediby itchy).
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strlitetheatre · 19 days
thank you @biscuits-spooky-diner [ sorry for the tag again lol ] for reminding me w ur reblog i went fucking bananas w this LMAO
a lot of these are heavily headcanon-centric and i wanna preface that before i get into it bc i know some people may not agree!! thats fine!! i just like thinking these silly lil things
thoughts below the cut because its a Lot and i may add to this but idk?? shrugs we'll see
starting off strong, i really am a sucker for the 'two [ or more ] characters that one actor/actress plays are related on some level' concept and i believe mark and duke are cousins bc CAN U IMAGINEE
theyre cousins on their moms sides but their moms dont really get along due to differing views and ways of parenting, but mark and duke are pretty close. theyre each others favourite cousin
mark and karen are both gay in opposite directions but they were very close friends growing up due to overlapping social groups (their parents, church groups, most likely abstinence camp goers, etc), and because of their respective families and being unable to be true to themselves, they got married and had grace very early after they graduated highschool
mark loves karen very much, but purely platonically. he is the type to tease her, sometimes poke fun at her, and he respects her immensely! they both work insanely well as a duo, and they hold down the fort of their picket fence home extremely well, but they are not in love
he n karen live a very domestic life, they can even be pretty physically affectionate at times [ hugs, cuddling, kisses to the head, cheeks, hands even ] and share quick 'i love you's before separating for the day, but something about it was always just slightly askew from romantic love and affection
circling back to highschool, mark and ted definitely had a secret on-again-off-again relationship for at least a few months to a year.
they inevitably fell out because ted was sick and tired of being kept as a secret [ i have so so many thoughts about the spankoffskis too dont get me started on that tho ] and ended up giving mark an ultimatum: either choose to stay with ted and become public, or choose his family and run away from himself
i think its clear which mark chose. they dont talk much anymore
his middle name is anthony :33 no reason for this i just think it fits. mark anthony chasity :3333
he is a very sensitive man! growing up was extremely hard for him between an overbearing and coddling mother, and a hardassed and pushy father, and being heavily sheltered on top of it all
he wasnt shown a lot of genuine love and affection growing up (his mother would lovebomb him, his father didnt believe he needed it, and they were both pretty strict considering he was their only child) and he tries to do better with grace but still ends up unintentionally repeating cycles out of wanting to keep her 'safe'
he truly does love his daughter, he loves grace s o fucking much, but he n karen didnt have many positive role models to base themselves off of parenting-wise, therefore carrying a lot of fabricated truth into their relationships both separately and together with grace
mark has an architecture degree and he would love to be an actual architect but alas. realty was what he could get into
hes the one in charge of most of the chasity homes interior decoration! he has an eye for colours n specifically he really enjoys pastels, but his favourite colour overall is actually green
MARK CHASITY IS THE MARK FROM WORKIN BOYS [ getting forcefully pulled off stage, gripping the mic ] PLEASE P[LEASE JUSR HEAR ME OUT
before mark began working in realty, he worked at a bank. golden parachutes bank [ 'golden parachutes' is something mentioned in show stoppin number w like no context?? this concept is my gfs idea tho ] [ **I WAS INFORMED ITS A BUSINESS TERM but atp i feel like hatchetfield Would have a bank named after a business term lmfao ]
mark met greg through duke when he was about 20 or so [ I ALSO FIRMLYY BELIEVE THE GREG FROM WORKIN BOYS IS MAXS DAD BUT MY JÄGERMAN FAMILY TREE IS A WHOOOLEE OTHER CAN OF WORMS ], began seeing him, and greg was the one to bring mark into the polycule around 23-24
all of them worked at the bank! henry hidgens was one of the younger executives there
HIS N HENRYS DYNAMIC SPECIFICALLY was never sexual i believe, but it wasnt healthy overall because there was a power imbalance between them, and i also believe mark wouldve been one of the younger men in the polycule
henry and mark had a very 'wolf and lamb' dynamic, mark being perceived and treated as 'innocent' due to how he carries himself and how he was raised, and henry sometimes doing specific things to intimidate and even scare mark
all in all things do not go well. yeah. i am Not gonna get too deep into that bc it delves into pure indulgent au headcanon bullshit [ this entire post rlly lol ] but to shorten it: i believe mark to be a sole survivor of the workin boys incident in some aus and after the deaths of the boys he quits the banking job n goes into realty god bles
coughs. anyway. he really likes historical art and i believe mark n grace are so similar in how theyre both So abnormal about historical things [ graces general interest and infatuation w the waylon place and its history that she basically infodumps about in npmd ]
he would infodump about historical pieces and their stories to anyone that would listen, which is usually his wife or daughter
SPEAKING of historical art n bringing back his architecture degree, when grace was around 10 mark built her an exactly-to-scale miniature replica of the waylon place as a dollhouse, down to the scaffolding, lighting, wall decor, etc
it took him years and was a complete surprise. it is his favourite and most pride-inducing project to date, even more bc it was for his baby
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yurianonikki · 2 months
22|07|24 yulia’s diary
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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.╰┈➤. entry 2; into the past,
˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆╰┈➤. today's mood; tired, kinda annoyed.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ right after yesterdays entry i got into an argument with my boyfriend. it was over something stupid and then it escalted, i mean, we came to a conclusion but i wouldve prefered for it to not have happened. the day before yesterday at around 11pm he texted me out of nowhere and asked me ''whats one thing you hate about me'' and i asked him if he wanted me to be honest, so i was honest. i said;
i hate how late he is to everything all the time, it almost feels like he doesnt respect me and my time
i hate how he cancels our plans we have made days sometimes weeks before for his friends who ask to hangout last minute, he has never once tried to comprimise with them and say he has plans with me already on that day
i hate how he tends to be hypocritical; when i do something its such a big problem but when he does it its alright because he has a reason to do that. as if i dont also?
and that was that. he didnt say anything else that night. the next morning he texts me asking me how i am whatever whatever, then about 40? minutes later he texts me saying ''i think im just below average and thats alright. i mean i cant even show up on time for you i bet any other guy could.'' and our argument escalted from there. i tried to reassure him that even though he acts this way now it doesnt mean he wont or cant change in the future and he kept dismissing what i said and just igniting his own insecurities by making up the most random scenarios about what COULD happen. ''well i could die tomorrow, how would i change for you then?''. after a bit of back and forth about this we got into another argument over what actually happened last saturday and why he was late that time. he said i was annoyed at him for being late even though his dad was holding him back. which is true. and i told him ''you know i woulnt be as annoyed if you told your parents you have someone waiting for you already and that you have plans'' and he FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER says he does tell them, the problem i had was that he never told me that and i was left to assume he just didnt do anything to try to not be as late, right?! the main argument here was that he didnt understand that i was mad at him not telling me that he did inform his parents about his plans NOT that i was mad he was late because his dad held him back but his dad didnt know i was waiting for him; does that make sense? it does in my head. and now the final part of our argument: he asked me how he could be better for me and i told him my list of things. one of them was that i said he had to eventually mature and put me above his friends and family in his priorities when we become more grown adults and have kid together. he had an issue with this because he didnt really see the pov that he wasnt gonna be living with his parents forever, and that him and his friends are gonna have their own lives to worry about and wont have time for eachother as much, and that hes gonna have to take care of his NEW family and HIS KIDS and HIS WIFE(🤞). he assumed i was saying right now i need to be the most important person in his life (i still kinda think that because yk were supposed to be together for the rest of our lives) and he needs to respect me more than his parents and cut off all his friends for me, WHICH IS NOT TRUE, that is NOT what i was saying. but we finally came to a conclusion after i explained to him in detail what i meant rather than him assuming and putting words into my mouth, we will both be more clear with eachother and instead of getting mad and shutting down we will communicate regardless. whew. im glad thats done. it was hellish. but were good now, i love him so much 💜
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤but now back to the main point of my entry. back into the past. i mentioned in my last entry about my old friendgroup from 3 years ago and their weird obsession regarding me. for context; there was 4 girls i was friends with: ro****, 2ro*******, e**** & mi***** (i think i should also mention that ro**** is a polish gypsy and 2ro******* and mi***** are slovakian gypsies - and before you cancel me they literally called themselves gypsies and have no problem with it so ill be refering to them as that). back near the end of 2020, i became friends with ro**** as she was friends with my now ex-childhood friend m*** (she isnt important to this) and in the beginning of 2021, around march-april time i started talking to 2ro******* because we were both interested in k-pop and we had literally the exact same classes and with e**** because she also had classes with us. we 3 became close and after a while 2ro****** introduced us to mi***** and me, ro****, 2ro*****, e***** and mi***** all became friends. at the end of that school year we had a falling out with e**** because i was told by the 3 of them that she was talking shit about me behind my back. and at the time i believed them because it was 3 people claiming the same thing and they showed be screenshots of her saying i made really insensitive jokes and she didnt like them. so we all confronted her and basically kicked her out of our friend group because she decided to talk shit about me to them rather than telling me she felt uncomfortable with the things i say. flashforward to early 2022, our friend group was thriving as a 4 and we had no issues (thats what i thought at least) until around may time. i had noticed all of them being kind of weird and distant which was very unusual. we would still sit at break and lunch together and sit in class but we said almost nothing to eachother at all. then i got covid and was off for 2 weeks whatever whatever, but when i came back i had a comversation with ro**** about 2ro*******'s false lashes, i made a joke to her about them which i also told 2ro****** and then when i told that joke to her she told me that ro**** had told i was talking shit about her lashes, not true? we have always made jokes about eachothers appearances why is it a problem now? she did say she knew i was joking anyways and didnt take it seriously. i also noticed them suddenly talking about a person called 'lisa', which i instantly knew was me.
1) 2ro******* had told me i look like lalisa from blackpink and we had an inside joke about that and with my crush at the time,
2) they always made code names for people to talk shit about them without anyone knowing and they still do it to this very day.
and i decided to ask them who it was. they clearly didnt expect me to ask that because they all told me slightly different things seperately but when we were together later that day that i asked them as a group they had suddenly decided to say the same thing? weeeeiiirrrddd. i let it go because i didnt wanna make myself more depressed knowing that they were probably gonna cut me off at this point. i also came to the realization that what they said about e**** was probably either completely fake or overexaggerated. ro**** also blocked me on snapchat that week because we had agreed to talk about what was happening after school and that she was gonna tell me the truth because she felt bad? this happened in front of another mutual friend ki** but shes not important, when i confronted her about it she said her brother did it whlst using her phone? alright girl.
after that i kinda started hanging out with different people i knew, mainly sil*** because she was also friends with them but decided to side with me and believe me when i told her about all of this. literally a few days later, probably 2 days later at the end of break 2ro****** asked me ''are you avoiding us because we know you talk shit about all of us to people?'' and i was so taken aback because i know for a fact i have never once uttered a negative word about them to someone who was immediately close with us. in french that day i asked 2ro****** if we could talk about what she said to me earlier because i was genuinly confused and has no idea what was going on. it was honestly pointless though because i wasnt told anything concrete. i asked them "can you give me an example of when i talked shit about any of you" and i kid you not in a circle they kepy saying ''i dont know ask ____'' and i just walked away after that i didnt speak to any of them nearly at all after that because what the fuck kinda bullshit is that?
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ after that we didnt have many interactions;
in p.e before i moved groups 2ro****** walked past me and said ew, like alright girl your eyeliner is lopsided lets worry about that first.
there was a tiktok account about our school and one of the videos was about those 3, saying theyre all ugly and that what they did to me was horrible. i have to this day no idea who made it i asked everyone who i knew if they did it and no one owned up to it. they confronted me about it and asked me if i made it and obviously i didnt make it because im not talking about them all day and all night, (im only making this entry to vent and to hopefully forget about them forever now)
in science the next school year, i was talking with this girl mar**** who was friends with them but they had all fallen out and had a literal fight at school 🌝 - for context, these 3 girls tried to make up rumours that mar**** had a crush on a boy in our school, yu***, which wasnt true as well as making up lies to her and her friend ang** to try to make them stop being friends, which didnt work - when we were talking in science she told me ''your actually not that bad 2ro****** was saying your so mean and weird'' but i wasnt surpirised they said that about me. i made a comment about another girl saying ''i feel bad for do**** (the girl) because shes friends with all of them but they all hate her, they talk so much shit about her to anyone who listens'' later at lunch, i found out ma**** told do**** what i said and do**** confronted them about it, im assuming they lied and said im the liar because me and do**** never spoke after that even though we were friends, they confronted me about it and i said the truth, ''yes i did say that to ma**** because its true, you talked shit about do**** to me too'' and that was that, they just walked away after that, we havent spoken since that moment.
๋࣭⭑╰┈➤ i dont miss them, im glad i wont ever interact with them directly since i moved. but funily enough ro**** was also kicked out their new friend group that they added 2 ukrianian girls to. seems like i always get the last laugh anyways 😝
🎧ྀི happy blackpink comeback announcement guys my girls are coming back 🥺 I'll kick it if you're down, kick it if you down
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pixiecaps · 5 months
ARRGGHH i know this is the vod where cellbit gets tasked to get information from roier but from roiers pov he seems so fucking caring it makes me so sad. because obviously he does care about roier he later makes it clear in the letter that he meant everything he said to him. but fuck man. watching this knowing its all with a much more deceiving intent hurts. cellbit asking what would make roier happy and roier replying a companion and just needing someone there to keep him company. he lost fucking everybody and after bobby dies it becomes very apparent how alone he actually was without bobby. he lost spreen and quackity and missa and mariana and jaiden wasnt there all the time and he only had bobby. so when you remove that factor hes left totally alone. it makes sense why he got so immediately fond and close to cellbit. he needed someone and cellbit understood that in a way many of the others didnt get to see. after roier expresses this need for someone cellbit tells him “its been kinda lonely for me too. we could like hangout more and if youre feeling lonely you can just hop on- youll probably be the only person in the island to have my new waypoint” and roier is so fucking touched by that. because its an actual sign of trust from cellbit to him. roier loves deeply and trusts his friends so strongly until he feels that trust has been misplaced. so to feel that trust reciprocated it really becomes a big foundation of their dynamic. a mutual understanding and trust between the two. i think thats why roiers such strong defensive of cellbit during this time is so particular. because its not something light its heavy. he isnt pretending. its such an honest expression of who he is towards cellbit
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honeykawa · 1 year
Made in the Stars | A Bridgerton AU pt. 1
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pairing: oikawa tooru x reader
genre: romance, bridgerton au
word count: 1.0k
warnings: none
summary: lord oikawa is in search of a wife this season. as an earl it is his duty to his family to find a wife, have children, and carry on his familys name but is that what he wants? hes not quite sure.
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oikawa stood by on the outskirts of the dance floor talking to some other women who were vying for a chance to dance with him. a smile was on his face but he did not care to be here, even the conversations bored him. but this year his parents had pushed him to find a wife, someone to bear his children and carry on their family name. as he was the eldest son, it was his responsibility to carry on his family name and to become the next earl.
but that wasnt what he wanted. he couldnt let his family down though, the weight of his familys legacy was on his shoulders. sometimes it suffocated him, the comments his family would make consumed him daily. so he packed every last dream he had and stored it deep within his heart. having dreams is useless if you cant follow them.
“ah miss yachi, id be delighted to dance with you. may i see your dance card?” he held out a hand hoping yachi would give it to him. she got a bit flustered at the thought of him even asking her to dance.
“ahh yes! here! please mark your name down!” she clumsily took the card off her wrist which led to her loosing her grip on it. it bounced between her hands before landing a few feet away after hitting you in the head.
you slowly turned around and looked at the ground seeing someones dance card. you bent down and picked it up looking around for whoever was missing their card only to see a frantic yachi looking at you. you excused yourself from your mistress and walked over to give the card back. yachi took the card from your hands, “thank you! thank you thank you thank you!” you nodded your head with a smile and gave a quick bow before returning to your ladys side. ‘you were plain’ is what oikawa thought, but your smile was pretty.
oikawa danced and talked until he was nearly out of breath. perhaps going outside would clear his mind and give him some newfound motivation to continue his night inside. he walked out onto the balcony only to see you also standing on it on the far side away from the door looking up at the sky. he paid you no mind as he shut the door behind him. he took a big breath in and let it all out. he looked out into the distance with a longing look in his eyes that didnt go unnoticed by you.
you looked over at the earl and followed his gaze just to see him looking out over the horizon. there was something in his eyes, like he was desperately looking for something that he couldnt have, “you know, its not nice to stare.” oikawa had a teasing tone to his voice as he slowly looked over to you. you blushed and looked away before bowing, “im so sorry lord oikawa. i didnt mean to cause any upset, you just looked…nevermind.” your voice trailed off near the end of your sentence.
there was silence for a moment between the both of you before you hesitantly spoke again, “i dont know what youre looking for but…the stars offer a prettier view than the horizon,” you looked up towards the sky and pointed at a group of stars and moved closer to oikawa to show him, “see that bunch right there? thats the constellation of andromeda and perseus! do you know the story?” your eyes beamed with excitement that was hard for oikawa to ignore. he shook his head no, “am i supposed to?”
you chuckled a bit at him before looking back up at the constellation, “no, not necessarily but their love story was a moving one. andromeda was hailed as the most beautiful women in the land, her mother even claiming that she was more beautiful than posideons daughters. this angered the sea god and he sent a monster after andromeda and her town to destroy them. her father believed that if they sacrificed andromeda then the sea monster would go away so they chained her to a rock near the ocean and just as she was about to be attacked by the monster, perseus came down on his pegasus and slayed the beast and then the two fell in love living the rest of their days together,” you sighed just thinking about how much they loved each other, “and now their story is immortalized in the heavens.”
oikawa didnt realize that the stars above had their own stories, “so this andromeda was chained to a rock as a sacrifice due to her own parents’ sins?” you looked him and mulled over his words before nodding at him, “such was her fate but…she got out of it didnt she?” you smiled at oikawa which made his heart do something funny. the sparkle in your eyes as you talked was captivating to him.
you both were staring at each other in a comfortable silence until oikawa couldnt take it anymore. he rose his hand towards you face as if he was about to touch your cheek. it was almost as if a magnet was pulling him towards you, “whats your na—“
the doors swung open to reveal a male servant who had wide eyes but decided to say nothing as he approached you, whispering something into your ear. you nodded your head and he left. “im sorry lord oikawa but i must go. goodbye” you curtsied before entering back into the ballroom in search of your mistress who had decided that she was done for the evening and was ready to go home.
oikawa felt disappointed by your abrupt leave, “i didnt even get to know your name…” his eyes stayed on the door for a moment more hoping that maybe you would come back through them before turning around to look back at the stars, “getting out of your own fate, huh?”
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