#but he's pretty smart when it comes to his career so I don't think he'll be a part of future films in any major capacity
kim-the-kryptid · 2 months
House OC Dumping
I didn't get the chance to draw the guy today so I thought instead I'd expand on his info and compile it all together in a post for myself and anyone curious.
If you also have an oc and wanna talk about them feel free to dm me! I'm honestly very shy but I don't have many friends into House 🧡
Basic Info
Dr. Kieran Finn Campbell MD. (He/him)
DOB: 15th Oct. 1975 (29 in '04)
Credentials: Doctorate in Psychology, Bachelor's in Genetics
Passes FtM, closeted nb & bisexual (probably grey aro)
Career: Fellowship with House from 04-07, joins Psych department 07-current but specializes in and studies genetics on the side
Short black hair with messy bangs
Small rectangle glasses & green eyes
Prominent mole on his left cheek near his mouth
Pretty skinny with lanky legs
Small patch of stubble on his chin to prove he can in fact grow it
Wears a button up and tie with jeans plus the doctor's coat
Both of his ears are pierced
British but emmigrated for job opps
Autistic with chronic joint pain
Fave fellow duckling is Chase
People pleaser, needs good vibes in the ddx room and doesn't get them
Kieran doesn't talk much about himself, he's there to do his job and get out. This leads to people in the hospital viewing him as a bit mysterious or cold, but really he just doesn't think there's much to tell and doesn't want to come off as arogant. Below is all House could get out of him:
Kieran was living in England up until he graduated from the Uni of Manchester and moved to the U.S to find more opportunities in the field of genetics. At some point during college, he transitioned and went stealth in professional spaces. His promised position fell through while he was on his way to getting his green card, but he decided not to cancel and look for something else. He ended up at PPTH with a fellowship that he honestly wasn't excited for, since it meant no speciality work. Kieran decided to stick with it and ended up enjoying the system of the fellowship and found a way to continue to pursure his research. After 3 years, he quit alongside the others for undisclosed personal reasons and took a position in the Psychology department where he remains. Along the way, he joined a non-profit Genetics lab where he continues to study genetic conditions.
Kieran is a hot mess. He's super smart and focused on his work but struggles with the humanistic part of medicine. He often understands or agrees with House's views or strageties because medicine isn't inately human for him. This is why he enjoyed the ddx department and became a geneticist in the first place. He's pretty independent so adapting to a team was difficult at first but he saw the advantages and tries to connect with more people after quitting the fellowship. He doesn't judge people too harshly and so genuinely likes everyone he works with and doesn't get involved in spats. His personal life is kept private but he isn't lonely, just has decent work/home boundaries. He's very chill and easy going in the ddx room because he tries to trust the process and respects his colleagues. This doesn't just mean he's a doormat, he'll fight for a diagnoses/treatment he believes is right but tries not to get too riled up. House picks him out often simply because unconvering anything usable against Kieran was like finding gold. It's all in good fun at his expense until it affects his performance or process, which is when he'd get genuinely annoyed at the prying and medling. If House is poking him, he's likely hiding in the lab or Wilson's office just so he get work done in peace and quiet.
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pristinekanesays · 2 years
🦋Life Is Strange: General Headcanons
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🦋 just some pretty normal headcanons
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: dorky stuff, bad mental health and swearing.
🎧A/N: Been super busy lately, thanks for the loads of support though guys! Gonna be writing more for Skip because nobody's writing for him and he's actually REALLY attractive??
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🦋Chloe Price:
📄It's obvious that Chloe literally adores punk rock and possibly heavy metal music. She's also a HUGE PissHead fan, from listening to Skip's demo to then asking if she can hear more of his music.
🖤She doesn't wanna admit it but she definitely sees Skip as an older brother figure, they're basically family and they have such a sweet bond together.
📄Chloe and Steph are actually pretty close in Before The Storm, from how Steph asks Chloe for permission to ask Rachel out and how she's okay with Chloe venting to her if she wanted to.
🖤Her favourite songs are Nothing Wrong - Pisshead and Everything Reminds Me Of Her - Elliot Smith. (those are all literally my favourite songs as well..oops)
📄She is actually secretly a bit of nerd, like not a huge nerd but she's played Dungeons & Dragons multiple times with Steph and Mikey before and after Episode 1.
🖤Her favourite animal is the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly, since a blue butterfly is her spirit animal but she also really likes Tiger Sharks and 100% thinks she could take them in a fight.
📄She sucks ass at cooking and Joyce has tried to teach her before but she gets bored so easily.
🖤When she got her skull tattoo, she teared up and nearly started sobbing but told everyone she knows that she was totally 100% cool + badass during it.
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(hella pissed about the zero skip gifs and lack of fanfiction, he's literally so attractive?? wtf)
🎤 Skip Matthews:
📄He secretly flips people off behind their back as they walk away if they've pissed him off, will totally freak out then switch to standing still and laughing awkwardly if they turn around.
🖤Listens to Taylor Swift but apart from that he's a huge punk rock + heavy metal fan.
📄Okay now, Skip is a HUGE horror game nerd. I'm talkin' Outlast, Resident Evil, Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Silent Hill.
🖤He can cook, okay?! He doesn't look like your average chef but he can definitely serve up some good fucking food.
📄Talks shit about anyone he doesn't like with you, if you guys are together of course or really good friends, he's like Victoria Chase sometimes because oh my god is he a bitch.
🖤Apart from listening to music, he'll also listen to urban legends podcasts on his way to work.
📄Skip comes from a pretty normal family in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado with two older sisters and a younger brother.
🖤(He's such a dork, I love him.) He's also pretty into fishing and is constantly taking trips for his band when he has to.
📄His favourite animal is the Polar Bear, like yeah he'd piss himself if he ever saw one in real life but he thinks they're pretty cute online instead of them being outside his door ready to beat his ass.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
📄She's very religious but also very supportive. She just wants to settle down with someone, falling in love + possibly starting a family together, sitting on the porch swing in the afternoon while drinking tea/coffee side by side.
🖤Can Kate cook? Yes, she could totally make a living out of her talent but she just isn't into that for a career.
📄She never really has anything bad to say about anyone, she doesn't believe in being mean to other people because that just isn't in her blood.
🖤Kate is sort of sensitive, she won't cry if you bump into her accidentally but would tear up if you were to raise your voice/insult her in any way like any normal person. (so don't, you asshole)
📄Listens to soft, classical music sometimes but also some indie pop now and then.
🖤She's a walking angel, her personality, her looks and smarts, everything about her is just *chefs kiss*.
📄Her favourite animal is either the Florida White Rabbit or the Harp Seal, commonly known as Saddleback/Greenland Seal, Kate adores Harp Seal's so much and is always smiling while looking at photos of them.
🖤Hobbies? Playing the violin & the piano, back when she lived with her parents she was super into gardening + cooking.
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📷 Max Caulfield:
📄She's always cooped up in her dorm either studying away, practicing her guitar skills or hanging out with Warren and Chloe.
🖤Max is a proud geek, alright? She's a board game, video game, everything remotely geeky fan, 100% played Dungeons & Dragons with Warren and has a few photos of the whole thing in a box under her bed titled 'W&M DND'.
📄Has overplayed Speedy Ortiz & Syd Matters so much but surprisingly never gets bored of their songs, but everyone else around her already has.
🖤Max sucks complete, utter ass at cooking and she knows it, she'll still try her best though but she can't even make toast properly without making it suffer through the toaster.
📄She can say some bad shit about people if they're assholes but she'd never say anything about someone who's innocent/someone she knows is a good person.
🖤Her spirit animal is a Doe and while she adores it completely, she also really likes Koala's and thinks that they're absolutely adorable.
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🎭 Rachel Amber:
📄Rachel is that perfect, pretty and amazing popular girl that everyone knows, she struggles with her emotions pretty bad and I can see her going to Rose for help but never really her father.
🖤She wants to be an actor, right? Then that's what she's aiming for, to be in the public eye with a smile on her face and an award in her hands.
📄Multiple public bathrooms, walls and doors across arcadia bay are marked with 'RACHEL AMBER WAS HERE' or 'R.A'.
🖤Best chef in the world, clap clap! She's honestly so good at cooking and baking, has definitely thought about being a badass chef instead of a badass actor before.
📄She can sing really good, her and Chloe made a song together which was stashed away ..kept in a safe place after she went missing.
🖤She's heard about Skip from Chloe + always thought he was a cool older brother/father figure to any fucked up kid around the campus and 100% agrees with his nerdy horror game lifestyle.
📄Rachel's favourite animal is the Red Panda, she has a photo of one on a shelf somewhere and also has a Red Panda stuffed animal.
🖤Listens to punk rock and some heavy metal if she's in the mood, she loves PissHead and Firewalk.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
📄Her schedule is nearly always full, she's either bossing Vortex Club members and others about or practicing with her camera.
🖤She secretly listens to punk rock sometimes but will roll her eyes and say 'you don't look like the type' if anyone else like her takes an interest in her music taste.
📄She's got a geeky side to her from the figures in her room to the shit she's stuffed under her bed (video games, etc) so nobody else will find out about it and make fun of her.
🖤Victoria isn't the best at cooking but she isn't awful, she's told everyone in Blackwell that she's a master chef though. There's room for improvement, she needs MAJOR improvement cooking-wise.
📄She's really good at playing the piano, photography (of course) and she can make her own outfits with the right fabrics + tools.
🖤Her favourite animal is the Cheetah and she makes that very clear, even told someone 'i could claw you like a cheetah, bitch.' once before.
📄Definitely posts stuff about positive vibes on her socials while acting like a total bitch in real life.
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🎮 Warren Graham:
📄He's broken his hand before during a fight, it sounds so badass but he's hella embarrassed and ashamed about it.
🖤Listens to small bands he found through his dorky websites that he's always on and always attends their gigs.
📄(Sucks dick at cooking), will totally hype his friends up about it then laugh awkwardly and act completely clueless at their grossed out reactions.
🖤He knows Skip pretty well since Warren was already in Blackwell at the same time that Skip was working there, they've exchanged opinions about games and movies way before the first game.
📄His favourite animals are Owls especially the Great Horned Owl, he saw one at night while he was hanging with Max and watched as she took a near hour taking photos of it.
🖤He hangs out on websites nearly all the time to read about the local bands, owl sightings, when the new video game he wants so bad is coming out.
📄Has probably searched up shit like 'how to get a boyfriend/girlfriend' before.
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🧨 Nathan Prescott:
📄(He looks like a bent ass banana from the fruit bowl with the weird ass way he's sitting, fix your posture man.)
🖤He's 99% busy all the time, he's either attending therapy, in class, doing stuff for the Vortex Club or doing his usual..shady shit.
📄When he's texting you or his friends, the messages are barely readable because he texts like 'CU Thre, LOL, 2nte' and adds an unnecessary amounts of ?? and !!.
🖤Nathan doesn't have a specific music taste but he does sort of like listening to heavy metal.
📄Doesn't know how to cook at all, his parents never cared to teach him and why bother when you're filthy rich?!
🖤He doesn't really care for shit other than his fucked up photography or the Vortex Club, he'll maybe sketch some stuff here and there but even his sketches come out looking severly fucked up.
📄His favourite animal is the Indian Saw-Scaled Viper, he's into some scary shit because he's a scary asshole so don't be surprised. I mean, he also likes dogs..i guess.
🖤Huge horror movie fan as well like you sit him down, turn on a terrifying, traumatizing ass movie but he just rolls his eye and stays there completely unphased.
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slickchickchocolatier · 9 months
Im very curious on what your thots are when it comes to the boys being doms or subs. Ive seen so many times that you post things and then later on we find out similiar happenings with the members like the Sunghoon ice skating post and the Heelel throne chair photo. I want to know what you think. All of the members minus Nikki Please.
This is what I truly think for each member, taking in my own observations from their habits on lives, their personality, their horoscopes/tarot readings (my own tarot readings since i've studied tarot and astrology since gradeschool) and what I know about Korean culture.
Please note, that everything i'm writing is purely just my own personal thoughts on how i perceive the members. i dont know them or any korean men other than some friends i grew up with. this is just all for fun and gossip (it really is) and again, just my own thoughts on how I think they would be like. i do not claim that this is in fact how the enhypen members are by any means. this is purely just my own gut instinct of how i think the boys are like offscreen.
So if I am being quite honest, i personally think that (when paired with their partners) all the boys will be dominant in some form of fashion. There may be different/various degrees on their dominance, depending on each member, but typically, Asian men (even the younger generation) will be somewhat dominant. This ofc does not apply to all of them, there are some Asian men who will be little to extremely submissive, but given the fact that the members of Enhypen are all employed, have fame, are financially stabled (if they're smart and not careless with their money) and have alot of opportunities to expand their networking and career goals, I'd say that all of them will be dominant. Perhaps, depending on the situation or event, they might elude some submissive behaviors, like for instance, if you both are chilling out and watching tv, and if you wanted to watch some particular show or movie, they might be like "fine, watch whatever you want." but when it comes to other things, I feel like they're going to call the shots. I'll explain this below (not in any particular order.)
Lets start with Jay...
So Jay was partially raised in America, is an only child (and is a son, which is a pretty big deal) i point this out because, more than likely, he has been groomed and treated to take a lot of pride and carry out the family name and legacy. Most likely, he's been reminded to always put forth his best effort, work hard, and to do his family name proud, which means he'll be very selective and when it is time to settle down, it will be with a very nice woman who can cook, clean, is educated, and comes from a good family. Career isn't really going to be a big deal to him (i feel like), because more than likely, he'll prefer someone to support him by taking care of the house and everything else while he's working and away. I can see him to be the type to put his foot down on the big things (again, the little stuff he wont care about, i do see him as somewhat easy going and a very gentle type) but when it comes to big stuff or...the intimate things, I see him being very dominant. Not demeaning or anything like that, just assertive and firm. i also see him being the type to be very loyal and dependable with his partner.
So, I know alot of fics that I stumble across always depicts Sunghoon as a very sex craved, demeaning and humiliating dominant, like a sex-god type (kind of how like Heethan is) and i know they are just fics (even though there are alot of readers and creators that really do believe him to be as such because of his image/visual) but honestly, i don't think he is like that at all. I think Sunghoon is very shy, timid, and might be a little stand-offish (not in a mean way) i just see him as very anti-social unless he gets to know you. I think with females, i can see him being attracted to ones that are the typical stereotype of korean beauty and of korean heritage (which really is only obtained by surgical alteration/enhancement, for the most part) the whole v-line jawline, big eyes, pale skin, heart shaped lips, and a very calm and well mannered personality. a woman who doesn't curse or has a very bold attitude. I say this, because he would be dominant that likes comfort and little to no-chaos. he wants things to be easy, and like Jay, he'll call the shots on the big stuff, but also on the little things. He might have the last say when it comes to things like what to eat for dinner, what to watch before bedtime, etc. I just see him as a very particular fellow who will put his foot down, again, in a non-demeaning way, just firm and MIGHT (might) remind his partner of their position in the relationship cordially or firmly, depending on the situation. He's a very calm dom.
Again, alot of fics (mine included....*ahemheethanandheelelahem*) depict Heeseung as a sex craved pervert. Actually, there are alot of content that will post about idol HS as a perverted loser that is either dominant or submissive, and is openly filthy, but in reality, I would say that HS is like Jay and Sunghoon combined. I do personally think (and this is not because of his stage presence, these idols are trained to reflect various sides to fit the image and visual of the band's concept, per company's creative direction) but i do get this vibe that HS, when paired with a partner, is the type that does enjoy intimacy and pillow talk. I personally think that at some point while early in his career, maybe like a year or so after they debuted, I think that he may have had small relations and dated some girls here and there, and experienced intimacy. so with that being said, i feel like he's always been somewhat dom but it has grown a bit more since he debuted and i can totally see him being the type that will be chilled out for the most part, maybe some days he'll have the last say on small things like what to eat, what music to listen to while driving the car, but for the most part would be somewhat quiet, pensive, non-chalant even, and easy going. I see him as the type to keep to himself quite a bit, and depending on his mood. for instance, if you were to sit on his lap or something, i could see him either embracing you or he could sit you next to him and say "sit right here next to me." I get this vibe that he can be big on personal space, not all the time, just some of the time (out of all the members he's the only one that gives off this vibe) and when it comes to the big, impacting decisions, he's just like the other two. very dominant and will call the shots. when it comes to the bedroom, i can see him being the type that regardless, whether you take the lead or not, he'll still be reflecting a certain level of dominance, like telling you to slow down, or go faster, or "take this off" or "put this on" type.
Now Jake is one of those members that is notorious for being a sweetheart. and I do think he is a very affectionate and rational type, probably the most open minded out of all the members. I think he would be the sweetest out of all of them to be partnered with, like i can see the other three ahead of him having a certain amount of boundaries, but when it comes to Jake, i feel like he would always be down to cuddle and welcome you with open arms, and might even be the touchy feely type. once you guys established a sound relationship, he'll be bold and less shy, and a bit more assertive even. I think he'd let you have free reign on alot of things, but would be the type to voice his opinion. for instance, he'd be the type to say "this movie again? can't we watch something else?"
again, I think that when it comes to the big decisions, he'll make the final decision, but i feel like he'd be more considerate about his approach. for some reason, with the others, i see them to be far more assertive but with jake, i can see him to be the type to do the whole "look, lets talk about this..." and he'll discuss and even hear you out, but it's really not going to matter because i feel like he'll make the final say. but it's not with ill intentions; like the others before him, i can see him to make the final decision because he's taking alot of major components into consideration that will benefit your guys life. if he gets angry or a bit irritated, i can see him being less considerate and just more "my way or the highway" type. This goes for intimate stuff too.
Jungwon is young (he's like the same age as me) BUT, this guy does have a sense of confidence he eludes all the time and i feel like sometimes he can be a little cocky (not that he's shown that, i can just see it though) its like a gut instinct, not in a bad way though. I feel like that he'll be more of a playful dom, like if you try to voice out something and he doesn't agree with it, he'll just smile and pinch your cheek and say "cute." its not necessarily demeaning but its a little bit degrading as i can see him being the type to not really take you too seriously, unless you're older than him (i can personally see all the boys to not really care about age, so long as the person fits their ideal appearance and personality.) I remember Jungwon once said he respects and admires IU, the way his face and eyes looked when he said that, i get this feeling that if he was dating a girl that was older, someone who is mature, has some life experience and knows how to take care of him and all responsibilities, i feel like he'd still be dominant but would be very considerate and would take whatever you have to say to heart. he would just respond with the "i understand what you're saying, but we have to do it this way." and thats how he would have the final say. Now with a girl that is younger than him, i feel like he'd be very playful, like a carefree heart and would act very similar the way he does with the fansign's. cheek poking, laughing, giggling, the type that if you get shy and turn your face, he'd put his face right in front to enforce the eye contact. he'd have the final say through smiles and flattery.
Last but not least (since i'm excluding Niki) is Sunoo.
I think that Sunoo is very much like Jungwon, but not as cocky. Actually, of all the members, I feel like Jake and Sunoo are probably the most humble, truly do. I can see Sunoo being less attentive to looks and more focused on personality. With that being said, i can see him to have the final say on things but it would be through harmless debates or small minor arguments, nothing too serious. I feel like he would be the dom type that would be studious and while discussing it with you, he'd have some very valid points that would be like, eye-opening factors that you hadn't considered. I know he has the image of the cutesy and fox like, diva visual, but in all honesty, i can see Sunoo being the ultra serious and sincere type. I dont know what it is, i feel like that he is not at all like the image he portrays himself, ofc that goes for all the boys, but unlike Sunoo, i feel like the boys stage presence and idol image has some essence of their true personalities. with Sunoo, i feel like he is actually a very smart, and solid person to discuss serious matters with. i can see him still being cute and silly, playful and maybe even emotionally sensitive, but there definitely is a side of him that we don't see and probably never will. i feel like he is a very rational type that will present factors that will influence you to sway his way, and that's the type of dom i think he is. when it comes to pillowtalk, i can see him maybe being a little assertive, but also, i feel like he and jake are the two that can be chilled out during the intimate moments and not as strong dom as their counterparts.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Dating A Political Figure
Requested: would you write preferences about the roy siblings with a significant other who is a successful political figure?? i feel like it would be an interesting concept especially with connor running for president & shiv being a political consultant - anon
A/N: I love this my love!!! Thank you for requesting!!! I hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor thinks your political hold is great for his presidency. Very nicely you sit him down and explain that being president isn't an easy thing, it's not something you can just decide to be one day. He's not really listening though, assuring you his campaign won't hurt yours. It might even make yours better! Who knows? You can't stop him, you would never want to, it makes him so happy. But you definitely put some distance between what you're doing and what he's doing. You're doing the real thing, with goals and issues and a real idea of how to do your job. Connor just decided one day that's what he was going to do after a lifetime of doing nothing. It can be frustrating, especially when you're known as President Roy's first partner. You're actually doing something that will have an impact. You know his siblings don't actually believe in him, nor does his father. You're the only cheering him on. It comes with a lot of conflicted feelings.
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Kendall feels a lot of stress. He can't help but spiral anytime something doesn't 100% go your way. He's very reactive. You're the one who's able to take a step back, look at the whole picture, and find a way to fix the problem. Most of the time it's not even that big a deal. So some of your numbers are a little low, you can always make up for it later. You're the one calming him down, reminding him that this is a long game you intend to play well, with lots of strategy. He can't help it, you know this. When something goes wrong in his world everything, absolutely everything, falls apart. He's so proud of you, too. When he's not freaking out, he's bragging to anyone who will listen that he's dating the next President of the United States. You wouldn't go that far, you laugh, but you can dream. He doesn't get too involved, not wanting to mess things up, but he'll always ask you how it's going. At night, in bed, the two of you debrief your days. What did your campaign manager say about this or that? Was Logan any nicer today? How are Shiv and Rome? When is your next speech? Your days are stressful and all-encompassing, but your nights together are anything but.
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Shiv loves helping you with your career. All her life, she's been ignored. By her father, by her mother, by her brothers, by everyone she's ever worked with because she is a woman. Because they have already decided she's hysterical and stupid and not as powerful as they are. She doesn't want to overstep at first, but your career is new, and you're still building your image. You know Shiv is smart. You know she knows what she's doing. When she's not competing with everyone around her, she can actually think through every decision and have the best outcome. You two often spend date nights going over speeches, campaign ads, slogans, meetings, etc. You try to change the subject, not wanting your whole life to become this, but Shiv doesn't mind at all. She loves it. Not only is she helping you, which she loves, but she's finally starting to feel heard for the first time in her life. She knows you're going to be one of the greats. She does. And she's gonna help you get there. You're a power couple. No one is going to get in your way.
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Roman my baby my baby, you're my baby doesn't get involved at all. He says it's because politics aren't his thing, but really he's afraid he'll mess everything up. He got involved with Mencken and that went pretty well. After he starts dating you, he makes sure his public image remains neutral. He gives Mencken to someone else, wholeheartedly standing behind you. He knows the politics of his fathers business. The backstabbing, the lying, the cheating. He expects the same kind of cat fights from you and your opponents. You remind him that you don't run like that. That's not your style. You run a clean, fair campaign. Your opponents can do and say whatever they want, but you won't be dragged down to that level. You know what they say about politicians. . . He's got endless jokes lined up. You don't mind, you know the reputation you all have. But you're trying to do better, be better. You think people deserve honesty, they deserve the truth. Roman can't believe it, you've got no skeletons in your closet. He assumed everyone did. Everyone else in his life did, at least.
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Here's my idea for a ghost Sunny AU.
It's pre Canon and there's no pizza.
He gets really sick when he's super young and ends up passing away (4-5ish I'm also thinking some kind of cancer that the doctors misdiagnosed)
This causes the family a ton of pain, but her parents do become a lot less strict and a lot more caring after this. (Already lost 1 kid, don't want to lose another)
About a month after his death, Sunny wakes up as a Ghost in the house, this causes a lot of freakouts but it turns out not only can those 3 see him, they can also interact with him, so it ends up with a big cuddle pile and a lot of apologies.
They find out that Sunny is able to leave the house, but no-one can see him. And due to the city holding a lot of bad memories they decide to move to the town of Faraway.
Due to Sunny wanting to stay close to his family, he follows both his parents to work sometimes, but he'll usually Follow Mari to school.
A few years after this Mari is in a cooking Class and Sunny has decided to join in when they find a boy having trouble, Henry, so they team up and become friends when something surprising happens. He asks Mari if that's the teacher's Kid that's following her like a lost duckling.
Turns out there's another person who can see Sunny, so Mari invites him over after school to explain and because he walks home with his little brother he asks if he can bring him along too.
They learn 2 things with this meeting, that they're neighbours, and that Kel can also see Sunny.
They all become close friends and Canon roughly follows the same path when it comes to introducing the other 2, but they are also able to see Sunny.
The Suzuki's become unofficial second parents to Aubrey and Basil when they learn of their situation so they're a lot closer too.
Now for some miscellaneous facts.
Mari never got her knee injury in this AU, but still picks up Piano, however it's a fun hobby instead of a possible career choice.
Sunny can eat and drink, but converting matter to ectoplasm takes a while so he ends up getting sleepy after this.
Sunny technically doesn't have his own bed, he just sleeps with his parents or Mari, this is a solution everyone in the family is happy with.
He can change his appearance, but it's limited, he essentially only has 2 forms, how he looked when he died, to a form based around his mental age, so the bby can actually grow up (And potentially date)
His two forms are very different to maintain though, his original form has no real requirements and is super easy to maintain. His grown form however requires a great deal of energy to enter and a small amount to maintain as it's always changing. So boy has gotta eat and sleep to keep that one up.
Despite dying as a toddler, Sunny is pretty smart and eager to learn, he also acts a lot more maturely than he should, I guess dying will do that to you.
It takes time and effort for his family to get him to act his age, and while it isn't too common, it's worth it in their opinion.
Sunny has a big pile of plushies and if they can't find him he's usually drawing in there.
Mewo was actually a street cat that kept following Sunny around, they decided to adopt her when they noticed Sunny would actually act like a kid with her around instead of a really short adult.
Yes he can pet the kitty.
Sunny and Kel work together to try to get Hero and Mari together when it's obvious they're crushing on each other super bad.
This however gets turned on them when they are about 16.
Can't think of anymore, and it's getting a bit too long, but enjoy this AU and I hope you like the fluff.
AWWW PRECIOUS BABIES 🥹🥹🥹 I can only imagine how precious Sunny is as a ghostie and idk why but I can headcanon Mari has mixed thoughts on Sunny when he looks older because big sis doesn’t want her sweet baby brother to grow up and wants him to stay cute and small ;w;
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mavisartstuff · 2 years
Someone asked about it, so here's some context! I'm gonna split the hcs about the au into characters and story so it'd be a bit easier -
Billy in this au is in college. He's there there so he could be an actor! Now technically you probably don't need a degree to become one, but he really just kinda said fuck it and went to get one anyway.
He did it end up starting it a bit late due to some family issues.
He still makes fun of Romeo and Juliet. So far that he still goes "I should've been Juliet!" Bet you could hear some of the sorority girls roll their eyes at his rant about the movie. He rants about it anytime you mention it to the man
Jess do be his bestie even though he makes fun of her accent- He usually gets told off by Barb since he for some reason has one like a British professor
He can weirdly mimick anything he hears perfectly. Claude? He's got you. Anyone in the sorority house? Yep. He can do that. Which is why everyone in the house thinks he has a promising career up ahead of him
Claude only hangs around Billy. No one knows why. That's why he's termed as the "cat king". Also because he'd come back with cat fur all over his sweater
He's tired asf but still fabulous
He's also basically friends with everyone in the sorority house due to just being really social. Though he does have those days where he's just like "go away :(". This mainly happens when he's stressed or just not feeling it that day
He's actually pretty smart since he'll just start analyzing anything he randomly takes In interest in. The girls usually ask for help or just borrow a note sheet he might've written notes on. Though sometimes it's not helpful since 1. It could be about anything and 2. He absolutely hates it if you go through his stuff. So you'd have to ask him for one
Maarten (or our moaner in this case)
Now this man is tall. Very tall. No one knows how he's managed to walk around and about In the attic. If you include his flip outs as well. But man he's pretty stealthy
How did a Dutch man get all the way in Canada on his own? No one knows
He's obviously pretty paranoid. Just even the thought of being spotted makes him freak out a bit
His calls are just like the original Billy's. But he will up the anti If he so ever feels like you're not effected by It. He'll even alter It a bit if you tell him that you're a guy
Instead of his past being like Billy's however, his is more so has violence. Which is where the line "You violent little shit!" comes from.
Has stolen Claude away for a bit. Usually whenever he feels cold. Otherwise he let's Claude go if the fella wants out of the attic
has a lot of bandages due to accidentally hurting himself up in that attic. Smashing glass, falling asleep on the floor on his arm, anything.
He tends to sing a lot. He only does it when he's the only one at the house of course
unlike Billy, he will respond If you start questioning a bit. As in he gets worse
Story (giving everyone a lil tidbit!) Tw for cussing and Maarten overall being deranged- If you've heard the Billy phone calls you'd know what I mean
-The party had been pretty boring for Billy. Of course it was fun discussing stuff with everyone, but once the girls started bringing up their boyfriend's.. He just got pretty bored. He sat on the couch with Claude in his lap. Claude was vibrating. Of course he was just happy to get attention. Billy on the other hand had been zoning out. He wanted to go up to his room. But if he did he'd certainly be asked about It In the morning. He sighed. He hoped something eventful would happen. Or for the party to just end already. But to his surprise, It's like his prayer for something eventful had been answered. Not in the way he thought though.
The phone rang. Billy's brain perked at the ringing. Someone calling this late? Who could it be? He carefully removed king Claude from his lap and got up. He walked up to the table holding that phone. He answered the phone in his usual happy voice. "Helloo?" Oh, the insanity that phone call was. It started out with noises. Random noises. Laughter. Pig oinks. The girls had gathered around at that point. Finally, the man on the other end had finally said something at least understandable to hear. "Let me lick It, lick it! Let me lick your pretty piggy cunt" Followed by laughter and repeating of what he'd just said previously. Billy just laughed a bit. "I mean.. I'd be down if you go for guys" Billy said jokingly. The horror in the girls eyes when Billy said that. Billy was used to these prank calls. Hell, he's watched past friends make them. That was his usual response to said call. Everyone hoped the man on the other end would stop. But.. He didn't. "Oh? You want my juicy cock anyway? Or do you want me to beat you senseless?"
Billy felt himself go cold. "E-Excuse me?" Billy asked nervously. It's been awhile since he's had to deal with... Threats. The look of horror just grew on the rest of the girls faces. "Yeah! So you want me to? Huh? You filthy fuck?!" The man on the other end asked ever so tauntingly. Barb rolled her eye's and took the phone. "How about you go somewhere else for whatever the fuck you're on about" She hissed. His taunting didn't stop. "How about you suck-" Before then, Barb had interrupted him. "Oh go stick your dick in an electrical outlet and see If that gives you a charge" The girls laughed a bit at that. Billy giggled quietly. But he still had a nervous smile on his face. There was a short silence on the other end. "I'm going to kill you" The man on the other end said before hanging up. The way he said that was.. Frightening. So.. Normal. Before that the man had been speaking in different voices. Barb at that point just put it back. Of course as usual, an argument had started after a few bickering. With Claire leaving the room to get packed In the end. Billy at that point nervously sat on the couch.
Jess took note of It. She leaned down a bit. "You should probably head to bed.. You look tired. Especially after hearing that" She whispered. "Thank you.." Billy thanked before getting up. He started heading up the stairs. Of course, Claude noticed and followed. Billy started thinking. He remembered talking to a man about his missing brother. Could that be him?.. It was impossible. The guy he was told about disappeared at the age of fourteen. All the way In the Netherlands mind you. He just couldn't think that he'd somehow get all the way here. As he thought this he'd finally made it to his room. He let Claude in before closing his door. He walked over to the bed and laid down. Claude jumped on his chest immediately. Billy was used to that. He sat there. Creaking came from the ceiling above him. He started getting nervous again. Only to reinsure himself that the attic was old.. No one could get up there without being caught. He still couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched though....
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setsumushou · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick is the best movie I’ve seen in years, but HEEELLLLLLL NOOOOOOOOOO to a “Top Gun cinematic universe.” I think Paramount underestimates how much nostalgia and old people coming out to see this played into its popularity--they see some young people reposting gifs from the beach football scene and go, “Yes! This is why this movie was successful!” when it’s like....bruh, you’re not going to recreate something like the Iceman/Maverick hug again for another 36 years. I adore the movie and plan to watch it multiple times again, but I personally do NOT need a sequel to this (at least for another 20 years, maybe).
Unfortunately, I feel that this mirrors what happened after Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), which still remains one of the best sequels AND movies of all time, but unfortunately spawned a multitude of cringey TV shows and follow-up movies that resulted in such an iconic series going out sad.
I hope this isn’t going to happen, but ugh, Hollywood.
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fnaf-a-palooza · 3 years
Hewwo! So I read your Yandere Glamrock Freddy headcanons (loved them btw) and at some point in the post, you mentioned his danger level is under Rockstar Freddy's. What's a yandere Rockstar Freddy like if you don't mind? I'm quite curious
I'm glad you enjoyed those hcs and I'd be happy to write these out!
Warning(s): Yandere Themes
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• Okay, so let's get this straight, R. Freddy is somewhat strict. Not too much but you can still tell he's a stiff dude to be around. However, he has good patience... Unless one were to wear it thin. Then that's a problem for almost everyone.
• So, as a yandere he'd be more along the lines of an obsessive and controlling type. Obsessive because once he has his eyes on you, he'll want to know more about you. At first it annoys him that you distract him in such a way! He's got work to do and must keep his focus! So he deems you a thorn on him career before eventually just coming to terms that he's infatuated. Then that gets problems rolling.
• Because he's the controlling type, he'll make small adjustments to you where it won't go noticed by you. R. Freddy makes excuses and lies to prevent you from suspicion over his actions. It's necessary for the job he says. And of course, you know how he is with rules.
• It only starts off as recommendations with his explanation on why he's offering the option. He's a pretty smart guy so sometimes you agree because he knows more, right? Then it just goes to making you think you've made certain decisions on your own, when it fact he was the one who manipulated the situation in his favor. Things just gotta go smoothly or he'll stress himself out.
• Yes, I mentioned he's above Glamrock Freddy in terms of danger level; mostly because he tends to get jealous. Not too easily but it comes at him hard. He'll just be seething in the background while watching some hopeless person try to win you over. His mind is racing with thoughts on how to approach the situation, but he always goes to ruining that person's image or worse—causing an accident.
• Also, he's not against the idea of taking you away. Sorry darling if that hit to the head hurt, it was all for your own good. For him to reach that point, something or someone would have had to anger him to that extent. Or maybe that was your own doing. If so, oh, R. Freddy isn't against teaching you a lesson to show how mad he is. Nothing too drastic, don't worry. Thing is, he's not delusional or tries to makes excuses for your actions. That's your own fault and he's highly aware.
• But I will tell you this, he does love you. Of course he knows fully well that the impression he's made says otherwise, but he will make sure to assure you of that. Again, since he's aware, he knows you won't take kindly to his actions and him taking you away. That's fine. He's patient and has was to change your mind. Just... Be careful because although he tells you (and himself) that, all things come to an end. If you decide to test his patience with escape attempts and denying him... Yeah.
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terrence-silver · 3 years
Do you have more you can tell us about dad!Terry? I'm obsessed with your posts btw, your writing is wonderful
I absolutely adore villains who are good fathers and TKK / Cobra Kai has enough absentee, bad, weirdly detached parents as is, so here goes, something different;
- Spoils them rotten; Everything his kids want, they get. Why? Because they're his kids, and as such, they receive and receive and receive to no ends by sheer default. Anything and everything at all --- just the way it ought to be. They'd be this most pampered, fluffed, horrendously capricious, beloved little things ever and Terry openly, deliberately encourages it to the degree where they're like miniature royalty around The Valley. Which, honestly, seeing who their father is, is very fitting indeed and he wouldn't have it any other way.
- Excellent Advice Giver; Terry might lie and cheat and scam almost everyone else he's surrounded by, but with his kids, he will utilize some tough love when it comes to teaching them life lessons, because he legitimately wishes them to develop the skills and the cunning necessary to navigate the world with a degree of wisdom and intelligence that'll ensure they're just as smart as he is (if not more) and in order to achieve that, he'll have to be sincere with them.
- Protective Killer Instinct; It's pretty scary to think just what Terry could and would do if someone looked at his kids wrong, talked bad things about his kids, sniffed the very air they breathe --- god forbid, if someone hurt them, or pestered them. He'd pretty much destroy that bully's childhood, their parent's livelihood, everything they have going for them and he'd ensure whatever transgression, no matter how big or small is paid for in double. Triple. Quadruple. His revenge would be genuinely frightening.
- Cares about their Future; Terry might be a busy, scheduled businessman, but don't ask how, he's still full on invested and privy to all his children's activities, plans, dreams, goals --- be it prom night, what college they'll attend, what trips they want to take, what car they wish to drive, what their career plans are, what they like, what they don't like. Everything. In fact, he's more invested in it all then they ever will be, downright to the smallest, most miniscule tiniest detail that might fly past everyone else's notice.
- Possessive Satellite Parent; Possible downside is that Terry is in everything his kids do, but not in an obvious way. In the background, rather. Hovering. Watching. Listening. Pulling strings. Thing is, despite being a Billionaire and it being expected in circles he mingles around that parents probably let their children go pretty early, to attend some fancy prep school, Terry might ironically find it really hard to let even a single child go, getting immensely emotionally attached to the point of anger and obsession.
- Biased Love; He doesn't care if, uh, Terrence John Junior, Sammy, Timmy, Tommy, Ronnie and Bobby kicked someone down a flight of stairs. They're excused because they're his children and they're clearly not to blame, also, the school principal received a hefty 'donation' and the whole issue has been promptly swept under the rug without anyone being punished. In fact, they all get a comforting pat on the head from dad due to how well (how aggressively) they handled the situation.
- Scary Affectionate; He could have a child in his lap during a Dynatox meeting, while reprimanding his employees, plugging his kid's ears, so they wouldn't hear that dad really doesn't give a fuck what the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon have to fucking say on his company's expansion. And he could very easily kiss the top of their head afterwards and give them a silver fountain pencil to scribble with over a discarded contract by a rival firm...in front of that rival firm's CEO. It's a power move. Not very ethical, but nobody can deny Terry adores his children and flaunts it too.
- A Cool Despot; He's not an ordinary dad. He's a cool dad. Which means, constant partying and friends over and music and laughing and being extroverted is all game...or is it? Terry can't decide if wants to be entirely liberal or entirely strict or both. If he wants to literally vet everyone his children come into contact with or allow them to have an elaborate adventure in Ibiza. Or just order the mansion gates indefinitely locked? If he wants to congratulate his children on their dating life or hire a private detective to check on their significant others. To be, or not to be.
- Biggest Cheerleader; Speaking of friends, if his children like someone, be it platonically or romantically, that somebody is immediately claimed by him into his kid's circle, because again, his kids get whatever his kids want. Or whoever. Well, too bad. That child just has to come over and play. Did you know Terrence Junior lives in a mansion? Do your other, less important friends live in a mansion? No? Terry didn't think so. Do your other, less important friends send out a private chauffeur to pick you up at the allotted hours for play time? Also no? See? This is why his kid is the best.
- Infinite Devotion; Terry always loves his kids, no matter what they're like at the moment, what they become like in the future, what they look like, what their sexuality or lack thereof is, what their gender is. His kids are his kids and his brood and that's really it. It's oddly wholesome, seeing as how this is Terry Silver and he is something of a bigot. But, never towards anyone his. It's a very strange duality he has. Downside is, that his romantization of familial loyalty is almost cult-like in nature.
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Always feels like Summer
AN. - I really want to take this slow. When / If giving feedback please note that i wrote this to deal with my problems in my life. This writing doesn't made with the purpose of entertaining, i just simply post it on here. However i welcome any HUMANLY told feedback. If you do not like it, or you couldn't say what you want to say without being hurtful, then please just scroll past this. Nor me, nor you would benefit from attacking anyone. I do not consider myself as a snowflake, but words have weight, and i will not tolerate attacking my integrity or anything just for the sake of it. Just so you can hurt somebody.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Pairing: none yet but we'll see
Warnings: cheating, family issues, drinking, language
Summary: You are starting it over, from zero. New city, new apartment, new neighbours. You moved across the ocean just to get away, to be able to get a real clean start. Will your past let you leave though?
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If someone would've said to me 3 months ago that i will move to America all alone, just leave everything behind and rent a small apartment all to my own, i would've died from laughing. I had the (for the outside looker) picture perfect life. Big villa, handsome fiancé, financially all sorted since i had my own business, while he was a hotel mogul. Perfect life, perfectly planted all over social media, until that one night. That one faithful night when i decided to surprise him on our 3rd anniversary. With a bottle of champagne i opened the door to his office, thinking his secretary is already on her way home, all finished for the day.. Well turns out she really likes to put in "the extra mile" when it comes to her work. The bottle fell from my hand, alerting them of my presence. I should've been screaming, tearing her and him apart, but somehow i didn't want to do any of that. I took off the massive diamond ring with a straight, emotionless face, walked to his desk where i placed it, turning our engagement photo face down, then left. I have memories of him talking to me, begging, then shouting, but it is all just white noise. I dodged a bullet there.
Truth be told i don't think anything ever hurt like that night before or did it actually hurt at all?.. I couldn't cry. After all i know that i will never be enough, i knew that i'll never be pretty or smart or succesful enough. I am not someone that is loveable. No matter the little acts of love, no matter the sacrifices, I will never be enough. Not just for him, i know my family would still take his side as well. Telling me things like let the man have his fun... he might not be faithful in bed, but you're the one he'll marry. Yeah right, i scoffed while driving to the airport.
I am a well-known webdesigner, i even published books on the subject, held classes in colleges, gave interviews encouraging women to build their own career.. I am sure i'll manage elsewhere. I bought a one way ticket to the first plane to Boston. I had 2 hours until my flight, so i spent that with getting a small apartment in a seemingly quiet area... I honestly never thought i'll ever move out of Sweden. I left everything behind, literally only having my purse and my laptop, and the neccessities.
Finally it was time to board the plane.. Great i will now be smashed to the window the whole flight since i happened to get the only ticket left...next to this huge hunk of a man. I have to admit at any other time i would've been glad to sit next to a handsome, bulky stranger but right now it was the least of what i wanted. I excused myself and put on the eyemask they provided.
The next thing i remember is a smooth but strong hand gently shaking me, a sweet voice telling me to wake up.
-C-Curt? - i mutter, still half asleep.
-I'll have to disappoint you ma'am but it's just me. - he said with a kind smile. - We have arrived in Boston.
I sat up straight looking out the window.
-Well i guess i was really tired. Thank you for waking me up. - I tried my best to offer him a smile, but of course i couldn't not fake it. He scratched the back of his head then got up, letting me out.
-Ma'am! Do you not have luggage? - he asked not understanding why did i start to leave the plane without any kind of suitcase.
-No, i don't - I say, then leave.
I was one of the few people who couldn't get a taxi, or at least for the next hour, so i got a coffee and sat down at a bench just outside the airport. It was rather windy, but sunny day regardless. The rays of the morning sun caressed my face in the light wind. This was the first when i really believed i could do it. I could start it all over. On my own.
Just moments later a car stopped right before me. That man again, from the plane. I looked at him questioningly and tilted my head to the side. He rolled down his window and smiled at me.
-There's a storm coming, there won't be any more taxis here for the next few hours. Where are you headed ma'am? I'm sure i'm able to take you some of the way, if not all.
I stood up, walked over to his car, bending down to the window to be able to talk to him.
-Let's just quit the ma'am thing, i'm not anywhere near that old, and i don't think a day this sunny will end in a storm, but i'll take you up on the offer.
He gave me that damn 2000 watt smile, while opening the door for me to get in.
I fasten my seatbelt, then nod at him.
-So where are you headed? - he asks.
-Hmm, let me look it up. - you said as you opened the email to search for your new address. You put it in the gps and show him. -There.. I'm heading there. It is okay if you cannot take me all the way, i don't wanna mess up your schedule. I'm sure you have places to be.- i said with a small and somehow sad smile.
He nods then gives me my phone back.
-Do you not need the navigation? - i giggle.
-No, i know the area pretty well.
-Oh, i see, is it... like... safe?
-Yes it's a nice neighbourhood. More like a little town of it's own, except it's kind of in the middle of Boston. Everybody knows everybody there. Are you visiting?
-No.. i.. i'm moving there actually.
-Oh so you're the one Sarah talked about.
-I'm guessing you live there too?! - i asked while looking out the window, taking in my new surroundings.
-Yes, i do, matter of fact that - he says as he points at my phone - that makes you my brand new neighbour.
-Such a small world... - i mutter under my nose, hope he doesn't hear it.
He somehow knows he shouldn't pry into the why's of the lack of luggage, and the reason of my move. He let's me adjust to the car, to his presence, and to the new surroundings. An hour later he stops before a nice looking apartment complex.
-This is our stop. - He says with a smile.
With a sigh i get out of the car, and look back at him, before shutting the car door.
-Thank you for taking me home, and sorry for the inconvenience. Have a nice day. - I didn't wait for his response, just shut the door, and headed for the main etrance.
It was a nice apartment. It had a little balcony and big windows. Perfect for sunny, warmer mornings, to work, or just to have coffee. It barely had furniture, i'll have to fix that rather sooner than later. But for now I'll settle for a long bath and some take away.
One hour in, and i hear the doorbell ring. Did the press already find me? Is it Sarah? I wonder while quickly putting my robe on, and twist my hair with a towel. As i open the door, i see a suddenly flustered man. The very same one who brought me here from the airport, and i realize i still don't know his name. He coughs, then hands out a bag to me, and he's holding a box of pizza in his other hand.
He has this boyish smile while trying hard to look me just in the eye.
-I...i - he stammers - I brought a few beers and a pizza over. You didn't have luggage, and this flat was empty for 4 years since Buck moved to NYC so i thought you'll need some food maybe some company...
-That is so kind of you! Please come in.. i'll be back in a second.. i'll just.. put on some... clothes first.
He sets the food on the coffeetable while looking at my hurriedly retreating back.
-Please make yourself at ho... yea no problem with that. - I tease him as he's currently getting all comfortable on the couch.
-Oh i'm.. um sorry. I used to spend an awful lot of time in this apartment, i guess it is kind of a second home at this point.
-Well, you're welcome anytime.
-Thank you... um.. Why do i not know your name yet? - He smiles at me confusedly, and i feel a giggle emerge from my throat.
-Because you never asked.. I'm (Y/n). - i say as i held out my hand.
-Steve.. - he says, and his hands linger just a second more than a simple handshake should last.
-So what brings you to this side of the city? I never heard an accent like yours before.
-Um.. i'm from Sweden. I'm kind of.. um.. starting over i guess.
-SHit.. sorry, i didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
-No it's okay.. I guess i'm just not really ready to face the reality of the past few days.
He doesn't ask about it any further. If i'm ready, i'll probably tell him about it all, but for now i'm just happy i'm not spending my first night here alone.
-So tell me about this apartment.. what should i know?
-Well it's in great condition, if you ever see flooding then thats probably the Barton kids upstairs. They like to fill not just the tub, but the whole bathroom as well.. Next to them is Sarah and Sam, siblings. Your neighbours are Nat and Wanda, then on the other side it is me. The wall are rather thin so.. um.. yea there's that... and what else... - he starts to think - oh yea, the door to he balcony is stuck, but i'll come and fix that one for ya.
I look at him with a smile, while open another beer. We spend the next few hours talking, but mainly it's him doing the talking, telling everything i need to know about my neighbours, and the community here. Soon enough it is time for him to leave cause he has work tomorrow.
The next day, i feel rather depressed, so i decide i'll go on a walk. Kind of like a tour of the surrounding area. I found a small coffee around the corner, which i really appreciate right now, since i still don't have a coffee maker at my new home.
When i open the door the scent of freshly brewed coffee hits my nostrils, and i honestly feel a bit happier from it. The chiming of the door alerts the barista who is a red haired girl with a kind face.
-Hi, how can i help you?
-Hello, i would like a cappuchino please.
-Coming right up! Please take a seat, and i'll bring it over right away.
I couldn't help but smile at how kind she is to me. Feel like starting over in a place with kind people like this barista and Steve will be easier than i thought.
-Thank you very much. -I say as she put the coffee down before me.
-You're new here. - She says with a smile, sitting down at the table.
-Is it that obvious?
She giggles - Well i know a swedish accent when i hear one..
-I should practice my english, shouldn't i? - i say laughing.
-No, i really like it. If my old neighbour would still live here he'd be head over heels for you just cause of that accent..
-Thats exactly what my new neighbour said about his friend.. Are you like... a cult?
-That depends on who is your new neighbour really.. -she says smiling at me playfully.-Are you by any chance the new tenant 2 streets down from here?
My eyes are open wide, i don't even need to answer that question, her smile grows 10 times bigger.
-I'm Wanda! Glad to meet you sweet sweet neighbour!
-(Y/n), guess it is a cult then huh? - I ask as we burst out laughing.
She has this aura around her. I know from the start that she's kind, but over my cappuchino we became somehow friends even, and she made me promise that i'll go to the bar with them on Friday. As it is their weekly "cult-meeting".
Between getting furniture, trying to get clothes and stuff i need, and managing work alone, i find myself being kind of late from the friday cult meeting with my neighbours. Don't get me wrong, i really appreciate that they invited me out, and that they want me to be a part of the gang, but i am just so swamped. I honestly havent left the apartment in 4 days, and i only opened the door to get food, or packages and furniture delivered. Then around 8 a knock on my door startles me.
Greasy, messy bun, and sweatpants, all my glory, i open the door, only to find Wanda and another red-head on the other side.
-Why are you not ready yet? - asks Wanda cheerfully.
-Oh yea, i guess time flies, i'm rather swamped with work and stuff. Still need to get my visa sorted out too.
-I can help with that - said the red-head.
-Shit, sorry, i'm Y/N. - i said as i shook her hand
-Nat. Nice to meet you.
-So you said you can help with the visa thing? I have a fcking degree in design and i can't seem to get a simple working visa right...
Nat and Wanda looks at eachother before laughing.
-What? - I look at them confused.
-Go and take a shower, i'll rummage through your closet and we'll be good to go in no time.
-Yea, that's the other thing i forgot to mention... My closet is pretty much empty still. I moved here with just that. - I said, pointing at my laptop and handbag. I'm telling you... the pure horror on their face was the best thing i've seen all week.
-This is an emergency.
-No it's not.. i can always wear what i came in.
-No you cannot! Jesus, we're going to a bar, and we're gonna dance. - said Wanda.
-I also heard that the boys will be late cause they need to collect mister NYC from the airport.
-Wait.. Mister NYC? Do i already need to look for a new apartment?
-No, (Y/n).. He'll be living with Steve just as before...
-Before what?
-Before Dot?
-Before Who?
-Dot.. his um.. well i honestly don't know what they are at this point, but seeing as he moves back here, and with Steve i guess i'd call them exes.
-Oh nice. We'll have two sulking singles, two bisexuals, and me. - said Nat with a hint of sarcasm.
I rolled my eyes as i headed for the bathroom. I heard the door click shut, assuming they have left to find me some probably too revealing dress or something.
When i came back out i found Nat looking around the flat.
-So why on earth did you leave Sweden? That country is awesome.
-Oh yea well.. It is awesome, i just needed a change of scenery.
-Man problems?
-Bingo. - You said with a sad smile. She walked up to you to hug you.
-Men huh?! - was all she said. Just then Wanda marched trough the apartment with a pair of burgundy heels, and a little black dress. Not too revealing, except for the legs part, but it will be okay, with my leather jacket of course.
Soon enough i was entering the bar behind the girls. I felt great. The dress fit perfectly, and somehow Wanda even got my shoe size right, hair over my shoulders, in nice, loose curls. I felt like when i was in college, when I met that asshole for the first time. Confident, pretty, dressed to kill. Although I felt none of that right now, I still felt better than in the last few days.
Nat put a hand on my waist ushering me further to a box, that had 4 men in it already, one being Steve. All 4 of them were looking at me like they either saw a ghost, or the prettiest woman alive, and i honestly doubted it was the latter.
-And that's your Visa sorted honey. - Nat winked at me, earning a giggle.
Everybody introduced himself, and i decided to sit between Steve and Wanda. I felt most comfortable with them anyways. The conversations we had, all the laughs, teases, drinks felt good. I felt free, and for once in my life i felt i belong. If this is a cult, i'm sure as hell would like to be a part of it.
The girls wanted to dance, but i was just ready to go home and sleep, tomorrow i have a big day, meaning i will be building my bed, and then work all day again. Wanda pouted at me, but no can do. I am drunk enough to know i need to go home before they bring me another shot, cause then i'll lose it and either bring some random guy home, or cry all night in the toilets. And i didn't really wanted either of those.
Steve and as i know now Bucky were heading home as well, so it was convenient we walked there together, and honestly i was thankful for that, cause three shots two beer Y/N was not known for her good navigating skills.
By the time we reached my front door, i got to the state of the - i am horny - but i will cry shamelessly over my ex - stage. And i know i need to get inside the apartment fast, or this would be a short friendship with them.
We said our goodnights, and i tried to open my door. They were nearly inside their apartment when they heard me curse while sobbing a bit.
-Shit... FUCK THIS.. - i cried as i threw the keys on the floor, and sank down the door.
Bucky turned around, leaving Steve at their door.
-Hey... shh doll. Whats wrong?
-I can't get this stupid door open..
-Yea, sometimes it's stuck a bit, here let me help you.
-WHY ARE YOU ALL SO DAMN KIND TO ME?... - i cried even harder.
He bent down to gather little old drunk me in his arms when his scent hit me, and somehow calmed me instantly. I mean i am drunk, i am in this small black dress... Maybe i'll just... yea, i'll just cuddle him a little now that he decided to take me into my apartment. i thought as i laid my head on his chest, with a hand in his neck as he carried me in princess style, and i kind of pretended to be asleep. Getting the cuddles without the cringy talking. BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE.
When he notices that i am "asleep" he smiles, and goes for the bedroom, only to realize i have nothing but boxes, and a matress on the floor. He puts me on it carefully, pulling my blanket on me, then he caresses my face as he says - i know you are not sleeping doll, and I don't know who or why hurt you, but i can promise you you are safe with us.
-Please stay, - i murmured, reaching out a hand to him... gosh i am drunk.. - only until i fall asleep.
He looked to be hesitating.
-I don't ask you to fuck me Bucky, i just don't want to be alone.
That makes him chuckle. I feel i can be truly myself with them, and that means running my mouth as well.
-Yea sure doll. - he gets on the mattress nex to me, but far enough for us not to touch.
-So why did you leave this awesome apartment? - Look i was drunk okay? And i ran my mouth.. he didn't seem offended though.
-Well i.. I thought i found somebody that's worth leaving everything behind. Do you know what is the most absurd about it? I only realized i wasn't in love to begin with, when finding her with her boss in our bed ...didn't even really hurt me that much.
I shot up from the bed, looking at him laying one hand behind his head on the other side of the matress.
-Jesus i am so so sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Jesus, and i'm a fucking stranger.
-Chill Y/N it's all good, as i said it didn't hurt, i wasn't in love anymore. I guess never being enough just ruined it all huh. - he reminisinced.
-That i can agree with. - i said and now he was the one looking at me with wide eyes.
-Me.. - i showed him the subtle tan line where my ring supposed to be. - In the office.. with his secretary.
-Was he stupid or just retarded or some shit?
-No why ? - i asked him giggling.
-What the fuck is more attractive than someone with humor, someone who's intelligent and has her own fcking business that she built out of nowhere without the help of daddy or her boyfriend and has awesome personality and is even so fucking beautiful i thought i'd cry????
-Highheels, skimpy lingerie, and red lips i guess..
-Or the fact that you were just too good for him?
I shoved his shoulder lightly before laying down again.
-Dont put me on a pedestal Bucky. - was the last thing i said before falling asleep on his shoulder, holding his arm as if it was a plushie or something.
The next morning I wake up with a headache, and noise and giggles coming from the kitchen. There is something heavy on me that is surely not my blanket. I turn to look slowly as i see a sleeping man. It takes me a moment to realize that it's Bucky, whom i asked to stay. I quickly take a glance under the blanket, only to see all my clothing still on me. Good. Horny- drunk me didn't get the best of me.
I snuck out to find where the noise is coming from. Only to hear whistles and the giggles of the girls.
-Can you keep it down? My head is gonna explode.
-Suuuure, so i assume you have your visa sorted out?
-What are you even talking about Nat? - asked Wanda
- Well my dear.. Buck sure as hell didn't sleep at Steve's last night.
I mentally curse her for suggesting something that did not happen, while Wanda is looking at all of us wide eyed.
-Chill, nothing happened. Drunk old me just needed a good vent session and he happened to be at the wrong place and time.
-Good i still got a chance then. - said Sam with a toothy grin.
-Hey, i brought her home from the airport, i had dibs first. - pouted Steve
-Jesus, no dibs guys. - You laughed as Bucky emerged from your room, then it was his turn to get the whistles.
-So when will you tell us how you got in this town? - Wanda looked at me with big doe eyes.
-I'm not gonna get away with just sulking i gather.. Okay okay... fuck.. i need coffee first.
Then i proceeded to tell them how we got together, and how it ended, about how my family reacted. All of it.
-How are you not crying now? This broke my heart and i known you for a week. - Asked Wanda whispering to me next to the coffeemachine Steve lent me, while looking over the rest of the team on the couch.
-Yea, well.. Someone told me their own story, and i realized it didn't hurt nearly as much as it should cause i was never happy there to begin with. And how could i cry when i suddenly have a cult of friends that break into my apartment while i'm in my room sleeping with a stranger..
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magewriter · 2 years
Thoughts for Crossover
I've been reading a number of MCU/Spiderman fics recently and it occurred to me that Peter's science teacher (I think it's science, might be math, but pretty certain the guy is the teacher in charge of the Decathalon team/chaperone) is called Mr. Harrington. Which, as a fan of Stranger Things, got me thinking.
What if Mr. Harriington is Steve? Hear me out on how this might have happened.
After all the shit goes down in Hawkins, Steve decides to take the leap and go to college instead of working. He's discovered he's pretty good with kids (he's adopted at least Dustin and shares the others with Nancy/Robin/Jonathan/parents (reluctantly)), so decided to focus on careers dealing with them. He goes for the basics first, trying to feel out what is actually right.
The kids all encourage him (even offer to help with homework...which Steve takes because then he can make certain that they're also doing their work, and school is hard). His fellow teens/almost legal friends are the same, and I can see him yanking Robin along into at least taking a few classes. Hopper and Joyce cheer on all the kids, even the new ones they don't know well yet.
Eventually, he settles on teaching and begins to focus on the sciences. He'll never be Dustin-smart, but he is eager to be there to encourage all the future Dustins of the world. He discovers that he likes it, especially when it comes to hands-on experiments and field trips (which is why he's always the chaperone, and why he can bore himself to sleep when he has to give lectures). He works his way up to teaching high school, which leads him to Midtown in NYC and teaching Peter Parker.
Cue the chaos of the MCU. He would have sworn he'd left all of the crazy behind in Hawkins with the end of the Upside Down/Vecna. The others have, mostly. Dustin is working for one of major tech companies (Steve is very proud of him.) and the others are scattered about the country doing their own things.
Every time he calls one of them, he has some new crazy story/rant for them. Robin teases him relentlessly, claiming that he just needs to figure out how old Spiderman is so that Steve can start the adoption paperwork (or at least a care schedule, so Steve can be sure the possible kid is taken care of). Nancy asks if he needs backup because she's fully prepared to go again.
(Side note, I can totally see Robin and Nancy both ending up working for SHIELD in some capacity. Robin as a translater, Nancy as a field agent turned handler. I like them as a pairing, so they can be literal SHIELD wives in this.)
I feel like some of the kids (now adults) would whine a little about Steve having all the luck. Steve tells them he will willingly trade places with any of them, particularly when he's just survived another alien invasion or villain of the week.
If he does ever learn that Spiderman is a teenager (or outright Peter, one of his actual students), I can see him stopping PP/SM during patrol and plying him with snacks, checking if he needs first aid or help, asking if he needs more time on any homework he's gotten from Steve, that kind of thing.
Then we have the potential of the others coming to NYC to visit and interacting with shenanigans. Dustin wants to meet his 'new little brother'. El just wants to meet another individual with powers.
Or none of that and just Steve stressing out because he's getting too old for this.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x morally grey! reader
Warning: None
Saw something on Pinterest and had an idea.
This will be a new storyline. Not a fic, just the one-shots will be connected, though you'll be able to read all of them separate and it still makes sense. You can send requests for this storyline just put 'Peter Parker x grey!reader'
Morally grey- a character who does too much good to fully be bad, but too much bad to fully be good and their motives are unclear.
Hope you like it!
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Peter had been warned against people like her.
She kept him on his toes, always switching sides. She wasn't like the other villains he'd known.
Mysterio, Scorpion, Otto Octavius. They were bad. There was no doubt about it. They'd each brought some turmoil on the world in one form or another.
They needed to be stopped. So Spiderman stopped them. Simple as that.
But [Y/N]. She was different.
"Watch out for the morally grey ones," Mr. Stark had told him early in his superhero career. "They're the confusing ones. The ones ya just can't fully be mad at."
Natasha was much more clear with her approach. "Take my advice, kid," she said. "Don't make it personal. I've seen how you act with your villains.. one like that, where they're so close to being good, yet so far. One like that would kill your spirit."
And it certainly seemed Peter had finally found his match.
"Give it up, [Y/N]! I always catch you!"
He'd been tracking her for weeks now. At first it seemed she was just a common thief. But she was smart. She had skills. She had plans. And well, if you wear a costume, you can't just be some common thief.
"You forget, Spiderman!," she chirped as she ran, a large, bulging bag on her back. "We're twelve to seven! I've been coming up lately!"
Peter rolled his eyes as he hopped into action. "Is this just a game to you?"
"I'm just saying," she laughed. "Gotta give credit where credit is due!"
Peter scoffed as he swung to catch up. "You say that as you hold a bag of hundreds of people's stolen money!"
This was her fifth time this week. Going to rich people's banks and sneaking past the security systems and stealing their money.
For a few weeks, Peter hadn't eaten. He hadn't slept. He was practically going crazy searching for her. Trying to pin an M.O. to make it a bit easier for himself. But she was untraceable. The only thing he'd found out about her was her name. Which basically led to nothing being that she was practically a nobody. The only time he could see her was when she made herself visible.
Today, she'd hit the bank Norman Osborn had been storing sums of his money into. But hardly anyone knew that. She'd done her research and some heavy snooping.
"It's mostly just Osborn today, he'll find a way to bounce back! He always does!," she yelled, jumping to the last building on the block.
She looked around desperately as she felt her chaser getting closer. She was trapped. "Crap," she muttered.
"Gotcha," Peter whispered to himself as he swung to the building she stood on. Once there, he quickly webbed the bag from her back.
Quickly noticing what he was doing, [Y/N] caught it just as he began to snatch it. She kept a tight hold on it and they began to fight for dominance, stuck in their own little game of tug-of-war.
"Let...go!," Peter grunted.
"Not on your life," she shot back, feeling her feet slide on the concrete. She was about to lose.
They both realized it as her feet began to give way and her body became airborne, almost crashing into Peter before he quickly moved out of the way.
[Y/N] screamed as her entire back crashed into wall of the building. Looking up, she watched as Spiderman grabbed the bag.
"Oh, hell no," she spat.
Peter smirked as he picked up the bag. "Sorry [Y/N]. But I guess it's thirteen to seven now- AGH!"
He collapsed in an instant, feeling something hard sling across his face. It was too hard to be a fist. And God it hurt like hell.
[Y/N] scowled. "You threw me into a wall!," she screamed as hit her nemesis again and again with the butt of her gun. "You asshole!"
Peter grimaced, attempting to grab hold to her wrists and push her off of him. "Well, I didn't BREAK YOUR NOSE!," he hissed through gritted teeth. Luckily, that was the only thing that felt broken of his.
She continued her brutal attack on his upper body, almost as if she's was trying to put the gun through him before he finally got the upper hand and threw her off.
He moved to try to stand, but he fell back down, an entirely new, different pain aside from his face starting.
[Y/N] propped her head up. "Was that your stomach?," she asked.
Aunt May was out of town, so there was no one to make sure Peter had been taking care of himself, which he hadn't. The last thing he'd prepared was a pop-tart, that was still burning in the toaster in his home as he sat on that building.
[Y/N] stood, rubbing her back to relieve some of the pain she felt that was keen on staying. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was your stomach."
Peter scrunched his eyebrows together, confused. Still, he put his fist up to fight, ignoring the heavy and loud rumbling of his stomach.
Rolling her eyes, she threw the gun down. "Well, I'm not gonna fight you now." She moved toward him to pick up the bag he barely had a hold on. Unzipping it and reaching in, she pulled out a few bills and put it in the hand that wasn't pressing his cheek. "Here. Take it."
Peter backed into the wall some more, if that was even possible. "I don't want your dirty money," he protested.
"Well, it's from a rich people bank. It's actually pretty clean," [Y/N] joked before kicking his uninjured leg lightly. "C'mon man, don't be weird just take it, okay?"
"Put the money back in the bag," Peter ordered, making a second attempt to stand. He didn't make it this time either, cursing quietly as he fell back to the ground. Was he hurt or was he just really tired he asked himself.
"You need to eat something."
Peter frowned, wrapping both arms around his grumbling stomach. "You need to mind your own business."
[Y/N] stepped forward slowly, arms held out in front of her, palms up. "You fainted on me last week, remember idiot? And I can hear how hungry you are now." She walked a bit closer, picking up the bills her enemy had thrown on the ground, then looked back up to him. "If you won't take the money, at least let me buy you some food," she bargained.
Peter watched the mixed expressions flicker on her face. Annoyance. Concerned? She sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Look Spiderman, you help everyone. Let someone help you for once. Don't let your pride stop you from taking the help you need to continue saving lives, okay?" She smiled crookedly. "To continue stopping people like me."
Peter stared, mouth agape. "[Y/N], what is this?," he questioned. "You're not nice.. you're rude, a-and you only care about yourself." He winced, shuffling to lay his back on the wall of the building you'd thrown him into moments before.
"Well, I've always preferred 'rough around the edges', but okay," she snickered, rolling her eyes and then looking down at the ground right in front of his feet. This was completely out of her element, but she couldn't help but feel like she was obligated to do it.
"Alright, but.. you hate me," Peter said, looking up to see her completely unreadable face.
She finished stuffing the rest of the money in her bag. "I think you've got me messed up with Doc Oc," she said, wiping off her pants, getting ready to help Spider-man up. "I'm not like most of them, y'know. Us villains aren't all the same. Some of us actually do have some morals."
He watched as she looked around, muttering to herself. If it were anybody else, they wouldn't have heard her. But with his senses, Peter heard her loud and clear.
'God, give me strength.'
She held her hand out to him. "Come on, let me get you outta here, Spider."
Underneath his mask, Peter's frown deepened. "No, I got it... just go, okay?" He still had a hold on the bag with his webs. He was offering her a chance to escape.
"Don't be an idiot, dude," she scolded. "I just pistol-whipped you. Even if you swing, I'm sure all that wind blowing on your cuts and bruises wouldn't be comfortable..."
Peter blew out a breath. He knew she didn't really want this. So why was she so insistent? She was a criminal and he was the hero. Simple as that. Or at least, it's supposed to be.
But now she was helping him? Offering him a meal? He hated to admit it, but at this moment, he preferred criminals like Doc Oc or Green Goblin. At least they didn't confuse him like this.
But she's didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. And he did still need to take the cash she'd stolen. So swallowing his pride, he chuckled. "Um, [Y/N]... look.."
And now they were in the Olive Garden parking lot.
She'd helped clean most of his cuts in her car (his mask only going up to his nose of course).
After he'd had a bit of time to calm down, he turned his face toward her. "So, um, there's no drive-thru?"
The villain scoffed lightly. "Hell no," she responded. "I'm not throwing my whole day off on you. We're movin' on my schedule bucko. And anytime I lose against you, and not get thrown in lockup, I go drink, okay? That cool with you?," you teased. "Or are you gonna tell me how unhealthy that is Mr. Superhero Guy?"
Peter huffed. "Well, you can go eat. But I'm not taking off my mask. I'll stay here."
"And let you steal back my cash? I don't think so," she retorted.
"So what?," he asked, frankly annoyed at this point. "Spider-Man just walks into an Olive Garden with a random girl?"
"Wouldn't be that way if you'd just take off your mask," [Y/N] defended. "Then it'd just be two random people walking into an Olive Garden."
"That's not an option."
Tapping on the dashboard, she groaned. "C'mon, I take my mask off in front of you all the time! You know who I am. Why can't I know who you are?"
"You don't care about keeping your identity a secret because you have nothing to lose. I'm not the same. I want my loved ones to be safe."
"That's implying that I'd hurt someone you love, Spider-Man. I'm not sadistic," [Y/N] corrected.
Peter frowned. "You literally pistol-whipped me about an hour ago."
"And I just spent that last hour nursing your wounds," she shot back.
"Sometimes you go out of your way to beat me up though."
"That's because sometimes you aggravate me," she laughed. "Occasionally, you deserve to get punched in the face."
It was quiet again.
Until two minutes later Spiderman's stomach growled once again.
"Look dude, we could always pass you off as a overenthusiastic cosplayer?," she offered. "You wouldn't have to take off your mask that way, but you would get weird looks."
For probably the hundredth time since starting his hunt on her, Peter rolled his eyes. "Why do you want me to eat so much anyway?"
"I don't care about you if that's what you're suggesting," she said. "I just don't like people going hungry. And it's obvious you're not taking care of yourself." Her eyes shifted a bit. "And what's the fun in beating you if I'm not beating you at your highest, right?"
Peter chuckled at [Y/N]'s excuse. "Right.."
And now they were sat at a table. [Y/N] in a cute shirt she had in her car and some jeans. Peter still in his Spiderman suit.
Awkward, to say the least.
But the stares from waiters were the least of Peter's worries.
'What am I doing???'
He should've left hours ago. He should've grabbed the money and returned it and taken this girl to jail.
But the more he talked to her, and the way she nursed his wounds without question and gave him some food. It made him think of all the other things he hadn't noticed before.
How she only stole from the rich (which was very bad of course but way better than just taking from everybody). How she never went for kill shots, or even for spots that'd cause heavy injury.
She was a bad guy, yes. But maybe she wasn't a bad guy.
"I'm sorry for that time I shot you, by the way," she spoke in the middle of their meal. "It was meant to just be a warning shot. But you moved and it got your leg. It's been bugging me for a long time. That didn't take too long to heal, did it?"
Peter shook his head as he chewed his food.
"Good," she said. "Also for pistol-whipping you earlier today. I kinda got carried away."
"Yeah, I could tell. It hurts to chew right now," he said.
"Well my back still hurts from being thrown into a wa-"
"Why do you steal?," Peter cut in to ask.
Without any hesitation, [Y/N] responded. "It's just my way."
He frowned. "Just your way?," he repeated. "Haven't you-"
"Don't want a job. Tried them and didn't like them. And there's nothing more schools can teach me. Stealing has the thrill I love and it helps me to get around and, if the opportunity presents itself, to help somebody out."
Peter stared, dumbfounded. So [Y/N] was a good person...who just happened to like stealing? But then that else make her a bad person.
How could one person be so contradictory?
"You are an enigma," Peter marveled.
"Thank you," she replied, taking a sip of her wine.
When it came time to leave, [Y/N] paid and they made their way out of the building, actually laughing together and enjoying themselves.
They made their way back to her car. [Y/N] smiled. "Well, thanks for that, even though I never saw your face the whole time," she giggled. "Wait, does this count as a date? I'm sorta dressed up and you're probably in the best suit you've ever worn." She pinched at a spot of his suit on his shoulder. "Had a semi-fancy dinner-"
Peter held his head back and laughed. "I mean, I guess if you want it to, then it does. But I'm still gonna arrest you if I catch you again."
[Y/N] smirked. "And I'm still gonna steal, so.."
"Right..," Peter sighed. It wasn't like he thought he could actually change her in one night. But someone so insistent on doing a bad thing.
So close, yet so far...
Which made him remember..
"Oh yeah!," he exclaimed as he bursts off running towards the car, leaving a confused [Y/N] behind him.
She didn't get a chance to ask what he was doing before he kicked and busted the tires of her car and broke one of the windows to reach in and steal the bag of money inside.
Jumping onto her car, he pulled his mask up to right above his mouth. "Thanks for the meal! Gotta blast! Remember to stay off the streets!," Peter yelled before he jumped into the air.
Shocked, [Y/N] stood there frozen. "I-i, I-i.... I'M GONNA KILL YOU, SPIDERMAN!!!"
"You say that a lot!," he joked. "I'm beginning to doubt your commitment!"
"How'd it go, underoos?," Tony asked early the next morning.
Peter looked up from his computer with a unreadable expression on his face. "Hey Mr. Stark," he started. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I met one of those villains you used to talk about. The good but bad ones?"
Tony crossed his arms. "And?"
"I think we're kinda friends..."
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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The Hunt Begins
When we got to Stanford Dean told me just to wait outside by the Impala. About twenty minutes later I hear voices coming from the building. I see Dean take a glance at me to see if I was still there. Sam was saying something but Dean just rolls his eyes.
"The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors." I heard Sam say as they cross the parking lot to the Impala.
"So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean growls.
"No. Not normal. Safe." 
"And that's why you ran away." Dean looks away.
"I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing."
"Yeah, well, Dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already. I can feel it." Sam is silent.
"I can't do this alone."
"Yes you can." I joke, making both of the boys look at me. 
"Yeah, well, as Y/n pointed out earlier which you weren't here for, I don't want to."
"Wait, that's Y/n? Y/D/N's kid?" Sam asked surprised. "You brought his kid here?! Do you know what he's going to do to us when he realizes she's missing!?"
"Uh I believe he already knows." I interrupt.
"Look, she wanted to come so I didn't stop her besides she's eighteen." Dean points out. Sam sighs and looks down, thinking, then up.
"What was he hunting?" Sam asked as Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the spare-tire compartment, it's an arsenal.
"Holy crap this is cool!" I exclaimed as Dean props the compartment open with a shotgun and digs through the clutter.
"I know right? All right, let's see, where the hell did I put that thing?"
"So when Dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asks.
"I was working my own gig. This, uh, voodoo thing, down in New Orleans."
"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" Dean looks over at Sam.
"I'm twenty-six, dude."
"And then you went to Y/D/N for help?"
"That's about right, she offered to help cause her father wouldn't." Dean pulls some papers out of a folder. "All right, here we go. So Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy." Dean hands one of the papers to Sam, I look over his shoulder to see. "They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA. The paper is a printout of an article from the Jericho Herald, headlined Centennial Highway Disappearance and dated Sept. 19th 2005; it has a man's picture, captioned Andrew Carey MISSING." Sam reads it and glances up.
"So maybe he was kidnapped."
"Yeah. Well, here's another one in April." Dean hands me a Jericho Herald article for each date he mentions. "Another one in December 'oh-four, 'oh-three, 'ninety-eight, 'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years." Dean takes the article's back from us and picks up the rest of the stack, putting them back in the folder. "All men, all the Same five-mile stretch of road." Dean pulls a bag out of another part of the arsenal. "It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough." He grabs a handheld tape recorder. "Then I get this voicemail yesterday." He presses play, the recording is staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up.
"Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger...and if you can...Y/D/N's kid." Dean presses stop.
"Wait...he mentioned me." I say silently.
"What does dad want with Y/n?" Sam asks.
"I don't know that's why I went to your dad. So whatever is going on, obviously your part of it."
"Well other than the creepy message involving me, you know there's EVP on that?" I said.
"Not bad, Y/n. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Sam shakes his head. "All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got." He presses play again.
"I can never go home..." Was the voice that was heard, Dean presses stop.
"Never go home." Sam comments, trying to think what it could mean. Dean drops the recorder, puts down the shotgun, stands straight, and shuts the trunk, then leans on it. "You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing." Sam looks away and sighs, then looks back. "All right. I'll go. I'll help you find him." Sam submits, Dean nods. "But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here." Sam turns to go back to the apartment but turns back when Dean speaks.
"What's first thing Monday?" 
"I have this...I have an interview."
"What, a job interview? Skip it."
"It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate."
"Law school?" Dean smirks.
"So we got a deal or not?" Dean says nothing, Sam turns back around and heads back into the building.
"Your brother is certainly...not happy." I look over at Dean who shrugs.
"Eh he'll get over it." Dean smirks and gets back in the car, Dean maybe be smiling but I have a bad feeling about this.
Dean comes out of the convenience mart carrying junk food. Sam is sitting in the shotgun seat with the door open, rifling through a box of tapes as I was sitting in the back with the window down. I don't know what he's looking for but it must be important.
"Hey!" Dean says with a smile on his face. Sam leans out and looks at him. "You want breakfast?"
"No, thanks."
"Y/n? I got you coffee, along with some biscuits." He hands me the food.
"Thanks...." I say and take the food from him. "So how'd you pay for that stuff?" Sam  asks. "You and Dad still running credit card scams?" 
"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro ball career." Dean puts the nozzle that he left running while he went inside back on the pump. "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards."
"Yeah? And what names did you write on the application this time?" Sam swings his legs back inside the car and closes the door.
"Uh, Burt Aframian." Dean gets into the driver seat and puts his soda and chips down.
"And his son Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal."
"That's pretty smart, man I wish I thought of that. Then I wouldn't have had to get a job." I joke as Dean closes the door, Sam looks back at me then at Dean.
"Only a few days and your already a bad influence on her." Sam chuckles. "I swear, man, you've gotta update your cassette tape collection." From what I could see there are at least a dozen cassettes in the box on Sam's lap; some have album art, others are hand-labeled.
"Why?" Dean asked.
"Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two." Sam holds up a tape for every band he names. "Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica?" Dean takes the box labeled Metallica from Sam. "It's the greatest hits of mullet rock."
"And that's probably why he has them." I interrupt while sipping my coffee.
"Well, house rules, Sammy." Dean pops the tape in the player. "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole." Dean drops the Metallica box back in the box of tapes and starts the engine.
"Wait." Sammy looks back at me as Dean drives off. "Why does she get coffee?"
"Well I asked her what she wanted and she told me."
"You didn't ask me...."
"Suck it up Sammy." Sam made a pouty face, I look down at my coffee then back at him. I reach forward and politely offer him some which Dean notices.
"Aw look at that she's willing to share."
"Shut up." Sam said with a blush on his face as he slowly took my cup.
   Sam is talking on his cell phone. "Thank you." He says then closes his phone. "All right. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue."
"Well at least we know he's ok." I said, making Sam nod in agreement.
"That's something, I guess." Dean glances over at us, then back at the road. At a bridge ahead of them, there are two police cars and several officers. 
"Woah, I wonder what happened." I wondered as Sam leans forward for a closer look, Dean pulls over. We take a long look before Dean turns off the engine. Dean opens the glove compartment and pulls out a box full of ID cards with his and John's faces. Visible ones include FBI and DEA. He picks one out and grins at Sam, who stares.
"Let's go."  Dean gets out of the car and me and Sam follow pursuit. On the bridge, the lead Deputy, leans over the railing to yell down to two men in wetsuits who were poking around the river.
"You guys find anything?" He yells.
"No! Nothing!" The other man who was below us replied. The deputy turns back to the car in the middle of the bridge. Another Deputy, is at the driver's side looking around inside the car. The three of us walk into the crime scene, I felt out of place but the brothers acted like they belong there.
"You fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?" Dean asks as the first Deputy looks up when he starts talking and straightens up to talk to him.
"And who are you?" Dean flashes his badge. "Federal marshals."
"You three are a little young for marshals, aren't you? Especially the girl." Dean laughs. "Thanks, that's awfully kind of you." Dean goes over to the car. "You did have another one just like this, correct?"
"Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that."
"So, this victim, you knew him?" Sam questioned, Jaffe, as it says on his name tag, nods.
"Town like this, everybody knows everybody." Dean circles the car, looking around.
"...And that is why I hate small towns." I state. "Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?"
"Uh N-No. Not so far as we can uh tell."
"So what's the theory? I'm thinking insane hitchhiker." Sam goes over to Dean as I keep the deputy busy.
"Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?"
"Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Dean insults, Sam stomps on his foot.
"Thank you for your time." I say and the three of us head back to the Impala. Jaffe watches us go but I could the two talking.
"She's a pretty one ain't she?" Jaffe mentions, I ignored him, pervert I thought. Dean smacks Sam on the head, catching my attention.
"Ow! What was that for?" Sam grumbled.
"Why'd you have to step on my foot?"
"Why do you have to talk to the police like that?" Dean looks at Sam and moves in front of him, forcing Sam to stop walking.
"Come on. They don't really know what's going on. We're all alone on this. I mean, if we're going to find Dad we've got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves." Sam clears his throat and looks over Dean's shoulder. Dean turns to see a Sheriff and two FBI agents.
"Can I help you boys?" The sheriff asks.
"No, sir, we were just leaving." I smile at them, giving them some reassurance and walk past the three men. Dean and Sam head past the Sheriff, who turns to watch us go.
Later we decided to go talk to this young woman, the second deputy's daughter I believe. As we walk up the street the marquee on the Highland Movie Theater reads in big bold letters: EMERGENCY TOWN HALL MEETING SUNDAY 8 PM BE SAFE OUT THERE. Below that a young woman is tacking up posters with Troy, the missing boy's face and the caption "Missing Troy Squire". The three of us approach.
"I'll bet you that's her." Dean says
"Well no shit sherlock, if course it's her." I joke, the boys turn towards me.
"Listen sweetheart you may be helping us, but that doesn't give you the right to curse."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say shit, fuck, crap. Sorry!" I giggle, making Sam smirk. Dean ignores me and walks up to the young woman.
"You must be Amy." Dean points out.
"Yeah." She says as she looks towards us. "Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy and that's-" Dean was saying, trying to think on what I should be. "-my girlfriend Y/n." I give him a weird look and so does Sam, girlfriend? I thought. He couldn't have gone with sister or something?
"He never mentioned you to me." Amy walks away as the three of us tag along.
"Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto."
"We never really talk to Troy much, teenager's these days. Never wanna hang out with the adults." I chimes in as another young woman, comes up to Amy and puts a hand on her arm.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asks, while eyeing the three of us.
"Yeah." Amy replies.
"Do you mind if we ask you a couple questions?" I asked. "You probably know my nephew to be better then I do."
"Woah trying to get married already babe" Dean jokes as he puts an arm around my shoulder. "I thought the man asks the woman?"
"Well, 'darling' technically I am the one who is the man in this relationship." Sam and the two girls try not to giggle.
The five of us are sitting in a booth, Dean and Sam opposite Amy and Rachel while I'm sitting at the end of the table with a normal chair. The chair was turned away from the table as I was facing the four if them.
"So...Amy." I start. "What happened the night Troy disappeared?"
"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did."
"He didn't say anything strange?" Sam asks, Amy shakes her head.
"No. Nothing I can remember."
"I like your necklace." I state, Amy holds the pendant she's wearing, a pentagram in a circle, and looks down at it.
"Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents-" Amy laughs. "-with all that devil stuff.
"Do you know where he got it?"
"Um...no actually."
Sam laughs a little and looks down, then up.
"Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." Sam says.
"Okay. Thank you, Unsolved Mysteries."
Dean jokes, takes his arm off the back of Sam's seat and leans forward. "Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything..." Amy and Rachel look at each other. "What is it?"
"Well, it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." Rachel, the other girl says. Dean and Sam speak in chorus. "What do they talk about?"
"It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago." Dean looks at Sam, who watches Rachel attentively, nodding. "Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever."
"So let me guess you believe in this so called legend?" I ask.
"It's a possibility, you never know." Sam and Dean look at each other.
Considering that Rachel mentioned this legend, we made a trip to the library. Dean was in the computer with a web browser open to the archive search page for the Jericho Herald. The words "Female Murder Hitchhiking" are typed into the search box. Dean clicks go; the screen tells him there are "(0) Result". Dean replaces "Hitchhiking" with "Centennial Highway" with the same response.
"Your not gonna find anything in the internet. You gotta go old school." I point out.
Sam sighs, who is sitting next to him, watching.
"Let me try." He offered, Dean smacks Sam's hand.
"I got it." Sam shoves Dean's chair out of the way and takes over. "Dude!" Dean hits Sam in the shoulder. "You're such a control freak."
"You two are definitely brothers." I giggle, the boys just shake there heads. I push both of them out of the way "If you want to find a spirit, you gotta go dark. Angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?"
"Yeah." Dean agrees.
"Well, it's not murder." I replace "Murder" with "Suicide" and find an article entitled "Suicide on Centennial". Both if the boys seemed surprised. I open the article, dated April 25, 1981, I read what the article had to say. "A local woman's drowning death was ruled a suicide, the county Sheriff's Department said earlier today. Constance Welch, 24, of 4636 Breckenridge Road, leapt off Sylvania Bridge, at mile 33 of Centennial Highway, and subsequently drowned last night. Deputy J. Pierce told reporters that, hours before her death, Ms. Welch logged a call with 911 emergency services. In a panicked tone, Ms. Welch described how she found her two young children, 5 and 6, in the bathtub, after leaving them alone for several minutes. I continued to skim the article. " Here this is what the husband said, What happened to my children was a terrible accident. And it must have been too much for my wife. Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it. Now I ask that you all please respect my privacy during this trying time."
"So she committed suicide." Sam says. "Good job Y/n."
"Quiet there's more. At the time of the children's death and Ms. Welch's subsequent suicide, Mr. Welch was at the Frontier auto salvage yard, where he works the graveyard shift as associate manager. Connie might have been quiet, but she was the sweetest, most caring girl I ever knew, said Deanna Kripke, a neighbor. She just doted on those children."
Dean raises his eyebrows.
"Hm. The bridge look familiar to you?" Dean asks.
The three of us walk along the bridge, then stop to lean on the railing and look down at the river.
"So this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean states.
"So you think Dad would have been here?" Sam asks.
"If your dad was here then he would've stopped the spirit right?" I wondered.
"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him."
"Okay, so now what?"
"Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while." Sam stops and looks at Dean.
"Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday-" Dean turns around.
"Monday. Right. The interview."
"Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some Lawyer? Marry your girl?"
"Maybe. Why not?"
"Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?" Sam steps closer, I could tell a fight was about to break out.
"No, and she's not ever going to know."
"Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are."
Dean turns around and keeps walking, Sam follows.
"Guys c'mon we got more important things to do." I state.
"Stay out of this Y/n!" Both of them say at the same time.
"Who am I really Dean?" Sam says.
"You're one of us." Sam hurries to get in front of Dean.
"No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life."
"You have a responsibility to-"
"To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back." Dean grabs Sam by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. Instantly I push Dean back, he begins to protest.
"No enough out of both of you. Focus, look if San wants out if this life then so be it. You can't change that, I may not know much about what you guys do for a living but I know damn well I wouldn't want to be hunting monsters all the time."
"What do you mean don't know much about what we do?" Sam questioned, clearly aggravated. "You brought her into this!"
"She decided this not me! I gave her the offer to walk away!"
"That wasn't her decision to make! If Y/D/N kept her out if this then you shouldn't have brought her with you!"
"She's eighteen! She can do whatever the hell she wants!"
"No Dean she's not eighteen! She's seventeen! She doesn't turn eighteen till (your birthday)." Dean looks at me, clearly surprised that I lied. However I wasn't paying attention, the spirit of Constance was standing at the edge of the bridge.
"Uh guys." The boys forget there argument and stand infront of me, like I'm something to be protected. Consance looks over at them, then steps forward off the edge. We run to the railing and look over.
"Where'd she go?" I asked.
"I don't know." Sam said, then behind us, the Impala's engine starts and its headlights come on, catching our attention.
"What the-who the fuck is driving your car!?" Dean pulls the keys out of his pocket and jingles them. The car jerks into motion, heading straight for them.
"Run!" I yell. The car is moving faster than we are, when it gets too close, the boys dive over the railing but it was to late for me.
The New Hunter Masterlist
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juncottonluvbot · 5 years
Simple joy
Hi!! This my first exo fic!! It's a little angsty but still very fluffy, enjoy :)
Kyungsoo x reader
Kyungsoo may not seem like a simple man at first, maybe being a member of one of the most famous boy groups nowadays didn't exactly help with portraying him that way, but however unlikely that someone in his position would enjoy such peaceful things as cooking, soft sweaters and even have owning a farm as a second option for career (only second to being an world-wide famous singer and actor of course) there he was.
Of course he wasn't totally different from his peers, he did enjoy to fool around with the goofs he was lucky enough to call members, it's just that sometimes, when his members would likely be gaming, still immersed on making music or any other likely agitated activity he just likes the more quiet ways to spend time.
His favourite way of passing time was for sure food, just everything about it, from the buying of the ingredients to the tasting of the meal, cooking was just such an fascinating field and as much as he knew a lot about this activity there seemed to always be more to know.
So there he was, in this little bakery not too far from the dorms, his latest little culinary adventure was centered around desserts, a topic he at first had very little interest in. Not because it wasn't as complex of a field, very much every part of cooking is both complex and fascinating to him, he just never had that much of a sweet tooth.
Now that he's in this cute little spot, one that was so close to him all this time as well, he regrets not having explored this earlier.
He regrets it even more after he sees you.
When you politely ask if he's ready to place his order, with the sweetest smile on your face, Kyungsoo knows he'll have to come here again, and again.
It definatly helped that the deserts were amazing.
So for about a month Kyungsoo found himself coming to the cutely colored place at every opportunity, always asking for a new item of the menu and trying to convince himself that he was going there because of the deserts and not the cutie behind the counter.
All tough he might have convinced himself of his pure motives, his members knew him best and soon began to catch up on his little crush.
The first member to realise was Suho, the leader had asked for a recommendation on where to order a cake and found it odd for Kyungsoo to have answered his question so fast when he had never seemed to take big interest in cakes before.
So, after Suho sharing the strange happening to the rest of the group and Baekhyun connecting the dots that the bakery must be where Kyungsoo has been spending so much of time and money lately, even further confirmed by an inspection of the place, the clear conclusion after seeing you being that Kyungsoo had a crush.
And a big one at that.
So for the next few days after the members came to such conclusions about his life, Kyungsoo hadn't been able to go back and visit you... I mean... The bakery, he hadn't been able to eat all those sweet treats (...and see your cute smiles...) as the members all been either trying to convince him to confess to you or trying to come to the place with him, both options very bad in Kyungsoos eyes.
It wasn't that he thought he wasn't enough for you, he was not afraid of rejection, it was a part of life, after all the things he had done in his life it wasn't as if he couldn't handle it, it was if you did like him back that was the issue.
Kyungsoo is an idol, a major boy group idol, an international singer and actor, dating just didn't quite match with that in his eyes.
You were not an idol, you were not famous at all, just managing a bakery, a cute little bakery, that was your job... How could he step in and ruin that for you?
Dating an idol was not simple, it just wasn't, it was complicated, difficult and bringing someone normal to that, someone who was living such a peaceful and quiet life at that, he just coudn't do it.
The way you smiled so sweetly at him, told him excitedly about the new recipies you were trying out or talked about some weird encounter you had that week, that was enough for him, it had to be, to see you sad would just break his heart.
His members of course felt saddened by his explanation, saying things like 'none of that matters if you love each other' or 'love conquers all', but nothing could convince him;
"None of you have ever had a long term relationship with someone who was not famous, have you?", was what he would say to them, shutting down all arguments and finally being able to go back to paying his peaceful little visits to you.
His members had not lost all hope though, there was no chance of getting through Kyungsoos brain, but they had not yet tried talking to you.
When you saw the three very recognisable (in spite the hats and masks) members of exo, you were surprised, after all they had not come by again after ordering a cake so you thought their opinion on your cooking must be different to your fellow regular custumer and crush Kyungsoo.
You were even more surprised when they politely asked if you could sit down and talk to them for a minute, but, seeing as the bakery was empty at the moment (also due to your curiosity), you agreed.
Now with the odd trio in front of you if was hard to guess what they might tell you, Suho, Baekhyun and Kai was not an common combination, but it came to be as it turns out Baekhyun was very invested in Kyungsoos love life, Kai was Kyungsoos self declared best friend (so he had to be there for him, of course) and Suho was just in charge of making sure nothing went wrong.
And nothing did.
After the boys began explaining the situation to you, completely glossing over the fact that Kyungsoo liked you (causing you to ask them to repeat about five minutes of conversation because of the shock), you began to comprehend the situation.
'So.. I should confess to him?'
Baekhyuns eyes lit up then already starting to get up to leave.
"Yes! See, you're so smart! I can see why Kyungsoo likes you so much. You can go get him now!"
Junmyeon also started to get up to leave, not before saying;
"Just... Hum... Explain to him you understand what you're getting in to, ok?"
"And don't back off if he rejects you at first! That's just the fear talking, he likes you, ok?"
Kai said while getting up and then pointing at some cookies in the balcony.
"Can i have eight of those? To go" , the boy added before leaving.
And so you were left with figuring out how to find the courage to confess to your wildly famous crush, simple.
Now, for a starters you decided against just 'going and getting' him, after all how would you even do that? You don't have his number or adress and you're pretty sure sm doesn't just let people in like that.
So you waited until Kyungsoo went to your shop again.
Wich took him two weeks.
He was forgiven though as soon as he walked in, with that beautiful heart smile of his, you just had to smile back.
Then came the routine, he asked what was new on the menu, you talked excidetly about the alteration you made to the red velvet cupcake recipie and he ordered one with tea.
Now you were left with just how you would approach him?
You decided to wait until he finished his meal, he always stays a little longer anyways.
But after a while of doing your chores, you heard his chair screech.
So of course you got up from your spot on the counter and half ran to him, only realizing how weird that looked like to someone who didn't knew your intentions after you saw Kyungsoos already big eyes double in size;
"Can you sit back down please? I need to talk to you about something"
You noticed his confused expression as he sat down turn in to an irritated one as he began speaking very quickly;
"They told you didn't they? Look i'm not a creep if thats whet your thinking, i don't come here just to watch you. I do watch a little cause you're very good looking and i have a bit of a crush on you but i also come here for the food, you know?"
Kyungsoo then stopped to register his first batch of words, but you interrupted him mid cooking his second one;
"I like you too"
At the first moment of your revelation his eyes filled up with surprise and joy, though that look was quickly replaced by a sad one and he beagan to speak again, this time softly;
"I... I'm glad but this... It won't work... I mean, you know i'm an idol right? I can't just date someone...It's so complicated, you'll get hurt and i...I just can't"
He started to leave the table, only stopped when you took his hand;
"Listen Kyungsoo, i know how complicated idol relationships are, ok? I'm not oblivious, i thought about this. Think, every time you come to this bakery, when we talk about recipies, things of the shop, even the weather, don't you wish for more?"
He seemed hesitant now, searching for something in your eyes, you could only hope he could see what you saw, possibility for something great.
And as he picked up a pen from his back pocket and a napkin from the table you were sure he did.
"Maybe i can cook for you? I'm not as great as you are but i'm definatly not bad either"
"I'm sure i'll enjoy anything you cook Kyungsoo"
"If you say so..."
He smiled at you for the second time today, this time with pink cheeks.
"Goodbye y/n"
"Goodbye Kyungsoo"
Then he went out the door and you were left wishing more than anything that this would work out.
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citycfangels · 7 years
TEXT: charlie ⇄  raquel
Charlie: good morning, babe. how was your night?
Raquel: Morning baby. It was good. Just wish I would have woken up next to you.
Charlie: i wish it too, but that would be too suspicious
Charlie: are you alone or is he there with you? just curious
Raquel: True or I could just make sure to still be stealthy.
Raquel: You actually think I'd go home with him after him being that drunk? No he's not with me.
Charlie: i would be worried if you did. he was really wasted last night, so i'm glad you're okay
Charlie: so, what are you doing now?
Raquel: In the words of a great disney icon I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.
Raquel: I was going to shower and then look at emails my agent sent me. What are your plans for the day?
Charlie: nice
Charlie: i wish i was in that shower with you, but we'd waste water, am i right?
Charlie: so far, i will make myself some coffee and keep reading this business book
Raquel: You could always come over and shower with me.
Raquel: YOU'RE READING A BUSINESS BOOK? How is it? Is it hard to read? Can I help?
Raquel: Have I mentioned how happy and proud of you I am lately?
Charlie: i'm tempted, i'm really tempted to go there
Charlie: why are you surprised?! not really, this one is easy to read. plus, i have internet
Charlie: you haven't, and same goes to you. you haven't given up and you're still trying, and i'm sure something will come up for you soon
Raquel: well actually now that i know you're reading and that it's no too dense you should stay home. I can always send you something when you tell me you've finished a chapter just to motivate you.
Raquel: well maybe not surprise but just excited that you are.
Raquel: Then I should definitely say it more often because I really am. I'm not supposed to give up. This is the part where me being stubborn actually comes in handy.
Charlie: oh really? because i'm almost done with this chapter, babe. it seems like i'm getting my motivation reward soon
Charlie: i'm excited about this too. it's ambitious, but i can't wait to get this going on and open a bar. my own bar.
Charlie: i know you won't, one of your best traits is the perseverance. you'll get something soon, i believe in you
Raquel: Really? Well I sure hope you actually are reading and not just skimming the pages.
Raquel: It is a little ambitious with licensing and more people needing to be involved but it's something that you can do and if you're letting me help then we can definitely do it together. I just can't wait until my man has his bar with his name on it and other people get to see just how smart you are.
Raquel: Thanks babe.
Charlie: i swear i'm actually reading them, i'm not a cheater
Charlie: true, but it's worth the damn. i'm pretty sure it'll be rewarding once it's up and ready. of course, you can help and this will be our thing, babe. i can't wait for it.
Charlie: i'm so proud of you, you know that?
Raquel: right. I know you aren't.
Raquel: I didn't know if this would be our thing or just me being the supportive woman behind you. I would be okay with either. I just don't want you to think that this isn't yours.
Raquel: I've hardly done anything yet, but I still really appreciate it. You know you're the only one in my life that actually believes in me and I don't think you know just how much that actually means to me.
Charlie: i didn't mean that, sorry
Charlie: i like both options, i would be okay with either of them. you being supportive of me on this means a lot.
Charlie: not even nathan? how is that possible?
Raquel: no, it's okay. I might as well get used to hearing it. I did cheat and there's no reason why you should censor your words.
Raquel: I'm always going to support you. No matter what. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with so supporting you is supporting us and our relationship.
Raquel: Don't do that. I mean it. You're my biggest and only supporter. Nathan probably likes the idea of having a girlfriend that's an actress more than actually supporting one. He's good for my career and he has shown me a few things about the world, but that doesn't mean he is supportive or that I feel like I can lean on him. He's a mistake.
Charlie: still, i should have used another expression. all i wanted to say is that i'm following the rules and doing an exhaustive reading of this
Charlie: i like having a supporter. i like all of that.
Charlie: still, that's something an asshole does. i can't believe he doesn't do that, although i like the idea of being your only fan and supporter. well, the first of many, i hope
Raquel: Babe you don't have to treat me with kid gloves just because you used the word cheater. I knew what you meant. I'm fine.
Raquel: well now you're stuck with one so you better get used to it.
Raquel: He's not an asshole I just think we both didn't really know what we wanted. I do now. Hopefully. i don't want to be one of those celebrities with just a few fans. I'd be like the Paris Hilton of actresses and no one wants that.
Charlie: okay
Charlie: being each other's supporters is so good, and one of the best parts is that it brings benefits
Charlie: i really hope he's not one. nah, you'll have more than a few, you deserve them and it's not the fanclub president talking right now
Raquel: Benefits you say? I just might think that's the best part. Not that that's the only reason to be supportive.
Raquel: He isn't but it doesn't matter. Eventually he'll make someone happy and what we had was good. I think it's the fan club president and the whole being my man thing that is talking but that doesn't take away from any of it.
Charlie: not the only reason but it's a very attractive one, yes. like i'm the only one who gets to fuck you, or the one who gets to get nudes from you, for example
Charlie: yeah, you're right. it doesn't matter. well, no matter who's talking, i'm proud of you and you deserve success
Raquel: Is that a hint? You're the only one i want to fuck me.
Raquel: http://68.media.tumblr.com/dcc484e9f8edbc6b5f841327d881d116/tumblr_inline_o54tpvLQQw1tph66c_500.jpg
Raquel: Keep reading.
Raquel: My success means noting if you're not successful with me.
Charlie: damn
Charlie: yes ma'am, i've just started another chapter
Charlie: you'd be successful anyways but that's a nice thought you have
Raquel: you're welcome.
Raquel: good boy. You could always be rewarded with a lot more than pics.
Raquel: Babe if I want a life with you. A future I don't want us both to be happy and successful. If not his is going to get hard. I don't want to wake up one day and realize that I've lost you because we've outgrown each other. I want us to grow together and build a life together. I said before that I didn't see a future for us and now I just want a future. That's all I want for us.
Charlie: oh yes? what do you have in mind for me, babe?
Charlie: i don't want that either. i'd feel empty if we parted ways after all this time, i don't know. i can't imagine a future where you're not in it, even if i ended up opening this.
Raquel: I could always come to you. You can show me everything you learned and jot figures on my clit with your tongue.
Raquel: I think that's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me. I can't picture anything without you so there isn't ever going to be an empty feeling.
Charlie: as long as you sit on my face, babe. i feel like having you ride my face today, i don't know why
Charlie: besides, you could totally blow me and help me with this boner i have from seeing your pic. i'm almost naked already
Charlie: i don't know when i started to say romantic shit but that's the truth. i'm glad you see it that way.
Raquel: can this be an every day mood because I think I could be okay with that.
Raquel: I plan on taking care of that. Good to know I can still turn you on.
Raquel: Hey, I like the romantic stuff. At least I'm not the only one being Nacho around here.
Charlie: you're not the only one who'd be okay about that, so
Charlie: good girl. it seems like i'm going from just wearing underwear and reading with a cup of coffee to completely naked as soon as you get here
Charlie: hey, i'm not cheesy. i'm hot and badass, with an special emphasis on hot
Raquel: so I can get my throne every day
Raquel: you just described the best day ever. And deprived me of seeing you read without a shirt so you're definitely going to have to pay for that one.
Raquel: so are you saying you can't be all of the above?
Charlie: you can sit in your throne whenever you want, babe
Charlie: oh really? what are you going to do to me?
Charlie: well, i feel most identified with 'hot' and 'badass' than with 'cheesy'
Raquel: well you can't say whenever because then I'll never want you to stop going down on me.
Raquel: I'm planning on kissing you from head to toe. Kissing the tip of your cock before blowing you so hard that you're going to want to cum inside my mouth. But before you can, I'm going to lay you down and ride you until I cum all over your cock.
Raquel: you can be all three and add in sexy and intelligent.
Charlie: oh, don't stop on my account. you know i love having your pussy on my face
Charlie: is that your idea of a punishment? because i can get behind that. as long as you let me cum too
Charlie: can we say you're the cheesy one and i'm the badass in this?
Raquel: and i love fucking your tongue almost as much as I love fucking your cock.
Raquel: sure is. I didn't mention letting you cum...
Raquel: I can be the badass. I'm totally a badass with a great ass.
Charlie: wasn't that the whole point of this? i read, i get informed of how a business works, you reward me for that
Charlie: we can be badass together, but you're the cheesy one on this
Raquel: Or I led you to believe that that's what the whole point of this was. It could have just been punishment all along for reading while I wasn't there to watch.
Raquel: I still don't accept it completely but I guess if we're together that's all that matters. And I'm aware that that was cheesy. Still doesn't prove your point.
Charlie: you're meaner than you let everyone think, babe. then there's no point on eating you out, unless i can make it up for it somehow
Charlie: true, it doesn't matter who's what in this. let's leave it at, well, we are hot and awesome. and very sexy.
Raquel: I'm absolutely evil, but you just said something about always wanting to go down on me so you can't take that back. You're locked in.
Raquel: I can agree to that one. Now let your sexy and hot girlfriend try to drive.
Charlie: i didn't know you could be that evil, babe. mmm, is there anything else i can do so you can let me cum
Charlie: good, my hot and sexy girlfriend can drive and she better arrive soon
Raquel: I can be even more evil. That was me being nice. I don't know. How about you try to give me some ideas.
Raquel: Your girlfriend will be there soon.
Charlie: nah, i really want to get laid, so no, no ideas for you
Charlie: be here soon, i finished a second chapter today and i want my reward
Raquel: well the ideas could actually help with you getting laid. Don't act like you don't have any.
Charlie: well, come up with any and tell me. or better, show me.
Raquel: hmmm you could always try fucking my ass seeing if that can make you cum. Bending me over and fucking me, or maybe even just putting me face down on your bed and having me take every bit of you. If not you can just try things and see what will make you feel better. I guess i can let you cum so long as you cum inside me.
Charlie: i miss fucking your ass
Charlie: don't get that shower babe, because a fuckfest is happening as soon as you get here. i hope you don't have anything to do later
Raquel: well you should have said it and it would have happened a lot sooner.
Raquel: guess I'll just have to shower with you later. Nope I have no errands and Nathan is on a boys trip out of town for the next three days and when he gets back we'll be over so it doesn't even mater.
Charlie: it seems like we're going to have three days to make up for the little time we had yesterday. except when we have to work, but three days are three days.
Charlie: we can do plenty of things in three days
Raquel: oh so you just want to monopolize my three days?
Raquel: I never said I was going to give you all three days. You'd probably break me before then.
Charlie: well, at least two of them.
Charlie: nah, i'm kidding
Charlie: i wasn't just talking about having sex like rabbits, but that's tempting
Raquel: I can deal with all three I was kidding. I'll be yours every day any day.
Raquel: as tempting as it is I think even we have to take a break sometimes. Speaking of breaks just know that you'll be doing all of the food breaks and going out to get us food.
Charlie: good, because we're having so much fun at my place. or yours, wherever you want
Charlie: why does it have to me be all the time, babe? can't we just take turns or something?
Raquel: i always like your place more than mine. I don't know why. It just feels more like home than mine does.
Raquel: Im going to pull the non feminist card and say that the man is supposed to do the "hunting" even if it is just going to go get our food.
Charlie: cheesy but nice. we both know you like my bed so much
Charlie: but think about this: you can go get food and find me reading and naked in bed, which is exactly what you missed earlier
Raquel: it's not just your bed but sure that is part of it.
Raquel: I thought about it and the whole point is to not miss any part of the reading not just come back to it so hard pass.
Charlie: unless we order food, i'll have to get up and cook something or go get take out food, so i wouldn't be reading then
Raquel: you going out to get our take out can be counted as your mental break. See I thought that one through.
Charlie: fuck, you really did
Charlie: well, i guess i'm in charge of the food, but what are you going to do for me instead?
Raquel: obviously I'm in charge of the mind blowing sex, back massages, random conversations and making you happy. Besides every time you go out you get to come back home to me which I think is always a bonus
Charlie: sounds like i'm in charge of the food, good sex and giving you sexy views then. sounds like a deal
Raquel: well good because that's the only deal you're getting 😜
Charlie: we'll see about that. now get your hot ass here so i can fuck you already
Raquel: Patience. It's a virtue you clearly don't have.
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