#but her friend seems confused cause idrk her
the-kneesbees · 1 year
i moved my seat in math today and the assistant teacher asked me if there was a reason I did it (uh yeah maybe that fact that they compare dick sizes every other class, talk about wanting to fuck someone who I'm pretty sure is my cousin (they don't say a last name) and yk the blatant homophobia/transphobia. it's bad. also they're just mean.) and I said no 😭
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sunnybyler · 2 months
what descendants 4 would have been if i was given free reign
okay so idek if there’s a descendants community on here but i just have to get my ideas out SOMEWHERE bc the wonderland stuff had so much potential but disney just went such a bizarre direction with d4. like what even was that time travel plot. this was partly inspired by dylanisintrouble’s incorrect assumption in his reaction vid that it would be abt a group of wonderland kids bc that’s exactly what should have happened!! let me elaborate
fun fact this was written while i was getting torn to shreds on tiktok for my descendants song rankings but ANYWAYS
i’m keeping it realistic to what disney could have done, as in no cameos of the og cast that isn’t already in the movie. ofc in a perfect world we’d get more with those characters, but after cameron’s passing i’m respecting their wishes to not be in more descendants movies without him.
things i’m keeping the same:
the cast is p much the same except characters i have to cut since i’m scrapping the time travel aspect. cinderella and charming were basically the best parts of that movie to me bc i love their original cinderella so yeah we are ABSOLUTELY keeping that. and the cast is v talented they just got an ass script not their fault
red & chloe are still two of the main characters but i’m adding a third too (we’ll get there) and they’re basically unchanged personality/backstory wise
the whole beginning up through red’s song is basically unchanged. uma’s still in charge and invites wonderland kids to auradon prep, except in this case it’s more than just the one
the queen of hearts/cinderella backstory is somewhat the same; they were friends in school and then there was a prank that caused the queen of hearts to become the tyrant we now know. we get this knowledge through further exposition in love ain’t it
okay and that’s literally it LMAOO let’s get into the characters now
the main three
so as i mentioned two of the main characters are still red and chloe basically unchanged from d4. so the third mc is, and i feel genius for this…. bridget!! but an oc version, not as the young queen of hearts. hear me out. pretty much everyone seems to agree young bridget was such a fun character and loves her, myself included, so i had to find a way to make her an mc. in my plot, she’s red’s sister! either twin sister or irish twins idrk either works, but i will be calling them the twins in this post. she’d realistically have a different name but in order to not cause confusion i’m going to keep calling her bridget in this post. she has the same personality and appearance as the movie, except she also has a bit of blind loyalty towards her mom, unlike red. she’s a sweetheart and hates the idea of hurting people, but she’ll do basically anything outside of that for her mother. she also has such an intense need to be liked that she’ll sometimes do things against her morals or ignore red flags — as seen with her mom. she and red do love each other but there’s still a lot of disconnect in their relationship because of their different dynamics with the queen of hearts and how different they are.
the other wonderland kids
so just like the og descendants movie, i would have it be four kids. obviously the two girls would be the twins, and then i would also add the mad hatter’s son and alice’s son. i would keep the mad hatter’s son kinda similar to the one we see in the movie, except he’s red’s age and more eccentric. i’m keeping his name maddox as well but we’d have to recast since the actor is a bit too old. he and red are still good friends and he tries to have her back and keep her out of danger like in the movie. unlike in the movie though maddox is a lot more fun and unique. he’s still more grounded than his father, but he was boring af in the movie for the mad hatter’s kid so he’d be more vibrant in my version. he’s the comic relief. i named alice’s son alex and he’s kind of what you’d expect — very curious and eccentric but still kind and smart. ppl get annoyed with him because he’s always asking loads of questions. he’s close with bridget.
the side characters
okay so admittedly this is probably where i put in the least thought lmao i don’t really have parentage/names for anyone here. but i want there to be a relevant vk kid who’s kind to the wonderland squad just to remind fans that the vks are still here and not all bad. but they would befriend maddox and alex in particular and it could be a fun little c plot. and then on the flip side the “villain” character is actually the kid of hero characters. it’d have to be someone more unpopular of course, maybe like a side character or something. but this character pretends to be friends with the wonderland kids, specifically bridget, but is only doing it to make fun of them with her friends. but these characters would expand on the original movies concept that you aren’t your parents yk.
the parents
i wouldn’t really change the parents much if at all! the casting is great but they’d be seen a little bit less in their adult forms & we wouldn’t see their young self at all. as for the mad hatter and alice, idk if we’d even see them but if we do it’s a very brief cameo like in the first descendants.
okay actual plot time!! lmao
so like i said the first part of the movie up to red’s song is basically going to be unchanged. uma decides to invite the wonderland kids to auradon prep, specifically selecting the twins, maddox, and alex to be the first four to be invited. the first song is unchanged it’s still red. maddox still ends up saving red’s ass but the scene is more comedic relief than anything with maddox’s changed character. we then get a bridget introduction with a brief interlude of life is sweeter (the full song would be later in the movie but i don’t want too many full songs clumped at once) that shows the differences between the two sisters. we would then cut to auradon to meet chloe, and that sequence is basically the same too.
the queen of hearts enters in the next scene, announcing the invitations to the twins. we also get a similar scene as in the actual movie of the queen trying to get red to decide on a punishment for the guard and refusing to kill him. she then tries the same with bridget, who also wants to save the man’s life, but tries to appease her mother by kind of talking in circles about why him being alive is somehow worse punishment. she begs her mom to let her to something else to make her happy but she doesn’t want to hurt someone. this is clearly a recurring pattern with the twins and their mom. the queen is disappointed in both girls and expresses this, but it clearly bothers bridget more outwardly than red.
we’d then cut into the love ain’t it song just for exposition purposes. in this version it would be a cut between the queen warning the twins about auradon and cinderella explaining some of the wonderland lore to chloe after getting news of the wonderland kids attending auradon. so they’re not at the school yet, meaning chloe hasn’t met red or anything. lyric changes would be necessary but the purpose is the same. the song establishes that the queen and cinderella used to be best friends as two outcasts at the school, but at a school dance a cruel prank got pulled on the queen, causing her to drop out and leave to wonderland. the queen didn’t used to be some sweet innocent like we saw in the movie, but she was less jaded according to cinderella.
the scene then cuts to a new day when the queen of hearts has decided to let the twins attend auradon. they have to leave right away. she’s come up with a grand plan on using her girls as spies to get information on auardon so she can plan a takeover. she doesn’t follow them to the school or try to take over immediately bc in what world would one person be able to solo an entire school of powerful magic users. i get she’s unhinged but no. bridget is immediately willing, relieved to have a task from her mother that doesn’t result in her having to directly hurt someone, while red clearly is uncomfortable with the idea but doesn’t say anything to her mom. the queen leaves to go fetch maddox and alex to allow them to attend auradon as well to cover for the twins. the idea is that while bridget and red are snooping around, maddox and alex will be actually innocent to cover it up. but the queen insists they can’t know of the plan. red and bridget have an argument about spying, red saying they shouldn’t enable her but bridget arguing that the queen is their mom. it’s clear bridget is kind of in denial that she’d still be contributing harm even if she’s not being directly violent. it establishes that bridget is a genuinely good person in most ways but is way too loyal to her mother and makes excuses she shouldn’t for her.
the twins fight gets interrupted by them having to leave to auradon so it’s left unresolved. the four wonderland kids go to auradon alone, like in the first descendants movie. they have a similarly awkward meeting with the other students, but instead of being seen as evil/scary, the students seem to think they’re bizarre. alex is asking 101 questions without taking a breath, maddox is trying to make jokes/observations but is just sounding kind of out of his mind, and bridget is so overexcited it makes people uneasy. red originally seems like the most normal, so chloe approaches her trying to befriend her. red shoots that down immediately, and the girls have an instant distaste for each other. instead of people being scared of the wonderland kids, people just think they’re weird/outcasts.
there’s scenes that establish that bridget is giving the queen of hearts actual helpful information to help a potential takeover — including very useful information about the museum when they take a class trip there. red, on the other hand, is instead giving her mother vague/partially true information with some flat out lies sprinkled in. she doesn’t want to cause her mother to flip out again, but she doesn’t want to help her either. with her experience rebelling against her mom, she’s able to not get caught in her actions. red and bridget argue about the spying throughout the movie.
despite their awkward first meeting, red and chloe keep getting paired up for things and continue to get on each other’s nerves. chloe also begins to get suspicious that red is planning something with her mother after hearing stories from cinderella. there’s probably a song here about their arguing. chloe thinks bridget is sweet and doesn’t suspect her, but continues to question red’s motives which is beyond infuriating for her since bridget’s the one actually spying. but she can’t say that and expose her sister because despite their disagreements they still have love for each other. perfect start for a rivals to frenemies to lovers arc if you ask me 👀 if we’re being real disney would tell me to go fuck myself with that but i said it’s MYYY descendants 4 so there is a lot of clear romantic tension here. small moments like red getting distracted mid insult by how pretty chloe looks that day or chloe complimenting red’s outfit without thinking. just little things to establish attraction but they still dislike each other on principle.
unlike red, the other wonderland kids are starting to find some friends at auradon despite seeming so odd on first meeting. red and bridget are naturally suspicious at first that people’s motives aren’t genuine after their mother’s story. bridget is actually the one that caved first though, as she is desperate for real friends and wants to fit in. maddox and alex bond with one of the vk’s who is also a bit of an outcast and that’s a c plot of the movie but i don’t have many concrete ideas for them since i’m focusing on the 3 girls mostly. but just know that’s happening! lol. eventually bridget gets paired up with a character well call “the bully” for a class assignment (as chloe and red are somehow paired up — again). bridget goes out of her way to be nice to this girl but isn’t getting anything in return. at the end of the class, there’s a scene of the bully talking with one of her friends and complaining about bridget. the friend suggests that the bully pretend to be bridget’s friend since it’s funny to make fun of her. the bully ends up inviting bridget to eat lunch with her friend group, and they pretend to like her just to laugh at her. bridget doesn’t pick up on this though. red tries to warn bridget against them, but bridget thinks she’s just being paranoid/jealous and ignores her. she has such a deep need to be liked that she ignores the red flags. this is also when bridget starts to question following her mother’s orders, but doesn’t tell red.
red is starting to feel like an outcast even among the wonderland kids with the others making friends. there’s a scene where maddox forgets about plans they had because his was with his new vk friend and they have a little spat over it. they end up making up within a few scenes though and maddox encourages red to try hanging out with him, alex, and their new friend. despite this she refuses to cave and let other people into her circle. oddly enough the person she probably talks to the most during this time is chloe.
the bully ends up learning about the prank that was pulled on the queen of hearts by overhearing the fairy godmother talking about it with another teacher. the other teacher is questioning putting on castlecoming out of concern it will be seen as an act of aggression to her daughters. but the fairy godmother insists on it continuing. the bully ends up devising a plan to make bridget castlecoming queen (or maybe a different title since there’s an actual queen lol but same idea) and turn her into a gross beast in front of everyone. it’s the same prank that happened to bridget’s mom.
as bridget believes she’s making genuine friends, she starts to consider how her actions will actually affect them. shes been feeling guilty the whole time but there’s a ballad here where it all comes to a head and she admits that even if she’s not the one swinging the sword, by spying she’s still putting the sword in her mother’s hands. she stops spying for her mom and starts ignoring her letters. she doesn’t have experience rebelling like red, so she doesn’t think to do what her sister does to avoid suspicion. it’s a moment of character growth. bridget tells red that she’s stopped spying, and red expresses how proud she is and they make up.
so in this movie, we actually get to SEE castlecoming bc why the fuck wouldn’t we!!!! we see all the characters in their outfits getting excited — even red is a bit giddy due to maddox joking with her and hyping her up. in the bathroom at the dance, chloe overhears the bully talking about her plan to prank bridget just like her mom was pranked all those years ago. she tries to warn bridget, but she runs into red instead. she tells red what she heard and the girls reluctantly team up to stop the prank. red gets maddox’s help too, but alex is with bridget all night and they aren’t able to tell him either. they keep either losing bridget in the crowd or being blocked by the bully’s friends. at one point red gets up to her sister and tries to pull her away to talk. bridget wants to go with her sister, but has to leave before red can explain everything because she got called up on stage as part of castlecoming court. red tries to run after her but gets blocked by the bully’s friends. she gets into an altercation with them, but maddox jumps in and the two of them together manage to win.
everything comes to a head when bridget is on stage being crowned castlecoming queen. the sad part is most people voted for her in earnest because she’s a sweet girl, but they ended up leading to her being humiliated on accident. red and chloe both corner the bully who has a spell book. maddox is trying to keep the bully’s friends distracted. unfortunately, chloe and red are just a second too late and the bully casts the spell before they can intervene. the bully then drops the book and manages to escape before anyone else sees it was them since everyone is watching the prank play out. it’s a carrie type moment but without all the murder obviously lmao. more just like vibes idk if that makes sense. as people are looking around to see who did it, someone locates the spell book right by red and chloe’s feet. as the fairy godmother hastily tries to undo the spell, someone yells out that it was chloe and red that did it. the girls start to panic and accuse the bully, but it’s too late because the evidence points to them. the bully of course jumps on this and goes to console bridget while declaring how evil red must be to betray her sister like this, and how hypocritical chloe is by pretending to be so high and mighty. maddox tries to defend them but it’s no use. in her anguish, bridget believes the bully. the movie ends with everyone in chaos and the sisters truly divided.
maybe there’d be a scene of the queen of hearts crashing castlecoming and seeing what went down but idk i kind of want the prank to be the climax of the movie yk. her shenanigans would come at a different time
in my head i also have the sequel for this written out LMAOO. that movie it would be about red and chloe trying to clear their names and catch the bully, while also trying to figure out how to stop bridget from helping her mother attack auradon (bc bridget would def align with her mom again after what happened). not that anyone is gonna read this mess of a post but i might write up the sequel anyways bc this was sooo much fun lmao
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astro-naut9 · 3 months
I know nothing about your OCs, so consider this a request for any infodumps about any characters you feel like talking about.
Educate me about your lil' guys.
OH BROOOTHHERRRR OK SO !!! PREPARE TO READ VERY CONFUSING STUFF !! and trigger warnings for mentions of self-sabotaging and anything related to it.
this is Francis Wry !!
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They're 16 and they use he/she/they pronouns! Their identity is loosely based off of me but so are my other characters tbh. ANYWAY!! He's a very chaotic person but also very caring towards his friends (alex)! They love destruction and they also love peace, which makes his morals questionable. Francis will do anything for his wants, as long as it doesn't affect his friends at all. He will go through lengths for it (will include self sacrifices and world destruction). BUT!! overall, he's not too complicated to understand. jsut that friends > others
ANYWAY !! story time
Francis, was legally named Vanessa, was born in a poor family of three (including him). She spent her time ltierally working for her family. anyway, no, she did not live with peace when she was with her family. BUT, she did find a friend, Neil, when they were both 7 years old and then they grew up together cuz their family is friends with each other and they have the same hobbies. (unfortunately i dont have pics of them tgt) however, this did not cure francis' depression (she didnt know she had it), so yeah !! anyway, long story short she unalived herself by jumping off a building BUT GUESS WHAT !!!! SHE DIED, BUT SHE GOT REVIVED !! TO ANOTHER WOOOORRLLLDDD !!!
with that process, lets go to the revival thingy first.
in order for people to be revived, alien scientists grab their wandering souls in their planet and bring them outside the universe (to the multiverse) where a rogue sun and planet travel. The souls are then magically revived by a god who the alien scientists had held hostage (the god does not mind the reviving too much, however, he wishes for them to treat him kinder). ANYWAY, the aliens then take dna from the deceased bodies and put it in a cloning machine.
no, the scientists does not care who they revive. it is for the sake of experiment.
so, that implies Francis was taken as an experiment :3
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niszen is the scientist in charge of him. they have some sort of sibling bond as the scientists are tasked to act very kind to the subjects as a manipulation tactic, so their relationship is either genuine or just a hoax. Anyway, you could tell what francis went thru with the experiments as it had always been painful and exhausting. then one day he couldnt take it anymore and js went batshit crazy. with the mix of other dnas mixed in his blood, his strength and abilities were a bit crazy. with that, francis escaped from his cell and went to the fuel room. he grabbed jugs of gasoline and poured it eevrywhere he went. the aliens had a room filled with stuffs that are alien to them which was where he found the match box. this then led to him burning down the laboratory, causing it to explode yada yada. (there are details i didnt include because it will take this very long)
then he proceeded to live in the wild. since the planet, Astrylis, was made for the preference of different species, the woods was js like the woods from the Earth. anyway, he lived there for like 2 weeks until a grandma saw him and then helped him with ways and stuff. then he was exposed to the outside world after 4 months of in denial.
then he met uhh Alex!!
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alex was 14 when they were 13 !! then they uh became best friends for 4 years (present time, which is 6036). anyway, i actually have no more to add unless im asked about specific things auuughgh but
anyways here are some of the uhh arts w them :33
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i have more ocs but,, idrk,, i cant seem to describe some stuff without the questions beign specific for some reason??? but hey i hope i did give u a little about my guy here !!
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1horrormoviewhore1 · 2 years
Ya know what fuck it I don't believe Eddie is dead because literally every other character besides Dustin and his uncle are sad that he's gone Lucas isn't sad(which is understandable cause his ex girlfriend or girlfriend (idrk at this point I'm confused as fuck) is in a coma in the hospital) Mike isn't sad like no one else is sad but Dustin and his uncle as I've said before like you would think that if the person you've been helping for the whole season dies you would be sad because you have some type of connection to them like I really do believe he's dead like I whole heartedly believe he's living in another town or hiding somewhere until the murder charges or whatever fall through cause with him believed to be dead by Hawkins and the killings to continue then the people of Hawkins have to believe he's innocent cause I mean come on the kids of hellfire couldn't pull off those types of killing with el and only Mike,Lucas,and Dustin know of el and are friends with her so like everyone would have to believe he's innocent so in turn wouldn't go after him any more which moves into my next point so as all said before he has to be hiding somewhere to get away from cops or whatever sooooooo in turn what if Dustin was able to get him out of the upside down and to someone that wouldn't snitch on them to give Eddie medical attention so he wouldn't die and then Dustin and Eddie's other hellfire friends helped him to somewhere where he could hide till everything blows over and he's healed so he's going to show up in season 5 anddd that Dustin had to tell/lie to Eddie's uncle that he's dead and give him Eddie's guitar pick necklace as like proof or whatever so yeah that why I believe sir Eddie munson isn't dead
Also can we talk about how when the whole gates connecting together in Hawkins how Eddie's uncle mug collection got completely ko'd cause I'm sorry but it really bugged me that nobody's talking about that I know that seems pretty dumb but like his mugs bro like you have to imagine how long it took him to get all those mugs also he doesn't have a fucking house anymore like mister man's is homeless now with a (supposedly) dead nephew like dude can catch a break first a cheerleader is found dead in his house second an upside down gate opens up where said cheerleader was killed third his house and mug collection gets destroyed and fourth he gets told by a kid with amazing hair and a lowkey fire outfit that his nephew is dead and given the guitar pick necklace that Eddie always wore that has his blood on it like dude can't catch a break bro shits going wrong left and right for him
And my last point of the night is
If the duffer brother's don't bring Eddie back I'm drinking bleach
K thank you for coming to my ted talk goodnight I love you don't let the demobats bite💕☠️🦇🦇
(Too soon yeah sorry goodnight)
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
they see you wearing a men’s sized sweater and think you’re cheating on them | 3
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characters: kyoutani + nishinoya + (gn!reader)
requests: psst heyyy r u planning to make another part of "they see u wearing a mens sized sweater n think ur cheating on them"🧐🧐 cause im looking forward to seeing a part with makki n/or noya *lipbite* (also yes, this a request hehe) • by anonymous + kyoutani in "you wearing a mens sweater and they think youre cheating on them" (forgot the exact title but yeah, that) sounds pretty sexy to me if you were wondering 😅😅 • by anonymous
warnings: a bit of angst 
notes: i don’t write for makki cause idrk him so i just did noya for that request!
part one | part two | part three | part four
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you’d decided to wear the oversized sweater you’d bought literal months ago to go to kyoutani’s house 
you hadn’t worn it yet and since you were just going to chill at his place you thought it was the perfect time to wear it
when you finally got to his house, he opened the door, a small smile on his face
you looked up at him with a soft smile
but his quickly dropped when he took notice of what you were wearing
his gaze hardened and his jaw clenched and he was about to slam the door in your face but stopped himself
he swallowed harshly and you were about to ask what was wrong when he looked at you with meanest glare he’d ever given you. “the fuck is that?” his voice was sharp, lacking the softness it usually had for you.
you blinked up at him confused and that only seemed to piss him off further. 
“who is it?” 
you looked behind you and back to the fuming boy in front of you. “who is what, taro? what’s wrong?” you stepped forward to put a hand on his chest, something that always calmed him down, but he stepped back and you dropped your hand immediately, hurt. 
he stood there silently for a while and just stared at you. he honestly felt a piece of himself break inside, he didn’t know if he wanted to cry, scream or punch something. he just knew that he was hurt and angry.
he wanted to slam the door in your face and go sulk in his room if he was being honest, but he at least wanted to know who he had to beat up (he wasn’t sure if he was actually going to, but just in case he felt like it). 
he crossed his arms and huffed out a breath. “who’s sweater is that? who the fuck stole you from me?”
you paused and felt your shoulders drop in realization. “baby this is my sweater.” you could see his bursting emotions coming to a halt as his arms dropped to his sides in shock. “i bought it a while ago, i just haven’t worn it till now.”
his mouth dropped but no words came out, he didn’t even know what to say. he’d just acted like the biggest idiot, he’d been so rude to you, the only person he’d ever cared for this much. “i...fuck––” he buried his face in his hands and you could see him take a shaky breath, most likely trying to stop the tears from forming. 
you stepped forward, a sad smile on your face, knowing he’d never let this go––he was always too hard on himself. you felt him gasp as you gently wrapped your fingers around his arms and brought them back down to his sides. “taro...” you tilted your head up at him and placed your hands on his cheeks. “you know i’d never hurt you, right?” he bit his lip and nodded sheepishly. “i’m yours, okay? i’m not going anywhere.” 
he blinked back his tears and wrapped his arms around tight, burying his face in the crook of your neck, “i’m sorry...” 
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you were hanging out with noya, kiyoko and tanaka today like a sort of double date but it was moreso just a casual hang out with friends
and you’d recently bought a new sweater a few days ago so you decided to put it on
you were meeting up with everyone in the park for a picnic and you saw kiyoko along the way so you ended up arriving with her while the boys were setting up
when you got there noya greeted you with a big smile and a kiss but when saw what you were wearing, his smile faltered a bit
you didn’t notice cause you were saying hi to tanaka and helping set up the rest of the food and everything
noya didn’t want to make a big scene or anything so he pretended he wasn’t upset while you guys talked and ate, his arm around your shoulder as you leaned into his side
it wasn’t until kiyoko and tanaka went to play volleyball with the ball he’d brought that he decided to say something
you were eating a slice of watermelon when noya spoke up. his voice was soft but you could tell something was bothering him. 
“baby what the heck?”
you paused and blinked, confused, before bringing the watermelon to his lips, thinking he wanted some, but he shook his head.
“no...” he kept his arm around you, almost like he didn’t want to let you go but brought his free hand to tug at your sweater. “what is this?” his eyes were wide and looked a bit glassy.
you put the watermelon down and wiped your hands before placing a hand on his cheek. “a sweater, why?” 
his hand came up to hold yours against his cheek and his voice got smaller, almost as if he didn’t want to know the answer. “who’s sweater is it?”
you tilted your head. “it’s mine baby.”
you nodded. “of course it is.”
he seemed a bit relieved but his shoulders drooped and his pout only seemed grow. “why didn’t you show it to me?” he nuzzled into your palm. “you always show me your new clothes...”
you breathed out a laugh, “i’m sorry bub, i forgot about this one when i sent you those videos a few days ago.” 
he gave you a small smile, “ah, it’s okay i guess.” 
“well what do you think?” you sat up straight and posed playfully, making his smile widen.
“you look amazing as always, can’t believe i get to call you mine.” 
you smiled, flustered. “really?” 
he nodded and pulled you close to brush his lips against yours before kissing you gently. “really.” 
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
so idrk this is a little snippet for the maxiel divorce i guess cause i couldn‘t get it out my head and my break at work was long, so a lil smth about charles going with max, dan, lando and the pups to an amusment park and it‘s sorta the beginning of things? anyway sry i just need to write it down jgkdn
Charles watches with a soft smile as Max lifts his little daughter up and then down, and how she giggles loudly in her momma‘s arms, the bright eyes she got from Max sparkling all the way over to where Charles is standing a bit further away to give Max and Dan and their pups a bit of space. He thinks that the poor kids must probably be confused by all of these changes and new people in their life.
When Max asked Charles to come with him today, he didn‘t think of it as a good idea, but throughout the afternoon he could see why Max so desperately wanted him to be there — Dan and Lando were practically attached by the hips, constantly touching in some way, sharing an ice-cream and already a few inside jokes. Which is fine, really, they aren’t over the top but clearly fresh in love, and Charles can imagine how awful it must feel for Max to see Daniel so happy after their divorce. Hell, Charles himself feels like he is intruding something just by watching them from the sidelines, more or less. So he has been trailing along all day, unsure of what it is that he is really supposed to do but hey, he gets to spend time with Max which is always a win for him, even if it is a bit weird. George would tell him that Charles‘s choices are very poor but luckily, Charles doesn’t have any intentions of telling his friend about that.
Alright, who is he kidding — he will probably end up telling George all about this anyway.
He suddenly realizes that Lando has stood himself next to him, and judging by the expectant look in the smaller omega’s eyes, he must‘ve asked Charles something.
Charles blinks, still distracted by Max‘s familiar laugh in the back. „What?“ he asks hurriedly. „Sorry, I was just—“
„Busy staring at Max?“ Lando interrupts him with a grin, eyebrows raised. „Yeah, i noticed.“
Charles ducks his head and chuckles sheepishly, hoping that he can write off the red on his cheeks from the sun that‘s been out all day. Lando‘s a bit of a brat, Charles has noticed, which isn’t really anything he‘d be into, but Daniel apparently very much is. Charles prefers Max‘s quick-wittedness over the snarky remarks, but then again Charles prefers anything Max does over other omegas.
Lando‘s cat-like grin fades out into more of a smile while he’s leaning himself against the wall next to Charles. „I said that I‘m glad Max has you.“
Those words surprise Charles so much that he finally rips his stare away from Max completely. He was probably starting to be creepy anyway. „What?“ he asks again.
Lando shrugs his shoulder‘s a bit, kicking at a pebble with his foot. He seems more serious now, compared to how energetic and sarcastic he has been the whole afternoon. „Dan worries about him, you know? That he isn‘t taking this thing with us very well and, like, locks himself away the whole day or something. They text a lot—which i don‘t have a problem with! But yeah, Dan worries. And Max didn‘t even want to come to our last few meet-ups with the kids — but he looks happier with you, today. So, you know, I‘m happy for him too.“
For a moment, Charles is too perplexed to say anything. He knew that Daniel still worries about Max, Max himself had told Charles about that but out of omega‘s mouth it was more something along the lines of he thinks i need a fucking babysitter, but Charles did get the message. He remembers how Daniel looked at him today after they climbed out of one of the rides they took — it was just some water slide that was friendly for kids, and Max laughed when the water hit him square in the face after a fast slide downwards, and clung to Charles‘ arm like it would have saved him from the cold sprays. It was the first time Charles heard him laugh so wholeheartedly ever since the whole divorce situation, and judging Daniel‘s reaction, he noticed it too. Charles got a quick smile and nod from the older alpha when he helped Max climb out of the round boat afterwards—and Charles knows he probably shouldn’t have, but he felt a flare of pride at that swelling up in his chest.
Lando rips him from his thoughts once again.
„I was hoping we could be friends, like all of us. I don‘t want to keep Max from his pups or from Dan, i don‘t mind that.“ Lando sounds sad, looking up to Charles with somewhat hopeful eyes. „Does Max hate me? Has he said anything? Because I‘ve been trying to talk to him and be nice and all but I don‘t know—I don‘t think he likes me being around.“
„No!“ Charles blurts out too quickly. „I mean— I don‘t think Max hates you. This is just…hard? Max is really sweet. Just, uhm, give him time?“
Lando‘s smile is hesitant, looking unsure of himself for the first time and Charles thinks that maybe he should mention this to Max— who is walking up to them in that very moment, with Daniel and the kids trailing behind.
Charles quickly digs the small spoon into his cup of ice-cream to take a bite and seem less suspicious, though he isn‘t really sure of what, but the sun has melted the ice-cream completely making it more a liquid than anything—and promptly, the cream runs down the spoon and drops onto Charles‘ shirt.
He curses, trying to wipe it off with his finger. Max snorts at that, having reached them and, yeah, Charles really has a habit of making himself look stupid in front of Max.
„Lovely, Leclerc, on a white shirt too,“ Max says drily but he smiles at Charles, fishing himself a napkin and stepping closer in front of the Alpha, starting to dab at the mess of ice-cream on Charles‘ chest. Charles goes still. He hopes it’s not as noticeable as he thinks it is when he sucks in a breath of Max‘s scent, warm and rich and familiar, yet Charles always feels like he smells it for the first time each time again.
When he looks over Max‘s shoulder, he sees Daniel looking at him again, a small smile on the older alpha‘s lips. When he notices Charles looking back at him, he makes a very obvious I‘m watching you motion with his eyes and fingers.
Max doesn‘t notice any of it as he steps back, throwing the now dirty napkin away. He smoothes his hand across Charles‘s chest over to his shoulder, leaving a warmth in the Alpha‘s heart.
„Here you go, needs to be washed but eh, should be gone after.“ Max says, blue eyes squinted into a smile that Charles returns instantly. He gently brushes a hand over Max‘s rosy cheek before he can stop himself, before he can think of the fact that he is only here to act as a support to Max—and not to act on the feelings he has been having for Max since he met him and always felt guilty about when Max and Dan were still together. It would be unfair of Charles to act on them now. Max deserves a friend he can lean on, not an Alpha trying to chase after him.
Max and Dan still being close and just want what's best for their kiddos🥺 but pllss Max being so insecure even if he wants to be happy for Dan and Lando! And nnggg himbo bestie Charles just being so in love but wanting to help Max instead of pushing his own agenda BABY! I love how clumsy he is but h3 makes Max smiles and qaahh Dan being a bit stern to him ksksks
I love this so much and I love this little mismatched family!! Thank you🥺🥺🥺
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kiridarling · 3 years
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thank you so much to @daisy-bakugo for letting me participate in her vice city collab! i had a blast writing this piece, and i’m terribly sorry this is so long that was a mistake (and congrats on 2k!!) also, the phattest of thank you’s to @eijishimas for brainstorming/beta-ing :) you saved me ☺🤲🏼
katsuki bakugou and eijirou kirishima | f!reader, time travel sex, guns, prostitute/stripper idrk!reader, tw!blood (non-descriptive), dacryphilia, squirting, spit roasting, d-penn, shower sex, multiple rounds. minors dni!
— 5k words (yikes)
"Say, Sweetheart. You wanna get outta here?"
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Las Vegas, Nevada. April 15th, Year 3036.
"You ready?"
Mina shoots you a look through the golden-lit mirror, wiggling her eyebrows. You roll your eyes and finish dusting the powder off your cheeks before rising to your feet and tugging at the belt of your silk robe. "My answer's the same every night."
Vice City. A strip club and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, where opposites collide—the poor and the rich, the beautiful and the ugly, the smart and the stupid. There's no judgment because here, they're all degenerates looking for a good time, and you're just a pretty face with a good body.
As your silk robe hits the floor, it's kicked to the side with a heel, and you saunter through the beaded entrance to your private room and into the vibrating club. Giving your bodyguard a solid pat on the shoulder as you watch the sea of bodies shake, you complete the ritual.
"No creeps?" You demand more than request. He nods curtly.
"No creeps."
You give him a cute little smile and let your hand linger for a little longer than necessary before stepping into the neon red chaos of the strip club. Because what do the rich and the poor have in common?
They're all addicts.
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Surprisingly, humanity doesn’t kill the planet.
Mother Nature's still standing strong—though the sun is a bit swollen—and space exploration solved that overpopulation issue. Bill Gates taught us all how to avoid a climate disaster and Tesla put Ford out of business. Humanity is much bigger than earth now; we're no longer people of the planet, but an intergalactic species that still eat Costco pizza rolls for dinner but killed Cable along with cars with wheels. Costco still exists—Starbucks doesn't.
Still no aliens, though.
"See something you like, Cutie?"
In your defense, he's been standing over here with his friends for ages—almost like they're casing the damn place—but those ruby red eyes kept floating your way regardless, and you'd rather bag it with someone your age before you're requested by another seventy-year-old. The redhead blinks like he's shocked you came over here in the first place—like he didn't watch you sashay yourself to the other side of the club just for him. You suppose the name fits. Cutie.
He looks at you with a strangely giddy look on his face before he's licking his lips and swallowing, eyes flickering to the blondie to his right.
"I'll be back in like, twenty minutes, man."
The blond gives him an exasperated look and groans—his other two friends don't notice. "Eiji—"
"Twenty minutes!" The redhead yells over the music as you not-so-subtly pull him away. Your regular GILF looks your way, and you suppress the queasy feeling in knowing that at least you'll be able to fuck someone from your decade.
"You got a wallet, Cutie?" You purr as you two approach the back room. The redhead winks, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out the fattest black leather wallet you've seen in a long time.
"Don't go anywhere without it," he says, but falters when your bodyguard holds his hand out with a request for fifty bucks. "I—whoa dude, why am I paying you?"
"Because that's how it goes. The young lady gets her share," your bodyguard clarifies. The redhead looks at you for what seems to be for confirmation. You nod.
"Alright," he resigns with a shrug, stuffing a fifty into your bodyguard's sweaty hand. The man grunts but clears some of the beads guarding the entrance to your private room anyways, giving you two enough space to go inside.
"No door? That seems a little...exposing," the redhead snorts to himself before he's holding his hand out, despite the fact that you’re already nestling comfortably in his lap. "Eijirou, by the way."
You take his hand apprehensively, and he snorts at your confused frown. Eijirou's big—painfully so, and you feel small sat upon his thick thighs because you are in comparison—and he has to curve his back a bit so you're at eye-level. "What? No one's introduced themselves to you before?"
You shake your head, "Usually they just throw me onto the bed and get right to it."
Eijirou rolls his eyes at that, and you don't realize he's guiding your hips into a smooth roll until the harsh fabric of his jeans brushes against you in the best way. He moves you in time with the music vibrating the walls, "I guess that makes me more of a gentleman, then."
His lips hover over yours and yet he never advances, doesn't move to kiss you on the lips, nothing—it nearly has you buzzing. So does the hand he pins you to his lap with. "Are you going to kiss me or what?"
"What's your name, Sweetheart," he asks lowly. You give it to him, and he grins.
"Y/N,” Eijirou tries on his lips before he confirms it with a nod. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Aren't you the flatterer," you purr, coiling your arms around your neck. His hand finds your ass and you're almost positive he's going to close the gap between you two until he says:
"Who were you runnin' from, Y/N?”
Years in the business help build a mask and you wear yours well, with that cute little smile as you cock your head to the side and ask, "I'm afraid I'm not following."
"Oh, I think you are," he says, looking you dead in the eyes. The gravity in his face doesn't falter. "Who was it."
As he stares into your soul, your own eyes avert to the sheets. "What's it to you?"
"It's nothing to me, really," he shrugs off his jacket and places it on the bed next to him before returning to his initial position—or perhaps, closer. "But I happen to find you real cute, and cute things deserve to feel safe, no?"
"In case you haven't checked, this isn't a very safe place," you scoff, removing your arms from his neck to cross them over your chest. "And I don't appreciate idiots like you trying to save someone like me just 'cause you wanna get your dick wet more than once."
Eijirou raises an eyebrow but he never stalls, "Oh? This happens often then?"
"I—" you falter, "...No."
"C'mon, Sweetheart," Eijirou tugs you by the waist and you have to press your hands to his chest to keep him from falling forwards. "You don't wanna stay in this place, do you?"
"It's my job," you defend with a huff. The redhead shrugs.
"Sure, but don't you want a little adventure? A little excitement in your life?"
"Like there isn't enough excitement right here?" You snort. Eijirou teeters his head back and forth, though the daring look never fades.
"But something tells me you're bored," he says with a near sarcastic face, clicking his tongue. "Something tells me you find the idea of something new exciting."
You open your mouth to respond but he keeps you from doing so, finally pressing his lips to yours. You nearly squeal in surprise but somehow, you find yourself kissing back with a passion you've never kissed another client with before—and maybe, just maybe, the idea of something new doesn't sound too bad.
Eijirou pulls away with a cocky grin like he knew you'd like it. Like he knew that'd be the catalyst for your response to what he says next, and maybe, he's not as much of an idiot as you thought.
And maybe you’re more of an idiot than you thought.
"Say, Sweetheart. You wanna get outta here?"
"Yes," you breathe, like an idiot, because you were wholly and utterly unprepared for what happens next.
Eijirou gives you the cutest smile, before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a gun.
He sees your expression change and lifts both hands, pointing the black pistol towards the ceiling, "I—hey wait, you're gonna be fine, okay? I won't shoot you."
You cower and he pouts. Apparently, this wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.
"I swear! I'm mentally stable, see?" He flips it sideways with a grin, "the safety's on."
You hate it that his comment makes you trust him. Slightly.
"C'mon," Eijirou smiles, reaching his gunless hand out for you to take. You do, albeit reluctantly. "I won't do anything too stupid. Just...shake things up a bit."
Shake things up a bit, Eijirou says, and yet the first thing he does is when you two exit the room is press the pistol to your bodyguard’s head.
"Eijirou," you hiss. Luckily no one in the club has noticed, yet, but you doubt their ignorance will last for long.
"I'm gonna need my fifty back, buddy," Eijirou pats the man on the back, and it's strange—you've always thought your bodyguard to be a big guy, but he looks rather petite next to the redhead. Your bodyguard reaches for his walkie-talkie, but Eijirou tuts, tapping his hand away with the tip of his gun.
"Hey dude, I'm not gonna shoot you. See? The safety's on," He repeats, flashing the barrel. Your bodyguard's eyes widen, and so do yours.
The safety isn't on.
"So, that fifty," Eijirou purrs, and your bodyguard stuffs the bill into his chest with a grumble. Eijirou hums, satisfied, and gives the crumpled bill to you without a second glance, too busy nodding to his friend on the other side of the strip club. A noirette from across the way nods back.
It's fucking chaos, as anyone would expect when blindly firing into a crowded club. Eijirou keeps a tight hold on your hand as he and his other three boys storm towards the pit bosses working the casinos with guns a-blazing, demanding they fill their pillowcases like a bunch of C-class thugs.
What the fuck did you get yourself into.
"This is not what I meant by excitement," you hiss through grit teeth as a terrified pit boss fills Eijirou's bag like he's a greedy kid with an attitude on Halloween, while your co-workers cower under the bar and pool tables. Eijirou sticks his tongue your way.
"This isn't the exciting part, Little Miss Excitement."
It's the steady sound of sirens that has your eyes widening, and the fact that you're positive they're getting louder. You catch sight of your bodyguard on his walkie-talkie, big body cowering behind the smallest trashcan, and turn back just in time to see Eijirou squint as he aims and shoots bullseye.
"That is."
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The police have lost sight of two vehicles carrying the four armed men who robbed Vice City Casino and Club tonight at roughly 2:53 am. Witnesses say they came in a group of four but left with an exotic dancer named—
The moment the blondie from the club sees you walk through the door, he’s tossing the stack of bills in his hand with a sigh.
"Katsuki, Y/N. Y/N, Katsuki."
Katsuki looks nothing but happy, and refuses to acknowledge your presence as he crosses his arms.
"Ei. What the hell did we say about witnesses."
"Um," the redhead rubs his lips together before wearily looking at you, and you hike his jacket further up your shoulder. At least he was decent enough to give you that. She's an exception?"
"Not a fuckin' thing," the blond grunts, turning to you to flash a tight smile. "Goodbye."
"I—wait," Eijirou skates until he's stood over the ash-blond, with a hand on his shoulder and the other braced against the table. Speaking in a quieter voice, he says, "C'mon man. The poor thing was practically begging to get outta there."
The ash-blond does nothing but sigh before shoving a palm into a pile of money to push himself into the kitchen—and subsequently further away from you.
"She's gonna call the cops," Katsuki grunts wearily from the island, eyes narrowed. Eijirou follows.
"She's not gonna call the cops, dude," the redhead scoffs at the outlandish idea. "You heard the radio! At this point, she's as deep in it as we are."
As they continue to go back and forth over the island, you let your eyes wander. It’s a penthouse, and rather homely, with near egg yolk lighting, high walls, and big windows. You can't help but think about how you're in a strangely expensive part of the city before remembering this evening's events. No wonder they can afford such a nice place.
You find yourself smiling at a particular corner with a frustrating amount of photos stuffed on a little glass table, one that contains a selfie of the two housemates in high school uniforms. There's a ring sat in front of it, one that glints gold when you hold it up to your face, and if you squint you can see little flecks of green in the red of the ruby. It looks scarily close to an engagement ring.
"Hey, what's this?"
Both of their eyes rocket from the conversation to see you slip the delicate thing onto your ring finger.
"Don't touch it!" Eijirou tenses before realizing it's much too late for that. "Er—at least don't twist the top."
"The...top?" You ask, lifting your hand until it's at eye level.
"Yeah like, the jewel thingy," the redhead gestures to the ruby—and you can't stop thinking about how it's almost the same color as his hair. Waddling into the kitchen with your eye still trained on the thing, you ask:
"What is it?"
"A time-travel device," the ash-blond grunts. Eyes still full of suspicion, he watches you and the redhead interact over the island with arms crossed over his chest and reclining against the sink. You frown.
"Aren't those usually...bigger?" Because even though it's 3036, time-travel is still fairly new (space exploration took a long time, okay) and all the machines you've seen are at least the size of a shower. And yet, this one can sit on your pinky.
"Kats has been working on some stuff," Eijirou beams and it edges on proud; you notice the ash-blond near blushes with a huff as you hop to sit on the marble counter.
"'S nothin'."
You stare at the thing in faint amazement, and Katsuki kicks off the sink to near the island. Lifting an eyebrow, you say, "You know you could get rich off something like this? Instead of robbing strip clubs for a living.”
The ash-blond scoffs, and you wonder if someone else has told him that before. "If I gave that to the public, I have no fuckin' clue what they'd do with that shit."
And you shrug, supposing he's right—time-travel devices are hard to get your hands on, and that's for a reason. If everyone starts jumping around in the time-space continuum, fucking with shit, the world will promptly and utterly collapse. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
"It doesn't work with a big time range," Katsuki defends with a shrug, sliding his forearms on the counter. "The most it can do is a few hours"
"Not that it makes this any less cool," Eijirou says with a slight bounce. "I personally think it's really fun to play with."
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "That's 'cause you use it to fuck."
You nearly choke.
"W-Well, okay," Eijirou chuckles sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "But also other stuff! Like when I'm really hungry, I might go to the future and take some of my fries. Future me's fries, that is."
"Or you'll try to take future-me’s goddamn burger," Katsuki growls. You flip the ring over like there's anything left to see.
"How often do you use it?"
"Nightly," Katsuki answers for him. Your eyebrows lift. Oh wow.
"It—it's not nightly," Eijirou defends weakly, huffing and puffing. "Weekly maybe, but—"
"Almost every night," Katsuki sums for him, giving you a little grin. You snort back before your eyes drop to the ring again.
"Uh oh," the redhead almost gasps, fingers thrumming on the island on either side of your being, "She's thinkin' about it."
"I'm not thinking about it," you huff, though your eyes never leave the ring. It's an...interesting prospect.
"Oh, you're totally thinking about it," Katsuki grunts, and you struggle to find where his enthusiasm came from. What happened to goodbye?
"C'mon," Eijirou tempts with a casual toss of the head. He touches your shoulder—Katsuki touches the other. "See what happens."
"What if—" you stare at the ring with pursed lips, fingers grabbing the ruby. "What if it's random? Or if we're not where we expect to be in a few hours or something."
Eijirou shrugs. "It's always a gamble, but that's where the fun is, no?"
You look down at the thing with a sigh. You suppose.
In one quick move, you twist the gem and screw your eyes shut. At first, you feel nothing, but then there's a sudden head rush, and you can easily see how someone can get addicted to this.
You hear a faint sound, one that could be excused as a rush of wind past your ears, before you feel your knees against a hard surface and your body in a different position.
"Oh, I like this much better."
You open to your eyes to a much different sight than you closed them to.
Katsuki and Eijirou look gargantuan when you’re on your knees, your back flush against the refrigerator and eyes watering due to the cock nestled halfway down your throat. You choke in surprise from the sensation, hands rushing to keep Katsuki from cutting your oxygen supply off for good as Eijirou stands impatient, cock hard in his hand and drooling for attention.
"F-Fuck," the ash-blond wheezes, seemingly just as taken aback from the position as you are. "Your mouth is fuckin' heaven."
"C'mon Sweetheart, don't ignore me now," EIjirou purrs, chuckling as the head of his cock hits your cheek with a wet slap. "At least give me a little something."
You grab his cock harder than you would've out of slight indignance, grinning around the other when it makes him hiss; Eijirou joins Katsuki in resting a hand on the fridge door for purchase.
You weren't the best at Vice City for nothing, after all.
"Shit, loosen that grip a little, will ya?" Eijirou wheezes—you don't listen, and his chest shudders when you seem to only move faster.
"'M too fuckin' close, where's that ring," Katsuki blabbers more than he grunts, and you lift your hand just in time for him to twist the jewel again, sending you three rocketing into the past.
You cough and splutter atop the kitchen island, chest heaving as you finally get the air Katsuki's cock allows. The head rush definitely doesn't help, and you find yourself getting dizzy enough to grab for someone's hand.
"Breathe, Princess," Katsuki says, and Eijirou lifts your hand to his chest so yours can rise and fall with his.
"So that's," you wheeze once you're able to get some semblance of a breath back. "That's time travel sex, huh?"
"Yeah," Eijirou says, a little breathless himself. "Addictive, right?"
"A little," you giggle, and find yourself looking for the ring again. Katsuki snorts.
"What, you wanna go back or somethin'?"
You flush red, eyes darting to the walls guilty, "A little bi—wah!"
There's a rush and the room morphs again. You would’ve fallen headfirst into a set of white sheets if it weren’t for the fact that you’re sat on Eijirou’s face.
"Hello beautiful~" the redhead singsongs from below, and you can't help but notice your bra is MIA as Katsuki takes a seat behind
you to run his hands up your sides to put the underside of your breasts.
"Pervert," you snort, though you figure you’re just as bad as he is with two of Eijirou's fingers deep in your pussy and Katsuki's hand on your clit. The redhead's leaving hickey after hickey on your inner thighs and you just try your damnest to not fall.
"Only for you," Eijirou winks cheekily, scissoring his fingers, and your hips stutter against his face when he slides his tongue in between.
"Fuckin' love the sounds you make," Katsuki grunts, before his other hand finds your neck and tightens. "And fuck you're so goddamn wet—you love this, don't you?"
You keen with a nod (and suppress the urge to say no shit, Sherlock), and Katsuki's pinching your clit between his two fingers, licking a fat stripe up your neck and chuckling when you shiver.
"What, your clients don't make you feel this good, Sweetheart?" Eijirou practically moans into your cunt, eyebrows folding when you thread your fingers through his hair and yank. "Bet that fifty was worth it, wasn't it?"
"Y-Yeah I—" you whimper, unable to get a sentence past your shuddering chest. "Guys, I'm gonna—"
The bedroom melts back into the kitchen, you're back in Eijirou’s jacket and not sat on his face. Your thighs and neck are hickey-less and yet, you're still so fucking horny.
"I hate you," you seethe, almost immediately, and Eijirou's grin is so wide it bends his eyes.
"Awe, you love me," he giggles and your frown only deepens as you reach for the ring—Katsuki snatches it out of arms way with a tut.
"Ah ah Princess, don't be greedy now," he purrs, but you couldn't give a shit about being greedy, and it shows in the way you quickly grab for it again. Katsuki passes the ring to Eijirou and it easily becomes a game of monkey in the middle.
"Give it—"
"I don't think so, Sweetheart," Eijirou says, pressing a big hand to your face to keep you from going any further. With a smirk, the redhead twists the ring, and suddenly you're full of him on the kitchen counter.
"Fuck baby, you're so tight," he curses behind grit teeth, sweat practically dripping off his shoulders in rivulets as he pushes your face into the kitchen island so hard it's numb. So are your knees. "You're so pretty like this—shit—"
You barely have the room to whimper, let alone answer, and you find Katsuki perched on the opposite counter, weeping cock in hand. The redhead chuckles as you struggle to take all of him, hips squirming as he aims for places you've never been able to hit on your own. "I'd stick your tongue back in your mouth if I were you, Sweetheart. The money’s a little dirty, don't you think?"
And that's when you realize your knees are elevated upon two stacks of green, possibly some of what Katsuki had been counting earlier, and a twenty swims in a pool of drool under your cheek.
"Oh, but I don't think you care," Eijirou grunts, shoving your face deeper into the marble countertop as his hips speed up. "Dirty fuckin' girl. Bet you'd do anything for a fifty."
"I wanna fuck her," Katsuki rushes as if his mouth moves before he can speak. Eijirou wheezes a laugh.
"What, I can't enjoy this?"
"No,” the ash-blond grunts.
"Hmm..." Eijirou debates, though his hips never stop as he gives Katsuki a look and goes, "How about no?"
Katsuki growls at that, and you find your fingers clumsily twisting the ruby on the ring that sits on Eijirou's finger, sending the three of you flinging further into the future.
"This isn't the future I was referring to, but I'm not complainin'," Katsuki grunts with a feral grin. You nearly slip due to all the water in the shower and you're positive that you see the sunrise through the window paint Eijirou's skin gold.
"I gotcha, Sweetheart," Eijirou soothes, rubbing a hand up and down your arms while your nails dig into his shoulders, the red lines jagged from how roughly Katsuki fucks you from behind. "Fuck—you're doing so good for us, taking him so well."
You whimper and Katsuki lands a heavy slap on your ass—heavy to the point where you nearly knocks both you and the redhead into the tile behind him. Eijirou's calloused hands find your clit fairly easily, and that's enough to almost send you over the edge, pussy fluttering around Katsuki's cock.
"She's gonna cum," Katsuki grunts. "Can fuckin' feel it."
"Uh oh," the redhead singsongs, turning to you with a grin. "Were you trying to be slick, Sweetheart?”
Though it's difficult, you lift your head, eyes swimming in unshed tears as you choke, "I—n-no, it's jus—"
You're in the bedroom again—this time your back comes in contact with a dresser, metal rattling from the weight Eijirou slams you into it with. The redhead supports you both with two feet planted into the floor and a hand around your waist, grunting into your ear with an exhaustion that implies you've got to be at this for hours.
"I know, Sweetheart," the redhead coos breathlessly, licking up the sweat that runs down your neck. "Just a few more times, okay? Hold on for just a little longer."
You sob, head thunking against the wall as you realize you have no idea where Katsuki is. Though it's only a fleeting thought because before you know it, Eijirou's dropping you to your feet, bending you in half, and railing you into the wall.
"Goddamn," he grunts, sharp teeth digging into his bottom lip, "this is—this is the best lay I've had in a fat second."
You pant a laugh, hands pressing into the wall to steady yourself, "Good—good to know the fifty bucks was worth it."
"Oh baby, it was more than worth it," Eijirou hikes your leg up as high as it'll go for a deeper angle and he gets it, his growl melting into a semi-chuckle as you squeal, thighs jumping.
"Fuck Ei!" You scream, and he's tugging your hair to straighten your back out.
"You like it rough, Sweetheart?" He pants into your ear, grabbing your neck for a better grip. You nod as much as you can.
"Y-Yeah—I—" Eijirou drops you until you're stood at a perfect 90-degree angle, "I need—need'ta cum, p-please—"
"Twist the ring, Sweetheart," He pants, resting his hand on the wall next to yours. It still glints gold on his fourth finger in the moonlight, "Get us there together, yeah?"
You don't have to be told twice.
Your knees dig into a mattress again as Katsuki fills your mouth. With his cock down your throat and Eijirou's buried deep in your cunt, there isn't much you can do but take both of them at the same time—though you're positive that's what they intended.
"Shit, me too." Eijirou wheezes a chuckle as his hips piston into you, his sweaty chest sticking to your back while he reaches between your thighs to rub your clit. That’s enough to send you flailing over the edge, moan muffled by Katsuki’s slowly softening cock. Then, with a devilish grin (and before the redhead can cum) Katsuki reaches for the ring on Eijirou’s finger and twists it.
“You asshole,” Eijirou groans, and suddenly you three are back in the shower, with Katsuki’s hips battering into yours as the redhead supports your weight from below. Katsuki chuckles before his grip tightens and he’s filling you with another load.
“C’mon Princess,” Katsuki grunts, reaching for your clit. “Come for us again.”
You choke again before you’re digging your head into Eijirou’s muscled chest with a moan, shaking from the aftershocks Katsuki continues to fuck you through them.
Until the room morphs, and you’re face down on the kitchen counter.
“Fucking finally,” Eijirou wheezes with a bitter chuckle, casually flipping Katsuki the middle finger as he's sat on the opposing counter. “Fuck, you're shaking baby, you gonna cum with me? Yeah?“
Eijirou batters into your cervix and that's the catalyst for your third orgasm. You squeeze so tight you think you may have knocked the wind out of the redhead when his chest crashes into your back, and you open your eyes just in time to see the kitchen melt into the bedroom again—in a time you all have yet to visit.
Your legs are thrown over Katsuki’s shoulders as he pushes your back deeper into Eijirou’s chest, both of their cocks filling you so much and so well it brings tears to your eyes. As your thighs quiver with an impending orgasm, Katsuki’s the first to fall off the edge, eyebrows furrowing as his nails dig into the meat of your thighs.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, voice fucked hoarse and lips bit pink. Eijirou nibbles into your shoulder with a gasp as his sweaty hand finds your clit again, neither of their hips ever stopping.
“Cum for us one more time, Sweetheart,” he pants into your neck before adding another hickey to the collection. Your chest shudders.
“I—I can’t—“
“Oh yes you fuckin’ can,” Katsuki growls, and you squeal as he tweaks a nipple. “I know you got one more in there. Give it.”
Your legs kick against his chest with a curse as you orgasm for the final time—this one much wetter than the last.
“Holy shit,” Eijirou nearly laughs, looking at where the three of you are connected. “Did you just squirt?”
“I—“ your face blends red when you see the absolute and utter mess that sits in Katsuki’s lap, before looking away with a determination to never see it again. “...Maybe.”
“Clean up?” Eijirou asks, eyes flickering to the ash-blond. Katsuki shrugs.
A rush of wind and you’re sat on the kitchen counter. Eijirou’s jacket protects you from getting goosebumps due to a drop in temperature and though you do shiver, you find your body much more unscathed than it was.
“Hi,” Eijirou chuckles a little breathlessly.
“Hi,” you giggle back, a little nervous but in the best way. “So um...we do all of that tonight?”
“I guess so,” the redhead says a bit cheekily, raising an eyebrow. And then, with a wink, “Probably more.”
You stare at the ring on his hand in awe. Whoa.
"I fuck—fine, we can keep her, Shitty Hair," Katsuki grumbles from his spot near the kitchen sink, and despite the sour look on his face, you can't find a hint of it in his voice. Figures.
"Told you he'd say yes," Eijirou beams with a thumbs up.
"Can we...go do that stuff now?" You ask, albeit a bit hesitantly because...well, usually people are asking to have sex with you. Is this how they feel?
"Of course we can, Sweetheart," the redhead beams, before taking the ring off to place it onto the counter. "It was all a part of the future, after all."
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roseyserpents · 5 years
Touched Hearts
Day Three
Summary: by the time you were seventeen almost all of your friends had found their soulmate except you. Losing hope, your friend convinces you to give it three more days to try and find them
Warnings: unwanted touching (idrk how to describe it) self doubt
Word count: 1,574
A/N: the third and final part of Touched Hearts! Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy!
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"You should spend more time with Sweet Pea." Cheryl says after you'd walked towards her and Toni in the student lounge, plopping down on the chair next to them.
"You guys are still aren't over this, huh?" You sigh, knowing you should tell them you were basically ghosting the raven haired Serpent.
"There's no one else that makes sense." Toni says. "You two have the same shape."
"It's not like a heart is a super uncommon mark." You say as an excuse.
"Y/n." Toni says, dragging out the last letter. "You wanted us to help, but you're not listening to us."
"I didn't want you guys to help." You say. "Anyway, maybe I'll find my soulmate at the party tonight." You refer to Cheryl's party, her quirking a brow and moving hair out of her face.
"Fine. If you're not going to accept it's Sweet Pea - which it is, we're going to find some random guy for you to atleast temporarily date until you get your head screwed on right." Toni says. You ignore the mentions of Sweet Pea and nod with a smile that said you were thankful she wasn't pushing the Sweet Pea theory. You also ignore the emotions that ran through you including the flutter in your heart whenever she said his name, desperately trying to convince the universe your soulmate wasn't the person you hated the most.
"Hey Y/n." Sweet Pea says, sliding into the seat next to you as you opening your spiral for chemistry.
"Sweet Pea." You respond without glancing up. You feel his demeanor change at the indifference in your voice.
"So I was thinking-" he starts before you cut him off, dropping your pencil and looking up.
"Look I just want to pretend nothing happened, okay? Nothing between us is different. We're not friends, hardly acquaintances. The only connection we have is the Serpents."
You see hurt in his eyes as his once relaxed expression turns hard and harsh. You excuse yourself to the bathroom, leaving Sweet Pea confused and angry and everything in between, having no understanding as to your sudden outburst. A few people whisper around him but a harsh glare turns them quiet as he tries to understand where he could've gone wrong in his approach.
You arrived at the party with Betty and Toni after getting ready at Betty's house, your makeup and outfit picked out by the two girls. Cheryl's party was already packed by the time you got there, the walls vibrating with the sound of the music blasting from inside.
"Ready to find your soulmate?" Betty asks, nudging your shoulder with a grin.
"Not you too." You sigh, shaking your head and walk towards the open front door. It was ten thirty seven, leaving one hour and twenty three minutes until the end of the third day, the end of your hope on the other person holding the heart identical to yours.
You spent the first hour of the party trying to loosen up by having a few drinks and heading to the dance floor, for once relaxed for the first time in a few days. A boy with dirty blond hair you recognized as one of the basketball players approached you and tried to dance with you, holding a harsh grip on your hips and his lips ghosting over your neck. You try to work your way out of his grip but ultimately fail, ending with your hands pushing against his chest.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks in a low voice, a smirk on his face as he looked down at you. If you weren't on two cans of beer you probably would've been able to get away and landed a punch that wiped that look off his face, but you didn't have enough control of your arms to do any of that.
"I'm not your baby." You say, still struggling in his arms while looking around for someone you know to help you.
"But you can be." He says, leaning down again and trying to press a kiss to your lips, but you stop him with your hand. "Playing hard to get, huh?" He asks, his grip on you getting harder causing a small whimper to come from you as you feel bruises form under his fingertips.
"Get off of me." You say, pushing hard on him.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because if you don't this is gonna get real ugly." Sweet Pea says, approaching the scene from behind you. The boy lets go of you leading to Sweet Pea pushing you behind him and taking your place in the face of the basketball player.
"This doesn't concern you." The blond says, pushing his chest against Sweet Peas.
"I think it does." He hisses before pulling back his fist and punching the boy in the side of his face sending him stumbling back into the gathering crowd that was watching the encounter. "Show's over!" Sweet Pea yells, causing the drunk teenagers to scramble away and back to their previous activities.
"Thanks." You mumble, rubbing your arm and looking at your feet.
"Don't mention it." He replies. "I think we need to talk, though."
You reluctantly nod and follow him through the crowd until your in a quiet corner in the dining room, moonlight streaming in through the windows covered in vines. It's silent for a moment between you two as Pea tries to put together what he wants to say, awkwardly leaning against the table. You glanced at a clock on the wall and see its hands pointing at eleven fifty six. Four minutes.
"Toni asked me a few things today." Sweet pea starts, your attention turning back to him signalling him to continue even though you knew what he was going to say. "Like how much time we've been spending together and my shape and things like that."
"Yeah she's been asking me that too." You say in an unconvincing tone.
"You know, last night I felt something I've never felt before. I don't really know what it was, but I know I didn't want it to stop. It was like-"
"Everything was okay." You finish the sentence.
"Yeah. But when you left, that was gone. And I don't think that I understood why until this morning. And when I tried to talk to you and you just shut me out and made me think you still hated me, that hurt more than I know it should have if we were just friends."
You'd pressed your lips into a line when he went quiet, closing your eyes when his hand bumped into yours before gently taking it in his own. He's your friend. He's your friend, not your soulmate. You didn't want to believe it. You know you're not the right person for anyone, no matter what the universe says. You're too damaged for anyone to consider you good.
"I can't." You whisper, shaking your head and refusing to open your eyes. "Not with you."
"Why?" He asks gently, his free hand moving hair away from your face. You had to hold yours back from reaching out for him, the urge seeming unbearable.
"You don't... You don't want me. You can find somebody else, someone who's better."
"Y/n, if this is what we both think it is, we are literally made for each other." He says.
"How do you know that? How do you know if your mark has changed?" You question.
"Let's check then."
You both let go of each other, a small feeling of disappointment filling the space left where his hand was. You lift your shirt and look down, still seeing a black outline of a heart.
"See?" You say in a small voice. You look up and see the same exact shape on Sweet Peas upper chest still with no colour. He doesn't say anything, only reaches out for your hand which you reluctantly give to him. He pulls your hand up to his chest, your index finger gently pressed against the heart. You feel his heartbeat beneath your fingers as you watch the heart fill in with a pinkish red colour, your heart fluttering at the sight of it. Sweet Peas free hand goes down to your waist where your symbol was, the same colour appearing as his hand goes over it. You can't resist the gentle smile that spreads across your face, looking up and seeing an even wider one on his own. It feels as if a piece of you that was missing was now there, making you feel complete with him. His free hand reaches up and cups your cheek, holding your gaze for a few beats, your eyes filled with admiration and amazement with slight fear, before he brings his face to yours. The feeling you'd both explained moments before where everything felt okay and right seems more extreme now that your lips were against his, warmth spreading through you from head to toe. You melt into his touch, hearing the clock ring out twelve beats telling you day three was up. You encased the moment in your memories, Sweet Peas touch, the newly coloured hearts on your bodies that both of you still had a hand on, the moonlight bathing the moment, and your soulmate holding you against him on the first day of your new chapter in a life with the person who held the other half to your heart.
Taglist: @cookies186 @alexa-playafricabytoto @madaboutlili @batfam16 @jmb959 @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @wayward-river @dempseyislife @cvvlxx-deactivated
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ghostburs-blue · 4 years
Lost and Found
Part Five
By the time they all got to the tower, it was 2:30 and the adrenaline had worn off Aiden. She was dead tired and wanted to sleep for the next month. However, she forced herself to stay awake long enough to go with Tony to the medbay. Tony woke Bruce up to check and make sure Peter was okay. Bruce had given them the green light.
He said that Peter should be waking up soon and his body was just in shock. He wasn’t in a coma, and should be awake in the next 2 hours.
So, Aiden didn’t let herself sleep until Peter woke up. She kept slapping herself to make sure she didn’t doze off, or would put earbuds in and play really loud rock music (i LoVe LeD ZePpElIn!).
It was around 5 in the morning when Peter started to stir. Aiden immediately looked up and ran to his side. Peter opened his eyes groggily and focused on her face.
“Aiden?” he whispers. “What am I doing here?”
Silent tears stream down Aiden’s face as she leaned forward to kiss his forehead and smile at him. “You’re at the Avengers Tower, Petey. Do you remember what happened?” She asked. Aiden pressed a button next to the medical bed that would alert Tony and Bruce that Peter was awake.
“All I remember is coming to you and thinking that you hated me.” At this, Aiden starts to cry harder but still stays quiet. “And then you said something about staying with you but I couldn’t, and now I’m here.” Peter momentarily forgot about the gash in his side and gestured around wildly before wincing and putting his arm down. Aiden immediately pulled down his blanket to reveal his bare chest, but she could care less as she checked to make sure he didn’t rip the stitches. Peter, on the other hand, felt extremely exposed.
“Well, after that, I finished cleaning you up. I didn’t know what to do, so I called Tony and he brought us here. I’m just glad that you’re awake, Petey.” She says the last part in a whisper. Still facing Peter, Aiden straightened up and announced, “Are you guys going to say something, or are you going to keep standing there, staring at us like weirdos?”
Peter looked up, confused about how she knew people were there. Aiden simply crossed her arms and spun around to face them. However, Aiden had underestimated who was there. She had just thought it was Tony and Bruce who came to check up on them. Oh how wrong she was.
The entire Avengers team stood in front of her, Tony and Bruce at the front with the rest fanning out behind them.
Tony turns around and looks at them, spreading his arms with a what did I tell you? look on his face. Natasha’s eyebrows were raised with surprise (but Aiden swore she saw pride in them too), while Steve looked downright shocked.
Bruce was the first one to walk over, ignoring Aiden’s comment as he checked Peter’s vitals and his injury.
“He’s good guys, don’t worry. Just make sure you don’t train until I give you a go, okay? Aiden spent a long time on those stitches and we don’t need you messing them up.” He directed the last 2 sentences to Peter while the other gasped in shock.
The loudest voice was Steve’s, however. “SHE STITCHED HIM UP?!” He practically screeched. It wasn’t out of hate, however, just pure surprise and shock that a 16-year-old had done such a job. Tony laughed and nodded.
“I seemed to have forgotten to mention that she was the one who he came to because he trusted her with his life, she was the one who cleaned him up, she was the one who did his very professional stitches, and, oh yeah, she is the one who’s literally a trained fighter?!” Tony exclaimed. Even Peter looked surprised.
Wanda and Natasha both walked up and extended their hands in greeting. “Hi Aiden, it’s nice to meet you. It’s wonderful to have another female around here to balance out all the unbearable testosterone!” Natasha shouted the last few words out to the rest of the group behind them, while Aiden and Wanda doubled over in laughter. Natasha turned to the side. “Anyways, let’s introduce everybody. I’m Natasha, please just call me Nat. This is Wanda, Steve, Bucky (call him James to make him mad), Sam, Tony and Bruce you’ve already met, Thor’s actually here for once, Pepper, Happy, Vision, Clint, and Scott! Peter Quill, Gamora, Rocket, Drax, Mantis, and Groot pop around from time to time as well. Oh and F.R.I.D.A.Y. is the A.I. around here. Just call ‘Friday’ if you need anything.” Natasha points to each of them as she calls out names, then waves her arm around to indicate the A.I. F.R.I.D.A.Y says hello, then goes quiet again.
Tony steps forward and claps his hands together. “Well, that was rather heartwarming, but we have to get back to business here.” Walking over to next to Peter’s bed, he picked up the now bloody and torn suit. “I’m going to revise this to make it untearable, okay? And we’re all going to leave you two,” he pointed to Aiden and Peter knowingly, “some time to talk shit out. A lot just went down in the past few hours and you guys need to make sure you’re on the same page.” With that, everyone filed out of the room, leaving Peter and Aiden alone.
Peter smiled at Aiden sheepishly. “I’m really sorry for barging in again.” Then, he frowns. “I can see you wanting to fall asleep every five seconds you know? I’m not blind,” he stated. Unfortunately for Aiden, she was in the middle of a yawn.
“I’m sorry what? What are you talking about? Who, me? What’s being tired? What’s sleep? Never heard of her before!” She rambled, proving Peter’s point of how drop-dead tired she was. “Okay fine. I’m tired. But before I go, we seriously need to talk.” She took a deep breath and before letting him say anything, Aiden continued. “It wasn’t fair of me to just block you out like that. I- I have a bunch of trust issues from my past that keeps stopping me from doing things. As you also know, I have depression, which honestly is a horrible combination. So, as you can probably guess, it’s not the easiest to become friends with me. But I have also been told that I’m a very aggressively caring person when you actually become my friend, so watch out for that.” She winks at Peter, causing him to laugh.
“Wait so, does that mean we’re friends?” He asks confused. Aiden rolls her eyes.
“Boys are so thick. Yes, we’re friends. God honestly, how do you guys survive?” She says, dramatically throwing her hands in the air to make a point. “Okay, now that that’s sorted out, I really am tired. I’m going to go find Tony and ask where I can sleep, okay? Bye!” She called over her shoulder, already halfway across the room.
Aiden headed out of the room, only to almost bump into everyone. Aiden looked up, then frowned and crossed her arms. “You guys were standing there the entire time, weren’t you? You guys heard everything,” she sighed, running a hand down her face. “So now more people know about my problems. Great, just great. Can someone just tell me where I can sleep? I’m walking on borrowed energy right now.” She mutters. Nat and Wanda laugh, taking it upon themselves to bring her to a guest room.
Immediately, she jumped onto the bed and got comfy under the covers. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was a goner. Wanda and Nat exchanged smiles, then quietly turned off the light and closed the door.
a/n - sooo the next chapter heats up quite a bit! Idrk what to say here okay bye
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