#but here it’s just like.. it’s going to happen again. why bother
masonmontz · 2 days
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hellooo everyone :) hope you like it
REMEMBER: english is not my first language
fluff and dad!mason word count: 1.9k
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“Have you ever thought about when we will have kids?” Mason asked when you two were driving home after a game. 
“I mean, don’t you think it’s the perfect time?”
Mason had been talking about kids for a while now and you realized that his obsession with the idea made you want kids too. You started to notice how he spent more time with the kids than with the adults at celebrations, the kids in the family had him as their favorite person and he played with any child he met on the street.
You know he's going to be an amazing dad.
“Y/N, you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I think it’s the perfect time ‘cause we’re young and we can sit with our baby everyday, running around, travel. I mean, it’s time.” 
“There’s nothing I can do to change your mind, uh?” 
“I’m sorry but no.” 
Tonight, after the game, as you waited for Mason next to Anouska, you watched her and Luke's children run over to Mason, who opened his arms for the kids to cuddle with. Luke, who was walking next to Mason, also smiled at the scene when he saw his friend so happy with them.
“How can he be so passionate about children?” Anouska asked you and you smiled at her. 
“Yeah, he’s so natural with kids.”
“I don’t know why you’re not pregnant yet.” She said and started walking towards her husband and Mason, leaving you behind. 
But the thing is: you think you are pregnant but are too scared to take a pregnancy test. For a few days now you've been feeling tired, very sleepy and the smell of Mason's perfume has started to bother you. But you love his perfume and that's why he uses it every day.
And of course, you still haven't told Mason yet, even though you know he'll love it if you're pregnant. 
He spends the rest of the way home talking random things about the game, happy to have played 90 minutes and also happy about the victory. 
As soon as you arrived home, Ace greeted the two of you, happy to no longer be home alone. You took off your sneakers and lay down on the living room couch while Mason went to the kitchen. Ace climbed onto the couch and came to you, laying his head on your stomach, something he's never done.
You froze.
Is there any chance…? Maybe it’s something you never noticed, but… in your stomach? Ace looked at you with those beautiful eyes and you melted for the dog, petting his head. 
“Do you think there's a baby here?” Ace just let out a slight groan and closed his eyes, then Mason came back from the kitchen with two bottles of water, and handed you one. Mason sat on the couch next to you and Ace stared at him, accepting his owner's affection.
“Hey buddy, what did you do while you were alone?” The dog leans his head against Mason's hand, closing his eyes once again. 
But something happened that had never happened before.
Mason leaned in to give you a kiss, running one hand over your shoulders and the other he ran over your belly to your waist, but when Ace saw Mason's hand on your stomach, he stood up and started barking in Mason's direction.
“Ace, what’s wrong?” Mason asked, and the dog was still barking and growling at him. As soon as Mason let go of you to see what was wrong with Ace, he stopped barking. “Do you think he is in any pain?”
You didn't want to tell Mason without being sure, but Ace's reaction made you believe you were pregnant. Maybe he was smelling it, dogs do that, don't they?
“Mase, maybe- let me try.” You grabbed Mason's hand and pulled him towards you, making him wrap his hand around your waist once again, then Ace started barking. 
“Dude, are you jealous of her?” Ace growled at Mason, but when you ran your hand through his fur, he calmed down. “I can’t believe it. Ace, do you know that I wanted a dog and not her? Why is she your favorite?
“Mase, I don’t think he’s jealous.” You spoke and stood up while Mason continued to sit on the couch. Ace laid down where you were sitting. “I think he's being protective.”
“What? I would never hurt you.”
“No, I know…” You took a deep breath. “I think I’m pregnant.”
Mason stood frozen as he absorbed the information. You looked at him and could clearly see his eyes filling with tears.
“You’re kidding.” Mason spoke with a trembling voice and you wanted to cry too, knowing that it's his dream to be a father but maybe you're not even pregnant. 
“I’m not sure, actually, but there is something different happening in my body and I know that for sure.” Mason stood up and Ace came to attention once again. 
“Babe, I'm so happy but I don't want to celebrate until we know for sure.” He wipes away a tear and you smile, walking over to him and hugging him. 
“I know this is your dream, sweetheart, but even if I’m not, we should start trying for a baby.” Mason squeezes you against him, but this time Ace just gets off the couch and walks to his own bed in the corner of the room. 
“I'm going to the pharmacy right now.” Mason said to you and took his keys and wallet. “You come with me?”
“I'll wait here, I'm nervous.” Mason came back and gave you a kiss, then he ran to the door. 
15 minutes later Mason was back with numerous pregnancy tests. Your hands were shaking and you could see he was nervous too, but as always, Mason was trying to reassure you, so he was trying not to show it.
“Read the instructions for me.” You asked as the two of you entered the bedroom bathroom. Ace went upstairs with you but laid down on the floor as he looked at you and Mason. It was as if he wanted to participate too.
Mason read all the information and refused to leave the bathroom while you were taking the tests, and even though you were embarrassed, you let him stay there. 
“We have to wait 5 minutes.” You walked over to Mason, who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, and sat on his leg. “What if it is negative?” 
“So we're going to make a baby in the next twenty minutes.” 
“Twenty minutes? Is this what you can handle?” 
“What? I'm tired, I ran for 90 minutes.” Mason laughed, knowing you were messing with him. 
“You better get better if you want to get me pregnant.”
You continued talking, but time passed slowly. When the timer reached the 5 minutes you programmed, you and Mason looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
“Okay, I'll see the result.” Mason said and you both got up, you almost bit your nails out of nervousness. Mason walked to the sink and looked at the three tests you did, without saying anything.
“Babe, oh…” He said and you ran to him. “Oh my God, you are very pregnant.”
You looked at the three tests and saw the two lines in all of them. You gasped and looked at Mason, who had tears streaming down his face and a huge smile on his lips. 
You spent a few minutes hugging each other and even Ace joined in while the two of you were kneeling on the floor.
“We’re having a baby.” He filled your face with kisses. “We’re having a baby.” 
“We’re having a baby, I can’t believe it.” You wiped your own tears and heard Ace whimper next to you.
Mason approached the dog and petted him.
“You're going to take care of her, aren't you, buddy?” Ace looked at Mason as if he agreed and you smiled. 
✦‎۟    ࣭   ⊹
The pregnancy flew by, you released the news after a few months on Instagram, as Mason wanted to tell everyone that he was going to be a dad. You told your family two months after finding out you were pregnant, because you wanted to make sure everything was okay before telling anyone else.
Summer was excited, but she was also jealous knowing that her favorite uncle was having a baby. Mila still didn't quite understand, so you and Mason needed to reassure Summer that she was still his favorite. Stacey, on the other side of the world, also celebrated when you told her via video call.
Mason couldn't stop telling everyone that your little girl would be home with you soon.
The birth was due at the end of December or beginning of January, so everyone came to Manchester for Christmas and New Year’s eve, as you couldn't travel many hours to London. Your family and his came and you thanked Mason for the big house he bought.
The end of the year festivities had passed and she still hadn't arrived.
Mason kindly asked his family not to stay until his birthday so you two could prepare for the baby's arrival. But you asked your mom and Debbie to stay to help you the first few days until you felt safe enough to be alone with her while Mason was at training or traveling.
On January 9th, you were already fed up. 
Your belly was huge, your back hurt, you walked slowly and could barely sleep. Mason tried to help you most of the time, stayed awake with you or tried to ease your pain. He trained early in the morning and in the afternoon he was at home with you, you went for a walk with your mother and mother-in-law for a bit but you soon came back as it was very cold outside.
Mason made dinner and you ate together, then the two of you went to watch while your mom and Debbie were in the kitchen talking. 
You didn't want to sleep before wishing Mason a happy birthday, but you were sleepy and there were still a few hours until midnight.
But things got weird when you felt discomfort in your stomach, then another, and another. 
“Mason, I think it’s time.” Mason jumped off the couch and started running, screaming around the house as he packed things for you. 
The next few hours were painful, you cried, screamed, but Mason never left your side. 
Around 2 am, she was born.
“She’s perfect.” You cried as you held her for the first time. Mason was sobbing next to you, you had never seen him cry like that and you were sure that little baby girl would have him in the palm of her hands.
“You were so strong, so brave, Y/N. Thank you so much.” He kissed your forehead, and ran his index finger across the cheek of the baby who was looking at you attentively. 
“Happy birthday, Mason.” You can finally wish after hours of pain. “I love you.”
“Thank you, babe.” He said. “That was the best birthday present I could have.” 
“You said you would choose her name.”
“Yes, but we can choose another one if you don't like it.”
“What name do you want?” 
“Annie. Annie Katherin Mount.”
“It’s perfect, Mason.” 
IF YOU WANT TO READ, this is the insta au about annie :)
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wayfayrr · 3 days
Love like you ✧*.⚝⋆
Here's the 400 follower raffle grand prize for @wailing-whaler!! Got Sky and reader collecting rocks <3 This went a little off of the initial base, but they do definitely collect rocks together (what a geologist not going utterly obsessed with rocks? it's a miracle) But this was very fun to write!! just soft soft fluff with the soft sleepy boy himself.
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“I’m still sorry for dragging you into this by the way.”
“You aren’t, and you don’t need to keep apologising for something you would happily do again in a heartbeat.”
“I am - I really am, I didn’t mean to drag you here.”
“You are an awful liar.”
He drooped like a puppet cut from its strings at that, offended I bet for calling him out. Despite it being the truth, he knows as well as I do that he was bouncing from the walls when I was brought into the game, happier than I’ve ever seen anyone before in my life. And emotions are new for him, kinda. 
“No- I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Come on, I’ve already said that I really don’t mind it, why are you still so pouty?”
“Cause I wanted to get out rather than trapping you here with me.”
Oh, that admission is new. He’s dodged the reason why he brought me here since it happened, so that makes sense more than anything… The way that he’s leaning on me is also new though, and nice despite his grumbles, which come to a halt as he snakes his arms around me and buries his head into my neck from behind with a soft sigh. 
“Look it doesn’t really matter right now, you’ve got to save zelda right? So we should really get going, gaepora asked me to help you and I really don’t want to make a bad impression.”
That got me a squeeze and a little whine, does - does he not want to save her?
“But no matter how fast I am impa is going to tell me I’m late anyway, so why does it matter… I just wanna spend time with you.”
How does he know that..?How does he know what will happen??? He - this is his first time going through this journey… right? But it isn’t is it, even though he’s been trying to act like it is it’s not. I’ve played through this game once already, and he can remember that. The acceptance of it is like a cold chill down my spine, Link already knows me and has been pretending that he doesn’t, half-heartedly but still pretending. Or has he? Just because he hasn’t said it outright doesn’t mean that he’s trying to hide it, maybe he just assumed I knew already. Either way, would I be bothered by him hiding it? It’s not insidious or anything, he’s just like a lovesick puppy. 
“...Love? You - are you alright? I didn’t say something wrong did I?”  
“I was just thinking… link did you know about before?”
“Before? You mean your other playthrough right?”
Well that settles that, he wasn’t trying to hide it. It was just never mentioned, no reason for it to be honest. No one on skyloft needs to know their entire life is a game which could be very easily overheard on the tiny island and sky thought that I knew he knew so why reiterate the obvious already. 
“Sure I didn’t remember completely right away but going through Faron with you here- here brought everything crashing back so quickly.”
His grip on my waist tightened for a split second before loosening, like he’s not sure if I’ll want to be held close now that he’s sharing this. It’s only made clearer by the sigh he lets out as he takes a step away from me.
“I mean I remember remembering you when I tried to get out now, it was like… like when you fell here, on skyloft that is, everything got locked away but since we met the elder kikwi, everything has come back including how felt about it all and how I fell in l-!”
“How you ‘fell in l-’, why’d you cut yourself off there link, I’d love to know what you were going to say.” 
Almost by instinct, my head turns to follow him as he’s fumbling about in his own flustered embarrassment, having said just a tiny bit more than he’d probably meant. Stopping himself mid-word so sharply you’d think he’d bit his tongue to force himself to stop, but not soon enough that I didn’t know what he meant anyway.  
I won’t lie to myself. It’s something strange to know, and honestly all of this is making way more questions than it answers. Questions that it will be pretty hard to get answers too really, for one he and I both know this is a game and yet I’m here - he’s practically a person and… and he’s said it himself. He fell in love with me. But, I don’t dislike that. I really don’t dislike that. 
“I - I fell in love with you, and how you act and all the little things you do and how you make even the smallest things seem exciting, and it’s why I wanted out so badly so that I could hold you close and tell you how much I love every part of you, from the way your hair falls, to the way you smile, how you collect things that others wouldn’t see worth in but you give them so much worth. I can’t even tell you just how much I’ve wanted to get out even if just for a second to hand you a crystal or even a cute pebble I think would bring a smile to your face - even if it meant I’d go back to being trapped in this hell afterwards.”
My face feels like it’s about to set alight, and not from being on an active volcano. He’s still rambling about what made him fall for me, and it’s only getting more and more natural, he’s getting more and more human over time. More real. As with all good things though, it has to come to an end with him looking up only to realise that he’s been going on for a good few minutes now. Ceasing up like a deer in headlights as he struggles to move his mouth again, almost reflexively licking his lips before glancing down confusedly. Better to break through the awkwardness now so that it won’t get any worse. 
“You know, I wouldn’t be against having a relationship with you…”
“- You wouldn’t - I thought that you… you’d… you’d-”
“I think I’d like to get to know you first link.”
“Wh - What..?”
“Well, right now I haven’t spent much time with ‘you’ you, and I don’t think it’s fair for you if I’m dating you expecting to you to be exactly like the character the game had you as.”
It’s easy to tell he’s thinking about it, with the hurt but pensive look on his face from being denied something he so clearly wanted a yes to. 
“But, I think I’ve been starting to fall for you too, for who you are link. I’d like to spend some more time with you before we have anything romantic.”
He perked up at that, a lot. Which I don’t blame him for. 
“There’s plenty of time for that then, we aren’t in any rush are we?”
“But zelda-?”
“Even if we were to teleport to the end of the dungeon we’d still be too late. Why not take it slow?”
Despite his leather gauntlets his hands are still nice to hold with how he’s intertwined ours, sneaking his fingers so that they snake between mine. Pulling my hand up to rest up on his cheek, leaning into it with a gentle sigh. 
“You’ve talked about wanting rocks from Eldin to study before, how it looked like a different volcano to anything you’ve ever seen. What if we just I don't know, went off and got you as many as you could ever want of them?”
His eyes look almost pleading, begging for me just to say yes, to give him this precious time so that he can win me over to being with him romantically. And really, how could I dream of saying no? Since ending up in skyloft those few weeks ago he’s been nothing but kind, patient and caring towards me and plus even though I said I wouldn’t compare him to the character he’s come to life around, he’s still link. Still the kind-hearted hero that I fell in love with when playing the game for the very first time, who i grew to wish was real when reading comics about his journey, why shouldn’t I be a little selfish when he cares for me as much as I do for him?
Biting down hard on his lip now, the pleading look in his eyes switching to something more akin to outright begging. Just for me to say yes. As if there were any other options available to me. 
“I think I’d love to do that with you sky, as long as you’re certain we have the time.”
No words needed to be said after that, his face lighting up like the sky at a new years celebration. I swear if you looked closely you’d be able to see the very fireworks he was initiating in his own eyes. All the while his face was graced with the softest grin I could have hoped to see. It was definitely the right thing to say. 
“So, do you have anywhere that you think would be good places to collect some?”
“You really think after all this I wouldn’t have somewhere nearby in mind?”
“It doesn’t hurt to ask though, does it?”
“Well my pride might have gotten a little bruised, but that’ll heal in time.”
“...Do you reckon a kiss could help speed up that healing?”
“Link? Are you alright?”
“Are- would you do that for me?”
“If it’ll help fix your pride then, of course… wouldn’t want an injured hero would we?”
That shut him up well and truly, not even his usual confused soft stutters could be hurt as it seemed his code bluescreened at that idea. A full reboot happening in the time it took his face to go through a multitude of different emotions, settling on a gentle, yet mildly confused, look of contentment. Kinda spelling out his answer for me, but still, I’ll wait for clear consent before doing anything more forward than a suggestion. 
“Take your time, there’s no rush on an answer.”
A nod. Clearly he doesn’t feel comfortable speaking right now, but that's more than fine. It’s not exactly like I’m not used to him being mute again, if anything it’s not an awkward silence as he leads me over to the spot he was thinking of. A small patch to the south of Eldin, littered with just so many different stones. A dream spot for any collector, so close to an active volcano to get fresh samples well as fresh as you can get without quenching the lava. 
Will they even be able to come back out with me? Link seems to think he would have been able to come out of the game, but that only dragged me in here instead. Can I even get - don't ruin this moment with that line of thinking. We can figure that out later. 
“Hey [name], mind coming over here for a moment?” 
“Hmm? Sure, it isn't an issue.”
Speaking again now is a good sign, clearly his brain - does he have one? - has finished dealing with the bombshell I dropped on it earlier. Moving over to him isn’t a bad thing to do though, with whatever he’s holding seemingly a pleasant surprise. As soon as I’m back in front of him, he takes my chin in his hand delicately tilting it upright as he stares into my eyes. Biting down on his lips as he thinks of what to say, lifting up his other hand to my eye level, like he’s comparing whatever he’s holding to them. 
“...It really is the same colour.”
“Oh, why didn’t you tell me we were doing that, I would have been looking as well.”
“No, no collect whatever you’d like for your own collection, I just… wanted to do something where I could still just um… admire your beauty really. If you don’t want this one then, I- I can just keep it instead.”
“I’ll keep it. Thank you link, but really now we've got to get you one too.”
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llilyrose · 2 days
So, you know that ISAT au I mentioned in my yass-girlboss King post??
HHHHHEEEERE WE GO .... info below keep reading!!! lots of words!!!! In Stars And Time FULL spoilers!!!!!
(Note: The Reset AU will be posted on @slowlysoluminary but i will be reblogging from my main)
There are some really interesting Siffrin-Meets-The-King-First aus that float around. I see them sometime! they're great! But I, as an adoring King fan, had to sit down and ask myself:
"So, uhh, like why?"
The King notices you're looping in Act 3. That's great! Not for Siffrin, but great narratively. If he notices it in that loop specifically, I feel like he would notice in other loops, too.
So, Act 5. The King notices how much of a formidable opponent siffrin is (among other things), acknowledges he's from the same country, recognizes wish craft, yadda yadda yadda.
He wants Siffrin to understand and resonate with his reasons for trapping an entire country in time, and while Siffrin is busy in his mind space fighting Mal Du Pays, the King makes a wish. AND HE LOOPS!!!!!??????
... Uhh, kind of? Not really. It resets the timeline all the way back to when the country was erased, but instead of the King having full memory, they're more like... vague snippets that hint at what he once was.
So, um! The first part of the AU is about the King's 10-year-long descent into madness. It's heavily condensed but it's there!! there's lore there!! I'm a king fan he needs a backstory.
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"His name is Lazare" HE HAD TO HAVE A NAME BEFORE HIS KING DAYS... it's heavily implied the King wasn't his original name, and my headcanon helpfully supplied that he underwent a Change inside the house during his rise to power. I think there's like, a Head Defender? And the King was Head Defender, with full access to all libraries inside the house, when he started going crazy.
At 22 he loses all his memory while travelling in Vaugarde. Nobody knows his name so he comes up with one! He meets Siffrin 4 years later and they both travel Vaugarde together.
He becomes a defender at 29 because we see firsthand how INVESTED this dude is in Vaugarde. He wants, NEEDS this country to be safe!! he has a lot of patriotism!!! He's not actively searching for what happened to him or his country, he's just accepted it and is building himself up as a person.
oh boy .. when he turns 31 he becomes Head Defender.... And when he starts reading higher-access books throughout the house documenting a disappearing country? He gets MORBIDLY curious. And... well... this fixation leads him down the rabbit hole that got him where he is today! Except, this time, with Siffrin on his side...?
Yup! Siffrin is here! They've been here the whole time! Siffrin watches a man he's grown to love and adore fall into the Deep End. And he would find the strength to be mad about what he's doing if it weren't for the fact he was super sympathetic!!! ugh!!! sympathy!!!
Siffrin agrees with the King... but not really? He agrees with his reasons but completely disagrees with the way he's going about it. The change from Lazare to King was gradual, but towards the end he treats Siffrin more like an object of study than a friend.
The King takes his cloak and hat to study the stitching, the King won't let him cut or dye his hair again because he wants (NEEDS) this still image of his culture, etc.
Siffrin pretends his behavior doesn't bother him (because the King goes full Mansplain Manipulate Malewife on him if he voices his dissent) and keeps sneaking away from the King using his hat-less/cloak-less disguise.
In doing so, he meets a wild Mirabelle! It becomes a habit to visit her and the villagers under this "disguise" (it's only convincing in the way that Clark Kent is convincing) and he's feeling that same friendship with them that he used to back when the King was Lazarus.
... Until the House gets frozen? And the king starts Freezing People In Time For Real? No warning? Siffrin is HORRIFIED, rightfully, and also super upset. Partly because Mirabelle "got frozen" (she did not get frozen) and partly because the king has TOTALLY LOST HIS MIND NOW. no trace or remnant of who he used to be. but siffrin wants to hold on.
and then Siffrin gets stuck in a time loop! Whoops! Honest mistake!
"How does he get stuck in a Time Loop if there's no party to stick with?" ok so. of course he's going to learn Wish Craft from the King, duh. The King tells him literally everything about rhe country as he discovers it (albeit, in incoherent rambles.). And he also has his own muscle memory to draw from!
In desperation, he makes a wish: Save Vaugarde/Sav the King.
"Which one of those two is it?" Idk! That's what he spends the timeloops finding out!
Oh, wait, now that I've talked about the time loops, I CAN TALK ABOUT LOOP!!! LOOP IS NEW AND DIFFERENT!!!
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^^ This was the initial ref sheet i made while brainstorming for this au (and also the sheet that birthed King In Magical Girl Poses)
"So what's loop's deal?" yeah, um, that's the thing? Loop doesn't know either!
Loop is not hiding their identity! Much like King, they domn't remember anything until afterthe Reset. They're Siffrin, yes, but not Siffrin from SASASA:AP. They're Siffrin from In Stars and Time. They're THE Siffrin that the King's wish Reset!
Thus, Loop looks very different!!!! And acts a little bit different!!! Siffrin is the only one who can see Loop, for the time being, and they follow him throughout the loops instead of staying stagnant under the Favor Tree.
They don't like the idea of not knowing who they are, or where they're from. Siffrin sympathizes with the star, initially thinking that they just... had the same thing happen to them that happened to the king? But the reason Loop follows Siffrin through the house is because they NEED to know who they used to be, and what in the Universe happened to them. Certain things trigger certain memories, and... it certainly doesn't help that the party enters the fray.
"So was the King's wish not important?" THE KING'S WISH WAS VERY IMPORTANT.
Not only did it CAUSE the reset, but it gave King the precise tools to get a timeline that fulfilled his wish (It's not the Universe's fault he lost himself and his only chance).
Loops are meant to reset to the day before, with no one"s memory remaining except for Siffrin's.
This loop completely Reset the timeline.
The King kept hints of his memories from the past.
The party gets dejá vū from the moment they meet to the moment they step foot in the house. They feel like something is missing.
Loop shouldn't be here. Loop should be... Loop. Loop didn't wish to be here - it's a direct violaton of his initial wish to stay with his friends, but it's a wish that technically got overwritten when the Reset happened?
Ironically, Siffrin is the only one Out Of The Loop (hehe)
"okay so what's the stuff IN the timeloop?" you see. you seeeeee. I've been worldbuilding so that I can figure that out. And I still don't know..... I'm setting it up with this post so I can elaborate on anything later (asks are appreciated)
"You should write/draw about this" I am! Ao3 is llilyrose but idk if I'll end up posting anything there. Of course, my tumblr is llilyrose, too....
"You stole this from user llilyrose on ISAT discord!" um, look at my url again. thx
"What if I have questions about the worldbuilding/characters/etc." send an ask, fool.... I'd really appreciate it .....
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lazerswordweilder · 2 days
The Justice League playing fuck, marry, kill, but you can’t play fuck, marry, kill, without Gothams Most Eligible Bachelor coming up at least once, so someone mentions him and Batman decides he does not need to know what his colleagues would do to his civilian identity and he stands up to leave
But Flash (trying to joke around) says “What are you friends or something?” and Batman doesn’t pick up on the joke because he’s halfway between revealing his identity or never showing his face in front of the Justice League ever again and so he just says “Sure that… yeah friends! Friends is good.” and he walks out like he’s trying really hard not to run and picks up a bottle of whatever’s strongest and as Batman leaves and he starts drink it without even pausing to breathe.
So Flash says “Holy shit did Batman go through a bad breakup with Bruce Wayne?!?!” and everyone starts arguing over whether they’re still dating or if they broke up and no one pauses to think that maybe they were never dating in the first place so they accept Batman x Bruce Wayne as fact.
The next time Batman has to meet the Justice League he’s fully prepared to never acknowledge anything happened but now there are three sides, one side thinks that they’re still dating, one side thinks they broke up because of Bruce (for varying reasons though), and the other side thinks they broke up because of Batman (again for varying reasons).
And so every single hero is trying to get Batman to admit/tell everyone else that their side was right and he’s sitting here questioning his every choice as some of his closest friends are trying to get him to tell them he was/is in a relationship with himself and how it ended.
(It’s also not only trying to figure out what happened, they want to know why Batman did whatever caused them to break up, what Bruce Wayne did to Batman, or hows it’s like to be dating one of the richest men alive)
This ends in one of two ways, the short way and the long way. In the short way he just pulls off his mask in the middle of a meeting to reveal that he is Bruce Wayne, he’s about five more comments away from a breakdown.
In the long way he runs back to Gotham and goes out of his way to never EVER have to see another hero ever again and so Superman chews everybody out because they obviously made him uncomfortable and it was none of their business, and he keeps trying to find Batman and Batman uses every skill he’s ever learnt to hide from Superman.
The media is in shambles trying to figure out what caused this, has the Justice League gone rouge and Batman is the only sane member left? Is it because he doesn’t have powers? Is Superman on the Justice Leagues side or Batmans? Was there an attack that revealed a secret? The only up side to the speculation was that no one paused twice when Bruce Wayne jumped out of a window after an attack at Lex Luthors gala because Superman was coming.
Eventually the world is going to end or something if Batman doesn’t help and he swoops in just in the nick of time and the minute it’s over he runs like his life depends on it but someone catches him or he’s to injured to get far or whatever and everyone is only not bothering him because Superman is glaring at them, DARING them to mention it and upset Batman.
And Batman just sits there for a long seconds, and pulls off his mask.
It’s absolute chaos. Everyones minds are breaking, Batman looks like he’s about to cry, J’onn is laughing so hard he can’t stand, the noise is so loud and all the heroes are freaking out so much that any nearby civilians are wondering if they didn’t manage to save the world after all.
Throughout all of this J’onn (the mind reader) knows his identity and is both comforting Batman and trying not to start laughing at everyone else.
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starlitiris · 3 days
how I imagine some hxh characters would react to their s/o having sa trauma
erm hiya folks welcome to my first ever hxh headcanon post
there's only gonna be like 5 characters here, but I do wanna do more than just these guys. i plan on making at least a part 2 for this with different characters. i just don't know who i'm gonna pick yet :/ feel free to make requests for the part 2! this isn't exclusive to the hxh men so if you wanna request any of the hxh girlies then go for it <3
WARNINGS: very brief and non-detailed mentions of sa, implied murder and torture, also very brief and non-detailed talk about sex
Ging Freecss
when the topic comes up in conversation and you eventually open up to him about what you've been through, he listens intently. no matter how much or how little you tell him about it
when you've finished telling him, he doesn't have much to say about it. he nods and hums to let you know he heard you.
his reaction might come off as him being disinterested or not wanting to know about everything you've just unloaded onto him, but he really REALLY does care, and he's glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to him about it
you might apologize for trauma dumping on him, but he'll quickly shut you down.
"don't you dare apologize."
he'll hold your hands, gently rubbing his thumbs against the back of them
if you start to cry, he'll wipe your tears away and pull you in to hold you close (if you're okay with it at the time) while you let all the waterworks out
again, he won't have much to say about it. he doesn't want to pry for more details than you're willing to give, either.
he isn't the greatest at talking about feelings and putting things into words, but he'll make sure you know he cares through his actions
he'll hold you for as long as you need to be held, then do something nice for you. like get you some of your comfort food and put on a nice movie you two can watch together on the sofa
after you open up to him about your trauma, he's more attentive to your comfort when being physically intimate. not that he wasn't before, he just pays extra attention to it now. it's sweet
the topic of sa comes up while you two are hanging out alone together
you make a comment implying that you yourself have experienced that kind of abuse
uvo is slightly taken aback and pries
you kind of awkwardly explain to him what you went through in minimal detail
"… huh."
you aren't sure what to make of this reaction, and silence falls between you two.
then he asks for the name(s) and address(es) of your abuser(s)
this catches you off guard
you know exactly why he wants that information you really don't even bother asking
whether you give him the info he asks for is entirely up to you! <3
uvo may be a murderous bandit but he understands the importance of respecting your boundaries. he isn't a COMPLETE monster!
he won't bring it up again or ask you anymore questions about it, but he will keep it in mind
a few days after you opened up to him, he'll really contemplate what you've told him
and later on that day he'll probably pretty bluntly ask you if there's anything specific you're not okay with. like if there's a certain way you don't like being touched, a certain thing you don't like to do, etc.
and ofc when you tell him he keeps that in mind as well and makes sure to avoid the things that make you uncomfortable
Feitan Portor
he listens quietly as you tell him however much you're comfortable with telling him.
he falls silent for a moment after you finish telling him. you can tell he's thinking.
you start to worry that you should've kept your mouth shut. feitan can be really hard to read sometimes.
"when did this happen?"
it's up to you whether or not you answer any of these questions.
though, if you chose not to answer any of the questions he had, he'll likely find out who it was that hurt you one way or another
it's inevitable that he'll find out
very quickly after you told him about it as a matter of fact
no matter how much you might not want him to
he will find your abuser(s)
he will approach them
and he will do what he does best
and he'll let you know about it, too
i imagine the way you find out is when he comes home after hunting your abuser(s) down
"i took care of them."
you'll either be very grateful or absolutely befuddled
assuming it's the latter, you ask him what he means by that and what he did
you also remind him that you seriously didn't want him to do anything drastic
"why are you mad? i only gave them what they deserved."
you're stressed that he went against your wishes and sought out your abuser(s) anyway, but he tries to make it up to you by treating you to some tea and cuddles
he's unusually sweet to you that night, but you aren't complaining
as much as you might be super not used to it like at all
Illumi Zoldyck
you're not sure how you expected your boyfriend to react to this kind of information
he doesn't seem to react much at all honestly
clearly had nothing to say about it
you just sigh and let it be
illumi is an apathetic person. you knew that going into this relationship, so you really can't say you expected much
nothing in illumi's behavior changes after you tell him until you're in the bedroom with him
"is this okay?"
"is it alright if i touch you there?"
"are you sure you're up for it? we can hold off."
you are oh so very confused
but when you realize why he's being extra cautious, your heart melts
you answer his questions truthfully, you reassure him that certain acts are okay, you tell him if something makes you uncomfortable, and he respects your boundaries fully
again, outside of the bedroom he's just as illumi as he was before you told him about your trauma
but he continues to be extra mindful of your comfort when you're being physically intimate
he might ask less questions overtime as he learns more about what you are and aren't okay with, but he'll always check with you when necessary to make sure you're doing okay
Chrollo Lucilfer
imagine you two are either going on a scenic walk together or laying in bed preparing to sleep when it comes up and you tell him what you're comfortable saying to him
he listens to you intently
he might ask you a few questions about it, but only a couple. he doesn't wanna pry too much.
"when did it happen?"
"was it just the one time?"
"who was it?"
once again, whether you answer any of those questions is entirely up to you.
he doesn't act weird or uncomfortable about it, and gently changes the subject when he sees you're ready to move on
the rest of your day/night continues normally without it coming up again
the next day, chrollo gets to work on finding out everything he can about your abuser(s)
completely without your knowledge
it wasn't that difficult to get the information he needed
once he has what he needs, he tells you he's off to an important meeting and leaves
you didn't bother asking who he was meeting with. knowing the kind of shit he gets involved with, you wouldn't have expected him to tell you anyway.
once he's gone, he wastes no time in disposing of the human garbage that is your abuser(s)
then he cleans up, comes home, asks you about your day and treats you to a fancy dinner
he never tells you what he did
if you do somehow find out, though, he'll be completely honest about it and tell you what you wanna know
and as for physical intimacy, nothing really changes
he was already very respectful of your wants, needs and boundaries before you told him
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Requested by: @ma1egamer
MC had a bad week. The worst week. An awful horrible week. But they still smiled. No one could know what was broiling just beneath the surface. They were the cool popular kid at Hogwarts, they had a reputation. If they just kept up appearances until the end of the day, they could go out after classes and fight a few dark wizards. That would help them de-stress.
They were lost in thought when someone accidentally ran into them, knocking their bag off their arm and causing it to spill its contents all over the floor. One of their ink bottles smashed, staining what was a lengthy essay they had just completed the night before for astronomy.
MC lost their carefully collected shit. "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!? IF ITS NOT ONE THING, ITS ANOTHER!! EVERY! SINGLE! DAY! But, if we didn't have bad weeks, the good weeks would be so amazing." It was like someone flipped a switch. MC was entirely calm again while using their wand to clean up their stuff.
The hall was dead silent. The whole crowd of students and faculty watched MC pack themselves up and walk away smiling.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Welp, I feel sorry for any dark wizards or goblins that cross MC's path today." This included himself. He steered clear.
OMINIS GAUNT: "What happened? Why did they shout like that? Are they okay?" He needs context. He's worried.
ANNE SALLOW: She avoids eye contact with anyone in the crowd. She doesn't know what's going on, don't look at her.
IMELDA REYES: "What, in the actual fuck, was that?"
NATSAI ONAI: She marches after MC. They clearly aren't okay and she wants to know what's up.
GARRETH WEASLEY: MC's outburst made him drop a jar of pickled slugs. Now he was having a bad day too. The smell was awful.
LEANDER PREWETT: "They're cracking under the pressure. Sad."
AMIT THAKKAR: He has shrunk away from the noise. He doesn't deal with that kind of energy very well and removes himself from the situation.
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Merlin's beard, and here I thought Kogawa had a temper."
POPPY SWEETING: "Yeesh, I knew MC had fangs but I've never seen them take it out on a random student. I wonder what's bothering them."
ELEAZAR FIG: "Oh dear." He shuffles through the crowd and shepherds MC away. "What was that about? Are you alright? Please, don't lie to me."
MATILDA WEASLEY: She bristled at MC's volume. She could take house points for that, but instead ask MC to come to her office. She wants a word.
CHIYO KOGAWA: "Move along, everyone. You all have places to be." She shoos the crowd and stops MC from leaving. "Let's talk. My office."
AESOP SHARP: He gets it. As far as anyone is concerned, he saw nothing.
ABRAHAM RONEN: He's immediately by MC's side, helping them with their books. "Can you spare a moment to chat?" He wants them to be actually okay.
MIRABEL GARLICK: She walks quickly to catch up with MC and hands them a colorful bloom. "Here...it's Worry's Blight. It'll help you feel calm. You seem to need some more than me today."
MUDIWA ONAI: She invites MC up for tea. A special blend and good conversation is what they needed.
BAI HOWIN: Everyone has a bad day. There was no confrontation about the items dropped, so she let it go.
DINAH HECAT: "You shouldn't be shouting the halls, MC. However, instead of taking points, I have an assignment for you." She gave them a small price of paper with a location. "This is an ashwinder camp I heard wind of in the Three Broomsticks. It's a big one. Use this information as you may."
CUTHBERT BINNS: He just ghosted on out of there. He had a lecture to prep.
SATYAVATI SHAH: "No shouting in the halls. That's five points, MC." She didn't notice the vein fit to burst on MC's neck when they just smiled back at her.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: "Children. Always whining about how hard life is. They know nothing of the real troubles life can throw at you."
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topsyturvy-turtely · 19 hours
Did you ever wrote a sickLock fic?
omg i swear- i was DONE with this post... then i exited tumblr for a few min and EVERYTHING WAS GONE 😭😭😭 took me more than half an hour and HERE WE GO AGAIN 🥲
hi nonny! thank you for your ask!
i haven't really written sickfics as in one of them has a fever and the other takes care of him... but i wrote one sickfic and other stories where stitches are needed... or just hurt/comfort:
Sherlock in Quarantine. M, 2.776 words. Sherlock got COVID and has to isolate himself from his family. So, what happens to a genius locked in? You guessed it right, he promptly saves the entire earth.
Notes and Needles. T, 2.837 words. 2/2 chapters. One day, Sherlock insists on teaching John how to play the violin. That day John is conflicted about his feelings towards his ex-flat mate. Another day, Sherlock gets injured and John needs to stitch him up. That day he burns a lasagna and his alleged heterosexuality.
It bothers you. Why? M, 1.557 w. Sherlock had noticed that John always distracts him from his scar. The curious detective finally dares to test that boundary...
Missing. M, 1.127 w., 1/2 (maybe 3) chapters. Sherlock didn’t usually call anyone. He was calling John for the fourth time now. Nothing. Two times endless ringing. The next two times it went straight to the mailbox. Sherlock hit the green button again. This was getting disconcerting…
Let Me Fix You. T, 1.932 w. John gets injured during a case. He is pissed as hell. And determined he will stitch himself up. It's not his fault he forgot that Sherlock actually cares about him.
So Close, so Far out of Reach. T, 1.209 w. A case. Two injuries. A doctor. And a detective who can't keep still, because the closeness of this specific doctor makes him fidgety.
i am not entirely sure what category i am listing here but i feel like this one also needs to be added:
Hurt Soulmates. Gen, 1.586 w. John is tearing himself apart with his self-hatred. Why? Because he is visiting Sherlock in the hospital. After John himself beat him up. He tries to fix it, tries to apologize, but will his attempts ever be enough?
probably not what you asked for but maybe you'll enjoy it still? 😅
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kivrumi · 19 hours
⭑ᡣ𐭩"₊SEVEN 𐙚⁺˚
chapter 2 - burger queen
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ʚ PAIRINGS : Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro, Ino Takuma, Higuruma Hiromi ɞ
{ it is not stated here who the reader ends up with, the story is to find out.. }
꒰ SUMMARY : How did you end up in such a mess with various guys? From strangers, friends, and crushes to ex-boyfriends and enemies. How did, what you thought was simple, life turn out like this? And who exactly were you to end up with?
꒰ WARNINGS : SLOWBURN - NSFW 18+ - mature & sexual themes - smut / lemon - language - violence - mentions of obsessive behaviour - sub/dom mentions - angst andd fluff :3
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"He got you too huh.." Shoko says as you lay on her lap. You were in her room, which to your surprise was quite very pink. She stroked your hair as you had just finished telling her about all the new experiences you had today
"Noo he don't got me, I swear" You accidentally lied. Does he have you? You've only met once? Then again, Toji Fushiguro has never uttered a word to you yet has you wrapped around his finger. Seems like Toji and Satoru are just two silly crushes you've gained, due to your lack of love life. You've had a boyfriend once, it ended quite confusing but that was years ago, you being 16 at the time.
"What every girl says, just don't fuck him"
"Why would I fuck him, I don't just fuck anyone"
"Liar, if Toji walked into this room right now and told you to get on your knees you wouldn't hesitate"
the silence was all you managed to hear after that sentence Shoko just dropped.
"True.." you reply, late. Lifting your head from her thighs, you sit properly beside her and ask "You know, you've never talked about your own love life to me" You see Shoko glance at her fidgeting hands and a small smile that seemingly grew on her face just for it to vanish as she answered you.
"My love life is boring, don't bother asking about it" Obviously you were fully convinced but it was better to leave it at that than pester her with a variety of questions, making her supposedly uncomfortable.
You didn't know many guys in a romantic aspect. Well actually, none apart from your ex. The only thing that has been carrying your love life is a pathetic crush on a popular evil man. So why were you so invested in making it work? Why were you back on this side of college? Why were you staring daggers into him currently seeing his arm wrapped around a girl? You know her, she's in your class. She would constantly talk about Toji, about how he never notices her and how she wishes to have one conversation with him. I wonder how she was able to achieve those wishes...
She was stunning of course, but you and everyone else knew that in a week or less, she is getting replaced. Why does every girl let that happen, and why do you find yourself craving for just a day with him?
"You're back here? Only been a day and you missed me. Thought the next time I'd see you was when I planned to stalk you in your psychology class" Turning behind you to locate where and who had just said that only to be met with the blue eyes of Satoru Gojo. Satoru Gojo... is he becoming someone in your love life too? Or were you going to be his week-long obsession, seems like the trend that goes around for hot popular boys like him.
"Right..." you then slowly turn your head back to Toji, for some odd reason not wanting to miss a moment to see the way he is. The way that he acts. Is he trash for the first few days he lets you be with him? Or does he love bomb you and leave you till you feel empty?
"Toji? Seriously?" This guy seriously doesn't hold back on his words, does he?
"What about him..."
You then slowly head to your main hangout spot. Only for a curious Gojo to follow you around this time.
"Seems like someone has a crush"
"No i don't. And don't interfere with my love life, that shit is personal you know"
"So I'm not in your like, love life radar? Because if I am I would like to know about your love life" You give him a confused look and halt your movements as soon as you two reach the outdoors.
"Seriously? Gojo I don't know you nor am I interested" A lie but you don't find yourself being with someone so stuck up, as much as it hurts to say it. Your eyes are still only on Toji. "Now you can stop following me around" and with that, he obeys like a little puppy and leaves as you walk further down, and see a familiar abandoned cafe. You still constantly go there, alone, with others or sometimes they are already there. It's your group spot. Opening the broken tilted door, you're met with bean bag chairs, empty coffee cups, and two sleeping figures.
"Choso, Kento, get UP!" you then lightly kick the bean bags they're on, but due to their deep sleep you have to kick harder.
"eugh, what are you doing" Choso groans as he rubs his eyes. You then roll Choso lightly over till he falls off the bean bag as you plop yourself on it. Despite the fact, there were multiple other bean bags.
"just claiming my spot back..." It was just your favorite bean bag because it was your favorite color, Choso knew this. "and payback for not answering your door last night when I wanted to come over to your dorm room, you did promise me."
"But I did text you that Kentos thing took longer than expected"
"But you could have just told me before I stood at your dorm room door like an idiot"
Choso just groaned due to his lack of excuse as he sat up from the floor, realizing Kento had gone back asleep. "When are you going to get a new roommate?" I ask, Chosos last roommate got kicked out of the college for vandalizing and blackmailing the teachers. You still wonder what kind of blackmail they had on them, too bad it was all confidential. Choso was pretty scared of his last roommate and now he has been alone in his dorm for at least a month, this is why he is always either begging someone to come over or invading other people's dorms.
"Apparently there is another guy in another dorm building who has been by himself for a good 3 months, I think they are looking to put me with him"
"aawh does that mean you're not going to be down the hallway now?"
"I guess so"
You two just stay quiet for some time, thinking to yourselves. As you are wondering what kind of burger you're getting, later on, Choso's thoughts are more complicated. He was thinking of you, and how much you have impacted his life since the day he met you. How he gets up in the morning with you in mind and falls asleep to the thought of you. But you were just his best friend, right? He does not like you like THAT. Right..? Yes, you were gorgeous and breathtaking, he remembers when you went up to him as a kid and he was mumbling his sentences. He was just a shy kid, that's why he went red and flushed from the fact he was speaking with you. When you got your first boyfriend at 16, he wasn't jealous, he was rather frustrated if he would treat you horribly. And when you were heartbroken for the first time, why was he happy? Why was he happy you no longer was in a relationship, it's not like Choso would ever want to take it that far with you.
"Maybe a cheeseburger," You say, still fighting your other thoughts "Or maybe I should just ditch the burgers and.. get ice cream" It was a difficult choice. After all, you weren't that hungry, but there was no food at home. Maybe you should just beg Shoko to make you something despite her always being so busy with her science classes. Choso just lightly laughs at your words before replying,
"Come with me, let's get you a burger and ice cream"
"Your fucking it up aren't you," Choso says as he watched you take the fattest bite of your burger. You two sat at a fast food shop as you got the food he promised you. You swear that you will pay him back but you both know that's false, as you're broke with no job, with some funding your mother sends over to you for basic needs. Choso has a part-time job at a local campus cafe, you rarely visit him though due to the stale coffee they sell. But Choso being broke or not wouldn't mind spending his last pennies even if it was for this fat ass burger.
"Hell yeah" you reply, as Choso ate his dainty fries.
"These fries are real good" Choso says with a full mouth
"don't speak while you're eating.. you got to be etiquette!" you tell him, as you shake your head sideways.
"We are at a Burger King"
"A real Queen will always stay royal, no matter where she is"
"my bad, I'll take notes"
you hum, acknowledging how Choso is dependent on your knowledge. You disliked the silence after that, so you got to sing
"I'm at Burger King with my Burger Queen..."
"Can I get a large fry.. shes vegan ple-"
"why do I have to be the Queen?"
"Because you're my Queen Choso, plus it fits more perfectly since you're vegan too yumming on fries"
Choso is silent, wow. You really were intelligent.
The next day, now you mindlessly walk to an open field on your school grounds, you don't know why but lately you've been exploring the entire college. Last year was a total bust, always in your dorm room playing video games and watching anime. You sit down on the ground, near a wall as you place your head onto it and stare into the distance 'Wait, am I near the soccer pitch?'
"You know, I was actually not expecting to see you for a third time in a week. Did you come back here for me?" Looking to your right, and above you there stood Satoru Gojo "isss this seat taken?" He jokes as he points to an empty spot on the empty field. He sits there anyway before you can even think to reply
"This part of the college is nice, I should come here more often but, that just means I'd have to run into you all the time. that just sucks" You're not actually that mean, you're just afraid of rejection so you resort to joking bullying. He puts a hand where his heart is, suggesting your words hurt him. His actions makes you take note of his shirt, a blue soccer shirt with a big 9 in front.
"You checking me out? And you swore you wouldn't fall for me?"
"That's not it, don't get your head so twisted, i was just looking at your shirt. I may not be a soccer fan but boy I would like to own all of their jersey's"
"Then why didn't you just say the word baby?" he asks, hands ready to lift his shirt over. Just as he revealed his abs you pulled his shirt back down, and you might start meowing at the sight of his bare chest. "Aawh why'd you pull my shirt back down"
"I do not want to indulge in your whore antics"
"But Toji is a whore you can get down with? Okayyy i got it"
"e-excuse me?!" you say as your face starts to heat up
"Yesterday wasn't the only time i saw you eye fuck him sweetie, was a bit hurt when I was coming out of the locker room to guide you to your dorm and be your knight in shining armour to see you eye fucking another whore. Or does that make you one too?"
Speechless, you were. You knew it was obvious but you didn't like the idea of someone else guessing your crush, that just means maybe Toji realized too. You must look so desperate.
"Sweetie you look shocked," Gojo says, smiling at your frozen face, he gives a chuckle and then says "Don't worry, I won't tell the guy. Matter of fact, ill give you a chance to know him"
"...chance to know him?"
"yeah, I mean you don't seem like a party girl but im sure by now with all your stalking you would know how frequently Toji hosts parties since he has a big fucking ass house near the college"
"I do not stalk him-"
"Anywho, just come with me and you can have the chance to talk to him"
"Wouldn't he be mad a random guest came over?"
"Nah parties are supposed to be full of randos, plus... who can deny a sweet sexy girl like you" Due to his words you push him and he falls on his elbows as he chuckles at your reaction "It's on Halloween tho, so wear a costume"
"Gojo... why are you even doing this for me?"
"I don't know, maybe you read me wrong and I am actually a decent guy? Actually a decent guy wouldn't send a sweet girl to Toji Fushiguro, but if that's what you want that's what you're going to get" You nod at his words, did you really read him wrong? Was Shoko complaining without giving him the benefit of the doubt? "Mind telling me your name now sweetie?" You then answered him with your name and he smiled at it "Cute, still keeping your contact name as Sweetheart though" He gets up and stretches his arms up, looking back at his phone to check the time "I'm ten minutes late to training, you really got me distracted, hard to bother for anything else where you're around sweets. Also, put it in your address info, picking you up at 8 pm on Halloween night, see ya" You watch him walk away from you, as you remain seated on the grass floor. Blush remained on your cheeks, why did you always get so flustered? Is it just because you have always lacked this kind of attention, and now you find you're addicted to it and always wanting more? It does seem like it.
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@kivrumi do not steal / copy / reword / translate my work
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james-is-here · 21 hours
This inspired what you're about to read
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Mn always came home to a dark apartment. It wasn't that he disliked light; he just often worked late and by the time he got home, he was too tired to bother with the small effort of turning on the lights immediately. The familiarity of his surroundings in the dim glow of streetlights filtering through the curtains was usually enough to guide him. But tonight, as he fumbled for the switch, he felt a strange twinge of unease.
As the light flickered on, Mn nearly jumped out of his skin. Sitting silently on the couch, shrouded in darkness, was Minho. Mn's heart pounded against his ribs.
"Minho! What the-?" Mn's voice came out as a yell. He clutched his chest, trying to steady his breath. "Why are you just sitting here in the dark?"
Minho didn't answer immediately. He stood up slowly, his expression unreadable, and began walking towards Mn. The kitchen light behind Mn flickered off abruptly, plunging them into near darkness again. Mn sighed heavily, turning back towards the kitchen.
"Hold on, let me fix that," Mn muttered, stepping away to flick the switch again. But before he could, the room was plunged into pitch darkness.
When the light snapped back on, Minho was gone. Instead, a glittering cloud of black smoke hung in the air where he had been. Mn’s unease turned into a cold spike of fear.
"Minho?" Mn whispered, his voice shaking.
A tap on his shoulder made him whirl around, heart in his throat. There, standing behind him, was Seungmin.
"Seungmin! Where- where did Minho go?" Mn stammered.
Before Seungmin could answer, the kitchen light flickered again. In Seungmin's place was Minho, his expression still calm but now with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Mn's fear escalated to panic, and he stumbled back, only to bump into Seungmin again.
Mn's legs gave way, and he tripped over his own feet, falling into the living room. His eyes darted between his boyfriends, who now stood side by side, their forms flickering with each intermittent flash of the light.
"What is happening?" Mn demanded, his voice cracking. "Explain yourselves right now!"
Minho and Seungmin exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them before they turned back to Mn.
"Mn," Minho began gently, "we need to explain something to you."
"We're Fadewalkers," Seungmin continued. "We, and some of our friends, have this ability to move through shadows and flicker between places almost instantaneously."
Mn stared at them, his mind struggling to grasp the concept. "Fadewalkers?" he echoed. "What does that even mean?"
"It's a bit complicated," Minho said with a small smile. "But basically, we can manipulate shadows and darkness. It's a power we've had for as long as we can remember."
Mn took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "So, you're saying you're some sort of supernatural beings?"
"Yes," Seungmin nodded. "But we're still the same people you know and love. This is just a part of who we are."
Mn looked at them, the initial shock and fear slowly ebbing away. It was a lot to take in, but as he gazed at Minho and Seungmin, he saw the same warmth and affection in their eyes that he always had.
"Okay," Mn said finally, exhaling deeply. "I guess I can accept that. But why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"We didn't want to scare you," Minho said, stepping closer and taking Mn's hand. "We thought it was better to ease you into it."
"And you chose to do that by scaring me half to death?" Mn retorted, a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself.
Seungmin laughed. "It's kind of a thing among us. We like to use our powers to play harmless pranks on each other."
Mn chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, you certainly succeeded in scaring me. But just so you know, if you keep this up, I might have to break up with both of you."
Minho and Seungmin laughed, and Minho pulled Mn into a warm embrace. "We'll try to keep the scares to a minimum," he promised.
"Good," Mn replied, relaxing into the hug. "Because as fascinating and interesting as Fadewalkers are, I prefer my boyfriends to be a little less ghostly."
With the light now steady, Mn felt a sense of peace settle over him. His boyfriends might have supernatural abilities, but at the end of the day, they were still his Minho and Seungmin, the same men he loved. And that was all that mattered.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Maybe this is just me but I don’t see the point in apologising for something if you’re just going to do it over and over again. Especially if the person you’re apologising to doesn’t mind. At that point you’re not even apologising as a courtesy, it’s just totally meaningless
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pendragora · 1 month
Our fandom whines about the lack of nuance and critical thinking, but then fails to comprehend the complexity of human emotion when it comes to seeing something you like being ruined or executed poorly
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
Still thinking about the conversation I had with my roommate’s bf like two weeks ago where he said he was scared of furries but also didn’t even know enough about furries to know they were called furries I had to figure out wtf he was talking about. The urge to become a full blown furry now. Despite having all the makings of a furry I for some reason have never ended up enthusiastically becoming one despite my best efforts. Well. With spite as my motivator here we are. Where are the furry artists, I’m commissioning both my tentative ideas for my fursonas. I’m inviting all my friends who are furries over and we’re gonna work on making fursuits. I will also make this a hostile living situation for you AND I will get the added bonus of doing fun furry stuff
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 3 months
the eternal question: is scheduling w friends as an adult That Hard or am I just bad at it
#4 different people have left me on read today; 1 cancelled our plans 4 hours before we were due to meet#I've been sitting home alone for 2 days going insane. looking forward to One (1) coffee date & that fell through#idk why I'm taking it so hard this time I'm usually fine!! but I find myself wishing I didn't have the day off I wish I did have work :(#like it's tiring yeah but it beats sitting here not knowing what to do w myself#& I'm working all weekend & only leaving the house to see the doctor. oh joy#I've been productive ironing writing fixing the car. that's not the problem#I had 4 social plans this month. that's it#that's like seeing each friend once a month!! I can't keep this up!!#is this the norm for adulthood? :(#& on one level I don't want to bother people or be clingy#but on another level I'm baffled that they don't get lonely too#the news has not shut up abt the Loneliness Epidemic since 2021#but if it's true why do so many people take so long to reply when I reach out? if they reply at all#I'm not going anywhere w this. idk#just one of those days#everything so fuck everybody suck :(#boomers got it right w the whole showing up unannounced at people's houses for a social call with a pound cake#now I have to go through 5 layers of bureaucratic bullshit to see a friend#assuming they don't cancel the day of ofc (((((:#I just wanna be like hello knock knock I am here. tell me abt yr life today & listen to mine & eat this cake#& the worst is when people are like 'I'm cancelling bc I'm tired xx'#OK A) u knew we had these plans for two weeks#but B) I'm tired too! I still love u ur still my friend! let us be tired together!#'I won't be social today I'm tired' my love we could watch movies in silence we could knit we could ball yr socks. idc#'I have to do the big shop today sorry' so do I!!! let us do the groceries together!!!#every time I've pushed someone to come out when they felt depressed or to let me accompany them when they were doing chores#they were like u know what I'm so glad u did this. thank u. this is way better than how I had planned this night to go#& I'm like any time!! I love u!!#& then it just happens all over again next time oh sorry I'm cancelling I'm busy I'm tired#like did u forget what a nice time we had last time? what changed? :(
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coquelicoq · 2 years
natsume book of friends season 4 opening sequence has got me incredibly fucked up. the lyrics. kid natsume's tiny little legs and teenage natsume watching him run. the lyrics. nyanko-sensei burrowing into his arms. did i mention the lyrics? ending frame on the fujiwara family. including natsume. because he's part of their family. as the lyrics ask him to "please [not] keep suffering alone"? somebody fucking hold me.
#i'm actually almost done with season 4 because i have no self-control. and every time i watch the opening i'm like#no this has only gotten more potent since the last time i watched it. we are reaching danger levels#natsume yuujinchou#natsume's book of friends#my posts#season 4 is the season of tanuma just completely destroying me on every level. why is every single character like this??#every time he learns something about natsume he's like oh so this is what it's like for natsume?#and then it happens again and he's like wait natsume ALSO has THIS OTHER THING to contend with??#and again: AND A THIRD THING?? WHY MUST THE WORLD'S BEST BOY NATSUME TAKASHI SUFFER???#he just wants to help natsume deal with stuff and i am on the fucking floor#his thought process is just#this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe here's a way i could help him? he doesn't want me to though because it would#put me in danger. but i don't want him to be in danger either. and i'm telling him that to his face. i don't think it's really#gotten through to him but that's okay i will just keep telling him. now i'm realizing that the thing i did to help him maybe just made#things harder for him. this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe sometimes the best way to help him is to just#respect his wishes and yet remind him that he can lean on people and that people love him as much as he loves them#the part where tanuma realized why natsume doesn't tell the fujiwaras about youkai gutted me#this kid is so emotionally astute and such a sweetheart#i just watched the episode where natsume loses his picture of his parents and his old house is getting sold and i cried. SO many tears.#tanuma putting his foot down for once like no actually you need to admit that something is bothering you this time#we can find this picture. ask us to help you do this thing that we can actually do for you. you don't need to be sad for no reason#mmm can't be coherent about it just rest assured it was extremely harmful to me and also exactly what i needed#anyway the season 4 opening song as the thing you say to your younger self who lives inside your current self because#you can't actually go back in time and be the person your younger self needed to have in their life. so all you can do is love that child#in absentia but so so so fiercely and with your whole entire heart#all you can do is give your current self all the love you have for the child you were#jesus CHRIST
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doodlboy · 8 months
Yk, the fazbear frights books are weird as hell
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teddybeirin · 1 year
I cannot sleep at all ;w;
#it has not fully settled in but i think it will just take a long long time#i keep expecting something bad even though i am so comfortable here#it isnt even a present time feeling i dont think#i am afraid even though there is now distance.. the little one does not feel the distance maybe#does not realize. it has not fully sank in because not every part is aware of#the present. and then on top of that this is just so much#after everything i am okay only because other people made it so. and somehow it feels as if it could reach back#and touch the past. i am okay because other people made it so. a loop has finally been closed#that i didnt even realize was left open. i cant say i dont understand why i was so avoidant of asking#for help or needing help because 'if i need what i cant have im doomed either way why bother it hurts' was understandable#coming from that kind of nightmareish perfect storm. it feels like a nightmare now#that i have just woken up from. it doesnt feel real even though i am trying to hold onto at least#that i still need to go to therapy even if 'well *I* am not [part] so that never happened to me go away' is taking hold again#with more denial being even easier because now nothing bad is happening currently to me#what a trip. there was always fear and now its absence causes it somehow#there was always fear. and i was so obsessed with death because it was a comfort to at least get to know what i felt so close to me always#and now its breath is off my neck and only because people have been kind. it was not for any of my struggling on my own#all of that aside from what kept me alive was really fruitless. i have always needed others. it feels really strange#to say that now looking back at how i managed despite having no-one but it was not like the need was not there#it was even worse for being so totally unfulfilled. this is all so strange#some part of me feels afraid that the only way something this good could happen is if we are about to die#but i think that is a little silly. and it is so lovely to be able to say to the younger selves that it has gotten better#and they can be here with me where it is better. and nobody will hurt us anymore and it is safe and they are loved and every single wish#has been granted. it sounds so corny to say it that way but it really feels like it is so miraculous as to be impossible - if not for#experiencing it id have never believed this possible. that we can be safe at least from those harms#that time was all nothing.. it was nothing. 22 years full of barely anything worth living up til a few months that changed every single#thing. every single thing. how did i even live? it feels like breathing air for the first time#i have gone my whole life without feeling this and now i think i dont know how i ever made it through#but oh my god i am so glad i did#i am so glad i did.
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