#but hopefully I explained myself well
violetlunette · 2 years
Okay, so if you've been following me for a while and have seen my posts on the league of victim mentality—I mean villains, you may have gotten the idea that I hate “tragic” villains. This is not the case, believe it or not. I actually find villains with tragic pasts interesting. What I hate is when the “tragic” backstory is used to justify or overlook their crimes.
*LONG post
*Anti-Himiko Toga
*Anti-League of Villains
Spoiler Warnings for:
*Demon Slayer
*Bojack Horseman
*My Hero Academia
*Once Upon a Time (line or two)
*Wanda Vision (one line)
*HP (one line)
*Mentions murder, rape, and terrorism
Before reading, keep in mind this is an opinion piece and therefore may be a mistake or two. In other words, take it with a grain of salt.
So, to start this—basically what I said above. While my past posts suggest, otherwise I like villains with sympathetic backgrounds. The villains in Demon Slayer are among my favorites. They’re interesting as characters well as sympathetic. See, when written properly a sympathetic villain could be very entertaining. When written poorly, however, it comes off as them saying, “Look I know they’re responsible for killing a bunch of people, but you have to understand; they were sad once.”
Look, I am a person with a strong sense of justice and morals, and this tends to carry into the fiction I read. (Unless the tone prepares me, but that’s another post.) So when someone does something wrong, I expect the narrative to treat it as such. Now, of course, I’m not rigid, and I’ll have some flexibility on most things, even killing depending on the circumstances. However, I still want characters to be held to some accountability. I guess what I want is for writers to take the Bojack Horseman approach.
Whether or not Bojack is a villain is debatable, but what isn’t is that Bojack did many bad things and hurt a LOT of people. Now he has a sad backstory with abusive parents who abused him in every way but sexually. And the show never glosses over it. It states quite clearly that Bojack was hurt and uses his past to explain how he came to be the way he was so we can understand Bojack. It also makes it very clear that Bojack didn’t deserve the abuse he went through.
The creators of the show went out of their way to show and state multiple times that just because Bojack had a shitty attitude doesn’t mean it was okay for him to hurt the people he did. And more importantly, it shows that the people he hurt were people.
Princess Carolyn is a person whose feelings he took advantage of. Todd is a person who he used to make himself feel better and whose friendship he didn’t appreciate till later. Diane is a person who he hurt multiple times. Herb was a person who he betrayed and abandoned. Penny is a person he took advantage of and mentally damaged. Gina is a person he hurt and mentally scarred to the point she suffers from PTSD. Sarah Lynn was a person whose life was lost because of him.
These weren’t perfect people and, in their own way, they contributed to the situations that hurt them.Even so, in nearly all these cases they were victims of Bojack’s actions, and the show never denies or softens the blow. With Bojack, we see who he hurts, why he hurt them, and the results of his actions, most of which came from a choice HE made. Often in stories, these people would just be background filler for the villain to make them look evil, but here they’re people. Bojack Horseman also provides CONSEQUENCES for the title character. Again, Bojack hurt people and he’s held accountable. The League of Villains won’t be. Just watch. Hori has shown us in his other stories that he’ll let a villain walk after a beat down, and all will be forgiven. “But wait, Looney! Bojack Horseman is a TV Show for adults. It’s targeted at a completely different demographic! Plus, it’s a different medium altogether. It’s absolutely not fair to compare the two.” Quite right. There is quite a difference. So, let’s look at something closer to the medium, shall we? Let’s look at another anime of the same genre targeted at the same demographic; Demon Slayer.
In Demon slayer, Demons are humans transformed by a demon named Muten. Once they become demons, they often lose control of themselves and their humanity and turn into beasts that eat demons.
I’m going to use the Spider Demon arc as an example, particularly the Spider Mother.
Now, here's why Demon Slayer works for me and BNHA doesn't;
First, we see the people that the spider demon hurts and how she hurts them;
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They’re not just waved off or mentioned in a line or two. We see these people frightened and hurt, begging for help before they are killed. Deaths we also get to see;
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True, they weren’t main characters or even people Tanjiro and the others knew, but they were people.
Remind me, who did Dabe kill again? Can you think of any faces? Their voice? Do you know how they died? Did Dabi corner them? Or did he kill them in a burst of hellfire? Were they even aware they were going to die or surprised? We don’t know any of that. The only hint we got that Dabe’s actions hurt anyone was a reporter, but that’s it. The manga doesn’t want to focus on the people that were hurt because they want Dabe to remain sympathetic. Ultimately, his victims mean nothing.
And yet, Demon Slayer did better in making the villain sympathetic;
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The Spider Demon Mother was once a human turned demon who joined Rui for protection. She was then forced to change her face and become a “mother” despite being younger than the rest.
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We see that she was abused, hurt, and scared--
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--So much that she longed for death.
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So much so that we pitied her along with Tanjiro.
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However, we knew she had to die to atone for the people she killed. There’s no cushion to her crimes; we saw her torture and kill teenagers who were just as terrified as she was. And also know that because she was a demon she had killed and eaten innocent humans regularly.
Shinobu put it best herself when facing Spider Sister; "Bitch you killed a bunch of people and expect that to be okay?" Okay, she didn’t say that. Here’s what she actually said;
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Shinobu is pretty merciless here to this demon begging for help but  it’s not unwarranted. Like it or not, she has a point; 
The spider demon here killed many people over the years quite mercilessly. Nature or not, she still did it, and even if Shinobu did show mercy, there’s no evidence that the demon girl wouldn’t just eat more people when she was safe.
However, there’s the fact that the demon here really can’t help it. She was turned into a demon against her will, and her mind is clouded by demon instincts. It’s like getting mad at a cat for killing a bird. It’s sad, but it's nature.
The compromise comes from our hero. Tanjiro knows that he has to kill the demons because they’ve hurt people and will continue to hurt others. However, he still remembers that these demons are people too. So when he kills them, Tanjiro isn’t cruel, or merciless.
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Tanjiro made her death as swift and painless as possible. He took no joy in it it, but did what he had to do. Because she wouldn’t stop and those kids that were killed right in front of him deserved justice. The Spider Demons were were victims but they were also killers. THAT’S why they were villains. And so, Tanjiro and Shinobu held them accountable.
Speaking of which--and lacking a better transition--One of the things I love about Tanjiro is that he never allows the villains to use the victim mentality on him. One actually tries it once;
During the sword village arc, they accuse Tanjiro of bullying the meek when said meek is a fiendish killer who spent both his human and demon life blaming his failures on others.
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(Picture says it all, doesn’t it?)
How does Tanjiro respond? He calls them the fuck out.
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He all but states they’re not victims but attackers. They’re the ones killing innocent people without care and refusing to take responsibility.
Tago reminds me of the meek demon. She is responsible for killing thirteen boys and several thousand people when Shiggy destroyed a city. Yet all she’s thinking about is herself.
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During her entire fight with Ochako Tago is thinking of ONE person; herself. Even though thousands are dead and dying because of her. But oh, Ochako’s at fault here for not listening, boohoo! Fuck off. And before you say it, the fact that she’s a teenager only gives her so much leeway.
Ochako calls her out for this and tells her the same thing Tanjiro did.
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Unlike Tanjiro, Ochako is treated like she was in the wrong, and it becomes all about poor Tago, who by the way, killed an old lady just to trick her.
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See, the difference? Demon Slayer makes its villains sympathetic and accountable, My Hero Academia—like a lot of shows—doesn’t. From here on out Ochako is treated like she did wrong for not “listening” to Tago. (I’m gonna have to make a vent post about this chapter eventually.) But for now, I digress.
And while I tend to give Hori a lot of leeway in BNHA, as I know that the story is heavily influenced by editors and publishers, I know this on him. Why? Because he did it in his other story. I’m going to use the Aquarium arc as an example. Here, whale man abused the animals whom he gave human form and even killed them.
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Yet in the end, it’s hinted that he’s going to be welcomed back and given another chance.
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But here’s a surprise; Hori could get away with that shit here because most of the main characters are animals. Cruel, but killing is different in the animal kingdom because—as sad as it is to say—there’s a law of survival of the fittest. The animal mentality is different from a human's in a blue and orange way.
In BNHA the people being killed and doing the killing are human. There’s no blue and orange, it’s black and white. Hori can try to say it’s gray all he likes but it's not. He says the heroes are just as bad as the villains but when have we ever seen that? Have we ever seen a hero hurt an innocent? Refuse to save a person? Demand they be paid before doing their job? Nope. The worst we see is Endeavor as an abusive father, and that’s a different can of worms.
So, in conclusion;
Sympathetic villains are great when done right. It makes them engaging and can create empathy for others while showing a different POV. However, most writers refuse to hold them accountable, which can be even more dangerous than creating a villain like Maleficent or even All for One. Why? Because then the audience will use it to justify their own shitty behavior, a fear the creators of Bojack had, especially after an incident with the Rick and Morty fandom and the Mulan sauce.
The show runners of Bojack even had a character in their show flat out state,
“You know that’s not the point of the [show]--for guys to watch it and feel okay.”
“I don’t want you, or anyone else, justifying their shitty behavior because of the show.”
--Diane, Bojack Horseman, Head in the Clouds
And personally, I hate the victim mentality more than anything, especially when the characters exhibiting it have done some truly awful things.
OUAT Regina: "You’re the one who added evil to my name!"
Me: Uh, yeah! After you spent years murdering, raping, and slaughtering villages, then cast a spell that kidnapped hundreds of people and mind raped them. All because your mother—who you KNEW was a manipulative bitch—tricked an eight-year-old into telling a secret!
OUAT Rumpelstiltskin: "Why can’t I have a happy ending?" (Paraphrasing)
Me: Because you caused nearly everything that went wrong in the show and emotionally manipulative and abusive, controlling bastard.
OUAT Zelena: "Sister, why can’t we be BFFs?" (Paraphrasing)
Me: Many reasons, but the biggie is that you raped her boyfriend and eventually got him killed.
OUAT Mary-Margret and David: "Oh, our daughter hates us because we lied."
Me: Uh, there's also the fact you kidnapped an unborn baby from her mother. Then filled her with "darkness" that made it so every choice she made would result badly for her, then sent her to another dimension to die. Oh, and you did that just so you could manipulate your daughter's future instead of letting her have free will! (And how did that work out, btw? Oh, right. She became a thief and went to jail, all “without” darkness in her.)
(Note: Please don't misunderstand, the OUAT actors did a great job, but the writing failed the characters.)
WandaVision Monica to Wanda: “They’ll never know what you gave up.”
Me: Oh poor baby, Wanda had to give up a fantasy family that she literally made up and could create literally anywhere else to set a town free that she mentally enslaved to play out her TV fantasies. Something she knew she did because the government told her so when they came to save them! Wanda mentally tortured a town of innocent people for a year just so she could have her fantasy family life. And no! Her past doesn’t make shit like that okay.
HP Snape: "Why didn’t Lily love me?"
Me: Because you never viewed her as a person but as your dream girl. Also, Lily knew that you looked down on anyone with muggle blood to the point you joined the magical Koopa Klan. (You all know what I mean.) And Lily told you that to your face!
Do you see my point? I could come up with more examples but this post is long enough. The sad backstories of villains are supposed to help the audience understand so we can prevent ourselves and others from ending up like them. They are NOT supposed to be an excuse for their actions or a justification to wipe the slate clean. But that’s what most writers tend to do nowadays, which is why I prefer my evil for the luz villains. They’re fun, entertaining, and interesting, and they don’t waste time making excuses.
Does this mean I want the BNHA villains to die? No. I mean, I won’t cry or anything, but I’ll call it even if they go to jail for a couple of years and spend their lives repenting afterward.
And you know what? I can live with it when fans do stuff like this because that’s what fandoms do. It’s a whole different story when the creators do it as they should know better.
It’s like when a kid says, “fuck you” and when an adult says it. Sure, it’s insulting and infuriating but it's just kids being kids, so you blow it off. If an adult does it, that’s a whole different story as they know the meaning and ramifications of that word.
Anyway, this is long enough, so I’ll end this here.
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josephtrohman · 5 months
what’s wrong with fobtwt? i don’t use twitter lol
putting this under a break so as to not subject everyone to this also be warned i’m a little out of it with the triple whammy sick/on cough medicine/just wrote an exam but
the main thing rn is this trend of people taking to their main to expose other users for their interpersonal issues rather than having a conversation about it directly. like idk maybe try dming someone before you post about it for ur 1k followers when it’s nobody’s business except for you and them? obviously something that is actually a concern to others is different but someone not liking you is not a cancellable offence. relatedly ppl have been leaking private tweets left right and center 😭 also less prominent rn but still of note there’s a weird trend of people being so dehumanizing/fetishistic towards patrick’s size which just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, saying things like “joe is frotting with that fat man” or “i need the fat one” which is like. do you hear yourself??? he has a name?????????? he’s not just his body or any one adjective about him??? you fucking weirdo???? my feelings on the word fat are complex and i don’t agree with some takes ive seen regarding this discourse on twt but it doesn’t matter if you think that fat is a perfectly neutral descriptor or if you think it’s the worst insult someone could use, it’s just a fact that it’s kind of fucking weird to reduce someone to their body size (especially with the quote where the person referred to joe by name but patrick by his size)
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Hey, Luci! Newer fan here. I was wondering, this is probably a dumb question but I've heard that Ferrari was set back in development in 2022 when they changed from a strong front end to the opposite (probably among other things, I wasn't a fan then and maybe this is just an oversimplification). Apparently, this season Ferrari are still pretty conservative in their approach with both the suspension and the front end, and an aggressive front end is pretty important with these regulations, right?
So my question is, why haven't they been more aggressive? Like, why don't they choose to go with a more aggressive front end if it's so important, are they making it a priority to have a car that's suited for both drivers?
So the 2022 development was a mess. Yes they took the car in a direction to attempt to make both drivers comfortable, and with drivers who have very different preferences in driving style that was always going to be a recipe for disaster. However given what the team produced in 2022 and going into 2023 I am not confident that had they tried to keep with the strong front end in 2022 they would have been successful in upgrades there.
I am going to go into more detail in my post about the SF-24 suspension. However there is a bit of hindsight is 20/20 in effect.
Going into the new regulations it isn't always clear which elements are going to support a stronger front end. Teams have learned these things about the suspension over the course of the regulations.
And the thing is that there are always compromises. There are pros and cons to certain elements, and I think Ferrari was trying to favor stability. Which on it's own isn't bad. But it seems that is opposed to their aero approach.
There aren't super cut and dry ways that say "x approach always leads to a stronger front end" we learn these things over the course of a regulation cycle.
And I will agree that they did in 2022 and 2023 try to make a car that would be able to suit both drivers. Which again caused issues because the feedback they would have given would be for very different balances.
But of you are asking if they intentionally made certain choices about the suspension with the goal of trying to satisfy both driver's driving styles, to me the answer is no. I think there were a lot of factors behind the choice. And I have said that the current suspension configuration is not good, however, there are pros to why you would chose this configuration. So it wasn't like they didn't have some benefits in mind. However the issue is that it seems the benefits of one approach are outweighed by the cons. This was masked by a mixed field in previous years, but now with every other team on the opposite rear suspension it's become clear that path has more pros than cons.
This is a part of the sport and car regulations. Going into a new cycle it isn't always clear which approach will be best, on multiple fronts. As the seasons go convergence happens as the best way to do things becomes clearer and clearer.
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ikilledtvguy · 9 months
not to rant on main but as a will wood fan i needed to talk about this cause people STILL !!! get it confused !!!!
i/me/myself is not about being trans!!! will is a cis dude !!! the song is about gender confines [ and how he believes they shouldn’t exist ] and about how some people believe that if men wear anything considered feminine it makes them trans / gnc !!! he did identify as genderqueer but that was before he realised that he was actually just a cis guy and him liking to wear makeup or skirts or anything considered feminine does NOT make him less of a man !!!
i get that like songs are up to interpretation n shit but like seeing people interpret this as a song about being trans / gnc makes me so mad i’m sorry 🙏 [ if u wanna interpret it that way , that’s fine !!! but i think it’s important to know the actual meaning behind it yk ??!!! ]
if you want to read more about the song will himself explained it on the description of the genius page of i/me/myself it’s worth a read i think ^_^
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acedrawsbad · 6 days
I really like My Hero Academia but there's only one major thing that I would change (except for the Bakudeku thing ending as the longest enemies-to- obsessive compulsive will they won't they) and that's probably the structure and power of One for All. While all the other powers in MHA are very niche, very unique, and very simple, one for all isn't just one power but several incredibly powerful quirks all mashed together into one. And thats fucking stupid.
Wait, don't leave yet! I can explain!! When we first meet deku, the first thing we learn about who he is other than being quirkless is that he's incredibly intelligent and very competent at understanding and strategizing related to quirks. Despite not having a quirk of his own, or maybe because of it, Deku has almost an obsession with learning about people's powers and understanding exactly how they work and their limits. This makes him a great candidate for a power that requires a lot of careful use because he's so good at understanding his own limits and strategizing from every aspect.
But the power of One for All doesn't allow for Deku to use his crazy intelligence to build strategy or find unique uses for his ability. He has 7 powers to master to become a master of OFA. This overabundance of incredibly strong powers means he never truly gets creative with their use. He's a jack of all trades, sure, but he doesn't really struggle for his powers in the same way that everyone else does. Everyone else has to be inventive, crafty, and skilled to become great. But Deku, the character most suitable for that development, never gets to show it.
Intelligence and creativity related to your quirk are highly valued in this world. Because powers are so niche, to use them effectively in many situations often requires a high level of training and you have to know every limit of your power. Heroes aren't directly police sanctioned and can't make proper arrests. They're not legally authorized to kill or detain villains long term, their main job is to protect the peace by taking down enemies who're using their powers to hurt civilians. This makes combat tricky because you aren't supposed to seriously injure someone if you can help it at all.
Because of that combat heroes have to be very careful about their training. This also means that more damaging and dangerous quirks like Bakugous have to be managed by him for nonlethal combat. OFA is the kind of powerful quirk that could kill if Deku isn't careful. But he never shows concern or does any proper training to manage his power levels in that regard. He's never shown worrying about the kind of damage his power could do to the people he's fighting, and his hero warship of All Might prevents him from considering the risks of the power. This could have serious risks but they're never explored like the rest of the world is.
Deku knew he was trying to be a hero. And before he met All Might, he had full intentions to become a hero without a quirk to his name. So it makes no sense that this analytically intelligent aspiring hero wouldn't have started strength training to be strong enough in the hero course until All Might begins training him for the quirk. At least to me, this struggle feels artificial, something to handicap Deku without affecting the actual ability he was given. The truth is, Horikoshi wrote an imperfect, gorgeously thought out world that I wouldn't have even dreamed up the implications of. But he didn't want to give All Might and by extension OFA any real deep flaws. Because of that, when Midoriya inherits the quirk he breaks his limbs unable to control it. But once he understands how to use it, all of his problems with it vanish. There are no actual side effects once Deku has the physical ability. After that, we only see deku developing more powers. And he has to master them as he discovers them, sure, but it's never really an issue to seriously struggle with his powers afterwards.
If I were to change One for All, I would dramatically tone down the power Deku has. In my version, he only has the major strength increase, but no matter which one he inherits, it needs to be just one, Comparable-To-Todoroki strength power. Maybe Dekus power is weaker than All Mights because he hasn't trained the power to its full strength. Maybe it has to be managed by releasing excess energy because Deku is so constantly restless. Maybe the lightning it releases could hurt someone past a normal punch taking them down. But it needs to have a proper side effect apart from Dekus body being unused to it and unable to really master it for the first 2 seasons. I would make Deku physically strong enough, or close to it, when the show starts but Deku can still struggle with letting the quirk flow through his body. Maybe his anxieties limit the quirk from kicking in in dangerous situations. It can be anything, something simple, but it has to be a valid side effect from a severe and sudden physical enhancement.
But more than anything else, I want Deku to grow using his own analytical skills. While Deku is behind his classmates on training at the beginning, he has no issue surpassing all of them in class and he understands theory really well. Let him use his already developed character to make himself more powerful. Let him get creative with it, improve and grow without artificial hacks propelling him so far ahead.
Thank you for coming to my very long Ted talk.
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lochness-art · 2 years
man i wish ppl would stop comparing everything/one to zuko’s redemption arc like
zuko was so fucking incredibly easy to redeem, have you seen this guy. this lost child. it was clear from s1 ep whatever that he’s just a poor victim uwu and he was gonna get redeemed eventually
the only surprising/interesting part abt his redemption is the fuck ups he makes along the way. anyways. jesus.
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flamingredanon · 10 months
I’m honestly blown away with how much you can write, it’s impressive! Any advice on getting past writer’s block?
Thank you for the compliment.
As for writer's block, these are some of the ways I deal with it.
The biggest one for me is taking a break from whatever story I'm stuck on, no matter how long that break needs to be.
This might be me but trying to force progress on something you brain doesn't have ideas for is like trying to push a brick wall with your hands.
Sometimes I focus on something else like art, rereading books or favorite fics, watching something or playing video games, or I even write little side stories or what ifs for the thing giving me writer's block.
I also like browsing various general tropes tags on here (like I will literally just search up "tropes" or "writing prompt") and seeing if something pops up might inspire me to write, especially if you want to do something for a favorite ship or character.
Another thing I occasionally do is think about random scenarios involving characters or ships, like what if two characters met in different circumstances, or how far does one character's loyalty go or I just see a scenario and go "what if this happened instead".
Crossing over two favorite franchises is also a fun one.
One more thing I do is go back through any old wips or ideas and see if I get the spark to just randomly complete them or rework them for a different story.
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
while he kinda does suck being evil (mainly when he was anti-Sonic before the master emerald), he’s still a massive asshole, and it doesn't help that he's stuck on that mindset. he seems convinced on the whole everyone is “bad from the get-go” in his planet. but in lockdown arc, he knows damn well that he also CHOOSES to be bad when he could've saved Al and Cal (people who were nice to him) while breaking out of jail.
i do like the idea though that he hates his dad because he associates him with the great peace, at a time where he might've needed the most support as a kid. and that he does have the flicker of potential to be a decent being, but he actively smothers it out in order to not be like Sonic. he fills his role as an anti though as a result.
also rooftop run is a good stage as well! its been a while since ive played the game too, dont worry. at least its not empire city. empire city had me up high with rage. i thought it was a nice callback too when Sonic and Blaze returned there together.
literallyyyy like i dont think scourge is just inherently evil or anything nobody is born a bad person and maybe in some sort of post canon scenario scourge could change if he really wanted to. but also whenever i see the whole "umm actually hes just Evil Because Trauma and all his actions are justified because of this" im like ummm no i think hes just Like That i think he just chooses to be an asshole
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punmster · 5 months
From one fellow aroace person to another, did you ever feel as though you were broken because you felt little to no romantic attraction, or did you feel like you were above average folk because “Haha these mere mortals cannot resist the temptations of attraction and my identity does not revolve around such trivial matters,” kinda way? I feel like aroace typically feel either of these two so I’m just curious.(I was mainly the latter lol and was lowkey always confused why people would be depressed about not finding a partner and revolving their identity around that)
I guess I was one of those that didn't really care except to go with the flow. I was an actively and proudly weird child (it was cringe, I won't lie--I'm...less like that now) so nobody's opinions on my normalcy was going to affect me. Once I realized I was aroace in my teens I definitely loved the memes about "love makes you human, therefore aro/aces are gods". I'm not gonna like. look down on other people for being silly when in love though. I don't understand what makes others do the things they do, but damn if I don't love me some drama
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medicinemane · 5 months
#I get tired of people trying to explain what lens I should view the world through; what way I could think that would make everything better#forgive me but I don't care; I do what I do and I do what I can and you don't see the work I do under the hood#I don't want advice on self validation or whatever; I want... I want someone to hold a mirror up so I can actually see myself#by which I mean I want input on how I'm doing; if it's good enough; if it's worth anything; if anything I make is good#everyone things I'm nice; everyone has always thought I'm nice#but given nice leaves me profoundly isolated I don't think I care#not to mention in my opinion what nice in this instance means is that I'm capable of listening#it's mostly that I have manners rather than some quality about me#I'm well behaved and polite and can listen; and that's perceived as nice or even sweet#and it's not like I'm offended by people seeing me that way; but maybe you can get why... I can't do anything with that information#but if I'm doing enough... if I provide any value to the world... I might have heard that less times in my life than years I've lived#that's where I'm totally blind#people don't tend to offer any input; and also people don't tend to let me know what they're thinking#and I in fact am not a mind reader; I can often accurately infer things; but no of that means a thing till it's confirmed#and... well... hopefully no one reads the stupid shit I say and especially not the tags so this is safe and hidden#but truthfully people just like to hear that stuff they're doing is wanted and matters#and I do not#I don't know... gotta go do more cleaning cause I need to#and I have no idea if... I've got a reason for fighting so hard to clean; but I get very little input so... I expect... well...#and thankfully I don't think they read my tags so I can say this#but I really expect they won't take me up on my offer to come out here and get away from their parents; so there will be no pay off#not that I blame them in the slightest... it's just the only possible pay off for this cleaning would be helping someone I like out#and a scrap of company#but then again... in many ways anyone coming out to live with me is the worst thing they could probably do#sorry... I have a rather bleak outlook on many things surrounding myself purely cause of what I infer from the past#there is never pay off; only more shit I need to get done#I will never be loved; I will never be wanted; I will always just kinda be an afterthought that's occasionally worth venting to#no one will ever be particularly interested in anything I'm interested while I'll chase their interests or at least try to#certainly let them talk about them when they want#...though I take that over my normal total isolation... better to at least be permitted to follow in someone's shadow than have nothing
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traaumaa · 5 months
getting extremely stressed over simple things....
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m4niackkyun · 1 year
Hi. (Announcement in the tags)
#uhmm...i don't know how to explain this...#so my family has been having a lot of trouble lately#mostly our relationship with our step father#there's been ups and downs..well..more on the downer side. the only main reason my mother married him was because of..well..#money..as trash as that sounds. i can't deny the fact that I've been able to continue my studies due to his financial support.#i don't want to justify anything that i've probably done wrong to him but emotionally right now—i'm simply scarred to the point where—#I don't think I could heal without professional help. I've been struggling a lot with it ever since of what he did#i felt disgusted. dirty. I felt lost. I didn't want to forgive him. maybe this is the punishment i have to endure because I didn't have it—#—in me to forgive him. I know the principles of my religion and it is stated that one must always find forgiveness towards others.#no matter how big their mistake is. but you see—I'm not God. I am human. my kindness isn't as grand and as big as Him.#my patience is limited and so is my forgiveness#that applies the same to my mother. my mother is a very patient person when it comes to her husband. but yet again she isn't an angel—#nor is she God. she is also human and has limits to what she could handle and what she could forgive and forget.#they argued tonight. and I don't think it'll slide or end well like the past arguments. and I'm sorry to say but—#I won't be able to be active all that much either.#without him now I'll probably have to look for part time jobs. which is gonna limit how active I will be here and on my main account#I will probably go into an indefinite hiatus for some time#maybe I'll come back...maybe I won't. hopefully I will. just...pray for me that I have it in me to continue doing what I love and—#—sharing these little bits of what I do in my free time with you.#I won't have the time to reply to anything for the time being. college tests are on the way and I have to prepare myself for—#—the better or worse.#if things go downhill and you don't hear from me for a long while. then this will probably be my last post here.#I'll still be able to reply to messages on other platforms#but I just don't have the emotional stability to talk right now. No it's gonna be fine. I have faith in me and God.#I know that He doesn't put His children into burdens that none of them could handle.#and if He thinks I could handle this. then I will. and I can. He is with me and so is all of your faith.#that puts me in a sense of reassurance a little hahah...#yeah.. so...I'll see you then..bye.
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greyias · 1 year
Tumblr media
Tagged by: @captainderyn -- thank you for the tag! Tagging: @meanbihexual, @keldae, @queen-scribbles (no pressure!) From the little au that could...
Valkorion had looked down at his progeny with ill-disguised contempt, lightning dancing at the tips of his fingers as he attempted to silence what he saw as the only threat in the room. He didn’t even look up until the cold barrel of a blaster buried itself at the base of his skull.
Which brought Theron back to where he wasn’t supposed to be.
Standing in someone else’s moment, stepping into a destiny that wasn’t his, and about to set into motion a cascade of events he had no hope of understanding. He was a disgraced spy. A Jedi washout. The Force-blind son of someone else’s greatness. A man always destined to live in the shadow of others.
“Do you really think that pathetic toy will hurt me?”
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sidhedust · 1 year
OKAY, this blog is a little TOO informal so I MAY make a sideblog that's more...........PR??? I guess like. "Professional" for the VNs. It all depends though...I was just thinking that no one wants to follow a creator's blog when it's all unrelated to the main work.
I mean, like I said weeks back, Tumblr is BUILT for blogging/multimedia posting and being silly-if anything, if you aren't silly and don't draw often enough, you get LESS engagement, but I guess it's like...imagine playing a game, digging it, you go to the creator's blog, and nothing about the game can be found on the blog except the dev logs.
This is probably my cue to start Toverablogging more often instead of making a sideblog and roleplaying being professional, since that can be intimidating-so the problem is that on this blod, people can't send asks about/talk to me about/comment about a work they don't know/see enough of (as there are very few posts to even do this on to begin with), and a pro-sounding blog doesn't lend itself to fun asks and interaction (though I have seen blogs dedicated to a product get funky asks too).
Of course, part of the lack of blogging and meming about the work and world is because it's a project, and I'm focusing all of my energy into sprites and backgrounds instead of posting often...but I think I could maybe do more like...ask games? Doodle requests? Doodles for answering asks? More bait. To get the blog on topic, more fun to watch/follow and more interactable.
IDK! I'm just thinking out loud. I admit I struggle with this because to be honest, I struggle with being an active consumer-I talk mostly in tags since I hate clogging up posts (though I HIGHLY enourage you all do this to mine, I love reading the additions to mine) and for the most part I tend to look at things, make a bookmark in my mind or in my browser, and be interested without showing interest with comments, asks, all that. So when coming up with ways to present my work, I'm at a loss because I'm quieter than most people might think :[ I don't know where to even begin Toveraposting and introducing the world to my followers outside of completing the VN and getting interaction from people interested enough to start it on their end, because as of now, I can only sit here and stare at everyone autism creature style ☠️☠️☠️
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tardis--dreams · 1 year
I should call the doctor's office *calls, in tears* *they don't pick up* oh thank GOD above- i should call the doctor's office *shaking and throwing up while calling* *they don't pick up* oh hell yeah! I should call the doctor's office *calling* please don't pick up please don't pick up please don't pick up ple *they don't pick up* I'm so happy rn! Aw fuck i still need to call the doctor's office though ㅠㅠ *they don't pick up* ah well i tried my best I'll just ask in person on friday when I'm there anyway (((:
My mother: *shakes head disappointedly*
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moonwoodcollective · 2 years
i wanna follow more indigenous simmers tbh
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