#but i believe that all these people going around harrassing others and making fun of people should not be a reflection of their side of
achaotichuman · 5 months
After extensive research (looking at my moots reblogs and my own) I have come to the conclusion that this is what the pro vs anti side of ACOTAR actually looks like.
Anti side- We believe that SJM isn't good at portraying the themes she uses in her stories, and she doesn't do her characters justice.
Pro side- We believe SJM is good at portraying the themes she uses in her stories, and she does do her characters justice.
People who are insane and should not be a reflection of either side- IF YOU LIKE *INSERT CHARACTER* YOU DESERVE TO FUCKING DIE!!!!!
This post was sparked by this post, @wingsdippedingold
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hiveswap · 8 months
Summary of The Cat of The Year poll atrocities of 2023/2024
I'm sure that most people on this side of tumblr have seen the Jellie vs. Nefarious Anglerfish poll going around with like 60k votes at this point, and I'd really like clear up some of what happened since I was around for the whole thing.
Url blocked out for op's privacy. They have already left but don't look for it if you haven't seen it/don't harrass them if you already have.
1. The previous round (preparation)
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I discovered the poll in its previous round, needless to say she beat Jort's ass severely. This was around the 3rd of january, meaning that this round finished before jellie's passing with only about 7k votes. Op did add their own piece of propaganda from their main:
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...which was FINE. (except for stuff we'll see later) Of course running a poll while biased isn't ideal but I for one didn't even know they were the op until much later. I also added my own piece in a separate thread, and they didn't interact with it at all. There was no drama.
2. The Finale
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Jellie unfortunately passed away right before the starting of this poll, which was the catalyst for what happened next. Op did exactly as last time and added a slightly more mean spirited encouragement to vote for the other contestant. This is the point where I believe that i fucked up personally.
I added this thinkpiece accusing op of associating all mcyters with Dream (who we all hate for the record) despite them not alluding to him at all. This is because tumblr has a history of disimissing all mcyters as... everything that dream was been accused of. Op did allude to not caring for mcyt. but they didn't say what i accused them of. This is important to point out because this reblog of mine is still being spread. Jellie was in the lead at the time, but not by the time i woke up next morning.
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I won't be including anyone else's additions because I don't want to put blame on any specific person. Just felt like clearing up mine.
3. The Fuckening
Some time later op made this post to their personal blog:
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which is insanely shitty because, as other people have pointed out, the "lame ass youtube cat" didn't die to inconvinience op or ruin their fun, and people would have probably voted for her anyway because jelly is universally beloved in the mcyt community. This isn't anti democratic. This post was added to the poll with a caption saying op should not be running this poll, and it took off. Op later went on to say that this was a joke:
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This apology was not taken well by people, (including me) because "you were not meant to see it" isn't an apology and they still very much made fun of someone's pet dying. Safe to say this did not make the drama stop and only added fuel to the flame. I believe this was the point where the conversation of mcyt fans being unjustly sent hate to was reignited.
We should discuss that! it's a real thing that happens often and is equal to childish bullying. However, in this case, OP was the only one getting sent hate to my knowledge. The notes were mostly saturated by mcyt fans, and even now i can only find one or two hateful stance towards us under the whole 20k notes post.
4. Conclusions
Op posted a second apology to the catoftheyear blog to try and calm people down (i believe this is comprehensive and a lot better than the previous one) The blog was deactivated shortly after, so i only have my phone screenshots of it that i also added to the poll itself at some point:
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(Edit) Here's proof that op did not write the justification they got criticised for, from the notes of the original poll:
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This apology didn't get seen, or get accepted by enough people, so op made this statement on their personal:
Needless to say I am deeply dissapointed (and guilty) that it's come to this. Yes, op said tasteless things that made us all angry, but telling a human being to commit suicide is worse than being insensitive about a stranger's pet dying. Even after I posted about the blog being decatived i had someone come into my notes to wish that "they never find happiness" i mean wtf. This isn't like shipping where we can do whatever without the content creator's input. this is fucking harrowing and i can't imagine how i'd feel if this was done in my/my pet's name especially after losing them as recently as a week ago.
I hope no one from hermitcraft who is on here (let alone scar holy shit) learns about this like they did with previous lighthearted tournaments. If you truly respect the creators you claim to be a fan of as people, you do not tell people to kill themselves over them. And finally, let Jellie fucking rest, guys. she had a long, good life. I hope op can come back and also avoids behaving like this if they ever wish to do so. I'm angrier at mcytblr, though.
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sariels-world-ella · 2 years
I don't know if any one cares or relates to this or needs to hear this or not, but, don't you just get a bit irritated when someone from the older generation says, "don't do/say *insert thing here* because the other kids would make fun of you!" I get they are trying to look out for us but..
1. I don't care what the other kids think, if they have a problem with it, they can f*ck off, my identity is not determined by someone else's opinion.
2. A lot of things changed since they were kids, times change.
Like, a boy kissed his boyfriend in the hallway and everyone around them reacted no different than if it was a straight couple, a goth girl wore a pastel gothic lesbian pride flag outfit completed with make up, there is a cishet boy wears dresses and skirts everyday, there is some boys wear make up, there exists openly trans students and people both respect their pronouns and chosen names, there is minority clubs where minority group students (+minority group supporters) interact, there is a gay-straight alliance club, there is literal pride flags around the school, gender neutral bathrooms.
I've seen people wearing shirts saying how they support autistic people, I also seen shirts supporting people epilepsy, down-syndrome, mental health issues, depression, and I have also seen people supporting "my body, my rules", "Black lives matter", (ps. I put them in qoutes because these are phrases, and not for disrespectful reasons), also students advocating to help lower homelessness and poverty in our state, as well as awareness about child abuse and human trafficking.
I've seen plenty of students who are openly gay/lesbian, trans, queer, bi, pan, aro, ace, neurodivergent, religious/non-religious, you name it, walking around the school like any other student, no one gives them crap, they wear and express their pride flags, religious symbols, racial identity pride, autism swag, and/or pronoun pins all they want.
(If you don't believe me, I can provide photographic proof, however, there may not be many pictures of people themselves out of respect for privacy and if there is, all their faces would be blurred unless they consent to having their face on the internet)
Things change, I bet if a lot of these things happened back when the older population were kids, those people would be harrassed and bullied. Yeah, sure, these type of people still exist, but a good amount of the younger population is trying to move us forward.
Though it's not everywhere, acceptance does exist, just because some people don't accept you for who you are doesn't mean there is no one who will. If someone doesn't love you for who you are, then they don't deserve you. Your identity is your own, people can try to invalidate it all they want but only person who can TRULY invalidate your identity is yourself.
Don't people get to you, and be yourself. If someone is making you so you aren't comfortable in your own skin, then tell them to screw off and for them to worry about their own identity.
Times change don't let the people stuck in how past was like, stop you from having a better future. No matter who you are or where you come from, (as long as your not the scum of the earth, ex: a p*dophile), you matter! your identity is yours, only you have the power to disvalidate it, don't give that power to others. Keep on going, I believe in you! ♥️
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the-firebird69 · 11 hours
Final wishes the oncoming of another hurricane in A. area. He is just completely. ignored and beaten on mentally and he is poor as dirt and annoyed all day long and threatened by everyone he encounters practically. It's very bad Very bad. And people are continuing. This is normal and they're not seeing it. So he mentioned this story again. and he said that it's very weird that. I was working at Toys R Us and it was a strange job to palletize toys and distribution. warehouse of theirs. is pretty good at he didn't do a perfect job and did it really fast and it worked. well enough He palatized them with it. They looked at a little awkward, but they were good enough. And really, nobody did much better. But he did it very fast. And the other side trouble keeping up. And he kept. doing it on. the slowdown and I guess he slowed down a little and he was making the pallets better So they told him to slow down. and to not make the pouts look so good. So he said I don't think I can sit here doing this all day. because he was kind of bored. So people thought that he left because he's. going to a better place. because the Mac proper or their own people are trying to get him to a point where he understands this kind of job is menial. It's not very difficult and some people aren't OK at it. And that's who should be doing it. And for reasons that are more important than normal, but it's not a huge thing. And a lot of people went around with that for years. everywhere They believe that strongly that it was a show or roost to educate him to try and get a better job And it's the one that they want partially. That's what it is. because we want him in a decent job. But really that's not what was all about.. When it was all about is somebody Was saying something by having him in this job and then. out of it, they were. announcing a message telling. people something in code and it was for those people to receive that code. its huge ok...and he didit for a week more was harrassed. they told him to leave no but would not eat withhim or sit. and he was fun and such. so he did not see it. and it was an alert to all, tons of ours bought that anwe used it for that. bul tno not that nope.
he leaves and hte managment are angry and did see them do things an he said it so whats your cause. and he said your in here alone saying it. nd h e sai nope not the math. nd he grinned ok handed him his last check they were getting and he left on his bycicle. nd yeh made him drive there and supposedly he lost his license and htey did take it but f these faggots. and he said it tell your boss he is dead..to the toys r us manager and it meant the one doing this asshole show bike riding and such. and the treatment was harsh.
and there are tons of other theories our son had one they are messing with tme and tons of times.
when paletizing made a game of it to ease teh stress. it was dark dingy clean but smelled of dust and he was alergic and cold nnot tempr but he worked alone. the others were hudnred of feet away.
the others did not aprove and it was is that way at all jobs he got. ll the workers did not like it he was adored no but valued htey were not and it is a paralelle. but they say our plan too. and he says ok. but still no that is not what it is. no.
we did crack it nd he says it is at each company. means the samething more or less and he is not sure what no sees. it . due to the toys. they all do no.
Thor Freya and the reason teh toys the key the mac prooper made it the code that is why but tii s seen at each job and why it is important. oconnor piced up on it and looked and was horrified ahnd has records and they see it no he will talk.
we are not enemies no and i helped. have it need to lose it to others rght now
need to
michael tew
and i am here and see it and the otheers
mac daddy and wow he has a hell of a story and ok is a colonel ned this
0 notes
anxietycheesecake · 2 years
Gay sex jokes can be funny, tasteful and valid rep. But when it's all a show really delivers, there's definitely teasing of the only potential mlm couple (that nobody forced them to put in there; people shipping something they know is just a fun dynamic that won't go anywhere isn't that) and then going all "oh, but it's deeper than sexual™" and "I don't know if we're teasing it" is definitely... queerbait adjacent.
There are homophobes who are super comfortable watching this show to this day. They have an homophobic explanation for every single joke or hint we've enjoyed. It doesn't make it an homophobic show, of fucking course not, but it hasn't alienated the homophobic audience as much as you think. It probably will happen in season 4, but not yet.
Baiting the only mlm relationship when the only rep as for today are casual jokes is queerbait-adjacent. Going on unrelated weirdly sexual tangents when asked genuine questions about something even the press has read as text should leave a taste in your mouth, especially when compared to stuff that's been said before season 3 was a thing (and I'm willing to bet they're barely aware asexuality/demisexuality is a thing, if they've heard of it at all, so don't come for me). This doesn't feel like a "wait and see" type of answer, but ok, let's wait and see.
And if by the end of the show nandermo goes fully unaddressed (NOT CANON; the bar is as low as ADDRESSING it, I'll be ok with however it goes from there), I'm sorry, but I won't be as uwu about it as you are being.
I'm glad you feel seen and validated and like you're getting the rep you want, but when you consider how little risks the network is truly taking by doing stuff this way and how they'll definitely keep doing it in the future if they can get away with it... I mean, it's kind of insulting? I wouldn't give it a pass. I think it 100% would set a very unfortunate precedent.
(I know people are going to say "oh, but there's a lesbian couple in this other show, they're super ok with that". Cool. I promise you a board of guys with ties sat around a table to study every possible ramification of putting those lesbians in that drama or whatever. But you know what I want? More sitcoms with wild concepts and queer relationships. More sitcoms with queer relationships in general. If they can get away with baiting the only gay ship and still get praised for queer rep for jokes about how horny everybody is, expect most shows to handle it exactly like that. One is ok, sure, but there will be more and it'll get boring very quickly.)
I can't believe I have to say this, but don't fucking harrass the creators. Express your negativity about a product you consumed in general terms like a normal person and act in consequence.
Anyway, I love this show and where it's heading, not so much how it's being handled in the month and year of our lord June, 2022. Hope to come back and cringe at this someday lmao
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inarizakibabe · 3 years
As the first prince of his country Suna had just about everything his heart could want. Riches, fine silks and linens, and more food than he could eat. One would expect with a life as luxurious as his he would be happy. Unfortunately his father could see the sadness deep in his son's eyes. Maybe he needed  new hobby or more servants to boss around? Then again looking at things carefully the king noticed his son avoided the servants as much as he could. Just what could cheer up his son and bring back the joy in his eyes? Oh! Maybe that could work.
"You called for me father?"
"Yes Rintaro. I've noticed your sour mood these past few months and I think I know what could make it better." the king smiled down at his son. "I remember entering a funk as you young kids say and your grandfather threw a ball in my honor and I ended up meeting your mother."
Suna fought hard to hide the disgust creeping onto his face. Surely his father didn't really think he wanted to meet someone.
"So that's why three days from now we will have a ball and invite all eligible maidens to attend. Maybe I'll be able to see you smile again,"
"Um father with all due respect I don't really see how a ball will improve my funk as you called it. Maybe if I took a ride around the forest I'll feel better?" Suna hoped his father would get the message but knowing how stubborn he was he'll most likely be engaged three days from now. "I'll even bring my attendants to make sure I'm alright."
"Nonsense going for a ride isn't what you need. Trust me on this Rintaro. A ball is exactly what you need. You're dismissed. You have a ball to prepare for." The king said before turning back to the papers on his desk.
Suna sighed and left his father's office. Maybe if he ran away nobody would miss him. Or the entire kingdom would be put on lock down until he was found. He couldn't put his people through that so there was only one thing to do.
The next day Suna found himself taking a walk in the garden. If all goes to plan he wouldn't have to propose and maybe he could get the freedom he was craving. Sure castle life was fun but when you have people constantly telling you how to live and doing every thing fro you it can get tiring. Before he turned eighteen he didn't have as many responsibilities as he does now. Life was simple he would take lessons during the day and after a certain time he was free to do what he wanted until dinner time.
Now he's stuck behind a desk everyday taking on the tasks of the kingdom he father didn't want to do. If he got to leave the castle anymore it was for business and once all was settled he'd come right back home and behind the four walls of his personal office again. His home had become a prison and his office his cell.
"You know if you continue to frown at the ground it's less likely to open up and take you away from here."
Suna looked up and found one of his attendants speaking with him. He had two personal attendants who miraculously happened to be twins. They met each other at the age of six and have been together ever since. The one speaking to him now was the blonde one Atsumu which meant his brother Osamu, with gray hair, was most likely harrassing the kitchen staff.
"That sounds like a dream come true right now. Don't you feel suffocated here? You've lived here your whole and trained to work for me. Was it something you always wanted or was this chosen for you?" Suna asked.
"Sounds like someone is scared of their responsibilities. Alright Rintaro tell me what's wrong." Atsumu offered Suna an encouraging smile until he noticed the deadpan look on Suna's face. "You don't have to look at me like that you know."
"No offense but, actually take as much offense as you can from this but last I checked advice giving wasn't something you were capable of. Where's Osamu?"
"Looking up one of the maid's skirts. Now what do you mean I'm not a good advice giver? I happen to give great advice to people in need." Atsumu huffed.
"Right right remind me again why ten percent of the palace guards quit after you left 'inspiring' words with them." Suna mused.
"Be glad you're a prince." Atsumu muttered dejectedly.
"Threatening the crowned prince? That's grounds for dungeon time. Let me know if you want gray or white sheets." Suna laughed as he continued in the direction he was headed before.
"I'll take green. Look the fact of the matter is you're clearly not happy about something and as one of your attendants it's my job to fix that. I can get your horse saddled if you want and tell your father you had an entire platter filled with cheese." Usually Suna would grimace at the mention of cheese but a ride through the kingdom sounded more like what he needed.
"Thanks but no thanks, after the last time my father would kill me if he found out I ran off again. If you did want to cheer me up you could figure out a way to get him to cancel this ball he's throwing in my honor."
"You know as well as I do just how stubborn your old man is. You'd have better luck raising the dead than changing his mind. Look on the bright side. There'll be cake." Atsumu smiled at Suna who in turn frowned at him.
"For saying that you get purple sheets."
"Wait! Let's talk this out!"
The following day Suna found himself in his room being fitted for a new suit. In the twenty minutes he's been standing there he's been pricked by pins three times.
"Last warning tailor. The next time you hurt the prince you'll be charged for treason." Today Osamu was keeping Suna company
''Forgive me your highness. You're more built than I'm use to dealing with. Rest assured this suit will be the most beautiful suit you'll ever wear." the tailor put another pin in the fabric he was working with and prayed he hadn't pricked Suna again. "If I may ask, what occasion is this ball in honor of? The last celebration we had was your eighteenth birthday and I believe your birthday isn't until next year so what's the joyous occasion?"
"You'll find out the day after the ball until then please focus on leaving skin on my body." Suna sighed.
"Of course your highness my apologies again."
"Tsumu talked to me yesterday. What's going on with you?"
"He talks too much. He simply saw me walking in the garden nothing else."
"Oh yeah? I heard that princess you met in Shektor is coming tomorrow. Should I make arrangements that she's your first dance of the evening?" Osamu smirked at Suna who scowled at him. "Oh dear your highness what an expression. Be careful Princess Tsumaki doesn't see it she might think one of the wind goblins is tickling your nose again. In fact I'll write a letter to her right now to bring her special medicine to cure you!"
"Osamu you bastard! Ow! Alright fine enough I'll answer both your questions just stop tormenting me! I should have both of you locked up for treason." Suna growled trying to keep the parts if his sanity he still had.
The tailor and Osamu smirked at each other as Suna began to speak again. "I just felt trapped behind these walls recently. Is everything I'm doing really important? I sit down and sigh papers all day either about farm rations or mining and I just don't see the need to do any of that. The people know what they need to survive and they know how to do what they need to survive so why should I waste time looking over it for them? They're not children who need to be supervised they'd be well off without me. The again if I don't do that then what is my purpose here? What am I suppose to do with my life? Am I just the face the people use when they need something? No wait that's my father's job so I'm just here. I make agreements and trade deals with other countries and attend diplomat meetings my father can't make it to. If I didn't do any of that then I'd be a regular boy in the kingdom maybe doing stable work. Sounds better than being the one everyone blames for everything if things go wrong. My father apparently doesn;t know me very well and thought I was lonely so he's throwing a ball for me to find a wife. What's not to love about that?"
Osamu sighed and pulled one of Suna's cheeks. "First don't talk about yourself like that. Like it or not this is how you were born and there's literally nothing you can do about that. It doesn't matter what kind of job you do even if all you did was tell someone to move a chair you still did something and it benefited somebody in the long run. You can't see yourself for the things you do but me and everyone else around you can. You just need to look at things from a different point of view."
Suna looked away from both of them and sighed while taking in Osamu's words. Maybe all he did need was to view things from a different perspective. Yeah maybe that could work. "Ow!"
"You didn't have to stick him again Mori." Osamu sweatdropped.
"Nope that time definitely was an accident. Please try not to move your highness." Mori smiled innocently.
Or maybe his tailor would take him out first. Whichever came first he guessed.
The day of the ball finally arrived and carriage after carriage arrived at the castle holding nobles and royals from near and far. Suna was in his room again watching from the window as carriages entered the palace grounds. Maybe if he's lucky he could make a run for it during the party and jump the fence to get away from everybody to maybe save himself for a little while. Or maybe one of guards sees him and tries to follow him and ruins his plans.
"Just sit through the ball and I'm sure your father will let you leave for an hour tomorrow."
"Yeah right after his engagement announcement. Listen Rin if you don't want to do it then I don't see why you should."
"Don't listen to Tsumu. We'll help you if you need a breather every now and again but we can't cover fro you the entire night."
"Or eat these two slices of cheesecake right now and be excused for the rest of the night." Atsumu suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
It was a pretty solid plan but a night of pain wasn't worth missing the ball. His father might only postpone it and he'd be confined to his room until everything passes.
"Well gentlemen it's my last night a single man. If I'm lucky Tsumaki won't be my future bride. The small bout of freedom I had was nice but it's time for me to be a big boy and do what I have to. Once I'm king the first thing I'm doing is making sure Asami doesn't go through this." Suna sighed.
"I doubt she'd have a problem with it. Which girl doesn't want to be entertained by a handsome man? Bonus points cause he's rich." Atsumu shrugged.
Suna's eyebrow raised in confusion, "Are you calling the princess a money whore?"
Atsumu chuckled softly and smiled at Suna. "You and I both know that's not what I meant. You're really the only person who has a problem with palace life. Asami is actually looking forward to her happily ever after which is something you need to start doing. You can hate it but if it's something that has to be done then you have to suck it up and get it over with."
"You can say that because it's not your life. I need to teach Asami about how dirty boys are. Osamu you'll be the example for what you and Mori did yesterday. Who could've imagined my attendant and the tailor conspiring against me. The mutiny." Suna shook his head in mock disappointment.
"Be disappointed all you want. I did what I had to do. Now you have to get ready for tonight. If you need us you know where we'll be." Osamu left with Atsumu right behind him.
Night fell quickly and two hours into the party Suna finally met all the young women his father had invited. Many were kind and some more beautiful than necessary but all quickly looked away when Princess Tsumaki approached him. The night continued on as his father hoped with Suna being forced to mingle with everyone present. Eventually his social meter began to run out and he retreated to a hidden balcony for air.
A sound close by caught his attention and Suna found a young woman who seemed to be in the same situation as him. If he remembered he remembered her name was (y/n) third princess of a neighboring country. Suna tried to sneak away before you could see him but alas luck wasn't on his side.
"Your highness good night."
Suna counted to three then slowly faced you with a friendly smile, "Good night my lady. I hope you're enjoying the party."
"It's lovely and so is your country. Please give your father my thanks for inviting my family."
"I can assure you he'll give his thanks for attending. If I'm not being too forward may I ask why you're out here instead of enjoying the food?" Hopefully pressuring you like this will give Suna the quiet time he was hoping for.
"Forgive my rudeness but the amount of people inside made the room a little stuffy. I came out here for a little air." you smiled at him.
"Fair enough. I hope the air is to your liking."
"With all due respect your highness it's been a long night and it's exhausting speaking like this so if you don't mind we can call each other old acquaintances and speak like old friends would. It would be an honor if you would call me (y/n)."
Suna blinked at your request and fought the grin trying to rise on his face. "If that's so then feel free to call me Rintaro. Blame my father for taking things the wrong way and forcing us all to go through this."
"We can't really fight what our parents want us to do. Comes with the title really. You seemed upset earlier should I assume that you don't really want to get married?"
Suna sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't mind getting married I just don't think I should get married because my father thought I was in a funk as he called it. Sounds cliche but I actually believe in meeting someone and falling in love."
You blinked at the prince and giggled. "You're very cute Rintaro. I like to believe everyone wants to fall in love that way. Nobody wants to have their partner chosen for them. What good is being married if you're gonna be miserable everyday."
"If it means I don't have to sit through marriage consultations and weird balls like this one then I may just prefer the other way."
"Careful what you say. I think we both know your father is capable of that. I saw princess Tsumaki looking for her Rinnepoo earlier. Maybe I should let his majesty know you've chosen someone." You looked up to find Suna pouting at you. "Careful your highness they may send you back to etiquette classes for making such a face."
"Good evening Prince Rintaro. It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance tonight. I do hope that-"
"Ok! That's enough! Don't you dare repeat that."
Suna smirked and hid his mouth behind his hand. "Pardon me princess. I just found your greeting to me this evening amusing. I mean no harm it's just you were so cute. How many times did you practiced that?"
"Whatever. Let's see what you would do if the roles were reversed."
"Sorry princess but this isn't about me." Suna giggled.
"So you can smile and laugh. I almost thought you were emotionally constipated. Is that the funk your father thought you were in?"
Suna sighed being reminded of the situation he was in. "It's more than that but nobody would understand."
You smiled at him encouragingly. "The whole you're royalty so you have absolutely no reason to not be happy thing?"
"Exactly that. It's gonna sound stupid but I guess I miss the freedom I had before I turned eighteen. Well more I don't see the need for me to do the things I'm doing."
"Ah you feel monarchy should be abolished. Look at it this way crackers taste good on their own but with cheese the taste is elevated. Cheese and crackers is superior to just plain old crackers by themselves or just cheese by itself. Yes your kingdom could probably prosper on it's own but there are situations the people shouldn't handle on their own. Budget distribution, land distribution, diplomatic matters and many other things. We exist to keep harmony in the kingdom. Imagine leaving children to raise themselves. Many would unfortunately die before reaching a certain age. Think of your kingdom as your very own children. They're self sufficient yes but without you to guide them in the things they don't understand they'll be hurt. You can still do the things you love but your children come first. If you don't take care of them then someone may just take them away. "
Suna sighed. "I can understand that but I just don't understand why it has to be me."
"I don't understand why it can't be you. Anyone could've been chosen for the job but you were chosen. I don't know you well enough to speak on certain things but I have heard rumors that you basically run half of your kingdom on your own. The fact that nothing has fallen apart shows that you're more than competent to do your job. You need to have more confidence in yourself. I've only known you for a short time but I can already tell you're a wonderful person. Don't sell yourself short." You smiled at Suna who looked at you unsure.
Suna shrugged, "If you say so (y/n). Are you hungry?"
"I'm alright for now. But I do think we need to get back before someone misses us."
"What's the rush? You know the reason for this party."
"Is that you asking for my company your highness?"
"I didn't hear a no princess." Suna smirked when you giggled.
A few months later Suna found himself sitting in his office again. He was hard at work but this time with a slight smile on his face. A knock on the door took him away from the work he was doing and Atsumu stepped into his office.
Atsumu placed a sandwich and a cup of tea on the table in front of Suna "You seem to be in a better mood these days. What's your secret?"
"Sorry but secrets are secret for a reason."
"Keep your secrets then. Simply means I can't tell you the one I just heard." Atsumu smirked.
"I heard the dungeons don't have heat." Suna shrugged.
"Really? Just make sure my sheets are red."
Suna laughed and shook his head, "You little turd nugget. What's going on?"
"Alright fine but only because you asked so rudely. I heard your favorite princess is coming by later today. Maybe if you finish all your work you can be at the doors to greet her."
"Lucky for me this was the last page I had to look over. Prepare two horses and I'll make sure your sheets are maroon."
"And you call me the turd nugget." Atsumu rolled his eyes. "His majesty said you can do whatever you want for the rest of the day once you stop keeping him in suspense."
"Sounds good. Thanks for lunch."
Things were definitely starting to look up and with one simple question later tonight Suna's life was about to change again. This time for the better.
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codename-adler · 4 years
Dear Tumblr toxicity,
Hi. Adler here. We need to talk.
- TW: mental health issues, depression, bipolar disorder, self-harm, homophobia, transphobia, coming out, xenophobia, islamophobia, racism, implied sexual content, rape, non-con, addictions, abuse, parental negligence, depictions of violence, swearing (please message me kindly if I forget anything)
- What prompted this message: The release of Skam France S7 teaser (emphasis on teaser, will get into that below)
- Where I’m coming from: I will talk from the pov of a white, cis and queer 22-years-old woman (she/her); this is the pov that affects my experiences and the opinions I will share below; but my message comes from a place of deep hurt, and love
- What this is about: My goal is to share a recurring experience that has hurt me in order to spread a message of awareness, maturity, peace and love
- Central content: Skam France, Skam Wtfock, and Skam/remakes in general
From now on I will assume people have enough information for me to talk about the topics without explaining every plotline/character. There are plenty of wiki pages to help you out and I will gladly answer any (respectful) questions asked if a plothole bothers your comprehension of my message. I’m only making these assumptions in order to alleviate the text.
January 9th, 2021.
The francetv slash YouTube channel releases an unexpected teaser video for an equally unexpected seventh season Skam France. The video features Tiffany, a white, cis female teenager, going into labour from denial pregnancy just after winning what appears to be a gymnastics championship. Overall, the video and its release are very dramatic.
The character of Tiffany, also called Tiff, was previously seen on season 6 of Skam France as a bully who persecuted the main character, Lola, both at school and on social media. Outside of this characterization, nothing is known about her. It is majorly accepted that Tiff is not a liked character; she rather poses as one of the antagonists of Lola’s arc.
Now you know the details of what happened, in the most objectively possible way. 
Now I’ll speak for myself.
Before I went digging around for people’s reaction, here is what I initially thought of this video.
1) Shock: I thought Skam France was over, so... Big, big shock.
2) Excitement: I hold this web series very close to my heart. It has gotten me through depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, coming out to my best friend. To see this new development? It couldn’t bring me more joy.
3) Curiosity: I recognized Tiff immediately. I was intrigued as to what would happen to her to set off a new season in true Skam Fr fashion. As soon as she started gripping her stomach, I knew she was pregnant and wasn’t aware of it. Big, big surprise here again.
4) Numbness/Overthinking: As I stared at my screen, motionless, my mind went off. What did it mean? How did she not know? Who is the father? Do we know him? Will the baby survive? Where are the other characters? Will Lamifex be present? What? How? When? Why? Who?
5) Disappointment: No, I did not like Tiff one bit in S6. Yes, I sincerely wished for a season on either Jo (ambiguous and funny teenage girl, cis + white), Sekou (seemingly neurodivergent teenage boy, cis + black), and my favorite, Max (mysterious and grave teenage boy, trans + white) So why Tiff? It felt to me like a missed opportunity, but I did not lose hope.
So, these were the five stages of my emotional process. And then I made the terrible mistake to go look for the fans’ reaction. I didn’t even look at the YT comments, I didn’t go on Instagram, I went directly here on Tumblr. Why? I’m still asking myself that. From S1 to S6 of Skam Fr, I kept my love for the show to myself and only looked at ig and video edits. I tried once, and only once, to look it up on Tumblr, and was greeted by fervent agressivity, disrespect and hate. Why did I ever forget that after watching the S7 teaser? I still don’t know.
The reactions on this platform were wild. People are furious (I get that). People are disappointed (I get that). People are anxious (I get that). People are also verbally agressive, insensitive, hateful, disrespectful and bullies. I don’t get that.
Comments along the lines of “What she gonna do with a fucking baby?”, “Are we gonna watch the baby do nothing all fucking season?”, “Wowwww, teenage pregnancy, so new and relatable!” (note the sarcasm made in the comment here), “Who gives a shit about Tiff?”, etc. 
And then all the mistakes Skam Fr ever made flooded back onto the feed. The wlw misrepresentation, the whitewashing, the overdramatization, the dubious sex scenes between minors, all of it.
Let’s take a break here. Do I condone these mistakes? Nope. Am I a white-bully apologist? Nope. Did I forget every horrible action Tiff has made in the past? Nope. She manipulated a whole school against Lola, she profited from Lola’s mother’s death, she bullied her, harrassed her, pushed her deeper into mental distress. Tiff was a despicable character that I never once liked. The way she was played by the actress made it clear that Tiff was not intended to be a good guy. If I could replace her as the main of S7, I would, in a heartbeat. I’d choose, as I said, Jo, Sekou or Max.
Skam France deeply lacks diversity and made mistakes when attempting to diverse the issues represented. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact. 
Poc representation is very, very low. Only one season has a woc of Islam beliefs as mc (Imane, S4) with poc entourage/family. Only 2 other characters not related to Imane were poc (Sekou and Sarah, S1-S2). These 2 characters were very in the background and served to further the mc’s plotline, they had no real content. (I am not a poc, and so my opinion does not matter here. If you are not poc, your “opinions” don’t matter here, this point is not for you to debate. These are facts.)
While I do not particularly find the wlw representation bad, I do understand how it hurts/bothers other queer women. From my perspective, the bar was very low regarding my expectations of the Lola/Maya pair (none of them died *yay* they had a happy ending *yay* they were not typically overfeminized or overmasculinized *yay* Lola  and Maya were respectful of each other, understood each other, accepted each other with all their flaws and their beauty *yay* I truly believed in their love and it gave me confidence and hope *yay* I ould really go on but this is not my main point so I’ll stop here) Regardless of my opinion on Mayla, I understand that to some queer women, it was bothering/hurtful. (If you are anything other than a woman / wlw, this point is not for you to debate. Keep your “opinions” to yourself, it does not matter here. These are facts.)
Like every remake of the original Skam where the S4 was given to Sana/Imane, the Muslim community was not represented at its best, at its most beautiful and respectfully. The character of Imane, although she is my favorite girl of the series, was not portrayed in a way that respected the majority of the Muslim community. (If you are anything other than Muslim, this point is not for you to debate. Our opinions do not matter here. These are facts.)
And so the same goes for the portrayal of sexual assault and child pronography in S2, of mental illness and homophobia in S3, of disabilities in S5, of addiction, transphobia, self-harm and neurodivergence in S6. Again, if you are not part of these communities, your opinions do not matter on these issues. These are facts that are not up for debate.
In other words, Skam France, as well as the original Skam, Skam Wtfock, Skam España, and probably all the others I haven’t watched in their entirety, are NOT perfect shows. They (maybe) tried their best to portray issues of the younger generations that are ugly, shameful, taboo, hard-to-swallow-pills. Of course they made mistakes. Of course they have to be held accountable. Of course they can and should do better. Of course it must be spoken about.
Here is my problem.
The so-called “fans” shamelessly SHITTING on the WHOLE show because of ONE TEASER TRAILER. (btw, this is where I get angry)
I am not talking about the fans making fun of the show and this season’s premise like “Better MCs than Tiff for S7: a romance between the car that almost hit Lucas S3 and the car that hit Arthur S5, or the school’s nurse, or Imane’s dad, or Elu’s rabbit” (that shit’s funny and I’d watch all of these).Or the joke about Wtfock and Skam Fr shaking hands while signing the same contract to disappoint the fans with white MCs (it’s funny cuz it’s trueeeee).
I am not talking about the fans criticizing the producers’ choice of Tiff as MC. There is a difference between shitting on issues and adressing/discussing them. I WANT to talk about how this season’s issue would have been so much better if a woc, specifically a black woman, had been the MC, because black women and doctors are a whole different level of issue than white women and doctors. Add on top of that an unplanned teenage pregnancy? It would have been IMMACULATE. I WANT to talk which wlw couple was better represented, Mayla or Croana/Crisana, and why is that. I WANT to talk about disabilities in black and poc communities. I WANT to talk about headcanons, AUs, to rectify the missed marks. I WANT to talk about our takes on seasons about Max, Sekou and Jo, instead of Tiff’s.
Just because the protagonist is white, doesn’t give you ANY right to dismiss the issue that is unplanned teenage pregnancy. This is a problem that affects countries WORLDWIDE. Do you know how many deaths are related to minors giving birth? Do you know how many babies die at birth from these pregnancies? Do you have any idea the trauma it puts you through, to go into labor without even knowing you were pregnant in the first place, and then giving birth, and then having to care for a defensless human being? The dilemma of keeping it, or giving it away? The fear that lives in every person able to give birth, that one day they’ll become pregnant, because society turns sych a shameful look to that? No matter your ethnicity, your gender identity, your sexuality, your political stance or whatever shit you bring up to justify your disgraceful and downright degrading comments, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT A MINOR GIVING BIRTH IS NOT AN ISSUE. 
You think the topic has been covered plenty before? Yeah, because shows like “16 and pregnant” and “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant!” are such good examples and show the reality with such an objective point of view! 
Bullshit. Teenage pregnancy is still a taboo, it still kills, and people are still morons about it. 
“Well I guess everybody is secretly pregnant now!” No, Jessica, but you wouldn’t know about it, would you? Because I wouldn’t tell you shit if you were my “friend” and I was going through it. The whole message of all the Skams is not that it presents super relatable issues of teenagers, although it is a big topic of the show. They present some issues that affect the youth in an authentic light, but that’s not it.
Tous les gens que tu rencontres mènent un combat dont tu ignores tout. 
Sois indulgente. Toujours. x x x
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be kind. Always. x x x
And you all missed it.
All of you making dead baby jokes and death threats, degrading people who give birth, shaming teenagers for their pregnancies... Listen to yourselves.
“Well she deserves it, she was such a bitch!” No, Michael, you shit stick. Let’s rewind a bit for you, yeah? It was a GOD DAMN TEASER. We literally know nothing! Nothing at all! Why are y’all getting mad when we saw 3:25 minutes representing a whole ass season! Listen to yourselves. Y’all judge so fast for people pretending to love Skam and its authenticity and its motto.
You say Tiff is irredeemable?
Emma cheated on her boyfriend.
Manon lied and manipulated her friends.
Lucas was homophobic and prejudiced agaisnt mentally ill people.
Imane was homophobic too and went behind her friends’ back to get what she wanted.
Arthur cheated on his girlfriend too.
Lola dragged Elliot down with her in her addiction, lied, was verbally abusive, etc.
Any guess why?
Yet we still loved them all. 
So don’t you dare tell me that Tiff deserves this, that her baby deserves to die, that teenage motherhood is irrelevant. Motherhood is not a curse in the first place, nor is it something to wish to inflict upon anyone. Motherhood is different for every single person and nobody except the person living with it can have an opinion on that. We don’t even know if the baby survived, for God’s sake!
There is no excuse for this kind of behavior..
It makes me so angry. Women are discriminated against in a fandom I thought was safe, again and again and again. 
I have to stop here because, well, this is just too much. There is much wrong with Skam (the original AND all the remakes), but there is even more wrong with the fans. I’m done.
You don’t support the show anymore? Fine, then don’t watch it! If I really am wrong, the number of viewers will go down and the show will die, just like you wished. There is no need to be vicious about it. 
I hope y’all are proud of your misogyny. 
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lyracasstuff · 4 years
Heya!! I actually just found your blog and I would like to say how amazing your writing it! Aaaa it's so cute and you seem very sweet!! <3
I came here to ask for a idv match up! I'm a female, she/her, I'm bi but I do have a preference towards men. Also, I don't mind a survivor or hunter!! Whatever you feel like atm dear. I'm very energetic when you get me in the right mood!! I love baking and editing! I also quite like photography. I'm a very loving person but can get cold if I feel bad so it's a bad habit TwT. I do give lots of compliments to people and it may seem like i like them but I just really like pointing out nice things about people. I love hugs and kisses especially!! I love it if my s/o could give me attention but not too much yknow? Like i want them to be happy with their life with me and their life outside of our relationship. Umm I hope that's enough!! Thank you for making your blog! It is very nice!! You're doing great!! I appreciate you <3 (ps. Make sure to eat and drink enough~)
Thank you for caring about my health dearie~ Honestly,, I could also say the same for you..(。・ω・。)
And I'm quite glad that you enjoy reading my blog posts! It means quite a lot for me whenever I hear people enjoying my blog as much as I enjoy writing them..( ´ ▽ ` )
After much thinking,, I've decided to match you up with...
Joseph Desaulnier!!📷
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Let's first address the big elephant in the room: Photography..(・���・)
Since the both of you love photography,, I can most *definitely* imagine you two taking pictures of scenery found in the manor..
As well as *some* of the silly things that happen outside of matches.. Although,, it's more on your end than Joseph's..
However,, I must also remind you that you WILL be bombarded with questions partaining to your "equipment"..(。・ω・。)
Whether it'd be a modern HD camera or your smartphone,, it's safe to assume that Joseph will be VERY much curious about these "equipment" that you have brought from the "future" ((even though we call it anything *but* from the future..))
"Are you telling me that this camera of yours can capture pictures instantly??? With just a simple press of a button??? Then, does that mean you won't have to stand for long periods of time to take your picture???"
((Fun fact: the first cameras that were patented require you to stand for long periods of time to take your picture which explains why plenty of the pictures during the Victorian Era were people staying in one position like standing..))
"This "smartphone" can ALSO capture pictures?? Would you mind showing me how, ma chérie??"
"The quality of the pictures are ABSOLUTELY DIVINE! From what time period must you be to access this kind of machinery, ma chérie???"
I highly suggest that you study your equipment thoroughly because Joseph *will* be asking questions about your photography equipment..
Well,, that and Joseph will *literally* fumble with *every* single nook and cranny of said equipment where he might actually break something on accident..
Which is rare for the gentlemanly and disciplined Joseph,, however we ARE talking about one of his biggest passions here..╮(─▽─)╭
Another topic here that is perhaps connected somehow is editing!!(⌒▽⌒)
Joseph is quite astonished when you told him one time that photos can be tweaked from your time period..
Now, on one hand,, he is amused as he sometimes *does* struggle with getting the perfect picture when the environment around him just isn't having it..
But he also can't fathom the idea of people actually editing their photos so much that sometimes,, the unedited version looks far too different than the edited version...
When I say that,, I specifically mean people who probably use photoshop just a *bit* too much..(^_^;)
Not that there is anything wrong about it as everyone knows.. After all,, sometimes we just use it solely for entertainment by making weird, abstract collages of people..
((Like photoshopping a bunch of characters from different fandoms to make some sort of crack-crossover movie poster..╮(─▽─)╭))
It just that Joseph prefers less edited photos as he believes that a photo can shine on it's own when it's taken skillfully..
((Another fun fact: Based from what I can gather, the French in the 1800s preferred a more natural look, which is evident by their choices in makeup like powder for the face or some simple rouge for the lips and cheeks.. Of course,, we are excluding the hair as we all know that big, elaborate wigs were all the rage in this era..))
In fact,, he might even throw a *little* shade towards photos that are super edited...(◎_◎;)
Pls tell him to calm down and not insult people who do something similar to that.. It'll only escelate and get worse in the future..
Okay,, now that we've discussed those, I think we shall head on over to other things, don't you think??(・∀・)
Another reason as to why I paired you with Joseph is because of your upbeat and loving energy!!(〜^∇^)〜🧡
Joseph's life before the manor was already pretty gloomy, and it hasn't really improved when he got into the manor..
So your very energetic and affectionate nature will surely bring in some lost warmth to his life!!(>y<)
Although,, please be patient with him for at least a little while.. After all, him *suddenly* receiving love and attention is a bit overwhelming for him to process all at once..╮(─▽─)╭
When he *does* gets used to it, he appreciates it very much..(∩_∩)
With that being said however,, he is still quite disciplined about the time that you two spend together AND the time that you two spend seperately from each other so you won't have to worry about having your boundaries being meshed together..(・∀・)
On the topic of affections,, Joseph will actually be a bit shocked to hear you dish out compliments to everyone in the manor.. And quite frankly,, as well as everyone else that you complimented
((Listen,, we're talking about the Victorian Era,, where modesty is highlighted as a core value..))
I'll be honest in saying that for a split-second,, Joseph *might've* actually thought of you as a flirtatious person
So when you explained to him that that's just how you are and that you just like to point out nice things about other people,, he's confused..(^_^;)
"Wait, but you complimented Mike's juggling act. Shouldn't that mean that you would like to court him??"
"Didn't you tell Victor that you thought he was sweet?? Pardon me for asking this, but are you... Interested in him, ma chérie?"
You're going to have to explain to him that just because you like a certain aspect of a person,, that doesn't mean you actually like them AS A WHOLE...
He may or not have demanded that you bake for him the next time that you two will have your afternoon tea together..(⌒_⌒;)
It's his "apology gift" as he puts it...
Okay,, I know I said that Joseph absolutely appreciates your loving side,, but he also *adores* your more "colder" side..
And no,, it's not because he's a masochist..(。・ω・。)
See, as much as Joseph relishes in the feeling of protecting someone he cares/loves.. Even he can admit that sometimes,, it gets too exhausting when your partner is the *literal definition* of a walking doormat..
I don't know about you,, but I kind of picture Joseph as someone who wants to have a partner that, at the *very least*,, can stand on their own two feet.. It gives Joseph a sense of pride,, see???
In conclusion,, I personally think that you and Joseph would work wonders for each other!! Different in your personalities, but united through the same common interest of photography.. I'd say its a decent balance of "opposites attract" and "similarities attract"..
Author's note: On the topic of people photoshopping the heck out of their photos.. DON'T HARRASS/BULLY/INSULT THEM PLEASE!!! I will be blunt in saying that I frankly do not care whatever your intentions were, because when you strip said intentions away from the grand scheme of things,,
All that's left is a situation where someone insulted/bullied/harassed another person just for editing their photos a bit too much..
And when you put it like that,, wouldn't you agree that it sounds idiotic? Because in all honesty, it is..(¬_¬) After all,, those photos won't be affecting you much in the long run now,, would they??
And even if you said that you did it with good intentions, the way you acted upon these "intentions" was poorly done when it could've been handled *much* more efficiently...
So in short,, pls don't harrass anyone that you know that does these to their photos, it's not only for their sake but also yours..( ´ ▽ ` )
I apologize for ranting like that,, however I feel as though these types of situations are completely meaningless AND avoidable had it not been for the people that continue to stick their fingers into others' honeyjars.. So I personally as though it needs to be said.. Again, sorry if this rant is a bit unsettling and a bit "rough on the edges"..(⌒_⌒;)
Well that's about it.. Until next time,, I'll see you all in my next post!!ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ💚
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scummy-writes · 4 years
5k Followers Celebration!
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I feel like a lot of folks are probably confused as to the amount of followers, but I’m going to dump that all under a read more! Right now I just want to focus on saying thanks, and! The best I can think of is a ‘thank you’ fic! (With a blabbery/rambling thank you under a read more).
A while ago I mentioned that once I hit my next milestone I would let you guys choose the next suitor to get pegged, so I made a handy little poll to do just that! It’s not set to gather any info outside of voting/written in suggestions (if you want) with the other (not required) qs.
Obviously, since there are a lot of suitors I can’t really write well at all, there’s only a few to pick from here, but I hope at least one suitor is someone you’ve been wanting to see get pegged! But, regardless, here is the poll: click me!
(Please do not try to write in other suitors)
I believe in the past I also mentioned doing a poll where it’s voting for a non-pegging fic, and while I want to do that as well, I am going to wait a few months before I do that. Just to see how this one goes, and to give myself a break in between writing for others vs writing for myself. I’m sorry if that’s a bit disappointing.
When it comes to the poll itself, I’m probably going to keep it open for three days, unless it seems like its getting a lot of votes still, then I might extend it to last a full week instead! Wanna give folks a good chance to vote qq
And now, time for Scum to attempt a coherent ‘thank you’!
I’m always pretty bad at these types of posts because in all honesty I don’t really like looking at numbers often, since it usually adds onto my anxiety and, admittedly, stresses me out. It’s hard to figure out things I want to say because of this, because I do want to thank folks, but I also want to clarify some viewpoints I have so I (hopefully) don’t give off bad mindsets to have with these things. Because I’ve seen that people often like shoving number counts as a way to ‘one up’ others or something really weird like that, and thankfully I have Not seen it in the ikevamp fandom much. (Or, I may be lucky and haven’t ran into people like that.) While it probably comes off as hypocritical to say, I greatly dislike the idea of numbers = worth. I hate it in the sense of how I’ve seen it rip friends apart or have been used as an excuse towards bullying others. Because of that, I don’t think I’m going to be making any posts about the amount of followers I have for a long, long, time, if at all, and it’s partly why I’ve avoided answering any anons or those fun tag meme things that ask to list a follower count. It’s obvious (I hope) that no, I do not have 5k followers that are purely from the ikevamp fandom. This is a mixture from the past fandoms I’ve been in (well, I was only in one for half a moment so maybe just Two fandoms), and surprisingly a lot of you have stuck around through the fandom changes. Admittedly, I wanted to figure out how many I had before writing for ikevamp, but I couldn’t find a way to find out old follower counts based off of dates. And then it opened up the can of worms of not having ‘picture proof’ if anyone asked for it, and instead able to only offer just a set ‘in all’ total.
This probably doesn’t sound coherent, but I hope it makes at least some sense: while I hate looking at my follower count or witnessing weird (negative) fixations* on others follower counts, I absolutely do not hate seeing all of the familiar names that pop up in my notifications. I don’t have any negative feelings towards any followers, and I get,,,,,,,cheesily,,,,,, overwhelmed,,,, when I see someone that followed me like 2 or 3 years ago interacting with posts I’ve made recently.
Knowing folks have stuck around with me for so long and are offering support in ways of just hanging around still means a lot, even when its often clear I don’t write for the fandoms they initially followed me for, and it always makes me happy (and sappy) to see urls that I remember. Even if they’re just liking a random text post I made ;;; It’s probably weird to do so, but, that’s what makes me the happiest. 
That isn’t to say that I don’t remember newer faces! A lot of you interact with me a lot and are always extremely kind to remind me it’s okay for me to take breaks, it’s okay for me not to get out a new fic asap or for me to just chill out and breathe. You guys are also quick to give me encouragement when I need it, even if I’m not even directly asking for it, and there’s a lot of replies/anons/asks I go back and read that help me out when I’m feeling a bit low ;;
It always makes me scoff at myself when I say “I don’t know how to word this” or “I’m bad at words”, but I really hope that it’s clear that I do appreciate the people who support me, whether old or new. You guys have helped me a lot, encouraged me to keep writing when I’ve been close to given up way more often than I’d like to admit, and being able to talk to you guys makes me ;;; very happy and thankful, especially given current world events…
Thank you guys for talking to me and taking the time out of your day to read what I write, whether it’s a silly text post or a fic I worked on. Thank you guys for supporting me, whether it’s been ‘quietly’ or ‘loudly’. Thank you guys for ;;; treating me like a person, and acknowledging there’s someone behind the blog, because I have not been so lucky in the past, and I know others haven’t been either. Like. God. I am not exaggerating when I say this fandom has been the nicest I’ve been in so far. In past fandoms, I’ve been sent gore for liking a character, I’ve been stalked and harrassed for a year over liking another character. Having people who have stuck around through all of that means a lot, and having newer faces that are so kind to me means ;;;; a lot too. I’m very thankful for the kindness I receive every day.
    This was very….Long winded… And probably confusing. But thank you for reading through this very rambly post. I’m sorry if my way of saying thanks is odd ;;; 
*Do want to clarify that no matter how many followers someone has, I think it’s absolutely fine to celebrate getting so many followers. I think it’d be insanely hypocritical to say it wasn’t HAHA. In past fandoms people just used follower counts in so many hateful ways so it’s hard for me to talk about numbers given some unhealthy viewpoints I witnessed from others and had pushed on me back when I was starting this blog.
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girlgirlgirlnormal · 4 years
Niragi x OC x Last Boss (Part 4)
Hey, I wrote another part! And this story still has no name. Also, I`m working on a small Kuina fic, because I love her very much. 
TW: Abuse, sexual content, harrassment
Word count: 2.8k
part 1 part 2 part 3
She had been spending every day with Samura and Niragi for a week now. They went regularly to games, but they never took Hina with them. They did not tell her, but she deduced from their behavior that they had thought bringing her to a game would help them protect her. The floor is lava game was not a game in which anyone could protect another person. They had been a little gentler with her. Niragi was still fucking her mercilessly every night, and Last Boss was enjoying watching it and have his way with her afterwards, but they were good to her. She got fresh fruit, and nobody came near her. She got cigarettes and birth control and everything she asked the men for.  
It was a warm night, Samura and Niragi were out with Aguni and some other militants to participate in a game. Hina had been bored in her room, so she went down to the bar by the pool and got herself a cocktail. While sipping on it she spotted Kuina, sitting on one of the loungers and talking to someone she hadn’t seen around before. She decided to join them. Kuina was nice and pretty.
She walked over and plopped down beside the girl with the short hair with whom Kuina was talking.
“Hey, I’m Hina.”, she introduced herself, extending her hand to shake the young man’s hand before stopping abruptly, “Do I know you?”, she asked, furrowing her brows.
The young man looked away shyly. That was all Hina needed to recognize him.
“I gave you a lapdance!”, she exclaimed, “You came to the club”, she thought about it, “once?”
“It was a birthday present from my friends”, the men answered, looking at his feet.
“Awww”, she cooed, “I remember you because you were so shy! You didn’t even look at me throughout the whole dance!”
The girl beside her laughed.
“These are Arisu and Usagi”, Kuina introduced them, “but I guess you already know Arisu?”
“He had my tits in his face”, Hina laughed, “I guess he hated it, but his friends were having a grant time.”
Kuina laughed, “But don’t get caught hanging out around her, her boyfriends don’t like it.”
Hinas hand automatically wandered to her hickey covered throat.
“Stop that crap music”, someone shouted, and the music was abruptly cut off.
“Those are the militant core at the beach. If you want to live in peace here, then don’t mess with them”, Kuina said, looking down, and explained them the beaches dynamics.
Hina couldn’t help but shove Usagi a little bit behind herself. She knew the militants. The only reason none of them even talked to her was that they were afraid of Niragi and Samura. Usagi was a pretty girl. They would like her. She didn’t think that she would like them back.
Aguni stopped infront of them, making Hina arch her back and lean a bit forward, trying to cover as much of Usagi as possible.
“Where is your friend?”, Aguni asked Arisu, making him look away shamefully, “Oh yeah? He’s dead? Too bad. Yet someone like you still lives.”
Samura and Niragi were standing behind Aguni, watching with interest.
“You know each other?”, Kuina asked, but no one bothered answering her.
Agunis gaze fixated on Usagi. Hina wanted to say something or do something to distract him, but she didn’t know what.
“Hey”, Aguni said, slightly turning to Niragi, “bring the woman.”
It was too late to do something. Hina wanted to give her the advice she herself had been taught at a very young age. If you can’t escape, try to enjoy it. It didn’t seem appropriate.
She watched Niragi, with his sniper over his shoulder walking over, just as he was about to grab Usagis arm Arisu sprang up.
“My boss says to bring you to him”, Niragi explained to Usagi, “get up.”
Hina could see Last Boss mouth twitching the same way it did when he watched her being taken by Niragi. They wouldn’t help this newcomer.
“Leave her!”, Arisu said, standing up and holding Niragis hand.
“Are you a tough guy?”, Niragi asked, clearly having too much fun with the situation, he turned to Aguni, “What should I do to him?”
Hina closed her eyes. This would not end good. She didn’t dare to speak up though. She was already sleeping with them to survive; she wouldn’t get herself killed over protecting a woman she had just met. She still wished she could protect her.
If you can’t escape, try to enjoy it, her grandmothers voice rang in her head.
She smiled, as she met Samuras gaze. She couldn’t enjoy the scene infront of her. She was just going to watch the man who always made sure she had something to eat and some water after he fucked her.
“Break both his legs so he dies in the next game.”, Aguni ordered.
“Good one”, Niragi looked back to the other militants, “take the woman and you come with me.”
Her eyes were still locked on Samuras, as he started walking again, following Aguni. The whole procession stopped, as Arisu ran to stand between one of the militants and Usagi. Hina could feel her hand grasping Usagis. Her friend was going to die, and she was going to be raped. There didn’t seem any other way this situation could end.
“If you can’t escape try to enjoy it”, she mumbled, low enough for only Usagi to hear.
The newcomer gave her a panicked look.
“Ooooh”, cooed Niragi, threateningly walking up to Arisu.
Hina was waiting for it to end, as a voice asked, “Is there are problem?”
She had never been so happy to see the hatter. This woman didn’t have through all the things she had gone through in the real world.
“Back off hatter, this is none of your business.”
“But this is my business. I´m the beaches leader. What I say is the law here and I´m saying that you keep your hands off the newcomers, Aguni.”
Nobody moved.
“Niragi.”, said Hatter.
Niragi looked away, “The only boss I have is the general”, he announced.
“Then I will ask the general. Who do you think is your boss, then, Aguni?”
Aguni stared in the other man’s eyes and for a moment Hina thought that he would kill him then and there.
“Shower once in a while”, hatter said dismissively and told the executive members to meet in the conference room.
Scoffing, Niragi and Samura followed Aguni, away from Hinas sight.
They wouldn’t be happy then they got back.
Arisu was invited to the meeting and left. Sawing that Chishiya was approaching, Hina said her goodbyes and went up to her room. Niragi hated that guy and didn’t want her to be near him. Normally she wouldn’t care, if she was chilling with Kuina and Chishiya joined, she just ignored him, but today was different. Niragi and Samura would be already mad then they got to her and she didn’t want to fuel their anger.
Back in Samuras room – she hadn’t gone back to her own room since her first night with them – Hina went to the small ghettoblaster and started to play her song. Daisy by Ashnikko. Since it had came out a couple of months before she found herself in the borderlands it had been the song to her signature dance. It was a nice song and it had been easy to form a persona around it. She had danced with a bright blue wig and tall “glass” platform heels. The act was so popular that they even printed a life sized poster of her dancing on the pole during that act and placed it on the most prominent wall of the club.
She used one of the bed posts as her pole and danced with closed eyes, pretending to be back in her club, with her only friend Red Diamond cheering her on. She stopped as soon as she heard the door open.
Samura and Niragi entered. Samura went to the ghettoblaster, turning it off, as Niragi stepped in her personal space, one hand tightly gripping his rifle, the other her throat.
“What were you doing with the newcomers?”, he asked, squeezing her throat.
She didn’t even try to answer. He was squeezing too hard for her to be able to speak anyway. She just looked up at him, trying to hold her breath. Fighting him or trying to somehow breath through her squeezed airpipe would make her look pathetic. If he wanted an answer, he had to stop choking her. She was already feeling a bit lightheaded, as Niragi let go, shoving her onto the bed.
“I had just joined them. The man, Arisu, I know him from before. He came to the club once.”, she explained.
“Once?”, Niragi said, face dangerously near hers, “Why would you remember someone who came to your club once?”
She had told them about being a stripper. No more or no less. They didn’t want to hear about it. They didn’t even make her dance for themselves. They didn’t talk about their lives before the borderlands and they were not interested in hearing Hinas story.
“Because he was so shy”, Hina explained, she caught herself smiling at the memory, it had been a busy day and he had been dragged there by his friends who were insisting on paying for a lapdance for him, “I gave him a lapdance and he didn’t even look at me. A true gentleman.”
Niragi slapped her cheek. Hard.
“A true gentleman”, he mimicked her in a high-pitched voice and slapped her again.
This time Hina could not stop herself from reaching to her burning cheek. She did not stop looking into his eyes, even though she could feel tears pooling in her eyes. They had been so much gentler with her and now everything was ruined, just because she talked to some people?
“If you can´t escape, try to enjoy it”, Samura quoted her words from earlier.
How did he hear that?
“Is that how you feel about us?”, he asked.
She saw up to him. He was still wearing his hood and his katana was strapped to his back. Niragi was still holding his rifle. Normally they took off their weapons as soon as they entered the room and started kissing her. She couldn’t believe that talking to someone had changed that.
Hand still on her cheek she shook her head, “Its just something I was taught in the old world.”
“Who taught you that?”
“My grandmother”, the tears were no longer just pooling in her eyes, they were flowing freely down her cheeks.
“Because things like that happen all the time”, Hinas voice had no emotion in it.  It was just a fact. It had happened to her and so many people she knew.
“Did someone hurt you?”, Samuras voice was much softer than compared to his other questions.
Just 15 minutes ago he had enjoyed watching Niragi pull away Usagi to be met with that faith and now he had the nerve to sound concerned?
“You mean someone who is not the two of you?”, she asked, voice still not betraying any emotion, “Yes. Many times. And you are hurting me too.”
Niragis hand was on her jaw before she could say anything else, he was holding her tight and watched her face for a moment before licking a long streak on her face, collecting some of the tears, “But princess”, he whispered, “You agreed to this and we’ve been awfully nice to you.”
She couldn’t help but scoff, “You can be gentle but contrary to popular believe, I do not enjoy being hit.”
Niragis eyes were closed as he licked the other side of her face. Samura was watching them.
“Has someone on the beach hurt you?”
“They tried.”, she answered, “I got away.”
“Do you want to go back to your room?”, Samura asked, hood still up.
Niragis hold was too tight and she would have bruises all over her face the next day. She shook her head.
“I don’t want to be alone”, she whispered.
Samura finally took off his hood and unstrapped his katana, gently putting it on the sideboard. He sat down next to her on the bed and kissed her shoulder.
“You look exhausted”, he said, shooting Niragi a look, “Maybe we shouldn’t play tonight.”
Niragi frowned but let go of her jaw.
“I would have enjoyed that”, he murmured.
“Remember what we said, Niragi”, Last Boss said, “She is ours. We will treat her good and she will stay ours. She doesn’t look like she can handle it today. We don’t want to break our doll.”
Hina felt so thankful. They had been fucking her every night since their first night. She couldn’t understand how they were always so horny. Sure, she enjoyed it. Sometimes at least. Then she was not being hit, choked or pounded so mercilessly that she could feel her insides tearing, but that was always Niragi and he always stopped then she started screaming in pain.
How messed up did she have to be to see that as a good sign?
“Lets just go to bed”, Samura declared, placing a small kiss on the top of her head, “and tomorrow we will continue talking about this.”
They let her change into one of Samuras shirts as they undressed. They slept only with underwear, most of the time even naked. After a good session none of them wanted to move much.
She laid down in the middle of the king-sized bed and let Samura hug her to his his chest. The mattress caved behind her, as Niragi joined them, cuddling up to her back.
“Maybe we should establish some safe words tomorrow”, Niragi mumbled into her shoulder, “Would you feel safer that way?”
Hina nodded, “I don’t mind you being rough in bed. I just don’t want you to slap and beat me outside of it”, she whispered letting herself being cradled between them, “My boyfriend used to do that.”, she thought for a moment, choosing Samuras words to describe it, “He hurt me. A lot. Every day. I don’t want to fear you like I feared him. I don’t want to be paraded around like a prized dog.”
“Good”, Samura answered, nuzzling his face in her hair, and taking a deep breath, “You won’t have to.”
Normally, Hina was the last one to fall asleep. She would stay awake and lick her wounds and sleep much later than the men. This day, she fell asleep first. She wouldn’t say that she felt safe with them. She just didn’t feel like she was in immediate danger between them.
As she woke up the next morning, she was alone in bed. Neither the men she had gone to bed with nor their weapons there anywhere in sight. Sighing she sat up. She should get dressed and go down to the pool to get some breakfast. Pulling Samuras shirt off she got dressed in her red bikini and put on her flip-flops. She quickly brushed her hair and made her way down. As she stopped by the bar to get herself a fruit bowl, she spotted Last Boss and Niragi sitting in the VIP section with some other militants. She took the small bowl from the bartender, whose job included serving food at mealtimes, and made her way to them.
“Good morning”, she greeted them, sitting down between them.
They wished her a good morning and went back to eating their own breakfast. They didn’t touch her. That was weird. Normally they were not able to keep their hands off her. They would always touch her legs, her face or her back. Now it was nothing. She started eating but continued watching the man.
“What’s wrong?”, Niragi asked frowning.
She stared at him. Then she stared at Samura, who was also staring at her.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with you two?”, Hina was wondering if she shouldn’t have told them what she did the night before. Did that make them not want her anymore? Would they drop her or leave her to die as soon as the next game came?
“You wanted us to behave like gentleman”, Samura explained, “Not to behave like your boyfriend. We are doing our best.”
She looked at him. He looked like he was being genuine. They had listened to her and they were ready to change their behavior.
“We`ll talk about it later, in the room. We still have to find a safe word.”, Niragi reminded her, “Eat.”
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Top 5 Reasons Doug’s Pretty Great
It’s hard to believe that it’s been nine years since the first episode of S1 was released. I can still remember be a wee little lass first discovering it on youtube and becoming obsessed. At the time, I had no where to play it myself, so I watched as many playthroughs as I could until my family got an xbox. 
While the first episode in this series has a lot of memorable moments, the one that always stands out in people’s memories is the moment where you’re trying to escape the drugstore as walkers pound away at the door and windows, and you realize that both Carley and Doug need your help or they’re going to die. 
But... you can only save one, and whoever you don’t help, they end up being eaten alive by walkers and you get to feel bad about it for the rest of the episode. 
I bring this up because it’s interesting to look back nine years ago and see that... well, not a lot of people saved Doug. Which is crazy, because now the stats are pretty 50/50 with Doug even having a bit of an edge over Carley. That definitely wasn’t the case back then because the stats were more along the line of 20/80.
Why? Well, the writer’s didn’t exactly do the best job of showing how great Doug is in ep1, especially compared to Carley who has more interactions with Lee and more screen time.... which is even funnier because they did actually think they did a good job and were surprised by the results after the episode’s release.
Even back then they had a habit of making imbalanced routes then denying the imbalance... something they never grew out of. 
I guess they were a little butthurt about it since Doug is a favorite among the team given that he’s actually based on a real person, Doug Tabacco, an IT guy they worked with. This got to the point where Telltale never missed an opportunity to tell everyone to #SaveDoug over Carley.
I also love that they use the Stranger to guilt trip everyone who saved Carley by having him be like, “Doug was in a worse position! >:( You only saved Carley because she was a pretty girl!!” just.... real subtle, guys haha
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that more often than not, I choose to save Carley over Doug for many reasons, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Doug and enjoy having him around in the off chance I do save him. So I thought it’d be fun to talk about Doug as a character and why he was pretty great as a little tribute, y’know? 
5. Doug’s a pretty funny dude
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Now, I wouldn’t exactly call twdg a comedy, y’know? It gets dark, then manages to get even darker at times, but if the game was nothing but doom and gloom, it’d get boring and become unenjoyable. 
While other characters do get a laugh out of me from time to time, I enjoy the humor that Doug brings to the group, even if it’s not intentional and just the way he is. 
Even from the beginning, Doug had me chuckling with the fact that this nerdy dude didn’t want to bring profanity to Lee’s ears when talking about Larry, so he’s just like “ He's kind of a dick... pardon my french,” like Doug.... it’s okay, you can call him an asshole, no one will judge hahaha.
Then there’s the biscuit scene that I think we all know and love. Helps break the tension of meeting these weirdo’s who own a dairy and are totally not suspicious or anything. 
But it’s not even just that Doug is funny, he’s also a character that gets you to crack a smile when he’s talking about something he’s passionate about, or when he’s proud of the alarm he rigged up, or when he’s being adorably awkward. 
One of my favorites is in ep3 when Lee goes to ask Doug if he has any chalk, and he goes into this spiel about charcoal-- “You know, a piece of charcoal is a suitable alternative, depending on your marking surface. Since we're on the subject, did you know that while chalk is traditionally known to be calcium carbonate, what's often used in classrooms is actually made of gypsum, thanks to favorable domestic mining conditions?”
And Lee’s response is just-- “Doug, I did not know that.”
“Happy to be of service.”
It’s just really funny... and it makes you feel better after all the implications about Doug’s mental health in the episode... like you gave him a moment to flex his knowledge and get excited about it. 
But yeah, what can I say? Doug makes me laugh and he brings a bit of light to the groups constant shitshow. 
4. Doug saved the group’s ass at the St John farm
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And he did so with a laser pointer. 
I always hate it when Doug/Carley leave the group at the St Johns and remain absent for most of the episode, though I chalk that up to the writers trying to make the different routes easier on themselves, y’know? 
But, at least they come back to save the day. 
In Doug’s case, he’s not comfortable with guns like Carley is, so he’s gotta get creative when it comes to getting Lee’s attention and stopping Andy from hurting Duck and Lee. 
That’s where his fancy little laser pointer comes in. 
We first see him with it during the walk to the farm, but then see it in action after Lee escapes the barn and is nearly blinded by the light. Doug claims he was doing morse code before Lee tells him and Ben that these assholes cut off Mark’s legs and tried to feed them to the group. 
Now, here’s the thing... If Doug and Ben had done what they were told and stayed at the motor inn over night, things probably wouldn’t have turned out so good for the group. Doug is the one who shines the laser pointer in Andy’s eyes when he’s got ahold of Duck, giving Lee the advantage of attack. Without that, if Lee tried anything, he would’ve ended up like dingdong Kenny with a bullet in his side. 
Also there’s just a lot of bravery from Doug, y’know? Like as soon as he finds Lee and knows the situation, the first thing he asks is what can they do to help, and he sticks around to do what he can.... even if it is just to point a laser in someone’s eye. 
No one gives Doug enough credit for savin’ the day, y’know? And if you have any doubt, even Lee says, “I never thought a laser pointer would be the thing that saved our lives.”
3. Doug’s friendship with Lee
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Speaking of Lee, his friendship with Doug is underrated. The two have chemistry and work off each other well in the scene’s they’re in. While it’s not as strong as Carley’s in ep1, saving Doug and having around in ep2 & ep3 lets you see it at it’s best, y’know? 
After Lee saves his life at the drugstore, Doug is shown to mourn Carley and asks Lee why he would pick him, lamenting that he wished he had picked her over him and you can tell that Doug feels that he owes Lee a lot for saving him. Hell, he even says as much when Lee tries to give him food in ep2-- “Why don't you keep my share today. I know I said it didn't matter why you saved me and not Carley, but... I owe you a lot more than half a day's rations."
Also, I love this one line from Kenny when you’re on bad terms with him and they’re talking about going separate ways where he’s basically like “We all know Doug’s gonna stay with you because you saved him that ONE time >:(” and on top of it being such a bitchy Kenny line, it also shows that every can see that Doug is a loyal friend to Lee and would want to stick with him where ever he decides to go. 
One thing that I think people tend to overlook, though, is how concerned Lee is with Doug’s mental health in ep3. There are implications that Doug might be suffering with depression due to the situation of the walkers, bandits harrassing and threatening them, and believing that he isn’t useful to the group, stating that he feel pretty worthless. Lee asks Clementine if he seems sad, and hell, he even talks to Lilly about it.
In fact, speaking of Clementine, Doug is real sweet with her, too. Of course, he gives her those batteries for her walkie, but he also asks about how she’s doing as they’re leaving the dairy. Hell, 8 years later, Clementine still remembers him by name and how sweet he was when fucking dingdong Lilly can’t remember his damn name. That says a lot. 
Y’all know how important Clementine is to Lee, so he wouldn’t have grown as close to Doug if he wasn’t a genuinely good person who treated Clementine with kindess. 
I dunno, there’s a lot of trust and care between the two and it’s a relationship that I truly love. I just wish we could’ve seen a bit more of it but y’know...#2 happened. 
2. Doug saved Ben’s life
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Yeah, I think we all saw this coming...
Look, doesn’t matter what you think about Ben, okay? Not what we’re talkin’ about. We’re talkin’ about Doug saving Ben’s life, which unfortunately meant ending his own.
Still haven’t forgiven Lilly for this one. Though I’ve always found the difference between Doug and Carley’s death’s interesting. With Carley, Lilly intentionally kills her after Carley tells her off. But with Doug, Lilly was aiming for Ben and even when Doug pulled him out of the way, she still fired the gun... even though she didn’t have a clear shot and ended up hitting Doug. 
Then she tries to play it off like it was an accident which, yeah I guess it was but that doesn’t change that you were intending to murder this 6ft tall child. 
It’s just... I dunno, man, it’s sad. I always feel more sorrow for Doug’s death, but more anger for Carley’s? Even though both make me angry, it’s just different characters, different things that led to their deaths, different feelings. This is the first real “Fuck you, Lilly” moment for me and she can spend the next 8 years wandering around for all I can. 
Doug didn’t deserve this shit. 
But, the reason I put this at #2 because it really says a lot about Doug as a character. The second he saw Lilly aim that gun, he yanked Ben out of the way. He could’ve gone into shock, he could’ve just yelled “no!”, or he could’ve gone at Lilly instead.... but no, his first instinct was to grab Ben and move himself in front and it really fucking sucks that that’s what killed him. 
And y’know this isn’t the first time Doug has put himself in danger to save someone. I already talked about him saving everyone at the dairy, but can we not forget how he and Carley met? She was gonna get eaten by walkers then our big hero Doug came in and saved her?? Didn’t know her or anything, just saw her and her crew getting attacked and did what he could to save any survivors?? 
Like... no one talks about that because it’s so played off and never brought up again and I need everyone to remember this, okay? 
Doug selflessly putting himself in danger to help those around him? Fantastic. Beautiful. Love that.
1. Look, Doug himself is just #1. His personality, intelligence, everything.
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Wow, Doug’s personality being the #1 reason he’s so great? Who woulda thought?
Well, ME woulda thought because obviously.
Listen... in case you haven’t gather this from the previous four entries, Doug is an intelligent, awkward, caring, selfless, funny, and brave man, okay? He’s likable, he tries his damnedest to pull his weight for the group, he shows actual loyalty and kindness unlike some people, and when he tends to avoid the constant Lilly and Kenny conflicts, he does his best to step in when things take a serious turn, hence the Ben situation. 
No to mention the dude is smart. 
I mean, he really took a random remote and was like, “Oh it’s universal, let me just program it to work on ALL the random TV’s across the street as a way to distract these walkers!” like dude.... you just know how to do that, huh? 
Or his fun little bell trap that alerts the groups of strangers and walkers? Oh, and remember when he fixed the RV by hitting it with a fucking hammer and was like “It works now, drive!” 
And have I mentioned that he bested Andy St John with a goddamn laser pointer?? 
Oh, also wanna add that I really like his voice acting, as well. He’s voiced by Sam Joan, who does a good job at selling Doug’s soft-spoken but intelligent nature, and knows how to pull off “dorky” when needed... and I mean that in a good way, when he’s talking about charcoal Doug is being a dork and I love him.
I mean... what else is there to say?
All that’s left to do is pull a Telltale and--
Honorable Mentions
-Doug is a pie guy, going off of that time he named all the different kinds of pie he could thing of and I feel that.  -He’s a very fashionable person. I want that weird polar bear deer thing shirt he wears in ep1.  -also, you can’t go wrong with socks and sandals, my dude.  -He had a crush on Carley and honestly, I feel that, too. 
There it is, there’s my whole thing about Doug. What are your thoughts? When it comes to that choice in ep1 of s1, do you save Doug or do you save Carley? Do you agree or disagree with any of my choices for this list? Or have anything to add? I’m always down to chat.
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F
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eirasummers · 3 years
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Dear Anon,
I decided to answer this with a screenshot because I didn't want anyone to actually be able to click that link. I will summarize for everyone else who might read this what it says:
The op of that post is demanding another person to hurry up with their requests, because they've been active on Tumblr but not answering asks. They are also threathening them with their friends going to spam them if they don't.
First of all, if a person online is offering free requests or otherwise any kind of content that they make and is not paid in any way, then they're not obligated to either do it fast, do it exactly in the way requested or even do it at all. I would say "pay them if you want quicker content" but it's not even that easy. Those artists (they can either write, draw, anything) are persons. They have lives, they have problems and they have things that are easier for them to make than others. You do not know of their situation so you cannot demand they do something fast for you. SPECIALLY if you aren't paying them and have no actual contract or agreement with them.
Secondly, if you want content of any kind and that one content creator is not providing it, you never should go and try and rush them. Specially not in a "call out". What that's most likely to do, is make them even more stressed or make them want to do it less. Pressure is often not the best motivator, specially if it's something you do for fun and for free. If you truly want more content you have 2 options:
Go and send them loving and supportive asks. Tell them how you miss seeing their content lately and how happy it makes you. Often positive reinforcement will make people want to create more content because it makes it "an enjoyable experience for them" and they want love and support, like everyone else. This doesn't mean it's gonna work a 100%, but it will surely work way better than harrassing them with hate or call outs.
You can find another content creator who's active right now, go send them ask, send them some love and get your content that way. And once the original one that went on hiatus comes back, you might go and request them again or not, that's your own choice.
And lastly, doing a call out post is really awful in my opinion, specially for something like this. But someone who goes around sending anon asks to spread out said call outs and cause even more hate is even worse. I cannot believe you think this is something that's "right" to do, because if you did, you would not say it in anon. You are ashamed of that behaviour but still want people to sympathise with your cause, even when you know most people would not think favorably of you after doing it.
I do not know and I do not care if you, Anon, are the same person who did the original post. Either way, I think you should reconsider how you view "fan creators", specially ones who do it for free and, as you well said, are amateurs. And if you believe that I am being rude or I am part of the issue? I kindly ask you to block me and never interact with me again. If you do reconsider and think I might be right in some way, then maybe do some actions to help that poor user instead of attacking it anymore.
That is all, I hope you have a nice day. P.D.: If you are that called out tumblr, I will not say your name as to not make it worse for you unintentionally, please know that even if I do not know you, I wish you to be well and happy. And you should never feel pressured to do stuff for free, just do it at your own pace and for as long as it makes you happy. I hope you have a nice day as well <3
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stoneswords · 4 years
I rewatched Cherry Magic over the last couple days as one does and thought it’d be fun to keep track of the dates/when things happen. For the most part it’s very easy as there are several very specific dates mentioned in the show.
You might notice several Saturdays where they’re at work-- this seems to be pretty standard in Japanese office culture, to work a couple Saturdays a month.
You also might notice a very major time jump that would have happened between Episodes 10 and 11-- I could write this off as a suspension of disbelief type thing, but since there are so many specific dates referenced in the show, and going off Adachi’s pain at keeping his secret from Kurosawa for so long in Ep 11 I think it might be accurate. Please let me know if I missed anything!! :)
Sometime in 2013 - Adachi and Kurosawa are both hired at Toyokawa. The dinner with President Matsuura happens and Kurosawa falls in love with the first person who's ever told him he's more than a pretty face.
Feb 14 2020 - Kurosawa gives Adachi some free chocolate he got off the street.
Oct 1 2020 - Urabe teases Adachi for never having had a girlfriend, tells him of the urban legend of becoming a 30 y/o virgin wizard.
Fri Oct 2 - Adachi's 30th birthday, he discovers his powers.
Fri Oct 9: this is the day the episode aired, and it also works with the timeline in later episodes - Adachi bumps into Kurosawa in the elevator and discovers his feelings. That night Kurosawa offers to help Adachi with his extra work, they're there so late Adachi misses the last train and Kurosawa insists Adachi stay over at his place. We get scarf wrapping, geeking out over manga, Kurosawa fantasising about Adachi in his jammies, neither of them can sleep.
Sat Oct 10 - Kurosawa makes them breakfast. At the office Kurosawa scolds Urabe for putting down Adachi's work. At the end of the day Kurosawa offers some files to help Adachi with the extra work Urabe gave him. Adachi chases after him and asks him out for dinner, but Rokkaku interrupts before they can go and tells them to come out drinking. We get Kurosawa lamenting over the lost date, Adachi helping out Rokkaku, The King's Game drama. Adachi goes to comfort Kurosawa and we have Kurosawa being sad and gay and Adachi assuring him he's just an anxious virgin and Rokkaku interrupts an almost kiss.
Oct 11-Oct 25 - Adachi avoids Kurosawa.
Mon Oct 26 - Urabe asks Adachi and Fujisaki to go buy desserts, they talk about love and life, and are harrassed on the way back to the office. Kurosawa comes to the rescue. Adachi discovers Fujisaki is the aroace queen of our dreams. Kurosawa patches up Adachi’s hand. Kurosawa has trouble with a big client and Adachi uses his power to help. Kurosawa thanks him and gives him a couple mochi cakes as thanks. Rokkaku invites Adachi for lunch, giving him a bunch of food and snacks in thanks for his help at drinks a couple weeks ago. As the two are leaving work that night they see a beautiful woman run up to Kurosawa and beg to stay the night with him. Adachi walks home in the rain and falls asleep in his wet clothes in a fit of despair.
Tue Oct 27 - Adachi is sick all day, and goes to leave work early. Kurosawa notices and insists on taking him home, and as they’re getting into a taxi the woman from the night before jumps in. She turns out to be Kurosawa’s sister and demands to stay over at Kurosawa’s again, making him go home with Adachi to care for him. Kurosawa spends the whole night nursing Adachi back to health.
Wed Oct 28: Kurosawa directly references the date, and it retroactively works for all the previous dates - Kurosawa makes Adachi porridge, and the “day one of our private sweet life!” fantasy. Rokkaku interrupts again, and asks to join Kurosawa and Adachi for the night. We get Kurosawa being adorably jealous, Adachi being a very sweet and supportive friend. Kurosawa thinks about how special Adachi is to him and wonders what he’s doing to himself and leaves in the middle of the night.
Thurs Oct 29 - Adachi is worried over Kurosawa leaving early and his distance throughout the day. As they leave the office Adachi awkwardly talks about how he’s never had anyone to take care of him other than family, and Kurosawa tells him he can’t stay with Adachi anymore. He confesses his feelings and claims the next time they see each other everything will be back to normal.
Fri Oct 30: When Adachi is confessing, he mentions “yesterday” so this does happen the next day - Kurosawa is away in Osaka for the day and reflects over his history with Adachi, and how he has to let go of his feelings. Adachi realizes how much he enjoys Kurosawa’s company and how he’s always thinking about him, and runs to meet Kurosawa on his way home. He confesses his feelings and they hug and we all cry, and as they walk home Adachi asks if he wants to go out to eat and Kurosawa teases him about going to his place.
Sat Oct 31 - Kurosawa bought a one-way ticket to flirt city this morning. He finds Adachi in the break room and asks him to spend the day together tomorrow.
Sun Nov 1 - Tsuge shows up at Adachi’s right before Kurosawa, and we have some prime clown to clown communication while Tsuge talks about how he agreed to go watch Minato dance. Kurosawa suggests they all go and we get: Tsuge being awkward around his crush, Kurosawa and Adachi giggling over Tsuge being awkward around his crush, a fight and Kurosawa blanking out for a solid four seconds over being called ossan. We get some more clown to clown communication, Adachi and Kurosawa walking home and having a very sweet conversation about taking things step by step, Tsuge catches Minato’s friend kissing him and runs away.
Tue Nov 10: Adachi refers to how they’ve been dating for 9 days - Kurosawa apparently stayed the night and they played video games together aww, they have a goofy morning together being in love. Urabe points out how happy Adachi is lately. Kurosawa and Adachi share onigiri for lunch and Rokkaku interrupts again. As they’re leaving the break room Kurosawa asks Adachi to have another go at their date this coming weekend and they see the poster for the design competition. Rokkaku later finds Adachi and angrily asks him to contact Tsuge. That night after work Adachi, Kurosawa, and Rokkaku meet Tsuge at a coffee shop and Rokkaku immediately starts a fight with Tsuge over his apparent homophobia, since he’s been avoiding Minato ever since he caught him kissing his ex. Tsuge assures them he has been avoiding Minato but not because he’s gay, and runs off to find Minato and they confess to each other, and later that evening have sex. As Kurosawa and Adachi walk home Kurosawa gives him the forms to sign up for the design competition, saying he’ll be rooting for him if he gives it a try. Adachi says Kurosawa has given him the confidence to try and they hug.
Wed Nov 11 - Rokkaku thanks Adachi for his help with Tsuge and Minato. Adachi hands in his application for the design competition.
Sometime in the next couple days - Adachi and Kurosawa go for coffee after work where Adachi apologizes for how much of his time the competition will take, and Kurosawa says their date can wait, but he’ll be expecting a reward later. Tsuge calls Adachi to gush over his relationship with Minato and tell Adachi not to be afraid of losing his magic, and Adachi starts to really think about being intimate with Kurosawa.
Sat Nov 14: Adachi mentions how there’s only three days until the deadline for his proposal. On the application form, it says the proposals are due by 5pm Nov 17th - Adachi shows his ideas to Fujisaki and Kurosawa, but Rokkaku calls it boring. Kurosawa tells him not to worry about it, that inspiration sometimes comes from nowhere.
Sun Nov 15 - Adachi and Kurosawa are hanging out at Adachi’s place, and they talk about the expectations of other people. Kurosawa suggests they get out to clear their heads and have a “practise date”. We get the sweetest montage of them having fun at Tokyo Dome, and then when Adachi gets sick Kurosawa privately worries about not being able to always keep Adachi happy. That night Adachi finishes his project proposal.
Mon Nov 16: Adachi refers to their date as “yesterday” - Adachi hands in his proposal, and asks Kurosawa to have another practice date with him that evening. He takes them to the bookstore and izakaya, and Adachi shows Kurosawa his proposal. They have a conversation about communication and how they should be able to relax around each other. As they are walking home Adachi accidentally responds to Kurosawa’s thoughts and thinks about how if Kurosawa knew they couldn’t be together in the same way anymore.
Sun Dec 13: This one is mostly speculation, but I feel it works as the conversation between Adachi and Tsuge is so fresh in his mind the next day, and Adachi also refers to Tsuge’s problems when they see each other on Christmas Eve - Tsuge and Adachi get lunch and Tsuge talks about his relationship troubles, and warns Adachi about not relying too much on his power.
Mon Dec 14: Kurosawa mentions how they have a week to prepare for Adachi’s presentation - Adachi has passed into the second phase of the design competition, and Kurosawa promises to spend all their time special training for his presentation. Adachi apologizes for how much of Kurosawa’s time he’s taking up, but Kurosawa assures him it will all be worth it to enjoy their “first Christmas together and the best date ever”.
Dec 16/17/18 - Montage of the two of them preparing for Adachi’s presentation. It’s also at some point during this week Kurosawa talks to Fujisaki about a restaurant for his date with Adachi.
Mon Dec 21 - Also known as Kurosawa and Adachi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Kurosawa gives Adachi a bento reminding him to believe in himself, Adachi uses his power to connect with the planning and development committee and then feels guilty for cheating and then doesn’t pass anyway. Adachi tells Kurosawa about his powers and then admits he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to be in a relationship with him if he doesn’t have them, and they break up :(
Dec 22/23 - Kurosawa and Adachi are very sad and literally everybody knows. Urabe and Fujisaki both have conversations with Adachi about being happy/true to himself.
Thurs Dec 24 - Tsuge goes to see Adachi and tells him that he has to learn to communicate with the people he loves, even if it’s hard. Adachi races off to meet Kurosawa, they reconcile and hug and Kurosawa asks Adachi to be his office pal for life and fireworks go off and everyone’s cryin’.
Fri Dec 25 - First day of the rest of their private sweet life!!
Sometime over the next couple months - Rokkaku tries to suss out what Adachi and Kurosawa’s relationship and determines they’re just really good senpais to him... truly pure of heart, dumb of ass. Tsuge and Minato have a misunderstanding and then talk it out.
Feb 14 2021 - Kurosawa is in a jealous fit all day over himself, and then he and Adachi exchange true love chocolate <3
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Horror / Six: The Musical AU (X Reader) || Headcanons
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Explanation: So all the songs are being sun by different readers with different Henry’s (The Horror Villains of course) instead of one Henry. I think its pretty straight forward apart from that! I hope to make a second part to this where the readers actually meet up and complain about their times with their respective horror villains. This is fun XD Had the idea a couple months back and I posted it and one blog commented saying Six is their favourite musical, so this is basically for me and them haha XD 
Character Included: Michael Myers, Chucky / Charles Lee Ray (And Tiffany Valentine), Bubba Sawyer, Norman Bates, Mayor Buckman (And Harper Alexandre) and Jason Voorhees. 
Warnings: Murder of the readers (By respective Horror Villains and a non-explicit difficult birth in Bubba’s), birth / pregnancy, toxic / abusive relationships, sexual harrassment / maybe rape (All You Wanna Do- Buckmans), language, suggested mother / son grossness (Norman and Norma of course). 
I laugh in the face of those who would subdue my mad ideas. 
‘No Way’ (Reader as Catherine of Aragon): Michael Myers as Henry
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My name's Catherine of Aragon Was married 24 years I'm a paragon of royalty, my loyalty is to the Vatican So if you try to dump me You won't try that again 
You were in a, of course, very unequal relationship with the shape of Haddonfield. He saw you one day, was completely taken by you, and decided to let you live. He would come by and use you however he liked, kill the people you loved when they got your attention over him, etc. Like any other Michael Myers x Reader.
And, years and years later (Because it’s not like Michael finds someone every day that he gives even a bit of a shit about like he does - did, - you) he comes upon a new person. Someone he, like he was you, is drawn to.
And he tries to drop you like a hot potato.
And this infuriates you. You are not about to let go! He has ruined your life! You have no friends, no family, no life, because of him! All you have, is (regrettably) him and you are going to be his for the rest of your life. That’s what he wanted, that’s what the bastard’s going to get.
(Many, many years with him has caused your courage against him to grow spectacularly. You can say nearly anything to him)
|- ‘You must agree that, baby, in all the time I been by your side
I've never lost control’
‘I've put up with your sh- like every single day’ -|
You give him one more chance- if he can tell you one thing that you have done to him to legitimately hurt him… then you’ll leave willingly.
But he has nothing. And he doesn’t care.
|- ‘You got me down on my knees
Please tell me what you think I've done wrong
Been humble, been loyal, I've tried to swallow my pride all along
If you can just explain a single thing
I've done to cause you pain, I'll go
No?’ -|
|- ‘You wanna replace me? Baby, there's
N-n-n-n-n-n-no way
You made me a wife, so I'll be queen 'til the end of my life’ -|
He ends up strangling you to death when you won’t shut up.
‘Don’t Lose Your Head’ (Reader as Anne Boleyn): Chucky / Charles Lee Ray as Henry (And Tiffany as Catherine of Aragon)
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I'm that Boleyn girl and I'm up next See I broke England from the church Yeah, I'm that sexy Why did I lose my head? Well, my sleeves may be green but my lipstick's red 
Chucky and his filthy ass catches sight of you. Young, French and vivacious and he’s got heart eyes on the spot. He wants you, but he also doesn’t really want to lose Tiffany.
So... yeah, you end up living with them both for a while and its very awkward and a very hostile situation.
|- ‘Here we go
(You sent him kisses)
I didn't know I would move in with his misses
Get a life
(You're living with his wife?)
Like, what was I meant to do?’ -|
You don’t like it. No one likes this. Chucky! Make up your mind!
|- ‘Three in the bed and the little one said
If you wanna be wed, make up your mind
Her or me, chum
Don't wanna be some
Girl in a threesome
Are you blind?’ -|
Tiffany is of course Catherine, and the fandom (The people of Britain for the sake of this AU) loves her (As we all know), so when you come along and insult her because Chucky is now your man (Supposedly.) and of course you two aren’t getting along with each other in the first place because of him … you get a bad name.
|- ‘Ooh, why hasn't it hit her?
He doesn't want to bang you
Somebody hang you
(Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you)
Mate, what was I meant to do?’ -|
When eventually Chucky is able to grow the balls to boot Tiffany out (My heart hurts writing this, trust me), he pulls a ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater’ kind of shit and has no loyalty to you or respect for the sanctity of your relationship, and starts having one night stands here, there and everywhere. He tries vaguely to tell you you’re being silly and that’s not true- but he has lipstick on his shirt collars and perfume smell all over him.
Its not a nice living condition.
So you, still very much being the vivacious bitch that he ‘fell in love with’, go and flirt with some other guys. Just to make him a teensy bit jealous! I mean, its not like he’ll really care, right? You just wanna spark the fire again!
|- ‘Henry's out every night on the town
Just sleeping around, like what the hell?
If that's how it's gonna be
Maybe I'll flirt with a guy or three
Just to make him jell’ -|
But he finds out as planned… and is p i s s e d. He threatens that if you do that again, he’ll fucking kill you.
You, not going to let him talk to you like that, flirt with one more man. Just to be disobedient. 
|- ‘Henry finds out and he goes mental
He screams and shouts
Like so judgemental
You damn that witch
Mate, just shut up
I wouldn't be such a b-
If you could get it up’ -|
And you find out that he very much meant it when he said he would kill you.
|- ‘And now he's going 'round like off with her head (No)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he means it’ -|
‘Heart of Stone’ (Reader as Jane Seymour): Bubba Sawyer as Henry
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Jane Seymour the only one he truly loved (Rude) When my son was newly born, I died But I'm not what I seem or am I? Stick around and you'll suddenly see more 
You were an intended victim of the Sawyers, but like with Stretch, Bubba crushes on you instead. The difference here, is that you see the gentleness to him compared to his brothers, and how scared he is when one of them yells at him, and all the other little signs that he’s not as vicious or evil as his first impressions might convey. You have a big, brave heart, and you realise right there that its death and cannibalisation or understanding and caring for this man and you choose to love.
|- ‘You came my way, and I knew a storm could come too.’-|
|- ‘You've got a good heart
But I know it changes
A restless tide, untameable’ -|
So you take his hands in yours, all shaky and meaty as they are, and promise him that you will never leave him. You’ll protect him. You’ll take any mess he and his family can throw at you- you’ll always be with him. Your promise.
|- ‘But I took your hand, promised I'd withstand
Any blaze you blew my way
'Cause something inside, it solidified
And I knew I'd always stay’ -|
And he believes you, of course. Its so nice to be looked at so softly, especially by someone as pretty as you.
I- ‘You can build me up, you can tear me down
You can try but I'm unbreakable
You can do your best, but I'll stand the test
You'll find that I'm unshakeable
When the fire's burnt
When the wind has blown
When the water's dried, you'll still find stone
My heart of stone’ -|
And you prove yourself. You prove over and over again that no matter what he, or the twins, or Drayton, or even Grandpa throws at you- you’ll survive and you’ll stay, and you’ll never stop looking at him in that lovely soft way.
|- ‘You say we're perfect
A perfect family’ -|
You get pregnant of course because everyone in the Sawyers / Hewitts family has a breeding kink and you can’t tell me otherwise, and the birth is of course very difficult because Drayton isn’t about to pay for hospital bills. So you’re in their home, in all the mess and the dirt and with no sort of aesthetic, and…
|- ‘Soon I'll have to go
I'll never see him grow’  -|
You don’t make it. Your babies born fine and healthy, and you bring another strong Sawyer boy to the family, but you’re gone.
‘Get Down’ (Reader as Anne of Cleves): Norman Bates as Henry
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Ich bin Anne of Cleves Ja! When he saw my portrait, he was like Ja! But I didn't look as good as good as I did in my pic Funny how we all discuss that but never Henry's little- 
So, one day, Norman decides its time to properly settle down (Long after his mother… ah… ‘dies’) and get a partner, and because there isn’t really anyone around where he lives to date or, even, who wouldn’t get creeped out by him and his taxidermy, he turns to online dating.
He meets you there. You own and run your own hotel in the next state over, you don’t mind his taxidermy at all, and your profile picture looks… hauntingly familiar (If you look nothing like Vera Farmiga go by the original movie- she was but a skeleton there so she really could be anyone).
|- ‘Sittin' here all alone
On a throne
In a palace that I happen to own
I'm not fake 'cause I've got acres and acres
Paid for with my own riches’ -|
And you two get along great over messages! You online date for a good year before Norman proposes you elope and come to live with him! You think you’ve known him long enough, and you trust him!
So you fly right over, and he meets you at the airport, and…
He’s disappointed.
Like, ‘sorry, nah, you don’t look enough like mama so this isn’t gonna work’. In a more fidgety, quiet, subdued kind of way though. He’s so awkward with communication that he even suggests that you doctored your profile picture.
I- ‘You, you said that I tricked ya
'Cause I, I didn't look like my profile picture’ -|
And, understandably, you’re p i s s e d, and disgusted! But ya’ll already got married over the internet, so theirs no stopping that! This is your husband. You realise you’ve made a huge mistake and go right back to your home and your hotel to get divorce papers drawn up.  
You’re the queen of your own fucking castle, who needs him?
|- ‘I'm the queen of the castle
Get down, you dirty rascal
'Cause I'm the queen of the castle’ -|
You are understandably, very very mad. And you say some things to Norman about he and his mother, that… may be true… but that he certainly doesn’t appreciate.
When you finally get the papers, and you’ve been separated long enough for it to be legal, you go back to the Bates Motel to get Norman to sign them and stay over a night. You’ve calmed down enough that you’re able to have a pleasant conversation with him, and you decide that you’re too tired to take the plane back home right away so you take up Normans offer to stay in one of vacant rooms (*Cough* So you basically have the run of the place. Or they do. *Cough).
Norman is also pretty calm about the whole thing as well, like you! But… Norma, is still seething.
You don’t wake up the next morning.  
‘All You Wanna Do’ (Reader as Kathrine Howard): Mayor Buckman as Henry (And Harper as Thomas)
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Prick up your ears, I'm the Catherine who lost her head (Beheaded) For my promiscuity outside of wed Lock up your husbands Lock up your sons K. Howard is here and the fun's begun 
Right, so, you haven’t had good luck in love throughout your life, so you decide to give up on boys entirely. 
|- ‘So I decided to have a break from boys
And you'll never guess who I met’ -|
… And meet a man, not much later. A man in power; A mayor. A man who’s been married before and has a beard (So you know; He’s a man. XD No little boy.). This is of course Buckman. He calls you love, and you get a job in Pleasant Valley that keeps you comfortably busy. You feel like, finally, you’re where you belong. You feel fulfilled- no committed relationships are necessary.
|- ‘Globally revered
Although you wouldn't know it from the look of that beard
Made me a lady in waiting
Hurled me and my family up in the world
Gave me duties in court and he swears it's true
That without me, he doesn't know what he'd do
He cares so much, he calls me love’ -|
But then Buckman tells you that he cares about you. You have a connection. He doesn’t feel just ‘friendly’ feelings towards you- he wants more. And, though you are a little disappointed that your solitude didn’t last, you decide that he’s decent enough (’He is rather kind to me, and he does makes me smile a fair bit’, you try to reason with yourself that this is a good idea) and so you start to go out. Its not long before you’re married.
|- ‘So we got married Woo…’
Woo…’ -|
But being married to him isn’t easy. Not at all. You’re not use to politics; There are so many rules now, and he’s always too busy to help. And the rest for Pleasant Valley are a bit… odd. And you just don’t fit in. And this is wear Harper (Thomas) comes in.
|- ‘With Henry, it isn't easy
His temper's short, and his mates are sleazy
Except for this one courtier
He's a really nice guy, just so sincere
The royal life isn't what I planned
But Thomas is there to lend a helping hand
So sweet, makes sure that I'm okay
And we hang out loads when the King's away’ -|
And he’s so lovely and caring towards you (Never more then when Buckman leaves for business in other towns), helping you through the transition from your old life to this one. He’s a good friend, to you. And that is most definitely all he is, on your side of it. A friend. You don’t feel attractions towards him at all apart from that, and he doesn’t try to make any moves. Its wonderful!
|- ‘This guy, finally
Is what I want, the friend I need
Just mates, no chemistry
I get him and he gets me’ -|
… Until one day when Buckman has been away for a month, he tells you he cares about you. You have a connection. He doesn’t feel just ‘friendly’ feelings towards you- he wants more.
|- ‘He says we have a connection
I thought this time was different
Why did I think he'd be different?
But it's never, ever different’ -|
Lets just say one things leads to another, despite you at first turning him away and saying no. He’s so insistent, and a little scary, and you’re lonely because your husbands’ has been away so long, and… something happens that you regret and feel gross about.
|- ‘Squeeze me, don't care if you don't please me
Bite my lip and pull my hair
As you tell me, I'm the fairest of the fair
Playtime's over.’ -|
You tell Buckman when he gets home, and you watch as every bit of warmth and love in his eye disappears, just like that.
Its not long after that that his jealousy and betrayed rage takes over… and… you die with a rope around your neck and your feet swaying above the ground.
|- ‘Playtime’s over’ -|
(Alternatively, Sheriff Hoyt as Henry and Thomas as Thomas)
‘I Don’t Need Your Love’ (Reader as Catherine Parr): Jason Voorhees as Henry (Your last love was Jason when he was alive)
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Five down, I'm the final wife I saw him to the end of his life I'm the survivor Catherine Parr I bet you wanna know how I got this far I said I bet you wanna know how we got this far Do you wanna know how we got this far then? 
So, you’re like the leader of the ‘Slashers Ex Squad’ because you, unlike the others, survived your time with Jason. This is because Jason did, truly, love you (To an extent- not enough to let you go and live your life without him or be free). None of the others really did. Not like he did.
|- ‘Became the one who survived’ -|
Your story:
You and Jason had an adorable little 11-year-old puppy love relationship when he was alive. You were his only friend, and he had it bad for you because of it. Pamela loved you, too.
When he died you were of course devastated, and years later when you were 30 (Making him also thirty- not that you know that. You still think he’s dead at this point) you’re taken by the need to go back to Camp Crystal Lake and pay your respects to your childhood love / friend. Its just one of those nostalgic days.
When you go, and you set flowers down by the lake, Jason catches sight of you. He thinks about killing you… but then your features start to make sense to him. He recognises you, and for the first time since his mother was killed, he feels his heartbeat speed up and swell with hope.
Jason of course kidnaps you then, and keeps you hostage for himself. He missed you. He doesn’t want to survive anymore time without you. You’re all he has left!
… After you realise that this is Jason Voorhees, you quickly learn that this Jason is, of course, not the boy that you cared, and care, so deeply about. He’s done horrible things, and he is never going to stop; And frankly, deep inside… he scares you.
But its not like you can leave him! He would never let you, he’s made that clear. You are all he has, and now, he is all that you have.
|- ‘I don't have a choice
If Henry says "it's you", then it's you
No matter how I feel
It's what I have to do’ -|
So you write a letter to the old Jason (And your old life), saying goodbye, in admittance to the fact that you’ll never be able to get away from this new Jason. This is you letting go of your freedom and any preconceptions that anything will every be the same- with Jason, or otherwise.
|- ‘It's true I'll never be over you 'Cause I have built a future in my mind with you And now the hope is gone There's nothing left for me to do’
'Cause I have built a future in my mind with you
And now the hope is gone
There's nothing left for me to do’ -|
You never stop hating him for how he’s changed (How he’s taken your Jason away, and wont even attempt to go back) and how he’s stolen away your freedom.
|- ‘I'd say "Henry, yeah it's true
I'll never belong to you
'Cause I am not your toy, to enjoy till there's something new
As if I'm gonna give up my boy, my work, my dreams
To care for you"
"Ha, darling, get a clue”
But I can't say that
Not to the king’ -|
You eventually die of natural causes at, like, 60.
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
The Truth- Rafe Cameron
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(Not my gif! Credit to the owner!)
Summary: you finally tell Rafe the truth as to why you don't want to go to parties anymore. 
Word count: 1,039
Warnings: mentions of sexual assault and harrassment, underage drinking. If you are not comfortable with these topics please do not read.
I'm just saying this now if you ever need to speak to somebody about certain topics please do not be afraid to ask for help. Call or text hotlines, talk to somebody. You are not alone.
You laid down, back against your bed and fluffy blanket. Isolated. That was all you felt in life for since the beginning of freshman year of high school. You had one friend who had been there since the beginning, Rafe Cameron. Rafe was one of the best things to have ever happened to you. He would always come over when you called, even when you didn't he would always come over to check on you. He would bring your food and ice cream when you had your period. He treated you like you were somebody, and that's all you could ask for.
It was a Friday night of your senior year, everyone at the 'beginning of the last year' party at some girl's house. Rafe wanted you to come, but he knew how you felt about those things. He instead joined you this night, plopping himself onto your bed.
"You know if you really wanted to go to that party, you could have gone." You spoke to him after a few seconds of silence, sitting up from your position to look at him. 
"But if you're not there I'm not interested." Rafe declared, offering you a soft smile. You knew he was lying, you knew he wanted to go out, drink and have fun. You never explained to him why you hated parties or gatherings. You always just said you weren't feeling well or had other things to do.
"I don't want to party anymore Rafe, I'm sorry." You mumbled, looking down, playing with the hem of your shirt.
"Y/N why won't you just come out to party for once? The last time we went to one was like in freshman year when we hung out with Kelce." Rafe brought up, you uncomfortably shifted in your spot.
He began listing off reasons aloud as to why you would not want to go. As much as you loved him, he was oblivious to many things, especially emotions. 
"Was it because you drank?" 
"Because you were nervous?"
"Because you broke your curfew?"
"Rafe. Stop-"
"Was it because you hooked up with Kelce?"
You had enough as you yelled out. He visibly flinched at the sound of you yelling. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to get you upset." He whispered. 
"It's fine. But I want you to know I didn't 'hook up' with Kelce." You nervously stated. He furrowed his eyebrows together. "What do you mean? I mean, he told his friends all about it." 
"You've only heard his side of the story. You never asked for mine." Your heart was pounding a mile a minute. Your mouth all of a sudden felt dry, your hands slowly began to shake.
"What do you mean?" He asked, shifting towards you.
You sighed softly as you stopped the eye contact with him. 
"The beginning of the year party. It was you, me, Kelce, Topper and a group of other people. When we were all in the basement playing the drinking games I told you I had to go to the bathroom. So I went back upstairs, but I didn't know Kelce followed me. I went into the bathroom and did my thing. When I went to wash my hands Kelce walked in and at first he was like, "oh I'm sorry." But then he entered and closed the door behind him." You tried your best not to stumble over your words, but you never spoke about this to anyone. 
"He-he cornered me in there. His breath smelled like straight vodka, god I can still smell it. He tried kissing me but when I denied him, he got mad. I went to smack him but I ended up scratching his face, that's where he got the marks from. Not from me being 'rough in bed'. He forced my hands against my sides.. and he just kept kissing me. He kept saying how I 'wanted this'. He kept kissing my lips, my cheeks, my chest, my neck. I felt helpless in that span of 30 seconds, it felt like 2 hours." You admit, your body shaking with every raspy breath you take. You never thought about talking about it, let alone to another guy. You always thought no one would believe you. Rafe sat there in bewilderment that all of this happened so long ago to you, his best friend. It crushed his heart and made his blood boil to know that Kelce did it.
"He pushed his body against mine but he was angled to the point where I could knee him and get away. It could have been much worse, but ever since then I just... I can't do it. I don't want that to happen again. I don't like parties or even gatherings. I can't." You stopped talking, only to realize your body had been shaking and tears were easily streaming down your face.
"And everytime you were with him and he would make a comment about me, you wouldn't say anything. When he said that he would be the only guy to touch me, you didn't say anything. You made me feel like I'm not good enough. You didn't say a single thing." You finished. Rafe rubbed his hands over his face, taking in every word you just said.
"God next time I see him I'm gonna wrap my hands around his throat." Rafe was furious at Kelce and himself for not even asking you what happened. "I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't say anything. He's- was my friend who was a part of the popular group and I just wanted to fit in. I didn't even think about how that affected you and I'm so fucking sorry. Come here."
Rafe leaned against the headrest of the bed and opened his arms up. You slowly but surely laid into his arms, you started to weep. Nobody had ever held you like this, but Rafe knew you needed it more than ever. "Shhh. It's okay princess, I'm right here." He whispered as he ran his fingers through your hair.
"I won't ever let that happen to you again." He pressed a reassuring kiss to your head as he rested his cheek on top of yours. "I'm right here." 
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the zukka ship fandom has been harrassing zutara shippers and calling them pro colinization while shipping something with the same dynamic. zukka fans also started the idea that katara was homophobic which i get was a joke but was still annoyingly enforced. so it may not be everyone but the fandom has a problem with harrassing other people that they NEVER acknowledge
(To anyone reading, I truly and genuinely tried to be as understanding and respectful as possible. If you see something you don’t agree with or think I misinterpreted, I understand if it makes you upset! But if you must say something, please first try to politely explain your point of view. I am not looking to hurt anyone. Let’s keep this civil, because yelling and not listening to other people’s arguments has never gotten us anywhere.)
(Also, PLEASE keep in mind that I am a minor and still have much to learn. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be held accountable for my words, but it does mean that I still have lots to be educated on and am not yet a fully functioning adult!)
(As a preface, the most important stuff is the two bolded paragraphs at the end. Go and read those first. The rest of this is elaboration and further clarification.)
Okay, that IS messed up. I don’t think it’s cool of Zukka shippers to be doing that at all.
I will say that the circles I’m in don’t participate in that, as far as I know, but I have no doubt there are groups of people and individuals who do do that.
I could be totally wrong, but I think part of it is that some people are forgetting that while there are lots of Zutara fan works and ideas that might be morally wrong and have racist/misogynistic elements, the ship can be okay if it is handled with respect and acknowledgesd openly that there are problems with some aspects of the pairing. The community should not entirely define the ship.
We need to acknowledge issues and understand that no one ship is perfect or unproblematic.
I think some of the entitlement some Zukka shippers may feel comes from the fact that nowadays people are generally more consciously making efforts to respect culture, and so zukka, being a newer ship, has much less “pro-colonization” fan media. (That does not mean that many, or even most Zutara shippers contribute to racist media these days! I’m sure many/most don’t. But Zutara has been popular for years, and unfortunately it has gained a bit of a reputation for having things like “Slave Katara” fics or “Fire Lady Katara” fics. I’m sure it is very different now but that stuff sticks. And worse, some people still think it’s okay.)
What I’m saying: should Zukka shippers be harassing Zutara shippers? No. Is Zutara 100% an inherently bad ship? No. Should Zukka shippers be calling Katara homophobic? Absolutely not.
And I understand that your ask wasn’t an attack on me (thanks for that because it happens haha) but I’d like to say that I, personally, do NOT approve of the “Katara is homophobic” joke or and I haven’t outright insulted Zuatara shippers, and it’s because I have manners. Because at the end of the day, it’s just about who we think would have the best romantic chemistry. It’s about who we think would make a cute couple. And there ARE other things that come with that that we should be respectful of! We shouldn’t write Sokka and Katara abandoning their cultures to live in the Fire Nation permanently, for one thing.
All in all, I don’t think that saying the Zukka fandom in general is harassing the Zutara fandom, because a large, LARGE portion of us are staying in our lanes and letting you ship what you’d like (as long as it’s respectful, and the same goes for us!). However, I definitely believe that there are large groups of people who are harassing you, saying all these things, and just know that I (and many of my mutuals) know that it’s not right.
Thanks for the info, Anon. If you, personally, have been harassed over what you ship even when you weren’t creating/interacting with racist content, I’m very sorry that that happened to you, that’s awful.
Members of the Zutara fandom have certainly harassed the Zukka community as well, which sucks, but ZUKKA SHIPPERS SHOULD NOT BE DOING THE SAME THING TO ZUTARA SHIPPERS. And most of the arguments I’ve seen against Zukka aren’t about colonialism, theyre more focused around Suki and Mai. (Some ppl say we hate and ignore them... which is... not true in any capacity...) And I know it is NOT the entire Zutara community doing that!
Point is, most of us (on BOTH sides) are decent people who are doing our best to be respectful of the characters, cultures, and each other. Most of us are nice people who make fun, cute, non-racist content.
But there are people in BOTH of our communities who are being racist/misogynistic. And there are people in BOTH of our communities looking for a fight. So the people looking for a fight see the few racists/misogynists and attack the entire shipping community as a whole, even though it’s really just a few people. THIS HAPPENS ON BOTH SIDES. AND WE NEED TO STOP.
It hurts when part of your community is doing something gross and awful and the blame falls on the whole group. That seems to have happened to you. And I’m sorry.
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