#but i can't wrangle the damn words
ddejavvu · 1 month
for a Tyler request what about him and reader getting into a really bad argument and storming off and when he cools down he can’t find her and is panicking
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Alive and Crazy - Tyler Owens x Reader
come participate in tyler owens night !
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Perhaps it was cruel of you to pick such a secluded hiding spot, but after all, isn't that what hiding's all about? Perhaps then the cruel part was hiding at all. But you can't shake Tyler's vicious words, "Y'know, if you don't stop trying to hold me back, maybe I should just cut myself loose."
All this over a tornado? His lifestyle is... intense. You are of the opinion that Tyler's hobby is ridiculously dangerous, and while you're slightly comforted by the safety precautions he takes (especially the drills that anchor his truck into the ground), you're less than impressed with the way he shows off and makes those precautions almost useless. Really, does he need to lean out of the window to see how long he can handle it? You'd only been trying to find some middle ground, but Tyler apparently seems to think you're trying to chain him up in the basement to prevent him from ever having any fun.
There's a secluded cabinet in the back of your laundry room that's perfect for hiding - just big enough to fit in and with an outlet for easy phone charging. You're just about to hit your two hour mark huddled in the cabinet when you hear thundering footsteps nearing your location.
"Baby? Hey, baby, y'gotta tell me where you are. Come on, baby, just wanna know you're safe. You in here?"
That's the last thing you hear before daylight spills into your dark cabinet, and your phone's screen becomes instantly duller in comparison. You glare up unimpressed at Tyler but his face crumples in relief so fast that you can barely hold the expression.
"Shit darlin'." He heaves a sigh, and any sympathy you'd felt for him instantly disappears when he has the gall to scold you next, "Do you know how damn long I've been looking for you?"
"Oh I'm sorry," You bite up at him, rage reigniting in your eyes, "Does my need for space inconvenience you?"
"No!" He nearly shrieks, but he reins himself in, "No, no, that's not- I shouldn't have said it like that. I was just worried."
"Well I'm not sure why," You turn back to your phone, but there's no concentration present as you mindlessly scroll, "I'd have expected you to be out enjoying your freedom seeing as you're cutting yourself loose."
"I'm not cutting myself loose." He vows, and it's soft instead of his typical drawl. He crouches, then makes the terrible, horrible decision to attempt to fit into the crawlspace with you.
"No- no, Tyler, you can't fit!" You squeal as he shoulders his way in, pressed flush to his body as he settles in a space half his size.
"It's fine." He grunts, but it's labored and very much not fine, "I just wanna be near you."
"I don't wanna be near you." You sneer, but you make no move to get up, "The whole reason I'm squeezed into this cabinet is because I was trying to hide from you."
"Did a damn good job, too." He admits, head slumped against the wall instead of your shoulder, "I was runnin' around for almost half an hour."
"Serves you right." You grumble, "Don't say mean shit if you want people to like you."
"I know." He reaches out and sets a hand on your knee, chaste and reassuring, "I'm sorry, darlin'. I just- lost control, or something. I don't know. I've been doin' this my whole life, and when you try to tell me how to do it, it makes me feel like you don't think I can handle it myself."
"Tyler, no one can. Some of the things that you're doing-" You stop yourself short, "I'm not saying you can't have fun. I'm not saying you can't chase- er, wrangle tornadoes. I'm just saying you don't have to keep trying to outdo yourself. There has to be a limit, otherwise you'll get killed."
He's silent after your speech, perhaps mulling it over, perhaps drafting his counterargument. In the end, he tips his head from the wall to your shoulder, and murmurs close to your ear.
"Yeah. You're right. I think... I think I just don't know when to stop sometimes."
"I agree with that," You try to keep too much accusation from seeping into your tone, "But that's why I said something. I don't want you to stop, I just don't want it to stop you."
"Yeah. Alright. I understand." And he sounds like he does. He laces his fingers with yours like he does, and he cranes his neck to peck his lips against your cheek like he does.
"You're not holding me back," He promises, "What I said earlier... that was dumb. This is a partnership, not some sort of prison sentence. I love you, darlin'."
"I love you too," You sigh, leaning sideways into his embrace, "You promise no more hanging out of windows?"
"I promise I won't anymore. Can't promise nothin' for Boone."
"Boone's crazy," You laugh, "You're all crazy. I just want you alive and crazy."
"Deal." Tyler grins, holding out a pinky and letting you lock it with yours, "Alive and crazy, darlin'."
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enviedear · 10 months
omg maybe some fluff/angst abt billy being protective. like maybe gf/wife!reader is getting hit on and she can normally protect herself but maybe some guy gets a little too handsy with her and then billy steps in to protect his baby:(( i think i would actually die
protective!billy bonney...
babe i'm always down for protective!billy, because he's just intrinsically protective. and that's hot.
tw— violence, a bullet graze (not billy or reader), men being mysogonistic (this is the wild west idk what to tell ya), unwanted touch (on the waist, no private areas)
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it'd been a long day already, and the sun hadn't even struck noon. rowdy ranch hands, drunkards, and gang members littered the town square. their minds hazy from drink, worsened by the hot sun.
it was a day of celebration, according to them. the lot of them managed to wrangle up a pack of wild coyotes the night before, the same pack that'd been laying waste to everyone's animals and supplies.
it was a gruesome yet necessary job, but the parlay in town has your ears steaming. they've already ruined an innocent game of catch the local kids had been playing and you roll your eyes when they start to approach you and the rest of the ladies standing outside the dress shop.
you avert your gaze, looking into the crowd for your fiancee. with no sight of billy, who's probably held up at the general store, you focus in on your dusty boots. you'd rather stare at them than the haughty men on their rampage.
"ain't you billy's little thing?" a gruff voice calls out.
you lift your head to find a impish man with tufts of blonde hair, "yes sir, that'd be me." your tone is kind, but your words clipped.
the man draws closer, spitting to his left before giving you a drunken snd sly smirk, "got himself a pretty one, ain't he?"
his question is redundant, and you opt not to answer. instead you give him a smile, slowly backing away and inching toward the entrance of the shop.
the women around you won't be any help, too worried with fending off the other rambunctious men. you're going to have to get yourself out of this one.
the man continues his pursuit of you, "gimme your name, girl. m'bettin' it's real nice."
your fingers find the doorknob behind you but your eyes widen when the door refuses to budge. damn shopkeeper, locking up when you need a safe haven most.
"i'm sorry, sir, my fiancee must be looking for me." your excuse is lame, but you pray it works.
the man steps closer, his hand reaching out to grab your arm. you flinch away, but he manages to grip you tightly anyway.
"come on now, don't be shy," he slurs, pulling you towards him. "what's your name, pretty thing?"
you struggle against his grip, but he's too strong. panic sets in as you realize there's no one around to help you, and you start to fear the worst.
"you need to let go o'me. my fiancee will kill you." you've grown desperate, enough so to lay your strongest card on the table— billy.
the man let out a hearty laugh, "fiancee? ain't no man gonna tie you down, little lady. not till you've had a taste of a real man."
you grow angrier by the second, but you can't help but laugh at his ignorance, "i think that's you giving yourself too much credit, sir," you reply, your voice dripping with sarcasm, "i' got myself a real man, the man i love. now if you don't let me go, you'll be sorry."
the man grows more forceful, pinning you to him, breath brushing your ear and hands groping your waist, "do you well to learn to shut you mouth, girl."
but just as you're about to give up hope, frozen in fear as the man trails his hands over you, a gunshot rings out, piercing the air like a sharp knife.
the man releases you, his face contorting in pain as he clutches at his leg. you inspect the wound as he falls away, just a graze, but you're sure it hurts like hell.
you turn away from the drunk, eyes finiding billy only yards away, his revolver still smoking in his hand. his face is cold and hard, his eyes blazing with anger.
"you heard the lady," billy speaks with a low and menacing voice. "i don't want to kill you, but if i so much as see you touch her again, you'll regret it."
the other men back away, pulling their injured friend with them, fear written all over their faces. they know better than to mess with billy, especially when he's in a foul mood.
you rush towards him, throwing your arms around his neck. his embrace is tight and fierce, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"you okay?" he asks, his voice softening as he looks down at you.
you nod, voice shakey, "i am now," you whisper, feeling safe in his arms.
together, you walk away from the chaos of the town square, grateful for the love and protection you've found in each other.
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
I'm so sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm EATING UP that incel modern Coryo😫
He'd be absolutely awful after one (1) failed situationship he had and he's still a virgin, now he's always sneering at women and even men who he considers to be 'a threat' to him and his fragile masculinity and control issues lol
Coryo would be awful with you too at first! Or at least try. He'd be so so pissy, always throwing a hissy fit whenever you wear something 'too revealing' for his delicate palate and in reality he still kinda can't believe the fact that a girl willingly interacted with him💀 I like to think that on one side he can't believe it and on the other his entitlement rears its head and Coryo's like 'well yeah DUH'
The one thing that would shut boy up would be wrangling him down and shoving his face against your tit for him to suckle and finally let there be peace and quiet from his entitled yapping😭
anon i think you are a literal genius for that cause not only do i agree with you but i think coryo is the biggest sucker for titties on a general basis. thank you!!
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it was starting to become an habit. you simply couldn't help but want peace whenever he opened his mouth to talk shit and at this point you were thinking that this was beclming psychic cause you always know when hes gonna start running his mouth around about your choice of clothes.
now, there were two sides of coriolanus snow who were two controversial if you thought about it too much. and you did. you nearly couldn't believe the man who was sucking on your nipple while massaging your boobs was the same man who would call you out on your choice of clothes everyday.
it started simple. a 'whore' here, a 'slut' there. it didn't really matter to you. what did matter was that he would spend his entire day pissing you off about it.
coryo is a very sweet boy, of course, you were the one who was dressed up like a worthless homewrecker cunt everyday. you were at fault. you should be grateful he was helping you out on that.
you were such a whore. miniskirts there. dresses who never went past half your soft looking thighs here. and of course, your tops and croppeds and your lack of a bra everywhere. his mind felt dizzy just looking at your soft timid nipples poking through your top's fabric.
don't get him wrong!! he is very sweet with his cousing tigris and his grandma'am. it just happens that some blonde bitch broke his heart and he decided that no female were worth it and all of them were whores. except for the women he lived with, this being his cousin and his grandma'am.
"aren't you ashamed? don't you have any sense of embarassment?" he asked you randomly one day.
"about what?" you raised your perfectly shaped brow, eyes on his, drowning on the pretty blue of his devilish misogynistic eyes.
"you're dressed like a whore! look at you- your skirt is above your knee, is not even close to it! your shirt is too tight and i- i'm seeing everything! you're almost naked!" he said, pointing to everywhere on your body but not even looking to your face. and he couldn't. he knew his dick would betray him the moment he saw your lashes flutter to him. "i'm not going out with you looking like that"
"corio, let's just go, okay?"
"no, i'm not-"
"coriolanus." damn. he shivered right there, gulping down hard on the way you looked at him. he knew it was decided already, you weren't going out at all. "couch. sit."
and he did. like a obedient golden retriever who knew that he made a mess. he was crying internally, afraid you'd leave him because of his kind words. you were like, supposed to be grateful for it. he was helping you out.
but you didn't dump him, for his surprise, you layed his head on your lap and caressed his hair. then the thing escalated a bit and his mouth was sucking on the soft tissue of your breast while your hand slowly pumped his cock.
"i know you don't want me to go out looking like that because you think is slutty, but we both know the real bitch in heat in this room is you," you said, as he dizzily nodded with his mouth too occupied to say anything. "you will have to learn how to behave yourself from now on if you want me to be with you still"
he hummed against your breast, his cock twitching on your soft skilled hand while he recieved all your words quietly, dumbly.
"you're not cumming today." he didn’t fight it. he knew he would eventually cum on your hand and cry for overstimulation because that was his punishment.
his punishment being overstimulation was more like a payment. for you, actually, because you loved seeing him cry while your warm walls squeezed his cock tightly with you telling what a bitch he was, saying his tantrums were on purpose cause he knew what would wait for him all while he tries not to cum right on sight.
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littlemissmiller · 4 months
𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem!reader
Summary: you’ve been billy’s best friend since he came to Santa Fe. You two always got into trouble together, but lately he’s been distant. one night, billy gets into a fight after a poker game gets out of hand. he comes to you, hoping you’ll bandage him up without giving him anymore trouble than he’s already been in. as you help fix him up, you can’t help but notice how truly handsome he is and then, one thing leads to another…
Warning: 21+ (drinking), heavy fluff, smut, p in v , oral (f reviving) slight dirty talk
Word count: 3.8k
A/N: hello hello hello! i’m back with another lil spicy read. this one is so cute and fluffy and took me forever to write but here we are and i hope to get more out with the show being back. unfortunately I haven’t had time to watch the new episodes but i plan on it tonight. also i do take requests (i mainly write for pedro pascal and tom blyth, but I do a lot of other fandoms too so just ask.) so yeah…it’s a hot fan fiction summer y’all so get ready for the heat 🔥🥵 enjoy loves ♡︎
It is a warm night. The kinda night that smells fresh and ready for adventure. Billy’s favorite kind of nights. The kind of nights that Billy just loves to make memories getting into trouble. When you and him were kids, there was nothing better than sneaking out with Billy. Going out into town, sneaking into bars mainly, but occasionally the two of you would ride out into the hills, just to get a better view of the stars. Sharing a bottle of stolen liquor from the local boarding house, the two of you would gaze up, trying to count them all and connecting the dots into your own pictures and making up your own stories. You always had a soft spot in your heart for him, and truly felt as if that feeling only extended to a friendship. That’s what you told yourself anyways.
So tonight reminded him of one of those many nights he had shared with you. As he enters the saloon, he feels lucky and optimistic. But as he exits, he stumbles into the dirt pavement as he’s pushed back onto the ground by another patron.
“You’re a damn cheat kid!” A burly man yelled down at Billy
He spits the blood out of his mouth and glances his eyes back onto the man who hit him. He stands over Billy, his angry scowl growing on his face.
“I play fair. Can’t help you, can't take it on the chin like a real man.” Billy spits at him
With that the man moves in, running up to kick him in the stomach. Billy, quick as ever, turns over and runs back up on his feet. He holds his hand over his holster, ready to defend himself if need be, even though he was still practicing his quick draw in his mirror, he wasn’t a bad shot. The man strode forward, snarling at him, drunkenly raising his right hook. Billy easily avoided him, but suddenly another man grabbed his shoulder and he tried to wrangle himself free. The drunk man launches forward, aiming for his face, missing, but still landing a nasty punch to his stomach. He spits out more blood, but holds his head up. The man swings again, this time landing him square in the jaw. Billy could feel the cold metal of his ring as it grazes against his chin.
Billy grunts, the man holding him from behind knees him hard under his thighs and Billy decides he has had enough. In a moment of quick thinking, Billy kicks in the kneecaps of the man holding him, and he falls back. Billy whips out his pistol, and points it at the drunk man. The drunk man, seemingly not aware or afraid of the gun in his face lunges toward him, but in his drunken state, he falls down. Billy spits on him, kicking the dirt up in his face as he runs off, heading in the direction of your house.
Meanwhile, you’re still awake, deeply immersed in an old copy of Romeo and Juliet. The flame from your candle was slowly lulling you into sleep and just as you’re about to blow it out, you hear a rapid knocking on your door. You have a feeling you know who it is, but nonetheless you call out asking “who is it?”while opening the door.
Billy stands at your doorway, holding his stomach, bent over slightly. His lip is beat and bloody. His eyes look up at your own briefly as he whines in pain. You usher him inside and he limps in.
“Christ Billy, what happened?”
“Man couldn’t handle a poker loss.” He explains, reaching into his back pocket and lays down a wad of cash, about $10 worth.
“You won that?”
“Yeah. Gotta keep some money safe for my Ma. Those assholes were so drunk they forgot how to count chips” he groans, stumbling into your kitchen chair. He continues to hold his stomach in pain.
“They think you tried to cheat them?” You ask
He nods, wincing, his face scrunching up in pain. You rush over to him, kneeling at his side.
“Well, your ma is going to be in a fit if she sees you like this.” You say, fingers dancing across his jaw. You move his chin to get a better look at his swollen lip. Whoever had fought him, had given him.
“Yeah. Plan is to be out all day tomorrow. Let the swelling die down. But for now, can you help patch me up?” He groans
“Oh” you scoff jokingly
You stand up, smiling at him, and heading into your bedroom to grab a first aid kit. You were no nurse, but you knew how to help bandage him up enough so that you can make him look pretty again. It was hard to deny that your best friend is unbearably handsome. It wasn’t something you had noticed before, especially growing up, but this summer he had changed. His face had lost all its round baby fat, and his sharp features showed just how handsome he really was. You think it’s his eyes. They are a deep blue, and stand out from the rest of his features. They capture you and draw you into him.
Nowadays, every time you look into them you nearly drown. Your thoughts get carried away with the thought of him bare on top of you, those same eyes trailing down your body, admiring your beauty. You have to frequently remind yourself to think of other things.
You scurry back into your kitchen. You run over to your liquor cabinet, grabbing the highest proof whisky you have. You turn and kneel back beside him. You open the kit, and get out some bandages. You unscrew the cap to the whiskey and pour some of it on a cloth.
“I’d much rather just drink it.” He smirks
“Fine, but I still need to clean your wound.” You explain, dapping the cloth on his split open mouth. He winces at the sting of the alcohol. He pulls back in pain, grabbing the bottle and taking a swig.
“Fuck” he grits
“I know I know I’m sorry…just let me…” you apologize, dabbing under his lip and on his jaw where a fresh cut had been sitting on his chin.
“This cut? Did one of them have a ring.”
“I guess so.”
You sigh. He sounds so reckless. So careless in his demeanor. Yet, as you clean him off you can’t help but admire how smooth his skin is, how this closeness felt strangely intimate. The overwhelming feeling to kiss his perfect jawline was a temptation like no other. The way his beautiful eyes occasionally glances at you makes your heart melt, and your breath feels shaky. You calm yourself and refocus your attention back on his bloody face.
“Oh Billy…” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Ain’t my fault I’m a good card player. Ain’t my fault I’m young and better enough to beat them old men at their own game.”
“You just need to be more careful Billy. One of these days you’re gonna get really hurt.” You warn
“I can handle myself.” He quips
“Yeah apparently enough to go on adventures all by yourself now huh?” You raise an eyebrow at him
He scoffs and hangs his head, turning away from you.
“You know one of these days Billy you’re gonna get too ahead of yourself and get into real trouble. Real trouble you ain’t gonna get yourself out of. Then what?” You ask, cleaning up the last of the blood.
At this point, Billy was on the brink of losing it. Why are you giving him so much grief over this? A bar fight nonetheless? Something as naturally occurring as the desert heat in Santa Fe. Angry, you force him to look at you, turning his chin toward you.
He huffs, his breathing heavy.
“Do you really want your poor Ma to visit you in a jail cell?”
You take it too far. Even you know it. The moment the sentence spills for your lips it hits Billy’s ears like a ton of bricks.
“I just- I’m sorry I just…”
Billy grabs your hand, forcing it away from his chin and into your lap.
“No. You’ve said enough. I thought you were my friend. Why you talking down on me like you raised me?” He sneers
“Because I don’t want to see you hanging from a tree!” You shout
Billy’s eyes widen and yours fill up with tears.
“And one of these days I’m afraid that that’s the last I’ll ever see of ya! Since you like to run on your own now. I guess I ain’t good enough to tag along with you anymore either?”
“Is this what you’re mad about? I don’t understand you’re worried I’m gonna get myself into trouble, but you also want to seem to tag along. So which one is it?” He asks, shaking his head.
“Maybe I want to tag along to make sure you stay out of trouble.” You whisper harshly, holding back your sobs.
He hangs his head, sighing your name.
“Maybe I don’t take you anywhere no more to keep you safe. You know I ain’t nothing but trouble these days.”
“You say that like it’s written in stone somewhere. Like it’s meant to be. Why Billy? Why do you think you have to be no good?
“I don’t think I have to be, but if I wanna protect my family then I may have to do things I ain’t proud of…especially if I have to protect you…” he breathes
“What do you mean?”
“Ain’t it obvious, darling?”
You shake your head in confusion and raise an eyebrow
He sighs and leans in.
“Because you mean everything to me.” He gasps and not being able to control himself any longer, he swiftly cups your face, dragging your face to his own and kisses you deeply. You moan in surprise, letting his soft lips consume your own. He pulls back all too quickly though, feeling guilty for being so bold. What if you didn’t like him like that? Then you nod and he smiles. His lips look so soft and inviting and you lean back in. You firmly press your lips against his, your hand clutching the back of his head, pushing him towards you. You run your fingers through his brown soft locks. You’re kissing him back, and seem to want more, which Billy didn’t expect.
“See you what I mean?” He mumbles against your lips, smiling.
You nod in response.
“Billy…” you whisper
“Yes, darling?”
You stand up and slide onto his lap, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for that.”
“Me too, I thought maybe you’d reject me.” He smiles, gently rubbing your thigh, hiking your dress up slightly.
“Why do you think I was so upset with you? You smile and with his other hand, he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
“I’m sorry I was so distant, but now you know why I’ve been acting like you’re nothing to me. I’ve been a complete ass I know. Let me make it up to you?”
He leans in again as you nod. Now that your collective previously unspoken feelings have come to light, there is no holding back. For both of you. Billy moves more quickly, his mouth becoming more needy for you, and you love it. He pokes his tongue through, exploring your mouth. You let him in, wanting more of whatever he gives you. You can’t help but moan against his mouth and he holds your face tighter. You can barely keep up with him, it’s so apparent that he wants you based on the way he practically consumes you. Every kiss feels like a flame that burns your lips, seering the very memory of his lip on your own. You could do this for hours. Kissing Billy was one thing, but completely losing yourself in this messy, raw passion was another. He pulls back to look at you, capturing the moment and image of you to memory. You can tell he wants to say something, but you already know.
“I know Billy, me too…”
He smirks and places a quick kiss on your lips. He smiles, giving you the most goofy, boyish look. He rubs your cheeks in his hands, feeling ever so loved by him. He moved them to your neck and continues to kiss you. He moves his mouth slowly to your chin, down to your jawline and onto your neck. You move your head to the side to give him more space and he practically attacks you. You gasp as he moves his hands down under your dress and up your thighs.
“Can I?” He breathes
“You can…take me to my room first” you whisper, batting your eyes at him. He nods enthusiastically, waiting no time to swoop you up into his arms. Your legs dangle from the crook of his elbow and you hang onto him. He kisses your neck and jaw and he carries you into your bedroom. Once there, he sets you down on the bed and slips his suspenders off his shoulders. He starts to unbutton his shirt, then falls onto you, catching himself and caging you with his arms. He just can’t help himself. He wants to kiss you now that he has you all to himself. He unbuttons the rest of his shirt, tossing it aside and dancing his fingers up to the strings of your dress. You admire his lean figure, his body so toned and handsome.
“Now can I?” He smirks
You nod and he starts to untie the front of your dress. His eyes meet your own, and you start to feel lost in the ocean of his irises. Once he loosens your dress he pulls it past your shoulders, his fingers dancing over your collar bone, following the delicate fabric as it falls down your body. He leans down, kissing the crook of your neck, shoulder and just along your cleavage. You grasp the back of his head, close your eyes and let yourself go under the touch of his lips. You start to slowly and quietly chant his name, fingers running up and down his neck as the sensation of his touch sends you into bliss. He smiles as he presses his mouth against your skin, soaking in the way you melt under him.
“Is this ok?” He asks
“Of course, Billy. Please, don’t stop…” you plea
He slips your dress down more, revealing your chest to him. He gaps in awe, starting to cup and knead your breast. He pinches the nipple before diving down and sucking. You arch your back in response, moaning and biting down on your lip. He swirls it around his mouth, before moving his lips to give the other breast the same attention. His other hand moves down to hike up your dress and he finds the lining of your panties. He looks at you again for approval and you mouth “yes” to him.
With that, he pulls them down and tosses them aside. He trails his fingers to your core, finding your heat and rubbing your clit. He is slow and you love it. He wants to take his time with you, show you how much he loves you and wants to please you. You spread your legs, knees drawing closer to your chest. He shuffles his body more in-between them. He starts to move his hips against you, excited at the idea of seeing you fully bare before him. You simultaneously shift out of your dress, Billy helping to pull the rest down. Once you are fully naked, he takes time to take you in.
“Christ darling, you’re a beauty.”
He rubs your hips, running his hands up to your waist and gripping tight. He pulls you forward as he slides down the bed onto his knees.
“Billy you don’t have to…” you breath
He kisses your thigh and smiles greedily.
“Believe me I want to. Let me?” He practically begs, doe eyes glimmering with desire.
You push your hips forward, readjusting to get closer to his face. You nod wordlessly and he kisses up your thigh. Once he reaches your core, he cautiously presses a kiss to your clit. You gasp, resting on your elbows as you start to feel your body relax on his tongue. He licks a curious broad stripe up your entire slit, before giving it small, precise kitten licks. Then, he wraps his mouth around it, sucking and pulling at the sensitive bundle of nerves. Meanwhile, you let your moans and whines stumble from your lips. He loves it, your sounds of pleasure showing him just how much you wanted him.
At this point Billy feels drunker than whiskey off the taste of you, your juices a delicious, exotic, elixir to him. Like water in the desert, he drinks you up. He holds your thighs in his arms, massaging them while he moves his face as he also moves his tongue. You grab his hair, his soft brown lock tangling in your fingers. You also grab onto one of the hands grabbing your thigh. He glances up at you, pulling back for a moment to smile at you and appreciating your affectionate attention. You love the way he makes you feel and he can tell.
“Feels so good, fuck keep going…”
“So vulgar.” He smirks
“Are you kidding me, my best friend is eating me out and he’s doing a god damn spectacular job of it. How could I not let my tongue get the better of me.” You smirk, lips sliding into a satisfied grin.
“I’m still just your best friend…”
“Maybe a little bit more than a friend after tonight. Is that what you want?” You ask, dreamily
“Yes, darling, more than anything.”
He dives back in, lapping you up and greedily drinking your juices again. He’s almost animalistic as he moves his month, hands moving to grope your ass. You lift your hips to allow him. He moans against your core, needing more and more of you. He gives your clit a few soft kisses, then pulls back and climbs back on top of you.
As he does, he loosens his belt and starts to pull down his pants. He slides out of them, showing you the growing bulge in between his legs. He takes himself in his hand, stroking and you gawk at him. You had always heard that taller, leaner men had the real tools to satisfy a woman and it seems Billy was living proof. His cock was so long and thick, tip red and ready. He wipes the pre-cum along it, moving it down his shaft, slightly lubing himself. You love that you and him are bare like this and you readjust your hips in anticipation. He licks his hand then places it on your pussy, swirling his fingers.
You clutch his biceps, mouth agape as he rubs your entrance with his tip.
“Please…” you beg
He slides in, stretching you out perfectly.
“Mmmm oh fuck, you’re so perfect wrapped around me.”
He sinks in deeper and deeper until he hits your cervix. You let out a loud groan, adjusting to his size. He cups your face, going back and forth in between your beautiful eyes and the place where his cock meets your entrance. He moves his hips slowly, afraid that he might hurt you. After a few thrusts you start to feel your pleasure return, and you ride your new wave of ecstasy. He feels so incredible, his length filling you up so perfectly and as he speeds up, you feel overwhelmed. The rhythm of his cock so relaxing and mesmerizing, it almost lulls you to sleep. He notices and kisses you.
“Fuck Billy, I wanted you like this so bad.”
“Me too, so fucking bad.”
He quickens his pace, giving you more of him and you smile against his lips. You let out a few breathy laughs and he rocks you on the bed. He keeps going like this for a while, kissing you and admiring your beauty.
“Maybe we should withhold our feelings from each other more often, because I don’t know about you but admitting your love for me like this feels incredible.” You mumble
“Mmm I could be in you all night.” He responds
“I have no quarrel with that.”
Billy and you both share a small, quaint laugh and he rolls you over. He starts to sit up and his lips lock with your own. He starts to move your hips and in return you pick them up and bounce. He pulls back, gasping and watches you as you move on him. He utterly transfixed on how your waist and hips move smoothly, how your tits bounce, and how elegant you are. You’re made for him. He moves his hand up and down your stomach and you steady yourself, placing your hands around his neck. Tempted by the way you move on him, he pops one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking at your flesh. He pulls your nipple into his mouth, making you groan and clutch his head.
“My god how did you get to be so perfect?” He questions
“Am I perfect?” You snicker
“More than that, if even possible.”
“Now you’re just being nice” you huff
“Not true darling, not true at all.”
Before you can protest, his lips silence you. Billy pumps into you, lips refusing to leave yours as he feels you clench down on him. You’re close and you cling to him as he sends you over the edge.
“Oh Billy, Billy, you’re gonna make me…you’re gonna make me cum…1fuck!”
He nods into the crook of your neck and you feel yourself becoming undone. You writhe on top of him, arching your back and letting the euphoria overtake you. You reach a peak then slowly come down, catching your breath as you do. He flips you over, eager to satisfy his own needs. He pumps his length into you, messily, his actions becoming more and more sloppy. You can feel he’s close.
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum on your stomach okay?” He informs and you nod.
A few more pumps and then, he pulls out. Strings a warm, white cum spill onto your stomach and even up to the valley of your breasts. He rubs himself as the last few drops spill from his tip. He catches his breath, looking around for something to clean you off with. He reaches over on the night stand and takes the towel from inside the wash basin. He cleans you up, then kisses you softly.
“I love you. I always have.” He whispers
“Me too Billy. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
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elaemae · 7 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x ObeyMe!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 7
Again, I thank y'all for the reblogs, likes and comments guys, it really helps me :)
CW: Blue pronouns or address for MC every time they get mistaken for a guy. Also, I'm a potty mouth so MC is too.
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You're about to have a stroke right now.
You should've just went back to the goddamn infirmary instead of checking in on these obnoxious, bitch-less, probably father-less, motherfuckers.
It's just cleaning windows!! How the hell can you mess up like this?! Why the fuck did the cafeteria chandelier get involved??
*One eternity of screaming like a banshee later*
After sending those damn kids and cat away to get some sort of magical stone in some godforsaken mine, you wrangled with the headmaster for at least two hours to prevent him from writing up the expulsion papers of Yuu and that Blue-haired kid who was mostly innocent about the ordeal.
(Meanwhile, encouraging him to kick that Ace kid and the damn cat off the school. You ain't about to let audacity run free rn, mostly because you feel yourself start genuinely tweaking as you almost got possessed by the urge to sucker punch someone's soul out of their body.)
[Satan perked up, there it was again.
That distinctive spark of wrath that he can feel through your pact with him is both concerning and comforting.
On one hand, the anger he feels means that you're alive. And seeing that what he's feeling through the pact is mostly annoyance, then that must mean that nothing marginally bad or traumatizing had happened to you yet.
You're actually more pissed off in a 'someone-had-the-audacity-to-eat-my-snacks' kind of way more than anything else, meaning that you're safe for now.
But on the other hand, he doesn't know how long that temporary safety will last.
There's also the fact this is the fourth time he'd felt that spark of 'I-wanna-punt-someone-into-the-fuckin-sun' kind of anger from you, which is worrying because it hasn't even been 48 hours since you were kidnapped by some mf.
He shook his head, calling upon a subordinate (read: Devoted fan) to collect more and more books to learn what type of teleportation and sleeping magic was used in your kidnapping.
With the massive search party spanning all three realms that they'd called upon, they will find you sooner or later.
And once they do...
Well... You'll need to get used to being with someone at all hours of the day.]
*Passive-aggresively reminding Crowley that he can't kick out an innocent kid for something they didn't directly do as they had no way of stopping the events that transpired.*
["You don't want the word to get out that you let an innocent teen roam around in a foreign world with absolutely nothing to their name and nobody to protect them, right?"
"That is true, but I still can't just let this go unpunis–"
"Especially when it's the school's faulty equipment that took them so far away from all of their loved ones and belongings, right?"]
Needless to say, Yuu ended up being "fired" in the end, quite an unfortunate result because they will need to freeload off of you until the end of your stay in this world. (Poor them, they got fired before they knew that they had a job in the first place.)
Oh well, it's better than being kicked out from practically their only way back home right now...
Hays... That cruel crow..
Anygays, it's time to snoop around and hopefully make some connections to the residents of this school.
This is a well-known college, right? So there should be influential people here somewhere...
Hehe.. It's time you bring out your gaslight, gatekeep, gold-digging skills so that you can girlboss your way into stability inside this foreign world.
• • • • • •
Suddenly, more than a dozen individuals felt a strong shiver run up their spines.
Haha... Well that's ominous!
• • • • • •
Ortho deadpanned at his brother.
It seems that almost burning down their dorm room last night isn't enough to deter him from making his [Mr. L/n x reader] fanfiction complete with mandatory fan art for every single chapter.
But at least his brother isn't 'fanboying' about another fictional character again...
Hm... Now that he thinks about it..
Maybe his brother will be more inclined to make friends if it's Mr. L/n!
And thus begins Ortho's journey of being an unknowing wingman as he tries to get his introverted brother to make friends.
• • • • • •
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at the small gift on top of your temporary bed in the infirmary.
Dats suspicious....
Dats weird......
You turn your necklace into a staff and start poking the box, trying to see if it'll suddenly turn into a horrific eldritch monster and jump you. (Won't be the first time that happened.)
• • • • •
"It is done, ××× ×× ××××××" (This is too easy to guess😑)
• • • • •
Diavolo sighed for the tenth time that hour, lamenting how trying to focus on his paperwork is a really hard task when MC gets thrown into the situation.
'Maybe a small break will help clear my head?'
He might as well just go out for a walk in the garden to get some fresh... air...
Oh? what is this?
His eyes scanned the dark envelope he'd seen wedged under the 'To burn' stack of paperwork in his desk.
This envelope wasn't here yesterday...
After confirming that the piece of paper wasn't cursed or charmed, he opened it with apprehension.
• • • • •
Barbatos appeared in the office, tense as he'd heard his lord call out his name with haste.
Reading the letter shoved in front of his face by the serious Diavolo, Barbatos made a mental note to get the dungeon chambers ready.
They've got themselves a lead.
← Pr.6 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.1 →
Just tell me if y'all wanna get added in the permanent taglist, even if I already tagged y'all here.
That's just so I'll know if you wanna get tagged in all the upcoming chapters of this fanfic.
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Reblog or I'll take your ankles😈 (Pls like and reblog, it really gives me motivation🥺)
Also, the next chap is the start of Arc 1: Satan but short.
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optimist-pine · 6 months
Summary: In which Daryl greatly regrets ever offering to help you.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 614
Era: The Prison
A/n: There's no dignified way to wrangle a chicken. (Source: just trust me.)
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Capturing the ever-wilding fowl had been your bright idea, and you're sticking to the opinion that it's a good one - no matter what your companion's thoughts on the matter are. The crops are great, the pigs are fine, and the horses are beautiful. But the chickens have been your project from the start, and you take pride in your contribution.
At least, that's what you remind yourself as you stand here in the middle of the woods, out of breath and almost out of patience.
You take a step and startle the three birds in Daryl's direction for the umpteenth time. "If you-" You start to say.
He interrupts, "If these damn birds dun' start cooperatin' I'm eatin' chicken for dinner." He lunges for a black hen, wrapping his hands around her middle, but one of her wings isn't covered completely and it slips free, thwacking him square in the face. He recoils and drops her instinctively, cursing when she gets away again.
It's your turn to try and snatch a bird but you're finding it hard to stop laughing and your attempt is halfhearted. Daryl jumps on the opportunity, managing to hang onto the orange hen this time. Her wings are flapping like crazy and she's squawking as if he's trying to wring her neck; his arms holding her out as far from his body as possible. He's shouting at you to grab the crate to put her in, but a snort squeezes out and then another, and you're engulfed in laughter so intense you've got to hold your stomach and fight your screaming lungs for air.
You put your palm against a tree trunk for support, attempting to rein in the ridiculous sounds that your body is producing all while a chicken and a full-grown man have a mutual freakout a few steps away.
Somehow you manage to push the crate near enough to him that he can safely trap the hen. "It ain't that funny." He grumbles, giving you a squinty scowl.
"I know, I know, it shouldn't be-" You gasp around lungfuls of air.
"It ain't." He repeats.
"-but it is!" You choke. "You- you both looked ridiculous, I'm sorry!" Tears are leaking out of the corners of your eyes. The image of Daryl and the bird in full panic mode won't move out of your mind.
He huffs, the equivalent of an eye roll. "C'mon, girl. Let's get the rest'a yer stupid birds."
When you've made it back to the prison and introduced the new chickens to the rest of the flock Daryl points at the gorgeous white rooster you'd finally managed to wrangle. "Tha' one's gonna make a great meal."
You slap his arm lightly. "You better keep your grubby paws off'a my chickens! Sides, ya can't eat 'im til we get some chicks outta 'im."
Hershel joins the two of you with a gentle smile. "How'd the chicken catching go?"
"Piece'a cake." You grin.
That same orange hen is staring Daryl right in the eye. "That's not how I would'a described it..." He says, and you swear he shudders ever so slightly.
Unfortunately (for him) you spend a lot of time around the coop, and it's not long before a strange friendship reluctantly blossoms between the man and that bird. She constantly follows him and he actively tries to avoid her. It never fails to make you smile, and soon enough he's bringing her treats and giving her pats and it's rare not to see her tailing his heels.
And fortunately (for him) the day comes when he does in fact get to eat that rooster. He's adamant that it's the best chicken he's ever tasted.
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theclaravoyant · 5 months
fireworks - bucktommy (T, ~1000wd)
AN ~ now taking prompts! because i can't help myself . in the meantime please enjoy this little hurtcomfort, inspired by the prompts "late night conversations/anxiety" for upcoming @evanbuckleyweek <3 (I couldn't wait that long!)
also on AO3.
Can't make it tonight babe :( Not feeling so hot.
Buck is running late, but not so late that he doesn't have time to stop by on his way to the Grant-Nash gathering for a little bit of boyfriending. Tommy had sadly had to pull out of this one, but not to worry, Buck has brought over his favourite meatball sub in case he's feeling like a pick me up.. and a bottle of ginger ale in case he's not.
Either way, as he approaches the front door Buck is surprised to hear music so loud – albeit muffled – that the bass in it shakes the windows.
He frowns. He, for one, isn't one to blast his workout mix when he's stuck in bed, or bent over a toilet bowl, or whatever other nastiness supposedly awaits him. The lights are off inside.
Brought dinner, he taps into his phone. All good?
He bounces on the balls of his feet.
Babe, let me in x
There's no response, not even those little bouncing dots. Buck is definitely not thinking about Tommy passed out on the living room floor or kidnapped or something. But he does pull up Athena's number before he reaches for the spare key. Just in case.
“Babe!” he calls, looking around. The house is dark. This still feels like something he shouldn't really be doing. “Tommy!”
He follows the sound toward the basement stairs, where light is coming through. From down below, he hears the grunts and slaps of rigorous exercise... or something else, and it dawns on him that well, he and Tommy haven't technically agreed, haven't really discussed, if they're exclusive or anything and he might be intruding on something and that little voice in the back of his head that tells him nobody's ever all in is getting so loud... He freezes at the bottom of the stairs, just before he can turn the corner and see something. What the hell is he doing. How fast can he back track without Tommy noticing that he's being jealous and weird and-
The music stops.
Well. Here goes.
Tommy can't help it, his face lights up at the sight of him. Which is weird, because Evan looks sort of mortified. Probably because Tommy had bailed on something important to him under the guise of being sick and here he is, very much not throwing up or hiding from the light or anything, slicked with so much sweat his hair has dropped a few shades in colour.
“Tommy. Y- You're feeling better?”
“You brought a sandwich?”
Damn it. Tommy throws his head back, closes his eyes as a pang of guilt punches through him. The kid went and brought his favourite sandwich. He just wants to make sure he's okay. Damn it, damn it.
“I can explain.”
“Is this because you're not ready to meet Athena? 'Cause she can give one hell of a shovel talk but she's cool, really.”
“I've met Athena,” Tommy assures him. In spite of himself, a smile touches his lips, because that was kind of a significant part of this whole thing. “Evan – I promise, this has nothing to do with us.”
It seems to help a little bit. At least, enough that Evan trails after him into the basement proper while he paces and takes a swig of water and tries to wrangle the courage to say it.
“The fourth of July is just... not my thing,” he manages. “I don't really like fireworks.”
He looks Evan in the eyes as he puts it together. Maybe he knows Eddie doesn't either, maybe he knows it's a common trigger for veterans, maybe he just knows what it's like to try and pack the depths of unspeakable horror into words. Especially when you're meant to be a badass fearless firefighter.
“I'm sorry,” Evan says. The fear and confusion and anguish melts away, his expression painfully earnest and concerned as he closes the distance between them. Part of Tommy wants to bury his face, to freeze like a rabbit or run and hide, but something about Evan, as always, makes him stay.
“I'm sorry,” he breathes. “I didn't mean to lie. I'm just … used to dealing with this by myself. And you- you're so- I mean, you died? You actually, for real died in a thunder storm and you got in a helicopter to fly into a hurricane like it was nothing. I guess I worried you wouldn't get it.”
Evan cups a hand around the back of his neck and it's grounding, it's nice, and Tommy's forehead falls forward against Evan's. He takes a ragged breath. Evan's phone starts ringing.
“You don't have to tell me,” Evan says, “what you've been through. But I'm here for you, okay? If you want me.” He glances at his phone and adds- “It's Maddie. Just checking where I'm at. Want me to tell them I'm not coming?”
Tommy shakes his head. “No. Go. I'll be alright here, have a night in. My boyfriend brought me my favourite sandwich."
He smiles. Buck smiles back, and presses forward a gentle, comforting kiss before they part. Tommy shakes it off as he heads back toward the stairs, but there's a long stretch of silence. The muffled whistle and echoing boom of an airbomb sails overhead and he can hear Tommy's breath quietly catch and it's almost as if it pulls out the words from his chest.
“I can't remember the lightning.”
He turns back. Tommy is watching after him.
“I can't remember the lightning, Tommy. That's probably why I can fly into a hurricane. It's- actually it's pineapple jello for me. It was all I could eat for weeks after they took the tubes out. Pineapple jello and vanilla icecream. The first time I smelt a piña colada after I got out, I thought I was going to die.”
I get it.
Tommy nods. After a beat, he adds-
“And hey, Evan. This is something I kind of like to keep to myself. So if anyone asks-”
“Violent gastro. Got it.”
He rolls his eyes, and huffs, and smiles as he tucks the little foam earplug back in place.
“I love you, too.”
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esamastation · 11 months
Shizuroth, part twenty-seven
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six
Sephiroth can't stand up. It's kind of embarrassing. Actually, forget that - it's really embarrassing! Even when sitting down he feels all wobbly and unsteady!
After the hyperfocus mode passed, it all just sorta crashed down on him.
He's barely managed to wrangle his fluctuating Qi back under control, but the wild surges, stops and starts and the awful flare-ups before have left him feeling like jello in human form. He's gone through what feels like an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, but from the inside - and then he strained to keep at all in! Twisted himself into a pretzel in order to teach, spraining his everything in the progress! Now his veins are freshly scorched, his flesh feels tenderised, and he can feel his bones. It is incredibly unsettling to be so aware of your bones!
For such a minor Qi-deviation it's really too much. Who told Sephiroth to have this much Qi - and also this many muscles! He's strained all of them!
And now he can't stand up. Well, not without swaying and stumbling and probably falling over himself like an idiot, anyway. Which makes it the same thing. His cute disciples - that is, the other SOLDIER members are still watching him. After what he put them through in his delirium, he can't show such an embarrassing face as to get up only to fall flat on his face!
He can hear them now, murmuring quietly amongst themselves in the hall outside.
"... Like, breathing, I think? And I think you're not supposed to think about anything…"
"How can you not think about anything?"
"... Been quiet for a while. No word from the director either…"
"... Think there's still chocolate bars left in the vending machine?"
Ooh, chocolate. Sephiroth could kill for a chocolate bar right now. He really should've thought about that before! Semi-modern world with inexplicably a lot of the same stuff as Earth has - he really should've realised that might include modern style sweets! And, damn, he's missed chocolate so much, back in PIDW. He should get chocolate, as a treat. He deserves it!
But he can't get up. Plus, he destroyed the place! How can he show his face outside after he destroyed the whole room? It's not like he can explain himself - this world doesn't even know what Qi-deviation is! On the outside it seemed just like he went crazy! Which might be in character for Sephiroth, but - still!
So here he is, a third hour in running, cultivating and meditating with no better way to solve this issue. Soon, something would happen to force his hand, or this would go on forever, and eventually he'd die. There's no other recourse.
At least he'd mostly managed to repair the damage done to his meridians. His poor dantians, flooded with chaotic Qi just when he got them to open up, took a hit - but hey, at least there's no golden core there to damage!
Yeah, that just… makes him sadder, really.
Sephiroth draws a slow breath and teases another snag in his system to loosen up - smoothing another scarred vein until it relaxes. He should go back to physical cultivation, it worked so beautifully for Sephiroth's system - but alas… he can't stand up.
Ah, he's really doomed.
"Heads up - elevator."
"Oh, shit, it's Hewley."
"Here we go…"
Sephiroth peeks one eye open, but the SOLDIERs by the door have gone quiet, and the ones further down the hall are too far away for him to hear - especially since it sounds like they're whispering out there. Probably explaining the situation to Angeal.
Ahhh! It's a pity he didn't bust a wall open in his deviated craze - he could've used it to escape! He might be about fifty floors above the ground level, but Sephiroth is supposed to know how to fly, right?! He could make it! He might even grow some wings along the way! It's been known to happen! Somewhere!
Angeal appears by the doorway, taking a moment to soak in all the destruction, and Sephiroth does his best not to look like he wants to curl up and die in shame. That resolution gets harder as Angeal walks over to crouch down in front of him.
Oh no, his face. I'm not angry, just disappointed much?! 
"Sephiroth," Angeal says gently. "Are you alright?"
Oh, come on, Angeal-bro! The disciples other SOLDIERs are right there! What is he supposed to say, huh?
Sephiroth exhales slowly and tries to think what Sephiroth should say in this situation. He destroyed the training room, busted up all the cameras and everything. Destruction of company property! There's probably going to be consequences for that, huh?
"What's the…?" Sephiroth starts and then winces at his voice. His throat is so dry it stings. Ouch.
Angeal relaxes a little. "They want you outta here, asap. There's a transport waiting. I'm supposed to deliver you to it."
… huh? That's, um. He has no idea! Is he being kicked out? He's Sephiroth - isn't he, like, the poster boy for Shinra's military might and stuff?
Angeal, clearly seeing his confusion, elaborates. "You're reassigned to Wutai, effective immediately."
… Oh. Great. "And if I don't feel like going anywhere?"
Angeal sighs. "I don't know. Nothing good. It's not like I can really force you to do anything, Sephiroth, but I'd prefer it if you came willingly."
Hah, jokes on your, bro, Sephiroth can't actually do shit right now!
… But he can't really stay here. And hell, being sent to a war front at least saves him from having to face any of this just yet! Maybe never. It's a corporate dystopia, and he's the poster boy - maybe Shinra will do him a favour and sweep this all under the rug! They did with Nibelheim.
And Wutai is the closest thing to home…
"... Alright," Sephiroth says. "But you're probably going to have to drag me."
"What? No, Sephiroth, you can just walk, it's alright -"
"Angeal, I -" just had a Qi-deviation and my system feels all outta whack, but that's not a thing and he's Sephiroth - can't admit weakness! "Just - give me a hand."
Angeal blinks and then goes, "Oh!" as Sephiroth visibly wavers, trying to get up. "Oh, a delayed reaction? Right, here -"
Sephiroth really has to be dragged up, like some drunk guy. And even then his knees almost give up! So embarrassing! His cute disciples the other SOLDIERs are watching!
Oh, urg, the nausea…
"If I throw up on you, it's nothing personal," Sephiroth groans, closing his eyes, both to fight back the vertigo and so that he doesn't have to see the other SOLDIERs reaction. No one is laughing at him, at least.
And then Angeal laughs at him. Rude! The man sounds relieved, though, as he grabs him firmly by the elbow, propping him up. "I promise I won't hold it against you."
Sephiroth sighs, humiliated. "Thanks," he mutters and then, plaintively asks, "Do they have chocolate in Wutai?"
"I could really go for a chocolate bar right now."
"Oh, I bet," Angeal says, sounding a little amused now. "I don't know about Wutai, but I'm sure we can get you some chocolate somewhere," he promises. "Are you ready to go?"
No. "Yeah, let's go."
Is it even SY if he doesn't need to be carried once in a while?
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edwardantes · 4 months
From a Land Beyond
It was with rotten luck that newly made Captain Connor Lok'yn...was in want of a ship. That mutinous bastard Sebastian had turned the crew against him, far too easily, he might add, and pitched him overboard. Within sight of land, it goes without saying, but it was still a damn long way down, and he still ached from the plummet and the turmoil of the sea beside.
Cursing whatever fates devised such a descent for him, his wit and cunning had afforded the young 'would-be-again' Captain the opportunity to...borrow, let's say borrow, a sloop.
Whatever the fuck a sloop was.
God's of Sea and Spray, the thing was ancient. Looked to run off solar power. Who even *used* solar power anymore?
"What...what is your heading...Sir?" The second mate quivered out, as Connor had rapidly dispatched the First Mate. Let them try to catch him with *that* trick twice!
"To the skies, damn you!" Connor roared. "And be quick about it! I can't get my bearings from down here." 
"To the...what, Sir?" 
Growling, he leaned over the side and realized...this damn tub didn't have any engines! 
What kind of vessel didn't have *engines*? 
"You there!" He pointed at a shivering crewman. 
"Sir?" He attempted a sloppy salute. 
"How..." He swallowed and attempted to wrangle his bravado back in place, "how does this vessel operate?" 
The crewman shared a look with the man Connor had, correctly, identified as the Quartermast, and gulped.
Within the next horror, it sunk in with alarming speed and horror, that for lack of a better word, Connor...
Was grounded.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 27 days
Puppy boy Steve not in the omegaverse way just in the kinky way oh my god- hot shit.
perhaps related to this gif set? this has been in my inbox for a long time, so idk, oops
also, I hope you don't mind, but I'm linking this ask with this other one I got more recently
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which is related to this
the post reads, "i need a dogboy bending me over and rutting against me crying and whining to let them fuck me because theyre so hard it hurts and theyve been such a good dog havent they? dont they deserve a little reward. cmere puppy fill me up youre such a good dog arent you? cmon you can even cum in me if you beg for it <3"
Ask 1) I fucking agree! And I have puppy boy shit for Steve! I have a lot 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Ask 2) YES! I was thinking stucky thoughts when I queued that post!!
As for what I have...
(some of these are just puppy play, the werewolf stuff is literal puppy, some are puppy-human-hybrid like Buckitty, and a few are omegaverse, too. All the flavors of puppy Steve, lol)
Soft Puppy Steve HCs Puppy Interview w/ Fun Afterward Werewolf Steve? More Like Puppy Steve Puppy Steve In Rut Buckitty & Puppy Steve In The 40s (mostly @/possibleplatypus, though, lol) Puppy Alpha Steve Puppy Alpha Steve Fisting Dom Omega Bucky High-Tech & Slobbery Puppy Steve Puppy Steve Discovering His Puppiness
Now... *cracks knuckles* more puppy Steve
"Please pleasepleaseplease," Steve is a goddamn puddle on top of him. Just a hot, soaked blanket laid out over Bucky's body. Steve is in a careless sprawl because he doesn't have enough brain cells to control himself. That's why all his movements are jerky and desperate and hold no fucking finesse whatsoever. He's pure instinct, chasing pleasure with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, drooling, and his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Hot for everything. His whole body is blushing. When he's so far gone like he is now--a handful of orgasms deep and still rutting it out for more--everything fucking turns him on. Bucky could do whatever he wanted to him like this and the big, dumb lump of need so eager to get off would eat it up. He's so eager to please.
"Please what," Bucky emphasizes, digging his hand into Steve's hip while the other holds a lube-soaked fleshlight between their bodies. That's what Steve's plowing right now, a fleshlight, doing his fucking best to fuck it until it's loose despite the resilience of the smooth, string silicone that keeps letting go of his cock with obscene squelching noises. There's more than enough tingling, heating lube poured inside of it, making a mess of Steve's cock and dripping down to his balls and over his quivering thighs. Bucky's already plenty loose from the first few rounds himself, so he's more than sated, he's just enjoying his evening at this point, sprawled out, humming to himself, relaxed, and holding Steve's dirty little toy for him. He's just waiting for Steve to be done. He's never done. He's got a fucking nuclear-powered sex drive, Bucky swears. "What is it, you silly puppy?"
"Mmmmmngh, mmgh, ngh!" Steve makes a bunch of useless fucking noises before he can wrangle his mouth in enough to get his lips and teeth and tongue to work somewhat together, admitting as he ruts instinctively, chasing the sucking tight channel in front of him, meant for pleasure, "I, oh, I-! It huuurts!"
Bucky feels his lips pull into a splitting, mean grin. He lets go of Steve's hip in favor of throwing that arm behind his head, stretching out and getting casual, as if he's not at all invested in Steve losing himself inside a damn fleshlight. "You don't like your new toy, puppy?" He asks, cocking his head to one side.
"Nnngh," Steve's eyelashes flutter obscenely, struggling to fuck and process words at the same time. He's so useless it's fucking adorable. "N-no," he battles to get the words out, but then he can't seem to stop, chanting, "I like it, I like it, I like it--"
Bucky just fucking laughs, "are you sure, silly boy? It doesn't sound like you do if it hurts." He feigns like he might pull away and not let him keep going if apparently it hurts. That makes Steve whimper so loud it almost hurts Bucky's ears. Damn puppy. He leaves the fleshlight where it is, melting Steve down into fucking nothing. Just stupid and needy. "Don't know what you want, do you?" He teases.
Steve shakes his head, then nods.
Bucky has no idea if he even knows what his head is doing. He might just be going limp, letting his hips do all the work as the only thing moving. His rhythm is fucking terrible, all erratic and selfish. If he were fucking Bucky still, it wouldn't be enough to get Bucky off, but, hey, Steve doesn't give a fuck. He's just a useless, untrained puppy. It's surprising he's gone this long without cumming again since he's obviously so new to the art of fucking, untrained, but... he has had enough Steve-gasms already that it's possible he's fucking empty. Maybe he doesn't have any more to give. Maybe he's just too stupid to notice that it's not pleasure but overstimulation keeping him hard. A puppy running after a treat, no other thoughts in his head to keep him from looking out if he's about to walk into a wall or trip over a toy or anything.
Pure pleasure. Simple. That's all he needs.
"I, I like it," Steve wheedles, his voice all high and pathetic.
"Mm, yeah, I can see that," Bucky hums, pretending his bored while he squeezes the fleshlight as tightly as he can.
"AH!" Steve almost fucking screams at the sudden added stimulation.
He's a goddamn picture. Strung-out and defenseless. Bucky can do anything to him, poor. little. puppy.
"It hurts?" Bucky unkindly parrots what Steve was trying to say before he had more interest in torturing him, just a little. Not enough to hurt anyone. Just for fun. Just because why not? It's hot a shit anyway.
"It huh-hurts!" Steve agrees unthinkingly.
"Do you wanna stop, then?" Bucky, again, pretends like he's ready to take away Steve's favorite bone for fear of him swallowing the last remaining part of it and hurting himself.
"No!" He wails.
"Why not?"
"C-can't, nngh, uhng! Can't!"
"Why not, puppy? Why can't you stop?"
"'M hard."
"You're hard, okay? What about it?"
"S-so, so hard. I can't stop."
"Aw, poor puppyyy," Bucky strings out, carding his fingers through Steve's sweaty blonde mop of hair like he's petting him, "it hurts but you're hard and you can't stop," he echoes much to Steve's whimper of embarrassment. "What a predicament you're in. Tsk tsk," Bucky clicks his tongue, "such a hard life!"
"Mmmmgh, mmm-hmm!" Steve whines his agreement with Bucky's ficticious statements. He's too gone for anything as complex as sacrasm.
Bucky loves him like this. He loves his dumb, horny puppy so bad. It's so fucking good.
"You're so dumb, puppy. Spoiled and dumb. You're getting that cock wet and you're getting to cum again and again and you're complaining? Ugh. The nerve of you, puppy." Bucky razzes him, flicking the tip of his nose just to see Steve flinch and his face melt back into mindless, slack pleasure after the surprise.
When his words finally fucking register, Steve just moans, agonized.
"Are you sorry, puppy?" Bucky teases.
Steve nods sloppily, drooling just that much more. The big, dumb animal.
"Then, where are my apologies?"
"'M, I'm sorryyy, s-sorry," he mewls.
"Good boy."
Steve shakes all over.
"And what about my pretty thank yous?"
Through a heaving sob Steve frantically chatters, "thank you thank youthankyou!"
"There it is. Good pup."
Steve hiccups through another cry, still fucking plowing forward because, really, that's all he knows. It's the only thing he can do. It's perfectly in his nature. Squirmy, greedy little hedonist too simple to look forward to the future, just completely obsessed with now, now, now.
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rfxiii · 10 months
I saw the winter prompts could you possibly do "You're the only gift I want to unwrap." For Franklin
Btw I love your work keep it up 💚
(Hii! Tysm for the request and the kind words! I hope I did your request justice! So sorry for the long wait 🙏)
All I Want For Christmas Is You
TW: smut
Word count: 2903
“Oh my god! This is hopeless!” you growl to yourself, flopping backwards onto the bed and glaring out the huge windows framing the large backyard at Franklin’s Vinewood home.
You’d spent the last three weeks agonizing over what to get him for Christmas. But unfortunately, Franklin was so damn easy to please that when you’d practically begged him to tell you what he wanted for his Christmas gift, he’d simply shrugged and said “I don’t need nothing. Seriously. Anything you get will be great.” But that wasn’t good enough for you. He was the perfect boyfriend, he was the perfect man. And there was no way you were going to get him some generic, boring present. He deserved the world.
You’d broken down last week and asked Lamar for help. But as close of friends as they were, that lanky goofball was little to no help. He’d suggested taking Frank to get a haircut, or maybe buying him some better clothes or a replacement for his “dusty, busted ass shoes.” But even that felt too basic for what he deserved. You’d even asked Michael for his opinion. But after they’d all received all of that cash from their Union Depository score, Michael had only shrugged and said “The kids got all the money in the world now. If he wanted it, wouldn’t he have it by now?”
You’re floundering for ideas now, but not deterred. There’s only one more day before Christmas, but you were not going to let this conundrum get the best of you. And with a new fire ignited inside you, you pull out your phone and call up Lamar yet again, “Lamar, listen! I’m dying here. I need help! Meet me at Rockford Plaza in twenty. Please! I still haven’t gotten Frank a gift, and I’m dying here!” you plead, pacing the bedroom in a growing panic.
“Ugh! Aight, aight! Damn, you really stressin’ about this. And we gotta go to the fancy ass mall?.. Fuck. Aight! I’ll meet yo’ ass there.” Lamar groans, and you hear shuffling in the background which thankfully signals him actually getting up to get ready to go.
“Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you, thank you! I owe you so big for this, Lamar! I’ll see you there!” you chirp, hanging up the phone and scrambling off to grab your jacket.
You’d planned on this shopping trip today, and had thankfully been able to wrangle Michael into your plan of helping get Franklin out of the house to avoid any suspicion. And now, with all your plans set carefully in place, you head off to meet Lamar for your last ditch effort in finding the perfect gift.
But unfortunately, this close to Christmas, your shopping trip proves to be anything but easy or relaxing.
You and Lamar hurry through the crowded plaza, your eyes darting from one shop to the next as you both try to contain your growing frustration. It's been almost an hour since you met at Rockford Plaza, and so far, all you've managed to find are a few mediocre presents that just don't seem quite right for Franklin. You can't help but feel like you're running out of time, and with each passing minute, the pressure to find the perfect gift for the man who wants nothing seems to intensify.
"I don't know, man," Lamar says, shaking his head as he studies a display of expensive colognes, "He's just so hard to shop for. I mean, what does he even like?"
You feel your brow twitching in irritation as you shoot him a look, “What do you mean, what does he like? You’re his best friend! How can you not-“ You stop your ranting and pull Lamar to a stop in front of a jewelry store, the glittering display of diamonds and precious gems catching your eye. "What about jewelry?" you suggest, feeling a pang of nervousness in your stomach. Jewelry like this is a big gesture, and you're not entirely sure if it's something that Franklin would even want. But as you look around, you can't help but feel drawn to the elegance and the beauty behind each piece.
Lamar shrugs, looking unsure. "I guess it won’t hurt nothin’ to look, right?" he says, following you into the store.
The saleswoman, a polished and professional woman with a knowing smile, approaches you both and inquires if she can be of assistance. You glance at Lamar, who seems to be growing more nervous by the second, and then back at the saleswoman, feeling a surge of determination. This is it. This has to be the one.
As you describe to the saleswoman the qualities that you admire about Franklin and the kind of person he is, you feel a warmth spreading through your chest. You're not just buying a present; you're expressing how you feel about him, how much he means to you. The woman shows you various pieces around the store, but when she shows you a stunning pair of black diamond earrings, you know immediately that this is it. This is the gift that gives everything you've been trying to say for the past three weeks.
You swallow hard, feeling a lump forming in your throat, and turn to Lamar, who is watching you with a mixture of anxiety at feeling out of place and hope that you’d finally found the right gift. "Lamar, I think I got it," you say, your voice trembling just a little. "What do you think?"
“Ya know what-..” Lamar mutters, gazing at the diamond studs inside the thick, glass case, “I think we got a winner.”
“Yeah?” you breathe hopefully, grinning up at him as you begin to imagine the surprise on Franklin’s face when he revived his gift.
“Yeah, homie.. Now, hurry up and let’s get the fuck outta here. I can’t put up with too much more a’ this shit.” Lamar snickers, his gaze darting around to the masses of people milling about frantically through the shops.
You grin at the saleswoman, pointing again to the earrings with a decisive nod, “These. We’ll take these, please!”
The price tag on the item nearly floors Lamar, and the expert wrapping skill of the sales associate has you gawking, as well. Finally, she places the perfectly wrapped box into an equally nice bag- decorated with shiny, black tissue paper. You give her your thanks and quickly lead Lamar back to where you’d left your vehicles.
“Aw, motherfucker!” Lamar growls, snatching the parking ticket off his vans windshield, “Double parked? Bullshit! This right here is a perfect park job!” He argues with absolutely no one.
You have the good grace not to mention his abysmal parking job. Instead, snatching the ticket from his hand and taking in the several hundred dollar fine he now owes, “Ya know what- Gimme this. I’ll pay for it as soon as the holiday is over. Like I said, I owe you so big, LD!”
“No shit? Aight, bet! Thanks a lot, homie!” Lamar chuckles in relieved disbelief. And as he watches you jog off to your car, he calls out to you with a big, cheeky grin, “An’ merry Christmas!”
“Yeah! Have a good Christmas, Lamar!” you shout back, feeling relief washing over you at finally having found the perfect gift.
You spend the rest of the day biting your tongue to keep from excitedly spilling your secret gift to Franklin. But the night is still nice together. Michael had taken him golfing, Trevor had joined them later on and gotten them kicked out, then they’d all been forced to go see one of Michael’s favorite, shitty, black and white films, before he’d come home and been happy for time to actually relax with you after trying to corral his two older friends all day. You’d had a nice dinner, spent time together watching tv, curled up together on the couch, before finally going to bed and leaving you struggling to sleep with your bubbling excitement.
The bright morning sunlight streams in through the window the next morning, casting a warm glow across the bed where you and Franklin lie. Your stomach rumbles, reminding you that it's been a while since you've eaten, and with a contented yawn, you roll over to nuzzle into his neck. He hums sleepily, one hand absently stroking your hair as he nestles deeper into the pillows. You grin, sitting up and swinging your legs over the side of the bed.
"Morning, sleepyhead," you murmur, leaning over to kiss him gently. "Think you can get up and help me make some breakfast?"
Franklin yawns, stretching his arms high above his head, before letting out a contented sigh. "I guess I could," he grins sleepily, sitting up and blinking blearily at the clock. "What are we having?"
As you watch him throw off the covers and pad over to the bathroom, you can't help but marvel at how comfortable you've become with him. It feels so natural to be here, sharing this space with him. Even as time passes, there's still an element of newness to it, a spark that keeps things exciting and alive. You know that this is where you're supposed to be, and that thought alone fills you with a warmth that spreads through your entire body.
While he's in the bathroom, you head into the kitchen and begin to rummage through the fridge. You pull out some eggs, bread, and some fruit, setting them all on the counter. The eggs sizzle in the pan as you chop up some avocado, thinking about how much he's going to love the surprise you have planned for him. You're so focused on your cooking that you don't notice him sneak up behind you until you feel his warm breath on your neck.
"Mmm, that smells amazing," he says, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You lean back into him, feeling the muscles in his chest and arms through his t-shirt.
"It's just a little something I threw together," you reply, glancing over your shoulder at him. "But I hope you like it."
He pulls you closer, nuzzling into your neck as he breathes in the scent of breakfast. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you make," he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear. "You're the best cook I know."
When the food is finally ready, you serve it up on two plates and carry them over to the living room, setting them down on the coffee table. You watch as he takes in the spread, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Wow, this is... amazing," he breathes, looking up at you. "Thank you, babe."
You grin, feeling a rush of pride and happiness. "You're welcome. I hope you like it."
He takes a bite of the egg and avocado sandwich, savoring the flavors before swallowing. "It's delicious," he says, looking up at you again. "You really outdid yourself."
You blush, feeling the warmth spread from your cheeks down to your stomach. "I'm glad you like it." You hesitate for a moment, then reach over to grab the small box that you'd hidden behind a throw pillow earlier. Handing it to him, you watch as his expression changes from surprise to delight.
"Merry Christmas." you urge, your heart racing. He takes the box carefully, his fingers tracing over the intricate pattern on the wrapping paper. With a gentle tug, he pulls it off to reveal the black diamond earrings you’d searched so hard to pick out.
“Babe,-.. Holy shit..” Franklin gasps out, his fingers almost cautiously tracing the gems of the earrings.
His reaction is muted and shocked, and you begin to fear that maybe this isn’t even remotely something that he enjoys. But before you can panic too thoroughly, he’s letting out a disbelieving gasp and shooting you the brightest smile you’d seen since you’d agreed to go out with him, “This is…amazing! Holy shit! How’d you pick these out?” he gasps, the smile on his cheeks unwavering.
“You..like’em? Really? Oh my god, I’m so glad! Lamar and I were out all day looking for something to give you, and he was no help, and I was afraid you wouldn’t like these! But I saw’em, and I thought they’d look really nice on you, and I’ve spent all month panicking over what to get you, and-“
“Babe!” Franklin chuckles, cupping your cheeks to silence your frantic rambling, “These are perfect.” he coos before leaning in closer, “But really-.. You're the only gift I want to unwrap.”
He leans in, stealing your breath away when his warm, soft lips press to yours in the softest, slow kiss that has your heart fluttering and head spinning.
“I love you.” you gasp against his lips- your fingers knotting in the front of his shirt to pull him close.
“I love you too, babe.” Franklin mutters with a grin softly twitching his lips.
As you sit there, wrapped up in each other and the glow of the Christmas tree, the room feels impossibly warm and cozy. You lean in, pressing your lips against his again, feeling the familiar heat of his mouth against yours. He pulls you closer, one hand slipping beneath your sweater to stroke your back, the other tangled in your hair.
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the moment, the rest of the world fading away into the background. And in this perfect, fleeting moment, you realize that you are exactly where you're meant to be.
The kiss deepens, and your heart races as you feel his hand slip under your shirt, tracing lightly over your skin. His touch sends shivers down your spine, and you find yourself melting further into his embrace. You pull back slightly, just enough to look into his eyes, and you know that he can see the desire burning bright within them.
With a soft moan, he presses his lips to yours again, more urgently this time. You respond in kind, your hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt as you try to get it open. He helps you, his fingers deftly working the buttons loose before throwing the shirt aside, revealing his toned chest and soft skin.
You reach up, brushing your fingers over his hair, marveling at the feel of it between your fingers. He shudders at the touch, and you can feel the hardness of his erection pressed against your thigh. You pull him closer, feeling the heat from his body sear into your own, wanting nothing more than to be as close to him as humanly possible.
"I love you," you sigh again, your voice barely more than a whisper as you gaze deeply into his eyes. And in that moment, you know without a doubt that it's true. He smiles, lips curving into a lazy grin as he responds, "I love you too."
As if the words themselves are a catalyst, your clothes seem to melt away, and you find yourself lying naked beneath him, bodies entwined. The air is heavy with the scent of the pine Christmas tree and desire, and the only noise that fills your ears is the rhythmic sound of your hearts beating in perfect unison.
With a soft groan, he presses the length of his erection against your entrance, and you feel the hot, thick head of him press into you. You gasp, arching your back as he slowly begins to push inside. He fills you slowly, inch by excruciatingly perfect inch, and when he's finally buried deep inside you, you feel complete.
His hips begin to move, and you throw your head back, moaning as he starts to thrust. The sensation of being so intimately connected to him is overwhelming, and you feel your orgasm building quickly.
"Franklin..." you breathe, your voice shaking with the effort to hold back the release. "Oh god, I'm going to..." Your words are cut off by a sharp cry as your body is wracked by an intense shock, your muscles tensing and your nails digging into his skin. He follows soon after, his thrusts growing frantic as he releases himself deep inside you.
As your breathing begins to steady, he rolls to the side, pulling you into his embrace. You feel his hot breath against your ear as he whispers, "I love you, baby. I love you so much." And in that moment, you know that this is real. This is forever.
Your heart feels lighter than air, and the warmth from his body seems to spread through your entire being. You lie there, content and at peace, feeling the rhythm of his heart against your chest. He nuzzles his face into your hair, kissing your neck and shoulders, and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
“So,-..” you sigh softly, looking up at him with the faintest hint of a teasing grin, “What’d you get me for Christmas?”
“Oh my god! You’re ridiculous. Hang on!” Franklin chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead and stumbling to pull up his pants before scurrying off to the bedroom.
And you can’t help but laugh as you watch the love of your life stumbling downstairs with his pants halfway off his hips.
This Christmas had been hectic, and more than agonizing in your endeavor to find the perfect gift. But seeing the smile and excitement on Franklin’s face had proved to be more perfect than any gift.
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Hey Cowboy!
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Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Reader (18+)
Summary:After a long day of working in the fields, Eddie comes home to find you sunbathing topless in the garden. (No real plot here let’s be real, it’s just a set-up for some filth.)
Warnings:18+, Smut, Small bit of fluff, Flirting, All of the petnames (Darlin’, Sweetheart, Little Missy, Princess, Pretty Girl), Making Out, Nipple Play, Thigh Riding, Teasing, I don’t think I’ve missed anything but let me know so I can tag it.
Word Count:2,084
Authour’s Note: I was inspired after seeing @oneforthemunny ‘s Summertime Writing Game prompts, and really wanted to try my hand at writing Cowboy!Eddie since I’m already obsessed with him. It’s my first time writing an AU fic for a character, so please be kind. I’ve read through this a few times so I don’t think there’s any spelling mistakes, but I could be wrong, so be kind with that as well.
It had been a long, hot and busy summer day for Eddie, the sun had been beating down on his skin all day as he wrangled his cattle to a new field, as well as repairing the fence to keep his herd from straying too far. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand as he finished up for the day.
Eddie rode his horse back to the ranch, before setting Bandit back in his stables, the horse snorting with a soft snuff.
“You did a good job today” he praises, gently patting the horse between his ears. “Get some rest, buddy” he says, earning him another soft snuff from the black and white horse. 
He made his way back to his house. His home he shared with you. However, before he can even set a dusty boot over the threshold, he notices a little handwritten note stuck to the door.
"There's freshly made lemonade in the fridge, grab yourself a glass and come meet me out back, cowboy x"
Toeing off his cowboy boots and kicking them outside the door he makes his way through the house. He slips his hat off, hanging it up on the hook in the hallway, before pulling free his unruly dark curls from the bun tied at the nape of his neck. 
As he makes his way into the kitchen to grab himself a glass, he can't help the slight smile that tugs at his lips as he sees you've been busy too. Multiple pies set on the windowsill to cool. You'd been working hard on some new recipes ready to sell at the up-coming county fair and if anyone knew you, then they were probably all too aware of your famous fruit pies. They were the reason that you'd met your cowboy in the first place. You owned a little bakery just in town, and Eddie had been just another customer. 
He strolled in with an air of confidence as he told you all about how his friend, Steve, had told him that this was the best bakery in the town. 
"Told me that your pies are the sweetest thing he's ever eaten, Darlin' and when I heard that I thought I'd better come see for myself" he smirks.
You smile at his cheekiness, and you pretend to ignore the butterflies in your stomach at being called "Darlin'". The pet name rolling off his tongue like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Well what sort of pie would you like, Sir?" You ask, trying to at least remain professional in your own bakery.
"Well they all look so damn delicious" he says, eyes pouring over every pie behind the glass showcase, "How 'bout I let you decide for me? Although, I hardly doubt that someone as sweet as you could make anything taste bad." He flirts shamelessly and  winks at you with a grin.
"I think a slice of Peach and Raspberry pie will be just the thing for you, Sir." You tell him as you move to cut him a decent slice. The Peach Raspberry pie was one of your most popular flavours, so hopefully your new customer would enjoy it too. 
He pays for his slice and you hand him his plate. He takes it to one of the small tables set up in your bakery as he begins to tuck in. 
Just as you're about to ask him if he's enjoying his food, a rush of customers come in for the afternoon to take away a slice of their favourite sweet treat. You serve them as quickly as you can with a smile, but your eyes are always drawn to the mysterious, tall, dark-haired man sitting in the corner.
The rush of the afternoon dies down, and the last customer walks out, the bell above the door ringing loudly as they do, and the man who had previously been sitting at the table in  the corner of your bakery gets up from his seat and begins to stroll up to your counter once more.
“Well I gotta commend you on your choice of pie, Sweetheart, it was delicious. I was hoping you maybe had some left for me to take home?” he asks with a politeness and drawling southern charm that catches you off guard.
“Well unfortunately we’re all out of raspberry peach pie, it’s one of our best sellers” you smile proudly. “..but I do have a few slices of our apple and cinnamon pie left, and between you and me, that’s my favourite.”
“Well you’ve not steered me wrong with your choices yet, so I trust that this’ll be another excellent pie”
You cut him a generous slice and go to box it up for him to take home.
“Here you go, Sir” you say as you hand him the white to-go box tied up with a red and white gingham ribbon.
He hands you the money and thanks you kindly.
Just as he’s about to turn and make his way out the door he looks at you over his shoulder, his lips curving up into a cheeky grin
“Name’s Eddie, by the way.” he tells you with a cheeky wink before walking out.
That was over two years ago and Eddie continued to visit your shop once a week, with occasional second visits on the weekend, because as he jokingly told you “you make it very hard to stay away, Darlin’. Between your amazing pies, and your beautiful self, I don’t know what a man’s gotta do to catch a break around here.” 
It wasn’t long before all the flirting from him had turned into him asking you on a date, and you subsequently saying yes. One date turned into two, and two dates turned into you staying the night at his place, until eventually you had been living together comfortably in Eddie’s big country house ever since he asked you to move in with him.
Eddie pours himself a glass of your homemade lemonade. The cool sweetness of this drink immediately cooling him down after working hard in the field all day.
He looks out of the kitchen window to see you in the back garden spread out comfortably on a sun-lounger. 
You’re lying on your front, hair twisted up in a bun on your head, you nose buried in between the pages of a book.
However, it was your state of dress, or rather undress, that had caught your cowboy’s eye. There you were, in the smallest pair of white bikini bottoms, and the expanse of the sun-kissed skin of your back was uncovered. You weren’t wearing the matching bikini top. You were lying in the sun completely topless.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here then, Little Missy” Eddie drawls out as he makes his way towards where you’re laying.
“Hi, baby!” you beam, turning your head to look at him. His long hair falls around his shoulders, and his skin is bronzed with a sun-warmed glow, and the freckles on his nose are even more prominent from working those long hours in the hot, southern sun.
“Seems as though the top half of your bikini has gone missing, Darlin’” he teases, the rough pads of fingers running up the spread of your back and shoulders.
“Didn’t want tan lines, Ed” you explain. “Besides, it’s not like anyone’s gonna see me like this, we’re so far out, there’s literally nobody for miles.”
“That’s very true.” he smirks, you weren’t wrong, his house was tucked away, no neighbours of any kind to speak of for quite some distance. “That gives me an idea, Princess. Sit up for me, will you?” 
You do as he says, setting the bookmark between the pages of your book and placing it on the ground beside you. You turn around in your sun lounger, facing Eddie, your bare breasts fully on display for him to admire.
Eddie easily picks you up with his strong arms as he sits in your sun lounger, placing you in his lap. The coarse material of his denim work jeans are a rough contrast against the soft skin of your thighs.
“There we go.” He drawls, his chocolate brown eyes taking in the view in front of him. “Now that is a pretty sight, indeed” 
He makes sure to kiss you. Kissing you deeply and passionately as he tongue sweeps between your lips. The passion he ignites in you warms you from the inside. You could kiss him for the rest of your life and that would be enough for you.
His big hands creep up from where they were resting on your hips to cup your breasts. He gives the soft flesh a gentle squeeze, and his thumbs rub over your nipples, perking them up from the attention they were getting.
He watches your expression change, watching as quiet little whimpers fall from your lips and you begin to slyly rock your hips against his thighs.
“Oh, my pretty girl likes that, does she?”  he playfully teases, a smirk playing at his lips.
You continue to rock your hips against his thigh, the denim of his jeans providing a delicious feeling of friction as you grind yourself against him. 
Your own hands suddenly find themselves wandering up Eddie’s plaid shirt-covered chest, your eager fingers toying with the buttons. You undo the top four buttons of his shirt enough to see his chest, where his tattoos are on display for you to see. Your favourite tattoo of his is a small horseshoe tattoo over his heart. A tattoo he'd gotten when he realised how much you meant to him. When he'd had it done, he showed you and explained that it's because he was lucky to have met you, and he still counts his lucky stars that you're still with him each and every day. 
His mind wanders to that little velvet box he's got hidden away in his bedside drawer. He'd ask you, one day, when the time was right.
He leans his head close to your chest, his lips leaving a trail of wet kisses over your collarbones, and between the valley of your breasts. He makes sure to give equal attention to each of your breasts, showering every inch of soft skin with as many kisses as he could. His tongue darts out from between his pink lips, to swirl around your nipple, before he sucks it into the warm heat of his mouth, teasing it to a hardened peak and releasing it with a wet pop, before turning his attention to the other nipple and giving the same attention.
You’re desperately rutting your hips over his thigh, chasing the high of your orgasm. The tight feeling in the pit of your stomach growing stronger with every shift of your body over him. You were getting close, your hands gripping the fabric of his shirt to ground yourself to him.
“You getting close, pretty girl? You gonna come for me, ain'tcha” he teases in his southern drawl.
His big hands holding firm on each of your hips help you to rut yourself over his thigh. Your clit pulsing with every drag against his jeans.
“That’s it pretty girl, show me how good you can ride" he huffs out with a lazy smirk. "Come for me, make a mess of my jeans.”
And with a few more rolls of your hips the ever-tightening knot in the pit of your stomach snaps, and you're riding out your orgasm with a pulsing shudder and whimpering moan.
"That's a good fuckin' girl, swear you look so pretty riding my thigh like that, Darlin'" he praises as he helps you to ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Taking a moment to catch your breath, your fingers reach out towards where his cock is pressing against his Wranglers, a very obvious bulge confined under the denim. You begin to unbuckle his belt with a 'clink' but his big hand reaches out to stop you before you pop his button and can unzip his fly.
'Your turn now, Ed…Wanna make you feel good too.." you tell him, your eyes already sparkling with desire. 
He picks you up with ease, throwing your body over his shoulder like you weigh nothing, giving you a quick and cheeky slap to your ass as he does.
"Let's take this inside, shall we?" He asks with a sly smile. "I'm not finished with you quite yet, Princess."
@munsonology @sunflowerdaydreamer @mcbeanzontoast @penguinsandpotterheads @harringtons-cupid
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Batmobile ask:
So Megatron is de-aged and people on cybertron are concerned about what's happening on the Lost light because of the news of their shenanigans, so when the lostlight unexpectedly gets relatively close to a station where an officer is posted or to cybertron its self, someone takes the opportunity to do an inspection. (I'm thinking Prowl but it could be anyone).
They were not expecting Batmobile with her children cuddled up in her arms walking into the dispensary with a large but soft looking organic blanket draped over her frame...
(Hear me out, Cybertron is terrified about a rogue Decepticon Warlord and Optimus has no clue to feel about his old nemesis, a wayward Prime, and a feral racecar.)
Everyone was highly concerned with the lack of intergalactic accidents and the sudden silence of bad press spearheaded by the Lost Light.
By sheer chance, the dispatched party from Cybertron managed to reach the checkpoint of a planet from the buffering zone between Cybertron and her colonies' space and the Galactic Council's outermost edges, the wayward ship sent an incoming message to dock to a relatively neutral species.
Said species had sent an official warning to Cybertron and an unofficial non-hostilities agreement due to the Lost Light's recent actions on single-handedly dealing with the plague of space privacy in their region.
Optimus mobilized a heavy-hitter group with Starscream's begrudging blessing under the barest pretensions of an inspection.
Ultra Magnus is unflappable as always. Ratchet seems to be his usual gruff self. Quite a few familiar faces are still active among the crew -Perceptor, Brainstorm, Bluestreak, and Smokescreen, and a handful of new ones.
The most conspicuous new mecha has a white visor with a large frame swaddled in a larger blanket, and even in the distance, there are the unmistakable squeaks and chirps of sleep-addled sparklings.
The moment a very familiar face pops up, the comms lights up in a flurry of activity.
:: No fraggen way- ::
:: -not really surprised. But wouldn't Rodimus- ::
:: -had to be a really spot of trouble to keep the mech down- ::
Another helm pops out, frame so tiny and optics at half power, a yawn to show off an endearingly toothy mouth.
:: Oh, frag, even Drift- ::
:: -think those idiots had a bet? I wouldn't put it -::
:: -I knew racecars ran fast, but damn- ::
Of course, when a small grey face appears, everyone lost their fragging minds.
Meanwhile, Optimus' own glossa stills, turning into a weighted lump as he picks up the total familiarity of those flickering fields enmeshed in the strangers'. The Matrix has quite a few unique powers, including the ability to memorize and recall everyone's signature. There's no way that these three are merely sparklings of infamous mechs.
Megaton manages to lock optics with Optimus and immediately bursts into loud tears, which sets off Rodimus and drives Drift back underneath the blanket.
Whatever tension deflates in, by Jazz's words, this "powder keg of a Mexican standoff" trails into silent awkwardness as you attempt to wrangle the distressed, squirming sparklings onto separate shoulders.
Ratchet pinches his nose and Ultra Magnus drops another bomb, "Y/N, you're dismissed along with your charges."
"Roger that, acting captain." You nod in agreement and make your way back to the ship.
There's renewed screaming over the comms on this "newfound slag and fuckery," another of Jazz's phrases, and Optimus can't help but keep his optics on your back. Drift makes no reappearance, remaining a still lump attached along your seams. Meanwhile, Rodimus' face is wet as he peeks over a shoulder and Megatron refuses to lift his helm away from your neck.
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sanjoongie · 5 months
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༊·˚to my @starlitmark's, how to thank you for the laughs, the memories, and the good feels? you are the idea factory that keeps going, and keeping me fed! I'm thankful countless times for you being my fellow collaborator but more importantly a friend who always feels safe and comfortable. here's to your day 💞
༊·˚Pairings: strength supe! Jung Yunho x named! Winged! Reader (f) Angel, golden boy! Choi Jongho x named! Winged! Reader (f) Angel, elastic body! Song Mingi x named! Winged! Reader (f) Angel, sex change at will! Choi San x named! Winged! Reader (f) Angel, portal creator! Park Seonghwa x intuitive aptitude! Roommate! Nari(oc)
༊·˚Genre: suggestive, thriller
༊·˚Au: college au, super hero au, Gen V au
༊·˚Trope: fwb, one night stand, s2l
༊·˚Rating: 18+, MDNI
༊·˚Warnings: blood, death, superhero accidents, smoking, drugs, alcohol, club scene, partying, suggestions of sexual relationships, kinks
༊·˚Word Count: 2,319
༊·˚Summary: When you suddenly go from a lower ranking student at Hala College to one of the top five supe's, suspicion lays upon you like a heavy blanket. But you can't reveal the truth to your ascension, even to your roommate, without the risk of ruining lives, including your own
༊·˚Author's Note: I know we said we'd keep an idea like this on the back burner but i really wanted to gift this to you 🥺
༊·˚divider by @cafekitsune
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“So, you're coming to the Grinder, tonight, right?” Mingi takes a long drag of his vape pen and blows ridiculous shapes with his lips being able to adapt shapes no human could actually manage.
You watch as somehow an apple with a worm floats by. “I dunno, Mingi, Nari is in her avoiding Seonghwa phase so--”
Mingi rolls his eyes and exhales a vanilla scented cloud. “For once, can you not cater to your roommate and let me f--”
Your wings ruffle slightly and you jump up to clamp a hand over Mingi's lips. “Let's not announce that to the world, please.”
Mingi’s lips circumvent your hand comedically, extended towards his ear. “We're on the roof of a four story historical building, Angel.”
You sit back, eyes searching the ground below. “Yeah, well in a college full of supe's, there's probably someone with super hearing.”
Mingi glances at his smart watch. “Shit, I’ve got class. Text me if you’re going.” And with that, the elastic body college student extended his leg and safely deposited his body to the green grass of the quad. 
You had some studying to do. If you were going to become a superhero in another country, there were a few languages you had to wrangle. Perhaps taking on more than one language class hadn't been the best idea but it was too late in the semester to drop one now. You spread your wings and take off towards your dorm building.
You were momentarily distracted flying over the track and field expanse from cheering. You swoop downwards to find Yunho was lifting an extended cab truck with one hand. You had a brief stint with Yunho during your freshman year, unlocking a strength kink, but also realizing you couldn't handle a supe with jealousy issues. Not towards yourself, no. In the school rankings, Yunho was always second to Jongho.
Speak of the devil, the school’s golden boy and top student, was drawing an even bigger crowd. He was using his laser sight to destroy targets and winked gratuitously at a gaggle of junior girls. You squeak when you have to avoid some of his freeze breath as he blew a kiss as well. Damn Jongho. 
You finally land in front of your dorm building when a broad-shoulder student cuts off your pathway inside. “Angel, you have a moment for me?”
You bit down on your lip nervously. San was always looking for an inside scoop as the editor of the Hala Gazette. You had nothing for him. “San, I’ve got to study!” You protest.
San’s broad shoulders morph, his hair lengthens to a bob, and now she leans forward with her ample cleavage. Didn’t matter what sex San was, his waist was still itty bitty, however. San also knew to play to your bi-weakness, which leaned towards the feminine body a lot. “Please?” she pouts.
Shit shit shit. Luckily, you’re saved by the roommate. “San, fuck off or I’ll report you to the Dean again! You know you can’t harass the students!”
San morphs back into his male body and sticks his tongue childishly at Nari. “I’ll find out eventually!”
Your head moves back and forth between the exchange of your roommate and your one night fling when you had drunk waaaaaay too many margaritas during post-finals. What the hell was going on?
“Angel, get up here before someone else harrasses you!” Nari shouts and then closes the window of your shared dorm space. 
You ironically take the stairs, somehow wanting to delay the passing of news. You had a gut feeling this wasn’t good. You pull your wings tight to your body so you can enter the door. “I’m not going to get any time to study, am I?” You ask your roommate.
Your roommate, with her ability of intuitive aptitude, aka she learns everything incredibly fast immediately, studies you intensely. “Have you looked at the rankings recently?”
You wince. “Did I drop again? They’re gonna kick me out, aren’t they?”
Nari looks delighted suddenly and your stomach dips. Without another word, she whips out her phone, taps the screen and then turns it towards you. Your eyes quickly scan the list: Jongho as number one, Yunho as number two, Mingi as number three, Nari as number four and then…
“I’m number five?” You gasp.
Nari tucks her phone into her back pocket. “Who did you blow recently?”
“No one,” You deny a little too quickly. 
Nari eyes you for a moment and then shrugs. “ ‘kay well, I can only protect you for so long. If you go to the Grinder and San gets her nails in you, you’re a goner.”
You grasp Nari’s small shoulders in your hands. “Please go with me tonight. I need you, bestie.”
“I'll go with you if you tell me what the hell is going on, Angel. Otherwise, I'm not risking Seonghwa portaling me into his bedroom tonight.”
His blunt nails dig into your forearm. "Please, you can't tell anyone. Especially Nari! She can't lie for shit.”
You avoid your roommate’s eyes completely. “It's nothing. I must have nailed my finals. You know how they like to randomly promote studies over physical or social achievements.”
Nari sighs loudly. “Alright, fine, I'll go with you tonight. You know I've always got your back, Angel.”
“I know,” You whisper, guilt squeezing your heart.
The Grinder, the aptly named college On-campus bar, was throwing a bikinis and beanies party. It was hard to dress around your wings but bikinis were easy for you. 
“Please tell me how bikinis and beanies are even fair to theme together. I’ve gotta be practically naked and guys get away with throwing a hat on?” Nari grumbles beside you as you both teeter on heels down the stairs to the basement club’s entrance. 
You gently nudge your roommate in the ribs. “The guys could be wearing bikinis too, you know.”
Nari pauses at the bottom of the stairs, shock written all over her face. “Oh.” You have to giggle at her. 
The party is in full force by the time you two squeeze through the crowd and order drinks. Nari wants to dance first but you have a feeling if you don’t spot San first, he’d get to you. 
“I’m going to the balcony!” You shout. 
Nari nods, getting into her groove and sipping her neon-green beverage. You keep an eye on the crowd, looking for the particular set of broad shoulders--or bob, but your eyes are drawn to the one student that always sticks out in a crowd.
Jongho raises a golden mug of beer, roars some kinda cheer and then chugs the entire thing like a viking reborn. He spots you across the room and his eyes widen. He smiles and claps others around him on the back and makes his way towards you. He doesn’t speak with you, however. With a sharp jerk of his head, he motions to the emergency exit. The alarm had long ago been disabled, the dark stairs to the rooftop being a perfect place to have clandestine affairs.
You had a feeling, however, Jongho wasn’t looking for a hook-up.
Jongho’s back was to you by the time you had climbed the stairs. His hands were shoved into his pockets and he was staring up at the sky. “Avoid Nari’s questions? Jongho asks, seemingly nonchalant.
“Yeah,” You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, “But Jongho…”
“Angel, you have to keep your promise. I know it’ll be hard but you know what’ll happen if the news hits. I’ll lose everything,” Jongho replies hoarsely.
Your throat tightens, struggling with your memories. It was all covered under a haze of drinking and drugs. Your friends with benefits relationship with Mingi pulled you into the scene of the top three. Jongho, Yunho and Mingi were quite popular, spots given to the top students of course. You were privy to their private parties and adventures, but this time it wasn’t all fun and games. 
Jongho’s look of horror as you were covered in shards of red-ice. Yunho’s suppressed anger. Mingi’s pancake state as his usually elastic body gave way to the lethargic drugs he had consumed. It had been a night…
“I’ll keep my mouth shut, Jongho, don’t worry about it.”
Jongho’s golden-boy smile is plastered across his face again, gums flashing and eyes disappearing. “Good. That’s all I need to hear.”
“Well well well, what do we have here? What’s number one and number five doing up here?”
You whirl around to see San in a bikini top with a fishnet cover-up and beanie. Most likely to make it easy for him to shift if he felt like it. He had on his signature smirk, but his eyes were burning with anger. It was well known that despite his hard work, San never broke the top five, and he resented anyone who did so with seemingly ease. It was obvious he now added you to that list. 
“Fuck off, San,” Jongho growls. 
San laughs, high pitched as if he’s simply delighted to be told off. “Language, Golden Boy. What’s wrong? Got something to hide?”
“San, now’s not a good time,” You hiss, gripping his upper arm through his fish-net top. 
San morphs, ignoring you. “Is this form more appealing to the two of you? If I fuck you both, could I knock Nari off her forth place?” she says with a saccharine-sarcastic tone. 
Jongho’s fists curl at his side and his breath comes out in cold-wisps. “I’ll only tell you once more,” he snarls, “Fuck. Off.”
“San, please!” You plead with her. “Don’t push this. Not tonight.”
San stage-sighs, her high voice making your legs clench. “Fine. But I’m not the only one that knows you two are up here.” San yanks her arm out of your grip and stomps down the stairs. 
You and Jongho both exchange looks. If Yunho saw you two exit together…
“Shit. Fuck. Christ,” Jongho rushes to the door. You almost follow him before he throws up a hand. “Fly down. I’ll send Mingi out. Yunho will cool down if he thinks you two are hooking up again. He can’t be angry at his bestie.”
You jump off the rooftop a second time today, wings spread to slow your descent. It doesn’t take long before Mingi’s wound his body around yours, and just in time too, as Yunho’s head can be seen peeking over the lip of the rooftop. Mingi’s high already, so it’s not hard for him to wander his hands--and lips--over your body, encouraged by his heightened senses. When Yunho’s head disappears, you gently pry Mingi from your body.
Mingi whines in protest. “C’mon Angel.”
“Not tonight, Mingi, please,” You ask, tiredness coating your tongue. “It’s been a day.”
“You should celebrate,” Mingi sighs, knowing a no when he hears it. He pulls back but his eyes are still begging. 
“I don’t need any Happy Dust, sir,” You gently scold him. “Let's go back in. I probably need to rescue Nari by now.”
“Fucking Nari,” Mingi growls good naturedly and you giggle. 
Unsurprisingly, Nari is on Seonghwa’s lap on the unused stage located at the front of the club. He uses his portal powers to call in his electric guitar and his hands are showing her some cords, his finger pushing on hers, and it’s suggestive as fuck. Your eyes meet across the room, like you two have some best friend psychic connection and Nari mouths “S.O.S” to you. 
You were about to sweep in and call it a night, when Yunho finally intercepts you. “Angel!”
“Yunho, if I don’t save Nari, I’ll never hear the end of it,” You try to deflect.
“Like you saved me?” Yunho says bluntly.
Your lips twitch in an attempt to not grimace. “Is now really the right time for this?”
“My father never should have--” Yunho blows some air out of his mouth, ruffling his fringe. “Listen, Angel, I appreciate you but everyone has so many questions. Maybe--”
You shake your head. “It’s done, Yunho. It’s been covered up. I don’t like it anymore than you do--”
Yunho laughs and it’s slightly bitter. “Don’t like being the new number five without having done truly anything? You’re so fucking like him, it hurts.”
Your back goes ramrod straight. “You know what? Fuck you, Yunho.” All this secrecy and for what? For Yunho to make you feel like shit? This wasn’t it.
Yunho rubs a hand over his face. “Shit. Sorry, Angel, I just--”
“Forget it, Yunho. Just get lost.” You shoulder past him, unapologetically letting him get a faceful of your wings. 
You climb onto the stage and throw your wings out to full span. “I know I’m supposed to be your guardian angel tonight, but do you think we could get out of here?” You plead to Nari.
Nari takes two seconds to absorb all the emotions written across your face and she nods resolutely. “Hwa, another night.”
Seonghwa looks disappointed but he’s not without some empathy. So he lets go of Nari, not without a soft pat to her ass, but he opens a portal. “Straight to your dorm room,” he sends you an award winning smile.
You both step through and Nari immediately grabs your blanket and carefully, but thoughtfully wraps it around your body. “For what it’s worth, Angel,” she says through a yawn, “Jongho isn't that bad of a choi--”
The both of you flinch as a huge boom echoes through the campus. The two of you run to your window and red flames reflect from the distance on your faces. 
“Is that the…” It couldn't be coming from the club you two had just left.
“Fuck,” You curse for the umpteenth time this evening. 
A huge chunk gets thrown through the air and laser’s destroy it.
“Double fuck,” Nari echoes you. 
Bonus content: Nari x Seonghwa
All's fair in love and war, except when you’re a supe.
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
"Are we all set, do you think?"
"pretty sure."
she pats the seat next to her and lifts up the blanket, prompting me to join her and frisk.
"Then we are just waiting on Flowey."
on cue, flowey wheels into the room dragging a bag of miscellaneous junk food behind him.
"oh, thanks for bringing me this."
i take the bag from him.
"Give me that back, you smiling trashbag!!"
"come get it, bud."
toriel starts.
a vine immediately shot forward to curl around my arm, and suddenly a very angry flower child was wrangling the bag out of my hand by force.
with my other hand, i grab the petalled assailant and hold him in the air. he has the bag in his mouth like an animal.
". . ."
"you got it back not-so-fair or square..."
"buuut, i guess you can keep it."
toriel holds out her hand for flowey to transfer onto.
"Pre-movie entertainment..."
frisk mumbles, pressing a button on the remote.
"E-nnoyance-ment, more like."
toriel makes a face.
"That is not even close to a word..."
"to be fair, you got what he meant by it. i'd say it works."
"I am not sure you should encourage an entirely false vocabulary."
"Why are you defending it. YOU are the E-nnoyance-ment, Sans."
"can't say no to coming up with gibberish."
"Even you admit that it is nonsense, then-"
hand in the air, frisk mashes the volume button until it's too loud to continue a conversation. once we're all silent, they turn it back down.
"Thank you for your cooperation. Now shut the heck up with the fighting. Watch the movie."
"Quit your damn crunching, boy."
poking flowey in the face.
he scowls and smacks their hand away.
"Language, Frisk."
"But for the love of all that is holy, Flowey, shut up."
a few moments go by. a somewhat quiet scene begins in the movie, and flowey begins crunching on his snacks as loudly as possible once again.
"𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘺. Please."
frisk glares at him.
"I will literally deck you."
"Is simply allowing you to have snacks going to become an issue?"
flowey stops crunching.
"That only punishes me!!"
"Frisk had snacks too, did they not?"
they crinkled a bag of empty gummies.
"you guys are missing the entire scene."
toriel hushes them, and they listen for at least a little bit.
"To your room."
"This is Flowey's-!"
"You were 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩 fighting equally."
"Go. I do not want to hear a peep from either of you until you have worked things out."
angry grumbling as the frisk and flowey respectively shuffle and wheel away.
"been a while since you had to do that."
frisk had started stealing some of flowey's snacks and whatnot, which he of course blew up over. and, uh. they escalated from there and got sent away.
"I understand if you do not want to stick around any longer."
"i would, but i kinda did promise paps i'd play a game with him when he got home."
"which, uhh..."
i check the time.
"means i've got about fifteen minutes."
"Do not let me hold you, then."
"update me on 'em, okay?"
i gesture down the hall and she nods.
"Certainly. I am sure they will resolve things."
"seeya, lady."
"Goodbye, Sans."
lightly, i bonk my head against hers before disappearing behind her couch and stepping out in front of ours.
i toss myself onto the couch and wait for papyrus.
"hard to resolve a fight if you started it."
papyrus clicks the buttons on his controller rhythmically as he works on building something.
"probably incitement or something."
he stares at his building on the screen.
"still by your previous self-statue, i think."
"oh, sick."
it's almost midnight, and i haven't heard a peep from tori until now.
all she sent was a photo of frisk and flowey asleep beside each other over some papers on the floor, with a lot of random doodles and words on the scattered pages.
dunno what happened there, but if whatever it was made 'em stop fighting for long enough to fall asleep then i'd say it worked.
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authorautumnbanks · 1 month
Stranded With A Demon Lord and the Strongest Sorcerer (5)
Read Chapter 1 ; Read Chapter 2 ; Read Chapter 3 ; Read Chapter 4
Kagome bites her tongue to stop the sigh from escaping past her lips. The plan was to get kidnapped and taken to the same building as the other women and children.
"Dance for me," the ogre says, reclining on his mountains of pillows. There are no beds or cots. Just pillows, dirt, and a beam in the middle of the room that looks sketchy at best.
His bottom tusks jut out from his thin mouth. His eyes are black and small. His nose is just as small as his eyes, but flat. He looks like a Pekingese. All he needs is some hair to complete the look. Instead, his head is bald and gleans green.
Kagome presses her lips together and glances at the door flap.
"Female," he barks out. "Dance." He pounds his fist on the ground, creating a small crater.
Kagome swallows the curse words and plasters a smile on her face. Getting upset will not help the others. She sways her hips and rolls. The ogre leans forward. His mouth parts. If only she had some cymbals to complete the dance. Any beat would do, instead the only sounds are the ones coming from the ogre, who should get his breathing checked out.
What she needs is some kind of opening. Maybe she can get close enough to knock him out or somehow convince him to take her to the others. Then she can put up a barrier and flare her energy. Sesshomaru and... maybe Satoru can do the rest.
Light spills into the room and another ogre, slightly stockier than the one in front of her, enters.
"What're ya doin!" he bellows. "All females go together."
"This one's mine," the other one snaps back. "Look at her. She dances fer me."
Kagome rolls her eyes. Okay. This isn't working. Getting kidnapped to be their plaything was not a part of the plan. She needs another plan. Maybe those two will continue to argue and someone higher up the ladder will take over?
The flap lifts and Sesshomaru and Satoru walk in. Kagome nearly falters but doesn't lose her rhythm. She rolls her hips, keeping the movement isolated.
Seriously? She has everything under control. And they look silly in their disguises. Satoru's eyes widen. There's dirt smeared across his face and arms. Gone is his dark uniform and replaced is some leather strap across his chest like armor. They look like barbarians. How Satoru got Sesshomaru to go along with whatever the hell they are doing is beyond her. Not that she is complaining. Sesshomaru's markings are on full display. Kagome eyes the stripes that curve around his hips.
"Oi! Wrong hut, yer asses!" The ogre stands and points a meaty finger at the flap. "Damn idiots can't tell they asses from their noses." He advances toward her and wraps his tongue around one tusk.
Oh boy. Time to de-escalate the situation.
"Quiet the tongue you got there," she purrs.
The ogre stops and his mouth splits right open. Kagome's eye twitches. Lovely. Now she's covered in purple blood and guts. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and glares at Sesshomaru.
"I had it under control."
"That beast was never going to take you to the other women." Sesshomaru glances at the other ogre by his feet. At least that one isn't all bloody, but his neck is twisted all wrong. Did Satoru do that?
Satoru strides over and grabs her arm. "Change of plans. Let's get to that building before more of them come in here."
Kagome looks at his hand and then points to herself. "I'm covered in blood."
"We wrangled you back in," Satoru quips.
"You want to wrangle me in," she teases. Satoru's hold on her loosens. "You're gonna have to be more aggressive than that if you want this to work."
Sesshomaru looks up at the ceiling.
Huh? What's with him?
"Whoa!" Suddenly she's looking directly at Satoru's ass, and what a nice ass it is.
Focus, Kagome. Focus.
"Sorry," Satoru says, palming her ass. "Is this better...to sell the image?"
Kagome presses her lips together. She's gonna do it. It's only fair.
" Kagome!" Why, Satoru sounds flustered. Kagome snickers. Messing with Satoru may be her new favorite pastime.
"Move your hands a little lower."
"Give me the priestess."
"What? No. I got her," Satoru replies. "Just lead us to the building. You can sniff em out, right?"
Kagome doesn't need to see to know Sesshomaru is glaring at Satoru. "You want me to pinch your butt later?"
"This Sesshomaru would prefer a massage."
"So needy," she jokes. Kagome lowers her head as they head out of the hut. She wants to look around, but that might draw more attention, so she settles for staring at Satoru's ass. "Gotta say I'm digging the loincloths. Really brings out your legs." Kagome turns her head and sighs. She wants to peek at Sesshomaru too.
Wait... are they wearing underwear? Scratch that, is Satoru wearing underwear? Sesshomaru doesn't wear any.
"What business do you have here?" Someone questions.
"We re-captured the female," Satoru responds, lowering her to her feet. He grabs a hold of her and keeps her back flush against his.
Oh. He's not.
Kagome bites her tongue. She needs to take this seriously.
"Take the female or we will," Sesshomaru barks out. The ogres startle and look at one another. With a nervous chuckle, they step to the side and let them through.
"Drop her in and then get the hell out, or it'll be yer heads."
How grumpy. Kagome keeps her mouth closed as they enter the building. Centaur females huddle together in a corner with the children in the middle. They glare at Sesshomaru and Satoru. To the side, two goblin females and a child huddle together. Kagome frowns. Even in a dire situation like this, they can't put their differences to the side?
"A human female?" A voice says, slinking out of the shadows. Ah, that must be the banished dude. His back is arched like a humpback. His fingers are long, and his nails are tipped black. "You have done well," he praises as he walks over to her. "A little dirty, but with a little work, I bet she'll shine real pretty." He rubs his hands together and leers at her.
"Do we have a buyer?" Satoru asks.
The banished dude tilts his head back and squints. "There are always buyers for human females. Which division did you say you were from?"
Sesshomaru sprays poison in the goblin's face and then catches him before he lands on the floor. The females shake. Some cover their mouths. "A barrier, priestess. We will take this one back to the village."
Kagome nods. "Should we bind him?" She looks around and pouts. There's nothing in here to be of use.
"Is he even alive?" Satoru steps on the goblin and rolls him around.
"Well, if you keep that up, he might wake up," Kagome admonishes. Satoru pauses and removes his foot. "It's fine. I'll put one up around this building, so he can't escape even if he tries." She waves them away and turns to face the other females. Kagome smiles and clasps her hands together. "Okay, don't mind the blood. We're going to get everyone out of here and back to their villages." She puts up a barrier as soon as Sesshomaru and Satoru head back out of the building.
Should she have made it soundproof?
Shouts and screams reverberate throughout the building. The centaur women stand to their feet... err hooves, and create a tighter circle around their young.
"You tell lies," One centaur says with long red hair.
"Not a lie. Argol told us that some of you have gone missing." Kagome looks over at the goblins. "He attacked the goblin village, but they were able to put their differences aside." She hooks her thumb behind her. "This dude was banished from the village and might be the mastermind?"
"Slozz," one goblin female speaks up. "He was the banished one, though he goes by a different name now." She stands and clenches her fists at her sides. "He was preparing to sell us off, but he didn't have enough to make the trek."
Kagome clucks her tongue. She outta kick this Slozz in his side. "Gotcha, well, don't mind the noise outside—"
Kagome rolls her eyes. How rude. "As I was saying—"
Kagome sucks her teeth. She should have made it soundproof. "We're going to return everyone back to their villages. Whatever information you have, please share it when we get there."
They all nod. The children peer around the others and smile at her. Kagome smiles back and gives a small wave.
What in the world are they doing out there? Kagome pushes her bangs back and then grimaces. Ugh. She forgot about the blood. What she needs is a soak for at least two hours. Satoru's energy pushes against her barrier. It's dark. Twisted. Overwhelming. Kagome swallows and then drops the barrier. Satoru strolls in a moment later with a crazed smile on his face.
"You didn't tell me Sesshomaru turns into a giant dog," he says.
"I said he's a dog demon," Kagome squints at him. Of all the things to get excited about. "We all ready to go then?"
Satoru nods. His eyes sparkle with mischief. "It would be faster if Sesshomaru transported everyone..."
"You want to build a sled and hook it up to him?"
He flutters his long eyelashes at her.
"Alright, but you'll have to move fast because we don't have time—" Kagome blinks at the spot where Satoru was. She turns around and addresses the other females and children. "Okay, don't be alarmed, but there's a giant dog outside and he's going to transport everyone to the goblin village. Argol and the others are there as well, waiting. So don't freak out. You'll be back in no time."
They stare at her as though she has another head on her shoulders, but no one complains. The children look giddy, so she takes that as a plus.
Satoru flashes in front of her and Kagome laughs, playing off how her heart skipped a beat. "Hey, you can keep the interior of the building from collapsing, right?" At her nod, Satoru continues with a huge smile spread across his face. "Okay, we got some rope and chains that we can wrap around the building. You'll just put up a barrier and Sesshomaru is going to pull the building." In his arms is clothing. Oh. Sesshomaru and Satoru's clothing. On his back is her yellow bag, and it looks like he grabbed her bow and quiver, too. Satoru stuffs his and Sesshomaru's items into the bag and dusts his hands.
"You're really excited about this."
"I'm gonna ride on top." He waggles his eyebrows.
"You like being on top?"
His nostrils flare. Satoru leans over and whispers in her ear. "I want you to ride my face. Tonight." He pulls back. "Sesshomaru can watch or join if you want."
If she wants? Does Sesshomaru want that?
Kagome takes a step closer to him and places a hand on his exposed chest. The strap of leather does not count. Frankly, she does not get how that counts as armor, but whatever. Slozz groans and shifts on the floor. Kagome sighs. "You should get going. We don't want him to wake up before we get there." She could keep him in a barrier, but mainly, she doesn't want him to wake up and scare everyone.
"Keep him in a barrier... actually, I'll just take him and tie him up now. He can hang up on the roof with me. I'll flare my energy when we're all set."
Satoru grabs Slozz's ankle and drags him out of the room.
Hm. Satoru and Sesshomaru are in some kind of sync. Sesshomaru doesn't make friends easily. Maybe she can convince Satoru to just come with them? Kagome gives herself a mental shake. No, that wouldn't be fair. Satoru has people who love him and are probably worried about him. She can't ask him to give up his world and do what? Frolic around with her and Sesshomaru? Going wherever the wind leads them? No, she can't do that to him.
"Is he your mate?" The centaur female with the red hair asks.
"Satoru? Oh, no." Kagome laughs. "I don't have a mate."
"So, he is free?"
The laughter dies out with a croak. "No."
"... I see." She juts her chin out and looks down at Kagome. "Then I challenge you for the right to claim him."
Kagome blinks and then laughs, so hard tears cling to her eyelashes. Challenge her? "Good luck with that. Satoru isn't someone you claim." She stares at the redhead. "You should be more considerate, considering we came here to rescue you." Kagome motions to the group. At the feel of Satoru's energy, she puts up another barrier. "Came here to rescue you from another trying to claim you," she finishes. Kagome turns her head and frowns. Okay, so she's more attracted to Satoru than she thought. That's fine. Lying to herself isn't a hobby she's fond of, so now what? Take him up on his offer?
She's not a prude, but should she take him up on it? There's a high chance that they might be stuck together for longer than any of them wants. Kagome blows out a breath. It's too bad this building doesn't have any windows for her to look out of. She would like to see how fast they are traveling.
Satoru flares his energy again. She drops the barrier and throws open the door right as Satoru is reaching for the knob.
"Human," the centaur female calls out. "I wish to take you as my mate."
Satoru coughs. "Not interested." He gives Kagome a what the fuck look, but she just shrugs. How was she to know that the centaur chick would be so bold?
"Because of her?"
Satoru raises a brow. "Yeah, because of her." He pulls Kagome to his side and smiles at her so sinfully that her insides turn to mush.
Oh, no. Satoru is far more dangerous than she thought.
"Stop flirting with the priestess," Sesshomaru says. "This Sesshomaru tires of this village."
"You just want that massage." Kagome winks. Sesshomaru should go shirtless more often. Not like he gets cold.
His eyes darken.
Oh boy. Kagome bites her lip. There must be something in the air.
"CHOSEN ONE! YOU HAVE RETURNED!" Argol shouts as he rushes over, nearly trampling a goblin in his haste.
"Argol!" The centaurs cry. They rush out of the building. Satoru pulls her closer to his side.
The goblins rush over to Ebeelx and weep.
Sesshomaru steps closer to Kagome and Satoru. "We are leaving."
Kagome looks at his loincloth and then at his face. "You just wanted to show off your markings to Satoru."
Sesshomaru's nostrils flare. "He has an impressive length for a human."
Kagome's mouth parts. "What did you do to Sesshomaru?"
"Me? I haven't done anything." He smirks. "Yet."
Kagome hums. Nothing like some bloodshed to bring the boys together. "Well alright. I need a bath."
"Wait!" Ebeelx holds out a hand. "Please, you must return for dinner. We will celebrate." He motions to Argol, who crosses his arms with a proud smile on his face. "We will all celebrate. And we must deal with the banished one." Ebeelx glares at Slozz, who is crumbled on the floor. His skin is a lighter green than it was earlier.
Did Sesshomaru give him another dose of poison? Or did Satoru do something to him?
"No." Sesshomaru flicks his hair back. "This Sesshomaru cares not for your celebrations, nor what you wish to do with that one." He strides into the building and returns with her bag, bow, and quiver. "We are leaving. Pick up the priestess before she tries to stay."
Kagome rolls her eyes. "I can wal—whoa!" She blinks at the sudden change in view. Satoru's hands grip her thighs. "Can you even see if you hold me like this?"
He chuckles. "Yeah, I can see."
Kagome waves goodbye to the others and then wraps her arms around Satoru's neck. It's certainly different. Being carried like this. "So, I'm going to assume you aren't wearing underwear... unless you like thongs?"
Satoru snaps his attention to her. "You danced for that ogre."
"A little." He nods his head at Sesshomaru. "Do you dance for him?"
"Only when I feel like being silly."
"The priestess is always dancing."
Kagome leans back and glares at Sesshomaru's back. On second thought, she does not care for this newfound camaraderie between the two.
Satoru inhales sharply.
"What's with you? Need me to walk?"
"No, it's nothing."
Yeah, she believes him. Not. Kagome rubs her tongue over her teeth. Messing with Satoru really is her new favorite pastime, and since he doesn't seem all that flustered at the moment, she should fix that, so she leans forward, brushing her breasts against him as she murmurs in his ear. "Want me to dance on your cock?"
"Stop pawing at one another," Sesshomaru says. Kagome blinks. When did Sesshomaru get right in front of them? He sniffs. "You're not in heat and yet you act like it."
Kagome groans. "Don't you start—hey!" Sesshomaru plucks her from Satoru's arms and carries her over his shoulder.
"Carry the items," he instructs Satoru. "Priestess, stop moving."
"No!" She gasps. Her ears burn and her ass stings. "Harder." She wiggles for good measure, just to mess with him. It's not like he'll actually do it.
She bites back the whimper. Sesshomaru must be over the games today.
A/N: Looks like the smut chapter will be from Sesshomaru's POV.
Since JJK is ending next month, How To Tame will probably wrap up sometime next year though I'll still do the side stories. Plan is to wrap up Accidental this year.
"Is the wildflowers bit chosen one stuff or Satoru falling in love?" - That was nature being drawn to Kagome since she's a priestess, though to the 'people' of this world, it's because she's the chosen one.
"How does she know Sesshomaru knots?" - She knows Koga knots from experience and probably asked Sesshoamru if he knots as well.
"Will the bathing suit survive?" - Lol no.
Hope you are having an awesome week! Take care of yourself! Get plenty of rest and make sure to stay hydrated.
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