#but i didnt and now whatever play i make is just... wrong. because it was already decided before i even learned the rules
hiddenbeks · 4 months
more than a month after my previous kotor update i am happy to announce that i have finally met jolee and had him join me <3
#el plays kotor#yes im still on kashyyyk dont look at me#i was distracted by other games for a sec lmao but sth made me return to kotor yesterday#and now the party is complete!!!#and i have found 3 star maps and the plot is thickening!!!!#i keep wondering. if i hadn't been spoiled abt the pc's true identity would i have pieced it together by now#bc the foreshadowing isn't exactly subtle#or maybe it just feels unsubtle to me precisely because i know what is being foreshadowed....#but like. from the very beginning carth is like hmm its kinda sus that you happened to be on the endar spire#and then all those conversations with bastila that make u go hmmmm what's that supposed to mean#and then... when getting the star map on kashyyyk the hologram says sth abt you matching the required behavioral patterns or whatev#and that the last time it was used was five years ago And you can reply with 'hey revan was in these parts five years ago right'#like!!! yeah!!!! it was me!!!! i was the last user five years ago thats why i match the pattern i am revannnnnnnn#i have to know. did the first kotor players back in 2003 figure it out by this point hngngngnhng#or like any other players after 2003 who played and managed to avoid spoilers#anyway back to jolee. he is so cool but also so squishy on god#apparently some ppl give him a blaster to keep him out of melee but like you cant give a blaster to a jedi..... so uncivilized.......#i set him to use force powers until he runs out of force points#but the moment he runs out of force points and jumps into the fray he goes down. sigh#maybe im doing something wrong again. maybe i should let go of my jedi pride and just give him a blaster#i should also probably use all those energy shields and battle stimulants i have hoarded. i keep forgetting abt them lmao#also!!! @ the mutual who sent me that kotor related ask also more than a month ago i just wanted to let u kno. i have replied to it#i mean if u missed it or if u didnt get a notif or forgot or anything else that's cool !!#i just get all worried that ppl might think i havent answered and that im ignoring them if they dont indicate they've seen the reply gfhgfh#but that's a me issue. i just wanted to make sure u knew 🫶#anyway!! next stop manaan maybe#but first a detour to tatooine to deal with mission's useless deadbeat brother
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hildegardladyofbones · 9 months
I don't think about this show at all anymore (they fucked up the beginning of s4 and I dropped it immediately) but god damn the showrunners knew what they were doing by establishing that John has a low pain tolerance and then amputating his leg few seasons over. The girlies were screaming, they were going wild and opening on ao3 in the next tab
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addelaidesupreme · 7 months
I'm watching a video essay about a game ive been interested in playing. The creator of the video, who has crossdressed multiple times, makes a "women arent funny" joke, and i suddenly realize ive never witnessed him acknowledge a woman in an uplifting way before.
I'm on a dating app for lgbt+ people. I've stated multiple times on my profile that i would rather lose an arm than recieve nudes without consent. I will be sent five dick pics for every 2 people i talk to that night.
I'm talking with my dad, who informs me he's been trying his best to learn about trans issues. He says the same things steven crowder brings up when trying to ridicule trans people. I gently but firmly correct my father and get told that ive been fed propaganda.
I'm on instagram, under the comments of a post ridiculing someone for being a misogynyst. Someone's left a comment saying "it must be hard being a woman on the internet" and i respond "it is." I will have every aspect of my appearance scrutinized as a reminder that no matter how well i pass, it will never be enough for someone with bad intentions.
I'm back on that dating app for lgbt+ people. I'm messaged by an attractive looking person, but i can see their partner prominently displayed in all but their main photo, oftentimes striking what im sure they thought was a very intimidating pose. Their bio says "looking for a third for our anniversary." I know that even if I did feel up to it, the gruff partner wouldnt approve of me because i don't pass.
I'm at a job interview for a clothing store. I tell the gracefully-dressed woman interviewing me that ever since i began my transition, i've discovered an interest in fashion, and that this job would allow me to dip my toes into the industry in a safe way. I'm told that i've reduced womanhood to a stereotype, and i can tell by her tone that i lost any chance at the job the minute she realized i was trans.
I'm at the same hospital i got facial feminization surgery in, trying to figure out what's wrong with my bowels. When the person behind the desk gives me a wristband with my patient info on it, i notice a single, lonely, letter M. I ask a nurse in private why it would say that despite me having changed it nearly a year prior. They say they have no clue, and bring in paperwork for me to fill out and have it re-changed again.
I'm living with my mom at the time. I'm new to transitioning, and decide to try my hand at voice training. It feels a bit off, but otherwise im feeling neutral toward the whole thing. I try speaking in this new voice to my mom and she laughs. Now, when people ask if i intend to voice train, i find speaking at all difficult for minutes after.
I didnt have some sort of grand message to convey by this. I just had a thought and then that thought spiralled into whatever the hell this became. Some, okay most, might call it complaining; they are right to do so.
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dimonds456 · 1 year
its disability pride month and i'm going through it. vent. check the tags on this one.
sorry there's been so many of these recently, I'm really, really trying not to be this negative, but... man.
something out there wants me dead. bad.
first it was water. then it was depression. then it was anxiety. then it was trauma. then it was graves disease. then it was trauma. then it was adhd. then it was summer in general. then it was maybe autism. then it was trauma. then it was nervous system failure. and now it's an eating disorder.
like not all of those are life-or-death (though adhd can feel like that sometimes lmao) but i've had so many fucking brushes with death that i'm not even afraid of it anymore, i'm just fucking frustrated.
i feel like Mugman from Casino Cups, honestly. "Death is so sudden, it could happen at any moment... everything could end at any moment... and I wouldn't even realize it...
"I've moved on, I'm not mourning, it's a part of life, but... the unpredictability of it... it's... it's not even SCARY, it's more INFURIATING!! One day, I'll disappear, and... never see where we'll go... never do anything I could have done! I HATE being at its mercy..."
the only difference is that he's died and come back 527 times. i will only die once and then that'll be that.
i've always had a weird fascination with death. maybe it was getting diagnosed with graves disease in middle school that started it (seriously who the FUCK picked "GRAVES" as the name for a disease, did they WANT to freak people out??), maybe it was the realization I'd have it for the rest of my life and now I would have to take pills forever, or maybe it was that first time I almost drowned in elementary school, or the other six times after that. I really don't know.
but i've made it. somehow, some way, i'm still here.
y'know, i wrote an entire ode to death and recorded audio of me reading it. i wanted to put it on youtube but i havent found time to make a video for it. maybe one day. that ode means a lot to me.
i don't know.
the only thing i know is that I want to make the best of the time i've got, which isn't a lot. i don't know how much time i have, but it's less than 20 years i can tell you that right now. if i reach my 40th birthday i will eat both of my shoes AND my hat. i don't mean that in an "i am depressed" way i mean that in a "death and i have a rehearsal at least twice a year and brother i do not know how to dance" way.
i try so, so hard not to be negative online. i really do. i don't want people to remember me as the one who only ever complained, or the one who got angry at everything, or the anxious one who never said anything original or worthwhile, or the one who only ever talked about politics. i want to be a good memory. it's the quote i live by. i want my memory to be a good one.
and i'm failing.
you, right now, reading this. i'm failing you. and i'm sorry. i just... don't know what else to do.
i've realized now that the reason i've been so bent out of shape as of late is because i will never feel safe. even if i moved to the kindest community in the world, even if all the world's political shit got fixed overnight, even if my anxiety and depression suddenly vanished... i can never feel safe because i live in this body. this long-suffering vessel that always, always has something life-threateningly wrong with it.
this eating disorder i have now is only the latest in a long line of shit. each new threat just gets more and more dire. i'm terrified to find out what the next one is. i almost wanna bet money on appendicitis or something but i also don't wanna jinx it, ha.
i'm sorry.
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"Someday we will all just be a memory for some people. I just want that memory to be a good one." - Camila Cuevas (Glitchtale, 2017)
i'll keep trying. i'm going to pass with a smile on my face. that WILL be the last thing i do. i promise.
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baldval · 5 months
heyy! You dont have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable it is a little darker…
can i request overlords finding out that reader selfharms? Like they knew she was unstable but they didnt think that much
thank you!!!
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characters: alastor, vox, velvette, valentino, lucifer, adam
warnings: sad reader, slightly ooc adam (that man is so hard to write omg)
a/n: ik i said i'm comfortable w darker asks, i just don't really feel ok w writing about such heavy/negative topics (especially sh), but don't worry anon, should've added that mb. anyways, i give you hazbin characters comforting reader in return 🫶🫶
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ᯓ he’s not exactly a ‘sit down and talk about feelings’ type of person
ᯓ but he can tell when something’s wrong
ᯓ and he wants nothing more but to make you feel like you’re on top of the world
ᯓ he sees your pouty face when you get home
ᯓ “hey, darling, come look,” he says
ᯓ he’d been at work when you’d left
ᯓ so he’s had some time to figure out what to do for you without making it seem like he’s prying
ᯓ he’ll ask you about what’s bothering you once you’ve relaxed
ᯓ he plops down on the couch, dragging you with him
ᯓ your favorite movie is paused on the tv, waiting to be played
ᯓ “i found an extended version. with bloopers and deleted scenes and everything,” he murmurs
ᯓ the entire movie, his hand is rubbing up and down your back
ᯓ his fingers sometimes creep up your neck, playing gently with your hair
ᯓ the entire thing is extremely soothing
ᯓ you know he knows something’s wrong
ᯓ and you also know he’s going to do everything in his power to fix it
ᯓ and you’re so grateful he just loves you
ᯓ he doesn’t need you to say anything, ever
ᯓ he just knows what you need
ᯓ when he comes home and finds you in bed early, he knows you’ve had a difficult day
ᯓ he doesn’t know what happened, but he won’t ask until you’re feeling better
ᯓ he changes out of his work clothes and just gets into bed with you
ᯓ when you don’t say anything either, he pulls you into a cuddle, one hand pressing your head to his chest and the other cupping your hip
ᯓ “hi, vox.”
ᯓ he peppers your face in kisses
ᯓ “feeling off?” he asks
ᯓ you nod
ᯓ his fingers go to stroke your jaw
ᯓ “you can talk to me, you know. i want to make it better,” he tells you
ᯓ so you tell him everything
ᯓ whatever the issue was, the next day, he’s found some way to solve it
ᯓ just for you
ᯓ anything for you
ᯓ the minute you come home from work, exhaustion and misery rolling off of you in waves, she demands to know what’s wrong
ᯓ “is someone bothering you? is it your boss again? because i can get him fired.”
ᯓ you tell her everything
ᯓ she promises to help you with whatever it is that’s causing you trouble
ᯓ she’d tip the earth off it’s axis if you asked
ᯓ “come here, i want a kiss,” she tells you
ᯓ you very happily oblige
ᯓ she spends the entire night just spoiling (and worshiping) you
ᯓ the sheets of your bed are tangled between both your legs
ᯓ you’ve never felt more loved
ᯓ she murmurs about how your aniversary is coming up
ᯓ and tells you to get your nails done and dress pretty
ᯓ you don’t really know how you got here
ᯓ but you’re not upset
ᯓ you smile up at the ceiling, delightedly dazed
ᯓ you don’t even remember why you were upset
ᯓ he feels what you feel
ᯓ and at this point he can never leave you alone
ᯓ he NEEDS to be with you 24/7
ᯓ so naturally it’s like he’s dying when you come home looking upset
ᯓ “hey, no kiss hello?” he whines
ᯓ that manages to get you to laugh
ᯓ he smiles at your smiling
ᯓ you go over to kiss him and he catches your wrist before you walk off
ᯓ “no, c’mere,” he insists
ᯓ he tugs you into his lap and winds his arms around your waist
ᯓ he sets his chin on your shoulder
ᯓ “why’re you upset?”
ᯓ “oh, it’s nothing, val.”
ᯓ “bullshit.”
ᯓ you spill
ᯓ he rubs circles into your hip bone
ᯓ “i’d be upset, too,” he admits
ᯓ he kisses all up your neck
ᯓ “but we don’t have to think about that at all now. can we just spend some time together? i promise, though, if you’re still having problems i’ll gladly fuck up as many lives as you need.”
ᯓ you laugh, making him laugh
ᯓ you spend the rest of the night just sitting there talking to him
ᯓ the two of you are watching your current show, as you do every night, and he notices you’re zoning out
ᯓ he pauses it and looks down at you
ᯓ he dots a couple kisses over your brow
ᯓ “everything okay?”
ᯓ “rough day…”
ᯓ “why didn’t you tell me?”
ᯓ his expression is one of concern now, yet still absolutely laden with affection
ᯓ “i’m sorry, i’m not trying to keeping things from you or anything. i just don’t want to bother you.”
ᯓ “i want you to bother me. say everything that comes into your brain, i want to hear it.”
ᯓ he pulls you closer, palm smoothing over the back of your neck as he sets your head against his chest
ᯓ you tell him about your day, and how you were getting so frustrated
ᯓ frustrated everything was going wrong today, frustrated that the entire week was going wrong
ᯓ he listens intently, stroking your hair the entire time
ᯓ he gives soft “mhms” and “of courses” at your words
ᯓ he peppers warm kisses all over your face
ᯓ he does his best to give you a solution
ᯓ even if what he suggested doesn’t work, he’s sending you flowers to your house for the next week
ᯓ he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit
ᯓ he’s a little nervous to ask what’s wrong
ᯓ he’s afraid he won’t know what to do to make you feel better
ᯓ “hey, uh, everything okay?”
ᯓ you shrug
ᯓ “wanna talk about it?”
ᯓ you tell him everything
ᯓ he nods the entire time, his eyes never leaving your face
ᯓ he’s trying to memorize everything you’re saying
ᯓ he doesn’t really have any great solutions
ᯓ and he kind of hates himself for it
ᯓ he wants to help you, even if he doesn't make it obvious
ᯓ “hey, how about we go out tonight? take your mind off things.”
ᯓ you spend the night at dinner then wandering through a night market
ᯓ you both talk nonstop
ᯓ he gets you a bunch of trinkets
ᯓ just things that remind him of you
ᯓ and a bracelet, too
ᯓ he spends a bit of time fiddling with the clasp, eventually hooking it together and letting it sit on your wrist
ᯓ you don’t take the bracelet off
ᯓ ever
ᯓ at home, he’s worried you’re still upset
ᯓ but you’re not
ᯓ you fall asleep curled up against him, your worries now nonexistent
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b1rds3ye · 1 year
hi!!! i LOVE the masked reader content 😭💞 my hyperfixated brain is thanking u deeply
can i request a masked (w LEDs bc i love it sm) reader who's saying "i cant believe you guys didnt notice my new haircut" or something similar, having a :( face on their mask and 141 is so confused like "we cant see your hair" "you have hair? kinda thought u were bald" stuff like that 😭 its a weird idea but im craving stupid platonic fluff like that
ty for the masked reader content love u sm for it
Hehehe as someone who hyperfixates a lot I am flattered I can induce it onto someone else LMAO Just a lil Drabble for this one I couldn’t think up of much 😅
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“You pissed ‘em off,” Ghost observes and Soap’s face drops into one of sheer betrayal.
“That was one time 'n' now you a' think it’s me?” Johnny jerks his head to the side in annoyance. “What about when cap’n-”
“I’m sure they can hear you,” Gaz whisper-shouts as he gestures to you. The rest of the task force look over to you sitting on the couch at the far end of the common room. Absentmindedly watching the shared television, your arms are folded with your mask in a perpetual "-_-". You make no indication that you heard them, no, you were fully set on ignoring them all morning.
"Captain what should we do?" Kyle asks.
"This isn't a mission Kyle, we can talk it out," Price sighs.
"Care to do the honours, then?"
Price stills, beady eyes sparing a glance at your unmoving figure. If the rest of the task force didn't know any better, they would think the unwavering captain was scared.
"'m busy," he replies gruffly.
"Busy" being him fishing around in his pocket for a new cigar for an impossibly long amount of time until his subordinates let him off the hook.
"L.T.?" Johnny looks to the next superior officer, to which Simon only responds with a half-hearted grunt. In truth, Simon and John have always been good at figuring out your mood. This is one of the few times they've been left stumped, clear through the silent conversation they shared as they looked at each other.
"Cowards," Johnny mutters to himself before stomping up to you, with a drawn out, sing-song (but horrendously out of tune) "bonnieeeee" announcing his presence to you. You don't even flinch.
Johnny saddles himself beside you, leaning into you. He offers you his sweetest puppy-dogs to try and placate you before he tests the waters.
"So... what's up?"
The rest of the task force was slowly joining Johnny, you could tell as Price's cigar smoke became more pungent. An explosive move by you has these grown men flinching as you pull out a strip of paper and slam it on the coffee table in front of you, mask flitting to an angry face all the while before returning to "-_-".
Simon reaches the paper first. Delicately opening the thin parchment as Kyle and John peer over his shoulder. Johnny looks up at them but stays by your side.
Simon looks at you.
"A hairdresser?"
"Got it done yesterday," you seethe. "And no one bloody noticed. They're not cheap, you know!"
Johnny tries putting a hand on your shoulder but you jerk it away. There's a heavy moment of silence as you keep laser focused on whatever the hell the television is playing. Your hands grip your biceps as you ensure they stay crossed.
Kyle eventually submits. He kneels before you, not daring to take up all the view of the screen, but just enough for him to be sure you were aware of him.
"Love, I'm gonna ask you a question. Please don't take this the wrong way."
"What?" you grumble.
Kyle takes an audible inhale. He receives an encouraging nod from Price and he needs to take a swallow to prepare. Even you have to admit the anticipation is killing you now, you offer him the relief that he indeed has your attention, mask now set with "?" over the eyes.
"... you have hair?"
You groan and swat him away as Johnny bursts out laughing. Leaning forward with your head in your hands you try to make it seem like your shaking shoulders were from devastation and not because you were laughing too.
"No, Kyle, I just thought I'd go to a hair dresser and admire everyone else's hairdos," you retort once you've recollected yourself.
"Thought you were bald," Simon muses.
"Right back at you, Skull Face."
"I'm sure it looks good, sergeant," Price encourages as he takes the receipt from Simon, inspecting the details.
"At least someone appreciates my efforts unlike the rest of you."
"How about we appreciate it more then, bonnie?" Johnny leans in mischievously. "Take that mask off. Show us how good it looks."
"Actually, I- uh... I got my hair treated. Need to keep this mask on, let it set, you know?"
Kyle tilts his head.
"That's not how it works-?"
"I've been waiting for this bit!" You exclaim as you point at the television screen. Kyle shakes his head with a smile before joining you on the couch, opposite to Johnny. Simon and John also situate themselves around the room, far enough for personal distance but close enough to still take part in conversations, and it's now a typical off-day for the 141. They may not be able to see your face - nor your improved hair - for now, but perhaps one day they'll be graced with the sight. For now, these antics around base will suffice.
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Call of Duty Navigation Masked Reader Masterlist
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ssparksflyy · 6 months
Hiii I hope you are having a great day!! I was wondering if you could make another percy jackson x daughter of Hecate reader? If you don’t/ can’t do it that’s fine I just though i would ask.
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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percy jackson dating hcs ! *ੈ✩‧₊˚
pairing: percy jackson x latina!daughter of hecate!reader warning(s): swearin an: dw i got ur 2nd request that u wanted reader to be latina :)) i just added in some little things that tie in ♡♡ srry if these are short btw </3
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in the dead of night, your eyes so greennnnnnnn
you and percy tend to stay up later than most of camp
your always up and out after curfew
you js function better at night okay
me asf
the day is reserved for lake dates and the night is reserved for sky watching dates ♡♡
youre literally attached by the hip if you couldnt tell
as they say in waitress, i love you means your never ever getting rid of me ♡
you usually watch from the roof of cabin 3, just cuddled up and sharing a blanket
but once percy suggested you watch from the docks
and you were like oh!
not actually but you looked really hesitant
he was like whats wrong??
so you told him about la llorona !! #coquette
it was so preppy
but now youre both scared to go to the lake at night
even though yk shes not real
and youve literally been through tartarus
and back
and you face unimaginable horrors every day
and percy's literally the son of the sea god
mexican folklore is scary ok yall
idc if it didnt scare you as a kid / you like horror
sorry for trauma dumping yall
kinda silly how some story about a lady who drowned her kids is enough to make 2 of camp half blood's strongest soldiers shake in their boots
so u stick to rooftops ♡
you and hazel are bestiessss
shes a honorary member of cabin 20 of course
you exchange tips and tricks, hazel telling you about the things she saw hecate do and the things she said to her
and you tell her about the things youve picked up over the years :))
percy cant help but smile whenever he sees you two together
he sees hazel as a sister
(yall remember in son when he was ready to fight somebody for her or something like that i dont remember exactly what he said but i do know he was ready to fight)
and ur his fav girl ever ♡
his heart just feels warmed
same way he feels when he sees you playing with estelle
you show her a bit of ur powers and she flips outtttt
she asks sally to be a witch for halloween because "i want to be just like (y/n)!!!"
dont know about yall but if i went home and my family found out i was involved with ~brujeria~ i would not be accepted at home (please read as if youre white and cant say shit in spanish)
thats just the mad religious side talking dont worry yall
but sally and paul would literally let you in with open arms
the jackson's apartment is your second home
percy has a drawer reserved for your clothes in his room ♡♡
he loves it when you sleepover, at home or at camp
he absolutely adores kissing your hands
he doesnt care about the dangers you can produce from them, he'll kiss em allllll he wants
you could be cuddled up together, ur reading to him and he just grabs one of your hands and begins to leave a trail of kisses up your arm, shoulder, neck, cheek, and eventually leaving one on your temple
it just gets you like 😵‍💫
he loves his badass girlfriend, okay?
literally your #1 fan
would beat up anybody who talks shit !!!
tea is your holy ground ♡
because you cant drink coffee
cause ya know, adhd, youll just end up knocking out
though you do drink it when you cant fall asleep at night
its me, hi
and hot chocolate is strickly an only-in-december drink, because then it wont hit in december, since you had it earlier in the year
(my mom does that with gorditas and tamales broooo its painful)
so ya drink tea!
i dont drink tea, so im not even gonna try to tell you what his favorite is
he likes whatever you like
but you try a bunch of different teas and stuff together :)
youd probably adopt a black cat together when youre older
youre never gonna beat your neighbor's witch allegations
(probably because theyre true but youll obviously never say that)
i feel like percy would be more of a dog person but lets be real, he likes horses.
fuckin horse girl smh
but that does not mean he wouldnt love and care for the cat
he'd so let you stop to pet any stray cat you see on the street
takes pictures of the cat anytime you do ♡
you cook together !!
you teach percy a bunch of different recipes and stuff :)
has a 'kiss the cook' apron 100%
and what can ya say, you gotta kiss the cook
man you guys manage to stay silly throughout the horrors, we love
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astrecium · 2 months
Ah, sorry I forgot! 😅😭 Character of choice in my request is Wanderer^^
- 🍂
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where when ? !?
bf!wanderer x reader
cw: reader has a mental breakdown, only. SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH, it's not my first language
summary: In which Reader's thought's spiraled out of control because of their abandonment trauma, and caused a mental breakdown.
(I didnt know what to make the breakdown about.. sorry if this isn't what you wanted.)
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"are you sure you are alright?" Wanderer asked you. It wouldn't matter
now anyway,
he was leaving with one of the student groups he claims to tolerate at the akadimiya. You didn't see anything wrong with that at first, instead, it's nice to see your boyfriend making friends! "Nope, you can go."
Wanderer came to you once again, giving you a quick and small hug. "k, see you later." he said before turning his back to you, reaching for the door, opening it then leaving. He promised he would come back before night, it's ok to trust him now!
the rest of the noon you spent your time doing whatever. watching tv, playing with your phone, reading.. but something kept crossing your mind every once in a while.
"but what if he's actually leaving me? That friend of his is looks pretty enough to attract his attention."
You didn't pay much attention to it. But the question kept coming back, again and again. Consequently, you started thinking more than you should about it. Did you do anything that upset him? Heck, he was once a god, you are just you. Does he actually even like you? He's going to leave you like the others did, you've been through relationships before and this always happens.
and suddenly that was everything you could think about. It's so late now, shouldn't he be home already? Maybe he's having too much fun with them, unlike you, they can be funny to spend time with. You put your phone down, sitting in bed. Maybe you should just wait.
The clock keeps ticking, and you still didn't hear the sound of the keys. The sky is dark already, and where is he? Probably leaving you. You never manage to keep the people you love, do you? You loved him so much, but maybe that wasn't enough to keep him.
you try to get up. But your legs are trembling so hard, you can't bring yourself to do it, so you just crawl to pick up a blanket and cover yourself, sat on the bed biting your nails, unable to do anything but ponder and ponder. By time, you were crying already. Your chest hurts so much, no matter how hard you try to stop thinking about it, it just won't go away. Anxiety growing more and more, Your body feels heavier than usual. You kept yourself under the covers, Covering and "insuring" you of everything but yourself.
The lights came on, the key made a noise and you didn't even notice. And there he was, staring at the blanket and shaking. Honestly, he didn't even know what to do...comfort you? He doesn't know how to do this. Giving you space would make him a complete asshole. He would even swallow dry, but being a puppet, his mouth doesn't create enough saliva for him to do that. Light steps took him to where you were, placing a hand that seemed much heavier to you.
"you...fine over there?" The question would almost irritate you if he wasn't exactly the one you need at the moment — you're crying, biting your nails, what does he think. Unable to make any coherent noise other than sobs, you just nod, it was automatic. You weren't right there.” The wanderer sighed, slowly sitting down next to him. He didn't ask why you collapsed, instead he gave you a hug, this time stronger and more gentle, Bringing you close to him, until your head touches his shoulder. There was no noise other than the sobbing, neither he nor you have any idea what to say in a situation like this. He would slap you on the back a few times, sighing a few 'shhh, it's over now.' And it stayed like that until you fell asleep. Your tears wet the sleeve of his shirt completely, but he leaves it to pull your ear later. He kept giving you some gentle taps on your back to calm you down, even if you are still asleep.
He didn't get out of bed that night, no. He stayed there until the morning, only leaving when he was going to wake you up, he went to make you something to eat. He wakes you up in a much 'gentle' way than usual. "We can talk about it if you want or whatever.”
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absurd-ash · 10 months
Hi there, would you be willing to write headcannons for Redson and Wukong with a female S/O who due to a magic accident turned back into a kid temporarily?
Hope that makes sense lol, also if you don't want to do this request that's fine! (Plus I'm sorry if two characters are too much, you can pick whoever)
Partner Turned Back Into A Kid
{Redson & Wukong x FemReader}
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His first priority is getting you back to normal, but when he hears that its only temporary and he just has to wait, he still doesn't calm down
You bet this man is pacing back and forth across the room, muttering to himself about why of all people it had to be you to be turned back into a kid
If you were a chaotic kid, that would only make him panic more
He would be ordering bull clones left and right to get you things and stuff so he didnt have to take his sights off of you
But if you were more of a calm kid he would relax more
dont get me wrong, he would definitely still be in panic mode, but...not as much as before
He would be more comfortable letting you out of his sights as long as there were bull clones around, ready to save you from whatever life or death situation you would find yourself in
His home is dangerous after all, there's literally traps and lava left and right
He would definitely make it a priority to make his house more baby-proof after this, just in case
If you would ever ask to play a game with him, he would agree, but his priority would be keeping you safe
He would refuse to ever play hide and seek or tag with you, those were way too dangerous
But he would be fine with playing
after you would turn back to normal this man would be clingy
He would have his arms wrapped around you, not letting you leave for even a second
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Completely unlike RedSon, this man would not be panicking at all
Instead, he would be dying at how cute he thinks you are as a kid
You bet this man is taking pictures of you left and right, are they for blackmail or just because he thinks you look cute as a kid? You decide
He doesn't panic as much as RedSon, I mean, dont get me wrong he does panic, but he knows you'll turn back eventually
If you were a chaotic kid, oh boy, you'll never hear the end of it
After you turned back and you two would be fighting over something like who would do the dishes or something, he would definitely bring it up
"Ugh, unbelievable, you have no idea what I went through when you turned back into a kid! And now, you're making me do even more work?"
He doesn't actually mean it, he loved seeing your little kid form running back and forth, giggling while making several messes he would have to clean later
Okay, maybe he didnt love the mess part, but still!
On the other hand, if you were a more reserved and quiet kid, he would find that even more adorable!
How you would shyly walk up to him to ask him to play a game with you, or shyly show him a drawing you made
His favorite game to play with you would be when you would pretend to be a princess while he pretends to be a knight, saving you
When you turn back to normal, you won't be able to get him to shut up about how "cute and adorable" you were as a kid
Sorry this took so long! I really liked the idea I just couldnt figure out how to write it. anyway, requests are open again! Feel free to request some stuff!
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fivestar-outlaw · 10 months
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Epilogue)
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 7.0k+
Warning(s): Mentions of reader being anxious/having anxiety, some swears, drinking, i think thats it.
SMUT (18+) WARNINGS: Multiple orgasms, oral (F receiving)/ face sitting, slight cockwarming, birthcontrol used, No condom use, PiV penetration, cowgirl yeehaw
A/N: Fucking- Finally finished the epilog. Grad school is slowly but surely killing me rn. I only had time to write this during the undergrad class im taking for credits iubgouoren. I hope yall enjoy.
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
English dialogue is italicized, Korean dialogue is not
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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You sat at your desk, phone set up for a video call with Seonghwa. You felt nervous. Tomorrow is your graduation, where you'll finally be done with this aspect of your life and will be moving onto the next step. Despite the distance, you and Seonghwa were as close as ever. You both missed each other dearly but talked as frequently as possible. 
You were a little sad that he and the rest of Ateez couldn't make it to your graduation, but you understood why. You didn't have much hope when you told Hongjoong the date and he told you he'd ask if they could. You tried to tell him not to ask since you knew they would be busy with an upcoming comeback, but he insisted he'd try. He talked to you the next night saying they had a packed schedule for that week and couldn't. You figured as much but it still made you a little sad.
You hear the tone for the video call and you quickly answer it with a smile. You see Hwa sitting there, but not in his room. You couldn't quite figure out where he was. He seemed to be wearing a loose sweater and a pair of glasses frames.
"Hello, jagiya." Seonghwa smiled sweetly, he seemed tired.
"Hello, love." You respond. "How are you? You seem a little tired."
"The week has been busy."
"Aw, I'm sorry. Are you currently at a schedule?" You tilt your head. You see him look off to the side. You can see that he seems to be hiding something, but you figure it was because he couldn't talk about anything specific related to any of the filmed comeback videos.
"Yeah, we are staying at a hotel. We are going to start filming soon." He sighs. "It was a last minute decision since filming took longer than expected yesterday. I wish I could tell you everything that went wrong but I can't."
"I'm sure it'll go better today, love."
 "Thank you, jagiya. But enough about me, jagiya, how are you? Are you excited for tomorrow?"
"A mix of excited and nervous. Excited to have my degree... nervous for whatever comes next. Nervous about walking across that stage to get that empty diploma case and not having a solid next thing waiting for me." You press your lips together and glance over to your cap and gown hanging in your open closet. The whole ordeal almost seems daunting now. "I've applied for jobs in my field but I haven't heard anything back... I doubt any will get back to me when I am fresh out of university."
"I wish I was there with you, (Y/N)." He looked into the camera with a concerned expression. "You'll exceed at whatever you do. I know you will. You are smart and very determined."
"It's probably just all the nerves." You chuckle weakly.
"Just know myself and the others are cheering for you, even if we can't be there. Which, we are still sorry for by the way."
"Don't worry about it. I'll have my family film my walk across the stage and we will take lots of pictures to send to you all."
"We look forward to it." He smiles. You hear a door opening and what you believe to be Hongjoong's voice. You couldn't make out what he said but you saw Seonghwa nod before hearing the door close. "Sorry, (Y/N), I have to go. We need to get ready for filming today."
"Don't apologize, love. You got this. I'm sure you will do great." You smile and you can just tell some of the stress he was feeling dissipate. 
"I love you, jagiya." He says softly.
"I love you too." There is some hesitancy to hang up but you bit the bullet and pressed the little red button on the call. You sigh, but feel lighter. It was like talking to Hwa helped calm your worries.
You stood with your family for a moment before you needed to join the rest of the graduating students. You stood with them in your cap and gown and a nice outfit underneath. You couldn't help but wring your hands together. You weren't necessarily nervous, but you did feel a little anxious from the excitement now. You felt you childhood best friend place their hand on your shoulder and they give you a calm smile.
"It's going to be fine, (Y/N)." They gently squeezed your shoulder. "I doubt you'll trip, so don't worry."
"Well I wasn't worried about tripping until now." You groan. "I'm not nervous. I just... can't stay still."
"Oh (Y/N), it's okay to be nervous." Your mother coos, rubbing small circles into your upper back. "Just think about the surprise we have planned for you."
"Hun, you weren't suppose to mention that." Your father chuckles. 
"I thought I told you all I needed was just a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant." You say softly. "I hope you didn't spend too much-"
"Don't worry about it. We wanted to get you something for such a big day." Your father grinned. You were going to argue back but heard the call for graduating students to start getting in place for the ceremony.
"Make sure to film my walk please!" You said and they nodded. Your family and your best friend gives you one last hug before you go to where you were supposed to, while they went off to grab seats.
You take a deep breath as you find your spot in line with the rest of your majors getting the same degree level as you and your roommate, who also was graduating alongside you. You smiled at some of your classmates you were friendly with and chatted with them. You were given a slip of paper with your name on it by one of your professors and you were left to wait for the ceremony to start. 
You felt your phone buzz under your gown. You were glad you picked something to wear underneath with pockets. You manage to get your phone out and you smile. All of Ateez were wishing you well and saying their congrats. San even sent a selfie of them all together, which they said was taken after they finished filming. You were glad they messaged you and made sure to tell them to get some rest since it was around 6am for them.
The line you were in started moving so you quickly put your phone away and started walking with your line. You can hear lots of chatter from other graduating students and could hear the chatter from people in the stands. You and the others stood still until you heard one of the deans call you guys to enter. You hear the crowd cheer as the graduating class enters the area. You tried to pinpoint your family and your best friend but had no luck finding them in the sea of people. You take your seat and wait for the rest of the graduate students to also take their seats as the stereotypical graduation march song plays.
The song ended when everyone was finished sitting down. Next were speeches by the college president, a provosts, and a dean whom you never personally interacted with, and then two professors spoke; one is the chair of your major which made you smile. Next were student speeches, neither person you recognized.
You gulp, watching as the rows ahead of you go up one by one as they were instructed by a professor to do so. There was the constant noise of clapping with each name, followed by a few people loudly cheering for whoever just got called. You clapped along as well, watching each person receive their diploma case from the college president and walk to the side to get their picture taken professionally.
Next thing you knew the people in your row started to stand. You quickly got to your feet and follow along to the stage. You wait, taking small steps as person by person hands over their name slip and walk the stage. You were getting closer and closer to the speakers stand.
Then, it's your turn.
You made conscious steps to the speaker, not wanting to trip. You hand them your name card and wait as the person ahead finished crossing the stage. The speaker smiled and read your name into the microphone. You start walking across stage to the president as the crowd clapped.
You hear loud cheers coming from the stand on the other side of the stage, more than what you were expecting from the three people there seeing you graduate. You finally see your parents and your best friend up on their feet, your dad and friend shouting loudly. But in the row in front of them, you see eight figures also on their feet shouting as loud as they can. Immediately you can tell it is Ateez. Even with face masks, different hats, and inconspicuous clothes, you could tell they were your boys. Plus, you can easily tell Wooyoung and Mingi's voices as they were the loudest and most distinct.
A large smile broke out on your face as you kept your tears at bay. You walked the stage with your head held high. You shook hands with the college president and took hold of the diploma case. You walked to the end of the stage and carefully took the steps down. You got your picture taken and you started walking back to your seat.
You look up at the stand when you heard your name shouted repeatedly by Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa. Each member of Ateez waved as you walked by and you made sure to wave back. You felt pure happiness in the moment.
When the ceremony ended and all the graduates exited the way they walked in, you immediately started making your way outside. Your parents texted saying they were waiting for you by the large oak tree. You weave your way through the sea of students and their families as fast as you could. You could see the top of the tree but you knew the trunk was still some distance away from where the ceremony was held. 
You finally breach the crowd and see your parents, your best friend, and Ateez, along with their manager. They spotted you and called your name. You immediately quickened your pace.
Wooyoung held out his arms for a hug but you passed him and immediately clung to Seonghwa. The tears you held back immediately fell as you hugged him.
"Y-You're here! I can't believe you're here! Hongjoong said you guys were busy. You said you-" You rapidly spoke.
"Slow down, jagiya." Seonghwa chuckles. He held you tightly and rubbed your back. 
"Sorry, my love." You sniffle and look to his face. Despite the black mask covering his nose down to his jaw, you can tell he has a big grin on his face. He moves a step back from you, resting his hands on your jaw. The pads of his thumbs swipe away your tears gently. "I'm so happy to see you in person again."
"I'm happy too." He carefully guided you to turn around so he could move back in front of you, his back to the crowd. He pulls down his mask and leans in, his soft lips meet yours in a loving kiss. You couldn't help but smile against his lips as it felt like world around each of you melted away. You both slowly pulled away but kept your faces close. "Congratulations. I am so proud of you, (Y/N)." He whispers and kisses each cheek, making you giggled. 
"Congratulations, (Y/N)!" Wooyoung broke the moment of peace between you both as he pulled you into a big hug. You tilt your head back and laugh, all while there rest of Ateez swarmed you for their own hugs. Your face ached from how much you were smiling.
"Seonghwa contacted us a week after you had us do that video call with him." Your mother started to explain. You remember that day well, feeling nervous for your parents to meet your long distance, idol boyfriend. But they immediately loved him and exchanged contact information; mostly just in case you got in an emergency so they could inform him. Subsequently, of course, your parents met the rest of Ateez. "They wanted to surprise you and here they are."
"Sorry I lied to you, (Y/N)." Hongjoong laughed, his smile telling you he was anything but apologetic. "Yuhno suggested the idea of it being a surprise when I ran into him before I talked it over with our company. So really, blame him."
"Hey, you could of said no, Joong-hyung." Yuhno playfully glared then set his sights on Seonghwa. "Didn't you initiate the call with her parents?"
"Yes, but Sannie and Woo also sat in on the call too." Seonghwa shot back. The group delved into a big, non-serious argument of who is to blame for the lies. You shook your head with a chuckle and went to your parents.
"Thank you for arranging this." You hug them both tightly.
"Of course, (Y/N). We could see how happy you were when we met him and how yourself you were with the rest of the group, so we knew we had to put this together for you somehow." Your father had a big smile on his face, you could see tears in his eyes. "Oh, my child is all grown up..."
"I've been grown up, dad. Don't cry, you're going to make me cry again." You chuckle, feeling that sting of tears again in your eyes. You feel arms wrap around you from behind and you knew immediately it is Seonghwa. "Did you guys settle who's fault it is, love?"
"No, but it seems everyone puts the blame back on Hongjoong." He laughs. He smiles at your parents and gives them a polite bow of his head. The rest of Ateez joined back up with your parents and your best friend. They started discussing dinner plans, you jumping in when needed for translation help.
Your smile doesn't leave your face as you lean back into Seonghwa. You could have just cheap take out with everyone and you'd be happy.
You said goodbye to your parents and best friend when everyone arrived back at your apartment after dinner. They wanted to let you have some time alone with Ateez. Your parents managed to reserve a private space at a great restaurant ran by a friend of your mother's. The manager went to buy snacks and drinks for the rest of you guys for tonight at a near by convenience store.
"Wow you have a nice place, (Y/N)." Yeosang compliments as he looks at the various decorations and how you and your roommate placed the minimal furniture.
"Thanks, it was a collaborative effort with my roomie. Which, be as loud as you guys want. She won't be in for a few nights since she'll be staying with her family." You smile and turn go to put leftovers from dinner in the fridge, missing the way everyone looked towards Seonghwa. "How long are you here for?"
"Just the rest of tonight. We fly back early in the morning tomorrow. We may have pulled this off but we still have busy schedules coming up." Jongho answers.
"Sorry we can't stay longer." San sighs with an apologetic smile.
"No worries, I'm happy you guys made it for today." You grin and move to sit next to Hwa on the couch, immediately leaning against him. "So I take it you guys flew in last night? Is that why you were actually in a hotel, love?"
He chuckles and nods, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. His fingers gently traced patterns on your arm. "I'm glad we got to witness this."
"Of course, I'd do the same for you guys."
"Well, if you would..." Mingi smiles as he walks in front of you, holding out several small pieces of paper for you. You gingerly take them, and look at everyone with confusion and curiosity as they surrounded the couch. Wooyoung took his spot next to you and rested his chin on your shoulder, aka, on Seonghwa's hand.
"Oh my God." You gasp as you look at each paper. They chuckled at your shock. There were several plane tickets; one to South Korea, a round trip ticket to Japan and then back to Korea, and then one back home. The next paper was a pass for the waterbomb festival coming up.
"We will email you the actual virtual tickets soon." Wooyoung said with a big grin.
"A graduation present from us and our manager." Seonghwa kissed your temple.
"This had to be so expensive..."
"Don't worry about it at all. We didn't have to pay for the waterbomb ticket and we all chipped in for the flights." Yuhno said softly from behind the couch. You felt his hand pat the top of your head a few times. There was a knock at the door and the tallest went to open the door for their manager,  who came in with two, black plastic bags and one backpack. You quickly got up to your feet and approached him with a smile.
"Thank you for all you have done."
"I should thank you for helping me keep them in line." He chuckles and hands you the plastic bags. He walks over to the couch and sets the backpack at Seonghwa's feet. "Remember, we have a flight back to Korea tomorrow. Don't drink too much. (Y/N), drink all you want."
Some time passed and everyone was lounging around in the living room of your apartment. Mingi, San, and Wooyoung took over the couch. Jongho, Yuhno, Yeosang, and their manager sat in chairs from the small kitchen table. You, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong were sitting on the floor, all while everyone watched a trashy, American reality show. You were sitting between Hwa's legs with your back against his chest while he rested against San's legs.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You fish it out and unlock it, seeing it was an email notification. You tapped the notification, though you didn't read what it was for, figuring it was a promotional thing or something. You looked up at the tv screen for a moment before taking a moment to read over the contents of the email.
Your eyes slowly widened with each line you read. You felt your heart flutter as you sit up straight. You felt Seonghwa's hands on your hips and he had a curious look on his face.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asks softly, trying not to draw everyones attention. He leans forward and you can feel his chest on your back again, his chin on your shoulder. You raise your phone screen up so he can have an easier time reading the email. You turn your head just enough to see his expression turn to one of shock. You felt him wrap his arms around your waist and hold you tight as a big smile broke out on his face. "Does... Does this mean...?"
"What's happening?" Sannie asked from the couch. He leaned forward as well and you pass him your phone. You can practically feel the excitement oozing from Seonghwa. San suddenly stood up, knocking into the eldest's back. He had a huge grin, his dimple prominent on his face. 
Wooyoung snatched your phone from San and you watched as his eyes scan over the screen. He then looks up at you with a big smile. "No way!"
"Care to share with the rest of us?" Mingi asked while Yeosang muted the channel. 
"Well-" San started to speak but then clasps his own hand over his mouth for a moment. He hands you back your phone and sits back down. He eagerly gestures for you to speak. You feel Hwa's hands gently squeeze your hips.
"A job I applied for contacted me and told me they were looking for fresh faces and say they see potential with my resume, my CV, and from my letters of recommendation." You beamed and everyone looked excited for you. A sea of congratulations soon followed. You kept your beaming expression and you see Hongjoong look at you.
"There is more, isn't there?" He asked, a smile growing on his face.
"The job is located in Seoul. And they are allowing me to start towards the end of the year to give me time to get my legal documents situated and to move." 
There was a moment of silence.
Then, your apartment became chaos with pure excitement. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San already pledged themselves to help you find a place in your upcoming visit. Mingi and Yuhno express excitement for the prospect of staying over at your new place. Yeosang, Jongho, and Hongjoong already start to make plans for when you start living there. Everyone decides to have one more drink to celebrate, their manager unable to say no to such an occasion.
You give each member a hug as they are about to leave for the night, saying your goodbyes. You move to hug Seonghwa but he sidesteps you and moves to stand behind you. You give him a confused look while the others chuckle.
"I'm staying with you tonight, jagiya." He pecked your cheek. The others say goodnight, their manager telling him to be read by 7am, and they all quickly leave. Now, it's just you and Seonghwa. 
"That's why he brought a backpack for you." You laugh and turn to face him. You place your hands on the back of his neck and raise a brow. "You've been nothing but surprises today. I really do appreciate it." 
"Of course. I'd do just about anything for you." He smiles sweetly and leans in to kiss you. Unlike the other kisses you two shared today, this one was longer and more passionate. You can feel his lips move against yours as he swipes his tongue along your bottom lip. You smile against the kiss. Before you could part your lips, he pulls away with a flirtatious look. 
"I love you, love." He smiles at your words. He lifts his hand up and gently traces his fingers down the side of your face, sending shivers down your spine. His arms wrap around your body and he keeps you pressed against him.
"I love you too, jagiya." He brings you into another intense kiss, his tongue invading your mouth this time. You feel his fingers curl in against your back, all while your hands find themselves in his hair. He breaks the kiss once more but rests his forehead against yours. "Would you like to celebrate a little more? We don't have to go further than this-"
"I would love to." You grin. You move from Seonghwa's grasp and take his hand, pulling him to your bedroom.
The second you closed the door, Hwa is already guiding you to your bed. He lays you down on your back while he crawls over you, his lips pressed against yours. His hands grip your hips before he starts to slide them under your shirt. He shifts his leg, placing it between your thighs. His knee is just barely brushes against your core. His hands start to gently kneed your breasts over your bra.
Seonghwa starts to trail tender kisses down from your mouth to your neck. You smile at the affection and you place a kiss of your own on the top of his head. He smirked against your neck as he gently bites your skin. You feel him shift his leg that was between your legs, applying a small amount of pressure against your cunt. You let out a soft noise from the sensation and you can feel yourself growing wetter and wetter.
You move one your hands down to the growing bulge in his pants. Seonghwa chuckled and sat up, taking your hand off him.
"Tonight is all about you, jagiya." He smiled softly. He took hold of both your wrists in his hand and held them above your head. "Let me worship you."
You felt a pleasant shiver down your spine again and you nod. Hwa let go of your hands and began kissing your neck again. This time his kisses and bites to your neck were more intense. You knew for sure you would have a couple of marks there. He released his hold on your wrists but you kept your arms about head. Your body is completely at his mercy and that had you excited.
You felt him press his leg against your aching core again and this time you rolled your hips to seek pleasure, causing yourself to moan.
"Good, jagiya." Seonghwa chuckles as he moves his face by your ear. You feel his lips brush against your ear before he gently nips it. He sat up and helped you up as well.
He hums softly, tracing his nose along your face before he kisses you again. He gently nibbles your bottom lip and stares deeply into your eyes. Hwa licks his lips as he leans down and scans your body with his eyes. You feel his hand take hold of your shirt and slowly lift it up and off your body. His fingers nimbly unclasps your bra and he tosses it off your body. 
Seonghwa's hands caress and gently squeeze your breasts, the pads of his thumbs were on your nipples as he rubbed small circles with them.  He hummed with a smile. "I missed these."
You chuckle softly. "You missed my boobs?"
"Yes." He moves himself so his face his close to them. "I missed all off you, (Y/N). I missed your face, your touch, your taste... I missed seeing your smile in person, I missed hearing your laugh right beside me. I miss you."
"I miss you too Hwa." You give his cheek a tender peck. You bite your bottom lip as his hands still kneaded your breasts and his thumbs applied some pressure. "Luckily I got that job. I'll be a lot closer to you by next year."
"Still feels so far away." He whispers and starts kissing your chest. He bites the skin and sucks, doing this until he reached your nipples. His mouth encompasses the pebbled skin. You bring one of your hands up to his head and combed your fingers through his hair. He sucks and gently nibbles, his tongue rolling over your perked bud. He does this to both nipples for a few moments before pulling away, a line of saliva briefly hangs between his lips and your skin. "I want to try something, jagiya." 
"What do you want to try, love?"
"Would you want to sit on my face and let me pleasure you?" His question makes your face flush with heat. 
"You'd want to do that? Are-Are you sure you want me to sit on your face?" You can feel yourself getting more wet by the second.
"Of course." He smiles sweetly. He sits up straight so he can meet your eyes easily, his hands slide down and gently hold onto your hips. "Like I said, jagiya, I missed your taste and I think you will look breathtaking doing so... Do you want to try this out with me?"
"Then... I would like to." You bite your bottom lip and smile. His face broke out in a grin and he helped you off your lap. He moves to lay down as you slip off your pants and underwear. You move yourself up the bed near his head and carefully placed your leg on the other side of his head. His hands slid up from behind your thighs and your ass to hold your hips. You hovered over his face, looking down at him between your legs. You were a bit hesitant to lower yourself down though. "Are you sure-"
You didn't even get to finish your question when you felt Seonghwa pull you down to his mouth. Immediately his tongue went to work against you clit. You moan, one hand bracing yourself against the wall while you bury the fingers of the other in his dark hair. A vibrator certainly worked wonders, but there is something else about his tongue. He moved his up and down against your clit before moving it in circles clockwise.
"Hwa..." You say, almost sounding breathless. He simply hums and continues his ministrations with his tongue. He nuzzles his faces against your cunt and adjust his mouth so he could lap you up. Seonghwa's tongue briefly pushes against your clit and then you feel his lips wrap around your sensitive bud, gently sucking on it. Instinctively you bite your lip to hold back your moan, making him lightly slap your ass, not enough to hurt but to get a point across. He lifts you just enough to free his mouth so he could speak.
"You said your roommate is gone for the night?" He asks and you give him a quick 'yes.' You felt his lips curl into a smile. "Then don't hold back, jagiya. It's just us."
You feel his tongue move against you again in all the right ways, making you moan again. You didn't hold it back this time and you could tell Hwa is pleased with that. He shifted underneath you and he buries his face into your cunt, he continued to gently suck and swirl his tongue around your clit. His ministrations had you squirming, slowly rocking your hips against him, and you were making all sorts of noises. 
"Seonghwa..." You whimper. You speaking his name in such a manner had him groan in pleasure. You feel him shift yet again, his grip on your hips firm. His tongue is off your clit and you feel his tongue swirl around your entrance. He penetrates you and thrusts with his tongue while his nose brushed against your swollen bud. His mouth is working wonders on your and you can feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm. Hwa doesn't relent, keeping the pleasure going and keeping you relatively still with his hands holding onto your hips. "Fuck... Hwa I'm-!"
Your walls fluttered around his tongue. You feel your thigh muscles tighten and they press against his head. A loud noise of pleasure leaves your lips as you throw your head back. Hwa squeezes and lightly massages your hips as you climax, his tongue slowly slides out from your hole and gently licks your cunt. He waits a few moments before gently guiding you off his face. You lift a leg and sit next to his head, your back against your headboard. 
Seonghwa quickly got up, licking his lips clean of your juices though his chin and nose still shined with your climax. He sits next to you and his hands caress your legs. He smiles at you, a look of satisfaction on his face, while you came down from your orgasm. 
"You have a little something on your face." You giggle and gesture around your own chin and nose. He chuckles and you watch as he swipes his fingers over his skin and then lick them clean.
"Better?" He whispers with a slight smirk. You can tell he was trying to be sexy but he still had some of your cum on him. You giggle softly making him blush and chuckle.
"Here, hold on for a moment." You get up from the bed and head out of your room to your bathroom. You grabbed a clean wash cloth, dampened it with some water, and returned to your bedroom. You hand Seonghwa the cloth and he gives you an appreciative smile, his cheeks and ears dusted with a subtle pink. You sit back down as he cleans off his face. He sets the cloth on your nightstand and looks back at you.
You watch as Seonghwa gets off the bed. His eyes scan your body with a smirk. Slowly, he took off his shirt and slid off his pants and boxers. Both of you were completely nude and you can see just how turned on he is. Hwa gets back onto your bed and gets right up to you, his face mere inches from yours.
"I love you so much, (Y/N)." He whispers. His hand comes up and gently caresses your jaw and neck.
"I love you too, Seonghwa." You smile at him, your tone soft and full of love. He smiles back and presses his lips against yours. His kiss is tender this time around. His hand cradles the back of your head to keep you in place, but you know you don't want to pull away in this moment. Your fingers graze the skin of his bare chest. You slowly brought them up to his collarbones and then his neck.
"Hmm, I want to take this all the way, jagiya." He pauses for a moment as his eyes look down at your body and then back at your face. He smirks. "I want to hear all those lovely noises you make."
"If I get to ride you, my love." You say in a sensual tone. His smirk crumbles to a flustered look at your suggestion, but he still smiles regardless.
"Is that what you want?"
"Yes." You nod and he bites his bottom lip. Seonghwa moves and sits down, his back against the headboard now. You grin, moving to stand on your legs before you throw your leg over his lap, effectively straddling him. His hands are once again on your hips as he pulls your body against his. He has a lustful and excited smile on his face.
"Condoms? I brought some-"
"No, it's fine. I trust you and I'm still taking birth control." You smile.
You reach behind and grab the shaft of Seonghwa's cock. You carefully drag his tip through your wet folds to tease him a little. You line him up to your entrance and look at his face. He gives a small nod for you to continue and you do so. You slowly lower yourself down, languidly taking him inside you. You both let out a soft moans. You sat in his lap, your hands grip his shoulders, while his cock fully inside you and you take a moment to savor the feeling.
"Ah, you feel so good, jagiya." Seonghwa mumbles, his lips barely brush against yours. You can feel his hot breath but you didn't care. His eyes were half-closed as he stared deeply into yours. You can feel his hands caressing your hips, thighs, and ass. His length twitches inside and you can tell he is full of anticipation for you to start moving. Hwa gives you a sweet smile, which contrasts with the current, steamy situation. "Take your time. You have control right now until you want me to take over."
"Thank you, love." You whisper softy and peck his lips. You wait a full two minutes before you started moving. You take a slow and steady pace, your thigh muscles flexing as you raise yourself up and down on his cock. Seonghwa's hands firmly held your hips yet he made no effort to control your movements, he simply assisted you so you wouldn't be doing all the work. 
"This feels nice." Hwa murmurs and leans his head down, his lips pressing against your neck. You feel his teeth graze your skin and he gently nips at your neck.
"Feels s'good." You moan softly. You rock your hips at a pleasurable pace. It is a very sensual moment between you both. It was just you and him, nothing else mattered. He raised his head from your neck and pressed his forehead against yours. He looked at you with pure adoration and love. His hands slide to your lower back and then moved up to your shoulder blades. You feel his arms against your sides as he hugged you close to his chest. You still moved your hips at a slow pace. 
This is a moment of passion and pleasure, but also a moment of love and bliss.
You sunk all the way down on him and gently grind your hips against him, feeling pleasure come from your clit grazing his pubic mound. Seonghwa smiles at you, enjoying how you look getting yourself off on him. He kiss your cheek and his lips linger to you skin for a few moments. You feel his fingertips press into your back and rub small circles on your skin.
You returned to moving yourself up and down on his cock. You increased your speed, sometimes focusing on his tip and then rotating to taking him all the way. Regardless  of what you did, he was moaning and groaning at all your movements. His hands were back on your hips as you leaned away from him with your hands gripping his shoulders. You both wanted to see your faces.
You feel a coil-like sensation in your lower stomach as pleasure builds up again. Your breathing is harsh and deep, and you can feel your legs getting tired... but you wanted to keep going. Seonghwa could see and feel how you your stamina is waning. He smiles sweetly and leans forward to capture your lips in a passionate yet short kiss.
"Relax, jagiya." His voice is smooth and low. He holds your hips and stops your movements. Seonghwa then starts to thrust his hips up at a quick pace. A loud moan escapes your lips as you cling on to him. He leaned forward and nibbles on your neck while you feel one of his hands move from your hip to your pubic mound. Hwa pressed his thumb over your swollen clit and started rubbing circles.
"O-Oh, Hwa..." You whimper out. You feel that heat building up more and more inside you.
"Hng- You're amazing, (Y/N)."He moaned as well, moving his head away from your neck to stare at your face. You can see he was getting close to his own release by the erotic expression on his face. 
"I-I think... I'm going to cum again." You whisper, feeling that all too familiar feeling crawl up your legs. You looked at him with all the love you could muster. The intimacy and intense feelings all added to your impending orgasm. The way the head of his cock hit that sweet spot inside you just right and his thumb swirling and applying the correct amount pressure sent you over the edge. You lean forward with your forehead against his as a loud whine leaves your mouth, your walls fluttering around his cock.
"(Y/N)-!" He groaned, still thrusting into your cunt. He stared intensely into your eyes, chasing his own climax. His breathing grows ragged and his thrusts became off rhythm. A moan tumbles from his lips as he sloppily kisses you, thrusting one last time. You feel his cock twitch inside you as his cum coats your walls. He keeps himself fully sheathed inside you as you both catch your breaths.
"Seonghwa..." You murmur, your body slumping against his, resting your head on his shoulder. His arms wrap around you and his hands gently grip the skin of your back. You feel his warm breath fan over the back of your neck as he leveled out his breathing. Seonghwa made a noise that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a moan as he rests his head against yours.
Neither of you said anything further. Seonghwa keeps his arms tight around you while you equally clinged to him. Nothing really needed to be said in this moment, the high emotions you both shared spoke enough.
Minutes passed when you finally speak up.
"We should probably clean up and get you to bed." You whisper to him, pulling your head back to look over this face.
"I want to stay like this, jagiya." He murmurs, placing his lips on your neck. "I feel so close to you like this... "
"I know, love, but we have to be up early." Hwa groaned at this, which makes you laugh.
"Stop being right."
"Come on... let's take a shower, Hwa." He reluctantly helps you off his lap, his softening length now out of you. You both get off from your bed and you lead him out your room to your bathroom. His hands remained on your waist as you both walked and then waited for the shower water to warm up. He didn't want to let go of you just yet.
After the shower and after drying off, you both go back into your room to change into comfortable clothes to sleep in. He laid down first, slipping under the covers. When you joined him, you laugh when his arms pulled you flush against his body. Seonghwa tucks your head under his chin and he holds you firmly in his arms. You chuckle and hold him just as tightly.
"I don't want to let go of you again... this feels like it's going to be harder than when you when you visited." He says with a sigh.
"I know, Hwa, I know." You mumble, already feel an ache in your chest. "Let's savor the rest of tonight together."
There is a pause.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Seonghwa."
Morning came too fast your liking. You and Seonghwa awoke with your limbs practically tangled. His warmth despite the temperatures warming outside is comforting in the moment. You both reluctantly got dressed and made Hwa a light breakfast.
A little before 7am, Ateez and their manager came back over to pick Seonghwa up and of course came to say goodbye. You got an earful of teasing when they see the blemishes and marks Hwa left on your neck. You hugged each member and of course your hug lingered on Hwa, with you both gently caressing each other's backs for comfort.
Goodbyes were harder this time around, but you still had that ray of optimism due to your move to South Korea. It will be rough, but with Seonghwa, the rest of Ateez, and even their manager, you knew it would be a feat you'll overcome.
Your new horizon awaits you and your life with Seonghwa seems to be on the right track.
Taglist: @stopeatread @hee0soo @tridkeys @pocketjoong-reads @seonghwaddict @lelaleleb @acciocriativity @h-nji
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beatboxing-puppy · 5 months
saw some posts on this website discussing what sort of videogames the dunmeshi characters would play and i think everyone is wrong. everyone is wrong except for me so im going to spell out exactly who plays what. putting it under a read more because im going on a damn tangent.
Laios: He's not a gamer he does not play games on purpose he will only ever play video games when his friends ask him to join them in their multiplayer things. One day tho Falin told him about Monster Hunter and now thats the only thing he plays aside from Spore and he has sunk countless hours into that damn game. Also he probably has played Some pokemon but he doesnt like PLAYING it he just likes it in concept he knows the name of all the pokemon
marcille: people keep saying she would be a cosy gamer playing animal crossing and stardew and other cute games ^-^ its so lalalaaaa NO!!!!!!! no she does not. Marcille plays games that stress her out on purpose marcille plays overwhelming micromanagey games like lobotomy corporation and rimworld and etc. She also likes games with deep lore and mysteries to discover. The only thing that doesn't fit in this category that she plays is Minecraft shes always in there CREATIVE MODE building virtual dungeons and other crazy shit. Also she plays on her work laptop with trackpad ok
Chilchuck: This one is for me. This one im just basing off my own dad ok. Chilchuck used to be a hardcore gamer in his youth but specifically he was playing stuff like world of warcraft and old school runescape he had really big setups so he could run several instances of the game at once on all his alt accounts so he could beat a boss by himself and he was really good at it. But then he had kids and didnt have time for this sort of thing so he stopped playing videogames aside from occasionally helping his daughters beat a super hard mario level. Later in life he probably discovered some shitty little low-commitment phone game like pokemon go or pikmin bloom or some daily sudoku puzzle thing and he plays it every day but its not that big a deal. He has been pressured by his friends and daughters to make a roblox account but he hasnt played it at all.
Senshi: THIS guy is the one that plays animal crossing. He logs in when he can but hes not on that every day grind. Also he doesnt play the newest one he doesnt play horizons he plays one of the DS ones. Wild world probably. He either doesn't like or doesn't know about the nintendo switch. Whenever one of his villagers say that they want to leave he'll nod solemnly and say smth like "Well... I suppose it'd be selfish to ask ye to stay, friend... Just promise me you'll stay safe and never forget me... Go and explore the world. Wish ye the best." Plus his island would be covered in weeds. He also has some mobile games he enjoys angry birds and candy crush and crosswords (gotta keep the brain in shape!) but other than that he doesn't videogame much because he prefers board games and tabletop stuff he isnt too jazzed about all this modern technology plus a console or a laptop and all that gaming equipment is a lot to lug around and hes a nomad he would NOT have that shit
Falin: Now FALIN is the cosy gamer. kind of. Falin plays animal crossing new horizons sometimes and has fun making a bad island on purpose. Very mildly "bad" tho the worst she'll do is use the drawing feature to hide a giant penis on the beach or whatever. Or she'll give her villagers silly outfits. She also plays minecraft (either skyblock or she makes a new world and explores and builds a couple houses and then forgets about it and makes another new world) and roblox (likes 'trolling' strangers by dressing up funny and acting kind of strange in roleplay servers but she's never actually mean or anything.) But the big thing she likes is story-driven indie rpgmaker games. She's the person who will say shit like "Yeah I played Blums Booglies the quest for Big Dinners and it was so good I cried for 9 hours" completely unironically.
kabru: social gamer like laios but the games he plays on purpose are the sims (he likes to cause them problems) and online multiplayer games (he likes to peoplewatch). I can also see him doing absurd and tortrous challenge runs of games like No items no pokecenter one type hardcore nuzlockes. im correct
izutsumi: ACTUALLY trolls people on roblox. And she plays needlessly gory flash games. Maybe she calls people dumbfucks over valorant voice chat sometimes
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oh-allie · 5 months
shakespeare and swooning
alhaitham x g/n reader
synopsis; you read one shakespeare play and now you want to impress your "buddy" alhaitham with your newfound knowledge !! what could go wrong?
fluff, g/n reader, TOTAL CRACKFIC, OOC alhaitham, SWEARING, kind of a modern au ???? i mention "ringing tighnari" but that could just be imagined as using the akasha terminal !!!! didnt write this with a modern au in mind
warning ‼️ PLEASE dont expect this to be accurate, if youre a big classic literature fan then dont attack me for not being a NERD ☹️ just imagine a poser using their fancy words (because they think its cool)
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you know how libraries are supposed to be a place of study and tranquility? no the fuck you don't, or at least you don't care, because running through the house of daena with shakespeares, "romeo and juliet," in your hands is NOT very tranquil.
multiple poor akademiya students look at you, PISSED OFF because your shoes are going clu-clonk on the marble floors, which wouldn't be an issue if you weren't scurrying through the library.
is that kaveh ?? he's giving you the same look he gives alhaitham every day ..
... but this is IMPORTANT !! you're on a MISSION right now !! you just finished reading the first act of "romeo and juliet," and you're convinced your brain has expanded tenfold in size.
you're now rushing to your good pal haitham to share your knowledge! how kind and gracious!
you're stopped before his house, you've known him for long enough and gotten close enough for him to let you come in whenever. you know kaveh isn't home, and haitham would never purposefully work overtime, so you're certain you can get his attention and show off in peace.
why are you so adamant about showing off to alhaitham? is it REALLY showing off, or are you trying to, heehee, impress him?? its too late to be flustered at this thought because you already unlocked the door with the spare key kaveh leaves behind one of haithams ugly ass decorative plants and you've taken off your shoes and oh god hes right there and the sunlight from the door is lighting up his face in that way that only happens to him and hes looking at you with a suprised, slightly annoyed, but incredibly fond look and oh no what was your plan again?
"greetings, alhaitham! ☝️🤓" you say, finding a surge of confidence remembering the story you read.
"... hey. what are you doing here?" his response is quick but before you respond he continues, "did you just say greetings?"
"indubidibdibdly! hath you be surprised?" you pretentious hipster. you think youre SO cool, but unfortunately your little crush doesn't seem very impressed either.
"okay, what are you doing? you're being weird." he's not even looking at you, and he's back in his chair before you can rush over and sit on the couch. "is something wrong? should i get tighnari to give you a checkup?"
you'd be touched by the care of the suggestion if he wasn't so cheeky in his tone.
"wha, what, no?! no what the hell- stop ringing tighnari."
"are thou o'er wrought with admiration?" you grin, somehow still under the impression that you sound cool.
he gives an eyebrow raise to that. not bothering to mark his place in his book, he stands up.
"i lie testy in why you act so unpregnant, my dear."
HUH ? what did bro just say ? testy ???? unpregnant ?? MY DEAR ??? backtrack again, UN-WHAT ??
"be still my beating heart, thou hast taken mine with absolute cunning." is he making fun of you i genuinely can't tell ... its like hes speaking in moon runes right now.
"haitham, heheh, WHAT are you DOING ??" you can't help but laugh at his funny little words, magic man. even if you're clueless to what he just said to you.
"whatever doth thou mean?" he's totally making fun of you !! after ALL your effort to impress him too?
"well, usually i do all the ranting and you sit pretty and listen, so it's weird that you're talking so much, especially like THAT?" fym sit pretty ....
"when words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain." that sounds familiar, but you can't think about it longer before he continues, "shall i compare thee to a summers day?"
"ALRIGHT, i recognize that one, dummy." you laugh, "were you really not impressed by me?" you whisper, the rush of embarrassment you shouldve felt in that library is finally catching up with you.
he stares at you for a second. you just wish you could find out what hes thinking up there, if you could even understand it.
and then he lets you into his mind, with a simple "i love you." as if alhaitham, renowned scribe of the akademiya, top student, couldn't find the words to describe how he felt for you.
or maybe that was what he felt for you. he loved you.
"... you called me unpregnant."
a/n; i read romeo and juliet like... 3 years ago.... so.. uam... 😇😇 totally accurate! hope this crackfic style of writing isnt too niche so this doesnt flop because EMBARRASSING....... do people even like al haitham anymore like guys lets go back to the good old days before the FRENCH came in..... (this is just me projecting cause i havent played genshin in a while and i still lovelove sumeru)
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just-null · 1 year
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i've always wanted to try out this trend! i didnt think i drew him that different. i was wrong. very wrong.
hes so baby girl in my style what the fuck. oh i know, i was just drawing what gege meant to draw. dw, i got his telepathic brainwaves 👍
[time lapse + my headcanons for Noritoshi's appearance under the cut]
some headcanons i have while drawing him are semi obvious while others are bc i like it ahehahhaheha
cupid's bow lips! this was semi inspired by Mizuki Umetsu, the actor for Noritoshi in the jjk stage play! hes so. pretty. perfect guy for the role imo! i was captivated therefore my views changed.
longer hair! the thought that his bangs(? are the same length, or longer, as the rest of his hair is nice.. it also makes his inevitable haircut much more refreshing! i also just like long hair and its a fucking waste not to do whatever the i want.
thicker brows and visible eyelashes! i naturally draw thicker eyebrows because it looks pretty, but the eyelashes is so fucking canon bro. dont even fight me on this, you'll lose. i read a fic about Noritoshi where it said he took good care of himself and his appearance inspired jealousy. that fucked me up man, so now i draw him as beautiful as i can.
monolids! I've looked through the manga and i think its highly implied that Noritoshi has monolids? yk those lines in between the eye and eyebrow, he doesnt have them in the manga. i thought it was because of the expressions he had, but no. the others have them, except geto! so geto also having monolids is so fr in my head. i like that feature abt him.
loose hairs! the hairs that i draw on his face. they make him look so cute and a bit more relaxed. he's not trying to be perfect nor have a single strand out of place. he's just a bit more at ease... though if there's something important he has to go through, he sharpens up. becomes.. stiffer?
I UNINTENTIONALLY MADE HIS CHEST LOOK A BIT BIGGER IN MY STYLE AND I WANT TO APOLOGIZE, BUT I'D BE A LIAR. DOES THIS COUNT AS A HEADCANON??? I JUST THINK... SINCE. YK. HES AN ARCHER. AND DOES TRAINING. AND COMBAT. AND DOES ALL THOSE HIGH JUMPS... HIS CHEST. ITD BE A BIT BIGGER FOR HIS STATURE.. omfg. that'd imply that his legs are fucking insane. and his arms too, since he has to pull back all those arrows so quickly.. oh my fuck. this. this is a revelation. what are you hiding under those robes noritoshi...???? one day.. one day we'll see...
oh my fucking god i forgot that i wrote shit while drawing. please ignore my fucking stupid writings AND THE STUPID ASS THING IN THE MIDDLE I FORGOT ABT WHILE DRAWING..
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
Make Chapter 3 of A Monster
ignore the inbox thing it was a reminder to myself to make a chapter 3 😭
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A Monster chapter 3
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Words: 1,385
Warnings: *angst* *slight smut* *killing* *vampire slash* *blood* *gore* *crime* *horror?* *pregnancy* *evil slash* *cruel slash* *cussing* *traumatic experience* *flashbacks* *drugging* *traumatic flashbacks* *toxic slash* *vampire killer*
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
You were lying in bed with sharp pain in your abdomen. After a couple of hours, you felt way better. It was midnight and Slash was next to you asleep on his side of the bed. You still felt a bit sick from the nausea you had but it was the least of your problems. You were roaming around the bedroom very anxious about how your baby was doing. You were scared since there were no vampire doctors who existed near you. You were tired from your wedding so you head back to your bed and fall asleep. Slash could hear your footsteps but he didnt want you to know he was listening so he pretended to be asleep. In the morning you were feeling a lot better. You felt way stronger and your morning sickness was gone. You were still worried about your baby. You think something is very wrong because if you were feeling no morning sickness like you usually do and the pain from last night was gone in a short amount of time something could be happening to your and Slash’s child. You shake Slash awake. “Slash!. I think somethings wrong” You look him in his eyes.
“Is it the pain again? Is it back?” Slash asks you while rubbing your belly.
“It's the fact that I'm not sick and that I don't feel pain.” You tell Slash.
“The baby is fine. I feel the kid. Our kid is safe. It's resilient.” He tells you while smirking.
“I’m going to take your word for it.” You tell Slash trusting him. 
“Where should we go on our honeymoon?” Slash asks you knowing you both should have planned your honeymoon before the wedding.
“I want to go somewhere spooky since I’m a vampire now. I want to explore Romania and look at vampire lore.”  You tell Slash.
“How about New York?.” Slash suggests.
“Sure. New York is fun” You say while playing with his hair.
You get another fun idea.
“I have a better idea. Let's ditch our honeymoon and since no one is bothering us in our huge mansion, we can have some fun here in our very own bedroom.” You smirk while climbing on top of Slash while his back is lying on the bed. Your legs are spread while climbing on him.
He smirks and his hands attach themselves to your hips. You forget your annoyance towards Slash because you have heavy lust in your eyes for him. In the heat of the moment, you rip his pants off with your vampire strength. Slash is surprised.
“Y/N I know you want it really bad right now but you need to slow down babe. I don't think we should do it while you're pregnant.” Slash says.
You turn away like a toddler and you pout. Your back is turned on him. 
“But I want it right now,” You say, sounding like a spoiled brat.
“I know but we can't do it right now so stop acting like a spoiled brat please,” He says while flipping you back to face him.  
“Whatever Slash,” You say, rolling your eyes and sitting back on the bed.
Slash grabs another pair of jeans and he walks out of the room. After a while, you hear weird noises coming from downstairs and it's Slash drinking the blood of a maid. You walked down the stairs and appeared in front of them. The maid's blood was everywhere. It was on his mouth and a couple of splashes coat your silky white nightgown. You were fascinated with him doing this at first as you thought he was just hungry and he was going to let her live after he fed from her neck. Slash wasn't an evil vampire but he wasn't necessarily a saint. He only does what he does to live. He got more aggressive and you can see the bloodlust in his eyes.  Slash holds the maid by her neck and he starts gulping all of her blood. He puts his cold hands on her neck and turns her head to the other side. He breaks her neck and leaves her dead on the ground after he finishes draining her blood. You were terrified. This is the first time you have seen him kill someone. You thought he was just going to make her forget that he fed on her but he killed the maid. 
“We're going to need a new maid,” He laughs and chuckles like he hadn't just taken the life of an innocent human after he catches you staring at him.
Watching him kill an innocent human made you sick to your stomach. You were terrified. You were wondering how he treats everyone else in the house who works for him. You held your stomach thinking how he was going to treat the baby once it arrived. Is he really evil? You ask yourself over and over again.  You stare at him while holding your belly. You were trying to protect it from Slash. You turn around on the stairs, you say nothing and you slowly walk up the stairs to your bedroom. Once you are in the bedroom you finally process what happened and you're in shock. You have flashbacks of when you and Slash did it when you were a human. You remember how Slash invited you to his hotel room and how he drank your blood. It just hit you how he could have killed you but he technically already did. You are a cold dead being who doesn't age. It made you sob for hours. Slash comes upstairs to check on if you are okay.
“Why did you kill her?” You ask Slash.
“For fun,” Slash says amused at your trauma.
“For fun?.” You say while you're traumatized You feel like dragging a wooden stake through his dead heart.
“You're fucked up. You're a fucking psycho. You're a fucking monster. You're sick. I am fucking carrying a monster’s baby” You sob while the splashes of the maid's blood are on your white silky nightgown. “Look at what you did” You sob even harder after noticing the blood.
“Carrying a monster's baby?” He asks amused. His eyes are still red and he laughs as he watches you cry after he kills the maid. “There there calm down. It's not good for our child for you to be crying this hard. There is no such thing as a monster’s baby,” He says while tapping your belly. He jabs and prods at it until he eventually gently runs his hands over your flat stomach. He tries to soothe the baby. He can feel it in distress.
You push his hand off and you start to shake fearing that he was going to hurt you. “Here I have a present.” He says handing you a cup of the maid's blood. He says it in a taunting manner.
You look at him in pain.
“I know you want it” He waves the glass in your face so you get a whiff of the fresh blood. He laughs cruelly. You knock the blood out of his hands and you grab the wooden stake you made earlier. You stab it against his chest. “Your fucking evil you bastard.” You yell at him while the stake is in his heart.
He shoves the stake out of his chest and he grabs it while it’s in your hand . It’s all bloody and he grabs it and puts it at your chest to threaten you. “Don't be such a pain in the ass and join me. Let's have fun killing people” Slash whispers in your face. 
You smack the stake out of his hand. 
“You evil bastard.” You yell at him.
“Ow.” You cry hitting the floor with your body. Your hand is glued to your lower abdomen.
“What's wrong?” Slash asks you.
“Stay away from me.” You yell at Slash.
He picks you up and lays you down on the bed. His hand goes through your hair. He has an evil look in his eyes. He shoves something in your mouth. He forces some of the maid's blood into your mouth and makes you swallow it. You feel dizzy and everything in your sight starts to droop. You fall asleep after he gives you some sort of pill.
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
I need more of that content i wonder how will they react with minecraft or fucking roblox because roblox has a LOT of games
AWW yeaaa more ideas timmeee
Also you didnt specify if you want a cult au but i kinda did it like that. Sorry
Roblox is basicly an another excuse to use "the creator of thousand worlds butt
İf you tell them it has alot of other worlds in it, you're gonna be the...
Now for me, i only use roblox for Tycoon or horror games, Tycoon games just fits the Vibe as a creator of tevat
But horror? Oh boy..
Now we know that hu tao is gonna be so impressed by the spooky stuff you show (prolly exept gore but yea) and she is gonna be the one that gives you the title;
GOD OF HYPERDEATH (no wdym its an undertale reffrence?)
İ remember seeing a game in roblox that were about surviving a super caotic natural dissasters. İf you play those types of survival games first of all, your followers gonna cry.
"oh how much pain have one went through!"
Especially archons are gonna be all over you if you play the natural disaster one,
meanwhile you're like: "i didn't survive anything-"
But your acolytes only get sadder because "you were so traumatised that you dont remember???"
Ninguang asks you to give normal people a lesson on how to survive a natural dissaster. Especially to those that dont have a vision.
But??? Acid rains aren't realy possible??
Anyways now you're the:
THE LAST AVATAR (your choice of words)
Oh boy a tricky one
İt all based on how you explain minecraft.
"its a survival game about surviving the wild but there are monsters that come out at night"
Ah yes, another survival game, you seem to like that as a form of sport! Dont be suprised if you see some of your acolytes actually going for extreme survival sport to honour your name (childe, xiao, maybe zhongli, Cyno etc.).
They won't make it a secret oh no no, they want you to be the judge of who can survive the longest (before you pit an end to the competition).
Cyno found your job a perfect name even!
MAAT, GOD OF JUDGMENT (i legit looked through mythology for this lmao)
"its a survival game but everything is a cube"
Hehe venti is gonna call you a "blockhead" but before he can even say it he gets silenced by zhongli.
But you say that for him, loud and proud!
People are too afraid to use that as one of your titles, and if you say its fine, theyre gonna see it as you're testing them. But you and venti found another way to use this funny nickname;
Behold!! The
(hehehe rock)
"its actually a survival game but you can create whatever you want in it, so-"
"wait a minute, did you say... Creation?"
Wrong choice of words got you in this one. Theres no going back.
Now people belive that you use that world so you can do a quick plan of what you are going to do in other worlds. That world must be SUPER important to you, And since Tevat and that world are actually kind of (not) alike, that also means that you also like this world other than the rest!!
Oh if they knew...
İf they knew what you did to all those poor villagers... And even sheeps (i see you and im calling the cops)...
"did you know that in that world, you only need to feed people to get them pregnant?"(not realy but its fun to leave some detailes to imagination :P)
W h a t.
They hope that that world isnt where you are from originally. BECAUSE YOU'D GOT SOME EXPLAİNİN TO DOO- zhongli would be on watchlist istg
Anyways you're the VİLLAGE TAMER now
Hope you like it, i used every bit of my English knowledge and last 2 braincells for this.
But it was fun! İm open to more ideas! (İ can only do the games i know/played so sorry if you do request but couldnt answer 🙏)
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seonghwa-potatos · 1 year
The bully’s a sub?
- soobin gif -
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summary: What happens after a fight with your bully ends up leading you to have dinner with his parent.Your left alone with Soobin to get your guys’s act together , expecting to end up fighting once more you find something quite odd in his room, changing your opinion on him.
pairings: bully!sub!soobin x rough!dom!reader
warnings: anal play, creampie
Walking into class you prepared yourself for whatever was going to happen.Sitting down in your seat you begin to read a book, but then none other than Soobin takes it.”Y/N so what ya reading”he says holding it and laughing.”well it's not important” he says tossing it on the floor and putting his foot onto it.You get up “Soobin What the fuck is wrong with you”You ay feeling defeated.”Every damn day I have to deal with your bullshit and Im fucking tired of it.” you say clenching your fist. “So what?” he chuckles looking at his friends. You take the chance swinging your fist at him but you miss.He then grabs your arm “If your gonna try to fight me, number one tip is to swing straight…even my little brother knows that.” he smiles sarcastically
The only emotion you could feel was anger, as he tosses your arm down you grab your book on the floor.Tossing it at him as hard as you can at the back of his head.The class went silent.You take a step back, he turns running towards you, you never seen him this angry.He lunges at you and you both fall onto one another, but you flipped yourself on top, making sure you pinned his arms down with your thighs.”IM TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT”you say tears running down your face and he just looks up at you stopping his fighting to get you off of him.”pouring water onto me was so damn funny to you guys wasnt it” opening your eyes he looks at you as if he feels sorry, but you could care less.”Remeber I was gone for a week from school, It was because your bitch ass got me sick”you say hitting his chest.However you didnt realize that your pin on him, you were losing it. He flips you over “Stop being a bitch, crying over this, really?Are you really crying over something as little as this?” he says laughing.He looked crazy laughing like this was the funniest thing to him ever.
“WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING, GET UP… NOW” the Teacher says storming in.Soobin gets off of you and you swing your fist, punch him in the face as hard as you can.He just shoves you away from him.Wiping the blood off his lip.”OFFICE NOW” the teacher yells walking you both down.
Sitting in the office you both say nothing waiting for your parents to come get you.
30 mins later.
“Mom, you know I've told you for months about how he kept messing with me.” you say
“Y/N fighting won't solve any problems, I raised you better than this…but thats why were gonna fix this today” she says you questionly raise your eyebrows “Today?, How” you say
“We're having dinner with his family later,” she says, hopping into the car.
“Dinner?” you say concerningly.”No , mom he’s literally the devil's child…Dinner? You can't be serious” you say, looking at her as if she's crazy.
“Well you're gonna get dressed, we have to leave by 4:30”she says.Arriving home, You just wish you could lay in your bed and do nothing for the rest of the day.Eventually you went to sleep hoping your mom would just cancel.
“Wake up Y/N and get dressed.” she says as you're half awake and half asleep.”Huh?”
You say then you remember you have to have dinner with Soobin.”Mom please I really don't wanna go.''You say doing those bubbly crying eyes at her.”No you're going Y/N be dressed in 10 mins were leaving then”, she says closing the door.
Dragging yourself out of your room you plead with your mom one final time, but she says this is for the best as you both head out the door.
15 mins later you guys arrive at his house.Walking in you see Soobin with his bruised lip and laugh under your breath.He glares at you knowing he heard you. Once the table is set up you sit across from one another as well as the parents.As you guys eat Soobin’s dad says “We want you guys to stop this childish act,So me and Mrs Lyn (Your mom)will be leaving while you guys solve your guy’s problems” he says as if this was the solution. “Dad, are you really gonna leave me with her?”he says like a whining.you roll your eyes wanting to leave the room in an instant.”You guys are gonna act like your age,If come back and everythings a mess with you two, you won't have your phone,xbox,or television for a month.”(18) his dad says expressing how he wasn't lying.”Same goes for you Y/N “ your mom says as they both hid to the door.” Yall stay on your best behavior while we're gone.” your mom says closing the door behind them.
“Don't touch any of my shit, and stay out of my room” he says going to the bathroom.You wanted to put him in his place so you go upstairs and find his room,You just lay on his bed admiring his room.”He really thinks ima listen to him now” you chuckle to yourself getting up you look around and see his walk in closet.”Hmm he got some nice clothes i'll admit that.” you say looking around and then you see this purple looking thing hiding behind shoes.You grab it and it's a dildo.You hold in in shock.He likes to be fucked in the ass. Ima definitely use this against him you were thinking.You lay on the bed wondering how he got this big ass dildo up his ass.”I told you not to go in my room” he says yelling opening his door.His face goes pale and his face drops.”W-what are you doing touching my stuff”He says as if he’s embarrassed.He runs after you trying to grab it, but you wore heels your about his height so you stand up and he tries jumping and reaching but to no surprise he can't. “Please just give it to me.” he says with bright red cheeks and ears looking down. “Now why would I do that?” you laugh at him in his face.You put your finger onto his chest pushing him down onto the bed. “Y/N, i'm sorry for bullying you, I- I never meant to take it that far” he says you can tell he’s embarrassed but so what.”Strip” you say smiling, doing that sarcastic smile he does.”S-strip” he says panicking.”Why would I do that” he says looking everywhere but your eyes.”Well, you wouldn't want anyone to find out would you?” you say finally knowing you have something to black mail him with.He begins to strip only to his underwear he covers himself in his underwear.You sit in a chair facing him “That too”you say pointing. “Do you not understand the meaning of stripping?” you say almost getting out of your chair.He then removes his underwear. “Let me see,” you say teasingly, laughing.”S-see what” he says flustered more than ever. You move the chair forward, moving his hands out of the way.”This” you say as you laugh a little.”Wow it is pretty big” you say using the whipping stick out of your bag holding it up as if you were observing it. “Now can I get dressed?” he says, stepping back and covering himself once more.You look at him crossing your legs “I'm not done” you say looking him in his eyes.”What do you want from me?” he says with a bit of sass in his tone.
“Don't get sassy with me…Now you're gonna take this dildo and shove it up your ass in front of me” you say throwing the dildo at him.
“R-really are you serious” he says worrisomely.
“Do you want your friends to know what you do on your own time?”you say seriously without laughing.
He grabs puts a finger in his ass and tries preparing himself, but he cant reach so far it seems like. “C-can I grab m-my lube out of the closet.” he says
“Where is it” you say looking at how flustered he is.
“Top shelf to the side of the box right when you walk in.” he says looking away.
Grabbing the lube you come out and put some onto your finger.
“Y-you don't have t-too do it” he says talking fastly
“Shutup” you say, pushing him down and making his back arch.
You put one finger in and he groans trying to hold himself from moaning. “Let those sounds out for me” you say into his ear while putting two fingers in.
He lets out a soft moan he tried to keep from coming out.”So what other toys do you have in there” you say wondering how kinky this motherfucker is.He doesn't say anything except his muffled moans into the bed.You grip his hair moving his head up. “Answer me Soobin?”
You say sternly.He moans each word out saying ” C-cuffs, ot-ther dildos, an edging t-toy”he says.”Where are those toys?” you say putting 3 fingers in. His moans get louder “I-im not telling y-you”he says I then shove my fingers in and out at a paste. Leaning over him I take my shirt off, pressing my boobs onto his back.leaning towards his ears.You whisper “you really think you're gonna make demands” you chuckle.”You don't have options” you say grabbing his dildo and waving it in his face.Moving it to the back of him you put it in him and his moans come out full.You hear them as clear as day.”Im glad your my bitch now” you say pushing it further in as his back arches farther.”Y/N t-the toys are in t-that box” he says.He looks as if he can't hold no more. “You cum when I say you can come”You say looking into his eyes getting up from the bed and grabbing the material.You then place the cuffs on him moving his arms to be behind him.You then begin to take your pants off and underwear off slowly looking at him smirking.His dick starts to twitch.”I- I can't hold n-no more Y/N” he says moaning out.”Your gonna hold because I said so” you say sitting him up looking into his eyes.You put yourself on top of him pressing your folds along his cock.You feel his twitch bit by bit and you tease him more and more rubbing down his chest.”you want it” she says “Y-yes I want it, please”He says whines for it.You then pull yourself up and positioning yourself facing him going down onto his cock.He groans moaning your name, his moans begin to sound like pants.You then grab his head pushing the sweat off his hair.His adams apple bulges out as his head cocks backwards as his moans wont stop.”Soobin your such a naughty boy” you say pushing him onto the bed and going up and down faster.He lets out a moan as if he cant take it anymore “cum in me “ you say and you feel his cum ejaculate all inside you eventually making you both sticky as you keep going.you push your boobs into his face and suffocating him with the smell of you as well. “ You're such a good boy Soobin, now if you could act like this from now on we won't have any problems will we?” you say whispering into his ear.”No, ma’am” he says heavily out of breath.
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