#but i haaaaate first person
disasterdrvid · 3 months
skyrim has gotten worse with age but i love it dearly
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oswlld · 8 months
i’ve been struggling getting thru the first 2/3 of the fifth season and was jus about ready to dnf it but then the Big Damn Ball (name) dropped and i’m utterly gobsmacked they got me good i’m hooked
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bewilderingbog · 4 months
i know that it is truly not that deep™
but like the people who hate mario as a character get on my nerves so much like. you either are.. not into mario games and just hating him based on whatever pre-conceived notions you have of him or you do play mario games and you still have no idea what the main character is like as a person.
especially if it's like BIG time luigi fan who hates mario with a passion like. luigi would not like you!!!!!! luigi loves his bro and his bro loves him!!! get over it!!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Prompts 1, 2, 8, and 10 with Brahms
And with most of the prompts done with Jason, at least with the current list, its time to move on to the next slasher.. need to rewatch the boy. Loved the first movie, second movie almost killed my joy for it. Idk what it was I just. Did not like the 2nd movie
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Crawls into bed with you, very casually. He might ask first, if hes feeling polite.. but most of the time he doesnt. Expects cuddles, so you better at least snuggle into his back. Warm, very warm. Hairy, though, so a little itchy. Is not a morning person, will try to keep you in bed for as long as possible until finally letting you get a start on your chores for the day. If you let him sleep with you once it quickly turns into him sleeping with you a few times a week
He is sooo.... needy when hes sick. More so than he already is, hes going to be stuck in bed. It's going to take some convincing to get him to stay in one of the beds inside the house instead of staying his in his "bedroom"... just for easier access to him. Constantly asks for you to come see him because hes bored and just wants a distraction from the terrible pressure in his sinuses. Reluctant to let you go out to town to pick up medicine and soup, but ultimately let's you go because the discomfort is just so much. Gets genuinely upset when the things you get him dont immediately help relieve his symptoms.. HAAAAATES when one side of his nose is stuffy and the other isnt. Terrible sensory feeling, I'll tell you that. Even worse if it happens to your ears
You both have crushes on each other! Brahms probably already knows, if you've written it down somewhere in a journal. Hes either snooped or watched you write it. Does that still count as snooping..? He lets the fact that you like him back get to his head, prompting him to tease you a little more and be more bold just to get a reaction out of you and make you spend even more time with him, or just to see you turn red. You notice that behavior, he wants your attention more than ever now and even slinks out of the walls to spend time with you.. and oddly enough he seems jealous of the doll, sometimes putting it to the side so he can be the one taken care of
He steals your clothes literally all of the time. It doesn't matter that he very likely can't fit into him (hes a pretty big dude! The actor is 6'3!) He just likes having your stuff around in his space because it brings him comfort. Just.. try not to get mad, it's only going to either make him double down or give you the cold shoulder.. on a similar note hes probably going to steal your body sprays, either snagging a few sprays for himself or taking the entire bottle
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
re: that compromise ask (diff anon but heyyy right there with u) i was literally JUST thinking abt smth similar, about how esp in future/reunion fics, it’s always steve crawling on his knees for forgiveness for how he used to be, and eddie like. heaving a big sigh and “going back on his principles” or whatever to forgive steve. and steve like having to prove he’s better now or whatever which like. fine sure yeah steve was a high school bully. he threw slurs around and he definitely objectified women (although come on it’s high school social strata everyone was objectifying everyone, ain’t none of those babies had enough brain cells yet to see other people as people, that’s just being fucking 16) and he was a bitch, not arguing there.
but like 1) he was fully a child, he was literally a teenager, mike is an asshole too and no one is arguing he can’t possibly grow up or be redeemed, or that he needs to repent to earn love? like it’s one thing in canon era fics where they’re all still growing up, but i haaaaate in future fics when steve is a whole grown ass adult man still expected to grovel for the sins of being 17,
and 2) canonically eddie is the judgmental one??? i mean steve literally apologized and made amends on screen but if that’s not enough look at just purely going off the way the kids interact with them! they’re completely comfortable with steve. yeah he rolls his eyes and huffs and complains about their “nerd shit” but he still drives them to dnd nights! he still does that lame ass handshake with dustin! he still listens to all the stuff they ramble about, and you know he does it every time even when we don’t see it on screen, because they’re totally comfortable doing it! no doubt, no question steve will listen and support them, even when he doesn’t understand. dustin comes to scoops knowing without a doubt that steve will drop everything to listen to him talk about camp, and be excited about it! steve doesn’t give a shit about science camp, but dustin does, and that’s enough for him! yeah dustin is excited to talk about suzie, because girls are common ground with steve, but steve doesn’t know he met suzie when he takes his break, he just wants to hear about how dustin’s nerd stuff was going! he doesn’t have to understand or relate, he just wants them to do the stuff that makes them happy, and they know that. they trust him to listen even if he doesn’t get it
but the way mike and dustin were so nervous to ask eddie to postpone hellfire, even after months of knowing him, shows that they don’t trust him to let them have interests outside of his understanding. and they shouldn’t! he’s proven that he veered so hard into “nonconformity” he just reinforced the same social boundaries he claims to hate. everything with eddie is “us v them,” and like! i get it! i think it’s a complicated dichotomy and makes for an interesting character! i’m an eddie stan first and a person second ok listen i love the man. but if anyone needs to beg on their knees for forgiveness for being a dick in high school, it’s the guy who ruined BOTH of lucas’ favorite activities in one fell swoop by projecting his own insecurities and fake social rivalry onto a literal child. (i’m still so mad he managed to force lucas to miss the campaign finale he’d worked so hard for AND made sure that none of his friends or family were there to watch him play basketball all at once i’m never over it. i’m frothing at the mouth. apologize to lucas or meet my blade)
but there’s this trend where people are like “oh man eddie’s such a good person for looking past king steve and loving steve anyway! he’s rehabbing the jock! he’s fixing him!” fuck you. fix your damn self. the duffers’ childish ass hatred of “non nerds” is sooooo pervasive in this fandom it’s so gross.
oh my god, this is just beautiful. i literally couldn’t put it any better.
i wish we had gotten to see eddie repent for what he did to lucas, because honestly, i still hold it against him.
what’s especially funny to me about it is that steve’s sins (in s4) were over two years ago, eddie’s were last week lmao. like, one of them needs to go around apologising and it’s not steve.
but yeah! the kids have an ease around steve that they don’t around eddie. classic example: all the kids go to steve in s3, not even pretending to be polite or actually ask, and just pound on the bell until he comes to let them through the back of scoops to watch a movie. they don’t worry about his reaction. steve could literally get fired doing this, but they know he’s going to do it, and feel so comfortable that he won’t have a bad reaction, that there isn’t any hesitation.
when asking eddie to postpone a game, mike and dustin are shaking in their little boots. they’re flinching and looking away, and trying not to actually ask. those aren’t kids in the presence of someone comforting!! this isn’t a guy they would think deserves steve begging on his knees. if eddie was being a prick about steve’s past for no reason other than to hold some moral superiority over him, the kids would get pissed off.
if anyone is getting rehabilitated in their relationship, it’s eddie, not steve!! because being a jock isn’t inherently bad, and being a nerd isn’t inherently good, no matter what the duffers may be trying to tell you.
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icy-watch · 4 months
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^^^^ me with Geo
So so so so so sooooooooooo
You've met GEO
My reasoning for loving him so much stems from Season 2 Part 1 so I can't fully explain
I can tell you some things that they show doesn't tell (I think):
Geo says that he's a Munch with the color of a Geckle but it's not true; he's half and half
If you didn't notice but only his left ear was pierced; a sign in the Gay community to other gays that you are gay back when being public about it was frowned upon
The man who wrote the episode "Land of Lost Things" and created Geo (I think he made the character) is gay himself! So in a way, Geo is a self-insert character
I am Aromantic. I just don't feel the need or want to have a romantic relationship. And that seems to have stepped over into the media I watch. I don't ship. I'm slightly romantic repulsed. I don't actively hate it, I just don't like it. I'm fine with canon ships like Jaya or Lumity (from Owl House (plz watch it)).
But something about Geo and Cole. Something about how they interact in Season 2 that just.........AUGHAUGHGHHAHG!!!!!!! It awoken something in me. I feel warm inside!!!! I found myself grinning ear to ear.
It could just be the fantastic writing, but it's so much more. The ship for Geo and Cole is called LostShipping and/or Geode. The fanbase kind of goes back and forth. I don't mind either.
I'm still aro, and I still cringe inside at most romance. But Geode is the one exception and the whole #savemyboycole thing is really dumb
Oh look, I did explain it all without spoiling lol
And yeah......there are ppl who are NOT happy about Geo and Cole. They're not even actually together yet some ppl on Twitter are pissy. They HAAAAATE Geo! It's stupid. First off, it's a lego. Second, it's a kids show. Calm down. It's not that bad/important. Some ppl see Cole as Gay (me) and others see him as straight. Both are fine. Both are cool. He's still the same guy.
Oh, and there's no minifig for Geo. I think it's bc of his hair. They don't have like a set piece of it or something.....eh....just make a plushie of him (and of Cole plzzzzzzzzzz) I'd buy 500 if they did honestly
And now that you've met him.....I am safe to change my pfp to GEO!!!!!!!! (I also LOVE his outfit so much!!!! I want it)
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(I almost put in a pic of him in Season 2 and was like "Oops....back it up! Can't use that!")
Geo! A blorbo! He's such a bean!
I noticed something right off the bat with him looking like a Munce and a Geckle, so when he mentioned it, it kind of confirmed what I'd thought.
I totally remember the gay ear piercing thing! My cousin and uncle were double and triple checking when they got their ears pierced that they didn't get the wrong ear. And that was in the early 2000s. It's amazing what's changed in 20 years. (Note: this is not the cousin who got married in Malaysia last year. This is his older brother, the extreme goth who hosts the Halloween Birthday Party every year. The 1 where my sister pumped me up to do this.)
Oh! I love that little bit of trivia!
*gives you a virtual hug* I will always love my aro friendlies.
It's extremely rare to see a queer couple that is Comfortable and just Exists. With Geo and Cole, it feels natural and unforced. And I'm very glad for that. It's probably why shipping them feels... nice.
Idk, I'm rambling.
I'm guessing the #savemyboycole thing is connected to chriscreator0 somehow?
A characters sexuality or gender doesn't change who they are as a person, and I wish people who criticize media for including queer characters were more willing to understand that. Just bc something about them is revealed doesn't mean they still aren't the character that they liked.
Justice for Geo! We deserve an official minifig or plush of our pretty guy! I will shake my fist at LEGO until something is done for him.
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catgrassplantdad · 2 months
tagged by @creepkinginc @sleepyheadgallavich @energievie @sgtmickeyslaughter for some tag game wednesday thursday action. thanks guys!
favourite nickname someone gave you: my mom called me jessie bug growing up, and my husband sometimes calls me lil bug among all the other dumb things he calls me.
favourite thing in your room/house: my favorite room is the library. i'm always looking for ways to improve it/make it cozier and it has the potential to be even better still
your favourite thing about a friend/partner/family member: my husband is the most supportive person i know. it's really nice to be able to go through life knowing that there's someone in my corner one hundred percent of the time.
what is something you’re grateful for today? ah, today? so far today i am grateful for this fruit and yogurt that i'm having for breakfast.
what’s your favourite thing about this fandom? i met my best friends here and it changed my life in immeasurable ways 💚
if one song could describe your day today, what would it be? i haaaaate trying to apply songs to real-life scenarios, i find it impossible
finally let’s spread some love - pick one of your pocket pals and tell them something you admire about them: i'm gonna shout out @callivich whose endless creativity and love for this space inspires me. calli, you're so talented, and sometimes you really feel like the backbone of this community. your prompts lists got me writing fic in the first place three years ago, which is just wild to think about now. you hype everybody up like it's your job, and i hope you get back the love you give. i just think you're amazing.
tags below the cut!
@howlinchickhowl @whatwouldmickeydo @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @gardenerian
@gallawitchxx @mmmichyyy @crossmydna @deedala @michellemisfit
@suzy-queued @thisdivorce @rereadanon @too-schoolforcool @softmick
@wehangout @sam-loves-seb if you guys feel like playing 🖤
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syndrossi · 1 month
BACK to the topic of letters…
will we ever get to know what Jon and Rhaegar wrote to Rhea, which ended up being the first way Daemon gets to learn about their personalities and his first one-way interaction with them?? hold the door while i cry??
This is where I hiss like Qelebrys at apple cider. 😂 I haaaaate writing in epistolary format. Even writing just the short letter that Rhaegar wrote as the "mysterious benefactor" and Viserys's response to Daemon was a nigh-Olympian feat for me.
You can imagine that Jon's was a furious diatribe about Allard punishing them by trying to banish them to the Reach, along with a withering roast of Reach knights vs Vale knights that amused Daemon to no end (he enjoys a good Reach roast).
Rhaegar would have tugged every last heartstring (nearly destroying Daemon's secondhand in the process). Aka they thought she had wanted them near, sad musings on experiencing winter in Runestone with Rhea, "have we done something to displease you?", reiterating how much they had treasured their brief time with her hunting and riding, undercurrents of abandonment/being unwanted, etc.
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
hi I just wanted to say I adore how far you've gone w the swap au (I sent the original ask lol) and I wanna ask: any hcs for cove/derek's route in the swap au? or any hcs for poly swap au? 👀
Thank you for all you have done for me, I will never forget it, Swap AU is my favorite place <3
-- Ok so usually what I've been doing is just thinking of random moments and then writing a story about them and building the universe that way so this will be very helpful!!!
-- Cliff had his shop, Baxter's dad was looking for local investment opportunities and they went into business together. I do not know anything about business, but they became ~business partners~ so Cliff would come over to the Ward house sometimes and he'd bring Cove, that's how he met Baxter
-- They were both only 13, so Baxter isn't going to do the very forward flirting that made Cove not like him so much in canon Step 3, so they make friends. In canon, Baxter likes Cove so much, he thinks he's so sweet and good so that's true here. He becomes Baxter's confidante, he's the only one he tells about MC.
-- Cove and MC never have a thing, but they are good friends! Close enough that when the business relationship between Baxter's dad and Cliff sours (Cliff finds out that he is NOT a good person and is fine with his business taking a little hit so that he doesn't associate with him anymore) Cove can go hang out with MC and Baxter can show up without Wards getting into a tizzy.
-- Which, btw, Wards haaaaate MC's moms with a passion for so many reasons, the list gets longer as the years go by. The reason they let Baxter hang out around there is because 1, Baxter is kind of a pain in the ass and would pester them to the ends of the earth if they didn't let him go, and 2, it's a little obvious if they don't let their kid hang out with the kid with two moms and they don't want to be THAT loud about their bigotry. They have plenty of remarks about MC's family to share behind closed doors.
-- Cove doesn't get all "no free time only school/sports" like Derek does, so there's never really a lull in the friendship. MC is Baxter's best friend, but Cove is high up there too.
-- Cove's route will obviously be a lot of beach stuff. Baxter is still scared of the ocean, so this is something you can share with Cove. It's a little hard to think of parallels between Derek's route and AU Cove's route because Derek's is all about his big family, but that first summer with Cove is fun and it keeps being fun after :)
-- Derek is different in Swap AU in that by the time he's 19, he hasn't had years of crushing on MC, he's just a guy that comes to town for training and happens to move across the street from a lil cutie. He's confident in his looks like he is in canon, and he's fine with some flirting in that way that very nice pretty people can be. He'll obviously be much busier than Baxter was in canon Step 3 and he can't drop everything for MC, but he does have a good time with them and Baxter.
-- He'd ask MC to take him sightseeing, and to go camping instead of to big fancy mountain lodge. He'd also be good with leading the search for an ice cream truck. He wouldn't be good with the themes, but he'd absolutely help with Miranda's party and wouldn't have the hang up where he felt like he couldn't stay for the festivities.
-- He actually wouldn't have many of his canon hang ups to deal with here because he's on his own. That means you get a free-wheeling, footloose and fancy free Derek, and how nice!
-- Cove is around forever, he's just that bud. He never stepped back, you never lost touch, he's the friend that lies in a different neighborhood.
-- Derek will keep in touch too, no need for a big reunion in five years!
-- Baxter and MC get married, Cove is Baxter's best man. It would be very cute if Derek's was MC's, but they have more people to choose from (Liz, etc.)
-- See now I'm thinking about Swap AU wedding and I have to go, this is the best universe!!!
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autism-purgatory · 3 months
OC deep dive tag
thanks for the open tag @the-golden-comet! I’ll pick Tors and Feron :)
Phobias: Tors doesn’t have any, Feron has Megalophobia (fear of large things)
Other fears: They both don’t like spiders and hawks.
Pet peeves: Snobbishness (which is hilarious coming from Feron)
3 items you can find in their bedroom: For Feron, a board full of ancient maps and records, a houseplant that reaches the ceiling, and a few stray books. For Tors, an extremely messy bed, ceremonial swords hung up on the wall and a few monster heads mounted up.
First thing they notice in a person? Both of them immediately try to see if someone has a secret weapon on them.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Tors is a 10, he could lose his whole hand and passing out from blood loss would be a bigger problem than the pain. As for Feron, I’d say a 6. He’s pretty average when it comes to pain tolerance.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Tors is instant fight, Feron is flight, but in a pissed off cat in a corner way.
Does he come from a big family/are they a family person? Feron has an older brother, and was adopted by his grandparents after his parents died during a storm, and he is very much not a family person. Tors’ parents are Odoan, the former Royal Guard of Neretia, and Izara, a noblewoman from southern Heoa. He has a twin brother named Taos. Tors is a lot more affectionate to his mother than his father due to him being too busy as the Royal Guard to properly be in his life.
What animal represents them best? A great white shark for Tors and a Honduran white bat for Feron
What is a smell that they dislike? They both haaaaate the smell of raw meat, despite the fact that they slay sea monsters almost every day.
Have they broken any bones? Yes. Feron breaks his hand at some point.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Feron is a night owl and Tors sometimes has to force him to sleep, no matter how fascinating those ancient maps seem. Tors is an unwilling morning person, because he spends a good chunk of his mornings training royal squires like Feron.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? For Tors, minty, for Feron, bitter. Chocolate and cacao pods are heavily traded to other places from Neretia since they’re the only place that can grow them. Chocolate usually takes a liquid form and is rather bitter.
Do they have any hobbies? For Feron, it’s cartography and reading, for Tors, does skinning and harvesting sea monsters for food count?
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Feron would be pleasantly surprised and isn’t too taken aback by it. Depending on how they surprise him, Tors might end up accidentally punching someone.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Nope, neither of them do. There’s actually a scene where Tors has to where bejeweled ceremonial armor and it feels like SHIIIIIIT.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Both very neat.
What are the two emotions they feel the most? For Tors, Grumpy, for Feron…I dunno what’s the emotion version of being a sad wet cat?
Do they have a favorite fabric? Both of them like how fur feels, despite its rarity in Neretia since most of the wildlife is reptilian/amphibious.
What kind of accent do they have? Both british, I imagine Tors sounds like Ghost from COD and Feron sounds like Prince Lothric from Dark Souls 3. I’m too lazy to add video clips.
Open tag!
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red-dye40 · 2 months
Please, I beg, a director's commentary on Ancaux or Sexual Trauma Clipshow. Also, P.S, thank you for being the first to plunge into the untapped territory of Phlegm.
PHLEGM MENTION!!!!!!!!!!! ok i can do a little for both :) for you
first is chapter 5 of ancaux which i weirdly have a lot to say about
This apartment has become a hole. No sunlight, no air, no food besides a surplus bag of stale circus peanuts.
when i was little there was this extremely old grocery store in my town, like truly it was 1999 and everything looked like it hadn’t been changed or cleaned since the early 60s, and the most vivid memory i have is this lazy susan of candies near the cash registers and exactly at eye level with me were bags of dusty stale circus peanuts. like the weird orange marshmallow candies?? i remember feeling so. upset by them. and thinking like. this is something a person with no hope left would eat.
i always go back to those circus peanuts when i’m writing a person at their wit’s end.
“Alrighty then…” The employee peers a little deeper into her cart. “Heh. Must be some project you’re working on.” “Home renovations.” “We got a beautiful collection of wall finishes in the paint department if you’re interested.” “I’m not.”
i rewrote this interaction soooooo many times, i had so many different plans for it. originally i had devi ask the guy something like “i’m going camping do you have anything that could kill a bipedal feral dog in one hit” and he would be like “oooh let me consult our expert!” and would lead her to nny. i thought it was too gimmicky and fanservice-y, and it also kept backing me into a corner where i wouldn’t know where to go from there.
something about me is i write little clues in everything bc i love dramaturgy and i love making sure stories are watertight. i put the little mention of the paint department in hopes that maybe readers would be able to connect it to the previous chapter (the little itty bitty one where nny is painting) and figure out ahead of the reveal that nny works at the hardware store??? i truly don’t know if it was obvious from jump or no one even thought about it, bc at this point i didn’t have a tumblr yet and was only posting to ao3 and instagram and had NOOOOOOOO reader interaction. so! who knows. but you can keep that knowledge in your pocket for future chapters, that i’m always dropping lil hints :)
Devi stands in uncomfortable silence while the register sings a little waiting tune. She looks up, into the eye of the camera mounted above the register’s display, and watches herself in the monitor while a message below it flashes RECORDING IN PROGRESS.
one of my first days living in the city i went to a home depot and bought a bunch of sharp things bc i was working on a cosplay and needed to carve a bunch of foam, and i got ID’d for all of it and i was so so fresh to the city and so young and probably very high and just felt mortified, like i just stared at myself in the monitor being like “you’re not cut out for this world” HAHAHAHAHAH anyway. that stuck with me.
The two of them stand at the same height, almost elbow to elbow, wearing distant familiarity and abject horror as they stare into each other’s pixelated faces. Devi watches him in the display as she reaches into her pocket, produces her wallet, pulls out her ID, hands it to him with a shaking hand. He punches in her birthdate without having to look.
somethin else i love is vagueness n ambiguity in writing. i haaaaate when writers spoon feed things to their audience bc it implies TO ME that they don’t trust them or think that they’re smart enough to connect the dots. it really offends me!!!! i made sure i didn’t ever explicitly state that devi is interacting with nny because in a traumatic moment like that it’s hard for my brain to even really put words or a name to it, if that makes sense?? i wanted to try and evoke that feeling of like, you know what’s happening and it’s so bad you can’t even really say it.
Her heart is beating fast against her ribcage, but maybe out of exhilaration more than panic or paranoia. She saw him. He was smaller, more human-like than her brain had crafted him into over the years.
you ever have an absolute mortal enemy, like an ex or a bully in school, and then you get a glimpse of them years later, after you spent so much time molding them into like an evil dastardly goblin in your brain, and they’re just like. a person?? with other shit going on, just like you? and it kind of feels like. huh. okay. and you can suddenly move on??? a special kind of spooky.
and now here’s a lil from stixxx :)
Penetration is penetration, Johnny. What difference does a few inches above or below the belt make, in the grand scheme of things? “That’s a gross oversimplification.”
i remember so vividly getting this little bit of dialogue in my head during work and writing it in my notes app to remember it. it sat at the bottom of the doc for MONTHS (i started writing stixxx back in june 2023 and it was in a much different place) and when i finally was able to place it into the fic proper it felt :) so good
The girl’s been splayed out on her back, propped up on a cinder block that places her a foot off the ground. Her arms are pulled over her head, both wrists zip tied to their own blocks. The same for her legs. With her wavering strength it seems hard for her to keep steady; she shakes visibly on camera.
this whole setup is based on a jthm strip i wrote when i was 13 after /i/ was watching robot wars while eating a chick-o-stick (i was addicted to chick-o-sticks for a while. and charleston chews.)
Her eyes pop open. Purple, syrupy vomit bursts from under her gag and through her nose and fills her throat, stopping up her windpipe.
fun fact about me! i was once severely emetophobic! scariest thing in the world to me! i think the reason i write about vom so much is because 1) it used to evoke such fear in me and i know it does for a lot of people 2) it’s such an insane pretty involuntary thing we do as creatures??? and i think it is one of most vulnerable states to be in tbh. i still think it is icky and i would prefer to never interface with it in person ever but! endlessly fascinating to write about ????
He meanders down the hall. Opening doors. Closing doors. Dining room. Linen closet. Foyer. Staircase leading to the ceiling—how original.
staircase leading to the ceiling is a reference to this little lady at the winchester house
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i know lots of ppl make connections between 777 and house of leaves, but i always assumed the influence was very much attributed to the winchester house since jv grew up in san jose (n because jthm predates hol!) those wacky stairs are my favorite part of the whole house. the first time i saw them i felt unease that stuck with me forever :)
Since when do we have a ball pit? My little film screening was only to illustrate just how much you’ve suppressed through the years. But at some point you have to jump in, Nny. Swim through the proverbial multicolored plastic balls of your memory. Fish out all the band-aids and… and missing socks and… little parachuting army men. Johnny stares into the gaping maw of the in-ground ball pit that’s apparently in his house now. “That one got away from you a little bit.” Metaphors ain’t really my thing.
when i wrote this i was like “i am so funny” and i read it now and am still like “i am so funny”
i love to write rev meat. he’s so fascinating to me. i love that he was introduced and barely explained right before jthm wrapped up. so much mystery. what a freak.
thank you for ur interest :) i love to talk
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foxymoxynoona · 2 months
How did you and your husband meet? I love how you talk about your family, it’s so cute❤️ also, you’re one of my top favorite authors ❤️
ahaha it's the most BORING story, we met on frigging okcupid back before online dating was actually that common. I haaaaated it, for the longest time I insisted we come up with a good lie but he can't lie to save his life so anytime people would ask us it would just lead to him laughing awkwardly as he tried and failed to think of a lie on the spur of the moment and then just saying "she doesn't want you to know we met on okcupid" 😭
The cute part of it was though that we started talking after he'd messaged me and I messaged him back, and we IMed all night on AOL instant messanger lmao and he asked me out. I told him he could not just generally ask me out, it had to be for a specific date so he asked me for a date to get korean bbq the following Friday. But then we were impatient to meet so we agreed to meet for pre-date coffee earlier in the week, and then the next day I had a really bad day so he brought me ice cream and candy to my apartment, and so we've always "argued" about whether our "first date" was actually our third date. 😂 gosh we were so young, it's crazy to remember.
And thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say!! I'm really touched you enjoy my writing so many and care at all about listening to me ramble on my person life lol
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pure-oddity · 1 year
Butcher/slasher au! Part 2. It's loooong I have ideas
Pt.1 Part.3
Trigger warning: suicidal ideation(brief but there) and possible depression
Dude legitimately thought retirement was like
A pipe dream. He fully expected to die on a mission one day. Hes had his will written and notarized for ages now. A lot of its donated, no family to give anything to really (he's made additions so that the 141 get things from him, sentimental bastard).
So when he's discharged, he's like a fish out of water. No plans for the future, no social network, no support system aside from the 141 who are busy and also not going through this. Hell dude doesn't even have a liscense cause he's legally dead. Laswell made him an alias that he's adopted, so he can get these things but, why? What's he gonna do with that?
Treats it like leave at first, does what he normally does. Trains, goes on nightly jogs, maybe pays for someone's time(lowkey thinking that he'll get a call and this will all have been a bad dream).
But then a week becomes two, then three, then it's a month, 2 months - and he still has no idea what to do. Like he's stuck like that, can't go back and can't go forward. Contemplates ending it himself, had given his life and name to the armed forces - doesn't know who he is without it.
It's Price who helps snap him out of it. One of the very few people he trusts and will follow into hell. He helps reframe Simon's thinking. Like yes its new and scary but also a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity?? Most will die in the force, Price worries endlessly about the looming threat of saying goodbye to any of the 141 - but simon got out. His ghost is out and can stay out. He knows if he pulls some strings he can get the man back in (unafraid to pull some less than legal shit) but he doesn't want to. In his head he can protect 1 of his boys, so you bet he's gonna.
So instead of like, coming back - why not make the most of it? Be Simon Riley again, make some friends, get in a relationship, adopt a dog, build a house, start a buisness, anything! The possibilities are endless and Price tells Simon that he'd be a fool not to jump at this opportunity.
And while he doesn't IMMEDIATELY jump into something, Simon warms up to the idea. He sits and considers, writes things down and then - finally- makes a plan.
He goes with his own butcher shop, something familiar, knows what to do how to do it. Spends a little time in college learning buisness shit (mainly online but he attended a course in person like once-didnt haaaaate it, didn't love it tho)
And from there he kinda just, starts ticking boxes. He's got the buisness, starts looking into land and is trying to see if he should hire a contractor or just build his house with his own hands -mfer might even look into architecture courses.
Now it's the last 3 he's nervous about, friend, relationship and dog. All are commitments that involve another creature, and it's got him lowkey stressed.
He's fairly sure he can train a dog, confident he can learn. But make a friend??? With a civilian??? Who likely shares non of his life experiences?? Dude wonders if there's like an ex vet convention or some shit cause woof.
And let's not get on the topic of romance. Dudes out of his depth. But he told his Captain he'd try. So he gets back into therapy (nervous as fuck) and slowly works himself up into trying.
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reverse-the-jellybaby · 4 months
Finally catching up on Doctor Who (I’ve been busy and only watching video essays on YouTube) and I have the following thoughts:
1. I haaaaated Space Babies. I haven’t absolutely hated a Doctor Who episode in a long time and the urge to skip was so real. I don’t know if it was the fact that I’m super childfree and have a low tolerance for content featuring children (especially babies), but this was a slog to get through and the plot was stupid. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate kids, I just can’t stand 45 minutes of our protagonists cooing over them. The spoonfed way the doctor gives us the cliffs notes to the series like the House of Mouse thinks the audience has the attention span of a goldfish is insulting. It made me want to go Ncuti baby I’m so sorry, Millie honey I am SO sorry.
2. I can’t seem to get a read on Fifteen yet and I’m not sure how I feel about how aloof and emotionally distant he is. Like he’s so cheerful and optimistic that I’m convinced there’s something going on under there. I’ve always said I love an aloof Doctor a-la Seventh but I guess it’s early days, he might end up being even more Machiavellian 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s kinda reminding me of early Eleven without the angry outbursts.
3. The one saving grace of Space Babies was the running gag about the nanny filter, I thought that was really funny.
4. The Devil’s Chord on the other hand was SO camp, and Jinkx Monsoon was nom nom nomming on all that scenery. You can tell she had the time of her life in this role. Please Russell we need more drag queens! Get Tia Kofi in next, she’s a whovian (she literally cosplayed as Eleven and Lisa from Torchwood on Insta)! It was such an interesting idea to explore how intrinsic music is to our world.
5. Loving that Fifteen is the doctor that’s serving fits rather than having one distinctive costume. Makes a nice change.
6. Never thought I’d hear the DOCTOR use the word “babes” frequently but I’m not mad about it, make the neckbeards cry at how queer everything is.
7. Have to say I was expecting the musical number to have an absolutely brutal out of left field twist at the end, but I can’t have everything.
8. I’ve only seen the preview for Boom and my first thought was that scene in Genesis of the Daleks where Harry has to rescue the Doctor when he’s standing on a land mine. Like, I’m not even the first person to make that comparison. But ANOTHER parallel I saw was in The Devil’s Chord - the moment the Doctor brings Ruby back to post apocalyptic 2024 reminded me a lot of when the Doctor did the same with Sarah in Pyramids of Mars. AND THATS NOT EVEN THE ONLY TIME RTD HAS WRITTEN PYRAMIDS OF MARS INTO ONE OF HIS SHOWS! He literally showed whole clips of it in Queer as Folk 😂
9. I caught that sneaky use of the surname “Colasanto” in Space Babies RTD, we love a subtle Miracle Day reference.
10. I fucking loved Ruby bluffing their way into EMI studios rather than the doctor relying on the psychic paper.
That’s about all I have for now, I’m gonna catch up on Boom and 73 Yards possibly today?? I’m actually amazed I’ve managed to dodge spoilers for this long.
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boltlightning · 10 months
Okay okay another ask and I am going to ask some people the same thing since I'm genuinely curious
What is the worst scene in the POTC Trilogy. You can judge it by relevance, entertainment value, or even how much it adds to the story?
And what is the best deleted/extended scene in the Trilogy, that you believe should've been kept in. Even if it may replace/alter things slightly?
ah. i love to answer questions and i similarly love to kick hornets' nests
the obvious answer for worst scene is cannibal island. just...harmful and unnecessary and not at all worth the stunts that came out of it.
please don't mistake me. i don't think the following scene is equivalent to cannibal island at all. but. in the spirit of the question: i'm going to say that i haaaaate that conversation elizabeth and will have on the pearl in AWE, where they snipe at each other about trust.
it's an uninteresting conflict and is so childish, and not even in an "oh they're 20 and this is their first major relationship" kind of way. like, they both have salient points that are hard to communicate in that scene, that's understandable! it's just so hamfisted in a way that clearly exists to add extra conflict to a relationship that doesn't need it, and is a discredit to the emotional intelligence of both characters. if it had been resolved better i'd probably feel a lot differently about it.
for the deleted scene: my immediate reaction is the aftermath to elizabeth accepting the proposal on the dauntless. it makes the whole second half of the movie so much more tense, and gives a lot more context to norrington and elizabeth not just as solo characters, but in their standing relationship to one another.
like — norrington having to save will even outside his promise to elizabeth adds SO MUCH to his sense of duty, and how he truly believes it is the best way to do good in the world. he KNOWS she's lying immediately and still clarifies with her, even if their engagement is only thing he really wants. elizabeth continuing to lie directly to her fiance, even when he gives her a way out of this engagement they both know she doesn't want, says so much about her as a person. governor swann's inability to see elizabeth's scheming until its too late (and how little he cares about it compared to how much he cares for her happiness) says a lot about how he's raised her! norrington's lone smile in the movie! the purposeful eye contact!!! AHHHH
obligatory runner-ups: swann song (i understand why it was cut, which is why it's not my main pick, but it is most certainly necessary viewing), extended dmc ending (for the world wall payoff and the full 10-second close-up of those eyes with that sword, but also because i think it's a shame norrington and beckett barely interact), jack's scars on rumrunner isle (self-explanatory)
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spikebit · 11 days
thank you for tagging me @ungratefulbeyotchhotline !!!
i will tag uhh @sykoyo @buriedwithoutceremony @acidbathcat @menthe-venimeuse @pennysmell and anyone else who sees this :3
Do you make your bed? only at night before i get in!
What's your favorite number? 13... tomorrow is my day babie!!
What is your job? in theory i am an artist/creator and i work part-time retail for (unspecified major gaming company). in practice i'm a basically a NEET failwife lol
If you could go back to school, would you? probably yes!! depends on the schooling... i would really like to go to art school (soon). if i'm interested in it and there's no pressure i would love to
Can you parallel park? i cannot drive so. no. in my heart though i'm really good at it
A job you had that would surprise people? mannn idk i don't think any of my jobs were really surprising or out of character... people seem mildly shocked when i tell them i work for (unspecified major gaming company) but that's usually just because they didn't know they had retail-level employees
Do you think aliens are real? undoubtedly, there's no way life only exists on earth. sounds like a creationist myth
Can you drive a manual car? UMMM see above... trying to learn how to operate a clutch has been my biggest barrier to getting my license so far rip
What's your guilty pleasure? none, i refuse to feel guilty about things i enjoy. actually maybe i do feel guilty about picking at pimples (as i should)
Tattoos? none :( i thought i would have a bunch by now but i just haven't pulled the trigger yet
Favorite color? this specific oversaturated lime green/yellow is myyyy colour #c5ff00
Favorite type of music? i love weird house+techno and like emo music... also really enjoy prog metal and jazz and deep dubstep. anything i can just vibe to or musically complex but still enjoyable. a few artists/bands i really like are dance gavin dance, jafu, origami button, moderat, fm-84, jamiroquai, loathe, minor sine project
Do you like puzzles? depends, i like video game puzzles but i'm not really a big puzzle person. my family does a big jigsaw puzzle at xmas every year and i'm not very good at them bc i tend to focus on one piece instead of the whole puzzle. call me if u need to pack though that's my kind of puzzle
Any phobias? genuinely don't know. i don't really like crowds. also i get gross vertigo so i'm not great with high places but idk if i would call it a phobia
Favorite childhood sport? none lol i played soccer for a few years and haaaaated it. i am not a very physical person but i respect people who do sports.
Do you talk to yourself? sometimes. mostly i talk to my dog
What movies do you adore? a goofy movie is the best animated musical of all time and i will die on this hill
Coffee or Tea? coffee. kind of a hard choice cuz i love my yerba mate but nothing hits like coffee with milk in the morning
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? idk lol probably a wolf
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