#but i know that they're safe. i would never tell someone that a ride is unsafe unless it ACTUALLY demonstrably was (e.g. orlando freefall)
thedreadvampy · 3 days
sometimes I forget that my experience has been. um. not 'your experiences are not universal' vibes but more like 'your experiences are EXTREMELY atypical'
#red said#recent events have reminded me that my life has involved like. a LOT of other people's psychosis#like not in a way where i have been Beset By Terrifying Crazies bc that's not like. a thing.#but a lot of people in my life have had a lot of really severe psychotic episodes#and i FORGET sometimes. that actually that is an Unusual Amount Of Experience With Psychosis for someone who's not#for somebody who has not really personally ever had psychotic episodes (unless severe PTSD flashbacks count)#actually i tell a lie i have maybe had One psychotic episode but because it was very situational and i knew what was happening#i was able to ride it out. because i am literally only psychotic Inside Hospitals and so that's all fine#as long as i LITERALLY NEVER HAVE TO HAVE INPATIENT CARE. Very important to me to never ever ever require surgery i think.#i can handle the amount of psychosis i get from a 1-4 hour stopoff in hospital#as long as i know I'm leaving soon then i can just Cope with the fact that the walls are moving and reality is thin#ANYWAY that's not the point the point is i forget! that most ppl i know have experience of at most a handful of severe psychotic episodes#some people i know have experienced more for sure. especially if the episodes were mostly theirs.#but people really seem to expect me to be more freaked out by their symptoms of psychosis than i am#bc i don't think i really register it as frightening unless they're in actual danger or Currently Aggressing Actually At Me#like i WORRY about them bc it can super suck but it's not SHOCKING or WEIRD#there have definitely been times ive been frightened. one time i woke up in the night and my friend was standing over me with a knife#but also like he was still HIM he was just having a moment. and as soon as i got the knife off him he just came back and broke down.#and we were fine and he was safe and i learnt the valuable lesson that even when people seem like they wanna kill you they probably don't#tbf now I'm thinking about it it's honestly a tossup whether he was there to threaten or because he felt a need to guard us#like to be clear probably don't try and take a knife off someone having a psychotic break. i was 17 and it was 3am and i knew him very well#i probably did not make the smartest call but nobody got hurt is the point#anyway you know there's that kind of psychotic episode and my granny got very violently angry a few times. buuuut you know there's also#been plenty of other times I've been with somebody having an episode and it's been chill as hell.#my ex saw and heard monsters so much that eventually she just got sick of being scared. we used to watch TV with them#i would sometimes have to sit on a bit of sofa that wasn't haunted and we might not be able to watch certain things bc they didn't like it#most of the time she was hallucinating there was absolutely nothing to worry about we just had a few extra variables#honestly of everyone i know who's had psychotic episodes or schizophrenia the amount of times it's been a material risk#is like. low single figures? maybe low double if you include self harm but idk what the cause and effect is there.#idk why you would need to be frightened like 99.99% of the time it truly is usually just Oh No That Seems Distressing For You I'm Sorry
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irlwakko · 2 years
friendly reminder: having a fear of roller coasters/rides for any reason is completely valid, but spreading misinformation about the safety of roller coasters/rides is NOT <3
roller coasters and rides of all kinds are incredibly safe.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
It was kinda like an open secret, the fact that they were together. And if Steve was being honest with himself, even that was a stretch.
And it was one hundred percent their fault. Well...mostly it was Eddie's fault. The second they were with whoever he deemed "safe" Eddie would be all over him. Whether it was pet names, casually wrapping an arm around his waist, dragging him to sit on his lap, a kiss to his forehead, Eddie was far from shy when it came to handing out affection.
And if Steve did absolutely nothing to stop him when it happened well...that was Eddie's fault too. What else was Steve supposed to do when the man he loved was so openly sweet and affectionate? Say no? Put a stop to the behavior that made him feel like he was the most important person in Eddie's world? Give up the chaste hugs and kisses that made him feel like he was walking on air?
Yeah, no. It wasn't Steve's fault that Eddie made him feel so good, so the blame could stay laid at his feet.
Yep, totally Eddie's fault, Steve had nothing to do with it.
But there were only so many times you could call your new "best friend" baby before people started asking questions. Robin knew, Wayne knew, Nancy knew, and Steve was pretty sure all of Eddie’s age-appropriate friends were well aware.
And the kids would figure it out when they figured it out. It's not that they didn't trust them to accept their relationship, it was more that they would be too accepting. And way too involved. And Steve wanted to bask in the honeymoon period before all of his little shits started giving unprompted advice on his love life, and Eddie felt the same way.
So they lied, but only a little. Or more that Steve lied. Whenever it was a Steve and Eddie date night exclusive and the kids were vying for attention or rides, he'd tell them was hanging out with Robin or working late. But Eddie would just smile and shake his head to any asks, always with a painfully sincere, "Can't tonight, I got a date with my sweetheart."
His sweetheart who, none of the kids could meet until, in his words, he officially locked it down, the silly little speech never failing in making Steve blush and smile like an idiot. It was always enough to make the kids back off, and for the moment, their little plan seemed to be working.
But Steve wasn't sure how long it would stay that way, not when Eddie was very suddenly elected as the go-to for advice on the kids' love lives.
Which ow. Steve had experience with relationships, maybe not good experiences until very recently, but he had them! But the kids bypassed him every time in favor of the "one" adult in their lives who actually was seeing someone. And Steve didn't have the heart to break it to them that he was the only one their new love genius had ever been with.
Lucas had started it, faux casual at a Hellfire meetup, with Steve lazily reading magazines in the corner while he waited for his nerd boyfriend to be done so their night could actually begin.
"Hey Eddie, you've been seeing your girlfriend for a while right?"
Eddie nodded, "We're closing in at six months, why?"
Lucas rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, embarrassed, "Well...what would you do if say, you know they love you, and you love them, but they never let you help them with anything? Like...they always act like they're a burden when they're really just the best?"
Steve perked up at the question. silently watching as Eddie considered it.
He nodded along, thoughtful, “I was with someone like that once, always thinking about everyone else but never themselves. I guess you kinda just have to love it out of them y'know? Like give them the space they ask for sure, but let them know that you're always there for them. Not because you have to but because you want to.” 
Eddie took a chance and glanced at Steve while he spoke, giving him the quickest wink known to mankind. Steve hid behind his magazine, ears red with a stupid, lovestruck smile as Lucas thanked him.
Then it was Dustin. He sprung it on them while Steve was driving him over to the Wheeler's place, Eddie flipping through radio stations while Dustin was prattling to them in the backseat, "So I was trying to explain it to her, and she totally flipped out and hung up! She said that I think I'm smarter than her, which is totally untrue! Suzie is the smartest person I know!"
Steve snorted, "I told you you could be condescending-"
Dustin glared at him, waving him away, "I'm asking Eddie thank you very much! "I just thought she knew that I know she's smarter than me. So what should I do?"
Eddie shrugged, "I was with someone like that once, super, super smart but they could never acknowledge it in the way I thought they should. For them though, it was because people always talked down to them and never made the effort to see how they were smart. There are a lot of different kinds of intelligence out there right? So just let her know that there are some things you're better at but you know that for most things she's the gold star child."
Eddie glanced back at Dustin, rolling his eyes when he realized the kid was actually taking notes, but it gave him a chance to stealthily grab Steve's hand and squeeze it with a wide grin, "It isn't fair, but rarely does the smartest person in a room, know that it's them."
And if Steve couldn't help but kiss the daylights out of him while they were still in the Wheeler's driveway after that little speech, he stood that it was still Eddie's fault for being so sweet.
The kids kept coming to Eddie for advice, mostly because it usually worked. Some of it Steve was there for and some of it he wasn't, but it never stopped embarrassing the living hell out of him to hear himself be talked about so positively and sweetly, especially if it came out of the mouths of one of the kid's, unknowingly repeating stories and advice centered around Steve.
It was Will who finally cracked it, because who else? They were all at the Harrington place, taking full advantage of the absentee parents and pool during a hot summer day. Wil found the two of them in the kitchen, in the middle of a stupid debate over the best action movie of the year, sharing a popsicle back and forth while they play-fought.
He looked nervous as he walked up to them, looking anywhere but at their faces, "Hey Eddie, do you mind if I ask you something?"
Eddie nodded, snatching the last of the popsicle from Steve's hand, ignoring his whining, "Sure dude, what's up?"
"Have you ever, um, liked someone who you thought didn't like you back? But then they started...acting different?"
Eddie cocked his head at him, "Elaborate."
"Like...just treating you differently. More touchy-feely and attentive maybe? Do you think...that means anything? Has that ever happened to you?"
Steve glanced out the kitchen window, eyes on Mike as he sat at the edge of the pool, legs dangling over the side while his head was on a swivel, no doubt looking for Will.
It didn't take a genius to guess who he was talking about.
Eddie shrugged, "Not exactly? But I have gone after someone majorly out of my league before. And that worked out. I'd say just be straight forward and confident. Ask if they're interested, or if you can't do that ask them how'd they feel if you got with someone else. That can sometimes get the ball rolling if they're being too tight-lipped about their feelings."
Will nodded along, "So is that how you got Steve?"
Steve froze while Eddie laughed, not even catching on to the slip, "I got Steve by crying to his loose-lipped best friend about how in love with him I was. Not the best example."
And of course, that was the moment Dustin decided to walk in the room.
Steve brought a hand to his mouth, laughing behind it as Dustin froze, staring wide-eyed at Eddie, "You're with Steve?!"
Eddie whipped around to face him, but Dustin was already staring at Steve, "So the someone like that, has been you this whole time?!"
Steve was still laughing behind his hand as Dustin skittered out, no doubt to announce to the whole backyard just where their great love advice had been coming from.
Will followed him, winking at them over his shoulder as he went. Eddie was still standing there, confused on how one of the munchkins just bamboozled him into telling the longest kept secret he ever had.
Steve clapped a hand on his shoulder, just as voices started to raise from the background, coupled with a few yells around someone owing Will money, "Guess the secret's out huh?"
Eddie turned to face him with a sigh, smacking a kiss to his forehead, "You realize this means you're going to have to help with the love advice now right?"
Steve groaned, "I thought my existence was the help."
"Nope, it's your turn to give the love advice about me from now on."
Steve laughed, leaning in to kiss him chastely on the mouth. They grinned at each other, enjoying their last moments of peace before the whole gaggle of kids made they're way into the room, armed with questions and accusations galore.
But that was okay, Steve was more than ready for it to be his turn.
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ipseitydelrey · 4 months
hi!!! i love your writing!!!! idk if you’ve done this yet but maybe…. a nsfw alphabet with hotch 🤭🤭
omg yesss
nsfw alphabet ☆ aaron hotchner
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ship aaron hotchner x afab!reader
warnings smut (duh), mention of sex toys, implied unprotected sex (practice safe sex please!), size difference kink, thigh fucking, mention of degradation and spanking, masturbation, office sex, oral (mostly f receiving), rough sex, quickies, shower sex, phone sex, teasing, mentions of haley (rip queen)
a/n i need him; also sorry this took so long !!
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A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
it’s like a half-half thing; sometimes he’ll run the shower for you, get you some water, etcetera — or he’ll just lay in bed with you and hold you. either way, you’re not complaining.
B = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and of yours)
aaron hasn’t really thought about a particular body part of his that he likes more than others, but he does sometimes favour his hands. a size difference kink might come into play with this preference, but he just likes stroking your cheek or thigh, or maybe just holding your hand.
as for you, it’s no contest that he loves your thighs the most. it’s obvious to you, but he honestly also hasn’t thought about his preference for your body parts too. but during sex, you notice how his hands tend to trail down to your thighs, or he would pay extra attention to them when he’s eating you out.
C = cum (anything to do with cum)
buried in you; that’s how he likes to finish. he loves cumming in you and filling you up to the brim, it’s a mouth-watering visual for him.
D = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
with other partners (mostly haley), he’s definitely vanilla; like definitely, no degradation/dirty talk either. however, with you, he’s been thinking about discussing trying more spicy things in the bedroom — namely things like degradation and spanking.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
ahem, haley. most of his experience with sex is with her, so after she died and he had time to heal and go back into the dating scene, he experimented a little more with different types of partners; he’s probably more experienced than you, at this point.
F = favourite position (this goes without saying)
prefers missionary for more control and intimacy but if you wanted, he would be more than willing to let you ride him.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
serious both outside and inside the bedroom; he’d definitely take sex much more seriously at the beginning of your relationship. as you both grow much more comfortable with each other, he’ll make small quips of humour during the act.
H = hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
just look at his hands — you can tell that he has a lot of body hair without even seeing him naked. definitely has a mouth-watering happy trail.
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
he absolutely does not do one night stands or hookups, so romance is a necessity for him to even think about having sex with someone. expect a lot of “i love you”s during the act and expect to return them.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does it, but not as often as other people might. probably would do it on a case in the hotel/motel if he really misses you :(
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
before you, aaron didn’t really explore the kinky side of sex, so he always remained pretty vanilla in that department. one kink that you noticed he has but he himself would never admit to is a size difference kink.
L = location (favourite places to have sex)
as much as he would love to fuck on the desk in his office…yeah, he prefers to keep it in the bedroom. he has yet to tell you about his office sex idea but knowing you, you’d be onboard for it.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
doesn’t have any specific things that turn him on — except whenever you wear his work shirts. they look loose and a tad too big to be form fitting, but he absolutely loves it and can’t wait to rip it off you.
N = nope (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
as much as he would like to experiment with kinky sex, he really objects to being too dominating; he wants you to still have some level of control so if you want, you can take the helm anytime you so wished. of course, he’d also never want to hurt you, and he might not want to experiment with possible bondage until a while later into your relationship. also, he absolutely does not want to be called any dominating title in bed, like “sir,” “master” and especially “daddy.”
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
aaron’s a giver, through and through. there are times where he does like getting a blowjob, he likes eating you out way more. probably because you tend to bury your hands in his hair and tug a little bit to signal something you like him doing.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it does depend on mood and the reason you’re having sex, but typically the pace is slow and deep. this can change since — considering how stressed out he usually is because of his job and workload — some cases would just get to him, or his job gets to be too much. so he would take it out on you by going fast and rough.
Q = quickies (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
doesn’t particularly favour them, but what can he do when he’s on-call 24/7? the only time he likes quickies are when you’re showering together and he just can’t handle how good you look soaking wet. first round in the shower, then the second, third, or even fourth round(s) in the bedroom.
R = risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
later in your relationship, he does want to experiment with kinkier sex, but risks are a hard no.
S = sexts (yes? no? pictures?)
aaron wouldn’t be into sexts and nudes so much as he would be into phone sex. considering how often you’re away from each other, and you both have the opportunity to be alone with your phones, he would 100% take it.
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he knows the different types of sex toys, but he doesn’t own any and has never used them. but sex toys are definitely on his list of things he would like to test on you during sex. only if you’re up for it (who are you kidding, of course you are).
U = unfair (how much they like to tease)
again, depends on the mood, but sometimes he does like to tease you. only sometimes though; usually he just wants to get right to the fucking just in case he gets called in.
V = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
unfortunately, aaron’s the type of guy to mostly be quiet and not outright loud. he also doesn’t moan; he sticks to grunts and groans (they’re still hot to listen to).
W = wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he really wants to try thigh fucking. seeing his cock push and drag through your closed thighs, getting lubed by a combination of your wetness and his precum is a visual that turns him on so much. he has yet to tell you though, but he’s been hinting at it…
X = x-ray (dick size)
girthy, above average, and not one, but THREE prominent veins (good lord…).
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive? how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
not that high, unfortunately; you definitely have a higher sex drive than him, that’s for sure. rarely, he’s one and done, he does tend to aim for two or three rounds if possible. if he’s worked up or stressed out, however, he could probably go all night.
Z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he tries to keep himself awake until you fall asleep. he wants to make sure you’re comfortable and content with the outcome of the night’s activities before he can relax; you’re a top priority to him.
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eyesxxyou · 9 months
I am not really sure if you still write for hobie, but if you do...
Inexperienced! Reader who wanted to do more than just making out but since they're not in a relationship she think she would look desperate until one day hobie notices her being really stiff in the moment. He later finds out by poking at her that is because she doesn't wanna loose control and him to notice she doesn't really know that's much...yeah
So he lets her ride him😽😻
Hope you can make something of it I live your writing!
hehehehehehe I love this
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You and Hobie have been together for months now. Months and you two have never even approached the idea of sex. It’s your fault, really. The anxiety of not being able to perform in a way that even begins to measure up to that of his past partners kept you from letting him proceed any further than slipping his hands beneath the fabric of your shirt and feeling up your skin. Any further and you’d retract, you’d retreat from him so fast he’d almost think that he hurt you. You were insecure, knowing that your sexual experiences were limited and not very good. All of two of them leaving you feeling guilty and unsatisfied in yourself and them.
“We don’ gotta do anythin’ you don’ wanna, luv.” Hobie would assure you, gently peppering your lips in kisses to soothe your nerves. He was so understanding, so patient with you. You knew he was simply dying not to be able to act on any of his natural urges but he never made it known to you if he was frustrated. For a second, you almost feared he might find his satisfaction in someone else, that you weren’t enough for him.
When you made your fears known to him, Hobie couldn’t help but let out something like a laugh and a snort at the idea. “Hun, you’re more than ‘nough fo me. Woul’n’t be wit’ ya otherwise. Don’ worry ya pretty lil’ head ‘bout tings like tha’.” He’s good at making you feel safe and secure in your relationship. So thoughtlessly convincing that you knew he was telling the truth. You’ve never caught him in a lie, never heard anyone say anything against the integrity of his character.
You wanted so desperately to please him and after much pep-talking yourself in the bathroom mirror after your shower, standing in a pretty silk camisole and his favorite little pair of your little white panties with a little pink bow just at the band— you managed to gain just enough confidence in yourself to come walking out of the steam-filled bathroom with the sole purpose that you were finally going to have sex with your lovely boyfriend.
He just happened to be lying in bed, strumming his guitar with his skilled fingers, a little song he's been working on for the past week now. His eyes flickered up from his guitar to check up on you, only to find you in those skimpy little panties you knew he loved so much and a matching cami top with no obvious bra in sight. "Wha's this then?"
You stood at the foot of the bed, fiddling with your fingers anxiously as you shrugged, all your feigned confidence melting out of your body at once. "I jus' thought—"
"Jus' though' wha'?" Hobie put his guitar to the side and crawled across the bed towards you. His large, calloused hands coming to find purchase on your hips as he knelt before you. He pulled your close, pressed his face into your supple stomach before looking up at you. "Though' you'd come and seduce me, then? Is tha' i'?" His hands slid up and slipped beneath the silky fabric of your top. The rough calluses of his fingertips caress the soft, plush skin of your belly. Then he lifted your shirt, just enough to trail kisses down your navel to the band of your underwear. "Comin' in here, lookin' all pretty."
You love how loved Hobie makes you. You loved the way he seemed to worship every piece of flesh he managed to get his hands on like it was his honor to be touching you rather than the truth, it was your honor to be touched by him.
“I wanna try it tonight.” You cast your gaze away due to your shyness, not even able to say the word.
Hobie chuckled softly at your timidness. “Wha’? You wanna fuck?” He laughed even harder as you slap his shoulder and purse your lips at his vulgarity. “Don’ be so shy, babe. I’m jus’ clarifyin’.” He let your shirt fall back down and fell back onto your shared bed with his head against the pillows.
Before you knew it, you were on top of him, your panties pulled to the side and his pants pulled down just enough to reveal the length of his aching cock. How quickly he got hard for you, just for you, in all your innocent, inexperienced glory. You were slowly lowering yourself down on his dick, your tight cunt swallowing his length bit by bit, inch by inch, each micromovement making you shudder and whine while Hobie kept guiding your hips down, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. “Tha’s i’, good. Keep goin’ jus’ like tha’.”
You whined at the stretch of him parting you walls and forcing you to make room for him. Every ridge, every vein as inch by excruciating inch was fed into you was felt with hypersensitivity. Maybe you were a tad bit overzealous because Hobie whined slightly, a smile easing onto his lips as his hands gripped harder on your hips. "Easy now, baby. Go slow." His scarred, rough hands slid between your legs and parted the soft flesh of your thighs to get a better look through the darkness.
You moaned as you reached the hilt, sticky skin meeting sweaty skin as Hobie leaned back against his pillow and groaned, head tilted back to reveal his prominent Adam's apple beneath that thin layer of flesh over his throat. You didn't know what came over you but you hand gravitated towards his neck and settled there with comfortable welcome. And to your surprise, Hobie didn't protest it. His easy smile still ghosts over his lips. "I didn' ‘xpect you to be the chokin’ type." He teased. "Go ‘head then. Commit." He coaxed you to squeeze, even instructed you on how to do it properly. "Jus’ lightly on the sides, don' crush my win’pipe now." You did as instructed, nails slightly digging into dark chocolate-toned skin as you squeezed just against the sides. You were nervous about all of this, scared that you might be hurting him, but he seemed to enjoy your proactiveness.
"Keep ya eyes on me, luv." He sighs, hands rocking you hips back and forth. "Don't take your eyes off of me." You took this as you sign to start, your thighs flexing as you rose and relaxing as you let yourself fall. It was so much. Too much maybe. He reached further than anyone has before, deep and thick and terribly good. Skin meets skin once again. The intermingling of sweat and lingering moans. Everything was felt. His rough hands guided your hips, every little movement pushing him further into you, the vibrations of his throat against your palm as he moaned.
You rode him hard, desperate for a release that hasn't been granted to you for years. Too many failed attempts. Hobie, caressing you while you fucked him, humming soft words of praise to feed you ego made you feel like those other times were never meant to happen in the first place. As far as you’re concerned, this is your first time. He never stops looking at you, eyeing out you silhouette in the darkness. Long braids fell over your shoulder and brushed against Hobie’s exposed torso as you leaned forward. "Hobie," his name a prayer on you lips. He adores it, adores you. Every last mole and scar, every piercing, every blemish. The prettiest girl he's ever seen.
"I know, princess, I know. You got i’."
You want to tell him to keep talking to you like that, constantly reassuring you, offering motivation despite the burning pain in your thighs from continuous movement. You never knew men spoke so much during sex. It sounded so sweet coming from his thick lips. All your previous lovers were absolutely silent the entire time. His voice softens the blow, words not particularly obscene in any definable way yet still able to get you wet with just as much effect as if he had eaten you out.
He knows just when to stop and start, what to say to keep you going, when to just let things ride out. He controls every movement under the guise that you have the control. Maybe they share it because the way you have him on the edge of control is completely ridiculous in his opinion.
Hobie decided to help you along, knows girls have to focus a little harder to cum, and weighed the pad of his thumb on your clit. He circles it, coaxing a few whiny moans from your kiss-swollen lips. Your hand fell from his throat to grasp at his shirt in search of more stability, thin brows pulling together in concentration as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
There’s a climax in the way you breathe, a slow building of wont and indescribable pleasure. A climax that leads to anotyou, a crippling one that builds in the pit of your core with each rising breath. You pussy pulses in waves, clenching and unclenching, and never before has Hobie so desperately wished to be bare inside a woman, have that skin-to-skin contact unable to be replicated any other way. You're far more advantageous in your aggression, desperate for that point of no return.
Between labored breaths, Hobie asks, "are ya close? Hmm? You gonna cum fa me, babe?" All you could do was moan loud enough to cover the soft clapping of skin and the sticky peel apart maybe from the sweat that covers your skin in a soft, gleaming layer, maybe from something far more profane.
"That's not gonna work for me, sweetheart. Use your words." You never expected Hobie to be so big on vocalization. It makes sense. He always preferred people to just be out with their intentions, couldn't stand hidden meanings and implications. Say it. Tell him. And he'd give you all you desired.
You shuttered, muscles tightening all at once. "Gonna-" hardly even a warning before you orgasm clung to you and ravished your body almost to your surprise. Muscles ripple, walls clamping desperately to Hobie's cock buried deep within you. you would have fallen if Hobie hadn't sat up to catch you, letting you rest you body upon his with you face buried into the nape of his neck. you nails claw at the back of his neck as his name rings out in a cry against his ear.
"Jus’ a lil’ more, baby. 'm almost there." Hobie keeps your hips moving and like a good girl, a bit more obedient than you would have liked yourself to be, you keep riding him. Neither of them thought the sounds coming from them could have been even more pornographic but the sticky, wet, sloppiness of him diving in and out of your quivering pussy was giving them a run for their money. "So fuckin’ good." He moaned, grasping onto any piece of flesh available to him.
You never been embraced in such a way, held onto like you were his lifeline. You never expected Hobie to get so personal during sex. Always thought him to be the detached type. But the way he was groaning in your warmth, holding you as close as he possibly could despite the humid stickiness between them told you something entirely different. The feel of his rough hands on smooth skin is proof that this was what sex was supposed to be. It was supposed to be intimate and close, and passionate. You were supposed to feel good about yourself. You were supposed to push Hobie’s hair out of his face and look him in the eyes. You kissed him and he kissed you back with such harshness you could have mistaken his actions as a form of cannibalism.
“How was it?” You asked softly against his lips, nervous about how well you did. Was it good enough? Did you compare in any way, shape or form to his past lovers? You just wanted to be enough.
Hobie kissed you once more. “Perfect.”
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cloudcountry · 26 days
sneaking riddle out to a summer carnival!!!
SUMMARY: you take riddle to his first carnival!
COMMENTS: takes place post-overblot. honestly this can be read as heavy pining or established relationship LMAO also riddle wears heels outside of his housewarden's uniform shut UP
please be nice to me i am rusty i fear
TAGLIST: i'm going to be doing this again so let me know if you'd like to be tagged in stuff!!
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Riddle’s first instinct is to turn right on his heel and walk out of there, and if it wasn’t for your hopeful smile and bright eyes he probably would have. The bright flashing lights, the screaming, and oh Great Seven, the food were all things his mother would have screamed at him for participating in. He supposes that's why you brought him here.
Just the two of you. No Ace, no Deuce, not even Grim is here with you.
The smell of grease and sugar is in the air as your fingers intertwine with his. The action catches him off guard, and you use it to your advantage and drag him deeper into the carnival. He vaguely hears you ask for tickets, making small talk with the vendor as they exchange a handful of tickets for your thaumarks.
(Letting someone else pay for his activities would also be something his mother would yell at him for, he thinks. He’s too busy trying to figure out how safe the ferris wheel is to examine the thought further.)
He’s glad Grim isn’t here. The thought makes his mouth twist in displeasure at how immature he’s being, but deep down he knows the direbeast would be hogging all of your attention. It’s easy to dispel the thought when you grab his hand and lead him into the chaos that is the carnival.
“Which ride do you want to start first?” you ask, a bounce in your step as you turn back and smile at him.
Riddle eyes each one warily. They all look rather horrifying, and if he’s honest with you he’d say he doesn't want to ride any of them.
His eyes catch on the drop tower, and it’s at that moment that the tower drops, and Riddle watches with wide eyes as the people on the ride plunge to the bottom, screaming like they're going to be killed.
“It’s for fun! Adrenaline, you know?” you say hastily.
He’s certain he’s gaping at the ride like he’s seen a ghost.
“We could try some games...?”
Riddle takes a moment to compose himself, shaking himself out of his stupor. He’s never been so out of his element, but he knows for sure you’d never lead him astray. You never have.
“Which one is your favorite?” he asks, watching your face relax.
“I think we should start with the ferris wheel.” you smile softly, and he can't tell if you're dodging the question or if that is your favorite ride, “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s a good ride to start with when you’re nervous.”
He wants to thank you, but the words get stuck in his throat. He lets you chatter about each game and each ride as you pass them, the ground beneath you uneven and bumpy. Riddle is glad you told him to dress comfortably—as ridiculous as it would have been to wear a pair of his heels for a carnival, he’s struggling even in his dress shoes.
You should always look presentable. There is no use complaining.
He feels you squeeze his hand again. You’ve found yourselves in front of the ferris wheel, with the queue shorter than he imagined it’d be. He looks over to you with a question in his eyes, and you giggle.
“Sage Island isn’t that crowded around here, you know? It’s already pretty isolated from everywhere else.” you say, “Don’t worry about it, just let me take the reigns today, okay?”
You bump your hip against his playfully as the line starts to move, and Riddle stumbles after you as you squeeze into a cart. You bounce in your seat as the attendant shuts the door and sends you up into the sky.
Riddle has seen the movies, the cheesy ones were the cart was a little bit bigger and the view was a little bit brighter, but he never understood the appeal of sitting there and watching rides move with someone else.
Now he gets it.
Your hand is still touching his, and he swears if he focuses hard enough he can feel your pulse against the heel of his palm. Riddle spares a glance at you, only to find you looking at him with a hopeful smile.
“Isn’t it nice?” you ask, voice soft and sweet and kind.
“Yes.” he nods, choking on his words as the scent of your shampoo wafts towards him.
You’re both so close.
The ferris wheel starts moving again, and Riddle feels a stab of disappointment in his chest. You laugh at his pout, bumping shoulders with him.
“Don’t worry, we get to go again!” you say, and he perks right back up.
He loves the ferris wheel. He wants to go on it again sometime, if you’d let him.
It seems like only a few minutes before you’re off of the ride and you’re pulling him over to all the food stalls, The smile on your face is infectious as you rattle off the different types of carnival food, talking about the strawberry variants of each one. It fills his chest with butterflies to see you so attentive—truly, he feels spoiled when you buy him a strawberry funnel cake and a caramel apple and even strawberry flavored shaved ice. In return, Riddle insists he pay for your food, and you laugh before accepting.
“I just wanted to treat you.” you confess, sipping on the drink your ordered, “You worked so hard during exams and even worked with others to make sure they were doing okay. Deuce did really well because you inspired him to work hard. You’re amazing—and you deserve a day off every now and then.”
It takes him off guard, just how candid you can be, especially with someone like him. Maybe it’s because you’ve seen him at his most vulnerable, you’ve seen parts of his past only Trey knows, you took the time to get closer to him when everyone else kept their distance, He knows now that that distance was his own fault, which is yet another thing you helped him realize, and—
You’re still doing more for him, over and over again. It’s like a debt he’ll never be able to pay back.
So instead, he reaches over and grabs your hand, the pads of his fingertips pressing into your palm.
You look over at him.
His heart feels like it’s caught in his throat, but he forces the words out.
“Thank you for today.”
The smile that stretches across your face is the widest one yet. It’s triumphant, like his smile was the prize for winning a game you’d been playing for far too long.
“Of course, Riddle.” you scoot closer, “It’s no problem at all. I hope you’ll do this with me again sometime.”
He will. In a heartbeat, he will.
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hi18364 · 1 month
In the blink of an eye
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People often use the saying "your life can change in the blink of an eye" a lot. Six weeks ago, you understood what the saying meant. One day, you were taking a silly DNA test for fun with your friends. The next thing you know, you find out your whole life is a lie when you get the DNA results back. It turns out the people who said they were your birth parents are not, in fact, your biological parents; they kidnapped you.
For six weeks, you've kept a huge secret. It's eating at you. Leah Williamson is your sister. For six weeks, you've been going to training, playing, eating, and talking with your biological sister, and she has no clue about your secret. How were you supposed to tell someone they're your sister when you were kidnapped at six months old? You can't even look at her. People have started to notice that you can't look at her and that you are avoiding her as much as possible.
You have been staying with Beth and Viv for about five weeks now. You couldn't go back to that house, not after what you found out. Beth and Viv don't know the real reason; they just think that your mum and dad went back to live in Spain. Your head is a mess, questioning who you are, why did they take you. Would your life have been different? Would you have gotten into football? All these "what ifs," you would never get the answers to any of them.
It hurts, knowing that you would never get the answers to why they took you and stuff like that. Hearing a knock at your door, you get up. Standing in front of you was the one person that you didn't want to see. “Hey, you ready to go? Beth and Viv are waiting in the living room.” Nodding your head, you walk past her and into the living room where you see a bunch of footballers walking over to where all the shoes are kept. You pick a random pair.
After you put them on, you walk over to where Beth and Viv are, giving a weak smile to Viv. She looks at you; it's clear you had been crying at some point. “You ok, kid?” Giving her another weak smile, you nod your head. Hearing Kim shout, “We will all meet at the restaurant, everyone drive safe,” as all the footballers pile out of the tiny apartment. You, Viv, Beth, Leah, and Jordan are the last to pile out. Walking to the car, Beth and Leah were whispering to each other about something.
Pulling out your phone, you take a picture of your outfit, posting it on your Insta and Snap stories. You stop at the car, waiting for Viv to open it. When she does, you get in; Jordan was in the middle, and Leah was on the other side. The car ride was quiet for the most part. Getting out of the car, you walk into the restaurant. Beth, Viv, Leah, and Jordan weren't that far behind. Alessia and Ella come over; you know them from England.
You got your first call-up two months before the Euros, and I guess Sarina liked the way you play, as you got the call to join the team for the Euros. It's now November 1st; life has been crazy since you won. Walking to the table, you sit more away from your Arsenal teammates. The night went well; everyone was happy and talking to each other. It's now the next day; you had a game today, so you need to get there at 5 am because it's a 12:30 kick-off.
Getting up, you slip on a hoodie and joggers, trying to shake off the weight of your secret. As you head out the door, you walk to the kitchen where some of the Arsenal girls are; some stayed over last night. Beth passes you a coffee. "Hey," she says, her voice soft and it has a hint of tiredness in it. "Are you okay? You seemed a bit off last night." You force a smile, hoping to deflect her worry. "Yeah, just tired, I guess. Big day ahead."
Giving another forced smile, you walk over to the couch and flop down next to Jen. The news was on the TV; nothing interesting, so you just go on TikTok and watch some fan edits showing Jen. A few here and there were of to the training center; it's cold as it's like -4. As you arrive at the training center, each step you take is heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of your secret. Your mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
Jen's concerned gaze follows you, her eyes silently pleading for you to confide in her, but you just can't bring yourself to do it. Not yet. Inside the training center, the familiar sights and sounds offer little comfort. Your mind keeps drifting back to Leah. How do you face her knowing what you know? The guilt threatens to consume you whole. As the bus parks up, you catch Leah's eyes. For a moment, it feels like she can see right through you, like she knows the truth.
You quickly look away, unable to bear the weight of her gaze. She was just a teammate six weeks ago, and now she is your sister. Well, I guess she always has been, but you didn't know. Getting on the coach, you sit next to Katie, Catlin, Steph; you don't really talk to them. The game was a blur; yous won 2-0. After taking photos with fans, you walk down the tunnel where Leah, Beth, Katie, and Georgia Stanway are.
Leah walks over to you; as you try to walk away, she gently grabs your arm. “Hey, can we talk?” You just shake your head, and you try to pull your hand away. “What have I done to you to make you hate me?” You shake your head. “I don't hate you, Leah.” She still has your hand in her grasp. “You can't look at me; you don't talk to me, and you won't tell anyone what's going on.”
You do the only thing you can think to get her to let go of you. The connection of your hand connects to her face echoes through the tunnel. The girls come over and quickly separate you. Beth comes up to you and pulls you around the corner. “What's going on? Leah just wanted to know if she did something; why did you slap her?” Looking at Beth, the concern for you and a bit of anger for slapping Leah, you couldn't bear it any longer.
You let all the emotions out, letting a sob rip through you. Beth steps forward and gently pulls you into a hug so your head is resting on her shoulder. “She-I'm-” She tries to calm you down. “She's my sister.” Letting another sob rip through your body, you feel Beth tense under you. “What are you talking about?” Wiping your head around, you see Leah standing there.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Could you write about a 9th member reader who is trained to do cool stunt work so on stages or for mv filming they're in what looks like a dangerous situation so skz panic not knowing that the reader is trained and perfectly safe?
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stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: the boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil
Thank you so much for this request!!! Sorry it's taken me long but I hope you enjoy it!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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Stray Kids had spent all day filming the music video for Cheese, and you were wondering how the boys would react to you filming your solo parts this evening. You see, they didn't know about your other talents that laid outside of working in the music industry. As soon as you could, you had gained your license to be able to ride a motorcycle, inspired by your mum and dad who could also ride them - it was how they met.
With your normal shy and quiet personality, the boys affectionately looked after you, you could say. Even though you were the same age as Minho. This could have been what prompted and inspired the staff to get the 98 liners to film with the motorbike. Minho was up first, looking cool as usual.
"Let's go Minho hyung!" Jisung cheered from the sidelines, as you all watched him pose and mouth his lyrics in the car park like scene.
"Wahhh, hyung looks so cool," Jeongin nodded and clapped a bit, as Minho broke out into a shy smile after finishing, a real contrast.
"Wait, so noona is going up next?" Felix asked curiously.
"Yeah, they wanted me and Minho to film similar scenes," you smiled, scratching the back of you neck bashfully.
A staff member came over with a helmet for you.
"Aw noona is going to be wearing a helmet?" Changbin patted your head with the helmet now on.
"It's too big for her," Hyunjin laughed, as you cutely shook your head with the helmet bobbing around. Because of this the staff gave you the helmet you normally wear, which the boyd assumed was customised by the stylists rather than you, who had painted cute flower stickers on it.
"Why is it so cute?" Seungmin laughed, looking down at you, as you smiled shyly and headed over to the motorbike.
The staff directed you to pretend you were riding it, knowing fully well that you could. You had to let the company know that you had gotten a license. But it never really came up into conversation with the boys, and you weren't really one to talk about yourself, maybe that was another similarity you shared with Minho.
The camera followed you as you revved up the engine and started driving down the car park, the boys letting out yells and gasps of worry. You let out a cheer as you did so, which the others assumed was more of a cry for help.
"Y/Nnie noona!"
"Someone help her stop!"
"Ah no no no!!!"
Yet you successfully stopped it and swerved with a smirk on your face as you pulled up the visor of your helmet, the staff clapping for you as you did so.
It still hadn't really sunk in to the boys that you in fact knew what you were doing. And so, they ran up to you.
"Y/Nnie, are you ok? Are you hurt?" Chan wrapped an arm around her shoulder, helping her take the helmet off and expecting to see you crying, when in fact you were laughing.
"Why are you laughing? You could have died!" Minho reprimanded, eyes glaring into your soul.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you stopped laughing and waved off their concerns.
"How? You just... you-" Jisung malfunctioned, shocked at the sight of what you just did.
"Guys, I'm fine, I have a license for this," you shrugged it off casually, not wanting all their attention on you. But they wouldn't let you off so easily.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hyunjin said with wide eyes, hand over his heart.
"Didn't really think there was a time to say it..." you trailed off sheepishly.
"How about when you got your license? Or when Minho was filming?" Seungmin pointed out.
"Oh yeah..." you blushed, habitually scratching the back of your neck.
"How can you act so shy after being so cool?" Felix giggled, looking at your slightly hunched figure sat on the motorbike.
"Super shu, super shy!" Changbin burst out into dong, making everyone else laugh at him, Jisung whacking his shoulder.
"Noona you have to teach me!" Jeongin joyfully said, everyone immediately going 'no!'.
"Well I could-" you began to say.
"No! Don't corrupt our maknae!" Jisung playfully restrained Jeongin, dragging him slightly away from you.
"Hey, I'd be a good teacher!" you pout, folding your arms as you took off your helmet.
"I don't doubt that, Y/Nnie," Chan affectionately patted your head, smoothing out your hair that had become ruffled.
"I can't believe our noona can ride a motorbike!" Hyunjin shook his head, still not believing it.
"Nobody would believe it if we told them!" Seungmin agreed.
"I can't believe you showed me up like that. I just sat on the motorbike and you rode it!" Minho facepalmed, feeling shy.
"You looked pretty whilst doing it though," you quietly complimented him.
"Aw our noona is so sweet," Felix teased, smiling at you.
"Is Y/Nnie flirting with me?" Minho smirked.
"No no no," you waved them off shoving the helmet back on your head and hiding your face, folding your arms.
"Oh no! She's disappeared!" Changbin shouted, nearly making you fall off of the bike from the shock of him suddenly yelling.
"Hahaha, Binnie you nearly knocked out Y/Nnie noona!" Chan laughed as he caught you.
"Ok I'm taking my helmet off again," you signed, taking it off and holding a hand over your heart, much like Hyunjin was earlier.
"This really is the most unexpected thing, I still can't comprehend it," Jeongin shook his head.
"Stays are gonna be shocked too, aren't they?" you wonder.
"They won't be expecting it all, I mean we all didn't..." Jisung nodded.
After that day if filming the boys became suspicious of you, jokingly of course, asking you questions thinking you lived a secret double life, but once you explained about how your parents had licenses too, it all made sense to them, and they felt like it should have been obvious from the start, that such a shy girl was secretly a daredevil.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng
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mcflymemes · 1 year
WILL THEY, WON'T THEY RELATIONSHIP PROMPTS *  for the people that just won't admit they're in love!
i didn't want you to go alone.
i can't do anything without you.
could you ever imagine us together?
how long have you been sitting here?
sorry if i fall asleep on your shoulder.
you're not like everyone else.
is this a date?
you have no idea what i'd do to keep you safe.
i brought you a coffee, just the way you like it.
could you not see i was flirting?
i should get going.
you're the only one i can turn to.
they thought we were a couple.
they were playing that song the night we met.
let's cook something together.
you're special to me.
i think i'm falling in love.
when did you get here?
i missed you more than you know.
you take the umbrella. i'll be fine.
i'll come pick you up. stay right there.
you're my missing piece.
let me see the menu. we could just split something.
i deleted all my dating apps.
there's only one bed.
i won't let anything hurt you.
i'll walk you home.
you said you were hungry, so i brought you something.
there's something i've been meaning to tell you.
you smile when you're nervous.
i get it. you're not interested.
have you ever considered... us?
nothing will ever be the same.
you're the only person who understands me.
was that flirting?
it would mean a lot to me if you stayed.
do you need a hug?
it's all right. i was happy to do it.
do you remember how we met?
i'm here for you. whatever you need.
do you need a lift?
never leave me again. do you understand?
you're my best friend.
you take the bed, i'll take the couch.
maybe i'm already interested in someone.
i'm on my way over. be there in ten minutes.
i don't want to overstay my welcome.
that looks amazing on you.
i'm not going out with them anymore.
i'm just a phone call away.
yes, i was flirting with you.
keep it. you need it more than me.
it was just one kiss.
you changed everything.
you can lean on my shoulder if you want.
i hate it when you leave.
can you walk me home?
you mean so much to me.
stay right there! i'm coming! i'll help!
i'm in love with you! i've been in love with you this whole time!
maybe i could make us breakfast in the morning.
you could hold my hand if you'd like.
wish you didn't have to go.
call me when you get home? so i know you're safe?
i forgot to tell you. we broke up.
check your front door. there's something waiting for you.
you could spend the night.
we're alone now.
need a ride?
that meant a lot to me, you know.
i don't know what i'd do without you.
do you feel the same way?
you... love me?
do you want to come inside?
you deserve better than that.
here, take my jacket. it's freezing.
this song reminds me of you.
are you dating someone?
i didn't know who else to turn to.
do you really have to go?
i don't understand what you do to me.
i won't let anyone lay a hand on you.
were you flirting with me?
i hate saying goodbye.
what happened between you two, anyway?
they shouldn't talk to you like that.
all this time i've been in love with you.
i won't say anything if you don't.
i remembered your order, by the way.
they think we'd make a good couple.
guess we have to share.
i brought you soup.
did you just say i love you?
it's just us now.
i could use a hug.
you are the single most important thing in my life.
i don't know how i survived for so long without you.
we could go on a date.
i've never felt this way before.
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lindsay00000008 · 6 days
Pet Whump series - Carewhumper [Masterlist]
Flight Risk - Part 1
CW: systemic pet whump, dehumanization, brainwashed/drugged/conditioned whumpee, nonconsensual (non-sexual) touch, reference to patronizing dad, praise from whumpers, speech impariment (reference to noncon surgery), time loss, memory loss
Inspo: These posts by @sowhumpshaped & this post by @oliversrarebooks
[Next part - Flight Risk Pt. 2]
"Honey can't go in the cargo hold! She's too delicate. Look, I have a pet ticket, I bought an extra seat!" Luce holds up her phone, swiping to show the gate attendant the extra ticket code. She keeps one hand on the back of Honey's short hair, tugging at the strands to calm herself. Honey's knees begin to ache, a feeling she thinks she'll never get used to. At least she isn't made to crawl everywhere like some fancier pets she's seen. Luce always says those pets look ridiculous, and whoever their owners are must have too much time on their hands. Still, her back aches from the hunched, submissive gait she's been trained to employ.
"I see that ma'am," the man replies with careful professionalism, "but unfortunately the flight has been overbooked. We're happy to offer you a refund for the seat and a comfortable cage for your pet, and we may be able to offer upgrades to our service on the flight. But unless you agree to place it in the cargo hold, I'm sorry to report that we'll need to transfer you to another flight."
"It doesn't matter if the cage is comfortable," Luce hisses, trying to keep her voice from shaking. She can't miss this flight, and have her dad bug her about what an impulsive brat she'd been, adopting a barely trained pet so soon after getting her degree. Spending all her savings on some rescue mutt. She couldn't miss his retirement party, especially not over this. "It's cold down there. Honey has issues with her circulation. Why can't you ask someone else to move flights?"
Luce breathes out heavily and smoothes the hair she'd gripped too hard, scratching her nails over Honey's scalp in apology. A faint memory plays in Honey's usually quiet headspace: long, long wavy hair, and intricate braid patterns pulled up on a phone screen. Honey's own eyes in the mirror, younger then... Luce tugs again when the attendant sighs.
"We have asked for volunteers. Unfortunately no one has offered, and our policy is that pet seats be deferred first to make room for other patrons. And your pet's tag shows that it hasn't completed recommended trainings, beyond the basics. So we're asking you before we ask owners with more compliant pets."
Luce hears her dad's voice in those statements, and she can't argue with that. She looks to Honey, who is sat staring at Luce's sandals like they're the most interesting thing in the world.
"I- Look, I need to be on this flight. Is there anything you can do to make it... more comfortable? She's always been nervous about traveling. I just... I don't wanna traumatize her, you know?" Luce shifts the leash between her hands, trying not to think about the news she saw a few months ago - a pet dying in the cargo hold.
In reality, Luce is the one who's nervous about travel. She had imagined Honey would spend the flight beside her, warm and calm, being that comforting, familiar weight on Luce's shoulder. She wants to tell the man she needs Honey. But she isn't going to be like those annoying owners who claim their pet is for "emotional support", without any sort of training to back it up. Besides, he's looking at Honey's ID right now. She's barely trained enough to board the flight.
"We do offer a complimentary Cozy-Dose. It's a pet-safe anxiety suppressant, a little stronger than the drug store ones. Does it have anything in its system?"
"Just some pet-nip for the ride over." Said pet-nip is currently wearing off, Luce thinks, watching Honey lift her head to look directly in the attendant's eyes, her brows furrowed in that adorably vague but defiant expression. Luce presses her hand against Honey's head, pushing it down to lay still at the side of her knee.
"Should be fine," the attendant is saying. "Do you have anything you'd like to leave with her? A toy, or a blanket?"
Luce has tried to get Honey to play with toys. On Honey's best days she ignores them. On her worst, she touches them with her hands, and Luce has to discipline her accordingly. Luce knows pets don't understand the dangers of playing like humans. Often, they don't know their own strength, and can break things or hurt themselves. But it seems Honey doesn't yet know what to do with a toy otherwise, so she has yet to find one she likes.
Luce looks at Honey's thin sweater dress, the green fabric stopping just above her knee. Perfect for playing and walks in the new spring heat. Not so good for a cargo hold. She shrugs out of the pale orange flannel she wears over her tee, much to the surprise of the attendant, and drapes it over Honey's shoulders. Her pet presses her nose into the warm fabric, leaning more heavily against Luce's knee. Luce feels pride and affection well in her heart at the sight.
"Maybe she's ok without the Cozy-Dose," Luce murmurs, hesitant to drug Honey when she's being so sweet. The attendant shakes his head.
"I may have misspoken. The Cozy-Dose is complimentary, of course, but with the level of training..."
"Oh," Luce says. "Oh, okay then that's... fine. You'll probably just go to sleep, and we'll wake up at dad's house, yeah?" She coos at Honey, who doesn't bother to look up. Luce's hand finds Honey's hair again, wanting the hit of dopamine only her loving pet can provide. But before Honey can respond to the tug, the attendant is on the move.
"Alrighty. I've got it logged in our system. Again, we do apologize for this inconvenience, but we pride ourselves on our safety and pet specialists. Boarding's in about twenty minutes, so let's get Honey secure and comfy, yeah?"
Luce nods mutely, and hands over the leash.
Honey doesn't like being away from Luce, in a strange back room near the boarding gate. She doesn't like the "pet specialist", Carson, and she especially doesn't like that Carson removes Luce's flannel and Honey’s pretty green collar. He makes her crawl as soon as they're behind the door.
Honey wishes she had spent more effort learning the gestures Luce tried to teach her. Things like "Food" and "Water", "Bathroom" and "Bed". She heard Luce on the phone with her father once. He seemed to be yelling about Honey's adoption - Untrained stray. Irresponsible. Hopeless. Luce gave up on the lessons for a while.
If Honey could tell Carson anything right now, it would be a toss-up between how ugly his shaggy hairstyle is, and how confused and afraid she is about the whole situation.
"Up," the man says when they reach the center of the room. A table with a leathery top and a long banner of thin paper sits there. Honey gets unsteadily to her feet and climbs atop it. The crinkle of the paper beneath her reminds her of something, and she absently tears at it. Smack. Carson's hand leaves a faint red mark on her own.
Honey releases the paper and brings her hand to her mouth, looking up at the man with an indignant gaze. She fights the snarl pulling at her lip. Thankfully Carson busies himself at a computer screen, and doesn't see. Honey watches the man click the mouse and raise his eyebrows. He turns back to Honey.
"Lie down," he says, putting his hands on his hips as if he expects Honey to disobey. Honey almost scoffs. She knows how to obey a simple command. She's very obedient, in fact, despite everyone telling Luce otherwise. She eyes the orange flannel, slung over the man's shoulder, as her world tilts and she dutifully lays on her side.
Carson comes around to the head of the table, and forces Honey's other shoulder down. Honey squirms as the man positions her flat on her back, a familiar sense of vulnerability spiking in her chest.
"Why do they always give me the troublesome ones," Carson mutters, taking something from the underside of the table. Honey flinches when she feels the buttery smooth grip of a cuff on her left wrist.
"At least they gave you Broca's. I suspect you'd be a whiny thing otherwise."
Broca's? The aphasia? We learned about that in-
The moment gets away from her. Cuffs on both wrists, both ankles now. Carson is looking at her like he's surprised by her compliance. Honey pulls at the cuffs then. They're not painful, but they hold her tight. Her knees and shoulders pull together instinctually.
"Ss... Ssst-mm" Is all that comes out of her lagging mouth, before she hums a whimper instead. Don't like this. I don't like this. I don't...
"Thought so. Expensive little pooch aren'tcha? Usually they just trim the hyoid a little, but they don't like how pets choke on their food after that," Carson mumbles. More to himself, of course.
"Nice your owner could afford it. Irresponsible not to train you though," he grunts, seemingly irritated at Luce. A clinking sound comes behind her when Carson circles the table. Honey focuses on his words. Her owner... irresponsible. He sounds like Luce's father. But why would anyone be mad at Luce? Luce is wonderful. Carson still has Luce's flannel. He doesn't deserve that.
Honey tilts her chin up to look behind her, wondering if she can take it from him with her mouth. The tap-tap-tap motion of a syringe against the palm of Carson's hand meets her eyes. Honey's body tenses, and a whining starts up in her throat.
"Frank, come help me with this one," he calls when Honey begins to toss. She's trying not to, she really is trying to be good and still, but it's hard to do that when she knows what's coming next.
"Aw, poor girl," comes another man's voice. He pauses beside the table before coming closer. "Honey is it? Shh, shush now. You're okay, Honey," he says in that voice that people use with good pets. A soft emotion fills Honey's chest at the sound despite her fear. He places a firm hand on one shoulder, the other in her hair, soothing her with his thumbs as he holds her still. He presses her head to the side gently, all the time cooing in that same voice: "You're a good girl, yeah? It's scary, I know. You'll feel nice and calm in just a minute."
"Stay," Carson's voice, a jarring, commanding tone, stills her body in the way she's been trained. The impulse lasts for just long enough that the bite of a needle somewhere below her ear comes and goes without objection. Frank is there to sooth the sore spot when it's over. The cuffs are removed, and she curls to the side, a tear falling as she noses Frank's abdomen. He continues to stroke her hair, rubbing her ear between his fingers, and her thoughts calm and fade away one by one until she doesn't feel the need to cry anymore. She hums at the pleasant sensation instead.
"Fuck dude, you never cease to amaze me. Sure you don't have food in your pockets?" She hears the other man chuckle.
"Pets don't understand what's going on, man. It just needed to feel safe. We took the same courses yeah?"
"Yeah man, but I'm the one who has to strap 'em to the table and stick 'em, you get to be mister nice guy."
Frank steps away and Honey's head raises to find him. But the room is getting a little fuzzy, and the lights are too bright. Arms find hers and prop her upright before pulling her to slide to the edge of the table.
"I get my cert in a few months, so we'll see if they still like me, yeah? I'll grab the cage."
[Next part - Flight Risk Pt. 2]
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jasontoddsdarling · 4 months
jason coded
first of all, finally my first anon on this account ily anon :>
and oh god, this totally is jason coded.
(trigger warning for the video: motorcycle accidents—already happened and the rider was okay and the second one's from afar barely visible on video. so no blood etc involved but i just want to put it here just because!)
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JASON is terrified to death when he saw from the rearview mirror of his hypersport motorcycle that there's a motorcycle crash approximately one hundred meter behind him.
fuck, no, no.
it can't be you. he knew he should've insisted being the one in tailing, but you had said you can read map for shit so it's better for him being the one that leading the way.
he stops his motorcycle, and might as well leaps from the thing. he literally let his motorcycle lying on the side of the road.
he doesn't care.
because nothing more important than you, his girl.
he runs as fast as he can while mumbling, "baby, please tell me you're fine and it wasn't you."
and when he finally close enough, he can see that it's indeed not you, but a man—and a woman passenger—who got into a single accident. they're mostly okay, just shocked. their other friends have helped them.
after checking them once again and making sure they are fine, he sits on the side of the road a few meter away.
he's still a bit shaking even though he knows it wasn't you. he just couldn't imagine if it was you.
a few seconds later, he hears motorcycle engine close by before stopping, and then someone walking towards him.
there's you.
he can see you are already without your helmet, putting it on the seat of your motorcycle.
he stands immediately and hugs your smaller body to himself, tucking your head under his chin, relishing the beat of your heart close by himself.
"baby, your heartbeat... are you okay?"
"i thought it was you."
he holds you tighter.
"oh, jay."
your heart breaks for him.
"yeah. i am scared to death. i immediately ran away when i saw them on rearview mirror. i couldn't imagine if it was truly you."
you say nothing except holding him tighter and rubbing his leather-jacket-clad back. you stay like that for few minutes.
"shh, shh. it's okay, jay, i'm here. my heart is beating with yours."
and you're right. jason realizes he's more calm now. he's not shaking anymore.
"i'm sorry."
"nothing to be sorry for, jay. i would be scared too if it's the other way around. hell, i might be running while crying."
jason gives you a chaste kiss on the lips.
"so, your motorcycle is there, huh?"
you point to the red thing on the side of the road, afar from you.
"want to give us a ride there?"
"of course. i will not let you out of my sight after this." he says as leading you to your motorcycle—which is actually his. "you'll lead the way. it's okay if you choose long route, as long as i can see that you're fine."
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[tmi tl;dr, as someone who can ride motorcycle (the matic type though, not cool stuffs like men's motorcycles lol) myself, motorcycle accident, crash, or injury are no joke! i have been involved three times myself (unfortunately). two times when i actually rode the motorcycle myself and once when i was a passenger. the latter got me unconscious actually, albeit being the only single accident amongst other two. never had serious injuries (except few bruises here) but the emotional trauma definitely there. so please, please be safe while riding or driving.]
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chaotic-archaeologist · 11 months
got a question for ya regarding sex and online safety.
Background; I am an adulty adult. I have been able to and have voted in more than 3 elections. [I know you take interactions with minors seriously]. I am also ace and autistic. as a result I have never felt the urge to date and I normally don't mind having friends close by.
However, I also just moved for the 4th time since 2019 and would like to meet people.
So I downloaded Grindr. already got my first dickpic lol. I have also been chatting with a fellow who I like and would like to be friends with and I also wouldn't mind exploring my kinks with people... but I have never had to worry about safe online sexy stuff before so I don't know the basics beyond normal internet safety.
What do I do‽‽‽
Okay first, thanks for clarifying the adulty part. This is an awesome question, and here's the advice/steps that I personally follow for situations like this.
Have your first meeting in a public place. Go for coffee or ice cream or lunch or dinner or whatever. But don't meet them alone. This way, if you get uncomfortable with anything that's happening, they're much less likely to continue with that behavior after you attempt to extricate yourself.
Make sure there are no expectations. Plan not to have sex on the first date/meet up. Grindr often tends to ignore this rule since it's very hookup centric, but you're absolutely within your rights to insist on taking things as slowly as you want to.
Don't rely on the other person for transportation. If you choose to meet someone, get yourself there and plan to get yourself back. Walk, bike, drive, public transportation, unicycle, it's all good. But there's much less room for pressure if you're not depending on them for a ride home. This segues nicely into my next point:
Do not tell them where you live. At least, not right now. Plenty of people on Grindr are willing to "host" meaning you can come to their place. That's fine for them, but I err on the side of never giving anyone my address until I've had a thorough chance to assess their character and meet them a few times.
Tell someone where you will be. Let someone who cares about you know that you're going out, where you'll be, and what time you expect to return. Establish a time to check in when you're going home/if you choose to extend the meeting. There are also apps like Noonlight that can function similarly.
Be careful about what you consume. If you're going to enjoy and mind alternating substances, be very, very careful. This goes for anything from getting drinks at a bar to any and all of the recreational drugs on the market.
Be prepared for a little bit of awkwardness. Meeting someone in person is often very different than chatting online. If the conversation is awkward or halting, that's okay. Give it a little time (but also don't be afraid to trust your gut if it's telling you something is wrong).
Communicate clearly. If you have any needs—which can range from an allergy, not being able to stand for long periods of time, needing them to speak loudly so you can hear them, safety concerns—the best way to get those met is to be upfront. You don't need to disclose the reason why you need something if it makes you uncomfortable, just state what you need. People worth spending time with will respect that. The same thing goes for your wants.
Use protection. Maybe this isn't applicable for you specifically, but I think it belongs on this list. Condoms. Dental dams. Gloves. Someone on an app telling you they're negative for any number of things is not an actual guarantee they're not lying to you. Not wanting to use protection (not just for anal/vaginal intercourse, but for oral sex as well) is a huge red flag. Decide in advance what your boundaries are and stick to them.
If it sucks, hit da bricks. Fundamentally, you owe this person nothing. There is no consequence for saying "you know what, I'm not feeling this and I'm going to leave." Be as polite as you want to, but put yourself first.
At the end of the day, the only thing you have control over is you. How you react, where you meet this person, what you do—that's what you control. Hopefully any meet ups will be fun and relatively safe, but just in case, set yourself up for success by maintaining what control you can.
From one adult to another, these are all suggestions rather than rules. Many people on Grindr choose not to follow various ones, and that's fine. Take some time to think about what you're comfortable with and make your decisions accordingly.
Also, best practice for someone sending an unsolicited dick pic (if you don't want them) is just to block that person. But sending a return picture like this one is a hilarious option.
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can't stop thinking about someone comparing roman and darling's relationship to harley and joker's...roman would not respond well to that.
this would probably happen with a darling who loves him back. maybe you did hate him at first, maybe you have stockholm syndrome, but it doesn't matter. you're devoted to him now. you accept the affection he gives and the pain he inflicts.
and the thing is...his darling is not a well kept secret despite his efforts. you might be locked up in his penthouse 24/7, but it's impossible to hide you away from everyone.
his goons and staff know about you out of necessity. some of the more trusted ones are assigned to guard you when he's not around. they can all hear him fucking you, hear him making you scream almost every day.
maybe one of his goons makes an offhand comment about the boss getting his own little version of a harley. or maybe word gets out about you and another rogue slyly brings you up in a meeting and implies black mask and joker having something in common.
oh, he'd be seething. he'd hate it so fucking much.
I mean Roman and Joker are both very aware that what they're doing is wrong, they just don't care. But they differ in that Roman will never lay a hand on Darling outside of getting rough in bed (even when he gets that initial violent urge, he just throws furniture or beats someone else in the vicinity). If he's gonna punish them, he's making them watch while he brutalizes someone or leaving them confined until they beg to be let out. He's drugging them so they're too out of it to try running. He's keeping their family at arm's length and he's not above going after them if it means he can get what he wants. I say that he won't outright hit his Darling but he'll do pretty much everything else. Ffs this is the man who tortured a teenage girl to near death and who killed an entire wing of a hospital just to get access to his father.
Both of them DO view what they're feeling as love, but they have a very different and fucked up way of showing it. Joker DOES sometimes have a weird affection for Harley that he can't explain and doesn't like acknowledging, but it isn't love. In No Man's Land when she goes off on her own and is distant towards him, he actually finds himself wanting her around. I like versions of their relationship where Joker feels...something. Not love because he's incapable of it. But something that he can't really feel with anyone else.
Roman on the other hand does feel love, but he's a violent and angry mob boss who will prioritize himself over Darling's freedom and well-being 99% of the time. But he won't take any kind of comparisons to himself and Joker. For one, he keeps his girl safe and doesn't slap her around the way Joker does with his girlfriend-cum-sidekick. He doesn't string Darling along the way Joker does with Harley and her desire for a truly loving relationship.
Also Roman doesn't neglect Darling emotionally or sexually the way Joker does Harley. Like if Darling hopped on Roman's desk in lingerie and wanted to "ride her favorite Italian stallion", he would throw everything he was doing out the window. If she appeared naked out of a tub filled with pudding, he's gonna lick it all off and fuck her so much that the cleaning staff won't tell what's coom and what's vanilla.
Also even with a wooden lacquer mask melted to his face, he can still eat pussy better than Joker. Not a high bar to pass but still. He's the only one allowed to joke about Darling getting a splinter down there tho
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puppysirie0-0 · 5 months
"Will You Take My Hand, Dear?"
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Lantsov!Reader
Warnings: Mostly fluff that alludes to smut that'll be in the next chapter with a dollop of angst
Chapter 2 of "The Bunny and It's Shadow"
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You take Aleksander's hand as he leads you into the hall, belongings in hand. You watch in disbelief as you pass by all the bodies on the floor, unsure if they're dead or just knocked out. Either way, you can't bring yourself to wrap your head around the idea of Aleksander doing something like this. Risking everything that he's fought, scraped, and crawled for, to make sure he could be safe, to make sure his Grisha were safe.
You feel guilty. Why would he take that chance? The chance of everything falling apart, for someone he knew for such a short time. He had lived countless lives, worn various names, but what you hadn't known is that he hadn't loved anyone in those lives. At least not since her. Not since Luda.
Of course Aleksander had told you about Luda. The same night he talked of his past, he gave you his explanation, told you his reasoning for each individual cautious step he took to get here. Told you every ounce of pain that shot through his heart, as the king's guard shot through her's.
What you don't understand is why he would jeopardize all of his progress, possibly even risk war, for someone he's known for a mere 3 years compared to his comparably much, much longer life. You had talked about your insecurity of the time you had spent together and what it meant to him. How you felt that when you inevitably began to grow older, you would longer have any appeal. That he would cast you aside for a younger, prettier girl.
Or maybe he would think you were too much work. Your constant need for affection and clingy nature, he might some day find annoying. That you're broken to an extent that he didn't want to put the effort into. That you would be left heartbroken and alone, like you had been a majority of your childhood.
He promised every single time that he would never do such a thing, that he would find a way for you to live a longer life. But your insecurities and fears always found a way to shine through.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Before you could pull yourself from your haze of self-doubt and fear, Aleksander cut through it. He always found a way to get to you when you were upset. Whether it be drowning in your minefield of thoughts or simply upset about what happened in the real world. Your current events being evidence of the ladder.
He squeezed your hand in reassurance, somehow knowing that you're sinking into the quicksand of your mind. As you walk out, into the frigid weather Aleksander leans over to whisper to you, "Ivan, Fedyor, and some other Grisha are in the woods. I didn't want to risk anyone's lives but my own. I much prefer them helping from a distance granted our location."
As soon as you're in sight Fedyor smiles and waves at you. Ivan standing beside his husband, with his usual cold demeanor. Once you're in arm's reach though, Ivan is quick to wrap a kefta around your shoulders, asking you, "Are you okay?"
You're quick to ease his worry and wrap your arms around Fedyor. Always comforted by the pair ever since they figured out that you and Aleksander were more than just ‘kind acquaintances' . Fedyor reciprocates your hug, meeting your need for affection from him with a similar need of his own.
Aleksander patiently waits behind you as you greet the small group of Grisha that had accompanied him. Once you turn back to him he's already staring at you with eyes that you can only describe as absolutely lovestruck. As he admires you with a small smile, he tells you, "Let's get on the road, Milaya." Your cheeks slightly flushing as he used the pet name in front of anyone other than Genya, Ivan, or Fedyor.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
You ride on Aleksander's horse on your way to your wedding venue. After multiple hours, you were out of Fjerda, everyone was exhausted, and the horses needed a much deserved break.
You set up camp for the night slinking into Aleksander and Your's shared tent. Although you're far from Fjerda, the weather was still quite chilly. As a result you were quick to snuggle under the blankets of your shared cot. It was a good few minutes before Aleksander arrived, coming to bed and pulling you close to him.
With your time away from each other, Aleksander couldn't stand another minute away from you. Every minute, every second, that ticked by where you weren't by his side made him antsy. He held you like you were the only thing precious to him in the world, because you were. You meant more to him than any title, he would risk anything and everything for you. He would scour any place, any country you could be in. He would burn the world down till it was ash if that's what he needed to do in order to find you.
When you tell him about your insecurities and how you feel like you aren't worth certain things, it hurts him. It hurts him emotionally and physically pains him. He has never loved anyone since Luda, that was until you. You had shone bright like a star in the night sky, a beam of light in the depths of his shadows.
He loved you with the entirety of his heart and soul. He would give you the world, make it kneel at your feet if that's what you wanted. You were everything to him, and he wished that his love for you was enough to prove that. That it scared him when he thought of you passing away. That he would lose his little star and be shrouded in darkness again, cold and alone.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
When you awoke in the morning, Aleksander was gone, but you heard his muffled voice outside the tent. You sat there as you listened to the best of your ability, until Aleksander opened the tent to presumably lay back down with you. Obviously shocked by your consciousness, he asks you, "How'd you sleep?"
"Oh I don't know, I guess I kind of missed you," you teased back at him. He seemed to understand that you were joking and that you actually did miss him dearly. He leans over you and pecks your lips before he turns away from you as he talks, "We need to get back on the road soon, I only paid the officiant for today."
You shoot up before you start getting dressed, remembering today is your wedding.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
You quickly get ready and are on the path to the venue, the venue Aleksander still won't tell you about. Around noon you arrived there, and by 4 you were getting married. You wore a lavender dress with embroidered sage green vines, one of the first gifts Aleksander had given you.
You felt pretty and Aleksander confirmed the fact. At the altar he stood in a kefta that you can only assume Genya made for him. It was his signature black kefta, with lavender embroidery instead of its usual black.
As you exchanged vows in front of your best friends and to the love of your life, you felt tears welling in your eyes. A few days before, you thought that you'd be meeting a different man at the altar, a stranger. But here you were in a small town in the middle of Ravka, marrying the man you never fathomed you'd be able to, during one of the most gorgeous sunsets you'd ever seen.
Aleks looked at you in question as he asked, "Will you take my hand, Dear? Will you let me drag you down into the shadows and depths to love with my entire being?" You could only answer him with a kiss, unable how to answer with words. As you kissed your husband it was filled with love and unsanctioned want. You opened your eyes to see Aleksander's eyes widen with amazement as he looked above your heads. You swiftly looked up to see stars intertwining with Aleksander's shadowy tendrils.
He looked down at you and said, "You-You're a Star Summoner. You're Grisha."
You looked around at your small group of Grisha, including Fedyor and Ivan who were staring at you with both shock and complete awe. They all fell to their knees as they looked at you, them all saying the same phrase, "Sankta Y/N"
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Aleksander grabbed your wrist amplifying your new found powers, and pulled you over to where they had set up camp. He got tired of dragging you along, as he was much faster than you could keep up with, so he picked you up bridal style carrying you the rest of the way.
Once you were inside your shared tent, Aleksander set you down on your cot. Though he practically threw himself at you in a much less graceful and much more hungry, lust-filled manner. He leaned over you before he smashed his lips to yours, you meeting the kiss with equal vigor. He nipped and bit on your bottom lip before slipping his tongue into your mouth.
You didn't pull away until absolutely necessary. As you both pant, trying to catch your breath, you heard him whisper, "We can live together forever now."
Your heart swells with the admission, the fact that you were Grisha and you would never lose Aleks. That he would be by your side for as long as you both lived. You reply to him, "You're right my love, I'll never have to leave you now." You were too happy to recognize the anger you had towards your parents for hiding this, and also honestly you’re a little preoccupied.
Aleksander slowly starts kissing down your body with a tenderness you had not expected. He kisses every inch of your skin, and all your insecurities and worries melt away. You knew you loved him and he loved you, you knew this was going to be forever, even if nothing else was.
∾ ▩ °º❤️º°  ▩ ∾
Hey guys! This is the second chapter of Aleksander Morozova series, I'm writing this while collaborating with @lost-tothe-centuries! I had some pretty good response and engagement in the first chapter, so here you go! I hope you guys enjoy! Also, always remember that my DMs and requests are always open if you wanna talk. Love y'all! Mwah!
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 6 months
trans!tim + pregnancy
tim, because he's an idiot with no self preservation, decides to stalk the red hood when he first shows up
he ends up finding one of red hoof's safe houses and decides that breaking in is a good idea
he's shifting through some paperwork when he's suddenly being pushed against the floor by a wall of muscle
obviously jason is pissed, he wants to know what his replacement is doing here
except tim is busy trying not to be to horny because yes the red hood is hot and yes this is like something straight out of one of his favorite fantasies but it is not the time
jason notices and decides to being an ass calling tim a slut
tim takes offense
"i'm still a virgin because i couldn't even sleep with my own girlfriend because i was too busy feeling guilty for being in love with someone else"
which causes jason to roll his eyes because tim could have easily pursued whoever it was instead
"sorry but i'm not into necrophilia"
which ok jay's happy the green is gone but kinda feels like an ass now but he also assumes that the person in question would want tim to be happy and move on and he tells tim this
"it's not, he didn't know, honestly he probably didn't even know i existed, i was to scared to talk to him before,"
and yeah jason really wants to end this conversation he doesn't want to feel bad for his replacement
he shifts around and tim reacts again
"you know if you're so desperate i don't mind helping"
tim definitely finds that idea appealing but argues because that's the right thing to do here
"why not, you can call out his name and live the fantasy and i get a nice warm hole"
and tim knows this is a bad idea he should be saying no and trying to get the fuck away from the crime lord but
"we never speak of this again"
obviously sex happens, jay does briefly pause when tim says jason but he's definitely telling himself it's a coincidence
(it's a common enough name so like, it could be)
afterwards they're both tired but then tim gets oracle reaching out via his previously off comms like
"i know you were busy but we've got a situation, mass arkham break out"
tim shelves the implication that at least barbara is aware of tim's very bad decision making skills and gets his ass up and out to help out
unfortunately for tim the night ends with him catching ivy and even more unfortunately she caught him too
thankfully it's just cuddle pollen so, bc he is the king of bad decision making and has 0 self worth, tim goes home and hides in his closet and rides it out so he doesn't bother anyone
problem is because of all this he forgot that he needs plan b
he remembers when his period doesn't show up
the 3 pregnancy test all say positive and tim is not looking forward to that conversation with red hood
not sure where it goes after that except both jason and tim get the terrible experience of finding out that tim did get to lose his first time to his first love
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 7 months
What Could Be
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: ah they go axe throwing, the boys get a blowjob
Genre: fluff, smut
Summary: date night and curious inquiries
You hum to yourself as you finish your makeup. Tonight is date night and the boys won't tell you what they're planning but you're excited. Every so often they'll do this, where they plan some secret date to surprise you. Just as you finish getting ready there's a knock at your door and you check the clock. It's 6 o'clock. They're right on time. Of course, they are. Steven would probably blow his top if they were late to meet you.
"Coming!" You shout giving yourself one more once over in the mirror before dashing to the door. You pull open the door with a smile. "Hi, boys!" You say.
"Hey sweetheart." Marc kisses your cheek. You push into their mindscape for a moment to greet the others.
"Hello love."
"Hola princessa."
You offer them quick replies before returning to Marc.
"So what're we up to tonight my darlings?" You ask looping your arm through his as you lock your apartment.
"You know the rules, you find out when we get there." Marc smiles.
"Oh fine." You roll your eyes dramatically.
"Don't worry, you'll love this. We're sure of it." He tells you.
"I expect to."
A few blocks and a train ride later you're walking up to what looks like any old bar.
"Are we doing a bar crawl?" You ask.
"A bar crawl?! Do you think us that boring and unoriginal?"
"Marc- this is a bar. Is it not?"
"Technically, but that's not why we're here." He says with a mischievous smile.
"What shady shit are you planning Spector?" You narrow your eyes at him as he leads you inside. While Marc is speaking to the employee by the door you take in the atmosphere around you. There's a decent crowd here, the decorations are all bright and attention grabby. Then you catch sight of a neon sign with a silly pun that gives away what kind of place this is. 'Axe and you shall receive' it says in glowy orange. You gasp as you put it together. Before you can ask to confirm the lady Marc was speaking to is walking and Marc is guiding you to follow. Through the moderate throng of people towards the back, where there are several stations lined up a safe distance apart.
"Axe throwing." You finally say with a smile. You don't notice Marc smiling at you as you look at the few people already throwing. You barely catch the instructions being given to you before you're handed an axe each.
"I told you you'd love it." He says triumphantly.
"You guys never cease to amaze me." You shake your head.
"To be detrimentally honest Jake thought you'd look particularly incredible with a hatchet in hand."
"Jake always likes me best when I'm a danger to someone." You chuckle.
"That's not true princessa." Jake says.
"Oh yeah?" You gesture for him to back up and throw your axe at the target. When you turn back to Jake his eyes have darkened in a way you're not unfamiliar with.
"Yeah." He says gruffly.
"Then why are you suddenly looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you're thinking of a thousand ways to devour me in this room." You say walking over to the target to yank your axe out of it. By the time you walk back over to him, the look is gone.
"If we're going to get through our scheduled hour Jake will have to remain in our head." Steven says and now the look being gone makes sense. You laugh.
"Are you going to throw Steven?" You ask.
"I- don't think I'll be all that good at it. Matc would probably be better at-"
"Give it a shot before you count yourself out baby." You cut him off before he can talk himself out of it more.
"You think so?"
"I think the worst you can do is not try at all." You shrug.
"A-alright." He nods. You swap places with him and he gives it a good honest try. His axe hits the target just to the left of the bullseye and he spins to look at you as if he can't believe it. "I-I hit it!"
"See?! I told you! That was brilliant Steven!" You beam at him. He and Marc take turns throwing their axe with you for the next hour or so before you leave. It's Steven you end up having dinner with before walking back to your apartment building. When you reach the apartment, you don't get out a goodbye before you're kissed so fiercely that you stumble backwards through your open door. The kiss continues through your living room, the door being kicked shut once you're inside.
"I have been waiting to do that all night." Jake breathes out when he finally pulls away, by which point you're on the other side of your living room.
"Really?" You ask breathlessly.
"It may not be when I like you best, but there is something irresistible about you with a weapon." He says cupping your face gently.
"When Steven said they had to lock you away so we could get through our axe throwing session I thought he was being facetious." You chuckle.
"He has a flare for the dramatic."
"But you would not have behaved."
"I plead the 5th."
"An answer in and of itself." You shrug.
"Oh hush." Jake pulls you into another kiss, this one less urgent than the last but just as breathtaking. He barely pulls away to lift you into his arms and carry you to your bed.
"I didn't realize axe throwing would have you so feverish." You giggle as he lays you down atop your mattress.
"You remember the night I found out about your powers?" Jake asks.
"Yeah, we got ambushed by those guys and I used my abilities to stop them."
"Watching you fight was- beyond what I can express." He breathes.
"Beyond what you can express?" You smirk.
"If I said that was the night I knew I'd fall in love with you would you believe it?" He asks.
"Why wouldn't I?" You scoff.
"You don't find it strange?"
"Jake, my darling, there's three of you up here," you gently caress his forehead "And I can turn minds to mush without breaking a sweat. You finding me hot with a weapon is very low on the list of strange occurrences."
"How wonderful you are." Jake smirks leaning forward to kiss you again. Jake's lips trail down your throat littering the exposed skin with nips and licks that send shivers down your spine. He pulls back long enough to tug your shirt over your head before his lips continue their journey down your body. He shoves your bra down but not off to take a nipple between his lips long enough to have you arching off the bed towards him and then he descends further, sliding your pants down your legs when he reaches the waistband. You sit up to properly pull off your bra as he tosses your pants and underwear on the floor beside him. Jake pushes himself up onto his feet at the edge of the bed, his eyes traveling over your body the way his hands and lips did a few minutes ago.
"You are so gorgeous. I cannot believe you are mine. Ours." Jake says with nothing but adoration in his eyes and voice. You get onto your knees and shuffle to the edge of the bed so you're face to face with him and start to undo the buttons on his shirt.
"You are just as gorgeous my darling. And I am so very lucky to call you mine." You say placing kisses against his revealed skin as you slowly remove his shirt.
"You're too good to us mi vida." Jake's hand caresses your cheek.
"You are not good enough to yourselves." You counter, kissing his lips now as you work his belt off and shove his pants from his waist. They catch just above his knees but it's fine because the part of him you wish to expose is at attention between you. You grip him in one hand and he groans at the feeling as you begin to stroke him lazily.
"You- think s-so highly of us." Jake grits out.
"Of course I do and I want you to do the same." You say gently, kissing his abdomen just below his belly button.
"Mierda." He hisses. You drag your tongue down his length, taking the tip between your lips and swirling your tongue around it. When you peak up at him his head is pitched towards the ceiling and his mouth has dropped open wide. It's always so much fun to see any of them in such a state. 
You toy with him for a little while, licking and sucking on the head while your hand keeps working the length of him. It's enough to make him unsteady on his feet but not enough to make him cum. It doesn't take long for Jake to become frustrated enough to grab your wrist and force you back onto the bed. 
"Y/n?" Steven asks gently. He knows you're only half awake as the two of you have been talking for the last hour.
"Yes my darling?" You hum.
"Uh- Marc wants to speak to you? Like- in here." Steven taps on his temple.
"Oh? Okay. I'll be back." You kiss Steven's shoulder before projecting yourself into their mind. Marc is sitting cross-legged when he materializes. You mirror his position in front of him.
"Hey you." You smile.
"Hi. I was just wondering something."
"What's up buttercup?"
"You know how you jump into our mind like this sometimes to talk to us?"
"Is there- like any way we could do the same thing but like the opposite? You know, jumping into your mind?" Marc asks.
"Uh-" you pause for a moment. "No." Maybe you shouldn't lie to him but what he's suggesting- the risks are simply not worth it.
"Why did you hesitate?"
"I didn't." You shake your head.
"You definitely did and I'd like to know why."
"Okay- fine. Technically- I mean you aren't a telepath so not exactly the same but there are ways to bind you to me and that would- pretty much mimic what my powers allow me to."
"Bind us to you?"
"Okay so I usually compare minds to houses or offices but to explain this let's say everyone's mind is an island, they're completely unconnected but- my powers allow me to build bridges- between minds. So when you ask me to come here I simply create a bridge, you aren't a telepath so you can't do the same but it is possible to bind yourself to a telepath which would essentially create a permanent bridge. You would be able to shout down that bridge and perhaps I could teach you to walk across it into my mind but if that was even possible it would take quite some time."
"But you could do it?"
"Maybe. I don't know, no telepath I know has ever had someone bound to them and from what I've heard no one is exactly eager to dive into the mind of a telepath when they get bound to one."
"Well how would you do that?"
"No. We're not- it's too risky. Just trying to do the ritual could drive you insane and that's not something I'm willing to put you through not to mention relationships END. Trying to undo that binding- you'd probably never be rid of me Marc."
"We have no desire to be rid of you-"
"Whatever. It's dangerous. I don't want to- not to mention you can't even make the decision on your own Jake and Steven would have to weigh in before anything could happen."
"Weigh in on what?" Jake pops up suddenly.
"Nothing." You roll your eyes.
"Steven! Hermano! Tune into this conversation, yeah?" Jake turns away from you and Marc to summon Steven.
"No you don't have to-"
"What's up?" Steven pops in.
"Hi." You sigh.
"La princesa needs us to weigh in on something she's discussing with Marc."
"Marc wants to be able to jump into my mind the way I jump into yours and the only way to do that is to bind you to me and I think it's too risky to even consider the idea."
"But we could outvote her." Marc tells the others.
"I'm the only one here who can do the ritual so technically you can't but go off." You roll your eyes.
"So to clarify you could make it so we can go into your mind like you do ours?" Steven asks.
"Yes but she doesn't want to." Marc nods.
"Why not?" Jake asks.
"It's dangerous! There are too many risks it's not a good idea." You shake your head.
"But it's our risk to take. It's not up to you."
"I'm the one doing the ritual. I could just refuse. Then what?"
"Have we ever made decisions like that?" Marc crosses his arms.
"This isn't the same as deciding who pays for dinner you are asking me to risk your sanity, your lives, for something that isn't necessary. What is so wrong about the way things are?"
"It's not that there's something wrong-" Marc starts.
"I think it'd be nice to be connected on such a special level like that." Steven shrugs.
"Exactly. It's another level of closeness with you. Plus- it would be nice to not have to run it by whoever is fronting to talk to you." Marc says.
"Jake? How do you feel about it?" You ask.
"It's risky?"
"But you could do it?"
"I don't know. I've never done it before. It's- from all accounts very difficult."
"I'm not sure I believe there's anything you can't accomplish." Jake muses with a smirk.
"I appreciate your faith in me but that doesn't tell me what your thoughts are regarding Marc's... desire."
"I agree it would be nice to have a more permanent way to communicate directly if it's possible, but I understand your hesitance. We are however adults and are fully capable of taking responsibility for our decisions and it's only fair you let us make that decision." Jake says.
"I cannot lose you at my own hands. Not for something so- frivolous."
"It isn't frivolous to us. You can always be with us, speak to us. We want to do the same." Marc frowns. You take a long moment to consider each of them.
"I will look into it. But I'm not making any promises." You say finally. Each of them reacts with varying levels of excitement and even if you think this is an absolutely dreadful idea, it's cute to see that it means so much to them.
A/N: If you see this would you prefer I DO a part about the actual process of binding them or just skip ahead
Tagged Users: @itsmskeisha @auntiegigi @neteyamsluvts @a-lil-bit-nuts
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