#but i may have just picked or little golden baby’s name
slafkovskys · 5 months
Y’all Ryan is literally with her. Scottie is not by herself.
but does he stay though, or does scottie allow him to stay…
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d34dlysinner · 4 months
I don’t know if this counts as a request, but what are some thoughts of the kings taking care of the pregnant MC? Or how would telling them the test came back positive
Sorry for the late answer!!!
Satan looked at you with a huge smile on his face when he heard the news. "It's about time", he said laughing as he gave you a tight hug. Satan would like some kids and he would love to give them the weirdest names he could think. At a certain point you had to stop him with the name picking because some of the names he thought of either seemed like titles or were too hard to pronounce. He would look forward to being able to do stuff with his child, but before that he gets very overprotective of you. He won't put you on a diet (unless you eat a lot of stuff that could harm the baby), but he will yell and kick anyone that gets to close to you. Paimon being excited hearing the news probably would want to hug you and congratulate you. Before he could even touch you Satan is in between the both of you saying. "Keep your excitement in check before you harm MC." He knows his nobles and he understands that they would never want to harm you, but he doesn't want to risk anything when you're in this state.
Mammon would shower you in gifts and affection. He's always there when you need something and at times he's there even when you don't need stuff. He would be excited as he gets baby toys and other stuff he think the baby would like. At a certain point he'd just return with a solid golden pacifier saying: "I used to like this when I was young. My child definitely would too." He sometimes base the things he buys from his own childhood, wanting his child to have the same things he had as a child.
When it comes to you and your entire pregnancy he would get you the best quality of everything you wanted. Food? He'd get it from a 5 star place or he'd let a amazing cook make it. You're tired? Mammon would just carry you the entire time. You want something to read or to do? Mammon would bring you all the stuff you need. He loves to spoil you and he would do rhe same for his child.
Beelzebub would look at you in disbelief. Almost as if he claimed to have used protection which at most times he doesn't. "What..?", he asked as you repeated: "I'm pregnant." Beel was thinking for a while, almost making you anxious as he walked over to you. All the fears washed away when he placed a kiss on your forehead. "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.", he says chuckling. He would cook for both you and the child, making sure to not put anything too suspicious in his food. He doesn't want you to feel worse during your pregnancy. He will at times disappear but he'd always make sure you're left somewhere safe (with Bael) and he would make sure that the others would help you with food (not Bael). When he returns he brings little gifts for both you and the baby. You understand why he can't always be there so you're not angry, but having him leave at times does make you a little emotional when you want him at your side during these months.
(Extra: ... Beel would comment on your pregnant belly saying "its cute." He would notice every little change and fall in love with you again every time.)
Leviathan didn't really show a lot of expression. You'd almost think he's angry until he says "I see. That's good. Now you have to stay in Hades." He may seem a little cold but he's genuinely happy, just not always the best at showing how he feels. But you'd notice that during the evening he'd place a kiss on your forehead or on your hand. While sleeping he'd hold his hand over your stomach as if he's protecting the child.
During day you'd probably not see him too much since he takes his work very seriously, but he does send over flowers with a letter and other stuff. Foras would deliver them since he'd probably instantly hang anyone else who tried to hand over his gifts to you. When you do see him he starts asking questions like: "Did you eat?", "How do you feel?"
During the lasts months of the pregnancy he'd seem more invested with the child and you'd see a nursery being decorated for the child. He'd also throw names he'd like to give to his child during those months.
Lucifer stayed silent as he walks toward you. He wouldn't do much more than give you a kiss and a hug to reassure you that he wasn't disappointed with the news. He would have a small smile and that same smile would be plastered on his face anytime a conversation leads towards his unborn baby. He does love family and he wants one that would stay with him. Not that he doesn't appreciate his current family, but he's always happy to expand it.
He would force you to do check ups every week. Just to be sure that you're 100% okay. He'd also make sure you eat stuff that's been approved by him. Apart from that he doesn't do a lot more than taking care of you.
If there's danger he'd make sure you're safe. If you're tired he'd urge you to sleep a little longer. If you want to take a walk he'd make sure it's with someone near you.
He doesn't do a lot when it comes to decorating a nursery or searching names. "I'm okay with what you want to pick." Is what he would say.
(Extra: he would cry of happiness when holding his child for the first time. It may not be very noticeable but you'd notice.")
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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Hope you’ve been well! I’ve done nothing but lurk on thin internet for years so this may be my first request on any platform. And it’s about a Lego monkey😭
With that said, can I get a romantic yandere Wukong with big feels for his exasperated lawyer? Or just and exasperated reader in general if you want lol
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Can’t Fool You
(Well, I hope to receive more requests from you in the future! And I’m here writing about that monkey, so… we’re in the same boat!)
By now, you have your own little “everything” in his house.
Your own snacks. Your own mug. Your own “spot” on the worn-out couch.
And all three are conveniently laid out in front of you, an enticing spread of exotic and varied chocolates laid out next to your trusty porcelain stein, filled to the brim with a steaming brew. The couch cushion has been dusted and sprayed with a floral perfume. Your case files are neatly stacked on the edge of table.
This is probably the cleverest trap he’s created yet- not that it’s nearly enough to fool you.
“Sun Wukong, reveal yourself this instant.”
The Great Sage has learned by now that there’s no real way to argue with you, not unless he wants to spend this lovely afternoon sitting awkwardly on his knees, receiving a very lengthy lecture about wasting your time with petty and ill-built debates.
So instead he sounds a very lengthy whine, groaning and huffing as golden light emanates from the cushion placed right before the enticingly decorated table. It shifts and bends and sparks, slowly reforming into the Great Sage that you had come to know and tolerate.
“Bud, you always see right through me,” he compliments, though there’s still the edge of a soft whine through those honeyed words. He’s growing impatient with the lack of skinship and affection. “How could you tell?”
“Sun Wukong, the real cushion is clearly sticking out from behind the couch, you didn’t bother to clean any other part of the couch, and I heard you giggling as I came through the door!”
“Aww, hun!” He coos, disregarding every single time you had told him to refer to you by first or last name. “You’re SO smart!”
From another mouth it might’ve sounded sarcastic or demeaning. Maybe even spiteful. But in those five words alone has Wukong loaded love, admiration, devotion, and obsession.
“This is why I picked you as my lawyer, hun.”
No the hell it’s not, you want to say. And that would be true- you were picked as his lawyer because no one else could:
1. Stomach his constant jokes and tomfoolery
2. Work around dozens of mischievous and rowdy monkeys
3. Reliably out-scream Ne Zha
And you only kept working at this tedious job because he provided free boarding and food, and spoiled you with treasures. It was an unorthodox manner of payment, but stupidly lucrative.
You won a case. He “paid” you with an ancient relic. You took it to an antiques dealer. They considered scamming or skimping, then caught sight of Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven. They paid you fairly.
And you walked away with heavy pockets.
It made for a good routine.
And you could tolerate that chaotic and breakneck lifestyle right up until you came “home” and had to spend half the night warding off both Wukong and his little troop of monsters from your bed.
Those little white-furred monkeys…
“They think you’re their other grandparent,” he had said once, dumping half a troop into your bed beside you as you protested and argued about their thieving hands and loud mouths. “Since you spend so much time with me, hun.”
“Then tell them I’m not.”
“Sorry, Y/N. Too late~”
…it had taken you two hours to pick out all the white strands of monkey hair, and an hour more to clear the smell. You had sworn to put up spikes, wire, fences- anything to prevent
Only to go soft at the begging of a baby; the runt of her troop, and allow her to settle on your pillow as you worked.
Damn the weakness of your heart- it had been a major mistake on your part.
You ended up throwing that pillow away after a very characteristic “monkey mess”, burning it in broad daylight and scattering the ashes amongst Flower Fruit Mountain’s fertile soil.
A muscular hand falls on either of your shoulders, directing you forward- Wukong’s replaced the old cushion and decorated it with silk pillows and peach blossom petals, and even taken the time to light a candle.
He nudges until you’ve reached the seat, then- perhaps with more force than intended- pushes you onto the couch.
“Wukong!” You call in anger, planting both hands firmly onto the furniture to steady yourself, making a move to stand- only for the Great Sage to throw himself into your open lap with a smile. His fur tickles at your thighs, a snug coat of ginger to warm your legs.
“…Sun Wukong, remove yourself from my lap this-“
“Aw, peaches! How can you be so mean to lil’ ol me? I just wanna spend some time with my favorite lawyer!”
“I am your only lawyer, because no one else can put up with your nonsense!”
“That’s what makes you so special to me, peaches.”
It’s a statement that manages to be vulnerable through its own simplicity, straightforward and sincere. If you had been standing, perhaps your knees would have buckled in surprise.
But you can’t, because Sun Wukong is splayed across you with all the might of a warrior, a king, a bogus immortal. He nestles closer, nearly purring in delight with each rub from his cheeks to your thighs.
One hand, clawed and built strong- sharply moves to grip at your wrist. Though you futilely try to pull away, he effortlessly yanks it to his head.
“Pet me,” he whines. “Please, peaches…?”
You pause, and consider the request. The relationship you share is already unprofessional, bordering on unhealthy at both ends. His obsessive nature comes through frequently enough…
The king barges in on your meetings with other clients to ruin them. He nuzzles your suits and dresses against himself until they bear his scent. He wards off friends and family alike- by being so exuberant and “accidentally” destructive that they fearfully retreat.
And you’ve allowed it this long, haven’t you? You could’ve left, or rejected him, or at least told him to stop… but no such words had ever left your lips.
And now that Wukong had settled into the routine that you allowed him to build, it felt like a wall, a cage, a web all around you.
Which brick to pull? Which bar to rattle? Which thread to cut?
This constrainment had built itself high, feeling like an ever-present gilded collar tight around your throat.
Shelter. Food. Money. Love.
He provided it all and more without hesitation- and all you had to do was play along, to some small degree. He could take rebuffs and insults and discouragement, could sit with a wagging tail through your lectures, could handle you kicking him out of your bed every night…
And he’d still come back for more.
You lower your hand to Wukong’s forehead. Under the fur, there’s a deep indent- it feels like a band once sat there. He perks, eagerly pressing his head upwards to savor the touch.
This is all you have to do. This earns you your room, your pay, your food and drink… more than any of your services as a lawyer, or your fervent legal defense of his character…
All that really matters to him is you, your time and attention.
You pet his head. He purrs.
In time, he’s sure that you’ll love him as much as he loves you.
And he has all the time in the world to wait for it.
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin × Pregnant Reader
Part 2
Part 1
Part 3
Still GN!
Characters: Ayato, Thoma, Itto, Gorou
Warnings: Blood, Pregnancy, Screaming, Death mention, Water breaking, tears.
Notes: please read!!!
For Gorous you will be having a bit of a rough pregnancy due to his nature, not that rough it's just a warning.
With ittos you're gonna be screwed.
This is not proof read.
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Despite the popular belief going around time, you weren't pregnant to make an heir. Yes, it did make an heir, but that wasn't the reason the two of you decided to have a family.
You walked in the courtyard of the Kamisato Manor, the aura around you slightly irritated. However, that aura dropped once your eyes laid on the blonde male walking towards you. "Why hello Thoma." You said. He gave a cheeky smile, his green eyes sparkled as he peered at your abdomen, "I see she's growing." He handed you an envelope, your name written with your husband's beautiful handwriting. "You're really said on them being a girl, huh?" You said smiling, and your thumb opened the wax softly.
"You can touch if you'd like." You pulled out the paper that lay in the envelope, Thomas hands softly grasped your stomach, as you read the note.
'My beloved (y/n),
It would be my utmost honor to invite you to dinner, meet me on the beach at 6 pm. Wear something comfortable my love.
Your one and only, Ayato.'
You smiled softly and looked at Thoma, "You knew about this?" You said playfully causing him to look away to the side "maybe."
You wobbled out onto the sand, your bodyguards staying back once you met the petals on the beach. Ayato stood at the end of the petal filled walkway, the warm golden light of the sun shining on his body, a heavy smile on his face as his hands held your a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Ayatooo." You mumbled and hugged him, "what's all of this?" He moved his body, showing the blanket and food that were lying on it. "A date for the love of my life."
You shook your head and sat on the blanket, groaning a little as the baby kicked you. "She's not happy about the date, it seems." He smiled softly, his slender fingers placing themselves on your abdomen. "What's with you guys and assuming it's a girl?" You smiled softly, heavily confused. "Hm? Oh... Do you think it's a boy?" He said with an amused tone. "I have not a clue!" You giggled out and grabbed some fruits.
"Well, I have a sneaking suspicion that it may be a girl, no matter the case I will love them unconditionally." He smiled with deep admiration at your abdomen. He picked up the fruit in your hand as he shook his head. "Hey!" You grumbled, however, stopped once he plopped one into your mouth.
The two of you spent the night watching the sunset, eating food, and planning for the future.
~Three months later~
You were seen yet again walking in the courtyard. This time, you asked to be left alone, letting the small breeze that hit your body distract you from your contractions. Humming slightly, you took a step only for a jolt to stab your abdomen. It wasn't painful until the contractions hit hard. Your body tumbled to the floor, your back hitting the ground as you yelled out. Thoma and the bodyguards immediately ran towards your body. Ayatos ears heard the yelp, his eyes stared wide into his sisters, and immediately slid open the door and ran towards you. Ayaka, slowly following behind, his body met yours on the ground. "Get the room ready!" He shouted and grabbed your body, his strong arms lifting you up and softly trudging to the room.
He walked into the nursery and laid you on the futon as the nurses rushed in, Ayaka and Thoma sat outside anticipation flowing through their blood.
Despite the original pain of the contractions, the birth of your child wasn't as bad as you had thought. You let out a huff at the final push, Ayato softly massaging your hand. "You did so good, my love.... you hear that? That's our baby." He said softly the cries played throughout the closed space, his lips kissing your face lovingly as the nurses cleaned your baby off. "Our family." You said, exasperated, a small smile painted your face as the nurse brought your child over. You held them tightly, and Ayatos' eyes widened with love. "I guess you were right." A breathy laugh played through your lips. "Our beautiful girl." He mumbled softly, rubbing his hand on your daughters head.
Ayato was a mature parent. He couldn't be there at all times. However, he loved his daughter more than the world. And that was well known. He would bring her to his workspace, holding her small body as his eyes laid attentively at the paperwork. You walked into his office, smiling at the sight in front of you, "Ayato." His eyes flickered towards your hands that held a paper. He softly placed your one year old down in the crib and walked over to you. "You're?" He asked softly. "You nodded. "I think this one will be a boy!" You said as you held your stomach "No definitely not, I'm thinking a girl." The two of you smiled heavily, "Whatever the case, our girl is a big sister!"
(Bonus: Three years went by. You sat on a bench in the courtyard watching your four year old chase down Thoma. Giggles could be heard throughout the manor. Ayaka laughed, watching carefully as her best friend got beat up by her niece. Your eyes fluttered to your husband, who held your two year old daughter asleep in his arms. He sat down beside you and whispered, "How are they doing?" You smiled as his free hand placed on your swollen stomach, "Both of them keep fighting.")
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His light brown ears shot up as his eyes spotted your body on one of the shells at Watatsumi Island. The breeze from the waterfall blew your hair slightly. He smiled at the sight, his beautiful spouse rubbing the baby bump as bubbles sparkled around them. However, it all quickly stopped when you groaned in pain, grabbing your stomach.
He rushed over to you, his hand grabbed yours as he sat you down on a nearby bench. His ears drooped slightly as you let out another groan, his calloused hands grabbed yours as his thumbs rubbed across your knuckles. Being pregnant with a yokai was definitely a bit difficult, your pain was more than the average pregnant person.
"What's going on dear?" He asked softly, concern lacing his voice, "it seems as if our babies don't like sea shells." You joked around, and your eyes stared into his. "Or the three of them are fighting, could be either one."
He smiled softly at your answers, "Behave you three." He said with a deep chuckle, "Let's go home." You said as you slowly stood up. You grabbed his hand as you wobbled to the door of your house that Kokomi had given you as a baby shower present.
You sat on the couch, your beautiful husband beside you. He was a busy person, but the war subsided which meant that he could spend as much time with you as he wanted. It was the main reason you got pregnant.
~two weeks later~
You started having pretty bad contractions two days ago, so a simple task would take quite a while. Right now, you were in the kitchen attempting to make food while Gorou finished setting up the babies room. You held the counter sharply, breathing through an awful contraction. Suddenly, something started trickling down your leg, 'fuck' you muttered as you started hobbling towards your husband. "H-hey" you said through your gritted teeth, his ears twitched and he looked down at your legs "My water broke." You said calmly, however your husband started to freak out.
He was going at 1,000 miles a minute. He grabbed your baby bag and ran out, almost forgetting you.
Your heavy groans could be heard throughout Watatsumi Island, everyone, and that means EVERYONE. Waited in anticipation for the kids to arrive. Gorou stood beside you, his tail tucked between his legs at the pain that 'he' caused you. Two babies had already been pushed out, and you took a heavy, deep breath, closing your eyes. "Breathe my flower, I'm here, you got this." Your husband whispered sweet nothings to you as you ripped your body in and out while pushing. Finally, the nurse pulled the baby out, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. Loud cries flew throughout the room, Gorou placed his forehead on yours as tears streamed from his eyes. "I love you so much!"
Gorou was such a sweet father, always being patient with his kids. He would tell them his stories of war with admiration. He would also tell them about how awesome you were. All of Watatsumi Island showered the babies with gifts, always celebrating the young warriors. Currently, the five of you sat on the same sea shell you stood on while pregnant with them. Your middle child sat on your lap as the oldest and youngest sat on Gorous. The loud waterfall set them to sleep, and both you and Gorou laughed.
(Bonus: Kokomi would often join your family for dinner, always creating little water fish to distract your kids. She was very close with your middle child, always shaking them softly. She was a proud aunt, whatever you needed she would give without a second of hesitation.)
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Having a kid with the infamous Oni was torture. You looked like you were pregnant with four babies, but no only one overly large baby took up your belly. Itto was so happy when you told him the news. He practically told everyone he saw.
Currently, you were in Liyue, Shinobu had stated that the Healthcare is better here than in Inazuma, so Itto wasted no time to rush you to the Land of Geo.
The door to your home slammed open, and a bruised Itto was shoved through the door by the green-haired deputy leader. She huffed out as she dropped your husband on the couch. "Go ahead and take a nap. I got this, Kuki." You said she sighed and thanked you before walking upstairs to her room.
Itto grabbed your body and kissed your belly hundreds of times. "How is my son doing!" He said with a large smile, painting his face. "Your son is pissed because your partner is pissed. Why are you bruised?!" You semi yelled, the oni sweat dropped. He went to explain, but your loud groan in pain stopped his motions. He quickly got up and moved your body to where you sat, his hands hovered over you confused on what he should do.
"Itto your baby hurts." you mumbled out, a few tears leaving your eyes. His eyes saddened, his face looking like a kicked dog. "But it'll be worth it (y/n)! Just another month!" He tried to cheer you up but failed, more frustrated tears drowning your face. "Hug them dammnit!" The voice from upstairs yelled. Itto wasted no time. He sat beside you and pulled you into his grasp, telling you stories on the stuff you guys would do.
"No, we are not tossing him in confetti Itto," you giggled softly at your husband, tossing his hands up in protest. "You know it's an amazing idea, bug." You shook your head at his poor persuasion.
~one in a half months later~
"ITTTOOO" A blood curdling scream shot through the house, causing Kuki and Itto to run over, practically tripping over themselves. Itto grabbed your body and lifted you up as Kuki grabbed the bags you needed. Both of them quickly ran out of the house.
You held onto your husband's jacket in pain, low screams leaving your mouth, causing the citizen of Liyue to look at you with concern. Tears spilled from your eyes as your grip got tighter, "C'mon babe, you got this, you gotta make it. Stay awake for me." Itto said, his tone filled with fear. Finally, the three of you made it to Bubu Pharmacy, shocking the green haired doctor. "I do not have the best experience with this." He mumbled, causing your eyes to widen. He sedmed and noticed your frightened expression. "No worries, though! You're in the best hands in Liyue."
Baizhu fed you a natural pain killer. It took away some of the pain. However, it was still present. An overly anxious Itto sat outside with Qiqi as Kuki assisted the doctor. He was set on not traumatizing the child, so he asked your dear friend for assistance.
More screams played throughout the night as the overly large baby was pushed out. Finally, your screams stopped, and cries replaced them. Your vision was hazy, ringing playing in your ears. Faint voices all around. The door could be heard slam open, your burly husband rushing in.
"Qiqi, grab the baby, would you..."
"We are losing them...."
"C'mon babe! Don't leave me please.... please"
You opened your eyes slowly, the bright light of the sun shining in your eyes. You looked around, and Baizhu turned his attention to you. "Very well, are you feeling alright? I had to use quite a potent medicine on you." You nodded, slowly allowing your surroundings to settle. "Well then, I will leave you be." He grabbed his purple assistant and left the room.
You looked at the corner only to find a sleeping Shinobu holding your baby. She was the best older sister anyone could've asked for.
A loud grumble caught your attention. You turned to look beside you only to see your sleeping husband, with puffy eyes. "Itto?" You mumbled quietly, catching his attention. "(Y/N)!" He shouted quietly. You hushed him softly. "I'm here, you big baby." He hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead many times. "Don't ever do that again. You almost made the great Itto cry!" You smirked at your lying husband. "Sure, as if he didn't already...... I'm sorry, love."
Itto was a very good father. However, he was a bit irresponsible. Your son would never have a dull day. Itto would make sure of that. Itto would constantly toss your son up in the air and catch him. Loud giggles could be heard from the overly large child. Currently, you sat on a ship heading back to Inazuma to visit Gorou and Kujou. Your baby already was running around the ship, both you and your husband chasing after him with loud giggles.
(Bonus: Kuki would always steal your baby from you. She was so proud of the two of you. Constantly blubbering your sons stomach. Her eyes would always hold such love and admiration, "whos happy to see sister Kuki, you areee!!")
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"You're actually pregnant?!" Your boyfriend said with wide eyes. You looked away from his green irises and nodded softly, fearing his reaction. His heart broke a little. "My love, look at me." He whispered softly, grabbing your chin. "We got this, okay?" He said quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I'll talk to Ayaka and Ayato, I'll have my schedule shortened, alright?" Tears drowned your face as you engulfed him in a tight hug, causing him to laugh a little.
A few weeks went by, and Thoma had set up a date for the two of you in Chinnju forest. The bioluminescent plants lit the area beautifully. You sat down on the bench and watched as the fireflies danced together beautifully, fully immersing you in their show. When you went to go turn towards your boyfriend he was down on one knee.
"(y/n), I know all of this is sudden and unplanned. But you are truly the love of my life, everything I could've dreamt for in a person. Finding out that you are pregnant with my child was the best news I have ever received."
His eyes started to tear up as he continued on.
"I only want this with you, will you do me the honors and marry me?"
He said. His breath stayed in his chest as he waited for your answer. You tackled him in a hug. "Of course! You don't even have to ask!"
~four months later~
Your bump was showing a little, not too much, though. The Kamisatos moved the two of you into their manor. You were hesitant at first, but they demanded, stating that you were their family.
Currently, you were dancing with Ayaka in the courtyard, soft giggles swimming through the air. Thoma walked over to the two dancing bodies and quickly swooped you off your feet, "Thoma!" You squeaked, causing a laugh to leave both your friends and now fiancés mouths. "Let's go. I have a surprise for you.
He places you back down on your feet and leads you to a room in the manor. You slid open the door only to find it decorated with beautiful designs. A crib laying in the middle of the room with little stuffed animals laying on the inside. You let out a shocked gasp as you walked even further into the room. Two chairs were in the corner, a shelf of clothes and diapers on the wall.
"Thoma," you said, exasperated. "You didn't have to do all of this." He let out a small sigh of relief. "Only the best for my baby!" He said with a large smile. You hugged him softly, your lips attacking his face. "Thank you so much!"
~nine months in~
You grasped the table softly, "mmmn," you groaned softly "Okay I gotta go to the nurse," you said, catching your Fiancés attention. "I think my water broke. He shot up from his chair and grabbed your hand softly, rushing you to the nursery.
It was painful, to say the least, but it was completely worth it. You laid on the bed, your baby on your chest, Thoma laying behind you. "We need to name them" you said causing his eyes to widen "I completely forgot."
Thoma was the sweetest father in the world, always smiling whenever he saw his cute little baby. Moving their little arms and dancing with them as he hummed a lullaby. Currently, you were walking down the aisle, your toddler tossing flowers on the floor. You smiled, looking at your soon to be husband who had tears flowing down his face.
(Bonus: Auntie Ayaka and Uncle Ayato would show up often, always showering your baby in new expensive gifts. It made you feel bad, but they always shot down your worries with a 'they're the cutest' or a 'I couldn't resist'. Ayaka would teach your kid how to dance in the courtyard, as you sat watching with your husband and Mr.Kamisato. "So when's the next baby coming around." The icy blue male joked around, causing the two of you to burn into a cherry "Only joking around you two only joking.")
Sumeru next?
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aclowntiny · 1 year
can you plz do first _ with yuyu for example: first kiss, first hand holding, first ily, first date, first puppy etc ><
Ooh I like this I would have never thought of that! So cute 🥺 can't wait to do this with all the members! & thank you sweetie 🥹🥰
Yunho + Firsts (Gender Neutral Reader)
(This picture gives off such out with your bf vibes 🥺)
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First Date: He may have asked you out beneath beautiful blossoms, but your first date is at the zoo. He bounces like a puppy at the adorable way the baby pandas roll, holding out his phone for videos. There’s a photo op that gives you panda ears, so of course Yunho pulls you over to it for a shot! You guys probably also get matching gift shop plushies too.
First Time Holding Hands: On your first date! It’s a little step forward in affection for sure, but it feels right even though it happens by accident. It’s a bit of a run to get to the next round of aviary entrances and Yunho really wants to make it, to get a chance to feed the beautiful birds and maybe even have them land on you! In his excitement he grabs your hand, tugging you into his little jog to the pay booth.
First Kiss: You guys have a few dates before the first kiss. Neither of you mind, enjoying each other’s company and valuing that more than anything physical- Yunho makes that clear from the start! He wants that moment to be very traditional and romantic, so he knows the moment will come to him when it’s right. That moment comes at your doorstep after your first nice dinner together, when he tells you what a wonderful time he had, reminds you how beautiful you are, before cupping your cheek lightly and following your leaning lead to connect your lips.
First ‘I Love You’: It isn’t something you do, some concrete action that sets the gears turning in Yunho’s head. It’s just the joy, the sheer completion he feels in your presence, the way you don’t have to do anything to make him smile. Facts about each other fall naturally from both of your lips. So when he sees you all dressed up for an extra nice night out, smiling up to your eyes not at the gifts in his hand, but at him, it only cements his decision. When you ask him why he’s showering you with all that he is, he smiles widely and the answer comes out as easy as it would be to say his own name. “Because I love you, (y/n), that’s why.”
First Fight: In all honesty, it takes a long time for you guys to fight. Yunho isn’t an aggressive or argumentative person, so he doesn’t get angry easily or enjoy picking fights. The argument you guys have is small, but it feels heavier due to being your first fight. He hadn’t been sure if he could make plans of yours and cancelled last minute. You completely understood, but it was still very upsetting so you snapped a little and he shot back. You guys felt terrible and apologized quickly, though, hearts dropping at the thought of hurting the other.
First Anniversary: The first milestone is your hundred days. Yunho goes very classic, taking you out to lunch in the cutest café he could find and gifting you a set of matching couple rings! And playfully swapping them, of course, to see if each one fits both of you! By the look in his eyes as he slides your ring on your finger, you wonder if he’s thinking about another chance he could have to do that a little further down the line…
First Pet: Your first pet is a puppy! We all think of Yuyu as a dog person, and I think this would fully carry through as he muses on wanting a puppy, prompting you to surprise him for Valentine’s Day with the new fluffy baby! It’s important to adopt, not shop, so to get your golden retriever you research a rescue. You know he’s yours the moment you see him, big and wide-eyed as he jumps into your arms. When he came there, it was with a broken leg, and your heart melts at the pictures of him in his little cast. Yunho names him Hero because your little man is a survivor 💛
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kittenfangirl20 · 5 months
*five year old Cain watched as his father, Adam, was getting ready to hunt, Cain greatly admired the tall and muscular man with golden colored eyes and short brown hair that he had inherited, he wanted to be just like his dad when he was older, Adam had the angelic sword strapped to his back in case a Demon attacked and he also had a spear in order to hunt for food, Cain had heard that when him and Abel were babies, an evil Demon wanted to take them away from their mom and dad so she could raise them with the Fallen Angel she had married*
Adam: I feel like someone is watching me.
*Adam’s playful tone told Cain that he was in a happy mood, Cain ran to Adam who picked up Cain and kissed him on the forehead*
Adam: Why were you watching me like that?
Cain: I want to hunt with you.
Adam: You are a bit young, what are your skills.
Cain: Put me down and I can show you.
*Adam put Cain down and stayed in a kneeling position, Cain picked up a stick and started to swing it around thinking he was as cool as his dad, in spite of the frantic nature of his swings, Adam had a very warm smile cross his lips and he reached over and ruffled his hair*
Adam: That is quite impressive indeed, you may come, but stay close to me and listen to everything I have to say.
*Cain gave a salute to Adam*
Cain: Yes sir.
*Adam took Cain and placed him on his shoulders, hiding from the father and son was Lucifer watching the man that was his closest friend in Eden and one of his little boys, there was an ache in Lucifer’s heart because he wanted a child of his own to hold, love, and protect, in his dreams he saw a beautiful little girl named Charlotte who had such a pure soul in spite of the fact that she was the child of a Fallen Angel and a Demon, but no matter what, Lilith was unable to give birth to a living baby like they wanted*
(I see posts of how they think Adam was a crappy dad, I just like the idea of him being a very good and loving dad who saw being a father and husband as one of the few bright spots in his bleak life after Eden)
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
Steve seems to be strict but loving and gentle at the same time.
How would he handle a situation where she hurts herself on accident and he told her many times before that she is not allowed to do it.
But she did it anyway (not because she was on a bratty time just curious in her little space and didn’t think of any consequences that may hurt her in anyway) 🥺
Hello Nonnie! Thank you for your fantastic ask! This one took me a minute, but I hope this works for you. Hugs to you, and big thanks <3
X Marks the Spot
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader (featuring Steve)
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, nicknames, reader is named but name scarcely used, hand swat, reader is overly dramatic (from one of my stories? What??), stern Bucky, reader gets hurt (minor), tears, stern Steve, scolding, time out, threat of spanking, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
"It's so SHINY," you said in hushed wonder, reaching out again. The gigantic golden key sparkled in the late afternoon light as it sat on the coffee table. 
Steve's gentle hand intercepted yours for the fourth time in as many minutes. "I said no touching, Baby," he said gently, bouncing you a bit on his lap to try to distract you. "I need you to listen. I've already told you this four times. Don’t touch the key."
"But Papa....it's...so SHINY," you moaned, completely obsessed with the forbidden object and your inability to touch it. 
Steve shook his head, smiling. His grip stayed firm on your waist as he looked up at Bucky. "I think we're going to need to stop reading The Hobbit to her at bedtime," he joked. Bucky grinned back.
"Yeah, she's starting to sound too much like Gollum," he agreed, before ruffling your hair. “She’s one step away from drooling.” You batted Bucky’s hand away, as the movement was distracting you from staring at the light dancing off the key's golden surface.
This morning, the original six Avengers had been given Keys to the City in a huge and pompous outdoor ceremony. You'd been so well behaved, proudly sitting up straight in the uncomfortable white wooden chairs. You had been dressed in your currently favorite blue dress and held Bucky's hand all through the ceremony, Bucky himself in full uniform. Bucky, Pepper, and Jane had all been on unofficial Little duty, making sure you all sat still on the front row and been on your best behavior while you watched your caregivers receiving their accolades. You tried your hardest not to fidget even though the one guy in the ugly suit just kept talking and talking. You were rewarded for your good behavior with a peppermint candy from Daddy. When Papa appeared on the stage, you waved to him, just a little, and he winked back at you. It was the best. And then, the Key came out. 
The second you got a look at that key, everything else faded away for you. It was huge, it was so pretty, and it was calling to you to worship it with all the obsession of a Little. You reached out again, dying to touch the beautiful object. 
Instead of moving your hand this time, Steve gave it a swat instead. It wasn’t terribly hard, but it got your attention. You pouted but Papa wasn’t having it. 
“I told you five times, Baby,” Steve said sternly. “You deserved that and you know it.”
“Definitely time to move this thing out of sight,” Bucky said, picking up the key. They didn’t necessarily have a problem with you touching the key- it was the aftermath that would be the issue. Once you touched it, you were going to want to play with it, and it definitely wasn’t something to be played with. “How about our office?”
“Noooooo!!” you wailed dramatically, squirming to get out of Steve’s grasp. Their office was off limits to you unless they were in there and had said that you could come in. In your little mind, this was the same as the key being shipped to the other side of the world. You wriggled, desperate to get off Papa’s lap. He didn’t let go, which only made you try harder. Bucky sighed patiently and kneeled down to your level.
“Listen up Trouble,” he said sternly, making you stop your squirming instantly. You knew better than to challenge that tone of voice. “This key is not a toy. You are not allowed to play with it. You are not allowed to touch it. Do you understand?” he said, looking you dead in the eye. 
“Yes, Daddy,” you said miserably, deflating. He smiled at you, then leaned forward and kissed your forehead. 
“Don’t worry,” Bucky said, back to his joking self as he stood up. “I’m sure your instinct to survive will kick in shortly.” And with that, he took the beautiful key out of your line of sight. You twisted on Papa’s lap, watching it for as long as you could, sighing heavily when he walked into their office. 
“It’s okay, honey bee,” Steve said, suppressing his grin at your sighs as he cuddled you into his chest. “It will all be okay.”
“But how’s come I can’t touch it?” you said sadly. “I just want to touch it a little, Papa!”
“Because, Baby, it’s not something for little girls to touch.”
Steve bounced you against just a bit, before craning his head to look you full in the face. “Well, love, because it’s a treasure.”
“Like a hobbit treasure?”
“Kind of like a hobbit treasure, yes. It’s something very special and very important.”
“Yeah! Is really ‘portant cause it opens the whole city.”
“Daddy said is a key to the city. How does it open all the doors if it’s so big? Does the doors get bigger?”
Steve laughed and cuddled you closer again. He loved your curiosity and explanations for everything. “It’s a symbolic thing, peanut. It doesn’t actually open all the doors to the city.”
“Oh. Dat’s no fun. Can I touch it now?”
“Still no. It’s very heavy and it’s not a toy. It’s something that we treasure.”
The next day, you had the best idea you had ever had in your entire life. This idea blew every other fantasy world you had created out of the water. You were going to be a dragon and guard Papa’s treasure. 
You wanted to make it a surprise, so when he and Bucky had both come separately to check on you while you were in your playroom, you had shrieked and thrown yourself over your little table scattered with crayons and markers to hide your secrets. You were coloring one of your paper costume masks to look like a dragon and then you were going to use your dress-up rainbow butterfly wings to complete the look. You didn’t want them getting any hints before the big reveal. 
You spent some time gathering the rest of your treasures- everything from your full box of costume play jewelry to the compass in Papa’s bedside drawer to your favorite red shirt that smelled like Daddy, to the rest of your Halloween candy that you’d been carefully hoarding and your most favoritest pictures of you and your daddies. Your room was a colossal mess, but it was worth it. There was only one thing left to get. You put Jellybean at the base of your treasure mountain with strict instructions to guard it all till you were back. You donned your butterfly wings and your mask and you were off. 
You tiptoed very carefully towards their office. You knew you weren’t supposed to be in there, but this was a surprise and you were doing a good thing,so that automatically made it okay, right? Papa was folding laundry in the bedroom, and Daddy had just gotten back from the big Avengers gym and was in the shower. You were in the clear. 
You carefully turned the knob to their office and slipped in. And there it was- in all its shiny golden glory, on the highest shelf, much too tall for you. You set your face determinedly. Nothing was gonna keep this dragon away from the treasure. 
You climbed right up those shelves like you’d seen Peter do when he was wearing his Spidey suit. You reached up over your head and finally...FINALLY...got your hands on that beautiful key. 
Suddenly, your right foot slipped sideways and you lost your balance. You tumbled through the air, and the next thing you knew you were on your back on the floor. You didn’t even have a moment to figure out what had happened before the large metal key decided to follow you down, landing squarely on the top of your foot. And it HURT. Really bad. 
The second he heard your wail, Steve bolted across the apartment, terror gripping his heart. He raced towards your cries, running into the office, and dropped to his knees beside you. "You’re gonna be okay, baby, it’s okay,” he said in a rush, trying to keep his voice calm so as not to frighten you further. He looked around himself quickly, trying to figure out what had happened, when he saw the key laying by your foot. It took him two seconds to put the puzzle pieces together.  “Did you fall backwards?” he asked frantically as Bucky raced into the room, still dripping wet from the shower. When you gave a sobbing ‘yes’, he gently began feeling the different parts of you that might have been affected. He let you sit up after a moment, and reached for your foot. “Did the key fall on your foot?” he asked, trying to carefully move it. You cried even harder, even with his gentle touch, and before you knew it, you were in Uncle Tony’s lab getting your foot X-Rayed by Uncle Bruce, who was working in there at the time. 
“It’s not broken,” Bruce finally declared. Both Steve and Bucky let out a sigh of relief. “Just probably going to be pretty sore and have a nasty bruise for a while. She should stay off it for a day or two. Keep it elevated and iced.” He gave you some liquid Tylenol, which made you wrinkle your nose at the taste but at least your forgot about your sore foot for a moment. Uncle Bruce gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek and said he liked your dragon mask before giving Papa and Daddy the okay to take you home. 
Papa kept you cuddled into his chest as the three of you rode the elevator back to your floor. You were starting to get a little nervous. They had told you not to touch the key and then you’d gotten hurt doing exactly that. Doing dangerous stuff got you in BIG trouble, and you knew it. 
Once you got home, Papa took you straight to the couch and sat you down on the corner of it, so you could stretch your foot out as Daddy went into the kitchen to make an ice pack. Papa leaned down to look at you, his hands on his knees. You shrank down in your guilt and nerves. 
“You are in time out here on this couch for the next five minutes, young lady,” Papa said firmly. “I expect you to act like you do when you’re in time out in the corner. Same rules apply. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Papa,” you whispered, bowing your head in shame. Papa stood up and walked away, as Daddy came in and sat by your foot, silently set the ice pack on the blooming bruise. 
“That okay?” he asked. When you nodded, he stood up. “Good. Time out starts now.” As he walked away, you picked a bit at the edge of your shirt, then looked back at the ice pack. The pain was starting to fade a bit, but that made it even worse because now you were REALLY feeling guilty. But you were a good girl and didn’t fidget. You thought about what you did like you were supposed to. 
A few minutes later, you overheard whispers from the kitchen area, but you knew better than to turn to look while you were still in time out. You heard Papa say “I got this”, before he walked into the living room. He sat down right where Daddy had been, and gently squeezed the toes of your not-hurt foot. 
“Alright, Katie-Cat, time out is over,” he said gently. “Tell me why you were in time out.”
“Cause I touched the key and I wasn’t a’sposed to,” you replied, looking at your hands twisting together in your lap.
“That’s right. You were also in Daddy and Papa’s office. Are you allowed to go in there without permission?”
“No, Papa.”
“No, you are not. And you went in there to play with the key that you knew you weren’t allowed to, didn’t you?”
“Um...yes but no.”
“ ‘Yes...but no’? What do you mean?”
“I didn’t wanna play with the key, ‘cause you said I can’t play with the key, so i wasn’t gonna PLAY with it.”
“If you weren’t going to play with it, what were you doing in there trying to get it down?”
You finally looked up at him, pointing miserably to the mask that was still on top of your head. “Imma dragon, Papa. Was gonna GUARD the key ‘cause you said it was a treasure and I wanted it to be safe ‘cause you liked it.”
Steve’s stern gaze softened a bit at your explanation. “Ah, I see,” he said gently, a hint of smirk crossing his face. “But that means you also would have gotten to touch the key, doesn’t it?” You sucked your lips into your mouth, stalling for as long as you could. “Katie,” he said in THAT tone. You sighed heavily. 
“Um...yeah, I guess.”
“No, there’s no ‘I guess’ about it. It was very sweet of you to want to protect the key but you knew that your plans involved you doing something you weren’t supposed to. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Papa,” you whispered, your eyes filling with tears. 
“Now, I think you definitely got a good taste of why I told you not to touch it. Your foot hurts pretty bad, right?” You nodded miserably. “When you don’t listen to me or Daddy, you can get hurt. That’s when the dangerous stuff happens. And you know exactly what happens when you put yourself in danger.” You nodded, just knowing you were in for it now. “Well, I’m not going to spank you this time.” Your head shot up, your eyes wide in disbelief. Papa smiled gently at you. He reached out a hand to stroke your cheek. “Your bottom is probably going to be pretty sore already from that fall you took,” he teased you for a moment, before gently taking your chin in his thumb and forefinger. “But if you ever try something like that again, you’re going over my knee, little girl. You know we don’t tolerate you putting yourself in danger. Understood?”
Swallowing hard, you nodded vigorously. “Yes, Papa, I understand.”
“Good girl. Now, your punishment for the rest of the day is to stay on this couch. You heard Uncle Bruce- no running around for the next two days. And you may read or color, but no TV.” You wanted to slump down and pout, but considering you were getting off super light from putting yourself in danger, you weren’t about to push your luck. “Do you have anything you want to say to me?”
“I sowwy, Papa, didn’t mean to be....ALL bad.” Steve couldn’t help but chuckle at your reluctant but honest answer. “I won’t be a dwagon again, I pwomise.”
“Well, now, that’s a shame, because you’re a pretty cute dragon,” he said, leaning into you and grinning. You giggled a bit. “Was this what you were working on in your playroom earlier?”
You nodded joyfully, glad that you were off the punishment talk. “Yeah! I made a dragon mask to go with my dragon wings this morning! D’you like ‘em?”
“I do! I think you did a great job on your look,” Papa said, moving so he was sitting next to you on the couch. He put his arm around you and cuddled you into his side. “And I bet that in a couple days when your foot heals up, we can make a safe dragon treasure for you to guard so you can play dragons all you want. Sound good?”
“You can play dragons too with me! I already made a treasure pile, Papa! You can go see it in my room if you wanna!”
Steve turned at hearing Bucky’s footsteps coming towards you two, having just come from exploring your room. He didn’t make eye contact as he walked past, looking exhausted. 
“I wouldn’t look in there if I were you,” Bucky groaned to his husband. 
“Is it really that bad?”
“Let’s put it this way. You remember that time in Poland when we infiltrated the base looking for the lab documents?”
“THAT bad?”
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paxcallow · 5 months
Shoutout to your Raz for being a little cutie patootie anyway can you spare a headcanons about him for the poor *holding out my little orphan lad hat*
hehehe thank you also OH BABY YOU KNOW I CAN! i may have like 3 hours before i have to get a train to georgia but i always have time for RAZ and TALKING about RAZ!
raz becomes pescetarian after the meat circus. i say pescetarian and not vegetarian because of his toxic relationship with Crab Sandwich. crab sandwich is raz's friend. but raz kind of wants to eat crab sandwich.
^ raz is kind of a freak.
like all things, raz picks up hydrokinesis pretty quickly, but for a while the Hand of Galochio Aquato will not grant him access to water deep enough to swim in. he beats himself up over this somewhat because neither queepie or frazie struggle with the hand like he does and while they're learning to swim, he's standing on the surface of the water like jesus.
actually, i feel like the Hand was always the most physically real to raz than any of the others because of his lack of denial about being a psychic. all the others felt the unnatural fear at a body of water and it grew much more violent and undertowed in the presence of the psychics, but a young razputin aquato heard the name "Hand of Galochio" and took that very literally.
sorry for the sadcanons. bonus augustus headcanon for your trouble. this barrier to water is something raz and dad can bond over, because while augustus can physically get in the water, he is utter ass at swimming and learns it the slowest of anyone in the family. he is so brave but after a lifetime of water curse, being in it feels the most unnatural. you know that clip from golden boy of kintaro(?) drowning all the way across the pool before turning around and very badassly going "So! How do you like my swimming. >:)" that's augustus while raz runs across the water beside him cheering him on.
he got his goggles from true psychic tales magazine, but he uses them now mostly to combat visual overstimulation. it takes him several years to realize that's what he's doing. projecting through a psi portal is very visually intense and that's why raz is convinced for the longest time that those things actually did anything psychic.
a combination of what donatella calls "sibling survival instinct" being surrounded by so many kids his age at camp, needing to blow off steam after just having run away from home, and wanting to make a good impression at his big new job is what explains the difference in raz's rudeness between psychonauts 1 and 2. in psychonauts 3, raz is going to repeatedly say some out of pocket shit to some fellow kids and then feel really guilty because he's a professional now.
i know i've said this before but it bears repeating that raz is a little menace about tickling. he just genuinely likes it and can't imagine that anyone might not. but he's soooooo shy so his primary way of getting tickles himself is being a little shit. that tends to do the trick. he's definitely not extremely obvious about it every single time. everyone totally doesn't know what he's doing.
raz proudly eats food off the floor. raz thinks wasting food is a crime!! he'll eat your leftovers. he'll drink the rest of your soda. he'll eat the other half of your sandwich. empty your unwanted snax into the grumpus that is razputin aquato.
this is sometimes the only way to get him to eat because often he forgets to until his stomach is screaming at him to spare its life. when he is very focused on something for a while, raz's neglect of himself hits him all at once. man im tired- ooh wait im hungry- oh im thirsty too- AH my eyes hurt have i not been blinking- whoa how is it after midnight already- OUCH i have a headache! my feet hurt! etc. he. needs people looking out for him.
raz is going to be a really good dad one day.
raz knows he is cute. intellectually. he uses this to his advantage to subtly manipulate adults into letting things slide or giving him floor bacon. but he has not internalized the fact that he is genuinely a little cutie pie not through his genetics and social engineering skills, but by being a little dorky smush face who is always earnest, borderline transparent, so so so brave, easily embarrassed, wanting to be friends with everyone, being a little baby bean,[i am slowly dragged off the stage with a cane]
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honeeslust · 11 months
Them part 2 | the golden retriever BF
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🖤 I think I may have a new series on my hand.
🖤 all consenting adults here
🖤 WC +1k
This one’s for those starry eyed sweethearts who we all know would just love warm hugs from you because of how soft you feel in his embrace. I'm talking about the ones who are always looking out for the little guy. Always bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders and putting everything on the line time and time again.
If you’re like me then you wonder what it would be like for him to just be selfish for once.
… so, this one’s for those cuties with a heart of gold with a hard on to match. Because i know they would absolutely need to fuck you every single day.
Kaneki, Goku, Shinra, Yuji, Yuta, Midoriya, Tanjiro, ec. Take your pick
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“Please baby.” your boyfriends arms are squeezing you so tight that his body heat is practically smothering you. He hooks his leg over yours, locking you against him while he pumps you with a few tender but clothed back shots, gently tucking his sly fingers into your panties. He loved holding you by your waist making you giggle, but then, that sounded so sweet and desperately needed more of you. It wasn't unusual for him to need you this bad. You both shared a pretty intense sex drive, the only difference being that his stamina was outrageous.
Because of a recent injury, he was on bedrest for a while, meaning the most you could provide was a tug here and there, to which he was always satisfied. But that didn’t amount to the feeling of you. That’s what he needed so desperately that the was almost singing your name and begging you. Kissing your face, your neck your back. Now that he'd gotten t the greenlight from his physician, you were bummed when you had to tug on his hair and squeeze his hair to keep him from going down on you because you TOM had to make an unexpected appearance.
Lucky for you, he was exhausted, he had trained for the first time since his injury and was a little more out of shape than he had wanted to admit after so much down time. After a while you’d both fallen asleep watching Netflix, your body snuggled tightly underneath him. The same way you’d put him to sleep every time. You knew you’d likely been in his dreams when you awoke to your bricked up bf pushing and needy engorged cock against your ass.
How can you blame him though? Every breath he takes is filled with your scent. His hands are full of you, your warmth, your comfort. His body is almost twitching with need because all you have to do is breath and he'd need you this bad. You give him a little encouragement. Shifting your hips back at him and tugging your shorts down your thighs. “Just use my thighs love.” He sighs, so grateful for even just this little piece of you. Golden boy blushes, kissing your shoulder and exhaling against your skin “God I miss you.”
You smile before sticking out your tongue to lick your fingers. You carry the wetness to meet his swollen apex now tucking itself so neatly between your thighs. His tip was slick with the dewy evidence of just how bad he wanted to take you.
“ I’m right here ain't I?” you tease, circling your hips and squeezing your thighs to give him a little extra friction. “You know what I mean,” He laughs with you and then moans from the way your trembling thighs work his ultra sensitive tip. You smirk looking over your shoulder to kiss him sweetly on the lips, you reach up and caress his face as he starts to slip back and forth, fucking your thighs.
He cradles you on your side wanting to be able to see your face but as soon as you mouth the words “ I love you.” he sputters, coming hard and squeezing you tighter as he shoots a load of sticky cum between your legs. You were clenching tight as the friction had you wishing he could be inside you. Still he moved back and forth, his dick still pulsing in much more need of release now than before. “ baby please, please, it’s not the same.” He was almost crying because needed you so bad. “ let me take you to the shower, it won't matter if we make a mess.” he kissed your neck, sucking as he squeezed your tits. “ I need you so fucking bad that it hurts baby, please.”
He sounds so helpless pleading for you to finally let him fuck you. As soon as you gave him the go ahead he scooped you up into his arms and carried you all the way there. You were set down gently, his mouth still tasting yours as he reached over to start the water. “Such a needy thing aren't you,” you tease gently, kissing the smirk on his lips as he reaches over to check the temperature. He helped you out of the rest of your clothes and he dragged his sweats down his thighs, kicking them off to bring you right back against him. Any small moment that your body was separate from his was torturous as was so clearly showingyou.
He pulled you into the warm running water, lips and tongue delving into all your ergogenic crevices. As bad as he needed to be inside you, he took his time showing you every way that he loves you, becoming an artist with his tongue, drawing pleasurable circles over your hips. His hands, capable of such destruction, handling you so tenderly. Eventually those sensual kisses turned primal, becoming more like love bites than kisses. His body was so hot and trembling as you clung to him. You thought he would explode.
Forcing you against the wall, his fingers entwined with yours, you both gasping as he entered you, diving deep with a force that shocks you but stings sweetly, making you feel everything he was holding inside. He moves like a beast, that sweet bf of yours is so lost in you, — like your body is the answer to his every desire. This brute of a man handling you was so needy for you that here he stood fucking you while you bled. His unbridled love laid bare as the water drenched your bodies making them slip against each other as he found his rhythm .
His and your moans were echoing sweetly off the walls. You were so savagely entwined with one another that you started to believe that it may have actually been causing him pain it not be inside you, because now that he was, he was the hardest he's ever fucking been. You drove this man absolutely wild and this was the first time it really showed. Gone was his usual careful touch. His hold on you was forceful, turning you and snapping your legs to cling to his hips, his grip so tight that he knew he was hurting you. “I’m sorry baby, you don't know what you do to me” he would gasp water running down his face as he bounced you up and down. He was sexy as hell this way. You enjoyed being fucked by the animal that you dragged out of him. You'd beg him not to stop and plead for more.
He didn’t have to apologize long as he kept fucking you like this. Your bf sounded so good literally growling in your ear as he domolished your mid-menses cervix, fucking you so hard that you swore you were snapped away by thanos the way your body felt like it was falling to pieces. He groaned, calling your name, squeezing you tight, biting your lip, again and again until you felt that familiar burst erupting from him. Every delectable ridge of his perfect cock was etched deep in your tender center spurting copious amounts of himself into you. When you came back to earth he was still shuddering when he smiled, and leaned back against the wall, still not letting you go. There weren't any words to be spoken, just his lips on yours again. His usual tenderness saying everything he needs to say.
Them pt. 1
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
My little love
Chapter 5
pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
word count: 2.9k
Warnings: mostly fluff, a bit of angst/panic inducing moment, Charlotte stops breathing for a moment, baby crying, thoughts of having kids
A/N: please tell me your thoughts on this chapter! We finally see Charlotte and reader interact again. Also I think this is my favorite way I’ve written Steve!
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
The cradle had done wonders to help your recovery but because of the damage caused by the shrapnel you still had to take it easy. Which would have been fine except Bucky decided to take charge of your recovery. It’s how you found yourself propped up against a large number of pillows in your room. 
“Ok, do you need anything else?” He asked as he fluffed the final pillow.
“Yeah, for you to chill out a little.” You tease.
“You almost died, you need rest. I’m just making sure you get it.” 
You grab his hand and tug on it so that he sits down on the edge of the bed. Bucky’s stare is intense as his eyes roam your face searching for any hints of pain. 
“Thank you, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me. I really do.” You smile at him. “Now are you going to bring Angel in? Hopefully now that I’m back in my place she won’t freak out. I miss her.” 
“Yeah we can try again. She may have reacted that way but she missed you too.”
It had been a few days since your return from the mission and since her freak out you’ve kept your distance. But you wanted nothing more than to hug her again. 
“Ok, good.” 
Your phone starts ringing, startling both of you. Reaching for it on your nightstand you wince at the slight pain in your side. Bucky grabs it for you and scrunches his face in confusion.
“Darth Vader?” 
Your eyes light up and you yank the phone out of his hand and answer quickly, your voice filled with pure happiness. “Hi daddy.” You hum in acknowledgement at whatever your dad is saying as Bucky watches you. 
He wonders if Charlotte would ever react the same way if he called her. 
“Well actually I came back from a mission a few days ago. I uh-I’m ok now.” 
Bucky could hear your dad ask how bad it was which prompted you to explain your injuries. He didn’t take it well. 
“No, dad… Dad. Daddy please listen to me. I’m ok I promise. I’m back in my apartment and I’m resting. Yeah I’m being taken care of.” You look up at Bucky and smile. “Yes, Bucky is helping me.”
“Who the hell is Bucky?” Your father practically yelled and Bucky snorted.
“Father, I’ve told you about him before. He’s my friend. I trust him and before you ask, no you don’t need to drive up here.” 
Bucky didn’t bother to listen to the other side of the conversation, opting to just listen to your answers.
“Ok dad, I promise to keep you updated. I love you.” After saying your goodbyes you hang up and sigh. 
“So you named your dad Darth Vader?” 
“He loves Star Wars.” You shrug your shoulders. “He almost convinced my mom to name me Leia.” 
“So you get your charm from him?”
You smile and nod as you think of all the fun memories you’ve had with your father. 
“He was my main caretaker. He even helped me with my ability. Made sure I was able to control it before I went to school. And he never made me feel like a freak, just accepted me the way I was.” 
“Sounds like a good man.” Bucky smiled at you. 
“The best.” You smiled back. 
There’s a soft knock on your door and Steve opens it once you acknowledge him. He was dressed in his uniform and holding Charlotte in his arms. 
“I know we agreed that you would go pick her up, but I have to finish up some things for this mission.”
“Don’t worry about it. C’mere doll.” Bucky stretched his arms out and Charlotte happily left Steve arms. 
During the whole interaction she kept looking over at you. Like she wanted to be closer to you but was also afraid. You smiled at her and waved but she only hid her face in the crook of Bucky’s neck.
“How are you feeling?”
“Much better. Bucky has promised snacks and a golden girl’s marathon.” You say as you sit up a bit more. 
“Good,” Steve smiles at you. “I should go but make sure you rest. Doctor and Captain’s orders.” 
“Sir Yes sir.” You salute him. Steve rolls his eyes before saying goodbye to Bucky and Angel.
Bucky makes his way around the bed and sits against the headboard, kicking off his shoes before getting completely comfortable and settling his daughter on his lap. Charlotte stayed glued to Bucky but every so often she would look over at you. You did your best to ignore her so that she didn’t feel overwhelmed with the attention and focused on finding the show you wanted to watch. Bucky asked a few questions since he’d never seen it and when the theme song came on you couldn’t help but sing along to it. 
You had gotten through half of the second episode when you felt a small dip in the bed and then small hands on your thigh. When you looked down you saw a slightly cautious Charlotte looking up at you. There was a little frown on her lips and her eyes looked almost glassy, like if she were about to cry. Being careful with your movements you scoop her up in your arms and lay her against your chest before peppering kisses on her forehead. Slowly she begins to relax against you, her head leaning against your chest. Angel kept looking up at you and her hand would softly land on your cheek as she tried to get your attention. It had been a week and a half since you’d held her but already you could start to see the huge difference since she was found. Her hair was starting to grow and by the looks of it, she had the same dark hair Bucky did. Her cheeks were a nice healthy rosy color and she was starting to gain the weight she needed. She wasn’t walking yet but Bucky did say she was standing on her own so it was only a matter of time. 
“Ok, I’m gonna go get snacks. Do you want anything specific?” 
“Chips please. Oh and some cookies.” 
“Chips and cookies, ok. I’ll make sure to grab Lottie something too.” 
“It’s short for Charlotte.” 
“Not Charlie?”
“You can call her that if you like but I like Lottie.”
You nod as Bucky gets up from bed.
“Your dad is such an old man.” You tell the toddler in your lap.
“I heard that.” 
“Oh, is your hearing still intact? Wow, that's amazing for someone your age.” You tease.
“Keep it up and no snacks for you.”  Bucky narrows his eyes at you. 
Charlotte speaks up for the first time. Neither of you understand what she’s babbling about but she’s loudly babbling and looking right at Bucky.
“You tell him, Lottie.” 
“Great now you’re both going to gang up on me.”  Bucky rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. 
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It felt good to be back in your own apartment. To have Bucky next to you and Angel on your lap. Even when you dozed off and were leaning against Bucky’s shoulder. 
You always wondered what dating him would be like but it was always the actual dates. Getting dressed up and going out, not the in between moments. But here you are living it and it was nice. Something you could get used to if only you could tell him how you felt. The whole almost losing your life situation really had you thinking about what you wanted in life and you hadn’t realized you were sitting in the middle of it. 
With two of your favorite people at your side it was turning into a great lazy day. Until it wasn’t. After lunch and a change of scenery, which meant moving from your bedroom to your living room, the day went from easy and fun to panic filled. Charlotte had been standing on the couch next to you and you had an arm around her just in case she lost balance. Her attention ping ponged from the tv to you. She had started to babble and coo freely, just like she had before your mission. Then suddenly it was all gone. Your sweet Angel stopped talking and you felt her tense up beside you. When you looked at her, her eyes were wide, gaze was distant and fearful and she had stopped breathing.
“Bucky.” You called in a panic as you grabbed Charlotte and tried to run your hands on her back and sides to try to get her breathing again. “Bucky!” You yelled again. 
He rushed out from Charlotte’s room where he was looking for her blanket. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t know she just tensed up and she isn’t breathing.” 
“This happened the day you left for your mission.” He said as he took her from you. 
He called her name as he walked out of the apartment with you following as quickly as you could. Bucky headed toward Bruce’s lab while you stopped Vision and asked him to tell Wanda to meet you there. When you stepped into the lab Bruce was rushing around trying to figure out what to do. He was more nervous than ever as he tried to figure out what to do. You worked together to try and find a solution but nothing happened. Charlotte’s lips were starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen. 
“You wanted to see me Y/N?” Wanda asked as she walked in.
“Read her mind.” 
“Read Angel’s mind, something is wrong but we don’t know what.” 
Her eyes turned red and a small spark shot from her hand as she let it hover over Charlotte’s head. Wanda gasped and her eyes widened before she pulled her hand back. You had never been so relieved to hear a child’s cry in your entire life, but your own tears flowed easily when you saw your sweet Angel grab onto her father. A piercing scream filled the room but you’d take that over the terrifying silence you’d witness moments ago. It finally felt like you and Bucky could breathe again as he rocked her back and forth. Your eyes moved from Bucky to Wanda who looked shaken by whatever she found.
“What is it Wanda?”
“We have to call Tony and Steve. The mission is another trap.”
“What?” You and Bruce asked at the same time.
“They have to stop the mission. We need to get them to turn around.” She said as she ran out of the room to head toward the command center where Maria Hill was working out of. The three of you had nothing left to do but follow. By the time you finally make it across the compound Charlotte had finally calmed down. 
“You have to call Steve and Tony back.” Wanda tells Maria. “This mission is a trap. Like the one Y/N was on last week.”
“Where are you getting this information from?”
“I’ll explain, I promise but their lives are in danger.” 
Maria gives Wanda a concerned look before her gaze shifts to you, Bucky and Bruce. She can see the bewildered and panicked look in your eyes. A quick call to the jet has a confused Steve and Tony agreeing to turn around. 
Now it was a matter of waiting for them to return. 
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Bucky had been extremely tense the whole time he sat in the conference room. He hadn’t let Charlotte out of his arms even when she tried to reach for you. So you opted to sit beside him and hold her hand. Bruce and Wanda were also waiting for Steve and Tony to make an appearance. 
“Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Tony asked as he burst through the door with Steve and Maria behind him. 
“The mission you were going on was a setup. The minute you landed hydra was prepared to take you.” Wanda explains.
“How do you know that Wanda?” Steve asked as he sat next to Bucky. Charlotte sees him and immediately reaches out to him. Bucky reluctantly lets her go. 
“I didn’t know. Charlotte did.” 
Everyone looks from Wanda to Charlotte who was trying to grab the star in the middle of Steve’s uniform. Oblivious to conversation happening around her.
“I’m sorry what?” 
“Bucky, we know she has the serum in her system but Hydra not only created another super soldier, they made sure she was enhanced.” Wanda says calmly. “She had a vision of what happened to Steve and Tony. I saw it when I read her mind. ”
“It would make sense, you did say last time she was having a nightmare. Maybe it wasn’t a nightmare but a vision.” Bruce added after thinking over what Wanda said. 
“So there’s nothing we can do to prevent her from having these visions. We’re just supposed to watch her react this way any time she sees something?” 
“Maybe. At least until she starts talking and is able to tell us what she sees.” 
“I don’t want ‘maybe’.” Bucky’s fist hits the table. 
The sound startles Charlotte and she begins to cry again. You move around Bucky and take her from Steve. Bucky runs his hand over his face, frustrated that he can’t do more for his daughter.
“She’s been through enough. Isn’t there something that we can try? Just until she’s old enough to communicate and understand what’s going on.” 
“We can try to find something but we can’t make any promises.” Tony says. “Bruce and I will try everything we can.” 
“Thank you.” Bucky nods.
“In the meantime this information doesn’t leave the room.” You say as you rock Angel lightly. “We don’t need anyone trying to come for her.” 
“As if they’d get past you.” 
“I heard that, Rogers.” 
“I’m only stating the truth.” He shrugs as he turns in his chair to look at you, a teasing smile on his lips. 
“Agreed.” Maria spoke up. “We will have to figure out what to tell the team in that room.”
“I’ll take care of it.” 
“What are you going to do Wanda?”
“Make them forget about the mission.” She shrugs. 
“No, I'll talk to them.” Steve said as he got up. “I’ll make something up.”
“Captain Righteous lying?” Tony gasped.
“I’d do anything for Lottie, I am her favorite uncle after all.”
“I don’t think she can decide that yet.”
Steve’s expression was a mixture of bitch please and you know I’m right. You smiled at the small back and forth when Steve called Bucky a jerk. The others began to walk out and Steve finally left, leaving just you, Bucky and Charlotte. 
Bucky turned in his chair to look at you and his daughter. There was no way that he could fall more in love with you but you were doing a great job at proving him wrong. He thinks that he should finally ask you out. It’s something he should have asked you a long time ago. For the first time since the 40s Bucky allows himself to dream of a life beyond the next mission. Of sharing a home with his favorite girls. He had no doubt you loved his daughter, would you want kids of your own? The thought of having a baby with you makes his heart race. 
“Bucky.” The strain in your voice catches his attention and when he looks up at you he sees the pain in your face. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly as he takes Charlotte from you.
“Nothing, Angel was squirming in my arms and kicked me. Wouldn’t be so bad but she kicked the side that’s sore.” 
You grab your side as you take a few calming breaths. Once the pain has died down a bit you look back at Bucky with a small smile.
“Why don’t we go upstairs so you both can rest?” Bucky asks as he puts his arm around your shoulder and starts leading you to the door. 
“That sounds good to me.” 
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After watching a movie, having dinner, giving Charlotte a bath Bucky puts her to bed. Giving you time to take a shower of your own. You finally settled back on the couch in the living room. Bucky had also gone to his apartment to shower, he was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. Bucky’s arm wraps around you and pulls you closer to him and you practically melt into his side. 
“Feeling better?” 
“So much better.” 
“Ok, what are we watching?” Bucky asked as he grabbed the remote off the arm of the couch. 
“Whatever you want. I’m just here for the warmth.”
Bucky chuckles.
“What? You’re a space heater, I'm just taking advantage.” 
“You can take advantage all you want.” Bucky murmured.
Bucky’s cheeks flush pink as he realized that you heard him. His mouth opened and shut a few times but he couldn’t think about what to say. When he looked down at you, your eyes were bright and they crinkled in the corners while you smiled up at him. And just with that simple action you took his breath away. 
“Go out with me.” He blurted. Your smile faded and you sat up straight but your eyes never left his. Bucky was sure he just ruined everything. 
“What do you mean?”
“On a date, go out with me on a date.” He sighed finally and just as quickly as it disappeared your smile was back. 
“I’d love to.” 
Ch. 6
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permanent taglist: @kunaikunari @rebekahdawkins @cjand10 @nalny5  @sturchling @angywritesstuff @seitmai @writing-for-marvel @goldylions @darkhairedmenrule @little--baby--bear @almosttoopizza @littleseasiren @teambarnes72
series tag list: @buckystevelove @vicmc624 @just-someone11
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katsul0vr · 2 years
Bakugo x Reader Fluff!!
You open your eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the golden rays shining through the blinds in your bedroom. You shift a bit, nearly forgetting about the strong, scarred arms that are wrapped tightly around you. You smile and turn around to face him and kiss his cheek. 
   “Suki, baby, wake up” you say softly, running your fingers through his soft and spikey hair. He groans and pulls you closer, settling his head in the crook of your neck. “Damnit woman, am I not allowed to sleep in on the one day that I have off of work?” You giggle and kiss him again. “Come on baby, if you don’t get up, I’m making breakfast without you.” He groans once again and sits up, propping himself up on his elbows. “Shitty fucking woman” he grumbles under his breath. 
   “Okay grumpy, no food for you then.” You laugh and hop out of bed, running to the kitchen and he immediately chases behind you. Once he caught up to you, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you the rest of the way to the kitchen. “Nope, I don’t think so, fucking brat.” He tries to hide it, but you can definitely hear his smile as he spoke. You took this chance to admire him in all his glory, his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, strong muscles being perfectly displayed in his black tank top. You smile to yourself, thinking about just how lucky you are to have not only an extremely attractive man to call yours, but also one who will go to any length to protect you. 
   He may act like he could give, but secretly he pays attention. Maybe even too much attention. He notices the sparkle in your eye when you see a cute dog, which you’ll then point out to him immediately. He knows how you take your coffee, two creams and three sugars and a little bit of caramel, iced, obviously. He catches the way you blush when he calls you your favorite pet names. Like baby and princess. God, he loves the way you smile when he calls you princess. Because you’re his princess and you know it. And he’ll treat you as such.
   He holds the doors for you, carries your bags when he takes you on shopping sprees. Hands you his card when you’re going out with friends because “you deserve to treat yourself, baby.” And don’t even try to refuse it because he will not take “no” for an answer, because he wants- no, needs to spoil you. You’re his special girl and he’ll have the world know.
  You finally snap back to reality when he places you onto a chair by the kitchen island. “You want some coffee, princess?” he asks as he presses start on the coffee machine. “Yes please, thank you Katsu” you say with a smile as you get up to give him a peck on the lips. “I love you” you say to him, looking up into his eyes. “I love you too, nerd” he says, which is followed by a kiss on the forehead. 
Note: This is my first fic ive written and i’m kinda nervous to post it but i hope you all like it!! Please feel free to like and reblog, i would really appreciate it. Thank you loves <3
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verslxt · 2 years
radio shows ~ r. suna
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“i currently have y/n miya, world renowned model. sister to msby jackal player atsumu miya. and dating ejp rajin player rintaro suna”.
you smiled at the introduction to yourself “i’m so glad you could have me on”
you knew atsumu made everyone listen to this. osamu probably had the tv on watching the livestream. and suna was most definitely listening to it.
“so do you know of anyone who is listening to the show currently” the interviewer asked
“uhm yes i do actually, and i have one correction to make to your introduction. i have my brothers listening. hi atsumu and osamu. and i have my fiancé suna listening”
suna had preposed to you at a family gathering at his families house. atsumu and osamu already knew but not everyone knew. you talked it over with suna if you could say you two were engaged or not and he said yes
“oh wow, how long have you two been dating?”
“well he was in 1st year of high school and i was still in junior high. when i finally got into high school he asked me out. to homecoming actually”
“how did he ask you out”
“a sign. oh my god this boy had everything planned out. i was a cheerleader for basketball during the time. so i helped the volleyball team by being their manager. atsumu made me to do it. i’m not that mad about it anymore because i met suna from it. he used our golden doodle to ask me out. i still remember what the sign said too ‘if my puppy dog eyes don’t work maybe nini’s will’. oh my god poor nini he put a sign on her that said ‘hoco with suna?’. i said yes because i loved nini. nini is now 6ft under”
you felt your phone buzz. you knew it was suna. you smiled a little bit
“your smile is so beautiful”
“thank you so much”
“we’re going to cut to a song. what do you think we should play, y/n”
“let’s play an inrarizaki favorite. ohmami by chase atlantic”
“with maggie lindemann or just normal?”
you thought of suna saying ohmami. this boy loved the song. he loved doing some special activities during the song. you felt your phone buzz again
“bitch, i'm fuckin' styling yeah ooh-ooh-ooh, oh yeah whoa”
you picked up your phone
rinnie&lt;3🥰 your doing great baby 🫶🏽
y/n ❤️ thank you baby 🫶🏽
dumbass 1 😐 ohmami really?
fucking dumbass 🥱 yea, lost my virginity to it 😶
dumbass 1 😐 EWWWWW
fucking dumbass 🥱 YOU ASKED
the song ended and the interview picked back up
“i love that song so much”
“me too. now, do you and suna ever want kids”
you smiled. you and suna have been having this conversation since you two got together “yes we would. we only want 2 of them. and if i carry the twin gene then we may have to go through pregnancy once”.
“what’s your favorite song currently”
“i have a few actually! mine by 1nonly, r u mine by arctic monkeys, problems by mother mother and needed me by rihanna”
“y/n miya a mother mother fan?”
“oh and get scared”
suna taught you all those bands. other than a handful. suna really made you into who you are today
“can you do a perfect accent?”
you start in a perfect british accent “well funny you say that”. then you switch to an australian accent “i can do a kermit one too”. and that’s when you switch to kermit “well i say where is miss. piggy. i swear i lose that girl more than i lose my mind sometimes”.
you laugh, you knew atsumu never knew you could do those. so he’s probably surprised. you and osamu yell at each other in an australian accent. and then you and suna go around the house yelling in the house in the kermit accent
“do you know…the muffin man?”
“the muffin man?”
“ThE mUfFiN mAn”
the interviewer laughs “now we know ms. miya can do accents perfectly. now if you weren’t famous what would you be doing”
“ohhhh i would either be doing cheer for the msby jackals or be a massage therapist”
“what would you name your boat if you had one”
“oh goodness, now me and suna have been wanting a boat since like forever. and we decided we would name it the beayatch”
“what’s the dumbest thing you’ve gotten injured from doing?”
“how much time do we have. let’s see i got dropped by osamu and atsumu trying to do a cheer stunt. now based on their muscles at the time you would think they could hold me up right? wrong they dropped me so hard, i twisted my ankle and now i can move my knee cap anyway i want. another time i was cooking dinner and suna was in the mood if you know you know. and he sat me up on the counter and we kinda forgot to turn off the burner”
“how is it like dating suna”
“after noon naps. i get so greatful for them sometimes. uhm this boy can cook really good, he and his mom used to cook together all the time. so he picked up recipes from her. it’s really fun, i’m glad i get to marry him”
“awww, we’re going to go to a song but don’t leave yet we still have burning questions sent in from you guys! stay tuned. now what song should we play”
“oooo problems by mother mother”
“problems coming up”
you picked up your phone and texted suna
y/n ❤️ am i doing good
rinnie 🥰 your doing great baby
y/n ❤️ love you rinnie
rinnie 🥰 love you too
the interview picked back up. and she asked you the one question you were hoping she wouldn’t ask
“so there have been a few rumors of suna cheating, what have you two done about it?”
"“oh, now the pictures that were leaked of him cheating was when we were in high school. that was his girlfriend before me. and we do some checks on our phones, we just ask each other to see mine or his phone when we feel like they are acting weird, but one day he denied me to look and then he told me after he preposed why i wouldn’t let me look. it was because he was texting osamu about it, and he was acting weird because of that”
"oh, so he wasn't really cheating"
"no, he wasn't"
you knew suna would never cheat on you, he loves you way too much. and you love him way to much to cheat on him as well
"oh that's all the time we have with ms. miya"
"oh wow that passed by quickly"
~time skip~
"mhm you smell good" suna said shoving his face in your neck as you texted atsumu
"thank you rinnie"
"what do you want for dinner?"
"anything really, i don't care. as long as its not sushi, i'm pregnant"
suna picked you up so fast you dropped your phone back onto the couch, showing that you were talking to your mom and not actually atsumu.
"oh my god are you actually pregnant?"
"yes rinnie i was just telling my mom"
"i love you, i love you, i love you"
"i love you too rinnie"
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crzyimp · 5 months
Monkey May
Prompt: Staff
Featuring my jttw oc.
no warnings
“Brother, are you certain your staff should be in arm's reach of the baby? What if she hurt herself?” Zhu Bajie asks, his eyes frequently on the golden hair baby; it amazes him how one night of bender in the women’s kingdom and Pilgrim Sun feeling frisky about cutting off his head and then dunking it in the mother-child river. Strangest of all, the old severed head would crack open like an egg with a hairy baby girl inside, everyone had their jaws open until she started crying; now Xiao Sāniàowáwa was the newest addition to the party. (Everyone is still arguing on what her name will be once 100 days have passed, so far Shifu has the best name).
“Foolish Idiot, no one has been able to lift my staff since it came into my possession. The little fluff ball is no different, besides she's a baby, not like she's going to pick it up and eat it.” Pilgrim Sun with a puff up chest and a self assured smile reply.
“My dearest brothers…um..ah…Xiao Sāniàowáwa…just ate brother Sun's staff.” Sha Wujing's murmur with horror
“Are you so certain now?! She picked it up like a grain of rice and ate it, you just had to make it that size too didn't you! Shifu is going to be furious when he hears about this!” Zhu Bajie's voice booms.
“Maybe if we pat her back, she might burp it out.” Sha Wujing gently scoops the baby up, resting her stomach against his chest.
“Or! I shrink myself down to size and get it myself!” Sun Wukong said matter of factly.
“Or can someone explain to me what's going on?” The three disciples' eyes land on the owner's voice, Tang Sanzang himself standing there waiting for an answer.
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pumpkin--carver · 1 year
Cats or Dogs?
Which do the chacaters of Arcane prefer? The sometimes ferocious felines? Or the playful pups?
Let's find out shall we?
Now, Vi may be a lebsian, however she does not follow any rules and shes not about to start now. Violet would definately have two dogs. One would be a super cute, super fluffy fur baby. While the other would be some big bulky protecter. She loves both her dogs equally and they go everywhere with her. For her smaller dog she would have a littler carrier for when it gets tired. As for her "scary" dog, she would most likely get a breed with lots of stamina so they wouldn't have trouble keeping up as she runs through the streets of Piltover. Names. When it comes to names, Vi would be very basic. Something along the lines of Fluffy and Spike. Only theres one catch. Fluffy would big her big dog while Spike would most certainly be her small baby.
She had considered calling one her of dogs Naked or Nude just so she could watch people's faces turn to horror when she said "Let me just go get naked."
Vi's dogs are very well behaved.
Caitlyn is not a rule breaker. However, this is not because she dislikes dogs or even because she prefers cats. Infact, Caitlyn likes both dogs and cats. But due to the nature of herself job, she tends to not have enough time to properly care for a dog.
She never planned to get any animal due to her job, but when she found Whisker scared and alone in the wreckage of a burned down building, she knew he needed a good home.
When whisker first came into Caitlyns care he had a few burns which she tried her hardest to take care of. And with the help of the cities finest vet, whisker healed up in no time at all.
Whisker was never overly loving unless it was on his terms. With that being said, he did like to stay close to his master. This worked rather well for Caitlyn because she could get on with her work and not have to worry about Whisker being upset.
Whisker does not like dogs but Vi's dog fluffy is his bestfriend. Hates all other dogs.
Whisker is not that well behaved and will scratch all the expensive furinture in the house with no cares. Caitlyn never tells him off because she loves him so much. Her mother on the other hand... is not a fan of the cat.
We all already what Jayces would prefer. Thats right! Cats!
Hang on. Thats not right. Let's try that again.
Thats right! Dogs!
Jayce would have a golden retriever called Pumpkin or Blackberry. And both him and his dog are loyal until the end. Which causes Mel to comment on alike him and his pooch are.
Pumpkin/Blackberry are protective of her master. In fact, when Jayce and Mel had gotten into a partiularly heated argument, she wake up and placed herself between Mel and Jayce. Then she got into a defensive stance, bristled her fur and showed Mel her teeth. All whilst letting out a low warning growl.
Mel wasn't afraid of Pumpkin/Blackberry but she did leave while remarking that Jayce should teach his dog some manners.
"Maybe you should ask Vi for some advice? Even her dogs are better behaved than this."
Jayce wasn't mad Pumpkin/Blackberry he was fuming at Mel though for how they acted but he did secretly agree with Mel.
Pumpkin/Blackberry still has some training to go before she can be the best girl around.
This little lab rat has never had the chance to own his own pet yet. But If he had to pick between the two. Well... He wouldn't be able to pick. Why you might be asking? Its obvious isn't it?
The reason Viktor wouldn't be able to pick between the two is simply because his heart belongs to his work. Yet, there is something about those scaly little reptiles that fascinates him.
Would probably have a chameleon if he were to have a pet
красота is the name he would pick. Meaning beauty in russian. According to google translate anyway.
Author's note
I think I'd like to do more of these random headcannons. Or just more random writing things. I do hope you enjoy this little scribble of mine. If anyone would like me to do this specific headcannon for any other Arcane characters do let me know! As always, stay safe, drink plenty of water and please do take care of yourselves. I love you all my little plumpkins.
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 8 months
Why Should a Star, a Star Ever Be Afraid of the Dark
First posted: May 17, 2019
Focuses on: Peter Parker and Morgan Stark (MCU)
Tier: Low, so low, so unappreciated
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
Ah, another unexpected MCU fic that burst out of my chest through the force of my post-Endgame emotions. Since it's not my primary fandom and I posted in a time where much much larger writers were also saying things, it got next to no attention, then or now. That's okay. I'm still glad I wrote it.
Peter bit his bottom lip as he traced the metal leg of the Imperial Walker, extending the line of grey from the box shape of the body down to where the snow would be. Maybe he shouldn’t have picked the Battle of Hoth as his muse. A snow battle on white paper was boring. He paused, frowned, and set the paper aside.
It's funny, writing fic with well-known characters, because you want to get them right. But there are so many ways to perceive a character, especially one that's been portrayed and analyzed so many different ways, so it often comes down less to what makes logical, concrete sense and more about what just feels right. Even this opening was a lot of mentally flipping through a bunch of different options until I found one that felt right for Peter. I also think Calvin and Hobbes did a similar joke with a drawing of a tiger hiding in snow or something. Call it an homage.
Peter was still getting used to Morgan, to everything like her that proved that life had gone on while he had been… away. One minute, he’d been a regular kid punching aliens in space, and the next, it was five years later. Five whole years. And there were people like Morgan who hadn’t existed when he’d closed his eyes but were suddenly here, sparkly princess tiara on her head and a tiny Ready to Rock t-shirt stained with what looked like a smear of goldfish crackers.
MCU really really failed when it came to the ramifications of the Snap. Such a travesty.
“See?” she had said, swinging her bare toes over the surface of the lake. “It’s better with your shoes off.” Peter had taken off his shoes, and they had sat there together, watching the air slowly thicken with gnats and then mosquitoes as the sun dipped lower and lower and turned the lake golden. She had been right about the shoes.
I forgot how much I liked this fic.
“Cheering,” Morgan said matter-of-factly. “That’s Mommy and Happy and Uncle Rhodey and you and Amanda and Maddox and Mr. Lu and Mrs. Iye and—“
It's fun naming incidental characters. Sometimes you get to slip friends in. Just for fun.
For every happy story about a family reunited, there was another about people returning only to find out that their loved ones had moved on or died. Weddings were still a thing after the Snap. So were babies. And car accidents and relocations and cancer and birthdays. Life went on. Death went on, too.
The crayon snapped in Peter’s hand, a tiny crack of Fern.
I had to google green crayon colors.
This was a good little fic. Next to no attention, but again, that's okay. I think I wrote a good kid Morgan who isn't too cutesy, a decent Peter, and a tolerable little look at grief. Yay me.
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As some of you may know, I’ve been working very hard on a divorced dad Mort AU for a few months now. If you don’t know, you’re about to know because I’ll be talking about it all the time over the next year! I plan on posting the first chapters early next year, but I really can’t wait to introduce you to my OC, Mort’s daughter, as she’s become one of my favorite characters and I need all of you to meet her!
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When Abbey was 7, her parents divorce leaving her in Mort’s primary custody. Her mother is very absent, continuously choosing her boyfriends and later, her new family, over Abbey. When Abbey was 9, Mort began dating Teddy and he loves her more than anything in the whole world! (And he tells her so!) There’s a reason I like to also call this the Stepdad!Teddy AU because he’s the best dad ever and Abigail is so very loved by him. Most of the story takes place when Abbey is ages 13-17 and she is the same age as Tina Belcher.
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Short, around 5’6 or 5’7. She takes after Mort, who is on the shorter side. She says she gets it from her dad since he’s on the shorter side. Compared to Teddy, she’s pretty small (he’s like 6ft!) He calls her all kinds of names like short stack and squirt (teasing of course!)
more of a midsize body; has a bit of a tummy, wider hips and thicker thighs. As a child she had more rounded cheeks, but she’s grown out of her baby face for the most part. Shes always been a little on the bigger side (think Gene as a child?)
brown-hazel eyes just like her dad. More golden than brown. She wears glasses, usually thick plastic frames. She likes color, so she hardly ever had just plain black glasses. She has medium brown hair, wavy but not quite curly. She wears it in braids a lot, she likes french braids. When her hair isn’t braided, abbey typically wears her hair to her shoulders.
there a spattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, though not a ton. She gets that from her mother.
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Abbey’s very best friends are Becky Krespe and Tina Belcher; she’s also a member of the Boys4Now fanclub and spends a lot of time with Krissy and Robin, and of course she hangs around the ‘main’ crew: JJ, Zeke, Tammy, Jocelyn, Darryl, etc.
Abbey wants to be a mortician when she grows up, so she likes to help Mort at the funeral home. In the summer, Teddy likes to take her on jobs with him. She knew how to hold a drill by the time she was 8 and Teddy is really proud of that fact.
When Abbey is 11, her and Mort move in with Teddy. They get married when she’s 14 and Abbey got to help Teddy pick out the ring
Ever since Abbey was 8, she and Teddy have been reading bedtime stories. Save for a short time when she’s 13-14 when she thinks she’s “too old for bedtime stories” and breaks Teddy’s heart just a little, they do it every night. When Abbey is older, she starts reading aloud to Teddy. This continues until she moves off to college.
Abbey likes horror novels (just like Mort!) and her favorite holiday is Halloween. Halloween is a huge deal in the Kindler house, actually, they go all out with decorations and costumes!
Though she’s not biologically Teddy’s, being basically raised by the guy since she was 7 means she’s picked up a lot of his habits. She's loud, kind-hearted, and likes to see the best in people. She also has a habit of talking with her mouthful and can be a little clumsy.
Please feel free to ask all the questions about my girl, she’s literally my favorite! She’ll be a main character in my upcoming fic Dance One More With Me but she has already been featured in five of my fics so far, just look for the Abbey Kindler (OC) tag to find her!
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