#but i thought it was a cool detail or theory or idk man
the-acid-pear · 4 years
Okay so...
while i was playing Bugsnax i noticed a pattern in the grumpuses teeth design, so i sorted them by the position of their teeth
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The grumpuses with underbite are mostly male, with the exception of floofty (who could also easily be amab but that’s not important)
The grumpuses with normal positioned teeth are of any gender, having 3 female grumpuses and two male ones
And the grumpuses with overbite are all females, with the exception of Chandlo.
In other words, what im trying to say is:
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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maudus1 · 2 years
Two things: 1. Can you share some of the wips and fic ideas you’ve got squirreled away on your laptop with us? 🥺 2. I wish you loved your writing as much as I love your writing and self doubt or overthinking stuff didn’t hold you back from posting. You are so talented!! Don’t let your brain tell you otherwise!!!
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Thank you sm 😭🥺
Sure, I can share some stuff! I have a doc I fling ideas into whenever they hit me, no matter how detailed or small or stupid. PWPs, crack, AUs, slow burns, fix-its, etc. They're usually little more than stream of consciousness rambling, and sometimes just a link, or song lyrics, a reddit thread, meme, or fanart - whatever inspired me in the moment and made me think, "I should revisit this later."
To give you an idea what the former looks like (though I'll be honest, this is tidier than most lol):
Psychologist/Client Modern AU
Premise: Obi-Wan realizes he’s becoming attracted to his beautiful young client and tries to refer him to another doctor. Little does he know, Anakin has been harboring a crush for years.
Anakin comes in one day for a session and Obi-Wan seems off somehow, nervous almost. It's unlike him. Immediately, Anakin is wary. Before he has a chance to say anything, Obi-Wan gets right to the point and tells him he's referring him to another doctor. Anakin demands to know why and he won't give him a straight answer, or at least not one Anakin believes. He's heartbroken, but the more Obi-Wan dodges his questions, the more frustrated he becomes. Obi-Wan opens the door and tells him he should probably go.
As Anakin is passing by, he gets a little too close, and that's when he notices it. A hitch in Obi-Wan's breath, dilated pupils. And he knows. There's no way he's letting it go now. So he tests his theory. Boxes Obi-Wan in. Obi-Wan is becoming increasingly agitated, holy shit he's actually stammering - that never happens - not to him, the man who's always so smooth and professional and careful with his words.
“If you're referring me,” Anakin says, leaning closer, “I guess I'm not your patient anymore then, am I?" 
Obi-Wan blinks, eyes falling briefly to Anakin’s lips. “No,” he breathes, “I suppose you aren't.”
Anakin grins. "Good.”
And then they kiss! Blah blah blah cue the hot desk sex.
Okay, the rest of this got pretty long so I'm dropping the WIPs under the cut.
First, there's Troubled Water. I have bits of multiple chapters written already but most of my focus is of course on chapter 4. Idk why but I've been struggling with it. 😅 It takes place on a different point in the timeline than originally intended (it was actually ch3 but what was supposed to be a flashback ended up turning into an entire scene of its own and thus the whole club disaster lol). It's, again, so long that it will probably end up split into two chapters but as of right now I'm kinda wingin' it.
And am I being entirely self-indulgent by using my own OCs (and some friends')? Yes.
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I'm a writer, I can do anything.
Also I just thought it'd be cool to introduce a new species or two lol. The GFFA is vast okay, there's always room for more. Anyway, here's an excerpt:
“Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Da’riel of Clan Sarel. You have already met my Captain. The big guy behind you is my personal bodyguard. Don’t mind him, he only looks terrifying.” His grin takes on a mischievous edge as Bull huffs what might be a grunt or a laugh and he gestures toward the room he just emerged from. “And last but certainly not least—”
Another Dua’vian materializes in the doorway as though summoned, leaning her shoulder against the architrave. Her hair catches Anakin’s attention first; red as Queen’s Heart blossoms, it cascades in thick waves around shoulders draped in the black silk of a shirt several times too large to be hers, its hem halting mid-thigh. Her legs are bare beneath it.
Cheeks flaming, Anakin turns his gaze resolutely away.
“—this absolute vision is Liv Viventoly. If Preia is my right hand, Liv is my left.”
“What does that mean,” Anakin blurts, and everyone looks at him. Though Obi-Wan never rolls his eyes, the expression on his face is about as close as he gets to it. It’s a very particular brand of fatigue and mild annoyance entirely unique to his master, translated via a blank stare and slightly raised brows. He doesn’t even have to hear the “Honestly, Anakin,” aloud to know that’s exactly what he’s thinking.
“It means”—Liv straightens, smirking—“that I work in the shadows.” Anakin flinches back as she saunters past him and slides smoothly onto one of the tall stools at the well-stocked bar.
Like that answers anything. Why is everyone so cryptic all the time?
“What’s important is that while you’re here, know that you can trust them as I do,” Dua’primia Sarel says.
Obi-Wan nods, though Anakin senses apprehension through their bond. “We appreciate your hospitality, Dua’primia. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is—”
Anakin jolts forward. “Anakin Skywalker. We are at your service, my Lord.”
Sarel looks at his proffered hand with something like amusement and glides past Obi-Wan to clasp it with his. This close, he realizes the Dua’vian is an inch or two taller than himself—being somewhat tall for a human, it’s not an experience Anakin has often—and his eyes are a vibrant peridot green, accentuated by the black markings curving elegantly around the angles of his face that remind Anakin a bit of a Zabrak’s. A vicious scar bisects one eye from brow to cheek, long healed but still pink against his fair complexion, and Anakin spares a second to wonder if he got it during the war.
“Please,” he says, and is it just Anakin’s imagination, or did his voice lower in timbre? “Let us do away with such formalities. Call me Da’riel.” 
Anakin swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. “Oh—okay. Da’riel,” he repeats stiffly, hoping he isn’t completely butchering the pronunciation. By the way the man beams, he thinks he did alright. Da’riel releases his hand slowly, fingers grazing the sensitive skin of his inner wrist before Anakin withdraws it behind his poncho. He glances sidelong at Obi-Wan, but his master’s expression is as inscrutable as ever.
“Well then,” Da’riel declares with a brisk clap, making his way to the bar, “drinks?”
“Can we get down to business, please?” Preia says, rolling her eyes. 
“Such a spoilsport. Would it surprise you to know she isn’t always this uptight?” Chuckling, Da’riel uncaps a sapphire-blue crystal decanter and waves it beneath his nose. “Normally my dear Captain is the one pouring the liquor.”
“And I’ll drink you under the table like always once this threat is dealt with.”
“I shall hold you to that, my friend. And you, Jedi?”
“No,” Obi-Wan replies, a little too quick to be casual. “Thank you.” Anakin shoots him an inquisitive glance. 
“Ah.” Da’riel nods sagely. “So the rumors are true.”
“Da’riel—” Preia hisses.
“What?” Da’riel looks around at everyone, not contrite in the least. 
And his master was concerned that Anakin would be the one to say or do something culturally insensitive. He hides a quiet snicker behind his hand, pretending to rub his nose, and Obi-Wan gives him an unamused look before schooling his expression back to its artificial serenity. 
“Please excuse him,” Preia says, hip cocked, a finger rubbing against her temple. “He’s very—”
Liv butts in, “Reckless, blunt, uncouth?” 
Da’riel merely laughs, and Anakin can feel that it’s genuine. This is not at all the fearsome war General, leader of a revolution, and ruler of an entire planet that Anakin imagined. He seems close to these people, treats them more as equals and friends than subordinates or subjects, yet there’s still an aura about him that commands attention and respect as power or royalty would. 
Preia smirks. “Too honest for his own good.”
Whatever it is, Anakin doesn’t sense cruel intent coming from the Dua’primia, just honest curiosity. Despite the glare his master is drilling into the side of his head like he knows what Anakin is going to do, he can’t help asking, “What rumors?” 
“That you’re, er, monks,” Preia says, chuckling to mask embarrassment on behalf of her comrade and her own curiosity. 
“You know.” Liv sips at the drink Da’riel just poured her, not looking at them as she speaks, and Anakin leaks a pulse of unease into the Force. There’s something about her he simply can’t put his finger on. “No drinking, no fu—”
“Fun!” Preia hastily interjects, staring daggers at the other redhead. 
The corners of Anakin’s mouth twitch into a partial frown. They aren’t entirely wrong. He has his own… issues with the Order, with following rules that often either don’t make sense to him or directly conflict with his own ingrained beliefs. But it rankles for some reason, like he’s being judged, like they’re being judged. Mocked, even, though he doesn’t quite discern their meaning. Jedi are guardians of peace and justice within the galaxy. Maybe he doesn’t agree with the way the Order does things sometimes, but without them, without Anakin and Obi-Wan, the world would fall to disorder. To the dark side. People should be grateful—
“We are simply tired from our journey,” Obi-Wan interrupts his thoughts, sidling close enough that their shoulders graze, and Anakin exhales.
“My apologies, Jedi,” Da’riel says sincerely. “I am merely intrigued by your culture, as I’m sure you are of ours.” Obi-Wan bows his head in acceptance. “The hour is late. Preia?”
She hands Obi-Wan a datapad. “This contains an updated blueprint of the palace and map of the city, including the hidden exits and underground tunnels. I’ve marked the positions of my officers for each shift rotation as well as their schedules.”
Obi-Wan hums, stroking his beard as his eyes flit over the information on the screen. “And the evening of the festival?” 
“We’re tripling security, pulling from both the palace guard and local law enforcement.”
“How many of them know we’re here?” Anakin says.
There’s a knock at the door before she can answer, and Bull moves to open it, standing back to allow someone entry. It's a man Anakin recognizes. Tall and broad, with neatly-combed dark hair, deep-set brown eyes, and a kind yet serious face. His attire perfectly matches the regal demeanor flowing off him in waves, fine tailored robes of pewter-blue that swish around matching trousers as he walks. When his eyes land on Obi-Wan, a fond grin meets Obi-Wan’s public, Jedi-persona equivalent; a small, polite smile, though his eyes twinkle with equally affectionate mirth as Senator Bail Organa bends to his height to trade light kisses upon each cheek. 
Anakin knows from experience that it’s just a traditional Alderaanian greeting; it doesn’t mean anything. The Senator is a happily married man. And he’s pretty sure Obi-Wan hasn’t been involved with anyone in years, if ever. Whatever illicit affair he’d thought his master had with Vos was obviously just fueled by his own overactive imagination. He knows this because Obi-Wan never did meet the Kiffar before he shipped out for his next mission, and he hasn’t been alone with Vos since. Obi-Wan even stopped going to bars and clubs; stopped going out much at all, in fact, aside from diplomatic dinners and stuff they do on missions. Otherwise, he mostly stays with Anakin, and that’s exactly how Anakin likes it. 
None of that prevents the irritation boiling within his veins or the tormenting memory of a kiss that’s burrowed its way into his very soul, a kiss that should have never been, and the hollow, bitter pang that always follows in its wake.
Goosebumps prickling the flesh at his nape, he glances around and finds Da’riel leaning back lazily against the front of the bar on one elbow, sipping his drink and watching Anakin intently. Face flushing with heat, he plops into one of the plush chairs and out of the Dua’primia's view.
“Obi-Wan. As always, it is a pleasure to see you.”
“And you as well, Bail.”
“Now that everyone is here,” Preia says, “shall we get started?”
This is Da'riel btw:
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"But there are no elves in Star Wars," one might say. Well guess what: there are now. 😌
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Preia and Liv belong to @jacklyn-flynn & @charlatron respectively.
As for other WIPs; there's one I started before Troubled Water, though my focus was drawn to TW instead so it's been put on the backburner for now. The original idea was some kind of canon-divergent time-travel fix-it, but in the sense that Vaderkin's consciousness from the end of RoTJ returns to his body around the end of the Mortis arc in The Clone Wars. Can't say why that inspired me but it did lol, it felt like a pivotal moment (one of the shatterpoints I like to theorize about, change one thing and they're all altered via butterfly effect etc).
Like, what if he lived the future shown to him in that vision that the Father erased, and how would he react differently afterward, how would he talk to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka about what they went through on Mortis and the implications if he actually, finally understood and believed that he was indeed the Chosen One, how would they approach the Sith situation and the war from that point on... yeah I just have a lot of thoughts idk. I know that arc isn't a fan favorite but I personally loved the metaphor and the entire Prophetic Greek Tragedy vibe.
“General Skywalker, come in.”
He feels… strange. Heavy yet impossibly lighter. Awareness presses down around him, suffocating, and a sharp pain lances through his skull as he draws the first shuddering breath in what feels simultaneously like mere minutes and several millennia. His mouth is dry, his throat sore, and his eyes burn as he slowly blinks into wakefulness. The crust of sleep clings to his long lashes, the salt-stained skin upon his cheeks pulling uncomfortably as he moves. He rubs them with a gloved hand and groans at the bright flashing lights of a console as they sharpen into focus. 
He has a body. 
Moments ago he was formless and adrift, yet he is once again whole. And before that, he was… he was…
Kriff, he has hands. Hands he sees unfiltered, rather than through a tinted transparisteel visor protecting damaged retinas. And he’s breathing. Unassisted by a mechanical apparatus, by endless tubes and wires, no longer submerged under the ceaselessly distracting harsh rasp of a ventilator. Fingers flexing inches before his face, he blinks again, stunned. Not only does he have a body, but it’s his body. His limbs—well, with the exception of one. His gaze drifts slowly down to his long legs, toes curling experimentally in his boots. The sheer relief of it sends him reeling. 
Red light glints off his leather tabards and he looks up, expecting that any moment now, this will all prove another dream, a nightmare; a life free of that shell dangled temptingly before him only to be snatched away again. But the scene does not change. Dazed, he assesses his surroundings. A ship. He's on a ship? Familiar, Republic make. And there is a presence in the Force, a presence he has not felt in—
Hours. Years. An eternity.
Breath held, he turns. Only his head; as though any attempt to move this foreign yet thrillingly familiar youthful body will snap him out of this vision, send him back to that… that hell. And as he does, he sees him, a shining beacon of pure light, warm and bright and soothing. A man in beige robes, slumped in the co-pilot’s chair beside him, just beyond arm’s reach. Legs akimbo, elbows perched upon the armrests, hands dangling limply over his lap. His bearded chin is tucked to his chest which rises and falls in the slow, steady rhythm of unconsciousness. Auburn hair spills across his forehead, obscuring his eyes. But he would know this man anywhere.
The desperate beat of his heart and rough, relieved exhale that escapes his lips seems thunderously loud in the otherwise silent cockpit. Fresh tears springing to his eyes, he attempts to stand—to go to him, to sweep Obi-Wan into his arms and feel his warmth, to surround himself with his scent and know for certain that he’s here, he's real, he’s alive—only to wobble and collapse back into the seat like a fawn testing new legs for the first time. 
How is this happening?
He feels himself, and not himself. As though he took a nap and awoke with another lifetime sliced into his brain, a vision he can't shake, an overwrite of his programming, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between it and the reality he's presented with the more he struggles to process it—
A flicker of blue dances in his periphery, repeating a question, and it is only with great reluctance that he tears his eyes away from his former Master. The holo-projection of another man stands at attention in the center console, brow furrowed with worry. Fondness and guilt and confusion flood him with equal measure as he takes in his Captain’s, his friend’s, appearance. 
“General Skywalker, do you read me?”
The voice of the last person to call him by that name, in that other life, echoes in his mind. It is the name of your true self, you have only forgotten. The son he tried to kill, to corrupt, to save. The son who saved him, and in the end, returned him to the light. Luke.
Clearing his parched throat, he responds, “I—we read you, Rex,” and marvels at the sound of his own voice, so crisp and clear and young, without the distortion of that burdensome helmet. “You—you’re a sight for sore eyes. Can you hear me?”
Fabric rustles behind him and he instinctively reaches for the lightsaber at his hip before the sleepy, curious brush of another Force signature meets his own. Gasping, he whips around in the flight chair.
She winces, rubbing her tired eyes. “Not so loud, Skyguy,” she says on the back end of a yawn, glancing around the cockpit. “What happened? We were—-mmphh!” Her surprised grunt is muffled against his shoulder as he all but falls out of his seat to the floor at her feet and drags her into his arms, then his lap, cradling her like a child. 
Face buried in her soft lekku, he squeezes her close to his chest, body wracked with silent sobs. All he’d wanted was to protect Ahsoka. To mentor her, as his master before him, and give her the tools she needed to protect herself and innocents across the galaxy. Brilliant, kind, stubborn and strong, and so, so wise beyond her time, she became one of the most talented Jedi he had ever met. Though they’d gotten off to a rocky start, she made him proud, made him feel honored to be her master. Watching her leave the Order tore his heart in two. Watching her leave him destroyed him. Already he’d been questioning the Council, questioning the Order as a whole and their damn inflexible code. But more than that, he questioned himself. He’d failed as her master, failed as a Jedi. 
The memories haunt him. For months he examined the shatterpoints of their lives together, in hindsight—every lesson taught, every battle fought, wondering where he went wrong, what he could have done differently, how he could have fixed things, helped her, kept her close—spiraling down, down into the depths of his own torment and self-loathing. Without Ahsoka, Obi-Wan had been his only remaining tether to the Jedi. To the light. A tether broken, in the end, by his selfishness. By jealousy and hatred and greed, by the fear of abandonment, loss, and… deep, shameful, unrequited feelings. 
But here she is, right here in the secure circle of his arms. His beloved young padawan, the girl he’s come to cherish like a friend, a sister, who he’d met lightsaber for lightsaber in that dark future but even then, corrupted as he was, could not bring himself to kill because he loved her so. Loves her still.
“Master?” Ahsoka murmurs, hands hanging limp at her sides for several seconds before hesitantly returning his embrace with equal strength. Too often preoccupied with and separated by the war, the opportunities to shown her such open affection were far and few between, usually coming after particularly difficult missions, brief brushes with death, and how kriffed up is that? Filled with regret, he promises himself here and now that will change. 
“Are you…” Trailing off, she reaches up to slowly pet his hair and he releases a quiet sigh, finally pulling back to look at her. Her eyes are wide and worried and so very, terrifically, blue. “Master, what’s wrong?”
Letting out a soft chuckle, he shakes his head. “Nothing, Snips.” The old nickname rolls off his tongue without even thinking and his heart clenches, this time with both pain and joy. “Nothing at all. Everything is perfect.”
There’s a crackle of static behind them, then, “Ah, General Kenobi. It’s good to see you, sir. Are you three alright? General Skywalker seems—”
He lifts his gaze to the co-pilot’s chair. Obi-Wan is awake and perched upright in front of the holo, staring silently at them with a frown so achingly familiar a tangled web of affection, longing, pain, betrayal swells within his chest. It hurts, it hurts so much to look at Obi-Wan like this, yet now that those eyes are open and trained so intently on him, he can’t tear his own away. And Obi-Wan’s just as beautiful as ever, just as heart-wrenchingly perfect and good. 
Too late, he remembers that their bond, while not as strong as it had once been, remains. Unlike most master and padawan pairs after the apprentice reaches knighthood, neither he nor Obi-Wan could bring themselves to sever it. They were at war, their connection was vital. It made them a better team. Until— 
His mental shields slam into place but not before Obi-Wan arches a single brow, lips parting as if to repeat Rex’s inquiry. 
“I’m fine,” he rushes to cut Obi-Wan off, “we’re all fine. Just, uh—where are you?” 
He can only beg the Force that his former master and current padawan did not feel too much, did not see the torment buried within him. By the way they appear to be communicating with one another like whispers behind closed doors, however, he’s sure they will have questions. Questions he doesn’t know how to answer. Letting go of Ahsoka, he clambers to his feet, limbs still trembling, and drops heavily back into the pilot’s chair.
“Standing by, sir. We were worried. You were,” Rex hesitates, “off the scopes there for a moment.”
Memories hit him in a rush. Chaotic, lacking order. He's in a dark room with his dead mother whispering poison in his ear. On a balcony overlooking a pristine lake, flowers scenting the air, one hand rising to touch soft skin. In a junkyard, fingers covered in mech oil, the ever-present grit of sand between his molars. At an opera listening to the viper beside him spit lies, lies, lies. The sky above shifts rapidly from day to night, and he's lost in a spinning whirlpool of stars and the obscene rush of power he feels as he brings gods to their knees. Then he's watching the silhouette of a robed man against the backdrop of sunset thinking look at me, look at me, please look at me, I need you—
Sifting through them is a struggle. Everything blurs together, and he can't control what comes or when, skull throbbing from the effort. His thoughts, his feelings, are an amalgamation of eras he can't quite reconcile; the slave boy, the padawan learner, the Jedi Knight, the General, the Sith Lord. It's too much, it's too much and he doesn't know who or what he is anymore and the panic is rising— 
A comforting hand settles upon his shoulder and he opens his eyes. Ahsoka.
“A moment?” Obi-Wan says, still staring at him. He shifts in his seat, uncomfortable under that all-too perceptive gaze. At length, his master turns to the holo. “We’ve been gone far longer than a moment.”
Rex’s eyes flit between them. “Sir, I don’t understand. You’ll need to explain.”
Ahsoka snorts. “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you.”
Still have a lot of mental fleshing out to do before it goes anywhere but there ya have it.
May the Force be with you, always!
As for the first part of your comment, really, thank you. It's not that I don't love my writing so much as the process can be difficult at times. 😅 I'm a perfectionist, and not by choice so much as my brain simply won't let things go until they feel right. Even after publishing something I have a very bad habit of going back in and editing it a dozen more times. It's very annoying! 😂
Sometimes that single-minded focus gets me stuck in a huge rut because I'm too zoned in on trivialities to navigate back to the big picture. Basically writer's block is the worst feeling ever and sometimes I get down about not being as productive as I should be. But I do love writing, and making people happy with my work gives me a lot of joy and motivation to keep at it. Well, I should probably get back to work on TW but I hope you enjoyed the excerpts! All your kind words made me smile and I'm gonna try to carry that positivity with me. 🥰
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Random Headcanon's for the Scream Character's
Billy really was a normal sweet kid and a good boyfriend before his mom left. Everyone paints him as always being crazy and his mom just triggered him but I honestly don't think that's true. Sidney and her parents would not have been okay with her dating a bad boy from Sophomore year onward. Sure it happens and maybe she saw past it but If Sidney would have seen how Billy acted with Randy in the videostore; instant break up imo. He could not have hid that side of himself for two years straight. Remember, they were dating a whole year prior to Maureen cheating. My theory is he may or may not have had a 'side' to him or other undiagnosed disorder in his gene pool (Mrs Loomis snapping too.) but Billy's psychotic breakdown was mostly situational + groomed by Roman and there were other things in his life that probably were boiling over and Debbie leaving him completely broke him. So, he was in an extremely vulnerable state when Roman came around and molded him. THAT is why Sidney trusted him so much in Scream before the phone incident and even somewhat after. Because Billy was a good boyfriend before her mom's murder and she would have never suspected it. Now how her or no one else could see him tumbling into madness or at least deep depression before Roman sank his talons in is beyond me. Maybe she did and he shrugged her off? Either way, the situation made him shut down all empathy towards other people and changed him. His empathy is towards his mom, possibly his dad since Hank never died and that is it. He has symptoms of a psychopath and even though that is usually genetic I 100% think a psychotic breakdown could do it as well.(Don't come for me bitch I'm not trained in any of this just using what I know from research 🧍‍♀️) If his mom never left and Roman didn't come along; Billy would have never been a killer
Contrary to Billy's situational psychological crazyness. Stu was always going to kill. I don't even think it's is he a sociopath vs a psychopath argument as much as he is just disconnected from reality. (Though he would most likely be a Sociopath if he was bc of his lack of boundaries as well impulsive behavior. Thinking killing was a game.) Stu possibly suffered abuse as a child. He was terrified of his parents more than the law. Either A. They abused him and permanently terrified him. Or B. He really has a stunted mentality and thinks of killing as a game and fears his parents more than the law bc the consequences are just not clicking LIKE A KID. He's like a giant little kid with no sense of how things work. He still could have been abused and that is what stunted his growth mentally. However, his violent tendacies were always there. Never preplanned just urgent anger or sadistic glee he couldn't control. Billy just suggested the killings and he was instantly down. Like, hell yeah cool. Most ppl no matter what mental illness they have or how severe are not that easy to convince. Whose to say he hadn't killed before or was planning to? My theory is he is so disconnected from reality that killing really is a giant fun game to him and he would have eventually murdered someone even without Billy.
Idk why this isn't more thought of throughout the fandom. Billy and Stu did not rape Maureen bc the evidence would have pointed to someone other than the guy they were framing. Cotton Weary had sex with Maureen, left, Billy and Stu taunted her on the phone and lured her away, they killed her, police suspected rape bc A. they didn't know about the affairs. B. Cotton's semen or her discharge or bruising being there. They naturally assumed it was rape but in actuality no one raped her. Cotton's dna from their affair incriminated him even more. Not saying that Billy and Stu would think of rape as morally wrong enough not to do in their book BUT it would have been stupid on their part and made it obvious there were other suspects besides Cotton.
Stu isn't a lapdog. Stu literally revealed on the phone he was going to throw Billy under the bus. He hesitated giving him the knife. Stu is like a kid. He most likely suffered trauma that regressed his mental age. He's eager to please, desperate for attention and most likely fawns over people he feels close to in an obsessive way. He could have even been in love with Billy and vice versa which is why he was so eager to please him. However, he was not nearly as stupid or a lapdog as much as the fandom makes him out to be. I think Randy saying it in the videostore sealed the deal for people even though he was only acting like that bc he was helping Billy too and covering their tracks. Billy was the one with the plan. Stu just tagged along out of the urge to kill. But he 100% had his own plan to kill and bail if needed. My mind is made up on that.
There was a third killer in Scream and it wasn't a teen or Roman. You're telling me two 17-18 yr old guys could come up with every detail? Roman only told Billy the basics. How did they get tactical police shoes? How did they get to the houses so fast and leave just as quickly? How did they both take down and restrain Steve or Neil by themselves enough to tie them up? Sure, Stu was deranged and tall but these two lanky teens were able to take on a football player with muscles and a grown man? Possible but stil meh to me. Their plan was too thorough for two teen boys to come up with on their own. Both crazy. One completely unhinged and disconnected from reality and the other so blinded by revenge he was stupid at times. (Fucking stabbing yourselves before killing Neil and Sidney. Not even thinking to AT LEAST tie Sidney up as well...Really? Jill was smarter in 4 in that respect tbh.) I truly think their was an adult involved in Scream helping them or guiding them. I would say Roman if it wasn't for him going back to Hollywood. But Billy and Stu had help DURING the killings 100%.
Randy is not this mecha survival final boy like the fandom thinks. The kid watched one too many horror movies and based them on real life. Scream itself is making fun of slasher movies and Randy was supposed to be the narrator setting most of the dumb rules up into play. Everyone is like "omg that's so out of character how he died in 2" no its not. If the rules work then him losing his virginity did him in. He was drinking, he was pissed off and not thinking. Plus Mrs. Loomis attacked in broad daylight, something no one thought of. (And the whole debate how a middle aged woman could pull him in. LOOK. Randy is a fucking small guy and she grabbed him backwards, using momentum to haul him back into the van. PLUS she was enraged at what he said about Billy. Adrenaline is a hell of a super drug as far as testing the bodies limits. I have seen tiny girls become the hulk when they are pissed I'm jus sayin) Point is, Randy was just a teen boy that loved horror movies. He was not some survival guide especially since it showed him even on the couch not aware of Ghostface behind him. He was a giant satire showing how even he didn't always follow the rules of slasher movies and how dumb the rules are.
Tatum loved Sidney and had more chemistry with her than Billy. I am not saying they weren't just BFF's and I don't want to ruin female friendship with constantly thinking "omg they are gay together" any time two women are close. BUT it is strange that it was only those two as friends especially since Sidney didn't fit into Tatum's popular social circle. It's like Tatum went out of her way to be friends with Sidney. Maybe they were childhood friends and that's why? But I think it's entirely possible that just like it's speculated that Stu and Billy were secretly in love; Tatum possibly was at least bi and in love with Sidney.
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transpat · 3 years
Hi 👋
I found your post about Sangwoo in the manhua original of Semantic Error. And I thought it was really cool what you did there, pointing out the 🚩. I was curious about how Sangwoo is “obv autistic coded.” Because I do agree with you (there were definitely some things in his behaviour that looked very familiar to me). But I was wondering what signs you were thinking of. Specifically in the tv adaptation that is on right now (I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do ☺️). Could you elaborate a little more on Sangwoo’s “code”? 😉 (hehe, oops, I made him sound like a computer again 😅)
Thanks in advance,
— Thel. 💚
P.S. Like for example the books he’s been reading: the first on revenge and the second on convincing others I believe. In the tag, I noticed most people overlooked this detail or responded with something along the lines of “ooh Sangwoo, you don’t need that because you’re good the way you are.” Which is valid. But to me, the books represented a genuine interest or attempt to find a solution for something Sangwoo hadn’t been confronted by until then. Neither the concepts “getting back at someone”/ “wanting others to want what you want” nor the underlying emotions (idk betrayal/ sympathy or cooperation). And the books are a pretty clumsy yet endearing attempt at understanding just that. (You see something unfamiliar -> you look it up in a book. 📖) And like those, the last six episodes have introduced countless new “feelings” to Sangwoo. (Poor man really needs a break after that project. 🥲) Such as his blossoming romantic feelings for Jayung. I’ve seen some theories placing Sangwoo in the aspec spectrum. Which make much sense as well. But I don’t think we should underestimate how fundamental Sangwoo’s unfamiliarity with emotions or the desire to do those dreaded group projects is.
Oops, I hope I still left some space for you to come with your own insights. 😅 Anyways, I’m eagerly awaiting them.
P.P.S. One other thing I noticed was the appointment he suddenly has (I think this was in episode 4 or 5; my autistic headcanon is that Sangwoo didn’t lie about this) but doesn’t want to tell Jaeyung about (he says it’s an appointment but he doesn’t want to say who he’s meeting; and Jaeyung respects his wishes for a change 😀). I thought maybe this was some kind of counselling or a therapy group maybe? (Very familiar to me: not wanting to share with everyone that you receive some kind of “extra support.”) Because the sudden flows of new insights and the way he adapts his behaviour (note: “adapts,” not “changes” or “improves” -> Sangwoo simply adapts to a different situation) leaves me under the impression that he’s been reflecting on daily life, his school work and conflicts with another person. (Someone other than Ji Hye that is. 😉) I find it hard to believe he came up with all of that by himself, in relative seclusion. (I don’t think we’ve seen him talk to anyone except Ji Hye or Jayoung; not even a teacher or a parent right?)
hi hi! you've made excellent points urself honestly but i'm gonna rant a bit and explain how literally every decision he takes makes perfect sense to me if u think of him as autistic. like. even the fact that by neurotypical standards he's considered 'robotic' is v autistic.
one: the drama didn't show a lot of this bc of time constraint but in the manhua its elaborated on how much jaeyoung's interference in his routine upset him to the point of him nearly having a meltdown/being unable to concentrate in class or just function productively. and that i got so well, like i would have cried if i'd gone thru the same. when it first happened, he couldn't concentrate on entire lectures bc he didn't get to sit where he usually sat. we're shown jaeyoung's pov too where he didn't realize smth like this would bother sangwoo to such an extent bc its not smth that would affect a neurotypical as much and then jaeyoung stops. (sangwoo being unhappy about returning to his regular routine was bc he fell in love and accommodated jaeyoung into his space so his sudden absence was again a distruption.)
two: simply how he lives his life by textbook principles. how he follows rules he's told w/o understanding that they don't have to be absolute/that they can be bended based on situations. in the drama he refers to that book too, bc he doesn't understand what he should be doing in such a situation, he doesn't get the social code. jaeyoung frustrates him bc he can't read ppl and this dude's never honest, swings from saying one thing to another (asking him to call him hyung then lashing out when sangwoo actually does). also ur right ur right the fact that he's turning to book shows how much effort he's putting into this.
like how he refuses to call jaeyoung hyung at first bc he believes that its smth u only use for family. and then well. w the whole sex thing too. in the manhua. (that same thing is used to justify his homophobia. but that's just not it. he's just a homophobic dick.)
three: sangwoo shutting down and pushing everyone away from him when he's overwhelmed by emotions is just a sensory overload. once he calms down, he starts processing each emotion and event bit by bit and then plans what he needs to do next. planning too! that he plans everything he does ten steps ahead is likely out of anxiety of things going wrong/the need for a regime to follow.
i don't remember that specific instance but ur right sangwoo isn't the type to lie either (another autistic trait) so maybe he is receiving therapy. its not mentioned in the manhua either but its a good headcanon yk what i'm gonna hc this too!!
on to four: he's touch-evasive. he's always been prickly about touching and being touched from the beginning. about ppl evading his personal space. but then he has a moment that time w jaeyoung, and concludes it must be this, so he asks jaeyoung to warn him before hand (implying he doesn't not want to be touched by jaeyoung, he simply thinks he needs to be prepared before hand so he doesn't have another episode). bc he assumes others would feel the same, he gives the same respect to jaeyoung and warns him before he pats his head.
five: the baseball cap he wears. idek why but neurotypicals fancy eye contact so fucking much and its really really difficult for autistic kids. each of ur just adapt around it thou? either making uncomfortable eye contact for a few seconds to let the other person know ur paying and then breaking it, or focusing on another spot on their face, or even forcing ur self to hold eye contact so u seem normal and attentive...yeah we do it all. sangwoo must have used the baseball cap as a protective measure bc if his eyes aren't clearly visible to anyone, a tilt of his head is all he'd need for them to believe he's looking at them.
after things go south w jaeyoung, he stops wearing it, then wears it again, and that goes to show how absent-minded he's become (even that scene where he wears his shirt inside out). he's so out of it, he doesn't remember to carry his shield around w him at all times, and isn't bothered by that. then when jaeyoung and him are talking again, he doesn't wear it around jaeyoung to appease him, bc he remembers that jaeyoung wanted him to take it off.
also. just his general relation w jaeyoung. like after first he hates him bc jaeyoung's hurting him by disrupting his routine, by forcing him into a sudden change. that's why he hates him so vehemently. he thinks jaeyoung knows how much this affects him (bc he won't see this from jaeyoung's pov, esp if he's not told), and bc he believes this is genuine malice, he returns the same. jaeyoung's the one who realizes this is affecting him a lot more than it would affect others, and no questions asked he stops (like a decent person thank god). he hadn't meant to actually hurt sangwoo, he was only fooling around. but he grows attached to this dude and wants to grow closer to him, so he plays the role of a good, responsible hyung. but sangwoo's textbook states that jaeyoung is a mean, unpredictable person. so he writes it off as another phase.
except whatever problems he has, jaeyoung accommodates them. whatever he asks of him, jaeyoung follows it. whatever line he draws, jaeyoung respects it. jaeyoung doesn't try to understand or explain each of sangwoo's actions and choices. he just accepts him as he is, like he would any other person. he's respectful and easy to be around (at least in the drama). that's why sangwoo falls in love w him. jaeyoung is earnest and open, and although he's confusing and hard to read, he does explain himself when asked, and he tries his best to adjust to sangwoo. like how sangwoo's always had to adjust for society. they both put in effort to stay together, to meet each other halfway, that's why they work out.
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umbralundertaler · 2 years
The Spamton-Berdly parallels thing has me thinking and this MIGHT be complete Batshit Nonsense (I didn't get much sleep last night so my Reasoning Skills are not with me. Feel free to delete this if it makes no sense)
(Also feel free to delete it if everyone's already heard this one and I'm just a million years late to the party, I don't typically go into the Theory Side of the fandom)
Okay so you know how the two of them have that Thing where they kinda formulate their entire Image on something that's not even true and even THEY know it? Berdly's the Smartest Kid In Class and will do ANYTHING to prove it even though he didn't win that spelling bee/Noelle helps him on his homework/etc. and Spamton despite being a horrible salesman irl is obsessed with his Big Shot persona which he only got cause of the Phone Voice.
Now there's a theory that there's multiple Phone Voices and that ONE of them (the one who comes through to ask if anyone can hear them after Spamton gets possessed) is Dess.
But now I'm kinda thinking... if it WAS Dess helping him via the Phone Voice it would put a weird spin on the whole "whoever was helping him disappeared" line.
Not to mention that apparently if you hack the game to let Noelle use the Dealmaker she recognizes Spamton from somewhere, regardless of whether you do Snowgrave with any of your save files or not. Maybe she and her sister met him before, a really long time ago?
The theory of her being the 'can you hear me' voice is pretty common (and pretty cool! Though I personally think it's the discarded vessel). But her being Mike is... I dunno, it would be really fucking interesting, thats for sure.
What would she know about sales and business and stuff? She's really young, like probably only a few years older than Noelle and Kris. So the timelines dont match up. We know that there IS timeline fuckery, what with the dark world only being created a day ago but there are events referred to that happened multiple years in the past, but. She's still like a high schooler, she doesn't know the first thing about sales.
THAT BEING SAID, maybe she didn't actually give him any salesman tips, and used just her newfound plot manipulation powers from the void to make him famous, which with a hearty helping of suspension of disbelief I'll buy because it's intriguing as fuck.
Not only that, but she has little to no reason to help him, though maybe she did it out of the goodness of her heart or she thought the NEO suit might be able to get her out of the void somehow idk.
Second part. I have no idea about Noelle recognizing Spamton. That detail always freaks me the hell OUT man what does it MEAN what does it MEAN!!! WHAT!!!
I always saw Noelle recognizing Spamton as the game implying that his light world equivalent used to be hers? Like, maybe she had an old weird puppet that she used to carry around when she was younger that she liked because it was creepy and she liked scary things, but then threw it in the trash when she got older...
But then I found out that Spamton's light world equivalent was just spam ads thrown in the garbage, meaning his light world equivalent didn't really 'belong' to anyone. Unless Noelle threw it away and vaguely recognizes Spamton from that idk
I dunno. I don't know anything about Noelle or Dess they freak me outtt.
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codenamesazanka · 2 years
my dream is to write a novel, get it published, become rich. or at least moderately well-off. If I can get off my lazy ass… Anyways, this is to say, I love writing fanfic.
And tbh most of the meta I write is entirely from brainstorming ideas and details for fanfic. I wanted to really understand the characters, really get into their heads and write them as in-character as possible. Every word, every action, every neurochemical that might run through their brain and affect their heart rate. Obviously I’ll never know them as well as Horikoshi-sensei does, and I take some minor liberties to get the story where I want it to go, but like, I just wanna get it right.
How a character behaves and reacts to things - meta about their reasons and motivations. Need background events and to know norms the characters might follow - meta about details of the world, setting, history, etc. Making something that hopefully ‘resonances’ - meta about themes and development.
Soooo much of my meta is from me thinking up AUs. The compare and contrast really helps in figuring out why and how the canon story went the way it did; what is the essential and immutable cores of the story that I gotta keep in the AU, and what can be changed or do away with completely. I think it would be cool if this and that happened to this or that character - so why didn’t it? What factors would need to be changed to achieve this AU? What facts and theories would I need to pull out of the canon to do that - or rather, what is in canon anyways?
AU where Sako finds Tenko during The Walk and takes him in - why would magic marble man even do that in the first place? What life would he be living back then at age 17, and how would incorporating a traumatized 5 year old effect that. What’s Tenko’s as-in-character-as-possible reaction to that - guess I’ll have to squint at his every word and movement in the manga. Sako’s got family and Harima’s legacy - gotta fill in those blanks, so what’s most probable and reasonable, accounting for HeroAca culture, history, social structure? All For One has to let Sako keep Tenko (for now) for this AU to work - he’ll need a reason, he’ll need to have limitations on his actions, so can I look at his goal and motivation in a different light without changing the core?
And then suddenly i’m writing an essay about Harima and All For One and what the environment must have been like all those years ago and theorizing…idk, something-something about the politics among metas back then that must have happened to lead to the modern day situation. But really, I was probably just trying to figure out if I can wring out an awkward meal scene from this.
This also probably sounds all pretentious but in reality I usually never have a clear outline or vivid thought. My brain just spins bits and pieces around and sometimes things smash together into a realization. Then it might even just make it onto paper. I rarely have the discipline to actually sit and plan meta, and much less make it coherent. 😔 I usually don’t have the discipline to write the fic either. But I have lots of fun imagining it and thinking about how I might write it.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
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chdarling · 3 years
I need your opinion on something! Ever since I've read hp as a kid, I've imagined the cloak as a sort of blanket. But i've recently seen fan art where it has a hood and gathers at the top, like a normal cloak would. Which makes sense, but then how would 3 teenagers fit under it? And would the hood just be really large, so it would go over your head and fall onto your chest?
Listen, wizard fashion is sketch. It makes zero sense. It hasn’t evolved since the eighteen hundreds but also NO one in the eighteen hundreds dressed like that so what are these fuckers on. There’s no way of knowing. Whatever the true answer is, it’s 100% worse than we’ve imagined. Still, here are my incredibly accurate and thought provoking theories:
1. It’s 100% an invisibility poncho. Like one of those horrible blue plastic ones your mom made you wear when you went on the boat at Niagara Falls, and then you still got completely drenched anyway, except now in all the photos you look like a member of the blue man group melted. Not cool mom.
Scientifically, you can definitely fit at least seven ten-year-olds under one of those ponchos so I feel confident in this hypothesis.
2. It’s actually quite fitted. Death took one look at the good Peverell brother and admired not only his joie de vivre or whatever but also his svelte form. In fact, in order to carry out their stealthy castle missions successfully, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all stacked upon each other’s shoulders, Vincent Adultman style. JKR just never told us this because it wasn’t relevant to Harry’s journey etc, and the kid was too oblivious to notice he had a Weasley on his shoulders. It’s fine.
3. There is no invisibility cloak. The whole thing was an elaborate social experiment by Dumbledore to see what sort of bullshittery an eleven year old boy would get up to if he genuinely thought he was invisible. All the teachers were in on it. Ron and Hermione were in on it. This was the Truman Show for wizards.
Now you may be thinking “But CH, that is both unethical AND outlandish!” To which I say, friend, please see the attached addendum which details every pedagogical malfeasance Dumbledore committed during his tenure as Headmaster and get back to me.
…tl;dr: I don’t have any insight, just jokes, but I think it probably has a hood because doesn’t It slip in POA when Malfoy sees him in Hogsmeade? Idk 😂😂😂
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So i saw somewhere a theory that Tadashi is a good skater and i just kinda decided to expand on this idea, amd sorry this is gping to be extremly chaotic since i dont know how to put my thoughts into words.
Okay so the tournament is coming right? And i dont know how exactly will it look but imagine Tadashi finds a way to join. Ad*m has no idea about this, but our boi joins.
And like, he drives the vampire Hisoka wannabe, finds him a new way of a dramatic entrance, then after he does that, he goes to change. To not be recognized he finds a cool mask maybe with a voice changer, maybe he is a really good voice actor who knows. (And I'm imagening a really cool steampunk outfit with a trench coat and shit for some reason. But if y'all have other ideas then hell yea, i jut thought about that in real detail)
and- and imagine- and imagine that he takes that old skateboard that Adam had, in that scene in the flashback in the last episode, like i know it was destroyed but what if he restored it and took it to the tournament?
Yeah so he takes part in the tournament.
And now see- this man has seen Ad*m train probabably, maybe he trained with him. He could know his weaknesses. That Dio skateboarder wasn't bothered to hide anything from Tadashi cause he never saw him as a threat.
And so Tadashi knows all his weaknesses, in what way his techniques are not perfect...
So he joins, takes part and he isn't even aiming to win, he just helps the others destroy Ad*m.
And its like a last thing before he quits or sth. Idk
Hope y'all like it
(Also halfway through writing i had to leave it, then for a few hours i forgot i was writing it)
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warmthpdf · 3 years
immensely curious about ur thoughts on security breach. free ramblespace.
anon omg im currently cradling your face in between my hands and giving you a little kiss on the forehead THANK U i will now do a little rambling below the cut both bc spoilers(?) and hyperfixation rambling <3
ok so background !! the first fnaf game came out just after i turned 11? and i was and still am a little baby so i never played it myself but religiously watched markiplier and jacksepticeye so naturally watched them play through it (and all the other games) i was never like,, super in the fandom or the lore at all actually lmao ive spent the past week watching all of the game theory vids (i am 27/52 videos of the way through <3) and i can confirm. total hyperfixation this new game has been all ive been thinking about
first of all fav character.......glamrock freddy you are literally my dad. in the sb intro i noticed how he holds the whole microphone stand (i also love how he has no instrument. just a microphone. during a the intro song that has no lyrics) and his whole movements are very reminiscent of freddie mercury ?? which would make a lot of sense considering the whole 80s glamrock aesthetic so i thought that was just such a cool lil detail regardless of if it was intentional (and i swear everything in this franchise is intentional tbh) :)
BUT ALSO..... SUN. SUN MY LITTLE SCRUNKLE SUNSHINE BABY BOY!!!!!!! i want to cosplay him so bad man.... next halloween im gonna go all out,, his funny little spinny mask and balloony trousers and bells. i love his character sm :,) like he never intentionally jumpscares u !! he cant kill u ! he just has his one rule and he wants to keep u entertained bc hes literally made to entertain kids!!!! and he seems genuinely upset when the lights turn off and he turns into moon like HE DOESN'T WANNA DO THAT !! and mentioning moon. that mf is the scariest character in this whole franchise oh my GOD his jumpscare is so scary and hearing him creeping around. AND HIM FLYING IN THE AIR AND TIP TOEING AND WHISPERING BC HE'S MADE TO BE AROUND WHEN KIDS ARE NAPPING AT THE DAYCARE ???? YGHGUHH ... forever confused about how he kills u because its not like sun or moon have an openable mouth?
the game itself i mostly understand why a lot of people are disappointed with it? like its VERY buggy and the lore is so so vague and it just leaves more questions than i had before and thats as someone who isnt that clued in on the lore. like where does this fall in the story and what does it add or change to the canon and timeline?? like the involvement of vanny was way overhyped for how much she actually appears in the game and it makes me think they probably had more planned for her but didnt get to :/ idk if the game was rushed or not BC VISUALLY ITS SO POLISHED but the story im not so sure about ?? but im also just generally not a theory person. i dont like somehow interpreting something 'wrong' ??? so i never usually think up my own ideas lmao
i think the game is rly rly cool i just think they might have bitten off more than they can chew??? LIKE THE PLACE IS HUGE AND THERES ALL THESE ELEMENTS THEYRE TRYING TO COMBINE AND CHARACTERS AND JUST !! EVERYTHING, it's all a lot and theres so many endings yet theres also a true ending that leads to a lot more being unanswered and arhghgn idk if we're gonna be getting much more fnaf so its just ?? unsure what all of this adds up to but either way i am OBSESSED and thinking about it constantly
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hobidreams · 3 years
Hi! How are you? Hope you're doing ok!
I've been a silent reader of some of your stories for a while now-- you are such an amazing writer! ✨ Everything is just so detailed (esp with the historical details even if it's just a touch on the subject), on point and ugh, *chef's kiss*-- it's all so good and the emotions!! The emotions!! 😂 You perfectly captured it with every word and description. Thank you so much for sharing your talent/passion for writing and your stories! For sure, it wasn't easy at all writing these drabbles, with catching up and all as it can be draining at times (as you also have your own life to manage). It's truly hard to write!
Even though some chapters were heartbreaking-- it's what makes the story much more impactful and realistic (with emotions, relatable) in a way.
Anyway, I just want to share what I thought about MLT series because like everybody else-- we can't get enough that we need to let it out! 😂 Too much emotions in our hearts 😭🥲💔😂 and that I think, (and we can all agree) is what a good writing is! It makes us feel so much for the characters (not just OC but also everybody else, even the queen)
So (idk if this is unpopular opinion or not) for me, I don't think Jungjeon-mama is not "evil" at all. No matter how I want to "hate" her, I couldn't really judge it like that because she also have her own story and there's layers to her as well. I also kind of think, she kiiinda knows there's something going on between OC and jeonha (or some degree of fondness). I also think she's just as innocent with all of these, she def does not have bad intentions to anyone. I could not imagine how difficult it is of being thrown off into this huge responsibility, she's just trying to do her role as a queen. Although, I also think she's cool and I feel like she's the type of person who's direct and "no bullshit", just trying-to-do-my-job type. Maybe she's also quick-witted and strategic but idk! Haha. Idk but we'll see for your next update 🤷‍♀️😅.
With all being said-- i absolutely 100% feel (and on her side) for OC 😭💔 goood, she can't catch a break. To think that she's almost independent all her life (with exception of her mother, jeonha, and few friends we met along) and with the death of her mother and now this heartbreak. Now, she must've feel so alone and lonely more than ever. It's just heartbreaking, to say the least 💔
A part of me def just said as soooon as she met the artist, "Gurl, go! Just leave all of these and go with that kind, gorgeous man who's probably better for you (and the situation), who you have the possibility to be with (without suffering & sacrificing something on line)! Or not! But just go, start fresh! establish your own clinic and go be brilliant on your own just like what your mother wants and what you've always been!". Buuut of course, love. *deep heavy sigh* haha. It's not that easy. Like, going through one day at a time is difficult enough but at this point, it's like she's desperately trying to hold on to a thing we clearly have no idea if there's assurance or not. And it seems like it's a chance she's willing to put her faith into.
With jeonha, idk but I feel a bit irritated for not addressing their (him and OC's) relationship and what to do about it. But he's probably conflicted and lost more than ever. I mean with all of these love drama and let alone leading a country??And figuratively, history is being written!-- so it's kind of a difficult position to be in, too haha. Maybe he's just as frozen as we are-- what can we do to about this crazy situation? So I am veryy excited to finally read his POV and know what he feels with all of these!
I have a few theories on what could happen esp with the ending buuut I guess we just have to see, I don't want to complicate things further 😅 but I am very excited hahaha. I just think that maybe OC will have to make some kind of sacrifice or like the "final" sacrifice? (as if she's not suffering enough 😥)-- Knowing how selfless she can be. Maybe the queen is involved in this decisin a bit (something to do with an heir, perhaps? Hehe). Buut in the end, it'll be between OC and jeonha. I also just waaaant for the jeonha and her to finally talk about their relationship! What the hell is going on with these two? Haha. I'm talking to you, jeonha! Haha. Like, "come on, jeonha!! Make a move!! How about OC? Don't let her wait for too long, she want her own life too!!" Just give our OC the peace of heart that she ever since deserve 🥺 Ahaha
Overall, I just genuinely want for OC to be at peace and maybe, be happy-- in the best way possible or her own terms. Haha. I don't even care about jeonha anymore (hahahhaha nope, still want to and want to know 👀 haha)-- just, I just want her to be alright in the end. I want her to feel free being herself and to thrive being a healer and as a person. I want her to do the things she wants to and be with people she wants to with and love. Sorry, this is such a looong ask! If you've made it this far, thank you so much 😂
Sigggh, there's still a long way to go. Excited for the next chapters, looking forward to it! Also, I hope you're doing good and feeling alright! Please take care of yourself too! 💟💟
- "🧇 anon" (hehe)
hi love 💕 im doing well!! doing a ton of writing for my clients so unfortunately havent been able to dedicate much time to fanfic, but im trying my best 😭
thank you so much for reading my work!! i truly appreciate that you chose to break your silence to send me this incredible message 🥺 its a pleasure to be able to make you feel things hahaha.
its really easy to hate jungjeon-mama, but as someone else pointed out, she's literally so vulnerable right now. she's entering a completely new environment. she doesn't know what oc is like. oc could be 100% evil and horrible like Yoongi's father's concubine. rn the queen has no true allies. but she has been quite petty to oc so there are many layers to her! i look forward to showing you all more of her in the coming chapters.
yeah... it's super easy for us to sit here and say LEAVE HIM but like... feelings aren't so simple. how many of us, even the strongest among us, have gone back to an ex or texted someone we knew we shouldn't? i think what's fascinationg about humans is just how much we need affection. even when we pretend we don't (like Yoongi does for so long).
Yoongi's honestly terrified that she'll just say she's gonna go, lol. it's not the best rationale but its kind of like... if i dont ask her, she can't reject me. you know? LOL i hope you enjoyed his pov 😍 i feel like it did reveal a lot about him. he has so much pressure on him literally all the time... and he wants to protect everything. in that way, i believe he's made his move in the latest drabble by telling her to fight for herself.
no pls never apologize omg 😭😭😭 u dont know how much i loved reading this ask!!!! please please look forward to the coming chapters and take care. there is simultaneously a short way and a long way to go hahaha
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moku-youbi · 3 years
MCU’s Lazy Post-Snap Writing (Thanks Disney...)
This could be potentially spoilery for the first episode of Falcon and Winter Soldier, but it is just a general discussion of the world-building post-”snap” or whatever in the MCU, nothing specific about plot. So last night I was watching the first ep, and briefly getting my hopes up when they mentioned how soon after Endgame this is set, I thought okay, maybe we’ll finally get to see some of the fallout from all these people returning 5 years later. 
(Because let’s be real, WandaVision quietly killing our lesbians off screen with Maria Rambeau apparently dying from cancer while her daughter was snapped away without so much of a mention of Carol being the only consequence of the snap is a fucking joke. And EVERYTHING that was Far From Home, please. Sure, all the right people just so happened to be snapped away so that you could still have Peter and all his friends be the same age and this one character as a joke that used to be younger and is now the same age...right...)
So, great. Sam’s been gone for 5 years and then immediately lost his best friend to another awful writing decision, but alas. For whatever reason, male pride? IDK, he’s insisting on claiming his ownership over his sister’s home and boat that they technically both inherited, even though she’s a widower who’s been raising two young kids alone during the whole snap era in (I think) the NOLA area, and is just trying to keep her head above water by selling. It’s a strange turn for Sam, who has in the past seemed to be a sensitive and understanding guy, to keep flexing on her about how it’s partially his, even though prior to the snap he’d been living based out of the DC area, and superheroing and/or breaking international treaties around the globe, so...
It seems like an excuse to have him attempting to secure a loan, which proves a difficult proposition for someone without work history for the last 5 years, in a time when apparently banks have been inundated with loan applications following the sudden return of billions of people. Okay, cool. I appreciate that the latter would be a nightmare situation, and it’s this sort of detail that might get overlooked in the films that starts to hint at the major ramifications of Tony’s decision to bring everyone back without rewinding time.
However, the problem (beyond the ridiculous “no work history while you were literally nonexistent” which, if the banks are receiving loan requests from people just returned, would be EVERYONE), is pointed out BY the loan officer, and there’s no real good explanation--Sam is a hero. Even if we somehow accept that the US government isn’t scrambling to do some sort of relief bill, or special loans or grants for those returning to existence, Sam’s situation is different. He has a high-profile job with the military. He is loved the world over. And most importantly, he was dusted in the process of defending the world from Thanos, then assisted in his defeat upon his return. You’re telling me there isn’t payment for that kind of thing? 
Even IF no governments around the world are willing to compensate these heroes, you have people like Tony and T’Challa who are incredibly wealthy, and it makes NO SENSE that they aren’t compensating the heroes who work alongside them or helped defend Wakanda. I absolutely refuse to believe that Pepper would be creating some sort of grant, even if there weren’t a regular salary or whatever, for those returning in particular. And it especially doesn’t make sense when you see Tony basically handing over the keys to the kingdom to Peter, and Pepper giving big checks to Aunt May’s charity, or Vision (and Wanda) who has no way of earning income EXCEPT from his superheroing, purchasing a home. How DID they support themselves running around Europe prior to Infinity War if they’re not receiving money from some Avengers fund? And even supposing it comes down to some kind of pride on Sam’s part, even if Pepper had come to him with some sort of restitution payment or compensation for his service, and he was all like “I can’t accept charity,” Pepper would have happily said, “let’s call it a low interest loan, then.” There’s NO REASON he should have to go to some random bank begging for a loan.
Except...the MCU writers are lazy af. They want that drama to be there, they want this to be a motivation for his character, so they ignore the world and the rules already put in place by the past 20+ films/shows. The same as the utter laziness of insisting on keeping the 5 years with no real good justification for it besides Tony Stark wanting to keep his daughter (and even if you’re not big on the theory that Pepper was already pregnant at the time of the snap like I am, I think we’d all agree that Tony Stark would put the greater good ahead of his personal life. He’d know damn well that huge cost of bringing everyone back and it would tear him apart, but he’d DO THE RIGHT THING)
It was incredibly insulting to viewers, and tragically lazy writing. They wanted to have their cake and eat it to. So when they want to jerk some tears, when they want the drama, they make the snap have huge consequences, and when they don’t want to have to deal with the consequences of the snap, they basically pretend it was nothing -- a BLIP, for fuck sake -- that everyone’s already over with and life’s moved on.
I get it, you didn’t want that dark, heavy tone in the Spider-Man film, but you have a chance to explore it with Sam and Bucky. I mean, that’s cool and all, but the problem with insisting on having all your films and shows being part of the same canon, is that you have to MAKE THEM ALL PART OF THE SAME CANON. And while I think they pulled it off beautifully for a while, beginning with Infinity War, it’s started to unravel. The whole setting Captain Marvel in the past of an already established universe didn’t work well and hobbled the story, turning something that should have been good into a clunky vehicle to excuse any potential holes in the story going forward. Endgame was a nightmare, and the tonal shift of FFH after Peter’s journey so far, and questionable characterisation is worse. It makes me worried for Black Widow, which is already suffering from Covid pushing it back. That’s a film I’ve been looking forward to for over a decade, and I’m worried by setting it in the past, it’s going to suffer the same way CM did.
I just find it incredibly sad that the Disney Plus series’ put an end to the Netflix MCU, because those were so well written with create internal consistency, character development, and world-building. They could have been a great way to explore the fallout of the snap, especially with the efforts they went to to distance them from the rest of the MCU while still, technically, being a part of it. Now instead we have Disney churning out flashy, but ultimately hollow content as a cash grab, instead of any real interest in telling meaningful stories. 
I will say, snap politics aside, I hold out higher hopes for the remainder of Falcon and Winter Soldier. There are some parts I obviously didn’t like, but on the whole it felt of a higher quality than WandaVision by far (which is sad, because I love that comic and was really looking forward to some surreal, zany fun there). 
But on the whole, where I used to be so excited and the first in line for every new MCU film (literally), these days I’m just feeling “meh.”
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snakebites-22 · 4 years
Heylo! I saw that you were asking for requests, and I have one if you want to write it! What if the reader is always drawing on the boards after school, and students don’t know who does it, and one day Peter catches her drawing? Idk, I kinda liked the idea! I love your writing hun!!🥰💕❤️
Peter Parker and The Dry Erase Board Artist
A/N: And here it is! Almost a whole month after I said I would have it done! I am so so so sorry for how long this took and also sorry for how shitty it also is. I hope you enjoy this trash fire that I just spent almost 4 hours on and finished at 1 am. Oh, I also made this gender neutral using they/them pronouns. 
Warnings: uh language, slight death threat?, stupid teachers, numbers, fluff ig, idrk 
Word Count: 2279
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: There’s a new mystery in Midtown, and it’s the creator of the dry erase board drawings. Peter is desperate to find out who it is even if it means losing sleep and missing assignments. What will it take to find out who this secret artist is?
Peter knew all about mysteries. He used to stay up too late reading those mystery novels by flashlight when he should have been sleeping. He grew up loving them. The amount of times May would walk into the living room to see him once again binge watching Scooby Doo was uncountable. Even now, he prided himself on being one of the biggest mysteries in New York: Spider-Man. He had to hold back a grin whenever he heard people discuss who the masked hero could possibly be. The craziest one so far was that Spider-Man was actually an alien being used by the government. He wasn’t sure who came up with that one, but props to them for their creativity.
He just absolutely loved mysteries of all shapes and sizes, and now, he had a new one to solve: the drawings. He called it Operation Dry Erase Board, and yes, the name did need improvement. Both MJ and Ned made sure to tell him that every single time he brought it up. Ned had suggested The Search for the Hidden Artist, which MJ just said sounded even worse. 
It had started a couple weeks ago. He had walked into his first period calculus class to see everyone whispering and taking pictures of the board. His first reaction was panic - his teacher was prone to surprise pop quizzes - but it soon turned to awe as he stared at the array of color across the board. It was a beautifully detailed portrait of the sea. He gazed upon the scene of manta rays and fish and even the silhouette of a shark. There was coral and shells of every color, and the lines and swirls of blue captivated him.There was no signature. Nobody knew who had done it. 
At first, Peter just tried to brush it off. There was somebody in the school who was skilled with dry erase board markers and was very artistically gifted. Not the biggest deal, but good for them. It became a bigger deal when the next day a gorgeous rendition of Starry Night was covering the board of the biology classroom. Once again, no signature. That’s when Peter started to become invested. 
He questioned MJ first. She was one of the only artists he knew, but she just scoffed. “I’m good, but dry erase markers are shit for me to work with.” 
He started paying more attention in art class, looking for anyone with a similar style. Nothing. Everyone was your typical high school artist who was just there for the credits, meaning people like him. Don’t ask about how designing the first spidey suit went.
 The drawings just kept coming. He soon saw space, dinosaurs, a jungle, The Mona Lisa, even each of the Avengers all spread across the dry erase boards. Each one of these was so beautiful and so alluring that it made his eyes sting and shouts of protest to erupt from the students when the teachers had to erase them. Even if they didn’t erase them, they were gone the next day. Whether it was the Hidden Artist or the janitor, Peter didn’t know. It was just another part in the mystery.
A lot of the drawings weren’t done in any classrooms that Peter had, meaning he would have to take field trips during his lunch period to go and find them. Most of the time he already knew where he was going. There was now a whole Instagram page dedicated to the art. It was run by Daphne, who was in both Yearbook and the Art Club. He had asked her if it was her, but she had just giggled and said she was a fan. Honestly, Peter was too. 
He would stare at the art for as long as he could each time he saw it, and he stared at the pictures he took of them even longer. He was consumed by the art, by his love for it. He needed to find out who the artist was, but unfortunately for him it would have to wait. He was so preoccupied with being Spider-Man and now also being a shitty detective that he was falling behind on both his work and his sleep. He had now fallen asleep a total of five times over the course of a week and a half, and he was close to failing both AP Government and Spanish, simply because he wasn’t catching up on his workload. 
Now, he was passed out in AP Lang, the one class that everyone knew not to fall asleep in. He couldn’t help it. He was running on a total of 4 hours for the week, and it was a Thursday. Not even his spidey sense could have prepared him for the crash of a ruler against a metal trash can right next to his ear. After nearly falling out of his chair and almost decking his teacher, Peter was given two weeks’ worth of detentions. 
“Hopefully that’ll teach young Mr. Parker here to pay attention instead of dozing off in the middle of class. Maybe he’ll catch up on his missing assignments, too. Speaking of, would you like to tell the class which rhetorical devices you’ll be utilizing in your essay, Mr. Parker?” All Peter could do is stare back at his teacher, horror written over his face. 
It was 3:30 on a Wednesday, and Peter was losing his mind. Each of his detentions were an hour and a half long, lasting from 3:15 to 4:45. He had managed to catch himself up on his work and raise his grades a bit, but that didn’t change his predicament. He couldn’t go home or skip detention, meaning he was stuck at school for another hour and fifteen minutes. When he asked if he could do something, he was told he could go help the janitor. With a sigh, he got up and went in search of the janitor’s closet. 
During the time spanning over his punishment, he had nearly forgotten about his obsession with the Hidden Artist. Of course he still saw and heard about the drawings and he would still stare when he saw them, but now with the need to focus on his assignments being drilled into his brain every day on top of trying to stop bad guys each night, he was forced to move on. He didn’t want to. God, if he had the chance he’d stare at those drawings for hours on end, but he didn’t have that chance. It fucking sucked. 
After a couple minutes of searching, he finally found the closet. He grabbed a broom and looked around, and to his left, there was a classroom with the door slightly open. With a heavy sigh, he walked towards the room and pushed the door open, only to stop dead. There, across the room, was a brand new drawing, and it was a drawing of him. Not him him, of course, but a drawing of Spider-Man. It was a drawing of an event he recognized from yesterday when he had walked a lost kid back to their parents. The drawing showed him crouched down in front of the kid who was crying, and he had his hand out as an offer for the child to take it. 
Upon closer inspection, the drawing seemed incomplete. There were too many white spaces which wasn’t the artist's style. As he stepped closer to it, he heard the door creak and a gasp behind him. He spun around, nearly falling over in the process, and looked up wildly. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw Y/n L/n, a student in his grade. They stared back at him with wide eyes. 
“Did...did you do this?” Peter asked slowly. Y/n hesitantly nodded. 
“If you tell anyone about this, Parker, you’re dead.” 
He was slightly taken aback by this. Not the death threat, necessarily, he got those all the time, but it was a bit of a surprise coming from Y/n.
“I won’t. I promise,” he said softly. 
Y/n nodded slightly before striding towards the board and taking out a marker, beginning to fill in all of the white spaces Peter had noticed earlier. 
After a moment, Peter asked, “How do you do it?”
Y/n turned towards him, black marker clutched in their hand. “What?”
“The drawings. They’re so beautiful...I didn’t even know you could draw like that.”
“Everyone has their secrets, Parker. I’m sure you have yours.” 
Peter almost laughed at that, because yeah, he did, and Y/n was drawing it across the Physics dry erase board. But he didn’t laugh. He just smiled a little and kept watching, forgetting all about the broom that was now leaning against a desk.
“So...Spider-Man huh?” 
Y/n sighed and turned to him. “Why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be sweeping or something?” 
Peter shrugged. “Or something. Look, this is probably gonna sound super weird, but I’ve been trying to figure out who you were for weeks. Your art is super amazing and cool and I just wanted to know so badly who was talented enough to pull it off. And now I know.”
“Are you disappointed?” It wasn’t a question out of fear, but more out of curiosity. Y/n sat themselves on a desk and waited for the answer. 
“I don’t think so,” Peter said. “This was just unexpected, I guess. I didn’t even consider you for a suspect.” Y/n chuckled at this. 
“Nobody suspects me. That’s the fun part of all of this, actually. Did you know people actually thought that it was Ms. Rosemary for a while?”
“The crazy teacher’s aid?”
“Yup. The theory, I think, was that she was so crazy that art became like her therapy or escape or whatever. I mean, it can be like therapy, but I think Rosemary needs a little more than some doodles in order to help her.”
“These aren’t just ‘some doodles,’ Y/n. They’re-”
“Beautiful. Yeah, you’ve said.” They shrugged. “It’s just scribbles on a board, Parker. Scribbles that, for whatever reason, make our brains happy.”
Peter didn’t really have a response to that, so instead he just watched as Y/n went back to work. 
That was how he would spend his detentions. He would offer to go help the janitor, and then he would run around the school trying to find Y/n. Eventually, on the days where the drawings took less time to create, Y/n started to try to teach him how to draw. Basic things at first, like flowers or trying to break things down into their simpler shapes. He could barely do either of those things, but he enjoyed trying anyways. On other days, Peter would just sit and watch in silence as they drew. It was mesmerizing, and only he got to witness it. 
It became their thing. Even after detentions ended, Peter would stay after school for an hour or so just to go hang out with Y/n. They would have snacks and play music and have a good time. Peter learned that Y/n stayed after school since their parents were never home until the late evenings, so they stayed back just for the hell of it. He also learned that they were good friends with the janitor and that his name was Roger. He was the reason that they were even able to stay for as long as they did. It was pretty cool. 
It was a Friday, and Peter was spinning around in the teacher’s chair while Y/n drew a forest scene. Peter watched them for a while, a small smile on his face. They were also so concentrated when they worked, their eyes narrowing and jaw tightening as they drew the different lines and curves that made up the masterpiece. Unbeknownst to Y/n, Peter had a surprise for them. 
“Hey, N/n?” Peter asked. All he got was a hum in response. He rolled his eyes. “Come here.”
Y/n sighed and got off of the stool that they had been sitting on. “What do you want, Pete?” they asked as they strolled over, leaning over the desk when they got close enough. In response, Peter held up a small, wrapped up bundle. Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed as they picked it up. 
“Shhhh!” Peter said with a soft giggle. “Just open it.”
Y/n narrowed their eyes at him before slowly tearing the paper away. They smiled softly as they stared at the multipack of dry erase markers, enough colors to make practically any drawing that happened to cross their mind. 
“A simple thank you would have sufficed. It’s an appreciation gift for all of your art. I figured by now you’ve probably killed most of the markers in the school, so I got you some new ones.”
Y/n chuckled a little and looked at him. “Thank you.”
“Of course. You deserve it.”
“I literally just make colored lines one a board.”
“And I appreciate those colored lines! They give me serotonin as do you.”
“I give you serotonin?”
Y/n blinked in surprise. “Alright then...you also give me serotonin.”
“Really? Awesome.”
They both laughed for a moment, Y/n glancing back down at the markers as Peter continued to look at them.  
“Hey, Pete?” Y/n asked as they looked back up at him. “What?”
“Would you...would you like to continue to provide me with serotonin and go out with me?”
Peter’s eyes widened in surprise, but soon it was his smile that was widening instead. 
Tagging:  @tommysparker @bebbeb @stixnstripesworld @orowit @dreamerinthesun @ididntseeurbag @bruhelpimgay @yikes-n-bikes @becausewhatiam-iswhatimnot @thespydersargon @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @th0ttie4tommy
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haknew · 3 years
pls talk about your thoughts about chanhee and also the other concepts!! I always have such a hard time interpreting music and videos but i love to read about it
“bestie pls share ur thoughts on make your own concepts specifically chanhee’s but any others that are ur fave too 🎤- mar”
omg mar thank you for enabling me all day today 😭🥺🧡 thenks bestie ily :,)) and thank you too anon ! i should preface that T-T i have not read any other theories or analyses so these are just my opinions / impressions but i hope it’s entertaining to read about haha :p ! (feel free @ anyone to add on or share your thoughts too ! :,))
HYUNJAE - okay so audio cues... if you listen to the beginning there’s a sound of a bomb going off before the music starts ? and that ties into the dystopian / cyborg aesthetics that jump out at me of course, but what i immediately thought of was their no air perfo ? like we know hyunjae in the no air mv got that shot where he’s laying in the bathtub filled with water but also their kingdom performance with it also had those underwater shots ! so i think it ties into that... i feel like we saw in gen z, he’s a very straightforward person he says things on his mind which can come off as blunt but he thinks it’s better than not saying it ? which is interesting bc i think that speaks to his self- determined personality, he’s much more inclined to do whatever it takes to get something done, which i think falls perfectly in line with the “make your own air” phrase that he gets, if it’s something he needs he makes it himself, in a situational sense methinks u.u 
 JUYEON - JUYEON’S DJSKHDG i’m waiting for dri’s essay but in essence we see the gen z “juyeon is not such a good boy” shot and these text bubbles that pop up that say “sexy” “you so hot” “such a bad boy” and tbh i like this ‘concept’ ? for him better than his gen z one ? it’s not bc of the concept itself but i like the idea that he can “make your own character” as in he has the capability and power to be whoever he wants to ! you see him throwing white paint at the gen z canvas and i think ?! that’s symbolic of like a fresh canvas ! of remaking himself to whatever he wants bc the canvas is now blank again thanks to the white paint and flowers usually indicate spring ? so renewal and stuff like that ! i really like his, it’s also fun word play on “character” which has been juyeon’s intro in tbz (bc his name sounds like main character in korean) but yea :o ! i really love his the idea he can just repaint / paint over a literal image of him gives it the possibility of becoming smth new and that’s so so cool
CHANGMIN - SCREEEEECH okie um oh boy um *windows shutting down noises* this was so so so very different from his gen z stuff but i actually think BOTH are equally perfect for him ? the way that he set up the sparklers and neon lights on this very obviously trashy and kind of rundown rooftop with the cityline behind him is so ?!?!? LITERALLY making his own stage as his tagline goes, sort of like how the physical stage itself does not matter but rather it’s changmin himself that makes the stage special ! i talked about this in gabi’s set that i rbed ;-;/ but changmin puts a lot A LOT of stake in his position as a dancer it means almost everything to him as a form of expression from what i can see ? so he’s always trying his best to put forward the best performance possible and seeing this segment makes me feel like he’s doing just that ! pouring himself into it to make his stage pls i care him 
HAKNYEON - god i’m a jusadan but just u.u rest in peace me, i’ll ... T_T be kind of honest this one confuses me a little ? i have assumptions and i feel like i know ... quite a bit about haknyeon (LMAO) my best guess is it has smth to do with self assurance ...? the way he’s framed and the fact that he’s sitting on a bed in the middle of a church surrounded by candles gives me christ figure symbolism (where my ap english takers at :/) and the light that perfectly frames him in a halo gives me angel vibes too, but the tagline of “make your own romance” paired with him kissing his reflection makes me think it’s about self love ;;;; from what i can tell haknyeon has always been someone who really likes feeling validated and praised for the stuff he does well, which he does for himself a lot of the times too ! but sometimes i think the self assurances he compliments himself with is more for reassuring himself rather than bragging (which i think people misinterpret) so it’s more about becoming the person he wants to fully love and being happie with himself which *tears* i might be reading too much into who knows i just love him ok ... U.U 
KEBINNN - i know !!! dri mentioned this in my gifset tags but ! kev on kpop daebak (? was it) or smth mentioned how he strives to keep a childlike wonderment for the world around him, which is a reason why i think he loves drawing and sound / music production, he talked in a fancafe post once about an artist who turned mediocre everyday objects into art and he said he really loves that sense of wonderment so peter pan who “never grows up” is actually perfect for his worldview ahhhh T^T also kev really likes disney lmao, the way he’s doing this outside in this “neverland” garden on a balcony which is a part of this very typical apartment backed by a typical city bg also i believe ties into this turning a mediocre everyday thing into smth wonderful through his sense of childlike wonderment and his tagline of “make your own fantasy” (i also care him a lot this concept >>>>>>) and keeps to his referencing movie plotlines like he did in gen z jddkfj
SUNWOO - i also mentioned this in my tags on sunu’s set but this gives me 100 degrees vibes which i still to this day think is one of the most “sunwoo” vibe things ever, it’s a lot of him having fun and doing his own thing, and mixes both more mature and youthful aspects together in a way that i’d only ever describe as sunwoo vibes LMAO like the roller skating around and all the soap bubbles ! cute and youthful ! the crop top and celine wasitband (don’t laugh at me we all noticed) more mature and a callback to his gen z look methinks U.u, think sunwoo has always been a more go-with-the-flow or do whatever he feels like doing sort of person and so “make your own vibe” fits well with him in that sense to me 
SANGYEON - .... *silence* *more windows shutting down noises* *jess.exe has stopped working* OKAY i feel like ! sangyeon’s is also more self explanatory :p i love the juxtaposition of boxing AND the arcade type fighter games ?? like both require very different sets of skills i feel like one is more physical the other is more mental ? but both require adapting to changes whether in the game or the boxing ring which as leader sangyeon would know a lot about, esp being flexible and quick to respond to different situations, and the “make your own glory” i feel is maybe more on the nose, but tbz are this man’s pride and joy you can see it literally anywhere and for him, as leader, to have made it this far with tbz, winning rtk and building their popularity through their hard work and efforts really is building his own glory and i just HHHHHHHHHH
YES EYYSFDHSHF CHANHEE YES - i said it in the tags of my srb before deleting it so i’ll just repeat it here but CHOI CHANHEE !!!!! this detail i didn’t quite process first watch was the continuous flashing of lights in all his scenes, like ... from the shots and the set it looks REALLY empty ?? but the flashing seems to indicate cameras and photos being taken of him despite there being no people we can really see in any of the shots ? WHICH IS SO COOL i think the implication is like “all eyes on him” type which SO TRU i love that idea, like i said the walking past the wedding dresses ? v heavily implies fashion designer which i think you mentioned mar :o ! and i see it in the sense of his tagline “make your own stereotype” bc white wedding dresses are the very traditional / typical choice and obviously feminine in stereotypes, whereas chanhee is wearing a SUIT which is all black in a very clean b/w set with no color which i feel is very stereotypically MASCULINE and the glasses too, it’s such an interesting contrast of his “stereotypically feminine” features (in my view) with very masculine symbols, like glasses we usually associate with more soft hearted / meek stereotypes ? but the geometric shape of the windows and again his suit seems to indicate the very opposite ? it’s a mixing of stereotypes which i think is the point, by putting those together he quite literally makes his own stereotype and puts on the crown while the cameras continue flashing while pointed at him AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
YOUNGHOON - okie might have less to say about this one :o i feel like both hak’s and younghoon’s i don’t see the connections quite as readily but ! i think it’s interesting that his tagline is “make your own classic” but then in the scenes itself he has a flip phone ??? with an antenna (okay boomer /j JDHFKFG JK PLS) and a teddy bear while in PERIOD stylized clothing and setting where those two things are more modern / contemporary in origin (but also not modern enough bc ,,, it’s a flip phone LOL) like 90s kid vibes ? you know but as an emperor in the joseon era haha :p while eating shrimp chips and reading a (comic ?) book, like idk too much of what it means but it’s a cool dichotomy LOL, think it might also tie into actor ! hoon bc it’s make your own classic and i think acting has become a very important aspect to him :o after seeing what he’s capable of in love revolution and his atbz video so it’s interesting u.u (need help w/ this one)
JACOB - think my explanation in han’s set’s tags didn’t really make sense so lemme ... reexplain LOL,,, so ! similar to his gen z video ? like he’s talked about how difficult it is to open up about his own feelings etc. and he said it’s less bc he realizes he needs to but rather just to make other people feel more comfortable when it comes to understanding him, and like the whole breaking the mirror with his reflection in the wanna be angry jacob, it’s about freeing himself to the point he can express the emotions he wants to ! in gen z it was about being able to be angry when he felt that way instead of being tied by his image of being just nice ? and in the video with his pilot uniform not only does he control the ride but he also rides on it himself ! quite literally making his own freedom (symbolically), a sort of realizing he can free himself ? from what’s been tying him down and i think the really big smile he has while riding it just comes to show how he wants to feel :,))) (jacob bae i care you) 
ERIC - last one :p AHHH this is one of my favs too, the quite literal “make your own pride” I LOVE IT ! sooo i think the biggest takeaway i got was that of course in this video his “pride” is symbolized by the hot pink car (that he’s going to pick up his christmassy date in of course u.u if he has a license which he does n- his driver’s license in this was literally his aaa / boy version of reveal photo which in no dmv anywhere would a license picture be allowed to look that good-) and LITERALLY when he finished and takes it for a joy ride while sitting on the roof he’s STILL covered in the dirt and grime stains ! from working on it ! which i think is so symbolic ! it’s my favorite detail actually, he literally put sweat into this car which is his pride and now that he’s finally riding around in it, it feels accomplishing ! his pride ! love that, also when he’s grabbing a stub from that flyer i noticed he chose “youth” over the others (which was like .... ca$h, beauty, ice cream, hamburger...) which i think also just indicates that despite all this hard work he put in he still cherishes his youth and still lets that be a huge part of who he is (i mean pink car so of course) so idk i think it’s very neat go bestie mwah
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crazynekochan · 4 years
Dangan Persona AU:
(also, because it makes more sense in terms of DR1 and my party planning, the captive of Byakuya’s palace is officially Chihiro Fujisaki)
Here’s my ideas for the party (I’m not putting in the Tarot cards for each character because idk shit about Tarot and refuse to get wrecked if it turns out wrong):
Main Character: Hajime, wielding the first persona you get, Copernicus (the man who first suggested the heliocentric theory and yet unfortunately the weakest persona despite the coolness of his design), using Fire and Bless/light attacks; gains access to Anu (Babylonian Great God of the Sky) following defeat in his palace and on the way to the final palace
Mascot Characters: Monomi and Monokuma acting as a pair, because they’re pretty freaking useless to these poor confused punks on their own, but together they can actually provide decent info and comedy to boot, combined using Psychic attacks and healing following the start of Fuyuhiko’s palace
Party members:
Makoto joins at the start, using the persona Lincoln (yes, as in the US president), using Bless attacks and healing moves, along with Gun later, acting as Navigator until Hiro joins, then acting as emotional support. Gets Logos (an alternate name for Jesus and basically the closest a Megaten game will allow itself to get with the Jesus references) after completing his own palace
Sonia, joining after the start of Kazuichi’s palace and wielding Wittchen (mix of Snow White and the Evil Queen), uses Wind magic and Gun skills (long range physical attacks), with single-target healing skills and sleep spells
Kazuichi joins after his palace, wielding De Mole (the guy who invented the modern tank), uses Electric magic and Gun moves with Attack buffs/de-buffs.
Aoi joins following her palace, wielding the persona Otohime (princess of the undersea palace) using Ice skills and healing moves, along with multi-hit physical moves
Hiro, acting as the Navigator and wielding the persona, Barnum (based on P.T. Barnum, famous conman turned creator of one of the greatest circuses on Earth), he uses Barnum’s powers to help guide them through the other world
Akane joins after her palace, wielding Takeko (famous woman samurai who fought and died in the Battle of Aizu), using high critical physical and the odd Psychic skill with Defense buffs/debuffs
Fuyuhiko joins after his palace, using the persona Tenryu (celestial dragon of the heavens), using Gun, Wind and Bless skills
Kyoko joins before Toko’s palace, using Poirot (based on the famous Agatha Christie character, brilliant detective and better for Kyoko because she canonically doesn’t like Sherlock Holmes), using Curse skills and Gun skills, along with critical moves
Toko/Syo joins after her palace, wielding Westenra/Bertha (main vampire victim of Dracula from the novel Dracula and Mr. Rochester’s insane wife from Jane Eyre, respectively, using instant kill moves (Bless for Westenra, Curse for Bertha) and critical raisers, along with stupidly expensive healing and high damage Fire/Ice moves
Byakuya joins officially after his palace, using the persona Temujin (birth name of Genghis Khan, who conquered ¼ of the world), using Gun skills and a decent variety of magic skills to help with coverage
Izuru’s not part of the group because he’s too OP, we already have too many people and he already gives the best Social Link skills, but he’s great for making up alibis
This isn’t really set in stone, but RPG party members are a ton of effort to plan and I’ve had this for weeks, so I’m giving it out now
Mod: Yeah I personally would also not use the tarot, and I know a little bit about it
I find all the thought you put into this and all of your planning so awesome. The way in which the party joins and which personas they have is perfect for them all. Like I’m almost a bit speechless at the detail here. Seriously if this were an actual RPG I would instantly play it. Though good call to not have Izuru join as a party member, since it would make things way too easy (And if you want to have some light hearted comedy, you could ad in Hajime trying to hide what is going on from super genius Izuru to not make him instantly worry) That Monokuma and Monomi are a mascot duo is always funny and I loved their interactions in DR2 so getting it in this AU again is great x)
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