#but i want more people to know the joy of free boots
dreams-of-klag · 9 months
A lot of people see credit cards as either a sort of casual loan or as sort of like gambling-- a scary scary nightmare debt machine that you shouldn't touch. And yes, they can be a scary nightmare debt machine if you use it like a loan, but when you use it right, a credit card can be really useful.
Just to note, i am not an expert, just a 28 year old with ADHD who has been using a credit card without incident for six years. So here are my tips for how to use a credit card without screwing yourself over!
It is not a loan card. Do not. DO NOT. DO NOT purchase things on a credit card that you could not purchase on a debit card. "But my paycheck is coming next week" NO. "But I can pay it off over a few months" ABSOLUTELY NO. You don't know whats going to happen between now and then or over those few months. If something comes up and you need to spend your paycheck on something other than your credit card payment and you're stuck with that debt on there, it will start piling up interest and that shit adds up FAST. This is a cycle you do not want to get stuck in. Pay your card off IN FULL EVERY MONTH. I am not joking. Pay it off. In full. Every month. Don't spend money you don't have.
Set up an autopay for the minimum monthly payment. I have my bank automatically pay the $25 minimum every month. This way even if i forget to pay the full bill exactly on time, I wont get hit with a fee for not paying the minimum.
Your credit limit is not money that you have. The credit limit is the maximum amount of money that a credit card will let you spend in one month. In theory, it is the amount of money that the bank trusts you to be able to pay back. In practice, it is a way for a bank to entice you into spending irresponsibly so that they can charge you more interest. When i got my first credit card at 22, they gave me a $10,000 credit limit because BANKS DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIVE OR DIE. To be clear, if i spent $10,000 on my credit card today, i would spend the rest of my life paying off that balance and the accrued interest. Your credit limit has no relationship to reality. Do not spend money that you don't have.
Dont wait to the end of the month to pay your bill. Pay it whenever you think of it. Hell, I sometimes send four payments in a month. Most credit card companies make it easy enough to check the balance on their app, so whenever i think of it, I'll check my credit card balance, then go to my bank account app, and pay whatever the amount was. It does mean i need to have other ways of tracking monthly expenses because i dont get one clean total at the end of the month, but it just eases my mind to know i wont miss a deadline or completely miss paying it.
Just get one. People go out and get like seven credit cards. This can work for people who really game the rewards system, and if thats you, more power to you. Sometimes it can be beneficial to have one separate card that you use for online purchases, but i do not feel the need to do this.
Ok so given all of this, why use a credit card in the first place instead of a debit card? There is nothing wrong with using a debit card if it works for you. I just get nervous having something with a direct link to my bank account just out and about in the world, so a credit card gives me some level of protection there. Also, the really big evil banks that host credit cards have really robust security, so if a suspicious charge comes up, they're really good about detecting it and reimbursing.
Rewards points! I forgot about my cashback rewards for a hot minute anthey piled up! i just ordered $120 boots and used my cashback so i only had to pay $2. If i were spending on a debit card, that would just be money I'm not getting.
We all have to live in this bitch of a system, and truly the only way to survive is to know how the game works (not that I do). This is not to say that everyone should go out and get credit cards. If you struggle with impulse control or compulsive spending then this is not for you.
TLDR: Credit cards ARE inherently evil and WILL try to scam you out of your money, but if you know how to use it and follow its stupid rules, you get free boots and your checking account will be less likely to be compromised.
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scoobysnakz · 11 months
Hard Luck
It’s hard finding love when your sole reason to live is your daughter, but when her best friends dad is annoyingly attractive and might have something to do with your rent randomly getting paid, who can blame you for being a little curious?
||* mentions of masturbation (m receiving)
Chap i
The crisp autumn air carries a sense of nostalgia, which surprises you. It has been a while since you've experienced autumn in this way, but nostalgia is supposed to be a pleasant feeling, right?
Your daughter's small, chubby fingers firmly grip your hand as you playfully swing your arm out of her reach. You can't help but laugh at her adorable pout when you pull your hand away.
"I'm just teasing you," you say with a wide grin, extending your hand for her to take. "Stop being a grouch and hold my hand, RayRay!"
Her scowl quickly turns into a cheesy grin as she latches onto your hand. The sound of her pencil case and notebook thumping matches the rhythm of her skipping, and her glittery, purple sequin backpack bounces on her back.
Raya, or RayRay as you playfully call her, is your best friend. It's a bit sad, you know, but you've never really had time for friends. Ever since her dad left, she's been the only person in your life, aside from colleagues and your parents. And it's not so bad. She has adapted to your lifestyle, developed a sense of humor—her sarcasm is surprisingly on point for a nine-year-old.
The journey from your rundown apartment to her school isn't long, but it's far enough for the houses to transform from shabby boxes with crooked slate tiles to fancy condos with gleaming windows. It always amazes you how a few turns can take you to an area where people don't even know the meaning of a food bank.
You can tell by appearances alone that you don't fit in. The navy blue cable-knit sweater and boyfriend jeans, dirtied with mud stains, don't exactly scream, “I can afford more than one vacation a year!"
On the other hand, Raya always looks pristine. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but you'd rather wear nothing than have your daughter look as unkempt as you. Ensuring she has enough clean, stain-free clothes is your number one priority.
As you round a corner, narrowly missing a puddle that Raya "only wanted to look at" and not jump in, her disappointed expression gives her away.
Parents bustle around, urgently trying to retrieve their kids from the playground. It's nearly impossible to spot her teacher amidst the crowd of what seems like millions of moms, dressed in thick white scarves and thigh-high brown boots.
And then you hear it—a loud screech that, under different circumstances, would signify fear instead of the original joy it was intended for. "RAYYYY!" an excited girl squeals from the opposite end of the playground. Her dark brown hair is scraped back into a painfully tight ponytail as she races toward your daughter.
The two girls jump up and down gleefully, holding each other closely. It's a nice seeing her not alone.
You're so engrossed in watching your daughter giggle with her friend that you fail to notice the tall man standing next to you. What catches your attention first is his cologne—it's expensive.
The scent of thick oak is overpowering on its own, but it's tempered by the most unremarkable shower gel known to man.
"They're cute, aren't they?" he asks, causing you to turn your head and face him. You bite your lower lip for a moment, trying to figure out who this guy is. "Yeah... they are," you murmur, tilting your head to the side.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Your words come out ruder than you intended, but you can't be bothered to fix your manners when a surprisingly attractive man is staring at your daughter, enjoying her time with another child. If you weren't genuinely confused about his identity, you might have reacted more strongly. Instead, you stand there, arms folded and brow furrowed.
"I'm... sorry, I'm Gabi's dad," he explains, his tone surprisingly apologetic.
That's her name.
"I'm Raya's dad," you reply, nodding toward the two girls. Hearing who he is instantly eases your fear that he might be something worse than just a father.
An awkward silence ensues as the man continues to study your appearance, seemingly taking you in. With a soft laugh, he smiles at you—a warm and irritatingly charismatic smile. "You don't look like a dad," he grins.
You open your mouth to give him a sharp, quick-witted retort, but your expression falters when you realize your mistake. Refusing to let this stranger have the upper hand in your first interaction, you smirk at him. "What do you mean?" you ask, poking your tongue past your lips to swipe across your teeth.
He instantly catches on to your smirk, and to be honest, it's endearing. "Because you don't look likea typical dad," he responds, matching your quickness. The same mischievous grin is plastered on both of your faces as you engage in a playful stare-down.
This morning, when you hastily applied expired mascara and cheap lip balm while trying to wake up Raya, you never expected to encounter such an annoyingly funny and undeniably attractive man—by your standards, at least.
With high cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and broad shoulders, anyone would take a second look at him.
The loud peal of the school bell interrupts your scrutinizing gaze, drawing your attention back to your daughter. You quickly give her a kiss on the cheek, and she instinctively wipes it away while giving you a glare, before you push her towards the school entrance.
The man—whose name you still don't know, aside from being Gabi's father—does the same, but his daughter doesn't wipe away the kiss.
"When I asked who you were, I was hoping for a name," you mutter, mostly to yourself, but hoping he hears it too.
"Miguel," he responds, his voice lacking the warmth he had when his daughter was present.
"I'm..." you begin to introduce yourself, but he cuts you off, his voice now tinged with cockiness.
"I know who you are," he says, raising an eyebrow. Your scoff makes it clear how creepy he sounds. "Gabi talks about Raya a lot, and with you being her mother, it's only natural."
You narrow your eyes at Miguel, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity. Raya is your world, and beyond that, you've kept everything else tightly guarded. It's a defense mechanism, a way to shield yourself from potential hurt or judgment.
"What exactly does Gabi say about Raya?" you ask, your voice tinged with caution. You're not sure if you should be flattered or concerned that your daughter is a topic of conversation between Miguel and his daughter.
Miguel chuckles, seemingly amused by your response. "She just talks about how funny and cool Raya is," he replies. "They've become good friends at school. Gabi is always excited to see her."
There's feel a sense of relief that washes over you. It's comforting to know that Raya has found a friend who appreciates her for who she is.
“Well I need to go,” you say while motioning over to the school gates. “Work and stuff.”
He nods his head, expression just as nonchalant as it was moments ago.
After dropping off Raya at school, and a brief yet intriguing conversation with Miguel, you head back home. It's considerably warmer now than it was before; sun poking out of the clouds, shining down onto the leaf-littered pavement. The odd car whizzes past and it's all you can do to jump away in time before it splashes you in murky brown liquid.
Fortunately for you, you don't have to leave for work until ten so you get some time to yourself. As soon as you unlock the door to your apartment, it took longer than you'd like to admit as you forgot which way to turn the key, you flop down onto the worn-in sofa. It creaks beneath you- a sign that you need to get a new one.
If you had the money, you would. God, if you had the money you’d move out of this shitty apartment and into… anywhere else. Maybe a house on the coast would be nice, or one of those fancy condos by Raya’s school. Either way, you want out.
You feel your eyes grow heavy, the temptation to allow yourself a few moments of sleep all too good. With a low groan, you pull yourself up off the sofa and drag your feet over to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee.
You open the jar only to find a minuscule amount granules left- six to be exact. All you want is that burst of energy and yet you are denied it. “Fuck me,” you grumble under your breath.
Even though it was a painfully short moment between the two of you, Miguel decides you are tolerable. Okay, maybe you’re more than tolerable, he'll settle for bearable as he's feeling especially nice today. You’re funny, well that might be a bit dramatic since he hasn’t even had a proper conversation with you, but you made him laugh- internally that is.
But right now he needs to push you, the nice lady with a pretty smile and even prettier face, out of his mind. He has to focus on this paperwork that's been sitting on his desk for God knows how long.
Begrudgingly, he picks up his pen with a sigh and starts scrawling his signature on the limitless reams of paper. It's all nonsense about him signing off on random projects, and safety procedures and- those sweet lips.
Something about you is intoxicating. Even when he was skimming through the infinite amount of universes, you didn't seem that special. Yes, there were the odd facts that caught his attention but everything else just seemed… dull. So why now, after not even a full five minutes of your company, can't he get you out of his head?
At first, he assumes it's because you’re oddly charismatic but that's not it. You weren't even trying, you just didn't want him to pull a fast one on you. Maybe, just maybe, he underestimated your personality and being around you as a real person and not some fact file actually made you likeable- no, bareable.
Double checking his office door is closed and the blind is pulled down over the frosted glass before sliding back into his chair. “LYLA,” he calls out, words muffled by his head in his hands.
There’s a small glitch next to him that quickly turns into a digitalized woman. “You called?” LYLA asks, hands on her hips.
Fuck he feels guilty but maybe seeing that cocky smirk on your face will ease the culpability he’s feeling. “You… you know what I want and I don’t want teasing or anything about it, just do it, ‘kay?” Miguel’s voice is gruff, full of an annoyance he doesn’t even know he’s feeling.
“Why would I tease you about wanting to innocently look at something?” she drawls with a smirk.
He shoots her a look, an unamused one at that. Giggling childishly, LYLA pulls up a screen full of writing. Miguel’s eyes flicker back and forth trying to find something until he catches a glimpse of your name.
He swipes and flicks the blue pixels a few times before your socials are pulled up. It’s nothing much, just your Twitter, Facebook and a surprising amount of Instagram accounts. That, makes him laugh. He can tell exactly which ones are the accounts you use for stalking people and which ones are for actually posting things.
There are mostly pictures of you and Raya together on days out but there are a few of you on nights out nights out alone. He immediately notices you never post anything with friends and it’s oddly comforting because it’s not just drunk girls with smeared eyeliner that’s missing from your pictures. It’s a boyfriend as well.
Not that he wants to fill that missing gap in your selfies, he's just feeling a little lonely cooped up in his office. He's in this universe for Gabi and no one else, not the lady with a pretty smile.
Just as he’s about to zoom in on a picture that shows an alluring amount of your cleavage, LYLA cuts him off. “I like her smile,” she says while getting up a different picture. This time it’s one of you and Raya in last year's Halloween costumes. Pirates. That’s the two of you had dressed up as.
You’d drawn a black beard on her face, Raya’s outfit cute with the oversized black and white striped shirt meanwhile you… A tight black and red corset pushes your chest in a way that makes something inside Miguel stir.
He shouldn't be looking at you like this- it's wrong and perverse. The two of you only met today and yet he's salivating over a picture of you in a Halloween costume. Yet he can't stop himself from allowing his body to react to the way you look.
That feeling slips down from his chest to his gut until it eventually reaches his crotch. You look so pretty like that, cheeks appled and eyes wide as you pull a stupid face with your daughter. The picture is innocent enough in its own right but seeing you in something ever so slightly revealing makes his brain malfunction.
He bets could make you prettier, more gorgeous than ever if you let him. His cum painting your perfectly plump lips and his hands gripping bruises into your supple flesh.
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I know theres a lot ot talk of Hobie's past and I love the idea of BigFamily!Hobie. But may I PLEASE add to the table:
StreetKid!Hobie -
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It's not as happy or wholesome of a backstory as Hobie with a big family, and a big community - but there's still tenderness there I PROMISE.
Like - Maybe Hobie understood what Gwen was going through because he's been through it himself. He knows what it's like.
I like the headcanon that Hobie just...didn't have a family. No tragic backstory or anything. Just the sharp reality that the system lets some kids fall through the cracks.
Because it's a story or reality we hardly ever see, but it's one that exists - being a homeless street kid. We hardly see that story in it's entirety, rather than just the dramatic scenes.
He doesn't have anyone to take him to school or buy him uniforms - so he went to the library to teach himself. He doesn't have much money, but the men at the kebab shops know him, the kid that comes in asking for 'anything they've got' , with 2 pounds 50 pence. So they start feeding him, free of charge.
He helps run errands for the old ladies, and they make sure he has clothes for the winter. They'll knit him sweaters and scarves, and give them to him, telling him to run home and get inside, not knowing that might not be an option for him.
But even if they don't know the whole story, the know Hobie the streetkid, who looks tough but has a heart of gold and will help with anything - the kid who'll feed the stray cats before himself.
Most nights, he sleeps at F.E.A.S.T - because we always talk about how great F.E.A.S.T is but never what it's like to actually have to live there as a homeless person for an extended period of time.
The adults know his face, they worry if they don't see him in a bit. They set blankets aside for him, ask him if he's eaten, and for the first time in forever, maybe in his life, he has people who cares - people who want to help.
F.E.A.S.T makes Hobie wanna help people.
And THAT's where he finds his family.
He starts finding other kids too. Older Streetkids start helping him out. They let him squat with them, and show him how to do things like steal electronics, and which shops throw out a bunch of good food at night.
And he starts meeting people, and seeing the teens that'll make him person he is later.
He starts hanging out with them more and more - and they start calling him Hobie.
The take him under their wing. They looked out for him, made sure nobody messed with the youngest of the bunch.
Anywhere they sleep or squat - Hobie does too. And on the nights that it's the worse, that's it too much, or too scary - or the nights where he's just angry at the world,
They're there to remind him there's kindness in the world.
That kindness and joy and having a laugh with the mandem is RADICAL, it's an act of defiance, and a form of power. And that you don't need a big house with the picket fence and 2.5 kids to grow up 'right'.
One of the street kids give him his first patches. They snag him the leather vest he wears today, back when he was tiny and short and he had grow into it.
They taught him everything he knows - from laces code to how to stud a jacket. They start taking him to protests, starts explaining why things are the way they are, how the system is meant to keep people like them down.
They teach him what ACAB means and true anarchy
The first person he ever met wearing blue laces - was a Streetkid. An older kid that Hobie couldn't help but look up to, or even be a little jealous of. A cooler kid with tall leather boots and blue laces.
And when the kid smirked and told him what they meant, Hobie couldn't help but think 'That's SO kickass'.
One night, one of the kids brings a record they stole. They play it on the player - and it's Ramones. Hobie, maybe only 13, hearing rock for the first time.
And he's wide eyed and asking who that is, who's playing the guitar, what's the song name, and the older kids just smirk and chuckle cause they KNOW -
That's when Hobie falls in love with rock.
And Hobie spends his teens with these people, becoming the punk rock anarchist god he is. He learns how to help people like they help him.
Some of those kids are still around, some on their feet now, and some living free, sticking with the life of a Streetkid by choice. Some he sees often - they're the ones he has a laugh with at the pub.
Others, have moved on, or passed away.
And one day Hobie looks around and realizes he's the oldest one now. He looks around and realizes he's the older street kid now. He's the big bro - and he loves it.
Gwen wasn't the only one staying there when she lived with him. She's not the first Society recruit either.
Because of the streetkids that gave him a family, Hobie is who he is - he has a houseboat that always has at least one or two kids staying there, just looking for a place to stay or a meal to eat.
No matter what - Hobie will help.
At to all the StreetKids that came before, Hobie remembers them all - all the help they gave him and all the times they saved him. He hopes that one day, there are people to remember him too, the same way.
Because that's what he wants to be remembered for.
Because he's not a hero - SpiderPunk isn't the hero. Those streetkids were the heroes.
They way they helped him - is the way he helped Gwen.
I need more StreetKid!Hobie SO BAD S OBADDDDLLY
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What if Hobie's brown ideology and fashion and beliefs and his love for everyone around him is a reflection of the very teens who raised him and kept him safe and they're the reason why he does any of this to begin with for the streetkids MY GOODDDDDD
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anonymouse1312437 · 10 months
Matthew Lillard Smut Story
Scream VII: The Extras
18+ Only 
Minors DNI! 
This contains some backstory and ends with a smut. If you came here purely for the smut scroll towards the bottom.
Word count: 11,321
(Sorry this is a long one.)
Today is the day I get to audition for a new movie that's happening in this area. All I know right now is that it's a horror film and they really only need extra’s right now. Which is fine I am just starting and shouldn't expect anything more yet. All I have done is commercials and well I have been stuck doing that since those come around more frequent then movies do. 
They made it very clear to show up with a clear face and no makeup. No lines were going to be given they just wanted a very specific look and would go off of our everyday appearances. They also made sure to add that it was to be only casual clothing. Which was fine. I didn't exactly own anything fancy anyway.  
I looked through my closet trying to find something that didn't have name brands or any writing on them as that could be against some kind of unspoken rule. After flipping through fifteen shirts I found a black shirt with bleach stains on it. It came off looking like it was distressed in some spots. I pulled out my black skinny jeans that had a hole in the knee. I grabbed my black combat boots out of the closet and started to get dressed. 
This was a normal everyday appearance for me. I didn't need to brush my hair. I curled it last night so I could have more of a loose lived in beach wave curl. I just dyed my hair black last week so it looks even better than normal. I think I look alright. I hope they are looking for my style. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my Scooby-Doo themed wallet that I got from hot topic when I was a teenager. It's intended to be a man's wallet but I don't like the bulky women’s wallets. They are inconvenient. I put it in my back left pocket  and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and opened up my browser since the address was on the ad I found. I copied the address and opened up the GPS. I pasted the address and pressed on go so it would route me to the place where the auditions and casting were going to be held. I am really excited. I made my way to my parking garage and walked over to my 2008 jeep wrangler. It was an army green color and is a four door. My pride and joy.  
Once I was in my jeep I hooked my phone up to my bluetooth and opened my Spotify. I put my 2023 jams playlist on and Because boobs by Pyschosticks came on. I turned up my car radio so it was blaring and started to drive to the auditions. 
Thirty minutes of zoning out and jamming out to music passed and I was pulling into  a building in Santa Rosa. It took an additional fifteen minutes to find parking. I am glad I gave myself the extra thirty minutes. I turned my music down and sat in my car for a couple of minutes. It's going to be okay. The worst they can say is go home. Rejection happens all the time.  
I finally turn my car off and grab my phone out of the cup holder. I turned it on silent and slid it into my back right pocket. Remember everything is going to be fine. 
After five minutes of walking I found the building with a sign that said auditions being held here. I opened the front door and met the other fifty people that wanted to be cast. I heard a different door open and most of everyone fell silent except for a few who still were chatting amongst themselves.  
"Alright, everyone thank you for coming. We are going to quickly look at everyone and the one's that fit our style will get a name tag and will need to stay. If you are not chosen then you are free to leave thank you." The person said. I couldn't see who was talking so this just became more intimidating. I heard the door open again and the sound of shuffling feet. I started to hear some tears spill from a couple of people who were headed in my direction. They walked past me and left out of the door. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This is going to be okay. 
"Remember to stay put.” A mans voice said and I opened my eyes and three people were in front of me and one of their hands was extended towards me with a name tag. Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I got  a name tag! I grabbed the name tag from the man and smiled at the three of them as they continued to walk through the room and more tears were shed and heard.  The sound of the door opening and closing became harder to hear.  
"Alright everyone. We are going to have tou come up one by one. When you get to the desk in the next room we are going to have you write your names down on the name tags and we will also be taking your pictures for passes for the film. As well as you will be signing a contract saying you will not disclose any information about the movie to anyone until after the movie is released. Once that is done we will group up again and we will discuss what the movie actually is and your roles in it. Okay. Let's get Started." The man that handed me the name tag said. 
Everyone formed a line and because I was standing closer to the door it meant I was the middle of the line. It wasn't as long as it was waiting for the name tag. It took twenty minutes and then I was going through the second door and making my way to the table. I bent forward picking up the pen and writing my name on the name tag and then signing the contract. I put the name tag on and was guided by one of the people to the camera set up when the next person came in and started the process. They took the picture of me and told me to find a chair and sit down. I followed their directions and found a seat in the back and waited. Another twenty minutes passed and the chairs were filled and the three main people moved to the center of the room. 
“As you can see a total of thirty- five people were selected. We will be using everyone of you in this upcoming film. Each of you will have specific things to do. None of you will have speaking roles. This is a horror movie as stated on the ad we posted. This isn't just any horror movie. It's the most loved horror film series. This is going to be Scream VII. You will be working along side some of the best actors and actresses. This does not mean this is your chance to befriend them. You are not allowed to be around them unless you are used in the same scene as them. Do not go out of your way to get their attention. If you do you will be removed from this project. Every day on set you will get new directions on where you are supposed to be. We will be starting in two weeks on Monday. We will start at 8 a.m on the dot do not be late." The man said. 
Hell yeah! I am excited! They had us jot down our phone numbers when signing all the paperwork so I assume that's how they will be contacting us if they need anything.  
"Can Josh, April, Samuel, and y/n stay behind a little longer please." The same man said. 
The four of us stayed seated while the rest of the extras left.  
"We happened to think your overall style fit in great but, we have decided we would like to use you as side characters and not extras. You will have speaking roles. You won't have a lot of lines but these were preplanned characters that the actors decided against being in the movie last minute. We will be using your real names for these roles. It will make it easier on your cast mates. Here are the scripts we are going to have you highlight your lines. All of you will die in this movie. Two of you will die at the end. Making it to the very last minute.” I smiled and tried to hide the excitement I was getting from this announcement. They passed out the scripts and we got to work highlighting all of our lines. They were right when they said we weren’t getting many lines. I’m okay with that. I mean honestly it’s not a bad thing.  
We were flipping through the script highlighting lines still but we got to a page and my eyes nearly bulged from my eyes. They had me saying a couple of lines with Stu Macher. I KNEW IT! HE DIDN’T DIE! Oh my gosh I’m going to be in the presence or Matthew Lillard. Oh my God I have lines with him. He is the one that kills me sort of. I don’t mind my death at all. I die after a sex scene. I mean you don’t see anything it’s just heavily implied until they pan the camera over and see Billy stab me to death as revenge. I would also like to note that I make it to the very end. I am so freaking happy.  
“Alright you guys thank you for coming. We look forward to working with you and will see you in two weeks.” The three of them said and all of them stood up and shook our hands. This is truly a dream come true. I walked myself out of the building and back to my jeep. I unlocked it got in and immediately locked it again. I put my keys into the ignition and started it up. I put my bluetooth on and grabbed my phone out of my back right pocket , unlocked it, and put Spotify on to the same playlist I had on earlier. I turned it up so it was mildly loud and then screamed with joy. The smile on my face was huge and I wanted to celebrate but I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone which made that hard to do. I can’t believe it. I’m really getting to do this. I finally put my jeep into reverse and started my thirty minute drive home.  
Once I got home I was antsy. I didn’t have to work today and since this is supposed to be a paying job I will have to take a small break from work when this starts so I will have to get it sorted out. I’m a waitress and they make it very clear I’m replaceable but I don’t really care. If they fire me yes that would suck but there are other places I could get a job too. I decided to celebrate with some wine and a movie marathon of all the screams. That would be awesome.  
The next two weeks felt like they took forever. My job told me if I took a couple of weeks off then I was going to lose my job so I let them put my two weeks in. Every shift they made it a nightmare for me. Every massive table and multiple big parties at once. It wasn’t easy but I stayed on top of it and I made enough tips that I was a couple of months ahead on bills and would still have playing around money. I wasn’t going to be hurting right at this moment so that was nice. I have always been relatively smart with my money. Tomorrow is the day I get to go to this acting job and start the project with everyone. I’m truly so excited. I got a phone call earlier this morning letting me know to come not made up tomorrow and that they would be doing hair and makeup for me on the set. The other three and I get to share a space together as far as trailers while the bigger stars got their own space. Totally fine I’ll just have to remember to not bring a lot of stuff.  
I woke up before my alarm went off. I was up two hours before my alarm. Great, I was too excited to stay asleep. Alright if I’m up I mine as well as stay up so I don’t sleep through my alarm later.  
I got out of bed, made my way to my closet and through on some black skinny jeans and a frumpy grey t-shirt. I put on some black no show socks and then made my way to the kitchen. I started to brew myself a pot of coffee and made my way to the fridge. When I opened it I smiled at what I saw. My roommate left me a cinnamon roll. It had a note on it saying congratulations on the new job I hope you have a good day. I smiled and pulled it out of the fridge along with the eggs and milk. I grabbed a pan off the drying rack and fried myself two eggs and grabbed a paper plate from the cabinet. I put the cinnamon roll on the plate and put it in the microwave for a minute so it would heat up. They always taste better heated up. I poured myself a cup of coffee and when everything finished I sat down and ate breakfast. This is the first time I have ate breakfast in forever. It was so good. I found the remote on the table and turned the TV on and opened up Netflix and decided to watch a couple of episodes of good girl.  
Every episode with Matthew Lillard was the best. The one tacky blonde he cheated on Beth with was lucky. To have been “sleeping” with him was lucky. Beth was also lucky. She had proof that she was screwing Dean. She had kids with him. Granted he was lucky too she had massive boobs. Not to mention Dean’s ass was so round in some scenes. It’s just something you want to sink your teeth into and hear him groan in pain. I got chills up my back just thinking about it.  
I heard my phone go off and saw it was my original alarm. I had thirty minutes before I needed to leave the house. I got up and threw my plate away and washed my dishes really quick. I turned off the TV and went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and slid my combat boots back on making sure to tie them tight. I grabbed my wallet and phone and slid them into my back pockets and grabbed my keys and made my way back out to my jeep. 
As directed by the three members of staff that hired me I drove down to Woodsboro. Once I got to the town I followed the directions they texted me and found myself at the entrance. When I pulled up a guard asked for my name and ID and when I gave it to him he verified I was part of the cast. He told me where to park and told me to wait by my jeep. Someone was going to be by with a cart to get me. I waved goodbye to the guard and smiled. 
As soon as I parked I got out of the jeep and waited behind it. I saw a golf cart headed my way with two of the others that were with me. April and Samuel. They stopped in front of me with the worker driving and he greeted me and told me to hop on in. He spun us around in the golf cart and took us to our trailer where a makeup artist waited for us.  
“Hello. My name is Mykie and I will be doing your makeup and hair today. It’s going to be pretty light for two of the four of you for now and I know they dropped off a couple of outfits for the ones they asked sizes for.” She motioned to the clothes. It wasn’t me so I assume what I am wearing is fine. She started with April and made her way through those three before I sat in front of her. She took like twenty minutes on me makeup wise but when I looked at myself I was in awe. I looked like a true goth. Eyes all black, a droopy but sharp wing. Big false eyelashes. My eyebrows were shaped to perfection and then she curled my hair. She handed me a small amount of accessories. A couple of rings and a thick chunky black bracelet that looked like a belt. I am digging this look.  
We all stopped moving and chatting with each other when we heard a knock on the trailer door. All of us looked pretty awesome. April looked like a cheerleader which is fitting. She looked frail and cheerful.  
“Hey everyone I hope you are all ready. I want you to make your way out to where we are shooting some clips.” One of the casting members said. We all smiled and ran out of the trailers following behind them. They hushed us and had us follow in behind them. We started to hear some voices saying lines and I heard the very familiar voices.  
“Come on Stu. We can do this together again. We are best friends Stu. We can do this.” Skeet/Billy said. I cannot fan girl right now it will cost me this job. I’m not willing to lose this job.  
“You left me behind you dick. A TV fucking fell on me and you never even looked back or tried to help me. You threw a god damn phone at my head. I don’t want to help you!” Stu/Matthew said.  
“I’m sorry Stu. We can get past this can’t we. We have something to finish here. We have kids who continue this on for us. They can get back at everyone who bullied them. Let’s get back together in this.” Billy said to stu trying to convince him. 
“look who’s here. Your exs daughter April. The ex who also ditched your sorry ass. Just do it stu. Get back at her and hurt her the worst way possible. Like the good times.” Billy said. April made her way to the edge of the scene and Skeet dragged her into frame. I just noticed that they had put some wounds on April.  
“No man I’m not doing this.” Stu said  
“This is crazy man.” Stu added.  
Billy forced April to fall in front of him and put a knife in Stu’s hand.  
“April tell him how old you are.” Billy said.  
“Why does that matter?” Stu asked looking confused.  
“I’m seventeen.” She said whimpering starting to cry.  
Stu looked at her with confusion.  
“You can’t be seventeen. Your not my kid.” He said. The hurt becoming more visual.  
“Did she cheat on me man?” Stu asked Billy.  
“She had David’s kid. He had a blast knowing she did it behind your back.” Billy said now laughing and making Stu more upset. 
“DAMN IT!” Stu yelled. His hands running to the side of his head. Grabbing the knife with a firmer grip.  
“Stupid fucking bitch!” He yelled again. Within moments he started to stab April. It looked so real. April looked like she was actually terrified.  
“CUT!” The director yelled.  
“That was awesome everyone. I’m just going to have Stu feel bad for what he has done and then drag April off scene okay?” The director made the note. They yelled action and Matthew did as he was directed to do. Once April was off screen Skeet walked towards the camera where it cut off when the screen went black. It was a way to transition to a new part of the movie without having to clip it. Matthew and Skeet made there way over to April who was standing next to me.  
“Hey are you alright? Sorry if we actually scared you.” Matthew said putting a hand on her arm. She wiped a couple of tears away and smiled.  
“Being yelled at is never fun whether it’s for real or acting. It did scare me a little bit but, nothing I can’t get over.” She said smiling at them. They gave her a hug and walked off. Now that she was dead I am pretty sure she doesn’t get to come back.  
“Does that mean you don’t get to come back now that your character is dead?” I asked her.  
“Yeah they gave me a one day pass. They said I won’t actually be on screen anymore. They would just use a snippet of my death later if they needed it.” She said smiling.  
“Oh well that sucks I’m sorry.” I said. I really felt bad for that. I mean I know we all have to die during this but that really sucks. To only get to be here for a day.  
We continued this routine of arriving and getting brought to the trailer by a golf cart to get ready. Then walking to set. It was really nice. Today is the day I died. I didn’t get to see Skeet or Matthew in a while since I wasn’t going to be in the background or much of anything today.  
“Y/N get ready.” Someone on the sidelines said.  
I walked to the side of the set scene and waited for my que.  
“Y/N! Where are you?” Stu dragged out every word.  
“I’m gonna find you.” Stu dragged out the words again.  
I followed the que and started to crawl under the bed on the set. I started to hear the footsteps next to the foot of the bed and it made me shiver with anticipation. I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and pull me out from under the bed.  
“You can’t hide from me baby.” Stu said. He pulled me up so I was standing next to him and he wrapped me in a hug.  
“I will always find you and be right at your side.” He added. He pulled away from the hug and puts his hands on my cheeks. He pulled my head up to look at him.  
“Let’s do this before Billy spots us okay?” He smiled and leaned towards me. They warned me there was a kiss and that I would be led to the bed but I didn’t know if that was going to actually happen or not. He continued to lean forward and closed the gap between us and kissed me. He pushed me back against the bed and then the director yelled cut as that was the end of the scene.  
“Let’s set it up for the next scene. We changed your death a little bit Y/N.” I heard the director say. Fuck. Does that mean this is really it. I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and now I have to die? Can’t we kiss for at least another half hour and give me time to memorize the feeling? Please?  
They started setting up the next scene. They didn’t tell me how my death was going to happen just that it was happening in the next scene. My guess is they want a genuine reaction for this. Which is fine I just hope this isn’t too bad.  
“Are you okay if we put you in a nude colored tube top? It’s just we want to make it seem like your bare and have nothing on for the next scene. We know this is a bit of a change but if your not okay with it we can find another way.” One of the makeup and wardrobe people asked.  
“Yeah that’s fine.” I said more than happy to be adapting to the change. They tucked me away behind a curtain and gave me the nude colored tube top that perfectly matched my skin tone. There was a small bit of padding to keep it so my nipples didn’t poke through it. I assume for some sort of protection from the other person. I stepped out from behind the curtain with the new top on and they smiled. They fixed my hair and makeup a little and gave me a couple of capsules to put on the side of my gums inside of my mouth.  
“Alright when the time comes and you will know we want you to bite down on the capsules and the fake blood from it will pour out. It’s edible but doesn’t taste very good as a warning.” The makeup artist said. I grabbed the capsules and tucked them next to my gums.  
“Sounds good.” I said  
“You better get over there I think they are ready to start.” They both said to me. I smiled and walked back over to set.  
“Hey I know this is a little more intimate then you were prepared for so if your uncomfortable just tap my arm okay?” Matthew who was now shirtless and in front of me said. Uhm is he hoping for a response because I can’t find any words. I just stared at his bare chest.  
“Did you hear me?” He said.  
“Oh yeah of course. It’s going to be hard to make me feel uncomfortable though.” I said and smiled.  
“Okay good. Just remember it’s just a scene I’m not sure if this is the only thing you have done but, it’s just acting.” He said to me. I smiled at him.  
“Alright everyone places.” The director yelled out. Matthew lifted up the sheet on the bed and I crawled in and he crawled on top of me.  
“And Action!” The director yelled.  
Matthew or should I say Stu leaned down and started to kiss me. His lips were soft. They were slightly small but I didn’t mind. He started to slightly grind against me which was a bit shocking but I tried my best to not have a reaction to it. He moaned a little into my mouth and it turned me on a little too much. I heard a door creak open.  
“You fucking bitch. You stupid fucking bitch!” Billy yelled at us. Or rather me. Stu pulled away and looked at Billy and laughed at him.  
“What can I say she has good taste.” Stu said.  
“Not any fucking more!” Billy yelled and stomped over to me. He pushed Stu off of me and started the motion to stab my stomach repeatedly. I move the capsules in my mouth to between my teeth and bit down on them. I let the fake blood run down the back of my throat so it could trigger a gag response so it started to spill out of my mouth giving me a convulsing reaction. I heard them finish off the scene after it was panned off of me and waiting for them to yell cut so I could be removed from the set. After another five minutes with me in the background the director yelled cut and it was the end for me. My death was kind of lame but it’s fine. At least I can say I got to kiss Matthew Lillard and he dry humped me. Not everyone can say that. They handed me back my shirt and told me good job. They thanked me for being a part of the movie and I made my way off of the set and to my car. Once I got to the car I felt some tears near the brim of my eyes. I haven’t turned my jeep on yet so I was just sitting there in shock from the past couple of weeks on set. I heard a knocking on my window and I looked over my shoulder and saw Matthew standing next to my car door. I turned my jeep on and rolled down the window.  
“Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee or something later. Make sure your okay. I did it with the rest of the extras. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or that you have to. I know it can be scary sometimes or in this case sad when your released from a project “ He said to me with a shy smile.  
“I would love that actually yeah.” I said.  
“Mind if I get your number and I will let you know what day and time?” He asked me.  
“Sure do you have your phone on you?” I asked him and he dug his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.  
“Don’t you have to put your password in?” I asked him.  
“I don’t use them. No need for one.” He said with a smile. Damn he is a trusting man. I nodded and opened up his contacts and put my phone number in his phone and texted myself so I had his. That way I knew not to ignore the texts or calls.  
“I hope you don’t mind but I texted myself so I also had your number. I normally ignore numbers I don’t recognize and I don’t want to miss your call or text.” I smiled at him.  
“Not a problem. Then I will see you soon.” He smiled back at me and I handed him his phone and he waved goodbye to me. Once he wasn’t near my jeep anymore I rolled up my window and started to drive away. I memorized the pathway to get home at this point so I didn’t bother with my GPS and I was so lost in thought that I didn’t bother with the music.  
My phone started to ring ten minutes into the ride and I reached forward on my stereo and answered the phone through my bluetooth set up.  
“Hey it worked you didn’t ignore my call.” I heard Matthew say with a bit of a laugh following his words.  
“Nope I sure didn’t.” I said also laughing with the words.  
“Anyway Skeet and I are going to dinner tonight with a couple other members of the cast. If you haven’t gone far would you like to join us?” He asked.  
“Yeah I would love that. Where at?” I asked him.  
“We are going to head over to BJs meet us there in like fifteen to twenty minutes?” He said. Okay that’s doable. It won’t be too expensive I don’t think.  
“Sounds good.” I said and hung up the phone. Okay this is perfectly normal. This is totally normal. I’m just going to a casual dinner with coworkers. Cast members. It’s going to be okay. I know I haven’t passed BJs yet it’s another block away so I was going to be early. That’s fine. I have a couple of shirts in the back I can change into and I can brush my hair really quick and get more of the curls out and loosened.  
I found a parking spot near the back of the parking lot and smiled. I put my jeep in park and reached behind me digging through some of the clothes in the back seat. I grabbed my Metallica black, grey and white shirt and took off the shirt I had on. I was wearing a tank top under my original shirt since I had to give back the tube top they had me wear for the scene. I wasn’t going to be flashing anyone today. I grabbed my hairbrush from my glove box and started brushing the curls out some more. I opened up my sun visor and looked at myself in the mirror and I looked decent. I checked my teeth in the mirror to make sure there was nothing in it anymore. I was able to get all the fake blood out of my mouth by swishing water all around it and spitting it out. When I put my hairbrush back in my glove box I pulled out a tin of mints and put two in my mouth and closed the glove box back up. Alright I looked decent. I smelled decent I’m pretty sure I have perfume in here some where. I bent back over and reached back into the back seat and started to dig around. I found it under the passenger seat finally and brought it up in front of me and started to spray a crazy amount onto me. It was the Japanese cherry blossom scent from bath and body works. It smelled so good. I put the perfume back into the backseat and looked in front of me. I saw Matthew getting out of his car and walking to the front door so I decided to get out of my car and walk over to meet up with him. I didn’t see anyone else yet. Maybe I should hang back so I am not going to make things awkward. Whatever I got this. It won’t be awkward unless I make it awkward right.  
“Hey.” I said from behind him. He turned around and greeted me with a smile.  
“Hey, so a little bit of a change it’s just going to be Skeet, you, and me. Is that okay?” He asked me.  
“Yeah of course. If I get in the way I can leave. If you would rather hang out with your friend.” I offered.  
“Oh don’t worry it’s fine. I’m glad he invited you to hang out with us. We wanted to get to know you a little better miss Colgate commercial.” I heard Skeet say. He walked in front of me and smiled down towards me. Wow they sure did make me feel short.  
A hostess walked over to us with her jaw hanging open.  
“Hello. Two for a table?” She asked. I assume she must think I don’t know them which isn’t her fault.  
“Three.” Both of them said and she blushed feeling a tad embarrassed and grabbed a third menu.  
“Do you prefer a booth or a table?” She asked.  
“A booth somewhere in the back is fine. A little less public if you don’t mind.” Skeet asked.  
“Of course follow me.” She said and guided us to the back of the restraunt and sat us at the booth that wasn’t directly next to a window and was a bit out of sight. No one would come back here that wasn’t supposed to be back here so that was nice.  
Our waitress came out pretty quick and she was a really pretty petite blonde. I noticed she was eyeing both the men. I don’t blame her I have been too. I know both of them are married so that’s a bummer but awe well.  
“So Matthew how is everything going you know since that thing happened?” Skeet asked.  
“It’s been fine. I’d rather not talk about it too much right now.” He said peering at me a little. What does that mean? 
“I can go. It really won’t hurt my feelings any if you both want to catch up.” I said again.  
“No don’t go. It’s perfectly fine and we trapped you on the inside of the booth so we can learn about you more.” Matthew said.  
“Uhm okay I guess. What would you like to know?” I asked confusingly and slightly worried.”  
“All we know is your name so how old are you? Do you have family around here? Are you from California? Do you have someone that makes you happy?” Matthew was throwing a few questions out there.  
“What about your favorite color? Is that your natural style? What’s your favorite kind of music?” Skeet mentioned a few questions himself.  
I think I might need a drink for this. The waitress was still here. “You know what can I get a margarita on the rocks please?” I asked her and she jotted that down.  
“Can I see your ID?” She asked and I dug my wallet out of my back pocket and handed her my ID after digging it out.  
“Okay awesome I will get that started for you and what about you two?” She asked bringing her attention back to them while handing me back my ID.  
“We will both take the beer on tap.” Skeet said. With our drink orders in she made her way behind the bar and started getting our drinks.  
“Alright to start answering some of your questions I am 27 years old, I don’t really associate with my family anymore. They aren’t really accepting of me which is fine. I am not from California I am from Arizona. If your question is more related to happiness then yes I do have someone and that someone is my roommate. They have been my best friend since I was little. If it's more towards romantically then no I am single. My favorite color is an earthy green more so the color of the trees in fall. This is more of my everyday style except I really don’t like to wear makeup. I think I’m pretty on my own and don’t need it. I am all over the place with my music style. I like the 70’s- 2000’s style of music more than the current music in 2023 but I still listen to a few here and there.” I finished up the line of questions they threw at me and smiled with a bit of relief when she made her way back over with the drinks. She handed me my margarita first and I chugged it.  
“Can you just bring me like two more for now?” I asked her and she just smiled.  
“Sure thing. Are you all ready to order?” She asked.  
“Yeah I think we are ready.” The boys ordered burgers and were looking at me for my order.  
“I also will get a burger and your fries and do you mind adding on the sample platter you have and just add your favorites onto it? I haven’t been here before so I kind of want to try something new. Oh and here. Can I pay for it right now?” I asked her handing her my card.  
“Are you going to be drinking more?” She asked.  
“Yeah probably I’m not sure. If I decide to drink more I can pay again later if that’s okay.” I said.  
“Sure thing. Is this for everyone or just yourself?” She asked.  
“Everyone.” I said and smiled back at her. She smiled towards me and took my card.  
“Hey wait a minute.” Skeet and Matthew tried to grab her attention but, she didn’t hear them.  
“What are you doing? You didn’t have to do that. We could have paid for ourselves or even better we could have treated you.” Skeet said and Matthew agreed.  
“Oh no, let me treat. I don’t want you guys paying for me. You barely know me.” I said with a grin.  
“Well that’s not exactly fair you don’t really know us either.” They said almost in unison.  
They had a point. I didn’t care about the point but that’s my problem.  
“Well I am also a secret fan. I admire both of your work a lot.” I said with a lot if honesty coming from me. The alcohol will help me a lot. This might be a better night than I thought. A couple of minutes later the waitress brought my two other margaritas and came back a moment later with our appetizers and my card. She handed my card back to me with a smile.  
“Alright your food should be out in a moment does anyone else need another drink?” She asked smiling. I had finished another margarita by the time she went and grabbed our food. I should slow down but I felt like I needed a buzz to keep me going.  
“You know can we get a couple of waters for the table? “ Skeet asked her.  
“And another margarita if you don’t mind?” I added.  
“Sure thing I will be back in another moment.” She added.  
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” Matthew asked and Skeet was waiting for my answer too.  
“Yeah I’m fine I will just be starting another job search tomorrow. My waitress job fired me when I told them I needed some time off for this project. I can always get another one no big deal.” I said smiling. The booze was starting to catch up with me as I slowly drank on my third margarita. My vision went a little blurry.  
“Alright hand me your keys. Your not driving home if your going to drink like that. I can see it in your eyes already.” Matthew said.  
“I’m not going to fight you on that.” I handed him my keys that were in my back pocket and smiled.  
“I can make sure you get home safely. Don’t worry. Drink away of you want to.” He added.  
“Thank you.” I said and continued to drink my third margarita and I started to slow down. The one she is bringing needs to be my last one. I have one more on the table so that means it will be my fifth one. The waitress rounded the corner with food in her hand. She handed us our food and walked away.  
Oh my gosh it looks so good. It’s been a hot minute since I have had a burger that doesn’t come out of a brown paper bag. I picked it up and took a big bite from it and practically moaned as I swallowed. I would normally be embarrassed but right now I couldn’t be because of all the booze. I washed down everything I ate with the other two margaritas and pushed the plate away from me. I’m going to be sick tomorrow. No doubt.  
“Oh here.” I said through the small talk we were having and handed them my wallet with all my stuff in it.  
“That way I can pay the rest of the tab.” I said. Skeet and Matthew both looked at each other and Matthew pulled out his wallet and went and found the waitress leaving my wallet on the table. I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to that though. Matthew was gone for a good twenty minutes before he came back to the table.  
“Alright he came and picked up my car ill just drive her jeep to her place. I’ll let you know if you need to come by. If her roommate isn’t there to keep her safe I might stay until she sobers.” Matthew said.  
“Sounds good. The bill has been taken care of right?” Skeet asked to double check.  
“Yeah of course.” Matthew answered his question.  
“Alright come on y/n let’s get you to your jeep and home okay?” Skeet said pulling me out of the booth. Both of them put their arms around me to keep me stable in a standing position and we started to walk to the jeep. We managed to make it there without having to stop to correct my balance which was really nice. They both got me sitting down on the passenger side seat and Matthew buckled me in.  
The two men hugged goodbye and Matthew attempted to get into the driver’s seat.  
“Holy cow are you crazy? I’m going to be smooshed to the steering wheel and my knees will be to my chest if I don’t move your seat.” He started to laugh which made me laugh.  
He fixed the seat so he was able to get in and comfortably sit down.  
“Alright how do I get to your apartment?” He asked.  
“Uhm here.” I pulled out my phone and opened up GPS and clicked on the shortcut labeled home and started the route. Oh my gosh my wallet.  
“Wait I forgot my wallet on the table.” I said looking panicked.  
“Don’t worry I grabbed it. It’s in the cup holder. Why don’t you try and nap a little bit and when we get there I will let you know.” He said. I just nodded and set the phone in the cup holder next to my wallet. I rested my head on the door and dozed off quickly.  
Thirty minutes later he was lightly shaking me awake.  
“Hey we are here. Which one is your apartment?” He said. He parked in the guest parking spot which is fine.  
“It’s 122C.” I said.  
“Okay so let’s go to the C building and get you to your actual apartment.” He said and started to pull out of the parking space. He drove around to the C building and parked in one of the parking spaces that said 122. He noticed the second spot was empty and he assumed my roommate wasn’t there.  
“Alright wait for me.”  He said quickly grabbing my phone and wallet from the cup holders and then exiting my jeep. I felt the passenger side door open and I unbuckled myself and tried to get out by myself. I went to try and walk but I was a little wobbly.  
“Don’t bite off more than you can chew too fast. Let’s go. Here.” He said and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was still being so respectful when I was trashed. He was so sweet. We made the journey to apartment 122 which thankfully was on the first floor. We came up to the room 122 and all the lights were off. 
“Don’t judge me. I don’t know what state my apartment is in. My roommate works night shifts so sometimes her messes are all over the place by the time she goes to work.” I said as he was going through the keys trying to find the right one. He managed to find it pretty quick and he opened up the door. He helped me inside and sat me on the couch that was right by the door and closed and locked it.  
“What time does your roommate get home?” He asked. She was a nurse so she might not really even be home tomorrow.  
“I’m not entirely sure. She is a nurse and she might not come home for a couple of days.” I said yawning. I’m so tired.  
“Okay, I’m going to hang out for a little bit until you sober up which one is your room so I can get you to it.” He said.  
“Oh forward I like it. It’s this one.” I stood up and angled for the master bedroom.  
“No I don’t do that with people who are drunk. You would have to be able to spell your name forwards and backwards twice before I would be willing to.” He laughed a little bit. Damn this booze is kicking my ass with confidence. He walked me to the bedroom and watched as I laid down.  
“Okay I’m going to be out here if you need me in your living room.” He said. I couldn’t even reply. I was fast asleep.  
A couple hours went by before I woke up sweating my ass off. Oh my God what happened? Why am I sleeping with clothes on. I got off my bed with a pounding headache and got butt naked. I walked to the living room and turned the thermostat down to 67 degrees and went to the cabinet above the sink and grabbed the aspirin. I grabbed a cup off the drying rack and set it on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed our filtered water pitcher and poured my cup with half a cup of water and put it away and drank a sip and downed two aspirin. I really hoped waking up and taking this in the middle of the night killed whatever hangover I was going to have in the morning. I walked back towards my room but noticed someone in my living room staring at me. Fuck he didn’t leave. Oh my God I’m fucking naked. I ran to my room and closed the door.  
“I’m so fucking sorry. I figured you had left. I grabbed my robe that was on the floor and put it on around me. I walked back out to the living room and he just looked at me with a blush on his face.  
“You have a tattoo.” Matthew started to say.  
“Yes I do.” I have a few which one is he referring to? 
“You have a shaggy and scooby-doo tramp stamp.” He said. I’m not surprised that’s the one he is hooked on.  
“just above that one is tinkerbell smoking pot and holding a beer and on your butt you have bite marks tattooed into your skin. Who bit you for that?” He asked.  
I blushed.  
“My best friend. My roommate. We are close. My teethmarks are also on her ass cheeks. I bit both sides on her.” I smiled at the memory of the tattoo artist getting hot and bothered by the action. I remember after hers was finished he railed her in the bathroom. They have been together ever since. He follows her around like a puppy. It’s actually very cute.  
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have looked but it’s hard not to when it’s all right there. How are you feeling?” He asked.  
“I mean beside the headache I’m fine. I’m sober enough that I can make decent decisions and not accidently kill myself.” I said laughing.  
“Oh good. I should get out of your hair then. We had a really fun night tonight and were happy spending time with you. It was fun getting to know you a bit more.” He said.  
“I really appreciate being invited. I really am a fan of yours and his. It made my night. I’m sorry I got drunk. It wasn’t my intention going into that dinner but, I started to get nervous and the only way for me to get rid of my nerves is to drink through them and I don’t do that often.” I said.  
“Well that’s good. That stuff can get addicting so maybe you should look for another way to cope with your nerves.” He said.  
“Yeah did you by chance go in my room?” I asked now terrified of the answer. 
“Yeah but I didn’t really walk into the room I just watched you go over to your bed and get into it. I didn’t really pay attention to all the scream posters you have up with the hearts around my face or anything like that.” He said.  
“Oh gosh I’m so embarrassed.” I said holding my face in my hands.  
“It’s okay but, your robe is falling open a bit.” He said looking away for a moment. I looked down and noticed he had a full glimpse of my breast. They are practically completely out. I closed my robe again and held it closed. I mean I don’t mind him staring at me. I hope I look okay right now.  
“Are you sure you are good to go?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course. But, hey its like two or three a.m. no one’s going to be out at this hour you mine as well stay here until morning.” I said.  
“I think you might be right. Are you sure it’s okay?” He asked.  
“Yeah of course come on.” I said and motioned for him to follow me to my room.  
“I’ll find some pajamas to wear so I don’t make you feel uncomfortable. Come stay in here. I have a king sized bed and it’s super comfy compared to that couch.” I said and he stood up and followed me.  When he walked into the room he started to kick off his shoes and socks and waited for me by the door. I walked into my closet and because it doesn’t have a door I tried to keep my robe on while I looked. I found some shorts hanging up that were some what comfy and a tank top. I took the robe off letting it fall to the floor and as I was reaching for the shorts I felt a his right hand on my right upper arm. I’m naked and he is touching me.  
“You won’t make me feel uncomfortable. Sleep how you normally would. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” He said as he pressed himself to my back and brought his mouth down to my ear. Feeling him was something else. Hearing him so close made what hair I had on my body standing. He lightly dragged his right hand down my right arm and it gave me the chills.  
“Are you sure you are sober?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. I’m sure.” I said.  
“Turn around.” He said and I did as he told me. I turned towards him now looking up at him. His left hand now under my chin keeping me in that position. He leaned down and gently ran his lips over mine.  
“Did you really forget that I was out there? Or was that intentionally done?” Matthew asked me.  
“I actually forgot you were out there but it’s turning out to be a good surprise.” I said in a hushed tone against his lips. He brushed his lips against mine one more time before gently kissing my lips. He pulled away and walked over to my bed leaving me standing there in my closet butt naked and now completely wet and turned on. Fuck I want him. I want him very badly.  
It takes a moment for me to process but I walk into my room next to my bed and noticed he took his shirt and pants off and got under the covers. He was on my side of the bed. Where I lay every night and sometimes master bate to the thought of him. In the end table directly next to him is my vibrator and dildo. I walk over to the other side of the bed that is now very cold since I adjusted the air and slipped under the blankets. I didn’t reach for him right away. Instead I just sat there and waited for him to make a move but he didn’t. Maybe I have to make the next move.  
I scooted closer to him and that’s all I could pull myself to do. I’m to nervous to do anything else.  
“Are you scared to make the move on me y/n?” He asked and started to look at me. He turned his whole body on his side and looked down at me again.  
“Yeah, just a little bit. I don’t want to do something you don’t want to do.” I said very honestly. He leaned down and kissed  me slowly. He kept his lips feeling gentle like they were barely there but then he slid his tongue into my mouth and brushed it against my tongue. Something about it made me even wetter. My pussy felt like a dam and he has barely touched me. His right hand kept his head propped up while he kissed me and his left hand was lightly running down my body from my neck, to the middle of my breast, down my stomach, and stopped right above my clit. He is just barely gliding his finger over my clit and I felt my pussy clench around nothing. I wanted to feel him so bad. He pulled away from the kiss but stayed very close to my lips.  
“When’s the last time you were fucked?” He asked me.  
“It’s been a year. Probably almost two.” I said. All I have done is masterbate. I didn’t want anyone. No one was physically attractive to me.  
“Fuck me. You are going to be tight aren’t you?” He said now lightly kissing my cheek and down to my neck. He bit down a little on my neck where my collarbone is and it sent another set of shivers down my spine. He started to add more pressure against my clit and started to rub circles against it. I moaned at the touch and immediately  felt an orgasm filling my senses. Oh fuck this is going to be embarrassing. I pushed my head back into the pillows more and moaned again as he slid his fingers past my clit and lightly traced my entrance. Oh fuck please. Please I need it. I need him.  
“Do you think you could handle me?” He asked.  
“Y-yes. Please.” I said moaning out the Please. I need him so bad. He traced my entrance one more time before slipping his middle finger into me slowly. His first knuckle going in as his kissed the spot on my collarbone going in. The second knuckle going in deeper as he kissed down to my chest and finally feeling his third knuckle on the inside of me while the rest of them rested against my ass and he wrapped his lips around my left nipple. Fuck. He is driving me crazy.  
He started to pump his finger in and out of my trying to drive it deeper and deeper while he massaged my nipple with his tongue and nibbled on it with his teeth lightly. As he pulled his middle finger out and I lost the feeling of him inside of me he started to lick down my stomach and without warning other than him shifting between my legs. I felt him lick right between my pussy lips sucking my labia’s into his mouth and moaning against my pussy.  
Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Oh fucking God.  
“Oh fuck.” I said moaning. My head can’t be pressed harder into the pillows as it already was against them as far as it could go. He started lapping his tongue against my clit gliding his teeth against it as he slipped a second finger in with his middle finger. This time I can feel his fingers stretching me open and moving in an up and down motion against the soft spot of my vagina at the very top. He moaned against my clit flicking his fingers very fast against my g-spot. It was making my toes curl and without thinking I let my left hand run through his hair and grab on hard.  
“Oh fuck. Please. Oh my God that feels so fucking good. Please.” I kept saying it over and over again and he continued to repeat the same motions over and over again.  
He pulled his lips and tongue away from my clit and started to forcefully flick his fingers against my g-spot and got rougher in the motion with his wrist. I started to hear what sounded like a sloshing sound from within my pussy and a gush of fluid left my body and I was shaking and grabbed onto the bed sheet beside me tightly. I felt like the wind was sucked out of me and my abs tightened.  
“Oh fuck!” I moaned out loud as he dove right back between my legs licking every drop that was between my legs. Oh fuck it’s so sensitive. He pulled his lips away from my pussy lips again and pulled his fingers out of my pussy. Oh god no. Please. I want more.  
He moved his left hand to my clit and started massaging it again. Oh god the orgasm was coming back quickly.  
“Fuck please I need you I need to feel you.” I said whining out a bit.  
“You can’t I wasn’t planning on having sex so I didn’t pack a condom on me.” He said.  
“I’m allergic to latex. I had my tubes tide two years ago and they checked and made sure it stuck. I’m not going to get-“ He cut me off my kissing me quickly and then pulled me to a seated position and he laid on his back. Oh fuck he wants me on top? I hate being on top. Fuck it.  
I got up and straddled him as he positioned his cock right at my entrance I slowly forced myself down on him. I managed to get half way before it started to hurt a little. He was bigger than anyone I have ever been with. He was also thicker than everyone I have been with. I tried to get further down but it was too painful to do all at once so I started to pull him out a little and forced myself down again. Hissing as he slid deeper but not much farther. He sat up a little and wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up enough with him still tucked inside me and put me on my back. I think I might have been going to slow for him.  
Fuck me. He rolled his hips in towards me and he managed to get further inside. He started to pull out and rolled his hips back into me and managed to bottom out inside of me. I felt his balls slap against my ass as a moan escaped his throat. Oh god that was so sexy. He pulled my legs up towards his shoulders and rested them against his shoulders and started to lean against my chest. My knees now touching my shoulders as he rolled his hips into me thrusting further into me. As his arms stayed by my head keeping himself up. He kept us like that for a couple of minutes before releasing one of my legs and driving his cock deeper into me closing the gap between my mouth and his and kissing me. He put all of his weight on his right hand and moved his left hand to my throat. Oh god. He started to put some pressure against my throat and it proceeded to get me wetter and closer to another orgasm. It started to sound like a gush of water again.  
“Open your mouth.” He said. Oh fuck what’s about to happen? I opened my mouth as much as I could with his hand pressed against my throat. He spit in my mouth and I immediately closed my mouth and swallowed it. That wasn’t what I was normally into but right now this man was making everything hot and a turn on.  
“Oh fuck me. You are fucking tight and I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?” He asked and moaned out every word. I know where I want it. I want it buried inside of me. I have no reason to be worried about it.  
“Please. Oh god please inside of me.” I moaned out.  
“Only if you squirt for me again. I know your ready too.” The sloshing sound got louder. He gripped my neck tighter and another gush of liquid came out of me. Soaking his cock with my squirt and he returned the favor slamming his cock balls deep inside of me. Moaning and groaning as he released his cum deep inside of my pussy. I felt his thighs tighten as he was Cumming inside of me. Oh my God that was so fucking hot.  
After a moment of him leaving his cock inside me he started to pull out. He started to soften up again and he laid down next to me. Fuck I’m tired for real now. Oh god I don’t want to move but it’s a mess down there. I need to clean it up.  
“Where is your bathroom and rags or wipes or whatever you use?” He asked me. “My bathroom is right there and” I pointed towards the door next to my closet, “the rags are under the sink along with wipes. You just have to pick your poison.” I said.  
He got off of the bed and made his way to my bathroom. It was so quiet in the apartment now that even with the door closed I could still hear him peeing. My eyes started to close and when I thought I was on the brink of sleep I felt something very cold between my legs.  
“Oh my god.” I said as I looked down. He was using the wipes to clean up the cum he left inside of me that was now dripping out of me.  
“Such a pretty sight to see too bad.” He said as he continued to wipe everything out and then dried my pussy with the rag in his hand. He walked back into my bathroom and put the rag in my hamper and the dirty wipes into the trash can.  
“I thought you said your tubes were tied?” He asked but it sounded more like a statement as he walked put of the bathroom holding my birth control tablets. “I am I just don’t take chances. I take that as a secondary. I don’t want kids of my own. If I did that whole thing I’d rather adopt or join someone’s family. I don’t want to do the baby thing. I worked to hard to lose weight I don’t want to gain it back during a pregnancy.” I said very honestly. He walked over to the end table and sat the birth control on it. He crawled back into bed next to me and pulled me back into him so my back was to his chest.  
“Goodnight beautiful. I’m really glad you decided to stay around at dinner. Thank you for dessert.” He said putting a kiss to the side of my head.  
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as a blush formed and I dozed off pretty quick laying next to him.  
*The aftermath*  
8 hours later is was close to noon I heard some banging on my door.  
“Hey y/n are you alive in there?” my roommate screamed through my door.  
I started to rub my eyes to get some of the fogginess out of them. I felt an arm around my waist and I turned my head towards the back of me to see Matthew still asleep. I felt something poking me between my legs and moaned against him trying to move my pussy closer but immediately regretted it because it was sore from a few hours ago.  
“y/n if you don’t open or at least answer me then I’m going to be forced to come in.” without missing a beat or giving me a chance to respond she walked right into my room and her mouth fell open. I shushed her and motioned for her to leave the room. My boobs on full display not under the covers and his hand was grabbing my left boob. He squeezed it gently and got closer to my ear and moaned into it thrusting against me. I closed my eyes and moaned at the motion and my friend slowly backed out of the room closing the door. Oh my God. I could stand to have a few more orgasms. Fuck I’m going to need a couple of gallons of water first though.  
~sorry for the very drawn out fanfiction. If I had just gotten straight to the point I wouldn’t have been able to picture the full story. I have read through this twice so if there are errors in this I am really sorry. This took me a couple of days to write and I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more please let me know in the comments and give me some ideas. I’m open to requests.~ 
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tgrailwar-zero · 22 days
Okay. Okay, okay,
This is fine. This is honest. This is good.
That's probably the only way we're going to work this out with any finality, and it is fair. We needed that reminder, and I'm glad you could work it out.
To answer your question, Beastmaster, we want to atone for our past actions. Lord Sigurd showed us a way we can help people. Even if there's a chance of failure, we want to protect and fight for the Solar Cell and humanity in any way we can. We will agree to any test, any fetter, and any pact as long as we can help people. Even if it means killing us if we return, no matter what we say or show.
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You watched the beast stare down at you as you spoke. His hand didn't leave his spear, his expression as flat and expressionless as stone.
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It was very familiar. A stirring tide of rage and pain. You didn't need to reach deep to feel it- like a duet, you felt it resonate with something deep within your own chest.
It was twisted, corroded. A free heart shackled. A wandering hound chained to an iron leash, disease-ridden and dying.
However, there was a tacit understanding as the beast stared down at you and you looked him in the eyes. There was no more 'Cu Chulainn'.
That shooting star had burned out along time ago, and had now crashed into the Earth and sat smoldering. A shooting star that had never once felt regret in his life, staring up at an empty sky. Red hot and immobile- rotting and eroding.
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That was a good question. One without a clear answer.
A thousand things you could offer. A thousand things you could say. A weapon didn't have wants, a beast didn't have desires, so there was nothing that could be offered or traded in turn. No joy in death, no joy in life. A hollow vessel, unwishing and unwanting.
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'BEATHACH': "…Useless."
You felt him muscle past you, leaving the chamber. His heavy footsteps growing more and more distant. The other Lair Servants sat in silence as he vanished away, before you saw the Keeper lean over, taking a weary breath before looking over at the Valkyrie.
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KEEPER: "….Brynhildr, please."
BRYNHILDR: "He won't come back. You know that."
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KEEPER: "Then at least keep an eye on him, he'll listen to you."
BRYNHILDR: "…Of course."
You watched as the Valkyrie landed on the ground, armored boots clanking against the ground as she disappeared after him. A heavy silence hung over the chamber for a moment, before PTOLEMAIOS cleared his throat. Though you could feel it, a fragile balance having been torn, old wounds beginning to slowly bleed again.
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KEEPER: "…Yes. We have to stay on track. The trial--"
The Slayer cut in, her voice heavy and clear.
NIKITICH: "...There is no point in a trial. The Beastmaster is right. Beastmaster Tezcatlipoca is also right and said the same thing. We are useless, with no answers and no progress."
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CLEOPATRA: "That's... not what he meant. I'm not sure what exactly, but he wasn't talking about us. Can't you stay focused? We're in the middle of something important, you can project and unload later."
NIKITICH: "Always 'later' with you people. We cannot fight the Void Cell, we stand vigil over a world we plan to abandon… It seems that Sigurd has a solution, that doesn't involve us wallowing in our cowardice. Fine. I will take something. You all do as you please, but I am returning to the Moon. At least there I can pretend I am a hero worthy of my name."
You watched as the Slayer similarly hopped down from her perch, walking past you. She stopped, her back to you as she raised a hand.
NIKITICH: "…I vote that they live. Give them a chance to tell their own story, since we have clearly outlived ours."
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You watched as she left as well, her own footsteps growing more distant. CLEOPATRA sighed, one hand idly fidgeting with her hair.
CLEOPATRA: "…And this is why we never have these. Ugh, if Quetzalcoatl were here... Whatever. I'll vote. Staring down the Beastmaster was brave, and I think they raised some good points while doing it. So…"
She raised her own hand.
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CLEOPATRA: "…I say they don't die, but I'm not sure about entrusting the future to them. You made a deal with Duryodhana, right? Come see me then, if you're successful. I'll consider giving up my Key then."
She dropped down from her loge, striding past you. You saw as she reached the door to the chamber, stopping briefly as she took a breath to collect herself, before straightening her posture and heading through. You saw the ADMINISTRATOR, strangely pensive.
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ADMINISTRATOR: "…I'm abstaining. There's too much for me to consider. New data. I need to consult with the other Divided Spirits. However, if Freyr Sigurd requires valuable Solar Cell resources for his research, he'd need only put in a formal request."
SIGURD: "…Thank you, Madame Administrator."
Without further response, ADMINISTRATOR didn't head through the door, but vanished away in a blue, digitized light.
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SIGURD: "Old friend, you understand my vote. Brynhildr is of the same mind, the defendant should not be killed."
PTOLEMAIOS: "…Then the votes against execution are in the majority in comparison to no negative votes, and several of the Council abstaining their votes…"
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PTOLEMAIOS: "...Meaning that the case is closed. The defendant will not be killed, and will be able to resume their activities. The court is adjourned. To the defendant, thank you for your patience. For those of you that stayed, thank you for your service."
He looked over at the only other Lair Servant still in the room, SIGURD, who was sitting back in his seat with his eyes closed, deep in thought.
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Normally you'd expect a bit more fanfare, outside of a rather empty and chilly chamber. It seemed like they all reached their own conclusions, and it reached a rather premature end.
You felt a firm hand on your shoulder, as MAX stepped up next to you with a gentle smile.
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MAX: "...Congratulations. You survived the lion's den."
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spaceless-vacuum · 2 years
Question? How would a Yan!Link handle having a Darling who not only chose him willingly but actively smothers him back? Not to the degree of a Yandere but rather if he comes home injured or gets hurt and they're traveling together he finds himself in mandatory bed rest unless they deem it light enough an injury? He has a cold and gets dragged in the house and shoved into bed while they go make soup. They refuse to let him do anything for them while hurt and are totally not against using cuddles as an option to keep him down. Will capitalize on his Yandere tendencies. Aware of those tendencies and tries not to upset him but also knows how to use them to their advantage?
Or how about this? Actively chasing others off by making it known he's taken? He won't have to pull his Darling into his lap if they make themselves comfortable there first. His Darling is completely down with owning up to the fact that they have one of the most dangerous people in Hyrule willing to do absolutely anything for them and he's so sweet and gentle for them and good looking to boot.
Most pleased Yandere ever I'd imagine.
....bonus? They spend their free time trying to fluster him somehow. How easy is it? Does it work? Who knows.
Oooh I think this is so much fun and would go differently with the different heroes. I've decided to use this as an opportunity to write for the lu au. hope you don't mind!
Sky would absolutely adore this and would take it as a chance to gain more cuddles from you. He is already very big on spending a lazy day together with you (assuming all of his work is done) and the idea of receiving more love and attention is one that makes his heart skip a beat with joy. His idea of a relaxing summer day is taking it easy or flying around Skyloft. Two things he can do if wounded or with a cold.
Even if you do try to coax him to stay inside all day he needs a walk for fresh air and it can't be helped. The man doesn't like to be cooped up all the time and will carry you out the door with him if he needs to. As long as you're with him he's as buzzed as a bee. 
The action of you putting yourself into his lap before he does makes him blush so badly. Public displays of affection in front of others, especially when he knows you're doing it to claim him gets him in his feelings. He's practically kicking his legs but to do so might kick you off of his lap which he won't do.
The fact that you want others to know you love him makes his heart skip a beat. There's no way anyone is going to lay a hand on you after that. He has a way of making sure that everyone knows you're taken with just a look and with the fact you're always hanging off of his arm he doesn't have to do too much. Which is fine by him. Less work for him means more time to spend by your side. It's easy to forget he has a darker side sometimes as he's just so sweet and carefree until pushed in the right (or wrong) direction.
Even if he finds out or just knows about how you're ‘using’ him, Sky doesn't care. In his mind it isn't an issue at all because he isn't being used if he's ok with it and you both enjoy the outcome. It's rare to find him getting upset at your cute demeanor but sometimes he does have a rare moment where it all slips and he feels like he needs to take a ride.
It’s really, and I mean really easy to get Sky flustered. Any form of public affection where others can see it and are actively looking makes him blush so hard. He doesn't get embarrassed often but he does have friends who like to tease and poke fun. Word gets around in villages quickly (especially about the hero) and you being called Link’s is something he never gets used to. It makes him feel like he's on cloud nine when he overhears the talk on the town. As long as no one says anything bad about his partner.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 month
Living Well is Super Swell - Best Served Cold Chapter 7
It's day 7 of @tazsapphicweek and that means it's the final chapter of Best Served Cold. Prepare yourselves for some fluff!
Read below or on Ao3. Missed the start? Here's ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, and ch 6.
“Surprise!” They shout as Raven gently removes the blindfold from Istus.
Obviously Raven has already pre-prepared her, Istus likes to know what’s coming, but she still thinks it’s very sweet that they wanted to surprise her.
“Oh… oh goodness!” Despite the warning she’s still surprised by the amount of people here to join them. There’s the usual, wonderful suspects of course; but there’s also customers, people from the community projects, and the other shops too. Well, most of them, one pair of proprietors are conspicuously absent.
Istus doesn’t try and hide her joyful tears, why should she? “You’re all so wonderful!” She chokes out. “Thank you.”
Raven presses a handkerchief into her hand. “Here you are. Are you okay?”
Istus nods and leans into Raven’s side, her presence a constant source of comfort. Istus is fairly sure she could face the end of the world with her and feel a sense of peace.
“There’s one more surprise!” Carey shouts as she runs towards them and barrels into Istus’ open arms.
“Is it this hug?” Istus asks.
Killian laughs as she approaches, guiding a man wearing all black, gravity defying platform boots, and a fantastic amount of spider themed jewellery. “ No, Istus. It’s not the hug.” She gestures at the man with her. “This is Brian, he’s a photographer.”
“Hello darlings.” Brian says pleasantly. “This is going to be a lovely little photoshoot isn’t it?”
“Come on!” Carey wriggles free and drags Istus towards the benches.
Istus automatically sticks her hand out to grab Raven’s and tugs her along behind them, laughing all the way.
“Is this why you told me to dress in something I loved?” She asks over her shoulder, Carey an unstoppable force in front of her.
“Nope, this one was all them, I just wanted you to be comfortable.” Raven looks perplexed, but happy enough.
Hopefully she’s okay, she’s not always big on unexpected plans. Istus squeezes her hand, hoping to beam some comfort to her.
“Here you go! Get on the table.” Carey shoos them towards one of the bench seats. It’s Istus’ favourite, dark blue with silvery stars and lots of sparkly bits.
“I have a vision, we’re here to celebrate the tables, to celebrate you. I want to feel the joy! Feel the love!” Brian starts to back away, releasing his camera from a complex series of straps as he does.
“He’s really good, I promise.” Killian stage whispers.
“Madame?” Raven offers her arm. “May I help you onto this beautiful picnic bench?”
“Oh you’re too kind.” Istus says conversationally. “It is beautiful though, isn’t it? It has to be, I painted for a beautiful woman, I think of her every time I see it.” Istus takes Raven’s hand and pushes herself up onto the table, using the bench as a footrest. “If you come up here and join me I’ll let you in on a secret.”
Raven laughs and takes the hand Istus offers to help pull her up. She wobbles slightly, but Istus has her, and Raven flops successfully down next to her.
Istus leans in to whisper in her ear. “I put this one here so I can see it from the counter. Then I can think about you all day long.”
Raven turns, laughing, and kisses her quickly.
“You’re perfect.” Raven says against her lips.
“I’m not.” Istus won’t have any of that.
“You’re perfect for me.” Raven amends.
Istus can’t argue with that, so she kisses her back instead.
Are they ever going to stop?” Sloane asks Hurley.
The claps and cheers have settled into a slightly awkward slow clap.
“No.” Hurley replies. “But that’s why we’ve got Carey.”
She gives the nod.
Carey aims the hose very carefully and mists the air above Istus and Raven. It’s enough to shake them out of it.
“Sorry everybody!” Istus looks slightly shame faced.
“I’m not!” Raven shouts.
Istus leans in and whispers something to her, they both laugh.
“Right, who’d like some refreshments? I’m sure I have some cake out the back and…”
Istus’ musing is interrupted by Killian, who gently picks her up from the table and places her back on the ground, then holds an arm out for Raven. (Who doesn’t get the same joy out of being zooped through the air as Istus.)
There’s ice cream, there’s cake, there’s biscuits, and there’s so much joy. It’s a perfect celebration.
In the aftermath, they lounge around the kitschy counter in the shop.
“Thank you all.” Istus says, grabbing her trusty scoop. “Now who wants what?”
“We should celebrate your tables more often, this was fun.” Killian says. “My usual please, Istus.” She adds.
Istus scoops diligently and hands it over, sticking a flake in the precarious mountain of ice cream (so maybe she’s overserving today, maybe they deserve it.)
“Thank you!” Killian looks positively delighted.
“Dealer’s choice.” Says Sloane. “I trust you.”
“So you should.” Istus starts working on Sloane’s mystery cone. “Afterall, look how things worked out!” Istus smiles happily.
“What…er, what do you mean sorry?” Carey’s the one who breaks the moment of tense silence.
“Well, just like I told you girls, the best revenge is living well!” Istus adds another scoop to Sloane’s already precarious ice cream. “There’s no need for extreme action, everyone will get their comeuppance.” Istus smiles and hands the cone over. “Who’s next?”
“You’re so right.” Hurley says quickly.
“So right.” Echoes Raven, who definitely looks twitchy.
Sloane just clears her throat.
Istus adores them all.
“Istus! The photos are here! They put them on a stick!” Raven grabs it from the envelope and cracks open her new laptop. Well, her ‘new to her’ laptop, Kravitz said it would be faster than the computer and if she liked it they could pick out an actual new one together.
“Oooooh! That was quick!” Istus turns from the hob. “I’ll just be a minute.”
Raven plugs the stick in on the third try and clicks her way through to the folder. She doesn’t start without Istus though, it wouldn’t be right.
“Okay. Coffee for you, tea for me.” Istus sets the mugs down. “And a scone because you deserve a treat.” She places the plate to Raven’s side, kisses her on the cheek, and settles in the chair. “Okay, ready!”
Raven clicks twice and opens up magic.
“Oh.” They say together.
Istus and Raven are at the centre of the frame on the bench made of silvery stars in an inky blue evening sky. They’re completely wrapped up in each other, no attention paid to the camera. Raven clicks the next one and the setting is the same but now they’re laughing, then they’re kissing, then the camera has pulled back and Hurley and Sloane and Carey and Killian are on their own benches respectively and their friends and customers are in the background and it’s perfect. Picture perfect.
Raven arranges for two prints and is delighted by how fast they arrive. There’s one of them kissing, still laughing, radiating joy. It goes up in the lounge so she can look at it every day. The second one, though, the second one brings her joy in a different way. There’s a whole crowd of people around them as they wave from their tables, friends and colleagues and customers. But in the back, easily missable if you don’t know they’re there, are two twin faces etched in sour disappointment. Raven loves that they captured victory and defeat all in one shot.
In a dark shop, lights switched off so no one feels emboldened to come by and make yet another ridiculous complaint, Edward sniffs the air and wrinkles his nose. “Lydia? Why does it smell like fish?”
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
lionel messi of barcelona (2005 - 2021), who could ever reach up to you? you tried to leave several times, you went through the best and the worst of times, you fought with the board, you had some shaddy stories going around, you were an imperfect human and player like all, subject to money, selfishness or foolish actions, but thank you.
thank you so much.
thank you for being La Masia’s, for being so fucking quiet they thought you were mute, for making friends with Piqué and Cesc, thank you for hanging out with Dinho, Deco and the Brazilian’s in 2007, thank you for rising up to stardom as the team was crumbling down, for shining on the brightest Treble stage, for the out of the blue friendship with Zlatan, for staggering drunk and happy at that celebration, for those 91 goals, for bringing the Ballon d’Or again and again to the Nou. thank you for orchestrating our field with Xavi and Andrés, for being at Tito’s side, for the silly doping post on missing Xavi’s press conf, for your utterly selfless friendship with Luis and Ney, for that 2018/2019 UCL run and the bravery of realizing home wasn’t it anymore.
thank you for being 13 and giving the bare minimum to trainings yet still blowing minds away, for being 22, reckless, cocky, kissing that boot, for being 24 and ready to devoure the world whole, sticking your tongue at the most random ass occasions, for being 25 and destroying teams drinking coke, 27 and dribbling Atlético and Bayern, 29 getting those tattoos and bleaching those hair in that ridiculously fine haircut, 30 and exhibing your name to Madrid, 31 for that free kick, carrying a numb team up to the brightest stages on your sole back, 34 and saying goodbye.
the entorno is rooted in Barcelona’s every issues, something that drove Cruyff, Guardiola and so many others away, and eventually, after putting up with it, you too. being the face of our many glories made you the one for our every defeats. you somehow put up with it too. i’ve watched my team summon oases in the desert; i’ve watched my team dig its grave in the sand, and all this time, you never left.
players come and go, and the club remains. you’re not above the club, nobody is: and you never claimed to be. you’ve forged unforgettable parts of its History, and much like Argentina, you are now inalienable to its legend. you were La Masia’s child, the team’s starboy, the Nou’s prince and the people’s king. i believe a few years, maybe decades down the line we will realize the depth of your stature in this club. who else could pretend to do so?
this city and this club gave you somewhere to grow up, to develop your talent and work ethic in a unique football team and a vision forged by Cruyff’s and Pep; in return, you gave it twenty years of love and genius. as i said, you’re not immune to anger, greed, selfishness, pride, every trait that such a high-paced, public, stressfull, millionaire life can offer; you wanted to leave, your role at the club could exceed that of a normal player, we never know what kind of background politics and arrangements went on all those years. but you’re also a guy i kind of grew up with and one of the very rare football players who never deceived me character-wise. to think Fate or God gave such talent to a seemingly good person, and to see such individual play weekly, at my club, is a peace of mind numerous supporters can only dream of having.
i love you. nothing, apart from seeing you representing my country, rendered me more proud than seeing every version of you play in Blaugrana. i can’t describe the pride, the utter joy, the passion when you kissed the crest, the game, the euphoria when you pulled up a trick we never thought possible. to see you wriggle out of defenders, dribble a midfield, run like the wind, slot an inch-accurate pass. to get so used to your shape, your attitude on the pitch, that i could spot you from the corner of my eyes on the posture alone. that season when a free kick was like a penalty, the nervosity, the tenderness. i pity those who haven’t been lucky enough to see you being draped in their club’s colors at eighteen, twenty five and thirty four; it was not something for History to explain, but for people to witness. you made me fall back in love with football every week. your partnership with Dinho, your endless combinations with the nerds of midfield - Xavi, Busi, Andrés -, your firey one-two with Alves, your connection with Luis and Ney, your calls for Jordi on the wings, your willingness to help Ousmane, Antoine and Pedri. you made me want to pick up a ball and see if i too, could run faster with it than without.
i know this club’s institution made you go through hell times and back. but despite all, i still hope the memories of people chanting your name, of the Barça’s anthem resounding in the Nou on a UCL night, of the buzzing excitement and blind trust we gave our team before a Clasico, of the thunder erupting after a goal, of our colours displayed in our tifos, i hope all those remain untainted by the actions of politics. these moments, not the contracts, the empty promises, not the desperate calls or futile debate on social medias, these were the most sincere and spontaneous demonstration of love this club has ever given you.
i would have wanted to chant your name in the Nou one time in my life. I remain hopefull one day I will. life is so damn strange and opens so many paths— I know one of them will somehow bring you here. I know we will give you your proper farewell in a stadium full of people who witnessed who you are, what you gave, how you failed and how you conquered. I’m strangely peaceful about it. but in the meantime, 10, thank you. thank you so much, for everything. i hope you’ll spend time with your family, you’ve earned it. and above all, I hope you find back the joy in playing football, delivered from all pressure, races, debates, discourses, expectations, missing pieces; because, after having seen you do what you do best for more than a decade, I know that spark can’t be gone very far. you just gotta pick a ball up and run right ahead.
thank you so fucking much. i will never forget what it was like to see you in blaugrana.  i love you.
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gogojetters · 10 months
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Part two of what I intend to be my Go Jetters Re-Imagined / Redesigned series !! This time, is a redesign that allowed me to be a little more creative- JetPad !! In the show's canon, JetPad is both the name of the Go Jetters' mothership, and a sentient super-computer who helps to run the GJA, and assists Ubercorn in missions. I wanted to separate the two entities, and allow for JetPad, the sentient super-computer and CHARACTER to have more personality and storyline presence. So, she now has a holographic human form, allowing her to actually go on missions!
Similar to Ubercorn, Jett's design features a 70s and 80s Disco influence, but with Jett, I wanted her to look more professional than party. She wears an orange bustier top, and white flared bell-bottom style pants, with glittery star patches to tie her back into the Go Jetter identity. Mostly hidden, she wears a silk belt, with a star brooch. Over top, she wears what is probably my favourite clothing item of hers, a blue blazer with shoulder padding! Jett also wears orange boots, and winged glasses. All of her design elements in terms of outfit are inspired by the design of the JetPad vehicle, with the glasses emulating the large front mirror, the padded shoulders on the blazer for the large overtop vents, and even the heels resembling the two side jet boosters of the airship. I personally felt that even if the mothership and the sentient Jett were separated as entities, the latter possessing visual similarity would help to keep her recognisable as "JetPad".
I also changed her hair from my last design, giving her something more short, swoopy, and dynamic, as opposed to the rigid state of the old one. Plus- I think that this one is more visually unique. In terms of personality, she is the dead-pan, and slightly snarky foil to Ubercorn, assisting him and the Go Jetters in missions, as she is hooked up to all of the technology they own, as well as the internet. She can interact with the world around her, but people sometimes fall through her hologram body, mistaking it for real. And that's my design deep dive !!
I hope that you all like my redesign- I am SO SO SUPER PROUD of how this one turned out!! Now that I have that free time I mentioned in my last post, I hope to do the rest of the main cast, and create a full collection of these artworks!! These redesigns bring me so much joy, and I hope that you all like them just as much. Just like Ubercorn, I have made a "Funky Fact File" version of the work, to help you all get to know Jett, with the bio including my headcanons, a little bit of canon itself, and a fun alternate layout. Thank-You for reading through this whole post !! ♡♡♡
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Post also available on Instagram ☆
Original JetPad Design (The Mothership) - (For Reference)
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edajcheel · 1 year
TW: Cheating Eels, No one is a good person, Moray eels need a warning, Yuu's perspective, ambiguous Yuu, toxic romance, female reader (Leech twins x Reader)
I suggest listening to the song while reading, great experience if I might say ♡
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Bubblegum Bitch ♡
The first time she took a step into Night Raven College, it was like seeing the embodiment of Aphrodite.
Beauty, romance, love, lust
Got a figure like a pin-up,
got a figure like a doll.
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Naturally, everyone was curious. Not to mention, a wide variety.
Her long heeled-boots would click and clack down the hallway, perfectly in rhyme. Comparable to the entrancing call of a siren, catching everyone's attention.
"Oh, goodness, shouldn't you move out the way lest you want to actually get ran over?"
The first time I saw her face to face, was when she chided Ace for blocking the way into a classroom.
"Oh— uh.. my bad! Haha..." Ace awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he gave a half-assed bow to her. It doesn't seem like she noticed when she instantly went in after Ace finally moved.
After she was gone from sight, a meager 18 feet away. Ace quickly came to me and Deuce, "Damn, so the new transfer is actually a girl!? You're telling me she was the one who threw Leona across the room at orientation two days ago?"
"Looks like it. It also seems like she's more capable than what the rumors said." Deuce let out a quick laugh, and glanced over to Ace
"Hehe, Ace was redder than a tomato I've ever seen!" Grim snickered behind my arms
"Hah? I think you were just seeing things!" inevitably Ace's ears and face became the exact same blush of red
But I couldn't help but block the sounds near me out while I stared at the entrance to Mr. Trein's classroom. The front row of seats on the right, in the middle was her, Y/n L/n. I also couldn't help but be memorized by her composure, and presence.
"Hey, you comin', Yuu?" Ace nudged me on the shoulder
"Oh yeah! Of course I will."
Oh dear diary,
I met a boy.
Who made my dull heart,
light up with joy
I was preoccupied by my journal in Alchemy class
Mr. Crewel clearly stated for us to write down the 5 steps to test if a mushroom is lethal, or not.. But I ended up drawing the two tall, and long legged men I've just seen today in the Cafeteria.
"Hehe, Shrimpy, ya'know that ain't the correct formula right?"
"Rather... b3+(8c +∆7) , would be the correct answer."
I shivered at the sudden coldness as I looked up from where the shadows on my shoulders came from.
The Moray brothers... Aka the people that almost kept my friends in captive if I hadn't intruded on their little shady business. "Uhh.. Well, thanks?"
They made me feel like an outright pitiful, and stupid person. But if it's a free answer to an unknown equation that I didn't know how to solve, especially from the Leech twins, chance is it's correct.
"If you ever feel any need to ask for anymore help in the future, we would like to recommend our house warden, Azul Ashengrotto." Jade smoothly cut in
"He's a real genius, got the answers to everything." Floyd twirled my eraser in between his fingers. A show of boredom, perhaps?
I clicked my tongue and pushed both of them away from me. "Please, you two. I've spent way more than I wanted to with both of your shenanigans."
"We were just suggesting, shrimpyy~"
"sometimes, I don't get why I like both of you.."
"What was that?" Floyd suddenly popped up real close to my face and leaned in, a mere few inches in between us
"Now, now, Floyd, you're probably making them uncomfortable."
The pumping of my heart could probably have been heard miles away as I stared into the differing orbs of both of Floyd's eyes. I opened my mouth slowly, just to close it again. I took the option to just nod in agreement to Jade.
"At last, we've wasted time enough, it's time to go back Floyd."
In the end, I was left with the exact same red, pinkish blush that Ace had once donned on his face.
I'm miss sugar pink,
liquor, liquor lips.
Hit me with your sweet love,
steal me with a kiss.
The chimes of the radio in the corner calmed me down somewhat. But, seeing.. the transfer talk to them worsened my bleeding heart.
I sipped, and sipped on my drink. I couldn't even taste the flavor, I was using it to relieve my stress and add some little comfort.
In the Mostro Lounge— where I came every Wednesday with my friends, the exception being Thursday today and also being all alone– was the transfer sitting on one of the chairs by the countertop getting all chummy with Floyd and Jade
"Oh please! Rid yourself of that thought now, haha!"
I think I want your, your American tan
Oh, oh, oh
my eyes narrowed even deeper, as I stared at her. What is she plotting?
"Hehe~ does Angelfish really think that we would let it go that easily?" Floyd giggled, as he poked her cheek playfully.
I think you're gonna be my biggest fan
"Truly, she doesn't think that now right?" Jade's long pinky finger slightly grazed hers while cleaning the countertop with the small rag.
Was it on purpose or on accident?
I sat on my bed. The pit of my stomach was full of dread, apprehension, fear. It was silent, dead silent. Exactly midnight, 0:00A.M
The only sounds that accompanied me in this dead night was Grim's grumbling snores. It provided no comfort at all, in truth, his snores completely crossed my mind
I quickly grab my neck to cease the vomit creeping up, and sprinted all the way to the restroom.
Fortunately, I made it to the restroom without doubling over and making a mess out of the floor. I crouched down in front of the toilet.
Oh dear diary,
we fell apart.
Welcome to the life of Electra Heart.
My vision became blurry, hot drops of tears fled down my eyes, falling into the toilet.
Just like back then, she ruined it again.. Why can't I ever have my happily ever after? Why does she have to steal everything from me? Why won't she just leave me alone?
I'll chew you up and, I'll spit you out.
"W-Why won't she just give it a break...?" I slam my fist down to the wooden floor board beneath me as more tears crawled down my eyes.
"...eh, Yuu..? Are you okay?"
I looked to the doorway, to find Grim in the crack of the door.
"Why can't you just let go of the past already!?" I dabbed my finger into her chest, and I made it extra forceful to give her a slight grimace.
"Unfortunately, I don't understand what you're getting at."
I was behind the school, in a dark, small confined space where not much sun hit. I thought it was the perfect place to talk to the girl in question without any interruptions.
As I stare into her eyes. It reminded me of how they looked in the past. The exact same dull color, as if she's empty. There was absolutely no shine in them, nothing that can hint at her true feelings right now.
"Oh, you know damn well what I'm getting at. Don't play dumb." I hissed.
I'm miss sugar pink.
Liquor, liquor lips
"All those times, when we were younger. Dumber. Naive. Why can't you just let go?"
She was quiet. Just like back then. Her head was lowered. Just like back then. She didn't say anything. Just like back then. It was as if she couldn't figure out her own words. Just like back then.
"You stole him away from me. You played with me like I was one of your overpriced dolls. You made me think I was your best friend, just to target me and steal the boy closest to my heart."
She rises her head, something that was unfamiliar to her back then. Her eyes told me everything. How she regrets being friends with me. How she regrets letting me take him. How she regrets everything she's done for me.
"Did you not ever think that I would take revenge?" She took one step towards me.
"You'll feel what I felt back then."
She yanked my hair and pushed me down to the ground.
Straight to number one...
I looked up, desperately, and opened my mouth to let out a call for help before a hand that grasped my neck stopped me.
"Heeeeehhh? What does Shrimpy think they're doing right now?" A similar sounding high-pitch voice echoes next to my ear, "It won't be that easy to escape, ya'know."
"Everything comes with consequences, dear Prefect." Both twins stood on each side of me, just like back at the cafeteria. But with more sinister reasons.
"N-no.. wait.. you have to be joking." It took all my strength to muster out that sentence. In disbelief, I looked up at Y/n.
"Maybe you should've considered your actions before. Oh well, I can't help you now." Y/n grinned. She looked almost insane with how her smile was growing second by second.
The most scariest thing is how different she turned out to be. The Y/n I knew wouldn't have hurt a fly. But as people grow older, they start becoming someone way more different than the person that used to play in mud, chase butterflies, play with water, and make flower crowns.
"If you think you could hurt Angelfish, and get away with it.. You're dead wrong, Shrimpy."
I'm miss sugar pink.
Liquor, liquor lips
Hit me with your sweet love,
steal me with a kiss
"P-please believe me, i-i.. didn't do anything wrong!" I slowly start crawling away from those two, those three.
As I did so, tears started bleeding out my eyes, just like what was happening to my heart right at this moment.
"Oh, but you did? I don't understand how hard it is to just accept your wrongdoings and pay it back." Jade breathes, disappointed.
"I-I-I'm sorry, I apologize... I crossed a line that wasn't mine.!"
I could barely see the growing scowls on both twins' faces with my blurry eyesight.
It seemed like they were waiting for a call.
"I don't forgive you."
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch.
"Now that we've completed our side of the contract, it is your turn to complete yours, Y/n-san." Jade turned to me.
I smile and nodded. I wiped away the small glop of blood on my cheek with my handkerchief. "Thank you, both of you."
"C'moooon, Angelfish! If you really want to thank us, fulfilling your side of the contract wouldn't be that hard." Floyd grabbed me by my arms, and used enough force to make me fall into his chest
"Yes, we do deserve a reward from all our hard work." Jade let out a deep chuckle, slowly walking towards me.
"Please, go ahead. Y/n-san."
Both twins crouched to my height, expectingly.
Smooch ♡
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Lowkey disappointed in this one.... But fuck it. I have many other chances to feed y'all better food. Y'all can get a taste of this trashy one!
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saintsofwarding · 1 year
Banner by @keltii-tea​
Chapter 26: A Lost Cause
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Heisenberg's boots slammed into stone. The impact rang through him, echoing into the snowy darkness. He heard Mia's too-fast breathing, felt her warmth against him, her arms hooked around his neck, her face pressed to his scruffy cheek.
After a beat, her arms slid free, and she stood on her own, by his side in the darkness.
Around them spread the pit. They stood on a chunk of broken fortress, red brick seared black from the force of the bomb. Past its edge rang empty air, the depths of the crater. Where they stood, moonlight illuminated well enough to see, but in those depths there was nothing, no trace of light. Just the echoes of lycan snarls, the occasional clatter of falling stones, a deep, subsonic rumble that might have been rock shifting, might have been something else.
Water rushed close by, a gout pouring from a gap between two fallen pillars. It spackled Heisenberg's face with cold mist as he strode to the edge of the platform to shine his hip flashlight down into the dark.
It yawned below, endless and absolute. Mist and fog and a kind of grimy haze unfurled around him; each inhale stung with cold, and mold, and the smell of a place long-since removed from the sun. Usually, a big pit full of garbage was Heisenberg's idea of a perfect vacation. Less so right now. Chalk that one up to circumstance.
"I guess that's where we're headed," Mia muttered.
"Guess so."
She sniffed. "In sickness and in health, right?" she said, with a hiccuping little laugh. Then, in a kind of rush- "God, I miss him."
"Everything," she pressed. "Everything about him. You know- when I first met Ethan we were just a couple dumb college kids and I..."
Her laugh softened. "I thought he was unbelievably boring."
"Heh. No kidding."
"It was at this house party I didn't even want to be at, and he was in the corner with a red solo cup, and he was dancing to the music in the straightest way possible, I mean-" She demonstrated, holding herself stiffly while she bobbed her head and tapped her thigh in time. "But I didn't know anyone, and I ended up in the corner of shame with him."
"Let me guess. Love at first sight?"
"No!" she snorted. "It took like...three more accidental meetings before he awkwardly asked me to go get coffee, and he turned the brightest shade of red I've ever seen. And it was easy from there. Being with him. It was good. It was so, so good."
Her expression was lethal, like the sun was shining on her face. Hard not to notice her beauty, now, even through the hard days of grime and bruises and exhaustion.
"It crept up on me," she said. "Love. Little by little. That's how he was. You don't think about it, and then you realize what he's done. What he's been doing, all along. What he'd do for the people he cared about."
Her brief look of joy, lost in memories, faded.
"It was the big stuff I missed most, at first," she went on. "But now...it's the little stuff, really, you know? Redfield shuttled me from safe house to safe house after you took Rose, and I thought at first it would be a relief. Nothing to remind me of them, changing scenery, all that. But it's funny how losing someone works. You don't run away from it. The world remakes itself into the shape of that person."
She lifted her face, her profile limned with the red moonlight.
"He'd play piano, sometimes," she said. "Late at night. He always said he wasn't any good. But I'd stay up and listen without him knowing. I'd listen until he was done. Every time."
"He probably knew," Heisenberg said.
A faint smile touched Mia's face as her eyes turned, slowly, to rest on him. Heisenberg felt the weight of her gaze, its soft intensity, like she'd reached up to take his face in her hands.
"How long until dawn?" she asked.
"Hour, maybe."
"Then we're burning time." She cocked her rifle, checked its sights, gave a short nod. "Into the dark."
"And let's hope it doesn't fuck us."
The first few lycans jumped them as they skidded down the scree of broken masonry on the far side of the platform. Classic lycans, hairy wolf-men with makeshift weapons. Mia's rifle spat; Heisenberg crushed a couple skulls with his hammer. His Cadou wriggled inside him, sluggish as it struggled to metabolize the suppressant drug he'd been shot with. He kept his awareness engaged, but metal didn't sing; no hum or crackle of electricity. For the time being, he'd have to do this thing without the use of his power.
Fucking touche. Miranda had given him his powers, had twisted his body into a vessel for them. Typical that now he'd have to fight her without their help. He imagined her face, coldly beautiful. Her smile of calculated triumph.
Show me what you can do now, Little Karl.
Go on. I'm waiting.
One of the lycans lunged for him; he smashed it aside with particular force, splatting it against a block of cracked stone that still bore the paintings of dolorous, long-faced saints, rendered in faded blues and reds. Lots more red, now.
He twisted as gunfire cracked over his shoulder: Mia. The next lycan crumbled apart, its head and chest blown into chunks.
"I had it covered," Heisenberg drawled, shouldering his hammer as he flicked a fragment of crystal off his lapel.
"Uh-huh." Mia scanned the darkness, rifle trained outside their circle of light; howls echoed through the fog, but nothing leaped out at them immediately. "Anything here look familiar to you?"
"Nothing looks familiar to me, sweetheart, this place got put through a meat-grinder."
"That's not what I mean." She huffed a sigh. "I saw the explosion from the chopper. It...it went off in midair, not on the ground. The megamycete had lifted itself free of the cave system. If it blew aboveground, not below, the, uh- the-"
"...Sure. The chunks would have rained down on this place. Crushed it."
And Ethan below, Heisenberg thought. Mia must have come to the same conclusion, judging by the haunted look in her eyes.
"Your point?" Heisenberg prompted.
She gave her head a little, annoyed shake. "My point is that maybe there's something intact. Down below."
She pointed further into the pit. "Part of the old fortress, part of the old ceremony site...a cave system...I don't know."
"Could be."
Mia cocked her gun. The snap rang through the fog. "Let's find out."
The haunted look was gone as soon as it had come; now, Heisenberg saw the fever light of determination fill her gaze. That determination must have been what had allowed her to survive all these years, even with Miranda's ghost rattling around in her skull.
Had she known what it was at first? Or had she chalked it up to trauma, PTSD, what the fuck ever?
Of course, she was no stranger to voices in her head. She'd survived Dulvey, too. Three years under Eveline's control, three years of fighting the horrors inflicted on her by the child she'd helped mold into a monster. You had to emerge from that unfathomably strong, or completely insane. As Heisenberg followed her down the crumbling, makeshift pathway, spiraling deeper and deeper into the darkness, he wondered if she hadn't emerged as both.
More lycans. From all directions. They hit fast, hit strong. The smell of rot thickened in the air as Heisenberg and Mia descended, and between the bursts of claws and fangs and gunfire pound, Heisenberg caught sight of the various makeshift dwellings the lycans had fashioned from bits of the village, stacked stones, animal skins, antlers and gnawed bones. Even crude ornaments, dangling from entryways, crow feathers and pebbles, vertebrae and chunks of crystal.
What god did the lycans worship? Their memory of Miranda, and the Black God? Or some eldritch thing birthed from the dregs of their hive-mind, the kind of god only a feral predator could dream up?
Eyes glimmered from caves formed from collapsed pillars; one lycan, massive and musclebound, wore scraps of what looked like scavenged Soldat Panzer exoskeleton, a walking biomechanical wonder.
What an enterprising lad. Shame he had to die.
That was a group effort- Heisenberg swept forward and with a colossal swing of his hammer, smashed the front plate of its helmet off, exposing a scarred-up face twisted with rage. Mia sprang under his arm and delivered the coup de grace in the form of a bullet to the gob. As it slumped to the side, raining in shards into the darkness below, Mia paused, breathing hard, scanning their surroundings. Heisenberg did the same, but there was nothing. More lycan dens, more broken masonry, more blocks of cracked stone wreathed in mist.
A chorus of growls and snarls, the screech of claws in stone, scrabbled somewhere behind them. Mia pushed off; Heisenberg followed her. She was in charge, now, a woman on a mission. Her head down, she ducked under a gateway formed of blocks of fallen stone and into a narrow channel beyond, a ravine formed of rubble. Lycans advanced. She sprayed an arc of bullets, her lips drawn back from her teeth. When one collapsed at her feet, wounded, still crawling toward her, she drove her boot onto its head, crushing it to the dirt.
"Come on!" she yelled at Heisenberg, a few meters behind her, and headed into the fog again. "There has to be something- we just need to keep looking!"
"Mia," Heisenberg muttered.
"Don't you dare say my name like that," Mia snapped, glancing back at him. "He would do this for me. He...he already did this for me. I have to keep looking." "I know-"
"Then keep up!"
She rounded a corner and almost ran head-first into a knot of lycans. She stumbled back; her rifle came up, muzzle flash illuminating the fog in one, two, three bursts. Crystal shattered, bone reduced to hissing pulp under the anti-mutant rounds. Mia's scream filled the air as the lycans fell, as she demolished the next wave, and the next.
They were coming, and in force; Heisenberg glanced up at the ring of glimmering green eyes, the bared fangs, the rusty metal and pieces of broken antler clutched in clawed hands. With a little shake of his shoulders, he waded in. His hammer swung through the flashes of gunfire, through Mia's howl of rage as she fought them back, on and on until the air was as thick with gore as it was with fog, a bloody mist that clung in a pinkish sheen to Heisenberg's coat and dripped down from his hat brim.
The last of the lycans crumbled apart, ribs gaping to the sky. Mia stared at it, panting, eyes white-ringed and bright. She slumped against a block of ancient brick, closing her eyes.
"Mia," Heisenberg said, approaching her. He reached out for her arm. A gash had sliced through her sweater- a lycan's claw swipe- and bled freely down the thick material.
She rounded on him with a gasp, lifting her rifle. Its barrel knocked him in the middle of the chest; he didn't flinch.
"Do you understand?" Mia said. "I have to keep looking."
"I know."
"He...he's dead because...because I didn't tell him, because I...lured him there..." Her rifle barrel dipped. She shook her head back and forth, glazed and manic. "If...if I hadn't, he would still be alive. He would still be-"
"Eveline did that. Right? Not you."
A sob choked her. "You don't get it. It doesn't matter." She shoved back from him, stumbling through the rubble. "It doesn't matter. I-"
She drew a short breath. "I..."
She blinked.
"You what?" Heisenberg said.
"I recognize that," Mia said, staring over his shoulder.
Heisenberg turned. It reared through the devastation: part of a gateway, attached to a short, broken flight of steps. Heavy, blocky, chiseled from red-brown rock. The same bedrock the village had been built atop; the same stone he'd stared at for countless hours while Miranda indoctrinated him, or sliced into him, or rummaged around in his insides, trying to perfect him. He remembered the flicker of flame-shadows off its surface, the play of flashlight beams on its distant walls.
"Shit," Mia breathed.
She moved past Heisenberg and toward the gateway. It listed to one side, half-sunk into the earth, but it was still connected to something. Mia vaulted onto the steps and climbed up, pulling herself onto the lip of the gateway and balancing atop it to peer inside. Heisenberg followed, setting the head of his hammer against the frame, staring in after her.
A narrow cleft of darkness breathed frigid air across them.
"This was the entrance to the lab," Mia murmured. "I remember from when she brought me here. I remember thinking...it looked beautiful. Like an ancient temple. Something from a dream..."
"Yeah, well, bet she broke you of that opinion real fuckin' fast."
Mia sniffed, scrubbing her bloodied palm over her face. Heisenberg could hear her heartbeat, fast as a hare in a trap's. He knew what she was thinking, as much as if they shared a hive mind themselves. Miranda's lab had been built right below the ceremony site. The caves, too. The hallowed cathedral in the earth, the inner sanctum of the Black God.
Ethan had died right above the caves, and if they were still, in some way, intact, and the whole place had fallen in...
Mia was silent. No big surprise. Few words sufficed when staring down at the tomb of a loved one.
Heisenberg glanced at her.
"You gonna stand there all night?" he said.
She gave a small shudder, as if bracing herself, then shook her head. "No." And without another pause, she stepped over the edge and dropped into the darkness below.
Heisenberg was right behind her, clambering down the three-meter incline and into the passageway beyond. The cavern stretched beyond, a hallway chiseled of that same bedrock stone, torch brackets set into the walls, the floor scattered with chips of stone and a decade's worth of dust. Great cracks seamed the walls, but the place was intact, relatively speaking, the entire hallway tilted downward at a sharp angle.
In the explosion the entire cavern system must have just fallen into the earth, the tons of rock above it burying, yet also preserving, it. Like a mausoleum. As Heisenberg took a deep breath of the still, damp air, he smelled a familiar trace of incense, rich spices and musk winding its way deep into his skull, illuminating the century of memories locked within.
How many times had he walked this hallway? How many times had he strode between enshrined saints, hammer dripping with their devotees' blood? A traitor in their midst, an impostor saint, a false prophet's mongrel. They stared down at him now, statues of long-dead holy men anointed with dust, with the crystallized remains of their dead god.
He thought of Ouroboros' files on him, the rote, dry facts of his unnatural life that Mia had offered to him, and that he had refused. If the devout were right, these saints had seen those years, too, had whispered the litany of his life to the Black God itself, so it might dream of him forever. Did they remember him now, all the things he'd done, who he truly was, even if he didn't?
Didn't matter. Fuck them. Their god had demanded death, and if Heisenberg knew one thing, it was that everyone got what was coming round to them.
Mia's breathing quickened as the caves sloped down, and down, as they climbed over a stream gushing from a crack in the cave wall, as her boots crunched on broken glass, and crystal, and the remnants of a shattered gilt icon.
And when Heisenberg's flashlight beam struck the bolt-studded wood of a door, her gasp was painful, a blade-edge rasp on the edge of a sob.
It was warped in the broken frame, but as Heisenberg and Mia alike set their weight against it, it juddered open, spilling a cloud of dust and light into the broken space beyond.
Miranda's lab, Heisenberg thought.
The remains of her lab, anyway, the vaulted chambers where she'd conducted her personal experiments well-away from the eyes of the villagers. Couldn't have them believing she was capable of anything less than sorcery, after all. A column of ruddy moonlight filtered down from a rift in the cavern roof somewhere high above, filling the ruins with a bloody pall. A shelf of shattered specimen jars, each filled with a lump of crystal that had once been a Cadou, leaned drunkenly against a collapsed heap of brick wall. Shreds of decomposed papers and files were scattered like leaves; Heisenberg scuffed aside a damp-spotted photograph of Moreau without his overcoat. Crushed tables, and broken glass, and cell bars bent and warped from the bomb's heat. Everywhere, calcified roots burst from walls and floor, crushing the lab into a nearly-unrecognizable mess.
Above all loomed the broken remains of a statue. One of the Four Kings that had once ringed the ceremony site. His melancholy face was blackened on one side, a point of his crown snapped off at the root.
This was the ceremony site, Heisenberg realized, collapsed inward, crushed into this cavern space. He sent his awareness, all his enhanced senses, into the darkness. Searching for a trace, a flicker of hibernating essence, of a mutant in stasis.
"Ethan?" Mia called. She pushed forward, stumbling over the calcified roots. "Ethan? Are you there?"
She bent and began to dig through the rubble with her bare hands. Stone clattered; dust billowed, thick and choking. "He's...he's got to be here...could he have regenerated? Like the others? Ethan!"
Her voice rang over the distant rush of water, the sound of crumbling stone, echoing from deeper inside the ruins. Heisenberg picked his way after her as she dug her way on, as she clawed at the broken masonry, her eyes wild, her entire body shaking.
"I know he's here," she said. "Heisenberg, you've got to...you've..." She took a sharp breath, jagged and choked. "He'll be so glad to see you. You saved Rose, after all- you're gonna..."
She cut off as she bent to drag aside a slab of flagstone floor. "We're all going to be a family again. Just like I planned. You'll see. You'll see..."
She trailed off. The echoes of her voice rang away and away, fading into dusty silence. Heisenberg caught up to her, watching the back of her head, the rise and fall of her shoulders.
Before her, the column of moonlight glimmered off milky crystal.
Ethan's body lay at her feet.
He was broken. One arm missing, shattered off at the shoulder. His face had cracked down the middle, his single remaining eye closed. He knelt there, head lowered, his body half-buried, his hand clasped to his heart.
The crystal there had warped in strange, intricate patterns. In this light, they almost looked like roses.
Mia made a small sound. She edged forward, one step, another.
"Is he..." she whispered. "Is...is there..."
"No, Mia," Heisenberg said. Weary, weary. "There's...nothing. Nothing left. He's gone."
She reached out with a trembling hand. "It's okay, baby." She smoothed it over his cheek, thumb tracing his lips. "It's okay. I found you, didn't I?"
All at once, she fell to her knees, holding his face, holding him. Her shoulders curled in; she shook under the weight of her tears. Terrible, wracking, like they'd been torn from deep inside her. She buried her face in the broken crook of Ethan's neck and sobbed, her hands in white-knuckled fists, clinging onto his body as if that would prove enough to bring him back.
Mia's sobs wound down into silence, and the hush crept in. Still she held him. Heisenberg leaned on his hammer, eyes lowered, watching the dust dance in the moonlight.
Saints and gods, sacred words whispered in the dark. There was nothing holy here anymore. Nothing sacred. All of it had died with Ethan, with his last kiss pressed to little Rose's head. All of it was gone with him.
At last, Mia let Ethan's body go. She crawled away, into a corner of the rubble, where she sat, slumped over her knees, staring into nothingness.
"I think part of me always knew," she said after a while. "All this time. All these wasted years." She gave her head a little shake. "I was so stupid to think I could save him. To think I could make this all better, make all this go away. I already got my chance for that."
Heisenberg made himself speak. "Yeah, you did."
She closed her eyes, bowing her head.
"Doesn't mean he loved you any less." Heisenberg approached her. "Doesn't mean you get to give up now."
She laughed, emotionless. "Too late."
"No. No." He swooped to one knee at her side, grabbing her face in his hand. He turned her head, away from Ethan's body, toward him. "No, Mia. You don't get to. Because if you do then so do I. You understand?"
He gave her a shake. He felt her tremble under his glove, her face so close to his he could see the tears clinging to her lashes, the blood spackling her mouth.
"You don't give up, Mia," he said. He ran his thumb over her lips, taking the bloodstains with it. "I'm not gonna let you."
Slowly, he released her face. His fingertips left red welts against her skin. "We might have failed Ethan," he said. "But Rose is still out there. And we. Won't. Fail. Her."
She blinked. A flutter of lashes. Then something seemed to leave her. Mia's head slumped forward, against his chest, one hand curling into his shirt, pulling herself closer, against him. The other brushed the scar crossing his throat, the scruff at his jaw, a lock of dirty gray hair.
Heisenberg hesitated. She was so warm against him. He felt the pressure of her breathing on his skin. The gentle pulse of her heartbeat.
Another long moment of silence, of dust and ruin around them. Just two horrible people, kneeling together in the dark.
Then he lifted his hand and ran it, slowly, over her hair. It was just as filthy as his. Something kind of sweet about that.
"I think I already failed her enough," Mia murmured, as he stroked her head. "Ethan...Ethan would want me to live. To keep fighting."
"Yeah, probably."
"Are you gonna be any more comforting than that?"
"Sweetheart. We've spent the past few days in each other's fine company. Surely you know better by now."
"Right, right, fine."
"Besides. We still have enemies, even once the other Lords deal with Ouroboros," Heisenberg went on. A snarl entered his voice. "Don't you want the chance to destroy that bitch Miranda for good after what she did to you?"
"You're such a bad influence," Mia told him. "Ruining all my aspirations toward achieving a moral high ground."
"Cool your jets, Winters. You managed that all by yourself." He pressed his forehead to hers for a moment, then pulled her to her feet. "Any bright ideas on how we can deal with that big, bad artillery unit topside?"
A dark light entered Mia's eyes. "I'm sure I can think of something."
She pulled from his hands and went to Ethan's remains, kneeling once again at his side. The moonlight filled its facets, made it seem to glow softly from within. Mia brushed her hand over his crystallized hair, as if to straighten it. She clasped his hand, stroking her thumb over the ridge of his knuckles.
"Goodbye, my love," she whispered to him, and leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I promise I'll come back for you."
Another burst of flames lit the sky as Heisenberg and Mia emerged from the crater depths. Even down here, the air smelled like ashes, cutting over even the overwhelming reek of lycan and rotting flesh.
"What's your power situation?" Mia asked.
Heisenberg splayed a hand, then shrugged, the movement accentuated by the hammer propped on his shoulder. "Still suffering from projectile dysfunction."
"Of course you are. Ugh..." She was checking over her weapons, taking stock. "Shit. I'm almost out of ammo."
"Then make what you've got count."
She glanced up at him. Her eyes were red-rimmed, dark circles so pronounced her face had a faintly cadaverous appearance, a new sharpness. Something inside her had set, and hardened. He heard it in her voice, too. "If I can get to that lab with the lycans, there's gonna be an antidote. It should get your Cadou metabolizing fast enough to work through the suppressant."
"Uh-huh." He'd barely heard her after she said the words lab with the lycans. "Now there's an idea."
"I'm almost afraid to ask."
"Are you, though?" He grinned at her. "I'll explain on the climb up."
Another artillery shot blasted the skies as they reached the lip of the crater, Mia sporting a couple new scratches courtesy of the lycans. If she was in pain, she didn't show it. She scrambled to a rock shelf behind a copse of trees and crouched down, rifle at the ready like some kind of black ops guy from one of the shitty action movies Heisenberg had binged with Rose.
He ambled behind her, squinting over his glasses at the camp. With Regan and company gone, the amount of soldiers was cut down significantly. Still, he could see the black-armored figures ringing the artillery, moving in and out of the prefabs, keeping the lycans back from the fence as, above, the Rose monster dived and strafed through the clouds, the pressure of its wingbeats driving spikes of pain through his head.
Well, fuck me, he thought, a little impressed despite himself. Somehow, the artillery fire was keeping her back.
And maybe something else was, too.
Keep fighting, kid. I'm coming for you. I told you I would, didn't I?
Still, Ouroboros knew what they were doing when it came to holding off giant flying bioweapons. And he had little doubt Regan had left orders to shoot them both in the head if they showed their faces in camp without Ethan in tow. And he wasn't about to suggest Mia bring his corpse back up to use as protective coloration.
Well. He might have. Her face if he did would be something to behold. But right now, it would only waste time.
"There," Mia whispered, pointing. One of the lycans had wriggled partway through a gnawed gap in the fence; a bullet drove it back, and it hightailed, but the loose scrap of fence lingered. "Through there, and to the lab."
"After you."
Mia gave herself a little nod- then darted. She streaked through the shadows, little more than a flicker of movement, a scatter of snow, ducking and rolling through the fence before the artillery unit's searchlight swept the area. Heisenberg shook his head in approval and followed, somewhat less gracefully, shoving his shoulders through the fence and into the camp in a clatter of metal. Fuck this, he thought, grinding his teeth. The second he got his powers back, he was taking this whole goddamn camp and crushing it like a car compacter.
Pressing into the shadows cast by an old house, he and Mia watched the flurry of movement in camp. Soldiers trooped by; a temporary munitions stand had been set up alongside the Maiden of War, gunmetal and carbon-fiber at odds with the crystal growths and painted wood surrounding them. The heat from the artillery unit shimmered in the air, melting the snow into a glassy sheen over the ground below.
Heisenberg eyed the artillery, assessing it with a flick of his eyes. Simple enough. A lot like the ones he'd spent decades playing with back at his factory, mounting them on anything stout enough to hold them purely for the fun of seeing how the vehicle in question held up under fire. Pop a couple wires here and there, and the whole weapon would be dead in the water.
First things first. He jerked his head toward the lab with brows raised.
"Hang on," Mia whispered. She stared toward the group of Moreau-aficionados still huddled on one side of the square. They had all joined hands and were singing in old-tongue, some ancient prayer to the Black God for protection. "We need to get them out."
"Yes!" she hissed. "Moral high ground, remember? Shut up and follow me."
They ducked through the ruined house itself and came up behind the prisoners. A punch from Heisenberg launched their guard straight into unconsciousness; he yanked him backward into the house, leaving him in a heap on the kitchen floor.
The girl with the shaved head gasped as Mia shook her shoulder, then blinked, her pale eyes widening so far they looked as if a good slap might knock them right out of her head.
She flung herself to her hands and knees as best she could in her shackles. "Lord Heisen-"
"Shut it," Heisenberg growled. "And listen."
"We're gonna get you out of here. This place is about to turn into a shitshow," Mia said. "You need to get as far away as you can before-"
"-Before I release all the lycans in that lab over there on the poor, unsuspecting fools you see before you," Heisenberg cut in.
The girl's mouth opened in a perfect O. "The lycans?" she echoed.
"That's what I said. Now how do these cuffs-"
The girl babbled over him. "Lord...Lord Moreau prophesied this. He in his infinite wisdom...he saw that this day would pass, that there would come a time when I, and his other loyal followers, would need to walk through the ranks of the monster wolves themselves, and emerge unscathed from the other side!"
She launched into rummaging through the mess of amulets and charms she wore slung about her neck, her skinny fingers trembling. At last she came up with a phial attached to a long piece of cord. It was made of old, yellowed glass, sealed with a gob of wax. Inside swirled a thick black substance.
"This holy relic will protect us against the lycans," the girl said.
"What is that?" Mia squinted at the stuff.
But Heisenberg grinned, with as many teeth as a lycan itself.
"It's spores," he said. "From the Black God. Take too long to get into the science, but this shit's what the megamycete seeded its hosts with to maintain control, stop them from slaughtering one another. Anything with this stuff on them will read as one of the lycans. They'll smell it on us and ignore us."
He chuckled. "Well, well. Moreau, you clever bastard. There's hope for you yet."
"It won't last long, so you must hurry," the girl said. She had already popped the wax and was busy smearing the other cultists with the black spores.
"Nag, nag, nag, buttercup," Heisenberg said. The girl pressed the vial into his hand, holding on for a moment. He tugged his hand away before she might start kissing it or whatever. "Get ready to run along to the reservoir. Your- uh, Lord Moreau's down there."
Elation lit the girl's eyes. "Black God bless you, Lord Heisenberg."
He didn't bother pointing out the Black God would probably rather eat him than bless him. He rubbed a streak of spores on his wrist, then did the same for Mia.
The monster strafed by; it swept through the clouds, the backdraft from its wings blasting through the camp. The timbre of its roars had changed- they now were an enraged, thunderous bellow, each strafe growing lower, lower, shaking the ground like the aftershocks of an earthquake.
Was Miranda winning?
Hang on, Rose.
Shouts filled the air as Heisenberg and Mia burst from the ruined house, Mia peppering the snow with suppressing fire, keeping back the few soldiers who weren't focused on the black-feathered monstrosity circling ever-closer. One of its tentacles lashed down, tearing a gash from the roof of a dilapidated house, then furling back into the clouds. Heisenberg's hammer cracked skulls, shattered firing hands, sent the door guard sprawling aside as they ducked into the lab.
The sterile air hit him like a punch to the teeth, light burning his eyes. The researchers within all sprang to their feet, scrabbling for the peashooters at their belts. Mia stuck her rifle under the first guy's chin.
"Get out of here," she growled.
The gun would have been enough, Heisenberg figured. But Mia's whole look- ragged and bruised and splattered with lycan gore- sure as hell didn't hurt. The scientists scattered. Mia pushed a rolling chair aside and tapped at a computer, its pale light illuminating the lines on her face. Behind them, the rows of lycans clawed at their cages, desperate to get out.
"You got the accelerant?" Heisenberg said.
Her eyes flickered back and forth. "I...I don't see it-"
Shouts echoed outside the lab. Heisenberg leaned alongside Mia. "Come on, it's gotta be there somewhere-"
Gunfire pounded the air. Heisenberg ducked over Mia, bringing them both down against the console as the air filled with sparks and the rattle of bullets against metal; the lab door hung crooked, half-torn-away by gunfire. They were coming in.
Heisenberg saw it, now. There was no time. They'd run out of options.
All except one.
Fuck it, he decided. "Mia."
"Release the lycans. Then get to the big gun."
"I'm going after Rose. Fend her off with the artillery so I can draw her away."
"Without your power?"
"I don't need my power for this. I know Rose. And Miranda." He pressed his finger to his temple. "I can fuck with her head just like she fucked with mine. Now you get your ass out the door and into that gun or we're all screwed."
She rounded on him, the small of her back pressed to the console. For a moment he thought she would protest. For a moment he thought she'd try to stop him, spare him, like she'd fought so hard to spare Ethan. Her face was hard, the look in her eyes bright enough to burn him alive.
He heard the hiss of her breathing through her parted lips, made out the tremble of her lashes as her eyes held his.
Slowly, Mia slipped his glasses off his nose. She lifted her face, her knuckles to his chest as she gripped his shirt in both hands, as she pulled him down, as her mouth canted, desperate, devastating, to his.
A hesitation-
A brush of her mouth, a lilt of her lips over his-
And then she was kissing him, and her fingers were tangled in his hair; his hands found Mia's face, her waist, the soft press of her hips into his. Her lips were chapped, were bitter with blood. For a moment he was lost, adrift, nothing in the world but the feeling of her mouth on his, of her grip on him, her knuckles pressed hard to his chest, just over his living, beating heart.
Her face fell from his, her mouth from his, her face brushing his cheek with a rasp of scruff to skin. The cold twined between them again. Heisenberg's heart pounded, his Cadou pulsing in time; pressed to him the way she was, Mia probably felt that as much as she felt everything else. He didn't care. He traced her cheek with his thumb, not wanting to pull away, not wanting to let her go.
"We can still cut and run," he murmured. He cocked an eyebrow. "Last chance."
Mia snorted. She nudged her forehead to his, kissed the delicate skin just under his jaw. All too soon, she pulled back.
"Go," she told him. She returned his shades to his face. "Find Rose. Get her back."
She stood from him, gripping the cage control on the console- a big, red handle surrounded by warning signs. "For Ethan."
Heisenberg gave her a single nod, his hat brim dipping. "See you around," he said. "Winters."
Her small returning smile would stick with him a long, long time. "You, too," she told him. "Karl."
He swung his hammer back onto his shoulder with a clang.
Mia turned the handle.
With the screech of hinges, every cage in the lab swung open at once. The lycans lunged out, a seething tide of matted gray hair and savage, starving eyes, claws and twisted muscle and teeth asnarl. Moreau's spores did the trick- none of them paid any attention to Heisenberg or Mia. As the creatures leaped for the exits, tearing great holes in the prefab walls with tooth and nail, as they hit the Ouroboros soldiers outside hard and fast as a lightning strike, Heisenberg strode out after them, rummaging in his coat for a cigar.
Just like old times, he thought. Practically nostalgic.
By the time he ducked back into the camp, it was in chaos. Gunfire lit the skies, muffled under screams, snarls, feral howls as the lycans clambered atop buildings and vehicles, as they took down commandos three to one. A couple of the beasts tore through the fence, collapsing it under their weight. More lycans surged in from outside, tangling and tumbling over one another in their greed to get in at the fresh meat.
The screams began to die, began to be replaced with the sound of tearing flesh, of bones snapping and crackling from their joints.
Heisenberg lit the cigar with what appeared to be the last of his matches as he left the camp, as he ascended the rise beyond. If he was gonna die today, might as well do so feeling like himself. The cigar tasted a little stale, a little moldy, but it was better than nothing.
Besides. A good Cuban was a good Cuban, and- even better- it looked like it was gonna be a nice morning.
At the edge of the horizon, past the mountains, a faint trace of gold lit the blizzard. Dawn. It illuminated the monster, illuminated the impossible span of its eight wings, the rain of mold sheeting down from them as the artillery fire ceased- gunner dead or tossed out on their ass, courtesy of Mia. As the monster wheeled round, coming back in his direction.
Heisenberg took a deep drag off his cigar, let the smoke twine through his lungs- one last time, heh- then flicked it to the snow and crushed it under his boot.
He lifted his arms to the monster.
"Miranda!" he yelled. "Remember me?"
And in a rush of darkness, the beast that was Miranda, that was Rose, fell from the skies, wings spread, talons open and aimed straight for him.
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revolvingfanatic · 8 months
HIIIII okay so I’ve recently found your fanfics a Puss in boots, and I’ve officially become obsessed just the way you write the characters and the Settings that they are in are so good and like the way you enter angst is so good. The one thing I do wanna see though no hate your literally amazing is maybe Puss in the wrong I like dynamic where death realizes he’s wrong for his past action reflects because that is so strong and I love that we love a good redemption, but I would also like to see Puss maybe Being a little too mean or biased, or assuming not out of being mean or wrong, but out of like trauma, his past experiences with dad, have now shaped his choices towards him, and he realizes how much it’s affecting the way he treats him I don’t know I’m just babbling at this point but anyways much love and support. Please keep fighting writing,living and much love.
Bumbleb33_s - my a03 name
Hi! First off, thank you so much! It fills my heart with joy to hear someone enjoy my work so much 💖 And honestly that’s a route I’ve purposefully avoided going with my fics because I like Puss so much and he did nothing to deserve all the traumatic stuff Death put him through, BUT, that being said, I did actually recently come up with an idea that would fit in with Puss being meaner to him than he deserves now that you bring it up. I doubt I’ll end up actually writing it out since I don’t have the time, but the basic idea is that the reason Death did what he did was because he knew Puss would die if he didn’t step in.
Like, I found out that Death only popped up at times that Puss could very well die (except probably the cave), like when Puss is drinking at the bar after the talk with Dr. Mendez (he could well have drunk himself to death with that “heaviest cream”), when he’s leaving Jack Horner’s with the map and flaming arrows are being shot at him, the battle where Jack is shooting unicorn horns, and the final battle. And maybe he knew the only way to get Puss to truly value his final life instead of relying on more and eventually tearing through those as well, was to teach him what true fear felt like, and challenge him the way he did.
BUT, since Death isn’t actually allowed to interfere to extend lives (going purely by the rules of this fic), and this would fall under that umbrella, he couldn’t make it seems like that was his goal, instead acting like he was insulted and wanted to just torment Puss before killing him out of spite.
THEN he needs Puss’ help with something really important, otherwise bad stuff would happen to a lot of people (like a continent getting destroyed or something, idk, lol), and Puss only agrees after Death signs a pact that he won't hurt Puss or his friends. Now, since Puss isn’t afraid that Death will kill him at the drop of a hat, he feels a lot more free to say whatever he wants, which is usually some kind of jab at Death’s character (like “I’ll handle this one and nicely ask for directions, because I believe that were it up to you you’d probably threaten them at sickle point, since that seems to be how you solve your problems.”, “Yes, we could actually try to win the challenge, but why do that when you can just unfairly overpower them with your godly powers like you did with me?”, “Stand back, you’ll just give them nightmares with nothing more than your stunning personality.” etc) as a way to get back at his tormentor.
Death can’t defend his actions though, as he can’t let Puss know the truth. That he actually really admired and respected Puss (and still does), which is why he stuck his neck out in the first place. And also Death is a nice person in general, and basically just played the part of an evil jerk when dealing with Puss before. So he just takes it.
BUT THEN Puss notices how Death acts throughout their quest/journey (especially when he thinks Puss isn’t looking/paying attention). That he’s actually kind, considerate, and cares about others’ feelings (even something like a bug, helping it by flipping it over when it’s stuck on it’s back, and putting a baby bird back in its nest that got tipped, etc), and tries to figure out how that made any sense at all, considering what he put Puss through just a few weeks prior.
Eventually he does figure it out though (maybe right after the end of the adventure, when everything is resolved), putting Death’s actions through the lens of what seems to be his actual personality and moral compass. When confronting Death about it, Death urges him to stop, to not say what he’s thinking, but he can’t actually stop Puss, and when the words are out in the open Death gets in trouble with the higher powers.
Not wanting Death to be punished for what he did to him, since he now knew why he did it, Puss maybe goes through some trials to get an audience with said higher powers, and works his charms to get Death off the hook. Then they become friends or fall in love or something, the end~
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
Angie, my love. If I can request an Ashton piece where he sees the reader for the first time in years and all the feelings he once felt come back at him like a truck… please?
My lovely lovely Sunny 🌻 A little bit of angst, a little bit of feelings. Hope this will make you happy (or cry, whichever you need!) A journey through Ashton’s feelings, as you asked. ❤️
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist? | Christmas Blurb Fest 2022
I loved you once. [a reunion kinda blurb with Ashton]
warnings: a look back on a past relationship. angst mostly, with a lot of feelings.
word count: 1411
He loved her once.
Ashton couldn’t believe his eyes when he spotted her. It’s been like what, two years? Maybe even three. He couldn’t remember, there was so much going on in his life that it was almost impossible to recall the last time he had seen her. But she was there, real and so beautiful that it made Ashton’s heart beat faster and his stomach suddenly filled with butterflies.
He didn’t know why it happened, why today? He’s been visiting this specific coffee shop for a long time now – you could say he was one of the regulars, someone all the baristas knew and loved. But Ashton hasn’t seen her here before. Maybe their paths just never crossed. Maybe this was the first time she came here. Maybe she saw him in the shop before and didn’t want to bother him.
What Ashton knew was that the beautiful girl, his past lover, was now standing in the same coffee shop as him, only a few people between them in line. She was blissfully unaware of his presence, and Ashton couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
He loved her once.
It was like all his past feelings came back to him suddenly, like lightning struck him while the sky was clear and blue, shaking him to the core. It felt like that very first time he met her, both of them attending the same house party, and none of them wanting to be there, seeking peace and quiet in the backyard. Ashton found her sitting at the edge of the swimming pool, legs dangling into the water and when she looked at him he swore he had never seen anyone as beautiful as her.
He kicked off his boots, and not caring that the legs of his jeans were getting soaked he joined her, mesmerized by her smile and the colour of her eyes. People always told him he has beautiful eyes, but clearly they haven’t seen hers yet – if they did, they wouldn’t say such foolish things. They got so lost in conversation that Calum literally needed to drag Ashton home because they had a thing early in the morning, but not before exchanging numbers and promising to go on a friendly date once they were both free.
He loved her once.
Their so-called friends date ended with kisses shared in Ashton’s car in front of her building, none of them really wanting to let go of the other, and asking for just 5 more minutes before they needed to part. Ashton’s hair was tousled and his lips kiss-swollen, while the girl was giggling, hiding her warm cheeks in his neck as they tried to say their goodbyes in front of the door, pulling back the other at the very last moment.
That night Ashton couldn’t sleep, but he didn’t mind it, not at all. He was staring at the ceiling, a smile plastered on his face as he recalled their date, the things they talked about, the food they shared, the pictures they have taken and the way her kisses lingered on his lips, making him act like a kid who was falling in love for the first time. And maybe he was.
He loved her once.
It felt like a dream come true, like she was the missing puzzle piece in his life that suddenly fell into place. Ashton couldn’t wait to see her again, to go on more adventures, to experience the beauty of a new relationship that could turn into something long-lasting, a domestic bliss he craved deep inside. His friends said he changed for the better, he looked happier and healthier, and it was a joy spending time with him.
She made him laugh at midnight, both lying on the floor and listening to music, not a care in the world. He slept in in the mornings because he had her soft body curled against his side, breath feather-light on his skin. She taught him how to bake, and he showed her how to play the drums. He made her look at the stars with him, making wishes and trying to count them, and she dragged him to the beach before sunrise to watch it together, cuddled under a blanket and drinking coffee they brought from home.
Maybe this was what life was really supposed to be about – the simple beauties of the world, shared with someone you care about. Someone you love.
He loved her once.
Ashton was lost in thoughts and memories, heart thumping against his chest as their past played like a movie in his mind: the very first time he felt her skin against his own, the touch of her fingertips on his sides, how soft and real she felt in his embrace as they made love. The day they first introduced themselves as a couple to their friends, that first video call to his mother when she officially met with the girl after Ashton’s been gushing about her for weeks. He remembered the time they took a trip to the cabin in the woods, their first shared concert and her first 5SOS show where she was standing right next to the stage, looking at Ashton all through the night.
Every little thing they shared together convinced Ashton more and more that he found the love of his life, his soulmate, his one and only for the rest of eternity. Whenever he looked at the girl he felt like he could burst from all the feelings whirling inside his heart, and yet, he never felt so calm and sure about anything.
He knew he wanted to marry her. And he was sure the feeling was mutual.
He loved her once.
Their whirlwind romance ended only eight months after they met at the house party. Or maybe it was ten, Ashton wasn’t sure anymore. If he wanted to be honest, he couldn’t really recall how and what ended their relationship. The only thing he knew was that one day they stopped calling each other, the days stretching long and into weeks, later months. Eight months of knowing each other turned to ten, and during the last two they did not talk to each other, so really, he didn’t know when they really ended all of it.
Ashton still remembered the business trip she went on which soon turned into a disaster when she needed to change plans and go back home to deal with an unexpected tragedy. She told him she needed a little bit of time to sort everything out, and he understood it, of course he did – he wanted to be with her and help her any way he could, but his own responsibilities were looming over his head and he couldn’t make the trip to see his girlfriend. They started missing each other’s calls. The texts they sent went unanswered.
Slowly, but surely they disappeared from each other’s lives, like they were strangers who took the same bus only for a few stops, not knowing when the other got off and disappeared forever. Ashton never let anyone see the pieces of his broken heart – how could he, when they were so tiny they looked like glass dust, with no way of putting them back together?
He loved her once.
And yet, after all this time, as she was standing in line in front of him, Ashton felt like a warm hand slid inside his chest, collecting the crystalized dust and shaping it into a new heart, cradling it softly and carefully. Ashton knew that he loved her once – and he wasn’t sure. Maybe he still loved her.
It happened in a blink of an eye; she turned away from the counter, their gazes meeting in the middle of the busy coffee shop, and Ashton swore her eyes were still the most beautiful in the entire world. And Ashton knew then and there: he definitely still loved her.
The girl gave him a tentative smile, a little wave of her hand, and Ashton did the same, mouthing how good it was to see her again. She tried to hide her chuckle, then nodded at the far end of the shop, settling down to a table, an empty seat right across from her. For the first time in a long while Ashton felt like the butterflies left his stomach, and settled inside of his heart.
He loved her once. He loved her now. And maybe she loved him back too.
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj
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shirtlessradfahrer · 3 months
warning cringe venting/rambling about stress and trip planning and hair under the cut
I had a total breakdown after work yesterday
like...dry heaving sobbing into my knees on the floor kind of breakdown
not about the hair…ok yes it was about the hair but not entirely, I've been stressed about a lot of things and the hair change was just what finally set the emotional bomb off
I've had a crapload of anxiety about my trip for weeks (which looking back now I've definitely been suppressing too much, and that was a mistake) bc it's my first time flying/traveling alone, and overseas to boot
Thinking about stuff like, will I forget some crucial papers/tickets/passwords etc and be unable to do fun stuff, will I have a panic attack on the flights despite my meds, will I have some freak accident and end up in hospital over there, will my cat still like me when I get back, will I fit in with enough of his other fans. Will i come back the same person or changed for the better, or for the worse...they all scare me equally.
And I worked my fucking ass off in order to be able to afford everything I'm going to do without going into a ton of debt. Which really did a fucking number on me mentally.....but for almost a year I've told myself it would all be worth it, bc I'd be overwhelmed with joy when I *finally* see that beautiful bowlcut boy in front of me, just as I was filled with joy when I first saw him peeking out of that box
I planned my trip under the loose assumption that the album would be out (or almost out) by this point and I'd be able to celebrate that with people. I got even more excited for this after Böle bc I figured that was the template for everything going forward, and I loved everything I saw-I loved the staging, I loved the new songs, I loved his outfit, I loved the almost bird-esque styling he was doing with the front of the bowlcut
But now....I don't know what the actual fuck he's doing.
I'll be on the (first) plane in a little less than 48 hours and I just feel like the universe is playing some sick joke on me - in less than a week he's gone from someone I would abandon feminism for (I joke) to Some Guy I would be actively avoiding at public events (based on a few unfortunate past experiences with individuals who resembled this, not entirely a joke). Not his fault, I know, and nothing to do with his actual personality of course, which I’m *well aware* is lovely. But that's my reality 🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s incredibly jarring and not in a good way, and sure as hell not at a good time
And as I said it’s not just about the hair, I feel sick thinking about how much time and money and effort I've put into planning things - esp. gig outfits which I was basing off of the purple/green suit.....and I don't even know if there was any point to that now, bc is he even going to wear it? Again, not specifically *his* fault. But I’m miffed, to say the least.
It feels so incredibly rare these days that I can share a deeply passionate long-term interest with others. I feel like this whole...thing has been a perfect example of how much I struggle with FOMO....with feeling like I'm always left behind. And even when I try my hardest to catch up I can never quite make it before people have moved on to something different.
I know my reaction seems way over-dramatic to some but I just gently ask that you imagine how I feel watching countless people essentially drop by Finland on their free weekends or time off to see him once, or twice, or three times, or five times, or twenty freaking times over the past year, while I’ve had to move heaven and earth for the chance to see him even once (and I'm not trying to generalize, I know for various reasons a lot of you have also been unable to see him still, and I really hope that changes soon <3 especially if you *do* like this look)
The point is that I just wanted to experience the “classic” Kä ONCE! I didn't even plan on going to multiple shows until it became a thing for Summer Camp!! Just ONCE! He could copy the Daltons and go bald after that for all I care!!
He's 100% allowed to style himself however he wants - if I weren't in the *very particular situation* I'm in I'm sure I would be more open to the change although I still hate this particular shade of blonde and think there are much better options but whatever.But I’m allowed to be disappointed when I’ve spent literal thousands of dollars-and will be spending more-to make seeing him a reality. I've had so much bad luck and bad timing already this year and this just took the freaking cake. And again that's not *his* fault, I know. But fuck, am I sad. I just wanted something, anything to go according to plan for me this year.
I know I'll still have a great time - I'm excited to meet and hang out with everyone, and I'm excited to do touristy things and I’m still excited for all the great music I’m going to hear. I'm just venting now bc I don't want to be such a downer when I meet everyone in person.
....now watch me completely clown myself if this really is just for Traffic and he goes back to black in a couple weeks - and I will so very happily wear that clown suit lmao, you can all buy me one if you find one
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ground rules: default safeword is 'safeword' or stoplight colors 'red' or 'yellow light', or if i need to communicate something but don't feel the need to stop the scene entirely, i'll use parentheses to (talk like this) sometimes
(updated sept 2024) i'm a switch, age early 30s, central US time zone, nonbinary they/them trans & bi. gender neutral terms usually preferred, or androgynous-masc, or ask. i love interaction; anons, asks, reblogs, and replies are all good! dms not so much, the msg system doesn't like me, and i prefer keeping things semi-public here until i know someone better. introduce yourself & share your limits too, especially titles and pet names. i fucking love those
i have an omo server on discord called the cuddle puddle. main rules: 18+ obviously, no age regre/ssion kinks, no ince/st kinks, no abuse kinks, no 'momm/y' or 'dadd/y' titles or roleplay, no sexualizing littles or fictional kids, no 'bab/yfur'. introduce yourself to get access to the main channels. invite here: https://discord.gg/9pZXvB2N2A
top tier fantasies: being denied permission to pee, especially if it's until i beg/admit that i'm going to have an accident if i don't get permission. being told what to drink. being told to hold it all 'or else'. being told to leak a little. having to ask permission to cross my legs or hold my crotch. being told if i can't hold it/obey whatever holding rule, i'll be punished: i love funishment oh my god. i love being threatened with no toilet breaks or with lots more drinks and nowhere to relieve myself. praise! praise + humiliation!
also great: bondage. sexual omo. sharing fantasies. someone describing accidents or their own relief to make my desperation more urgent. talking about how full i must be and how much i'd love to pee. multiple doms giving me attention. multiple subs holding with me, competing for attention. sensory play. pressing or massaging my full bladder. mild intox.
good: being told what to wear. teasing about waterfalls, water sounds, etc. fantasies about consensual public stuff. golden showers. light s&m. sounding. humiliation. holding contests. peeing somewhere besides a toilet. holding a long time. rapid desp. making me admit/explain what i want in detail.
ok: 'you only want to pee, you don't need to.' some ws. measuring capacity (it's a lot. and therefore kind of a pain to measure)
ask first: 'you don't need to pee, you're not desperate, you just think you are' gaslight type teasing. unrealistic hold goals. holding indefinitely without a goal. short term no touch. pleasure denial / joi. piss drinking. overstim.
no: diap. actual oppression or abuse dressed as kink, including under/age inc/est & non/con. orgasm denial. most hard s&m.
i'm a fat transmasc with a fat trans dick and a sopping wet cunt. my ass is cute too (and very fuckable). gender neutral, masc, or androgynous language prefered. you can switch it up, i'll let you know if i like/dislike something or you can ask. i love talking to people, even if you don't want to talk about sex or bdsm explicitly. i live in an apartment so i can't really do jumping jacks at 3am.
i have a wand vibe, several toys and plugs, a stand to pee funnel, and a decent amount of bondage supplies that you should also feel free to ask me about
other kinks, rough tier list of things that i do like:
S: omorashi, bondage, begging, voice, praise, wholesome, humiliation, DP, clothed sex
A: d/s, roleplay, anal, oral, frottage, dry humping, sounding, wax play, temperature play, sensory play, boots, masks, exhibitionism, leather, terato, science/lab roleplay
B: ws, uniforms, object insertion, body worship, lingerie, dacryphilia, light intox, jeans
C: petplay, feet, s&m
now go forth and tell me to hold my pee 🥰
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jotunvali02 · 1 year
Watched John Wick again, this time in OV.
Caaaaine... ^///^
His scenes with John are a lot gayer than in my memory.🕶️🏳️‍🌈
Spoilers below
Caine used to ride John. Noted.
Watching them fighting is like watching gay sex. No debate.🏳️‍🌈🔞
Skarsgård's French accent is rather good without sounding like a caricature. I still wanted to punch his richass face. I like how everyone disrespects him more and more as the movie moves forward.👍
Did anyone notice that Caine is careful enough NOT to kill Koji's men?? Even when he literally has his gun against their forehead? No, he just smugly smiles and knocks them out. He was sincere about not killing inside the house of a friend. 😭
The end credits with Sawayama's voice explode your earsdrums and you LOVE it! The songs sound 200% better in a movie theater btw.
People loved Winston and his swag very much. And loved the puppy and the puppy eyes too of course. The peeing part is the best obviously. It's the LEAST abusers of animals deserve.🐶
While John always keeps a stern and brooding face when he's fighting, Caine snarks and smiles and enjoys his fucking self when he's doing it. HE loves his job! (when it doesn't involve killing his husband and friends of course)
I love how the main difference with John is that Caine is more expressive. He cries when sad, smiles when happy, swears when angry... not things you expect from pro assassins, let alone from John Wick.
"But I can hit you. Motherfucker."🤬
"Lights out, assholes."😎
Harkan reminded me of a mix of Jack Horner from the Puss in Boots feature and Ridge Taylor from the French-Canadian parodic TV show Le Coeur a ses raisons. So I call him Ridge Horner now.
"He's mine." Caine talking about his husband. He also likes to remind everyone how John is HIS business and no one else's.
John supporting his husband in his mother-tongue (the level of complicity!) in front of a cheating bastard.💕
I don't know about Berlin, but the whole shit on the Place de l'Etoile could totally happen in real life. Maybe not for that long, but it could happen.
About Paris: THERE IS A FUCKING FUNICULAR TO GO TO THE SACRE-COEUR! Why the fuck didn't you take it, John?? We even SEE the station! We actually can SEE the lights of the fucking station like three or four times while he climbs the stairs like a fucking idiot! I swear I craved to cry in despair and scream out "The station! The fucking funicular station is right behind you!! Take it, stupid!"
A church. Really? A church? Where they both coincidentally end up at the same time?
"I missed you, John."💔
A duel that strongly looks like a wedding. Like the most beautiful and most romantic wedding, with the Harbinger who look like a priest in his fancy clothes, the two witnesses (like in a wedding) and the mushy clichéd sunrise.
I swear when the Harbinger puts on his ceremony attire, I expected him to go "we are all gathered here today to witness the union of Mister Wick and Mister Caine" and so on.
GASP! I understand the stairs trip now! It's a fucking metaphor for walking your beloved to the altar! Of course!!
"I want you to take these stairs, John." Course you do. How could your wedding be carried on otherwise?
Btw, Caine should have kissed John after the duel.
To keep the wedding metaphor until the end and most of all: If I had been forced to kill the man I love or else my daughter would be killed, and that man managed against all odds to set the both of us and my daughter free and safe while my sole idea had been to kill him, I would have crashed on my knees, sobbed my eyes out and most importantly KISSED him with all my heart! And told him I fucking LOVE him!💗💗💗
Like, Caine is the happiest, the most joyful man at this right moment, he's visibly trying not to cry out of joy and endless love and gratefulness for John and... just a "my brother" and a pat on his back? Like... everything written above + the fact John is maybe dying right now and that's all you do??
THAT'S the most unrealistic part of this movie! Not the Berlin club, not the Place de l'Etoile, not the outrageous number of assassins, not John's apparent immortality, it's Caine NOT kissing John on the mouth after all the bullshit they've just lived!
Shut the fuck up with your "my brother". Call him "my love", "my beloved", "my cherished one", there are so many possibilities!
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