#adhd finance
brehaaorgana · 9 months
What if I just become an annoying ADHD money blogger sometimes
#adhd adult money liveblogging
If you have problems saving money (especially emergency savings money) because you always spend it on too many impulse purchases, or take money out of your savings to cover your fun money:
you need to open a savings account with a new bank. The more impulsive you are, the more I recommend a small credit union or online only bank, or a really local bank. Someone whose online fund transfers to other banks takes three whole business days, so you literally can't just instant transfer money from savings to your checking account to spur of the moment buy things. If you're afraid this defeats the point of an emergency savings fund in the case of, well, an emergency, set up a small checking account with a minimal amount at this bank too, and just set aside the debit card somewhere you won't frequently use because it won't have much money until you pull it from emergency savings and put it in the checking account.
Look for one with a high APY relative to having basically no deposit minimum (mine is like 3%) and no minimum deposit or monthly fees. The APY is basically when bank sometimes pays you money for not spending money. It will be like, cents at first. Change in the sofa cushions. But over time, it will be more. Don't worry about it. It's just surprise money for later. Not a lot, mind you. But you're a competitive winner and every cent they give you FREE is a success to zap your brain with dopamine. (Eventually if you have enough money you can do this by like, investing in shit or buying CDs and they just give you MORE MONEY. BUT!!! BABY STEPS.)
This is crucial: if you have some kind of direct deposit paycheck set up, see if you can SPLIT the direct deposit between multiple accounts. The company my job uses to pay people allows us to choose between depositing a fixed dollar amount to certain accounts (with "remainder of paycheck balance" being automatic for one account), OR depositing a percentage of my paycheck to certain accounts. (Percents of a paycheck tend to be higher to start). If you don't get paid this way, figure out a good date to set a recurring transfer from your checking to your savings for an amount so it won't sit in your spendy account long. The goal is to pretend like you just actually never had the savings money in that paycheck. Poof. Gone. Disappeared. It got saved before you became aware of the money.
Feel free to start with a small amount. It can be $5 or whatever. Once you start doing this for a few paychecks look at your money. If you're not genuinely struggling to stay afloat after 2-3 months and are still comfortable, try increasing the number a little. Repeat as needed.
Now you've saved money. 🎉
This is genuinely how I managed to save money more consistently than anything else I've ever tried. Savings money goes in the secret money account. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Incredibly silly but it works.
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dreams-of-klag · 9 months
A lot of people see credit cards as either a sort of casual loan or as sort of like gambling-- a scary scary nightmare debt machine that you shouldn't touch. And yes, they can be a scary nightmare debt machine if you use it like a loan, but when you use it right, a credit card can be really useful.
Just to note, i am not an expert, just a 28 year old with ADHD who has been using a credit card without incident for six years. So here are my tips for how to use a credit card without screwing yourself over!
It is not a loan card. Do not. DO NOT. DO NOT purchase things on a credit card that you could not purchase on a debit card. "But my paycheck is coming next week" NO. "But I can pay it off over a few months" ABSOLUTELY NO. You don't know whats going to happen between now and then or over those few months. If something comes up and you need to spend your paycheck on something other than your credit card payment and you're stuck with that debt on there, it will start piling up interest and that shit adds up FAST. This is a cycle you do not want to get stuck in. Pay your card off IN FULL EVERY MONTH. I am not joking. Pay it off. In full. Every month. Don't spend money you don't have.
Set up an autopay for the minimum monthly payment. I have my bank automatically pay the $25 minimum every month. This way even if i forget to pay the full bill exactly on time, I wont get hit with a fee for not paying the minimum.
Your credit limit is not money that you have. The credit limit is the maximum amount of money that a credit card will let you spend in one month. In theory, it is the amount of money that the bank trusts you to be able to pay back. In practice, it is a way for a bank to entice you into spending irresponsibly so that they can charge you more interest. When i got my first credit card at 22, they gave me a $10,000 credit limit because BANKS DO NOT CARE IF YOU LIVE OR DIE. To be clear, if i spent $10,000 on my credit card today, i would spend the rest of my life paying off that balance and the accrued interest. Your credit limit has no relationship to reality. Do not spend money that you don't have.
Dont wait to the end of the month to pay your bill. Pay it whenever you think of it. Hell, I sometimes send four payments in a month. Most credit card companies make it easy enough to check the balance on their app, so whenever i think of it, I'll check my credit card balance, then go to my bank account app, and pay whatever the amount was. It does mean i need to have other ways of tracking monthly expenses because i dont get one clean total at the end of the month, but it just eases my mind to know i wont miss a deadline or completely miss paying it.
Just get one. People go out and get like seven credit cards. This can work for people who really game the rewards system, and if thats you, more power to you. Sometimes it can be beneficial to have one separate card that you use for online purchases, but i do not feel the need to do this.
Ok so given all of this, why use a credit card in the first place instead of a debit card? There is nothing wrong with using a debit card if it works for you. I just get nervous having something with a direct link to my bank account just out and about in the world, so a credit card gives me some level of protection there. Also, the really big evil banks that host credit cards have really robust security, so if a suspicious charge comes up, they're really good about detecting it and reimbursing.
Rewards points! I forgot about my cashback rewards for a hot minute anthey piled up! i just ordered $120 boots and used my cashback so i only had to pay $2. If i were spending on a debit card, that would just be money I'm not getting.
We all have to live in this bitch of a system, and truly the only way to survive is to know how the game works (not that I do). This is not to say that everyone should go out and get credit cards. If you struggle with impulse control or compulsive spending then this is not for you.
TLDR: Credit cards ARE inherently evil and WILL try to scam you out of your money, but if you know how to use it and follow its stupid rules, you get free boots and your checking account will be less likely to be compromised.
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ADHD & Help with Finances
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Future ADHD
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feline17ff · 5 months
Found a new YouTube channel called The Financial Diet. Videos include:
"You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor": A Deep Dive (watched)
How The Wealthy Gaslight America
It's Not Just You: Jobs Didn't Used To Be This Terrible (watched)
The Toxic Boomer Money Advice You Need To Unlearn (watched)
3 Lessons From My No-Buy Year That Totally Changed My Finances (watched)
3 Things I No Longer Buy After My No-Buy Year (watched)
4 Lies From The Beauty Industry That Trick You Into Spending More Money (watched)
4 Minimalist Principles I Practice After Quitting Shopping For 1 Year (watched)
Overcoming "Post-Traumatic Broke Syndrome" & Building Real Wealth (watched, features TheBudgetnista Tiffany Aliche who talks about the finances of grief, the lasting effects of being broke, and what it means to be truly good with money)
Why ADHD Makes Money So Hard (And What To Do About It)
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communist-hatsunemiku · 2 months
i fucking hate modern banking and debit card and epayment bullshit. If i fucking schedule a payment for the 16th of july WHY DOESNT IT COME OUT ON THE 16th OF JULY.
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unfortunately for everyone, but especially my bank account, i have very poor self control and just ordered the cha cha cha mixtape on vinyl. did i have 50€ to spend?? absolutely not. this will be a month of pasta and pesto but alas, the käärijä brainrot won today
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flygonscales · 2 days
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2 weeks at uni and I’ve already reached peak procrastination. I found masking tape and somehow decided that the best use of my time was to make a tiny Belphemon-sleep.
#I actually can’t wait till student finance have processed my dsa#maybe next year or something I should look for an adhd diagnosis? if I’m having this much trouble focussing and a cup of coffee doesn’t work#anymore as a way for me to focus maybe I should see if meds would help?#(when I got my autism diagnosis i was also told its possible that I have adhd. I’d privately suspected adhd before I considered autism)#like. some days I can focus. it feels like I’m balancing on a knife-edge and it’s very stressful#and I can’t do it on command or anything#but sure#seeing one piece of fanart with Boy from tts#and my whole day goes down the drain because I can’t drag myself away from the series#and listening to video game soundtrack helps but then if I do that too much I start feeling lonely but I can’t listen to a podcast because#then I focus on that above the work I’m meant ti be doing#and even then I might look up other stuff about the video game I’m listening to#and the worst times are when I become self aware and that really breaks my focus but I know I’ve got to keep going#and then at the end of the day I feel awful because I’ve done about 1-2 hours actual work in 6 hours#time I could have spend doing other work or#heaven forbid#enjoying myself#that was more of a rant than I expected#I’m doing ok I think#I hope#i know I’m not meant to compare myself with others#but I’ve done more work than my flatmates#and that at least makes me feel a little better#I’m going to get myself a coffee now#hopefully that’ll help me today#my goal is at least 200 words#then I can stop#actually autistic#autism#personal rant
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brinnanza · 4 months
someone fund a study to find out how much if any influence the wedding industry has on things like marriage equality and the numerous legal ties that are wrapped up in the legal process like does the ceo of fuckin idk vera wang or whatever david's bridal like are they being sneaky with capitalism. like yes because we live in a society BUT like is the reason trying to get health insurance for your domestic partner that you live with but are not married to is impossible like because these bitches want you to have a wedding
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haunthouse · 1 year
yikes i just checked my bank acc and i am. about $100 short on rent this month lmao. hi if youve ever liked things ive made and have a lil spare change to toss in my tip jar now would be a very good time to do that
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
if i started selling my pdf organizers as digital downloads on kofi for like $1-5 would people be interested? They help with memory loss, brain fog, anxiety, and organization. I started making them as an alternative to bullet journaling (as pain makes it hard to constantly rewrite templates) I have ones for work, academia, free time, even a dnd session note taking template. I may also take requests if people seem interested.
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spoonful116 · 1 year
One great option for some disabled people is to open an ABLE account. I'll talk about the basics of these here:
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fennthetalkingdog · 3 months
For me, having a hyperfixation is interacting desperately with the source material/content yet never being satisfied. I want to touch it with my own hands, work with it, mold it under my fingers and make something new. I want to hug the characters, talk to the characters, ask them how their day went and play videogames with them. With non-media things, I find myself looking endlessly for new information about them but eventually getting bored, drowning in entry-level explanations and introductions but struggling to find things that delve deeper. I carve a hole into my brain to keep the little facts and characters and joy, and slowly the hyperfixation becomes less of a fixation and more of one of the things that make me me. And when it's gone, when the ache of interacting but never truly knowing scraps away the last of my passion, I still have a place in my heart and memories saved for it.
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ADHD & Finances
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Future ADHD
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ace-no-isha · 5 months
i forgot to update on this earlier but i will Not be going to japan this fall lol but i might go this winter to visit my bf
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thespookymumster · 10 months
I’m Ash, a SAHM of 4 kiddos that I homeschool. I’m also a doula in training! I’ve worked in all sorts of doctors offices and found my calling being a mom and having a passion to help other moms.
I often hear people say “find your tribe and you’ll be successful”.
So here I am, looking for my tribe, my people…
I want to help all the mamas new and experienced. The new moms who are terrified and have no clue what to expect with a new baby all the way to the mama who’s having her 5th baby and just having a rough pregnancy.
I want to help the mamas new and experienced that just had their baby and having a rough postpartum experience and need support.
So if you need or want support, Hi!! I’m your new spooky mom bestie here to help you through it.
So welcome to my page and thanks for following me, I will be posting hints, tips, hacks, and fun facts here and there to help you through your journey. Keep an eye out because I’m working on a digital book for mamas that I’ll be selling too along with some other fun stuff for kids.
If you homeschool or are interested in homeschooling I will also be sharing lots of links to awesome sites I use for my kiddos.
- Ash aka The Spooky Mumster
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comradeupdog · 1 year
Thought about loans today and the only way I could make myself understand and not give myself a panic attack is thinking “loans are like money gifts from your future self and interest is the cost of the time travel to have your future self bring your past self the money.” And I don’t know what to blame for my mind working like this, but ultimately I blame god and thats why I am a faggot-tranny!
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