#but i was also 17 that must be my excuse
ICJ Rules Israel Must Prevent Genocide in Gaza
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The court did not rule at this stage on the core of the case brought by South Africa – whether genocide has occurred in Gaza – but an overwhelming majority of its 17 judges presiding over the case voted on Friday for the emergency measures to be implemented.
Delivering its interim ruling, the court said Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent its troops from committing genocide, prevent incitement to commit genocide, allow more humanitarian aid into Gaza, and bring more measures to protect Palestinians, which it called a protected group under the 1948 Genocide Convention. The ruling also called for Israel to report to the court in one month on its steps to implement the measures. However, it did not order a cessation of hostilities in Gaza, where Israel’s military action has killed more than 26,000 Palestinians since the war began on October 7. Delivering the judgement, Court President Joan E Donoghue said there is sufficient evidence of dispute for the genocide case to proceed, and that the ICJ has the jurisdiction to rule on the matter.
This is what we needed to happen! Israel and the USA may try to spin this as a win since the court didnt order a ceasfire, but it's Good.
As others have said, this whole trial has become more about the integrity of the world. These orders for example are not enforceable by the court. World leaders are supposed to lead and respect those decisions.
If this case and this ruling are meaningless then that means everything is. They'd let us all die when told directly that what they're doing is approaching genocide and needs to stop? For Amazon's "freedom of navigation" through the Suez? Leaders who think they're above the law and above the people of the world but serve...profit?
This case is everything and all eyes need to stay on Palestine.
Points I wanna address since this is my post:
When told to prevent genocide only a gaslighting, manipulative piece of shit would say, "well you didn't say that meant I had to stop killing them completely now did you so if I do then who's fault is that?"
Further, a person in charge of an entire country shouldn't need a call for violence to be spelled out when they've already been told to stop commiting genocide. Again: gaslighting piece of shit.
The court didn't call for a ceasefire because they called for genocide prevention which is what they were brought to court to rule on. Genocide and it's prevention. Of which they ordered Israel to prevent immediately and that Israel does meet a couple requirements for commiting genocide as defined in the Geneva conventions.
There's no excuse but Wanting to kill people after this. They've been formally informed that they're approaching genocidal levels of destruction. Not stopping means genocide is the goal and always was and nobody is gonna humor the ppl denying it anymore. What rational person wouldn't stop at this point?? What rational people would continue justifying it? They wouldn't.
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total-drama-brainrot · 10 months
Noah is canonically the youngest of eight sibling. Eight.
You don't grow up in a family that large, as the youngest and therefore the favourite victim, and not have a super casual relationship with touch.
This guy is light enough to be literally blown away by a strong breeze; if you think even for a second that his family didn't take turns carrying him around like a briefcase and abducting him from whatever he was doing into a Family Pile™ then you're objectively wrong.
(You also can't convince me that he wasn't spoiled rotten as the baby of the family.)
So frequent platonic touching is pretty normal for him, expected even, and he tends to be more tactile than his personality or demeanour would suggest.
He gives Owen side-hugs and pats on the arm every time the two interact, and wilfully flops himself onto Eva whenever he's overwhelmed and wants the company of someone comparatively quiet (she always uses it as an excuse to carry him to the gym and encourage him to bulk up, though it never works). He tries to tire out Izzy's boundless energy by play-fighting and grappling with her (much to his chagrin) despite him essentially ending up as her glorified chew toy, and often times passes out due to being a stick insect in human form.
It's unexpected, just how casually clingy he is to the people he trusts/likes.
But you know who isn't used to physical contact?
Cody E.J. "my parents forgot my birthday" Anderson
This wet noodle of a boy bigs himself up as a ladies' man and a hot commodity but wouldn't know what to do with himself if someone held his hand. The concept of affection of any kind is so foreign to him, especially positive physical contact- I wouldn't be surprised if he could count the amount of hugs his parents had given him on one hand.
And this is backed by his canonical desperation for acknowledgement! Every time he pursues Gwen, even when he's directly shot down and sometimes harshly rejected, he still tries to win her affections and festers the delusion that she likes him. After all, everyone who's supposed to care about him does the same! His parents, 'friends' or lack thereof, ect.; they all ignore/rebuff him so it must be a sign of endearment.
Additionally, he sleeps with a stuffed emu at the ripe age of 16/17- as stated by Sierra, which he never denies (not that there's anything wrong with that, stuffed animals are top tier imho). You know who else sleeps with stuffed animals? Touch-starved people.
Cody is incredibly attention-starved, touch-starved and, post World Tour, in all likelihood somewhat touch-averse- at least when it comes to other people initiating contact.
To elaborate; Sierra is constantly breaching his personal bubble non-consensually, which would inadvertently condition anyone into being at least a little haphephobic, but Cody himself is more than happy to instigate contact with people he trusts (i.e. hugging Alejandro when he protects Cody from Sierra overnight in Rapa Phooey!).
...See where I'm going with this?
We see these two cuddling twice in canon; once in the Awake-a-thon and again in the Celebrity Manhunt. Once is happenstance, but twice indicates a pattern or coincidence but I'm going to gloss over that for the sake of this post.
Plus, with their consistent proximity during Action, they had plenty of time to form some type of relationship be it friendly or more.
(Wouldn't you want to at the very least get some closure from the guy who kissed you/you kissed for the world to see? It would be awkward to completely ignore each other, and they literally shared a cabin at one point so it's not like they were strangers either. So of course they're at least cordial from Action onwards.)
Then, as Noah becomes more comfortable around Cody, his tactile tendancies come to play.
Cody, predictably, reacts skittishly at the alien phenomenon known as friendly touch and tries to play it off to preserve his cool-guy image. Except Noah's not falling for it. He's observant, if emotionally illiterate, and watching the guy you just backpatted in greeting jump five feet into the air and screech like a falcon is a flashing red alarm for even the most empathetically challenged people.
Eventually, Noah gets Cody to divulge his issues with human contact and offers his assistance to the brunette. If giving his pal a hug every now and then, and letting him in turn initiate whatever he's comfortable with, would help him overcome his rocky relationship with touch then Noah is more than happy to oblige. It's not like it's out of the norm for him, so he doesn't mind at all.
Then, gradually, Cody loses his touch aversion.
But a lifetime of isolation won't be magically cured that easily, and he finds himself craving Noah's embrace more and more. Again, the taller of the two is content to give him what he wants. Their agreement evolves into the duo napping together and feeding into Noah's sleep-hugging habit, or just spending quality time in a heap of pretzeled limbs under a weighted blanket.
(Whether their relationship is platonic or romantic is entirely up to interpretation, though I'm partial to the two being friends who are just Like That since it allows for the funniest potential character interactions. The bromance is real.)
That's as good a place as any to end the post, before I end up writing a whole drabble.
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 20)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
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“Soldier Abernathy,” Boggs’ voice is the one to finally break them apart.
Y/N moves to her feet, straightening out her gear. “Yes.”
“Civilian Abernathy.” Boggs also acknowledges the man on the floor.
“Yep.” Haymitch groans, pulling himself up.
“There’s been an incident.” Boggs squares his shoulders.
“What kind of incident?”
“Peeta attacked Katniss.”
“He what?” Y/N stammers.
“Our Peeta?” Haymitch is getting older, surely he’s heard wrong.
Boggs nods. “Follow me-”
Without another word, Boggs ushers them to Katniss’ room in medical. She is limp on the bed, being changed into a hospital gown. She looks the same as she had when Haymitch left her, save for the large angry bruise, blooming over the expanse of her neck.
“Damn it,” Haymitch murmurs.
“How could this happen?” Y/N turns to Boggs.
“I stepped outside to give them privacy. When I heard the commotion, I went straight in. He’d already put her through the medicine cabinets and had her on the floor. It happened fast.”
Y/N brings a hand to her throbbing temple. “Thank you for…” Y/N breaks off. “I should’ve stayed with him.”
“Not your fault, soldier.” Boggs says, immediately.
Haymitch passes a hand over her back. See, you stubborn thing? Not everything can be your fault.
“I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.” Boggs excuses himself.
The doctors trickle out, leaving Katniss in her neck brace, hooked up to a bunch of beeping monitors.
“She’ll be out for a while, by the sound of it. We should check on Peeta. Try to figure out what the hell’s going on.” Haymitch kisses Y/N’s temple. Watching his wife stroke dark hair away from Katniss’ face.
Y/N nods.
Peeta’s room is not much better. He is restrained, for his own safety. Unconscious after the attack, Boggs had to get him off somehow.
The results of the bloodwork returns without traces of any hallucinogenic drugs. The only abnormal thing found in his system is trackerjacker venom.
“So what does this mean? He thought Katniss was someone else?” Haymitch asks Dr. Aurelius, who’s come to deliver the news. He’s not a regular doctor, he’s a head doctor. Maybe he’s here to make sure they don’t lose their shit?
“Well…it’s hard to say. I’ll need to speak with him once he regains consciousness. For now, it seems a bit odd that he would remember Y/N in the hovercraft and in this room, only to not recognize Katniss a moment later.”
There must be something…something she’s missing. “So you think he knew it was Katniss and did that to her anyway?”
“I understand how difficult this may be for you to hear, but Peeta did attack Katniss with the intent to kill her.” Dr. Aurelius explains.
Haymitch shifts, meeting Y/N’s eyes.
“That’s why he’s restrained?” Y/N presses her lips together.
“This is for his own safety.“
“I don’t understand.” Y/N cuts him off. “He held my hand all the way home.” There’s just no way. “Peeta wouldn’t do that to Katniss.”
“I know it is painful for you to see them this way. But given your experience on the hovercraft, I have every reason to believe that we can help him work through this.”
“How?” Haymitch wonders.
“With the knowledge that he recognizes Y/N, we will be able to use a trusted source to sift through the information fed to him by the Capitol. In theory we will be able to reverse this fear conditioning.” Dr. Aurelius is already working up a plan.
“So that’s what you think this is? A response to fear conditioning?” Haymitch asks.
“He has lacerations, old and new. Evidence of shocks and beatings, that with the presence of trackerjacker venom suggests what one would consider brainwashing. A hijacking, if you will.”
“Have you ever treated a patient in his condition?” Y/N gnaws at the insides of her cheek.
“I have never seen anything like this, no.”
“We’ll do whatever we can,” Y/N says, immediately.
“For now there is nothing to be done. Katniss and Peeta are resting, which they both desperately need. I might suggest you do the same.”
“If it were your kids, could you rest?” Haymitch bites out, bitterly.
Aurelius nods, in understanding. “No.” He stares for a moment more. “As Peeta’s family is deceased, you are his next of kin. You will be involved in making medical decisions. If anything changes you will be the first to know.”
“Thank you.”
“There is one more thing, before you go.”
“And what might that be?” Haymitch retorts.
“Johanna Mason has requested that you also be listed as next of kin, until she is found to be of sound mind.”
“What about Finnick?” Y/N wonders, they’ve always been close.
“Finnick struggled during separation with Annie.”From what Aurelius can see, he’s still struggling. “He is in no position to make decisions about her medical care. Rather her be a ward of the district, she would have you.”
“Of course, we’ll take her.”
Pollux is with Madge, when they return to the children, keeping all three entertained. There’s someone else, perched in the corner, quiet, just watching.
“Mom?” Y/N says, warily. She’s only seen her once since they’ve been here. The older woman was deep into detox and screamed at her to get out.
“Hi, honey.” As if nothing has happened. As if nothing is wrong.
“Mommy, look what we made for Peeta!” Arista holds up the off white paper banner, lined with drawings and colored flowers.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Y/N chokes down her despair. How can I explain this? “It’s beautiful, he’ll love it.”
“You’re sad,” Everest calls her bluff.
Haymitch steps closer, saving her, the way he always has. “There’s something we need to talk about.”
“Is it Peeta?”
“Yeah,” Haymitch breathes, perching himself at the end of Everest’s bed. “Come here.” He pats the space on either side for his children. I’ll take this one.
Y/N follows her mother out into the hallway.
“How are you holding up?” The older woman asks.
“I’m ok.”
“So you’re out of rehab?”
“If that’s what you want to call it, yes.”
“You look really…healthy.”
“Y/N I saw Finnick’s broadcast and I- I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you. That I couldn’t protect you. I know I wasn’t the best mother-”
“You did the best you could,” Y/N cuts her off. “As a mother, I understand that we can’t always be there the way we want to.”
“But you are there. Everyday and every night, you are there for those kids. They know that no matter what, their mom is coming home. They know that you will always be there. I’m sorry you didn’t have that.”
“It’s ok…I’m-” Y/N wraps her arms tightly around herself. “I’m ok.”
“When I lost Maysi, I lost myself. I tried to get it back, to get a grip, to keep pushing but I couldn’t. When you got reaped,” she breaks off. “When I saw my baby girl get taken from me I- I mourned you. I mourned you the second you got on that train and I never stopped mourning you. But you weren’t dead, you were alive and my mind, especially with the morphling, couldn’t comprehend that.”
“Mom, please, stop.”
“I know you must be angry with me.” Her mother tugs at Y/N’s hand. “But I need you to know that didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve any of this, you are so good. You are good and you are brave and you are strong. Better than I ever was or could be. And I’m going to be here for you now, if you’ll let me.”
Y/N nods, silently, brushing away tears. “Thank you.”
The guilt grows, festering like a wound. Guilt over the strain on their marriage, guilt for their absence from their children. Guilt for Katniss, neck braced, in a coma. Guilt for Peeta, restrained, turned into a weapon meant to kill the only girl he’s ever loved. Guilt for Johanna, tortured and stripped of her dignity. Guilt for Cashmere, who lost her brother. Guilt for Madge who takes on so much burden that is not her own.
“He’s been asking for you.” One of the doctors from Peeta’s team catches Y/N in the hallway.
The voice is enough to snap Y/N back to the task at hand. Haymitch is with Katniss, such is their agreement, until Peeta feels more at ease in the presence of others. Triggering him is not worth the risk.
Through the observation window, she can see him struggling, tugging at the bonds. Two doctors are beside him, attempting to soothe him. Y/N enters the room without hesitation, fighting her way into his line of vision.
“Peeta.” She says softly, moving towards him.
His thrashing does not stop, but he registers that she is there.
“Can we clear the room?” Y/N asks.
“Of course.” The doctors nod, they too are at a loss.
Peeta’s breathing is so shallow and rapid, she fears he might be hyperventilating. His eyes searching her sadly, warily. “I thought you didn’t want to see me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Don’t you know what I did?”
Katniss. “I’m not upset with you, Peeta. I just want to help you.”
“You don’t know what it was like.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
“But Snow did stuff to you too, didn’t he?”
“Nothing like this,” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat. “I brought you something, from the kids; my kids.”
“I remember…” Almost. Memories dancing near the surface of a frozen lake.
“They made you this,” Y/N unrolls the slightly crumpled paper. “Sorry I smushed it.”
Peeta’s eyes well up with tears. “Can I keep it?”
“Yeah, of course, we’ll find somewhere to hang it up.”
“My colleague, Dr. Maes, informed me that the two of you had a rather…colorful conversation, at the bed side of her patient, Johanna Mason.” Dr. Aurelius says, during his later session with Y/N.
“She’s not a good fit for Johanna,” Y/N explains. “I’d rather you see her.”
“I couldn’t possibly take on Peeta, Katniss, Johanna, Haymitch and yourself.” Aurelius explains, “given her condition-”
“Take me off the list.”
“Are you sure that’s the best decision?”
“It’s the only option I have.” Y/N crosses one leg over the other.
“Tell me why.”
“Tell me why that’s the only option and I’ll consider it.”
Y/N takes a steadying breath. “You’re the best they’ve got down here and we both know it. This isn’t about being a lost cause, or a martyr. It’s about people needing you more than I do.”
Dr. Aurelius sighs, “I’m sure Haymitch will follow your lead.”
“I didn’t mention it to him yet.” The longing pangs in her chest.
When she does tell Haymitch, later that night, he’s half asleep.
“Whatever you want, Angel.” He murmurs, pulling her closer.
They’ve hardly seen each other. She feels the strain on his heart, tugging at her own. Y/N fists a hand in his shirt. “You’re what I want.” More time with you.
“You have me by the balls,” he scoffs, “Stop torturing yourself. Everyone has to pay the piper and revolutions don’t come cheap. If we have to keep going like this; for however long, we’ll do that.”
“This is enough for you? Five minutes to ourselves before bed, after being apart all day?”
“You’re enough.” Haymitch breathes, “you’ll always be enough.”
Just you and me.
Katniss wakes a day later, clawing at the brace around her neck and breathing hard. The monitors surrounding her beep frantically as Boggs tries to calm her.
“Hey, Katniss. You’re alright.”
Her hands move back to the brace.
“Don’t, you’re swollen.” Boggs stills her fingers.
Katniss leans back in defeat, her voice is but a broken whisper. “Peeta.”
Part 21
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109 @jellybear455 @dreammgc @dadbodfanatic-x @ftdtcmlovr @inky-sun @ms-brek-ker @undercover55655 @mischiefmanaged21 @avoxrising @koiphisch @drwho-ess @daisydaisybilly @misfits1a
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
What's with Madeline miller and Emily wilson claiming that they are bringing something new in Greek mythology and being applauded for it?
Emily also is a translator and from what i read completely changed the meaning of words and characters like calling Agamemnon a cannibal king. A translator's work isn't making their own story on top of the old one.
It's disrespectful to Homer's work and he gets overshadowed by modern authors that push modern ideologies into classic works that should have stayed neutral.
Why are western writers like this ??? 😖😖😖 I read the interview and I would say some parts of it were okay but I will mention here the ones that gave me secondhand embarrassment:
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My god, this can’t be real. The literature class in American school has messed up many brains. Dogface, κύνοψ in Ancient but surviving in Modern as σκυλομούρης - σκυλομούρα is a swear word. More precisely dog-face could mean someone ugly whose face looks like a dog’s, but it could also imply a cruel looking face, a lowlife whose lowlifeness is evident in their face and so on. The struggle of modern translators and academics is unreal - “we can’t use a bad word for a woman - perhaps she meant dog-face as a symbolism of loyalty, of a fierce huntress like Artemis, of an obedient and long lasting friend uwu” - no sweetie she meant: “I hate myself, I am a bitch and as repulsive as one”. Sorry. Meanwhile, swear word for a man; “Clearly, it can’t just be a swear word spoken in anger, Agamemnon must in fact be a cannibal” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Yeah, great. Just head on acknowledging that Iliad is not as queer as young American audiences are misled to believe. I love how there is a vibe of apologism in the air because Wilson, as a translator, didn’t have the endless entitlement to go as berserk on the characters as Miller did. I also love the iconic addition that “admittedly there aren’t many queer warriors and athletes in American culture” so she implies they have to keep Patrochilles (🤦‍♀️) at any cost! NEWSFLASH: ACHILLES AND PATROCLUS ARE NOT A PART OF AMERICAN CULTURE!!! Whether gay or straight friends - they are not part of your Marvel and DC culture!!! Oh my god!!!
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What’s your business responding to readers’ expectations, Emily? Your business is to translate Homer for English audience. Whether they will like it or not, it’s their business. You are not appointed to “excuse” Homer to anyone or make him palatable to Marvel fans! Jfc
I will say I agree with her that Achilles and Patroclus’ relationship is ambiguous but I hate that she clearly dreads to openly admit that for fear of what American 17 year olds will feel about it. It is another example of how the last years the definition of truth has morphed into what one wants to hear rather than what is factually the case.
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skylark325 · 1 month
Omniscient Readers View Point Read Through
Ch 73-92
Beginning: Ch 1-10
Note: This was so hype AHHHHHH so many of my favourite scenes
"I am also like Dokja-ssi. We are on the same QA team. I heard the same nagging every time and lived with their contempt.
>when an ugly btch calls you twin
[The constellation who has been waiting for a harem carefully puts both hands together.]
>I…a what
"You're not a woman."
She refused to admit that she plagiarized to the end. I grabbed her collar.
>ngl dokja i don’t think anyone ever would 😭
"There is no such thing as a meteorite in my novel!" It was surprising. I thought she would've copied this as well. "I have a sealing stone!"
>girl you’re really not helping yourself here
"By the way, I was in pain a lot back then."
Whenever I looked at this guy's face, I felt the '17 year old Kim Dokja' inside me shrink back.
>as someone who was bullied in hs i remember almost crying reading this scene in the manhwa. get his furry ass dokja
"Yes! I'm really really sorry! I-I was young at the time…"
>that’s BULL! you’re not the only one who was young! using your age as a mistake is only justifiable as long it didn’t hurt others. basic empathy isn’t taught with age, it’s something you should know or you’re just a shitty person. and like YOU WERE SEVENTEEN
"First, I will hit you until all my trauma has disappeared.
>oh yeah fuck him up dokja
[Some constellations are disappointed with your hypocrisy.] [Many constellations are questioning your judgment.] [The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching your judgment.]
>it’s so interesting to me how sp never actually judges dokja on serious stuff. he’s just in the back secretively plotting.
[The constellation who likes harems is cheering on you and Han Sooyoung.]
>didn’t realise there were doksoo truthers in the book but pop off my dude XD
No matter how I thought about it, this was the sound of gunshots. Wasn't the army already wiped out?
>i…oh right this isn’t set in America
"You must be mistaken. My name is Yoo Joonghyuk. Kim Dokja is the name of the guy I hate the most."
> there he goes role playing again
I winked at her. If I knew Han Sooyoung, she would understand what to do from now on. The woman opened her mouth. "I already know that you are Kim Dokja. Stop the unnecessary lies."
> that’s just embarrassing man. it’s ok, you win some you lose some
"I needed something to tell her when I met her." I gave her a moment before continuing. "Because I had nothing else to say to her."
> 😞
Living things with less intelligence than a kobold should do their jobs!"
"Protector… you don't have any qualities suited for Way of the Wind. No, to be honest, you don't have the qualities for almost every skill."
>that’s…damn what are you, my calculus teacher?
'You will be busy when you reach intermediate level'.
> Kdj: once you get that promotion you’re not going to pay attention to me anymore! i’m going to be a neglected wife!
"You are the first person who is more suspicious than Yoo Joonghyuk."
> why does kdj’s perception of ppl range from like-yjh, not-like-yjh and yjh
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is looking forward to your companionship.]
The messages of the constellations, including Uriel, arrived. What was going on?
> oh gee i wonder what’s going on. wonder if there’s a possibly super hot *enter kdj’s long ass description* man possibly fighting and injured nearby
The bleeding Yoo Joonghyuk was waiting for me there.
> are we sure ways of survival isn’t a fanfic written by dokja?
Even if Yoo Joonghyuk was nearby, he couldn't be found in such a timely manner. It was clear that Bihyung had made a sub scenario to bring Yoo Joonghyuk over here.
>not bihyung sugar daddying his way through the scenarios for dokja. that or he’s the vice captain of our ship after uriel
Yoo Joonghyuk was staring at me with bloody and teary eyes.
> HELP what did I say about the fanfic part
Why was the protagonist of Ways of Survival such a person? The story would've been easier of it was Lee Hyunsung or Jung Heewon.
> bestie you gotta be attracted to them for this to work
"He was like this the whole time. He kept asking me to take him to Kim Dokja…"
> GUYS 😭
But I felt that some of my answers were being diluted in the soup. Did I know Yoo Joonghyuk at all?
>welp existential crisis let’s go
I scooped up the soup with the spoon and put it in Yoo Joonghyuk's mouth. Han Sooyoung watched me blowing on the soup. "You are acting like a wife."
> you see that’s because they’re already marrie- *gets run over by a truck*
I thought it was a loss to me but it turned out to be a huge honey event. Indeed, people should live a good life.
> that’s not…ok then. preach king XD
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is impressed with your good deed.]
…Was this constellation really impressed with the good deed?
> oh yeah just the good deed dw. definitely not the yaoi you’ve provided in the middle of a shounen show
I frowned at Yoo Joonghyuk's words. Move to the east right now? I saved his life and now he was giving me an order?
> such be them dom daddies dokja
–Don't be so prideful. I really will abandon you.
> sure kdj. in fact i dare you to do it
–Why come to me? I honestly thought you would commit suicide. –Suicide? How ridiculous.
> is it though? like really think about it XD
> i stand corrected 🥲
–I wanted to make her a companion.
> oof rejection isn’t easy man i get it
–She isn't the person I remember. I knew it. Still, I wanted to believe for a moment that the woman in my memories was still alive. I wanted to be with her again.
> ouch think my heart just got ripped out
All the threads were connected to one woman. The woman wearing a tight black battle suit flew through the air.
–Kill her.
–Then you will be unhappy. –It doesn't matter.
> 😭
"…It doesn't make sense." Lycaon exposed his fangs. "Antinus. The conversation ends here."
> damn my tragic ship 😔✊🏼
–You, are you that weak? –What? –All the words you told me were false. I reflexively raised my body. This bastard…
> yjh sure knows how to get dokja fired up XD
–The one who told me not to give up on this world will succumb to a disaster of this degree?
> did i mention i love their bond
the way both of them know exactly what to say to help the other is so precious to me
If you want to survive, don't answer his questions. But you are still going to die.
> HSY certified yapper
Imagine being summoned to another dimension, suddenly receiving a powerful strength, spending a hot night with a cute elf girlfriend, saving the world and being loved as a warrior!
> Not all men fr 💀
–My attribute is a 'pro gamer'. What is yours? -What? –I'm asking what can you do well?
> one of my favourite scenes 🥹
"…Uh?" The Hunters Association people from before?" Myung Ilsang laughed.
> …?
does he think he’s in solo leveling?
What could I do well? It was to 'read'.
> i’m so hyped AAAHHHHH
Pathetic. Why the hell did I forget about this skill? Wasn't this the first thing I should've done?
> honestly yeah how did he forget that? it’s like one of the biggest cheat codes he has
I was a 'reader'.
"Get started." Yoo Joonghyuk stood before me as if he knew what I was trying to do. "I'll block him."
> did your heart skip a beat dokja? cuz i know mine did
A fierce aura started to crush Bihyung's body. The power of the dokkaebi depended on the size of the channel.
how dare he mess bihyung lemme at him. one swing that’s all i ask
[…Please choose a reward.] Bihyung told me with a grouchy expression. He was exhausted by the harassment.
–Personally, I recommend the Infinite Dimension Space Coat. There is one more hidden option. It is easier to transcend later.
> oh god plz let me give him a hug poor bby
–I will speak bluntly. Come to my channel. I am going to expand my channel to the Korean Peninsula. I will be happy to meet your desired items and conditions.
Bihyung's face turned red and he was tearful as he looked between me and Dokgak. It looked like tears would burst out as soon as he was touched.
[Constellations. Incarnation Kim Dokja colluded with the channel's streamer, 'Bihyung'. He deliberately concealed his strength and manipulated the development of the scenario. He made the scenarios harder for malicious purposes.]
> i don’t…is this really such a big deal? like people are being murdered and super magical stuff keeps happening. is this really such a big deal in comparison? 😭
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' shrugs like it is fine.]
> SEE sp gets me
"Prisoner of the Golden Headband, Abyssal Black Flame Dragon, Demon-like Judge of Fire…"
> not kdj name dropping his fans
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is somewhat annoyed.]
"By the way. As a memorial to my channel, I will do a small event. I mean, a joint event between South Korea and Japan… If you are curious, please connect to #BI-7623 right now. I will draw tickets for the early constellations and give coins―"
A voice was suddenly heard. I instinctively knew. The owner of this voice was now protecting me.
> fangirling so hard rn
Bihyung moved from behind me towards Dokgak. "By the way, were you this small?"
> Oof the burn
Previous: Ch 53-73
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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matthyeu · 11 months
tim hortons ― smt.
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pairing ⇢ seok matthew x gn!reader
genre ⇢ comedy, fluff
warnings ⇢ this was just self-indulgence as you will see </3, mentions of a car crash but nothing happened lol
word count ⇢ 1377
synopsis ⇢ this is how matthew's life would be if he didn't get 3rd place on boy's planet. hey, at least he met you.
notes ⇢ HEYYY GUESS WHOS BACK,,, well not really i’m just like popping back in after the comeback bc like WOWWW but hi i’ve been really stressed back in school doing a lot of exams and applications for nursing school. i just finished my teas and like the semester’s almost over so i’m so STRESSED AAAAAA and this has been in my drafts for so long bc yk i’m just manifesting myself getting into nursing school but i will def try to get more uploaded soon but i’m always tired from work and school eueueu got some drafts tho so i’m hoping to get that done soon. take care!!
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perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to get an early start to studying for your pharmacology exam. not, it definitely wasn’t the best idea. every professor had always told you to review and study more than you thought you needed, so you tried your best to do just that. it was just that one confused topic led to another…and then to another until you realized it was nearing two. 
late nights were no stranger for a nursing student, but they were not recommended if you had plans for the morning after, especially if the morning after was your weekly 12-hour long clinical rotation. 
that was how you ended up with two and a half hours of sleep, a frantically thrown together lunch, missing materials, and a need for caffeine after you overslept your alarm by twenty minutes. you cursed your ability to sleep through alarms but also thanked yourself for setting alarms every five minutes in case this ever happened. 
the facility you were stationed at was a little over an hour from your apartment, so you would barely make it in time. there was realistically no time for you to stop by for coffee. usually, you would just make your own, but your unfortunate luck continued to prosper as you had forgotten to purchase more instant coffee in your last grocery run. however, seeing as how you nearly fell asleep behind the wheel the first ten minutes of your drive, you knew you needed it. if you died in a car crash, there was definitely no chance for you to make it to your clinical on time. 
you pulled into the parking lot at the tim hortons nearest to your apartment, seeing only one other car there who you assumed belonged to whatever employee was on opening duty. it was only 4:43. this location opened at 5. if you waited for it to open, you would definitely be late. even if you had just told yourself it was alright to be late, you were sure your instructor would not be pleased if you were, especially since this was an obstacle you could potentially get over. 
reluctantly, you shuffled your feet to the entrance, not worrying if you would wear the soles of your white shoes quicker than they were supposed to last. you didn’t want to bother the poor worker, but it was your only choice besides sitting in your car waiting for 17 minutes, which was definitely not practical. 
reaching the entrance, you peered in to see a young man diligently preparing for the day. you figured he would be far too busy to notice you (or it was just your excuse to walk back to your car and wait). still, mustered up the courage to wave at him from outside, refraining from knocking on the glass. 
by some dumb luck, he noticed you and came to the door from around the counter. he gave an apologetic smile as he opened the door, popping his head out. “sorry, we aren’t open yet.”
“actually, i was wondering if you could make an exception. i have to be at the hospital in an hour and it’s an hour drive from here,” you explained as you fidgeted with your watch. 
“oh definitely i can do that for you. that hospital must need you as soon as you can get there,” he commented as he opened the door wider for you to come in.
“oh no, they do not need me. yesterday i put on my sterile gloves wrong 4 times because of nervousness. if anything, they hope i’m not there,” you casually blurted out, which caused the employee to give you a concerned look. “i’m a nursing student, not a licensed healthcare provider. everyone always thinks of nurse or doctor when they see someone in scrubs, but i’m just a stressed person in college trying to get through.” 
“ah, makes sense. i thought you looked young to be finished with school already, but i didn’t want to say anything in case it was offensive,” he commented once you both were at the register, “what can i get for you?” 
“just a medium iced latte please,” you ordered as you dug through your wallet for the right card. 
“go ahead and insert your card whenever you’re ready.” 
and you did just that, receiving the receipt from the employee once the transaction was over. “it will be out shortly.” 
there wasn’t much for you to do but stand off to the side as you watched him work. as time went by, there was something familiar about him you couldn’t catch. it was as if you had seen him from somewhere, but the only places you really frequented were the library and hospitals. was it from tv? 
“here you go,” he announced as he slid the cup over the counter. 
as he was about to head back to finishing his preparations, you took a sip of your latte. with the newfound courage taken over you by the caffeine, your thoughts spilled out of your mouth. “do i know you from somewhere?” 
he chucked. “no, i don’t think you have. if so, it was a long time ago since i just got back to canada.”  
“you have a celebrity lookalike or something? i swear i’ve seen your face somewhere before,” you asked. 
“ever heard of boys planet?” 
then it hit you. you looked at his nametag. matthew. of course, he was the canadian from that korean reality show one of your friends had shown you. in fact, she begged for you to help her vote, and she was devastated when her one-pick didn’t make the group. and here he was, standing in front of you at tim hortons. 
“ohhh that makes a lot of sense. my friend had me voting every day for you when the show was airing. interesting seeing you working here. totally thought you’d continue trying to be an idol if you didn’t make the lineup.” 
“i missed home too much, i guess. i had it planned out during the finale too, the part time job i’d get if i didn’t make it. didn’t think i’d actually end up at timmies, but alas, things happen. thanks for your support though.” 
“don’t thank me,” you insisted, “i’m just an unsuspecting victim to desperate fans who wanted the best for their faves.” 
“i think that’s the best feeling though, meeting someone who doesn’t really care about what you’ve done or who you are. you’re the first person who’s actually recognized me, and i’m glad it’s not someone who would leak this information. though, i’m sure it will spread eventually.” 
you finally noticed what he was doing throughout the conversation: packaging a 10-count box of timbits. “here,” he called as he pushed yet another item over the counter, “on the house.” 
shaking your head, you quickly responded, “no i can’t.” 
“trust me, you’re going to need the boost of energy from the sugar for your shift. just take it, or else you’ll be late.” 
“oh shit,” you cursed, realizing you had spent too much time in the shop already, “fine, but i’ll be back and next time, i’m going to buy something for you to enjoy.” 
“mhm good luck!” 
you ran back to your car, relieved you decided to come in when you did when you saw a plethora of cars pulling in with two minutes until opening. the coffee was placed into the cupholder and the box onto your passenger seat. 
before beginning your long drive to your impending doom, you decided to have one of the timbits matthew had given you. that was when you noticed the small message written on the top of the box. 
good luck! you’re doing great things for the world :) come back anytime! i always open on fridays and will take you after 4:30. 
you smiled at the little note, popping one of the pieces into your mouth. it tasted way better than timbit you had ever had. you weren’t sure if that was just because they were fresh in the morning or the care you knew was packed into them. needless to say, you would wake up a little earlier on your fridays to go back to this location to see matthew. 
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hiiragi7 · 10 months
(Warning for discussion of abuse)
There is a certain ableist and classist feel to the way that a lot of people talk about highschool education and graduation that I've noticed. "I bet they never graduated highschool" is often used as an insult and to imply stupidity, for example. I've noticed this trend for a long time, but struggled to put it into words.
While education is important, I often feel very put down by the amount of emphasis placed on being a highschool graduate (and, on the opposite end, the disdain for non-graduates). I never graduated, due to a variety of factors; I suffered very extreme abuse starting in first grade from the school environment (As a diagnosed autistic kid growing up in SPED in the 2000s, ABA was the standard), I was being abused at home, I moved schools a lot, I struggle with several disabilities which impacted my ability to learn and developmentally I was never really at the same level as my peers besides in English and art, I developed chronic physical issues while I was still in school due to a genetic condition, and finally, I was kicked out of the house when I was 17 by my parents and I just never ended up going back to school (not that I could have graduated anyway due to a variety of issues).
I was never able to learn quite right and that lead to me falling further and further behind. By the time I was in middle school, I was already so far behind my peers that even if my teachers had wanted to help me learn the content, there was so much they would have had to teach me that it would have been impossible for them to fit it into the time I had with them, especially when they had a lot of other students to attend to besides me. On top of that, I had already given up on my own education sometime during elementary school, so any attempts that were made by my teachers were not well-received by me. I had already developed a complex web of trauma responses to anything to do with school by that point.
It seemed that I was caught in an impossible situation where between the trauma I suffered with and my autism, I could not tolerate even being in a classroom setting, much less learn in it, but there were no other options, which lead to chronic activation of trauma responses which overwhelmed both me and my teachers as well as everyone else in my life. There was also no understanding for me in these settings either, and nobody informed enough to realize what was going on with me and why I was constantly either shutting down and unresponsive or having severe panic attacks. Rather, I was called lazy, manipulative, not trying hard enough, making excuses, acting out for attention, and a slew of other insults as well as near-constant punishments which only served to traumatize me further.
To this day, I only have a second grade education in math. I do not know multiplication, division, algebra, physics, chemistry, and a variety of other subjects. Attempting to study school subjects gives me flashbacks no matter which method I use, whether it's online or with another person or on my own. I am gifted in English, but otherwise I do not know many of the things that people are generally taught in school as kids.
When I tell people I never graduated, often the response is "it's okay, you can still get your GED!" as if me not having graduated is a character flaw that I must eventually work to fix. It makes me feel as though my worth and value as a person is tied to whether or not I have at least a highschool education, and that without it I am less worthy of people's time.
Going back to my initial point, if not graduating highschool makes you "stupid", you must also consider who in practice is unable to graduate highschool - I find it is often disabled kids, traumatized kids, and impoverished kids. Not all of them, I'm sure, but definitely a lot of them.
Tying intellect and a person's worth to whether or not they graduated highschool fucks over those who couldn't through no real fault of their own and frames them as lesser for it. How can you say you believe in disability rights when you shit on those who are too disabled to complete school? How can you say you are against classism when you view people who could not graduate due to having to work full-time as lesser than you?
I feel that regardless of how much people insist they are an advocate (or how much they say "No no, when I said people who don't graduate are stupid I didn't mean those people, I only meant what I see as the acceptable group of non-graduates to call stupid"), there are biases at play regarding perceived intellect and formal education. I am viewed as inherently less-than when people learn I did not graduate. My lack of a highschool graduation certificate or "at least" a GED is viewed with pity by just about everyone I talk to.
I don't have a neat way to wrap up this post, but I do think it is important for people to examine their own biases when it comes to discussing formal education, as well as the overlap of non-graduates and marginalized groups, especially as it pertains to disability politics and capitalism.
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ro-rogue · 5 months
i have very mixed feelings about the new bostin confrontation that got john expelled.
it is portrayed as the worst of john's actions in new bostin, his lowest, most violent moment. and while that last part is not untrue, i feel like the confrontation is a lot more complicated than just john going insane.
by that point, john had already been king for a little while, and he was absolutely terrible at it. (i've written before on why i think that is, and even his objectively horrible actions here were not excusable but understandable.) claire decided he needed to be stopped, and she gathered a bunch of their schoolmates to confront him, as her vision had shown. then, instead of trying to talk it out, zirian (one of the people she had gathered, for some reason) immediately attacked john, and everything devolved from there.
now, a few things stick out to me here:
first of all, claire took zirian with her to confront john. the question is: why? john and zirian had already fought on multiple occassions, and last time they fought, john had beaten zirian. did claire think seeing someone john defeated in a fair fight would make him realize he was a horrible person? did she think that if people saw zirian, they too would be willing to confront john? but wouldn't those people then think they were going to beat john up? did she not realize that if people believed her lie enough to follow her, they would be prepared to act on it too? i really struggle with her thought process here.
next, zirian thought that they could beat john if they all worked together. this supports my theory that the kids in new bostin had absolutely no idea how powerful a god-tier was. the wellston kids would never try to gang up like that on pre-ability loss seraphina - they knew she was too strong.
however, they did gang up on john at least sixteen-to-one (in episode 185, the shot with the most classmates shows sixteen people). when claire was telling the story to seraphina, she made it sound like it was completely unreasonable that john assumed that a group of people who all hated him, at least some of whom he had fought before, including the former king, would want to attack and overthrow him. "he refused to listen" is true, and something john has struggled with a lot both before and after the ambush, but to be honest, in his shoes, i also wouldn't have believed claire.
moreover, he is criticized for going too far in beating them up, but imo that mostly applies to claire and adrion, who weren't actually attacking him. the other fifteen kids were very clearly willing to hurt him just as much as he ended up hurting them. besides, they were attacking him fifteen-to-one, with claire standing to the side - what was john supposed to do? hold back?
the answer, of course, is yes: he should've. it was absolutely not right for him to go that far. but we must understand that john was sixteen, stressed, hurt, and facing people who were likely his former bullies, in the sense that everyone used to bully him.
(plus claire, who gathered everyone there, and how was he supposed to know that she didn't mean for it to turn out like that? and plus adrion, who called the authorities on him, which was objectively a good decision, but it can be hard to see it that way when you're the one who the cops are being called on)
in addition to that, if seraphina or even arlo had been ganged up on like that, no one would be surprised if they, too, fucked up their opponents. (remember that turf war back in episode 17/18/something? where arlo clearly wasn't just going to stop hurting rein, not until seraphina physically stopped him?) john was out of control and very much Not Okay, but his handling of the ambush actually seems to be quite typical for a god-tier.
so to conclude, the new bostin ambush/confrontation was more complex than simply john going crazy, and while both he and claire definitely think that he is the only one at fault there and he acted completely irrationally, that isn't actually the case, and uno readers should be aware that we are viewing the story from the perspectives of biased and thus unreliable narrators.
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Ch. 17
Chapter 16 | IATYTILY Masterlist | Chapter 18
A/N: I am anticipating maybe five more chapters of this. That might be overshooting but I haven't fleshed out the ending ending yet.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,537
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! reader
Plot: This takes place shortly after Tara leaves Charming. You start working at Teller-Morrow and an unlikely and messy relationship forms between you and Jax.
Warnings: mentions of emotional abuse?
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Your car’s been acting up again. There is something rattling but other than that, the car seems to be running okay. No concerning lights are on, on the dashboard. You make a note to have someone check it out for you at TM tomorrow while you’re at work. Right now, you just need to make it home from school.
As you’re waiting at a red light, you feel and hear a motorcycle rumbling nearby. Instinctually, you look around for it and see one pulling up into the intersection perpendicular to you. Your stomach drops when you see Jax with a woman hugging him tightly from behind. Jax looks over his shoulder with a big smirk on his face. She leans in to kiss him and he kisses back.
The person behind you leans on their horn, startling you and breaking Jax and his passenger apart. You floor it, hoping you can speed past them and he wouldn’t recognize you. Before Jax could realize what all the commotion is about, the woman distracts him again, pulling his attention back to her.
You haven’t talked to Jax since Sunday night and you’re still not sure what was bothering him, but you have a suspicion. He thinks he’s so complex and mysterious, but you’ve learned his habits and his antics are getting old really quick.
“Hey Ope, can you please get someone to take a look at my car? It’s making a weird noise.”
“Uh, sure. I’ll have Jax take a look,” Opie replies.
“Jax is shit at fixing cars,” you tell him. “Can you get Kai to do it instead?”
“I don’t know. We have a pretty tight schedule today.”
“Excuse me?”Jax strolls in from behind you and Opie. “Oh, please, Kai doesn’t know what to do with a car like yours.”
“I’m sure Kai can fix a goddamn spaceship if they existed,” you scoff at him.
Jax looks back at you for a moment with furrowed brows. 
“What the hell? Is it that time of the month or something? Why the fuck are you copping an attitude with me?” He steps up to you.
Your eyes widen and a chuckle slips out of you.
“Are you serious? First off, fuck you. Secondly, you have the nerve to act like you weren’t acting strange Sunday night? You barely said bye to me before leaving,” you tell him.
“I told you, I wasn’t feeling well,” Jax shoves his hands into his pockets of his coveralls and shrugs.
Opie starts backing away and disappearing in the background without saying a word. This is no longer about your car and he doesn’t want to be involved.
“Oh, really? You must have felt much better yesterday having a little joyride with your newest thrill of the week,” you reply.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jax shakes his head and shrugs. He didn’t even blink.
“Jax, you can cut the bullshit. I saw you and that blonde yesterday, making out at the red light!”
Jax shifts his weight, his eyes redirect themselves to the concrete ground. 
“Were you upset on Sunday because of what Luann asked me? About me staying or leaving for a new school?” you ask with arms crossed.
Jax lets out an exasperated sigh as he shifts his weight back to his other feet, looking away from you. His jaw twitches.
“And is that also why you went and buried your dick in someone else again?”
He scoffs, a smirk playing on his face.
“I don’t know if you did it to try to hurt me and put distance between us or if it’s your way to cope with your feelings, but if I’m going to be your girlfriend, this can’t keep happening,” you state.
“Girlfriend?” he chuckles and finally makes eye contact with you again. “Where’d you get that crazy idea from?”
You look back at him confused. You know the two of you technically never made it official, but he’s acting like you both didn’t have a conversation about it the other day.
“Oh, do you mean what we talked about last week? I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend. I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend,” he continues. 
“And I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” he sneers.
You want to slap that smug look off his face.
“You must think your pussy is that special, huh?” he laughs.
This isn’t new to you. It’s all flowers and hand holding one day and then completely ghosting you the next. The constant back and forth, giving and taking, making you feel loved and then making you feel undeserving. And in all that, the real winner is blaming it all on you. It’s always your fault. You should have known better. Why did you piss him off? Look what you made him do. But you’re not going to let the responsibility fall on you for this one. Not this time.
“Fuck you, Teller!” You growl and stalk away.
After clocking out, you walk out to the parking lot, you find Jax leaning on the driver’s side of your car having a smoke. You walk towards it and stop at a comfortable distance and glare at him. He notices you and pushes himself off your car. It’s been about a week of silent treatment from the both of you since the falling out.
“Hey,” Jax greets and then tosses his cigarette.
“Hey,” you reply flatly.
“Can we talk?”
“About?” you huff with crossed arms.
“Can we do this somewhere private?” His mouth twists.
You look at him, thinking about what you want to do.
“We can swing by and pick up some sandwiches,” he suggests with the slightest smile playing on his lips.
“Jax, I don’t know if–”
“I’m sorry for all the shit I said to you last time. You didn’t deserve that,” he cuts you off. 
You are a bit thrown off by his apology. 
“Did your moral compass steer you in the right direction again?” you ask sarcastically, wondering if he realized his behavior all on his own.
“Huh?” he asks, his brows knitted.
“Opie. I still don’t know how so completely different people are best friends,” you comment, your guard lowering a bit. “I don’t know if you realize he helps you out a lot.”
”Yeah, he’s a real one,” he nods, flashing a small smile. “That’s why he’s going to be my VP when the gavel gets passed down to me.”
“But no,” he shakes his head and then takes a step closer to you. “I know I fucked up and said some really fucked up things.”
He cautiously reaches out for your waist and pulls you in.
“I miss you.”
He leans in to kiss you, but you give him a gentle push, stopping him.
“No, Jax. That’s not how this works,” you tell him. “You can’t just do whatever you want, then apologize and assume everything is all good again.”
“What do you mean?” he asks, pulling back a bit. 
“I’m tired of getting punished for whatever Tara did to you,” you tell him. “And your jealousy problems especially when I’m not even your girlfriend.”
You notice a tick in his jaw. 
“You want to know what happened with me and Tara? Fine, I’ll tell you,” he states.
He gestures his head towards the clubhouse. You hesitate but then follow him. You and Jax end up on the roof where the two of you can have some privacy.
“Tara was the first girl I fell in love with and she broke my fucking heart when she left,” he starts to explain. “I really thought we were going to have this fairytale ending, just me and her against the world. She’d be my old lady while I run the club and we’d pop out a few kids, get a dog, white picket fence, the whole thing.”
He pauses, taking a long drag of his cigarette.
“She even talked about wanting to provide the life for our future children that she never got growing up but wanted. Her mom died when she was young, and her dad became a drunk. Still is, actually. I was going to take care of her, but it wasn’t good enough for her.”
He gently shakes his head as his jaw flexes again and a snarl starts forming. 
“Tara had nobody! I opened up my home, my club, my heart to her and how did she thank me? By leaving!” He barks.
“You have nobody!” your ex threw in your face. “Without me, you’d be nothing but a sad, pathetic little girl.”
“I wanted to hurt you before you could hurt me,” he confesses. “And that’s not fair to you.”
So the man does have a conscience and can be self-aware. You wonder what changed.
“I’m sorry.” He looks over at you and puts his hand over yours, squeezing gently. 
“I’m sorry, too. That you went through that heartache,” you sympathize.
“Can you forgive me?”
He seems sincere, but you’re taking it all in with a big grain of salt. You’ve heard this song and dance before too many times.
“Okay,” you finally nod and a smile splays across Jax’s face.
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 14/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
You guys ever read They Both Die at the End cos this is looking a lot like that the more we go on.
Lucifer had begun to tell them of his trip to Heaven, from what had prompted Michael to almost destroy Hell with his holy weapon to the brewing civil war.
They listened intently to every word he said, not once interrupting him again until they got the full story.
And that's what he gave them.
Well... almost all of it.
He left out the part where the Fates had prophesied his imminent death in the war. Revealing that particular information would raise more questions that Lucifer wouldn't be able to answer.
Charlie: I still don't understand. Why would they involve you, Dad? If Heaven goes to war, how does that affect us?
Satan: Despite what most might think, Heaven and Hell are not two separate entities. After the creation of humanity, it's impossible for one to exist without the other.
Lucifer: He's right. Back then, before... everything. Hell hadn't been made yet because, while yes there was darkness, there were no lower beings to corrupt. Thus no use for a pit to contain them. But then Adam and Lilith happened. Then Eve...
Mammon: So what? We're screwed?
He shook his head.
Lucifer: No. Just me.
Satan: Huh? What do you mean, just you?
Shit. What is with his mouth today?
Lucifer: ..... Michael told me that he took a look at the Fates and saw me among those on the battlefield.
Beelzebub: Excuse me?!
Satan: What the hell??
Leviathan: So it will happen down here? Because there is no way we are letting you go back up there for anything.
Belphegor: Were you also planning on keeping that to yourself? Really, Lucifer?!
Asmodeus: I don't like this.
Charlie: The Fates?
He understood their reactions; after all, this was too big of a revelation to keep quiet for this long about.
Alastor had been awfully quiet beside him, but he can't dwell on that right now nor will he call out the look of disdain the guy is giving Levi.
'Do those two know each other?'
In the end, he chose to ignore Belphegor's accusation (is it really an accusation if it's true?) in favor of answering his daughter.
Lucifer: The threads of life. Pre-written destinies of every being in existence. It might be placed in Heaven, but no one, not even Father, can change what has already been woven.
Charlie: And Archangel Michael saw yours? How?
Lucifer: I-You'll have to ask him that. I fell before the duty of guarding the Fates was passed onto me. I have limited understanding as it is.
He's digging his own grave but it's not a total lie.
Charlie: And do you trust him?
Her question throws him in a loop. Because what?
Lucifer: What?
Charlie: I can tell you have resentment for him. Do you not trust his word? Is that why you were not in a hurry to tell any of us because you think it's a trap or something?
Lucifer: Regardless of what my feelings towards Michael, I believe his words. He is not one to involve Hell in anything that can be solved within Heaven. And I want to say that I'm sorry for not telling you all the moment I got back. The only thing I can say is that I was tired and with everything that just happened in Sloth, all I wanted was to sleep. I promise that I didn't know any of that stuff you saw would happen.
Charlie: But what was that, dad?
Lucifer: My appearance might not be the only thing the ritual affected.
Lucifer: I'm handling it.
Lucifer: I swear it's nothing to worry about.
He gives her a smile that he hopes is comforting enough but based on her crunched up expression, it must have came off more strained.
Charlie: Dad...
Tense silence fills the room. Lucifer's well aware no one believes him but he knows they won't try to push further. They are well acquainted with his character, after all. Cowardly but stubborn.
Satan: We'll get our forces ready then.
Lucifer: Huh?
Satan: What? Did you think we'll just sit here and let our King fight alone?
Lucifer: Look, no one else needs to be involved. I am-
Satan: -the King of Hell, are you not? And whoever threatens our King is our enemy.
Everyone let out a chorus of agreement. The Sin of Pride crumples the bedsheets in his hold. There's tears threatening to fall from his eyes in his disbelief.
How did he find people who are all so willing to fight for him? He feels a pang of guilt for he knows that regardless of what they do, he will meet his end in that war.
But how could he tell them that? Tell his family, these demons he raised, that he'll be leaving them?
A Marigold being tucked behind his ear made him look at his silent pillar. Alastor grabs a hold of his hand and plants a kiss on top of it in a manner that makes his heart flutter like a lovesick teen.
Alastor: We will do everything in our power to keep you safe, my King.
Lucifer: I believe you.
He wishes he could stop with the lies.
Once the battlecries died down in favor of the Sins giving Alastor a weird version of a shovel talk, they hear shouts outside the room.
It kept getting closer and closer until the door bursts open revealing the rest of the hotel residents, all holding some form of weapons on them.
He would've thought they were under attack until Vaggie and Angel toss something, no someone, on the ground.
It was a face Lucifer never thought he'd be able to see again. Because he's dead. He should know because he burned the body in Hellfire himself.
On the floor, beaten and bruised, is a half-goat demon wearing a face of a dead man. It grunts and let's out an awkward laugh as it meets his eyes.
Adam: Haha..... Sup, bro.
Apologies if that last part is weirdly cut cos I wanted Luci to say that but then I also wanted Adam to appear now.
I'd appreciate any comments or DMs left on your thoughts about everything so far! Reblogs and likes are also much appreciated <3
Have a happy weekend everyone!
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i just wanted to get something off my mind and ask you for your opinion. my boyfriend loves his family and he is pushing me into contacting my mom. i lived with my mom and dad till i was 8. my mom was very abusive she hit me, yelled for no reason, called me a bitch, whore and so on. when she hit me she did hit me to places that can't be seen (places you can cover up with clothes) if i told my dad she would beat me harder or threaten me that she will kill herself so i stopped telling my dad. my mom was also known to (excuse the word but i can't literally say anything else) whore around. the apartment building where we lived most people knew (my dad knew also but he always forgave her) she would kick me out, she would yell GET THE FUCK OUT and i would have to go play in front of our apartment building when she had her fuck buddies coming to our apartment, of course at that time i had no idea why she was kicking me out.
after my mom left me and my dad i had no contacts with her, i had visits for 6 months - i was at her place every second weekend but later on i could stop going because she didn't want me there anymore. and i was more than happy with that!!!
she has a new family now my boyfriend saw pictures how happy she looks with her 2 kids and says she probably changed now.
my mom tried to contact me on social media, i blocked her on everything, she wasn't happy with that so her new husband was sending me nasty messages and she was also sending me nasty messages from his profile.
i said to my boyfriend if he forgot about the nasty messages she sent me (they were really insulting, she called me names she called me when i was a kid; retarded, stupid, bitch, whore...)
my boyfriend's response was that people just get mad and at the end of the day she is still my mom and she deserves another chance and she deserves my forgiveness.
i also found out that my mom and my boyfriend were messaging each other on fb, they were planning on meeting (he was convincing me to meet her)
i feel betrayed and honestly it makes me love him way less. him being close with his family shouldn't make me being close with my mom who abused me.
i told my best friend that i'm thinking of ending the relationship because for the past 3 months he keep pushing me into "you must forgive and forget, you must meet your mom". my best friend says i'm overreacting. i'm not overreacting to not wanting to meet my mom but i'm overreacting about dumping my boyfriend. she says that i'm crazy because he is loyal to me. but i feel that just being loyal isn't enough? great you're not sleeping around that's a bare minimum in my opinion.
he is my first boyfriend and i have been with him since i was 17 (i'm 22 now), looking back i think i overlooked so many red flags. he was always sweet to me, and as far as i know he has been loyal but he always pushed me into things that i wasn't into. i'm a horrible people pleaser and i say yes to things i don't really want but when it comes to my mom it's a NO and i'm never going ro change my mind.
he is guilt tripping me that i'm not a good person (not the exact words, he uses fancier expressions like "good people forgive") to a point i really think if i'm the bad one in this scenario.
it's such a long message and i'm so sorry about that but i just wonder if you or your followers think that trying to convince someone to re-connect with the abuser is a red flag or not?
my dad says i don't ever have to meet my mom but he also says by boyfriend has a point so i feel like everyone is against me.
I don't think you're overreacting, and I think it's highly inappropriate of your boyfriend to pressure you to forgive your mom when you've made it clear that you aren't feeling it. Interfering in that manner is not acceptable, and it's definitely a giant red flag. Especially after you've made it clear that YOU don't want to do this. Because it's YOUR decision
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hanleiacelebration · 1 year
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
💠 💠 💠
FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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Things that are true at the same time
1) Romantic relationships are presented as the be all and end all of human relatonships, especially to women.
2) Given how other animals pair up, there is probably also a biological drive to find a mate.
3) Humans have proven time and time again that they will risk anything to have a chance at a romantic relationship, including external violence (for interracial relationships, homosexual relationships, relationships outside of marriage, any other relationship not approved of by family or the state) or internal violence (thousands of women are killed by their current or former husbands or boyfriends each year).
4) However, it is entirely possible for a human to have a fulfilling life without a romantic partner, and plenty of people have done so--women are at their happiest in their mid 80s, which is after the life expectancy of men.
5) Danger due to external violence and internal violence is not the same.
6) There is no social pressure to specifically be in a homosexual relationship while plenty exists specifically for a heterosexual relationship.
7) Opposite-sex-attracted women will often be shamed for their choice in relationships but it’s not to do with their opposite sex attraction.
8) Same-sex-attracted women will often be shamed specifically for their same sex attraction.
9) Even though OSA women are often shamed for having sex with men that people in their lives disapprove of, they are also shamed for not having sex with men, and lesbian women are shamed for not wanting to have sex with men at all.
10) When the risk is of external violence, it is the society that must change to accept relationships that are not inherently harmful (homosexual, interracial, etc.).
11) When the risk is of internal violence, the options are limited: A. have high standards and watch for red flags and hope you get lucky, or B. just don’t date.
12) Telling people to just not date regardless of the reason is not likely to be listened to.
13) That doesn’t mean it should never be said.
14) A small group of people on the internet telling you not to date someone with whom there’s a risk of internal violence is not the same as being threatened with external violence if you date someone.
15) The external societal pressure on women to date men far exceeds any “pressure” in radfem circles not to do so.
16) Telling you not to get a pet bear isn’t the same as telling you not to get a pet cat or dog. The latter might make it more difficult to find a place to rent (external). The former will literally be the one to destroy your home (internal).
17) Using misogynistic language isn’t cool, no matter who’s saying it to whom.
18) It’s also not nearly as commonly used in radblr as people are saying.
19) It doesn’t excuse homophobia or more misogyny as a response.
20) It is okay to take a break from this site sometimes. A lot of people here who are at odds would have a perfectly civil and productive discussion in person (not everyone, but a lot). Please take a walk outside, and put what you see here into context. No one on this website has any control of your life decisions.
Full disclosure: I am a heterosexual woman, I had sex with a man over the winter holidays. He is very likely the last man I will have any such relations with, but I trust him with my life and I will continue to have a handful of such encounters with him each year unless I feel I can’t trust him or he wants to stop. Nothing I read on radblr is going to change that. I had sex with him on Thanksgiving weekend too. And on the week I took off in the summer. I’ll probably have sex with him some time this spring. What radblr has done is validated my not feeling safe dating anymore men after my rape several years ago. My standards have raised considerably and I feel no shame for having them. I accept that I may never find a romantic life partner or have any children but realize a fulfilling life is still possible.
Take radblr as a balancing act: liberal men tell you to have sex with lots of men (and some women too as long as the men can watch) and that you’re a prude if you don’t, conservative men tell you to have sex with one man only and that you’re a slut if you have sex with more than one. Both tell you it’s wrong not to have sex with men at all (even nuns are called brides of Christ). Radblr simply says, hey, whether it’s one or it’s many, men are dangerous and it’s safer to not have anything to do with them. Difference is women in radblr have no power, external or internal, to enforce what they think you should do. Men do, both external and internal, and they use it frequently.
You can have sex with men if you want to have sex with men! You can date men and hope to find your unicorn, I hope you do too! But it’s no bad thing to hear, in what is a small space on the internet, “Hey, consider not doing this risky thing” in a sea of “Do this risky thing this way or else” and “No, do this risky thing this way or else”. It’s okay. It’s literally okay to be told “We don’t think you should do this” and still do it. And if the day comes where you don’t want to anymore, at least you know you have a--again--small place where people won’t shame you for that decision.
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naluwalker · 9 months
Zhongli and the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
Sometimes I start thinking about how Zhongli could have started working with Hu Tao.
Considering how careless Zhongli was in his attempt to act human, with no preparation (especially financial), I find it hard to believe that he simply made up papers with his identity and past records, even to try to hide his non-human status, and not He just showed up one day at the port and just went on with his life.
Then I remembered that Hu Tao is the 77th director of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, that her grandfather was the 75th, and that she was quite young when her grandfather died so she shouldn't have immediately become the director. I'm keeping this in mind that Hu Tao in the game must be between 17 to 20 years old.
So who could have been the 76th director? Yep, I'm talking about Zhongli.
I don't think they are either of Hu Tao's parents because there is no record of their existence beyond creating Hu Tao, so I think they died a long time ago and she was raised by her grandfather. I also don't think he was Mr. Hu's brother because my headcanon is that he died before Mr. Hu.
So, according to my headcanon (and some canon information), Zhongli has been planning his retirement for years (those years could mean more than a decade or two, considering Zhongli's personality).
He and Hu Tao's grandfather, whom I will call Hu Feng, by some coincidence or accident met, probably Zhongli went to ask how the records were about Adepti's funeral and Hu Feng quickly discovered his identity. I would say that since he is Zhongli, they became friends and our Dijun could have given him some clues about his plan, Mr. Feng, quick to pick up on clues, understood what Zhongli wanted to do and helped him create a fake identity.
Thus Huang Zhongli was born, the son of her adorable but non-existent cousin Xuanyu, who had recently died and asked in her will to take care of her little son since she had no one else to turn to.
Little Hu Tao would play with him for a couple of years and Zhongli would disappear into thin air with the excuse of going to study in Sumeru or Snezhnaya while Zhongli contacted the Tsaritsa and told her of his plan to give her his gnosis in exchange for her help in his retirement plan.
The beloved but absent uncle Zhongli would return to Liyue shortly before Mr. Feng's death and when the old man passed away, he would say in his will that he would leave Wangsheng in Zhongli's capable hands until Hu Tao came of age.
Thus, Zhongli would be known as the cultured 76th director of Wangsheng until he was succeeded by his eccentric niece and became simply her consultant.
Mr. Zhongli is a little strange? Well, he's a member of the Hu family, it's not unusual. It has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Zhongli not being human. Who is it that is spreading rumors about the esteemed Mr. Zhongli being an Adeptus? He is a totally normal person, don't talk nonsense, lest it bother a true Adeptus and decide to curse poor Mr. Zhongli.
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mediumtires · 1 year
i can’t get over the intimacy of sharing a 17 hour flight.
have you ever been on a long haul flight? you get comfortable. and i mean. real comfortable. these men live in hotel rooms and cars and airplanes for the better part of the year. they know how to travel comfortably.
it’s sweatpants and slippers and audiobooks. christian and toto probably slept in close proximity of each other. do you know how vulnerable that makes a person? sworn enemy two rows in front to the left and christian nodding off with airpods in and a neck pillow? are you joking?
toto with an eyemask on and christian makes fun of him for it and toto scrambles to explain “i got my eyes lasered last week OK”. christian keeps chuckling for two hours straight as an excuse to keep looking over at his archenemy with the dark tousled hair. literally watches him sleep.
and fred. just literally in the middle of the aisle doing squats and engaging absolutely anyone in conversation because he’s bored. poor stewards have to squeeze past him every time christian calls them over.
meals. they’ll be eating together, at the same time. it’s such a weirdly intimate thing to eat on a flight, you can’t tell me it’s not. toto with a napkin tucked into his collar, christian rolling his eyes at him. fred already stuffing his face because standing up has him starving also he’s bored.
and. according to my main man carlos, the one way to fight australian jet lag is to stay awake the whole flight. we’ve all heard it, we’ve all seen it, he kept us updated. i can’t see these three old men staying awake for the whole thing but there will certainly be awake time. there will be work getting done (everyone but fred let’s be real), there will be books and music, maybe toto watches a movie and christian annoys him until he turns on the subtitles so he can watch along from behind. then he makes fun of toto’s choice of movie (i’m thinking top gun) for the rest of the flight. maybe toto meditates and christian can’t believe his eyes. in between toto will get up to get the blood flowing and he’ll do his squats right next to christian’s seat. i am convinced he has a night time routine and he WILL be doing it on the plane. he’ll offer christian his snacks.
and this is all fun and games ok but ABOVE ALL. they must have been talking.
and this is what has me insane because christian is SUCH a pr guy. like he is such a sucker for having cameras around and playing it up as this big respected team boss when in reality he’s just a big ass softie whenever there’s no one around to judge him. and he had to built this image of himself. he was the youngest tp, no f1 experience when he started and also - may i remind everyone - he’s short. tiny. he had to puff out his chest and bark at everything and everyone but he had to be charming about it too and this is literally how he learned to play the media so well. he is the king of pr. he knows how important image and perception are. BUT. i so very strongly believe he drops the act when he’s sure no cameras are around and that’s why he’s so well liked in the paddock. considering the portrayal of him in the media, i would keep a twenty feet distance to that man at all times but people aren’t are they? he’s well liked.
cameras off, he’s a nice guy. funny. probably very knowledgable about the sport, likes to give advice and help smaller teams. not necessarily merc. but basically everyone else. he can hold a conversation without making stupid comments all the time. and that’s what he and toto do too! the media and everything 2021 has made them into something aggressive and founded in hate and disrespect but actually, they were friendly with each other long before 2021 and they managed to be adults about the whole thing (so surprising tbh). THEY ARE STILL FRIENDS. and so they are okay with things like sharing long haul flights and sleeping in each others proximity etc etc etc even when christian makes a throwaway comment about it after like “oh toto was there too, got his eyes lasered or sumin idk i didn’t really ask”
BRO YOU HAD 17 HOURS ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME YOU DIDNT SPEAK TO TOTO ONCE THE ENTIRE TIME. try again. he asked about his eyes and then went on to complain about his tummy ache and THEN he probably filled toto in on geri’s race horses and they shared stories about having to build lego cars on christmas day with their sons who are literally the same age, all of it over some shitty airplane lasagne.
you can’t fool me christian horner you can’t
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 19
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Well guys, this is the last story part! Just the epilogue left now and I have ideas lol. I plan on posting it sometime tomorrow if my shift gets slow. Thank you to everyone that has stuck around for all of these parts. Let me know what you guys think in the comments!
Part 20
The Party was having a great time regaling each other with their own stories. Steve spoke of Chicago and serving the caffeine-addled fiends of the coffee shop. Eddie captivated their attention with tales of concerts of up-and-coming metal bands and towering buildings. Meanwhile, the kids entertained the older boys with stories of pool outings and ideas for DnD. Nancy and Johnathan were in their own world, chatting about college or whatever they talked about. Through it all, Hopper and Joyce watched all of the kids talking and having fun with each other. 
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and even though they were having a fabulous time at the impromptu gathering at the Byers’, the older teens had to get back to the trailer to go to bed. They had to hit the road back to Chicago early the next morning. Steve had already taken a couple of days off from work and he was expected to be back at the coffee shop for a midday shift the next day. 
Steve made a move to stand and awkwardly clapped his hands together. “Hey everyone, we have to head out. We have to be on the road early tomorrow.”
The joyful expressions on everyone’s faces vanished in an instant. They had just gotten Steve back, they didn’t want to lose him again. Their own self-pity and morose feelings were ignored however in the face of making Steve feel happy and secure in his decision to move. Every member of the Party stamped a mournful smile on their face and reminded themselves that this was the best option for Steve as they said their goodbyes.
Hopper started off the first of their farewells with a warm hug and a threat, “if you don’t call me as soon as you get back to Chicago, I will personally hunt you down and kick your ass, kid. Don’t go AWOL again.”
He turned to Eddie and glared as harshly as he could, “if I hear about you hurting Steve even a little bit, I’ll finish what the Upside Down started. Do not test me, Munson. I have nothing to lose.” 
Eddie paled slightly and his mouth dropped open. He was both impressed at the Chief’s threat and also offended at the notion that there could be some world in which he’d hurt Steve. “Um, excuse you…”
“Hey, let the boys be happy!” Joyce defended him and slugged Hopper in the arm. She enveloped both Eddie and Steve in a hug and whispered into their ears, “Ignore him. You’re both always welcome here. You boys better stay in touch, you hear me?”
They both nodded at her and returned her hug, Steve pressing a small kiss to the top of the short woman’s head. She was a better mother to him in the past three years than his own mother had been his entire life and he would miss being able to see her at the drop of a hat. Next, the kids enveloped him and Eddie in a suffocating group hug, all muttering over one another about how they’d miss them and would be visiting them soon in the city, how if they didn’t stay in touch they’d hunt them down and make them regret it.  
Dustin, in particular, was upset at their move to Chicago. He held onto them the longest and they could feel tears soaking into their shirts. Steve hugged him especially close and said softly, “Hey man, we’re not going far. We gave you our number and you can call whenever you want. And if you ever need us, we’re just a couple hours drive away.”
“What if you guys forget about me?” Dustin whispered brokenly. 
Eddie grasped the back of his neck and looked him directly in the eye, “Henderson, you’re our little brother. We’re never going to forget you or any of the other kids. We went through something… um, really fucking traumatic together so you’re stuck with us for life.”
Dustin nodded and with another hug to him and Steve and a brief fist-bump to Robin, Dustin joined the other kids back at the table. He still had tears dripping down his face and a permanent pout to boot but he knew there was nothing else he could do to keep them here. He was losing his older friends in the same way that lost his dad but hopefully they would keep their promise to call. He just had to trust them when they said that he was the little brother they would never forget. 
When they arrived back at the trailer, Robin claimed the couch for the night while Wayne was on his night shift at the plant. Steve and Eddie tiredly made their way to Eddie’s bedroom for some much needed sleep. They hardly had the energy to undress before they both crawled underneath the covers. 
“Big day tomorrow, Stevie,” Eddie muttered, yawning between his words. “You excited?”
Steve thought for a moment. He was finally doing something with his life and he was doing it for himself. Him, his boyfriend that he loved, and his best friend were moving to the city together and were moving on with their lives in a way he never thought he would. And he was putting himself first for once and was making a move that would make him happy, even while the kids might not feel the same. 
“Yeah Eds, I’m really excited. I can’t wait to go around and show Robin the city. We can take her to the Lincoln Park Zoo and take her to that bookstore that has the gay books! Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked Eddie excitedly. 
“I think she’ll love it, babe,” Eddie yawned again and pecked him softly on the lips. “Goodnight Stevie, I love you.”
“Love you too, babe. Goodnight,” Steve told him. Then, they both fell asleep, eager for the next day to arrive. 
The next morning, Steve, Eddie, and Robin rushed around the trailer at the asscrack of dawn flinging random objects into their bags and getting ready for the day. Steve took a shower with Eddie ‘to save water’ while Robin got dressed in Eddie’s room and Wayne made them a small breakfast with coffee. 
Saying goodbye to Uncle Wayne was obviously the hardest part of leaving for Eddie. The man had taken him in when he needed him without so much as a blink of hesitation. But he knew after so long of a time taking care of Eddie and relinquishing space in his own home for him, Wayne would be pleased to have his peace back. Eddie gave him a long hug and almost came to tears when Wayne gruffly mentioned visiting him in Chicago and always wanting to see Wrigley field for himself. But, he managed to choke back the tears and vowed to have him to their new apartment as soon as he could. 
After a small squabble of who got to ride with Steve and who had to drive the van (it was a short argument since Robin was still a new driver and was anxious when it came to driving on the freeway), the trio said their last goodbyes and made their way to the Beemer and Eddie’s van. Then, they were off.
When Steve drove past the Leaving Hawkins sign months ago, he thought no one would care enough to notice his absence. But now, as he passed the sign with Robin in the passenger seat and Eddie tailgating him in his van, he could feel how loved he truly was. They were starting a new chapter, away from the other members of their family, but they were moving on together. And that’s all Steve had ever truly wanted. They may come back to visit their family here but their home has changed. It wasn’t the town of Hawkins with its bad memories and even worse people. Their home was with each other, wherever they ended up.
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