#jaune is a grimm designer
novankenn · 3 months
Ah, come on!?!
A lanky blond man, a rather faunus-ish woman, and another figure with five heads raced around the corner.
Ilia: AHHHH!
Terra: Jaune! You know how to behave better than that! You're breaching our safe workplace standards!
The trio of figures skidded to a halt, and looked at the floor dejected. The excitement of having another new face in the department overruled by Terra's stern comments.
Terra: Jaune stop that. Let me introduce you to Ilia Amitola, she is a recent hire, specifically for your department. Ilia...
Ilia: Um... yes?
Terra: Would you like to say anything before I continue with the introductions?
Ilia: No... I'll wait, if that's okay?
Terra: That's perfectly fine. The blond looking like a kicked puppy is my brother-in-law Jaune Arc. He is the head of the Grim Development .
Jaune looks up gives a little wave, while also rubbing the back of his neck with embarassment.
Terra: Next to him is Wolf Bete. While she...
Wolfie: HE!
Terra: ... is a Grimm... they are still considered employees and will be treated with the same respect that you wish to be treated with.
Ilia: He?
Wolfie: Long story.
Ilia: I bet.
Terra: And lastly... um... Jaune?
Jaune: Yes?
Terra: (Points at the lab coat covered Hydra) Who is that?
Jaune: That's Hydra. She was accidentally...
Sister head #1: How DARE you?
Sister head #2: It's okay sis... he didn't mean it.
Sister head #3: Wolf-breath... you're closer... hit him for me.
Sister head #4: Well he does have...
Sister heads #1-3: DON"T YOU DARE AGREE WITH HIM!!!
Terra: Jaune? What the fu... ahem... WHAT is going on?
Jaune: Her pod was activated during the move. She was awake by the time Wolfie and I returned from the BoD meeting about the breach of my last facility.
Just off to the side Wolf Bete and the sister heads were doing their best to calm the overly distressed young woman.
Wolfie: It's okay Hydra. ERK!
Hydra: (Hugging Wolf Bete with a death grip) Big brother don't let Daddy toss me away!
Jaune: I'm not tossing you away Hyrda. Ever.
Hydra: (Peeking over Wolf Bete's shoulder with her sister heads) Really?
Jaune: Yes. You activation so early was the accident. Not you. I promise.
Hydra: (Jumps from Wolf Bete's arms and rushes Jaune her arms open wide) DADDY!
Ilia took several steps back from the whole scene. If she thought her hiring and on-boarding process was wacked... this place was an utter asylum... run by the patients.
Ilia: I think... maybe... I...
Terra: Ms Amitola, I TRULY hope you're not thinking of just walking away... from your first asignment.
Ilia: I... um...
Terra: You did sign a PROVISIONAL contract, that stated in perfectly plain language that you would give us thirty days as a "feeling out" period.
Ilia: Did you just use air quotes?
Terra: Yes.
Ilia: Just checking.
Terra: So are you going to breach your legally signed contract?
Ilia: Just thirty days? No loop holes, or tricks?
Terra: None. Thirty days. If you do not wish to continue your employment with us. We separate amblically. If you want to work for another department we arrange for a transfer and another "trial" period... or you sign a more permanent contract and continue with your present assignment.
Ilia: You used air quotes again.
Wolfie: They do that.
Ilia: Why?
Wolfie: No idea.
Terra: Ms Amitola, what is your decision?
Ilia: I'll stay,... but just for the thirty days!
Terra: Very well. I'll leave the four of you to get better acquainted.
Ilia had never felt more nervous that when she watched Ms Tera Cotta-Arc walk away. As psychotic as the woman seemed, she at least was... not this.... whatever this was.
Jaune: (Rising to his feet, while gently holding Hydra's hand) So... how about a tour?
(== Table of Contents ==)
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bluearc009 · 5 months
He's a grimm!...Jaune Grimm! Grimm! Grimm!
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Young Jaune Arc, he was just 17, When his parents built a strange portal machine.
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It was designed to view, a world unseen.
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He's gonna fight em all 'cause he's Jaune Grimm! When it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit, But then Jaune took a look inside of it,
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There was a great big flash, everything just changed,
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His molecules got all rearranged! Grimm! Grimm!
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When he first woke up, he realized, He had snow white hair, and glowin' red eyes. He can create tentacles, claws, and wings to fly, He was much more unique than the other guys.
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And it was then that he knew what he had to do,
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He had to stop all the Grimms that were comin' through, He's here to fight, for me and you!
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He's gonna fight 'em all, 'cause he's Jaune Grimm, Gonna fight 'em all, 'cause he's Jaune Grimm, Gonna fight 'em all, 'cause he's Jaune Grimm.
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howlingday · 5 months
Do you think the Nuckalevee was a proper threat? If not how would have you improved it?
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Yes, I think it was, especially for the time. Let's look at its design. The bottom half of the Grimm is a massive horse, which gives it an edge in both speed and strength. Heck, I'm pretty sure Jaune was the only member of the team who could have held up the monster like that. The top half is a horned humanoid with long, extendable arms and a screech attack to stun anyone too close.
To be honest, the point of every Grimm is to be a threat that everyone wants dead and gone. This devil/demon Grimm fits very well into this standard. I mean, just looking at this thing gives me the creeps, which is another factor in its favor as it inspired fear from the team, especially in the two that were haunted by this monster in the first place.
Now, I will be fair and say that the team wouldn't have struggled this much if it weren't for a few factors already going on in the team. First, Qrow, the one with the most experience compared to the others combined, is on death's door from his fight against Tyrian Callows. Second, Pyrrha had recently died and her death had an effect on everyone, most of all on Jaune, who was using a weapon he wasn't fully used to yet. And last, as I said before, Ren and Nora are now reliving the nightmare that haunted them all those years ago, with the former going into a blood-rage that almost gets him killed. It was only through Nora knocking sense into Ren that the team was able to finally come together as Team RNJR ("It's JNRR!") and avenge the deaths of Kuroyuri, most notably Ren's parents, in one of the most satisfying Ren moments we have ever seen.
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No notes for improvement, but I'm sure somebody in the comments will have something.
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Nora: If I were a Bad Huntress, I wouldn't Be sittin' here, disscussin' it with ya, now would I!
Mercury: Grass Grows, Birds fly, and brother?
Mercury: I Hurt People!
Coco: I am Heavy Weapons user.
Coco: And this- (Expands Gianduja from the purse) - is my weapon.
Pietro: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer and Medical Doctor, that means I solve problems.
Pietro: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
Pietro: I solve practical problems!
Pietro: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbin Grimm from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?
Pietro: The answer? Get a daughter. And if that don't work, Make 'er stronger.
Pietro: Like Penny Here. She's the first Synthetic capable of Using Aura, armed with a dozen Plasma-rail Cannon Swords, all designed by me.
Pietro: Given Soul by me.
Pietro: And you'd best hope ...
Pietro: Not Pointed at you.
May Z: Snipin's a good job M8.
May Z: It's Challengin' work, outta door, and I guarantee you won't go Hungry.
May Z: Cuz' at the end of the day, if there are two people left on the planet, Someone's gonna want someone Dead.
Ironwood: Iff Fighting is Sure to result in Victory, Then you must FIGHT!
Ironwood: Sun Tzu said that! And I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do pal!Because He invented it! Then He perfected it so that no living person could best him in the Ring of Honor!
Mercury: (Struggling with a door) HEY! A little help here!
Ironwood: Out of the way son! Uuuhhh One! One! One! uh! One!
Mercury: Let's go! Let's Go!
(The trio Crashes through the Door)
Mercury: Hey! It's Still Here!
Emerald: Ahem! Gentlemen?
Coco: I fear no man ... But that thing ...it Scares me.
(A heeled silhouette Stalks down a hallway)
Mercury: No! I'm not talking about that Freak! (Struggles with Microphone) Sh- She's not here is she? How do I get this damn thing off!
(The Figure kicks open a door, light shining dangerously off her blade)
Emerald: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes.
(She Grins, Cycling to Ice dust)
Emerald: What Dreams of Chronic and Sustained Cruelty?
Weiss: (Freezes anything and everything in her path, shattering whatever she can as she sings Mirror Mirror)
Jaune: And when the looked for the Sword, it was nowhere to be found!
Coco: (Bursts out laughing, Snorts)
Jaune: Anyway, That's how I lost my Hunting License!
Flynt, on his Trumpet: (DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN DUDUDUDUDU!)
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Ruby: Not that I'm bored, but why can't we just use an airship to take these supplies out to Amity?
Penny: The components for Amity’s construction are far too heavy. All that weight would require precious dust we should be saving for the launch itself. And the Grimm that will come after.
Ruby: It just makes for a long, very long supply run.
Penny: At least the tundra is scenic.
Ruby: Totally.
Penny: Ruby! I just wanted to say how excited I am to be working with you in a professional capacity. As friends!
Ruby: Me too, Penny.
Penny: Relationships are so interesting. And varied.
Ruby: Speaking of friends. Have you been able to make any new ones? Since, you know...
Penny: Now that I’m the official protector of Mantle I don’t really have a team any more. General Ironwood says I don’t have time for friends.
Ruby: Oh uh… how do you feel about that?
Penny: I feel like I wish I could do both the things I need to do, and the things I want to do. Is that normal?
Ruby: That’s about as normal as it gets Penny.
Penny: Ruby...
Ruby: Penny.
Penny: You first.
Ruby: Uh, okay. I talked to Ozpin the other day. We talked about making you one of the maidens. My team and I discussed how you were probably built with that in mind. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you, though.
Penny: I understand your worry, Ruby. But I am more than up for the task. Either spring or fall, I don't really mind.
Ruby: Well, okay if you're sure. What was it you were going to ask about?
Penny: I was going to ask how you were with your relationships, Ruby. You asked after mine after all. It seems like something a friend would do.
Ruby: Well what did you mean?
Penny: Well you have had a boyfriend now. What was that like?
Ruby: It was uh good.
Penny: I've never had a boyfriend of my own. I've never talked to the General about it, either. Or my father.
Ruby: I wasn't very good at talking to my family about it either. Romantic stuff that is. It took me forever to tell Yang and by the time I did… well I didn't so much as tell her so much as she caught us.
Penny: Caught you?
Ruby: We were just kissing. I mean, it was going places if I had my say in it but we were just kissing when she walked in on us. She found out that way.
Penny: Going places? Had you and Jaune been places before then?
Ruby: A handful of times.
Penny: Ruby! That was scandalous of you. What happened next?
Ruby: Yang pulled him off of me and slammed him into a wall.
Penny: So… he was on top of you, then. And your sister just ripped you apart.
Ruby: I'd been trying to wrap my legs around him but...And Jaune just sort of stood there looking dazed. It wasn't because of being slammed into the wall. He's fairly robust. He was just sort of out of it because we'd been kissing. I might be a good kisser. You could, like, see it.
Penny: Ruby! Do you mean… his…?
Ruby: Through the hem of his pants.
Penny: Was he… was he large?
Ruby: I think so. Not so much until he was inside. If that makes any kind of sense. Then it seemed like he was huge but in a good way. A really awesome feel good kind of way.
Penny: Ruby!
Qrow: Is everything alright up there!?
Ruby: We're fine!
Ruby: Penny are you… are you built, down there?
Penny: I'm designed to one day have children. If I so choose. With the right upgrades as pregnancy goes on. My father thought it was important.
Ruby: He told you?
Penny: Oh yes. He gave me the talk. He thought it was important that I have the freedom of expression that having children is. The eggs are from donors which were engineered. And I don't quite have a monthly cycle. But other than that things are roughly the same.
Ruby: You don't have a cycle? Brag about it, you queen.
Penny: Ruby!
Ruby: How roughly the same are we talking about here?
Penny: Ru -by ! The same enough.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
The VTuber
The, ‘Errantry Paladin.’
This was the adopted name of the online persona belonging to a man named, Jaune Arc, and he was a, VTuber. His persona was of a character from the highly popular fictional universe adeptly called, ‘The World of Remnant.’
‘The World of Remnant’ was a famous fantasy series than went from a novel written by the famous author, Ozma Wizradem, to an entire book series that sadly was never finished due to his untimely death due to the flu. But, his legacy lived on through spin off novels written by his children, and future authors, comic book writers, RPG creators, to video game designers, and full length feature film directors, and tv series producers of various makes. Peoples love for, ‘The World of Remnant has lasted for decades, and the, VTuber’s embracement were just the latest avatars to this wondrous world.
Through the vast depths of, ‘The World of Remnant’ their were dozens of, VTuber’s who inhabited the world of Remnant. These VTuber’s, or ‘Hunters’ as they called themselves to align along with the in universe lore. Each exploring the world in their own unique way.
Each, Hunter belonged to an agency often referred to as a, ‘Huntsmen Academy.’ The Academy’s each belonged to one of the four nation states of, Remnant. There was the academy of, Vale: Beacon Academy. The academy of, Vacuo, Shade Academy. The academy of, Atlas, and Mantle: Atlas Academy. And, lastly the academy of, Mistral: Haven Academy.
The Academies/Agencies each served a purpose of supporting, and aiding the various Hunters/Vtubers in their collective groups, by monitoring, and supporting the actions of each individual. Helping in collaborations, or in producing events, music videos, and so forth. It was a prestigious honour to gain entrance into one of these four academies/agencies to help boost themselves up, and really create a name for themselves. However, one didn’t need to join on of the academies to create a name for oneself.
For there was a, ‘Fifth Academy.’
In the lore of, ‘World of Remnant’ their was a secret organization know as the, ‘Grimm Cabal.’ A organization that sought to sow discord, and chaos throughout the kingdoms, for the their quest to fo fill their desires to destroy the world itself.
This is all fictional of course. In the real world, ‘The Grimm Cabal’ is just the name of another, VTuber agency, that was just like the rest of them.
All these, Hunters/Vtubers have their team, and their Academies, or friends of other Academies, and Teams they like do be around. Each sharing in the joys, and pains as they went about their days. Laughing, loving, crying, and hating within the moments they each individually, or collectively come across.
For all, but one that is…
For the, ‘Errantry Paladin,’ ‘The Broken Paladin,’ or simply, ‘Errant,’ was the outsider. For he was part of no, Academy, nor secret, Cabal. He simply stood alone, and went where he wanted, and did what he wanted to do. He did occasionally joined members from any group for a short while, but he never stayed for long.
Why you may ask? For many have asked, but the answer is always the same: ‘I just prefer not to.’
A answer that answers nothing, but asks everything.
And yet, while he may stand alone, his channel was among the largest their was. Thousands of people tuned in to watch his live streams; Some people came to watch him, and the games he played. Others came to listen to him, and what many called, the ‘soothing tone of voice’ he carried. Others because it was a relaxing to watch him in the background while they carried on with the various day-to-day activities during their lives.
And, then there were the, ‘Fair Maidens.’ A self proclaimed group, of mostly woman, who flocked towards him, and throw themselves upon him in a quest to obtain his affection.
Or, to simplify: The female equivalent of, ‘Simps.’
There are many things people came to see, and experience when watching the escapades of the, ‘Errantry Paladin.’ Things his viewers, and fellow, VTubers watched with baited breath, overflowing excitement, and anticipation.
And, the, ‘Errantry Paladin,’ Jaune Arc was the one who was always the most excited to see what would come next.
So… What if, Jaune Arc was a, VTuber? Sounds interesting, no?
So, lets take a little break from everything else; I’m grinding my gears on anything else I’m trying to write.
So. Feel free to ask questions to get the ball rolling. But, I want to do stories involving the other characters of, RWBY being, VTubers as well. So in order to do that, I need your help.
I am absolutely shit at naming anything! RedReaper as, Ruby’s, VTuber name is pretty shit. And, I need these people to have some cool nicknames for their, VTuber personas. So, this is where you guys come into play!
You guys give me a nickname, or two for a character, and I’ll collect them, and put them into a pole, and let you decide which name is best. Okay?
Great, lets have some fun then!
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So after almost 50hr of playing starfield (And barely cracking the surface of the game) my obession can't help but kick in.
So now I'm thinking of RWBY xStarfield, where a ship visited Remnant (Around or just before Vol 1) and this led to the gang becoming space explorers instead of Huntsman.
Remnantborn are considered a paradoxically identical species who are almost exactly like earth origin humans with the exception being their auras.
Whereas Faunus are considered Alien.
I can see a movement to try and make new homes among the stars so the people can escape the Grimm of Remnant.
The problem comes from the fact that Dust doesn't work off planet forcing the gang to adapt with new weapons (Except Jaune who doesn't actually use Dust in his weapons inital design.)
Weiss and Whitley would aim to create mines on other worlds
while others would work to make new homes for people on habitable worlds.
I can see RWBY having a quick vombat ship while JNPR has essentially a heavily shielded cargo ship with canons. (Them working together) Them boarding spacer and Crimson Fleet ships to take them over and send back to Remnant so more people can access the stars.
Though this idea is still in its infancy mind you.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Re: RWBY outfits in v9: Hey wow it's strange that Jaune gets a completely new helmet and hairstyle and altered face AND his armor is significantly retextured to the point of looking completely out of place with the flat-colored outfits the girls have in shots where they're together. I'm sure this has nothing to do with where the narrative focus of the Volume actually was. But it's fine if we don't at least partially take the girls out of their cold weather gear???
Also, people frequently fail to acknowledge how much this snowballs.
RWDE: Why did Jaune get the new texture and hairstyle? Push-back: Duh, because he's the one who's been living in the Ever After for decades. RWDE: Yeah... and why did he get to do that again? Push-back: Because he killed Penny and the story needed him to have a significant arc in response to that. RWDE: Uh huh, and why did he get to do that? Push-back: Because Jaune is the one with the super important healing skill that beautifully contrasts their violent career! RWDE: ... are we not sensing a pattern yet?
Putting aside the fact that Ruby could beautifully fit any of these emotional beats with a bit of tweaking (she falls early, finds the time tree, the emphasis is on the contrast of Penny's first friend having to kill her, silver eyes are somehow significant to that moment, etc.) I think too often fans get caught up in not only the supposed necessity of any one scene —treating the RWBY gang as real people bound by the whims of fate, rather than characters 100% controlled by the writers — but also the ways in which, yes, past work does have an influence on what occurs later. If you make Jaune a team leader equal to Ruby, if you give him a big arc at the very start of the show, if you make him OP in regards to energy, if you give him the most useful skill in the entire group (given that they're fighting humans more than grimm nowadays, silver eyes are all but useless in most fights. ESPECIALLY when Ruby will randomly not use them against Cinder), if you make him the emotional focus of Pyrrha's death, if you give him the revenge quest, if you have him kill Penny... yeah, you're setting up future scenarios where he "has" to remain in the narrative spotlight. That's the problem: not only that RWBY refuses to pull back from Jaune's position in the story, but that it started that trend so early that now they have built-in excuses for why it "has" to continue. We knew going into Volume 9 that Jaune would be a problem because Volume 8 had already introduced the problems of a) having him kill Penny and b) having him fall with the title team. We're going in circles and continually winding up in scenes like, "Well, Jaune has to have an emotional breakdown that detracts from Ruby's because he's the one who has suffered for decades and he's the one who just lost an entire village to deliberate drowning. Not giving him that focus would be bad writing." Yeah, I know it would, hence the frustration that RWBY keeps backing itself into that corner!
The design issues are a like a mini-example of that. You're right, it would be ridiculous to have Jaune living in the Ever After for most of his life and somehow coming out of it looking exactly the same... but if you're going to continue capitalizing on the focus he got all the way back in Volume 1, at least give the girls equal treatment. I don't like that Jaune had a breakdown that undermined Ruby's, but given that I also would have disliked the story ignoring his clearly traumatic experiences lately, I'm glad they at least gave Ruby her breakdown alongside his (even if, as stated elsewhere, there are additional problems with how it was framed). The clothing does the opposite where Jaune gets his logical change AND the story does nothing to try and bring Team RWBY up to speed with him.
Chucking onto that pile: the fact that so many were expecting/hoping for Ruby to come out visually changed from her time in the tree, but she simply reverts back to where she was a few episodes ago with her rose pendant. Jaune, meanwhile, leaves the Ever After as the only one with a visual cue that he's undergone any growth.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
anyway. the god of light went out of his way to ensure that humans wouldn’t/couldn’t reincarnate + the jabberwalker, animated by light’s breath, ends the cycle of rebirth for afterans + light’s first two creations are both ageless and cut off from the tree until they die + ‘let him rest’ + ‘you will reincarnate, but in a manner that ensures you are never alone’ and what that means is ozma keeps his memories and overwrites somebody else.
what the fuck kind of problem does the god of light have with ascension.
he and his brother are emanations of the tree, meant to cultivate the wilderness into a paradise. (squints at the lost fable.) the smith remarks that balance can’t be made by force or calculation—this is a remark on light’s understanding of balance, specifically. light is very hung up on maintaining ‘the rules we agreed upon’ by whatever means necessary, no matter how horrifically cruel, and continually pushes his brother to do the same until dark relents and kills everybody.
and for some reason light sees ascension as antithetical to his purpose. to balance as he conceives of it. i wonder if it’s because he views it as a destructive process? while jaune is in ozpin mode he says the tree is death, it erases you—and while that’s not true, it’s a mindset the god of light very plausibly might hold. he is trying to design a perfect order that will never, ever need to change. he puts great emphasis on ‘learning from mistakes’ (not that he’s ever truly managed to learn from his own) and makes a point of ensuring that his reincarnating champion never forgets anything. the tree is change and growth, but change and growth require destruction. you have to be reborn new (unless you’re a living human when you go to the tree, in which case you can return spiritually changed if you so choose.)
& he hates that so much he has millions of human souls dreaming in a cosmic morgue somewhere, rather than let them flow through the tree and become something he cannot control.
…grimm are reverse-jabberwalkers, maybe. if the jabberwalker eats an afteran, his prey is cut off from the cycle of rebirth. humans are cut off from the cycle of rebirth, so if a grimm eats a human… stares at all the faunus-grimm connections and the faunus myth about transformative liberation. well okay then.
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drenosa · 1 month
What do you think about the Jabberwalker?
Honestly, I got no strong opinion on it.
It's a creature that has the ability to permanently kill an Ever After creature and is only a dangerous opponent to RWBY and Jaune if it was a 1v1.
Design wise it's okay too, I guess. But I've seen it described as something of a proto-Grimm here and there and I can get why that is said.
In short, okay threat and okay design, just not really special in my opinion.
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novankenn · 1 year
Ah, come on!?!
Jaune sat before his secure terminal in his small bioengineering lab, slack jawed and totally dumbfounded. Head of and the sole staff member of the Inner Circle's Grimm Development Division, he just couldn't understand what he was being instructed to do.
Salem: I feel your proposal has merit, Executive of Espionage Oleander Arc.
Oleander (Executive of Espionage): Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: All in favour of this information gathering operation, please raise your hands.
Every Arc Sister plus Watts and Tyrian raise their hands.
Salem: All opposed?
Hazel raises his hand, along with Jaune.
Salem: Jaune I appreciate your desire to contribute to the discussion, you however are not an executive and your vote will not be recorded in the official meeting minutes.
Jaune: But...
Azalea Arc (Executive of Policy and Procedures): Jaune please, don't embarrass yourself. While you are head of the Grimm Development Division, you are not a member of the board.
Jaune: But why not? I'm the Head of the Department I'm the only member of... plus you're all deciding to ADD to my work load!
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Jaune as this operation will have the greatest impact on your department, it is only appropriate that you lead the operation. You will be compensated for your time.
Jaune: Compensated? Does that mean I'll get some staff members?
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources) : I'm sorry that is not currently a priority. Combat and Liaison Departments along with Mobile Applications Development require such resources.
Jaune: But I'm the only...
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources): I'm sorry, Jaune. It's not in our mandate for this quarter.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Your department is constantly over budget and under performing, and as such we can not justify the additional resources to hire more staff.
Jaune: But... I would meet deadlines and budgets if I had staff to share my workload! I mean, I have six projects that are in limbo because I don't have the time to allocate to their development.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): It's not in this quarter's budgets. You'll have to make due. Sorry little brother.
Salem: We are getting off-topic. So as per the vote, I would like it noted in our minutes that the Proposal for Grimm Development to infiltrate Beacon to observe and analyze the training methods deployed by our foes in an effort to make more effective grimm as a countermeasure has been approved.
Jaune: This is not fair! What am I supposed to do with my latest project? Wolf Bete's brain is complete, I just need to work on fashioning his body...
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): I would like to introduce a counter suggestion and amend grimm Development's Wolf Bete proposal.
Salem: Please continue.
Juniper Arc (Executive Public Relations): We have conducted some focus groups about Wolf Bete's final design...
Jaune: Focus Group? How do have a focus group about grimm?
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): Simple, we structure it as the reveal of a potential new character for one of our mobile products. Regardless, while Wolf's abilities were well received and applauded, the consensus was that Wolf's appearance was not cute enough. So I suggest a reconfiguration of Wolf's body to one that of a young woman, preferably around Jaune's age.
Jaune: WHAT?!? DO you KNOW how much work that will require? Not to mention the reconfiguration of the brain to accept the new body structure?
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): We can not allocate any further funds to this project, Jaune. You will have to make the needed adjustments with in current budget constraints.
Jaune: That is unaccepta...
Salem: All in favour of the proposed modifications to the Wolf Bete proposal?
Everyone raises their hands.
Salem: Motion unanimously passed. Grimm Development will make the directed modifications under the budgetary and time constraints originally agreed upon.
Jaune just slumped in his chair. It was just inconceivable the amount of overtime he was going to have to pull to reconfigure Wolf Bete's body along with preparations to attend Beacon.
Salem: If there is no further business (looks about seeing no one stepping forward) Meeting adjourned.
Jaune fell back into his seat as he watched all the holographic images blink out one by one. Until finally it was just him and Lady Salem.
Salem: Jaune, even though you are not an executive like your sisters, I wanted to reaffirm that you are a valued member of our organization.
Jaune: Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: This additional assignment will be rough on you, and as such aside from your Wolf Bete project, I am formally extending all your deadlines indefinitely until you return from this assignment.
Jaune: Really?
Salem: Yes. I look forward to seeing your bi-weekly reports.
Jaune: Bi-weekly? As in, one every two weeks?
Salem: (Chuckles) No, twice a week.
Any relief, Jaune had been feeling, fled his body in that instant. Even with his other grimm design projects shelved, he was still facing a huge backlog of work. As Lady Salem's hologram blinked out of existence, Jaune truly began to wonder if the choice his mother had made in talking Lady Salem out of World Destruction and into incorporating to facilitate World Domination... was really worth it.
/==/ 26 Hours Later /==/
The bio-pod drained and slowly rose into the ceiling. A pair of bare feet splashed through the small puddles of bio-fluid that has not drained away.
Wolf Bete: Finally! Those huntsmen and huntresses won't... hey? What's with my voice?
The nude figure rushed past the sleeping form of Jaune, and straight for the large mirror attached to the far wall.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL?!? (She reaches up and grabs her bare breasts) What the HELL?!?
Spinning about, the nude young woman with a wolf's tail and wolf ears, rushed over and yanked Jaune from his chair, and proceeded to start roughly shaking him.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL, dude?!?
Jaune: Ahhh, what? I'm up!
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me?!?
Jaune: Oh, you're awake, and... (Jaune's face grew bright crimson) naked!
Wolf Bete: Of course I am! I don't own any clothes! But that's not important! What happened to my body?!?
Jaune: Executive Decision.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: I was out voted... but I can't vote, so does that count?
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me? I was supposed to be a hunk of a guy! Not... not this!
Jaune: The BoD amended your proposal, due to the feedback from a focus group. I was directed to give you the body of a young woman.
Wolf Bete: (Releases her grip on Jaune) A focus group?
Jaune: Focus Group.
Wolf Bete: Okay. Okay... this is NOT okay! I'm supposed to be a guy! I trained in all those simulations as a guy! Why didn't you fix my brain at the same time? I know I'm supposed to be a guy!
Jaune: Deadline and budget.
Wolf Bete: Er... what?
Jaune: The BoD wouldn't extend my deadline or increase my budget for your development... so I did what I could, and I think I did pretty good considering. I even came in under budget... just barely, but I'm under budget.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: We should get you dressed. Now that you're complete, I have to present you to the BoD...
Wolf Bete: Why?
Jaune: Final approval, and quality assurance testing.
Wolf Bete: Quality Assurance testing?
Jaune: Yeah, they'll ask you some questions to make sure you have a functional mind, and can think independently, as well as a physical test.
Wolf Bete: Test? What type of test?
Jaune: You'll fight another grimm.
Wolf Bete: Fight... another... grimm?
Jaune: Yes.
Wolf Bete: And if I lose?
Jaune: Psh. You lose? Wolfie you are the most advanced bioengineered grimm I have EVER created! You can't lose! But try your hardest... I can't afford to have you lose.
Wolf Bete: Wolfie?
Jaune: What? Don't like it?
Wolf Bete: WAIT! You said I couldn't lose, and just said you can't afford for me to lose! Which is it?
Jaune: Both?
Wolf Bete: I'm confused.
Jaune: And cold.
Wolf Bete: And... HEY! Eyes up PERV!
Jaune: (Face cherry red) Sorry! Sorry! I suggest we get you some clothes...
Wolf Bete: (Covering herself with her arms and tail.) Fine clothes first, and then you're explaining all this to me... (pokes Jaune in his chest as he opens his mouth)... again.
(== Table of Contents ==)
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pilot-boi · 2 years
You think that the Jabberwocky looks like that because the Never After knew Jaune needed a training dummy that looks and acts like Cinder and Tyrian?
Honestly I don’t think fuck all in the Ever After was designed with the characters in mind
It really feels like a completely separate world that our kids don’t mesh with
I think any similarities between the Jabberwalker and Cinder/Tyrian are complete coincidence. If anything, I’d say that the Ever After was the gods’ first pass at making a world and the Jabberwalker was GoD’s first try at making Grimm
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howlingday · 1 year
Velvet's... Shampoo?
"WHAT THE HECK?!" Velvet opened the door to her shower. As she exited, she noticed her body had changed drastically. Using a unique mixture Jaune's shampoo and experimental goo found at the fiendish Dr. Merlot's lab, Nora had unwittingly created a mutagen just to prank her team leader. Unfortunately, Velvet had asked to borrow Jaune's shampoo for personal reasons.
She stepped out of the shower, feeling the heat of the bathroom drain her body. For some reason, it felt like her body was unreasonably warmer, wetter, and dragging behind her. She let out a yawn as she shook her heavy head. "Maybe I need a nap."
The rest of Yeam CFVY had left for a sale on designer outfits. In other words, Coco needs new boots for her already bursting wardrobe, and Velvet lucked out on being in the shower when Coco learned about it. Fox and Yats, not so lucky.
"Still, I've never been this tired before." Velvet yawned again. "Maybe I'm getting sick?"
Velvet took a dry washrag and wiped away the steam fogging the mirror. Through the smeared glass, she saw her face, which seemed normal, but as she smeared outward things took a turn for the weird. He ears were still the same, but they had company. Standing between her brown rabbit ears were a pair of golden deer antlers.
She jumped, launchibg herself high into the air, smashing her newly grown crown into the ceiling above! As she fell down on her backside, she kicked her legs from the pain. She noticed an extra amount of movement and stopped, looking down.
Beyond her exposed chest and stomach, she found her lower region, including her legs, were covered in fur! And where her rear end was had extended to another set of legs! She was like a centaur!
A centaur who screamed bloody murder.
"HEY!" A voice called through two doors. "ARE YOU OKAY, VELVET?!"
It was muffled, but Velvet heard him clear as day. It was Jaune, and he was at the door to the dorm.
Velvet ran for the dormroom, racking her, well, rack on the door frame. After a wince and a grumble, she awkwardly returned to her closet.
"J-Just a minute!" Velvet had set out clothes for after her shower, but her recent changes made them all useless. With no shirt to cover her body, and no pants in size stupid, she tossed on her jacket and prayed it would be enough.
"Everything okay, Velvet?!" Oh, yeah, no, everything is just fine, except for the fact SHE WAS A FREAK OF NATURE! Oh, if Cardin or his cronies could see her now.
"Everything's fine!" She lied.
"Are you sure? I thought I heard a scream."
"I, uh, saw a spider!" She lied again.
"Uh, okay." Jaune agreed. "Hey, uh, you mind if I come in?" NO! "I really need to grab that shampoo bottle from ya."
"O-Oh, really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. You haven't used it yet, have you?" Velvet stayed quiet. "Nora put something in there to prank me, but she didn't expect you to borrow it from me. She's also very sorry."
"What, uh... What did she put in it?" Velvet's curiosity piqued.
"Well, she S
Says it's some kind of goop she found at that crazy scientist's lab." Jaune explained. "Y'know, the one experimenting on Grimm?"
"The mutagen from Dr. Merlot's lab?!"
"Yeah, that stuff!" Jaune snapped his finger. "You didn't use it did you?"
Velvet was silent for a long time. Slowly, as time went on, the pieces fell in and came together, making the puzzle all the clearer. But this was the end of the road for now. Until she figured out how to change back, she couldn't leave. Not without some kind of help.
"Jaune, I need you to come in." Velvet gulped. "And you can't say anything. Okay?"
"Uh, o-okay." Velvet pressed the button to open the door, and then stepped away as quicklu as she could. She fell back hard on her rabbity rump, sitting as Jaune walked in. He saw her, turned around, and shut the door. "Uh-"
"You can't say anything!" Velvet shouted. Jaune shut his mouth. Oh, this was a disaster. What would her team think? What would the school think? Could she still go to her classes? Could she still fight Grimm? Everything started to look sharp and dangerous, and she just wanted to cry.
"Shshshsh..." There was a soft, rattlng his like a snake and she felt some touch her head. With a shriek, she turned away and kicked her attacker away, slamming him into the wall. Looking back, she saw Jaune in a daze. "Y-Yeah, I get it. I shoulda asked first."
Velvet cautiously approached the junior and instinctively knelt down in front of him. In a slow, yet steady pace, she was starting to understand her body more and more. She sat in front of him, all four legs folded so she was only a few feet taller than him. Some small part of her liked feeling tall.
"I'm sorry for kicking you." She apologized.
"No, no, it's my fault." Jaune held up a hand. "Should know better than to spook a horse... bunny... girl..." Jaune rubbed his head. "Uh, you. I'll just say than to spook you."
Velvet gave a small giggle. It felt good to be understood the way she was. Outside her team, the only few who understood her this well were the Professors at Beacon, and, to an extent, Blake, and apparently Jaune, too. Everyone else just saw her as "the rabbit girl at Beacon".
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"Just a little bruise." Jaune winced as he touched the lump on his head. "My aura'll heal it. How are you feeling?"
"Better now, thank you." Velvet sighed in relief.
"Are you sure?" Jaune asked. "Do you want a hug?"
Velvet nodded. She opened her arms a little, and Jaune scooted closer and placed an arm over one shoulder and under the other. He pressed his body to hers, and Velvet felt a warmth and kindness so rare in her life. True, she did have her team, but with them, it felt like they were walking on eggshells around her. Jaune was here as a friend, helping another friend, and asking for nothing in return.
"Uh, Velvet?"
"Are you... chewing on my hoodie?" Opening her eyes, she looked down to see the cloth being pulled by her teeth. "Uh, could you not do that? It's kinda important to me."
"S-Sorry." Velvet pulled away, releasing his garb from her maw. "It's close to lunchtime, and..."
"No, no, I get it." Jaune chuckled.
"Yeah." Velvet smiled. "You do."
Suddenly, Jaune was lifted off the ground and found himself pushed against the wall. Lips crashed into his, smacking his head and dazing him once more. Jaune wanted to push back, but Velvet had a little more weight on him than she did before. Not to mention, he really liked the juniper wafting into his face from her hair.
"So help me, if you did something to hurt Velvet, I will- WHOA!" Out of the corner of her eye, Velvet saw the rest of Team CFVY, accompanied by Jaune's teammate, Nora, entering with surprised looks on their faces.
"Huh." Nora looked her prank result up and down. "Always figured he liked them bigger."
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zozoistireds-blog · 3 months
The Light Of The Future Au: lie ren
Tumblr media
(Click image for better quality)
lie ren after the was stationed in the ruins of vale with ruby and the rest of team jnr. Slowing down when it came to being a hunter, they assisted in the rebuilding process of vale while also clearing out grimm every once in a while. During this rebuilding process.
ren ultimately settled down with nora and much later jaune once they and nora worked up the courage to ask. (Yes im a renorarc shipper) the three of them later spending time together, while living in mistral.
(I may make changes in their design later if I figure out better details. For now, this is how they look)
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razorblade180 · 11 months
Watched RWBY x Justice League pt2
First and foremost, I actually feel like everyone should watch this. You can skip part 1 and I wouldn’t care. Part two however is actually pretty fun. Kinda wish it was longer to slow the pace a little. It’s only a little over an hour. More importantly…
I cannot figure out if I’m in disbelief or a tad livid, because this movie gave me character moments I wanted from the show and it’s post Vol9!😭
I wouldn’t have believed you if you told me this movie has high on life Ruby Rose, a very important sisterly moment with Yang, and Weiss trying to process how Atlas is gone! I’m actually a little lost for words. This movie has parallels and uses prior character arcs to help others get through current ones. Like…I’m so happy about it, but why is it in the Justice League crossover movie? I’ve been fed what I wanted in a foreign restaurant.
They mentioned Grimm Eclipse in this movie multiple times. That feels illegal because they never mention that ever! Here’s a couple things that aren’t that big of a deal but mattered to me for some reason.
I might prefer Blake’s superpower and costume here and I don’t know to feel about that.
Weiss clearly has a thing for Batman and it’s always going to be hilarious
Jessica asked for Jaune and that fucked me up.
Weiss continues to be the prettiest at all times. (I’m biased but oh well)
Ruby has “I’m her” energy
The fights were fun
Time Skip Ruby design might be her best look. It somehow balances all of her other design traits and she looks so in her element. I’m sad it’s gone
The girls had muscles.
I’ll probably think about this movie for a solid few days. It comes out in physical on Tuesday so I’ll probably buy it. Not necessarily because it’s the best thing to buy, but because it’s important now more than ever to show economic evidence that there’s still market value for RWBY as a franchise if people actually want some semblance of a chance to get a legitimate volume 10. If you do actually care about RWBY continuing, then I’d recommend maybe doing the same if it’s financially feasible of course; even if you don’t particularly like the film.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Song of the Deep
Nora: Guys! Guysguysguys!
Ren: What is it, Nora?
Nora: The kingdom has a national anthem!
Blake: We do?
Nora: Yeah, we just got it today!
Yang: I thought we had one for a while now.
Weiss: Well, the Kingdom of Lunaris is only a month old, so its not much of a surprise we don’t have a national anthem.
Ruby: We don’t even have a flag that represents the kingdom, just the clan houses; all the cool countries have flags, why don’t we have one?!
Weiss: Well, we have banners, but I think that’s the King’s iconography, not the country’s.
Blake: Knowing his, Majesty he is no doubt coming up with several designs that best represent the nation.
Pyrrha: Jaune always like cool flag designs. He probably want one that represents all who live under the mountain.
Yang: Enough about flags, and what not. You have a tape of the national anthem, Nora?
Nora: Hell yeah I do! And, its a total banger!
Yang: We’ll see about that; Hit it, Nora!
Nora: Okay!
Nora: …
Nora: So… What do you think?
Ren: That was… powerful…
Yang: You kidding?! That bitch slays!
Blake: Sounds like a shanty that anyone can sing.
Pyrrha: Rock, and Stone… Hmm…? I like it~!
Ruby: So that’s where the, ‘Rock and Stone’ line I keep hearing people shouting at me is from!
Weiss: I expected something more orchestral… Heavy drums, and echoing horns.
Blake: Yeah, me too.
Weiss: I like this better though.
Blake: Same.
Nora: Yeah! Rock, and Stone everyone!
Nora: Hehe~! This place is awesome~!
Exchange bugs for Grimm, and it works.
Haa… I wish my computer could play this game… I wanna, Rock, and Stone dammit!
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