#but i’m still curious to hear what other ppl have to say
danothan · 1 year
does anyone know what hal thinks abt jazz?
i associate the genre with him sm that it surprised me to see someone hc him actively disliking it
my only frame of reference could hardly be called evidence, but hey, he brought up the comparison himself
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now i’m curious if there’s any reason to believe the opposite, would love to see any scenes for or against the hal jazz enjoyer headcanon
edit: hal hates jazz 😔👊
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
i sometimes hear ppl say that guys find their girlfriends unattractive after sex
so can you write about dolly asking luke if he’s still attracted to her after sex bc she was curious (she knows she’s always gorgeous but if you want to write ab her being insecure or wtv that’s fine) and luke is just in shock so he’s all like “ILL ALWAYS FIND YOU BEAUTIFUL” or something like that
a blurb would also be cute too
thank youu 🌟
i love this idea omg! so sorry it took me so long for this! it got lost in the abyss that is my inbox 😭 here’s a short lil blurb for this!
my eyes are saucer wide, flickering between my boyfriend and my phone screen, which is stuck on twitter.
Luke sits on the couch with my feet in his lap, his eyes glued to the tv screen that currently plays Secretariat, as i scroll through social media. but my scrolling has been halted after coming across a tweet that’s unlocked a new fear in my brain.
a guy is talking about how after sex, he finds his girlfriend unattractive for at least an hour. the tweet is followed by hundreds of responses, mostly other men confirming the existence of ‘post nut clarity’ where they experience the same thing.
now my brain is thinking a million thoughts, but the one sticking out is-
“do you think i’m ugly after sex?”
i barely have time to think about the words leaving my mouth, let alone stop myself from saying them out loud.
Luke’s head whips toward me, his eyes wide and full of disbelief.
“do i what?!” he sputters out.
Jack lets out an awkward cough from his spot behind me in the kitchen and Luke’s gaze flicks up towards his brother before settling back on me.
Jack makes a quick getaway, stifling laughter into his sweatshirt sleeve as he fast-walks down the hallway, disappearing into his bedroom.
“do you find me ugly after sex?” i reword my question but Luke still gapes at me wordlessly.
it’s another brief moment before Luke shakes his head, clearing his thoughts.
“i’m sorry, i must’ve misheard you because it sounds like you’re asking if i find you ugly after the most vulnerable state that we put ourselves in. as if i could ever find you anything but beautiful, especially after those moments.”
his response makes a red hue flush my cheeks, blood rushing to my face in embarrassment and humility.
“i don’t know- i just- i saw this twitter thread of a bunch of guys saying they find their partners unattractive for a couple hours after sex and i worried that maybe you thought that way too.”
i cover my face with my hands hiding away from my boyfriends stare. but, that doesn’t last long because within seconds, his hands are wrapping around my wrists, prying my hands away and pulling them down to my lap. his hands swiftly dragging down to hold mine.
“dolly, i want you to listen to me and hear every word i’m saying; i will always think you’re beautiful. pre-sex, post-sex. when you’re dressed up and when you’re wearing stained sweatpants. when you’ve just woken up to when you’re laying down to go to sleep. you will always be the most beautiful girl i have ever laid eyes on. please never doubt that.”
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delusinaldreamer19 · 1 month
Vent/Rant incoming. Feel free to disregard.
(But also maybe don’t, idk)
Something that’s become apparent to me as I’ve posted more frequently on Ao3 is just how disheartening it can be to feel like I’m performing for a silent crowd.
Dgmw, it is very much that I am just a sensitive & insecure person by nature. (I’m incredibly embarrassed abt posting this, but again, just venting.) And its not that I’m trying to directly beg for ppl to read and comment on my works, but I am sort of…indirectly doing that.
I just can’t help but feel a bit like ‘what am I doing wrong?’ I’ve both intentionally and unintentionally written a decently wide verity of fanfics for Kuro, whether it’s shorter oneshots or longer multi chapter fics, as well as tonally with things being funny, sad, mysterious, contemplative. I try and pay attention to what gets the most interaction so that I know what people are most interested in reading. But even with doing that, I can’t really tell. Like I want to write stuff that people enjoy reading, but it sometimes feels impossible to tell if I’m doing that.
(Pls excuse me, I’m about to start very much complaining)
I don’t even know why I tend to feel that way, I’ve got six stories posted and half have over 1000 hits (two that are over 2000 hits). But again, I’m a horrifically insecure person with an adhd brain that never shuts up.
I know that I’m doing nothing but preaching to the choir when I say ‘authors really want you to comment on their works!!’ And it’s not that I don’t ever get comments (and I swear that I am extremely thankful for each one despite how what I’m about to say sounds), but I just feel like the nature of them is what gets to me sometimes.
I put a lot of time and effort into my stories (despite how quickly I’ve been updating), and I work really hard to write things that are well thought out, interesting, and while I don’t write smut (as of now), mature. I’ll look in other stories comment sections to see what other ppl have said about works that I’ve enjoyed, and I’ll see questions and commentary about specific things that happened in the chapter, and my works just…don’t tend to get a lot of that.
It could very well just be that my neurodivergent brain is upset about not getting that instant gratification, I get that. But I just wanna like- talk to people about my stories. I wanna have discussions about things in Kuro or things that I’ve written. I wanna hear when something I’ve created has garnered any sort of reaction. And because I don’t get a lot of that, my cursed neurodivergent and insecure brain translates it as meaning that I didn’t truly make anything that warranted a reaction.
I’m just incredibly prone to growing obsessive over things like this. I didn’t really ease into writing fanfiction over time, I sort of just hit the ground running and took off. For reference, I quite literally wrote all of my stories (a collective 146,000 words (I added it up cus I was curious)) in JUST this past year.
I’m kinda not sure what I should do. If I need to “work harder” and “do better”, or if I just need to wait for this influx of self doubt to pass. Or even take a small break from writing, which I don’t necessarily want to do since it’s still something that I greatly enjoy. But if that’s advice worth giving in regards to my predicament, then I suppose it warrants being considered.
(inhale) BUT ANYWAYS, that’s the end of my little vent session. As I said in the beginning, feel free to disregard, or don’t. I could probably use some advice tbh, but don’t want to beg for it. I haven’t had much of an active presence in fandom spaces (or really just active internet presence) for most of my life, so dealing with this sort of thing is still very new to me and I’m not really sure how to navigate it😭.
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hisnowbie2 · 11 days
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¤ A vampire that supposedly everyone thinks they do not exist, clearly exist in her world. Pretend is a key to survive, though no vampire hunter. The world is obviously not open-minded either. A human that has nothing with the vampire, came across with each other one day at school, but the contact surely isn't good at all. By right, no one can even understand what happened.
"Stare at me deep down." As the vampire was then forcefully clicked with the human.
"Invite me in." As the human wants to get in the vampire's life. ¤
Pure Nape of Hers masterlist
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FINALLY SUNGHOON HAS MADE SOME FLIRTY MOVES,,, SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONGG, and for a compensation, the next chapter to third last ending will the FILLED with things that we single ppl cant relate to XDD (okkk maybe not all chapters but you get what i meannn)
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THIRTYONE : 【 Is he handsome? 】 (2.1k)
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"NOT until you give me the answers of what I want!" Hitomi emphasizes, and you look at her back before sighing.
The time of the sports event arrives, and the field is bustling with activity as students from various classes gather to watch and participate. You and your friends make your way to the field, excitement and anticipation in the air. You’re on a mission to find the best spot to cheer for Sunghoon, aiming for a seat that offers a perfect view of the soccer game.
As you search for an ideal spot, you hear your friends—Sakura, Hitomi, and Nako—chattering beside you. They’re curious and eager to know more about your relationship with Sunghoon.
“So,” Hitomi starts, a teasing edge in her voice, “how serious is it with Sunghoon? Are you two a thing?”
You glance at Hitomi, a little taken aback by the directness of her question. “Actually, we’re not a thing. I mean, I do find him interesting and enjoyable to be around, but we’re not in a relationship.”
Sakura and Nako exchange glances, clearly intrigued. “Oh?” Sakura says with a grin. “So, you’re saying there’s potential for something more?”
You shrug, feeling a bit self-conscious. “I guess. I’m hoping that maybe things might progress, but we’ll see. For now, I’m just enjoying getting to know him better.”
Hitomi nods thoughtfully. “Fair enough. But what about Euijoo? We haven’t heard you mention him at all since we got here. Do you still have a crush on him?”
The mention of Euijoo makes you stop in your tracks. It’s as if you’d forgotten all about him amidst the whirlwind of events and conversations. You stare at Hitomi, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment. “Oh, wow. I totally forgot about Euijoo. I haven’t even thought about him lately.”
Your friends look at you with a mix of amusement and curiosity. “Seriously?” Nako asks. “You used to talk about him all the time.”
“I know,” you admit, shaking your head in disbelief. “I guess with everything going on, I haven’t had much time to think about him. I didn’t even realize how much my focus had shifted.”
Sakura laughs softly. “Well, it seems like Sunghoon has definitely captured your attention. Maybe it’s a good thing to focus on the present for now.”
Nako, with a playful glint in her eye, decides to spice things up. “Let’s imagine a scenario: what if both Sunghoon and Euijoo were to confess their feelings to you at the same time? Who would you choose?”
You pause, letting the hypothetical situation sink in. In your mind’s eye, you picture two scenarios. Sunghoon’s confession is vivid and vibrant, with bright pink hearts floating around and a warm, inviting glow. In contrast, Euijoo’s scenario feels a bit more muted, with a softer, less dynamic background.
After a moment, you shrug it off and play it cool. “Honestly, I don’t think I’d choose either of them. I’m just here to enjoy the day and see where things go.”
Sakura nudges your elbow with a teasing grin. “Oh, come on! You can’t just brush off a question like that.”
Nako chuckles and adds, “Yeah, you’ve got to be honest. I saw those pink hearts in your daydream.”
Hitomi, rolling her eyes but smirking, looks at you with a knowing expression. “I think we’ve hit a nerve. You’re definitely thinking about it more than you let on.”
You laugh, trying to deflect the teasing. “Alright, alright. Maybe there’s a bit of truth to the daydream. But for now, I’m more focused on cheering for Sunghoon.”
The teasing continues as your friends settle into their seats, and you all eagerly await the start of the game. The light-hearted banter and camaraderie make the wait enjoyable, and you’re ready to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of the sports event.
As the game is about to start, you spot Sunghoon walking onto the football field, looking focused and ready for action. The excitement among the crowd builds as players from both teams take their positions. You’re about to wave enthusiastically when something catches your eye.
To your surprise, you see Euijoo walking onto the field as well. You hadn’t expected him to be participating, let alone playing on the opposing team. Your heart skips a beat as you process the sight of him, his presence adding an unexpected twist to the game.
You turn to your friends, who have also noticed Euijoo’s arrival. Nako’s eyes light up with mischief, and before you know it, she’s latched onto your arm, her cheek resting against your shoulder. “Now let’s see who you’ll cheer for real,” she says playfully, her tone full of mock seriousness.
Sakura chuckles beside you, clearly enjoying the situation. “Looks like life really gave you a live example of Nako’s scenario,” she teases, her eyes dancing with amusement.
Hitomi rolls her eyes but can’t suppress a smirk. “This should be interesting. Now you’ve got a real dilemma on your hands.”
You laugh, feeling a bit flustered but also amused by the playful banter. “Alright, alright. I’ll cheer for Sunghoon as planned, but I might have to send a few encouraging vibes Euijoo’s way too.”
As the game begins, the field is alive with energy. You and your friends enthusiastically cheer for Sunghoon, and despite your internal conflict, you can’t help but feel a sense of excitement watching both players in action. The game turns into a thrilling display of skill and sportsmanship, and the friendly teasing from your friends only adds to the fun atmosphere of the day.
As the football game heats up, the field becomes a flurry of action. You and your friends are on the edge of your seats, cheering loudly for Sunghoon. Every time Sunghoon makes a play or a goal, your cheers grow more enthusiastic. You catch his eye a few times, and he gives you a quick, grateful smile, as if drawing strength from your support.
Sunghoon’s performance on the field becomes increasingly impressive. He moves with determination and skill, clearly motivated by the cheers and energy coming from the sidelines. His team plays with a fervor that seems to match the excitement in the air. You can see how your encouragement has fueled his passion for the game.
The match is intense, but in the end, Sunghoon’s team emerges victorious. The field erupts with cheers and applause from your class, celebrating the win with jubilation. You feel a surge of pride and excitement, thrilled to see Sunghoon and his team succeed.
As the players begin to gather and congratulate each other, you make your way toward Sunghoon. However, you notice Euijoo approaching from the opposite direction, heading toward Sunghoon. With the distance between you and Euijoo being shorter, you decide to reach out to him first.
You quickly close the gap and offer Euijoo a genuine smile. “Hey, Euijoo! You played really well out there,” you say, giving him a friendly pat on the back.
Euijoo looks pleasantly surprised and smiles back. “Thanks! It was a tough game, but it was fun. Appreciate the encouragement.”
You exchange a few more words of congratulations, and Euijoo nods appreciatively before you both head towards Sunghoon. After your brief conversation with Euijoo, you make your way to Sunghoon, who is surrounded by his teammates and friends, basking in the afterglow of the victory.
You approach him with a big smile. “Congratulations, Sunghoon! You were amazing out there. Your team played incredibly well.”
Sunghoon’s face lights up with a satisfied grin. “Thanks! It means a lot to hear that. I really appreciate your support—it made a huge difference.”
Just then, one of Sunghoon’s teammates, beaming with excitement, turns to you and asks, “Are you Sunghoon’s girlfriend?”
Before you can respond, another teammate chimes in, “Well, either way, you should come with us to the celebration lunch. The school is treating the winning team, and we’d love for you to join us!”
You hesitate for a moment, considering declining the offer. But then, who could resist a free meal, especially after such an exciting day? With a smile, you agree to join them. “Alright, I’ll come along.”
The teammates cheer and head off towards the lunch area, leaving you and Sunghoon standing together. As you watch them go, you glance back at Sunghoon and catch his eye. Feeling a bit embarrassed by the sudden attention, you look away quickly.
Sunghoon, clearly enjoying your reaction, teases you with a playful smirk. “So, I guess I’m your boyfriend now, huh?”
You stammer, trying to explain yourself while your eyes dart away. “Oh, no, I—It was just a misunderstanding. I’m not—”
Your friends, who have been watching from a distance, start giggling at the scene. Sakura, Nako, and Hitomi exchange amused glances, clearly enjoying your flustered reaction.
Sunghoon continues to tease you, making playful remarks that only add to your embarrassment. You puff your cheeks in mock annoyance and look at him with a feigned glare. “Okay, okay, stop it already!”
He laughs and ruffles your hair affectionately. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop,” he says, still chuckling.
As he tousles your hair, it feels so innocent and unexpected that you can’t help but blush even deeper. The warmth spreading through you intensifies, and your heart flutters uncontrollably. You're so focused on the rapid beating of your heart that you don’t notice Sunghoon bending down to match your 149 cm height with his own 181 cm stature.
When you finally snap back to reality, you find Sunghoon's face just inches from yours. His expression is calm and friendly, completely oblivious to the effect he's having on you. “See you later during lunch,” he says, his voice warm and casual.
Before you can react, he messes up your hair one more time, his playful gesture making your heart race even faster. With a final smile, he turns and walks away, leaving you standing there, holding onto your chest as you try to calm your pounding heart.
You’re a blushing mess, already dreading the playful teasing you know your friends will unleash when they see you. Unfortunately, your friends have witnessed everything from start to finish. As Sunghoon walks away, you see them rush over to you with wide grins, their excitement palpable.
Sakura and Nako approach first, their voices full of animated squeals and playful "aws." “Oh my gosh, that was so cute!” Nako exclaims, barely containing her excitement. “You and Sunghoon were just adorable!”
Hitomi, always quick with a probing question, looks at you with a knowing smile. “So, is he handsome? In your eyes?”
You open your mouth to respond but find yourself at a loss for words. Your mind, however, has already answered the question for you. You replay memories of Sunghoon from the football game: his confident stride, the way he looked with determination and skill, and the intimate interaction you had right after. Every moment showcases him in a way that is undeniably handsome.
Despite your best efforts to deny it verbally, your brain has made it clear. Sunghoon’s image, from the game to your close encounter, proves that he is indeed handsome, and your heart can’t help but agree.
You stand there, flushed and flustered, as your friends continue their teasing. The reality of your feelings for Sunghoon becomes more evident with each passing moment. They see Sunghoon as just a friend with good looks, nothing more. However, for you, the perspective is entirely different.
As you replay the moments from the game and the interaction between you and Sunghoon, it becomes clear that your feelings have intensified. To your friends, he’s a friend who happens to be attractive. To you, he’s a male with extremely handsome looks that you can’t help but admire.
The phrase "love makes you blind" resonates in your mind. Your perception of Sunghoon has shifted significantly; what you see now is not just a friend but someone whose presence and charm have captivated you in a way that’s more than just superficial.
As your friends continue their playful banter, you smile inwardly, knowing that your feelings for Sunghoon have deepened beyond mere friendship. The day’s events have made it clear that your heart is fully invested, even if it took a bit of teasing to reveal it.
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@seunghancore @sol3chu @melancholy-z @stvrrylove
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
As an aroallo who’s been involved in the ace/aro discourse from a few years ago, I’ve read the manifesto and found the blog behind it, and… yeah that’s not a psy-op, that’s just aros replicating political lesbianism on accident because they’re frustrated with amatonormativity and conflating it with romantic attraction in general, but I also feel kinda… weird about seeing it sent anonymously to someone who isn’t aro and idk if you’ve ever openly said if/that you’re aro or not. Even though the original creators of the manifesto were being completely genuine about it, that wouldn’t stop someone who thinks aromantics are homophobic freaks who need to be pushed out of the queer community from using it to create rifts by sending it to alloromantic queer folks to subtly say “look, this is what those heartless monsters think of you!” And since they’re anonymous, I have absolutely zero idea what their intentions are and cannot examine them more closely. It seems so far the reactions have been to criticize it while maintaining the stance that aros as a whole are fine, which is great, but I still can’t shake my suspicions of the original anon. I dunno. Maybe I’m still too burned by the discourse.
(This is not me saying you’ve done anything wrong, I get that you get a lot of unhinged anons and cannot control what people send you. This is me side-eyeing the anon who sent that to you really hard).
if it makes you feel better, this was the original message i got:
have you ever read the aromantic manifesto? (link here: aromanticmanifesto + tumblr ending) I'm not in very many aro-centric or aro-informed spaces IRL and tumblr is a cesspit so I'm very curious to hear what other queer people think of it, as an aroqueer person (genuine) feel free to ignore this!
in case that kind of helps to contextualize it, it wasn't like. someone just dropping a link and leaving, it was someone asking what i thought. i just couldn't read the pdf that the blog had linked bc it was formatted in a way that was hard on my eyes. but also i get a ton of ppl "asking what i think" and then it's just bait so it is so fucking hard to tell which questions are ppl who are genuinely curious and who is just trying to set me up :)))))))
but yeah, i think it's a pretty common anxiety for all types of queer people to worry that any time one of us does something stupid that we're all going to get punished. i'm monitoring my notes in case anyone uses this as an opportunity to be a dipshit abt it.
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imagineitdearies · 3 months
Hello! Just finished PS. I cannot praise you enough. Its easily the best thing ive read this year, and my resolution was to read multiple books a month. You surpass ALL OF THEM!
Saw ur authors note at the end abt an original queer vamp novel- is there anymore info yet? Im sure you've got ppl begging already but id truly love to beta when the time comes- or be first in line to preorder.
I feel like i read this at exactly the right time of my life.
The story was so painful yet rewarding bc i see so much of myself in Tyrus. Astarion and Tyrus truly feel like two different exstensions of my healing self. I wont go into it, but im a survivor to. Like tyrus, it happened when i was a young. Seeing his transformation throughout his decade of enslavement, his hatred towards himslef and the world, all bc of one man hit home. I kept telling myself that if it didnt have a happy ending id have to burn my phone or smthn lol. Seeing Astarion amd Tyrus not just defeat Cazador, but do it together, do it solely through their love of one another, broke me. The power of love, hope, and goodness. I havent cried over a fanfic since middle school. Im in my 20s now. I adored the final 2 chapters of the aftermath- im so grateful we got to meet his sister! And with Halsin, no less!
Im so thrilled you'll be adding oneshots and other stories to the universe. Tyrus is so real, so alive, id hate to see him contained in one story.
I love how Tyrus, ultimately, changeed. He didnt change into a monster like he feared, but what happened to him did changed him. Thats not a bad thing, tho. He's still Tyrus, simply a new version. And im still me, simply a new version.
I dont know if ill ever be able to reread, even skimming over the rougher parts was hard, but im so grateful i was able to see Tyrus and Astarion's journey. All of their triumphs felt like mine, all of their failures. Their never wavering love and trust in one another, that they understood it was Cazador that made them do those bad things. Ur right, pain and love must be intertwined, which is why this fic was so amazing. The highs would have never felt so spectaular without the lowest of lows.
Im rambling, i apologize. I do hope you read this, even if you dont respond. I hope my thanks and praise can give u something in return for what you've given me.
If you've made it this far, have you made any content on ur process? Ur planning? The flow was amazing, ur description, the flashbacks- did you go to school for writing? As a writer myself im almsot jealous at ur talent- but mostly curious :) id love to know anything you're willing to share.
Again, thank you. This was a gift, you know. I wont forget it.
Hi turtleurtle!! Great to see you over here, thank you so much for your kind words 🩵🩵 it means a lot any time I hear people enjoyed PS as much/more than published fiction!!
Speaking of, yes, since you ask I do have a little more to say now on my original story. I took a small writing break for a week or so but have now jumped back into the saddle for the next adventure! Lots of plotting, character creation, worldbuilding, and research happening right now.
Reuben, our first main POV, is almost fully fleshed out as a character and I’m so excited for you all to meet him (he’s an eloquence bard, for starters)!! The first book/part is almost fully outlined and I’ve written the first few pages. I’m really starting to get inspired by where the storyline is going.
Back to PS though—I’m so glad you felt seen with Tyrus’s character. He did inevitably change, but by the end he is (mostly) at peace with that and can still forge a good life and happy relationships. Meeting Cynda again was that last little piece of hope he needed to believe it 🥹
Haha the light does always seem brighter when you’re stuck in pitch darkness! On the other hand, it’s something Tyrus only thinks once, but I would argue love is not intertwined with pain more than anything else. Pain is just an inevitability. No matter what you do, you will experience discomfort, sorrow, loss, physical suffering (see Cazador, with absolutely zero love in his life). While love is not inevitable, it’s a choice. Love is a gift we choose to give and to receive in the midst of inevitable suffering and that is why it is so precious. Having that perspective has really helped me heal and have more hope for the future 🩵
Haha never apologize for rambling about PS! This thing has consumed my soul for the last 8 months so I love the chance to hear from/converse with people especially now that the full story is posted and all is revealed. Honestly wish I could sit down with you all and just discuss everything!! But seriously thank you for this message.
As for my writing, here’s a few writing advice asks I've answered, but i haven’t gotten too in-depth on my chaotic process yet. I will say long walks talking to myself, bullet lists, and brackets are my personal recipe for success (besides just writing for years and years) 😂 I did take a lot of classes in school too! If people have specific questions, I’m happy to give my best go at an answer.
Thanks so much 🥰
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walli3darl1ng · 9 months
Hello there darling
Can I request for a welcome home ppl react to a 9 tales kitsune reader
Like she/he has lived in the woods for a long time and was curious what the neighborhood was like and the people that were in it
And the fact that there tales were soft and he/she was beautiful and helped wally finally get a good rest sleep with his/her tales
if u don't mind
(I dont mind at all, Darling! I apologize for getting to this late TT but I really love this! Hope I live up to your expectations! Before we continue…as much as I personally dislike this I really want to post something for you guys ;))
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The Kitsune Fox; a fox spirit that can turn into a human to trick and fool those who are easily fooled. Although even the most cautious can’t resist the temptation the spirits posses. In some folklore these spirits are wise and humble spirits that help the living, others say they are evil and only wish to hurt those that are weak.
They are rumored to see and hear all that goes on in the world and if deemed worthy—they can interact and help.
“Sally, I know you like this kind of thing but is it really necessary to say all the scary and nasty stuff on our sleepovers?” A slightly shaken and worried Julie interrupts Sally’s dramatic explanation of the fantasy tale making the star puppet stop and turn to her.
“Oh, sorry! I just really love those stories,” she gives a brief pause and glances around at the rest that were asleep. The only ones still awake was her Julie and Wally. “Besides everyone else is asleep.” She whispers back.
“Yeah, but now Julie won’t be able to sleep, you know how she gets.” Wally tiredly replies, patting Juliet’s shoulder softly. The scared blonde hugging her stuffed doll close to her chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Julie.” Sally frowns then opens her sleeping bag to her friend. “We can cuddle until you fall asleep, how’s that sound?”
“Okay!” Julie nods and smiles as she crawls over and hugs her best friend. “We can go see the small shrine tomorrow? The one you were talking about earlier.”
Sally hums and nods, already half asleep due to the warms Julie was providing. She was telling them that she found a small shrine not that far and wanted them to go with her to check it out.
Speaking of which here you are, draped over the roof of the shrine, your fox ears tall and alert and tails swinging about as she let out a boring sigh. “How boring…I guess a couple 100 years will do that, huh?” This is a common thing for you. Talking to yourself I mean. You have been alone for over a few centuries.
Your ears flicker when you hear slow and relax heartbeats, the neighborhood must be asleep now. You’ve noticed the neighborhood not that long ago but was always a bit hesitant to go down there and say hi. What if they think you’re evil and cast you away?!
Anyways, you’ve been keeping an eye on them for the time being. Just watching over them.
“What..?” You sit up when you pick up on a faster heartbeat, was someone having a nightmare?
“I need to investigate..what if someone’s in danger?” With a new found determination you gracefully float down and toward the neighborhood.
As colorful and unique the neighborhood is you can explore just yet. Your ears snap to the sound of the beat of the racing heart to a house. You peek inside a window to see a blue haired puppet rubbing his eyes as he takes a few deep breaths.
You tilt you head as you can still hear his heartbeat beating a bit too fast so you swiftly float in through the cracked open window which gets his attention.
“Who’s there?”
“I’m sorry…you had a nightmare?” Way to start a conversation, I suppose. Then again it’s been so long since you had a conversation with someone else and have gotten a response.
Wally however wasn’t worried at the fact that you, a complete stranger has entered Julie’s home but the fact that you were the exact tale sally was gushing out early that night. You are so beautiful, majestic and grateful even in your tone. Your ears are tall and huge, your tails! Gosh they look soft and the fact you got nine of them! Blow his mind, alright.
“Um…hello?” You asked, waving your hand in front of him making his jump a bit.
“Oh! Sorry, you’re just…you’re so pretty that’s all.” Wally shrugs it off and smiles.
You blink at this, he think you’re pretty? Seriously? What does that mean exactly? “..thank you?”
“..so you’re here because you thought I had a nightmare?”
“Your heartbeat was fast, that’s not normal.” You said as you pointed to his chest. “Then again, it’s been a few days now that I hear that from you, you’re the one that live in the red house, right? The one that’s alive.”
“Home you mean? Yea that’s me, Wally.” He smiles, his heart beat is calming down. That’s good.
“Wally…I’m (Y/n), I live on the shrine that’s up the hill.”
“Sally was telling us about it earlier! That’s where you live, that’s fantastic, you can meet the others.” Wally was now so excited to share his new found friend with the rest.
You tilt you head and hums seeing that Wally was still tired, he’s fighting his sleep but still talking to you. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Sleeping? No, no I can’t sleep now.” Was it the nightmare? You mind is racing with solutions but to no avail. Oh wait!
You perk up at your idea and float towards him, shifting a bit bigger as you circle your body around him and using one of your tails to gently push hums against you and wrap the remaining tails on him like a blanket.
“What are you doing, friend?”
“Helping you sleep.” Was all you mumble before gently humming a soft lullaby you wound for centuries and slowly but surely the blue haired puppet closes his eyes and lets calming sleep take over him, the most calming sleep he’s has these past few days.
The morning sun comes up and shines onto the neighborhood, everything was peaceful and—
“AHHH! there’s a fox in the living room!!”
The end :) I wrote all this in a Ross parking lot 🧍🏻now I know I’ve abandoned you guys—IM SORRY! But it’s been a hard couple of months and I’m trying to get into my happy hobby again which is writing and talking to you guys 💜
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jacenotjason · 1 year
*slowly appears from the void*
Would it be alright, if I requested some Fun Facts about Ma? I am so very curious and I wanna hear all the things about the characters-
Hey how did you do that? Ma facts? Oh sure >:D *throws goldfish into the void*
Funfacts n notso funfacts round with Ma!
Fun Facts
She’d pierce more of her if she could, but.. ya can’t really pierce a bird? If i drew her in a human au she’d have WAY MORE piercings!
SHE CAN FLY! She just doesnt like to lol
Her hair isn’t naturally that neon rainbow, its black underneath! She regularly bleaches and dyes, usually in the company of others bc its always funner, and you need someone to check the back!
Ma is a mix of birds, but she’s mostly eagle!! Thats where she gets her big ol talons!
Her talons are really sharp! She always tells ppl to mind them when they’re close. (Aa i can imagine her saying that actually “I’m so happy you decided to-, watch the talons, sugar- come over today”)
She has a leather bag with spikes that says “PUNK MOM” in bright green, its her ma bag >:D she carry’s snacks, first aid utensils, and medication! Mostly anxiety medicine or pain meds.
She is the tallest neighbor, beating Barnaby by about half a foot
She went to Mother Mary’s School for Problematic Boys, after she came out. She was sent at 17
She met Barnaby there ^ she was astonished by how brainwashed Barnaby was, since he was sent there so young he was so accustomed to all the teachings. Poppy decided she wouldn’t just escape, she’d take Barnaby with her!
In the school, everyone went by their last names. (Adults called the kids “Son ____” and kids called the adults “Mother ____” and “Father ____”, kids call each other “Brother ____”. They thought they were a big family, basically. Its a very stereotypical cult.) which explains why Barnaby doesn’t know her deadname! He called her “Brother Partridge”, when they escaped they traded their real names, and ofc ma said to call her Poppy
Poppy calls her parents every year or so, (“just makin’ sure they’re still bigoted. Aha, just kiddin’, I don’t have to check.”)
I like to think Ma has a southern accent. I don’t actually know where she would’ve developed it, but it fits with the mom vibe ok?
She’s horrible at baking, but AWESOME AT COOKING. Like go to her house every thanksgiving. Not even, go for dinner she’ll happily cook you some heaven sent meal im serious.
Poppy was originally going to be completely greyscale, no neon whatsoever. I changed it bc it looked way too gloomy and.. bad.
Poppy would happily say yes to a “Hey Mister*” (*teens standing outside a store and asking adults to buy them alcohol/cigarettes. This literally never works, but Ma would get u some as long as u promised to be safe, and might even make u party at her house)
Not-So Fun Facts
Ok some context for this one: Barnaby was going to be killed by the cult. Before a sacrifice or killing someone that stepped out of line (thats what Barnaby did) they down a cup of wine to cleanse themselves before taking a life. Poppy knew they’d kill Barnaby and poisoned the wine. She pretended to drink it as everyone else did, and bit her tongue as she waited for it to work. If it took even just a few more seconds to kick in, Barnaby would’ve been killed
The poison wasn’t lethal, in Poppy’s words, “they’ll shit weird for a week and vomit more then a tween with bulimia, but they’ll live.”
If it wasn’t obvious her parents are transphobic
I don’t have a lot of notso funfacts for Ma.. shes doin ok <3
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saintjosie · 1 year
wait hold on. do people see things in their dreams? are dreams not just inky blackness with a vague sense of what's happening in it somehow?
Sorry, I hope this is okay to ask, but what are your dreams like? I ask bc I dream in very vivid images, so I’m rly curious to know what it’s like for other ppl! Thank u! :)
P.S. Ilysm! Glad you’re here! 💗
aww thank you 💜💜
it’s sort of hard to explain. i hear things and i have full awareness of everything that’s happening but all i see is inky darkness.
i’ve learned in the past few years that i have aphantasia but i never really made the connection that when people say that they’re seeing something in their mind they might also see in their dreams. i just thought everyone dreams were like mine.
i found out though that apparently a good number of people with aphantasia can still see things in their dreams though but sadly i am not one of them 🤷‍♀️
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oh-look-another · 7 months
whoops my hand slipped so now instead of starting on my lit project due tomorrow i have to analyse the circe saga <3
okay side note: this might go from a full-on analysis to incoherent rambling so heads up. uh also not in any order, especially not chronological. anyway let’s get this party started!! 
okay first one. wasn’t too sold on this one at first (not like the other ones *cough* wouldn’t you like *cough*) but like?? wow
circe’s voice!!
‘a woman’ ‘what’ 
ody just. brushing eurylochus away he sounds so donelike not done just. tired of life. if yk what i mean. like he doesn’t have beef with eurylochus specifically but like he’s just irritated with the world
the soldiers!! like if i were one of them i would have willingly get turned into a pig by circe (but like, i’m not a guy so idk)
the sounds of waves im not sure if it was actually there or just my imagination but still.
the start of the song echoes the melody of the first part of full speed ahead?? like i was singing it in my head before the words of puppeteer actually sunk in
it sounds so party-ish like i can imagine the vibes no wait i can feel the vibes it’s party vibes. i can imagine the soldiers getting drunk on the wine and lust. i can smell the wine. i can hear the music blasting from the shitty speakers hidden in the corners of the too-crowded room. i’ve never been to a party before. you can probably tell.
what was the thing that eurylochus wanted to say tho?? i’m curious. ppl who read the odyssey, was this interaction mentioned or made-up, and if it did happen, is it relevant to the plot? do we find out what he wanted to tell ody?
why is ody’s voice so deep
very gentle waves-esque music at the start. lulls us into a false sense of security. makes us think the island is safe. it isn’t. we’ve all been fooled by circe’s tricks.
‘there’s only so much more we can endure’ my poor boy this isn’t half of it
alternative take: they are traumatised babies we must protect them with our lives
alternative alternative take: and whose fault was that, ody? hmm? was it perhaps, the fault of a reckless captain who decided to fucking reveal his name-
oh my gods the way he just starts straight-up rapping-
‘we have to go save them’ ‘no we don’t’ well damn eurylochus who hurt you like this that was real quick
ody’s ‘damn’ like sir i know you’re contemplating running to said woman in question he sounds seduced already and he hasn’t even met the witch yet
eurylochus’ ‘okay’ sounds really dejected this probably doesn’t mean anything but that’s the point of an analysis so- 
hey hey hey don’t greet the mysterious voice why are you doing that i thought you guys learnt your mistake(s)!!
oh oh oh her voice is so pretty it’s so good!!
she’s so bold and confident she’s amazing ahhhhh
her revealing her name! this says something like yk ‘names have power’ i can’t remember if it was pjo universe or actual facts but the fact that circe’s so sure of her ability to defend herself and her nymphs she gives away her name to ppl freely
oh so that’s how you pronounce circe (i just assumed it had a silent e)
you’re the only one who stayed outside?? hmm? eurylochus? well at least you learnt something
haha the soldiers sound so happy to be there
i don’t blame them tho they’re super tired they just want and need a safe place to rest 
yeah that’s right don’t fucking underestimate women
uhm circe i don’t thing getting turned into pigs is gonna be the best part of these soldiers lives i think the best part passed before troy
no no no do not trust ppl who offer food did you not learn from the lotus eaters are you complacent who has the brain cell eurylochus give it back to the soldiers they need it more
awww thanks for the support circe <3
i would gladly let circe puppeteer me esp mythological!circe she’s so 
‘and it wasn’t quick’ oh. 
uh is this an inappropriate time to make a joke about furries bc pigs don’t have fur and the soldiers are dying-
‘the world does not tend to forgive’ ok lesson imparted from all-powerful being check
eurylochus hi yes you should have learnt not to abandon your friends uh but i don’t blame him tho poor guy just wants to get home (he never will)
‘but i can hardly sleep now knowing what we have done’ haha ody you’re not gonna like what comes next :3
‘i can still hear her still’ ooooh he’s Traumatised he has ptsd :))
‘i can only hope you’ll do the same’ ody go easy on him
oh circe is really protective of her nymphs
as she rightfully should
oh i’m done
wouldn’t you like
whoo my favourite 
like no offense to the others but hermes!!
his voice is so gravelly wow
his laugh sounds so mischievous fit for a trickster god
‘i must say what a brilliant speech u gave’ this implies that hermes was watching them, or more specifically, odysseus, for at least long enough to hear the conversation. which means that there’s a solid chance that hermes was in it for the gossip and stayed for the drama
there’s a betting pool up on olympus. probably. definitely.
‘you’ll need the blessing of a certain god’ when this gets an adaptation, hermes will probably do like a hair flip or something. it’s in character for him to do that, right? right?
he has an accent but what accent does he have
oh my gods hermes that was such an awful pun i had to laugh
‘hermes?’ okay hear me out ody sounds like a mystified child who can’t believe his eyes (or in this case ears)
the laugh 
he sounds more amused than anything else (he doesn’t really care, not right now, it’ll just be another fun tale to tell at parties)
was that a roar i heard?? a roar?? like the chimera?? 
oh oh oh when he’s describing circe he sounds so fascinated by her (probably me to my irl friends) like he doesn’t care? about the fate of the ppl he’s describing? he’s just? like ‘wow circe can do that isn’t that cool anyway-‘
like idk how to describe it
the emphasis he places on certain words it’s so cool to listen to (i’m running out of synonyms for amazing help)
oooooh the electric/techy feel to the song like ik it was explained in one of the videos that the gods have more electronic feel to their songs but it’s so!! cool!!
‘you can be hurt or you can beat her’ the play on words!! wow!! it’s just-
‘all you need’s imagination’ wow uh. this seems important. but uh.
‘and i call this root: holy moly’ hermes. i hate your puns. i hate them so much.
i am now compelled to explain the pun. damnit.
so basically only the gods can acquire the root. was it blessed by the gods? if it was, add a second layer to the meaning of this and ignore the question :)) and it rhymes!! holy and moly rhyme!! whoo
ody’s ‘ah’ he sounds so done
wait but hermes when he says ‘and i call this root: holy moly’ he sounds so proud of himself oh my gods like no that is not something to be proud of that is so awful ugh
‘hermes. thank you.’ oh? he appreciates his help? like he sounds so grateful wow
‘dont thank me friend you may very well die :))’ this further proves my theory that hermes is only in this for the drama?? okay yeah drama
‘good luck’ see it’s an afterthought. but he thought of ody. huh.
two more to go!!
done for
also was very very excited for this
did not disappoint
the intro is basically *epic fight music*
okay ody sounds like he’s smiling but not like a forced smile it might be genuine? like why would it be genuine? okay yeah it might be because he is confident he’s gonna win the fight. he has a god on his sight. it’s failproof. he has the flower. he doesn’t have to be scared. is this hubris?
‘through the years we seldom get a warm welcome’ okay ody. you were fighting a war. then you intruded into a cyclops’ cave. then you angered poseidon. of course you don’t get a warm welcome what were you expecting?
‘who me? all i did was reveal their true form :))’ u turned them into pigs :/‘ ‘huh.’ their banter wow.
*more epic fight music*
see the nymphs again!! she’s very very protective of them!!
‘i don’t mean to tip your scale’ ody stop lying. you did mean to tip her scale.
‘hermes gave it to you didn’t he’ ‘okay well yes fine but regardless-‘ i love love love the friendly banter between them idk but i think that in another lifetime under better circumstances they would have been really good friends
also implied that hermes has done this before so haha
‘friends i can’t neglect’ see i think this whole verse is the similarities between them see they could have been friends i know it i can feel it in my bones
*even more fight music*
the sword sound skjskjskjskjs
‘you’ve lost’ okay uh i think that was albeit too fast don;t you think so, ody? ody?
‘my nymphs are like my daughters i protect them at all costs’ yes see this is what i’ve been trying to say thanks circe
but the rhythm for this verse is so good it’s so ethereal wow
‘but everyone’s true colours are revealed in acts of lust’ circe. circe no. bad circe. stay away from ody he’s a married man
‘i’m not sure i follow’ oh ody. you poor, innocent child.
okay but his voice was so gravelly tho-
idk i don’t think circe was doing this to feed her own lust. like i don’t think she has feelings for ody or anything like i feel that she was doing exactly what she said and trying to find out what his true colours were so she could decide if she wanted to help him
last one!! not gonna like it a lot ‘cause seduction but hey greet the world with open arms am i right?
there are other ways
oh. this one.
i’m not really comfortable with this because there isn’t any point in seduction why does it exist ew
‘there are other ways of persuasion’ oh really? then show me your chimera i bet it’s cooler than whatever you’re gonna do to ody
‘there are other means of deceit’ this shows that circe is gonna convince ody to cheat on his wife but [spoiler alert] he doesn’t (for now) (i think) like deceit as in he’s deceiting his wife
okay i love the repetition here like ‘there are other…’ blah blah blah like wow. i like it. i don’t get it, but i like it.
‘want to save your men from the fire? show that you’re willing to burn’ woah. vfd core. so like this implies that she and her nymphs were planning on cooking the men-turned-into-pigs?? and also it’s a metaphor!! whoo my lit teacher would be proud of me (but less proud for not doing the project which is actual school work)
‘but there’s no puppet here’ okay so this shows that circe views ody as more powerful and resistant to her (and also her magic bc of the holy moly thingy) and less likely to fall prey to her charms (i would) 
ody doesn’t know if he can manipulate his way out of this problem hah
okay dont kill me for this but i think that the ‘just a man’ references in the song feel a bit forced bc they’re like,,, they don’t fit 
but. i think that like it’s ody trying to break out of the spell? that circe put on him to seduce him or smth like before that he was in sync then he tried to fight off the thingy by like going against the rhythm if yk what i mean
the transition from ‘forgive meeeee’ to ‘i can’t’ is so good aghhh
‘and she’s all my power’ ah this here is a clear piece of evidence that ody is the bottom in the relationship 
‘and let us puppets leave’ oh? he’s like sympathizing with her and like trying to see from her perspective so he can leave more easily
‘poseidon, eh?’ haha mood
oh they’re kinda friends whoo :)
‘i know of a brilliant prophet, problem is this prophet is dead’ *music stops momentarily, transitions to very underworld-y music* 
haha wait that was so funny
who was the prophet tho?
‘wait you’re helping us?’ he sounds so shocked
‘maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more’ this could imply that circe is suicidal?? whoops am i projecting
no but the genius lyrics said that the last few lyrics were sung by the soldiers they sound like theyre under a spell oh my gods imagine pigs singing this haha i think this is just like circe undoing the spell on them tho
whoo done!!
hi remember i’m just a random teen on the internet! no obligation to listen to me and my 10.37 pm rants! 
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cosmicjoke · 10 months
Hi! I’m really curious about your opinion on this take https://www.tumblr.com/virgobingo/734694522304512000/ppl-cant-accept-gojos-negative-traits-and-id
especially on the ‘finding pleasure in fighting (with Sukuna)’ part. Because him “admitting” that he wanted to fight just because he got a kick out of it kind of nuked Gojo’s entire character. His goal was to create better world for jujutsu sorcerers. He did everything he could to ensure that his students had better lives than what he had been given. Him saying that he fought only because he got kick out of it made it look like he didn’t care about anything else. It was insulting to Gojo’s character. And it is not people not being able to accept his negative traits, it’s bad writing. Idk maybe I’m reading the whole thing wrong because I’m still half asleep, lol, but I’d really like to hear your opinion. Have a nice day!
Yeah, I don't agree with that at all. Where, exactly, has Gojo ever particularly shown this supposed self-interest that primarily motivates him?
I suppose they're talking about what he says to Geto when they're teenagers, his proclamation that he doesn't want to hear about Geto's moral reasons for fighting, and makes a disgusted face at the prospect of fighting for those weaker than themselves.
But the thing is, is that Gojo's actions belie his words. I just pointed this out, about how he drains himself protecting and looking after Riko, to the point that Toji was able to get the drop on him, something that would have been impossible if Gojo really believed what he said to Geto about not giving a fuck about weaker people than himself. Or the way he does his best to protect the people in the train station, again, to the point of driving himself to exhaustion. The way he genuinely wants to create a better world for his students, etc... I'm not saying Gojo doesn't enjoy fighting. He clearly does. But the way Gege framed it, with Nanami essentially accusing him of ONLY fighting for his own pleasure, and Gojo not denying the accusation, makes it seem like Gojo really was just a selfish asshole the entire time, and all his previous acts of selflessness and compassion were just... for show. That's literally what Nanami says, and I guess Gege just wants us to accept it now. It's like he's saying 'this is who Gojo was, and all the previous groundwork I laid for his character was just BS'. Well, given what BS Gojo's fight with Sukana was, and how it was based entirely on, not misdirection, but flat out lies, with the actual narrative and the character's themselves lying to the audience for nothing more than shock value, with one inconsequential cliffhanger after another, I'm not exactly surprised. It IS bad writing, I don't care what anyone says. It's lazy and for Gojo particularly, it's a retcon of his character, which I can only assume was done as a means of punishing his fans.
It's not that people can't accept that Gojo has some "negative traits". It's that his entire character was reduced to being a dickbag who only fights for his own enjoyment, and all his previous claims to the contrary were just lies he told everyone to look good. It's also the fact that his fight with Sukana dragged on for three months and literally went nowhere. It didn't affect the plot. It didn't affect any other character. It didn't change anything, or lead anywhere. The pacing was horrific, and again, kept employing the use of cliffhangers which, ultimately, were ALL red herrings used to keep the fight going, and for nothing gained or changed, with no real consequences wrought. The audience waited three YEARS for this fight to happen, and when it finally did, it was completely meaningless. We didn't even get to see how Gojo's death impacted his students. He was just dead, and the fighting continued. His demise doesn't seem to have really upset anyone, or had any affect on their mental or emotional state in any, real way. Nor has his death impacted the world in any, perceivable way, this, despite previous statement about how Gojo's birth literally altered reality and spawned an influx of more powerful curses, he himself was so unprecedented in his power. He dies, and... nothing happens. Literally nothing. How is that good writing?
Just from a technical standpoint, JJK has had absolutely atrocious writing for YEARS. Pages and pages of mind numbing exposition, convoluted, nonsensical explanations of cursed techniques and introductions of one and done characters, illogical and inexplicable power-ups for certain characters, off-screened deaths for major characters, on and on and on, and in between, not a lick of actual character development or emotional catharsis or resolution for ANY of them. It's fucking awful. I don't care what anyone says, again. It's terrible.
So even if you don't think it was character assassination to dismiss all of Gojo's previous claims about wanting to give his students a better world and to protect their youth, claims backed up by his actions, to instead make Gojo into just a selfish dick at the very end of his existence in the manga, there's plenty of other stuff to criticize JJK for, and more than legitimate reasons for pointing out the bad writing.
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jounosparticles · 10 months
So i was scrolling through the character profiles and it's interesting that ranpo's feels so different to others'.His likes and dislikes feels so,,,,vague?like you have to actually look into his character to try to understand it,not saying others' r all very clear,but they all at least have some things or foods or even ppl in the list,you see it n you think oh cool that character likes cookies.
But his doesnt have things so specific?Not even his glasses,snacks,any hobbies,solving mysteries or praises?ig you can count fantastic tales as an interest?still feel a bit vague to me though...
No sure what i trying to get here,but ranpo doesnt have any specific things makes me wonder if he sometimes exaggerate his feelings?not like it's fake we all know he is very blunt
>>>really hesitate about this statement cause not listing in it doesnt mean he cant have specifit likes or dislikes,and he's passionate about ada.maybe im just saying things atp im losing my mind beacuse of the lack of ranpo content
I'm curious what was Asagiri thinking when he made these profiles.I just want to know what his favourite food, place, animal,hobby ect is.Why am i having different thoughts everytime i think about his profile.this is driving me crazy.
Like tf do you mean you don't like common sense and useless knowledge?
Him not liking common sense makes the whole not understanding social cues thing seems more possible ig?Also curious about what kind of knowledge he seem as useless.Maybe he just doesn't like his brain overloaded with informations.
irrelevant but one of tachihara's dislikes is Teruko's craziness,i wonder why did she even do to him lol consider his only other dislike is his past
oooooo i love your thoughts here.
i assume based off the fact that ranpo has claimed to solve thousands upon thousands of cases that it can become a sort of fixation probably? so that when it comes to his likes/dislikes he immediately thinks of what he likes and doesn’t like in cases? since it’s the biggest factor of his life.
i do agree though, i wish we got more information about him! if i recall correctly his page in the bsd art book(?) stated that in his free time he goes to poe’s house, eats candy, then leaves. just some trivia for you :)
the feelings exaggeration could be from a variety of things. i kind of perceived it as a social cues thing, i thought maybe he was acting this way to make his intentions clear (so people don’t read into everything too much), or maybe it’s just who he is. i also could see what you’re saying with the exaggeration though!!
i can somewhat get what he means by common sense though. since a lot of common sense from my own experiences have most definitely not made full sense to me. things like people saying one thing but meaning another, or acting like something is super obvious when it’s not; much of it is just silly social rules that contradict or don’t make sense all based off calling it common sense.
i’d assume his distaste for common sense would stem from the fact that so many people use common sense to just bend the truth. take the time in untold origins where the theatre director said she would look into getting him a job but ranpo knew she wouldn’t do it. common sense would be to tell the kid she will do it to spare his feelings; but he didn’t catch onto that. things like that. at least that’s how i seen it, i’m completely open to other interpretations as well!
the useless knowledge id assume is just because he doesn’t need to hear it all to understand what’s going on. regular people would need a full explanation to the things he can figure out in seconds, and hearing other people state the facts he knows is probably just boring to him lol.
but yeah, i hope we get more ranpo content soon! he’s in my top 5 bsd characters, i love him a ton!
i assume tachihara’s dislike for teruko’s behaviour is just because she can be super loud and childish in the way she acts. remember the scene where fukuchi talked to tachi and teruko hopped on his shoulders angrily asking why he got the attention instead of her? or the other time he was really surprised she got gillette to confess? probably things like that annoy him lol
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lewisrises · 7 months
Hi Bree! If I know right you are British. Please explain me something I've always been curious about. Why don't Lewis and Lando have british accent? Is it because the place they were rised? Or the many travel? But George has! And so many Merc employee has beautiful speech. What is it depend on?
Sorry if it is a dumb question, I don't know about this too much. :) Thanks and have a nice day~
hii friend, this isn’t a dumb question!! full answer under cut bc this got long
i think lots of ppl fall into the belief that everyone in the uk sounds like they just stepped off the cast of downton abbey/speak queen’s english which isn’t true at all!! there are lots of regional accents, and then different dialects within your own accents. ie someone from west london sounds v different to someone from south london, in comparison to someone from essex, or oxford, and yet all these places (geographically at least) are quite close to each other? look at these maps!!!
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lando’s from bristol so he’s already got a certain accent from that area, like the stereotypical bristol accent is very strong… i actually recommend searching up videos of it for u to listen to bc it’s v similar to his 😭 his mum is also belgian, so i’m sure that’s influenced his dialect! there was a clip of him speaking dutch to which ppl said you could hear a flemish accent, so he’s got a bit of a mix there.
with lewis, he sounded soooo english when he was younger, but in like the last decade his accent has become very americanised & u really hear it in certain words (like in the middle of a sentence he’ll suddenly pronounce his r’s the way north americans would. at least i notice it a lot with the r’s). i just think it’s a reflection of his travels. he spent a lot of time in different european countries when he was younger whilst competing, had an apartment in nyc and spends a chunk of his winter break in colorado every year with family. a lot of his friends and ppl in his social circles are either from the us, or they spend time there, so it’s natural that he’s picked up some speech patterns through that. here’s what he’s said when he’s been asked:
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george grew up in cambridgeshire and went to a grammar school so it’s not shocking that he’s very well spoken lol. he enunciates his words & speaks in queen’s english, but his norfolk accent is v clear so i wouldn’t say he sounds posh? more like your typical tory! but he’s still young(ish) and living in monaco now, so his dialect may mellow out into something incomprehensible one day! u never know.
with the merc personnel, majority of the employees are british/specifically english, or lived in the uk for a while before joining the team. some employees may travel with merc during the season but by the time they were hired they’ve probably lived a good 25+ years in england, so they sound v english with no influence of other accents (like george). ofc merc still have non brits working for them but i’m just referencing the english ones for u bae!!
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
To my dear house-of-lovin:
I have a series of questions about Legally Binding bear with me, this is all merely speculation and possibly too much all at once so I apologize in advance.
Cherry-pick from this ask if you have to!ᵕ̈
How young was R when she’d been forced to start acting and singing?
I read somewhere on your page that you answered early teens! And you referenced Zendaya so I’m assuming she got her big break at possibly 14 and before that moderately small acting gigs?
R definitely seems to have a passion for music but how often does she get to produce?
She also seems like the type to make music more for herself than to share with the public given her history, I think not only something she really enjoys but uses as an outlet to cope with things.
Can you give us a few songs as reference to what music R’s produced?
I’m interested in listening to them from R’s POV! Personally, I thought of Never Felt So Alone by Labrinyth. I have no fucking clue at all what song R’s creating right now and I’m assuming since it’s for Coachella it has to be upbeat but might I suggest thinking about Good News by Mac Miller. Pfft or even The Spins by Mac Miller, fun, cocky and memorable like R.
Is there someone else in particular besides her family that made her start to think of everything she does in public from a ‘business standpoint’?
What character in the MCU does R play?
For me the first character that came to mind is possibly someone from the Spider-Verse! I mean why not bend some truths and pretend there’s one Spider-Verse comic that fits R’s description? I think it would align with the fact that R’s been an actor since her teen years and by now if a few movies have been released; her Spider-Verse character has got to be aligned with her age!
Hmm so I’ve read through someone else’s asks and you mentioned not having enough time to look up tv shows and movies aligning with R’s age. I was thinking for some of them, why not just have R’s character in said projects be someone that doesn’t necessarily exist in the current adaptation but is popular anyways?
For other fandoms you say? Is what you wrote still lurking on those platforms I’m curious! Your daydreaming keeps us supporters taken care of.
What kinda music do you play/listen to? I listen to just about everything under the sun except Heavy Metal, too much shouting and I’m already losing my hearing as is lmao.
(I love to trespass abandoned building/areas, for the first date just run when I do and we’ll be good but that’s at night, can and do you like swimming? If you say yes then during the day we’re exploring open waters/pretty nature on a jet ski (safe waters dw)
Am I possibly also picking the first activity to be be held? Ahem HEARSAY you can’t prove that)
I think yes early teens like 13 or 14 possibly. I think somewhere in my head Justin Bieber was lowkey a reference for R's character.
R gets her big break as a teen and does roles for smaller movies that gain her critical acclaim until major studios recognize her. (Sorry to Hailee but maybe Edge of Seventeen as one of those movies LOL) Before def small roles. (Idk what good movies have a 13 or 14 year old soooo)
I don't have a list of songs for R but with all the asks its def building. I'd love to hear what you guys think? But like I answered before, I see slow & modern R&B. Like SZA (cussing songs LOL), Frank Ocean, Omar Apollo, Yebba. BUT OMG I LOVE MAC.
I feel like with R's family background & starting so young it made her grow up faster than most. So I think over the years, she's just built a wall around herself around people in the industry giving her that 'business standpoint' mentality. I mean come on, there's no way she's had a whole career w/out getting burned by someone. It happens more often than ppl think.
I think her MCU role is def a spider-verse role too! Maybe there's a version of her a Spider-Gwen in the MCU movies LOL IDK.
There's a fic or two on AO3 for a totally unrelated fandom but its a couple years old so idk its kinda cringe LOL. (I also have a Kate Bishop unfinished series that I've just never posted LOL)
I play the guitar so I listen to a whole variety of genres! I like/am open to most music except heavy metal too lol. But I love R&B, Soul, Jazz, Rap. I like older music too so I listen to a lot of 50s, 60s and 70s. EVERYTHING. I WANT TO LISTEN TO EVERY SONG EVER MADE LOL. (but same my hearing is shit lol)
I CAN swin (somewhat) I just can't tread water (ik ik disgraceful) but jet ski you say👀
(I'm indecisive af so I need ppl to plan things for me LOL)
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dancedance-resolution · 6 months
Hi again, I am just catching up on your messages and IM SORRY DDR BUT I DO NOT LIVE IN MASSACHUSETTS
I live in Vermont, very much not surprised that that wasn't a guess, it's an often overlooked state 😭 I do not know anything about sports but we do appear to have women's ice hockey, but not any pwhl unfortunately so I cannot offer that as incentive to visit 🥺
ok yes, I see what you were saying about the 8 hour drive lol. I absolutely agree, long drives are the worst... Most of my internet friends live in different countries though, so I think my conclusion about it being not that far was that if you're only 8 hours away from me then technically I could visit? whereas my other friends I have no hope of visiting without a plane ticket 😭
also, I love having my own tag, thank you 🥺
and that sounds like an excellent plan for when you meet with him! proud of you for putting that in place and I'm glad to hear my idea feels useful 💖
and also if you ever do somehow find yourself closer to VT you absolutely should let me know and I will come off anon because I consider you a friend and would love to hang out 💖💖💖But for now, the cloak of anonymity stays because I have revealed too much lmao
-ace lesbian anon
it is frankly astonishing to me that you don’t live in massachusetts, i feel like a solid 35% of tumblr lives in massachusetts….. in fact, i think you’re the first vermont person that i’ve met (knowing they’re from vermont)???🤔 (also you know how michiganders is ppl from michigan and baltimorons is baltimore - do you guys have a vermont version of that?)
anyways so regarding straight boy alas he didn’t message me back about confirming a time yesterday so it didn’t happen! unsure if i’ll message him trying to set smth up again 🤔 i sent my friend screenshots of what i’d sent him initially and they told me they would find that message super jarring lol, which i now very much see 😂 like this is in the top 10 ddr autism moments, and im a muppets fan so that’s saying a lot 😂 generally though, i definitely still want to meet up w a cis man bc im still quite curious, but idk about the timeline now 🤷
i will absolutely let you know if/when i’m up in your area! surely one of these days i’ll get restless to fuck around and head north lol 🫡
hope you’re doing well etc 🥰🥰🥰
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lady-of-endless · 8 months
hiii! hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if i could get a match up? preferably w a guy pls
appearance wise: i’m 5’7, so taller for a girl, a little chubby, super pale, i have big freckles all over my face and shoulders, i also have dark circles (that paired with pale skin makes me look a little dead), kind of droopy hazel eyes, black hair, i have both nostrils pierced plus a few different ear piercings, some tattoos, a lot of scars (from surgeries and different things), and i really love alternative fashion so i tend to wear mostly black, but i’m still pretty hyperfeminine when it comes to clothes and makeup and stuff.
other stuff abt me: i’m pretty shy until i get to know someone, i have really bad social anxiety, but then i’m usually pretty goofy. i love making ppl laugh it’s my favorite. i have the sense of humor of a 16 year old boy though (i think fart jokes are so funny). i tend to anger quickly and am generally kind of angsty. i really love horror in any kind of form, but especially movies. i also really love vampires. i’m neurodivergent x3 lol. been through a lot of trauma. i also really love making art and seeing other people’s art. i really love music, specifically alternative rock. i’m kind of a stoner. i’m also a nerd, i like collecting things (coins, antiques, figurines, comic books and manga). i love all animals but especially cats and bats. i’m a crybaby. i tend to show love by teasing ppl but i love being sweet too. i thinks that’s it???
sorry if that’s all over the place! and thank you for doing this <3 i appreciate it so much!
Author's Note: Thank you for your request, dear! You seem so cool omg 😍 Hope you'll enjoy it!
I ship you with...Eustass Kid!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- I feel like you two will bond over your sense of humor. You'll get bonus points from him if you joke about Law with him.
- Your relationship will probably go from allies to friends and then lovers. Going from allies to friends will take a lot for him as he's used to trusting only a few people. But the last two stages are extremely close because once he considers you a close friend, he will feel more comfortable around you and understood. And so, he will realize that he feels something more for you.
- Look, I'm going to say it, Kid might check you out on multiple occasions because he thinks you're so neat with the tattoos and piercings and overall aesthetic. Plus, the hyperfeminine vibe is a contrast to his liking.
- The fact that you're a bit shy at times and because you have social anxiety, he will be both your lover and your guard in the sense that he'll absolutely wreck anyone who might put you in a nasty situation. No one messes with you without consequences.
- Kid noticed some hints about your traumas and wants to help. However, he's so damn frustrated that he does not know how. He won't tell you anything, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable. He's just going to let you know that he will always be there for you if you decide to share your past with him. He has been through a lot as well so he knows how that burden feels.
- Please, playfully tease him for enjoying your sweet kind of affection. You'll get to see such a pretty blush on this man's face.
- You both tend to anger quickly and because of this you can either calm one another down or make a sum out of that anger. He won't get angry at you, knowing about your anxious tendency. However, if you ever decide to put yourself in danger, that's when he'll get angry with you.
- I feel like Kid will not admit that he also collects things and that won't stop him from teasing you about it, playfully of course. Jokes aside, I can see him getting really curious about what you're collecting.
-He also enjoys alternative rock from time to time. The moment he enjoys it the most is when he's fixing something in his workshop and your favorite tunes are playing and he can also hear you humming that song.
- Talking about stuff to do in his workshop, he'll love it to have you close by making art as he, again, is fixing something.
- Horror movies? Count him in. He would propose a marathon with you and his whole crew.
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