#but i'm interested to see what they'll resort to
WIBTA for how I handle a messy kitchen?
Hi tumblr! I (f, 23) live with 5 other people (M, 20-24) in a student house. (i did not see the house or know who lived in it before I signed the lease, I was desperate for housing in an awful market and I live abroad so couldn't see it before hand) I've lived here for approximately six months and will live here for at five more because I can't break my lease and wouldn't have anywhere to move even if I could. Generally they're nice enough, and if it wasn't for the kitchen I think we'd get along fine.
The house's layout is done so I walk out and immediately see the kitchen. (I'm off a small laundry room to the right of the kitchen, while everyone else doesn't have to pass through the kitchen to leave the house) This means that I am always angered when I see the mess left behind with the knowledge that no one will clean it up unless I do it, and I see this every day.
It is always dirty. Dirty dishes cover the kitchen table (and would cover the counter if I didn't move all of them). Dirty pans cover the stove top, which is orange and brown because of the build up. The floors and counters are equally covered in crumbs, bits of food, etc that no one wipes off or sweeps. (if they do sweep, they don't throw it out and just leave it in a pile on the floor) Don't get me started on the trash cans that are always overflowing and never taken out unless I do it. Everything is disgusting and no one cleans it but me.
I have had endless breakdowns over this kitchen. The first month I was here I wouldn't cook because it made my cry to look at it. I came back after my holiday break a month ago to find it covered in dishes and disgusting to a point that I sobbed in my room and begged my mom to let me come home. All of my things are kept in my room, even when they're drying, and things are cleaned within a few hours of use.
I have asked the guys to clean up after themselves endless times, verbally and over texts no one responds to. I've cleaned the kitchen three times the best I can just to try and get them to clean their own dishes. Each time the kitchen returns to how it was before with dishes everywhere, the stove orange, and the counters nasty. I have tried putting the dishes into a box so we can still use the table but they spill over with no one cleaning them. Nothing has changed, and the last straw today is after someone set off a fire alarm (again) and someone had dropped a thing of spices all over the floor without cleaning it up on top of the table covered in trash and dishes.
No, I don't know who exactly is doing it but I have my suspicions. None of the boys will do anything and they just sort of nod and agree with my complaints (or complain with me) without doing anything about it. They defend each other and I have like no allies in the house, especially against the one who's sexist in a way I can't call out.
I am at a loss of what to do. I've thought about a group cleaner, which I'm looking into and a few others have expressed interest in, but I don't trust they'll pay me back for it and I'm not paying by myself for it. The alternative I'm thinking about right now is throwing out or hiding (not sure where) the dishes so they'll have to use dishware they can throw away. I know it's an asshole move, but I've asked and made warnings. I'm more wondering if it would be JAH or YTA.
Please, if ANYONE has any ideas share. I have no idea what to do anymore and I don't want to make the next five months that I can't move out of miserable. But I need to be able to leave my room and cook without wanting to destroy the house.
WIBTA for resorting to hiding or throwing away dishware and utensils so they have to use disposable trash so the house will be somewhat cleaner?
(and if I am, anyone have ANY ideas on how else to handle it?)
What are these acronyms?
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Why do you call your cat piss king? Is he really good at it or something?
hi anon!
we're gonna learn a bit about cat urinary systems and issues! it may be a bit TMI for the scope of the question but, given how few cat guardians know about this, I'm always looking for chances to educate since being informed can literally save a cat's life.
the main takeaway: if you notice that your cat cannot pee, HEAD TO THE EMERGENCY VET NOW, DO NOT PASS GO! full stop.
if they cannot pee, that is one of the few true emergencies in a healthy cat, and you NEED to treat it as such.
usually you'll see a blocked cat straining and vocalizing in the box, licking themselves, whining and highly reactive to being touched on the lower belly, and - of course - you won't see any proper urine in the box. there may be dribbles or blood, but no pee. this is a problem that escalates really fast, and can easily be lethal. do NOT fuck around with it.
what qualifies me to talk about this? it's exactly what happened to pekoe (peek for short) about three years ago.
proper Storytime and more detail below the cut.
see, the thing with cats is that their bladders are tiny and their kidneys are, uh, bad! so if they can't pee, not only is it incredibly painful, but the liquid and toxins building up in their system can do a LOT of organ damage in a VERY short amount of time. this can get very bad, very fast, and it is very easy for them to die from it if the issue can't be fixed easily and promptly.
usually, the vet will be able to get a catheter into the blocked cat to relieve the pressure, flush out their bladder if there's a physical blockage (ex, if they've made bladder crystals/stones, we gotta get those out of there!), and give them medication to prevent spasms and infection as they heal. a cat then needs to go on urinary-friendly food to prevent additional blockages for the rest of their lives, and some other lifestyle adjustments should be made to treat any underlying risk factors that the animal might have.
sometimes, however, that doesn't resolve the issue, and they block again. and if you're extra unlucky, they'll block AGAIN after that. and maybe again, for extra spice. if you're extra extra unlucky, this will all happen in the same week.
this is the situation that peek and i found ourselves in.
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picture the urinary system of a cat as a funnel, with the external bits being the tip of the funnel. when you ultimately need to make a funnel bigger because it can't drain anymore, what do you do?
you remove the tip.
this is an operation called a perineal urethrostomy, or a PU for short. it's a last resort salvage procedure that essentially removes the external genitalia of a male cat to widen the exit of the urinary tract and prevent future blockages. it's a difficult and delicate operation with a very long recovery time. it was also the only option left to save peek's life.
real talk before this next bit: i will never judge pet guardians for impossible decisions made in good faith based on qualified medical advice, in the interest of trying to do what's best for their pets. flat up, i don't stand for that shit.
okay? cool, let's keep going.
a PU is definitely not a surgery that has any guarantees, it can be very painful, it needs a very skilled vet to do it, and it's both expensive and difficult to see an animal through it safely. it was also the one option we had left to save peek, who was very very VERY sick at that point. the vet told me that she was also willing to do euthanasia, if the PU was not right for us, with zero judgment - the little guy had been through a lot of pain and several surgeries already, and doing this operation would be asking a lot more from an animal that was already very weak, with no guarantees of success.
he was briefly stable so i took him home to think about it and sat with him overnight. hours in the darkened living room, with my fluffy best friend sleeping fitfully in my arms like a sick baby. in the morning when he woke up he gave me a little lick on the face, and then a headbutt with a weak but undeniably hungry little meow. he hadn't had an appetite in a week, but now he wanted breakfast. in that moment, i knew he was letting me know that he wasn't finished fighting yet, so i knew the right decision for me was to keep fighting for him.
i called the vet, and we went ahead with the surgery.
i'll spare you the rest of the grisly details - the procedure was a success, and i was lucky enough to be able to work remotely and nurse him through the recovery. it was long and difficult and stressful. it sucked! it was crazy making. i would break down weeping with relief every single time i saw a dirty litter box for WEEKS. if you're reading this and going through it yourself, please feel free to reach out to me any time, okay?
but we persevered. i took care of him, and he rallied like a goddamn king. and hey. anon. guess what?
that was almost three years ago. his life went fully back to normal after he healed. you wouldn't know that this had happened if you didn't already know, because that fluffy little king still pisses like a champion race horse.
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so, that's the story of how pekoe became
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jazy3 · 3 months
Will Having Powers in ST5 Theory
So I'm a believer in the 'Will Has Powers Theory' and here's why. I think that Will has powers like Eleven and Vecna do and that they'll come to the surface in Season 5 either as a result of Will accepting himself for who he is or because Will was previously at the lab (I could totally see Lonnie taking him there in exchange for money) and when he became too powerful and could not be controlled Brenner implanted Soteria in him and discontinued his training or some combination of the two.
If Will does have an implant I think that El will discover this while going through her memories during training and they'll remove it and start training Will. If that's the case I don't think Owens knows and Brenner likely lied about it. The proof I see for this theory is that Will is always clutching his neck in the same place that Vecna has his implant and we know that Will was able to survive in the Upside Down longer than anyone else and was able to communicate with Joyce during this time.
We know there's something special about Will because Vecna let Joyce and Hopper resuscitate him and bring him back to the surface in Season 1. Everyone else that went down here was immediately attacked or killed. There are a lot of possibilities here. It's possible Vecna let that happen so Will could get stronger because he needs him for something else, but doesn't want to let on. It's also possible he let them revive Will so that he could lead him to Eleven who we know Vecna is after.
It's also possible he planned on letting him die but decided to let them bring him back to the surface so he could use him to spy on people and only resorted to other methods when Will was out of reach in Season 4. We know that Will can interact with the Upside Down differently than others because of the lights and I think in Season 5 we'll see him be able to manipulate the vines and other objects in the Upside Down along with El when everyone goes down there for the final battle.
We don't yet know what method Vecna is using to control the creatures in the Upside Down, but if he is using his powers to do it then it's possible that Will or El can do it too. I think this would be really interesting because if they're able to break Vecna's control they could turn those same creatures from a threat to an asset and use them against him. And if Vecna decides to reanimate his victims or use them in some way against our heroes then finding out Will or El can redirect them would be a game changer!
The Duffer Brothers have said that Will's storyline will be a big focus in Season 5 and that the plot will be coming full circle this season. Based on the BTS pics we've gotten it looks like we'll be getting a lot of flashbacks this season including Will's capture, his time in the Upside Down, and we'll be returning to the Massacre at Hawkins Lab. I think Season 5 will see El and Will teaming up to save the day as the show started with his abduction and her escape and so I think it makes sense to end with them working together to save the day and defeat the evil that's plagued them for so long.
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someguycalledratcliff · 5 months
I was already really interested in Train to the End of the World, but episode 3 has convinced me this show'll be something special. It's not so much the actual events of the episode, but the mushroom people themselves that I find super interesting. The fact that they're shown in a very neutral light, aside from all the eeriness, is a take I didn't expect to see. Here we have a people who've resorted to living short, supposedly happy lives, instead of striving for survival or anything more. A typical anime would frame this as a bad thing, end the episode with some sort of spiel about not giving up. And sure, this happens with Shizuru in a way, but the town's people themselves remain firm in their ways, they don't even get told they're wrong at all. Even after they leave, two of the girls are still discussing the mushrooms, treating it as if it's an actual option instead of something drastic or weird. And considering the world of the anime, it makes sense. It's already been a while since the 7g incident, and nobody's futures are certain anymore. In what's essentially a post-apocalypse, it feels understandable that people would make the choice to "make the best" of a little while, even if they die sooner for it. And can you really say they're wrong to do that? Attempting to indoctornate the girls is, well, not good. Obviously. My one point of confusion here is why they even tried to do it. At first I thought they were trying to grow their numbers due to the whole "dwindling population" (very ominous line in hindsight), but maybe it was more like they thought of it as a gift?? Maybe both. Regardless, that final scene of one of the mushroom people falling over dead fills me with a sense of dread. Not because of the people themselves, though they were eerie, but because of what that implies for the state of the world. Just... keeling over and dying is normal in this town. Nobody even bats an eye. They know they'll die soon too, and they do not care. In fact, they chose that path. This all speaks to such an uninhabitable world, or at the very least, to a great sense of misery in their town. It feels like a very hopeless state of affairs. Typically, you don't abandon all thought and emotion if things are going even a little okay. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the next stops have in store. Hopefully we'll get to see some more interesting perspectives on the world!
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rmd-writes · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @liminalmemories21 and @freneticfloetry thanks, and good timing! You both caught me on my lunch break
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I can't remember the exact timing, but I'm pretty sure I watched the first two seasons while s3 was airing and then caught up after - I wanted to start earlier but I had some issues finding a way to watch the show here!
My introduction to the show was via @three-drink-amy telling me to watch it (repeatedly), @clottedcreamfudge's judicious use of gifs from the show in the gc and a bunch of SC mutuals yelling about the gay howdy wee woo show on my dash every week.
Season 4 was the first season that I watched "live" which I did with @welcometololaland, both of us texting and screaming as we watched each episode together hours and hours after everyone else had.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, hands down. I don't know that they'll ever beat it?
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
Other than Carlos and TK, I think it's Grace. I just adore the her energy and the way that she takes everything in her stride and even when things are hard, she's very practical about it. Also she doesn't take shit from anyone.
Top five episodes. Go!
I don't think I've ever tried to do this? I'm generally very bad at choosing, my SC fave ep list contains three episodes that I insist must be watched together so they only count as one ep hahahaha Anyway, in no particular order, and not necessarily by episode title or number because I can't be arsed looking them up:
Push, my beloved
3 x 13
the one with Lou
Bad Call
the Soulmates one
Bonus: the Marjan ep in s4 which was just so, so good
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Either Nancy because we know nothing about her and I want to know, or Paul because I think he's had such an interesting journey.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I love @liminalmemories21's idea of a Halloween ep! It would be so fun!
We probably won't get it because of the shorter season, but I'd love more Lonestar-is-a-comedy-actually episodes like Red vs Blue and the (original) Lou arc.
More realistically, I'd love to see Carlos actually grappling with the consequences of his actions in s4 and also working through his grief and TK helping him do that. And I'd like to see an absence of Owen love interests.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I want it to be something silly like Lou 2 is lost in the loft and Carlos is Not Happy about it (the reason for TK's posture) and then he answers his phone in the middle of all of that, hence the facial expression. The phone call isn't that important, it's Owen asking Carlos for help on a side quest.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I don't know about a prediction, but I'd love to see them getting distracted from getting ready in the morning. Carlos (in just his underwear) waking TK up with a kiss and TK pulling him back into bed for a good make out session and that turning into more. A very different vibe to 1x02 but hot nonetheless.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think it was somewhere close to home - with the accelerated wedding timeline (lol) they didn't have time for a long trip for to somewhere far away, and by all accounts, travelling overseas wasn't on their radar anyway (see: TK's disbelief when Carlos says he wants to go to Tuscany). So a long weekend at a nice resort somewhere. Enzo paid for it as their wedding gift because he couldn't make it to the wedding when they moved the date up.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
Just one (1)? Impossible! This Rafa fan art by @ambiguouspenny made me actually say "oh fuck" the first time I saw it. I adore the way @whatsintheboxmh uses light in all of her fan art. I love @howtosingit's Carlos episode edits because they a) let me watch all of the Tarlos scenes on repeat (and before I actually get to the watch the episodes when they air because time zones), b) give me an easy way to check canon dialogue and c) make it easy to convince new people to watch the show when they sneak into my DMs and tell me that the number of Tarlos gifs I am putting on their dash is tempting them. @liminalmemories21's Knave-verse might be my favourite Tarlos AU, everything about it makes me swoon. Okay, cutting myself off now.
Tagging: @welcometololaland @howtosingit @three-drink-amy just so they know my earlier tags in this post were tags to do this and also @lightningboltreader @orchidscript
@danieljradcliffe @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @nancys-braids @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to play 💖 PS. if ao3 user olympia2007 is here on tumblr, I'm tagging you too (and please come say hi)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
“My sense is that Meghan's market is more of the TJ Maxx demographic.” Interesting assessment of Meghan’s market. From a business perspective, brands who end up at TJMaxx, Marshalls, etc. (owned by the same company TJX) are typically bought in due to 1) supplier has made too much (overstock) and it isn’t selling 2) it’s getting close to the end of its expiration dates (close out) and it sold in at a much cheaper cheaper price to TJX. She’d still need a regular place to sell before she tries to offload (usually at a much lower margin / maybe even a loss) to TJX. I’m basing this on my experience with working in food industry and resorting to these retailers for the same reasons.
Exactly my point. The TJX brand is the end of the line for so much product and merch these days (especially fast fashion) that it's inevitable Meghan's products will end up there if this turns into the deal she wants to be. The key thing is that she needs product first. That she launched without a real product is very telling.
To me, what I think it says is that she's not getting the investors or partners that she wants so she launched ASAP to use the media's hype as part of her negotiation or recruitment strategy. (In addition to taking advantage of Kate's absence, of course.)
I made a suggestion in an earlier post that Meghan's competitors are the socialite/influencers that are launching their own brands or already have brands. A great many of those brands use print-on-demand dropship merch. They save on overstock storage and production fees by only keeping a limited selection in stock and marking up their own prices to cover "demand."
I see Roop heading in that direction. If they can't find a distribution vendor (e.g., Kohls, Target, Macy's, etc.), they'll do dropshipping but at such low quantities they always sell out - which is the same tactic Meghan uses when she wants to be a fashion influencer (she wears something already heavily discounted and with so little stock that she can take credit for "selling out").
What is interesting, and why I think Roop has a good argument for exclusivity with TJX companies, is Rae Dunn. Most of her product is sold exclusively through TJX and she has a deal with a company called Magenta Inc., an online retailer that's thought to be behind Rae Dunn products in places like Amazon and Walmart.
So there's precedent for Meghan/Roop to sell exclusively with TJX, with perhaps a side deal for an online storefront like Magenta offers. But that's not the audience or market Meghan wants (even though she herself is the "wine mom" elder millennial motivational-quote-spouting stereotype that buys Rae Dunn and shops at TJX stores so it's a natural fit). She wants Roop in luxury marketplaces that prices out the very people who would actually buy Meghan's product.
She's stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think she realizes it now while watching the metrics on social media plateau from a total lack of engagement and total absence of content (hence throwing Mandana under the bus in Page Six). Which is surprising. Given the way she rolled out Sussex.com with the IG Vancouver kickoff - four or five days straight of new Sussex content and material - I expected the same thing with Roop; 1st day - social media launch, 2nd day - lunch papwalk, 3rd day - product launch, 4th day - "checking out my product" charity visit/papwalk, 5th day - Netflix cooking show promo, and so on.
I know, I know. Stop giving her ideas. I'm trying!
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feelingsstorm · 1 month
Well, I never thought I would write something like this again on this blog, and there will be many who are not interested or care about this, but I write it for my conscience.
I opened this account many many years ago, in another life it seems, when I was very young, innocent, and broken, probably if you go down far enough you will find old posts of mine, despite having deleted several, it was a blog that I did not use much, more than anything I used it to vent and feel accompanied in my depression.
Nowadays, despite having worked hard on myself, some days are very difficult anyway, I turned my content to something "more sexual" because in some way it helps me, and it always has, even in my worst moments, I resorted to porn and masturbating to help me, it may not make much sense to some, but it does to me.
That being said, I am a grown woman today, doing the best I can, bad days and all, I try to put all the will I have into it to go forward. For starters, at least I don't hate myself constantly anymore, I've learned to love myself in spirit and in the way I look, and I work really hard for that, I'm a real person. Having gone through such a bad time in my life, I never judged or treated someone badly for their physique and I plan to not start now, if I'm not interested or attracted to them I let it go and that's it, so in that sense, I don't understand the need to comment negatively about me 😒.
I am aware of how I look, I have a mirror in my house, I'm not a model or the stereotype of a woman or a porn actress, I'm real, and I'm a great woman. And it's not an ego thing, I know how to fuck, I know how to please and I know how to make people feel good in sex, that's real and better than any false promise made online. So I'm not going to allow some random guy to come and downgrade me just because he doesn't see what he wants on my blog. Clearly, I can't upload porn videos because they'll close my account and also, why would I do it for free? I've never charged for any of this, I've done it because I like it, but believe it or not, I don't live to please others, I please myself, I'm the only one who counts, you guys have a ton of free content of all kinds at your fingertips but the problem is me? That I don't show enough? Get a life...
Finally I add, despite what I publish do not forget that behind all the facade this is what there is, it's a person, I don't appreciate bad comments or childishness from anyone, I like to talk about life as well as sexual things but always with respect, clearly I am not glued to the phone 24/7 because I have a life outside of this, I answer when I can and sometimes I don't succeed in being the sexy woman, because I'm simply tired.
I also understand that everything here is temporary, we all look to escape for a while and share a few things to pass the time, but it doesn't mean we can't talk and share for more than 5 minutes. I'm not a porn page nor do I live at your disposal, I don't send photos, because I do not want to do it for you, if I do it has to be because I wanted to, period.
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Parker Molloy at The Present Age:
Alright, folks, let's talk about the strangest new trend in politics: calling your opponents "weird." Yes, you read that right. In the past week, the Democratic camp has decided that the best way to take on Trump and the GOP is to break out their middle school vocabulary. It all started when Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (a potential VP pick, by the way) described GOP nominee Donald Trump and "cat lady"-obsessed running mate JD Vance as "just weird." From there, it's like the entire Democratic Party collectively went, "You know what? He's onto something," and ran with it. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Parker, are you seriously telling me that seasoned politicians are resorting to playground insults?" And the answer is... kind of, yeah. But here's the kicker: it's working. Or at least, it's getting one hell of a reaction.
The Evolution of Political Language
Remember when political debates were all about tax rates and foreign policy? Yeah, me neither. Welcome to the era of political discourse where calling your opponent "weird" passes for a campaign strategy. But before we judge too harshly, let's take a step back and look at how we got here.
Over the past few decades, we've seen a gradual shift from policy-focused debates to character-driven campaigns. It's no longer just about what a candidate plans to do, but who they are (or who they claim to be). This isn't entirely new; politicians have always tried to sell their personalities alongside their policies. But social media has cranked this up to eleven. In a world of tweets and TikToks, nuanced policy discussions don't exactly thrive. Instead, we get catchy slogans, memorable insults, and yes, apparently, the word "weird." It's like politics has merged with reality TV, and we're all just waiting for someone to say, "I'm not here to make friends." But here's the thing: as much as we might roll our eyes at this trend, it's not just about dumbing down the discourse. These simple, punchy messages often cut through the noise in a way that lengthy policy papers never could. They stick in people's minds, spark conversations (or Twitter wars), and sometimes reveal more about a candidate's values than any carefully crafted speech ever could.
Unpacking the Appeal of "Normal"
Let's talk about "normal" for a second. It's a concept that's been at the heart of conservative messaging for decades. The idea is simple: we're the normal ones, the real Americans, the default setting. Everyone else? Well, they're the outliers, the deviants, the ones trying to change everything. As writer A.R. Moxon puts it in a recent Twitter thread: ["What recent discourse is exposing is something I've been trying to say for years now, which is that there is little conservatives care more about than being considered the only normal ones by everyone else, and they'll use bullying and the threat of punishment to get it."]
This obsession with being seen as "normal" isn't just about feeling good. It's a powerful political tool. If you can convince people that your way of life is the default, then anything else becomes a threat. It's why we see so much fear-mongering about the "radical left" or the "gay agenda" or whatever the boogeyman of the week is. But here's where it gets interesting. By labeling the GOP as "weird," Democrats are flipping this script. They're challenging the very foundation of conservative identity politics. And boy, are conservatives not happy about it. Julia Serano, in her recent blog post, nails why this is hitting such a nerve: ["I think it has to do with the MAGA worldview being centered on them being the supposed norm. They are heavily invested in the notion that their perspective and lifestyle is the one true and righteous way that all others must follow. Calling them 'weird' upends this worldview."]
Parker Molloy with another gem of a post on the GOP’s weirdness to Americans who aren’t in the MAGA Cult.
See Also:
The Advocate: Democrats embrace ‘weird’ label, turning tables on conservative rhetoric often used against queer people
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imtrashraccoon · 11 months
Slightly shorter one today, sorry about that. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 11: Gym
Round One: Fight!
As soon as the announcer finished speaking, both Sans and Frisk immediately started mashing buttons on their controllers. You idly watched their chosen characters dart across the screen, swinging and kicking at each other wildly. Sans was definitely better than Frisk but they improved after each round until they finally won one.
"hey, do humans actually just go out and randomly get into fights?" Sans asked out of the blue. He was still focused on the game and for a moment you didn't register he'd even asked you a question.
"Um, no? Not usually anyways," you finally responded when he briefly glanced at you.
Sans paused the game and fully turned to look at you. "wait really? with how many movies and games you guys have about gettin' into fights, we always thought it was like part of your culture or somethin?" He looked like he didn't believe you, which confused you even further.
Even Frisk looked slightly confused and you noticed they frowned slightly as they considered what he'd asked.
"Well I guess it technically is? It's more fun to watch fights where no one is in actual danger though. While humans do get into fights, quite a bit actually, unless you live in a neighborhood with a lot of gangs, you'd likely never see anyone get into an actual fight. Even when we do fight, most of the time they aren't to the death, although that does happen."
Sans seemed surprised and he glanced at Frisk, who shrugged in response. "ya don't say..." he muttered quietly.
Papyrus huffed, "Well That Explains Some Things..." He put his hand on your shoulder and you caught the faintest of a smile on his face when you glanced over your shoulder at him.
Sans chuckled, "yeah, i found it strange how you two were actin' like a bunch of pacifists back when we first met. guess i was wrong though since ya really are pacifists."
You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes at him. "I mean, I wouldn't personally call myself a Pacifist. It's not like I'm opposed to fighting if I have to but it's a last resort sort of thing for me."
"Sounds Like You Are A Pacifist To Me," Papyrus teased, eliciting a grumble of annoyance from you. Changing the topic, he asked, "So What Do Humans Even Do If They Do Not Have To Be Ready For A Fight All The Time?"
You sighed, choosing not to pursue their pestering further. "Well, not everyone is fortunate enough to not have to worry about that, but where Frisk and I are from, humans do normal things. They have jobs, they go places to have fun like the beach or amusement parks, or they work on hobbies.
Growing thoughtful, you added, "Some humans actually practice fighting as a hobby, even if they'll never get into an actual fight, while some just like to go to gyms to work out."
The brothers both seemed intrigued, although Papyrus seemed especially interested. "What Are Gyms? I Understand The Concept Of Working Out, Although I Believe It Is Different For Humans Than Monsters, As While We Can Benefit From Gaining Physical Strength, We Rely More On Magic When It Comes To An Actual Fight."
You explained the concept of a gym to the best of your ability, like the different types of work out machines and what the inside of the building was usually like. You also gave a brief rundown on the types of people that frequented them like gym rats or social media influencers. While you'd never actually set foot inside a gym, you'd definitely considered it before, but you'd always been too busy to actually commit to it.
"You know," you started to say to Papyrus after both Sans and Frisk had returned to their game. "If the barrier is broken any time soon, I'll totally take you to a gym sometime so you can see it for yourself."
He smiled slightly, "I Think, I Would Like That, Precious..." Although his smile fell once you'd turned your attention back to the match between Frisk and Sans again.
While it would be nice to go to the surface, he didn't have high hopes that it would happen for a long time. Still, he kept that thought to himself, as there was no need to ruin this sweet moment. He would find a way to make it happen, he just wasn't sure how just yet.
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susiehunsecker-remade · 8 months
im new to the terror so forgive me for this v broad question but ... what are The Ships here ... i know fitzier is big but what else is ... jopzier? is that what they're called? i wanna b in the kno so bad lol also feel free to use this space to talk about dynamics (romantic or otherwise) that ur rly interested in ^_^
AGH OKAY.. trying to wrackmmy brain into remembering all the relevant pairings . it's 4am forgive me if i forget.
fitzier - self explanatory, fitzjames and crozier. somehow speedrun being worstie coworkers to being in a 10 year long tender marriage over the course of a two/three year long expedition. my favorite to read fics for / talk about. they look like this to me 🦭🦙
joplittle - jopson and little. i will be real i don't care for them as much just because i care too much about jopson and crozier but i do get it. what if we were both busting our ass for a guy and only one of us got the praise from him for it ❤️ what if we we became responsible for an entire ship's worth of men on a doomed arctic expedition becahse our captain was too sick to think...together ❤️
bridglar - bridgens and peglar. one of the two canonical couples on the crew. very in love very married i'm not big on them but i understand why. they'll only resort to cannibalism if it means they'll both survive they fit together perfectly and when they die they'll wake up in the afterlife with the other in their arms. what's there not to love!
jopzier - jopson and crozier! dutiful steward and the captain he's dedicated himself to out of sheer love and respect And also because he sees him as a mother figure but i won't get into that. okay this one's my actual favourite i can't even pretend i'm not batshit about them. crozier does not deserve that man but it's okay whatever makes jopson happy ❤️ also when i mean jopson sees him as a mother figure the Him in question is himself. i don't believe in that He Wants Crozier To Mommy Dom Him line of thinking. anyways. what was this thread about. oh yeah pairings.
goodsilna - goodsir and lady silence/silna. i wish i could talk about these two more but i'm not articulate enough to convey what i think about them. they're traumabonded siblings they're the only ones who truly see the other for who they are they're completely incompatible they're all the other has they couldn't have possibly loved the other but they did. i need to rewatch the show just to solidify my feelings on them more but god they're one of the best dynamics the show has
hickeygibson - gibson and hickey! RAT MARRIAGE and the cause of most of my mental anguish ❤️ my two beautiful wives who love each other fiercely until the need to survive tears them apart what's not to love
hickeytozer - tozer and hickey. cop boyfriend with the mr beast haircut and his frequently unemployed gay boyfriend that puts his cigarettes out on tozer's arm. they're great i love hickey and his stupid dog he feeds chocolate to for fun
hickeycrozier - hickey and crozier. um. well. what if your captain loved your men more than god loved them but just fucking hated you in particular and used you as a scapegoat for all his frustrations and failings as a captain leading you to become the gay racist joker of the seven seas. and also what if you said a slur you couldn't reclaim in front of him and like 2 years ago he gave you a drink all flirty. well this all happened to my friend cornelius so you can imagine how he feels about that.
fitzfranklin - sir john + fitzjames. This is a sneak they're not at all popular but I have to shove them in somehow. You know how jfj is constantly trying to get older men to praise him like. Haha best walker in the service i told sir barrow that without blushing ❤️ Hey francis can I talk to you about how my dad didn't care about me and also how we're like brothers ❤️. This is the natural culmination of that to me especially considering how hard she dickrides for franklin in the beginning. Please consider them even though they barely exist. For me.
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thebroccolination · 2 years
i need to know all of your thoughts on the dialogue in THAT last scene PLEASE 🥺
Hi, Anon! :D
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk abut this scene.
Essentially, I put all my thoughts into this fic.
Like………I've rewatched this scene so many times, and the part that keeps stabbing me in the heart is here:
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To me, this just feels like Win's giving so much of himself to Team, and Team probably doesn't have a clue how significant all of this is. Win's breaking the rules, but only for Team. He's older and more experienced, but he's willing to give up control.
Arguably, he wants to.
He's the one everyone else depends on, the one who'll step in to take responsibility for running the resort business because his older brother has no interest.
It's no wonder he'd want someone else to lead for once, but it's incredible that that someone is a first-year he's only known for a few weeks at this point. He's a third-year, and in all that time he's never met someone who interested him so thoroughly he's starting to bend his life around him.
It's not just that they're vers that I love, it's why they are. (Why I think they are.)
Some vers couples just enjoy the physical sensations of being both top and bottom, and it doesn't get any more complicated than that. But with Win, I think part of why he's into it is psychological, too. I think he wants someone he can rely on, and it's beautiful that he chooses Team: someone younger who suffers from sleep problems and possibly anxiety and PTSD.
And it's not like Win's totally clueless about that, either.
He's seen hints of it already because he's been paying very close attention.
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I just love how their relationship is set up in these first two episodes. In the first episode they had a hookup where Win made sure that Team knew what he was doing, where he was, and who he was with. In the second episode they established more concretely that this is something they both want to continue, at least for now, and that Team can stop whenever he wants.
And and and! I wanted to make a whole other post for this but I'll just do it now:
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The sad string music, right? It plays over them making out initially, but y'know where it stops?
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It stops right after Team asks Win if he's done this before: broken the rules and hooked up with people in the locker room after practice. Because Team already knows Win went into the club's files to find out Team's room number to check on him earlier.
Win just puts his forehead on Team's, and it's such a sweet and affectionate gesture when they really, really don't know each other that well yet, but Win's starving for someone to love whether he accepts it about himself or not.
And then my favorite music transfer yet!
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It starts up again when Win kisses Team.
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And then back to forehead stuff. :')
Usually I tend to see a piece of music in a scene as representing one character's emotional state, but I think here it feels more like the music represents their relationship's direction, if that makes sense?
Like, the sad violins are what could have been: if Team hadn't stopped Win and clarified what they're doing, where they stand with each other. If they'd just hooked up again the way they did that first night, without continuing the conversation of what they are to each other, they could have ended up in a much darker, less healthy place.
We get two music changes after we reach what I'm calling Team's song until I find out the official title (it's Prem singing from Team's POV, for anyone who hasn't heard yet). The first change is when Team asks Win directly if he does this a lot, and the second…
Is after Team asks what'll happen if he wants to end whatever they're doing. And I love that Win's staring into his eyes, because I think it shows that he's actually listening, no matter how out-of-it he seems.
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It's only when Win effectively tells him there won't be larger consequences, they'll just stop, that they get the big escalation of the jubilant part of Team's song.
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And I think this just cements Win's whole belief that he's never going to have someone who stays, something that lasts. But the music isn't sad, it's triumphant. Because, I think, they're doing what they should have: Team clarified what they were doing, and Win reassured him that he doesn't have anything to fear from Win himself if he wants to end it.
Almost like Team can be afraid of anyone else, but not him. /excessivecrying
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nilikhangdiwa · 3 months
Natsuyo no Namidaboshi Summary
2024 tanabata event summary. NOT PROOFREAD. CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE EVENT. this is for my own personal use so i can tell my friends why i'm crazy imsread of manually typing it out every time lol. you can read it too if you want but some tls may be inaccurate
Ch. 1
Opens up at Hisoka's part time job at the antique store. After assisting a customer, Nosta, the cat that hangs around the store, is being a little nuisance and asking for treats. Hisoka refuses and starts beefing with the kitty. Rhe store owner, Furuta, comes back as Hisoka's about to clock out. He says Nosta and Hisoka are like two arguing siblings. He offers Hisoka some foreign snacks that he got recently, and Hisoka initially isn't interested, until he spots a certain snack that catches his eye and takes it.
Hisoka returns to the dorm. He's hungry. He considers eating the snack he took from the antique store, but decides against it. "If I eat it now, I have to make a wish..." He settles for marshmallows.
There's a commotion outside, and Hisoka checks out what's going on. The Ginsenkai has brought over a huge piece of bamboo on which Mankai Company has been requested to hang their tanzaku (papers that you write wishes on). Sakyo says everyone has to write at least one. Omi calls everyone inside for dinner.
Ch. 2
Hisoka wonders about what to wish for. He has a flashback.
August and December are on the roof somewhere, but April isn't there. December says he's glad April's not there or he'd get scolded.
[ cw / animal death (non-explicit) ]
They hear rustling and are on guard, but it turns out to just be an old cat. The cat runs off, and August mentions that it must be close to the end of its life, since he's heard that cats go and hide when they're close to death.
They notice a shooting star pass by. August asks if December made a wish, but he didn't, since it passed by too quickly. August asks what December would wish for if another shooting star came by.
December: Eat all the marshmallows from all the candy shops around the world... for free...
August: I don't think that's very good for business!
December: Couldn't think of anything... What about August?
August: Hm... "I hope my family's wishes come true", maybe?
Hisoka wakes up in present day as Chikage returns home from work. They bicker a bit because they're losers. Hisoka informs Chikage about having to write a wish for Tanabata.
The rest of Harugumi come out to write their wishes and call the two inside. Citron sneakily writes a second wish on the back of Tsuzuru's tanzaku, but Tsuzuru decides to just hang that one up anyway. Chikage says it'd be better to write a new one, and attempts to pawn his tanzaku off to Tsuzuru, as he doesn't have a wish yet either. Itaru calls him out for not intending to make a wish, but Chikage says he's a good member of society who will definitely meet the 1-wish quota. Chikage says that, as a working person, he can make his own desires come true with effort.
Ch. 3
Everyone goes in for dinner. The Ginsenkai has also sponsored a lot of somen, so they'll be eating a lot of somen for the next few days. Chikage has something to discuss with the troupe, and asks if they've ever heard of Namida Island.
Kazunari says he's heard of it. It's an island off the coast where you can see the stars really clearly, and there's a resort that's being opened up there soon. Chikage says that their company is one of the ones handling the opening of the resort. Originally, another overseas acting company was supposed to perform, but they had to pull out because of an industry strike, so they're inviting Mankai to perform instead.
The next day, Hisoka runs into Juza out in the courtyard. Juza is struggling to decide on a wish, since he has so many to choose from, and though they're allowed to put more than one, Juza doesn't want to be greedy. Besides, Juza says his greatest wish, becoming an actor, has already come true.
Ch. 4
Izumi and Chikage are negotiating the play details with the company. A play outline has been given. After research, the company is requesting for certain actors to be part of the performance: Azami, Juza, Sakuya, and Kazunari. However, for the roles of the two leads, Altair and Deneb, they don't have anyone particular in mind.
At the dorms, Kamekichi is making entirely too many Tanabata wishes, which Kazunari is writing down on the tanzaku for him. Azami comes home to take a picture of the bamboo, saying that a junior at school wanted to see it. Kazunari thinks it must be Ibuki.
Chikage and Izumi come home to discuss the play. The play is about summer constellations, with the main characters being the stars in the summer triangle, though only Altair and Deneb feature in the play.
Kazunari: The Summer Triangle... who's the third one again?
Chikage & Hisoka: Lyra's Vega.
Izumi asks Chikage and Hisoka if they would be willing to play the leads this time. Hisoka agrees. Chikage says he was the one who suggested it in the first place.
The story's theme is "the stars' wishes", and Hisoka wonders if he can figure out a wish.
Ch. 5
The chapter opens up with the cast on the ship heading to Namida Island. Hisoka is about to fall asleep, so Izumi rummages through his suitcase for marshmallows to wake him up. The suitcase is almost entirely marshmallows, but she spots a small handful of cookies. Hisoka says they're cookies that grant wishes.
Chikage: ... I haven't seen these in a while.
Hisoka: Want one? It's sweet and yummy and grants wishes.
Chikage: What's with that sales pitch? No, thanks.
They arrive at the island where they're greeted by Kurahashi, their local guide. They're about to head to their accomodations, but someone is missing.
Cut to Hisoka, the missing person. It was hot, so he wandered off to find some shade. He sees a small group of cats, so he takes a picture to send to Fuyugumi. He hears a kid nearby calling out, so Hisoka asks what's wrong. The kid says he's looking for Orihime. Hisoka offers to help, but the kid refuses and runs away.
Ch. 6
The cast is having a dinner party with some locals at the inn. Everyone is drinking except Azami and Sakuya, who each have a cola. Azami asks if Sakuya doesn't like to drink, though he's already had his first drink. Sakuya says he doesn't go drinking often because he worries about drinking outside.
The locals praise the cast for their alcohol tolerance. Juza says it's probably because there's a lot of drinkers in Mankai, so they're used to drinking a lot.
Hisoka asks the locals about the kid he met. Kurahashi says he must be talking about Kousei...
Later on, they head outside. Kazunari isn't drunk at all, because he distracted the locals by talking so much that they didn't notice he was barely drinking. Sakuya will remember that.
Kazunari says he heard a local legend that, if you wish upon a meteor shower here, your wish will come true. Izumi says she'll think of a wish, but Azami says she already wrote a wish on her tanzaku back home, didn't she? Kazunari asks if everyone has already written one, but Juza, Chikage, and Hisoka haven't yet. Hisoka says he'll wish that Chikage starts liking marshmallows.
They hear Kousei calling out, "Orihime, I love you!" Izumi approaches to tell him it's getting late, and he should head home soon. Kousei runs away.
Hisoka says that Orihime is Kousei's family.
Hisoka: I met him earlier. He said he was looking for Orihime. I was curious and asked about it... His name is Kousei. Orihime, the cat he treated like family, disappeared a year ago.
His family had been searching, but they eventually gave up, and only Kousei still searches. The locals have offered to help him, but he always refuses. The cast resolved to help look around if they have the time.
Chikage: What a nice person you are.
Hisoka: Chikage, you help, too.
Chikage: I told you, I'm no good with animals. ... but, fine. I'll keep an eye out.
Ch. 7
The chapter opens up at the planetarium, where the performance will take place. They're at a star dome, where the ceiling is covered in constellations. The dome can open up to reveal the sky. The planetarium worker says that there's rainy weather being forecasted. They intended to open the dome during the performance, but if it's raining, they'll have to create a contingency plan. It's a shame, since the peak of the meteor shower is approaching.
Rehearsal ends early, so Hisoka suggests that they go find Orihime, but they don't know what she looks like aside from the fact that she's a black cat. Izumi says she probably also has a collar, since she's a pet. They go searching.
Hisoka ends up out in a field. It's a nice day out, and he falls asleep. He has a dream.
August and December are on a street somewhere. August says that he hopes the weather is good tonight, since it'll be his first day off in 20 days. Tonight is Candle Night, he says. He wonders if he'll be able to see shooting stars. December asks if he's interested in them.
August says that he thinks there isn't much point in wishing on shooting stars. Not that it's entirely pointless, but there are better ways to make your wishes come true. It's better to write your wishes down than wish on something fleeting like a shooting star. A wish that disappears on the spot is pointless. If you forget the wish, then it's gone. So, writing it down is better, to give form to your wish.
August: But maybe I'm just obsessed with leaving something behind.
December doesn't get it, but okay. He says that, the other day, August wanted to make a wish on a shooting star, though. August says that was a special wish.
December: Troublesome...
August: Well, that doesn't really matter. But I hope that one day, the three of us can look up at a sky full of shooting stars.
Chikage wakes Hisoka up in present day. They weren't able to find Orihime, but it looks like it's going to rain soon, so they should head back. As they do, Hisoka spots something shining in the grass. It's a small, golden bell, attached to a collar that reads, "Orihime".
Ch. 8
Hisoka returns the collar to Kousei and says they found it by the sea. Kousei tells them that Orihime was black, with yellow eyes, so she looked like a shooting star. Hisoka asks why Kousei wouldn't accept help looking for Orihime.
Kousei: ...
Chikage: ... its because you didn't think she could be brought back anymore, right?
Short timeskip. Even though they couldn't find Orihime, it's good that they found the collar. Hisoka asks how Chikage knew Kousei's reason for refusing help. Chikage says he just presumed that Orihime was old, so that's why Kousei's family already gave up on searching.
Chikage: And cats have the habit of hiding when they're close to death, in any case.
Hisoka: You don't like cats, but you know a lot...
Chikage: I just heard it somewhere in passing.
Cut to the planetarium for the performance. It's raining hard, so they won't be able to open the dome for the performance. Kurahashi runs in, panicked, and says that Kousei has gone missing.
Juza: Maybe he went to find Orihime.
Azami: In this rain?
Sakuya: Maybe... he went to wish on the shooting stars.
Hisoka goes searching. He finds Kousei where Orihime's collar was found.
Kousei: I'm sorry. I was going to give up on finding Orihime, but...! You found the collar, and I-- I wanted to meet with her one more time, so-- I know it won't come true even if I wish on a shooting star. But I thought that maybe, if I came here, if I made a wish here, then it would come true.
Kousei asks if they really won't be able to see the meteor shower because of the rain. Hisoka says he'll make the meteor shower appear for him, and brings him back to the planetarium to watch the performance.
Ch. 9
This entire chapter is just the play.
Altair, played by Hisoka. (Aquila)
Deneb, played by Chikage. (Cygnus)
Alioth, played by Sakuya. (Ursa Major)
Kornephoros, played by Juza. (Hercules)
Antares, played by Kazunari. (Scorpius)
Asclepius, played by Azami. (Ophiuchus)
The TLDR is that all of the cast are stars, whose job it is to deliver humans' wishes to the gods once a year. Only one wish can be granted every year, so they have to decide. "But who will grant our wishes?" Altair asks.
Altair looks up to Vega a lot. Vega is interested in the human world, so Altair is interested in it too, so he can tell Vega all about it. Antares says that he looks forward to meeting with everyone every year, so he'll make the most of it. After all, even the stars will die one day.
One year, they begin sorting through wishes, even though Vega isn't here yet. After a while, Altair decides to go get Vega, but there's a sudden explosion, and Vega disappears from the night sky.
Altair: But why--!? Vega's lifespan and mine should be about the same, so--
Deneb: ... so he's hiding? Behind the moon or something...
But everyone heard the explosion. Vega must have collided with another celestial body that spun out of orbit. Altair is heavily in denial about it, struck with grief.
Alioth says they should go back to choosing a wish.
Asclepius: At a time like this?
Alioth: Especially at a time like this!
Since Altair is in charge of choosing a wish, though, he decides to wish for Vega to return. But Deneb says it won't work.
Deneb: We're stars, not humans. The gods won't grant our wishes.
Altair: Then who will!?
But then, a meteor shower begins. It's the human's tears, how they're also mourning for Vega.
Altair: Ah... I can hear the humans' prayers and wishes again. "Let Orihime and Hikoboshi meet again." ... I want to meet Vega one more time.
Heaven opens its doors for the wish.
Altair: Please let us meet with our beloved Vega one more time.
This time, it was the humans who granted the stars' wishes. Deneb says Altair should be grateful to the humans and the gods. Altair resolves to grant as many wishes as he can for the rest of his life as gratitude.
Ch. 10
Izumi congratulates everyone on the play. Kousei has already gone home with his parents, but Izumi says she thinks he made a wish during the meteor shower scene. It's stopped raining, so everyone goes out to see the meteor shower in real life.
Hisoka: ... hey, Chikage. Which one's Vega?
Chikage: Let's see... That big, blue one. That's Vega.
The meteor shower begins.
Chikage: A meteor shower, huh... Look, another one.
The CG shows up. It's Chikage and Hisoka sitting back to back, looking up at the night sky, with August's ghost behind them.
Chikage: Shouldn't you make a wish? If you wish it now, it might come true.
Hisoka: What about you?
Chikage: I haven't even written my tanzaku, so there's no point in that now.
Hisoka: Aha. If August were here now, he'd probably say it's a waste.
Chikage: Yeah. It's just not something I'd do, though.
Hisoka: ... if the two of you won't, then I'll do it for you. I hope when we go home, the dorm is full of marshmallows.
Chikage: Stop that. That's a nightmare.
Hisoka: Haha.
Chikage: What's funny?
Hisoka: Nothing. I just thought August was in the stars, laughing with us....
Chikage: Is that so. he's probably laughing like a moron.
Hisoka has a flashback.
August: December is sleeping so soundly, huh?
April: As always.
December: (I can hear April and August's voices... It's... warm... I must be on August's back...)
August: By the way, we saw a shooting star the other day.
April: ... I know. I heard on the comms.
August: Really?
April: ... save it. You already knew that. That's why you said "that".
August: You mean... "I hope my family's wishes come true"?
April: I wrote that on my wish tree when I was a kid. You remember, huh.
August: Well, so do you! I still have that paper, even now!
April: ...
August: Just kidding! That's impossible~ I just remembered it because you rarely make wishes in the first place, and that wish wasn't even for yourself.
April: ...
August: I want to make another wish tree one day! Even though you probably won't make any more wishes.
April: That guy would probably agree. Wishing about marshmallows.
August: Probably! But that's a good wish——right, December?
December: (... bright... and a little warm...)
Hisoka wakes up in the present day, being carried by Chikage. He says he knows what to write on his tanzaku now.
Chikage: Something about marshmallows?
Hisoka: ... yeah. Look forward to it. :3
Epilogue (wish upon cookies)
They're on the ship heading back to the mainland. Izumi mentions that Hisoka didn't eat any of the cookies he brought. Hisoka forgot. But he did give one to Kousei.
Flashback to when they were leaving, Kousei tells Hisoka that he was able to catch the meteor shower that night, and then dreamed of Orihime.
Kousei: I really thought there would be no point in wishing anymore, because it wouldn't come true, but... that wasn't the case. I was able to meet Orihime in my dream. My wish came true!
Hisoka says that's good, but it wasn't just the wish, but also because he worked so hard to look for Orihime in the first place. That's how they found the collar and were able to get this closure.
Hisoka: It's up to you to make your own wish come true. That's what my family said.
Izumi: ... right. Everyone here is someone who was able to make their dreams come true because of their hard work.
Hisoka says he might not need it anymore, but gives Kousei one of the wish cookies anyway.
We return to present day, after they arrive at Mankai. They put up so many wishes that the Ginsenkai had to send over a second piece of bamboo. Juza has decided on three wishes to write on his tanzaku. It's only Chikage and Hisoka who haven't written one down yet.
They go to get a blank sheet, but they've run out of tanzaku. Tasuku offers to get more, but Chikage says he'd feel bad for making Tasuku do that just for them. Hisoka has an idea. He runs off and returns with the wish cookie, and tells Chikage to use that.
Chikage: Seriously?
Hisoka: It'll give you the strength to make your wishes come true. Or so he said. Anyway, all the wishes that were written here came true...
Chikage: ("Happy family"...) Hahh. You eat the cookie.
They each take their papers from the wish cookie to write down their wishes.
Chikage: (I hope my family's...)
Hisoka: (... wishes come true.)
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youremyheaven · 6 months
girl your moon post was so accurate for me too! my father has rohini rising and is such a narcissist and a master at gaslighting. he resorted to manipulating ppl's perspective of me ig so they wouldn't believe me when i started calling him out after a liiiifetime of his crap. he is extremely two faced and a lot of ppl find him really sketchy, but those he manages to fool he fools really well. the only positives of this is that at least i can see these patterns in people easily. frankly, confronting a liar is so taxing bc even if you do manage to outsmart them they'll just make some excuse. like girl. i also know this hasta moon girl that is a pathological liar and every time i see her i just can't take anything she says seriously bc i just always feel like she's lying out of her ass ab the most menial stuff. her family has had issues w her bc she skipped school for months and no one knew ab it bc she would tell such bold lies like, "call my teacher. here, have the phone so you can talk to her ab my grades" and everyone was like, ig she's doing well in school otherwise she wouldn't offer to call? i genuinely worry thinking ab what if i have a kid and they have a moon nakshatra and express it negatively like this omg i'll go crazy. anyways thank you for your post it was so interesting to see such thoroughly explained examples 🤍 it reminded me of ariana grande as well who just seems so shamelessly manipulative to me too. like when she's like "for total transparency i'll say that..." i'm immediately like ok. so you're lying 😂
im glad 😭😭😭that my Moon post resonated with so many of you, it means so much to me
Im so sorry about your father. I agree with what you said about confronting liars, I confronted someone about something deeply hurtful that they said to me and they literally said "i don't remember" 😭😭 idk how these people sleep at night bro like do they not have a conscience??
I'm happy every time some shady person is exposed in the media, including Ariana who I've found sus for yearsss ,, it's so hard to be an intuitive bc u can't even explain why u feel the way u do so no one believes you when u say that somebody is not what they seem on the outside, u get torn apart for speaking the truth but sooner or later the truth will be seen and will be heard and I truly believe that.
I hope you remain protected from abuse of all kinds in the future and always surrounded by kindness and support. 💛💛
GIRLIEEE what u said about kids is sooo 😭😭I do think about that from time to time but i believe that kids are a manifestation of our karma so the more we focus on bettering ourselves and thereby bettering our actions, we can design our lives to be drama free. What kind of children we have depends on what kind of parents we're capable of being (and you are completely in control of how you behave/treat others) so don't feel too powerless about ur future kids!!! Focus on yourself and your healing and the rest will flow💛💛💛 also if you believe in manifestation 👀just believe that you'll manifest healthy and wonderful children
This blog is a hobby of mine but what makes all my research and writing meaningful is the fact that not only do I get to learn more about astrology, I get to reach people who perhaps might benefit from the things I share. I love to hear about your guys experiences related to the things I post bc sometimes I genuinely wonder like is anyone even reading my 5k words slander on a nakshatra lmfao
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your experiences, I appreciate it so much 💛and i believe many others will also feel seen
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misswriteress · 6 months
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[Begin Image Description: Two hands pressing against dark grey-green glass with faint smoke overlayed on top and the words Luna Paranormal Investigations.
End Image Description]
Title: Luna Paranormal Investigations
Genre: Adult Paranormal Horror
Setting: Calgary, Alberta and other various locations across Canada (and maybe outside of Canada as well?)
POV: Third Person, multiple
Themes/Tropes: Consequences of the past, forgiveness, healing, found family, fear of the unknown.
TWs: Gore, Abuse, Death
Status: Drafting
In a world where psychics and supernatural entities are very real, yet not everyone believes, it's not easy for people to find help when one of those entities decides to stick around or when you suddenly start moving things around. That's where people like Luna Paranormal Investigations, founded by Dr. Javier Luna, come in: they'll come out and investigate to determine if what you're dealing with is really a ghost (or just a structural issue) and if it is the former, will help you and the spirit. But it's not always as simple as helping a ghost with unfinished business: sometimes the ghosts aren't so kind and they won't go without a fight, and sometimes it's not the ghosts you need to worry about...
Cast of Characters
Maren Holovko: A psychic who inherited her mediumship and clairvoyance powers from her father, she works as the receptionist for Luna Paranormal Investigations and is also Javier's wife. Her abilities have often been crucial to providing context for investigations, but they also can put a great strain on her especially since it makes her a magnet for not so nice entities.
Javier Luna: The founder of Luna Paranormal Investigations and holds a doctorate in Parapsychology. Has always been interested in the paranormal and more importantly wanted to help people who wouldn't have anyone else to turn to. While he can get very eager when it comes to paranormal phenomenon, he is very protective of his team and will not hesitate to protect them at the expense of himself (which exasperates Maren).
Beatriz Aguilar: Childhood friend of Luna and Felix, she's more of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal (though she's certainly seen some things that have shaken her skepticism). Her background in historical research make her perfect for looking through archives to find information about the places and people they're investigating.
Felix Estrada: The third member of the trio, Felix is more like Luna when it comes to the paranormal though he also tends to get more freaked out when actually witnessing the events. Is the guy in charge of the tech, including both the cameras and the gadgets and despairs whenever his "babies" get broken because of a ghost. Is also happily married to his childhood sweetheart Leticia.
Phoebe Winters: One of Luna's grad students he chose to work as an intern for LPI, she is very enthusiastic when it comes to the position (sometimes too enthusiastic) and is eager to help. She comes from an old money family she's estranged from due to their disapproval about her chosen line of work along with other reasons.
Victor Baptiste: Luna's other grad student he chose as an intern, he's more of a skeptic than Phoebe who prefers to rely on the scientific evidence rather than merely gut feeling. Has no idea what he's gotten himself into.
Noel Martin: Not officially a part of LPI, but rather a freelancer the team calls on when required, they are a powerful pyrokinetic who can use their ability for protection and cleansing.
Callan Turner: A former exorcist who left the church after an event left him disillusioned and works freelance. He's known Noel for a long time and is the last resort for the team when a case gets lethally dangerous.
luna paranormal investigations playlist
More Info
So I'm not dead (well, that might be debatable-), real life just sucks but I've been working on another WIP as you can see, this one was actually planned to be a spin-off of my With a Spark of Magic WIP but I liked the characters and idea so much I re-worked it to make it into its own world.
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liliallowed · 9 months
crimson but it's dustbelife
dust belief papy: I'm going to kill yo-
crimson: okay okay wait stop. let me process this. did you catch the crazies pap?
papyrus: huh?
crimson: Asriel died to the humans up there, I caught the crazies from flowey sans caught it from me and now you're here. did you catch the crazy pap? *sandwiching his face*
papyrus: what? NO! I accidentally killed sans! I WON'T LET HIS EXP GO TO WA-
crimson: go to waste blah blah blah, sacrifice your loved ones, yeah yeah I know. what I'm more interested in *wears detective hat* IS THE PLOT HOLE! YOU CAN'T EVEN KILL ME ON ACCIDENT! your control over your magic is so good that you won't even kill ME in the normal runs!
papyrus: uhhhhh
crimson: who is it? is it gaster? I SEE YOU, YOU SONAVA BITCH! JUST CUZ I LIKED SANS GOING CRAZY DOESN'T MEAN I'LL LIKE IT IF THE WHOLE FUCKING UNDERGROUND LOSES THEIR SHIT! undo this shit to papy he doesn't deserve to be the executioner or the angel of death you keep trying to replace!
Papyrus: who are you talking to-
crimson: shush. the cosmic horrors are talking.
papyrus: sans should I kill them-
crimson: buddy. buddy. pal. let me reset. bring your brother back, and we can all fucking fix this before this glitch friking drives the temmies crazy.
papyrus: the... temmies?
crimson: oh yeah. those lil shits remember EVERYTHING. I do NOT wanna see what they'll turn into if the catch the crazies.
papyrus: so you're... NOT loading? you're just gonna reset? sans will be back?
crimson: DUH! I'm not a fucking sadist! I miss him too you know!
papyrus: you literally saw him last reset.
crimson: it's been 15 years.
[after reset]
papyrus: human uhhh I don't think the reset worked?
sans: god fucking dammit, I LITERALLY DID ALL THAT SHIT SO YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO DEAL WITH... crimson I'm going to rip you to shreds UNDO this from my brother.
crimson: see that's just wholesome. but uhhh we're ignoring the fact that even I don't know wtf is going on...
sans and pap: you don't???
crimson: NOPE! believe me I didn't expect this to happen but for this to happen twice means it's spreading. uhhhh so like... stop killing me? till I figure things out, them we can go back to the murder spree.
sans: haha. no.
papyrus: wait so you're just gonna spare everyone?
crimson: you know undyne? I'm basically her but murder is included in my fight. I'm not evil. I just want a good fight! and like... I DON'T want to torture people??? well, maybe if they'll fight me harder or kill me more but... COME ON. I DON'T WANT GOAT MOM TO TURN PSYCHO! that's just sad. it's not exciting. it's just depressing.
sans: you broke the world, it's all your fault.
papyrus: wait WHY ARE WE FIGHTING then?
crimson: I dunno. wanna continue? I'm still down to fight if you want but like, can we think outside of the box for a sec? I think this world is trying to kill itself.
sans: and who's fault is that.
crimson: see this shit paps, your lazy ass brother is blaming me instead of trying to fix it.
papyrus: both of you are unbelievable...
sans: you sound like a mad scientist.
papyrus: sans why did you resort to LV.
sans: skeedoodle skedaddle their choice of fate is now a noodle.
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zumpietoo · 2 months
Snortee Shows Quite a Bit....
Apparently the election (an historic one, with one guy being unfairly forced out, but turning THAT into a total win, the prospect of the first lady (second black, first Asian) prez AND trying thwart the other side's attempt to turn us into a Christofacist dictatorship---with the sideshow of a clown performing the role of "embarrassing presidential family member" utterly flawlessly---except, El Donaldo already has a whole battalion of those, as well.....and himself) is of no interest to Snortster, she's merely attempting to distract herself with the Olympics (I guess she's REALLY old?) and then musing out gross Cabana Pee fanfics for hot romance in Cologne....
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I tend to suspect you'll be waiting a fair while to see anything (let alone "appreciate", cuz what/why???)----I mean, any word on Horn and Hardart being finally bought to "entertain" peeps at the base in Antarctica, maybeee????
And you seriously are into their food vids? Dude.....maybe you like JD Vance, cuz you can relate to really weird dumb kinks, huh????
(also they're both adults, not children....it ends....)
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Thanks for confirming the Olympics are sooooperr boring, despite being in one of the greatest cities in the world, I guess?
This is just....okay....
Like the ultimate "ugly American" porn, right here....plus (as I'm informed by an actual German person), "classic German dishes" are all really heavy/fatty (as those of us who have seen a cookbook, visited a restaurant NOT truck stop coffee already been knew, anywayyy)....
I do love how it's the stereotypical/cliche bad romcom scene, too. Plus, yes, I tend to imagine IN Germany, there are, in fact, no shortage of "lovely little German restaurants" (love how patronizing she is, as well)....
Naturally this includes ignorance (wiener schnitzel is apparently AUSTRIAN) and both of them also being ugly, jingoistic, juvenile Americans is sooooo heelarious and charming....
Lastly (on this), LBR...they'd go to Mickey D's, while PP frowned, showed her pimple and then pose for a pee arr selfie, before resuming sulking....
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Oh myyyy, Snortee is supremely jelly, huh? Is it because "grimy wife beater/skeezy hat" (I have no idea how Cole's many trucker hats are remotely "skeezy" and it's quite obvious his clothes are perfectly clean, buuuut....) or no, vacays are the mark of $$$ (and what Snortster views as the ultimate virture???).
What's Cole "resentful or desperate" about and, again, I thought he was a subhuman Poor??? I see we're back to Ari's a prostitute, as we approach 4 full years together, huh?
Dude, if this applies to anybody, it's CabanaBoi---cuz PP is, unquestionably both "resentful and desperate" (to say nothing of a complete asshole) and this is entirely for SweatBoi about increasing fame. To be fair, she doesn't pay his $$$, cuz she can't afford it and he still lives in his shitty apartment with his "roomie"....
I love that Snorty has no idea about the specifics of the vacation (we do!) AND now, apparently, having lots of friends is also evvollll (plus I thought Ari and Cole were so despised?)....too bad PP has none (or rather 2 kinda dependent on her) and only gets to take one, short getaway per year----to pimp a resort, since that's all they'll pay for.
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Yes, Snorty.....you should DEFINITELY follow your own advice!
As should SweatBoi....
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as he resumes mocking and belittling working people, cuz snide, bourgeois elitist....
Psstt....CabanaBoi, I seem to recall you persuaded yourself (as a fucking college freshman) that being a line level volunteer for the Clinton campaign would translate to you "working in the White House" (and then abandoned all interest in politics, because "too hard" and instead decided acting, cuz Entourage/your endless white boi entitlement)....you know who else thinks that way?
Yep, Couchfucker....and you guys, actually, have a shit ton in common (as does PP, buuutt....), in four years, after his (hopefully) failed run and El Donaldo roasting in hell, I'm sure he'll be looking to "make America fascist again"----you can go help! Shillbilly turned to politics to avoid working, you should reconsider....your acting career will be totally ded at that point.
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