#but i'm sorry i can't take the 'they brainwashed him into being good' seriously it just. doesn't work
Can you imagine what it must all have been like for Gray though?
Like. Picture this. After getting badly injured on your job, you get out of a long, long hospital stay. We're talking months. You don't remember any of those months. You don't even remember the accident.
So you get back to your boring little life. It's the same as it was before, but after brushing so close to death you do have a better appreciation for it. Or you try to, anyway.
And then you meet this weird young woman for whom you feel an inexplicable fondness. You talk for about 4 minutes. Later, instead of meeting you again as promised, she slips away. You think you'll never see her again. Well.
A few months later, she appears out of thin air again and says she seeked you out specifically to help with her job. You want to help, so you say yes, and you fly to New Zealand. There, everything seems straightforward until it- doesn't. It looks like you've been tricked, but for what? Then you find yourself into a situation more sinister and dangerous than you thought possible, yet you're not scared. When someone threatens the woman (your friend? It feels weird to call her a friend when you barely know her, but you feel close to her), you don't recognize the voice even though it evokes contradictory feelings in you. Happiness, fear? When you're in front of that weird bomb-like device, you don't know what it is but you know how to disable it, instinctively, confidently, like muscle memory.
Back in Sydney, you still don't get all the answers you want. The woman disappears again, but it's okay. You think this won't be the last you've seen of her. And maybe then you'll get your answers.
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insomnia, tea and clockwork oranges
tangerine x reader
word count: 1.3k
cw: swearing, reader uses some british slang, bad clockwork orange references, mentions of sexual stuff, mentions of drugs, tangerine being a therapy friend, is it ooc? maybe but i don't care
a/n: i kind of hate this but i'm only halfway through the other tangerine fic im writing
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you were exhausted.
the mission was exhausting but you had finally completed it. working with the twins always went well but they were tiring after a while.
you couldn't sleep though. days of running on adrenaline and wishing you were home in your bed and now that you could finally crash in the house you all rented for the night and you were wide awake.
you gave up on your miserable attempt on counting sheep and decided to exit your small room for the night and go make yourself some tea.
you walked into the kitchen and found the kettle, mugs, teabags and sugar and started boiling the water.
"can't sleep either?"
"jesus fucking christ." you held your hand over your heart as you turned around and faced the living room adjacent to the kitchen. tangerine was still awake, sitting on the couch holding a book. "you scared the shit out of me."
he smirked as he looked you up and down, "sorry love, i didn't think anyone would still be awake." 
"neither did i," you moved to start preparing your cup now that your heart rate had calmed down, "you want a cuppa?"
"sugar? milk?" you moved to grab another mug.
you scrunched up your nose in surprise, "really? that's fuckin' gross."
"whaddya mean gross? it's classic."
"the best way to have tea."
"without milk and sugar, it isn't tea, it's leaf soup."
"leaf soup? the fuck you talkin' 'bout darlin'" 
the kettle flicking off interrupted the response on the edge of your tongue and instead you moved over to pour the hot water. you silently finished making the cups of tea, ignoring the feeling of tangerine's gaze on you.
once done you moved over to the living room and placed both mugs on the coffee table before flopping down next to tangerine on the couch. you adjusted so you were sat crossed legged, close enough to tangerine for your knees to knock against each other.
you reached over and grabbed your drink, blowing on it slightly and taking a sip, "why are you still awake."
he shrugged slightly and reached for his own mug, "post kill adrenaline i guess. what about you?"
"i had to sell the sheep i usually count to feed my pet orphans." you joked as your eyes wandered to the book he placed on the table, "you were reading."
"yeah what's wrong with that?" he bit back quickly and defensively.
"fucking hell, chill out dude," you giggled slightly at his defensiveness, "i guess i just never pictured you reading. i mean i know you're well read and all but reading is a relaxing activity and i've never seen you relaxed." 
"oh." his eyebrows knitted in confusion at your small rant.
"so what book are you reading?"
"a clockwork orange."
you can't help but snort, "never mind that explains it."
as quick as it left his defensiveness returned, "explains what?"
"you don't relax while reading a clockwork orange. it's a good book and all but it ain't relaxing."
"you've read a clockwork orange?"
"of course. brainwashing, rape, murder, violence, reminds me of our lives except more dramatic. and i don't get my drugs from milk. and classical music doesn't make me cum."
he laughed at that, "you get off other places do you love?"
"oh yeah screamo music or the teletubbies theme are the only songs i use to get off." you responded with mock seriousness.
he smiled again, "personally i prefer black metal." he matched your tone, and you returned his grin, "if you don't read this shit what do you read?"
"porn." you smirk at him.
his smiles drops slightly, "you do that a lot y'know."
"what? read porn? darn i thought i hid it so well."
"no," he rolled his eyes, "the joking. you always do it to avoid things that make you uncomfortable."
it was your turn to get defensive, "i'm sorry?"
"lemon pointed it out a few days ago, i hadn't really noticed before he said it actually but it's true."
"i do not."
"why can't you sleep."
you had to swallow the sarcastic comment that instinctively wanted to claw its way out, "i dunno, left over adrenaline or whatever shit you said."
"you're lying." he said simply and moved to place his half empty mug back on the table next to the worn copy of clockwork orange.
"so? why do you care?" you copied his actions placing your own almost empty drink back down.
he moved his hand so it was on your knee and started tracing small, comforting circles. he used his other hand to grab your jaw, forcing eye contact, "i don't know much 'bout personalities and all that shit that's lemons stuff."
"yes i realised that when i encountered your own unlikeable personality."
his eyes narrowed slightly but he otherwise ignored your snark, "but you seem to be avoiding vulnerability, love."
you pulled away from him. moving your knee away and pulling your face away from his large hand, "no 'm not."
tangerine didn't respond. he simply kept looking at you, like he could see your resolve crumbling, "you don't have to tell me but i don't enjoy being lied to."
you couldn't believe you were considering talking to him about feelings. sure, you were close, you'd been on countless missions together and trusted him completely but this? 
he didn't say anything further but he did replace his hand on your knee continuing rubbing his thumb.
fuck you hated him at the moment.
"i don't feel safe."
he didn't say anything, didn't even falter his movements, just looked at you and waited for you to continue.
"i get nightmares and paranoid after all the fuckin' shit you see in this job." you look down, not liking his eye contact, "i don't feel safe tryin' to sleep."
much to your relief he spoke again, "do you trust me?"
your eyes knitted together in confusion, "yeah tan 'f course."
"lay down."
he shuffled closer to the armrest, "you can't sleep. neither can i. so just lay down and relax and we'll stay up together." he pat his lap and looked at you expectantly.
"yeah, okay whatever." you breathed out and shuffled around until you were laying comfortably with your head in his lap and your legs curled up on the couch.
he started running his hand through your hair, smoothing it away from your face, "what’s it going to be then, eh?"
you can't help but smile up at him, "an unlimited supply of milk laced with ecstasy and classical music so good it makes me horny and violent?"
"don't think we'd be able to do all that tonight love."
"oh well i can settle for two weeks straight of horribly gory murder movies."
"yes but you'd have to be violently ill while doing so."
"i think if i got conditioned to hate violence i'd be out of a job."
"well, we can't have that."
"yeah. you'd miss me too much." you couldn't fight the yawn that crept up on you.
tangerine's other hand came down to rest on your cheek, his big hand almost covering your face, "tired, darlin'?"
you froze looking up and glaring, "how'd you do that are you a witch?"
"it's a secret, don't fight it just tell me more about your life as a droog."
"i don't think i'd be a droog."
"nah i'd be one of the coppers they seem to have more fun."
"if you were a copper your job would be catching me."
"you wouldn't stand a chance."
"i think i’d be able to evade you for a while."
"nope." you unconsciously wiggled closer into him and yawned again, "what we should do is team up."
"oh yeah?"
"yeah, you snitch on your enemies and i arrest them. win, win scenario."
"how do i know you won't turn against me?"
"i like you too much." your eyes slowly closed, and you finally started sleeping.
tangerine smiled down at you, "yeah, i like you a lot too."
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ultfreakme · 5 months
You know, I feel so sorry for Toji Fushiguro, he's an unemployed deadbeat, he has no self-esteem, he's unlucky and he still has memory problems because of the trauma his clan caused him. He deserved it but I can't even hate him For me, he deserved another ending to the story. If I were gojo I would spare your life I would force him to enter the jujutsu school to teach and so he could start working and taking care of Megumi It would work on your emotions. Oh I would put a bracelet on him that would reduce his physical strength so that he wouldn't hurt anyone until he had his redemption.
Wait Toji has memory issues??? Afaik, I don't think he does. I don't think Gojo had any reason to spare Toji's life, or for Toji to accept that. Sorry anon but I think forcing him to teach would take away his individuality and would impose on him the very same principals that made him leave the Zen'in clan in the first place.
First, Gojo had no reason to forgive him, or give the man a chance at all. He's an assassin hired to kill the girl who Gojo treasured as a friend and wanted to protect. Toji premeditated and planned Gojo and Riko's murder, and is implied to have killed Kuroi, the only reason he didn't kill Geto was because he didn't know what would happen to the cursed spirits Geto held but he DID injure Geto terribly(if you wanna piss off Gojo, you hurt Geto- at least during Hidden Inventory days).
We as the audience can have sympathy for Toji because we know about his past but at the end of the day, in-story, Toji made his choices. He's an adult and it's not the responsibility of a (at the time) teenager to fix the man.
Toji might actually laugh in Gojo's face if he told Toji to stop, probably be more vicious in his plans to absolutely destroy Gojo. Because Toji's issue with Gojo is personal. Gojo stands for everything Toji detests about sorcerer society, so to have this treasured heir to the GOJO clan essentially looking down on him, it's like Gojo would be saying "you're not even worth fighting, how about you do what I say?". Gojo's not recovering from whatever Toji plans to do in killing him after THAT disrespect.
Also, Toji being forced to be a teacher with his powers suppressed???? First, he would find a way to escape. Second, he would absolutely not be doing it unless the Zen'ins or Gojo were using Megumi as a bargaining chip and not in a fun way(like a "I will literally kill your son, or brainwash your son to follow our ways if you don't comply") which won't make him a good dad, or a good teacher, like I seriously think he'd be plotting more ways to murder everyone and escape. Toji's smart, he'll find a way and whatever massacre he'd leave behind for being FORCED to work in the very societal structure that made him the way he is would be brutal.
Restricting Toji and forcing him to be a teacher would absolutely destroy Toji as a person. His strength is something he clearly enjoys. He likes the fact that a 'monkey' like him can topple the strongest sorcerers. His powers are him.
This is the thing about redemption arcs, you can't force it. The character needs to realize they're in the wrong. No amount of sticking them next to our heroes is going to work if the character isn't willing. I'm going to use Zuko from Avatar The Last Airbender as an example since his redemption arc is one of the most famous. Zuko was a main antagonist who constantly interacted with the main cast and encountered many victims of his family's atrocities for the first two seasons, but none of this actually flipped him around. His uncle kind of essentially did what you're suggesting about Toji be done to him. Zuko just got resentful, he hated it no matter how much he tried, he actually got WORSE.
His redemption and realization of his wrongdoings happened when he was alone, left with the consequences. No one was forcing him to change, he came to that on his own.
If we do want a Toji redemption arc, I think a different route would have to be taken. I'm not sure what that would be or where it could start, but forcing him to suppress his powers and teach new sorcerers won't work imo.
Sorry if this comes off as harsh, I tried to be as unbiased as I could ;_;Toji's a cool character though, I like JJK because it's not easy to redeem or change these people's lives. I still can't figure out what would've been a good place for Geto to be redeemed, or Junpei to be saved, or anything. All that happens in JJK happens for a set of very interconnected reasons.
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and-stir-the-stars · 8 months
Oooof, first of all good luck with college and dealing with whatever is happening in your life, it gets better and worse but thats life
Anyways, so about the sisrer location arc in the saffron pawn au, how does Michael get involved in it in the first place?
If im remembering correctly, William is dead by now, so he probably didnt tell mike about it, then again, he might have find out through Williams notes or something like that...
And for michael to accept, i dont think its that hard, specially if he knows elizabeth might be down there...
Does evan know about the possesed animatronic things in this au? Are they even a thing in this particular take? If so, did he tell michael about it?
How does Evan notice Michael is working for afton robotics in the first place? Does mike tell him? Or does he discover it after mike doesnt get home in night 4?
(sorry for rambling it, i actually really like sister location implications in general and this au just intensifies that :>) alsoo take all the time you need to answer!
so when the sister location arc takes place-- when Evan is 17, about three or four years after the Arrest-- William is on death row but is not yet dead. On death row, he sends Mike a letter-- likely an encoded one that could get past inspection by authorities and that only his children would be able to understand-- that tells Michael he can find his sister (who "went missing" when they were kids) if he comes to talk to him. Mike doesn't want to, but he's scared what "finding" Liz means.
Is Liz dead? Did William isolate and manipulate her to a degree even more intense than he did Evan? Is she abandoned somewhere now that Will is in jail?
So he goes to talk to William, in secret, not telling Ev or Jem about it. William honestly partly wants to take in the glory of his would-be greatest accompliment (Mike, who was so close to being "Like William") one more time. William also just wants the control of being able to make Mike come to him even tho Mike clearly doesn't want to-- control is one thing that Will desperately needs and is lacking in this high security prison. And another part of William wants one more last-ditch effort to make Mike be Like Him by showing off the "glory" of all he accomplished, and Will sees the sister location as the best way to do that since 1) Liz is there and he knows Mike can't resist and 2) that location was William's most successful, "grand" creation in terms of luring and killing kids. If anything can make Mike see the "beauty" and efficiency in what he does, it's the SL, right?
Anyway, Will doesn't give Mike specifics. Liz is down there he says, but refuses to answer whether she's okay or if she's dead or what happened to her all those years ago or what's been happening to her in the meantime. Maybe part of Mike thinks he might find his sister, kidnapped and hurt and seriously malnourished and even more thoroughly brainwashed than Evan was, but still alive down there.
as for whether possession is a thing in this universe. It is, but I don't want the au to become "Evan and Mike risk their lives every day and night trying to free souls and right their father's mistakes." The point of the au is to give them some distance from that, and let them grow and heal without the weight of what William did weighing on them, yk? So there is possession in the universe, but it'll definitely be a less common occurrence, with a lot of the famous ghost cast from the series not present in the au. I know I want Charlie/the Puppet and Liz/Baby to be possessed, but as for all the other spirits, I'm not sure which ones, if any, exist as ghosts. There are probably only a handful of ghosts other then Charlie and Liz.
Does Evan know about possession before the SL arc? Yes and no.
He knows his dad would put children's corpses in the suits. And he knows that the suits don't quite act right. I don't think Evan ever consciously makes the connection that it's possession that causes this. It might weigh on his subconscious, especially since there's all these rumors around town about living or otherwise haunted animatronics, but he's never consciously aware of this. He tells himself he's being irrational and childish, likely parroting Mike and William's words about his old (and current, as much as he tries to deny it) fear of animatronics.
Evan DOES find out that one of William’s animatronics killed Liz when Ev gets a glimpse at some of Will's notes that he wasn't supposed to see. Evan is haunted by the information and confronts Will about it. Evan mayhaps even starts to understand that his sister is posessing Circus Baby, but the knowledge-- especially when paired with William's anger and violence toward Evan's reaction, esp if Evan sneaks away to see CB-- is too horrible, and Evan represses it away. So in effect, Evan doesn't know about possession or what happened to his sister. The Sister Location arc starts to tug at these repressed memories, and Evan is increasingly sure that Mike is in danger but can't name WHY Mike would be in danger. Not until he and Jem get to the Sister Location and they see for themselves. So Evan wouldn't have known about/remembered possession to be able to tell Mike about it, not until it was too late.
The sister location is supposed to be in Utah, either under or near the Afton house. I don't know exactly where the brothers are living by the time the SL arc rolls around, but it wouldn't be in Utah. So Mike wouldn't be coming home every night while working at the SL; he'd be returning to a motel or hotel room in this au.
When he gets Will's letter, he asks Jeremy to watch over Evan for a bit and leaves, essentially refusing to say where he's going and refusing to take no for an answer. He comes up with some excuse that neither Ev or Jem really buy for why he's leaving.
Evan or Jem end up finding Will's letter in Mike's room, and they end up having to talk to William, too. I don't think Will would purposely tell them where Mike is, but he would either let it slip or accidentally say something that triggers a repressed memory of Evan’s about Circus Baby's, thus revealing Mike's location
From there, they go to the SL-- both of them tense and terrified, not knowing what they'll find-- and narrowly save Mike from being scooped (and only narrowly saving themselves)
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k7l4d4 · 1 day
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Finale!!
Hello all! Sorry for not posting Yesterday, I... forgot. That's really all there is to it, I forgot and lost track of time before I had to go to work, and was too tired to post when I got back. So, to make up for it, I'm posting the ENTIRE Finale review, Parts 1 and 2, today! I hope you all enjoy.
Okay, cards on the table: This finale was crap. I'm pretty sure I tackle most of the issues inherent to it in the main review that I'll be posting below, but at it's core? This 2-Parter is just a crappy attempt to try and recreate the success of Heroes' Day, and it does it BADLY. The Miraculized is an honestly interesting concept, I think, in that it shows that Gabe and Tomoe have essentially jailbroken the power of the Kwami into something capable of mass production... which is presented as a bad thing. But on its own, it is genuinely impressive; if it weren't for the lazy and honestly nonsensical brainwashing plot with the "Perfect Alliance" app, it could've been interesting to see them gather and recruit genuinely willing agents to fight for them, acting on their behalf without dealing with the idiosyncrasies of Akumas in favor of totally loyal professionals.
But, what really kills the first part of this 2-Parter is that they keep hyping up these nightmares as being this super-traumatic thing... but aside from Adrien's, which doesn't make much sense, and Alya's, which her reaction is just stupidly exaggerated in regards to, they all just come off as ridiculous and stupid rather then traumatizing. I just can't take them seriously. The fact that they go out of their way to detail the specifics of their nightmares hurts it more because it exposes just HOW ridiculous they are, rather then keeping it vague but still giving the audience an idea of WHY they are so traumatized by it.
Not to mention that, despite Felix having SPELLED OUT that "Gabriel is Hawkmoth/Shadow Moth/Monarch" it seemed to have never actually clicked to Marinette until now that "oh crap, Gabriel is Hawkmoth!!" Which makes the prior play Felix put on all the more stupid since it ultimately did nothing to give Marinette more information if that's true, and instead focused entirely on making Marinette believe Felix's excuses for his bad deeds. So... what? I just don't get this continuity at all.
But what I think the biggest case of wasted potential in this finale, for all that it's a lazy Heroes' Day clone, is how it squanders the idea of their being more heroes, non-Miraculous connected ones, out in the world to help her... and instantly ignores how the Miraculized are able to TRACK the Ladybug and Black Cat's powers. When Marinette unified them, they should've INSTANTLY started swarming her all over again, like they did the first time she transformed. THAT would've made for an actual good reason for all the heroes around the world to appear; because they are tracking the movements of the army and are stopping them from mobbing Marinette while she's duking it out with Hawkmoth.
And just... Hawkmoth. Gabriel. How can a show just drop the ball so completely on such an awful character? I mean, I get how, they have been priming this for several seasons by having everyone around Gabe insist "he used to be better," but every thing they dredge up as evidence of this ultimately amounts to either scenes without context or detail, or someone claiming he used to be different but has now changed, without any word or detail on HOW he has changed. It expects the audience to just... take their word for it. To see Marinette showing him compassion, despite the fact that she should know damn well by now that Gabe has always put what HE wants for Adrien over what actually makes Adrien happy, every single time. And the way it insists upon itself by calling Gabe's actions "Madness." No, being deluded is not the same thing as being insane; Gabe knew full and well what he was doing, what the consequences would be, and ultimately decided "I don't CARE."
His delusions stopped and ended at his egotistical insistence that he's the one in the right; he didn't become a supervillain because of "Madness." He didn't decide to keep his son isolated from everyone around him for YEARS, long before his wife died, because of "Madness." He didn't cultivate plans specifically meant to isolate and hurt others so as to make them vulnerable to his powers because of "Madness." Everything Gabe has done, he has done because at his core, he is a selfish, egotistical failure of a father who refuses to accept that he's the bad guy. It's like if The Owl House had Belos, after literally driving himself to the brink of death in his obsession with wiping out all Witches, be given sympathy by the heroes because "it's not his fault he's so awful, he was raised to be that way" and had his demise be because he "let" himself be killed after somehow destroying all magic but leaving the inhabitants of the Islands unharmed. It's excusing the actions of a man whose deeds are inexcusable.
And you want to know what makes all this worse? Adrien never once gains closure. For the entire finale, he's stuck hiding in his room, against his will. Despite his father tormenting him and isolating him from all his friends, despite his last fight against Hawkmoth as Nighttormentor involving him verbally ripping his dad a new one for how much of an utterly awful parent and human being he is... after the world is erased and rebuilt, his clone is basically told "oh no, your abusive father was actually a good man, you should want to be like him." It's a slap in the face of anyone and EVERYONE who has had an abusive parental figure, who has dealt with someone they are supposed to be able to look up to but who instead abused their authority to hurt and control them. Never in my life have I been so contemptful of people who try and deflect criticism of this show because "I don't work in the industry;" anyone who thinks THIS is acceptable, who excuses the writers who felt PROUD of putting together this abomination, screw you. It would be one thing, however low of a bar it would be, if the writers really COULDN'T present Gabe as being the bad guy in the end... but that's not the case. They were proud of it. This was "always the plan." I have no further words for how messed up that is.
Onto the main review. As always, warning for any profanity on my part... and there's a bit of a doozy of that today.
Episode 25: Finale Part 1 - Conformation
Alright, opening things up, and we immediately jump to the first day of Summer Break, and apparently the hot topic is the election, and the tourist scene... and for some reason, Nadja feels the need to call attention to Adrien's arrival in London, alongside Kagami.
Also, "arrived yesterday"?!? Just, what the HELL!? Again, how the fuck is all this time zone BS going on!? For fuck's sake, it's showing their arrival like it happened when it was bright and early, but there's no way the flight should've been that long! Paris is not that far from fucking LONDON of all places!! I'm also confused on why Adrien's personal life is important enough to warrant this kind of news; he's a teen model, not some kind of billionaire playboy or whatever. I'm thinking that Gabe might be astroturfing things by paying news groups to give attention to the little "arrangement" he and Tomoe are trying to set-up, to control the narrative. It would fit with his speech to Marinette about controlling what people want and aspire to obtain.
Yup, Gabe's manipulating things. It's not directly stated, but given that the news report mentioned a direct report from the Gabriel brand on this, I'd say it's likely. Also, regarding Kagami, WHAT "SUCCESSFUL MODELING CAREER!?" SHE HAS NEVER BEEN A FUCKING MODEL IN HER ENTIRE LIFE!! HECK, HER BEING ON THE ALLIANCE RING AT ALL WAS BECAUSE HER MOM USED HER IMAGE AND VOICE WITHOUT HER CONSENT!! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!
Also, yeah, creepy insistence on "Perfection" again. Seriously, the obsession this show has with the concept of "perfection" is disturbing, and I don't mean it in the sense of villains using it, like Gabe and Tomoe do, but even the HEROES use it way too much. It gets thrown around so much, I can't even begin.
Oh, and I got my answer on where the "successful modeling career" for Kagami came from; from my point of view, Tomoe is allowing Gabe to appropriate Kagami's image to make ads, all designed to sell the idea that she and Adrien are a couple. And Kagami chucks something at the screen playing the ad for "Perfection, the Drink that hydrates to Perfection." Again, they are using "perfection" too much without seeming to get what it means.
And apparently Gabe's spying on Kagami and Adrien trapped in their creepy white rooms. Just, just, WHY!? Why the fucking ROOMS!? These things are just utterly disturbing, why the absolute FUCK do Tomoe and Gabe think they need to use "WHITE TORTURE ROOMS" for their kids!? Are they insane or just fucking stupid!?
And Gabe references this "Perfect Alliance" thing, which I just know I'm gonna fucking hate. Just, just why the HELL does he think they need to be in LONDON to be safe from whatever it is!? Is it a death laser? A bomb? WHAT!? For fuck's sake, GABE HAS LITERALLY ALLOWED CITY DESTROYING AKUMAS LOOSE BEFORE WITHOUT GIVING A FUCK ABOUT THE DANGER THEY POSE TO ADRIEN, AND IF TOMOE HAS ALWAYS BEEN HER PARTNER THEN SHE HASN'T SHOWN ANY MORE REGARD WHEN IT COMES TO KAGAMI, THEY COULD LITERALLY JUST USE BUNKERS IN PARIS AND ACHIEVE THE SAME RESULTS!!!!
Honestly, that's what makes this so stupid to me; they are framing this scene as if Tomoe and Gabe are isolating their kids to "keep them safe," yet Gabe hasn't even TRIED to stop Akumas capable of wiping out Paris while knowing full well Adrien is there, so why is this time different? That same line of reasoning goes for Tomoe regarding Kagami; if she's always been Gabe's secret partner, and Kagami means this much to her, where were her complaints regarding incidents like Syren, when the literal city was FLOODED by the Akuma? What THEN!?
For fuck's sake, they are like overgrown children!!
...These two are abusive. Like, no duh, that's obvious, but this is LITERALLY the kind of reasoning you see in abusive parents; it's the coldblooded rationalization that they are in the right for how they treat their children, and that it's everyone else who says differently that is wrong. Now Tomoe mentions something about a "poison" and a "remedy" which I can't begin to make heads or tails of but is probably super fucking stupid.
Yup, it's fucking stupid; I still don't know what the overall "plan" is, but Gabe just reakumatized himself into Nighttormentor (for some fucking reason), is loading up on the powers of the Mouse, Horse, and Rooster Miraculous... okay, it's apparently some fucking stupid plot to give the whole world nightmares, probably in some dumb as hell rehash of the Scarlet Akuma plot.
"The nightmare has finally begun." "And our wish to bring our child together can finally come true." I just... what? What the fuck does ANY OF THIS relate to getting Kagami and Adrien together?? Like, literally NOTHING about this scene or this plot have anything to do with them beyond Gabe spying on them while they sleep! (Which is creepy as fuck, by the way) It's just the writers shoving in relationship BS when it doesn't even relate to what these idiots are doing.
Alright, now we get an utterly stupid as hell scene of Marinette dressed up in a Ladybug-themed suit of armor like a knight while riding a red motorcycle... this is her nightmare, and it's literally doing the entire "flipped fairy tale" BS of swapping the gender stereotypes but otherwise leaving them totally unchanged, isn't it? And it's gonna end in disaster since, well, it's a NIGHTMARE.
...Yup, this is stupid. In addition to this honestly giving the vibes of a pretty sexist "role reversal" of the stereotypical "knight saves the princess," it involves Marinette "slaying the dragon holding the prince(ess) hostage" with said dragon being revealed to be Gabe, and accidentally "killing" Gabe by... lightly brushing him with her sword on the arm? And Adrien asking "why did you do that, Marinette?" I just... I cannot even FOLLOW whatever shit this is trying to BE!! It's like they are trying to say "Marinette/Ladybug would KILL Hawkmoth and break Adrien's heart!!" which already doesn't make any sense since yes, he's dying, because OF HIS OWN FUCKING STUPIDITY!!! Marinette's Lucky Charm isn't even directly harmful; the only way she could kill someone would be if she was actively TRYING to do so, and she's not the type. Why the FUCK are they trying to frame this as an actual concern she could EVER EVEN HAVE ABOUT THIS SITUATION!?
...Given I already know how this finale is gonna play out, my best guess is that this idiocy is them trying to foreshadow Marinette's "big moment" at the end, but it falls apart because it is utterly fucking contrived by implanting a fear that, like the bullshit dream sequence of a nightmare that Chat Noir was subjected to despite lacking any reason to even CONSIDER IT A CONCERN, has no real basis for. It just EXISTS to generate conflict and drama. And I'm not gonna get into how "dreams are irrational" and all that, because yes, they are; but for things like nightmares, they have to be based on things a person would already be afraid of or be having concerns over. Neither Chat nor Marinette have ANY reason to have had those particular nightmares at all!!
"I have to free him from the dragon- I mean, from his father!" Marinette... no. Shut up. Shut the absolute FUCK UP. This? This entire fucking mess is not something you need to "save" Adrien from; yes, he needs to be gotten out from Gabe's thumb, but the primary fucking REASON he still IS under Gabe's thumb is because he's been sitting on his ass and avoiding actually confronting his problems, AND YOU HAVE BEEN ENABLING HIM ALL THIS TIME!!! For fuck's sake, it's the stupidity with you trying to defend to Adrien that Gabe has "Changed" despite him threatening your career and making it clear he's never going to let you be with his son if he has any kind of a say in it, ACTIVELY CONTRIBUTED TO THIS BS. You don't get to freak out about "saving him" when you can't even woman up enough to be genuinely honest with him and let him face tough times on his own instead of constantly trying to spare his fucking feelings!!
And apparently the stupid nightmare power thing causes people physical pain as well as emotional distress, because why the fuck not!? And Marinette ends up seeing one of Gabe's new ads (still doing that stupid as fuck "Perfection" thing) with the images of Adrien and Kagami. Who thinks she'll take this the wrong way? (Raises hand)
"His father won't tell you a thing, will he?" Oh, I dunno Tikki, I think the man who has kept Adrien socially isolated from everyone for nearly his entire life, actively has fought to keep him out of public school and people his own age, is secretly a terrorist (SOMETHING YOU TWO SHOULD KNOW AFTER THAT LITTLE FIASCO WITH FELIX AND KAGAMI YESTERDAY!!!), and has micromanaged every aspect of his life down to the minute would absolutely share information on where his son is with the girlfriend he doesn't approve of! /s
"Maybe he won't, but maybe his assistant Nathalie will!" Why? Why would you have ANY FUCKING REASON TO THINK THAT? This isn't even a matter of Nathalie being trustworthy or not, point to a SINGLE MOMENT where Marinette and Nathalie have interacted positively or Nathalie has indicated any willingness to go against Gabe's BS in front of Marinette that would support her having any fucking reason TO THINK THIS!!!
"Adrien told me that she was always kind to him." Why the fuck would you believe that? Seriously, this is the same guy who spoke up for Chloe (which this season went out of its way to tear apart) and let Lila run wild by "taking the high road," why the FUCK would you think he has any fucking clue what he's talking about? He speaks well of his own father half the time despite the man transparently being a complete and utter piece of shit, Adrien isn't exactly a sparkling judge of character!!
Marinette immediately runs off to find Nathalie (why the hell would she even think Nathalie's in Paris, and where the fuck would she even find her?), but is blocked by her dad. Also, something confusing occurred to me; that stupid as hell play that Felix and Kagami put on happened the same night that Adrien left (SOMEHOW), and Marinette woke up in an abandoned classroom the next morning. How wasn't she locked in? Why weren't her parents worried about where she went and why she didn't come home last night without telling them where she was? It's the BS of the show trying to pretend ANY OF THIS MAKES ANY KIND OF SENSE WHEN IT DOESN'T.
Apparently Tom is worried about his daughter running off without eating breakfast first; to be honest, that's a healthy concern to have as skipping a meal can seriously affect your energy, and it's not like taking a few more minutes is gonna make Nathalie suddenly disappear. Ooh, and then Marinette gets hit with the conveniently awful headache that stupid as fuck Nightmare power causes! Why do I call it stupid as fuck? Because currently, we aren't seeing anyone else exhibit that symptom, despite Gabe having apparently spread his nightmare power across the globe... for SOME FUCKING REASON. Seriously, why the FUCK would he bother spreading his power like that when all his efforts have been focused on PARIS!? All he's doing is making it more likely that the international community is going to come for his fucking head.
"This has nothing to do with Adrien!" No, Marinette, it has everything to do with him (unfortunately) and you saying it doesn't is, if anything, MORE of a red flag for them. Plus, your mom was ON YOUR SIDE, so you trying to shut down her reasoning to get your dad to calm down just makes things worse. Okay, NOW we see someone else get hit with the stupid as hell headache; and again, Marinette, just be HONEST WITH YOUR PARENTS, idiot!!
Apparently Tom's nightmare was about how Marinette ended up starving herself over being upset over Adrien leaving. For fuck's sake, HAVE NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HEARD OF A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP!?!? Like, him just being worried about Marinette starving is a perfectly valid fear all its own, you don't have to tack on Love Square BS into the mix!! Also, his nightmare was stupid in that he thought Marinette not eating would make her physically shrink until a mouse could eat her, instead of, you know, her just plain DYING from hunger.
Sabine's nightmare was about how TOM ended up Akumatized over his worries for Marinette. Apparently something something "trapped her in a giant brioche with an army of croissants to protect her." Like, this entire stupid scene would be less idiotic if they just left their nightmares at the most surface level explanation; getting the details just makes them sound corny and stupid, not something to actually be worried about, and makes the fact that they are still fretting over them obnoxious and hard to take seriously rather then concerning. It's hard to give a shit about people having had bad dreams when they are unironically being concerned about their kids shrinking from not eating to the point of getting eaten by a mouse, etc.
And Marinette immediately bumps into Alya, who is freaking out and convinced that Monarch is gonna find her and she'll blab the secret. See, THIS is a genuine fear to be worried about, as it actually has something resembling a basis in reality. It's still fucking stupid as Monarch DOES NOT KNOW THAT SHE KNOWS, but it's more reasonable a fear then what Marinette's parents were going through.
"We can't be seen together!" Alya, ONCE AGAIN, no one knows that YOU know Ladybug's secret (you would've had to leave like Luka and Alix did, idiot), so no, no one is going to connect you to Ladybug's secret identity, grow the FUCK up already!!
Seriously, WHY THE HELL ARE PEOPLE STILL DEALING WITH THESE STUPID AS FUCK HEADACHES!? We have NEVER had it indicated that the powers of an Akuma persist after they are de-Akumatized!! And no, Stoneheart's minions don't count because they were the result of the original Akuma multiplying. They are trying to artificially generate drama by making everyone on edge and freaked out, but it just does not work when everything is so utterly stupid about it!!
And after Marinette drives off, we now get a look at Adrien still dealing with that stupid as hell nightmare. What makes this nightmare stupid as fucking hell is the fact that, once again, THERE IS NO BASIS FOR IT!! Heck, the ONE THING that could be used as a basis for it, his hitting Monarch with a Cataclysm and setting up the idea that using his powers on other people utterly terrifies him, is shot to pieces by the fact that he has DELIBERATELY tried to Cataclysm TWO other people, ones who are a lot less fucking irredeemable compared to Monarch, for no good reason. This drama BS is annoying as hell. Seriously, why the hell is Adrien so torn up over a non-existent Akumatization based off of another Akumatization that neither he nor Monarch have any knowledge of!?
Adrien snaps awake with a gasp, and here we are. Adrien panting and gasping just doesn't work because the tone doesn't FEEL like something to be worried about; it's literally just a kid having a nonsensical bad dream. He then tries to demand the door be opened; wow, what a great time to gain a spine to stand up for yourself with!
Okay, and it's revealed that this entire fucking BS with the nightmares is to try and make people dependent on a self-help app designed to give people advice on relaxing activities to "help with their negative emotions." ...Why? WHY!? WHY THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DID THEY JUST NOT INCLUDE THAT STUPID APP AS A NON-OPTIONAL UPDATE TO THEIR STUPID AS HELL RINGS!? FOR FUCK'S SAKE, IT ISN'T THAT BIG OF A FUCKING CONCERN!!! YOU DID NOT NEED TO GO THROUGH THIS ENTIRE SHITHOLE OF A PLAN JUST TO DISTRIBUTE THIS THING!! HECK, IF YOU WANTED ADRIEN TO USE AN ALLIANCE RING SO BAD, YOU COULD'VE JUST FORCED HIM TO DO SO!!
"This is insane! My father is out of control!" NOW you realize that!? What, did the pure white room he's locked you into didn't give it away? Also, I'm more shocked that he's only saying that in relation to the ring being presented to him after having a bad dream. Honestly; it's so contrived that THIS is his breaking point.
And then we get a scene of Plagg FINALLY trying to talk Adrien into running away (by transforming into Chat Noir), and so far, Adrien's limiting his objections to the fact that there are cameras that would see him transform... when Plagg can just phase into the systems and break them. Honestly, Adrien blinding and drowning out the SECOND Camera by using the Alliance Ring's inability to stop asking people to ask for the "Perfect Alliance" is pretty clever... and then they have Adrien intending to give up the Ring and going full damsel.
"I'm too angry. at myself for falling short of Marinette's love, at my father for sending me here in London, at this stupid app and rings that use my image, it makes me sick. This nightmare gives me the horrible feeling that, if I transform, I'll get Akumatized and destroy everything with my Cataclysm! Marinette, Ladybug." And he took off the ring, which somehow didn't cause Plagg to get sucked into it. It's almost funny; if it weren't for the fact that his dream is entirely BS and he's angsting over LITERALLY NOTHING, as well as the fact that HE KNOWS REJECTING AN AKUMA IS POSSIBLE AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO NOT BE ANGRY TO DO SO, this would be an honestly heartfelt scene. As it is, the fact that this season has been wall-to-wall "random people reject the Akuma's influence" just makes this scene stupid as fuck; it's BS like THIS that should make it so you don't throw around "rejecting the mind-controlling villain's influence" so willy-nilly. It took what little believable tension this scene had, and shot it in the fucking foot. Good job! (Deliberately ignoring the Love Square shilling and too-little-too-late efforts of showing Adrien having a spine)
What's so obnoxious is that ALL OF THIS is too little, too late. It's trying to act as if this is some kind of tipping point for Adrien, like this is something that he had no reason to see coming, yet all of this? He's known it's been coming FOR WEEKS, more even, or it's just a rehash of abuses Gabe has already put him through. It's genuinely hard to care about what he's going through when he's been doing nothing, his character has been at a fucking STAND STILL, for the entire show.
"If I ask her for help, I'd have to give her information that would jeopardize my secret identity." NO!! YOU WOULDN'T!!! YOU COULD LITERALLY JUST HAVE PLAGG SHARE THAT SOMETHING MESSED UP IS GOING ON AND YOU HAD TO HAVE HIM INFORM LADYBUG THAT SHE NEEDS TO RESCUE YOU IN "CHAT NOIR'S" PLACE!!! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!! They are digging for any and every possible excuse to delay having Adrien do something smarter. Is his secret ID really that big of a fucking deal if it means finally being free!? Heck, NOW, of ALL TIMES, is the best possible moment to have her find out the truth!!
And thus Adrien's journey from "independent spirit chafing at his father's control" to "gender-flipped damsel in distress" is now complete! God this is fucking pathetic. Oh, and rather than maintain his efforts to not give in to his father's control, he puts on the ring, conveniently forgetting that he's not the only person in the world capable of having a bad day.
"Adrien, focus on the thing you like the most; the soothing sound of the foils brushing against one another." ...That's it? The big 'reveal' surrounding the "Perfect Alliance" is "basic advice on how to not think about something upsetting you by thinking about something else"? THAT'S ALL THE FUCK IT IS!? Also, the fact that this response is both A) wrong, Fencing is not the thing he likes the most, and B) rather blatantly tailored to Adrien by his parents, makes it pretty fucking obvious that this is an engineered scenario to push more forced shipping BS on the part of Gabe and Tomoe.
"The stimuli that Adrien is receiving on his ring are relaxing his nervous system; the images he's watching are now associated with the feeling of well-being. He's forgetting all about the nightmares he'd previously been obsessing about. Soon he'll calm down and later, fall sound asleep." ...I cannot for the life of me make heads or tails of whatever this fiasco of a plot is even supposed to be about. For starters, Adrien wasn't watching the images at all, he was just listening to the Ring's advice. And forming those kinds of mental associations take a lot stronger emotions then what amounts to a kid being a little stressed over a nonsensical bad dream, and given that these dreams are apparently targeting (really dumb) TRAUMA, then NO, they are not going to "forget all about the nightmares," it's distracting them from them only. And how in the FUCK would they have any impact over superpowers-derived NIGHTMARES!?
Seriously, you cannot make a set-up be all about how the nightmares are a supernatural phenomenon and then introduce a technological "solution" to them. It doesn't work because just getting BASIC FUCKING ADVICE on how to handle stress is not gonna change the fact that all those people are still under the influence of Monarch's power.
"Perfect Alliance is a success, Tsurugi-san." HOW!? You haven't even made whatever point it's supposed to be about!!
Oh, now Marinette FINALLY arrives at the Agreste Manor in Paris, and is intending to break into it to find Nathalie. Tikki tries to warn her off using her powers to break in, on the basis that using them for personal gain has never turned out well for her, which is a good point! Too bad she's not gonna listen.
She counters that it isn't personal this time, it's for Adrien. ...Marinette, how the absolute FUCK have you forgotten that even if it's for Adrien, you aren't doing it for him, YOU ARE DOING IT FOR YOURSELF!! You literally once broke into his room to sniff his stuff AS LADYBUG. You don't get to claim a moral high ground on this.
Oh, and now we are in Nathalie's nightmare, which is a disjointed weirdness of her being bothered by giant ads for the "Perfect Alliance" and "Monarch making his Wish." What the fuck is even happening, I couldn't say. Oh, she's making a video diary for Adrien "for when she's no longer here" and bringing up Emilie... and she couldn't even finish it, due to another ad for the "Perfect Alliance," and tries to grab her old hunting gear despite being extremely infirm. Hmm, it's almost as if she's been wasting MONTHS AND WEEKS of time that she could've used to get the proper authorities or just flatout TELL THE HEROES WHO MONARCH IS, and is now on death's door when Monarch's "brilliant plan" is right around the corner.
Oh, and apparently, instead of trying to find Nathalie, Ladybug was just snooping in Adrien's room! Of course. She only even NOTICES Nathalie trying to leave because her tech-brace is loud.
Brief look of Plagg flying to Paris with the Ring, I wonder how long that'll take him?
And now we get a look of Tom using the Alliance Ring to relax. Him and Sabine are literally too relaxed in this scene; is the Perfect Alliance some kind of brainwashing device? BECAUSE THIS IS NOT HOW RELAXATION WORKS AND THE NIGHTMARES ARE STILL A SUPERNATURAL PHENOMENON!!!
""Adrien and Kagami really form a Perfect Alliance."" Okay, yeah, I'm pretty sure this is meant to be a brainwashing thing. EXCEPT THIS IS NOT HOW BRAINWASHING WORKS YOU FUCKING IDIOT WRITERS!!!
"If I'd known it'd take so long, I'd have made myself a cheese sandwich!" I feel like the writers having Plagg state this is them trying to justify the time zone fuckery, which really doesn't work since Plagg can both A) avoid having to go by Land Routes, and B) Planes fly much higher and much faster than Plagg does skimming just above the water.
Okay, and it looks like, rather than TALK TO NATHALIE like she said she would, Marinette/Ladybug has instead decided to break into her room and snoop through her stuff! Nope, nothing morally or ethically questionable about that! Oh, and she spots a pic of Nathalie, Emilie, and Gabe in safari gear and "makes the connection" that the third woman in the picture is Nathalie wearing the outfit she's right next to. Marinette, why the fuck are you shocked by this? What is there even to be SHOCKED OVER!?
And Plagg FINALLY makes it to Paris!! And is somehow surprised to find that Marinette doesn't spend all of her time at her house. After snooping in her room a bit, he spots a picture that has Marinette and her female friends on it; I wonder where he's going with this...
Okay, now we get a scene of Tsurugi in front of a monitor screen! ...She's supposed to be blind, right? So why the hell is she always presented as not being visually impaired at all, staring at monitors and screens and other forms of visual input without any way to bridge the sensory gap?
Okay, apparently the "big plan" is them having set up this entire convoluted BS is all to facilitate making people dependent on their stupid as fuck brainwashing app, and then take it away from everyone... okay, I just, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NEED AN AKUMA FOR THIS!? You literally could've played the long game, revealed the "Perfect Alliance" MONTHS AGO, and just gradually waited for the numbers to build up before yanking it away!! For fuck's sake, this is dumb.
I also don't get what Tomoe means by them going to the "next phase of the plan" not having a great enough shock with only 80% of all Alliance Users having downloaded the app. Like, again, you could've gotten a much bigger shock if you had played the long game, lady.
Now Plagg's at Anarka's ship and all of Marinette's friends are doing nothing but lounge around with the Alliance Ring. STILL NOT HOW BRAINWASHING AND DEPENDENCY WORKS, ASTRUC.
Oh look, here's Mylene, the "no-tech" member of their friend group whose hyper-aversion to all non-recyclable technology was shoved in out of nowhere probably just to set-up this stupid as fuck scene that's coming!
...Wow, her nightmare is honestly the dumbest one yet. Like, no joke, "all the trees uprooted by extraterrestrials." I just... what even is that supposed to mean!? Why the fuck does she think that was a "prophetic dream"? Did they seriously turn her into a full-on "New-Age Hippy" oh who the hell am I kidding, OF COURSE THEY DID.
"Put this on, Mylene. You'll feel better." ...I really, REALLY fucking hope that having Nino, the guy who looks like he's of African descent, say something like you'd expect from a drug dealer is just a mistake, because THAT LOOKS AND SOUNDS FUCKED UP.
"I refuse to touch an object that was made without respect for the Earth's resources!" Then how the fuck do you even make it outside, Mylene? HOW!? Also, yup, new-age hippy.
Yeah, this whole thing feels like it's combining internet addiction with drug addiction, and it falls flat on its face because NONE OF THIS IS HOW DEPENDENCE WORKS, and making MYLENE of all people the one pushing back against this stupidity is kinda the worst way to use her. It's reducing her to just "environmentalism" in the worst possible way. Yeah... they are just gonna keep trucking along with this, aren't they? I'm probably gonna just vibe on through this point, since nothing else of substance is happening.
Oh look, something happened with Emilie's weird as hell coffin thing that we still don't know what it does. And back to the good old "Gabriel monologuing to his wife's corpse" scene! Been awhile. Yadda yadda yadda, "I've given up my ambitions (lies), my morality (true, VERY true), but I've never given up on you," and all it cost you was your son's love and respect, not that you had it before given you haven't changed how much of a toxic control freak you are in the slightest.
And after nearly, FINALLY admitting Emilie is dead while monologuing about bringing her back, Nathalie finally bursts onto the scene with her crossbow... she's not even remotely a threat, she is a fucking moron, and this "act of defiance” is utterly fucking stupid. She had her chance, and she fucking blew it. She's gonna die here, and it's all her own fault.
"If you make the wish to bring her back, someone will have to go in her place." Yeah... you are the last person to say that, given what you've been doing.
"Emilie would never have agreed to this!" Again, last person to be saying this. You could've stopped him at any time, this is entirely your own damn fault.
"Do you think I'd be monstrous enough to sacrifice a human being!?" Oh, I dunno, you haven't given any kind of fucks about enabling others to do just that (Pharaoh), when you aren't also enabling villains capable of rendering the entire city devoid of life (Syren). So... yes, she has every reason to believe you would do just that.
"Do you really think that I'm a monster?" YES!! DUDE, YES YOU ARE A FUCKING MONSTER!!!
And he knocks her out cold. Big surprise there.
Now we're back to Marinette snooping in Nathalie's room! Hmm, it's almost as if she's totally forgotten the reason she broke into this place entirely! Hey, she found Fu's stolen tablet. It's almost as if she hadn't learned that Gabriel Agreste is Monarch a day or two ago!
"It can't be!" Marinette... YOU LEARNED ALL THIS LESS THEN TWO DAYS AGO FROM FELIX AND KAGAMI!! Then again, given that Felix hyper-fixated on his "play" being all about making Marinette feel sorry for him in spite of his crimes, it's possible it just slipped to the back of her mind. But no, you should ALREADY KNOW THIS BY NOW.
Oh, and Monarch entered while carrying Nathalie into the room.
And Gabe begins monologuing about how he knew she would betray him and had been prepared... the FUCK YOU DID!! Seriously, she hasn't done anything to act against you all this time, even when she actively said she was betraying you she did nothing to try and stop you, and even after she DID interfere with your attempts to control Adrien, you STILL let her keep the means of doing so!!! Oh, and Marinette's trying to inform Chat Noir in the background.
"You will be loyal to me until the end, after all." So, either he intends to sacrifice HER to bring back his wife, or something like that, because otherwise, this is all just BS posturing on his part. I'm honestly surprised he isn't planning on, I dunno, sacrificing Marinette or something so that she'll cease to be a diversion to his goals of keeping Adrien and Kagami together.
I would hardly call being locked up in a stark white room, the kind used for White Torture, is "safe."
"Monarch is going to send all of human kind after you and Chat Noir." ...HOW DOES THAT RELATE IN ANY WAY TO THIS BULLSHIT PLAN!? For fuck's sake this is dumb.
Them having this weird filter thing going on with Marinette at the moment is dumb. It just looks out of place, and using it over and over again is just distracting from the tension of the scene.
Oh, now I get it, they are intending to have all their brainwashed minions be conditioned to hate Chat Noir and Ladybug by having them interfere with their images on the ring. Once again, this is not how brainwashing or dependence work, so this is just BS. Seriously, how can people who are using the Ring in the same room fall for this? Why the fuck would ANYONE fall for this!?
...And this is where it all falls apart. They are literally having people think that "Adrien" and "Kagami" were kidnapped by "Chat Noir" and "Ladybug." Instead of, you know, some asshole hacking the Perfect Alliance APP!? How fucking stupid ARE THESE IDIOTS!?
Seriously, how the hell have these idiots forgotten that what's shown on the Alliance IS JUST AN AI IMAGE!! IT IS NOT THE REAL PEOPLE!!! For fuck's sake, some of them were literally having totally different "relaxation programs" running while in the same room, they should KNOW that it's not possible for two people to be doing multiple different activities simultaneously! Oh what am I talking about, this is just stupid.
Oh, apparently Monarch found a way to weaponize his Cataclysm wound. That'd almost be clever if it weren't something he absolutely hadn't planned ahead of time and amounts to a BS asspull to artificially increase the stakes.
Seriously "Miraculize me?" ...Honestly, it isn't the worst phrase ever. I might even like it. If it weren't part of the most bullshit asspullery this season has had to date; how the absolute FUCK does this make any sense!? How were they able to, I dunno, recreate the power of transformation that all Miraculouses possess in those Rings? Probably via however the hell the Transfer system works, admittedly, but COME THE FUCK ON THIS IS LITERALLY JUST A CHEAP RIP OFF OF HEROES DAY!!!
What makes this stupidity even worse is that it's deliberately presenting this as those who have "Miraculized" being fully aware of their actions. Ugghhh...
Seriously, Alya, JUST TAKE THE FUCKING RING!! You getting Akumatized really isn't a risk since, you know, you can just RESIST IT LIKE YOU HAVE ALL THE OTHER TIMES.
Also, how everyone who is "Miraculized" doesn't realize that they are using the stolen Miraculous powers makes no sense to me. This is stupid. Then again, I'm getting the feeling that this is some new spin on Akumatization.
And with that, we get the debut of... sigh... "Bug Noir." Lame name aside, not the worst costume ever. This is just stupid... And with THAT, this episode is DONE!
Episode 26: Finale Part 2 - Re-Creation
Opening with a creepy room with, oh look, Tomoe's missing laptop, so this is obviously Lila's current base. For some stupid reason, we have Alec's new "empowering" show playing in the background, instead of something like, you know, the news so she could stay up to date on what her nemeses are doing!?
And she's apparently smirking over seeing Alec having a meltdown because of that stupid as hell Nightmare power. Seriously, there is NO TENSION here. I'm not even sure what this scene is supposed to convey; is she just being sadistic and getting a kick out of his nightmare? I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Nothing of progress is happening here.
Oh look, a breaking news story in the middle of Alec's breakdown. Apparently Nadja, who was the one to spread the very obvious lie that Adrien and Kagami had been kidnapped by Chat Noir and Adrien, is now reporting on the Miraculized villains. Kinda funny how everyone apparently recognizes that they are villains when, by all accounts, the transformation is AN INTENDED EFFECT OF THE RINGS THAT GABE JUST MADE PUBLIC!!! I wonder if that'll be relevant at all going forward? I doubt it.
And with a quick costume change, Lila hops on her bike and takes off to do... something.
Now back to our regularly scheduled fight between Monarch and Marinette, with Monarch realizing that he should've known Marinette was Ladybug; how? Dude, you fucking KNOW that the Transformations obscure the wielder's identity, you wouldn't have gone to the utterly idiotic amount of trouble of making a step counter in the Alliance Rings that would alert you if someone wearing one performed superhuman feats! There's no reason you should've "known" she was Ladybug, unless you are counting that one time you attempted to Akumatize her in Derision that failed to take hold and didn't result in you somehow realizing who she is like you realized Luka KNEW WHO SHE AND CHAT NOIR ARE!! (Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit~!)
He comments on how many times he's nearly Akumatized her, with Marinette emphasizes the "nearly" aspect of it, which is a fun way to tweak the edgy drama king's nose. He remarks that that's only because of her outrageous luck... which is spot on. Marinette averting Akumatization so often boils down to either dumb luck or deus ex machina on the part of the writers.
"Luck is something you make." Got to admit, a line like that right after her dropping a piano on him is actually a good line. If only it weren't ruined by the fact that this scene involves Marinette completely and utterly stealing any and all of the spotlight from Adrien because "reasons."
Okay, it looks like the show is abandoning the pretense that the Miraculized need to consent to it, given that two random people on the bridge just transformed without any sign they asked for it to happen. Oh, and Rose shows off a surprising degree of athleticism by shoulder-checking Ivan so that their friends can take his ring off; and after smashing it, he turns back to normal. I don't know why they'd need to smash it, but at least it shows that the Miraculized are exactly what I said they are... a lazy ripoff of the Scarlet Akumas during Heroes Day. Heck, they are WORSE than the Scarlet Akumas, since they are apparently weak enough that random civilians can pin them in place, and they have nothing but the same pool of powers to tap. You know, this nonsense could've been slightly interesting if they had made it so that the Miraculized being able to channel all the powers of Monarch's Rings was harming them, since people aren't MEANT to be able to have so many of those things active at once... but we all know the show isn't gonna mention that.
And apparently the Miraculized are still stuck under the bullshit Nightmare Akuma powers, going by Ivan getting a group hug.
Now we get a scene of the Miraculized attacking Marinette's uncle for some dumb as fuck reason. I say "dumb as fuck" because whatever coolness would be had at seeing Wang be badass is completely undermined by the fact that THE MIRACULIZED HAVE NO REASON TO GO AFTER HIM!! Seriously, they can TRACK CHAT NOIR AND LADYBUG!! Why the hell would they have any reason to think the two of them are currently in a Chinese Restaurant?!
Oh look, it's Fei, the living example that Gabe has already caused permanent casualties in his obsession with bringing Emilie back and thus the permanent rebuke of him being "redeemable" since her adoptive father is dead as an explicit result of Gabe's actions! Apparently she's also suffering the bullshit nightmare power for some reason. Apparently she's been staying with... Wang for some reason? Which, I guess it'd make for an interesting plot, Fei being like an adopted cousin for Marinette, if only something like THAT was being given focus instead of the utterly pointlessness of them being harassed by the Miraculized.
...Okay, I call bullshit. When the absolute FUCK was it ever hinted at that Penny and Jagged were getting training by Su-Han? WHEN!? Hint, IT WASN'T EVER HINTED!! And once again, the Miraculized really have no reason to be attacking them in the first fucking place!!! Oh, and Luka too; him, admittedly, I could actually see getting training, if it weren't, I cannot reiterate this enough, NEVER ONCE HAVING BEEN HINTED AT OR ALLUDED TOO!!!
Oh wow, we are getting all the bullshit today. Bunnyx pops in just to let them know that they'd be more useful in Paris. This is in spite of the fact that, despite retransforming and even UNIFYING the Black Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses while fighting Monarch, Marinette hasn't seen a hint of the Miraculized since throwing them off her fucking trail!!
Oh, now we're in New York, and guess who's the first hero we see getting harassed by the Miraculized? Not Aeon, not Liberty, not anyone like that... no, it's a guy themed around Hot Dogs of all things, and who gets his powers from... I am not even kidding... Magic. Hot Dogs. They, they really aren't even TRYING, are they? Okay, now Majestia is on the scene, and... I'll be blunt, she looks kinda weird. I just... do not like her design. And for fuck's sake, why are the Miraculized showing up like this to attack NON-Ladybug heroes? Seriously, THEY CAN TRACK HER!!! Also, wow, Majestia's nightmare is basically "I'm not perfect enough" wangsting.
Now Knight Owl's on the scene and is apparently no longer disguising her gender. I'm genuinely baffled on WHY, since I can't recall her ever alluding to needing to make a change.
Oh look, it's Eagle, the very on-the-nose Superheroine who looks like an incredibly racist Native American stereotype, wondering what the heck is causing all the Miraculized to have shown up. Aeon shows up, I refuse to call her "Uncanny Valley," and remarks that she can detect the Quantum Imprint of Miraculous Powers, which I'm sincerely confused by since her only prior experience with Miraculous Powers are the Butterfly, Eagle, Black Cat, and Ladybug; I guess this is either confirmation that the Miraculization transformation is based on the Butterfly's Akumatization, or the others having the characters say things as a hand-wave to move the plot along.
"Something must have occurred in Paris!" ...Yeah, no fucking DUH. Leaving to the side why Gabe would even HAVE Alliance Rings outside of Paris, given that it's not as if Hawkmoth has a habit of showing up anywhere but there, all the Miraculized ranting about needing to find and demanding to know where Ladybug and Chat Noir are SHOULD HAVE BEEN A VARIOUS OBVIOUS CLUE that something had happened in Paris. Also, the fact that they don't know already REALLY makes the Media in London's focus on Bustier's running for Mayor bizarre.
Now, back to the fight against Monarch! Ladybug cuffed them together, and declares she'll take back all of the Miraculouses. That would be more impactful if she hadn't squandered TWO key opportunities to get them all, or at least a solid majority, back prior to this. Apparently she's gonna just try and yank them off mid-fight... yes, that is something utterly stupid to do, why do you ask? Doubly so because they are HANDCUFFED TOGETHER meaning she's got one less hand to grab with and defend herself with.
Seriously, she'd have much better luck just defeating him THEN grabbing the Rings. It is not that alien of a thought, is it!?
Hawkmoth makes a good point that, between the two of them, she's honestly the more foolish of them in how she came right into his lair wearing the Miraculouses he needs. Ladybug counters that he always loses. Which would be a weak comeback if it weren't true; Hawkmoth has routinely squandered every advantage he has possessed, failed to leverage his powers for maximum effectiveness, and has largely gotten as far as he has off of dumb luck and other people grabbing the idiot ball. Neither of them come off as particularly competent here, so I'm not really engaged with the fight. The fact that Marinette thought it was a good idea to Handcuff herself to the villain currently wielding a paralysis power kinda highlights that.
The fact that she keeps insisting on trying to Cataclysm the Shell-ter he puts up around his fist instead of, you know, hitting him unconscious with her staff, really highlights how her priorities in this fight are both dumb and actively harmful.
"The Kwami are my prisoners, pathetic little beasts in cages! There are people content with following the rules, and people who bend the world to their wishes!" This really evil rant would honestly be pretty badass if he weren't collapsed on the ground, coughing up ashes. Seriously, WHY IS LADYBUG NOT YANKING OFF THE REST OF HIS RINGS WHILE HE CAN'T MOVE!?!? It's the same exact shit the last two time, she's got him right where she wants him, and is doing NOTHING to actually try and fucking stop him!!
"You played Guardian of the Miraculous, I reinvented their magic!" Again, this would be a lot more threatening if he wasn't monologuing while struggling to pick himself off the ground while Ladybug just stands there and listens to him. Also, he's kinda right; horrific abuse of the Kwamis aside, he actually figured out a way to fuse their magic with advanced technology and made their powers into something anyone can access.
And after one last threat at Ladybug, he manages to escape using Voyage, once again showing off why Ladybug not doing all she can to disarm him when she KNOWS he's in no shape to stop her is SUPER FUCKING STUPID!!!
I'd say that his making the portal open up above her to perform a superman landing directly on her head (or attempted to at least) WOULD be cool if he hadn't been struggling just to MOVE right before he did so. She used her Lucky Charm to create some kind of... giant flyswatter I guess? Instead of, you know, attacking using the staff she still has access to. Big brain move right there.
Also, never mind, it's a giant hammer.
After blasting Hawkmoth through a wall, we return to the Miraculized wandering through Paris, with one being followed by boxes shuffling around. Hmm, I wonder who this could be- It's obviously Nino and the rest of Marinette's friends. For fuck's sake, why the HELL haven't the Miraculized realized she's still in the Agreste Manor!? They are tracking her by the signature of her FUCKING SUPERPOWERS, and she has both the Ladybug AND Black Cat active, they should be right on top of her all over again!! This would be the perfect time for a badass moment of all the Miraculized attempting to swarm her again, only for all of Marinette's friends and allies from around the world to be holding them off so she can focus on Monarch, but because they SOMEHOW haven't realized where she is, we get THIS SHIT instead!!
And apparently they went to all the trouble of de-Miraculizing... Principal Damocles. WHY!? Then the superheroes of New York show up and De-Miraculize Nora; which is... kinda dumb that they wasted time not immediately rushing her, taking her down, and then moving on to the POTENTIALLY MILLIONS OF OTHER MIRACULIZED IN THE FUCKING CITY!! Seriously, They have someone with superspeed on their side, AND someone who can undo the Nightmare Power (again, WHY is it still in fucking effect!?), so... I'm not sure why they emphasized taking Nora down so much.
Back to the fight against Hawkmoth, and Ladybug revealing she knows who he is... and all this fucking does is highlight how absolute BULLSHIT IT IS THAT CHAT NOIR ISN'T THERE!! For fuck's sake, we literally got TEASED with how much he's itching on the inside to tear his dad a new one for all the shit he's caused and put his son through just two episodes ago, so this reveal is just such an absolute fucking WASTE!! What makes it even worse is that both A) Monarch himself now knows who Ladybug is yet still is unaware of his son's alter ego and B) that he didn't seem to realize that monologuing about how Ladybug had "walked into the Monarch's Den" would BE A MASSIVE FUCKING SIGN TO WHO THE FUCK HE REALLY IS!!!
And, once again, we get someone capable of using Cataclysm using it on a person. For fuck's sake, we literally had Marinette have a fucking NIGHTMARE over this exact set-up, harming Gabe and Adrien hating her for killing her dad, why the FUCK would she think that using Cataclysm on him is a FUCKING GOOD IDEA!? Not even mentioning that she FUCKING KNOWS HE HAS THE OX, WHY IS THE FACT HE'S ONLY NOW USING IT TO BLOCK CATACLYSM IS SUCH A BRILLIANT IDEA!?!?
Also, why did she call it the Power of the Buffalo...? For once, I'm just gonna go with "that was a genuine mistake" and not the Writers being fucking morons.
Oh, and NOW the fact that she's under that Nightmare Power makes itself known, after the ENTIRE FUCKING FIGHT UP UNTIL NOW hasn't had it negatively effect her at all.
Seriously, we once AGAIN FUCK THIS SHIT TO HELL have a case where Ladybug essentially wasting her time and not taking the initiative in the fight to disarm Hawkmoth biting her in the ass. Since, you know, she literally had the perfect chance to strip him down of his stolen Miraculouses, and did NOTHING with the opportunity!!
And after a brief moment of Ladybug having "Resistance, Voyage, and Venom" highlighted with her "Buggy Vision," she ends up Cataclysming the floor.
After which, we immediately swap over to the "Resistance" getting chased around by the Miraculized... FOR SOME REASON. Like, WHY!? That is my root issue with this, WHY are the Miraculized going after anyone who isn't Ladybug or Chat Noir!? They are explicitly hunting them, and are equipped with tech that lets them TRACK them, so why in the world would they give a crap about random civilians that aren't their targets!?
Seriously, whatever tension could be found here is completely undercut by the fact that THERE IS NO FUCKING REASON FOR THEM TO BE GOING AFTER MARINETTE'S FRIENDS!!!
Now we get Su-Han and his "students" arriving to help fight, with Su-Han shouting "Storm of Justice!" Like... why? Just WHY!? It sounds like something out of a cringy, badly dubbed Chinese film. Even ignoring the vaguely racist-sounding quotes from Su-Han, the fight is... bad. Like, no joke; the moves are stilted, low-energy, and look more like something you'd see at a Martial Arts demonstration, and those typically aren't happening at the speed of an actual fight.
Then we get Juleka and Luka reuniting. Oh look, her "stutter" is completely gone, what a surprise. She's also curious on where Luka learned his moves, something I'm curious about as well. And of FUCKING COURSE it gets brushed aside with "That's a long story." Yeah, almost like it's a more interesting plot then this shoddy knock-off of Heroes' Day. Because more and more, that's what this is; there is no reasonable explanation behind the Miraculized going after random folks who aren't also Miraculized, especially not when they have tech designed to facilitate their ACTUAL GOAL, they are just copying Heroes' Day's "all hands on deck" set-up.
Okay, and now the "United Heroez" (really cringe name, Astruc) have shown up to bail the Guardians out. Which kinda reminds me of Marinette's angry rant to Socqueline during her debut; the show has a strong vibe of "you need superpowers, or tech advanced enough that it makes no difference, to be a hero" vibe to it. Also, I'm genuinely confused on how Su-Han is effected by the Nightmare; for fuck's sake, this is the guy who no-selled being Akumatized BY SLAPPING IT, he should absolutely have some mystic technique thing that lets him resist mental influences that aren't possession-based.
Knight Owl going "I am the nightmare" does not feel impressive, Astruc, it feels dumb. It's just a lame knock-off of Batman's routine, and it doesn't work when said during broad daylight in a costume that uses soft shades of violet to color it; it makes her look dumber more than anything. Oh, and it adds nothing to the scene since it explains NOTHING on how she can actually resist what is a literal magical curse on people.
Oh, now we got Ladydragon on the scene in Dragon Form. I'm sincerely confused on how in the WORLD she could target a literal blast of lightning so that it only damages the Alliance Rings. They... really aren't even pretending to give this fight real stakes, are they? It also highlights the issue with Fei's Dragon Form, in that she's so overwhelmingly powerful while using it that she can no-sell all but the most OP of enemies in the Miraculous-verse.
Hey, one of the Miraculized actually gave a reason why they are being targeted "They are Ladybug and Chat Noir's accomplices!" Which makes sense NOW that they are actually making progress in stopping the Miraculized... but doesn't explain WHY THE HELL THEY WERE TARGETING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE UP UNTIL NOW!!!
Seriously, this entire fucking FIGHT is utterly stupid since, as I will keep repeating, THESE IDIOT VILLAINS CAN TRACK THE MIRACULOUSES!!! Or rather, they can track the power they generate while in-use. Hmm, didn't Orikko say Hawkmoth couldn't ask for a power that would do exactly that since it would "be a wish"? Not looking like much of a wish right now.
"Ladybug, what are you doing?" Alya, think for a second and consider what in the world could make Ladybug not intervene with a situation like this. Like, I dunno, maybe the fact that whenever a "big scheme" like this is set off, the culprit is always Hawkmoth and he always directly confronts the heroes, so she's probably off fighting Hawkmoth directly. That, or she's getting FUCKING SWARMED BY THE LITERAL ARMY OF SUPER POWERED BRAINWASHED MINIONS!!!
She isn't, but the fact that Alya hasn't thought of this is eye-roll inducing.
And now we are back to the fight between Hawkmoth and Ladybug!! Hawkmoth demands Ladybug hand over the Miraculouses so he can make his wish... instead of, you know, attacking her while she's scrambling for a weapon in the dirt and yanking them off her. Why is he so fixated on the idea of someone GIVING him the Miraculouses rather than sincerely getting his hands dirty in nabbing them?
Oh hey, he finally actually attacks her when she leaves herself open! That happens so rarely these days that it is genuinely noteworthy.
"Are you so sure that no Wish is worth that price, Marinette?!" Dude... YES!! You have crossed so many fucking lines in your obsessive pursuit over obtaining it that it really makes you and you alone the bad guy in this instance. Even if you WON, you have utterly failed as a father, disrespected your wife's wishes, are implied to be planning to KILL your old friend in the pursuit of disrespecting said wishes, and have been tormenting the city for nearly a fucking YEAR with massive risks of lost lives!! You are not the only person in the world who is hurting! You are not the only one whose feelings and opinions FUCKING MATTER!!! You are a monster, and all this BS is just you trying to ensure that you control everything!! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
"No, this is impossible!" She says as she sees Emilie's corpse in a glass coffin. HOW is it impossible!? You KNEW Emilie was "gone," and as much as the show dances the hell around the topic of death to the point of stupidity, why the FUCK is the reveal that Hawkmoth is such an obsessed maniac that he's preserved his wife's corpse so fucking impossible you idiot!?
Hawkmoth now going on a ridiculously obnoxious rant on how Emilie being back will allow Kagami and Adrien to become the eternal "perfect icons of this world, and we will be here to witness their absolute triumph!" Note how all of this involves this lunatic utterly ignoring how he is ignoring what LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED WANTS except for himself; this is not about bringing back his wife for his son or their family, this is all for HIMSELF. He is doing all this FOR HIMSELF. Always has, always will; he STILL refuses to accept that Adrien is unhappy with his controlling and toxic BS, and probably hates him by this point for him being an abusive piece of shit, because doing so means admitting that he doesn't actually CARE about Adrien's happiness, just his own, just how HE gets to make everything fit into neat little boxes.
"How many lives are you going to ruin in the name of your crazy dreams!?" YES!! For the first time in this fucking season, MARINETTE IS TALKING SENSE!? Also, still annoyed that she's not trying to keep fighting him since he is LITERALLY JUST STANDING THERE WITH HIS ARMS SPREAD AND NO LONGER HAS THE TURTLE RING TO SHIELD HIS RINGS FROM BEING STOLEN BY HER!!!
And here we get the part where Hawkmoth spells out that he knows full and well the consequences of the Wish, that it'll mean forcing his suffering of the Cataclysm onto someone else as well as killing someone to bring back Emilie, and basically asks why Marinette isn't willing to suffer for "Adrien's happiness" all while conveniently ignoring that HE has been sabotaging Adrien's happiness for YEARS because it wasn't the "happiness" Gabe decided he should have.
Now we get Marinette calling Gabe out on him putting his own butthurt feelings over Adrien's wellbeing and thus being a total failure as a father, and Gabe, being the projecting asshole that he is, claims that Adrien would CLEARLY do the same thing, despite the fact that Adrien's prior episodes that involve the lost of Emilie have all basically spelled out that he's made peace with it and MOVED THE FUCK ON!!! Something Gabe refuses to do because doing so would mean admitting he can't control this situation.
It's kinda hilarious in a bad way how Marinette says to Gabe "Adrien means nothing to you anymore," implying that he ever meant anything as a son to him at all, despite the fact that Adrien has basically been a prisoner in his own house SINCE LITERAL CHILDHOOD. Gabe stopped giving a damn about what Adrien wanted a long time ago, well before Emilie got hurt or sick. The fact that the show glosses over the fact that Adrien's isolation predates Emilie's death is one of the most sickening aspects of this show, as it shows how committed they are to ignoring the truth they've crafted in favor of their own BS narrative.
Oh, and we get a short clip of Lila using the stolen laptop to open Gabe's security system and entering the manor.
"All I want is for him to be happy" He says after having forced Adrien to leave his entire life behind, forced him into a fake relationship with a girl he isn't in love with, actively tried to sabotage any chance of Adrien getting together with Marinette despite her, on paper, making a far better partner in terms of optics compared to Kagami, who is utterly out of place in the Gabriel brand and the fashion/modeling industry altogether. Dude, pull the other one, YOU DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIS HAPPINESS.
And after a needlessly complicated rube goldberg device to disarm Hawkmoth (ignoring how she literally has had MULTIPLE CHANCES TO DISARM HIM BY JUST YANKING THE STUPID THINGS OFF OF HIM!!!) that also brings down a support column/elevator down onto the general direction of Emilie's coffin, Marinette has finally bested Hawkmoth, yanking off the Butterfly Miraculous and rendering him powerless! Now all that's left is for her to bring him to the police, expose him to the world, and who the fuck am I kidding there's no chance the writers will let that happen.
Okay, and now the Butterfly Miraculous has fallen into the water!! With Hawkmoth now ordering Nooroo to bring his brooch back; funny how we get scenes like this when the end of S3 had the Kwamis deliberately ignore Chloe even while she actually WAS wearing the Miraculouses.
Now Ladybug is hauling him away from the edge... slowly. And says... this:
"I'm still the Guardian, and the Guardian just took the Miraculous of the Butterfly back from you!" ...No. NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T. YOU KNOCKED IT OFF HIM AND ALLOWED IT TO FALL INTO THE RANCID WATERS BENEATH THIS WEIRD-ASS SECRET BASE GABE HAS BENEATH HIS FUCKING HOUSE. They are seriously fucking trying to use "the rules" to defang Gabe, instead of, you know, having had her YANK THE FUCKING THING OFF WHEN HE WAS HELPLESS, and citing some unexplained magical BS as the reason this works instead of, again, JUST YANKING THE THING OFF OF HIM.
Seriously, they are just acting as if Marinette knocking the thing into the water is this magic "cure all" that just... prevents Nooroo from being compelled to obey Gabe. What the hell is this even supposed to be based on!? It's not as if any Guardian picked Gabe in the first place!!
"Someone that I'll be choosing!" ...Marinette, literally the ENTIRE FUCKING REASON you were even chosen in the first place was to take the Butterfly Miraculous out and off the playing field, because the Miraculouses are meant to be used SPARINGLY. How the fuck do you even know if you'll even be ALIVE by the time a new wielder would even be NEEDED!?
Then Gabe tries to use Venom, despite the fact he isn't transformed anymore and has already been disarmed of his rings by this point. Really clutching the idiot ball hard.
"I can just say the word, and the rings will be destroyed." ...WHEN THE FUCK WAS THAT EVER ESTABLISHED YOU FUCKING IDIOT!? WHEN!? WHEN WAS THIS STATED!? "You'll be powerless." HE IS ALREADY POWERLESS!! YOU HAVE WON!!! JUST KNOCK HIM OUT AND HAND HIM OVER TO THE FUCKING COPS ALREADY!!! Also, the WAY she is saying this sounds like something a villain would say; just saying.
Seriously, even when she is phrasing her actions as good, you know freeing the Kwamis, undoing the harm Gabe has caused with the Ladybug Miraculous, and getting Plagg back to Chat Noir, the way she is talking right now, that is villain talk. The style of speech is just EERIE. Call me petty, but it just sounds disturbing the way she's monologuing; seriously, why the fuck are you wasting your words on this guy who has already established he is willing to burn down the world for his fucking selfishness.
"Everything will be back to normal." ...Somehow I doubt it.
And again, I must reiterate, WHY IS SHE WASTING HER WORDS ON HIM!?
"Except you will only have a few hours left to live." Yes, yes he will, BECAUSE OF HIS OWN FUCKING STUPIDITY. He WILLINGLY forced Chat Noir to hit him with a fatal attack, despite him having the perfect means of defending himself at the time; there is NO ONE BUT HIMSELF TO BLAME FOR HIS OWN DEATH.
And all while she is trying to "reach out to him" he's just staring at the fact that she's holding his hand with the one that has the Black Cat Miraculous on it. Nothing she is saying is effecting him at all, he is just waiting for her to give him a fucking opening. You can TELL he doesn't give a damn about what she's saying.
"And Adrien will be miserable." I mean, he'll have learned that his father, who has been abusing him emotionally for literal years, is a terrorist. Like, YOU are the fucking one who went out of her way to call out Gabe on clinging to the past while Adrien has moved on with his life; YES he is going to be upset that his dad is gone, NOTHING YOU DO CAN CHANGE THAT YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! Bad things happen, and Gabe is a terrible father who Adrien probably despises by now. THIS is why Chat having been taken out by those stupid fucking "nightmares" is so obnoxious; Marinette is arbitrarily speaking on his behalf to his father, without any regard for what HE would want!! It's just like when she tried to talk up how much Gabe has "changed" when all that has "changed" was that he swapped one form of exploitation for another and he has even LESS free time now then he did back when he was a model, all by Gabe's design. Gabe is a terrible person; yes, Adrien would be sad at the loss of his father, because he's not a psycho, but NOTHING Gabe could say or do would make Adrien change his feelings about how Gabe has hurt him without any regret or restraint.
And what makes this all such a fucking joke is that they are describing Gabe's actions as "Madness," as if he wasn't fully aware of the consequences of his actions and choices. Because no; Gabe is fully, fucking sane. He is just a spiteful, petty, selfish asshole who doesn't give a shit who he hurts if he can get what he wants, even his own son. You don't need to be crazy to do shit like that, so trying to rationalize his selfishness as him being "insane" is an insult to the mentally ill. Grow the fuck up.
"If you meant what you said earlier, then we both want the same thing." Marinette, shut the fuck up; this is the guy who explicitly threatened your future, your CAREER, because HE can't stand the idea of anyone but HIMSELF choosing who Adrien will spend his life with. Heck, it was apparently something PRE-PLANNED. He NEVER gave a shit if Adrien would actually even LIKE Kagami that way, or if she would reciprocate; all it was was two awful older folks being awful.
Trying to appeal to his wife's memory isn't liable to work given that this entire fiasco was based on him IGNORING her wishes for his own selfish obsession, and he has kept Adrien alone and isolated long before she passed away. Why the hell are you giving this asshole the benefit of the doubt? Why the hell should you when he spelled out that he was fully intending to kill someone just to bring back his wife, and curse another person with THEIR eventual death in exchange for his own life, all while having trampled upon his son's autonomy? WHY DO YOU THINK YOUR WORDS ARE GONNA REACH THE GUY WHO HAS MADE FINDING A NEW LOW TO SINK TO HIS MISSION IN LIFE!?
Also, her describing creating her own son as a "mistake" is super classy. /s
And once again the video diaries pretending Nathalie wasn't fully complicit in keeping Adrien under his father's thumb and that she was never portrayed as close to Adrien EVER. And them acting like him "having his father" is such a big benefit despite the fact that Gabe has kept Adrien miserable LONG BEFORE EMILIE DIED. STOP TRYING TO PRETEND GABE WASN'T A SHIT FATHER LONG BEFORE HIS WIFE PASSED AWAY!!! FOR FUCK'S SAKE SHE DIED LITERALLY LAST YEAR!!!
STOP CALLING WHAT GABE IS DOING MADNESS!!! MADNESS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU "GIVE UP!!" HE FULLY KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING, HE JUST DOESN'T CARE SO LONG AS HE GETS WHAT HE WANTS!!! It's telling that they are insisting that what Gabe is doing is an anomaly despite so much of the entire series going "no, this is how he's always been" and trying to act like him doing monstrous things is because he "isn't in his right mind," whereas when it's Chloe doing awful things "it's because she's a brat, nothing more." Funny, isn't it? /s
"Adrien has learned to live, and build his own happiness." Yeah, because he kept trying to escape the cage Emilie and Gabe BOTH PUT HIM IN. Losing someone is not this absolute, insurmountable obstacle in life; plenty of people lose loved ones every single fucking day, Gabe has long crossed the point where grief could explain his actions, and it does NOTHING to absolve him of literal YEARS of forcibly isolating Adrien from everyone around him. Seriously, him going to your class was HIS FIRST EVER DAY OF PUBLIC SCHOOL, OR ANY KIND OF SCHOOL OUTSIDE HIS OWN HOME. He "learned to live" by getting out from Gabe's thumb and escaping a prison he's been in for years by this point; Gabe's abuse is nothing new. His toxicity is nothing new. Emilie is not an explanation for his behavior; he has always been this monster before you.
"While cherishing the memory of his mother." He never even mentions her.
"I just can't live without her." Cool motive, still an abusive piece of garbage; if you actually cared about your son or your wife's legacy, you'd turn yourself over to the police for however long you have left.
"I loved her so much." Yet you apparently never gave much of a shit about your son, given that he's been kept trapped in your house for basically his entire life without any friends besides a girl he used to know when he was a small child, and forced to be a model, and exploited his image anyway even when he said he didn't want to be one.
The sketch-drawings of Adrien's childhood is kinda contrasted by the fact that you LOCKED HIM IN YOUR HOUSE HIS ENTIRE CHILDHOOD. Seriously, STOP GLOSSING OVER THE FACT THAT YOU BOTH KEPT HIM ALONE AND WITHOUT FRIENDS HIS ENTIRE LIFE.
"Adrien was not alone, he had Nathalie and me." No, he was still extremely alone since the two of you are adults who have jobs to do, yet you never once let him go out and have friends or live his own life.
There is a vast difference between not being very outgoing and thus not having a large circle of friends, and being deliberately KEPT from having ANY FRIENDS AT ALL. I am speaking from personal experience on this; seeing how the show is trying to romanticize Gabe's toxic as fuck behavior and ignoring how he has been abusing and neglecting Adrien long before Emilie died is fucking annoying. It is telling in all the worst ways that the only images we get of Adrien this scene are of his very early childhood, yet Emilie only passed away around a year ago.
"I've ruined everything." Yeah, who knew that grabbing the idiot ball in ways that are now costing you your life, alongside your accomplice doing similar, would have consequences?
"Adrien will have no one left!" He has. A fucking. GIRLFRIEND. One that YOU have gone out of your way to try and keep him from to forcibly pair him with someone he isn't into. That's hardly 'no one left.' Not even getting into all his other friends, all of which he made AFTER breaking out of the cage you shoved him in.
"I'm sure we can figure out a solution." THERE IS NO SOLUTION!!! YOU SAID AS MUCH YOURSELF, HE IS DYING!!! For FUCK'S SAKE, if "closure" means so much to you, just use Voyage to go to where Adrien is and have him apologize to his son for being such a bad father so that he can at least do SOMETHING in his final moments that means something!!!
Also, it's "funny" how utterly superfluous to the plot Tomoe is at this point; it's almost as if she was only brought in to give a reason for Gabe to try and shove Adrien in the direction of someone who isn't Marinette!
Marinette, he has barely a few hours left, and you just watched as part of his finger crumbled to dust. There is nothing that can be done in this situation; STOP BABYING THE TERRORIST.
SEE!? THIS IS MY EXACT POINT!! Even after she TRIED trying to talk him down, his first solution is have HER make the Wish!! He refuses to accept that there isn't something that can be done and that Emilie will probably NEVER FORGIVE HIM for what he's done up until now, or that no matter what 'impossible solution' she comes up with, someone ELSE will still have to suffer for it. The idea that HE HAS LOST refuses to click to him. He's beyond help.
I'm just gonna tune out what's being said until the inevitable betrayal occurs, otherwise I'm gonna blow a gasket. This is such bullshit.
Yup, she turned back to normal and, right after Plagg and Tikki warn her not to trust him (LISTEN TO THEM!!) he immediately Venoms her... somehow. Despite not actually being transformed and thus the Rings shouldn't work (how the fuck DO they work anyway!?).
After taking the Miraculouses, he orders Tikki and Plagg to "reveal themselves." Also, them being forced to obey him once again contradicting Marinette's claims THIS EPISODE about how as the Guardian SHE decides if someone can use a given Miraculous (apparently!!) or can just order the Miraculouses to break (APPARENTLY!!), and once again insisting that Kwami HAVE to obey their wielder ("Miracle Queen" says "Am I a joke to you?"). Fucking BULLSHIT!!!
And now... ugghh... the reveal of "Gimmi." Absolutely stupid as fuck name and color scheme aside, I've got nothing to say past my unshackled anger and loathing at this petty as fuck jackass getting away with his evil plans.
Once again the show proves unable to not try and make a bad joke out of what is supposed to be a serious situation. Seriously, we didn't need Gimmi to demonstrate the idea of a Wish requiring Balance by having them describe "garden peas to turn red, Strawberries would turn green."
Oh, now here we are in the new reality with Marinette's clone kissing Adrien's clone awake! WRITERS THE STUPID AS HELL FAIRY TALE SYMBOLISM IS NOT FUCKING CUTE YOU ASSHOLES!!!
Then we get an infuriating scene of everyone acting like it's all a happy fun time, as if reality wasn't undone and remade at its seams. Then we get the start of a broadcast featuring Alec who looks... really different; and I don't just mean the hair. He's interviewing Miss Bustier, who SOMEHOW won the position to be Mayor. HOW!? She's apparently "completely changed Paris." Oh boy…
She describes her getting her position as a "revolution by the people of Paris that forced the Bourgeois' out of power." THAT IS NOT HOW RUNNING FOR MAYOR FUCKING WORKS!!! NOTHING WAS STOPPING PEOPLE FOR VOTING FOR A DIFFERENT MAYOR!!!
"Beyond a visionary entrepreneur, and a genius creator, it's the hero who we celebrate today." OH LOOK IT'S TOMOE, BITCH MOTHER OF THE YEAR RUNNER-UP AND MONARCH'S ACCOMPLICE!!! I know that Marinette SOMEHOW never found out Tomoe was Gabe's accomplice, but for FUCK'S SAKE WE NEVER EVEN LEARNED WHAT SHE EVEN WANTED FROM THE WISH IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! AND SHE IS ENABLING GABE BEING GLORIFIED AS A HERO!!! FUCK YOU BITCH!!!
"And tomorrow it's his legacy that I will continue on." WELL NOW ISN'T THAT AN OMINOUS AS FUCK STATEMENT FROM SOMEONE WHO FUCKING EMOTIONALLY ABUSES HER DAUGHTER!! Seriously, now would be the PERFECT moment to show Kagami cringing back and being comforted by her friends at the facade of compassion her mother is putting up to the world. TOO FUCKING BAD WE GET THIS SHIT INSTEAD!!!
"Why don't you tell us about this new school you've imagined?" "Oh, it isn't my school, but the result of a collaborative effort; in this new school, there will be no classes, or struggling to get good grades. Children of all ages will be able to intermix and freely access all kinds of activities. They'll be able to try their hands at everything, learn at their own pace, and help each other until they've figured out what they want to do later in life. This school will be their second home. Children are our future. If we want it to be bright, we must help each child to shine."
(Breathes in deep) To keep from screaming and possibly breaking a wall, I'm gonna break down this BS as fast as I can:
"No Classes" is a terrible fucking idea. The entire POINT of classes is that unless LITERALLY THE ENTIRE SCHOOL is self-motivated to learn, NO ONE IS GOING TO LEARN because you NEED to ensure that kids show up and are actually trying to learn.
"No grades" THAT is slightly more reasonable, as that is something that is done in some schools IRL, but I don't know the details, and all it does is compound the idiotic design of this place.
"All Age Groups intermix" THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA!!! Kids of different age groups typically have radically different interests and emotional experiences, having no set boundaries is a time bomb waiting to go off.
"All can freely access all kinds of activities." This is a mildly good idea, as many electives correlate to skills that can be genuinely valuable in life, or just plain a relaxing break... but it's the kind of thing you would still need an overall standard plan on what you are going to teach kids, not just "kids do whatever when they feel like it."
"They'll be able to try their hands at everything" This statement means nothing. It's literally just a platitude.
"They'll learn at their own pace." That is literally how learning works; the issue IRL is that schools follow curriculums that are designed to keep moving forward because stopping and making personal deviations for people who either can't keep up or are going too fast is impractical and doomed to make everything crawl to a stop; it's better just to have free and round the clock tutoring services designed to help kids approach lessons from a variety of different avenues until they find a way to learn that works best for themselves.
"They'll help each other until they figure out what they want to do later in life." I've said it once, I'll say it again THIS IS NOT SOME REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT. This is LITERALLY how education basically already works and anyone who thinks that what they want to do in life NOW is what they are always going to want to do is an idiot, and that what they want to do may not even be possible due to the constraints surrounding it, it's just throwing meaningless shade at a nonexistent problem of schools 'forcing kids to choose early on in life.'
And the rest is just empty air. Fuck that.
"You don't need to be like him, just be yourself." That would be more touching if you weren't ACTIVELY LYING TO HIM ABOUT HIS FATHER'S IDENTITY AND RETROACTIVELY ENABLING THE ABUSE HE WENT THROUGH!!!
"You always find the right words, Marinette." NO SHE DOESN'T!! OFTEN HER WORDS JUST MAKE SHIT WORSE!!!
The whole "kiss scene" going on is ruined by the fact that Marinette is lying to Adrien and that Adrien never once was allowed proper closure for how much of a failure of a parent and an abusive piece of crap his dad is. This is a toxic shitstorm of gaslighting and mutually enabling toxic behaviors between the two of them.
Oh look, a news report where that scientist lady who created the Pigeon Dinos is on the screen, I wonder why she's the special guest being called up to talk about how crazy things have been, given that she's apparently someone who works with DNA.
Apparently Marinette SOMEHOW remodeled the Rings back into their original forms. I'm genuinely BAFFLED as to HOW, and I honestly think it could've been more interesting if they'd been kept as Rings with the heroes having to work out how to use them in their new configurations while Marinette has to research a way to get them back to normal in the next season... all except 2 1.
"Still no sign of the Miraculous of the Butterfly?" Hmm, given that the last ANYONE saw of it involved it falling into what I can only imagine is water that leads to the sewers after getting knocked off of Gabe's chest, I wonder WHY it's gone missing again!!!
Her saying that now all the heroes are responsible for their own Kwami is something that should've probably happened AROUND SEASON THREE, NOT SEASON FIVE!!! Also, really annoyed seeing all the Temp Heroes with the awed and overjoyed expressions at being reunited with their Kwami, considering they barely even KNOW the Kwami and didn't really have any emotional attachments to them, last I checked. The fact that fucking ARGOS is counted among the heroes is something I will NEVER forgive.
Damocles is sorting Paperwork and just got a voice message from a "mysterious new student" who is clearly Lila as she didn't even BOTHER DISGUISING HER VOICE. For fuck's sake, here we go again. SOMEHOW Lila got the Butterfly; Don't even FUCKING START WITH ANY "but she showed up at the Agreste Manor" BS!! She showed up to find a GIANT GAPING HOLE SEVERAL STORIES DEEP and there was a massive battle raging in Hawkmoth's lair and Marinette took out the Elevator, there IS NO POSSIBLE WAY SHE COULD'VE GOTTEN DOWN THERE AND GOTTEN THE MIRACULOUS AFTER IT FUCKING FELL INTO THE WATER!! IF SHE HAD MADE A DIVE FOR IT, THEY WOULD'VE HEARD HER!!! And it ends with some kind of energy portal opening up behind her. Why do I hate where that stupid cliffhanger is leaving off...?
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gralunaisland · 2 years
I’m honestly not that surprised that gruviugh is being made canon in 100yq. Mashima painted himself into a corner. For Gray to wind up with anyone else juviugh would have to be completely removed from the story in such a way that she couldn’t get back to him. Trapped in Edolas, or held prisoner, or even dead. She’s unfortunately too popular a character for him to consider it, so poor Gray has to suffer because of poor writing/planning. And even though I understand it I will forever be salty because we could have had GrayLu instead
Mashima’s Lose-Lose Situation Because of gr///via
First of all! Thank you so much for your patience and I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond.
Bonnie, when I tell you I searched for hours to find a post of mine where I talked about the stuff you mentioned here, I really did TvT. Oh well, couldn't find it.
Edit: wow I found which post it was months late. It was in this one, my “Why I Ship GraLu” of all places @_@, more specifically, the section I talk about it is right before I explain why GraLu is better endgame than gr///via.)
You bring up such a good point, and I absolutely agree with you! In that long-lost post of mine, I said Mashima basically cornered himself into a lose-lose situation with writing gr///via.
On the one hand, he could scrap gr///via (rightly so) and give Gray a healthy relationship with someone else (*cough* Lucy would've been the best but the Big Four exist so of course she's unavailable *cough*) or even just keep him single and happy, which is always an option! You don't need a love interest to be an interesting, happy character!
BUT then his very loud gr///via fandom would riot in the streets and probably boycott Fairy Tail altogether, dragging its name through the mud everywhere and anywhere they can. It would make it seem to his Pro audience that he baited them and strung them along (when in reality, I think it was the Pro audience who strongarmed Mashima into making gr///via canon (and not just a gag ship) in the first place, so really, it's both their faults).
On the other hand, he could keep gr///via (a travesty) and make it endgame and keep Gray in a soul-sucking, mind-numbing, psychologically-manipulating-and-devastating relationship with juvia. This would be easier for Mashima because he wouldn't have to change his currently consistent way of writing of the two of them, because, since Gray by now has basically been brainwashed into being juvia's groupie, it would, like you said, Bonnie, take a severe shift in the story to make him snap out of it (so deep is the hole Mashima has dug for himself). I'd say juvia's death would be the only feasible way for Gray to escape juvia because from the way Mashima wrote her, her literal undying "loyalty" belongs to Gray only.
BUT then he would be severely undermining his legitimacy as an author (more so than he has already from allowing the horrendousness that is gr///via to exist in the first place). I wouldn't even say disappointing the GraLu fans would be the biggest problem with the whole situation, because GraLu fans don't tend to be so vocal and demanding with their ship because they see the direction Mashima is yanking Gray's romantic storyline in, and they've accepted it by this point. But keeping juvia as the end-goal of Gray would seriously disappoint any FT fan who actually cares for Gray's happiness. I wouldn't say every gr///via fan thinks juvia is actually the right pick for Gray, as some of them have admitted to me that the way juvia is now isn't very healthy, but they can't help but ship them. But those of us who want Gray to not be in the toxic relationship would be very discouraged by the decision to make gr///via endgame. It puts a huge damper on the enjoyment, at least for me, of the entire anime just for her and her antics to exist.
All in all, you're absolutely right that Mashima wrote himself in between a rock and a hard place. It just would've been best for him and for everyone if he'd either kept gr///via as being a blatantly discouraged gag ship, and then went on to keep Gray single or give him someone better to date, or if he'd never introduced juvia in the first place.
But here we are. Thanks, Mashima.
Anyway, thank you so much for sending me such a thought-provoking ask! I hope my ramblings were entertaining to some degree. :D
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jeffsatursdayss · 1 year
The Eclipse Ep 1
Yes, I made notes on this, I have done it for quite a few different shows on my first watch but this completely boiled my brain so I need to type it out to make more sense of them. I also don't remember doing it so be prepared for an f-ton of nonsense
I watched this on YouTube so it's gonna be based on the four parts on there, with time stamps cause I need to order my thoughts
Part 1:
1:10 - Suppalo is a cult, I've watched literally on episode and I am utterly convinced of this already
5:02 - Khaotung is literally so hot like man wtf, you literally just finished taking a piss or something what
8:58 - "Catch me if you can" no joke I actually freaking screamed when he said this, and the thigh grab
11:10 - poor Ayan, I don't know who tf that guy is yet by my god I feel sorry for Ayan cause damn ✨trauma✨
12:52 - Khao is really hot, my gremlin brain was going absolutely feral at this point
Part 2:
0:15 - that's the high school from Bad Buddy, I shouldn't have recognised that so easily omg
0:55 - the ✨tension✨ is literally so palpable I could cut it was a knife
1:08 - Akk is definitely in a cult ( can't remember this part but probably accurate)
1:20 - EXCUSE ME!!! "You punch me once. I kiss you once." You confidently gay mother fricker Ayan are you trying to kill Akk and everyone else???
2:32 - Khao is such a good actor holy shit
3:35 - definitely a cult
4:15 - head teacher is scary af
7:00 - Pinkie knows something, I'm not sure what but she knows, and I know she knows
Part 3:
2:15 - Kan (I think that's his name?) gay panicking over Thua ( if I get names wrong I'm sorry but I know who I'm on about) is so hilarious and I'm so here for it
4:13 / 4:30 - Akk is 100% brainwashed oh my lord
5:15 - bro is not subtle ( also don't know who this is about, but applies to literally all the characters so far)
6:10 - how is Akks room so organized, the hell?? Is it something to do with the creepy cult? It probably is isn't it... Damnit
6:30 - oh Akks gay panicking, good for him (don't blame him Khao/Ayan is freaking hot)
8:40 - Kan and Thua being gay again, except now Kans deflecting with heterosexuality, wonderful
Part 4:
0:20 - god those 3 are so freaking weird, is this potentially a secondary cult?? If so I don't want it
1:25 - this place is definitely a cult, nothing is changing my mind about that now
3:30 - why does the guy who jumped the cliff look low-key like Earth (MLC) in certain angles???
4:05 - tragic backstories for the win
4:20 - oh Khaos crying, that's not good, baby don't cry
4:47 - seriously who is the dead guy, why is he in a photo from Suppalo, was he like a teacher or something?
5:15 - boys you are so unsubtle it's not even funny anymore, it's bordering on creepy
6:05 - confident gay Ayan/panicking repressed gay Akk, young love, so beautiful
6:40 - that cleaner guy is also creepy af, dude why are you just standing there!!!
7:50 - those 3 are still creepy
8:27 - why is there a hashtag about the school being creepy, what is this?
8:48 - Akk is 100% brainwashed, I've made up my mind
9:03 - Ayan is not ruining your school's reputation honey, you're doing it yourselves by being a freaking CULT!
9:35 - I WAS RIGHT! The guy was a teacher! I still don't know why Ayan knows him or gives a Frick but okay
After Watching:
I know there's a plot, at least I hope there's an f-ing plot, but currently the plot is not plotting in the way it's supposed to be plotting
I literally went through the 5 stages trying to figure out what the Frick is going on
How do I have so many notes from like 45 minutes?? There's something wrong with me, I swear
New hyperfixation here we come I guess?? God I really hope not honestly, I'm still in Not Me and KinnPorsche
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faffreux · 2 years
I want a list of your fanon fawful pet peeves
ALRIGHT, you will receive them. I AM PUTTING A DISCLAIMER HERE SO I DON'T STEP ON ANY TOES but please keep in mind you do not have to agree w/ me. This is how I feel!! These are my personal thoughts.
1. I can't stand when people woobify Fawful and that's not just doing the "uwu so cute tiny bean boi little precious bean" stuff but also extends to talking about his motivations as if he didn't know what he was doing, as if he's NOT an intelligent mastermind, etc. Fawful is an extremely competent villain and literally came closer than any of the Mario Bros other enemies to actually succeeding. He brainwashed himself an entire army and conquered two castles in the process. Finding him adorable is not the problem but more the way I see him portrayed by some fans that bothers me.
I think it’s also important to note that his character comes across as far more serious in EVERY other translation except English. A lot of people in the west take him less seriously bc of his speech patterns so I think we need to take that into account as well.
2. I hate when people think he's a child. I wanna make something clear though and that's that I see a huge difference between creating an au/interpretation of Fawful that's a child VS actually believing he's a child in canon. The first type is something I'm completely fine with but the second drives me absolutely mad, I'm sorry.
Take a good look at this and tell me again how you think you're looking at a child.
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Fawful's age, like many other Mario characters, is extremely ambiguous and kept that way on purpose bc it's not really an important or defining characteristic. I've seen hcs of how old he is range from young adult all the way to a weird old guy (I'm personally somewhere in between and hc him as middle aged!) and all of these are perfectly valid in my book. But I just cannot handle somebody legitimately believing he's a kid and nothing's going to change my mind about that.
3. Mommy Cackletta. I can accept that the idea of Cackletta raising Fawful like a son is cute in theory but can't get behind it at all because it simply doesn't line up with what we see of the interactions between the two in Superstar Saga. Fawful is straight up treated like a servant/minion and even refers to himself as having been a "toady" to Cacketta once he realizes what he's actually capable of on his own. He also never speaks of her again after the events of the first game which would be more than a little odd if she was actually intended to be a mother figure to him, let's be honest.
THAT BEING SAID I WANNA THROW SOMETHING IN... I notice that a lot of the folks who like the idea of Momletta tend to also support the idea of Fawful being a child to make the HC work more. But I feel that in the process of doing this many of these fans often forget that Cackletta is an OLDER WOMAN. She gets around in a flying rocking chair for a reason! If anything, if we're going to go with that kind of relationship between her and Fawful it would make far more sense to imagine a badass witch in her 60s still toting around her momma's boy of an adult son.
Come on, I'm not the only one who thinks that's funny, right?? LMAO.
4. I mentioned this in a previous post but it bothers me when people use Fawful's foreign names as a last name ex. Fawful Gracowitz or Fawful Gerakobits. This is a small thing and more of a mild annoyance than anything else.
Y'know what?? I think that's honestly it off the top of my head for now. If I come up with any more I'll reblog this post and add on. THANKS FOR ASKING AND I'M SORRY I'M SO PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS I LOVE YOU ALL
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okokok but Stell. Stell. My beloved. This has no context but like.
The fact Tommy thinks he has to be the hero again isn't even wrong. Like. Don't get me wrong it sucks but the facts are that he's the only one willing to be "the hero" and someone has to be.
And of course he thinks that. He was waiting for a hero to safe him and everyone for weeks when he was in exile and noone came. Noone attempted to really help him or anything.
Even Tubbo who decided to visit him just a few days after he left wouldn't have been there to save him or anything. He would have just visited him (and like don't get me wrong that would've been amazing but still)
Tommy's whole narrative has always been about not waiting around. His inability to take proper charge is what enabled (and listen I don't blame him for this) Wilbur to blow up Lmanberg. In exile with Dream he waited for weeks for someone to help him and it just made things worse and if he hadn't managed to once again take matters into his own hands he would've died there.
Right now he has to be "the hero" again because Wilbur is going to free dream and dream will kill Tubbo and everything will go down the drain again because people on this server are lazy fucks.
I mean technoblade who for some reason made it his mission to "protect the server" from tyranny *cough cough police everybody's life's cough cough* took weeks to actually do something against the eggpire. At that point they had kidnapped several people and brainwashed even more. He was there when they locked ranboo with the egg and he just. Waited for weeks after that to actually do something. Like I'm sorry but no wonder Dream sees Tommy as special. The kid is the only one who has actual priorities.
Like I get that he's the only one with a lot of important info but jfc it's not like him telling people would actually change a lot. Like Jesus fuck. This guy is the only somewhat competent motherfucker on this server and the only actually competent one is dream.
Like yknow how we joke about how Tommy can't have a villain arc cuz he's too good? Quite frankly he can't have one because who tf would stop him, either. Like he'd have to invest 0.5 braincells and he'd have won.
No seriously
The eggpire has been doing more than just shady shit for months just getting more and more obvious. And noone was actually doing anything. Some ppl said "mmm I don't like this" and then just kinda... Watched. Again. Technoblade watched ranboo get trapped and yeah he rescued him but then they just. Fckin left. Dream invested some braincells and was able to go "undetected" in broad daylight. Showcasing his villainy and if it wasn't for Tommy he would have gotten away with it Scott free.
If Tommy actually wanted to be a villain? Bitch could do it and fckin succeed because who the actual fuck would even get off their ass to stop him if he's somewhat smart about it?
Anyways that's my rant for today c ya
I love this whole rant so much! 
Also yeah, the server as a whole is made of a bunch of lazy useless f*ckers who absolutely LOVE grand epic speaches, but that are completely USELESS when it comes to actually DOING something. 
Like, remember the Green Festival when Dream openly admitted in front of EVERYONE that he manipulated Tubbo that whole time just because he wanted the thing he needed to control Tommy before destroying L’Manburg and everyone’s conclusion was SOMEHOW that Tommy was the viallin in all of that? 
This fricking idiots have the deduction skills of a 2 years old and the capacity for action of a new born kitten. 
That’s of course unless it comes to destroying stuff and causing trauma for some people *cough cough* Techno and Phil *cough cough* by exploding countries and allying themselves with the absolute worst f*ckers in existence with zero repercussions, but I digress!
Quackity is a bit of an exception to this whole thing because he’s the only f*cker aside from Tommy who TRIES to do something! He tried to de-convert BBH, he tried to explode the Egg, he tried to get rid of Techno (justified or not, at least he was DOING something), he is trying to get the knowledge out of Dream so he won’t be useful anymore and he stopped the banquet. Man is actually useful. 
But everyone else???
Like, my guys, it really WASN’T that hard to see through Dream’s or the Eggpire bullshit, both of them where actually absurdly open in their f*ckery, WHY did NO ONE ever do anything aside from Tommy and Quackity?? 
Like of f*cking course Tommy feels like all the responsabilities are on his shoulders, because they fricking are! Who else is gonna stop Wilbur? Phil who SOMEHOW immediately started believing him AGAIN after confronting him about lying to him for months and being persuaded that the assisted suicide was actually the best case scenario? The man who was living in New L’Manburg for WEEKS and yet somehow failed to learn ANY history about them??? Like, who is gonna do it??
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Jenifer II
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This is dedicated to the three (two? I’m not good at math and my brain is like Dory🧍🏻‍♀️) anonymous people.
Note: Personally I’d never take back a cheating ex but in this case, Derek was brainwashed. Thought that I should point that out rn.
"How's Yn?" a voice asked behind Stiles' making him fall out of his chair.
Stiles quickly got up and turned around to see Derek standing in his room. "First, please stop doing that. Second, how'd you got in here? You know what? Don't answer that. Lastly, she's..well" he eyed the older man.
"Just well... Stiles it's been a year. She can't just be well" He glared "I know you were the last one she spoke with and I know that you know I didn't mean to cheat on her. It was-"
Stiles cut him off as he sat back down "Jennifer, yes I know, we know that Jennifer put you under some spell...it's just..."
"Just what?" Derek pushed as he walked closer. Stiles let out a sigh "Well you know how Yn is...she really doesn't..." Stiles stops to figure out what to say.
"She doesn't want us to speak about you... or even hear your name... so... really... we haven't told her about the spell and-" Stiles flinched when Derek pulled him up.
"You haven't told the love of my life I was under a damn spell in over a year? Are you kidding me?" he growls
"Yn scares me more than you" Stiles grumbles as he pushes him off "Derek I'm sorry but seriously...you really hurt Yn and... it's like you said. It's been a year. If you really want her back it's better if she hears it from you"
The silence in Stiles' bedroom was cut short when his door was opened "Stiles where is..." the sound of Yn's voice made Derek freeze.
"Yn you look beautiful" Derek breaks the awkward tension. More silence came. Derek felt his heartbreak at the sight of Yn. She looked through him as if he was glass.
"You know what Stiles? Never mind... I'll ask your dad" she looked over at the smaller boy with a tight smile. "We need to talk after..." she huffed.
Yn began to walk out the door but Derek pulled her back into Stiles's room. "Please we need to speak about this..." Yn pulled away at his touch as if he were lava.
"Yn please hear me out, last year when I hurt you it wasn't me... Jennifer put me under a spell and" Derek's words were interrupted by the force of Yn's hand colliding with his face.
Stiles flinched at the scene as Derek rubbed his face. "No no Yn she literally put me under a spell... and I.."
"Why didn't you tell me this then huh? Derek I told you I've moved on..."
"Youre lying... I heard your heartbeat..." Derek pointed out. "No stop Derek I'm not doing this again with you" Yn begged.
"I was under a spell-", "Then why didn't you tell me then huh?" Yn screamed.
"There was a lot going on and-" Derek was interrupted once more "And our relaship was the last thing on your mind even so that you were under a fucking spell" She spat out
"I don't believe you Hale" She glared. Stiles stood there akwardly between the two of them.
"Yn it's true.. Jennifer put Derek under a spell and didn't realize but you have to understand my dad was at stake and that's why he didn't tell you" He spoke out
Yn looked at the two with pure annoyance. She didn't want her heart to be broken again by the man she still loves. Yn hated herself at the moment.
For still being in love with Derek, for making a fool of herself, and for making a scene in Stiles' room.
The wsilenceent on for what felt like hours until she nodded "You were really under a spell were you?'
Derek nodded as he gently grabbed her hands "FIne.. but.. we go at a slow pace... I need time" she whispers
Derek smiled widely and leaned down to kiss Yn. "Thank Yn, I promise you. Youre not going to regret this" he kissed her again
"That's great guys I'm so happy... but can you guys make out somewhere else? I kinda need to do my homework now" Stiles commented.
"Shut it Stilinski"
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aceofwhump · 4 years
The Weeping Monk.
The Weeping Monk has become my new obsession. I love him. I knew I would because seeing all the gifs of him in tumblr is why I watched in the first place I didn't not expect for him to capture my interest so much. It's not the strongest hyperfixation I've ever had but it is one nonetheless and I'm thrilled. Welcome the list of "Ace's Favorite Whumpees"!!
SPOILERS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously I got ramble and let some spoilers loose so if you want to watch it still and don't want spoilers just keep scrolling
So not only is Daniel Sharman fucking gorgeous but Daniel Sharman looking like this?
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With the eyes and the hood and the darkness and the scruff. Oh hell yeah! He's like some omen of death with that cloak. I love it.
So why do I like the Weeping Monk so much?
Well first of all I LOVE A GOOD REDEMPTION STORY!!!!! Like so much! I blame Zuko for that. But if you give me a bad dude who's done some bad shit but also has one hell of a traumatic past then put him on a path of redemption and healing? I’M SOLD! And at the end of the season, The Weeping Monk has been set on his redemption beginnings and I will die if Netflix doesn't give us a season 2 so I can see this boy walk his new path towards redemption and healing. I crave it.
But anyway. This man right here. The emotional angst and whump he exudes is so lovely.
Towards the end of the season we find out that he's Fey and I fucking lost my shit. This boy is a Fey who was raised by the people who hate Fey. His people were killed and he was taken as a child by the same people who murdered them. He was then brainwashed to believe he was demon born and evil and a sinner purely for existing and was taught to punish himself for it (he whips himself in a form of self flagellation!) and I'm sure he was punished for all sorts of things growing up by his "Father". The amount of self hate and self doubt he must feel breaks my heart. He knows he's Fey! He remembers his real name (also that reveal sent me to another plane of existence) so he must have some memories of his family and his people. But he's spent his whole life being used as a weapon against his own people and brainwashed into thinking he was saving them because fey are inherently damned. And that's all he is to the Red Paladins. A weapon. But he sees them as his people, his family because that's all he knows!
This dude is so broken and brainwashed and lost it just breaks my heart.
LOOK AT HIM!! Look at this lost and broken boy!! He just needs some love and affection dammit!! I mean he flat out asks "Do you love me Father?" AHHH!!
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And oh my god this conversation between him and Gawain?!
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Allow me to share the whole conversation because I need to talk about it.
Gawain: Don’t be afraid Ash Man. I don’t bite. It’s those eyes. The mark of the Ash Fold. There haven’t been any in these lands for centuries. How did you find your way here? Have you just come to watch me die?
The Weeping Monk: Why didn’t you tell them? Before...you could have told them. But you didn’t. Why?
G: Because all Fey are brothers. Even the lost ones
WM: This suffering, it will cleanse you.
G: You parrot these words, but you know it’s all lies. I can feel it in you, my brother.
WM: You are not my brother.
G: They have turned your mind so far inside out...that you don’t know the difference between kindness...and hate. Who did this to you?
WM: We are saving souls. Your soul.
G: Tell that to the little ones that you burn.
WM: I don’t harm the children
G: You burn their homes, you slay their mothers and their fathers, and you watch your Red Brothers run them down on horses. And you see it all through those weeping eyes. That makes you guilty. Brother! You can fight. I’ve never seen anything like it. You could be our greatest warrior. Your people need you.
WM: You are not my people.
G: Then tell them. If this is where you belong, tell them what you are.
WM: I’ll pray for you.
G: And I you.
First of all this conversation is the reason I now ship these two. Just saying. Gawain saw that he was kin, that he was lost, that he was broken and reached out to try and help him even though he is the reason he is being tortured. I can’t with these two! But also, the WM felt guilty about turning him in and worried about his own fate but you can tell that Gawain’s words sink in and set something inside of him and it’s because of Gawain that WM is now on this path of his. AND Gawain! I fully expected him to hate this man after everything hes done but he saw a lost and broken fey brother and tried to help him and I just...Gawain is so good you guys! This whole exchange is just *chefs kiss*. Cause after this the WM saves Squirrel.
Which leads me to Squirrel and the Weeping Monk. The other reason I desperately need season 2 is because I can't wait to see this unexpected pairing. I mean come on, big bag tough guy with trauma becomes unexpectedly joined with a young child? Best trope ever. Plus he got his ass kicked pretty bad and I need season 2 start off with that so I can see Squirrel take care of this injured man. Anyway, these two are going to have a great adventure getting back to the Fey and I NEED TO SEE IT!!! I want to see Squirrel and Lancelot bond and Squirrel defend him against Fey who hate him and for Lancelot to reluctantly become attached and defensive of this Fey boy and AHHHHHH!!
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Oh and side note: One of my favorite tropes occurred. Defeated in battle, manhandled to their knees and hood pulled off revealing their bruised and bloody face. God yes please.
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Time for some headcanons:
Okay he's totally touch starved am I right? This boy hasn't known a kind touch in his whole life. Pain is all he's known. The Paladins only touch to punish him or wield him. And he thinks he deserves it. He deserves the pain. The punishment. But kindness? A soft touch? Someone tending his injuries gently? He doesnt know what to do it that. He ends up stiffening or flinching away from the blinds hands of the fey, confused at first but slowly he starts to crave that kind touch.
Squirrel is always hugging him. Like whenever he sees him. And WM doesnt know what the fuck to do with that. You think he ever for hugged? I DOUBT IT! So hes all stiff and awkward and kind of bears it but after a while he starts hugging back kind of awkwardly.
Oh and speaking of tending his injuries I can almost guarantee that he has either had to tend to his own injuries in the past or he didn't do anything for them at all. But he's in a Fey camp now and the Fey help each other so when he and squirrel first show up at the camp and a he's taken to a healer and at first he balks and is like "I'm fine" but people like Pym and Squirrel and Gawain (YES GAWAIN! I have thoughts hang on) are like clearly you're not so just sit down before fall down again and let Pym heal you! AND then we get a scene of them all seeing the scars and fresh lashes and being horrified
Okay Gawain. He's not dead and he and Lancelot become best bros (or lovers cause I kind of ship them so much. Forget Nimulot. It's Gawain and Lancelot all the way) and Gawain protects him from the Fey who want to kill him after Squirrel and Lancelot arrive at the makeshift Fey camp and he's taken prisoner. Gawain watches him and see his humanity and goodness and self hate and trauma and Lancelot has someone who sees him as a "brother" as someone lost but not irredeemable and they fall in love okay bye
His powers as one of the Ash Folk. We know he can track. But from what we saw what if he's also got some camouflage or healing abilities hes never explored. NEVER EXPLORED BECAUSE HE THOUGHT IT A MANIFESTATION OF HIS INNER DEMON!!!
Also, I saw these two onset pics and now I'm ready for this to be s2 WM and Squirrel.
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Okay rant over. Sorry. Bye now ✌
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XC
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Breaking Walls (Part I)
Hello my friends! I'm here with another meta from season 12! This time I'll try to resume these two episodes pointing important subtext and foreshadows I found in them.
We/Us vs Only Dean
Resonating with the previous episode, the mixtape one. We will meet Tasha Banes and her son's Alicia and Max. And with them will come the difference between WE/US and I/ME.
First of all, we were fed with Dean Winchester's worries for Castiel.
Gif set credit @starlightcastiel
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The scene opens with a close up to Dean's hands. This focus on the hands will continue through the episode, related with my Quantum theory about Dabb's era, it talks about a foreshadow. And because is centered on the knuckles, is a foreshadow of Dean hitting on the door from the Burger Shop after praying to Chuck in 13x01. Linked to his worries for Castiel, opens the door for the incoming mourning for him.
Dean: That freaking baby isn't even born yet and it sock puppeted him. Think about it.
Is very meaningful Dean uses this word PUPPET here, to explain Castiel's odd behavior. But is also related to this episode: a witch killing people and constructing puppets she can command as she wishes. If this sounds particularly known by all of us, is because is a very smart Foreshadow for Chuck appearing in the ending of season 14 and the whole season 15. The puppet master.
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This is what makes Dean feel so worried: CAS having faith in Lucifer jr. As Dean calls it. Is not good sign for him. And because he knows what CAS is willing to do when he is in soldier mode, when he has faith in something. He can give everything in exchange. He knows it. And he is worried because CAS is in danger now. And he can't understand how CAS is having faith in that nephilim he was trying to kill hours before. He needs to understand what's going on, Because Castiel's safety is in danger. And Cas' means everything to Dean.
SAM: I don't know. I mean, look, this doesn't make any sense to me either, Dean. But if we wanna have some shot at finding Cas, the we have to...I don’t know. Uh, try and think like him.
DEAN: How? Seriously...
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He sounds desperate here. He knows exactly this is the first time he saw CAS like this. Again brainwashed? He is scared. Dean is afraid of losing CAS. He didn't recognize Castiel looking back at him. Because CAS had a new mission now. Cas had determination in his eyes. And the mission comes first.
Then, one phone rings, and is Max and Alicia. And the dialogue here will separate the therms WE from INDIVIDUAL again.
ALICIA: Yeah, sorry to um...Uh, Mary gave me a couple different numbers to reach her, and we thought –
Max loudly interrupts Alicia to make a point that this is not his idea.
MAX: No. No. Mnh-mnh.
Alicia looks exasperated.
ALICIA: I thought Mary would be down to help. Uh, be our backup on this, um...
The parallel with the Barnes brothers here is loud, not just the missing parent in a hunt, but the blatant difference between WE/US vs INDIVIDUAL (Alice and Dean).
Max doesn't want his sister use him as a shield for showing his worries. Just like Dean used Sam in the mixtape scene or when CAS arrived at the bunker.
After Sam accepts to help, Dean turns into worried boyfriend mode...
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He is like: 'Come on Sam, didn't you heard all my worries? We have to find CAS! CAS CAS CAS!'
Then we have Dean calling Mary...
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His face here is loud. He was thinking about Castiel being in danger since CAS left. I bet you he couldn't sleep neither. And he needs to talk with someone about this. But how he feels about this. Becay Sam ia confused but he keeps doing his job. Dean just can't go on if he can't rescue CAS from the 'evil child'.
The Foreshadows
Before jumping into the symbology of this episode, let's show another example of we/u vs me/I:
ALICIA: Well, then why didn't you call us? I mean we–
MAX: Ahem.
Sam and Dean look slightly uncomfortable.
ALICIA: I called and texted a lot.
TASHA: I'm sorry, baby. My phone hasn't been charging all day.
Is the difference between the amount of worrisome and the effort from the writers to point out that to us. To make it noticeable.
Now, let's go with Mary Winchester: there's this scene in which Mary discovers Mick's corpse and she uncovered his face. Is a sad foreshadow of Dean in episode 13x01 uncovering Castiel's face when he laid dead on the table.
Also the finding of the corpses ina dark place by Dean and Sam, was a foreshadow of dead and the Empty.
Then, Tasha attack Alicia and Max, as a foreshadow of Mary coming against her own boys.
But it caught my attention what Ketch says to Mary:
KETCH: But I can keep you safe. If you just play your part, if you play nice...
In an episode where we are talking about puppets Ketch asks Mary to play her part. And I just recalled the whole season 9 with Metatron and the repetitive quote: Everyone needs to play their role. As an attempt coming from the writer to control the story and the characters. This is very important because is anticipating Chuck's plot in season 15. Mary answers: 'I don't play nice' as a reflection of TFW.
When Alicia dies, the dialogue between Sam, Dean and Max is another example of loosing a brother/family and loosing the love of your life.
SAM: Hey, Max, um, this is, uh... Look, you – you're probably in shock right now, but it's gonna pass.
DEAN: And then it's gonna hurt.
They're talking from their places, they had lost many people in their lives, family. Wich is pointing too what we will be seeing at the beginning of season 13, the big difference with loosing the love of your life, incarnated I'm Dean mourning Castiel.
Eileen's death and Brainwashing
Just a few words about episode 12x21.
Is the episode in which Eileen dies, in a dark Forest. Saileen always had been a Destiel mirror and showed the path for our ship. So when Eileen dies, is talking about the lovers separation through death. Sam uncovering her face in the morgue, again, as a prelude of Dean doing the same with Castiel.
BMoL brainwashing Mary, and using her as a puppet against the boy, is slightly showing how Dean sees what's going on with CAS.
But is also a foreshadow of AUMichael!Dean.
Later in the episode, we have Crowley who was controlling Lucifer's vessel as a puppet too, but something goes wrong this time.
DREXEL: The ability to control is transferring from Crowley to you.
LUCIFER: So you're saying that Crowley's gonna be my puppet.
This could be showing two interesting Foreshadows: first, when AUMichael will take control over Dean's body and kidnap him in episode 13x23, and second, what will happen once Dean will lock Michael down in his head, taking full control of his own body.
Then, another parallel between CAS and Mick. Remember Samadriek saying he has too much heart and that was his problem? Okay...
TONI: Oh, Mick's dead.
SAM: He's dead?
TONI: Quite. It was determined he was too sentimental for the job.
So Mick also had too much heart...
To Conclude:
Dean is a mess of worries for CAS and it shows. He is afraid of loosing him this time for real.
There are foreshadows of Cas' death all over the episodes, preluding the finale.
There's also a lot of references to puppets, for the incoming plot of Chuck and Dean's possesion.
Hope you like this volume. See you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @meleansu @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from season 12, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, November 30th 2020 7:03 PM
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Eight: Why Should We Help?
JJ x Original Character
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At the makeshift headquarters beside the lighthouse, there's two tents. I'm guessing Kiara, Pope and JJ are in tent one because I'm in tent two and all that's in tent two is an officer watching me and a row of computers. They're turned off but I can still tell that this tent is a precaution, just in case they need to call in for more man power. For a teenager.
I'm sitting on a chair that has been pulled out of a computer desk. It's uncomfortable and I'm becoming more irritable the more I sit and do nothing. This also probably has to do with me being separated from my friends, but I don't care. I'm taking out my anger on this poor officer, who is seriously not doing anything, other than his job.
"I want to go." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.
The officer turns to me and rolls his eyes. "Anything else, madam?" His sarcasm is even more annoying than his voice.
"Yeah, your mom's number." I spit bad, acting very juvenile. I guess JJ has really rubbed off on me.
"Just sit still. Your parents should be here soon. Then you can go home." The officer says, one arm forward. He's trying to calm me down but it's not working. It's actually only making me even more pissed.
"I don't want to go home." I angrily mumble. "I need to see my friends."
The officer chuckles. "Not happening, sweetheart."
I roll my eyes. "Don't patronize me buddy." I had no idea where this arrogance was coming from. I was intimidated by the police but now, after all that I've been through, I could care less.
"Listen kid -" The officer is about to start on me, probably about respecting authority and your elders but he doesn't get the chance. Walking through the tent to meet me is the fed I saw from before, my parents, Ward, and Rafe.
I get up instantly. "Stay away from them!" I say, grabbing my mom and dad and standing in front of my parents.
I block them from Ward and Rafe, who are now face to face with me. For the first time since Peterkin's death, I'm looking Ward dead in the eyes. He looks back, very arrogant for someone that's guilty and surrounded by cops. But I guess it pays to be Ward Cameron; everyone believes you're good all the time.
"Callie," my mom cried, pulling me away from Ward and hugging me. "We were worried sick."
My dad hugged me and my mom. This is the first time I've seen them embrace in months. Its sad to think me going missing has brought them closer together.
"Once you get home, you're grounded." My dad says sternly, his eyes instantly softening. "But for now, we're so glad you're safe."
I'm happy to see them but I have to pull away. I have bigger things to be concerned about. I don't know if Sarah or John B. are okay, not to mention I have no idea how Kiara, Pope, and JJ are.
I look to the fed, glaring at him. "Where are my friends?"
I the fed nodded to his right. "They're in the next tent. I actually want to talk to you."
Ward's eyes widen. "Why? She's been clearly brainwashed by John B."
The fed looked at Ward. "It's just protocol.
My eyes widen now. "No!" The fed turns to look at me again. "I was there when Peterkin was shot. I know who did it."
My parents gasp. I look to them quickly and once I see their disappointed faces I have to look away. I feel a hand grab onto my arm. I look to my right and see it's Rafe. His eyes are filled with tears.
"Please Callie," he begged, "you don't know what you're doing."
I scoffed, ripping my arm away from his grasp. "I know exactly what I'm fucking doing. Get away from me." My anger is boiling over but I control myself. I have to do this for Sarah and John B. If they're not here to clear their names, then I will do it for them.
"Callie, I love you." Rafe chokes on his tears.
My hurt almost hurts for him. I swallow and the hurt is gone. "No." I say sternly.
Rafe nods quickly. "I do. I knew I loved you since you first said hello. We're so good together, we can go back to that place."
My mind goes to JJ. I feel his hand on my back and I remember his smile. "I don't love you Rafe. I don't think I ever did."
Love is supposed to make you feel giddy. Love is supposed to make you want to get out of bed. It makes you want to dance. Love is in the simple actions. Like, just talking for hours to them. Every kiss should feel like the first kiss. Every hug should feel like the first touch. I never felt that with Rafe; it was always more of an obligation. With JJ, it's natural. It's easy.
Rafe swallows, his tears sliding down his face. A year falls down his face. It's only one and he wipes it away quickly. Embarrassed, he then backs away, moving away from me.
I look to my parents. My mom is giving me a sweet smile. My dad, who always liked Rafe, seemed a little disappointed. I can't look at them any longer. Everytime I look at them, I feel very sad. I know I've let them down.
I look to the fed again. "If you let me see my friends, I'll do whatever you want."
The fed thinks for a moment and it's so silent in the tent. Then, he speaks, "Follow me." He tells Ward, Rafe and my parents to stay behind because it might cause too much drama. That's an understatement.
We both walk out of the tent, both staying silent. Finally, before we enter the first tent, he says one thing. "I believe you."
I am shocked. It feels so good for someone to say that to me. "Really?"
The fed nods. "You might not want to believe this but I am on your side."
As he says this, he pulls the curtain to the side and my eyes search for blond hair. This tent looks exactly like the other except there's just more people here. Dozens and dozens of officers walk and talk, doing god knows what.
Then I see it. Blond hair. It's JJ.
My heart bursts with joy. "JJ!"
JJ hears me over all the commotion and turns around, looking for me. Once our eyes lock, butterflies erupt in my stomach. He's there. It's been three hours without him but it feels like more. It feels like an eternity.
Once I see the smile on his face, I start to run. I'm pushing past the officers and I'm not being polite. I tell them to move. JJ, funny enough, is doing the same. Once we're close enough, my arms reach out to him and he does the same. I'm hugging him so tight I think I might suffocate. He's hugging just as tight though. I can feel his heartbeat as his chest presses against mine and I smile even wider. Hearing his heartbeat and touching him makes this whole ordeal better.
"God, I missed you." I smiled, pulling away from him for a moment.
"I would too." He jokes but I know what he truly means. He missed me too.
I can't help it. Even if we're in front of all these officers and our friends, I still kiss JJ. He's kissing me back instantly. Each kiss is amazing. It's always like the first time. I don't think my heart will ever be able to adapt to how he makes me feel. I want to deepen the kiss but decide against it since we are in public.
I pull away. "Are Kiara and Pope okay?"
JJ nods. "They're here. How about you?"
I shrug. "Better now."
JJ reaches up to my brown hair and pushes it behind my ear. His hand rests on my cheek for a moment then he pulls away. "Callie, I -"
"Callie!" Kiara yells from behind JJ.
I let go of JJ and and run past him to her and Pope. I'm sure whatever he has to tell me, he can say later. I'm just so glad to see that they're alright.
I embrace Kiara and I can feel her smile on my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're safe."
I smile back, still hugging her. We don't say anything for a few moments and then we finally let go of each other. Pope is now beside her, his arms out for me. I'm smiling so wide now. He was very apprehensive at first but now we're friends.
Once we hug, he speaks, "I'm glad too."
"Sorry to break up this reunion," the fed speaks from behind me. "But we need your help."
I let go of Pope and turn to the fed. I look at JJ. He's glaring at the fed. I walk to JJ and pat his shoulder, trying to calm him down. I know he doesn't trust this fed but I'm starting to. It might be naive but what other choice do I have?
"And why should we trust you?" JJ bitterly asks, Kiara and Pope nodding along with him.
I can see Deputy Shoupe behind the fed and I want to roll my eyes. He's listening in on our conversation and since he's such an ass, he speaks up before the fed has a chance.
"Because we want John B. and Sarah to live."
That grabs all of our attention. The fed shoots Shoupe a glare but he doesn't get a chance to say anything because JJ is already in his face.
"What the hell are you talking about?" JJ spits back.
I'm holding onto his bicep, trying to pull him away from the Deputy. JJ looks like he's ready to fight and that's the last thing I want. "JJ..."
He looks to me. His face softens and he backs up a little, standing beside me again. When he loosens his arms and lets them fall to his sides, I grab ahold of his hands.
"What Deputy Shoupe means," the fed says slowly, shooting Shoupe one last glare before looking back to us, "is that right now John B. and Sarah are on a boat, headed into a storm. They won't make it through the storm."
How did Sarah get on the boat with John B.? Did he stops to pick her up? I don't know and honestly don't care right now. My only priority right now is to make sure John B. and Sarah are safe.
"What do you need us to do?" Kiara asks, speaking up for the first time. I look to her and I can instantly read her face. She's so worried.
The fed sighed. "I need you to go on the radio and tell them to turn their boat around."
Once we all heard this, there was an uproar from all of us. That was not an option. The second John B. and Sarah's boat hit solid ground we all knew that the police would arrest them. This was their plan all along. The storm was a perfect setup. Sure we might save them from the storm, but we wouldn't be saving them from the police.
"Yeah, so you can arrest them the second they get here." Pope angrily spit back.
"Fuck off." JJ says, rolling his eyes.
"They will die if you don't do this." The fed argued, looking to me. "You really want your friends to die?"
That was it. This time, I wasn't gonna let this fed blame us. If he had done his job correctly, we wouldn't even be in this situation.
"How dare you try to blame us." I said coldly. Everyone looked to me, shocked. Even Shoupe seemed surprised that I had taken such a tone with a federal officer.
"I'm not -" The fed tried to explain. I wouldn't let him.
"No, you are." I looked to JJ. His smirk was what made me continue. "If you had done your job properly we wouldn't even be in this situation. If any of you just stopped and listened, John B. and Sarah wouldn't be on that boat headed towards that storm. But you won't listen and I don't know why. Is it because we're teenagers? It doesn't matter because we're not helping you arrest our friends."
It was silent for a moment as everyone processed my words. Even I had to process my words. I can't believe I had just said that. Maybe going through all of this gave me the confidence I needed. After a minute, JJ was the first to speak up.
"We're not gonna help the people that never helped us."
I looked to JJ, a frown on my face. I knew what he meant. It has been years and years and still, no officer ever helped him with getting out of his dad's house. I'm sure people knew what was going on. Most of the town did. They just chose to do nothing. Why should he want to help them now. JJ looked back at me, giving me a half smile. I knew he was trying his best to not show how upset he was with Shiupe and the fed and I wanted to kiss him for being so brave.
The finally responded by nodding and saying, "If you won't help us, then someone else will."
I heard Pope scoff from behind me. "Yeah? Who's gonna help you?"
That's when I saw him. Entering the tent, a face full of fake concern for his daughter, was Ward Cameron.
Shoupe smirked and pointed to Ward. "He will."
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clearcorona · 5 years
tell my mama // dabi x fem!reader
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First songfic! Hope this is good. You guys really are the sweetest! I also fully stand by the whole "Dabi is a Todoroki" theory, so that's going to be used in this as well. This is really long and I wasn't expecting it to be. I'm just going to post this now and then I'll add a second part if I ever feel inspired. I'm so sorry if it's bad!
On the first day of class
You walked into the room
Just a hot little thing, with a bad attitude
And I knew, I knew
I knew you were trouble baby
I was saved by the bell
Couldn't wait to get home and tell my mama
'Bout this boy I don't know
Yeah I knew, I knew
I knew it was complicated
You smiled as you spoke to your small friend group during homeroom.
"(Y/N), you should come to the mall with us this weekend!" your friend, Rika, said and you smiled.
"I'll have to see what I have planned. I don't think I'm doing anything, but my mom may make me run last minute errands," you said and Rika pouted.
"Come on, you can't ditch us again. We'll miss-" she was cut off when the teacher stepped into the room, everyone scrambling to sit in their seats.
"Alright, class. Open your books to page forty-six. We'll be starting from there," he said.
About halfway through the class, the door opened and in walked a redhead with bright blue eyes.
"Woah... He's pretty hot, right, (Y/N)?" Rika whispered as she leaned over in her seat. You rolled your eyes playfully in return, shaking your head.
"You must be Touya Todoroki. You're late," you heard your teacher say.
"I know," the redhead replied and decided to sit in the empty seat behind you. You could practically feel your teacher's frustration, but he brushed it off and went back to teaching.
Later that day, you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to face the one and only Touya Todoroki. The word had spread that he was the son of the legendary Endeavor, the number two pro hero after All Might. To be honest, you were jealous. You knew he had to have had a strong quirk.
"Wanna ditch with me later?" he asked with a smirk. You raised your eyebrow, knowing your mother would kill you if she found out you skipped school.
"I-" you started, but was interrupted by the sound of the bell signalling the start of the lunch break. "I have to go."
"Alright. Later, kitten."
"I'm back!" you called out as you stepped into your house.
"How was school, sweetheart?" your mom called out and you sighed, following the sound of her voice to the kitchen.
"It was... Interesting, to say the least."
"Interesting? How so?"
"We got a new transfer student. People say he's one of the pro hero Endeavor's kids."
"Yeah. I don't know much about him, he's kind of mysterious. He doesn't really talk to many people, either."
"Why don't you try becoming friends with him?"
"I mean... I could try. Not sure how well it'd work out. He seems like the type to use girls."
"If he is, you know how to defend yourself."
Boy I know you're dangerous
You're not the one I'm supposed to love
But this is more than just a crush, tonight
So I'm gonna tell my mama about ya
"Watch this," you said and used your quirk, manipulating the water to form a rising phoenix. He smirked and pulled you onto his lap, making you lose concentration and drop the water back into the lake. "Touya!"
"Shhhh... Just let me hold you for a little while, doll," he whispered as his arms wrapped around your waist as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You knew you shouldn't be falling for him. He nearly got arrested beating a guy to a pulp after he saw him making you uncomfortable.
There were plenty of other things that gave you reasons to stay away, but you couldn't. You were drawn to him like a magnet. Despite the things he had done, you felt safe in his arms, protected.
There was also the fact that he repeatedly skipped school and never told you where he was going, leaving you to be a worried mess.
Your mother definitely knew you were with someone and practically begged you to tell her what he was like. You managed to be as vague as possible without raising any flags, knowing if she truly knew what Touya was like, she wouldn't let you see him anymore.
A few days after the day you two spent at the lake, Touya Todoroki was pronounced missing, leaving you devastated.
Locked myself in my room
Called you up on the phone
Don't know why I hung up, soon as you said hello
When it's true, it's true
You got me trippin' baby
That night I couldn't sleep
Rolled around in my bed
'Cause the boy of dreams, is a nightmare instead
And it's true, it's true
That nobody tried to save me
Ever since the day Touya went missing, you were a mess. Nothing was ever the same for you. Everything was dull and boring. You were holed up in your room once again, bundled up under the covers.
It had been a whole year since he had been missing. Wasn't his family worried? Why hadn't his father tried to look for him?
You reached out and grabbed your phone, looking through your contacts. There it was, Touya's contact information staring right back at you. Knowing you had nothing left to lose, you decided to call the number.
You pressed the phone to your ear, knowing it probably wasn't going to be him. If he were alive, why wouldn't he try to contact you? The dial tone stopped as someone answered.
"Hello?" you heard a deep voice say. Your eyes widened and you panicked, pulling the phone away from your ear and hanging up. Your heart raced in your chest, having recognized the voice. Tears welled up in your eyes and you jumped as your phone rang. You hesitated before answering it.
"Who the hell gave you this number?" he hissed and you bit your lip. He had never sounded so menacing towards you.
"Touya," you whispered, swallowing the lump in your throat as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"(Y/N)? Dammit... Why did you have to call? Listen, doll, I'll call you later and explain everything," he said and sighed.
"No, you bastard. I deserve an explanation in person," you hissed and he hesitated.
"Look, kitten, I really don't think that's a good idea."
"Don't you dare call me that after you abandoned me! We're meeting by the lake at midnight. You know which one." You hung up the phone and covered your face with your hands. He was alive. He was okay. As much as your tried to focus on that, your relief only changed into fury. You couldn't wait to punch that smug smirk off of his face.
You were anxious as you got dressed to see Touya. Why hadn't he tried to talk to you for this past year? Had he found someone else? Your heart ached at the thought and you shook your head, taking a deep breath. You pulled on a warm jacket before climbing out of the window to sneak out of the house.
The weather was getting colder and although you were mad, you knew Touya radiated warmth and you always loved being by his side whenever it was cold out.
It was a short walk to the hidden lake you two had found a year ago, that was now frozen over. You noticed a tall figure standing there, barely wearing any clothes to protect himself from the cold.
"Touya?" you called out softly, holding yourself back. You wouldn't jump into his arms like this was a happy reunion. You were mad at him, you reminded yourself.
"I go by Dabi now," he said and turned around to face you. In the light of the moon, you saw who he had become. His hair was no longer the bright fiery red you had grown used to running your fingers through, instead it being as dark as the feathers on a raven. Parts of his body we're burned and held together by surgical staples. His bright blue eyes still burned in the moonlight.
"What happened to you?" you whispered and he kept his distance, not wanting to scare you by moving forward.
"It's a long story, kitten. I didn't want you to see me like this. It's disappointing, right?" he asked and you looked up at him. You wouldn't exactly say that. You had always thought he was handsome and he still was despite these massive changes.
"What's disappointing is the fact that you just vanished without telling me," you answered harshly and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Why the hell couldn't you tell me where you were going, Touya?"
"It's Dabi," he corrected and shook his head. "And I didn't want to get you involved."
"Get me involved? Well, it's too late now, so don't even think about getting rid of me."
"Still as stubborn as always. It was something I used to love about you, but now it's just a pain in the ass. I know you'll hate me once you figure out what I do." He sat down in the grass, that had frosted over. Despite the cold weather, no snow had fallen yet.
"And what makes you say that?"
"Weren't you even the least bit scared when we were dating before?"
"Not really. Why?"
"I'm a villian, (Y/N)."
"Oh. Uh, okay."
"Okay? That's all you have to say?"
"What do you mean? What else am I supposed to say? I'm not afraid of you. I could never be you were always so gentle with me." You made yourself comfortable on his lap and his arms almost immediately went around you. "I don't care if you've changed. I don't care if you're a villian."
"There's more you want to say, isn't there? What's on your mind, doll?"
"My mom kinda can't find out. About you being a villian and all. She'd probably think you were brainwashing me or something. She knows I was dating someone before, but I don't know. I can't just hide the fact that I have a boyfriend from her."
"(Y/N), I'm always careful not to be caught. There hasn't been anything on the news about me. Of course, other villains know, but not the general public." He was glad she didn't ask about his crimes, knowing you'd run off if he told you that he had actually killed people.
"Okay, good." You two sat in silence for a while, you leaning back against Dabi's chest as you looked up at the sky. "Hey, does this mean that we're dating again?"
"That depends. Do you want to date me again, doll?"
"Do you really have to ask?" You turned around in his lap so you were facing him, your (e/c) eyes staring up at into his blue ones that twinkled in the moonlight. You smiled to yourself.
God, how Dabi had missed that smile. In that moment, everything was perfect and he didn't want to change a thing.
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
Irreplaceable you pt 2
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Sam x reader
Warnings- cancer: sad times. Angst. :(( Grab the tissues still.
"So I decided to cut out gluten. That was like the first thing that I did. I would just like wake up in the morning and feel like totally fatigued. Just like, "eh."
You laugh. This could be good. Next girl.
"You know, um his job he doesn't really like talking about it." She laughs. ?
Next girl. "You know what's funny I have a cat named Sam."
"oh okay."
"yeah." Nope. "Thank you."
You're writing down on some papers a few notes notes: too slutty. Too needy. Too freaky. Too neurotic.
Next girl.
"So it says on your online profile you were Phi Beta Kappa?" You ask.
"I had no life in college." You laugh.
"And now you're a researcher for the National Institute of Health?"
"Yes. Still have no life. I'm just... I'm just tired of being alone. I'm where I want to be career-wise, and I really would like to settle down and have a family."
She adds: "sorry, Natural caretaker. Also overbearing neurotic."
"I'm the same way." You say. "Um... Let's set up a date."
"Okay. Um, just... If I could just be honest with you, um, I just don't quite understand why a man would send his assistant to pre-interview women. I just... I don't get it. "
"Yeah, um... Here's the deal." She could tell by your face.
"Sally! Please don't hold it against him!" She starts walking away.
"This is the craziest thing like ever!"
You started picking up the papers to go catch the girl but you ran into in the waitress. "Oh, shit. Oh, sorry! I'm sorry! "
"No, I got it."
"It's kind of a long story."
"I... I think I heard it. I mean, I know I shouldn't, but spying on the customers is like the only thing that makes this job halfway bearable. You are way more interesting than most. "
"I know, it's unusual." You say.
"Yo, dude, I think it's awesome. Like, my mom died seven years ago. I was in high school. And after she passed, my dad spent every night alone. And I tried to tell him, "Go out. Live life. Find someone." But not just anyone. The right person. "
"Exactly. Which is hard."
She laughs "Right. imean, do you have any like friends or anything that could like take him off your hands?"
"Yeah his brother but not anyone that would get this girl stuff."
"Right. I mean, the thing is, finding the right one is actually about volume. You should host a mixer, like, invite some people."
"Yeah, right. Nothing says "fun" like a mixer hosted by your dying girlfriend."
"I mean, I'm having an art opening... at this gallery space on Friday. you could use it as a front.You, like, wouldn't even need to be there. And... And an art opening could bring together some really interesting women. Like the right types. Not that there wouldn't be some people there with like interested in the free snacks, but... "
"I wouldn't want to..."
"No, honestly, dude, you'd be doing me a real solid."
you laugh. I'm y/n.
"I'm Mira."
"A hundred and fifty dollars? This place is a rip-off. I could make this myself one week tops." Myron says.
"Focus, please. We just need to freshen up Sam's look a little."
"Why is that again?"
" Trust me. Any woman that meets him
is gonna want to shop for him. The wrong one will put him in these. He wears all plaid all the time"
"What are you doing?" You ask myron.
"You're the only one who gets to make bad decisions because you're dying? Terminal cancer. Put it on my bill. "
"You're just so cool with everything. I'm not cool with any of this.
"I've been dying longer than you have. You get better at it. "
"Well, it's like this vest. At first it's, "Why is that old man wearing that horrible vest? Pretty soon I become the vest guy. After that, you realize that you'd hardly recognize me without it. I look comfortable in it. It's a part of me, so... you accept it. "
"I don't think I can ever accept you in that vest."
"No?" He asks.
"Try this on. I want to see what it'll look like on Sam."
"But let me pair it with some skinny jeans."
"Okay. I look three days younger. "
"These... Oh! They're cutting off my circulation. Seriously, my ankles are tingling, my feet are asleep."
"You look hot!"
"It's just... Can I ask what this is about?"
"Just some retail therapy. "
"Right. And where am I supposed to put my phone?"
"Now... Okay, this jacket is dry clean only. Which means, if I'm not around, do not put this in the laundry."
"I know what that means y/n."
"Oh. Shit. Laundry. All right, so... In here." You walk to the washer and he asks:
" Okay, so... "
" I know how to turn it on."
"Yeah, but colors, whites, delicates."
".. Right."
"The dryer sometimes gets stuck, so, uh, you just give it two kicks. you kick it twice Right here. Like that. And it will generally unstick itself."
Sam kicks it twice.
"Uh, this dial is the minutes. It tells you how much time you have left.......... um, If the time runs out..... before the clothes are ready, you just... turn the dial."
"Hmm. Wait." You say feeling uneasy.
" What?"
[groaning] "are you okay?"
You start coughing and head towards the sink. You start throwing up.
"yeah I have that effect on women." You both laugh. "Too soon...?"
You say "yeah too soon."
Her and her nightly what ifs. It was adorable though.
"What if I had run away and joined a cult?"
"I guess I would have to join too."
"What if relationships between cult members was frowned upon?"
"Like an asexual cult?"
"Yeah. And you couldn't do an intervention and get me out because I was totally brainwashed."
"Hmm. Well, I guess I would have to become a rival cult leader, re-brainwash you. according to my philosophy, and then steal you away into my cult, which would be a sex cult."
You start dying with laughter.
"What if I were exactly like me, except I had really terrible halitosis. I would get you a mint. Or I would destroy the olfactory receptors in my nose so that I didn't care."
....."What if I die?
"I would...
never recover." You guys cuddle and go to bed.
~~~~~ the next evening~~~~~~
You Sam and Dean are all In the same room.
"Should I be able to tell that you're circumcised in those jeans? 'Cause I can. And there's not a lot of, uh, room for imagination or your penis in those pants." You says.
"I don't want to go to this. I don't... I don't know anything about art."
You: "Yes you do. Would you relax? She just wants people there."
"Is she hot?" Dean asks.
"Trust me, Dean it will be a target rich environment." Sam answers.
"See? Come on, man. Free food, cute girls." Dean says.
"Come on, let's do this. " you say.
"How exactly do you know this artist again?"
"We met randomly at a cafe, and we really bonded and...
" When?"
' I... I don't know. I just... I don't want to disappoint her.
"Are you sure you can't come?" He asks you.
I- I don't feel up to it. Trust me.
"Okay. W... Well I'll go, just as long as you stop touching my hair.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey. "
'You're adorable." You say and he huffs a laugh. "Stop that!"
"Oh, he can move in them!"
"No, not really Dean."
Sam to Dean "you know i got a ring right before she told me she was 'pregnant and then now cancer."
"I didn't. You know you could still ask her."
"yeah she'll love that." he says sarcastically.
"it might give her some hope."
"yeah, maybe."
~~~~~~~In The car with myron outside the art meeting ~~~~~~~~~~
"Is he mingling?"
"He's admiring the art."
"Sam doesn't care much about art. Nah, he's just hoping if he keeps himself occupied with an activity, no one will actually talk to him."
[Myron] He's very good-looking.
Can I say that and not be awkward?
"Uh, yeah that's my whole point. What about you and your wife? How'd you two meet?"
"At a party."
"We were in college. We got hitched three years later. "
"That's it? No story?"
"The story came after. Getting married. Life. Building a home. Kids, grandkids."
"It's okay. I won't know the difference, I guess."
"I just want those things for Sam."
"I have to hand it to you." Myron says.
"You are stubborn. This might be the worst plan in the world, but you're committed to it, and I like that."
"Yeah, well, don't be too impressed. Hasn't worked yet."
"I don't know about that." He says looking into the binoculars.
"What?" You look into the building.
"Let me see that." Sam is talking to Someone. "No, that's just the girl whose show it is."
[Myron] "So?"
"So she's just doing this as a favor to me. "
"So, she's not his type."
You: "Oh, no. Don't do the snorty laugh.
"Ugh! He did the snorty laugh. Oh, he does that when he's... "
Myron : "When he's nervous."
"Here. Estelle's hot chocolate." Myron says ans hands you a coffee cup. "It cures whatever ails you. Except cancer."
He cheers "to the things we do for people we love."
~~~~~~~ bedtime ~~~~~
Sam walks in your shared bedroom. "I know you're not really sleeping. Because I know how your breathing sounds when you sleep. Which is something you don't even know about yourself."
"I know everything about you, y/n, But I have to say, you still know how to shock the hell out of me."
"What do you mean?"
"The clothes. The mixer. "
" Sam... "
"For the record, I am not a dummy. I know what's going on. And I went along with you trying to help me because I know it's helping you. But setting me up? Are you serious?"
"Please. You spend your life fighting monsters and researching all the time. Also always Looking after people."
"Sam, most people don't find what we had... have once, much less twice in a lifetime."
"What we have? You mean, a relationship where one person is... is lying, and sneaking around, and manipulating?*
" It's for your own good!"
"You just tried to manipulate my life! Or you mean a relationship where you have such a low opinion of me, that you truly believe that nobody else on the planet would ever fall for me."
"Obviously not. But that's the whole point!" You're gonna get swarmed, and it's gonna be impossible to find the right person!"
"I already found the right person! Or I thought I had." You
"Y/n/n's, I didn't... You know I didn't mean that. Hey, come here. are you okay?" He hugs you in the bed.
~~~~~~~~~ Sam and Dean sitting in the kitchen~~~~~~~
Sam: "What is she thinking? Does she think I'm completely clueless with women?"
"Yeah? No.
" Wait, what?"
"you've just never seen me in action."
"Hm no, no and I never want to."
"What do I do?"
"Look, all you can do is be there for her, however you can. i mean, look, she's got to be scared out of her mind. And right now she needs to know that the worst thing happens.... That you are gonna be okay."
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You and Myron go out bird watching. He speaks up : Are you ready to drop this mishigas with Sam?"
"You think I should?"
"Here's what I know: You don't have as much time as you think you do.*
" I don't?"
"What are you trying to say?" You ask heart racing.
"I'm not saying it, the Buddha did."
"I didn't realize you were Buddhist."
"I'm not, but it stuck with me. And it's true for you. It's true for every person on the planet."
[Myron] I need some snacks. Could you...
Oh. I can't believe you eat those things." You say handing him a bag of cheese curls.
"They're tasty."
"The chemo has clearly destroyed your taste buds."
"Try one".
"They're disgusting."
"Keep going. You get to tasty."
[crunches]. "The second bite is actually not as bad."
Myron: Good for you, too.
~~~~~ later at night~~~~
"Okay. Someone... who hikes." Sam says randomly.
In the future, if I ever did this again, which I probably won't, but if I did, and if it makes you feel better to know, it would be with someone who hikes."
" We never hike."
'Because you hate it."
"That's not true."
"We took that one hike up Bear Mountain Six years ago, you complained the entire time."
"That's because hiking is boring. It's basically walking. And walking is something you do to get somewhere. Hiking from your car up a hill and then back to your car is totally pointless."
"Okay". he laughs.
"Duly noted." You say. "Hiking.
"Thank you."
"What else?"
" I like dancing." You scoff.
"I would like to try ballroom dancing classes. You know, like the fox-trot or the waltz, even though... "
"It's lame."
" I know you think it's lame."
''The fox-trot? Seriously?''
" Yeah!"
"How about something just moderately nerdy like swing."
"Is this person for you or for me?
" Good. I get it. I'll update your profile.
"What profile?"
"This profile."
"You're welcome".
Next morning on a walk--
"So you've been pretending to be me?"
"you're sick you know that?"
"okay so how do you like this profile picture?"
"you took a picture of me sleeping??"
"hey come on I've worked really hard on this. No? You don't okay fine. Want to take another one?"
"yeah let's take another one."
"Okay" he sits down on the bench and smiles. You press the button and bammm.
"what do you think of that?."
"oh it's good!"
"uh huh."
"do it in black and white."
Sam: "are you coming to bed?"
(glass shatters) "oh."
"y/n??" He walks in the room. "Y/n what is it?"
"It's broken."
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" Oh, shit."
" It's broken."
"It's okay. We can just... We can get another one. It's fine."
'No, we can't! You gave it to me when we were kids.." you cry but he picks you up and takes you to bed. He holds you all night and lets you cry. He knows this can't be easy.
To be continued
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archeriexriverdale · 6 years
Riverdale: 03x01 - REVIEW 💀😜😈❤️
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*screams theme music* 😂😂. I'm so happy and overjoyed that I could honestly cry! 😂. This season premiere has been so over hyped/talked about so much that I was just excited for the new season to just start already. Now that it has? I'm going to give you a little review on the episode 😉😁.
⭐ Archie Andrews 🙃....I mean..if you have been following my previous reviews from S2. You have noticed how much I've completely roasted the shit out of your boy for being completely blind and dimwitted to Hiram bullshit 👀😂. Cause S2 Archie? Was a very dark and frustrating time that should never be repeated again lmao.
But.... I DID feel a little sad for him this episode. Cause he is 100% not guilty (obviously) but by American court standards 🙄🙄🙄.aka with 0 evidence or eye witnesses to the murder the jury STILL had trouble coming up with a verdict 💀 it's laughable and sad to me that he is in jail and Hiram (who is a known crime lord and a prick) is still peacocking around the place a free man but... Whatever 😂😂😂😂.
⭐Hiram is a pussy and his gonna end up getting tripped on his lies and I'm gonna be there to put my leg out so he does 🙃.
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⭐ Even though Alice is brainwashed by this 'Edgar' bitch. I ignored all that storyline and just focused on how *clears throat*
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(lmao it's amazing how a little thing like that can set a girl off but ... I was happy 😂🙃. God help me when they are seen in bed together later on in the season 😂 I'm pathetic lmao)
🌟 Can you get Polly out of my face please 😂🙃. I don't trust her ever since that evil look she had on her face at the end of S2 talking about the farm like it was some cult 💀👀.
Its just like...every time she opened her mouth and dissed Betty Saying she was 'sick' and she needed help I was like.
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I mean. YES Polly has had a tough life in the past and I sympathize with her on that fact alone... But the judgment in her voice and her and Alice ganging up on Betty for wanting to grieve in her OWN WAY about what her father has done just erks me like...leave her alone 😂😂😂😂😂.
I still don't trust her so. Whenever she comes up on my screen I roll the eyes at the back of my head cause u can tell she's long gone by now 💀👀 (but then I feel bad cause it's not her fault she's this way but...whatever 😂)
⭐ Penny is another idiot I can't stand 😂😂 I dunno why she's got such a fetish for judghead but it needs to stop 💀. She nearly beat him to death and took his home...like..what more could this dumbass want! 😂😂😂.
She's really starting to erk me and it's getting annoying.
Jughead : have the southside, have the jacket, have our home, sorry for ripping your tattoo off your arm.
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Like? 😂😂😂😂 This woman is deranged and is on a warpath apparently so we are just gonna all have to grin and bare it until Sabrina Spellman comes to Riverdale and destorys them all 😂😂😂😂.
⭐ When they played 'Young Blood' I literally screamed 😂. Could this shows soundtrack get anymore better tho 🎇🎇🎆🎆🔥🔥🔥🔥
⭐That closeup of the 'Daddies of Riverdale' near the end of the show gave me life! 😭😭😭
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If anyone is gonna take Hiram off his high horse it's them! And I'm living for it 😂😂😂. Fred, FP and Mr Keller on a screen together gives me whiplash 😂. I ain't joking around.
⭐ That Josie and Sweet pea scene was so cute! 😭😭😭. Because Sweetpea is my husband, baby boy + partner for life. I pretended it was me in that scene and tbh...when he stroked her leg, have a sensual kiss and the eye contact?
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⭐ Bughead was so fucking cute I died! 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
⭐ Varchie was so cute (even though I don't ship them but) it made my heart swell. ❤️❤️
⭐ I couldn't stand Hermione a majority of S2 cause it seemed like she still stayed with Hiram. Even though he put her and her daughter in danger (and nearly got them fucking killed!!!!) And Hiram couldn't give less of a shit about it....
But when she had that intense conversation with Veronica about how she was a prisoner and she could never leave cause she was afraid of what he might do...
👀💀💀💀 I felt that. I now see her in a more different light. And I hope to GOD both of them remove themselves from the toxicity of this bish before it's too late. Cause they seriously need help ..
⭐ I'm confused as to why Veronica is still living at her house. 👀💀
⭐ is Archie tattoo painted cause 😂😂😂👀. I SWEAR I saw FP use a paintbrush instead of a tattoo gun to give him the serpant sign lmao. If it's a fake. Won't it go off as soon as he gets in there? Cause I doubt any temporary tattoo lasts however time his in there for lmao.
⭐ Veronica " I guess you don't have a daughter anymore" -
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Deceased 💀💀💀💀💀.
⭐ Why did Archie plead guilty OMFG! 🙄🙄🙄👀👀👀👀. He is really testing me rn lmao. He didn't do anything! The least he couldn't of done is keep on trying ...
Yeah yeah he don't wanna put his family and friends through the same pain but come on bro! He shouldn't of given up....but a show needs a storyline so...lmao.
⭐ How are they gonna throw the babies in the fire and then they float up in the air
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I'm sorry 😂😂😂😂 I know I shouldn't laugh but it seemed so ridiculous and out of this world I dunno what to think lmao.
⭐ Is Betty good 👀 her having a seizure was kinda worrying for me like 💀. Wth?
⭐ For real. Who tf is that blonde kid seen with Ms Grundy, then Chic and then the guy with the glasses? Like...wtf 😂😩 his apparence makes me nervous.
⭐ I swear Riverdale is going getting into this supernatural stuff cause they are gonna do a crossover with 'the chilling adventures of Sabrina ' soon so they wanna get onto 'that level ' 😂😂 and I dunno how I feel about that.
⭐ If penny gets her dirty hands on Betty...I would pay to see Alice and her box. I ain't even joking 😂😂😂😂😂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. Forget Logan Paul and Ksi...the real match is between those two! Lmao.
That was my Riverdale review for this week 😁😁😁😁😁😁🙃🙃🙃. I give this ep a 8/10. It was ok but it wasn't amazing. But it left me interesting to see what's new for this show 😜❤️
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