#but i'm still getting over a cold so my head spins if i think too long about it
senditcolton · 2 years
It’s Just A Question
summary: when a party brings back memories of your past with Jack, it leaves you wondering if there are answers to the questions left lingering between the two of you.
songs: X X word count: 2k warnings: alcohol & apprehension
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Your head was spinning.
Not from the drinks you had consumed. Not from twirling around on the makeshift dance floor with Nico. Not from any of that.
No, it was spinning from the fact that every time you hazard a glance over at Jack, you already found his eyes trained to you. And you felt his eyes on you even when you weren’t looking.
It was Halloween. It was the annual New Jersey Devils Halloween party. You were supposed to be having fun. And you wanted to say you were. You danced with Nico, you laughed with Gravy, you even managed to convince Dougie to take a quick lap around his cul-de-sac for trick-or-treating, coming back with a purse full of fun sized candy. But still, Jack’s eyes never left you and after hours… it grew to be too much.
Without saying a word, you slip away from the crowd, silently grabbing your purse from its spot on the table in the foyer before pushing open the door and walking into the chilled October – well, technically November – air.
There was a reason why you couldn’t handle staying a second longer. It was the same reason you were even hesitant about attending in the first place. And that reason wasn’t just Jack Hughes or the Halloween party. It was the combination of the two that killed you. Because being there felt like déjà vu.
Last year. Devil’s Halloween party. Jack’s eyes following you almost the entire night. A few drinks. A dance. A kiss. Your friend’s laughter turning to cheers as the two of you continued to kiss, the rest of the world becoming inconsequential.
And how it ended as swiftly as it began.
You pull your phone from the lining of your bag to order an Uber but sigh in dismay as the screen stays black, the battery drained long ago. You debate going back inside and finding a charger, hiding in a bedroom until your cell had enough juice or pulling Miles away to drive you home since he was your ride here. The choices bounce around in your head until a familiar voice calls out to you.
You spin to find Jack standing in the porchlight, eyes on you once again.
“Hey,” he says, the first words he’s spoken to you all night. “What are you doing out here?”
“I was just going to head home,” you explain briefly.
“Oh,” he replies and you try to ignore the little drop in his tone. “Do you need a ride?”
You sigh, weighing your options once more. You did need a ride. But did you need it that badly that you would be willing to suffer through the time it took for Jack to drive you home, the silence heavy with unsaid words.
“Yeah, I do,” you finally say, admitting that his offer was the quickest way to get you home. “If you don’t mind,” you tack on, giving him an opportunity to back out of this. Just in case he realized how fucking awkward it would be and decided to spare the both of you.
No such luck.
“Not a problem. Let me just run and grab my keys,” Jack replies before turning on his heel and disappearing back into the house.
Another deep breath escapes your lungs as you stare at the empty space he used to occupy before spinning back and wandering down the sidewalk, coming to rest against the side of Jack’s car. It isn’t long before Jack is bounding down the path towards you and unlocking door, allowing you to slip into the all too familiar passenger seat.
“You remembered,” Jack muses as he slips into the car, staring the engine, the headlights piercing through the dark night.
“Nothing, you just remembered which car is mine,” he fumbles, concentrating a little too intently on pulling out of the makeshift parallel parking outside Nico’s house.
“And?” you ask again, not entirely sure why it was such a big deal for him.
“It’s just been a while.”
“I still hang out with the team enough to know which car is yours, Jacky,” you reply, then cringe when the old nickname falls out of your mouth without warning. Jack is graceful enough to not mention it. Instead, he just shoots a glance back in your direction as he pulls out of the neighborhood, driving down the New Jersey streets on the way back to your apartment.
The drive is quiet, exactly like you expected it to be. And, exactly like you expected, the silence was not a reprieve. Instead, it was suffocating; your efforts to keep your gaze on the passing scenery, the obvious heighted tension in the confined space, Jack’s refusal to not let his eyes land on your frame in the passenger seat every few seconds.
“Eyes on the road,” you mutter under your breath when you catch him looking at you again when stopped at a red light. A sharp exhale of laughter is the only reply you get from Jack as he turns his head back to the street in front of him. It’s quiet until he speaks again.
“Hard to help it when you look as beautiful as you do.”
You hate the way your skin heats up at his words, the compliment laced with more than just friendly praise. Your chest rises in another deep breath as you try to steady your heartbeat. It works for a split second until you feel Jack’s fingers all but innocently caress the side of your thigh.
You know that you could easily jostle your leg, throwing his hand off and that would be the end of it. But as much as you knew how it was going to end if you let it continue, you didn’t care. You missed him enough to let his hand continue to slide across your skin before it settles, his palm setting a fire against your skin and deep within you.
And in the few short remaining minutes, you feel his gaze land on you less than before.
Jack pulls up outside your apartment and you start to hop out before you hear Jack kill the engine, the sound of the driver’s side door closely shortly behind it. You look back at him, an eyebrow raised.
“Let me walk you into your apartment. Just to be safe,” he says and you swear you hear an edge of desperation underneath the suave bravado. Regardless, you give a shrug of your shoulders in some kind of acceptance and let Jack follow you as you unlock your buildings front door.
You feel his presence behind you as you check your small mailbox and even still as you climbed up the carpeted stairs to your third-floor studio apartment. He’s right there as you punch in your keycode and swing open your apartment door. You leave the door ajar, a silent invitation for him to come in, one which he silently accepts before closing the door behind the two of you.
And just like that, it’s as if you two go through the regular motions, as if arriving home together was commonplace. As if being with him was meant to be.
You kick off your shoes by the front door and wander over to your small vanity before removing your rings and placing them in the little trinket dish. In the mirror, you watch as Jack takes off his coat, draping it gently over arm of your couch before walking over to you.
His hands gently bat yours away from the nape of your neck, his fingers deftly unclasping your necklace, arms dropping to set it down on the wood of the vanity. A hand comes to rest delicately on your waist and you can’t stop the shudder that runs through you as your feel his lips press gently against the skin of your shoulder.
You spin in his arms, the tension finally becoming too much. Your hands desperately reach towards his face, grasping at the back of his neck and tangling into his slicked back hair before you are pulling his lips onto your cherry red ones.
Jack gives into the kiss easily, pulling you tighter as his tongue traces the seam of your lips, silently asking for access which you gladly accept, deepening the kiss. He blindly pulls you away from the vanity, walking you across the wooden floors before you feel your mattress hit the back of your legs. You collapse back onto the bed willingly, pulling Jack down with you, the feeling of his body weight on top of you still comforting after all this time.
Jack breaks away from your lips only to trail across your jawline, down to the column of your throat where he lingers for a moment. You relax back into the sheets, the sensation all too familiar and it is easy to get lost in the feeling of him.
But the past finally rears its ugly head, pushing into your brain and taking you out of the moment. You heave a sigh before placing your hands on Jack’s shoulders, pushing him off you and lifting yourself up into a sitting position. Jack takes a step or two back and the two of you stare at each other for a brief moment before you break the silence.
“What the fuck are we doing?”
Jack doesn’t have an answer. Neither do you. So, the question lingers there between you, a phantom haunting whatever history you two shared.
“We can’t keep doing this,” you continue with a sigh.
“I know,” Jack whispers, although in the silence of your apartment, it feels as loud as a gunshot.
“Then why do we keep finding ourselves here?” you ask.
“I don’t know.”
Another pause, the space between the two of you growing further, in all ways but physical.
“Hypothetically speaking,” Jack speaks, breaking the silence again. “What is so wrong about this?”
“Hypothetically speaking,” you reply, drawing out the words in hesitation, “it’s wrong because we know how it’s going to end.”
“And you don’t want it to end,” Jack posits.
“I don’t know if there’s any way to stop it from ending. We’ve tried it before and it’s always lead us here.” You sigh again, picking at your fingernails in anxiety.
“Is there anything I can do to prove that it will be different this time? Hypothetically, of course,” Jack asks again and you can’t stop the chuckle that falls from you at his addendum.
“Perhaps,” you muse, connecting your eyes with his. “If you can answer this question.”
Jack nods and you hate the way your heart leaps at the pure desperation in his eyes, a desire not just for your body but for your trust. The way it was obvious that he wanted to make it up to you.
“When you left the apartment of the girl that you kissed in the middle of a crowded Halloween party dancefloor in front of your friends,” you say, letting the use of these hypotheticals distance yourself from the actuality, “did you regret it? Do you regret not fighting for her?”
You let the question hang there, watch as Jack processes it, watch as he flicks through the memories of that night when you two came crashing down.
It’s a drawn-out moment before Jack looks at you, taking a deep breath before walking back over to you, standing between your legs, his hand cupping your jaw, guiding your face to look up at him.
“I’ve regretted it ever since I closed the door of her third-floor studio walkup that day,” he whispers down to you, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. He leans in close to you, ready to capture your lips in his once more. But you stop him again.
“Is it also true that you’ve been seeing someone else?”
“It’s true. A few dates, nothing official. I’ve heard the same about you.” You nod your head gently in concession. “Would it change anything if I said every time I was with her, I couldn’t stop thinking about you?”
“It might. Considering I felt the same way whenever I was with him. Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
“Of course,” Jack chuckles and you can’t stop the small giggle that escapes you as well before Jack finally swallows your laughter by placing his lips on yours, the hypotheticals melting away into the truth.
Whatever hardships you two had and my have, this was meant to be. You would always find your way back to each other.  
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evie-sturns · 2 months
wrong room - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: you recently met nick through social media, he invites you over to his house for the night. while walking to the bathroom you accidentally enter the wrong room, walking in on matt masturbating.
contains: smut, caught masturbating, soft!dom matt, swearing, light choking.
a/n: this fic will contain different pov's between yours and matts, but it will have a little text so you will known when.
—----------------┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐----------———
i met nick just the other month at taras party, we instantly clicked resulting in him inviting me round today. i've been hanging out with him around his house his whole day with one of his triplet brothers, chris, i think.
(y/n's pov)
i lean against nicks countertop as he has a poor attempt to cook, "nick- nick no!" i laugh, grabbing the bag of flour as he repeatedly hits it with his elbow while mixing the dough.
"oh god, my fault" he says with a a grin as chris walks over, he spanks the cookie dough which is inside the mixing bowl, earning a slap from nick.
"okay- i'll give it a go." i decide to finally step up, nick steps out of the way as i look into the bowl, its somehow completely unmixed even after hes mixed for a solid 5 minutes.
i look over my shoulder, my eyebrows knit in confusion as i lock eyes with nick, "i'm actually not sure how i managed that."
"its okay baking isn't for everyone." i tease, he scoffs as chris laughs, "how do you mix for 20 minutes and all the ingredients look the exact same as when we put them in the bowl." chris says,
nick mocks him with a finger in the air and a nerdy tone, chris punches his shoulder.
i step away, "do you guys have a bathroom?" i ask, "nah we shit in the woods." chris says.
"yeah, we use the bark off the trees to wipe then bury it with our hands." nick adds on, unlocking the backdoor and opening it for me.
i go to walk out slowly, chris grabs my shoulder and spins me around, "down the hallway, and the last door on the left."
"oh-" i say with a loud laugh as i walk down the hall, i hear the metal of the bowl collide with the wooden floor from behind me "shit!" nick says.
i get to the end of the corridor and look to my right, the door is shut. i grip the handle and open it,
my eyes widen as i instantly grow hot, the third triplet, matt, is laying across the bed. hes wearing a green shirt and a necklace hangs loosely around his neck. his sweatpants are tugged down to his mid thighs as he's repeatedly running his hand up and down his length with his head thrown back.
(matts pov)
"fuck- fuck fuck-" strings of whimpers exit my mouth as slick noises fill the room, i brush my fingers over my sensitive tip before continuing to run my hand up and down my cock, the cold metal of my rings dragging against the veins.
"oh my god 'm- please please-" i whine, squeezing my eyes shut as i throw my head back against my headboard. my ears ring,
i dont even register the click of the door opening until i hear a feminine gasp "shit-" i hear.
my eyes spring open as i abruptly stop all hand movements, she stares at me in shock. her face is white and her mouth is open, after a few seconds she scrambles out of the room with several 'sorry's'
i sigh as my cheeks grow red, i didn't even cover myself. my hand is still wrapped around my length.
i stand up out of bed, my legs weak. i'm still hard but i've completely lost my train of thought, too embarrassed to think about finishing now. i hear the bathroom door slam shut, meaning that this girl has now found the bathroom.
i pull up my sweatpants, grabbing hand sanitiser off my bedside table and clean up my hands before pulling up my sweatpants.
"matt!!" i hear nick call from the kitchen. i open the door of my bedroom before making my way up the corridor.
(y/n's pov)
i unlock the door to the bathroom before walking back up towards the kitchen, the 3 triplets are there.
"we got the cookies in the oven but it turned to fucking liquid as soon as we put 'em in." chris says, pulling out the chair to the dining table and flopping down on it,
"this is matt, i don't think you've met him yet." nick says, matt and i lock eyes and he sticks his hand out for a hand shake.
i hesitate before shaking his hand, "formal ass greeting" nick says, elbowing matt and sitting down at the table, "sorry- 'm matt" matt says, running a hand through his hair "no worries, im y/n!" i say chirpily
all four of us gather at the table, matt is directly opposite me and i can feel his eyes lying on me, we keep making eye contact as chris and nick speak with each other about god knows, hes painfully attractive i have to admit, his tatoos, rings, awkward persona.
"its almost midnight, do you wanna start headed to bed?" nick asks me, i nod before walking off with nick towards his room.
"are you okay?" nick asks me as soon as the door shuts, "no- no i'm fine."
"is it matt?" nick laughs slightly as he pulls on a crewneck sweater and leaps into his bed. "yeah- no- i mean it's just i've met him before..?" i lie through my teeth, nick nods suspicously.
"well i'm tired as shit so i'm gonna cut it" nick says, "cut it?" i laugh, laying down beside nick.
"go to sleep? cut it....?" he smiles with a shrug.
nicks fast asleep, i just now remember the fact the cookies have been in the oven for over 35 minutes. i jump up, speed-walking out of the room and into the kitchen. i take out the metal tray, the 'cookies' are just lumps of charcoal now.
with a groan i exit the kitchen, i can see through the crack in his bedroom door that matt's still awake.
i don't know what posseses me but i knock softly on the door, "come in." i hear.
i open the door, matts shirtless in bed, still wearing those sweatpants from earlier.
(matt's pov)
my eyes widen as i see her walk into the room, "hi, uh- i just wanted to apologise for earlier." she says, i stand up out of bed to get closer to her, she shuts the door behind her. she’s only wearing a loose and long shirt which looks like a dress on her, with panties, which show every time she lifts up her arms.
"i should've knocked." she continues, i smile and shake my head.
"no i totally get it, honest mistake" i reply, "wasn't the best way to meet you so i'm sorry about that." she laughs slightly.
"its all okay," i say, "so you're not mad at me?" she asks shyly. "i would never be mad about that?" i sigh, pulling her into a hug.
theres a thick tension in the air, i don't know where it's come from but i know we are both feeling it.
she looks up at me, my arms are still loosely wrapped around her back.
she grabs my jaw before colliding our lips together, her lips are soft, i hesitate before kissing her back, my hand lacing into her hair.
i guide her back, she falls backwards onto my matress as our lips stay joined, our tongues now fighting for dominance.
her hands reach down and start tugging down my waistband. i pull away for a second, “are you sure?” i ask her, she nods frantically “please- yes.”
“arms up.” i say, she puts her arms above her head as i reach down, pulling off her loose tshirt. my eyes fall to her tits as my cheeks flush, she squirms on the matress impatiently.
i tug off her panties, discarding them somewhere across my room. she’s fully bare infront of me, her top teeth sinking into her bottom lip.
i lean over her to reach my bedside table, fiddling around in the drawer for a condom, “i’m on the pill,” she says grabbing my wrist and pulling me away
“oh shit okay!” i say, sounding a little too excited. she laughs slightly.
“you gotta be really, fucking, quiet.” i stare into her eyes, “nick is through that fucking wall and chris is the other side, if you get too loud i’ll stop mhm?”
she nods frantically “yes- yeah okay”
i line myself up with her, my hand travels down to grip her waist and i hold her hand with my free hand.
i push inside of her, instantly feeling her grip around me. i immediately worry, there’s not a single chance i’m lasting past a minute with her being this tight.
she lets out a delicate moan, holding herself back as she presses her lips together. i give her a minute to adjust before thrusting out to my tip, then pressing deeper inside of her.
with each thrust i pick up my pace as i stay concentrated on the wall, trying not to instantly cum.
she throws her head back, arching her back off my bed as every so often she lets out a shaky deep breath. i take the hand that’s on her waist and press down on her lower abdomen, seeing how far i can push her before she makes a noise.
i stop holding her hand with my other hand, and start tracing figure 8’s on her clit.
she finally breaks, letting on a desperate moan which seemed to come out louder than expected. i quicken my movements before slamming a hand over her pretty mouth. i hear a muffled ‘close’ and i continue to toy with her clit, keeping a hand plastered on her mouth.
she clenches around me, a whimper falls from my mouth as i feel her release, screaming my name.
i take my hand off her clit and place a hand on her throat, pressing lightly as she comes down from her high.
i pull out of her, finishing in my hand.
i flip down next to her, pulling her ontop of me and rubbing her back soothingly as i attempt to catch my breath. “matt..” i hear her say quietly,
“mhmm?” i reply, “can you walk me back to nicks room.” she says, sitting up on my thighs and reaching for her shirt.
“yeah, of course.” i say with a smile.
she crawls off of me to retrieve her underwear, which landed on my computer keyboard.
i sit up, pulling on my sweatpants and a soft shirt before grabbing her hand.
i creak open my bedroom door, she follows close behind me. i open the door to nicks room where he’s spread out on his bed, fast asleep. i pull down the covers and sweep her off her feet.
i lay her down on the bed, adjusting her head on the pillow before pulling up the duvet, i press my lips to her forehead before leaving the room.
(y/n’s pov)
i wake up to the sun blaring on my face, i roll over, my legs still hurting from last night. i sit up, “nick” i tap him, he shoots up in bed.
“jesus!” i laugh, “how the fuck did you get up that fast- were you awake??”
nick erupts into laughter, “you scared me that’s all!” he says, i scoff before standing up out of bed, nick follows behind me as i open the door to his room.
i walk into the kitchen where chris and matt already are, leaning on the kitchen counter.
“good morning!” i say, matt shoots me a stupid smile “guess what.” chris says blankly, my heart drops, did he hear matt and i last night?
“what.” i instantly reply, looking over at matt who looks equally as nervous as me.
he walks over to the stovetop where the tray of ‘cookies were’ he picks them up and walks over to nick, matt and i.
“oh yeah- you dumbfucks left ‘em in the oven so i took them out.”
“what. the. FUCK is that” nick laughs, backing away from the burnt excuses of cookies.
“are they edible still?” chris genuinely asks, looking over at me for an awnser.
“chris what do you think.”
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slasher-male-wife · 8 months
Horror characters seeing their s/o covered in blood
Happy Halloween everyone. I did a poll awhile ago on what I should post for Halloween and this won. So I'm here to deliver what y'all voted on. I included a lot of characters in this just for fun. Disclaimer I haven't written for some of these characters in awhile or that much at all, so sorry if some of these are ooc.
Includes: Amanda Young, Michael Myers, Otis Driftwood, The Lost Boys, Candyman, Doomhead, Patrick Bateman, Severen Van Sickle, Pyramid Head, and The Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Mentions of real and fake blood, slightly suggestive content, gn reader, talk of drinking blood in The Lost Boys and Severen's section, violence, murder
Amanda Young
You weren't supposed to find out about what Amanda did. She wanted to keep you separate from the gore of her apprentice work. But accidents happen and somehow you get to where a trap had happened.
You were in the where-house when you slipped on a puddle of blood and got your entire front half covered in it. You screamed out and Amanda quickly came rushing in.
You standing there covered in blood made something tick inside of Amanda. Something she knows she shouldn't feel seeing you covered in blood.
But she pushes this aside and quickly assures you it's fake blood that happened to spill all over the ground. She can't stop herself from giving you a quick kiss before helping you leave.
She'll get you all cleaned up back at home but she won't be able to stop thinking about seeing you covered in blood.
Michael Myers
Michael was out while you were getting ready for a Halloween party. A part of your costume involved you getting drenched in fake blood. After pouring the fake blood all over yourself in your bathtub you let it dry and step out.
You're downstairs, gathering up your things for the party when you notice the feeling that you're being watched. You turn around and spot Michael watching you.
Michael knows what real blood looks like and considering you're pretty calm he knows this is for your costume. But something inside of him is yelling at him. Not in the usual 'kill someone' way, but in a 'get them and try not to hurt them' way.
You're going to be late to that Halloween party. Michael is going to stand there and make you spin around for him so he can watch you move while you're covered in blood. You know he's getting some kind of kick out of this, so who are you to stop his fun.
After this Michael will try to hint at you to get covered in blood more often. He'll even offer to get the blood this time, but it wouldn't be fake if he got it. He'll keep thinking about you covered in blood and won't be forgetting how it made him feel anytime soon.
Otis Driftwood
You walked in on him at a bad time. While you've grown to accept what your boyfriend does, you don't like partaking in his torture of other people. But when you walked into the wrong room at the wrong time you got sprayed all over with blood.
It coats your face, hair and chest. You thankfully didn't get any in your eyes or mouth. You do let out a scream of surprise but you're not too grossed out by the blood, living with the Firefly family for as long as you have will do that.
Otis takes a good long few moments to just stare at you. You're hot enough as it is, but seeing you all covered in blood like this? Otis is going to have to go take a long cold shower.
"Well isn't this my lucky day." He'll say before walking over to you, completely ignoring the victim now. He'll take all of you in and won't let you wash it off so quickly.
"I just wanna take a couple pictures of ya darlin'." He'll quickly get his camera out and have you pose for him while you're still covered in blood. This will come in handy when he's having art block or he just needs to have some 'personal time'.
The Lost boys
It's your first time feeding and it ended up getting really messy for you, considering you've never done it before. So you got just as much blood all over yourself as you did in your mouth.
Dwayne is the first to notice and he's smirking a little to himself as he watches your blood covered body move. He's committing this sight to memory and he'll probably find a way to get you covered in blood again.
David is the next to notice. He'll smile wider than Dwayne and make some comments about how messy eating can get at times. But he'll also talk about how hot you look covered in blood.
Marko doesn't even make a comment, he just straight up lunges and kisses you right then and there, fangs still out and everything. Seeing you all vamped out and covered in blood really got to him, making him loose all self composer that he has.
Paul also joins in on kissing you, but he'll opt for your neck since your mouth is taken. I can see him licking some blood off of you, but not too much because he loves the sight of you drenched in blood. But the boys will agree to try and get you that messy again the next time you feed.
You didn't want to go with him. You summoned him and when he showed you how devoted he is to you, you didn't want to go. So he had no other option than to make you go by force.
You're entering your apartment after going to a Halloween party. Your costume was something you put together quickly and involved you pouring fake blood all over your front half. As you walk further into your apartment you get a strange feeling.
You try to ignore it as you walk to your bathroom to wash off the fake blood. Before you can do that you hear something moving in your medicine cabinet. You open it and after a few moments a hook jumps through it. You obviously scream and run out of your bathroom.
You're in your kitchen, picking up your phone when you see him again. He's looking at you with that same adoration in his eye from the first time you met him. He's looking you up and down. You're frozen again as he watches you.
"You're even more desirable covered in blood," He says in his sultry voice. You shed a couple tears as you try to move, but you're unable to. "I'll have to remember this the next time I see you my love. I'll never be able to forget this."
He knew you were going to a Halloween party, but what he didn't know was that you were going to be covered in blood when you came home. He knows real blood from fake blood and when he sees you he can't help but chuckle.
31 is coming up and he's always tried to keep you separate from it. Seeing you covered in blood is a bit of a double edged sword for him. On one hand he loves seeing you covered in blood, but he also can't stop thinking about 31, and what would happen if you got caught in it.
"Ok so I got a little too close to one of the decorations and I accidentally got covered in fake blood." You explain, taking off your shoes, "I should probably shower all of this off."
"Well I was hoping to get a better look at you like this." He says with a Cheshire grin. You roll your eyes but smile and walk over to him. He spins you around a bit, taking a good look at all of the blood on you.
He knows he'll have to tell you about 31 eventually, and that he'll always keep you away from it. But for right now he can enjoy watching his s/o look stunning while covered in blood.
Patrick Bateman
He got a little too careless and right as he was killing someone you walked in, getting covered in blood from the victim. You of course start to scream and he quickly covers your mouth.
He's so angry with you for interrupting this, but something about seeing your face and body covered with blood, excites him. "I can explain this. Calm down and listen to me." He says, trying to keep his voice calm. His anger starts to mix with arousal as he slowly slides his hand away from your mouth.
"Oh my god Patrick what happened? Who is this?" You ask, holding back tears. His attraction to you is starting to get a bit too much for him. He'll find a way to explain this murder, just like he'll find a way to explain why he wants to do it while you're covered in blood.
"He broke in and attacked me. I had to fight him off and I went a bit too hard I think. We can't tell anyone about this alright?" He says, trying his best to keep a calm, in control voice, "But right now we need to get to the bedroom.
Murder's don't get him as excited as seeing you covered in blood got him. He'll have to go out and buy some fake blood and recreate this with you again. He's glad he has such an understanding s/o.
Severen Van Sickle
It's been awhile since your last feed and when you finally got someone you could barely hold back from drinking as quickly as possible. Because you were so worried about eating as much as you could as quickly as possible you got yourself covered in blood.
After you pushed the body away Severen took notice of your blood soaked clothes. He couldn't stop himself from smiling and taking a good long look at you. He knows you'll be too full to do anything after feeding that much so he'll have to commit this sight to memory, just for some fun activities later.
You wipe your mouth and smear more blood over your face and Severen can barely contain himself at this point. He'll have to quickly ask you if you're up to help him, or if he should do it alone.
Either way he doesn't want you cleaning yourself up anytime soon. Even after his issue is taken care of he just wants to see you covered in blood. He loves how it looks in general but also aesthetically. If he has a camera on hand he's taking a picture of you.
He will try to recreate this later. Next time you're feeding he'll try to get blood all over you. I can see him filling up his mouth with blood and just spitting it on you because let's be honest, he's very dirty and probably has as many diseases as a stray cat.
Pyramid Head
You're walking around Silent Hill, trying to find some more food to stock up on when you come across one of Pyramid Head's recent kills. You don't notice and you slip on the puddle of blood.
You're used to the blood and gore of living with Pyramid Head in Silent Hill so slipping on blood and getting it all over your clothes is more of an inconvenience than scary. You groan and stand up, looking at blood slightly dripping off your clothes.
You turn around and find him standing near you. "I just slipped on some blood. It's not mine and I'm not hurt." You say. You can never really tell what he's feeling or his emotions but you can sense he's feeling a certain way about you being covered in blood.
You two just stand there while Pyramid Head is thinking about smearing more blood all over you. Seeing you covered in blood is doing something to him. So he walks over, get's blood on his hands and rubs it over your face and clothes.
He'll follow you around and just keep watching you while you're covered in blood. He'll be thinking about this for awhile, and he'll try to recreate it whenever there's free time or he just needs to see you covered in blood.
Bo Sinclair
You were busy going after a victim and it got a bit messy. You got yourself covered in blood. By the time you get the body back to the House of Wax the blood that's on your hair and face has dripped down to soak your clothes even more.
You hand it off to Vincent and when Bo sees you he pauses for a moment before he chuckles. "I like yer new look darlin'." He says teasingly. But he's using that teasing to mask how damn hot you are covered in blood.
You're able to pick up on this and you know a great way to get him back for making you chase down someone and kill them.
"Oh I know. I love this look too." You say teasingly back to him, moving your hands up and rubbing your hand over your face and neck, getting a good amount of blood on it. You walk over to Bo and smear the blood on his shirt before you step back.
"Too bad I'm about to wash it off." You say before you dodge Bo trying to grab you, "If you catch me before we get to the house I'll let you wash it off." You say before running out of the house, Bo follows behind quickly.
Lester Sinclair
You're helping Lester out by picking up a deer from the road. You're in the middle of lifting it into the truck when something happens and you get covered in deer blood.
Lester quickly rushes over to you and lifts the deer into the back of the truck. He's looking you over and making sure that you're ok. You'll have to assure him at least ten times that you're perfectly ok and that the deer just got blood all over you.
Now knowing that you're ok he does kind of realize that, you look good covered in blood. Lester loves when you get a bit dirty in general, but blood has him feeling a bit more excited than normal.
He'll zone out a bit for awhile until you bring him back and he acts like everything is good and he's totally not obsessing over the look of you covered in blood.
He'll keep this to himself until it starts to boil over and he admits to you that he hasn't stopped thinking about you being covered in blood. If you suggest the idea of getting covered in blood again he'll be all over that idea.
Vincent Sinclair
When you offered to model for Vincent's study you didn't expect to get covered in fake blood. But Vincent wanted you covered in blood and you didn't really mind so that's what the two of you do.
You stay still the entire time but you notice Vincent staring more than he is drawing. But once he notices you noticing him he gets back to drawing you.
He takes his damn well time to draw you and at one point he stands up and walks over to you. He starts to pose you in a different way and it's totally not an excuse to touch you and see you covered in blood up close.
He'll put you in so many different positions and will keep pouring blood on you. He's honestly memorized by you standing there covered in blood. At one point he'll bust out the camera and ask if he can film.
He sees you being covered in blood in a more romantic, artistic way that makes his heart beat faster. He'll have to get you covered in blood more often so he can draw, paint, photograph, etc you.
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mins-fins · 21 days
&&. unfortunately you aren't as slick as you thought you were.
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pairing: lee jeno x gn!reader
genre: fluffity fluff fluff fluff
warnings: sexual jokes, thats it 😚
word count: 1.2k
notes: jj spread the jeno bias disease i literally cant believe this 😭😭 hes so……….im abt to draft another long jeno fic + an smau + another stupid drabble and all of that fun stuff!! dont get it twisted jisung is still my ult though 😒 no ones ever replacing him, anyway this came from a prompt someone sent me, smth about "kissing someone on a ferris wheel" which i just LOVEEEED hello??? okay ik none of you care abt my words, love jeno, love nct dream, pray i get park jisung pcs 😇 good night now <33
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you are going to murder na jaemin.
the moment you get off this ferris wheel your throwing up your guts all over his shirt, or punching him in his face, or strangling him to death, whatever. the moment you step off this ride you're making sure he doesn't open his eyes to see the rest of his fellow human beings ever again.
maybe if you were less awkward you'd actually be thanking him, but you take one side glance at the boy beside you and want to smash your head against the glass.
jeno doesn't notice your side glance (and thank goodness he doesn't because you probably would've died if he took so much as a glance at you), he's much too busy glancing at the view from the height your at. you assume that jeno likes ferris wheels, he probably likes them more than you do.
"are you alright?"
you mentally prepare yourself for the voice crack you know might escape your lips. just talk to him like a normal human being, y/n, yeah you're into him and shit but that doesn't mean you can be a weirdo.
"yeah" you finally respond, thank goodness the voice cracks don't come out. "just feeling a little nauseous".
jeno raises an eyebrow. "scared of heights?"
you only manage a curt nod, a nod that makes jeno scoot closer to you, his lips stretching into a smile. "it's alright, i'll protect you".
fuck you lee jeno, fuck you, fuck you, fuck yo—
your somehow able to chuckle, amused by his words. "it's not like i'm dying or anything".
jeno frowns. "so you don't want my protection?"
you pretend to think about it, pressing your lips together as your eyebrows furrow, avoiding eye contact with jeno at all costs. if you look at him, your going to fall and never get up. "i wouldn't be entirely against it".
jeno's shoulder nudges yours, nothing but a small touch that drives you crazy. you wonder if the mini breakdown your having is noticeable, if maybe, he's doing it on purpose, making your heart race to get a kick out of it.
but when you think about it further, it makes you giggle, because this is lee jeno, you could get down on one knee and propose to him yet he'd still be confused by how you feel for him.
if lee jeno knew how you felt for him really, you probably wouldn't have resisted the urge to make out with him on this fucking ride or already.
that was a strange thought, a stupid one even, but it's one manifested from your deepest desires.
when you think about it, though, you wouldn't exactly mind it.
"that's good" jeno snickers at you, eyes examining your face as if it's an interesting exhibit at an art museum. "you need me".
you feign a sigh of irritation. "of course, what would i do without you?"
"you'd die, clearly" jeno replies, tilting his head and reaching over to lace your fingers with his. the cold rings on his fingers feel like glass shards against your fingers, but his soft hands contrast his stabbing rings. "isn't this sort of romantic?"
you choke on your spit.
"romantic? roma— hah! what are you talking about? what is romantic about this?"
soooo natural, y/n.
jeno simply shrugs, suddenly very interested in the view of the carnival from the ferris wheel. "were on a ferris wheel together, stars before us, just the two of us, this would be like.. the perfect date".
you blink, the words making you pause and your head spin. is he serious? is he really serious?
"is this your way of asking me out?"
you manage to ask that without sounding like a pathetic idiot who wanted to hear those exact words, and your response gets the same reaction out of jeno, flushed cheeks with an awkward chuckle accompanying the sight. you would've thought you were a genius if you weren't as flustered as he was.
jeno is speechless, and he fumbles through his speech like someone's holding him at gunpoint or something. "i— no! no! ..maybe? kinda?"
you pause, all your former confidence suddenly withering away, the blood rushing to your cheeks in full force. you laugh, taking his words as a joke, but jeno keeps silent, and so do you.
"are you serious?"
jeno can't speak, so he just nods wordlessly.
you blink, glancing from side to side, this ferris wheel won't be on the ground soon, but at least this makes it a little more bearable. "did you just confess your feelings for me like that?"
"well to be fair—"
"i was supposed to do it first!" you yell in another fit of feigned irritation, your cheeks a color reminiscent of jeno's cherry red shirt. "that's not fair! you beat me to it!"
"well how was i supposed to know you liked me back?"
you scoff, and jeno goes silent again, embarrassed by the question he just asked.
"you're such an idiot lee jeno.."
"can i kiss you?"
the question is a blurt of pure desperation, pure honesty from the deepest corners of jeno's mind, an inquiry he's been dying to ask you ever since he found himself interested in staring at your lips.
you hope you don't faint from the scorching heat radiating off your face.
"it's romantic" he laughs, his best excuse for that random inquiry. "i've always wanted to kiss someone in a ferris wheel, unless you don't want to then—"
you (in the most cliche turn of events) cut jeno off with a kiss. though you'd love to keep your fingers intertwined, you let go of his hand to find purchase on his shoulder, then tug him closer to you with a light jerk. a small squeak emits from him, but he quickly relaxes into the kiss, giggling at your enthusiasm.
though he giggles, he isn't much better off. it's nothing but a small press of the lips, it's not intense or anything, but jeno feels his heart soar. hie face heats to overwhelming heights, and he loops his arm around your waist, pressing you against him, as if the idea of not feeling every part of you would be maddening.
you both are just as desperate as each other, there's no push, just pull. it's a playful competition, your waiting for the other to pull away, stop the kiss because they need breath, it's stubborn in an idiotic way.
but jeno loses your little battle, because he pulls away for air, as red as the sunset in the early morning.
and though you laugh at the sight, you aren't much better off yourself (if the heat continuing to permeate from your face is enough).
"was that romantic enough for you?"
even with how breathless he is, jeno still manages a stupid question.
he squeals when you land a slap on his shoulder.
and while you thought you two were slick about it, considering you were like five feet in the air with nobody to see you, your equally red faces and intertwined hands were enough to get feigned vomits from your friends.
jaemin snickers as he looks between you two, and you glare as you see him open his mouth.
"so what happened up there?"
"clearly they got it on".
upon hearing the words, you let go of jeno's hand to yell and chase after lee donghyuck, who squeals and sprints away, shouting for renjun to help him.
jaemin just sends jeno a knowing look, a look that the older pretends he isn't bothered by.
for once, one of his ploys finally worked.
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authorhjk1 · 7 months
Surviving NNN
Part Three: A star
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You sit on the balcony of your apartment, letting the cold breeze brush your face. The cold shower you just took helped. Or at least it eased the pain. Yena's gorgeous body still wanders through your mind. The way the towel slowly slid up, revealing her legs. How it created a small cleavage over her small breasts.
You are saved by the sound of the door being opened. Hearing small footsteps, you do your best to concentrate on the task at hand.
You recognize Chaewon's voice.
"Minju made breakfast. You coming?"
"Of course. Give me a second."
You feel a little guilty letting your guests cook, but the three girls can cook way better than you. Apart from some basic dishes you can't do very much.
"What are you doing?"
Chaewon steps closer, now standing right behind you, while looking over your shoulder as you sit in one of the comfortable chairs.
"I'm working on some lyrics." "Really?"
You hear the excitement in Chaewons's voice.
"I'm a huge star, you know?"
She grabs another chair and sits down next to you, looking at the ipad in your lap.
She referred to herself as a star, which is the name for your fandom. Your stage name is Jin-wol. It translates to moon or jewel in English. That's why the fandom name stars somewhat fit.
You are happy to hear that Chaewon is a star, she is a well known idol after all.
The young woman nods in excitement.
"I watched your recent MV like a million times."
You chuckle as Chaewon tries to glance at your ipad. Unfortunately, there is nothing much to look at so far.
"What's the new song about?"
"Read for yourself."
You offer her the ipad and Chaewon starts to read. It isn't much yet, but you can see her blushing harder and harder with every word.
"Th-This is gonna be your song?"
"Yeah. I can write and produce my own music, but usually the company decides on what theme we do for every album.
"Ah, I see."
Chaewon's cheeks are still a little red as she gives you the ipad back. It is hard work to write this stuff right now, beacuse of NNN. It's supposed to be a sexy concept. A combination of obvious hints about sex and some a little less obvious. It wouldn't have been a problem without NNN at all. You could just take more than enough "inspiration" from Karina. And even if someone would catch up on that, it's no big deal, since the two of you are together anyway.
You eat breqakfast in silence, while you listen to three girls chatting. With your mind still on the song and your mind capable of more than just vivid imagination, you keep your head down.
You slowly raise your head, barely able to look at Minju. The things that went through your brain during your run make you feel bad. How could you think about her like that?
"Since its Saturday, the three of us wanted to go shopping. You wanna come with?"
You rather not. You need to keep writing. And you need some space to breath. Having these three girls constantly around you makes you anxious.
"I actually still have some work to do."
"Oh come on."
Yena looks at you.
"We will reward you afterwards."
She gives you a wink and your mind starts spinning again. What kind of reward?
"What kind of reward?"
Yena chuckles. Your voice may have sounded a little too desperate.
"I'm tot gonna tell you. But it has something to do with cream."
She smirks at you.
New pictures flood your mind.
Yena on her knees, holding a can of wipped cream. She pours some of it into her mouth, before looking up at you. Her hands work to take of your pants. You groan as you feel her warm lips part around your cock. The cold wipped cream is a great contrast to them. It slowly starts to melt in Yena's mouth. She pushes it around with her tongue, while looking up at you.
You slightly shake your head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.
"Why not?"
Yena pouts. You can't stop looking at her lips. Just a moment ago they were wrapped around your cock....
"Please, Jin-wol oppa."
Minju pouts as well.
"Karina unnie told us to take you. She said you hate shopping."
That's somewhat true. You never liked it. Which means Karina usually does it for you. She knows evry size, from shoes to shirt. She also has a better sense of style than you.
The person who breaks your last resistance is Chaewon.
"Like you wrote in your lyrics: 'I see donuts left and right, but I just want to glaze yours all night' you know?"
No. No way in hell she doesn't know what you meant by that. She must. Chaewon must know exactly what you meant. The other lines are even more explicit. She must have picked up on this.
And yet, she looks at you with an innocent face.
"We could get you some donuts."
Yena chips in.
"I like my donut glazed as well."
You almost have to take another shower as you hear her say that. You stuff your mouth with food, trying to avoid the pictures coming back.
"Chaewon? Are you coming?"
Yena shouts through the apartment, while the three of you wait for Chaewon. She is the last on to get dressed.
"Oppa, why don't you go and get her?"
"Yeah. She is a big fan of yours. I'm sure she will hurry up when she sees you.
You walk towards Yena's and Chaewon's shared room.
"Come in."
You hesitate for obvious reasons, but you eventually open the door. Bad decision. Not just because of the way Chaewon is dressed, but because the two of you are alone.
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"What do you think?"
You think a lot. Way too much actually. The number of days you survived without cuming is increasing steadily. And Chaewons outfit makes you dizzy.
You just want to take her right there.
Push her against the wall, throwing that large bag aside. Open the zipper of her jeans, while she does the same with yours. Your lips dance along her skin on her shoulders, enjoying the smoothness. Without much forplay, you would just enter Chaewon. Her eyes shut tight as her petite body tries to accustom itself to your cock. A moan escapes her mouth while you push inside. Your hands resting on her tight midriff. Your thumb playfully grazes over her mole as you make Chaewon sigh with pleasure.
You start to fuck her hard into the wall. More and more. Faster and faster. Your body releasing all the build up tension.
"Oh god! Your cock!"
Chaewon moans loudly as you pound her hard. Your dick is deep inside her pussy. Your girlfriend's friend's pussy. Your fellow idol's pussy. Your fan's pussy.
Chaewon is all of that. And more. Your lips find hers, trying to muffle her moans as you take her body. The young woman gives herself to you, relishing in the pleasure you give her.
"Harder, please! Fuck me good!"
Her high pitched yelps make you pound her harder. You feel Chaewon's walls contract around you. Her body shakes even more.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna cum on your cock!"
And so she does. Chaewon orgasms in your arms as you keep fucking her. You chase your own orgasm which is building up as well. After almost three weeks of no cuming, you feel your cock almost bursting as you are about to climax.
"Give it to me. Give me your cum."
Chaewon asks for it. She looks into your eyes, her head slightly swaying back and forth as you pound her against the wall. You are surprised when she manages to undo the button of her jeans in a frenzy. She pulls down her jeans just enough for you to get a good look at her pussy.
The sight makes you orgasm right there. You manage to pull out. You start cuming all over her. Your cum lands mostly on her freshly fucked pussy. Some of it on her midriff. The two of you breath heavily after your short fuck.
Looking down, you realize that you mad your lyrics come true. You did glaze Chaewon's donut.
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this. The lyrics might come of as a little cringe but I'm a writer not a composer , so please don't judge me to harshly.
Tomorrow will be the last day of round one for the Decmber speical, if i'm correct. You will be able to vote for the actual chapters as soon as this round ends
Have a great day!
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ohcaptains · 10 months
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what if this is real?
pairing. ellie williams x female! reader
an. i'm gonna pretend that this isn't my first fic in six months and just move on...anyway. um. hi? i hope you enjoy -- not my usual filth. love u.
synopsis. it's the end of the world, but there's still parties to attend. or, the first kiss in yours and ellie's situationship.
warnings. kissing -- suggestive language and swearing. probably the most tame i've written in a hot min!
You’re standing in front of Ellie’s door, thinking, fuck this.
It would be easy to turn around and pretend that you’ve forgotten all about the party. You could pretend that you’d slept through the whole thing. Ignore the – eventual – banging on your door, and the husk of Ellie’s voice penetrating the wood, asking, Babe, you sleeping?
Your cold fingers reach down and tug at your rising skirt, and you think -- for the third time this night -- that you shouldn’t have worn this God damned outfit.
The alcohol you’d downed before trudging over here quiets that voice a little, but you’re always nervous around Ellie.
If you told her that, she’d scoff and laugh you off. It was true, though. She made you go all doe-eyed and dumb.
The thought of her complimenting you made you wear this silly outfit, and It was winter, for fucks sake.
You knock on her door, déjà vu washing over you. How many times have you stood, nervous, at Ellie’s door? You chew on your bottom lip, playing with the hem of your skirt still.
“Coming!” Ellie’s familiar cadence immediately hollers.
She fumbles around with something, and when she opens the door, she’s tugging a simple tank top over her muscular belly.
You briefly glance at her middle, eyes finding the faint lines of her abs.  
“Well don’t you look nice,” she teases.
When you eventually drag your eyes to her eyes, she’s giving you a once-over, a teasing beam on her pretty, freckled face.
As if to get a better look at your outfit, she pushes her loose auburn hair behind her ears.
Music floods through the open door – some shitty indie band she had a thing for – but all you can hear is the rush of blood in your ears from her previous compliment.
It wasn’t all that great– she’d said you had looked nice – but that, plus the interest in her green eyes as she examines you, has your belly swirling.
Ellie steps back to get a better look. She licks the corner of her mouth and nods to you. “Twirl for me.”
Your eyes automatically roll, but you listen anyway -- hands out at your waist, you do a little slow twirl. Ellie whistles low.
When you face her again, she’s leaning against the door frame, muscular arms crossed over her chest and grinning cockily. “Oh yeah, putting on a show for me.” “Shut up – are you coming?” you ask, ignoring the heat that finds you and jabbing a thumb behind you.
Ellie drags her eyes away from the cut of your skirt, glancing into the distance. She nods as if she’s just remembered. As she nods, small bits of hair flutter onto her broad shoulders.
Her white tank is damp, too, with small patches of water staining the fabric.  
“Oh yeah, I just got distracted. My hair was touching my shoulders weird, so I’m trying to cut it but I think I’ve fucked up the back.”
Trust Ellie to get that distracted and take up such a monumental task before a party. You motion for her to turn.
“Twirl for me.”
Begrudgingly, she does, managing to roll her eyes.
“Oh my god,” you suddenly gasp, hands flying to your mouth, “what have you done?”
Ellie spins, grabbing the back of her head in a panic.
“What?” she asks, green eyes wide. Just as quick as you put the act on, you drop it with a shrug. “It’s fine, just slightly uneven.”  
“You’re an asshole, get in here.”
She grabs your hand and yanks you in, closing the door behind you. The speed makes you dizzy, so you grab a hold of her shoulders, trying to steady yourself.
“Whoa – gimmie a minute,” you whisper, trying to blink the world back into the frame.
Ellie immediately bends to look at you, confused.
There’s a beat where she’s concerned, and she gives you another once over, trying to see if there’s anything physically wrong. “The fuck is wrong with you?” she asks, nervous laughter bubbling out of her lips. “I’m –” you start to admit, blinking the fuzz away. Ellie watches you put your forefinger and thumb together, squinting, explaining that you’re, “– slightly drunk,” and she frowns, her face hard, waiting for you to explain further. “I’m wearing a skirt,” you simply state, and her frown deepens, mouth quirking to the side. She glances down, eyeing the short fabric.
“I noticed,” she bleats. “And I needed a little liquid courage…” you let out an exasperated sigh, shaking your head at yourself. “Neil’s homemade wine is no joke.” “Okay, sit down,” Ellie orders.
She begins to walk towards you, using her body to edge you closer to her bed, and you frown, asking, “What?” but still, you move with her. You try and explain that “I’m fine,” but Ellie just shakes her head, “Sit down, before you fall down.”
She can’t be serious. She’s seen me drunk before…worse than this. “El- “you begin, and her face tenses, no more fun Ellie. Her hard tone is unwavering as she asks, “Do I have to pick you up and sit you down myself?”
Your eyes widen, and there’s a beat of silence where your body reacts to her words.
Holy shit, you think, cheeks going hot. You have to laugh to hide it – have you push your thighs together.
The fuck was that?
“Ooo, okay,” you scoff, hands up, brows wiggling, and you let Ellie finish walking you to her unmade bed. You bounce onto the mattress, hands in your lap obediently.
The desire to explain hits you again, and you push at the mattress, saying, “Ellie, seriously, I’m fine.”
It’s a lie – every time you twist your head, the world turns – and the sudden concern from her is slightly overwhelming, if not embarrassing.
Still, she ignores your comment and walks to the sink, pouring you a glass of water, and then she grabs something from a wooden box. She thrusts both into your hands. “A bran muffin?” you question, staring at the lopsided baked good. Ellie pushes the glass to your face, and you glance up at her over the rim.
Her jaw is tense with unease, and her shoulders are rolled back, heavy with responsibility.
When you don’t move, she leans down, and her face is blurry, hand blurry, as you see the side of it before she taps your cheek softly.   “Drink and eat – I’m gonna finish my hair.”
Then she turns to the bathroom, and you watch her muscular back disappear.
90’s indie pours into her little apartment, and you sit, dumbfounded at what has just happened.
You diligently sip at the water.
Ellie is always a little hot-headed, and yeah, when you mucked about on runs, she’d snap into leader mode, but the alcohol, threaded with the warmth of her apartment, your nerves, and the bare skin of her neck and arms – the slither of skin between her belt and hem of her top – have you befuddled.
She’d slipped into protective mode so quickly.
Was a little mean about it too.
You lay back on her bed, pulling the hem of your skirt down to try and cover your bare thighs, and frown at her ceiling, munching on the muffin.
Come to think of it, Ellie had been odd these last couple of weeks.
Your usual flirtatious banter has been edged with something else, and she was glancing at you more often – ushering you in front of her on runs, so she could watch your back. Pulling you behind her all the same.
Do I have to pick you up and sit you down myself?
You sip at the water and nibble on the muffin. Mindlessly rub circles into your lower thigh, thinking about the way she crooked her scarred brow and the hardness of her features.
Challenge me, I dare you.
Ellie always took a lot on, and she has been stressed more than usual recently, but she didn’t have to be a dick about it.
You push your bottom lip out, thinking at the ceiling. You think about her though, and something sickly sweet still swirls in your belly.
It makes your cheeks heat, and you blink away the sudden fever, clenching your eyes closed.
You manage to finish the water and the muffin, but your belly still feels funny. Hands are clammy, skin prickly.
Maybe you’re drunker than you thought.
You decide to get more water.
As you get to her kitchenette, she glances at you from the bathroom beside it.
“You okay?” she asks, and you turn to her. She’s mid-chop, the scissors loosely sitting in her grip. She’s also taken her top off. Now donning only her bra and jeans, the swirl in your belly doubles.
The sight is not uncommon for you, but you find it hard to be angry at her when she’s half-naked.
There’s a light dusting of loose auburn hair on her shoulders, and she drops the scissors, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair.
You glance down at her chest, seeing the faint muscles flex as she stretches. Her jeans hang low around her hips, and it’s only then that you notice they’re unbuttoned.
How hadn’t you noticed that before?
“Babe?” “Hm?” you hum, snapping back to her. She’s wearing a bold smile. Your throat constricts. “I asked if you were okay.” “Oh –” you start, quickly turning to the sink. You pour more water, shaking your head. You remember where you are. Remember what’s happening.
“No,” you start, crossing your arms under your chest, “you were mean.” Ellie pauses. When you turn back to her, there’s an amused smile on her face, “Mean?” she asks, “Yeah – “you firmly jut, sipping your water. “I’m not a child Ellie.” Ellie mimics your stroppy face and puts her arms under her chest, too.
You risk a glance at her chest and see that her nipples are hard, peaking through the soft fabric of her bra.
Fuck. You snap back to her face.
“What do you mean?” she questions, cocking her head to the side. She begins to sway towards you, and you don’t move as she comes to rest in front of you – your back to the kitchen counter. There’s a second where your brain short-circuits. You forget that you’re meant to be mad at her. Her long fingers reach up, and you glance at her hand, breath caught in your throat. She smooths your hair behind your ear, inches away, “You’re my wittle baby.”
“You’re annoying,” you quickly groan, trying to suppress your smile as you turn to put the glass in the sink.
Ellie groans, “Ughhhh, I know I know, I’m awful—” and reaches around to take the empty glass from you and put it in the sink.
You stare at it. You could have done that. You were about to do that.
 She takes your hand, turning you to face her again.
“Come help me with the back.”
Your intertwined hands rest between you, pushing against your bare thigh.
Ignoring it seems like the wisest path. “Why should I?” you quirk, a faux frown on your face.
She’d put your glass in the sink. She’d taken the glass out of your hand and put it in the sink for you. Ellie pouts, pushing her bottom lip out, and she leans her full body weight on you, hips flush against yours, suddenly so close as she whispers, “You don’t want me to look pretty?”
Your belly flips. The smell of her, citrusy and damp, floods your nostrils, and you try to blink away the sudden dizziness that threatens to wash over you.
It’s then that you realise you’re not all that drunk anymore.
It’s just Ellie.
Your eyes flick down to her lips.
You trace the pink of them, focusing on the little cut she’s got there from chewing nervously. The air is suddenly thicker – all-consuming, and on your belly, you feel the brush of the button on Ellie’s jeans.
Warmth blooms, confusing and sudden.
Ellie’s silent. Looking up at her, you find that she’s studying you, too. Lavish green bathes you and you feel her unlock her hand from yours, pushing them onto the countertop on either side of your hips. The movement forces her closer, and you instinctually lean back, gasping as she follows you, forehead against yours.
You grab the back of her neck to stabilise yourself.
Her hands have moved to hold your hips.
There’s a fleeting second where you think she’s going to kiss you, but she instead brushes her nose against yours, and your mouth opens, a small hush of breath escaping.
Whatever this is, it’s never happened before. This is uncharted territory.
Your fingers stuff into her loose auburn strands, and you look down at where your body connects, seeing the tops of her breasts in the fabric bra. Her hardened nipples push at the cotton.
You drag your lips together, inhaling a shaky breath.
Looking back to Ellie, she’s watching you watch her. A small, crooked smile has absorbed her lips, and her cheeks are flushed pink, warm under your curious gaze.
She looks at your mouth, pushes her forehead against yours again, and inhales deeply, exhaling as she whispers, “Really wanna kiss you.”
Your heart picks up speed, the beat of it making your skin prickle -- your fingers numb.
A nervous panic finds you, and words fail as Ellie lazily gazes at your lips.
Your fingers move in her hair, cradling the back of her head, and, “Kiss me, then,” you whisper.
You barely see Ellie’s fleeting smile before she’s moving to press her lips to yours.
Her touch is tentative. Nervous, as she thumbs your hips, soft lips brushing against yours. Your eyes flutter closed, leaning into her mouth, and Ellie hums, the sound of it echoing through your body.
She pulls away for a second – maybe to centre herself - but you come back, excitedly brushing your tongue over her lips before kissing her, swallowing the surprised groan she emits.
Her hands tighten on your hips, while yours come to clutch the back of her head again. She tastes warm and new, the feeling unfamiliar, but you quickly become accustomed to it as she tongues her way into your mouth, body pressing tight against yours.
Heat consumes, warm and sudden.
For a fleeting second, you think, I’m kissing my best friend, but the thought is pushed away as Ellie’s hands greedily push behind you, flattening against your ass.
A gasp flutters out of your mouth, followed by an immediate swirl in your belly.
You move your hand, massaging the muscular side of her stomach. The kiss picks up as your hands move, your thumb running over the band of her bra.
Ellie whispers your name, desperate and breathy, and suddenly, it’s all too real -- you pull away.
Your eyes flutter open, and you swallow a gasp.
“We’re going to be late,” you rush, hand flattening on her stomach. Ellie takes a minute to collect herself. You can’t look at her as she watches you, emotions a whirlwind.
Eventually, her breathing settles. “Shit, yeah. The party,” she whispers, and she pulls back, hands leaving your body, the heat dispersing. She itches the back of her neck, nervously looking around. “Er – fuck. Lemme put a shirt on,” and as she looks for one, you lean against the counter, head hung back as you silently curse at the ceiling.
The walk to the party is silent.
Ellie – bless her heart – keeps a tight grip on your hand, thinking you’re still tipsy, but the alcohol has faded from your veins, replaced by a thicker, more visceral intoxication.
The touch of her is maddening.
You try and keep up, but your brain is foggy, and you’ve suddenly forgotten the way to the Tipsy Bison.
Ellie’s hand in yours is like a homing beacon.
Really wanna kiss you.
That’s what she’d said, right? The tenor of her voice consumes your mind, followed by the taste of her, and the slow-building desperation as she pulled you against her.
You hear the reverberating sound of her quick breathing as the bar comes into view, bright lights pouring out of its windows.
When Ellie pushes the door open, she drops your hand.
“Look who decided to finally show up!” Jesse hollers when he sees you. A hot acid shoots through your chest.
“I’m gonna get a drink,” you mumble, pulling away. Ellie glances at you, eyes sombre, and you think she’s about to say something, but no words make it out. “What’d I miss?” you hear Jesse ask. You clench your hand together. Really wanna kiss you.
Of course, Joel is behind the bar. His smile is welcoming and warm as he takes you in.
“Fashionably late?” he quirks as you lean against the wood.
“Er, yeah. Something like that,” you mumble, then motion behind you.
“Your girl always has the best timing.” Joel squints. He flicks his curious gaze between you and Ellie, noting the way she’s watching you, and his mouth twists, teasing. “I think you mean your girl.”
“What?” you snap, head craning to Joel. His smile widens. Panic blooms again. “She say something?” you rattle, not bothering to hide the eagerness in your tone, and Joel shakes his head, pouring you a drink. He pours two, and slides them to you, “Not a word.”
The night passes in a blur. You spend most of it with Claire from the Kitchen, ignoring the burn at the back of your neck from Ellie’s eyes.
It doesn’t matter where you scamper off too – her gaze always finds you, searing a hole in your spine.
At one point, Claire cuts you off mid-sentence, “Sorry, Ellie’s looking at me weird.” “What?” you ask, turning immediately. You find the green-eyed girl staring, and when you glance at her, she quickly snaps away, almost flinching. With a sigh, you turn back to Claire.
“It’s not you – it’s me. It’s—” you shake your head, “—a long story.” “Well, maybe you can explain later because she’s coming our way.” You twist, and sure enough, Ellie is pushing through the crowd, half-full drink in hand. When she looks at you, she takes a sip, as if she needs the liquid courage.
Quickly, she’s inches away, and you smell the musky citrusy warmth of her. Take in her frame from your seat in the booth. Really wanna kiss you.
Her eyes find you, and they’re glazed from what looks like whiskey in her tumbler.  “Um. Can we talk? Please,” then, “Hi Claire.”
Claire waves. There’s a beat of silence where you just look at Ellie – your friend, Ellie, who you just kissed – and you find that you’re rooted to the spot.
You don’t want to talk about it.
Don’t want to talk about how dizzy she made you feel, how you’d begged for more, reaching for the warmth of her lips as you dragged your hands over her narrow body.
Kiss me then.
When you don’t move, Ellie’s features freeze, and there’s fear there – please. Please talk to me.
You begin to slide out. Put on a front for Claire who is looking between the pair of you, perplexed. “Yeah, sure Els. Sorry, Claire, I’ll find you, okay?” Ellie holds a hand out for you to hold, but she pulls it back, scornful of the instinct. Shame, as you were about to grab it.  
When you get out of the Tipsy Bison, you realise that the temperature has dropped rapidly.
You’re about to comment on the weather, but Ellie is turning, suddenly, stopping near the notice board and holding her hands up.
“I’m sorry,” she spits, the apology loud in the chilly air.
There’s no one around. They’re all either in bed or at the party, and the empty streets of Jackson make her apology more real, almost – just the two of you.
Music bleeds through the wood, swirling between the pair of you.
She clasps her long fingers together and starts tugging at them, wringing them out like a wet towel.
“I’m – fuck. Fuck, I’m sorry for kissing you it was…” she shakes her head, not able to find the word. Her lip wobbles and you remember that Ellie’s an emotional, needy drunk. “…I’m sorry,” she whispers again, words cracking. She looks at her Converse, ashamed. You take her red hands. Smooth your fingers over the marks she’d rubbed into them, silently begging for her to look at you.
Ellie had never kissed you before. But thinking about it, there’s not an ounce of regret floating in your body.
Confusion, sure but confused because you want it to happen again.
You bend to look at her, saying, with every fibre of your being that “It’s okay.” She’s quick to brush you off. Still looking at the floor, she states, “You were drunk.” “I wasn’t that drunk, Ellie. You’d plied me with food, and I had two glasses of water.” She shrugs, “Still.”
Taking a tentative step closer, you tug her hands, holding them close to your belly. Ellie runs hot and holding her has taken the edge off the chill.
Kiss me then. “I asked you to kiss me, Els.”
And I’d ask you to kiss me again if you weren’t so sad. Did kissing me make you sad, Ellie?
She slowly raises her head. There she is.
You husk, “I’m sorry if I made this confusing.” “No – I. I shouldn’t have,” she flexes her fingers around yours, “said what I said. I didn’t mean it.” Your face falls. Quickly, you try and pull the mask back up, but you squeak, “You didn’t mean it?” Ellies pales.
“Fuck—” she pulls her hands away, turning her back to you.
“I always say the wrong shit.”
Without her touch, the Jackson cold consumes you. A blue wave crashes into you. Lonely.
You’re lonely, standing on the porch of the Tipsy Bison, watching her back move as she rubs the base of her palms into her eyes.
She spits a curse. The air swirls under your skirt, and you suddenly feel a sickly feeling in your belly.
Your voice is a shell of itself when you whisper, “Ellie. We can just forget it happened if that’s what you want.” You get no response.
Had you made it all up? Had you read it wrong? Had Ellie even said what you thought she had?
“Please say something,” you breathe, picking at your nails.
You lick your lips and taste the ghost of her, hot and desperate in her apartment.
The musky taste of her will haunt you. Will consume your dreams, you’re sure of it, and you’ll wake, startling back into Jackson with that Blue Wave knocking into you once again.
Her back flexes. Silence ticks. Music bleeds, tinny – not real. Might as well not be.
The echo of the kiss fizzes at the back of your teeth like the hard-boiled sweet Ellie had slipped you during a drill one morning.
It’s lemon, she whispered, just don’t choke on it when we run.
You turn, ready to run back to your apartment and hide under your duvet.
Rid yourself of this shame that has suddenly consumed you, the Blue Wave that runs cold, but warm Ellie takes your hand, pulling it to her.
A gasp lodges in your throat, and Ellie’s speaking, spewing the truth at you with wild, green eyes.
“I did want to kiss you, fuck. I did. I did, I did---I do!” she brandishes the words like a weapon, planting it into Jackson, the first man on the moon.
 “and I—probably should have waited for a better moment. But you were just—” she huffs, shaking her head at herself, holding your hand like it’s hers and she’s not really holding it, just, feeling it there, the constant feel and not feel of your limb, warm and fuzzy from under the skin.
You watch her swallow down a thousand eventualities, a thousand ways to phrase her thoughts.
Finally, “I do want to kiss you,” she concludes. After a beat, she flashes you a small Ellie smile, and Jackson isn’t cold anymore. It’s summer. “Okay,” you whisper, nodding. “Okay,” she copies. “Cool.” “Yeah,” another Ellie smile, “Cool.” “You wanna go back inside? I’m freezing.” “Yeah,” she nods, holding her/your hand, “Cool.”
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
oooh could we get some hockey!eddie, visiting/surprising him at practice, flufffffff 💕💕
for the sweetest most polite anon lol! hockey player!eddie who's birthday happens to fall during the training season.
"He's gonna be so stoked." Chris, the team manager grinned, pushing the heavy stadium door open for you.
"I hope so." You smiled gently, ducking under his arm, following him down the long, cinderblock stadium.
It was still so cold, despite the heat cranked high everywhere. Boston in the winter was brutal, winter time worse than Indiana's ever could imagine. It was a miracle you'd even made it, didn't get snowed in and grounded at the airport with all the snow.
"No, he's gonna love it, trust me." Chris grinned. "I got some of the guys in on it too, hope you don't mind. Just his coach and his agent. I told them he had an interview after practice."
"An interview?" You lifted a brow.
Chris snickered. "Yeah, he thinks you're with ESPN so just go with it." He shrugged. "I knew if I just told him to stay, he'd get suspect. Plus, this is gonna be fucking priceless."
You giggled lightly, following Chris around the hallway. A few players lingering around, most cleared out for the evening, but no sign of your curly headed love.
"Hey, Franco. Munson's in the conference room, right?" Chris nodded towards the closed door, the other man grunting in response. "Cool, hey, stay right here, ok? I'm gonna make sure he's ready and set up."
You nodded, standing to the side, a knuckled grip on your purse strap. Your tummy flipped with excitement, maybe nerves. It had been a few weeks since you'd seen Eddie, since he'd left for training season. You didn't want to be a distraction, but with his birthday this weekend, you couldn't let him celebrate alone. Especially not after he sounded so sad, so disheartened on the phone- he missed you, told you every single day, every time he called.
"...Perfect, one sec. I'll tell her you're ready." Chris opened the door, pulling you from your thoughts. He waved at you, stepping out with door still half opened. "I'll leave you two alone, but if you need me, I'm right out here."
Your heart fluttered, flipped and skipped with nerves, pushing the door open, sliding into view. You caught a glimpse at Eddie before he fully saw you, finger drumming on the desk, in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with the team's logo proudly on the front, hair still a little damp from his shower.
Your breath hitched, watching his face fall in shock once he saw you. A pause filled the space between you two, the door clicking with a shut behind you.
"Oh, no way." Eddie gawked, blinking hard, like he might be hallucinating. "N-No way. Is this real? Holy shit, you-you're- Baby, what are you doing here?" He stood from the table, tripping over it, the metal legs screeching when he shoved it.
"Surprise." You squeaked, opening your arms to hug him.
Eddie nearly tackled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly to him. "Holy shit, I can't believe you're here. You're actually here, I-I thought I was getting interviewed-"
"-No." You giggled, pulling back lightly to look at him. "Just me. I wanted to surprise you for your birthday."
Eddie's face lit up, lips curling in an even brighter smile. His hands cupped either side of your face, lips on yours, pulling you into a head spinning kiss that screamed I missed you I missed you I missed you.
"I can't believe you're here." Eddie muttered, lips vibrating against yours.
"Happy birthday, baby." You muttered back, fingers raking through his hair. You'd missed him, missed him much more than you realized now that he was standing here in front of you.
Eddie pulled back, looking up at the door. "Chris knew about this?"
You giggled, nodding. "He helped me get my flight and stuff. Picked me up from the airport."
Eddie shook his head, grin still wide on his face. "Chris! You fuckin' liar!" He yelled playfully, the men behind the door howling in laughter. "I thought I was about to get my cover story!"
You laughed, pressing your face to his chest, rocking with him slowly. "This is better though." Eddie added, hugging you tighter to him. "Just for the record, this is way fuckin' better."
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hazelvrr · 5 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Hazel callahan x fem reader
Summary: You beat Hazel at practice, which she doesn't like, and then things get heated in the showers
Contains: fighting, smut- stripping, scissoring, strap on, top!hazel
Word count: 2.7k
As hazel slams you into the ground and climbs ontop of you, you imagine what it would feel like to have her ontop of you for a different reason. The way she straddled you as she pinned you down made your heart race and your head spin out of control; although you didn't want to admit it, you could feel your pussy begin to throb, getting wetter by the second as she's pushing her body down onto you to keep you on the ground, her face getting awfully close to your neck. The sound of her heavy panting didn't help, all you could think of is what she would sound like if those weren't sounds of struggling but sounds of pleasure, writhing under your touch.
Unfortunately for you, you had decided to put on a thin pair of linen shorts this morning, and so it became very obvious what was happening when they started to become see-through from your arousal. You could feel it as your pussy soaked through your panties and you knew you had to do something, so before she punches you in the nose, you quickly grab her arms and flip her over, holding her to the ground face down with her arms in the air as your sitting ontop of her.
"1..2..3! Winner," pj says and you stand up as everyone claps. You look over at hazel who is standing up and brushing herself off. She looks over at you with an intense stare, almost piercing your skin with her deep sapphire eyes. You look back at her, still breathing heavily from the exercise and she reaches her arm out. You look down at her hand and reach to shake it, the cold sensation of her rings touching your palm as she shakes your hand vigorously, not taking her eyes away from you once. The handshake seems to go on for just a few seconds too long before the bell rings and everyone is packing up to leave. You are in a trance staring at her and only realise what is happening when you feel her large calloused hand attempt slide off yours as you loosen your grip.
You decide to head to the showers after that and you start washing your hair. You're rinsing the shampoo out of your hair when all of a sudden you're being slammed against the wall, hands against your shoulders. It takes you a minute to see because of the suds in your eyes but once your vision clears, you recognise that its hazel holding you against the wall, "what the hell are you-" you say but before you can finish hazel gets up close to your neck and say "i didn't like that stunt you pulled out there, embarrassing me like that, oh and by the way, nobody else may have noticed but I could feel you dripping through your shorts, you thought you would be able to get away with that and nobody would notice?"
"Hazel I'm so-" you reply, feeling extremely embarrassed, "I guess we will just have to finish what we started later tonight" She interrupts in a cocky tone, still holding you up against the wall. You look her up and down realising for the first time since she basically attacked you in the showers that you were naked. You were both naked, pressed up against eachother. You look at her standing there, taking her in as she watches you squirm. Thank god for the running shower because a tear dripped down your leg and you don't know what would have happened next if she had seen that.
"So tonight, my place, 8 o clock, got it?" She says firmly, looking you up and down once more before backing away and walking back over to her shower, leaning over, giving you a full view of her ass as she picks up her shampoo bottle and conditioner and walks out into the changing room.
You're still standing there, frozen, from the shock of hazel speaking to you like that, you barely even knew eachother and now you were going to her house tonight? You had always had a thing for her but she never seemed to notice you until now,so you definitely weren't complaining.
You spent the rest of the day thinking about your plans with hazel, wondering what she was going to do to you, imagining hundreds of scenarios. You started to get ready, putting on makeup, curling your hair and putting on a nice dress and by the time you were ready it was nearly 8 and you were going to be late.
You arrive at her house at 8.05 and ring the doorbell, she answers almost straight away and stares at you, looking at your dress for way too long. "Um im freezing my ass of out here can i come in?" You say shivering. She snaps out of it and moves out of the way, letting you in, "you look great, it's really a shame though," She said grinning. "Why? What's wrong with it?" Yoj ask confused. "I'm about to ruin it all," and before you can say anything she wraps her arms around your hips, lifting you up as you wrap your legs round her as she kisses you aggressively. "What about your mom?" you ask concerned, pulling away. "She's not here, on a trip with this random guy she met called Steve or Mark or something," She shrugs, "so are you going to stop talking or am I going to have to make you stop talking?"
Okay now you were dripping. You just nod to her as she carry you up the stairs and into her room slamming you down on the bed and crawling ontop of you, "now, do you remember why you're here?" She asks you looking down at the hem of your dress and running her finger along the bottom. "Because you asked me to?" You reply looking down at her finger starting to breathe heavier. "No. Because you embarrassed me and now you need to be taught a lesson," She says slowly beginning to touch your thighs. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that," you say as you pull her hand away and flip her onto her back, pinning her hands behind her head, straddling her.
You don't know what came over you but you were there holding her hands above her head with one hand and with the other you reach up your dress, pull your panties to the side and began to play with yourself, forcing her to do nothing but watch. You began by gently circling your clit. with your index finger, and then inserting a finger inside, sighing at the sensation. You felt her breaths quicken as you begin to make circles with your finger, throwing your head back and whimpering, you're slipping another finger in your pussy and curling them, feeling your walls clench around your fingers and push your juice out. Your poor whimpers soon turn into loud moans as the wet slapping sound fills the room.
You open your eyes to see what hazel is doing because she's suspiciously quiet and when you look at her, she's almost sobbing with her eyes closed. "What's the matter hmm? I thought you were going to teach me a lesson, all I've learnt is how wet I make you," you say as you run your fingers along her trousers, showing her the wetness that had completely soaked through. She whimpered looking away so you grab her by the chin and make her look at you. You continue to pump your fingers in and out of your pussy until you began to feel a familiar warmth growing in your stomach and then your whole body began to shake, you throw your head back once more, giving in to your orgasm and you moan hazels name as you reach your climax whilst sitting on hazel as you made her watch as her pussy ached.
You climb off her and lay down next to her trying to slow your breaths down after. Hazel took advantage of this and quickly climbed back on top of you, "guess fight club comes in handy sometimes," She smirks as her eyes light up, "my turn."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, scared of the answer you were about to receive, but instead the only answer you got was, "strip." You look back up at her, "what?" You ask, she replies in a serious tone, "you heard me." That sentence sent a shiver down your spine as you began stripping, removing your dress and hazel snatches it off you and throws it into the corner of the room, "hey that's my favorite dress," you tell her, annoyed that she had just thrown it. "Shut the fuck up and strip," She said, completely unsympathetic.
You listen and remove your blue lace panties you had put on to match the dress, to seem put together for hazel, although you don't think hazel noticed at all, she was too focused on when she was getting to fuck you. Finally you remove your bra and drop it on the floor and look to hazel, who had just unzipped her jeans, pulled them off and removed her boxers.
"What are you doin-" before you could finish hazel pushes your back down on the bed so you're laying flat, completely naked. "After that little game you tried to play, you deserve a punishment, im going to ride your tits and use you as my toy and when I cum all over your tits, you are going to apologise for embarrassing me and tell me how much you need me."
You begin dripping on the bed sheets but don't even notice because hazel has just climbed ontop of you and rested her clit over your tit. She waited a second to make sure she was in the right spot teasing her own clit with your nipple and then began to grind downwards, using your hard nipple to get herself off. You watch as her hips move up and down right infront of your face, reaching out to wrap your arms around them. You slide your hands round to her ass and squeeze, "naughty girl, did I say you could do that?" She asks in a breathy moan as she is dripping in arousal on your chest. She grabs your hands and moves them towards her tits, signaling for you to play with them. You grab them and start moving them round in circles, watching hazels face as she is getting closer to her climax. You take her tit in your mouth, licking in circles round her nipple and sucking it gently, this brings hazel over the edge as she yells, "im gonna cum, im gonna" and spills out all over your tits, still moving up and down chasing her orgasm.
Her breathing slows and she shuffles backwards leaning her face down to your stomach, making eye contact as she licks you, cleaning you up, tasting her own juices on her tounge. She continues licking further up, licking around your nipples in circles, making you sigh as she makes her way up to your neck and starts marking you. "This is so everyone will know what a naughty little slut you are," She whispers into your ear, nibbling on it softly. She starts kissing you passionately and you can taste her cum on your tongue, "mmm you taste so sweet hazel," you moan into her mouth as she pushes her body further into you, searching for friction.
You move towards her and turn so that both of your pussys are touching and then you both begin to rub your clits together, at first it feels weird but once you find a rhythm, it's all pleasure. Both of you have your eyes squeezed shut from the sensation as it becomes easier to grind because you're both dripping wet now. You start to feel a trembling feeling in your thighs, as your whole legs begin to twitch, so hazel puts a slight amount more pressure which sends you over the edge cumming all over hazels pussy as you moan her name, your cum spilling over hazels clit brings her to her climax, as she cums all over you, the both of you still grinding at a slow pace until you have both finished.
You both lay down for a moment looking at eachother in awe of one another, "that felt so good," you say to her, still slightly out of breath. "Look at the absolute mess we've made of my sheets, such a good girl," her words swirling round inside you, turning you on even more if that was even possible.
Hazel takes a deep breath and gets up from the bed, crouching down to reach under her bed, you get a good view of her tits bounce as she does this and you lick your lips. She pulls out a box, opens it up and inside is a blue 6 inch strap on and it's belt. You look at her, shocked, "you just have one of those lying around?" You ask. "Nope bought it especially for you for tonight," she replies, "what do you think?" You look at it, your mouth watering imagining what she could do to you in that. "I like it. I like it a lot." You quickly say, almost too quickly. "Don't be so eager, don't you worry, I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't be able to walk tomorrow, nevermind beat me in a fight," She says, looking very pleased with herself, "now, be a good little slut and bend over."
You quickly stand up and lean forward so that your entrance is accessible from behind. "Now spread those legs for me and we will see just how much you need me," hazel says as she is strapping the blue strap to her. She lines it up with your entrance and circles it round, coating her strap in your arousal. She continues to rub around your clit but not going in. "Stop teasing hazel," you say annoyed as your pussy throbs in anticipation. "Tell me how much you want me, how much you need me and maybe I will consider it, she replies with a menacing grin on her face," you turn to look over your shoulder but she pushes you back to face towards the door. "Hazel please, I'm begging you, I need you," you say desperately.
Apparently that worked because 5 seconds later she was wrapping her hands around your hips and sliding into your entrance. You moan at the sudden sensation feeling it pump so far inside you. "I can't quite hear you, I'm gonna need you to moan as loud as you can for me," hazel moans into my neck before slamming into me once again, making me moan even louder. She continues to buck into me with her strap, stretching out my pussy as my walls tighten around her, getting closer to cumming.
Just as you were getting close, she stops her movements, "what are you doing I was so close," you try to say to her but it comes out more like this "what mm u I so close." She turns you back around, without removing herself from you and places you on the bed as she straddles you. She spreads your legs even further then starts to buck into you again, able to hit even further in this new position. She reaches your g spot and tries to move her strap round your pussy in a circle, "Wow you're so tight, such a pretty pussy," She says to you in admiration watching your whole body shut down, trembling then slowing down, then you release yourself all over her cock. She pulls it out allowing more of your juice to spill out all over the bed.
You look at her and move over to the strap, beginning to suck it, collecting every last drop of your juices before she removes the strap, flinging it on the floor from being so tired. You both lay down together, eyes meeting and kiss, tasting eachother on your tongues then lay there cuddling until you both fall asleep in the mess you made.
@iloverubycruzz on wattpad
@hazelcallahansgirlfriend on a03
@sltfr on tiktok
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darkbluekies · 3 months
never trust a cupcake
Female!yandere x male!reader
Summary: mean boy yn got too popular for Hedwig's taste, so she took him
A/N: started to write this oneshot back in August/September but never finished, so I'm releasing what I had done as a drabble instead :)
Warnigns: hedwig goes insane, poison/drugs, knife, kidnapping, throwing up
You can't remember what happened. You were eating the cupcakes you got from Hedwig and suddenly … you felt sick. You must have fallen asleep. But where are you now? You look around, head pounding. You're in a … kitchen? A very fancy kitchen. Whatever Hedwig put in the cupcakes, you still feel sick and as if you're about to throw up. You try to stand up from the chair you've been placed on and quickly notice that your hands are tied behind your back and your feet to the legs. Confusion starts to fade into anger and you tug at the ropes harshly. One thing leads to another and you end up on the floor. The loud sound of wood hitting marble echoes through the large room. You manage to lift your head in the last second before it smashes against the floor.
Suddenly, a familiar face runs in. The anger runs off. Confusion is back.
"Hedwig?" you pant.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were awake!" she apologizes quickly and pulls the chair up with you on it. She cups your cheeks and she lets her hand wander into your hair. "Are you hurt? You didn't hit your head in the fall, did you?"
You turn your head back and forth to get free from her grip.
"What have you done?" you ask harshly.
"W-What do you mean?" Hedwig asks unsurely.
"Did you kidnap me?!"
"Y-Y/N, please don't say it like that! I didn't kidnap you! I brought you home!" She sighs and lets her shoulders slump, voice grow small. "I couldn't watch you be swarmed by all the girls in school … I had to have you by myself. It doesn't matter if you're mean to me … I still love you."
You stare at her in disbelief. Hedwig has always been clingy and suffocating, but you could never have anticipated that she would kidnap you.
"Hedwig, what the actual fuck?" you breathe out. "Untie me. Now."
"Not yet", she answers hesitantly. "You have to calm down first."
"Calm- …?" You snap. "Who are you to tell me to calm down?! You fucking kidnapped me! How sick in the head do you have to be in the head to do such a goddamn thing?! Untie me now!"
Hedwig’s just standing there … listening. You can tell that something shifts behind her eyes. She's trying to hide that she gets sad. As if she's telling herself that she doesn't care if you're mean, when in reality she does. Telling herself that you can be mean makes her feel better about herself.
"You don't need to be scared", Hedwig says carefully. "I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't mean for us to start our relationship like this … but you got too popular for your own good."
You scoff. Fear has started to creep into your heart.
Hedwig walks over to the kitchen isle where a glass dome covers a neatly stacked tower of cupcakes. She picks out one and walks over to you. The sight of it causes your stomach to turn.
"Here, I think you should eat", she says.
"I'm not eating anything from you", you almost growl. "Do you really think I trust you?"
"This isn't dangerou. It's a normal cupcake." She breaks off a bit and puts it in her mouth. "See?"
You watch how she breaks off another bit and moves closer, close enough for you to smell her perfume. It's sweet enough to make your head spin.
"Open your mouth", she says softly.
"Hedwig …", you say distantly. "I feel sick."
Hedwig suddenly becomes alert and runs for a bucket. She returns and holds it up to your face. The bucket smells of strong cleaning chemicals and that is enough to awoken the beast in your stomach. It spurs out of you like a waterfall.
"Good boy", she says softly, running her fingers through your hair. "Get it out of you. You're doing so good. My good boy …"
Finally, you're cleansed. Hedwig puts the bucket in the hallway and gets you a glass of cold water. You hesitate before gulping it down. She tries again to feed you the cupcake.
"I'm never going to eat cupcakes again", you mutter and glare at her.
"Alright … I understand", she sighs and walks over to the fridge. "Cheese?"
You don't answer. You'd rather have cheese than the cupcake, but you'll not tell her. Hedwig returns with a charcuterie board. She picks up a cheddar cheese.
"Open your mouth", she smiles.
This time, you obey. She places the cheese on your tongue and watches how you chew.
"You're such a good boy", she says dreamily and caresses your cheek. "My boy."
She feeds you some more pieces.
"Can I untie you now?" she asks. "I want to change you out of your school uniform."
You nod frantically. Hedwig sits on her knees to untie your feet and sneaks behind your back. As soon as you're free, you jump up and run.
"Y/N!" Hedwig gasps.
You run over to the front door and grab the majestic handles, but it doesn't matter how much you drag, they're as locked as can be.
"Y/N", she says disappointingly, walking towards you.
"Don't!" you shout and run past her, towards the living room.
You grab the TV remote and throw it towards one of the tall windows. The glass doesn't budge.
"It's not cheap glass", Hedwig says behind you. "You won't be able to break it."
"Let me go, you psycho", you hiss and turn around.
She stands with her hands behind her back and watches you carefully.
"Please stop trying to get out, it won't work", she says. "Even if you get out of the house, you won't get out of the garden. Please stop before you hurt yourself." She takes a step forward. "If you just accept your fate you will be happy. I won't hurt you. I will worship you."
"I don't fucking need that. I don't need you."
You can see that it shatters something in her. She stumbles back a step and gulps.
"Don't say that … please", she says weakly, tears entering her eyes as she shakes her head. "You're just scared. I understand. I don't mean to scare you, but-"
"I'm leaving. Open the front door."
"No! No, you can't!"
You push past her and storm towards the front door. You turn around to tell her to hurry up, but you're met with her holding a knife in her trembling hands. The very hands she hid behind her back. You flinch.
“I want you to go upstairs”, she sniffles and nods at the staircase to your right. “I want to change your clothes a-and tuck you in.” She wipes her runny nose with her white sleeve. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
You glance at the knife, at the locked door and at the staircase. Slowly, you move up the marble stairs, head spinning. You’re not angry anymore … only terrified. Hedwig isn’t just annoying … she’s insane.
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vigilvntes · 1 year
Home, Sweet Home – Dick Grayson x Reader
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A/N: wjsksksksjd hi. almost 6k of dick grayson flirty fluff. restraint??? i don't know her. i've never heard of her. but i'm back on my dick grayson / jason todd bullshit so! is this ooc?? probably. do i care?? no. did i just want to write some fun flirty charming boyfriend dick grayson fluff because i'm in love with him?? yes. so here you go. shout out to @bvcksmunson for reading this for me before i posted i love you shan!!!!! sorry for any mistakes or typos or wHatever and sorry if you read this in advance !!!! <3 mwah big kiss.
W/C: 5.8k
Warnings: language, sex references because it's me what did we expect, slight references to violence (hopefully i got everything, if not let me know!!)
likes, comments and rbs are very much appreciated !!! <3
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
Dick is quick to react to your harsh greeting, throwing himself against your refrigerator dramatically, one hand gripping at the metal corner while the other clutches at his heart through the thick material of his suit. You watch him with raised eyebrows as he sinks down to your kitchen floor with a groan, biting back a smile because you'd hate for him to see that his little display more than amuses you; you're not sure you could live with yourself if you let him have that ego boost.
Dick Grayson is a major pain in your ass, but you'd be lying if you said you're not happy to see your boyfriend.
The hand on his chest flops to the floor, his legs spread out in a V shape, and he leans his head back against your refrigerator, eyes closed. It's quiet between the two of you as you watch him play dead, occasionally cracking open his right eye to make sure you're still watching before screwing it shut again.
You've let him have his moment; indulged in the dramatics enough to satisfy him you think, so you fold your arms over your chest and cock your head, asking, "Are you finished?"
Dick gasps for air suddenly, hyperventilating and choking for at least a minute before hurling his body with a loud thump. He lays on his back, arms and legs splayed out across your kitchen floor. One final, strained breath, and he falls silent again.
Oh, the poor fuckers in the apartment below.
You unfold your arms and give him a slow round of applause as you make your way towards him, looking down at him from above. "Wow. That was really something. I mean, what a show. Truly."
Blue eyes open to meet your own. He's already discarded the domino mask, left it sitting on your countertop along with an array of loose items from his suit. You can tell he's trying so desperately to keep a straight face as you stare down at him. "It's not a show. You've wounded me." He tells you.
You pout, mockingly. "Aw. You poor thing. Give me a minute and I'll cry about it."
"Feels like I've been shot through the heart."
With a roll of your eyes you step around him, opening the cupboard above the sink and grabbing a glass. "Don't tempt me. I might think about actually shooting you next time."
He springs to his feet as you flip the tap on, your back to him while you fill your glass. "Wow. A cold welcome and a threat. Is that any way to greet your favourite boyfriend?" You can practically hear the boyish grin in his tone.
You spin around, leaning against your counter, finally getting a good look at him. He's standing just over a metre away from you, hands on his hips with a smile on his lips that reaches from ear to ear. His black hair is ruffled, falling in his face; probably a consequence of the wind working against him on the way over to your place. There's a few scratches on his cheeks, and one on his chin, but that does nothing to take away from the fact that he's so damn handsome. You know it, and he does too. It's something you curse him for whenever he's around; it makes you falter, you lose your edge a little.
"Who says you're my favourite boyfriend?" You raise the glass to your lips and take a small sip. You're not particularly thirsty, it's more of a tactical move to distract yourself from caving into him immediately; a way to mask the smile that's been teetering on the edge since you saw him stood in your kitchen, raiding through the fridge before you caught him and he began his little performance.
Dick is unfazed by your slightly cutting words, however unserious they are. He knows he's your only boyfriend, there's no one in Blüdhaven who could even begin to compete with him. That grin of his refuses to shift as he asks, "Did I crack the top ten?"
"Barely. I'd place you at number nine."
He shrugs, "Good enough for me. Just don't tell me about these other boyfriends. I don't think my poor heart could take it."
You'll never resist an opportunity to wind him up, so you glance up at the ceiling and sigh, heavy and dreamy, "Well, the guy at number one—..."
Before you can conjure up a fake name and story for your very fake other boyfriend, he's already taken two long strides towards you, trapping you between his body and the counter. He raises his gloved hand up to your face, running it across your cheek down to your jaw, before pressing his index finger against your lips. "Didn't I just tell you not to tell me about your other boyfriends?"
Had anyone else tried their luck in silencing you, attempted to tell you what to do, you're certain you'd have them laid out in ten seconds, flat. Maybe five, if you're feeling particularly vicious. Dick Grayson is the exception. You've known him for years, been dating him for almost three, yet you still enjoy the back and forth of it all; that 'thrill of the chase' feeling is still there, and it still excites both of you just as much as it did all those years ago.
So you play along, a smirk on your lips, "I've never really liked being told what to do."
Dick chuckles quietly, "Don't I know that."
"Yeah. You do." More than anyone.
Your history with him is a long one.
It started back when you were operating in and around Blüdhaven under the alias 'Thorn'. Not very original, you know, and Nightwing made sure to remind you of that every time your paths crossed. You were a little spiteful, feeling as though Nightwing's transfer to Gotham's so called 'ugly sister city' made all the hard work you'd put into protecting the city look like nothing in comparison. You got on his radar pretty quickly, tracking his leads and making sure you got to them first, just to see the look on his face when he turned up and realised he was too late, that you'd already handled the situation. Sure, you didn't have half of the technology that he had from the big, bad Batman himself, but you still found a way to get the job done.
It continued like this for a while; the two of you working against each other, trying to be smarter and faster – better – than the other. Until you came across a threat bigger than the both of you, and a reluctant partnership was established. It was supposed to be a one night only kind of thing, but it quickly spiralled into an every night ordeal, with a sexual tension between the two of you that could've given Hollywood a run for it's money. He'd try and give orders – Batman style – and most of the time you'd blatantly defy him, because you've never really been the type to follow orders, and you knew he got a kick out of it, too.
You really, truly tried to keep your distance, to not allow yourself to be taken in by his dumb flirty comments, his cheesy grin whenever he made you smile, or that light blush that crept across his cheeks whenever you decided to have your own fun with him and flirt back. You tried really hard not to stare at his ass when you thought he wasn't looking, too. But were you ever going to tell him no when he pushed you up against the wall in a dark, wet back alley after a particularly stressful mission, hopped up on adrenaline and just aching for a release?
No, you weren't; you definitely didn't deny him.
It was nice. You were fine with quick, desperate sex in the most private place you could find after a mission followed by a night of sitting on rooftops, talking about anything and everything. One night, he unmasked himself, told you who he really was, and you returned the favour with little to no hesitation because you liked him – despite the embarrassment you felt about having a silly little crush – and you trusted him, most importantly.
It was an unspoken thing for the most part; you were both more than okay with avoiding the 'boyfriend' label because you liked being independent, and Dick – well he seemed to have commitment issues that were, truthfully, unmatched. Which is why it came as a surprise to you when he slipped through your apartment window one night (the one you leave unlocked purposefully for him), crawled into bed next to you and told you very sincerely that he wanted to try 'the boyfriend thing' – he wanted it to be just you and him. You're not sure what brought on his little outburst of romance, but you never doubted him when he told you he loved you that night.
You hung up your suit a year later, choosing to move on from your days of protecting the city, opting instead for a life of normality. Well, as much normality as you could get whilst dating Blüdhaven's very own Bird Boy. It felt right, but a small part of you feared Dick would get bored of you and your new oh-so-normal life – that he wouldn't want to stick around and just exist with you. Your fears were unwarranted, though, because nothing changed for either of you.
Dick is still here, with you; he's still aching for your love and your touch and your everything. You share an apartment. The cupboards are stocked with continental condiments, shelves full of weird knick knacks and multicoloured ornaments he's found abandoned over the years on his nightly patrols. The walls are lined with little plaques that read 'Live, Laugh, Love' and 'Home Sweet Home'; things he claimed to find funny and you detested for the longest time until it hit you one day that he really just loves having a place – a person – to call his. Somewhere he can just be with someone who loves him unconditionally.
As you look up into his eyes, his finger still on your lips, you can't help but think how truly head over heels you are for him, and you know he feels the same. Blüdhaven is, to be frank, a wasteland. Full of grime and grit, with a tainted history that it just can't seem to shake off – one that continues to this day. Dick Grayson is the one thing that keeps you grounded to this city; makes you feel like all of the hours, blood, sweat and tears you poured into the city to protect the people was all worth it, because you found each other. He's the bright light shining above the darkness, the only thing that keeps you here and still has you calling it your home.
But despite your feelings towards him, you still take every opportunity you can to bite at him – literally.
You bat your eyelashes at him and part your lips, taking the tip of his gloved finger into your mouth. He visibly tenses when your tongue swirls against the leather; lets out a breath – almost a moan, when you suck ever so slightly. You're insistent on maintaining eye contact, but he's struggling to look you in the eyes as his face flushes bright red.
You bite down.
Not too harsh, but also not so gentle. It's enough to stun him, makes him jump away from you rather comically. You break out into a laugh while he shakes his hand, looking at you like you've just made him suffer through the ultimate betrayal.
"Ow." He pouts.
Through your giggles, you say, "Aw, did that hurt you, Bird Boy?"
"A little." He mumbles, trying his utmost to keep that sad, little pout on his lips as he watches you laugh at his misery.
"You're a liar, Dick Grayson."
Dick scoffs, "I'm not lying." He points an accusatory finger at you, the same one you sank your teeth into moments ago, "You bite hard."
"You never complained about that before." You say with a shrug, chewing down on your bottom lip.
He raises his hands in surrender, because he knows you're right. "And I'm not about to."
"Good." You let out a content sigh and push yourself off the counter, stepping towards where he stands in the middle of the kitchen. "So what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Gotham?"
Dick shrugs, "Just got back. I thought I'd fly by our apartment. No pun intended." But that dumb smirk on his lips tells you that he meant all pun intended. His hands move to your hips, pulling your body close to his. There's earnest in his voice when he tells you, "I missed you. A lot."
You smile up at him, your hands on his chest, fingers tracing the blue symbol on the front of his suit. "Missing someone you love is usually what happens when you haven't seen them in more than two weeks." You joke, poking at his chest.
Despite your lighthearted tone, his face still falls. Guilt clouds in his eyes, and his smirk flips into a sad, little frown. "I'm–..."
You stand on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his and cutting him off before he can even begin to apologise. He tastes like strawberry chapstick and all the coffee he's been drinking to keep himself awake over the last two weeks. It's a weird combination of flavours, but one that you've become so accustomed to that you wouldn't change it for the world.
You swear you hear him moan quietly against your lips as he kisses you, so desperate to touch you and be close to you and love you. He pulls you towards him by your hips, your body flush against his, so close you can almost hear – no feel, his heartbeat.
You relish in the moment, allowing him to take control for a second because you've missed him too. You started missing him the minute he left your apartment, Gotham bound. You've missed waking up beside him. His bed-head. His smile. The way he sings power ballads in the shower when he doesn't think you're listening, even though you are because how the hell are you not supposed to hear him? You've missed every single piece of him, and you're glad he's been returned to you in pristine condition.
You pull away from him before things can get too heated, before he can even think about slipping his tongue into your mouth and lifting you up on to the counter. Dick is breathless, already wound up. The pale skin of his cheeks flooded with heat that stains them crimson, and you can't help but take a second to appreciate how cute he looks like this. And he's looking at you – in all your glory, donning old pyjamas and a crazy bed head – like you're the most beautiful, precious thing he's ever laid his eyes on. It makes you feel weak in the knees.
"I missed you too." You mumble, pushing a few wayward strands of hair out of his face.
He sighs, "Listen, dove, I'm really–..."
You throw your head back, letting out a loud ugghhhh mixed in with a giggle. "Shut up. I don't need to hear the famous Dick Grayson 'I'm sorry' speech again."
"Things just got–..."
"A little crazy!" You walk away from him, heading out of the kitchen and into the living room area; he follows your trail like a lost puppy, as he always does. "I heard what happened. Read it in the Gazette. You don't have to apologise for it. I get it."
Dick stands next to the couch as you walk over to the open window that he slipped through earlier tonight, hands on his hips. "So... You're not mad at me? Not even annoyed?" He sounds unsure, as if he's just waiting for you to blow up at him, even though he knows you're past that point. Hell, you've never been at that point. You've always been understanding of him and his situation; you were in the same boat as him for god knows how long, struggling to keep a relationship because you couldn't seem to find a balance between your life in and out of the suit. You've never held it against him, and you wouldn't think about starting to.
You glance over your shoulder and give him a soft, sweet smile as reassurance while you try to shove the old, stiff single-hung window shut. "Your family's in Gotham, and they needed your help."
You've only met his strange, mis-matched Gotham family a handful of times, but you care about them like they're your own, because in a way they are. The first time you met them, after the initial surprise of finding out you're Thorn – 'the one Dickie-Bird never shuts the fuck up about', as Jason put it – they welcomed you with open arms, even Bruce. You receive regular check in texts from Cass (usually a meme), and Damian calls you demanding to speak with Dick whenever he suspects he's being purposefully ignored.
"I'd rather you be gone for two weeks straight than hear any bad news coming from Gotham. Especially about you or your family." You give the window one last, hard shove, stepping back when it finally closes with a thud. You turn your attention back to him, "So, no. Not even annoyed. But I do wish you'd close the window after yourself."
Dick shrugs, a small grin on his lips, "I think the breeze is nice."
You scoff, "It's not a breeze. It's wind. Seriously, if you don't start closing the window when you come in, I'm gonna lock it. I'm gonna make you use the entrance. You're gonna have to knock on the door to get in here."
He lets out the most petulant whine you've ever heard, one that you're sure he's used on Bruce one too many times to get his own way – it probably worked, too. "That's not fair."
You just whine back at him mockingly as you walk over to the couch and flop yourself down on your back. "Oh, how tragic. You'll have to use the door of the apartment we've been renting for over a year. My heart hurts for you."
"What if you're asleep?" He asks, folding his arms over his chest, eyebrows raised.
You shrug, smirking at him, "Then you'll have to wait outside allllll night until I wake up."
"What if it's an emergency?"
"Then you'll have to make sure you knock extra loud."
"You're so cruel to me. Always out to hurt poor Dickie's feelings." He climbs up onto the arm of the couch, knees pressing into the soft cushion, ready to drop his body onto yours and melt into you. But you stick your foot out before he can, pushing against his chest and keeping him stationary. He gives you a look of offence, slapping your foot gently in a weak attempt to make you move. You don't.
"Stop leaving the window open."
"I will." He affirms, tapping your foot again.
"Yes. I promise." He says, with a childish roll of his eyes.
You narrow your eyes at him for a moment, a slight warning that tells him he better take his promise seriously, before dropping your foot. Without hesitation, he lets his body free fall on to yours, although careful not to crush you under his full weight. Still, you let out a quiet oof, because he's heavy – even heavier in that suit of his. You don't have time to think about asking him to shift his weight a little, because his legs are on either side of your body, hands have already found their way to your waist, and his lips are on yours in an instant.
Passionate and slow to begin with, making up for the weeks he's spent away from you; though it seems to turn heated quickly. You let him take the lead, allow him to nip on your bottom lip gently and slip his tongue into your mouth. You give him a minute to re-explore the familiar territory before you decide to have some fun of your own, biting down on his tongue gently and sucking against it. Dick lets out the most delicious, pathetic moan you've ever heard: one that has you giggling whilst pressing your thighs together in an attempt to keep yourself under control.
He pulls back, nose pressed against your own, shooting you a playful glare while your shoulders shake with quiet laughter. "What?" He asks, voice low and on the gruffer side, a bad cover up for what he'd just let slip from his throat seconds ago.
"Someone's excited tonight."
"Hm. Told you." He kisses your nose gently, then your cheek, trailing kisses all the way down to your jaw. "Missed you." He tucks his face into your neck, and you let out a gasp when you feel his tongue drag against the sensitive skin, your back arching into him. "'Nd m'sorry." He mumbles.
"I thought I told you not to apologise." You say, though it's strained; his lips are attached to your neck, and you're finding it hard to even think, let alone form sentences.
"I still wanted to."
You breathe out a laugh, though it turns into something of a moan when you feel his teeth scrape against your skin. "Can't help yourself, can you?"
"Nope." He says, popping the 'P'. Without warning, he bites down on the soft flesh between your neck and shoulder. You let out a noise – something between a yelp and a loud moan, and when you look down at him with a pout on your lips, he's grinning at you. "Payback."
"You're a fuckhead."
"You started it."
You fall quiet, allowing him to continue on with his revenge attack on your neck, whimpering when he sucks down on your sweet spots; cursing under your breath when he slips his cold, gloved hand under the thin fabric of your shirt.
"Don't you have somewhere to be tonight?" You ask. A throwaway question, really. Just a cheap little dig at him to distract yourself from the fact he's getting you riled up.
But then he pauses, his whole body tensing for just a moment, before he answers with a, "No..."
And now your throwaway question is a serious inquiry. "So you do have somewhere you need to be tonight?"
He hums against your skin, "It can wait."
The truth is, it probably can't wait. You try not to read up on crime in Blüdhaven so often, try to keep your days of being a protecter of the city in the past as much as you can (Dick is the exception, of course), but even you know that the city has suffered massively from Nightwing's two week leave of absence in Gotham. Gang and mob activities began to rise the second he left; Blüdhaven always seems to deteriorate into madness when he's not around to keep everyone and everything in line.
With a sigh, you grab on to the back of his suit and pull him away from you, choosing to ignore his whiny protest, making him look at you. "If there's somewhere you need to be, you should go."
"I already told you. It can wait."
You smile at him, brows raised, "Can it? You've been gone for two weeks. You have a lot of catching up to do. Blühaven's really been missing its Boy Wonder."
Dick smirks, "Has it missed me as much as you?"
"I don't think that's possible. I've been crying, like, every day. Total devastation while you've been gone."
"And not a single word of comfort from your nine other boyfriends?" His jaw drops in mock disbelief. "I don't know why you like them more than me."
You hum, "I only like eight of them more than I like you."
He snorts, "Oh, well that makes all the difference."
You smack his shoulder playfully, "Get up."
With a groan, he uses the back cushions of the sofa to push himself off of you, "Can't believe I'm being kicked out of my own apartment. I've been here for, like, fifteen minutes, and I'm already being told to leave." He stands up, stretching out his back as he trudges back to the kitchen to pick up the discarded mask and gadgets he left on the counter. "I'm starting to think you're just dying to get rid of me."
You gasp, "Me?! Never!" You sit yourself up, back leaning against the arm. "I'm just looking out for you. You've already fallen behind schedule."
He chuckles as he straps his gear back into place, "Then why don't you dust off that suit of yours and help me get back on track?"
"Absolutely not. My vigilante days are over." You say with a scoff.
"Don't you miss it?" He asks, shoving his escrima sticks into the tight straps on his back.
"If by 'it', you mean having to haul your ass out of a mess every night because you can't help but bite off more than you can chew, then no. I don't."
"Hey! That's unfair!"
"Is it?"
Dick scoffs, "Yeah. We all know you're the worst at following orders."
You fling your legs over the side of the couch and push yourself up, "Yeah, I am. But you're impulsive."
He fits the domino mask on, and you can't help but feel slightly satisfied at how it sits on his face so perfectly. "Yeah, well, I'm doing fine on my own. Very much alive, actually."
You saunter over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, looking up at him through your lashes, "Thanks to me. I kept you out of the shit for god knows how long."
"And I'm continuing to keep myself out of it." He taps your nose. "Learnt from the best." You smile softly at him, but then he follows up with, "I meant Batman, by the way." Before he can even gauge your reaction, he's already cracked himself up with his own joke, like he'd been planning it in his head the whole time. He probably – no, definitely had been.
You step back, folding your arms across your chest and shoving your tongue into your cheek to stop yourself from laughing along with it. "You're an asshole."
"I'm your asshole, though." Dick gives you his cheesiest grin as he struts over to the window, patting his body down to check he hasn't forgotten anything. You follow him, stand beside him as he slides the window open with ease and curse him internally because that window – the one he leaves open almost every night – is usually your greatest enemy. But of course, it plays ball for the golden boy. Typical.
With a rather dramatic sigh he climbs through, only partly though, sitting on the sill with one leg dangling freely above the city and the other still in your apartment, foot pressing against the hardwood floor. "I won't be too long. Promise." He tells you.
You snort, "That translates to 'I'll see you in the morning', in Dick Grayson terms."
Dick lifts his shoulder in a half shrug, a soft smile on his lips, "Maybe. But I'll be home for breakfast, for sure. What do you want? I'm feeling..." He pauses for a second, chewing on his bottom lip before he comes to a conclusion, "Pancakes."
"You're always feeling pancakes. They're like, the only thing you're good at making. Unless we want our whole apartment building to burn down because you decided to branch out for breakfast."
"Pancakes it is!" He announces.
He nods, "Yeah. Cool."
Then it falls quiet between the two of you. Dick rubs his chin, staring right at you – specifically a certain part of your face – as you chew down on that something and glance around the room, feigning cluelessness. He won't leave without a kiss goodbye; not once has he climbed through the window and disappeared into the night without planting his lips on yours. You'll give into him, because you always do, but you love to tease. Not to mention the fact he's only just come back, and although you're more than happy for him to go out and take care of whatever's going on in the streets, you're willing to delay Nightwing's return to Blüdhaven for a little while longer.
You're making a point to look anywhere but at him, and the longer the silence drags on, the more you begin to feel the giggles rising in your throat. You can't even look at him for more than a second, his lips pressed into a thin line as he tries to fight back hysterics because he knows what you're doing.
Eventually, you take it upon yourself to break the silence, covering your mouth with your hand and asking through stifled laughter, "Are you gonna leave?"
Dick breaks, bursting out into a fit of laughter. He leans his head back against the window frame, shoulders shaking. "I can't leave yet." You shoot him an amused look that says 'oh really?'. "You know what I want."
You let out a lighthearted groan which quickly descends into a giggle, "Do I have to?"
"Uh-huh. Got two weeks to make up for."
"And whose fault is that?"
He shrugs, "Mine, and I'm dead set on making up for lost time. Bring it here, Thorny." He leans over and grabs your hand, pulling you towards him.
"Don't fucking call me that." You try to say it with as much malice as you can muster, which is hard considering you can't seem to stop grinning at him.
"Wow. Someone's feeling prickly tonight. I can see why you called yourself Thorn." His hand rests on the small of your back, gently commanding you to stay put.
"Fuck you, Grayson. I'll push you out of the window."
His brows shoot up in amusement at your meaningless threat. "That'd be rude."
Dick nods slowly, "Yeah. Could kill me." That's a lie. Both of you know that even if you did mean it and you were planning to push him out, he'd find a way to counter. You live on the top floor of your building, but he's a trained acrobat and a quick thinker with enough gadgets on his person to ensure he'd be back at your window in two minutes, tops.
Still, you play along. "Maybe that's the goal."
"You love me too much to kill me."
"Oh, you think?"
He blows out his cheeks, "Wow. You're so mean to me."
You reach up and run your fingers through his soft hair, "Yet you keep coming back."
"Well, I do live here." He deadpans. You stare at him for a good ten seconds before you break out into another fit of giggles, punching his shoulder and breathing out a 'fuck you'. He raises his free hand, "I'm just saying. Wouldn't wanna go through the moving out process. Y'know, having to pack my stuff and hire a moving service—...."
"Get out!"
"Nuh-uh. Gimme a kiss first." Dick leans closer to you and puckers his lips, screwing his eyes shut. He gives you a moment, and when he doesn't feel you move he raises his hand and taps his index finger against his lips. "I won't leave until you kiss me."
With another groan, you lean in and plant your lips against his. You try to pull away quickly, short and sweet, but he keeps you close. He kisses you again, and again, and again. Until you're practically balancing on the heels of your feet, held up only by his strong hand on your back, and he's almost back inside of your apartment.
You let out a breathless laugh against his lips, your hands pushing against his shoulders, "Go, or I won't let you leave."
"Is that a promise?" He murmurs.
With a sigh, he turns his body and lifts his other leg over the window, gripping on to the top pane to keep himself seated for the time being. He looks over his shoulder at you, "I'll see you soon, okay?"
You give him a smile, "Okay."
"I'm gonna make you the best pancakes you've ever eaten."
"I'm sure."
He rolls his eyes playfully, because how dare you doubt his pancake making skills. "See you in the morning, babe. Love you!" With that, he pushes himself off the window and free falls.
You've watched him do it countless times, but you can't help the way it takes your breath away every single time; panic sucker punches you right in the stomach and you can't help but yell out 'Richard John Grayson' as you throw yourself towards the window and lean the upper half of your body out into the cold city.
That wing-suit of his will be the death of you one day.
You look down at the dimly lit streets, looking for any sign of your boyfriend who's just allowed himself to drop from the top floor of the apartment building, but he's nowhere in sight. It's only when you hear his voice calling your name that you realise he's standing atop a lower roof across the street, a dumb grin on his lips.
"That was really funny, Dickie!" You yell out sarcastically, folding your arms across your chest.
"It's my party trick!" He shouts back, resting his hands on his hips. "You know what I always say: you'll never know if you can fly unless—...."
"You take the risk of falling! Whatever! Get out of here!"
You hear him laugh, despite the distance between you. He turns, ready to take off into the depths of the city, but not before yelling another, "I love you!"
With an eye roll, and a soft smile on your lips, you tell him, "I love you too! Be safe!" You're just about to retreat back into the warmth of your apartment, but you remember you still need to tell him something very important. "Close the window when you get back!"
"Yeah, yeah. I know!"
The next morning, you wake up to a sleep-deprived boyfriend cursing under his breath at a bowl of homemade pancake mix, and a very open window.
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wait now i’m so curious of how jason would be with a mortal girlfriend like your headcanons for percy were so good and it’s such an interesting concept
⋆⭒˚.⋆ jason grace x mortal! reader hcs
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content: jason grace x mortal! reader hcs warning: language, fluff then immediate angst that will give you whiplash so sorry but it was also too fun not to put in author's note: I WOULD LIKE TO FORMALLY APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IT WAS GOING SO WELL AND THEN I GOT SAD AND I MADE THIS HEARTBREAKING MONSTROSETY YOUR WELCOME also, I made that text thingy myself bc I wanted it to match the Percy one and I’m v proud of it so if you guys could fill the comments with ‘wow that text looks so good and made me Laugh Out Loud you’re so funny’ that’d be great for my ego thanks
you guys didn't met at school, obvi
genuinely have no idea if this guy is smarter than a fifth grader but that's a topic for another day
jason was just doing his big time praetor thing, ya know how it be, killing monsters and what not
and you were happily walking through rome, trying to enjoy your vacation when you basically got body slammed by a lady in an annoyingly scratchy feather suit.
"hey! watch it!" you shouted, indignantly from the ground, causing the lady to spin and growl at you.
now that you were squinting up at the woman, you realized the scratchy feather suit wasn't a feather suit at all but rather just scratchy feathers attached to this lady.
"you're dinner, kid!" she squawked at you and you did the natural thing; scream your head off.
jason, with his wonderful timing, finally came by and stabbed the harpie, leaving her to disintegrate
"are you oka-"
"WHAT THE FUCK!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" you continue to scream, heaving breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down.
jason crouched to your level, tossing his sword behind him and hold his hands out gently
"hey, hey. it's okay, you're okay. i'm- i'm jason. and sorry," he spoke, softly, as you were calming yourself down
tho, his sweet voice was helping
"i'm y/n. i would say nice to meet you but i think you're a murderer so," you replied, eyeing him carefully and looking like you were ready to bolt.
"no, i'm not."
"you know, that's exactly what a murderer would say."
"fair point."
"not helping your case, buddy," you mused, a smile growing on your lips despite the situation. and you could see his lips twitching too, fighting the urge to turn upwards
"how about i explain over gelato? there's a great place a few blocks from here," jason offered, holding his hand out to pull her to her feet.
you chewed your lip in contemplation before taking his hand, the words your mother told you before you left for your trip ringing in your ears
"i mean, romans are hot! nothing quite like an european romance, huh?!"
maybe she was smarter than you gave her credit for
so, jason got you gelato, begrudgingly let you pay as you made a compelling case of 'he saved your life and you owe him.'
and then he explained it all to you, shattering your world view.
"you ever hear of a guy named percy jackson?"
"wait- you mean the twelve year old who blew up like the st. louis arch and a bus or something while traveling across america?? of course i've heard about him, he's like a new york legend!!"
"he's a demigod too. greek, but still."
"no way. you're pulling my leg, right?"
jason shook his head at the girl, who burst into laughter, shaking in her seat
jason couldn't help himself, her laugh infectious and causing him to laugh lightly himself
he knew reyna would have his ass for being out so long, but he couldn't just leave a pretty girl like yourself alone
the sun had set and jason was slowly leading the pair towards new rome, the logical part of himself screaming to get home
now with the warm sun gone, you were starting to get cold
in your defense, you dressed for summer roman sun with your flowy sundress, not cold breezes
without a second thought, jason tugged his denim jacket off and set it on your shoulders
"oh, but you'll be cold-"
"you matter more," jason cut in, instantly, with a charming smile that left you weak in the knees.
you blushed, looking away.
"how about...i keep this and you get this," the girl mused, gesturing to the jacket before reaching up and taking her necklace off and settling it into jason's hand
he inspected the gold necklace, the heart locket charm feeling heavy with age in his hand
he looked up at her with a questioning look and she smiled at him with an all-knowing look in her eyes
"so we can find each other again. i'll have your very warm jacket and you have my necklace. if these fates you speak of are so kind, we'll meet again," she told him and jason laughed lightly, finding her belief loveable
"we'll meet again, jason grace, the kind son of jupiter. i'm sure of it," she added, cupping his face with one hand and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
jason blushed instantly before catching her hand as she tried to pull away, flipping it and pressing his lips to the back of her hand
"I'll wait then, y/n l/n, the darling daughter of your mother. until then," he bid his goodbyes, hearing the girl's laugh in his ears as she walked away.
he wrapped the necklace around his wrist, the chain just long enough to allow the charm to dangle without him being worried of it breaking.
reyna chewed him out, but he took it with a dopey smile
it all felt worth it to him, glancing down at his wrist and feeling that warm feeling of love
years later, jason would glance down at his wrist and feel nothing, riding in a bus to the grand canyon, a million miles away from the home he doesn't remember
and more importantly, a million miles away from a girl he doesn't remember.
he'd make his way to rome, discovering about his life as he went, seeing flashes of a girl in a sundress but nothing solid.
once he was back in new rome and still no memories came, jason took a walk around the city, huffing as he went
he wasn't sure what he did to deserve this, but he thought the fates cruel
"to pluto with them," he huffed as he plopped down on a bench, looking over at the city he was supposed to love but now he wasn't so sure.
"well, if it isn't jason grace, the lovely son of juipiter, if i recall correctly. i believe you have something of mine," a girl's voice called, her regal words barely hiding her excited tone as she halted to a stop and made her way towards jason's bench.
jason turned, inspecting the girl who wore a well loved denim jacket and kind smile
"i'm sorry, do I know you?"
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justcallmeanobsessor · 10 months
-Puppy Love-
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-Trigger Warnings: Dub-Con, Sexual Content, Animalistic Behavior, Slight Gore, Mentions of Blood/Claws, Pouncing on reader, Violence, Monster, knotting
-Pairing: Male Werewolf x gn Vampire!reader
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His hot breath fans across my face. His heavy body lays atop me, warming my cold skin. His eyes look at me as if I'm his prey, entirely forgetting about the mangled corpse that lies just a few feet away. This look is one of a man that has been starved for years and has just caught sight of his favorite treat. It runs chills across my spine and I can almost feel my once pumping heart skipping a beat. This is wrong, so very wrong, it wasn't meant to be like this but how hard it is to refuse him when he begs me so earnestly with those puppy dog eyes.
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The night was a full moon, the perfect time for a hunt, though the human that had caught my eye seemed to think otherwise. Instead it decided to make this way harder with running from me. ‘Great.’ I cursed with annoyance but before I could even go after the blood bag, a ball of dark brown fur barreled in front of me towards the panicking human. The human could barely get even 10 more feet away till it was caught in the teeth of the fury creature. 
To say I was pissed is an understatement. This mangy mutt just stole my meal right from under me. “Hey! That was my catch!” He didn't even bother to look up from what was supposed to be my drink for the night, instead he just kept ripping apart pieces of flesh and eating with no care for cleanliness, like some damn rabid animal.
I couldn't hold back my anger any longer from this insolent bastard. I walked up to him and with all my strength I ripped him off the mangled flesh, pinning him to a tree so we are chest to chest or more like my face to his chest. He was tall to say the least, I had to crank my neck back to meet his eyes.
I bared my fangs at him, hissing in a warning as he snarled a low grumble. “Get. Off. Me.”
His growled words did not faze me in my blinded rage. “That was MY catch, you damned fleabag!” I shouted at him, unable to comprehend my own anger and annoyance,  “You were too slow.” He smirked, baring his canines at me “That's your excuse!” This guy was pushing my patience.
“Food is food, I don't need an excuse to eat, angel.” I paused, the word of endearment he had called me caught me off guard as I stared wide eyed at him in silence, a warmth spreading across my face, most of me disgusted at what he had called me and the other half kinda lik- I quickly shook my head as I noticed him still staring at me with that stupid ass smirk. “Just! stay out of my way you mangy mutt!” “Anything for you angle” He winked at me as I let him go, shoving him a bit as I did so. He then left, without even another glance at neither the once living prey nor me.
A month had passed since that annoying encounter and instead of staying out of my way, he seemed to be popping up even more. Always to intercept or disturbed my meals and always with that. Same. Stupid. Smirk. “Having a nice meal angle?” “To slow, again angle” “Fancy seeing you hear angle.” He's a pest that's what he is, a pest that I can't get rid of. 
I was once again back on another hunt that had turned successful. As I stood in the midst of the dark forest with my fangs deep in the neck of an unsuspecting human girl. Drops of blood ran down my chin as I drank my fill, humming with delight of finally getting something to drink after days without anything because of that pesky mutt. 
Sadly my peace was quickly cut short at the sound of rapid footsteps approaching and the heavy scent of musk filling my sense of smell to a point that it made my head spin and my mind turn foggy. I was brought out of my haze by the feeling of my back hitting the cold forest ground. A large frame was above me, laying all its wait on my body, pinning me between the ground and its warm body. Its pants brushed over my face with a scent of iron on its breath. 
As I looked up I was pissed to see the one and only smug ass fleabag laying on top of me. Though It took me a bit to notice that instead of having his usual smirk, he looked at me with a flushed face and begging eyes. It was disgusting how that cocky bastard could revert to such a state with no shame, has he no self respect? 
That thought was further solidified as he started to grind against me and to my horror, his length was already hard and prodding at my clothed entrance. He whined and whimpered into my ear. “Please, please, Please~” He begged over and over again. A blush now starting to arise on my cheeks without my wanting. The scent of him started to make ressisting become even harder as it clouded my mind. This was wrong, this was SO wrong. Our kinds are enemies, we would become outcasts if anyone ever found out but no matter how wrong it was, it just felt. So. Very. Right. So in my foggy state my resistance faltered and I said “Yes.” 
He wasted no time in ripping off every piece of clothing that was separating our bodies from each other. After throwing the tattered pisces somewhere behind him, he put his body flush against mine once again. His fur was softer than I had imagined and the scent of him seemed to be embedded into every strand of brown fur. He rubbed himself against me, scenting my body and providing stimulation to his weeping cock that hung between us, hard and much larger than anything I could imagine. “That's not going to fit!” I cried to him, he responded with licks to my face, cleaning off the blood from my chin. If this was his way of trying to comfort me it definitely was not working.My mind panicked, knowing that this was going to hurt. 
He positioned himself between my legs and with his clawed hands, pulled my feet to rest on his shoulders, bending me to better angle his head to my quivering hole. I had thought maybe some side of him was still rational and he would at least take it slow but I guess I underestimated his animalistic side, because within a few seconds he slammed into me with a forceful thrust, sheathing his whole cock inside of me with one movement. His hands held my hips to keep me in place, which further intensified the feeling of his length filling every inch inside of me.
My mouth had fallen agape in a silent scream. My back arching off the ground as he continued to thrust into me, not giving my body a single second to adjust to his size. My hands clambered for something to hold on to, finding the soft fur of his back and griping the fur with all my strength, pulling every so often, making a low groan come from the whimpering beast above me. 
He sped up his movements, thrusting into my depths like an animal in heat. I look down to where his cock is spreading to me only to see a bump from right above my pelvis every time he enters me. Just the sight pulls a moan from my throat. 
I throw my head back when he angles himself that hits a spot inside of me, immediately drawing me to an orgasam that leaves my body trembling with pleasure. My hole grips around his length as he continues to thrusts. I start to feel the base of his cock grow, stretching me even more and with one last thrust deep inside of me, he releases his seed with a loud moan, collapsing on top of me. 
Pants are all that are heard in the dark forest, his body rests on me as we come down from our highs. The knot at the base of his cock connects us and makes it impossible to detach from each other without something being damaged. After a few minutes he raises his head to look at me, a smirk back on his face. He moves to pick me up from the ground, my legs dropping to wrap around his waist. As he holds me to be level with his smug face. He says one thing that makes my whole body both turn frigid and go completely hot. “My Mate.” Shit.
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lixie-phoria · 5 months
[10.0 americano fiasco] BETTER THAN REVENGE !
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you would have thought that the campus walk ways would be empty considering the match that was about to start in less than fifteen minutes, everyone eager to get a good seat, but it's surprisingly crowded as you and hyunjin walk down the old, cobbled path.
"-and then changbin fell down smack on his ass. funniest thing that's ever happened during practice," hyunjin finishes his story, throwing his head back to laugh. "i wish we got that on camera."
the wind is cold, kissing your skin as it pushes back your hair, and you're slightly concerned at your friend's insistence to drink his iced americano despite the weather.
"you will never let him live it down, will you?"
"of course not!"
hyunjin's excitement is contagious, because you find yourself laughing along as he skips ahead, forcing you to take bigger steps too.
"sometimes i feel bad for him. but then i remember how he keeps stealing my protein powder!"
right. of course. every few days you are reminded your best friend is only a man whose brain is hard wired into thinking about two things - the gym and girls. specifically in that order.
"and-" here hyunjin stumbles over a crack on the ground, squealing a bit.
"careful or you're going to be the one falling on your ass."
he rolls his eyes playfully at your poke, correcting himself and removing the skip from his step before falling into line with you.
"anyways so-"
you halt, turning back to see jeongin jogging down the path towards the pair of you.
"chan hyung said you should come back for some final strategy discussions!"
you hear your best friend groan beside you.
"we've discussed our plan a million times before!" he all but whines, stomping his leg like a toddler. "why does he want to go over it again?"
"not our choice, is it? the coach said we have to."
you pat hyunjin's arm as he slouches in defeat.
"it's fine hyune. i should probably go get a seat too or all the good ones will be taken."
"sure," he mumbles, spinning on one foot to sharply turn towards you. "bye-"
you see it happen in slow motion - hyunjin's mouth opening to finish his sentence when a large body collides into him from the back, sending the boy stumbling into you.
but you feel it before you see it - ice cold americano splashing all across the front of your white top, soaking the fabric and diffusing through it in a few seconds.
you faintly hear a foreign voice apologize, their figure walking ahead without stopping to clearly notice the damage they had just caused.
"holy shit," jeongin whispers, wide eyes looking between you and hyunjin, who is also frozen in his spot, hand slapped across his mouth.
"that bitch."
the culprit is long gone, melting into the sea of people ahead, and you're still too scared to look down and see exactly how much of the drink had landed on you. but you can see hyunjin's now empty cup that had been filled nearly to the brim only a few seconds ago.
"yn-" hyunjin's voice is only a whisper, and from the horror painting his face you would have thought he had seen a ghost. "shit, i'm so sorry-"
"no time for that," jeongin interrupts, recovering first, and you turn to look at him. "hyunjin did you carry an extra t-shirt or sweatshirt with you?"
the boy shakes his head.
"just your luck," jeongin mutters as he shakes his head. "i have my spare jersey from last year. yn you can borrow that."
it's like a switch goes off in hyunjin's head as he stands straight, his horror slowly morphing into annoyance.
"that won't be necessary-"
"do you want her to freeze to death?"
"well obviously not-"
"then there's no time to waste."
"why can't we ask chan hyung or someone for their jersey? maybe-"
"i have my bag with me right now. do you want to go back to the lockers and explain to hyung what you were doing drinking an ice cold americano ten minutes before a match?"
hyunjin's mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, searching for something to say before he slumps in defeat.
"yn are you fine with this?"
you shrug. you really didn't have a choice.
you didn't want to agree seeing the miserable look on your best friend's face, but the drink was really starting to soak through the cloth and the cold it brought was not welcomed by your bones. you could feel the goose bumps lining your skin.
and so you find yourself accepting the jersey from jeongin, trying to reassure hyunjin it wasn't his fault. but the boy wouldn't even meet your eyes.
"thanks jeongin."
he flashes you a reassuring smile before pulling hyunjin and the two are on their way, leaving you to walk to the washrooms alone.
and it isn't until you're in one of the stalls that you really realize it's jeongin's jersey, and it has his name printed on it in big bold letters.
it's jeongin's jersey, and it smells like him - the same pepper and vanilla mix you had caught on to the at the party.
it's jeongin's jersey, and it falls around you perfectly, but it's nowhere near as nice as it would look on him - highlighting all those muscles you had felt that night.
it's jeongin's jersey, and you're wearing it at his game, something you once used to do for yeonjun.
it's jeongin's jersey, and-
shut up!
you have to physically slap yourself, shaking your head as the sting spreads across your skin.
something was wrong with you. this wasn't that big of a deal. he was just helping you out. he probably doesn't even care.
yeah. he doesn't even care. that's right. it's okay, you shouldn't be flustered about it either, you think, shoving your own top into your bag and marching out determinedly. you were not going to let yang jeongin and his nice smelling jersey cloud your thoughts.
you were here for hyunjin today. he would have your full attention. you were going to support him and then go for lunch without thinking about-
"for fucks sake watch where you're going!"
you yelp in surprise as you face plant into a hard body, stumbling back in shock. it really wasn't a good day for you.
"i'm so sorr-"
you freeze.
no way.
"what are you doing here?"
no fucking way.
he's right there. in front of you. hair slightly tousled from when you crashed into him and eyes wide as he stares at you.
"yeonjun what-"
he saves you from your rambling by stepping closer, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"what are you doing?"
"is that yang jeongin's jersey?"
of course he noticed.
you want to turn right back around, dig your grave, and bury yourself alive.
"yn. are you fucking wearing jeongin's jersey right now?"
you wish you were six feet under the ground.
"stop lying-"
"bye! gotta go!"
you push him aside, running down to occupy the first empty seat you see in the crowd of spectators, losing the boy somewhere at the back.
fuck. your. life.
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taglist 1 - @thisisnotjacinta @jiisungllvr @hanjsquokka @abbiestearsricochet @adestayskz @thisrandombitch @adr1an4 @alnex05 @cheesemonky @endlessheadache @tiapatito202278ok @queen-in-the-shadows @heeee24 @chanceonceli @amesification @conwunder @weareapackofstrays @taejun-sunlix @lofasofabread @untilthesunrises @jinnie-ret @darlingz99 @kibs-and-bits @143lix @simp4myself @thisrandomgoofy15 @vixensss @luvkpopp @skz-streamer @luvenus702 @syds-dead
©lixie-phoria, 2024
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oneofstarkskids · 2 months
don't say that (part 3)
part 1 , part 2
pairings: bucky barnes x reader
genre: ANGST
summary: sad, beautiful, tragic by taylor swift
*not my gif*
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you walked down the cold street with a note buried deep in your pocket. it held all the words you wanted to say, but didn't. you could only hope that it wasn't too late.
you knocked on the door softly, your heart racing. the locks clicked one by one from the other side until it finally swung open. "hi," you whispered.
the red-head looked down, she didn't know what to say to you. she preferred not to say anything at all.
"i know you probably don't ever want to see me again and so do with this what you will, but i had to get it off my chest." you handed her the slightly crumpled letter. you gave her a hopeful smile. one that simultaneously felt like a goodbye.
with that, you walked away. natasha didn't read the letter until you left and you didn't look back. maybe you would never know if she could forgive you, but you would wait.
you go back to your empty apartment. you would honestly rather be anywhere but here. as you look around, the memories those walls held seem to come to life right in front of you. you almost didn't notice the hot tears rolling down your cheeks.
the way you'd laugh as he spun you around or kissed on countertops. it felt tragic to think about. you often wondered...if things had begun differently, would you have had your happy ending?
it didn't seem to matter anymore. he was gone. you didn't even know where. maybe steve had mentioned him staying with him for a while, but it all felt like a blur. you didn't care where he was if he wasn't here with you.
you cursed yourself for thinking that way. this is for the best, you reminded yourself. but time was sure taking its sweet time erasing him.
your mind wandered back to that night. the night you freaked out on him. the night he left. your hand went up to your heart, trying to hold it together. he probably hated you now. natasha hated you. your friends would never see you the same. and you deserved all of it.
but just for a moment, you had it. the kind of love they say is like magic. the kind that makes your head spin. it really was just the two of you in your own world before that world fell apart.
he called you. just once. you answered, of course.
it ended in a fight.
"just come back home," you begged.
"you wanted space. i'm giving you space," he said harshly.
you rolled your eyes, "you're the one who called me."
"because i still fucking love you. not everyone can just fall out of love at the flip of a switch," he shouted on the other end.
you squeezed your eyes closed as your voice shook, "i never stopped loving you. i never said that."
he continued talking like your words meant nothing to him, "you didn't have to."
"oh my god! would you just try to listen for once!" you cried.
there was a long silence between the two of you.
you took a deep breath and mustered the strength to do what needed to be done. "goodbye, bucky."
he heard a final beep and clenched his jaw as tears pricked his eyes.
it was over.
but then again, how could something be gone if it was never his in the first place?
@immyowndefender @ozwriterchick @vicmc624 @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
Little Lamb
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x f!reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, creepy behaviour, dark au, angst, sexual acts are mentioned, being drugged, fear, shy timid reader (for now).
Summary: You’ve been kidnapped by the head of the Martell family as he seeks his revenge. What you don’t know is that he already has a soft spot for you.
A/N: the updates are gonna be short but I’m hoping to have two parts posted a week, all going well. I'm still getting back into the swing of writing after my nan passing so bare with me.
Series Masterlist
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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The air was damp. 
That’s the first thing you notice as you startle awake. A musty smell infiltrates your senses as you suck in a breath. Your head feels heavy and the room spins a little as you slowly open your eyes. 
It was small, too small to be considered an actual room and the stark lack of furniture or windows, made it feel more like a cell. The cot creaked below you as you slowly sat up and looked around. The thin blanket pooling around your waist. Where the fuck were you?
“Ah, you're awake. Good. Thought I might have given you too much and accidentally killed you. And that wouldn’t do at all.” His voice echoed throughout the room and the pain in your head throbbed harder behind your eyes. 
“You drugged me,” you stuttered, your body shaking violently as the cold air chilled you to the bone. The man, whose hair was tied back, stood towering over you with a devilish smirk on his face. 
“That I did, princess. You were trashing about too much, and I needed to get you here fast.” His eyes trail the length of your body and bile rises in your throat as he lets out a satisfied groan. 
“Aren’t you a pretty thing? Can think of loads of things I’d like to do to you.” You're consumed with fear as he steps closer and you push yourself further up the cot towards the wall, hoping somehow it would save you from his lewd gaze. 
“Please,” you plead as he bends down and reaches out his hand to trace his fingers along your jaw. 
“Please what? Fuck you? Grab your face and shove my dick down your….”
“Enough!” You startle as a deep baritone voice sounds from the doorway, sending a shiver down your spine. You let your eyes drift towards the man, and you recognise him from earlier. You don’t think you’d ever be able to forget those soulful brown eyes that reminded you of a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning. 
 His face is stern as he stands staring at the other man’s back, his fists clenched at his sides. “Get out. Now!”
As you turn your gaze back to the man in front of you, you find him staring at you, a look of pure hatred on his face. He huffs. Annoyed that he was interrupted but he stands up and nods his head at the other man before leaving. 
“Here,” brown eyes says as he hands you, his jacket. “Put it on. You look cold.” The features of his face have softened somewhat, and his eyes take you in as you reach out and take it from him. 
“Tha-thanks,” you stammer, the cold air of the damp room making it hard to talk. It’s miles too big but it’s warm and that’s what matters. Wrapping it around yourself you take in a deep breath as its warmth slowly seeps into you, the faint smell of cinnamon and strawberries fills your senses, and you wonder if this is what he smells like.
“Do you know who I am?” He asks as he stands above you, arms crossed over each other, legs shoulder width apart, oozing dominance. He must be the leader you think to yourself as you take him in. 
He’s very handsome. 
Dark hair that curls slightly at the nape of his neck. A slight beard with a moustache that seems slightly outdated, but he wears it well. And his eyes.
 Those brown orbs that seem to captivate you, remind you of the whiskey your father drinks. “Do you know who I am?” He asks again, voice laced with annoyance as he stares down at you. 
Gulping nervously, you shake your head and you know you’ve said the wrong thing when he narrows his eyes at you. “You don’t know who I am? Interesting. Unfortunately for you, I know who you are. Y/N Lannister. Daughter of Tywin Lannister.”
“What do you want from me? Why am I here?” You ask, voice still a little shaky. Your eyes follow him as he moves around the room, widening in shock as he sits on the cot beside you. His eyes trace the length of your curves before they meet your gaze. 
“Your father took something from me. Something precious that I can never get back and so I’ve repaid the favour by taking something from him. You. I admit you’re not who I was hoping for, but turns out, you are even more precious to him than your sister.”
“I don’t understand, what did he take? Please, I don’t know what he did but you have to let me go. I’m not like them, I promise.” 
He laughs. A deep belly laugh that has him holding his hand to his stomach and it makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter. You reach out and place your hand on his thigh but the minute your palm touches him, you instantly regret it. 
His laughter stops and his eyes narrow as his gaze drifts to where you're touching him. Fear creeps in again and as you try to pull your hand away, he grabs onto your wrist. 
“Don’t. Ever. Touch. Me. Again.” He snarls, his eyes boring into you and you nod your head frantically.
“I’m sorry. Please,” you beg as you try to pull your wrist free. His grip only tightens, and your breathing becomes ragged causing his eyes to drift to your chest where his jacket has fallen open, revealing the curve of your breast. His eyes darken as they stare at your pebbled nipples, now on full display through your dress. 
“Please, you’re hurting me.” The sound of your voice pulls him from his thoughts, and he quickly releases you as if he’s been burned. His face, now void of emotion, looks straight at you. 
“I’m hurting you. That was nothing, little lamb. But you touch me again, and I’ll show you what I’m capable of.”
He stands, towering over you once again and you can’t help but shake with fear. “I’m sorry.”
“You will be. Your father murdered my sister and her children and if he doesn’t give me what I want, I’m going to kill every Lannister, starting with you.” With that he turns and makes his way towards the door but when a sob escapes your lips he stops in his tracks.
 His shoulders tense beneath his dark shirt and he glances at you from over his shoulder. “I’m not in the habit of hurting women, so if you do what you're told, you’ll be fine.”
“Funny, considering you just threatened to kill me,” you snipe back at him, and you swear you see the hint of a smile on his face before he reaches for the door. 
“Behave little lamb, and I’ll let you out of this room. Don’t, and you’ll stay here to rot.” The door closes behind him with a bang before you hear the faint sound of the lock. Fuck!
Your father killed his sister? You don’t believe it. He wouldn’t do such a thing. Or would he?
Part 2
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @hummelmia @angstismydrug
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xdjville · 2 months
cw: pretty detailed descriptions of a heavy make out
[10:10 pm] yangyang loves it when you're in charge. not when you ask for it, when you take it. when your kisses start off sweet and innocent, caressing his hair and smiling softly into against his lips, but you decide you want more than that. when you push him against the nearest wall, the sudden cold sending shivers down his spine, and press your mouth to his roughly. when your hand which was stroking his head starts pulling on his hair and he lets out quiet huffs at the feeling, your other palm pressed firmly against his chest and pushing him even further onto the wall behind. when you bite his lip and without waiting for a response slide your tongue inside, and he doesn't bother to put up a fight for dominance as you selfishly explore the recesses of his mouth. when he has to grab your shirt in his fists to ground himself, and when you pull away to ask if he's doing okay he can only nod fervently because all air has been sucked out of his lungs and his head is spinning, and all he can think about is you. when you chuckle at his eagerness and call him cute and your yangyang and all the other sickeningly sweet names that anyone else would get a death glare for, and you pull him close again, your mouth hovering above his just barely. when you slide the tip of your tongue over his bottom lip in an agonisingly slow pace and his vision gets hazy, and he tries to say something to make you kiss him again but he's breathing too deeply and shakily and all that's coming out of him are weak whines. when you pull him by his neck and finally join your lips once again with even more strength than before, your free hand sliding down his chest and stomach untill it reaches the hem of his t-shirt and swiftly sneaks its way underneath. he'd never admit it, but he loves it all.
author's note: here's a continuation of my yangyang kisser agenda (that started in this post)!! idk if it makes much sense but i thought about it at work and i'm crazy so now y'all will be too
also i'm still figuring out the layout for timestamps (as well as all of the other stuff) so don't be surprised if one day this post looks different!
➼♡ to the person in my taglist - if you're reading this, i didn't tag you because i'm not sure about your age (reading at your own expense love) and whether or not you're comfortable with things like this, i'll continue including you in other posts <3
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