#but idk it’s kinda warped into something else now
gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
Hey this is a genuine question I don't mean to hate or for this to seem hateful but why is your Konig so misogynistic? /genq like I am being fr when I ask this. I am genuinely curious. I've read your posts and find it interesting the way you interpret him /not neg
I just wanna know if it's how you headcanoned he was raised, or something else. Idk
To me I would make him likeable and not a complete ass, so I'm just curious what goes on in your head to make him like this
/genq again, I don't mean to sound rude. Sorry if I am /gen
Konig is horrible because I hate men and pray for their downfall /jk But honestly, I was just trying to modulate him after the military higher-ups I know personally in my life. Being from a country in a state of war, and also from an occupied territory constantly filled with mercenaries and PMC soldiers, even the "nicest" ones are still pretty much horrible and treat women like dolls and dumb, but cute pets that need to be protected in the best case, and as sub-human bitches in the worst scenario. There are good ones, of course, especially in a military group that has more female soldiers, but if I'm getting a guy who was bullied his whole childhood and then grew big, strong, and joined the PMC, I think he won't be super progressive.
I write Konig as being from a traditional Austrian family, with his cold and uncaring housewife mother, and even colder father who never expressed any warm feelings towards his family. Konig has a warped sense of feelings now - he kinda deals with women in two categories, either pure angels who need his protection and have to love him, or his war buddies like Roze or Stiletto, who can fight on pair with him and beat him in any drinking game. My version of Konig is more of a benevolent sexist. I don't think he has such dark views on every female he sees on the street, but when he is dating the woman of his dreams, when Mrs.Konig is already chained to him through marriage, his views gradually begin to get more and more twisted when he is with her. His wife isn't an independent woman anymore, she is weak and silly, she needs his protection, he can't allow her to work or be in danger such as getting groceries for herself without him. Colonel Konig is a perverted old man(in his mid-late thirties, so he is stuck in his ways) with his dangerously younger wife, so he sucks in a lot of ways.
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mallardmonster · 1 year
Ok so I think Crystal is haunted. Or something. Um.
I got the N64 set up and working, I booted it on and both the console and Stadium 2 worked all fine, everything’s gucci, so I slapped Crystal into the controller to see if it worked anymore. My save was gone, nbd I was expecting that anyway, and I went into the Gameboy Tower and booted up the game, got through the intro etc
And then it starts me in the fucking Goldenrod Department Store
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Like idk my first thought was omg it’s a romhack but I’m. On a cartridge. The fucking cartridge I’ve had since I was a kid?? That’s a perfectly legit copy????? So maybe the rom is like fucked somehow and the map connections are fucked or something I don’t know, maybe I spilled water on it at some point and now it’s gonna do the same shit as that rom of Sapphire that had too much water. I kept playing tho like I wanted to see what else I could break if the cartridge is bricked anyway or whatever
Here’s a list of things that are fucked up
All NPCs speak gibberish
There's no music just sound effects
The menu is missing options including the save menu
Goldenrod loops horizontally now???
The gate up north warps me back to the daycare route when entering it, and the gate to Ilex forest warps me into the Goldenrod gate
I can’t enter the underground tunnels, the doors just don’t warp me there
There’s a guy blocking off the radio tower who I can't talk to
No trainers on the daycare route
I have a weird amount of badges??
Some pics I took:
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I walked around for a while to see if I could fuck around and break shit when I came across this
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So you know. He’s obviously not supposed to be here. So of course I talked to it. And then it got weird
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I didn’t get a pic because it closed the first box so fast, but at first it asked if anyone was out here. After that it asked what year it was and gave me this screen
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Idk what this menu was supposed to do in the mobile menu but it lets me input numbers so I put the year in. This is what it said after that
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It said it needed some time alone and that it’d call me, I guess with the Pokegear, it better be with the Pokegear that doesn't even exist in my start menu because if this thing calls my actual phone and starts beeping chiptunes at me I think I’m gonna go fucking balllistic or some shit. Like this is not normal dialogue idk where it’s coming from or why and I’m like lowkey freaking out about it? I talked to it again and it asked me to not turn off the console, I guess because the battery is dead
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I kinda wanted to turn it off but. Idk I think I’m morbidly curious about this. So like if I never post again I probably got mauled by a ghost or something lmao fuck
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This is a PREDICTION-NOT a spoiler—for Hazbin Hotel
I think Angel Dust is gonna die.
I’ve been thinking he’d probably be the sacrificial character for the conflict this season, mostly b/c we’ve definitely seen the most of him, so the emotional impact will be the greatest.
Also b/c the writers have talked about how one of the main cast would die the first season. I also think it’s Angel b/c of this shot form the trailer:
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Charlie seemingly visiting Angel’s room and laying a hand on the door, before breaking down into tears. This hints at something pretty devastating happening, and to me it makes the most sense that the context of this scene would be Charlie grieving Angel after his death.
Now I could be SO SO wrong. It’s kind of insane to imagine the writers killing off who is, arguably, one of their most popular characters.
But the only other thing I can think may be happening in this scene is if Angel decided to leave the hotel, or maybe he’s inside talking to husk or someone else about how he feels he’s been failed by the hotel and Charlie heads him and is sad? Or something ??? Idk.
But it does seem like he’s the only character we know enough about to be affected emotionally by his death.
That said, if that DOES end up happening, I don’t know if Hazbin’s writers will have the courage to keep Angel dead or if they’ll reverse it somehow. They could make reviving him somehow work, but it’d be a bit of a stretch, and killing a character like Angel dust also kinda feels like something that would potential only be done for shock value.
I can see the writers come up with something like —Angel Dust dies in the initial fight with heaven, but he dies selfless-ly, sacrificing himself for Husk or Cherri or Sir Pent—he dies, the cast is all sad—maybe even Alastor—now Angel is martyred and hell has something/someone to fight for (although tbh idk why’d they care but eh)
And then maybe while all that’s happening, Angel’s soul reconstitutes or he’s reborn in Heaven—proving that the Hotel works/that sinners can be redeemed and so Sera puts an end to the exterminations. Or some shit.
Idk. That wouldn’t be GREAT writing imo, but it’s the only way I can kind of see them wrap this season up. I honestly wouldn’t MIND that sort of ending honestly, b/c it could be more impactful if we just had more time in this world or KNEW what constitutes a “good person” or what happens to souls when the die forever etc.
Again I don’t think that will happen but it would be at least as clean of a warp I can think of on season 1. Idk we’ll just have to wait and see.
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irritablepoe · 1 year
A Ship For The Two Of Us (Bram x Lovecraft)
FIRST OF ALL: this fic was inspired by @lee-apolla's fanart (link1; link2 link3) (you inspired me fr)
Behold, i did it!!! :D
fyi this fic will contain horror elements; there's only implied smut y'all, and otherwise some very sweet devouring humans together (i think this counts as fluff for them lmao). Also i made both of them more "alive" and talkative, so maybe it's kinda ooc? but honestly i think it could be in-character, considering that this is pre-canon and they're both free from responsiblities or even a sword or a stake in their torso lmao (this could be kinda canon-compliant too tbh, idk how old bram and lovecraft really are or how much time there is between bram becoming a vampire and his beheading). I used they/them pronouns for lovecraft
some more cw:
blood (so much blood);
lovecraft-typical body horror ig;
corpses and implied eating of them (is this cannibalism if lovecraft isn't human???)
Enjoy! :3
Bram licked over his teeth. It would barely make a difference. His body was covered in blood anyway; his clothes dripping wet with the delicious liquid. Most of it now filled Bram, making him all warm and dizzy. He looked around himself. It was ironic that the corpses to his feet were the only thing that could make him feel alive. They made up most of the floor and there was barely room to place your feet.
He breathed deeply. Not one minute ago the air had been filled by screams of agony. Now it was silent and Bram chose to thoroughly enjoy it. The only sound that reached his ears was the creaking of soaked wood from the ship; just like the slowly calming waves against the hull.
A dangerous smile split his lips as he heard something else. A slow thud against the ship that caused it to waver. Water foamed at the edges and threatened to wash over the deck. It sounded like a polite knock. Like someone was asking to be let in.
Bram waited until the thudding calmed down and then made his way to the railing. He looked into the dark water and saw a shadow floating right beneath the surface.
“Do not be so timid, I do bite but I’m sure it’ll do you no long-term harm.”, he spoke.
The surface broke and a purple mass ascended from the depths of the ocean. Slowly, it warped into a body, a face, arms and legs, and at last hands and feet. A human form for something that was the farthest thing from anything human.
Bram wasn’t scared. He was intrigued. Had been for some time, in fact.
He himself was not human. Of course, he looked close to one but this made him into an even more dangerous hunter among lowly mortals. Hid him from suspicion. While it didn’t bother him most of the time, it amused him now that Lovecraft stood in front of him.
That they met each other seemed to him a lucky coincidence. It wasn’t rare that one met another ability user these days. The world was so much more connected now that telegraphs and so many ships that cross the ocean exist. But Lovecraft was different. They seemed so alien, so different from anything that Bram had ever seen before. And he had seen a lot. He was old. Lovecraft, though, seemed even older.
“Good evening.”, a deep voice cut through the dark.
“Indeed, it is a pleasant night, my dearest.”, Bram said, straightening his back. His gaze wandered to the useless corpses and pride filled his being.
Lovecraft followed his glance and squinted. “They’re all dead?”
“Quite right. Due to your irregular visits, I chose to enjoy myself. I hope you’ll excuse me for not keeping one of them alive for you for I didn't know you would show up.”
Lovecraft licked their lips. “I don’t need them to be alive.”
Bram let out a small laugh. “Well, in that case I’ve prepared you an entire feast!”
They looked at Bram like they were dying of starvation. The need, the pure desperation, in their eyes sent a shock through Bram’s core. “Would you mind if I ate first?”
He let out a shaky breath. “Quite the opposite.”
He chose to turn around. Just once he had caught a glimpse of Lovecraft eating their enemies and that had been the moment Bram realized, who he was dealing with. It had almost broken his mind when he saw the mouth that hadn’t been a mouth, with teeth that had been beyond what anyone would call teeth. To this day he was shaking from this experience - if of terror or something else he didn't know. But it was enough for five or even more lifetimes. He would see soon enough though for he was immortal.
Lovecraft ate silently. If you could even call it that. Devouring was the closest word that Bram knew of that could describe what exactly they were doing.
Bram watched the moon as it revealed itself through the thick storm clouds bit by bit. The gaps in them eventually showed stars shining alongside the moon, trying to imitate it. Bram loved the darkness, though he couldn’t bring himself to hate the pale light that caressed his face. Sometimes he wished he could drink the moonlight. Fill it into a bottle and let it cool his sore throat when he was thirsty. Maybe it would cure his everlasting exhaustion and melancholy when he wasn’t freshly filled by blood.
He had been so lost in thought that he startled when long arms wrapped around his torso. Shortly after, a face snuggled into his back, an even longer tongue licked at his nape.
“Did you enjoy yourself, my darling?”, Bram asked.
“A bit too much. You already did a great job emptying them of their blood. Didn’t make much of a mess.”, Lovecraft said.
“I’m happy to be of service.”
“You’re so kind to me.”
He quirked up his eyebrows. “Oh?”
Lovecraft placed a kiss on his neck. “Yes.”
“I do not think even the politest gentleman would ever describe me as ‘kind’. I fear you’re wildly misinformed.”
“Misinformed or proven otherwise?”
“Ah, I see. Well, I have to say that gentlemen normally wouldn’t appreciate a meal made of raw human flesh. In that case, I’ll take my words back and say that you, my dear, have the most compatible needs to my providing abilities.”
“I like that word. Compatible.”
Bram took Lovecraft’s unusual long hands into his own and leaned back. He wanted to be closer to the non-human. So unbearably closer. “I like it, too.”
A while they enjoyed the shared silence. Every now and then Lovecraft kissed his face, his temples, his neck – whatever they could reach. Bram turned his face to receive the long-awaited kisses more eagerly.
“You reek of blood.”, they said eventually.
“Is that a problem?”
“No.” Lovecraft smiled crookedly. “But I still wish to fix something about your clothes.”
“We have the ship all to ourselves. Though I fear we will sink soon, if we don’t do something about the… lack of staff.”
“I’ll bring you to shore as soon as we’re done here.”
“Is that a promise or a threat? Or perhaps a smug deal you’re offering?”, Bram asked and smiled.
“More of a hopeful suggestion.”
“I love you.”, Bram said and felt in his heart a swell of emotions, that maybe this world wasn’t as doomed and boring as he had thought. Just because Lovecraft was in it. He laughed quietly at himself. He really was in love and he wished to continue to love. They both had all the time in the world. They had no rush. He had become a vampire, but only now did he realize that this didn’t mean the end of his life and capability to feel.
“I love you, too.”
“Take me wherever and however you like and I’ll happily obey.”, Bram answered, excitement rushing through his veins.
Lovecraft tightened their embrace and took him into their arms.
Bram let out a hearty laugh. “Carrying me over the threshold of the cabins like a bride, are you?”
“Yes. You’re mine after all. And I want you to have a comfortable bed.”
Bram hummed happily.
i'll just tag some of y'all bc you seemed interested/asked me to tag you: @vestaldestroyer @daz4i @ice-devourer - i hope this is good hehe :3
will post it to ao3 too (link)
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elliesbiatch · 2 years
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Ellie x Fem reader
Warnings: smut, oral, slight choking, kinky a bit, pet names? Idk.
Notes: kinda proof read word count: 1.6k
I was in the shower cleaning myself off after a long day on patrol. I shared a room with Ellie in her small renovated garage. We have been roommates since I came to Jackson a couple months ago and because there was nowhere else to stay, Joel had insisted I share with Ellie. At first she didn’t seem too keen on the idea, but we quickly became friends. She was over at Joel’s watching a movie so it was the perfect time to have some ‘me’ time.
I left the bathroom door open slightly and had my favourite songs playing on my cd player. I sang along as I washed my hair and didn’t hear as the front door opened and then closed. I was facing towards the shower head and then turned around to rinse my hair once more before getting out. I looked into the mirror near the shower to see a figure standing outside the door watching. I gasped slightly and looked around the shower curtain to see ellie staring intently at my wet body.
I tried to cover myself with my hands but it didn’t work. Ellie quickly looked away knowing I caught her staring and walked away as my cheeks burned from embarrassment. Fuck, I should’ve closed the door. I turn the water off and pull my towel around my body before turning off the music. I wipe the condensation off of the mirror, and prepare myself to go out to get my clothes.
I slowly walk out of the bathroom and see Ellie putting some food in the fridge. “H-Hi Ellie” I manage to croak out. She barely turns her head and says a quick ‘hi’ before going back to her task. “I didn’t know you were back” I lied walking to the closet we shared. I was going to try pretend I hadn’t seen her watching me…hopefully she didn’t actually see me catch her. Ellie didn’t reply though, instead she got herself a glass of water.
I bit my lip to try calm my anxiety, but it didn’t help. I turn my back to her as I choose some pyjamas to put on. I could hear her shuffling around the kitchen area and the silence between us grew extremely loud. Was she angry or something? It wouldn’t make sense, seen as SHE was the one spying on ME. I rolled my eyes at how stupid the whole situation was and walked to the bathroom to put my pyjamas on.
I closed the door this time and got ready for bed. I came out to see Ellie fidgeting with the dvd player. She had lit a candle and turned the fairy lights on to make the room cozy. “What are you doing” I ask walking to the bed. “Gonna put a movie on” she says looking back with a small smile. I smile back and get comfy as she stands up to grab her pyjamas. “Gonna go shower and change” she tells me walking to the bathroom. I nod and watch as the tv screen lights up. “Don’t worry I’ll close the door” she says quickly before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door over.
My face turns red and I stare at the ceiling thinking about how embarrassed I am. She DID see that I caught her…..fuck this is so embarrassing. Ten minutes pass and I grow even more anxious for her return. Was she going to say more about it ? Or just forget it happened. Maybe I’m over thinking it. My thoughts are interrupted as the bathroom door swings open. Ellie is wearing a white t-shirt that you can slightly see her Hardened nipples through and some boxers.
I stare a little too long at her chest as she walks to the bed. I divert my eyes back to the screen and feel her lay down beside me. “Will I press play?” She asks holding up the remote. I nod and try not to think about how hot she looks right now. We watch some of the movie as it gets darker outside. “I’m a little cold” I tell her rubbing my arms. “Here” she says opening her arms, inviting me to lay on her chest. I shyly snuggle into her and she warps her arms around my waist, her chin resting on the top of my head. This is new!
I begin to not focus on the movie and look at her hands instead. They are VERY nice hands….the more I look at them the more I wish they were all over me. I push my thighs together to try stop the ache growing for her. I slightly shake my head to try get rid of the thoughts. “You okay?” She asks giggling, moving her head down to me a little. “Why wouldn’t I be ?” I ask. “You like that guy or something” she says pointing at the main character. “No- why would you think that” I snap.
“Hahahah calm down….I just thought you were like- horny for him” she giggles. “You’re pressing your thighs together” she says placing her hand on my leg. I squirm a bit at her touch and she sits me up. “I’m not horny for the guy….” I say immediately regretting it. Ellie lets out a low laugh as I sit up to face her. “Who are you wet for then ?” She asks pointing down at my pyjama shorts that now have a wet spot on them.
I quickly close my legs in embarrassment. “Come on- tell me…..Don’t tell me you’re all wet for me?” She asks crawling closer. Her words make my pussy ache for her. She leans over to me and trails her fingers along my thigh. “Hmmm?”. I don’t know what to say…. Should I tell her that she IS why I’m wet? Or lie. It was silent as I thought of an answer. “Y/N- answer me” she growls leaning close to my face. “I asked you if you’re wet for me-are you ?” She snaps putting her hand up to my chin. Her eyes stay on mine as I nod.
“Use your words baby” she says kissing me on the forehead. “Y-yes I’m wet for you” I shakily say as her lips crash into mine. “Good” she mumbles in between kisses. She pushes me gently back onto the bed and hovers over me, placing her leg in between mine. I moan quietly as her leg brushes over my clothed pussy making me push closer to her and I begin slightly grinding against her as she licks my neck.
I push my pelvis even more into her leg and feel myself getting wetter. “Mmmm fuck” Ellie whispers leaving a hickey on my collarbone. “Please Ellie” I moan out. “Please what” she asks with lust in her eyes watching as I use her thigh to pleasure myself. “I need you “ I whimper caressing her cheek. “No” she blurts out. I momentarily stop moving my hips as I look up at her confused. “W-what” I cry out as she smirks and places a soft kiss on my lips.
“I want you to make yourself cum on my leg-I’m not helping” she groans biting her lip watching how frustrated I look. “El-“ she cuts me off. “I’m not gonna tell you again” she murmurs looking down at my desperate face. I force my clothed cunt back against her leg as she laughs lowly. She leans back down swirling her tongue around my mouth. She sits up slightly and places her veiny hand around my neck, squeezing slightly.
“Good girl” she coos as I run my pussy up and down her thigh letting out low moans. Ellie curses a little bit under her breath as she watches me tremble under her. The more I rub against her the more tingly I get. “Yes baby just like that- make yourself cum riding on my leg” she breathes out, nibbling my ear and sending shivers through me.
A knot starts to form as I continue, moans filling the room. Before I knew it I was ready to release the knot. “Fuck Ellie I’m gonna cum” I shriek. “Cum for me Y/N” she whispers into my ear as I dig my nails into her arms. I let out a loud moan as I finish, making my shorts even wetter. “Good girl” Ellie says kissing the top of my head. “Thank you” I say in between pants.
“Take your shorts off” she says as her fingers graze my hip and stopping at the band of my shorts. “I wanna clean you up” she says slipping her hand in and dipping her finger into my wet hole slightly, to pick up some of my cum. She puts her finger to her mouth and sucks it off before saying “come on I need more”. I start to slide my shorts off as she sits back and watches me like I’m her prey. “Slower- take them off slower” she says with a low voice. I do as she says and glance down to see she now has a wet spot on her boxers.
She notices me staring and blushes. “You made me so wet seeing you using me to cum” she says with half lidded eyes. I bite my lip and she crawls over grabbing both of my thighs and burying her face into my dripping cunt. She dips her stiff tongue in and out of me before lifting her head up. “Does that feel good Y/N” Ellie asks in a raspy voice. I nod and push my pelvis into her face more. She begins sucking on my clit and after a few minutes of heaven a warm liquid drips on to her mouth.
“Thank you for letting me have you” she says smiling and kissing my thigh. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up” she says rubbing my twitching thighs.
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clay-pidgeon · 13 days
can you go into detail about ginger vampirism 👍
ginger has a condition called vampirism, and it is Straight Up Just Vampire. however while some people are born as or turned into vampires, theres also "medically induced vampirism" when the conditions meagre pros (namely conditional immortality) are deemed to outweigh the cons (everything else, including the fact miv (acronym) is fucking RISKY and often done without consent)
ginger got very sick when he was around 8 with an unspecified disease im still figuring out. they couldnt really figure out what was wrong with him but they DID know it was killing her and they were like Okay. You can either let your daughter slowly die ("what no") or risk letting your daughter QUICKLY die but she might just get a condition with about 20 million shitty side effects ("ok cool"). ginger namely was not considered for consent in this process due to it being lifesaving + ginger beinf 8 + gingers parents dont really like him (idk if the lifesaving thing is a real law. the medical/psychiatric system : krillverse :: the legal system : ace attorney in the sense they're exaggerated a bit)
the process was a success but theres a lot of Guilt about being any type of vampire (and there are types of vampires. theyre classified based on how they were turned. theres statistics and acronyms) due to the stereotypes and misinformation about it. "theyre stealing blood from blood banks" and "theyre just assaulting people on the street" and "theyre fucking vampires, dude" are all things that come up. and ginger, as a character, while not being particularly Guilty (thats vanessa) is very invested inhow he is Depicted--which iften isnt well, due to both things he Can control (asshole) and things he Cant (has a lot of stuff wrong w him)
gingers just very caught up in how shes portrayed, which is often disproportionate versions of traits he does in fact have, but exaggerated. ginger isnt evil but he is rude, ginger isnt predatory (something that ties up well with the vampire thing!) but she is a bully. kinda jerky kid with a lot of Problems viewed through a warping lense that makes him an irredeemable unlovable monster <- italicized because Yeah thats ginger. thats ginger
sorry if this isnt phrased well fhsjdhdjfgshs anyways virtue is gay about the vampire thing. theyre both kinda weird about blood i have to do homework now
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the-meme-monarch · 10 months
Actually wait, wouldn't Secret Someone Frisk be afraid of Deltarune ending? After all, if they got kicked out of a world they were the main character in, then whats to say it won't happen again in this one. I can't imagine the cryptic (and way too unhelpful) Gaster explaining much before he added them to Deltarune.
Or maybe they fear the worse option... Kris ends up being booted. After all, they ended up being the main character and were kicked out, so they surely wouldn't want it to happen to someone else. Maybe that's their conflict with the Fun Gang, them either trying to stop the conflict from ever ending so they will never have to risk it OR trying to get the SOUL so that they can be sure only they will suffer from anything. After all, they evidently have a pretty low self esteem (judging the Sans+Papyrus+Flowey save them ask and the Prison asks) so I can imagine them being some kinda martyr, suffering so nobody else will have to.
i mean for frisk them being removed from undertale was bc of the choice at the end, the player choice "i have places to be". they're just an npc now so they probably think theyre safe here :0c but them wanting to keep A Conflict Going or wanting to get the soul to protect Kris does feel like something they'd do :'] i Am just developing this au/theory based on other people's input at this point bc i think i originally wanted to keep stuff vague so i could rework it as chapters came out Until the actual strange someone is revealed ! but frisk trying to do the good/right thing but it going wrong/ their perception of what's good/right being warped feels very. real
also frisk's thing w the soul had to do w their perceived dependency on it ! a thing I've been thinking abt ks frisk has no backstory and no other characters to fill in those gaps, they don't know why they went to mt ebott. the first thing they remember is Falling. they do not remember a point where their actions weren't dictated by the soul, and well having come from a true pacifist ending, the soul did all the right things, they got the good ending ! but now they don't have it and everything is going wrong for them. they've become an antagonist bc they wanted their happy ending. i feel like I'm just waxing poetic but idk i just really enjoy this au/theory there's Intricacies it's all very Intricate to me
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This whole joe thing is hella getting to me, like obviously I don’t know him but idk something about him feels different. Like I have no idea what changed him, the media ig. I have a lot of mental health l problems and the biggest coping mechanism for me is pretending to be someone else. And when I joined the Joseph rpf fandom I started imagining scenarios in my head of me and him being together (ik it’s weird) and I kinda fell into and but overtime it got rlly toxic. I was rlly dependent on my idea of him and it got obsessive which is super embarrassing. but now with all this Doja drama and ppl noticing that he’s changed it kinda helps me realize that he’s a real person and not someone in my head that I can just warp into acting as I want.
This whole Doja cat drama has rlly fucked with the fandom and now it’s not as fun as it used to be
This whole thing is rlly effecting my mental health, it’s honestly crazy to see him now compared to who he was after st4 and how, in my opinion, he’s completely changed, but that’s what fame does to you.
Sorry for like totally venting lol I just wanted to say where I stand
But because I’m leaving the fandom, I wanted to say thank you bby, you’re writing rlly helped me get through some stuff and I will forever be greatful, you are so talented and your work has rlly changed me for the better, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Aw, thank you for writing, Nonny. It was brave of you to share that. I appreciate so much that you did.
People who have never created imaginary friends for companionship won't understand, but I do.
I'm flattered and glad my fics made a difference to you. They helped me too by channeling feelings in what I hope was a productive way.
Take care of yourself and I'll be here, the last stan standing.
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Do you think Beth really believed Rio was coming after them after the truck thing in 1.09? I always just assumed she was jumping to conclusions and was so far out of her depth ("He looked at me funny"), but was there something else to it? Did she really want to take him down deep down?
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask! Idk if I have a super good answer though. I’ve always considered this scene more based on the mistakes Rio made in underestimating Beth’s reaction. IDK why I haven’t thought more in-depth about why she behaved the way she did.
Unless I’m misremembering, everything in that episode showed her anger, and none of her actions around Rio signified fear. I don’t think she was even jumping to conclusions about what he might do to them. I think she was just mad. Yet another man putting her in her place, taking away her power and her financial “security” because he decided her life for her. So she retaliated. Her “we’re good people” excuse was just a cover to get her girls on board. It’s the line she uses all the time to manipulate people (including Rio.) “I’m a good person. I’m a mother. I eat at P. F. Chang’s.”
The fact that this woman can never think through the consequences of her choices surrounding Rio truly astounds me. She cannot be so stupid to blindly lash out and expect nothing to happen to her. I’ve been kind of thinking about this irritating aspect of her behavior. The ways in which she hurts Rio over and over, even once she sees the actual hurt on him, she doesn’t stop. Contrast that with how she enables Dean over and over, who has a proven track record of lying to her and actively harming her. So it makes so little sense why she would lash out, even contrary to her own wellbeing, in this particular situation. She couldn’t have expected that he would be imprisoned forever just because she gave up some laundering details. So what then? Was it a cry for his attention? A cry to be seen? It’s gotta be. Her nihilistic tendencies come through so strong around Rio. He brings it out in her. So it’s like she doesn’t even care what happens to her, as long as he keeps looking at her, as long as she’s feeling that power he makes her feel.
Which brings us back to what was so polarizing about Beth to so many viewers — she’s selfish af. She doesn’t want to be. She’s torn. She keeps thinking if she just does one more shitty thing to Rio, she will prove her goodness to the universe. Prove that she’s worthy of having a husband who’s faithful, and children who don’t struggle with emotional disorders, and friends who choose her even over their own husbands. This woman has been abandoned and scarred so deeply in her formative years that she’s absolutely desperate to matter and to be chosen. (Kinda like someone else we know.) But Rio seems to be her one “safe space” to be herself. “Just being myself.” And while that may sound romantic (and it IS), it’s also toxic af because for her to be “herself” she has to all the time behave abusively (ugh, I hate that word because it isn’t quite accurate to their dynamic but idk what other thing to call it… maybe retaliatory?) toward Rio. He feeds the monster that she hides from others. He isn’t a “good person” so it’s fine for her to take her trauma out on him. And he keeps coming back for more. And he keeps wanting her despite it. It’s that good old cycle of abuse, continually perpetuated. They find so much warped validation in each other they can’t quit.
Anyway, I went off on a tangent. Sorry about that! These asks are so helpful in getting me back into a Brio state of mind. Reminds me how I love analyzing them. 😊 Makes me wanna not work and write Brio stories (that I’ve been stagnant on for like 2 months now 😩)
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Heyyy sorry to be annoying but I just read your old post about missing some requests and idk if you still have mine about Loki confessing to reader on the ship leaving asgard after the explosion in Ragnarok. (Please read this in the nicest way possible I really don't want to sound bitchy) 🤍
Oh not at all, good thing you saw this because I actually can’t find the other one
Sorry though I kinda made them both confess 😀
Because I love you
You sighed waving a goodnight at the Asgardian children running to bed. Everyone was running on adrenaline and a few hours of sleep since the explosion.
Your eyes burned and you desperately wanted something strong to keep you up just a couple of more hours, Thor might be king now but goodness he needed all the help he could get.
"Doing late up checkups again?" Loki’s voice caught your attention, he leaned on the entrance frame with his usual smirk.
"I’m one of the few healers here remember?"
"Of course, it’s impossible to forget your golden hands" you rolled your eyes giggling at his poor attempt to make you lighten up.
Loki wasn’t that better looking himself, his hair look more greasy than usual and his skin desperately needed to face some sunshine to gain some color back because you’re starting to see the dark circles under his eyes clearer.
"Care for a stroll?" he extended his hand to you invitingly, you debated within yourself for few long seconds but finally gave in and took his hand.
His hand felt cool against your warm one which made you tighten your grip on his hand.
The ship had a mix of voices, some coming from sleeping rooms and others the kitchens whole the rest were desperately trying to busy themselves with something in order to pass time.
"Did you get any sleep recently?" You asked.
"As much as you did" which translated to none.
You sighed running your free hand through your messy hair then looking up at him with tired eyes.
"You should rest, it’s not good for you"
"Only if you sleep with me" he chuckled. You blinked at him before leaning your head on his arm "Sure, let’s go to bed" rubbing your eyes.
Loki stopped in his tracks, he looked down at you with big green hopeful eyes "would you now?" He said.
You nodded your head "of course, I mean I would say no to anyone else who suggest it but it’s you" you let go of his hand and walked up a few steps to the front before turning around to face him.
"And before you ask why, it’s because I" you smiled biting your bottom lip "because I love you."
Loki opened his mouth then closed it, watching you closely as his feet carried him closer to you. Warping his arms around your waist and leaning down.
"May I?" He said.
"You may" you replied.
His soft lips touched yours and things just for a minute felt right, the lack of sleep wasn’t bothering you as much and your body didn’t feel as restless.
"Are you sure?" He broke the kiss.
"I’ve never been more sure in my life." then he kissed you again. This one lingered a bit longer than the first and you didn’t want to let go.
"I don’t think I’ve loved anyone the way I love you before" he said. The flesh on your cheeks warmed up and at that you hid your face against his chest.
"Such a romantic, aren’t you?"
Loki smiled lazily at you "that’s nothing my dear, I can make you melt if I want to"
You tilted your head with a mischievous gleam from your eye "oh I’ll like to see that but…I’ll settle for some good sleep at the moment"
"That. I have no disagreement on."
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
So I just came across a post about Pavitr in the comics having an existential crisis about not being white like all the other different variations of Peter Parker (I’m definitely reading his comics at some point).
But now I’m remembering something from when I was a kid and I was wondering if this was like a universal POC experience from before you actually understood the concept of race and discrimination or if it was a just a weird fucked up thing my mind came up with.
See when I was younger, I was in an arab predominated school, there were like two other black girls but one of them was lightskin (I didn’t even know she was black until like second grade XD) and I hated the other for... various reasons (she was my bully for like six years but we ain’t gonna talk about that) so like I had no sense of kinship with like anyone in my class or school 
Because of that environment and the fact that I didn’t know why the racist secratary always got me in trouble while letting the other girls get away with not wearing the proper uniform until like fifth grade, I had so much fucked up self esteem like when I tell you all my memories of looking in the mirror as a little kid were so messed up-- I straight up hated my appreance and would see like this warped monster thing, I’m being completely honest. When I look back at pictures of five/six year old me I’m like ‘I was cute, why the hell do my memories look so different?’
Not to mention all the colourism and older people who looked like me telling me not to stand in the sun too much so I wouldn’t get any darker. I wanted straight hair for soooo long-- like all the way until I was thirteen and relaxed my hair for the first time and ended up ruining it for like five years after that.
Here comes the fucked up part. 
I never actually met a lot of my extended family when I was younger, so when I would imagine them, I would imagine them looking nothing like me because my mom always told me they looked pretty-- I would imagine them as ARAB, like with dark wavy/straight hair and all their predominate features. 
Anyways, I was a little tiny bit surprised when I met them and they looked nothing like my imagination. But the worse part was perhaps the fact that literally every single one of them had naturally straight/wavy hair or they relaxed it every few months so it would stay that way. I was still obsessed with straight hair at that point so when they offered to get the lady who does their hair to relax my hair I was super happy and excited about it but guess what??? 
She ruined my hair. I lost so much of it, it became dry and tangly because she didn’t bother doing it properly because I was catching a flight in like three days and I needed to leave the thing in for like two days so by the time I got the results it would be too late for me to ask her to fix it or give us our money back.
For the next like three years I kept cutting my hair until all the damage grew out completely and now I don’t have a lot of hair and it’s doesn’t grow as much as it used to.
So yeah.  
I wasn’t around white ppl a lot as a kid, no public school or anything so I think experience was different and my ‘beauty standards’ were more arab beauty standards but Idk tell me if you guys had a similar experience.
Circling back to the thing I said about Pavitr, I felt like that period of my life was the time where I really related to Pavitr’s existential crisis because I constantly felt ugly or that I wasn’t good enough because I didn’t look like the girls around me. I was also kinda (?) bullied for being chubby so that did nothing to help.  
So yeah, I have a lot of feelings about this. UGH.
I really hope they explore that part of Pavitr’s life a little bit in BTSV
P.S.: does anyone else feel really disconnected from their ethnicity and culture and feels really awkward at barbeques with distant cousins and their extended family because you feel like you don’t belong or that they’re judging you because you can’t speak your native language and have grown up mostly around judgy, racist old arab people as your teachers so you adopted a lot of arab mannerisms and.... yeah, I’m gonna talk about this another day
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 months
ARC REVIEW: The Gilded Crown by Marianne Gordon
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3.5/5. Releases 7/2/24.
vibes: necromancy, dark princesses, kinda the sense of Witcher?
The Basics:
Ever since she brought her mother back from the dead, Hellevir has lived as an outcast, learning from a hedegwitch. Since then, she hasn't attempted to raise anyone again--until the queen comes to the witch's doorstep, demanding someone resurrect her poisoned granddaughter, Princess Sullivain. The catch (besides the fact that there's a price for resurrection and Hellevir must give up something, including body parts, every time she brings someone back) is that Sullivain is a constant target for assassins as heir to the throne. So even after she's been brought back, the queen isn't done with Hellevir. She'll have to stay by the princess's side... not to protect her from death, as tensions in the kingdom rise, but to keep her from staying dead.
The Review:
I was immediately drawn in by the summary for this book. A necromancer? A necromancer who's charged with resurrecting a princess (repeatedly)? A necromancer who's charged with resurrecting a princess (repeatedly) and then they kiss? Sign me the fuck up.
However: I did expect a sapphic fantasy romance, based on that summary, which does mention Hellevir falling in love with Sullivain. This is not that. Now--it's the first book in a series and very much does not end on a standalone note. I suspect that we'll see the relationship between Hellevir and Sullivain deepen and grow even more complex... and uh, it's pretty complex as it is. But this book was a queer fantasy novel with a romantic subplot. Which is fine! However, in order to give this novel the best shot at finding its correct readership, I want to be clear about that.
Like, I do think a lot of fantasy romance readers will enjoy this, as long as they aren't strict "the romance must be the Big Plot or else I won't like it" readers. Hellevir and Sullivain's relationship is part of the book's CORE, but I wouldn't say that at this point their romance is.
That said, it is a fascinating relationship, and I say that as someone who is going to go ahead and like... not defend basically anything Sullivain does in this book. But defend her as a character. I was surprised to see so many reviews just like, dragging her existence. It's one thing to say "she is a bad person", because she is. However, she's also a fascinating character who's clearly gone through a lot and been shaped to have a very warped sense of self and morality. She's manipulative. She's clearly a bit cracked (being assassinated and living under constant threat of MORE assassinations will do that to you). She's spoiled. And yeah, she does treat Hellevir like shit.
But uh... First off, if this was a romance novel, I'd still say "but a lot of y'all's favorites from dark romances and even some books that aren't marketed as dark do the same or worse and y'all love them". Not to honk the misogyny horn, but Sullivain reminds me a lot of certain dudes on certain fantasy shows, and some of them may or may not ride dragons, idk, idk. Except I liked her more, frankly.
Hellevir is also a solid character, but I found her a bit less compelling because she does a lot of stuff that does seem to set her up for failure or manipulation. It feels intentional to me, though--and I'm interested to see where her arc goes with it all. I mean, she has what is really an incredible gift, but she sort of lets herself be jerked around a lot. There's got to be something to that.
Also--yeah, her interactions with Death are super loaded and interesting. And I want to see where THAT goes, too.
This book is very queer--and it goes beyond the relationship between Sullivain and Hellevir. (Can I just say, though? How refreshing it is to read books where the queer characters, particularly the sapphic characters, aren't meant to be ROLE MODELS and also aren't homophobic stereotypes? Hellevir and Sullivain have a very toxic relationship and I approve.) You have a secondary m/m romance, you have the general themes of otherness and parental rejection and some interesting gender stuff happening. Like, I do think the queerness in baked into this book beyond the relationships, and that's cool to read.
The prose is really pretty and has a fairy tale quality. I've seen people describe this as "cozy" and I don't know, maybe it was the constant dying and fingers being chopped off and shit, but I found it creepy. In a good way. Sullivain really does go through it, y'all. I don't know what tot tell you. Does she deserve it? Up to you.
(I mean, listen. Crimes, are. Uh. Committed.)
What I did sort of go "hmm" on was the pacing. This is a slow-moving book, and I don't really think the world was so big and vast that it had to be. There were a few times where the writing/editing side of my brain wanted to take my scissors and chop some bits out of there. Streamline the narrative a bit--and then devote more time to the Sullivain/Hellevir dynamic. Because, while it may not be a conventional ROMANCE (I mean, not as of now--WE GOT TIME, I am open to the Sullivain redemption hour, or the Hellevir corruption hour, or whatever) I do think we needed a bit more time with them together in order to get more invested. And a bit more time with Sullivain in general. But that may just be me as someone who's like "everyone loves a bad girl" (not a fucking terrorist... I GUESS).
So, this does have a bit of the "first book in a fantasy series" syndrome on that level. However! I still think it's an intriguing start. If the wrinkles are ironed out in the next book, we could have something really special. And honestly? That's kind of a fantasy series Thing in my experience. If SJM could change the entire romantic trajectory of her series from book one to book two.... This series can tighten up a bit. I'm ready and listening.
Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Voyager for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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wastemanjohn · 1 year
happy ww dude!!! do you think there are any kinks that dean had with john that he doesn't have with same, and do you think there are any that he discovered that he JUST has with sam>
Happy WW Rae! Or indeed nearly next Wednesday now!
Woof what a question.
So I think that John actually enjoys sex a lot, when he's in the right headspace at least - I think hes very much Dean's father in that respect. However at the same time, like many people, I tend to err on the side of John being nauseatingly vanilla. Like, the goal is getting off. I think John's idea of adventurous is fucking on the floor. He's maybe even a little prudish? Idk incest aside obviously but I think he might literally faint if Dean asked him to piss in his mouth or something. I think he maybe doesn't understand the point of most kinky things, and is quite surprised/unnerved the more he learns about Dean's (canonical, which is a gift) proclivities. I think, purely because Dean's hot when he's all turned on, he'd indulge Dean with some pretty low key stuff - a bit of spanking, maybe tying him up a little - but ultimately he finds it all a bit daunting, or even just kinda pointless, and doesn't really vibe with it. I can see him very much being a "but what does [kink/fetish] have to do with sex?" type person lol.
Apart from one thing. I think Dean owns panties. I think he gets off on the simple fact of owning them, and keeps them very hidden. I don't think he admits that particular kink to John out of embarrassment, but... say John comes home earlier than planned once and catches Dean spread out on a motel bed, naked aside from a silky red thong, happily jerking off for a while before he realises John is standing in the doorway gawping... I lean towards this flipping all kinds of fucked up switches in John's brain. We could get deep about the emotional incest that may have led them here or we could all just agree that John pushing those panties aside, rolling Dean over and fucking him senseless in them while role-playing husband and wife is really hot. And probably something they'd struggle to stop revisiting afterwards because they'd get off on it so so much.
So yeah, needless to say, even if Sam thinks it's the hottest thing in the world Dean would never be putting on panties for Sam. He was Daddy's pretty baby girl. He's never going to be anyone else's.
As for Sam... while I don't see Sam as 100% vanilla (we've all seen that primal MF in action) I do wonder if he'd have a harder time indulging Dean's more masochistic/subby kinks even if he wanted to because of his fear of being evil. (Early seasons at least). Like he's scared that if he gets off on hurting or dominating Dean what that might say about him... so idk if they'd avoid doing anything too out there for that reason. Although after they've been to hell I'd imagine they'd both develop some pretty nasty and gory kinks lol, whether they liked it or not. Stuff they probably couldn't do to each other without one of them getting killed shall we say but they could definitely get off on some very warped fantasies together... indulge each other in that because literally nobody else they sleep with could ever understand why they might have developed a taste for disembowelment or something. John would be turning in his grave if he knew what s11/12 Sam and Dean's dirty talk consisted of. And the boys probably laugh about it.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E5 "Choose Your Pain"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
yeah i still dont like a black woman being "someone to fear burnham" idk guess we'll see. hmm i feel like there could be something in that telescope oml this view into the bridge and other facilities onboard discovery at the start of this episode is SO PRETTYYY let me LIVE. there. oh this is weird oh so space bear gets the titty stab but not burnham XD ofc ofc awww space bear depressed let him outttt id be depressed too, stuck in there with only a slop bucket and no moss in sight :/
ayyyyeee vulcan aboardd also why katrina's eyes are so red is she ok? bruh i been preoccupied by tardigrades too um ok lorca, mr. isaac clarke over here with your eye stabbery i kinda like lorca's face. hes so "f everything idgaf" oh my god the scale of the ship next to the shuttlepod
beat em up oh crap hmm hes gone so acting captain'll be saru thatll be interesting ugh i love this intro theres this feeling of utter suspension hearing and seeing it ugh seeing discovery fly through all these things and spin its so nice ugh the handssssssssssss i love the measurements and all these things and the constellations left behind ugh so much to see look at saruuuu cant wait till he frkn understands burnham's previous decisions and can stop treating her so blah i love his eyes WHO ARCHER JONATHAN AAAA PIKE CHRISTOPHER OH FUCKKKKK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND THEN IT WILL BE you know. you know. YOU. KNOW. oh my god ok shaking okokokokok MUDD DID YOU JUST SAY YOUR NAME IS MUDD MUDDDDDDDDDDD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my god this is so cool
oh dang. this poor guy. he was just in there to get foot in face. you sure are mudd. you sure do do that survivin. hi stamets. lmaooooo he knows hes brilliant - get it stamets own that shit it is kind of odd hearing burnham say such praise haha oh yeah its all BURNHAMS fault uhuh. cool to see some lone captain scenes its so odd to see such serious lighting in a trek production. listen. this is still all so NEW to me k. this guy ash tyler is pretty what is that its cute but also id be way to scared to come anywhere near that thing ughhh this outside shot of ncc discovery is so PRETTY thats so interesting? warp freeways because of space shrooms. damn. im with it.
DI DID DID DID THE THEY USE THE F WORD ON S T A R T R E K ???? DID THEY FUCKING USE THE FUCKING F BOMB ON FUCKING STAR TREK, ON THE FUCKING STAR TREK ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW HOLY FUCK I DID NOT I DID NOT HEAR THAT. my fucking mandible fell off when i heard that. i cannot believe what i just witnessed. i cannot believe my ears. not even AOS did the "fuck". oh my god "fuck" is canon in trek. that brought tears to my eyes hang on yall holy. shit… ima table that cuz i cant get over that idk when i can wow
saru has the perfect voice its so saru. its really cool to see his face like this the prosthetic is so great. it looks more real than (almost) anything pure cgi. cuz it IS real. i love it. beautiful example of practical effects. beautiful execution. also sorry but "predator"? really…? i dont appreciate burnham's treatment at all when its already bad enough that black women are almost always represented racially or with such a societal disdain cuz fucking EVERYONE hates black women. it is what critically annoys me in this series above all else so far :/ also sorry but WHAT THE FUCK DID STEWART DO HOW DARE YOU FUCKING THROW IT FUCK. YOU.
ugh not again with the titty stabbers. dude. this is slavery. let the fucking space bear go. look what you did to it. he shriveled up to survive. i HATE the treatment of other lifeforms in this series so far. CRACK IT OPEN? fuck you saru. fuck you too stamets. man everyone is so unlikeable. thats another issue i have in this show so far almost everyone is unlikeable af.
i didnt get to know phillipa that much so not much to say. burnham is so standoffish, idk if we have anough time to unravel her dimensionally. sylvia is kind of more annoying than endearing. lorca is lorca. ofc i dont like him (except i DO like an unperfect captain - i just wonder if hes redeemable). stamets is so catty like i get it yes be proud of your ideas that people might be ignorant towards but bruh still theres not enough good quality to counterbalance it so far. saru looks cool sure but hes so blatantly crass towards even other non-human lifeforms when he himself is non-human, cuz sry all that "crack it open" bullshit is gross af, desperation or not. i would NOT want him as my acting captain, ill say that, no matter how pretty he might be. i like ash tyler the most so far. i mean i get it its only episode 5 of 15 in s1 of 5 seasons - but still maybe im not too used to this many characters simultaneously being difficult to connect with. im gonna wait and see if this all develops. saru's feet. are hooflike his hands are so expressive his shape is so hes so lank. im SO impressed with how amazing he looks up close. i can SEE the subsurface scattering of his skin and the blood in his veins yeah please. we need this small talk with saru. thanks. k. i needed to see this redemptive quality in saru and co. cuz the getgo, everyones so adverse to alignment and connectivity
poor space bear i really hope you will be happy out there, mossie. youre FREEEE oh my god. space bear just warped. oh my god WARPING space bear. i need a plushie of it. mossie. stamets and doc. they gay for each other. they hubbies. they are literally brushing teeth together. yeuip. they gay. mhm. for sure. wow. first ever fucking explicitly gay couple in star trek. and it took this FUCKING long. i aint talking about TOS yall, we all know the love story that is the first 4 seasons + 6 classic films + 3 alternate reality films of Star Trek k - i just mean very literal and established archetypically, that makes sense. about fucking time. IDIC is literally mother gay but this took half an entire century to fucking show a gay couple onscreen. fuck me. k well. SNW Season 2 and 3, dont let us down. Im going to fucking die if theres even a wisp of something near Lower Deck's "K+S" carving scene. i digress.
alright DISCO, ima see how you unpack all this universal animosity, cuz damn are you thick with it in the first entire third of your first season.
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Hi! So I have a few things I wanted to say/ask so hopefully this isn't too long or out of place or anything
Okay so first off, you always reblog and say such nice things about my art in the tags and I wanted to say I appreciate it so much, I never know what to say but like you're the backbone of the hikakao community so it feels like a seal of approval in a way haha. And your art is so amazing like, damn! I love it sm. Kaoru has been my fav character for nearly a decade so I love seeing that its not just me he has a grip on, and as an autistic person myself who loves princesses’ and specifically Cinderella… well your hc means a lot to me haha. Oh and your hanahaki fic??? I ugly cried. SO damn good like the characterizations… one of the best Hikakao fics I've read on god
So I kinda wanted to ask two things, first being if you had to choose for the other hosts to have a fav princess who would it be? Im personally very partial to Tamaki loving Belle, given the like french beauty and romanticism of it all, plus her giving herself up for the safety of a parent connection. I like the idea of him being kinda dumb and taking it as you need natural inner AND outer beauty, which he oh so obviously has in spades and that kind of nonsense. Idk I was just curious if you'd have an opinion on this as ive been giving it some thought lately. Especially on Hikaru, I think he would like a more down to earth princess that doesn't have too much frills or singing in the film, like Merida because it's the most adventurous one without character songs if you're just going off disney. But idk I feel like another princess would suit him better, I just can't think of one rn
Second was if you had any thoughts or analysis of how the maid the twins had when they were young impacted them and their development? And more importantly how it impacted them each differently? Like obviously her saying no one may ever be able to tell them apart fucked with their heads, but like idk. Ive been thinking about it. And what if they never met her, and she never said that? Would they of been less warped? I think they'd just meet someone else who they liked who couldn't tell them apart, who'd just say the same thing in a different way. But how key was her betrayal of trust during a high stakes robbery of their parent's estate to all this? Im just musing at this point lmao
Oh also less an ask but I personally hc Kaoru to dissociate and the like frequently, and how maybe them being in sync all the time in their mannerisms really helps him with his autopilot moments, and Hikaru is always ready and able to catch him up to speed on what's happening and what they just did, if its something he would care to know that is. And I hc Hikaru as bipolar, his depression just manifests really angerly instead of traditional sadness. But my point is I love the idea that they're just so used to the other that any mentally ill or neurodivergent behavior one of them does the others just like “Oh yeah Kaorus just like that. You know how it is. What do you mean you don't know anyone afraid of hairdryers? Like legit afraid? Yeah no thats just a thing. Hmm. Well you should get over it it's his fear not yours I dont see how it concerns you.” and like gets defensive if anyone tries to say it's weird lmao
Okay that was long oops I hope this wasn't out of place or weird or anything, I got excited talking about it haha. Hope all is going well!!
THIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET YES!!! I WAS DRAWING HIKAKAO RIGHT AS YOU SENT THIS ASK TOO BTW.... i was htinking like, should i post this... theres kissing..... but then i remember why it's so rewarding to do what I love <3 really and truly. I've met SO many incredibly kind, creative, and thoughtful people through hikakao it's insane. And tbh it makes me want to never stop posting about them even if it nets me hate every now and again LMAO it's just, stuff like this is irreplaceable to me. And I LOVE your art!!!!!! It's SO cute... the picture of Kaoru dressed as cinderella made me legit scream. I sent it to all my friends and showed it to my brother haha. The whole Kaoru/Cinderella headcanon is very personal to me as you can probably gather from my carriage posting. so whenever I see it I go nuts (in a good way. it not destructive).
I think it's very funny (in a good way) that you already had a special interest in princesses, esp Cinderella. For me, it's like...I can NOT look at anything Cinderella related normally anymore because I'm reminded of the carriage allegory, and yet we have Cinderella movie nights every thursday now because of me...I describe my relationship with Cinderella as "stockholm syndrome" because i legit didn't care about or really even know Cinderella before all this went down, but now she is my Worst Enemy but Best Friend and if anybody says Cinderella is mid I'm blowing up another hostage.
Also!!! Thank you so much about the fic!!! While looking back I feel like there are def things I could improve on, I do really like that fic. As somebody who's personally arospec, I have trouble writing the "feelings" of romance so I tried my best. I have other Hikakao adjacent stories I'm writing and I wanna post them here!!!
Okay, onto the questions...firstly, YES, Tamaki DOES seem like the type to love Belle. He may also enjoy Rapunzel and her whole being held captive her whole life because maybe he feels the same way with his own family situation. Haruhi strikes me as a little mermaid type, no real reason, I just get that vibe. Although Kyoya probably relates to the original fairytale of the little mermaid in some ways for sure. I actually HC Mori's favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast, so he's probably also really into Belle. As for Hani, I'm not sure...Giselle, maybe. He likes her whimsy.
Hikaru is interesting, because I feel like he's like Me in which he HATES Cinderella because he has to hear about it 24/7 but if ANYBODY said anything mean about cinderella he'd be like...you bitch...you take that BACK. Altho I have this headcanon that Hikaru's favorite princess is Alice from Alice in Wonderland (tho she really isn't a "princess") because he always liked that movie better. Kaoru would cry as a kid tho when Hikaru said he thought that movie was better so he pretended to like Cinderella more. But he doesn't. Merida tho...that's a very good choice, I can defff seeing Hikaru being a big Merida fan.
So, to the second question: it's very interesting! What stood out about that maid to Hikaru and Kaoru was the fact she was mean to them. being raised as rich and "better" than everyone else, all the maids HAD to be nice or they got fired pretty much, so to see a maid go against that status quo, to treat them honestly...that's why they liked her so much.
If anyone else had said "nobody will be able to tell you two apart", would it have hurt? sure. But it wouldn't be devastating, because they likely wouldn't care about that person's opinion. but they liked this maid, they looked up to her in a weird way. Having somebody you like and trust tell you something hurtful is way more harmful than if a stranger did it.
Now...would they be LESS twisted if it never happened? I doubt it. I mean, maybe they'd be LESS focused on looking identical, but they would still be rather cruel and mischievous, because that's how they were simply raised: they were raised being taught their actions have no consequences, because they're better than everyone else. Simple by being "Hitachiins", they had a pass to do all sorts of nasty shit to people because they were rich and powerful. Besides, canonically, their mom & dad were barely in their lives, and child neglect causes the children to act out to get attention, usually via things that would get them scolded. So, while they miiight not have been AS keen on matching had that maid never said what she did before leaving them forever, they would probably be just as mean and cruel.
To le third point: YES that is so good. Kaoru very much dissociates in my heart of hearts as well. He has days on end where he doesn't feel like he's in his own body, everything's sort of a blur, he can't remember things well...Hikaru's there for him in those moments at least.
I always saw Hikaru and Kaoru as ADHD/Autism solidarity. But bipolar is an interesting one, too. I could def see it.
Also the hairdryer thing FUCKING RELATABLE...I'd think Kaoru is "afraid" of hairdryers/thunder - just really fucking loud noises that are sudden and/or unceasing. They don't make him "cower" necessarily but like, he gets super jittery/irritated because he gets overwhelming anxiety from it. Hikaru as a kid probably didn't understand why his brother acted so strangely to certain sights/sounds/touches, and maybe at first teased him about it, but when it was clear these things actually DISTRESSED Kaoru he stopped and did everything he could to make him feel better. and if anybody makes fun of kaoru for it Hikaru beats the shit out of them.
This was super nice ;w; I love receiving long asks, asks about ouran and the twins especially. legit if you ever wanna talk about them u can send an ask or DM me you seem really nice!!
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anosci · 1 year
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(91-105 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8])
names and thoughts below cut
91/ KNOWER - Think Thoughts (2011) peppy! bright and loud! well ok that might not be true for every track, but like. slapping those fakebrass chords feels great. shining characteristic.
92/ Photek - Avalanche / 101 (2011) (i have decided to be extra harsh on dnb) …oh its not dnb. actually this is a case where each track is stronger than the last. i didnt rly care for "Avalanche" but "Slowburn" is hitting HARD.
93/ Photek - Aviator EP (2011) i guess ive missed a few chapters of photek because this aint dnb. to my ears its hella 2011 but thats not inherently bad. overall i just think this one's ok. it kinda looks like a companion to Avalanche/101, and...sorry but i love that one far more
94/ Kryptic Minds - Can't Sleep (2011) dark! id call it ukdubstep but it clearly isnt. peak nighttime music tho. good shit
95/ Floating Points - Shadows (2011) the above is possibly the most apt word cloud for the sound of the ep. gentle punch. sleepy even. exactly the level of chillout i need.
96/ Joseph Nothing Orchestra - Super Earth (2011) joseph nothing has a melodic style that sits just right with me, coupled with a really playful ear for sound design. im happy to see it still hits just as hard a decade after his debut
97/ Secret Mommy - The Mall (2011) exactly what i remember 2011 sounding like. clicky choppy something. i feel like i enjoy this nostalgically now, instead of directly. like a layer of abstraction. kinda odd to realize.
--- April ---
98/ Towa Tei - Sunny (2011) this feels like that soulful type of uh… what do you call shakatak? that thing. but towa tei. really poppy sometimes. generally all over the place. i'd describe it as "peak sunshine music" which is funny because the album title agrees
99/ VA - Attaxolotls: Amphibious Fisticuffs Anthology Album (2023) a grab bag of styles and vibes. plenty of slappers. 2 specific hilites that make me want to type exclamation marks: "Arcadia Prime" "Minor Infraction"
100/ Ryuichi Sakamoto - CHASM (2004) a beautiful album that simultaneously embraces intimate acoustics and some of the dsp trends that ive noticed in 2004. a touch of oval, even? it's a really lovely take. im not a huge fan of the vocals but that's entirely personal preference.
101/ Ryuichi Sakamoto - Bricolages (2006) remix comp version of CHASM. surprised at how each song has a similar essence, but i unanimously prefer ryuichi's take on the tunes with rapping. that aside, i love how unabashedly ELECTRONIC this feels.
102/ Asking Alexandria - Stepped Up And Scratched (2011) vocals :\ wobs :) yeah idk im just not vibing with the metal side. the wob side is fun as a nostalgic romp but even then... eh. HOWEVER: "To The Stage (Bare)".
103/ nagz - Good (2020) the album lives up to its name. future music that you just don't get anywhere else. for me this feels like a sequel to hringur, in that I think that was the last EP to make me feel like this.
104/ Nondi_ - Flood City Trax (2023) incredibly shocked at how well this fits after nagz, at least in timbre. future sounds. alternatively: it embodies the "for vibin" attitude that early 90s warp/rephlex had, but applies it to modern styles. im into it.
105/ Selfmademusic - Kinema Ikon Soundtracks Remixed (2008) shimmering, lingering electric soundscapes. hazy, but specifically the warm summer haze that you see on urban roads.
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