#but if i end up opening a whole can of worms that causes problems for a while i would rather just. complain to my friends in private
pinkeoni · 1 year
going into the tags of a post about character x and saying “this is so character y”
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bornwholocker · 3 months
Yeah I’m making another character rant post sue me, but it’s actually crazy to me how many people I’ve seen just going full hater mode on toshiro?? Obviously you’re allowed to not like a character, but people are villainizing him so hard, it’s wild. Like as an autistic person who has had people pretend to be friends with them, yes that shit HURTS. And the way toshiro went about his relationship with laios(especially for so long) definitely wasn’t healthy, but also like. It’s so much deeper than that?? And I’m glad I’m starting to see more people talking about this lately because honestly, it’s right there guys.
First things first, I do want to remind people that being “polite” and not telling people you don’t like them, but subtly signaling it, is still the standard in most social situations! And it doesn’t make much sense to me and it sucks for a lot of people and causes miscommunication, but it’s not like toshiro’s some big bad evil guy for following unspoken social rules that most neurotypicals also follow. Also also, given that dungeon meshi’s setting is definitely not modern, the characters probably don’t know what autism is! They just know that Laios is weird about monsters and doesn’t do well socially. All the characters have problems, many of which are accentuated for us by how normalized a lot of things are in a modern world, and a lot of things not being acceptable/normal. Obviously these are still issues for the characters, and are addressed/resolved as such, but we need to put it in perspective just a little bit.
Toshiro lashed out because A) he had just gone through some CRAZY ASS SHIT, which I feel like no one brings up. He just learned that his party companions used illegal magic that pretty much everyone agrees is dangerous on the woman he loved (yeah the way he proposed to falin without any previous communication was weird but that’s a whole nother can of worms), and it ended horribly for her! and B) he was exhausted. He had just gone days with little to no food, very little sleep, and there’s Laios, well fed and rested and to toshiro, not at all treating the situation with the seriousness it deserved. And it just hit home with how much he and Laios had clashed, how Laios was so open and honest about every little thing, and oblivious to what toshiro thought was extremely obvious. Toshiro had been raised to be quiet, polite, respectful, etc. and as a result learned to bottled up his feelings, so when he saw Laios being able to say whatever was on his mind, he understandably envied that. Even though we know that it’s difficult to be on Laios’ end, toshiro saw it as a privilege. Not only that, but he had been trying to signal to Laios (not exactly effectively but) how he felt for YEARS. And his point never made it. Everyone talks about Laios being misunderstood, but what about toshiro? What about his years of trying to communicate in the way he knew, and not being understood? I think everyone knows exactly how frustrating it is to feel like we’re being SO obvious, only for it to still cause miscommunication. So why not extend that understanding to toshiro?
Aside from all this though, it’s still clear that he does care about Laios, even though he’s annoyed by him. He literally gives Laios a bell that, when rung, would ring a matching one and be a call for help. Another example- which albeit anime only’s probably won’t know, I only know because I saw the panel- is in the finale I think, toshiro defends Laios to the elves. He sticks up for him and places his trust in him, even after everything.
Neither side was really in the wrong, but people are bashing toshiro like crazy. Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of big scenes with him outside of that meeting in the dungeon, so most of our opinion is formed off of that one moment, but that moment tells a much bigger story than just, “toshiro bad and ableist, laios poor autistic puppy.” It’s been said countless times on this hell site and beyond, but I am BEGGING people to please have a little critical thinking as a treat. Like Ryoko Kui wrote this story and the characters so much more complex than good guy and bad guy. (Slight spoilers maybe) Not even the BBEGs are really all bad, when you get down to it. Everyone’s feelings and experiences are shown from their perspective and contextualized to the audience extremely well IMO, which is one of the reasons I love dungeon meshi so much. Anyway point is think deeper folks.
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
Good morning, Jelly!
So, regarding the question I mentioned last night; As you are well aware of by now, my Tabletop Turtles AU (or TTAU, for short) esentially combines RotTMNT with D&D mechanics and tropes.
And if you are going to tell a classic D&D story, you need to have your adventuring party face off against a dragon, right? The question is, which iconic RotTMNT villain should I turn into a dragon? I've got two options I've torn between, both with their own pros and cons (I apologize in advance for the slight info-dump)
1) The Shredder Aesthetically, this is the easiest option. I mean, the Shredder is halfway towards being a dragon already. Just slap some wings and a tail on that sucker and boom, you have a dragon. And let's be honest, a Shredder dragon would look cool as fuck. And the lore wouldn't be too difficult to flesh out either. But there is one problem with this idea, and that is that the Shredder isn't the 'final boss' of RotTMNT. Which means I'd need to come up with a climactic threat to come after this dope ass dragon. And how am I supposed to top a creature that is so iconic to Dungeons and Dragons that it's literally in the name?
2) The Krang Making the Krang dragons would help them fit in with the fantasy setting, where aliens might feel a bit out of place. Though, while having the Krang be dragons will solidify them as a world-ending threat that blends iconic creatures from both the show and D&D, it would open a whole can of worms in regards of questions to answer. How would I design them so that they look recognizable while still retaining that classic D&D feel? If they aren't aliens, what would exactly would the technodrome be? How would they krang-ify people? What's the deal with those mech-armor things? would they still use them? These are just a few of the questions that would need answering.
In short, the Shredder would be the simpler option in terms of design and lore but would give me an extremely high bar to clear when I introduce the Krang. I could just… not use the Krang at all, but they feel like too much of an important part of RotTMNT canon to just ignore, y'know? On the other hand, the Krang would fit better thematically, but come with a plethora of design challenges and lore questions to answer.
I know this is a bit of complex lore problem, and you might not be able to provide a miracle answer that will solve all my problems, but hearing your two cents on this will be very helpful. After all, you have much more experience creating AUs (you seem pretty much incapable of not constantly making new AUs), and this is the first real AU I've created since I was a child.
First of all, I love the name youve chosen!! very cool.
And oof i get the struggle between thematic and aesthetic choices! it can be really hard!
I have a few suggestions that might help?
(just saying that i dont know much about dnd lore besides looking through a few of the books and osmosis from being around my brother)
Okay, Idea one: Kraang as Beholders? they kinda look similar i guess?
Idea two: (this ones a bit more fleshed out)
In a lot if tmnt iterations, the kraang use technology to become physically stronger (ie the mech suits) but since this is dnd, perhaps they should have a more magical solution. perhaps, they lean more into the possession role. perhaps here they act more like parasites? perhaps theyre taking over the minds of dragons and other dnd monsters- using them to their own will? (taking inspiration from rabies here). then u could get some kraangified dragons.
maybe the defeat of shredder can cause the release of the kraang?
this way you could still do the dragon idea for both of them.
the technodrome could be an amalgamation of possessed monster that have become so twisted that they have moulded together? (depends on how dark u wanna go here)
id say you could turn them both into dragons and get away with it if u make their designs, nature and goals different enough.
have the shredder be originally a dragon, but then merged himself with so much magical and cursed armour that he no longer looks like one
(or -another thought- make him a man who wanted the power of a dragon, and so through both magic and armour twisted himself into something vaguly dragon like)
making them related to one another (not just genetically but also thematically) might work aswell?
maybe the shredder created the kraang? maybe in his goal to make a synthetic biological dragon (why he would want that idk, something powerful that shares his ideals) and it went wrong?
woah that was a lot of rambling. i realise that i mostly did both the shredder and the kraang as dragons instead of anything else. my bad.
i hope this helps!! i know i threw a lot of rambling at you just now!
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malaierba · 1 month
It's really remarkable how Natsuo's attitude is born from such a clumsy attempt at being mature, in a situation where it isn't even clear how much she's at fault.
Don't get me wrong, she did what she did, both with Sanae and her brother but she was like. What, 10? She probably knew she was behaving badly with Sanae, that's why she carried that guilt onto high school, but I also think... She was compelled, in a way. She tried to read those around her, find the problem, provide a solution that ended up being quite clumsy.
It's made very obvious in her backstory with Sanae that Natsuo's NEVER been good at socialising. She isn't a natural when it comes to reading the room, minding people's feelings, politeness. And it's so interesting how her brother resents her for it, but Sanae? Sanae from the FLOOR kept a cool head and tried to get her to explain herself. And Natsuo didn't. Natsuo realised she was the bad guy, and committed to the act.
It's the whole bad guy act. She took her casual hurtfulness, her mindless bluntness, and put it alongside how her actions caused the fallouts with her brother and Sanae, and was like. Ah, so this is who I am.
Obviously the theme in Teppuu is self-loathing but I look at all of the above and wonder, was it all also a clumsy attempt at being mature? At being a grown-up? Endlessly childish to think "I must own up my actions, so since these were the actions of a mfer, I will own up to them by being exactly that, and I'll act like idc about what happened bcs someone who did wouldn't have acted as I did in the first place".
Just. Contrived copium lol. Trying to regain a sense of control by doubling down on what she did, and acting like she also doesn't care who she's hurt, even thoughhhh the whole story started because she DOES she did care and she still cared when the manga ends. Trying to take responsibility by being super immature about it and refusing to open the can of worms.
Sanae foils her so well. She IS the most mature character in Natsuo's age range. She engages her directly, calls her out on her attitude, doesn't back down since they both know she's right, doesn't flinch when faced with Natsuo's taunts. And still, she has that little bit of teenage immaturity. That whole, I'll show you that doing things properly (unlike you) gets you farther (and maybe then you'll learn this lesson)
Which doesn't happen through her ofc. And it hurts her, but she also seems to reach a point after the fight that's like. Yeah, she still pisses me off. Still mad the cookie crumbled like this. But I can move on, I can let this unresolved business ordeal go.
Sanae moves on, yet Natsuo remains stuck. The parallel in what it takes to mature, the fact that they both develop as characters through a loss. You just can't have it your way all the time, you win some you lose some, sometimes it's unfair but such is life. Doesn't mean that examining WHY things are unfair is pointless. That's what Sanae seems to do that Natsuo doesn't. Sanae realises, even if I had won Natsuo wouldn't have learned what she has to learn. Her issue is with me but also not really (it's not even with her brother, it's with herself and how she relates to herself and others, it's with her unpacked repressed trauma). Fighting may prove a point but it won't solve the issue.
Just. Damn. You think it's just beef between two ex-childhood friends but it goes hard in a way that only stories about being messed up in ur teens does lol
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charredcheddar · 3 months
So I finally got around to watching Jaiden Animations video about being diagnosed with ADHD and to put it simply I wasn't expecting to relate to it as much as I did
I was diagnosed with ASD around 2ish years ago (idk exactly when without checking the report) and suspect I also have ADHD but was never bothered to check since I assumed the autism was causing most of my problems anyway. However after watching, I'm tempted to talk to my gp.
In fairness I have been meaning to talk to my gp anyway about my "anxiety" (that's a whole other can of worms) but my only option is a phone call which isn't exactly helpful for aforementioned anxiety.
The bit that really resonated with me was being a good student as a kid. I was always near the top of my class. However I struggled a lot during lockdown as I lost the structure that was keeping me together. I never really managed to get back into education. I finished year 11 with great GCSEs but not exceptional ones which made me feel like I'd wasted my potential and things only got worse in college (junior year of highschool for reference). Ultimately I dropped out before second year and took time off because I didn't really know what to do. I'm thinking of going back to college so I at least have an A-Level equivalent even if I never end up going to university.
I also really related to the fear of taking medication. My dad has is very anti-medication. When I was really struggling with my mental health, I would sometimes tell him that I wished I could have anti-depressants just so I would feel able to cope. He told me very seriously that I didn't want that, that they sucked all the personality and life from you and basically made you a souless husk unable to feel anything. So I understand the fear of taking a medication and worrying you'll be a completely different person.
I don't think I really had a point writing this. I would book the gp appointment now but I don't think they're open this late. It's annoying how the only motivation I have is at 10pm. Anyway, overall, it was nice watching someone talk about their experiences that I could relate to and it's made me wonder if maybe I should persue an ADHD diagnosis.
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
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‘A Heart With Wings’
Warnings: mentions of flight issues, some swear words, lots of angst- so hold on tight as we soar into this chapter!! 
 Chapter 11
Mavericks POV
  Maverick heard a door swing open with a loud bang, as his eyes caught how Oceans walked in with eyes that grew extremely nervous in seconds, she couldn’t blink for one moment while her eyes locked on the screen and watched terrifyingly as she fiddled with her jackets sleeves and breathing unsteadily. 
  ‘I need to go after him, I need to-‘
 “Holy shit, what-what is that??”
 A louder beeping sound rang across the room signaling as what looked like 5G jets heading Hangman’s way. And they were coming fast after him, like if he was the last worm from a tin can in the middle of an ocean with hungry piranhas. Soon they all were able to hear Hangman’s voice ring through the radio,
  “This is dagger 4, can you hear me!?!”
 Maverick approached the radio quickly as he responded calmly,
  “Yes, we can hear you, what’s going on out there tough guy?”
 “I have, 1.. 2.. 3 HOLY SHIT I HAVE 5 5th GENERATION GUYS ON MY TAIL! Hang on!!”
 On the other side of the radio you could clearly hear the flares he fired out on them and the explosions that came in seconds later, meaning he caught their missiles. Maverick communicated with him as he encouraged him,
  “Try to keep them off of you I’m on my way out-“
 Just then the Air Commander from the control room came running to Maverick with bad news,
  “Maverick we got a problem-“
 Hangman’s voice broke through both of them as he asked in a sarcastic tone that was trying to hide his despair and worry he truly held,
  “Hey Mav I didn’t know we had a whole war after my ass cause I couldn’t make it out on time?!”
  “We didn’t Seresin. Now, what’s going on LT?”
  She walked up to him with a tablet in her hand showing him the bad news,
  “Sir, we lost control of our other missiles, we tried to hold them off considering what going on with your aviator, but its too late, they’re going to set off on him. All of them. He’s way out of range.”
 ‘Shit Hangman.. come on buddy you can do it, you’re a good aviator.’
 Cyclones POV
  Cyclone then walked into the room as he heard the commotion, heading directly for Maverick as he asked in a demanding tone,
  “What the heck is going on-“
  “Cyclone we have a serious situation, Dagger 4 got Bird Striked making him fail his mission, he was just seconds away from leaving the premises-“
 Cyclone stopped Maverick from going on as he interrupted,
  “And what stopped him-“
 Maverick pointed at the screen and said in a frustrated voice,
  “The Bird Strike Cyclone, it hit both his engines, and because he passed time and over the required altitude, he’s got missiles after him, and worse yet, 5 5th Generation planes showed up-“
  “5 what?? Shit he’s going to get killed out there-“
  “That’s why I need to get out there-“
 Cyclone immediately put a stop to Mavericks plan as he knew what was getting in his head,
  “Absolutely not! Do you know how dangerous that is Captain?! Anyone that goes out there can get killed!”
  “I pulled off the mission perfectly, I can take out these guys too, I’ve done it before-“
  “And you and Rooster almost died if it wasn’t for Hangman! So no, no one is going.”
  Cyclone huffed at Maverick for being ridiculous about tying to get involved into something that had already started and didn’t promise a good ending,
  ‘Is this man inane! There’s no way I’m letting anyone out!’
 Both agitated sailors were stopped from furthering the argument when they heard Hangman’s voice crack through the radio that was beginning to lose his communication,
  “Hey old man I-I got more m-missiles c-coming at me what’s g-g-going o-on!!!’
 The radio began to crack for how far off Hangman was leaving the radar, all those missiles and jets chasing him made him go off the deep end, also some had hit his jet, as he was escaping for his life and trying his best to fight them all off too. 
 Mavericks POV
  Maverick knew the feeling of being helpless, and not knowing if he was hanging onto his last mere seconds of life. And today he heard that kind of feeling being voiced from one of his greatest, and strongest pilots, Jake Seresin. His heart clenched painfully in his chest as his eyes once again found Oceans, but this time her eyes were already on his, seeking help and hope from him. Oceans knew what Maverick was capable of and hoped he could do something about all of this. Maverick turned back to Cyclone and pleaded,
 “Cyclone, can’t anyone go out there to help him-“
 Cyclones POV
 Cyclone couldn’t believe the words coming out of Mavericks mouth making him more upset as he raised his hand in the air saying,
  “I said, no! I’m not risking any more of my aviators, daggers- just not anyone! As it is we’re not sure if Hangman is going to make it back, let’s not make that number increase. I’m calling off all aviators, and if I find any of them off this ship, they’ll be discharged. I’m dead serious. It’s for their safety.-“
  Cyclones eyes found the screen as it went black meaning Hangman’s communication was completely cut off, and now in a much lower, dreaded tone he added,
  “Because this is not a dog-fight anymore Maverick... it’s a war zone. Maybe last time you guy pulled it off, but you can’t be sure that you’ll be lucky this time too.”
  After he said that, Cyclone made sure all aviators were accounted for and had them all sit in the debriefing room with him, making sure that none of them slipped away, and walked into their death bed. Cyclone deep down felt terribly sorry for Hangman, but he couldn’t let himself give the freedom for anyone else to walk into what was now a deadly mission. The whole room went silent as Cyclone ordered the range control to keep an eye out for anyone fallen F-18, and that if they had a sign of anything to report to him immediately.
  Oceans POV
 There was no way anyone else dared to fight or negotiate with Cyclone, the minute he put out an order and a threat for discharging, that should be a big warning to not overstep. Bob and Phoenix looked at one another with no sense of hope in their faces. Payback, Fanboy, and Coyote were in their seats while sighing with disappointment or raking their hands frustratedly through their hair. Oceans saw Maverick take his seat next to Rooster as he patted his back comfortingly. She looked at all the aviators and saw their hopelessness and fear. Oceans then looked up at the dash board and saw it shut off, though minutes prior she saw all the daggers that were after him, missiles and the jets too, the only blue plane that was shining on the screen was his, Jake Seresin was all alone. In the process of watching and hearing all of this disaster go down, she was thinking about her life and career, thinking about what to do, thinking about what she should do.
  ‘Hangman can’t do it on his own, he needs help, and if they can’t help... I can. I can help him, I know how to fly and fight. Maybe I’m not in Top Gun, or I’m not an official aviator, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not capable. Plus.. I’ve got nothing to lose. While they all do.’
  Oceans knew that in order for her crazy plan to work, she needed back up, someone to trust to tell, so, she made a beeline to get Maverick, well, she actually ran to him.
Mavericks POV
 Maverick was messing with the sleeves of his flight suit trying to distract his own mind from telling him to run on deck and get in a damned jet, but then he heard someone whisper his name, it was barely audible, but it was understandable. So with making sure that Cyclone wasn’t watching him, he lifted his head up and began to look around for who called him, it was Oceans who stood near by out of Cyclone’s sight, she then began to sign language what she him to do,
  ‘Can you come to the restroom?’
  Maverick sighed with confusion as he replied,
  ‘Sure.. give me a second.’
  Oceans quickly answered with a thumbs up,
  Maverick then got up and immediately Cyclone looked at him with a serious look and tone,
  “Where do you think you’re going Captain?”
  Maverick clutched his stomach as he tried to explain,
  “I really need to go, this is making me all sick.”
  Cyclone simply rolled his eyes and gestured him towards the door that was on the opposite side of the ship where there would be no jets lying around. Maverick took a quick run for it and the minute he ran in Oceans closed the door and leaned on it with her hands behind her back, looking at Maverick in the eyes she began to say without missing a beat,
  “I want to go after Hangman, I want to help him. I.. I can’t leave him out there.”
  Maverick held his hands up in defense as he quickly countered,
  “Woah woah.. wait what?”
  “Maverick.. I want- no I need to go after Hangman.. please. I’m dead serious no jokes.. he’s going to die if no one rescues h-him.”
  Oceans voice cracked on the last word, she was serious but scared at the same time. Maverick couldn’t believe his ears and walked up to Oceans grabbing her hands into his own, and bringing her into the middle of the restroom as he questioned,
  “What are you talking about?”
  “Mitchell for the love of Texas!! Did you not hear me!  I want to go help Hangman, the other missiles firing out on him isn’t his fault, the 5th Generation jets after him aren’t his fault either, someone should go still help him, he’s out there alone and can die.”
  ‘This girl is just as crazy as me!!’
 Maverick shook his head as he put forth in a voice of disbelief, trying to make a point that he could never on a sober day send her out to this mission,
“You’re just a Naval Mechanic Oceans! Not a part of this mission or dagger team yet.”
 With a shrug to her shoulders Oceans countered,
“So! That shouldn’t stop me! You said it yourself! That I was more than ready to be on the team.. to go on a mission. If I can fly then let me go, no aviators are allowed in the skies-“
  “Shouldn’t that tell you something?-“
  “Yes, I’m not an aviator, I’m a Mechanic, meaning I pass to go.”
 Maverick was beginning to see how more convinced Oceans was to going, so he was trying once again to come up with any excuse, 
  “Can you fly any of the jets?”
 The room went dead silent after he asked that, because of course she did, now Maverick just wanted to sink into the earth for being so oblivious,
  ‘Ok that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said..’
  Oceans scoffed lightly and proved her point,
  “I’m an Aviation Mechanist, if I know how to build a F-18 then I most certainly know how to fly one. And I graduated on the top of my entire class. Now let me go, Pete.”
 Only when super serious Oceans would call Maverick by his first name, so Maverick eyed Oceans with dread in his appearance, he didn’t want his best pilot to risk her whole career on this suicide mission, a mission she wasn’t even a part of, but if no one could do it, she could. But as much as he didn’t want to admit it, Maverick could see the hopefulness and confidence in Oceans’ hazel eyes, making him become a little more convinced to let his mechanic go. Maverick grabbed Oceans by her shoulders to pull her in for a hug, a tight hug, Oceans dug her head into his shoulder,
  ‘Talk to her Goose... don’t let her be alone in this.. Ice.. give her that confidence and agility..’
  Maverick had made up his mind, he was going to let her go. So into her ear he ordered,
  “I’m going to let you go, but you have to promise me you’ll be back. You have to come back to me, Constantine. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
 Oceans held Mavericks head with her hand as she used her other to rub his back saying,
  “I promise Maverick.. Trust me.”
 Letting out a deep breath they let go of each other mirroring one another’s small but truthful smiles. Maverick gestured his head towards the deck and put forth with a wink,
  “You go get him kid.”
 Oceans patted Maverick on the shoulders and looked around as she commented with a tone of concern, 
  “You know.. I do need a helmet and suit.”
 “Oh! Right, uhh.. here, take mine-“
  “Take yours?”
 “Do your sweats have an adjustable waist?”
  Oceans eyed her sweats then Maverick,
  “Um yeah they do? So we exchange-“
  “Yes Oceans we don’t have time or a way to get you a spare one, turn around and take off your uniform and give them to me.”
  Oceans comfortably and quickly did what Maverick asked her, she trusted him to know that he’d never steal a glance from her, Maverick considered Oceans his daughter, so damn right he treated her like one. Heck, God knows that while they both exchanged clothes he had his eyes closed the entire time, until she called him,
  “Maverick? I’m ready.”
 Maverick did he’d tying his belt on then turned around and saw Oceans in his own flight suit. 
  ‘Damn it kid.. you’re making this extremely harder for me to let you go now, but no, we all need this. Hangman needs you.’
  Maverick checked the zippers and sleeves on Oceans to make sure it was all on right, and once he knew she was ready, he told her, 
  “Ok kid listen to me, take my jet.. it’s one of the fastest ones here-“
  “Your F-18 or the Super Hornet?”
‘The Super Hornet is faster.. but more dangerous...’
  “Do you think you can handle a Super Hornet? Did you even finish fixing it?”
  Oceans nodded her head yes,
  “Yeah its ready, and I do know how to fly it, flew it once during training.”
 Sighing lowly he replied,
 “Ok then.. take that one then, if you need to get somewhere fast that one will literally transport you there in mere seconds.”
  “Great.. now how do I get out of here?”
 Maverick looked around and reminded himself they were in a restroom,
  “Right.. ok, when I walk out, you run out, but you have to be fast kid I mean it, your life, depends on this moment.”
 “You bet I’ll be quick and not seen.. kinda like a ghost you know?”
  Maverick jabbed his finger into her chest lightly as he agreed,
  “Exactly, now, if you make it out of here unseen, run to my office and grab my helmet.. then get out of here.”
  “Copy that.. let’s go..”
 Maverick stood in front of Oceans as he opened the door quietly, and because he was quiet, Cyclone hadn’t seen him yet, he had his back facing the restroom, so Maverick immediately grabbed Oceans by the arm like if she was a little kid, and yanked her out of the restroom. Oceans was quick to keep up with Mavericks moves as she then was now running to the outside of the debriefing room, and Maverick was walking towards his chair. Under his breath Maverick muttered,
  “Now that.. was miracle number one.”
  Oceans’ POV
  Once Maverick sat down, Oceans sent him a smile with teeth before saluting him and jump starting to a run towards the deck, she ran through the back rooms and narrow hallways, to avoid being caught. She quickly found Mavericks office and got what she needed, then headed out the door to the deck. As she said, it was like being a ghost, existing but running though thin air, without being seen. The open wind hit her face once she hit the outdoors, it was like a fresh start, kinda like your first day at school, or when you try something exciting for the first time. She had flown every known jet in the Navy sense she tested each one after she worked on them, but knowing she’d be flying one of them for a different purpose this time, made it all feel very different. This time, she was actually going to be in a dogfight. And according to the radar when she last saw it, Hagman was about 50 miles away from them all, where he was fighting, she’d needed to be there as soon as possible, Oceans needed to get their really fast.
  Oceans saw the Super Hornet waiting for her to take her destined seat, like a princess who waited her whole life to be crowned queen and take the throne. It was the fastest jet on the aircraft carrier, making her arrive sooner than if she rode on any other one. She had only flown it once, but what she didn’t tell Maverick was that it terrified her, it’s speed was undeniably incalculable, the missiles it fired were outnumbered, this flying jet was basically a killing machine, but it was exactly what she needed right now, so that’s what she’d take.
  ‘I know I’m so fired after this, but I’d rather live without this job, than live without a Hangman.’
 The afternoon- almost evening skies made the yellow, orangish sun beam off of the Hornet, making it look glorious, and human hands unworthy to touch such a treasure. She felt so little and insignificant to ever ride a beauty as this, but she remembered Roosters words, before doubt and haunting memories would cast itself upon her,
  ‘Don’t think, just do.. Don’t think. Just do.’
  After opening it Oceans took her seat and closed the top. Putting on her mask to seatbelt, she made everything was securely put on first, safety comes first, always. Glancing at everything inside the Hornet, she saw that it was just awfully beautiful. All the switches and buttons were touched by her covered, callused fingertips as she ran her hands through everything carefully, she treated it like gold. Oceans could’ve stayed there for  hours pointing out what each button and switch was called and what they were for, but she was on a mission, Oceans was on a rescue mission. When she turned on the switch and pressed the button to start the engine, the Hornet roared loudly as it came to life. Everything rumbled under her as the motors and everything within that jet geared and positioned itself when she put it in position to take off. 
  A parade of drums beat loudly within her rib cage, her heart was crying out to be set free. Oceans body began to react to the fear she was experiencing in that moment, but her mind blocked it all off, and began to push the lever forward. She went to the very end of the ship, giving her plenty of room to drive it to take off, so that’s where she began.
  A little jerk from moving forward made Oceans’ back lean completely against the seat, as it moved to the end of the deck, where’d she do her head start before taking off and away. 
  “Come on baby.. work with me..”
 Her voice came out trembled as she cooed and encouraged her jet to cooperate. Then it was time for countdown, breaths coming out broken and shaky, she began to say,
  With all her might that could be suppressed from her body, Oceans pushed the throttle forward with both hands, letting out a loud groan from the back of her throat, the amount of strength it took to push almost took her breath away. The Hornet reached 300 miles in mere seconds, as it was beginning to drive off the deck, Oceans saw the waters come closer and closer, meaning she was close to coming off completely. 
  “Come on baby almost there!! GO GO GO!!”
  The speed and power the Hornet held increased as Oceans pushed forward demanding more from it. She was 50 ft. away from take off when she held her breath as she thought,
  ‘Aaaaand... WE’RE OFF!!! I’M OFF DECK!!!’
  Oceans let out a shout of victory as her Hornet finally was off the deck and soaring through the skies like an eagle that was set free from captivity. She didn’t realize she was crying from relief until she felt her cheeks super damp and a small whimper escaped her lips like a hiccup through the mask. 
 “Now, let’s not get ourselves killed, we gotta be like a ghost, coming in unexpectedly and scaring the shit out of all these guys! Hangman I’m coming for ya sucker!!!”
  Oceans checked her radar and saw how fast she was going now, she was almost hitting Mach 9, that was really fast. 
  ‘I’m going to be there soon Hangs just hold on. I’m almost there.’
  Mavericks POV
 The minute Cyclone saw Maverick sit back to the debriefing room, he questioned Mavericks change of clothes,
  “What are you wearing, Captain?”
Rooster had too just realized what he was wearing when he picked up his head from his hands, but Maverick sent him a sly wink before telling Cyclone,
  “I uhh.. got my suit dirty because-“
 Cyclone scrunched his nose and quickly stopped Maverick,
  “Ok ok, I don’t need the details.. just stay seated and do not puke on my floor.”
 In that moment the Air Commander came back to the room and told Cyclone, 
  “Sir, we haven’t gone any news from the rescue team, I think he’s still in the air.”
  Warlock looked at Cyclone as he asked in disbelief,
  “That’s literally impossible.. he’s flying a F-18 against 5G jets. How is he still in the air.”
  Cyclone dismissed the Air Commander and answered Warlock simply,
  “I can’t answer that, but all I know.. is that he is one of the best, trained by one of the best-“
 In mid sentence he glanced at Maverick,
 “aviators here.. Maverick taught Hangman how to handle situations like these, I’m hoping he can pull it off.”
 Roosters POV
 Rooster was feeling distressed about it all, he was probably feeling the sickness Maverick said he was supposedly feeling.  
  He was so into his head about Hangman leaving the radar with all the life threatening missiles and jets after him, that he didn’t necessarily catch Maverick leaving and coming back with a different suit on, or even see Oceans running out of the restroom from behind him with his flight suit on. But Phoenix was quick to take a seat next to Maverick as she asked him in a stern but quiet tone,
  “Maverick.. what the hell did you do?”
And just right after Phoenix said that, another Lieutenant walked in and gasped out,
“Admiral we got a Hornet that just flew off our deck, we couldn’t catch them in time!”
Cyclone whipped his head towards the aviators as he scanned the room, then his eyes went wide as he muttered under his breath,
  Hangman’s POV
 “Come on! Come get me!!”
 Hangman shouted between flying and trying to make them chase him, so he could get them all together and see if he’d be able to pull off hitting them all at once.  
  The plot to Hangman’s game was to head straight on for a mountain side, his plan was to get very close to the mountain, and have them so close to him, that when he’d pull up they’d all crash into the mount, making his escape back to deck safe. But that called to have a very, very strong faith, that he’d be able to pull it off as easily as he had planned it in his head, and right now, he was more sure that a meteor could strike earth in that moment than his plan actually working out.
  ‘Believe Hangman believe! You can do this!! Wait- shoot! Are those?- MORE MISSILES FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! 5 5G Jets and outnumbered missiles... this is definitely going be one heck of a fun way to die.’
  What the LT had told Maverick, about them not being able to hold back the firing missiles, had just come to life, as they began coming after him. And they were headed straight towards him from the mountain he was headed for, making him change his plans and turn around before he got hit. The only good thing about this, was that it caused a little distraction to the 5G Jets, as they came in between the missiles that fired after them all. 
  “Let’s see if you guys can take down those missiles, losers!! Let’s get out of here Hangman!”
 He pushed the throttle forward wanting to cause his Jet to move at a faster pace, trying to get out of there as the 5G Jets got caught up in the missile mess. 
  ‘Ok we’re not off the hook yet, but we looking better.’
  Hangman took a deep breath as he soared through the valleys of the mountains, turning his jet from a sharp left to a right, he needed to grab altitude, he was way to low to the ground, almost hitting 200ft. But as he pushed harder on the throttle, he quickly began to realize, that it wasn’t gathering speed. 
  “Why aren’t cooperating girl?! Damn it!!”
 Ringing sounds filled the jet as it signaled him that he had 3 jets coming his way, and they were right on his tail once again.
  “Y’all really want to die today huh?!?”
 He set up his own missiles and fired at them, but unfortunately they all missed, and also, he was finally out of everything he had. From the missiles to the bullets, and even the flares, he was done for. Now all he could do was, fly for his life. Looking back for a quick glance he saw smoke coming from behind him from one of the Jets, meaning one just fired a missile at him, Hangman took a sharp left and lowered his jet, causing the missile to crash into a hill. And he continued to do that for a few times, missing each missile. But he knew at some point it’d become a little harder. And what he couldn’t seem to avoid missing were the gun firing bullets that were after him, several hit his plane making its condition not any better. Hangman let out a breath of frustration as he began to feel overly exhausted, he felt like he couldn’t catch his breath anymore and his arms and hands began to shake violently for how hard he was holding onto the throttle.
  ‘I can’t eject, i don’t have enough altitude and this damn jet won’t go up! I can’t give up just yet- a little more Hangman.. let’s try and get one more jet  down at least- wait wait... who’s- why is their a fourth one now- is that a freaking Hornet!!’
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
It's crazy to me that CultLH talks about moral values.
From last year until the end of this week, they were sending d*ath threats to Perez. But now they are trying to protect him.
They insist that Max is immoral and say, "You must be awake now". Why? The most awful person in the world because he didn't give his teammate his position? Really?
Hamilton was an abuser who would break into her house after Nicole broke up with him. He was despicable enough to psychologically abuse a woman for a year by saying "you're too fat". Last year he was having a great time with his p*dophile and r*pist friend.
As for Max, even though he no longer follows him on social media, still people point to that person and declare Max a racist. Why are they passing Hamilton? There's even a murderer around him.
It's something I'm really curious about. The fact that Hamilton makes friends with criminal people does not mean that he is such a person. But it's not the same for Max, is it?
We come to people's hypocrisy again when it comes to Max. Isn't that great?
ps. I'm sorry, but I was so annoyed on twitter. The worst thing for Max is that he refuses to give up his position to Perez. It's much better than their drivers' problem.
See the thing is Checo opened a can of worms for lh fans to support him.
Like anyone who doesn’t like Max they support, and this incident showed that. The majority of them supported Charles cause he was beating max. It’s the same now with Checo. Lewis’s comments didn’t help the narrative (once again).
Checo is a second driver compared to Max. Max is a two time world champion, not Checo. The whole thing was blown way way outta proportion because it was another reason to hate Max.
The fact is. Max was crashed into by Lewis, was at the back of the grid twice and managed to pull 4 seconds on Checo. That’s tells the whole story. Why should Max give that place Checo after he earned it? Absolutely not.
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strawberryseeded · 1 year
Whenever I see people talking about AI art replacing writers, visual artists, or any other kind of artist I honestly do get very worried. But also, I can't help but think that people who want and are pushing for this to happen just don't understand just how complex and human art is. Machines don't really create art, they imitate it. They can only imitate it, because no matter how good at pretending they are, machines don't really understand what they are creating/producing. They do not understand what art is (they can give you a definition of it, but they themselves don't understand the words), and, more importantly, what its purpose or value is. They just don't. We are giving them too much credit by thinking they do... Or, no, okay. Correction: We are giving human brains too little credit thinking machines can replace them.
"What is the format of the Encyclopedia one should give to a machine so that it may write (and understand) Aesop-like fables?
In their program Tale-Spin, [Roger Schank and Peter Childers] first started with asmall-scale Encyclopedia: the computer was told how—given a set of problematic situations—a bear might plan toget some honey.
At the beginning of the computer trials, Joe Bear asked Irving Bird where he could find some honey, and Irving replied that “there was a beehive in the oak tree.” But in one of the early stories generated by the computer, Joe Bear became miffed because he thought Irving hadn’t answered him. In fact, his encyclopedic competence lacked the information that at times you can indicate the location of food by using metonymy—that is, by naming the source instead of the food itself. Proust praised Flaubert for writing that Madame Bovary drew near the fireplace and for considering it unnecessary to tell his readers that she was cold. Moreover, Flaubert took it for granted that his readers would know a fireplace produces warmth. In contrast, Schank and Childers realized that they had to be more explicit with a computer, and they supplied it with information on the relationship of food to its source. But when Irving Bird repeated that there was a beehive in the oak tree, Joe Bear walked over to the oak tree and ate the whole beehive. His Encyclopedia was still incomplete: the difference between source as a container and source as an object still had to be explained to him, because “finding a refrigerator will do when you are hungry [only] if you know you have to look inside it, and not eat it. None of this is obvious to a machine.”
Another unforeseen incident occurred when the machine was told how to use certain means to obtain certain ends (for example, “if a character wants some object, then one option he has is to try bargaining with the object’s owner”). And so this happened:
Joe Bear was hungry. He asked Irving Bird where some honey was. Irving refused to tell him, so Joe offered to bring him a worm if he’d tell him where some honey was. Irving agreed. But Joe didn’t know where any worms were, so he asked Irving, who refused to say. So Joe offered to bring him a worm if he’d tell him where a worm was. Irving agreed. But Joe didn’t know where any worms were, so he asked Irving, who refused to say. So he offered to bring him a worm if he’d tell him where a worm was . . .
To avoid this loop, the computer had to be told “not to give a character a goal if he already has it [that is, if he’s already attempted it without success] but to try something else.” But even these instructions caused problems, because they interacted badly with later information—for example, “If a character is hungry and sees some food, he will want to eat it. If a character is trying to get some food and fails, he will get sick from the lack of food.”
Here is a story that the computer came up with. Bill Fox saw Henry Crow sitting on a branch and holding a piece of cheese in his mouth. Bill was hungry and obviously wanted to eat the cheese, so he persuaded Henry Crow to sing. Henry opened his mouth and the cheese fell to the ground. Once the cheese was on the ground, Bill saw it again and should, under normal circumstances, have wanted to eat it. But the computer had been instructed not to give a character the same goal twice, so Bill could not satisfy his hunger and got sick. Too bad for Bill. But what happened to Henry Crow?
Henry Crow saw the cheese on the ground, and he became hungry, but he knew that he owned the cheese. He felt pretty honest with himself, so he decided not to trick himself into giving up the cheese. He wasn’t trying to deceive himself, either, nor did he feel competitive with himself, but he remembered that he was also in a position of dominance over himself, so he refused to give himself the cheese. He couldn’t think of a good reason why he should give himself the cheese [if he did that, he’d lose the cheese], so he offered to bring himself a worm if he’d give himself the cheese. That sounded okay, but he didn’t know where any worms were. So he said to himself, “Henry, do you know where any worms are?” But of course, he didn’t, so he . . . [and so on].
You really have to know a lot to read a fable. But however much Schank and Childers had to teach their computer, they didn’t have to tell it where the rue Servandoni was. The world of Joe Bear was always a small world.
In order to read a work of fiction, one must have some notion of the economic criteria that rule the fictional world. The criteria aren’t there—or rather, as in every hermeneutic circle, they have to be presupposed even as you are trying to infer them from the evidence of the text. For this reason, reading is like a bet. You bet that you will be faithful to the suggestions of a voice that is not saying explicitly what it is suggesting."
(Eco, Umberto, (1994), Six Walks in the Fictional Woods)
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
My issue with the way the fandom treats Apo is that I see a lot of ableism. People like to bring up homophobia and the constant questions of his sexuality as well as colorism and racism within the industry, which is valid because he’s been vocal about it but, I see a hell of a lot of ableist thinking when it comes to him. I’m ADHD and autistic and I see a lot of neurodivergent traits in Apo, definitely ADHD vibes to me personally. I see people commenting on his body language and habits but really most of the time he’s just stimming. Which he does A LOT and in many different ways. He’s blunt without being unkind, very stubborn when he’s made up his mind, he’s boisterous and loud, he meditates to center himself and battle anxiety, he’s constantly poking and touching everyone around bc that’s how he shows affection, he loves vivid colors and wears whatever he’s most comfortable in ex: His (and Porsche’s) habit of rolling his sleeves up and adding to that his picky eating screams sensory issues to me. But the audience reacts to him in a very “manic pixie dream girl” way and reduces it all to “quirkiness” and “awww how cute” and it just rubs me the wrong way.
The problem is that when people see that as childlike it then automatically translates into immaturity and naïveté. The fans infantilize him constantly and the tone can be both positive and negative but in the end it accomplishes the same thing: taking away his agency and therefor putting into question every single choice he makes. He’s been very open about the abuse he’s suffered in the industry and it’s obvious he’s been taken advantage of in the past and discriminated against due to the way he naturally presents himself. So it’s super disheartening to see people talk about him like he’s completely naive to the world around him when I see the opposite. He has made a clear and public choice to not mask things people have a problem with and he’s surrounded himself with a support system in people like Mile.
I think that’s why the Pond allegations really piss me off. Apo knows his shit in the industry and it’s been talked about by the people who work with him. You literally see cast members asking him for acting advice or behind the scenes crew asking him his opinions on things because his knowledge and experience is valuable. From what I remember he also helped to get KP running with BOC - even though this fandom gives all of that credit to Mile - and is a huge reason the Thai film is even being made. Instead people had to run with the “sleeping with the boss” schtick which again, disregards all of his accomplishments and puts him into a box of only being successful because he’s cute and pretty.
He knows who he is and he knows what he wants and he’s going to be himself the whole way. The fans seem to be unable to see that and in my own experience with this, I can say, it really frickin hurts when your proven capability gets questioned at literally every turn just because people are ignorant and ableist.
I’ve had these conversation in private to friends who agreed with this take but since you’re someone who seems able to listen and give good feedback, I’m curious as to what your thoughts are. If you feel this is stupid or you think it might cause you more problems, then please feel free to ignore me.
(Reading this just made me realize that I may not have undiagnosed ADHD at all, and it actually may be autism. Huh, now THAT'S a revelation but I digress..)
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I completely agree! People don't realize that the infantilization of Apo is quite harmful. You think of him as your cute little uwu baby and that's a good thing, right? However, with that comes a completely different can of worms. No one takes children and young people seriously. No one sees children and/or young people as human beings so they essentially don't exist as individuals. So if people don't see you as a mature adult with your own mind and agency, it makes it easier for them to disregard, ignore, and discredit your opinions when they disagree with your perspectives. That's the problem that results from all of this.
For the longest time, I found it odd because you have people in this fandom who consider Apo to be a child when he's older than certain groups of this fandom. He's older than some of his cast mates, but he gets treated as if he's younger than cast mates who are chronologically younger than him. Honestly, you may be onto something when you say this viewpoint of Apo could stem from some form of ableism among other things.
They want Apo to fall in line. They want to put him in this box, but they're going to suffer from disappointment once they realize that he's his own person and he's not going to do what they want him to do. He's going to do what's best for him, and that's his right. You may not agree with it, and that's fine. You can still support and like someone without agreeing with all of their choices. But their willingness to see Apo as an immature airhead further discredits his own expertise in the film industry as if he doesn't know a thing or two about all of this. Implying that he's involved with that man tells me that these people aren't really fans of Apo if they believe he would need to do something like that to get ahead. Which is absolutely disgusting, by the way.
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angelictwitch · 3 months
Times used to be so simple back there, bringing love to the world or at least to my’s little hometown - calling me a hopeless romantic would have been and still is a major understatement. But like all good things, there is always an end to it, which my younger self wasn’t aware of by now, nor he was aware of the kind of puberty my’s kind would have at one point… Unfortunately my’s big bro couldn't tell me about it and neither could mom.
Once again the knight in shining armor, saved a maiden in distress from an evil raging bull. That was at least what the young Strychnine had in mind when he snatched a girl from another boy once again. Don't get that wrong he never destroyed real relationships with that, but only the ones he considered not fair for one side and he wasn't picky about the gender he had to “save” either. But mostly the betrayed on male counterparts turned out to be the problem here and today once again he was on the run but this time it should go different. °Let’s all calm down, nobody was hurt with that uh?° - “No UH fuckface! Now you are going to pay for making a fool out of me and the other boys!” The rather muscular quarterback lifted up the short sunny boy by his shirt, rage filling his eyes. Strych was a little scared, not gonna lie, but it wasn't the first time he was beaten up by an envious boyfriend, it turned out to be good training for his healing abilities, his angel mother left him. °Hey, hey we’s can talk that over, l-like uhm I’s could teach you’s how to be nicer-° Twitch was interrupted by a hit to the stomach, making him weeze and sink to the ground. “Teaching me shit! You sound like the shit Reverend on Sunday in church -Love each other- bullcrap!” the meathead ground and let it be followed by a kick to the ribs of the blonde boy, who coughed in response, spitting out some blood with it. The whole torture went on for some time, nothing really new for the little angel, until the bully used his voice again after using his fists for some time now. “Only because your mommy was a whore, doesn’t mean you can do the same - bringing love - HA - love my ass” - °…Don’t… don’t you’s dare draggin’ my mom into this..° Twitch tried to gain enough breath back to stop the conversion right there; beat him up? That’s fine. Make jokes about his looks or speech? No problem. But insulting his family? That was a no go. “Awww… did I finally hit a soft spot? Blondie is a mommy’s boy? Well she can’t help you anyway being worm food by now.” - °Shut up…° - “Whaaat?” the hulk bowed down “can't hear ya” - the blonde boy looked up in pure anger, an emotion that was completely new for him in this level, his blood felt like it was burning and somehow his back started to hurt like he was being stabbed but he wasn't wondering about it after all the beating he received at this point. °I’s said SHUT the hell UP!° Twitch got up, headputting the bully, who fell on his ass in surprise but got back in no time charging at him but this time, it should go differently. “Oh you gotta pay!” with a roar, he swung his fist into the direction of his victim, who was closing his eyes preparing for the impact once again, only to be stopped by a rain of white feathers. Twitch peeked through one eye, wondering why he was still untouched by the bullys fist, only to realize that his mother has given him more than just healing skills.
The little angel had finally earned his wings, quite literally, which protected him from the now confused meathead: “W-what is that?? What kind of freak are you really?!” the boy yelled at him, looking horrified “I am outta here!” - °N-no wait!° the angle opened his wings to grab his attacker by his shirt, before he could run away °No one can know…° Twitch took a deep breath and placed his free hand on the bullys forehead, like he did it a hundred times before: °Sleep and forget.° he said in a calm voice, which caused exactly that, letting the quarterback collapse in front of him. °…What.. I’s how… I’s gotta go somehow- ° there was no time to think this through, as he heard a teacher’s voice followed by footsteps around the corner. He closed his eyes wishing to just disappear in thin air like his brother could: °Oh god no I’s done for when they see meˋs like- h-huh?° the boy weeped to himself as he opened his eyes slowly, realizing he wasn't at the school anymore, but in an old looking pavilion, surrounded by thick green trees and bushes. Looks like he got a dash of the demon powers as well. Strych went to one corner of his new haven letting out a sigh of relief, followed by some tears. He had grown-up but not as he had expected: °Mom… I’s could need some help right now…° the young angel weeped to himself before, dozing off by the exhaust not to wake up until the night fell.
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pageadaytale · 4 months
BOOK REVIEW - Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
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This is the point in the year where I really struggle. As Winter makes way for Spring - true Spring, not the still-dark, still-cold early Spring that, this year, still passes for Winter - I get tired, my body fighting to adjust to the longer daylight hours and warm weather (almost Summer weather - kinda like a warming? Of the global kind?) alongside a mild hayfever which irritates my eyes. Any change in season messes with my body, as the weather seems to suddenly take a turn.
It is also this time of year that makes me most focused on the natural world around me.
When I was recovering from my deepest depression I walked a lot. Up hills, in woods, to lakes and meadows. Being around nature revived me, reminded me of my connection with things, gave me space to just be. I think that's what I look for around this time each year - time to exist in a natural space, reminding myself of what the natural world is.
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson talks eloquently and enthusiastically about the myriad ways we are connected to the natural world in Tapestries. She takes us through the New York water system and the clams that help keep it pure; through to bone worms that live on the carcasses of dead whales that end up on the sea floor; via mallow plants, possums, and Norwegian orchids. As she discusses the intricacies of the ecosystems involved, she skillfully ties them back to humanity, our modern world.
It's eye-opening to learn how the plants and animals that surround us shape and reflect society - examples include scientists studying ant movements to model traffic flow, and examination of microstructures on moths' eyes to reduce the reflectivity of glass - and Sverdrup-Thygeson keeps it light, making the book engaging. But it's difficult to mesh the theme of nature's effect on humanity with her argument that the natural world has intrinsic value: by saying "this is how nature benefits us" I feel it cheapens efforts at environmental preservation to a self-centred goal. I think there's great benefit in looking at it the other way: "this is nature, and isn't it marvellous that it's there?"
And whilst she tries to present an even-handed view of differing styles of ecological preservation, it seems her preferences lie in one direction in particular. I don't wish to criticize this view too much, because she seems to share my opinions: that between the "traditional conservationists" who see humanity as just another species, championing nature at the centre of all; and what she calls "welfare-first folk" who believe that humanity's welfare comes before nature, and we must save what we can without getting in the way of human progress; the traditional conservationists have the better argument.
Which makes the whole premise of the book feel a little weird? Saying "we need to remember we're part of nature, and take seriously our responsibility to care for the environment" feels at odds with "this is how nature can benefit us, so let's not destroy it!" It feels a litle as though Sverdrup-Thygeson is trying to have her cake and eat it, too.
I am ragging on this a little much. In truth, it was a book I enjoyed: it's a compendium of fascinating stories about the strange facets of nature humans have made use of, and how we continue to turn to the natural world to improve our lives. And it finds time to present urgent messages on climate change, warning that increasing temperatures will not just cost lives - they'll increase costs for companies and governments too, as they react to the changing world and the problems we've already caused being magnified.
But for the most part, the message of Tapestries is more upbeat, revelling in the strange and wonderful in nature that humanity has copied, drawn from, or taken advantage of. The style can feel a bit like a bubbly school teacher presenting a lesson to the class, but overall it's a book that focuses on the wonder of the world and how we can save it, rather than wallowing in doomerism. It's a hopeful and upbeat message which should drive us to work for change, even if I disagree with how that message is presented.
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tacobellabeanburrito · 6 months
So at the end of the year, our show choir (which I’m in) performs and makes a whole cabaret show.
Last year, I wrote all the scripts (My friend wrote 3 and I wrote the others). Literally did the whole ass thing myself AND PEOPLE REALLY LIKED IT! Like, just saying. I got a lot of compliments on it. (We did a Choir Court one where I kinda made me and my friend Phoenix and Edgeworth, I didn’t even really like Ace Attorney back then but it was like, the only thing I wanted to do research on for how court proceedings work)
And yeah, there were problems (The skits were really long) but people liked them and I was planning on correcting my mistakes this time for script writing during cabaret cause this cabaret, like last years, WAS MY BABY. Last year’s was my baby because I basically wrote the damn thing and I created the name. But this year, I came up with the idea, the name, AND PRACTICALLY ALL THE SKITS.
But of course, my choir director says that I can’t write all them again and we need to have a script writing team (Because I wrote all them last year and it was too much work (It was but this is my senior year LET ME HAVE THIS) and she keeps telling me that I can’t lead all of the creative stuff on the script writing team EVEN THOUGH I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS A SET PLACE FOR WHERE EVRY SKIT SHOULD GO AND HOW THIS STORY SHOULD BE PLAYED OUT. (Because this whole thing is practically a musical that I created for our Show Choir and theatre department since we didn’t get our musical (Which is a whole other can of worms that I don’t wanna open)
And she kept telling me that “I have to learn to work together with people” and “This is a collaboration” YEAH OK THANKS FOR PUTTING THE GIRL WHO SPREAD RUMORS ABOUT ME ON THE SCRIPT WRITING THEM EVEN WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU WHAT SHE DID. Thanks. APPRECIATED.
And of course I love these people and I wanna work with them, but they don’t know what we’re going for and what the story is. It’s hard to not be able to control it. AND THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE STARTS FOR THE SKITS, I can’t blame them but even my friend was coming up to me to tell her what she should write. I CAN WRITE IT MY DING DANG SELF. IT’S SO MUCH EASIER.
Just needed to rant a little. The girl who spread rumors about me I didn’t assign any script to because I didn’t want her to write or have any control over anything so she’s not getting a kick of credit on the playbill. She even wanted to be in scripts when asked. WHY DO YOU WANNA BE IN SCRIPTS? I HATE YOU. YOU KNOW I HATE YOU.
I’m sure she’s glad she’s not gonna be doing any work, maybe she thinks I’m scared of her or something, but I’m just glad that she has no control over what goes into the skits and that she’s gonna have no credit given to her cause she didn’t do shit.
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jupitersson · 11 months
Tell us about the percy jackson rp server experiences?
genuinely you do Not know the can of worms you just fucking opened
when i was a sophomore in high school i had this friend beth. i'd known her since kindergarten and at the time we were besties (after all of these events we ended up growing apart in that we graduated high school and i blocked her on everything bc i was so fed up with her negative attitudes but that's a whole other thing). we were in the same french class when she learned i both a) loved percy jackson with my entire being and b) am a very good writer.
funnily enough this girl and this server is the reason i started using discord
anyway so beth invites me to this server with a bunch of her friends and as you can expect it was a percy jackson roleplaying server on discord, but the interesting thing about it was that it was only on discord after the original game it had started on shut down. that game was free realms... dark days that i was not part of that began a lot of this drama and nonsense
i join this server and Immediately everyone's clamoring for me for Some Odd Reason (i was 15 and my writing was Okay at this point but i think bc i texted with proper grammar and was funny everyone wanted me). i should explain this is not an rp server where we play the actual characters, we are making OCs, and this is important because some of these bitches were BATSHIT.
basically a ton of people were trying to cajole me to join their cabins bc i was new meat fresh blood etc and i eventually ended up choosing poseidon bc i'm a whore who thought liking swimming and having the same birthday as percy made me a poseidon kid when i very much am an athena kid and i meet the counselor, scott (he/him) and my new brother maverick (he/him)
everything's chill for a little bit and i start meeting some new people and feeling out some relationships. i stick pretty close to beth and maverick because she introduced me to these people and was my bestie and maverick was my new brother.
very quickly i begin to notice some strife between a few particular people. this is where we meet scott's girlfriend: telem, or tel (she/her).
now. tel is. wild. she at the time self described as a psychopath and was the cabin counselor of the keres cabin. now mars, you may be thinking, what the Fuck is the keres cabin.
the keres in greek mythology were female death spirits. they were considered goddesses i Believe to an extent but i always found it odd that they included a keres cabin and didn't even have other minor gods, but i left it alone because tel was so intense with people and very weird in her interactions that i just didn't wanna cause problems
anyway that was her cabin and she begged for it to be created so. you can probably imagine the kind of person she was beyond the self identification as a psychopath.
another important character here is my friend trevor (he/him). trevor at the time was a hotheated teenage boy who did Not like tel and made it very known to all who got close to him how much he did not like tel. he was friends with beth, so he very quickly became my friend too.
essentially, trevor's beef with tel began in the free realms days and carried over onto discord. they were cordial enough, but everyone knew about the tension.
so. for the main body of the story.
in this server there were obviously admins. these were the camp directors and, beneath them, camp counselors. three directors would be in power at all times as the absolute triumvirate and then the counselors beneath them comprised the rest of the leadership (LS) team.
now, when one director steps down, obviously a new one has to take their place. at this point i believe my friends cal (she/her) and dylan (he/him) were the other two directors who also despised tel, and by extension, scott, but couldn't show it because tel was a counselor.
but the original server owner wanted to step down from being a director, so an election had to be held.
scott was nominated, and eventually won the election to be the third camp director.
something important to know about scott is his self esteem was GARBAGE and everyone knew he basically let tel run their entire relationship and he would do just about anything she said just to get more of her attention, so this very obviously became a figurehead situation where tel would whisper in his ear whatever she wanted out of camp to grapple for some fucked up sense of control that she didn't have in her own life and thought she could get from a fucking PERCY JACKSON ROLEPLAYING SERVER
it was at this point that tel's cronies began going behind cal's back to dm people and try to persuade them to recall her. someone essentially dmed me to try and manipulate me into saying cal was a bad director because she was never around the server (she was a college student living her life bro) and that she was shady AF and they were trying to recall her (as if going behind her back dming randos trying to recall her wasn't also shady)
in the transfer of power from the original server owner it was decided that cal would get server ownership because she had been CD the longest, but somehow it was given to scott and we realized it was because scott and tel had the old CD in their pocket.
this sparked a huge uproar in the out of character channel where all of tel's minions were arguing with our squad until scott Finally gave up ownership to cal and she banned everyone and we all lived happily ever after <3
that was very longwinded and idek if it was entertaining but this was my pjo roleplaying experience. one of them. i have a whole other dramatic story but this is already long so. yeah.
people joke about the microcosm discord drama and i just,,, yeah,,,,,,,,,
all because a fucking emo bitch was a control freak and her only way to exert that was to get control of a PERCY JACKSON RP SERVER
get a fucking grip my lord
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nobrsux · 1 year
I just watched suzume and in classic arrogant nobel fashion, I’d like to describe how i would fix the story. This probably won’t make sense if you haven’t seen the movie. This will also contain massive spoilers so, if you want to watch the movie, you should obviously skip over this.. If you have seen Suzume, i’d love to hear your thoughts on the following edits.
To me, the primary problem with Suzume is that the core themes are very messy and unclear. I think it could be improved a lot by identifying some core themes and modifying aspects of the story to really amplify those themes. For this edit, I’m going to focus on the theme of recovering from grief caused by both personal and natural disasters. In Suzume, the primary personal disaster is the death of the main character’s mother. This grief is echoed in other parts of the plot. Her mother died in a tsunami caused by an earthquake, and the story is primarily about Suzume trying to stop earthquakes. The fact that earthquakes are caused by worms that emerge from doors located in forgotten parts of town is a natural metaphor for unresolved grief - parts of yourself that you haven’t necessarily moved on from or developed but linger as sources of nostalgia or discomfort.
In focusing on this theme, I think the movie could benefit a lot from showing a lot more grief on Suzume’s part. In the movie, as it is, I literally cannot think of a single scene in the current day Suzume’s life that shows how she’s emotionally affected by her mother’s death. We can improve that. I think it’s important that we start off showing the effects of Suzume’s grief. If we’re going to lean into this theme, I think it’s important that the audience understands that losing her mother is an event that still affects her in the current day.
Maybe her relationship with her aunt is a little extra distant, a little extra tense. The movie opens with her waking up for school and her aunt making an elaborate bento box for her. Maybe that scene has suzume a little extra distracted, where she clearly doesn’t even notice the effort that her aunt is putting in to take care of her. Maybe when she opens it at school, she mindlessly eats it, while her classmates comment on how lucky she is. 
I think that this theme can also lean really strongly into her first encounter with the door. She’s experienced the door before, and the implication that the movie should set up is that this door represents a way back to her mother. Instead of having her go to the door looking for this hot guy (a fairly shallow trope), let’s change things so that she gets into some situation where she has to get away because of her grief. Maybe it’s a fight with her aunt. Maybe it’s caused by stress from her inability to focus in class. She runs away to an abandoned part of town to be alone with her thoughts, when she comes across the door. The movie implies this connection between the door and her dead mother and, whether it’s conscious or subconscious, she’s naturally intrigued. She investigates the door, opens it, does basically the same things she does in the original movie, but now it’s clearly grief motivated. She’s not just a girl being dumb for no reason - there’s an empathy to why things go the way they do. Souta shows up to try and close the door, Suzume tries to help, but in this new version, she’s unable to. The door represents a way back to her mother, and due to her grief, she’s unable to help Souta meaningfully. Instead, he closes the door on his own. Afterwards, we have the story progress the same way that the original movie progresses. Shouta gets turned into a chair, Suzume naturally ends up following him. I think that whole sequence can be better motivated by making it clear that Suzume’s guilt about accidentally opening the door is what makes her follow him and run away, but that’s not such a big deal.
At this point in the movie, I would have also loved some deeper character development between Suzume and Souta. Personally, it makes sense to introduce a natural friction between these characters. It makes sense for Souta to be mad or even furious at Suzume for messing things up and it makes sense for Suzume to feel the need to fix what she’s started. This can naturally build into a hesitant alliance, where Souta, despite his anger, realizes he does need Suzume cause he’s a fucking chair, while Suzume feels a deep guilt and a deep need to fix the problems that she’s created and stop earthquakes from happening, It should be clear that the guilt that she feels is directly related to how she lost her mother to a tsunami caused by an earthquake and she feels very strongly that she needs to stop anyone else from suffering similar fallout. As she and souta go through japan, meeting all these different people, she finds herself forced to step out of her grief shell. These people are willing to help her and involve her in their lives and she gets a glimpse into a life outside of what her mother meant to her and what she’s lacking now. As she interacts with all these different people, the feeling that she has that she’s empty without her mother begins to chip away. This can also be reflected in each door that she seals with Souta. While she was completely helpless to help him with the first door, each subsequent door shows her helping more and more. Maybe she learns the words for the next one, or maybe she holds the key while souta is unable to. These things can be natural and powerful metaphors for her learning to let go of her grief of losing her mother. As souta and suzume go through this process, the hesitant partnership can slowly grow on each other. Souta, who was angry with suzume at first for unleashing this chaos in japan, starts to understand her grief and and her desperation to prevent others from suffering the same grief that she suffers. The mutual respect grows with each door, until he starts respecting her as a meaningful equal in this endeavor. We build this up until we get to tokyo, where we have the same reveal that souta needs to be the new keystone. I think this is really a pivotal moment and I think his sacrifice can be really powerful if it builds upon this emotional bedrock. I think we really need to maintain this metaphor of the doors being a connection to the past or, in suzume’s case, a connection to her mother. When tokyo is about to be destroyed, the main characters should be forced into choosing between souta becoming the new keystone and suzume being able to cross these doors in order to see her dead mother again. At this point, Souta should be empathetic enough to Suzume’s grief that he understands what a difficult decision this would be for her. As a result, I think it would be really beautiful for souta to choose to become the keystone of his own accord so that Suzume can go through the door and get closure by interacting with her mother again. This should be a shock to Suzume and to the audience and afterwards, there should be this deep emotional processing. After saving Tokyo, she sees souta’s grandfather and finds out how to get across the door. She encounters her aunt and souta’s friend and heads to her hometown in the exact same way as the original movie. When they stop at the rest stop, I think the fight between her and aunt should be different. I think her aunt should say a lot of the same things, but with a different twist. In my head, she still says things like, “You know what I’ve had to give up for you? No one wants to marry a woman with a child“, etc, etc, but this time she says, “But, you know what? I don’t regret taking you in. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I’ve honestly always thought of you as my own daughter and even now, while I’m chasing you around in the middle of nowhere, the idea that this could be what it takes for you to finally be a happy child keeps me here. It keeps me wanting to make sure I’m here so that you’re well fed, so that you have a warm bed to sleep in, regardless of whatever nonsense you’re doing. So guess what. I know I’m being overbearing. I know you don’t want to be getting a million calls whenever i don’t see you, but you’re not getting rid of me.“ and naturally, Suzume would break down at this. She would see how hard her aunt has been trying despite her grief. She would see that her aunt has been suffering with her. She realizes how unreasonable she’s been and she realizes how much her grief has affected the people around her. She apologizes to her aunt through tears and promises to make everything right. She might not be able to explain exactly what’s going on, but she promises to make everything right after going back to her hometown, to which her aunt responds, “Fine, but i’m going with you”. She gets to her hometown and goes through the door again. She encounters her younger self looking for her mother. She feels the same grief, but now, she knows that she’s been gifted with so much love from strangers, from her aunt, and from Souta. She reassures her younger self, that the grief is real, but there’s so much for her to look forward to, and that it’ll be hard for her to see now, but one day she’ll understand. She walks away from this conversation, confident in her choice to save souta, even at the cost of seeing her mother again. She goes to where souta is trapped, pulls him out, and in pulling him out, activates the worm again. She and souta go through this insane action sequence to get back out through the door. As she seals the door again for good, she thinks about her mother, but she also thinks about all the people that have shown up in her life. She takes hold of the key with souta, and together they close the door, returning her past to the ever-after. The rest of the movie can be mostly the same, but now it has a new meaning. She’s now let go of her grief with her mother and is now embracing her life, with her aunt, with her new friends, etc. The movie could end on a parallel. The movie started with her aunt trying to connect with her and make her feel loved by making her this intricate bento box, and then the movie ends with the two of them making bento boxes for each other, together. This isn’t a perfect re-write. There’s still a few details that I think could be improved, but, overall, I think this kind of direction would do a ton!
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whatib · 2 years
What's keeping your neighbor from murdering you?
Just making a simple comment ...
Considering how human behavior works, saying that Religion is bad for humankind is an oxymoron. If religion didn't exist then people would be murdering each other over spilled milk on a daily basis. There'd be no love, no caring, and no respect for one another. Prior to 1800 over 98% of the population had less than a grammar school education, and with that comes a lack of respect for your neighbor, lack of caring for one another, lack of honor, lack of love, and a lack of understanding of the difference between good and bad behavior...all taught by Religion when there were no schools. If religion didn't exist then most of us wouldn't even be here today. We would've killed each other off a long time ago. Those religions might've caused millions of deaths in the name of religion, but if there were no religion then there would've been tens of millions of deaths due to no fear of Hell or any punishment from above, and not being taught right from wrong. Religion is the only thing keeping most people in line. Believe me we NEED religion badly. It's the only thing that's probably keeping your hateful neighbor from taking your life or from hurting you and your family. How many people do you know that committed heinous crimes that in the end they finally decided to "change" and go "back to God". If there was no God to go back to, where do you think their minds are going to stay? You can try to teach most people that they shouldn't harm others, but if you don't put God in the mix with the added threat of Eternal Punishment then they aren't going to care what you're trying to push on them. They're going to do whatever the heck they want to do. There's no jeopardy. You yourself would probably harm someone you don't like, but you don't because you know you might go to jail. Jail is God/Religion/Hell for all of us. If there was no threat of going to jail for any crimes whatsoever, then a lot more people would be committing a whole lot more crimes. Fear of punishment is what keeps the entire human population in line.
Where do you think you learned to "love one another" from ? They didn't have sociology or psychology classes in 1066, or 1492, they learned from religion and the Bible. If you remove religion from society, you open up a can of worms that will cause freedom of thought to run rampant, and with that comes harm, murder and chaos. People don't naturally love one another, but feelings like jealousy ARE natural. People need a book like the Bible to tell them to love one another, and parents to reinforce it....the best bible, or best book ever written in the world, is the Jefferson Bible, created by Thomas Jefferson...the same man who said "Commerce between Master and Slave is Despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the Book of Fate than that these people are to be FREE."...(and he was right, and it finally happened 50 years after he died)...But without religion we are a dead people with no values and no respect for one another, and no love. You're proving it right now with this FB group, you're propagating hate. Definitely not how Atheists are supposed to behave. But hey I have no problem with that, I just coined a phrase last month on FB "We live in the Age of Hate". Seems to be cool to hate others these days. They'll hate you for your sneakers, the clothes you wear, the glasses you wear, the music you like, the books you read, the job you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, the friends you have, the neighborhood you live in, the way you style your hair, how much money you have or don't have, and they'll even hate you for the look on your face and the noises you make with your mouth. You'll NEVER win in this society. This is a Dead End. (and people seem to love living in hate, that is what's so nuts about this century, people love hating others, Democrats are preaching hate to their children, Republicans are preaching hate to their children...this is some crazy shyte)
But I will agree that in the year 1000 if everyone was as educated as we are today and we all understood the Universe and human behaviors as we currently do(which took us over 2000 years to learn), and we were all taught about depression and the stresses of life and how to interact with others and taught to love....if we taught that from birth, then Atheism might've made for a good world. But this world has a lot of people that don't know anything, and they need to be guided by something with power and might....because the only thing they understand is "punishment" and without it, if you knock their milk over they'll kill you for it.
There's even nuts out there that are going to disagree with what I say and are going to hate on me for merely stating facts. You cannot win with these people, they are not understanding of the world or respectful of others opinions, they just like to hate others. Some of them are Atheists and some of them are Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Protestants, Catholic, Jewish, and Islamic. Hate comes from every corner of the Earth, it has no boundaries.
Keep preaching the Hate my brother, it gives power to the Religions. And I'm a friggen Atheist! I gotta get off this boat because now these people are nuts too!....there's gotta be something new out there....but where is it? what is it? the search continues....for eternity
(similar to how I blindly supported Democrats for over 50 yrs, then they went and burned my country down? For me that's unforgivable, and I can never support that type of behavior. We're Independent now. I will never teach my special needs daughters to hate anyone for anything. I only teach them to trust nobody, beware of the freaks and stay away from the crazies...but let everyone be, walk the other way when necessary, and keep dancing and having fun in life, (it's all we have) Stay safe out there! I love you nuts!...I'm banned on day one!!!! LOLOL
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
hello! do you have any dating headcanons or platonic headcanons for fin the human? in adventure time?
thank you for requesting!!! I haven't watched Adevnture Time in a while, so I hope this doesn't seem ooc!
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Platonic and Romantic headcanons for Finn The Human!
Finn is extremely friendly and sociable with anyone he meets. He has this heroic goofy energy to him that always seems to make others around him feel energetic.
If you aren't the best at fighting, expect weekly visits from the blonde human. He’d hang out with you for the day and you’d both walk around the area you live in. in the land of Ooo, anything is possible. Whether it's giant worms eating a library or a giant slime monster attacking a village, it is always best to be on your guard. That’s why Finn always patrols around your area with you to make sure nothing suspicious is going on.
If you’re more of a fighter then expect many trainings with Finn. He’d challenge you to a sword fight or wrestling that often ends with you both laughing it off or one a bit injured. At times, he asks for your assistance during a rescue or fight. He has a lot of fun when his friends are fighting with him more than he does alone.
There are those rare moments where Finn opens up a bit. He speaks about his struggles with love or stress over some bad guy. Finn isn’t one to show these emotions much, so when it happens, do be there for him and comfort the boy.
If he ever finds himself in love with someone again, he’d go to you for advice. Asks what he should wear or how he should act. The human is pacing around the room with a multitude of papers stuck all over your living room. The night passes by with long talks on how the date should look and what must happen, completely forgetting time itself during the whole ordeal.
Just like anyone else, Finn only wants your well-being and happiness. If he ever finds out there’s someone who is hurting you or causing you danger, he won't hesitate on fighting them. Whether you want him to do so or not, it's sadly not up to you. The human cares for his friends dearly and he promised himself to do anything to protect the ones he loves.
Hanging out in the tree house is a must. He invites you to the movie nights with friends, playing cards while Jake has left to spend time with his kids, sleepovers… it becomes a place full of memories for you two. And in a way, it has become a bit like your second home.
Being friends with Finn means being friends with Jake. If you find yourself not liking Jake much and even having some sort of rivalry with him, that would become a problem sooner or later. Jake is Finn’s brother and best friend. They hang out with each other daily and trust each lots. Finn would probably do everything he can to make you guys get along. Whether it's inviting you in the tree house or for an adventure, which coincidentally Jake is in as well, he’ll try it all.
Finn always comes to you for love advice, but you should definitely not go to him for one. He doesn’t really know what to do. He’d just tell you to be yourself and help you out on some date plans, but that’s probably it. However, if you ever need advice on fighting monsters or knowing all the ways in the Land of Ooo, he’d be more than happy to help.
He’s a sucker for you. Practically head over heels in love.
He’d at first be shy and a little bit stuttery when he realizes he likes you. He’s still the exciting adventurer he was before, but you tend to see him blush a lot on different occasions.
He’s unsure of what to do. You’d think having so many love interests in the past would’ve helped him by now, but he’s confused about how to make a move. He’d most likely go to his friends for advice.
It takes some time, but he finally does confess at some point. And when you accept it, he’s over the moon. He’d give you the prettiest smile and hug you. It's all just really sweet.
Hanging out in each other’s houses become way more frequent than before. At times you’d two just stay for days in the house. It has come to a point where you both have spare clothes and objects in each other’s place.
In terms of PDA, Finn is surprisingly quite shy. He doesn’t mind small kisses and hand holding when you’re outside, but that’s about it. Everything else he believes is way too embarrassing to do out. in private though, he’s the one to initiate the cuddles and kisses. He feels more confident and comfortable there.
Holding hands in dangerous tombs or old run-down castles is an absolute must. Wants you to be around him at all times. Who knows what kinds of monsters could be lurking around the place.
Is a bit protective of you. Although he knows you can handle any danger by yourself and are fully capable of surviving without his assistance, he can't stop himself from worrying for the worst. In adventures, when setting a fire and a small tent to sleep in, you often find him still awake in the middle of the night. If you ask him what the reason was, he’d shrug it off and tell you to go back to sleep.
“there could be monsters around, I gotta stay alert.” His eyes suddenly twitch from the lack of sleep.
You’d literally have to force him into bed. Reassuring him continuously that nothing will happen and that everything will be fine.
Dates are usually just crazy adventures. Whether it's fighting Ice King or trying to get an ancient fruit so Jake could make a pie with it, it's always fun and exciting.
There are occasions where dates are just you two in the comfiest clothes while watching a movie. Those are the times when the snow becomes a blizzard and the blizzard gives you an excuse to stay in. ugly sweaters giving you magnificent warmth during the shivering cold and hot cocoas right in your hands, the small marshmallows hovering on top of the drink. Head on his shoulders, you take a deep breath and just softly smile. Soon, you felt his head bump into yours a bit as he holds your hand. Eyes glued to the small screen BMO was providing.
Finn isn’t one to get jealous, but he does hate people who hit on you when they know you two are a couple. At that point, Finn tells the person to back off and holds your hand the entire time. If he notices that you're uncomfortable around the said person, he’d make up an excuse and take you away. At those moments, Finn’s clutch on your hand is tighter than before and his pout is apparent. If you tease him for it, he’d become extremely blushy and look away.
“what?! N-no! I wasn’t jealous! Why would I be jealous of a jerk like them?!”
“then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing! It’s just…suddenly really hot in here!”
“Finn, we’re in the Ice Kingdom.”
Braiding his hair becomes one of your favorite activities. His hair is very well kept and shiny and fun to play with. He’d be too shy to admit, but he likes you playing with his hair. Your touch is soft and soothing, making him want to lay down and rest.
Marceline and Jake always tease you two. both think you two are adorable and are happy for their friends. But that won't stop them from pranking you.
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