#but if u have any ideas or questions or even just a general concept then!!!!!! i can give u something!!!
inkykeiji · 11 months
clari do u have touya-nii crumbs to spare pls 🥹🥹
what flavour of crumbs would u like anon bb??? <3
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braxlrose · 1 year
maybe hcs about Bill's childhood and a bit of Tom's (twins in general)? I wonder what they liked to play and what damage and chaos they caused (☠️) it can also be somehow connected with the reader who is their friend and partner in crime! in the devilish era sense (if u can its would be nice if reader was Bills love interest/ i sm love childhood friends to lovers trope☠️😭) i love ur hcs and fics!!! lmao all those fights with bill would be so much fun😭 also the guy would definitely make a fake wedding with the reader..i know that🤷🏻‍♀️ besides the very concept of living with horny boys growing up lol.. Dayum ☠️ (srry 4bad engilsh)
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↑wtf why Bill look so tall.. anyways they all look soo CUTE 🫡 baby GUS oh my ????🤭 and tom LMAOO 😭
a/n: they were adorable as children and I love this idea!! I haven't read Career Suicide yet, so some of these may be inaccurate, but again most are just headcanons that I don't have much to back up on besides their personalities
devilish headcanons
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• you became friends with Bill and Tom when you were seven years old and bill had the biggest crush on you. he thought you were so cool and was even more happy when he found out you played guitar so he asked you to join Black Question Mark. you obviously said yes and you had so much fun rehearsing and hanging out with them
• one day at school bill asked you what your favorite cookie was and he practically begged his mom to help him bake those cookies for you. when he brought them in the next day he was so happy when you got excited for them.
• as you guys got a little bit older, you and tom would protect bill from bullies even if you got bullied too. but before you guys knew about what they were doing to bill, you would always clean up his cuts and kiss his bruises. after that, you would always walk with him, holding onto his hand tightly and try not to pay any attention to them.
• bill would pick flowers for you on valentines day because him and tom would pick them for his mom, and now that you were around, he'd get you some too
• when tom and bill looked more alike, you'd help them switch places in class and then act all surprised and be like "What do you mean? That's tom, Frau Schiller."
• they were little menaces, so when you were brought into the mix, they teachers all hated you. but they couldn't actually prove you were doing anything, which made it 10x more fun
• you and tom would always laugh about getting better grades in singing classes than bill and bill would just sit there like "🙄".
• you and bill had skipped class together (its like 4th grade, yall are like doing 4x8 idk why yall so lazy 🙄, but anyways), you guys did Stein, Schere, Papier (rock, paper, scissors) and Tom lost so he had to stay in class and pretend to be bill 💀. you and Bill were just walking around the halls when bill got the brilliant idea to pull the fire alarm. you two almost got caught but you were quick enough to run outside and get in line with the rest of your class.
• you and their mom are like best friends so you bake recipes with her all the time. like Puddingbrezel, Apfelstrudel, Apfelkuchen, Käsekuchen, Pfefferneusse, etc.
• you and tom tagged a couple buildings with spray paint
• you, tom and bill have sleepovers all the time and you guys would make a pillow fort and watch tons of movies.
• bills a very cuddly person, so he'd always end up wrapping his arms around you after you guys fell asleep in the fort
• you guys went CD shopping all the time and get tons of cds for your collection
• you would take nail polish from your moms collection and help bill paint his nails
• you moved to Magdeburg just around the time Bill and Tom's dad moved out. Bill wasn't as upset as tom was, but you still comforted the both of them. if your parents were divorced to, you'd also be able to empathize with them
• Bill and Tome step dad would invite you to go fishing with them on a boat on the lake whenever they went. you were basically apart of the family because you hung around so much so he didn't want to leave you out
• you and bill would play with his mom's makeup all the time and give eachother makeovers
• you, tom and bill once got caught trying to sneak a beer can out of the fridge and you guys all had to sit in time out. honestly, that just helped you guys be more sneaky about getting it
• if you have long hair, bill begs his mom to teach him how to braid hair so he can braid yours. he did this in the first place because you laughed at tom for not knowing how to braid hair and you were all like "you know how to braid hair, right bill?" and he was just like "😃😄😃 yeah."
• you three all used to have bonfires in the backyard. you guys would throw in paper and wood and all that shit and then go steal a lighter from the house. then you'd all grab some marshmallows and roast them
• when you guys were eleven years old, you walked in on him jerking off and you had literally no idea what he was doing at first so you just opened the door and stood there like "wtf 😀"
• you stole some cigarettes from your dad and you, tom and bill all smoked them outside of school for the first time. you were all coughing your asses off because you guys have never smoked before
• you three would all go to weddings together and play music for them.
• you and bill would play dress up all the time and you'd scream at anybody who said something to him about wearing a dress
• at nine years old, you and bill had a wedding and after that, he would always call you his wife and he was your husband. like if a teacher didn't partner you two up together he'd be like "but she's my wife!"
• his mom and your mom became friends too, since you guys spent so much time together and they'd be like "if those two don't get married one day, I'm losing faith in all love."
• you were up on stage, playing on the guitar with Tom and Bill on the night when Georg and Gustav came to see you guys. you were a bit hesitant at first, since you were used to only bill and tom, but you guys needed a bassist and drummer, so you agreed.
• after that, you guys all became a friend group pretty quick. even though at first the age difference was weird, you guys got past that and kind of forgot about it
• you five would go to the corner store all the time and would sneak candy in your clothes. even if you had enough money 💀
• movie nights 24/7, and you guys had to watch labyrinth. it was a must and bill would force you guys to watch it
• you and bill were already super close, but the older you got the more close you got and the more your relationship progressed.
• you had to be careful when walking around the house at first because you didn't know if you'd be fine, or you'd turn the corner and one of the four boys would be sitting there jerking off
• the more time passed, the more you got used to it and it got to a point where you'd just walk into a room looking for something and if one of them was jerking off you'd just walk right past them.
• they're literally saying the dirtiest, nastiest jokes all the time and you'll just be sitting there like "�� wtf man"
• they're a bunch of horny, pre-teen/teenage boys so hanging out with them can be a handful but they always treated you like one of the guys and never made you feel any different.
• even bill, even though you were his gf you were still his bestfriend so you guys would roughhouse and do dumb shit together and all that kind of stuff
• you sat and listened to bill all day while he practiced singing It's Raining Men for Star Search and always helped him out with stuff
• you went to Star Search with Bill, his mutter and his Oma and was so excited to see him on stage. when he came out you were smiling and cheering and clapping your hands as loud as you can. his singing voice is amazing
• you held him for a long time after he got second place. he was really sad and bawling his eyes out because he promised you and his Oma that he'd win for you guys
• you made sure he knew it was okay, and that second place is still amazing. but he still moped for days once you guys got home.
• you and gustav would make food together too. like cookies and milkshakes. it was tons of fun baking with him
• when you first got your period, the boys were super confused because you were holding your hand in front of your intestines (and yes its actually where your intestines are, your stomach is way higher than you think 😨 but back to this) they didn't have any idea what was going on until Georg was like "she probably got her period."
• the rest of them all looked back at him like "wtf is that?" and georg was like "it's where girls bleed out of their vaginas." after that, tom and bill thought you were dying or something because georg did a terrible job explaining what a period was 💀
• once their mom got home and say they were freaking out and she asked what was wrong and they were like "Georg says Y/n is bleeding out her vagina! She's dying!" and their mom just started laughing her ass off and grabbed you a heating pad.
• tom and bill were mad at their mom for a bit before she explained what was actually happening because they thought she was just gonna let you die. but then she explained it happens to all women and its just shedding the lining of a woman's uterus. and that you were laying on the couch like that because periods cause awful cramps that can hurt as much as heart attacks.
• they were extremely nice to you after that
• bill went to the store and bought you some chocolate and then rubbed your back for you. his mom was just standing in the doorway of the living room as you two sat on the floor watching a TV show with a bunch of pillows and blankets as bill rubbed your shoulders.
• you guys got high on weed all the time and you'd be laughing your asses off while bill would just be sitting around, super fucking paranoid about everything
• you and tom were little assholes in school, especially in science class💀 you two would fuck things up on purpose when doing experiments and your teacher hated you guys so much
• you, bill and tom once started a fire at school and you all got grounded for 2 weeks and suspended from school for 3 days
• you and bill would get matching clothes together
• when tom had sex for the first time at 13, he told all of you right away and you just started laughing 💀 he was super offended and was like "uhmm..wtf bro?!" and you were like "I just feel bad for the girl who had to sleep with a guy with a 3 inch dick who still has voice cracks." and his jaw dropped and went on a rant about how his dick was huge and that he didn't have voice cracks. his voice cracked like 6 times during that rant btw.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl
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Hi! I ended up reading through Choas Plan in pretty much two days (your writing is actually phenomenal) but I was actually curious on your inspirations to write it? Did it come from any other particular works or maybe episodes from sp?
You can't just ask me shit like that dude I will respond with a huge fucking essay I LOVE questions like that!!!!
I honestly have several inspirations, many come from the show itself and some I've drawn from cyber crime documentaries and books I like (namely the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo, you might recognize the scene with Mysterion and Harris in chapter 3 is very VERY similar to the one between Kaz and Jan Van Eck at the beginning of the book), but if you've read the notes in the fic you might have seen that the story idea was initially born when I was playing TFBW.
The Idea
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The U-Stor-It scene where Butters/Chaos locks the C**n and Friends in the facility and talks to them through a screen was just so fascinating to me, it reminded me a lot of Jinx from Arcane and the Joker in The Dark Knight (especially because of the flashy decorations and graffiti). Mainly the story evolved from the question I posed to myself in that moment, which was: "What needs to happen for Butters to become someone like Jinx?" and that's how I started brainstorming the backstory.
The Backstory
Obviously that was inspired mainly by Linda's behavior in Butters' Very Own Episode, but it features elements from stuff all over the series and the games that prove just how fucked up Butters' parents are and treat him.
(Remember when in TFBW he mentioned that they bought an electronic lock system to keep him in his room because he left the bathroom once while grounded? yeah, that convinced me Butters' home life probably would only get worse with the years, especially with him entering his teens & puberty, and Post Covid honestly just confirmed that.)
The Villain/Hero Concept
I hadn't yet watched much more of South Park than up until seasons 15/16 so I didn't know about Post Covid's Vic Chaos yet, I mostly just wanted to do something with Mysterion and Chaos that had a darker and serious tone without either of them having any Marvel-esque powers or tech-organizations aiding them, something closer to the South Park lore at hand and realistic enough to feel like it could happen in our world.
Chaos' Methods
With Butters having a knack for Internet-related shit and him being able to hack into a baseball stadium screen to broadcast his evil plans in the Professor Chaos episode, and ofc his whole thing in TFBW and the episode of him becoming a pimp, I figured he has the stuff to be a hacker and entrepreneur.
I started getting spoilered a lot on the whole Vic Chaos and NFT scammer thing so even though I hadn't watched Post Covid I drew a lot of inspiration from that as well. I've been watching a lot of documentaries on Cryptocurrency scams and other cyber crime related stuff, so yeah all that shit also gets my brain generating a bunch of ideas as well.
As for Kenny/Mysterion's side of the story- I'm a huge fan of the "criminal who gets paid by a shitty pig/capitalist who would normally never hire them to take on a job" concept in Six of Crows, so that's how I got Harris involved, later further fueled by his Thin White Line arc in TFBW.
The way Kenny used his death powers in the C**n & Friends episodes I found very intriguing, and I absolutely LOVE playing around with them, so I included my own interpretation & spin of it as an active "superpower" he uses in order to be successful enough as a vigilante to be taken seriously. His canon powers separate him from your average humanbeing. It's a way to show the audience "hey look, Kenny really is just some guy, but also no one else could take on this role, ever. He may not have super strength or speed or money for equipment backing him, but he can get into places and out like no other person ever."
Coming up with a kryptonite-type weakness was also super fun, because I didn't want things to just be too easy. Mainly it's his need to remain anonymous, but the biggest reason for that need is because he needs to keep up his ability to financially support Karen. That, I obviously got from the show-, namely episodes like Mysterion Rises, The Poor Kid and City Part of Town, but his dynamic with Karen got increasingly more interesting and influenced in the fic after I played the TFBW DLC From Dusk Til Casa Bonita. The fact that he's so obsessed with keeping her safe the best way he knows how but completely overlooks to consider letting her have a say in it, is absolutely delicious. Like fuck yes, let's go complicate these character relationships (rubs hands evilly)
Inspirations come from all over, but of course the main ones do come from the show and games. Kenny and Butters have always been increasingly fascinating characters to me the more I watched the show, so the fact that Kenny canonically is the only kid Butters respects (source: s16, Ep "Going Native"), to an extent that in the future Butters funded his entire career, I thought had a shit ton of potential. Hence their friendship in the fic before "the incident", and the way Butters goes about Kenny now that he's taking over the town >:)))
Thank you SO SO MUCH for the ask!!!! I hope I didn't ramble too much for what you actually wanted to know, but I just absolutely love sharing my inspirations for this fic. Really gets my brain go brrrrr heheheh I'm so so grateful that this interests you <33333
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
good night ❣️ I saw on your last reblog that you like chubby reader so I was wondering if you could write Kaiser with a chubby fem! reader. Not to be too vague, it could be a concept like: Kaiser always gave obvious signs that he was interested in you, but reader never noticed because she wasn't used to being desired (He was very handsome yes, but handsome guys take more effort, so you always ended up dating normal guys, which pissed off the kaiser because how could you prefer people below his level?), in the end the story ends up going in the direction of noncon (more from the surprise and shock of learning that the kaiser likes you than feelings of revulsion, he just didn't give you time to react)
Tbh, you can disregard every idea I sent (I conceptualized it sleepy so you may not be good), would love any X chubby Reader you made of bllk anyway. i was impressed when u wrote foreign reader with oliver and michael (Kaiser gave me so much anguish...although i think i could handle being a trophy gf for himkk)
I'm so happy you enjoyed the foreigner!reader and Oliver/Kaiser thoughts!! I've said it before, but foreigner!reader is just too much fun haha - and sorry this isn’t a full-blown fic, I wracked my brain but I couldn’t do much more than a thirst - feel free to request more, request are open haha ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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tags: chubby (and insecure about it) reader, yandere, fat-shaming (in retaliation), yandere, dubcon mention, minors dni word count: 0.7k
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I think he is the type to get downright nasty. The first few times you reject him (unintentionally, of course - because how in the hell would a soccer star like him truly go for someone like you?) he takes it in stride. Maybe you're just a little dense or he wasn't quite as clear as he thought he had been with his intentions - no matter, there is always another chance. But the moment you start flaunting your absolutely average and dreadfully boring dates, he gets so offended. You rejecting him and picking some loser over him could be a pivotal point in your relationship - where he was just crushing on you before, thought you were cute, he is in such disbelief at this awful display that he gets so mad that you turn into a new trophy to acquire. And my, he is such a pursuer - he’ll double-down on his efforts to get you to date him but most importantly: He’ll threaten your current partner. Not out in the open, not directly, of course - but he knows how to be subtle and yet still obvious enough that even the drooling idiot you picked over him will get it. And what could they ever do to protect themselves from him? Absolutely nothing - Kaiser has the money and influence to match his threats and he isn’t afraid to stay true to his word. Your new fling suddenly ditching you and blocking you on every social media platform will have you questioning your abilities as a romantic partner - and as hurt and confused as you probably are, this is the perfect time for Kaiser to swoop in and make it even worse. Now, he isn’t out to punish you. While he is definitely still mad at you for denying him, he’s not going to take that anger out on you. He does, however, make little comments here and there, points out your looks, your weight, the way you carry yourself - all this to lower your self-esteem. He is going to make you keenly self-aware of your body, of the way the fat of your belly pinches when you sit, how different you look from him. How generous, how selfless, how loving of him it is, then, that he ignores all that, just wants you the way you are. He knows how to weasel himself into the deepest, darkest, ugliest little insecurities of yours - got a double chin? Catch him staring at it, sometimes pinching it with his fingers in a mock-sweet gesture while he crinkles his eyes at you. Insecure of your eating? Oh, now is just the right time to discuss his new meal and workout plans - and ask you for yours. Whatever it is, he’ll sniff it out with glee and amplify it by a million. He’ll make you feel small and undesirable after every interaction you have with him. Your confidence will get destroyed bit by bit - he wears you down with utmost patience and precision, taking his sweet time. Kaiser needs you small and meek - so small that you won’t protest when he finally makes his move, that he’s sure you won’t ever leave him because you think he is way out of your league. Being pursued by him is a dizzying mix of constant flirting and snide remarks - every compliment comes with a caveat, every aspect of your appearance and behavior is analyzed and criticized yet there is always a hand on your thigh, on the small of your back. He’ll confuse you so thoroughly you’ll think you’re dreaming when he finally makes a move on you. But even then - he has it all figured it out, uses that to his advantage. You’ll be blindsided by a sudden kiss one night, after he has worked you open with just enough alcohol to lower your inhibitions - and drunk as you are you let yourself fall into it. You don’t know what you’re getting into, think this is just a one time thing and as desperate as you are for some attention after feeling so undesirable for so long you let him fuck you, blissfully unaware of the fact that everything is about to become ten times worse.
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ninjapaste · 5 months
dude your art is so GOOD!!! Do you take any classes or have any tips to share? that resource post you reblogged the other day was helpful but i've felt so stuck in my art. I don't know if you have anything u learned that just made something click for u or anything like that?
Tysm anon!!!👍
In terms of your questions, I apologise i advance for the long answer im about to give and possibly things you already know haha:
I guess in terms of what classes i take, Ive gone from GCSE to A level Art and design (Fine art), and both courses have helped me to learn the importance of observation studies.
However, its moreso all the art i practice in my own time that has played the biggest part in my art improvement journey. I adopted art as a big hobby around 2018, and really ever since then I tend to draw/create for myself every day, however big or small it may be.
I guess my first tip would be to indulge in a 'sketchbook' or space to work in freely, it could be any form but the importance is that its personal and can be picked up whenever. I find that having a sketchbook to draw in has really helped with productivity and creating new ideas. I think you can go into a sketchbook space with any mindset and it can work wonders, like for example if you wanted to focus purely on challenging yourself, you can do that! If you just, want to doodle without thinking, go ahead! After all, its a sketchbook for you and nobody else, so go wild!
My next tip would definitely be, when you are feeling stuck in art, to take inspiration from a wide range of different things be it in real life or on the internet, a building or a really cool tree, since I find it defintiely fuels the creation of new ideas/concepts that can provide a path out of that creative rut. I guess to an extent there may always be periods where you have that 'I have no idea what to draw!' Feeling, and thats okay! Sometimes its refreshing that helps the most. But I often see that the solution to being in a rut is usually REFERENCING, wether it be trying to accurately draw the anatomy of an arm or if I just saw a cool design/pose/style on Pinterest and i drew a bunch of wacky characters from it. In fact, I find that places like Pinterest or Resplash are such good resources to hone imagination and generally most art skills by looking at and drawinf from all the cool images (and get some of that inspo!). And if im not using Pinterest, im usually using an art book as reference! (The itsv and splatoon art book helped me so so much lol)
On the topic of REFERENCING, its mega important! Depending on imagination/memory feels pretty good at times but its always beneficial to have image references in your process when you find its good to have them. I woudl always recommend having a reference when drawing poses/expressions/anatomy because the more you use them, the more you learn about how an object like a face muscle, a torso or even light behaves and looks and the easier it is to draw/depict them.
The next tip is uh YOUTUBE, or any account/person who's art inspires you in particular. I found that certain channels like Ethan Becker, Marc Brunet, Marco Bucci and more have helped me the most to gain confidence in drawing and learning how to practice it better. Of course, theres a lot to learn from a plethora of other channels too, even ones that dont specifically promote themselves as teachers! Also, if theres a certain style/art approach or an artist that appeals to you, study it in any way you like! Analyse an artist's work or ask/find out about their personal process (or even watch a speedpaint/art stream)! Sometimes it can be a big inspiration booster and skill boost to do just that (plus the 'artist' could be any piece of media/thing too!! Like a game or something).
Ok ok last paragraph haha, on the topic of your last question. Thinking back, its hard for me to define any specific moment or thing that gave me a 'click' moment. Its more like a process of growth that starts with learning and understanding a new thing, then familiarizing myself with using it successfully/'correctly' by studying and practicing, so that eventually its like muscle memory or easier to use in my work.
Hope this helps!!! If theres anything else you want to ask, dont be afraid to dm or send another ask!!
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I wanna ask what are ur headcanons abt what languages you think all the characters speak? hehe thank u if u do it 💗
Hmm well I personally don't have a lot of headcanons about specific languages per character.
But generally, I like to think there's some kind of ancient Demonic language, that's kinda like Latin in the human world. It's a dead language, but they still use it for stuff like spell incantations and what have you.
I suspect there's also a Celestial Realm language (Angelic? Celestial?) that all the bros speak. I like the idea that they used to speak it fluently, but after falling they don't use it anymore because ~memories~ so most of them have forgotten a lot of it.
However, there's also the question of what language are they truly speaking in the Devildom? If we assume that it's English for the sake of simplicity, why would the Devildom all speak a human world language like that? I don't think they adopted it just for MC because it's pretty obvious that it's the official language of the whole place. (And this isn't even getting into the concept of whether or not the language is actually Japanese and how that could change the reasoning behind it.)
But without getting into all that, here are my general thoughts.
Lucifer strikes me as the kind of guy who might take the time to learn some human languages, but he's also pretty busy so I don't think he's super fluent in any of them. I think he might be conversational in most.
Mammon is fluent in Latin because witches are always summoning him to the human world by chanting in it. I just really like the idea that he was like what are they even saying and accidentally studying it to the point where he ended up learning it all.
Levi would have to be fluent in Japanese. There's no way someone so anime obsessed wouldn't have taken the time to learn the language. He's been into it long enough and had enough time that I think he's fluent. (Assuming they aren't all speaking Japanese already anyway.)
I've always headcanoned that Satan took the time to learn all the languages from all the worlds. He just strikes me as the kinda guy who would do this and I believe it's canon that Solomon also taught him some ancient languages. I just think Satan would prefer to read books in their original languages. So this man at the very least can read every language (or most of them). I suspect his speaking skills might be lacking in some of them, though. (This is like me and French. I can read it, but ask me to say something and I'm over here talking about a big cat eating cheese in the sky.)
I think Asmo probably learned all the Romance languages because they're called the Romance languages. Like that is the only reason. But I also like the idea that Asmo learned languages of various human lovers he's had over his lifetime. Like I'm imagining him just falling head over heels for someone who only speaks their native tongue, so he learns it just so he can communicate with them. (I really like the idea that he learned ASL this way.)
Beel knows enough of every language to order food in it.
Belphie knows enough of every language to ask for a bed.
Diavolo has a whole company in the human world, so he had to have at least learned whatever language the employees of his company speak. I definitely see him kinda like Lucifer in that he's conversational in most languages.
Barbatos, due to being a being beyond the constraints of space and time, can speak all languages fluently. He taught Diavolo everything he needed to know language-wise.
Simeon has to be fluent in one human world language at the very least because TSL was published in the human world and Levi tells us it was translated into a bunch of languages. So it had to have been written in a human world language in order to be translated into other human world languages. Oh but I like the idea that Simeon wrote TSL in Celestial/Angelic originally and then translated it into a human language himself.
Solomon obviously speaks many human languages. I suspect that due to his age, he speaks most languages pretty fluently. I like to think he traveled around the human world for most of his long life, which means he likely learned most of the languages from immersion. If he was just stopping in various places and living there for several years before moving on, I think he'd pick up the languages pretty quickly.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for or if you meant like actual specific languages, but I've only really thought about it in a more general sense. I don't think I could list specific languages because it really just depends on the circumstances in which they learned those languages. For instance, I think all the characters could learn specific languages from an MC who has a native language different from their own. It just depends!
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
more mha dr asks!!!!!!!!!!
do u have any ideas for your hero costume etc.
anyone you're excited to meet??
any sort of idea on what you look like (physical description ig)
YESS MORE ASKS!! love these sm coz i gotta dig through the depths of my mind to answer them.
question when you guys ask me stuff do you like the overly long answers or should i keep it short? coz like the original answers were wayy longer this is literally me tryna keep it short😭 i actually have a problem
Hero costume:
tbh like most things i’m leaving this one for when i shift there but unlike most things it isn’t coz i want my subconscious to decide. Honestly i do not have the sense of style needed to come up with a good hero fit HOWEVER my drself does!!
i definitely want smth either pink or blue. me and uraraka are gonna be twinin🤭!!
i also know that i want smth kinda flowy. i loooove dresses and i mean i feel like smth flowy would just match my water based quirk yk?
i don’t have any inspo but honestly i’m probably not gonna look very hero like😭
anyways might be kinda odd but i looooove magical girl type of outfits sm! and before y’all go “but that’s so impractical for hero work!” not for me it’s isn’t 🙄
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i genuinely did script i have a magical girl type of concept tho but still sorta practical to work in😭
Who i’m excited to meet:
i already know ik them in my dr but i cannot wait to meet my dr family! might be kinda cringe but i actually just might like my family??
i scripted in my cr sibling’s because idk🧍‍♀️. tbh i just can’t imagine being anywhere without them😭
i also can’t wait to meet my cat!! My family adopted a ton of pets because rich people but I specifically ended up with a stray cat i found at the pharmacy.
funnily enough that’s actually smth that happened to me here! except my mumsies said i can’t have the cat so instead the pharmacy took her in but i still get to visit her whenever i go there (she’s so lovely i love her sm!) anyways in my dr i ended up getting to adopt her instead. happy ending yippee.
AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER SHES LITERALLY MY BBY☹️ i also scripted (for my own mental health) that pets live wayyy longer now by like 10-20 whole more yrs coz i cannot imagine any of my kids dying before me
if you were wondering the total amount of pets we got a cat, dog, snake, and duck. and like random bird feeder thingies my parents added to the garden. the whole food chain ong
ig i’m also excited to meet up with some old childhood friends? Genuinely asking tho would it be weird to meet up with someone you used to be really close friends with but haven’t seen in a few years😭? Me and my drself are both baffed.
AND OCHAKO ML🫶🫶 i’m gonna meet her at UA probably BUT I HOPE I MEET HER BEFORE THAT TBH😭 but trust we’re gonna be besties
i scripted i’m super good at baking coz she mentioned she likes sweet stuff so i’m gonna spoil her with all sweet stuff i make😈 devious plan
Appearance stuff:
since this is a safe space… i feel i should share that i did in fact change my appearance. I don’t have a specific face claim (i wanna be surprised tbh) but mostly i just changed some of my facial features to their best version. looksmaxxingcore unironically i fear💔
i scripted that my face looks pretty and whatnot (in a very like unique way coz ugh she’s so different and quirky and unique🙄) but i still look and feel familiar to myself.
Also idk if you guys have heard that theory but like apparently after spending enough time with someone you start to look like them? Ik that theory generally means like clothes and aesthetic rather than actual facial features but i did script that even tho me and my siblings are adopted we somehow look similar to each other and our parents.
But the biggest change is probably my hair. in a reality where i can have any hair colour and you think i’m not going pink?
anyways i scripted that i have like pink streaks of hair in my otherwise black hair!! gonna match so well with my hero outfit!
smth like this!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
tbh it doesn’t matter coz i do dye my hair often so i’m probably gonna end up with a ton of different hair colours anyways
aside from that my hair is still its lovely curly self! i love my curls and never wanna get rid of them but i did script if i like straighten my hair that it STAYS straight even if i sweat and whatnot. i haaaaate when you get those curly little wisps peeking through coz of that😭
anyways that’s all for now! i love answering asks sm so this was real fun but i also love hearing about ur mha drs SO TAG ME IF YOU POST ABOUT THOSE
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wutheringmights · 1 year
Hey out of curiosity, I know most of the main cast in CTB is pulled from either Legend of Zelda game canons (Princess Zelda, Lana, Ganondorf in name, etc) or Linked Universe, but out of your original characters (especially Kat, Marigold, and the various Knights of Hyrule), did u give any of them symbolic or referential names?
Oh boy do I got the fun post for you:
Lincoln is straight up my Linksona. Just think of him as another version of the character Link
Marigold is supposed to be the typical red-headed love interest for a Link-like character; even her name is meant to fit right in with characters like Malon, Marin, and Midna.
Warriors's last name was originally going to be Warton, but I changed it to Walton when I learned that it meant "noble."
Meemaw is a reference to the Bertolt Brecht character Mother Courage (from his play Mother Courage and Her Children; I had just finished reading it for a seminar class when CTB first came to me). The characters even share a first name: Anna
Similarly, Kat is based off of Mother Courage's daughter, Kattrin; a famously silent-due-to-truama character
Kat's siblings also share names and fates with Mother Courage's sons: Eli is Eilif, and Cheddar is Swiss Cheese (yes, that's his real name)
Orlanda was named for Virginia Woolf's famous character Orlando; originally, I was going to have Orlanda be nonbinary, but changed my mind when I realized it wouldn't be a good idea to make your sacrificial character your nonbinary representation.
Shigeo's name was originally just going to be Shig, as a reference to Shigeru Miyamoto, but I changed it when I started to rewatch Mob Psycho 100. Shigeo is meant to be a homage to a common original character type I kept reading in Warriors-centric fics: the young Sheikah guy for Warriors to have a romance with. However, Shigeo was never envisioned with a romantic relationship in mind. He was always meant to be this cool, older guy type. However, I did almost have Warriors have a crush on him, then deleted that concept for space.
Gaudin was named after a French criminal for no reason. Genuinely, I just liked the name.
Anders was originally going to be named Betolt in honor of Brecht, but that felt heavy handed.
Jakucho is just meant to be the old woman version of the general Impa character to match the badass young woman version that is actually in Hyrule Warriors. Her name means "silent, lonely listening." I liked how it related to her role as Warriors's mentor/therapist.
Impa's real name, Chiyo, means "thousand generations, thousand worlds." I like how it related to the idea that she's always wanted to assume the same role as her ancestors.
I originally picked their surname Miyashita because the site I was on said it translated to something like "temple below the earth," which would reference the Kakariko Well. Checking now, it actually means "(one who lives) below the shrine," which makes way more sense in retrospect.
Ayane has no special name meaning, but her character... you do realize she's just Mask, right?
General Whitestone's name came from me asking myself what would a highly suspicious white guy in charge be called?
The name Nephus translates to "a God's son who will also become a God." Do I mean that literally? Who knows. At the very least, I wanted a snappy, but impressive-sounding name.
Vasileios means "royal or kingly". His middle name, Orionides, implies that he's the son of a great hunter.
Icarius's name is meant to be reminiscent to that of Icaurs, the famous mythological figure.
Philo means "lover or friend." A very cute name for a not-so-cute boy.
You probably have realized that the House of Nephus characters are heavily Greek/Roman coded. Originally, they were going to be Russian coded, but then the line about Faovaria being unable to attack some other kingdom due to their harsh winters would have fallen into question.
Faovaria's symbol being an octopus is a reference to how the octopuses symbolized immortality in ancient Greece.
Both of those were super off-topic. Sorry lol
I'll end with a fun fact you shouldn't look too deep into: the empire name Faovaria is derived from Farore. This was due to a concept I changed my mind about. Genuinely, it's not relevant anymore. Do not incorporate it into your theories, or something.
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
may i pick ur brain wrt something? you write such a large variety of characters and i think you have great skill in following through with a character's characterization (lol) to their sexual life. i was wondering what do you choose to focus on or how you approach figuring out a character's sexual style (?) when you write? im pretty new to writing smut (i write in general but i usually just fade to black) and im having trouble translating a character's neurosis into sexual acts, particularly when you move beyond the vanilla missionary etc sex (which im not particularly interested in writing even tho i think it can be emotionally poignant in its own right).
what i have most trouble with is like figuring out if a certain act fits character a or character b in my ensemble, say, and then moving through with that. i've been trying to approach it like fighting styles bc of the character's physicality, but there are certain temperamental and moral tensions informing fighting in particular (as a deliverance of violence, i mean) that make it hard for me to pinpoint how to translate that to sex without it feeling shoehorned. for example (and this is just for reference), i have a character who's like a gunslinger and whose style is very explosive and wild and a little bit cocky, but when u look at it under the microscope, his approach is polished and precise and meticulous. and THEN his internality is of a young man with a lot of anger and stunted growth, who really just wants acceptance and affection deep down, and who is so very tired. now i can translate each of those things and its combinations a hundred thousand ways, but which is correct? or faithful to him? at one point it all seems unfathomable to me. and then bc i can't make up my mind i fear everything i write ends up being too plain, or ill-fitting, and because my cast is large, it also all ends up feeling too same-y. has this ever been an issue for you?
first of all - i want to say thank you for entrusting and believing in my writing abilities enough to want to pick my brain about this. i'm not entirely sure what the appeal of my writing is to other people (not in a negative way but more in that its my own stuff so im always critical of it) but i put forth a lot of thought in characterization and translating that into sex as i am primarily a smut writer so while im not the most confident u should come to me for advice, im deeply flattered and will do my best anyway
i'll be real though, the best advice is genuinely just not to overthink it and go with your gut. have some faith in your own writing voice and ideas etc. but anyway
there are a lot of layers to this question and i'll do my best to go through it bit-by-bit. and i don't know if this will really help you since it might come off vague
if i can offer you any advice on characterizing well in a smut scene, it's to not view the smut as a separate entity to your work but as an integral part of it's infrastructure. do not treat the smut scene as part of the work, but as a pillar of it.
the other thing is understanding what is personally compelling to u or arousing about this characters storyline or personality. and not arousing as in physical lust, but what concepts tickle you and make you want to write.
the truth is there's no objectively correct way to characterize a character especially if they're nuanced and complex. which is why all writing is subjective in a sense.
ultimately, it's your job as the author to choose what characterization you like best and convince the audience it's the correct one.
for example, the character you're describing is multifaceted. there are several ways you can take the direction of the story
their outward persona is being a cocky gunslinger who is inwardly polished, meticulous, sensitive and tired. all of these traits can be expanded upon into sexual acts based on your will as the writer - so you have to ask yourself, what aspect of this character is the most arousing to you as a writer or what is this sex scene intending to display about a character. what trait of theirs are you hoping to highlight through sex?
to translate these things into sex gets really tricky and is honestly something you have to experiment with until you feel it click.
for me - if i were attempting to write this character, the breakdown process would look something like this.
this character has a personality gap of being a cocky gunslinger but is actually polished and meticulous
this means they they are likely concerned with appearances.
something in their past must've brought them to that conclusion. if they are continuing to outwardly project themselves as a reckless gunslinger - it is is likely not their "true" self.
what would make a character with this many defense show their true selves, or what other characters cause this character to demonstrate to their true selves?
the translation process of eroticism can go in a hundred different languages. if i personally were writing this character, i might pair them with an older mentor type of character, or a nonchalant rival. i might put them in a situation that requires a different kind of vulnerability and forces them to expose some of their nature for the sake of their ideals
as an author, im aroused by the idea of them showing their submission and affectionate side. trying to subconsciously appeal to authority figures might be interesting if i'm trying to demonstrate their lack of validation. the opposite can also be true, that a character like this might resent mentor / authority figures that impede their own ideas and trying to highlight their anger. writing this gunslinger lashing out at a fellow gunslinger they respect can easily be turned into erotica.
you could pair this character with a nonchalant rival type. a direct opposite that challenges a characters morals ideological belief or perhaps - understands them through their differences. this rival character pays enough attention to the gunslinger to know that they are polished and special. while they are rivals, there's something legitmate in their dynamic to this sensitive, tired character who puts up a facade and wants to be understood.
your own arousal as an author comes in here and where you have to make choices.
lets say then, i go with the latter. i would then structure the story or chapter around this idea through by demonstrating the push and pull of their relationship. i would subvert this characters personality through the framework of submission and a desire for acceptance. i'd write the erotica about the slow crescendo to sex with their rival who seems to accept them fully. i'd write about their different meetings, choosing small things to represent larger themes. maybe their rival praises their technique or offers them a listening ear. i use those small moments to build up to the intimacy and weave the erotic stuff into the story itself so when the sex comes it feels gratifying and releases tension (lol)
for the actual sex stuff you just have to go with your gut and distinguish things based on what traits you're showing. maybe this characters need for affection and rest makes them a whiny bottom. as a writer, i'd monopolize that. i'd point out their eagerness to please through desperation like kissing or nuzzle, and i'd have their words contradict their actions to display their personality gap etc
for me being structured around erotica means going through that kind of mental process and and building a story framework from the ground up and aiming for a proper sex scene. the erotica process is weaved into the plot mechanisms, the metaphors, the stories ideology. the smut is the point, and every action is central to emphasizing what is going to end up happening. my better examples of this lately are probably uncle sukuna rip
ive been writing smut for long enough now that i do not struggle with it and it's easy for me to come up with a unique character voice and do all the above sort of automatically in my mind. and i know it can feel intimidating.
the best advice i can give you though again is don't overthink it which ik seems contradictory to all of the above advice. but sometimes you just have to let yourself go with the flow and believe in your own abilities. trust your gut and just shoot straight ahead.
i hope this was bale to help u some!!
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phightinghottakes · 5 months
I dislike the idea of shipping any of the Phighters in general. Most of the time the ships can be the following
1 - toxic
2 - can't even happen (characters may not interact/know each other)
3 - H u h????.
anything just with subspace or medkit feels highly weird. (One Is a sleep deprived fuck and the other one is crazy)
Then you have any ban hammer ships. Just no. No. (Most people whom he interacts with is like, him questioning rather to throw them in jail or not- which is how I see it)
Same as scythe. It's not really possible, nonetheless ISN'T SHE A SERIAL KILLER OR SOMETHING?????? (Let me know if I'm wrong)
Just in general most ships aren't even happening, while yes I understand that people like what theyblike it's just. Some can be questionable.
Also do not treat BIO like he is a small little stupid thing, he will hunt you down and fucking annihilate you, your family or whoever you care about just as a simple command from Subspace. 
Also ships with Hyperlasrer and Katana, I think these are chill (I haven't played either and have no clue about how they treat one another so I could be hella wrong)
Unfortunately for most people it’s about the concept, not the canon.
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the-omega-artist · 19 days
what made u decide on somnus system being a system?
What a fun question! I’ll do my best to answer it thoroughly. :)
It was initially a general part of Teddy from the beginning. At first, the VERY first concept was Teddy being a mix of NM Fredbear and Nightmare, having both personalities who would phase in and out. I moved away from that, making Teddy his own wacky personality, then adding Jack, then Tanjoubi, then Fubuki, slowly developing and adding more alters as I went on.
I always loved making ‘variations’ of characters when I was little, much like AUs, but rather than making AUs, I found other workarounds. One was a character having a multidimensional syndrome that phased in and out, replacing and being replaced by alternate versions of themselves. (That character is now Bingewatch!) Teddy, though, went down a route of me studying DID and the psychology behind systems, since it’s what Teddy was originally based on.
A lot of my characters start off as something different, just carrying similar themes and core ideas with them as they morph and change into a fresh, clear and unique creative vessel. Somnus was officially declared a system once I had made around 6 different alters, and I’ve been working on fleshing them all out ever since.
It took some work figuring out and learning how to portray DID and systems as accurately as I can, though I still work with a small grain of salt since every system is unique, different and has their own rules and alters, and I find it deeply important to acknowledge that. It’s been wonderful meeting and talking to systems, and learning about how to do them justice and have a level of good representation, even if it’s just a goofy teddy bear oc.
I’ll try not to ramble on endlessly, but I think that about covers the bases. Let me know if you have any more questions!! I always feel like with as much art as I share, I don’t actually talk enough about my characters. :)
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Can you expand on "Personally, my ideal solution is that actually private property as we currently understand it wouldn't exist, and we would all each have rights and responsibilities to the land and the environment that were proportional, in which case this scenario wouldn't have happened in the first place."?
I'm just a little confused on what u mean I guess. Do u think all houses should be state owned? How do people have places to live under this I think I'm missing something
Also I promise this is in good faith I'm actually curious on how u think it should work
Look, I don't have a manifesto locked and loaded or anything, but the values I'm alluding to here are: (1) housing is a human right and our rules and social systems should be adjusted accordingly, and (2) the entire concept of "property" as we currently relate to it? Is kinda batshit.
The first one has been talked about at length by people smarter and more learned in that area than me, so I'm just going to talk about the latter.
For the latter, the first step is to question what it means to "own" something. Generally people use it to mean that you have the right to do anything (legal) that you want with it, and no one else gets a say. The only person with any legal rights here that can be enforced are the owner(s), and rarely are there other voices considered. The ability to be owned is a total negation of the owned-thing's interests and voice.
Now the obvious stomach-churning worst historical example of this is chattel slavery. Obviously we rejected that as a society, even if we now have other forms of slavery/forced labor. But think about how that idea hasn't truly gone away in the underlying attitudes that many adults (especially but far from exclusively parents) have towards children. Children rarely have rights and typically the most they can legally demand are protection. And even that is frequently sadly lacking in comparison to the "right" of a parent to see and raise their child with or without regard to the child's consent.
Wives also faced similar issues until very recently in history, and there are still plenty of men who feel strongly about their "ownership" rights over a particular woman's sexuality, domestic labor, reproduction, etc.
Why am I talking about the shitty ways in which people claim power over one another through the schema of property rights? Because we have progressed just enough as a society to understand how patently absurd it is to think you can truly "own" a person or any aspect of their being. (Usually.) Because most people can appreciate that other human beings also have voices and independent thoughts and desires from you. It's the far end extreme example of an idea that is, frankly, inherently rather absurd, and that's why I lay it as an outer boundary.
Some people have moved on to also understanding how absurd it is to think we own non-human animals as well. There are unfortunately people who will then use this to anthropomorphize animals and argue for animals rights, etc. which is not what I'm arguing here. But I don't think you can ever really own the totality of an animal - it is never going to be an object, without its own will or desires. Anyone who has had a pet or livestock understands this from experience.
But can the same thing be said about land? I would argue: Yeah, Actually. People think that land is not alive, but they are wrong. Any gardener can tell you otherwise. The dirt is positively teeming with life, even if it is invisible to the naked eye. All things that live there depend on the health of the land they live on. People do get the idea that you can't just separate the effects a dump or radioactive waste treatment facility with an invisible legal line, but they don't apply that same idea to everyday activities such as, for example, pesticides. You want to grow an organic garden in your backyard or set up beehive? Too bad, your neighbor wants to use Roundup on her begonias and your other neighbor can't stop mowing his lawn within an inch of its life.
So the idea that our land (and water, and air) usage is atomized and individual, subject to the whims of whatever owner happens to perchance buy it is absurd for environmental reasons, obviously. (American individualism is a disease.) But even moving beyond that - I really don't understand how anyone thinks that you can truly "own" land. If anything, we are creatures of it, owned by it, rather than the other way around. In the Hebrew Bible, the first human was Adam, which comes from the word for soil: adamah. We are the beings of the earth, and we are set up as caretakers, stewards of it. But even moving on from a spiritual justification for this belief, have you tried to control a piece of land? A house is a constant battle against time, weather, erosion, and tectonic shifts to keep it stable and functional. The land and its living soil and living waters and living wind will beat down all human efforts to the contrary and grow wild over them given enough time without human intervention. That is the nature of things. The land is alive and we owe it to ourselves, our neighbors (human and not), and the land itself to be in relationship with the land rather than deluding ourselves that we have dominion over it like some kind of mini-gods. And that is true for water and air as well - both also living and essential aspects of our world that we need to be in relationship with rather than continuing to take and take and take without giving anything back. And we're starting to see the bad effects that has on us; if we injure our natural environment and fail to care for it, our health will also suffer and the land will not be able to provide for us.
So I would just as soon see this absurd idea of owning land abolished and replaced with some sort of system of responsibility and accountability towards the land in partnership with the idea of providing shelter to all people.
Do I have any ideas about how to accomplish this from a culture shift or administrative perspective? Absolutely not. That's why it's an ideal rather than a practical answer.
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chiwoshi · 1 month
Do you have any thoughts of the history of Stormalong? Like why is it so UGLY and full of CRIMINALS and has at least 3 levels with the top one being elite only and the bottom one being full of horrible people (not less horrible than the elite)
Ty for the question! u gave me a rlly nice idea to think of <3
AHEM. First of all, I'd like to mention that in my opinion, the harbor is placed in the middle of the ocean, very far from shore and society, the place is unknown to civilization and isn't placed on the maps, so people from outside world probably dont know about the existence of The Stormalong. I like this concept of mine so much lol. imagine if we turned out to be on a random dirty harbor in the middle of A DAMN OCEAN, fully isolated from the outside world.
And it probably could explain (not in all points) why the town is so... weird? Like, the citizens know NOTHING about what lies far from them, in many countries, and just keeps exiting by itself.
The reason why there is so many horrible things happening is that the harbor is barely even controlled by anyone (or dock hag, probably. but its only abt the lower Stormalong probably) LIKE THERE'S NO MAYOR! THERE WASN'T ANY AT ALL THE TIMES, EVER SINCE THE FOUNDATION! Ofc it would be inhabited by the thieves, criminals, murderers, drug addicts and crazy, insane people in general.
And about the levels... Well, I'd call it rather common. I think that The elite that lives in an upper part got that much muneh because of their origins. Like, some may come from the founder's family, or warriors, Pirates, or fancy people who made good things for the town in yhe past and their family got famous after. Dont know much about The Nickelbottoms, tho. (i hope u got my thinking correctly, cuz im no good for explaining my thoughts)
Also i wanted to mention that the Stormalong could go through something like war with some other harbors, like they experienced hunger.
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OMH I love your ideas of knight!reader x gojo so much!!! I’m so curious tho abt your take on a knight!reader x prince!suguru ……… devotion scales are off the charts fr
THANK U ANON im so glad ur enjoying mine and mickey’s insanity <33 and!! that’s a v good question…
i won’t lie; when it comes to any kind of royalty au i think im incapable of not seeing suguru as a knight lmao (moss infected me w this concept its their fault im innocent!!)…. so its honestly rlly tough for me to imagine what a prince!sugu would be like :’3 bUT if u have any thoughts of ur own then i’d absolutely love to hear them!! pls educate me on prince!sugu 🙏🙏
i HAVE thought a lot abt the dynamic between knight!reader and knight!sugu though… 👀👀 and ur 100% correct anon — devotion scales off the charts. theyre both so devoted its a little sickening. its different than prince!gojo x knight!reader bc gojo is only devoted to reader; sugu and reader basically live and breathe devotion.
and ohhh the dynamic…. its so tasty to me. ngl just generally speaking i prefer knight/knight dynamics to knight/royalty dynamics theres just smth about them that hits…. the trust…. the having each other’s back…… the understanding between two traumatized people and the bond they share…. yeah.
and as for these two in particular… knight!reader has known knight!sugu since they were kids, he helped them train, he bullies them but its friendly and warm and he acts kind of like a teasing older brother. there’s just so much trust between them. and i think knight!reader would honestly relax more around sugu than they do w gojo, because there’s no power dynamic or title to make them question their own behaviour. knight!sugu is their coworker, their fellow knight, and also their friend — so i think they find his presence soothing. even if hes a dick sometimes
and i think they’re still each other’s go-to sparring partner to this day!! nothing more romantic than a friendly sword fight <33 patching each other up after <333 knight!sugu telling knight!reader to stop whining when he disinfects their cuts with a teasing smile, but his touch is gentle. so gentle they could fall asleep right there — and maybe they do… (suguru just sighs, mouthing a quiet what am i to do with you…? but he doesn’t wake them up. just carries them back to the castle with a small smile on his face.) YEAHH IM INSANE ABT THEM ACTUALLY
(and and and…….. i do think knight!sugu is fond of them. almost as fond as he is of prince!gojo. but make of that what u will <3)
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franzizka · 10 months
so @candidateofloyalty recently linked the aa wlw minibang server to a bunch of blogs from janet hsu, who is the localization director for every ace attorney game and also the voice of franziska. in them she reveals a LOT about the choices that the team made in terms of localizing the games and there was this message in particular about jean armstrong that stuck out to me because i know his treatment is a thorn in aa3 for a lot of people.
– Jean Armstrong is not actually French in either the Japanese or English versions, which is why Trés Bien is spelled wrong in the English version and he speaks atrociously bad French. – Speaking of Monsieur Armstrong, I’d just like to clear up some misconceptions and localization issues surrounding his gender and sexuality. Before I begin though, please keep in mind that societal attitudes and definitions change over time, and that the original Japanese version was made over 10 years ago. Furthermore, Japanese concepts of gender and sexuality do NOT map 1 to 1 onto Western ideas due to vastly different religious, cultural, and historical influences. In the Japanese version, Jean is a typical “okama” character. At the time, the word “okama” was the generally used catchall word for an “effeminate-acting man”, and had been the go-to word since the Edo period. While that usually implied that the man in question was gay, the word was also used for any biologically male person who did drag or spoke like a woman regardless of their gender or sexuality, and even trans women. Nowadays, similar to the way the word “q u eer” is used in the West (but not entirely the same), “okama” is considered derogatory and discriminatory, though some people will still call themselves “okama”. Since adopting the English word “gay”, it has become more culturally acceptable to refer to actual gay men as “gei” (ゲイ) or the more formal word “douseiaisha” (同性愛者 – literally: “person who loves the same sex”). Given all of this, what that meant for the localized version was that I had to take a very vague and different concept of “gay” and localize it in a way that would be understandable to a Western audience. Using all of the info we get about Jean in the game, the answer I came up with was that he is a gay, cis man who enjoys performing non-passing drag… Or to put it in a more concrete way, think Conchita Wurst. Jean’s drag persona, which I have dubbed “Campy French Maiden Jean”, is all we ever see during the investigation segments, but in court, he identifies himself as a man to the judge when he is asked what gender he is. Unfortunately, back in 2007, the general public’s understanding of gender and sexuality was not as informed or as nuanced as it is today, so I think Jean still caused a lot of confusion in the English version, but I hope this has cleared it up somewhat. In terms of how the characters reference Jean, I admit it would’ve been better if they used female pronouns out of respect for his drag persona once they realized it was a persona, but in addition to the fact that I can’t add any extra text boxes to the game, I felt it would’ve been too controversial and hard to explain in-game back then. Furthermore, because he and his persona are not given separate names, it becomes very confusing very quickly as to when the characters are talking about “Campy French Maiden Jean” and when they’re talking about the man/legal witness “Mr. Jean Armstrong”. That said, I feel that society is making progress — to the point where things like calling people by their preferred gender pronoun is slowly becoming the socially correct thing to do — so I hope that someday I won’t need to provide an in-game explanation. As a side note, given what type of character he is, you can see how he ties into the overall theme of the game, which is “not everything is always what it seems on the surface”.
here's the blog post if anyone is interested in reading more
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bropunzeling · 10 months
i think the research u do for fics is insane... thinking deeply about the logistics of soulbond/omegaverse/cisswap mattdrai where they invoke a partner clause like... policy writing IS fanfiction actually... would u ever consider diving into the logistics of the partner clause...
hello anon! what a funny/good question haha. this got uh long so under the cut are some thoughts about that (also, like, spoilers for linger if anyone cares)
want to set the table by saying (a) im SO not a lawyer, law school VERY not for me, i know a lot of lawyers and they all terrify me (affectionate) and (b) i do not really do much research beyond my ongoing love affair with hockey reference dot com (and stuff to inform characterization ofc!) -- but i think the existence of the idea of these like, bond clauses (explicit in the omegaverse one, may come up if i write more soulbond) comes from a general question that i think about whenever im writing an au concept which is: how would this one wacky change (people have another form of sexual presentation! people can have half physical half mental all emotional connections to another person!) influence other aspects of life besides me smashing my ken dolls together?
obviously the trappings are fun - reality tv! inane pop songs! if people can get bonded do they also have weddings? how does this influence pbs documentaries. but i often think about things from a public policy perspective because it's what i know lol. and with those examples in particular, my thought process was -- here's this thing that can romantically and sexually entangle people, but there's also a physical component. bonding in omegaverse or soulbonds often changes you/has some sort of tangible impact if you’re separated -- you get bond sick, your heat cycle changes, that sort of thing. there would probably be some sort of sociopolitical movement to protect those social structures because you can't have people getting physically fucked up if they aren't allowed to follow/bring a partner with them! maybe it was a given in many cultures and laws developed to formalize social structures. maybe in the us there's some sort of landmark federal legislation to provide greater protections in the 60s and 70s. maybe the un has a body of international standards.
and in any/all of those cases, it would be something that would get bargained in something like a sports cba because in a world where these kinds of intense bonds are possible between members of your same-gender league, inEVITABLY capitalism will run up against those off ice bonds, and people would feel strongly about keeping their partner with them!
also in linger specifically, i knew i wanted the main conflict to be this sort of, matthew vs his body, matthew vs his identity as an omega/what he perceives being an omega to mean, matthew's desire for independence and control vs his desire for physical and emotional connection and leon. and when i was first trying to figure out my way into a plot (especially how to handle The Trade) and spitballing on twitter, a friend was like what if alpha/omega relationships were a really big deal legally? and the idea of bond rights sprung out of that because it was the perfect narrative tool to be like, here is this tangible economic and occupational consequence if matthew gets bonded. here is a real thing that will happen that will cause him to lose that sense of control over his own life. here is the Threat that is always sitting in the back of his mind. and even though it hopefully comes across that like, leon doesn't think of their relationship that way, he wouldn't actually force matthew to stay close if matthew didn't want to, matthew doesn't know that! he's seen bond rights used before! he doesn't want it to be him! and then that really drives the conflict of the story, because he sees holding himself apart from leon as this way to achieve not just emotional independence and self-control, but also very literally control over his own career.
so yeah idk! world building! not only does it provide color and depth but hopefully it can drive conflict and plot as well!
(also tbc there is no such partner clause in the girl!leon verse, they are just being very savvy about contracts and cap capacity and eventually gonna finangle their way to the same team through guile and playing hardball)
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