#but if youre still needing time to add shit to it in later updates maybe dont put it up on the app store for $20 yet
oetscop · 10 months
ended up requesting a refund for procreate dreams. i trust the team and appreciate the single payment rather than a subscription fee, but i just paid $20 for a fucking unfinished program. its ridiculous. they couldnt at LEAST add a transform tool?? idgaf about having to import my pens from procreate even if its like. a huge pain in the ass since it doesnt show up in the share menu but like. cmon.
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Pieces of My Heart - Chapter 10 Stray Kids OT8 x reader, Soulmate AU
Masterlist | Next Part
Chan Hey, just checking in. How’s your dad? Y/N He’s good, awake and lucid Doctors say everything went smoothly, he should make a full recovery Chan That’s good. Y/N How are the boys? Chan Missing you. Img.png Y/N Tell them I miss them too Chan I will. Give your dad our best wishes. Y/N Thanks
Sophie Hey, I just got your message Are you okay? Y/N Don’t worry, I’m fine. My dad’s okay too I didn’t get a chance to update you Had a lot on my mind Sophie No, yeah. I get it Y/N How was the day 2 concert? Sophie Just as amazing as day 1 Well, actually it was a bit weird I felt like the members weren’t as playful as the first time around. It seemed like they had a lot on their mind too … Maybe it was just one of those days Y/N Yeah, I guess Sophie Either way, it’s a shame we didn’t get to hang out more before you left I’m glad your dad’s okay Y/N Me too. If I’m ever back in the city, I’ll let you know Sophie Of course. In the meantime, want to see some videos from last night? Y/N Sure!
Y/N You sure you don’t want anything from the store? Mom I’m sure sweetie, thank you. Y/N Ok Mom Hey, while I have a chance to talk to you without your dad listening in. We need to talk about your soulmates. Y/N What about them? Mom Sweetheart, I remember when I met my soulmate. We were inseparable for weeks. I couldn’t even imagine how hard it is to be away from them right now. Y/N Mom … Mom I mean, even now, not being able to see her makes me uncomfortable. Why do you think we have our weekly Friday night meet ups? Y/N I thought that was just an excuse to go out and complain about Dan from finances Mom You and I both know I don’t need an excuse to complain about Dan. But that’s not the point. I can’t stand not being with Lucy. And we’re only platonic soulmates. From what I’ve heard, that’s definitely not the case with you. Y/N Mom! Mom You should be with your soulmates. Y/N Dad’s still in recovery, mom You can’t take care of him yourself, you have work and your health issues … You need help. They understand, we can make it work Besides, they’re on tour. I was going to have to be away from them for a while anyway It’s not like I could just go on tour with them Mom I’m sure that’s not true. Y/N Im almost back at the room. We can talk about this later
Y/N Hey Did you guys land yet? Seungmin Few minutes ago Felix Hi!!! How are you?! I’m good Felix, thank you ^^ Seungmin Img.png Img.png Img.png Felix YAH! Seungmin wtf!??! Seungmin Not my fault you all fell asleep on the plane Felix So you decided to photograph us?!!? Seungmin Blackmail material Minho I’m going to commit murder Y/N Awww, you guys look so cute I hope you guys get some rest … Guys? Wait he wasn’t serious about the murder was he? Hyunjin Hi baby I miss you Jisung I miss you too! Hyunjin I miss them more! Chan Guys, it’s not a competition Felix But if it is, I definitely miss them more >:) Y/N Guys, Minho wasn’t serious about killing Seungmin, was he? … Guys?
Jeongin Did you have breakfast yet? Y/N Shit, no I’ve been busy. I had to take my dad to his doctor’s appointment today and then I had to go do groceries Jeongin :( Y/N Sorry Innie. I’ll go get a snack rn Jeongin You haven’t been eating a lot lately … You know coffee doesn’t count as a meal, right? Y/N I know Sorry :( Jeongin You need to take care of yourself. I’m worried about you Y/N I will, I promise Jeongin I’ll remind you if you don’t. I swear, you’re worse than Channie-hyung Y/N D: I’m not that bad Jeogin … What did you just eat? It’s disgusting Please never eat that again Y/N You take that back Ham and Jelly toast is delicious and I refuse to accept this slander Plus its an easy snack Jeongin I will pay you to never eat that again Please Stop! DID YOU JUST ADD HOT SAUCE?!!!? Y/N Suffer
Mom I had a talk with my boss about work. He’s agreed to let me work from home for the next few months. Y/N Oh, that’s good. Now you can spend more time with dad during breaks and lunch … Mom It also means that I won’t need your help around the house anymore. Y/N Mom, we’ve talked about this. I’m not leaving you guys! Mom It’s been almost a month. Your soulmates are almost done with their tour You should go see them. Y/N I appreciate the effort mom, I really do. But can you just drop this? Mom No, I won’t. Why are you forcing yourself to be so unhappy? You think I don’t notice how stressed and upset you’ve been lately? You’re not eating well, you’re not getting a lot of sleep. Honey, I’m worried. Being away from your soulmates for so long so soon after meeting can’t be good for you. Or them! Y/N They have each other, they’ll be fine. Mom That’s not how this works, and you know it. Have you even talked to them about it? Y/N I don’t want to talk about it. Not right now. Mom You can’t run away from your problems forever.
Minho 커피 원해? (anyone want coffee?) Jisung ㅇㅇ (yup) Felix 내!!!! (yes!!!!) Chan 주세요. (please.) Seungmin 됐어요 (im good) Y/N I mean, if you’re offering It might be a bit cold by the time you get here though Minho Ahh, wrong chat Sorry Jisung Wait a minute! Since when do you read Korean?!! Y/N I don’t??!! I just used google translate Although I did recognize 내! That means yes :D Minho 귀엽다 (cute) Changbin Waa, our soulmate is so smart. Y/N :D Don’t drink too much coffee though. I’ve been told it is not a meal >:( Im talking to you, Chan Chan I have no idea what you’re talking about Y/N >:( Jeongin >:( Felix >:( Jisung >:( Chan It’s only my second cup today! And the first one was 3 hours ago! Y/N IT’S ONLY 9AM! Chan … Felix I’m going to kill you
Y/N Hey, can I ask for some advice? I need an unbiased opinion Sophie Well I’m not sure I’d consider myself unbiased. I’m definitely Han biased, that’s for sure. ;) Y/N It’s about my soulmate Sophie OH! I totally forgot about that, you haven’t talked about them at all! Y/N Yeah, between everything with my dad and then school and stuff … My mom has been on my ass these past few weeks about it Sophie About what? Y/N She thinks its unhealthy for me to be away from them She has this scary close bond with her soulmate, a childhood friend of hers. And she can’t imagine being away from her, so she thinks that I need to go be with my soulmate But I’ve been refusing, and now every time I see her it feels like she’s seconds away from starting another argument I’m just so tired of all the arguing, and wondering if maybe she’s right I have been having a harder time getting sleep Sophie Oh wow, that’s …. Wow. Y/N yeah Sophie I’m not sure you want my honest opinion right now. Y/N Please, I do. I need someone that isn’t my mom to be straight up with me. Am I being irrational? Sophie Well, first of all, being away from your soulmates is definitely not easy. But It’s also not a big deal, and long distance relationships work fine even between new soulmates. So maybe your mom is projecting a little bit. But I don’t think that’s the problem here. Y/N ??? Sophie Why does the idea of leaving to be with your soulmates bother you so much? I mean, when I found Alexis I was overjoyed, but I still didn’t have time to see him a lot. We both had school and work, and it was hard to find time to spend together. Honestly, I would have taken any opportunity I had to be with him. And yet here you are, turning down all of your mom’s offers. I feel like something else is at play here than just your mom’s pushiness. Y/N … Sophie I told you you wouldn’t like my opinion. Y/N No, you’re right Fuck, you’re right Sophie I usually am :) Y/N Thank’s Sophie, I really needed someone to knock some sense into me. Sophie Glad I could help. Want some memes? Y/N Yes, please!
Y/N Mom. I’m sorry You were right, I want to be with my soulmates. I really appreciate everything you’ve done to give me the opportunity to be with them. And I’m sorry I’ve been so stubborn about it. But Mom, I feel like you’re pushing me away. I feel like you don’t want me here. My soulmates will never be more important than you. You’re my mom, and I worry about you and dad. I worry about you guys being by yourselves, about being away from you. I’m scared and I just feel like everything is moving too fast. Can you call me when you get off work? I love you.
Y/N We need to talk Chan That doesn’t sound good Y/N It’s nothing bad, I promise Chan Okay? Y/N My dad has been getting better. He’s walking now. Chan That’s great! I’m glad your dad’s okay. Y/N Yeah Chan I have a feeling that’s not what you wanted to talk about, though. Y/N They managed to talk with a neighbor, and he agreed to drive my dad to his appointments if my mom can’t take him. And I started taking online classes. Chan Huh? Y/N Chris I think we need to talk about what happens when you guys are done with your tour.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 30, Epilogue - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 634
Previously On...: You and Bucky are probably going to be okay.
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This is it! The last chapter! OMG!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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10 Months Later
“I refuse to accept this.”
“Well, unfortunately, Boss, it’s my decision to make, not yours,” you told Tony as you finished stacking up the last of your moving boxes. Sixteen years– almost half of your life, now condensed into neat stacks of cardboard, waiting to be loaded into the van that was waiting downstairs.
“What the hell am I supposed to do without you?” Tony asked, dramatically flinging himself on your now bare mattress. “How am I supposed to survive?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “It’s not like you won’t see me every fucking day, dude,” you admonished him. “I still work here, for fucks’ sake. Besides, you refused to let your realtor show me any place you couldn’t see from your terrace.”
“I thought it would be nice if we could wave to each other during breakfast,” he said, his face drawn into a pout now, “that’s all.”
You sat down next to him and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “It’s time to cut the umbilical cord, Tony,” you said. 
“But you’re still such a kiddo, Kiddo,” he sighed.
“I meant your umbilical cord, Boss,” you laughed. “And who knows? Maybe I’ll try it for a year or two, figure out I absolutely hate it, and come crawling back, begging for my old room.”
“Don’t press your luck,” Tony said, sitting back up. “I’ll probably turn it into a sauna, or an indoor golf simulator as soon as you walk out that door.”
“Ah, there’s the Tony I know and tolerate,” you said with a smile.
“I’m just going to miss having you around,” he said, his voice now laced with sadness. “Sixteen years together– probably the longest stable relationship I’ve ever had. It’s not going to be the same around here without you.”
“I know,” you sighed. “I’m going to miss you, too. But you know I need this. After everything that happened last year with Carthage, and Barnes… me spiraling, losing a baby I didn’t even know about, getting shot, and the… complications; all that shit with Steve. I just think I need a fresh start, some place where I’m not reminded of her every time I walk around a corner. It’s the only way I’m going to truly heal.”
“I told you I’d move you to another floor. Hell, I’ll tear down the entire Tower and start from scratch. We can build a whole new compound Upstate or something. You’d never have to set foot in this hallway again,” he said. And you knew he was telling the truth– there was little Tony wouldn’t do to ensure you were comfortable in your old home, but you couldn’t rely on him forever.
“You’ve saved me so many times already, Boss,” you said, looking back at him fondly, “and you know I’m always going to be thankful for that. But it’s time I started working on saving myself.”
“Well, when you make it sound all empowering and shit,” he began, “I start to feel like a dick for protesting.”
You laughed as your phone beeped. Looking at the message, you told him: “Movers are on the way up. I guess this is really it.” You both stood and embraced, Tony leaning down to speak softly in your ear.
“You know you always have a home here, Kiddo,” he said. “Whenever you need it. Even if it’s just for a night, or if you decide you want to come back for good. Door’s always open.”
“And even if it’s not,” you said as the two of you broke away from one another, “I can always hack the system to break myself in.”
“I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.”
“You think Mr. Mitchell’s still practicing law?” you asked with a grin. “I can definitely afford to have him represent me, now.”
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vulpixisananimal · 4 months
I got a few suggestions from people, and I have explinations for a lot of the music too BECASUE IM A HUGE MUSIC NERD!!! Below the cut!!
ALSO I'm gonna add more songs over time and will probably update this. Lol. I'm ALWAYS taking suggestions for it! I like music!!!
Each section for the Sifstem members is designated by an ISAT origonal song, and in each section is song for that member! There's two exceptions which I'll go over real quick!
Your fault/Last Midnight - First song on the playlist, it's about basicly all the members. It's about a bunch of characters arguing about who's fault it is that everything's gone to shit before blaming it on the witch. And then in Last Midnight the witch goes off on them about it doesn't matter who's to blame, they have to deal with it.
It takes two - Last song on the playlist. Also from Into the Woods, this, by contrast, is about how people change and work together well.
Also some songs I choose off lyrics, others off of just vibes.
Final room (act 5/6) - If there was a good Siffrin theme from ISAT, I think this is it. I like it.
Russian Doll - "Why should I try again?" This was a song reccomended to me a while ago actually, it fits.
Touch - ok this one's a bit mean but, listen, he is so touch starved. This song fits. "Touch, I remember touch, feelings came with touch."
No dogs on the moon! - vibe song! Silly fella song!
Bohemian Rhapsody - one of my favorite songs of all time ever. There's too much to type out, tbh.
How can you help me, Stardust? - do I even need to say anything?
Absolutely cuckoo - listen to the lyrics. "You might decide I'm a nut \ Give me a week or two to \ go absolutly cuckoo \ then when you see your error \ you can flee in terror" LIKE COME ON
The Future - "I'm worried about the future, ain't fucking with that past shit." Loop is really trying to move on. How could they? They're stuck in their betters shadow, their mind.
A humans touch - this one was by @\jackoboltrades! Very fitting for Loop who still feels they don't deserve love, or that they're just a star, not human, not real.
Rage Awakened - based purely on the loop fight. It's a vibe song but I love this song. Also Lingering Will (the character this theme is for) does have some similarities to Loop, being echoes of the past defeats and wishes.
Haunted - being haunted by past mistakes or just the past in general. Though it has some romantic undertones that I can take or leave
Mal Du Pays
Mal Du Pays - AGAIN do I need to explain anything
Mr. FEAR - "Hello, my name is mr. fear." considering how Mal Du Pays is introduced and how it interacts with Siffrin, well, that line alone makes it an MDP song.
Dark Impetus - Vibe song! Mysterious figure cloaked in dark, too. Lol.
Ghosts - "Maybe the past aint what it cracked up to be \ Maybe I'll find a way to just move on \ Maybe we're all ghosts cause I cant feel the ground \ And all these shades they dont make a sound \ I think there is a God \ I think he hates his job" Do I need to say anything.
Stained, Brutal Calamity - Recomended by a friend! Both vibes but also the lyrics that come later have a MDP vibe. I like it.
Burn My Dread (last battle) - "Tear up your fear \ the end is coming near" Honestly Persona 3 has a vibe that could fit MDP quite well.
I WON'T LET YOU GO HOME - Act 5 Siffrin, someone who's both repressing their own feelings to their family but also doesn't want to let them go, to the point of hurting everyone. Nuff said.
Panoramic Feeling - this and the other Katana Zero songs are here cause, well, Zero fictive, plus has the vibe.
All for now - same song used to fight Ramos. It was this or Full Confession, and this fits more for it's desperate or crazed vibe.
L'impeto Oscuro - This is actually a retrain of Dark Impetus, it's the them of a time traveler who can stop time (Kingdom hearts lore dont worry about it.) This specific mix also included the music for when time is stopped during the fight. It's ruthless, endless.
I'm my own master now - Very heavy and hard and strong and powerful, also! The Lyrics! "Bear the mark of my scars \ Shedding blood underneath the stars"
Labyrinth - Being lost in an endless labarynth of their own mind. Very much like act 5 Siffrin, like Null. Plus, Null is not exactly mentally stable.
Rain on brick - Katana Zero song, it's the menue theme. It's just. . . Vibes.
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pixies-love-envy · 3 months
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Chapter 4: March
The larpers are staring daggers at me because I’m tearing apart their D&D fantasy with my modern clothes, so Cricket takes me to our room a few minutes later. I didn’t need an escort, but she offered, and I had already turned her down when she asked to buy me a drink. She has to leave me here because she says she has to finish the last hour of her shift. I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do here. The only things I brought in from my car were my keys, my phone, and its charger. Our room definitely doesn’t have a TV; it’s so tiny that I’m surprised they managed to fit a full-sized bed in it. I take a few steps around the room and trip over a decorative barrel. They’ve tried to keep up with the medieval theme. I can’t speak to the accuracy of any of the decorations, but the barrel really irks me. I think it’s supposed to serve as a nightstand, but it takes up thirty percent of the room, and it tripped me, so I think it's dumb and decide to sleep on the side of the bed that’s flush to the wall. I should sleep on that side anyway, so Cricket doesn’t feel trapped in our bed tonight. There’s a low hum coming from the barrel. It’s Reese calling; I can’t believe I forgot to call the boys and tell them I’m alright!
“I promise you guys I’m not dead!”
“We know, Jackass. We have your location.”
“We just wanted to know if you’ve slayed any dragons yet,” bursts Dorian.
I swear they spend their nights looking for reasons to mess with me. “Oh, shut up. I have done exactly zero larping tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.” Reese says, “But have you met any fair maidens?” I hear them chuckle loudly, and I wish I were there laughing with them.
“No fair maidens yet, but I did invite a bar wench up to my room,” I tell them, trying to sound nonchalant.
“A bar wench! Fucking hilarious! I love it when you entertain our nonsense.”
“Reese, you know indulging in your bullshit is my life's greatest joy. However, this time, I’m literally sharing a room with the bartender.”
“Oh, shit!” Dorian and Reese shout in unison.
“Is she pretty?” asks Dorian, “Bar wench doesn’t sound pretty.”
“She’s gorgeous: Golden brown skin, dark eyes, shocking yet flattering platinum blonde dreadlocks, and she’s super confident, which I find rather frightening.”
“Interesting. She sounds more like our type, no? What with her not having a penis and all that.”
“First of all, penis is optional! I love everyone, and beautiful is beautiful, Dorian! But she’s only in my room because she has nowhere to stay.” I don’t know if they have trouble with the concept of bisexuality or if they struggle with me specifically being bisexual. Maybe they’re afraid it’s genetic. Almost everything but our personalities are the same. Personally, I think when we split into three different embryos, they were deprived of anything queer, but who am I to say. What I do know is that Cricket would still be in my room tonight if she were unattractive.
Too Sweet Masterlist
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
I’m gonna add a lot more to this chapter but that’s for me to write and you to figure out when you buy my published book
Update: I’m posting the rest of the story on Wattpad as I complete them
Looking for FEEDBACK on my first few chapters. They are really short and are easy reads. Any feedback is welcome. Tell me about anything you think can be improved upon or anything that you liked. Comment on the prose or the dialogue. Literally anything that comes to mind that can help.
@frostedlemonwriter @yourpenpaldee @mundanemoongirl @arrowmoose
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aachria · 2 months
hi pookes, sorry I haven't sent in an ask in a hot minute, I know, you missed me no need to cry [smug/j]. you wouldnt BELIEVE half the things that have happened to me.
for some reason I had a dream that we were friends because you joined a server I was in and you held a poll for who to me your best friend and all my friends voted me..... this may be a sign-
THEN MY PIECE OF SHIT GAMER BROTHER WONT BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING IF GOD CAME DOWN AND SMITES HIM! I reorganized my room, got a bed frame, no not a new one, I got a bed frame, my mattress was on the floor before. it was really comfortable, my bed frame creaks every time I fucking move and my autistic ass cant handle that so I broke down crying at night for two days straight. not even half the insane shit that has happened but anyway I gotta move on. Leon d coin, the only thing I think of and how I imagine he looks like is Leon kuwata from thh, sorry not sorry. the lore is intensifying so you know I'm getting ready to theorise! :p
i have nothing rn, but once I get my life back on track I'll get to theorising. I should probably update the TV tropes page, I made that like half asleep back when you were still at likeeee what? in the 70-80 chapter mark? maybe even 60's, I know I started binge reading this when you were at like chapter 54 or smth. kinda late into it but still pretty early ig.
quick question, what YouTubers do you tend to watch a lot? random question but I'm curious I feel like you'd like kwite. my top 5 are probably, Markiplier, kwite, caseoh, tommyinnit, and jschlatt (I know I'm basic) later skibidi rizzler (I died saying that)
Sorry babydoll as it is currently one of my best friend's bday I cannot in good conscience add another to the roster 😔
My bedframe is also terribly loud and makes me want to cry, I understand pookie. It's the little things that getcha.
I cannot BELIEVE I had healed enough to have to google who that was and not I'm going to manually wipe my memory again so moving swiftly along.
Honestly I don't really watch particular Youtubers, mostly I just watch video essays and retrospectives while I eat. Never call me skibidi rizzler again.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Prompt: a discovery, a filthy kiss, and a phone call. Doesn't have to be in that order. 🥰
In the end, half the roster ends up seeing it. Danhausen does it right backstage, his first night back. Just grabs Hook’s face in his hands and kisses him, full on. He doesn't care who is watching, or maybe he does, and that's where Jack ends up landing because he was watching. He's pretty sure there was intention there.
He's pretty sure Danhausen has always known.
Hook finds Jack after, because they're still friends. Friends: it tastes like ash, but maybe that's just what it feels like when your heart is ripped out of your chest.
"I think we're gonna be okay." Hook looks happier than he has in months, better than he has practically the entire time Jack has known him. He doesn't appear to be preparing to say anything more. And the truth is, he doesn't need to say anymore, because Jack gets it.
He gets it, and it feels like he just got punched in the face.
There's a moment where he seriously considers spiraling, and then - no. Jack has to keep this off his features. He's got to bury this so deep that no one will ever find it, least of all Hook. He's got to swallow every piece of broken glass so there's nothing littering the floor to give him away.
He pastes a smile on. "Oh. Holy shit. That's great. Did he say anything?"
"We're gonna go get dinner." Hook bites his mouth, eyes bright and cheeks ruddy. Fuck. "I think we’re gonna...talk about it. About everything."
Jack wants to puke. Instead, he says, "Hook, that's awesome. Seriously. I'm really happy for you."
He should add more, right? Something like "keep me updated!" except he's pretty sure saying that will rip his heart out of his chest. Or maybe "I hope everything works out" which will surely choke him.
In the end, it's fine; Hook’s so ill-equipped for most social interactions that he doesn't notice the lack. He's riding high, on cloud nine - joyous following the fulfillment of his heart's desire.
Jack wants to scream, but hey; when has anything in life ever really been considered fair?
Later, much later, after most of the hotel has turned in for the night, Jack finds himself on the roof. There's a little bench, and a few potted plants - a half-hearted effort to make the space useful that was abandoned too soon. A fitting metaphor for the current situation.
Jack stares out at the cars on the road, listening to the steady thrum of traffic. He doesn't move when footsteps sound behind him, or when Darby settles down next to him.
"Hey," Darby says. "You okay?"
Of course Jack isn't okay. How could he be? How could he possibly be okay now, now that everything has slipped well out of reach? He may not have really had a chance earlier, but there'd been hope. There'd been possibility. Now there's nothing but misery clouding his thoughts.
When he fails to answer, Darby nods, movement Jack catches out of the corner of his eyes. "Yeah. I thought so. I came up to make sure you weren't going to throw yourself off the roof or something."
"Would it hurt more or less?"
Darby doesn't answer. Instead, he loops his arms around his knees. "I know it feels like you got stabbed--"
"How would you know?" Jack asks, bristling and defensive. He turns to glare at Darby. "How would you fucking know what it feels like?"
"I know what it feels like," Darby snaps. "Like you wanna claw your own face off. Like somebody just put your whole fucking body in a meat grinder, for fun. Like the sun will never fucking shine again, out of spite."
Jack stares at him. "Darby."
"You wanna know how I know, Jack? Because that's exactly what I feel when I see you looking at him."
Darby stands up, furious, and Jack can't get his tongue to work right, because he didn't know. He didn't know.
And now he does.
It takes a week for Jack to get Darby alone. He's pretty sure the man is avoiding him, but serendipity finally smiles on him, and Jack ends up cornering Darby in the small ice room at the end of the hotel corridor.
Darby's expression goes from panic to fight to resignation in the time it takes Jack to block the exit. "Don't."
"Don't what? You can't just drop that on me and then split. That's not how this works."
"Oh, really?" Darby's back to anger, sparking. "Then, tell me how it works, Jack. Tell me: did you confess to Hook, or will you be taking that one to the grave?"
Jack kind of hates him. He does, and he doesn't, and that's infuriating. "Shut up, Darby. I'm trying to tell you something here."
"Then do it." Darby is braced for a blow - shoulders straight, hands balled. He's ready to be destroyed.
Jack reaches for him, but his hands are open. He doesn't want to destroy him. What he wants to do is kiss him, so he does, which is a bit of a dick move since Darby wasn't really ready for it, but Jack wasn't really ready for Darby to drop the fucking truth bomb he had, either.
Jack kisses him, because he wants to. Because he can. Because for the first time in awhile, there's a possibility of something he's been craving. Jack coaxes Darby's mouth apart just so he can lick his way in, and it's sloppy because he's way too overeager and Darby is still struggling to catch up, so their angles don't align well. Until they do; until they get on the same page. Until Darby grabs Jack by the face and spins him, crowds him against the wall and groans against Jack’s lips.
O...kay, this is getting heated so fast Jack's head is spinning. And they are out in the open, easily discoverable should anyone else want to come and get ice. They'll get ice and a fucking floor show, because Darby’s hands have slid up beneath Jack's shirt to grab at his skin, nails raking down and leaving stinging trails behind.
And then Darby pulls away so fast he ends up biting down on Jack's bottom lip, drawing blood. Copper blooms across Jack’s tongue. "Ow," he tries, plaintive.
"I'm not a stand in," Darby growls. "Do you hear me? I'm not a fucking stand in for him."
"Obviously," Jack says. "I don't want you to be."
Darby deflates a little. "You can't mean this."
"Why can't I? You caught me off-guard, I admit, but..." Jack shrugs. "Why can't I want this?"
Darby stares at him. "You want this."
"That's what I just said."
"I didn't..." Darby sucks in a deep breath. "Okay."
Jack glances to the doorway, still thankfully empty. "Do you wanna, maybe, not be in the ice room any more?"
Darby steps back, allowing space for Jack to attempt to compose himself again. He still looks a little shell-shocked, and Jack can't really blame him.
"Come on," Jack says, and grabs for Darby’s wrist, gratified when Darby doesn't pull away.
Jack wakes up the next morning to the sun shining in through the curtains, a warm body next to him, and a hand splayed across his chest.
He thinks about sending Danhausen a fruit basket, but you know what, maybe not. Maybe this is enough on its own, curling hesitantly around Jack’s heart.
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dutchdread · 6 months
Rebirth Update 11
I have to be honest, it's not good, I don't think I've ever cooled on a game this quickly or badly. I am busy fighting about the tenth form of Sephiroth and I just... I DO NOT CARE. I am barely even trying to keep my characters alive because I am just going through the motions with zero emotional investment. You know how many people think the Jenova fight is misplaced after Aeriths death in the OG? Times that by a million and you have this game. I don't think I've ever seen a product this ruined by overdoing it. Essentially any time the game tries to be smarter than the OG it just loses all nuance and restraint and becomes a nonsensical convoluted mess. A story needs focus, it needs clarity, it is fine, even good, to have more going on in your stories. But that should always be the background. A story that is 10 layers deep where the final layer is quite interesting is still only as good as its first layer allows it to be. First you need to make sure the game works on a superficial level, then you can add in depth. But the problem is that this game is like a meal that they've tried to improve by adding orchestras and magic shows and now the blearing of the bells and whistles is so loud I can't even taste the meal. Even worse, ash from the fireworks have gotten into the soup and ruined it. The core of this story is drowned out by the pompous bombastic hubris of whatever it is that's going on. And I don't know whats going on, and as a result I don't care. I don't feel a thoughtful mystery like with Nibelheim where I am intrigued at what's going on. I just see stuff happening and my brain checks out. I can't be invested when I don't even understand the stakes! When Remake did something similar at the end I thought it was shit, and I was told to be more openminded and to "let them cook" as they say. But as always my predictions were right, they tried doing a million things and as a result not a single one of them is actually done right. I'll probably do a more comprehensive breakdown of my thought concerning the last chapters later, as well as maybe just give a review/critique of the game in general. But right now I am just over playing it.
Sorry if you guys were expecting a more positive reaction but man, this is a mess.
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blushingquincy · 2 years
The Complete Guide to Falling for the Freak
by: blushingquincy
Allison Campbell has it all: a big house, good grades, and popularity—but underneath all of that, behind the perfect girl next door facade, is truly where it gets interesting. When she gets stuck tutoring the notorious Freak of Hawkins High, Eddie Munson, her life takes unexpected turns as she battles her step dad, her awful friends and, most importantly, falling in love for the first time.
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⚠️WARNING: smut, cussing, bullying, domestic violence, abuse, drug use, underage drinking. I’ll add more warnings as I update
This is my first fic! I’m fairly new to writing so please give your opinions! Not sure how many chapters this will be. I’m thinking 15-20 maybe more who knows ;) Without further ado let’s get into it.
Chapter 1: He’s just the worst.
November 17, 1986
Mornings are a mundane ordeal in the Campbell household, always the same. Brenda Campbell, the obedient little housewife she is, is always in the kitchen by the time Allison comes downstairs. Her step-father, Dan—Dan The Dictator, she likes to call him—sits at his usual spot at the dining room table, reading a newspaper and making snide comments about how the food smells, even though he's going to scarf it all down anyway.
Pig, Allison thinks. She slips into her seat silently, munching on a dry piece of toast as fast as she can without earning the wrath of her step-father.
She fails.
"Slow down, Ali, the food isn't going anywhere," he says. "People are gonna mistake you for a pig if you keep that up." He oinks, then chuckles to himself like this is the funniest joke he's ever heard.
Allison bites down both the toast and the sarcastic remark on the tip of her tongue. She looks back at him as she wipes crumbs from the side of her mouth, eyes flickering down to look at his—no, her actual dad's tie.
I hope you get hit by a bus, she thinks, and she really means it. "Sorry," she says instead. "Guess I'm just excited to get to school."
That was a goddamn lie.
High school is a similarly mundane ordeal. She falls into her usual routine, sitting with the cheer squad and feigning interest while they talk about things she really couldn't give less of a damn about. No, Heather, she does not want to hear about parties or Madonna or guess who bumped uglies with Steve Harrington at Skull Rock!
She almost gags at the thought. God, she would rather choke herself with a hot branding iron than hear about former King Steve Harrington's sex life— but she knew how important image was to her mother and Dan. Not that she gave a shit about pleasing Dan, he could go choke for all she cared. But it was important to her mother too, and unfortunately, Allison did give a damn about pleasing her.
The second she makes her way to the classroom with its painfully harsh fluorescent lights, Mrs. O' Donnell asks if she can speak to her after class.
Allison frowns. "Am I …?" she trails off, eyebrows furrowed, and Miss O' Donnel seems to understand the unspoken word without her having to actually say it.
"Oh, don't worry," she says. "You aren't in trouble. I just need to talk to you."
Still, anxiety pools in Allison's stomach through the entire class. The bell rings, and she looks back down at her notebook, completely blank except for the topic written across the top in big letters. Damn. She'd have to ask someone if she could borrow their notes later.
That was the least of her concerns, though. Her main concern was figuring out what Miss O' Donnel wanted from her. She made her way to the front desk, clearing her throat to make her presence known.
The woman peered up at her through thin-rimmed glasses. "Ah, yes. Allison, I'm looking for a tutor for Eddie Munson and I was wondering if you'd be interested."
The metaphorical record in Allison's brain scratches to a stop. She opens her mouth, closes it, and opens it again, gapping like a fashing out of water. "I'm sorry, what?" she eventually settles on.
Eddie 'The Freak' Munson, the resident drug dealer of Hawkins High. He definitely has a … reputation, to say the least. He was the leader of the Hellfire Club. Allison is pretty sure that it's just a bunch of nerds playing a tabletop fantasy game, but everyone else seems convinced that it's a bunch of satanists sacrificing virgins.
Either way, she doesn't really want to do it. Nonetheless, being the ass-kissing people pleaser she is, Allison says yes.
Mrs. O' Donnel smiles at her. "Thank you, Allison, I knew I could count on you." She hands her the paper with his address and contact information. Allison thanks her absentmindedly, them goes about the rest of her morning classes in a bit of a daze.
She just agreed to tutor Eddie Munson. Eddie fucking Munson.
Finally, it's lunch. She takes her tray with a weird meat mush—seriously, what is that stuff—and sits down at the table. This group is a little different than the ones she ate breakfast with. In addition to the snobby girls, there was the basketball team. She hates them and their weird suburban hair and the way they mock people. As she sits there, listening to Andy drag on about the new truck his daddy bought him, her attention is turned away by something more interesting.
Eddie Munson, who had been sitting with his Hellfire Club, is now on the table shouting about conforming and useless highschool cliques. Allison resists the urge to bury her face in her hands. God, he is totally embarrassing. He's absolutely right, but still. Embarrassing.
Jason Carver stands up. "You want something, freak?" he squares his shoulders as though he was doing something important, defending the basketball team's honor or whatever. He's embarrassing too.
Eddie responds by sticking his tongue out and making faux devil horns with his fingers. Allison hides a smile by shoving a forkful of food into her mouth.
Jason abruptly sits down “God I hate that freak," he scoffs. "Don’t you guys just hate him?”
The group nods and agrees— except Allison, who is too focused on staring at Eddie: his long curly hair, his beautiful brown eyes and the way his mouth forms a flirtatious smirk when she catches his eye.
“Allison!” Jason yells out. She quickly jolted back to reality. “I said don’t you just hate him?”
She gives a quick glance back at Eddie. "Yeah," she says. "Yeah, he's just the worst."
Well this is going to be sooo much fun
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A Couple of Interesting Things!!!
Okay, I know I like conglomerating different shit into one post, but PLEASE READ!
If you like Stardew Valley or any other similar farming/slice of life kind of sim, AND you like fantasy RPG, please please go check out Sun Haven! I spent the last two hours playing it on stream and I am absolutely in LOVE with it! It's currently on sale on Steam, and the developer plans to continue updating it which is awesome because it's a great game!!! You can adjust the day cycle length (15-45 minute length iirc, I like the 30 minute one!), how much you can do in a day is dependent on the time left in the day NOT energy, there's different races that come with boosts, and plenty of romance options!!! (And I love most of the ones I've met thus far!)
100% highly recommend Sun Haven!!!
Outside of that, I also wanted to talk about some IF stuff! Now, I know we all sometimes feel like we have to only go for our ROs in optional scenes, but I promise, you don't have to!!! You can STILL start a romance with people in Mind Games and have scenes with others to build your friendship! You do need to have a few with the RO, to express interest, but you don't have to drive home only their scenes. I actually don't think I'll have romance lock-ins until B2, EXCEPT with Blake, and potentially Fawn, given I know I will at least have the option to express your interest in Blake at the end of B1... and if you kept in touch in B2, afterwards. Honestly, maybe that'll be a form of a lock-in in B2; if you kept in touch with the RO. (With other lock-in points available later, for MCs who aren't as willing to trust so readily, of course!)
I also DO plan to make walk-throughs. I know I have a headache getting specific routes or scenes when I play IFs, and truthfully, I enjoy making them! And it's kind of an accessibility thing, y'know? I'm not saying anything bad about other authors, either!!! I just want to provide something like that, personally, as I have ALWAYS planned to add walkthroughs.
okay, that's all!
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shrugemojiidk · 5 months
hey lemme be a freak in your ask box for a minute about omegaverse and child development. So puberty can be offset for humans that grow up in places where their needs arent met because a body doesn't think its a good idea to add extra stress when its *already* not getting its needs met. But theres more! in 2020 there was a meta-analysis that, in the most basic terms, said that there was maybe a link between early onset puberty and early life adversity (ELA). There was an update to the study in 2023 that basically said young boys are more likely to develop in these patterns as a trend, but that doesn't exclude children of other sexes or genders. However, at this time they can't confirm a solid link without more evidence. So what that means functionally for a/b/o is that children who are in abusive situations should present earlier so long as all their physical needs are being met. And bodies are dumb as shit! repeated high stress situations where your body is being shot up by cortisol? try any child vigilante
Basically every child hero shouldve gone through an early presentation and it should be so normalized that its almost alien to smell their peers who are all still soft and puppy scented when theyre very clearly not.
Woah that’s cool. I’ve sorta seen something similar to this in fic but the idea was that alpha pups in abusive environments present earlier and omega pups in abusive environments present later. But yeah can you imagine how early Damian would present? Dick? Christ
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100dayproductivity · 10 months
So anyway. Here's my above-the-fridge cupboard in its well-hung glory.
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I used this type of hardware, three of them along the top end of the cupboard. It's called a toggle bolt.
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Alright. My next priority is Christmas gifts for my kids. If I'm going to order anything online I have to do it soon. Tick-tock tick-tock! The thing is, in order to stretch my budget, I want to use points I earn from doing surveys. I have about $100 worth of points with this one survey company called Web Perspectives. I've been doing surveys off and on for years, and I tried a whole bunch of different ones out when I first discovered you can earn a bit here and there doing them. Somehow Web Perspectives is the only one I do these days. Not sure if that means they are better than others, but there must be a reason why I still use them and not others.
There are a couple of ways I can cash-in the points. Two options are Amazon e-gift cards and Indigo e-gift cards. You just trade your points for the cards, then login in to Amazon/Indigo and apply the cards to your account. I'm thinking about getting my kids a couple of books and need to check whether I should get them from Amazon or Indigo. The Indigo cards cost 1000 points for a $10 gift card, whereas Amazon costs 1200 for $10. So you get a little more bang for your buck (er, point) with Indigo. However, you obviously have more things you can spend the money on with Amazon. You also have to factor in shipping costs. Also, I think Indigo changed something recently where you can no longer add a gift card amount to use for later, you have to apply it at checkout. With Amazon, you can squirrel away gift card amounts to use whenever you want. I currently have $70 of credit on Amazon, plus another $20 I haven't added yet.
Another detail about this process with Web Perspectives is that you can only redeem points for a maximum of two gift cards per day. So even though I have about $100 worth of points, I can't redeem them all at once, I can only redeem about $20 per day. So you need to plan ahead a little bit to use them.
The other company I use for points is called Nielsen Homescan. You get a scanner or, more recently, just download an app, and you scan the stuff you buy and they collect the data for companies that pay them for market research. In return you earn points that you can redeem for stuff. They used to only have a catalogue of actual stuff, which was kind of limiting because maybe you're not interested in any of the stuff in the catalogue (for instance, I've redeemed points for movie tickets, pillow cases, and a camping lantern in the past). And the stuff was really "expensive" (you needed a shit-ton of points to just be able to get the most inexpensive things). But now they also have an Amazon gift card option! I think this is fairly recent.
So that's the background info on my foray into online surveys. You won't get rich doing it but it's an easy way to earn a couple of bucks when you have 5 or 10 minutes to kill. It's great for when you have to be physically but not mentally present for something. For example, waiting for an appointment or a bus or a client, or when you have a couple of minutes gap between meetings or classes that you would otherwise be spending being bored out of your skull, or when you've taken the kids to the playground or the dog to the dog park and are just sitting there while they play and you just need to look up from time to time to make sure everyone is ok. Everyone has these sorts of "in between other things" times, why not earn some money while you're doing nothing anyway?
Alright, so here's my updated to-do list:
Gmail account sign in.
Buy new charger for Pixel phone.
Transfer Web Perspectives Amazon e-gift card to Amazon account.
Fill out eye surgery forms. ✓
Take photos and email back to clinic. ✓
Check previous clinic's paperwork to see which lens they recommended.
Make appointment at bank.
Print out bank documents.
No printer service at library--do I need to print it? Download to thumb drive and think about next steps.
Compare cost of books Indigo vs Amazon.
Alternate heat and ice on foot.
Do hamstring stretches.
Reference: https://www.sports-injury-physio.com/post/top-5-stretches-plantar-fasciitis
Roll out knots in leg muscle.
Do Sun Salutation x5 - 0/5
Take inhaler
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kobabeach · 1 year
gayme update
here's the games i played this past week while i was logging off for my mental health. you're gonna read this bc ur gay and autistic and stinky and so am i
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Star Ocean
I went to Astral to get the Emblem, got Phia, also passed by the Tatroi Arena to get T'nique (I really don't like how he speaks like Yoda when he's very Chinese coded, but I think that may have been in JP as well?) and passed by Kraat to get Pericci, did the Muah Emblem sequence, got the Bunny Whistle, and I've spent the past day and a half just grinding a lot, working on Item Creation etc etc. In terms of Customize weapons, I've managed to get Roddick's Aura Blade, Ilia's Kaiser Knuckle (made by Ronyx), Pericci's Q Power Punch☆, Millie's Charm (for Roddick), and Cyuss's Cyuss Special. I've had to quote unquote "spark" the Originality talent on all of them though (Ilia exempted ofc, she has no need for Customize) with the help of Pericci using Violin 2. I'm not going for all talents on everyone because that is an ordeal and it'd be wasting a lot of time I could be using on actual gameplay, but I may just add Originality to the two fuckers I need to Customize shit for. Now, I've also been using the weapon duplication exploit in the arena, you basically enter with no weapon equipped (this may work with armor, I need to look it up and cross-reference it with a few fansites and guides) and when you enter the ranked matches, you equip the weapon you want to clone. When you lose a Ranked Match or win that Rank's entire roster, you get tossed out of the arena, but regardless of whether you lose or win, the weapon you have equipped does not decrement from the ones in your inventory. I've done this for Ilia's Metal Fang for the Kaiser Knuckle as well as Cyuss's Silver Sword, Pericci's Cat Fang☆, and Roddick's Sylvance. Sparking the Originality Talent otherwise is a fool's errand and I advise anyone playing the SNES version to use this exploit if you're going for the ultimate weapons. I've also got Tri-emblems on Roddick (one Tri, one Charm), Cyuss, Ilia and Pericci (the former three having two), and I'll try to get more people with double Tri-emblems, as well as Dream Crowns (Roddick, Cyuss, Millie, Pericci already have that). As for the other Abilities, Millie has her Alchemy maxed out, this way she can make Orichalcum for a few ultimate weapons. I've revealed the Favorite Dishes of my entire party in the status screen, I probably won't be using them much, the Art skill is pretty good for Ronyx and Roddick, their copying skills are good enough, especially since I can buy Magic Colors without hurting my wallet much. Authoring is also fine, I need to get T'nique and Phia's skills that they can learn from books up to level 7 as well, and for Smithing I think it's alright too, Millie can handle that one, though I may also work on that on Pericci since she has the Talent for it. Compounding and Crafting are good as is, Crafting takes a few attempts, but I can copy Rainbow Diamonds all I want, and that's basically all I need for Dream Crowns. I'm gonna keep levelling the stat affecting skills for the people who haven't maxed them out yet, though, just to see how broken I can make my party, that's what's keeping me going right now. I'll try to do the Arena with everyone to the best of my abilities, and later on I'll try to figure out how to do the Gabriel fight before wrapping up the main game. Unlocking all music compositions... Maybe? I won't really use them. Cat-Fu♪ and Pa Kwa Zhang obtained (PKZ on both Ilia and T'nique), as well as the 7-Star skill for Roddick. I still have to get all items available on the Familiar skill, too. The Ethereal Queen's dungeon is a definite. Oh and I also need to build up T'nique and Phia a bit, they're at 20 and 17. Their time will come soon, it'll just take like 10 or 20 more in-game hours. I'm using fast forwards.
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Clash at Demonhead
The face I was making in sheer disbelief when I beat this game (good ending)
Super interesting game, has a lot of good ideas, but doesn't stick the landing a lot due to its sheer jank. Literally everything in this game is jank.
But it's a fun enough proto-metroidvania. I'm a fan of how everything has its internal logic, the game acts a lot like an adaptation of some property, its jokes are characteristically shounen gag anime.
I'd recommend this to most people if you can stomach the messy gameplay, it's one of the most interesting NES games in my book, and I love characteristic NES 'nihonjank'. On top of that it's hilariously unhinged. I guess you could compare it to Undertale?
The Undertale of Dark Soles...
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Super Mario Sunshine
Okay so I was binging Scott the Woz the other day for fun and he mentioned how this has "the tightest controls Mario's ever had" or something, and I think Nitro Rad said the same and I'd like to ask these people what fucked up personalized version were they playing?
Maybe it's because I'm a keyboard man (lion) but the controls feel so squirrely and loose. They're fine with FLUDD (Flash Liquidizing Ultra Dousing Device) but in the bonus stages where you're naked, it's pretty bad, a lot of overshooting and lack of air control on top of those stages' camera which make it hard to distinguish the distance of each floating platform. Hate those, even if I'm getting better.
Either way, 45 Shines and 63 Blue Coins. I was wrapping up Gelato before doing Pinna and I got three blue coins while getting the 100 coin Shine. Got Yoshi, finished Pinna and decided to get some blue coins earlier.
Bianco and Ricco are super cleared, I used some savestates on Gelato 8 because it's dogshit. I could probably do it without it, I didn't savescum too much, but I'm almost 30 and I don't want this in my life.
The most unhinged this was, was how having the camera face Mario from a birds-eye view actually helped the most in the Orange Yoshi secret Reds, fucked up.
They should have made it so what matters to get to Corona was like, the amount of Shines you get, if you could like do almost any shine at any time like in 64, while still being able to dip in and out of worlds while also being able to rely on blue coins for filler Shines so you didn't have to do the more annoying missions, I think non-believers would enjoy this game more.
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Sonic Adventure DX (BetterSADX on)
Very nostalgic game of my youth. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are done, around 28 emblems are obtained. I'm gonna do Amy, Big then Gamma, then Super Sonic, do the Trials and Mission Mode, and then lastly just grind out Chao in the backburner.
Sorry I don't have much to say.
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Super good Impossible Mission clone. I'm almost done with the cyan section of the Norsa HQ, Room D5. Currently have 7 ID cards and one of the five floppies I need to take down the main computer.
Fun game to do kinda blind. Having fun just tanking some of the laser barriers to amass as many ID cards as I can. Fuck God And All Living Creatures
If you like weird old 8-bit games, please consider this one on the Master System. Good stuff.
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Cu-On-Pa SFC (Endorfun)
Made it to from Stage 2-2 to 5-1 on Normal (World 2 to World 5 in other words). Really enjoying the maps that rely more on chaining Color and Thunder Panels to access unreachable Life Panels, but the game in general is super good. I'd like to try out the PC original sometime. Good stuff, I'm glad T&E Soft's SNES port made me aware of it! And so kinda did StrangebuttsPHD's old YouTube Poops. The PC version has a lot of strange sound bytes that are used as "positive reinforcement subliminal messaging"? Very weird but at least they're trying to encourage positive thinking, especially on younger kids, which is nice ofc. And it's also kind of my sort of vibe, I adore feelings of unreality. Watching footage of the original PC version is such a trip, for better or for worse... Seems like Normal/Easy and Puzzle both have 10 worlds of 10 stages. I'll do my best to clear them as blind as I can. I can't really find many guides online... But the game doesn't seem to be overly complex, Puzzle Mode may make me retract that statement though.
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VIP and Wall and Alaska Mix 4 (VIP Mario 4)
This actually isn't my favorite VIP, that one's 5. Though this one is kinda fine-ish. Super cleared the first world, all VIP Coins obtained, I had to use the occasional savestate though. I'm getting too old, even with unlimited lives.
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Sonic Heroes
"Marriage?!?!?!?!? no way!!!!!" - sonic "buddha" the hedgehog
Having a ton of fun with this game, I already beat Team Rose sometime ago, so I'm doing Sonic now. I'm at Frog Forest right now, Rail Canyon and Bullet Station are terrible, the rails are way too jank for what they want you to do in them.
Biggest problem is how they fucked up Adventure 1&2's physics to make it faster by cranking up the acceleration according to something I once heard years ago on Sonic Retro. Deranged.
Did you know this game was gonna have an even bigger roster of characters? Like parties made of like Mighty/Ray/Metal Sonic, Bean/Bark/Fang (the gift of prophesy..), Chaos/Gamma/Big, Amy/Cream/Rouge?
The SA1 team (CGB) was the biggest issue apparently, people in staff had a problem with bringing back Chaos and Gamma like that. Someone suggested that Chaos didn't really pass on to the afterlife in Sonic Adventure, he just went up into the sky, and someone replied with like. "That's just sophism!!!!!!" It's so fucking funny and I think it speaks of how deranged Sonic Team kind of is.
Anyway they still brought back Shadow so make of that what you will.
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Fire Emblem 1
Okay so, full disclaimer, I am using savestates on this to cut back on iteration times from just straight up resetting. Even if this is like The One That Purposefully Gives You A Billion Units Each Map.
I took the time to level up people a bit in Chapter 8 due to its arena. Got people only up to level 8 for now, don't wanna break the game. Roger and Bantu were good enough to stonewall the fuckton of Knights and reinforcements in that chapter, but I think me picking Bantu for this map may have been a bit of a fluke?
Or not, I may have remembered that Manaketes are just super strong. Level 8 should be good enough for the midgame. Next arenas are Chapter 11 and 16, so I'll try to get more people up to speed there.
I did savescum a bit for Roshea's grind but the way Cavaliers' arena rosters are set up are different from how most others have it, the power scaling isn't as linear. I had more luck going for the Cavalier early on then going for the Mage while making sure it misses at least once than risking it with the Mercenary at the bottom tier.
Everyone is properly leveled up, Gordon is at Lv7 because his Arena got really tough for the poor guy. I'll let him pick away at normal on map units for now. People who need to be leveled up a bit are Castor, Merric, Wendell, maybe Rickard and Julian?, Vyland, Sedgar, Cord, Darros, Draug and I guess Jagen, just in case I need back up.
It's kind of fun trying to learn how best to handle the maps, but I'm gonna be real these maps are pretty ass. I'm just way into turn based strategy sadly. Should play that Vyland Emblem hack, apparently it has edgy homophobic jokes.
Also I was perusing FE Wiki and the way I went into Basilio's page and the way my eyes just made a beeline for his toes. I love being sick in the head.
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Just exploring Edona after catching up on the story thanks to a Japanese streamer's archives, after this it's back on the money grind for equipment.
This game's lore is fantastic and I love how weirdly everyone talks, even the save is called like. Pot of Souls or something? But apparently this game doesn't fully portray the Gdleen books, just a bit of 1 and 3. The game's story isn't the most obviously told thing as there isn't that much of an intro, it kinda starts in media res without much explanation, this isn't much of a good thing either.
I do want to see if I can pirate Yuto Ramon's original books after this and Digan no Maseki on PC98 and read them on my own time with a dictionary and OCR to help with my subpar Japanese knowledge. The gameplay is pretty subpar, there's a few options for battle, but they're really not very useful, you can mostly coast by through sticking to the bread and butter Attack, Defend, Item and Run. I do dislike how easy it is for you to die in this game.
I feel like the Stamina counter below HP and MP has an effect on that, like the Vitality and Life Points on Beyond the Beyond. I'll see if I can find scans of the manual to know more about this mechanic.
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RPG Maker 2003
Okay so I got gifted this and 2000 in like December, and I sometimes just open it up to do unhinged shit. I'm Kind Of a programmer so I just have fun programming shit. And now I'm seeing if I can make an ATB system closer to FF4-6, just for fun?
Was just reading up on programming custom systems on Yadot's site, while also taking notes from other RPGs I've played and how their systems work.
Currently have to figure out text displaying through pictures, the on in the image is static, make a simple attack menu (attack, magic, special, item), figure out a row system. Item and magic submenus, I don't have to go to in detail I think? I'm not sure I'll figure out scrolling menus for now. And get started on the ATB gauge system.
I'll try to code attacks and make a basic game with this whenever. I'd like to make some custom characters for it.... Maybe bara.
. . .
And that's it. Why'd you read this.
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dogsgone · 1 year
mun is kris. 24. they/them, anxious bastard lol
updated 7/3/23: the wrath month edition
the roulxs:
18+ only
minors and personals will be soft blocked. upon following again: hard block.
if you are a personal with an rp sideblog please make it clear on your blog or just tell me because otherwise you might get blocked.
minor MUSES are fine though
i read rules pages for every blog i follow that has one but i have a shit memory so if i accidentally breach one of your rules please let me know. or block me if it’s that egregious but please for the love of god do not publicly @ me who the fuck does that. do not make a callout post for me being forgetful like a fucking weirdo. if i breach a rule that is not on your rules page then i’m sorry, i’m not a mind reader.
on the “q slur:” i’ll do my best to tag is as “#q //” that’s q, two slashes. keep in mind i identify with that word, strongly. if it angers you that i would dare use a “"slur”“ to label myself or whatever, remember “gay” has seen just as much use as a slur. i grew up in the american south, i’ve heard both words used for the same harmful reasons. sorry if this comes off as angry or petty, but if you were continually told that “gay” is a slur and you shouldn’t use it for yourself, you’d be tired and angry too, wouldn’t you? i’ll do my best to tag for it, but i will die on this hill.
please tag spiders/scorpions/arachnids, hanging/nooses, and also maybe trypo/holes thanks
semi-selective i will roleplay with most fandoms, ocs, and muses also not moots exclusive.
please don’t like. involve me in drama or callouts or shit. i’m just here trying to play fucking online dolls
with the above said i do reserve the right to block/cease interacting with ppl who make me uncomfortable, just like you reserve the right to block/cease interacting with me if i make u uncomfortable. i prefer to try to come to some kind of understanding first, but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way
please note that i, the mun, am mentally ill and neurodivergent. in a lot of cases, my muses will share some of my own personal struggles to sort of like. explore these things myself and shit. link in particular shares a lot of my neurodivergencies and chronic pain. shit gets frustrating and sometimes roleplaying a tiny elf twink going thru the same shit helps a bit. u know how it is.
though link may act a bit naive and sometimes even childish, he is still very much an adult. not a “rule” exactly just something to keep in mind.
sorry if some of these seem overly detailed or serious. i’ve been around the block when it comes to rp tumblr i’m just trying to cover all my bases in at least a semi concise manner.
also sorry if any of this comes off as passive aggressive or rude. i can’t parse or regulate tone for shit like in an actual verbal conversation, trying to convey it thru text is damn near impossible for me lmao
i’m really just a tired nerd who is trying to have fun on this hellsite.
um that’s all i can think of for now may add or change more later thanks for reading have a great time
content warnings:
Content warnings for this blog include, but may not be limited to:
- Religious trauma
- Violence, death, etc.
- The inherent psychological torment that comes with being cursed to reincarnate forever and ever, only to be brought into the world when evil once again threatens to destroy everything, and having only a single use and purpose in life to the goddess one serves, that being the wielder of her sacred blade to seal away the evil once more, until it inevitably rears its ugly head again. I guess this goes under religious trauma.
- Mental illness and trauma in general.
- Lycanthropy.
That’s all I can think of for now; if more comes up, I’ll add to this list, and as always, if I’m unsure of anything, I will tag it with #ask to tag, so feel free to blacklist that tag if you need to.
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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