#but in a way that felt very patronizing to me at least
gaylittleguys · 1 year
book musings don’t mind me
I was really so disappointed with the long way to a small angry planet. As soon as I identified WHY it was bothering me, I just started getting so annoyed I just returned it without finishing it. I didn’t want to be disappointed because I really loved the setup and the characters, and thought it had so much potential! But I really just couldn’t get over the way it was written, and the way it felt like Nothing actually happened ever, despite there being SO MANY things that were happening. It just felt like none of it mattered? Things would come up and be resolved with a neat little moral or something to say and that’s it. But I was over halfway through the book, and I don’t think I learned more about anybody than I did in the first couple chapters. It felt so devoid of any conflict or imperfection that it just wasn’t interesting lmao. There was a review that compared it to a tv show like Firefly, and Yeah. It felt like it was trying to be an episodic tv show, with fun little side adventures with the same cast, but that’s not what I want out of a book! I’d go watch a show for that!! I want a cohesive story PLEASE. There was just too many offshoots and too many side plots that I just didn’t care and none of them were interesting. Which is a shame because the world building was very compelling and I Wanted to be invested, but there was just barely any focus on the interesting plot points. I just had such a hard time with it, and I couldn’t finish it. I skimmed through the rest of the book to see if it got more interesting, but it seemed like it was just more disconnected side stories. Which was maybe the point, but it just felt like….. uninteresting. There was nothing to be invested in.
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tgirltorment · 1 year
The trick about devils is that the high-ranking ones are often less concerned with inspiring sin and perversion within mortals as they are satisfying their own. You believed that by identifying the right patron and giving them what they want, you could make a deal with no clever loophole or catch. Make an offer, follow through, and come back unchanged and unharmed. Easy. And you knew just the devil to chose: a Devil Lord of Lust, one of the most self-serving of sins. Pride is too unstable, sloth might never hold up their end, gluttony is insatiable, but a Devil Lord of Lust? That you could handle.
You summoned them one evening to your apartment, offering your demands with clarity. "Beauty and power," was all you asked for. "In return, I offer to enter your service for six months." He chuckled lightly, eyeing you up and down. "One year," he countered. "And I promise you'll not be hurt. Not in a way you don't enjoy, at least." You shook hands, and the deal was struck. You were given a day to get everything in order, pay any outstanding bills, notify your family that you'd be away, and went to sleep. The next time you awoke, it was in a cage.
You noticed right away that your clothes were gone. Every so often a demon would pass by, leering at you through the bars. You also noticed that your were very, very, very horny. At first, you tried to cover yourself up, hide from the observing demons. But a heat began to build in your chest. You ached to touch yourself, to cum. You tried to resist. "Not in while they watch," you tried to think, but it was fuzzy. Strained. You noticed that the demons were naked too. Were they always naked? Looking them only made you hornier, so you tried to look away, but the image of their cocks was buried in your mind. Without thinking, you began to touch yourself, and by the time you noticed, it felt so good that you didn't care.
Against your will, small whimpers escaped your mouth. It felt so fucking good. The noises you made riled up the demons, spurring them to get off too. Cum shot through your bars, covering you, making you feel so warm. Why couldn't you cum? You were so close, so fucking close, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get over the edge. You began to beg. "Please," you whined. "Please let me cum."
Eventually, your hands became too tired to continue and fell to your sides. You lay at the floor of your cage, covered in the cum of a dozen demons, unable to orgasm but so desperate. You didn't care anymore. You needed it. So you pushed yourself against the bars and let them fuck you, their cocks taking turns inside you, filling you with more and more cum. Cocks appeared in front of you too, right before your face, and, without thinking, you began to suck them. God, it was so hard to think with their cocks so deep inside you. But you still couldn't cum.
Eventually, they all had their fill and left you, broken and desperate and unsatisfied, squirming on the floor of your cage in a pool of cum, which you brainlessly began to lap up. Soon enough, a familiar form appeared and opened your cage. You crawled out and immediately offered your throat to the Devil Lord, too dazed to even beg. "My sweet pet," he purred, grabbing your horns. Did you always have horns? "You've been so good. I believe you deserve to cum now." You whimpered in excitement, you tail (tail?) flicking behind you. He led you to a throne where he sat down, stroking his cock. "Have a seat," he said. So you rode him, pushing his cock as deep into you as it would go, screaming as you came again and again, unable to stop bouncing. Your back arched and your wings flared as wave after wave of euphoria ran through you, the sweet release you'd been desperate for for so long.
One year would not be enough. Not nearly.
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darlingdekarios · 9 months
abandon all hope.
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RATING: explicit. 18+ only. — LENGTH: 9,131— Raphael x f![warlock]tav [reader]
CONTENT: being a patron is being a sugar daddy/mommy you can't change my mind, set during Act II canon, small amounts of alcohol consumption, toxic behavior/ expressions of possession/ownership, "fluff", SMUT [unprotected p in v], KINK(S) [praise kink, orgasm control, hair pulling, biting, scratching/clawing, blood, breath play, dacryphilia, just a little degredation, size], there's a lot of poetry in here I did my best, Haarlep cameo, the least Raphael could've done for killing an Orthon for him is fuck us ffs, have fun thinking Raphael is bad at sex I'm built different, this got out so out of hand
you had become his absolute favorite - his most precious client and prized treasure. it's become increasingly difficult not to admit that you're truly his forever...and he's ready to hear it.
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"In a world of horrors where shadows loom, A tiny creature navigates through certain doom. A little mouse, determination in its eye, Hoping this will not be its last heard lullaby."
It would be a lie to say that very voice didn't send the most delightful of shivers down your spine each time it announced his presence to you - you hung on each syllable like he was speaking a new language you were desperate to understand. Though your back was turned to him as the corners of your lips twitched upward you could feel in your soul - the one that no longer belonged to you - that he knew.
Though you may have been doing your best to feign disinterest and even often annoyance at his dramatics, it was no secret that you found him amusing. Fortunately, he happened to feel rather the same, a creeping mirth building in his chest at this familiar performance you were putting on.
"Just when I was beginning to miss your theatrics."
It was only then he realized just how badly he'd yearned to hear your voice again in the time since it had last swam into his ears. Curiously - but perhaps not at all - he felt his mouth go temporarily dry as his next rehearsed verse fell from his mind momentarily. When his silence lingered you filled it gracefully as you knelt before a bucket of water, scrubbing your arms free of the blood that covered them as you worked off the most uncomfortable parts of your armor.
His stumble did not last forever - his practiced words would not go to waste.
"With the battle fought and her patron's foe slain, She has etched upon her weary soul so very much strain. With a gentleness most sincere, the Patron offers her rest. Her wearied body, soon at peace even in her mind, No longer bound by battles' fierce behest, Their worries, for a moment, left entirely behind.
For the strongest heroes, too, do need a moment's grace, To find their strength renewed in the tenderest embrace."
Though his continued lack of transparency was frustrating, particularly after the stretch of days you'd had at his bidding, you noticed the practice lilt in his words, the methodic delivery of his latest poem.
"Have you been practicing poetry for me again, my Lord?" your tone was filled to the brim with the very amusement you felt, amusement that was growing by the moment at the slight waver in his voice, the subtlest indication that now was one of few times his trademark control had faltered. "I must tell you, it really is quite sweet. I've never inspired such before."
Your pleasantries and a title you so rarely chose for him stirred a feeling oh-so rare and delicious in him, a tingle up his spine that spread a wicked grin across his face. Exhausted, and uncaring of the company at the moment you continued your work on seeking your own comfort, continuing to peel armor away from your figure and toss it to the side.
Maybe you knew the lack of attention would agonize him - maybe that was only just more amusement for you. Annoyingly, he was attempting to bury the desires as he always did around you, finding now that the feelings stirring were beginning to gnaw their way out from the inside.
"You flatter me with honorifics yet ignore my presence."
His words had the slightest bit of edge to them and yet the tone in which they were delivered could be described as little more than a purr. It was a tone you'd discovered was reserved to fall on your ears alone - he never spoke to you this way in company, though you didn't doubt others existed that were fortunate enough to hear it. It was delicious - made more-so by the sharpness to them, the gentle bite that warned his limits were being tested.
The fact you only heard it when you were alone meant you seldom travelled with companions for too long, discarding them when your interests were no longer the central focus. It was lonely, but few wanted to be at your side when they discovered the source of your power, and the moments like this reaffirmed your decision each and every time.
"In a land of shadows shrouded with a curse most horrific, Lies a weary hero, hoping her devil might be more specific. For if she doesn't soon rest, Her weary body will be for the shadows to ingest."
There was no denying the radiance and allure in his laughter - it rang out so beautifully it didn't fit in a place like this, it almost wasn't fair for such a joyous sound to ring out in such a cursed land. Now, you couldn't help yourself - you turned to face him with a light smile pulling at your lips, exhaustion written on your face accentuated by the blood of those you'd slain in his name.
It pulled at his heart, something that seldom occurred - you were truly always a sight like this, in his eyes at least.
"Your skills increase tenfold each time we meet," he complimented, the smile settling on his face matched by the pull of the wrinkles beside his eyes. "You were successful in your latest task."
It was a statement - not a question, the wordless affirmation of his continued faith in your abilities. Still, you could've given him a snarky response - the blood covering your body and armor wasn't enough of a clue for him? In truth, though, you'd began to enjoy the moments where he complimented you - even more the rare moment he actually thanked you.
"As always," your coy tone was the final act to try to hide the giddiness you felt now, as well as the fatigue that was slowly overtaking your body. When was the last time you had eaten? When he left would you simply remove the rest of your armor and do your best to build a fire and lay beside it, or would you simply make do with the cold ground beneath you now?
He could sense it; he knew exactly what was on your mind. In truth, your thoughts were mirrored in his - this was no place for someone of your caliber to rest, especially not when you'd been so very good for him already. He'd heard about your camp, of course, but seeing it for himself - well, it really was quite awful.
A snap of his fingers and once again you were in the House of Hope, the unmistakeable extravagant decor a much better sight than the lands you'd been traveling. Though it was a bathroom where you appeared it was already enough to almost bring tears to your eyes - it smelled delightful, a bath was already drawn with bubbles and filling the room with the warmest steam. Unsurprising was the small table beside it filled with fruits, meats, cheeses and wine that made a fresh rumble sound in your stomach.
"It is so very fortunate your generous patron is willing to reward a valiant effort, would you not agree?"
You huffed a breath through your nose as a smile spread further across your fae, heat rising in cheeks as you returned your gaze to his. "And who said devils are selfish?"
His beautiful laughter filled your ears again, the warmth radiating from the fireplace and the bath nothing compared to that which engulfed you just hearing the sound so entirely for you. His movements were smooth as he made his way to the small table, pouring a glass of wine with ease while his eyes stayed on you the entire time.
"You have undertaken quite the ordeal on my behalf, you deserve a proper display of my abundant appreciation," there was the unmistakable purr of sultriness beneath his tone, his strides predatory as he made his way back to you, eyes running up and down your entire frame again before settling on your eyes. "And a bath, though I do so worship the vision of my dark hero covered in the blood of my enemies."
"You show your appreciation by providing me my power."
"And yet," the pause lingered heavily - if you weren't so keen on enjoying everything he had to offer you there would probably be a quip about holding for drama, but now you only looked up at him with wide doe eyes - eager and expectant and deliciously obedient. "I find myself curiously wanting to provide you with more."
The look that was blooming in his eyes was a peculiar one - one of a fondness. He slipped behind you gracefully, one of his hands reaching to grasp your hip and turn you to face an ornate mirror before his arm fully encircled your waist, drawing you back toward his chest. His hand slipped up your body, avoiding any part that would have been too inappropriate to touch without express permission, to grasp your chin, holding your face gently but firmly as he angled it to look in the ornate mirror before you.
"The longer you have my power reflected in your eyes, the more beautiful you become. Wouldn't you agree? You are radiant."
Now it was impossible to pass off the heat that had risen in you as nothing more than the heat from the bath - with his hand just beneath your chin on your neck and his claws digging ever-so-slightly into your skin, the heat had begin to pool at your core. You were still trying to remain focused, to maintain the aura of strength you almost never allowed to falter…particularly around him. But with him pressed to your back and his eyes devouring you in the mirror like a feral animal with a long-awaited meal, there were certain signs from your body that gave you away.
The elevated heart rate. The blown pupils. The pull of your bottom lip between your teeth.
It didn't take any amount of perception to see the signs that were so plainly there, particularly not for a devil who was eager to look for them.
"As you've pointed out, I'm covered in blood."
"A testament to our combined strength, my pet," you were certain with the intensity with which he was staring into your eyes' reflection in the mirror that he had stopped blinking, finding an unchanging face each time your eyes closed briefly. "Do you mind?"
He was offering you the wine glass to free up his hand or to distract yours - it was impossible to tell, really. Regardless of the intent you reached for it, taking a drink and relishing the familiar fire this particular wine ignited in your throat and belly.
Meanwhile his free hand was lightly trailing over the bow to the back laces of your clothing, giving a subtle tug to seek permission as his eyes continued to burn into yours in the mirror. With a nod the laces fell free under the quick work of his fingers - it was somewhat endearing that you knew he could do this with the snap of his fingers, yet he was choosing to do it himself, to peel you apart with his own hands. What you'd been wearing pooled to the ground and revealed the aftermath of your battle in full, all of the bruises and scratches and burns that had no place there…unless they were given by him or on his word.
His hands found your shoulders first and with a familiar warmth your injuries became another part of your past, his eyes trailing up and down your body to ensure all that remained was evidence of injuries not belonging to you.
"Positively resplendent," his breath was hot on your neck as he angled his face closer to yours, his nose brushing behind your ear softly. "A painting of this image would be so suitable for a portrait of us, wouldn't you agree?"
Bravery - it was a characteristic of yours that he cherished nearly more than any other, one that provided endless entertainment (and often worry, though he was hardly eager to admit that). It was the very trait that sometimes pushed you to do or say the very last thing he expected, and yet you still managed to take him by surprise. Even now in his domain was one of those times, your face unwavering and intention resolute as you spoke.
"Not in this form."
All he'd offer in his momentary shock was a raised eyebrow before these features faded and he transformed to the figure he was meant for, wings stretching behind his back as he got more comfortable. This is how he was meant to look - how the two of you were supposed to appear together, the devil and his toy hero, you and the source of your growing power. It would take blindness not to see the radiance with which you two joined together, and even then it was palpable in the air.
Ignoring the many feelings and tensions that crackled between the two of you when you were together was difficult - and growing more impossible by the day.
"This is suitable for the foyer."
He continued to lean down behind you, swallowing you with his true height so he could press a singular kiss behind your ear before straightening his back, his hand that was still flat against your now fluttering stomach pulling you against him tighter. Your skin burned where his lips had graced it - tingling as though his the action was magic. Your body only continued to respond to him with all of the tell-tale signs: a rising temperature, parted lips, blown pupils, quicker breath.
He so adored that you were trying to maintain control - to maintain an unbothered façade.
"You prefer me this way."
It left his mouth as a statement, but you caught the subtle insecurity at the tail of the sentence, the way his words slightly trailed and his eyes flashed with a truth - and hope? - that was so rarely seen.
Was he afraid of your answer?
"You don't need to wear a mask around me," you were quick to silence his doubt and eager to put out a particular fire that threatened everything around it boiling beneath his surface. Your sincerity and sensitivity was hardly what had initially drawn him to you - he loved that you'd always been willing to tell him your mind without a care to whom you were speaking, even himself included at times. "You would know that I preferred you this way if you spoke to me yourself more often instead of sending your little spy."
Suddenly you understood the meaning of the phrase "devilish grin" in a new light.
"Do I detect jealousy, my dear?" he purred as he leaned down toward you again, his breath tickling the back of your ear and neck and his claws dug into your hip slightly. You tried to ignore the flare of heat within you, unwilling to admit it fully quite yet. "A flicker of envy, so very subtle but clear."
You huffed and rolled your eyes in response to his taunt, annoyed he could think of a rhyme so quickly and a charming one at that, and even more annoyed that it worked. Bards.
"Korilla does not enjoy the same…benefits you do," he continued when you offered nothing in response but the puff of air, a reticent hum vibrating in your chest as you raised the cool glass to your lips to take another drink. Your eyes met his in the mirror again as you realized how long they'd been focusing on his hands, allowing your gaze to stay connected as you continued to drink.
Of course, he was hardly one to leave a silence unfilled for long.
"And what of my own feelings?" he questioned, the twitch in his jaw accentuating the frustration behind his words that he was trying to tame. "So many people you meet these days and you haven't shared with a single one where you get your power…"
It was hard to focus on a conversation like this when his claws were now grazing lower down your thigh, red lines painting your skin the evidence the Cambion's claws had been there. In the mirror you could see how he lovingly soaked in the sight of each new mark - of each new claim of his territory. You'd have far more decorations from him by the time you returned to your own camp.
"What am I supposed to think other than you're ashamed of me?"
"No," the rejection of his insinuation came from your lips faster than any reply you'd given before by far, a fact that ticked his lips into a slight smile. Though the two of you teased anda taunted one another often, you were always well aware of the line before you stepped over it. "They wouldn't understand."
"They don't have to understand…they have to respect. Besides, it's not their soul to be bothered with, and you're hardly the only warlock in your little party."
"But they won't. With the Blade of Frontiers it is different…he had no choice, not really. I did - I could've chosen anything else…anyone else. And I chose you."
"Then you will make them."
You could hear the commanding tone he rarely needed to take with you begin to form in his words, a low grumble rumbling against your chest as he spoke. At this point you knew what little remained of his patience was so close to slipping away completely - but you still couldn't stop yourself from testing those tempestuous waters just a bit more.
After all, he needed you alive just as much as you needed him. Harm too serious coming your way was out of the question, and the proof you could take a bit of pain was in the stories that would be told about you and your adventures for years to come.
"It's just another contract to you. What difference does it make?"
The final impertinent word left your lips as his hand grabbed your chin, applying pressure and encouraging you to face him. He loomed over you in this form - a delicious fact - his skin noticeably hotter against yours as he leaned closer, trapping you between his body and the wall. Flames danced in his eyes, the raging inferno matching the temporary flare of anger he felt ignited in his chest. His grip on your face was resolute, thumb and forefinger grasping so hard your cheeks were squished together.
That would certainly keep you from further insult.
"I am so very fond of you, my impudent little mouse. Can you not see that is so?"
You'd been in many dangerous - increasingly so - situations recently, but the fact this one was one of the most was…invigorating. Invigorating in the same way as when he'd first approached you with a deal, in the way he'd complimented a job well done for the first time, in the way he was overjoyed when you returned from your kidnapping. In truth - because you were not foolish enough to deny what was a plainly writ fact - you were well aware you belonged to him in every aspect of the word. It was fun to test what boundaries a relationship like that presented.
Your heart was thudding against your chest harder and faster by the moment as he continued to regard you, fully aware you couldn't respond to his question through the hold he maintained on your face.
"I will not hear more of your ill-mannered mouth while I am being such a gracious host. You are far from 'just another' anything to me…"
There was a sincerity in his words that shattered any possibility of refute.
"…and I will not tolerate our attachment being hidden any longer."
A threat, or a promise? Both were equally exhilarating in their own way. With the expression on his face - furrowed brows, pinched nose, set jaw, and nostrils flaring with each breath - his feelings toward the situation were written plain on his face. He was done arguing - and you'd be foolish to push it.
"Perhaps I could have a collar fashioned for you that only I can remove."
His hand that still held your waist pulled you closer, a muscular tail winding around your lower legs to hold you against him. One of his legs slotted between your thighs as you pressed to him closer, hands clinging to his upper arms still. His face softened somewhat at the closeness, at the shaky breath that slipped past your lips as your eyes stayed oh-so focused on the way his curved into a wicked grin the more the thought blossomed in his mind.
"One that will burn you should you even try to remove it. Or perhaps better yet, a curse," as he spoke you found yourself drawn closer, entranced by the hardness in his pants that pressed to your waist now, chasing a kiss you weren't certain he'd give. "Or I could use hellfire to brand a symbol of my name beneath your eye - small enough not to ruin your beauty, large enough that everyone who sees you knows that you are mine."
He released his hold on your face only to drop his hand lower, lightly gripping your neck in a silent show of power. He regarded your expression carefully for any sign of distress and only grinned wider when he instead found observed your blown pupils and parted lips, his fingertips soaking in your accelerated pulse beneath them.
The fire in his tone sizzled for a moment, still lingering in each word but not quite as fearsome as even just a moment before. Sweet, almost - if you didn't know any better to see through the charm.
"Swear to me anew," he cooed, his thumb rubbing along the side of your neck as he spoke, eyes gazing at you with an expression that could only be described in adoration. The most temperamental volcano, fury subsided as fast as it'd come. When there was an offer to be presented, he could truly be oh-so-sweet. "An amendment to our existing contract. You are not to hide that we are joined together, or you will face consequences that will last forever."
Did it matter if you even truly had the option to refuse him when all you wanted to do was please him again? The proposition of more appreciation, the promise of his praise. That fact alone was enough to ensure your answer before you'd given it.
You nodded in understanding - specifics beyond what he'd stated weren't needed to convey the weight of his words.
"On one condition."
The bravery again - though your voice was more meek as you rightfully walked the fiery embers before you, navigating what you knew could still erupt again if you pressed too much harder again. To prove your point his eyebrow raised in annoyance, nose threatening to scrunch upward in frustration before you elaborated.
"We seal this contract with a kiss."
An expression that had almost been rage morphed into perplexity before a laugh burst from his chest, your mind lost in the sound and the view of his fangs, thoughts wandering somewhere fittingly sinful for your surroundings.
"And you talk about my theatrics."
Despite his taunting he brought you closer with his iron grip on your waist, the hand holding your neck still sliding up to your cheek as his thumb claw grazed along your bottom lip in passing. He looked at you like a child receiving a new toy, regarded you with an adoration often seen in temples.
And then, though there was still a subtle laugh shaking his chest, he held you reverently as he angled his head toward you. The rest of his expression as he approached would go unnoticed as your eyes slipped shut, holding your breath in anticipation…which he exploited for just a moment longer than was necessary before he finally gave you what you both wanted.
Your lips met like the strike of a match - the spark between flint and stone. It burned like frostbite and was over just as soon as it'd begun, taking your remaining breath with it.
It was a purr that rumbled in his chest as he ran his nose along your jaw that reminded you to breathe, his lips pressing a kiss over a pulse point on your neck pulling a gasp from your lungs as his hand slipped down the other side of your neck. Holding you like an artifact his fangs teased the skin on the spot for a moment as his grip on your waist tightened further, the tips of his claws threatening to break skin.
He withdrew before his composure melted, filling his chest with a deep breath to bring himself to full sense again.
"Come. I'm far from through with you, but you truly do need a bath."
It was…nice, which didn't quite seem wholly appropriate considering who he was and the fact the atmosphere had been threatening and tense only moments before. He sank into the tub first, motioning for you to join him by taking place between his legs. There was a voice in the back of your mind reminding you that all of this was because he wanted something - everything possible from you, and that he knew the best way to reach his goal was to manipulate.
The fact you were aware of it did little to stop you from enjoying it.
He made sure he ate and drank in a silence you didn't know he was capable of as his hands made work cleaning your body, a bath in the House of Hope proving to be a lavish experience as the water remained pristine and hot no matter how long it went on.
*(Though, it certainly could've just been the heat between your bodies sustaining the temperature).
It was the first time you'd truly relaxed since a tadpole had taken residence in your mind, the first moment of bliss in days. When his claws found your scalp and scratched against it lightly as he massaged soap into it he earned a thank you in the form of the sweetest moan that just couldn't be held back by your lips. You felt his cock twitch against your back at the sound, an appreciative hum rumbling in his chest.
"My, my…who knew you could sound so melodic, my dear," his tone was best described as a condescending coo, treasuring the way you melted in his hold and couldn't help yourself from being his to play with. "I want to hear much more of you."
One of his hands slipped from your head down to rest on your stomach as the other went even lower to the top of your thigh, pausing still to wait for your reaction. When you leaned your head back against his shoulder and closed your eyes he took his sign, chasing more of a reaction from you by running a single claw softly up your thigh toward your core. The small gasp that fell from your lips wasn't enough, his disapproval noted with a click of his tongue against his teeth. It was impossible to keep silent when one of his fingers connected to your clit, rubbing a swift circle quickly.
The cry that burst from your chest returned the smile to his face, a low laugh filling your ears again as he leaned forward to kiss your neck. Two of his fingers parted your folds as they slipped downward to your entrance, moans falling freely from your mouth you'd forgotten how to close. Taking advantage of the fact he leaned closer to claim your lips, reaching his free hand to hold the back of your head and ensure you couldn't pull away from him.
A dark possessiveness within him considered slipping his fingers into you to feel how your tight walls would grip him, though he knew it meant you would face the consequences of his claws. He could heal you, after all - but you'd always remember the feeling. He'd refrain on that particular thought…
For now.
Instead, he returned his attention to your clit, fingers circling the sensitive nub as his fingers tangled into your hair. He continued to kiss you past what your lungs could take, your eyes opening to attempt to gain his attention. His own eyes remained closed and he only held your head in a firmer grip - no doubt he knew though he couldn't see - and he continued that way until your vision was just starting to blur and your hole was clenching around nothing. Only then did he release you - releasing you fully by pulling his fingers away too - allowing you to take the breath you needed.
So close to the edge of release only to be pulled back away from it. It was a cruelty that made the first sound that left your lips when your breath returned to be a whimper.
"Please," you could barely get the shaking word through your lips, it could hardly be considered speaking when each letter was filled with a whine. "More."
"Now now, you will learn to take what I give you," he cooed, releasing his hold on your head to run the back of his fingers down the side of your face and neck, lightly pushing your head to the side to press a kiss beneath your ear. "With no questions asked. Won't you? You'll have to show me you can be patient."
You couldn't help the whimper that slipped past your lips again, your body singularly focused on its need for more. Your eyes are wide and desperate as you gazed at him, hands reaching to grasp at his thighs and squeeze. "'s not fair…"
Your ears were filled with his boisterous laugh again before he pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder, allowing his lips to stay against your skin as he spoke.
"Perhaps not for you, but it's perfectly lovely for me," you realized as he spoke that he was having fun, a giddiness in every word that proved it. Unrehearsed, without anger, without practiced intentions. Him. "Finish up in here at your leisure, then join me in the boudoir."
With a snap of his fingers he was gone and the option to beg for more removed you were alone, left to wonder exactly what awaited you when you did join him. The kind of excitement that matched the feelings of fear and anxiety bubbled in your stomach, making your movements a little clumsy as you navigated your way through one last wash of your body.
The feelings remained as you removed yourself from the water, realizing immediately you'd been left with no towel or robe or clothes to utilize on your walk. Feeling a flare of preemptive embarrassment you found your way to the hall, doing your best to navigate quickly as you muttered to yourself.
You were distracted in your search that you didn't notice Haarlep had stalked up to you from the dark after you'd passed until their voice filled your ears. "My, my, aren't you just delicious," he purred, continuing to walk closer toward you when you froze in your tracks. They circled you like a predator circled prey, like a painter studying their subject - it was enough to make your face burn again. "I wouldn't mind slipping into your image for the occasional rendezvous."
Their name left your lips as a gasp and they stopped in front of you with a wicked smile, handsome and proud and no doubt every bit as convincing as their Master, if not more. "So you do know me. How flattering."
You were cornered against a wall with one of their forearms resting next to your head, the other grasping your hip in fingers much gentler than the ones they were mimicking. They leaned closer until your lips were brushing together feather light, the anticipation of a kiss lingering heavy in the air and sending your heart rate skyrocketing again.
"Oh, what fun we will have together…"
Their sinful tongue left their mouth to lick the seam of your lips until they fell open, the muscle slipping into your mouth to kiss you fully and hungrily. As you swallowed their spit you started to feel new levels need, the definition of the word insatiable finally grasped in your mind. One of their knees knocked apart your legs as their hand left your thigh, slipping to examine how wet you were and finding their digits slid through your folds with embarrassing ease.
"Mm…but that will be for another time," there was a sincerity in their words that made them so believable and you were certain they were correct about it. "Tonight, your job is to make him a bit more tolerable for the rest of us. Be a good pet and behave, won't you?"
As they sauntered away in a pace that existed to entice you to follow they threw one last wink over their shoulder, pointing you in the direction of where you were meant to go. In a haze you made your way to your destination, opening the doors to find your Patron sitting on the grand bed with glistening satin sheets, lounging back against the headboard with his arms outstretched, waiting for your arrival. He'd covered himself with an expensive robe, the one he'd deprived you of.
The red of its fine fabric matched his burning aura perfectly.
He observed your clumsy movements as you closed the doors with light amusement until the two of you were once again alone, his eyes appreciating your clean form as you walked to the foot of the bed. With a smile he raised a hand to motion you forward with one finger, his features fittingly illuminated by the hellfires that illuminated the room.
He was beautiful. Enticing. This very room could become an easy prison with no locked door if you allowed your resolve to slip.
"Come," he invited in a delicious tone, using one hand to untie his robe and allow it to fall open. He patted his thigh afterward to further elaborate on his instruction, one you were more than willing to follow. "Crawl to me…show me what an obedient, eager little pup you can be."
You did exactly as he told you to, enjoying the feeling of the soft sheets against your skin as you made your way to him. You climbed into his lap and straddled his waist between your thighs, core hovering over his hard and throbbing cock that you now wanted more than logic should reasonably allow. He felt how wet you were when your thighs made contact with his skin, breathing in deep to take in the scent of your arousal.
"My, my, how very eager you are," he spoke of you as if he was being presented with the meal of a lifetime. It made you feel desired in ways you weren't sure you'd be able to experience with anyone else for the remainder of your life. "I have to wonder, did my naughty toy find you along the way?"
You nodded, the only response you found yourself capable of, grinding down against his waist in a way that allowed his length to slip through your folds and spread your slick. His hands grasped your hips to follow your movements, chest vibrating against yours with a quiet purr as he appreciated your movements.
"Oh, of course they did…sometimes they just can't help it, the sinful thing…"
Both of his hands found their way to your thighs to grab them roughly, not making any effort to be mindful about his claws in places it wouldn't seriously hurt you - something that would become a pattern for the rest of your time together. Under his fingertips he could feel the welts that raised as a result of his scratching, smiling a charming smile as he took in your expression.
Finding you perfectly needy for him he reached one hand to grab your jaw and pull you closer, leaving his face hovering inches from yours. His skin was noticeably hotter against yours now, the undeniable evidence that he was just as effected by your closeness as you were his. His other hand gave your ass a swat to encourage you to raise up on your knees again, licking his lips when he could then reach toward your core and run his fingers through your folds again.
It was easier to feel the arousal he - and Haarlep, now - had earned when you weren't submerged in a tub. His fingers took the distance from your hole to your swollen clit painfully slow, matching the deep inhale he filled his lungs with along the way. Lost in how his hands felt against your body again you hardly noticed his tail wrap around one of your legs to hold you against him tighter, ensuring there was no chance of you climbing off before he'd had his fill.
It was hardly something he needed to do, but the implications of it made the experience all the better for him - and for you too.
"Don't forget to speak to me, my dear," he cooed, no annoyance present in his voice though he was hardly happy he had to remind you as he exercised a bit of patience at your current state. "I simply adore hearing the desperation in your words."
"Please, I need…"
Though he'd requested them your words were cut off as he pulled you against him rougher, pressing his throbbing length up into her core as he does. Your sentence quickly turned into a moan, your hands grabbing at his shoulders so you could cling to him in every sense of the word.
"Do go on."
You hated that his taunting tone sent a shiver down your spine and a hot wave of arousal straight to your core. Your desperation flooded every word that came from your mouth. "I need more," you were begging without having to be asked for it, something he would thank you for at a later time. "Something…a-anything you'll give me."
"Anything I'll give you?"
Was that particular choice of words a mistake? You found you couldn't come to a rational answer as you became lost in the embers of his eyes. You nodded, grinding against him to further your consent and ensure the point was driven home - you wanted him in whatever capacity he'd provide, in any way that would earn you more of his favor.
You hadn't realized your lip was quivering and your eyes were slightly watering out of the desperation but he had, soaking in the sight of you so wanton and lustful for him. It was his favorite look on you by far, and he couldn't resist the opportunity to see how truly indecent he could make you behave.
And all for him.
"Then prove to me you deserve it. Prove to me you're worth the effort from me and then I will prove to you that you are mine."
You only leaned closer to entice him the rest of the distance between you. You reached between your bodies with one hand to grasp his cock and rub it through your folds again, lining it up with your entrance and teasing down onto the tip slightly to test what he'd allow. He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to express a thought that disappeared as you began to sink onto him, maintaining the eye contact you knew he loved as you moaned out his name quietly. He forgave you when your eyes fluttered closed to focus on taking his length and girth, your forehead falling down against his shoulder as a heavy breath fell from your lips.
"That's it," he was quick to compliment your efforts to ensure you knew how much he appreciated it, hoping the praise would keep you from giving up. "You can take me. Do not get discouraged…"
Your head nodded as another steady breath left your chest, shifting your hips to find the right angle to take him in. Though his words were honied you knew he was hardly the patient type and to avoid a temper change you pushed yourself onto as much of his length as you could take, finally earning a groan from him that was worth the quick shot of pain that being stretched like this brought. One of his arms reached to wrap around your waist and his other hand found the back of your head, cradling you against his form. His wings soon joined, wrapping both of you in privacy and what felt like the ultimate safety.
Within his wings it would be impossible for anyone who entered to see how well you began to ride him after a long adjustment period, how after several minutes of grinding and shifting and allowing him to pump into you you began to take him perfectly. Though he maintained his hold on your head your lips were finding their way to any place they could reach on his neck, chest, and jaw, eagerly nibbling and licking and sucking - testing if you could mark him like he'd undoubtedly mark you.
He decided you were testing him when you bit into him hard, his surprise announced by a grunt and a squeeze from his hand holding your hip. He gave your hair a tug to pull you upward into a hungry kiss, your moans joining together in the room as your hands grabbed his horns to hold him against you.
This is how he wanted you for him forever.
As your tongues danced your movements slowed, his hands meeting on your upper back to press your chest closer to his. Allowing you a partial breath he pulled away from the kiss to watch your face twist in pleasure as his claws dragged slowly down your back, pressing harder the lower they reached as he experimented with what you'd allow. You were eager to prove exactly what he'd requested - you could take what he would give.
His own head dropped to claim one of your breasts in his mouth, his tongue circling your nipple and flicking the nub several times before he changed his efforts to suck hard enough to bruise, glad he could stay here without a real breath for longer than what you may have previously experienced. He only pulled away to bite a mark into the soft flesh that immediately spilled some blood - as you continued to ride him exactly how you liked you either didn't notice or you didn't mind, either of which were fine by him.
"Very good," he purred, remembering how well you normally responded to his praise. He was thanked by a quiet moan and your walls tightening, fluttering around his length as he struck just the right cord in you. "Should I allow you release before I have my way with you?"
You were nodding before his sentence was fully complete and begging incoherently as your face buried into his neck again, continuing to lavish the skin with kisses. Your thighs began to shake at the mere thought of release, at how it would feel to gush around his length and how he would moan feeling you constrict him.
Whatever words he chose to give you permission were not fully understood, only their intent mattered. Though he wanted to pump into you at his own pace he allowed you to find release in this position yourself, happy it didn't take much longer for your walls to clamp around him and your head to throw back in ecstasy, your screams undoubtedly filling every wall in the house despite the closed door.
He held you down on his length as you spasmed through the high, enjoying the feeling of your body against his and focusing on how you felt held in his arms. He was always going to take what he wanted from you after you'd found this release but the longer he soaked in how small you were against his frame the more his own carnal desire began to take over his thoughts, a feral need building that wouldn't be long ignored.
"You have hold of me like an addiction," he breathed out heavy, shifting his hips beneath you - earning a whimper - wondering how much you'd truly be able to take. "So…unh…tight…"
Before you had fully returned to your senses he was pushing you onto your back, staying inside you with little effort and pinning you down with one hand on your stomach. His other hand rested at the base of your throat with his forearm beside your head, and just as your mind began to fathom how dangerous the position you were in was he kissed you slowly, silencing reason once again.
You could feel how sensitive you were as he pumped his length into you a few times - slowly to test your reaction. He pulled away from the kiss to examine your face, finding it filled with pleasure and overstimulation - traces of pain were there but you gave no indication he needed to stop.
"Do you think you can take what I will give you?"
His lips moved against yours sensually as he spoke, and you opened your mouth to answer for only a sob to be released. Instead you just nodded, hoping it would be enough in the circumstances and looking into his eyes with a pleading expression. He pressed a kiss to your bottom lip and pushed every inch you could take into you roughly, earning another sob that was muffled as he bit into your bottom lip enough to cause it to swell. He pulled away from the action with a wicked grin and savored your expression for a moment longer before this position came to an end.
He pulled out of you slowly, moving to stand next to the bed. In your haze you listened to him give you instructions to get on your knees and elbows, instructions you followed hastily on shaky limbs as he stroked his length watching you obey. When you were finally presenting yourself to him exactly how he wanted he mounted behind you, still grasping his length in one hand as his other reached forward to circle your dripping hole with two fingers.
"Precious. I will try not to break you."
His fingers were gone and replaced with his cock swiftly, his restraint gone as he thrusted in as far as he could, still trying to press further when he reached the end and smiling when the most beautiful cry filled the room from you. He groaned out deep as his hand found your stomach, pressing against it to hold you upward, reaching his other hand to slip the fingers that were coated in your slick into your mouth.
"So small beneath me," he breathed out, leaning forward to press a kiss over one of the red welts he'd created on your back. He engulfed you in this position, you were at his complete mercy - all hope of being anything but his ever again gone. He would never give you up. "On your knees for me. Just where you should be."
He forgot to be somewhat gentle with you as he thrust into you at a feral pace - or perhaps he just didn't care how little you were able to move when he was through. He continued to kiss your neck, shoulders, and back in any place he could reach, his teeth marking your skin anywhere he could manage. His claws were just as helpful in regard to marking you, reaching to scratch at your thighs and back - until he focused his hand's attention on your ass, spanking and scratching and grabbing roughly as proved to give him additional leverage as he pounded into you.
He was already obsessed with the way you took him with moans and cries while ensuring you stayed in the position he'd molded you into, eyes transfixed on how your tight hole took his length. When this whole Absolute ordeal was taken care of at your hands, he'd happily take this sight every day.
"Look at you just taking me," his voice was shaking now, matching your legs once again. His hand left your stomach to squeeze your throat, accentuating the fact that you were truly just taking whatever he would give. "And you do it so well, you sweet thing."
Content with how marked you were for him his hands instead grasped your waist in the gentlest grasp he'd offered yet, not quite matching the ferocity at which he pounded into you. Through blurred vision you were half aware of the familiar figure that slipped into the room through the shadows, the incubus unable to keep away witnessing what was filling the House with the irresistible sounds of flesh smacking against flesh.
You didn't know if Raphael noticed - you didn't care. You doubted a complaint would be heard if you offered one, and they would leave after you'd reached your release and they'd heard your euphoria anyway.
(Though you did momentarily hope that sinful tongue they'd offered earlier could be put to a better use, though you knew your body would be spent by then).
"Give me another," he ordered, feeling how your body was tensing up again at the threat of release, eager to feel you snap again. "And I want to hear it…"
He reached to rub your clit again at a speed that matched his thrusts, eager to feel how tight you'd squeeze him when you came undone, already intoxicated by the way your velvet walls were fluttering around his length. He was taking what he wanted from your body at a roughness that would no doubt leave bruises for you to feel on the road to Baldur's Gate - he certainly wouldn't heal marks that were a gift from him covering your back and neck and causing you to walk with a limp that so clearly displayed you had coupled with him.
He let you fall to the bed fully, only finding he was able to pound into you harder as you laid flat on your stomach. Unwilling to have you pass out he grabbed your hair on the back of your head and pulled hard enough to force it back so you could continue to breathe, leaning his torso over yours until he could twist your head and claim your lips in a rough kiss. He was hungry - feral - fully lost in himself as he chased his own pleasure, releasing all inhibition as he found his release. The only warning it was coming was the sloppiness that overtook his thrusts as the end neared, a growl rumbling in his chest as he pulled away from your lips to instead bite into your shoulder.
His seed was molten as it filled you, overflowing past his length. As his release filled your womb his teeth broke your skin and he tasted your blood as he was lost in his pleasure. He'd crave its flavor that was entirely you just as often as he'd crave claiming your womb now, knowing the mark would show you were his.
He continued to pump into you slowly several more times, holding you still as you squirmed and whimpered from the overstimulation, hearing the shake in your breaths and sweet sounds that proved to him you were crying. When he decided to pull out completely his chest shook with a quiet, dark laugh, finding a comfortable position straddling over your ass. His hands were loving in the way a curator's were with art, running over your scratched and bitten back adoringly for several moments, fingertips tracing the marks that would last the longest. He leaned down to press a kiss to a particularly possessive bite mark before removing his weight from you, rolling you to your side to to check that you were still capable of coherency.
You blinked up at him with glassy eyes, tear-stained cheeks proving he had been right about your tears. He leaned to press a single gentle kiss to your forehead as he pulled the blanket over your weak body. Selfish of a creature as he was, he was still capable of some semblance of aftercare - though that was it, it was enough from someone like him to someone like you.
"Well done, my dear. A wonderful demonstration of your devotion to me."
This praise - this tone. The very reason you'd do anything he asked, become anything he needed you to become. Anything he asked of you in a moment like this you'd provide. Part of you wondered how long it would take for him to exploit that fact.
"Next time you've behaved for me I will have Haarlep join us. They can lick my seed clean from you as I watch how you look beneath me."
(You'd think more on that particular promise later, when your mind was capable of wrapping around anything other than Raphael's finger again).
His new tone was undeniable and impossible to ignore, the reverence steeping every syllable enough to drown in them. Appreciation, worship. It was difficult to decide if being beneath him or hearing this newfound depth of praise was more fulfilling. You nuzzled closer to him still just barely conscious, physically submitting to the exhaustion that overtook every inch of yourself.
You nodded your head lazily in agreement before burrowing your face in his neck, enjoying the familiar scent of cherries, musk and sulphur that had come to mean power and protection to you. If you were lucky those sinful notes would linger in your senses in the coming day.
Though he was far from one to cuddle, he wasn't one to complain when presented with any show of mutual adoration from you, and he allowed his tail to drape across your legs in a subtle concession to your own desires.
Beyond that, he was still, but he was content.
"Rest," you were intoxicated with this voice, one you couldn't help but wonder how few beings had heard it, one free of any performance - honest, soft. "You will need it before you continue your journey. When you wake you'll be in camp with your cohorts, and when you reach the city again you will return to me."
In your last moments of consciousness, you remained his eager little pup.
masterlist. baldur's gate III masterlist.
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✨Dress Up, Part 3: The Honeymoon✨
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Who's ready for the honeymoon?? I've been dying to get this one out for y'all. Thank you all again for the incredible support on this fic, I absolutely love you all! Enjoy!!
I tried to make it as clear as possible who is speaking at any given time lol
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: The wedding is over and it's time for the honeymoon! And you have an interesting proposition for your new husband...
Warnings: 18+, smut, fingering, oral (m & f receiving), p in v, anal, multiple partners
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As promised, Lucifer behaved himself for the rest of the reception. He was always very good at keeping his promises with you. Although, you had piqued his curiosity when you had mentioned the little "proposition" you had for him later in the evening. He was insatiable. And you loved it!
"C'mon love, at least give me a hint!" Lucifer begged while you were in between conversations with the hotel patrons. "Do you think it's fair to keep secrets from your husband?" He latched onto your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek, a little laugh escaping your lips. "I'll just keep kissing you until you tell me!" Sure enough, he began to pepper small pecks across your face, finally forcing you to push him away gently.
"All good things to those who wait, Lucifer," you teased, taking his one hand and leading him towards the bar. "We just have to say goodbye to a few more people, okay? And you're one to talk! You still haven't told me where we're going for our honeymoon!"
He chuckled, bringing your hand up to his lips. "I'm the Devil, sweetheart; deception is in my job description, or so I've been told." You rolled your eyes playfully and made your way towards your new daughter-in-law.
"Charlie!" you greeted, bringing her into a warm embrace. "Thank you for this. You did an incredible job. This was everything I could have hoped for and more."
"Oh, there's no need to thank me!" Charlie beamed. "Everyone here worked super hard to make sure everything turned out perfect!"
"You're too modest, Charlie dear," Lucifer complimented. "Anything you touch turns out absolutely perfect. And I shouldn't expect anything less from my little girl!"
"Thanks, dad. I-I love you two so much!" Charlie's eyes started to well up with tears as she brought you both in for a hug. "Oh, dad! Did you tell her about the surprise?!"
Lucifer shook his head. "I haven't, but we're just about to head out right about...now!" With a snap of his fingers, a portal appeared behind the trio. You went to turn your head, but Lucifer used his hand to turn your face back towards him. "No peaking!" Without warning, you felt your legs give out beneath you as Lucifer scooped you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest and smiling down at you. “Thank you all for a wonderful day,” he called out to everyone. “It’s certainly one we’ll never forget. We’ll be back in a few days' time. PLEASE don’t burn the hotel down while we’re gone!” He turned around to face the portal and leaned down towards you. “Close your eyes for me,” he whispered against your ear. You did as he said and let your eyelids fall.
You felt the subtle jostling of Lucifer’s movement as he carried you through the portal. He only took a few more steps before he stopped completely. Wherever you were, you felt a slight breeze hit your skin. You guessed you must be outside somewhere. But Lucifer’s footsteps sounded like they were hitting tile flooring. Before you could try to rationalize further, you felt your husband’s lips graze your earlobe.
“You can open your eyes now,” he cooed.
Your eyes shot open; Lucifer’s grinning face was the first thing you saw as he finally set you back down on your feet. You were right about being outside. Kind of. You were on a balcony. The footsteps you heard earlier made sense now. But you saw something else that had completely caught your attention. The sky above you wasn't red. It was a deep blue. You turned to Lucifer in confusion. "Where are we?"
"Surprise!" he nearly shouted, gripping your hips and twirling you around before placing you back down. "Welcome to the Lust ring, my darling!"
You blinked at him a few times before looking back over the railing, smiling eagerly. "So, this is what you've been hiding from me?"
"It is," Lucifer said as he pulled you flush to his chest. "Do you remember how I said that you're no longer bound to the rules that govern sinners? This is part of that deal! You're free to travel anywhere as my Queen, and that includes the other six rings of Hell! Not that I would recommend most of them. But Asmodeus-"
"Wait, Asmodeus?" you questioned, "The Sin of Lust?"
"Yes! Although I usually just refer to him as Ozzie. He's one of the only Sins I get along with. But anyway, he's the one who put us up in this lovely room for the next few days. I told him I was getting married and well, he practically insisted on letting us use his Honeymoon Suite at the hotel he owns here. Told me I needed to 'put the room to good use'." Lucifer flashed a smug grin before leaning in to capture your lips. He picked you up once more and carried you over to the too- large heart-shaped bed, setting you down on the soft dark purple bed sheets. "So, my angel has a 'proposition' for me?"
Suddenly your cheeks felt burning hot. To be honest, you haven't given your own proposition much thought before this. But that week without any intimacy nearly drove you up the wall and your mind created scenarios that you had never even considered before. You regret mentioning it in the first place, but it was too late to turn back now. "W-Well, yes, I do...I mean, I did. I umm...it's..."
Lucifer laughed and sat himself down next to you, his hip connecting with yours. "Now what could possibly have you so tongue tied?" Lucifer teased as you looked away from him. "I've never seen you like this before. You don't have to be embarrassed, love! Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it! I don't think there's anything you can suggest that would scare me away." He brought his hand under your chin and turned your head towards his wanting expression. "Please tell me!"
You sighed shakily. "And you won't freak out?"
"Now when have I ever freaked out?" You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Ok, fair point. I promise you that I won't freak out."
You inhaled a few short breaths before speaking. "Youcanduplicateyourselfright?" you blurted out without thinking, making Lucifer pause.
"Duplicate myself?" he repeated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhh, yeah I can. But what does that have to do with...o-oh...OH! UMM...S-SHIT! WOW I uhh...wasn't expecting that..."
"Hey, you said you wouldn't freak out!"
Lucifer shook his head rapidly. "Freaking out?? Who's freaking out?! Not me! Certainly not me! I'm cool, I'm alright, I'm fine! It's just uhh...I..." He laughed nervously, failing to reign in his sudden panicked reaction. But for some reason, it seemed as though he couldn't stop smiling.
You reached down to cup his hands in yours. "Luci, listen, if that's not something you're wanting to try, that's totally alright! I'd never ask you to do something that would make you uncomfortable! That's why we talk about everything beforehand! Please don't worry about it." You smiled and cupped his face in your hands to press a light kiss on his lips.
"Now sweetheart, I never said "no", now did I?" you heard a familiar soothing voice echo behind you.
You turned your head slowly, only to see an identical Lucifer sitting next to you on the opposite side. You gulped and smiled warily. The other Lucifer grabbed your hand and kissed it delicately.
"You...you want this?" you turned to your Lucifer as the other continually kissed up your arm.
Lucifer beamed at you, taking your other hand. "More than you know! If I'm given the chance to provide you with as much pleasure as I possibly can, I will never turn down that opportunity! Besides, I do owe you from the reception, and I intend to pay it back tenfold."
You didn't think your face could get any more beet red. Your lips met with your Lucifer once more, his tongue gliding across your bottom lip, begging for entrance, to which you happily obliged. The other Lucifer found his way to your neck, now sucking and nipping at your sensitive skin. You had barely begun, and your adrenaline had skyrocketed. You had to pull yourself away before you wouldn't be able to stop yourself.
"I...I'd like to clean up first, if that's alright," you chuckled. Your Lucifer grinned, with both of them standing up and offering you their hands.
"Shall we?" they spoke in unison.
Your face flushed as you took each of their hands, pulling yourself up from the bed. They led you to the illustrious bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. It was way too grand for just a couple. Well, at least you three would take up just a little more space. You stripped out of your reception dress quickly, your lovers following suit. The shower itself could have easily fit everyone on in the hotel inside, but the three of you planned to use the space to your advantage. Once the shower was heated to your liking, you stepped in tentatively, letting the hot water relax your body. You didn't realize how stiff you had been. Perhaps the cause were the two men that just stepped in the shower to join you. One stepped around behind you, the other in front. Perfectly sandwiched between two God-like figured. Her heart threatened to beat out of your chest as you felt two hands gently massage your shoulders while two more thumbed circles around your hips.
"It's alright, darling," your Lucifer spoke calmy from behind. "We'll go at the pace you're most comfortable with, yeah? If you need to stop at any point, say the word and we'll be done." You nodded your head, giving them the 'okay' to continue.
"Let's get you all nice and clean now, love," the other Lucifer cooed. He passed the bottle of shampoo to your Lucifer while he lathered his hands with soap. You felt a pair of hands massaging your scalp ever so gently as they thoroughly scrubbed your soft hair, detangling any knots that may have formed. Two more hands roamed your skin, gliding across every inch of it. Starting at your neck, moving across to your shoulders, down to your breasts. Your breath hitched and you giggled, noticing how long his hands lingered in the specific area. His hands finally moved down lower, to your stomach and your hips, only to reach around and give a few light squeezes to your ass. You knew he was going to be touchy, especially considering it's been an entire week since he's been able to feel you like this. And you weren't going to deny him.
You rinsed your hair, watching the other Lucifer lower himself onto his knees to wash your legs, starting at your calves and working his way up to your thighs. After a few seconds, you noticed his hands have not left your thighs; he continued to run his hands along them delicately but desperately, almost begging for something more. You looked down at him only to be met with pleading eyes. It suddenly clicked with you. Wordlessly, you spread your legs apart slightly, allowing him access to the one area of you that you knew he wanted. That he needed. You let out a few shaky breaths before you at last felt his digits glide along your folds. You didn't know how much you missed the feeling of his fingers until he began his ministrations, easily finding your sensitive nub in the process. You mewled as your Lucifer turned your head to capture your sounds on his lips. You felt the other Lucifer's fingers enter you slowly, causing you to moan into your Lucifer's mouth. He swallowed it happily. You felt him languidly thrust his fingers in and out of you, your walls clenching around them.
"Now this is heaven," your Lucifer whispered against your collarbone. "I can finally tell you how wonderful you taste on my tongue." Without warning, the Lucifer beneath you gripped your thighs and plugged his face into your aching pussy, your knees nearly buckling under its own weight. Luckily, Lucifer caught you and held you close to his chest as the hot water continued to loosen every muscle in your body.
"I gotcha," your husband murmured before nipping at your neck, leaving bruises and bite marks in his wake. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Both of their tongues worked on your trembling body, your mind couldn't decide which area to focus on. You felt Lucifer's tongue push past your folds, his forked tongue hitting the most sensitive area inside of you. All that managed to leave your throat were whimpers of pure, overwhelming pleasure.
"L-Luci...I-I...," you tried to speak, becoming more and more difficult with each passing second. "B-Bed..."
You felt both Lucifers smile against you, each of them pulling away to stand up straight. The water was turned off and they led you out of the shower. They took some towels, drying you off as best they could before your Luci scooped you up and carried you back over to the bed, laying you down gently.
"What do you desire, my queen?"
You grabbed your Lucifer's hand, directing him to sit behind you. You looked at the other and patted the sheets in between your thighs. "I'm sorry that I interrupted your meal, please continue." Eagerly, the one Lucifer jumped onto the bed and dove between your thighs once more, continuing his tender licks up your dripping slit without giving you a second to brace yourself. You cried out while your Lucifer sat you in his lap.
"Such beautiful sounds, my darling," your Lucifer praised. "I've never been able to hear them so clearly when I've done this before. I've been dying to taste you again; it's been so long." You tried your best to focus on what he was saying, but the pleasure between your legs had taken up every bit of your attention. You missed this more than you were willing to admit; to have your lover devouring you like it was his last meal. You felt his hands snake underneath your arms, beginning to squeeze and knead your breasts. You were seeing stars, your vision blurred as you could feel legs begin to tremble uncontrollably. The other Lucifer had to wrap his arms under your thighs to make sure you couldn't pull away from his devilish tongue that was now circling your clit relentlessly. You were on the verge of breaking. "I can tell you're close, sweetheart. It's okay, let go for me. Let me taste all of you." You felt two fingers enter you at that moment, forcing you to thrust your hips up in unbridled ecstasy. Once his fingers curled inside you, the coil in your stomach snapped.
"A-AAHH...HHNG...LUCIFER!" you cried out as your orgasm overwhelmed you, your walls pulsating around his fingers that had refused to slow down as you came. You rode out your orgasm, feeling Lucifer lap up every last drop of you before you had finally come down from your high. Your breaths were heavy, but your Lucifer captured your lips once more, inhaling every last one. Oddly enough, you could taste a faint hint of yourself on his lips, even though he wasn't the one between your legs.
"Tell me love, how much did you miss my tongue?" the Lucifer below you asked coyly as his thumbs ran soft circles around your inner thighs.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Enough to know that I'll never ask you to wait for me again."
He beamed at you, picking himself up from between your legs and leaning for a tender kiss, the other leaving more hickies along your neck. This was everything you could have imagined and more. But you weren't done yet. You needed more. You had felt Lucifer's hardened cock against your back the entire time you were sitting in his lap. It was time to give him his fill of you. And you were more than willing to let him claim every part of you.
"Yes?" they answered.
"I want you to take me. All of me. Please..."
"D-Do you mean..." your Lucifer swallowed hard, the other completely red in the face.
"I do," you nodded shyly. "Is...Is that alright?"
With a snap of Lucifer's fingers, a third one appeared and stood next to the three of you at the edge of the bed.
"Anything for you, my angel," the third spoke softly, a nervous smile crept across his face.
Oh, you were so fucked! In both senses of the word. Your hands shot up to your face in a failing attempt to hide your embarrassment. You felt a pair of hands pull them away, now staring back at two pairs of lust-filled eyes.
"Are you absolutely sure, love?" Lucifer's voice echoed behind you. You could almost hear the shakiness in it. "Please don't feel as though you need to do this for me."
You managed to shift yourself so that you were now kneeling in front of your Lucifer, his head resting in the palms of your hands. "Yes, I want this. This isn't for you or for me, this is for both of us. I'm yours, my king." You brought your lips to his, entangling your tongues together in a fiery kiss. When you pulled away, Lucifer seemed to be caught in a trance, completely drunk on you.
"Let's get you ready," he grinned. With a swirl of his hand, a bottle of lube had appeared, tossing it to the Lucifer standing beside you. You noticed the writing on the label before he threw it away.
"Apple flavored?" you questioned.
"Let me ask you, did you taste yourself on me when you kissed me a minute ago?" Lucifer smirked a bit when he asked. Your face flushed a bit, but you nodded. "I thought as much. It was faint, but it was there, right? I didn't think you wanted the taste of normal lube when you uhh...umm, yeah...haha...It's hard to explain, but the short and simple of it is that all of our senses are connected. If one of us is touched, the others will feel the sensation of being touched as well. And I promise that the faintest hint of apples will be the only thing you can taste. A little fun fact about duplication for ya!"
You grinned as you and your Lucifer got up from the bed while the second assumed his position, lying flat on his back, his leaking cock resting on his abdomen. You wanted nothing more than to ride him senseless right now as you made your way back on all fours and hovered yourself over him, but you knew you would get to soon enough. You smiled down at him beneath you, he grinned and winked in response. The other two joined you in bed, with one kneeling behind you, the other in front. Your Lucifer's cock hung just inches from your face, almost begging for any kind of attention. You went to grab it, but his hand stopped yours. "Ah, ah, patience," he scolded lovingly, "I can wait. Let me concentrate on you, yeah?" As if on cue, you felt a cold finger teasing the entrance of your ass. In inhaled sharply, gripping the sheets below you from the sensation. You and Lucifer didn't use it often, but you always enjoyed it whenever you tried it.
"Ready?" you heard him ask behind you.
Slowly, he inserted his lubed finger into you, letting your muscles relax around him. After a few pumps, a second finger was inserted, thrusting in and stretching you out as much as he possibly could. He applied a generous about of lube as he spread his fingers apart inside you, opening you up and making sure you would be able to handle more in just a little bit. The less pain you felt, the better. When he felt as though you were thoroughly prepped, his digits retreated from your ass. He rubbed some more lube down the length of his shaft before positioning himself to enter you. At the same time, you felt the Lucifer below you shift, lining his cock up with your wet cunt. You inhaled deeply a few times, albeit a bit shakily.
"If you need to stop at any time, please don't hesitate to use our safe word," your Lucifer instructed. "Do you remember what it is?"
"Radio." you responded. Neither of you had to use it before, but this seemed like a scenario where it may need to come into play. The word still made you chuckle to yourself regardless.
"That's my girl," he cooed. "Tap my leg and I'll pull out if you need to use it. Slow and steady now..."
You felt your ass stretch first as he entered you lethargically, letting you stretch around his length. You felt the burning sensation for a moment or two, but it soon receded after he remained fully inside for little bit. Your pussy was next, sinking down as far as you could before Lucifer's hips bucked up to meet yours. With two cocks now fully sheathed inside of you, you gave them the 'okay' to start moving. The room was filled with nothing but moans when their hips started rutting into you, feeling absolutely and completely full. You looked up at your Lucifer with desperate eyes.
"Y-Your turn, Luci," you babbled, opening your mouth wide, your tongue falling to the wayside and drool beginning to drip down your chin.
"F-Fuck..." was all he managed to choke out before to tip of his cock was already past your lips. He did his best to match the pace with his other selves, not wanting to go too deep. And he was right; the faintest scent of apples filled your senses as his cock was pushed in and out of your hot throat.
This moment was pure bliss.
Your mouth, your ass, and your cunt all being filled and fucked senseless, somehow in the most tender and loving way imaginable. Lucifer had never been rough with you and he wasn't about to start now. All three cocks were hitting every single pleasure point in your body, it was almost overwhelming. But you didn't dare stop.
You felt a pair of Lucifer's claws dig into your ass as he fucked you from behind, another pair shooting up to grip your hips as he thrusted up into your aching cunt. The last pair of hand you felt playing with your hair as you used your tongue and mouth to drive him mad. But you felt something else not long after. Something had wrapped around your leg. His tail. You weren't sure which it belonged to but you were too fucked out of your mind at this point to care. You felt something else, something that could have made you scream were your mouth not full. Another one of his tails, but this one had gone straight for your clit, its movements increasing with every thrust. Your eyes crossed as your second orgasm hit you like a freight train, giving you no time to prepare. You moaned loudly around Lucifer’s cock as your pussy clenched around his other, your juices leaking out and trailing down your thighs.
“GAA-AHHH, O-OH FFFFUCK,” all of them gasped together. All of them had felt you cum on his cock. He was done for.
“M-My love…”
“I-I can’t…can’t s-stop…”
All their movement had stopped as they came at the same time. You felt his hot seed spill out inside of every hole he filled. It took everything you had left in you to not collapse right then and there. Your Lucifer was the first to pull out, finally letting you properly catch your breath. You swallowed his cum without a second thought, licking your lips as you stared up at him innocently. He turned away from you quickly, his face feeling like it had caught fire. You felt two pairs of hands grab your waist, hoisting you up and off of them, and gently laying you down on your back. With a final snap of his fingers, the two Lucifers smiled at you one last time before disappearing, leaving you with just one. Lucifer, now completely spent, plopped down on the bed right next to you. You shuffled closer to him, snuggling against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and peppered kisses all along your face. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Are you okay, my queen?” he asked breathlessly. “I didn’t hurt you at all, did I? Was it too much? Were you-MMPH” you cut him off with a searing kiss to his lips. He melted into you, your lips languidly moving against each other. You pulled away, tears welling up in your eyes. Lucifer’s face fell instantly. “Oh, God, I hurt you, didn’t I?! Fuck, I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-”
“No, Lucifer!” you laughed, cutting his panic short. “I’m not hurt, you didn’t hurt me! I-I’m just…so happy…” you threw your arms around him and began to squeeze his body as hard as you could manage. “Thank you…”
His arms tightened around you as well, bringing you as close to him as physically possible. “No, my love, I should be thanking you. Not just for this. But for everything else.” He sat you both up, now leaning yourselves against the headboard. He left one arm draped over your shoulder as the other reached for your hand. “You’ve given me everything I could ever want, and more than I ever deserve. You’ve given me patience, understanding, kindness, stability, joy. I could go on forever about what you’ve done for me. But out of all of those, the one thing that you’ve given me that I know I could never go without, is your love. You’re mine, and I’m yours, until the end of time. I love you.”
You couldn’t stop your tears from falling. You smiled at him sweetly, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. “I love you too, Lucifer. But you’re wrong, you know.” The angel cocked an eyebrow at you. “You deserve everything and more. Never doubt that.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “You’ll always have me. Always.”
Tears fell from his eyes now, pecking your face with more kisses again. Suddenly, he scooped you up in his arms and hopped off the bed in an instant.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we, my beautiful wife?” he whispered to you as you made your way to the bathroom once more. “Hope you like bubble baths!”
“Of course I do, my darling husband.” He smiled and leaned down to press another kiss to your parted lips.
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Anywho, hope you liked part 3! Part 4 will be a sort of epilogue so stay tuned! Thank you everyone for your support 💖
@ask-theradio-demon @kermitdafroggy @thonethatflies620 @luc1fersducky @a-okay-rj @bat-boness @myhornybrainonlyknowsthis @misfitgirlwrites @animationmovieshipps @orbitinglumps @ramenkitten @blaackbiird @bigfatbimbo @lucisaspen @bvnnyangel @seulace9 @fluffypinkpillows @starlightdreaming @k-n0-x @rosen-und-mondlicht @raindropsfromheaven @slutforlucifermorningstar @lola576 @ag-cookiebat800 @victoriousvic @rand0m-1diot @lonelynmisunderstood @cosmic-lavender @yourmom132 @liveontelevision @luci-lover-forever
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barefoot-joker · 7 months
Dancing with the Devil and His Wife in the Pale Moonlight
Yandere! Lucifer Morningstar X Reader X Yandere! Lilith Morningstar
Hey, guys! Welcome to another Lucifer story, this time with his wife Lilith! An Anon had asked for a longer fanfiction, so I did my best to do that ask justice. I'm thinking of making a part 2 but let me know what you think. As always enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 5612
Warnings: Kidnapping, Non-Con Kissing, Swearing, Slight gore near the end, Slight Possessive Tendencies, Slight drug use at the end
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I hummed as I stretched my legs on the bar in the dance studio. Today our class was rehearsing for the ballet Three Virgins and a Devil which was going to be performing at our local theater. We had been practicing for months now but today was special. Today some of our patrons who financially support our ballet company were coming to watch us. It was quite a surprise as nobody really knew who the mysterious couple was, so gossip amongst my fellow ballerinas was high. The talk continued even as we prepared our bodies for our demonstration. “I heard that our patrons are very wealthy and looking for somebody they can throw their money to.” 
“You mean they are looking for a third?”
“Well if they are looking for a third there’s no way any of you would get it,” Jessica the prima ballerina stated.
“Girls, please,” our director, Maria, clapped her hands, “let’s get to work.”
We formed our line and started to do some warm up exercises. After about ten minutes of warm up, we ran a couple of our numbers. Suddenly the door to the studio swung open to reveal a man and a woman. The man was on the shorter side and had paleish skin, blonde hair, red tinted cheeks and red eyes. The woman was tall and had long blonde hair, purple eyes and a paleish complexion. We all stopped to stare. Their skin tone and eyes really threw us off but maybe they wore contacts to intimidate people. Our director let a big grin form on her face as she ushered the couple in. “Ah, Mr and Mrs Morningstar! Welcome! Please come in.”
The couple stopped in the middle of the room and surveyed us. I bowed my head and fiddled with my shirt hem. Their gazes felt fiery and made me feel quite uncomfortable. “This is our Corps de Ballet. We were just practicing for our upcoming production when you both walked in. I’m sure you would be interested in seeing some material.”
“Absolutely! My wife and I would like to see what our money buys after all.”
“Of course, Mr Morningstar. Girls.”
We all got into our places and Maria pressed play on the CD player. We performed an ensemble piece and one with the three leads: Jessica, Savannah and Tessa. Our patrons just watched us with curious eyes and applauded when we were all done. “That was quite the show you ladies put on. I think my husband and I can agree our money is being well spent. However, we'd like to talk to you, Miss Maria, if we could.”
“Of course. We can go to my office. Girls, keep rehearsing. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
We all watched as the three of them left and as soon as the door shut gossip was at an all time high. “Oh my gosh, did you see the way they looked at Jessica? If they are looking for a third I’ll bet they’ll choose her!”
“No way! They were totally staring at me!”
“Girl, that’s not possible. If anything they were staring at your fumbled footwork at beat five.”
“Shut up! That’s not true!”
“What do you think, Y/n? Who were they staring at?”
All of the girls in my circle turned to me. I let out a huff. “I wasn’t paying attention. I was too focused on my steps.”
“At least one of us was,” Jessica stated.
We all turned to stare at her. “Like I said before, I’d be their first choice for a third.”
The smirk that played on her lips made me quite angry. Because she was the prima ballerina she always thought everyone was interested in her. While it may be true, her pride was too boastful. “Oh please. Stop lying to yourself. I saw where their gaze was during your performance. It was at the back.”
“Yeah right! All eyes are always on me.”
I rolled my eyes. God she was so annoying. 
“Ladies, you heard what Maria said. We need to practice. This discussion can continue later.”
“Alright, party pooper.”
We fell into our positions and began another ensemble routine. Jessica called out counts as we danced and about twenty minutes later Maria returned. “Good job today, girls. You deserve a break for the rest of the day. Jessica, Y/n, please stay behind. I’d like to talk to both of you.”
I looked at my friends in confusion. Why was I needed?
As my fellow dancers passed to get changed, Lily grabbed my shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Y/n.”
She quickly walked off with the others. I sighed and walked to the mirrors where Maria stood. Jessica side eyed me and then focused back on our instructor. “Good job today, both of you. The Morningstars were very taken aback by your performances. In fact, they’d like to get to know you both on a more personal level.”
I felt myself stop breathing and my eyes widen. They what?
“They’d like to take you both to dinner tomorrow night. A car will come and pick up both of you so no need to worry about rides.”
“Miss Maria, are you sure Y/n was an interested party? After all she’s just an ensemble member-”
“Yes, Jessica. They were quite. Interested. They said their car should be there around 6 pm to pick up our prima ballerina and 7 pm to pick up Y/n. Please dress nice, you are representing Carmilla Carmine’s Ballet Academy after all.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes, mistress.”
“You’re both excused.”
The two of us took our leave and as soon as the door closed behind us Jessica snarled at me. “Listen here and listen well. If you were a team player you’d refuse to come to this dinner tomorrow.”
“I’m just not showing up. You heard Miss Maria! The Morningstars were interested in both of us. How do you think that’ll reflect on our Academy if I just don’t show up?”
“Just don’t embarrass me tomorrow!”
She huffed and stormed off. I sighed and went into the locker room. I sat on one of the benches and traded out my pointe shoes for my regular tennis shoes. Throwing on my hoodie, I grabbed my backpack and headed out of the studio. The rest of my day went fairly well. My friends from work texted me asking if I was alright. I told them what had happened and they blew up my phone. They couldn’t believe an opportunity like this was being given to a backup dancer. I chuckled at their antics in my text messages and responded to them throughout the night.
The next day I had gotten up fairly early and ran some errands. When I got back to my apartment later I did some cleaning. I noticed it was getting closer to the time my date was so I finished and ran into my bedroom. I chose a nice long, flowy, favorite color dress and a pair of black flats. In my bathroom I added some light makeup to my face and attached a silver necklace to my body. After I was done I looked at my phone to see it was 7 pm. Grabbing my keys and a small purse, I locked my door and took the stairs to the lobby. I walked out to the street and saw a short man getting out of a black Mercedes-Benz. “Miss L/n?”
“Yep, that’s me.”
“Follow me please.”
He walked to the back of the car and opened the door. “Thanks.”
I slid in and he shut the door. He returned to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car, we headed out. I looked around as the man drove. I had never been in such a fancy car before so this was truly a new experience. The interior was all black leather and the windows were tinted. Jessica sat next to me texting on her phone. I watched as the nightlife of my city passed by in amazement. It felt like a different ride. The car suddenly came to a halt and the driver got out. He opened the door for Jessica first and then he opened my side. I stared at the restaurant and nearly collapsed. We were parked in front of Melbourne’s, a very fancy and well known place. Rumor had it that the wait list was three months before somebody could get in. “Ah, Jessica, Y/n! So glad you could make it!”
I looked over to see the Morningstars approach us, each of them giving us a kiss on the cheek. The Misses wore a long, sparkly, purple dress while the Mr wore a white outfit with red accents. “You both look lovely. Come, our table is waiting for us.”
Mr Morningstar wrapped an arm around Jessica while Mrs Morningstar wrapped an arm around me. They led us inside to a table that was hidden by a wall and some red velvet curtains in the back of the restaurant. We all sat down and I gazed over the menu. My heart nearly stopped. The prices were way out of my range. Jesus. 
A waiter came over and introduced himself as Jeff before asking for the table’s drink choice. The three other occupants said some fancy wine or a fancy cocktail. When it got to me I just muttered, “Water, please.”
Jessica snorted and Mrs Morningstar looked at me. “Are you sure, Y/n? You can have anything you’d like.”
“I’m sorry I don’t drink. I honestly don't know where to begin.”
“I see. How about we start you off simple. She’ll take a brandy old fashioned.”
“All good choices. I’ll be back with those in a short bit.”
Jeff left and I felt extremely awkward. I mean I was trying my first alcoholic drink in front of practically strangers. What if I didn’t like it? I didn’t want to offend the Misses.
I picked up the menu to try and avoid small talk. Jessica and the Morningstars were discussing something and I was just trying to decide what least expensive item to get. “-ou, Y/n?”
I set the menu down and looked up. “What? Sorry.”
Mr Morningstar just smiled across the table at me. “It’s quite alright, dear. I asked what got you into ballet.”
“Oh, um, I don’t know. I guess I just find it relaxing and something to occupy my time with. I had started off as a child and just loved it ever since, Mr Morningstar.”
“Oh no need for formalities! We’re out of the studio. Please call us Luci and Lilith.”
The two smiled at us. While I felt out of place, their smiles sort of comforted me. It was almost like a parent soothing their child. “So why don’t you tell us about yourselves? We’re very interested to hear,” Lilith said.
I was about to say something when Jessica started. I just leaned back in my chair and watched other customers. There were many couples in the restaurant with a few groups scattered here and there. It was odd to see everybody dressed to the nines with their fanciest garb, but I suppose you have to live up to the dress code. “And what about you, Y/n? Anything you’d like to share,” Luci said. 
The entire table turned to look at me and I could feel my skin crawling with heat. I wasn’t used to this much attention on me. Even when I was younger my siblings had always gotten the most of mom’s time. “Well, I’m uh 25 and the oldest of three. Like I said before I love ballet and I moved out here to try and make a career of it.”
“Anything else? Do you have any hobbies,” Lilith asked this time.
“I guess I like the arts in general. I participate in some art classes here and there. I read when I get the chance. Walks in the park or just around town are nice too.”
“That sounds lovely. You seem like a very creative girl.”
I gave a small smile. Just then Jeff returned with a tray and set all of our drinks down in front of each of us and asked us for our dinner choice. I just went with a simple pasta dish. I looked down at my drink and swirled it with the small black straw it came with. I was entranced by how the mushed cherry swirled with the ice in the orange drink as Jessica chatted. Lifting the rocks glass, I took a sip and hummed. It was quite good, especially for my first alcoholic drink. Setting the glass down, I observed the people at my table. Lilith was engaged in a conversation with Jessica, however Luci’s eyes were set on me. I gulped and averted my gaze to my lap. I could hear him chuckle. The table went silent for a moment, so I took the opportunity to ask something. “So do you guys have any family around here?”
“We have a daughter. Her name is Charlie. She’s a bit older than the two of you, but she’s quite the spirited girl. She doesn’t live here, more down under,” Lilith replied.
“I see. So she lives in Australia then?”
The couple glanced at each other and smiled. “You could say that.”
“She actually runs a hotel, funny enough. It’s to rehabilitate people.”
“Oh wow. That sounds like a lot to take on. You must be very proud of her.”
Luci stepped in. “Oh yes. She’s our little duckling!”
I could feel a rigidness coming from my fellow dancer. Maybe she didn’t like kids?
The rest of dinner went off without a hitch. I admit I was nervous but that dissipated the more the night went on. We all shared stories and laughs between us and the food was really good. I had offered to pay my half but the Morningstars were quick to shut the idea down. “It’s our treat. After all, we wanted to get to know you,” Luci had said.
After the bill was paid, they led us out to the car. The couple leaned in and gave me a kiss on both cheeks and did the same for Jessica. As they pulled away, Lilith spoke. “Thank you for a lovely night, ladies. We hope you have a great rest of your night.”
“Thank you for inviting us. We really appreciate it,” I replied.
The driver opened the door for us and Jessica and I got in. As he started to drive away the Morningstars waved at us until we were out of view. “I think that went well.”
“No duh. They were all over us, especially me. You think I can take more money out of them?”
“Is that the only reason you went? Their company was a nice treat. Besides, don’t you have other people wrapped around your finger you can take advantage of?”
“Of course. Those are some of the perks of being the prima ballerina. I’m surprised you even had a good time with all that attention on you. You should just stick to the back.”
I frowned. I was not about to let her ruin the night. “Whatever. I had a good time regardless of how much attention was on me.”
I turned away from her and focused on the passing cityscape. Eventually we reached my apartment and when we did the driver opened the door. I got out hastily and thanked him. I walked into the lobby and went up the stairs to the third floor. Getting out my keys, I unlocked the door and slipped my shoes off. I shut the door and went into my bathroom. I rinsed off my makeup and took my necklace off before going into my bedroom. I got out of my dress and put on my pj’s, throwing the flowy garment into the laundry hamper. I sat on my bed and went through my notifications on my phone. I grunted in annoyance when I saw my ex-lover’s name pop up. I clicked open their text and rolled my eyes. Once again it was them proclaiming they made a mistake for leaving me and they wanted me back. I didn’t reply, just backed out of it to the hub. I texted my friends from work about the night and they all congratulated me. We talked for a few minutes before I decided to log off. Putting my phone on the charger on the nightstand, I got under the covers and attempted to fall asleep.
The next day I rose at around 8 am. We had rehearsal today at 9 am so I quickly got dressed in a gray tank top and black leggings. I slipped a navy hoodie over top, slipped on my tennis shoes, grabbed my backpack and was out the door. It took me about twenty minutes to walk the several blocks to the studio, but when I made it I greeted the receptionist. “Good morning, Ricardo!”
“Good morning, Y/n! How are you today?”
“Average, I guess. And you?”
“Fabulous. I’ve got my coffee so today should go smoothly.”
I chuckled. He always liked his caffeine. 
“I better head on up. I’ll see you later. Have a great day!”
“You too!”
I walked upstairs to the locker room where I placed my backpack and shoes in my locker. I slipped off my hoodie and then sat on one of the benches to put my pointe shoes on. When they were secure, I walked into the studio. I saw the girls hounding Jessica for information so I just went to my corner and stretched. As I was doing so, Maria came into the room. She looked around and when she noticed me, she came over. “Good morning, Y/n. I hope your dinner was enjoyable last night.”
“It was actually. The Morningstars are very nice people.”
“I’m glad. Was Jessica nice to you?”
“With them, yes. In the car, not so much.”
“I see. I’m sorry that happened.”
“It’s no big deal. I’m used to it.”
She smiled and patted me on the shoulder. “Well I’d better get to teaching. Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Maria clapped her hands and we fell into our rows. We did a few warm up exercises and as we were doing this, Ricardo came into the room holding a bouquet twice the size of my head and the phone. We stopped to ooh and ah. “Yes?”
“These just came for Y/n.”
“What,” I muttered.
Ricardo came over and handed me the plastic wrapped flowers. Upon closer inspection I saw my favorite flower mixed with roses. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks as I found a card amongst the petals. Pulling it out, the heat burned brighter. “What does it say, Y/n?”
“To our dearest Y/n, thank you for a wonderful night. Call us anytime. From the Morningstars. And then there’s a phone number.”
All my friends squealed in delight and Jessica stepped forward rudely. “Was there anything for me, Ricardo?”
“I’m afraid not. I’ll keep checking. Oh also there’s someone on hold for you, Y/n.”
He handed me the phone and I looked at Maria. She gestured for me to answer it. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Y/n!”
“Who is this?”
“Ah, how rude of me! It’s Luci.”
“Mr Morningstar?”
At the mention of the name, Jessica glared at me. I gulped.
“What have I told you about formalities, darling?”
“Sorry, bad habit. What can I do for you?”
“The wife and I were wondering if you’d like to go dancing tonight.”
“T-tonight? But we just saw each other-” “Lilith and I have taken quite a liking to you, my dear. You’re such a sweetheart and we’d like to be with you again. You just radiate a beautiful energy. What do you say?”
“Oh, um, uh…I guess. Sure.”
“Great! We’ll pick you up at 7 o clock! See you then, dear!”
“See you then.”
I pulled the phone away and ended the call. Lily spoke first. “Well?”
“I guess I have another date tonight with the Morningstars.”
The girls erupted into screams of joy and surrounded me in a hug except for the prima ballerina. She gave me a heated glare, stomped her foot and stormed off. I gave the bouquet and phone back to Ricardo. “Could you put them in my locker please?”
“Of course!”
“Thanks, Ricardo.”
“Don’t mention it.”
He left the room and Maria tried to calm everybody down. “Girls. Girls! GIRLS!”
They stopped and stared at our instructor. “Let’s get to work. We don’t have much time.”
“Yes, ma’am,” we all responded.
The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent practicing. Around 3 pm, Maria let us go. When I went into the locker room, I stopped abruptly. All over the floor near my locker were flower petals and the destroyed bouquet. My hoodie lay on the bench as well as my backpack. I went over and picked both up only for my things to fall from the bag and my sweatshirt to have tears in the material. I looked at the bottom of my bag to see a large hole had been cut. Both were beyond repair. I sighed and threw both items in the trash. I had a feeling it was Jessica. I just couldn’t believe she was that angry at me when it wasn’t my fault the Morningstars called on me. Grabbing my stuff, I put it on a bench and then went to grab the broom and dustpan. Retrieving both from the supply closet, I returned to the locker room and cleaned up the flower petals and tore up card from the carpeted floor. I threw that and the plastic wrapped stems in the trash before returning the cleaning supplies to the closet. I walked back to the locker room, grabbed my stuff and made my way home.
When I got home I had taken a small nap and then got ready for the night. I chose a dark blue floral blouse, black pants, black boots and a denim jacket. Grabbing my keys, phone and purse, I headed down to the main street. The same Mercedes-Benz sat in front of my building and out stepped Luci from the car. “Over here, Y/n!”
I walked over and slid in, only to realize when he got in that I squished between the husband and wife. Oh boy.
“Derek, you may go.”
The car drove off. It was silent for a minute and I bit my lip when both Luci and Lilth’s hands came to rest on either one of my legs. “So my darling, did you enjoy our flowers? Lilith and I combined our efforts to come up with it.”
“Uh, I did. Before they got destroyed.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had them put in my locker and when I got back from practice my hoodie, backpack and flowers were lying on the ground ruined.”
My eyes widened when I thought I saw horns come out of Luci’s head and his eyes go from red to white. I blinked and they were back to normal. “And who do you think did it?”
“Well…I can’t say.”
Lilith put a finger under my chin and made me face her. She brought her head so close our lips almost touched. “Love, you can tell us anything. We’re here for you. Was it that pesky Jessica? I knew we should have sent flowers so she didn’t feel left out but Luci was very determined not to.”
“She was soooo boring! All she did was talk about herself. At least our little apple was nice and polite.”
I felt him trace a pattern on my thigh but I couldn’t see as I was stuck staring at Lilith. “Luci…”
“It’s true! You can’t deny that, honey.”
“Alright, yes. She was a bore. But maybe our lovely’s bouquet would still be intact.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.”
“Anyway, was it Jessica?”
I could feel their eyes bore into me and I felt compelled to nod. They glanced at each other and then back to me. “Don’t worry love, we’ll get you as many flowers as you’d like.”
“Yes, but let’s focus on tonight. We’re going to dance the night away!”
My body tensed slightly when Luci put his head on my shoulder and I could feel his breath on my neck. “I-is hot in here or is it just me?”
They both chuckled rather loudly. “Oh dear. I think our little apple is heating up, Lilith.”
“Yes I think so, Luci. Perhaps we should aid her?”
“Yes. Yes we should.”
I gasped when I felt Mr Morningstar start to suck on my neck. I tried to pull away but Mrs Morningstar brought me into a kiss. My eyes widened and I attempted to hit either of them, but each of them had grabbed one hand and held it. I squirmed as they took their sweet time kissing me and just as I brought my legs up to kick them the car stopped. They pulled away with giant grins on their faces. The door opened and I clawed my way over top of Luci to get out. I figured he left a hickey so I did my best to raise my jacket collar to hide it. Just as I finished, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and the other around my shoulders. “Shall we go in, my love?”
I nodded and the two scooted me inside the club. It was very loud when we entered, the music making the walls and floor shake. The three of us sat in a private booth and Lilith went to go get us some drinks. I tried to put past how they had both kissed me, but I just couldn’t for the life of me. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to like it or not. Sure they were nice people but something about them unsettled me. “Whatcha thinking about, my dear?”
I looked up at Luci, his brow furrowed. “Huh? Oh nothing.”
“I don’t think it’s nothing. You’re very quiet.”
“I guess…nevermind.”
“Come on, you can tell me. You can tell us anything.”
His hand reached across the table and it laid on my knee. It reminded me too much of their kiss so I slid it off. He seemed very surprised by my retaliation. I looked at the hardwood floor as I spoke. “I guess I wasn’t expecting you guys to kiss me. I thought we weren’t quite there yet.”
“Oh, is that what’s got you bothered? I’m sorry. My wife and I are very forward when it comes to love.”
“Yes, you heard me.”
“What are you two talking about?”
Lilith had returned with three drinks. She set them on the table and sat by her husband. “Y/n doesn’t think we love her.”
“It’s not that, I just think it’s too early. I mean we met yesterday for crying out loud.”
“Aw, but you’re so fascinating, my love! How could we not fall in love with you!”
“Look, I’m not ready to take it to the next step-”
“You will in due time, little apple. It’ll just take some getting used to.”
I felt like I wasn’t being heard and I just needed a minute to breathe. “I, I need to go to the bathroom.”
I abruptly stood and speed walked to the nearest restroom. Just as I was about to enter, I bumped into somebody. “Oh, I’m so sorry!”
“No please, it was me-Y/n?”
I looked up and felt my heart stop. Oh great, my ex. Just what I needed. “Hey.”
“Hey…how have you been?”
“Um, good I guess. Look, I was just heading to the bathroom-”
“Well now that I got you here we might as well talk.”
“I’m not in the mood.”
“Y/n, I know we got off on the wrong foot-”
“You left because you found someone else. That’s that. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
They grabbed me by the shoulders and I stiffened. “You always do this when I try to talk to you. You shut me down. I just want you to fucking listen.”
Their grip tightened and I wished I was more at the table with the Morningstars then here. “Let go!”
I shoved my ex away and ran out the front door. I took a sharp turn and leaned against the alley wall. I leaned my head against the brick and let out a sigh. I heard rushing footsteps and I internally groaned when I saw Ex-Partner’s Name round the corner. “There you are! What part of I want to talk to you do you not fucking understand?!”
“The message is clear, but I just don’t want to talk. When you left me, that finished the matter.”
“But I want you back! I made a mistake alright, but I realize that now! Come on, what do you say?”
“I’ve said no and I’ll say it again. NO!”
They growled and I saw a glint in the moonlight. My eyes widened when I realized it was a switchblade. They rushed at me and I quickly closed my eyes and curled inwards, waiting for pain. It never came. I opened my eyes to see Luci with completely red eyes and long red horns sticking out of his forehead. A floating apple and a golden snake wrapped around the top of his horns and a fireball hovered above his head. Lilith was beside him, her eyes completely white and reddish purple curled horns stuck out of her head. He grabbed my ex by the wrist, twisting the knife out of their hand. They screamed in pain and I gasped seeing the bone stick out. Oh my God…
I stepped back as Luci twisted harder and more bone came poking out of the skin. “Don’t even think about going near her! YOU UNDERSTAND ME, YOU LITTLE BITCH!”
I watched in horror as the knife levitated towards Lilith and she stabbed my ex in the shoulder. They howled and she brought the knife up and stabbed again. Their nails grew into claws and they started to dig into my assailant’s skin, blood rushing down from their wounds. I backed away and then sprinted out of there. My ex’s screams rang in my head as I continued to run. What the fuck? What the fuck?!
I suddenly slammed into a chest and shrieked when arms wrapped around me. I realized it was Luci, his eyes now white with a red background. Six red and white wings stuck out of his back and they slightly curled around us as I beat on his chest. “Let me go! LET ME GO!”
He nuzzled into my hair and I kept flailing around. Lilith magically appeared beside him, my ex’s body dragging on the ground behind her. “Shh. You’re safe now, little apple. We’ve got you.”
“Get the fuck away from me! Get! Away!”
“Lucifer, don’t hold her too tight now. We don’t want bruises on her precious skin.”
In my struggle I slowed. Lucifer Morningstar. Lilith Morningstar. Horns. Wings. Wait a minute…
“Are you the Devil and his wife,” I asked timidly.
The two looked at each and sighed. “I guess the duck is out of the bag, Lilith.”
They turned to look at me and I shrunk in his tight hold. “Yes, we’re the Devil and his wife.”
It all made sense now. The red and purple eyes. The pale complexion. The reason they were such mysterious patrons. Their daughter being down under.
I shoved Lucifer and he let go for a second before his bloody claws grasped hard on my arms. His talons dug into my skin as I struggled. “Let me go, please! I, I won’t tell anyone what happened here! We can just go about our lives! Just, just let me go!”
By now tears had started escaping my eyes and I quickly kicked Lucifer in the balls. His claws slid down and caused four gashes to appear on my forearm. He let out a groan and I turned to flee, only for him to fly in front of me. “Y/n! Stop!”
They cornered me to the wall and the brick dug harshly at my back. “Everything’s alright, my love. You’re alright.”
Lilith brought her hand up and I slapped it away. My chest was heaving to try and gain air into the lungs, but I couldn’t get any in. I mean how are you supposed to react when you find out that the patrons of your ballet academy who are in love with you are the Devil and his wife?
“Y/n, dear, breathe. Breathe.”
“I, I can’t! I c-can’t!”
I just broke down. I slid down the brick and wrapped my arms around my knees. I began to hyperventilate as tears rushed down my cheeks. I heard Lucifer and Lilith say something to each other but I couldn’t make it out. As I cried I felt something gently hit my head and arms. I looked up to see golden dust raining down upon me. I looked up even further to see it coming from Luci’s fingertips, a gentle smile on both his and Lilith’s faces. Suddenly I felt very tired and calm, too calm. I could feel my muscles go slack and my body limp as Lucifer picked me up bridal style. “Just close your eyes, lovely. We’ll be home before you know it.”
“H-home? W-whose home?”
They both looked at me and smiled brightly. My eyes closed and my breathing steadied.
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forever-rogue · 7 months
Hiiii beeeee
Saw you wanted some inspo, so from the sunshine prompts:  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜ with the sunshine being r and a grumpy Joel who’s very soft for her🥺✨
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AN | Okay but this! Sunshine!Reader and Joel are two of my faves💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“If you keep scowling like that, it’s going to be permanent,” Joel shifted his gaze to you as you sat down across the table from him. He let out a small huff as you beamed at him, “oh wait - your face always looks like that. Pity, you’d be so handsome if you smiled.”
“Sunshine,” you could see that he was fighting back a smile as the corners of his mouth twitched up, “what’re you on about, coming in here like that, huh?”
You set your elbows on the tables and tented your fingers, resting your chin on them. Narrowing your eyes, you watched him closely for a moment before leaning towards him, “I’ve decided that you’re still handsome.”
He couldn’t hold back his laugh this time around as you sat back and crossed your arms over your chest in satisfaction, “happiness looks good on you, Joel Miller.”
“Well, sweetheart, how can I not be happy when I’ve got you buzzing around all the time?” he took a sip from his beer, long and slow as your entire face warmed up; he always had a way of making you shut right up, “you’re like a little bumblebee.”
“Ahh, I knew there was a softie under that tough old exterior,” you bounced right back and grabbed the bottle gently from his grasp and tipped some of the amber liquid into your mouth, “I’d almost wager that you like me.”
“That might be pushing it,” he threw his arm over the back of the booth, looking around the bustling cantina. He liked it here, liked this, liked you; it almost felt like life was normal. He supposed this was normal now…and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You finished off the bottle and pushed it to the side, drumming your fingers along the sticky tabletop. You hadn’t thought about exactly where this conversation was going - you’d just seen Joel and gotten excited at the prospect of seeing and bounced right on over, “you wanna get out of here?”
“Sure?” your voice was high and nervous and you sounded less sure than you’d intended on, “yeah - yes. What’d you have in mind?”
“C’mon,” Joel stood up and shrugged on his jacket, motioning for you to follow him. You wasted no time in following, not immune from the titters and stares from the other patrons. Jackson was big, all things considered, but people still had nothing better to do than gossip, “ignore them. They’ll talk either way. S’long as you don’t mind that is…”
“I don’t care,” you promised, falling into step with him and trekking into the cool evening air. The chill was more than you’d expected and a shiver ran down your spine immediately. You hadn’t said anything and decided to try and not let him see how cold you were so he wouldn’t suggest just going home. But Joel caught onto you immediately and took his catch off and draped it around your shoulders before you could protest. Butterflies fluttered your tummy at the kind gesture, “thank you.”
“Can’t have you freezing on me,” he said gruffly but you knew exactly how he meant it. 
“Much obliged,” you teased, “where is it that you’re taking me? This is how I’m going to get murdered? 
“You think I’d really make that obvious if I was going to take you out to get murdered?” he tutted in amusement as you followed him through the quiet and deserted streets of Jackson, “c’mon, at least fifty people saw us. It’d be like I was wanting to get caught.”
“I dunno, I’m not a murderer I wouldn’t know what I’d do,” you grinned as you tucked your hands into the pockets of his jackets, his smell all around you, warm and comforting, “but thank you for the reassurance. Besides, we both know you’d miss me if I was gone.”
He slowed for a moment and you could feel his arm brushing against yours as he looked at you. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, knowing you’d probably just be left such a bumbling mess, “yeah. I would miss you.”
You made a small sound of content before nudging his arm right back, “I’d miss you too.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as he continued to lead you towards the outskirts of the Jackson. After walking a few more minutes you eventually made it up a small hill where the trees were cleared and you had a clear view of the starry night sky. You looked up in awe; you hadn’t bothered to look up in so long, that you hadn’t even realized just how beautiful the sky was. 
“Wow,” there was a giant smile on your face, and while you were always beautiful, Joel couldn’t help but think there was something even more magical than normal about you tonight, “it’s beautiful out here. The sky - it’s all so clear.”
“I found this spot a while ago,” he admitted as he took a seat on the ground and patted the space next to him, “it seems so obvious but it’s just out of the way enough that people don’t come here often. I like to come here to think sometimes.”
“Well thank you for sharing it with me,” you sat down next to him, keeping a small distance between your bodies with your knees just touching, “consider me honored.”
“Hmm,” the two of you sat in silence for a while; with anyone else you would have considered it awkward but with him it was just so…comfortable. That’s one of the many things that you liked about Joel - everything felt so easy with him, “you think awfully loud for someone so quiet.”
“I’m not…shut up,” you groaned without malice, hiding your face in your hands, “you are too perceptive sometimes, Joel Miller.”
“That’s just what I do,” he enjoyed getting you all flustered and caught off guard. People were usually much more honest that way, “you want to tell me what you’re thinking about?”
“I don’t know,” you admitted softly after a few moments. 
“Don’t know what you’re thinking about or if you want to tell me?”
“I don’t know if I want to tell you,” you shifted slightly so you were facing him, allowing yourself a single peek at those pretty brown eyes of his. You found nothing but gentle curiosity peering back at you, “‘cause I’m scared that you won’t like what it is.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, sunshine,” he promised and you were almost positive that he was being honest, “I don't think even if you confessed that you were secretly a murderer I’d adore you any less.” 
Adore you. That made you feel so warm and fuzzy that your brain almost combusted. You opened and closed your mouth a few times while trying to decide exactly what to say and how to say it. 
“I, umm…I was just thinking about how much I like you…spending time with you,” you managed to choke out after a couple moments of quiet contemplation. You felt like a teenager with an awkward crush right then, rather than a grown woman. Joel’s mouth ticked up in a small smile as your face felt like it was on fire, “this is nice. And um, I guess I’m saying that I…like you…like you.”
“Mhmm,” he was loving this, and you could tell. At least he wasn’t yelling at you and didn’t seem disgusted, “so what you’re saying is that you have a crush on me?”
“I-I…it’s not a crush,” you squeaked out, which only caused him to laugh, “ugh, you’re so insufferable Joel Miller.”
“Yeah, but you like me,” he grinned as you rolled your eyes, “c’mon sunshine, it’s fine to admit. It’s all out in the open.”
“Well, my feelings are out in open,” you raised an eyebrow at him, “you could share with the crowd or tell me to fuck off and leave. Or we could both pretend that none of this ever happened.”
“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Well duh,” you answered, “it’s basically the law that you have to tell me now.”
“Sunshine, you’re not dumb,” he mirrored your position and leaned in, leaving only a small distance between your bodies. You could feel his warmth radiating onto you, “I wouldn’t give just anyone my jacket after all. I like you, like you too.”
“Oh gross,” you laughed softly, “that’s super gross. Feelings.”
“They’re the worst,” he agreed and you leaned in towards him, wanting, wanting, wanting.
“I think, Joel Miller, that you should express those feelings and kiss me,” your entire body was practically vibrating with excitement as you leaned and closed the little bit of remaining gap between the two of you. Joel effortlessly took over, his hand gently finding your face as he kissed you slowly, but deeply and with meaning. You weren’t sure what kind of feeling you had been expecting but it definitely wasn’t this. 
You’d had your fair share of first kisses but this was, by far, the best one yet. You didn’t want it to end, only parting from him reluctantly when you were both breathless. He pressed his forehead to your and laughed softly, “how was that?”
“Super gross,” you beamed at him, warm and soft, before stealing a few more soft and gentle kisses, “I love it.”
“You’re something else, sunshine.” his hand slid to your neck and he gently traced his fingers over your soft skin, “I definitely like you.”
“Yeah, I definitely kinda like you too,” you whispered, wrapping your fingers tenderly around his wrist, “was this your plan all along?”
“Hmm, not entirely,” he confessed, “I just want to get you out here to enjoy the view. You just happen to have no poker face, so I wanted to see if you’d finally say anything.”
“You could have said something too!” you shook your head, biting the inside of your cheek, “you’re just as bad.”
“I would have said something eventually but you beat me to it…”
“I was coerced into it!”
“It was voluntary,” he insisted, “and you know it.”
“Yeah well…fine,” you agreed, “just shut up and kiss me again.”
“Now that I can do, sunshine. With pleasure.”
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theveryworstthing · 8 months
I'm Alive
I posted this on patreon so I might as well post it again here. Hopefully current and past patrons see this as well as people who have just been generally curious about where I've been.
I'm very sorry for not being around and I'm very grateful to those who stuck around. To those who didn't, I get it and I truly appreciate you passing through. 
Last year and the beginning of this year have been pretty bad. Some of you might have heard about my grandma's death and sadly, she was just the first of the family losses in the time I've been gone. There was also a friend's death discovery, my parents' health tanking, my friends Going Through It, and my own physical/mental problems. I didn't want to talk to the internet about these things because they were/are very overwhelming and private and tbh I used all my energy to help with the household and make sure work got turned in on time. When I had spare time after dealing with the near constant disasters, I didn't really feel like interacting with the internet at all beyond using it as a way to talk to far away friends (mostly to give them the thumbs up that i was alive) or watch/read things when my brain was less scrambled. Social media was an absolute no go and I didn't have any non-work art to post so I just kind of mentally crawled under the porch to die lol. 
I only drew work related things for months due to extreme burnout and it took me almost a month off after my last job to remember how to create again. I couldn't draw or write, it was kinda like art block except it was more like nothing was there at all? It's hard to explain. 
Things are still happening but I need to get back in the saddle eventually so here I am. 
I'm going to post the little art I did in June and all the sketches I did in January when I re-learned how to draw for myself. Again, I'm so sorry for being away without saying anything and I'm grateful to whoever threw me a buck, or even just casually enjoyed my art. Leaving like I did was really irresponsible and there's no excuse for not at least making a post about all of this sooner.  Every month I got a patreon payment was another wave of guilt because I literally couldn't give y'all anything but at the same time that money was letting me book flights to funerals and keeping my mom comfortable while she recovered from surgery right after I spent a lot of my savings in 2022 trying to fight my late cat's cancer. And then not posting about what was going on made me more anxious as time went on because there was more guilt every month so I felt like I needed to come back with a bunch of art and energy and good reasons and it was just. A Mess. 
But anyway.
I'm alive, I'm back. The Horrors persist, but so do I.
Thank you for your patience.
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uvobreakmylegs · 1 year
Last Day Out
sorry for my inactivity here’s a Chrollo fic for your troubles
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Warnings: death, kidnapping
Word count: 6.9k
The dark, clouded skies overhead threatened to burst open with rain at any moment, much to your disappointment. You were hoping that the weather would be good when you went out with him today. A nice day with lots of sun but wasn't too hot – that was what you'd been counting on. Days like that made it hard for you to feel sad, and you hoped it would be the same for him.
But despite a decent temperature, the clouds loomed overhead and blocked out the sun completely. That only left you feeling nervous.
What made that feeling worse was the fact that there weren't a lot of people here, the threat of rain was compelling most to stay at home. Not an unreasonable stance to take, but it was bad timing for you. A busier atmosphere in the cafe would have made you feel a bit more at ease, but when the only other company you had were the two waitresses who were currently wiping down empty tables and an elderly couple taking their time with their lunch, it was hard to feel like you had any safety in numbers.
Then again, the cafe could've been filled to the brim with patrons and you likely would've still had the same problem. Because no matter how many people were around you, it wasn't like that changed anything when you were sitting across from your boyfriend and trying to build up the nerve to tell him something that he wouldn't be happy to hear.
With the way things were outside of the cafe and how nervous you felt, you almost wanted to cancel your date entirely and move it to a different day, but you'd forced yourself to go through with it, knowing full well that if you dragged this out any longer, it would only get worse for you.
You needed to break up with Chrollo.
But you needed to do it in a way that didn't end in him being angry with you.
That couldn't be too hard, right? In the time that you'd known him, Chrollo had never exhibited any truly worrying behaviors towards you. The two of you had some disagreements, but he had never gotten full-on angry or even raised his voice with you. And while ending a relationship was much more significant than the minor disputes you'd had over unimportant things, you wanted to believe that he would take it well.
He needed to care at least a little about you, right? So he wouldn't take it badly and lash out in the worst way possible, right?
You had no idea, but you told yourself that he would respect you enough to accept your decision, even if it might hurt him to do so.
He was capable of giving you that much courtesy, right?
“You've been very quiet today.”
The sound of his voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and then you were back, sitting in the booth of the brightly-lit cafe that was greatly contrasted against the dark hues present outside, with your mostly finished meal sitting on a plate in front of you while the older couple a few tables away spoke quietly to one another and one of the waitresses had disappeared to an area in the back.
Back to Chrollo, sitting across from you with a look on his face that you couldn't quite read.
You got the sense that he was studying you.
You gave him a soft smile as you said “I guess the state of things outside has me feeling a bit down.”
He nodded as if he understood, then said “we didn't need to go out today if you weren't up for it.”
“No, I wanted to go out. And besides, sometimes it's better if you make yourself do something even if you aren't feeling up to it.”
Immediately after saying that, you realized how bad that sounded, and you stumbled over yourself as you added “sorry, that came out wrong. I didn't mean to make it sound like going out with you was a chore.”
He smiled at that.
“I assumed that was the case, but I appreciate you clarifying.”
Chrollo took a sip of his water before saying “and while it's a nice sentiment, it's also always fine to cancel if you aren't feeling well.”
“It's not really a matter of not feeling well,” you answered, “just one of those days, you know?”
“I see.”
The meal was coming to a close, and soon one of the waitresses would be over to take your plates. Which meant the time that you needed to say those words you dreaded was coming up.
I think we should break up
Just thinking them made a lump form in your throat, and in that moment you really wished it was safe enough for you to break up by text. It would've felt scummy to do it that way but you wouldn't have needed to deal with this. Although breaking up through text wasn't taken well even by the most well-mannered people, and you desperately didn't want him to be angry with you.
You just couldn't see him the same way anymore.
Not after watching that video.
The waitress, the one with braided hair who'd been wiping down the tables earlier, approached your table and asked if she could take your plates. Chrollo responded for you, smiling as he gave her a polite confirmation.
Okay, you thought to yourself. As soon as she left, you would say it. Maybe begin by saying you had something important to talk about.
“Was there anything else I can get for you?” the waitress asked, “or did you want the check?”
You were about to ask for the check when Chrollo responded for you again.
“I wouldn't mind having a look at the dessert menu,” he answered. Then he looked to you as he asked “does that sound good to you?”
“Uh, sure.”
The waitress was happy to comply, and with the cafe being next to empty she brought the menus over to you quickly. Chrollo didn't take long to figure out what he wanted, and he and the waitress chatted a bit while you came to a decision.
You glanced over at him a few times, noting how comfortable and relaxed he appeared to be as he engaged in polite conversation.
He still had a knife, you realized. It sat next to where his plate had been, having gone unused during the meal. A bad thought came to mind then. Of how open the waitress' neck was and how easy it would be for him to grab that knife and then-
Stop it. Just order something and then get this over with.
The waitress went to the back soon after to get a parfait for you and a tiramisu for Chrollo, which left you alone with him again.
It'd be awkward to tell him now that you wanted to leave him, wouldn't it? So you'd need to wait until after you'd gotten your desserts to say it. You let out a soft sigh without thinking, after which you found yourself hoping that he hadn't noticed.
“I know it isn't much,” Chrollo said, bringing your attention back to him, “but I thought that perhaps something sweet might lift your spirits a little.”
“Thank you,” you replied, then added “sorry if I've been ruining things for you today, though.”
“Nonsense,” he replied, “no matter what mood you're in, I'm happiest when I'm with you.”
As he said that, he reached one of his hands over the table and held it out, and after a moment, you copied him, placing your hand into his and allowing him to squeeze it softly.
There was an odd flutter in your heart upon feeling his touch. And when you looked back to him and found the soft smile on his face as he stared at you lovingly, you remembered the day you met him and why you'd fallen for him.
The area where the two of you met was close to the cafe; you'd been walking on the sidewalk when someone had shoved into you from behind unexpectedly and you were sent crashing onto the pavement. Your hands and knees had taken the brunt of the fall, and were subsequently scraped up to the point of bleeding.
When you looked up from your bleeding palms to see if whoever had pushed you had the decency to stay and check if you were alright, you didn't find anyone, and you couldn't catch sight of anyone who looked as if they were fleeing the scene.
The situation was made worse when you saw that of all the others on the sidewalk were actively ignoring you. They wouldn't look at you, and for the ones that found you in the middle of their path, they would walk around you and go on their way.
That had been a depressing moment: you were clearly in need of at least some assistance and no one around you felt inclined to even acknowledge what had just happened.
That was when he showed up.
Chrollo seemed to appear out of nowhere and offered a hand to help you back up to your feet. He kept a firm but gentle grip on you as he looked over where your injuries were worst before he asked if you would let him help you.
Still in slight shock over the situation and being unable to properly use your words, you nodded.
Twenty minutes after that you sitting on a bench in a park while Chrollo applied the disinfectant he'd gotten at a nearby convenience store to your wounds before placing the bandages.
By that point you were feeling better, even after dealing with the painful sting of the disinfectant and the ache in your arms and legs. You wanted to repay the man who had been the only one to care about what happened to you. While he'd refused reimbursement for what he'd spent on disinfectant and bandages, he agreed when you proposed that you pay him back by getting him something to eat.
Ten minutes after that the two were sitting at a table at that same cafe, chatting over the desserts you'd be paying for. You remembered how grateful you felt. If not for him stopping to help you, your entire day would've likely ended on a sour note with you patching yourself up on your own and trying to distract yourself by watching a comfort film. Instead you were out at a cafe with a handsome man who had proven himself to be extremely kind and generous, and when he'd asked you to give him your number so he could keep in contact with you, you were more than happy to do so.
It didn't take long after that for Chrollo to become your boyfriend.
Evidently the way you met was also on Chrollo's mind, as he then said “We've come here a lot, haven't we? Ever since our first date that night.”
“Wasn't so much of a date as it was me trying to get over what happened after I got knocked down,” you mumbled.
He smiled as he said “I thought it was in repayment for my helping you.”
“Well, yeah,” you began, “you were really nice to me, and I wanted to do something nice for you back.”
“And I'm glad you did. We might not be here right now if not for that.”
The way you trailed off was a mistake, as you watched Chrollo's eyebrows furrow in concern. You tried to wave away his concerns before he could voice them, however, saying “sorry, just feeling tired.”
It didn't seem like you had been too successful, as he was serious when he spoke again.
“You should get some rest when you get home, then.”
You nodded while saying “I will.”
Just then the waitress from earlier approached the table with your orders, setting them down as she told you to enjoy. You both thanked her, and she walked off while you focused on the dessert in front of you. Despite hoping that Chrollo would be right and that you'd feel a bit better, the dessert didn't do much to ease your nerves. And what began to disturb you was the fact that every time you glanced up at Chrollo, he would glance up immediately after and catch your gaze. You tried to play it off by smiling at him, but you felt the muscles in your cheeks becoming more and more strained.
He wasn't stupid. He'd caught onto the fact that there was something wrong with you. Lying about it would only make it worse when you eventually told him.
Chrollo wasn't stupid, but you sure felt like it in that moment.
Not long after the waitress brought the bill out to you, placing it on the table while telling you to take your time. When she was out of earshot, he spoke.
“Is it really just the weather that's bothering you, love?”
You looked up at him and found that you couldn't read his expression again.
“This entire time you've looked as though you've been wanting to say something to me,” he continued.
…. Best to say it now, you supposed.
Placing the half-eaten parfait to the side, you took in a few breaths to try and compose yourself.
“Yeah, you're right,” you began, “there is something I need to talk about.”
He didn't reply, evidently waiting for you to speak.
You quickly glanced up at him again and just as quickly glanced at your folded hands on the table.
Just say it. Just say it and get it over with.
I think we should break up
I think we should break up
“I think we should break up.”
When the words finally left your lips, they were a bit more hushed than you'd intended, perhaps partially out of fear of saying them too loud and drawing unwanted attention to yourselves, and perhaps also because of how much saying them out loud scared you. You had no idea how he was going to react to that, and that uncertainty kept your gaze focused on your hands, too scared of what you might see if you looked back to him.
There was no reaction from him at first, and part of you wondered at first if he hadn't heard you. Yet the longer the moments passed with nothing being said and the more you felt his gaze boring into you, the more you felt certain that he had, in fact heard you. Perhaps he was taking the time to process it.
You still didn't want to look at him.
He didn't say anything at first, and for a moment all you heard was the chatter coming from the other patrons of the cafe. It sounded like the elderly couple were leaving as you heard the other waitress wish them a good rest of their day. The bell above the entrance rang out as the door was opened, and rang once more as it was shut.
Now all you heard was the waitress as she cleared up the table the couple had been sitting at and a distant rumbling of thunder from the outside.
You stayed quiet, figuring that the ball was in his court.
The first sign of a reaction from him came when he slid his plate to the side before resting his forearms on the table. From the edges of your vision, you saw the way he clasped his hands together. He was taking what you said seriously.
Then he spoke.
“I did get the sense that you wanted to discuss something important with me,” he began, “although I must admit that this wasn't what I was expecting.”
“I thought things were going well between us,” he added, “but there must be something wrong if you were unhappy with me and I failed to notice it.”
“I'm not unhappy with you,” you replied.
“Then why would you want to leave me?”
Just make it out like you're the one who's the problem, you told yourself again. Don't let him catch onto the fact that you know anything about what he's done.
“You didn't do anything wrong,” you said, “you've been wonderful, actually, and I've really loved the time we've spent together.”
“But I don't think that I'm really in the right place mentally to be in a relationship,” you continued, “I've got a lot to do with work and other obligations, and I really need to take some time to do some self-reflecting.”
“Self-reflecting on what?” he asked.
“General issues,” you answered.
Fuck. That felt like such a weak answer. Say something else.
“I'm also just not good enough for you.”
There was a pause before he repeated “not good enough?”
You nodded.
“In what way?”
You cleared your throat before saying “financially speaking, we aren't very well matched.”
“Why does that matter?”
“Because I don't want to leech off of you,” you said.
“You've never done that.”
“I feel like I have sometimes.”
He didn't immediately respond, but you got the sense that he wasn't satisfied with that line of reasoning. You needed to say something else.
“Plus, I'm really not smart at all when compared to you,” you added, “I don't always understand the things you talk about, and make you clarify yourself a lot just so I can get it. You shouldn't need to dumb yourself down for my sake.”
“When has that happened?”
“Just.... Every now and then, you know?”
“I don't.”
…. You didn't know what to say to that. It was becoming obvious that drawing this out was only exposing what little reason you actually had to be leaving him as your answers were becoming more ridiculous. And you still couldn't bring yourself to look at him, too worried that if you saw the way he was looking over you, you would crack.
Just keep blaming yourself and tell him that he can do better than you.
It wasn't like that part was a lie
Ignoring that bit of self-loathing that came up to the surface, you told yourself to press on. Find something that would be an acceptable reason for him.
Before you could do that, he spoke again.
“If it's simply insecurities of yours that are the only reasons you have, then those are things that can be worked on, and I would be happy to help you get through those issues. I don't see why we need to end everything when there's a much happier solution,” he said.
“You shouldn't need to deal with my issues, though,” you replied.
“Why not?”
“You deserve better than that. You'd be better matched with someone who isn't so much of a mess.”
“And like I said,” you continued, “I really need to work on myself on my own, and I don't want to drag you with me through that process. Or make you wait for me.”
“So you're telling me to move on?” he asked.
“I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just saying you're wasting your time with someone like me.”
“You need to stop saying that, love. Being with you isn't a waste of time.”
His voice had a stern edge to it when he said that. As if you were beginning to upset him.
“Sorry,” you began, “and that's really sweet, but I think it's for the best if we go our separate ways.”
“And if I disagree?”
“..... I'm sorry, Chrollo. But I've made up my mind,” you told him, “I don't want to hurt you, but you can't force me to stay with you, just like I can't force you to stay with me.”
You reached to the side to grab your bag and fish out your wallet, saying “lunch is on me. It's the least I can do.”
He didn't say anything. And after you placed the jenny on the table to pay for the meal, you didn't say anything either.
You're almost out of this, you told yourself. Just get your things together and leave.
You were putting your wallet back in your bag when he spoke again.
“Is there a reason why you won't look at me?”
His question made you pause.
It made sense that he would ask, though. Since telling him that you wanted to break up, you hadn't looked at him once, instead keeping your gaze on either your hands or what was left of your parfait.
A normal person who wanted to break up wouldn't be so adamant on not looking at their now ex-boyfriend, would they? Not unless they were mad about something. And since your reasons had all been to do with how you were a mess and not good enough for him, it would be strange to keep that up, especially if your goal was to leave him without making him upset with you.
Look at him, apologize, and then leave.
And whatever images pop up in your mind when you see his face again, be sure to ignore them.
Taking a small breath that you hoped he didn't notice, you looked over to him.
There was an unhappy expression on his face, his lips set in a frown while his eyebrows were wrinkled over his eyes, conveying the feeling that he was sad and didn't understand your reasoning for leaving him.
You might've believed that was what he actually felt if it wasn't for the way his eyes studied you in that moment, watching your facial expressions closely to pinpoint something that would give away that what you were saying wasn't true, if there was something more that you were attempting to hide from him.
There had always been a certain intensity to his gaze, even from before when you felt good about the two of you being together. In the beginning it had made you nervous, the way it felt he could look right through you, but you had gotten used to it, chalking it up to Chrollo giving you his full attention.
You saw something different now when he looked at you.
You turned your head away, mumbled out one last “I'm sorry” and then placed your hand on the table as you prepared to leave.
“Just answer me one last question before you go, love,” said Chrollo.
“.... Okay.”
Almost there. Just answer his question and then you could leave.
“Are you sure you're leaving me because you feel that you're inadequate?”
He paused.
“Or is it because you found out about the Phantom Troupe?”
Hearing him say those two words made you freeze. You didn't know how long exactly, but you stayed in your seat for a few seconds, staring at the floor of the cafe while your mind processed his words. He knew that you knew.
He knew that you knew.
Get out.
With one hand on the table and another on the back of the seat, you were about to push yourself up-
He stopped you from standing as his hand clamped onto your forearm, keeping you where you were with a firm grip that refused to let go.
“You aren't leaving, love,” Chrollo whispered, “not yet.”
“Let go of me,” you replied.
You tried to pull your arm away, but his grip stayed strong.
“Stay seated and talk to me,” he said, “if you make too much of a scene, you might attract attention. That's what you've been trying to avoid, isn't it?”
Upon hearing that, you looked about the cafe. Neither of the waitresses could be seen, which must've meant that they were in the back. But they could come out at any moment, and if they did notice something wrong going on between the two of you, you feared they might involve themselves.
The thoughts you'd had regarding the waitress and the knife from earlier came back to mind, and you shuddered.
You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you caused Chrollo to do something to them.
“.... Okay,” you said, “okay. We can talk. But could you let go of me?”
“I won't try to run again, I promise.”
“I wish I could believe you, love,” said Chrollo, “but unfortunately, you aren't proving to be very trustworthy at the moment.”
“Chrollo,” you began, trying to pull your arm away again and still getting nowhere with it, “Chrollo, you're hurting me.”
“It only hurts because of how hard you're struggling. Stop trying to pull away and the pain will stop,” he answered calmly.
“I want you to let go of me,” you said.
He didn't respond to that, and after a few more unsuccessful attempts to get your arm away from his grip, you felt yourself becoming desperate.
“Chrollo, please-”
Upon hearing that, he shook his head.
“Being polite about it isn't going to help you much right now,” he said, “if you really wanted to prove that you'd cooperate, you would stop struggling.”
… He was right that struggling like this was pointless, you realized. And as much as you didn't want him touching you, doing what he wanted was more likely to lead to a solution where you didn't end up dead. Tell him that you had no intentions of going to the police and that you wanted to forget everything.
You stopped trying to tear your arm away and instead sat quietly. Maybe the show of submission would have him let go of you.
Instead of that, his hand slid down from your forearm and grasped at your wrist. That looked less strange, probably. Like he was holding you affectionately instead of keeping you from leaving.
He got straight to the point, asking “how did you find out?”
“... Does it really matter?” you asked back.
He hummed.
“I assume someone told you, then,” he said.
“I didn't say that.”
“No, but it felt as though you were trying to protect someone,” he replied. Then after a moment he added “and it seems I was correct since you became even more tense when I said that.”
….. You hated how easily he was able to figure it out. And you hated how easily you had given up that information, even if it was unwittingly.
“Who was it?” asked Chrollo.
You shook your head. That was something you wouldn't be telling him. And when that became clear to him, he shrugged.
“The answer to that can come at another time,” he said, “though I have to assume it was someone important to you if it was that easy for you to believe them and not even ask me for my side.”
“.... I saw a video of you,” you whispered.
His eyebrows raised slightly.
“And what sort of video was that?”
“One where you sliced a man's neck open.”
He didn't seem to be phased by what you had said. He didn't push you any further on that, and merely hummed to himself again as he finally understood why all of this had happened.
Someone had shown you proof of his true nature.
Chrollo didn't push you any further on what you'd seen; it didn't seem to interest him.
But you remembered it clearly, sitting on the couch in your apartment, holding the phone that your friend had handed to you after calling you up and telling you that they needed to show you something important. They were standing over you, watching your reactions as you looked at the footage on their phone that they'd managed to get a hold of. It had come from a contact of theirs, they told you, but they wouldn't elaborate further.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing; Chrollo, who had always been so kind and caring towards you, approached what appeared to be a security guard in a hall who was distracted by his phone.
Then he had crept up behind the guard and sliced his throat with a curved blade.
And as he let go of the guard and watched as he fell to the floor, the camera that had been mounted on the side of the hall was close enough that you were able to see Chrollo's expression clearly, and it was best described as being disinterested. What he had just done was of no consequence to him.
But the truth was that the murder wasn't the worst part of the video.
It was what came after.
That neutral expression changed when you heard a voice come from off-camera, a cheerful voice that called out to Chrollo and caught his attention. Whoever had spoken didn't appear in the video, but you heard them as they made a joke about the dead guard, something in regards to him having his phone out on the job. What it was that had been said exactly you couldn't remember. But you did remember Chrollo's reaction to it.
He smiled as he let out a short laugh. It was a sight you'd seen before during the times that you'd amused him and was usually followed up by an affectionate pat to the head. Something you had grown fond of.
Now you saw that same smile at a murder scene.
Chrollo had just killed a man, and he was laughing about it.
Your world came crashing down and you could barely hear your friend telling you the details of what they called the Phantom Troupe and the things they had done as you were too focused on the fact that for the past eight months you'd been dating a murderer. Someone that didn't bat an eye at killing innocent people, and you'd been getting to the point where you were fantasizing about the possibility of living the rest of your life with him.
And that image of him in the video stayed in your head.
It would've been easier to deal with if he'd remained emotionless the whole time. That way you could've rationalized it in a different way; that everything you'd experienced with him was all a lie, any reaction you'd gotten out of him wasn't genuine and that he wasn't a person who felt anything, that he just used a facade to act like a normal person and all you were to him was a way to build upon that lie. That he'd picked you because he rightly assumed that it'd be easy to entrance you with the mask he wore so you would play the role he wanted.
What you had seen when he laughed was a genuine reaction. No matter what you tried to tell yourself, he had no reason to fake an emotion like that when he was around someone who was a participant in his crimes.
As quiet and reserved as Chrollo was, it wasn't as though he didn't have emotions. They were somewhat muted at times, but they were there.
And he had laughed at what his friend had said while a man lay dead or dying at his feet.
It was made worse when you thought of the happy moments that you had spent together. And even worse still was that moment from earlier, when he'd grabbed your hand and smiled at you and caused your heart to flutter.
How was Chrollo able to commit something as horrendous as murder and still be able to love you so freely? Even now, when he was literally holding you down so you couldn't get away from him, his thumb began to rub circles against your skin as if to calm you, and somehow it didn't feel like it was an act.
How could he do that?
“No wonder you've been so nervous today,” he said, “you must be terrified of me.”
Seeing no reason to lie, you nodded.
At that, he pulled your hand up from the table and brought it up to his mouth so he could place a soft kiss upon your clenched fingers.
It was a weird mixture of emotions again. Despite knowing that he was a murderer, you found that your mind was going back to happier times that you'd spent with him. Like the time you'd had a bad day at work and he showed up at your apartment after to cheer you up by making you dinner, or the time you'd happened to find a rare book at a pawn shop that you had heard him talking about and surprised him with it. Things that had you feeling like you were growing closer to each other.
You weren't lying when you'd said that you loved the time you'd spent together.
But you couldn't bring yourself to stay with a murderer.
“I was told that you – you've killed a lot of people,” you began, “I don't understand why you would do that when you've always been so good to me. I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't shown proof.”
Chrollo was still holding your hand, but when no response came from him, you continued.
“I don't want to cause you any trouble,” you said to him, “I don't have any plans to talk to the police or anything – I don't even have the video, so it's not like I'd have proof even if I did go to them. It'd be my word against yours, and I'm pretty sure they'd believe you over me. So it'd be for the best if we both forgot about each oth-”
His grip on your wrist became tight enough that it hurt, and you were cut off as you let out a small squeak of pain.
The instant you made that noise his grip lessened, and he went back to caressing your skin. There was no acknowledgment of what just happened, however, as he appeared to be deep in thought.
Outside the weather finally broke and small droplets of rain were starting to come down against the windows of the cafe. It wasn't too bad now, but it seemed likely that the storm would become worse before long.
When the waitress returned to the table for the payment you had hastily left out for her, she didn't notice anything amiss with you. Likely because Chrollo distracted her by engaging in more conversation.
She returned to the back not long after, and then he spoke again.
“You've been rather cruel today, love.”
“.... Cruel?” you asked.
“Bringing me to this place with the intention of dumping me despite the times we spent with each other here,” Chrollo explained, “as if you wanted to ruin the memories that came from here.”
“That – it wasn't – I wasn't trying to do that,” you stuttered, “I just thought.... Maybe things would be okay if we spent one last nice day together and ended everything on a happy note.”
He wasted no time in responding to that.
“Are you saying that because you genuinely wanted me to be happy, or were you trying to ensure that I wouldn't retaliate against you after?”
There was no doubt that your expression upon hearing that question told him everything. That, coupled with how clammy your hand felt while still being gripped by his gave him every answer he needed:
You were just trying to save your own skin.
After a few more moments of silence, Chrollo spoke.
“I think it's time we were leaving, love.”
With that, he finally let go, standing after exiting the booth before immediately holding his hand out to you once again. And as you once again had very little choice in what to do, you took it, allowing him to help you to your feet.
You left the cafe with your hand in his, the bell above the door ringing above you as you ventured out into the rain. Chrollo turned to the right upon exiting the building and began to lead you over to where he had parked his car.
So he was going to drive off with you, and then......
“.... What happens now?” you asked, “what are you going to do to me?”
“Keep an eye on you, for the most part,” Chrollo answered, “suffice it to say you won't be going out anytime soon.”
“What.... What do you mean?”
“Don't start believing your own lies, love,” he said, “ you know exactly what I mean.”
“But.... What about my job? They'll notice if I stop going in for work,” you replied.
“You'll be quitting.”
“So then.... You're going to make me stay with you?”
“It was about time we moved to that stage anyway,” said Chrollo.
“No,” you answered, shaking your head as you said “I can't do that. Please Chrollo, just let me go.”
“I told you earlier, love,” he said as he led you to the car, “changing your tone and being polite isn't going to do much for you.”
He interrupted you to ask “you said the video you saw was one where I slit a man's throat?”
While hesitant, you still nodded.
“And you want to argue with me after seeing that?” he continued.
It dawned on you what he was getting at, and your voice was a whisper when you asked “so you really are going to kill me?”
“Of course not, love. You dying has never been an option,” he said.
“But I can't say the same for whoever showed you that video.”
It clicked then.
“I'm – I'm not going to tell you,” you said.
“It doesn't matter much if you won't tell me; I'll find out regardless,” Chrollo answered, “but depending on your actions right now, I might be willing to show mercy on them.”
“..... You mean you won't hurt them?”
He nodded.
“But that all depends on what you do now,” he said, “and whether or not you get into the car willingly or if I need to force you inside.”
With that, he opened the passenger's side door for you and after turning his attention back to you, he finally let go of your wrist. You instinctively held your hand up against your chest, partially from the relief that came when he finally stopped touching you, and partially so he couldn't grab you as easily again. At least, not by your wrist, anyway. Chrollo could easily still grab you by the shoulder and force you into the car, and you were anticipating that would be what happened next.
Except he didn't do anything. And when you looked to him while he still held the car door open, he didn't say anything to you; he only continued to look at you expectantly.
…. Ah. Right. He'd just said it.
You getting in willingly meant you getting in on your own.
Him letting you go like that was probably a test, you noted. If you were going to try and take advantage of the fact that he'd let you go and try to run, or if you really were going to cooperate with him. It'd also tell him how much you really cared about the friend that you wanted to protect.
As much as you found yourself wanting to run, you doubt you'd get far at all if you tried it.
So you climbed into the car just as the rain began to come down harder.
Chrollo shut the door after you.
Moments later he was in the driver's seat, buckling his seat belt before starting up the engine. He then looked over to you, and after a moment he reached over you to grab the seat belt to your side and secure you to the seat as well.
“.... Sorry,” you mumbled.
“You don't need to apologize, love,” he said, “though a 'thank you' would have been sufficient.”
“.... Thank you.”
He didn't respond as the car was pulling out of the space and onto the road. With the turns he took on the next few streets, you could tell that he was taking you back with him to his apartment. Just like he'd said. Where you wouldn't be allowed out for a time. Just like he'd said.
And as for your friend......
…. While you'd done as he'd wanted and got into the car on your own, it had taken you a little bit to actually do that.
Was that enough reason for him to kill them?
You cleared your throat in an effort to make sure the words came out as clear as they could.
“I'm sorry,” you said.
“For what?”
“For being..... Cruel to you,” you answered.
He hummed.
“I don't know how much I believe that, love,” he said, “it seems more likely you're only saying that as a way to try and appease me.”
….. There was no point in arguing, and you hung your head while biting your lip as you wondered if you'd just made a horrible mistake in saying anything else to him.
The car came to a stop at a light, and it was then that you felt his hand grasp yours once again. When he pulled your arm towards him, you didn't resist and allowed him to do what he wanted. Then his lips came into contact with your skin once more before he spoke.
“It's alright, love,” he told you, “we can get through this.”
“And with a little bit of time, I'm sure we can get to the point where you can apologize and actually mean it.”
You looked to him then, your eyes meeting his as he still held your hand to his lips.
And when you made eye contact, Chrollo simply smiled and kissed your hand once more.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 8 months
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Prompt: A misunderstanding after being ignored for weeks.
~ Part 2 Part 3
Crocodile X Fem Reader
It had been weeks. Weeks, since Crocodile has even visited you. You knew he was a busy man but in the past he used to at least call you on the den-den Mushi he gave you, maybe even had someone deliver something that had reminded him of you. But there you were, waiting once again in a private room at the casino he ran.
         “What’s wrong Y/N?” Miss. All-Sunday asks, walking in and setting down a trey of glasses and alcohol. When you had first started dating Crocodile he had sent her to keep an eye on you. You knew she was keeping tabs on you, at the very least to make sure you weren’t sharing any secrets to anyone, but now it seemed like a slap in the face to know he was still keeping watch without even trying to contact you.
         “Same old, same old. Any word as to when Sir Crocodile will be back?” You pour yourself a glass of whiskey before slumping into the back of the chair. Miss. All-Sunday gives you a strange look before shaking her head, she never was one to share secrets. “Does he even like me? It seems like he keeps me around because it’s less of a hassle.” You complain while taking a sip. You’d never been one to drink too much but you felt like now would be the perfect time to get drunk and ignore the tight twisting anxious feeling in your stomach.
         Without too many other words you’re left alone in the room again to brood in your thoughts. You glance out the window overlooking the casino, staring at the patrons wasting their money. What else was there to do in the desert for fun but to come to a casino and spend your life savings? Even you indulged in the table every now and then. But now that you were looking down you couldn’t help but see the familiar looks of customers disappointed in losing or some women clinging onto a big winner. At least they’re getting attention. You blink your eyes for a second and shake your head.
It’s no use pining for something that won’t happen and that’s when you see it. The familiar tall man and gold hook walking his way through his own casino, guards keeping a distance while following him and others cowering out of the way. But that wasn’t what struck you, it was the girl holding onto his arm that made your breath stuck in your throat. Her skirt too short and her top barely a bra, Crocodile hates girls who flaunt for no reason. It’s not the girls fault, you knew that. You’re hatred and heartbreak coming in a fell swoop had to be pushed somewhere and you still refused to believe that the man you thought you loved would be doing this. He’s always wanted me to dress more modestly, hated when others looked at me, there’s no way he’d want someone like her.
You slam down your glass of whiskey, wincing as the liquid burns your throat before pouring a rather tall glass, turning to watch more. You felt a small sigh leave you as you watch your lover pry his arm away from the girl, but your short-lived happiness was replaced with a void when you watch him wrap his arm around her, placing his hand on her waist. No doubt in your mind that he’d squeeze his hand in showing they she was his, just as he had done to you oh so many times before. You felt tears brim your eyes as you drown yourself in the conveniently placed bottle.
The void in your heart became bottomless when you watched him lean down, no doubt to kiss her cheek. You turn away, not willing to watch anymore and decide to go back to the penthouse where you had been living. As you wait for the elevator to take you up your mind goes blank, what if he doesn’t want you there anymore? You can feel yourself start to shake at the thought and reason that if that were true the all-access card would have been deactivated. Miss. All-Sunday would have escorted you out. Something would be different. The door opens and you swipe the card that unlocks the main door to the pent house.
You rush to the bathroom, nearly slamming the door behind you staring into the mirror in front of you. Your hands grip the counter as you stare at the mess in front of you. Tears streaming down your face as you scrutinize everything. Weren’t you pretty enough? Weren’t you loyal? There was once when someone hit on you, the mans missing poster was plastered everywhere for months. But now? Now it seemed it didn’t matter.
Maybe you hadn’t seen it right. Maybe you were overreacting. You splash your face with cold water, trying to chase away any thoughts. Taking a deep breath before heading to your bedroom, you had to get out of this dress, needed something more comforting. Grabbing some sweatpants and a loose-fitting top. You pace back and forth trying to rake you brain into being calm. Is this why he hasn’t been in contact?
Before you could think too much there was a knock at the door. You heart sped up, not many people came up here, even fewer knocked. If you were here it was for a reason. You approached the door, “Miss Y/N. It seems you’ll be needed somewhere else right now.” Opening the door to 2 security guards standing there. They seemed a bit taken back that you weren’t in your normal clothes but you couldn’t stop shaking.
“Please miss, follow us,” One whispers while firmly grabbing your arm. They were kicking you out. Crocodile didn’t want you anymore. And he couldn’t have even given the curtesy of telling you to your face. You didn’t resist, being escorted out, you didn’t even bother to ask where you were going, the emptiness inside of you just kept welling up but you couldn’t let out any noise in front of them, you didn’t want their pity for being a forgotten fling.
To your surprise they led you back to the private room that overlooks the casino. You whip your head back at them, this had to have been some sort of sick joke. They weren’t even going to let you leave the casino. It had dawned on you in the past the Crocodile would never truly let you leave if you wanted to break up, you had acquired enough knowledge to harm him if left alone.
The door shut as you accepted your fate. The bottle of liquor still remained from when you had left previously and you decided to take a bottle. Might as well enjoy the last moments of my life. You sit back glancing at the window again scanning the crowd for amusement in these final moments.
Taking large swigs from the bottles as look, you can still see Crocodile with her, the women who has stolen your place. You feel the tears fall as you continue to watch, and continue to drown in your despair. He looks bored, the men surrounding him look like some business partners you’ve never seen before.
Stuck in this dreaded prison until someone comes to take care of you, you can’t tear your eyes away from the man below you, though far away you can still make out his features. The scar stretching across his face like some wicked reminder that he’s not an innocent person.
He was a cold lover, often forgot to talk to you. But he never forgot you, he had gifted you treasures beyond your imagination, given you dinners you’d only dream of, and even while busy he’d still entertain you, or at least allow you in his office while he took care of business. The passions of night being no exception to desires, he treated you like a god, though he always demanded respect and to be obeyed. He enjoyed watching you cry out in pleasures, pushing you to your max. But he never crossed the line, always making sure you were alright afterwards.
You watch him let out a laugh, the room you’re in deafening silent as you remember what his ‘business’ laugh sounded like. Finally, you let out a sob. A scream so loud you didn’t think you had it in you.  Thank heavens the room was sound-proof, otherwise others would think someone was being murdered in here. Oh. Oh yeah. You drop to your knees, hair falling in front of your face. Where had you gone wrong? What did you do to displease him to the point of disposing you?
You wretch your eyes up once more, a broken shell of yourself as you stared at the people below. Your heart stopped, despite being so far away it felt as though his stare was cutting through you. There was no way for him to truly be looking at you, his face cold but he must have just been staring in the direction of one of his many private rooms. You glance again and his gaze was still there, no emotion laid on his face.
It was only a matter of time, as his head turned back to those around him. You pound your first on the glass, biting your lip enough to taste blood. How many others has he done this too? Am I the first? Who was it before me? You sob out again as you heard a click of the door. Someone must’ve finally come to settle the score.
“My, Miss. Y/N. You don’t seem like yourself,” You heard Miss. All-Sunday chuckle out and you couldn’t muster up to look to her. Keeping your head low, “You’ll be dealt with soon enough. Don’t worry Y/N.” Her voice was soothing, as you heard her pour a glass. You let out a defeated laugh as she taps your shoulder with the glass, “Boss won’t be too happy to see you like this,” She muses sitting down in a chair.
“I’m sure he’ll be happier once I’m gone,” You mutter taking the glass from her, settling down as the time ticks down.
“It’s only a matter of minutes now,” She chuckles again. Why was she laughing? Had she come to comfort you in your last moments or taunt you for reaching too close to the sun? “You know, She’s stolen a lot from him…” Her mused voice hits your ears, “And those business partners of his are lookin for a hostage…”
Your eyes widen, glancing back at Miss. All-Sunday before staring back down into the crowd. “Although Sir Crocodile did warn me not to tell you anything” Her voice dripped with amusement, “But I don’t think he’d like how you are right now.” This was more information than you should have been given, yet your heart beat with hope.
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chaoticgoblindev · 1 year
The Hat Rule
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Pairing: Cowboy!Ghost x Fem!Reader
Pronouns used: She/Her
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+, smut, cowboy hat rule, acquaintances to lovers, p in v, cussing, unprotected!sex, cowboy au, very self-indulgent heheh.
Summary: Visiting your Grandparent's farm leads to an honest mistake with the hot cowboy that worked there. 
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Oftentimes you would visit your grandparents on their farm out in the country. Not out of the kindness of your heart, not because you missed them truly and loved them, but because of a certain cowboy who took care of the ranch. 
His name was ‘Ghost’, at least around the ranch it was, his real name was Simon. And oh boy was he intoxicating, plain and simple. Something about his brooding and seriousness had a certain weight on you that seeped straight to your core. He was the one thing exciting about the valley your Grandfather’s ranch resided in, kept things lively, and kept you coming back. Though these feelings festered not much was exchanged between the two of you. It was a crush, even when you desired more.
Upon a late afternoon, you found yourself on the porch of the ranch house, enjoying the sunset and breeze and taking in the beauty of the land. The mountains surrounding the valley gave a feeling of peaceful isolation like you were separated from the stress of the world. You closed your eyes to enjoy the moment when you heard a familiar voice call out to you. “Enjoying some fresh air, city girl?” Ghost chuckled, not that he needed to, you could just hear his smirk in the baritone levels of his voice.
Gazing up at Ghost, you saw him leaning against one of the beams that supported the porch with his arms crossed. His dark blue button-up was rolled to his elbows which exposed muscled forearms and a sleeve tattoo on his left arm. God. Was he TRYING to give you a heart attack? “Oh 'cause we don’t get enough in the suburbs right?” You smirked, enjoying the start of some usual casual banner. “I’ll have you know the 'fresh air’ here smells like cow shit.” 
Ghost’s eyes crinkled and chuckled slowly, “You got me there. Yet you keep coming back, must love it then?” His eyes flickered with a curious emotion you hadn’t seen before.
When your eyes widened at being put on the spot, you felt like you made a mistake, like you accidentally revealed all your secrets. Quickly your face reverted into an appeasing smile, “Got me there. I just love it here.”
Ghost hummed as he pushed off the beam and kicked at the dirt with the heel of his boot. He looked out the horizon like he was scanning the land before he spoke once more. 
“Got to get back to work, you’d best head inside when it gets dark. Coyotes like to linger ‘ere.” He huffed while glancing back down to you. You couldn’t help but get the feeling he was disappointed with something you said, which was unbearable alone in itself but the fact he gave you a curfew felt like he saw you as just his boss’s grandkid. “Wow, you’re giving me a curfew now, are you? Should I start calling you Daddy too?” The minute the words left your mouth you widened your eyes and dutifully slapped your mouth before staring up at him. Sometimes your intrusive thoughts won, and sometimes you wanted to jump the nearest bridge. “I- I didn't mean to say that.”
Ghost cut you off with a deep laugh, it sounded like heaven to you, “Fucking hell, kid. Yeah yeah sure, call me what you want, now go get your pretty ass inside and eat all your greens too.” He gave you a once over as you rushed inside with a reddened face, his eyes lingering on your ass and the jeans that clung to your curves in every right way. The front door shut and you disappeared from his sight. “Fucking hell doll..” He groaned.
That night you lay in your bed with your face in the pillow, groaning with embarrassment. Ghost called you kid! How patronizing was that? Not only that but your loose lips ran you into the third most embarrassing event in your life.
Yet another thought lingered. He called you pretty, didn't he? He also didn’t seem put off by the comment so maybe…
Your thoughts led your mind into the dark depths of your imagination, your name on his lips, teeth nibbling at your skin, him and his body pressing down on you. Into you. Your hand trailed down your abdomen and past the hem of your panties as your mind wandered. Rubbing the already slick folds between your thighs you imagined his tongue trailing over your curves. How his hand would grab onto your ass, maybe even slap it. Would he be rough like you dreamed? Gentle? You let out a sigh as your fingers slide into your pussy and slowly pump in and out. It wasn’t enough anymore, the need and desire building more as you kept your whimpers silenced, aware of the way the old walls could echo in weird ways. The last thing you needed was your Grandparents hearing you getting off by imagining their ranch hand. Biting back an annoyed sigh, you glide your hands out of your core. It just wasn’t enough. You wanted him.
Finally, enough was enough, tomorrow you decided to make a move on him.
By the grace of the universe, your Grandpa asked you to deliver a saddle that was shipped to the house and not the bunkhouse. It was a perfect opportunity. Now if your anxiety could just go along with the plan then it’d be great.
Luckily you didn't have to carry the hefty saddle down to the bunkhouse and were given the keys to the golf cart. The drive did little to ease your mind, the wind rolling along the tall grass and livestock chittering in the distance added noise to that busy mind of yours. The bunkhouse itself was built like a nice cabin, sizable enough to host a large group of people and close enough to the pastures for convenience. The neighs of horses nickering in the nearby stables covered the footsteps of someone approaching you.
“That the saddle your folks ordered?” Ghost asked, making you gasp and nearly drop the leather item from your hands but he reached around and grabbed it to keep it from falling. 
“Fuck you scared the shit outta me!” You grumbled while casting him a glare over your shoulder. He smirked and tipped his hat to you which somehow just annoyed you more. Your hand reached up and yanked the cowboy hat from his head with a huff, as you put it on you took another look at the saddle. “Yeah that’s it, it’s pretty hefty, glad I got the golf cart, otherwise carrying it down would’ve been a pain.” You sighed and turned your body to Ghost.
The intensity of his gaze startled you, had you done something wrong? Did you say something offensive? “What’s wrong?” Your voice came out in a hushed tone, nervous as to what he would say.
He smirked, shaking his head and taking a step closer to you which made you take an initial step back into the golf cart. His grip on the saddle loosened until it flopped onto the seat again.
“The hat,” Ghost started with a purr, placing his hands on the top of the golf cart and looking into your eyes, “you’re a clever minx aren’t you…”
Was this all about the hat? Maybe it was special to him, otherwise what the fuck was he talking about?
“Oh I am sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” You began to lift the hat from your head when his hand caught your wrist.
“Do you know the rule about those there hats? About taking one from a cowboy and wearing it?” The husky accented drawl of his voice set your skin on fire and your eyes drifted to his lips then to his eyes.
“No… I don’t. what did I do wrong?” You couldn’t help but frown, assuming you might’ve broken some sacred cowboy superstition.
“Take the hat… means you gotta ride,” Ghost held your chin and pulled you close,  “And it doesn’t require a saddle or reins… just me.” He tilted his head and watched your expression carefully for any resistance or disgust.
“WHAT!? I didn’t know that though!” A blush captured your cheeks as you covered your face. You did know yet happened to forget, you heard rumors about it when your friends were joking about a cute country guy on a night out. 
Ghost seemed pleased with your response and pulled you away from the cart. “Well, it’s too late now, little lady.” He mused, his smile turning sly as he tossed you over his shoulder. “You gotta play by the rules like a good girl.” He laughed while taking you in the direction of the barn.
“Ghost- wait! Hey, put me down!” You thumped your fist into his back, you could feel your face flushed with embarrassment and hoped that no one could see y’all. Ghost continued to carry you, smirking when you lightly punched his back and delivered a slap to your ass in return.
“You have on the hat and now you must pay the price.” He taunted, walking towards the inside of the barn and kicking the door shut behind him. 
The cowboy placed you down in the middle of the barn, the two of you alone. “You get a free ride... literally.” Ghost added, leaning against a wooden beam and crossing his arms. His gaze never strayed from your lips as they parted to form a sentence. The embarrassment took away your voice and as you tried to form words, you took the time to scan the surroundings of the cruddy barn filled with grain and hay bales. It wasn’t much of a secret around the ranch that you had a crush on Ghost, no matter how good you thought you hid it. 
Rolling his shoulders back, he studied your form, a smirk tugging on his lips as he took a few steps towards you. He placed a gentle hand on your hip, his fingers squeezing your flesh as he looked down at you. “I know you have a big crush on me, sugar…” He whispered, his tone sending chills up your spine. “So, here’s your free ride…” Ghost cooed, his eyes glimmering as his other hand wrapped around the nape of your neck.
This was your chance, everything you wanted and more. Hell would freeze over before giving up an opportunity like this. So you leaned close, just to get a taste of him finally. Then he smiled and brought his hand away from your neck to cup your cheek and pulled you close until your lips came crashing together.
The yearning that was simmering in his soul was infecting, reaching to your heart and seeping into your core. He burned, in every way passion could burn, he searched your body like a temple of god, your lips his salvation. Ghost devoted his tongue to yours as he deepened the kiss, when he pulled away slightly his breath was labored. 
“You're the only thing on my mind recently...” He whispered.
The corners of your mouth skewed into a smile. “You’re the reason I keep coming back out here.” You admitted, licking your lips to taste the remnants of him.
Something about that answer made Ghost snap, he pulled you flush against him by your wrists as he kissed you once more. He licked your bottom lip before fully exploring your tongue with his. His hands squeezed your hips a final time before he lifted you and placed you on a sturdy barrel. Ghost stepped between your legs and parted them, one hand massaging your thigh softly while the other worked on unlatching his belt buckle.
“You want this? Wanted me so bad didn’t ya, sweet thing?” Ghost purred as he slowly began to inch his jeans down to reveal the hardened outline of his cock. It made you suck in a breath which caused him to chuckle. “You can take it, you're my sweet tough girl aren’t you?” He pecked your cheek with a soft kiss and finally let his jeans fall to his ankle.
“Ghost… please..” You breathed, peering up at him through your haze. Your core was weeping in want, just begging to be ravaged and filled. You pulled him tight against your body with your legs around his waist, the imprint of his dick grinding against the jeans you wore.
Ghost let out a groan and kissed you again, his body pressed against you some more while he fiddled with the buttons of your pants and tugged them down. He flashed his canines in his smile while gazing at you with a burning lust.  “I’ve been so damn eager for this, and I know you have too… the way you’ve been watching me, stalking me. Sweet girl… you think I didn’t notice?” He whispered and placed his hands on either side of your hips, his eyes baring down at you had an effect that made him feel imposing and larger than life. 
“Well, I certainly can tell you’re eager.” You teased him and rolled your hips against his just to feel the firm imprint of his dick begging to be freed. Ghost chuckled as he grabbed your hips, pulling you to the edge of the barrel.
"I'm glad you can feel that..." He whispered as his fingers hooked the belt loop of your jeans. "It's... been itching to get out." With one swift motion, he pushed your jeans down your legs before tossing them onto the barn floor. Ghost admired your body from where he stood, his hands rubbing the soft flesh of your thighs. He loved how they smushed against the barrel and parted for him. His eyes looked over your body like a present as he slowly began to unbutton your blouse and fondle your curves. The shirt fell and bunched at your wrists and he couldn’t help but kiss you again. “God… you’re perfect.”
“Ghost…” You breathed and looked up at him through your eyelashes, giving him a slight head tilt and smile. His eyes darkened and in a swift maneuver, he had sat on the barrel with you in his lap. You yelped and gripped the hat on your head with one hand, the other on his shoulder as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“I want you screaming my name. So call me Simon, baby… Now Ride,” Simon demanded.
“Say please.” You chided.
The man huffed but wrapped his arms around your waist and set his chin on your chest. “Please, babydoll?” He muttered gruffly.
Something about turning such a burly man into a stubborn pleading mess made you grin. “Lemme help you then…” you whispered into his ear, easing your hips and sliding your underwear to the side. From your vantage point, you could see the way his eyes fixed on your wet cunt and the way he licked his lips.
“Already so wet for me, aren’t ya?” Simon chuckled and rolled his boxers down until his cock sprung free.
“Already so hard for me, aren’t you?” You mimicked but were busy with gawking at his size. 
Simon’s smoky tone captured your attention once more. “It’ll be alright love, we can make it fit..” he coaxed, rubbing circles into your hips. “Just take it inch by inch, yeah?”
You gave him a slow nod and glanced down to align yourself to him, gliding him between your folds. With a sharp inhale you slowly began to sink into him. Biting your lip, you make eye contact with Simon who looks at you gently, letting you take your time. 
Just as a little more than the tip pushed in, a hushed moan came from Simon. Giving it a few more adjustments you soon hit the base of his cock and shivered at the feeling, a soft whine sounded from your throat as you winced at the stretch.
“Just give it a second, you’re doing so well.” He groaned, placing his hands on your waist to massage the skin gently. Simon slowly began to move his hips, pulling back small amounts before sliding fully in again. He waited as your expression began to shift into one with pleasure, your soft moans and the slick of your cunt being the only noise in the barn. “Yeah, there you go. Such a good girl.” He coaxed, slowly adding to the pace he set.
You moaned out his name and he gave a kiss to your cheek as he worked you open. While you got used to the feeling your hips slowly matched his. Simon let out a moan as your body began to grind against him, his fingers gripping onto your ass as you rode him. "Oh, god..."
His body tensed under yours as he held back strained moans, his fingertips dug into your thighs as he looked at you with complete lust and desire. placed a hand onto your chest and leaned up to your ear as he spoke.
"You're a natural, guess our lessons paid off… or maybe, you’re just a dirty girl.” His hand wrapped around your neck in a gentle yet firm caress, he pressed his thumb down along your throat just enough to get a depraved noise. “Which one is it, sweetheart?” 
“Fuck ‘round n find out,” You smirked and clamped down on him with a strangled moan, adding, “You taught me well. It’s about time I put my skill to something worthy.” 
Simon leaned his head back and closed his eyes as you began to grind your hips down onto him. You switched between fucking yourself on his cock and drawing circles with your movements. He thrusted into you now and then, as if reminding you that he was still in charge. 
“Shit baby… That’s it, just like that.” He groaned, jutting his hips up harshly which caused you to yelp and clench around him. With the way he started to get desperate, you could tell he was getting close. You threw your head back and whimpered as you rode his cock. The feeling was unlike anything felt before and it was like the deepest parts of your soul were being reached. Simon’s breathing grew heavy and his mouth hung open as he panted for air. His fingertips dug deeper into your thighs as his head leaned backward once more. He grunted as his body tensed up, and his other hand came to your cheek as his eyes closed. "Come on, baby..." He muttered to you, his breaths hitting against your neck.
Feeling your climax slowly build, you moved your hips at a faster pace. Simon held onto your waist, aiding you with his thrusts. You both closed your eyes as you kissed, syncing together to chase the other’s highs with passionate instinct. “Fuck. I am so close, Si.” You gasped, your eyes rolling back at the way he reached your cervix.
Simon let out a muffled moan as he felt you twitching around him, your cunt clenching tighter around him as the two of you kissed, his hand left your hip and he slowly let his it drift to your thigh, his fingertips digging into your soft skin with every thrust. He groaned and slammed his hips into you before cumming with you.
"I should have thought about the cowboy rule with you a long time ago..." He chuckled softly, still feeling the pleasure of you surrounding him. 
“I should’ve taken your damn hat a long time ago..” You mirrored with a soft laugh, hissing as a full-body spasm shot up your spine and clenched around him, overstimulated from the recent orgasm that made your brain go hazy. “Mmm... Did you cum inside?”
Ghost looked up at you with a smirk, his teeth slightly bared as he spoke to you. "I might have..." He chuckled softly. He trailed his hand up and down your waist leaning close so the two of you were close together, he whispered in your ear, "I might have..." He repeated himself once more, his voice a murmur which made his breath hot against your ear.
You nodded and leaned against him in a limp-like fashion, exhausted from the work done. Simon let out a small hum of pleasure as you leaned into him. He placed a hand on your cheek and pulled you toward him, your mouths meeting in another kiss. "I needed you.” He mumbled, his lips meeting yours once more in a deep kiss.
Between the sweet and deep kisses, you replied, “Mmm- we should do this often.”
"I like the sound of that..." Simon mumbled against your lips, his breaths hitting against your skin as he kissed you along your jaw. "Whenever you want it," He said to you softly, his fingers beginning to trail down your cheeks, "Just come find me anytime on the ranch.... I'll give you the best ride of your life..." He smirked, still holding onto you but slowly beginning to pull you off him.
You helped him with getting up, raising your hips, and blushing when you felt his cum drip out and down your thighs. Simon’s breath hitched as he saw the essence seep out of you, his gaze slowly drifting down to your body and taking in every inch of it. He smirked, his fingers trailing down your stomach to your thighs. He chuckled, "You're a mess, doll." He pulled up his cowboy jeans and took a deep breath.  "You need anything from me right now, Sweetheart?... Some water? A towel for your body?" He spoke to you softly as he looked at you.
You pressed your thighs together to stop the juices from seeping out of your cunt, bending forward to pick up your underwear and shimmy it on. “No I don’t need anything, I am fine thank you.” 
Ghost nodded, and with a deep breath, he put on his cowboy hat as he watched you bend down to pick your clothes up off the barn floor.  "I'll uh.... just wait outside and give you some time to yourself to clean up" He chuckled softly, looking away as he did so. He stepped outside the barn and leaned up against the side of the building, looking at a few horses as he sighed and closed his eyes.
After a few minutes, you joined him approaching him with a slight limp, and stood next to him, glancing at the scenery. Your appearance was fixed up though any mascara you had on previously was slightly smudged on the corners of the eyes. “That was nice.” you began.
Ghost looked over at you as you stood next to him. He smiled and looked back up at the horses as you spoke. "It was, yeah." He chuckled and turned around to look at you for a moment. "I'm glad you came to see me." He said to you, his tone a bit quieter and more serious than usual. Ghost looked down at the floor for a moment, his expression a bit more pensive than normal. "So... you want to... do that again... sometime?" He sighed and looked down at his boots, his face hidden by the cowboy hat. "No pressure, though. I won’t press for more if you don’t want that.”
You cut him off with a laugh shaking your head. “No, I want more!” You coughed and spoke a bit more calmly and casually. “I mean- I like you and uh.. it would be nice to stay close...”
Ghost met your eyes and smiled, pulling you into a hug. “Sure thing, baby.”
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spicybunni · 11 months
Hello darlings!! These are a few headcanons of my yandere OC Ashley, the mob boss who can’t get enough of you. Hope you like him!
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❤️Before we get into it, The marriage was not consensual by any means on your end. Ashley forced you saying it’s for your own good and that you and your family will be safe. Which sounded like a threat more than anything. You agreed to it only for the sake that he doesn’t harm your loved ones.
❤️He forced you because the word of his infatuation with you, a local waiter, got out to his rivals. He didn’t want to ruin your life with violence. So he decided to ruin it with a forced marriage.
❤️As a husband, Ashley was very traditional. He would come home after doing business. Sometimes with a little blood on his clothes or some skinned knuckles from throwing punches.
❤️Regardless of how he looked he would come to you before anything else and give you a kiss on the cheek. Ask you about your day and sit down in the living room.
❤️Your stomach would flip whenever he came near you with blood on his suit. Looking like a damn maniac with a smile on his face indifferent to whoever’s blood is splattered on him as he hugs you.
❤️He was more than happy to consummate the marriage after half a year living together. You hated him and everything he stood for, but your feelings, being cooped up in the mansion, and the way his stupid hair falls on his face as he looks at you- it all has gotten to you!
❤️Ashley couldn’t get enough after that. But his number one rule was to always have you come to him for it. Sometimes you would just awkwardly come into the living room, face flushed and lightly sweating as you avert your gaze. You’d place a hand on his shoulder as he sat in the armchair. He’d look up from either the paper or book he’s reading, smirk at your state, and take your hand upstairs.
❤️Ashley couldn’t care less about how adorably awkward you are downstairs when in the bedroom your ass bounces off his dick so divine.
❤️His plan was to tease you with how good it felt when you gave into your desires. Rubbing the head of his cock on your soaking entrance, holding your legs down in a press. Ashley’s erection would become painfully more hard when you let out whines and begs for him to get on with it.
❤️Least to say you were so cock drunk that you could care less in the moment if he came inside you.
❤️ This man is rough to say the least, but you love it. The way he holds your head down as your ass is in the air being pounded by him. His belt being used to tie your hands to the headboard of the bed while he does sinful things down below.
❤️DO NOT CATCH AN ATTITUDE WITH HIM❌ it will end in you drooling into the sheets as your body gets an pleasurable attitude adjustment.
“Sweetie, sweetie-Hey. Look at me while I make you a mess you hear me? That’s it. Atta darlin’…ah-fuck!”
❤️Even though he coats your insides to the brim with cum, he cleans you up nicely. He’ll grab a towel from the connected bathroom and wipe your sweat while you come down from your bliss.
❤️After two years being forcefully married, your life was actually simplified. No need to stress on bills, you actually had a chance at doing your little hobbies, and you can afford all the foods you’d like to cook. Ashley also would gift you clothes you liked instead of repurposing rags for your uniforms and pajamas. He would whistle when you’d walk out of the changing rooms in a new outfit. Making you do slow twirls for him.
❤️There were times where logic would come back into your mind to tell you this dynamic wasn’t right, you had to leave.
❤️But Ashley will never let that happen. His protocol if you were to ever try and escape is that all his men would be on the lookout for you, then have all his patrons in the district report to him if they spotted you.
❤️Ashley would never hurt you, but in a scenario where you tried to escape he would isolate you to a single bedroom for a month. It would take lots of time to earn his trust again after that.
❤️But that’s all hypotheticals for now….
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captain-mj · 8 months
Wrote this at a laundromat so I hope you guys like it
Ghost had just moved to Scotland to get away from everything. His family's murders stayed a constant thought in his mind, but more than that, he didn't want anyone still loyal to Roba to find him. After wiping them off the map, he decided to do something he never thought possible.
Chose himself.
So he made his way to Scotland where no one would know Simon Riley and he bought a house and lived next to a small town so he could go over and get whatever supplies he needed before coming to hide again.
That's where he met him.
A local man who apparently was involved in the church and was in general a great person.. Most people referred to him as Soap, which Ghost thought was a very strange name, but he had also heard MacTavish which seemed more realistic.
The man saw Ghost, probably decided he was emotionally vulnerable, and decided to skulk around him. He asked, begged, pleading for Ghost to join his congregation.
Ghost turned him down each time, though he did love to see a pretty man beg. Once, he lifted lifted his mask, let him see the Glasgow smile cut into his cheeks. He hoped that Soap would assume gang member or miscreant and leave him alone, but it seemed to spur him on.
Soap MacTavish, savior of big buff men. Patron saint of being annoying.
Ghost started... watching him. The way he moved. His smile, just a little too wide with teeth a little too sharp.
He was... handsome. Seemingly kind. But Ghost was like a stray. He didn't trust affection and he wanted to keep it that way. No matter how honeyed Soap made his words or how kind the scraps he offered. Something about the man was unsettling.
Soap simply knocked on his door one day at dusk. Ghost only answered when he had his mask on. He had some kind of food in containers. "Hey! Several people I know made me these and gifted them to me, but I don't think I'll be able to eat all they gave me. Thought you might appreciate them. I know I'd be homesick, in such a new area."
Ghost stared at him, hands itching. "How did you know where I lived?"
"i knew the people who lived here before. Laid them to rest myself. Saw their last rites and all that. No other empty house around for miles."
"Other people know...?"
"Doubt it. Most don't think of you too much." Soap sniffed, looking around. "I assumed that's what you'd prefer."
"It is. Thanks."
Soap smiled. "I'll keep it between us." He kept standing there. Just waiting.
"I'm not going to invite you inside."
Immediately, those soft lips turned into a pouty frown. "At least take the desserts. I really do have no use for them."
Ghost didn't want to disappoint him for some reason, so he awkwardly took the food. "Okay. Address between us right?"
"Of course. With God as my witness." Soap grinned and left.
If Ghost would've thought about it, he'd made him promise to never come back as well. But he did not do that.
He went into his kitchen and opened the container.
Cranachan. Ghost had heard of it. The King of Scottish Desserts.
He grabbed a spoon and brought a bite to his mouth slowly. There was a thick cream with oats and raspberries. When he put a bite in his mouth, he could taste the honey and whiskey.
It was so good.
Ghost dug in on his couch. He was pretty sure this was supposed to be something he'd eat off for a few days, but he devoured all of it in one sitting. There was more of the raspberries sauce and Ghost found himself licking it from his fingers. A warmth settled in his chest from it.
Maybe Soap wasn't terrible.
Ghost got ready to start his routine of checking all of the windows and doors, but his couch suddenly felt so comfy. He felt his eyes start to close, the warmth spreading more.
For the first time since being a kid, Ghost slept all the way through the night with no nightmares.
Ghost cleaned up from the night before, feeling comfy. He noticed one of his windows was unlocked and chided himself for being so forgetful. After two sweeps of the house, he was sure no one was in his house and nothing was missing.
The dishes sat on the counter, suddenly suspicious. The idea of there being something in it was preposterous.
Ghost cleaned the dishes. "He's a fucking poster boy for good. You're being paranoid."
As time went on, he noticed things. Always on his porch or right outside. Tapping or animal noises or sometimes visions of someone right outside. The wonderful night of sleep was the last time he slept for a while.
Soap showed up again. A cross necklace Ghost couldn't remember seeing was around his neck. He looked apologetic as he had more of the delicious treat. "Sorry. It's raspberry season so everyone is making it and... well... I don't really have much of a sweet tooth."
Ghost looked at him coldly. "And you're bringing it to me? No orphans to give it to? Children to target?"
It was the first time Soap had looked upset at him. Ghost was a military man. He dealt with that constantly back in his troop. But for some reason, Soap's unhappiness got under his skin.
"No, Ghost. I just... thought you might be feeling lonely. Ya probably think I'm naive. Small town guy, always trying to talk to you..." He looked embarrassed. "Never met someone from Manchester. And before you ask, I figured it out by your accent."
Ghost looked at him for a few minutes before looking away to pretend he wasn't affected by him. "I don't."
"Gotcha... I can just... take the food."
"No. I'll still take that." Ghost quickly grabbed the home made food, noticing Soap's flash of a smile. He bit his lip as he cradled the food. "Look, I'm not a good guy. Definitely not someone you need around you."
Soap looked at him sadly. "Even outside of my faith, I still think all people deserve someone. I just... want to try to make you feel less lonely."
Ghost sighed. "Alright. Come in."
Soap got so excited. He carefully walked inside and glanced around, moving his weight back and forth between each foot.
Ghost sat on the chair he had. "Haven't exactly bought much furniture. But you're allowed to get comfy."
Soap grabbed the couch and smiled brightly. There was something about him. He looked at him and his eyes... had a shimmer to it.
Ghost paused, holding the bowl.
"Are you going to put it away? Or eat it right now?" Soap asked conversationally. He batted his eyelashes.
Ghost gnawed on the inside of his cheek. "Gonna put it away for now."
"I see. Have you been sleeping well? This place seems... so isolated. I don't think I could ever quite get a good sleep."
Ghost couldn't think of a good answer besides the truth. "Sleep has never came easy to me."
Soap frowned, batting his eyelashes at him. "I'm sorry. I hope it gets easier for you." He seemed so genuine. So sweet.
Ghost shrugged. "Thank you..."
They started to slip into rather easy banter, but he found his eyes getting heavier.
Soap got up and picked his way over. For a moment, Ghost was afraid. He almost lashed out, afraid. But he didn't touch him. He leaned in, eyes glowing against the backdrop of everything around them. "Sleep well, Ghost."
Ghost fell asleep on his chair. Soap locked the door on the way out but he didn't lock the windows.
Ghost found Tommy's photo album and went through them. He looked at the various photos of him and his family and he found himself missing them again. They looked so cute. So perfect. He left them on his coffee table, messy and covering every inch.
Joseph looked up at him, bright smiling face.
Simon was holding him. Blond curls that he spent too much time keeping bleached. No scarring.
He felt like he was going crazy as things... moved around his house. Things moved right out of the corner of his eyes. So he started preparing.
Guns were tucked into every hiding place he could. Knives even more so. He started to work out again for the first time in a few weeks. Luckily he hadn't lost too much of his physique.
Ghost eventually found himself eating the cranachan. He slept well. It was unsettling.
Right before dawn, Soap arrived at his house. The clouds were churning together but there was still some sunlight streaming through. "I brought coffee. Are you a coffee person?"
Ghost wasn't usually, but rather than deal with Soap's sad look again, he took the drink. He sipped it and found himself pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
Soap smiled. "Have any plans?"
"Gonna make breakfast... wanna join?" Why did he say that??
Soap smiled and quickly walked in. "I'd love to."
Ghost started to cook. He had been trying to learn more cooking lately so hopefully it wasn't too bad.
Soap looked thankful when he set it down and started to eat. They did so in basically silence. The cross necklace kept catching the light so he kept staring at it. When he lifted his gaze to look at his eyes, they made direct eye contact.
Soap's eyes. They were so dark. Like a shark.
Ghost felt for the gun under his side table. He tried to keep up conversation.
"Don't grab that gun, Simon."
Ghost paused what he was doing, watching the cross necklace sway where it sat. "What?"
Soap sighed. "Don't be like that. The gun your hand is on. Don't grab it." His nails clicked against the table. Too long. Too alarming. "Be a good boy, Simon."
Ghost stared at him, debating what could be done here.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"What are you?"
"Not a danger to you." Soap answers a little pedantically. "I promise." His canines. They were long and curved.
Ghost glanced at the coffee. "You were drugging me."
Soap hummed. "No. More of a... side effect of my presence. You feeling anything right now?"
Ghost could feel something tugging at the edge of his consciousness but nothing too severe. "What do you want?"
Soap swallowed. "I'm hungry. Starving."
"You saw me up here. Being vulnerable. And decided you could fuc-"
"No. Not quite. I... I know you could keep a secret."
Ghost blinked, realizing the situation. "You're... asking."
Soap looked pained. "I am. A... deal. I keep everyone away. Tell them whatever I need so they leave you alone and I get to..." His eyes trailed to Ghost's throat.
"How bad is the feeding?"
"Not bad! I take about as much blood as a blood donation. Easy peasy. I'll even bring you food for recovery just please..."
Ghost undid the top button of his shirt and Soap looked ready to wiggle out of his seat. The poor man was salivating.
Why was he doing this?
it was stupid.
The mask hit the table.
"Go for it."
Soap leapt over the table and sat in his lap. Teeth sank into his throat as he held him, holding him tight. They pressed together and Ghost could feel the unsettling chill that came from Soap.
He grabbed the table, almost white knuckling it.
Pain radiated from where he was being stabbed into and he felt himself go lightheaded. Soap's ass was pressed firmly to his lap though and it felt...
Slowly he sank into it, feeling Soap take his fill.
His pretty boy thanked him, lips bright red from blood. "Thank you. Thank you. You're perfect. My angel from heaven."
Their lips touched and Ghost groaned softly.
Soap panted in his ear. "I'll be good. Promise. Take care of you." His claws sank into Ghost who was wondering how bad the situation he landed himself was.
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fl3shm4id3n · 6 months
ₒₚₑᵣₐ ₕₒᵤₛₑ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟𝐟. 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ ꜱʜᴇʟʙʏ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʙᴀʟʟᴇʀɪɴᴀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: SMUT, Basically the dark side of being a ballerina and the ballet industry of the time, mentions of prostitution/sex work, age gap, semi public sex, kissing, fingering, riding, titty grabbing, lip biting.
A/N: I rewatched the animted short called LOUISE, and I got an idea.
ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏ ᴀɴʏ ꜰᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ/ꜱᴍᴜᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪꜱʜ ᴛᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ꜱᴋᴇᴅᴀᴅᴅʟᴇ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪꜱʜ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ʀɪꜱᴋ.
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That night was just like every other performance. It went well, the crowd had seem to love it, specially since it was packed. After the show, your body was aching and you were tired. You had been at the opera house since noon to prepare for the evening show. All you wanted to do was go home and rest, but you promised your friend you'd wait for her since her mother had called her over to 'entertain' a gentlemen who's asked for her.
Another thing about being a ballerina was to please the opera guests. Which were mostly men. It was always 'You be good to them and they'll confiscate you greatly'. For example, get better roles, more classes, get high quality shoes, costumes, make up or even a good work for the teachers. You basically had to do what they wanted no questions asked. That's why half of your classmates were very sweet to the patrons who asked for their attentions. It was the harsh reality, but what could you do? The men frequented and funded the opera. If they were to give a complaint to the owner or teachers. You can kiss your career and hard work goodbye for good.
You did have to entertain some guests, but everything changed when you had caught the eye of Thomas Shelby. Out of all the other women, he choose you. Since then, no other patron dared to ask for you. In a way, you were always reserved for Thomas. He was very generous to you. Often getting you bigger roles or better roles, good quality shoes along with clothes, more classes, even giving you extra money just for you to have. In some way, you couldn't help but fall in love with him. But at the same time you felt like you couldn't love him. Or at least go around telling everyone you love him, it was a secret of yours.
As you roamed around the back stage, seen the many patrons hanging around the other ballerinas. You were then pulled to the side by someone, once you saw who it was, it was the person you hoped wouldn't bump into. "Minerva." You said, nervously, looking at her. "Do you know why I'm here?" She asked. "Because you missed me?" You teased, but she rolled her eyes. "No time for games, I need the money urgently." She said, making you now nervous. "Urgently? As in tonight? Or tomorrow night?" You asked, but she cut you off before you could say more. "Y/n, I need to pay rent." She said, more sternly and serious. You looked at her, seen that she wasn't playing around. You let out a sigh. "Alright, you'll get it later tonight." You said, seen how Minerva was now more relaxed by hearing you say that you'll have the money later tonight. "Thank you." She said, about to walk away, but stopped and looked at you. "Don't forget." She reminded you and walked away. You couldn't help but sigh and leaned against the wall she had you pinned against. Now you had to find Thomas.
You first looked in the small ballroom, which was flooded with both patrons and ballerinas. Talking and enjoying the champagne being served. You analyzed the room, seen how the men were being very touchy with your classmates and how they'd giggle, as well as run their hands on the men's chest or arm. Deep down, you knew that they'd only pretended to like the men just so that they didn't have any problems. No sign of Thomas anywhere, then you spotted one of the girl's that lives with you. "Hey, have you seen Thomas?" You asked her. She thought for a moment. "No, I haven't. Last time I saw him, he went back stage." She said, you then sigh in annoyance. "Why don't you go with someone else." She suggested, then you let out a small chuckle. "Someone else? You know how Thomas would feel about that, they'd be a blood bath." You told her. "Anyways, thanks." You said to her, then walking off backstage to find him.
As you walked back stage, they were girls just sitting and chatting amongst each other. Avoiding the attention of the patrons. The more you looked around, you heard moans as well as other noises going on behind closed doors. As well as talking and so on. When you spotted a mirror, you stopped to fix yourself a bit, such as fixing your hair and attire to look presentable when you found Thomas. As you continued to search, you asked a group of ladies talking and asked if they've seen Thomas, again, no. So you decided to go upstairs to maybe see if he was there. You couldn't help but over hear a conversation going on with a group of gentlemen, about how he ended up loosing money. When you continued to way up the stairs, you then bumped into the man you were searching for. "Oh! Tommy, I was looking for you." You said, with a small smile. "Y/n, I was hoping I'd find you." He responded, while placing his hand onto your sort cheek to feel his skin against yours.
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You then pulled him towards the darker part of the stairs, where there was no light or prying eyes. Once you and him were alone, Thomas pulled your body against his, him wrapping his arms around your waist and your arms wrapping themselves around his neck. You and him then engaged in a kiss, it went from slow to desperate. As if he'd been craving to kiss you for the longest time, you couldn't help but moan against his lips, as his tongue rubbed against yours. Then you felt how he gently bit your bottom lip. Causing your whole body to burn up and the heat between your legs to get stronger. You felt how his hand began to run up your spin and touched feel the warmth of your naked back. After some kissing, Thomas then pulled you down with him. Sitting on the step of the stairs and you on his lap.
He pulled away, beginning to kiss your neck. Making you moan and quiver underneath him. You felt his hand other free hand going underneath your puffy long skirt. Feeling up on your thighs, caressing the soft material of your tights. It made you purr as you felt him touch and grab at you. It made you feel as if you were the only woman in his life, but you knew deep down that was wrong. but it didn't hurt to imagine that. You then felt how his other hand went underneath your skirt right onto your crotch area and ripped your tights apart. Exposing your now wet panties. Making you gasp. "Tommy! Those are expensive!" You whispered, still in shock that he'd ripped your tights, that you had been saving up to get. "No worries love, you know I'll get you new ones." He said, which was true.
You let out a small moan, feeling how his hand gently caressed the wet patch of your silky panties. "Excited already eh?" He teased, with a smirk. He then tore the tights more, to be able to have more access to the waist band of your underwear. Without a moment longer, he shoved his hands down your panties, beginning to tease your now needy and throbbing clit. Making you let out a slightly louder moan by his fingers gently rubbing your clit. You wrapped your arms tighter around his shoulders, digging your nails onto his white shirt as he began to thrust his middle and ring finger inside you. "Tommy." You moaned, as you closed your eyes, feeling his fingers pumping in and out of you as if this was the first time he's done it.
"Oh!" You whined, feeling your legs beginning to shake and sweat building up on your forehead. Just by him fingering, you were left weak. You then felt his fingers leave your now drenched cunt, making you whine in annoyance. Quickly Thomas unbuckled his pants and pulled out his now hard cock, out of nowhere, he thrusted into you. Making you throw your head back and let out an even louder moan. Without another moment, he began to thrust into you. You were basically holding onto him as if your life dependent on it. Thomas wrapped his arm around your lower half and held you in place. You felt his lips going right back to your neck, kissing and slightly biting onto your flesh. It's been forever since you and him engaged in this. You were too focused on the pleasure given and receiving, that you had completely forgot your whole purpose on why you needed Thomas.
All that could be heard was your moans and his breath heavying. Echoing on the empty stairs, basically giving away what we were both doing. But it was nothing that the others in the opera house haven't heard before. "T-Tommy!" You moaned, as your nails dug harder onto his shirt. Feeling how his cock was now slamming in and out of you. At a delicious and hard pace. You also felt how he rubbed your clit at a hard and pressured pace. Non stop, despite his hand getting sore. Your walls clamped around him tightly, making him groan. Knowing you were close to cumming and so was he. His pace got faster and hard, making you mewl and whine by the now. You then began to move your hips up and down as a way to help you and him reach your climate. You also felt his not so busy hand was grabbing at your breast, squeezing your soft flesh and pinching your nipple every now and then as a form of teasing you. A whole wave of pleasure hit your body like a train, you felt youself cumming right around him. Having you let out a pleasurable shriek. Feeling yourself nearly collapsing on Thomas. He then pulled out before he could cum inside you, instead he cummed right on your thighs.
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Afterwards, you back in the dressing room, alone. Tire and even more sore then before. You leaned against the wooden pillar. Thinking about the moment you and Thomas shared, it felt special during the moment, but afterwards, it felt almost wrong. It made you sad in some way, but there was nothing you could do. You then heard the door open, seen the ballerinas walking in, to get changed back into their regular attire. You met up with your friend again, who came up to you and greet you. You then helped her get out of her costume as you had small talk. "So, who did your mother find?" You asked, while unbuttoning her dress. "Yeah, an old guy." She said, with an annoyed look. "Old huh? Your mother has bad taste." You teased. "Right?" She said, as she began to undress from her costume.
"So, what did you do as you waited for me?" She asked. "Not much, just getting the money that Minerva needed to pay the rent of this month." You explained. "So, you spent your evening with Thomas?" She teased, while giggling. Making you roll your eyes. Then you spotted Minerva walk by. "Hold on a sec." You told your friend who was busy changing. You went up to Minerva, who was also changing. "Here you go." You said, handing her the small envelop of cash. She took it and began to count the money. "Thanks." She said, before you could walk off to change you were stopped. "Hold on." She said, then she handed you some money. "This is yours." Minerva said, while handing you the extra money you decided to leave in there. "Are you sure? I mean, that's for next months rent and-" You were cut off by her. "Don't worry about it, besides. You've earned it." She simply said, you hesitantly took the money. It was enough to buy youself some food or maybe those tights Thomas tore, youo gave Minerva a smile then walked off to get changed.
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The next morning, back at the house you and the rest of your housemates were having breakfast together. Talking and gossiping about last night and how it went. Until the door got knocked, Minerva want to answer it, as you all continued to eat, then you heard her call your name. You excused yourself from the table and went to the door entrance. Minerva had a small gift box in hand. "You called?" You asked. "This came for you." She said, handing you the box. You took the box and thanked her, she then left back to the dinning room. You looked at the box for a moment, then you opened it to see what was inside. It was a pair of tights with a small not on it. You took the note and read it. 'For you -Thomas Shelby' It a simple note, but it was sweet. You couldn't help but smile and your face heat up.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Blondie Fancy-Pants
Jake Seresin x reader 6k words
summary: You meet Jake at the Hard Deck for the very first time. Or maybe not the very first time after all. But who says first impressions can’t be disproven? 
allusions to smut, as always
top gun masterlist
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This Friday evening was no different than any other Friday evening. At least nothing had been different up until now. 
The bar was crowded but not overcrowded, loud but not too loud, full but not too full of navy officers. Penny was busy behind the bar and your best friend - who was supposed to be helping her out - was standing opposite you, downing her second shot of the night. Penny didn’t mind. Usually she would even join you for one, later on, but still. Your friend was a good waitress, especially good with the people here, and she did good work. She was always tipsy, yes, but if anything, that made her an even better barmaid. 
“You see that guy at the dart board?”
You turned on your little stool, a hand wrapped tightly around your shot glass, as you tried to make out just who she was pointing at. It took you a few seconds. Two guys were standing there, throwing darts effortlessly back and forth, undoubtedly military, undoubtedly navy. Heck, still in their goddamn uniforms. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
“Which one? Blondie fancy-pants or Hawaiian shirt?” 
She leaned closer to you as if to let you in on some big secret, eyes transfixed on the navy guys. 
“Hawaiian shirt”, she said and you did roll your eyes then. You knew that look. She’d found her victim of the night. “His name’s Rooster. He’s a real sweetheart. Told me I looked stunning when he ordered his friends a few beers.” 
“His callsign is Rooster”, you corrected. “God, if his name was Rooster I’d be sorry for him.” 
She chuckled and left you for a moment to tend to a patron while Penny was busy. It gave you the time to check out these two navy guys. 
Okay, so they were attractive, at least from where you were sitting. Broad shoulders, nice arms - you were sure they were ripped, but then again, the whole navy was. If they would just turn so that you could actually see their faces... After all, you wouldn’t let your friend hook up with just anyone. 
One of them - the blond one, fancy-pants - took a sip of his beer at one point, at least offering up his sideprofile (which, to your dismay, looked just as good as the rest of him). You sighed and turned to the bar when your friend was done and slid back up to you, two cocktail glasses in her hands. 
This was one of the advantages of knowing the barmaid: free drinks. You could spend every evening here, drinking and drinking and drinking until you blacked out without paying a penny.  
“So?”, she grinned, nodding in the general direction of the dartboard. “What do you think?” 
You took a sip of your cocktail.
“Hawaiian shirt is different, I’d say”, you shrugged. “Whether that’s good or bad will be up to you to say tomorrow morning.” 
She rolled her eyes as you grinned - you felt that you were allowed to tease her at least a little. She’d had her fair share of fun with navy guys, alright. You deserved your fair share of teasing her for it. Especially because you knew that unless Hawaiian shirt was gay, they would absolutely be leaving together once her shift was over. 
“Shut up”, she laughed, resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she watched him. You turned back as well, your fingertips skimming over the rim of your glass. Okay, so maybe they were quite easy on the eyes. Sadly you doubted that they’d be as easy listening to. Usually that was the way it went with the navy men here.
“He’s...” She bit her lip, pondering what to say. “Cute. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hot as hell, but he’s real cute too. I mean, have you seen that little dance when he makes a good throw?” 
You let out a laugh, shaking your head even though you knew she was too transfixed to see that. 
“He dances?”
“He shimmies”, she corrected, and you glanced at her to spot her smirk. 
“Ah”, you said, hiding a grin of your own as you turned back. “And his friend?” 
Blondie fancy-pants was winning, it seemed, and he was being real smug about it too. He had his sunglasses hooked into the collar of his uniform (which, even though you hated to say it, looked really good on him) and he was gripping the neck of his bottle of beer in a way that really shouldn’t have annoyed you as much as it did. 
You could feel your friend’s eyes burning into the back of your head and with a sigh, you shifted to face her. You already knew what she was going to say, especially with that grin on her lips, almost sadistic. You should’ve just kept your mouth shut. 
“You like a navy guy!”, she screeched, pulling back from the bar top to point her hand at you dramatically and jump up and down. “This hasn’t happened in...” 
She narrowed her eyes and pretended to count on her fingers. 
“Two and a half years!” 
You huffed. 
“I just don’t like their menality. Most of them are pretty faces with no thoughts inside their head. Sorry that I like to be intellectually challenged at least a little.” 
“That sounds like a dig at me personally.” 
You snorted and took a sip of your drink. 
“Honestly I admire you for being able to just ignore everything about a guy except for his appearance. Would certainly help me at times.” 
“Well”, she grinned. “Blondie fancy-pants can count himself lucky, hm?” 
You chuckled and shook your head, risking a glance at the dartboard again. A woman had joined them, also in uniform, also with a beer bottle in her hand, a grin playing on her lips, and you got the distinct impression that she was looking over Hawaiian shirt’s shoulder straight at you. But that couldn’t be.
“You know her?”, you asked your friend over your shoulder. She shrugged. 
“Nope. Don’t know any of them to be honest. Their whole group must be new.”
You watched as the woman’s grin widened, as she raised her beer and pointed it right at the bar. Both of the navy guys turned around and before you could react, Blondie fancy-pants was looking at you. You almost fell off of your chair. 
Instead you pulled yourself together and wheeled around, grabbing your glass until your knuckles turned white and staring wide-eyed at your friend behind the bar. She - much unlike you - had not panicked and turned, but instead was still staring, her grin replaced by a coy smile, tilting her head to the side and giving them a little wave.
“What the fuck are you doing?”, you hissed. 
She looked at you like you were insane. 
“Not being absolutely socially inept like you?”
You huffed and brought your glass up to your lips instead of answering, gulping down the rest of your cocktail in one to help calm your nerves. Okay, so Blondie fancy-pants not only looked outrageously attractive, but had also most definitely caught you staring at him. This might just be the most embarrassing thing to happen to you ever since that time you’d landed face-first in your mashed potatoes in eighth grade. You wondered if you’d gone just as red right now. 
“They’re coming over.” 
Your head snapped up like someone had pulled on it. 
“They’re what?” 
“They’re coming over right now”, she repeated, a grin tugging at her lips again. 
“Both of them?”, you asked, panic surging through you. Oh, god, your friend was right, it had been too long, way too long since you’d done something like this. Swiping on an app, sure, texting a bit, sure, but just chatting up some random navy officer at a bar? No, thank you. 
“Both of them.”  
She’d hardly spoken the words when they were sliding up next to you, one on your right and one on your left, close but not close enough to make you feel caged in, which was a miracle in itself. Your friend grabbed your empty glass and you pried your fingers away despite not wanting to let go. It was the one thing keeping you grounded and she was taking it away from you just like that.
“We couldn’t help but notice”, Blondie fancy-pants said, and you realised there was a Southern drawl to his voice (which didn’t make him any less attractive whatsoever and you hated that), “You two lovely ladies watching me win at darts.”
You took one deep breath and looked up at him - and in hindsight you just should’ve kept staring at the bar top because shit, he had stunning green eyes, and they were already boring into yours. 
“Don’t flatter yourself”, Hawaiian shirt snorted, and you turned your head to him only to see him smiling at your friend. She was clutching the glasses in her hand, halfway down the bar to put them away and serve some other patrons. You knew the expression on her face. Hawaiian shirt had a target on his back and he didn’t even know it - not yet. “It was a close call, Bagman.” 
You turned back to Blondie fancy-pants and suddenly felt sorry for your neck. 
“Bagman?”, you repeated with a laugh, surprised that your voice came out quite steadily. “Well I’ve heard a lot of callsigns in my life, but Bagman may just be at the top of the ‘dumbest I’ve heard yet’ list.” 
He narrowed his eyes as if he was hurt, but that grin was still apparent enough on his lips that you knew he wasn’t. Interesting. Most navy guys were screaming bloody murder the second anyone dared to insult their callsign.
“Well actually”, he chuckled, leaning in a bit closer (and you’d deny this to anyone who asked but your breath hitched in your throat like you were a teenage girl again and you glanced down at his lips for just a split second, horribly inviting like the rest of him and his goddamn charm). “It’s Hangman.” 
You raised your eyebrows. Hangman. Hangman, Hangman, Hangman... You’d heard that somewhere. You knew that callsign. Somehow, you knew that. You just couldn’t remember where you got it from. 
“Hangman”, you repeated, slowly, swirling the word around on your tongue for a moment. Sounded kind of nice, that word laced with your own tone, your own voice... And then it hit you and you gasped almost comically, pulling back, sitting up straight, fingers tightening around the edge of the bar top. 
“Shit, I know you! You’re the asshole from that fundraising event I organised for the navy! The one who was ‘too busy’ to talk to ‘some chick from marketing’.” 
“Wait.” Your friend was sliding back up to you, four bottles of beer in her hands that she set down on the bar just a little too firmly. “Blondie fancy-pants is Mr. Better-than-you?” 
You didn’t know whether to cringe or grin and just ended up laughing, grabbing for your beer and taking a sip as you nodded, her expression stuck somewhere between shock and amusement. 
“I don’t know what I should find funnier - Blondie fancy-pants or Mr. Better-than-you”, the other navy guy chuckled, also grabbing a bottle but unlike you getting out his wallet - to pay for it? Your friend put her hand on the back of his in one swift motion, holding it down on the bar top as she smiled up at him. 
“On the house”, she winked, pulling back to place a bottle in front of Hangman, as you’d learned, as well. Hawaiian shirt thanked her with a chuckle, pocketing his wallet again and grinning at her, and you had the distinct impression that he’d forgotten what he’d said about his friend or that he was part of any conversation at all anymore. 
“Blondie fancy-pants?”, Hangman asked, the corners of his lips tugging upwards even as he frowned. It sounded wrong coming from him, like he’d never been meant to say anything like it, the slight accent and the tone all messed up and you had to laugh again, realising that perhaps this was the icebreaker you’d needed. 
Usually, you would’ve been a little more resentful. That fundraising event had, after all, taken a lot of planning - he’d been supposed to give a speech, but he’d only been fluttering about the room and after you’d unsuccessfully tried to talk to him for the third time, he’d basically told you to fuck off without even looking at you twice and you’d had enough of him, so you’d gone over his head to talk to his superiors and had allowed yourself just a small condescending smirk as you’d seen his face fall, imagining the punishment he’d surely get the next day. 
But you already had enough alcohol in your bloodstream to make it seem just a little funnier and make you a little less mad and anyway, he’d been the subject of one too many jokes about navy guys on girl’s nights out, so whatever. 
“In my defense”, you grinned, holding up your hands. “I didn’t know your names - come to think of it, I still don’t - and well, you’re blond, and he” - you pointed at his friend, “he’s wearing that shirt.” 
“Oh, he’s got a nickname as well?”
“Hawaiian shirt. Because, you know. He’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt.” 
You shrugged with a grin planted firmly on your face, watching as he raised his eyebrows and put the bottle to his lips. 
“Very creative”, he chuckled. 
“I did my best!”, you argued, pushing him away from you by the shoulder and pouting, turning to his friend instead. “Is he always like that?” 
“Most of the time.” 
You examined him for a moment. He was tall, a little taller than Blondie fancy-pants and yeah, you could see where your friend was coming from. Sadly, you seemed to have a taste for guys much too full of themselves who had already disappointed you once before. 
“Rooster, right?”, you asked, and he gave you a small smile as he nodded. You broke out into a grin again. “I don’t want to ask, do I?” 
Your friend let out a laugh and you turned to look at her, raising your eyebrows, already guessing what rabbit hole her thoughts were going down right now. 
“Even if it’s not what I’m thinking, I don’t want to know the truth”, she laughed, backing away to serve another patron. “It’s nice to picture.” 
She winked at him again and you gagged, turning back to Blondie fancy-pants instead. You did not whatsoever feel the need to be stuck in the middle of that flirt. Hangman was sipping his beer with a grin on his lips that you couldn’t quite place. He was still looking at you - you didn’t know if he’d ever looked away from you. Before you could get too nervous because of that, you swallowed and glanced down at the bottle in his hands (another mistake because that had your imagination running in circles). 
“How ‘bout you, Bagman?”, you asked, your voice just a little breathless around the edges, which you prayed wasn’t noticeable. “What’s the story behind your callsign?” 
For a second, his jaw clenched, but then he was grinning again and leaning closer to you and you brushed it off as some illusion of the light or your tipsy mind playing a joke on you. You couldn’t help but grin right back. There was something infuriatingly intriguing about him, and you guessed that exactly that was his charm - the fact that even though he was so obviously smug, much too confident, much too full of himself, he was still so very charismatic, so infatuating. With his eyes focused just on you, the attentive way he flirted, his accent... and, sure, his appearance certainly didn’t make him any less attractive. Actually that was probably the main reason he was attractive in the first place and the rest was just additional charm. 
“That would be a story for a second date, darlin’“, he chuckled. 
You swallowed. You could feel your skin growing hot. It may have been the pet name or maybe the mention of a second date, but either way you had to look away from him. 
“So this is a first date?”, you asked. “Because that would sure be a terrible first date.”
“Darling”, he said, in a tone that was definitely not normal. He leaned against the bar top, arm resting on the wood, the bottle between his fingers dangling just before the edge and you could feel his eyes boring into the side of your head. He paused, waiting, you realised, for you to react. You bit into your bottom lip as you followed his wish and looked up, pushing the hair from your face and meeting his eyes, if a little carefully. 
“This sure ain’t a first date. I know how to treat a lady.” 
You couldn’t stop your mind from wandering off at his words once again today. He’d probably intended that. No, he’d definitely intended that. 
“You say that now”, you chuckled, emptying your beer and putting it down. “Just wait until you’re too busy for me again.” 
“You can’t hold that against me forever. I’m sure it was a very stressful night for the both of us.” 
“You’re sure?”, you gasped. “You don’t even remember what I’m talking about?” 
He grimaced as if caught - which you kind of had done to be honest - at least pretending to feel guilty. You huffed. Well, he was just ups and downs, wasn’t he? You didn’t know what to do with him. All you knew was that you were feeling impossibly attracted to him and you couldn’t explain why. 
“Let me make it up to you”, he smiled, putting his bottle down as well and offering you a hand. You glanced at it and then up at him and then back down at it again. 
“I said-” He leaned in closer, so close that you could smell his aftershave - woodsy somehow and just as intriguing as the rest of him. “Let me make it up to you.”
You swallowed, hesitating as you slowly placed your hand in his, fingers intertwining - his skin was warm and soft and sent a wave of electricity through you that made your breath hitch in your throat. 
“What?”, you croaxed, trying to grin at him without losing your mind. “You’re just gonna take me home now?” 
He pulled you towards him, off of your chair, and you were tipsy enough to stumble a bit, your hand coming up to steady yourself, bracing against his chest. Well, here came the next mistake of the night: being so close to him, because you didn’t think you would ever be able to recover from that. 
“I thought we’d start with a dance”, he chuckled. You were sure your eyes were blown wide as you looked at him (the urge to pull him in and kiss him grew with each passing second and you weren’t a fan of that). 
“Oh”, you let out, and maybe you should’ve cringed at yourself, but you were way past that point already. He just kept grinning down at you. 
“I mean, I won’t say no to a pretty lady like you”, he drawled. “But you’ve had a few drinks and I won’t take advantage of that.” 
So he was sweet as well, wonderful. You just rolled your eyes. 
“I’ve drunk a bit, sure”, you said, almost dismissively. “But not enough to do anything I don’t want to. Besides, I thought we were going dancing?”
“We are.” 
His laugh was infectious, warmth spreading through your body and you didn’t know if it was at the sound or the feeling of him so close to you, of the grip he had on your hand as he led you onto the dancefloor, of the hold on your waist and the way his hair felt when you crossed your arms behind his neck and brushed your fingers through it, of the way he smiled - almost... no, was that sweet? You were sure the alcohol was affecting you a little more than usual after all because a navy guy like him certainly didn’t smile anything close to sweetly.
“You look gorgeous by the way”, he muttered, dipping his head down low so that his lips were just short of grazing the shell of your ear, his breath making you shiver. 
“Thanks”, you whispered, perhaps a little too breathless and a little too obvious if his answering chuckle was any indication. You were way too flustered already. He’d barely done anything yet somehow, you were putty in his hands. You’d known this man for the better part of fifteen minutes maybe and were prepared to cut the night short and leave with him. What the fuck had he done to you? This had never happened before. And you weren’t particularly comfortable with it happening now. 
But he smelled just a little too good, looked just a little too perfect, spoke just a bit too charmingly and held you just a little too close for you to do anything but melt into him and let him take the lead, to do anything but go with the flow, follow him. 
“You haven’t told me your name yet”, he said, a grin on his lips that you could hear. Your arms tightened around his neck. 
“I haven’t?”, you asked, fighting the urge to let your eyes fall shut and pull him closer. His touch, his scent were making it hard, way too hard. 
“No”, he chuckled. “You haven’t.”
You couldn’t help but smile. For what may have been the first time this whole evening, you had the whip hand. 
“Gee”, you drawled, hardly able to keep from grinning when he leaned back a bit to be able to look at you, eyebrows raised. “What a coincidence, Hangman. It’s almost like names are real important to you, hm?” 
His laugh reverberated in your chest with how close you stood. 
“You don’t have the best impression of me, do you, darling?” 
“Well”, you shrugged, meeting his eye and seeing the same twinkle in them that you were sure he could see in yours. “You’ve done a way better job tonight than you did at that fundraiser.” 
His expression softened and before you could react, he pulled you close - so close that your nose bumped into the fabric of his collar, your cheek squashed against his uniform, a small oomph falling from your lips. His face nestled into your hair, the side of your head. You stiffened for a second, but the moment you breathed in his scent you relaxed again. Even if you couldn’t tell why, his presence was soothing - you weren’t opposed to falling asleep in his arms, right here right now. 
“You won’t let that go, will you?”, he asked, his voice low, sending a shiver down your spine. Involuntarily, your fingers tangled in his hair, messing up at least some of that perfect appearance that he was so smug about (and should be, if you were honest). 
“No, I will”, you whispered. “If you prove it’s worth it.”
He was quiet for a while, just swaying you to the beat, and your eyes fell close at some point as you snuggled into him, listening to his heart beating in his chest and the feeling of his hands on your waist, of his face pressed into your hair, of the sound of his breath. 
“Jake”, he murmured eventually and you blinked, needing a second to adjust to the light of the bar again. 
“What?”, you mumbled. You felt his smile against your ear this time. 
“Jake”, he repeated. “My name’s Jake.” 
“Jake... Jake.” You rolled it around on your tongue. It was a pretty name, somehow fit him, and then again it seemed much too casual. Much too average. “I like that.”
“You won’t tell me yours?” 
“I don’t know”, you grinned, propping your chin up on his shoulder. “Maybe I’ll let you work for it.”
He laughed, low and genuine, and this time you really felt it, like little electroshocks travelling through your bloodstream, your nerves on fire, your skin burning hot. God, this man had a chokehold on you. Usually by now you would have been spiralling, overthinking to a point that hurt, but somehow... You weren’t. And you were pretty sure that was on Jake. Jake. 
“Work for it, hm?”, he chuckled. “What would that look like?” 
You shrugged. 
“Do I get time to think about it?” 
“As much as you need, sweetheart.” 
He leaned back and you let him go with a bit of a pout, the cold air of the bar lonely and disappointing compared to where he’d been holding you pressed against him a moment ago. His expression was nothing short of smug again as he looked down at you, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards. You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes, even with your skin burning up. 
He pulled his hands from your waist (again you totally didn’t feel disappointed for half a second) and grabbed your hands from his neck, raising your right up above your head - to twirl you, you realised, a grin spreading on your face again as you twirled for him, once, twice, thrice, laughter bubbling up and the music suddenly louder again before you fell back into his chest, bracing yourself with both your hands, dragging his right hand with you as well, your forehead falling onto his shoulder as giggles escaped you. 
You didn’t know why or how, but this man was a dream - your dream maybe, if only for today. You trusted him, him and his goddamn charm, him and his stupid grins, him and his pretty fucking service khakis. 
A navy guy. 
A fucking navy guy. 
You were falling for a navy guy in the middle of the dancefloor, in the middle of a bar, and you couldn’t even find it in yourself to be ashamed of that - or of the fact that this navy guy also just so happened to be Mr. Better-than-you. Or of the fact that you still hadn’t told him your name. 
Which you should probably do. 
“Jake”, you said, pulling back a bit to blink up at him, lips parting in mild surprise when you realised he’d already been looking at you. You stared up at him for quite a few embarrassing seconds - you had wanted to finally tell him your name, not ogle him for half an hour. But you just couldn’t help yourself. Especially not when he pulled his hand from yours, when instead he cupped your jaw and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, when the light hit his eyes in such a stupidly romantic way that the green shone like fucking emeralds. God. 
“Can I?”, he muttered, his thumbs grazing your cheek. 
You didn’t trust yourself enough to actually say anything, not with how tight your throat felt, with how hard it was to keep looking at him. So you simply nodded. 
You caught his grin just before he leaned in. Then his lips were on yours and you were in heaven. 
He was firm but still gentle, decisive but not forceful, careful but not hesitant, attentive but not passive. Shit, what you were saying was that this man was a fucking marvelous kisser. You wouldn’t have minded one bit to keep kissing him for all of eternity, not in the slightest. Not with the soft movement of his lips, his tongue, of his hands on your jaw and yours hooking into the collar of his uniform. If you were to die now, you would do so happily. 
He pulled back only to breathe, to tilt his head to the other side and to kiss you again, more deeply than before, which in itself you’d thought impossible, once, twice, so long that you lost count and didn’t care, didn’t care about much anything but the feeling of him. 
Almost accidentally, your name fell from your lips. 
You couldn’t say much more than that, not with the urgency he was kissing you with, not with how he knocked your breath out of you when he smiled into the kiss - though smiled almost didn’t capture it. Grinned, smirked, that was more like it. Satisfied with himself, once more, that he had managed to coax your name from you after all. 
And, this time, he could be. He should be. 
Yes, he was that good and you wouldn’t deny it, at least not to yourself. To him, well, maybe, once you finally had enough breath in your lungs again to talk - though it didn’t seem like that would happen soon. No, Jake tugged you closer to him, let his hands fall down, down to your hips, leaving blazing fire wherever he touched you, his fingers digging into the fabric of your dress, sure to leave bruises on the skin underneath. You wondered if he’d get to see them tonight. Maybe he would. Honestly, at this point he probably would.
When his lips landed not on yours, but on your jaw, on your throat, your neck... Your fingers loosened on his collar and you whimpered, arching into him as he found your sweet spot instantly, chuckling against your skin at your reaction. 
“Well that’s a pretty name for a pretty lady”, he murmured, his voice just as smooth and cool as before and for some reason, it irked you that he seemed unaffected. Unaffected by all of this, this kiss, this closeness. So much unlike you. You were melting into a puddle of human limbs in his arms, only held up by him, sure to fall and plant yourself face-first onto the floor if he were to let go of you. 
“Jake”, you mewled, hardly more than a breath, your hands sneaking up to his hair, tugging at the strands and you didn’t know whether you were tugging him away or pulling him closer into you, but still he understood. He let out a laugh, one that you could feel down to your very bones.
“You sound so pretty saying my name too, honey”, he muttered. 
You scratched at his scalp, letting your head fall back a little to give him more access to your neck - he wasn’t leaving hickeys, at least you didn’t think so, but honestly at this point you wouldn’t have minded. 
Shit, you wouldn’t have minded if a navy guy who had once before completely neglected your existence was leaving hickeys on your neck in the middle of the dancefloor at the bar your friend was working at. 
“Jake”, you repeated, almost a prayer at this point. “Jake-” 
And you didn’t know if you were going to say “Let’s get out of here” or “We can’t do this here” or “Please kiss me again” because he’d just pretty much turned your mind off with a few kisses. You were worried what else he might do. 
He understood. Again. 
“I call an Uber, you tell your friend we’re leaving”, he said, pulling back to look at you with raised eyebrows. You felt yourself swallow at his blown irises. Shit. Maybe he was good enough to hide how affected he was when he was talking, but even he couldn’t hide his own bodily reactions. Now this made your chest swell with pride - yes, suddenly you could understand why he was so very smug. 
And even though it hadn’t been a question, you knew that it was. He was waiting for you to say something, to react, and because you did not whatsoever think you could speak right now - or ever again for that matter - you just nodded.
He let go of you with a grin, slowly, carefully, steadying you until he was sure you could stand on your own (if shakily) and the first thing you did as you watched him walk away and pull his phone from his pocket was breathe. Actually take a deep breath, in and out. The air here was stuffy and warm and your face was burning up and suddenly you felt very exposed after all, so you turned as quickly as you could and marched off the dancefloor with your eyes glued to the ground. 
The first time you looked up again, you’d nearly run into the bar top. Your friend was immediately sliding up opposite you, leaving behind Rooster, who looked rather amused, with her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline and her palms resting on the wood, leaning in as close as she could without outright flinging herself over the bar. 
“You just made out with a navy guy on the dancefloor”, she said, and even though it was just an observation you cringed at her tone, your eyes dropping to your hands. 
“I did, didn’t I?”, you asked. 
“Yeah, you did”, she said again, this time breaking out into a grin. “Damn straight you did! Tell me you’re here to let me know you’re leaving. Please. Don’t say he was such a bad kisser that you had to ditch him.” 
“Nope”, you laughed. “He isn’t a bad kisser. And I am here to let you know we’re leaving.” 
She let out a squeal, turning to Rooster to mouth ‘Told you so’ and watch him shrug with a grin before turning back. 
“You go get it. This is exactly what you need.” 
“And you go get Hawaiian shirt over there”, you teased, regaining some semblance of sanity. This was familiar territory - teasing her about the navy guys she went home with. Not going home with a navy guy yourself. But guess what you were doing? Who would’ve thought. 
Jake came up behind you then, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close, looking down at you with that grin that just seemed to be etched into his features at any given moment. 
“Ready to go?”, he asked, somehow taking away your ability to speak again for just a moment as you spotted remains of your lipstick on his mouth. Instead you nodded, debating whether wiping it away would be the right thing to do - because you could very well just keep staring at it, even if you didn’t know just why. 
“Call me in the morning”, she said, pointing her finger at you. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” 
You snorted as she handed you your jacket and your purse. 
“Does that even exclude anything at all?”
She pretended to be shocked, hurt, but you couldn’t hear what she said anymore because Jake was tugging you away and his laughter filled your ears and his arm around you was just so distracting and because you were basically floating out of the bar, floating until he draped your jacket over your shoulders and hugged you close to keep your warm, floating until his hand brushed circles over your lower back, floating until he kissed down your jaw and floating until he finally ushered you into the uber with a chuckle. 
Floating until he woke up next to you the following morning, a grin on his lips as he combed his hands through your hair and kissed the corner of your mouth and said ‘Good morning’ in the most devastatingly attractive morning voice you’d ever heard. Floating until you knew that you couldn’t let him go again. And then perhaps floating some more. 
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 7 months
AAAGH I loved your sinner!Adam fic about him and Reader watching TV together 🥺
I heard you take sinner!Adam requests so is it okay to have a sort-of part 2? Maybe watching movies became a regular thing between them and one time they end up kissing during one? If you find it repetitive and don't want to it's totally okay, I understand! I hope you have a nice day and keep up with the good work 🥹
Oh I loved writing this. The fic below is a sequel to this ficlet
I do hope that you liked it. I'm always worried I've made him too ooc but Sinner!Adam is fanon based atm and if he is wanting redemption he would change his ways.
So Urm yeah enjoy. . . .
What we watching?? Sinner!Adam x GN!reader
Fluffy af
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That night watching trashy romcoms with Adam could have just been a one off thing and you would’ve been fine with it. But when he approached you in the communal kitchens the next morning with a proposition to make ‘Thursday film night’ a regular thing between the two of you. You had asked him why. He said that hanging out with you yesterday was one of the most fun things he had done in a long time. You smiled fondly at him before agreeing.
As Thursday night rolled around again. You were looking forward to sharing some more of your favourite films with Adam. He’d said he would be there by 6ish. You glance at the time on your phone. It was only 6.05pm. He’s probably just running late after the one on one session with Charlie.
An easy way to keep your mind busy was dragging out all your blankets and making a sort of nest type thing on the floor by the couch. You used to do this with your family when you were alive. It just made the movie marathons all that more special. After seeing how far Adam had come since arriving at the hotel. You had really wanted to show him how much he meant to you.
‘Wait, as a friend.’ You stopped mid cushion grab. You liked him as only a friend right? Right?
Your door burst open and slammed shut very quickly Adam was only 45 minutes late, you looked up seeing him breathing hard, carting an armload of snacks, drinks and a few bowls of things.
“There you . . .” he shushes you looking frantically at the closed door. “What did you do?” You whisper as you crawl onto the couch.
A far off loud shouting could be heard in the silence. He waited a minute more before letting out a breath.
“It wasn’t my fault honest.” He looked extremely guilty. You quirked a brow wanting an explanation. “I was trying to make my super awesome dip for our movie night but I maaaaaay have made a really big mess but I didn’t mean to, I just tripped over that cleaner chick who was chasing more of them roaches. This hotel must have an infestation or she is breeding them just to kill. Oh wait, I’m getting off point, the thing is I might have made too much of the dip than I intended and I kinda launched half of it onto another patron. But it wasn’t my fault. This time at least.” He frantically spoke as he juggled the drinks and snacks about in his arms before depositing them carefully on the coffee table. Standing back up he turned and looked down at what you were making. “What’s that?” He points to the accumulated amount of cushions, blankets and other soft furnishings piled on the floor.
“Well, the thing is.” You hopped off the couch into the nest trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. How were you supposed to explain the reason behind it without him laughing at you? “You know what it’s stupid let me just . . .” You felt shame rush to your cheeks as you tried to dismantle the obviously stupid idea.
“Hey, I didn’t say it was a bad thing. Looks comfy as fuck. Budge up would ya.” You hopped out as he set himself down in the dead center of the nest, keeping his legs open slightly to give you a place to sit. Last week he really liked having you snuggled up close to him, why did you think this week would be any different.
You chose the first movie and plopped yourself down in the space he left for you, his arms wrapping around your middle pulling you flush against his chest.
“So what we watching?”
“I have a question do all of these movie have the same premise?” Adam asked after about 15 minutes into the third film.
“Whatdya mean?” You say through a mouthful of chips.
“Like . . hang on pause the film a sec.” He fumbles for the remote to stop the movie. You shuffle a bit to see him better. “Like don’t get me wrong they’re good films, a bit cliché but surely the lead woman knows that the ‘Oh I’m a famous something or other I have no time for a man’” his fake high pitched womanly voice had you laughing. “Hey shush let me finish my thought.”
“But you make such a good woman.” You poke at his chest playfully.
“Ah ha ha ha.” He grabs your hand in his. “But seriously shush. My point is are there any original ideas in these films?”
“You saying I got trash taste in cinema?” You try pulling your hand away from his grasp. Adam doesn’t let go but pulls you closer to him.
“What I’m saying is watching all these oblivious people who clearly have strong feelings for the other person, got me thinking.” He looks down at your hand in his. “Ya know what never mind let’s keep watching the movie.” He lets go of your hand and grabs for the remote, setting the film going again.
The whiplash from that conversation was enough to make your head spin. You stayed a second more simply looking into the face of a man who had something he wanted to say but couldn’t bring himself to do so. As you turned back in his arms to watch the movie, you could hear a small sigh of relief.
You tried to go back to watching the movie but you couldn’t. Adam only held you loosely now, choosing to focus more on grabbing snacks and sipping his soda. Your mind went into overdrive.
‘What did you do wrong?’
‘Was he mad at you?’
‘Did he . . . wait did he like you?’
You almost choked on a piece of popcorn at the realisation. Adam liked you.
Daring to flick your eyes to look at him. He was focused on the film but the soft look of longing he bore was almost too much.
“Adam?” Your voice was gentle so as not to spook him.
“Mmmyeah?” He was still watching the screen.
You grabbed the remote and paused the TV again.
“Hey, it was getting to a good part.” He looked down at you annoyed. “What. Is there something on my face?” He touches his face trying to feel for any irregularity. “Hey, say something you’re freaking me. mmmf” You pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him. He froze against your lips.
‘Shit was I wrong?’
You move to pull away. But his hands cup your face pulling you back into a tender kiss that makes you melt into his touch. The kiss lasted no longer than 5 seconds but you didn’t care you felt like your entire body was floating.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He spoke softly as he broke the kiss. “Can I kiss you again?” he asked hopefully.
“Yes.” Your words were barely a whisper but it was all he needed to pull you back against him, he kissed you in such a tender way that made your heart flutter in your chest. You didn’t realise he was capable of such gentility but you craved more of it. Your hands carded into his hair, being careful of his horns, as one of his hands went to cradle the back of your head, effectively tilting your head to allow him to deepen the kiss. His other hand moved to your lower back, fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt. The kiss had an undertone of heat laced in the movements of your joined lips.
You broke the kiss panting slightly, you noted his pupils were dilated slightly as you were sure yours mirrored back.
You had to slow this down now before you regretted anything.
“Adam.” Your voice low in warning. “As much as I enjoy kissing you. Can we take whatever this is a little slower?”
You expected him to whine or pout about being told no. but he just smiles goofily at you. Swiping a thumb over your lower lip.
“Sure thing.” He kisses your forehead before helping you settle back against him the way your were before. He picked up the remote “Ready to continue?”
You weaved your fingers with his other hand and nodded “Ready.”
I hope this is what you wanted.
My ask box is still open if anyone else got requests
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koiiiji · 7 months
Heey I loved the joker nsfw scenario you write so goood can I request sth very fluffy for example how each day with him goes, where he takes us on dates and so on?🩷 also you could maybe include some angsty scenarios where we want to watch him at a fight night but he doesn’t want us to see the cruel world he lives in bcs hes so protective and etc
suuure hun!!! sorry that it took me too long to answer, have no idea why ur request displayed in my app only after 6 days so i started to work on it late.
hope you will like it! enjoy🤓🤍
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。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
mere mention of apples brought a fond smile to your lips, thinking of Joker's peculiar fondness for everything apple-related. from his shampoo to his gum, his love for the crisp fruit permeated every aspect of his life. you even gift him home fragrance with apple taste. and especially joker liked sweets with apples, all kind of pies, muffins, ice creams and etc, everything with apples. and when you stumbled upon the viral tiktok video featuring the famed apple croissant, you knew it was the perfect choice for your date. you immediately sent a link of that café to Joker. no need to say that date idea was approved in a second.
as you rode the metro toward the new cafe, anticipation for your date with Joker bubbled within you. dressed in your best outfit and with your makeup flawlessly applied, you were ready to make this a day unforgettable, preferably without any distractions from his “colleagues.” or so you thought.
but just as you were lost in thoughts of sugary delights and stolen moments with Joker, a notification from him shattered your reverie. Your smile faltered as you read his message, the words weighing heavily on your heart. “sorry, im in the bar, Wooin said it emergency. don’t wait for me, maybe ask your friends and have fun. i’ll be late. sorry.”
with a sigh, you decided to continue the date alone, and buy that damn apple croissants, unwilling to let Wooin's interference ruin at least your evening. the idea of waiting for your girls seemed futile, knowing they likely had their own plans for evening.
when you entered the cafe, when you were paying for your croissant, you still couldn’t get rid of unpleasant idea. you knew Joker hated it when you stepped into his “work life” and saw him fighting in the actagon. but since Wooin decided to take him away from you so brazenly, you thought that there would be nothing wrong with you grabbing him after this stupid match, and taking a take out bag of croissants with you, you headed to that ill-fated bar.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
as you walked into the dimly lit bar, the contrast to -at least expected- date was stark. the once vibrant excitement for sharing apple croissant after that damn match had faded, replaced by a sense of disappointment and frustration. the air hung heavy with the stench of alcohol, mingling with the faint undertones of stale sweat and spilled drinks. each step you took seemed to echo against the grimy floor, the stickiness clinging to the soles of your shoes, a tangible reminder of the less-than-inviting atmosphere.
despite your reluctance, you made your way through the crowded space, weaving through intoxicated patrons who stumbled and swayed in a haphazard dance of inebriation. the cacophony of voices, laughter, and clinking glasses assaulted your senses, drowning out any semblance of peace or tranquility.
as you approached the bar, your eyes scanned the dimly lit room, searching for the familiar figure of Joker amidst the chaotic scene. and then, like a sudden chill down your spine, you felt the unwelcome presence of an arm slung over your shoulder.
"hi there, little thing," came Wooin's voice, dripping with an unsettling mixture of familiarity and condescension. words sent a shiver down your spine, his presence a stark reminder of the intrusion upon your plans and the disruption of your evening.
despite the façade of casualness in his tone, there was an underlying tension, silent dislike, Wooin never liked your presence, Joker was distracted, which means he did his job badly. you resisted the urge to shrug off his arm, instead steeling yourself with a forced smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.
in that moment, surrounded by the oppressive atmosphere of the bar and the unwelcome company of Wooin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, both by Joker's absence and by the intrusion of his colleague into your plans. it was a bitter reminder of the complexities of relationships, the delicate balance between loyalty and disappointment. and then your heart sank. the crowd roared, drawing attention to the center of the bar. to the octagon. people seemed to be chanting someone's name, and it clearly wasn't Joker’s. Even though Joker protected you from this world and did not allow you to appear at his fights, you knew he never lost, so why was the crowd rooting for someone else today? these and other thoughts were constantly running through your head.
as you watched in disbelief, Wooin approached you with a sly grin, his words cutting through the chaos of the bar like a knife. "you see, darling," he began, his voice dripping with malice, "Joker's task tonight is not to win, but to fall." the revelation hit you like a sucker punch to the gut, leaving you reeling with shock and betrayal.
as the fight in the octagon reached its climax, you stood frozen in the midst of the raucous crowd, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and disbelief. you couldn't tear your eyes away from Joker, his form battered and bruised. Wooin's words echoed in your mind, Joker's gaze found yours across the sea of spectators. In that moment of connection, you saw the pain etched in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness.
as the final blow landed, and Joker stumbled to the ground, you felt a surge of anguish wash over you. it was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that his fall had been orchestrated not by his opponent's strength, but by the cold calculations of those who saw him as nothing more than a pawn in their game.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
in the quiet solitude of the changing rooms, you found Joker sitting alone, his hands trembling as he attempted to patch up his wounds. without a word, you approached him, your hands reaching out to gently grasp his own.
in that moment of shared vulnerability, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of clarity and resolve. and as Wooin's departing footsteps echoed in the distance, leaving you alone with Joker, you knew that this was your chance to confront the truth that lay between you.
with a trembling voice, you said “you know that you always can stop doing.. this..” after thinking a little, you added "and start with something new..." you looked around the small room, meaning all his work in general, "well, less violent". Joker just smiled at you and with a trembling hand reached for the bag that you had brought with you, his fingers brushing against the delicate pastry nestled within. with a bittersweet smile, he took a bite of the apple croissant, savoring the taste of sweetness and redemption that lingered on his lips.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
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