#but it's always very important for them to deny our humanity
a-god-in-ruins-rises · 10 months
I was going through your blog and I saw you made a post about Black Indians and how ridiculous you think they are. I just wanted to let you know that it's a historical fact that Africans and Native Americans mixed regardless of how you feel. That's all.
i think you're misunderstanding. (it's okay. there's been a lot of misunderstandings around here lately.)
i wasn't talking about actual black indians. i fully acknowledge that there was some degree of mixing between africans and native americans. though it's important to note that this was only ever in very small numbers and was mostly limited to the seminoles. other examples of "black indians" are mostly the result of former slaves gaining membership within the native american nation they were enslaved by (like the cherokee nation, most prominently). there was a whole legal controversy about this.
no, what i was talking about in that post was this new afro-centric conspiracy theory that insists the original and true native americans were actually african. except they don't believe they were actually africans. as in, they don't believe they came here from africa. they believed humanity (except white people who they don't consider humans) started with the original true "black indians" here in america. and then they spread throughout the world until white people came along and ruined everything and attempted to suppress this "true" histroy.
so yeah, these are two very different ideas. i fully acknowledge the former and i think the latter is outrageous and stupid (though very entertaining).
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kentopedia · 1 year
fresh air
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FEATURING. levi ackerman x f!reader — wc: 4.5 k
SUMMARY. everyone on levi's squad wonders where he disappears to when they get time off in wall sina.
CONTENTS. fluff, secret relationship, the scout find out levi is in love, doctor!reader, established relationship, levi gets a minor injury, canon universe, she/they pronouns for hange, no warnings bc this is all just very sweet
based on this ask here ♡
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The first time that Levi met you, he’d been too rough around the edges, a newly freed man from the underground with one too many health issues and a sickly complexion.
Against his will, Erwin had sent him in for a medical examination, a requirement he’d been forced to endure before officially joining the Survey Corps. It seemed a life with minimal sunlight had lasting effects on the human body. Levi thought that was a reasonable assumption.
He’d suffered through the check-ups, holding his tongue when the doctors prodded at him with invasive hands and told him what nutrients he needed more of. He’d taken their advice, for the most part.
You were still a nurse back then, holding a strong desire to help people and eyes with an innocence that would never last. When the doctor had been running late one evening, you’d come in to check Levi’s pulse, asked if he had any pain.
He’d stared at you for a moment, and for the first time in his life, fumbled for the right words to say.
Trivial things like beauty had never been important to Levi, but your smile had been the only image in his mind for days.
You’d visited him again for another check-up the next day.
And Levi was, really, perfectly fine. He knew there was nothing seriously wrong with him. Though, you had been so eager to do your job, so happy to help a fragmented man, that he let you take care of him for a week and, ridiculously, pretended that he was in much more pain than he actually was.
A hesitant sort of bond started between you after that. You were still intimidated by his brashness, and he was too afraid of his own feelings to ever let himself accept that he found you enjoyable to be around.
Although, whatever he felt ceased to matter after that. Levi officially became a scout, lost the only two people that cared about him, and hardened even more.
Years passed before he saw you again, and by then, you’d become a doctor, saved more patients than you lost, and built a name for yourself.
Levi saw you much more once he became the Captain of the Survey Corps; soldiers on his squad were always getting injured, and he nearly died on a couple missions.
Somewhere along the way, he’d fallen for you. Too quickly and too easily, especially for a man like him who knew better than to care for people.
Still, he figured he was allowed at least one good thing in life, and he’d chosen that to be you. The pretty little doctor who had snuck into his heart.  
“Levi?” Hange was in front of him, snapping a hand in front of his eyes, overly concerned and much too close. “Are you losing more blood? You look pale.” She prodded at him, a humored grin spreading across her mouth. “Someone might think you’ve been living underground.”
Hange laughed loudly and Levi pushed them away, irritated, and worn-out from the mission.
“I’m fine,” he said, though his ribs ached, and he couldn’t deny the pain that lingered in his side. “Just get off of me. You smell foul.”
Hange made a face. “Just plug your nose then.” A slender finger poked at his ribs again, and he recoiled, hissing. “See! You’re not okay.”
Levi’s aggravated response went unheard as Hange called a doctor over, waving their hands dramatically. A scowled embedded even deeper into his features.
“I’m fine, shithead. Stop being dramatic.”
Though his protests didn’t matter much. A man in a white coat came by after Hange’s call, adjusting a spectacle as he tucked parchment under his arm. “Is everything alright?”
“Can you please have the captain checked out? He was injured outside the walls, and I’m not sure our first aid did well at stitching him back up.”
The doctor looked over Levi skeptically, peeling back the wrapping around his middle that had already dried brown with blood. “We’ve got a lot of people in need of assistance. I can try and get a nurse to help you, but—”
“Where’s the other doctor?” Levi knew your name, of course he did, but he was afraid if he said it something would change on his face. “The younger one.” 
“There are other squads that ended up worse off. She’s taking care of them at the moment.” the gray-haired doctor said, looking at his parchment. “I’ll tell her to make her way over here. I don’t know how long it will be.”
Levi could tell what the man was thinking: that he was Captain Levi, and they could afford to lose the other scouts, but they couldn’t afford to lose him. Still, Levi’s wound had been treated sufficiently. At the very least, he didn’t feel like he would pass out again any time soon.
“I can wait.” Levi looked at the other battered members of the Scouts, some of them with slices up their arms and deep gashes in their skulls. It was a sickening sight really. No one should’ve been worried about him. “These soldiers have worse injuries than I do. You should treat them first.” He glanced at Hange beside him, the glasses making their eyes look even rounder. “And take Hange while you’re at it. Maybe you can find out if there’s a cure for being an idiot.”
The doctor cracked a smile. “Come with me then, Section Commander. You seem to be free of injuries, and we need some help taking care of these soldiers.”
“Of course, sir. I’ll do everything I can.” Hange nodded and stood to follow the doctor. She sent Levi one last look before leaving. “Don’t let your wound get infected because you’re trying to play the hero.”
“I’m fine, Hange. Seriously.” He blinked at her, his expression blank, and Hange sighed before disappearing into the crowd, into the mess of carnage from another fruitless journey outside the walls.
Levi waited for a half hour, watched as more soldiers were led away from the central room into the private wing of the hospital. Someone had cracked a window, and a warm breeze of fresh air fanned into the anteroom.
It was starting to get hot again. He dreaded the summer missions that burned his skin.
The chair was stiff, but he could’ve dozed off in it, suddenly feeling more light-headed than he had when Hange left. Levi shifted, bringing a palm down to his wound. The pain was starting to get worse again. When he drew his hand away, there was more blood.
Shit. That wasn’t a good sign. The stitches mustn’t have been done properly.
He started to stand, beginning to wonder if he should just stitch the wound back up himself, when you finally approached, and the sight of you sent a wave of relief over him. You were like his very own guardian angel, illuminating the hospital with nothing more than a hopeful smile.
Immediately, Levi softened, wondering how you could get more and more beautiful every time he saw you.
“Captain Levi.” Your eyes dropped to the seeping bandage, the shoulder that wasn’t sitting right. He’d dislocated it, twisted a little too funny when slicing up a titan. The tissue there had probably worn down too much. “Don’t tell me you’ve been waiting for me.”
“My injuries are minimal. Thought I’d take my chances until someone competent could stitch me up properly.”
Your jaw clenched, and though you reached your hand out to him, you retracted it, remembering there were other people around. With a sigh, you pointed over your shoulder instead. “Come with me.”
Levi followed you down the hall, to a shimmering white room that smelled too much like flowers. You gathered a few supplies, and he watched you, taking a seat on the bed.
Without a word, you began unwrapping the bloody gauze, cleaning the dark wound with unfazed, sharp eyes. His chest was exposed to you, the shirt already removed.
“At least tell me you missed me before you get me undressed,” Levi said, his tone dry as you pressed a warm cloth to his skin.
You narrowed your eyes, your expression exhausted. He was certain you’d been working nonstop since the Survey Corps got back. “I did miss you, Levi,” you said quietly, wringing the blood out of the cloth. “I always miss you.”
Against his will, Levi’s heart panged in his chest. It was almost too easy for you to get a rise out of him.
You worked in silence, and Levi let you—you’d done this many times for him before, and he knew how much you hated being disturbed.
Though, you looked so sweet with your lip jutted out in focus, and he relaxed, unable to stop himself when he leaned forward to give you a kiss.
To Levi’s disappointment, you saw him coming and pushed him away, placing a bloody hand in front of your mouth to stop him. “Levi!” you shouted in exasperation, though you were far too used to him to be surprised. “I’m not done.”
He sighed, leaning back once more, though the smallest of smiles was on his lips. “I thought you were the best doctor in the interior,” he said mockingly. “Shouldn’t you be a little faster than this?”
“You should work on being more patient. It’s only been a few minutes.”
“Has it?” Levi snorted. It felt like an eternity. You were there in front of him, so lovely and focused, and he could hardly contain himself. He’d spent weeks away from you, and he couldn’t even sneak a quick kiss.
You laughed, the sound stirring up butterflies in his stomach, and he relented, the seriousness in your expression pulling him back to reality. He sat quietly and left you to do your work.
Your hands were soft against his skin as you sealed up the wound, fixed up the stitches, so gentle that he almost forgot about the pain entirely. Having you to watch certainly helped keep him distracted.
Finally, you stepped away, satisfied, and grinned. “Alright. All done.”
“You mean it?” Levi leaned forward, and the ache in his abdomen pinched. “You’re not going to wipe your disgusting palm on my face if I try to kiss you?”
A part of him was, completely serious, but another laugh escaped you as you wiped your hands on a clean rag, the blood still staining your palms. But it was his blood and Levi figured if it had already dirtied his own skin, it didn’t matter much. 
He kissed you, momentarily, and the feeling of your lips brought him entirely back to life. Levi wasn’t sure what about you changed him so completely, made him feel a jolt of energy zap into him every time you were around, but he was addicted to it.
He took a breath, for a moment, his expression gentle, though he didn’t have the opportunity to kiss you again. The door had been thrown open, slamming against the wall, and Hange strolled in, wearing a wide smile and bright eyes.
“Levi,” Hange said, much too loudly, and he recoiled, wondering if they’d seen him kiss you. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Probably not then. Hange would have made that the first topic of conversation.
You smiled politely beside Levi, already placing a professional distance between you. He craved the warmth, missing you again already. “How are you, Hange? I take it you didn’t get too banged up on the mission?”
Hange laughed, throwing an arm over your shoulder like old friends. “Not a single scratch.”
“A miracle, really, with the way you’re always throwing yourself into danger.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. I always play it safe.” Hange turned back to Levi; lips pulled up to reveal a white grin. “I see you’re feeling better then. The doctor got you all patched up?”
“I always do,” you hid a smile behind your hand, careful not to touch it to your mouth.
Levi sighed, hating how well you two got along. He might as well have told Hange about your relationship in the very beginning. You two saw each other every time the Scouts were in the interior wall. “Didn’t you have something to tell me, Hange?”
Hange scrunched her face up, before recognition passed through it. “Right,” they said, straightening. “Erwin’s requested your presence in a meeting with Commander Pyxis and the Military Police. They’ve got a lot of questions.”
“I’m sure they do.” Levi struggled to his feet, feeling much older than he really was. He wondered when all of the hits to his body would start to catch up to him. “I’ll follow you out, then.”
Levi exchanged a look with you, conveying everything he couldn’t with Hange standing there.
“I’ll see you later then, Captain Levi. Hange.” Your smile was refined, corresponding to your current status, and you saluted like a good soldier would. Then, the two of them were off.
Hange tossed a grin over their shoulder once the two of them were outside the hospital, eyes crinkling behind thick lenses. “You look a little flushed there, Captain.”
Levi stared back at Hange indifferently, not an ounce of emotion in his cool eyes. Hange always teased him when it came to you, but he doubted she ever figured out the truth. “Is that so?”
“Why don’t you just confess your love already?” Hange said romantically, batting their eyes and holding clasped hands to her chin. “It’s been years Levi.”
“I’m sure you’re not insinuating I’ve got any sort of romantic feelings,” Levi said dryly. He was certain that he had not been blushing, and he pinched Hange’s cheek too, the pink tint there as well from the warm weather. “It’s not like it’s nearly summer.”
Hange swatted him away, their joyful expression falling as a pout formed on their lips. “Oh, you’re so boring, Levi. I’m only messing with you.”
Levi let out a weary noise, somewhere between a sigh and a groan, wondering how he’d managed to put up with the most insufferable person for years and years on end. “You sound like a teenager.”
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After his mess of a meeting with the military police, Levi headed to one of the nicer homes at the edge of the city, an older building in Wall Sina that had managed to stay intact after the Female Titan incident.
It wasn’t his home, not really, but it was the only one he had outside of the military housing and the single private room he received as a commanding officer. And, it might as well have been his anyway—his clothes all hung in the closet, his teacups stuffed in a crowded cabinet. He was there more than he was anywhere else.
The door opened easily when he pushed the knob, and while he knew you were expecting him, he hoped you didn’t always keep it unlocked. The streets were too wrought with crime; a fact he was far too aware of.
When he opened the door, the scent of home and a freshly made meal invaded his senses, warming him to the very core of his soul. He slid his shoes off at the door, careful not to track in any mud.
You hadn’t heard him come in, too busy cutting up vegetables to throw into a pot. You hummed to yourself softly, distracted entirely by your own thoughts.
Levi smiled, admiring you for just a moment and taking in that second to carry it with him on his next mission. For so much of his life, he’d hardly had a home to come back to. It was nice to remember that he had a person waiting for him on the other side, someone that could be there for him in the moments that he didn’t want to be alone.
He snuck up behind you quietly, and you remained completely unaware until he wrapped his arms around your middle, relaxing into your body in a way he’d never been able to when he was away from you.
You jumped momentarily, but eased into his arms right after, recognizing his touch easily. One of your softer hands wrapped around his, the other still throwing chopped vegetables into the pot.
“I didn’t hear you come in,” yod, and he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, tranquil.
So much of his time had been spent in a world that was a living hell, trying to deal with the overarching mess that had started years ago, and being with you was the only time he could ever recover. The knowledge that he didn’t have to always be humanity’s strongest soldier with you gave him, at least, some semblance of peace.
“I hope I didn’t scare you,” he whispered, hooking his chin over your shoulder as he looked at the stew you were making. It was the best thing he had smelled in weeks, and Levi felt too spoiled after a childhood spent eating mud and garbage from the streets. “You could’ve waited for me to get home. I would’ve cooked something instead. I know you’ve been working all day, taking care of the Scouts.”
“Levi.” You pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, smiling into the delicate skin. “You’ve been gone for weeks. You probably haven’t had a proper meal since you left, and you were injured. I don’t want you to strain yourself.” You turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m glad you’re home. You can get some rest now.”
You pressed a kissed to his nose, and no matter how many times you referred to your home as his as well, a fiery warmth bloomed inside of him.
“Me too.” Levi smiled at you tiredly, brushing his thumb over your lips before retracting. “I’m going to get cleaned up. I’ll be back in a bit.”
“I’ll tell you when the food is ready.”
Levi nodded, and released you hesitantly, already wanting to be around you for every moment he had in Wall Sina. Instead, he headed towards the bathroom, where he knew the soap that he preferred would be waiting for him, just as he’d left it before.
He turned at the sound of your voice. You were watching him with hearts in your eyes, the very expression something he would probably never been accustomed to.
“I love you.”
Levi softened, his feet melting into the floor entirely. “I love you too.”
Your face grew so bright, and you turned back to your task, newly invigorated. Levi had gotten better at saying the words, at accepting that you wouldn’t get taken away from him just because he cared about you.
It had been a long road, certainly, but somewhere along the way he’d started to become familiar with happiness.
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“Levi, what do you think of this one?” You spun in a slow circle, making sure that he saw every angle of the dress. You were watching him with a skeptical look, suspecting that he wouldn’t be honest with you.
Which was maybe true. Levi didn’t know very much about what was in style. He just thought you looked nice in everything.
“It’s pretty,” he said, indulging you with a nod. “You look very pretty.”
Despite yourself, you grew warm, smiling at yet another compliment from him. He’d said the same thing about every dress, but he loved seeing the expression on your face, the twitch of embarrassment, even though you’d been together for years.
It was rare that the two of you got to do something so calming. You were meant to go to a ball in the upcoming weeks, gain some kind of recognition for your accomplishments as a doctor, and you were in desperate need something to wear.
Of course, you’d decided the moment that Levi was home would be the perfect time to go shopping.
Though, it didn’t matter. He would’ve gone with you anyway, even if you needed an outfit or not. Levi was just so incredibly proud of you. A part of him wished he could accompany you to the ball, even if being in a stuffy room with a crowd of pretentious, wealthy men sounded like the most undesirable event in the world.
“Well, which makes me seem like I know what I’m doing?” you asked him through the mirror, the tailor doing her best not to intrude on the conversation. “I like the blue one, but do I look too young?”
“Well, you’re not old,” Levi scoffed. “Besides, I hardly think you need new a dress to let people know you’re a professional.” Though, he mulled over the question regardless, mostly taking your inquiry seriously. You were making a face at him. “I like the blue one too.”
He liked them all, really. 
You smiled, letting the tailor finish up her job and Levi turned, wondering how much of a dent this would put in his wallet.
“I’ll just be a second,” you said, leaning down from your stool to kiss him. His lips curled up when they met yours. “Want to wait outside?”
“Sure.” Levi turned, and for a moment, swore he saw a flash outside, someone speeding past the window. When he looked closer, no one was there.
He ignored it, leaving a wad of cash with the store-owned and tried to remember that he no longer needed to save that money for another meal.
As he waited for you to finish up, Levi leaned against the wall, watching the people walk back and forth, paying him no attention at all. It was sometimes easy to forget that not everyone recognized him. Not everyone cared, really, that he was Captain Levi.
It was refreshing to be ignored.
“Levi,” you said wearily as you came out of the short building, and he knew what was coming next, knew what words would leave your mouth. “I told you I’d take care of it.”
“Consider it paying back a favor.” He fell into step beside you as you turned the corner, going down the narrow alley. 
You creased your eyebrows skeptically, trying to catch his eyes. The ones that had brightened minimally after a night of rest in an actual bed. “A favor for what?”
“I don’t know. Letting me live in your house? For cooking for me last night?” Your frown deepened, exasperated and Levi sighed, rolling his eyes. “Just accept the gift, you idiot. I was trying to do something nice.”
You gazed at him in disbelief for another moment before laughing, the seriousness evaporating. “You’re so sweet.” You grinned, and Levi thought that was hardly the word to describe him, but you seemed so happy that he didn’t say anything. “I appreciate it a lot. Thank you.”
“Come on,” Levi said, huffing when you tried to kiss him again. “We should go back home before I run into one of those intolerable brats from my squad.”
Though, Levi really regretted the words, wondering if there was some higher being out there who just lived to cause him grief. Not a moment later, he heard a familiar voice rounding the corner, getting much too close to where he was standing.
“Armin, look! I told you. I saw him with someone.”
Levi’s jaw tightened as Eren sprinted down the alley with his smarter blond friend in tow, and a dark-haired girl who never seemed to leave his side.
The three of them nearly ran into the two of you, skidding to a stop only when they noticed you both turning the corner, and gauged the unamused expression on Levi’s face.
“What are you two doing here? Don’t you have training or something?” Levi’s voice was stern, though he knew they had the day off, just as he did. Just as you did.
“Captain Levi!” Armin straightened, looking nervous under his tense gaze. Levi wondered what it would take for that kid to gain some confidence. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude. Eren just said—”
“Eren said—” Eren began, but before he could continue, Hange had also come around the corner with Erwin, the two of them laughing like they’d found something very funny.
Levi wished he had his gear so he could start swinging the blades at all of them.
“Levi,” Erwin greeted him good-naturedly, and Hange was snickering beside him, their eyes glued to the minimal space between you and him. “Eren said there was an emergency this way. What seems to be the issue?”
That little shit. Levi could’ve kicked the stupid grin right off his face again.
“Did he?” Levi said, swallowing down his anger, his expression as nonchalant as usual. “I’ve got no idea what he could possibly be talking about.”
“Eren said you two were kissing.” Mikasa spared no time for idle conversation, her eyes as hard as his own as she made the comment in a bored tone. If Levi had to guess, she’d been pulled into the situation because Eren had caught them and couldn’t keep his nose out of other people’s business.  
And Hange, who had never been very good at holding back laughter, doubled over with tears gathering at the corners of their eyes.
“Oh,” you said beside him, embarrassed, and Levi softened, remembering that even though he’d kept the relationship a secret for your own safety, there really had never been a need to. You were never going to leave his life, not if he could help it, and he trusted the five people before him enough to keep it from becoming public knowledge. “I’m sorry,” you whispered to him, momentarily panicked. “That was my fault.”
Levi hated the look on your face; he never wanted you to look so disheartened again. He sighed. “Eren, you should learn to keep your mouth shut.”
At least, Eren had the good sense to sober up. His back became rigid, any humor disappearing from his face immediately. “Right, sir, I’m sorry. I just thought—”
“I’ve got the day off like the rest of you, don’t I? Maybe you should let us spend it in peace.” Levi boldly grabbed your hand, walking through the middle of the starstruck crowd, knowing he’d have to deal with their endless questions sooner than later.
For now, though, he just wanted a relaxing day with you by his side.
“Levi, wait! Why didn’t you tell me?” Hange’s dramatic cries rang out through the air as he glared at them over his shoulder, eyes narrowing so intensely it almost hurt.
Behind him, Eren’s cry of pain could be heard after Mikasa slapped him over the head. “Eren! I told you that was a bad idea.”
“Bye!” you said sweetly, like nothing had happened, and continued along with your hand in Levi’s, a stupid smile on your face.
When you were far enough away from lingering ears, Levi looked over to you, shaking his head. “Why do you look so happy?” he asked, exasperated, and ready to go home.
You shrugged. “I like that someone else knows that I love you.”
And though Levi would still push Eren twice as hard at the next training, he couldn’t be too mad at him after that.
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beiasluv · 1 year
Hello! Do you take request for platonic relationships? May I request for a fic where the reader is Neteyam’s twin and they died instead of Neteyam? Thank you!
neteyam x sister!reader
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
a/n: yesss, i love platonic relationships, hope u like it :)
warnings: curse words, death :( and ye bad grammar bc i am potato 💀
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the tale of jake sully and neytiri began a long, long time ago. until now, they had a been blessed with a baby or should i say babies
the future child of the toruk makto bear great responsibility since a youngling. even the childbirth was not private, the clan gathered around the suffering neytiri to celebrate their heirs.
neytiri screamed as her voice cracked; she squeezed jake’s hand tightly, as if she wanted him to bore the pain. jake, who was helpless to his wife held her tightly and made an attempt to calm his own beating heart.
“a boy!” the first cry echoed the forest floors and a blue baby wailed.
“neteyam!” jake held his baby high up the ground, as an offering back to eywa. and like she had noticed, the wind blew heavily among the trees.
“neteyam!” the people of omaticaya chanted as they celebrated.
jake held neteyam against his mother, “he is so precious- ma ja-!”
“neytiri!” she held his hand tightly for the second time. “what is wrong? are you injured?” he looked for mo’at and she came hurriedly.
“this can’t be!” mo’at raised her hand high towards eywa. “ewya had blessed them with a twin!” “Tsleng kä! (eywa gives)”
“Tsleng kä!! (eywa gives!)”
“y/n!” jake held you up in his embrace.
“y/n!” the people chanted. as if eywa acknowledged her blessing again, the woodsprites surround your body and flew off into the wind.
a twin can only be so different yet so similar at the same time. you both inherited loyalty and obedience from your parents.
however, the eldest daughter can never deny that they are a daddy’s girl. and neteyam is a mommy’s boy. a fair trade
jake will always have a soft spot for you in his heart. the firstborn daughter of a toruk makto carries a great burden all the time. he had to prepare you since young to learn how to hunt, speak intellectually, and the importance of your people.
he will call you his ‘babygirl’ when you are going through tough times and it helps calm you down 👀
you would say you guys are both calm and collected. but if compared with each other, neteyam is still leaning towards his brain, but you leans towards your heart.
you are more emotional than neteyam and for good reasons.
whenever he gets too harsh on lo’ak, you were there to support and push him up. (sorry neteyam, but we know who is lo’ak’s favorite twin here)
however, twins are twins. you guys can fight each other and screw up one another, but you are always there to back him up.
“no, neteyam, can not have my food, but here is my liver if you are going to die.”
neteyam, being the eldest he is, is very protective of his twin sister. your human hand gained a lot of unwanted attention from the other na’vis. he made each and everyone of them to learned their lesson if they decided to judge your precious pinkie.
he is very picky of what you wear and where you go
“no, you can not wear that, cover up,” he whined.
“please, as if you are not showing your whole upper body,” you slapped his abs.
“no, this is different!” he raised his arms. “there are boys drooling over you wherever you go! do not think i didn’t notice.”
“it is normal of our culture! na’vis wear this!” you complained.
“i’ll tell mom you’ve been seeing a boy out,” he raised his eyebrows.
“nete! we are just friends!”
“then cover up.”
whenever the boys are in trouble, you have to go bring them back. dragging them by their ears are your favorite method.
now, they’ve learned when does your footsteps mean trouble from mom and dad.
“shit! she’s coming! run!” lo’ak tapped his brother.
“neteyam! lo’ak! i am not covering for you this time!”
“then, catch us!”
“don’t make me count!”
buttt, you still covered for them because they are your beloved brothers.
patching them up most of the time. kiri is also there to help you patch them up.
kiri and tuk are your angels for lifeee. teas? spilled. you guys have girls night all thetime.
the girls like to roam the forest floor and sometimes the lab. you knew kiri and grace have a special connection, and you were there to support here through the hard times.
kiri is your spiritual sister, Period. she loves to nap in the forest with you and swim in the waterfalls.
tuk is your baby, she is so supportive and lovely to be around. your baby sister who backs you up all the time.
when mom and dad goes too harsh on you, neteyam and tuk is always there to hold you up.
spider tho. no particular comment. you had always smelled stinky feelings towards him since the beginning, but seeing your siblings grow fond of him you didn’t say anything.
he is very friendly, to the point of being weird to you. you remember to keep a distance from him
bantering with neteyam all. of. the. time. who’s older or younger, classic. who’s taller, well, you kinda gave up after puberty hit him like a BUS
you are also protective of him. girls are always surrounding him with gifts and flowers. some even took an extra step to spy him through you.
nope, not happening.
the metkayina welcomed you guys with hospitality and same hostile behavior. which you didn’t mind, considering your dad brought much trouble to them.
you tried to be invisible to most of the people, staying away on the beach, swimming alone, or watching the sunset.
ao’nung took advantage of your solitude to make friendship. easy to say that your brothers are not happy with his attempts.
you agreed to talk with him as long as he stop bothering kiri, which he agreed swiftly. he didn’t agree swiftly to stop bothering neteyam and lo’ak, tho. but he gave in in the end.
“you have to breath in from here,” ao’nung grabbed his abs, sort of what flexing, you noticed.
“okay,” you breathed in deeper than you normally do, earning a chuckle from him seeing your puffed cheeks.
“not your cheeks, here,” his hand claps your area of shown stomach. unknowingly, his hand was burning on your skin.
“are you sick, ao’nung? your hands and face are burning,” you touched his forehead.
“oh! no! definitely not! i am fine!” he flinched his hands back. “so- sorry.”
“hey! great! you are learning to apologize!” you giggled at his words.
“only to you,” he mumbled under his breath.
“oh, nothing,” he replied.
“y/n! let’s go! dad’s calling!” neteyam ran over to you. “look who’s here, trying to get my sister?” (giving the eyes)
“you shut up!” ao’nung retorted back.
“hey! he’s not and don’t call my brother that, you guys apologize to each other…nete”
“s..sorry” “sorry”
for someone with ego as big as his, you taught him to become more selfless. the way your father taught you since a youngling. his parents were amazed by your successful attempts and welcomed you heartwarmingly.
his sister, tsireya, welcomed you with love and affection. she is quite the opposite of her brother, which you appreciated it quite a lot.
whenever your mom needs a second hand you will always be there for her. hugging her daily and giving her comfort. neytiri sings you daily to sleep just as it was in the jungle.
…and the war came, that demon you always loathed.
“y/n! y/n! no!” neteyam tried to keep your head above the water as he is fighting against the wave himself. “bro! take her!”
“shit!” lo’ak took your body on his ilu and cradled you in his arms.
“fuck! she took the shot for me, lo’ak! what am i going to do!”
“should’ve left her dead, bro,” spider said emotional-less.
“SHUT UP! TAKE HER TO DAD NOW!” neteyam commanded lo’ak who hurriedly tightened his grip on you.
“couz, do you know what the fuck did you just said!” lo’ak called his ilu to take off while neteyam is holding on to its harness.
“she said she will sacrifice herself for her family, and this is what exactly what it is!” spider shouted back. “she wants to be with eywa! back when we were younger!”
“we’ll get back with you, spider!” neteyam shouted as he fought back the waves. “you are fucking mad! she’s our sister! I’ll never lose her to a fucking bullet! pray for yourself that I’ll not pluck your eyeballs out!”
“DAD!” lo’ak called out jake on the rock. “bro watch her head!” lo’ak, neteyam, and tsireya lowered your body softly on the rough surface. everyone can hear their heartbeat as well as the liquid in their teary eyes.
“fuck, pressure! apply pressure on her!” jake took neteyam’s hand and place it on her blood soaked chest. neteyam placed his shaky hands as heavy as he could on your chest to stop your blood.
“it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay,” your dad muttered to your fading sight.
“d- dad, i want to go home,” you sobbed, as each word hurts to mutter out.
“i know, i know, we’re going home,” he smiled softly at you, trying to keep himself together.
“no, no, no, no, no,” neytiri held your body tightly. she cradled your face in her soft hands. you remember these soft hands, they are the one who brought you to bed every night, the ones who took care of you when you are sick, and the one who held you when you first broke your heart. now you felt as if you are breaking their hearts.
“i- i- mom- dad-“ you can’t help but your body is shaking hardly.
“yes, sweetheart?” “yes, babygirl?” your mom and dad replied softly and everything blacks out.
“no! nooo! y/n!” neytiri screamed her heart out, her hands traveled around your head and held it close to her chest. as if she is trying to retrieve her last memory like the first time she was breast-feeding you. “my child! my daughter!”
your brothers held your body close to them as well. neteyam taking your hand and knitting his ring with your pinkie finger, “you promise! you promised!”
“neytiri, neytiri,” jake held her closely. “they have our daughters, i need you to be strong.”
“let’s take our daughters back.” from that moment on, her eyes became as emotional less as a robot, grabbing her bow she took off.
“stay with your sister!” jake commanded.
“what are you doing, mad animal! i don’t even care for that child!”
part 2
today’s a great day to take care of yourself, 🤍
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acti-veg · 6 months
So animals have culture?
Cultural practices in non-human animals have been observed for decades, the only reason it isn't more widely recognised is because of the anthropocentrism that is so prevalent in the sciences. Many animals have been observed mourning, creating art, giving gifts, decorating their spaces, establishing and adhering to fashions, enjoying music, developing language, using tools and engaging in ritualistic behaviours, all of which are clear indicators of culture.
It isn't just mammals either, such behaviours are commonly observed across the animal kingdom, including birds, reptiles and many invertebrates; particularly cephalopods. Non-human animals often behave in ways that bare striking resemblance to our own cultural practices, especially around mourning, we have just always dismissed these as 'instinctive' under the false assumption that culture is unique to the human animal.
Of course, we also have a significant vested interest in denying animal intelligence, emotion and culture. The more animals resemble us and the more complex they are, the harder it is to justify exploiting them, even under existing ethical systems that don't generally consider animals who aren't pets to be very important. It's harder to eat a pig when you have seen them decorate their barn with flowers, as has been observed in sanctuaries.
If you'd like to read more about this, I'd recommend checking out The Emotional Lives of Animals. You can find a few good articles below as well:
New Scientist
Science.org 2
Psychology Today
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Late Night Cutie Pie
Newt Scamander X Knight Bus Worker! Reader
((Can be read as platonic))
While working on the bus, a famous little face pops itself into the open doors. A sweetheart that’s been stressed out of his mind, and you do what you do best. Help those in need. Along with show you might have a talent for Nifflers, on top of a talent for flustering Magizoologists
Warnings: very adorable fluff, tooth rotting fluff, fluster newt, newt being painfully adorable, and of course TEDDY SHENANIGANS
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“Ooooo we got a celebrity joining us tonight-!” You heard you coworker, a talking head, shout to you. You wondered who that could be, as you finished tidying up the beds. Ready for whatever lost soul is needing a good rest. Pillows fluffed, blankets laid out, and wheels oiled to keep people from flying.
“Oh no no. Im not celebrity-“ A almost timid voice would speak, as you hurried down from the upper floor. Once your shoes hit the ground, your eyes went wide with who they landed on. A man in a blue jacket, fluffy hair, and a suit case in hand. Newt Scamander. In the flesh.
“No way-“ You whispered, before those big blue eyes were on you. He gave a shy little wave, before rummaging in his pocket. Pulling out his ticket, and snapping you back to reality. As instinct, you were quick to sort it out. Not even needing to look at your hands, as you kept them on him. Snip, snap, POP, done!
“Normally we never pry, but uh. What’s a guy like you doing on a bus like ours-?” You asked. You were a Knight Bus Worker. You had to be social, after all. So being direct with people, no matter the face, is an important skill to have. One that was leaving him embarrassed.
“Well, seems you know who I am. Guess you can kinda put two and two together. Not many people trust that I’ll keep my friends under control.” He admits, with a smile that said it hurt him. They were animals. Not their fault after all. You won’t lie, though. It’s touching how he would simply turn those people away. Compared to following their rules, and leaving his friends behind.
“I mean, we’ve had the shadiest people come on here. Better to have Hippogriff shit on the bed than human shit. Least with a bird like that, you know they couldn’t help it.” You would put, rather bluntly, which had him smile. Knowing he wouldn’t be a burden to anyone on the bus, given you were being very direct with him. Compared to sugar coating, or babying him because of his Hufflepuff nature. People tended to do that, and even he was getting annoyed. A welcome change it was.
“I’ll take you to the upper floor, so you can have more room. Not a lot of people go up there, because of motion sickness. So you’ll have plenty of room to stretch your legs-!” You comforted, as you were making his night. A place to actually rest, and work with his care. You were just his angel. He wanted to hug you so badly, and you can tell with his arms tensing. Once a Hufflepuff, always a Hufflepuff.
“Bring it in-“ You reassured, and he nearly lifted you off the ground. Made you wheeze, but you couldn’t deny it. Hufflepuffs gave the best hugs. Not many people liked to treat you more than part of the bus, so it was a very nice change. Felt good to get a hug.
“Truly, I am so grateful. Be nice to sleep in a bed for a while. Not to say I do not enjoy nature, but we all live in certain environments for a reason after all." The older man said, when he finally set you free. Must be so hard, world traveling. Maybe he was home sick, so he was back in England for a while. Maybe animals were in need. Who knows! You just know he needed rest.
"Come on up then." You would escort him to the second floor of the double decker bus, and would lead him to a freshly made bed. You also made sure the frame was secure, wheels smooth, anything that could cause issues in his stay. Just wanting him to get some rest. As you did, you were not aware of Newt having a panic attack behind you. The moment you turned; he quickly hid his suitcase. Smiling big, with eyes darting everywhere.
"Doing alright? Seem a bit shaken, what's up?" You asked, as he keeps his nervous smile. A tug at his collar, before his eyes were now staring at something behind you. That made you raise a brow, before you slowly turned around. Just as you did, something jumped on you. You gave a shout, before you were tumbling into the once Hufflepuff. Both of you crashing to the ground.
"TEDDY-! NO! WEVE BEEN OVER THIS-!" You heard him shout, as you were helped up. Now you had a niffler choking you out, given he was dangling off your lanyard. Now knowing it was a niffler, you weren't upset. Your lanyard had many shiny pins and buttons. It can't be helped.
"Aw, you want a pin?" You cooed, as you soon scooped the little gremlin into your arms. Him still holding the lanyard, as Newt calmed down. Surprised to see Teddy calm as well. Just looking up at you with those big eyes. Sparkling with desire. You knew what to do, given many a child has ridden the bus. For one reason or another.
"Here is a nice shiny pin, all for you." You smiled, as you rummaged in your pocket. Soon you had a pin in hand, designed to look like the knight bus. With glittery windows, that made it sparkle like stars. That had the niffler let go of the lanyard, and make grabby hands for the pin. Into his tiny hands it went, and he hugged it tightly. A little chirp of happiness, before it went into his pouch. Safe and sound. Now he was satisfied, for the time being.
"Amazing..." Newt whispered, before he would take Teddy back. The little guy was quick to pull the new possession out, and showed it to his dad. Newt gave a 'ooo' and his eyes sparkled all the same. Just like a father, to a toddler. Melted your heart, to see a bond. How he kissed Teddy's head, and he gave chirps of joy.
"You have a talent for animals, I can see it clear as day. Teddy is always a handful, but like that you had it under control. No panic, and quick to find a solution. Amazing." He praised you, resulting a heavy blush on your face. What a praise and honor it was. Newt Scamander, praising your skills.
"Toddlers and nifflers are basically the same thing." You brushed off, before the bus was quick to make its sharp stop. You didnt move a inch, of course, but the father and son went flying. You winced, when Newt slammed into the window. He did, however, made sure to keep teddy wrapped around his arms. Pressed into his chest, so that the little thing suffered as little damage as possible. Such a pure soul.
"There is a reason we have complinetry sleeping potions and pain killers. Check the bedside table, back to work I go!" You waved goodbye, with Teddy waving bye as well. Since his dad was busy with new back pain.
Just like how it always was. Taking tickets, escorting newbies, comforting lost children, punching a drunk here and there. A typical night for the bus. As it was getting closer to the end of your shift, you would go and check on the famous celebrity. Up the stairs, and to the second floor.
There he was. His brief case locked to the bed frame, with an enchanted chain, and his coat hung up. His face pressed into the pillow, showing his knocked out face. Drooling, in a much needed rest. All the while little Teddy was snuggled close to his father. His face tucked under the man’s chin, and tiny hands hugging his dress shirt close. Safe, under the man’s arm.
You would sneak over, and make sure the blanket was pulled high enough for him and Teddy. Poor souls needed it. You wouldn’t be surprised if he would spend a few nights here. As if you would complain. The company would be needed, and who knows. Maybe a Pest Control guy would be needed. Sure get wild animagi coming in sometimes.
With Newt tucked in, and adjusting the pillow for Teddy, you would return down the stairs. All to be teased by that talking head for growing overly friendly with the celebrity. All it took was a flick, and he was spinning. That had you laugh, as you stretched.
Never a dull night, on that bus.
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matan4il · 6 months
To the lovely American Nonnie, who told me that all antisemitism is bad, but leftist antisemitism is the worst because "they are being protected and celebrated. By media, pop culture, and academia. With no middle ground," I agree. The anti-Israel type of antisemitism is, without a doubt, the most socially accepted kind. It's the only kind that someone can spew, and get publicly applauded. The only kind where someone can celebrate the massacre of Jews, and either there are no consequences to that, or there finally are, and then that person and their supporters can pretend they're a martyr, being "persecuted" for being "critical of Israel," when in reality legit criticism of Israel is a very different thing to bias against the only Jewish state, and that person is just another Jew hater.
But I don't think it's just that.
I think it's also the fact that most antisemites are at least honest about hating Jews. The anti-Israel type of antisemitism tries to pretend it's not Jew hatred. So you'll get the hypocrisy of wishing Jews a Happy Hanukkah, a Zionist holiday, while attacking Zionism, and claiming it's incompatible with Judaism. Or you'll have people telling you how important it is to them to combat antisemitism, then they'll turn around and spit out leftist antisemitic conspiracy theories, that instead of saying Jews use the blood of non-Jewish kids to bake matzos, claim the Jewish state only sent a field hospital to Haiti after the earthquake, to harvest human organs. Or they'll proudly announce they're not antisemitic, and to "prove" it, they'll tokenize Jews, which is an antisemitic act in itself. And the worst is when they won't even listen to Jews who tell them that they're being antisemitic, or worse, they'll claim Zionism is antisemitic, which would make 90% of Jews, as well as the Bible itself, antisemitic. It's gaslighting Jews and non-Jews on what is Judaism and what is antisemitic. Other types of antisemites don't do that.
I also think this kind of antisemitism is particularly infuriating, because of the deep discrepancy between the values the left is supposed to stand for, and how they abandon those values when it comes to Jews. "Believe all women!" suddenly isn't applied when Israeli Jewish women are mass raped. "Violence is never the answer! Taking a human life is always wrong!" Then suddenly when Israeli Jews are massacred, and we get explanations on why violence is legit if people are occupied, even when it's translated into mass murder.
And lastly, there's the discrimination, because the left would never treat any other marginalized group the way it does Jews. "Don't speak over a minority group! Listen to their lived experiences!" Then a Jew tries to explain why anti-Zionism is antisemitic, and suddenly all the non-Jew leftists are bigger experts than us on Jewish history and and hatred of Jews, and we're not listened to when we talk about our persecution in the Middle East pre-modern Zionism (meaning the persecution and repeated massacres of Jews in the Middle East is being denied, in a way no one on the left would dare deny, for example, that the transatlantic slave trade happened), or how much anti-Zionism threatens non-Israeli Jews. "Educate yourself" is a common call, but no one feels the need to properly educate themselves on Jewish history, identity and native rights, or worse, they read propaganda from anti-Israel sources only, and think that's the same as educating themselves, as if when they're about to write about any other marginalized group, they would only take in the "education" of those that the group says hate it. "Ethnic cleansing is the worst!" the left says, while chanting slogans that, at the very least, call for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Jewish ancestral homeland, and no one gives a damn about us when we point this out. "None of us is free until all of us are free!" goes the intersectionalist call of the left, but Jews are excluded from that. No one cares about modern Zionism being our liberation movement, and we are sometimes physically removed from spaces that are supposed to be dedicated to marginalized groups, as was done to my friend at the Chicago Dyke March, when she wanted to hold a Jewish pride flag, under the claim that the Jewish pride flag makes Palestinians at the march feel unsafe... How safe did queer Jews feel in that moment, or when learning about that incident? But no one cares.
Sending lots of hugs from Jerusalem to you, in the US! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
Blog Housekeeping:
Gonna take the rest of the week off from high-effort posting and analysis. Just to recharge.
This is a marathon, not a sprint. And I need to take my own advice so I can finish this instead of burning out.
A lot of things have been upsetting to me this past week. A lot of hypocrisy from so-called activists. A lot of Jewish spaces being so flooded with antisemitism that I can’t even find Jews in them. I just need a rest.
I looked up “olive tree” on this site just for reference pix of so I could draw an olive tree. And instead I was flooded with propaganda about how Jews can’t be indigenous to Israel because of we cared so much about our land we wouldn’t destroy so many olive trees. And how important olive trees are to Palestinians. And yes. I absolutely 100% believe that Palestinians value olive trees. I believe Palestinians when they say that they value all the things they say they value.
What upsets me is that I can’t even search a symbol that is also very connected to Judaism and peace and my indigeneity without my culture being vilified and my indigeneity denied and encountering a disrespectful level of ignorance about the core values of Judaism.
Like… imagine telling JEWS we are evil for not caring enough about trees. 33% of our religion is about trees!!!!! Specific trees too! Including olive trees! I deserve to look up pictures of olive trees and be able to find a nice picture of an olive tree.
I’m not saying that nobody should post about the destruction of olive trees in Palestine. But why can’t I find any posts with olive trees that are just about the trees? Why is this symbol of peace across multiple religions and cultures being used AGAINST Jews worldwide just because of the actions of a country halfway around the world? And why do I feel like saying the truth that “Jews love trees, but not more than human life” will be a stance that gets me called evil and accused of devaluing Palestinian life. I don’t. And never have. But my goodness. I just wanted to look at a tree. Idk. It just made me sad. It was just the latest instance of a long line of stuff that has made me weary lately. Fandoms, nature pictures, everything I enjoy is just soaked in politicization rn and there is no escape. And I just…it’s overwhelming. I’ll be back and I’ll be analytical and kind and the same as I’ve always been. But I need a week to recharge myself.
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sugar-grigri · 9 months
I was wondering what you think the likelihood is of an actual canon Asa/Denji romantic relationship is? I mean obviously they're building that Asa has feelings for csm/Denji (separately) and Denji has shown passing interest as well. I wonder if it's feasible at all or are they going to be pitched against one another now that Asa's getting seen more in the public eye while Denji is forcibly pushed aside.
Love your blog and enjoy reading your analyzes of the chapters/characters/plot!
Denji and Asa will have a romantic relationship 
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I'm sorry to answer so late (almost 2 months later) and without justifying my delay, I think it's the right time in view of the last chapters to answer !!! I think Asa and Denji will have a romantic relationship. Before explaining my arguments, I would ask that we all put our personal preferences aside. I'm only interested in Denji and Asa's writing and story arcs. Now that that's been cleared up, let's get down to business.
First of all, I'd like to reiterate a few points about Denji's development and objectives.
In part 1, Denji understood what it meant to be loved properly, the different facets of love, how to protect and pamper a family, just as his response to the antagonist was driven by his love for Makima. It's important not to deny that Denji has become attached to Makima, and the paradoxical aspect of this affection is what made the end of Part 1 so brilliant and memorable.
Firstly, it confirmed that CSM's main theme from the outset was love, and secondly, it proved that Denji's response was extremely sensitive and mature. Instead of locking himself into a cycle of revenge and hatred, he forgave.
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But above all from a narrative point of view it's interesting because in the first part, Denji grasped his value as a human being, knew what it was like to be considered and loved by Power and Aki. I've always seen Part 2 as a response to Part 1.
After the character has grasped that he can be loved, Part 2 places within it, consecrating it as the pivotal protagonist: Denji's beloved, Asa Mitaka. Instead of simply mystifying the love interest as a deuteragonist, as many works do, and depriving us of her point of view, Fujimoto places her with equal narrative importance. Which makes sense, since love is a central theme, Denji's love couldn't take a back seat.
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All this to say that the very fact that Asa is also the protagonist puts us on the right track. But there's nothing to stop it all being a trap? Just as there's nothing to stop the relationship between the two protagonists opening up to a lovely friendship, is there? From a personal point of view, I'd have found it interesting if Denji had struck up another platonic friendship with a girl, with no undertones.
But that's not what Fujimoto has in mind...
Asa and Denji are written to complement each other. And when I say complementarity, I make it clear that the writing doesn't imply that a relationship between the two of them would solve their internal problems. Their flaws are put to the test by the external scenario.
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For example, Asa's lack of trust in others is underlined in her development compared to other characters such as Yuko and Yoshida.
Yuko and Asa had a sincere friendship, although this drifted into moral combat as the young girl wanted to be as beneficial and useful as Chainsaw Man. As for Yoshida, he torments Asa, playing the game of promiscuity in order to create distance between the two of them, motivated as he is by Chainsaw Man. But his aim is not to become like him, but to prevent him from acting to the full.
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Whether it's to inhibit Chainsaw Man or to become like him, Chainsaw Man has occupied a place in Asa's relationships with the others. But again, this only serves to underline the extent to which the destinies of the two protagonists are intertwined. Instead of hating Chainsaw Man even more for disrupting her relationships, Asa Mitaka unknowingly experienced his profound kindness.
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During the aquarium arc, Denji simply occupied a special place regarding this issue. While the young girl mortified herself about being a good-for-nothing, a loser like Denji, it was he who paradoxically helped her. Firstly, because he'd listened to her explanations, boring though they were, about starfish and the fact that they're edible. What's more, Fami can control those she would have starved, so subconsciously the fact that Denji offered her food saved Asa.
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But this is implicit writing, as it doesn't make sense until well afterwards, when Fujimoto spells out the conditions of the famine demon's power. When we read the aquarium arc, the one who finds the solution is Asa. Denji was merely a springboard.
This episode is central because Fujimoto, in developing the relationship between Denji and Asa, also clarifies the way in which he will write it: one will not overshadow the other, and he has not placed Asa as the protagonist so that she is not a pivotal point in the scenario.
But before this good experience, Asa only sees Denji's little flaws, the fact that he's a fan of Chainsaw Man, that he rips off homeless people and even goes so far as to dehumanize him, considering him somewhere between a cat and a criminal. Instead of idealizing Asa as Denji's great savior, she is first presented as a threat to the boy. But this chapter only confirms the future romantic (and tragic) aspect of their relationship.
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I'm putting my theory back on the cat, because it's this symbol that heralds a perhaps not-so-pretty ending between the two of them. Fujimoto takes on the characteristics of a Greek tragedy, with a game of identities, intertwined secrets and a series of misunderstandings, with two camps, characters also preventing their relationship (Nayuta and Yoshida). But above all, it's tragic: Denji is somewhere between a cat and a criminal, just as Asa lost her mother while trying to save a cat, just as the first being Denji saves in Part 2 is a cat.
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The cat is a figure that links Denji and Asa (the fact that they both saved one, that it is linked to their family (Power and Asa's mother), the metaphor of cat and criminal being what characterizes someone as morally gray as the two of them TO SUM UP their relationship will end in sacrifice. The ultimate proof of love. Isn't it wonderful to have a boy as the protagonist who pursues love, only to die for it? The reverse is just as beautiful: a young girl who closes herself off in solitude finds self-fulfillment in dying for the sake of another.
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But back to something happier: Asa is the only one who has a healthy love (or rather, attachment) to Denji. Firstly, because she first faced Denji's and Chainsaw Man's flaws before seeing their good sides.
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First, she doesn't project anything onto the boy, and sees him exactly as he is. She experienced his obscenities, his interest in sex that repels her. This was something I'd considered a flaw until now, to be honest; I was afraid that if the two protagonists ended up experiencing intimacy together, it would "save" Asa from her rejection of sex. But I was reassured by Fumiko's development, which parallels that. Fumiko has an unhealthy interest in Denji and is constantly contradictory in her dealings with him.
As I said, chapter 142 sets up a fairly simple idea: no one respects Denji's limits, above all, no one sees him as the teenager, the child he is. With Chainsaw Man, the same thing happens: people, faced with their powerlessness against the demons, project their grief and frustrations onto the machine man, to the point of pushing him to live again and again to kill his loved one, his big brother. 
No one hears Chainsaw Man's cries for help 
Asa stands out from all this: first, she's the one who wants to save Chainsaw Man 
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Fumiko already had an idealized image of Denji before she met him, has an ascendancy over age, a manipulative strategy, but beyond these problematic issues she respects no limits, thinks Denji's sexual desires, which do exist (let's not deny it), are watchwords. 
She, who considers him a child, doesn't act at all in the spirit of protection that she acclaims. 
Asa has the opposite reaction, but purely the opposite. When she meets Denji, she's not at all interested, even distressed. She'll have exactly the same reaction to Chainsaw Man. She doesn't like him, so she has nothing to project onto him. And even her first reaction to him was far from idyllic. 
Fumiko's presence is also intended to underline the way she and Asa differ in the way they deal with Denji's limitations. 
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Asa respects Denji's limits, or rather those he has set as rules dictated by his little sister. But Yoru crosses a boundary by kissing him. Without the desire to justify a non-consensual act, what Yoru is doing is crossing a boundary not set by Denji but by Nayuta, who is trapping her older brother in a certain solitude by wanting to protect him. The control devil is obsessed with a happiness that can only be found in the number of two, which is the common trait that links Makima and Nayuta, although they are not exactly the same entity. The first kiss between Yoru and Denji is then an act of rebellion, rather than Fumiko's constant overstepping of boundaries. 
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(Again, these are two non-consensual acts, and I'm not justifying them, but they don't have the same narrative function).
But above all, the limits set by Nayuta have another meaning - they're there to consolidate the fact that Denji and Asa's relationship is a romantic tragedy inspired by the ancients, as Shakespiere was. The breaking of rules is a major theme in Romeo and Juliet, especially in the case of Juliet, who must choose between morals and her love, her family destining her for another marriage (symbolized by Nayuta). 
But we'll come back to the symbolism of Romeo and Juliet in a moment... 
Asa has met the purest version of Denji - whether it's Denji revealing his identity, or his profound kindness at the aquarium - and she's also witnessed the flaws of Chainsaw Man, this perverse monster, not good with words, who not only tried to reassure her, but actively protected her.
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In other words, when we see her disturbed by her growing feelings for both Denji and Chainsaw Man, they are more than sincere, for she has seen them both as they were. But above all, she is the first character to love both sides of Denji's identity. Whereas Makima was obsessed with Chainsaw Man or Reze focused on Denji's weaknesses, Asa became attached to both the human and the demon.
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Denji's dual identity is central, with the public hunters trying to annihilate Denji's demonic identity while the church relies on it, confusing the boy into having to choose one or the other, while the one who intends to help him unknowingly loves both sides. She likes him doubly. Asa is proof that Denji has to claim his two identities.
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Not only is the girl also two, harboring a demon within her just as Denji has fused with a demon, but the way their demons are linked to each other and have a history between them only reinforces the destiny that binds them.
Asa is someone who intellectualizes her emotions to the extreme, so her love is more cerebral than Denji's, who thinks primarily through his senses, having a more instinctive love. Yoru occupies half of Asa's brain, while Pochita replaces Denji's heart, totally in line with this symbolism.
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Above all, Yoru is disturbed by Asa's budding feelings, which also affect her. We've seen that Yoru hasn't succeeded in transforming Denji. We all stopped to think that she couldn't transform a hybrid, a demon. Yoru is a knight of the apocalypse and has a natural ascendancy over other demons, just as Fami had the falling devil under her control and Makima had controlled many demons. No, the reason why Yoru can't transform Denji is twofold: she's disturbed by Asa's feelings, which are also her own, and doesn't have the will to make him her weapon; but above all, they're not yet together, and the feeling of belonging to each other hasn't yet been established. It's not certain that Denji will ever become Yoru's weapon, since as soon as their relationship is established, he will symbolically offer her his heart.
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In the current arc, Fujimoto places Asa in Denji's initial situation, so as to better parallel them: she becomes the church's new flagship image, her popularity competing directly with Chainsaw Man's. But while the current arc shows us the downside of these parasocial relationships, with Denji completely paralyzed by his existential crises, Asa experiences the opposite.
She who has always felt isolated is finally beginning to be appreciated and loved by the majority. In short, one begins to learn something that the other is just experimenting with. Denji and Asa are two very isolated teenagers who project themselves into the recognition their audience has in them. 
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What's certain is that Denji's existential crisis doesn't just concern him, insofar as his experiences can serve as a lesson to Asa, that to become a hero is above all to be alone. The church intends to sacrifice innocent people to spur Chainsaw Man into action, a church that Asa now represents. Asa hasn't yet seen this side of the church, so Barem mocks her by presenting her as a naive young girl. However, Asa has the intuition that tragedy will strike, since she has a nightmare of it.
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Asa's going to have to go beyond her moral limits, to take the brunt of her own popularity, and even if she intends to save Chainsaw Man as he saved her, I think it's he who's going to help her more, not to eclipse her but as a springboard to push the heroine to save herself.
Denji's development isn't slow, flat, in this arc, it just reaches its conclusion. What's left for him to do to end it all is to prove his love.
Even if it means dying for it.
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marymary-diva17 · 10 months
soulmates by Eywa
Jake x avatar reader x neytiri
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Never in your wild life did you ever think you will be falling in love with two people, that meant so much to you that was until life on Pandora had changed your whole perspective. As time was growing your had started forming a great relationship with neytiri and Jake, it a beautiful relationship that kept on growing over time. Soon some feeling that you never had before soon came into play for you.These feeling will soon start changing everything in your life, and your were praying to eywa for some guidance.
Y/n" ......"As you were sitting in the laboratory thinking to yourself about the feeling your have for your two best friends, and these feeling were growing.
norm " hey you are still here I thought you will be out with Jake and neytiri right now"
y/n " I was thinking about something and lost track of time"
Norm " you know they will never know your feelings of you keep on hiding them"
y/n " I know but im scared this will ruin my relationship with them, and the clan wants them together as they make a very powerful couple"
norm " I say you should not pay attention to them the more your act like this then you might lose your chance with either one of them"
y/n " then what if they don't love me back"
norm " you will never know if you don't try"
y/n " thank you norm well I'm off I will see you later"
Norm " good luck" you had nodded your head before you walked toward the capsule and soon got inside, as the transfer soon set in and you woke up.
y/n " well time to get the day started" you soon got up from your hammock bed, and soon left tent for the avatar bodies and head towards the village.
????? " you are being a child this won't work and you will make work even harder for us"
???? " oh come one neytiri give me a chance I know my plan will work perfectly" you had heard the voice of Jake and neytiri talking you and watched from far away. They make such a perfect couple with each other, there was no denying that maybe eywa made them a perfect pair.
Neytiri " no Jake it won't work and you will make use waste the day fixing your mess"
Jake " oh come on tiri I know you understand me it will be fun and it will give us time together"
neytiri " no you fool ... y/n you are here finally" neytiri had spotted your a smile growing on her face when she saw you standing there, she soon made her way over to you.
y/n " hello neytiri"
neytiri " good you are finally here now help me convincesthat idea of him using human weapon, and adding some navi style is stupid"
y/n " oh well I don't have that much to say about the matter"
Jake " oh come on y/n you are our best friend and most important person so what do you say"
y/n " well I think Jake idea is not that bad It seems good as we can use both human stye and omatacayia style as well"
Jake " told you she will always agree with him that my girl" Jake soon hugged you whole sticking his tongue out at neytiri.
Neytiri " please don't encourage this behavior ma y/n please" neytiri soon puled you away from Jake hissing at hime and soon place a hand on your check, making you smile.
Jake " hey why don't you come with us flying there are some other stuff we need to do, but we are going flying on our ikrans"
Y/n " are you sure I can find some work around here I don't want to be a bothersome to you both"
neytiri " ma y/n you are never a bothersome and it will be good to have you with us, we love doing work with you and it will give us time away from here" you soon smiled at the pair and nodded your head Jake and neytiri were happy to see that you agree to come with them. Soon the tiro had left village together having a good time, but it seemed like you were keeping your distance from the two.
neytiri " y/n have you ever decided on become fully navi like Jake, my mother has been wondering about it as you have proven yourself and become one of us" the group had arrived back at the village after getting work done, Jake and neytiri had were in conversation about the handling of the clan and future relationships between humans and navi.
y/n " I don't know yet tiri I feel like I still want to be humans as there much need work, that needs to be done for the omatacayia and humans ... we all need to rebuild and right now making me navi should be pushed off for later"
Jake " don't speak like that who was the won who helped me learn more when I was formerly human ... it was you, grace, and norm but you said up late at night to help me over and over again"
y/n " you are right Jake but for now we should care for our people navi and humans, and maybe when the time right I will become navi and live a new life"
Jake " I can accept that" Jake soon kissed your forehead he soon stepped away smiling at you.
neytiri " well we are out of water"
y/n " here give me your water pouches and I will go get more for the group"
neytiri " why don't we come with you it will be good and maybe we can go for a swim as well"
y/n " no I will go you two need to make up your minds on this matter anyways, now given me them" neytiri knew there was no more fighting and soon toss her over to you, and you caught it and soon enough Jake had tossed his and you caught it. You had grabbed your pouch before leaving, giving the pair some time alone together. maybe those feelings of sadness were false and you were feeling happiness being with Jake and neytiri. Norm was right she couldn't spend all her life in fear anymore she was going to tell them how she felt.
Jake " Do you think this relationship will work out"
Neytiri " Jake you most have faith in the great mother and yourself, I will speak with my mother later tonight and see what she has to say"
Jake " good as no longer want to keep my feelings hidden anymore I want to show this relationship and live my life with this relationship, and bond forever"
neytiri " we will but we most wait for the right time we cant rush into become mates without taking the most needed steps"
Jake " we can if we want it won't be that bad"
neytiri " no we speak with my mother and see what she has to say then we act, you understand"
Jake " yes I understand ma neytiri"
neytiri " thank you ma Jake" after hearing this conversation you felt like your heart was breaking you know you were a fool, you were never meant to be with them. You are going to be happy for them as they had found each other, after collect yourself for a while you soon showed yourself again.
Y/n " hey I'm back sorry it took we a while"
Jake " it okay and if you most know we met half way in our conversation"
neytiri " meaning we don't have a complete solution yet"
y/n " oh well it good you all meet half way maybe you can some with a complete solution later" neytiri and Jake were looking at each other they seemed to be having a silent conversation.
Y/n " are you two okay"
Jake " oh yes are are fine we were wondering if you mind having dinner with us tonight"
Neytiri " it will be good and you don't have to worry about cooking at the human home, you cane come with us and maybe talk a bit longer"
Y/n " sure"
Neytiri " good let head back now my mother will be wonder where we had gone off to" soon you were taken to the village where everyone seem happy to see you, norm was already there speaking with mo'at and tsutey. Dinner that night for you was good and bad as you were happy to be with your friends but bad as you felt your heartbroken, seeing how close Jake and neytiri were. Later that night you saw mo'at take Jake and neytiri away as they were having a private conversation.
y/n " hey norm I will be heading back there are some stuff I need to attend to on base"
norm " sure I will be later on are you okay"
y/n " I just need some rest and time to think"you were halfway home when you felt someone grab your shoulder you soon turned around and saw it was Neytiri. she was not alone as Jake was behind her they were both looking at you.
neytiri " y/n we need to take you somewhere and speak with you"
y/n " why can't you tell me here"
Jake " it because we need to tell you somewhere else just please come with us"
y/n " okay I will come with you two" neytiri and Jake soon guided you towards the spirt trees, many thought were rushing threw your head.
neytiri " there a reason we brought you here tonight out all nights"
y/n " okay so tell me what you both need to tell me"
Jake " I and Neytiri have planed to become mated pair"
y/n " that wonderful but what the problem"
neytiri " we are missing someone else that eywa have given to us, and that someone is you y/n you are our third mate eywa had blessed us to be together"
Jake " we are like soulmates ... listen I know this might sound like are are crazy or liars but we both love you more then a friend and we wan to be with you forever"
neytiri " eywa knows we will be perfect pair together but she also know we will be nothing without you as well, we need you by our side as you have been there for us in our hard time"
y/n " I had overheard your conversation earlier today I thought you two were mated pair already or planing to become one, I was going to give up my feelings I had for you two to make sure you both are happy" jake and neytiri looked at with after hearing her confession of her true feelings.
neytiri " then be with us tonight and for the rest of our lives"
Jake " we promise to be there for you"
y/n " what of the people"
neytiri " they will understand in time but if they don't they will keep that to themselves we love you and want to be with you so what do you say"
y/n " yes I want to be with you both and I will be there for you two as well" all three of you smiled at each other that night you had become mates with Jake and neytiri under the eyes of eywa. When you were with them you felt safe and happy and when they were with you they felt the same as well. falling in love with your best friends was not that bad after all, as it seems like you and them even the great mother knew you three are meant for each other. Even soulmates by the world of eywa you went with anything as you were happy to be with the ones you love and care for so much.
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writing-for-life · 10 months
To Be Human Means to Die (Even for Morpheus)
Send me asks about everything Sandman-related!
I know one of the biggest points of contention in the Sandman fandom (especially between show-only and graphic novel fans) is the end:
On the regular, we all hear the wish that the ending should have been more hopeful, that Morpheus dying is soul-crushing and devastating and sends the wrong message. And while I agree that it is incredibly sad upon first read (I actually cried my eyes out many moons ago when I first read World’s End, because that’s when I knew, without a doubt, what was going to happen), I would like to expand a bit on why I think we are actually getting the most hopeful message of them all…
It’s a Tragedy: Yes, but That’s Also Simplifying It
Let me briefly talk about tragedies first, because many people, myself included, often bring up the purpose of a tragedy first when we are talking about why realistically, there can be no other ending to The Sandman than the one we already have. That purpose is that we, as the audience/reader, are supposed to do better, and that we are supposed to learn from our hero’s fatal flaw(s).
And while all of this is true, it is also too simple.
Yes, Morpheus has fatal flaws, his inherent rigidity being the most prominent of them (on that rigidity, everything else hinges: his occasional cruelty, his sense of responsibility even if it destroys him, his inability to hold down relationships because he won’t communicate and compromise…).
But it would be too easy to say: “This is what we are supposed to learn from it, let’s not do that and instead be capable of change. Lesson learned, the end”.
For me, the most important personal truth of The Sandman goes far beyond that, and it is connected to the through-line:
Gods Can Die and Humans Can Be Immortal
When we first meet Morpheus, he is Endless in the truest sense of the word—although captured, it is very clear that he is not mortal, not human, and one step further: That he also doesn’t always understand what it means to be human. We get to know him as aloof, arrogant, proud, often devoid of empathy, and even cruel. And we all know that this changes throughout his arc. That the being who always asserted he is incapable of change finally has to admit, to himself and others, that he has changed, most poignantly in The Kindly Ones (e.g. when he tells Nuala that he lied to Ishtar when he denied he had changed).
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And that change was initially a slow one--perhaps that is why he denied it for so long. But by the time we arrive at the end of Brief Lives, his change and, yes, his humanity, are already so clear to the reader that most of us probably went: “You really are slow on the uptake sometimes.”
Even Frank McConnell writes in his intro to The Kindly Ones: “And with [killing Orpheus], Dream has entered time, choice, guilt and regret—has entered the sphere of the human.” And Nuala is right when she asks him: “You want them to punish you, don’t you? You want them to punish you for Orpheus’ death.” Guilt, regret, and a choice. And his reply is silence, and it’s deafening.
On Becoming Human
By the end of The Kindly Ones, Morpheus basically is human in the metaphorical sense: He feels like a human, and even his body (or at least his relationship to his body) has changed. The most important indication for the latter is when we put in contrast that the Corinthian stabbing him in Collectors doesn’t draw a single drop of blood, but the scorpion whip of the Fates in The Kindly Ones does, and that scar remains. We can of course argue about who can hurt him and who can’t, but in either case, we see a Morpheus now who is more flesh and blood than he has ever been, and he feels a sense of mortality not only mentally/emotionally, but also physically.
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(I have to throw in here that the change they made in the show at this point greatly confused me, and I think it is significant, as are a lot of other changes that have been made. And I personally hope they only use them to hint at a more human side to him from the outset to make us relate more, but not as a change to the whole arc. I will admit that I would have preferred if he didn’t bleed at this point because to me, it would have had more impact when we finally do see him bleed at the end. And we got foreshadowing for the scar in the show, when the earthquakes crack one of the windows and he looks through it for the second time. Yeah, I’m really that obsessive when I rewatch it, it’s embarrassing).
To Be Human Means to Die
And before we all collectively go into our evolutionarily ingrained wish to pretend that’s not true (because most of us fear death):
It is our mortality that gives our lives meaning. Without an end, life has no meaning bar feeling empty responsibility (or endless hedonism that gets boring at some point). And after 10 billion years, maybe the burden of that responsibility simply becomes too heavy (“But even the freedom of the Dreaming can be a cage, of a kind, my sister,” he says to Death in #69. And that he is “very tired”). It can’t make up for what truly makes our lives worth living:
The Impermanence of it.
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Destruction got it right when he said that the illusion of permanence basically depends on our vantage point. That we can pretend if we so wish, and that there is comfort to be found in that, but that things simply don’t last. And that the Endless are truly no exception to that rule (“…even our existences are brief and bounded. None of us will last longer than this version of the universe.”)
And yet, we look at Morpheus choosing death and think: ”But that’s it then, he can't go back on that, but he deserved happiness because he has changed, he deserved (insert preference/head-canon of choice) and will never get a chance to have it now.”
And I get it. Psychologically speaking, we often fight the idea of death tooth and nail. We fear our own, and we have to deal with the loss of loved ones. So the denial is real—it’s not one of the stages of grief for nothing. But staying in that stage of denial is stagnation—the very antithesis of change. Death and change are linked—in the Sandman, they are not truly presented as alternatives, even if we might think so. They are two sides to the same coin. Death says to her mortal form in The High Cost of Living that the fact that life ends is what gives it meaning. That’s why it always ends. And that message has already been given to us in The Wake: “(Death) gives you peace. She gives you meaning. And she bids her brother goodbye.”
It’s Not Just About Dying, It’s Also About Coping With Grief
It tells us something about our own mortality, but also about mourning our loved ones. That’s why The Sandman doesn’t end with Morpheus’ death/The Kindly Ones, but we get a whole story arc after he is gone/The Wake. Because mortality isn’t just about us. It is also about the ones we love, the ones we need to let go while keeping on living, but we also hold on to them in certain ways (“humans can be immortal” because we make them so). All the mourners are us, and in the case of grieving Morpheus, many of us are probably a bit like Matthew:
In the throes of grief, we don’t care that there might be someone else who might even be more kind and loving (poor Daniel)—we don’t want a “replacement”, we want back what we have lost. And we are not ready to move on, until we somehow are/do. And that path is painful and long, as everyone who ever lost a loved one will be able to attest to. The pain never truly goes away, but it changes, from something so raw and painful that it knocks the air out of your lungs, to something that shows up here and there unexpectedly, still painful, but a little less so. Until it only hurts around the edges of memories that make us smile, miss and love someone, all at once. That love is permanent, even if life is not. It doesn’t really die with us either, because we can pass it on.
And it is somewhat fitting that the idea of “to be human means to die”, and that death is what gives life meaning, also extends to storytelling:
Without an end, a story has no true meaning. Our lives are stories, and every story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Morpheus’ story is meaningful because it has an end (I already wrote about this before in “Why the order of the last three issues of The Sandman matters” and have attached a long reblog chain)—not because it plods on endlessly (no pun intended). And that end is exactly what makes it last, what makes people feel, reflect, understand, learn, pass it on.
We, a whole fandom. continuously talk about how upset we are that he died, what we learned from it, what we would do differently (be that in our own lives or in a retelling of the story), and I’ll just leave it at that, because it drives the message home so much more than any further exploration could….
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mysumeow · 9 months
—What's their reaction?
warnings: not proofread. established relationship. sfw. gender neutral pronouns.
very short drabble featuring: scaramouche (fatui era), wanderer, xiao, lyney, kazuha, tighnari.
a/n: yall. ive been trying to post this since monday. when i clicked save as draft, that shi was thrown into the void by tumblr. no joke. i refreshed the page and that draft NEVER appeared. then i tried to submit it on wednesday (cant believe i had to check with google if i was writing that right. i was writing it as wensday. moving on-) and also i tried to post it yesterday but different stuff happened that if i explain it this a/n will end up being longer than the drabble.....
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"Can't you see I'm busy? You've been here with me the whole day, and yet you fail to notice I'm caught up in more important matters to attend to?" he scoffed, putting down the pile of papers he was skimming through. "If you wait and sit patiently, I might humor you. No guarantees, though. And don't look so happy about it,"
Lacks notion of how tight he's holding you, it's like he's trying to squeeze the air out of you. 
"Cuddling is yet another one of those senseless stuff humans do, right? What makes you think I want to engage in it," he uncrossed his arms when he saw you turning around to leave. "Wait right there. I didn't say I wouldn't do it. You're more annoying when you don't have your way,"
He avoids cuddling for more than 10 minutes. He gets so relaxed and comfortable to the point he falls asleep if the cuddling session goes beyond the limit. Terribly embarrassed about it. 
"No. You know I do this for your sake. I don't think a mortal should be sticking to a potential death risk. Yes, I'm aware that we've kissed, but...If you think making that expression will work, you're wrong." 
Cue cuddling session with Xiao, albeit hesitantly because he's afraid it'll hurt you. 
"Is my lovely dove desperate for my attention? My, I wouldn't have imagined you'd be the clingy type," he slid his finger along your jawline, prompting you to face him. "But who am I to deny my lover when they make such heartfelt requests,"
It’s ironic he acts like you’re the clingy one, when he’s worse in that regard. He tends to slide his hands under your top and rest them on your tummy.
"My love, it seems as if not only our destinies are interlaced, but also our minds," he smiled gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Somehow, Kazuha always smells comforting, like ocean breeze, or lavender.
"Alright, but only if you promise not to drool on my tail again," he teased. "Let me just finish writing this letter and I'll be there. You can go ahead and wait for me,"
Tighnari wraps his tail around your thigh whenever you two cuddle. He'll also allow you to use it as a pillow if you want to; it's like resting your head on a fluffy cloud.
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clockworkouroboros · 7 months
i don’t even go here but the hbomberguy/todd in the shadows videos on James Somerton are both enlightening and, for me, not wholly unexpected. I didn’t watch many videos by Somerton, although I know people who did! And I can’t say I wouldn’t be taken in by a different video essayist in the future. but there were a number of things in Somerton’s videos that turned me off of watching more—and for the one or two I saw, I don’t know if I even finished the whole video.
First, Somerton’s work seemed inconsistent. some of what he said was eloquent and persuasive, and sometimes he was jumping to conclusions and expecting you to follow without outlining his reasoning or how he reached that conclusion. A lot of that makes sense in retrospect—he was plagiarizing better writers and thinkers than himself, and his own contributions were all over the place.
Second, a lot of Somerton’s opinions appeared to be very cynical/angry/dismissive. He seemed to have a cherry-picked view of the world that demonized people who weren’t like him or didn’t agree with him. To claim to be representative of an othered group and then use that position to alienate and other groups not like you left a really bad taste in my mouth that I couldn’t get past. Likewise, he had a very clear superiority complex over “the bad guys”—conservatives, homophobes, queer people he didn’t like. It’s really easy for a lot of us to deny the humanity of groups that hate us, which is why his constant putting down of conservatives and homophobes was easy to support. For me, though, I didn’t like how flippant he was in what was supposed to be an informative essay—it reeks of arguing in bad faith.
Thirdly, I know Somerton’s “intellectual” style really appealed to a lot of people who wanted a smart, academic authority figure to help educate them on queer history and queer media. Again, for me personally, Somerton’s persona as an intellectual struck me as false. Man was trying way too hard and it came across as pretentious and untrue to himself. I know a guy like that in real life—he’s my classmate in university—and I know for a fact the guy I know is one of the worst students in our class, to the extent that he’s failed multiple classes. I don’t think everyone has to be an academic or an intellectual, but that if that’s not an area in which you should excel, you should find an area in which you do excel and feel fulfilled. Somerton’s intellectual persona was phony, and I recognized it as such because I have seen other people do the same thing in real life. Likewise, the smartest people you know don’t always look or act like their the smartest people you know. Think about hbomberguy’s video: he meticulously and thoughtfully exposed all of this plagiarism and had really important thoughts about plagiarism on the internet and youtube, all while being a little ridiculous and also wearing a lab coat that was burned all over and falling apart. Genius is not James Somerton’s carefully paced reading and his black turtlenecks. Genius is much more similar to the passionate and thorough work hbomberguy did.
These are things that personally turned me off his videos, but I wasn’t about to tell other people they couldn’t watch. Some of what he said was really good—now, knowing what we know, the good stuff was probably all plagiarized, but it was good material! I do think now, in retrospect, I do think some of this might be helpful in evaluating other video essayists. Usually, if they’re as egregiously unethical as Somerton was, there are other warning signs. I do think the most insidious was the villainization of the other, because it is so easy for our confirmation bias to get in the way, or our tendency towards generalization. Somerton’s videos really took advantage of that—a trustworthy essayist is going to steer clear of generalizations and villainizing an entire group of people, unless it’s about like, the nazi. which apparently Somerton went into a lot of detail about how gay they were (false information), which is horrific. so.
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brujitaadinbo · 7 months
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This image does not belong to me… it is from Sopita Pog and you can follow it on Instagram.
If there is something that as humans identifies us as such; It is the fact that thanks to our emotions and feelings we can recognize our own humanity. A person in constant growth must know that this is elementary. This and the fact that being sociable beings and living in a community (it's not my thing, look for related information and you'll have to agree with me) we have that tendency and need to live in groups, live with others, relate technically.
All this forms that inevitable process; growing up And although this is palpable, it has been part of many stories, part of the narrative from reading, cinema, series, etc… I explain this so that you understand my point. If we live it, it is nothing out of the ordinary, it is not wrong, nor is it bad, that growth is experienced by the characters that we like so much. A growth that allows them to improve or worsen. In the case of Din, Grogu and Bo, it's a blessing that this growth goes straight to something positive.
It irritates me that they want to deny that possibility to these characters and continue pigeonholing them into "I'm the tough one, the tough one, the one who's never going to get better and that's fine."
It is definitely throwing away the entire process experienced in the seasons or the content. It is not understanding that "being someone powerful" does not only consist of an important position, having a lot of money, causing fear in others, etc etc… the true intention of having power, of being powerful, of feeling fulfilled is to be happy, to live a change, having friends or a partner or family, not always ending up alone, having others who contribute to you, and that you know that empowers you, enriches you, not only materially.
Well, it is appreciated that Din and Grogu are together because that was always the purpose, denying Grogu or wanting to throw him away is ruining the series, it is wanting to spoil Din and his new path. Now to say that Bo Katan, they only want to pigeonhole her into being Din's girlfriend or just being Grogu's mom… it seems ridiculous to me and a pathetic and meaningless argument.
If you know Bo's story, everything she has experienced and that she has always been surrounded by war, you will understand her point when she said it in "Clone Wars" "I would like to be good at something else, not just fighting."
I said it before, I say it now and I will continue to say it; If by her own decision she wanted to continue as Mandalore, retire, be alone, or be with Din, her right is and she has it and has earned it. Taking care of Grogu, being his friend and betting on the role of mother does not make her weaker or less important; on the contrary, the desired motherhood is a blessing, a right that many people like to minimize. A very important act of love and responsibility, a high position that not everyone fulfills and the fact that she decides and applies it does not make her any less and it is very wrong that people take it that way, interpret it that way and want to impose it. as such. Mothers have an important role in our lives, in our environment, obviously in this content, if you don't believe me, just go check out this great character from Hera Syndulla. I applaud the fact that this line of growth is visible.
I applaud you for bringing Din and Bo closer and making the possibility of them being together, walking and continuing to grow together visible and palpable. Because growing is an internal process but there is always the option of not experiencing this process alone. And with Grogu by the hand, what better
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skaldish · 3 months
Sorry. I thought I was being clever
Apology accepted.
The conversation irritated me, but I'm irritated at the circumstances that surround it, not at you personally.
The situation that I'm irritated at is the fact it reminded me of a greater issue. Many white folks (like myself) think decolonization is done by "being a good ally," and that "being a good ally" is done by demonstrating in our actions and words that we value decolonization.
But wanting to decolonize is not the same as wanting to be a good ally.
We can't adequately focus on actual decolonization efforts if we're concerned about being a good ally, because the desire to be a good ally comes from the desire for acceptance and belonging.
Now I'm not saying we shouldn't care about being accepted and belonging. 'Belonging' is a basic human need and we fail to thrive without it. We have to have it, and our desire for it is vital for our cooperation as a species. However, the situation that creates this particular insecurity in white culture is absolutely our responsibility to take care of, and frankly ours alone.
'Belonging' is highly conditional in white American culture. It is competitive, in fact. We only qualify for belonging if we demonstrate that we are, at every moment, trying to conquer the parts of our humanity that we do not like. The better we do this compared to our peers, the more worthy of belonging we are as people. I've seen people even take pride in this dynamic, simply because they view themselves as winners in it, even though all of it is a construct that would not hesitate to bite them in the ass if their circumstances change.
All our definitions of "success" lead back to conquest, just like all roads lead back to Rome. At therein lies the heart of our colonial thinking.
The efforts of white people to help with decolonization will always come out sideways until we break this cycle of self-conquest. We need to recognize that the standards we have for 'belonging' are a game we're playing, and the only winning move is not to play. At the same time though, we still need to fulfill that need.
Breaking the cycle while fulfilling our needs to belong is not a paradox. The way out involves learning to belong to ourselves.
This means unpacking whatever it is that we need to unpack in our minds in order to make 'belonging to ourselves' something that we never deny ourselves, nor are willing to deny ourselves. This requires becoming aware of how it is we are doing this to ourselves though, which takes time. It is also going to be different for every individual.
And that's what I'm irritated at: We're caught in this quicksand of operant conditioning and there's very little structurally that helps us get out of it. Frankly a lot of us figure it's easier to simply play the game, that it is to actually face the unknown of what lays beyond losing this game forever.
Clearly this is something that occupies my thoughts quite a bit. It's fucking important though.
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bleue-flora · 3 months
Ok sooo, I can’t stop thinking about the line from this post [here] by @swordfright , “Sam is a builder and dream is the ultimate engineering project: challenging (psychologically taxing to guard), important (to the stability of the server), rewarding (on those sporadic occasions when dream obeys him without question), and ceaseless (because the ideal prisoner always needs a warden to keep them in line.)” Because the idea that Dream is Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” really got me thinking about the definition of the duties of an engineer as per the Code of Ethics, which I studied in college.
As an engineer it is basically our responsibility to maintain sustainable development, which The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) defines [here] in the Code of Ethics as, “meeting human needs for natural resources, industrial products, energy, food, transportation, shelter, and effective waste management while conserving and protecting environmental quality and the natural resource base essential for future development.” Even further, as a civil engineer (which I am and Sam is as a primary builder) it is our job to help provide the infrastructure and necessities to life, (shelter, water and by extension food +) with civil engineering encompassing the engineering fields of Structural (bridges, buildings, dams… etc), Utilities (power, gas, water, waste water… etc), Geotechnical (analyze and maintain that the ground can support projects), Environmental (protecting the stability of the environment like for example protecting the habitat of an endangered species), Transportation (roads for cars, train tracks, airplane runways… etc). Pretty much the necessities of civilization (lol hence civil). And I found this interesting because it is Sam’s job as the warden to provide the fundamental and basic necessities of Dream’s life in every way. So, in this way Dream would actually be the society Sam’s engineering is meant to benefit from and depends on (which he obviously denies and uses to abuse.)
But on the other side, interestingly a 2004 definition, [found here] of civil engineering based on Thomas Tredgold’s 1828 original is, “the art of working with the great sources of power in nature for the use and benefit of society”. And oh, the use of power here could very well be a good representation of Dream, making him actually the engineering project. Further, The NSPE Code of Ethics states, “Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare.” In this sense, Sam’s position as the warden was dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare, which by keeping Dream locked up, weakening him physically and mentally he was in essence trying to protect the server as well as working to strip the sources of power Dream had over everyone. And when his methods didn’t work, he let Quackity in, which funnily enough goes along with one of the The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISS)’s summarizing stated [here] fundamental canons, “Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence.” And clearly Sam was not competent in getting the book from Dream, so he teams up with Quackity, his contractor, to finish the project as is typical in the engineering industry.
All this to say, that Sam as an engineer, while not sworn to follow a defined of code ethics still followed the general defined duties of engineering and strived to work for the betterment of the server. A personality and behavior, that Dream saw in him as they grew as friends and worked to build the prison - Sam’s passion for helping, to provide for and develop the necessities of society. His passion for wanting to use his skills to improve the world and help people. His strong principles of dependability, efficiency, justice, work ethic. If Sam was given a job to help people he was going to see it through to the best of his ability. He would not abandon his post, he would protect and serve the common good. - His strong engineering attitude made him a good choice in Dream’s mind for the warden, because of these qualities, which makes sense. What Dream did not realize is that he was not included in the society and all people Sam felt obligated to serve and provide for.
Instead, Dream was but a resource of power - the revival book - needing to be made efficient and accessible, so that everyone could benefit and share that power. Dream thought he’d be provided for and taken care of, but he was the project instead. Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair. He was such a good engineer just like Dream knew he would be, he just forgot the whole teeny weeny ethics part of being an engineer that kind of comes with the job description… Oh well. ;)
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cemeterything · 1 year
What brought you to bring your book on heads? I just finished Stiff by Mary Roach, and it’s super cool to see someone interested in the same stuff!
I’m just starting on Over My Dead Body by Greg Melville, which you may like - it seems like it will cover a lot of the same questions about the meaning behind the different ways we treat human remains
i've always been fascinated by death, i think partly because it's always been a strong presence and influence in my life (even my birth was heavily surrounded by the shadow of death and there was no certainty that i would make it), and partly because i've always gravitated towards things that other people turn away from, to the taboo and the macabre and the horrifying, because i don't want other people's judgements to inform my opinions on and understanding of something without getting any firsthand perspective, because i find that hypocritical and impossible to justify to myself, and because i know how it feels to be misjudged and shunned and told that it's just because you're inherently offputting and wrong. i have this insatiable need to know things and an obsession with trying to understand what compels people to behave and think and feel the way they do. it's never enough for me just to accept what i'm told about something and not question or examine it at all. also i'm just a little bit of a sicko who likes weird freaky shit and gets a thrill out of treading the fine line between disgust and excitement and testing my personal boundaries.
and i guess death is something i'm particularly drawn to because it's the ultimate combination of the taboo and the unknowable. it's an extremely personal, polarizing and influential part of life, society and culture. there's just so much there to study and question and interpret and it's continuously evolving, and its inevitability and significance in our lives means that will always continue to be the case. death is also very influential in all of my favorite subjects - english literature, history, psychology, and philosophy - so it overlaps with a lot of my other interests.
stiff by mary roach was actually one of the first books that got me hooked on reading more about death, dead bodies and dying, actually! also ask a mortician on youtube, and to be honest, the tumblr bone stealing scandals. autonomy, consent and self control are very important to me, and being denied them is something i personally find especially horrifying, so when confronted by the realization that the dead are especially vulnerable in that regard, and the ethical debates as to what is an acceptable way to treat the body after death, i became obsessed with learning as much as possible. i wanted to master my fear rather than letting it control me.
thanks for the book rec! that sounds really relevant to my interests ^_^
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