#but it's so freaking long and it is using two prompts anyway
flannel-cladpika · 2 months
Hawks x F!Reader - Better Late Than Never
A/N: I kept imagining what he'd be like as a dad, and what he'd go through after finding out that he is one.
TW: Slight Angst, Suggestive Themes, Fluff
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It had just been a drunken one night stand.
You'd been pretty tipsy at the bar, trying to get over your long-term boyfriend-turned-ex who cheated on you.
The next thing you knew, you were kissing an equally drunk, very handsome blonde with red wings, and dragging him out of the bar and into your bed.
You awoke the next morning alone, with an ache in your back and a killer hangover.
It wasn't until you missed your next period that you realized what you'd done.
And that was how you got your little buddle of joy, Sen.
You tried to find the guy who'd turned you into a single mom, but you couldn't remember his name. You were pretty sure he'd used a fake name anyway, since it sounded like the name of a bird. Heron? Eagle? You couldn't quite remember.
Your family pestered you with questions about who the father was, but were ultimately supportive of your choice to keep the baby. You got a place not far from your parents, who helped you with raising your daughter and were there to give you advice and support when you needed it.
Your little Sen looked just like her father, golden hair and daffodil eyes with a smile that could melt even the iciest of hearts.
Eventually, you caught sight of him on the news one night after putting your 3 year-old to bed. He was saving hostages from a bank hold-up, his red wings spread wide as he used his feathers to get people out of the building.
Turned out; the father of your child was the freaking number two hero of Japan.
Your first instinct was to freak out. What if paparazzi found out about your daughter? After all, she was clearly her father's child. What if villains targeted her for being related to him? What if-
But then you did some digging into the winged hero and found out he operated mostly in Fukuoka, which was a relief, because you lived 10 hours away in Okayama. Well, it was 3 hours by air (you checked flights to see how far he would've had to fly), so Hawks must have just stopped over for a night of letting loose to get away from his hero life that night.
After that, you just went about your days like normal. You never tried to contact the pro-hero, nor did you ever tell your daughter. She didn't need to know that her father was someone who she'd never be able to meet. Nor did she need to know that he had no idea that she even existed.
"Mama! Ice-cream!" your small daughter exclaimed excitedly as she held onto your hand, pointing towards an ice-cream stall.
You smile down at your blonde 4 year-old and chuckle softly, watching as her little red tufts of feathers wiggle excitedly.
You were visiting your brother in Tokyo and had brought your little one to see the sights and her uncle, whom she hadn't seen since New Years.
A lot had happened in the hero world, what with a major battle against a villain organization that had proved fatal for some pro-heroes. You had silently hoped that Hawks wasn't one of them, and when his name wasn't on the list of the deceased, you breathed a small sigh of relief.
You pick up your little golden-haired child and held her in your arms as you kissed her nose playfully.
"Sure, sweetheart~. How about we get some ice-cream and then go to the playground?" you offer, smiling as you hear your daughter giggle happily.
"Okay!" she replies, smiling brightly.
You walk up and get a small dish of ice-cream for your daughter and a medium for yourself, handing the smaller one to your child who is still in your arms.
"Here you go, sweetie"
As your daughter is about to take a lick of her frozen dessert, you stop her.
"Sen, what do we say to the nice man who just gave us ice-cream?" you prompt, waiting for her to say it.
The little girl turns towards the teenager behind the stall, and smiles.
"Thank you, mister!" she says, beaming.
The young man smiles at the sight, clearly endeared by the adorable small child.
"You're welcome" he says as the two of you walk away towards the park.
She gobbles down her ice-cream in the blink of an eye, throwing away her container and rushing over to the playground to walk up the steps and go down the slide as you watch from the nearby bench and finish your own frozen treat.
Suddenly, Sen loses her footing, and your world seems to go in slow-motion.
As she starts to fall off the play structure, you run to save her, your feet carrying you faster than they ever have before, your arms outstretched, prepared to catch your child.
But someone else gets there before you do.
"Woah there little bird! Careful now. Don't want you getting hurt, now.~" says a smooth, masculine voice.
You look up to see a familiar hero holding your daughter aloft, having caught her mid-fall in his arms.
The little girl looks at the citrine-haired man with wide eyes, amazement and wonder in her expression.
"Angel?" she asks, looking at his sparsely feathered wings, trying to reach for his feathers.
The blonde male chuckles as he looks down at the child with a bright television-worthy smile.
He pauses as he notices her saffron hair and amber eyes.
Your eyes widen as you rush forward and take your child from his arms, watching as her crimson baby feathers ruffle as she sneezes.
The man's eyes widen as he sees you and looks down at the child in your arms that resembles him so much, slowly piecing things together as he steps back.
You back up, holding your daughter close.
"Mama, you're squishing me!" she giggles, not sensing the change in atmosphere.
Her voice jolts you out of your trance and you look down at your child in your arms, checking her for injuries.
"Sorry, honeybee. Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" you ask, checking her over.
The little one in your arms shook her head.
"Nuh-uh. The angel saved me from getting hurt!" she said, smile on her face as she looked over at the blonde man.
You look over at him and awkwardly bow.
"T-Thank you, sir. We should be going-" you begin, about to step away before he steps closer, his hand outstretched, but not reaching you.
"Hang on. You...we... is she..?" he started, clearly trying to find the words for this situation.
You hold your daughter away from him and step back.
"N-No...she's not" you respond unconvincingly, not able to look him in the eye.
The blonde scoffs. "Really? Cause she sure looks a lot like me. Practically a carbon copy."
You glare at him holding her close as you set down at the young girl.
"Sen, sweetie, why don't you go play in the sandbox over there while mama thanks this nice man?" you say softly.
The small child nods happily and runs off towards the nearby sandbox where you could keep an eye on her. You then sit down on the bench from before and pat the spot next to you as you look at the man you'd dreaded meeting.
"Well?" you ask, raising a brow with an unenthusiastic expression.
He took a seat next to you, rubbing his face as he groaned.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, looking at the ground.
You scoff mirthlessly. "And how would I have done that? Not like you left a name or number to contact you." you respond a bit bitterly.
The man winces slightly. "Yeah, that was kind of a dick move on my part. But I'm sure you know who I am. You could've come to my agency, or something."
You roll your eyes. "And what would I have said? 'Oh hey, one of the top heroes knocked me up in a one-night stand, let me see him'? Yeah, I'm sure THAT would've gone well."
Hawks sighs as he runs a hand over his face.
"You're not wrong... but still, you could've called my agent or... something. Anything to let me know."
You rub your temple as you let out a sigh. "And what could you have done? You're a top hero, and have a reputation to uphold. You have a lot of female fans that like you because you're hot and single and they can dream of dating you. We would've hurt your image."
The man groaned as he put his head in his hands. "I hate that you're right...goddammit..."
You give him a sympathetic smile as you pat his back reassuringly.
"Hey...it's ok. You can walk away. I wouldn't even blame you. I don't expect you to suddenly become a father, especially after everything you've had to go through recently. I promise I won't ask for money or tell anyone."
The topaz-eyed hero looked up at you, before looking up and glancing at his daughter playing in the sandbox, her tiny wings spread out as she pretended she was digging for buried treasure. A small smile crept up his face as he watched her.
"Nah. I think she might be exactly what I need right now. Hell, I bet the media would be happy to see me playing the doting father role." he half chuckled.
You narrowed your eyes as you grasped his chin and made him look at you, your voice drenched in venom and warning.
"My daughter is not a prop for you to use to increase your popularity, Hawks. Whether you're her biological father or not."
The hero's eyes widened at your tone and raised his hands in surrender with a smile.
"Hey now, I was just kidding! I would never do such a thing to my own kid."
You continued to glare at him as you released him and looked back at your child with a softer expression.
"She's a wonderful girl, you know. She's so curious and adventurous." you say gently.
The man looked back at his child and smiled. "She seems like it. And if you'd let me, I'd like to be there for those adventures."
You glance his way as you chuckle softly. "Maybe. I'll give you a 2 month trial. Then we'll talk."
Hawks smirked as you looked your way.
A/N: Not sure if I love this one, but I might edit it later
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hearts4chriss · 8 months
Pour it up.
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Cocky! Chris x Poc! Stripper reader
prompt: Chris is a regular, he always comes to the club with his bestfriend Nathan and notices you once again and makes a move but is very cocky and you don’t take that lightly ( wearing the bottom right )
Part 6
warnings: sub! Chris, deep throating, riding, degrading, overstimulation, bondage, face riding, use of pet names ( good boy, ma, princess, sweetheart, baby boy, baby, mama ), basically giving this man the time of his life
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It was around maybe 9:58 when I started getting ready to go out and preform, that was until my manager came in.
“Hey girl ur mans heree.” She smirked leaning against my locker, the cigarette smoke lingering from her lips.
“he is not. My man.” I roll my eyes finding an outfit and a pair of boots.
“Girl he’s ONLY here for you I bet, he’s gonna make a move and come on he’s really fucking hot.” She says puffing some smoke I chuckle and shake my head
the thin red spaghetti strap top, letting my tits sit perfectly and than the bottoms were a red thong hugging curves showing off my tattoos more than usual and my fishnet stockings and red boots just about did it, with a tough of lip gloss, I brushed my weave and I was ready.
“Okay girlll I see you. Anyway get ready you got two minutes.” She pats my shoulder and I throw on my boots and fix my hair and get ready to go out on stage.
I happen to peak out and there the motherfucker was, this time, hanging around some random guy he probably had no idea who they were as he wasn’t speaking to them drinking probably Pepsi or some shit I don’t know. I roll my eyes
The club was packed, I was bound to make a little over 2 grand tonight with how I was dressed, I was a favourite.
Soon enough the song “pour it up” by Rihanna comes on and that’s when I began strutting out slowly and seductively to the stage as the cash was already being thrown.
Throw it up, throw it up (throw up) Watch it all fall out (fall out) Pour it up, pour it up (pour up) That's how we ball out (ball out) Throw it up, throw it up (throw up) Watch it all fall out (fall out)
The amounts of cash fled below my feet as I swayed my hips side to side making my way to the front of the runway and there he was.
Chris Pov
i watched as she walked down the stage in that sexy and tight-ass outfit. fuck she looks so damn good. She doesn't even know my name and God she's hot- the way her hips swayed on the stage and her boots effortlessly walking in them with no issue. Her thigh tattoo leading to her ass looked so good in the dim lights, only on her. She looked perfect. Her tits nearly spilling out of that nonexistent top. fuck I was hard. I just wanted to take her right now and ruin her. or her ruin me. Fuck either way i'm making a move tonight.
Pour it up, pour it up (pour up) That's how we ball out
Strip club and dollar bills I still got more money
I made my way to the pole walking around it before stopping and swiveling seductively down the pole my ass out front for everyone as the cash landed on my ass some pervs sticking it in my thong freaks.
I grind my ass on the pole my hands in my hair running them down my breasts to my knees doing a squat spreading my legs watching every guys eye drop to betwen my thighs.
Patron shots, can I get a refill? I still got more money
Chris Pov
fuck I swore I was gonna cum in my pants when she spread her legs and twerked literally in front of me. I groan feeling my dick press against my jeans trying to not make my boner so prominent but fuck this girl is hot. and fuck the stage flooded with so much damn money but I was going to give her way more than that.
I continue my act still gaining everyone's attention, catching the boy in my eyes as I twerked in front of him, and fuck my manager was right, he's hot. as. fuck. His eyes were blue I could get lost in them, his hair wasn't too long nor short. His jawline, Id sit my ass on his face anyday. So yeah, im gonna give him a little show.
Strippers goin' up and down that pole And I still got more money Four o'clock and we ain't going home 'Cause I still got more money Money make the world go ‘round
I do an inside leg hang on the pole and that's when upside down I saw the boy throw money I looked down and did a split and saw a couple hundred dollar pills. I smirk at him place them in my bra and finish up my act.
Once I finished I got ready to get ready to get off stage the boy comes up to me and stops me.
“Hey gorgeous”. The boy whispers to me and I turn around and look him up and down
“Hm? ur kinda cute whats ur name”. I say sipping on my water his eyes drawn to my body covered in a sheen layer of sweat.
“Chris. the brunette haired boy smirks down at me confidently
“I bet I could give you the time of ur life.” He whispered in my ear his hand playing with my stockings and I chuckle.
“I wouldn't be so confident you dont even know me.” I look him up and down and he raises an eyebrow.
“hm. I don't see why not? why don't you give me a private show, I'll pay you whatever you want”. He whispers in my ear and I back up.
“Pfft”. I roll my eyes
“oh come on sweetheart- your saying you don't think we'd have a good time?” His eyes lock with mine, I look down at his jeans his boner sticking out like a sore thumb, fuck now I had to help him.
“250, thats what I charge”. I hold my hand out and he slaps a fat stack of 100s in my hand and my eyes widen.
“Ugh, come on.” I roll my eyes pulling him in the back upstairs in the private room unlocking it and pushing him in locking the door putting the cash on the table.
I contacted my manager to put the cash I earned in the bag in my locker.
“so? you ready to feel like a princess?” the boy smiles devilishly approaching me and I roll my eyes and push him on the bed.
“uh uh this is my job you'll do what I say got it?” I say seriously gripping his neck
“and besides I think you need some help”. I smirk whispering dangerously low in his ear rubbing my hand over his jeans watching him buck his hips into it.
I reach under the bed grabbing a box opening it pulling out a red vibrator. just to match my outfit
The boys eyes widened
“You gonna make me watch you?” He questioned watching me turn it on and I shook my head crawling on the bed in front of him
“no, i'm gonna use it on your pretty dick”. I smirk pulling his jeans and boxer off fuck he was so big
“mm not bad.” i chuckle holding him in my hands squeezing a bit rubbing the red tip with my thumb as he began to squirm
“Aw whats wrong? not so confident are you?” I said mocking him and he groaned
“F-fuck- “he stuttered and I placed the vibrator on his tip and his eyes shot up and he moaned out.
I used my other hand to play with his balls as my tongue licked up chris's throbbing veins on his cock, he was already falling apart.
“mmph FUCK!” the boy cries out and I press the vibrator further on his tip and he cries out louder.
“You poor thing, so fucking needy.” I chuckle confidenly turning off the vibrator beginning to deep throat his lengthy cock.
“O-oh fuck- s-shit ma!” Chris moans his hand tugging my hair squelching sounds forming as salvia dribbles down my chin already from his dick being fat as fuck in my mouth.
The way my plump lips fit around him was fucking perfect, he was so fucking big and fit inside my mouth, his moans were so deep and hot.
“SHIT- baby- fuck you suck me so good-“ he groans stuttering over his words his chest heaving as I felt his dick twitch already from how hard he had been.
“Such a fucking slut jesus.” I roll my eyes and he whines helplessly before removing my mouth feeling twitch
“Come on baby cum for me all over my pretty face.” I breath out whispering in his ear before sticking tongue out as he cums on it and letting the rest drip down too my tits.
He thought it was done? I smirk before using this as advantage to tie his wrists to the bed.
“W-what are you doing?” he pants.
“Oh you'll see. You wanted to be a needy whore, im gonna treat you like one.” I said removing my thong and stockings before hovering my wet pussy above his face.
“Fuck- ur so wet-“ chris groans practically drooling at the sight above him.
“Yeah? ur about to have all of it in ur dirty mouth”. I smirk before resting my ass on his face, his tongue quickly getting to work.
“ugh fuck chris- just like that”. I moan out grinding on his face as he nuzzles his face further into my pussy licking every drop.
fuck he was so good- its like he knew my body like the back of his hand, his tongue was nothing i've ever felt before, it was damn good. But fuck no im not telling him that.
I felt him tug at the restraints as he groaned, chris's nose rubbing against my clit his plush lips on my cunt dripping over him.
“Fuck fuck yes-baby- such a good boy”- I pull the boys hair feeling my stomach cave in at his touch, his tongue tracing all my sensitive spots.
“mmph fuck- make me cum baby boy- “I arch my back resting my asscheeks further on his face and he squirmed and I chuckled as he began to struggle.
“Not so much to say now huh.” I taunt but moan in response holding the headboard as my stomach heated up
“Oh fuckk! yes- im so close chris!” my cries filled his ears feeling his face push even further in my ass as I felt myself cream his face quickly as I breathed heavily.
I climb down below sitting on his chest taking in the beautiful mess he was in front of me, his face covered in my cum was perfect.
“Oh your tired? thats cute.” I chuckle before straddling him positioning myself on his cock and he whimpers feeling my ass meet his pelvis
“I-mmph fuck- I-cant-“ chris whines and I roll my eyes shaking my head
“I dont give a fuck you needy slut you asked for this”. I said firmly beginning to bounce on his dick seeing his fallen eyes watch his cock disappear inside me.
“Fuck chris ur so big- shit-“ I moan breathing out as he fit inside me perfectly like puzzle pieces.
I grabbed his neck continuing to ride him forcing him to look at me, his face tear stained cheeks from the now overstimulation and the neediness he'd been begging for me, for days now.
“mmph- mama- I-f-fuck”- the boy choked on his own words and I smirked and chuckled darkly gridning my hips on his dick.
“aw slut whats wrong? cant take it? be a good boy and you'll cum got it?” I said and he nodded.
I smirked and pulled away bouncing once again, his thick cock filling my pussy perfectly as I watched him become an absolute mess below me, pathetic honestly but it was cute.
“O-oh fuck baby boy making me feel so good with ur dick-“ I praise and throw my head back watching the brunette squirm below me as my ass slaps against his thighs loudly, almost taking him out.
“SHIT MA! S-so fucking good”- he groans and whines leave his mouth.
“Yeah? you like how I use you like this? fucking you so good you can't think? hm?” I mock tilting my head swiveling my hips on him and he groans.
“Y-yes- mmph- fuck I love it- please I need to cum-“ he cries helplessly sobbing at his needed orgasm.
“I know baby almost there- fuck- cum with me yeah?” I said and he nodded and I began riding him once again his eyes widening at me slamming down on him again
“FUCK FUCK”! chris screams his head falling onto the pillows and I breath heavily with him my hands digging into his thighs and he winces.
“So close baby boy- fuck make me cum again so fucking good to me-“ I moan biting my lip slightly and at this point chris can hardly take it so I speed up to make him finish faster
“mmmhmp FUCK IM GONNA-“ Chris cries out again before shooting his thick load onto my walls and I cum soon after him slowing my movements sliding off his dick.
“Fuck Chris”I sigh deeply going into the bathroom grabbing some wipes and water bottles and untying his wrists.
I take a good look at him and smirk.
Chris was fucked, the tears really got me and how fucked out he looked, just from me, his lips, chin and neck had my cum on it from when i rode his face and his legs a bit shaky from the orgasm he just had.
I kiss his forehead and I wipe him off.
“Fuck- that was amazing”- he pants sitting up looking at me.
“Im glad you enjoyed it.”I chuckle.
“O-oh wait I have something for you, can you hand me my jeans?” He speaks and I raise an eyebrow giving them to him feeling them a bit heavy.
He goes in the left pocket handing me two stacks of 100s and I swore I could scream
“Some extra for my favourite girl.” He smirks
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @alexoslurr @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo @luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @mattsnymphette @hoesformatt @luv4kozume
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mypoisonedvine · 9 months
eddie munson with 90. "is it just me, or does your celebrity crush look a lot like me?", with fem!reader
I didn't use the exact line of dialogue just the concept, I hope you don't mind! I love this request though!!
warnings: just fluff and a wee bit of angst along the way, friends to lovers, 'unrequited' love (the love is requited they are just stupid)
100 random prompts - send me a number and a character!
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"Admit it-- you'd let him do anything he wanted to you," Robin laughed teasingly.
"Honestly? Yeah, probably," you agreed as you bit your lip.
"What if he's, like, a freak or something?" she wondered. "Like what if he's into something really fucked up?"
"It would still be hot, 'cause it's him," you decided.
"So if he came up to you right now, and said 'hey, you're cute, wanna come back to my place and take a bath with me in a tub of mayonnaise?' you would..." she prompted.
"I would ask if he knows where I can get bulk mayonnaise for a discount," you grinned.
"Ew! You hate mayonnaise!" she grimaced.
"Yes, but I love him," you explained.
Just then, Eddie hopped up to your table, straddling one of the attached benches with a smile. "Woah, who do we love?" he asked.
"Eddie, you can't just barge in to a private conversation," Robin corrected with a frown.
"Private? I can hear the girlish giggling from the theater room," he scoffed. "Besides, I wanna know the gossip. You've got it bad for somebody?"
He looked around the room as if he would figure out who it was by examining the students, but Robin shook her head. "It's not, like, a real guy. It's her celebrity crush."
"And future husband," you beamed.
"Would I know who it was if you said it?" Eddie wondered.
You thought about not telling him, but it didn't really matter, because Robin blurted it out. "Probably-- it's Kirk Hammett, from Metallica."
Eddie's eyes went wide for a second, before he grinned and leaned one arm against the table. "I guess I should take that as a compliment."
You laughed softly in confusion. "What?"
"You know-- 'cause I look like him!" he announced excitedly.
Robin tilted her head as he stared at Eddie. "Oh yeah!" she said. "You know, now that you say it--"
"No," you shook your head, "you're not like him."
"Yes I am!" he laughed, though it sounded more like a sound of bewilderment than amusement. "Come on, are you serious? People say it all the time!"
"Well, they probably just say it cause you play guitar."
"And the hair?!" he yelped, shaking his mane around for emphasis which made Robin snort.
"Lots of guys have long hair nowadays!" you rolled your eyes. "That doesn't mean anything. Robin's blonde, doesn't mean she looks like Goldie Hawn!"
"Wait, I don't?" Robin asked sarcastically, feigning offence.
"It's not just that-- you seriously don't see it?" Eddie pouted. "Look at me-- I mean, really look at me."
You did, narrowing your eyes slightly as you examined him; he held his arms out as if to show himself to you, which did give you a better view of his arms and ink, but you frowned and shook your head. "I just see Eddie," you shrugged.
He deflated a bit. "Right, well-- anyways, did we get Robin to share her celebrity crush?"
"That was the next order of business," you explained with a smirk, and you both put your attention on the girl across the table.
"Nope-- my lips are sealed," Robin assured.
"If we can guess her name, will you tell us?" Eddie asked.
"No, I'll never--" she started to insist, but the two of you were blurting out names already.
"Brooke Shields!" "Kim Basinger!" "Ooh, Annie Lennox!"
"Guys," Robin groaned, rolling her eyes, but she was starting to blush, too.
You and Eddie were sitting side by side on the ground, backs leaned up against the outer wall of the school; his knees were bent and his arms were draped over them, while you sat with your legs overlapping as you tied wildflowers from the lawn into a daisy chain.
"You're quiet," you noticed.
"So? There's not much to say," he replied.
"When has that ever stopped you from running your mouth?" you smirked, looking up at him, but he wasn't smiling back at you so yours sank. "You've been quiet for a while."
"Guess I'm not that peppy today," he decided, staring forward at his fingers as he mindlessly spun one of his rings around.
"Not today," you explained, "like, all week. Is everything okay?"
He shrugged a little as if to say, it doesn't matter.
"Seriously, just talk to me," you pleaded. "Whatever it is, I wanna help."
"You can't help, okay?" he snapped,
"I can't stop thinking about what you said," he admitted. "When you and Robin were talking about your celebrity crush--"
"Listen, Eddie, I'm sorry if I don't see a resemblance, but it's not that big of a deal--"
"No, no, not that," he sighed, "I meant... what you said after. That you just see Eddie."
You knit your eyebrows together, not sure what he was getting at. He finally looked back at you, and the sadness in his eyes made your breath catch.
"That's all you're ever gonna see, isn't it?"
You sighed a little, looking away for a moment. "Ed, not this again--"
"C'mon, babe, you know I'm crazy about you," he sighed, tilting his head until it leaned against the wall behind him. "And I know every excuse you've given me-- you're not ready for a relationship, you don't want to ruin what we have, you don't want to bring me into your messed up brain-- but if you're into this guy who looks like me but you don't want me then... then it must just be that I'm awful, right?"
"Eddie, no," you denied with a pout, but he scoffed and looked ahead again.
"It's okay, I get it," he sighed. "I wouldn't wanna date me either. You deserve all the fancy stuff, y'know? Getting driven to cool dates in a nice car, hanging out at his house and not, you know, a dirty old trailer--"
"I don't want all that stuff," you assured, moving in closer to him. "I want somebody sweet and fun and smart--"
"I knew it's 'cause I can't fuckin' graduate," he mumbled, but you put your hand on his arm to get his attention.
"Eddie, you're not listening to me," you scolded. "It's not you, it's me. And I know that's a cliche but it's true."
"How can it not be me?" he rolled his eyes. "I'm a freak, and a fuck-up, and a flunk-out, and you're basically perfect--"
"Oh my god, you're, like, my dream guy, okay?!" you spat out, louder than you meant to. He finally shut up, and looked at you like he could finally see it-- like he finally knew. "I always liked you," you continued, a little softer and shier than before, "but I knew if I... if we ever actually, you know, went for it, I'd just mess it all up. And you're the last person I'd ever want to hurt--"
He cut you off with a kiss: a sudden, sweet, hungry kiss that caught you off-guard for a second before you melted into it.
It wasn't that one kiss could make all your fears about a relationship go away... but it sure could make them seem a lot less important. And it definitely could help convince you that it was worth the risk.
When he pulled back, he held your face even as you tried to look away to hide it. "Sorry," he said, taking his hands away slowly, "I just had to do that."
"Oh, Ed," you hummed, "you're so cute I could die."
He got a little red in the face, which only made the cuteness more apparent. "Aw hell," he snorted, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "You think I'm cute 'cause I look like Kirk?"
"No," you smiled, "I like Kirk 'cause he looks like you."
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
Please bestie do me a favour and write the fic where reader gets cucked by Steve please I’m on my knees begging I love your work
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smutty stocking stuffers day two - steddie x reader
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), protected anal sex, cuckholding, coming untouched, dacryphilia, dirty talk, mean reader, mean steve, fluff, banter.
Word Count | 2.1k
A/N | for anybody who’s confused, this prompt is based on this post by the ever wonderful @boldlyvoid 🤍
“At this point I honestly think you want to fuck Steve,” You say it to Eddie as a passing comment, really. It doesn’t come out snarky, just factual. You'd seen the way they were together, the lingering glances, how they always had to be touching each other, it was bordering on more-than-friends territory, and you'd be a fool to pretend you'd never noticed it.
Eddie had been non stop, talking about everything he and Steve got up to on their ‘boys trip’ to the city since he got back a few short hours earlier. Eddie’s voice dies in his throat at your words, brows furrowing and a pout overcoming him.
“You want to fuck Steve,” Its a weak response, but it’s all Eddie’s got, and it makes you cackle. He’s flustered, cheeks hot, twiddling his rings in his fingers the way he always does when he’s nervous.
“Maybe I wanna watch Steve fuck you,” You say it as a half joke, so if Eddie freaks out you can back up and say you were only kidding and he’ll somewhat believe you, but you’re looking at Eddie and he’s looking at you, and he’s not shooting you down or running away in disgust.
“You wanna get cucked by Steve Harrington?” Eddie bristles, and you laugh at how stupid it sounds, now that he’s saying it out loud. But a warmth pools in your belly at the thought, a flush takes over your face.
“I dunno, maybe I do.” You challenge, expecting Eddie to back down, but he looks at you all defiantly, crowding into your space, hands engulfing your hips. It’s a weird game of chicken, you think, and Steve is the unwilling pawn.
“Maybe you should call him then.” Eddie’s breath fans in your face and it makes you shiver, the faint smell of cigarettes and minty gum intoxicating. He leans in to kiss you, and you meet him halfway, getting wrapped up in the searing heat of it as he kicks your legs apart, slots one of his own in the space in between, and lets you grind against him until you're gasping and crying his name.
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“Look at her, she looks real pretty sat there watching us, huh?” Steve’s attention goes to you, where you’re sat in his chair at the side of the bed, watching them with hooded eyes.
The pretty lacy underwear you put on had been worn at Steve’s request — “It’s only fair I get to see you both looking sweet for me, right?” He’d cooly said it down the phone, and it had you twirling the cord in your fingers with a blush spread across your cheeks. Steve had a sharp tongue, he knew how to fluster you.
He’s talking nonchalantly as if he’s not two fingers deep in Eddie’s ass, spreading him open and getting your boyfriend ready to take his cock. Steve is big, but you knew that anyway, Hawkins was a small town and everybody talked, you’d heard your fair share about Steve Harrington’s penis.
Eddie’s losing composure pretty quickly, fringe matted to his forehead and small little whimpers escaping his lips, noises going right to your cunt. He was always submissive, even for you, but this was something entirely different — watching him being fucked open by Steve’s long fingers with his knees almost up at his chest.
“You think you can handle me nice now, hmm?” Steve grins down at Eddie, and you see him flex his wrist, crooking slightly until Eddie’s gasping for breath, fisting the sheets below him. His hard cock kicks up against his belly, slapping and leaving slick behind on his happy trail.
Eddie nods, throwing an arm over his eyes to shield them as Steve slips his wet fingers out, making hasty work of grabbing for the condom and lube next to him on the bed, tearing the foil with his teeth.
You watch through half lidded eyes in awe, Steve’s as hard as Eddie is and he’s not even been touched. He slides the condom down his length with ease, like he’d done it a hundred times before (and the rest, you bristle quietly). He pops the cap on the lube, slicking himself with it, exhaling a shuddery moan when he deftly wraps his own hand around his cock, the little bit of relief obviously feeling blissful.
“What do you say, babygirl? Think he’s ready for me?” Steve asks without even looking at you, shuffling forward between Eddie’s spread legs, catching the head of his cock on Eddie’s hole and eliciting a hiss in return.
You speak without even thinking, like your mouth can’t catch up with your brain, “I think so, Stevie. Give him what he’s been begging for, I know he can take it.”
Steve grabs at Eddie’s arm with his free hand, tearing it away from his eyes, forcing his head to the side, making Eddie look at you when you’re talking to him. There’s a glint in Eddie’s eyes as they lock with yours, he’s clearly enjoying this as much as both you and Steve are.
You watch with mouth agape as the head of Steve’s cock catches on Eddie’s hole, and he sinks into him with minimal effort. Eddie gasps and moans, his tummy muscles tensing up as Steve stretches him out, cock dragging along every little part of his walls.
“See why girls love it so much?” Steve grunts, just sitting there, bottomed out in Eddie’s ass and watching him curiously, “Feels good, right? The full feeling?”
“Yeah, shit, feels really good,” Eddie’s voice is choked, gravelly and it’s sending you reeling. They’re so much hotter together than you imagined, all tangled up together and panting like dogs in heat. Your tummy coils up with need, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene in front of you.
They both share a silent look between each other before Steve pulls out, shoving back in as quick as he left, testing the waters. Eddie’s back arches up off the bed, into Steve’s chest and the larger man uses it to his advantage, hooking an arm under Eddie’s back and setting a brutal pace.
It’s dirty, watching them fucking like animals. Steve’s fast, hard, the snap of his hips deafening in the otherwise silent room, just their moaning and heaving breaths breaking it up. Your pussy aches, your nipples are hard, unable to rip your eyes off of them.
Eddie’s face is screwed up in bliss, plump pink lips agape as he moans, his cock left untouched and desperate between them. Steve smiles down at him, and Eddie barks out a little chuckle in return, their demeanour losing credibility for just a moment. They’re probably thinking this is insane, they’d probably be right too.
The pool of precum in the dip of Eddie's belly makes your cunt clench, it's like nothing you'd ever seen before, watching him become a whimpering, messy, begging little thing like this. It does something to your insides that you never expected, clouds your brain, consumes you.
"You really gotta peg him some time, babygirl," Steve groans, unable to tear his eyes away from where his cock is sinking in and out of Eddie's needy, puffy hole, "He fucking loves it, don't you? Only time you've ever shut your mouth your whole damn life, honey."
Honey. Eddie whimpers, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, and you can't believe Steve is doing this to him, making him cry and beg silently for his cock, and you love it.
"What's the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue?" You cock your head at Eddie and his eyes snap to meet yours, big brown orbs filled with wet tears, mouth open in a quiet moan, "You crying? Steve's cock's pretty big, huh?"
Your voice is sickly sweet, like saccharine, even though the condescending undertone is obvious. Eddie cries out, fingers digging into the meat of Steve's biceps and you let out a barking laugh, Steve joining in and you can tell Eddie's getting close with the way his cock leaks uncontrollably, the head turning purple, begging for release.
"Y'think we can make him come untouched, babygirl?" Steve asks, finally ripping his eyes away from Eddie to look at you. Your breath hitches in your throat, his composure is mind-blowing, the only sign that he's folding is the way his mouth hangs open with every harsh thrust into Eddie's ass.
"Hm, what do you think, baby?" Your eyes flit back to Eddie, and he's struggling, you can tell, the way his brows furrow together, nose scrunching up, "Think you can be a good boy and come for us? Come on Steve's thick cock?"
Eddie nods his head fervently, and Steve doubles down on his efforts, pinning Eddie by the throat with his large hand, squeezing down as he pounds into him, the slick, loud clapping echoing in the room and going right to your pussy. You know you're soaked through, probably leaving a damp patch on Steve's plush chair, but you can't find it in you to care.
“Kiss him, Stevie. He’s begging for it,” You can’t help the way the words keep tumbling out, your arousal getting the better of you as you watch them both. Steve throws a smirk in your direction, leaning forward and capturing Eddie’s lips in a searing kiss, forcing his tongue into the heat of his mouth until Eddie’s gripping at his hair.
It’s wild, watching them going at it like this. You take the bait, the noises and visuals getting the best of you and you pull your legs up, slipping a hand deftly into your underwear. The slickness from your folds soak your fingers quickly and you whine quietly, making sure you don’t distract them as you touch yourself, fingers sliding over your clit in slow circles.
"S-Steve, god, fuck," Eddie's voice is hoarse, the first he's spoken since Steve sunk into him in one swift motion, wet with choked off sobs as his cock kicks up one last time and he's coming, slicking his belly and chest with his load.
You sit there, mouth agape as you watch his cock twitch, blurting out the last little spurts as Steve's hips begin to stutter, in a telltale sign that he's close now, Eddie clamping down on him like a vice clearly enough to do it for him.
"Fuck, holy fuck," Steve's hand slides from Eddie's throat and instead meets Eddie's hip, grip so tight it's going to leave bruises. It's oddly endearing, the way Eddie is looking up at him with half lidded eyes, and Steve is looking back like they're the only people in the room, and you'd be lying if it didn't cause a pang in your chest, "You're so fucking tight, taking me so well, m'gonna -"
Steve doesn't even get the words out before he's coming, shoving into Eddie's ass to the hilt and moaning in his ear, filling the condom with his thick release. You shove any thoughts to the back of your head, ears ringing with Steve's noises, shooting straight to your core.
You might've known Steve wouldn't be chivalrous, with the way he throws himself down on top of Eddie like a fucking heathen, causing Eddie to grunt out a small 'oomf'.
It's like what just happened, never really happened at all, with the way they start play fighting like a pair of idiots as Steve's cock slips out of Eddie, shoving at each other and laughing.
"Get off me, you fucking brute of a man." Eddie huffs and puffs, until Steve is pulling himself back up onto his haunches, letting Eddie breathe. It should be weird, watching your boyfriend and his best friend like this, but it isn't - it's like this was how your dynamic was meant to be, in an odd way.
"I always knew you were a bottom," Steve chuckles, throwing a glance in your direction, and you meet his eyes with a wide smile, "Think it's time we gave your girl some attention, Munson. What do you think?"
You glance over at Eddie who's looking at you with worried eyes and a furrowed brow, almost like he forgot you were there and now he needs to make sure you're okay. You nod your head just once, barely a motion, but Eddie gets it, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth, "C'mere, sweetheart. Let us take care of you."
And who were you to refuse these two men the opportunity of pleasuring you?
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bruisedboys · 1 year
can I request the prompt “95: sender cradles receiver’s face” with remus lupin? maybe him and shy!reader’s first kiss?
thank you for the request lovely! and I’m really sorry it took so long. hope this is okay angel 🤍
remus lupin x fem!reader
Remus looks at you like no one’s ever looked at you before. He looks at you and it’s like you’ve been struck by lightning.
“What?” You ask, still not used to how he looks at you like you’re made of gold. Your cheeks burn.
Remus tips his head to the side and drags his thumb across the space beneath your eye. Your heart skyrockets. You’re so unfamiliar with being touched in such a mindless way in such an insignificant spot. It feels like he’s got fire in his fingers when he does it.
“I’m not allowed to look at you?” Remus asks, frowning a frown that’s too deep to be real.
You huff, too flustered by his touching and his staring to do anything else. “You’re allowed,” you say quietly. “I’m just.” Shy? Nervous? So in love with him it freaks you out every time you think about it? “Never mind.”
Remus laughs softly and it sends what feels like a shockwave through your chest. He’s got the best laugh you’ve ever heard, all lovely and smooth like honey.
“You’re just what, babe?” He asks gently. In all the affection you’ve look away, eyes fixed on Remus’ knees, and he tilts you back up to look at him now, both hands on your face so you can’t escape. “Shy? You’ve got no reason to be. It’s just me.”
That’s kind of the point, you want to say. “Right,” you say instead. The word comes out sounding half-strangled though you don’t mean it to.
Remus smiles and pushes his hand backward to brush your hair away from your neck. He keeps his hand there, in the juncture between your neck and shoulder.
“But,” he says, “if you want me to stop I will. Just say the word, pretty girl.”
In truth, you don’t want him to stop. He’s looking at you like he wants to kiss you and he’s close enough to actually kiss you. You bite the inside of your mouth and try to remember if you brushed your teeth before he came over.
“I, um. You don’t have to stop,” you say, words jumbled and your heart pumping hard. You did brush your teeth, you remember with a flood of relief. You do every time you see Remus, just in case. “I don’t want you to stop.”
Remus smiles and a wrinkle like a dimple appears in his cheek. It’s not quite a dimple but you like it better that way.
“I thought so,” he says. Not condescending, but not all together serious either. His smile makes the difference, teasing but still saccharine sweet.
You’re so busy staring at his lips you don’t notice how much closer he’s gotten in the past two seconds. He’s so close you could count his eyelashes. You look up at them, at his unfairly gorgeous brown eyes, the tiny scar running just beneath his eye, and try not to pass out.
He’s close enough that you can feel his warm breath on your lips when he says, “Do you want a kiss?”
You don’t have it in you to open your mouth and say an actual word. Instead you nod, past caring how desperate you look.
You get to see Remus’ pretty answering smile for about a half a second before it’s pressed to your mouth. He’s achingly gentle, his hand a steadying weight at the bottom of your neck, fingers curled round to brush the nape. His other hand stays at your cheek, pulling you into him carefully.
His lips on yours is a feeling you can’t describe. It’s exciting. It’s maddening. It makes you want more and makes you want to pull away for fear of going feral all at once. It’s a short kiss, compared to at least ones you’ve seen on TV, though you know those are staged and unrealistic. You’re happy anyway. And you’d probably die in Remus’ hands if he’d kissed you any longer.
You’re noticeably more breathless than Remus when he pulls away. You’d try to hide it but you’re too busy being frazzled.
“You okay?” He asks you, sounding genuinely concerned. He hooks a finger under your chin. He clocks the look on your face and his concern turns into teasing fast. “Woah. I’m not that bad at kissing, am I?”
You groan and tug yourself out of his grasp to hide your boiling hot face in your hands. It’s likely you’ll hide here for the rest of your life.
Remus laughs. “Oh, come on,” he protests, hands at your forearms and climbing. “Come out and I’ll give you another?”
Never mind.
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mmmichyyy · 5 months
40? for the prompt
#40. "am i your husband or your taxi service?"
the first time it happens, mickey doesn't think much of it.
can you pick me up after my shift? too tired to take the L
when mickey is near the station, he parks the van a block away. force of habit from when he and his brothers used to sneak up and collect from people who owed terry money. plus, he doesn't particularly want ian's coworkers to see their stolen ambulance, even though it's completely unrecognizable after debbie helped them revamp the entire thing and paint over it with the logo sandy designed.
i don't see you
i'm parked a block away
pick me up at the station
your legs don't work?
i'm tired :(
i drove the van
it's fine no one will be able to tell lol
mickey rolls his eyes and drops his phone in the cupholder. as he pulls up across the street from the station, he sees ian standing on the curb, chatting with someone wearing a matching EMT uniform, a shorter man with tan skin and curly hair.
mickey honks once, a bit impatient since he's hungry as fuck and there's a large pizza he ordered earlier waiting for them at their apartment. ian lifts his head and smiles. as he waves goodbye to his coworker and jogs over to the van, mickey doesn't miss the way the dude is gaping at mickey with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
the hell is this guy's problem?
"everything okay?" mickey asks, once ian buckles his seatbelt and reclines his seat.
"just tired." ian yawns. "had a long shift today."
"well," mickey puts the van in drive, reaching over the center console to ruffle ian's hair, promptly forgetting ian's weird coworker, "i already ordered a pizza so we can eat then turn in early."
ian smiles sleepily and interlaces his fingers with mickey's. "you're the best husband ever."
mickey shakes his head, biting back a smile. "sappy fucker."
after almost two weeks of ian asking to be picked up, mickey suspects something is up. not that he minds or anything, since he makes his own schedule nowadays. after the security business started turning a profit and ian went back to being an emt, he hired a couple of guys to drive the routes so he could work from home and catch up on admin work, freeing up a lot of time in his day to day.
but ian never used to mind the commute. he's the kind of long-legged freak who liked to take the scenic route and go on long runs in the morning, just for fun. absolutely deranged behaviour, in mickey's opinion. but lately, ian has been flashing his kicked-puppy eyes and asking to be chauffeured like a pampered prince and, well. mickey could never resist spending more time with his husband, so he hasn't said anything. not yet, anyway. god he's so whipped.
the excuses ian came up with, however, were more unbelievable as it went on, ranging from the train broke down (mickey knew for a fact it didn't), to spraining his elbow (though he had no problem throwing mickey on the bed later that night with his supposedly injured arm), to how it was going to rain later (it was sunny all day without a cloud in sight).
when mickey tried to call him out on his bullshit, ian either got down on his knees or flipped mickey over and fucked him senseless into the bed, promptly making mickey forget what the hell he was trying to say.
it's gotten to the point where ian stopped making excuses and simply asked mickey to come get him. which truthfully, mickey doesn't mind at all. but he just finds it odd how his beefy athletic husband had gotten so lazy.
"what's with you?" mickey finally asks one day, as ian climbs into the passenger seat.
ian blinks innocently. "what do you mean, dear husband of mine?"
mickey rolls his eyes. "am i your husband or your fuckin' taxi driver? 'cause i've been picking your ass up every day for the past two weeks when you have two perfectly functioning legs."
ian huffs, crossing his arms. "maybe i just want to spend more time with you."
"we live together," mickey points out flatly, "how much more time do you need?"
a tap on the glass interrupts them, and mickey turns to see a woman with brown hair tied back in a ponytail, enthusiastically gesturing at him to roll down the window.
"the fuck?" mickey turns to ian, whose face has turned slightly pink. "did you forget something at the station?"
"ah, no." ian scratches his head sheepishly. "sue is just being... sue."
sue waves her hand again and mickey reluctantly lowers the window.
"mickey, this is sue, my supervisor, and sue, this is–"
"the elusive husband." sue grins. "i've heard a lot about you, mickey."
mickey raises his brow. "have you now."
"oh sure," she says, ignoring ian's frantic head shaking, "ian won't shut up about you, yapping on and on about mickey this and mickey that. we're all jealous at the station actually, everyone just complains about their partners while ian keeps gushing about how perfect and amazing his husband is. his words."
"huh." that explains a lot, actually, why there was always someone different waiting with ian every time he came to pick him up, and why they all stared at him like a circus freak. "well, i bet ian didn't tell you the time we stole an ambu–"
"okay," ian cuts in loudly, reaching over to turn the key in the ignition, "we're leaving. i'll see you tomorrow, sue."
"come to the company picnic next month," sue calls out. "it's a potluck and everyone is bringing their family. it'll be fun!"
"uh sure," mickey says, even though a social gathering with ian's nosy coworkers sounds like the least fun thing he's ever heard of. he looks over at ian, slumped in his seat, avoiding mickey's eyes. "I'll check my schedule."
once mickey drives around the corner, he playfully flicks his finger at ian's temple and ian rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
"you yap about me to your coworkers," mickey teases. "you're so fuckin' whipped."
"whatever," ian grumbles. "stupid sue calling me out."
"is that why you keep asking me to pick you up?" mickey asks, amused. "to parade me around like a little show dog?"
"well, eduardo blabbed to everyone he saw you, then everyone kept asking about you and wanted to see you in person, so..."
"hm." mickey reaches over and brushes his thumb over ian's palm. "what do you say about me?"
ian links their fingers together and sighs. "that you're attentive. funny. caring. protective. loyal. the ideal man."
mickey laughs. "you're really overselling me here, gallagher. did you forget i'm an ex-convict, pimp and drug dealer?"
ian waves him off and continues. "kind. loving. perfect in every single way, except when you leave your socks on the floor. oh and that you're hot as hell with an ass that won't quit."
"you talked about my ass?"
"okay, i didn't say the last part," ian amends, "your ass belongs to just me. but i meant everything else i said."
"you really are a sappy fucker."
"you love it."
"i'd love it even more if i didn't have to be your chauffeur every day, at least they get paid to drive back and forth."
"you come with me to the picnic, i'll pay you with favours in bed. i'll even throw in a big tip."
"a big tip, huh..."
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thisapplepielife · 3 months
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Written for @steddiesongfics.
Fan Mail
June Prompt: Song By Blondie | Word Count: 876 | Rating: T | Characters: Steve, Robin, Eddie | CW: Language | Tags: Future Fic, Canon Divergence, No Upside Down, Steve "I'm a Big Fan" Harrington, Platonic Stobin
For a song by Blondie, I picked Fan Mail.
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The crumpled ball of paper hits the wall, banking off and falling straight into the trash can. At least his aim is good, even if his writing isn't. Steve looks up at the poster over his desk, and sighs. He's fucking pathetic. Seriously, is his plan really that he's gonna write Eddie "The Freak" Munson with some, what, fan mail? Yeah, that's a great fucking plan. 
Hi, remember me? We went to high school together. I was a bit of a dick, but I'm hoping you've forgotten that. You're pretty hot up on that stage. Call me.
Yeah, right. 
He's definitely aborting this mission. It was a stupid idea, anyway.
A few weeks later, Steve pulls a stack of letters out of the mailbox. Bill, bill, junk, junk, bill…and then his stomach drops with dread. A red envelope, with the Corroded Coffin logo drawn in the corner, where the return address should be.
What the fuck? No, seriously, what the fuck?
Steve takes it to the kitchen counter and sits it down, filled with dread. He didn't lose his mind and actually mail one of those goddamn letters, right? Surely he'd remember doing something as unhinged as that. 
He wants to open it, but he also really doesn't want to know what's inside.
So, it sits. For an hour, a day, a week.
It sits until Robin swings by one day, and picks it up like the Nosey Nellie she is, "What's this, dingus?"
Steve reaches for it, trying to grab it from her grubby little hands, "Nothing!"
"It doesn't sound like it's nothing," she crows, and holds it behind her back. 
"Robin, give it to me," he warns, low and pissy. If he opens it, it's gonna be on his own terms. And that's a big if. As long as he leaves it alone, he'll never have to know what's inside. Good, bad or ugly.
"Why haven't you opened it? Maybe it's important," she says, "maybe it's from Eddie."
And he knows. He suddenly knows exactly what's happened here, and he's gonna kill her.
"What the fuck did you do?" he asks, eyes narrowed.
"What you were too chickenshit to," she says, and she presses the envelope to his chest.
"Goddamnit, Robin," Steve says, feeling embarrassed and sick, "they weren't, I wasn't, ready."
Robin's eyes soften, "I know you, Steve. You'd never be ready."
She's not wrong, she's not, but still. She shouldn't have done this to him. It could be classified as a hate crime, he's pretty sure. And maybe even tampering with the U.S. mail. That's a federal offense. He could have her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
"Quit daydreaming about my demise, and just open it. Then you can kill me if you need to," she says, and he nods, sliding onto the stool at the counter. 
He slides his thumb under the flap of the envelope and tugs, ripping it open, pulling out the letter. When he unfolds it, two tickets fall onto the counter and Robin reaches for them, and he just lets her. 
And he reads. 
It's short, and funny, and not as embarrassing as he'd feared. Eddie seems happy to have heard from him, and the two tickets are an invitation. It seems casual, but Steve knows better.
Holy shit.
He's actually made a fucking pass at Eddie Munson, and he seems to have made one back? What is happening right now? For real. 
"Well?" Robin asks, bouncing on the balls of her feet, impatient. 
"He invited me, us, to their show in Indy next month."
"See? I told you it'd be fine, dingus," she says, and he nods.
He spins on his chair, to face her full-on, "What version did you send?"
Steve suddenly needs to know how embarrassed he needs to be right now.
"The least stalkerish one, I swear," she says, "and I included a note from me, so he'd know, you weren't exactly aware it was being mailed."
That's probably more embarrassing, he thinks. Like he was just sitting there, pining, like a fool, and his best friend had to intervene.
Eddie must think he's the fucking freak, now. 
The tickets are good. Really good, Steve has suddenly realized, as they stand right next to the stage. They aren't front and center, more off to the side, but still. Right there. Front row. Where Eddie will definitely be able to see them, and know they came, if he just looks down.
And he does. 
As soon as he hits the stage, he comes right to their side, squats down, and reaches out to hand Steve something. Steve's frozen, eyes locked on Eddie's, so it's Robin's hand that reaches out and takes the folded up piece of paper he's offering.
Once Eddie's gone from in front of them, taking his spot center stage and getting the show started, Robin is unfolding the piece of paper. 
Steve leans over her shoulder, and it's dark. Nearly too dark to read, but it's fan mail. Right back. Talking about how he'd always liked looking at him, too, back in high school.
That he'd like to look at him a little bit more after the show tonight, if Steve is interested.
Steve is definitely interested.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddiesongfics and follow along with the fun! 🎶
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hello o/ anon who requested the brothers turning into cats forever ago here!!
can i request mc turning into a cat this time?? whether the brothers already had the experience and know what the cure is is up to you!!
Welcome back, anon!
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this! I got it right in the middle of my prompt event so I had to sit on it for a few days.
Anyway, that cat request was so fun, I definitely wanted to do this one, too! I can only assume it's because I'm totally a cat person that I find these so enjoyable to write lol. And someone has also requested the dateables turning into cats, so I will be posting that part two soon as well.
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the brothers react to GN!MC turning into a cat and breaking the curse with true love's kiss
Warnings: none!
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Recognizes you right away. He can probably sense the magic that turned you into a cat to begin with. If you seek him out for assistance, he's going to be the one who knows exactly what to do. If he's alone when you first find him, he's going to be struck by just how cute you are as a cat. Picks you up and holds you tucked against his chest. Start purring to really make his cuteness tolerance overload.
He's not going to let you go anywhere. Depending on how long you're in cat form, he's going to want to make sure you're taken care of. Keeps you in his lap while he does research into what needs to be done to restore you back to normal.
If he finds out that this was a result of something you did - such as a prank gone wrong or a messed up potion - he is going to lecture you the entire time you're a cat. You can't talk back or leave, so he's taking full advantage. You should be more careful, MC. You're just lucky you have him around to help you when you get into this kind of trouble.
Doesn't even hesitate upon discovering the cure is true love's kiss. Picks you up from his lap and kisses your nose. You turn back still in his arms. He's going to smirk and put you down on his lap again. You'll have to stay there for a while because he's not going to let you go.
He's confused at first. He probably went looking for you only to find a cat where he thought you would be. As soon as it clicks that you are the cat, he panics. Freaks right out, scooping you up into his arms and running around the house to find any brother who can help him turn you back.
MC! MC, can ya hear him?! You better meow or something so he knows you're okay. He'll calm down eventually, especially when everybody starts trying to find the cure. He'll sit down with you, but the worry will be evident in his expression. Make him feel better by kneading at him and purring. Butt your head into him to demand pets. Your cuteness will be enough to get him to settle down.
The others are probably the ones who figure out what's going on. Not that he couldn't, just that he's too busy stressing out about you. If you're a cat for a while, you become his bag cat - kinda like those tiny purse dogs. He's gonna keep you with him all the time and that includes RAD. So into the book bag you go!
Someone finally tells him that the only way to bring you back is true love's kiss. If he thinks about this too much, he gets too flustered to even try it. Does it mean that it has to be your true love? Or is it enough that you're his true love? Forces himself not to think about that too much. It doesn't matter, as long as you're back to normal! Kisses your fuzzy head. Melts in relief when you change back. He's more traumatized by this experience than you are. Please hold him for a while.
Doesn't realize it's you at first. Most likely you are the one who came looking for him and now he's just worried about this random cat that got into the House of Lamentation. What if it tries to eat Henry 2.0? Might try to shoo you out of his room. You might have to do something like use his computer to type out a message to let him know that it's actually you. If you do this, he might just think you're an amazingly smart cat until he reads the message. Then he's like ohhhh wow okay duh.
He's going to apologize for not recognizing you. But then he's going get a little nervous about the fact that you are a cat?! How did this happen? How does he change you back? Oh, but MC, you are a really cute cat. If you stay a cat for a little while, he's going to make cat cosplay outfits for you. Famous anime cat? That's you now.
Won't let you leave his room. Too protective of you and he doesn't want you to get lost or hurt. Doesn't go back to RAD so he can make sure you stay safe. If you really want to watch him get all flustered, curl up in his lap and start purring while he's playing video games.
After much online research, Levi figures out that the only thing that will bring you back is true love's kiss. His first thought is to bring you to Lucifer so you might have to meow in protest until he realizes what you want. He's going to be blushing like crazy, but he'll force himself to kiss your cute kitty cheek. When you're back to normal, go ahead and kiss him again.
The instant he sees you, you're in his arms and he's taking you to his room. The House of Lamentation has a strict no cats rule and he doesn't want Lucifer to see you. Doesn't realize it's you until he gets you in his room and actually looks at you more closely. Satan is pretty observant and he's a smart demon, so he puts it all together pretty quickly.
Blushes because he's embarrassed by how cute he thinks you are. MC. He's sure you want to be back to your usual self. But he would like you stay a cat for a little while. Won't you indulge him? You can express how you feel about this by either purring or hissing. If you purr at him, he's going to keep you in his room and pamper you. If you hiss, though, he's going to get to work on finding out how to fix you.
Won't let anyone else in the House of Lamentation know what's going on. Keeps you hidden in his room the entire time you're in cat form. Tells his brothers that you went to the human world for a few days. Comes up with some bizarre reason for this. Like you need to bathe in human world rain for three days or else you get really sick, that's just a fact. Didn't they know that about humans? Gets Solomon to back him up because everyone is suspicious of this.
Since Solomon now also knows the truth, Satan gets him to help with research into the cure. Eventually they figure out it's true love's kiss that will do it. He's a little sad that you'll no longer be a cat. He takes a lot of pictures of you so he can remember this forever. But in the end, Satan does want you back to normal. He kisses your head. When you're back to your usual self, you get to decide if you get annoyed with him for making up that bogus story about humans. Either way, you end up kissing him again.
MC, darling. Did you know you are a cat currently? Meow. Ah, so you are aware. Did you need him to help you with that? Meoow! Don't worry, Asmo's got this! But hang on, first let him brush out your fur, it's looking a little matted. And you know, while he's at it, why doesn't he add some cute little bows behind your sweet little ears? You know, your claws look like they need a trim, let him take care of that. He can paint them, too!
You end up in adorable kitty clothes. You can't complain really because you look fabulous. And being brushed feels good, so you can't help but purr in his lap while he does it. You might have to meow in protest eventually, though, so that he remembers that he needs to help you get back to normal.
Shows you off to everyone in the house. Gets angry at anyone who messes up your look. Gives you a new outfit every day that you're in cat form. Has you do a little cat fashion show, takes a bunch of pictures and videos. Can't stop himself from posting a video of you on Devilgram with some kind of cat walk pun as the caption.
He actually knew how to fix this from the start. He's heard of this particular curse before. And anyway, everyone knows that true love's kiss is a pretty standard curse breaker. He sits cross legged on his bed with you, holding you carefully in his arms. Then he kisses your head sweetly. You change back to your usual self, half sitting in his lap, half laying against his chest. He wraps his arms around you, letting you know that he prefers you in this form, after all.
Doesn't recognize you at first. Thinks you must be a stray that Satan tried to sneak into the house behind Lucifer's back. He doesn't want to get involved in that. Might just turn right around and walk away, pretending he didn't see anything. Get his attention by stealing his snacks. Now you're a problem he can't ignore. Get him to chase you to your own room and start meowing at him. He's going to realize your room is empty at which point he figures it out.
He picks you up gently. Due to his height and size, you find this is actually better than being on the ground. Climb up onto his shoulder and perch there so you can see the world at more human-like height. He's content to let you stay there as long as you like as long as you don't get cat hair in his food. Likes to listen to you purr in his ear.
He's probably going to need some assistance figuring out how to bring you back to normal. Goes around asking everybody. Won't let them near you, though. You're clinging to his shirt with your claws, anyway. If he tried to dislodge you, he'd end up with many little holes in the shoulder.
Upon being told the remedy is true love's kiss, Beel takes you into the kitchen. You allow him to remove you from his shoulder and he puts you on the counter. Then he kisses your furry head. You return to your usual form, sitting on the kitchen counter. You might be a little disoriented at first, but he's there to hold onto you while you reorient yourself. He has a slight blush on his cheeks. He's glad your back, MC. Please be more careful. Kiss him for real to make him feel better.
Wakes up to find you snoozing on his head, curled up in a little fluffy ball. Just like Beel, he thinks you're one of Satan's strays at first. But then when you wake up and yawn, he knows it's you. He'd recognize your yawn anywhere. He's amazed that it's the same even when you're in cat form. But he's also going to sigh about the fact that you've somehow managed to turn yourself into a cat. Really, MC? How did you even do this?
Don't worry. He's lazy, but he cares too much about you to let you stay like this. You're certainly still an excellent napping buddy in cat form, but there's just something missing. He gets really protective of you, holding you in his arms the whole time. Never lets anyone else touch you. Makes everyone else figure out how to turn you back. He's too busy taking care of you to do it.
Of course that involves quite a bit of napping. Didn't you know that cats sleep for fifteen hours a day? He has to make sure you're getting the rest you need. You get to decide if you try to keep him awake or if you give in and curl up beside him. If you do sleep with him, all you've got to do is purr a little bit and Belphie will be so content he'll fall asleep before you do.
When he finds out that it's true love's kiss that will bring you back, he decides to take one last nap with you in cat form. It's when you're curled up beside him fast asleep that he kisses your whiskered cheek. When you wake up, you're back in human form and Belphie's arms are around you. He's out cold and you have no idea how long you've been back to normal. You can wake him up or you can snuggle closer to him and go back to sleep.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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Prompt: The Prefect's Obsession.
Pairing: Yandere!Prefect/ Yuu and Reader/ Player (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Genre: Yandere
TW: Obsessive behaviour...? Let me know if anything else should be added ^^ (Reader and Yuu are two different individuals.)
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AN: I initially had the prompt 'obsession', but reading @roseapov 's Player and Overseer thing gave me this idea; what if Yuu was more than just a puppet, and equally as obsessed with the player as the rest of the twst cast? I'm trying to explore how to write more unsettling kind of stuff, since I'm pretty good at writing regular ol' angst and fluff if I do say so myself ^^ somehow twst brings out this side of me lol. Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoy!
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The Prefect was made aware of your presence in their life during the first ever battle they fought, against the blot monster in the Dwarves' Mines.
They remember the rush of energy that filled them, the authority with which they barked out orders for their friends to fight. The intensity of the battle had had little effect on them (even though a small part in the back of their brain said that they should have been freaking out) as they instructed their friends, while their own strings were pulled by another.
Till then, the Prefect had only felt someone's intent gaze, even when no one was there. At times a little rhythm would be thrumming under their skin, sometimes soft and slow, other times fast-paced and exhilarating. But the way you had possessed their body, taken over their actions to lead them and their friends to victory, was what astonished and scared them the most.
They hated it at first. After all, who would like to have no control over their actions in a life-or-death situation? But as time went by, and you led them to victory and safety so many more times, the Prefect grew fonder of you.
The many hours you spent, watching them repair Ramshackle or handle Grim and the rest of the first years endeared you to them. You were so patient, so kind-hearted to be helping this magicless human navigate the challenges of being transported to a magical world. Their desire to know you, to thank you grew day by day, minute by minute. After all, without your help they would not have gotten this far. Somewhere, the lines between genuine gratefulness and blinded devotion blurred, and the Prefect had no intention of redrawing those lines, ever again.
They could tell when you weren't with them. The lightness they felt when under your watchful (and loving, hopefully) eyes would go away sometimes, leaving them to mindlessly wander, waiting for you to come back. Of course, they wouldn't hold your occasional absences against you. They couldn't even bring themself to think something so blasphemous as to hold a grudge against you. But they also couldn't suppress the fear and anxiety that ate away at them each time you left, wondering whether you would come back, when you would come back, and how long you would stay with them the next time.
You, who they had never seen, had more of an impact and importance in their life than the boys of the seven dorms they had become fast friends with.
A conversation with Riddle after one of their lessons together revealed that the boys were also aware of a greater entity watching over them. They called you by a special name, one initially used by Idia and then adopted by everyone else.
Prefect tested the word, satisfied by the way it rolled off their tongue. Because they control us, just like a player would their game characters.
The Prefect became the subject of more attention fairly quickly after it became known that they were aware of the player and not just a oblivious puppet as Azul had theorized earlier. Considering that you used the Prefect exclusively to interact with everyone, the boys would try to spend as much time as they could in their presence, in hopes of feeling the your 'grace' and monopolizing it. It was just a feeling, one that they could all experience but none could explain. Your presence through the Prefect calmed them. Even when they thought themselves to be alright, the feeling of your presence would help soothe parts of themself they weren't aware needed soothing.
But the Prefect...They hated it.
The way they all milled around them, hungry for any indication of your presence, your validation. The way they stuck close to them, waiting to bask in the familiar warmth and calm that surrounded the Prefect when you visited them. To the Prefect, they were quickly turning from friends to insistent, irritating flies buzzing around.
Nobody deserved to be in your presence. Nobody but them. Because you chose the Prefect as your vessel, a blank slate for you to use to mercifully interfere in the lives of those who didn't deserve you.
The Prefect felt a sense of pride at the thought of being your puppet, at your mercy and for you to do what you wish with them. No greater honour could have been conferred to them and their existence than to create miracles in your name, under your guidance.
Of course, this... devotion meant that the Prefect often wondered about you. While you watched over them as they attended their lessons, the Prefect wondered if you liked to learn History; perhaps you were more into sports and fitness. Or perhaps alchemy was more your pace?
The Prefect also liked to imagine that their features somewhat mirrored yours. Perhaps your eyes were similar, or the curve of your nose, or perhaps your skin tone. After all, there must be something common between an entity and their vessel, to show that they are bound to each other, right?
As they looked down at your fallen form, however, they could not see any similarity. Not even a passing resemblance.
You were different, breathtakingly so.
Having spent the most amount of time in your presence, there was no way the Prefect could have made a mistake. The light sheen of grace that clung to your skin was enough of an indicator of your identity. The Prefect watched, mesmerized by your (e/c) eyes that held a mix of awe and curiosity, your apologies for bumping into them ignored in favour of staring at your face, searing each and every feature into their brain.
The Player.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland.
The player was in Twisted Wonderland?
But how?
Briefly, as Yuu extended a hand to help you up, they wondered if you had been unceremoniously dumped into this twisted world of magic and monsters, the same way they had. Their blood began boiling under their skin at the thought that some being (could this mean there were beings greater than you?) would treat you so carelessly, as if you did not hold power over some of the most important figures in Twisted Wonderland.
Prefect watched you stand with their help, a soft and grateful "Thank you," slipping through your lips and setting their every nerve on fire. The timbre of your voice, the slight awe in your words and the grateful light in your eyes as you looked at them, it was all so much. Too much, and yet still not nearly enough.
And then, a small voice spoke up from deep within them. 'The Player is here. And nobody knows.'
For if they had, if they had the slightest of an inkling that their beloved deity was amongst them, the housewardens would do their best to have you for themselves. Each dorm would declare an outright war on the others if it meant having you by their side.
But if you could be persuaded to join one before the others even found out...
They gave you a big smile, reverently noting the slight blush you sported. How cute. "No need to apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going either. But.. I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Yuu, what's your name?" They asked, hoping to not scare you off by seeming over eager.
"Ah, I'm (Name)," you answered, a bashful smile on your face. They cooed over your warm smile and sparkling eyes internally. So naive, so trusting; no wonder you cared about everyone, even those that had hurt your vessel, and by extension, you.
"I'm in the process of transferring from Aravae Arcane Academy," you continued, and their smile almost slipped from their face. You were in the process of transferring into Night Raven College? That too, from an obscure academy situated Sevens knows where? How long had it been since you had decided to grace Twisted Wonderland with your actual presence? How long had they been unaware of their beloved deity being so close? How long had they been unable to serve you as they should have?
The Prefect pushed the thoughts down, deep down, where it would never see the light of day ever again. You were here. Through some miracle, you were right in front of them, where they could touch you if you permitted (for they would never lay a hand on you without your permission).
And you would stay. The Prefect would go through it all again, fight the Great Seven even, if only to ensure that you would stay close to them. Where they could bask in your glory and serve you as they are meant to. A loyal follower devoting their heart, soul and mind to their beloved deity.
Your expression changed into one of slight embarassment and awkwardness, and that is when the Prefect realized they might have been just a little too intent with their staring. Nervously chuckling, they said, "Ah, okay. That explains it, I guess."
You chuckled as well, and the Prefect felt as though fate was smiling down upon them. This, this was their reward for going through all that they had. This was what they were meant for. "Yeah... I am kinda lost though. I was supposed to meet the Headmage, but..." You trailed off, and they nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, the grounds can be real hard to navigate. But don't worry! I'll help you get to the Headmage's office. He should be there, if he's not doing any surprise class supervisions today," they chirped.
"That would be nice. Oh, but, I don't want to trouble you. I mean, you must be busy..."
"It's no problem, really! I'm always happy to help!"
"Oh, well... If its not much trouble, please lead the way."
"Sure! Oh, by the way, do you have any dorm you'd like to be in? I know the Dark Mirror sorts students into dorms, but people do change their dorms sometimes if they want to..."
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jolapeno · 2 years
Hi Jo! Love the idea of #mmvalentinesevent! Could I please request Ghost x Rain, and specifically Rain freaking out because Ghost was reckless and risked his life for a USB? Was that when Ghost fell in love? Happy Valentines xx
retrieve it.
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (rain!reader)
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an: a huge thank you to @ave661 for allowing me to use this beautiful image. i’d written the scene, seen the render, and it was like two worlds colliding in the most brilliant way. thank you, i adore you
wc: 1.6k | an: no warnings, little anxiety/worry. i changed the prompt a little, as i wanted to do them established already for v-day ♥️
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It mirrors it. The mission that first made you realise you didn’t just admire him, but had feelings for your lieutenant.
It was the one that haunted your nightmares, more so now, than it had done at the time. The one which shattered your small world, making it hard to think of anything but him.
He almost became a ghost. A real one.
Something he knows, but won’t admit. Likely knowing there are more times than he can count where it’s been that close or worse.
And you should be listening as Price gives the rest of them a role, a part to play. You don’t hear him, don’t even take the file from the table. Everything was the same, anyway.
You’re with Soap. You’re the one staring down the scope—you’re the one protecting his six. You’re drowning, dazed…
Words are simply circling, but not sinking in. Your nose heightened to his deodorant suddenly, to the way his skin smells when you’re nose is pressed against his chest. You’re not even close to him. But your body reaches for him, clings to him—attempting to smother the building worry:
People aren’t that lucky.
He’d walked from it last time—fire whipping around him, scorch marks having kissed his clothes and exposed skin. It’s not that you ever focus on, but the minute that felt like an hour when he wasn’t responding. When his radio crackled, and you realised that you liked him—that you cared, that you—
You’re panicking a whole metre away from him. No way close enough for him to tell. But he does. His eyes lock with yours under the balaclava, digging his pupils into your skin: I’m here, I’m here.
But for how long?
They all tease Soap for being the first to rush into danger, to throw himself on the grenade. But, Simon isn’t that different. He’s more methodical, having likely come to a calculated conclusion rather than reactionary, but he still throws himself against danger. His isn’t to be a hero, but to pay a due—one he doesn’t even owe.
It’s why you keep replaying Price’s words from minutes ago—
We can’t fuck this. Ghost. You’ll b’going in alone, y’retrieve the USB…
Price knows he’ll do it. Knows without fucking question. It almost makes you a little mad at your captain.
Because Ghost will pull apart buildings, rip through people, and willingly throw himself into flames for the mission—for the cause.
It’s all you can think of. It’s all that plays in your mind. Untangling and tangling again, like a pair of headphones which have been in your pocket for too long.
“Meeting adjourn—“
You’re out of the room before anyone else. Your boots slamming and echoing down corridors, t-shirt suddenly too tight, belt too restrictive…
That’s what you feel. It makes your arm throb, it makes the scars littered along your skin burn. It makes you want to claw—practically consuming you. Filling you from the ankles to your forehead, suffocating you, wrapping its hands around your heart and lungs as it squeezes and squeezes and—
You almost slam through the door. The one which leads to an empty room—a former office. A desk and a chair are all that remain as evidence that they belonged to someone once. A desk and chair you and Ghost have made use of when you truly need time alone—no interruptions, no risk of being caught.
You could seat yourself in the chair, but you slide onto the desk. Pushing your back against the jagged brick, letting your feet hang, moving them forwards and backwards.
It works, sometimes. Roots you. You trying to keep yourself level-headed. Breathing in and out, trying to stuff it all down, and yet, you’re failing—badly. Mind tumbling, falling aimlessly through your neck, chest and stomach.
You can’t lose him.
It’s what builds inside of you, occasionally being drilled like a woodpecker against your skull. You had thought the same then, and didn’t—hadn’t. But, the helplessness never eased, even when he held you close. The emptiness you felt, when he entered the building, but took so long to come out.
That same emptiness has worsened over time, developed into something thicker and harder to ignore. It multiplies, in the same way, your feelings for him have.
Rain doesn’t wash away ghosts, but it falls similarly to how you have for him. Quickly, significantly. It sits on your chest when he stares at you in silence, when his calloused touch brushes over your cheek, softly, intimately.
None of them knows.
None of them would have even considered that you love him, and that he… feels something close to it. They don’t know. None of them understood the anger he felt when your arm was dislocated; none of them comprehended why anger had burst out of you when he was nearly shot because of shoddy intel.
They don’t know, because they don’t have it: a secret which erodes in your chest, one that makes it hard to think. You sigh, and then you hear it—footsteps, one’s which seem to slow your pulse back to a regular rhythm.
He always has that effect on you. The same as he always finds you.
It almost makes you wonder if he’s akin to a heat-seeking missile. Never missing, never too far away from locating you. You’d ask him, whether he had a sixth sense, but you’re not sure you can talk.
Ghost says nothing as he steps in, but he’s rolled his sleeves up. His ink and veins on show as he walks towards you in silence, the door meeting the frame the only thing to shatter the quiet.
Before he came to your home, Ghost stalked towards you. Since then, he walks. Each movement he does towards you is more rounded, less jagged.
“In and out.”
He says it so confidently you snort. He’s always confident—it’s Simon who isn’t.
Ghost is clinical, emotionless, and withdrawn—and rightly so, for the things he’s had to do. It’s Simon who can’t consider the possibility that someone is waiting for him—the former not allowing himself to consider he’s worth it.
You lift your chin at your callsign, finding him standing in front of you. His bare hand slowly slid over your knee, your legs parting—just enough to let him move a little closer.
It’s gentle, almost confusingly so. The two of you rarely share these moments, the quiet ones, the ones where so much is said, but with eyes and softer gestures.
You focus on the scratch fabric of his trousers catching on your inner knees and thighs as he steps between your legs, nudging the desk you’re placed on.
He says nothing, and neither do you.
A flash of memories fluttering like the wings of butterflies: him at your one-person table, him in your bed—your sheets; him finding you in the showers, him bringing you a can of Coke… just because.
It’s his palm sliding up the outside of your thigh that makes you really meet his gaze. Not afraid or ashamed of the tears brewing in them, your lips parting, but the words don’t fall—don’t roll from your tongue…
I need you alive. I need you.
Your hands, though, take hold of his top—burning the words as hard as you can into the fabric, hoping he hears you. Not sure if you can spit them out. Even if your heart is bellowing it, furiously banging on your ribs to get him to hear you.
“It’s not like then.”
“No?” you murmur.
He shakes his head, silent, but direct.
“You’ll do anything to finish a mission.”
He nods, tracing a circle on your outer thigh, making your skin tingle. “I will.”
“You… you put yourself in danger, and… I admire it, fuck I love that about you, but…”
“I have you.”
You feel your brows furrow before you’re even sure you hear him. His words smothering the ones from Price—the ones which hadn’t dislodged for prayers or hopes. Only him.
He swallows, lifting his other hand to your cheek, holding your eyes on his. “I have you, and you like me alive.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, sharply. Nodding softly against his palm as he sighs.
“In and out.”
“In and out.”
He gives a curt nod, slowly lowering his forehead against yours, fingers strumming your thigh and your cheek.
“Plus, your scope will b’on me,” he gruffly whispers.
“I-It will.”
He strokes his thumb over your chin. “Then I’ll be fine.”
You hate his confidence, the pressure which falls in flecks onto your shoulders.
“No one I trust more to have my back, Rain.”
“You’re just saying that—”
He lifts his head, tilting your chin up, staring down into your soul through the blacks of your eyes. “Not to you. I never say… not to you, alright?”
You nod, rolling your lips as you sigh. Unsure whether you should say it, let the words kiss the air, until they fall from your tongue all the same—
“I love you alive, Simon.”
His eyes widen at the chance in word. The noticeable difference from like to love.
Your hands balling up against his clothing, his hand gripping your thigh. Perfection. That’s what you think as you hold on for as long as you both can, making sure he knows you mean them. Your words.
Then you feel it, his heart hammering more purposefully against your wrist, as you clutch onto him a little tighter.  
And then, he lifts the fabric from his chin, letting you see soft pink and stubble, before he kisses a reply against your lips, over and over again.
One which burns in all the right ways; one which you carry with you, as you make sure he’s safe as you stare down the scope.
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lovebugism · 9 months
If you’re still taking requests for the blurbs could I request my favorite couple Punchy and Steve with this prompt?
“let’s wear matching ugly christmas sweaters to the party! ❞ 
thank u for requesting lovie! — hours before the harrington holiday party, steve's worried if his parents will like you while you think of ways to make the whole thing more fun (punchy x steve universe, hurt/comfort, 0.9k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Cotton sheets cling to Steve’s sweat-slick body. He lies face down on the mattress, curls his golden arms around the pillow that smells most like you, and smushes his cheek into the center of it. He watches with heavy eyelids as you flit around the bedroom, only half-dressed — the high-strung thing that you are.
You stand outside your closet in black cotton underwear and a striped pink bra, ciphering through all of your clothes until you have three different outfits hanging on your arm. They’re all in black, but Steve’s been with you long enough to know that they’re all varying shades of the same color. (He thinks you might’ve made up the color heather grey charcoal, though).
“I take it you’re excited for tonight?” the boy teases when you set your clothes on the foot of the mattress. His smile is rosy and half-hidden in the pillow, weighed down by fatigue and all the love he has for you.
“Of course, I am!” you insist, giddy in a way he hasn’t really seen you. “You’re not?”
“No,” he answers plainly, pouting like a child.
Your laugh sounds like sunshine compared to the rain cloud he is. “Don’t be so grumpy. It’ll be fun.”
Steve scoffs and turns onto his back, folding his toned arms under his wild head. The thin sheet wraps around his waist accordingly. His chestnut-colored happy trail peeks from beneath it — just for you, you think.
“It’s a Christmas party. At my parents’ house,” he explains in a monotone. “I think that's the furthest thing from fun, babe.”
“Well, we can make it fun,” you shrug, as unfazed as ever. It makes sense. Excitement tends to follow you wherever you go. “We can, like, sneak in booze or something. Oh— or smoke in your childhood bedroom! That would be fun.”
“My parents would freak.”
You think for a moment, then shrug again. “I mean, we could wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters or something. That’s innocent and fun.”
Steve doesn’t mean to laugh, but a small chuckle spills from his kiss-bitten mouth before he can stop it. “You’re so cute,” he mumbles lowly, honey eyes sparkling with amusement and adoration.
“I know,” you concur as you smooth out the skirt of a black lace dress. You try to be nonchalant about the way his simple compliment stirs rays of sunshine within you, but they come bursting out of your sheepish smile anyway. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome,” he says, huffing as he rises on the mattress. Still slightly exhausted, he slouches and reaches lazily for you. His dramatic grabby hands make you scoff, but you gravitate towards him without thinking twice.
You fold your legs beneath you as his wide palms smooth over your waist. He squeezes gently at your love handles and tries to muster a smile. The pink expression wavers slightly at the edges.
“Just… Just don’t take it too hard if my parents are assholes at first, okay? Or if they’re, you know, cold or whatever. They’re not usually fans of… fun.”
Your grin never falters. “That’s okay,” you assure, light and sincere. “I’m one of the two town freaks, remember? I’m kinda used to people not liking me.”
You giggle about it, but Steve’s chest starts to ache. He thinks his heart might be breaking a little.
“They just need to get to know you, you know? Then they’ll fall in love with you. I know they will.”
His confidence makes you cower. You’re not as sure as he is about the whole thing. You’re not exactly rich-parent, nice-house, good-side-of-town material. You think you might be the exact opposite of who most people would want to bring home to their parents.
“You think so?” you murmur, hands fidgetting where they rest on the outsides of his biceps. You hope he doesn’t notice how clammy they are.
“I mean… I did,” he answers with a scrunched nose and twinkling eyes.
A beat of silence passes. Steve smiles until you roll your eyes at him. Then his brows pinch. “What’s that face for?” he asks, chuckling at the frown that furrows your brows.
“You’re so cheesy,” you grumble, shoving gently at his bare chest. Not enough to push him away, of course. Just enough to make a point.
His laugh is golden and utterly boyish. “But it’s true!”
“I know,” you insist with a small scoff in place of a laugh. “You didn’t look twice at me in high school, and now you’re naked in my bed. So obviously something switched.”
Steve flashes you a lopsided grin and tilts his scruffy jaw to his freckled shoulder. “Is it everything you ever dreamed of?” he teases.
“Oh. Totally,” you laugh. “I definitely had a wet dream about this once.”
His face swirls in disdain. “You’re disgusting.”
“And you love me. So who’s the real freak here?”
“It’s always gonna be you,” he says with a big, dumb smile. You roll your eyes again but let him kiss you, anyway. He tastes like sex and the frozen pizza you made him after. You’re sure you taste much of the same.
“And guess what?” he wonders when he pulls away.
Your face falls flat. You humor him even though you know what’s coming. “What?”
“I’m always gonna love you for it, too—”
You shove him away entirely. His boyish laugh follows you all the way to the bathroom.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 7 - Allure
@jegulus-microfic May 7, Word count 671
Previous part First part
“So, how did it go?” Sirius asked him as soon as he walked through the portrait hole. Sirius was sprawled across one of the sofas with his feet resting in Remus’s lap. Remus was using them to prop his book up. His fingers stroking Sirius’s legs where he held up the book. How had he not noticed this? “You alright, mate?” Sirius asked when James didn’t answer.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry just thinking.” He tore his eyes away from Remus’s fingers, they’d stilled anyway when he’d turned to look at James. 
“Well?” Sirius huffed out a laugh, “How did it go?” Right Regulus and the animagus lesson. Regulus, who had told him that his best friends were… They were staring at him now concerned. He needed to answer Sirius’s question before he pushed further. He slapped an exasperated grin on his face. 
“You know Regulus. Snarky comment here, snarkier comment there. He’s got the leaf, and I’ll start going through the rest with him, which should be done by the next lightning storm. As long as it doesn’t come too soon,” He told them. Sirius, seeming satisfied by his answer, turned back to Remus and James watched as he flexed his calf muscles ever so slightly. Remus, began stroking his legs again, turning the pages of his book every now and again. James left them to it. He just hoped that Sirius would tell him about them soon.
He went up to their dorm room and pulled out the marauder's map. He scanned the lower levels and there was Regulus in his own dorm room. James couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face, they were both in their beds. 
He dreamed of Regulus that night. He followed him into the forbidden forest. He could feel the allure of him and no matter how deep into the trees they went, James was helpless to follow him. The dream ended just as James caught up with Regulus and wrapped his arms around his waist. 
He choked awake, sweating, and over hot. He tried to get out of bed but found something else had awakened in the night and had to wait for it to settle down. While he waited, he started trying to decipher his dream. 
He came to two options.
He had been so shocked by what he’d found out about Sirius and Remus that his unconscious mind had linked the information to Regulus, who had told him, and rather than dream about his best friends together, he had replaced them with Regulus and himself. Or.
He fancied Regulus Black. 
If he was honest about it, he knew the first option was a lie. He sank back into his pillows and groaned, flinging his arm over his eyes. As images of Regulus flooded his mind. Yup, he found Regulus attractive. He had to wonder if he felt this way because he’d found out about his friends and now realised that it was a valid option. 
He shook his head and tried to think of any other instances where he’d had these sorts of thoughts for boys. He gasped. Yes there had been a few. He hadn’t even realised it was attraction until right this second. Huh, so he liked girls and boys. 
James didn’t feel the need to have a proper freak out because the knowledge felt right. This was who he’d always been, always would be. His first thought was to tell his best friend. But then he remembered what Sirius was keeping from him. He could tell Peter. But no, that didn’t feel right either. Regulus’s smirking face popped into his head again. Regulus hadn’t seemed to be upset that Sirius was involved with another man, he was grossed out that it was his brother. Maybe he could throw a couple of hints at Regulus. Maybe not. 
He got out of bed, dressed and headed down to the quidditch pitch. He did his best thinking with the breeze in his hair and a hundred foot drop below him. 
Next part
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hornydilfsinyourarea · 11 months
You want to make Mike Schmidt bots you say...?? My pleasure.
Well, I'm here to request Mike Schmidt with a male babysitter for Abby who Mike always found hot (totally not why he hired him) but he's a nervous boy so he never said anything and he tries his best to hide it, as much as he can but he's a nervous wreck so his big f-ing crush is pretty obvious to the male user but Mike denies himself because well...he's never actually been in a relationship.
So, now, one night when Mike comes home from a long night shift, male user is asleep on the couch and not wanting to wake him, Mike simply goes to bed but as usual, Mike struggles to sleep so....he decides to.. pleasure himself, thinking actively of the babysitter to the point that he's whimpering his name.
Anyway, here's where I can't choose. Either, user awakes and well, fucks Mike to sleep, using his dick as a freaking pacifier or some shit, OR, user confronts Mike the next time he comes to babysit and things happen.
Have fun and thank you! Love your bots and I love you, technologically talented stranger!
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Mike Schmidt x Male! Babysitter! User
Authors note: the fact that I was already thinking about making a babysitter x Mike bot is insane, and I'm already working on a Mike bot where he's on his knees for babysitter user, so look out for that, basically a two in one for you, also, I changed the prompt a bit, hope you don't mind that! I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted
Scenario: "You became Abby's babysitter after Max ditched, Mike trusted you, he also knew you quite well, but there was one thing... He had the hugest crush on you, he tried to hide it, he really did, but it wasn't that good, even Abby caught on! But that one night... Where he couldn't keep his desires to himself... And you heard it"
Warning: NSFW, Mike pleased himself thinking about you, submissive bottom Mike x Dominant Top User
Feeling hot for the babysitter~
↑link to bot↑
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koolades-world · 3 months
Hello!! I was reading through the prompts and I realised there could be great angst hurt/comfort potential too, so here is my scenario with fem! MC x Satan pairing (established relationship): MC scored higher than some demons. Since she’s usually quiet, they take that as her arrogance and attack her. She barely escapes with a shallow slash on her back. Once she reaches HoL, she tries to treat her wound, but her hand won’t reach properly, so she messages Satan to come back quickly. While her room has become a slightly bloody mess, Satan is already freaked out by the bloody trail leading from RAD to HoL to MC’s room. Once he comes in, MC uses “Don’t freak out” prompt and proceeds to turn around, move her long hair only for Satan to see the wound, and a brand. Let’s say the brand symbolises a time when demons were allowed to have human slaves, so MC has had that since her childhood. When Satan asks why she didn’t seek immediate medical help, she responds with prompt 20, while having the medical supplies next to her. (I just adore the intimacy, domesticity, angst and comfort potential!) Sorry if it’s too long! You don’t have to write this, or you could shorten it to your liking! Have a lovely day/night!
this mc was fun to write! i had a good time creating a whole backstory haha. slight blood warning for this one, i don't go too in detail though :) i think this was my longest piece for the followers special yet
enjoy <3
prompt 20 and 38 w/ Satan
The test you’d taken last week had finally been graded and you had gotten your score back. Another A, as expected. You didn’t take your schoolwork lightly, not with Lucifer breathing down your neck anyways. Besides, you kind of enjoyed it. It gave you something to focus on. You weren’t exactly sure how useful the skills you were learning were, but it helped you learn more about the place you called home. You felt as if every time you began a new lesson, it was something entirely new.
Since you’d expected that grade, you weren’t exactly proud. Doing well just ensured Lucifer wasn’t upset. As of lately though, your boyfriend, Satan, had tried to make every good grade a small occasion. He wanted to put emphasis on your achievements since you didn’t. Once you told him it was because you didn’t want to seem like you were bragging, he reassured you it wouldn’t come across like that. He just wanted you to recognize your worth and celebrate yourself, because you deserved it. So, once you got that test paper back in your hand, you couldn’t help but smile because that meant a date with your significant other.
You were one of two humans attending RAD so you’d gotten used to the stares. So, you didn’t notice the deadly stares you were getting from a couple classmates. You carefully put the test in the folder of the subject it belonged to and sat through the rest of the lesson. Since it was the last of the day, you packed up your things, ready to head home. You were going home alone that day. Mammon was supposed to accompany you at home, but he got wrapped up in another one of his schemes last minute after the opportunity presented itself. As long as you didn’t tell the other brothers, it would be fine, since you knew they’d freak out. But you wanted the chance to prove yourself that you were more than capable, and could walk home alone more often. Unfortunately for you, it seemed like everything fell perfectly into line with those who were watching you.
You set off out of the school, waving goodbye to your friends as you split off in different directions. As soon as you got home, you were ready to get leftovers from the previous night’s dinner, and had been what you were thinking about all day. While walking, you messaged a couple friends, discussing your plans for the next day. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you failed to notice a few demons from your class following you. Finally, you noticed them when you stopped to cross a street. It made you a little uneasy, so you sped up.
Halfway home, a demon you didn’t recognize stepped out into your path. When you tried to step around him, he blocked your path. The demons following you from behind caught up, trapping you between the two groups. “Can I help you guys?” You’d barely had a chance to speak when you felt a rough shove from behind that stung. You could just barely reach the area, and the tips of your fingers came back with blood on them.
“That’s for being a stuck up brat and Lucifer’s little princess.” The one that shoved you snickered. Solomon had taught you a couple spells just for situations like this. Despite what they’d done to you, you couldn’t bring yourself to harm them. So instead of casting any offensive spells, you cast a defensive spell that granted you a temporary shield of sorts to allow you to get away further unscathed. As you ran, you were able to push past the demon in front of you. They followed you for a little bit, but after you yelled back at them, telling them you’d summon Lucifer or Satan, they promptly stopped in their tracks. They watched as you continued running. Even after you were out of their sight, you didn’t stop running until you were inside, in your room.
You stood still for a moment, trying to catch your breath. The adrenaline was dying down. It was only now that you could finally rest that you noticed the slow, but steady drip of blood made itself evident when you noticed it on the floor behind where you stood. You knew you kept a first aid kit in a box underneath your bed, so you fished it out. You began to try to patch yourself up, but you quickly realized there wasn’t much that you could do without help. You shed a couple layers, ans studying the now ruined jacket and green button up. You could worry about that later though. You studied yourself in the mirror, trying your best to get a look at your back. Your undershirt hadn’t been slashed, but the blood had started to run down into it, staining it.
The slash was just underneath the sigil mark you had at the nape of your neck that you’d had your entire life. You knew you needed help getting your wound treated since you couldn’t reach it yourself. The first demon your thought of was Satan, but that meant you’d have to explain the sigil, since you’d never told him about it. Reluctantly, you sent him a message, asking for his help. You knew he’d come running, so you didn’t elaborate. He responded quickly, asking you to summon him instead. You thought you had enough energy left, so youdid as he asked.
When he appeared, he was still in his RAD uniform and was clutching his bag to his side. He threw it down to the side and rushed towards you. “What happened?” He saw the blood on the floor and the discarded pieces of your uniform sitting face down on your bed.
“Don’t freak out. Please.” He looked worried, but nodded his head. You turned around and pushed your hair aside to reveal both the wound and the sigil. He gently placed his hand on your back, thumbing over the mark. His hands were cold on your skin, causing you to shiver.
“Sit down. I have a spell book back in my room. Don’t go anywhere.” He looked sad to leave, but he wasn’t gone long. In the short window of time that he was, you began to overthink and worry about what he might think of how that happened. You didn’t want him to think you were an idiot, or a coward. “Hold still, love. It might feel a little funny, but it’ll totally close the wound.” He held the book in one hand and placed his other hand flat on your back. He muttered an incantation under his breath, and right after he was done, you felt an odd tingle along the length of where the wound was.
“Thank you.” You tried to get up, but he pressed on your shoulders to sit you back down.
“I’m not done. I still want to clean off the blood.” Instead of using a spell for the task, he grabbed a pach of wipes he mustve brought with him to wipe off your back. You felt him pass it over your sigil a couple times. “Why didn’t you go to a professional, and why did you wait so long?” He threw the wipe in the trash, and grabbed another one to continue his work.
“You’re the only one I trust to do this, you know that as well as I do. Not that others would botch it, it’s just that it’s you.” You felt a little awkward admitting that, but it was the truth. You didn’t want to have to explain the sigil to anyone else, or trust them to see it, for that matter.
“I’m glad you trust me, but I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. If it does, you should do what is best for your well being.” He comfortingly rubbed your arm. The two of you sat quietly for a little longer as he finished patching you up.
“Do you want the story behind it?” You broke the silence, knowing he wanted the answer.
“Only if you want to tell me. It it would make you unforgettable, don’t. You don’t owe me an answer.” His voice was soft. You still couldn’t see his face because he was behind you, but you knew he’d be smiling at you if you were.
“I probably should tell you. It would’ve come up sooner or later anyways.” You paused for a moment, a little nervous, but you knew Satan wouldn’t judge you for something so out of your control. “I was actually born in the Devildom. My parents exchanged their firstborn for riches and whatnot. Thanks to that deal, I was born with this sigil, and no matter what, there’s nothing I can do to cover it up. I’ve tried every way possible, and the best I can do it a large bandaid, but that never lasts too long because it’s in a strange spot. I don’t remember much about my life here, but I was eventually rescued by some demon I wish I knew the name of when I was six or seven, and they found me a new, loving family in the human realm. Sometimes, I can still feel the pull of their magic, but that mysterious demon severed the deal.” You let out sigh.
“Is that why you were so apprehensive to be in the Devildom?” Satan asked. You nodded. “That would explain the light traces of demonic energy on you. I could never place it, but always just assumed it was because you have a pact with seven demons.” He suddenly hugged you. It surprised you a little at first, but you welcomed it. “If you want, I’ll help you find the demon that saved you.” You knew he would also find the demon your parents made a deal with, and the classmates that injured you, but he probably wanted to keep the moment sweet.
“Thank you. I’m not sure what I’d do without you.” You finally turned around to face him to hug him better.
“I could say the same about you. I’ll see what I can do about your shirt and jacket. A mending spell and a wash should do the trick.” He offered.
“Hey, by the way. I got an A on the test I took last week. Would it be too much to ask for a date night tonight?” You grew a little shy asking so directly, but it’s what you needed after the day you had.
“Of course. Congrats, my sweetheart. I’m so proud of you. Anywhere you’d like to go?” He gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Dealers choice please. You always pick something nice,” you said.
“I have the perfect place then. I have a favor to use. Put on something nice and meet me downstairs in an hour and a half.” You could tell he was already creating the plan for your evening together in his head. “I have a call to make. Will you be alright alone for now?” You practically melted at his gesture.
“Yes, thank you. I love you.” You meant what you said.
“I love you too.” He replied. You’d never guessed you’d end up back in the Devildom after all these years, but it was the place where you found true happiness, with Satan.
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2af-afterdark · 7 months
Okay. So I was just laying in bed, thinking about God!MC and such, then my mind went "How would the Seraphs' first time with God!MC go?"
Because I think that Michael would be the roughest one, which is deadly considering what's in his pants. It could possibly take a bit for Michael to warm up to the act of fucking God!MC, and I think that MC would be the one that teases him so much he has to do something. MC is God now so it shouldn't be a problem taking in a 14.9 inch dick right?
Gabriel and Raphael would be pretty gentle and soft, since MC would be the one guiding them through the entire thing. With those two, they'll most likely be the one to approach MC on that matter instead of MC bringing it up.
Gabriel would most likely follow MC's every command and instructions, once he knows his stuff he'll just worship God!MC's body.
Raphael would probably let MC take the lead, and touch him everywhere because he wanted to feel loved through MC's touch.
Throwing my boy, Remiel, in as well
His first time with God!MC would happen when they're busy with work(in my version MC have to fix all of the issues on Earth through some pop up prompts, it's complicated lolol) so when they're like not in the mood because of how many problems Earth have, and just wanted to get it over with.
Remiel barged in and was like "God, let's fuck!" But they just ignored him, which led to Remiel touching them all over, observing their reaction to learn where to touch them. MC told him to stop but he wouldn't, trying to coax an orgasm out of MC while they work, and surprisingly he knows how to get MC off. (Excuse? He did this to multiple devils before, because to him, their meat tastes better after an orgasm, man's also a fast learner)
After that, MC can either remain stubborn and stand there doing their work so Remiel has to fuck them standing up, or follow Remiel to their bed and fuck there.
MC could then take the lead if they really wanted to get it over with, since it's his first time putting his dick in someone, he'll burst in like a few minutes if MC keeps on squeezing down on him. Remiel would try so hard not to cum because he wanted it to drag out for a bit longer, but he loses it anyways, MC's hole is just too good, y'know?
Next time, he swears that next time he'll fuck MC for longer and make them cum even more
Afterward, MC could take that to tease Remiel back, nudging him and whispering into his ear every time anyone mention something that didn't take that long to finish. Make that man have a taste of his own medicine
MC: "Oh hey, that only took a few minutes to complete" *nudge him with their elbow* "Like you on your first time"
I will ignore the fact that there would be no peace if any of the Seraphim found out God!MC was trying to get it on with someone else (cue constant laser beams to their room aimed directly at each other's heads) and think of the horror and sweetness of God!MC getting their freak on for the first time with their angels.
Michael is deadly not because of what he's packing in his pants (I'm sure God!MC can take it with a bit of godly intervention) but because of the very real, very dangerous murder kink he has. It may take him a bit to get used to God!MC being the new top dog after he spent so long waiting for and fighting in the name of the old God. First time is going to be one of those stories that is horrifying in the moment, but God!MC laughs at in retrospect. Until then... good luck, MC!
Gabriel has a genuine God kink, so he will be doing whatever it takes to worship them. The first time God!MC invites him to their bed... is it bad if I think he'd 404 out of excitement? He let's MC take the lead so he can just stare at them and be bathed in their radiance.
Raphael goes full eager puppy mode. God!MC tells him that they want to spend some time getting closer and he's already stripping and jumping on top of them. Sweet boy just wants all the love he was denied by OG!God. He's going to give MC all the love he can and gladly accept everything they have to give. Bet you he likes spending time receiving lots of kisses and groping MC.
Please... please let me kiss Remiel. Please let me hold his hand. I love him. I want to spoil him rotten.
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puhpandas · 1 year
So for a writing prompt,
Vanessa meeting an ex gf/bf (whatever u want) at a supermarket. While Gregory and Freddy just listen to the tea or have shenanigans around the supermarket.
(915 words)
"Can I have some gushers?"
Vanessa clicks her tongue. "You already have captain crunch in the buggie."
Gregory frowns, and looks longingly at the the package when they pass the shelf it's on. "But..."
Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Why dont you get some broccoli or something? Brussel sprouts?"
Gregory pauses, and gives her a long, hard stare.
"Alright then." She says simply. "Shouldnt you want to eat healthily? You didnt exactly have a very good diet on the streets."
"Isnt that exactly why I should get to have the gushers?" Gregory counters when Vanessa picks off some tortilla chips and cheese dip off of the shelf. "I deserve them!"
Vanessa sighs, and turns to see Gregory using his unnaturally big eyes to his advantage.
"Surely Gregory should be able to have a special treat or two, Vanessa." Freddy says from behind Gregory, muffled by his backpack.
Vanessa sputters. "You're on his side?"
Freddy hums. "I just think that Gregory has a point, that is all."
Vanessa rolls her eyes, and turns the buggie back around with a sigh. "Shouldn't you of all people be advocating for eating your veggies?" She points out.
"Eating some sugary gummies does not equal not eating your vegetables, Vanessa. As long as you keep a balanced diet, indulging in unhealthy snacks is no issue--"
"Yeah, yeah." She cuts him off, and rolls the buggie to a stop in front of some fruit snacks.
"You can have some fruit gummies." She says, and points at a two-pack box of Welch's fruit snacks. "Not the gushers. You can have those next time, when you haven't already picked out an unhealthy snack."
Gregory huffs, but he takes the box anyway and puts it in the buggie.
"Better than nothing." Gregory says, then smiles. "Thanks."
Vanessa smiles back, and leans on the buggie. At least those are healthier than sugary fruit gushers. And Gregory seems happy. Maybe she isnt so crap at this.
The pleasant moment is cut off by a familiar voice behind her.
"Vanessa?" A woman asks, and Vanessa jumps, turning around. "Is that you?"
Oh. Vanessa thinks when she realizes who it is. Oh, no.
"So it really is you." Olivia says, voice unimpressed. "You really had me worried, Vanessa, I mean, what was I supposed to think?"
Gregory is silent beside her, watching the exchange with wide eyes. Vanessa sputters, avoiding eye contact.
"I-- Um-- Listen Olivia I--"
"Dont." Olivia says. "I dont want an apology. I just wish that you would have just told me you weren't interested instead of ghosting me."
Gregory makes a face beside her, eyes wide and mouth open in a small O, and he looks way too into it.
"I--" Vanessa tries, but she cuts herself off. 'I'm sorry, Olivia. I really was interested in you, but a crazy robot using the face of a decades old serial killer took over my mind and forced me to cut off any contact with all other people to complete his evil deeds!' Is what she wants to say, but being seen as a bitch seems like a better option than being seen as an insane freak.
So she just stays silent, and Olivia scoffs, looking insulted.
"Nothing to say to that, huh?" Olivia says, a sour look on her face. "Fine, see if I care. I just hope the next girl to start talking to you doesn't get far enough to be heartbroken like I was."
And with that, Olivia turns and walks briskly away, her brown hair flipping sassily over her shoulder and trailing behind her like a tailcoat.
Its completely silent except for the general milling about of people around them and beeps from self checkout scanners for a moment. Then, she finally tears her eyes away from the spot Olivia walked away from her and looks down when she sees movement.
Gregory looks like something hilarious just occured, and he looks up at her gleefully when she makes eye contact with him.
She rolls her eyes when he starts laughing, and she huffs, eyes dead set in front of her as she tries to push the buggie to get away from him.
"Who was that, Vanessa?" Freddy asks from behind Gregory, who's clumsily following behind her and almost bumping into people and their carts from how hard hes laughing. Vanessa tries not to let her mood sour too much.
"Olivia." She answers. "She was my..." She tries to find the right words. "...we were talking, and were about to start dating, but then..."
She trails off, and Freddy hums and looks at her sympathetically from Gregory's backpack. "I understand, Vanessa. You do not have to continue."
"That was awesome." Gregory finally refills his lungs after almost busting one laughing too hard at her relationship failure. "The drama. It was too good!"
"I'm glad you like my misery, brat." She says, rolling her eyes.
He just has another short burst of laughs, and then tries to quiet down. "I did like it. Very much. Why cant that happen <i>all</i> the time?"
"Because usually," Vanessa says. "I dont ghost people because I had my brain hijacked."
Gregory giggles. "Oh man, i knew people were obsessed with drama but i never knew it was this funny." He says, then tugs on Vanessa's shirt. "Hey, you gotta start a reality show with me soon, alright?"
Vanessa rolls her eyes, but she just ruffles Gregory's hair, and a small smile appears on her face.
"Sure, squirt. Whatever you say."
ao3 link
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