#but its a good mnemonic
am i the only one who like johnny mnemonic? it's a pretty good movie T-T
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byberbunk2069 · 2 months
I like Cyberpunk too but I wanna know what alternate reality these people are coming from where Cyberpunk 2077 is Strong & Stable, *redeemed*, and worthy of "Best Evolving Game" (despite support seemingly being stopped after 2.12)
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sinecosinewheel · 1 year
urgh. im gonna vent about smth stupid to avoid my actual problems
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writers-potion · 6 months
heyo got any tips on writing gangs?
Writing Gangsters
Organized Crime vs. Gangs
Although the terms are used interchangeably, there's a difference between organized criminal networks and gangs.
Organized crimes have focuses on material gain and therefore has a more hierarchical leadership structure.
The activities of gangs are usually more fragmented, opportunistic and based on individual contacts, more entangled with the personal lives of its members.
Of course, if a street gang become powerful enough, large enough and resourceful enough, it comes a full-blown criminal organization.
Background: Time, Place, Economic Condition
Research into the characteristics of the time and place where your gang is.
Oftentimes, gangs form when the economic conditions of a country/region is down. People, especially those who are marginalized, are disillusioned which can lead them to make desperate choices.
It's important to note that many gangs are formed initally to serve as the "police" in a neighborhood where no police would enter because (for some reason) they feel as if there's nothing they can do.
Gangs may start with a "good" reason, but it just so happens that eventually they become the very thing they sought to get rid of.
Compelling Character Motivation
With the socio-geographical context as backdrop, give your characters a clear reason why they would join and stay in a gang.
A young teen may join a gang out of pure whim, maybe for money, but eventually it's going to have to be more than that.
Idolization - an older sibling is in the gang
Inclusion - connection with others is so wanted due to a lack of it in a dysfunctional family
Stability - feeling secure in a neighborhood where gangs seems like a viable option; if a gang is already terrorizing the area, joining it may seem like a way to protect one's family
Financial security - jobs may seem out of reach; it si high risk and high rewards but your character may be that desperate
Ambition/thirst for power/revenge
+ Yes, someone may join the gang because they don't want to work a regular job and want quick money, but I wouldn't say they are lazy. From what I understand, gangs require work...
A developmental Model of Gang Membership (use for character arc):
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National Gang Center FAQ: https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/about/faq#0-0
Gang Life Insider Article: https://amuedge.com/the-various-dangers-of-gang-life-an-insiders-perspective/
NY Gang Slag: https://nypost.com/2012/10/28/a-to-z-deadly-slang-by-gangs-of-new-york/
Gangster Short Stories you can Read Online
‘Johnny Mnemonic’ by William Gibson
‘Vice Grip’ by Matthew A. Goodwin
‘Dolan’s Cadillac’ by Stephen King
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plus it's just really strange to me that people think you can just go learn geography on wikipedia or self teach it somehow without a qualified guiding instructor.
the only thing I've really found is Setterra but the only thing I've ever seen it reviewed as good for is mnemonic map memorization. there's no effective self-teaching tool for learning what the culture of a place is actually like or what its cities or local life are like.
it's the subject matter equivalent of calling someone a fucking moron for not knowing a second language and handing them Duolingo as a learning guide
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dariaslookalike · 7 months
Needing Miller pt 4.
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Summary: It's a shit hole of a world that you're living in, and it gets even shittier when you're ambushed in your sleep. It's a slippery slope that leads you from being tucked cozily in your sleeping bag to joining the raiding group lead by the most infuriating (and intimidating) man you've ever met. You need to survive, above all else- either in this group (without smacking its leader over the head), or in the world alone after somehow escaping. Easier said than done, when your mind loses all sense of focus, tactics and skills the second that Joel Miller rolls up his sleeves and shows his godforsaken forearms.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, adult language, mature themes, eventual smut, female protagonist, no reference of y/n
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 4.2k
Next Chapter: pt 5.
Front sight. Barrel. Release. Back sight. Grip. Hammer. Slide stop. Magazine.
Joel loses any sense of teasing or testing as he walks you through the gun’s components- a 9mm pistol, semi-automatic. His tone is even, and his words are systematic and factual. There are no anecdotes or mnemonics or anything remotely unscientific, spare the occasional Never hold it like this if you don’t want to shoot your foot and your ears will ring like hell.
You try to keep your gaze focused on the gun, matching each name to each part, and then each explanation to each name. But, against your wishes, your body betrays you, and you risk glances at him. Only to see what he’s thinking you tell yourself. You briefly study the crease in his forehead, the steady focus of his eyes, his tanned skin, the hair that is starting to grow too long at his temples. Focused. Assured. 
“How do you know all this?” The question slips out quietly before you can even stop it.
For the first time, he looks up to you. 
He’s so close with the both of you hunched over the gun, and you can see the dark ring of his iris enclosing warm, earthy tones. 
Coffee, you think. Not the shit that FEDRA tried to ration, that was bitter and off-putting. But the warm, rich one that your mother used to drink in the mornings- intoxicating, and sweet and home. You wonder what he sees when he looks into your eyes.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk.” His voice is low, and rough, rising out of his chest.
 “Fine.” You scoff, shaking your head. You turn your attention back to the gun, watching his finger tap against the barrel.
You keep your eyes trained downwards, afraid that if you look at him while he speaks, you’ll scare him away. 
“My father. He owned some property, needed security when I was growing up. Said it would be good f’me too. Make me a man.” He scoffs. “He was dead hours into the outbreak.”
The words sound bitter when he says it, and you tentatively raise your gaze. His jaw is set and his brow isn’t furrowed from concentration but old, worn anger. All that and for what? Is what you read in the curl of his lip and flare of his nose. All that apparent authoritarian and masculine parenting only for Joel to be the one standing here.
“My dad was a drunk.” You offer, carefully trying to extend words of understanding. I get it. Joel doesn’t jump at your words, but the tension in his face fades a little, and he looks into your eyes. You clear your throat and continue. 
 “He wasn’t that useful, though. Never taught us anything like this. I mean, I know how to patch up holes in the wall ‘cause of him. But nothing that would help out here.”
Joel’s lips raise slightly, even if you see a darkening in his gaze when you mention your dad’s wall-punching habits. “Yeah, well I’m sure that’ll be handy one day or ‘nother. I was a carpenter.”
“Oh. Cool.” You nod, trying to seem understanding.
He sees right through you and rolls his eyes. “You don’t know what that is, do you?”
“You worked with carpets?”
He laughs briefly and you want to hear it more, hear it when he’s not holding back. “Mm, with building houses.”
You huff out a snort. “So we both have the perfect skills for an apocalypse then.”
“You can fight dirty. Thank FEDRA for that at least.” He shrugs, the movement casual, but his tone holds back curiosity. 
You indulge him. It didn’t seem often that Joel Miller was one for conversation, and if he was up for it today and never again, you would curse yourself for telling him to piss off preemptively. 
“It wasn’t FEDRA. I mean they taught us the basics- how to spar, how to use someone’s stance to your advantage. But my knife was,” You hesitate, trying to find the right words. A dead man’s belongings? “A gift from my brother. He taught me how to fight, and not in a clean way.”
Joel huffs, and his hand flexes against the gun. There’s a scabbed wound on the back of his hand, still red and healing. You had almost forgotten you had tried to stab him.
 “That’s one way to put it.”
 “Look at you!” You glare at him, gesturing with your hands to him- his broad shoulders, his height, his fucking biceps. “You were a big man in front of me after someone had already attacked me. I wasn’t gonna wait ‘til the count of three and start boxing.”
His eyes find yours again, and there’s a heaviness to them, and his voice is quiet, hushed; surrounded by the grass, the soft breeze, and the blue sky seem to soften him. 
“I know. You did the right thing.”
You stare at him, trying to remind yourself to breathe, to not blush, to not think about how his thighs felt around you or his hands on yours. Think of anything else. Think of the scar on your cheek, the heat and pain that was still present around the stitches, and the uncomfortable sense of itching that had begun as it started to heal. Your eyes dip down to his neck. The scratches on his skin are still there, even if they’re less angry and jagged. You want to lick them. Mark up his neck again and kiss it better.
“You’re weak though. You should work out more.”
You clench your jaw, thoughts of him with any sense of longing being replaced by annoyance. “Right, because there’s so many gyms here. I’ll get on a treadmill next to a stalker.”
Joel’s lips stay in that infuriating, wolfish grin. “I train in the mornings. Don’t need equipment.”
Was that an…invitation? 
“Right. I’ll make sure to train at night then.”
He rolls his eyes and huffs out a breath, but his lips still tug up at your joke. You smile at him before you can stop yourself, pride welling in you that he might find you funny. You feel your cheek strain, but you ignore the pang of pain. His eyes crease and for a split second, it seems like he’s going to smile back at you.
He doesn’t. His lips fall, and the lines deepen on his face as his brow furrows. He tilts his gaze back down to the gun, and the conversation doesn’t simply die- it shrivels and burns into ashes. Back to business.
You feel your stomach drop slightly, and anything in it curdle in a soup of shame. What was all that? Was that a pleasant conversation with Joel Miller? What the fuck were you thinking? Distance, you hiss to yourself. Distance is what you need, not sharing stories about your parents or crappy jokes to try and make him laugh. 
‘M not gonna be your fucking friend.
That was what he said when you met him. That is what you wanted. You shouldn’t have been feeding into any possibility of something different. 
You don’t talk again after that. He shows you how to hold the pistol, and you nod along. He makes you practise tucking it into your jeans, into your pack, and taking it out, over and over, quicker and quicker, each time thumbing the safety on and off, on and off. You don’t offer any words or answers, and your lips stay in a closed line. You don’t do any real shooting. It’s a waste of ammo, and ten shots wouldn’t be enough practice for you to be perfect anyway. 
The sun is lowering by the time you finish. Not quite dark, but the grey dusk of late afternoon that is a harbinger of a storm. You shoulder your pack once more and set out, stepping away from the field.
Joel doesn’t walk ahead of you this time. He walks beside you, matching your pace. When you stubbornly slow down or quicken, he continues to mirror you in his long strides. He doesn’t talk to you though. He simply stays beside you, watching ahead. 
You ignore him. If he wanted silence, then he could have it. 
So what if you liked talking to him, so what if you liked that calm, quiet part of him more than the snapping, angry raider that everyone else knew, so what? You knew that nothing could come from this; knew that he was hotheaded and had to be partially insane to survive out here. You knew that being friends with Joel, or anything else for that matter, was not a possibility. Survival was all you had to be focused on. 
You are still adamantly ignoring him when he grabs your elbow. You turn to him, already scoffing and preparing to break your vow of silence to tell him to fuck off when he tugs you closer. In just a few rushed steps, you’re in an alleyway, with your back pushed harshly to the brick wall. You open your mouth, once more ready to use expletives to ask him if he wants his balls kicked again when he firmly grips your lower face.
Your cheeks are smushed beneath his hand and you hiss in pain, feeling your torn, stitched cheek throb and bleed beneath its bandage. When you bare your teeth to bite him, he grips you tighter. You had lapsed in your comfortability around him; forgotten the real strength that he had, where he could crush you before you could even resist.
Your hand reaches up to his, and you dig your nails into the scabbed wound on the back of his hand. You dig in deeper and feel the wet of blood greet you. He still doesn’t let go of you.
“Stop.” He hisses through his teeth, leaning in closer to you with wide eyes. He jerks his head to the side, back to the street you were walking on.
You’re trying to tell him to eat a dick with your eyes, but your gaze snags on what he gestures to. There. At the entrance of the alleyway. Just shambling into view, dragging its feet. The sound of popcorn popping at the back of its throat. 
You didn’t mean to inhale so sharply, but it turns its head so rapidly, looking straight at you. It has no face, no eyes, nothing to reconcile its lost humanity with. Fungi bloom from its skull, and its skin is torn, bloodied and thin. Clothes, or the worn remnants of them, hang off its body. It takes a step closer, letting out a shriek of a dying cat.
Run. RUN. RUN!
Joel presses himself to you, his pelvis against your lower stomach, and you realise you’re shaking. His body crushes into yours, and you feel yourself squished between him and the wall. He keeps you still and upright. His other hand pins at your waist, holding you steady to the wall. You let him support your weight, afraid that if you try to balance yourself you’ll accidentally scuff your shoes to the ground. You grip his bloodied hand tighter, squeezing onto it; not trying to make him let go of you anymore, but begging him not to.
You think of the gun, tucked into your waistband. Still with no magazine. Fuck. There was no way you had the skills nor expertise to quietly and efficiently lock it back in place. And Joel’s gun was tucked into the back waistband of his jeans, snug to his spine. 
The clicker steps closer, and it tilts its head, trying to pin the sound it had heard. It screeches again.
You think of your brother. Dragging you through the QZ's perimeter when flames had consumed buildings in the riot. Not letting you trip or stumble, but always keeping a firm grip on your arm and tugging you on. On towards the rest of the city, towards the train lines that would take you somewhere better, somewhere safer, somewhere where your mother wasn’t lying dead in her shit hole apartment and where your other siblings weren’t strung up by revolutionaries and where you still had a home to return to. Head East. Head East and start again and when everything was alright, when everything was normal, grieve and mourn and cry. But for now, just head East.
He didn’t make it to the train lines. 
Didn’t make it past the goddamn library you had stepped in, just to rest, just to let your feet stop for a second, just to sit down and eat something. That same crackling popping was what you heard before he was suddenly on his back, his chest being ripped into, his flesh being shredded, his neck being torn like pieces of mache. His knife is quickly thrown to you. His screams, his guttural voice yelling at you to Run. Run! RUN!
You’re going to die.
Your other hand slips down, to Joel’s lower back. If you can grab the gun, get it out from beneath his jacket and jeans without making a sound, maybe you stand a chance. Your fingers press against the gun beneath the layers of fabric, feeling it there.
Joel tenses, and turns to face you. He shakes his head softly, and his eyes have a clear message. No.
You shake your head with a minuscule amount of movement, still clutched tightly in his hand. You have to. At least try.
Your fingers begin to fumble at his back, searching silently for the edge of his jacket. They���re shaking. The fabric rustles slightly and you feel your blood run cold.
Fuck. You’re going to die, with two guns in arms reach. You’re going to die with your brother’s knife tucked into your pack. You’re going to die. Fuck.
A bird caws somewhere, and the clicker turns. You stare at it from the corner of your eye, and you can’t tell if you’re still breathing.
The sound of flapping wings and high-pitched hissing. A fight between crows. 
The clicker drags its feet, and screeches, loud and piercing; so loud you would think it’s right beside your ear, tunneling into your skull and engraving into your brain. You stop looking at it, shaking even more. You’re going to die. You’re going to die, staring at Joel. His eyes are trained on the clicker. That same furrow in his brow. You feel something bloom inside of you when he shifts his weight, and you’re suddenly hidden from view, tucked behind him and against the wall; protected.
The shuffle of dragging feet rips your gaze back to the side. You can barely make out anything over Joel’s shoulder and he shifts impossibly closer to you, exposing his back to the infected and tucking you into him. The jacket’s zipper digs into your skin through your clothes and you think if you could control the panicked tilt of your breath, you might be able to hear his heart beating in his chest.
The clicker moves, and if you could move, you would bury your face into Joel. Instead, you watch, a notch caught in your throat and tears stinging your eyes. It was going to turn and hear you breathing and it was going to shred you to pieces. Tear into your chest. Eat your heart. Your blood runs cold and fear pins you in place. You’re going to die.
But…it shambles back out of the alleyway. Into the street. The clicker continues before the brick wall obscures your sight and you no longer see it. 
You can’t believe it. You’re not sure if you should.
Joel drops his hand from your face, and your cheeks throb with the sudden loss of pressure. You feel blood dribble onto the gauze tapped to your face and begin dripping down to your chin. Your hand follows his, still gripping it. He’s still pressed against you.
He turns his gaze back to you, swallowing and chest moving heavily. 
“Fuck.” He whispers, and if anything he leans his head in closer to you. 
You don’t, can’t, form any words, instead letting out a wrecked, relieved sigh that bubbles out with a quiet laugh. 
He leans closer, and you look up at him, trying to hold back the tears welling in your eyes. His dark eyes bore into yours, his breath fans across your face. It fades- the fear, the alleyway, the clicker that is a block away already. It’s only his ragged breathing, the loud pulse of your blood in your ears, the feeling of his hips pressed so tightly against you, the bricks digging into your shoulders, his hand still at your waist gripping you like he doesn’t know how to let go. 
“Fuck.” He says again, this time barely audible. A ghost of a word.
His head dips closer, angling to the side and you don’t know what to do when his lips press against yours. You don’t know your name, don’t know your body, all you know is that his lips are warm his beard scratches against your chin and the hand at your waist squeezes even tighter.
Your hand at his back grips his jacket as if you need even more support to stay on your feet. His tongue swipes out, licking against your lower lip. The fear that was chilling you to your core is replaced by something fiery and hot that warms you instantly. Adrenaline courses through your bones and your mind feels fuzzy and warm, and there’s not one cohesive thought other than Oh my god he’s kissing me. After what feels like an eternity of stillness, your brain kicks into gear and you kiss him back, pushing yourself against him even more; feeling his broad chest against yours, his shoulders hunching over as he deepens the kiss, his leg stepping in between yours. His other hand reaches around you, tugging you closer to him and pressing firmly to you. It’s a tangle of heated breaths and a whiny sound from the back of your throat and a deep rumbling from him and all you can feel, all you can taste, all you can think is Joel, Joel, Joel.
He bites against your lip, drawing it between his teeth and everything feels natural; this was the same as anything else the two of you had done. He was pushing and teasing with each swipe of his tongue and movement of his lips, and you were biting back and giving him all you had. 
When you break apart, you’re not sure you know exactly what just happened. You knew about kisses, sure. Knew that two people were supposed to put their lips together and feel butterflies. Whatever this was, was not that. This was crushing exhausting and exhilarating. This was not a fairytale kiss from a prince but something that was raw celebrating and terrifying. 
Your eyes dip down to his lips, and you like the plump, blushed look they’ve gained. Your blood is smeared slightly across his cheek, through his bead; he doesn’t reach up to wipe it away. Your face is aflame and you look up at him. He’s looking down at you, breathing somehow more ragged than before, and his gaze is heavy, consuming and pinning you in place. Again, you wonder what he sees when he looks into your eyes. 
You see the shift even before he pulls back from you.
‘M not gonna be your fucking friend.
“Don’t.” You say, and you hate how pleading it sounds, how pathetic.
He swallows, and unwraps his hands from you, untangles himself from you and steps back. Your hands fall from him, hanging limply by your side.
You shake your head, and the tears are back once more, threatening to spill over. You don’t allow them to. You are not going to cry in front of Joel Miller. Not because of something as stupid, as immature as a kiss that he immediately regretted. You are not going to do that. You swallow past the notch in your throat, you replace the quiver of your lip with a straight line, and you tense your eyes into a hard glare.
He watches you, only a metre away but feeling a million miles from you. He bites his lip, and his face is hardened, and worn. 
“We-,” He clears his throat with a deep cough. “I shouldn’t have-”
You huff out a laugh. “Fuck off.”
His jaw ticks. “Watch it.”
“Fuck. Off.” You shake your head, pushing off from the brick wall, straightening yourself, trying to be every bit as big and intimidating as you can be. “You don’t get to play me like that, Joel.”
He opens his mouth to rebut, but you step closer, cutting him off. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to be a dick,” Another step closer, “An arsehole,” Another, “A fucking prick and then do that!”
You shove against his chest and he doesn’t step back; a reminder that he was stronger, that you were not, and that he was the one consistently who called the shots. The one who decided if you kept kissing, if you talked more, if you lived. He looks down at you with…sadness? Regret? It vanishes quickly, whatever it is, and is replaced with a hard, blank face.
You shove against him again, angry and with as much force as you can muster to bruise him, and this time his hands whip up, grabbing yours and pinning them to his chest. He leans closer, growling. 
You glare up at him, seething, digging your fingernails into his chest. “I hate you.”
“No, ya don’t.” 
He smiles, but there is no kindness; all just self-assured cockiness. You gouge your fingers in, practically begging him for a reaction; a wince, a hiss, a cry, anything to show that you had any sort of effect on him. 
Your nostrils flare, and you spit. “You are the most temperamental and psychotic person I’ve met. One minute you’re threatening me and shooting people, and the next you’re,” You glare at him, throwing his own words in his face. “Trying to get in my pants.“
“You think you’re some peach?” He snarls, canines showing. “All you fucking do is run your mouth. Where’s that gonna getcha? Do you want me to hate you?”
You laugh, you laugh right in his fucking face. “You’re trying to say you don’t? Everything you do is about keeping people under your boot. Making sure I don’t fuck up. Making sure Tommy doesn’t run off because he hates your fucking-”
Suddenly you’re back against the wall, and it happens so fast you get whiplash. He leans closer, snarling. 
“Don’t fucking talk about Tommy.”
“You know. You know that he’s not happy here.”
Joel’s jaw ticks, locked heavily in place. He shakes his head, rearing in closer to you. “Newsflash- I don’t give a shit if he’s happy. If I’m keeping him alive, that’s all that matters. Stay out of it.”
“I hate you.” The words come out quieter than you thought but still laced with venom. 
“I’m not a big fucking fan of you either, Dollface.” He spits the name like it burns his tongue.
“Sure seemed like it a minute ago. Miller.” 
He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He blinks, and his brow hunches, but he still doesn’t know what to say, seemingly lost for words. Everything that swarms between the two of you, your shared breaths, your heat, your anger and ire is tense and rigid. And then his gaze flicks down, to your snarling lips. And everything on his face melts for a second, and he’s leaning closer, and tilting his head to the side and then his mouth is on yours and his hatred is in every swipe of his tongue and his annoyance is in every bite to your lip and his ire is in every movement of his mouth and you can’t breathe and you’re kissing him back like it’s the last thing you’ll do and again it’s JoelJoelJoelJoel-
You pull your head back.
“Go fuck yourself.” Your voice sounds more wrecked than you let it be
You wrench your hands out from under his, hating how he was able to cover them completely, hating that he could have stopped you if he wanted to, hating that he didn’t. You shove him back and barge past him. You boil with anger and you think that right now if the clicker showed its face, you would be the one sinking your teeth into its skin and tearing its flesh apart.
You don’t bother looking back to see if he follows you. You just turn onto the street and walk back in the direction of the church.
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daily-hyosatsu · 4 months
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Something different today! The term 五臓六腑 [ごぞうろっぷ] comes from traditional Chinese medicine. Its literal meaning is the five viscera and the six internal organs—organs as a TCM concept; not analogous to the anatomical organs. But 五臓六腑 can also mean guts/innards more generally, or figuratively, what's inside your heart​. (Though in this case, it's just the name of a nice sushi place.)
Breaking the kanji down by theme:
五 means 5. It's read いつ, いつつ, or ゴ.
六 means 6. It's read む (e.g. む.つ, むっ.つ, むい), ロク, or リク.
臓 means entrails, viscera, or bowels. It's read はらわた or ゾウ.
腑 also means viscera or bowels. It's also read はらわた, or フ.
So let's take a closer look at 臓 and 腑. They both mean guts, they're both read はらわた, and they both use the radical meat-moon ⺼, plus (as you may have noticed if you're an absolute genius) another kanji that can mean storehouse. Yes!
蔵 means storehouse, or to possess, own, or hide. It’s read くら, おさ.める, かく.れる, ゾウ, or ソウ.
府 can mean storehouse, though it more often means urban prefecture or government office. It's read フ.
So, Flesh + Storehouse = Organs. Good mnemonic!
But is there a difference between 臓 and 腑? In modern Japanese, only 臓 is common, unless you're into traditional Chinese medicine. In that context, though, the difference is that 臟 zàng refers to "solid" organs, which are yin, while 腑 fǔ refers to "hollow" ones, which are yang. (Again, not organs in the anatomical sense; sometimes they're described instead as functional entities or systems.)
Anyway, I am going to try to end this post before I overstep my rudimentary understanding of this subject, but 五臓六腑 comes from the Chinese zàngfǔ (simplified: 脏腑; traditional: 臟腑). Zàngfǔ is the backbone of the TCM concept of how the body works. Its literal meaning is hollow and solid organs, or "all the organs."
And this kind of construction is common in kanji vocab: use two contrasting descriptors to refer to everything in a category or to position along a spectrum. For example:
男女 [だんじょ] (men + women) = all genders
老若 [ろうにゃく] (old + young) = all ages
大小 [だいしょう] (big + small) = size; all sizes
凸凹 [でこぼこ] (convex + concave) = bumpy
加減 [かげん] (increase + decrease) = adjust, moderate
苦楽 [くらく] (pleasure + pain) = the good and bad (of life)
高弱 [こうじゃく] (strong + weak) = level of strength
好き嫌い [すきぎらい] (like + dislike) = preferences (usu. food) and so on.
P.S. - Incidentally, はらわた is more commonly written 腸. This character also shares the same general entrails/viscera meaning, but often refers more specifically to bowels/intestines. (And fun fact: The name 牛腸 Gochō (cow + bowels) was the impetus for me starting this blog!)
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bienditt · 2 months
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-- study tips!
this'll be a bit of a longer post. during my time working at my learning center, we were taught to help students implement these strategies to have more effective study sessions. below the cut i explain all of them in a little bit more detail so hopefully you all will be able to try some of them out as the school year takes off!
how easy is it to remember the lyrics to a catchy song you hear all the time on the radio? even if it's not a song you particularly like, the chorus can wiggle its way into your memory. try transforming the concept you're learning into the lyrics to a song you already know.
everything happens twice: once in your mind and once in reality. try to visualize the concepts you're learning.
metaphor, analogy, simile
this method can be used to connect the unfamiliar with the familiar. (blank) is like (blank).
reciprocal teaching
this method is my favorite. grab a classmate, friend, family member (anyone that will listen really) and explain the concepts you're learning to them. encourage them to ask you questions to get yourself doing some critical thinking. we remember 90% of what we teach to someone else.
motivate yourself to more actively participate in your learning. put yourself in the shoes of your professor and make practice tests, or in the mind of whoever discovered the concepts you're learning.
we remember what we write much more than things that we simply read or even type. writing connects the brain and the body.
story telling
it is easy for the brain to remember stories with a beginning, middle, and end. this method works great for concepts that are processes. turn your concept into a little story.
mnemonic devices
mnemonic devices include acronyms and acrostics. these are great for remembering lists.
there's a reason textbooks these days have so many pictures! images help the brain remember and connect new information with something you may have seen before.
motion connects the brain and the body. make easy to remember motions to go along with the concepts you're learning.
graphic organizers
graphic organizers are another one of my favorite study methods. mind mapping helps to better organize the concepts you're learning and makes it easier to connect key points.
drawing and making diagrams helps to further visualize and organize information.
games help lower stress and increase retention. things like kahoots, quizlet live, matching games (etc.) can help you enjoy studying a little more.
project based learning is a very active learning strategy. think of things like science fair projects. when professors assign projects try your best to put your all into it.
field trips
field trips are another way to lower stress and increase retention. visiting museums dedicated to what you're learning is a great way to boost your interest and morale.
work study
getting more intimately involved in your field of study greatly increases your critical thinking skills surrounding it. for many fields this looks like getting involved in research, TA'ing, or becoming a tutor.
what's more memorable than a good joke?
this method is a lot like reciprocal teaching. find a classmate, or someone else how has about the same level of understanding and talk about the concepts you're leaning.
there's a strong connection between what our hands hold and brains comprehend. manipulatives includes anything that can be touched and handled, like science models or interactive kits.
using technology can look like a million different things, such as using apps to facilitate learning (like quizlet or duolingo).
i hope someone can find even one of these things useful as they continue with their academic journey. feel free to leave me any questions comments or concerns!
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nrdmssgs · 5 months
Serpent tongue
Masterlist Genre: Angst with a happy ending. Characters: Sebastian Krueger, Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn belongs to @vasyandii, Olga 'Zhar" Samoilova TWs: strong language, description of military operation, canon typical violence AN: this is set somwhere arond the begining of Nak and Kruegers interactions, so they are a bit silly around each other. But I promise, they will be in love soon-ish.
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“phai bo non maew, si kad kaem.*”  Words roll down Phayvanh`s tongue and echoe in the empty, dark hall.
Even if there are any other soldiers around at this late hour - they'll know better than to bother her. Because she's deep inside her thoughts - she's humming and mumbling the words, obscure to their ears. Her very own cantrips to keep others away, her mnemonic spells to help her with the routine. So what if it's just a lullaby? As long as it helps her shut her brain off and run the preparations mechanically…
“phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa.*” On this verse she always checks the flashlights before attaching them to her vest.
Click. The strobe flashlight works perfectly.
“phai bo aem…”
Click. The spare flashlight Illuminates Krueger's face in the semi-darkness.
Phayvanh doesn't flinch nor shriek from the suddenness of him appearing just a few meters behind. She turns off the light and watches Sebastian face.
Pathetic fucker had his own share of humiliation today, much to Nak's enjoyment. Oh, how cocky he was all the way to Zhar's office. Only to get dismissed at the very beginning of a debrief. “I'm not coming, but the baby is?” - Krueger's outburst was so loud, it seemed like the whole base would hear that: “What is that she can, and I don't?!”. Zhar didn't even raise her gaze from the documents, she was checking before the meeting start. But when she answered, Nak had to bite her cheeks to not grin victoriously. “The list would be long, Sebastian, but it would start with the fact, that Nak can obviously read the list of soldiers, I called for this debriefing. The list that contained her, and didn't contain you. Now stand up.” That was the first time she looked up since they gathered around her desk. “And leave my office. I have soldiers to prepare for the mission.”
And just like that the notorious ‘golden boy’, ‘Zhars favorite’, ‘the faceless Chimera’ was shown his place. So it was only natural for him to come mock Phayvanh later, when the audience is not that big.
“Serpent tongue!” His idiotic smile doesn't bode well.
“Going straight for racism this time, moron?” Nak feels almost disappointed about how plain Krueger's attack is. Even calling her little baby hit harder than this bullshit.
“No, I… Wait-wait!” He jumps closer to the table, where she prepares her tactical vest to not get lost from her gaze. “I meant it in a good way! Like these Lao letters, they look like little snakes! I looked it up and there is that one like a confused snake, another one like a happy snake, a bunch of letters with a snake that looks at its own tail. They are lovely.”
Since when this idiot has an interest for Lao alphabet? 
“What you're gonna say, I'm seeing shit? C`mon, admit it, your letters are beautiful, but it's easy to memorize them when you think of them as little snakes. Serpent tongue.” He looks so proud, as if he just solved one of Landaus problems, not invented some nonsense. 
“Gonna say, that a confused snake, watching his own tail, has more brainpower than you.” Phayvanh goes back to preparation routine, trying to ignore Krueger, who seems to not be in a hurry to leave her alone.
They spend a few long minutes in silence, which is a good thing for Nak. She's not ready for questions like ‘why don't you sleep before the important mission?’, ‘is it really just a preparation, or are nervously fidgeting your own equipment?’, ‘are you afraid to turn out worse than me?’. Krueger takes a step to the desk and start helping her arrange all the essentials. She tolerates it, but everything has its limits. Phayvanhs patience cracks when Sebastian reaches out to one of her push daggers. Her hand is quicker, her smooth movements are more precise, and the blade freezes only in mere centimeters away from a vein pulsing on Kruegers neck. A bold hint, but quite a clear one.
“I just wanted to help.” He raises hands in a surrendering gesture. “Olga likely threw a ton of timings, plans, routes and whatsoever at you. The first time with her is overwhelming, I know. There must be a few ‘tiers’ of action plans for each of you, right?”
Nak doesn't lower her dagger, but nods. There were, indeed, different plans for each step of her part in the mission. She didn't quite catch, why would she need a plan B, С and so on. She either does her job or dies trying - that was always how it went. 
“Listen, if anything goes south - just don't hesitate and go straight to the plan B, ok? Forget commander's bullshit about top-tier goals and minimum goals. She always gets what she needs in the end and that is her ‘least satisfied’ plan. Always. So you worry about yourself, ok? Not the goal or plan A.”
Phayvanh doesn't believe her ears. So the golden boy doesn't always hit the top goal? That spoiled brat that dares calling her a baby, turns into a loser, once he's given freedom to operate on any level besides perfect? Oh, he didn't actually hear the real Serpents tongue. The one that pushes her to the limits, demands no less than perfection, accepts no excuses. Krueger wouldn't last a week with that voice ringing in his ears.
“There are either perfect results or no results.” Nak is kind enough to tell this in English, so Krueger understands one of the basis principles, that the Serpent once taught her. 
The mission under Zhars command feels different from what is going on, when Nikolai is around. With him It's always about what you do in the end. But with his second in command, it's about how you do it. 
Naks route is planned to the last meter, her timing has limits of steel - not only can't she fall behind - she will ruin everything, should she appear at her next point too soon. She gets a good reminder, when the street, she is supposed to enter 10 minutes later is being turned into a bloodbath with a drone squadron just before her eyes. Phayvanh hides around the corner of a building and swears while checking her watch.
“Perfect result or no result.” A too familiar voice sounds in her head. But she ignores it.
It works for some time. Nak follows the path of fire, the path paved by other Chimeras and brings death to her objectives. Plan A works so well - they are never prepared to meet her.
It almost feels too easy, until it doesn't. One of them turns out too massive, too full of life, too stubborn. One second Phayvanh has him in her hands, the other she's drowning in a muddy puddle with his hands pushing her deeper. She knows, this is not the end of her: Nak had a fair share of similar situations, both on the field and at the training. It takes just a little patience and dexterity to turn the fight upside down. After all, it's him trying to balance in a sloppy mud. She tries to wiggle her way out of his clasp… and fails. Her body freezes struck by a terrifying flashback. 
“Perfect result or no result!”  Nagas voice. She was here already. Face pushed deep in filthy water, subtle teenage body struggling to break free from old man's grip. 
He was shouting at her. Every time she dared to deliver anything but the perfect result - there was a punishment to come. And there were screams. Not her - Naga made sure, she couldn't even breathe. He was the one screaming. 
“Perfect result or no result!”
She hates this voice for keeping her awake before the mission, for destroying her every time anyone refers to her as a child, for drowning her mind in terror. The reals Serpents tongue is made of pain, humiliation and endless requirements, that she doesn't fulfill. Not of ‘funny snaky letters’, Sebastian was babbling about.
Nak gathers all her strength, every part of her body feels like a coiled spring waiting to set loose. And she snaps. The poor fucker believed, he had her. Well his mistake. Because now Phayvanh is on top, and she doesn't even need a knife to end his pathetic life. 
Strangling him with her bare hands, she shouts “shut up” on and on. As if the voice taunting her doesn't echo just in her mind. It feels like forever before he stops struggling. But when she lets go of him - a barely audible breath leaves his chest. 
It drives her mad. After all she's done - he has an audacity to live on? So she hits face. Hard. And then again. And again.
She snaps out of it only, when a familiar voice appears behind her. “Nak? You're hurt?” Phayvanh turns back and meets Zhars gaze.
“Komandir? Ya seichas… Ya. Ya s nim razberus`!*” For some reason Nak answered in Russian despite Olga rarely using it.
“He's long gone, soldier.” Zhar glances at the guy lying on the ground under Nak and Phayvanh follows her gaze.
Her enemy has no recognizable face anymore, the puddle of mud, he's buried in turns red. His body gave up a long time ago, but Nak was too blinded by painful memories to recognize it.
An unsettling thought appears in Naks head. How long has she spent here over the dead body? She checks her watches and frowns. Too long. She's supposed to be elsewhere a long time ago.
“Go, Nak. Skip your next point, you're on route B now.” Zhar doesn't raise her voice - she never does. But this time Phayvanh wishes she would. 
“Perfect result or no result.”
That only means one thing - she failed. And she deserves to be screamed at. She desperately tries to fight the numbness off, but can't even make herself get up.
Better shout at her. She's used to it.
Olga touches her shoulder and Nak flinches. She remembers only Zhars eyes moving closer and a few words in a low voice.
“Get up and go. Now.”
She stands up and doesn't go away - she flies as far as she can. Phayvanh runs as fast as she can, as if that can help her escape the guilt building up. Her body accomplishes the plan B automatically. Point after point, objective after objective. 
She is restless on their way back, she barely reacts to her squadmates questions and commentaries. Even at the Chimera base, Nak can't seem to slow down and keeps herself occupied until late night.
“phai bo non maew, si kad kaem.*”  Words roll down Phayvanh`s tongue and echo in the empty, dark hall. A wet mop draws intricate wet patterns on the floor.
It was nobody's order - Phayvanh just couldn't calm down. So she rearranged all her stuff. Twice. And then she tidied up their armory room. And another one. And then she mopped.
It's a good thing, Nikolai's base is so huge - lots to do in the middle of the night, while others sleep. 
“phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa.*” On this verse she usually enters ladies locker room, when she mops.
Click. The light turns on, illuminating the seemingly clean floor. Well, an extra cleaning never hurt nobody…
“Potushi svet, ya tebya umolyaiu.*” Olgas voice. Only it sounds husky and tired, as if she was crying or coughing for a long time.
Nak turns and sees her, sitting on the floor. The ever so serious, busy, on-her-way-somewhere-else commander curled up against a wall like a lost child. Zhars face is red, closed eyes swollen, cheeks wet. 
Phayvanh rushes on her knees, pushing the mop away and proceeds straight to inspecting Olgas body, searching for a wound. But her commander only smiles.
“Phay, it's only the tear gas.”
“But… It's been-”
“You live to my age - you'll wonder, how could your body come back to normal so fast back when you were 20. Now please turn out that light.”
Nak does as she told and comes back to sit before Olga. She doesn't care if by doing so she'll provoke her executive to get angry at her.
“I'm not leaving you here, commander. Let's get you to the medbay.” She takes Zhars hand and tries to pull her, but Olga doesn't move.
“I am fine. Just need to sit here for a bit, let my eyes rest.” Zhar stretches her back and reaches out into the void before her, blindlessly searching for Nak. “Stay with me for a bit, ok?”
“I don't understand.” Phayvanh moves closer and catches Olgas hand, letting her know, shes not leaving. “What are you doing here? You have your office.”
“And you have your room, soldier.” Smile never leaves Zhars face. “Yet here we are.”
They sit next to each other in silence for some time. Naks eyes get used to a dim emergency exit light that barely illuminates a small part of the locker room. And then Olga speaks again, as if there was no pause.
“I come here for them.” She points at an old dusty mirror, taken from the wall long before Nak joined the Chimera. One can barely recognize their reflection in the mirror - it is too dirty. “If you find just the right angle and look long enough - you will see your legs, your chest and arms, but not your face. When you sit right - yours hidden in the shadow. I like to imagine - I'm seeing everything, that's wrong with me in these moments. Everybody, who wronged me. And then we talk.”
Nak tries to catch a glimpse of any reflection in the mirror, but barely sees anything. So she leans closer and cranes his neck.
“See a familiar face?” Zhars hand rests on Phayvanhs back. Usually Nak would avoid any informal physical contact, but this time it feels right, to let Olga know, she isn't alone. 
“...nope, I see nobody, ma`am.”
“Nobody punished you for aiming anywhere but the ideal?” Now that's a sucker punch. A deserved one, as Naks confusion was painfully obvious to her commander today. But it still hits hard. So she nods.
“I'll do better next-”
“No. After what they have done to you - this is what you're telling them?”
“Commander, I'm telling that you.”
“Fuck me, Phay. I'm a hired soldier, just like you. One word from Nikolai and I won’t be here tomorrow. Krueger will throw a tantrum, but…” Zhar chuckles. “Talk to them. This isn't about me.”
Naks looks in the darkening void of the mirror and sighs. She doesnt even know, where to start, to not sound immature and lose her job right away.
“Let me put the other way: think of what the would tell you right now.”
That Nak knows for sure. Even if Naga is nowhere around - she always knows what exactly would he say.
“Hed ask me if im going to cry.”
“We can cry, Phay. Ive been doing it for past few hours. Well, because of dry eyes, but that still counts.”
“Oh, I won't cry. Not for him. Never.” Nak can't take her eyes of the mirror. The view is somehow mesmerizing: she sees her body, but her face remains in the shadow.
For a split second she thinks, if she should speak in Lao. Nobody in Chimera talks it. She is safe to say whatever, she wants. But then she thinks, that this is exactly what Naga would want: her keeping her pain all to herself. So that his serpent tongue can torture her soul unbothered.
She takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
“Well maybe I should be thanking you. You prepared me for all this shit at a young age. Comrades selling me lies, people betraying me, friends seeing me as just a kid. The next time id pour some love out - ill never get back a single drop of it. You prepared me for that. And for always being not enough. You did it out of the best intentions, I know. You prepared me for the worst in my life. By being it.”
The silence, that falls on her after that, is deafening. But for some reason, Nak feels better for the first time since she came back to senses on the battlefield. 
Then she feels hands, someones hands hugging her shoulders. There are no words left for this room or this mirror today. But this wordlessness is a happy thing.
*phai bo non maew, si kad kaem. - (Lao phonetic) If you don't sleep, ghost cats will bite your cheeks. 
*phai bo aem, kai noi tod taa  - (Lao phonetic) If you don't shut your eyes, tiny chicks will peck them. 
*Komandir? Ya seichas… Ya. Ya s nim razberus`! - (Russian phonetic) Commander? I'm going to… I. I'm going to deal with him!
*Potushi svet, ya tebya umolyaiu. - (Russian phonetic) turn off the light, I beg you.
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skwpr · 11 months
Study techniques that worth trying
1. Use a different color for each course.
Use different colored notebooks, pens, and pencils for each specified course that you are taking. If your notes are cluttered, chances are that the information inside of your brain will be cluttered as well. If you continue to practice good habits from the beginning of the semester to the end, you should be set for your exams.
2. Listen to classical music.
Listen to relaxing music when you’re studying. And I don’t mean tear-jerker music. Try listening to some classical music by the likes of Debussy or Beethoven.
3. Try to practice your muscle memory.
Some individuals learn better through rehearsal via writing. So take a look at the information you need to remember, and copy it over and over onto separate sheets of paper.
4. Use mnemonic devices!
The right type of association can definitely help.  It’s then assumed that knowing the letter will trigger your memory of the actual element.
5. Record yourself.
Record yourself reading questions based off of the material that your class covered during the semester. After every question, leave maybe a 5-10 second pause so when you listen later, you have time to come up with an answer in your head. After that pause, speak the answer. When you’ve finished the recording, listen to it when you go jogging or want to give your eyes a break.
6. YouTube.
Take a look online for informational videos regarding your course.
7. Take exercise breaks.
Studying for exams hours upon hours can take its toll on your body. If you need to add a little fitness to your tight schedule, take a break for exercise. After every 30-45 minutes of studying, pick up your laptop or book by its base, hold it midair in front of you, and do 5 squats.
8. Whip out the camera.
Take pictures of your notes or study guides and save them on your phone. If you have them in a document on your laptop, save them to your Google Drive or Google Docs so that they are easily accessible. This will help you out if you’re out and about running errands when you need to be studying.
9. Take advantage of your talents.
This may sound weird, but take an inventive route and combine your exam material with your talents. For example, if you’re musically endowed, you could write a song about your material. If you’re artistically gifted, you could draw a picture that kick starts your memory and helps you remember the material.
10. Make studying fun!
Gather together a few classmates from one of your courses, and make a study game. You could all compete against each other, battling to answer the most multiple choice questions correctly. If you get a question right, step forward and try to shoot a paper ball into the recycling bin from a fixed position. If you make the shot, you get an extra point.
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rigelmejo · 9 months
Some learning apps I've liked (in no patrticular order)
Renshuu (japanese): good lessons, a bit slow paced for me
Readibu (chinese reading app): free version is good, paid version includes full sentence audio and translations I think which may be useful.
Pleco (chinese dictionary and reader app): top level app, get it now if you study chinese and use your phone at all. Its free version includes a huge great dictionary, and Clipboard Reader which has ALL the Reader features just that you have to copy and paste the chinese text in (their paid Reader you can upload epub txt files etc directly). Their paid features are nice because they are all 1 time fees: pay 5 dollars once and have the purchased item forever. I hate subscriptions so i love that this app does single purchase instead. I bought some graded readers on this, and expanded dictionaries. Its Dictate Text text to speech feature is nice in the Reader/Clipboard reader because it highlights the word as it reads and shows translation, making it easy to follow along.
Duoreader: a free basic app, has a few parallel language books for many languuages. It includes text to speech audio and click word translation. Excellent for free reading with parallel text set up.
Smart Book by Kursx (also under the name Parallel Translation of books by kursx on the app store): it uses mtl, but you can search for books or import books, and it will show sentence translations or make an entire parallel text for you, it also has click translations, word saving, progress information (which is motivating to me), and text to speech read aloud function. Its currently what i use the most for reading. Trahslations are as good as Lingq or Google Translate so NOT always reliable but useable and the sentence translation helps for figuring out grammar. But Pleco and Readibu have BETTER translations. For chinese this app is good, for japanese its useable if youre upper beginner but if you dont know basic grammar and particles then the japanese individual word translations are often wrong and unreliable - sentence long translations are useable though.
Tofugu: good hanzi study app.
Anki: great app especially if you import decks made by people around the internet. I look up decks by going to a search engine and typing in something like "4000 hanzi mnemonics anki deck" or "common chinese words in sentences anki deck." I have recommended some anki decks I've used on this blog. A tip about anki: their website works fine in mobile browsers, you do not have to pay for any app to use anki on your phone, you can just use the site if you'd prefer. For initial uploads of flashcard decks created by other users, you will need to install anki on a computer, then download the anki deck from the deck's page online, then put it into your computer anki program. After you do that, you can sync your computer anki to the website one. Then you can use anki either online or on the computer or on both. I use anki only on my phone mobile browser. It seems the main benefit of anki phone apps over using the internet mobile browser, is flashcards are easier to Make if you end up wanting to make your own anki flashcards on your phone.
Immersive Chinese: chinese lessons. I haven't used it much but I like the structure
Glossika: I specifically recommend getting the old cds, possibly through your library, or finding the mp3 files online. I think the audio files are easier if youre not good at focusing on consistently doing SRS flashcards, since spaced repetition study sentences are the new glossika model and require a monthly subscription. Plus side to the new model: most languages have around 6000 sentences where the old cd courses often had around 3000 sentences. Plus side to the old cds/mp3s: can be found in many libraries for free, and online, and if you do buy them theyre a one time cost. Excellent resource if you like audio review (i do), with common grammar and vocabulary taught. I like that even the 3000 word old courses will get you at least to upper beginner or lower intermediate, enough knowledge to start learning by reading or watching shows and looking words up, and enough words to have some conversations. Pimsleur is similar but tends to cover less vocabulary, so afterward you need to learn more words on your own before you can immerse and look up words to study.
Japaneseaudiolessons.com: a website with free japanese audio lessons, a free textbook, free notes. They also have nice kanji learning books with pre written mnemonics and sentence examples for sale.
Your local library: a lot of libraries have deals with language learning sites/apps, your specific library may provide some courses for free. In addition, apps Hoopla and Libby have a lot of courses and digital textbooks and audios you can check out. You can use those apps with a library card. If you are a college student, a lot of college ebook collections include MANY textbooks and independent study books for languages. Nearly every Tuttle book I got for studying Japanese and Chinese, I was able to check out the ebook version first using my college library and only bought those books because I ended up finding them so useful I wanted print copies. (For that matter, some under $20 dollar reference books I owe for teaching me hanzi and kanji: Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters: HSK Levels 1-3 - this book gave me a foundation in hanzi and was the easiest guide for learning hanzi for me and learning HOW to remember them. I found it more useful than Heisig's Remember the Kanji/Hanzi books by far, although they utilize a similat idea, and less effort to remember than Kodansha Kanji Learner's Guide - although I like that reference book as a reference. Runner up is Tuttle Learn Japanese Today: The Easy Way to Learn 400 Practical Kanji by Len Walsh. It was more basic than the hanzi book, less in depth, but a very approachable understandable and quick to learn kanji book to start out with when studying Japanese, that will not overwhelm you the way say Heisig or KKLG might. For hanzi I used my Learning Chinese Characters book for a few months, then an anki deck "hanzi 2000 mnemonics pinyin" while also just regularly looking up new words while reading graded readers then chinese show subtitles then webnovels, and making up my own mnemonics which got easier over time. For japanese, I followed up with a vocabulary deck as I found vocabulary easier to remember than isolated kanji, and kanji.koohi.com was a useful site for free user submitted mnemonics to remember kanji when I struggled to remember. Its also a good site for free flashcards and study of kanji generally.
ChinesePronunciationTrainer: a really simple free app. It's biggest usefulness is practicing pronunciation. You can record yourself trying to pronounce a sentence after hearing the chinese pronunciation, then play back your recorded attempt compared to the chinese pronunciation. The app makes shadowing easier to evaluate, so you can compare and notice if you're making pronunciation errors and work on them. It's also very simple low feature speaking practice.
LingoTube: free app, uses machine translation. If you want to watch youtube with dual subtitles, or click translations on subtitles, or instant replay/loop of dialogue lines, this is an app that can do that. Very useful for immersing with youtube videos like youtubers and shows on youtube.
Idiom app: it is orange with an i on the icon. Click skip for the "helm" offer when you first download it, helm is a paid add on for better translations and you may not want it right away. The core app is free (helm add on costs a subscription). This app is basically Lingq but free. Translation quality is the same, which appears to be google translate quality on Lingq and Idiom. So some errors, but useable especially as you hit upper beginner and above and can notice when you may want to reference a word in an external dictionary (like Pleco app for chinese, yomiwa app for japanese, etc).
Satori Reader: a graded reader app for japanese, absolutely amazing quality material. I recommend exploring the free content on the app. If you decide you'll use it a lot, or plan to get into a reading kick for a few months, it's worth getting a subscription for a while. I plan to get a subscription once I have the time to read japanese 1-2 hours a day for a few months. Satori Reader has tons of reading materials branching from approachable to an upper beginner (say you can read Yostuba manga a bit, or are in Genki 2, or know around 2000 words) to you're almost ready to read webnovels or regular japanese novels but the difficulty bump is just a Touch too steep. If you go through the various reading level material on the app, you shpuld be prepared to handle at least some japanese novels for natives once you can handle some of the higher reading level stuff on Satori Reader. In addition: the translations are done by professional translators with in depth notes on grammar points (incredibly useful and the best explanations on Japanese Graded Readers Ive used), fully narrated stories by real people, and many of the graded readers are designed to be enjoyable long reading material in their own right. There's also some multiple difficulty versions of reading material if you'd like to read an easier version before trying a more complex version of the same story. There is so much reading material on the app you can get significant practice and vocabulary/grammar improvement if you have time to read. I lnow a few people who got through a few hundred+ chapters on this app, and generally they went from N4 or N3 reading level to N2 or N1. Then they transitioned to reading novels for natives. As far as high quality well made well explained plentiful graded reading material for japanese, this is one of the best resources I've found. (The other 2 great graded readers I have are textbooks, one being a Tuttle Read Japanese book that goes from basics through to being able to read 2000 kanji, newspapers and documents, formal and informal, and is dry af to read but generally leaves you fairly prepared for japanese reading, and a more basic Beginning Japanese Reading book thats part of a 4 part textbook collection and absolutely drills the basic 500 most common kanji and many words, hiragana and katakana and many words in them, for 500 or so pages).
Microsoft Edge. I know, weird. Edge on computer and mobile internet browser has a Read Aloud tool. It is the best sounding text to speech Ive heard. This Read Aloud tool is also in Microsoft Word if you copy paste text into Word. I find going to sites in my target language, and using the Read Aloud tool, is a nice way to get audio in with my reading when I can't find an audiobook. The tool also highlights the word as it reads, helping you keep up with the reading, and for me it helps improve my reading speed. In addition, ANY web browser (and any phone/tablet Reader app like Kindle, Moonreader, Kybooks etc.) often has the ability to click or tap or highlight a word to look up the translation. So when reading on any of those internet browsers/Readers, you can look up words just like you would on Lingq but free.
Japanese.io: a site with japanese graded reading material, and tools like click translation and saving words.
https://www.sosekiproject.org/about.html If you like the author Soseki, this site is awesome. It features full audio of his works, full parallel text translation, and individual word translation.
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mejomonster · 2 years
How did you learn Chinese, like did you use a specific program like Duolingo or did you take classes? How hard was it to read Priest's novels with where you were at in your language learning journey? I want to get back into learning (been wanting to since I watched The Untamed,) but I gave up about 8 months ago 😭
Hey ovo)/ so uh. That's a big question. I have a studyblr @rigelmejo so if you really want the full on journey lol its on there, steps i took and what I studied and progress and study tools I found and used and stuff I've linked for people.
For the shortest tip I can give you? Would be to check out the Heavenly Path site if you're interested in learning to read novels. You'll need to figure out your own way to study about 1000 common hanzi, basic grammar, and basic pronunciation (I link resources on rigelmejo), but after that point the Heavenly Path site has reading resources for graded reading, easier kids novels, easier manhua, webnovels by difficulty level, all the way up! So you can at that point just follow their recommendations and use reading tools they link (like Pleco and Readibu apps which I suggest you download asap - they include tools where you can click a chinese word when reading for translation and audio pronunciation and pinyin). So yeah at 1000 hanzi, just start reading from their suggestions! (Also consider downloading Bilibili Comics app as it has English and Chinese free manhua, so you can start reading manhua earlier, and youtube/viki.com learn mode and Any platforms with dual english/chinese subs and start trying to look up 1 word every 5 minutes or more as curious and practicing reading the chinese words in subs you've learned). I suggest you check out all pages on the Heavenly site, they link a ton of resources.
The short-ish version of what I did the first year I studied chinese? I fumbled a lot, read through an entire grammar guide summary in a few weeks here http://chinese-grammar.com/, watched some YouTube tone videos and went through a pronunciation guide here https://www.dong-chinese.com/learn/sounds/pinyin which took a week or two and I'd do it every few months, read through the book Learning Chinese Characters: (HSK Levels 1-3) A Revolutionary New Way to Learn the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters by Tuttle publishing in about 2 months (I really liked their mnemonics to help me remember hanzi), started Ben Whatley memrise decks 1000 Chinese common words and 2000 common words (took about 2 weeks to finish one then I took a few months break then studied the other 1000, mainly focusing on studying new words and not reviewing until the last week if I had time - in retrospect I think learners would do better with the Chinese Spoonfed Anki deck but the memrise courses I used worked fine for me). I was watching cdramas as usual most weeks, English subs with the Chinese hardsubs on the video file like most youtube cdramas, with Google Translate app on my phone to look up a word every several minutes as curious. Once I was 3ish months in and learning the memrise Ben Whatley 2000 common chinese words, I read some Mandarin Companion graded readers in Pleco app then some more 300-600 word graded readers in Pleco. That gets me to like month 6ish. Then I started reading manhua and looking up words in pleco or Google translate when I needed to in order to grasp main idea overall (or was curious about a particular word). Kept reading graded readers in pleco.
Around month 8 I tried 天涯客 and 镇魂, both brutally hard. I was reading in Pleco in the Clipboard Reader (from websites) or the Reader tool (i bought it for like $20 dollars along with handwriting recognition, OCR, and expanded dictionaries). Mandarinspot.com has a good reading tool too that can add pinyin if you need it, and Readibu in some ways i prefer to Pleco depending on your particular reading needs on a given day. Tried a few easier webnovels, tried a pingxie fanfic 寒舍 which was hard but easier than priest novels (love that fanfic). I kept bouncing between webnovels then around month 10 天涯客 novels took about 1.5 hours to read through a chapter. At that point I brute force tried to read it or 寒舍 daily with 1 chapter a day, got 28 chapters in before i burned out with 天涯客 and 60ish chapters into 寒舍. It was about a year in. I cram studied 500 hanzi in some common hanzi deck with mnemonics I found on anki over a month, hoping if I improved vocab I'd read easier. I also was gradually trying to watch more cdrama with only chinese subs, around month 6 I finally watched Granting You a Dreamlike life full episodes with no eng subs (about 5-10 word lookups an episode), watched 15ish eps, then after that shows got less daunting to try watching.
A little over a year in Word of Honor came out and I watched it in chinese first because I was too impatient for eng subs. After that went decently I got braver about reading, tried Listening Reading Method (see @rigelmejo for those experiments), more stuff etc like extensive reading with no word lookups.
In retrospect I WISH I'd started with easier novels Heavenly Path recommended. However on the other hand? I've seen people who read their first cnovel with Pleco as early as 3-6 months in which blows my mind. So me picking hard novels to start isn't the Hardest thing in comparison lol. This past year (so at start of year 3 studying lol) I actually read like 10 things on Heavenly Paths easier recommendations and it helped immensely in filling in gaps in vocab and reading fluidity I had. So if you do pick a priest novel as your first novel and manage to chug through it without giving up, be aware "easier" novels may still have stuff you can learn later so don't rule them out as reading materials later on.
I've also seen people do literally no study except maybe some curious Google searches on hanzi or grammar or pronunciation, then brute force read novels in Readibu until they improved. A brutal way to do it but possible. (I really recommend at minimum learning hanzi are made of radicals though as it makes recognizing and remembering them so much easier).
I think the best thing I did for learning to read was just being Brave and Trying to read regularly. And it gradually got less hard.
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the-remaining-half · 1 year
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I think I have finally slowly internalised the fact that motivation is a feeling, an emotion just like any other. It comes and goes as it please.
And well my study schedule cannot change to adjust to my bouts of motivation.
The key for me, I realised, was discipline.
Yes it’s hard and sucky and I hate it. But I do it anyway. Because if I don’t, the regret that I feel later on makes me hate myself. And I fear that regret so much.
So for me its a choice - I can either suffer the pain of discipline or I can suffer the pain of regret. And if I’m going to be in pain anyway, why the heck should I not gain something out of it?
So I sit down to study.
Sure I also add things that will make it easy for me to do that. Because I, I love studying. Once I start, I really really enjoy the subjects I have chosen and the concepts I understand. I love learning.
But for me the really hard part is sitting down to study. So I work on that…
1. I just sit down. On time. With a schedule that I follow everyday so that I exert less mental strength trying to convince myself. I just know its time for me to study if I follow my schedule.
2. I am all about the little things, all about feeling good and in control. So I do that. I make a big and aesthetic affair out of sitting down to study. I prepare myself a snack and get myself something to drink and set my study area and books - I create a visual setup that appeals to me and makes me want to study.
3. I limit how many times I get up. I know people say that our attention span is short and we should use the pomodoro technique, but personally speaking it just does not work for me. I find it hard to get in the study zone but really easy to stay once I am there and concentrating and so taking many breaks actually really distracts me and take me out of my study zone. So I take less breaks and I make sure I already have everything I need with me before I sit down to study so that I do not have to get up.
4. I make the process fun for me. I know my way of studying, my strengths and my weaknesses. So I use them to my advantage. I am a very conceptual learner, I am a visual learner, I am prefer to write things down to slow myself and understand, I prefer my study material in my own language and my own way of explaining, I am a very organised person. I am very bad at memorising random facts that have no logic. So I incorporate all these in my notes - I make my notes very organised and aesthetic notes that help me memorise. I add diagrams and flowcharts of my own explanations. I use mnemonics that relate to me and are easy for me to remember (they are usually jokes that make people thing I have a very broken sense of humour).
5. I do not study in groups. I know again this is very controversial specially for med school but when I am understanding a new topic, I find the presence of people around me very distracting. I prefer to study in my room by myself. On the other hand, once I have studied the topic, I benefit from group discussions. I sit down with my friends and make them understand the topic… this helps them and it helps me. Teaching someone else is a very good way of revising for me and their questions make me think and understand parts I may have missed while studying.
6. I plan what I am going to study the next day, the might before. I put my pen on the first page of the topic or chapter or whatever and shut the book. This way I know I simply have to open my book and get down to study because everything else has been done before. It’s almost like I get rid of my possible excuses before hand. I decrease the resistance.
I feel sitting down and understanding your way of studying is important for this very reason. So that you can make your plan and study accordingly. It decreases so much resistance and makes you so sure of your ways.
It makes me enjoy studying and study better all the way!
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pantmonger · 9 months
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The Infinite & the Divine.
Interesting book. I can't say I was as wowed by it as the greater community. It was a solid story, lots of lore chunks & references if that's your thing. Some apt humour (My partners a collections manager)
My Thoughts, beware spoilers:
I'm going to get my biggest gripe out of the way first. For me, it took way to long for the characters to develop in a way that I could give a shit about them. The back and forth shenanigans were funny, but over-long, and took ages to develop into an actual personality. Once it finally did, I was on board. We got to the deeper, them not trusting their memories, thing and it become more engaging. Their understanding that their past may be more c'tan fiction. That part of the foundations of their rivalry may not be real. This 'humanised' them, and for me made it worth reading where prior it was a couple of wacky charactures doing silly things.
My other minor gripes were that it seemed to lean on a lot of expected knowledge. A lot of the necron vehicles were description lite, like you should know what the toy looked like. The fight with the c'tan was also frustrating. Having a fist fight with god as your climax, is not something I personally find satisfying. I have no frame of reference. Does X hurt them, if yes how much. How is the battle going? Are the protags making headway? You always know its going to have to be something abstract that undoes them, so the rest feels like bridging. Now that's out of the way, the good. It's funny. There is a good mix of witticisms, barbs, slapstick and cerebral humour combined with a silly rivalry and the humour of the slow turning wheels of bureaucracy and law. It makes it an entertaining read. It gives a good insight to the nature of a immortal glacial race. How they see cultures rise and fall. And how for one that makes them insignificant, for the other worthy of (sterile) preservation if not respect. It shows how their soulless eternity robs them of all but the most abstract pursuits, rendering them characters worthy of pity. Not what I thought I would feel in a book about (former) murder robots.
As per usual, I'll end with some funny/pithy quotes from the book.
“...when the Necron legions were destined to awaken, all of their literature, history and discourses would be accessible, a mnemonic copy sent to the library of each tomb world. A great work for the benefit of all... …and besides, if all the tomb worlds had their own archives, no researchers would come to muck about in his. Nobody touching his precious manuscripts, or asking obnoxious questions” Collection manager humour :P Showing more of the unreliable narrator baked into the setting with humans thinking Aeldari buildings were from the emperor. “They told Trazyn fantastical stories of a primordial past, when the emperor and his angels had called this world home. The emperor himself had called these great structures from the earth, growing them from the planet itself. They looked strange yes, but many things from that otherworldly age would look strange to us now.”
Necrons becoming human legends (this bit was great) “Storming through the square, meeting the greenskin onslaught, were a group of Space Marines: unusually tall and thin space marines. Their helmets fashioned as learning skull masks... … 'silver skulls chapter defeats the ork invasion' Trazyn said with clear relish.
A cool bit of psychological insight to the flayer virus. “You have been made souless, but take the flesh of others and you may once again be whole.”
And I'll end on a bit of the funny between the rivals Trazyn and Orikan. Temporary allies Trazyn opens a dimensional container to bring in reinforcements to aid them. “Out of it stepped Trazyn the infinite, tile cloak shifting and clicking as he marched from the rift. Followed by another, and another. Rank upon rank of overlords wielding warscythes... … 'I most certainly had this nightmare before said Orikan”
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hungwy · 2 years
Mark Fisher says "[college] students want Nietzsche in the same way they want a hamburger" in that they "consume" everything in light of the constant stream of pleasure they (we) have become accustomed to -- they want something like Nietzsche, or any complex idea or system of ideas, "easily digestible". Fisher says this in the context of his larger idea that students always being distracted and depressively hedonic, embodying an "ahistorical, anti-mnemonic blip culture" of ADHD riddled kids who know they can't really do anything about their lives but seek pleasure. Of course, soon after Fisher rightly clarifies that this is an affliction of modern Capitalism, not the sole fault of any student.
But I think it's also important to view the burger comparison in that students [must] treat things like homework as a means of academic success rather than as part of self-improvement and reflection on the world. Who hasn't studied and crammed simply to pass a test and forgotten the information immediately after? In all its contradictory excess and lack, a burger is processed much the same as Nietzsche: shit out and forgotten, a means to an end. (But like a burger, it's a good idea not to keep Nietzsche inside you for too long, lest you get poisoned).
Much the same way is that fast food resturaunts replace for many people the act of home cooking and so simply become an immediate but lesser (though I indulge in it as much as anyone else) solution hunger rather than an involved art. Many people lack the time, money, space, skill, and even interest to cook at home, though it is better for you, and one could easily argue one or more of these reasons are exacerbated and then exploited by capitalism (I see you, HelloFresh). Colleges by design enforce similar curriculums ultimately meant to be easily and swiftly consumed and defecated into graduation degrees, without too much skill required or time wasted on their behalf, thus fertilizing their chances of securing good funding (and in the case of students, getting jobs) -- though it is obviously better for any learner to be given a good pace and plenty of time to digest the materials until they understand and have had their souls and minds enriched because of it, and preferably at very little cost to them.
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daily-hyosatsu · 2 years
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Not a name but I just LOVE stuff like this :) An adorable interpretation of the character 鳥 (tori or chō), meaning bird.
Here's how the character may have evolved over time:
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Also important to know: in a food context, 鳥 means chicken. There is also a character that specifically refers to chicken: 鶏, which is also read tori when referring to chicken meat (or 鶏肉 toriniku). For live birds, it's read niwatori,* and its on-yomi is kei, as in the chicken and rice dish 鶏飯 keihan.
*A good mnemonic for this is garden bird! 庭 niwa means garden or yard, so that makes the bird in your garden a 鶏 niwatori. It's also part of a famous tongue twister:
庭には鶏が2羽いる niwa ni wa niwatori ga niwa iru There are two chickens in the yard.
And if you're fucking awesome at tongue twisters (like I am!!!), here are some trickier versions. (And there's more here.)
裏庭には2羽、庭には2羽、鶏がいる ura-niwa ni wa niwa, niwa ni wa niwa, niwatori ga iru There are chickens, two in the backyard and two in the yard.
庭には鶏、裏庭にはワニ niwa ni wa niwatori, ura niwa ni wa wani There are chickens in the yard and an alligator in the backyard.
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