#but its cute so i won't apologise
silverseaming · 5 months
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Slowly Autumn gave way to Winter, and the world disappeared beneath a blanket of snow. The whole farm seemed to still, crops lying dormant and animals tucked into the barn. Once all the feeding was done, there was nothing left to do but to give into the urge of everyone in all winters past -- to hunker down somewhere warm, and wait out the cold with the ones you love.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
lando meets his girlfriend’s cats, and there’s like a bunch of them
i love cats sorry💕
Never apologise for liking cats I freaking love cats
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"Just, be prepared," she said as she pushed the key to her apartment into the lock. "They won't bother you until they get used to you, but be warned."
Lando nodded his head, unable to keep the smiling off of his face. She swallowed the lump in her throat, twisted the key and pushed over the apartment door.
For a second, there was nothing. Lando couldn't quite work out what she had been so paranoid about. They stepped into the apartment and she shut the door behind them.
The moment she threw her keys onto the counter, they came running. One black, one black and white, one grey and one orange. They surrounded her feet, meowing as the did so.
It was only their third date and she'd been terrified of scaring Lando off when introducing him to her four cats. "Lando, meet the cats," she said, gesturing to the cats at her feet.
"Attention whores, all of you," she muttered and went to feed them.
Later in the evening, when they were watching a movie together, she got up for the bathroom.
Lando had long since fallen asleep, his head against her shoulder before she had to get up. He was snoring lightly, but he looked so cute she didn't have the heart to move him.
When she got back from the bathroom Lando looked more comfortable than he already was. He was slumped down with the orange cat on his lap and the black cat on his lap. It was too early in the relationship for her to snap a picture of him, so she stood there for just a moment, appreciating it.
Before she could sit on the couch beside him, the grey cat and the black and white cat jumped onto the sofa. They made themselves comfortable, stretching out beside Lando. "You shits," she whispered and sat on the floor in front of them.
Lando woke up to the cats surrounding him. He stroked the black ones fur and looked around for its owner, the woman he had taken on a date just a few hours before.
"What're you doing down there?" He asked, sitting up. As soon as he did, the cat on his chest jumped up and settled down beside his brothers.
"I think the cats have found their favourite person," she said as she slightly turned to face them. "You can't leave now, not until Bob decided to let you up."
Lando was pretty happy with that.
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hopelessdazai · 5 months
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✿ 》 Will you talk to me again?
╰⧼ 🪻 note.. ⧽ ; I don't expect this to do well because its not smut but it'd be nice !! reblogs appreciated, support your creators :)
╰⧼ ☀️ features.. ⧽ ; dazai x gn!reader, WC ; 784
╰⧼ 🌙 contents.. ⧽ ; angst, reader isn't alive, letter from dazai. he's trying very hard to keep himself stable but it's not working™.
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To my dearest ______ .
It's been a while, hasn't it? I hope you don't mind me writing to you like this, it's simply been too long. I'm sure you're still angry at me, so seeing you physically isn't my best interest right now! haha, I'm sorry. you know I'm just joking around, don't you? I'd love to see you in person. I'm sure you would've punched my arm if you heard me out loud right now, wouldn't you? I'm glad I'm spared of the bruises.
what does someone put in a letter? that's what I was asking myself before I even began writing. I decided that the best way to do something like this was to just write whatever I feel true as pen touches paper. I hope it makes sense to you, at the least. if I'm pouring my heart out on some paper only for it to be misunderstood, it feels like a waste, no?
though, i'd be lying if i said it wouldn't be rather cute to see you try to fathom what I mean. did you know you scrunch your nose like a bunny sometimes when you're reading? I'm sure you're doing that now too. you'll get wrinkles very at this rate ..
but anyway, I managed to prank kunikida the other day! you remember that hair dye trick I'd told you about? I managed to break into his apartment and swap out his shampoo, at last! he came into work the next day with black hair, it was hilarious, you should've been here! he was so angry with me. beat me black and blue!
oh, _____. I got a new heated blanket for our bed, you know? it took a while to save up for it, and I had to cut out some other necessities, sure. but it makes everything so much better! I hate cold beds, I'm sure you know that better then anyone. haha, back before we moved in together when I'd break into your apartment and crawl into bed with you. I'm sorry for the amount of locks I broke, but your place was so cozy!
... you know, it's been really hard without you here. I miss you so painfully, and I don't mean to call into the void without even an echo, but its killing me to pretend I'm fine about any of this. I'm not fine with this, how am I supposed to be? I wish it was just a bad dream.
I don't want to have to write letters to you anymore, ______. I don't want to have to buy heated blankets to try and stop my arms from aching for your warmth. I don't want you to be angry with me, I'm sorry I didn't apologise to you before you were gone. I shouldn't have been so stupid.
i had so many words on my mind that I was too afraid to say. maybe if I faced myself and told you 'I love you' it would've stopped you leaving.
have you met odasaku yet? has he told you any stories of his time? I wish I could hear your voice again. I wish you could answer my questions. even to hear you scoff at my stupidity again would heal me. I'm sorry I was annoying, I just wanted your attention. it stings knowing I'll never get it again.
I can't keep repeating to myself that you're not gone. I can't keep buying your perfume and pretending that you're in the next room over. your pillow doesn't smell like you anymore.
I wish I could apologise properly. I wish I could've stopped you from leaving the house that night. I wish I could kill myself to join you and yet I know we won't cross paths again in the afterlife. you were always too good for me, ______. i was nothing compared to you.
i picked up a homeless dog yesterday. you'd always wanted a puppy, I'm sorry I never let you bring one home. I named it after you. im trying to get used to them, I promise. if I couldn't save you, I'll save your name.
I'm sorry. if I continue writing, my throat will hurt more. its strange, isn't it? crying makes your throat sore. I forgot what it was like for a while, I remember laying in your arms wondering if I'd ever have a reason to cry again. now I can't seem to help myself.
keep your wings clean for me, white looks good on you. its a shame you couldn't wear the wedding attire i wished to see you in one day. you would've looked amazing.
I'll write again, missing you is the greatest honor.
sincerely, your osamu.
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princeoftheeternalbog · 6 months
Would op boys catch you if you fell? Lets find out next time on dragonball- no sorry it just reminded me of that narrator ANYWAYS.
I only did boys because i didnt have much inspi for Nami and Robin so i decided to wait until i do cos I don't wanna half arse stuff.
So anyways I feel like I saw someone do this idea already but it might've been just one character like a law x reader? I'm not sure but I would love to tag them so if you know please tell me ! I will also try to make sure mine is different :p.
Depends. Like if he's fighting or eating then probably not but if he thinks you might get hurt then he will 100% attempt to catch you. Key word being attempt. Poor boy probably makes the fall 10x worse, like if you trip on one step you're suddenly falling down the entire flight of stairs with a weight on top of you. He will apologise though so at least there's that.
He always catches you. Or prevents the fall in the first place. He tells himself it's so you're not unnecessarily out of commission for a fight but really he's a huge softie. Though he always catches you really ungracefully, llike there’s no princess carrying here, he's holding you upside down by the ankle with one hand fr. He scolds you every time too like- "Why do you never watch where you're going" or "Tie your shoes next time idiot", which you should hear as "I can't stand watching you get hurt". Cutie:(
Oh you know he does. He lives for romance and what's more romantic than saving your beloved from certain doom (tripping on a rock). Oh he also does it in the most dramatic way possible, he'd rather throw himself to the ground underneath you then let you hit the floor, he's doing twirls, picking you up with one arm, occasionally will throw you in the air first so he can rearrange what he's holding. Menace tbh, like he's just obsessed with teasing you in any way possible.
Another one who tries his best…tries🙁. He's always so dramatic about it too, he literally screams your name like you're in a horror movie and everyone is always like "WHAT'S WRONG?!" and Usopps just "Oh they tripped on a step". He either injures one of you in his attempt to catch you OR you both end up in the most compromising positions just as someone walks past . He goes so red trying to explain the situation while also trying to check if youre okay😭.
Oh every time and it’s smooth as hell every single time. Says super cheesy lines every time like “OWWWW GUESS YOU FELL FOR ME BABE”, and he gets sparkly eyed every time, he loves romance as a genre and finds it superrrrrrrr(😚) cute when something happens that matches a trope he's read. If he didn't catch you he'd probably panic and constantly apologise but just give him a kiss and he'll forget about it soon enough.
Catches you every time, really gently and really romantically. Instead of just full on catching you, he'll purposefully slow your momentum to minimise injuries in case his attempt at grabbing you fails because then you'd both fall and he'd rather not. Like if you trip into him then he'll pull you both into a delicate spin type of dancing and you're like huh??? He thinks its a really cute trait to be honest but it also makes him really worried about your safety so he likes to keep one hand on you at all times.
Catches you as often as he can, like he won't sprint across the ship to stop you from falling but as long as you're in his reach you will never hit the ground. And he always catches you really gently like you barely feel the impact so sometimes you won't even notice you've tripped until later when you see the scuff on your shoe or something. He really likes holding your hand to make sure you ‘keep your balance’.
He doesn't want to look soft so he tries to force himself not to catch you for just harmless falls...yeah no that doesn't work. As soon as he sees you losing balance you hear that ever familiar room, shambles and then you're in his arms. If it's later in your relationship then he's a menace, he will use this to tease you, like "Oh. Looks like an angel fell into my arms" with this stupid ass smug smirk. He's just really obsessed with you.
Catches you most of the time unless it's gonna be really funny. Also he catches you super awkwardly, like he's so obsessed with you but he never knows where to put his hands because hes not used to giving affection so it's like just in the most ungraceful ways. You are literally being held up by his arm around your thigh or something and you're like what the fuck and he's just stood there 🧍🏻‍♀️.
Prevents the tripping and catches you if necessary. But if you're too clumsy then he just starts getting huffy and hauls you up into his arms so there's no risk of you falling whatsover...and then you bang your head against the ceiling- He probably feels so bad if you get hurt because of him to be honest, he tries so hard to make you happy yk. Anyways at some point he just starts adding cushion to all the potentially harmful areas on the ship so even if you do fall it doesn't hurt.
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reirasheadcanons · 4 months
Cw: none,just cute headcanons nothing more (yet), English isn't my first language so I apologise if I make any mistakes.
Hope yall enjoy it!!<33
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He has a soft spot for you. Anytime you try to point it out, he either denies it or ingores you.
Nicknames. Yeah, you heard it right SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA LOVES NICKNAMES. He mostly uses cute ones such as, 'my love', 'little one' and in RARE occasions, he may call you 'baby'.
When it comes to you, he does whatever you ask him. You need help with the laundry? He will do it. You need help with the dishes? He will ALSO do it. (such a cutie)
He hates bringing you in missions because he is afraid of you getting hurt. And yeah.. you argue about it a lot of times. "For the last time I WON'T bring you to the mission. It's very dangerous for you."
KISSES. HE LOVES GIVING YOU KISSES. Anytime. Anywhere. With anyone around. It's his love language and you accept this man just the way he is.
In alone time, he enjoys cuddling with you but mostly he is in love with your hair. He will try any hairstyle he can imagine and guess what, he won't admit you are cute even if you ask his opinion on it.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Just thinking of Peaches canon hyperfixation of plans and medicine and just... going into a rant whne he visits DBK's place the first time over some rare plant Redaon had cultivated and DBK jsut... standing in the background with a soft smile on his face as he sees his xiandi happy to talk about medicine and plants again and reminiscing on the times he'd talk his ear off when they were kids about the medical properties of various ingredients in the teas they'd make
Oh gosh this idea was cute I had to write out some dialogue for it;
referencing this post I made about catnip/cat plants with lmk characters;
DBK: "I wonder why Brother Azure acted so oddly when i sat next to him at dinner. He didn't drink that much." Wukong, sniffing: "Oh easy! You use Mao Bo He to keep away the flies right?" DBK: "Yes? It's one of few herbs that works for me." Wukong: "Mao Bo He causes mild intoxication and feelings of elation in cats! Lions are just big cats after all." DBK, surprised/amused: "So Brother Azure was drunk off my insect repellent?" Wukong, getting excited: "Yes! In a way! There's some other plants that cause a similar effect but it's different for every individual- oh... sorry." DBK: "For what?" Wukong, nervous: "I've been told I... get too excited when discussing herbs and treatments like that," DBK, smiling: "I have no issue in hearing you describe them. You clearly hold much joy for the subject." Wukong: "You don't think I'm annoying?" DBK: "Not at all. If I had, I would have said so. My ancestor was a herbalist himself after all. Now, tell me xiandi, what can I use to keep the flies away that won't make our proud Brother Azure turn into a kitten at the mere scent of me?" Wukong: (*tail wags happily as he charges up the infodump*)
Later in the Peach Soup au as Peaches is receiving training from DBK.
Peaches: "Oh! Thats a Zhi Zi!" DBK: "Hmm?" Peaches, pointing to a flower in the courtyard: "Gardeniae jasminoides. Sometimes its called a gardenia or a cape jasmine. It shows up in some of my books." DBK, knowing smile: "Really? Red Son collected some plants during his time learning under Guanyin. I had always assumed it to be a regular jasmine plant." Peaches: "That's ok! They look really alike and smell nearly the same! One way to tell them apart is to check the leaves. Smooth leaves mean Jasmine, Toothed leaves mean Gardenia!" DBK: (*fond chuckle!*) Peaches: "Oh sorry! Was I rambling? I apologise if I got a little carried away." DBK: "Not at all! Where did you come across such knowledge by the way?" Peaches, little bashful: "My uncle Sandy introduced me to different tea blends when I was younger, and from there I wanted to know more about plants and herbs and how they help people. I was actually hoping to become a doctor or a pharmacist before all of this... monkey business happened." DBK: "It's never too late to return to your passion. You always wanted to heal people, xiandi. Even back then." Peaches: (*shy smile as he realises what DBK means*)
It leads to a rare moment where Peaches discovers something positive he shares with "old him". Who knew Sun Wukong was a nerd back then too?
DBK is elated to see this side of his little brother live on - Wukong had put aside many dreams due to the War, and herbalism was sadly one of them. Wukong did continue to pursue medicinal knowledge after the fact, but his duty as a king and near-god had kept him anchored.
Peaches has lived 18 years with no such anchor. DBK is excited and cautious to see what path he chooses.
I love these guys so much
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smilingangel582 · 4 days
The chase
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Hi guys, I am madly in love with this character. And guess what, this is Naruto and Sasuke'a VA! In Japanese. I seriously wrote this tk fic as they speak in Japanese. Omg! I love them even more. Ps. We need more lee!kinich... I summon it!
Summary: Paimon is convinced Kinich is scary, but Aether thinks otherwise. It was a quiet day in Natalan until Aether started a bet with Paimon to prove her wrong. New discoveries were made, and unsurprisingly, a certain dragon lord commits betrayal.
Warning: Spoilers for the nataln archon quest and Kinich's quest, tickling, cuteness overload, Aether and Kinich are very close, but mind you, it's a platonic relationship (can't ship them yet)
"So you Paimon is supposed to believe that Kinich is actually... uh... a sweetheart?" Paimon crossed her arms in confusion. Floating around as Aether walked through the city of mountains, the scion of the canopy.
Aether shrugs, giving her a confident smirk "Well... he may appear blank but he's very nice and he doesn't hide it... not like a certain wanderer ..."
Paimon guessed Hat guy from Sumeru might have sneezed by that mention.
"But he's so cold and Paimon can't really see the guy smile..." Paimon huffs now, as if its the biggest worries for her, "its frightening how blank Kinich is..."
"What's frightening about me Paimon?"
A soft voice made Paimon shrill in surprise making her gasp and wheeze. Aether mildly turns back with a less-reactive surprised expression at seeing the saurian hunter.
"Hi Kinich,"
Kinich greets them politely, "Traveler, Paimon how do u do?"
Paimon recovering from her shock, groans, "Jeez Paimon almost got a heart attack! Stop sneaking up on us like that... your quiet anyway unlike your pixel-poop-mouth!"
Ajaw snarls, "Who are you calling poop-mouth, tiny ant?"
"Oh and Paimon's bigger than you!"
They continue bickering making Aether sheepishly give Kinich an apologetic look, "Sorry about that..."
"I should be the one to apologise..." kinich replies solemnly, making Aether like this guy more for his awkward informal side.
"Ajaw, do you want another time out?"
Ajaw turns to kinich, his mouth dropping in anguish. "Grrr! Fine, fine! I won't torment the anaemic ant!"
"Hehe" Paimon smirks. "Know your place little dragon lord!"
Aether rolls his eyes, "Paimon... behave"
Paimon pouts, looking sideways, "awww alright im sorry Kinich... and maybe Ajaw"
Ignoring Ajaw's short snap, Kinich shakes his head, a hand to his chest. "Don't be Paimon. You're actually a kind companion to the traveller..." he adds deliberately after casting a look at Ajaw, "It makes me jealous"
"Huh? I'm more powerful ya know! Oi! Kinich!"
Aether hears Paimon floating towards Kinich, "Kinich, you don't smile much, do you?"
Kinich slightly astonished responds, "I beg your pardon? I do..."
"When?" Partly challenging and partly curious.
"Like... right now?"
They all stared. Even Kinich seemed uncertain about what he just said. Paimon huffs, mildly irritated, "OK so... laughing? Ever dont that before..."
Ajaw floats around Kinich, his pixel hands patting his shoulder, "Haa hahaa would love to see that embarassing sight."
Kinich shrugs him off, the bandana making him seem like he's angry but he's just frustrated with Ajaw.
"All the more reason why I should not"
Ajaw being slightly pushed away but regains balance in air comes swirling back to him with a cunning sneer, "Uh oh someone's a little defensive... afraid I'll exploit a weakness?"
Aether sense tension, usually he would've stepped in to stop Kinich's discomfort with Ajaw but knowing the topic he was curious where this was going.
Paimon is no better now - contrast to Ajaw's scheming malice - she steps in to prompt Ajaw's hint, "Oooh does this mean he does laugh?"
Kinich folds his arms, somewhat wary where this was going. Yet he failed to notice where Ajaw just disappeared.
"I do, but not all the time -"
"Yeah, just poke him like this, and he'll go gyaaahaahaa!" Ajaw swiftly pokes Kinich around the waist close to the small of his back, making him spasm in shock, gasping, "Oi!"
Silence. Paimon's eyes widened, and so did Aether's. They all exchanged glances. Now Ajaw proudly danced and shook his tail, as if he got the best victory after 500 years.
"Kinich?" Aether smirks, now barely hiding his excitement, "Are you ticklish?"
The saurian hunter now stared, knowing there's no other way to dodge the question. He swiftly seized Ajaw's tail, now activating his grappling hook. He swings off till he disappeared through the clouds.
His flight instincts kicked in. Paimon stared in bewilderment, but she was the only one until Aether began to take the one-sided challenge.
Somewhere by the top of the mountains in Scion of the canopy, Kinich cautiously looked by the trees, hoping he had escaped. He knew now or never... and his experience in running away has been helpful.
"Baa! You coward..." Ajaw scoffed, now teasing, "Were you that scared?"
"It was not fright... I just don't like the thought of showing the traveller such an absurd state" he sternly added "and you're officially in time out"
Ajaw grumbled now, waving his small pixel arms "Grr... whatever, but you know Kinich"
"Running away doesn't always help ya... when there's a good seeker"
He frowns, looking somewhat confused by this indirect analogy. "What do you-?"
"Gotcha!" Aether swings by instantly now tackling (not on purpose) Kinich as they both tumbled to the ground.
"J-jeez traveller be careful" Kinich groan, now sounding concerned. "Don't use that hook, so lightly"
Aether chuckles straddling him. "Thanks your a nice guy... now ever heard of the saying "you can run but you can't hide" Kinich?"
Before he could struggle he already felt nimble fingers attacking his sides.
"O-ohokay w-wahait tihihihime ohohout!"
His giggles are soft and yet very childish. Aether stares in wonder... he had heard many sweet voices but hearing Kinich like this is like a dream in Nahida's world.
"Wow.. you're sensitive, Ajaw wasn't lying"
Ajaw smirks "Hehe that was one of the weaknesses that I'm proud of exploiting in him"
"You mean the only one?" Paimon scoffs.
"Ah! Took you long enough useless ant"
"You! You pixel weirdo!" Paimon stomps her foot on the air angrily and begins bickering with Ajaw.
Kinich and Aether... well they have other better matters to attend to.
"So tell me, is this spot worse than this?" His fingers creeping towards his hips making him buck in surprise, grabbing Aether's wrists which didn't help, "Ah! Aether!"
"You said my name! Nice!" He gets his hips and then back to his waist... slipping the jacket down a little bit to access the skin.
"Ahaharchons juhuhuhust stohohohop a mihihinute plehehehehease!" Kinich curls to the side, suddenly his laughter getting louder when Aether targets his ribs with swift unpredictable speed.
"Uh oh ribs? That's not good... especially since your swinging around..." Aether smirks, now tapping and prodding his ribs as Kinich jerks to his back to protect his sides. His long lashes damp with tears.
"And you won't be able to swing comfortable knowing how vulnerable here..." he pinches the highest set ribs with indication "Oh and perhaps under here?" Slipping his fingers right under his arms making Kinich let an (honest to archon) a squeak.
"You're a sweetheart"
"Ihihihi ahahahahappreciahahahate the cohohohompliment buhuhuhut y-yohohohour kihihilling mehehe!" He giggles now. Trying to cover his worst spots as much as he could.
Aether laughed, now pausing a little, instead keeping his wrists pinned on either side of Kinich's head to keep him in anticipation.
"OK ok! Sorry, I always had to break the serious guys in this world."
Kinich groans, slightly huffs of laughter now calming down at the small break.
"Ajaw said Kinich has a weak neck!"
Paimon's sudden outburst on that fact made Kinich shiver. Aether turns to her first then back at him, a very mischievous smile that made Kinich shake his head a little, somewhat pitiful.
"Tch! The mighty dragon lord knows what a whimp he is but he still refuses to die.. bahahawahaha" Ajaw cackles in a sinister tone "Oh laugh to death Kinich!"
Aether rolls his eyes, "we are not killing him, just playing around... like friends"
Kinich's eyes that used to be blank slightly glistened with brightness, "Friends?"
"Yup and friends... make friends happy!" Aether wiggles his fingers right over his collarbone and throat lightly. Kinich knees kicked up in reflex, but they didn't stop Aether's fiery determination to tickle him.
"Ahaha Aetheheheher hehehee cuhuhuhut ihihit out! Hahaha ok ok y-yohohohou won! You won! Ok! Just mehehehercy! Mercy!
After that implore, Aether stopped tearfully laughing as well, falling next to Kinich, eyes bright golden and with bliss, "ohoho man that was so funny... im glad I saw this side of you..."
Kinich's breath was somewhat heavier as he managed to grab his composure swiftly as an amazing athlete "I-I uh... thank you traveler... I guess it wasn't that bad"
Ajaw growls, "Awwww, come on! I bet if you got his armpits more seriously next, he might not say that! Come on, traveler, I'm begging ya! Tickle this guy to death -g-gaaaaaaah curseeeee youuuu!"
Once more he just got confined into a space suddenly gone. Kinich sighs as he puts Ajaw away easily, resting an arm over his hip as he gets up now tired but somewhat... relaxed?
"Hey Kinich..."
He jolts when Aether poked his armpit that was exposed, making him stare in surprise "That's round two the next time we meet? And don't listen to Ajaw... tickling isn't something bad... its what friends do to have fun"
Kinich silently debated this answer... smiling genuinely. Perhaps Mualani was right... friends are amazing.
"Well come by traveler... its much livelier here with you around" Kinich offers, now giving an awkward smile.
"Aww miss me already?" Aether grins, then nudged him, "or the tickles"
"Just... you" he grunts, but looking sideways, with a timid look that seemed to have never appeared until today.
Aether will cherish that moment forever and also his laugh.
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puppycassie · 19 days
Hey! Sorry for asking but I love the way you write YBG'S headcannons so I was wondering...
How would Peter react to us walking in our sleep? (I tend to sleepwalk every now and then, specially when I'm out of my comfort zone, so this could be pretty interesting)
♡ i'm so glad you like it, sweetheart!! no need to apologise, I love love love getting asks , here you go!!
! even though there's no nsfw in this, your boyfriend is an 18+ game, so the 18+ only rule still applies lovelies <3 ! 🎀🩷
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some of my headcanons for peter with a sleepwalking reader ♡
♡ would honestly find it so adorable, chuckling at you slightly before doing anything else
♡ follows you around, he couldn't live with himself if he let his darling get hurt after all
♡ scoops you up in his arms gently and presses kisses to your forehead before carrying you back to bed with him
♡ sometimes records it and shows it to you in the morning, telling you how cute you looked
♡ of course, this embarrasses you slightly, but that makes it even more fun for peter "awe, you're so shy, baby,"
♡ speaks to you sweetly in your half conscious state
♡ sometimes says things that he wouldn't normally say to you when you're fully awake, enjoying the risk of if you'd remember it or not
♡ "where are you going, sleepyhead?"
♡ won't let himself fall asleep until he's completely sure that you're settled, not wanting you to accidentally slip or hurt yourself
♡ holds you tightly once you're back in bed with him, wrapping his arms around you and holding you against him
♡ if he knew that it was something that occurred when you were uncomfortable, he would do his best to soothe you
♡ "shh, its okay, precious." "I've got you." "just get some rest, I'm right here"
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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seangelfish · 7 months
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Our favourite items
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Ritsu Sakuma x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationship, casual romance, really wholesome, INTRO IS REALLY LONG, SORRY!, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 2,215 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the Meowsketeers scout story in which this card is featured in. I've been trying to read the scout stories since I never read them, and I thought that this one would be cute to add the reader in! Please note that this fic does not stay true to the story, but it has taken bits from it. A/N: There needs to be more Ritsu x reader fics.
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Drenched in sweat, Ritsu slowly woke up from his nap in the ES gardens. His mind was still filled with thoughts of what happened the other day when Tsukasa confronted and withdrew some of the new members of Knights.
Ritsu pitied them, but what was said was the mere truth. That's the way Knights operated, it was never a unit to have fun with as an idol. But seeing those tearful faces did take a toll on him.
At that moment, Ritsu felt something heavy weighing on him. It wasn't what happened that day, but something physical that he could feel near his stomach.
'Who is it? Am I being attacked? It's not those pranks Tsukipi set up, right?' he thought tiredly. Unless it's (Y/N)...? No... she said she'd be busy today–
Ritsu was getting annoyed. "Hold on. You don't disturb people when they're sleeping!" he groaned. "Now I'm in a bad mood... Don't mess with me– Huh?"
Eyes wide open, Ritsu found that on his stomach was a black cat.
"Ugh, so it was this guy!" he fumed. "Get off! You're heavy and it's too hot...!"
Yet the cat wouldn't budge. It stayed lying on Ritsu's stomach as if he were a pillow. Ritsu wasn't having any of it though, no one dares disturb his sleep even if they were a cat! Getting angrier by the second, he decided to fight it off him.
"Hey! Ow! Don't dig your claws in me!"
"That Suo, he's late!" exclaimed Leo. "What a troublesome guy! I came early today since he gets angry at me when I come late."
"Unbelievable! He's wasting my precious time!" Izumi chided. "This is so annoying. Did your wanderlust infect Kasa-kun?"
Leo laughed. "Eh? What, what? Wahaha, that's funny, Sena! I suppose it's fate that Knights' leader is to be cursed by wanderlust!"
Frantic footsteps could be heard as Tsukasa barged into the studio panting. He apologised, mentioning to his seniors that he got involved in a little incident with Ritsu. That was when Ritsu entered the room, still arguing with the black cat he encountered outside.
"I told you to let go of me, didn't I?! Why can't you understand me, you stupid cat?!" Ritsu growled. "Do my clothes smell like catnip or something...?"
"A stray cat got attached to Ritsu-senpai and it won't let go of him," stated Tsukasa.
"Unbelievable. This was why you were late?" said Izumi. "There's got to be some way to pull it off. Just grab it by the neck like how a parent cat carries a kitchen– Owah! This guy tried to scratch me! If you were human, I'd have you pay compensation!"
Arashi suggested that they all calm down and get started on the retrospective – the reason why they were holding a meeting in the first place. If they ignore the cat, perhaps it would let Ritsu go!
But as Arashi started playing the video of their live, Leo noticed something. In the video, Leo pointed out the front row seats where beside a fan's feet, a black cat was seen.
"This guy, it saw Ritsu at Knights' live and came to meet him!" said Leo excitedly.
"Hah...? No way! That sounds so unrealistic," Ritsu replied before turning to the cat which started showing him affection. "Owah, what? Don't start licking my cheek!"
"Given its reaction, it probably did come to meet Knights," said Tsukasa. "Isn't it just the cutest? It probably fell in love with Ritsu-senpai's brave figure at the live!"
"What?! Don't say things so nonchalantly!"
But the other members of Knights had agreed to let the cat do what it wanted despite Ritsu's comments on how much of a disaster this was.
The cat didn't let go of him even during the retrospective. It lay sound asleep on Ritsu's lap. Knights had come up with a name for the cat too, 'd'Artagnyan', their 'newest knight that was drawn in by Knights.'
Ritsu didn't like this idea at all. He didn't see any resemblance between him and the cat that his fellow members were constantly pointing out too. Though, he didn't want to just kick it out. He wanted it to leave on its own volition.
"It clings to you like how you cling onto (Y/N)," stated Arashi causing Ritsu to erupt into a steam of embarrassment. "Maybe it finds your scent comforting~? If so, it might be satisfied with something that has Ritsu-chan's scent on it..."
"Something with my scent?" Ritsu repeated. "Ah, I just came to an unpleasant conclusion..."
He was talking about his favourite blanket – the only thing in this studio that had his scent on it. But there was no way that Ritsu wanted to give this unlucky cat his favourite blanket!
"Ah, wait! Don't suddenly pounce for my blanket, you idiot cat!" huffed Ritsu as he tried to yank the blanket away. He was now on the floor fighting with the cat. "Give it back! I don't want such an unlucky cat to use my blanket! Guys, please help me out here!"
"Oi, oi. There's no need to get so worked up over something like this, right, Ritsu?" said Leo. "I know it's annoying, but it'll be dangerous if you get violent in here, no?"
"But I really like this blanket! I won't allow it to use it! Ah, don't scratch it–"
"Please calm down, Ritsu-senpai...!" sputtered Tsukasa.
But before Izumi could assert himself to scold Ritsu, you had rushed into the studio. Arashi had texted you about the situation before they started their retrospective, hoping that you'd come to solve the issue at hand. After all, you solved a lot of their problems before, it became customary to ask you for help.
"Ritsu, are you okay?" you asked worriedly, bending down. "Hey, what's wrong? You're not usually like this."
"(Y-Y/N)?!" Ritsu blurted, perplexed at your sudden appearance. "W-What are you doing here?"
You answered that even though you were busy with your own assignments today, you couldn't just ignore what was happening with Knights, with him.
"Is this what's bothering you?" You tried picking up the cat, but it immediately started hissing at you. "Ah! Okay, I'm not going to pick you up then...! Anyway, Arashi texted me all the details already. Why don't you just give up the blanket, Ritsu?"
"N-No!" he cried. "I can't!"
"I don't understand why you like that blanket so much," said Izumi. "I'll buy you a new one if that makes you happy–"
"That's not it! (Y/N) bought me this one!"
Everyone had gone silent over that fact.
"Then I'll buy you a new one," you offered.
"No!" Ritsu protested. "You got this for me when we were first years! I can't just let that go!"
Ritsu usually wasn't this worked up, so you knew he was upset about something other than his blanket. But you also knew that he was a very sentimental person too, so you couldn't just force him to give up something that he truly loved. It was sweet that he had kept this blanket up until now though. It showed how much he loved you.
"I have an idea," you suddenly said. You rummaged through your bag and pulled out a white sweater. "This also has Ritsu's scent on it."
"Wait," Ritsu began. "That's my sweater."
"Mhm, my favourite one too!" you giggled. "If we give the cat this, then it'll give up on the blanket!"
"B-But (Y/N), you love that sweater...!" he said.
"I do, but you love that blanket too, right? I'll give this up so you can have your blanket back!"
With how selfless and thoughtful you were being, Ritsu had finally cooled down.
"N-No, it's fine," he said sadly. "I'll let it keep the blanket, you keep the sweater, okay? I'm sorry, everyone, I went overboard. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."
He picked up his blanket with the cat still attached to it and left the building quietly. The meeting with Knights had come to an end. You sighed, apologised and thanked Knights for putting up with your boyfriend before following after him.
Ritsu was situated on one of the tables at the ES gardens, his head laid on his arms as he watched the black cat sleep in his blanket.
"It's my fault that Knights ended up fighting again... If only this cat hadn't been there. No, I should've been calmer..." he murmured. "It would've been better if I had analysed the situation calmly like I usually do, and brought it to a positive conclusion..."
"Ritsu~" you called out.
With the sound of your voice, his eyes immediately gravitated towards you. He didn't lift his head though, he was too tired for that.
"Here," you said, pressing a cold can of soda to his cheek. He cried at the coldness but quickly covered his mouth from being too loud. He didn't want to wake up the cat despite how annoying it was today.
"Ah, thank you..." he said, taking the can from you. He laid it in front of him, not opening it. "(Y/N), I'm really sorry about earlier. You were busy, and Nacchan had to call you over to deal with something so small."
"Eh, it's okay~," you said. From behind, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. "I'm nearly finished with my assignments anyway. But Ritsu, are you really okay?"
Ritsu strained a smile, but he held your arm in a way to comfort himself. "I'm fine now. I'm going to sit here and reflect on my actions until this stupid cat wakes up. If I ignored the cat in the studio and it gets restless, it might be even more troublesome."
You laughed. "It's so cute when it's sleeping. It reminds me of you."
"Eeehhh? Why does everyone keep saying that?" he asked.
"Well, it's cute and you're cute! Also, it takes naps just like you, hehe~"
Ritsu sighed but laughed along. "Ah, you're wearing the sweater," he said, finally noticing the baggy look on you.
"Yep! I'm glad I didn't need to give it up in the end, but I do feel sad that you had to give your favourite blanket away," you said.
"It's fine. Maybe it'll let it go later..." he started. "Well, I hope it does anyway. I really do like that blanket..."
He chuckled, reminiscing the time you first got him the blanket. The two of you met just before entering Yumenosaki. You were Mao's friend initially, but he had introduced you to Ritsu during the time he had to repeat his first year. Ritsu had treated you coldly at first, but when you spotted him sleeping in the gardens, coming to know of his illness, you had decided to gift him a blanket for him to use.
It was a blanket you had bought at a shop in town, nothing special, but Ritsu thought the world of it. Even when he treated you so poorly, you were still so nice to him – to accommodate him in this way. He grew fond of the blanket, but he mostly grew fond of you.
After that day, he stuck to you just like the cat he was watching now.
"You know, I'm surprised it's still kept in good condition after all these years," you pointed out. "We're in our third year now... and it still looks brand new."
"I take good care of my things, (Y/N)~," he said. "And I'll be keeping that blanket for as long as I can."
You smiled and gave him a peck on the back of his head. "Anyway, aren't you going to tell me what got you so riled up? It can't just be because of the cat, right?"
"Ah, right..." he said. He opened the can that you gave him and began to drink the contents of it. "So, this is what happened..."
He explained everything to you, recalling what happened that day when they had to withdraw some of the new Knights members. He was honest with his feelings, how bad he felt when he saw those tearful faces, how bad he felt when he knew that those dreams were being crushed.
But after some reassurance from you, Ritsu felt a lot better. That's when Tsukasa showed up to check up on him too. A suggestion of finding foster parents for the cat was brought up which Ritsu agreed to.
By time, he grew fond of the cat albeit he still wanted it gone. But things had resolved themselves, and Ritsu was back to his calm, analytical self again.
You had come to say goodbye to the cat, d'Artagnyan, too. This time, it had let you hold it.
"Hehe, it really does remind me of you," you told Ritsu who immediately turned red. "Don't miss Ritsu too much, you hear me~? I hope you live a comfortable life."
Watching you be so gentle with the cat like that had Ritsu feeling some sort of way. He smiled gently to himself, appreciating that you were there with him, that you were there to console him and to listen to every word he had to say. There was nothing better in this world – even his favourite blanket – that would compare to you.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
chuuya, kunikida, and dazai with an s/o who would hide under the bed for no reason besides its nice down there and would sometimes grab their ankle to scare them
i would love to hang out under my bed tbh but i keep all my stuff under there lol. good deterrent for demons because then they can't fit under there
S/O who hides under the bed
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Dazai Osamu x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these guys with an S/O who likes hanging out under the bed?
♡ cw: Swearing, teensy tiny bit of NSFW in Dazai's part.
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Seriously though. Thank you guys for all your sweet comments and messages I really appreciated all of them very much (and yes each one made me cry). I might not say it very much but I love all of you guys and I'm thankful for your support. Apologies for errors and I hope you enjoy x
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He's just kinda like...wha...? He's so confused at first lol
Even if you grab his ankle and try to scare him, he's just like...why'd you do that babygirl (gender neutral term). He'd also find it kind of adorable how frustrated you get that it didn't work, but what were you expecting? He's a mafia executive babygirl (again, gender neutral term)
Chuuya is little amused by your under-the-bed habit and lowkey thinks it's pretty cute. At first though he was kinda worried as to what caused it, but if it makes you feel better then he doesn't care
If he wants you out of there he will coax you out with your favourite food or something like you're a puppy (he's getting his yearning for a pet dog out of his system don't worry)
Probably wouldn't go under the bed with you super often, but you guys would have a lot of conversations while he's laying on the bed and you're laying under it. It's surprisingly easy to do!
Would start leaving you little gifts/snacks down there sometimes as a surprise
Probably wouldn't encourage you to sleep under there though. Spinal health and all
As always Chuuya is very supportive and all he wants is for you to feel happy and safe <3
Worried about this habit at first. He assumes that it's some kind of trauma response. Whether it is or it isn't he'll learn to accept it don't worry
That being said he doesn't really love it. If you wanna relax he'd rather that you do it in a more comfortable space. If you're under there because you don't feel great then he'd rather you just talk to him. He'd do (almost) anything to make you feel better :')
If you grabbed his ankle one time to scare him he might never recover. Like he'd be genuinely terrified. Might faint or burst into tears or scream or something idk
Absolutely would chide you for your "childish behaviour". In all honesty he just feels like it's something Dazai would do and he suffers enough from this kind of thing at work
But yes in the end he would forgive you if you apologised to him. Might not be so kind if you continued trying to scare him though
Leaves you a pillow and a blanket down there just in case you get cold. He won't leave any food though because he's worried about ants and mould and stuff
Wouldn't go under there with you though. Sorry but he just doesn't wanna 😪
Honestly? As long as you're getting your shit done, he doesn't mind where you spend your free time
He literally doesn't even question it. Sometimes small spaces are just cosy y'know?
Dazai literally lived in a shipping container (at least I think? I haven't read Stormbringer yet T-T). He'd be all up for hanging out under the bed whether or not you were with him lol
The first time you grab his ankle to scare him, if you're lucky, you'll catch him off guard. But you're never getting his ass again, ever
I mean sometimes he might play along to humour you, but you'll literally never actually scare him again. Like he just walks into your bedroom under the assumption that you're under the bed and prepared to scare him.
Straight up if he can't find you when he wakes up or something he'll just guess that you're under the bed and won't bother you.
That being said if you straight up disappeared or something he'd obviously worry about you. But he gives you space when you need it, and will only come under the bed with you if you say he can
Also he would definitely start doing it to you. Both as revenge and just because he thinks it's funny, but he'll stop if you ask him to (you don't. It straight up becomes a war)
He straight up might try to get it on with you under the bed, as if there's room or something. Damnit Dazai
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Can you show me jungkook being the best boyfriend ever
What tf kinda difficult question is this??? JK is an amazing fucking boyfriend. He shows up. This👏🏾 motherfucker 👏🏾shows👏🏾 up👏🏾 He puts the standard so high, making it look like we are all getting treated by our partners like garbage. This dude loves Jimin so much and has always been there for him in so many ways big and small and you want me to pick one moment?
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Oh. Unless u didn't mean just one moment in which case forget all that 😁😁😁 here. Have this Jimtiddie as an apology
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Off the top of my head my dear anon;
Exhibit a) Dieting
So once upon a time, I'm sure we all know the story of how JK got Jimin to stop dieting unhealthily.
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(Thanks @sarah2711)
Exhibit b) The live they did after their UN speeches.
V is the one who starts the whole thing by making fun of Jimin apologising after he made his mistake during his speech. (I already talk about JK being there for Jimin here) Other members chime in and at first Jimin is laughing with them. But then at some point he stops laughing, just sits there as they continue to make fun of him. Then he starts chewing on his nails which alot of the time is a sign of nerves
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And he absolutely shrinks in on himself. Of course JK notices immediately and that's when he tells the members to cut it out. He tells them how they should be making Jimin feel better. Not making fun of him. Immediately all the members, at the same time, backtrack. They start praising Jimin and saying how they get it.
The whole thing is too long to clip but it all starts at 12:32 here
Because we don't talk about Yoonmin 😏 we have to note that all of them made fun of Jimin but JK only spoke up after Suga said this
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P.s RM also said something but the members only changed their tune after JK did. I have always found this moment so sweet. JK was being protective of his baby here of course. Which goes hand in hand with this post. JK just wasn't having it and I love to see it.
When Jimin was explaining himself,
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JK was quietly listening. He didn't say anything until Jimin said this
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And we all know JK doesn't like when Jimin is being self deprecating. So it tracks that he comfortingly says;
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That, right there anon, was JK showing up like the amazing boyfriend he is.
Bonus with the Jimin jealous moment here. And yes, thats exactly what it was.
More instances of JK being protective of his bf by Kanmom here
Exhibit c) SEVEN
Yes. Seven. The summer song of the year. Love to watch it. Love to hear it. So, I think we can all agree its a sex song. Period. That's what it is. It's a proper love making song. A topic we love to discuss on this side of tumblr.... but, have we stopped for a second to explore the romantic side of SEVEN?
So we established SEVEN is basically satellite Jeon in a nutshell. Which that alone is quite big. Always wanting to be with your person, next to your person no matter what. But JK chasing after his love interest from beginning to end till she gives in shows;
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He would do anything for the one he loves. He would walk through fire. Through storms. Go anywhere... if it means its for the one he loves. He is devoted, he is all in. Deeper than the ocean. And this is basically what this post is all about, really. JK's devotion for Jimin. Deeper than the God damn ocean.
Then we have this part
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For those who dont know what that means by now, I'll give u a few seconds to go look up the meaning on Google. In the meantime the rest of us will enjoy this cute clip of satellite Jeon who started quite early
Oh you're back! Yes. We can proceed. 😁😁
So what we have discovered is that JK is a generous lover... a considerate lover... Puts his partner first. JK is a "it's okay baby, you can tend to me later, this is about you" kind of guy. He is the "I won't come until you've cum" type of dude.
In other words, his lover is the priority.
Jikook don't have an only fans so we haven't seen this in action and there4 have no way of knowing that JK is like this in the bedroom. BUT, considering the fact that he prioritises Jimin all the time, we have seen this happen, I dont see why we can't assume this part of him extends to the bedroom too! Right? Like, its gotta be the case.
JK would rather loose provided Jimin wins.
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JK always prefering to walk slightly behind Jimin
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JK would rather miss out on the last dish and let Jimin have it. (And we know this is huge coz mans loves his food)
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Just to give 3 examples that show JK when it comes to Jimin... well, u know. Jimin comes first. Literally and figuratively 😏 So I'm gonna go ahead and politely insist 😂 that the same happens during Sevening. Mkay? Glad we agree 😁😁
Exhibit d) JK always looking to praise Jimin.
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(Thanks @tarheelthings)
Jimin made the group ramen (his specialty) and as u can see JK was already telling him how perfect it tastes and yet he hadn't even tasted it yet. Even editors noticed 😂😂
Bv 1 finale no one praises Jimin's santa and he laments as much.
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We know our Mimi loves to be complimented and praised; absolutely feeds off of that shit. And JK knows this which is why he immediately tells Jimin "yours is the best" Jimin is so happy to hear this, cheeses so hard that even the editors notice.
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Gosh... he was so happy 🥺🥺 Jimin has a praise kink and JK is great at fulfilling this. Aaah. Shit. Now I'm wondering if this extends to the bedroom 🤔 I'm pretty sure it does 🙈🙈🙈
Okay ✋🏽 let's stop thinking about JK calling Jimin a good boy and move on, yes?
Btw, RM too recognises that Jimin loves to be praised and u will see him come through too. But JK is always faster so... 😁😁
Then we have ITS when JK tasted Jimin's food, once again, high praises.
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And then when when Jimin says
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JK replied "I know."
Something about this moment drives home to me the fact that Jimin doesn't cook well, at home. JK does. But we already knew this from Jin ("Jungkook is Jimin's chef")
On the topic of praises, when other members try to make fun of Jimin JK will quickly make sure Jimin knows he doesn't feel the same way. This and exhibit b are like sisters. They can go hand in hand 😆
So Bon Voyage season 1 Jimin was cooking for Jin. As soon as Jimin placed the plate on the table JK did not once take his eyes off of it.
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And, this was after JK kept going to keep an eye on Jimin cooking even though they weren't team mates or nothing. I'm telling y'all, Jimin sits pretty at home while JK does all the cooking. Anyway, when Jin tastes the food he says;
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But the way he says it, its like he's taking the piss. It wasn't complimentary. So JK of course went;
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And he couldn't get to that dish fast enough
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And he devoured the rest of it
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While the rest, mind you, are still making fun of Jimin/his dish. But JK didn't give a shit. His baby had made that plate and by God he was going to enjoy every second of it.
Once again, to me, this cements my theory that JK doesn't get to eat Jimin's food often. He gets way too excited when Jimin cooks, can't wait to taste his food, etc etc.
Which brings us to our next example where one time Jimin brought the entire group cucumber drinks and they hated it. Jhope goes on to explain just how much they hated the flavor.
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There is a chorus of all the members agreeing with Jhope and even Jimin accepts that the cucumber drinks were terrible. But low and behold, look what the boyfriend had to say about it
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Timestamp 4:12 so u can see for yourselves just how much everyone hated those drinks.
(Thanks @tarheelthings and @chicknbunny13)
Look, in JK's eyes, Jimin can do no wrong, okay? To JK, Jimin is perfect and that's that. End of story: No further questions. This behaviour is what I was talking about on my whipped post here.
Exhibit e) When JK checks on Jimin.
I don't gotta show many examples of this we've all seen it. JK always craning his neck over members to see what Jimin is up to. He always likes to know where Jimin is, what he's doing, which imo is amazing boyfriend behavior if u ask me.
A moment I've never seen talked about anywhere from BV 1; JK comes into the RV to check on Jimin who's sleeping.
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I know he came to check on Jimin because he walks in, takes a peak, then walks back out. Almost like he had confirmed Jimin was okay and now he could go about his business.
Tell me thats not the sweetest, cutest thing ever!
I've just uploaded 31 images n a video. I don't think tumblr likes me enough to allow me to do more so let's stop here. I hope your Jungkook praise kink has been fulfilled. It was my pleasure.😁😁
He really is a good man. The best. And Jimin deserves nothing less 😍😍😍
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jjsfavgirl · 4 months
Hellooooo sweetheart! It's me again this idea has been stuck into my mind for so long so i've wanted to send you this request🫶🏻
So reader keep asking jj to get her a bunny but he keeps saying no and she won't stop complaining and whining until jj finally give in and buy her one which looks like reader 💕 thanks youuu!
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I love this idea!! Also I deeply apologise if this sucks or for the spelling mistakes I went out to a party earlier and haven’t fully sobered up yet:) Ty for this request girl. 🫶🏻
JJ Maybank x bunny!reader
Warnings: pet names.
“But look how cute they are!!” You squealed, flashing JJ the cute bunny on your phone, the same ones that flooded your Pinterest boards .
“Absolutely not.” He muttered, not even bothered to glance at the small animal on your phone.
“Why?” You pouted, turning your phone back to you in order to scroll through even more cute photos.
“Because you only want one because they look cute.” He began,taking his attention off the tv and looking at your pouted lips. “You’ll sit with it on the sofa and take cute photos and I’ll be cleaning up its shit.”
“Fine, might as well just say you don’t love me.”
“Jayyyy?” You stretched out, walking outside the château to see your boyfriend changing the oil on his bike.
“Yes,bunny?” He looked up from his bike to smile at your, your hands behind your back making him know you wanted something.
“Bunny?” You giggled, covering your mouth in order to hide your wide grin.
“All your talk about wanting a bunny gave me the idea of your new nickname.” He grinned, walking over to me and pulling me into a firm hug as he placed a kiss on your scalp.
“Speaking of?” You spoke as you looked up at the blonde boy with sincere puppy dog eyes.
“Nope.” He replied, pulling away from you and walking back to his bike as your eyes rolled so far into the back of your skull you’re surprised they came back to meet the blonde boy again.
(Texting JJ)
Hey Bun! What you up to? 🫶🏻
Just looking at bunnies I want to buy:)
So it’s bunnies plural now?
You still want one of those?😒
You’re in luck princess! Be there in five! :)
JJ? What???
Read 15:43
Just like JJ had told you, you heard three knocos on your door causing you to hop off from your white fluffy bed and spri towards your front door, a bright smile appearing on your face as you spotting those oh so familiar blonde locks through the slightly transparent glass.
Somehow, your bright smile grew even wider as you spotted your blue eyed boyfriend cradling a fluffy brown bunny.
“Oh my god” You cried, running up to take the bunny off him, no,dong it close to your chest as you kissed and cooed at the soft creature. “Jay.” You pouted, “You really did this for me?”
“I’d do anything for you, bunny.”
Sorry this took so long I’m still recovering from my hangover as I said :) enjoy!
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nepentheseeker · 6 months
Lookism Ending
When the mystery of the two bodies end and Charles Choi is finally defeated, I want lookism to go back to the old lookism era where everyone is being silly and doing dumb shits (like Jacedaichi arc or Seonong goes to Seoul arc) and finally pursuing a career as they'll be an adult.
Yenna will be in kindergarten! maybe Zack will gain enough courage to ask Mira out and he'll become the official best boxer of the world, honestly I want to see them getting married (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠), Zoe will probably ask Daniel out too (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠),Jay won't feel lonely anymore , all of his businesses will be successful(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠), Vin wouldn't be scared to walk outside without his sunglasses and only wear them when it's a sunny day or two avoid unnecessary attraction, I hope he becomes a better person- and will apologise to Duke for what he did. Maybe he'll actually focus on improving his rap lyrics and will eventually become a famous rapper :⁠,⁠-⁠). But will still get his ass beaten by Mary for being rude sometimes. Mary supremacy forever ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ. And when he'll retire from the industry, he'd go back to cheongliang and teach Ssireum or maybe he wouldn't become a rapper at all - and would go back to cheongliang right after graduation. Mary would probably go back to Cheongliang after graduation to teach judo and compete in Olympics and win <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>. Excited to see how Leonn and Vasco ship will sail . BNC will be doing what they're doing but I think Jace will become a private investigator . I can literally see Vasco encouraging him to date people - bro is still traumatized for what happened with him last time (ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ)
Honestly I have no idea what'll happen to Crystal.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Samuel's inferiority complex will be gone and he'd be buddies with Jake, Big Deal will be alright again. Maybe Samuel will help them with an excellent marketing strategy so the girls wouldn't have to work so hard anymore. Maybe he'll join Big Deal again? Who knows. Man , I'd love to see Jake, Samuel, Sinu, Jason, Brad, Jerry , Yeonhui , Luah together being funny af again. Big Deal and its bromance - I miss it so damn much.༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Johan's condition will be cured by Jinyoung. Maybe not totally but enough to live day to day life better than he ever could. And he'd finally see how much Zack actually cared . He'd meet Mira again but this time only platonic love for her . Yup , he's a man of his words so he'd still take care of Mira forever but! as a friend.
Cause ofc our girl Luah would make him fall . He didn't fell first but definitely fell harder. This two would be so cute (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Thanks to Jay, Hostel would be fine too . Sally and Warren will finally become official. ( It'll be a great opportunity to tell your non lookism reader friend that Uncle and Big Mama are getting married and you're so happy for them without any context ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) Amy and Natalie would be in highschool , may Max and Derek's food truck be famous in Gangdong. And Eli will finally master the art of cutting hair (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) and have his own salon. And as I said earlier, our lil cute princess Yenna would be a kindergartener (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
It'd be sooo wholesome man .
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glassiscompletlyempty · 4 months
I'm sorry but does anyone else really not like bruce? he just comes across as such a jerk to me and the movie never really holds him to account like it does with jd's behaviour.
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like he abandons his family and cuts off contact for years because he was angry at john dory
and as far as we know he never even gave them a second thought let alone actually tried to come back to see them again.
in present day he has no remorse over this and acts like he did nothing wrong when confronted with branch again
yet he acts like his anger towards john dory is perfectly justified while making out like branch's feelings are childish and he has no right to have them.
and leaving aside his lack of respect for basic boundaries or emotions he also wants to leave his family yet again at the first sign of inconvenience
and tells branch he's a baby for being understandably upset like this guy is a legit sociopath the fandom acts like he's this cute cuddly dad.
but that's only when everything is going his way we clearly see his true colours come out when he has to deal with any slight inconvenience.
and his Treatment of branch all due to anger towards john dory but of course its easier to abuse someone who you think won't stand up for themselves because they never have in the past.
did the fandom watch a different movie to me? because the actual film shows bruce as clearly selfish vain individual who never holds himself responsible for anything.
and treats others terribly while perceiving any less than stella behaviour towards himself to mean your a terrible person and your in the wrong.
its so strange to me how the fandom keeps on making this fanart of him being this caring person when that wasn't who he was portrayed as in the film at all.
it seems like that's just who the fandom wants him to be as opposed to who the character actually is.
the guy is an entitled jerk and I hope he gets called out on his behaviour in the future and actually has to apologise its the least the prick can do.
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princeoftheeternalbog · 10 months
OP characters reacting to you kissing them and running away :) PART TWO🤸 (here is part 1) established relationship ish.
Some lovely person requested Shanks, Benn, Doffy and Crocodile! I decided to include Shanks, Benn, Crocodile, Jinbei, Mihawk, Rayleigh and Buggy (the old man brigade tbh).
I did try to write for doflamingo but I hate him so much I just couldn't do it😭😭.
Might be suggestive so mdni!
Tbh depends on what side you do it.
If it's his left side then he just notes it in his head so he can get pay back later. If its his right side you're done for.
Immediately snatches you as soon as you try to run away, "Oho what do we have here? a thief?", gets right in your face with this cocky ass smirk that kinda makes you want to slap him and also makeout. Also his grip is intense, you will not be able to wiggle out. After he lost his arm he had to be able to make up that strength so yk.
Side eye. He looks at you so disapprovingly that you just apologise immediately instead of trying to run away...however this was a trap and he uses the opportunity to SNATCH you off the ground and into his arms. Laughs if you scream tbh. He always has to have the last laugh and he plays dirty, and somehow you manage to fall for these tricks almost every time so he enjoys this immensely. He doesn't even care how "unfair" it is, afterall you're so easy to tease so why would he not indulge-
Screams in outrage.
"HOW CAN YOU DO THAT AND JUST RUN AWAY" chases after you😞 really aggressively😞.
Tbh it's kinda cute like in hindsight because it makes him really flustered but like in the moment its like WHAT THE FUCK. yk yk. You better hope he doesn't catch you because he will not be merciful in his pay back, though he would never hurt you. Hes just not used to pda and he definitely has cuteness aggression so he just wants to bite you when you're so sweet to him.
You don't get away.
The second you lean in his arm is curling around your waist to hold you still while he puts all his focus into kissing you back, it's literally like one hand cradling your jaw while he licks into your mouth. He doesn't care if anybody else is there, in fact he enjoys it because he gets to show off that you are his partner. After that he'll keep you with him for as long as possible, doesn't care if you have stuff to do and he absolutely will manhandle you if you try to leave😭.
Lets you run away, like he'll follow you but he just walks and it's somehow way scarier than being caught straight away😟. The look he gives you as you start to step back just makes your stomach flip and your knees go weak. He turns it into some horrifying game which is basically just him stalking you like a predator (👁️👁️). Somehow manages to lead you into a dead end even though you're the one in front ???? "Oh dear, it seems you made a wrong turn hm?". Absolutely will stop if you start getting uncomfortable, he just enjoys teasing you.
Really playful and sweet :(. Laughs so loud because he's surprised and just watches you run off. He will absolutely do the same thing back and it's just so unexpected that it usually makes you forget about whatever you were supposed to be doing. Tries to catch you sometimes depending on his mood, like he'll straight up snatch you from the ground so he can hold you in his arms, HES SO CUTE :(. Also I think he blushes very easily even though he's quite cool-headed.
Another playful one, tries to catch you in like a non scary way and is absolutely willing to make a fool of himself to make you laugh. Though if he thinks you're doing it in order to tease him then he will give the same energy back. Like he won't give you time to run away, he just steps into your little personal bubble and his hands settle on your waist like steel, "Leaving so soon honey?" RAHHH SHUT UP!!!! He's so fine and he knows it and it makes him despicable.
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Just relax.
Aaron Hotchner X GN!Reader (AFAB)
Gender netural reader (They/them pronouns, no gendered petnames, mainly just AFAB due to he enter them, that's all)
Warnings: Minors fuck off DNI. 18 plus. Sex. Cute sex. Fluff. Swearing. Begging. This was just cute and I wanna suck his neck. I will never apologise.
Summary: Kissing and sucking Aaron's beautiful neck while riding him in his office.
Words: 1.4k
A/N: first smut and I went with cute and not much smut so my bad but other piece are not innocent so opps. Um enjoy.
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You're not entirely sure how a horrible day has ended up like this. Currently you’re in your boss's office, the man you're in a secret relationship with. But his blinds and door are wide open and anyone could see you sucking on his neck as you grind against his lap. Luckily it's after hours and you're pretty sure you two are the only ones left on the floor. Normally you two would wait until you’re at least inside his car before touching each other, but not today. This week’s case, having been based in DC, meant you didn’t have to travel but you still didn’t have the chance to see Aaron at all. You two created this relationship at first, just for sex to be a causal stress relief but after spending a little too much time together. Feeling enveloped and maybe that's how you two became so good at reading each other.
You know it had hit him hard, the elements of the case bringing back bad memories for him, let alone just the normal stress of being the team leader of the BAU. You could tell he was becoming stressed and pent up during the end of the case, the way he was carrying his shoulder. The tension in his jaw you couldn't keep your eyes off the way he would clench it, mainly because it would make the muscle in his neck pop and, god do you love that neck muscle of his. Your favourite part of his neck, is the fact of how sensitive it is to touch and how whimpery he gets when you touch it. You know its wrong but that's all you could think about when he was interrogating the unsub. When he was leaning over the unsub, bent down beside him, his face filled with anger and hatred while speaking made his neck pop, and it was making you weak at the knees. When you could finally drag your eyes off his neck, and slowly down his back you couldn’t help but be concerned about all the stress he is holding. Promising yourself that once this case is over, you’re going to take care of him, let him know that it's time to relax, and somehow, that brings you to now.
It's almost two in the morning, the last team member left just under an hour ago. You have been waiting for a while before you make your way up to Aarons office. Knocking lightly before walking straight in, his door already open. He doesn’t even bother looking up when you enter, already knowing who and why you are there.
“I’m almost done and then we can go” He sighs, his eyes staying fixate on the paper he is writing. 
“You better be finishing soon Aaron” You smile softly, taking in his tired form as you walk over to him. You place a hand gently on his shoulders turning him around just enough for you to climb on to his lap. Resulting in a small huff followed by a soft smile, his arm wrapping your waist helping pull you on him properly so you won't fall off.
“I need to concentrate hunny” He whispers softly, as you rest your head on his chest.
“No, we need to rest” You argue, moving your head to the crook of his neck.
“I know we need to relax but I still have work” Aaron smiles sadly looking down at you in his lap, wishing he could just forget about work tonight.
“No, you need to relax” You mumble against his neck. The vibrations against his neck makes him swallow lightly, taking a breath as he rubs your back.
“Soon” Is all he gets to whisper back before you start kissing his neck. A whimper leaves his lips as you kiss down his neck. Trying to find that spot that you know will make him a mess. You know you have found it when he closes his eyes, groaning softly allowing his shoulder to roll back, leaning into the chair. One of his arms stays wrapped around your waist, his other hand finally drops his pen and makes its way up to your hair. His fungers running through your hair softly as he tilts his head giving you more access. Hearing his soft whimpers while you feel him grow underneath you, has never sounded so hot before. You slowly start moving your hips over him, grinding your core against his growing member. 
You leave hickeys all over his neck, enjoying the soft whimpers and groans this man is making. Moving your hips over him slowly, enjoying the slow, closeness of tonight's pace, enjoying the way he’s becoming a whimpering mess underneath you. Your hands run over his shoulder, liking the way they have relaxed, still feeling the tension in them knowing you can deal better with that at home, you don't think too much about it.
“You're so good for me baby, relaxing so well aren’t you” You whisper softly, coming to nibble on his ear. Your hand coming up to play with his hair.
“I need you, please” He whimpers, his hand sliding down to play with the hem of your shirt.
“Aw my poor baby, need me so badly don’t you” Smirking softly, pulling away to face him properly.
“I want you to ride me, just like this” Aaron huffs out, breathless, biting his lip looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Right here in your office, so bad sir” You giggle softly, placing your lips on his.
“Only for you” He mumbles into the kiss, pulling your top off and throwing it across the room. Shaking your head, laughing softly as you pull yourself off his lap earning a whine in response, his hands trying to keep you there.
“If you want me to ride you, my love, then I need to undress plus someone needs to close the door” Laughing softly as you see his smile return, riddening his own shirt. Quickly you close his office door, before pulling the rest of your clothes off. 
As soon as you both are naked you make your way back over to him, climbing back on to his lap, taking his cock in your hand lining yourself up with him. Slowly you lower yourself down on him, bothing groaning quietly in pleasure, his arm wraps around you again. Leaning into him again, you hide your face in the crook of his neck, staying still for a minute enjoying the closeness, the way he strokes your hair. In time you start to ride him, moaning faintly kissing Aaron neck as you ride him, listening closely as he groans the sounds just dripping from his lips encouraging you to go faster. It doesn’t take you both long to reach your high, he could feel you clench around him, feeling you slow down as you grow tired. He leans forward, pressing his lips against your neck again.
“It's okay hunny I got it” He whispers sweetly as he sucks on your neck before thrusting up into you, hitting your spot.
“Oh fuck, Aaron” You moan out, leaning into his the arm wrapped around you as you cum hard around him, squeezing him tightly. He can’t help but move faster now, cumming inside you, filling you up nicely. 
You both sit there for a moment, breathing heavily as you calm down from the highs. Your face is still hiding inside the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent as you play with his hair. He slides out of you slowly, earning a small whimper from you. Both his arms come to wrap around your waist, he rocks you gently as you both calm down.
“Thank you” He mumbles against your forehead, pressing his lips to leave a kiss.
“Don’t thank me, my love, you need to relax” You whisper sleepy. “When we get back to yours, I can give you a massage because you need to de-stress your muscles” 
“Tomorrow, we can do that tomorrow, tonight let's just sleep” Aaron chuckles softly, watching as you struggle to stay awake.
“Fine, but we still need to shower and cuddle first” You argue before you slowly slide off his lap.
“Of course darling” He smiles watching you closely, wondering how he got so lucky with you.
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