#but lets be honest he probably adapted a little
red-bat-arse · 1 year
steddie musician AU where Eddie makes it big after s4 and invites Robin and Steve to live with him in Chicago so he can tour and always have a home base -and now he has the resources to buy a bit more for himself so he makes sure a good studio space gets installed in the house
and ofc Robin's already musically inclined so she likes to help Eddie fuck around with weird trumpet solos for experimental songs, and Steve learnt piano as a kid but never had the opportunity to get creative with it -so when Eddie's gone and Robin's in class, he putters around the studio, learning guitar from Eddie's books and adapting to a keyboard and having fun with synths and singing. that lack of expectations and freedom to have fun is what trips him into making his own music
he puts together a few songs and asks Nancy to listen to them -he knows she'll be honest about whether he's wasting his time with this, since he at least wants to make music Robin or Eddie could give a pass to. but to his surprise she tells him he's good, and if he wanted to he could make a little extra money playing alternative nights at clubs. needing a second, more objective from a personal connection standpoint, opinion, he asks Argyle, who actually worked at a record store for a bit
Argyle, without asking bc he thought it went without saying, passes the cassette on to a few buddies of his in the local live music scene and later introduces them to Steve when they want to have him at one of their regular places. Steve goes with Robin who he asks not to tell anyone -he doesn't want to distract Eddie while the guy's making a big name of himself, and maybe Steve feels embarrassed or inadequate about being late to the game and doing it as a hobby, so he also uses a pseudonym. 'Zdev' maybe, if we want to parallel 'Djo'
he finds out he really likes it, so he starts doing small gigs for bars or parties Jonathan connects him with. puts a short album on cassette that he recorded at home, has fun with it even as the songs become more personal. but by then 'Zdev' has a little local fame and one of his cassettes is picked up by some label and they reach out -Steve definitely doesn't expect it, because psychedelic rock kind of faded from radio play after the 70s, but now he's being faced with a record deal he isn't sure he wants and no idea how to handle it
so he calls Eddie, who comes racing back from recording with the band out in LA, thankfully not ditching at too inconvenient a point
and Eddie nearly doesn't believe it at first but once he gets his hands on a tape so he can get an idea of the sound, he's obsessed. while he's a metalhead to the core, he's never heard Steve sing before (let's use twenty twenty as the album here) and there's something about the way Steve ties the groove to a sense of melancholy that digs into his skull. it also doesn't help that some of the songs set off alarm bells bc they talk about loving a girl or packing up and leaving or feeling adrift and they make him want to stick as close as possible lest they turn out to be true
he helps Steve through it, pretty well versed in the industry by now (i'm thinking its about 5 years post Vecna) but he's quietly worrying over the album's content the whole time. they go through the re-recording process, which ofc Eddie really wants to hear, but with Steve still being embarrassed he doesn't end up sitting in on any; but they talk over each song before and after and its so easy to drift back into hinting at the mutual attraction they'd each independently resigned to pass them by, back when Eddie first moved away after 86. and eventually it comes out that the album was Steve's way of, yeah, having fun, but also exorcising feelings from his past in Hawkins. that there's only one song that's really about his life now, and he didn't put it on the cassette but he's planning on including it on the LP
by now its pretty obvious to Steve that Eddie is flirting back, not to mention the guy put a hold on recording his own work to help Steve out, which is easy to read into. so he finally invites Eddie to sit in for the recording of the last song, which he's hoping will be subtle enough that he can bluff if it doesn't go well, but if Eddie is on the same page, it'll be clear. the song he plays is Mutual Future (Repeat)
it's got a long winding intro of just guitar that Eddie sits through, unaware, and Steve starts singing low, almost just his speaking voice the croon is so subtle, and when he meets Eddie's eyes through the glass to ask will you be mine?
well, Eddie gets it. and while there's not a lot of privacy in a recording studio, he eventually finds a small filing room he can kiss Steve stupid in until quitting time for the day comes and goes
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meanbossart · 12 days
Replying to a couple of shorter questions! Sorry that I can't get to all of you lest this blog just turns into a stream of constant asks, but I read all of your messages and to be honest there are several that I'm saving to draw something for 😭 alas there are only so many hours in a day.
Thank you for all the support and interactivity as always!
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He takes fairly good care of things he considers important or useful - otherwise he's pretty messy or at least indifferent to mess. Definitely a "leaves the wet towel on the bed" guy LOL
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Okay so I was bad and not used to DnD mechanics or spells the first time I played the game, so I RARELY ever cast Speak With Animals and had very little sense of their personality during his campaign - BUT THERE WAS THIS ONE TIME WHEN I DID.
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He adores and most of all respects this intense little guy with his whole heart.
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Serious answer: he respects wild animals far too much to try and make one into a pet.
Non-serious but still true answer: He would never do that and have to deal with Astarion's incessant Drizzt Do'urden joke comparisons for the rest of his existence. That's that man's personal hell.
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He's fairly adaptable! But as far as dynamics go, he does lean bottom regardless of who he's with in bed, but this doesn't necessarily translate into always being on the receptive end of things.
If he were to be with a cisgender woman who doesn't wear a strap like its a second pair of briefs, he would be more than happy to be the pitcher the majority of the time. I think the only scenario where he would be dissatisfied is a restrictive one - he couldn't be with someone who doesn't want to enjoy his whole body in earnest, or who can't flip the roles every once in a while. Also, you have to be a little gross. He has probably caught Astarion off-guard with the things he did on a whim/suggested they do more than once. All in all, as long as whoever he's with is versatile and not a prude, they could probably make it work.
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He killed Minthara in her lair and all he got was a bear out of it. Good thing killing her was it's own reward!
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MAN... Could just be that his story is far too concrete in my brain already, but it's hard for me to see that working. They are both far too out of touch with their emotions and quiet in their demeanor for me to envision a durable romance sparking. Also, DU drow (who has no clue how old he is himself) thinks of Shadowheart as being far too young for him.
There is a mutual understanding between them that there is a barrier that neither of them is willing to let the other get past - and because that is something they both share, they won't, and they might never try. They work so well as friends because of their similarities, but in a relationship I think that would be to their detriment.
Also, I think silver-haired Shadowheart's wants and needs for her future far diverge from DU drow's chaotic lifestyle, ultimately It's probably best for them to make their own paths.
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The thing about DU drow is that he might be a bottom, but he's a very... Uh, engaged bottom. He can be as dominant with a dick in his ass as he can be submissive depending on how it jives with his partner- and he's gonna spew some nonsense either way LOL
Either way... I feel ya brother 😔🍑
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He did it himself during a dinner Gortash invited him to. At the table. With a meat knife. He was trying to prove a really stupid point/put Gortash off of him.
I have a script for this and I still need to draw it someday! 🤦‍♂️
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He doesn't think anything of it now - it's so far in the past and DU drow obviously isn't the judgemental type when it comes to sordid individuals LOL
As a person, however, Astarion likely wasn't the kind of guy that he would have gotten along with, and vice-versa. Sounds to me like he was pretty poshy and did all his misdeeds under the table - DU drow wouldn't have strong feelings about it from an ethical standpoint, but he wouldn't respect it either. Also, DU drow's is practically anarchistic in his political views - soooooo not much room there to be in love with politicians. I'm sure pre-vampirism Astarion would have less than favorable opinions about him as well so the feeling would have been mutual LOL.
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ABSOLUTELY NOT HE NEEDS BOTH EYES TO CUT THROUGH FOES he will gladly put Gale on the slab to see what happens though LMAO
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sku-nk · 14 days
May i request somwthing with, Sam and reader on a movie date but reader is a nerd and rambles to Sam about the movie after and Sam finds it cute 🥹 you can do it however, I would like it nevertheless 🫶🏼 (I love grumpy x sunshine trope srry)
Whatever You Say
Synopsis: You've rediscovered your new favorite movie, and with that comes lots of rambling. Sam doesn't mind much.
Warnings: I forgot I took the language out, my neck hurts, my foot hurts, fluff, The Outsiders spoilers I suppose
A/N: Let's hope "constructive criticism ☝️🤓" anon finds this up to par.
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"I feel like... this is one of the few movies that do their book justice, you know?"
Sam looks up from the stove with a raised brow. It's been almost half an hour since the two of you finished watching The Outsiders, yet your enthusiasm hasn't wavered one bit since the moment she clicked play to the moment the end credits rolled (your tears, too, to Sam's secret amusement).
"Right," she says as she looks back to the spaghetti, more so to assure you she's still listening than anything else. Honestly, she's almost completely sure you wouldn't care if she wasn't.
"I mean, yeah, some people say it's not the best option, or, like... some aspects could be whatever, whatever, but it's good to me, though. You know?"
"Especially Johnny, I think. Like, Ralph was probably... one of, if not the best casting choice. He, like- he looks like a kicked puppy. Not saying that like- you know."
Sam lowers the heat on the stove, turning to grab the pesto sauce from the fridge. "I know, Y/n" she sighs as she opens the door, glancing in for a moment before reaching in and pulling out the pesto. She straightens up and turns back to the stove— and you, now that you've moved to lay half your body on the island— nudging the fridge door closed with her foot.
Sam opens the glass jar, dumping the remainder of the sauce into the pan unceremoniously. You watch with mild interest as you continue with your little analysis, or whatever it is you're doing. She has to admit, it is slightly endearing to see you so passionate about something, even a movie.
"I think people who still say the movie could have been better should remember the actual horrible movie adaptations out there. Like Avatar the Last Airbender," you say, tapping your hand on the island.
"I don't know what that is," Sam mumbles absently, stirring everything together, watching as meatballs disappear and spread out in the pan.
"It's something you never, ever wanna see, Sammy," you tell her matter-of-factly. Sam snorts.
"Anyways, those people are probably the same people who say the book didn't make sense in the first place. I didn't even know The Outsiders haters existed. Like, it... it makes sense. It does."
"Okay, Y/n, whatever you say," Sam says. She'll take your word for it. It was a good movie, she sort of sympathized with Darry. But she didn't really get into it the way you did.
"I mean, the whole movie is extremely symbolic, you know?"
"I think it might be one of the best movie adaptations ever. I'll be honest, though, it's probably because the book was so good that the storyline does most of the work for the movie but..."
Sam looks up from the stove at you as you ramble on. She watches as you completely lose yourself in it, the way your eyes sort of light up and you have this little smirk whenever you get to a topic you especially enjoy. Sam leans forward on the counter.
After a long moment of you speaking with the absence of Sam's little hums of acknowledgement and 'sure's, you look up from the loose string on your shirt you'd been playing with, voice trailing off. You cock a brow at the look on Sam's face, something that makes her almost laugh.
"What?" you ask, confused. Sam just shakes her head and reaches over to turn off the stove, chuckling to herself. She turns away from you, making her way over to the cabinets where the plates are.
"Nothing," she says, though her tone is a little too amused for it to be nothing. You watch as she grabs two forks and brings it all back to the stove, piling both plates with generous amounts of spaghetti.
She puts a lid on the pan with the remaining spaghetti and carries the two plates to the table. She sets them down, in next to each other in front of your usual seats. You hop off of the island and take a seat in one of the chairs.
Sam settles herself in beside you and picks up her fork as you let out a little sigh.
"It looks good," you say, grabbing your fork as well. You use it to pick up some spaghetti, but when you lift it to your mouth you pause.
"You know what? I think if you watch the movie while you listen to the book it'd be a cool thing. 'Cause some parts will line up and you can see the stuff happening as it's being read, and stuff. Also, it's cool to see what's different."
You take a bite. Sam drops her gaze to her own plate and digs in. It's comfortably quiet for a moment. Your fork clatters against the table.
"I just feel like Johnny's death was such a necessary thing, like it was something we as an audience needed even though it broke our hearts, and— What?"
Sam sighs, though a soft smile takes over her features. She shakes her head, just looking at you for a moment.
"Eat your food, babe," she finally says, her smile still present as she looks back to her own food.
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houserautha · 2 months
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These Destined Ends
Part 3
Summary: Jessica fulfilled the wishes of the Bene Gesserits to produce a daughter. You’re now burdened with the task of not only marrying the na-Baron, but also bearing his child — the Kwisatz Haderach. Will you take your fate into your own hands? Or will it always belong to those who control you?
Pairings: Feyd-Rautha x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: mentions of killing/death, naked concubines (man and woman), threats via penis manhandling
A/N: I have a vague idea of where I’d like the story to go because I love the fun in discovering different things when writing on a loose plan. This chapter ended up longer than I thought it would be but Feyd is just so damn fun to write😂
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You tried not to linger on the implications of your shared quarters.
Angrily you strode after Feyd-Rautha. “What is going to become of my parents?”
“I don’t care.”
You wanted to grab his arm and spin him around, force him to face you. But you were afraid of touching him again, afraid that any little contact would result in an even trade — and you did not want to confront the flicker of attraction you felt when the Harkonnen dragged his lips across your skin. A second reaction would be indicative of something more, and you were determined not to let another scenario arise to find out.
The best you could do was stomp after him. “Well, I do.”
“Nothing will happen.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I just am.”
You mull over this response. Would he tell you differently? You sensed that Feyd-Rautha tended to be brutally honest. Probably because he never had to deal with any consequences in his life. How could he, as na-Baron?
You fail to think of anything else to say and lapse into silence, trusting that he is telling the truth and your parents will be fine. Besides, you comfort yourself, the Emperor would be furious if the Harkonnens just slaughtered one of the other Noble Houses like that. There were laws in place to discourage such atrocities.
Feyd-Rautha continues his unofficial tour, winding through a complicated series of interweaving corridors without speaking. You see several servants along the way, all who keep a cautious distance from you both. You couldn't ignore their curious looks. How strange you felt among them - pale and unblemished like stones smoothed over by a river's constant force. It didn't aid in your comfort.
"Do you not know any of them?" You ask. Feyd-Rautha is anything but a pleasant conversational partner, but at least if you're talking you don't have to listen to your rampant thoughts.
"The servants," you reply, brow furrowing.
He grunts in a noncommittal fashion. "Why would I?"
"Because they work for you." You were on friendly terms with the staff back on Caladan and trying to befriend the Fremen employed to you on Arrakis. The natives were untrusting of you, rightfully so. But you couldn't imagine just ignoring them.
"They're disposable," Feyd-Rautha comments with a wave of his hand. A pair of servants scurry by.
You watch them turn the corner and vanish. "They're afraid of you."
"Am I?"
"Are you what?"
He casts you a sideways look. "Everyone is disposable once their use has expired. Thus is the way of the Harkonnen."
You contemplate this, frowning. "Even you?"
A dry, brittle laugh erupts from him.
"Are you planning on killing me already, wife? Perhaps you'll adapt just fine here."
That wasn't the compliment he thought it was.
You pointedly ignore him. "Are you telling me that there's not a moment that would make you disposable like the rest of us?"
"There is," he says, seemingly unbothered by the threat of his mortality, unlike you. "My uncle has promised the Baronship to me. If I am an unfit ruler then I would be challenged. Thus is the —"
"— way of the Harkonnen," you finish.
Feyd-Rautha flashes you a smile as sharp as the blade of a dagger. "You are quicker than you look."
"But what of the Noble Houses? The Emperor?"
Feyd-Rautha lifts a shoulder. "House Harkonnen has proved powerful for many, many generations. No one dares challenge us. Nor will they," he adds thoughtfully. He pauses. "Do you fret for our children?"
You inhale sharply, swallowing, and it sticks in your throat. You cough out an unconvincing, "I'm fine!" then set to composing yourself, confident that your sanity would be doubted by anyone who happened by. What a way to be viewed by your subjects. Feyd-Rautha just stares at you in poorly veiled amusement.
"I try not to think of our children," you say after you're sure you're done coughing. Something akin to embarrassment burns you skin.
"Pity," Feyd-Rautha says. "These are our quarters."
Feyd-Rautha's quarters are much more grand than your room on Arrakis. He leads you into an antechamber with a skylight, pouring the strange light from the black sun into the space. There's a sunken level in the floor furnished with dark colored furniture — two love seats and a sofa. A handful of glowglobes float aimlessly by.
Feyd-Rautha crosses the room, forgoing the sunken level, to the other side of the antechamber. You have no choice but to follow.
You don't know what you expected from his — your — room. Perhaps a chamber of torture. But it's not the sleek, elegant display before you, a full sized bed with plush bedding and tasteful curtains covering a bank of floor-length windows. It's impeccably neat.
And, to your abject horror, features three naked figures sprawled out on various surfaces. Two women and one man.
Feyd-Rautha ignores them, even as they slink from their positions to greet him, bodies slender and completely hairless, free of any visible blemishes. You feign an interest in the ceiling. It's not that you're naive to nudity or sexuality, but the sudden exposure to it roots you in your place.
"Do you need an invitation?" Feyd-Rautha asks.
When you force your gaze from the ceiling, you find him settled casually in a chair with a low-slung back, the two women kneeling on either side of him and the man behind. You follow their hands as they wander his body.
"No. No."
Where are you supposed to go? If he believes you will worship him like the others than he's sorely mistaken. You walk to the bed, ghosting your fingers over the bedding and confirming its softness. You hate the way that you can feel him watching you, clearly amused by your discomfort; you rally your courage to meet his stare, refusing to acknowledge the naked bodies draped across him.
"Are you quite alright, wife?"
"Fine," you grit out. "I didn't realize we would have company."
"Would you like me to tell them to leave?"
A loaded question, one that you were aware would set the tone for the rest of your life with Feyd-Rautha. A challenge. You control the slight quiver in your voice, "Leave. I wish to be alone with my...husband."
The concubines hesitate, obviously waiting to hear from Feyd-Rautha. He continues to hold your gaze. "Leave."
Uncurling themselves from around him, the women and the man are all white limbs and smooth skin, a multi-limbed creature. Whether or not they are disappointed by this development, they don't reveal, simply sauntering out of the room to wherever they go when they aren't waiting naked for Feyd-Rautha. A feeling of annoyance stirs.
"There's no need to be jealous," Feyd-Rautha says as the door closes.
You bristle. "I'm not."
“Then come here, wife.” Feyd-Rautha spreads his legs, indicating his lap and his powerful thighs. You resent yourself for noticing. “If you dismiss my concubines, then you must come to me now and offer me your warmth instead.”
Another challenge. You wonder briefly if he is playing with you, testing your boundaries, but just as you refused to show weakness in the throne room, you refuse now, crossing the carpeted floor. A surge of bravery — or maybe stupidity — prompts you to wedge your knees on either side of his waist, straddling him, the skirt of your dress hitched up to ensure mobility.
The look on his face is worth the cost of the heat reigniting in the pit of your stomach. You chase it away in pursuit of the heady high you receive from asserting your dominance. He might’ve had the upper hand but you were in control now.
“Warm enough?” You ask him innocently.
“Not quite,” he replies. He’s tipped his head back to examine you, leaving a blazing trail where his gaze goes.
Brazen beyond you imagination, you work the buckle to his pants just enough to slip your hand inside and grab his cock.
That bastard. He was already hard. Not fully erect, you observed with conflicting feelings, but clearly you had your effects on him. Feyd-Rautha showed no shame or guilt about this, however. Like it was expected — normal for women he’s just met to reach into his pants.
And it probably was.
Injured hand screaming in defiance of your actions, you grab the head of his cock and twist, slightly backwards and to the side. You apply pressure, hopefully enough to hurt him, he wouldn’t dare reveal it to you anyway.
“Do not,” you hiss, “embarrass me like that ever again. I will not tolerate looking like a fool.”
Feyd-Rautha’s throat bobs. Except instead of agony he looks totally enthralled. “Or what?” He mocks. “You’ll wrap your pretty hand around my cock?”
“You won’t have a cock for anyone to wrap their hand around.”
“Is that a promise?”
You release him and climb off his lap, figuring it would be more impactful to leave him wanting then lustful. His utter indifference, his arousal, gives you pause to just who you’ve been arranged to marry.
“You disgust me,” you spit out.
Feyd-Rautha’s mouth twitches slightly. Did he really have to find everything funny?
He says, “We’ll see.”
A month passes at Giedi Prime in a disconcerting blur. To your surprise, besides the first afternoon, you hardly ever see Feyd-Rautha. Always busy with important meetings or sparring sessions. Or whatever he did in his spare time. You didn’t ask.
Ever since that day when you’d straddled his lap, you’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. He had said clearly that you were even after the slap but then you’d unexpectedly turned the tables — did he intend on returning the favor?
You informed him that you would sleep on the couch in the antechamber until your wedding, to which he never remarked upon. That first night you lay awake, afraid and absolutely convinced that he would try something. But he never came.
The days passed without event and your anxiety dwindled. Besides, while Feyd-Rautha was busy with na-Baron affairs, you were forced to schlep through a mountain of preparations for the wedding ceremony. You didn’t care, frankly. You chose the first sample of whatever you were offered — tablecloths, menu items, decorations — until one of the servants accompanying you threw down the sample booklet and scowled.
“This will be the most horrendous wedding in the history of the galaxy,” the servant said in exasperation. “And all of them are too afraid of your husband to say anything.”
You had raised a brow, secretly thrilled by this confrontation. At least it broke the monotony of your life here thus far.
“Do you question my taste?”
The servant glared at you. “What taste?”
A moment passed. The other servants stared in horror, undoubtedly convinced that their demise was imminent. Perhaps that was one benefit to being betrothed to the na-Baron. He wielded a certain type of power.
You busted out laughing. In fact, you laughed so hard that tears stream down your face.
“You’re right,” you said, laughter weakening into an uncontrollable giggle. “It will be a horrendous wedding, but that has nothing to do with the decorations. Will you help me?”
The servant’s name is Asha, and in her you found a companion. She chased away the other servants that day and set to work rectifying your wedding decisions, weighing in on current trends on the planet and admonishing you for your Caladan tastes. “Absolutely not,” she deadpanned when you inquired about floral bouquets.
Out of everyone on Giedi Prime — well, really just the Harkonnen fortress, as you weren’t permitted to leave — Asha became your friend. No one else bothered or cared to talk to you, and now that you had bonded over wedding preparations, you spent infinite amounts of time together strolling the halls arm-in-arm and whispering about servant gossip since you had nothing to contribute.
Asha made your miserable new life interesting.
“Are you scared?” She asks you one day, plucking at your eyebrows.
You outright refused to shave them off in order to conform to the hairless style of the Harkonnens, but regrettably agreed to a touch-up. You kept one eye on a nearby mirror just in case she got any ideas.
“Of what?”
Asha yanks at an eyebrow hair, and you cry out in surprise. “Oh, stop, you’re fine — I mean are you scared of Feyd-Rautha?”
“No. Why would I be?” You avert your eyes from her probing stare. Asha, unfortunately, is able to read your expressions better than a trained Bene Gesserit. You learned that this stemmed from the combat trainings that all young children received on this planet.
“Because,” Asha stresses. You frown when she fails to elaborate, and your friend issues a long-suffering sigh. “I’ve heard things about him, you know, in bed.”
“Oh.” You twist your hands in your lap. “What kinds of things?”
Asha grins triumphantly. “I knew you were scared!”
You laugh and shove away her hands as she playfully jabs at your sides. “I’m not scared,” you say, fending her off. “I’m just curious. Aren’t all brides?”
“Just you. We aren’t all Noble daughters with arranged marriages. We fuck —”
“I get it,” you interrupt. “Consider yourself lucky.”
You’re about to prompt her again about the things she’s heard when there’s a light rap of knuckles on the door. Asha shoots to her feet. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes — of course she’s respectful to Feyd-Rautha but not you. But you supposed it was the basis of your only friendship, so you couldn’t exactly complain.
“You’re back,” you say, standing up slowly.
Feyd-Rautha rests, hip and elbow, against the doorframe into the antechamber. He hungrily drinks you in.
“Indeed,” Feyd-Rautha replies. Last you’d heard of him he had left for an offworld obligation without saying goodbye. Something stirs in you at the sight of him after so long.
“I hope your trip was well.”
Feyd-Rautha scans the room before his gaze returns to you. “I would prefer to be here. The Baron seems determined to keep me occupied until the ceremony.”
Did you detect a trace of resentment in his words? And why would the Baron keep him from you? The heir wouldn’t exactly conceive itself; though he would have no way of knowing that you had been sleeping on the couch all this time.
“Retrieve the present I’ve brought back for my wife,” Feyd-Rautha suddenly instructs Asha. She secretly meets your eyes before dashing away.
You fold your arms over your chest. “A present? And I thought you’d forgotten I existed.”
If he picks up on your anger, he doesn’t show it. Feyd-Rautha crosses the room to you, replaces Asha in the chair across from you.
“It’s for tonight. The Baron has requested our attendance for dinner.”
You bristle slightly. “The Baron? Tonight?”
You had been exceedingly lucky to avoid the monstrous head of House since your arrival. But perhaps it was because you ran the other direction at the mention of his name, or the fact that you hadn’t strayed from your quarters.
“Yes. You needed something…acceptable to wear.”
“My clothes aren’t acceptable?”
“Yes,” he answers. “I have no doubt that my uncle has planned something magnificent for tonight. You will need to look the part.”
Your careful, fragile existence on Giedi Prime was crashing at your feet. From wiling away the hours to suddenly being thrust into the explosive political landscape that was House Harkonnen.
But no matter. Jessica had raised you for this very purpose.
“Fine,” you agreed coolly.
Both of you turn as Asha returns from her errand, a garment bag folded over her arm. She goes to deliver it to your closet but Feyd-Rautha halts her in her tracks. “I want her to open it here.”
Part 4
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mazeinthemiroh · 10 months
Can i rq skz reaction to having a loud introvert and acts kind of like jisung? And once their comfortable they js as loud and chaotic but is shy when you first meet new ppl?
stray kids reactions to their s/o being a loud introvert
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genre: fluff, comfort
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy <;3
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we all know that channie is a very empathetic and adaptable person, so he doesn't really mind what personality you have in general. but he thinks you're cute when you get shy when you're without him; he secretly likes it when you rely on him socially hehe. but he will never tease you about it.
he too is a loud introvert, so you two would get along just fine. minho is more reserved with people he doesn't really know/like. but with the people he loves, he feels energised by them, and feels more comfortable about being his random self with them! so he understands you very well.
he doesn't mind, to be honest. so long as you're fine being around him and don't get too drained, he's happy! he likes the fact that you can be loud together and completely let's lose, but when it comes to meeting new people he will be there to support you if and when you need him.
hyunjin is attracted to this type of personality, me thinks. i don't know, just something about you being truly yourself only when you're with him... it makes him feel special and loved. he wants you to be your authentic self when you're around him, but he also thinks it's hella cute when you get shy around others.
he's probably the most similar to you out of all the members! so he understands and empathises with you in a much more real way. you guys can be all crazy and loud together in your own little personal bubble, and usually support each other in social situations when you get drained by people you don't know.
he doesn't mind the fact that you get quieter around other people but loud when you're with him. in fact, it makes him feel important, and he likes that you're more like yourself when you're with him <3 just thinks you're very precious and loves it when you feel comfortable enough to be loud around him.
he doesn't really notice or give it much thought. he assumes most people act the way you do - more open with your friends and loved ones than with others. he's like that himself, only he's not as loud. he appreciates you're liveliness and he's surprised to find it energises him!
he's not really a loud person himself but he's not extremely reserved either. he's quite well-balanced in that sense. he too gets a bit shy with new people though, that he can't deny. so maybe stick together until you're both comfortable with these people. otherwise, he's fine with your energy change.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
hi hi!
I love ur writing sm tbh, it’s just so heartwarming and FLOOFY
could I pls request headcanons of all the harbingers being the caretakers of kitsune child reader (platonic obviously)
like one day the tsaritsa just tells them they have to look after this fox child she found
just fluffy and soft stuff🥺
if there are too many characters, feel free to add less if you’d like, I honestly don’t mind
(they’re pretty similar to how miko looks and they can also turn into a tiny Fox)
sos if this is a confusing request
thanks in advance! have a wonderful day/noon/night <33
♡ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ♡
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synopsis: The Tsaritsa orders her Harbingers to take care of a kitsune child she found. Fluff ensues as they all platonically grow fond of you.
includes: all eleven fatui harbingers w/ gn! child! reader
notes: Platonic stuff and found family is so cute! Thank you for this request and your words, it was so cute. I hope you like this!
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All of them are initially cautious at first. Why would a kitsune be in Snezhnaya? Were you actually a spy and just pretending? But the Tsaritsa seemed to take a liking to you, so they were all required to do their part. (Little did they know they would all end up adopting you.)
At first, he keeps you around because of the Tsaritsa’s orders. But since you are naturally curious, you would follow him around at all times which would melt his heart and make him remember his own youth. Pierro would play chess with you. Kitsune are very intelligent and he would want to bring this out of you slowly. Would sometimes lose on purpose if you’re getting upset though. (He’s shocked if you call him an old man.)
The kind of caretaker who would sit you down on his lap and read you bedtime stories. He has a deep raspy voice that’s useful for when they need to put you to bed. I also think this man is very stressed and your fox form would make him feel a lot more relaxed.
I personally think he’d be really soft with animals and they love him in return. So he’d secretly love your fox form. Capitano takes elite care of your fur, ears, and hair. (Imagine you sleeping on top of his head or shoulders while he gives out orders and the Fatui soldiers are struggling to keep a straight face.)
He is your silent protector. Would trail behind you as you run around the Fatui headquarters. When you’re talking to any soldier, he would stand menacingly behind you as a warning to everyone else to not say anything inappropriate to you. Capitano would give you piggyback rides, lift you up into the air, let you hang off his arm, and do any other fun activities. He really treasures how you’re not scared of him at all, and would protect you at any cost.
Columbina + La Signora:
Columbina and La Signora would team up to do your hair. You would have matching rose buns like Signora by the end of it. The two of them would have the best and cutest clothes for you. The three of you probably have fashion shows and an actual runway. They have hats specially made to fit with your ears.
I just know Columbina knows the best spots for naps and scenery. She would take you to her favorite spots and hum a simple tune for you until both of you fall asleep. La Signora would take on a more motherly role. She wants to know about your day and what you learned while she combs out any knots.
To be honest, the other Harbingers endeavor to keep your time with him limited because of his past actions. Dottore doesn’t care much for kids anyway so this is fine to him. But if you continuously seek him out he’ll begrudgingly deal with your presence. Honestly the worst caretaker out of everyone because he has no idea what to do. What do kids like to do? What do they eat? Why are you crying all of a sudden? It’s making his head spin. Passes you off to his clones who research guides on how to deal with kids. They slowly adapt and teach him later.
Might allow you to attach one of his earrings to your ear, but you take it off rather quickly, complaining it’s too heavy for you. You would also copy his maniacal laugh so whenever Dottore laughs they have a mini you following after. Similar to Sandrone, he might teach you about invention and different kinds of science.
The best grandpa who knows every trick in the book. Whenever the Harbingers are at a loss on how to take care of you, they bring you to him and he’s got it under control in a matter of minutes. He wants to know who you are hanging out with and if they’re a bad influence on you. Pulcinella knows when to be strict and when not to. Gives the other Harbingers in-depth caretaking lessons whether they like it or not (especially Dottore.)
He would make sure you have memories of everyone you cherish. Kitsune live so much longer than a human and he doesn’t want you to forget anyone who raised you. Gives you a Kamera and helps you to make scrapbooks of everything you take pictures of.
There were always rumors that the Balladeer was soft around the children and elderly but no one quite believed it until they saw him interacting with you. Initially tried to avoid you because he didn’t want others to see an adorable kitsune child following him. Eventually gave in but kept the fake grumpy facade up so others wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
You probably remind him of Inazuma. Introduces you to Inazuman cuisine and wants to take you there someday. He probably knows kitsune folklore as well so he would retell it to you. He secretly finds it cute when you try on his hat but it covers you completely because you’re so tiny. Scaramouche’s temper is reduced while you’re around because he doesn’t want to make you upset. Whenever you ask him to do something he always acts like it’s a chore for a few seconds but immediately gets a Fatui agent on the job.
He’s a puppet who is probably going to live as long as you, so he silently vows to watch over you and protect you always.
Arlecchino is around children daily in her orphanage but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s great with them. After all, she’s raising them to be warriors and soldiers, not babysitting them. But that doesn’t mean she’s bad either. Arlecchino could pick up on your cues easily - she knows when you’re hungry or pretending to be sick, or when you’re actually tired. She’s still not the most in tune with emotions though so she leaves that up to the other Harbingers. Arlecchino would still be helpful with your health though.
She would let you play with the other orphans because it seems to brighten their days (hers as well.) She seems cold and a bit angry at times but your cheerfulness brightens her day.
He knows what it’s like to be abandoned so he would feel for you. You would be utterly pampered by him. Bubble baths, rubber duckies, any toys you want, the most exquisite of shampoos and conditioners for your ears. He would make sure you receive a proper education and access to any activities you desire. Pantalone would make sure you never left wanting.
He would teach you how to manage money at a young age. You’ll probably never need it but he likes the idea of teaching you something he wished he knew as a child.
She doesn’t care much at first. Sure, her interest is a bit peaked, but she’ll soon forget about you when she’s busy with her Automatons. That is, until she finds out you somehow snuck into her lab and curiously inspected some of her most dangerous robots. Immediately removes you from the premises.
She doesn’t want to involve you in the more cruel and deadly aspect of her work so instead, she’ll help you to create a small robot for yourself. She does most of the work but shows you some fundamental mechanical skills and secretly hopes you’ll take an interest in engineering.
Sews a kitsune doll for you so you can cuddle it to sleep. Sandrone has different robots created that teach you basic skills like reading, writing, math, etc. Even when she or any of the Harbingers are not around with you, you have her robots to play games with and keep you company.
Probably the best caretaker besides Pulcinella. Childe already has multiple little siblings so he knows exactly what to do. However, he has little restraint when it comes to spoiling you which separates him from Pulcinella’s stricter attitude. Childe would cook your favorites with ease but also introduce you to his favorite Snezhnayan dishes. He would comb out your fluffy hair and ears while keeping you occupied with various Snezhnayan stories.
Childe would not want you to fight. He is the protector and defender of childhood dreams so he would encourage you to do what you find fun (and would fund anything you need.) Even though you already know he’s in the Fatui, he wouldn’t tell you anything else about his job because he wants to shield you from harm.
He would introduce you to Teucer and his family quickly. His siblings marvel over your appearance and would play with you often. Ajax understands quite well how it feels to be lonely so he would want you to have strong bonds. Would even allow you to live with his family full time or have sleepovers if you wished.
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chrisevansonly · 7 months
𝒊𝒕’𝒔 𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒄
☁︎charles leclerc x female reader
☁︎there is nothing that brings in the fall feeling than a little cuddle on the couch and a binge watching party for gilmore girls…and yes, charles loves it just as much as you do
☁︎no warnings just very cute and wholesome:)
☁︎oh my godddd anyway we’re almost at the end of the fall celebration🥹 i’ve been having so much fun writing these and im gonna miss them so much! i feel like this is bad and crappy but ill be doing a christmas version in december so great ready for that ;)
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If there was one thing Charles loved more than you, it was the little traditions you’d both started since getting together, many of them he’d adapted from you and your love for fall and all things october. More recently you’d introduced your boyfriend to Gilmore Girls, and if anyone knows this show, the best time to watch it is in the fall when the leaves are all changing and the weather turns a bit cooler.
“Do you need any help baby?”
You could hear his voice from the living room as you stood in the kitchen, just finishing up some last minute pastries and snacks for the two of you
“Um I think I might need some help to organize all of these things” you stated with a slight laugh, yes you were known to go overboard with food
“Wow, we could feed a whole family with this mon amour…”
Your cheeks flushed as you shrugged
“Well I did kind of invite Carla and Arthur to come over and watch…they’ve never watched it…”
It should be mentioned that you and Charles rewatched Gilmore Girls every fall, it was your favourite bingeable show to enjoy together
“I know I said the same thing”
Charles almost couldn’t believe your ears, if people thought Lando Norris was the king of sass, they’d be surprised to see Charles’s sassy attitude at home with you
“How can people just not watch Gilmore Girls? It’s just-it makes no sense.”
Laughing you walked over and pressed a kiss to his lips
“Don’t worry lovie, we’ll make sure they watch every episode carefully”
“They better, it’s important”
With a last dramatic sigh he moved to the kitchen to help organize all your snacks, which allowed you to pour the apple ciders in to your cute fall mugs, placing them neatly on a tray and bringing them to the expansive coffee table. Your next task as placing a few blankets on the couch and dimming the lights to perfect for your afternoon and evening of tv watching
“It looks perfect as usual baby”
Smiling you leaned into Charles’s side as you both examined your hard work, well more so yours because the last time the monégasque tried to help you ended up with burnt turnovers and very crispy croissants. He might be quite handsome, but he was a far better race car driver than he was a baker or a cook, that was for sure.
“Thank you lovie, now we just wait for Carla and Thur and we will be ready to go”
“What would I do without you?” Charles stated, leaning down to press a kiss firmly to your lips as you smiled
“Hmm..probably die of starvation and never know the beauty of Gilmore Girls…”
At this Charles simply laughed, he couldn’t agree more with that, although he could cook a pretty mean toast for breakfast, he knew, better than anyone that he was the luckiest man in the world to be here with you.
Even if he had to share his binge watching duties with his little brother and his girlfriend…but let’s be honest, it couldn’t be that bad.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
“It’s happening,” crows Dustin. “Eddie, it’s happening, it’s happening, she said yes!”
Eddie blinks up at him from the blankets. “Is…this about your little girlfriend, Henderson?” Is there a school dance coming up or something? Wait, it’s the summer, school’s not happening.
In a just world, Eddie Munson would never have to think about high school again; in a just world, Dustin Henderson would not have woken him up by breaking into his trailer at ass o’clock in the morning.
“No, man, Erica! Erica Sinclair! She’s gonna run a My Little Pony game for us!”
“Okay.” Eddie turns over to bury his face in his pillow. “Lock up when you leave,” he says, muffled.
He honest-to-god thinks it’s just a weird dream for the next few days. He’s almost completely forgotten about it when Mike corners him at work.
“You have to make her stop,” Mike says.
“Okay, Wheeler, two things. First: who am I making stop what? Second: I’m not making anyone stop anything. Really not my style, and also, I don’t wanna get involved in whatever this is.”
“You’re already involved! We’re all involved! We’re all, like, liable.”
“Right.” Eddie wipes his hands on a rag and ambles over. “Kid, you have got to start giving me some context here. What are we talking about?”
Mike gives him just the absolute bitchiest eyeroll any human being has ever mustered in the history of the world, and sighs noisily. “Erica wants to run a stupid game, and Dustin keeps encouraging her. Tell Erica and Dustin that we play Dungeons and Dragons with like, cool monsters and shit. Not some stupid game about ponies. It’s not even D&D, it’s a whole new stupid system that she’s making us learn.”
“Oh, shit.” There’s—a few things to unpack in that little speech, but Eddie can’t help the delighted grin spreading over his face. “That’s for real? The pony game? Shit, this is going to be the best thing ever. What system is she planning to run the campaign in?”
“Oh my god,” says Mike, and storms out of the garage.
“GURPS: Generic Universal Role-Playing System,” announces Erica, slamming the books down on Steve’s kitchen table. “A flexible, multi-purpose, setting-agnostic system that can accommodate any conceivable type of story or play style. This is the future of role-playing games, not your broke-ass fantasy bullcrap.”
Eddie wonders how complicated it is to file paperwork for adoption.
“Some of us like D&D,” says Will.
“Yeah, we don’t want your stupid generic whatever. We’re not playing,” Mike snaps.
“That’s not what I said.” Will looks annoyed with Mike, which has been happening a lot lately. Eddie’s glad the kid seems to be growing more of a spine; you can’t just let your tragic heterosexual crushes walk all over you, but that’s the kind of lesson every young gay needs to learn the hard way. “I’m fine with trying something new. I’m just saying, the next campaign after this should be D&D.”
“Sure, what-ever, nerds,” drawls Erica. “We’ll see how you feel after you experience the magic of Ponyland.”
Lucas puts his face in his hands when she says the magic of Ponyland and lets out a pitiful groan.
“Whoo!” cheers Dustin. “Let’s get started!”
It takes them a solid two hours to make their characters. Even Eddie, who’s been vaguely aware of GURPS since it was released a couple years ago, is struggling a little to adapt. It’s just been a while since he played anything but D&D, but he’s enjoying the change of pace. He likes this kind of challenge; it’s like figuring out how to play a familiar song in an unfamiliar genre.
Erica is not especially patient with them, but she’s clearly done her prep work, so Eddie thinks they all manage to get through the character creation process more or less the way it’s supposed to be done.
Steve gets back from work right when they’re putting the finishing touches on their characters. The way he blinks all sweetly confused makes Eddie think that Dustin was definitely lying about having permission to play here, and also that Dustin probably has a very troubling stash of keys to all their homes squirreled away somewhere.
“If I may, Lady Sinclair, I’d like to humbly suggest a ten-minute break?” Eddie says, before Steve can decide whether or not to be mad about this whole thing.
“Sure, go ahead and rest up while you still can,” says Erica. “Steve, I hope you got good snacks around here.” She makes a beeline for the kitchen, and the boys trip over themselves to follow her.
“I would die for that child,” says Eddie.
Steve laughs, low and a little tired. “Yeah. Um, me too.”
“So, I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Henderson didn’t actually clear this with you?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “He might’ve said something last week? Sometimes when he’s on a tear, I just kinda let him talk.”
“Y’know, we’re at a pretty good stopping point for today, if you want us to clear out so you can get some rest.” Eddie can see the smudgy shadows under Steve’s eyes from halfway across the room.
“No, it’s fine.” Steve peels off his vest. He’s wearing an entire perfectly normal shirt underneath, so there’s no reason for Eddie to hastily avert his eyes like Steve’s doing a damn striptease. “I might go take a nap, though. Gonna trust you not to let them burn down the place, got it?”
Eddie does a silly little salute. “Aye aye, cap’n. No hint of flame shall breach these walls.”
Steve laughs again, a gravelly chuckle, and musses Eddie’s hair on his way to the stairs.
“Why do you have that dumb look on your face,” says Erica suspiciously, standing in the kitchen doorway and clutching the biggest bowl of ice cream Eddie’s seen in his life.
“What look, there’s no look,” says Eddie. “Let’s play some GURPS.”
Edit: now a complete fic on AO3!
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ovaryacted · 2 months
do you think re4make leon knows how to fuck? 👀
The little eye emoji at the end is making me laugh. But hmm, I've actually thought of this before in-depth, and if I'm gonna be completely honest...probably not. HOLD ON HOLD ON! HEAR ME OUT FIRST DON'T BOO ME OFF THE STAGE!
So in my mind (keyword: my), I don't think Leon would know how to "fuck". He's just not a #realfucker. HOWEVER, that does not mean he is an idiot when it comes to sex and what to do. He just doesn't have enough "experience" that would put him in a category of people who are masters in the bedroom, and that is okay! Frankly, I think it's more realistic and sticks to his loser persona.
I mean, we are dealing with a 27/28-year-old man with immense trauma and survivor's guilt who's been blackmailed into military service and literally thinks about dying frequently. He's in Spain fighting demons both literally and figuratively and has one foot in the grave at all times. No, I don't think he knows how to fuck, he probably hasn't even really done anything that would qualify as "fucking" in a healthy way.
He'd probably have limited chances to actually get involved with anyone, especially if he was being trained to the degree he was. Also, if he was under Krauser's supervision and being trained by him as a means of survival, he doesn't know anything about another human's touch outside of obligation. Not to mention the context of the period he was in the military (close to the early 2000s I think), he probably experienced a fuck ton of homophobia for being a "pretty boy" anyway and that would be a direct jab to his wavering self-confidence.
If anything, he's probably had some quick blowjobs or given them, but actual sex? Nah, his brain can't comprehend doing something like that when he's too busy wondering if he'll live to see another day.
Let us say he was allowed to fuck somebody, I think he would be clueless on where to start or what to do. Sure, Leon is smart and perceptive, he'll be able to adapt eventually, but it won't be a natural process. I made an analysis post about this topic a while ago, about viewing Leon as a sex god when he's the complete opposite in my mind, and I always come back to that because that's how I interpret him.
Does he know where the clit is? Does he know what to do with a dick? Sure, he knows enough about the female and male body to understand what to touch and what goes where. The thing he doesn't know is how to do it in a way that makes both parties feel good, and how it varies from person to person. Has he watched porn or looked through magazines? Probably back when he was a hormonal teenager with nothing better to do, or before he found himself in his current situation, but he doesn't like it. He doesn't see women in particular in the same light as every other form of media views them, so his perception of sex and how it should be done contradicts the norm. Or, he just assumes that he should know what to do, and since he doesn't or can't seem to figure it out, he doesn't bother trying to find out.
He doesn't give me those vibes that he's someone who would know what to do in the bedroom off that bat, and I'm not saying that to be a bummer but that's how I see him at least during this part of his life. But, if you trust him and make him feel comfortable enough by reassuring him as you guide him in the process, he will know how to fuck but primarily know how to fuck you.
Even if I say he doesn't know how to fuck (outside of the regular missionary but he finishes too early so it's embarrassing), he will always be a munch to me. That is his skill in the bedroom, his thing. I always say this but to me, the reason why he doesn't know how to fuck is because he's too damn busy diving headfirst into some pussy so he doesn't care about the whole "fucking" aspect of things. He gets off on getting his partners off, that's just the truth, my truth and I'm sticking to it.
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221bshrlocked · 1 year
interesting indeed
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader
Words: 8901
Warnings: Tech wearing jeans. Female Masturbation. Tech watching reader masturbate so throw in a dash of accidental voyeurism. Consensual foreplay. Slightly rough manhandling, just like a little bit. Thigh riding because jeans! Dirty talk...or how I think Tech would sound if he were to talk you through riding him. Fingering. Squirting.
A/N: Not going to lie, this is a surprise even to me. Never thought I'd write for this cute nerd but I can't get over the fact that he's wearing jeans now so here you go. Also, this is totally in reference to this post because I wholeheartedly believe this is going to be a thing...if it isn't already. If Tech's character/vernacular doesn't seem right, do let me know how I can improve. Please and thank you.
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No one was commenting on it, not that they should of course. They were all adapting to sudden and quite terrifying changes, and this was not on the list of important things that should be talked about. If none of them discussed the change of color in their armors, which was probably one of the last things still connecting them to Crosshair, this was definitely not going to make it to the evening chat. But it was still strange though, and you weren’t sure how to handle it. 
It occurred to you after several rotations of simply being incapable of thinking of anything else why you were so hung up on it. On him. 
He looked good, really good. You always found him attractive, more so than the others if you were being honest. But now that he was out of the confines of his armor and those rather tight blacks beneath the heavy protective gear, you couldn’t help yourself, groaning and swearing beneath your breath any time he so much as walked past you to fix something or discuss the mission details, again, with Hunter. His form was still hidden from your eyes, with parts of the armor still covering his torso from your hungry gaze, but you could see him clearly now, at least his lower half.
Sith hells, his thighs were more muscular than you thought, and each time he stretched to fix a part of the ship out of reach, or even shifted in his seat, the holsters wrapped tightly around his thighs would tug against the fabric of his jeans and show you just how meaty and thick they are. 
Fuck, the jeans. That’s how you got into this current predicament. The day Tech started wearing those karking jeans was the day you cursed and thanked the maker for allowing such an invention to take place. He was tall, and you were always aware of how much shorter you were than him whenever he stood beside you or leaned down to show you whatever it was he wanted you to see on his holopad. You were so used to the plastoid armor that when you saw him walking out of his private room—eyes staring into the datapad, and hands clicking away as if he wasn’t wearing the most revealing fucking pair of pants to exist—you choked on your breath and had to walk away to avoid suspicion. Gods above, he somehow looked taller in those jeans than in his armor, and the knowledge that his slender form would now be available to your eyes all day every day made you sigh in irritation. It was already so difficult to attend to the tasks him and Echo handed you, and this just made it worse. So much worse. Then there was the matter of Echo and Hunter already teasing you about your little crush that everyone was aware of except him. It was enough as is, so you didn’t need to give them more ammo to use against you whenever he was around, even though he was oblivious to your longing gazes, and their irritating remarks. 
Almost on queue, the man walks past you and leans over the bar to grab a drink for himself. Your eyes roam down his tall, slender yet muscular form, stopping to appreciate how perfectly the jeans fit around his ass. You shake your head at the sight of him. It was so unfair for him to look this delicious in such a simple article of clothing. Did his butt always look so round and plump? Or were the jeans giving him all those “assets”? So far gone in your inappropriate thoughts, you don’t notice Hunter pulling up a seat next to you and leaning a little forward to follow your line of sight until he speaks. 
“Stare any harder and he might actually notice you checking him out this time.”
The rough sound of Hunter’s voice snaps you out of your haze and you flinch rather dramatically when the comment comes off louder than you’d like it to be, spilling half of your drink all over yourself and groaning in irritation when Hunter laughs at your obvious distress. You stand up and swipe across your shirt, only to run right into Tech as soon as you turn around to walk away from Hunter, in turn spilling both of your drinks over Tech’s armor and jeans. He hisses when the cold liquid runs down his clothes and you apologize profusely, grabbing both bottles and setting them down before looking for anything to hand him so he can dry himself.
You see Hunter from your periphery reaching out with something for you to take, and you narrow your eyes at him in warning as you snatch the towel from his hand and immediately pat down the sticky liquid on Tech’s armor. 
“Did you know it takes approximately 12 hours for the smell of spotchka to come off of plastoid? Unfortunately, the same cannot be said regarding the stains, which I believe will take much longer to be removed.” You sigh in relief as soon as Tech does the usual and goes on with whatever knowledge he knows about the predicament at hand. When you glance at Hunter though, you find him smirking at you, and you hate the eyebrow he raises at you as he sips from his drink and watches your flustered reaction.  
“I’m so sorry Tech, I was so distracted and- kriff,” you wipe at the chest armor to the best of your abilities, incapable of looking up at Tech out of fear of his reaction, or worse, your own. He swipes at the datapad several times, and you find it cute that he cares more about the technology on him than his attire, which he clearly stated would take a long time to thoroughly clean. 
“It is in your best interest to constantly be aware of your surroundings, Y/N, regardless of distractions. Having said that, what could possibly be distracting here? Wrecker and Omega are quiet, which is rather alarming now that I think of it. Echo is reading, and Hunter is,” he stops checking the holopad and looks up at Hunter, roaming his eyes across his brother’s presence before returning his attention to the task at hand again, “well, he’s doing nothing.”
“I- I was just thinking that…umm,” you trip over your words, unsure of how you were supposed to respond. When he doesn’t bother to ask you to finish your response, you shake your head and continue wiping his armor. 
“Funny you should mention your armor, Tech. She was just thinking about it.” Hunter says from behind you, making you turn around quickly and pout at him. He chuckles at your response, again, shrugging his shoulders at you when you mouth a few swears at him as you fiddle with the towel in your hand. 
“Whyever would you be thinking of my armor?” The question catches you off guard, and you look at Tech with wide eyes, parting your lips to try and offer him some reply that would get him to ignore you again. Before you do, however, Hunter beats you to it and provides another, equally-irritating, suggestion towards Tech, one that instantly sends your heart rate through the roof and makes you wish you were in the comfort of your bed. 
“Perhaps the lack thereof?” This time, you don’t bother looking at Hunter, knowing that he would only make things worse if you begged him to shut up again.
“We are not currently on a mission; naturally, there is no purpose for the remainder of the armor. However, now that we are no longer required to wear it all, I find myself more aware of the constraints it offered than before.” Tech gestures with his hand as he looks down at his form and presumably thinks of the several parts he was not currently wearing. You, on the other hand, can’t focus on anything, choosing to ignore everything he said except the word ‘constraints.’ 
“C-constraints?” You didn’t need to think of any type of constraints with relation to Tech, you really didn’t. But your mind decides to go off the rails, as it normally does whenever Tech is involved, and think of every naughty action the man can do to your body if he were to put you in constraints. Kriff, you would truly let him do anything he wanted with you, and you wouldn’t complain for a moment. You’d thank him for his attention, ask him what else he wanted to inflict upon you, and then beg him to put you out of your misery and do it already. 
Tech’s response doesn’t come immediately, and when you finally make eye contact with him, you find him staring intently at you, eyes shifting from your tense jaws to your tight neck to the rise and fall of your chest as your breathing increases by the second. You turn away from him, fidgeting with the towel for another moment before getting on your knees to get the lower part of the armor on his chest. As you continue to clean the plastoid on his body, you can’t help but let your gaze roam a little lower, but you get back to focusing on the armor again, unsure of what you would do if Tech were to notice you openly ogling his crotch. 
“Yes, there are several aspects of the Republic armor that hindered our movement. For example, it was difficult to remain seated for long periods of time. The plastoid dug into all the muscles of the body, thus making us more fatigued. Shoulder rotation was hindered at times due to the solidity of the back pieces, which, while advantageous during battle, were not useful on planets with more bodies of water, which required us to swim. Undoubtedly, the most unfortunate part of the armor was the codpiece. It made it near impossible for-” you were doing your best to focus on his ramblings, knowing that it would distract you from letting your mind run away with thoughts of touching him under more intimate circumstances. But as soon as he mentioned the codpiece, your brain went haywire and you started rubbing the damp spots on his inner thighs. Perhaps a part of you was aware of what you were doing, but you weren’t in-tune with the little bit of coherence still left in your neurons, already conjuring up the filthiest images involving yourself and the man above you. 
“Kriff,” he swears beneath his breath, instantly looking away from Hunter to your kneeling body as you begin to touch closer to where the blood was rushing down his form. 
“That will not be necessary, Y/N. I can- ahh,” he tries to stop you, he really does, but before he can reach out to your shoulders and grab your attention, your hand ascends up his thighs and makes a rather harsh pass across his crotch and the very visible tent in his jeans. Time stands still as soon as the sound of Tech’s moan hits your ears, and you widen your eyes in horror at what you’ve just done to him, in public, in front of his brother. You look up and notice a blush forming on his cheeks and neck, and you bite into your cheek when you see his hands shaking slightly while his chest expands rapidly with each short, harsh breath he takes. 
“Oh maker, I- I didn’t mean to…I was paying attention and- I have to go.” You throw the towel on the table and run out of Cid’s parlor, ignoring Tech as he calls your name along with what you were sure were Mando’a curses.
“Mesh’la wait!” Tech takes two steps towards you before he notices that you won’t listen to him, and he throws his head down in defeat as he makes his way back to Hunter, who is now joined by Echo. 
“Well that’s new,” Hunter comments, glancing at Echo with a grin on his face as he watches his brother fix his goggles and take the towel you were just holding. 
“It was a slip of the tongue, I-” He knows neither of his brothers will buy the excuse, he doesn’t if he were being honest with himself, but he wants to avoid whatever conversation he was sure was about to commence. 
“Hmm, sure it was. Bet you want to slip that tongue somewhere else.” Echo says, and if it weren’t for the fact that Tech was now thinking of every single twitch of your body language as you cleaned him up, he would have maybe decked him and walked away. But he was in no mood to fight, let alone argue with his brother. 
“Grow up, Echo. This is hardly the time to be crass.” He looks up at the two men in front of him, only to drop the irritated expression when he notices them staring at him with disbelief and annoyance in their eyes. 
“What?” He asks, grabbing the datapad from the table and shoving it back into his belt. 
“Go after her you di’kut.” Echo growls, shaking his head as soon as Tech frowns at him and begins to tell him why he shouldn’t. 
“She is clearly in distress, and I highly doubt the awkwardness of this moment will-”
“For kriff’s sake, Tech. Go. To. Her.” Hunter interrupts him before he can say anything else, and when Tech realizes that neither of them were planning on letting this go any time soon, he looks to the floor and shakes his head, grudgingly listening to them and heading out of the parlor. 
He almost reaches for the holopad as he walks to your place, but he stops himself before he turns it on, knowing that there was nothing on there that might help the situation now. He thinks back to what happened moments ago, recalling your reaction to the proximity between the both of you as well as Hunter’s responses. There was something missing in the whole ordeal, and if Tech didn’t know better, he’d think there was a meaning behind everything that was said. It’s moments like these that Tech understood he would have to read in between the lines, a task that he didn’t prefer attempting and was frankly not interested in. If you were dealing with a personal problem, one that you would rather share with Hunter than him, then Tech would respect that. Granted it made him uncomfortable, or perhaps annoyed was the right word here, but he wouldn’t dream of forcing you to tell him. 
But maker if he wasn’t still interested in your behavior. There was a clear shift in your body language when he walked over to your table, little gestures that changed rapidly when you began cleaning his armor and as soon as Hunter shared his thoughts on your reasons behind being distracted. 
Tech halts in his steps when he looks up and sees that he’s reached your place. He stares at the open windows and feels relieved when he sees that the lights are still on. Heading up the stairwell, he thinks over what he should say when you open the door. Should he mention the reason behind you leaving, or should he apologize for becoming erect when you were only trying to help? Should he tell you that he wasn’t bothered by your touch or should he explain why he was aroused to begin with? The last thought makes him stop in his tracks, and he meditates for a long while on why such an option would come forward in his mind to begin with. 
“Hmm, that is rather interesting.” Tech comments out loud before he continues his ascent to your place, and once he reaches the door to your apartment, he knocks on it and waits for you to answer it. When you don’t make an appearance, he knocks once again, his nerves beginning to get to him. As the silence of the night fills the stairwell, Tech decides to push in the combination to your door, only to find that you had left it unlocked upon your arrival. 
That is strange, you were always so careful on the Marauder. Surely you would be as careful when it came to your own home?
He walks in slowly and takes a quick look across the empty space, finding you nowhere in sight. Before he takes another step further, he hears the faint sound of your voice emitting from your room, whimpering and groaning as you cursed beneath your breath. 
“Oh fuck…fuck, ahhh-”
Tech is on high alert instantly, and he takes his blaster out without thinking twice, slowly approaching your room as quietly as he can so he doesn’t alert the intruder clearly present in your bedroom.
“Please…just, I can’t. I- need to…”
He hears you again, but this time, you’re almost sobbing quietly, your voice muffled by an object being held to your mouth. Perhaps the intruder was asking about him and his brothers, or maybe, just maybe, you had managed to get yourself caught up with the wrong people. His heart is beating loudly against his chest, and he fears whatever might happen if he were to barge in there right this moment to try and save you. 
“F-fuck…ah fuck, that’s- hmmm, please…so close.”
Taking the last few steps to your room, Tech inhales deeply, preparing himself for whatever may happen before looking through the slightly ajar door.
And then he stops breathing altogether. 
There was no intruder in your room, there wasn’t anyone as a matter of fact. You were the only one in there, and from the looks of it, you were not struggling at all, but rather, enjoying the privacy of the moment. 
Well, the privacy that was taken away from you now that he stood still at your doorway, incapable of turning away from the beautiful sight of your naked body as you touched yourself, face contorting between pain and pleasure the harder and faster you shoved your small fingers into your-
“Please, Tech…I need you. I need you so badly, just- oh maker, keep going…right there.”
If Tech wasn’t absolutely sure that your eyes were closed, that you were unaware of his presence, he would have thought you were asking him to join you. But you were both too far gone in ecstasy, with your eyes shut tightly the quicker your ministrations became, and completely ignorant to the standing figure at your doorway, with your face shoved into your pillows as you rolled your hips into your hand. 
“That is interesting indeed.”
Never in his life did he ever speak without intending to. Granted, he often spoke when he didn’t have to, definitely when his opinion wasn’t sought out, but he never accidentally blurted out anything. So, when you scream at the top of your lungs and drag the covers across your skin, Tech flinches and nearly slams his head against the bedroom door. 
He quickly pushes the blaster back into the holster on his belt before fixing his goggles, and for the first time since he can remember, he doesn’t know what to do. 
“Tech what- what the fuck are you doing here?” He glances at you briefly and as much as he hates to admit it, the sight of your heaving chest and your damp skin shoots all blood flow in his system downwards. He was sporting a semi when you were wiping him, but after the show he just witnessed, he doesn’t bother looking down to know if his hardness is visible. He knows it is, and when he notices you looking down, he groans to himself and immediately places his hands in front of him to hide his erection.  
“I- Hunter and Echo told me to find you.” An apology would be better, that Tech is sure of, but his mind is suddenly filled with the image of your desperate limbs and shaking muscles as you searched for release. And maker in heaven, he could not get the sight of you out of his mind’s eye, at all. 
“When you left, they suggested I come and find you. Technically, they swore at me and told me to speak with you. So…here I am.” Tech clears his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as you continue to glare at him. 
“Tech, I cannot stress this enough but what the actual fuck?” Your voice is growing in pitch, albeit a little hoarse from how harsh you were breathing moments ago, and Tech forgoes the apology and decides to ask you the obvious question. 
“Is there something wrong with your hearing, Y/N? I will happily look into that for you, or perhaps-”
Well, what he thought was the obvious question in this case. 
“Nothing is wrong with my hearing, genius. My question isn’t so you can repeat to me how your brothers fucking forced you into coming here when you didn’t want to. I’m asking about why you were standing there without announcing yourself…watching me while I- umm,” the rest of the sentence trails off, and Tech tilts his head to the side when your sudden outburst turns into nothing but an embarrassed shift of your fiery gaze away from him and towards your fingers.
You’re angry, that’s obvious enough for Tech to see. But he doesn’t understand what exactly is the source of your anger. Is it your misunderstanding that he didn’t want to seek you out, or that he was probably asking about something irrelevant to the situation at hand, or maybe it was because he was watching you without your consent? He sets all of that aside when you trip over your words and refuse to say what you were clearly doing. 
“Matsturbate?” He finishes the rest of your thought for you, and frowns instantly when you yell at him again. 
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, Y/N. It is completely natural to seek release when under an extraneous amount of stress. As a matter of fact, the numerous endorphins secreted within the brain and the central nervous system upon climax tend to-”
“Oh my sweet god Tech, please…please, just stop.” The exhausted tone of your voice snaps him out of his haze, and he quiets down when he looks up and sees you rubbing your forehead a little harder than you should. Kriff, he really doesn’t know what to say right now, and as the silence grows between the two of you, it occurs to Tech that maybe he should cross the bridge of awkwardness himself and coax you out of our shell. 
“I am confused. Not a moment ago, you were asking me to “keep going,” but now, you are requesting I stop?” It must be the right thing to say because that seems to get your attention rather quickly. Your eyes shoot to him not a second later, and Tech watches as understanding dawns on you, followed closely by shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Hmm, maybe this was the wrong thing to say then. 
“You…how long have you been standing there?”
“Not too long, but I did hear my name once, hence the outburst that, I presume, led to your discomfort.” You say nothing, and Tech refuses to break eye contact with you, wanting to see how your body and facial expressions react to his words. 
“I thought you had seen me, but your eyes were shut, making you completely oblivious to my presence. I- I was wondering, outloud as you know, why you could possibly call for me while you were masturbating but I-” His inner monologue is on his lips, the only way Tech knows how to process information that is shocking to him. He doesn’t mean to make you wince or shudder the longer he goes on, but as he stares at you now, with your naked thighs clenching tightly, and your lower lip pouting rather attractively to him, it finally hits him. 
There was only one meaning behind your actions. And the shift in your body language earlier in the parlor. And all those times you thought he didn’t hear you groan as he walked by you or whispered something to yourself when he leaned down to fix something. 
“You were fantasizing about me.” It’s not a question, more of a comment really, a very crude, straightforward, conclusive comment. The thought of being the one to bring out such a need from you makes him twitch in his pants, and he tilts his head to the side again as he roams his eyes across whatever skin available for him to see, watching as you throw your head down and hide behind your palms. 
“Ugh, fuck me.” You breathe out into the night air, shaking your head at the absurdity of this whole ordeal. 
“I cannot see how that could help the predicament we find ourselves in. But…if you believe that is the solution to our problem, I will oblige, rather enthusiastically as a matter of fact.” The response comes instantly, making you look up with wide eyes at the man currently standing at your door.
“W-what?” You can’t help but ask, wanting to be sure that you heard him right, that this wasn’t another one of your fantasies where he breaks through the door and fucks you into kingdom come. 
“Honestly, Y/N, there must be something wrong with your hearing if-”
“Tech.” You say his name once, urging him to stop for a moment and try to read your reaction to his words. 
“I am not too sure what you are asking about at the moment. Are you asking me to repeat myself or explain my words?” He takes two steps closer to you, hands still covering his crotch from your sight out of fear of you misunderstanding him, or worse, making you feel even more uncomfortable. 
“Explain please.” You request rather shyly, and if Tech wasn’t preoccupied with finding the right words to respond to you, he would comment on how beautiful and erotic the sound of your voice was to him right now.
“You just asked me to “fuck you,” rather vulgar if I may say so myself-”
“It was a form of expression…I- I didn’t ask you to…you know.”
“Semantics…regardless of how you intended those words, I said that I am unsure as to how that could help. However, seeing as you have yet to reach climax, the fault of which is mine, and I am more-than-willing to offer you my aid, I would happily follow your advice and do whatever it is you think would resolve our predicament.” He says matter-of-factly, and with each word he throws at you, you feel yourself growing wetter. His response is too technical to your liking, but something about the way he phrases those words, and how adamant he is on not minding one bit sleeping with you, makes you suddenly experience a similar sense of desperation to what you always feel whenever he’s around. 
“Assuming you forgive my untimely and inappropriate intrusion… and consent, of course.” He adds as he takes another step and looks around the room briefly before returning his focus on you again. 
“And you do?”
“Of course I do.” He furrows his eyebrows at you, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think he is close to calling you an idiot for asking such a question. It’s only a second later that you begin to understand why he’s behaving this way, or rather, answering you with such a direct response. 
“Why?” You ask, wanting to make sure that he was saying what you think he was. 
“Why do I consent to having sexual intercourse with you?” Tech asks, and you hate his need to repeat whatever question is asked of him, but you quickly remember that this situation was probably new to him, and his mind was returning to what is comfortable for him so he can process it thoroughly, and without misunderstanding. 
“Is it not obvious?”
“N-no. It isn’t.” You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that it was your return to meet him half-way. 
“I am attracted to you, have been since we first met. You are exceptional in what you do, quite intelligent for a regular human…and y-you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon.” His confession steals your breath away, and you stare at him in disbelief when your brain finally catches up with what he just revealed to you. 
You want to say so much to him. You want to thank the maker for his blunt demeanor because he finally put you out of your misery. You want to jump and scream at finally knowing what he thinks of you. You want to ask him why he’s never made a move on you since he’s shared your level of attraction for perhaps as long as you have. But none of those wants make it to the surface, and you swallow the lump in your throat when you finally decide how you want to break the silence washing over you. 
“Fuck me.”
“Is- is that a form of expression, or are you asking me to have sexual intercourse with you?” You’ve never heard him trip over his words this many times in one conversation before, let alone sound so reluctant when asking such a simple question. The thought of being the one who makes him nervous enough to stumble over such a simple question lights a deep heat in the pit of your stomach, and you don’t think over what you’re about to do, knowing you might backtrack quickly if the reality of your words and body language sets in. 
Taking in a deep breath, you drop the covers from around your body and kick them aside, revealing your nudity to Tech in hopes of driving your message across without yet another misunderstanding. 
“I am asking you to fuck me, Tech. Fuck me until I lose my voice. Fuck me until the only thing I can remember is your name. Fuck me until I can’t feel my legs from how hard you slam your thick cock into me. Fuck me until I feel you for days. Fuck me…until you cum so deep inside me that I feel you leaking out of me…and then fuck me some more.” You slowly get on your knees as you speak, lightly trailing your fingers across your breasts and down to your aching cunt, unable to hold back from smiling when you notice the blush adorning Tech’s cheeks move down to his neck. His hands are shaking lightly, and you crawl to the end of the bed without breaking his gaze, wanting him to see the depth of your hunger for him. 
“I see,” you thought he’d say more, but it makes sense that he isn’t inclined to be more talkative now. You wait for him to take the lead, not wanting him to feel the need to please you at his own expense. When he takes those last few steps towards you, you can’t help but lean forward into his space, wanting to feel overwhelmed by the heat of his body and the natural musk of his scent. Tech finally removes his hands from his crotch, but you don’t look down immediately, afraid he’d be embarrassed by your shamelessness. 
He stretches out his hand but stops midair, and you blink at him expectantly, unsure of why he wasn’t already touching you. 
“Mesh’la, may I touch you?” His voice is softer, and you make a mental note to ask him later what that word meant. You’ve heard it from him when you were making your escape, thinking that he was swearing at you, but as he whispers it to you now, with his eyes silently begging you to allow him to be near you, and his hands fidgeting and itching to extend a little further to trail across your damp skin, you realize it might mean something completely different. 
“Yes, please.”
As soon as he registers your response, he reaches out and cups your neck with one hand, slowly slithering his other arm around your waist and tugging you into his chest until there was no space in between the two of you. The cold of his plastoid makes you shiver, but you can’t find it in yourself to care, sighing his name with a whisper as he extends his fingers and rubs your lower lip with his thumb. 
“You are a marvelous creature,” Tech coos into your ear, teasing you with soft kisses across your heated cheeks, until he reaches the corner of your mouth, “and it would be my absolute pleasure to, as you put it so eloquently, fuck you until you lose your voice.” You nearly throw your head back but Tech grasps your chin and tilts it back to his mouth, looking one last time at the ecstasy etched on your features before sealing the night with the most breathtaking kiss. 
You’ve thought of this moment for so long, wondered how his lips would taste and feel against your own. You imagined him to be reluctant, unsure of what to do due to his lack of experience. But as Tech leans over you, once again reminding you of how much taller he is, you can’t really picture the kiss being different. He’s dominant, more so than you thought he’d be, swiping his fingers against the corner of your mouth until you part your lips for him. But he’s also gentle, a bit playful even, as he slips his tongue inside your mouth and gives you a taste of what you’ve begged him for. 
You melt against him, fisting your hands into the fabric of his shirt as he deepens the kiss and takes control of your body. It must please him, the way you cling onto him for dear life as he continues to steal your breath away, because he groans deeply into the kiss and dips his fingers into the hair at the nape of your neck. You can’t help the pornographic moan that fills the space between you as soon as you feel him tug harshly on your hair, and you shut your eyes to enjoy the moment as Tech hums with satisfaction, immediately attacking your neck in hopes of ensuring he has your undivided attention. 
“Ah Tech-” You moan as he spreads his hand across your lower back before digging his fingers into your skin. 
“Tell me mesh’la, what were you thinking of when I rudely interrupted you?” You can hear the smirk in his question, and although you wish you can find the smugness irritating, you shiver at the tone of his voice and the touch of his hands as they grow more desperate and rough by the minute. 
“I w-was thinking of…of you.” You barely manage to say, vaguely feeling one of your arms release from underneath his hold. You stretch your arm down and grasp onto the edge of his jeans, gasping lightly as he rolls his hips against your inner thighs and gives you a taste of what you’ve been craving ever since you laid eyes on him. 
“I am well aware of that, sweet one. I want you to tell me the images your filthy mind conjured up as you touched yourself…with details if you please.” He pronounces the last word with a nip to your shoulder, making you shudder in response and try to grab onto his shoulder again so you don’t fall backwards. 
“I pictured y-you coming after me…after I left the cantina, and- ah ffuck-” You scream out as soon as he lowers his hand and squeezes your ass once before holding onto your waist again.
“Focus.” He warns with a light pull to your hair, and you open your eyes for a moment to look down at him, almost sobbing when you see how far dilated his pupils are as he trails kisses and nips down your chest. Tech narrows his eyes at you, not caring for how overwhelming he might be making you feel as he wraps his lips around one nipple and sucks harshly on it. 
“And pulling me into the alley, and- fuck please, I need to-”
“Do go on.” He orders again, this time with a little less patience in his tone. You want to know what he might do to you if you disobey him, but you figured he’d most likely wish to discuss your limits, and his own, before diving into that sort of relationship. 
“I’m sorry…I- I imagined you slamming me against the wall, and pushing one of your thighs in between my legs, so I can- so you would…” You should have known he would fixate on parts of your body when he recognizes how sensitive you are, but you never imagined him to be so consistent in his handling of you. But here he was, promising you indescribable pleasure while holding off from actually pushing you over the edge. 
“Hmm, I thought I noticed that earlier.” Tech raises his eyes to look at you, waiting until you meet his gaze before licking a stripe across your sternum. You try to grab his hair but he quickly grips your wrist tightly, twisting it slowly so he doesn’t hurt you as he brings it behind your back. He holds you against him then, expertly moving your body as he pleases so he can mark your skin with his lips. 
“Please…I’m so- kriff, I need you. You don’t have to…”
“As gratifying as it is to know you do not require me to prepare you any further, I will have to disappoint.” There’s something about hearing him string a proper coherent sentence that drives you mad with lust, and you hate how easy it is for him to make a complete mess of you. But you say nothing, wanting to give yourself to the sensations he was bringing upon your body. 
Then he lets go of you all of a sudden and steps away, leaving you dazed and confused as to why he stopped touching you and pulled from your body. 
“You must know by now that I seldom leave a job unfinished.” He claims matter-of-factly, fixing his goggles once before moving around your bed and standing near your pillow. He looks down at the state of your covers, then turns his attention to your damp, heaving chest as you try to gasp for air. Your confusion makes him twitch in his jeans, and he doesn’t bother to hide the shameless way he roams his gaze down your stomach to your wet folds. He stares at your thighs for longer than deemed appropriate, and hisses to himself as he fixes himself through the tight fabric of the jeans. You groan at the sight of him, gulping nervously when he leans down and removes his shoes, setting them aside neatly before doing the same with the heavy bag across his back. 
You watch in silence, not knowing what you should say in return. You don’t really understand what he meant by those words, and before you can ask him why he was stretching this out longer than necessary, he moves across your bed and moves all the pillows aside, perching himself up against the headboard of the bed and stretching his legs out until they almost touch your thighs. 
Tech doesn’t say anything else, and when you continue to remain immobile and silent, he raises a curious eyebrow at you before tapping his thighs twice.
“Well, would you rather stare at me all night long or come and take your pleasure from me?”
His question snaps you back to reality and you look down at his thighs when you notice his fingers tap quickly across his jeans, the mere sight of his impatience forcing you to move towards him. 
“Come on, little one. The night is filled with hidden pleasures, ones desperate to be revealed.” You’re certain you’ve never heard his voice sound so lewd and inviting before, and as you crawl to him again, you can’t help but maintain your gaze on his legs, breath hitching suddenly when he parts his thighs to make space for you in between them. As you settle yourself against him, Tech reaches for your hips and pulls you against his chest. 
“And here I thought the mere sight of me offering you what you desire would make you less shy.” He comments passively as you continue to keep your hands to yourself, something that clearly bothers him because within the blink of an eye, he’s putting your arms on his shoulders before slipping his hands down to take hold of your thighs. You call for him, a sound filled with surprise and desire, ones brought upon by the ease with which he continues to handle you. 
You can’t look at him, afraid of how your body will react if you saw the way he was already staring at you. But as you settle on top of him, straddling his thighs much to his content, you decide to throw all your anxiety out the window. Leaning down, you hover your lips across his own, waiting until he gives you a sign that he wanted to kiss you as well. He smiles at you then, raising your chin up so he can take a better look at you. You blink once as you finally meet his eyes, and you’re amazed by how much brighter the brown around his pupils appears now. You’re not sure if they’ve always been this lovely color or if the circumstances were making them even more beautiful, but you meditate on them briefly as you close the last bit of space between the two of you. 
Unlike the first kiss you shared with Tech, this one is much more controlled, softer and sweeter, allowing you a better chance to commit the feel of his lips to memory. He tilts his head as he deepens the kiss, making you sigh against him and open your mouth so you could swallow his moans in turn. His hands knead your hips, sending a jolt of pleasure down your spine until you begin to move atop him. As one of his arms moves across your back to apply the slightest of pressure against you so you can move even closer to him, you wrap your arms tightly around his neck and break the kiss, gasping for air dramatically as he moves you back and forth against the tent on his jeans. 
“Fuck,” he swears against your neck, lightly nipping the skin of your jugular as grow more needy with your movement, rubbing your clit against the rough fabric of his jeans as you always imagined. 
“You feel so good Tech,” you moan breathlessly at him, chasing your long-abandoned orgasm with a newfound desperation, hoping that he can bring you there faster than your own hands. 
“This will not do,” Tech mutters to himself, once again pushing you around as he pleases until you’re only straddling one of his thighs. He brings you down harder on him, this time raising his thigh a little off the bed so you can ride him as you please. 
“Oh maker, ff-fuck.” You throw your head back, body shaking with excitement as Tech takes over and moves you against him, flexing his thigh muscles to the best of his abilities as he pushes you hard and fast against the damp material of his jeans. He looks down and feels his heart skip a beat when he sees the clear, wet patch adorning his clothes, squeezing your skin even tightly to ensure that this was, in fact, real.
“I- I can understand why you would call me that, but it is only me, sweet one. If you will reach climax whilst using my thighs, I would greatly appreciate it if you were to call for me…as- kriff, as you promised.” Tech is aware of the way he continues to trip over his words, and he looks up in time to see you smirking at him. He knows exactly why you are smiling so teasingly, and he files the information for later, mostly so he could ensure to have a response ready if and when you decide to jokingly provoke him. He can tell there is something on the tip of your tongue, and before you can retort with probably humorous sentiment, he brings you back and forth harshly against his jeans, licking his lips as you offer him the desired response in return. 
“Tech, I’m so close…please baby.” 
He groans then, his breathing growing more erratic as you continue to beg him to ease the fire settling in your stomach. He never thought he’d appreciate a submissive partner, let alone whispered pet names during such a moment, but he hisses as you continue to say those few words, his cock pushing painfully against the fly of his jeans the faster you ride him. 
Tech inhales deeply, the scent of your warm, wet cunt managing to distract him momentarily from the job at hand. He bites into his lower lip to regain some bit of control, and when he thinks he has a good grip on his desires, he wraps one arm around you before using his other hand to pull and push you against him. 
“You are awfully close, my dear. Perhaps if I were to assist,” he doesn’t elaborate any further, and it’s not long before you feel his expert fingers reaching down and slithering their way in between your cunt and his thigh. As soon as you look down at him, Tech is sure he will never get the image of you out of his mind. 
Glazed eyes. Wet lips. Flushed face. 
“You are positively sinful.” He claims as he leans up and takes your lips in a mindblowing kiss, swallowing your moans with ease as he shoves two of his long, thick fingers past your wet folds and curls them inside your walls. Had he given you a chance to break the kiss, you’re sure you would have been screaming his name until all of Ord Mantell who was making you come undone. 
But he doesn’t let go of you once, shoving his tongue into your mouth as he fucks you with his fingers while rubbing your clit with the palm of his hand. Your eyes are shut tightly, fingers digging into his neck as he shows you the stars with his tongue and his hand.
Tech remembers quickly what you promised him moments ago, and he does break the kiss then, wanting to hear you moan his name as he aided you through your orgasm. He tilts his head back to take a better look at you, and as he meets your eyes, he winks once at you before looking down to watch where he was disappearing inside of you. 
“Tech, I’m-” You can’t finish the thought, the feeling of his fingers consistently hitting your tight walls pushing you over the edge and forcing you to melt against him. 
“Come for me, Y/N.” He orders once, and if you had half a functioning brain cell, you would have asked him where he learned how to talk like that. But you don’t care enough, and you scream his name like a prayer as he continues to coax pleasure out of you. There is a vague sound filling the night air as he continues to finger-fuck you into another little high, and when you open your eyes and look at Tech, you find his own curious gaze zeroed in on where he was pleasuring you. 
But just as you follow his line of sight, he begins to slow down to a stop, making you shudder on top of him now that your body was being offered some respite. It’s only when he breaks the silence and fixes his goggles that you realize what you’d just done. 
“Fascinating!” He calls out as if it is the most normal comment to say after making you come the hardest you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. Tech doesn’t care to remove his fingers from you, and without a warning, he curls the tips of his two fingers once, watching with interest as your entire body jolts forward and your voice breaks in a rather pornographic moan. 
“The actions your body performs in response to the stimuli I deliver to it are most impressive, mesh’la.” You shouldn’t be surprised by him, and it’s endearing how careful he becomes as he slips his fingers out of you while soothing your back with the other hand. Once again, you’re about to respond to him with something snarky about where his priorities are, but you don’t find the words when you see him hold his fingers up and stare at them. 
“Interesting, I was well aware of how messy this act could be but I did not expect to be this-”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I could…I know how much you dislike stains and-”
“You misunderstand me, cyar’ika. I was merely attempting to inform you of how much I thoroughly enjoyed you drenching my hands and my clothes.” Tech interrupts your thoughts from running away from you, and you stare at him with wide eyes as his words finally settle in your mind. You weren’t sure how to deal with this new bit of information, because the last thing you ever expected to hear was Tech telling you that he enjoyed you squirting on him. You can already feel your chest tighten as his confession reignites the need you have for him, which is made even worse not a moment later as he raises his fingers to his face and wraps his lips around them. 
You forget how to breathe as Tech shuts his eyes and hums approvingly at what he’s tasting, the action and sound so lewd that you attempt to clench your thighs above him to relieve the growing pressure. 
“I must admit, the taste of you does not compare to my imagination.” Had you not known the man beneath you for so long, you would have thought he was doing this on purpose. But you knew Tech, and you were sure he was only speaking his inner monologue out loud as he always does. Whatever is next on his lips is interrupted when he looks down and watches as you not-so-subtly try to touch yourself again. 
“You are quite needy, aren’t you?” He takes his fingers out of his mouth and places his hand back on your body, roaming both his palms across your skin so he could feel the effect he was having on you. 
“Tech…I need you.” You beg shamelessly, leaning into him in an attempt to rile him up with another kiss. 
“I believe you sweetheart, but I do owe you an apology.” Tech nudges your nose with his own, smirking to himself when your expression changes into a pout and you furrow your eyebrows at him. He would tell you later that he absolutely adored the look on your face when you were confused, but he had another, more pressing matter at hand, and he did not want to drag this out any longer. 
“You wished to use my thighs to orgasm, but I- well, I became greedy and used my hands instead.” He kisses the corner of your mouth once, barely managing to hold back from shoving you beneath him and taking what he wanted from you in return. 
“Maker, I don’t care Tech…I just want you. I want you to fuck me, with your cock this time. Please, we can…we can do that later.” You reach down to his jeans, cupping him through the wet fabric in an attempt to get him to put you out of your misery and give you what you’ve longed for. But he’s much quicker than you, and he snaps his hand to your wrist immediately, dragging it away from his hard cock so he doesn’t get distracted by your touches. 
“Humor me, mesh’la. I desperately want to know if you can reach climax with such a simple action. You have taken what you wanted, and now I ask for this in return.” You know, as well as him, that he’s only doing this to torture you, that he’s only using his interest in experiments to disguise such his perverse need to make you suffer. 
“But I-” 
“If you do, I promise to give you my cock. Even better, I promise to fill you up all night long, until you are no longer begging for release but respite.” Tech breaks your train of thought, and he smirks down at you when he sees the gears shifting in your mind at his proposition. He didn’t need to read your mind to know that you’ve already agreed to his terms, and with one last quick peck on your lips, he releases your hands and rests his back against the headboard once more. 
You readjust on top of him, placing the palms of your hands on his chest to keep yourself up. 
“There’s a good girl.”
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sergeifyodorov · 5 months
would u do a little analysis of how each team has done so far this season … i trust ur opinions so much
EACH team okay... under the cut bc i am not subjecting the masses to 32 nasty little thots cody edition
Bruins: RIP patrice of course but the bruins are steamrolling as ever... i think that if there is any evidence of the universe simply not caring abt good things it is that the bruins slip and stumble and have some of their best players retired and still manage to put up a 50 win season every year. <- salty leafs fan but ANYHWAY the bruins are easily a Playoff Team. simply "there" 5v5, strong power play, they make their money off finishing (pastrnak you filthy animal) and goaltending (swaymark you filthy animals). they have been trending downwards of late so i'm not entirely sure of like their final standings place but with this kind of head start they're staying up.
Sabres: currently in what we the people call a "decade of darkness." might be a "two decades of darkness" if we're going to be honest. the active player with the most playoff points with the sabres is tyler myers. 7 points. yeah the tall one most famous for having a subreddit that posts the gamescore card every time he's on the bottom of the gamescore card. sabres are really hard to fix because their first real step to contention is "hoping devon levi turns out really good." not promising. bad enough that by selling a piece or two celebrini is in sight. maybe that'll help? a third 1OA?
Red Wings: presenting the mid-season Season Ruining Unforced Error Award early by saying: not that they were going to be as good as their first few games of sniping suggested, but signing patrick kane tanked any realistic hope they have of playoffs. is patrick kane good? he's actually alright. maybe this time the surgery worked. is the team made better by having him on it? it surely isn't! a few REALLY BADLY TIMED dylan larkin based misfortunes have made it go from bad to worse. they were in A2 like a month ago and now they're Out. strengths: finishing. weaknesses: everything else, including morale.
Panthers: okay you've probably clocked this by now but ive been Generally Salty so far and that is bc a) im easily tempted to haterhood and b) currently discussing each team in the atlantic which does nothing to make me less Tempted To Haterhood. that being said the panthers are Good and For Real About It. they can do everything except finish chances, which is fine when the other team has way fewer chances than you and your goalie doesn't let any of them in. fuck ALLL the way off. place your bets on these guys having a deep playoff run. cross your fingers for them not having a deep playoff run i can't stand chuckyposting again it's RAN ITS COURSE. (also: machuk is probably still injured and absolutely Not doing as well as he did the last few seasons. maybe because he's just not that kind of guy but it's probably at least mostly the broken chest thing)
Canadiens: they are bad EXCEPT when it comes to overtime + the shootout. also much like the sabres they're going nowhere fast. i expect at least one of their goalies to be gone at the deadline... furthermore i think ppl who are ragging on slaf's slow development are simply expecting all 1OAs to be like an auston or a connor type (pick your connor) where they come in and immediately adapt -- slaf rings very reminiscent of quinton byfield to me, who was picked 2OA in 2020 and is only now starting to break out. give him time he's a baby...
Senators: despite how much literally everyone talks up all their players constantly, they are not good either. like the sabres or the habs... atlantic is 4 teams in the genuine hunt, 3 teams who suck and have sucked forever and will suck forevermore, and the red wings who haven't made up their minds yet. the sens actually Do have a singular Biggest Problem though and that's goaltending, but they're not a good enough team otherwise that getting a quality goaltender is going to make them playoffs worthy, especially not in the very short (this-season) run.
Lightning: the lightning are weird to me because like i think they're still making up their mind as A People what they want to do. kucherov is the best player in the league rn, this is stamkos' ufa season and he hasn't been offered an extension, vasilevskiy is back and vasying his levskiy... i fully believe they have the capability of getting a playoff spot, maybe even A3 if they want. we've all seen them in the playoffs, we know how they can turn ~It~ on at will. as always they're a deeply mid 5v5 team powered by very strong special teams... the goaltending numbers say goaltending is shit but they've been playing in front of the genuinely unplayable jonas johansson most of the season so i think it'll be fine.
Maple Leafs: as the team ive watched the moast i can talk about these guys for evar so for all of our sanities i will be brief: Auston Matthews, Baby, Look At Him, That's Auston, Auston Motherfucking "Sexy Mustached Bitch" Matthews!!!!!!! powered by an extremely strong power play and very good offence, and defence and goaltending that is held together by Morgan Rielly and a dream. possibly the only reason they're in a playoff spot is the fact that martin jones didn't get claimed on waivers three months ago and i am being dead serious about that. for some reason they're at their best when they're down by two. they do really need both their #1 goalie to come back from injury and to make a splash for a genuine nhl-calibre defenceman, but they're stubbornly determined to win games even through nasty flu.
Hurricanes: their usual selves -- analytics darlings, can't buy a goal. this year they can't buy a save either -- Freddie is out with a medical condition, Raanta is straight up not good, and Kochetkov is... well, he's Kochetkov. they're not far out of a spot but they'll need a hot hand if they want to get comfy... which i don't expect, frankly. they're good enough to make the playoffs, but they're not really a team that goes on heaters, so they'll be bubble until the end.
Blue Jackets: genuinely not sure they know what they're doing like... okay. from an outside pov they are obviously Tanking. they're bad in every way that matters except for finishing and the standings show it. but also like... they're at the point in their development cycle where they shouldn't be tanking... or at least are on the verge of Shouldn't Be Tanking. and again, because they don't know what they're doing, they hired mike babcock for this... if they know what they're doing they'll toss kekalainen as soon as they can and, following this year's draft, start Fighting. but let's be real i doubt that. adam fantilli it's your time to shine... sorry sweetheart!
Devils: see Hurricanes. Great on paper, can't buy a save. They've obviously been stunted by Timo, J'accuse, and Nico all being injured at various points, but goaltending is their biggest and most solvable problem. Unlike the Hurricanes, though, the Devils are fully capable of going on a heater, so the gap between them and WC2 isn't as big as it looks (probably.) Luke Hughes is going to be something special.
Rangers: Looks like Lafreniere is finally getting his feet under him -- but the Rangers have always been far more about getting old, known players to get a second wind with them than they've been about prospect development, and Quick and Wheeler are both showing this pretty definitively. Another one of those teams that's run by special teams and finishing/goaltending. Easy playoff spot, likely solid run. Nothing too interesting here.
Islanders: On the other hand, the Isles are interesting because... like... how did they get There? They have a negative goal differential, for heaven's sake! Their special teams are godawful, their defence is a sieve, they blow leads like that's what actually gets you points in this league, and they're somehow second in the Metropolitan??????? Is it Horvat? Barzal? Sorokin? (It's probably Sorokin.) They'll make the playoffs but i doubt they'll succeed in them.
Flyers: This one's also weird. They have the power play and offence of a peewee team in the big leagues, but have become defensively Actually Super Competent and are somehow good because of this? I'm going to theorize -- because you've asked me to but also because I really want to -- that this is due, at least in part, to somewhat of an inverse Kane-on-the-Red-Wings effect from their offseason removal of Provorov and DeAngelo; without them, the team is now not only better defensively on paper but also better as a team in the locker room. They're [uncle voice] playing with heart now! I doubt they're a real contender, but I think they might actually make playoffs.
Penguins: ...this one's also weird. They're good on paper. Like, really good on paper? Defensively "just okay" but offensively great, goaltending is fantastic, special teams are shutdown. They just can't buy a goal and they can't buy a good sequence.
Capitals: This one's weird, too, but in the opposite way -- aside from the power-play, the Caps are actually godawful on paper, especially when it comes to finishing (because when Ovechkin takes such a high percentage of your shots but he isn't scoring, your team REALLY suffers) but somehow they've managed to pinpoint sequencing luck (win close, lose ugly) and are somehow in WC1. Do I think they'll make the playoffs? Absolutely not -- if either the Devils or Canes step up, the Caps are the odd man out -- but it might be fun to see them try. Or hell, I hope they win-close-lose-ugly their way to a goddamn Cup final. Would be funny as fuck for Ovi's second-longest ever playoff run to come at the fresh young age of thirty-eight. Dude looks ragged out there. I'm going to shut up now before I start talking about finding him sexy
Coyotes: Simple on paper: bad at running play, good goaltending and finishing. Essentially what the Canucks are doing at a smaller scale. The Leafs should never have let Kerfoot walk and I mean that unironically. Okay, anyway, the Yotes are a bubble team and won't make higher than WC1 because of the logjam at the top of the Central, but holy fuck do I want them to make WC1 (or a playoff spot in general.) People ask "how can we grow the game" a lot, and when it comes to what the NHL can do directly, the number one biggest thing is win in small markets. Arizona has already created one of the sports' biggest stars -- Auston! -- and it's an absolutely massive TV market and a potential hotbed of new fans and new, great players. Arizona making a playoff spot -- or even better, going on a run -- would be amazing for the NHL. And it would be funny. And I would like that.
Blackhawks: shoutout to dave !!! dave who works for the hawks!!! anyway the hawks are very obviously tanking and good at it. Their only real point of interest is their Sacred Child, and holy fuck is their Sacred Child going to absolutely fucking smash it when he's given a team that's not entirely made up of scrubs. i think his analytics, especially his defensive numbers, are, like, fine? but accounting for his leverage (all situations, especially the difficult ones), his teammates (his best linemate is Anthony Beauvillier, and tito... is a third liner), and the fact that he's all of eighteen, he's definitely on track to be a Real Force. i kinda love him... okay moving on.
Avalanche: All-over good: finishing their biggest obvious strength, but hockeywise they don't have any real weaknesses... although there is some serious Drama brewing in that locker room and i think it might just be getting started. with landeskog gone for at least until the end of this year (and possibly forever) and ej a sabre, there is absolutely no one in there capable of actually emotionally running a team: makar lacking in a leader's magnetism, rantanen an idiot, toews and mackinnon far too high-strung and competitive, and no one else with seniority. they're a good enough team that it's not really affecting them right now, but ... i don't know, i can kind of feel it coming. They'll make the playoffs, but when the pressure is on they'll either step up or completely fall apart.
Stars: See above: all-over good, but saving their biggest obvious weakness. I think most of this is spurred by Otter being out -- Wedgewood is a serviceable backup goaltender, but obviously not capable of being a real starter, and the team is stuttering because of it. I doubt it'll be for long or too much difficulty (they're a good defensive team, so it's not going to affect them a lot, but they might lose a game or two they might have won with Otter, especially if he's out for a while), but it's going to keep them from taking a step on top of the Central. Easy playoff team, probable contender.
Wild: They are bad! Penalty kill is their worst weakness, but they're not great in goal either and the combination is kicking their ass. As much as I respect how well they've done with that giant cap-space penalty from the Parise/Suter buyouts all those years ago, it's... kind of time to throw in the towel. Get Flower those final few wins, because by god are they devoid of much other success. Right at the tail of a competitive arc. RIP. Tank incoming.
Predators: Weirdly good, even though Saros hasn't been his usual self? O'Reilly esp has been an absolutely fantastic addition for the team over the offseason. No huge strengths, no significant weaknesses. Not an amazing offensive team, but it's Nashville so they were never going to be -- the place practically breeds defensive forwards and all-around dmen. I don't expect they'll seriously contend, but they'll make the playoffs (unless someone offers the farm for Saros).
Blues: I genuinely think so little about the Blues .... that whole thing with Jordan Kyrou has been the most I've thought about them for a bit. That and the fact that only three of their games haven't been decided by the first goal? They're not good and they're really boring. Yeehaw.
Jets: THE JETS let's get JUICY. Jets' biggest strengths by far are a) 5v5 defence and b) finishing/goaltending. Even with Kyle Connor out they're sniping and Hellebuyck and Brossoit are both absolutely on it. The Jets have always seemed to have this problem where on paper (take a shot every time I've written "on paper" in this post if you want to die of alcohol poisoning) they seem fantastic, then January onwards they absolutely plummet. And it's not January yet, so that might still happen, but that kind of thing tends to happen because of a dramatic morale shift, and now that Lowry's captain and Wheeler's left for New York... that might not happen? They've banked enough points that unless they're historically bad from here on out they're still a playoff team. If they keep up what they have going so far, they're a contender, but if it's the same Winnipeg with the same problems, then they're not.
Ducks: Taking a step in the right direction with Carlsson and Mintyukov, but still bad! I really hope Carlsson recovers well, he seems like a sweet boy. Also: what on Earth are they doing with Zegras. Is he a defenceman now? Are they making him play defence? Are he and Dixie D'Amelio still dating? I have many questions. I just hope whichever high draft pick they get is an idiot. I feel like they need another dumbass baby on the team.
Flames: The Flames also appear to have no idea what's going on. And frankly, neither do I! They're too good to be obviously tanking, but not near good enough to be a bubble team. They're definitely reluctant to sell, but their best hope to win soon absolutely should be selling. They have one of the worst contracts in the league on their payroll (wow... I hope the guy in charge of my favourite team didn't sign that!) and a bunch of really solid late-round picks and prospects cutting their teeth on the NHL. In short: they aren't going to make the playoffs and should be leaning into that, but they don't seem to have realized this yet.
Oilers: For the sake of not gloating, I'm going to sum this one up with a Marek quote: If you have a goalie, it's 70% of your team. If you don't, it's 100%. They've had finishing trouble, but considering they absolutely run the show at 5v5 AND special teams (they put nearly SIXTY SHOTS on Vasilevskiy the other day) a little finishing shouldn't be quite so dangerous if they didn't have two sieves minding the net. McDavid might hit 150 again and the Oil might still miss the playoffs. If they get in, they're going far, but at this point it'll be tough as fuck to make it in.
Kings: Average penalty kill. No other weaknesses. Kopitar 4 Selke.
Sharks: This is an absolutely glorious tankjob. No other way to put it. This is the pinnacle of tank design. This is the Wayne Gretzky of tankjobs. This is the Casablanca of tankjobs. This is the Saturn V of tankjobs. Nothing has been so beautifully engineered to suck since Sir James Dyson patented his vacuum or Nancy Reagan walked the earth. It's beautiful. It's gorgeous. I am in awe. They deserve Celebrini purely because of how flawless the tank is. I don't care if he has a warm undertone and would look pink in that fantastic teal. The boy needs San Jose.
Kraken: Good defensively at 5v5, bad pretty much everywhere else. I'm going to be honest with you all, last year was kind of a flash in the pan -- Seattle isn't great and they're neither headed upwards nor downwards. Not a bubble team, probably won't pick top ten. They haven't decided whether or not to build up or tank. Beyond the fantastic aesthetics and four-unranked-lines shtick, they don't really have a whole lot of competitive mojo: no star forwards, no goaltending. Wholeheartedly mid.
Canucks: oH BABY!!!!! The 23-24 Canucks made us all learn what PDO is. The 23-24 Canucks are first in the motherfucking league after being one spot out of being in the Bedard lottery. The 23-24 Canucks are on track to have the best shooting and saving percentage in league history. The 23-24 Canucks' leading goalscorer is Brock Boeser, the guy they've almost traded practically every year since they drafted him. The 23-24 Canucks started the season by naming the Wettest Little Man On The Planet captain and they haven't looked back since. I think they're an easy lock for a playoff spot -- but within the playoffs, do I know what they're going to do? I absolutely do not. They could PDO their way to a Cup or they could bow out in four games flat. Either is equally likely. They have thoroughly embraced Good Chaos. Quinn Hughes might win the Hart. Everything's coming up Vancouver.
Golden Knights: Not as good as they were last year. Ultimately still pretty good. Easy playoff spot. Definite contender. Jack Eichel is better than ever and I love him for it, the dickhead.
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davertmanfriend · 4 months
Hello and welcome too:
This post shall make clear of some things and make theories such as:
Why dr kel is part ariral
Who made him this way
Even if Dr kel knows they are an ariral
Let's begin
Tumblr media
Art from: https://x.com/Celdis_La_Trash/status/1717160454479340020?s=20
From deduction, we can tell Dr. Kel isn't a normal human, quite special indeed, he can eat a lot of bad foods and not get hurt from this, decomposing deers, raw eggs, bugs, and a lot more.
Dr. kel is stronger than many humans (can chuck a 400-pound atv with ease, survive falls and tumbles that would break human bones), its obvious Dr. kel isn't human to a degree. First, who and why?
The most viable options are arirals. Could be some test of sorts, to see if ariral could mate with humans and what the offspring would look like (it's a viable option, I'm sorry), or perhaps Dr. kel is the victim of alien abduction and genetic modification. All we know is that arirals had something to do with it, and arirals have become more familiar to earth than we think. As we can tell by the poster in the base, the previous inhabitants have seen warp arrows. And want to believe.
But why is Dr kel part ariral?... we have a few reasons.
1: As I said, perhaps an ariral mated with a human, for two reasons: because they were in love, and they are testing if it was possible to have offspring with a human. (It's viable, I'm sorry)
2: as we know, their medical system and science are advanced! Far beyond us. But, let's be honest, would they be greedy like us? They do have corruption in their government, so the medical care is probably corrupted, too. And expensive. And arirals are poisonous to humans! Requiring a vacation to help us adapt to them. But, if a human was part ariral, they'd be immune to an extent. Right? So, it could be Dr. kel is a bridge for money, less cash for creating the vaccine, and paying to get it. Plus, it would help create a connection between human and ariral. Dr. kel could be a future ambassador. And if the mating thing is right, these arirals at the array, could be people sent to study them, or one scientist and a parent.
Or, if the genetics manipulation theory is correct, the arirals who are at the array are both scientist and are testing his durability, strength, and agility (explaining the 'pranks' they play), which makes sense, because they seemingly are both talls, and when they push Dr kel, they survive and with little to no bruises (tall arirals are 8× stronger then humans), they also leave ariral food for Dr kel, such as the purple fruit, which shows the genetic manipulation does have limits.
From both theories, they both can either be right, or im batshit insane! Either way I'm for it!
Now, does Dr kel know they are an ariral?..
This is mainly for the ariral parent theory, but if ya squint those eyes, it could fit the genetics manipulation theory.
Well, Dr. kel is a human who willingly went to the array, which is seemingly total isolation from humanity, and abolace that has claimed many human lives! And with Dr ena as their friend, ena has told Dr. kel probably, and wants Dr. kel to back out of it! But Dr. Kel wants to go here for some reason! We all know Dr. bao doesn't care if Dr. kel dies. It's just a little more paperwork for a weak for him! So, Dr. kel is purposely self isolating away from humans and friends. It's possible his parent told him to keep his strange tendencies to himself (ariral parent theory) because the big bad government would take them away if Dr. kel didn't keep it a secret! And so, Dr. kel is probably a little paranoid still of humans, childhood trauma? And we do see that Dr. kel is traumatized a little or paranoid, at least.
It's not a truly perfect theory, but if any writers out their take my ideas, go ahead and make something magical! I might try to as well-
Anyway! That's all I had to say, pinched unto a rant of sorts, all for voices of the void.
If you friends out their might see any other things that could fit into my theory, be not afraid to comment! I like your ideas too.
That's all, bbbbyyyeee! <3
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Some “Little Women” thoughts – In defense of Meg’s marriage
@littlewomenpodcast, @thatscarletflycatcher, @joandfriedrich
Whether Little Women is a feminist book or an anti-feminist book will probably be debated forever.
Most of the debate seems to center around the character of Jo: whether she’s depressingly “tamed” in the end or matures in a healthy way, whether her marriage is anti-feminist or not, and whether or not it’s “anti-feminist” that in the end she’s a schoolmistress instead of a famous author. (Though of course she’ll eventually be a famous author in Jo’s Boys.) But similar debate surrounds the other March sisters too, for various reasons.
Not even Meg, the sister whom readers most often seem to overlook, is spared from these debates. Many feminist critics, such as (but not limited to) Samantha Ellis in her book How to Be a Heroine, have criticized the chapters depicting Meg and John Brooke’s married life in Part II. They label those chapters “depressing,” and they feel as if Meg and John are constantly at odds with each other and miserable. They argue that each of their marital conflicts ends with Meg learning to be a more submissive wife who placates and effaces herself for her husband. And they despise John, labeling him “selfish” and “disrespectful.”
Sometimes I wonder if I read the same book that they did.
It seems obvious to me that Meg and John’s marriage is a happy and healthy one: Alcott is just honest about the fact that even the happiest marriage includes conflict and requires work. Some of these critics seem to think fictional marriages only exist in two forms, “perfect” and “toxic,” with no in-betweens. Nor does John deserve half the negative commentary he gets, nor does Meg’s personal growth within her marriage consist of learning to be a submissive or self-effacing wife. On the contrary, much of her growth consists of her learning that she doesn’t need to be a “perfect” housewife and mother who gives and demands too much of herself, and their marriage becomes more of an equal partnership by the end, not less of one.
Let’s look in depth all three of Meg and John’s marital conflicts.
First there’s the jelly incident.
Here we see the first of a recurring theme: Meg is determined to be the perfect housewife and is "over-anxious to please.” She wants to do everything right and do it all by herself, because she’s afraid that otherwise, she'll be a failure. In terms of her personality type, I agree with @funkymbtifiction that Meg is an ESFJ. In the book, if not in all adaptations, Meg and Amy are both ESFJs: Amy is more of the sparkling “Glinda in Wicked” variety, while Meg, apart from her streak of vanity, is more of the down-to-earth, motherly, “Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast” variety. But Meg in particular shows what @alittlebitofpersonality calls the ESFJ Type Angst. Her eagerness to manage her marriage and motherhood in the most pleasant, correct way (her strong Fe and Si) and her fear of possible failure (her weak Ne and Ti) give her, in A Little Bit of Personality’s words, a “frantic desire to do everything and get it done right now,” so she drives herself too hard.
She shouldn’t have promised John that he could bring home a dinner guest at any time; that’s unrealistic. Nor should she have tried to make jelly for the first time in her life using only the memory of watching Hannah make it; she should have invited Hannah over to help her. Nor should she have become so absorbed in making and re-making the jelly that she didn’t cook dinner; nor should she have let herself be so distraught about the failed jelly, or lost her temper with John and then run to her room, leaving him to improvise a bread-and-cheese dinner and entertain Mr. Scott alone.
John is also at fault and acknowledges it. He shouldn’t have forgotten that Meg was making jelly that day and brought home a guest without warning. He shouldn’t have laughed at Meg’s anguish over the failed jelly, nor should he have joked that he and Mr. Scott “won’t ask for jelly” with dinner. But let’s be fair to John. His laughter is probably just as much out of relief as out of amusement, because when he first comes home and finds Meg sobbing, he worries that something terrible has happened. Then, when he realizes no food has been cooked, he’s understandably annoyed because he’s come home from work tired and hungry, with a guest too, and Meg hasn’t done what she promised she would. But he doesn’t lose his temper; he stays calm and amiable and accepts a cold-cut meal; he just gives his annoyance a tiny vent with his joking barb about the jelly. Then Meg overreacts in response.
In the hours afterwards, he and Meg are still polite to each other, just a bit distant, each sorry but waiting for the other to apologize first. Then, when Meg finally breaks the ice, they both apologize (not just Meg – in fact only John verbally apologizes, Meg just does it with a kiss), everything is fine again, and from then on they both laugh about the incident.
Maybe by modern standards, it is problematic that Marmee has urged Meg to be careful not to make John angry and to always apologize first when they’re both at fault. But it’s not because John has “a volcanic temper,” as Samantha Ellis inexplicably claimed– he so clearly doesn’t! Nor is Marmee’s message “Men are less forgiving than women so we need to placate them.” She’s not talking about “men,” but about John the individual, and she’s not urging Meg to placate him either. All she means is that John’s anger doesn’t flare up and die quickly like the March women’s, but simmers much longer because he represses it.
Then there’s the silk incident.
Say what you will about vanity-shaming and other gendered implications (which of course are valid), but Meg didn’t need an expensive silk dress, and she shouldn’t have ordered it without telling John. It’s not that a wife should ask her husband’s permission to spend money; it’s that no one, regardless of gender, should do anything behind their spouse’s back that they’re ashamed to admit. And again, John doesn’t get angry. He accepts the expense without complaining. He’s just hurt; he works so hard to provide for Meg, and the fact that what he provides isn’t good enough for her, that she says “I’m tired of being poor,” makes him feel inadequate. Yet he tries not to show his hurt and is willing to let Meg have the dress. He cancels his own order for a new overcoat so they can afford it; he’s willing to sacrifice something he needs for something Meg wants but doesn’t need. When Meg sells the silk and buys the overcoat for John instead, she’s only repaying his selflessness in kind.
Finally, we reach the chapter “On the Shelf.”
I’ve read several feminist articles that criticize this chapter and especially John’s behavior in it. But I don’t agree with any of them. John isn’t being selfish the way Meg briefly thinks he is; he’s not jealous of her attention to the twins. By all appearances, Meg genuinely neglects him and overwhelms herself too, because she devotes every waking moment to her two toddlers and thinks no one can properly take care of them but herself. Again she’s trying to be superhuman because she’s afraid of failure. She doesn’t let John be a parent to his own children, or take any time to relax either, and she spoils the twins and makes things harder for herself by giving in to their tantrums. I understand why some feminists are rankled when John starts spending his evenings elsewhere, Meg feels ignored, and Marmee tells her it’s her own fault for forgetting ‘her duty to her husband.” But even if that wording isn’t ideal by modern standards, it's arguably true. To blame John for “not bothering” to help take care of the twins and “forcing” Meg to do it all alone, as some of these critics do, is just the opposite of what the chapter means to convey.
And again, John doesn’t get angry or complain. Nor, unlike what some of these critics seem to think, does he cheat on Meg, either physically or emotionally. He just goes to visit the Scotts rather than feel lonely and useless at home (where Samantha Ellis got the idea that he goes to “what sounds like a dodgy establishment” is beyond me; it’s a friend’s house), and just because Meg worries that his eye is roving to pretty Mrs. Scott doesn’t mean it is.
Arguably, this chapter has a very feminist message about egalitarian marriage and co-parenting. Instead of doing all the work alone and sacrificing her own wellbeing, Meg learns to share her parenting duties with John, and to let Hannah babysit often so they can have much-needed time to themselves too. She also starts to converse with John about politics, so he doesn’t constantly feel the need to seek out a male friend to discuss them, and he returns the favor by conversing with her about domestic subjects too. Traditional gender divides are relaxed. By the end of the chapter, their marriage is more balanced and equal than ever.
I’ve also read complaints about John’s co-parenting. The fact that Meg is portrayed as too soft-hearted, spoiling rowdy Demi and needing John to discipline him. The fact that John and therefore Alcott advocates the potentially traumatic “cry it out” method of sleep training. The fact that John insists on handling Demi’s tantrum in his own way despite Meg’s objections and Meg reluctantly gives in, with references to John’s “masterful tone” and Meg’s “docility.” The possible sexist implication that John knows how to parent better than Meg does.
But I don’t think Alcott meant to imply that John is a better parent than Meg or meant us to see him as lording over her. Even though he won’t let her give in to Demi’s demands, what finally stops Demi’s tantrum is a kiss from Meg after he’s been allowed to cry for a few minutes. They solve the problem together by combining John’s discipline with Meg’s tenderness. Then John shows tenderness of his own by lying down on the bed and holding Demi as he falls asleep, so it’s not a straightforward “cry it out” that he (or Alcott) advocates for sleep training, but something closer to the Ferber Method.
Of course there is an old-fashioned, traditional aura to Meg and John’s marriage and to their roles in the house: Meg as homemaker and John as breadwinner, Meg as nurturer and John as disciplinarian to the twins, and her fondness for sitting in his lap. But of the four March sisters, Meg was always the most traditional young woman of her era. Her marriage dynamic might not be what Jo or even Amy would want, but it’s just right for Meg. And Alcott shows us that with the right effort, even a basically traditional marriage can be egalitarian and mutually healthy.
The one feminist complaint I might sympathize with is that all three of these episodes do revolve around Meg learning to be a better wife. In each instance, Meg is portrayed as being more at fault than John, and she’s the one who learns the chief lesson. But I don’t consider this a sexist choice either. The March sisters are the protagonists of Little Women. Their coming-of-age journeys and personal growth are the focal point. John is a supporting character, so it’s arguably only natural that the “married life” chapters focus more on Meg’s personal growth than on his.
These are the reasons why I personally enjoy the chapters revolving around Meg and John’s marriage, and why I don’t consider them problematic or “depressing.” They’re just a realistic portrayal of the struggles, mistakes, and conflicts that occasionally rise within a happy marriage, which are resolved in a healthy way when both partners put in the necessary work. I understand where the critics who dislike those chapters are coming from, but I can’t bring myself to agree.
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turbulentscrawl · 5 months
Eli Clark Relationship HCs
Surprisingly, I don't think anyone requested these
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-First of all, Eli is both a romantic and an idealist. He likes the sweet words, the poetry, the deep meaningfulness of life with someone you love. And he’s charismatic enough to pull it off! Like, so many people out there dream about having his natural way with words.
-Eli's an adaptable, reasonable guy with good communication skills. He responds well to critique and handles serious discussions well, so most (if any) issues you have with him can be resolved quickly. The only love language he struggles with is Gift Giving, and only because he feels a little bad if large sums are spent on him. If he has any particular flaw, it’s that he tends to over-extend himself socially. This can cause stress on both the relationship and his own health if left to fester, but he’s receptive if you just have a conversation with him about it.
-He likes to have a bit of gentle teasing in his relationships. It’s always good-natured stuff, just some sweet, light banter. Casual conversations like that help him let loose from the long hours he’s dedicated to being the manor’s acting therapist. Additionally, he would like a partner who he can confide in. He needs to vent sometimes too, but since he’s trusted with so many people’s private matters, he needs to trust you too.
-He enjoys skinship. Any kind of physical contact with his partner is good contact. Holding hands, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, and boy howdy does he like it when you snuggle up to his chest! He gives amazingly comforting hugs, not too tight, not too gentle. He’s fine with PDA as long as you both establish honest boundaries for it; he doesn’t normally like to do anything more than hugs and simple kisses in front of the others. He especially likes to kiss your cheek and ears, so he can leave sweet, whispered words behind. When he blushes, his ears turn bright red.
-He’s a hold-out for starting a relationship due to having a fiancé back in Reality…but once he accepts that he’s probably not getting out of this situation, he gives into his emotional needs pretty quickly. Eli falls slow but hard, so by the time you’re together, he’s much more desperate for closeness and comfort than he lets on. It doesn’t take long into your relationship that he’s asking to spend the night in your room, or you his. Just to share the space, to have someone to cling to, nothing dirty.
-Eli’s romantic preferences carry over into the bedroom! He’s more of a service top, preferring to focus on the pleasure of his partner over his own. He can endure a neglected erection for a surprising amount of time, and sometimes will even come without you touching him at all, if you’re both riled up enough. He just thinks his partner is the sexiest, most perfect thing ever and it drives him to the brink.
-He’s not especially kinky, but he’s willing to try any non-harmful things you’re interested in. He doesn’t like to bruise or cut you, and even pulling your hair is pushing it a bit. There’s enough pain delivered in matches. He personally really likes body worship, edging, cockwarming sessions with lots of slow kissing, and he loves to see his partner in something elegant and lacey. With time, he can come to like some soft restraints, like silk cloth.
-He doesn’t mind a bit of playful taunting in the bedroom, but he wouldn’t like to have a bratty partner. What’s enjoyable about his partner pretending they don’t want him, like him? Other than that, he does his best to deliver on any requests you have for the bedroom. If you ask him to ravish you, he’s going to ravish you. If you need to feel a little powerful, he hands you his trust and control. His favorite positions are 69 and you seated in his lap, where he can hold you close.
-His libido is pretty average, but sometimes he’s just too tired for proper sex. Not so secretly, he feels delightfully spoiled when you treat him to your hands or your mouth on those nights when he’s exhausted but needy. These are the only times he might fail to get you off, and only because he’s out like a light before he gets a chance. He’ll make up for it first thing in the morning, promise!
-He loves to bathe with you. It may sometimes turn into something more, but he does like it as a form of sensual intimacy and skinship so you shouldn’t try to initiate every time y’all strip down. Or even most of the time, honestly. Otherwise, he would eventually stop asking to bathe with you entirely, as it would feel like you’re sexualizing his romantic vulnerability.
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
can you do the 4 lords with a childish s/o? like, loves sweets, and is always sneaking them back to their room, very picky eater, and eats ‘children’s’ food, i.e. lunchables, dino nuggets
please and thanks you + i love your writing!!
Thank you! Hope you enjoy!💖
The Four Lords with a Childish S/O Headcanons
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She finds your childishness endearing. I mean, Alcina is a mother after all. But no, that's not really why she finds it endearing. I don't know, it just kind of something that warms her heart and makes her smile, even if it gets overbearing sometimes.
-Because, let's be honest. Castle Dimitrescu is not really a place you would find childish behavior.
-However, she loves it when you crawl into bed with her. It's like a switch flipped in your brain. Child mode told you to clamber in and cling to her, but romantically, you want as much cuddles as possible without the interference of her daughters.
-Speaking of her daughters, you can be caught playing childish games with them like hide or seek, or something along those lines. Alcina might scold her daughters, but never you.
-You were a picky eater by nature, another one of your habits. Certain days you would want certain things, and most of those things were meals that could pass for a child's. However, ever the persuasive, Alcina could sometimes get you to eat something else.
-That, or she manages to get you what you want. She loves you after all. Alcina doesn't always understand this choice in food, but who is she to question your choices.
-Again, she finds your childishness endearing be it a little exhausting. It's moments like this that she's glad her daughters can entertain you. But at the end of the day, you still come to sleep by her side because you love her.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna loves your childish behavior because then she can finally stop acting so poise herself. Contrary to popular belief, Donna is more like a child than the quiet young lady that people think her to be. So, she vibes well with you.
-She now has an excuse to make more dolls than ever. It can be fun for the whole lot of you.
-In fact, she leaves her door open a crack just as an encouragement for you to sneak in at night. Sometimes, if you aren't fast enough, she sneaks into your room. It's a strange relationship to some, but you guys still really love each other.
-If Donna is ever busy with work or something, Angie and the other dolls play around with you. Is it a mess when she comes back inside? Absolutely. Does Donna join in whatever the hell you're doing? Yes.
-She understands your pickiness because she herself is picky when it comes to food. Donna needs tea with whatever meal she's having, and her stomach is rather sensitive. Yeah, her reasons might be a bit different than yours.
-While your foods are childish and odd to her, it doesn't stop Donna from nabbing a dino nugget here and there as you eat, causing you to pout. In fact, Donna is now adapting to your childish meals, much to the amusement of some.
-You both are childish in your own ways which makes you guys the perfect couple together. While Donna has that childish side, she is also responsible enough to make sure you guys get things taken care of. It's really a perfect relationship.
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Salvatore Moreau
-While you and Donna can be a childish pair, you and Moreau are even worse. He loves your childishness and finds it absolutely adorable. He begins to act childish in spite of himself, making you guys bounce off one another.
-Heisenberg says that Moreau has finally found someone with the level of competence as him, which leads to you fighting the metal lord.
-Moreau waits like a child himself for you to come into his bed at night. Granted, the reservoirs don't hold pretty accommodations, but he makes it work for the both of you, yours probably more comfortable than his. But because you love him, the childish side of you ends up in his bed.
-He manages to find a (maybe illegal) stash of kid's movies for you to watch if he ever has to go somewhere alone. Even if he wasn't going anywhere, Moreau would get those movies for you. And yes, of course he was going to watch them with you.
-Your picky eating makes him panic sometimes, cue his own childish side of overreacting, because he doesn't have much to begin with. You try to be flexible for him, but you can't help what you want sometimes.
-Don't worry, Donna sometimes pulls through for him to get the food you want. Now, Moreau has always wanted to try some of your (what he considers) unique food, but he's always been scared to ask or take from you. But hey, just because your childish doesn't mean your cruel. Of course you're going to give him a nugget.
-Moreau can be childish just like you, but probably with more of the negative traits than the positives. This is why you guys balance each other out so well. You love each other, and manage to make the other smile.
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Karl Heisenberg
-We all know Heisenberg is going to struggle here. Take a serious and angry man like him and put him with a childish person like you. The reaction isn't always that pretty. However, he isn't always a cruel bastard, and treats you as well as he can with your behavior.
-The other lords tease him about the situation, and that's when he goes on the aggressive defensive, for you and him.
-The first time you snuck into his room during the night, he nearly killed you because you scared him to death. Locking his door meant nothing because you picked it. Soon, he just said fuck it we ball and left it wide open. He did wake up to find you sleeping with him, and he couldn't help but smile.
-He knew you were a person who needed to be entertained (in both ways that you are thinking), but he didn't know how to deal with that when he was working or gone. But let's just say, he wasn't leaving anything sharp around you again.
-Your picky eating drove him nuts in the beginning. He didn't see what the big deal was and didn't have the time to worry about it. Yes, it caused some fights, and yes, he eventually gave in. Of course, he was rolling his eyes and making fun of you.
-While he got irritated, he was also intrigued. You can guess that Heisenberg has never seen foods like the ones that you like to eat. You would offer him some, but he would always decline. But you'd be lying if you said you never saw him sneaking some treats in for himself.
-Heisenberg didn't understand how you could be so childish, and even if it irritated him sometimes, he would be lying if he said it didn't bring a smile to his face now and again. He needs a bit of that innocence in his life, so he thanks you.
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blainesebastian · 7 months
no regrets
ship: austin butler x female reader rating: PG word count: 2,145 summary: basically this is all bri's fault. "you need to do something with this...you meet him at a yoga class" definitely inspired by long-haired austin warnings: none notes: this was lowkey and fun :) appreciate you bri, as always. i know zero percent about yoga, literally googled 'simple yoga poses' and went from there--so the description of getting into said poses might be inaccurate. taglist: @stylespresleyhearted, @austinbutlermischief, @killerqueenfan
You have no idea how you allowed yourself to be talked into a yoga class.
And here’s the thing—it wasn’t by a friend or co-worker, not family or seeing an advertisement somewhere with a good deal, you’re the one who convinced yourself it was a good idea. Just wanted to try something new, not exactly interested in working out or toning your body, nothing like that—but just to gain a different experience, see what all the hype was about. You at least did enough research not to end up in a hot yoga class, jesus, you’d definitely expire in one of those.
Stretches and calming breathing though? How bad could it be?
Apparently bad when your limbs don’t know how to do simple poses…like you’re pretty sure your elbows and knees didn’t get the memo about directions they’re supposed to go.
…really mastered the Corpse Pose though.
You let out a long breath that flutters your hair as you sit up, a bit of sweat sticking to your skin as you take a look around at some other people in the class that seem to have easily adapted to the routine. The guy in front of you is definitely smirking as he wraps up his mat, looking like he’s entertaining the thought of saying something. You narrow your eyes, pulling your hair free from the braid to get it out of your face by doing a high bun.
“First time?” He asks as you get up and…did your bones just make a low cracking noise in protest?
Picking up your mat, you get a better look at him and…well, not that he was difficult to notice while the class was going on. He was positioned right in front of you, long lines, muscular tone, long blonde hair tied up in a loose bun. There’s a pretty flush to his cheeks now from the workout, his cupid-bow lips full and pink.
Not that you’re staring or anything.
“Oh no, I come all the time—I adapted the Corpse Pose into something called the ‘dead fish’, couldn’t you tell?” You smile a little, uncapping some water to take a few large sips.
He tosses his bag over his shoulder and both of you slowly follow the crowd out of the yoga room, “I was hopin’ the instructors would notice that and implement it into the usual line up.”
You smirk, your stomach doing a swirled flip at the teasing in his voice. He’s attractive, really no denying that, “Not sure I’m coming back for another round, I can’t feel the bottom of my spine.”
Laughing lightly, he pulls the elastic from his hair and…clearly he didn’t do a ton of sweating during the workout, soft blonde waves fall to his shoulders. He runs his hand through them, reaching into his bag for his water.
“It gets better the more you do it,” He says, breaking your concentration. You blink, refocusing on him talking instead of his hair, “You’d probably benefit from a Plank or Baby Cobra.”
You blink, “You’re just saying words, I have no idea what that means.”
He grins, glancing towards the exit before turning his head back to look at you. There’s a definite moment where his eyes trace you up and down, making that flurry of butterflies in your stomach explode outward.
“Well if you come back, I’ll show you.”
Is this man seriously flirting with you at a yoga class? Though, to be honest, it’s almost refreshing. You’ve kind of sworn off dating because places like bars notoriously have terrible guys approaching you with overused lines and unable to handle words like ‘no, thanks’. So…what’s the harm in coming back at least one more time for a cute guy that obviously knows how to stretch?
“Are you asking me on a date to a yoga class?” You throw out there, raising your eyebrows. You’ve always been one that’s forward—why waste time?
He picks up on it easily, doesn’t seem to be the type that backs down either. “Figured it wouldn’t hurt to try out.”
You smile a little and nod slowly, “Alright, one more class—I think that’s all my body can take.” You reach out your hand to shake his, “Y/N.”
“Austin,” He replies, “Don’t worry—I’ll go easy on you.”
He winks before heading out the door. What’s the worst that could happen? You pull a muscle? Least you’ll be seeing him in those workout pants again…and honestly? Seems like an even trade.
Hot-Yoga-Guy (Austin—which, you know his name, you should really start calling him by it) wants to meet up for smoothies before the next yoga class. Despite the fact that you kinda find smoothies texturally weird, how can you deny saying yes when he asks? Besides, the dude totally seems like the type that lives in smoothie bars—probably has a recommendation of fruit combinations at the ready.
Except, when you show up you expect him to be in his gym attire since that’s the only thing you’ve seen him in. Fits the whole hot-yoga-guy-who-drinks-smoothies archetype, and yet—
He’s wearing dark blue jeans, a white button-down shirt, black leather jacket and booties. That beautiful blonde hair of his is flowing over his shoulders and…jesus, you didn’t remember how attractive he was. You’re kinda just staring at him from the doorway until someone comes in after you and practically knocks you over attempting to get in line to order. Whoops.
He turns a little and smiles when he notices you’ve walked in, motioning you over to a small table by the window he’s snagged. Carrying your gym bag with your change of clothes for yoga (and two bottles of water, you learned from the last time that hydration is not overrated), you set it down on the floor and plop into the chair across from him.
“Hi,” You breathe out, “So I gotta admit, never really done the whole smoothie thing before—much more of a froyo girl.”
“First the yoga and now this,” Austin teases, “Feel like you really need a hands-on guide.”
“Well as long as you’re offering.” You grin—definitely okay with his hands on…anything.
You get to know one another over your smoothies (curated by Austin because there’s almost too much to choose from. Strawberry-banana isn’t too bad, or maybe you’re just distracted by the ocean-blue eyes in front of you, up for debate). You learn that Austin’s interested in becoming a serious actor, a mark that he wants to grow into and leave behind, something that hasn’t quite happened yet but you’re sure will at some point. He’s charismatic and personable—what’s not to like on a big screen? You share about your passions too—that you teach first grade history but what you’d really like to do some day is write a book, it’s all mapped out in your head…you’ve just never been brave enough to type it out.
“Too afraid it’ll somehow fail, I guess.” You admit, throwing away your empty smoothie cup.
Austin holds the door open for you, both making your way outside. The yoga studio is just around the block,
“Yeah, I get that,” He curls some of his hair behind his ear, “Problem with that is, you’ll never know if you don’t try it out.”
You hum lightly, “You’re makin’ too much sense.”
He smiles a little, “Let’s just say I’ve had the same talk with myself a few times, got it memorized by now.”
And maybe it’s that easy? Putting yourself out there, seeing what happens. Austin’s got a point—if you don’t try and write a novel, or put your thoughts on paper, it’s only ever going to be a ‘what if’. That’s not something you constantly want to live with like a black cloud hanging over your head.
When you get home that night, you begin organizing your thoughts on different colored post its, categorizing your ideas. It’s the most inspired you’ve felt in a long time.
Two yoga classes turn into four, which turn into six and…even by the eighth class? You’re not getting any better at this whole balance and stretching stuff. Though to do be honest, it’s not like you don’t know you’re there for pretty much one thing—and it’s not strengthening your core.
You’ve decided, very adult-like, that you hate the instructor and the sound of her voice when she tries to get you the Low Lunge Pose and…how do people even stretch their legs straight out like that?
“I think I pulled something in my back,” You pout, flat on your yoga mat after most people have packed up and left. Austin is rolling his own mat up, a chuckle rumbling in his chest at your predicament.
You want to glare at him but as your eyes find him, kinda hard to feel anything but pure attraction. His blonde hair is up in a messy bun, the muscles in his arms on display thanks to the shirt he’s wearing, and his skin is kissed with a light sheen of sweat. Unfair, really.
“You know—most people get better with practice,” He teases, setting his bag down and sitting himself next to you.
Luckily it doesn’t seem like another class is coming in to see you pathetically stretched out on your mat, slowly dying.
“I really think yoga isn’t for me,” You laugh lightly, sitting up. Ouch.
“Then why’d you keep comin’?”
Turning your head, you raise your eyebrows at Austin, “Oh come on, it’s not obvious?”
He smiles a little, nodding as he looks down at the mat. “Your back isn’t straight enough with the Low Lunge, that’s why you can’t get your leg up.”
Your eyebrows lift slightly, “You checkin’ me out?”
Austin grins, “I’m checkin’ out the terrible yoga pose, yeah.”
You snicker a little, putting yourself on your knees before letting out a dramatic breath, “Well—c’mon coach, help me out here.”
He offers you a hand to get you off the floor and then…those hands move your hips to position you onto the mat. You can feel the heat of his skin through your leggings and the sound of a roaring ocean fills your ears for a moment. Shaking your head, you push a random strand of hair out of your face before you concentrate on what he’s saying.
“Okay, so feet first—” He lines you up and encourages you to bend forward, “Hands flat on the mat…” Austin is patient as you haphazardly follow the instructions, “Okay, now straighten your back…”
You let out a long sigh, remembering to breathe. The first time you did this whole yoga thing you were holding your breath and nearly passed out. Good times.
His hand curves around the front of your leg, the one you’re going to lift and…are you really expected to concentrate when you can feel his fingers on your thigh? A shiver slithers down your spine, creating goosebumps on your arms. God, you’re feeling lightheaded—are you still breathing through the pose? You blink a few times and lift your leg, Austin helping you straighten it.
“Okay, good, now hold for thirty seconds.”
Thirty seconds? There’s a slight groan that leaves your lips, especially when Austin asks if you ‘feel the difference?’ in the pose you’re in compared to the one you attempted to do during class. You definitely feel that lower spot in your spine spasm, that’s for sure. When Austin moves to stand beside you and you’re able to keep still for about fifteen seconds before you start tipping.
There’s not even time to warn him, a soft squeak leaving your lips as you faulter, falling over and right into him. Both of you end up on the floor with a solid thunk! and a few giggles escape your lips.
Austin huffs lightly but he’s smiling, sprawled out on the floor on his back with you against his chest…least he was soft to land on. “Alright, so maybe yoga isn’t for you.” He agrees with a soft laugh.
You tip your head back a little, resting it on his shoulder before turning to look at him, “I mean, I don’t have any regrets.”
Austin licks his lips, arguably on purpose, and your gaze shifts down to his mouth. Your noses bump together in a soft bunny kiss before you close the distance, warmth bursting in your stomach and fluttering outward in your body. There’s heat in your veins that is not left behind from the workout, one of your hands moving to thread through his long hair.
The kiss ends naturally and you can’t help but smile, “Think that’s the best pose I’ve practiced in here.”
Austin smirks, brushing his lips against yours, “I call that the Multiple Kiss Pose.” Corny.
A laugh leaves your lips as he kisses you again—definitely no regrets.
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