#but like I’m not you bro leave it alone
anifever · 2 days
can you pls do an outsiders x Nerdy fem reader? Like, braces boy band fangirl who rants about comics type. Would rather have it being Curtis sister reader but you can do whatever, tyy <33
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Gang w/ a Nerdy!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : The Curtis gang with a nerdy reader
A/N : This is kinda bad bcs I get unmotivated to write sometimes but I swear I’m trying omg. Also I didn’t do Curtis sister simply so it’d be more ambiguous, sorry 💔 Anyways this is literally me except I just don’t have braces anymore
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୨ You cut pics of The Rolling Stones members, etc out of the newspapers he reads and keep them
୨ He’s confused at first then he’s like “Oh..” when he realizes what’s happening- he doesn’t mind tho
୨ You write the dumbest little notes/pickup lines and put them in his lunch bag for work
୨ He doesn’t understand most of them but he likes them regardless
୨ He read comics here and there when he was a kid, but he definitely doesn’t anymore 😭
୨ He’s always arguing with Pony about those things and just doesn’t really get it
୨ Even though he doesn’t understand yours and Pony’s infatuation with stuff like that, he thinks it’s nice you’re able to bond with each other over it
୨ At some point you convince him to watch one of your favorite sci-fi type tv shows with you whenever he isn’t busy
୨ It’s a pipeline of him saying he doesn’t like it, pretending he doesn’t like it, then being really invested in it
୨ Anyways, even if your interests don’t exactly line up, you still love each other
୨ You rambling over stuff all the time honestly helps him forget about the stress in his life
୨ He has no room to talk when his favorite show is still Mickey Mouse at the age of 18 and a half
୨ He thinks it’s cute in an endearing way
୨ He makes fun of you a bit but he doesn’t mean it seriously- that’s just how he is
୨ You guys discuss superheroes together and get way too in depth about it
୨ When he sees your room for the first time there’s like little figurines everywhere, etc and he’s just like “Huh, I have that one too” while pointing at the Hulk or something
୨ He doesn’t gaf, at least it’s clean unlike his
୨ If you have braces, he’s absolutely making jokes about it
୨ You’re getting called metal mouth but it’s out of love I promise
୨ He doesn’t let other people make jokes about it though
୨ Like that’s his job!!! Leave his girl alone!!!
୨ This man defends you with his life I’m so serious
୨ Anyways, whenever he gets super drunk and he starts rambling the exact same way you do normally so it sort of evens you out
୨ Idk what else to even say because you both just make so much sense- it seems so obvious
୨ I hate to say it, but he calls you brace-face
୨ Ironic because he needs some himself!!! 😊
୨ You said something along those lines to him once and he was so caught off guard and offended
୨ Even though he’s a smartass and you’d figure he’d be mean abt it, I feel like he’s probably kinda the same as you- at least when he was younger
୨ Bro knows his DC and Marvel lore
୨ You guys are constantly re-watching ‘Godzilla’ together
୨ There’s probably a picture of him from when he was younger dressed as it for Halloween or something too
୨ You have made him go to a concert with you
୨ He didn’t even really care about you freaking out over the guys, he was more upset that you chose The Beach Boys of all people
୨ He considers it “Soc music”
୨ You most likely don’t understand anything about cars
୨ He could sit there for hours trying to explain stuff to you and it just won’t click
୨ He’s like “How can you remember every fucking Beach Boys song but not what an exhaust does??”
୨ Okay you probably aren’t that dense but still
୨ Yeahhh, he’s making fun of you
୨ It’s out of love tho 😇 most of the time..
୨ You constantly make references about comics and shows and he has no clue what you’re talking about
୨ You use the word kryptonite around him and he’s like “..What the HELL did you just say to me?”
୨ Most of the things you ramble about, he doesn’t understand, like, at all
୨ Much to his dismay, he can’t help his features from softening when he watches you do it
୨ You definitely gives him a break from all the reckless crazy stuff he does
୨ You use so many big words (they usually aren’t that crazy) and he’s just like “Could you speak English?”
୨ When he first went inside your room, it was covered in posters from movies like ‘Dracula,’ ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Psycho,’ ‘Frankenstein,’ ‘The Birds,’ etc
୨ At first he was like “Jesus…” but really he thought it was pretty cool
୨ You guys are horror movie enjoyers⁉️
୨ You’re probably more of a geek over them than he is, but it’s just barely (he’d never admit it)
୨ You definitely fangirl over The Beatles and it lowkey hurts his feelings
୨ You have to be like “Soda.. you literally look like a movie star why are you worried-”
୨ Yes you know Paul’s blood type, time of birth, and who his fourth cousin twice removed is; so what? 🙄
୨ Knowledge-wise you balance each other out
୨ You have amazing grades in all your classes and he’s dropped out 🤍 but on the other hand, you are not very street smart
୨ Like if you have a gun held to your head, let’s hope they’ll ask you trivia about ‘The Twilight Zone’ for your freedom
୨ Anyways, he tries to keep up with and understand the stuff you talk about
୨ Give him time 💔 he’s trying
୨ He probably already knows a bit from having grown up with Pony, but it’s still nothing crazy
୨ He carries around extra wax for your braces in his pocket in case they ever start hurting you (idk if they were invented yet in the 60’s but let’s pretend)
୨ Throws wrenches and things like that at Steve if he says stuff about you
୨ You get pretty insecure since he’s so popular with girls and they usually aren’t like you; but he’s always reassuring you over it
୨ You guys read comics together
୨ He’s a spider-man lover and I’ll die on this hill
୨ Someone write Johnny Cade spider-man au rn
୨ He’s constantly telling Dallas to “lay off” when he says stuff about you
୨ Finds your braces cute- he thinks they just add to your charm
୨ Anything that helps him somewhat escape reality, he enjoys; he gladly talks about nerdy stuff with you
୨ He gets along with Pony so well and he has most of those interests, and it’s the same way with you
୨ You guys sit in the lot and stargaze constantly; each time you point out and name the constellations along with explaining their backstories
୨ He listens with a fond smile on his face every time
୨ He thinks it’s cool you’re able to remember all of that
୨ You’re both just so cute I’m crying
୨ Whenever he comes over, he always admires the figures, posters, books, etc you have around your room
୨ Idc his ass is also a nerd
୨ Maybe not in the exact ways you are, but he definitely still is
୨ You help him in certain classes he’s not doing well in which he is extremely thankful for
୨ You guys also read comics together 😋
୨ Usually you make him read them out loud though since you love his voice and also think he’s good at the sound effects
୨ That being said, you both give each other book recommendations
୨ You guys go to the drive-in/theater together constantly and have heavy debriefings over all of the movies (mainly the sci-fi ones)
୨ You guys are both big fans of Elvis
୨ He’s a fan music-wise, you’re a fan of literally everything
୨ You’ve seen every single one of his movies. Multiple times.
୨ Definitely makes him a little jealous but he tells himself it’s not a big deal
୨ He can’t even be mad at you geeking out when he preforms on TV, he understands
୨ All that being said, you guys actually go really well together
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Uncertain Love P1
(Monaco) Ferrari Garage 
The night has been extremely long. You've spent hours watching your most recent races while seated in the Ferrari garage, trying to identify and fix your flaws. You're simply worn out. There is still silence in the race paddock at roughly four in the morning. 
The sound of someone opening the garage is then audible. Charles Leclerc, your teammate, is waiting there, staring at you anxiously as you turn to face the entry.
“Y/N?”, He asked with worry in his voice.
I give him a serious look and softly murmur, "Fuck."  
Charles approached you and saw how exhausted you were. He knelt beside you and studied your face more closely. "You look awful. Did you sleep last night? He asked, his expression still showing that he was worried for you.
“Do I look like I'm fine”
He chuckled lightly at your response. Well, no. You look like you’re ready to collapse at any moment. He stayed crouched down next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. Why are you still here? You should be in your bed, resting.
“Hey can you mind your business”
He laughed, slightly shaking his head. “No. I won’t. His expression then turned more serious again. He took a look at the videos of your past races on your laptop again. You’ve been here since 7 AM yesterday studying your races, aren’t you?
Yes, please go so I can concentrate without getting distracted by you.
He shook his head. He knew you were just doing this to yourself, and he wasn’t gonna let you continue like this. He closed the laptop and took it away from you. No. You need to rest. You won’t be able to focus in this state anyway.
Bitch I am not kidding I am very serious right now
He held the laptop high out of your reach and just chuckled again. And so am I. You need some rest. Or do I have to drag you away from here and force you to go to sleep?
Go home, Charles
He knew very well that you wouldn’t listen to him and just keep going on like this. So, he put the laptop away, before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up to your feet.
Come, you’re going back to your hotel room.
What the fuck, bro? I have to meet with someone else plus I'm needed somewhere else. 
He continued to hold you and look at you with a somewhat stern expression, although the worry for you was still present. And who exactly are you meeting at 4 in the morning?
Someone who is not important to you so you can go home now okay 
He continued to look at you firmly, his arms still around you, preventing you from going anywhere. It’s 4 AM. You’re meeting with someone not important, at 4 AM, instead of being in your bed, asleep.
He sighed, giving you his signature ‘Are you listening to yourself? Stop being so stubborn. You’re going back to your room, to get some rest.
You give him a serious look, then walk around him, collecting your belongings, and exit the garage. Goodbye, bitch 
He rolled his eyes slightly, shaking his head, he would've expected you to react like that. He picked up your laptop and followed you. You don’t think I’m gonna leave you alone, do you? Like I said, stop being so damn stubborn.” He stepped outside the garage before he continued to follow you. “Where are you even going?”
Somewhere far away
He walked faster so that he was able to walk next to you now. You’re gonna be a bit more precise with that. He then looked at your current state and shook his head. Look at you. In what state you are right now, it’s a wonder you’re still standing.”
walks in front of him more quickly, paying no attention to what he's saying. 
He shook his head again, continuing to follow you, also walking faster. Jesus. Seriously, where are you going? He then suddenly grabbed you by your wrist to stop you from going any further.
You’re acting like a damn child.
No, you are. Please just go home; I can see your underpants hanging on your balcony from your house, which is close to the racetrack. 
He raised his eyebrow, his grip on your wrist still steady. No, I can’t ‘just go.’ You need to go to your damn room and get some sleep. He then let go of your wrist, just to grab you by your shoulders instead, forcing you to look at him. You are in no state to go somewhere and certainly not to meet someone. It’s 4 AM, for crying out loud.”
You're just my teammate Charles, so who are you to tell me what to do? Please leave me alone. 
He rolled his eyes again, his grip on your shoulders tightening a bit. I’m your teammate, your friend, and most importantly, I’m worried for you. You look like you’re about to drop dead any second now, and you still won’t listen to me, and want to go to some unknown place.“
He sighed slightly, shaking his head once more. “Why are you being so damn stubborn?”
Look, I have to meet with an acquaintance of mine, so please leave. I'll see you tomorrow at qualifying. 
He held firmly eye contact with you, not buying into your bullshit. A friend at 4 in the damn morning? Can I know their name?
Ignoring Charles's shouts Y/N continued to move faster into the parking lot and made her way straight to her car door.  
He groaned slightly and started running after you again, calling after your name. Damn it, Y/N, will you stop running away?!
Even though he was faster than you, he wasn’t able to catch up to you, but before you reached your car.
“Y/N, please stop. He now grabbed your arm once again, forcing you to look at him, his voice now even a bit desperate.
I finally lose patience and push him back before starting the car and pleadingly telling Charles to go home.  
*He stumbled backwards for a moment, before getting closer to you once more. No. I need to make sure that you don’t do anything stupid. He then grabbed your hand, preventing you from closing the door. Please, just tell me where you’re going. It’s 4 in the damn morning.“
No can I at least have some privacy, everyone else invaded my life, oh so why not also you too *sarcastically*
He rolled his eyes slightly. Why did you have to be so damn stubborn all the time? He looked at you with a stern expression before answering you. I’m not invading your goddamn privacy. You’re not in your right mind right now. You’ve been constantly studying races until the early morning hours, you’re exhausted, you can barely stand straight, and you’re now going to meet someone at 4 in the freaking morning, instead of going to your room and getting some rest. You need someone to look after you. So just tell me where the hell you’re going.
glares at him and then rolls up the car windows. now goodbye.
He groaned in annoyance and frustration, placing both hands on the window. Why was he trying to get something out of you anyway? He knew how stubborn you could be. Y/N, will you just stop pretending that you’re fine. I’m not leaving until you tell me where you’re going.“
Ignores him and finally drives away
“Damn it, Y/N….“
He mumbled and sighed in frustration, watching you drive away. He was torn between two things: going back to his room and not concerning himself with you any further or doing something about it. At some point, he decided on the latter.
“I am probably gonna regret this..“
He quickly went to his car and drove after you.
Y/N discreetly makes her way to the Monte Carlo Ritz Hotel to meet her secret someone. 
Meanwhile, Charles was driving behind you, still trying to figure out what exactly you were doing. He suddenly noticed how you turned into the parking lot of a hotel. For a moment, he was puzzled, but then he started to realize where you were going. And who you were going to meet.
“Damn you, Y/N..“
End of Part 1……..
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dsireland86 · 15 hours
Okay, so, I was working on "A Long Hot Summer" Pt2 today and this image popped up in my head and wouldn't leave so I made a quick thing of it. Couldn't help it. Folio's hit me hard today!! You're welcome!
Territorial Folio below the cut
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First time at a music festival. You decided to tag along to this one per Folio’s request because the time you've spent apart has taken a toll on both of you. “I’m glad you came, sweetheart,” caressing your back with soft circles. “I know how nervous big crowds make you, so thank you for doing this.” He pulls you into his embrace, kissing the top of your head, and you rest your cheek against his shoulder. Before the guys go on, Folio kisses you some more, whispering sweet nothings in your ear about how you're his girl and how he can't wait to get you alone tonight. It makes your heart dance with excitement and anticipation, but you tell him you want more details. Folio grins, sliding the side of his finger down your cheek. “Baby, don’t make me spell it out for you, you know I want you.” He pulls you into him, pushing you tighter together, letting you feel the damp stickiness of his skin.
The guys finally hit the stage and put on a killer show. You hang with Matt for the first bit, then decide to venture out into the crowd to experience the feeling of festival life. It's incredible; a high you never expected you'd enjoy. Finding your way closer to the stage and getting a front row view, you're able to see all of the faces of the guys you call your family. They sound and look amazing, and your heart swells with pride in them. Especially Folio. He couldn't look any hotter, and you couldn't want him anymore than you do right now. The expressions on his face as he plays, the way his hair falls over his face, the sweat dripping down his tanned skin making his black t-shirt soaked; all of it’s doing things to you, and you're aching to get him alone.
The group of guys next to you, a few of them drunk and a little rowdy, start talking to you, but there's one in particular that just won’t let up and leave you alone. He’s persistent and annoying. Jolly notices, but you shake your head at him and give him a thumbs up to which he nods and grins. You move away from the group of guys, hoping it will solve things, but it doesn’t. The one follows you, hounding you like a lost dog as you make your way back to Matt. The end of the band’s set comes and you sigh, knowing you’ll be in Folio’s arms soon. 
“What’s this?” Matt asks, nodding his head to the drunk idiot that’s been stupid enough to follow you. You shoot him a panicked look and he catches on instantly. “Hey fucker, get the fuck away from my booth before your drunk ass messes up my shit.” 
“I’m not going anywhere; at least not without her,” he says nodding towards you, while swaying almost loosing his balance. “Ha! Yeah, you’re insane. She’s taken already, bro and her man doesn’t share. He will fuck you up if you touch her." Matt gives you a look and a half smile which you return, and you're heart starts to pound at the thought of Folio fighting because of you. You don't want to be the cause of that so you make your move to head towards the stage when you’re yanked back by a firm grip digging into your arm. You squeal, slamming your first into the asshole’s chest, hoping to break free from his grasp. “Oh you’re feisty; I like feisty. You’re making my dirty thoughts look so pretty.” You beg him to stop, as tears fall. His hand slips inside your shirt and it makes you scream as his fingers latch onto you, but you pull away so fast, ripping them off you. 
“Hey! Get your fucking hands of her!” You hear Folio before you even see him, sighing in relief. He reaches your side, instantly taking you into his arms where you cling to him and breathe him in. Framing your face in his hands, he looks you over, seeing the fear behind your green eyes. His nostrils flare and his jaw clenches. “Did he hurt you?” You want to tell Folio the truth, but you're scared that if you do it’ll escalate things, so you just stare at him. “He put his hands on her, Nick; under her shirt.” Folio’s chest rises up and down rapidly. You allow him to raise your shirt enough to get a clear view. “Motherfucker!” Before you know what’s happening, Folio turns around and lunges at the drunk asshole, throwing a hard punch to his face that makes him hit the ground.
“Touch her again and I’ll break you’re fucking neck!” Noah stands beside him, hand on his chest just in case. “Shit your friend’s a little jealous, don't you think?” one of the drunk guy's friends accuses. “I’m not the jealous type you piece of shit, but what’s mine is mine. End of fucking story!” “Could've fucking fooled me.” Folio attempts to go after him again, but Noah stops him. “Folio’s not jealous,” Nicholas says, feeling the need to speak up for his friend. “Jealousy is when you want something that’s not yours; like your friend here. Folio’s territorial. He’s just protecting what’s already his.” Nicholas tucks you under his arm to walk you back to the green room. “Go the fuck home and take your piece of shit friend with you,” you hear Matt say as you walk away. 
Folio meets you in the green room, instantly taking you by the hand and locking you both in the small bathroom in the corner of the room. He’s had a few moments to cool down, but you can tell he’s still riled up. “Let me see,” he says, indicating he wants to look at the markings on your body. You oblige him and remove your shirt, finally seeing the red fingernail marks running down your chest for yourself. With no hesitation, Folio leans down and places his lips on the markings and beings to kiss them, tasting them with his tongue that trails in between your breasts. You gasp, the intense intimate feeling catching off guard. He pushes you against the wall as you lock his face between your hands looking deeply into his eyes. That's when you see the uneasiness in them and it melts you into an emotional mess for him.
“I’m sorry. But my stomach dropped when I thought of anyone else touching you.” His honesty is sweet, but his protection is even sweeter. “Thank you for protecting me,” you whisper, pecking his lips while feeling his hardness pushing against your sweet spot that’s so wet for him. “Thank you for fighting for me, baby.” "Fuck, I love it when you call me baby,” Folio groans, slamming his lips into yours. His tongue slips into your mouth, tasting and claiming what’s his, just like he’s about to do to your sex as he tugs your leggings down and lifts your leg. “You’re safe with me, sweetheart. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.” Pushing your panties aside, you whimper as Folio enters you, making you forget all about the asshole who tried to take you away from him. You are his girl, and tonight he let the entire world know it.
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jmin · 2 years
went thru the traumatic experience of hanging out with highschool acquaintances and having to explain how my life sucks rn and I’m still not over that conversation
#the humiliation#the cringe#they even made me spell it out bc apparently my social cues weren’t enough#and everyone was looking right at me#like literally no one bothered to include me on conversation throughout the night and the only time I don’t want to be part of it#they all suddenly are so interested lmao#ah it’s really hard sitting with people you feel like you have to prove something to#and you absolutely can’t bc you’re exactly the failure they all thought you would be#like I clearly remember getting out of highschool and thinking clearly I didn’t want to see this people until I had my shit together#surprise almost 10 years later and I don’t#I don’t have my shit together and I think that’s okay a lot of people don’t#but it’s so extremely painful when you’re the only one in the table who doesn’t lol#and when they treat you like shit for it#like damn this guy asked me what I was doing for a living#and I said nothing and didn’t want to get into details but he actually made me explain it#bc apparently he doesn’t understand the concept of unemployment#which fair since he’s so privileged and full of connections and probably unemployment was never on the table for him#but like I’m not you bro leave it alone#and I felt myself making excuses like ‘yeah I’ve been studying and finished my post grad’#and he was all like ‘and?’ fuck dude there’s nothing else leave me alone lmao#I don’t need to be reminded of my problems you’ve never even knew me well#stop talking like you’re demanding me something lmao#anyways I’ll delete this in a sec maybe#it’s been like two days already and my anxiety about it won’t leave#I can’t stop thinking about it and feeling humiliated and retracing every single thing I said that night#which wasn’t much like I said I was mostly cast out lol#none of my actual friends were there except for the one I went there for#but he had all these people there for him so naturally he couldn’t give me that much attention I had to make do with the other people#which means I only observed them talk and laughed when it was appropriate LMAO#l.txt
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mmmairon · 2 years
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I deserve not even you
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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bulbabutt · 9 months
no offence (full offence) but if you genuinely rank tmnt 2014 above the next mutation you have bad taste and hate women and have no joy in your heart
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rice-ballin · 3 months
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hi ameripan nation i’ve missed you
(some doodles from the last couple of weeks)
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People who get mad about what gender other people are/are romantically interested in are weird
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diseasedrat2000 · 3 months
hi just a quick little friendly note: i have no problem with you not loving me, that’s ok, i get it, but hearing you say it and phrase it like that feels so so crushing and so awful, your feelings are your feelings but if they could not be expressed to me in that way that would be great. it’s totally ok for you not to love me but to hear you say it flat out like that is crushing. i like you lots, you’re not an idiot so you know how i feel about you but i can’t hear you say i don’t love you again, please. and i’m not trying to force you to say anything either way because that’s not who i am/want to be as a person, but when you ‘slip up’ like that, please please don’t say oop i don’t love you, just be like oh sorry, i like you lots,
is the message i’ve had to send to my partner tonight because when we were on a call (only a short one) he accidentally said i love you just as we were saying goodbye but then was like ‘oh sorry i don’t love you i mean i like you lots, just goes to show how easy it is to say that to you’ and i kinda had to be like yeah i like you too goodnight because it was my bedtime but like boy, BOY, don’t do that to me, please!! this is the fourth time it’s happened, my sister asked him if he loved me a couple weeks ago and he was like no i don’t but i like them (me) very much and i was like haha same but inside a bit of me died because it’s just not what anyone wants to hear. his hang ups about the word are his and i respect that, i haven’t said it either even though ive felt it since november, but i can’t keep hearing him actively say he doesn’t love me, even if he follows it with i like you lots. has anyone else experienced this? am i being unreasonable? please please tell me if i am, im autistic so i don’t know what a ‘normal’ relationship should look like and yeah
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biscuits-tragic-diner · 10 months
currently weeping cause like
it is currently 2:13 and i’m sobbing over the fact that other people have ocs of natsuo kirino, which in theory is fine, but to ME it’s the end of the world cause like. nuh uh.
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dilfcherricola · 6 months
My parents talking about how they’re planning on being out of the country on Election Day and Inauguration Day but very pointedly not including me in their plans. Like. Thanks this is exactly where I want to be during possible political unrest: alone in my house or alone at work.
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dogwittaablog · 7 months
You opened this can of sardines for me the topic of employed Nolan/what is he gonna do now. Buckle in Buckaroos as I spout some nonsense.
1. He can go work for the NHL (kinda unlikely at this point imo). Despite not being able to play he seems to actually enjoy hockey still. His dad back in his early career had always said that he was a very analytical watcher, replaying parts of games over and over again to figure out what they were doing. I can see him somewhat settling behind a bench as a playmaker, and being a little shit about it. Like making the most annoying but legal plays. I can also see him becoming a bit of an advocate for players and head injuries considering what he's had to go through.
Even if not directly behind the bench or in the NHL there is a possibility for him to work with a smaller team or a more behind the scenes role. It would be private enough for him I feel.
2. Hunting (more likely). Even in pre NHL interviews he constantly brought up his love for the wilderness and hunting and possibly being a hunting guide. This I feel is the most likely possibility. Opening like a little Patrick's hunting guides venture. If I'm being a bit more optimistic and whimsical, an actual hunting store to sell supplies.
This might also mean more social media pat as he promotes himself. He's an advocate for ethical hunting and consuming so I can see him pushing that angle and teaching about how to respect and use the animals.
3. He has a tiktok, "Why the flyers can eat my ass (NHL exposed) Part 1 of 12.
4. Joins Mt. Joy (this is the crack fic one). He's close to the band, can play guitar. Why not? Write a few songs for them, date their pianist (I think that's her role?) Would b cute.
Sorry for rambling, but I do genuinely hope he ends up okay in the end and settles down well after everything he's been through. He doesn't seem like a bad guy and holy fuck has he been put through the wringer. I want him to be okay and succeed in something and not have everything he does be over analyzed by everyone ya know.
(Imma tack this on at the end, I agree at what he was getting with with the mailloux thing cause Trudeau absolutely sucks, but my god man has poor wording choices.)
Hahahaha living for the in detail post! Feel free to ramble I’m all ears.
I think jumping in an NHL job after what he had to go through would be pouring salt on an open wound, for now at least. Realistically it’d be a solid real job to have, tho it’s probably still gonna be way too much attention for him even if it’s behind the scenes. It’d give people too much to talk about. Would be pre sweet if he even took up coaching for a local team, whatever age really.
Please if dude was desperate for money or just to do something I was even thinking how he would probably debate joining his dad in real estate and work for him 😭😭😭😭
Don’t think money is an issue tho, cause he gives me vibes he’s pretty frugal and just living life lmao. Also Manitoba isn’t the most expensive place to live in to what I’m aware of.
Conclusion I really don’t think hes finding a job that’s about $$$ but something he enjoys and what he aligns with, so the hunting and fishing guide is 100% Though he has so many resources to branch out in multiple things.
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elysiumcalled · 1 year
Mum ate my crisps :(
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sakhafa · 1 year
man I hate that I’m apparently too young and inexperienced for anything but at the same time I’m “in my prime” to be engaged to someone who has ACTUAL life experience
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themexicansrule · 2 years
“i don’t like talking to people”
** proceeds to try and have a conversation with me for 20 minutes
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