#but like i can't be bothered to watch teen wolf to get back into writing rn
ginger-grimm · 2 years
I miss Marlow and Liam 
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The Great War
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Full Masterlist | Teen Wolf Masterlist
Summary: You and Isaac have been together for two years. You had your fair share of ups and downs, but lately, it seemed that these little 'ups and downs' repeated themselves no matter the apologies. You tried to convince yourself that nothing was happening, but part of you knew that that wasn't the case. With the help of your older brother, it took just one discussion to understand what was going on between you and Isaac Lahey.
A/N: I don't know if I like this one very much. I had a bit of a hard time trying to write this one, so I'm hoping it's not confusing. Enjoy!!
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Derek Hale -> Your Older Brother
Isaac Lahey x-reader
"You can't just admit that you were wrong, huh?" Isaac said, his arms crossed. After seeing a movie with Scott and Kira, an argument had spurred involving something pretty stupid. My boyfriend's motorcycle was almost out of gas. I recommended going to a gas station near the theater so we could just head to my house after.
My knuckles were bruised like violets Sucker-punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked Spineless in my tomb of silence Tore your banners down, took the battle underground And maybe it was ego swinging Maybe it was her Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
Isaac insisted on going to the gas station a little bit a ways. That caused us to be stranded on the side of the road. "None of this is my fault. If we had just stopped at the gas station like I said, we wouldn't be stuck on this street," I said. He rolled his eyes when I gestured to the road.
A few cars passed, not bothering to ask if we needed help. I grabbed my phone to call Derek. Neither of us felt like involving a tow truck. "What're you doing?" Isaac asked. "Calling Derek," I clicked on my brother's contact. It rang for a few seconds before my brother picked up on the other end.
"You two were supposed to be home ten minutes ago," Derek said. I could tell that he was aggravated. Before leaving for the double date, my brother offered to stay up until we got home. I insisted that that wasn't necessary, of course, he did it anyway.
Isaac leaned against his bike with his arms crossed. He set his hands into his leather jacket, looking both ways on the street. "We're stuck on Martin Street," I said. Derek stopped what he was doing. I heard a pan hit the corner of the kitchen island. "What?" he said.
"Somebody decided not to get gas," I remarked, glaring at Isaac. Isaac scoffed and shook his head. Derek sighed on the other end of the line. "I'm on my way. Hang tight," he said. He hung up the phone. I dropped my cell phone into my purse, going back to hug my arms from the cold.
I stood beside him. His eyes were focused on the damp grass. He watched a few of the drops fall to the side of the green blades. I looked up at Isaac's expression. His brows were furrowed, small creases forming at the top of his forehead.
The two of us had been arguing more than usual. It seemed like we could never settle on something. Just last week, we had an argument about who should help Scott with something. Isaac wanted me to stay with him whereas I wanted to help Scott. Then, an argument sparked.
We haven't talked about that since last Thursday. The more days that passed, the more I worried our two-year-long relationship was ending. Peter liked to call arguments in relationships 'the great war.' I never really understood it.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the sweet dream was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac's hands gripped the bike's seat. I debated on setting a hand on top of his, wanting to reassure him that everything would be okay. "Why didn't we just call a tow company?" Issac spoke. He took his hands off the bike so I couldn't hold him. "We'd probably have to pay a fee or something," I said. Isaac nodded.
He looked like he wanted to debate my statement but decided against it. I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by headlights heading in our direction. I turned to the left and saw Derek's truck. He got out of the truck.
"I've got some gas at the loft. Isaac, we can fill it up when we get there," Derek said. Isaac nodded. The two grabbed Isaac's bike and put it into the bed of the truck. Derek must've noticed the tension between me and Isaac. I went to step into the front seat but was stopped when Derek wrapped his hand around my wrist.
Always remember Uh-huh, tears on the letter I vowed not to cry anymore If we survived the Great War
He looked at me with raised brows, expecting an answer. "It's fine," I said. "Doesn't look fine," Derek let go. I fixed my purse and glanced at Isaac. Isaac sat in the back seat with his arms crossed, his head resting against the window. "It's nothing," I insisted.
Derek dropped it. I got into the front seat and he began driving home. It was quiet during the car ride. Derek occasionally changed the radio until he decided he got tired of listening to music. Though, I'd much rather listen to the radio than sit in silence. I was so happy to see the loft come into view.
After a few minutes, Isaac's bike was filled up with gas. Isaac decided to stay the night since it was already so late. Derek said his goodnight and went to his room. I laid awake with Isaac beside me, his back facing me. Isaac hadn't spoken to me since we got home. I watched his shoulders rise up and down as he breathed.
My mind kept returning to our past arguments. I ran a hand over my face, trying to push the images away. "Isaac, are you asleep?" I whispered. "Trying to," he replied, his voice muffled from the pillow. He flipped so his back was against the mattress. I rested my hands underneath my head, propping me up slightly.
"Are we breaking?" I asked. Isaac's brows furrowed at my question. He sat up, now leaning up against the headboard. "Because I feel like we are," I claimed. Isaac ran a hand through his hair before lowering his hand. He took my hand into his. "Isaac, I can't help but think that these past arguments are catching up to us," I said.
You drew up some good-faith treaties I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone You said I have to trust more freely But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire
Six months ago, Isaac and I had disagreed with something, causing us to shout out accusations. I pulled away, afraid that it might happen again. I guess that should've been a clue that it might. His face softened. Isaac shook his head, letting my hand go. Maybe he didn't want to think about it? Or, maybe he just didn't want to admit it?
And maybe it's the past that's talkin' Screamin' from the crypt Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it
"We're not breaking," he shook his head again, "If we were, I wouldn't be laying in bed with you. And I wouldn't have stuck with you for this long." He grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. Isaac looked at the chipped nail polish on my fingers. I sat up in the bed, my shoulder brushing against the pillow and headboard.
Isaac looked at every spot on my face, settling on a small scar on my cheek. He ran a finger over the scar, leaving his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into his touch. "I don't want to be a survivor of this great war," I said, "I don't want these arguments to continue. I want to fix this, I want to fix us." Isaac kissed my forehead.
He put his arms around me, bringing me into his chest. Isaac laid back down with me beside him. "There's no fixing us. We're okay, love, we're okay," Isaac mumbled. I knew I should believe him, I know I should, but there's a little voice inside my head that says I shouldn't.
(Three Days Later - In the School Parking Lot)
Isaac followed me to my car, yelling. I brought out my keys. "Holy shit, Isaac. It wasn't that deep," I argued. I threw my backpack into the backseat. I opened the driver-side door, setting my water bottle and keys into the cup holder. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Oh don't give me that fucking look Y/N," he spat.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the bombs were close and My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
I was taken aback by his choice of words. My expression changed immediately. "I didn't do anything wrong," I said, "I was talking to Aiden, there was nothing there." Isaac scoffed, following me with his eyes. He grabbed my wrist but I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you trust me?" I said.
He nodded in response. Isaac shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Do you? Because lately, it doesn't feel like that," I replied, "Y/N do this, Y/N don't do that. Y/N you shouldn't talk to him, you shouldn't talk to anyone other than me. Y/N, stop telling me what to do." I felt people's eyes on us, but I didn't pay any attention to them.
Isaac noticed small tears begin to form. "It's like you don't trust me anymore," I said, "It's like you've fallen out of love, and I have no idea why." He thought to himself for a second, not knowing what or how to say it. I waited for what felt like forever before getting into my car.
"Wait, Y/N/N," Isaac held the car door. I tried ripping his hand off the frame, but he was stronger than me. "I haven't fallen out of love for you," Isaac said. "Then, what is it?" I asked. His mouth opened, but no words came out. "Nothing? Absolutely nothing?" I continued, "Not one word?"
His eyes dropped to the concrete. I wiped a tear and got into my car. I was able to shut the door just as Isaac let go of it. He watched me pull out of the lot.
(Later That Night)
The TV played one of Derek's favorite reality shows. I yawned with my head against the couch cushion. Derek had gotten back from god knows what. All I knew was that he brought home groceries. He sat beside me, eating some mac n' cheese Peter surprisingly made.
Derek nudged my shoulder, noticing that I had been quiet all evening. "What's wrong?" he inquired. "Nothing," I replied, not taking my focus away from the show. Derek paused the show and set the remote on the armrest.
"Y/N, I think you forget that I'm a werewolf," Derek said, resting an arm on the back of the couch. "Isaac and I are arguing. Like, nonstop," I informed. Derek's brows narrowed in confusion. He always thought that me and Isaac were okay.
But I guess looks can be deceiving. He motioned for me to continue. "I honestly don't even know why," I shrugged, "One month, we just started disagreeing on every single thing. And, I've searched my mind for any damn reason, but nothing speaks out. I have tried desperately to think what Isaac might be thinking. When I ask, I get the same answer."
Derek nodded as I spoke. I wiped a stray tear away. I hated crying in front of people, especially in front of the person who would quite literally kill anyone who got in my way.
It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed Your finger on my hairpin triggers Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth
"Derek, it's changed," I looked at him. His face fell at the state of my eyes. "I feel like I should break up with him," I added, "Because I can't continue thinking that everything is going to end right then and there. I can't continue arguing with him, it just breaks me and Isaac."
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops That was the night I nearly lost you I really thought I had lost you
Derek nodded again. He opened his arms, gesturing for me to hug him. He gave me a reassuring squeeze. Derek let go of me, his hands resting on my shoulders. "You can try to piece everything together, maybe say a little prayer, even," Derek said, "But there's no victory in this. Just like you said."
He paused and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Derek fixed my t-shirt before continuing. "It's not fair to either of you. Those terrible moments that the two of you have are embedded in your relationship. You can't go back, neither of you can. You've said things that can't be returned," Derek finished.
Derek kissed my forehead and gave me a much-needed hug. For the rest of the night, we talked about my situation and watched the rest of his show.
(The Next Day, at the loft)
After last night's talk with Derek, I decided to call Isaac over. He was happy that I called him since we hadn't talked since yesterday. Isaac sat in front of me with his hands sitting in his lap. He stared at me (GIF Above) as I played with my fingers, chipping off the polish.
Isaac reached an arm out and took my hands. I looked up at his eyes, feeling like there was some part of him that knew what was coming. And then, I began to regret what I was about to do. I still loved him, and he still loved me.
"Isaac," I cleared my throat, "I've thought this over and over again, but I can't think of a better way to tell you this." I let go of his hand, going back to picking at the chipped nail polish. Isaac nodded and sat up in his spot.
To that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the worst was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac let out a heavy sigh, nodding his head. "I know," he said, "I know what you're about to say, Y/N. You don't have to say it." I looked away from the ground, feeling his eyes land on me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, but it slowly faded. "You shouldn't regret it," Isaac said.
Uh-huh, we're burned for better I vowed I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War
"I'm sorry," I said. "Why're you sorry?" he replied. Isaac's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. "Because I hurt you," I croaked, swallowing the lump in my throat. Isaac shook his head and hugged me tightly.
"We hurt each other," he clarified, "But I'll always love you, Y/N. I hope you know that." I nodded with my head against his chest. He set one last kiss on my head.
I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War Uh-huh I vowed I would always be yours
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scribeoffate · 7 months
Tag Game
I was tagged by no one and simply shamelessly stole it cuz I wanted to play! <3 Tag ppl if you wish, consider yourself tagged if you want to play. Tagging with no pressure: @momentofmemory, @azraeldoesnotdispute, @spikeface, @illbeintheend, @domesticated-feral, @letthestorieslive
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
470, 949
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Teen Wolf In general: Yuri on Ice, La Femme Nikita, Nikita, Animorphs, Supernatural, The Slayers and whatever trips my fancy at the time
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
No Matter What Yuri on Ice, a/b/o dark fic, 845 kudos
Patience , second in the same series, 324 kudos
Mutual Affliction, fourth in above the series, 296 kudos
And I Would Do Anything for Love, YOI bad guys made them do it, 225 kudos
No Matter Where, even darker variation of No Matter What, 224 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Sometimes you become frens when you chat about fic with people. Sometimes I only have the emotional energy for an emoji, but I can't even begin to explain how happy a lil comment makes me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's a tie, but since no Teen Wolf fics make my top ten, I'll go with:
Deucalion's Progeny , a very dark Scott whump fic ft truedemon
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Scott is the Best Dad: This series is ENTIRELY scira fluff, pack feels, Yukimura family feels and just all around everything being adorable
8. Do you get hate on fic?
I have one, that I won't share, from ages ago that has a lot of hate. It was deserved since I was trolling and the fic was really bad. 🤣
9. Do you write smut?
Yess! Someone has to be out here making sure Scott gets all of the filthy sex he deserves.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I do if I want to explore both fandoms! La Femme Nikita/Nikita crossovers are so fun to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Can't imagine anyone bothering. I have a v niche appeal 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No one has offered, but if anyone wanted to, I'd be beyond stunned and flattered.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@illbeintheend and I have started several and even finished one.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I didn't think I had one, until Truedemon. Something about Scott/Deucalion just resonates with me.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
I started a scileo fic a while back about Stiles finding Theo at a BDSM club with Deucalion and being realllly into watching Theo get spanked. It eventually becomes Steo, and then they both realized that they are really interested more in Scott. But Scott is busy with school all the time and couldn't possibly like them. But actually Scott would really like Stiles to spank him, please. And eventually they get there.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can churn out a lot of mediocre fic very quickly. I have tons of ideas and am very creative. I can do a fairly decent short fic and you can feel that I love the source material and characters I write for in my fics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long fic with cohesive themes and plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have a lot. Generally, unless it's obvious what the words are from context, necessary for the reader not to understand the language with the character, or making a point to explore a character's cultural roots: "Ah, yes please," Satomi said in Japanese, is the easiest way to handle it. To me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Star Wars in a spiral bound notebook. Shared online: Animorphs.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is hard. I'm picking this one because it was really hard to write and I just reread it. And even though it has only 32 kudos it's GOOD. Equivalent Exchange: I wrote this for the first scottuary, it's about Noshiko and Scott developing a relationship. It's about gift giving and mentorship and Noshiko's views on Scott as a leader. It's thoughtful and I think a really nice look at both of them. And imo, easily one of my most underrated fics.
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xxdoggodxx · 2 years
(Magick) Book Review Time!
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Werewolf Magick by Denny Sargent
Hello all, I've been meaning to write this review for a while now and am just now finally getting to it.
I've noticed more people buying this book, and just wanted to give my opinions on it as someone who's been doing magickal workings for my whole life, especially werewolf related Magick as a born lycanthrope.
Of course, I will preface that it is totally okay if you disagree with my thoughts on it, if you enjoy this book and it's contents work for you, then that's not for me to tell you that you can't. Practices are very personal and I'm not an authority on what anyone can or cannot do. Anything I say also is to mean no offense to the author; Denny seems like an overall nice guy and I have watched some of his webinars, he seems like a pleasant and good person in all.
However this is a mainly critical review.
First, I would like to start off with the things I did like. I greatly appreciate the first chapters on lore of werewolves from around the world and different cultures. I feel like he did pretty well on this chapter, though there were some things left out. I understand that gathering this kind of data takes a lot of work, so I'm not going to pass judgement on some things not making it into the book.
The second thing I like is any sections (which are spread throughout the book) that explain being a werewolf / lycanthrope in a rather scientific way, using real science to back up why we do what we do and how.
Finally, I appreciate is that with every single subject, spell, and action he describes in this book he always starts off with or finishes with noting that this won't be for everyone and to do what feels personally right. I always like to see that from authors, and it's not something I see often.
Now onto my criticisms.
I feel that this book mixes a lot of practices in a less than sensical, conducive, or respectful way. I worry about this mixing because while it is okay to follow multiple pantheons and have multiple ways of practicing it is not okay to mix them in a way which conflates them with each other. I highly question this method of multi practice because it is not respectful to the cultures they originate from, and it is especially disrespectful to the God's and Goddesses. There are a few times methods reeked of appropriation, and other times it felt flat out unknowledgeable.
Something that personally bothered me because as my followers would know I work with this deity, is in chapter 8, titled; "Werewolf Magick with the dead" which contains the spell titled; "Ritual for Honoring and Guiding the Dead with Anpu". He notes in the beginning of this spell that in quote; "This ritual is a bit of an outlier because it honors and invokes the ancient Egyptian werewolf God, Anubis or Anpu, a deity not mentioned until now because until the writing of this book I did not know there was actually a wolf God."
Now I will take you back to the very beginning of the book, in the author blurb it reads in quote; "In the magickal world, he has been initiate of or an accepted member of a number of esoteric traditions and groups" which lists the "Horus Ma'at Lodge" as one of them. Seeing as how closely Anpu works with Ma'at and simply his plain out popularity amongst Kemetics I find it extremely odd that he would not have heard of Anpu while being a member of that lodge.
I will say, I did appreciate that he notes that the African Golden Jackal is in fact a wolf, but I digress.
Lastly, I just really did not vibe with the way the spells are written. They seem more fit to the young teen or preteen crowd. I could've seen myself getting more out of this when I was 13 in the early 00s because it does have some valuable information despite it's many flaws in my eyes. In modern day and age though newbies are much better off getting their information online than this book.
I find the flaws in it to be potentially dangerous to the crowd it would appeal to more; because as I noted before the rampant mixing of practices is not a good thing to do. Appropriation is unkind, whether done to be intentionally malicious or not (which I think it clearly isn't meant to be, but damage is damage). The flaws here could even potentially upset the God's, which is never a good or smart thing to do.
It also is very much written as his own exclusively personal practice and headcanon of the God's and Magick. The entire book is his own UPG, views, and mixed up practices that don't correspond with each other in reality or have any basis in how any of the practices he "borrows" from actually work.
To be honest, I was really disappointed because there are barely any books covering this subject at all. I was even more excited when I had read it includes Anpu in reviews, the end results being a huge letdown and feeling like I wasted my hard earned money. Now it is doomed to just gather dust in the back of my closet, I don't even wish to have it displayed on my altar bookshelf because it's embarrassing to have. I also don't feel right giving it away or donating it because the flaws I found in it, I do not want to condone it by being the middle man in someone's access to it. I do not want someone that is impressionable and new to practicing Magick internalizing things like appropriation or unethical practice mixing at my hand.
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just-my-type-x · 3 years
From enemies to lovers- Dylan O'brien
In which y/n doesn't really get along with her co-star, Dylan
Disclaimer - very long, I'm sorry, smut (it was my first time writing it, please be gentle, I'm sensitive to criticism), curse words
Italics - acting
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Gif not mine
It was amazing working on Teen Wolf with all the people involved. I made great friends here and a new family was formed. Even tho i came in this show at once with Cody, who plays Theo, because i play his love interest, i feel like I've been playing this show since the beginning, since they all greeted us with such warmth. At first, obviously, i was pretty close to Cody since we were both the "new ones". We weren't actually new, because we've all seen movies of one another, it was just weird to get in the middle of a on going show and act like everyone is already your friend. After a few days, we all grew close to each other. Maybe all except for one.
Dylan and i don't get along at all. It's not like something had happened. I think it was just a mutual thing. When we first saw each other, it felt like a heavy rock above my head and ever since then i feel like he is the most arrogant person I've ever met. Holland was the first one to notice something was off with us and yet, when she asked us why, neither of us could give her an answer.
"Hey, watch out!", i yell towards Dylan as my football ball flies too high and almost reaches his head
"If you don't know how to play, leave it", he yelled back and left the ball to fall a bit further from where he was standing, leaving the trailer parking lot to the set
"Asshole", i say under my breath and make Tyler Posey and Hoechlin laugh. I smirk as well and wait for Posey to pick up the ball so we could continue playing
"Don't bother, nothing's gonna change between you two." he says as he throws the ball to Tyler
"Yeah i can see that. I mean, i saved his life and he's still an asshole", i catch the ball and keep it in my arms. "I tried to be nice the whole week.",i throw the ball to Posey, who catches it immediately and copies my hold of the ball
"You mean you were nice when you yelled at him at lunch that the last piece of banana bread was yours and when he ate you, you drank his whole vitamin water that he actually needed?"
"Or when he was on set and he had a really serious scene and you came up with the idea to go amd scare him along with Shelley? By the way, i liked those masks", H laughed and I tried to process the fact that i may have not been that nice after all.
"Ok, yeah, maybe you're right. I'll think of something. We're already on our 5 last episodes, i don't want to end this season with us still fighting over God knows what", i nervously bite my lip and put the ball next to a trailer after Samantha, Jeff's assistant tells us to head on set for filming.
"So, i have a slight change in this episode. It is last minute, i know, but i also know this 4 of you who are involved in the change can memorise new lines in half an hour. So, three of the actors who should've played this scene cannot make it here for this episode, i also changed some lines for tomorrow, since we're greeting them later that day. Now, i need Dylan O'brien, Susan, Cody and y/n to step forward. These are the new lines. Long story short, y/n, you and Stiles have to get something from Natalie Martin's office, but you can't get caught by her. As a distraction, since you're teenagers, you will act like the both of you didn't find another room to-"
"You want us to have sex in the office?", Dylan asks, frowned, holding the page of the new scenario
"No, not really. The idea is: y/n is on the desk, you're between her legs and you're kissing, but when you hear the door opening, you're going to put your hand under her skirt so it would look like an ongoing thing", Jeff says and i laugh, looking towards Dylan. He looks back and i shrug my shoulders, and his frown disappears. Dylan nods and tells Jeff that he understood the new assignment. We all took a 30 minute reading session, trying to memorise the new lines. Not gonna lie, the scene lools hilarious and it's much better than the drama that was supposed to happen.
After those 30 minutes expired, i went to the dressing room with Shelley, as she wanted to pick me an outfit, which made Krista, our "designer" a little mad. She chose a black short and loose skirt, which easily highlighted my round bum and defined my waist. As a top, Shelley chose a white, short and tight V-neck t-shirt, that stops right above my belly button. I took a pair of white AF1 and headed back on set, where the guys and Susan were already ready for shooting. Cody smirked when he saw me and i blushed, but i cheekily waved a hand through my hair, like a little diva. I always liked his flirty side and i always answered to it the same way. I guess this is how we got so close. Susan came next to me and put her hand on my back, saying that i look really beautiful and that she would kill to have my age to wear an outfit like this.
I looked at Dylan who was checking me out, head to toe and toe to head. He rested his chin on his hand and sticked his tongue out to water his lips. I blushed and moved my head in another direction, so he wouldn't see that i noticed what he was doing.
"Please go back to your seats", Jeff yells from his chair and Dylan and I go to the beginning of the hallway.
"Try to survive next to me, will ya?", i make fun of him but his answer is cut off by Jeff yelling "action"
"Where do you think it is?", i turn my head to Stiles and dodge a freshman on the hallway
"You mean where is the list that contains the seven deadly werewolves known in Beacon Hills?", Stiles asks sarcastically as ever and i roll my eyes before i stop in the middle of the hallway, other teenagers passing by
"No, the list with the seven deadly sins. Of course that one, dumbass", i sarcastically answer and add a little extra with the dumbass, which Dylan answers to by giving me an annoyed look. I hold back a smile and continue walking with him, until we reach Natalie's office door.
"Didn't Lydia mention something about her mom doing a lot of research lately? You know, like the most known witches, or if vampires are real, type of stuff?", i ask and i come a little closer to Stiles, so i could talk to him without being heard by other people." I know it's illegal, but"
"Oh, my God no!", Stiles stops me before i finish my idea. "we're not breaking in. I saw my dad way too many times this week. Only at school", he throws his hands everywhere and i dodge one of his hands that almost hit me, which I'm not sure was on purpose or not.
"No, silly. We're not breaking in. Because... I have a copy of that key"
"You have what?", he asks in disbelief and even tho it's just acting, i find him really cute
"Yeah well, you know how Malia was failing her exams last semester?", i waited for him to nod so i could continue, "i made a copy of that key so i could go inside and change some of her grades on Natalie's computer.", i bite my lip, as scripted and Dylan stares at my lips, stuttering for a moment. I try not to smirk so i fake scratching my cheek, so i could hide my reaction.
"Wow, you're such a devoted friend. You know, in return, she would want to eat you"
"It would be my pleasure", i snap back and give Stiles the books i had in my arms so i could find the key to the office. Once i find it, i quickly unlock the door and enter when nobody seems to be paying attention.
"Oh wow we really did that. Lydia's going to kill us. Or maybe just you, she likes me", Stiles says as he's already searching for the piece of paper.
"Keep saying that to yourself Stilinski", i laugh and help him with the stack of papers from her desk.
We quickly go through hundreds of papers, until i finally reach for the one.
"I got it!", i happily raise it in the air and we both freak out when we see through the window from the door that Natalie is approaching fast.
"That's not good. Here, i know", Stiles says and starts to throw on the floor some papers, ignoring my desperate voice. "Sit here", he demands and i jump on the desk and he comes in between my legs. I shiver when his hands get on my lower back, but they're so back that he actually touches my ass. I blush at the sudden close space between us and I'm taken aback by his lips, that crush hungrily on mine. As i remember, this desire of kissing me wasn't in the script. I take a moment to realise how soft his lips are and what a great kisser he is. Stiles moves his hands on my thighs, dragging me on the desk so i could be closer to him. I moan softly when i reach him, my inner thighs touching his waist. The moment is perfect for him to stick hia tongue in my mouth and i take it happily. Stiles let's out a breath when my tongue is fighting for dominance with his. He pulls away, making me ache at the sudden stop. We make eye contact and i know it's his way of asking if it's ok for him to put his hand in between my thighs. I blink once and he gets the message, and he starts sliding his fingers under my skirt, very close to my area, and starts kissing my neck in the same time. Stiles places a few wet kisses on all my sweet spots, which causes goosebumps all over my body. He slightly touches my inner thigh with his index finger, looking deep into my eyes, before crashing his lips against mine again, more passionately than before. He wastes no time in using his tongue now, thing that makes me go crazy and i involuntarily drag him by the collar of his shirt and make him lean over the desk. The door shuts open and Natalie is there, shocked, looking how we're making out on her desk. We both stop and try to act surprised and shocked.
"What are you two doing here? For the love of God, Maya, get down", Natalie asks and crosses her arms at her chest
"We're sorry, we were just trying to find a spot", Stiles scratches the back of his neck and i look from him to her and from her to him
"How did you even get in here?"
"Oh, it was unlocked. That's why we used it", i say eagerly and motion to the door so Stiles could get the idea of leaving. We're sorry, again "
"Weren't you dating that guy? The new guy? Raeken?", she asks and i palm my forehead, oh yeah, one little forgotten detail
"Please don't tell him", i say with a high pitched voice, which makes her roll her eyes. She closes the door and we hear her wondering how long will it take her to get all the papers on the desk.
As we get further from the office, Stiles takes the list out and we start checking it out. Before we take a right on the hallway, Theo appears and grabs Stiles by the collar.
"Why were you kissing my girlfriend?", he asks angrily and i try to make him to let go of stiles
"Did your chimera senses tell you that? Or the toxic relationship you two have?"
"I can kill you right now and i don't have to be a chimera to do it", Theo says and slams Stiles on the lockers, freeing him
"Babe, that's enough, we got the list", i say and Jeff yells "cut". We immediately relax amd Cody apologises to Dylan for hitting him.
"Hey", Dylan approaches me at my trailer, as i was inhaling the midnight fresh air, trying to clear my thoughts
"What are you doing here?", i ask surprised
"I live 2 trailers aways, is that really a question?", we both laugh slightly and look at each other for a few moments. "It was nice today"
I tense when i hear him say that and i feel a sudden change of temperature.
"Yeah, it was. I appreciated your little 'ask', before you went in between my legs", i laugh and i immediately blush. And i think he did too
"Don't make it sound so outrageous", Dylan laughs and looks at me, checking for a certain reaction. "I'm sorry for being a jerk. I'm just.. I don't know. You came along and I'm in this weird place, relationship wise, and i knew i would fall in love with you. I tried to be as far away from you as possible.. I just got out of a long-term relationship and having you around made things complicated. Oh my Gosh it's so hard explaining ", he rambles a lot and arranges his hair nervously.
"Breath, and then continue. Take it slowly", i assure him and i put my hand on his knee
"I've seen you in every movie you ever starred in. You've been my celebrity crush for a while now and seeing you here makes me fall in love with you. And i don't think I'm ready for that. I know you're going to say that maybe we wouldn't even have gotten to that point, but i know i would've had. I know that at some point i would've taken you out on a date, i would develope feelings, maybe you too for me, but i would've ended everything because I didn't feel prepared. ", he inhales deeply and all i do is grab his face and kiss him hard.
Dylan is taken by surprise, but kisses me back instantly and slides his tongue in my mouth. I moan at the soft feeling and i deepen the kiss as well. I motion him to stand up amd he does so. I follow him and we get inside my trailer, where he quickly finds the bed and sits on it. He grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. I obey immediately and as i sit down on him, i take off my t-shirt. He gasps when he sees my pastel pink lace bra, and immediately starts kissing my breasts. I moan loudly when he starts kissing on my collar bone and neck. Itake off his t-shirt and i push him on the bed, as i start kissing and biting on his soft neck skin.
"So you're fine with everything?", he asks breathing heavily
"More that fine", i say as i leave a trail kf kisses on his abs. I get to his pants and start undoing them, but as I'm about to pull the down, his hand reaches my chin and he motions it up so i could see him
"No, don't do that. I want you now, y/n."
I gasp when i hear his words and he starts kissing me again. His lips feel so amazing on mine, the years of experience on the screen showing their perks. He bites my lip softly and i get on top of him, rocking my hips on his hard member. He moves his hands on my ass and i smile into the kiss when he squeezes them.
"Just like that babe", i moan loudly at his words and melt in his embrace. Dylan grabs me and switches positions. He's on top of me, quickly taking off my skirt and he also takes care of his jeans. "Fuck, you look amazing"
"Am i good enough to get fucked good enough?", i ask innocently and Dylan's pupils dilated
"You're not gonna be able to walk tomorrow. This is how good you are and look", he quickly takes of my panties and i take off my bra. He gasps at the sight of my naked body and i bite my lip.
"Your turn", i smile and i look down at his boxers, his length being well shaped by the tight boxers. He was right when he said I won't walk the next day.
Dylan takes his boxers off painfully slow, but i have time to adjust my sight to the sight of his dick. He chuckles, realising how surprised i am.
"Do you mind of you go slowly? It's been a while", i plead, making eye contact with him. The lust in his eyes was undeniable and i was melting under him. I needed him. He kissed me shorty
"Of course. Tell me what you want or need. I'm gonna give you that", Dylan kisses my neck while he positions himself at my entering. He runs a finger between my folds, making me squirm under his touch at the sudden action. "Babe, you're so ready to take me". My eyes widen at his words, and i get turned on even more.
"Dylan, please", i plead again and a smile appears on his face
"Say my name again, babe"
"Dylan..", that's all it takes for him to put it in. The feeling of the bare skin makes us both moan loudly into each other's mouths and Dylan is eager to enter me all at once.
I gasp when he's half way in and he stops moving until i adjust to his width.
"Move", i say and he immediately resumes his entering. When he is fully in, he starts moving slowly, making both of us go crazy. As if he heard my thoughts, he takes it all out and puts is back in all at once, pounding in me. He grabs my hips and pins me onto the bed with his hands, as he is also holding himself up. "Fuck, right there", i say as he reaches the best angle to hit my g-spot.
"y/n, Gosh, you make me go so fucking crazy", Dylan moans in my ear. He stops and slips it out of me and he gives me a sign to turn around, on my all four. I position myself and he grabs my hips to get me closer to him. "You ready?", he assures and i nod. I grab the frame of the bed when he enters me nonchalantly. I hold onto it while the sound of our skin touching each other gets me closer and closer to the edge. "You're so wet for me", he moans and slaps one of my cheeks. As he said that, i really feel my juices coming down my inner thighs.
"Dylan, you're going to make me cum", i cry out as his length keeps finding its way deeper and deeper inside me. "Don't stop"
Dylan's grip on my hips tightens and i know I'll have bruises in the morning. His thrusts become sloppier and messy and i feel him harden inside me, signaling he's close too.
"I need you to fill me up", i moan as one hand chockes me, pulling my body closer to his chest. I start riding him from that position as well, our actions meeting in the middle, creating a much greater sensation
"I want you to drown me as you come for me babe", Dylan's voice is raspy, demanding. He moves one of my legs so they're creating a tighter spot for his dick. "Fuck, just like that. Oh yeah"
I rock my ass on his shaft as one of his hands is still around my neck and one is holding my breast. I lose it when his hand travels down my body and starts playing with my clit.
"Say my name, I'm so close babe"
As i hear his words, i feel myself getting to the edge.
"Dylan, baby.. Fuck, I'm cuming", my body starts shaking, making it impossible for my legs to still keep steady. "Dylan, please, i need you", i say as i drop back on tje bed and Dylan holds my ass up as he thrusts harder and harder in me. With a loud groan, i feel him cuming, his hot load driving me crazy. He collapses next to me, breathless and sweaty.
"i would've done the same on that desk", he says and we both laugh
"i think we should try it next time"
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In a case scenario where Yuu turns out to be a girl... She would literally be the only girl in an all-boys school. And I can't help but think about teen boys being teen boys, making comments or trying to be touchy-feely with her... So if you're confortable (if not, sorry, you can ignore that), can I request some headcanons about what would Ace, Deuce, Jack and the Leech twins do if they saw things like that happen to Yuu?
Hello, Anon.
I have no issues with fulfilling this request. You mentioned the Leech twins, so I am more than happy to write them.
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Jack Howl...
...is quick to stick himself between Yuu and her assailants. He’s very blunt when addressing them.
“Hey. Cut that out. You’re making her uncomfortable.”
If they won’t leave her alone, Jack will growl and get ready to throw down--he usually avoids needless violence, but if people are going to keep harassing his friends, then the claws come out.
Once the offenders are warded off, Jack will check on Yuu to make sure she is okay--both emotionally and physically.
If she is still shaken by the situation, he might nuzzle against her (wolf instincts, you know?) or offer to let her play with his ears and tail for some much-needed stress relief.
He asks her to call on him whenever she needs help, and he will gladly come running, no matter the circumstances.
Ace Trappola...
...pulls out his trump card, spur-of-the-moment thinking.
“Oi, oi, oi! Back off, you great, big pervs! She’s with me.”
He puts an arm around Yuu’s shoulder and sticks out his tongue at the people harassing her.
What, she already has a boyfriend? Lame. They all stomp off in a huff, grumbling amongst themselves.
Ace releases Yuu right away and tells her she can thank him for rescuing her by buying him a juice box from the cafeteria...
...but, of course, he’s just joking! He’s always happy to help out a friend, free of charge!
Ace says he will be more than happy to continue playing the part of Yuu’s boyfriend in the future if it helps to chase off the creeps.
Deuce Spade...
...marches right on over and pries the hands of the assailants off of Yuu.
“You shouldn’t touch someone like that, or say such rude things to them. Yuu-san is a person, too.”
If they refuse to let us, Deuce’s patience will wear thin. He will shout back at them, maybe get into a little fist fight--but there’s a few of them, and only one of him.
Deuce realizes he’s outmatched and decides to book it instead, grabbing Yuu by the hand and telling her to run.
They manage to escape, though Yuu is left wheezing for breath (Deuce is fine, he’s part of track and field, after all!). He gives her a few moments to get some air into her system.
He then offers to go with Yuu to the headmaster’s office to file a complaint against those students that were bothering her to serve as her eyewitness! That’s the best way to solve the problem in the long run, right?
Jade Leech...
...taps the harrassers on the shoulder to get their attention--oh, and what a frighteningly calm smile he has on his face.
“Gentlemen. Lovely weather we are having today, are we not?”
The mere sight of one of the infamous Leech brothers makes their hair stand on end. The boys practically trip over themselves--and each other--to make their getaway before something far, far worse happens to them.
Jade sweeps Yuu up in his arms and asks her if she is alright, carefully watching her face for signs of distress. He’s very good at reading people.
If all seems well, then Jade will give a light-hearted laugh and make a joke (or at least Yuu hopes it’s a joke) that it looks like he won’t have to drown anyone tonight.
He offers to escort her away from the ruckus and to a more quiet location where Yuu may be able to relax and recover from the situation--what a true gentleman.
...Jade promises to keep an eye out for those brutes, whether Yuu wants him to or not.
Floyd Leech...
...takes a more direct approach that his brother.
He roughly grabs the harrassers by the shoulder and spins them around, forcing them to face him. Floyd will then shove them against the wall or kick them to the floor to teach them a lesson.
“Nobody gets to bully koebi-chan but me. Get lost.”
They get lost.
With them gone, Floyd’s mood takes another 180. He glomps Yuu, affectionately rubbing his face against hers and asking a storm of questions.
Ahhh, he was soooo worried about his little shrimp! Is she hurt anywhere? Did one of those thugs give her this bruise on her wrist? Does she want him to hunt those bullies down? Because believe him, he will.
In any case, Yuu has walked out of the pan and into the fire that is Floyd Leech.
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Kiss from an angel 2
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Supernatural x Teen Wolf
We go to the next coffe shop together and when I want to sit down on one of the chair he pulls it out for me. "Thank you." I smile and sit down. "You're welcome...what's your name?" he sits down across from me and smiles at me.
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"Y/N. Yours?" He looks at me with his beautiful green eyes. "Derek. Nice to run into you Y/N." I roll my eyes. "Hey don't do that. I do eyerolls." I laugh. "Nope. I do them Derek." he orders us some apple pie and hot chocolate.
"You know that I can decide for myself." I raise an eyebrow. "Sure. But you don't look like you come here often. I do. This is the best." he grins. "Okay. Whatever you say Derek."
"So you are from Beacon Hills?" I take a sip of the very good hot chocolate. "Yeah. I grew up here." He smiles. "What about you? Why are you in Beacon Hills?" I start fidgeting with my hands and he takes them in his large ones.
"I'm trying to find my family. Well what's left of it." he nods. "I lost my family too." Suddenly Jack stands beside me. "Here you are." he smiles. It's creepy. "What do you want from my girlfriend?" Derek puts his hands on mine protectively. My heart skips a beat.
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"You have a boyfriend?" Jack looks at me sadly. "Yeah. This is Derek." I smile at him and he smiles back. "Oh...okay...I should go." I just nod and he leaves. "Thank you for lying for me... he's been stalking me." I squeez his hand.
"You don't need to thank me. You could just go on a date with me instead?" I smile at him. "I would love to." He grins and writes down his number on a napkin. "Thank you." I smile and take it. "What about dinner tomorrow?" I nod and he smiles. "At my loft? I'll send you the address."
He pays for the food and walks me home. Because he doesn't want Jack to stalk me again. "Thank you." I want to hug him but maybe he thinks that's weird? "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow?" he raises an eyebrow and I nod. "Of course." I smile and he awkwardly opens his arms.
I step forward and hug his torso. He wraps his arms around me and puts his head on mine. We stand there a few seconds but it feels like forever. He releases me from his embrace and waits for me to go into the apartment.
Next day
I'm early. Too early. As always. I stand in front of the huge loft door and stare at it. I should knock right? But he would think that I'm crazy showing up 1 hour too early.
Derek's POV
I hear her heartbeat outside of the loft. It's really fast... I smile and walk over to open the door. "Ehm...I....uhm...." she blushes and wants to walk away. "Hey...you can help me cook if you like." I grab her wrist and she looks at me.
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"But..." I pull her inside. "Are you worrying about being an hour early?" I smile. She nods and I hug her. "That's fine. You can bother me whenever you want." She takes her jacket and shoes off and follows me into the kitchen. "I wanted to make pasta?" she nods and looks at the ingredients.
"I'll make salad." She takes everything she needs and puts it on a free counter. "Okay. I'll do the pasta." I put them in a bowl and put them on the stove. Then I turn around an watch her cut the lettuce. She looks so fragile. "Do you smell that...?" she turns around and her eyes widen.
"Derek! How can you burn pasta?!" she throws a cloth over the bowl and looks at me. "Your shirt is on fire!" she wants to put it out with her hands but I throw myself on the ground and roll around until it is out.
She looks at me. Her whole body is shaking. I smile and get up. "Let's just order pizza...?" She nods and sits down on the sofa. She seems to be in shock. I sit down next to her and pull her to my chest. "It's alright. I'm fine." She cuddles me and stops shaking.
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"But you could've died...why did you invite me for dinner when you can't cook?" She looks up. "I wanted to impress you?" She chuckles and I smile. "Don't try making pasta again." she takes my phone and my thumb to unlock it. Whatsapp appears on the screen and she smiles and I can hear her heartbeat getting faster.
"You saved me as angel?" she leans back against my chest. "Yeah...you looked like an angel when you ran into me." She kisses my cheek. "You are cute." she opens a food delievery app and looks at the pizzas.
"That one." I point at one and she clicks on it. "I wanted that one too." she smiles and orders two. "Do you want to watch a movie while we wait?" I wrap my arm around her. "Yeah. But you should get changed and open a window first."
I kiss her temple and get up. I open the window to get the smell of smoke out of the loft and go upstairs to grab a shirt. I throw the old one into the corner and take the new one down with me, putting it on while I walk down the stairs. Y/N stares at me while I do so.
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"Sure that you didn't set me on fire to see me shirtless? You could've just asked, you know?" I smirk, she blushes and turns away from me. "What? Didn't you like what you just saw?" A darker shade of red. "If you want to see more just ask." I sit down next to her. Her face is bright red. I chuckle and she gives me an annoyed look. "You're mean..."
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