#but like probably tomorrow cause im tired and also lazy
rianafying · 10 months
i’m sitting on the 51st floor of my friend’s apartment building, it’s a lounge area that looks over melbourne cbd and it is gorgeous, but the lights in this room are blinding. i’ve had a really long day and i’ll probably have an even longer one tomorrow but i don’t wanna leave this building. i feel safe here. i don’t wanna go back home. home is representative of my source of anxiety. home is messy and dirty. home is where the tasks await me. and i just can’t. so with my 48% battery on my phone, i will stay here for as long as i can. it’s already 10:31 pm. but it’s okay my house is a 5 minute walk away. i feel incredibly lonely tonight, like i’ve been craving some sort of romance. and ( very embarrassing ) physical touch. especially when i see or hear about other people in love, it makes me feel so alone. but this is not the time for me to date anyone. and i don’t really like the people i know. i have a therapy session booked for day after tomorrow, basically the day after this assignment is due. so hopefully my brain will be a little clearer by then.
i feel really sleepy and tired even though i overslept the last two days. it’s just that time of the month. pms and psoriasis. causing fatigue. i chopped off a lot of my hair today. didn’t really think it through but it’s fine. idrc. same when i dyed it black. i just do things and it doesn’t matter. it’s just hair.
my friend is really lucky she gets to live in this building. it’s quite a lot more expensive than my apartment. the one i live in is already too expensive for me but somehow i’m managing.
i sat super still for an hour so the motion detector wouldn’t catch me and the lights dimmed down and i stayed by the window for 2 more hours. i really didn’t wanna come back home but i was hungry so i did.
i had one of those chicken curry pies from woolies, i only bought them because they were on sale but damn they are so good, but normally they’re priced at 8$ for 2 pies which is out of my budget :((. but it’s okay i can make my own and freeze them.
2.75+4 + ingredients i already have i can make like a whole bunch of curry chicken pies. but it might not be as good as the store bought ones cause my little toaster that i use as a makeshift oven kind of sucks.
im still hungry, the little pie did not fill me up enough, which makes sense because i only had two tiny pieces of sushi in the last 30 hours. i’m craving another pie but i don’t have any. also something about having food with mayo makes me feel gross and oily. like it’s all over my face. i can’t stand it anymore. i’m so tired. i know ill be getting my periods soon because i have been getting cramps all day.
i finally found the time to open the bag of stuff my uncle dropped off because they’re moving and they no longer need em. there’s a whole bunch of sauces and spices in there. i wonder if my cousin bought these cause these are good ingredients. i’m kinda hungry but there’s nothing to cook at home. there’s pasta but it’s not gonna be substantial enough. i’ve been wanting to buy some parmesan for the longest time but it’s so expensive, and i go through it pretty fast because it’s too good not to. i also kind of like goat cheese, not really in pasta more with like fruit on toast. there’s a thing of frozen shrimp in my fridge afaik, but it’s stuck solid in with the ice layer in my fridge and i wrestled with it but i couldn’t get it out. i’ll just dump it out when i clean my fridge and let everything thaw. it will be okay. it was old anyway.
i’m just so hungry. but i’m just too lazy to make anything or get creative, or eat something i cooked. i wish there was like a sandwich or something i could eat rn. well there’s rice, surumi, wasabi, soy sauce, sriracha, mayo, chilli oil, carrots, and nori. but i just wish i had some cucumber. i’ll go buy some tomorrow along w some cooked shrimp. maybe the frozen cutlets. i kind of miss them.
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dumbbitchfrommars · 18 days
12am and i cant sleep.
its been so hard adjusting to all the change. it was unexpected, and i got used to something and didnt realise how that momentum would just disappear and how uncomfortable i would be about that.
i think i got used to the chaos of being a student. now i feel stuck, and im doubting myself. im really, really questioning.
but somehow i was blessed with a really wonderful man amidst it all?
doubt/fear/self criticism. its confusing me... i havent properly cried in so long. ive just gotten a bit too comfortable with the subtle, constant voice in my head putting me down for every little mistake and unmet expectation.
i am a good writer. i missed writing, really writing. i got so lazy. i feel so lazy, all the time. like im never quite putting in 100%, but if i did, i know id be able to achieve so much. id be so successful - probably at anything i put my mind into.
instead im so afraid of failing or being disappointed that i barely try at all.
my confidence is thin... i wonder if people can see through my facade?
im so ashamed and angry at myself for losing my temper today. it completely derailed the rest of my day. i feel terrible. i deserved to get in trouble today. it was my karma for being impatient, and mean, and angry. life is not that serious. nothing is worth that kind of anger. no stranger deserves that kind of anger...
im so tired but the coffee that i knew would throw me off is keeping me up. i was shaking for half the day today! i genuinely helped so many people but i also feel judged, criticised and under appreciated. i am not rostered again for this entire week.
work is not worth this frustration and anger and hurt. ive exhausted myself analysing the situation and its done. but, what is left if not that? what do i worry about instead? how others might judge me for dating this guy? or how my car is stuck in a carpark tonight and might be towed away by the morning? or, that i have $40 to my name right now with multiple trips interstate planned in the next few months? money doesnt matter. it never really mattered and is the least of my problems, and yet it floats back to me constantly like a persistent fly. i got bit on the fucking face by a mosquito!
but being hugged like that healed something in me. it was the most comforting hug ive had in so, so long. i could cry just thinking about feeling that way all the time. so warm and safe and protected and loved.
its nice to feel like i can be a shy girl again. like i dont have to pretend to be confident all the time, cause someone else is already, and hes ready to take the lead for me. so i can let my guards down and just be my self and not worry about scaring him off or making him insecure. and i like the way he tells me things. like he really shows me, and gets me to visualise what hes trying to explain. and i like how he rubbed my knee when i said i wasnt listening to him for one second. and i like how he kinda just decided for me that were hanging out again tomorrow. and i like how he asked "are you okay" when i got all anxious and made me laugh at myself instead of being awkward. how did he do that? he helped me not overthink by making a sweet joke and i could laugh. and my critical side is non existent when im with him, cause hes so confident in himself. hes so man. and i actually like him. i like talking to him, i like his personality, im drawn to him, i think hes attractive. i mean, he has odd style but it suits him. and he has some opinions that i disagree with but they arent dealbreakers. and hes such a boyyyy like hes so masculine man like wow they really do exist. all i had to do was look in a different place to my own. I KNEW IT TOO. i knew i liked them a little rough around the edges. ugh. okay. i think thats enough fawning over him now.
i wonder when we'll finally kiss. i dont think im ready yet... im scared of rushing and getting hurt again. i think he can tell and thats why hes been so slow and gentle with me. is crazy, isnt it? i seem so confident and attractive and cool from the outside. i feel like everyone profiles me as having so much handed to me. but its honestly so scary and hard to try do relationships and friendships. ive been hurt so much and im so so sensitive. but maybe i seem strong and like my walls are up or something, so people think im indestructible. but secretly im so soft and fragile and i need time. and i feel like hes giving me that time? like i dont think ive ever gone this long talking to a guy. i havent hung out with a guy 3 times without kissing once. thats a lie... but its also true, cause the taurus i always just expected it to not be romantic. i dont think i ever really saw us being in a relationship. but i can see myself with the scorpio. so its even a shock just for me, to see how seriously im taking this by not rushing. i want everything to be special and the right timing. i even want to meet his family and friends. and my sister really likes him. thats how i know hes good for me. because shes never wrong about people. could this be why i had such a trainwreck day today? did i receive some kind of evil eye the other night? but...who...? everyone seemed so sweet and happy and lovely. maybe its just a bad day and i shouldnt overthink it.
its fucking freezing cold and now its past 1am. ugh.
i would love another one of those hugs, please. it was so lovely and nice and ugh. holy shit. i really like him!
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
its honestly kinda a bummer that i have school tomorrow because i am very excited to get into that zone where you just have so much energy to pack shit and you can finally throw away shit you dont need because it'll just be an inconvinirnce otherwise. yeah so, from the way my mom talked about it, i just kinda assumed that we were gonna move in the end, so I saiföd something about it starting with "so since we're seemingly going to move-" and mom was so confused why i thought that we were "seemingly going to move". and it was so awkward because? hello?? you were the one who even brought it up, you were the one who said that it would be better for us to move, and the only other two people living in this house genuinely want to move. but yeah awkwardness aside, we are moving. not sure when, cuz of all the bill and adult schematic stuff. probably soon, cause the months changing like uhh in three days, and ya know all the contract stuff starts at the beginning of the month, so its always more convenient to plan a move on the end of the month...ill see if i can rile myself up tomorrow after school to atleast start on sorting some stuff....also in finnish, a department store is literally called a "stuff house" and stuff as in like "my stuff was stolen"...yeahg...and also theres like this person i meet with occasionally in like a "I'm their client" way, and the meetings kind of tire me out...I don't like the person that much, they remind me of my mom..I cant bring myself to tell anyone that though...and they'd just replace them with another person, and idk I dont like having these kinds of meetings with adults and shit...cause i always end up doing some activity that I dont want to do, because i cant bring myself to say "no" harsh enough. and then I feel bad because i just wasted so much of my time doing shit that is supposed to be for the betterment of me and my mental health....but I just dont trust myself to decline help anymore, because i feel like i cant tell when someone's "help" is actually benefitting me or not...I hate this...this is why I wanna get into the packing zone and just turn my brain off for a day...I also havent eaten so i feel even more shitty,......I was gonna say im too lazy to go eat but you know what im gonna go get some bread rn. brb.
the bread was not there. i fucking hate this household.
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me: iswm is so cool! the fandom's so active! this is the perfect opportunity to make a name for myself making markiplier fanart!
my brain, for no reason at all: but what if ✨ Ethan Nestor ✨
me, a day later, having recorded a speeddraw and drawing two other fanarts, in the middle of marathoning crankgameplays videos: WAIT NO CONSISTENCY!!
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levisgirll · 3 years
oki it me again uWu back with another request because I really enjoyed the first one!!!💗💗 couldn't find the exact words to phrase this but what about aomine (from Kuroko no basuke) as your boyfriend in university. I look forward to what you will write!!
𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
text: hello again!! thank you so much for reading my posts and the fact that you like them makes me happy c: 💗💗 I'm glad you enjoyed the other request so, I hope you enjoy this! (also, aomine is my second fav in knb ^^ he's just so attractive oml-)
synopsis: aomine daki, the great basketballer player at your university is your boyfriend! how is it like to have aomine as your boyfriend though? and how does he act with you? (get ready for this-)
Once Aomine is your boyfriend, get ready cause this guy will show off and flex a lot when it comes to you. Whenever you stay and watch his practices, he flexes a lot with his back muscle and he would turn around if YOU saw that. You are just sitting there, all blushed while covering your face, "Oh god, this idiot..."
Sometimes, the basketball club would invite student for 'Learning the basics of Basketball' and the first person he wants to invite is, of course, his girlfriend. While he is waiting for her, he would just sit in the bench and lots of people go to him for help, but he would ignore everyone and say he is tired and to leave him alone. But once he sees you, y/n, entering he is all energetic and comes running to you. "Aomine, let me change wait" , "But darling, I was waiting for like 10 minutes...you have to make up for that."
Once everyone leaves and its just you two, he gets all hyped up cause he loves it when you are alone with him. He gets extra clingy towards you and keeps on hugging you and you can feel his tensed muscular body. "Sweetheart, you looked amazing today."
Okay but this guy, would fuck up and beat any guy that even showed any sort of disrespect. He is not standing there with a glare or bumping into them if someone laughs, or says something mean to you. He will go up to that person and hold them up while saying "Okay, you started this. Come here."  You have to stop him before he gets physical towards them, "Aomine! Stop!! They just said to me to move". "Yea, 'Move you', what the fuck is that? Asshole, learn some manners! Do you know who you even spoke to!"
This guy is smart, so he knows all your university spots, so don't be surprised if you see him out of nowhere. "Hey its that guy! He is always following you!" Kagami would yell out, "Fuck, you have some stalker Y/N" Kagami would say while glaring at him, he was your university best friend. "That's my b-boyfriend."
Your man will also buy you a lot of snacks, and if you say you skipped breakfast. He is dragging you to the university café and will force you to eat after he buys you food.
Oh my god, your boyfriend loves to tease you A LOT. Like there wont be a day he wont tease you. If you somehow changed up your hairstyle, he will make a huge scene. "No WAY! Sweetheart, you look so good! Wow, that's my GIRL! You all heard that??!"
Aomine makes you laugh like crazy, and there also wont be a day he wont make you laugh. He just loves it whenever he hears your beautiful laugh and small giggles, he founds it so cute and you really warm his heart whenever he hears that.
He will never forgive himself if he ever made you upset or cry. Aomine will probably think about it the whole day and he will keep spamming you "I'm sorry" multiple times. If you don't reply back, he would come to your lecture hall and he is gonna make a scene. "Y/N I SAID IM SORRY!"
You definitely boost his ego, like crazy. Whenever he feels low before a match he would call you and he just wants to hear his girlfriends voice motivating him. "Aomine, don't worry you got this! Besides, didn't you tell me the only one who can beat you...is you?" "Fuck, you are right. Darling, I'm gonna win this and I'll come and hug u after this match. Wait for 20 minutes" And he actually does it.
This guy sticks with his words, so if you tell him meet up at 2 pm. He is there at 2pm waiting for you. If he says he will do literally anything for you, he fucking will.
Once he got, really upset and emotional and he said to you during a call at midnight. "Y/N, Dont leave me like how everyone does.". You then recalled about him telling you about this past and how his old teammates left him, so you would say "I wont, I'm your girlfriend aren't I?" And he is up on his bed all hyped hearing that, "Can I see you now!" "Aomine it's 2am and I have a quiz tomorrow bye, shutting my phone love you!" But this guy wont leave you and spam you in EVERY social media. "Nice try, but I know you have discord on your laptop. Wait, I see you online I'm calling you now."
One time, he came to your huge lecture hall and he sat right next to you, and he would just turn and look at you, focusing on what you are doing, and play around with your stuff and hair. "Aomine, I am trying to focus!" You say all blushed and can't even write anything on your notebook. "Of course, cause you are focusing on me right? Sweetheart, I know, I know I am great." Now you wanna smack him.
Whenever he sees you, he gives you that hot smirk of his and it gives you butterflies. "Ha! Wow literally everything I do, you love it don't you?" . Y/N then turns to him and gives a small chuckle, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Aomine." He then goes near you and lays his arm on your shoulder, bring you closer and he would whisper to your ear "Why not? your my girl so, I want to impress you."
You both love it whenever you guys hold hands around university, this guy is really tall so you always feel so relaxed and also great when your boyfriend squeezes your hand, and walks you to your lecture. "Okay now try to focus on your lecture and not your mind all about me alright?"
He actually loves it when you cheer for him and that really boost not only his ego but rather his self-confidence. "Y/N! I'm gonna win this match for you!" He would yell out during the match and everyone is looking at you.
He would go for academic help for you sometimes and you guys meet up in the library to study. You are the reason he passed some subjects, don't get me wrong, he is intelligent but super lazy.
His wallpaper is a selfie of you both and he looks at that before every match. He sometimes pecks his phone when he finds a picture of you.
Speaking about his phone, this guy has a folder with just you, all your pictures, screenshots of chats, even screen records of your voice notes and videos. He just loves you dearly, and he gets so fucking mad if someone touches or even goes near that gallery. He protects that with all his life, your pictures are important and he is not the type of guy to show his friends your pictures, in fact he hates that! "My folder, my girl, and no one gets to see that. Go away."
Whenever he is bored or isn't doing nothing, he would open his phone, and check every social media app to see your online status. "Oh OH, I see you online darling! Answer me, wanna go out and get ice cream? Please say yes."
He is actually such a great motivator and brings your mood up whenever you feel like giving up during university. He won't allow that, like never. "What so you will just give up? Stop? After all this time, you let this one test fuck you up? Don't you dare let that bring you down, you idiot." He actually even inspires you.
Before you go for the whole day cause you had to work on your report he would say "Smile for me one last time?"
When he sees you from afar, he would yell out and say "That's my girl! Don't move, I'm coming for you!" And this guy jumps at you with his embraces and sometimes picks you up. "L-Love put me down!!"
He actually loves teasing you like that in public, he wants everyone to know that are are HIS girl and his only.
He messages you during his practices and even would skip practice to see you.
Y/N: Oh you don't have practice today?
Aomine: Nope! And besides, I am the captain so doesn't matter. (He is not the captain- its akashi but lies)
He says that and then goes on how he knows everything about basketball and the team and he keeps doing that till you can compliment him ‘Please Y/N say anything’ he would think and you know that but tease him back not saying anything.
*meanwhile in his basketball groupchat* 
Kise: aomine, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!
Akashi: Probably ran off to see his girl.
Atsushi: Whatever, my chance to leave and eat outside.
Kuroko: Can I join you?
Atsushi: No.
You would treat his injuries and he would just sit there, looking at you with a smirk.
Aomine: "Oh yea, here even hurts darling!"
Y/N: "Love....you are lying aren't you?"
Aomine: "What! No!...Maybe?" 
You let out a sigh "Ah, you are an idiot...stop hurting yourself all the time." He would suddenly lift your chin up and say "You know...that I love you yea? You also better tell me everything and if you need help, just say it" He can be really soft and sweet sometimes, but he gets all cringy and shy about it and he gets up rubbing the back of his head. "I-I mean that's what a boyfriend does right?! Come on, get up I'm taking you out."
Okay, I hope you enjoy this and anyone who did! Aomine is such a dork but a sweetheart and I can see most of this happening :,) 
If anyone enjoyed reading this, please then leave a like or a reblog! It means a lot and have a great day <3
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Bedtime Reassurances
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[image credit to @aloneandblueascanbe​, pls let me know if you want it removed!]
pairing: frankie morales x gn!reader
words: 1.8k
content: one innuendo / reference to sex so 18+ only please, job related anxiety, mentions of a pandemic, one bad word, i switch from present and past tense sorry, another comfort fic but at this point is anyone surprised, soft gentle touches, verbal affirmations, frankie just being the best most encouraging bf in the world
a/n: okay so this is very similar to the other frankie fic i wrote, but i actually wrote this one first and this one has some lines that im really proud of, so i figured i’d share this one anyways!! i hope y’all enjoy this, and thank you so SO much to everyone who read my first frankie fic, seriously i cannot believe how much interest it got and i am constantly blown away by how incredible y’all are 💜💜💜 p.s. my taglists are a mess rn so don’t feel obligated to interact, and pls speak up if you want to be added or removed!
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Frankie hums under his breath a little as he walks up the stairs. The two of you had just finished watching a new movie and his spirits were pretty high (although part of that might have been because of your reactions to the movie- your laughter, your smiles, your head bobbing to the catchy music). He flicked off the hallway light before entering you room, at which he promptly paused at seeing you perched on the bed wiping your eyes.
“Sweetheart?” he questions, and you look over at him before sitting up and blinking furiously. “Hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He quickly takes a few steps over to you, but his hands hover by your sides to gauge your reaction to his sudden nearness before moving forward to slide them around your back. The last thing he wanted to do was move too fast and cause you to flinch.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine, I was just-,” you cut yourself off to take a stuttery inhale and a shaky exhale. “Just thinking, it’s not even related to anything.” Frankie tilted his head at you sympathetically as his mouth twisted into a small smile.
“If it has you this upset, I know it’s not nothing,” he paused, giving you a moment to process his words. “[y/n]” he whispered, and at hearing your name you look up to meet his eyes. “It’s me,” he said, with nothing but love and concern in his eyes. “You can talk to me. Please.” You blinked at him a couple times, and took a deep breath.
“I, um,” you stuttered and turned your eyes down, and you felt Frankie’s hand rub up and down your back. After a few deep breaths, you spoke. “I just started thinking about work again, and job hunting has been so stressful. And it all seems so scary. And I know it’s not, and I know I’m overthinking it, but I’m just so tired of starting over. And I’m just tired of not feeling good enough. And I’m sure these feelings are way too complicated over just a new job, but I’m just tired of constantly doing different things, and I know this is just the adjustment period making me feel this way, but I just want to be good at something, just one thing, and just do that one thing long enough to actually feel good about how I do that thing,” you paused to take a few deep breaths and at some point during your rambling you must have grabbed onto Frankie because both of your hands were gripping the front of his shirt. You loosened your grip a little and in response he held you a little tighter. As you met Frankie’s eyes for the first time, you couldn’t help but let out the small whimper at the pure understanding and love from him. It’s still so hard to believe that someone could look at you like that even in such a state. He brought one of his hands up to cup your cheek, and the other one wrapped around your waist.
“I’ve got you,” he said, and there was no way to not believe him when he was looking at you like that. “Just let it all out.”
“I’m afraid, but I’m also tired of being afraid, and I’m tired of not being good enough, and I’m just tired,” you laughed a little, even as tears filled your eyes. “I just want to be good enough.” Frankie’s heart cracks at your words, and as your eyes fill with tears, he feels his eyes start to sting too.
“Mi corazón. I promise you, every single person around you can see just how hard you’re trying. I know sometimes it’s hard for you to see, but every day I am in awe of just how much you do.” He sees your face scrunch up in the telltale way when you try to argue with him, so he tilts down to give you a soft kiss, and when he pulls away he can tell that put you in enough of a daze for him to keep going without you interrupting. “Despite what you struggle with, you get up and you help others, and you work on bettering yourself as a person, and you get stronger and kinder and more loving every single day. And every day I am beyond thankful that you let me into your life, that I get to be with you in the big moments and in the small moments, that I get to experience life through your eyes, because you see the world in such a way that it makes me feel so so young.” That gets a small smile from you, and now Frankie feels like he’s on a roll. “You’re kind to me and you’re kind to strangers and you’re even learning to be kind to yourself. You’re taking on the challenge of becoming a better person while also going after a new job while also doing it during a freaking pandemic.” Your breath hitches at that and while he doesn’t want to upset you, he never wants to upset you, he needs you to know this. “You think you’re behind everyone but you are leagues ahead in areas that some people aren’t gonna realize are important until years from now. And you’re doing that in a world where that isn’t the normal. And baby I am so proud of you,” he chokes up a little at that, and he sees worry creep up into your eyes as your hands come up to cup his cheeks, and ever so gently stroke the spot just below his eyes, already ready to wipe away any tears that might stray. “You are a wonderful person, a wonderful friend, and an even more wonderful lover. And I want you to go to bed, and wake up, and spend every minute of every day knowing that I love you so much and that there is so much good in you, and that you are stronger than any of your fears or anxieties or reservations, and that if you ever feel stuck I will always-,” he bumps his forehead against yours and he looks at you so head on that in that moment you feel he is looking straight into you, that he really does see everything he says he does, “-always, be right there by your side helping you out of the situation because I. Love. You.”
The first thing you noticed were his hands on your face, mostly because the pressure had increased, not in an uncomfortable way, just in a more noticeable way. And then you noticed the way his chest was moving, like saying everything he did genuinely winded him. And then you noticed his eyes, which if your being honest was probably the first thing you noticed because there’s no way not to: their deep, rich color with more depth than any other eyes you’ve ever seen, the almost imperceptible sparkle to them, because somehow this man’s eyes just sparkle, and the way that his eyes are the definition of love and compassion and trust, because there is no other way to describe them.
“Oh my gosh,” you whisper, because how on earth do you respond to that? As you wrap your arms around the back of his neck again and drag him down to kiss him, he pulls you closer as your lips touch and you press further into him because the need to have him so impossibly close is overwhelming. He breaks away for only a second before leaning back in, and he tilts you back to deepen the kiss. Your legs come up to wrap around his and he lowers you slowly all the way down onto the bed. When you break away you keep your hands firmly locked around the back of his head, keeping his forehead pressed to yours as you both catch your breath. “I love you so much,” you finally say, keeping your eyes locked on his. “I love you so dang much and sometimes I still can’t believe you’re here, with me, in our house, with me.”
“You better believe it baby, cuz there’s no getting rid of me,” his mouth cracking into a lazy smile as he nudges his strong nose against yours.
“Never,” you say, much more seriously than his joking tone warrants, but you need him to know, especially after everything he said. “I never want to get rid of you. I need you. I love you.” His eyes soften and while his teasing tone leaves, his smile never does.
“You’ll make it through this sweetheart, I promise. I’m here every step of the way.”
You beam at him, “Thank you Frankie. For everything. Everything.” Your eyes start to droop and he places a quick kiss on your nose before backing away to pull down the covers. You crawl up to the pillows, barely even acknowledging your own side in favor of his. He chuckles and crosses over to the other side, and when he’s under he cuddles you close before pulling up the blanket and securing it around you. “Tomorrow’s a new day, and somebody needs their beauty sleep to tackle their to do list.” You hum contentedly, wrapping your arms around him and slotting your head under his chin. His arms wrap around yours as he presses a kiss to your forehead and noses your hair.
“Well, you are definitely on my to do list because holy shit someone deserves some good sex for what you said,” you half mumble under your breath, and as Frankie breaks into a laugh he tries not to jostle you too much, but you caught him off guard and now he’s pretty much full on laughing, in the way that makes your heart clench a little because you love him and his beautiful laugh so dang much, the laugh that gives you so much pride because you’re the one that made it happen. When he settles down he pulls away slightly to look at you, and you are positively beaming at him, clearly proud of that joke you were able to come up with half asleep.
“Well there’s my [y/n],” he says in that deep raspy voice that only makes you smile more. He leans in to give your forehead a slow kiss.
“Thanks for finding me,” you whisper as you look up at him.
“Ehh, you’ve trusted me with most of your hiding spots, so I’ve gotten pretty good.” You prop yourself up on your elbow and place your hand on the side of his face to get a good look at him.
“But seriously Frankie, thank you. You always know exactly what to say, and I am so unbelievably grateful for you in so many ways.” His face goes as soft as he turns to give your palm a soft kiss, and you lean in one more time to kiss him properly before resuming your position. He gives you a gentle squeeze and it isn’t long until you’re drifting off to sleep in the arms of your love.
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tag list: @keeper0fthestars​, @scribbledghost​, @icanbringyouincold​, @bestintheparsec-reads​, @ezrasarm​, @andriecastana​, @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo​, @murdermewithbooks​, @remmysrecs​, @lv7867​
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Hey!! I was wondering if i can have a candied rose frappuccino with floyd please. Thanks 😊
Sugar Addict
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Warning(s): mild spice, lowkey spicy ending
A/N: I went feral. What is plot? I ended up writing more than expected. Also, I was too lazy to proofread so I apologize for my horrible grammar. Feel free to correct me! I should probably get a beta reader... 
Context: This is an AU. Yes, a coffeeshop AU, but some things are different. These characters are aged up and NRC is actually a college.
It was unexplainable, this feeling. Twilight. The sun was setting. Traffic ensued streets as people poured out of work and into their vehicles, all with one destination: home. But for you, home was the last place you wanted to go. You were a student who did not need to fret over something like a job. You had the convenience of asking for a ride or traveling by foot to reach local destinations not far from your oh so prestigious school. At this moment, at twilight, you were experiencing the convenience of the latter. Well, a normal person would not call it a convenience. These days made taking a stroll an absurd pastime. But right now, it was both a convenience and a pastime. The roads were clogged by a massive sea of cars. Your nose crinkled at the stench of gasoline. Choosing to traverse by foot was more pragmatic. You were in a rush as well. Your destination might close any minute now!
From the inside of any of the vehicles on the street, you were akin to a hooligan. A scrambling, mad hooligan. Not only were you running in the opposite direction of where these cars were going, you were also running as your life depended on it. Therefore, you were a crazy person who was running into the city suburbs at a somewhat late hour rather than going home. Mothers in said vehicles shook their heads in dismay, praying their children were safe at home. But, you could not care any less. Night Raven College’s headmaster was very lenient on curfews and was susceptible to bribery if all else fails. But to be fair, your destination was not something to be frowned upon. It was something to laugh at, really. The place you were so desperate to get to was none other than a café.
More specifically, Café Rosé . Cheesy, chessy, yes, you were aware. The café was notorious for their supposed love potion of a latte, but you weren’t coming for that. You wanted to try their Candied Rose Frappuccino. You were a lover of all sweets; You could never live with yourself if you didn’t try it. Of course, this coffee shop was not going anywhere nor was this beverage a limited one. You simply were in the mood for it. It was craving, a whim, a last minute decision.
You sighed heavily, leaning against the café’s exterior walls. With one deep breath, you pushed the rose-tinted glass door open. The chime signaled your entrance. You braced yourself for a  barista to question your hazed, flushed state… but it never came. Still heaving, you scanned the shop. You made your way to the counter to check for employees in the back room.
“Hey, Shrimpy! Café’s closed,” a voice glowered.
You spun your heel, making eye contact with a barista with a disheveled appearance– his aquamarine hair was slightly unkempt, his tie was unraveled and dangled loosely around his neck, dress shirt unbuttoned down to the point where his collar bone was exposed with his sleeves rolled up which furthermore accentuated his lean yet muscular figure. It was all too much to take in. He put his weight onto the nearest table. Ah, the thud came from a chair he just stacked… but nevermind that-!! The moment he moved into that position, he exposed a bit of his cleavage. Hot damn he might be lean at first glance, but he was built like a Greek god. This should be illegal! A barista should not be dressing– let alone be looking– like that. Everyone would suffer from a cardiac arrest from such a heartthrob! You quickly averted your attention to the café’s schedule.
“The business hours sign says you guys close at seven. It’s six fifty-two right now,” you said, holding up your phone.
“Close enough. Get lost.”
He walked over to you suavely, leaning over you and against the door frame to flip the open-closed sign over so that it’s closed side faced the streets. It was meant to be a gesture of mockery and intimidation, but holy hell… you were flustered more than anything. He was tall from afar but up close he was huge!! You even got a better look at his chest. Well defined, if you don’t say so yourself. Wait–
You shoved him back, “Not even for a to-go order?”
“Nope. Don’t feel like it.”
“But you’re not closed yet!”
“But I don’t wanna,” he whined.
“I asked you ‘why’?”
“Can’t you just come back tomorrow and let me call it a day? I’m tired.”
“That’s not an excuse.”
“I ran all the way here just to get something–”
“Should’ve done it earlier,” he shrugged, returning to his chore.
“Okay. Fine. Is there anyone else here to serve me? Since you’re too ‘tired’?”
“Sorry, Shrimpy, but they all went home.”
“Ugh! Don’t call me something that makes us seem so familiar. I’m not that short anyway...” you huffed.
He snickered, walking behind the register, “Alright then, Shr-im-p-y~! What would you like to order that you just had to come in at the last minute today?”
While you were relieved he gave into serving you a drink, the way he enunciated your unwanted nickname was irksome.
“I’ll have one Candied Rose Frappuccino.”
“Oh thank god it isn’t that latte.”
“You mean the Rosé Latte?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, loudly tapping on the cash register, “Everyone has been flocking here and only ordering that. I’m so tired of making the same order everyday.”
“Sorry, I’m not into hot beverages. Just a person who likes sweets.”
“Cute,” he cooed, handing you your receipt.
You watched as he messily wrote “Shrimpy” onto your cup.
“Can I get your name?” you asked.
“My name?”
“What for?”
“Somehow you’re slowly becoming my favorite barista.”
Partially a lie, partially the truth. He was your favorite because he was so fine. You only wanted his name in case you ever decided to write a review on your bitter first meeting with him or if you came across the manager. Petty, yes, but it annoyed you that much.
“Floyd, Floyd Leech,” he grinned.
You checked the receipt and sat down at the barstools in front of the barista’s worktable, watching him intently as he began to work on your order. Well, half your attention was actually on his hand movements. Your mind was having an internal battle about how shameful you were to fantasize about his back muscles, mentally undressing him. The fact that there were only you two in the coffeehouse did not help either. The silence, at its surface, was calming, but, at its core, it was awkward. With the occasional clinks of utensils and the sound of coffee being brewed and blended into a frappuccino,  the lack of noise left your mind to wander.
“Just because he’s good looking does not make up for the fact that he was rude,” you chided yourself.
Floyd cocked his head: “Hey. What are you staring at?”  
He looked behind him as if there was actually something of interest. You saw your drink in his hand. He held it close to his chest, withholding it, waiting for your answer.
“Oh? Um.. nothing? I was just zoning out. I’m tired from running all the way here.”
“Shrimpy’s no fun,” he pouted.
“My name is (y/n), not Shrimpy.”
“You’re short, jumpy, and huggable like a shrimp~”
“I am not that short!”
“Oh-!!! You remind me of Goldfish. You both get so mad for some reason,” he laughed.
“Listen here–”
The barista took a swig of your order. He didn’t take the dome-shaped lid out. He didn’t even drink it with a straw. He just… straight up… put his lips on the lid and drank the contents from the rim. You halted your rant, appalled by his audacity.
“You talk too much, Shrimpy.”
In this total silence, someone, if there were someone here, would have heard your sanity and patience snapped.
“Listen here, Floyd Leech. That was awfully rude of you. Actually, from the beginning, you were so rude! From getting into my personal bubble to calling me names when I told you to stop. And now you drink my order? And right in front of me too?! So, so, rude-!!! I just–”
“Wow. What an expansive vocabulary you have,” he glared, twiddling with the collar of his shirt and somehow exposing more of his collarbone.
You leaned over the counter, reaching for your beverage, heat traveling up your cheeks, “I’m not done yet! Just because you’re hot does not mean you can dress like that and automatically get a free pass to do these things! Do you have any idea how distracting that was?? Now–wHAAA!!”
You pounced at him. Your toes hung on the edge of the barstool, your left arm wrapped around Floyd’s neck, and your right arm stretched out in an attempt to reach the drink in Floyd’s hand. Much to your annoyance, he raised it higher than you could ever hope to reach. If he took anymore steps back, you would most likely flop onto the barista’s side of the table face-first. With the drink in his left hand, his weight (and yours) was shifted onto his right arm which conveniently propped itself against the countertop behind him. You wondered what people on the road thought when they saw what was going on inside the café.
It was early evening with a decent amount of cars on the street before the storefront. Nearly twenty minutes since you came into the café and here you are– without your order, curfew approaching steadily, and no sign of getting your frappuccino anytime soon. Instead, you were sprawled across the counter, a test of your flexibility and modesty.
“I didn’t really think Shrimpy was this bold, this naughty,” Floyd chuckled.
Ah shit. Your anger got the best of you. Your verbal filter was removed and all of your thoughts slipped past your conscious and common sense. His sly grin did not help at all. Your close proximity enhanced your blush. The way you clung onto him caused his shirt to slide off his left shoulder and with the position you were in, you had a front seat to all his glory. What a sticky wicket this was.
“I just wanted something sweet to drink,” you panted, fisting his shirt in your petite palms, frustration washing over you.
You were on the verge of tears. Floyd sighed, lowering the cup just a bit, and took a few steps back as he carefully let you slide onto the barista’s side of the counter. However, your beverage was still out of reach.
“You’re such a snowflake,” he mumbled.
You clung to him, still, using him as leverage to reach your order, “Am not. This wouldn’t have happened if you just let me have my coffee!”
“You mean this hell of a sugary confection??”
“Yes? I mean I wouldn’t know because I haven’t even tried it yet,” you grunted, jumping at it like a fish trying to catch the bait.
“Oi, (y/n), can I kiss you?”
That was the first time he used your actual name instead of “Shrimpy” ever since you met. You would rejoice, but the following words were out of the question. His tone made it sound more like a demand than a request of consent.
“Excuse me?!”
“You wanted to try the drink right?”
“Yes, but it’s right there in your hand! So if you would just let me have it, I’ll stop annoying you!”
“The taste is lingering in my mouth. It’s so sweet. I wanna get rid of it…”
“Get some water.”
He squeezed his right arm around your waist, bringing you closer to his face,  “But I want to kiss you~!”
“Well, since you drank out of it, if you let me have it, then we can have an indirect kiss!”
The temperature of the coffee shop was just unbearable at this point. And worst of all, this was self-inflicted. You didn’t have to tolerate him. Frankly, you should have left the moment he told you the café was “closed”.  You didn’t have to pounce on him and end up in this painstakingly uncomfortable position either. Moreover, you were sweating from embarrassment from your suggestion. An indirect kiss! That was such a childish thing to fret about and here you were, regretting your own words.
“That’s no fun,” Floyd said, taking another sip of your frappuccino.
Despite how he manhandled you thus far, he kissed you very tenderly. His lips were soft, warm even. As much as you wanted to push him back and scold him for taking away something as precious as your first kiss, you couldn't. Everything just… felt right. Your grip on his shirt loosened. Before, you held them in your palms in anger, a way of intimidation, a sign to show him that you weren’t going to back down even if he was teasing you with no mercy. But now, you held Floyd’s collar to close the space between you two. You were this close to each other, but it wasn’t close enough.
You gasped as he nibbled your lip. Floyd took it upon himself to invite his tongue over to your wet cavern. A sugary substance flooded your taste buds. Ah… he never swallowed your drink.... Not that it mattered. You gulped it in one breath, continuing on with your tango of tongues. If Floyd wasn’t supporting your waist, you might’ve melted away into this temporary bliss. You momentarily broke away from him to catch your breath. The distance between you two was barely five centimeters. He growled lowly, taking two steps forward, pushing you towards the bar. He smashed his lips against yours, a clear sign for you not to do that again. A fire lit in his eyes. Floyd hungrily bit your bottom lip, earning a whimper in response.  Without breaking away from your mouth, only turning his head to take you at a different angle, he hoisted you up and set you and the beverage down on the countertop. Now, with both hands free, he cupped your cheeks. You responded by wrapping your legs around his waist and grabbing his wrists, drawing away his hands.
“W-Wait…” you exhaled.
“...did you not like that?” he cocked his head.
“No... No… I liked it… I liked it a lot… I just… S-Slow down…”
Floyd reached for the ends of your hair, twirling with the strand, “Take your time…”
Perhaps it was purely the heat of the moment or lust, but you judged him too soon. In this brief period of time, he was being considerate of you.  He traced your figure with his eyes, grinning from ear to ear at your bruised lips, bright pink from the dozens of kisses he gave you. You were just as disheveled as he was.
“You sure?”
“I’m thirsty,” you pouted.
Floyd let out a chortle before sipping your coffee, “Alright, then Shrimpy.”
You prepared yourself for yet another rough session. Before he took your lips, he smoothed back his hair, revealing his forehead. The gesture caught you off guard thus you stiffened as he brushed his lips against yours. By gods, it was as if he wasn't even trying to be provocative. Was it possible for someone to be this seductive without actual effort? At this rate, you were going to miss curfew..
“Floyd…” you moaned, intertwining your fingers with his as he pushed you down onto the counter.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry...”
“Floyd… No… T-There’s people watching-!!!”
“Does that not bother you?!”
“Not when they’ll know you’re mine~”
You sat up, “I’m a bit too shy for that. A-And I would like for my first time to be private…”
You left the last part trail off in embarrassment, fiddling with his necktie which somehow managed to stay on his person despite everything that just happened.
“Oh? Is Shrimpy a virgin?” he teased.
“So what if I am?!”
“Nothing. Just thought a cute Night Raven College girl like you wouldn’t be since you were really good~”
He earned himself a playful smack on the shoulder to which he responded with a sarcastically scoff. This was so unfair...
“How did you know that I went there?”
“Hmm must be because of the shirt you’re wearing underneath that hoodie,” he said, feigning innocence.
Oh. He’s the perceptive type. You didn’t think much of his ministrations (other than them being tantalizing). It seemed that he took note of every detail about you. At this point, you were crimson as a tomato.
“Also, because I go there as well,” he snickered.
You smacked his shoulder once more.
“I’ve never seen you before.”
“Different years, probably.”
“Also, I’m always stuck at the Mostro Lounge so you can find me there,” he winked.
“Ahhh! Stop doing that!”
“Doing what?”
“Giving me two answers and mixed signals.”
Floyd tilted your head upwards and pecked your lips, holding you as if you were a figure of glass: “What about this is mixed?”
“You were terribly rude before… and you probably just want someone to bed with for the night,” you puffed your cheeks.
How your body was betraying you… Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and the fervor was not going to dissipate anytime soon.
“I’ll have you know that I’ve had my eyes on you for a long time, (y/n).”
He raised your hand and pressed a chaste kiss on each individual knuckle.
Oh god. Your heart couldn’t bear it anymore. The way your name rolled off the tip of his tongue made honey taste like summer– hot, overwhelming, but still something to look forward to.
“Since when?” you exhaled.
“Since your first visit to the Lounge.”
He switched to your other hand, continuing the ritual.
“I’ve only been there once.”
“You were such a cute Shrimpy that I couldn’t forget about you~”
“That can’t be right–”
“You just have to accept it!”
“It doesn’t make up for how you treated me before.”
He placed your hands on his cheek, “Sorry, Shrimpy. The scent you released was too irresistible.”
Instinctively, you sniffed your clothes, “I don’t smell anything.”
“It might be just an eel thing*, then. But just so you know, I’ve been trying to find you for a while now. I’m so happy that I did. You’re mine now, Shrimpy. Your smell is intoxicating,” he cooed, leaning closer to your ear, “It makes me go feral~”
You squealed at his sudden remark, unable to regain your composure. Your words melted into gibberish and murmurs as you buried your face into his chest once more.
“You’re such a creep,” you whined.
“You don’t mean that~”
“I don’t…”
“We should get going before curfew though. Help me clean up, will ya?”
Floyd planted a kiss on your forehead, “Thank you, Shrimpy.”
That nickname wasn’t as obnoxious as it was before, huh.
“I’ll reward you once we get to my room,” he snickered over his shoulder as he left for the back room.
Wait– WHAT?!?!?
“H-Hold on-!!”
“Relax, Shrimpy, ’m not gonna do anything to you… not yet, anyway. I’m just sayin’ in case we don’t make it before curfew.  Azul needs me for Mostro Lounge tomorrow, he has no choice, but to let me in. If anyone can convince the headmaster, it’s probably him,” he gave you a thumbs up.
“Good to know. But… I’ve been meaning to ask about Mostro Lounge and this café. If you work for Azul then why work here too?”
“He doesn’t pay me. I’m just helping out of obligation.”
“What? How come?”
“He’s my friend?”
“You sound unsure.”
“You made it sound like I’m gullible,” he laughed, stacking the last of the chairs.
“Well? Shall we go, Shrimpy?”
You took his hand without hesitation. This feeling– it was addicting. You only knew him for a less than a day, but it felt right. It felt meant to be... as if you were soulmates. 
“Oya? Floyd, what happened to your back? There’s scratches all over it. Are you alright?”
“ s’nothin’, Jade. I just… had a fun night~”
“Please. You and (y/n) were so loud. Please reserve those kinds of activities for somewhere more private– not a dormitory with thin walls,” Azul chided.
His brother’s eyes widened, but he didn’t question it any further. Jade curtly closed his gym locker and headed out towards the field.
Azul followed in suit with a huff. 
* Note: Female moray eels release an odor in order to attract males to mate with them
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Hi!! I have never gotten this before so I thought it would be super cool to ask for one ahah
may i be matched to a haikyuu character? 🥺 thank you!! <3
Pronouns: she/her
Gender Preference: male
MBTI Type: I just took it for the 1000th time a few days ago and got INFP-T (but I would tend to also get ISFP dsfkjs)
Astrology Placements: Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising, Sagittarius Venus, Pisces Mars (if it helps)
Physical Description: long straight black hair that reaches the middle of my back, dark brown eyes (that apparently makes me look like i have eyeliner sometimes) with long thick black eyelashes, light-medium neutral skin, 5'5", i apparently have long legs, thick thighs, cute butt (LMAO im just listing wut ppl have described of me too sdfkj), soft hands with quite long fingers, pretty basic body i would say sdfjhsd, and i apparently make things look expensive (i love fashion) i would say the best way to describe what i wear is probably (dark) academia but i like just wearing whatever i like--i don't like to limit myself to a certain aesthetic.
Personality Description: with new people/in first meeting, i tend to be quiet or generally don't speak much but once i warm up to you, im a really playful person or at least i really enjoy acting that way.
im honest but i should remember that my words can cut sometimes (rip), ive been described to be incredibly kind (sdfkh)... maybe because i tend to put so much energy and effort and time into other people or my relationships (friends, family, literally anyone that comes into contact with me for a decent amount of time)
i tend to act or do things according to how i feel but despite having that trait of mine or having that inclination, i can still very much be realistic. as i act according to how i feel, i have been described to act younger than my age and i doooo and i aint gonna deny it pfftt ima OWn That sHiT
i have no problem with acting like a child. i love rain, i love water, i love the ocean, i love cafes or the smell of coffee, i love the smell of fresh laundry and feeling the warm fabric (caused by drying in the sun or from a dryer lmfao) of whatever it may be (clothes, bedsheets) on my fingertips..
i love self development or just trying to be better and combined with me loving or liking a lot of different things, i try a lot of things--therefore not really becoming a master at anything dkjfhfsd. and because of that.. (i think) because i try a lot, putting quite a bit of effort into my.. goals (i have perfectionistic and overachieving tendencies) i guess.. when it fails (ofc) im incredibly disappointed, and become pretty... fucking sad hhh and when that happens.. i start to become more lazy/complacent 🤡
..bonus (if u wanna sprinkle some "angst" i guess LMAOO): i overthink a lot (so i start to have difficulty making smarter decisions or thinking of strategies to solve my problems + i still have a sprinkle of self-esteem issues of course... feeling incredibly incompetent is not foreign to me) so i could exaggerate my troubles or make a problem out of nothing 😶, im quite emotional, i have the "dismissive avoidant" attachment style, feeling hopeless quite often aint foreign to me either 😭
bonusbonus: (wow dont i love talking about myself? sdfknsd) i love corgis
Hobbies: dancing, witchcraft, astrology, divination, spirituality, reading fan fiction (LMAOOOO), reading visual novels/playing otome games, painting, drawing, looking into psychology in some type of manner, netflix, swimming, watching anime i guess, trying new things, learning something (new)
Ideal Date: tbh going to a concert of an artist we both enjoy, an arcade or an amusement park (im like a scaredy cat but im almost 100% sure im more likely to go for the “scary” rides if i was with someone i enjoyed hanging out with anyway), probably going on a tropical vacation (cus, beach anddd water activities), water amusement park !!
A Must Have in my Partner: they have to be okay with me pursuing my goals lol; i already have a problem with putting too much energy into others that i dont get to direct that energy onto myself.. so someone who has my best interest in mind + being considerate of me (because.. of that dismissive avoidant attachment style i would say--im just saying this because its the best that i can describe it) and they should be okay with my childlike actions/tendencies lol (like... they shouldnt be repulsed or something like that--that they treat me unpleasantly because of it or something) (oops i just realized thats more than one when u asked just.. one)
extra information: a short drabble would be amazing !!
sorry this was pretty messy and i pretty much just babbled LMAOO
but again, if ever you get to do this (or even if u dont..)
thank you so much!!!
i hope you have an amazing rest of your day hihi <3
sorry it took me a while ! i was just really busy lately and barely got time to write 😅
hope u enjoyy :)
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I ship you with..
Nishinoya Yuu !!
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- You are the most gorgeous person he knows ;)
- he literally shamelessly approached u the moment he laid eyes on u
- even with ur somewhat quiet first impression, he never gave up making u eventually warm up to him
- doesn’t really mind brute honesty, in fact he thinks of it as a form of bravery
- he also loves seeing your childish side since he himself has one too
- wanna dance around in the rain ?? he will 100% join u !!
- he loves how determined u are to get better and will constantly tell u how proud of you he is for it
- even if things dont go ur way sometimes he will comfort u and tell u that its completely normal to fail sometimes
- there is no overthinking on his watch !
- noya knows how bad it feels and that u definitely deserve a little break but he wont let u laze around too much, trying to help u get back up on ur feet and regain ur confidence is something he never fails to do
- he loves watching u do what u love and is always willing to join u (not that he is always fully understanding of what he is doing)
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Cheering you up on a bad day..
You were getting frustrated trying to fix a mistake you made on one of your paintings. You let out a loud groan hiding your face in your hands in exhaustion, finally giving up. Hearing a loud knock on your door, you tell whoever is outside to come in. “HEY, HOW WAS YOUR- ....day ?” noya looks at you with concern in his eyes. “are you okay ?” “yeah i’m fine, its just that this painting won’t look right no matter what i do” you sigh.“maybe i should just throw it away” “you are not gonna throw it away” he says, his tone completely different from before, more serious in fact. “you might just be tired now, so don’t you dare give up now. you can always try again tomorrow” he says walking towards you and holding your hands in his, a little smile forming on his face. “how about you take a break for now ? the sun is really warm and it’s still early; wanna go swimming ?” You look a little unsure. “you still haven’t used that corgi beach towel i got you” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. You chuckle at that, proceeding to look him in the eyes with a small grin forming on you face, “sounds like a plan”...
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mystic-vision · 6 years
Almost every askblog has this question but i would like to see it in your style! Sleep HCs with Rfa+Saeran+V (if they were alone or with MC) thank you!
( thank you, im honored
beauty sleep is very important to zen and thus must be important to MC
he doesn’t tie his hair or braid it cause he’s too lazy to straighten it 
so expect yourself waking up in the middle of a night choking on his hair
his hands move on their own during his sleep 
dont be shocked if hes sliding his hand up your shirt
if its down your pants, then he aint asleep watch out
prefers sleeping with his boxers on and if hes feeling good a tank top
he loves being a big spoon !
the feeling of holding you tight in his embrace makes him warm inside and helps him sleep with ease
fancy sleeper
his silk pajamas are a MUST
sometimes he drinks a glass of wine before he goes to sleep since it helps him clear his thoughts
he takes a while to sleep if he’s had a rough day
never admits it but he sometimes prefers being a small spoon
whenever he feels that he’s worthless, he needs to be showered with love especially when he’s about to sleep
loves it when you play with his hair
pajamas? lol what are those
has lack of empathy for any being next to him
moves ALOT during his sleep
sleep talk? check
sleep walk? check
one time out of nowhere he screamed, “ MY chocolate, you bad satan “
another priceless moment was kicking you off the bed and mumbling as he spread his legs and arms out on the bed, “ this is my right has a human. “ 
it seems to you that his inspiration for cuddling is an octopus.
he just snakes his arms and hugs you tightly like your local spooner
but as soon as he falls asleep, h a h a.
will probably strangle you somehow 
but its ok cause his bed hair is cute asf 
you rarely see her sleep before you
she runs on caffeine 24/7 cmon 
not much habits to discuss since shes pretty organized in even in her sleep
but she wakes up on the slighest noise
she cant get a good night’s sleep unless she watches something 
ends up browsing through zen’s musicals instead
she cant breath properly when cuddling so she prefers being spooned 
one time she woke up in cold sweat claiming that she was trying to weigh a pomegranate when elizabeth the third suddenly took it away and told her the exact weight and while looking straight into her eyes, “ if you stay like this you wont know how to wake up “ 
she sleeps easily when you draw swirls on her back with the tip of your finger nails 
seven? sleeping? before you? lmao thats a good joke
he’ll spend almost half an hour talking about random things before his eyelids start to drop
light sleeper
really, you can like breath outside his bedroom and he’ll wake up
he cant sleep well unless the room as chilling as a walk-in freezer and of course anything he can grip on whether be it a pillow, his blanket or even you
he admits it wholeheartedly that he lives for cuddles
he loves it when you wrap your leg around his waist as you two lie on your sides
something about that position just makes him feel like he’s not going anywhere and neither are you
even though you talked alot about this, he still keeps a gun under his pillow just for safety precautions
when he overworks himself too much, you can hear a bit of snoring 
has alot of nightmares and shots up alot in between but he makes sure to not bother you
even if he sleeps for ten hours, he can never be satisfied 
its hard for you to notice because he always has a cute expression when he wakes up and his bedhead is the fluffiest and softest thing ever
just like the soft lover he is, his sleeping habits are worth all the uwus
ever wondered why his eyelashes were gorgeous? well he once read that putting vaseline over your eyelashes before going to sleep was great
so thats how you spend 14 minutes before going to sleep with vaseline over your eyelashes and a face mask on your face while jihyun tells you his plans for tomorrow
spooning who? he’ll trap you inside his embrace with his glorious thigh around your waist, burying his nose in your hair 
he deserves warmth, fuck your air! :)
he has nightmares often and sometimes gets panic attacks in the middle of the night
but you noticed that they’re decreasing and seem to be non existent even when he had spent alot of time with you earlier in the day
precious baby just protect him
actually and surprisingly, he resembles his brother alot in his sleeping habits
he also keeps a gun under his pillow too 
hacking a government protected software takes less time than him managing to get himself to sleep
it’s not that he’s not tired or he’s not trying, it’s that he literally cant even
most of the time he pulls an all nighter for over forty hours like baby pls go sleep for god’s sake
when you first started to sleep next to him, he ignored ur attempts of cuddling and would always give you the cold back
but when u wake up in the morning, he’d be facing you with his hand tangled in your hair
slowly into the relationship when the bond and trust between you two increases, he becomes a fluff ball
he’d curl up into your embrace and you just gotta shower him with warmth
you’d talk to him and tell him small details about your day so he could get bored and go to sleep and you wouldn’t stop even if he told you to stfu and ur annoying him
he wouldnt admit it but actually it really helps him remove the stress and weight thats resting on his chest
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fluffandlove · 6 years
Hello my love
Author’s note: Mentioned edit huehueHellooo!
Thank you so much for your sweet words and the prompt ahhhhh this ask keepsmaking me smile uwu 
Summary: Takes place at the end of episode 13 when Takano has Ritsu pinned to the floor. Drunk Ritsu is a lot more daring than usual and decides to get creative when he tries to escape.
Word count: 1k 
His headwas spinning. Damn, the alcohol haddefinitely done a good ass job. Emotions were all over the place; one minuteRitsu was ready to rip Takano’s head off and throw it out the window, the nexthe was crying over him. And now, he was lying on the floor, handspinned on either side of his head, staring up at his boss through teary eyes.
Badum. Rational and emotional voices were having WorldWar III in his cloudy head, because yes, Takanowas telling him to get a grip, but also no,because Takano was telling him to agrip. His moral compass was just gone, he couldn’t think straight anymore.The emotional voice was causing his heart to pound like crazy, while his rational one was hissing at him to move.
“When theperson you like is right in front of you, then of course it’s hard to keepprivate life and business separate, so don’t provoke me because I won’t be ableto stop.”
Oh, Takanowas leaning down. His face was very close. And getting closer. Getting way too close, holy shit, okay, abort, abort!
Okay, they were kissing. Takano’s grip on his wrists was still going strong and Ritsuhad never hated his life more. On one hand, he wanted this more than anything,but on the other hand, he hated himself for wanting this in the first place and needed to push Takano off him.
Someaggressive words blubbered out of his mouth and they were far from polite, but Ritsucouldn’t really care at this point. Takano went a little lower and startednipping at his jaw and neck, making him even more lightheaded than he alreadywas. The alcohol was fuelling the warmth that was currently spreading throughhis entire body like wildfire, his heart had picked up the pace and was nowbeating as if there was no tomorrow and breathing was becoming hard as well.
He had todo something. The grip on his wristsbecame a little looser, probably because Takano was getting carried away, andRitsu racked his useless brain, desperately wanting to come up with an idea toget away. Pushing him away never really worked and neither did yelling at himbecause Takano was stupidly stubborn like that, so he had to get creative.
… Okay,this was definitely the alcohol’sdoing. He never would’ve thought ofdoing this if he had been sober, but desperate times call for desperatemeasures.
Ritsumanaged to free his hands and immediately reached for Takano’s sides, squeezingright below his ribs. To his surprise, it actually worked.
“Wh— Onodera!”
The mosthilarious noise that had ever come out of Takano’s mouth reached his ears andhe was about to laugh at it, but then of course, the other fell right on top of him. Theair was knocked out of both of them, but his drunk body didn’t mind the weight thatmuch, so he peacefully continued to tickle his boss. Ritsu never thought he’dexperience Takano gasping for breath and moving awkwardly on top of him, butwell, there they were.
“O-Onodera,stop, you idiohot!” Takano yelped andcurled in on himself, nose scrunched up in a kind of cute way and slightly redlips curled into a big smile.
His breathylaughter was so out of character that Ritsu wanted to treasure this moment. Hedid a silent prayer that he would remember this the next morning and that hisfuture sober ass would have the balls to pull this stunt again. Was it becauseTakano didn’t want to take advantage of him or was he actually too weak fromlaughter to get away?
Largerhands reached for his own, so Ritsu simply shoved his hands under Takano’sshirt and scribbled his fingers all over his lower back and hips. It was thanksto An-chan he had some experience with tickle fights and that he knew he’d have the upper hand as long as Takanocouldn’t reach his hands.
“Can’tbelieve I never thought of this before,” he mumbled both to himself and thewrithing Takano.
“Ah! I’ll— Shit! Onodora, get off!”
Ritsusimply ignored him, forever grateful that he had the privilege of hearingTakano’s voice reaching such high pitches. He secretly hoped that Yokozawa hadnever heard him laugh like that and the thought of him being the only one inTakano’s life who was allowed to listen to this made him feel beyondvictorious.
He let hishands crawl a little higher so they were positioned at his ribs and startedsqueezing at random spots, listening intently to make sure he hit the rightspots. Turned out that his upper ribs were the most ticklish and he intended touse that valuable information.
Takano wasa sputtering and squawking mess, caged between Ritsu’s legs and arms, faceburied in his chest. His hair was brushing against Ritsu’s nose and it actuallysmelled really nice.
Shit, he was really drunk. And he was really going toregret this later, but it was totally worth it.
“I-will-fucking-kick-your-ass-if-you-don’t-stop,”Takano managed to bring out through his endless stream of laughter and Ritsu didfeel a little intimidated, but his drunk ass didn’t care and dared to reach forhis underarms, which turned out to be an even worse spot. “Ritsu!”
Now that was interesting. Ritsu’s heartskipped a beat upon hearing his name, still not used to Takano calling himthat.
Takanoquickly tried to roll away, but Ritsu’s hands were still under his shirt so hewas sort of dragged along and was the one to end up on top this time. It was alsoprobably because Takano had wrapped his arms around his waist. Again, Ritsu wasdrunk and wasn’t the brightest at the moment.
“Hey, I wastickling you,” Ritsu muttered and let his fingers dance over the skin thatwas still accessible to him.
This time,however, Takano was prepared and tickled him back twice as hard. Ritsuinstantly doubled over, shrieking with laughter because, apparently, he was waymore ticklish and pulled his hands back to shield himself.
A few cursewords escaped and he was pretty sure he called Takano a sore loser, but he didget enveloped in a bear hug afterwards.
“Dummy,”Takano breathed into his ear, which suddenly felt very hot. “I’m glad you’restill playful, though. I missed that.”
Ritsu couldonly hum in response, too tired and flustered to function. He vaguelyregistered getting kissed again for a few seconds before it went back to simplylaying there, safe and sound in Takano’s arms. His lips were curled up into alazy smile and he closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep right there and then.
The next morning was a little less peaceful, though. Takano was looming over himmenacingly, hands ready to attack while Ritsu was uselessly trying to coverhimself up with the sheets and pillow.
Unfortunately,Ritsu couldn’t remember much from the night before and absolutely lost it whenTakano told him that he had resorted to tickling,of all things. The mere thought flusteredhim to no end and he wanted to die more than anything.
“Well, youdid, and you were pretty proud of it, too.”
Ritsu placedthe pillow over his head. “I am so sorry! Please forgive me! No, Takano-san, Iswear— I was drunk! I Nooo, ack! Please don’t tickle me!”
In the end,Takano did run a few fingers through his bangs and whispered that he thought itwas cute, so maybe drunk him hadn’t ruined his life completely. Wait no, he totally did, he shouldn’t be glad about the fact Takano called him cute.
Ugh, life was so unfair. And so was Takano’s laugh. 
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markleetrashh · 8 years
Nct 127's reaction to their s/o procrastinating over their work
Request: oooookay so how would nct 127 react to their s/o constantly procrastinating on homework or projects (bc that’s literally me 24/7)
A/N: can’t relate because im a highkey nerd who always does her homework immediately… HAHA kidding, this was so fun to write thanks for requesting omg
You’re together with a smartass who did so well in his academics why are you doing this to yourself, kidding taeil i love you. He’d probably drag you to the table and start nagging at you to do your work, while he stares at you and makes sure you complete the page in front of him. But most of time it seems as if he’s the one doing the homework, because he helps you with almost every question. and he gets it right for almost every question so, you don’t complain at all.
“I’m so tired-”
“so you find x first and then ….”
*still doing math equation*
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Some days he loves it, because he gets to spend time with you instead, away from all the school work and projects. But he still knows that it’s important for you to do your work, so he always tries to convince you to do your work, which always seems to succeed.
“Babe go do your work”
“I can do it tomorrow in the morning?? and it’s math, im lazy”
“You do it now you get a free night cuddling session later on, deal?”
“Omg you ass- alright”
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Instantly becomes a mother and would start nagging non stop. As soon as he saw you using your phone and laptop instead of doing your work that you had claimed to start doing 2 hours ago, he’d go all strict with you and probably keep your phone and laptop away from you. Doesn’t give in even if you whine and pout, because he wants the best for you and wants you to do your work on time.
“Babeeee when will you be returning my phone”
“Not until you’re done with this worksheet”
“This page please?”
“No shush i love you, do you work hm”
taeyong, why’re you so mean :-(
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I feel like he wouldn’t even care that much and he’s even more happy that you’re actually spending more time with him rather than doing your work. But when he starts to realise that it may affect your grades and academics, he starts becoming more alert and whines at you to complete them. Like Johnny, he’d try to make small little deals with you, which always work too.
“I’m so lazy today, this work’s due two days later anyways, i can complete them later”
“You always say that but end up not doing any”
“I’m trying my best, but i’m really lazy today”
“Okay at least do a few pages, and i’ll give you a surprise”
“i guess i have no choice”
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A louder and even stricter version of Taeyong. Can nag at you for hours and go on about “how important doing work on time is” to “time management in life”, and it’s always the same few words that’d he’d say. He nags so much and takes up so much time you end up always eventually giving in to doing your work because it’s the only way he’ll stop. But after you’re done though, he becomes all sweet and polite again, even cooking you a meal.
“But i’m tired and lazy-”
“No excuses, do your work please”
“Babe you’re so mean to me”
“Only at times like this, now stop talking and do it”
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Like Johnny, he sometimes doesn’t mind and let you do things on your own, not interfering at all. But when he needs to, he becomes a less serious and nicer version of Taeyong, constantly reminding you to do your work and also offering you help if needed. Lowkey smiles to himself proudly everytime because he managed to convince you to do your work.
“Jae, can i not do it today?”
“I wish i could say yes but no, you need to complete it”
“I love you but you really have to hm?”
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At first when you lied to him and said that your work wasn’t important, he believed it at first and didn’t mind at all. But he’d notice how you’d always drag your work till the last minute, causing you to not get enough sleep the night before. From then on he started reminding you to do your work, probably acting cute so you’d agree to completing it on the day itself, which was a success.
“It’s due on Friday!!”
“it’s only two days away, do it now baby”
“Don’t give me that pout- and those eyes- okay fine i will”
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Gets worried and anxious rather than as compared to the other members, and he seems as though he’s the one that’s doing the homework. Would try his best to convince you to do your work and also at the same time, help you out. Probably even offered to help you finish your homework because he’s so nice? And because of that your heart softens and end up doing it because you feel bad towards Mark if you don’t.
“I can do it later though?”
“It’s better to do it now babe, you can rest later”
“Why not you help me complete it?”
“I mean… i wouldn’t mind”
“Omg babe, i’m only kidding, i love you. for you, i’ll do it alrights”
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Probably joins you in procrastinating too that’s why both of your assignments are always not passed up on time. But on days where he’s feeling good and actually completed his homework while you haven’t, he’d started annoying you and asking you to complete your work, while he’s there laughing at you while you suffer.
“Stop laughing and at least help me out or something”
“No way, find the answers yourself”
“You’re so mean, ”
“Well maybe if you actually did it earlier than i would have helped but you dragged it on for one hour so, sorry”
“I hate you”
“i love you too”
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professorlockhart · 8 years
i just cried for a long and hard time in the shower and i dont even know why it happened i was just really sad and tired and i have so many things on my mind i was sick of having to take care of the house and everything we have to think about with all the appointments and people and insurances and all the cleaning and not being able to read at night because ther eare no lights and half expecting to come home without any electricity again cause it most certainly can happen and waiting for all the people to come from ten to twelve and when it’s half past twelve feeling pissed because he didn’t come and him calling at like 2 pm saying he can’t do it today and will come tomorrow at 4 pm even and not being able to be angry with him because he’s probably doing his job and he can’t speak english and so i can only say yes and thinking about wanting them to sign the papers but them cannot doing that because of the problems with the insurance and all the waiting and annoyance and trying to speak and understand in a language im not fluent in and not knowing if i would be able to live in the house for a period of time and people always asking me on the weekends when we meet like ‘how’s the house you poor people why are you still living there if i were you i would move’ and actually thinking about moving but knowing that you’d have twice the hassle and tiresome selling of the furniture and looking for another place to stay while at the same time considering NOT moving but that there might be another ‘unlucky situation’ even though we think this second one would never ever happen because one is enough and always wondering and asking to god why me why us you gave us one problem with the robbery and we went through it barely alive and we were pissed and angry and tired and sick and sad and annoyed and now we have this one and it’s like you’re punishing us for something, punishing me for something, thinking that maybe it was brought on to the three of us because of me, thinking that maybe if i weren’t the third friend in the house none of this would’ve happened, but at the same time thinking that i go to church every week, i pray every night i am grateful for what i have like what did i do wrong for me to deserve something like this and i know there are worse things that have happened to other people, deaths and misery and war and unhappiness and i should be thankful for the roof above my head and the food i can eat every day but im just tired of all this and i don’t deserve it and why why why
and on top of that i have him who’s so lovely and loving and amazing and loves me so much more than i can imagine and so much more than i can love him and doing so many things for me throughout the bad things that happened and how much he cares and how he’s also sad when im unhappy and how he always, always wants be to be happy even tho i already told him not to do that, to go ahead and not think about me because i’ll probably not be able to be happy today, that there is nothing he can do but him keep trying anyways, and me being an annoying bitch about it and making him pissed and saying things that makes him feel like im not happy with him and being a bad girlfriend even though that’s not what i want, that’s not what i mean, im just surprised that anyone actually wants me that way, the way he loves me, and that i’ve always been alone, and every time anything bad happens or if im unhappy i will be alone and dealing with all that alone and if im unhappy i’ll be unhappy alone and try to cheer myself up and now he’s there, he wants me to be happy, he tries so hard to cheer me up, and im just surprised someone like that actually exists, i know he exists for other people and i’ve seen it in the movies and read them in the books but i’ve always thought they were just romanticized, that love is exagerated, that nobody will ever feel that way towards me, and there he is, so far away physically but so close to my heart and i just hurt so much thinking about how i dont deserve all his love, how he knows i feel like i dont deserve him and how he tries so hard to make me feel like i’m special and loved and deserve every single love he gives me and i just hate myself more because his love backfired and now i get sadder because why would anybody love someone as pathetic like me, with the house problems and the acne and the fat on my stomach and how i got a 7 while everyone got an 8 and how he thinks im cute but i know im not, how i’m unfashionable and how his mom thinks i need to wear more dresses and use more makeup but i don’t want to spend my money on dresses or makeup because i was brought up to not care about my appearance while his family cares so much about how they look and how his mom always asks how im doing mostly to ask about my acne because she doesn’t want her son to be with a girl who has acne and how i never go out of the house, not even to buy groceries because im lazy and how he wants me to go outside but at the same time he always tells me not to change for him but im just tired of everything there’s so many thoughts running around my head and i just don’t like it i don’t like myself i don’t like my life and i don’t know who to talk to and what to do so all i can do is sleep and cry and shower and do all the normal stuff and watch movies with my friends and try to enjoy myself but i just want to sleep i just don’t want this life im tired of everything but if i sleep if i’m left alone with all my thoughts i’ll be thinking about this again and i’ll feel sorry for myself like a stupid annoying prick and crying about all the bad things that happened to me even though other people have had worse and knowing that if i tell this to my mom she wouldn’t be bale to do anything becasue she’s so far away and not being able to tell him about it cause he’d feel sorry for me too and he’d try so many things to make me happy but i’ll just be sadder because i’d be reminded of how much he loves a person who shouldn’t get all this love. and im just tired and i dont wanna die i dont wanna leave i want everything to be okay but it’s not okay and im tired.
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crispyninjadonut · 8 years
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 1
A/n here it is guys!!!! The first chapter of my kotlc group chat fic idea. Yes it is human! au and honestly I have no idea what that entails so I kinda made it up. If you have any ideas for that please tell me. Also couldn't resist putting that little bit of detz there at the end haha sorrynotsorry.
 Also I think @dhdrawings wanted to be tagged in this so here! and lastly
Under the cut as always for the people that don't want to read it (but I mean why wouldn't you want to)
Dex: testing testing 123 Sophie: No Dex nooooooooo Dex: its working!!!!! Linh: Dex what did you do Dex: welllll Keefe: I helped! Tam: of course he did Biana: guys let Dex speak Dex: thANK YOU since everyone has a phone now why not make a group chat Fitz: why Keefe: for fun!  Fitz: -_- Biana: i think itll be fun Keefe: see!!!! Sophie: if you say so Tam: it sounds…. interesting Keefe: gasp Keefe: is bangs boy agreeing with me Linh: um Keefe: I think he is Sophie: let’s not get into this now Keefe: aww Biana: anyway did any of you guys have history today cause Im very confused Sophie: I did Biana: did you learn something about the French Revolution Sophie: nope Fitz: welp Keefe: XD Biana: i guess ill have to suffer on my own then Dex: good luck Linh: you can do it! Biana: thanks guys I’m gonna go work on that now Tam: bye! Fitz: now what Dex: I dunno Tam: but you made this! Dex: doesn’t mean I know everything Tam: ugh Sophie: same Keefe: you guys are so weird Dex: hey! Fitz: he’s right Tam: gotta go, linh needs me for something Dex: Ok bye!!!! Sophie: everyones leaving I should do my math homework Keefe: see ya foster! Fitz: biana probably needs help with history Dex: everybodys just leaving now? Keefe: I guess it’s just us Keefe:…. I’m gonna spam everyone Dex: Keefe no! Keefe: Keefe yes! Dex: I will not be a part of this I’m going Keefe: welp Keefe: time to spam Keefe: mwahahahaha Keefe: I am evil Keefe: hmmmmm Keefe: should I do it Keefe: hmmmmm Keefe: hm hm hm Keefe: ehhhh Keefe: maybe not Keefe: another time Keefe: I guess I’ll go then Keefe: time to plan some pranks Keefe: bye!!!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biana: UGH im so boooorrrred Sophie: I know right Biana: wanna come over and play some manhunt Sophie: but i gotta study Biana: uuuugggghhhhh Sophie: hahaha sorry Keefe: I’m up for manhunt Biana: of course you are Sophie: even though you always LOSE Keefe: hey! I do not Biana: XD Sophie: if you say so Fitz: hey what’d I miss Biana: I’m borrrred Fitz: -_- i know Biana: hmf Keefe: Bet theyre gonna fight foster Sophie: KEEFE Fitz: hey! Biana: what is going on Keefe: avocado Biana: what Fitz: ??? Keefe: autocorrect Keefe: I meant nothing Sophie: ohh well anyway gotta go study Biana: how did nothing become avocado Keefe: don’t question the avocado Fitz: what even is going on Biana: how should I know Dex: hiiiii Keefe: hey Dex Dex: what’s goijg on Fitz: welcome to the insanity Biana: we aren’t insane Fitz: you sure Keefe:… Biana: how do you leave a group chat Dex: you don’t Biana: uggghhh Keefe: hahaha Fitz: your stuck with us forever Biana: im gonna go find some other way to be unbored Keefe: gasp how dare you Biana: I mean that in the nicest way Keefe Keefe: hmf Fitz: cmon let her go Biana: bye!!! Dex: see ya tomorrow biana Keefe: sooooo Fitz: sigh Dex: you guys are gonna be the death of me Keefe: I try Fitz: hey what did I do Dex: everything Keefe: XD Fitz: you sure Keefe:… Fitz: well then Dex: I am the sass master Keefe: how dare you take my title from me Fitz: ??? I thought you were the prank master? Keefe: same thing Tam: why was I put into this stupid thing Dex: hey tam! Tam: hi dex Fitz: how’s it goin Tam: linh wants a dog Fitz: WHAT Keefe: wow Tam: yep Dex: I don’t blame her Keefe: XD Tam: well then Dex: I mean who wouldnt want a dog Fitz: true Keefe: didn’t sophie have a dog in America Tam: she did? Keefe: I feel like she mentioned it Dex: cool Fitz: I know she had a cat Tam: ooooh Keefe: of course your a cat person Dex: XD Tam: so what if I am Dex: ooooooooOOOOOHHHH Fitz: bwa bwa bwa bwa Keefe: the heck is that Dex: what even? Fitz: it’s the trumpet noise Tam: um Dex: you are such a dork Keefe: he really is Fitz: hEY Tam: it’s true dude Fitz: -_- Dex: HAHAHAHA Linh: what is going on Tam: hey sis Keefe: wassup Dex: the SKYYY Fitz: he wasn’t asking you Dex: shhh Linh: why Tam: I hate you all Tam: except you linh Linh: oh good Dex: sigh Keefe: already knew that Fitz: well Tam: oh hey look gotta go make dinner bye Keefe: -_- Keefe: cause THATS why your leaving Fitz: lay off it keefe Keefe: finnnne Linh: thank you Dex: sooo Keefe: man why do we not have lives Fitz: HEY Keefe: i mean its friday night and were doing absolutely nothing Linh: i just needed a break from my homework Dex: and im procrastinating that homework Keefe: Fitz? Fitz:…i have no excuse Fitz: hey what about you Keefe Linh: yeah Keefe: what about me? Dex: why are you here then Keefe: becos all my friends are talking on here! Dex: because we have no lives Fitz: ohhhh Linh: it’s a vicious circle Keefe: anyway you guys wanna do domethin Fitz: like what Dex: ehhhh I kinda like sitting in my warm bed Linh: I’m gonna have to go eat dinner soon so Keefe: ugh you guys are so lazy Dex: hahaha sorry not sorry Keefe: hmf Fitz: I’m not lazy! Dex: reallly Fitz: yeah! Keefe: okay yeah tru Dex: hey where did linh go Keefe: I dunno Fitz: I think she went to go eat dinner Dex: ohhhhh Dex: okay Fitz: yeah Keefe: sooo whatcha guys wanna do Dex: honestly I wanna sleep Fitz: same though Dex: man I’m so tired Keefe: I feel you Dex: why do I have to have maths in the morning Dex: I neeeeeed sleeep Biana: hello Im still bored Dex: welcome back Keefe: so what have you been doing Biana: nothing Dex: of course Keefe: XD Dex: the triplets are yellin for me gotta go Biana: bye dex Fitz: bye! Fitz: love you Fitz: no ididnt mean to send that Keefe: um Biana: well well well Dex: (@_@) Fitz: I DIDNT MREN TO SEND THAT Biana: mhm Keefe: is there something you aren’t telling us Fitz: nO Dex: imma just um go Keefe: yeah well see ya around Dex Biana: sooooo Fitz: nope Keefe: I think yes Fitz: if you really must know I was just talking to mum Keefe: ??? Biana: what does that have to do with what were talking about Fitz: I was used to say saying “love you” after sayin bye so that’s why Biana: you buying this keefe Keefe: no way in heck Fitz: it’s true Biana: yeah sure Biana: whatever you say
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panszy · 8 years
but  ok seriously now i’m tired enough to ramble and not care i’m just gonna talk about undertale and how much it and its characters have changed my life for the better
ok so for the past few hours i’ve been scrolling through undertale blogs and i found a post and it just....clicked as to a big reason why i love it so much: the entire fucking game is about love. and not just romantic, it covers all kinds of love, the entire fucking point of the game at least to me is love. and this wont be coherent because it’s nearly 4 in the fucking morning and i need to sleep but it makes it one of the most heartwarming pieces of media i’ve ever seen (and become fully invested in as a result), the friendship between the characters is heartwarming, the sibling love between the skeleton brothers and royal family sblings is heartwarming, the parental love over frisk and asriel and chara is heartwarming (and heartbreaking...). and everything is so fucking human??? like i cant describe it properly really but i can read hundreds of books and not connect to characters like i do in this video game because everyone is so well rounded and have proper personalities rather than just a few character traits, it’s the way i’ve always wanted to be able to write, the personalities they have and the love they have for each other is beautiful and it’s everything to me because it’s so real???
also my favourite character is papyrus (followed by sans and undyne, who i love equally for different reasons i will probably ramble abt all three who knows??) and oh my god can i just say how much i love this character??? for being so positive all the fucking time and seeing the best in literally everyone he comes across and he’s so sweet but holy fuck it’s his optimism that really gets me because like....if you take away my depression (or not actually?? i get through it every time for a reason lmao) i’m actually also quite an optimistic person who’s able to see the good in literally everyone i meet (like i also genuinely don’t hate anyone) and sometimes it bites me in the ass, and people see it as stupid but papyrus has helped me so much to realise that it’s...not stupid??? i’m well aware that some people suck but sometimes they just need a chance?? and if they fuck up well, that’s it, but they deserve the chance right?? but also everyone treats papyrus like an innocent baby who needs to be protected, and as someone who is often talked down to because i’m optimistic and idealistic and empathetic and let my emotions guide me i can really see why papyrus is actually pretty insecure because being talked at like you’re a kid when you’re an adult feels awful!! the only thing i genuinely properly dislike about papyrus is how much he lies, how much he keeps a face up and pretends to know less than he does around his brother, how often he pretends to like things he doesnt to impress people. but like, even that’s ok because i get why he does it (lonely...) and he’s hardly gonna be flawless, there’s traits in everyone including myself that i dislike, and it feels so well rounded...like ppl often reduce his character to ‘his main character flaw is stupid’ and he’s not stupid but thats beside the point - it’s also not a character flaw like at all. and oh my god i just love him so much he brightens everything up, he’s who i aspire to be is2g (ok maybe just the core of who he is is inspiring to me - his kindess, empathy, optimism, seemingly endless). he also says things that doesnt make sense and i do the same thing, i think weirdly and my friends often ask me what the hell i’m talking about, and i jsut connect to him so much??? so so much 
and fuck fuck fuck i really wanna talk about papyrus and sans because like....ok as a character i love sans, he’s my second favourite along with undyne, i do connect with him less but he’s very interesting (he’s a little overrated and mischaracterised by the fandom sometimes but i’ll let that go for now), and m a n do i connect to his laziness lmao (it’s not just caused by his depression i will fight u on this, i don’t think it helps obviously but as someone who’s depressed AND lazy i can relate on a personal level to him in that sense), but he is funny - not necessarily the awful skeleton puns but like in the ‘oh if you insist on prying me away from my work’ kinda funny, snarky asshole - and i actually really like that he’s a bit of an asshole, he likes to screw with people and he’s won’t fight you unless you’re literally going to end the entire world along with every single timeline (again though, i can really sympathise and get why he’s like this even tho i don’t really relate because he is so fucking well written), but i love that he loves papyrus so fucking much. like i’m a massive sucker for strong sibling relationships (the baudelaire orphans, the way brothers) and this just...oh man, i’m not the biggest fan of the way sans is portrayed in the fandom either but when people who agree with me on that argue that sans doesn’t even care about his brother it infuriates me because that’s...so....wrong??? papyrus is his entire fucking world, the game make that very clear, p much all he talks about is how great his brother is and it’s so cute and blindingly obvious that he means every word he says about that (even if that’s the only thing he doesn’t fuckin lie about lmao...). but i also love this relationship because they balance each other out so much, papyrus tries his best to get sans to get his life together - nagging him constantly, getting him an actual job therefore getting him out of the house, etc - but i think papyrus is also an optimist to sans’ pessimism and nihilism (for lack of a better word - depression i guess) and i think it helps sans quite a lot, or at least is something that makes him genuinely happy when he’s lost all hope. and on the flip side, sans is constantly saying really little things to pick papyrus back up when his mask of self confidence is slipping, and it’s very subtle - the main one i can think of atm is (paraphrasing) ‘me? right about something? come on bro’ or something after papyrus shows self doubt about his puzzles in the genocide route - that’s one of the more obvious ones i think but it’s there p much throughout, and god help my lack of being able to explain things because i can’t put it into words as to why i think this or why i love it so much but i think it really helps papyrus emotionally. THEN you’ve got the bad points, like the lies they constantly tell to each other and how they never fuckign open up to each other (they just project their emotional problems onto you lmao) and ohhh man the relationship between those two.... i could go on forever but i’ll shut up now 
i’ve been rambling for half an hour so i’ll keep the thing about undyne shorter hopefully (nearly half 4 in the morning...fuck... .and i have shit to do tomorrow like this essay.....god) but oh man oh MAN i really love her as well?? so passionate and so PROUD of it, she’s so completely unafraid of being herself (so unlike two of the people she’s closest to - papyrus and alphys), she’s such a fun character and i relate to how passionate she is and can i also just say i LOVE hers and papyrus’s friendship nearly on par with papyrus and sans’s sibling relationship, funnily enough she also treats him like a kid like sans does but she’s very kind and it’s obvious that she cares deeply for papyrus, and their phone calls made me laugh so much (the fucking hot pants one actually made me cry with laughter, it was brilliant), she’s so much fun i love her so much 
im leaving it there but this fucking video game it’s actually changed me for the better it’s quite literally my favourite thing on the planet atm, it’s gorgeous and i love it with every inch of my heart bless this fucking game i cant even put into words how much i love it it’s just!!! my god!!!!! 
i genuinely havent felt like this about something since i got into mcr over 6 years ago, if that doesnt say how much i love it then nothing will tbh
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fiomori · 8 years
I am so tired of this.
 What does it mean when someone turns up their nose and walks away right after saying something in a soft and slightly different sounding tone?
Like when someone wakes you up then waits till you get downstairs to say not to do something but-
"the garbage has been full.'
In that soft not nice but mocking sound of nice voice?
What is it when they sigh anytime you BEGIN to speak? Even if it is definitely NOT in the same tone?
What the tuck is it when they realize you had a legit issue or thing to say and then wont let you help and groan about it and blame you?
What is it when they then as they go inside with the same tone and body language say 'it was full since yesterday.' "the garbage at everyone else's house is out.'
"well you got lucky this time i guess'
Can you take ALL of it out?'
 Because you just got done WATCHING as they finished fixing the fence even tho you wernt allowed to leave but not actually allowed to help and there are three trips to make, because after you went to fucking bed they ate pizza and got the mail so now you have three boxes the recycling and the trash to take?
 Then you get inside and just ask 'hey... are you watering my plants?' in a not at all aggressive tone because you forced yourself to calm down.
Because you want to make sure you aren't over watering them together on accident.
And they cut you off every time you try to speak after their reply of upturned nose shut eyes and soft mockingly nice voice 'it was dry.'????
(So I said 'never mind, you can have them.' and went upstairs.)
What do you call that????
Because I think I was pretty accurate when I was YELLED at to stand still and speak but cut off and not allowed to speak as she shrieked at me in front of my dad about how I was lazy and rude and was being bitchy in some kind of silent 'do something' to my dad
And I said she had been being 'passive aggressive all morning, so I dont think its wrong to be a little upset and leave.'
Why is it that when I am cornered and forced to be quiet and not say anything and let her rant about my dad or whatever ails her which is somehow always dad's fault but if I say anything she puts it down and argues why I might be wrong in ways that dont even always make sense that she is allowed to turn it on me or be upset or be mean to me and I never say shit? Or when I do and ask nicely 'please don't, you're upset right now but don't rant to me anymore please. Or you are upset and need a minute I'm going to go' that she can be mean to me and demand I do that anyway and receive punishment from dad for nothing so she can get her way them come in and say little things that are like little 'here's a chance for you to be nice to me' lures, how come everyone in this house agrees with me verbally but when it happens I get silence or even worse bad attempts at making me the bad guy and going along with this like its pretend just to keep her pleased?! How come no one can fucking help me correct this shut thing she does or at least not be part of it???? Silence is by far better!
Only to say to me in every thing I do on a microscopic level that I need to
Do it myself
Not do it myself
Let them do it
Let someone else do it
Why haven't I done this thing
(which is their presence. Which I cannot tell me when you can and drive your car and be there with me to your plan you haven't divulged even though I asked countless times)
"no you didn't'
"no I didn't'
"you are a burden'
And being stopped damn near and actually physically kept from the door to do these things like standing in front of the tucking door.
 My door knob locks on the outside!!!!!
 I have been struck across the face and pushed down near stairs!
I have been yelled at and told horrible things about how worthless and pathetic I am and I'm the laziest person they  ever met and rude and gross and talentless!
My dad calls my biological mother 'Satan' and tries to make me divulge shut about them and get stuff out of them cause it was so fucking expensive to get me out of their home when things were bad there!
 But she's better now! You're all adults!!! Why the fuck can't you grow up if 'Satan' can?!!!
And right now they are by the door discussing their actual problem AND me and will be there forever all day today!
I'm also not allowed to move but I keep getting told to get out but when I move to do it right then im not allowed to leave!!!
I'm sick of this
My brothers her biological kids can do exactly what I somehow get in trouble for or even be rude or say no or not call and tell her things and make decisions themselves which I've been trained to think is burdening and unfair to them and its fine?! but then somehow its something that's my fault or they will find something to be upset at me for?!
 I feel like I'm not a person
If anything I'm a child and will never not be
I can make my own decisions
But I can't rely on them
But I'm not allowed to not rely on them
And they start fights with me and then hold that over my head
I'm 22 and I can't fucking drive because on the third lesson in two days she just had a fit and I couldn't tell whatt she wanted and she said I was 'unteachable' because when she says left left right I mean shit nononononono' I'm supposed to have already known and done what she asked as she points in the opposite direction of what she says each time.
She forces arguments to happen to 'make me get a move on' in ways that prevent me from doing the thing even though I asked her 'please dont challenge dad's man cards to teach me things we know he can't teach me or that go against the plan I CURRENTLY have in motion!'
She's the one that taught me that if someone loves you they wont deliver low blows.
She has told me that I am worthless and will die alone like my dad. That I am just like my whore mother. that my 11 year old ferret I exclusively care for is gonna die because of me. Even though I'm the only one feeding watering and playing with him and cleaning his area and bathing him between work and constant errands and 'not errands' where I am told to do do do do but then stopped and told do and stopped and then cursed for being worthless.
Then never apologized for any of it. Just quietly like a child sort of badly pretends it never happened. Only to probably start another fight over why I'm upset and not talking to her.
She tells me to do things she already did and did them before I would have been able to. She recalls events only partially and incorrectly but it is law and then when she throws her official tantrum over it she excuses herself to now sy whatever mean thing she has wanted to!
 I am done with this.
I find it hard to focus when I'm upset.
I need to pack.
I already made a commitment to moving away.
But I can't take my ferret with me.
And I don't know how ugly it'll end up being the day of.
I probably wont be able to come back if I fail or if anything happens.
I hate feeling this way.
I feel weak and stupid and lesser and frustrated all the time and incapable and unaccomplished. I am behind in everything I was ever supposed to do or wanted to do, I'm so dumb and incapable and childish compared to everyone else and I can't fuckin do anything about it.
I hate this.writing this didn't even help because I just feel worse and I keep getting tears clogging up by eyes and I can't fuckin see and I can hear them still I hate this I have no friends here or anywhere to go I have work tomorrow and I know I will have to sneak out to walk there and walk home in the dark and sill be yelled at for doing it but will be yelled at when I get in the car if I'm even allowed to have a ride and be told I'm privileged to even get one with 'the way I behaved'
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Part 2
this is such a disappointing chapter im so sorry
ALSo I'm making this gender neutral
and for the sake of comedy you're gonna be short
Majority vote says A: Sure! Let's go
Y/N: Sure! I need new friends too lol
Jay: great!
Jay: oh, my friend just asked if she could come too :v
Y/N: that's fine, the more the merrier lol
Jay: I think you'll like her, she's pretty hyper
Jay: how tall are you?
Y/N: cha cha real smooth transition there bud
Jay: what
Y/N: 5'3...
Jay: see you're even basically the same height, you guys will get along great
Y/N: thanks
Y/N: where are we going?
"Ooh, does someone have a date??" You hear Vivian's voice from right behind you.
You spin around and almost smack her in the face. "I swear to god, I'm gonna murder you someday!"
She just laughs. "Am I wrong?"
"Oh? 'Cause normally when a guy asks you to go someplace with him, that's a date."
"He's bringing a friend too."
"And?? Your point?"
"Oh my fucking god-" You are this close to slapping her
She takes a look at your conversation. "Where are you guys even going? Ooh, you should go to Momotaro! They have the best boba! And lots of sweet cakes and stuff!"
"I- okay, that's actually not a bad idea," you mumble.
Jay: I don't know actually
Y/N: my friend just suggested Momotaro?
Jay: where's that?
Y/N: I don't actually know, but I'm sure we can find it
Y/N: probably
Y/N: if Google maps won't be a dick
Jay: Ann says she knows where it is
Y/N: Ann?
Jay: the friend
Y/N: ah
Y/N: 3:00 tomorrow?
Jay: 3:00 tomorrow
Y/N: oki see you then
You put down your phone face-down. "I just made plans with an almost complete stranger."
Vivian's already walking back to the couch to finish the movie. "Good for you."
"Can you at least be a little proud of me? You were really hyped about this like five seconds ago."
"I'm very proud internally." She then proceeds to ignore you and cuddle with Josie.
You mumble something incoherent under your breath then go to the kitchen in search of food. You find a bag of shredded cheese. "Good enough." You start eating the cheese straight out of the bag.
-time skip to tomorrow because let's face it, you ate the entire bag of cheese then went straight to sleep-
It's currently noon. Yet for some reason, you woke up at 6:00 with an unusual amount of energy. You couldn't go back to sleep so you went around the dorm doing stuff - mostly cleaning because it really needed it - careful to not wake up Vivian. When she did wake up (around 10), you took a shower. A rare morning shower.
So here you are. It's noon. That means food time.
"Y/N, is something wrong?" Vivian asks from the couch. She seems really tired despite having slept in.
"I'm honestly not quite sure myself." You're actually putting effort into lunch for once. Which basically just means you're adding stuff to your usual ramen.
"What do you mean??"
"I mean, I woke up at 6am and I have no idea why." You continue watching the eggs in the boiling water. Hard-boiled eggs with ramen. (it's really good)
"Come on, there's gotta be a reason."
"Pretty sure there isn't."
"Well I'm pretty sure there is. Ooooh, maybe it's your daaaaaate??" she says is a teasing tone.
"For the last fucking time Viv, it's not a date. Just three people going to some place that has food."
"No. Stop that."
You get one bowl from the cabinet. "You don't get any ramen then."
"That's bullying."
"What, gonna cry?"
You both laughed. You knew it was all in good fun.
You both had your lunch then you went to start getting ready for your little rendez-vous.
-timeskip brought to you by "god I hope this isn't too long of a chapter, what the hell is the choice gonna be"-
After getting mad at Google Maps several times, you're able to make it to Momotaro. When you walk in, you immediately see Jay sitting at a table with who you assume is Ann. She has short pink hair in pigtails - she fit right in to the decor.
"Oh, hey Y/N!" Jay calls out.
"Wh- oh hi!" You make your way over to their table. "Is this Ann?" you ask.
The girl speaks. "Yep, I'm Ann! Nice to meet you!" She gives you a warm smile.
You smile back. "Hi Ann!" You sit down.
You all talk pretty easily for a while before the waitress comes to get your order. You all order different things - only drinks though - before going back to your conversation. (I'M SO LAZY LMAO)
When your drinks arrive, you stay there for a while before deciding you want to walk around downtown instead. Jay leaves a 20 on the table and you all leave.
You all walk and talk for a really long time before Ann suddenly says, "guys it's literally 7pm. We've been out for four hours."
You all stop walking because holy shit, she's right.
"Shit you're right, Ann. I gotta go back to my dorm before my roommate gets suspicious," you say.
"Oh hey Y/N," Jay says, "can I add you to our group chat?"
"Sure!" you say, already starting to walk away. "Talk to you guys later!"
You walk in the direction of your dorm in the slowly darkening night. It's getting colder, too. Fucking winter.
Just as you start to round a corner, someone grabs you around the waist from behind.
What do you do?
A) Scream.
B) Try to get away - kick, fight, run, just get the hell out of their grasp.
C) Stay quiet. Just do what they ask.
Vote here! Voting will close Friday, Dec. 13
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