#but like. this is so egregious
sluttyhenley · 3 months
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Mrs. Mollie Cobb, fifty years of age, passed away at 11 o'clock Wednesday night at her home. She was a full-blood Osage. She was buried in the old cemetery in Gray Horse beside her father, her mother, her sisters, and her daughter. There was no mention of the murders.
KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON (2023) dir. Martin Scorsese
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teddytheartist · 3 months
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Zukka for the win my guys
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byrdblood · 17 days
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so the UT fandom wikis are kind of ass and i got sick of tracking down dead links every time i wanted information on funny bone men, so i've been spending my limited free time picking away at this little project over on toyhouse - an AU (AM?) called MULTIVERSE TAU, AKA a place to compile all my info (and headcanons) in one place!
there's still a decent of writing left to go (and the profiles are private until then), but the art for them is now officially done! im hyped
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cemeterything · 7 months
finished reading the irl james fitzjames biography. i enjoyed it but i'm unsure how i feel about the author's choice to write it like an essay length effort to convince me to agree to go on a date with his friend who he's wingmanning for.
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silvermoon424 · 3 months
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(from Gabi Belle's video "How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping")
YES OMG. I went to an anime convention a few months ago and saw SO many cheap bootlegs being sold as if they were authentic items. Being an experienced collector, I have a good eye for bootlegs so it didn't affect me, but I couldn't help but think of all the people who were duped into buying a crappy $30 bootleg that they could have gotten on Aliexpress for like $2.
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I don't care what anyone says about whether or not ye olde womyne disliked corsets I just think the hamfisted use of forced tight lacing to show the audience that a woman is oppressed sucks and it's usually not applied to the correct time period
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Alicent Hightower’s honestly a scarily good rep of what woc go through in regards to their extensive famillial abuse. Second wife with children that pose a threat to the firstborns. The infighting done between the branches of the family. The child marriage, the father, the grinding down of boundaries between her father and her, her and her children. The religion. The cycle.
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hellspawnmotel · 1 year
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terranigma, a cool game
#terranigma#terranigma ark#terranigma elle#terranigma meilin#art tag#im going to write a little review in the tags bear with me#first the negative:#the magic system is weird to use and basically useless apart from one boss thats almost impossible without magic#it has some weird racism like most old games where you travel around the world. a little more egregious since its supposed to be real earth#i found the main character to be slightly insufferable for about 3/4ths of the game. i came around on him by the end tho. he grows up a lot#and i found whats by far the largest section of the game (chapter 3) to be the least interesting#im not really into helping cities develop and trade quests tho so it might just be me#oh also it is STUPID easy to permanently lock yourself out of like 15 sidequests#and theres a lot of mandatory things that are really hard to figure out. you need to use a walkthrough for this#anyway thats what i didnt like#what i DID like tho. i dont want to get into too much detail but#its a genuinely beautiful game for so much of it#there were so many moments that left me speechless#its high-concept and thoughtful and fun to play#you dont really need to do much grinding either#at its worst its obtuse and cliche but at its best its breathtaking#and i really recommend more people check it out#special shoutout to my friend seona who modded my 3DS and downloaded a bunch of roms including this one#so in conclusion. terranigma is an underrated gem. play it if youre a 90s jrpg junkie like me#just have a walkthrough open also lol
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starblaster · 3 months
Today, an associate of mine from the Prairielands Freedom Fund informed me that a defendant they've been working with was, yesterday, unjustly sentenced to 5 years in prison. He should have received a deferred judgement. Brandon Jones is a black man and he has 3 children.
I don't normally make posts like this, but I want to share this here in the hopes that it will have further reach. Brandon Jones is a member of my community and he does not deserve to be ripped away from his family like this.
Here is a statement from my friends at Prairielands Freedom Fund:
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Pictured above from left to right are Brandon Jones, his three children, and his partner, Lily Lindle, at Wilson's Orchard in Iowa City.
On March 25, 2024, "District Court judge sentenced PFF participant Brandon Jones, a Black father, to a five-year prison sentence. We posted bond for Brandon in January after he had pleaded guilty but couldn’t pay his bond. He spent two months in Johnson County Jail, a particularly cruel separation where he was apart from his newborn baby over the holidays.
Brandon’s case is emblematic of the cruel, racist punishments inflicted upon Black folks in our carceral system. Separating Brandon from his family inflicts a layer of violence upon their lives — and it does not do anything for public safety.
We’re committed to rallying behind Jones’ family and his partner Lily, and the best way we can support them right now is with financial support. Lily is now a sole provider — it’s crucial that she gets the economic support she needs.
In September 2023, Brandon’s 8-year old son was suspended and told to walk home, alone and in the cold, from an Iowa City School District elementary school. Brandon went to the school to speak with the principal about the situation. Accidentally bringing his legal firearm with him into the school, Brandon was arrested, charged, and held on a $30,000 cash-only bond.
School staff claim they were threatened by Brandon’s presence in the school, and prosecutors jumped at the chance to make an example out of Brandon. Prosecutors claim this case is about public safety — and yet, their target is a Black father who showed up to his son’s school to advocate for his family. This situation starts and ends with racism. We know our district suspends and expels Black children at higher rates. And the reaction from school staff cannot be extricated from Brandon’s existence as a Black man, advocating for his son, a Black student who was suspended.
Brandon took full accountability for his mistake, as evidenced by his guilty plea. His legal team asked the judge to simply give him probation, allowing him to continue caring for his young family. But today, Brandon was sentenced to five years behind bars.
Brandon’s situation so perfectly epitomizes why abolition matters. Abolitionist principles urge us to think expansively about what safety means. By separating Brandon from his family, they are all less safe — especially when considering economic and emotional safety.
[This] outcome was not what we wanted, but we remain committed to supporting this family, and creating a better system than the one they were victimized by today."
Lily Lindle has started a GoFundMe so that she can receive some assistance with raising and caring for the Jones kids: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-jones-family-in-iowa-city
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canisalbus · 4 days
every time i see machete i’m like RAAAH SICILY MENTION and get really excited lmao
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redrobin-detective · 5 months
Which Danny Phantom episode had the Coolest idea but the Worst execution
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ink-asunder · 10 months
Okay, but I hate HATE it when service workers (nurses, waiters, retail workers) complain about having to do "extra work" for the sake of disabled people. I get it, you're not paid enough to do jack shit at your job (/gen), but you really cannot take it out on people who are FUCKING DISABLED.
"I hate people who modify orders at a restaurant," "I hate when people don't put their carts away," "I hate having to prepare chemo drugs because it's SUCH a pain." Shut the fuck up. It's not MY choice!! I can't control that I get put in the ER for eating A Fruit. I can't help that I'm on the brink of collapse and can't take a cart back into the store after a big shop. And I sure as FUCK am not taking a chemo drug because I think it makes me more interesting as a person. Ya can't say this shit to disabled people.
Disabled people are CONSTANTLY thrown under the bus, CONSTANTLY treated like shit over things they need to do to survive, CONSTANTLY given the "well, if you can't meet MY [ableist] expectations of a Good Person, then you don't deserve to be a part of society to begin with."
Say that. Say that to my face. Just get a little closer I just wanna talk 🏌‍
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
Mentally lying on my bed and kicking my feet like a schoolgirl while joyously waiting for more Zack and Cloud sketchies ❤️ In your AU is Cloud completely conscious and aware when he first breaks out of his coma? Or is there a sort of in-between zone for awhile? If there is, is Zack overjoyed or worried out of his mind (or both)? Does Cloud struggle with allowing somebody to take care of him?
Sending you virtual hugs should you want them or a crisp and respectful nod of the head if not!
IM SORRY this ask only just showed up in my inbox but it says it's from march 24th?? tumblr killing me with daggers,,,, This is going to be a long one sorry!! I'll explain the stages of his coma first, and then the stages of waking up from it.
In the beginning, while they are on the run, Cloud is in.. something close to a catatonic state. He can perform basic instincts, such as blinking, swallowing, the small stumble-steps he's shown doing in gameplay, and making small noises. In my au/headcanon, this is because of the Mako keeping his body up and functioning in spite of his intense poisoning. Because of the Mako, his muscles also don't atrophy during this period. He has no memories from this era at all.
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After this, a little before the battalion but mostly after, his body begins to heal from his Mako poisoning. Which is good. but the lack of the access Mako leaves his body with far less functions. He begins to lose the ability to eat, becomes unable to even stumble, his eyes shut and don't open again. He falls into a full comatose state. Which, although it is very scary for Zack, and takes a lot more work and medical equipment, is actually a good sign for his healing. Fighting off mako poisoning this far is already rare.
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(In this segment, he is kept fed and hydrated through his IV, but he switches to an NG tube after he wakes up, due to the inconvenience of the IV and continued difficulty swallowing.)
His first signs of waking up were a few weeks before he opened his eyes. He began responding to stimuli, ears flicking at noises, hands tensing, eyes occasionally opening but not for long. It's at this stage that he also starts having nightmares, and becomes more aware of his environment. He has blurry memories from this era, but in the moment he was mostly just confused and distressed, and didn't process it. this took up most of the few weeks.
After some time, he began to have more moments of consciousness and rational thought. He could start to respond to simple questions or requests such as blinking or closing his hands. He only vaguely remembers this. It lasts a few days
when he actually began to wake up, initially he was incredibly upset and confused, not being recovered enough to actually process the situation. This resulted in him lashing out, not knowing where he was and initially not recognizing zack, he struggled and tried to pull his tubes out. This was the final stage to his waking up, only lasts an hour? possibly a few hours? and he was finally fully awake after this!!
When Cloud woke up from his coma, his body was incredibly weak from being bedridden so much. His muscles had atrophied severely over the few months, which put him in a wheelchair as they worked on him recovering.
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In this stage, he is mostly determined to improve again. He feels a lot of gratitude towards Zack for taking care of him so much, and a lot of frustration towards himself for not recovering faster.
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his next stage was crutches, he recovered his arm strength faster than his legs. He begins to pick up on zack overworking himself, but he's unsure how to approach it, and often ends up saying the wrong thing. (He still uses an NG tube in this era, but he begins to be able to eat on his own, so he doesn't have it in for much longer)
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His next stage is using a cane, which he ends up using for a long while. Even after his muscles have recovered, he maintains knee/hip pain for the rest of his life. He also has migraines and memory issues like in canon. At this stage, he begins to get frustrated with Zack more and more. He appreciates Zacks help, but feels frustrated with feeling like Zack doesn't trust him to take care of himself, and upset with how Zack prioritizes Cloud so much over himself. Due to these frustrations, he grows more confrontational. (<- comic linked is not 100% canon to this au, just an example.) Zack is overjoyed that Cloud is awake. He thought Clouds return to consciousness would help his fears and guilt ease, but for some reason he finds himself more worried than ever. He always backs off when Cloud says he wants space, but he finds himself worrying about what Cloud is doing now that he isn't able to be monitoring him all the time, and then guilty for feeling so worried.
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violent138 · 2 months
The issue with the Batfamily being so ridiculously competent and well-trained is that my eyes nearly rolled out of my head upon seeing that Penguin had managed to get the jump on Nightwing in Arkham Knight. That sort of thing only makes sense with some sort of injury or if we see the sequence play out. The entire time Penguin was shaking that gun at him, I kept waiting for Nightwing to overpower him and end the nonsense.
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theloopcrew · 6 months
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my thoughts on modern lupin
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oswaldpettyeyeart · 3 months
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Alastor redesign for funsies. Don't @ me, his bob bothered me so much I decided to fix it. Character design notes and a bonus sketch under the cut.
1. I muted his colours and exadurated the reversed triangle silhouette instead of the hourglass (I guess?) that he has in the show. I could not get rid of red completely without him feeling like a completely different character for me. Also made him look on the younger side bc he did die in his 20s, supposedly, so no rat moustache.
2. His get up and hairstyle resembles a stylized version of 1920s men fashion on the top and the hunter's pants/high boots combo. The cane is meant to look like early 1920s american radio mics. They're very fun to look at and very easy to turn into a star.
3. The underlying theme for him is: he wants to look as human as possible, but as per show's lore sinners have aspects about them that they don't like. For him its his deer features. The antlers are directly connected to his powers and ears are just there and he can't just magic them away. Otherwise he dresses prim and proper, somewhat like he did while he was alive. He takes himself seriously and wants others to do it too.
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