#but maybe a very bright dark blue could look fun too. hmmm
your-fave-is-bi · 1 month
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Painted n dry sets + just painted set, second coat drying
I only made the red raw meat set, the rest were made by my sister n just never got to the being inked stage lol
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
Awaken — Kirby AU oneshot/lore
The child opened his eyes, blinking a couple times. Alarms were going off in the Starship, and one of the panels on the control board said something in a language he didn’t understand.
The alarms kept blaring, and he looked around confusedly. What was happening? He didn’t understand!
After a few moments, he felt the Starship rumbling more than usual, and then…
The ship rocketed forward, quicker than the child could comprehend. He tumbled around in the cockpit, grabbing on to his seat to hold himself still. He squeaked and squealed, struggling to keep his hold, and after a few more seconds, the ship slowed significantly and abruptly. The child lost his grip, falling over, landing on top of his head.
He rolled himself over and stood on his chair, looking out of the glass. What he saw…. it was……
By the stars, it was beautiful. Like nothing he’d ever seen. Not that he’d seen much at all.
Stars littered the space around him, beautiful colours of galaxies and far away nebulas, and a solar system full of beautiful planets filled his vision. He pressed his face against the glass and squeaked, awestruck at the sight. His starship was moving closer to one planet, the third away from the sun. Bright green, gold, orange, silver, blue, and white it was — continents of gorgeous plains, sandy deserts, autumnal forests, snowy tundras, and bright oceans, with two crossing ring belts around it. The Starship seemed to be piloted towards it.
Needless to say, the child was beyond excited.
He pushed the steering lever in front of him forward as far as he could, wanting to get to this planet as fast as he possibly could.
The speed increased steadily, and soon, he was darting towards this gorgeous planet. Perhaps a bit… too fast, but he didn’t mind.
Well, until he entered the planet’s atmosphere.
He was going much, much faster than he expected. The child squealed in fear, realizing he’d made a mistake, and didn’t have a way to fix it. The Starship was turned sideways, spinning around as it fell to the surface. Once it contacted the ground in a forest, it kept its momentum, splitting through the trees and up a hill. The friction slowed him down just in time, stopping the now damaged starship right at the edge of a very high cliff.
The landing had lodged him between the back of his seat and the glass, rendering him immobile, save for his feet, which he wiggled about in a futile attempt to get free.
A few minutes passed, and the cockpit opened, and the child fell, finally having gotten himself unstuck. He landed headfirst in the dirt, and after a few moments, he felt someone lift him up by his foot. The person who grabbed him flipped him over and plopped him back down, this time upright. He saw… people. There were multiple people staring at him. A pale yellow-furred girl with a ponytail, plus a pink-and-green top with a light washed denim skirt, a slightly darker yellow-furred boy with dark cyan stripes in the longer fur that covered his eyes, wearing a slightly dirty t-shirt and overalls, and a few others.
Hmmm…. New friends, maybe? He only ever had friends in his dreams. It must be pretty fun to have friends in reality!
One of them, the girl with the ponytail, said his name. She seemed to be asking if that’s who he was. So, he responded.
“Kirby! Kiiirby!”
That was… unfortunately the most he could do to tell her ‘yes.’ He didn’t understand the language they spoke. Not for the most part. The people’s expressions were shocked. They spoke, only a few words in their sentences were ones he could understand.
“—They— Kirby—“
“—Star Warrior—“
“—save Dreamland?!”
“Poyo?” Kirby tried to question, but nothing came of it. The ponytail girl looked disappointed in a way. Before he could get up to ask if she was okay, somebody stepped on him, pressing him into the ground. It was the same guy who picked him up earlier. The person pulled out a large hammer suddenly, and said something.
“—They’re— Warrior— hammer!”
Again, when Kirby attempted to question, he was cut off. But this time, it was by that guy smacking him with the hammer!
He fell into a ravine, but before he could end up getting hurt by the fall, he inflated himself, and floated over to a ledge just large enough to hold him.
Boy, this was gonna be one heck of a trip.
A child awakens. He finds himself in a strange galaxy, a stranger solar system, and an even stranger planet.
Who knows what this little visit might end with?
(The Stars await him.)
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zabrak-show · 3 years
Vacation on Concordia
Maul x nightbrother!OC
A/N: This is a gift for a dear friend on twitter, Zennybb!! (ilysm thanks for trusting me to write this) Vex Var is their OC, an AFAB nonbinary (they/she) nightbrother. Art and OC characteristics etc are all theirs! I just write the smut, LOL
Summary: Maul asks Vex to meet him on Concordia for a little getaway.
Length: 2.4k words, ~10min reading time
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Smut, NSFW, 18+, lots of sexy grinding/humping, skinny dipping, fun in the sun, maul has his chicken legs, biting/marking, tiny bit of blood play, no robodick, just good ol fashion oral and dry (tho technically it’s wet...idk just read the damn story lmao) humping
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link to the art
Concordia was a strange mix of industrial mining complexes and lush forests sprawling out through the moon. Vines and trees snaked their way through the abandoned mining facilities. Once booming with the life of miners' hard endless toil, their distress could still be felt all around. Or was it the grief of nature being almost choked out on the once brimming with life moon? Likely both. Needless to say, the planet was a juxtaposition of feelings and scenery.
That wasn't to say it was terrible- there were still forests to get lost in, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, and hot springs. What more could one want from a moon? The abandoned mines were a curiosity as well. Though not one so sought after as a luxurious hot spring. The hot springs were what everyone gushed about to Vex Var anyway. Vex, a nightbrother turned smuggler herself, knew all too well about the secret mines of Concordia, and was no stranger to the moon of Mandalore. Why Lord Maul had asked them to meet here was an entirely different question.
The air on Concordia was pleasant and airy on its own but radiant in the direct sun. Vex's black jacket, baggy maroon pants tapered at the bottom into black linen, and dark red shoes soaked up all the sun's heat. The intensity of the beaming light almost overheating the Zabrak. They found respite from the heat by ducking into shady areas as they walked down well-worn paths.
Lord Maul sauntered alongside them in his signature walk. Towering over Vex from the height gained by his metal prosthetic legs. He wore only a leather collar and wrist gauntlets. The heat didn't phase him. Figuring his metal legs were pants on their own, he never felt the need for much clothing. Vex would tease him about it at times, usually in a playful attempt to learn about this strange Zabrak. If it bothered him, he never let it show and perhaps refused clothing now on spite alone. Vex wouldn't put it past him. That much at least they knew about him.
The curiosity nipping away her insides about what exactly they were doing here. And alone. Memories of the last time they were alone together flooded their mind. The interrupted kiss and awkwardness that followed. Was it getting hotter out here? No, and in fact, she was still walking in the shade.
"What exactly are we doing here, Lord Maul?"
Vex's voice, lean and sturdy as their physicality, cut through the chatter of birds and critters. Maul stopped in his tracks to look down at Vex, blocking the sun from their eyes.
"Last time we spoke, you were stressed out. I am told this," Maul gestured to their surroundings, "can help with that."
"No," he started to get perturbed but caught himself, "no, I mean, like getting away. I believe some are quite fond of the hot springs here."
"You brought us here to relax? Lord Maul, I thought it not something possible for you!" Vex jabbed his side with their elbow accompanied by a light laugh.
Maul growled back, baring his sharp teeth. It would take more than that to scare Vex away. She rolled her eyes and pressed on down the trail, following Maul's lead.
The first stop was a gorgeous cascading waterfall. The water rushed down, filling the air with its unbridled noise and cool mist. It pooled into the river where Maul and Vex stood at the banks into a dreamlike hue of hyaline aquamarine. The energy was powerful and calm.
The cool mist hit Vex's face in a welcome diversion to the sun's taxing heat.
"Is it safe to swim?" Vex turned back to Maul, who stood under a tree with his arms crossed.
"Yes, unlike Dathomir, not everything is a death trap to the unsuspecting traveler here."
Before Maul finished speaking, Vex was already stripping down to jump into the calm waters. A light splash and their naked form was under the glass-like waters. The cool water was chillier than the Zabrak was expecting, but swimming around in it a bit and it felt perfect.
"Come on, Lord Maul!"
"Hmmm…" He dipped a metal toe in, and Vex giggled.
"The water's fine. Get in!"
He entered the water with trepidation. Though half of him was metal cybernetics, they contained Dathomir magick. He could still feel everything but in a more subdued way. Once the water reached his stomach and chest, his skin pebbled at the temperature change.
"The water's freezing," he complained.
Vex responded with a splash, "Not if you keep moving around."
After several minutes of swimming around, it became evident to Vex she was the only one having fun.
"I don't see how this is supposed to be relaxing."
"Well, we can lay out in the sun for a bit. When the sun starts to go down, we can try the hot springs out. Maybe you'll like those better." Vex, ever the pragmatic negotiator, and well, it seemed they had a bit of a soft spot for the Sith Lord.
"Very well." Maul climbed out of the river and perched himself on a grassy knoll. Vex followed close behind, the water rushing off their tattooed skin, glistening in the bright afternoon sun. Maul tried not to stare.
"I guess we should have brought some towels," Vex suggested as water poured off their skin.
They plopped down next to Maul with a grin. If he could walk around naked all the time, then what was there to be nervous about for Vex?
"Oh, I didn't realize. Should I go back to the ship?"
"Maybe before we go to the hot springs, but for now, the sun will dry us just fine."
Vex squinted into the sun, the warm rays already evaporating the water off their golden skin and sepia tattoos. Maul stared straight ahead, not wanting to make Vex uncomfortable with the lingering gaze he so longed to do.
"How do your legs do in the water anyway? Is it bad for them?"
"No, Mother made sure to waterproof them in her magickal construction of them. Though, I fear, it may not always be the case for them."
Vex held their hand out and over his thigh, "May I?"
"Yes, go ahead."
Dropping their hand down on the cold, wet metal, and it was clear his legs held a robust magickal power. Almost like static electricity around them, but not quite. Still, it was the best descriptor Vex could think of.
"And you can feel?"
"Of course I can feel! I feel your hand on me. Though it is not the same as skin on skin contact, it's...hard to explain."
"Like static?"
"Yes, I suppose."
Vex took their hand away and stared ahead at the waterfall and picturesque river. Their eyes narrowed on a mining structure. It stuck out like a sore thumb against the vibrant colors of nature with its dull dark gray stone frame. Yet still holding its own raw beauty as a juxtaposition against the moon's natural environment.
Using her hand as a brim to shield her eyes from the sun, she turned to look at Maul, staring at him.
"Do they hurt?"
Vex looked down again with her big expressive eyes, and Maul lost himself in the moment. The sun sparkling off their still damp skin, he studied their tattoos, similar to his own, but with their own unique story to tell. Maul had yet to see so much of them, it was hard not to stare. He decided to give up trying and absorbed their handsome, athletic figure into his mind. Nothing seemed to ever last long for the Sith Lord, save for pain and suffering. Something this good would be gone before long. He needed to remember it all. Remember Vex and the moments they shared together always.
"You shouldn't stare so much, Lord Maul. It's quite rude."
Maul turned his face away and grumbled something incoherent under his breath.
"We should move to the next spot. Are you dry enough yet?"
Vex climbed Maul's seated body on all fours, her face lined up in front of his, though he refused to look at her for a moment. The tension was too much, and he had to turn to face them, finally.
 "I think we should stay right here," Vex responded at last, "I'm not dry at all."
She leaned into him with her face, enveloping him in a passionate kiss. It didn't take him long to reciprocate. They were soon consuming each other's mouths, teeth clashing against each other. All insecurities either may have felt earlier in the day washed away in the clear blue river. It was only lust and passion now.
Maul reached a hand up to Vex's, holding her face in a sweet embrace while he studied her exquisite features. They leaned into his hand and looked into his glowing amber eyes.
"What is it?" they asked.
"Nothing, I, I, don't want to forget this is all." He trailed a thumb down to their lips and dragged it along their lower lip before grasping their chin and pulling her face back into his. Vex dug her knees into the soft ground at either side of Maul's hips and sat on his lap with her arms around his neck. Their adventuring hands made their way up to Maul's crown of horns. Massaging the base of his horns and scratching the skin between them with her long nails. His breath hitched with a moan. He ran his hands down their back and grabbed their ass to pull them even closer into him.
"Fuck, I want you so bad," he whispered in their ear.
"You have me," they whispered back, "all of me."
The kisses now getting sloppier. Too consumed with desire for each other's bodies. Vex's hands unable to settle anywhere, all his body so perfect for touching, his horns, his neck, his back, his pecs, his arms, his prosthetics. She wanted it all.
Maul struggled in a similar fit. How was their skin so soft? And they smelled so good, floral and citrus, he was ravenous for them. Biting into Vex's neck with his sharp teeth and they let out a small groan of pain. Droplets of blood spilled down her neck, and he lapped it up, flattening his rough tongue around the afflicted area, careful to not let any go to waste.
The stinging sensation brought forth by the bite and subsequent licking of the wound sent a rush of desire through Vex's blood. The arousal was now almost more than they could stand. They rocked their hips back and forth onto Maul's metal groin. Gyrating around for a moment, before long, they found that magic spot where his metal prosthesis rubbed their clit with perfection. The static feel of the cool metal, now warming up against their heated core, was unlike anything they'd ever experienced.
Maul's eyes grew big as he watched Vex come undone on top of him.
"You're so sexy," she breathed out. Their foreheads touched, and their horns clashed together in a soft show of dominance.
"I need to taste you," Maul moaned and picked them up by their ribcage to flip positions.
Vex's back now on the damp mossy ground. Maul prowled on top of them like a predator. Starting at their neck, he licked the wound that still throbbed with a dull intensity. Making his way down their body with his tongue and hands. Stopping for small moments to suck a nipple or bite their divine skin as he went down. Leaving a trail of saliva on his way down along with scratches from his long nails, clawing down their toned physique. Vex arched their back and moaned at each kiss going lower and lower. Until at last, Maul reached his destination and buried his face in their pussy.
Vex was already throbbing in delirious arousal. Once Maul's soft lips and rough tongue caressed their soaked cunt, all control disappeared. He was a gift from the gods as far as Vex was concerned at this moment. Grabbing his head between his horns and pulling him further into herself, she moaned in a heated lust. His tongue traced all along the trails and valleys of her wet lips. Any moment now and she'd explode in orgasm, yet never wanting this sensation to end all the same.
"Please, Maul, oh maker, don't stop!"
Maul had no intention of stopping, that much was certain. He consumed their aching cunt with a hunger that may never feel satiated. Swirling his tongue around in tasty patterns, Maul couldn't get enough of them on his tongue. As he paused a moment to suck on her clit, they pulled his head off and up.
"I want to cum looking into your eyes," she explained as she pulled him on top of herself, "and I want to taste myself on you."
She met his lips with her own. His entire bottom half of his face was slick with their arousal. The taste of themself on him was delicious. She found a position again where she could grind up against his leg and hit that perfect spot. They continued their messy wet kisses, stopping only for a moment here and there to gaze into each other's eyes. It was as if they each needed a moment of clarity to make sure the other really was there, and this wasn't all a dream.
Vex convulsed faster and faster onto his metal leg. The static sensation coupled with the wetness Maul's mouth had left on them had them at the precipice of explosion.
"I'm going to cum," they paused kissing, breathless, to inform Maul.
 He took their face into his hands and looked into their eyes, foreheads touching. Vex yelped out in utter exasperation, letting herself come undone by the sheer pleasure and love at the moment. They gyrated themself against Maul in dramatic pulses while clutching Maul closer and closer to themself. Their cunt, still impossibly wet, flooded even more as they ejaculated onto themself and Maul's leg.The power of their orgasm spread to Maul, as he let out his own infernal groans of pleasure.
As the convulsions of the orgasm slowed, Vex, still holding the back of Maul's head, rubbed her cheek against his.
"I'm glad your legs are waterproof for now."
For the first time ever, Vex heard Maul laugh in happiness.
this was a gift so i’m not tagging anyone, but thank you so much for reading! feel free to reblog and comment if you liked it xoxox
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
School AU - Chapter 2
So, just to be thoroughly done with this experiment, here's Bilbo's POV of the same scene.
There it is :D It was worth a celebratory little story...:)
Love you all <3
“Go to school”, they said, “It will be fun”, they said.
Bilbo rolled his eyes at his own naïveté. Of course, it would not be fun to change schools in the middle of the year.
The headmaster, a fearsome old man with a face like a death mask, waved him out of the office before he could even protest; they had decided to put him into a class with all the other “maladjusted” kids.
He was not maladjusted; he was merely new in this school.
“You will be fine.” The gentle old man, his headteacher as far as he had understood, promised him and the mere fact that this was the kind of thing he needed to be told, did nothing to ease his nervousness.
“They got a new teacher already today and now you, really, what an exciting day for the class.” The man went prattling on and on. Bilbo had no interest in being a novelty and he felt increasingly like he was a sacrifice or chum about to be thrown into the cold water, figuratively, physical education was not on the program for a few days at least.
Small mercies.
The headteacher rapped his knuckles against a closed door and then just shoved his head in without waiting for the teacher to accept his brusque announcement. He informed her, quite casually Bilbo found, of the fact that there was a new student and shoved him into the classroom before just leaving.
Bilbo looked at the woman in front of him; her eyes were dreamy as if she had been torn from a particularly pleasant reverie and her mouth curved into a warm smile almost immediately.
She made an off-hand comment about how all the students were new to her and Bilbo felt less alone instantaneously; he had been afraid to find himself confronted with a hermetic group of people who had all grown up together and who had no interest in getting to know a pudgy youngster who talked too much.
The headteacher had called her “Kira” and Bilbo had already noticed that they went by their first names here, so he greeted her as politely as he could and enquired if he had not missed too much of her class.
It would be hard enough to stitch together what he had seen in his last school and what was expected here, he didn’t want to start by lagging behind right away.
“I’ll fill you in.” A voice called out and he flinched. Again, Miss Kira’s presence was a comfort and a rock, for she twitched as well, but probably not for the same reasons. Except if she was a pervert; she didn’t look like one.
Turning his head ever so slowly, Bilbo searched for the face that went with the most beautiful voice he had ever heard: deep and slightly gruff, it had rippled down Bilbo’s spine like a current of silk and pure electricity.
Please, let him be ugly as sin, please, he begged his guiding stars. He did not want another debacle, not on the first day of school, not in a new environment.
Of course, that had been too much to ask and the face belonging to the voice turned out to be just as charming. Figures!
Bilbo had thought of himself as a rather lucky kid for the longest time, until he realised that it was voices and faces like the one just a mere stone’s throw away from him that set his insides on fire.
Another boy was sitting next to “the voice” and he was now ousted with a hearty shove while Bilbo tried to shuffle those feet he hadn’t quite grown into yet along the narrow empty space between the benches. It would just serve him right if he landed straight on his face in front of that…being.
He looked much more like a man already than a boy, a fact the parts of Bilbo he had definitely grown into already noticed with vivid interest. Feeling the treacherous heat crawl up his neck and into his face, Bilbo approached the bench, getting his feet tangled in his rucksack as he sat down on the now empty chair.
The chair was disgustingly warm, but he didn’t mind; he couldn’t even tell with certainty that his own body was not on fire in this very second and he was the one making the scratched plastic melt.
Oh Lord, his own ass was the last thing he wanted to think about now when that face was so close to him that he could smell the fresh, slightly zesty smell of the dark hair surrounding it. Good, he had been mocked mercilessly in his old school for the way he wore his own hair, but it was really nothing compared to those luscious, dark waves…
BILBO! He called himself to order. His polite instincts kicked in and he rearranged his slack jaw into what he hoped would be a pleasant smile.
The boy frowned at him, a mask of guarded suspicion, and Bilbo’s heart immediately mellowed. Here was someone who had known hardship, he knew instinctively, and it made him redouble the brightness of his smile. Had he ever seen eyes that blue? They were hard and glistening like shards of ice, but Bilbo felt that they might warm up to summer lakes in time.
Not on your first day of school, he tried to remind himself, but it was already too late; his mouth had run dry, and his stomach twitched with that all too familiar twinge of admiration. He was a boy who knew simple pleasures: a sunny meadow, a good meal…and a face like that.
Clearing his throat, the other boy shoved over a piece of paper, filled with chicken scratch writing. As soon as he pried his watering eyes off the boy’s face though to glance at it, he retracted it again, slamming a solid forearm down on the page. “Might have some spelling mistakes.” The boy mumbled. Ah, the idiot class, Bilbo remembered, more interested than ever.
“My name is Bilbo.” He spoke gently, putting one finger on the edge of the page and trying to pull it loose from under the massive bulk of the other one’s arm. “Thorin.” He rumbled, sighing a little. “Really.”
“Yes, why wouldn’t it be your name?” Bilbo chuckled. “Mistress Kira didn’t believe me.” He explained in a low voice, finally letting go of the sheet and allowing Bilbo to read through the notes.
There were indeed one or two hasty mistakes, but Bilbo was astonished to find that Thorin seemed to have chronicled the class faithfully. “If you don’t…if…” He stammered and Bilbo looked up, thankful for the quality of the notes because he knew that he was not processing any of the explanations Thorin was providing in that low voice.
He sounded like rough skin on silk sheets, Bilbo thought, another painfully inappropriate thought.
“Hmmm, thank you, Thorin. These are some good notes.” Bilbo mumbled hazily, his heart giving a sudden jerk when a tiny, thin-lipped, careful smile started tugging at the corners of Thorin’s mouth. Pride and awkwardness mingled on his face and Bilbo was quick to reactivate his sunniest smile in return.
Mistress Kira seemed to have given up on her teaching meanwhile; she was engaged in a low conversation with an awkward blonde boy who seemed to have been drained of all colour. The burly boy who had made room for Bilbo said in a challenging tone that nobody liked them, and Bilbo felt Thorin stiffen beside him.
As he looked over, he could see those beautiful eyes grow ever harder and colder in genuine fright and, when they snapped for a second into his direction, Bilbo felt a shiver of apprehension rustle through him like the North wind blew the leaves off the barren branches.
Looking up, Bilbo once again felt like Miss Kira was a godsend, for he could read the same horrified incomprehension in her eyes that he felt surging within his chest. She looked positively indignant when the class challenged her on not screaming at them, and Bilbo could see her hands clench and unclench rhythmically.
“How do you feel about dwarves?” Bilbo whispered to Thorin to distract the boy from the pain setting his gaze aflame.
“Dwarves? Yeah, they’re cool.” Thorin tried to hide his confusion, but failed miserably, which made Bilbo chuckle.
“Thorin and I will do a presentation about dwarves!” Bilbo announced to the teacher who nodded, slowly, her gaze heavy and warm on their faces. Bilbo knew that she had understood his meaning: I am here, and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and be a part of this.
Thorin’s head whipped around, his eyes huge now and, for a second, Bilbo could see behind the carefully closed-off façade of a slightly constipated and very ill-tempered young man; he saw the kind of desperate hopefulness that never failed to break hearts. Had Miss Kira seen that as well?
“Will we?” Thorin asked. “We shall, your notes tell me that you’re a smart fellow. You can come over to my house if you want to and we can work on it…or…we can go to the library.” Bilbo could have swallowed his own tongue in embarrassment; he had been overzealous once again.
“I’d invite you to mine, but…there’s a lot of people.” Thorin replied with a small chuckle that betrayed discomfiture but also a good deal of genuine humour. How interesting it would be to see more of that, Bilbo thought.
“Sure, as you wish.” Bilbo shrugged. He caught Miss Kira’s eyes and realised that he had stared at Thorin with maybe a tad too much intensity…somehow, he felt like Miss Kira saw everything. As it should be. She was a teacher after all.
She was not teaching though, she was observing the class with calm, interested eyes, trying to get a feeling for the children within it. Only, they were barely children, Bilbo was almost certain that he was one of the younger ones.
It was a small-town school, maybe they mixed different ages, he did not know, but it felt strange, nonetheless.
He was curious who that Mister Smaug had been and why he could sense a hint of pain in his classmates’ voices when they spoke about him. Miss Kira had picked up on that as well, he saw, as her own eyes darkened, and her lips quivered.
Healthy anger flashed in her eyes when she repeated that this man was gone. I am here, Bilbo heard between the lines. She was. And so was he.
Bilbo wracked his brains to find something witty and funny to say to that wondrous boy next to him who had relapsed into brooding silence, as if the mere mention of their former teacher was enough to ruin his mood.
“Did he really hate you?” Bilbo found himself asking and immediately, he was met with a withering stare.
“Yes…Things have happened and my family and I…we’re not the best regarded in this town.” Again, that flash of mortification that made his face look like it was carved from stone.
“Well, I am a newcomer and I’ll make up my own mind.” Bilbo said reassuringly. “And I don’t feel like Miss Kira hates you.” He added with a soft smile.
“Yet.” A resignation too old and deep in one so young hit Bilbo square in the chest and his heart gave another painful twitch; had he been less mindful of common rules of decency, he would have put his small, pudgy hand on top of the broad, callused one resting just a few inches away.
A knock interrupted their conversation and another teacher rushed in. He was impossibly tall and intimated that he had been worried that Miss Kira had been slaughtered by the class. Weird, Bilbo thought, as far as he had understood, it had been the class who had been subjected to the abuse of their former teacher and not the other way around.
He had been so focused on Thorin’s shy smiles and overwhelming beauty that he had only half-listened to accounts of a damaged car. What was a damaged car compared to a damaged soul?
Even though she was considerably shorter than her colleague, Miss Kira interposed herself between him and the class, shielding them with her own body and this instinct of a woman reminded Bilbo so much of his own brave mother that it made him miss her even more.
“Asshole.” Thorin muttered under his breath with barely held-back indignation.
“Miss Kira didn’t believe him. Listen, she volunteered to stay here.” Bilbo tried to assuage the flaming, helpless anger in the other boy’s face. “They’ll not keep her for long if she’s to be exposed to us all the time.” Thorin prophesied darkly.
Bilbo had no idea what had happened here, but, hitherto, Miss Kira seemed perfectly fine. She was presently reading a book and chuckling to herself.
“Mistress Kira…” The shy blonde boy handed her a drawing he had made, and she gushed over it for a few minutes, slowly drawing out confessions from him: he was a good athlete, swift and enduring, but he was nowhere near Thorin’s or Dwalin’s level when it came to brute force.
Dwalin must be that other tall boy, Bilbo thought, eyeballing the dark-haired grump with interest.
“Do you not intend to give us something to do?” That very same person then asked the teacher gruffly.
“Can you not find something for yourself to do?” She gave back pleasantly and turned back to her book, but her fingers gripped the cover a little tighter than before.
“He didn’t mean no offense, Mistress. It’s just…Mister Smaug didn’t like to see us idle.” The smaller boy in the last row provided an explanation. Bilbo thought that he looked incredibly gentle and maybe just a little shy.
“I shall teach you during my teaching hours and I can teach you now if that is your desire. Nonetheless, I think we should go out into the courtyard and get some fresh air. As we’re all bound to be here, we might as well have some fun.” Miss Kira closed her book and shoved it back into her satchel before getting up.
“You want to take us out?” The blonde boy, Legolas, seemed thunderstruck.
“You’re almost grown-ups, are you a flight risk?” Miss Kira cocked one eyebrow and pointed at the door.
“Bilbo and me, we’ll see how we fare with you lot, won’t we?” She turned to him, and Bilbo blushed again, hadn’t that been his exact thought?
He nodded enthusiastically and sniggered when she gave him a discreet wink before tilting her head into Thorin’s direction. “Why don’t you all tell me something about you?” She asked.
Bilbo was not about to tell her that he was an orphan and that he had changed schools after a deplorable incident with another boy at his last placement. Only a few months more and he’d be officially emancipated and grown-up.
Maybe, he’d leave school and everything behind and start a new life somewhere else…
“Why don’t you tell us how you ended up in this miserable place to try to teach those everyone has given up on?” Dwalin hissed with unveiled cockiness.
So, that was why he had been put in this class, Bilbo thought, the headmaster thought him damaged beyond repair.
The teacher seemed to hesitate, then she said quietly: “Things have happened…and it is true that I have not chosen you, but I’ll keep you.” She smiled. “If they offer you a normal class, you’ll say: Nay, I’ll stick with the dumbasses?”
Clearly, Dwalin was not about to believe her and again, Bilbo could feel Thorin tense up beside him as they stepped into the courtyard and moved towards a big tree in the middle.
“No, I will not say anything of that sort. I’ll say thank you very much, but no thank you.” Miss Kira’s voice was sharp-edged now. “And why is that?” The blustering air seemed to falter and Dwalin looked a little deflated now.
“Because I don’t hate you and no matter how much you try to get me to, Master Dwalin, I shan’t.” She shrugged and sat down against the tree, taking out her book again and continuing to read as if nothing had happened.
“She’s something.” Bilbo whipped around, had Thorin actually laughed? Yes, yes, he could clearly see a row of white teeth between the stretched lips that looked so sinfully inviting to him.
He also could see the rest of the boy now, even though looking at it was the single worst idea he had ever had in his whole life it seemed to him.
Thorin was tall, a good deal taller than himself and he looked as solid as the tree their teacher was leaning against now.
“All brawn, no brains.” Thorin muttered when he caught the appraising gaze of the new student.
“Yeah, that’s what you want people to believe so they’d feel less intimidated, huh?” Bilbo replied automatically before he could reign in his loose tongue. Thorin stiffened, rubbing the back of his neck absent-mindedly before admitting: “No, that’s what…”
“If you bring up that Smaug again.” Bilbo warned him and Thorin fell silent. Sitting down on the patch of lawn surrounding the tree, Bilbo patted the grass next to him and was pleasantly surprised when the other boy plopped down immediately, a little too close for comfort maybe.
“Miss Kira and me, we are thoroughly fed up with your former teacher already, aren’t we, Miss Kira?” Bilbo felt the need to make this clear and to stand up for his potential friend and definite crush.
“He sounds like a brute.” Miss Kira replied without looking up from her book, but Bilbo could see her mouth curl into a smile behind the pages.
“You know nothing about us.” Thorin mumbled under his breath, honest regret tinging his voice.
“Then tell me, what makes you all so terrible?” Bilbo gathered his courage and placed his open palm on the clenched fist of the boy sitting next to him. “I am just not nice. Blondie is shite at reading. Dwalin has brawls, quite a few of them. Bombur is just fat. Redhead is from the wrong side of the tracks.”
“You’re very nice.” Bilbo demurred, which got him a wide-eyed stare from Thorin. “You think so?”
Bilbo nodded. “Ah, we’re just the kind of people other self-respecting people don’t like to look at.” Dwalin interjected as he passed by with a wooden plank that had detached from one of the nearby benches.
“Look at?” Bilbo thought that maybe, they had switched codes and language somewhere in the middle of the conversation because he could not understand what was going on.
“We make people uncomfortable.” Thorin supplied softly, brushing his long hair out of his face and pressing his lips into a thin line. “Miss Kira, do you know what’s going on?” Bilbo asked helplessly, because yes, Thorin’s looks made him uncomfortable but certainly not in the way suggested here.
“No idea, never seen more handsome teenagers in my life.” Miss Kira replied disinterestedly, her eyes still glued to her book. “Ah, I am not alone then. Are we in an alternate universe?” Bilbo replied, happy to have at least one other person here who was not part of this grotesque play of innuendo and stubborn misbelief.
“Have you seen my father?” Legolas spluttered and then pointed miserably at his scrawny frame hanging from a tree branch. “I have, what does that matter?” Now, Miss Kira looked up, questioning.
“We’re just…” Ori sighed. “You’re “just” nothing at all; you are what you are and, as far as I am concerned, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Miss Kira said with an air of finality and returned her attention to her book.
When the bell rang, Thorin gathered up his things and made to leave.
Bilbo wondered if he should say something; sucking on his lip, he searched for the right combination of words that would sound casual but also express how grateful he was for the care the other boy had taken today.
“Do you want to walk with me?” Thorin asked a particularly nice pebble sitting right next to Bilbo’s right foot.
Bilbo waited for a few seconds to see if the pebble would reply, after all, in a world where people would NOT want to look at Thorin it was about as probable that pebbles were alive and capable of speech.
“Or not…see you tomorrow.” Thorin mumbled hastily and turned away.
“Wait, wait…” Bilbo called out, not taking the time to put on his rucksack which now slapped painfully against his legs as he hastened after the tall, retreating figure. “I do, I do.” He exclaimed breathlessly.
“There are not that many roads around here…so…” Thorin explained sheepishly as they walked along the main road.
“Hey, idiot!” A stunning girl caught up to them, slinging her arms around Thorin’s neck and planting a wet kiss on his cheek. “How was the new teacher?” She asked as he slung his arm under her behind and lifted her apparently effortlessly up.
Mortification and a fierce jealousy rose in Bilbo. Of course, what had he expected? A boy that gorgeous would obviously have a girlfriend just as beautiful and boy oh boy, she was a marvel if ever Bilbo had seen one. Her hair was luscious and intricately braided and the way she laughed expectantly up at Thorin put the very sun to shame.
“We have a new student.” Thorin grumbled, still carrying the girl in one arm as if she weighed nothing at all.
Her radiant face turned to him, then edged sideways in a slow, deliberate motion. “Oh, he’s cute.” She half-whispered.
“Dís…” Thorin hissed warningly, and she lifted both her hands. “I’m just saying…Such a cute little nose and those warm, greenish eyes…” She purred into his ear.
Bilbo was scandalised to see Thorin pinch the girl in the thigh rather unceremoniously.
“Hi, I’m Dís.” She extended her hand to Bilbo over Thorin’s shoulder. Annoyance washed through Bilbo’s befuddled mind, not only was she stunning, no, she had to be nice and charming as well. So much for being a lucky boy.
“Bilbo…” He said, mustering up his polite smile that was just a tiny bit wobbly around the edges.
When he saw his street coming up, he muttered: “This is me. I’ll leave you with your girlfriend then, see you tomorrow.”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing.” The girl grinned and plopped heavily onto the pavement when Thorin just let go of her. “Ouch, you idiotic moron of a…” She hissed and brought her fist down on his upper arm, which had next to no effect at all on the sturdy limb.
“That piece of wood remotely resembling a human is my brother.” She explained to Bilbo, and he could not suppress the sudden relief that, no doubt, showed on his face if her broad smile was anything to go by.
“He certainly looks sculpted.” Bilbo sighed and then, realising that he had said that out loud, he hurried towards his street. To his utter dismay, other footfalls seemed to follow his hasty retreat.
“Hey, new boy, Bilbo, wait…” The girl, Bilbo realised, her voice a song and her steps a flurry of featherlight touches on the stony ground. “Wait, wait…So, you think my grumpy brother is cute, yeah?”
Her arm snaked into the crook of his as she sauntered alongside him, grinning up at him as if they had been friends forever. “He’s not really very dumb, he just likes to pretend he is, so people leave him alone.” She chattered on.
“I had figured as much, yeah.” Bilbo murmured, overwhelmed by the intrusive curiosity of the young girl.
“Leave him alone, Dís.” Thorin barked from behind, that note of utter mortification and humiliation making his voice sound even rougher and deeper than before. “You think he’s cute?” The girl whispered confidingly now.
“He’s…yeah, he’s cute.” Bilbo stammered under his breath, unable to withstand the onslaught of her good-humoured questioning. Did it even matter? It was obvious, everyone could see how fucking gorgeous that boy was.
“Want to go have an ice-cream with me and that cute brother of mine?” She invited him.
Bilbo looked at the house where his elderly cousin was certainly already waiting for him and then back at that glorious new classmate who just stood a few paces away, shuffling his feet awkwardly and skewering his bouncing sister with glares. It was good to make new friends, Bilbo told himself, it was what his cousin had encouraged him to do and if those friends turned out to be the most contrarily grumpy, awkwardly shy and blindingly handsome boy and his sister, who would fault poor Bilbo for it?
“Yeah sure, let me just…” Bilbo just threw his rucksack into the front yard and let Dís lead him back up the road.
@lordoftherazzles So, there's the second chapter with a bit more hurt than anticipated and a tiny bit of pining...If you're looking for me, I'm buried alive somewhere in the forest :S
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snapefiction · 3 years
A pinch of her Luck - Snapefiction
A/N: This one is different of my usual writing Themes but I hope you like it! Have the best day ! 😊💕
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Word count: 2962
TW: Mention of Abuse, Divorce, Pain and physical injuries
A pinch of her Luck
Minerva McGongall was a kind and humble person. Growing up she always showed big pride in her Actions whenever she stood up for someone else or sometimes even herself. But her Pride never took over her humbleness. Her sweet ability to cherish the small things in life that felt way greater than they were to anybody else around her. She was able to see what people could turn into. What they could grow to be. That’s what has gotten her the Position as the head of her House. Everyone could tell that she was a true Gryffindor, her actions never proved them wrong.
,,And again! Gryffindor won the House Cup! Minerva, you really did a good Job as their Mentor.“ Slughorn, the Head of Slytherin gratulated her. Smiling she just raised her Glas as his clumpy Hand patted her shoulder slightly.
,,You need to spill the Tea on what’s your trick! Tell me or I´ll get some Veritaseum.“ He joked before he laughed and turned to Albus to get another Glas of wine. Knowing that everyone was having a good time and there was no bad blood because Gryffindor had won again she felt the most secure than ever. She wasn’t surronded by colleagues she thought while watching them celebrate with her in that red decorated room. They grew to become her closest friends.
,,Let´s raise our Glas one last time before we can call it a night and Classes begin next week!“ Albus her dearest Friend of all solemnly announced as he rose his Glas towards the sky. Her Smile was glued to her lips and - she didn’t let anyone see it - small tears of joy may have slipped her eyes. Silently she watched the Scene while wishing to be able to give back all the Joy and Love she always and steady was receiving at Hogwarts. If she could even share just a pinch of her Luck it would be enough.
After a Sunday filled with Headache from the party of the night before she prepared everything for her upcoming Transfiguration classes. Slughorn had brought her a Potion to ease her Pain was she was politely declining. Minerva always preferred to just ´sit it out´. And so it came that she just fulfilled all her tasks of the day until she drank her last cup of tea of the day and went to bed early. Knowing she wasn’t able to fall asleep right away anyways. The Fact that there were new Gryffindors and Students arriving at Hogwarts tomorrow filled her guts with Excitement. Also seeing what all the Students have learned and experienced over their summer break was gladden her. Who could resent her? She was still a young witch and a even younger Professor. Caring for them as if they were her younger siblings or sometimes even her own children. She simply loved her Job.
Her Monday was as bright as she imagined it to be. All the new Students were already impressing her with their different heritages and Experiences. To be truthful, she already knew some of them. Great Wizarding Familys were part of Hogwarts and every year she got to get known to more of them. After greeting a lot of them she made her way up to her classes. As the freshly arrived Students still had a few days off to explore the great castle and getting known to each other she had enough time to catch up with everyone who was just returning to the School.
Everyone was happily reporting about their summer. Mostly filled with Fun, their family and friends and some of them even prepared themselves for some of the classes since they were so excited to come back. Her chest filled itself with Happiness again, this was the most beautiful Live she could imagine herself living.
,,And what about you Professor McGonagall?“ A young Ravenclaw asked her in response of how everyone spent their Summer. Grinning she pretended to think about a fitting answer while her pointing finger tapped her chin.
,,Hmmm.. Actually I was just eating ice cream aaaalll day long and read all of my favourite books over and over again.“ Minerva admitted and watched them chuckle as they didn’t seem to believe her. They couldn’t imagine her being just silly all summer long. But she was and no, she wasn’t regretting anything. As mentioned, she was having the best time.
After another class she had to watch Professor Slughorn storm into her class.
,,Minerva! She did it again! Miss Finnigan blew up a whole cauldron filled with ageing Potion. Can you quickly watch my Students before they have to witness me as a grandpa.“
Covering her mouth she nodded. His hair was already turning grey. ,,Of course. Take Miss Finnigan with you to the Hospital Wing.“ Almost choking on her laughter she hurried to the Dungeons where the Class was already awaiting someone to take the lead of the class.
,,As I just got informed that there was a little accident happing I suggest that we’ll make sure everyone cleans their tables, okay? After that you may be dismissed from your Potions Class for today.“ Happy chattering filled the Room quickly before everyone got up to clean. Minervas eyes tried to over see the whole room which seemed to be impossible but luckily everything went alright. After the almost everyone was gone she sat down on the Desk to have a look into the Potions Book. She never had a very skilled Potion Knowledge so it was interesting to fresh it up. A almost inaudible whisper made her look up. Severus Snape, a young Slytherin Student stood in front of her. Holding out his Hand, showing her a small vial. Confused she raised her brows while laying down the Book.
,,Dear, what is that?“ He wasn’t looking up but kept on mumbling. ,,Ageing Potion. I finished it when the Cauldron exploded. Can you pass it to Professor Slughorn?“ Taking the Potion in her Hand she was clearly surprised to say the least. It took a while to brew a potion, especially at this young age and he managed it to brew it within the first 20 Minutes of the Class?
,,I must admit-“ Clearing her throat she set the Potion aside. ,,You are very skilled, do you know that?“ Severus just slightly raised his shoulders only to let them fall down a few seconds later. Sensing that something was odd she pressed her lips together for a second.
Getting up she made her way to the classroom door after she was assured that everyone besides the both of them has left the class already. Walking back she watched him standing there. His slim figure was almost unnoticeable since he was acting like he was invisible.
,,Mister Snape, would you look at me for a second?“ Quickly he glanced up angry and hissed: ,, Don’t call me that. My Name is Severus.“ Understanding she gasped before apologising.
,,I´m Sorry Severus. But would you look at me?“ As he wasn’t answering she was just patiently sitting down on one for the students desks pulling out a second chair while silently inviting him. As she asked his class how their summer was everyone was being loud and excited but him. At first she wasn’t thinking too much about it. He was always a bit shy and kept it private, which was totally fine, don’t get her wrong, but this time it simply felt odd.
Severus took a while before following her invitation and sitting down on the old wooden chair next to her. ,,I know that I’m just an old Witch and I probably don’t know all your struggles but I may assure you that i´ll be always be there for you. I can listen to you, talk with you or if you like just be there for you because I care for you. Do you understand that?“ After a few seconds the dark haired boy dared to slightly raise his head. A big blue Mark was covering his left eye. Trying not to gasp or ask sudden questions she smiled slightly.
,,Thank you, Professor McGonagall.“ She could see his lips which were cut on one side quiver. And before she knew it the young Slytherin, who was just a Kid still, hugged her. His Tears came flooding and he wetted her shoulder quickly but she didn’t mind as she just patted his back.
,,It’s okay, I´m here for you.“ She said softly. What a pressure must lay on his heavy heart? She didn’t dare to imagine it. A small sigh escaped her lips. He must’ve been so ashamed of it that he didn’t dared to look her in the eyes.
,,If you want to I can use a spell to decrease it.“ Sniffing he let go of her only so his red puffy eyes could look at her and his dark head could nod.
,,Please, make it go away. Help me get away from there.“ Nodding again she carefully pushed a small strain of black hair behind his ear to look at it closely. She had to keep her facade tightly so he wouldn’t be able to notice how his cry for help was breaking her small heart. Casting the Spell for his eye she repeated it for his cut Lip. But as she was intending to lay her wand aside he stopped her by shoving up his sleeve. Blue Marks in form of big hands were facing the surface of his skin. At first she opened her mouth, trying to ask a question but she quickly bid her Lip. He would talk to her when he was ready, she reminded herself. Healing his Wounds she couldn’t get her mind of the Pain he must go through. He was till so young. Looking up as she was done for good now she tried to look for the right words.
,,You can always talk to me, do you know that?“ And for the first time since she was teaching him he smiled slightly towards her. His relief was visible.
,,Thank you. I always feel better while I’m back at Hogwarts.“ He admitted before grabbing his Bag and asked her with a small gesture to leave. With a nod she dismissed him and watch him leave only to turn back around after he was gone.
,,I do too, Kiddo.“
Months passed and she knew that the Moment would come. The Moment that would break her heart. Christmas Break was coming around and as Severus, who grew really close to her, wasn’t heading home for these few days she knew she had to do something. Actually she still went back Home on the Holidays as her Mother was always preparing a big feast for the whole family but this year Minerva politely declined.
,,I have so much work to do. I think I won’t be able to make it. But I promise you that i´ll be there on New Years Eve.“ She wrote in one of her Letters a few weeks ago.
Making her way down to the big table she saw Severus shortly raising his Hand before a let his quick smile fade again. She greeted him in return and sat down next to Albus who was now eyeing her.
,,You two bonded, didn’t you?“ Smiling she nodded. After what had happened on the first day of School she had talked with Albus about it for hours. Albus was a honourable man, she thought. After she told him he quickly took the Matter in his Hands and made sure that People from The Order would take care of the issue.  To be exact they helped Severus Mother, a young thin dark haired Lady, to divorce from her abusive husband.
Of course, Severus wasn’t a dumb Boy, nor was he foolish to think that it was someone else but Minerva who was responsible for his whole life changing for the better in this short time. She was being a friend when he had none.
Smiling she looked over to Albus. ,,Do you think he’ll know we got him the new Potion Book?“ Chuckling he nodded while the both of them watched Severus unwrapping his first Christmas Present that Minervas Owl just brought him.
,,Of course he will. I mean you wrapped it in Gryffindor House colours. His Mother is a Slytherin too. So why would he think it was someone else but his favourite Teacher?“ Shrugging her Shoulders she laughed too. Seeing the little Boy this happy made her heart swell.
- As the Summertime came around Minerva smiled towards the Teenager in front of her. He had already packed his Suitcase and waited for her.
,,I´m sure you will love Scotland.“ She assured him while putting on one of her cloaks. ,,Are you ready?“ Severus smiled widely before taking her arm and they both appartated from Cokeworth where she picked Severus up from his Mothers House to Scotland. The origin Home of Minerva.
It was obvious that they didn’t only bonded but became great friends. That’s why Minerva invited the now aged Slytherin to visit her Hometown and bond with well known and appreciated Potion Master Friends of hers. But that wasn’t everything. Eileen Snape, Severus Mother, was about to follow them too. She would follow them after the first week of the summertime break since she couldn’t take vacation earlier from her new job.
She hoped that she would be able to help him discover what he’d like to do after his graduation also Minerva knew that they never went on a vacation before and how excited Severus was even though he wasn’t really admitting it. So it was a win-win Situation.
,,Set your Luggage down next to the Stairs.“ She introduced him to the small House. ,,I´ll show you around in a minute.“ She wasn’t paying any more Attention as she was already kneeling down and petted a red haired cat next to her.
,,Hello, my good boy. How have you been?“ She purred and made silly faces. ,,Severus, come here. I want you to meet Frank. He was my Grandmothers Cat.“ As Severus entered the living room again he made a small gesturing bow towards Frank. ,,It’s my pleasure, Mr. Frank. My Name is Severus Snape.“ Afterwards he carefully kneeled down to let him sniff on his hand and finally pet him.
- The Weeks in Scotland were passing by so quickly Minerva almost couldn’t believe it. Severus was literally blooming. After meeting Minervas Friends he changed his vision of his own future almost daily. From Potions Master to shop owner, from Auror to Healer. He was impressed by all the ability of Magic. To be honest Minerva felt the same. She got easily excited by such things too and if live would offer her the chances she’d try almost every Job there was to try. But by heart she knew that she’d always come back to Hogwarts, it simply had become her passion. That’s what she hoped for Severus to find too. His own Passion. But it wasn’t only Severus who was growing. Eileen was turning into another woman. A independent, strong and happy woman who supported her Son in every way possible. Knowing she would miss this Summer deeply she instantly invited them over to Christmas Dinner in Scotland next Christmas so they could celebrate it together. Scotland wasn’t just Minervas Home anymore. It was a Home for her beloved friends as well.
Sorrow was laying on her Chest as she walked towards the Teachers Room. Today was the day. Her weak knees felt more shaky than ever now, who could resent her? She was being a well aged Lady by now and a even older aged Professor as well. So well aged that it had become her last year at Hogwarts by now. Entering the Teachers room she looked at the green Decorations hanging around. Her Lips were pressed into a thin line as she looked over the small crowd of people before she set next to her favourite one.
,,At least I won´t go down without a fight.“ She sniffed before looked in those endless dark eyes.
,,I wouldn’t have anticipated it otherwise, Aunty.“ Seeing her Lips quiver he quickly pulled her close. Hugging him tightly she still was overwhelmed by this Man. 
,,I always knew that you’d become the great wizard that you are today, Severus. I Knew what you were able to become. Life was tough but so are you.“ Letting go of him she saw his glossy eyes and laughed lightly. She would be forever thankful for being able to watch and help him grow up. He had become Family to her.
,,Let´s raise our Glas one last time before we can call it a night and Classes begin next week!“ She repeated Albus words while also dedicating this to him. Time has changed a lot. She has lost many good friends but she would always repeat everything in the exact same way. Not because of her own many victories but because of her favourite student who was able to change the wizarding world. And despite her temporary Despair and Worries she never lost her faith in him.
,,For Slytherin and their Head of House Professor Snape and our beloved friend Minerva McGonagall the best head of house Gryffindor has ever had!“ Slughorn proudly announced and his festive Voice cracked at the End. The Man who now looked like a exact image like the one Minerva had seen decades ago, thanks to the ageing Potion that blew up, raised his Glas and everyone copied him. Scanning the room Minerva smiled proudly, no one could ever be as lucky as she was while being surrounded by all her Friends and Family.
Taglist: @deepperplexity  , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4 , @lizlil , @once-upon-an-imagine , @darkthought15 , @elizabeth-baelish , @looseheartedlady , @ithinkweallsing , @simpforsnape , @meteoritewolf69
Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist. :)
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne’s Birthday Diary - Lunie Laurenze
"I really hope they make it here on time. But the chances seem to be so thin of them even arriving considering our relationship is...... convoluted" I sighed, placing the cookies inside. I was really regretting why did I even plan this for her. And why am I stressing out so much because of it. All of this was fucking frustrating and tiring to me.
"Chillax, Winnie. Lunie will definitely come. Her sister promised me that" The brown haired man propped his legs on the table in front of him and relaxingly leaned behind the couch.
I sighed, turning to the laid-back person with crossed arms. "Lunie can force her mind onto Ink very easily. Sad thing is that even after you literally bribed Ink with shiny sparkling feathers to bring her sister here, who knows if she would succeed" I coolly replied.
"You.....You saw that?!!" Nathan (@utopia-t) stiffened, and there was a pink tint on his umber cheeks.
"Yes I did. Very disgusting of you to greed a child like that" I teased him, a smirk on my lips. Nathan turned even more pink by my mockery, but then he scrunched his nose and growled and slammed his fist on my poor couch.
"Hey! First of all, I am older than you. I know what is right and what is wrong more than you. And two, bribing is not wrong. It's just like business. You just get extra good stuff out of them just like that. And Ink surely deserves some spoiling" he defended himself.
I chuckled and went over him to sit beside him, patting his shoulder. "Relax, Dear. Of course there is nothing wrong in spoiling kids over good jobs done. Just don't make it so frequent. You would then owe them a lot that you won't be able to even repay".
"Ugh jeez Wynne. Of course I know my limits. I practically raised two kids by myself, come on!!" He threw his hands while I rolled my eyes.
"Right right. And also let one of them almost choke in the quicksand" I smirked at him even more, and just like I expected, Nathan turned even more pink and speechless. I then started laughing heartily and wipe the tears of joy from the corner of my eyes.
"Stop, Damnit. Stop teasing me" he snarled. He has his fist balled up again and I could see his veins pulsating in his arm. Though it was far from scaring me, I obliged to his request.
"There there, calm your nerves down. We don't want you smashing my lovely table on someone's birthday, you know" With a wide threatening smile I rubbed his shoulders.
"Tch whatever, Woman" he punched my shoulder lightly, earning a laugh from me. Salette was really lucky to have a brother whom you can tease 24/7 but won't lift a finger on you. The only difference is that I on the other side was in a bit danger, but that's alright. It's not that I am scared of his mindless threats. Also I heard that he likes to charm women?? Hmmm....how am I not surprised haha!!
"Ugh you should be lucky that you are cute. Otherwise I would not have hesitated to destroy your fancy expensive house" Nathan huffed. I raised my eyebrow, glancing at him as he rested his head on the couch and behind his arms.
"Pardon me. Cute???" I asked from minor bewilderment.
"Ummm yeah. That's what I said" he replied.
I stayed silent, still not opening my mouth. Nathan clearly noticed it as he clicked his tongue, annoyed.
"Oh come on. You heard me nicely. You have clear ears" he elaborated. But still that didn't solve my problem.
Nathan then being the stubborn impatient kind grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. My hands landed on his chest with a thud and my eyes jerked up, a gasp escaped my lips.
"So you don't believe me huh, Blueberry?" His crimson eyes looked directly into mine. Oh no.........
"E-Excuse me?? But what do I have to believe??" The confusion was still on my face. But then it all got sorted when he lifted my chin up, our noses touching and our lips just inches away.
"Want me to tell you?" His whisper, huskily reached my ears. This just made me even more nervous than before.
I gulped, adjusting my position, but he was holding onto me by my waist now. He had a stern grip. It seemed impossible to withdraw.
Nathan closed up to me, our lips were almost going to meet. I wasn't ready for it, but didn't hesitate to close my eyes as well and brace for the kiss. The tension was hot, it was hitting my skin and arousing goosebumps on me. Nathan looked like it wasn't affecting him, because of how he still had his hold on me and his hands weren't shaking like mine.
I was not scared, I was rather bubbling from anticipation of what would Nathan do, but my expectations were destroyed when we were interrupted by the tingling classic London chime.
Of the doorbell.
"Oh fucking goddamnit!!" Nathan cursed, letting go of me and slumping back on the couch. While I just blinked twice, trying to get my system back, and then got up to walk to the door.
"Excuse me Dear" I simply sighed. Poor Nathan. I actually felt bad for him. I promise to compensate his disappointment later.
But nonetheless, I opened the door, and being half-surprised to look at the visitor, I greeted both of them.
"Well Good Evening Ink, Lunie" I said. Lunie (@boiling-potato), as usual, dismissed my salutation and looked away with a 'hmph', but her sister on the other hand, happily returned the hello.
"Good Evening Wynne! It's really good to see you. And you are looking really nice today ^w^" said said. This lit up a smile, as I let both of them com inside my house.
"Why thank you Dear. It's lovely to hear from you too" I grinned back, closing the door. Hmmm....it was kind of warm outside. Maybe due to spring change.
"So....why are we here again??" Lunie crossed her arms and looked around. She sounded as if she was forced to arrive here. Nothing out of unusual at all, actually.
"We are here to celebrate your birthday, Lunie! Wynne and Nathan organised it for you ÒwÓ" Ink replied. Lunie was unamused, as she just sat on one of the couches and kept her head on her hand, disinterested.
"Whatever" she said. I didn't even care actually, because I had already given up and tired. Jeez, edgy kids these days.
But suddenly Nathan appeared behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He had a bright smile on his face.
"Hey come on now. It's your birthday! Birthdays are nice! You get to party, have fun with friends, get drunk and might even find a nice boy to-"
Before he could even say anything further, I slapped his mouth shut. Seriously this man bitch doesn't even know how to talk to children sometimes. Ugh Stupid Human.
"And do what?? What do we do with a nice boy OwO?" The ravenette asked. Oh shit, here we go again. Come on Wynne, think of something.
"W-We just greet him a good night, that's all haha!" I smiled at her, but on the inside was boiling from pique.
"Oh! Ok! ^w^" Ink thankfully didn't question it further and settled down. I then let Nathan go, glaring at him for a second, before I went to the kitchen to get the cake. I knew Lunie didn't want to stay here much because of how much we both pissed each other, so I wanted this to get over with quick.
Meanwhile I kept hearing Nathan talking with both Lunie and Ink. He kept entertaining them with chats and jokes, and was doing surprisingly well. That was good. Looks like it was a nice idea to bring him over. Otherwise it would have been pretty awkward if I was by myself.
"What's a cat's favourite colour??"
"What? -_-"
"Ooooooh what OwO??"
"HAHAHAHAHAHHAA nice one, Nathan (≧▽≦)"
Soon the cake was brought on the table, and the birthday girl was settled right in front of the spongy dessert. The cake had the flavour of chocolate cookies and sugary cream, and it was adorned with dark chocolate musical notes. The cake was white and dark brown, and it had seventeen blue candles on it.
"........The cake looks good" For the first time I heard Lunie saying one positive thing for the whole day. It brightened my mood quite a lot, and so with Nathan. Since we both were the ones who made the cake, and our star for tonight was satisfied. And nothing else could have fulfilled us more.
"We are glad you liked it" I replied. "Thanks Lunie! I hope you would love how it tastes too!!" Nathan beamed. Ink was amazed by the cake, her eyes were literally sparkling. It was adorable to watch. Lunie just nodded to us, as she closed her eyes next, ready to make her wish.
"Let's get this over with" and then she blew the candles.
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday Dear Lunie~
Happy birthday to you 💙💙💙💙💙~
The cake was cut, and was shared. We all enjoyed the dessert. It was pleasantly sweet, not too sugary and not too bland. It was perfect with the soft cream and cookie crunch.
Ink was the happiest one among us all. No surprise again. She loved the cake and the other food me and Nathan had prepared. And she had a lot of fun during games and the present time.
And speaking about presents, Nathan gifted Lunie a recipe book of making different types of desserts. So that she could be self-reliant and learn how to bake what she loves. I actually knew the book, because my father used to have it. Obviously he never followed it, and even if he did, something always went wrong. Lunie seemed pleased though, and that's all that mattered.
At last it was my turn to gift her. And for my part I had given her a navy blue oversized shirt with white musical notes. Come on. Fashion is how I roll, and considering Lunie loved baggy clothing, I had to create one for her with every love I can put into it. And to be candid, I had much delectation with weaving every fibre of it, and truly hoped that she would love to wear it once.
Lunie might be unnecessarily audacious, however she was still relatable to me because she somewhat felt like myself. Those broody eyes, that lethargic expression, the introverted testy approach, reminded me of me. All I had to say was, Lunie is like my sister too. No matter how much we hated each other's guts.
But the most surprising thing for today was how Lunie actually enjoyed the occasion. She said that it wasn't too loud or crowded, and it was rather diverting and a nice distraction from annoyance. This was of course a compliment, even though Nathan didn't look really satisfied by it haha!
But I had fun. And so did the others. The rest of the night went well, with all of us chilling and talking about the early days and future nights. At the very present. All of it together.
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kacxa-fan · 4 years
Costume Party
Request from @rorylum about Kacxa dressed as Big Barda and Mr. Miracle for a costume party!
Summary: Typically the two weren't ones for parties, especially those considered loud and flashy, but for the sake of pleasing their friends who kept insisting them to "take a break", they did so.
"But you have to! C'mon Acxa, it's just for one night! It'll be a good chance to clear your mind, then you can go back to stressing yourself out." Whined the pleading voice from across the line.
"Hmm, alright. Inform me of the whereabouts and time it would be most appropriate to visit."
"Wow, really? Awesome! Okay, so the party's at James's place around uh 9 p.m., got it?"
"Got it." Acxa responded, quickly jotting it down just in case she forgets due to all the clutter kept in her busy mind.
"Oh- How could I forget? It's also a costume party! So be sure to prep yourself up, k? Can't wait to see you~!"
"Wait. What is a-" the phone call ended "Oh Veronica..." she groaned.
Acxa avoided recalling her friend, deciding it be best to ask her significant other. She walked down the stairs and met him sitting on the couch, Kosmo lazily splayed about his lap. She took whatever was left of space on the furniture.
"Hey, got your work done yet?" Keith glanced over at her before returning his gaze to the TV as he switched through the channels.
"Not quite. I've decided to put work aside for a bit since Veronica asked me to come join her to a 'costume party'... Whatever that is."
"Huh? That's a surprise, but hey, it's nice to get out and destress. Also, a costume party?" He paused and tilted his head over to fully face her.
"If you will, please explain to me what the customs of this type of party are?"
Keith muted the TV, turning his full attention to her.
"Well, a costume party is basically a party where the guests dress up as whatever they'd like. Examples say being uhhh a monster or character from a show. Stuff like that."
"Like a disguise?"
"Yeah, like a disguise, but you don't really gotta fool anyone."
Acxa nodded, her hand reaching it's way over to Kosmo's ear.
"Very well, but what should we dress up as?"
"Oh, I forgot to ask. It's just that I thought you'd like to join..."
"Or you'd feel a lot more comfortable if I joined you, huh?"
"Perhaps, that too..."
Keith chuckled, scooting closer to Acxa. He wrapped his arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her blushing cheek.
"I'm in!"
"Thank you, Keith."
"Mhm. Okay so costumes, uh we could be hmmm... Oh! I grew up really liking Batman, and I guess you could say Catwoman was his girlfriend? You'd rock a Catwoman, not gonna lie."
He pulled out his phone to search the duo up.
"Here, look. See?"
"Ah, how um interesting. As much as I'd like to say that she looks quite flattering, I can't help but notice how uncomfortable her outfit seems. Leather, is it?" She looked down the image "And high heeled boots?"
Acxa unconsciously took his phone from his hand, scrolling through the various images of the peculiar lady.
"Oh my, this is... suggestive?"
"Hahaaa, yeaaah." Keith muttered in slight embarrassment, scratching the back of his neck.
"Is that a whip? Her weapon?"
"Okayyy! That's enough lookin' her up. Let's say we think of another couple, if you're not sure about this one, k?"
The two huddled closer as Keith offered various other options. Somehow Acxa always seemed to pick at one or the other, more so fascinated and weirded out by the outfit. Time ticked by as Keith grew tired. They ended up with few ideas.
He blew out a puff of air, "Uhm welp here's these two. Superheroes. Named Big Barda and Mr. Miracle?"
Acxa, again, took the phone. Her eyes dilating at the bright colors.
"Guess it's a no too?"
She shook her head, "No, I actually find it suitable. Considering that I am the tallest out of us both. Also, we are running out of time, no?"
Keith rolled his eyes playfully, although their height difference was never much of a bother for them.
"My only complaint is the bold colors. Other than that, it looks to be comfortable enough. Don't you think?"
"As long as you're sure, I'll settle for it."
What Acxa wasn't aware of is that Keith was not necessarily looking forward to wearing such a thing, as it was not his sort of style. In fact, this duo's fit was nothing of their style, but nonetheless they agreed to it.
"Here we are. Ready to show off?"
"Just a moment. I think my cape got tangled."
Keith and Acxa exited their car, pinkies hooking and having nervous talk about their suits. They entered the apartment complex, scanning the numbers of each door.
"Here it is! Ready?"
"What other choice is there..."
Keith knocked, and low and behold, James answered.
"HEY! ACXA AND... KEITH? NO WAY! THAT'S PRETTY FUNNY SEEING YOU TWO HERE. ESPECIALLY WEARING THOSE!" He shouted as the commotion of the dark yet colorfully lit room dazed the visitors viewing it. The brunette took his time looking the deadpanned couple up, incapable of holding his growing amusement.
Keith took the lead, holding a hand out for Acxa to follow. Acxa examined the area, taking notice to the strange figures, assuming that some were not human at all, but actual aliens to Earth such as herself. She heard the booming and perked her ears, worried that a fight involving weaponry was taking place. Hesitantly, she took his hand and stepped foot into the strange presence. They walked behind James as cautiously as they could, with the few bumps here and there from strangers in all sorts of display.
Finally straying away from the crowd and their noise, the trio were reintroduced to their friends.
"Aw Acxa, and Keith~! Glad you actually came. I was beginning to think you'd bail out on us and this fun!" Veronica hugged her confused friend.
"Why yes, I would never do such a thing. Although, I would have to disagree with you on how this could be 'fun'." Acxa responded, massaging her ears.
"Oh there you go again blurting out your opinion without a care. Typical Acxa-"
"Our Acxa!" Veronica consoled James by patting his back playfully.
The rest of the MFE group exchanged their greetings.
"So, Acxa. You think this ain't at all fun? I'll make it my mission to prove ya wrong!" Nadia spun back to the others, "Right guys? Everyone come on and join us!"
"Sure, sounds fine by me." Said Veronica.
"I mean, I'm kinda busy on keeping check who's at the door cause this is my place-"
"Don't worry about it, Jamesy! Someone else can take care of that stuff. Spend time with us and quit looking around for a girl to dance with and hopefully date~"
Veronica and Nadia shared a smug smirk towards the now heated boy. Ina simply shook her head in shame.
"If you'd like, may I offer you all to a game of cards?" Ina asked.
"Cards?" Acxa tilted her head.
"What kind of ga-"" Keith was cut off.
"CARDS?! Inaaa sweetie, again?" The blue haired, hyper girl whined.
"Shush Nadia, there's nothing wrong with playing some more. Plus, I think it's a great way to show Acxa how a party can be fun!" Veronica stated, pulling Acxa and Keith to the table as the rest soon followed in.
After this "boring" and time consuming game, Nadia was sure to introduce her alien friend to a whole variety of other party activities.
Some not so appropriate to her friend's taste, that is.
Hours passed, around four. At least, that's what Acxa assumed. It was quite dark afterall.
Clumsily, she walked, or rather stumbled, her way back to the snack table. Her eyes dilating as her gaze lingered from item to item, looking for that deliciously red-colored juice. To be honest, she didn't really think it to be that good, terrible actually, but nonetheless she had the urge to engulf her system with some more. This beverage was making her feel... happy anyways.
"Acxa? Acxa-" Keith trotted to his girlfriend. He rested his hand on the small of her back, looking over to see her pouting face. How cute.
"No, nooo, nooooo! There's no more *hiccup* juiceee!" Acxa aimed to pound her hand onto the table, but instead missed and hit Keith's stomach area. She turned around at the sudden sound.
"Ow. Acxa are you-"
He felt her cold finger poke his lips. She giggled childishly. Her toothy smile making the man blush almost uncomfortably. She looked so happy, and he knew well that it was not exactly in her control.
"You're... I think you look very handsome~! Do I *hiccup* know you... from somewhere?"
"Yes, yes you do. I'm your boyfriend, remember? Keith." He couldn't help but chuckle.
She looked up and stared at nothing in particular, thinking.
"Keith. Oh yes! I remember you, I think."
"I sure hope so. It'll suck if you don't and I lose my beautiful girlfriend."
"Aw, you're too kind, sir." Acxa bashfully covered part of her smiley face with her hand. So cute.
"Really looks like Nadia did her job, huh? How much did you drink?"
"Hmmm, I estimate around 57 *hiccup* cups? No wait, maybe it was 70..."
Keith was shocked. Then again, he was dating a 6 foot something to 7 foot girl from another planet. He should've been surprised more at the fact that Earth alcohol even had an affect on her.
"Wow, ahaha! That's enough for you then. Let's say we go back home and go to sleep. I'm beat and this party is getting crazier by the minute." He took her hand and tugged her to, again, follow him.
"Waaait~! Not yet! I wanna say bye to my *hiccup* friendsss!" Acxa protested and limped herself back.
Keith sighed, "Ina told me to say goodbye for her to you a while ago. Veronica went out earlier too. Nadia's passed out black on the couch. And James is... eh whatever who gives a damn."
"Nadia? Passed out! Is she okay? She's not okay! I need to help her- Let me go help!"
"Woah woah calm down, baby. Nadia's okay. She's with a few other girls watching over her. Trust me?" Keith wrapped his arms around her frantic self.
"Always have, always will." She puffed.
"Good. Thanks for that. Now, ready to go?"
AN: Gee, look who's back. 🤡
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samlicker81 · 4 years
Morning Wood | One Shot
Peeta X Katniss
Summary: Set during Catching Fire, Katniss and Peeta wake up together the morning of the day they will picnic on the roof. 
Warnings: Sexual content
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: In honor of Suzanne Collins new book, I’m kicking it back to one of my favorite couples ever!
I wake because the room is too bright. Or maybe because I’m too warm. Or maybe because my neck hurts from the way I’m laying on my side, my face shoved half into the pillow. Or maybe because I’ll be back in the games in a matter of days. I close my eyes again, pushing the thought from my focus by focusing on Peeta’s arms around me, the length of his body pressed against my back, his good leg between mine, and something rigid pressing against my backside. I’m groggy but it only takes a second for my brain to register what I’m feeling. My body stiffens and a deep blush spreads across my cheeks. I hear Peeta’s voice in my head, “You’re so…pure.” Admittedly, I don’t know much about this sort of thing, but I’m not so stupid that I think he went to sleep with a remote or something in his pocket.
I try to will the blood to drain from my cheeks, but Peeta is shifting behind me. His hips press forward, pushing that rigid flesh harder against me and my blush only deepens. He must feel my body go even stiffer because his head jerks off the pillow and he whispers sleepily, “Nightmare?”
I don’t answer because my mouth won’t work. He tilts my chin towards him with the tips of his fingers and see’s my flushed cheeks. The brows over his concerned blue eyes tighten their furrow. “What’s wrong?” he asks. I’m unbelievably embarrassed at this point and I can’t even lie to him when he’s looking down at me like that.
“You’ll make fun of me.” I squeak out a last-ditch effort to get him off my back. My back, which is still pressed tightly to both the soft and hard parts of his sleep-warm body.
“I promise I won’t.” He looks serious. I huff a huge sigh and press my burning face into my hands, not able to meet his eyes.
“You have a situation.” I pull one hand off my face to reach behind me and push his hip back, relieving some of the pressure. He doesn’t answer and I peek between my fingers. He’s clearly trying not laugh, his lips pressed into a tight line. But he doesn’t. Peeta keeps promises. He rolls away from me onto his back and stretches; his pants are sort of tented at the front. I’m annoyed that he doesn’t even seem the slightest bit embarrassed.
“Sorry, happens sometimes,” is all he offers, the corners of his mouth still pulling upward. Something feels kind of fluttery in my stomach.
“Because of me?” It’s barely a whisper from my lips. I crane my neck towards him when he groans. It’s his turn to put his face in his hands.
“You’re killing me, Katniss,” he says through his fingers. “Why do you have to say stuff like that?” I’m not sure if his protests are because the idea is so ridiculous to him that it’s just funny or if it’s because it’s true. He drags his hands down his face and looks at me. There’s a smile playing on his lips, but the blue of his eyes is stormy. Maybe both. “It just happens to men when they’re sleeping sometimes,” he continues and then stops to think for a moment. His gaze doesn’t stray from mine. I can see his pupils dilating. “It doesn’t help the situation when you’re here pressed against me, though.” He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose, “And smelling like that.” His eyes stay shut and he let’s out his breath in a sigh. It sounds sort of sad. I know Peeta loves me, but I’d never considered him desiring me. I’d never given much consideration to desire at all. I reach out and brush the tips of my fingers from his temple to the corner of his jaw. His fingers tighten into fists, but his hands stay at his sides. I let a finger trail down his neck to his chest, my palm flattening over his heart. It thumps rapidly into my hand. I go back to brushing his skin with just my fingertips, feeling the soft blond hair covering his chest, watching his face. His eyes stay shut, but his lips part and the stiffness is twitching at the front of his pants. I don’t know if I’m emboldened by seeing his body respond to my touch or feeling my own body start to respond, the fluttering in my stomach turning to heat, but I lean forward and press my lips tentatively to his.
We’ve kissed so many times before, but it’s clear that this is entirely different. Energy hums where our lips are connected. Where my palm presses against his chest. Where his fingers twist in my hair. His tongue slides easily past my lips. Oh yes, this kiss is different. I’m bewildered. This whole time, he could’ve been kissing me like this? Making me feel like this? My brain is fuzzy, lost in his mouth on mine, one hand holding my head tightly to his, the other finding my hip to drag my body to press against his own. The rigidness of his erection is now pressing against my belly. The presence of its pressure against me again makes the heat in my belly pool between my legs. I want to feel more of it. My hand travels down his side while his tongue continues exploring my mouth. My palm slides over his hip and over the fabric covering the bulge at the front of his pants. He inhales sharply through his nose, pulling away, and grasping my wrist. My hand is frozen on his package as he holds me, breathing heavily, and looking into my eyes.
“Katniss…you have to be sure,” he says. His voice is deep and husky. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted this, but I need you to be sure that this is what you want too.” I stare into his eyes, now almost a dark blue. Peeta. Ever looking out for me. Always putting me first. I should be thinking of what this means to him. I should be thinking of what this means to me.
“I do. I want this. I want you,” I whisper. I hold his gaze while his eyes dart between mine a few times. He knows what is true and what is not when it comes from me. Still, he doesn’t move for a moment too long.
“Sorry,” he grins and buries his face in my neck, “I just needed a minute for that to stop ringing in my head.” I’m grinning too; and then giggling because his nose nuzzling and his breath on my neck kind of tickles. And then I’m making an embarrassing yelping nose when I feel his teeth scrape against the tender flesh and his lips and tongue kissing behind it. My brain retreats from its moment of clarity back into a haze as Peeta’s lips continue on my neck, at my jaw, tugging on my earlobe.
“Oh-“ I whimper at the sensation. I’m learning a lot about Peeta’s kisses this morning. I suddenly remember my hand cupped around the bulge in his pants and I gently squeeze my fingers. He groans into my collar bone. I keep feeling him and he keeps kissing until I can only guess he’s through with my tentative touches. He pushes me onto my back and then he’s over me, kneeling between my legs. I’m very conscious of this position, feeling exposed despite being fully clothed. It’s as if he can read my thoughts because he begins tugging at the edge of my shirt. Just like that the top half of me is as bare as he is. I’m fighting the urge to fold my arms over myself because Peeta is just raking his eyes over my uncovered skin. The streaming light from the windows illuminates soft olive skin over hard muscles and soft round breasts.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says with wonder is his voice.
“It’s not real, just the full body polish,” I deflect.
“Don’t say that,” he’s looking in my eyes again, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “I might believe you; this all seems too good to be real, and even if it isn’t, I’m not ready to wake up.” I laugh. No one can so quickly ease tension in me. “You should do that more,” he says, grinning widely down at me. He leans down, resting his weight on one of his forearms, and kisses me. After a few seconds he pulls back, “Hmmm…feels real,” he says, faking deep thought. He kisses me again, sliding his other hand up from my stomach to cup my left breast. His hand gently massages and I’m getting breathless under his lips at the new sensations when he pulls away again. “That feels real too, but I better keep testing.” His tone is still playful, but I can hear the husky desire creeping back into his voice. This time when his head dives in again, his mouth closes over my nipple.
“Peeta!” I gasp, fingers gripping at his hair. His tongue swirls and then he sucks lightly, scraping the hardened bud over his teeth and I cry out again, wordlessly this time. He moves to give my other breast some attention. My head tipped back and fingers gripping at the thick muscles in Peeta’s shoulders, I’ve become a gasping creature that I don’t recognize. I have a fleeting thought of frustration that Peeta seems to know how to make my body respond like this while I had no idea that people could feel this way. The need for him to touch more of me becomes quickly overwhelming and I have no words to spell out this desire, just moans and breathy cries of his name.
He’s kissing down the flat muscles of my stomach and his fingers slide into the elastic waistband of my pants, inching them down to expose more skin for his lips to explore. He pulls my foot up to him to yank the fabric over my heel and then pushes my leg back out to kiss, lick, and nip at the tender flesh on the inside of my thigh. He meets my eyes when plants a hot kiss where I want him most, right over the wet fabric that is sticking to my flesh. He looks down again for a moment, seeming to admire the dark saturated spot on the front of my underwear, and then peels them off.
I don’t have time to be embarrassed of my complete nakedness before his mouth is on me. His tongue swirls and laps in the same torture he executed on my nipples, but I’m unprepared for how much more intense it is. My fingers twist in the sheets and I squeeze my eyes shut with the effort of keeping myself from shattering into a million pieces.
I’m feeling something building quickly in me as Peeta’s tongue glides over my swollen bud. He sucks it gently between his lips and I nearly buck him off of me. I open my eyes and find him staring up at me, eyes a blue fire, as he continues his torture. I feel my thighs shuddering on either side of his head. I see this jaw working as his mouth moves methodically against my burning flesh. Licking, suckling, his face pressed so tightly to me his nose has disappeared into the thatch of dark hair above my sex.
Suddenly the blue fire rips through me, burning out from my center. “Peeta!” I cry out as the fire burns and pulses in the most wonderful heat. Then I’m gasping as my body throbs and slowly extinguishes. I’m aware, first, of Peeta relinquishing the tight grip on my thighs to keep me from crushing his head between them. Then, of him moving, sitting up on his knees between my, now liquid, thighs. I’m finally able to get my eyes to focus on him. His sandy hair is disheveled, sunlight glowing through the tips and he has a devilish grin spread across the glistening lower half of his face. I don’t know what to say.
“I don’t- I didn’t- wow,” I say lamely.
“Katniss Everdeen, at a loss for a witty retort,” he laughs out loud at his own joke. I roll my eyes.
“You’re still dressed,” my voice sounds hoarse in my ears. He looks down at his gray sweats, still tented at the front.
“I am,” he replies.
“This next part is going to be tricky with those on,” I say, adopting Peeta’s sly smirk. His eyebrows fly up in real shock, but he quickly springs off the mattress tugging them down. He stumbles a little trying to get the fabric over his prosthetic leg. “Eager,” I chuckle.
“You have no idea,” he grins back, crawling back over me. He kisses me slowly again and the heat is building back up low in my belly even quicker than before.
I push up at him gently with a palm flat to his chest. I want to look at him. He pulls away, propping himself with his hands on either side of my head. I look down between our bodies. My eyes travel down the smooth muscles of his more familiar upper half to uncharted territory. I reach my hand down to wrap my fingers around the hard length bobbing between us and he instantly groans and bucks his hips forward. I look up at his face again to see his eyes squeezed shut and lips open, his brows furrowed in pleasure. So I can do it to him too, I realize. I give his length a few curious strokes, enjoying my view of his blissed-out expression. “Katniss,” he whispers, opening his eyes, “are you ready?” Suddenly I realize how large he feels in my hand.
“Yes,” I squeak out.
“We don’t have to do this,” he replies, reading my apprehension too easily. I feel him trying to pull away.
“No, please!” I reach up to grip both of his shoulders, “I want this Peeta, just go slow.” I kiss him before he can protest again and wrap my legs around him. My heels push into his ass until I feel his cock sliding against my slick folds. We both moan into the others lips at the contact. He takes over, moving his hips to slide back and forth, dragging against my sensitive flesh until I’m gasping again. He breaks our kiss and pulls away slightly, reaching down to guide himself until I can feel him notched at my opening. He pulls close again and gently brushes my lips with his. His eyes lock on mine and I nod my head.
He pushes almost all the way inside in one quick movement and stops. I gasp sharply as I feel a small pierce of pain and I appreciate his quick entry. The band aid is ripped off and I want to laugh because the pain is probably pretty equivalent to a band aid. Now It just feels weird and full.
“Are you okay?” Peeta asks. His voice sounds concerned, but when I meet his eyes, I see that blissed-out looking hiding just beneath his expression.
“I’m fine,” I smile back and move my hips a little for good measure, “you can move now.” He does, slowly drawing back and pushing back in. His head drops down to my collarbone.
“Oh God, Katniss,” he groans. On his second slow thrust, I get it. His hard cock is prodding and stroking where that hot desire sits low in my belly, where his tongue couldn’t reach. The stretch of his thick cock opening me up doesn’t feel overfull, but exactly right. He drags along the sensitive walls with each slow thrust; there’s pleasure in every movement. My hips are rising to meet his thrusts, urging him on now.
“It feels so good,” I whisper raggedly into his ear, “more Peeta.” I angle my hips to take him deeper. He pulls his face from my neck to look at me. His expression is awe? Admiration? Astonishment? I’m not sure because it changes back to a look of sheer pleasure when he starts moving in me a little quicker and feels the new depth of this position.
I watch him. His blonde locks falling in his eyes, the muscles standing out in the shaky arm gripping the headboard above me. I look down where our bodies are connected. The sight of his cock, swollen, pink, and coated in a red tinged slick, moving in and out of my body should look strange and foreign to me. But seeing our bodies move together, combined with the heightening pleasure each movement elicits, is too much to keep my eyes in focus. I shut them and listen to his ragged breaths and quiet grunts of pleasure, along with the sound of our bodies meeting. When I open them again, he’s looking at me, drinking in my pleasure the same way I did his. His lips meet mine sloppily, desperately. He pulls one of my hands from his hair and brings it to my own breast.
“Feel yourself,” he says, encouraging my fingers to touch myself like he touched me. I fight the strange feeling of touching my own body this way and move my fingers the way he showed me. I pinch my pointed nipple and pleasure shoots down to where I’m clenched around his cock. I moan loudly and he responds in a hiss, “Yes, Katniss.”
His hand moves between us and I feel his fingertips slide against the sticky wet flesh where his mouth had moved earlier. The combination of pleasure burning in these three places at once send me reeling and I hear the small moans coming from my throat on nearly every exhale.
The rhythm of his thrusts picks up speed again. “Cum for me Katniss,” he whispers. His voice sounds distant. I’m only aware of the wet slap of our bodies and the decadent fire building to a burning peak in my body. My head tosses back, and my mouth emits a strangled cry as my body erupts with pleasure that has to be at least triple as intense as the first time. I’m high on a plateau, riding out the overwhelming burning with my mouth still hanging open soundlessly.
I can feel Peeta driving into me in fast, shuddering movements. He’s gripping my hips with both hands to push into me deeply, pulling every drop of pleasure out of me. He stills suddenly just as I begin to float back to Earth. He grunts loudly, his hips jerking forward, and I feel heat spilling deep into me in long spurts.
He sinks bonelessly towards me and presses his damp forehead to mine. He pants his hot breath out against my cheeks. His lips are planting gentle kisses everywhere on my face he can reach. I can taste the salt of my own sweat when I capture his lips against my own.
He pulls his spent body from mine and a rush of fluid coats my already damp and sticky thighs. My body feels empty without him. He lays on his back and pulls me from the wet spot on the sheets to his side.
We lay quietly for a moment in the position I like to fall asleep in, my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. His heartbeat is slowly evening out under my ear.
“I can’t believe that was real,” he whispers into my hair, “I never thought-“ he stops.
“I know,” I whisper back. “Me either.” We’re quiet again for a minute. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Stop,” he squeezes my arm.
“Everyone thinks so.”
“How would you know that?”
“Haymitch literally said it to me.” I pull my heavy head from his chest to look at him.
“Haymitch,” he laughs dryly, “he knows a different Katniss.” He sighs. “Why are you saying this anyway?” I don’t reply. I don’t know. He’s clenching his jaw. “I don’t want to hear the excuses. You don’t deserve me, I should be with someone else, whatever. This wasn’t a mistake. This was right. You know it felt right, Katniss.” His voice is angry, but his eyes, back to their normal lighter shade of blue, look sad, imploring. He’s right and it scares me. I’m self-sabotaging because it’s what I know how to do. I don’t know how to deal with what I feel about him. How to love him. I love him.
“I love you.” I say with finality. He doesn’t reply, maybe he’s shocked. I am. Maybe it’s because confusion is still etched into my face. I say it again, “I love you, Peeta.” He grabs my face with both hands.
“You mean it?”
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just-writing-things · 4 years
Once a triplet
A collaboration between me and @the-writer-girl-nerd
Follow my main blog
It had been a quiet day in Duckburg, which was not a good thing. It meant the other shoe was going to fall. It meant something was going to happen. Something bad. Something… Dangerous. And sure, the rest of his family thrived on danger, but for Louie, he would prefer a little less catastrophe. So, even though it should have been a quiet, lazy Saturday, he was anxious. Waiting for something to go wrong.
Then the question, posed by Della, “Where’s Huey?” The other shoe fell.
Dewey shrugged as his other brother joined him and their mom in the foyer of Scrooge’s mansion.
“Probably organizing his Junior Woodchuck guidebooks in alphabetical order or something.” Dewey guessed as he headed towards the stairs to grab his video camera from their room.
Louie waved off Della’s comment as well, following Dewey upstairs and cornering him when they were alone.
“Should we maybe worry about where Huey is? Maybe something is going on?” He didn’t want to jump to conclusions or start panicking immediately, but it had been so quiet. And quiet never ended well.
“Why?” Dewey asked, pushing the door to their room open. “I’m sure he’s…..”
Dewey stopped in his tracks. The room was a mess, books and comics all over the floor, the blankets untucked, and a picture of the Duck family on the floor, the frame cracked and splintered.
“Fine?” Dewey finished, a warble of uncertainty in his voice. He didn’t notice Huey’s hat, crumpled on the floor, no sign of its wearer in sight.
“Yeah,” Louie said, eyes wide and horrified, picking up the hat and waving it in the air, “I’m sure he’s fine.” Sarcasm dripped from his voice, masking the fear.
Dewey took the hat from his brother. “Huey never goes anywhere without this! Where do you think he is?”
“If I had any idea where Huey was then we would already be there, looking for him! The only one who has any idea where Huey is is Huey.” Louie went to the closet and pulled down Huey’s conspiracy board, a few red threads hanging loose. He studied the board a little longer and made a guess.
“Uh, maybe the marina? Or the Beagle Boys’ hideout. Or maybe Funzo’s. I could be, might be… Definitely, probably am wrong…” He doubted himself more when he was anxious, and this definitely made him anxious. His brother could be seriously hurt or worse.
“Hey, don’t panic. We’ll find him!” Dewey reassured his brother enthusiastically. Actually, Dewey was just as anxious as his younger brother was, though he didn’t like to show it.
“Find who?” Another bright voice asked, making the two boys jump. Webby rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet, clasping her hands behind her excitedly with stars in her eyes, ready for another adventure.
“Huey is missing. The room is a wreck and nothing is okay,” Louie said, “And we can’t tell Mom or Uncle Donald because they’d freak out.”
“Wait, what? Wouldn’t they want to help find him?” Webby stopped bouncing, a confused look on her face.
“I just… If we can’t find him today, we’ll let them know,.” Louie suggested.
“Oh. Okay, well let’s get searching!” Webby said gleefully as she skipped into the hallway, the boys following behind.
Louie had a feeling she didn’t get it. Huey was missing. Someone had probably taken him, there had certainly been some sort of struggle. That wasn’t something gleeful. He was glum and quiet as he walked behind her.
Dewey noticed the trudge in his brother’s steps and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, a light squeeze reassuring him that they would do this together. “Hey, Webs?” Dewey called down the hall to the bubbly, pink dressed girl.
“This is kind of serious, I mean...Huey might have been kidnapped. This isn’t just another adventure, it could be super dangerous!”
“Oh,” Webby said, “good point.” She sobered up, looking between the brothers.
“But don’t worry, guys! We’ll find him. Even if something bad happened, it’ll turn out okay.”
“Thanks, Webby.” Louie said quietly.
The three ventured off towards Funzo’s Fun Zone. (Where fun is in the zone!)
When they arrived, the place seemed….quieter than usual. It was strange, especially for a Saturday. Not a single server looked their way as the kids made their way to a back table. Louie began to make a flattering comment to a waitress passing by, but she scurried away, squeaking in nervousness.
"This place is dead," Louie muttered, "Something is wrong here. Maybe that's why Huey…" Nothing could happen to his brother. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to Huey. Maybe everything would be fine but his mind rushed to worst-case scenarios. He thought about someone hurting Huey, or worse, and he just felt sick. Huey was his brother and Louie would die to protect him if he had to.
Webby glanced back at the boys, and for the first time, really noticed the grave and anxious look on Louie’s face.
“Hey, Lou?”
The young duck wasn’t paying much attention. He was too nervous, thinking about whatever could have happened to his oldest brother.
Louie's head snapped up and he tried to fake a look of, well not confidence but apathy, and yet he couldn't shake his nerves.
"What's up, Webby?"
“You don’t…..”
Webby tried to choose her next words carefully.
“You know this isn’t your fault, right?” she spoke timidly.
Dewey stopped in his tracks.
“Wait, Louie...do you really think that?”
Louie covered his face with one hand.
"No! Of course not! It's just you know if we, if I were a better brother maybe Huey would be with us and not somewhere super dangerous maybe getting chopped into little pieces." Louie should’ve been paying more attention to Huey, then he would know what was happening. He felt incredibly guilty for seeming apathetic in the past about what happened to his brothers. He cared so much and maybe if he had shown that Huey wouldn’t have disappeared alone.
Webby and Dewey looked at each other, not quite sure how to respond to that.
Dewey put a hand on his youngest brother’s shoulder, squeezing gently. Webby did the same.
“This isn’t going to be like....well like when Mom first came back.” Dewey knew that would strike a nerve, but bringing it up even made him wince. He tried to recover his statement, though not very well.
“And that time you were the richest duck in the-”
"Alright, I get it, you don’t have to remind me of every mistake I ever made, I don't want to dwell on my past mistakes right now but I'm serious. Huey is missing. It's not my fault, maybe, but I still should've been able to do something and I can't."
“You just gotta look for the right angles, c’mon!” Dewey shook his brother back and forth vigorously. “You can do- I mean dewey it!” the blue triplet chuckled to himself.
Louie removed himself from his brother's grip.
“Alright, let’s see. Angles, angles…" He looked around Funzo's.
Louie scanned the zone, looking for each possibility between the workers, the kitchen, the arcade, and the playground, for any pesky foes sneaking around.
He snapped his fingers.
“Okay, Here’s the plan. Webs, check the arcade, ship, and ball pit. Pay close attention to the scores of that one pattern game Huey likes to beat everyone at when we come here.”
“Got it,” Webby gave a thumbs up and rushed into the arcade.
“Dewey, ask the staff members if they’ve seen Huey, or anyone suspicious. Try to check the kitchen, see if anything weird is going on in there.”
“On it!” Dewey replied, slicking a hand over his head, and strutting over towards the tables, singing a beat of “Dewey-dewey-dew” to himself.
Louie stood alone then, looking around, whispering to himself, "And Louie-" He didn't get to give himself a task before he was picked up by his hood and spun around by Ma Beagle.
"The green one! I saw him come in with the blue and pink one, too.” Big Time Beagle snickered, rubbing his hands together in evil delight.
“Where are they?" Ma Beagle asked, squinting and looking around.
"Where's Huey?" Louie squeaked, struggling against Ma Beagle's hold.
"You're not the one who gets to ask questions.” Ma Beagle growled. “Boys, find the other two."
Bouncer headed off towards the arcade, Webby just on the other side of the wall. Burger chased after Dewey, right into the kitchen.
“What about me Ma?” Big Time asked impatiently, twiddling his thumbs with an antsy grin.
Ma Beagle rolled her eyes. She knew better than to leave the little green brat alone with her son, as previous events proved Big Time unworthy of the job. She sighed, and rubbed her temple in aggravation.
A loud crash in the kitchen grabbed their attention before Ma Beagle could scold her son. Dewey rolled out of the kitchen, landing flat on his face. He was just about to jump up and make a run for it, but Burger tripped out of the doors, his face covered in pizza sauce and soda. He landed right on the young duck, trapping him.
Ma Beagle smirked, pushing her son off Dewey and grabbing him.
“That’s two!” She snarled, as both boys struggled in her grasp.
“Seriously? The Beagle boys?” Dewey rolled his eyes.
“We’re not up to anything!” Louie desperately tried to lie, "You’re just paranoid because you're old." He got slapped.
“Hey! Don’t treat my brother that wa-” Ma Beagle held Dewey’s beak shut. Dewey tried to signal to Louie, now afraid for both of them. Hopefully Webby wouldn’t get caught and would go get help.
“Quit your yapping!” Ma Beagle snapped.
"Let us go!" Louie fought until he was tied up, his beak also held shut.
The two triplets struggled against the ropes furiously. Dewey’s eyes widened as he looked around, trying to figure out where they were. This place seemed familiar, though he couldn’t remember why. His breath hitched as they were tied up and left in the dark. The middle child wasn’t particularly fond of the dark, especially after the events at Castle McDuck.
Louie began to cry quietly without meaning to, and his tearful state only worsened when Webby was thrown in beside them, also tied up. He'd failed. He was useless and he'd failed. Now his whole family was in danger because he hadn't been able to talk their way out of the problem. This was all his fault.
Dewey noticed his youngest brother’s silent cry. His chest ached, wishing he could help, wishing that he could comfort him, that he could do something to make Louie believe in himself. He had no idea where to go from here. Even worse, no one knew where they were. The thought of never seeing Uncle Scrooge, Uncle Donald, Launchpad, Huey or his mom ever again made him sick. Why hadn’t they told one of the adults? Dewey felt foolish for thinking they could handle this on their own.
That had been Louie's fault too, his call, his decision, and he was arrogant for making it. To think that they could handle this on their own, save Huey on their own, was idiotic. Louie was good at faking confidence. Somehow, this time, he’d pulled his brother and Webby along and now they were all in terrible danger. He glanced at Webby to see if she could get them out of this but she appeared unconscious, no doubt having given whatever unsuspecting Beagle Boy that had grabbed her one doozy of a fight. Louie panicked when he saw that she was hurt and flinched and fought hard against the bindings, finally giving up and hanging his head, ready to succumb to their demise.
Then he heard a familiar voice. A wonderfully familiar voice.
"The boss said I could take over from here." Huey sounded so confident that the Beagle boys standing guard believed him, until they turned around and saw the red triplet. It didn't matter, though, because Huey shot them each with a tranquilizer gun.
"I don't exactly know what you three are doing here but let's try and get going before someone comes looking for us." Huey untied his brothers and was pulled into a big hug, first by Louie, then by Dewey. Louie only cried harder, this time from relief, as he held onto Huey.
“Whoa, Louie, it’s alright! I’m okay, guys.” Huey squeezed his brothers tightly.
“What the heck happened to you?” Dewey asked, irritated at first, but overwhelmed with relief that his brother wasn’t hurt. “We thought you were kidnapped! Or worse!”
The boys jumped as they heard a groan from Webby, who was still a bit woozy from the fight.
"Well," Huey said slowly, "I was. But, sort of on purpose. I set a trap, trying to get into F.O.W.L. You guys would never believe what I've found but-" Huey looked around nervously, "That's for another time. Webby, hang on to us, we've got to run.”
"You couldn't have left a note?!" Louie hissed.
"I did. Did you guys not find it?" Louie facepalmed. They could have avoided this whole thing by looking harder for a note? He could hardly believe it. Another consequence of just rushing in, of pretending to be confident without stopping to think first. He wiped the tears out of his eyes as they ran, not knowing what to do anymore.
“Uh no?! Obviously not!” Dewey groaned, trying his best to hang on to Webby and keep up with his brothers at the same time. Huey gave an exasperated sigh.
"Don't sigh like that," Louie snapped, "we came here to save you. It's not our fault that you ended up saving us."
“Well it’s not my fault you guys got captured either!” Huey shot back. That was like a slap in the face to Louie. He bit back tears and was ready to make another sharp remark towards Huey when the boys’ exit was blocked by a large rooster with a sharp beak made out of metal.
“And just where do you think you’re going?”
Louie looked around.
"Huey, I don't think we're in the ball pit at Funzo's anymore." Playing dumb worked about 50% of the time.
“You’re darn right! You’re in Steelbeak’s house now!” The villain cackled.
"This is your house? It's nice but we shouldn't be here. Our Uncle says we're not really supposed to talk to strangers and we're really not supposed to be in your house, so it's really nice to meet you, Mr. Steelbeak, sir, but we’ve got to get going!" Louie saluted the villain and tried to walk out, acting fully confident.
Huey resisted the urge to facepalm, and tried to play along.
“Um, yeah, according to the JWG, 46% of kidnappings happen by talking to strangers, so...bye!” Huey ducked under Steelbeak’s arm, making a run for it, and Louie and Webby, who had recovered save for a bit of a bruised knee and a few scratches, followed suit.
Dewey however….
“Wait a minute, aren’t you from the Double O Duck simulation game? But how did you-”
"Dewey come on, we can't talk to strangers!" Louie called, ducking in long enough to grab his brother and drag him away. After that, there was no looking back.
The kids sped towards the bus stop, catching the bus right before the doors shut.
Dewey and Webby watched through the back window as Steelbeak tried to run after them, but was stopped by… Well, they weren’t sure who, but Webby could’ve sworn it was Gandra.
The young ducks slowly climbed the front steps of the mansion, trying to catch their breath.
"You can't just disappear like that," Louie said suddenly, turning on Huey, "We were worried sick. I thought you might be dead!"
“Yeah, but I’m not. I can’t believe you didn’t see the note! I left it on your daily can of Pep!” Huey crossed his arms as they entered the foyer.
"I didn't see it! I didn't drink Pep today, is that a freaking crime? You should've told us you were gonna go try to be the hero!"
"I didn't try to be the hero, I am. I saved all of you from something that could've been avoided if you'd just tried a little harder to find my note!" Huey spat back.
Louie threw up his hands in exasperation.
"Why did we even try to save you?" But once the words were out of his mouth he regretted them.
"I'm sorry. Huey, I don't mean that, just… You've got to understand that we were really worried. We lost mom once. I can't lose you too."
Huey stepped back, a strange combination of hurt, guilt, and surprise weighing him down. He clenched his fists.
“Do you think I wasn’t worried? When I saw that you guys had been kidnapped? At least I can take responsibility for my actions!” Huey had never been this angry before.
“Alright, both of you just chill out!” Dewey exclaimed, stepping between his brothers.
Huey stepped back and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” he said quietly, barely glancing at Louie and opting to stare at the floor instead.
"I said I was sorry," Louie muttered, crossing his arms and hugging himself, "I thought we were doing the right thing, going after you. I'm sorry we didn't find your note. I'm sorry we worried you. Whatever. I'm sorry." He sounded bitter, still, turning and heading upstairs to their trashed room. They'd nearly lost Huey. Louie had already been feeling like a failure. Huey had just made it worse.
Huey groaned and ran a hand through his hair out of frustration.
“After all I do for him,” he muttered.
“Whoa hang on a minute,” Dewey grabbed his older brother’s arm before he could walk off.
“That was a bit harsh Hue.” Webby nodded.
“Louie was doing his best. He did get us past Steelbeak after all. We might not have made it home at all if it wasn’t for Louie. We were trying to help you. And after what happened with mom? Don’t you remember what that felt like?”
Huey stopped. He crossed his arms and nodded solemnly. When they found out what had happened to their mom....Well, he didn’t show it, but Huey had taken it pretty hard. He found it more difficult to trust people, even his own family. He became more independent. And when their mother returned, all he wanted to do was prove himself. He was just as good at solving mysteries as his brothers. Even though he couldn’t always talk his way out of situations. Not like Louie could.
“I….I didn’t think about it like that. I’m sorry Dewey.” The brothers hugged. Dewey punched his older brother lightheartedly on the shoulder.
“Thanks, but I’m not the only one you need to say sorry to.”
Huey nodded and looked towards the staircase that led up to their room.
Louie was sitting in his room, on his bed, playing with an old toy truck he'd gotten as a little kid. It was one of the few toys he'd had growing up that was his alone. Everything else he'd shared with his brothers, and not just toys, worries, heartbreaks, happiness. They went through all of it together. He understood Huey wanting to prove himself but after everything that they had been through, he couldn't help worry that he was losing his brother. And if he wasn't losing Huey to some secret organization, then maybe he was losing Huey to growing up and growing apart, and that scared him even more.
A knock on the door drew him from his thoughts. Huey gave a sympathetic smile as he entered, rubbing the back of his neck and plucking his hat from the ground.
“Hey Louie.”
Louie didn’t say anything.
Huey stepped over a pile of books and comics that had half-heartedly been pushed out of the way of the triple bunk. He took a breath, staring at his feet and fidgeting with his hands.
“Look, I need to apologize. I’m sorry I made you worried. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what I was doing. I’m sorry I assumed you would be able to follow my plan without any explanation.” Huey paused, and looked up at Louie.
But most of all, I’m sorry I didn’t see how much I needed you before.”
Louie looked up in shock.
"You… I… What? I failed you. I didn't see your note, I let the others get captured, hurt even, I couldn't protect them or you. You don't need me…"
“What are you talking about? Louie, of course I need you! If I had brought you with me, maybe I could have avoided getting you guys captured in the first place. I can’t do everything you can, you’re the only person I know who can act dumber than the bad guys and still outsmart them!” Huey seated himself next to his youngest brother, gently putting his arm around Louie.
“You’re my brother, I’m always gonna need you.”
Louie smiled a little, leaning into the hug, "Thank you. I'm always going to need you too."
“Awww guys!” Dewey jumped onto Louie’s bed with arms spread wide, knocking the triplets over. The three laughed, with an unspoken promise to never abandon each other again, and the knowledge that they would always be there for each other.
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Skinny dipping
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(edit made by me)
Summary: Y/N and Xavier unwind together after a hard day of work (well for Y/N at least) at Camp Redwood.
A/N: This was requested by a lovely anon who wanted a Xavier x male!reader fic. Sorry it took me so long! But hey what better day to post than today 😉
This is my first time writing male x male, I hope it’s ok and you’ll enjoy it 😊
(English is not my first language)
Pairing: Xavier Plympton x male!reader
Warnings: NSFW, smutty (no actual sex tho), male x male, drug use, skinny dipping, handjobs, public smut
Word count: 1133
Y/N was on his way to the lake as the sun began to set. A towel thrown over his shoulder, wearing his skimpy, tight trunks that left little for the imagination.
It has been an exhausting day. He had to take care of the youngest campers today and let’s just say they’ve been quiet a handful. He was completely worn out and just wanted to swim a few rounds to clear his head and relax before heading for bed.
Just when he took a turn around the corner of one of the cabins, he ran into a broad chest, covered in a teal shirt. Xavier.
“Hey man, I’ve been looking for you. Where are you headed?”, he asked in a joyful tone. 
“Oh just going for a swim and then to bed. Been kind of a rough day.”
“Mind if I join you? I’ve got something here", he patted the pocket of his jacket, “that can help you relax.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“I don’t know.” Y/N was hesitant. Since day one Xavier has brought them into trouble, but still he couldn’t seem to stay away from the blonde. Xavier was just too intriguing. Always carrying a mischievous glimmer in his blue eyes, a smug grin adorning his mouth and a joke on his lips.
“Come on,” Xavier whined, “let’s have some fun. We didn’t get to hang out much lately. I miss my buddy.” The way he emphasized the word buddy made Y/N’s stomach tingle. 
He and Xavier were more than pals, sort of. He was always very flirty and touchy with Y/N. First he thought that was just his nature. He was always flirting, sending winks and dazzling smiles at almost everyone’s directions. But it was different with Y/N. The blonde always seemed to seek his proximity and they spend a lot of time together after their duties as counselors. Y/N was not naïve enough to believe that Xavier wanted something serious though. It was probably just a summer fling to him, but nevertheless Y/N enjoyed the attention and affection he received. 
Xavier had led him to the shore of the lake, a bit offside.
“Ok what do you have in store for me now?”, Y/N asked.
Xavier just flashed him that infamous smirk that signaled he was up to no good. He took a little glance around to check that no one would see them, before he pulled a joint out of his inside pocket.
“Are you crazy? We’re gonna get kicked out if they catch us”, Y/N panicked.
“Then we just have to make sure that we don’t get caught”, Xavier shrugged his shoulders nonchalant. “I thought you wanted to relax, this will definitely help you.”
“You know what else would help? A good night of sleep.”
Despite his concerns he let himself got roped by Xavier. Charming fucker. Always getting his way, Y/N thought, rolling his eyes.
The two young men sat down in the grass on Y/N’ s towel and Xavier pulled out a lighter to lit the joint. He took a long drag from it, letting the smoke linger inside his mouth a bit before exhaling with a long sigh. He passed it to Y/N while asking about his day.
“It was terrible”, he groaned, “I had the kids today.”
Xavier let out a gloating laugh, earning him a playful smack to the chest.
“Sorry, I’m just glad it wasn’t my turn. These little hellions can be so annoying.”
They laughed while passing the joint. Y/N laid down on his back, feeling the impact of the weed, making him a bit dizzy. Xavier soon followed him, laying close to the boys body. He could feel the warmth radiate of the taller body next to him, his skin immediately starting to heat up too.
For a while they just lay there together, watching the dark glowing orange and reddish colors switch into a pitch black, while they kept taking drags from the joint alternately. Their conversation turning into silly nonsense thanks to the weed clouding their minds.
“Hey didn’t you wanted to take a swim? We should definitely take a swim”, Xavier suddenly announced excited. The light of the nearby lanterns illuminating his beautiful features in soft, golden light, making his face glow.
He stood up and shrugged his lavender jacket off before starting to take his shirt off.
“Come on. Get your lazy ass up”, he demanded.
Y/N couldn’t bring himself to get up yet, sleepy from the day and the weed.
“Hmmm I rather lay here and enjoy the show”, he winked at him.
Xavier smirked arrogantly, well aware of his good looks and its affect on others. He proceeded peeling the fabric off his firm chest, slowly, teasingly. Y/N’s eyes followed his every move, watching the muscles in Xavier’s bicep flex as he pulled the shirt over his head and threw it on the ground. The blonde fumbled with the button of his slacks before letting them glide down his sturdy legs.
Y/N started to feel even hotter, his mind hazy. His mouth started to go dry and he licked his lips as he let his eyes wander over the muscular thighs of the handsome boy in front of him. Damn those jazzercise classes really have paid of, he thought.
He could fell himself begin to harden as he raked his eyes over Xavier’s half naked form, especially when his gaze landed on the prominent bulge in his tiny briefs. As the blonde started to take these off too, Y/N couldn’t help but let out a low groan.
“Fuck man”, he breathed out as he ogled at the magnificent sight presented to him.
“Like what you see?”, Xavier teased with that cocky grin that never seemed to leave his lips.
Befuddled by lust Y/N just nodded before standing up.
“Come let’s go in the water”, Xavier walked up to Y/N, his hands dipping into the waistband of his swim wear, “but without these. Its only fair.” He puckered his lips in a fake pout, before pulling the fabric down Y/N’s legs, leaving them both bare.
Xavier took him by the hand, leading him to the lake before starting to sprint, letting go to dive into the seemingly black water. He turned on his back to swim backwards, looking at Y/N.
“Come in, the water is really refreshing.”
Y/N quickly jumped in, catching up to Xavier, who he could barely made out in the dark. Now that the lanterns were a fair way off, the only source of light was the bright full moon shining above them.
They swam for a while, fooling around, laughing, splashing each other with water, until Xavier led Y/N closer to the shore where they could stand in the water.
Water droplets dripped down their chests, looking like little crystals in the moonlight. Without saying anything Xavier stepped closer to Y/N, his large hands gripping the boys face before locking their lips. Y/N immediately responded to the kiss. Xavier’s soft, plump lips caressed his softly, before deepening the kiss. He coaxed the boy’s lips open with his, letting his warm tongue slide in. Their tongues exploring each others mouth, feeling, tasting. Meanwhile Xavier let his hands wander. From Y/N’s neck, down his back to his butt where he gripped the cheeks firmly, pulling him in, their crotches meeting. Y/N gasped into the kiss as he met the now rock hard length of Xavier, grinding himself slightly against him.
They broke the kiss to suck in some fresh air. Eyes dilated in lust. Y/N started to glide his hands down Xavier’s chest slowly, while he held on his waist tightly. He circled the blondes nibbles with his thumbs which elicited a faint moan from him. He continued downwards, tracing the gentle outlines on his stomach, before finally settling at his shaft. He gripped the base firmly and started pumping him at a steady pace. Xavier moaned loudly as Y/N circled the tip of his length with his thumb. He kept circling the head, before gently running his digit over the slit. Even underwater he could feel him leaking pre cum.
“Fuck”, Xavier panted, “feels so good man. Keep going.”
Y/N gladly obeyed, going back to stroking him at a faster pace now. In the meantime Xavier started to grip at Y/N’s length, wanting to make him feel good too. They both stroked each other rapidly, desperate for release. Their free hands touching and groping each others flesh while their moans and groans filled the nightly air. Xavier pulled Y/N by his length gently, but firmly, to get him even closer, bringing him into a sloppy, hungry kiss.
“God, Xavier I’m so close”, Y/N moaned, bucking his hips upwards.
“Me too. Fuck”, he hissed as Y/N squeezed him while going even faster now.
Soon they both came loudly and unbridled, not caring if someone might hear. The surrounding water washed the sticky strings of cum off their hands.
“Maybe we shouldn’t let the campers swim here anymore”, Y/N slightly cringed, making Xavier laugh.
“And you wanna explain them why?”, he aske amused.
“Oh god no.”
“Now wasn’t that better than what you originally planned?”, Xavier asked, changing the topic.
“Much better.”
They both stepped out of the water, drying themselves off with Y/N’s towel and getting closed again. Whereas Y/N didn’t had much to put on anyway and Xavier didn’t bothered to put his shirt and jacket back on.
They walked back to their cabins together.
“We definitely have to repeat that soon”, Xavier winked at Y/N before wishing him a good night and heading into the opposite direction to his sleeping place.
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ceruleanmusings · 4 years
hope floats | stiles x perrie
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Of course I can’t have Tessa without Perrie so here’s a gift for @sgtbuckyybarnes​! I love seeing your edits on my dash (you’re hella talented!) and I love your writing and your OCs and you so I hope this puts a smile on your face!
“You know, when you invited me over, I thought we were actually going to hang out,” Perrie commented, placing a hand on her hip.
Stiles blinked at her over his shoulder, his eyebrows crinkling. “We are hanging out.”
“Yeah, but I thought that meant playing Mario Kart or watching Star Wars. Not painting a room.” She waved her arm around the room in question, careful not to touch the wall she’d laid a layer of primer over. Sniffing, she brushed the sleeve of the blue flannel shirt hanging off her frame. The scent of Stiles wafted off the arm of the shirt, kicking out the pungent scent of fresh primer. It was a nice change from the burning in her nostrils; soothing and warm and woodsy.
“If I had asked you to help me paint, you wouldn’t have come.”
Scoffing, Perrie crossed her arms. “Yes I would.”
“Sure Pear.” Stiles rolled his eyes and turned away from the wall he had been working on. Perrie stepped back as he lowered and shifted the large roller in his hands, pressing the foam tip against the paint tray by his feet. Reaching back, he messed with the bill on his ball cap by his neck; the band across his forehead shifted from side to side. “Look, my dad’s been working long hours lately. He keeps saying that he’s going to get this done but then something comes up and…” he blew out a breath. His freckled cheeks bulged at the effort behind it.
Perrie licked her lower lip, dropping her hand from her hips. “Papa Stilinski still eating badly?”
Stiles snorted. “I found a package of hostess cupcakes in the back of his closet.”
“What were you doing in his closet?”
Stiles’s eyes shifted for a second. “Well…well I wasn’t snooping!” At the incredulous look on Perrie’s face, he continued, “I was looking for something.”
“For what?”
“The cupcakes.” Perrie laughed and Stiles rolled his eyes. “C’mon, Perrie, I’m leaving in a few months. Dad hasn’t been alone and…” His long, slim fingers drummed against the shaft of the paint roller and the tip of his tongue swiped against his lower lip. When she spoke again, his words were so soft she almost missed it, “I just want to make sure he’s here when I come back.”
Clicking her tongue, Perrie stepped forward, making sure to lift her feet so as not to trip over the tarp covering the carpeted floor. Once close, her hand clapped down on his shoulder and she gave it a squeeze, smiling up at him as he looked at her beneath his unfairly thick lashes. “I’m sure he wouldn’t dream of anything else, Frecklebutt.”
Stiles let out a little sarcastic laugh and, before she could move, he lifted the paint roller and dabbed it against her nose. Stepping backward, she let out a noise of indignant shock but the smile curling on her lips and the sparkle nestling in her eye let her amusement shine through.
“Cheap shot, Stilinski!” she said, wiping the paint off her nose. It smeared a bright white streak against the sleeve of the flannel. For a second her nose wrinkled and she felt guilty for soiling it but then she shrugged. Stiles had yanked it out of his closet and thrown it at her to use it and she was sure more paint than that would end up on it anyway. She didn’t let herself think too long about the fact that he let her wear one of his most prized flannel shirts without a second thought. There was nothing to unpack there. Really. Clearing her throat, she looked around the empty room.
It was bare of everything that used to fill the office, leaving the very dark gray color behind. Even the bright shaft of sunlight from the blind-less windows didn’t seem to help brighten the place up. It still felt cold and drab; boring and unexciting.
“I got this powder blue color. Think it might be a bit too bright but, uh, the people at the store said it would be fine,” he replied. He lifted his chin, jerking it towards the four cans stacked in the corner closest to the door. A wireless speaker docking station sat atop of it, waiting to be put to use.
“Powder blue, huh?” Perrie lifted her eyebrows. “Any particular reason for that?”
“It’s…uh…it’s a nice color?”
“Do you want to make sure your dad doesn’t forget you or are you planning on haunting him while you’re at college?” She had to ask; he wouldn’t be that forthcoming with his feelings otherwise. And she knew, deep in her gut, that it wasn’t a coincidence he picked the same color as his jeep for the color of his dad’s office. She’d spent so much time in that jeep, riding around town with Scott and Stiles and sometimes just Stiles that she could recognize the color down to the smallest bit of pigment.
Talk about them leaving, about graduation coming around the corner came in small bursts. He’d always bring it up during a comfortable lull, when they were laying on the floor of his room after stuffing their faces with pizza, when they were sitting in his jeep when he’d dropped her off, taking her time to get inside. Because moments like these, when it was just her and Stiles, were few and far between.
Not that she particularly noticed. It’s just, well, it had always been the three of them: Scott, Perrie, and Stiles. And soon it wouldn’t be. Scott would cart off to UC Davis, Stiles was going across the country, and Perrie was shooting for University of Georgia (they had a good criminal justice track). And, sure, maybe she and Stiles would be closer, mere states away, but…it was states away. If she wanted to see him, she could just hop on her bike and take a ten-minute ride to see what he was up to. In a few short months she’d have to plan meetups in advance. Who does that?
Beacon Hills spoiled her, that’s for sure.
Not that she’d ever say it out loud, but it was…nice. Being able to talk to him was nice. Being able to see him every damn day since kindergarten was nice. Cracking jokes and staying up conducting research and trying to study as he rambled on about something new he learned about reptile copulation when he got distracted by Wikipedia was the best! If she didn’t even want to think about leaving, she couldn’t imagine how Papa Stilinski was feeling.
And they were friends.
Just friends.
“Well, let’s hope with how calm things have been lately that it’s not the latter,” Stiles said.
Perrie squinted at him, focusing in on the weight to his words. “You sound disappointed,” she ventured.
“I’m not.” Right. And I’m the next in line for the throne. Her sarcastic thought must have read on her face because he sighed and continued, “I mean, it’s nice to not have to worry about what’s going to try and kill me when I wake up in the morning but….”
“I don’t know. It’s…like…sometimes I don’t know what to do. To help or be useful if…there’s nothing to be useful for. It’s dumb, I know.”
“Hey, you’re not dumb. I get it. C’mon, I’m not like Scott and the others. I’m just human, like you, and I’m not some gunslinger like Braeden or an archery master like Allison. We just…gotta do the best with what we can. And you’re the best at figuring things out.”
“S’not that hard, not when people leave such obvious clues…”
“Don’t sell yourself short, you help and you matter. Just because you’re leaving Beacon Hills doesn’t mean you don’t. You’re going onto bigger and better things. You’re going to Quantico for fuck’s sake. People from here don’t do that unless they’re meant to do big things.”
“Well, gee, Pear, don’t get all sentimental on me.”
“I’m not, doofus.” She made a show of lightly punching him on the shoulder, knocking it backwards. “I’m just trying to make you be less stupid. I should be getting paid for that overtime work. In fact, I should be getting paid for this too. I’m giving up some much needed girl time due to your lies.”
“I’m planning on feeding you. Is that not enough?”
“No. I may get lung damage from these fumes.”
“Can’t make things easy for me, can you?”
“Of course not. Where’s the fun in that?”
“You know it’s rude to have it at someone else’s expense.”
“Do you ever listen to yourself when you talk?”
Exasperation radiated off Stiles in waves. “Shut up and help me paint, okay? I’m definitely not going to pay you to stand around and rag on me all day.”
“You’re lucky I’m available for that for free,” she said and flashed a cheeky grin. He shot a mocking smile back at her and shook his head.
Still grinning, she turned and approached the speaker system. She picked up his abandoned phone on the ground and swiped her thumb against the screen, quickly completing his lock pattern. Clicking her tongue, she brought up the music player and flicked her thumb through artists until she settled on something with a happy hum. She set the phone into the docking station, turned up the volume, and bobbed her head to the beat of the music, a nice fuse between retro surf-rock and ska with a touch of punk thrown ontop.
“These guys are good,” she said over the undulating guitars; she could almost see the ebbing and flowing waves in her mind. The blue paint Stiles was pouring helped.
“Yeah? I think so too. Just found ‘em online. Scott pointed me in their direction. They’re called Slow Kids at Play.”
Whipping out her phone, Perrie quickly typed the band’s name in google. “They’ve been around since 2009…call themselves musical geniuses…huh.” She brought her phone closer to her face, nearly going cross-eyed as she examined the screen. “Drummer’s pretty cute.”
“Let me see.” She barely had time to react when Stiles all but snatched the phone out of her hand. Her cry of protest was buried beneath the flourishing chorus. And so she stood back and waited, studying the side of his face, the furrow to his brows, the purse of his lips followed quickly by the clench of his jaw, sharpening the strong outline and…
Her lips all but curled like a Cheshire cat. She briefly ran her tongue against her lower lip and crossed her arms. “You know, it’s interesting. I didn’t think your eyes could change color like that.”
“What?” Stiles’s head whipped up. “Change color, waddya…? Oh no. No. No no no, this can’t be happening to me. I knew I should have looked into that damn dog biting me but Scott said it was just scared. Because who wouldn’t be scared at having a needle shoved in their ass? Okay, okay…” he took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, his shoulders all but hovering by his ears. “Just…just rip off the bandage. What color are they? Gold? Red? Orange?”
“Green,” Perrie replied.
Silence. Then—
“Oh, god!”
“Stiles!” Her utterance of his name was wrapped up in a laugh that had him looking at her in a way only he could muster: half apprehension, half confusion, with one eye squinted and the other widened to owlish levels. “They’re…they’re green!” she wheezed. “Like envy.”
“I…what?” Stiles shook his head, looked at the phone in his hand, back to her, back to the phone, and then to her again. “I’m not…no way. I’m not jealous.”
“Envious,” she corrected and at his hard look she shrugged and said, “blame Lydia; you know how she gets about vocabulary.”
“This isn’t about vocabulary.”
“You’re right. It’s about you being envious.” She snatched his phone out of his hand and locked the screen with a press of her thumb to the side.
“I’m not.”
“Right, because it’s normal for your face to do that…that thing.” She poked his cheek and he swatted her away.
It was, actually, but once upon a time it used to be directed at Lydia and at any guy that dared to breathe in her direction. And Jackson. Dear god, Jackson. Stiles could have set the poor bastard on fire with the hatred in his eyes whenever he spotted Jackson grabbing Lydia, pulling her into a kiss, nuzzling his nose against her hair, holding her around the waist.
She knew that look on Stiles’s face because it was frequent, because it was so stark, because it was a look she worked hard to keep off her face lest he finally figured it all out.
“Just help me paint.”
Perrie flashed finger-guns at him and turned to her wall, ready and waiting to be painted. She picked up her abandoned roller, waited for him to roll his in the blue paint before she took a turn, turned back to her wall, and rolled one big, wet, spongy striped against the white. No turning back now.
They worked in silence, the music pouring out of the speakers jumping from one to the next as the genres shuffled. The mirth that once danced on her lips died a little every time she peeked a glance at Stiles over her shoulder and at some point she knew she was frowning and that Stiles would catch on and try to figure it out—because he always figures it out. Until he doesn’t.
Perrie sighed. Was it that terrible? Being envious or jealous or whatever over the fact that she could be interested in someone else? Was it such a joke to be dismissed without even giving it a second thought? Giving her a second thought? Just this once? It was supposed to be a joke but…well, the joke must be on her. Her mouth twisted to the side. Maybe it was all for the best, leaving. Graduating. Maybe then she’d finally give up the excruciating hope that, someday, things would be different. Not change, Stiles didn’t react well to that, but…different.
Perrie turned, lips pressed together, eyebrows lifting in a silent question that was broken by a messy, sticky, swatch of blue pressing up against her cheek and across an eye. The pungent, sharp odor of paint shot up her nostrils and, when she spluttered, it lay thick across her tongue.
“Oh man, that’s the oldest trick in the book!” Stiles’s eyes sparkled, like the glitter-dotted surface of a wave.
Her breath caught in her throat at the sight—kinda didn’t help that she was breathing in some harsh chemicals, thanks—and her fingers tightened on the shaft of her roller, wishing they were digging into the collar of his own flannel shirt as she yanked him towards her, getting up close and personal, smashing through that boundary that read just friends in big neon letters.
Instead, she twisted her hips, grounded herself, and pushed forward, running her own roller up his face. “Ha! Gotcha back!” she crowed, watching in satisfaction as he dragged a sleeve against his shirt; the red and black squares now marred with blue.
It was an all-out fight after that; running around the small room, tagging each other with their extended reach as much as they could. Footsteps dotted the tarp covered floor and odd paint splotches covered the primer and, if it were possible for the sky to melt, it would’ve been nestled within Perrie’s hair.
Their breaths, heavy with jubilant exhaustion, were stuttered by leftover laughter as they knelt on the floor. The remnants of their fight stared back at them. When they locked eyes their laughter started all over again, underlined by the bouncy pop song crooning that it’d make them lose their minds.
“Oh man, I’m hungry,” Perrie said, putting a hand to her grumbling stomach.
“Yeah, me too.” Stiles held his hand out to her. She grasped it and, in one swift and smooth yank, she was pulled to her feet. He swatted at his dark jeans, grimacing at the bright blue streak. Then he shrugged. “Want to go to Ruby’s?”
She looked down at her paint splattered shirt and jeans. “Like this?”
“Of all places, I don’t think Ruby’s cares much about dress code.” He swung his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. Beneath the heavy weight, with the collar of the patterned fabric brushing up against her neck, her cheeks blazed and a. Their hips bumped as they walked together, Stiles steering her towards the door. “My treat.”
Reaching up, Perrie grasped his hand. He laced their fingers together. “My two favorite words.”
Her? Perrie Simmons, give up hope?
Now that was a joke.
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peacefulwriter88 · 4 years
Epilogue: Reprieve the Punishments of Yesterday
Part of the Hades & Persephone Steve AU Series 
Steve Rogers x WoC, Bucky Barnes x WoC 
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Catch up on the series here
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ 
A/N: I know I said this was going to be in three parts buuuuuttttt I had to write this last part. It's the last (maybe) and brings some closure to this series. I also have never written the reader character as one single strand of thought - I always captured her from the eyes of Bucky, Steve or her mother so I thought it would be fun to finally show the reader unshackled by the filter of others
I enjoyed very much exploring my love or the Greek gods played out with these MCU characters and hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them. 
I made Hades run to me. He saw my bones beneath and offered me half his kingdom. Do you really think I ate the fruit unwillingly?  - Anonymous 
Our apartment is quiet. It's Friday afternoon and while the city bustles with energy, another warm spring day that was fighting the former winters cold our home lies still. The buds for the variety of flora, spices and greenery that I’ve planted weeks earlier are already peeking out of their boxes among the windowsill, the air dances with dust in the sunlight and the faint smell of jasmine and hickory lingers in the air - my perfume braided with Steve’s cologne. 
I close the door quietly - perhaps Steve has had to leave on an unexpected mission; they’ve picked up more and I’m left a few hours to figure out how to share the news with him. The thought gives me relief as I hang up my jacket, place my bag and purse on the console table as I start to sift through the mail, briefly pause and drink in the fresh vase of peonies that he’s replenished on the dining room table. 
It was a lofty thought. 
Steve’s steps are heavy and silent but they betray him enough as he emerges from his studio, walks down the hallway with a smile on his face as he wipes his hands on a rustic red cloth. He’s covered in paint, overpowers his white shirt and worn jeans and  handsome features of his face, the strong biceps in his arms. Mentally I make a note that I need to take him shopping, that he’s somehow gone through yet another month's worth of clothes and wouldn’t think to go shopping without my urging. His face is clean of the beard I’ve learned to adore, fresh faced and revealing his sharp cheekbones, chiseled jaw that still steals my breath away. 
He smiles at me the same time I smile at him - how could one person still make me feel like I’m falling in love over and over again three years later - and before I can speak I’m in his arms, gravity an afterthought as my legs naturally wrap themselves around his waist. 
“Hello Ms. Benedetti.”
“Hello yourself Mr. Rogers.”
He leans in for the kiss before I can finish the words and I moan into his mouth, treasure the way his tongue lavishes my own, tighten my hold around his neck as he carries me into the kitchen, placing me on a counter. When he pulls away his breathing is hard and he’s giving me that sinister dark look that causes my stomach to drop, my panties to flush themselves in desire and he moans knowingly, mouth raking down my neck. 
“Steve, no. We can’t. Sam, Natasha and Bucky are coming over for dinner a few hours from now and we haven’t started anything at all.”
He pauses mid kisses - there’s something bothering him in the statement I’ve said - but he doesn’t reveal it. Instead he pulls away and smiles at me. 
“You’re right.” 
He still has that dangerous glint in his eyes, lust dancing in his irises and I take the opportunity to lean away from him to rest my head on a cabinet, tug on his shirt. 
“How was school?” 
He smiles, leans into my touch, keeps a nose distance from my face to his, 
“It was fine. I got an A on my last project. Got out of class early, went over some reports for some upcoming missions. Got some work in.” 
“Sounds like a very productive day. Congratulations on your A.” 
“Ummm hmmm,” he bends, nibbles on my ear, causes a giggle to erupt from my chest. “How was your day? How was rehearsal? And your mother when she found out that you’re going to tour in Italy this summer?” 
He says the last part lowly, his distaste to her reaction from the last world tour still bitter in his mouth. His hands find my legs, wrap them around his waist again as I breathe out, 
“It was good. A very good day. That pain in my hip has gone away, and the chiropractor thinks that I’m healing well from the surgery on my leg. My mother reacted...the way my mother reacts. But she did express her happiness that I was even considered. She sends her regards.” 
His mouth is busy on my neck, hands moving up my back and dragging me closer to him. It's a lost cause, we didn’t know boundaries to our love and I had rejected his advances this morning when I realized I had woken up late. He was insatiable, needy and I wiggle my hips in his embrace, whisper out, 
“You have an hour Rogers. One hour. Then I need to start on the pizzas I promised everyone.” 
He lifts me, causing me to laugh as he pulls back enough to look me in the eye. 
“One hour.” 
Love making with Steve evolves every time, is a mystery that appeals to my mood and I wonder how he knows what I need from him, what I savor. 
This afternoon he’s lazy in his touches, kisses me languidly and possessively, hands exploring each part of me like it was the first time again. He’s mindful of how I respond to his touch, takes pleasure in going down on me immediately, his tongue lapping at me hungrily until my need for him is admitted through my words. He takes pleasure in having me ride him until I orgasm not once or twice but until I’m exhausted, he wants me to be worn out as his hands find my hips and juts into me, ensuring that I can feel every inch of him. He watches me reverently, in that way that makes my heart stop and my lungs give away, reminds me that I was given the gift of love. 
He’s selfless, only comes upon my urging and when we lay in each other's arms sticky, fingers skating down my arm slowly as he presses another kiss to my forehead I know he knows. Don’t know how he would but something tells me he does. 
He confirms it in an innocent question, 
“How was your doctor's appointment?” 
I hum, watch the way the late afternoon sun falls on our photo hanging opposite on the wall - him and I on our one year anniversary in the coffee shop we met in. 
“It was good.” 
I try not to have my heart betray the anxious thoughts that have plagued me for four months, the question confirmed in two simple words. 
“Your health is good?” I nod and he hesitates, “....and the baby?” 
I lift my head up at him and he watches me, cool blue eyes that drink me in. His face doesn’t betray anything and I try to keep the same stoic look but know that I feared his answer. I still answer, 
He looks at me, smiles though his eyes start to betray the fear that also lives in me, 
“I didn’t think I could get you pregnant.”
“I didn’t think you could get me pregnant.” 
A pause, 
“I’ve never thought about being a father. I don’t know if I want to be.” 
“That's okay,” I don’t mean for the tear to fall down my face, “I don’t really know if I want to be a mother.”
He wipes it away, drags his lips across my own. 
“I don’t know if I want to be a father because I gave up on that future a long time ago. I……..I love you though. I want you to be happy.” 
“I want you to be happy.” I counter back and he pulls away. 
“So do we keep it?” 
“I don’t know.” I laugh, more tears falling down my face. I bite my lip, rest my chin on his chest. Keep my eyes on his. 
“I like knowing that I’m carrying your child.” 
He smiles, cups my cheek. He doesn’t deny the tears that start to fall down his eyes. 
“I like knowing you’re going to be the mother of my child.” 
I sigh, raise my eyebrows, 
“We’re going to keep it then, aren’t we?” 
He laughs, brushing a fresh tear from my cheek, 
“Yea. I feel like we are.” 
Bucky and Natasha are late. 
Sam, Steve and I pass the time playing charades and munching on the bruschetta I whip up while Steve and Sam sip on expensive wine that Tony has gifted Steve and I. Occasionally I check on the pizza cooking in the oven and salad already whipped up and it's halfway through Steve guessing Spock and my admonishment that Steve even knows what Star Trek is that there's a knock on the door. 
I answer it to find a disheveled Bucky in our doorway, black hat disguising his normally bright blue eyes, hands stuffed in his jeans as he gives a slight smile to me. It doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Hi Bucky, are you okay?” I move to let him in and he shrugs, his eyes avoiding Steve and Sams. 
“I’m fine.” 
I want to push more but know it won't serve anyone so I ask the next absurd question, 
“Where’s Natasha? Running behind more than usual?” I try to tease and he shakes his head, moves away from me towards the living room. 
“Not coming.”
He doesn’t stop at the couch, or even to snag a drink but instead moves to our balcony, shutting the door snug behind him. I close the door, turn to Sam and Steve who are giving knowing looks to the other, avoiding me. 
“Steven Grant Rogers,” Sam snickers as Steve flickers his eyes to me. “Explain. You too Samuel Thomas.” 
My voice is stern as I cross my arms. Sam looks at Steve, who gets up and walks toward me. 
“Don’t put your hands on me until you explain what's up with Bucky and Natasha.” I say as I put up my hand he sighs.
“They broke up.” 
“Why?” I ask Sam and he shrugs, 
“I actually have no idea. Natasha just told us that Bucky was a piece of shit and she never wanted to see him again. And she might cut off his dick in his sleep.” 
My eyes look to Steve who is watching me, a knowing glint in his eyes and I place my hands on his chest, lean up and kiss him, his hands automatically wrapping around me protectively.  
“What are you going to do?” he whispers lowly when I pull away slightly and I give a small smile. 
“Finally telling him the truth.” 
Bucky doesn’t look back at me when I slide the door open, step into the cool evening as I close it behind me. Sam and Steve have turned music on, are checking on the pizza and chatting lowly among themselves and I stand at Bucky’s side, nudge him softly. 
“Normally I’m the one trying to avoid all the commotion.” 
He smiles, slightly, looks over at me. Watches me in the heartfelt way he always does, eyes saying far more than his words. 
“You know, don’t you?” he finally asks. 
“I bullied your friends to tell me.”
He sighs, looks back into the horizon. 
“They know why?” 
“No,” I lean closer into him. “But I do.” 
His head snaps to me quickly as I look down at my fingers. 
“Natasha didn’t tell me.” I look back up at him and he watches me curiously. On guard. 
“Who then?” 
I’m silent as I look back at him, sigh as I return my eyes to the sunset.
“Bucky, do you remember the first time you met me?” 
He looks away from me, that shameful way he used to before we had gotten closer, when he’s trying to deny something in himself. 
“It was….two years ago. With Steve. At that cafe you both like.” 
It's a small mumble that I can barely pick up as I look out into the sunset. 
“No it wasn't. It was three and I wasn’t with Steve. I was standing in line and I let this couple step ahead of me. You looked at me and looked like a deer caught in headlights. I was listening to…….. I don’t remember aside from it was for a show, I think. I remember being hungry and thinking you were cute but my hunger won over your attractive looks.” 
His breath wavers, his metal arm tightens around the rail we’re both leaning on but he doesn’t look at me. 
“....what are you saying?” he finally asks and I shrug. 
“I’m saying Bucky I know why you and Natasha broke up. It has to do with me.” 
He looks over at me and I look back down at my fingers, picking at them. A terrible habit I couldn’t break from childhood.
“You never went to that cafe before that day. Neither did Steve. It was some strange coincidence that on that particular afternoon our paths crossed. And afterwards you were always there. Rain or snow or shine I could expect you and Steve in that same spot, Steve looking out the window aimlessly and you, staring into your cup of coffee until I walked in.” 
I laugh, looking up from my fingers into the busy street. 
“You really flattered me you know. This handsome guy checking me out every day. It was the first time any man had given me that much attention. I was waiting for you to ask me out but you never did.” 
I finally look over at him and nudge him and he scrunches his eyes together. 
“You noticed me?” 
“Yes. And then you disappeared one day. And Steve remained.” 
Bucky bites his lips, presses into the rail. It creaks and he pulls away slightly,
“You went to Steve first.”
“I did. But that was innocent. The cafe was packed and I wanted to read my book. It was the only spot open and I at least felt like…..I don’t know I could sit there and he wouldn’t bother me. Steve never paid me any mind, even when I walked by him. I liked that. He was Captain America but he never flaunted this celebrity, this power he has. It made me feel like I could read in peace and move on.” 
“But something changed.” his voice is laced in pain and I resist reaching out, grabbing his hands. 
“Yes. The second time I walked by Steve I was looking to sit at the table next to him. It was his art that grabbed my attention. It was the only reason why Steve asked me out. And...admittedly when I gave him a second glance he took my breath away. I liked being in his presence. I liked the safe, calming effect that came from being around him. The way he looked at me. I don’t think I could have fought it,” he turns away from me, eyes burning. “That’s the point Bucky. I know you….I know how you feel about me. I know you won’t let it go. Me go. Steve’s told me about when we first started dating. About you….following us.” 
Bucky whips his head toward me in fear. Ashamed. 
“Don't be upset. Its okay Bucky. He told me because he felt terrible about the way things played out. But you need to know that I love you, but not like that. I don’t think I ever will love you…..like that.” 
I place my hand carefully on his shoulder and he flinches, eyes tearing up. 
“Of course.” 
“Doesn’t mean your unworthy of it though, the kind of love Steve and I have for each other,” I whisper lowly. “Doesn’t mean you can’t give it. Natasha really loves you. You should…..well not now she might actually kill you but you should fix that. I know she’ll let you after a while. She’s told me how she feels about you. I think you really care about her too and you just let me get in the way.” 
He breaks, hands falling into sobs and I wrap my arms around him, draw him close. 
“What if I can’t. What if can’t get over you?” 
I sigh, rub his back. 
“Oh Bucky. I don’t know. Why condemn yourself to hell when you have a chance at heaven?” 
Tag List: @Sad-af1121, @whichwayisthebeach-Sebass, @theplumbclub79, @4theluvofall, @tatathekissypatato, @baezen​, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog​, @plumbfondler, @pegasusdragontiger​, @prettybubblesintheair​, @docharleythegeekqueen, @brieannakeogh​, @palaiasaurus64​, @emotchalla​, @thejenniferincident​, @shayla-markele​, @supernovasandcoronas​,  @toastmaster94​, @brandybucky​, @papi-chulo-seb​, @jaamesbbarnes​, @paulxrudd, @badassbaker​, @letsalltakeanap​ @papi-chulo-bucky​, @moonbeambucky​, @jaceyfade​, @samingtonwilson​, @violentlybarnes, @wehaveathor, @buckfics​, @frostbitebakery​,  @killmongerdreams​, @plussizeappreciationfics​, @softlybarnes​, @prettyyoungtragedy​, @angryschnauzer​,  @221bshrlocked​,  @yslbucky​ @zohoffman @ssweet-empowerment@capsofwinchesters@tacohead13@harleycativy@pietrotheavenger@francezka10@papichulosebastian@obsessionsofmynerdheart@melaninmarvel@avengedqueen26@nasteaxluvgal@winterbuttmunch@nys30@buckyslongasshair@ohlumi@wellthirsted @jalapenobarnes @geminimoonbeamx  @ssweet-empowerment  @chrisevans-sexualfrustrations @xceafh @misskenni @younghades
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ghoulgeists · 4 years
I HAVE QUESTIONS!!! ABOUT FLINT!!!! a lot so have fun :D 4, 9, 10, 12 :) 13, 14, 17, 23, 27, 42, 44, 50, 56, 57, 59 (i think i asked this before but i forgot the answer lol), 61, 63, 67 !! also i ask about seaweed boy !! 3, 5 lol, 11, 18, 21, 30, 40, 44, 51, 59, 61, 64 !!! and a few for cadma !! 11, 19, 30, 36, 48, 53, 64, 69
UM HEWWO?!?!? THATS A LOT OF QUESTIONS! I am so excited to answer these...
Answers are under the cut! This will be... Long
4. If they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
Magic in their setting is a little different, and these questions are dnd centric, but I think I can still answer this! Flint would probably be VERY interested in divination magic, of any kind. So spells that could divine futures, locate objects, or show hidden things.
9. Do they care about their appearance? How much effort do they put into presentation?
In public, appearance is a top priority. They mingle with plenty of people whenever they can, and it's important to them that they give others a good first impression, so Flint's grooming is off the charts compared to most people.
When they're crawling around in the ancient dust of a tomb, however, the way they look isn't nearly as important as grabbing as many valuable burial goods as they can!
10. How often do they lie? What situations cause them to be dishonest?
Flint's no saint, and lies plenty enough to prove it. Most of the time it's white lies to spare feelings or to get out of doing something, but the bigger lies come when people probe about their past. It's pretty obvious they don't want people to know about who they used to be, and the bigger the secret the bigger the lie they tell to keep others off their tail.
12. Have they ever been in love?
Plenty of times! Enough to count on a few hands. It's infatuation that strikes them most often, but they have been serious on occasion too.
13. What do they dislike about themself? Why?
They dislike how weak they can often be, as well as how easy it is to take advantage of them sometimes. It drives them to take the easy way out of difficult situations no matter the cost.
14. What is something they love about themself?
They love their body! All the little details from the way their hair curls, the blue of their eyes, their stature, etc. They're very comfortable, proud, and happy being themselves! 
I think this is the first character I've ever made who wouldn't want to change anything about their body for any reason :'D
17. What do they dream about, when their dreams are their own?
Beyond gold and riches, they dream about travelling to destinations both new and old, discovery, and about what stories they'll tell when they're old.
23. How do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? How do they feel about their name?
Nicknames are encouraged, but only between close friends and significant others! They don't have any titles or labels because they're not quite that infamous. Everyone who knows them refers to them by their first name, and that's what they're comfortable with because it's what they're used to!
As for how they feel about their name, they don't have strong opinions either way. It's the name they grew up with so they can't just toss it aside, but it has bad things attached to it as well. I'd say they think it's a ledger of all their (mis)deeds, and that's about it.
27. How do they mourn?
They carry on. But they swear to do better.
42. What are three words they would use to describe themself?
Confident, gorgeous, and amicable!
44. What do they need to learn?
To stop sticking their nose into trouble.
50. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Yes, Flint can sing and sings often! They will occasionally busk for lodging funds if they are ever scarce a few dollars, and have a very soothing voice that ensures at least a few people will toss them some coins. As for dancing, it's not something they're interested in, but you could always coax it out of them you can promise you'll be a good dance partner :)c
56. What animal do they most relate to?
Probably a dog? Fiercely loyal and trusting, but with a good nose (figuratively) for who they should let in on their vulnerabilities to.
57. What makes them angry?
Injustice, and the ideology that law and order outweighs the importance of the human condition. 
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs?
While not exactly quiet, they have a passion for music! Singing and playing the guitar is one of their favourite pastimes.
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow?
This is impractical, and they also aren't exactly found in meadows, but they would go for sunflowers. Something big and bold and bright!
63. What fight has scared them the most?
They haven't gotten there yet in the story I'm building around them, but any fight where someone almost dies and they're powerless to help is always terrifying! :^)
67. What makes them laugh?
Clever jokes, outrageous stories, and the thrill that comes from doing something dangerously stupid and getting away with it.
3. What is their goal right now?
Two things: serve their unfathomable god to the best of their abilities, and get sweet, delicious revenge on the fishermen that almost killed him. The former is his current priority, because he knows he has plenty of years to hunt down his would-be murderers. Revenge is a dish to be savored :3c
5. Do they follow a higher power? What are their thoughts on divinity?
Before he met his patron the only thing he was concerned about was surviving. There's no time for gods when you're eking out a poor life in some nowhere village, after all!
After meeting his patron, there is honestly nothing in this world he could devote more time and attention to. So their relationship with higher powers and divinity etc all are attached by one string to a single entity!
11. What skills are they proficient in? Why?
Arcana, religion, and insight for obvious reasons! However he's also proficient in intimidation, because while he may look like a sweet boy he's actually kind of creepy (in an insane cultist kind of way), and that's sufficiently off putting enough that he can be rather intimidating.
18. Do they see themself as a leader or a follower?
lmao… definitely a follower.
21. Do they follow their head, their heart, or their body?
HMMM, I am not too sure about this yet, but probably his heart! He seems like he would be easily emotionally driven.
30. What do they seek out from others?
Open-mindedness! People who would be -cough- willingtosubmittotheoldgods -cough- -cough- I mean, people who won't judge him for his faith.
40. Do they enjoy poetry?
Nope! Not that he's had any exposure to the arts, though. I guess it would be more accurate to say he doesn't have an opinion :'D
44. What do they need to learn?
That he's not special, and his devotion to his god means barely a thing. He has in his mind this idea that he's some kind of glorious, special vessel through which his patron does its dark bidding, but in reality he's just a pile of meat labeled "minion." Until he learns that awful truth, he's got an ego about his position.
51. What is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them?
The rotten bones of shipwrecks stuck deep in the sand. They're a good source of materials, a home for the night, and they make lovely silhouettes against stormy seas.
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs?
It's done out of necessity, but they enjoy sewing up and mending clothes! 
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow?
Nothing specific, just any bud or bloom he can find :'D
64. Do they value mercy or justice more?
Probably justice! Although he's indifferent to things that happen to others, he is technically seeking justice for what happened to him, in his own… special way.
11. What skills are they proficient in? why?
Athletics, performance and acrobatics because he's an active, swole boi! As well as that he's proficient in stealth and slight of hand because he is a smooth criminal, and he's also proficient in religion for a reason I cannot fathom or remember the reason for. 
19. What haunts them? What doesn’t?
Like most of my characters… the past lol… specifically, the people he's abandoned on a whim, and more pressingly his former captain, who kind of wants to spill his guts :')
What doesn't haunt him is his decisions to leave. In every instance he's left people he's found himself in a grander adventure, and he's thankful and at peace with those life decisions!
Essentially, he has the mentality that people only stay in your life for part of the journey. There’s no such thing as a lifelong partner or friend, so while he does remember people he’s left behind he thinks that charting his own course in life is more important that unbreakable bonds.
30. What do they seek out from others?
Damn good company! If you're an interesting person in any capacity Cadma will probably take a shine to you. He can't stand a stagnant lifestyle, and wants to surround himself with people who will bring adventure into his life.
36. What’s a secret they’ve kept?
It's not exactly a huge secret or anything, and anyone with eyes can tell because he has scales, but Cadma is very hush hush about his dragon ancestry and blood. It's caused him no end of troubles and he'd really rather people see him as a person rather than the inheritor of a rare bloodline.
48. What do they see in their future?
Adventure, and lots of it. Maybe a couple near death experiences too, which he is not so keen on but it comes with the job :')
53. Which is more frightening to them: day or night?
Night. Visibility is low and it's too quiet. Fires burn too bright. You have to let your guard down eventually. 
It's not a fun time.
64. Do they value mercy or justice more?
Definitely mercy! Cadma believes in second chances, and sometimes thirds. He's needed his fair share of them, so everyone else deserves chances too
69. How would they describe their party members?
Good fun and better friends! He's never been with people so easy to latch onto emotionally, and MAN is he attached to them…
Thank you so much for the ask, ilu!! It's so much fun talking about my characters, I love them a lot and the opportunity to get it off my chest has been really nice uwu
I am still accepting asks! And I finally have a page with links to my character's tags, in case anyone wants to peruse!
pwease... talk to me...
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beacon-sanctuary · 4 years
Chapter 2: Class decisions and dorm warfare for the win!
introduction, Ch.1
Note to self: next time Bean and Merlin fight, get popcorn, and maybe grab wall rubble, I’m not a hoarder, scouts honor~
     I looked up at the teachers with stars in my eyes, everyone was so cool!  Plus, I got a head pat-so that’s even better!  Ugh, why’d you guys have to make so hard to choose a class, hmmm let’s put our suspects, up shall we?  Looking at the professors, I saw the grumpy Alchemist guy, his pale wood patterned skin shone in the lights above as once more those dang amber eyes of his bore into my mind.  Like chill man, how can putting a baton in your jacket be mind warfare?!  Huff, he looked so cool during the show but ehhh, too strict for me.  
 Well, Rasputin’s a no I guess, number 2, Louis Armstrong, seems like a fun guy, buuut I have no musical talent, got two left feet, voice sounds like a banshee bleh, ain’t a good fit.  It’s not you Louis it’s me, sorry man. Onto suspect 3, Hobo Billy the kid, chill, kinda dusty, but I’m not stealthy, wouldn’t have light-up shoes if I was after all.  Suspect 4 come on down!  Here we have Joan of Arc, awesome sword wielder and dealer of cherished head pats, 9/10 we might have a winner here people.
 Now onto suspe-oh no megaphone man’s back, just in case, I pulled my beanie over my ears, no hearing loss for me.  
 “Ah, jolly good show everyone!  It was quite a sight to see, I must say, now children, if that display did not solidify your choice-well buck up!  We’ve decided to allow our professors the chance to remind you of their profession and the meaning behind each class!  And remember no class is better or worse than the ot-”
 “Guerillas are best, don’t listen to the loudspeaker” Izusa jabbed in
 “Heheheh, Izusa I am glad for your class pride still runs deep, but we are headmasters, after all, we need to be unbiased!  Let our bright youths decide for themselves!”
 “Unbiased, you have your freaking Knight necktie on” She fired back motioning to his stripped blue silver tie which he straightened. 
 “Well, of course, one must never forget their roots after all, and even though I myself favored our knights here, this is not-” Before he could finish, a sharp  “Shush” interjected.  Professor Blum strode forward hand massaging his temple.
 “If we listen to this squabble any longer, we shall not move anywhere, and I would like to return to my facility before night comes if you don’t mind.” Fixing his overcoat, the amber eyes of the earth magi quickly returned to the crowd, piercing them with a cool stare as he began to speak once more.
 “To you lot” he admonished us snapping his arm, “Listen well, for I shall only say this once.  Despite what the news or the media has led you to believe, Alchemists are those who study and pick apart the gears of magic and the world for all its worth.”  When he said news and media he spat out each word as if it were venom in his mouth, and as he began to go on, the methodical style of his speech began to ebb more into a stately passion. 
 “We are no mere scientists, we are alchemists! The fusion of creativity and scientific reasoning to understand, this little thing we call magic.  Despite the moniker of “Youngest class,” Human, Magi, or whatever in between that’s shuffled about on this rock has always been curious of this force in our world.  Whether you trace our origins to the wizards and warlocks of old, or to the Alchemists of which we’ve gained our title, we are both and neither of our predecessors!” 
      Pacing a bit, he calmed his voice back down as he continued on, “Were our ancestors simply explored the capabilities or tried to pick apart magic for their own uses, we have a different goal.  We carry the light of knowledge, illuminating the unknown for our fellow people so that they may find comfort in said findings.  If you choose this path, burn this into your mind! If you have no passion or hunger for finding the secrets of magic and our world, then as soon as you enter my facility, you. shall. be. Gone!  I do not want to hear your complaining, “Oh it’s too hard,” or, “ Oh, it’s too boring” for if I see one hint of uninterest in your eyes, I'll throw you out myself! For if you have no passion or drive in your field what is the point of you?  Now then,”  
 After a long sigh, he quietly composed himself, “if you feel this is right for you, step forward now.” he crooned out. And to my left, I felt a rustle beside me Orion groaned up and walked towards the old magi, he gave me a two-finger salute and lazily walked forward.  And as everyone saw him go, bit by bit more people stood in front of Rasputin, as each was handed some black clothes in a bag.  And as if on cue, a sharp whistle broke the silence, bringing all our eyes on Billy the kid.
 “Alright, kiddos eyes on me for a sec’. Thanks to ole grandpa given that essay, I’ll be straight with ya.  Guerillas are the rebels, outlaws, anarchists, or whatever they call us now.  Where there's some rules we break 'em, were there's laws we go past 'em. We be the judge of those in power, that roarin' flame under they feet that keep our leaders in check. And if they go too far, well, this lil' fire finna burst into an inferno I'll promise ya that.  If ya got freedom and rebellion in ya chest. We yo people, see a riot, we in there, see a protest, we in there, and if you see a revolution? Hoo boy, you sure as heck know we in there! We carry the light of freedom and change, always there to stop a leader if they go too far and if they do, we gon' hold 'em accountable and make somethin' new.  If my words struck home, we be happy to have ya, welcome to the family kiddos.” legs dangling over the stage the professor watched as the future Guerillas approached, heck even one girl flew up and gave a high five to him.  Thanks to her wings, she was an air magi, had some golden-brown wings and storm grey hair, and perched atop the stage as her classmates rushed up too.
             At my right, I heard a grunt as freaking Joan of Arc hopped off her pommel and kicked the sword in her hand like it was nothing!  Yup, definitely joining her I don’t care what anyone says-Imma be a knight!
 “Heh, alrighty, may as well start, hmph” She grunted, holding her sword in a rigid pose.  If I’m being honest her face looked like she was constipated “to be a knight you be gallant, focused measured precise and powerful, my children take up arms your calling is nye it is time for a crusade!  We shall take back the holy land,Deus vult, DEUS VU-pfffft, heheheh, sorry I had to” she chuckled leaning on her sheath “Oh, that never gets old, ok serious time now” she took in a breath to speak but
 “Ah, it seems the impossible did happen, you being serious” Rasputin interjected walking past her, to this he received a light snicker
 “Listen I can be serious sometimes, on occasion, when I feel like it, every few years.  But, as I was saying before mister essay interrupted me, Knights are old as heck alright, we’re the first beacons, defend people for generations, all that good stuff.  But just cause we got knight in our name, don’t mean we’re Chivalrous, glistening warriors who vanquish evil to the ends of the earth that’s only a third of the pie, we’re not just warriors, we’re healers and guardians kids.  The sword, shield, and healing hand, we become that light.  We guard against the dark and give people a haven.  In more than one way!  So,” she said resting her sword over her shoulders,
“If you want to be a knight, grab some chainmail and a tunic from the stage and come to my class tomorrow.  I’d be happy to have you” She winked strolling out.  Yeeep, I’m all in let’s freaking go!  I cheered in my mind, but I had a feeling I had a dopey smile on my face all the same.
             After that, not much else happened, learned about the other two classes, Artificers, basically artists, builders, and all that fun stuff that entertains or helps people. And seekers, explorers, and stuff, always run headfirst into the unknown and hard to pin down.  But by the end I got some bag of clothes and a rune stone. It was a smooth navy-blue rock with a messed-up F burnt into it.  It felt warm and hummed a bit in my hand as I turned a bit, it was like a weird magic compass to my dorm I guess, this is so cool!  Welp, into your prison-I mean my bag little guy.  As I was putting my stone back in my bag, a gun shot made me nearly drop it on the ground.
 “Gah!  what is this, give Eir a heart attack day?!” I mumbled clamping my stone as Headmaster Ortiz cleared his throat.
 “Knights, Alchemists, Seekers, Guerillas, and Artificers, thank you all for continuing in the protection of Human-Magi kind.  This is the first step of your journey as Beacons!  For even having the courage to step up this far, you should be proud!  Bully indeed for you!  I already can see great potential in all of you, all I can say is good luck, and may your lights always shine bright.” He finished his final speech and gave us all a hearty laugh and warm smile before walking into the back as Izusa made her way to speak.
 “Alright Torches, like the headmaster megaphone said, this is your start, remember you all wanted this, so get ready, tomorrow starts four years of hell, have fun~” she sang away into the darkness from whence she came.
             After the speeches of fluff and doom we all dispersed to our new dorms, which for some freaking reason was on the of the fort!  School’s in the middle, makes sense, access to everything, but the dorms. At the very edge of the freaking coast, who designed this and where can I smack them with my bag?  I’m going helicopter them so bad won’t know what hit them.  But still, I walked to my dorm.  Weird F rune dash 5 as the stone in my hand vibrated more and more the closer I got to my door.  The jade-gold rune patterned carpet sat atop a shining wood floor and the air had a scent of strangely chocolate, and fire?  
 “Who’s burning something?” I thought aloud, but right as the words came out of my mouth, the wall right across from me shattered as a flaming girl bulldozed through while a hand patted me on the head.  Whirling my head from side to side I saw Orion standing besides me snickering at the dragon girl.  She had two jagged black horns sticking out of her messy flame like curls.  She was short but had a stocky frame, I think I even saw a few muscles if I’m being honest.  And as I saw her gold eyes stare daggers at Orion(nickname still pending) a wicked smile seared across her face, disrupting the red scales upon her cheeks.
 “Orio get back over here so I can hit ya!” She growled in her rough voice, to which Orion strolled across from me with a playful shrug
 “nahhh, don’t really feel like it sunflower, good offer though, you’re getting’ better at em, I’m proud!”
 “Tsk, I told ya before, I ain’t no little flower, I am the sun!” she yelled crouching down for probably another charge.  Orion chuckled as he held his free hand at his ear
 “Uh, say that again white dwarf, I ain’t hear ya~” he teased, and at that my eyes even glared at him,
 “Please don’t my ears have suffered enough for a day!” I groaned,
       But as at the girl, it seemed like she physically had a tick mark on her head as the whole room heated up to 90 degrees. I had to take off my hat and fan myself, what the freak did he say to make her that mad? But unfortunately, I got no answer as the girl barreled forward with a battle cry.  Careening towards Orion before I saw him poof out of existence in a blue flash before reappearing behind the solar magi.  He placed a hand on her back and caused it to steam, but what instantly caught my attention was two words that slithered from his mouth.
 “Liga Hostem” he said, and yanked his hand back as multiple black and blue chains wrapped around the girl, battling against the fire and the light she gave off.  Making the hallway as wicked battle of heat and cold. Gasping from excitement I rapidly said
 “You used a binding spell!  It’s not the full incantation but that’s still awesome!  Wait, your element doesn’t usually go into that unle-“
 “let’s save this for later, I ain’t tryin’ be bbq magi over here”  to further his point the girl took in a deep breath and bellowed out a stream of flames in the boy’s direction, cursing under his breath Orion slammed his hand on the ground and cried
 “Fortifico!” as a black and blue hexagon of swirling void, blocked the incoming flames, and as soon as the barrier was released, the girl charged forward with an knee aimed at Orion’s fac, he rolled back and threw a punch at her stomach, but she brushed it to the side.  Back and forth they parried and dodged each other’s blows like clockwork.  Oh I wish I had popcorn, this is so good, but sadly before the fight could continue, the door behind me slammed open as I saw a baby face looking Asian guy with, a long, rat tail… Oh its him, time to give him a piece of my wait why is he my dorm mate?!
 “QUIET” the pale faced boy roared, on his face was now a pair of jade, metallic looking goggles, and as soon as he looked at the two magi his face grew a face of sheer disgust. “Ugh, just typical of their kind, arrogant and loud beyond measure. You two, cease this disturbance immediately, I am trying to work. “ he screamed in his childlike voice waving a large wrench at the two.
 “Hey, angery baby man, shush.” Said angery baby man looked agasp and was about to say something before I said
“Oi, ya owe me an apology from earlier, what was your deal?” I demaded looking over my shoulder
 “just my luck, of course I’m roomed with you of all people.” He rolled his eyes
 “Me of all people?!  Square up baby man, lets go!”
 “First of all, I am not, a baby man.  My name is Lin Su-Wang, and I am not fighting a munchkin.”
             And this is how this went for like thirty minutes, four people either fighting or yelling at each other before, nothing, I really can’t remember what happened afterwards, only thing is I woke up with a pain in my neck for some reason.  Weird, buuut yeah, this was one interesting first day.
 Day one-completed! :)
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nibbler747 · 5 years
Caged Birds
Sneak Peak of DeiSaku Fanfic
Caged Birds
“Get your hands off me!  I’m not who you think I am” Sakura screamed.    Her hands were bound with chakra; three ninja were dragging her deep into the forest of the Hidden Mist.  
“Likely story” the largest man muttered.  “You were in the same place we found that Akatsuki freak.  I know the Akatsuki always work in pairs.  Probably looking for him weren’t you?”
“I’m not Akatsuki” Sakura gasped.  She was fading fast, the wound on her arm was bleeding badly.  “My name is Sakura.  Haruno Sakura of the Hidden Leaf.   I am Lady Tsunade’s apprentice.  I was on a mission.  Please listen to me.”
“Then why is your leaf emblem like this?” The red haired ninja pulled out her forehead protector from his pocket. The leaf had been slashed down the middle. “These rats will say anything when captured.  Just toss her in with her partner there.  When the reinforcements come they can sort it out.   We need to get back to the battle.”
The Mist Ninja all stopped in front of a large tree with a big knot in the front. The red haired ninja made a hand symbol. “Dispel” he whispered.  The tree vanished and a small cabin was in its place.  It appeared to be enveloped in a field of chakra.  The third ninja pulled out a scroll, bit his thumb and performed an unsealing ritual.  The field of chakra disappeared.
“This field will only disappear for a few moments.  Toss her in quick, before that other freak can react” the red haired ninja ordered.
The large ninja opened the door to the cabin and tossed her to the floor of the cabin. “Have fun in your prison.”  Sakura grabbed her arm and winced.  She was losing so much blood.
“Don’t forget this, traitor.”  Her forehead protector clanged on the floor beside her.  The room went black as the cabin resealed.
Sakura lifted her head from the floor.  She was in a dark dusty room, she could make out some chairs ahead of her.    Not much was visible in this darkness.  Her arm now had blood running down it from the wound. She would need to stop the bleeding quickly, or she would lose consciousness soon.  As she sat up, she saw a shadow move in the corner.  Quickly she scuttled back to the wall and pulled out her kunai with her bound hands.  
“Who is there?” she yelled.  
Silence met her call.  She decided to risk it and throw her kunai blindly into the corner of the room.  She saw a sudden movement and a black robe with red clouds billowed.
“Akatsuki. I know you are here.  I’ve killed one of you before, and I’m not afraid to do it again” she stated in a low voice.
“Is that so Kunoichi?” a deep voice called from the shadows.
A chill ran through Sakura’s bones.  Who was it? All the Akatsuki were terrors, each one seemingly scarier than the last.  His voice appeared to move.  Where was he now?
“Come out. Face me.  Or are you too much of a coward?” she gasped.  She clutched her arm.  What was she doing?  She was in no shape for a battle.  She didn’t want to go down this way though.  Not lying down.  Not without a fight.  That was not her way.
“Coward?” The Akatsuki started laughing.  “I don’t think I’ve ever been called that before. Hn.”
His voice now sounded like it was coming from above her.  Where was he?  Sakura scanned the room, but still could not see the offending figure.  The room was starting to shift.  She was struggling to blink.  She clenched her arm to try to apply pressure to the wound.  Her vision was starting to dim.
The red clouds billowed in front of her.   She saw clear bright blue eyes and golden hair.  Then she saw nothing.
Sakura woke up to a searing pain in her left arm.  She opened her eyes disorientated.  Where was she?  She didn’t recognize this place at all. She was in bed in a room she had never seen before. She reached for her kunai to discover it was not there.  The memories started flooding back.  The mission.  The Mist Ninja capturing her,  The hidden cabin.  The Akatsuki.
She bolted straight up to see her kunai lying on the bedside table beside her, along with a pitcher of water, a washcloth, a half empty glass and her forehead protector.  She grabbed the kunai and scanned the room.  When she got to the corner her heart stopped.  It was the man with the blue eyes.  Sitting on his cot casually, he was staring at her with a bemused expression on his face.
Deidara. The man who had single-handedly captured Gaara.  The man who had evaded Kakashi sensei.  The man who had been Sasori’s partner.
“Don’t you come near me, or I’ll kill you.  I swear to God” Sakura hissed.
Deidara got up and leisurely stretched his limbs.  He started laughing.  “Oh Kunoichi. We’re not back to this conversation are we?  If I was going to kill you, I could have done it a thousand times over by now.”
Sakura stared at him.  She had never been so close to him before.   This man radiated energy she had never seen before.  His hair was wild and tied up high on his head so a section was covering one eye.    It was blonde, but nothing like Ino’s which so light in colour.  His was bright yellow like the sun, and his eyes a stunning azure blue.  He looked  young, he couldn’t have been much older than she was.  Maybe a few years at most.  His body was strong and lean, a common body type amongst ninja.  
“Why didn’t you?” she asked.
“Why didn’t I kill you?” Deidara gave a little laugh.  “Well, the day is young.”
Sakura steeled her expressionless face, still holding her kunai out towards him.
“Hmmm….maybe a bit too early for jokes yeah.  Well, I have no reason to kill you.  Unless, of course, you are here to kill me.  Then that could change things.  Why are you here Kunoichi?  How did you end up in this cabin with me?”
Sakura sighed.  “Mistaken identity.  The mist ninja were under the impression that I am your partner.”  She nodded towards the slashed forehead protector.  “That sure didn’t help things.  That happened during my last mission.  Long story.”
“Aah. They think you are Akatsuki. Hmmmm..”  He eyed her up and down thoughtfully.  “The black robe might suit you.”
Sakura scoffed.  The searing pain in her arm overtook her as she dropped her kunai on her bed and clutched her arm.  She looked down at it.  The wound had been covered in a long white bandage.   She looked over at her kunai.  She would have to let her guard down, and heal her arm.  It appeared he was not going to attack her in this moment.
“So, I tried to help your arm.  I have no medical training but I tried to stop the bleeding and wrap it up.” Deidara said.  “I didn’t know how else to stop it from bleeding out.  I’ve used this method on myself before.”
Sakura slowly unwrapped the bandage on her arm.  It revealed a long knife wound that had been cauterized by heat.  She glanced over at the bedside table with water and washcloth.  Her arm had been carefully cleaned.   Deidara had done this?  He had taken care of her?  It was puzzling.  He was not at all how she would expect an S-Class criminal to behave.  She thought he would have either killed her, or tossed her in a room and to let her suffer.  Could he just be putting on an act to get her to trust him?  Well first things were first.  She needed to sort out her arm before she could concentrate on anything else.
She started to gather a healing chakra in her hand.  Deidara walked over, his eyes glued to the ball of green light.  He stood at the end of her bed fascinated.
Sakura closed her eyes and put the healing chakra over the wound.  With great precision she began to repair the damaged tissue.  Slowly but ever so surely, the wound began to repair.  Each layer of epidermis required precise chakra control to heal the damaged tissue.  Each cell needed to be in the exact right place, there was no room for error.  After ten minutes, she lifted her hand away.  
“Well that’s the best I can do. It feels so much better though.”  She twisted her arm and moved it freely.   “Just a small scar to contend with.  That’s the life of a ninja.”
Deidara was still staring at her arm.  “That was fascinating.  I’ve never witnessed a surgery like that.  You are very skilled Kunoichi.”
“Sakura” she said.  “My name is Sakura.  Haruno Sakura of the Hidden Leaf.”
“Sakura” he repeated.  “Like the blossom.”  He gazed at her silky pink hair that was cascading below her shoulders.  “A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman.  Very fitting.”
Sakura felt the hairs on her arms raise.  He made her feel nervous.  The man sitting on her bed was a killer.  A psychopath. He enjoyed blowing things up.  And here she was getting goosebumps because he said she was pretty?   Why was he so distractingly attractive?   She must have lost too much blood, because her first impressions of him were more of curiosity than of fear.   She needed to keep her wits about her, because she didn’t know what kind of game he was playing.
“You look a bit flushed.  Perhaps you should rest.  You did lose a lot of blood.”
“Ummm yeah. You are probably right.  I think I will”  Sakura swung her legs back over into the bed.  She wanted to know more about where they were staying, and formulate escape plans.  The fact was, she was feeling tired from just being up for a little bit.  Perhaps rest was the best idea.
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koszmar-zycie · 4 years
All of the fun, random questions! Do it!
Oh lawdy! To quote Ace Ventura: “Aaaaaalrighty, then!” - Apologies for the janky post, since I can’t space them without the site making the numbers all screwy.
Do you have any “yeah I’m good at it but I hate it” kind of skills? - hmmmm. To be honest, leading. If you buy into horoscopes, I’m a Dragon. And maybe it’s natural, maybe it’s theatre experience. But when I apply myself as a leader, I do AMAZING. The issue is that I generally like to be a support. Sometimes I like leading, but usually I’m not into the idea of being this focus or figurehead guiding the way as the leader. Whether projects or even fun, I tend to fall into a like... intermediate leadership role at best. 
If you could make one type of food cease to exist, what would you banish? - To be honest, I can’t do that. Even foods I’m not fond of are foods, and I would be remised if I were to remove any.  
You’re allowed to know everything about one highly specific thing/topic. What would you choose? - Deep sea thermal based biology. The deep sea is my 100% very favorite place on Earth. If I die and there’s an afterlife, I want endless ocean of all kinds. If I’m reincarnated, I want to be a Dragonfish or something. At any rate, I would do anything to have such a wealth of knowledge. Especially about something as fascinating to me as the ins and out of how the deep sea creatures that survive and thrive around the *extreme* heat and pressure of the vents. 
What’s a fictional character who you want to be like? In what way do you want to be like them? - I would love to be like Nathan Ford from Leverage. I want to be able to live my life as freely and wildly as he (though maybe not as illegally lol), and also pursue what I feel is right for me. Live through and persevere through hardship as well as he, even if he struggled.
If you had to live in and not leave a city for the rest of your life, what city would you choose? - That would be a VERY hard call between Avalon on Catalina Island USA, or Sedona, Arizona. While Sedona overall has more of what I love, Avalon has the sea. And I’d probably die without my ocean. 
Do you tend to say what you’re thinking? What would people think of you if you did the opposite?  - Usually, yes. But in a careful way. It WILL happen periodically, because I’m also an emotional hunk of waste. But in general I do a decent enough job of being honest without being harsh about it. When I’m provoked or something really gets to me, then I can just vent without thinking.
Is there anything that you’ve done/experienced so much you hate it now? Easiest to come up with are like, food or music. - Hmmm. Not really. Halloween got SEVERELY killed for me, though. I still like it, but Haunt people are by and large the most obnoxious and hypocritical. Since I adore haunt, I HAVE to deal with them. Hatred for Christmas and other holidays while spouting about Halloween has drained my interest in Halloween. So yes an no, because that’s really OTHER people killing it for me. But I’m also sort of involved because of my love of the haunt business.
Were you afraid of anything “silly”/irrational as a child that you’ve since outgrown? - Deep water. As a kid I HATED the deep end of pools. Now I’m obsessed with deep water and the dark, unknown, crushing depths. Funny how things work out! I used to hate going near the slope in a pool if it was even a little dark (lighted pools were fine). Now, the only thing stopping me from just continuing to swim down if I go diving is my tank limits.
If you were to impart one moral lesson (think Aesop’s fables, Golden Rule, etc) on the world, what would it be? - Treat others as you wish to be treated. It’s SO easy to say, and yet nobody does it. 
If you were a DND character or a game character (or something like that) what would your highest stat be? What would you want your highest stat to be? What about the lowest, to both of those? - HA. I think about this way too much. I’d be a sea elf druid. STR 10 INT 12 CHA 16 DEX 12 END 18 WIS 18 - If I were to apply myself logically as an analog of myself, I’d have good durability and understanding and social capability (again, in specific regards), but my outward strength and dex would be kinda average. I like to think that I’m decently intelligent, as I LOVE books, learning, and figuring things out. But I’m also far from genius. Hence my focus on Wisdom. I’m also surprisingly dexterous, but in certain circumstances more than others, so that’s also pretty average. I don’t think I’ve really have any “bad” stats, but I’d definitely mix average with a couple high ones.
Is there anything you judge others for when you probably shouldn’t? - Probably. I have a huge mistake of expecting others to be courteous and offer a common decency/open perspective on things.
Who are “your kind” of people? - Goths and hippies, my friend. If you want to know my style? Goth Druid. lol 
If you had to come up with your last words right now… what would they be? - “Don’t regret not accomplishing what you set out to accomplish. Regret having not tried. I do not regret trying, even if I did not succeed.”
Do you have any “weirdly strong” opinions about things that don’t really matter? - This is VERY obscure (I have others, but it’s late and this came to mind first) But if you play Fate Grand Order.... SET YOUR GOD DAMNED SUPPORTS.
Your goal is to completely confuse the people around you in as short a time as possible– what do you say/do? - Honestly, just start quoting Lorne from Season 5 of Angel. Or act like a Malkavian. One of my VTM characters was a Malkavian who got in a fight with a parachute he had. Her name was Kitten.
What’s the most comfy place you’ve been in? - I don’t know, actually. Maybe the Luxe Hotel in LA during Anime Expo?
Did you have any “silly” beliefs as a kid? Where did they come from (parents, friends, out of nowhere, etc)? - Not that I know of. At least in terms of anything that’d have changed or something. I’m sure there’s Something, but I honestly can’t dig anything up in my memories.
If you were to add or remove one physical feature to yourself… what would it be? Can be from animals, can be from imagination… whatever. - Hahaha, I ALWAYS think about this one. Right now, I’d want maybe the electro-vision of sharks. 
What could you happily give a two hour lecture on? - Ocean conservation, and what’s correct and what isn’t.
What would a mirror opposite version of yourself be like? It doesn’t necessarily have to be an evil version– any feature can be reflected! - Someone who’s mostly optimistic. More bright colors than dark, short hair. Focused on socializing and extroverted. More than happy in one place forever, without an interest in travel. 
What’s an occasion you’ve done a double take? - Anime Expo a number of times. Seeing weird or unexpected, or legendary cosplays. 
If you could only see one color (and its varying shades– dark/light) for the rest of your life… what would you choose? - Blue. Guess that was probably obvious. But it’s a cool color and associated with calming. Between dark midnight and navy blues to vibrant aquamarines pressing towards green (without actually going into it), I feel like there’s a happy spectrum of all kinds that would be enough to get through without going too crazy.
Do your friends all share certain qualities? Major or minor! - Despite my.... unique personality, and preference towards quiet etc (INFJ), I have a lot of radically different kinds of friends. I honestly don’t think I could put any one thing down. Other than that I choose my friends carefully on who I think I can trust and is a good persona at heart. To a sufficient degree anyway. That’s also a huge part of my downsides, too. By being sensitive (and having certain conditions), when a friend does something that hurts me, it REALLY hurts.
How do you motivate yourself to do things? - Oh man, that’s funny. It is entirely circumstantial. As an artist/writer/creative (I use artist in the broad sense, but I figured I’d add that to help specify) I can VERY easily just have motivation on a moments notice. So it’s often pretty random. But if not, I jut need to think of why. I Looooooove gardening. Weeds need pulling? I think about what’ll happen if the roses or tomatos or lemon tree don’t get their water because of weeds sucking it up. Need to write? I’ll never leave my creation for *any*one if I don’t at least crack down on notes, and make slow and steady progress if nothing else. It’s usually just a small thing I think of to act as a spark, but it’s usually very effective.
What’s one of your favorite jokes? Tell it to us!  - Okay, so this isn’t a joke, but it’s seriously STILL making me laugh just thinking about it. I was going to reference an old comedian in a previous post (I didn’t end up doing it, but still). Anyway, I was really confused as to why I couldn’t find him in google. It turns out, instead of looking up “Groucho Marx”, I was googling “Marco Grouch”. LOL That’s probably not quite as funny to y’all, but for some reason it’s killing me. XD
Hooooooeeee! Well, that was long, but actually really fun! Thank you @scatteredstoryteller! That was like... an essay. lol But definitely fun. I love asks. XD
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