#but mostly it was focused on the couples and throuples
lornrocks · 8 months
Wait is the reason they wrote out Ivan, Buttons, and Swede because of budget cuts…?
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pixelchills · 1 year
Okay so, I've been discussing this thing for the future of 'My dear Daffodil' on my second twitter account for a couple of weeks now, and I'd like to hear all of my readers thoughts on it now :>
Tldr at the end.
MDD = My Dear Daffodil
ANSSW = A Not so Sunny World (both, the main story and the prequel)
So, for the record: MDD was never fully planned the way A Not so Sunny World was. I have constructed the story arcs, dramas, character deaths and relationships way before I even started writing ANSSW. Even though some small changes were made, most of it stayed the same according to my original plan.
However, since MDD is an alternative universe mostly created in the means of humour, domesticity and non-zombie related drama, and especially to include Solar in the universe where he would be loved and given the place to heal, rather than being send to the death row.
So the question I've had hanging around has been mostly about Sun and Solar, and the fact they're going to spend 9 years together before the locations merge. What would you think their relationship will become once Moon joins in and eventually starts dating Sun?
In ANSSW, the couple of encounters Sunrise had with Solar gave Solar a very "forced brotherhood" -vibe, where Solar would insists Sun being his little brother due to the fact Dr Weston was their supervising doctor. Sun always said no, he was not his brother, he had no siblings, and was shown to be very uncomfortable around Solar and his weird fixation on familyhood with someone he had only seen once.
Now, in MDD universe, Sunrise was created to complement Solar's personality, and fix the problems and mistakes Dr Weston had made with Solar. Due to this, Sunrise is technically "made for Solar" just like Solar himself seemed to think about it.
So this is where things get tricky; a seemingly lot of people wish to Solar have a second chance in love. And in this universe, it could work in many ways. But since the story is still mostly focused on Sun's POV, I am interested to hear what do you think could happen in this universe?
The nine years Solar and Sun are gonna spend together will not change no matter which approach I take with their relationship later. Solar is gonna take Sun under his wing a bit too literally and cause the similar "innocence" stay with Sun until the Megaplex arc by babying him and channelling the 'caretaker code' solely towards Sun.
But after Sun and Moon meet again and start their relationship, there is a chance to let Solar join them in a polycule.
Again, this is why I need to know it this early, so I know which way I will write Solar's feelings towards Sun;
Is he gonna take the role as a forced big brother like he seemingly teased Sun in ANSSW, or,
Is he gonna try to protect Sun from love despite thinking Sun was "created for him" and surpressing his own growing feelings for years just because he doesn't want either of them to get hurt?
If the story would go with the latter, Solar would still take some time to join Sun and Moon in a polycule if that's what you're up to. There's a possibility to make them form a throuple, where everyone ia dating everyone, or a simple V polycule where Moon is dating both Solar and Sun but Sun and Solar are not dating each other.
The main reason why I am asking this is because now that I think about it, Sun and Moon dating while Solar just watches them as a third wheel feels a bit cruel, since his own love ended so poorly and literally destroyed him.
So that's why I'd love to hear your opinions this. Which way would you be interested to see the story go?
I do not want to cause confusion, and I originally planned to keep the 'Solar and Sun are brothers' -thing as something that would make Sun feel uncomfortable and forcedbly too close to Solar in Sun's mind, but since MDD is set a bit differently I wouldn't mind taking another approach to their relationship.
But I will not write brothers to lovers sort of thing because that's just a big no. I do not write or draw or support incest or incest ships at all.
So... Your thoughts? Would you want Solar to end up with Sun and Moon (or only with Moon) in a polycule (after he learns to shower again), or should he stay loveless in the means of romantic love?
In any case I'm gonna keep Sun and Solar's relatioship as co-workers and friends instead of the siblinghood in this story, because it was sort of my idea all together after I came up with the 'Sunrise was created to complement Solar' thing.
Sorry for the long ramble, I have a lot of thoughts I need to get out of my head but I do not want to confuse people or make anyone think I support incest, by writing Sun and Solar as brothers and then as lovers. Solar's first thought of Sun was that he was his girlfriend/boyfriend in MDD (and it was supposed to be like that in ANSSW too, but since Solar was sure about his own upcoming death I don't think he would think that Dr Weston created him a partner so...)
Please tell me your opinions, or any sort of discussion in comments, reblogs or to my ask box or DMs.
As I said, MDD was never planned the way ANSSW was, so there's a lot of plotholes and storylines I need to decide on, and I do like to think of them early enough before writing so the story connects and flows from the beginning to the very end somewhat flawlessly :>
TLDR; Should I write Solar as a later lover to Sun and Moon instead of a 'big brother' -figure in MDD?
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poisonhemloc · 3 months
right so i did mention 'new hatchling' so
new hatchling(s) + (of course) how they're fitting into the taco truck au
So. Chrys. (short for Chrysotile)(its white asbestos you don't have to look it up). They decide on things quickly and don't change their mind easily. I think they've been talked into painting? They don't like how it doesn't last, but, they do like painting. They play a kazoo. Their favorite place in the system is the Stranger, but their favorite planet is Dark Bramble, which probably tells you all you need to know (Dark Bramble is the least changing planet in the game- once you know where things are you're set)
I think, they get two possible endings- one is from a fic I wrote, where they're the hatchling that ran to the Stranger, and the other... is one of two fics focusing on them I'm working on.
Taco Truck AU!Chrys is young enough they're still staying with an older Hearthian- Quartz, another OC who's rude and mean and not good at their job and i love them. Chrys is working part time at a brewery in Giant's Deep and part time at a tattoo parlor- they like tattooing, but they really gotta work on their people skills.
Chrys became a Character mostly for fic 2 of the two I'm working on for them- using 'the hatchling' gets bulky but it's something not in character for Granite or Graphite to do, so. Chrys.
Second hatchling is Potch! Who came into being because I sent a paragraph of writing to Buddy Feef and got several all caps replies about how Chrys is Mean To Gneiss and Potch is going to play an interesting flute. If the sun hits their skin right, their freckles have just a little bit of iridescence around them. (Potch is part of opals)
Potch needs to have a plan of some kind before they do things, even if it's a really bad plan, but, after a minute of panic they can come up with a new plan on the fly. And they tinker with things- not big things, like, they get Slate's help with big things, but like their flashlight/scout/translator. Potch's translator is specifically hooked up to their ship to record everything with is a really cool detail I wish I came up with months ago to explain the ship log better.
Taco Truck AU!Potch does tech repairs! They're also young enough to not be on their own fully yet, but, we're not sure who they're crashing with- I'm leaning towards an otherwise unknown intraspecies couple (Hearthian and either a Nomai or an Owlk. Or a throuple, honestly)
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melisusthewee · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
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@greypetrel​ got to me first this week.  Thank you for the tag and for kicking off this week’s share-fest!
No art scraps from me this week.  I have no excuse other than I have just... chosen not to work on anything.  I’ve been trying to make progress on at least one of my WIPs.  I’ve got an inbox full of DADWC prompts and haven’t been able to finish a drabble for any of them.  So here is an excerpt from one I have been trying to put words in a good order for a couple weeks lol.
For context, the prompt is from a list of “wordless ways to say I love you”.  Quinn ends up contracting the Thedosian equivalent of malaria in the Fallow Mire.  It was originally going to be a larger fic establishing a Quinn/Cass/Solas polycule aka The Throuple, but as I worked on it I realized that Quinn would likely say he was poly but he really isn’t.  He gets jealous too easily or demands too much attention.  He can barely navigate a meaningful relationship with one partner never mind multiple.  But I had put so much time and effort into researching medieval medicine and science to throw the entire idea away.  So while the polycule is itself dead, parts of the fic remain as it’s still a solid headcanon/part of my Inquisitor’s story which mostly exists as prompt fills these days.  (Fun Fact: Inquisitor Trevelyan invented the gin and tonic.)
Quinn has left his bed when she returns, having settled himself in her vacated chair.  He’s retrieved a small mirror and seems singularly focused on his appearance.  Every now and then a hand reaches out to comb straps of hair out of his eyes.  A deep frown is etched in his face that seems to linger even as he looks up at her approaching footsteps.
“I look terrible.  Why did no one tell me I look terrible?”
Cassandra does not think he looks terrible at all.  He looks tired, he looks thinner than usual, and considering his lack of modesty she thinks he looks rather cold.  But she knows these are not what Quinn is complaining about.  She isn’t certain if the growth on his face can truly be called a proper beard, but his moustache and chin have gotten considerably thicker and longer.  It is uneven in places and while there isn’t much more than patchy-looking growth on most of his cheeks, what she can only describe as scruff has spread along his jaw.  It is in her opinion somehow both adorable and rugged.
“You just need a good wash,” Cassandra says, setting down the basin and jug on a nearby table.  “And perhaps a comb through it.”
“I must protest, Lady Seeker,” he says, though he takes the basin when she offers it to him and bows his head over it obediently.  “You know I’m very particular about my hair.”
As always, if you would like to be added or removed, please don’t hesitate to let me know!  You can even shoot me a private message and no one has to know if you’re shy or embarrassed about it!
Tagging: @rosella-writes​ @roguelioness​ @potatowitch​ @cleverblackcat​ @noire-pandora​ @darethshirl​ @kittynomsdeplume​ @little-lightning-lavellan​ @little--abyss​ @plisuu​ @blarrghe​ @inquisitoracorn​ @morganlefaye79​ @knuttydraws​ @silvanils​ @n7viper​ @sulky-valkyrie​ @drag-on-age​ @oxygenforthewicked​ @bluewren​ @nirikeehan​ @effelants​ @scribbledquillz​ @jellydishes​ @absyntthe​ @idolsgf​ @terencessong​ @rakshadow​ @delicatefade​ @in-arlathan​ @zoannearts​
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triviareads · 1 month
Can you suggest a new contemporary romance? I keep wanting to try books I see suggested on my fyp but never can tell if they're good.
Sure! It's hard to get a feel for books that are shilled over social media short of like, in-depth reviews and maybe trope graphics to a degree but that depends on how specific someone gets and again, it still won't necessarily give you an idea of how the book actually is. In terms of newer contemporaries:
Tripe Sec by TJ Alexander is out on June 4th and I can't recommend it enough; it's a queer polyamorous romance between a bartender and a married couple consisting of a very femme bubbly lawyer her (nonbinary) artist wife who's more of a strong and silent type. There are sections dedicated to each individual relationship and it's super gratifying seeing them all come together by the end. The sex scenes are also EXCELLENTLY written.
Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings is a really cute sapphic romance set on a flower farm— and this is one of those books where the vibes are immaculate as far as selling it goes, but Mazey Eddings also follows through with the writing and the romance of it all. It's sexy, it's queer, has neurodivergent rep, and it feels very zillennial in a great way.
For a more emotional, Grown Adult romance, Out of Office by A.H. Cunningham is a book I ended up really enjoying. Gen is a high-powered hospitality executive who has a fling with her driver in Panama, Adrián, and as time is running out, they realize they want more. It's super sensual and sultry and that feeling carries even past their fling and once they're in the "real world" so to speak, and making tough choices about continuing their relationship.
And of course, if you want an erotic contemporary romance, I can't not recommend Salt Kiss by Sierra Simone while we wait for Honey Cut, which is out next month. It's an erotic Tristan and Isolde retelling and in true Sierra Simone fashion, there's a main throuple: Tristan/Isolde/Mark. and book one mostly focuses on ex-soldier Tristan Thomas who takes a job as his step-uncle Mark Trevena's personal bodyguard. Mark is ex CIA, ex(?) assassin, and current owner of Kink Club Floating In The Middle Of The Potomac, Lyonesse. Again, (WILDLY) sexy, queer, kink-positive, and a hilariously toxic dynamic between sadsack virgin Tristan, human disaster (though obviously that's a facade) Mark Trevena who keeps fucking Tristan while telling him not to fuck his future wife when he does, in fact, want him to fuck his future wife, and Tristan does! fuck Isolde, surprise. And ofc Isolde has hella beef against Mark for good reason(s), which is explored further in Honey Cut.
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narhinafan · 1 year
In all honesty, although NH is my main ship, if NH wasn't the end game couple I'd rather have Naruto be with Sasuke rather than having NaruSaku happen. There was more depth in terms of how their relationship worked (may it be something brotherly/friendly or even more) whereas NaruSaku I'd feel that it's pretty onesided and she could easily manipulate Naruto (Naruto may have been shown to have a crush/liked Sakura but a lot of their interactions were like for comedic relief? And that when he asked her on dates or claim that she's his gf, it eventually felt like it was a running joke/not something to be taken seriously). NaruSaku for me would only be as friends/siblings and nothing more.
When it comes to seeing Naruto as someone treated/respected as an equal/a partner, for me it boils down to having him end up with either Hinata or Sasuke (or could be both, I honestly support a throuple ship for NaruHinaSasu)
There was also potential that Sasuke and Hinata could have a good relationship with each other, Sasuke could've appreciated Hinata's quiet nature as he's similar in a sense, and there were other things he could relate to her (in terms of their clans/doujutsu/relationship with their siblings). He'd also most likely appreciate her during their time in the academy as the only one who didn't "fangirl" around him.
I recall a couple of months back that someone brought back the argument that Sasuke cared more about Hinata over Sakura during that scene in the Momoshiki invasion arc to have him personally reassure her about Naruto (there was also a speculation that when Hinata went back to try to help Naruto, it could've been Sasuke who saved her - although we couldn't confirm this as they didn't show Hinata's fight - which still makes me bitter to this day)
It would've made a lot of sense if Team 7 had been Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke (I've read several fics with these 3 in the same team) as I could see the potential that these 3 could have supported each other equally (compared to how Sakura was in the past that she was solely focused on Sasuke and didn't care all that much about Naruto). The 3 of them carrying their own burdens could also make them more understanding of each other's circumstances. Like they could relate and help each other in a sense. And to think that by the end of Naruto it was shown that NHS had been linked to powerful Otsutsukis, they could've made a powerhouse trio if it was explored more. Hinata could even have easily taken over Sakura's role as a medic nin (and she actually could have been a more suitable candidate because of her Byakugan) if only it had been developed more in the story.
Your asks are way too long.
Neh I only see Naruto and Sasuke as friends and brothers I can never see them in a romantic light. How some fans react to ship any same sex friendship like crazy even when they are just meant to be friends really put me off same sex shipping. I would rather each of them be alone rather then either get with Sakura but still good friends enjoying the bachelor life. Though I do feel kind of sad that Naruto wouldn't get a family with Hinata since it was end game like you said I feel that Hinata was always meant to give Naruto the family he never had and hence would never be alone again when he grow up.
Your right most of Sakura and Naruto's interactions is for comic relief and most of the anime scene only cause a script writer was heavily bias towards NaruSaku. In the manga Naruto shows little interest in Sakura his crush only coming up when it involves Sasuke either when he is competing with him or when Sasuke turned her down. His crush was never serious and mostly cause of his rivalry with Sasuke.
I do believe Sasuke could get along really well if Hinata, but the way the manga is set up it just isn't possible. When Sasuke was in the village he just didn't interact with Hinata at all nor would he. The only way they could get close is if Hinata got with Naruto earlier and hence she would interact with Sasuke. Even after he returned the village Sasuke has never interacted with Hinata much cause he is usually travelling even though she is married to Naruto who he is close with.
I recall a couple of months back that someone brought back the argument that Sasuke cared more about Hinata over Sakura during that scene in the Momoshiki invasion arc to have him personally reassure her about Naruto (there was also a speculation that when Hinata went back to try to help Naruto, it could've been Sasuke who saved her - although we couldn't confirm this as they didn't show Hinata's fight - which still makes me bitter to this day)
Yeah it was one of the issues I have with SasuSaku as Sasuke gives Naruto's family more attention then his own. I don't think Sasuke saved her I feel it was more that Hinata fought them while Sasuke protected the kids and go injured then Momoshiki fled since he had Naruto.
It would've made a lot of sense if Team 7 had been Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke (I've read several fics with these 3 in the same team) as I could see the potential that these 3 could have supported each other equally (compared to how Sakura was in the past that she was solely focused on Sasuke and didn't care all that much about Naruto). The 3 of them carrying their own burdens could also make them more understanding of each other's circumstances. Like they could relate and help each other in a sense. And to think that by the end of Naruto it was shown that NHS had been linked to powerful Otsutsukis, they could've made a powerhouse trio if it was explored more. Hinata could even have easily taken over Sakura's role as a medic nin (and she actually could have been a more suitable candidate because of her Byakugan) if only it had been developed more in the story.
Yeah team 7 works better with Hinata in the picture as the overall dynamics would just be better original team 7 was a train wreak with only Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry really holding it together. As a team they never really hung out cause Sakura was a fangirl while Naruto and Sasuke were at odds. Hinata would have bridged that gap Sasuke wouldn't turn down a kind character like Hinata easily and if he was too harsh Naruto would defend her and would likely feel guilt and give in so the team would end up hanging out more. The Otsutsukis plot would have worked so much better with Hinata since all of team 7 would be related to them, even Kakashi during the final fight has part of their power thanks to Obito giving him the sharingan and his chakra having six paths powers from when he had the ten tails.
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poodlejoonas · 1 year
hey Mia! i remember some of the dad au wives being hinted that they’re kinky. Can you share who’s the kinkiest couple and what kinks they engage in?
(Under the cut for... reasons 👀)
Kirsten, Milli, Marja, and Hanna are the pegging queens of the bunch. Milli already had some experience with pegging as a bi woman so it took Joel some warming up to the idea of being pegged himself. It turns out that he prefers it when he's in the mood for a little bit of subbing (either after a long day or when he wants to feel vulnerable and open with his favorite person). Hanna also had experience, having dated mostly women before Aleksi, but she didn't need to convince him. He wanted to be vulnerable and subby in his relationship with Laila but she was so focused on his masculinity that she never let him do it. Kirsten opened up to pegging when Joonas, the curious one, suggested it. She likes the power that comes along with being the dominant one sometimes, and she gets a rush from making Joonas beg for more.
Jenna and Riina don't do pegging but they are by no means vanilla either. Olli and Riina have an exhibition kink - they went to a nude beach on their honeymoon, he gets handsy under the table when he brings her to public events, and they've banged a few times in the studio bathroom with the risk of knowing someone would hear or walk in on them. He also (consensually) gets teased with sexy pics and risqué texts whenever he's with others. Niko and Jenna were basically in a throuple with Marja before she started dating Tommi and their basically-a-polycule grew when they became a couple. No surprise, they've had a few foursomes in their day and they freely have sex with each other. Between themselves, Niko and Jenna have a breeding kink and dabble in all forms of pain play, softcore BDSM, and exhibition as well.
But the number 1 kinkiest couple are Tommi and Marja. On top of reducing the big guy to a needy pulp while being pegged, Marja has a kink for pain play and being roughhoused. She loves Tommi for his teddy bear nature and gentleness as a father and husband, but she'd much rather have him break her in half in bed (or elsewhere, she's not picky). They play around with all kinds of roleplay and she enjoys any kind of controlled rough sex that makes her feel slutty in the act but cared for afterwards. They've made a few sex tapes just for their viewing pleasure and that's how she decides which kinks she wants to keep exploring and which ones she wants to do away with. She's tiny in comparison to him, but hearing about the things they do makes everyone wonder how she hasn't been completely shattered in half yet. Marja does have an abusive past with her first child's father, so Tommi was hesitant to give her what she wanted at first and is still cautious about what he does to her. However, the vanilla stuff doesn't satisfy her and she prefers the roughness because she's making up for years of bad sex with a terrible man.
You know what they say about the quiet ones and being freaks in bed 😉😉
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
some saying Rivusa is a forced couple?!! Are you kidding me?!! Did you watch the trailer?! Stella and Beatrix being a thing is the definition the most forced ship I have ever seen in TV history. The fact it’s just happened because the actress wanted to is so dumb. If you want Stella to be bi then make it Stella x Terra at least they were friends and knew each other. Musa and Riven are already met and even confirmed they met in the book prequel. While Beatrix and Stella had never again NEVER INTERACT (1/2).
Stella just broke up from a toxic relationship to throw her to another one with pretty much villain character is weird “ I am not fan of Beatrix redemption arc I already hate Stella’s don’t do this again with Beatrix at least not now” Also Stella has her abuse mother to deal with she isn’t ready for Romance at the moment not to mention we have three other couples. So Stella either should be single for now and if they wanted her to be in a relationship it should be with Terra or bring Brandon.(2/2)
bestie you’ve been holding this in agshshsjsj💀
listen, I can’t lie to, my attention is mostly focused on rivusa and their plots because they also just do happen to be my favourite characters. but like Ngl I don’t feel like I can say anything on them feeling forced or not until we watch the season? For all we know, their plots are intertwined
Ngl I kinda want Beatrix to stay this morally-grey villain, but if she does have a redemption I hope they do it well. Not sure how Stella would be a part of it because she still has so much of her own growth to go through.
I think the only thing that makes me hesitant on Stella x anybody, or just any more ships in general is that it will be too heavy on the plot. They already have skloom, rivusa, the weird riven/beatrix/dane throuple and now aisha and her new love interest. They don’t have enough time to give each relationship like it’s proper focus, which I honestly don’t mind because I’d hope stella and terra and flora get the chance for their own romantic storylines when the plot can be focused on it.
I honestly don’t really have much of an opinion on who Stella ends up with tho💀my wee younger self loved Stella and Brandon, but I’m pretty open to whatever plot they try out as long as it’s done well and it’s not like…one of the random secondary adult characters😭I do agree that Stella’s plot needs to focus on herself more than anything else tho!!!!
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lust-for-celebs · 3 months
This is a simple list of ideas I have in no particular order.
A more romantic non-rape lilsimsie story.
A continuation of the JustAMinx story. A sequel chapter, and a number of bonus scenes related to it.
A continuation of the Aimsey story. A sequel chapter, and a number of bonus scenes related to it.
Both sets of bonus scenes are mostly alternate ways for each timeline to go down.
Niki Nihachu non-con where she is doing a baking stream and a man breaks in and rapes her on stream. Potential foodplay.
A non-con story featuring both Niki Nihachu and TinaKitten. No set plot in mind.
A Rhea Ripley story wherein she is dominated by a man. Heavy spanking, and her being fucked in the position of her pin. Sort of like a mating press. Maybe she bets that she’s stronger than a man, and he beats her winning the ability to use her however he wants.
A Sonya Deville story focused on non-con. No particular plot ideas except one that I’m cautious about due to it potentially being too bad taste.
A Sonya Deville story where she is in someway convinced to try sex with a man. Maybe Mandy Rose brings her in for something.
Both would, of course, involve orientation play.
A Taylor Swift story. No set ideas. Potentially including humiliation and degradation.
A Tokino Sora story. No set ideas in mind. Maybe something to do with a manager or something. Might be to similar to one story I vaguely remember. Would need to read it on AO3 again to be sure.
A Pippa Pipkin story. No set ideas in mind. Maybe a fed or something. I don’t know.
A story based on the video game Bully where Jimmy Hopkins gets it on with each of the girls in that game in a series of chapters. No planned plot or ideas for individual chapters. I’ll wait until I finish it again and one hundred percent it for the first time if I can get the last few things to spawn in before the final mission.
A Chloe Price story based on a favorite picture of mine where Warren Graham is fucking her anally over a desk. No set idea for length of story, or if I want to add more on to it afterwards. I need to familiarize myself with Life is Strange and its plot and characters before I do.
Lara Croft and Samantha Nishimura story where they are in a throuple with a man. No set ideas, but would obviously be more romantic. Only finished the first game in the reboot a couple years back. Maybe only one year ago. But, regardless, I want finish the rest of the stuff that came afterwards. Comics and games and whatnot.
There are currently 0 asks I have to answer.
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📥 👩‍👧‍👧 💻 💭
📥 Fave fic to receive comments on: Shape of You, for sure. It's my favourite fic of mine and I truly think it's my version of a masterpiece. I don't know that I'll write anything I like more even if it's not my most popular 💕💕 It's been called 'bizarre' a couple times and I adore that
👩‍👧‍👧Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?: My partner and my sister. My sister writes reader fics for Star Trek mostly (@dolamrothianlady ;) ). My partner did promote my writing to our friends one time though which was so genuine and nice?? I would never tell them which ones I write but that was cool (they know the fandom though 🫣)
💻 Do you research for fics? What's the deepest dive you've done? I am quite not good at doing focused research - I go on learning tangents all the time. The one that I dropped the most time into and even pestered my partner about was modifying number plates and how to half badly get away with it for my False Protector fic (not a fave). I wanted the unsub to modify their number plate to evade the BAU for a bit longer, but not do a spectacular job. And I wanted it to be relevant to the time period. Additionally for the same fic, I researched the impacts of aconite/wolfsbane and found an actual case where it was used and that was a wild rabbit hole. I love research.
💭 A headcannon you have about your own work?: Hrhgrh I'm not sure? In my Build Me Up, Buttercup fic I now always picture Luke joins Moreid later on and they throuple it up. I've been wanting to write it for an age but can't shake it out of my brain and onto my docs :( (yet, hopefully).
Thank you so much for sending this!! It was fun to respond to and think about, and I'm grateful ☺️💕
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littlesmartart · 2 years
is your last post to say that nmj and nhs's moms are/were together in the modern au 👀👀
anonymous asked: I wanna know about all the modern AU 3zun raise Jingyi parents but I'm especially interested in the Nie moms' headcanon you have
okay so there are multiple ways you can translate the vague details we get about the Mamas Nie in canon (which seem to indicate either consecutive wives, or a wife and a concubine) to a modern AU - I considered Mingjue's mum dying when he was young and Papa Nie remarrying to Huaisang's mum, but @guqin-and-flute and I decided that there's enough big parental angst going on already, and SOMEONE'S gotta have a framework for healthy romantic relationships in this throuple! so we settled on Papa Nie + Mingjue's Mum + Huaisang's Mum being in a poly relationship themselves. I am as yet undecided whether I prefer their triad forming by Huaisang's Mum joining the other two, who are a married couple, or whether it's Papa Nie being invited to join the relationship of the other two.
not only is this fun and cute in itself but also I think it retroactively explains a lot about our thoughts on canon Mingjue; mostly irt how a character who is very... rigid in his opinions, and tradition-focused, could be so open and comfortable with a relationship that would be considered pretty unconventional by the society around him, but also explains his frustration with people obscuring the truth or masking their feelings - healthy poly relationships require a great deal of communication and honesty, so if Mingjue grew up in a household with that as not only the norm but the expectation, I can imagine he'd find Lan "My Emotions Are A Burden On My Loved Ones" Xichen's and Meng "If You Saw My Weakness No You Fucking Didn't" Yao's attitudes.......... aggravating dsfkldsfjksl
unfortunately nearly everyone in this fucking story suffers from Dead Parent Disease, so the collective Parents Nie do wind up dying when Mingjue is in his teens. we haven't decided exactly what the modern version of qi deviation is, but it's some sort of terminal hereditary condition that is greatly exacerbated by stress. Papa Nie knew that his father and grandfather died of it, but was so caught up with the family business that he brushed off any attempt at persuading him to slow down and have it looked into - until a bad flareup in his condition inadvertantly causes a car accident that kills both Mamas Nie but leaves him physically unscathed. that's pretty much the beginning of the end for him; whilst he goes from hospital to clinic to specialist trying to find something that might help, he's too far gone, and dies only a few years later in his forties. Mingjue personally believes that it was the guilt that killed him more than anything else. he also gets a metric BUTTLOAD of dad-issues from this that rear their horrible horrible head when Xichen officially adopts A-Fu... but that's another story.
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bbugyu · 3 years
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when you were waiting for him, jeonghan couldn't help but drive a little too fast to get to you.
neverending artistry | spin off
8.6k | sugar daddy!jeonghan x uni student!fem reader, smut, kinda fluffy bc i can't help it, light bondage, daddy kink, dom!han and ultrabrat!reader (aka me), i think u cry at one point but i swear it's not that bad, unprotected sex (pls use condoms don't be like y/n and jeonghan), almost butt stuff, there are also fun domestic scenes featuring the besties, vern and chan, and the best pa ever boo seungkwan
i've been thinking a lot about architect jeonghan lately, and i realized that neverending artistry mostly focused on seokmin (how mc and han fell for him, their sex with him, etc.) and wanted to show how fun n sexy this couple is before they became a throuple. so enjoy an obsessive look at the sex life of prolific architect sugar daddy jeonghan and musical theory major sugar baby y/n!
when you considered most things in your life, you saw it as pretty standard for a third year university student. you went to classes during the week, got food with friends whenever you had the chance, and holed up in your tiny officetel when you needed to finish procrastinated projects. you were coworking with two of your best friends at their shared apartment when you exhaled heavily.
"she's complaining again," chan said, not even looking up from his ipad, pen in hand as he highlighted his digital textbook. you rolled your eyes just in time for vernon to catch it as he looked up, making him stifle a laugh.
"it's finals next week," you groaned, conducting a controlled fall backwards to lay on the floor, crossed legs still tucked under the table you all sat around. "am i not allowed to complain?"
"no," chan stated plainly, finally giving you a look of fake pity. "vernon has the same finals as you, i have more, and we both work. you have nothing to complain about."
"hey!" you sat up. "i work!"
chan blinked at you. "sorry, i forgot you have to appear at fancy galas with your rich boyfriend on weekends. are you serious?"
you clicked your tongue, annoyed. "he's not my boyfriend."
"right," he corrected. "sorry. sugar daddy."
you looked at vernon, mouth gaping. "you gonna let him talk to me like that?"
he looked at you with an uninterested look in his eyes, a hand going up to adjust his beanie over his forehead. "i let you talk to him like that, so…"
"whatever," you said, checking your phone for the first time in over an hour. the three of you had an agreement: no phones during study hours, otherwise you all end up sharing stupid videos and losing time. you were usually the one to break.
"no phone," chan reminded you, pushing a palm into his cheek after adjusting his glasses on his nose.
"get bent, loser," you said, proving vernon's argument with a perfect example before noticing the notification you had received from the aforementioned rich boyfriend. "speak of the devil."
"oh?" vernon perked up. despite the shit your friends gave you for your less than conventional job, and how that shit had increased sevenfold when you told them jeonghan had asked you to work with him exclusively, they did still found it vastly entertaining. "wait, lemme guess. a grand re-opening of a hotel. i bet it's haunted."
you laughed at him then shrugged, pouting out your lips as you read the text. "he's asking if i'm busy now."
"yeah, we're studying," chan said immediately, looking between the two of you as you both stared at him silently. "seriously? finals start in four days."
you looked at your laptop, pursing your lips. "i mean, i'm basically ready to submit this project, and it's not due til tuesday…"
it was chan's turn to roll his eyes, throwing his pen down in annoyance and leaning back on his palms. "remember last year? when we all cared about our classes?"
"i care!" you insisted. "remember when you ditched our study date on monday?"
chan grabbed a pillow off the couch and whacked it towards you, making you squeal as you defended yourself. "i had a shift at the restaurant, you dick!"
"okay, and?" you grabbed the pillow from his grip, threateningly drawing it back just to make him flinch before planting it in your lap and putting your attention back on your discarded phone. "i might be picking up a shift last minute. we all gotta make money somehow, lee jungchan."
"at-" he paused to look at the corner of his ipad. "11:30pm? sounds innocent."
"hey," vernon interjected. "plenty of innocent things happen at 11:30. maybe he just wants tteokbokki."
you laughed, typing out a response on your phone. "yeah, probably something like that."
han💝: are you busy right now?
25 minutes ago.
you: sorry, i was doing school stuff with the guys. i'm wrapping up now tho, whassup?
han💝: have you eaten?
you: i did~ you?
han💝: yup 😇 when are you free?
you stared at your screen for a moment. jeonghan wasn't the type to beat around the bush when there was something he wanted, and you had definitely been wrong about how innocent his late night weekday text had been. you swallowed, thinking about how you had insisted to your friends that he was definitely not your boyfriend despite the tabloids saying he was. it was an act, you told them. that he just wanted the rumors to stop, and he had fun with you. they had bought it, but you hadn't divulged the tiny detail that you were definitely fucking him on occasion - sometimes for fun, and sometimes purely to fill a need, but always the most fun you'd ever had. you also hadn't admitted the probably more relevant information that you may have already exchanged i love yous with the architect, nearly three months prior to your current study session, despite not taking the time to redefine your relationship with one another. you glanced up at vernon, who was spinning his pen in his fingers as he read from a textbook, then over to chan, who had resumed his digital highlighting in favor of stewing over your questionable decisions.
you: i can be home in 15?
han💝: i can be there in 25.
you: making me wait a whole ten minutes? 🤕
han💝: 🙄 you better be waiting
you exhaled, closing your laptop. "i'm going home."
chan's head fell to one side. "really?"
you scowled at him. "i finished my project, which is more than i had planned for today," you said matter of factly, pulling your bookbag over from where it was leaning against a wall. "how's the organic chemistry study guide?"
"shut up," he groaned, collapsing over the table. "what kind of idiot goes to college on a fine arts scholarship and then minors in environmental sciences?"
"our kind of idiot," vernon said, watching you put your things away. "hanging out with jeonghan?"
"yeah," you said, looking at the time on your phone again. "you were right, we're getting tteokbokki. i'm gonna change out of this white shirt."
"told you," he said, looking at chan as he put his chin on the table, pouting.
"how come we don't get to go get tteokbokki with you and your rich boyfriend?" chan asked, head bobbing as his jaw stayed stationary against the table.
"not my boyfriend," you said again. "also, it's rude to invite yourself."
he groaned, sitting up. "then invite us!"
"maybe next time," you said, standing from the table and grabbing your phone. "i'll see you guys tomorrow?"
"yeah," chan confirmed, then pointed at you as vernon stood. "lunch tomorrow! don't forget. don't flake."
"i won't, jesus," you laughed, looking at vernon. "can you believe this guy?"
he widened his eyes at you in a look of solidarity, making you giggle and push his shoulder lightly. he chuckled and asked if you needed company walking home.
"i'll be okay," you said, pulling on your jacket. "thanks, though."
"'course. hit me up if you need anything." he gave you a peachy smile that spread to your face easily. "have fun. see you tomorrow."
the walk was quick, but colder than you expected, and you were huffing into your hands as you rushed into your apartment building. you were forced to take the stairs due to the broken elevator, hopping up each step and quietly laughing at the way jeonghan would react when he saw the out of order sign when he arrived.
once in your apartment, you changed out of the white shirt, exactly as promised, but not into something that would have better chances at surviving a late night tteokbokki excursion. you chewed your lip, looking down at the two options you had laid out on your bed, knowing you had to wrestle one on before you could start cleaning - jeonghan had knocked on your door when you had one leg in a pair of stockings in the past, and you didn't plan on repeating that stress inducing 53 seconds in which you practically tore a hole in them trying to hurry.
over the last few months, you had learned many miscellaneous things about the architect. he loved ice cream, but hated the way it made his stomach hurt. he, as a rule, changed his hair dramatically every three months, and while he had been a mousy brunette with bangs that just brushed past his eyebrows when you met him, he had since decided that he wanted to try blonde again, and let it drape more dramatically around his features. he loved his crew like they were his family, taking care of them in all the subtle ways they needed. he couldn't help but sing along to songs if he knew the lyrics. he thought anything pink was immediately cute.
you had also learned a few very important facts about jeonghan. one was that he never flaunted his wealth, but never hesitated to use it. he had a habit of letting a smirk betray his intentions when you mentioned something you liked, quickly normalizing his face before asking what you'd do for it. second, he loved winning. he would make bets with you and do just about anything to make sure you lost, whether it was suggesting a bet over a fact he knew he was right about or to decide who would get to eat the last chicken leg, a smug look on his face as you got ready to fight him for being a piss poor winner. third, while you would think he liked being right, too, he actually smiled more when you proved him wrong, and you knew it was because he loved being reminded that, despite everything different about the two of you, you were still equals.
most importantly, at least today, was the fact that he thought you were beautiful in a dress, but he was a real sucker for a t-shirt. and subverting expectations was one of your specialties.
you had done this a million times at this point. too many times, you thought, when the clerk at a lingerie store commented that you were using a different card than usual - jeonghan had decided to get you your own instead of just handing over his - causing you to radiate heat for nearly an hour afterwards. but somehow every time felt more exciting than the last.
red. red was the right choice, even if it was a little more complicated to put on. once you had tied off in all the right places, you put on a shirt that fell halfway to your knees, then hurried to clear your floor.
jeonghan was punctual, as always, texting you a quick "two away" that sent you into a near frenzy, whipping the white duvet over your bed so it laid straight, instead of bunched at the foot like you had left it that morning. kicking a drawer back under your bed on your way, you rushed to the bathroom and cleared the counter into a basket that got shoved under the sink, then quickly sprayed your perfume.
when there was a knock at your door, you were doing a last check of the apartment, making sure there was nothing too out of place as you backed your way to the front door. finally, you spun around, unlocking and pulling it open to reveal your thursday night appointment.
"why didn't you tell me your elevator was broken? i would have made you come to me."
you laughed, your hand going up the door as you leaned against it "hello to you too, jeonghan."
he smiled at you, eyes making a not so subtle glance down your bare legs, hands in the pockets of an unzipped padded coat over what he had clearly worn at the office that day - slacks and a shirt with vague wrinkles around the collar, evidence that he had taken off his tie in the car. you smiled back at him, and he stepped into your threshold, asking how you were.
"well," you said, helping him take off the coat as he toed off his wingtip shoes, hanging the coat on the hook behind your door. "i finished a final project that isn't due til next week, and i feel confident about two of my three exams, so not too bad."
he chuckled at you, brushing his own hair back before pulling you into his arms. "look at you, university student. what, three more terms?"
you giggled into the kiss he gave you as a greeting. "four. but you knew that."
he smiled against you, caught in his own pointless joke of pretending he didn't hold onto every word you said. his hands ran over your hips, your shirt bunching up slightly between his fingers as he enjoyed the way you felt. he had seen you this weekend - a convention for a keynote and a welcome party - but he had taken you home early with an innocent kiss at your door so you could study. he hadn't gotten to rememorize the way your spine curved under his touch, your arms over his shoulders as he kissed you again, deeper. you let out a small noise when he squeezed his palm against the flesh of your ass, unable to help the giggle that fell from your lips when he pulled away slightly, his thumb feeling over the lace of your underwear.
his eyebrow raised slightly. "you said you were studying with the guys?"
you rolled your eyes. "i had time to change."
his head tilted almost imperceptibly. "so you were actually waiting for me?"
"sure was," you attested, emphasizing with a cock of your own head. "i'm always waiting on you."
he started to back you up just then, invading your space until you were forced to step back, but he confidently guided you through your small kitchen to the main living space of your officetel. his face was right up against yours, close enough to be necking, but his eyes darted around the room quickly before his lips curved into a smile against yours. "you had to clean, didn't you?"
you shook your head, pivoting on your heels and backing yourself up against your small counter. he happily readjusted, a hand landing on the counter beside your hip as you caught him in a fleeting liplock. "i'm always waiting on you, hannie."
and that was when he gave up on letting you speak, because he had been craving something for almost two weeks now. because he had been thinking about you all day. because the thought of you spending even innocent time with people that weren't him when all he wanted was to be with you, all day, every day, was enough to make him forget about anything else. so he put a hand on the side of your neck, tugging you into him as he dove deep enough into you to make you moan. your arms pulled back, fingers grasping at the collar of his shirt as he pulled your thigh up his hip. you quickly put the heel of your palm on the counter, other hand staying on his collar as he kissed you desperately, pushing yourself onto the surface so he could pull back and run his hands up your thighs, eyes fixed on anything the shirt would drag over. you put your hands on the counter behind you, arching your back slightly as his hands drifted towards your waist, revealing the red lace over your hips and the satin that tied over your stomach.
his eyes flicked up to yours. "did i buy this for you?"
your lip tugged between your teeth. "technically, you buy everything for me, boss."
he breathed out a laugh, tugging the shirt - and, by proxy, you - close enough for him to kiss you before pulling it over your head. you sat up while jeonghan threw the garment knowingly towards your hamper, undoing more buttons on his shirt. when his eyes landed on you again, you almost felt small. like a lamb caught in the sights of a wolf, and it was a feeling you knew well now. you felt his gaze running up your body, his hands barely drifting over your skin where the satin revealed it as he took in the the way the fabric crossed over your chest, breasts hardly hidden under the lacy cups. a present, almost. the best one he could ever ask for, tied neatly with a satin bow just above your belly button. goosebumps went up your arms when his eyes met yours again, and his fingertips worked their way under a strip of fabric, pulling you by your waist so he could devour you.
red was the right choice. even if it had been a little more complicated to put on.
his hands went to your ass almost immediately, closing the already barely there gap between you as he pulled you off the counter. your feet landed on the floor, and there must have been confusion in your brows with the way jeonghan chuckled into your mouth, hand securely on your jaw.
"you're too good to eat in the kitchen."
"funny," you pondered, the word brushing over his lips in a way that made his jaw drop ever so slightly. "hasn't stopped you before."
if you really had been a lamb, you would have been the easiest prey he had ever encountered - you couldn't help but fight back, and what chance of winning against your natural predator did you, the obvious prey, have? but if jeonghan really had been a wolf, then he would have been the stupidest in the pack, because he went and managed to get seduced by his dinner, and if he got a do over, he would do it the exact same, again and again.
you gripped at the collar of his shirt, pulling him with you as you backed into your small living area, giggling when you left his lips for a moment, skipping once to close the distance to your bed and standing dutifully by it as jeonghan caught up to you, a smile on his face as he watched you. you draped your arms over his shoulders, hands landing at the crown of his head as he slotted himself under your presence. his hands went to your shoulder blade and the small of your back respectively, your skin warm against his fingers that had just been exposed to the late december night. he kissed you for a long moment, seemingly getting lost in the way you engulfed him in the most intoxicating feeling he had ever experienced.
your hands landed on his nape, fingers raking through his hair as you focused your effort into molding your mouth against his. he seemingly woke up, remembering that there could be more to this than just swapping saliva for the indefinite future when he scooped his hand under your ass, the tips of his fingers brushing against you and pulling a moan from your chest. he pulled away a second, giving you a dreamy smile before placing his other hand on your chin, holding your mouth open as he lapped into it once, then watched you gasp as he pushed his fingers over you again.
"so you're needy, too?" jeonghan mused, thumb and forefinger firm against your jaw, and you let out something between a whine and a moan, wishing he would just hurry up and feel how wet you were instead of just teasing you about it.
"it's been a hard couple of weeks," you admitted, swallowing once to coat your dry throat. "i missed you."
his eyes ran over your face at your confession, studying you for just a moment before a small smile broke on his lips. "i missed you, too, angel."
when he kissed you again, you exhaled into it, your arms wrapping around his neck. he smiled again, against you this time, before he pushed at your hips until you were torn from him, spinning you until a firm hand on your spine bent you over your mattress. your heart fluttered, a hand instantly going to curl around where his fingers found grip on your waist. you hurriedly pulled your knees onto the edge of your bed, curving your back as he tightened his grip, tugging your hot core directly against the bulge in his pants.
you moaned out, pushing your cheek into the bed and looking back, gaze running up his mostly open shirt and dishevelled blonde locks. his eyes found yours, hips teasing you with exactly what you wanted and too much clothing to enjoy to its fullest. your mouth gaped, the hand not occupied by his reaching back and gripping lightly at the fabric of his slacks, trying to pull him closer, hinting at the need for better satisfaction. he smiled again, quickly reaching down and grasping your hand, pushing it up your back and making you whine as you clutched at his fingers.
"here's an idea," he pitched, confident in what he had come up with. "what if i use your pretty red ties to keep your hands out of my way?"
you gasped, pushing back against his hips, trying to work out how he could hardly react when you already felt like falling apart. "jeonghan, please-"
"who?" he asked playfully, fingers gliding under the red across your lower back.
"please, han-"
you whined. "daddy, please!"
he pushed his hips against yours again, making you cry out and bury your face in your duvet, the smirk not leaving his lips once. "that's my angel."
and while you wanted to give him shit for so quickly undoing the ties you had to work out hardly ten minutes prior, the way his fingers ran over your ribcage to undo the bow on your stomach made any coherent word escape you. he pushed your wrists together against the base of your spine, and you obediently let him tug the satin taut over your stomach, but slipped a finger under it to make sure you still had give before folding them over your wrists and tying a bow there, instead. you squirmed your hips against him as your fists clenched, and jeonghan lost control of his hips for an extended moment, letting them roll against you until you were babbling.
you were making an increasing wet spot on the front of his slacks, and even though he knew he would have to leave here wearing these at some point in the near future, and he had never left your apartment without running into at least one of your nosy neighbors, he couldn't find it in him to care, because with every cant of his clothed member against your hot, soft cunt, he was getting closer and closer to sinking in completely, and that's all he could think about.
you gasped for breath, impatient. "damn it, jeonghan-"
"i thought we agreed-"
"-i'm always fucking waiting for you," you whined, looking back at him again. "don't tell me this is all you've got."
he smiled, crooked and impressed, then backed off. you gasped at the loss, your wet panties catching the vague breeze caused by him pulling away just before he yanked your hips up, bettering his angle to stare directly at the sopping fabric as he ran a thumb over your slit, fingers digging into your ass cheek. he undid his belt with his right hand, yanking it out of the loops of his pants as he distracted you with his touch. your arms strained, wanting to brace yourself, but you were forced to settle for gripping your own forearms as he pulled his needy cock out of his pants.
you gasped, pussy clenching in reaction when he tapped the head of his cock against the wettest spot in your panties, and he couldn't help but push against your reactive hole when he saw the way it just kept getting wetter. you garbled, knuckles white, and the damp fabric caught on the tip of his cock as he guided it through your folds.
"fuck," you moaned out once, then took a couple rabid breaths, chest already pressed into the mattress in desperation. "jeonghan-"
"you keep calling me that," he said, pulling back again, and you would have killed him if he didn't fuck you so well. his hands on your ass, he pulled you apart, staring down at the way your cunt pulsed in need, slowly leaking in anticipation. "if you do it again, i'll go home."
you gulped, brows knit together in need. "yes, daddy."
"oh, angel," he purred, a shiver running up your spine at the name when you realised his breath was against the crease of your thighs. the realization came too late, though, his tongue already running a flat path over your fabric covered lips. "i could get drunk on you."
if there was anything jeonghan was, it was good with his mouth. quick wit and a scathing tongue were the reasons everyone else thought so. you, though. you knew first hand how easily he could leave someone gasping and shaking just because he had his lips wrapped around something he shouldn't.
you exhaled harshly, breath catching in your throat when jeonghan ran his fingers over you again, yanking your panties aside to dig in.
the squeal that turned into a moan as it escaped you made him smile as he ran his tongue through your folds, fingers kneading your ass while he held you open. his languid muscle lapped over the hood of your clit, making you garble slightly before pushing your chest into the bed, hoping to curve your back more and better his angle at your sensitivity.
jeonghan never ate like he was starving, he ate like he wanted to savor it. he carefully appraised you, studying your specific reactions and how they differed from the last time he had you. he ran a flat tongue over you once, making you whimper and bury your face in the duvet, positive you were going to start crying soon. then, carefully placed kisses, sucking your lips between his, alternating with tongue digging just far enough to breach your sensitive hole.
he ran his tongue up your crease, and while you had an expectation of some focus on your now dripping slit, he let his tongue continue, wetting your puckered hole and making you gasp.
"what," he asked, placing his thumb over it to watch you squirm. "haven't you been practicing?'
you whimpered when the pad of his thumb dipped further into you. "it's finals week and you want to put it in my ass?"
"and who pays for your school, sweetheart?"
you whined, prolonged and annoyed. "because you begged me to let you."
he snickered, lips brushing against your pussy. "fine," he muttered, kissing at you again with his thumb still against your hole. "but i expect you to get on it."
your eyes were definitely wet now, stinging as you clamped them shut and backed yourself up against him, fingers clenching into fists on your back. one of jeonghan's hands ran up, over your hip, landing on one fist, and you immediately clutched at his fingers as he laced them with yours, your chest on fire and a gasp escaping you when his tongue found your clit again.
you had bent yourself at such an angle that he didn't even have to hold you apart at this point, just your soaked panties out of the way, and he backed up slightly to watch as he gently traced his fingers in your folds. "you're like dessert."
you whimpered, sniveling as you unburied your face, cheek against the duvet. "am i sweet?"
"so sweet, angel," he told you, proving the thought by lapping against you once. "but you could be sweeter."
you moaned out. "maybe if you let me cum."
jeonghan chuckled, his breath hitting your clenching core. "you think you deserve that?"
"yes," you whined, wiggling your hips under his hold and sighing when he put an open mouthed kiss directly on your core in response. "don't you want a taste?"
you almost thought you convinced him, especially when you moaned again and his fingers squeezed yours slightly before pushing his tongue against your hole, but his head won over his heart. "you talk too much."
you yelped when he tugged your hand, pulling you up by the ties around your waist. you scrambled to find balance on your knees, and jeonghan pulled you against his chest, hand curving over the front of you before he pulled you off the bed. you almost stumbled, but he helped you stand and spun your body, kissing you once then smiling.
"knees, sweetheart."
you huffed. "no please?"
his fingers held your jaw again, forcing you to open your mouth slightly at him. his eyes were trained on your lips, your tongue - he thought about how soft it felt. how much he missed that. the look in his eye was enough to make your knees wobble slightly, and he slotted his mouth over yours again, savoring the taste of your tongue on his. when he pulled away, you knew you were done for. "put that smart mouth to work."
suddenly obedient, you let him help you to your knees, arms still bound behind your back as you looked up at jeonghan. he sighed, a hand brushing your hair out of your eyes as the other held his cock level to your face.
"what did i do to deserve such an angel today?"
you blew a gentle stream of air at the leaking head of his cock, looking up at his stilted reaction. "don't take it for granted."
"you're right," he said, fingers brushing through your hair to your crown, holding you in place as he pushed his hips forward. "i'll reward good behavior."
you almost let a whimper escape as he pushed your lips open, the head of his cock being met by the plush tongue he could never forget about. he sighed at the feeling, and you eagerly took his head entirely into your mouth. his eyes met yours briefly, his shirt hanging open and his eyes shadowed by his blonde curtains. this time, the whimper did escape, and you wiggled your hips slightly in hopes of managing to get some form of friction from your underwear. jeonghan pushed his hips closer to you, his eyes closing slightly as you took more of him against your tongue, and his fingers tightened against your scalp.
"you feel like heaven."
you moaned in response, and he pushed further into you, making your tongue flatten and your jaw open more, feeling his cock against your palate. your pussy throbbed in need, the thought of pleasing him, of servicing him making your arousal wake even more. you flushed at the realization that this was doing it for you, and you wondered if he felt the slight tense in your tongue before you pushed yourself as far onto his cock as you could. your eyes clamped shut, and you heard him grunt as he tried to maintain his composure with your throat constricting around him. you pulled off slowly, looking up at him, then sliding yourself over him again in one fluid motion, his groan long and strained.
"you," he choked out, swallowing as he composed himself, running a hand through his hair. he shook it out of his face, looking down at you before gripping your hair against your scalp. you whined. "is this what you want?"
you moaned against him, lapping your tongue against the underside of his cock. he took it as a yes, using his hold on your head to push into your mouth fully again. he groaned again, his cock pulsing against your throat, but he had the restraint to keep you unsatisfied by the taste of his cum on your tongue, retreating from your mouth completely.
your thighs shook, but only barely, and his eyes raked over your dishevelled form, struggling against your binds. you gulped before you tested your vocal chords.
"can we skip to the part where i'm riding you like my life depends on it?"
jeonghan grinned at you, helping you to your feet before sitting on the edge of your bed. "you read my mind."
"well, daddy," you bit, kneeing yourself onto the bed to straddle his lap, moving with him as he pushed further onto your mattress. "you're starting to get predictable."
"i'll let that slide this time," he chuckled, a hand on your cheek pulling you down to kiss him again, long and deep, and your eyebrows knit as you dipped and rolled your hips, your damp lace panties rubbing up jeonghan's bare cock. he moaned, throwing his head back and letting that lead his body, landing among your pillows that you had haphazardly thrown in an aesthetically pleasing mess only minutes before he had arrived. his hand gripped your waist, helping you grind against his velvety member with your hands behind your back, and he couldn't help but stare at how that fact meant your chest was pushed forward, and your perfectly wrapped breasts were on full display for him. his thumb ran over a particular strip of red satin, one that scooped under your breast, and you bit at your lip, rolling your hips to get some much needed friction.
his eyes shut briefly, but he refocused quickly, wrapping his hand over your breast, knowingly rubbing over where your nipple was barely obstructed. it puckered, reacting fast to his delicate touch and the added layer of lace, and jeonghan looked up at you as he pulled himself forward, capturing your nipple between his lips.
you whined, pussy aching for more as you practically buckled over him. "no fair," you gasped, thinking of how normally, digging your fingers against his scalp and pulling was a surefire way to even the playing field. "i can't use my hands."
he smiled against your breast, lapping over your nipple again and kissing it farewell. "it's not meant to be fair," he said, and you picked yourself up off him. he took the hint easily, reaching down and standing his cock on end, the tip already teasing at your folds. the hand on your waist dipped down over your hip, reaching around your ass and pulling aside your panties. your squirmed against his touch, leaning into him to steal multiple open mouthed kisses as your sopping cunt sank down over the rocket red head of his cock.
his head fell back, eyes rolling back and shutting as you sat down completely, his grip tight against your hip and and thigh. you stared at him, eyes threatening to glaze over, and rotated your hips over him, his cock bumping into every spot in you that made you need him more. you cursed, already feeling yourself unwinding at how much you had already had to endure, but refusing to give him the satisfaction.
he laughed, amused by your face. "already?"
"shut up," you panted, fingers loosening slightly from your clenched fists as you adjusted. "i haven't even made myself cum since the last time we fucked."
"ah," he grinned, breathing out a laugh as he pushed himself up into you. you yelped, wishing you could hold the hands that were gliding over your waist. "a little pent up, then?"
you rolled your hips, making jeonghan's smile drop slightly in reaction. "i can hold out."
"doubt it," he retorted, thumb grazing over your peaked nipple as you continued your rolling, slowly and deeply riding him.
you caught your bottom lip in your teeth, rotating your hips once and smiling at the way jeonghan's grip on you tightened. "bet i can make you cum before me."
"without your hands?" he asked, letting out an amused breath. "you can try."
you huffed, wiggling your hips and scooting further back, altering the angle and making his mouth drop open slightly. your lip quirked upwards. "i bet i can."
his eyes met yours, dark and hot, and you involuntarily clenched around him, his grip on you tightening again. "what do you want for it?"
"for you to stay the night," you said, lifting yourself up by your thighs slightly and leaning back as you sunk back down. "and you have to wake me up before you leave."
his mouth opened at your motion, and it became an open mouthed laugh at your request. "you're wasting a bet on me staying the night?"
"you never stay the night," you whined, continuing your bobbing on him, his hands helping balance you as you did. "i always wake up alone here."
he thought about that as well as he could with his cock throbbing in you, your velvet walls pulling him in deeper, distracting him as he tried to gather his words. "i have an early meeting tomorrow, sweetheart."
you sat still for a moment, breasts moving as you took heavy breaths. you leaned forward, and jeonghan's hands ran over your back, down to your ass, holding you as you kissed him and he pushed himself into you further. your brows knit, lips tugging his slightly. "wake me up when you do. that's all i want."
he stared up at you, realizing you were serious. he thrusted up into you again, making you squeak quietly, and he smiled. "only if you don't cum before me."
you exhaled harshly, grateful that he helped you sit back up with your hands still tied to your spine. if they hadn't been, you would have gotten him out of his shirt. it would have been gone eons ago, along with the slacks he had dropped just below his hips. all the evidence that he had every intention of putting his clothes back on when you were done. "i won't."
so he laid his head back, smiling at you, not intending to make it any easier for you by meeting you halfway despite his steadying hands staying on your hips. his eyes were practically shut, dreamily watching your expression change as you rolled your hips in all the ways you remembered him liking. he enjoyed this greatly, and you could tell by the way his eyes drifted all over you, but you kept as much focus as you could manage on getting him as close as you were. and when you saw his eyebrow pitch slightly, you repeated the motion that caused it, and his eyes shot open, looking up at your face first, gaze running down to where he was buried in you, and they shut again at the feeling as his head fell back.
you moaned, struggling to keep yourself from letting go, and you looked down just in time to watch jeonghan stretch his neck out, letting an elongated moan escape him. you huffed, suddenly confident. "you gonna stay the night?"
he grunted, his fingers digging into your hips. "fuck, you're so warm."
"c'mon, daddy," you teased, ignoring the burning in your thighs as your breath heaved. "we can cuddle all night."
"cum for me, angel," he groaned. "i wanna feel you."
you almost laughed. "i'm not falling for that."
his lip quirked, but he pulled you down against his chest again, making you yelp into a groan as his cock twitched in you. "i need you to cum with me."
you tried to respond, but he had his hands wrapped around you to hold you steady as he fucked up into you, making you squeal at first. "w-wait, but the b-bet-"
"fuck the bet," he muttered, a hand coming to your jaw to kiss you as he slammed himself into you repeatedly, making you whine and gasp against his mouth. "i'll stay. just cum with me."
your jaw dropped, and he took advantage of it, lapping into your open mouth and making you moan into his. you inhaled sharply, eyes shooting open as you looked at him, your pussy already clenching around him in release as he fucked into it harshly, his breath stuttering as you pulled the last thread of self control out of him. how could he help it, when you were always such a brat, but still listened so well when he really needed you to?
you were right. jeonghan never stayed the night. he had given you a million excuses at this point, and you had stayed the night at his plenty of times, but he always found an excuse to leave in the cover of night as you slept through his quiet and careful dressing. maybe he felt bad, knowing that you would never get the definition from him that you would likely want eventually - you had both agreed that whatever happened happened, and you said you were happy with that, but something nagged at the back of jeonghan's mind, telling him you deserved more than what you would get from him. being in your room made it hard to ignore that you had a future without him - a good one, too. a creative one. a happy one. he wondered if he deserved to be distracting you from that for his own selfish need of your attention to distract from his own struggles. that guilt usually kept him up. kept him staring at your ceiling as you quietly snored, and eventually made him leave without saying anything.
but that night, after he had helped you out of your complicated lingerie and made sure your arms felt okay, giggling when you had to blow your nose and flinching when you tried to hit him. after you had both had water and brushed your teeth, and he had undressed just as much as you were and got under your duvet. long after midnight, he laid with you, completely aware that he should be waking up in less than five hours, but not thinking about it, because his smile was murmuring sweet nothings against yours, and you couldn't help but kiss him slowly until neither of you were conscious enough to continue, your breath shared and your limbs tangled as dreams whisked you away.
he loved you in his world. he loved taking you to galas and events, buying you new outfits for each. he loved watching you dazzle crowds with your down to earth humor and winning charm, proud to have been the one you arrived with. he loved the version of you you could become, that you could rise to the occasion of the public girlfriend, one that the press would eat up and his publicist would adore. he loved you in his world, but he had a preference for yours, because no amount of glitz and glamour could ever compare to being awoken that morning by you, pulling his cheeks in opposite directions and giggling despite being nearly just as asleep as him. the late morning sun streamed through your apartment's only window and landed directly on your white duvet, effectively lighting up the entire room.
"what time is it?" he murmured.
you looked up at your bedside, eyes struggling to focus. "eleven."
"didn't you have class today?" he asked, blinking the sleep from his eyes as they adjusted, a smile already breaching his lips at the way your fingers slid back from his cheeks, burying themselves in the hair at his nape. his brow furrowed at a thought. "didn't i have a meeting?"
"well," you started, planting a kiss on his lips before continuing. "i only had study in my engineering class this week, which is great for studio time, but vern works for the school station. so i essentially have access to studio whenever i want." you blinked at him with a smile, and he let out a laugh at your punctuation. "i don't know your excuse."
he looked around. "where's my phone?"
your eyes scanned over your pillows, and you grabbed the one you had slept on to check under it. he spotted it the same time as you, face down, and he picked it up and hit the unlock button.
"ah," he laughed, tossing the phone on top of the pillow you had replaced, pitch black screen up. "that'll do it."
"shit," you muttered, reaching for your charger and grabbing his phone, flopping off him to plug it in. "seungkwan's gonna hate me."
jeonghan had to stretch to hide the way he giggled. "he won't hate you."
"i've been on thin ice ever since he walked in on us in your office, and we weren't even naked," you said, giving him a look. "making you miss a meeting is definitely putting me in the water."
"only for a week," he responded. "he'll mend the bridge at drinks."
your eyebrow raised. "drinks?"
he blinked at you. "yeah, next thursday." he squinted. "to celebrate the end of your finals?"
you laughed, positive this was the first you were hearing of it as you turned jeonghan's phone on. "were you gonna invite me?"
"i swear i told you," he said, accepting your embrace when you crawled over him again, arms securely wrapping around you to let his fingers run over your bare form.
"i guarantee you didn't." you paused, scanning his face. "how long has this been a plan?"
he was staring you dead in the eyes, but seemingly because he was more disappointed in himself than you could ever be. "a week and a half." a laugh spilled from you, forehead tapping against his for a second as he started laughing, too. "you're sure i didn't tell you?"
"i'm absolutely certain, jeonghan," you giggled, leaning into him until your lips were nearly on his. "you should really just give me access to your calendar."
"now, that's an idea," he muttered, anticipating your taste on his tongue.
you smiled before indulging him in a kiss that was too deep to not lead elsewhere, but was interrupted by his phone buzzing to life on the pillow beside him. you both looked to it, watching as it interrupted itself with vibrations, a seemingly never ending stream of notifications. when it finally slowed, he looked at you, and you looked back, and he let out a short laugh. he picked it up, and you decidedly laid down, tucking yourself into his side as he pulled the phone cord over you to check what hell hath unleashed to warrant the amount of messages and calls.
he was swiping away notifications of emails - meeting cancellations, confirmations, cc's of seungkwan apologizing to a client for the need to reschedule their home visit - when his screen lit up, the id reading "uri bbu."
"good morning, seungkwan," jeonghan said, answering on speaker. "did you sleep well?"
"oh, really," his assistant trailed off, clearly pulling the phone away from him as he silently swore, and you put a fist over your mouth to avoid laughing. "good morning, boss. where are you?"
"in bed," jeonghan said. "i forgot to plug my phone in and slept too well. sorry, seungkwannie."
he sighed. "you weren't at home."
"if you knew where i was, why'd you ask?"
"blind hope that you had an actual reason to be uncontactable for twelve hours?" seungkwan clicked his tongue. "hyung, i had to reschedule or cancel your entire day because i had no way of knowing if you w-"
"i saw that," jeonghan interjected, lips forming a pout as he spoke. "that was smart, thank you, seungkwannie. since you did that already, i guess i might as well take the rest of the day off, huh?"
he sighed again, and you gave jeonghan a disappointed look, only to receive a half hearted shrug and a fully shiteating grin in response. seungkwan's voice pulled your eyes back to the phone. "you were easier to work for when you were gay."
your hand slammed over your mouth as you rolled away to rattle with laughter, jeonghan laughing freely and patting your back. "i bet she agrees with you."
you rolled again, flopping over and hitting him with a palm. he snickered at you, putting a finger to his mouth. you threatened him by drawing your fist quickly, and he put his hand up to block just in case as he listened.
"you're lucky i thought you might be dead in a ditch," seungkwan whined. "seriously, if i hadn't been so worried, i would kill you both."
"you can't get rid of me that easy," jeonghan joked, watching as you settled back into his side. "seungkwan, do me another favor?"
you knew seungkwan only cleared his throat to avoid sounding annoyed. "yes, hyung?"
"eat something really good today. use my card, please." you looked at jeonghan, watching his eyebrow crease slightly as he spoke. "take out a friend, too. get drinks. have a nice weekend."
silence for a moment, surely as seungkwan processed. "yes, sir. thank you."
"thank you, seungkwannie."
you stared at him for a while longer after he hung up, and he tossed the phone over you onto the mattress. he pulled your head down into his chest, making you let out a squeak before giggling, fighting against his grip. "what now?"
jeonghan hummed, letting you pop your head up to watch as he chewed his lip. "what do you want for lunch?"
he noticed the way your face faltered, asking what that look was for. "i'm supposed to get lunch with the guys today."
he sighed into a smile. "so you're ditching me after making me miss my entire work day?"
you whined, collapsing over his chest and pouting. "do you regret staying the night?"
he laughed, his hands running across your scalp. "absolutely not, angel. when do you have to go? i can take you."
you pursed your lips. "what if you came with?"
"to get lunch with your friends?" he considered that, clearing his throat. "i don't know."
"they'll like you," you assured, hands on his chest. "i like you so they'll like you."
he watched you pout at him. "chinese?"
"not this time," you giggled, thinking of how many times you had told jeonghan you were eating at chan's family restaurant. "we have a tradition. we get army stew before finals week."
"army stew," he repeated, smiling at you. "that sounds good. where at?"
you dug around for your own phone, grateful it still had 20% remaining when you eyed jeonghan's on your charger. "we usually go to a place on campus because it's cheap, but they'll be excited if i tell them we're going to grandma's."
you looked up at him. "yeah, there's this seafood house run by this eccentric old lady who really likes vernon. thinks he's handsome, i guess." you navigated to your group chat to let the guys know. "she always gives us extras, but it's almost 40,000 won for the pot we like."
"ah," he laughed. "because i'm paying?'
you looked at him. "i can pay."
"with my money?" he asked.
you giggled. "i just figured you didn't want shitty college campus snack bar stew."
"and you're right," he said, making you laugh as he pulled you to drape over him again. "tell them it's on me."
"oh?" you grinned. "be careful, they'll take advantage of you."
his eyebrow quirked. "like you do?"
"yeah, except they won't fuck you to make up for it."
he laughed, a hand finding your cheek and drawing you in. he put a slow kiss on your lips, making you let out the tiniest whimper. he smiled against your lips. "we do more than fuck."
you hummed, stealing more kisses from him, hoping to get enough that you'll be able to hold out until the next time you saw him - after finals, apparently, for drinks. "prove it," you teased, and you could only squeal and laugh when jeonghan rolled you off him, your head landing in a pillow and your arms immediately finding his neck, his neverending smirk kneading against yours in a way that meant he planned on doing just that.
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walkingnorth · 4 years
Hello. I absolutely love Always Human and Aerial Magic. They were actually the first Webtoons I have ever read. I was wondering if for both my birthday and Pride Month you could give me a list of LGBTQ Webtoons that you recommend. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much <333
I recently made a list of Webtoons with either trans/nonbinary creators, or with significant trans/nonbinary rep on twitter, so that’s a good place to start: https://twitter.com/walking_north/status/1270891697057091586?s=20
Other LGBT+ webtoons that I love:
Castle Swimmer (cute gay mermen, has a vibe similar to ALTA with a great mix of comedy, warmth and heartrending moments)
Muted (lesbian witches, it’s looking like the endgame ship will be a throuple!! Fascinating lore, very tense and dark at times, but the positive moments are incredibly uplifting)
Gourmet Hound (heartwarming story about cooking, friendship, and dealing with loss. Mostly focused on the slowest of slow-burn f/m couples but the main character is bi/pan - not sure which? - and there are queer characters everywhere. Complete!)
Brimstone & Roses (supernatural romance featuring mysteries, drama and pure joy. Like Gourmet Hound it’s probably focused around a f/m couple??? But also everyone is queer. I’m honestly not sure if there are straight characters in this comic.)
Strawberry Seafoam (magical girl story but with mermaids - very pure, uplifting, incredible fight scenes, gorgeous art, magic sparkles everywhere!! A lot queerer than it looks at first glance. Seems to be building up to the final battle!)
The Croaking - war/mystery/intrigue story in an absolutely fascinating fantasy setting, centred around a captivating gay romance)
Lavender Jack - politics, intrigue and a masked superhero in a gaslamp historical setting. This is gorgeously written with captivating characters, most of whom are queer. 
Cape of Spirits - this is a fantasy/action/adventure with very little opportunity to explore characters’ sexualities or genders but one of the main characters is definitely queer, as is the creator, so I’m reccing it as a LGBT comic anyway. Super stylish fight scenes!!!
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loverofcashton · 4 years
Secrets - poly!cake
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Request: Can you do a blurb about being in a poly relationship with bi!cake (and if you could like dom!cal, and sub!reader but can you have switch!luke who’s mostly just a sub with you) and no one knows yet and then one day one of them comes over and you’re at one of their houses and they don’t think anything of it but you and them are acting weird so he pushes it off till the other guy comes downstairs like shirtless and yeah you can figure the rest out
Warnings: smut, boyxboy, and girlxboy, threesomes, lots of marking, cursing, oral (man and woman), unprotected sex in a relationship.
Words: 2.5k
Standing in the kitchen you sway back and forth as your boyfriend's voices ring through the house through their songs. Humming along, you stir the food that you’re making, keeping a close eye on the clock so you can count down the minutes until they get home.
You and Calum began dating three years ago and after two and a half years. Calum had noticed that you were interested in Luke, and you were but figured the innocent crush would pass. So when Calum admitted that he thinks that he’s bisexual, you were surprised.
It was quick with Luke, as soon as you’d became official with him you all immediately were attached. This was hard because Calum and Luke weren’t ready to come out to anyone else yet, other than each other and you.
The front door opens and laughing fills the house which makes you sigh when hearing more than just Calum and Luke. “Baby I’m home,” Calum calls out and walks into the kitchen, being followed by his three bandmates. “Hey,” Calum smiles and leans down pressing a kiss to your lips as he wraps you up in his arms.
“Hey, how was the studio?” You ask and he shrugs a silly smile on his face when he looks at you. Looking over his shoulder you make eye contact with Luke and send him a smile that he returns. It’s obvious that he’s sad that he can’t greet you like Calum can but he also knows that you both will make it up to him later.
“I’m making spaghetti if that’s okay?” You turn around to the pasta and stir it again.
“That’s alright Y/N, we were just stopping by to pick up some stuff, but Michael, Luke, and I will leave you and Calum alone in a few minutes,” Ashton smiles and Calum pulls Ashton and Michael away from the kitchen, Luke stays behind. As soon as they’re out of sight he wraps his arms around you.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him as he kisses you.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” he looks at the stove as it begins beeping and you strain the pasta.
“You’re staying for dinner, right?” Your ask hopefully and he nods hugging you again but having to quickly pull away when the guys are able to be heard again.
“Alright we’re out of here, come on Luke,” Michael smiles and Luke shakes his head.
“I have a few things I need to go over with Calum, I’ll get my own ride home,” 
“Come on mate, leave the couple alone,” Ashton laughs, “I get that you very single but you can’t join them,”
Everyone laughs, you, Calum, and Luke’s laugh is much more awkward than the others.
“He’s fine Ash, we’ll see you tomorrow,” Calum shrugs and you all say goodbye as Ashton and Michael leave. The second the door is locked Calum hurries back into the kitchen and wraps Luke up in his arms.
It’s hard on the boyfriends to be so close all day and yet they can’t act like a couple. You smile and begin to plate the food as they whisper to each other, sharing small kisses back and forth.
“Ready to eat?” You ask and they nod.
As dinner comes and goes you find yourself between the two men in the bed, some movie plays on the TV that you all focus on. Leaning your head on Luke’s shoulder you bring your hand to his crouch under the blanket and smirk at him. Slowly pulling him out of his sweatpants you both glance over at Calum who’s watching the movie, not suspecting a thing.
Luke sighs when you begin to stroke him teasingly and he puts his hands behind his head to try to stop himself from making any noise as you speed up.
Calum glances over and raises an eyebrow at Luke whose face is beginning to turn red from holding in all his noises. When Calum looks at you he smirks, noticing the movement under the blanket.
Calum sits up straighter in the bed before pulling the blanket off of you and Luke, revealing Luke’s pink and desperate cock. “Felling good Lu?” Calum asks and Luke nods. “How about you Y/N? You decided to be naughty?” Glancing at him you smile. “Why don’t you help him even more then?” And Calum motions over to Luke’s dick, you know what he’s saying and you scoot down in the bed and lay on your stomach between Luke’s legs.
Calum takes your spot next to Luke and grips the blonde’s jaw before kissing him hard. You watch for a second before wrapping your hands back around the base of his cock and then wrap your lips around the top. Luke pulls away from Calum and moans, looking down to watch you. Calum moves his lips to Luke’s neck and leaves open mouth kisses all over it, occasionally leaving a mark. Luke knows he’ll have to find some excuse for the markings later but for right now he enjoys it. 
When he begins to get close he has his face buried in Calum’s neck, sucking lazily on the skin his lips touch. “I’m close,” he moans out when he pulls away and Calum reaches down and pulls you from Luke by your hair.
“Why don’t you strip for us?” Calum says and you stand up quickly removing Calum’s hoodie that you are wearing before looking down at your shorts. You slowly take them off, watching their reactions before you’re left in just your underwear. Calum pats the bed between him and Luke and he stands up removing his own shirt, Luke following his lead and doing the same, except he also removes his pants and boxers since they weren’t covering anything anyways.
You lay on the bed and soon Luke is hovering over you. He very rarely takes charge in bed but since Calum isn’t doing anything he kisses you and you quickly kiss his back. Calum watches with a smile before he gets Luke to lay to the side and he pulls you to the end on the bed as he gets on his knees on the floor.
“Look at you,” Calum says, “haven’t even been touched yet and you’re soaked,” Calum pulls your underwear off and spreads your legs before diving in, it pulls a moan from your mouth and Luke captures it in a kiss. As you begin to get more needy Luke begins to kiss down your neck, he finds your sweet spot and begins to suck making sure that he claims you.
Since you’re not out to the public as a throuple with Luke, seeing marks that he left on you and Cal, gives him a sense of pride, and it’s a turn on for both of you when the blonde gets possessive.
You feel your first orgasm building and your back arches off the bed as you let out a moan. “Cal,” you say and the tan boy continues to lick up your core. “Please,”
He pulls away for a second to look at you and he smirks, liking how big of an effect he has. “Cum for me baby,” he says and you do as you’re told, unfolding in his touch as your orgasm comes crashing onto you.
After you’ve recovered Calum gets up. Stripping off his sweatpants and he crawls onto the bed. “Hands and knees,” he says to you and you quickly get into the position. “Get behind her Luke,” Luke is quick to move, as soon as Calum tells him his role. Calum sits in front of you and stares into your eyes asking silently if you’re okay. When you send him a smile he looks at Luke and motions for him to continue the blonde lines himself up with your entrance and slides in. Curses fall from his mouth as he gets deeper and when he gets as far in as he can he stops, waiting for you to be ready for more.
Wiggling your hips you let out an impatient whine and both of your boyfriends laugh as Luke begins to thrust in and out, getting faster as he goes. Calum brushes your hair back with his fingers and smiles at you softly, “you’re doing so good for us,” he says and then he strokes his own dick. “Want to suck me off, baby girl?” You nod while getting down onto your forearms to be closer to him before you begin. Calum doesn’t take teasing as well as Luke does and when you take more time than he likes to suck on his tip, he grabs your head forcing you down, making you gag.
As time goes on Luke’s thrusts begin to get sloppier and you become a moaning mess. “Luke,” you cry out and the blonde focuses back in on you before he hums, “I’m gonna cum,”
“Me too babe,” Luke says and within the next minute you’re both crumpling over the edge, moans leaving your mouths. Calum watches you both curses leaving his mouth as Luke’s hips still and he pulls out of you falling to the side.
When you both come back to your senses Luke looks over at Calum and smiles. “Want me to help you out?” He asks and Calum looks down at his still fully hard erection and chuckles
Luke crawls over and you sit up next to Calum admiring the marks Luke made earlier and adding your own. Luke doesn’t enjoy teasing as much as you do and he’s quick to work, swallowing Calum down his throat. Calum leans his head back, revealing more of his throat and you take advantage of it as you suck more marks onto it. Calum doesn’t last long before he lets out a groan and his fingers tangle themselves into Luke’s blonde curls. Calum’s hips stutter and thrust up into his mouth and you watch Calum’s face as he warns Luke. 
“I’m cumming babe,” and Luke prepares himself as Calum cums into his mouth. Luke pulls up once he’s done and swallows it all, making eye contact with Calum who shakes his head as he speaks, “fuck,”
You and Luke cuddle into Calum, and you all lay in silence until the doorbell rings and Duke’s barks from downstairs drawing you back into reality.
“It’s probably Amazon,” Calum says and you get up.
“I’ll go see, you guys can rest,” you pull on your clothes from earlier and Luke stands up too.
“I’ll go too, I’ll get us all some water,” and Calum hums in approval before standing up as well.
“I’ll clean up and then come down as well, we’ll hang out on the couch,” and you all split ways.
Looking out the peephole you curse when you see Ashton. Looking at Luke in the kitchen, you motion to the door and he walks over, looking out to see what you're so nervous about.
“Shit,” he looks down at himself, in only his boxers, and he points to the basement which is completely soundproof because it doubles as Calum’s practice room.
As soon as Luke is downstairs you open the door and Ashton laughs seeing you and you realize that you’re probably still a mess.
“Did I interrupt something?” He asks and you let out an awkward giggle.
“No no, you’re fine. What’s up?” Ashton holds up a bass guitar that you instantly recognize as Calum’s.
“Calum forgot this in my car so I figured I’d swing by and drop it off,” when you step aside he walks in and looks up the steps. “I’ll just go put it in his music room–“ you’re quick to cut him off.
“No!” You cough, “Uh no! I’ll take it down no biggie!” You fake laugh.
“It’s ok,” he raises an eyebrow, “what? is there a monster downstairs?” He laughs at you and pushes past, opening the basement door to reveal an almost naked Luke, with messy hair and hickies that match your own.
“What the–“ Ashton‘s eyebrows furrow looking at Luke and then you. “I know what’s going on,” Ashton says and his face gets redder, “you’re cheating on Calum,”
“No Ashton, look just calm down...” you try to explain what’s going on but Ashton holds out his hand to silence you before he rubs his chin, tongue poking at his cheek as he thinks.
“Don’t, I can't believe either of you!” He turns to Luke, “especially you mate,” when you hear Calum’s feet on the stairs you sigh covering your face, you wish you could just melt into the floor. Calum appears at the door and he stops when he sees Ashton. He looks much like Luke except he’d put on a hoodie as well. His neck is completely covered in marks and Ashton stares at all of you in shock.
“Wait,” Ashton says and Calum shares a confused glance with you, asking how Ashton got there. “You had a threesome?” Calum laughs scratching his neck and shrugs.
“Kind of,” he walks over to the door looking at Luke who looks like he’s going to cry.
“Let’s go sit on the couch, yeah? Maybe call Michael too? And let Luke put on some clothes.”
“Wait, so you’re all dating?” Michael asks. He rubs his face. “For how long?”
“Six months?” You ask turning to your boyfriend’s and Luke nods in approval. He and Calum are both looking down ashamed.
“Why didn’t you just tell us?” Ashton asks and Calum looks over at him. It wasn’t normal for him and Ashton to keep such secrets from one another, especially one this big.
“We didn’t know how you’d react,” Luke answers and Michael sighs.
“Well, it doesn’t matter what we think as long as you’re happy. And I think it’s good for you guys to have two people who love you so much,” Ashton nods in agreement and you all smile.
“So we’re all good now?” Calum asks and you all chuckle.
“One more thing,” Michael says and he turns to Luke, “so the last few months, when you’ve been showing up to the studio with these hickies all over your neck and you tell us that it was just some girl,” Michael looks at Calum, “it was this fucker all along?” You all share a laugh as Luke’s hand reaches up to rub his neck a cheeky smile covering his face.
“I mean, it was some girl too,” he looks over at you and you smile at him, happy to finally be out with the men you love.
Authors Note: Thank you for reading! I don’t have a tag list yet, but click here if you’d like to be added to it on my fic that should be coming out sometime this week! 
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balla-deer · 4 years
If you’re doing apprentice april, what about 9 for any of your apprentices? Thank you!
Thank you for asking, nonnie! I’ll be doing this for all my apprentices. Also, I’d like to note that I answered this in a “if they had their own route” type of way.
9. Is their relationship open or exclusive?
Maeves x Julian would be very much exclusive to each other. I see Julian as a one person individual, and Maeves wouldn’t go look for anyone else. 
Then we have Lucio x Maeves x Valerius. They’re an odd trio, this one. It started out with Lucio flirting his way to Maeves’ heart, while Valerius would mostly just stick to himself until he’s invited into the couple’s little bubble, as per the count. Don’t get her wrong, Maeves loves them equally.
So I’m seeing Asra x Soleil x Muriel tbh. These three are just inseparable ever since they’ve gotten together. The dynamic is cute with a whole lot of fun teasing and lazy moments.
It’s gonna be Haji x Nadia and Haji x Portia respectively. Not that they wouldn’t work well as a throuple but I just see these ladies focusing on one partner and them alone. It might just be me though. Though I guess they wouldn’t be against being a trio when it comes up. They’ll probably just need a whole lot of convincing and getting used to.
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
hi hi!! when are we gettin more fics??
I’m not sure yet! The 2nd chapter of Throuple & Pretty Sure were posted pretty recently, though, so you might’ve missed them? I posted those less than a week ago skdjskdj!! I’ll try to get stuff out before I go to Washington this Saturday, and hopefully I’ll post a couple things while I’m there, but I’ll be mostly focusing on my girlfriend for the month of July.
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