#but my friend's ceremony is next Wednesday
princessamericachavez · 5 months
911 7x05 CODA
"I guess it's a good thing you didn't insist on a plus one, Buckaroo." "Well... actually..."
Hen pauses the game the fourth time Buck's phone chimes.
"Are you going to answer that?" She asks, giving him a pointed look.
"No." Buck leans back against the couch's back with a huff. "It's Maddie again, asking what I think about the flower arrangements, or the centerpieces, or something."
"I thought you were banned from wedding planning."
"I am! Or- or I was, I guess, but now that she actually has to make the final choices she keeps asking me these things. And I would have an answer for her if she let me just arrange the clipboard I suggested."
"Oh, no, no, no. No clipboards for you."
Buck rolls his eyes. His phone chimes again and he stuffs it under a pillow.
"Just give her your opinion."
"See, I tried that, but then she goes and chooses the other one anyway."
"Then tell her the other one."
"And what if she does choose that one and then it's a mess? I think I'll pass. If I do anything that screws up this wedding Maddie and Chimney will never forgive me."
"I think you're being a little overdramatic, Buck. It's just a wedding."
"It's not! It's Maddie's wedding. It has to be perfect."
Hen seems to consider that for a moment, taking a sip of her tea.
"Yeah, I want it to be perfect too. For her and Chim. I mean, they deserve it. Even Karen's freaked out, she's been trying a million different dresses for the ceremony. I swear, she looks gorgeous in all of them, but she's never satisfied."
"Yeah, Eddie said something similar about Marisol. Apparently, she's nervous about meeting everyone else. I mean- again. Officially."
"A wedding date is a big deal. Makes everything very official."
"It- it does?" Buck blinks.
Hen smiles at him, in that way that's equal parts you're an idiot and you're unfortunately cute, sometimes.
"I guess it's a good thing you didn't insist on a plus one, Buckaroo."
"Well... actually..."
"Wait, you're bringing someone to the wedding?" Hen puts her cup down. "I didn't know you were dating anyone."
"It's, uh, kinda new."
"And you're bringing her to your sister's wedding?"
"I mean, it's not like it's someone new totally out of the blue, okay? I'm not bringing, like, some stranger I picked up on a dating app or anything."
"Who are we talking about?"
Hen's brow furrows with what could well be confusion or curiosity. And that's when Buck knows he can't talk his way out of the next part of this conversation. It's not a new idea. He's not that much of an idiot. He knew the rest of his teammates would have to learn about Tommy eventually, when they showed up to the wedding together, but having an actual conversation about it was not in his plans for a lazy Wednesday afternoon. Deep down, he wishes the alarm would magically go off right now and send them into some sort of emergency to get him out of it, but the silence in the fire house is deafening. So he has no choice.
"Well, I'm- I'm bringing Tommy as my plus one."
And then, just then, Hen's mouth twist with something like distaste or disappointment that makes Buck's entire stomach fall to his knees.
"Tommy?" She says, arching an eyebrow. "Buck, you do know that a plus one in a wedding is meant to be for partners, right? Not just to bring extra friends to the party."
"Wha- yeah, I know that."
"But you're still bringing Tommy."
Buck nods, then realizes that the fact isn't quite registering for her. So he takes a deep breath. Why is he nervous? It was different with Eddie. That was... well, he doesn't even know what he was so scared about when it came to that one. But this is Hen. If anyone will understand, if anyone will be supportive, it will be her. Still, he feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest before he gathers the courage to say:
"I'm- I'm bringing Tommy... as my date. I- I mean, not a first date, of course. That- that would not be great. We've actually been going out for, well, a couple weeks. But, yeah, I really like him, so... I asked him, and he said yes. A- And Maddie wanted to meet him. And Eddie knows, but I don't know if Chim does, though Maddie has probably told him already. But I guess it would be weird if she didn't, right?"
"Wait, wait, wait-" Hen holds a hand up, finally, thankfully, putting an end to his rambling. "So. You are dating Tommy? Tommy Kinard?"
"Yes," he says and manages to sound a little more steady this time.
Hen's eyes stare into the distance. Buck can picture her entire image of him, of Tommy, of the two of them, rearranging in her head. He gives her a moment, and stays quiet, even though he feels he's going to burst into flames at any second. Finally, Hen turns to look at him again. Her eyes soften and she smiles in that very especial way that makes him feel seen and loved, the same that made him feel welcome in the 118 for the first time.
"Thank you for telling me, Buck. I know how scare it can be the first few times."
He ducks his head to hide the overwhelming emotion catching him by the throat.
"So... how long have you known?"
"That I- I maybe... well, probably... more thank likely like guys? I- I don't know. I guess always? But I also thought it was something normal, you know? That every guy felt that we. I never... until Tommy, I guess, I never really realized..."
Liar. A voice whispers inside him. Because he's been going a lot of thinking the past few days and realized there'd been times. Nights out with friends, dancing in the floor, or quiet evenings sharing beers, or afternoons at the beach, or late nights at the gym... there was his best friend in highschool, and the one guy he met in college who was maybe hitting on him and he was into it (before he dropped out and lost contact), there were moments in his travels that felt charged with possibility and the intrusive idea what if I just leaned in? and maybe other things he's not ready or willing to name, more recently, memories he daren't even touch on yet.
"I- I don't even really know what I am," he admits, squinting like the admission pains him. It does. "I just- I like Tommy. I liked kissing him."
"You've kissed?"
"Y-yeah, Hen, I did tell you we're going out."
"Right," she laughs. "Sorry, it's just... hard to wrap my head around the idea of the same womanizer kid I met a few years ago... but if this is you, even then, I suppose that kid was already... you."
"I don't know what that is, though. I mean, I like women, you know I like them. I just also..."
"Might be bisexual?"
"Bisexual? Uh, I guess. I- I don't know. I've never had to think about it before now."
"Hey, it's okay, Buck. You don't have to put a name to it yet. Whatever it is, you don't need to label it. Though... you might find it useful. I know how much you like to label stuff."
He chuckles at that, though a clipboard isn't going to save him now. Hen must feel his despair, because she reaches out to put a hand on top of his.
"Whatever it is, Buck, you don't need to know right now, okay? You just... let yourself feel it, and trust your instincts."
"My instincts kinda suck sometimes, though."
Hen laughs. "But your heart is always in the right place. I know it, Buckaroo. And this... this isn't something you can solve in a blink of an eye. It takes... exploration to know yourself, especially when you don't fit in the neat little box society expected for you."
"Right... I guess... I've been trying to find the answers, but I don't want to miss the journey while doing so."
"Buck, look at me," Hen says, softly, and waits for their eyes to meet. "I'm so proud of you."
Holding her gaze is hard when his eyes start to water.
"Thanks, Hen. I- I guess... I hadn't told you yet, because it felt very important. And I didn't- I'm not sure about anything yet, and I didn't want it to feel like I was lying to you, like I was pretending to be someone I'm not... or like I- I was taking up space that doesn't belong to me, you know?"
"Buck, if you think you might belong here, that you might be part of the community... then you absolutely have a place here, okay? Even if you don't know what to call it yet, even if you never do... and no one can tell you otherwise."
A new weight is lifted from Buck's shoulders. There's been a lot of that going around lately. Buck feels lighter than ever these days. Hen pulls him into a hug and he lets himself bask in her warmth, in the safety she provides. Someday, he thinks, maybe he'll be as steady and strong as her, so assured of who he is and what he can be. For now, he's just so thankful to have her.
"Now," he says, pretending not to catch the stray tear she cleans off her cheek as they pull back, "can we go back to me beating you in Mario Kart?"
"Oh, not a chance, Buckley. You are going down!" She chuckles, restarting the game before he can even grab his control.
"Hey, hey, hey, that's cheating!" He yells, pushing her with his shoulder as he tries to recover his first place.
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°0 | Francesim, Paris
The coronation event will take place on Wednesday 5 June 2024! My apologies for the delay! I hope you enjoy the content. Thanks to all the participants, to my simblr friends who helped me with the project and to all my readers! <3 Greetings from France!
Beginning ▬ Next
The Coronation Invitation
The Grand Master of Ceremonies has the honor of sending you this ticket for admission to the Church of Notre-Dame, for the Coronation ceremony of T.M. the Emperor and the Empress.
27 Thermidor An 230 On the eve of the coronation, a gala will be held at the Château de Versailles for the Société du Prince Impérial. The society, founded by Empress Eugénie in the 19th century, aimed to provide assistance to the most modest by making loans available to help working families with accidental or temporary needs. 28 Thermidor An 230 On Saint-Napoléon's Day, the imperial couple will be crowned at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris. The ceremony will take place at noon and last until 3.30pm. This is followed by two months of festivities and celebrations throughout Francesim.
The event will be covered by well-known journalist Stéphane Bernard on TV Francesim 2!
Foreign royalty
TIM, Emperor David I and Empress Katalina of Pierreland (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HRH, Prince Oliver, Duke of Rothsey (@officalroyalsofpierreland)
HIM, Queen Viviana II of the Ionian Union (@funkyllama)
TM, King Arnaut and Queen Lorraine of Uspana (@nexility-sims)
HM, Queen Anastasia of Carrington and HRH, Prince Hisirdoux, the Duke of Clois (@royalhouseofcarrington)
TRH, Crown Prince George, Duke of Everton and Crown Princess Anne, Duchess of Everton (@crownsofesha)
HRH, Margaret, the Princess Royal of Corrilea (@theroyalsofcorrilea)
HM, Queen Diana and HRH, Prince Gerhard of SimDonia (@bridgeportbritt)
HRH, Madame Royale Eleanor de Thornolie (@theroyalthornoliachronicles)
TM, King Giovanni and Queen Consort Cassandre (@royalhouseofcardsleyts4)
TIM, The High King and High Queen of the Presean Empire (@stthomaspalace)
TM, King George I and Queen Elizabeth of Illyria (@the-lancasters)
TRH, the Duke and Duchess of Marseille and Saint-Lyon (@sosa-royals)
HM, Rosalind II, Queen of the Armoricans (@armoricaroyalty)
HM, King Arthur of the United Kingdom of Prydain and Voltadelmar (@prydainroyals)
TRH, The Prince and Princess of Belen (@housekonig)
HIH,  The Princess Imperial Eliana of Alexandria (@thealexandrianroyals)
TM, Queen Najwa and King Abeni of Oasis Springs (@hrh-the-royals)
TRH, Crown Princess Emeline and Crown Prince Cedric of Whitmore (@whitmoreroyals)
TM, King Oliver and Queen Charlotte of Cedoria and the Isle (@thebaillieroyals)
TM, King James II and Queen Alibhe of United Kingdoms of Great Briton and Ériu (@trhor)
Her Majesty Queen Irene and HRH Prince James (@albanyroyals)
The guests will be filmed at the gala and as they enter Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral.
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Today, on 27th November, 1991
Private funeral service held for Freddie Mercury
LONDON -- Family and close friends, including Elton John, gathered Wednesday for the cremation of Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the rock group Queen, who died of AIDS during the weekend.
Wreaths lined the entrance of the West London Crematorium where a 25- minute private service was conducted by two Parsee priests.
A single red rose was placed on top of the coffin which was carried into the chapel as Aretha Franklin's rendition of 'Precious Lord Take My Hand' was played, followed by 'You've Got a Friend,' said Queen spokeswoman Roxy Meade.
The ceremony ended with Mercury's favorite aria, 'D'amour sull 'ali Rose' composed by Verdi and sung by Montserrat Cabelle, who joined Mercury in a duet on his solo album 'Barcelona.'
Fellow Queen members Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon attended the funeral along with pop stars Elton John and Anita Dobson. Queen had described the flamboyant Mercury as the 'most beloved member of our family.'
Flowers sent to Mercury by fans were carried in five hearses to the service, which was attended only by family and close friends, Meade said. The flowers were later distributed to AIDS wards in London.
Queen announced Wednesday it planned to re-release its best selling hit 'Bohemian Rhapsody' next month and donate the profits to charity
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
It's been one hell of a week you guys (it's only Wednesday, I know, but I'm just about ready for weekend lmao) and my brain has been craving some simple fun, and what's more fun than making poor Patroclus miserable?
So here's an excerpt from the next chapter of As Fate Would Have It (omegaverse with a side of angst and pining 👀🔥):
There is only one place where Patroclus doesn’t follow Achilles. And that is the prince’s very own, secluded training yard: the place where he every day, without fail, practises his spear and his sword and his bow in perfect solitude, with no other eyes on him but the gods’.  
Patroclus had found that odd. He had thought that since Peleus had gone to the trouble of bringing world-renowned instructors for everything else, the person he would bring to instruct Achilles in the arts of war would be the most famed and skilled yet. Patroclus had been eager to meet them, but once they’d reached the door of the yard, Achilles had sharply told Patroclus that he was to train alone, and was not to be disturbed by anyone under any circumstances.
Not even by you, my most trusted and beloved companion, he’d said, and inclined his head with practised, ceremonious politeness, before he’d turned around and left him alone in the shadows of the hallway.  
“‘Trusted and beloved’, my ass,” Patroclus scoffs quietly to himself, words muffled behind the rim of his cup. How does Achilles even come up with the things he says? There is no love between them. Anyone with eyes can see that. 
He slants a baleful look up at the dais, at the king’s table, where Achilles is talking with Phoenix, his childhood tutor. Phoenix is laughing at his own joke and Achilles smiles, the smile only barely reaching his eyes. Patroclus doubts Achilles has even a modicum of love in his icy bones; if he does, he has none at all to spare for Patroclus, or any other servant. For that is what Patroclus truly is, therapon or not. Achilles had seemed more than happy to dismiss him earlier, giving him only a sharp and somewhat sour nod when Patroclus had asked for permission to sit with his friends. 
Patroclus looks away, willing himself to be glad that he chose to sit with Eurydamas, Automedon and Alcimedon tonight, rather than wilt of boredom by the prince’s side. 
Tagging forth to: @baejax-the-great @juliafied @cataaliinaa @annalyia @figsandphiltatos @pikapeppa @elveny @vimlos @mary-aries @darlingpoppet @cosmicvoidance @heypax and anyone else who'd like to share a snippet of their work!
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
philippines recap !!
@vbbaby-girl still no pics yet. also hoping and praying no one from my trip sees this because multiple people told me i seemed like i was like batman (in the sense that i am leading a secret double life) and i don’t need them finding this blog
stuff we did:
13 hour flight, then a 3 hour flight (they took our phones before we left but the plane had little tv’s so it was okay) (watched la la land, played plants vs zombies, journaled, read the secret history, talked to the guy (also on the trip) who sat next to me, slept a bit, and didn’t get up once.)
we skipped wednesday basically
met my twin (sat by him on both plane rides actually) (literally he looked exactly like me. it was so strange.)
went to the beach (SO FUN. except, there were sea urchins. i only saw one and it was already dead.) (we also played ultimate football. it was fun but also scary because i was worried about sea urchins.)
swam with whale sharks (not in captivity guys i’m not a monster) (it was scary but also cool. i am actually terrified of fish. but it was cool.) (the boat we took was like the ones in moana)
went zip lining (SO FUN so beautiful)
saw tarsiers (so creepy. so off putting. yet so cute? their hands were so.. human. but mini. it was so creepy. but cool.)
saw the chocolate hills (they looked like regular hills. i thought we were getting chocolate there and we did not. disappointing but  also it was cool.)
went snorkeling (took another moana boat and the shorts i was wearing got SOAKED) (me and my cousin and one other girl on the trip were together and taken away really far from the rest of the group so we lowkey thought we were getting kidnapped) (part of our group came by us a little bit later and we were in fact not kidnapped and actually had the coolest guide ever. most of the guides wouldn’t let you take pictures of the fish and turtles and stuff but our guide took my cousin’s gopro and got AMAZING pictures.) (i had a wee panic attack bc fish are literally my biggest fear and there were SO MANY FISH. it was okay though.)
had the weirdest dream. (the words directly from my journal: “i was at a gas station and this lady got in my car and threatened me with a knife and i drove us to this warehouse where this massive guy and his kid were. then i woke up.” it was so weird and lowkey scary.)
worksite! moved a bunch of chairs and desk and stuff to the basement. so many spiders. so many cockroaches. also moved a lot of trash. so many spiders. we also bended rebarb, mixed cement, chiseled, and painted a mural. lowkey we did nothing except like odd jobs on the site. fun but like. meh. (most of the time we spent was at the worksite. 9 am to 4 pm monday-friday.)
had another crazy dream. “i was with [cousin] and [1] (the same 1 in the later story) and i left and went to this rinky dink circus. it was a big concrete pit with painted horses. then one of the horses got out and started running at us. i was freaking out and i was getting out of the way and pushed 1 off the circus pit thing and she fell down the stairs and her face got all busted up.” so basically i almost killed her in my dream.
canyoneering!!! so cool. so fun. lowkey scary, but i did all the cliff jumps and the rope swing.
mall! so fun.
free time!!!! it was so needed. a chill day that was not planned but the best day ever.
had another CRAZY dream. i was basically reading a fan fiction about me and my friend who i used to have a crush on.
saw an overview of the city. so beautiful.
had one last fun night with the locals. so sad but did lots of fun things. 
had a meeting with my trip leaders. they got me ice cream.
fun goodbye ceremony at the school (the worksite) 
- we ate two meals on the plane. what meals those were? i have no idea. it was lowkey nasty and i did not eat it. also, im only writing down the meals i wrote down. i also mixed up the order so much in my journaling so it doesn’t really match up with the days.
dinner: pizza with mango and parmesan cheese. it was weird but good. mostly good.
breakfast: toast (untoasted bread), egg-beans (gross. i don’t know why i ate it. i hate eggs and beans.), mango (AMAZING. the mangoes in the philippines were the best ever.), and sausage (yummy)
lunch: floating restaurant (a boat) buffet. i do not remember what it was and i did not write it down :( OH WAIT this was the peppers!! we had these super tiny peppers and they were SO SPICY and we took a couple back with us and snuck them into each others pockets.)
breakfast: (we had a snack instead of breakfast because we ate breakfast at the snorkeling place) mango juice, this cake thing, and fake oreos
brunch: fried eggs (i gave mine away since i don’t like eggs), rice, chicken adobo, watermelon, and cucumbers
lunch: family style. lowkey i forgot what we had. we also got ice cream! but my stummy was hurting so i didn’t have any.
breakfast: pancakes (i put nutella on mine) with fruit cocktail
lunch: rice and this tomato chicken with pineapple
dinner: the most DELICIOUS potatoes i’ve ever eaten and chicken and rice 
lunch: chicken adobo and rice
dinner: spaghetti
second dinner: we were at a members house and had dinner there too. we had pasta with a creamy sauce, pizza, and this filipino drink thing. it was cream with mangoes and green jello. it lowkey made my stummy hurt but it was SO GOOD
breakfast: waffles (with nutella)
breakfast: eggs (did not eat), hash browns, and grapes
lunch: rice, orange chicken, and pineapple. (SO GOOD. top 3 meals.)
breakfast/lunch/dinner: i only ate crackers because i was sick oops
breakfast: nutella sandwich. so yummy. mango juice, but it was lowkey bad. 
snack: granola bar thing. so yummy. also this fried banana thing. so yummy. 
lunch: vegetable rice and grilled chicken. i only ate the rice.
dinner: mall stromboli. so good. 
breakfast: hash browns, eggs (did not eat) bacon, grapes.
lunch: chicken, rice, and the delicious potatoes.
breakfast: chicken nuggets (did not eat), pancakes, and mangoes. i put nutella on my pancakes of course.
lunch: rice, rice noodles, orange chicken, and oranges
ice cream! so yummy. i got strawberry.
dinner: spaghetti with chicken parm
had the most delicious chocolate cookies. 
breakfast: hot ham and cheese with oranges
lunch: rice and beef stroganoff 
dinner: tacos (i slept through this and lowkey i was so sad about it)
breakfast: waffles (with nutella) and mangoes and one pop tart
lunch: sweet n sour pork, rice, rice noodles, and cinnamon rolls. SO GOOD
dinner: chicken, rice, and rice noodles 
breakfast: french toast and mangoes
lunch: this one i wrote so much about. “holy moly i just had the most scrumptious meal i have ever eaten. we had rice, potatoes, pasta salad, this fried meat thing, and red velvet cake.” and then i wrote about how delicious it was.
dinner: pizza and fries. then we got ice cream and cake for a birthday.
bonus things
so many bug bites.
was so sick for 5 ish days
got my ears pierced at the mall for 250 pesos with all but two of the girls in my group (the company office called all of our parents because it is “against the rules” even though there was no official rule (we checked) and the trip leaders both knew and were okay with it)
cried on my cousins shoulder and she thought i was drooling on her (i was sick, literally so nauseous, but i still was at the evening activity (going to a basilica and then going to get halohalo (which i did not eat because i was so nauseous. this was the day i only ate crackers.) because i didn’t want to be left out again because we were pushing day 4 of me being sick at home.) and i felt SO sick and i felt like no one really wanted to be around me and everyone was getting close without me and like i was just on the outside of everything. we were on the bus and i was laying on her shoulder and then i was crying and my tears were rolling down my face onto her shoulder and she thought i was asleep and drooling on her.
learned 2 card tricks
filled up 44 pages in my journal (so far.. i haven’t done today yet.)
did karaoke (love story) (with 4 other people)
played a filipino game (we passed a spoon and a fork around and said “this is a spoon/fork” and “ah spoon/fork” and if you messed up or had both at the same time you had to do a talent)
played john the baptist (the person in the middle had a cup of water and a spoon and was thinking of something in a category. everyone in the circle had to say a thing from the category and if they said what the middle person was thinking of or repeated something that was already said they got water poured on them and became the new middle person) 
made a list of all the foods i won’t eat (will share later upon request)
“[name] is a quiet girl with strong opinions. such as her love for taylor swift and dislike of many foods.” (we did a spotlight every day and at the end of the day we went around in a circle and said what we like about them. one guy wrote a little paragraph for each person and that was the first thing he said about me. i did in fact cry, but it was when i was saying what i like about the other spotlights.)
we couldn’t flush the toilet paper. i am not used to flushing it now.
we also couldn’t use the tap water to rinse our toothbrush. it feels weird to do it now.
left someone at home (the drive was an hour because of traffic and then we realized we forgot him. the drive back was only 15 minutes.) (we are always supposed to be in a group of three and we left him by himself at home. it was so silly because the guy we left behind was high key everyone’s favorite person in the group.)
tried balut! it wasn’t bad. i was lowkey terrified to eat it but i ate the whole thing. the soup just tasted like chicken broth and the duck tasted like a bite of chicken and the egg tasted like a hard boiled egg. all of it with no flavor except salt really. not bad but mostly likely would not eat again. 
strap in for this story guys. so this girl (1) shared a room with this other girl (2). 1 had seen this towel in the bathroom and had been wiping her butt on it after showering or using the bidet (they ran out of toilet paper a lot) or whatever. so basically 1 had been wiping her but with this towel for three days. THEN 1 sees 2 wiping her face with the towel. as it turns out, the towel is 2’s face towel. 1 steals the towel and hides it in another group of girl’s room. 2 has no idea where the face towel went and has no idea that it was being used to wipe 1’s butt for three days. 1 tells everyone in the group (including the trip leaders and trip parents) so we ALL know except 2. then a few days later, the girls are all together in one room and the boys are all together in another. the adults are all having a meeting. the boys pass the girls a note under the door saying “pooker is coming” and the girls respond “do you want the towel” and the boys respond “yes”. so, they take the towel and throw it in the boys room. the towel lands on the pillow of the trip dad. he finds out and is PISSED. he strips all the sheets with everything on them off of the bed and leaves them in the living room. the sheets and towel end up in my closet and were still there when we left at the end of the trip. 
i haven’t pooped in like 5 days
passed around my copy of the outsiders between 4 people (they each finished it completely on the trip)
had the most delicious strawberry oreos. i have thought about them every day. 
pillows!!! my favorite filipino snack. my love. my everything.
so many mango flavored things.
everyone was so friendly. they always waved at us and smiled at us. one time i was on the bus and we were stopped for a bit because of traffic and i played rock paper scissors through the window with a filipino kid on a different bus.
used a bidet for the first time. lowkey scary and did not feel like i was clean. but there was no toilet paper. 
went to church for 5 hours 
counted how many times my trip leader said “like” during one sitting (84)
did the cube ladder field test. i think i messed it up lowkey. 
took so many naps. (i am not a napper ever)
played 4 kings. so fun. so basically each king is a dare. you decide the dares before the game starts. each card is spread out on the table and everyone takes turns picking the cards. the other cards decide who picks and there’s like mini games and stuff. so fun. 
was deemed the third flattest person in the group (i mean. it was true.)
had a super in depth conversation about harry potter lore with my trip leader
for some reason i could not wash my hair. the back was greasy every day. 
all the girls did nightly debriefs.
lived the same day twice. my flight landed two hours before it left because of the time difference, so we time traveled basically.
SO MUCH MORE STUFF HAPPENED but i can’t write it all out
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bad-mixed-lib-dyke · 11 months
ok so I have a friend and we were kinda talking about this thing I'm into and
idr how it happened but he said he'd do trad/male supremacy/ kink thing with me
he has some days off next week and the place to himself and imma come over and clean and we're gonna go shopping for some stuff, we're gonna pick out rings and have a little ceremony and dskfjhilfukbdslf,jhsdx
Last night we had a "Courtship date"
He has an object insertion kink so he had me fuck myself with his meds
he didn't touch me so it doesn't count
I did swallow his cum tho!
I had to prove myself!
So now we're "engaged"
I go over next Wednesday and Imma clean and do food shopping and make sure he has everything I need in the kitchen
then we're going to his friend's for wrestling (which is the guy from the last post ironically) and I've spent a lot of time alone over the last few years so my social cues aren't great and so he'll be "helping me with that" so if I talk back to either of them he'll say "you're being argumentative"
such a helpful friend helping me with social cues
While he catches me every time I speak back to a man <3
Thursday we're gonna go shopping for rings and clothes he wants to see me in/tear off me
Then we're gonna have a little ceremony with the intertwined arm sip and everything. We're gonna write vows~ and then once we put the rings on we'll be "married"
He's gonna leave and come back "from work" and I'll have dinner ready and take his shoes off and give him massages
On Friday Imma wake up before him and make myself cute and make him chicken and waffles, then make a picnic at a park and he's gonna take me out for dinner
After the ceremony I'll be free use and there's lots of freetime between the set activities cause that's space for him to make requests (I think we're gonna watch good omens at some point :3)
if it goes alright we're gonna keep the rings and we can use them as consent/entering the scene :3
I'm so excited~
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americanwh0resstuff · 4 months
God knows I tried
Chapter IV
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Paul shifted on Liz's slightly messy couch, watching her walk over with two wine glasses, he looked around, seeing the photographs and papers scattered across the room.
"I'm sorry for the mess..." She motioned to a small printed picture on the table. "I was thinking of blowing that one up for the funeral."
He took the photograph in his hand, an old black and white picture of a young woman, hair in curls blowing in the wind as she sat on the dock, the belle visible behind her. Liz frowned slightly, sitting down next to him and looking at the paper in his hands.
"She was so pretty, when I was a kid people would always tell my friends how they looked like their parents, I never had that, and god do I wish I looked like her..." she trailed off, smiling softly.
Paul lifted his glass, holding it up to her.
"To your mom."
A few days passed, it was now Tuesday, the day of her mothers funeral and the day before Ash Wednesday, Liz and Paul had agreed to hold the service today, as her mother loved baking, and today they could celebrate by eating her recipes and sharing happy memories.
Liz got to st Patrick's early, setting up the white roses and lilies, and chrysanthemums, her moms favourite, at least she said, although Liz always had a sneaking suspicion that she only said that cuz they were cheap…
Earlier that morning Sarah had brought the casket in along with some morticians from the mainland, sharing a cup of coffee as Liz watched over her mother, checking to see if her makeup was just the way she wanted, moving loose strands of curls from her face, it was eerie, yet relaxing.
Now it was silent and empty in the sanctuary, she walked up to the open casket, sitting down on the steps in front of it.
“I’m so sorry mom…” she paused “-I should have been here…” The familiar tidal wave of catholic guilt came crashing down, tears threatening to stream down and ruin her makeup.
Guilt for not being there for her mother, guilt that almost everyone in this town was prepping for the funeral in one way or another, Annie, Riley’s mom, had offered to make all of the recipes from the small notes left by her own mom. Erin and Riley were out picking up the printed off memorial cards, and of course, father Paul had been cleaning the church since the early hours of the morning, he’d even left a flask of hot coffee on the front pew with a small note.
“Liz, I hope this brings you at least some comfort,”
He wasn’t there when she arrived, probably trying to give her some space while he prepares for the ceremony.
Now she stood at the doors of the white run down church, the bells tolling above her, deafening.
Father Paul had already greeted her, a calming hand on her shoulder, Liz thought it lingered just a little too long, but she was grieving, obviously overthinking everything.
She stood there, deadpanned, as the congregation pass by, father Paul greeting them one by one
“May the father of mercies be with you, the god of all consolation, be with you.”
After all church goers shuffled in, father Paul motioned for Liz to walk with him to the front pew, watching her take a seat before taking a knee at the steps, then moving to behing the pulpit.
He spoke loud and demanding, yet it simply flew over her head.
“In life, Margaret Bates, cherished the gospel of Christ, may Christ now greet her with these words of eternal life.”
The crowds of mourners respond,
“Come, blessed of my father.”
Elizabeth didn’t even open her mouth.
She sat in silence, not paying attention to the sermon, her eyes were fixed on the large cross behind father Paul, or I guess passed it. It wasn’t until she felt his hand in her shoulder that she snapped out of it.
“Liz, it’s time for your eulogy.”
He shot her a sympathetic smile, taking her hand as she stood up from the pew, letting him lead her to the pulpit.
She cleared her throat, her hands gripping the hard wood before her, legs shaking like jelly as she looked upon the crowd. It took her breath away, such a small community, but the church was full, so much so that the doors were left open, people standing outside to pay their respects.
“I-wow, I just want to thank everyone for coming… my mother was a quiet woman, but I guess she made her mark…” Her eyes shifted across the papers before her, she’d made some notes on key things she wanted to say, but her mind just wandered.
“My mother never had kids of her own, but she took me in, showed me love, took care of me and never made me believe that I couldn’t do anything I set my mind to, she supported me no matter what, pushed me to set my standards high, she told me this island was too small for me, but now looking at everybody here today, I can see that I have all I could need…” She paused, suddenly feeling her stomach drop, feeling all these eyes on her, it was like the air was stagnant.
This was ridiculous, she gave lectures to hundreds of students, taught classes to some of the brightest minds about the most complex theories, but now, just speaking about her own mom, she felt like an ant under a magnifying glass.
She turned her head to see father Paul looking at her, giving her a soft smile.
She took a deep breath.
“Shoot for the stars, worst case scenario, you land on the moon.”
The rest of the speech felt like a blur, her eyes glued to the back of the church as she spoke from the heart, it was only when the lump in her throat became too uncomfortable that she stopped, thanked the congregation and took her seat back in the pews.
As father Paul finished his blessings he encouraged everyone to go to the rec centre, enjoy the home baked goods and share memories, it was time for the burial, and her final wish was to be alone with her daughter, the thought of which made Elizabeth feel guilty and grateful.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
kill her. kill sweetie. break my heart.
Why kill her outright when there's so much story left to tell?
Alfred's eyes narrowed when you pulled your jacket closer to your body. "Alright, girlie?" he asked.
"Fine," you tell him brightly. "How are you today, Alfred?"
"Fine," he answered, careful to keep his distance from you. Your voice was cheerful but your eyes were not. You look less than happy today. "How was the dance on Saturday?"
"I didn't end up going. Mom wanted me to clean the kitchen and then Jack had friends over."
He hummed and nodded, "A pity, Master Bruce said you were looking forward to it."
You shrug, "Maybe next time." You rub your arm and Alfredcatches sight of what looks like a burn on your forearm. Clumsily bandaged, not all the way covered and weeping.
"Good lord, what happened there?" he tutted, pulling your sleeve back when he watches your wrist.
"I-I- I was making spaghetti and the pot was heavy," you stammer.
"Well," he said blinking, knowing that isn't likely- he'd seen you cook when he'd gone along with Bruce on your Wednesday visit with your Grandmother. You were capable. In a few years, you'd be a good little cook. But he couldn't prove that DIDN'T happen either. "It looks nasty. Let's get a new bandage on it, hey?"
"I can-"
"It's a little tricky to do with one hand," he said smiling a little. "Let's get that seen to and then you can drag Master Bruce outside- I've not been able to get him out of the study since Friday."
And when you nod slowly, Alfred makes a note to keep an eye on that sort of thing. He wasn't sure what he'd do about it, of course. But someone would have to keep you from losing limbs to gangrene.
The knock on your door dragged you out of your bed and you staggered across the floor rubbing your eyes. The only way you could sleep was hard. You slept so hard and fell asleep so fast you weren't sure if your nap had been 20 minutes or a full day.
And when you check the peephole to see Alfred standing there, carrying bags you sigh. At least he already knows.
You open the door and stifle a cough with effort, "Alfred what-"
"Food for the freezer," he said, letting himself in, "keep your strength up."
"Thank you but-"
"I won't have you starving," he said sternly, putting bags down and taking a look around. Things were tidy enough but he could see where some of your housework had gotten away from you. Dust and the odd paper scrap. Laundry, he imagined was also hard and he made a note to contact a service to help. "Have you eaten anything at all today? Or have you been living on gummy bears?"
"I had some popcorn and part of a soda before I laid down," you murmur sinking into a chair.
"Hardly a balanced meal, Miss Y/N," he tutted, setting about inspecting your kitchen, making notes of things you needed. You had basics. Things were clean. But for some ungodly reason there was very little there that was just comforting. Like you were trying to deal with the bare minimum.
"Alfred I can-"
"You can certainly," he said, "But. Now that the cat's out of the bag there's no need to stand on ceremony, Girlie. You need help. You need to eat. And you need as little extra to worry about as possible. Thankfully, I know several lovely little services that can come in-"
"I'm not in hospice-"
"No you morbid little weirdo," he snorted, pulling down a bowl and pouring Chicken and dumplings into it deftly, "Someone to help with the cleaning and the laundry."
When you roll your eyes, Alfred takes the still-hot food and set it on the table with a fork, "Now you eat that and let me get to work. I have explicit instruction to see to it you have everything you need." He didn't. Bruce had been practically paralyzed after you left, dealing with the fact that you were dying. That you stared death directly in the face and told it you weren't done. But- he didn't think Bruce would care. Or notice if he was paying for some housework to be done.
"Alfred, it's going to be okay. I'm okay with-"
"Even a miracle needs a hand," Alfred said squeezing your shoulder. "Let us do something, Y/N. Even if all we can do is make it a little easier."
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rougerave · 1 year
(Ages are not conical, so just go with it, but that’s also the power of fanfiction.)
Myth – a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events – that’s what he is, and he liked it.
No, he loved it. For someone who lived his whole life in the spotlight, it makes sense as to why he actively tries to hide. He hides from the press, he hides from friends and family, and especially from the hero community.
See, here’s the thing; he doesn’t necessarily exist. To the hero community that is. He did his time as Robin and then travelled as a nameless hero. Came back to Gotham with a new name but strictly stayed in the shadows. People sort of knew of his existence, but since he didn’t show his face, people just assumed he was a spook.
Bruce also liked to keep a lot of secrets from the JL, so it made it easier to stay hidden, but that didn’t necessarily mean that they didn’t know about him. He has done missions for the JL, but it was those intel missions that needed to be extra secret. He never once showed his face to the Justice League, and he liked it like that.
So you can imagine his irritation when Bruce called him. No, not Bruce, Batman.
“It’s only Monday B and I’m not in the mood, so whatever it is, no.” He didn’t even give Bruce a chance to speak.
“I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t think it was important. Dick has a cold and a bullet wound that he tried to hide, you know how it is. The girls and Duke are in deep cover, Jason is off world, Damian would kill them on sight just for them looking at him, plus his working with the Titans, and I obviously can’t go. I have other missions.”
“What’s the mission?” He asked just as he felt a small tug on his pants. When he looked down, he saw that it was his little two year old daughter. Tim smiled, before he picked her up, and sat her on his lap. She rested her head on his chest then she fell asleep.
Bruce took off his crawl so he could rub his face. “Intel mission.”
“Don’t you have a special team for this type of stuff? Oh wait you do. The YJ!” Tim whisper yelled so that he didn’t wake Nalaya up, because God help them all if she wakes up when she’s sick.
“You know as well as I do why we can’t just put them on this mission without Dick. As much as I want to trust them, I can’t, not yet anyways. I gave them a chance, they messed it up. They still need to prove themselves to me before I can let them go without Wing.”
“So essentially, I’m babysitting a group of young adults that are as reckless as toddlers on a sugar rush. How urgent is the mission?”
“Toddlers on a sugar rush? Wait - Tim did you get Nalaya on a sugar rush?” The amusement in Bruces’ voice was clear as day. Tim went pink.
“Answer the question B. How urgent is the mission?” Tim asked as he cleared his throat.
“Three days.”
“Tim please. You’re my best bet at the moment.”
“If you want me to go so badly, push it for a week and a half. Mari is in New York for fashion week and can’t afford to look after a sick toddler. Both would need her full attention, hence why I am working from home. Mari is only gonna be home next Wednesday because she wants to visit her parents. Next week Wednesday. Deal?”
“Fine, thank you. I’ll see you at 2200h Wednesday at the Young Justice headquarters.” Then with no further ceremony, the Bat signed off.
Tim rolled his eyes. “Your grandfather is a pain in my butt.” Then he stood up carefully as to not wake up his kid. “Let’s get you to bed princess.”
They have all heard of myths and legends. Different kinds, from different communities, friends and family and especially in their line of work. Some were just for scares and for fun, most where true when it came to working with magic, and some where made up to throw people of their game.
Red Robin was one of those myths that the Bat-clan say to throw them off their game, or so they thought.
Imagine walking into their base of operations and seeing said myth talking casually with the big bad Bat, holding a coffee cup as if they were old friends, which couldn’t be right seeing as Red Robin looked younger then the Bat. A year or two younger than them actually. What the fuck.
When the two bats noticed the team they strained up and went blank faced. “Team meet the myth himself Red Robin. He will be helping you with this intel mission only. Double R the Young Justice team. You are to retrieve intel only. An over view of the mission has been sent to you. You leave in fifteen minutes.” He then turned away to the zeta tube, but before he left he turned his head to Red Robin. “Do not, and I mean do not pull that stunt you did with the LOA bases.”
“Such little faith. I won’t B. I promise.”
Batman raised his eyebrow. “LB would kill me if I did, so I won’t.” Batman nodded his head, then turned around and walked to the tubes.
There was a tense silence before RR broke it. “I’ll meet you in the hanger. I have to go and cuss out Nightwing.” He said as he turned to walk to the direction of the hanger.”
“Why would you want to cuss out Nightwing?” Wally asked.
“Because my brother is an idiot, and he is very lucky I moved out or I would have done more than cuss him out.” He said not stopping and not turning around.
“Is it me or did today go from tense to super weird in a total of five minutes?”
“It’s not only you Wally. Never mind that. We have a mission to complete. Let’s go team.”
“What happened with the LOA bases?” Conner asked to fill the silence.
Red Robin stopped typing to look Conner straight in the eye. A chill went the young supers spin when double R smirked.
“There is a reason Ra’s al Ghul is afraid of me. I blew up most of his bases because he had something of mine. I blew six more out of pure spit.”
The team stayed quite for the rest of the trip.
Six hours, one failed mission and a portal to somewhere, the team stood in the middle of a field, being glared down by Red Robin.
“What in the ever loving fuck was that?!”
They were silent, and that only made him more angry and frustrated.
It was a simple mission. Get a hard-drive that had blueprints to a machine that Luthor was building for the Light and get out, undetected and unharmed. The shitshow that happened is what he was trying to comprehend. How are they this bad or where they just being cocky and wanting to show off. This mission could be long over if they had followed his plan.
“I ask again. What the fuck happened?” His tone went from deadly shouting to deadly calm in two seconds flat, it made shivers run up his spin.
“What is your deal? We only messed up a little, but we got the information. Mission complete. No need to be all bitchy.” Conner said, getting tired of this dudes attitude.
Tim let out a dark chuckle. He did not just say that to his face when he was the main cause of this failed mission.
“My deal. Here’s my deal. You, along with your team had one simple task to do. Scout ahead and report to me. I would be the one to infiltrate the base and get the information. My problem started when you disobeyed a direct order to not engaging. At. All. But no, that was such a hard job. By you not staying put, you got your team injured. Then you went off by switching off your coms, ignoring everyone, which by the way got us portaled to Ice land. Your biggest flop so far was getting the incorrect data. So please, Superboy, tell me I’m wrong.”
It was silent. “That’s what I thought. Now, you will listen carefully. You are to dismantle every tracking, communication, and electronic device on you.”
“Why?” Wrong question from Artemis.
“Why? Why is because your egotistical teammate messed up the mission against his evil surrogate father, and I for one don’t want to be hunted by that madman. So my suggestion is do it yourself, before I turn every electronic device on you into a taser.”
That’s what he thought. Once changed in some casual clothing, he led the way a modest looking house. Tim pulled out a key and opened the door very slowly. Once fully open, a knife is thrown in his direction. He catches it without blinking, but that just means his more sceptical to go inside. The team just stares at his in shock. What the hell.
“I did say I was sorry.” He shouted into the house. A dino sippy cup was thrown at him. He ducks, the person behind him does not. Artemis now has a very pretty bruise on her forehead. (Wally has a picture.)
Tim motions them inside. He led them into a different room and there they are met with a soul wittering glare that put Batman’s glare to shame. They have never felt more scared in their lives than in that moment. Tim didn’t look fazed. He just lifted his brow. “I did say I was sorry.”
“One day I hope you’ll spontaneously combust.” The women said.
“And I wait for the day your glare leaves our kid without a father. Meet the team. The real source of your anger.” He said in a deadpanned voice.
The women huffed. “No, no. You’re the source of my anger. Bruce snitched. Anyways, nice to meet you all.” After getting well acquainted with this lioness of a women called Marinette and the owner of the throw dino sippy cup, Nalaya, Marinette lead them an underground hid out, while Tim went to put his little girl to bed. He joins them a few minutes later.
“So,” Marinette said from in front of the huge monitor where she was setting up a call. “who wants to tell the big bad bat what happened.” The team goes brick still, faces pale. “I mean it’s only fair you do the report.” Tim chokes on a laugh from where he sits typing in coordinates in front of another screen. Wally faints in that moment. “That’s what I thought.” Over confindent idiots, with their big egos. “Though I shouldn’t be surprised that they’re afraid of the furry.” Tim snorts.
“God forbid he hears you say that. What then?”
“I take your challenge.” The team still frozen to their spots watch in silence. Wally still out cold. The call is accepted in that moment. “Hello you giant furry.” She says it in a flat voice that had a bit of mirth and a bit of offence. Batman makes a strangled sound and Tim dies of laughter. Bruce gathers himself before he answers.
“Ladybird.” Bruce said stiffly.
“No need to be so formal B. I saw your latest gala suit by the way. It was very… I think it is best not to say.” The smirk on her lips and the snickering form Tim was turning him redder by the second. “Send my regards to Alfie.” She said as she got up, kissed Tim’s cheek and waved the team goodbye. Just like that she was gone.
Tim sat in her vacant set. Bruce turned his full attention the still frozen team. “What happened?” Tone low and icy.
“It’s in the report I sent you B. I’ll finish up the mission by 1am. The usual drill. I’m sending the team to the watchtower, they can fill you in on parts I was not present for. See you later.” And before Batman could answer, he dropped the call.
“Did you just drop the call on Batman?” Artemis asked as she finally came out of her daze.
“No I dropped the call on my father. Big difference. The zeta is ready by the way.” Tim said as he pointed to the zeta tube.
As the team walked out and Wally finally waking up, Tim called, “FYI if you tell anyone about what you saw today that wasn’t part of the mission, I will make good on my promise.” He finished with a smirk that promised pain and misfortune. The team nodded quickly and rushed into the tube.
Man was it fun to be a myth.
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earth-and-theatre · 24 days
Thoughts on All Fours? August recap?
August began on the first day of Garden Magic install. For ten days, Kendall and I brought the show to life.
On the bus back to New York, I redownloaded instagram after three months, to post about the August 31 Body Wash workshop. I thought i'd delete it again after, but I've been enjoying it. Instagram is a beast, but it can be a really abundant resource if you figure out how to use it
Back in NY, Matt and I found a huge, beautiful bright green caterpillar. and shared the most extraordinary omakase experience. amazing to be in love and have a home together
Next morning, I flew to Charleston and joined Philip's family beach trip. It was incredibly intimate, joining a family beach trip, and it felt really special to be there. My parents picked me up after two nights, and we relished in our own particular family time. We watched challengers, twisters, parts of the olympics opening ceremony. I went to yoga and had waffle house with my abuelos
I flew back to New York on Saturday, and on Monday, I began my new job. It's the happiest I've felt starting a job. I'm an Associate Teacher in a classroom of 2-3.5 year olds. We spent the past two weeks meeting each other, organizing our classrooms, preparing ourselves for the year ahead. the whole experience feels familiar, like an old dream
I auditioned for a choir and was invited to join. our first rehearsal is sept 3 and i will be an alto 1. our first concert is nov 1 and we will sing alongside "the passion of joan of arc" film
Later today, I go to Newport for tomorrow's Body Wash workshop. I'm excited to keep reading All Fours. It's beautiful. I watched Alien: Romulus with M'Kenzy on Wednesday and feel so moved by pregnancy and birth . I've seen lots of friends this week <3
I've also spent a lot of time this month listening to the Otherworld podcast
Earlier this month I wrote "August is pregnant." It was both pregnant and birthing, and right now I feel completely content. I know the fall will be challenging, and I'm so excited to expand myself into it
Beautiful august. the best. thank you poppy
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inquisimer · 10 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @roguelioness (twice!! thank you fren)
I'm slowly rewriting my longfic of Neria's Inquisition arc, so here's a snippet from the chapter I'm adding to capture some of the prologue :3
tagging forward to: @rosella-writes | @plisuu | @blackwallmancer | @fadedsweater | @stonebiscuit
When she woke next the pain had been contained to small stabs in her palm, except for the occasional burst that sent shock waves of fire up her arm. Bewildered, she stared at the strange magic swirling in her palm as harsh voices clasped her in chains and called out again, for the Nightingale, for the Seeker.
A Seeker.
Neria shuddered as the guards dragged her along dripping stone corridors. Thousands of times stronger than a Templar and the seal of death for whichever mage brought them to the Circle. Powerful enough to enforce discipline on a Knight Commander even, if the circumstances were dire.
What happened? What had she done?
There were holes in her mind that laughed at her when she scrambled for memories that slid through her finger like water. Her terror intensified; if she couldn’t remember how could she keep her footing? How could she stay steadfast? This Seeker, the Chantry—they could say anything about her and without her memories she would have no ground on which to deny them. Not that they were likely to believe her anyway, but certainly no one would if she couldn’t even believe herself.
She sobbed, tripping over the rough stone floors, and it earned her a cuff upside the head from one of her captors.
“Don’t think to try our sympathies, elf,” she snapped. “Were it up to me I’d run you through here and now without any ceremony.”
That only made Neria sob harder, unable to contain herself. Whatever had happened, it seemed they would make her the target of their rage regardless.
They flung her into a cell and locked chains onto the shackles that bound her wrists. The metal was imbued with lyrium—she could taste the cold steel buzz of it on her tongue. It kept her from even reaching for her mana, not that she was eager to try. She remembered little of the brief waves of consciousness before now, but she remembered the nausea and the pain and the helpless cycle of both. No point in putting herself through that when she could hardly get out of this situation by casting.
She would leave this cell in a body bag, most likely. They were clearly past any point where she might mitigate the punishment and anything less would take a miracle. She used to face this sort of reality on the daily, but she’d grown complacent in the years since the Chantry controlled her. Still, the cold resignation was a familiar friend and her sobs faded into steady streams of tears as she doubled over herself on the cold stone floor.
Had they, perhaps, finally drawn the connection between herself and Anders? In theory she’d been affiliated with the Mage Underground at large, but in reality every agent of the network knew that she only worked in tandem with Anders. Though she’d left Kirkwall before his ill-advised protest, Neria was haunted by the thought that some trace, some minute action she’d taken back then would link her to him and she would become a wanted terrorist as well.
She’d covered her tracks well for the last five years, but perhaps this was that moment. It could even be a highlight of the peace talks—not Anders himself, he was too well protected by the Champion. But executing his alleged accomplice would certainly gain the Chantry some traction with both the mages and the Templars.
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luvwich · 10 months
🎙️ wip wednesday
trying something different, with inspiration from @ghostoffuturespast (▶️) and @merge-conflict (▶️) ..! yep this is your fault
my voice definitely doesn't quite match the gravitas of the writing ghnnggng but i had fun...
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Mike Kowalski was two weeks into his thirties. He shaded his eyes, brushed his fingers against his rifle. Thirty years; fifteen of 'em spent slinging guns around for spare cash. Mike didn't have a diploma on his wall, but he'd learned a thing or two from the academy of Watson.
Like how to compartmentalize. How to shut out everything that's not the mission. Had a fight with your best friend? No, you didn't. Missed rent and now you're three days out from eviction from your piece of shit apartment again? No, you're not. You're missing some sweet green-eyed girl, feeling so worried about her that you wake up already nauseated, that you battle your body all day long, can't keep food down, can't close your eyes without seeing her face? You better fucking not be, choom, not for the next ninety minutes, anyway. You better square up and forget those green eyes. Forget her, and remember what you're getting paid to do right now. Remember how many rounds are left in your rifle. Remember the passcode, how many security turrets you saw. Remember those things and forget her. Forget her until your fixer's name flickers onto your holo; until the gig is marked closed in the database. Forget her until the eddies have rolled in and your heart stops pounding. Until that first drink at the Afterlife's halfway down your throat and you feel warm and numb behind the eyes. Once you've gotten paid, once that BPM drips down to baseline, once that drink sets in.. once you are alone in your piece of shit apartment, alone with the sheets that still smell like her (clove, jasmine, all these words you've heard once or twice but never knew until her hair was in your face) — oh, once you're all alone in the rustle of sheets, thinking about her with your cock halfmast and with that stinging feeling at the height of your sinuses, the feeling of salt-thick tears knocking at the front door of your weary mind— Once all that's said and done, once you can take a breath and think of her laughter, her ass cheeks, the way she pronounces 'ceremony'; once it's done, it's done, it's done, but where is she… Mike's skull fell with the weight of bismuth onto his pillow. Its synthcotton pressed cold against his unshaven cheek. The arm that reached out to grope the empty spot in his bed was covered in abrasions from the desert's hot sand. His stomach growled, his sinuses stung, he missed her, the skin on his forearm burned, he missed her. The skin on his other forearm wasn't real but he could still feel it, even after all these years, and it burned, too, in sympathy. When was the last time he'd missed anything quite like this? He glanced down at his arm. He stood up, trundled to the bathroom. He locked eyes with himself in the mirror, chest bare and heaving. He'd caught the skim of a bullet across the top of a knee; those turrets were getting nastier by the year. A bruise whose provenance he couldn't name was spreading its purple frontier across the top of his clavicle and he felt her absence like the limb he'd lost.
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Shostakovich-Sollertinsky letter translations- 1
Hello everyone!
so, some of you expressed interest in me sharing my translations of the letters from Dmitri Shostakovich to Ivan Sollertinsky, so I thought I’d start sharing them here! They range from 1927 to 1944 so I’m not going to Dracula Daily it and send them in real time lol, but I think I can do one a day. I’m not a native or fluent Russian speaker; just an intermediate-level learner, so while I’ve translated these to the best of my ability, I may miss out on some cultural and linguistic nuances. I researched and tried to translate idioms and cultural references as best as I could, but at the end of the day, please keep in mind my translations aren’t perfect. In addition to the published Russian letters, which my translations are based on, there’s a German-language translation that’s been published, so if you happen to speak German or Russian, I would highly recommend checking those out. I will also include footnotes as they appear in the published book when relevant, as well as some historical context from my own research when applicable. Because the first letter is very short, I will start today with the first two letters. These posts will be tagged #sollertinsky letters.
For context, Dmitri Shostakovich formally met Ivan Sollertinsky in 1927 at the home of the conductor Nikolai Malko. Sollertinsky would go on to be one of Shostakovich’s closest friends, until his untimely death in 1944 from heart complications. This first letter is undated:
"I have urgent business for you. Call me when you have 15-20 minutes to talk to me. D. Shostakovich."
Footnote- Written on the front side of the card- "Dmitri Dmitriyevich Shostakovich, 9 Marat Street, apartment 7. Telephone 496-37." Obviously, the composer wrote the note without knowing where Sollertinsky's house was. As it is only addressed "to you" (translation note: the formal form of “you," вы, which is used mainly for acquaintances and superiors, rather than the informal “ты,” which is used for close friends), this was likely the first letter from Shostakovich to Sollertinsky.
Letter 2- 20th August 1927, Detskoe Selo
My dear Ivan Ivanovich, I was extremely happy to receive your postcard. In such a small space, you combine so many needed considerations and witticisms that I am amazed. I did not write to you because I was in a bad mood. The Muzsektor [Music Sector] sent me only 500 rubles the day before yesterday for my loyal sentiments. Due to this, my mood improved, and I decided to write to you. Tomorrow I'm going to Moscow. The Muzsektor sent me a telegram for a demonstration of my revolutionary music. On my return, I will write of my summer adventures in detail. I recently received a letter from Malko, in which he warns me of an imminent break with him and, like Chamberlain [1], accuses me of such a break. Progress is being made on "The Nose," as well as my German. In my next letter, probably by Wednesday, I will begin with the words "mein lieber Iwan Iwanowitsch." Your D. Shostakovich.
1- “Chamberlain” refers to Chamberlain Ostin, a British statesman. (Footnote)
Translation note- It’s unknown how much time passed between this letter and the last one, but here, Shostakovich uses the informal ты. Between this letter and the last one, he and Sollertinsky drank a Bruderschaft, a drinking ceremony performed to commemorate friendship and switching from the formal to informal address.
Context note for letter 2- at this point, Shostakovich briefly tried to teach Sollertinsky piano, and Sollertinsky- a polyglot who spoke over 20 languages- tried to teach him German. Neither learned much.
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theretirementstory · 2 months
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28/07/2024. Bonjour à tous, am I glad to see the weekend, when I can relax! I was at Paris on Monday, Troyes to see the cardiologist on Wednesday and for a transfusion at Troyes on Thursday afternoon. There were two pieces of good news, no lymphoma in my bone marrow 😁 and I don’t have to see the cardiologist again until next year 😁😁. Everything else is still the same but the doctor did say it was too early for the new treatment to be effective.
This coming week it’s another three days of hospital visits, two of which are to Paris! Not only will I have transfusions on Monday but I will also be having my third round of treatment. Hope they give me a bed as I think I will be snoozing a lot of the time.
A young driver took me for my appointment on Wednesday (he’s about 25 years old), he always plays great tracks in the taxi, Supertramp, that sort of thing. Well he only played this song: “Come And Get Your Love” by Redbone. As I quietly sang along I wondered what year it was released, thinking to myself not that far back really. It was released in 1974, that nearly blew my socks off! Have a listen to it, it’s stuck in my head now. My second song for this music spot was one I could hear playing in the background of the Olympic Opening Ceremony, it was from the Europop section and although the commentator was talking all over it, I was still transported to holidays and particularly discos. The year this song was released was 1980, it’s “Spacer” by Sheila & B Devotion.
I asked Monique to do the bulk of my shopping and Anie bought my fruit and vegetables. Anie has also been and collected my prescription. It’s great to have such good friends and I was happy to have lots of tasty food. I hope my body appreciated the fish/chicken/vegetables and fruit I have been feeding it 😂.
Oh my goodness I took the plunge and messaged my cleaning lady to see if she had a couple of hours free. Horror of horrors she didn’t and also said that she was having health problems of her own. Now what am I going to do? Accept the offer from Monique or see if my friends know any other person. I have already mentioned it to Anie.
I must just rectify an omission from last weeks blog, “The Trainee Solicitor” sat an exam at the course he did at the University. He said at the time he hoped he had done enough to pass it and he obviously had! Great result passing the exam, just checks to be made and then he will be a fully fledged Solicitor. I remember my godmother telling me it was years of hard work to attain that position and he has put in the time and effort. Well done that man!
“The Recovery Coordinator” started her working week with a severe migraine! Not a good way to start, then she had a couple of nightmarish days at work, that doesn’t help either. After spending some time with my grandchildren and their Daddy this weekend she was going to catch up with the Olympics. It’s the F1 from Spa-Francorchamps today, a circuit I would have liked to visit. Don’t think it’s on free to view tv so for me it will be the Olympics (once I have prepared myself for tomorrow).
“The Photographer” has had his children for one week of their summer holidays. My granddaughter attended a football day, she gave it a thumbs up but when asked if she wanted to go the following day she said no. They attended a local football match (grandson included) both wore ear defenders as the last time she went to a match she wanted to leave as it was too noisy. Fingers crossed they are having four nights in a camper van this week, it is greatly anticipated by the three of them and I think it will be a memorable experience.
“The Traînée Solicitor” was pleased to hear my health news as it means that he can come out and visit me. I did say that he has to be careful hugging me as I am only fragile now, hopefully he will remember that 😉. I am really excited about seeing him too, it’s been over a year. I had hoped to be visiting him but as we all know, life has a habit of throwing a curved ball occasionally.
The photographs this week are of a champagne village which has at its heart an amusement park, Nigloland.
My garden is very neglected but I am unable to get out there and sort it out. Looking back at photos of previous years it looked so lovely and I am hoping that it will again.
The car has only been moved out of the garage once in the last goodness knows how many months. I would like to bring it out today but as it is more than two days since my last transfusion I had better leave it until I get back from Paris on Tuesday.
I have finished crocheting the blanket, I think it will do for a new baby and as a pram blanket (do people still buy prams?)
I am having a clear out of bedding, and clothes that no longer fit me. I think I will let go of some jumpers and t shirts too. I bought a few new clothes last year but they too are too big for me now. I really need some new shoes but will have to wait for those I think.
As it is a busy day for me, I think I had better make a start!
Have a good week until next week 😁.
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Rules & Regulations | 0.1
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Summary: You work in the human resources department at NAS North Island. A noise complaint at a hotel leads to some unexpected endeavors - and an ironic workplace romance.
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x reader (no use of Y/N)
Content warnings: None yet
Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
It felt like a quiet day at Naval Air Station North Island. You got to work at your usual time, but it didn’t take long to file away documents and send communications. As your lunch break rolled around, you went to Admiral Kazansky’s office. 
“Hey, Tom. How’s your family?” You asked.
“We talked four hours ago, you know how my family is. Sit down and tell me about your day so far.”
“Oh my God, there’s this Hangman guy. Almost all of the paperwork that I get is either for or about him, sometimes both. He’s just a Grade A asshole. It almost makes me want to meet him, though. You know, see how bad he really is.”
“You know, I used to be like that.”
“Oh, I know. There’s a bunch of lore about class of ‘86. Oh my God, we won’t be able to have our lunches together next week. I’m going to Hawaii with Nat for that awards ceremony but we’re getting there a few days before everyone else. Sure, we hang out like every night but we only have sleepovers when we’re drunk. And my neighbor is taking care of Viper so I don’t need to worry about getting a dog sitter or anything.”
You and Tom ate lunch together and said hi to the passing admirals. The lunch hour ended with you laying on the floor of his office, gossiping about other people on base. No one would’ve thought that Tom Kazansky lived for gossip, but it was one thing that you quickly found out when you started working at North Island. The rest of your day went along swimmingly, because nothing was really going on.
Before going home, you made a stop by the grocery store. Wednesday night dinners were a tradition between you and Natasha because you had been friends for so long and Wednesdays were the only nights that you were both free. You always cooked together while a random movie played in the background because it was hard for you to go about things without your background noise. This time, you had picked a horror movie. It was slightly out of the usual for nights with Natasha, because talking about shitty dates over people screaming probably wasn’t normal. 
“I’m so excited for Hawaii. I haven’t been there for fun in a long time,” Nat said as they sat down with their food.
“Me too. I went once for a Christmas vacation with this guy… It didn’t end well. Neither of us left but having to meet his family was awkward as hell and we didn’t really get along. Don’t go on vacations with dates if you’re gonna meet their entire family when you’re there. I would rather die than do that again.”
The two of you laughed over their glasses of wine and finished eating. You decided to turn on an old episode of Saturday Night Live while you talked on the couch. The ringing of your phone interrupted the moment.
“What could Admiral Kazansky want from you?” Natasha asked.
“It’s probably an HR thing. Let me take this.”
Because you answered the phone while walking up the stairs, it took you a minute to catch your breath. (You were always terrified to let Tom go to voicemail, even if it was an accident.) He started to talk almost immediately.
“I know you’re going to Hawaii with Lieutenant Trace for that awards ceremony, so what if I put you in a hotel room a few doors down from the rest of the Dagger Squad?”
“Wouldn’t that be a bad idea? I’d be off the clock so technically, I can’t be the one in charge of reports.”
“Oh, it would be the worst idea, but I need to know how bad these kids really are. You know how dramatic Maverick can be. I’m surprised he’s been able to last this long considering he barely lasted two months last time.”
You thought about it for a minute. What was the worst that could happen? Either way, you would still be able to gossip about the Dagger Squad with Tom. 
“Can I tell Nat?”
There was a moment of silence before Tom gave you permission to tell her, but he made sure to add that you had to tell her that she couldn’t tell anyone, either. 
“I’ll do it, then. Do you want me to text you updates during the trip or…?”
“No, don’t tell me anything until you get back. I don’t want you to have to worry about this stuff potentially becoming a formal report or anything like that.”
“Okay. Thanks, Tom.”
“You’re welcome.”
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workersolidarity · 11 months
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Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping Wednesday for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in Beijing.
As the host country, Republic of China President Xi Jinping spoke first, thanking the Russian President and pointing to the implementation of the agreements and celebrating record trade between the two countries, which is approaching $200 Billion this year.
"Mr President, during the ten years since 2013, the two of us have held 42 meetings and established good business-like relations and a strong personal friendship" President Xi said.
"Mutual trust in our political relations is steadily growing. Close and effective strategic collaboration is being maintained. Bilateral trade has achieved historic records and is approaching the target of $200 billion we have set."
After the opening ceremony of the forum, President Xi Jinping introduced Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke at the Belt & Road Forum.
The Russian President thanked President Xi for his invitation and congratulated the Chinese President on the 74th Anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
"Next year will be an anniversary year for both your country and the diplomatic relations between our countries. On October 2, 1949, the next day after the establishment of the PRC, the USSR was the first to recognise the new China" President Putin said to the Chinese President in his speech.
President Putin pointed to the Chinese President's visit in March, saying this was a special sign indicating the close "level and nature" of relations between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation.
"One and a half years after my last visit, all of us, our large delegation, are in Beijing again. We can see that the city is developing and prospering, and we are very glad for our Chinese friends," President Putin told the Chinese leader.
"Your idea of promoting wide-ranging cooperation between the countries of the historical Silk Road, which was put forward ten years ago, has gained momentum."
President Putin further told President Xi that although plans are being designed and implemented, the nations involved may be unsure how a project will turn out, however China, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, is always highly successful in its endeavors, and he thanked the Chinese President for their collaboration, saying all parties gain from the arrangement.
President Putin went on to promote the initiatives of the Belt and Road programme, pointing to the Chinese President's ideas, which Putin described as intended to benefit the whole of mankind and wished the Chinese President success in this noble undertaking.
"Under the difficult present-day conditions, it is particularly relevant to maintain close foreign policy coordination, something we are doing now. Today, we will discuss all of this, including, and primarily, our bilateral relations."
President Putin finished by saying, "You have just mentioned our bar – our objective of reaching $200 billion in trade this year. If we look at the year-on-year figures – we analysed this yesterday evening – the 200-billion target was reached between this day a year ago and today, and this bar will certainly be exceeded by the end of the calendar year. Therefore, we are advancing very confidently on the bilateral plane as well."
The Russian President then thanked his Chinese counterpart before the official Forum began, after which the Russian President spoke at length about cooperation between the two powers.
During his remarks at the Forum, President Putin told the audience that the essence of the Belt and Road Initiative is to "promote creative and constructive interaction" throughout the international community.
"We pointed out on numerous occasions that Russia and China, just as the majority of other countries, share the striving for equal and mutually beneficial cooperation towards universal, sustainable and lasting economic progress and social welfare based on respect for the civilisational diversity and the right of every state to its own development model," President Putin said in his speech.
President Putin went on, "The Belt and Road initiative is based on these fundamental principles and fits in very well with the integration processes that are ongoing in many regions. It also corresponds to the Russian ideas of creating an integration contour that will ensure the freedom of trade, investment and employment and will be complemented with interconnected infrastructure."
President Putin said the Belt and Road programme meshes well with the Russian idea of creating greater Eurasian partnership, expanding cooperation and interaction between like-minded nations and the integration of multilateral organizations like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which Russia is successfully developing with its post-Soviet partners.
President Putin further emphasized new agreements between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on the development of the EAEU and Belt and Road programme, along with a non-preferential agreement on trade and economic cooperation between the EAEU and China. To this end, a joint commission was established to "align our efforts to implement this agreement."
"In February 2023, we adopted an expanded roadmap, which provides, in part, for the development of relations between the EAEU and China in trade policy and the digitisation of transport corridors," President Putin said.
The Russian leader further noted the importance of the initiatives, saying they were an, "integral part of Russia’s national development strategy, the strengthening of our economic, technological and financial sovereignty, as well as the modernisation and expansion of infrastructure."
The Russian President told audiences he believes the Belt and Road Initiatives were very important to participating countries and pointed to the expansive Russian territories for enhancing the connectivity between the Russian Federation and its partners.
The Russian President mentioned the various infrastructure projects being implemented through the Belt and Road, telling the audience that, taken together, the projects will allow participants to create an "integral transport and logistics network" and to "diversify freight traffic through more effective, reliable and safe" transportation.
"For example, we are building the North-South international corridor in European Russia, which President Xi has mentioned. It will connect Russian ports on the Baltic and Arctic seas to ports in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Seamless rail connectivity, as professionals say, will be ensured throughout this route, from Murmansk in the north of Russia to Bandar Abbas in Iran," President Putin said.
"Another north-south transport artery will run via the Urals region and Siberia. Its main elements are the modernisation of the central part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, including the West-Siberian Railway line running across several regions of Siberia, namely the Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions and the Altai Territory. The other elements are the construction of the Northern Latitudinal Railway, as we call it, towards the ports on the Arctic Ocean and the Yamal Peninsula in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and a new North Siberian Railway from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area towards our largest railway network comprising the Trans-Siberian Railway and Baikal-Amur Mainline."
After the initial speeches and meetings, President Xi Jinping of China and Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet on the sidelines to further discuss trade, economic cooperation, as well as the global and regional situation. The Russian delegation included a large number of senior officials, including the Vice Premier, representatives of the Foreign Ministry, Economic Development agencies, as well as representatives from the Transportation and Finance departments.
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