#but nothing is set in stone yet so we'll see
mud-castle · 3 months
They let dm!Firestar die in the fox trap?
yeah...sure.... "let"
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
I'm surprised Kohza is in ajjsjsjsjshs
Me too, honestly 😂 Hadn't seen that one coming.
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delqcate · 2 years
guess who's planning on making a short fic!!
like no one shots
a whole short fic
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talesofesther · 2 months
until one of us caves
Rolan x Reader
Summary: After fighting Lorroakan, you decide to stay with Rolan.
A/N: I know that like maybe three people are gonna read this but I couldn't care less. The more I learned about Rolan's story, the bigger of a soft spot I got, and this little thought wouldn't leave my head so I had to write this down. Nothing serious, just something I wish I could do in the game. Also, this story kinda drifted a little from the original plan about halfway through and started writing itself, so don't blame me if the quality is dubious lmao. Requests for him are open I guess, if anyone's interested.
Word count: 3k
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The scent of smoke and ash hung in the air. Stones and mud, remains of the elementals, littered the floor of Ramazith's Tower; as well as a few burned books here and there, smashed furniture, and splatters of blood in the marble. It would take a while to get the place back to the glory it could hold, but you figured it was doable.
The body of its previous master lay lifeless on the floor, spine broken, skin torn. You held no pity for him, only resentment.
From the corner of your eyes, you could spot a twitching tail and clenched fists, staring blankly at the body of his tormentor. He said nothing, merely huffed and walked away before you could think of saying anything, your gaze followed his steps.
The time between when you'd first set foot in Sorcerous Sundries and now had gone by in a haze. You had stopped dead in your tracks then, breath hitching as you caught sight of the countless bruises on Rolan's skin, and an overwhelming sense of protectiveness took over you. You'd walked up to him, the words "Who did this to you?" were stumbling past your lips before he even had the chance to utter the practiced greeting. Rolan had evaded the matter, as you'd expected, building ever higher walls around himself. And you'd surprised yourself with how restless the sight of him had made you feel.
"Soldier?" Karlach's hand on your shoulder pulled you back to the present, making you quickly turn your head back to her.
You blinked several times until your eyes regained their focus; "yeah?"
She gave you a halfhearted smile and you wondered just how much your turmoil showed on your face. "I was just asking if you're alright, and… where do we go from here." Her voice held kindness to it, as it usually did. More often than not Karlach was, surprisingly, a calming balm in your hectic days.
"Uh-" you hesitated. Perhaps you should already be used to being the one people turned to in search of guidance, leadership. But it was a title you'd never really asked for, was it?
"You guys should go ahead, dispose of him somewhere," you gestured to Lorroakan's lifeless form, "before anyone walks in on… all of this."
Karlach nodded along and then raised a brow at you. "And what of you?" She asked, yet there was a smirk on her lips that alluded to the fact that she already knew the answer.
"I'll hang back." Your cheeks warmed up, "I'll meet you guys at Elfsong later."
"Take your time, soldier," Karlach winked at you, then turned to hurl the dead Wizard's body over her shoulder. "Right let's go people, nothing left to see here."
"And how exactly do you intend to walk around the city with that?" Shadowheart asked exasperatedly, yet followed Karlach to the swirling portal nonetheless.
The tiefling shrugged, holding Lorroakan's body with one arm, "I don't know. If anyone asks we'll just say he's drunk or something."
"Are you out of your mind?"
"Oh, I want to see that."
Shadowheart and Astarion added simultaneously, one rolling her eyes and the other smiling brightly.
"Alright then, you think of some excuse for-"
You chuckled at the banter of your companions, their voices growing distant as they disappeared through the portal that would take them back to the bustle of Sorcerous Sundries.
With a deep breath in and a long exhale out, you turned around, gaze slowly roaming over the empty expanse of the luxurious tower; now so quiet, bordering on serene, save for the damage the battle left behind. Until you finally spotted the one you were looking for.
Rolan was tucked away in a shadowy corner, head bowed as he stacked a few fallen books on his hands and then beside each other on the shelves. His movements all stiff and slow, as if the books were much too heavy and it hurt to carry them.
The worry twirling in your stomach threatened to escape as you took careful steps towards him. Yet you still weren't sure how to approach him. The tower suddenly held a nearly intimate air. It was delicate, fragile. The lines between you and him had started to blur, you couldn't pinpoint when, but they did; and now, in the privacy of the high tower, you started to feel the weight of it.
You cleared your throat, but the tiefling didn't turn to look at you, though his shoulders relaxed ever so slightly. You wondered if he knew you'd stayed, or perhaps hoped you would.
"Rolan… would you like some help with organizing things a little? At least for the night?" You tried, unsure what else you could possibly say and biting back the urge to tell him that he looked like he needed a good night's rest. He wouldn't admit it, you knew; but the fight had taken a huge toll on his already bruised body. He looked utterly exhausted; shoulders slumped, tail laying limply on the floor, barely holding himself together.
He turned his head to glance at you, an unreadable expression on his face, and lips hovering with uncertainty for a moment. "No, I can manage…" Rolan's voice was quiet, his features softly highlighted by the last fading rays of sunshine coming through the tall windows. You could see the bruises on his cheek, jaw, and nose—some new, some old; darker shades blooming on his reddish skin.
"You can go," he turned away again.
"Are you… sure?" You took half a step forward, fidgeting with your own hands. You didn't feel like leaving him just yet.
"Yes. I'm sure." He finally faced you fully in a quick motion, eyebrows slightly furrowed, "I'm not a helpless child, I can at least take care of organizing this mess by myself, if nothing else."
You closed your eyes momentarily at his words, "That's- that's not what I meant, I know you can-"
"What is it you want then? That I thank you for saving my sorry ass? Again?" His tone held bite to it, anger even, yet you had a feeling that it wasn't directed at you, but at himself. With a huff, he threw aside the one book he still held in his hands, "Okay then, thank you, your heroic attitude of the day has been achieved." He gestured toward you, speaking as if he had been just another thing to check off your list.
The movement of his mouth had pried open a fresh cut he had on his lip. Rolan didn't seem to notice, but the small sliver of blood glinted in the low light. Your heart ached, but not for his words, they were mostly empty. It ached because you saw how much he was hurting. That defeated look lingered in his golden eyes, the same you'd seen at Last Light Inn when he had been incapable of rescuing his siblings. You wished you could tell him he was enough. You wished he would believe you.
You took in a steadying breath, holding onto your composure for both of your sakes. "It's not about being a hero, Rolan, it's about helping the people I care about."
Another scoff fell past his lips, he avoided your eyes, looking distantly out the window beside him; "What are you doing here then?"
You merely raised an eyebrow at him, features soft, allowing him to believe in whatever he wanted to believe.
His throat worked through a heavy gulp when he glanced at you again, tail swishing behind him as he took half a step back. "Sod off," the words came out heavy and unstable, "You came here because Lorroakan was after your Aasimar friend… Your job is done now, you can leave." He stormed past you then, quick steps taking him to the other side of the tower.
With a roll of your eyes, you followed after him, "I came here because I care about you, too." You tried to convey as much sincerity in your words as you could, staring intently at his back as he raised a fallen chair. You caught a glimpse of his tail, coiled tightly around his own leg. You wondered if he even realizes he's doing it, if it's some kind of self-soothing habit he's learned over the years.
His hair had been undone, too, falling freely over his shoulders and looking a tad longer than what you were used to. The look suited him—a touch of softness in his usually sharp appearance—in the back of your mind you promised yourself to tell him that someday.
Several beats of silence went by. With Rolan holding tightly onto the back of the wooden chair. You tended to be annoyingly insistent, the tiefling thought to himself. Ever since the first time he met you, you had a habit of refusing to give up on people. On him. Rolan tried to tell himself it didn't get to him, that the butterflies in his stomach, and the overwhelming relief your mere presence brought him meant absolutely nothing. Because of course, you wouldn't look twice at someone like him, would you?
It was ironically sad that his heart would choose you—the hero, his hero—of all people, to have a soft spot for. He could never measure up, not really, and he knew that; told himself that very fact over and over whenever his mind dared to hope with what-ifs.
"You don't mean that," his voice was small and he berated himself for allowing it to be. He closed his eyes tightly, knuckles growing white with his grip on the chair. "And I was fine," Rolan emphasized the words yet he didn't know anymore if he was trying to convince you or himself.
Silence engulfed the tower again. Deafening silence. One sharp claw tapped the back of the wooden chair, a fast rhythm, following the heartbeat thundering through his veins. With a defeated sigh, Rolan turned to face you. Still, he refused to meet your eyes, focusing instead on the fabric of your glove wrapped around your hand; he could see faint scars on your fingers, wondered how you got them.
"Were you, really?" You asked then, softly, near desperately; waiting with bated breath for him to just look at you.
Rolan was a little difficult to get to, had been since you first met him. Part of you rather enjoyed your harmless bickering every now and then. Behind the witty words, there had always been hidden smiles and bashful eyes, the hopeful glint of being in each other's presence, if briefly.
Alas, you weren't exactly entitled to pry or demand, much as you cared for him it wasn't your place, so you relented; "Tell me you're alright, truly alright, and I'll leave if that's what you want so bad."
Rolan hesitated for a heartbeat, and then two, and three. Any words he might want to say were stuck in his throat, tangled in between feelings that confused the hells out of him. How could he ever tell you that he's not alright? That he hasn't been for a long time?
How could he tell you that he doesn't want you to leave, ever?
There was a distant stinging behind his eyes and he hated himself for it, for being so needy and vulnerable. He hated how his palms were sweaty and his heart threatened to break free of his ribcage with the speed it was beating. He hated how his knees seemed on the brink of collapsing with his weight. He hated how he suddenly felt all the bruises in his body hurting so badly, as if only now he allowed himself to feel the pain they inflicted. He hated-
A soft touch on his lower lip halted Rolan's spiraling thoughts abruptly, and his breath. With the sleeve of your robe, movement as light as a feather, you cleaned a sliver of blood that had escaped the fresh cut there. Rolan shuddered under your touch, for like a breath of fresh air after nearly drowning to death, that was all he could feel.
Pointy teeth dug into the inside of his cheek, holding back what would only be a flood of embarrassment for him if he allowed his pestering emotions to spill. His throat closed up tight, vision growing hazy until you were nothing but a blur in front of him.
There was something about the way you touched him oh so tenderly that got his walls tumbling down as if they were paper under the rain. Your hand lingered, refusing to part from him. Your fingers trailed a hesitant path to his cheek, mapping the bruises underneath- no, mapping his skin, him.
And he could crumble. Rolan felt himself falling, falling, falling.
When was the last time he felt a kind touch? one that didn't hurt or sting or threatened? He couldn't recall.
"I do mean it, I care about you, Rolan." You promised him, and only him. Whispered words dripping with affection.
The front of your boots hit his shoes as you took a final step closer. Rolan brought one hand up, his fingers closing around your wrist with urgency. Yet his hold was gentle, pressing into the veins there and feeling your pulse running beneath his fingertips. He held you there, all but begging you to stay. Words were difficult, complicated, and messy; hopefully his soul could tell you what he couldn't.
With your heart in your mouth, you mumbled; "it's okay. It's over." You're not sure if he heard or felt the words, but Rolan dipped his head forward until his forehead bumped yours.
Suddenly close wasn't close enough. You wanted to kiss away his tears, his bruises, his pain; promise him that everything would be alright now even if your own life was a sea of uncertainty.
"Why?" It fell past his lips. Such a genuine question uttered with such a small voice that it hurt you like a dagger to the heart.
"Why do these things happen to me?" Rolan's voice cracked and stumbled, his eyebrows briefly furrowed in a mix of anger and sorrow. "I-" he breathed in deep and unsteady, bright eyes welling with unshed tears that shone brightly under the soft candlelights on the walls.
You gulped back your own heartache, struggling to keep to yourself how soft he made you feel. You slowly raised your other hand to push fallen strands of hair behind his ear.
"I hoped it had a purpose," he admitted then, quiet as breath. His lower lip quivered before he spoke again, closing his eyes and leaning timidly towards your touch. "That it was a test, and he would- he would eventually stop. That I just needed to endure a while longer."
A choked sob stumbled past his lips and you felt the first of his tears landing on your thumb. Rolan shook his head, a self-deprecating scoff falling past his lips; "that I deserved it."
"Stop," you said before you could think, finally taking your hand away from his cheek, only to bury it into his hair instead. With the encouragement you knew he needed, you pulled him to you.
Rolan fell forward with no restraints, no hesitations, only a weary soul looking for solace. He buried his head between your neck and shoulder, both arms coming around your waist and squeezing tightly, to the point of his claws nearly ripping your robe.
You held him back with the same desperation, one hand tangling in between his hair and cradling his head to you. Your lips brushed the nape of his neck in a silent confession of adoration.
The fabric of your robe grew damp as silent tears fell past Rolan's defenses, his body shaking in your hold, releasing months if not years of bottled-up emotions.
With a kiss to his warm skin, embers of the fire he ignited in your heart broke free; "You could never deserve what he did to you. You're so very special, Rolan. To Cal, To Lia…" You told him, slow and tender, twirling strands of his hair between your fingers, and a small smile stretched your lips when you felt him relaxing against you. "… To me." It was nothing but a whisper, blown into the wind only for him to hear.
Rolan's breath stumbled, you felt it in the way he gripped you tighter—if that was even possible—and heard it in the soft gasp beside your ear.
"Please don't-" His voice broke in the middle, all husky and wobbly from his tears. "Don't say… that. If you don't mean-" he hesitated, fresh tears cascading freely down his cheeks, beyond any foolish attempt to be held back; they dripped down the bridge of his nose and soaked the fabric of your robe, making him curl into you all the more to hide his embarrassment from the outside world.
"Please," it was so quiet as he pleaded. For what, he wasn't entirely sure anymore. Maybe he just knew he couldn't take losing anything else.
You pulled back and Rolan felt his heart stumbling and cracking in his chest. But you were quick to mend it back together, with both hands coming up to hold his cheeks again, your thumbs brushing away the wetness there, near reverently.
"I promise," you whispered, gaze drifting ever so slightly downward before focusing back on his bright eyes. You were bold enough to lean in until the tip of your nose touched his, and as you did so you felt something coiling around your leg. You smiled; "I promise."
Rolan gulped, his mouth parting as he barely held himself back from closing the gap between you. Goosebumps littered his whole body when his upper lip accidentally brushed yours.
He pulled away but refused to loosen his grip on your waist. "I don't want you to leave," he said it so quietly, offering you his bleeding heart with a shaking hand.
Gentle fingers brushed away the messy strands of hair clinging to his forehead. When Rolan looked up, there was a loving smile on your lips, it was the first time he saw it and he already knew he'd kill to see it again.
You leaned closer, and with a kiss between his brows, you said; "then I'll stay."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Rolan’s taglist: @milkiane@v1ci0us
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jahiera · 11 months
see the thing about Astarion to me is I don't actually think he has a clue who he actually is beneath all of the everything he's got going on. he's got impulses, he's got drive, a will to live, he's got desires and amusements and cravings, but an actual selfhood?? no. there's a blue error screen where the person of him should be, the person -- whoever that was, I'm personally of the mind he likely wasn't good then either, but we'll see where the story takes us -- before Cazador. the man in front of us today is this mishmash of interior delight at freedom and sunlight but also capable of true unapologetic cruelty and willingness to be ugly in a multitude of ways. so he follows the impulse. he follows what intrigues and amuses, and nothing will take that freedom from him again. and he reflects back onto others the violence that was done unto him. a lack of power kept him down? now he wants to accumulate power, so it can never be turned on him again. but he also misses the sun while he's underground. he's mean and desperate and ruthless and it's interesting because he's unapologetic about it, he's unflinching about it. he's vindictive and mean and desperately floundering around throwing stuff at a wall to see what sticks in terms of personhood because who is he now. 200 years of horrific servitude and now he's just out and about and he's in the mud.
and he can be horrible. and yet when you take the routes of prying open the faaairly shallow veneer he has of smug and snark and snappiness, he'll give you pieces of the raw and the desperate -- "I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. what you see." is a line you only get if you're earnest with him. any other path in the dialogue will have him continue the shallow persona you've come to know. and in all of that I think nothing is "this is real, this is an act," set in stone because I just don't think he even knows, I don't think he has a CLUE what's his and what's the protective measures and what's the real delight and what's the cruel mockery of his surroundings and what he's willing to give vs what he needs to hide vs what he lets slip out on accident. the inconsistencies in his own ideas and what he says and what he does. I think most everything about him is in a weird place of deeply uncertain. is it a lie? is it a glimmer of truth? for me, I like to interpret him in this weird menagerie of half-truths and shallow lies and omissions, because we've only known him a short while and maybe also he doesn't even know the answer yet. who is he? fuck if HE knows. anyways. smash.
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ascendanttarot · 10 months
PAC: What type of main character are you?
Hi everyone! So, as we know, we are the main character of our own lives. This PAC is meant to get into the more specific details of what type of character you are. We'll be covering:
Your archetype
Your story
Two channelled songs
As well as some signs before the reading to ensure the message is for you. If you resonate with one or more signs, that is meant to be your reading. :)
Please remember your fate is not set in stone so your answers may change depending on the actions you take and will take if you please. Tarot is not a substitute for professional advice. The images I’ve used are not mine.
From left to right, Pile 1, 2 & 3.
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Pile 1
Signs that this is for you: You may have an earth sign in your big three, specifically Taurus. If not, I'm sensing someone who wears a lot of Earth tones in their wardrobe and feels connected with nature. You may have a 4th house stellium. Your throat chakra may be blocked, meaning you have difficulty speaking up and standing up for yourself. If this is the case, then this is a wound you're meant to heal in this lifetime. You may listen to music to cope with your emotions because you have difficulty trying to make sense of all of it by yourself. Um, this is an odd message, but I just smelled ramen? Specifically, the smell of instant ramen? Someone here may be eating that right now, or maybe that's your go-to meal. You're also considered your group's ‘mom/dad/parental friend’.
Your cards: 3 of swords, The Lovers rx, 6 of Cups rx, Death, The Empress
Your archetype: The Caregiver
Your story: From a very young age, you’ve learned that the relationships you build with others aren’t meant to last. Your friends or family members from this time may not have tended to your emotional needs. Some of them may have even been narcissists, but the key message here is that they required you to give all of yourself, all the contents in your cup, as an incentive to make them stay in your life. You grow up thinking all relationships were meant to be like this. I just heard the word ‘transactional’ so maybe some of you who are well in your adulthood view your relationships to be more like a business transaction than a genuine relationship. You’ve set low standards because you feel that’s all your worth. Communicating boundaries may be difficult for you because you don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, because you feel you'd rather have this than nothing at all.
There’s a shift though. I just felt a surge of… quiet anger. It’s not the explosive, shouting-at-your-face type of anger, but it’s like a switch has just been flipped and you begin to realise you deserve more than you’re getting. You distance yourself from the people around you or you will soon. For some, I could even see this be a physical move. The point is that you become a bit of a hermit for a while. You take the time to finally get to know yourself on your own and give yourself the comfort you’ve been wanting so desperately from others, filling your own cup. If this is yet to happen to you, I got a strong message to look back to your childhood self for guidance—what would they have wanted for their older self? What jobs and projects did they see themselves achieving? What shows and music gave them comfort when they were lounging, or crying by themselves to self-sooth? Doing inner child work will help present you more than you think.
The future is bright with the Empress card at the end. You learn to love yourself and know your worth not because someone told you so, but because you took the time to define that yourself. You haven’t stopped caring for others, you’ve just learned to care for yourself first.
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 1!
Your song: Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart by Ariana Grande and Clean by Taylor Swift (for some reason I’m sensing there may be some Taylor Swift fans in this pile)
Pile 2
Signs that this is for you: I did not get any strong hints on what sign you guys might be, but if I had to name one, I’d say Aquarius. The first thing I did see was height, so either you guys are really short or really tall. You also may be very physically attractive, like I got ‘pretty’ vibes from your pile. I also got ‘boyfriend’ vibes, but I mean that in a gender-neutral way. I feel more at ease using slang with your pile, so maybe most of you here are of a younger age group. Either way, I’m sensing the majority of you are in school, or some sort of higher education, and that your teachers/classmates may tease you about your handwriting because I just heard ‘chicken scratch’ lol. Some of you may say you’re nerds, and that your favourite subjects are STEM subjects. You may be a singer and have been told to have an angelic voice. Extra messages: You like and relate to Peter Parker, you proofread your essays so much you memorise them by accident, and you like baked goods because I just smelled a bakery for some reason?
Your cards: Queen of Swords, Page of Swords, Seven of Swords, Knight of Cups (extra clarifying card: Three of Cups), The Hierophant
Your archetype: The Hero turned Teacher
Your story: Your story starts when you’re in your teens which may be the age you are now. Your ambition is your drive, but it’s not for selfish reasons; you’ve got big dreams because you want to change the world in some way and give back to your community by possibly offering some sort of service. I think many people look up to you and how brilliant you are. It’s odd because I can almost see you from their point of view, and the admiration is so great for you and your potential it can come across as overwhelming. I say you’re a ‘hero’ with the good and bad in mind because while you deserve the recognition, I think you may feel a bit suffocated by it.
The borderline hero worship makes you feel uncomfortable because you may feel like you don’t deserve it, regardless of what people think. In your head, you recognise how much you don’t know, and you berate yourself for it, always criticising yourself saying ‘You can do better’. If you achieve something, you never have the time to celebrate it and look back on how far you’ve come because you’re always after the next goal. I just heard ‘It’s not enough’ and then ‘I’m not enough’ straight after. I feel on edge with your energy, like you’re rushing to prove yourself without realising you’ve already done so a million times over.
The turning point of your story can either be a dramatic or a quiet one, but for most of you I’m sensing you burn out without even realising it. Because of that you feel frustrated with yourself that you’re ‘slipping’ so you work yourself to the bone, which makes you ‘slip’ even more. I think the next phase of your life is going to require vulnerability coming from you where you admit you need help from the people you love, and this is going to feel so uncomfortable because I can tell you’re not used to asking for help at all. Your loved ones may confide in you too, telling you they were scared you were rushing towards success so much you were leaving them behind. Difficult conversations were or will be made, but that benefits you so much.
You reconnect with yourself and your loved ones, learning empathy and love along the way. This helps you refine your goals, and you’ll start asking yourself what you want. Your mind becomes sharper because of the boundaries you’ve put on yourself and for yourself. This makes people respect you more, but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore because you start respecting yourself. You grow from being a hero to a Sage/Teacher with a well-earned sense of wisdom your younger self didn’t even realise was a blind spot.
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 2!
Your song: Show Me the Right by NEIL FRANCES and Radio Ga Ga by Queen
Pile 3
Signs that this is for you: The strongest energy I got from your pile was that you are a very spiritual person. Clairaudient abilities are strong with this pile, as well as claircognizance. You may identify as a witch or a practitioner and may even have a familiar. I’m also sensing you might literally be a cat person and that’s why you may have clicked on this reading, haha! Physically, I see very high contrast features. If you know what colour seasons are, you may be a True Winter, Dark Winter, or Dark Autumn. Your gaze is incredibly striking, almost intimidating. For astrology placements, I’m sensing a heavy emphasis on the water signs Pisces and Scorpio, or at least a heavy influence of the planets Pluto, Mars, and/or Neptune in your chart. You may also work with the fae and/or Hecate. This is a peculiar message to give, but your energy feels like when lightning strikes a large body of water, and despite having heavy water placements you might work with breath magick.
Your cards: 5 of Pentacles, The World rx, Page of Cups, Queen of Wands, Six of Wands
Your archetype: The Outlaw
Your story: Before I start, I want to say you’re similar to Pile 1 but not really. It feels like you and Pile 1 had similar upbringings, but your journey is different like you’re two sides of the same coin. Are you friends with someone like Pile 1? If not, I think you will in the future.
So, onto the reading. Your story starts with you feeling like the world is going against you, like they’ve shunned you out before you had any say in it. Your energy feels like smoke, and people mistook you for someone illusive when you were just more open to being yourself. You have a high intrapersonal intelligence so you accept that you are multi-faceted, but for some reason other people can’t. It feels like a ‘you against the world’ energy. I think people did this because they were scared by the fact they couldn’t control you, and that you can read everyone so well but for some reason, no one can read you.
That in turn made you more rebellious, more willing to push the boundaries and be different which I think made the people in your life angrier. At the start, you may have done it out of spite, but as you grow into yourself you realise, you’re doing this because you want to live your life honestly, and that it’s for your happiness at the end of the day. Eventually, anger evolves into sadness. You long or will long for someone to finally see you for who are in all the depths you see in others. You don’t advertise this feeling. Many people won’t notice the change in demeanour because they’ve got it in their head that you’re like this rogue nomad, but this won’t last forever.
Like magic, you meet someone or a group of people that just get you, and they come into your life at exactly the right time. Your spirit guides are being quiet about what that means, but for some of you it could be when you feel like you’re hanging by a thread, and that’s when these people finally come into your life. I think people will question this relationship/friendship because you two seem like polar opposites, with the other person/people being gentler and you being more headstrong, but what they don’t see is that this other person/group feels like they aren’t seen properly either. That’s why you two click.
You become a power duo/group. I could see that some of you may even work together on a business or a humanitarian cause. Your self-confidence grows bit by bit, and you regain the power you have over yourself you felt was too big for you to handle before. You could stand alone, but you realise you don’t want to anymore. You’ve never felt more at home.
Thank you for letting me be your reader, Pile 3!
Your song: Villain Of My Own Story by Unlike Pluto and The Greatest by Louis Tomlinson
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jjungkookislife · 1 month
The Nanny [Ch. 4]
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pairing: lawyer!seokjin x nanny!f.reader
genre: established relationship, parents au, fluff, 18+
summary: Jin needs a nanny for his son, but when he hires you, he gets that and so much more.
wc: 7.9k
warnings: pet names (baby, love), implied smut, angst, miscommunication (this was the scene I was stuck on for years), self-doubt, make-up sex, unprotected sex, creampie
date: May 4, 2024
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The holidays come and go in your new home, ecstatic to decorate with Dae and Jin. Your family and his get along so well, and everyone dotes over Dae-Hyun, who shies away from so much attention. 
With his birthday coming up soon, he’s due to enroll in pre-school and it leaves your heart feeling heavy. You weren’t ready to part with Dae just yet, your life had been nothing but him for almost 2 years, and the idea of sending him off, even if it was just half a day—left you sad. 
Seokjin was faring much better though, he was used to leaving Dae at home when he had to go to work, and even though it was rough, he was having to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t get updates as often from his new preschool teachers. However, Dae needed to socialize with his peers, make new friends, and learn in a school setting to prepare him for Kindergarten in the fall. Seokjin wasn’t looking forward to that either, the thought had anxiety brewing in his belly. 
“What if I homeschool him?” You asked as you stroked Dae’s hair while he slept between you and Seokjin. 
Seokjin sighed, shaking his head. “He needs to go to school, baby. We can’t be his only friends.”
“But he’s my little buddy,” you pout.
“We’ll meet his teacher tomorrow and see how it goes. Nothing is set in stone just yet but he should at least go to get acclimated before school starts in the fall. We won’t be there to hold his hand and guide him,” Seokjin reasons as he places his hand over yours. 
“I guess you’re right,” you acquiesce, biting your lip before you settle into bed. 
“It’s gonna suck,” Seokjin chuckles and your frown deepens. “But it’ll be good for him, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you say, muffling a yawn but Seokjin notices it. 
“Go to bed, baby. We'll handle this tomorrow,” you nod, yawning as you pull the covers over you, making sure Dae isn’t covered from the shoulders up. 
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
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“I don’t like it,” is the first thing you say when you step into the large brick-stone building with Dae clutching your hand. Seokjin shakes his head, trying to hide a disbelieving smile. 
“It’s been two seconds,” he giggles as he places his large palm on your lower back. He grins when you reach the front desk and your heels click against the marble floor. Portraits litter the wall and a giant bouquet of fresh flowers sits on a table in the middle of the foyer. Chairs that must cost a fortune line the walls in the sitting area, and Dae clings to your side as a few adults walk from one end of the hall to the next. 
“It’s so big,” Dae whispers as he looks around. He squirms at your side and you hope he’ll be okay coming here in a few weeks without you. The thought sours your mood further. 
“Hello, I’m Kim Seokjin. We have an appointment to tour the grounds and meet my son’s new teacher,” Seokjin says to the secretary as you debate carrying Dae-Hyun and making a run for it. You take a step back and Seokjin turns to face you, raising a dark brow, jaw taut as he eyes you with a firm glance almost daring you to even try it. He lifts the car keys with one long finger and you huff. 
“Of course, Mr. Kim. Your family can have a seat, and I will page the teacher up front. It’ll just be a moment,” the secretary informs him and motions for the chairs lining the wall. Seokjin thanks her before he tilts his head in the direction of the chairs. 
Ruefully, you lead Dae to the chairs and pull him onto your lap. You squeeze him in a hug for a second as Seokjin sits beside you. 
“Baby,” he starts, sighing heavily before licking his lips. “It’s an excellent school with great reviews, and I did background checks on everyone. He’ll love it here.”
“I have to come here?” Dae asks his dad with wide eyes. 
“This is gonna be your school, buddy. We’re gonna meet your teacher in a second, okay?” Seokjin asks and Dae nods but looks at you for assurance. You plaster on a smile and thankfully don’t have to say anything as a woman walks up to the three of you, introducing herself as Mrs. Hart. 
Dae-Hyun shyly introduces himself, his manners overcoming his shyness, and you couldn’t be prouder. You set him on the floor before rising, linking your hand with Jin’s as you follow Mrs. Hart. 
The tour starts with a history of the school, but you don’t pay too much attention as you walk down the hall. You skimmed the brochure on your way here and stuffed it in the crease of your seat before getting out of the car. 
Dae-Hyun holds his father’s hand as he walks, marveling over the art that litters the walls on the way to the classroom. The four of you come to a stop at room A-1, and Mrs. Hart opens the door, allowing you inside before she follows. 
The classroom is rather large, with three tables separated by bookshelves stuffed with books, coloring boxes, and art supplies. On the opposite end of the room is a large rug, a few bean bags, and more shelves containing toys and books. There’s a play kitchen and a science center with a giant fish tank that immediately gets Dae’s attention.  
Mrs. Hart is happy to show him around the room while you stay back with your boyfriend. 
“What do you think?” Seokjin asks you in a soft tone, to not get the teacher’s attention. You take in the room, there is nothing too extravagant that stands out. It was a typical classroom, more modern than any you had ever taught in before but it was nice and it appeared clean. 
“Where are the kids?” You muse as you see the names of children written on the cubbies. 
“They’re out in the playground with my assistant, Miss Daisy. We can go out and meet them if you’d like?” Mrs. Hart chimes in and Dae-Hyun nods before asking his father if it’s okay. 
“Sure, Dae,” With Seokjin’s consent, the four of you go out the back door and down the steps that lead right to the playground. There are a lot of children running around but Miss Daisy is accompanied by two other assistants to watch the children as they run and climb on the playground. A few kids look over curiously and two come over to say hi. 
“Do you wanna play?” One of them asks and Dae looks at Seokjin, who nods. Dae smiles as he runs off with the kids and Mrs. Hart introduces the staff. 
“He seems like a wonderful child,” Miss Daisy comments as she sees Dae already laughing and playing with more children. 
“He’s a little shy but he seems to like the playground.” you keep a watchful eye on Dae-Hyun, never losing him in the array of children. 
“Is this his first time at school?” Miss Daisy asks and Seokjin nods. Mrs. Hart explains the transition process, going into great detail about their rules and policies and the assessments to see where he’s at. 
As much as you don’t like the thought of being away from Dae-Hyun, it eases your heart to see him having so much fun already. He pouts when it’s time to go back inside, talking your ear off as Seokjin handles the paperwork. 
“Can I come back soon?” Dae-Hyun asks you as Seokjin shakes Mrs. Hart’s hand once they’re done. 
“Of course,” Mrs. Hart smiles at Dae. She motions for him to join her, taking his hand and leading him to a cubbie. “This will be yours when you come back and see me. We’ll have your name right here and we’ll have all your stuff ready for you, Dae-Hyun. After your birthday, we’ll have you here with us!”
“Yay!” Dae-Hyun cheers before returning to Seokjin, who picks him up in his arms. He was getting a little too tall to keep doing so but Seokjin would carry his son until he couldn’t anymore. 
“We’ll see you in a few weeks,” Seokjin says as he starts to say his goodbye. 
“We look forward to it!” Mrs. Hart exclaims, clapping her hands together. 
“Bye!” Dae waves at his teacher, who waves back. Seokjin heads into the hallway as you take one last look around, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
“We look forward to seeing you soon. You have such a lovely family, Mrs. Kim,” Mrs. Hart says with a wave. You thank her before following Seokjin, your heart fluttering in your chest. 
Mrs. Kim.
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“What did you think?” Seokjin asks you that night when he gets into bed beside you. He’s already sleepy but still wants your opinion on the school. You couldn’t talk freely until Dae had gone to bed and showers were taken before bed.
“It’s a nice school,” you say. “I think Dae will like it. It’s just hard to let him go.”
“Trust me, I know. But it’ll get a little easier,” Seokjin assures you. After all, he is his son so of course, he’d know. You just weren’t used to leaving Dae, much less after moving in with them.
“It’ll take me a bit to get used to. What am I supposed to do while he’s gone? Mrs. Jenkins already does the cleaning and packs his lunch,” you frown.
“You could go to the spa, or maybe meet up with your friends,” Seokjin suggests as he wraps you in his arms. “You’ll have more time for yourself. I know you haven’t had much lately.”
“But I like caring for Dae. That’s why you hired me in the first place,” you look at him over your shoulder.
“And now things have changed, baby. You’re still just as important as you were, just with more free time. How about we open a joint account tomorrow so you have some more spending money?”
“Seokjin,” you sigh. “I don’t want more money.”
“Okay, a car?” Seokjin suggests and you huff. You know he’s just teasing you, you’d denied every attempt of him buying you a new car. Yours worked perfectly fine and it’s not like you did a lot of driving now that you lived with him. Seokjin preferred to drive and you loathed it, so it didn’t matter much to you.
“Don’t stress about it too much, baby. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I’m sure you’ll find ways to occupy yourself. Besides, we need to plan Dae’s party starting tomorrow, and if you want,” Seokjin grins mischievously. “We can work on making another baby.”
“That’s a big decision, baby. Are you sure?” you ask, sitting up to look at your boyfriend. He sits up as well, taking your hand in his.
“I’m sure, love. You’re the only one I’d even consider as the mother of my children. I don’t want anyone else,” he leans in, capturing your lips with his, guiding you to the bed where he kisses you until you’re crying out his name.
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The next morning is filled with ruckus. You’ve got the kitchen island in disarray as you look over notebooks and business cards, a tablet opened to a party planner, a laptop displaying your idea outlines, and Dae-Hyun on your lap telling you about all the things he wants for his party this year. 
Mrs. Jenkins hovers nearby, knowing it’s no easy feat to plan a party, especially with a child on your lap. She offers to take Dae from you but your sweet boy will have none of it. 
“And a bounce house,” Dae-Hyun finishes as he places his head on your shoulder. “We need one of those.”
“So you want dinosaurs,” you pause as Dae roars with his arms high in the air, hopping off your lap to stomp around the kitchen. “And a dinosaur cake?” 
“Please,” Dae smiles as he gets back on your lap with your help. 
“Sure, baby,” you kiss his cheek as you show him a few pictures on the tablet, liking anything he shows excitement over. Seokjin has given you a budget with promises to help here and there but he knows you enjoy planning events and schedules, so this is your domain. 
Last year, Seokjin had thrown a small Paw Patrol party with cake and goodie bags before calling it a day. This time, there would be more children attending, including the ones Dae met at school. 
Dae-Hyun loses interest after a while and you continue to plan his party and take notes while Mrs. Jenkins gets Dae-Hyun his lunch. 
Slightly overwhelmed by all the options, you decide to bookmark your favorites before setting your tablet aside and having your lunch. Soon it’ll be time to put Dae down for a nap and Seokjin had promised to get off work after lunch. He should be home any moment now. 
Just as lunch is wrapping up, the front door opens and Seokjin sings, “I’m home!”
Dae-Hyun grins giddily as he dances in his chair when his father walks into the kitchen. Seokjin greets Dae then you with a kiss on the top of your head. 
“You’re home!” Dae claps in excitement and Seokjin nods. 
“I left early to see you,” he states as Mrs. Jenkins finishes washing the dishes. Seokjin allows her to end her day then if she’d like and she thanks him before rushing out the door with a see you later. 
Seokjin shoots you a confused look and you chuckle. “Dae’s been excited over his p-a-r-t-y.”
“Oh,” Seokjin laughs. “What’s the theme this year?”
“Dinosaurs!” Dae shouts as he roars, and Seokjin pretends to be terrified. 
“This little Dino needs a nap,” you state as you pick him up in your arms, and a pout forms on his lips. 
“But Daddy,” he cries softly. 
“I’ll be up in a second, bud. I’m just getting a drink,” Seokjin assures his son as you head up the stairs to Dae’s room. 
He yawns, rubbing his eyes as he goes to grab his pajamas, heading to his bathroom to change and potty before coming to his bedroom. 
“Daddy and I will be here when you wake up,” you say as you pat his bed. Dae nods as he steps closer to you, rubbing his eyes. 
“Nap time!” You sing as you scoop Dae up in your arms. He finally squeals, laughing as you press several kisses to his cheek. His mood lifted. 
“Mommy! Stop!” he squeals, kicking his little feet. You pause, eyes wide as your heart races. You weren’t a stranger to being called mom, mommy, or any variation of it in your field. After all, it was easy for kids to get confused and when they trusted you as much as their parents.
However, this was the first time Dae had called you mommy, and you weren’t sure how to feel. You simply smiled, kissing his head as you asked him what story he wanted you to read. Seokjin lingered by the doorway, a frown on his lips.
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“And they lived happily ever after,” you read, closing the book shortly after only to see Dae-Hyun fast asleep clutching his teddy bear. You plant a kiss on his forehead and wish him sweet dreams.
Seokjin is waiting for you in the hallway, with the baby monitor in your hand as he motions for you to join him in his office.
When you enter the office, Seokjin is already in his chair, his face hidden in his large palms, and your heart immediately sinks to your stomach. You haven’t seen Seokjin this distraught since his failed blind dates set up by Namjoon.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” you ask, setting the baby monitor on the desk before going around to your boyfriend. He sighs heavily before raising his head.
“He called you mom,” he spits the word like it’s vile. 
“Jin, this happens often with children. I’ll talk to him when he wakes up,” you assure him, but Seokjin shakes his head.
“You’re not his mom and he’s calling you mom. This isn’t right,” Seokjin huffs, a hand carding through his hair. 
You step back.
“I may not be his mother, but I love him as if he were my own. Seokjin, what is going on?!” You can’t help but be hurt. Hadn’t he said he wanted a family with you? Shouldn’t this be a good thing? You weren’t trying to replace his mom, nor would you ever abandon Dae, so what was going on?
“I just don’t want Dae to get confused,” Seokjin says sharply.
“I thought you wanted us to be a family? Wouldn’t you want him to see me as a mother figure?”
“No, you obviously don’t know what you want. You can’t tell me you want me to have your kids and then get all out of sorts when your son calls me Mommy. What is it you want? Because I can’t take your mixed signals, Jin! Either you want us to be a family or you don’t! I already said I’d talk to him, but what’s so wrong with him calling me his mom? I’ve been here for him for half his life now and I don’t plan on going anywhere! What’s wrong with you?” You can’t help but hiss, stepping out of his office.
“Baby!” Jin calls after you, but you ignore him, heading to Dae’s room to cuddle him. He may not be your biological child, but that didn’t mean you loved him any less. 
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It’s awkward.
It’s been two days since your discussion with Seokjin. Your feelings are still hurt by his harsh words and tone. You’d tried your best to be normal around Dae, but you could tell he was noting the tense atmosphere.
You’d taken to sleeping with Dae or in the guest room, something Seokjin had protested the first night, but let it go when you glared at him. 
Seokjin felt bad, and he apologized when Dae had gone to bed that night, but you couldn’t forgive him just yet. He’d hurt you and you needed some space. You tried your best to plan Dae-Hyun’s birthday party, spending your days planning and calling businesses to book them for the day of his party.
“We’re going to my mom’s for a bit,” Seokjin announces when he walks into the kitchen with Dae-Hyun in his arms. For a few seconds, Dae wiggles in his father’s arms before Seokjin sets him down. His son doesn’t hesitate to run to you, your arms open and ready to welcome him in. 
“Come here, baby.” You press a kiss on his head. “Are you gonna have fun tonight?”
“Can you come too?” Dae asks as he hugs you close. 
“Not this time, buddy. I got secret birthday stuff to do,” you whisper, kissing his cheek as he giggles. 
“It’s almost my birthday, right? We’re having a party!” He exclaims as he runs back to Seokjin. He takes his dad’s hand, waving as he talks about his party and the cake.
Seokjin gives you one last look before he heads out of the kitchen with his son. You watch them go, sighing as you shake your head in a poor attempt to clear it.
Papers lay scattered on the kitchen island, most of them were the final decisions for the party. You’d chosen invitations with Dae, showing them to Seokjin for approval, but he had said he’d love whatever you chose for the party.
The little T-Rex on the sample invitation stared back at you, Five-a-Saurus. 
Sighing, you hope you can have a serious discussion with Seokjin to find out where you both stand. You had honestly believed you were heading toward marriage and what about all that talk about being a family and expanding it? How would that work if he didn’t want Dae to see you as his mom? Had you done something to make him think you weren’t up to par? 
You needed to get this cleared up as soon as possible.
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Seokjin’s been at his parent's home for an hour now, making small talk and whatnot until his father takes Dae to the backyard to play. Seokjin waits until his son is completely distracted before turning to his mother. 
“I don’t know what to do, Mom,” Seokjin sighs, his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he watches his son through the glass door playing with his dad. He had explained the entire conversation with his mother over text this morning, nearly in tears as he asked to come over to see her.
“You can’t let one bad experience haunt you for the rest of your life, Jin. So what if Lena didn’t want to be a mom? It’s her loss. She can’t keep you from loving someone else. Has Y/n ever given you a reason not to trust her?” Seokjin’s mom asks. 
“Well… no?”
“She loves you and Dae so much. Anyone could see that. She loves both of you so much, and that’s all I could ever ask for. It broke my heart when Lena walked out. She left Dae without a mother and then Y/n walked into your life like a breath of fresh air. There’s no doubt about it, son, she’s in it for the long haul. She treats Dae like her own, and she loves you immensely. Even I can see that,” she chuckles, placing her hand over her son’s. 
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” Seokjin asks, feeling remorseful.
“Language!” His mother exclaims but nods. “You fucked up.”
Seokjin knows it must be true. This is the first time he’s ever heard his mother cuss, so he knows he totally fucked up, and now he’s got to fix it. 
“Can you keep Dae for tonight? I’ve got a lot of groveling to do.” Seokjin rises from his stool, the stool screeches against the floor. 
“Sure, call when you can,” his mother calls after him as he rushes out to the backyard, kissing his son’s forehead and promising to get him in the morning. 
Dae is ecstatic to be spending the night with his grandma and grandpa, knowing he’s in for a day of being spoiled and maybe ice cream for dinner.   
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“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the door after him, careful with the bouquet he had picked up on his way home.
“In the kitchen!” you call back, sending the last email you needed for Dae’s party. Dates were confirmed with the bakery, the party supply store, and the caterer. You felt lighter now that most of the party is taken care of and despite your fight with Seokjin, you’re hoping he’ll like everything you’ve picked out for Dae.
Seokjin is timid as he steps into the kitchen. You glance up from your laptop, raising a brow when you see the bouquet in his hands.
“What’s up?” you ask cautiously.
Seokjin bites his lips. “I wanted to apologize for how I reacted the other day and for what I said. I was out of line, and you’re right, I was sending mixed signals.”
You remain silent, shutting your laptop to give your boyfriend your undivided attention. 
“The truth is, I got scared.” Seokjin pauses, licking his lips as he crosses the room. He lays the flowers on the kitchen island. “Dae’s never called anyone mommy, and I got scared you’d leave like she did.”
“Seokjin,” you start, but he stops you. He shakes his hair out of his eyes as he inhales deeply. You rise from your seat, going around the island to take his face in your hands, his eyes locked on yours.
“I’m not her, Seokjin. I love you and I love Dae. I’m here to stay, but I need you to be in this with me. You and Dae can decide what he calls me. He can call me mom or he can call me by my name. I love him as my own and I want to give him siblings someday, but I need you to be sure of what you want, Seokjin. I know I’m not Dae’s mom, I know. I’m here to be your partner, to be there for Dae, and to build a life with you if you’ll have me. But we need to be on the same page, Jin.” you say as you stroke his cheeks.
Seokjin nods, a hard feat when you’re cradling his face in your hands. “I’ll talk to him, baby. I’ll do what he says and I am sorry for what I said and for the way I reacted. I do want us to be a family and you’ve done nothing but love us from the get-go. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Jin.”
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Seokjin hadn’t taken your fight lightly. That same day, he had scheduled an appointment with a therapist to work through his issues. He didn’t want to start a marriage (in the future) with doubts and insecurities hanging over his head.
He’d allowed Dae to stay the night at his parent’s house while the two of you went over his birthday party timeline. You were excited to show off everything, giggling when Seokjin would say he liked what you picked out.
That night, Seokjin takes you out to dinner, apologizing again as he holds your hand in his. He delicately strokes your ring finger, imagining what it would be like with an engagement ring. He flushes. He truly was lucky to have you in his life, and he wouldn’t let this relationship fizzle because of him.
“Tomorrow we’ll pick up Dae and ask what he wants to call you,” Seokjin whispers as he leads you to your bedroom, his hand in yours as he loosens his tie.
“I think that’s a great idea,” you agree as you take your earrings off and place them on the dresser along with your pearl necklace. 
Seokjin approaches you, looking at your reflection in the mirror as his arms wind around your waist. His lips press a kiss on your shoulder and you move your hair out of the way to allow him more room. 
“I love you,” he murmurs against your soft skin. His large hands grip your hips and squeeze. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to us. You know that, right?”
You smile. “You know I feel the same way, right?”
Slowly, Seokjin kisses his way to your neck. His hands move over your body to your zipper, where he pulls it down enough for your dress to fall forward. He’s pleasantly surprised to see you’re not wearing a bra when he meets your eyes in the mirror.
“Oh?” he raises a brow as his fingertips brush your skin. 
“Figured there would be make-up sex,” you shrug with a smirk as you turn to face him. Seokjin wastes no time in kissing you, his hands cradling your face as your fingers work on taking his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt.
Fiery kisses meet your neck as his hands grip the back of your thighs to lift you onto the dresser. Your fingers run through his hair, tugging on it to pull him into a kiss that leaves you vibrating. His tongue pushes past the seam of your lips and you moan softly against him.
You want to savor him, take things slowly but you’re also in need of a rough, quick fuck that makes your eyes roll back. 
Panting, Seokjin presses his forehead to yours, almost as if reading your mind when you get off the dresser.
Turning you quickly, your palms grip the edge of the dresser as Seokjin hikes your dress up to bunch at your hips. With a lightning-like quickness, Seokjin is undressed and the head of his cock is pressed to your wet folds.
“Oh, fuck,” he curses. Seokjin’s forehead rests on your shoulder. Your eyes meet his in the mirror and he stares intently at you for a moment before he turns your head and his lips capture yours in a deep kiss that leaves you breathless when it ends. 
Seokjin grips your hips, moaning into your skin as you tighten around him, his hand between your thighs rubbing your clit. 
You tremble beneath him, his name escaping you repeatedly until you’re falling apart for him. 
“That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock,” he grunts, moaning your name as he cums right after you. 
“Fuck,” you groan as you try to hold yourself up on shaky hands. Seokjin chuckles, kissing your shoulder before he pulls out. 
“I love you,” he states as he looks at your reflection in the mirror. You lace your fingers with him, squeezing them. “I love you too.”
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You were running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off, a weird expression but it seemed to fit the mood. 
Dae-Hyun was at his grandparents' home. He had spent the night so he wouldn’t see the preparations for his birthday party in a few short hours.  
Seokjin had a therapy appointment in the morning but he would be back in plenty of time to help set up and welcome the caterer and decorator. You were handling the cake delivery, moving everything in the fridge to make room for the three-layer cake you had ordered. 
You hadn’t slept much last night, too stressed about everything going right today. You wanted everything to be perfect for Dae-Hyun. 
“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the front door and you inform him you’re in the kitchen. 
He appears moments later with a grin and a large bouquet. “I knew you’d be freaking out over the party so I got you these.”
Your heart melts, thanking him with a kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you, babe. It’s my first party for Dae and I need everything to be perfect for him,” you pout. 
“It will be. Relax,” Jin chuckles. “Just let me know what you need me to do.”
“Have a look at the cake,” You tell him as you grab a vase and fill it with water for your flowers. Seokjin does as he’s told, grinning when he sees the dinosaur cake sitting on a shelf. 
“Oh, he’s gonna love it! Hell, I love it! That’s the coolest birthday cake I’ve ever seen!” Seokjin is smiling from ear to ear. He knew you’d throw an amazing party for Dae and he hopes as the day goes on, you’ll be able to enjoy it. 
“Guests will be here in three hours and Dae in one. Your mom will get him dressed and he’ll have time on the bounce house before everyone shows up,” you inform Seokjin. 
“Awesome,” Seokjin nods. The doorbell rings and the decorator shows up with her team. They get to work and in less than two hours, your home is decorated to the brim, the main focus being the backyard and kitchen. 
The caterer shows up shortly after and Seokjin finishes preparing the last of the goody bags. 
Dae-Hyun comes running straight to your arms and you cover his eyes with a laugh. 
“You little Rugrat,” you scolded playfully. “You weren’t supposed to come in here yet.”
“He’s a quick one,” Mrs. Kim chuckles as she enters the kitchen with her husband. A gift bag is looped on her wrist and she sets it on the gift table at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“I wanna see,” Dae whines and you exchange a look with Seokjin as you both head out into the backyard. Excitement fills your body as you count down from three and move your hand off Dae’s eyes. 
“Wow!” Dae is in awe as he looks around the backyard. There’s a giant bounce house and decorations all around. There’s an area where the kids can dig for “fossils” and another where they can learn about dinosaurs and make their dinosaur masks. And of course, Dae’s playground where kids can run around all day. 
Dae grabs your hand, pulling you to the bounce house. Seokjin follows the two of you, laughing when Dae urges you into the bounce house with him. You hold his hand and jump with him for a bit. 
“Mom!” He squeals and you grin. After your talk with Seokjin. The two of you had sat down with Dae-Hyun and allowed him to choose what he’d call you. Dae had immediately wanted to call you mom, and that was that. Seokjin was grateful he hadn’t ruined your relationship with his panicked outburst and he was working on his issues with his therapist. He was doing well and he knew someday he’d want you to be his wife. To spend the rest of your lives together. 
“Come on, Dae, Mommy has to go change!” Seokjin exclaims and Dae pouts. 
“Do you want Daddy in here while I change?” You ask Dae as you stop jumping. Dae nods and Seokjin looks at the bounce house entrance. 
“Babe, I don’t think my shoulders will make it through,” he states with worry.
You cackle, dropping to your knees to open the entrance a little more for your boyfriend’s wide-ass shoulders. He thanks you as he slithers in with a grunt from the struggle. 
“I don’t think this was made for adults,” he comments as he tries to stand and ends up falling and bouncing Dae in the process. You shake your head, scooping up Dae-Hyun. 
“You watch out for Daddy, okay?” You press a kiss on Dae’s forehead before heading out. Dae stomps to his father, who is struggling to stand before giving up and sitting in the middle while Dae hops from one end to the other, his laughter filling the bounce house.  
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By the time the party is in full swing, you’re busy playing host while Seokjin tries to get you to enjoy yourself. His parents have taken the time to help out and yours have arrived shortly after. They both dote on Dae-Hyun, and he hugs them tightly before he runs off with children from his preschool. 
You’ve met a few of the parents, speaking more to the ones whose children have taken an interest in Dae. A few of the mothers eye Seokjin longer than necessary and you bite back your jealousy knowing he’s yours. Nobody would take your little family away from you. You wouldn’t allow it and neither would Seokjin.  
When it’s time to cut the cake, Dae-Hyun is speechless as he sees Seokjin carefully carrying it outside to the table. Dae stares at it with huge eyes, fingertip gently touching one of the dinosaurs. He claps his hands when Seokjin lights the candles and you make sure none of the kids are close enough to ruin your son’s moment. You guard him, and Seokjin bites back a smile as he stands beside you. Mrs. Kim is taking picture after picture while her husband films on his phone. 
“Make a wish,” you whisper to Dae, who closes his eyes and makes his wish before blowing out the candles. Cheers and applause fill the backyard as Seokjin cuts the cake, handing the first slice to his son before the caterer whisks the cake back into the kitchen to cut it and her staff serve it to the guests. 
Dae-Hyun takes off running with his friends after he’s had cake and you're wary as he enters the bounce house. 
“That seems like a bad idea,” you whisper. Seokjin agrees as he scoops his son out of the bounce house with his friends. They protest but are soon occupied with Mr. Kim in a T-Rex inflatable costume as he chases the kids around the yard. 
You laugh as you watch from the sidelines with Seokjin at your side, his hand on your lower back. He kisses the top of your head, “Thank you for doing this. It’s the most I’ve seen him smile.”
“I’ve got bigger plans for next year,” you admit with a shy smile. Seokjin shakes his head, smiling. “I knew you would. Care to share?”
“Nope,” you stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes playfully. 
“Ever the tease,” he snickers, kissing your cheek. 
“I think it’s time we handed out the goody bags and sent everyone home,” you state as the kids start falling asleep on their parents' lap after a while. 
“I think you’re right, baby,” Seokjin agrees as he steps away to thank everyone for coming. A lot of the parents are grateful, taking their children who are worn out from all the fun and sugar to go straight to bed. 
Your parents and Seokjin’s are the last to leave, offering to help clean up but you’ve got a cleaning service stopping by tomorrow to take care of it. Dae comes straight to you, his head on your shoulder and his eyes barely open. 
Seokjin kisses his cheek, smiling when he wipes some frosting off his son’s face. “Well, he’ll be sleeping through the night.”
“Definitely,” you agree as you take him upstairs to bed. You change him into his pajamas, promising to open his presents in the morning when he’s more alert. He dozed off within minutes and soon you’re back downstairs with Seokjin. 
“Is he asleep?” He asks as he places the leftover food in the fridge. He had encouraged the guests to take home plates of food and cake but there was still a bit left over. 
“Passed out. He ran around a lot today. He can use the bounce house tomorrow for a bit before they come to pick it up,” you inform Seokjin.  
“He loves that thing. Me? Not so much,” Seokjin grimaces as he rubs his shoulder. 
You walk closer to him, your arms draped over his shoulders. “Does it hurt?”
“Nothing you can’t fix with those pretty lips of yours,” Seokjin teases. You smack his back lightly and his laughter fills the kitchen before he turns to face you. 
“Thank you for today. Dae-Hyun had the time of his life,” Seokjin says seriously. His hands grip your hips as he holds you close. 
“You don’t have to thank me, babe. I would have done it regardless. I love him,” You respond as you take his hands in yours. “I love you too.”
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” 
“But I’m not tired,” you protest. 
Seokjin smirks. “Neither am I.”
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“Nope! I h-a-t-e it!” You cross your arms over your chest as the car stops. 
“Baby, come on,” Seokjin whines as he unclips his seatbelt. “He’s gonna know you’re nervous.”
You sigh, sucking it up as you get out of the car with a frown. You allow Seokjin to get Dae-Hyun out of the car, taking his hand to lead him into the school. 
You stomp your way up the front steps after them, not wanting to leave Dae-Hyun alone all day. 
“He’ll be fine,” Seokjin assures you as you walk down the hallway to room A-1. Dae is bouncing with excitement, eager to see his friends again after his party. 
Once you reach his classroom, Mrs. Hart welcomes you with a bright smile as she greets Dae. Shyly, Dae greets her before she walks him to one of the tables where his friends sit, all of them waving and greeting him cheerfully. They're having breakfast at the moment and you wish you could stay by his side all day. 
“Come on, love. We can’t stay,” Seokjin reads your mind and you sigh. You blink back the tears that burn at the corner of your eyes and wave gently at Dae. Seokjin is faring slightly better but he clears his throat and takes your hand in his before leaving at Mrs. Hart’s suggestion. 
“We’ll call if we need to,” she promises as she sends the two of you off. 
In the hallway you lose it, stopping near the entrance to cry. Seokjin holds you to his chest, rubbing your back. 
“It’s okay, baby. You can come get him at 2. He’s gonna be okay,” he assured you and you cry until you can’t anymore. Seokjin leads you to the car, grabbing some tissues from the glove box to dab at your eyes. You blow your nose and sanitize your hands after. 
“I miss him already,” You pout. 
“It gets easier,” Seokjin promises. “I miss him too but he can’t be isolated. Me, you, and Mrs. Jenkins can’t be the only ones he sees, baby. He needs his friends.”
“I know you’re right but that doesn’t change the fact that I miss my little buddy,” you sniffle as Seokjin pulls out of his parking spot. He’d taken the morning off for Dae’s first day of school but he’d be back in the office in an hour or so. 
“You know,” Seokjin muses as he drives further and further from the school. “I always thought when this day came, I’d be the one sobbing my eyes out.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” you whine pitifully and he smiles. 
“I’m not, baby. I just think it’s sweet you care so much about him,” he states as he brings your hand to his lips. “But no, you can’t take him out early on his first day.”
“How did you-?”
“I can read your thoughts, baby,” he laughs as he drives you home. You use the ride home to calm yourself but you’re frowning the moment you walk through the door and realize you’re on your own. 
“It’ll be okay. It’s just a change in routine,” Seokjin assures you before he’s heading out for the office. You sit on the couch after he leaves, turning the TV on and placing your phone on your lap.
You count the hours until you can pick Dae up.
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“Mommy!” Dae squeals when he sees you at pick-up. You hug him tight as you take his backpack and carry him out of the classroom. 
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you take him to your car. Now that Dae was in school, Seokjin had suggested he get you a new car and the more you thought about it, the more you considered it. Besides, if Seokjin had plans of making you a (biological) mother, you’d need more space. Which was why you’d be going car shopping this weekend. 
“Luke and Max are my friends!” Dae exclaims as he tells you about his day while you situate him in his car seat. You place his backpack in the footwell and get in the driver's seat. You immediately lock the doors once you’re inside the car, looking in the rearview mirror before you pull out of your spot to head home. 
“And tomorrow we get to play outside!” Dae cheered.
“That sounds fun!” You exclaim as you turn into your neighborhood. “Do you want a snack when we get home?”
“I ate at school,” he assures you as he tells you what his snack was as you pull into the driveway. You listen intently, helping him out of his seat before grabbing his backpack and leading him inside the home. He greets Mrs. Jenkins, filling her in about his day at school. She listens intently, asking questions about all his friends while you sit on a stool and text Seokjin. 
[You]: got my little buddy back!
[Seokjin 🥵]: good! I’m wrapping things up here so I’ll be home soon. We can get dinner later
You agree before placing your phone down. Mrs. Jenkins ruffles Dae’s hair before he runs off to the living room to play. 
Mrs. Jenkins gives you a warm smile. “It gets easier.”
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And it does get easier as the days turn into weeks and months. You still get sad when you drop him off and you’ve been picking up new hobbies now that you’ve got the time but none of them seem to stick. 
Pilates and yoga weren’t for you. You tried jogging, archery and badminton. Tennis, soccer, volleyball, and hockey. Jujitsu, Karate, and kickboxing, that one was Jin’s least favorite. He hated seeing you bruised after a few sessions. 
You then switched to knitting, embroidery, painting, and pottery but you quickly realized you weren’t good with your hands outside the bedroom. So you turned to baking and decorating but that proved to be a challenge and you soon ended up back on your tablet and TV, binge-watching every show you could find to keep yourself occupied. 
Seokjin tried his best to help find something you’d enjoy that wouldn’t put you in harm's way but everything seemed to be challenging and you quickly lost interest. 
“What about party planning?” Seokjin suggested one night while Dae was asleep on your chest. 
“Party planning?” You asked, puzzled. 
“Yeah,” Seokjin nodded. “You did a fantastic job with Dae’s. What if you did it part-time on the side? Start small with friends and family and build yourself up from there if you’d like.”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I wouldn’t have a lot of time for Dae.”
Seokjin blinks before laughing, stopping when his son stirs in your hold. 
“My parents' anniversary is coming up. I’m sure my mom would love some help,” Jin offers, and you give in. 
“I’ll give it a chance,” you agree hesitantly. 
And slowly you build your little business. It starts with a few parties, but soon word of mouth gets you booked and busy. You only work when Dae’s in school, and limit the amount of weekends you can attend the parties you plan to make sure they run smoothly. You’re not sure if it’s a career you want to do long term, but you enjoy it when Dae’s at school.
“We’re going away for the weekend,” Seokjin announces on a Friday evening. 
“Last minute?” You ask as you grab a duffel bag. Seokjin nods.
“I think we should go to the beach house. My parents have one nearby and Dae can stay with us or them if he chooses.”
“Hmmm?” You muse as you pack your bag. “Suspicious.”
Seokjin laughs. “How is that suspicious? You said you wanted to go back with Dae?”
“I do, but It’s out of nowhere,” you reply as you grab your toiletries.
“Work has been a bitch,” Seokjin admits. “I just want to relax at the beach with my girl and my son.”
“Fair enough,” you give in as you finish packing your bag. Seokjin has his ready to go along with Dae’s and he’s soon carrying them down the stairs and into the car. 
Your new car is a shiny black SUV with 3 rows of seats that you insisted were too many. Seokjin, however, had pulled you aside and promised to fill every single one with one of your babies. You bit your lip and met his smoldering gaze, thighs pressed together as heat flushed over your body. 
Seokjin smirked knowingly, licking his lips as he stepped away to talk to the salesman. And that had been that.
“Do we have everything?” You ask as you get into the passenger seat. Seokjin straps Dae into his car seat, nodding as he finishes and gets in the driver’s seat. 
“Yes, baby. I got the sunblock and all his toys and extra clothes, just in case. Anything else we can buy,” Jin assures you as he starts the car. “My parents left this morning so they’ll be there already.”
“Okay.” you yawn as you lean against the window. You try your best to stay awake, but soon you and Dae-Hyun are asleep.
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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rallamajoop · 3 months
More random details from the depths of RE8
With the excuse of trying some shiny new mods, I've been replaying RE8 lately for the umpteenth time. Given the number of hours I've already poured into this game, you'd really think there'd be nothing left to find by this stage ‒ yet here I am, finding still more details I'd somehow missed the first half-dozen times through.
For one, there's the fact you can actually find Eva's grave in the graveyard outside the church. As the only photo we ever see of her shows her as a baby, I'd assumed she was still a baby when she died, but turns out, she was ten years old.
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"Eva, June 1909 ‒ August 1919
May you slumber for only a short while"
As expected, her death of the Spanish flu took place in 1919. There's some semi-legible text on the stone, but it doesn't match the caption ‒ it's just the same generic filler text you'll find on half the gravestone assets in this game.
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For another, there's Rose's baby monitor. I'd noticed Ethan turning the thing on when he puts her to bed, and even found the assets for its screen ‒ but since I'd never found the monitor itself, I assumed they must be unused.
Until this playthrough, when suddenly I'm just like, oh, there it is, sitting right on the table. You can even interact with it!
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How did I miss this so many times? It is pretty easy to overlook, given you'll trigger the cutscene with Mia if you go much closer to the kitchen, but I'm still surprised I never spotted it before. (And you do have to wonder if there was ever any plan for it to show a glimpse of something more sinister than just a still-image of Rose sleeping.)
In other minor details, there's the bit where Ethan arrives on the outskirts of the village at 8AM. You can hear a clock striking 8 times as you get your first view of area.
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Granted, this is not going to excite anyone who hasn't spent as long as I have putting together an hour-by-hour timeline of everything that happens in this game, but I still do love that they give you enough detail that that's even possible ‒ and this new timestamp fits right into that timeline. (And why yes I have just gone back and updated that post, what do you take me for?)
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Speaking of assets I thought were unused, you know that hidden room under the castle you can't get into until later, where you have to solve a puzzle that involves setting a moroaica on fire? Have you ever looked closely at the tapestries decorating this place? Because I found them in the game files ages ago, and have been trying to figure out if they're actually in the game ever since.
Because seriously, look at these things!
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Yes, that is a indeed a man with a sword and spear, wearing a hoplite helmet and sandals and nothing else. And the women seeing him from the front seem to be having a whole range of reactions to all that, er, weaponry being brandished their way. Isn't fine art wonderful?
Another asset I'd innocently assumed was unused is this wonderful bit of bullshit which was labeled simply 'antibow'. It wasn't until I took a long look at it that I realised what they meant was more like 'anti-B.O.W.', as in Bio-Organic-Weapon.
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Yes, that is indeed a knife taped to some kind of grenade. Sure is one high-tech outfit we're working with here!
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Only now do I spot that this is actually the bomb Chris chucks at the Megamycete in the cavern. It doesn't even come with the knife already attached, he just kind of sticks the knife onto the bomb and presumably straps some tape around them while the camera cuts away.
I still have so much more to share from my ongoing free-camera adventures, but I think we'll leave this one there for today.
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
King&Prince 12
Right after breakfast, Steve went to the first part of his schedule, which turned out to be music practice. His actual duty was just corralling the more stubborn ones and making sure they went. After that, he was to be with Nancy. She brought him to her study, which seemed equally devoted to academic knowledge and weaponry.
"What exactly are your intentions here?", she asked, point blank as she sat behind her desk.
There was a chair, but Steve wasn't sure if he could sit. "I don't really have any. I just...I can't go home."
"Bullshit. Even if your dad is some kind of asshole, he wouldn't let his heir just sit and rot here." Nancy's eyes were as sharp as her tongue and it clashed with her soft face.
Steve looked away. "He doesn't give a damn about me. If I go back, I'll just be another prisoner. Maybe even worse off than I am here."
"I wouldn't be so sure." Nancy looked him up and down. "Even if you have the king's protection, there are plenty in this castle and out who see you as an enemy."
"Does that include you? You think I have a secret plan to assassinate King Edward?"
Nancy stood up and walked around her desk. "I know you couldn't lay a hand on him. My issue is having a royal from a nation we've been fighting against walking free around the people I love. People who don't know how to defend themselves." She stepped up until she was nearly toe-to-toe with Steve. This close, he could see how small she was, and yet that didn't diminish how intimidating she was.
"So let me say this one time. If you touch a single hair on their heads, you better hope that Eddie gets to your first. At least he'll make it quick."
Warned sufficiently, Steve was dismissed and the next thing he was tasked with doing was being extra help in the kitchen. Dustin's mother, Claudia, had him on vegetable peeling duty.
"My spells can do the trick most of the time but the potatoes I like to leave some of the skin on. And the enchantment either does it completely or not at all."
Steve's only experience in kitchens had been the food that came from them. He was never really involved in the process of making the meals. Which meant by the end of kitchen duty, he had a few cuts and scrapes on his hands.
"How are you so good with a sword but you nicked yourself peeling carrots?", Lucas asked, doing some warm up stretches.
"Two different skillsets", Steve said, doing some of his own stretching. "By the way, why do we have an audience now?"
Just outside of the training arena, sat Will and Max, looking far too interested in it for people not at all interested in combat. Steve had already asked if they wanted training too and they denied.
"We're just here for the show", Max said.
Done with stretching, Steve began to teach Lucas some basic forms. In his head, he was already thinking of matching Lucas with different weapons. Swordplay was always the go to but not everyone was meant for it. It was a good place to start though.
After that first session, he could already see the promise in him. And there was a spark to be better too, even when he fell or dropped his sword. Steve didn't know what was driving him, but it must be important.
Once that finished, they washed up and went down to the kitchens to meet up with the others for lunch. Mike had been late to the meal, barging through the doors in his excitement to give the news.
"You're not gonna believe this! Eddie's actually performing at the Sunrise Festival!"
"No way!", Dustin exclaimed.
"This is big", Will said.
"Do you think this is why he's making us take music lessons?", El asked.
At that, many of them groaned, the loudest of all being Dustin. He'd made it very clear his opinion on playing music. But it was also true that he appreciated it.
"I think it's great we'll get a chance to play with him", El said.
"Nothing's set in stone", Max said. "And Eddie's not going to let us play if we're not up to par with him."
"Is he really that good at playing music?", Steve asked, speaking up finally.
"He's like a musical genius", Lucas said.
"Like a god", Dustin seconded.
It was hard to imagine someone like the king playing an instrument. He couldn't imagine any one fitting him, he didn't seem musical at all. After lunch, his schedule was to basically be Robin's assistant and it turned out she was a jack of many trades. In addition to being the one teaching the kids music, she was also in charge of the library, and was taking the lead on some of the activities for the Sunrise Festival.
As far as Steve could tell, it was to celebrate the coming of spring, which was difficult to think that this place had after only hearing of it being a dark, desolate wasteland. But he saw the sun everyday and even got to feel some of its warmth on his face. He couldn't deny it anymore. At the end of the day, he had dinner with the king and his inner circle, which included Nancy, Jeff, Robin, and two others he hadn't met until now, Gareth, and Franklin.
"So", Eddie started as he sat down at the head of the table. "How was your day, little prince?"
"It was...busy... My schedule's pretty filled up." Steve was sure he had Nancy to thank for that.
"Get used to it", Nancy said.
Eddie grinned. "She's right. It only gets more busy from here. Mark your calendar, Harrington. The festival is in two weeks."
Part 14
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void @0body0disphoria0 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @samsoble @jamieweasley13 @y4r3luv @xtkxkrzrizir @un-knownperson @greekgeek24 @justdrugsformethanks @potato-of-the-lord @notaqueenakhaleesi @swimmingbirdrunningrock @queenie-ofthe-void @nebulainajar @lil-gremlin-things @nicememerino @robininblue @hornedqueenofhell @anne-bennett-cosplayer @moomkin77 @here4thetrama @bookworm0690 @autumncrocusandladybug
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lesbianoctoling · 1 year
I remember seeing a theory on youtube that I agreed with about Splatoon 3s dlc being themed as "going up" in some way, since the overall theme of Splat3 is contrast and Return of the Mammalians is very much "going down" to Alterna. I could be wrong of course but the concept art looks very heavenly!
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Since this is - what I'm guessing - a train to Inkopolis, I'm guessing...
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This is probably an elevator up. Or something...Like that, lol. As the video I linked theorizes!
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It also matches the door we see in the Splat 2 Plaza. It will probably be just a typical "open door, load into dlc area" thing, but then we have this concept art...
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...of what looks like an elevator door!
Obviously nothing is set in stone yet. I don't think we'll get this dlc until maybe winter the earliest, and we are only seeing concept art so far, but I instantly thought back to the video I saw and had to examine things a bit closer.
(I really recommend it, by the way, and the channel as a whole. They do an amazing job explaining the visual themes of Splatoon and are just extremely interesting.)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 7 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 12
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Prayers to Broken Stone
Rating: M - Minors DNI
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 4k
Warnings and tags: lots of fluff; tiny bit of angst; borderline SMUT but mostly just suggestive; a gross situation involving rotten fish; two idiots refusing to acknowledge the truth
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Rex and Echo receive some intel from the Batch; the scouting team returns from Raada; Gregor and Cerra go on a supply run.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Lips that would kiss form prayers to broken stone.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
Rex sat alone on the sofa, staring at a datafile on the holoprojector as Echo entered the garage hours later. Cerra was nowhere to be found.
“You see this?” Rex asked.
Echo moved closer and peered at the hologram. “No. What is it?”
“Came in from Tech while you were away.”
Echo checked his comlink and saw that there was indeed a message from Tech. “What’s it about?”
“Seems they had a run-in with the same type of creature that attacked Coruscant early in the war. The empire is,” Rex hesitated before continuing. “... cloning them.”
“What?” Echo asked, incredulous. “What does the Empire want with that thing?”
“Hard to say. That’s why Tech sent it to us—to find out.”
Echo grunted quietly in acknowledgment, staring at the hologram. “Where do we even start?”
“With this file,” Rex said. “I think it’s best to keep this between us until we know more.”
Echo glanced at him in surprise. “You don’t want to tell the rest of the team?”
“Nothing to tell. Yet.”
Echo waited a moment, uncomfortable with the idea of withholding intel from the rest of the team. When Rex showed no sign of continuing, he asked, “And when we do have something to tell?”
“Then we’ll cross that bridge,” Rex replied with finality.
He and Echo reviewed the extensive data that Tech had been able to retrieve, but it was clear that it would take a significant amount of time to analyze it all. They poked at it for a few hours, until a soft sound emanated from inside the barracks. Rex closed the datafile abruptly as the barracks door slid open and Cerra emerged, looking groggy and disheveled, sheet marks crisscrossing her face.
She mumbled an incoherent greeting and headed straight to the refresher. Echo glanced between her and Rex, wondering exactly what the captain was playing at with this secrecy. It didn’t sit well with Echo; he’d grown accustomed to the more open dynamic of the Batch, where intel was freely shared, and every member had a say in the final decision. Still, he was sure Rex had his reasons—even if keeping intel from teammates did remind him uncomfortably of his time in the GAR, when he simply followed orders and hoped that those in command knew what they were doing.
It wasn’t the first time Rex had withheld information from the larger group, Echo mused, recalling their earlier conversation about the rumored secret intelligence network. Rex had mentioned Admiral Yularen, and based on Cerra’s reaction to the name, Echo knew there was a story there. He wondered if she would ever feel comfortable sharing it with him. 
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“I don’t know what the Empire is even doing as far out as Raada, but it’s nothing good,” Fireball said.
“It’s remote even by Outer Rim standards,” Gregor added. “Sort of place where nobody goes unless they’re either hiding or out of other options. Hardly any population.” 
“Tell me what you found,” Rex said.
“There’s an Imperial base there, all right,” Gregor said. “Big. Secure. Bit of overkill, if you ask me.”
“I couldn’t even contact Nemec,” Fireball said. “Comms were jammed.”
“They’re still setting up the base,” Gregor said. “That’s our ticket in. Only saw half as many troops as I’d expect for a base of that size.”
“So what, we stow away on a transport ship?” Echo asked. “I don’t know about you, but my armor might stand out a bit.”
“Cerra can work around it,” Gregor said confidently. “She’ll find us some of that junk stormtrooper armor. All we have to do is sneak into the Imperial military headquarters and get onto one of those transports.”
“Is that all?” Fireball asked drily. “While we’re dreaming, can I get a large Blue Milkshake and legal personhood?”
Cerra’s eyes crinkled and she nudged Fireball, shooting him a tiny, amused smirk. He held up his fist, and she bumped hers against it as Rex looked on with a markedly unamused expression.
“It would be easier for just one person to infil HQ,” Echo said. “We could send a team with a ship to Raada to stand by, and our man on the inside will smuggle Nemec out of the base and rendezvous at predetermined coordinates.”
“I’ll go,” Fireball said immediately. “He’s my brother.”
Rex shook his head. “My intel says they’re scanning the identifying number of every clone trooper before they board the transports. Every one of us is either presumed dead or wanted by the Empire. We’d be executed on the spot. It will have to be a nat-born.”
“Agreed,” Cerra said. “Echo, do you think you could slice into the Imperial database and plant fake orders? Every base needs a supply officer.”
“You can’t be serious,” Gregor objected. “After what happened at 79’s?”
“Rex is right. It has to be a nat-born,” Cerra said.
“Then send Rafa!” Gregor said. “Or one of Chuchi’s guards.”
“Not a lot of Pantorans in the Imperial army,” Echo said.
“It needs to be someone familiar with military protocol,” Rex added. “Rafa would get arrested before she ever made it through HQ security.”
“It has to be me, Gregor,” Cerra said quietly.
“I don’t like it,�� Gregor growled.
“You don’t have to like it,” Rex said. “It’s not your call to make.”
“It’s not yours, either,” Gregor retorted.
“It’s my call, and I’m doing it,” Cerra said firmly.
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As it turned out, they had more than a week to plan the mission, which felt unfathomably luxurious. While Rex waited for his contact to confirm the schedule, he, Echo, and Fireball went to investigate a lead on a possible ship for the Balmorra mission. In the meantime, Cerra had a secret weapon to coax Gregor out of his sullen mood: a grocery run, his absolute favorite kind of mission.
Coruscant was a planet of many wonders. Home to trillions of beings, it was a vibrant hub of culture, and where there was culture, there was food. In the galactic capital, one could find any kind of food imaginable, and Gregor had a vivid imagination. Cerra would have been happy enough with whatever bland ration bars she could find in CoCo Town, but Gregor had eaten enough industrial food to last him for a lifetime, and now that he had the freedom to eat whatever he wanted, he refused to settle for rations unless it was an actual emergency—and even then, it was subject to debate.
To find the sorts of ingredients he required, he and Cerra had to venture to the upper levels, to one of Coruscant’s vast, sprawling open-air markets. There, vendors from across the galaxy offered up a dazzling array of wares: everything from fresh produce, meat, and fish, to baked goods and confectionery, to hand-made soaps and candles, to antiques and artwork, to an entire market district dedicated exclusively to cut flowers. 
During the war, Gregor had heard about the market but never been allowed inside. The first time he’d visited, he could hardly believe such a thing existed in the same galaxy as Abafar. The opulence and abundance of the market contrasted starkly with the impoverished, hardscrabble planet where he’d spent so many months with no memories or identity. He’d learned to cook from Borkus, and he once told Cerra that as far as he was concerned, that was the only good thing that had ever happened on that Maker-forsaken rock.
Now, as he wandered through the market with Cerra’s fingers laced between his own, he made no attempt to disguise his wonder and delight at the bustling, colorful surroundings. The heady scents of roasting peppers, fried food, pungent spices, and hot sugar permeated the air, making his stomach rumble.
“We should get a snack first,” he said.
“Yes, please!” Cerra agreed. “Otherwise, I’ll just buy everything in the market.”
They found a food stall that sold griddled ronto wrappers stuffed with traladon cheese and a variety of meat and vegetable fillings. The cheese was melty and stringy; and the flatbread was crispy and a little greasy; and on the whole, it was absolutely delicious. They ate as they walked, taking in all of the sights, smells, and sounds of the market. They passed a vendor piping rings of batter into a gigantic vat of hot oil, and Gregor made a note of the location.
“We’re getting some of those on our way home,” he said.
“To share with the boys?” Cerra asked
“Sure, we’ll go with that,” he replied with a wink.
She laughed, and he grinned at her, his earlier surliness forgotten as he draped his arm over her shoulders. They stopped at every stall that offered samples, tasting and testing. 
“Candilin oranges!” a vendor called out. “Get them while they’re fresh! These won’t last longer than a day, folks, so don’t miss out!”
Gregor tugged Cerra toward the stall.
“We can’t afford those, Gregor,” she whispered.
“The samples are free,” he whispered back.
He snagged a small piece of the fruit off of the vendor’s sample tray and sniffed it curiously. 
“Smell,” he told Cerra, holding it close to her face.
She leaned in and inhaled deeply, her eyes fluttering closed. It smelled fresh and bright and zesty, and it reminded her of the sun. “It smells delicious.”
He slid the fruit into her mouth, and she took a bite. Sweet, tangy juice exploded across her tongue, and she made a tiny sound of pleasure as an expression of utter bliss settled on her face. Gregor beamed at her as he popped the rest of the fruit into his own mouth. The vendor, a Nithorn, regarded them with shrewd little eyes.
“Ah, young love,” she squawked. “I’ll give you a special discount for being such an adorable couple.”
Cerra’s eyes snapped open, and she pulled slightly away from Gregor. “Oh, we’re n—”
“Not made of credits,” Gregor cut in hastily. “You know how it is when you’re just starting out.”
Cerra flicked an uncertain glance at him, but she didn’t resist when he pulled her a little closer and wrapped his arm around her waist. The Nithorn nodded sagely.
“Of course, of course,” she said. “But nothing is too good for your girl, am I right? Come on, I’ll cut you a deal.”
“How much?” Cerra asked.
“Fifty credits apiece,” the vendor replied.
Cerra choked. “I’m not saying it’s not worth it, but we don’t have that kind of money.”
“Twenty,” Gregor countered.
The vendor guffawed. “Sorry, kids, but I’m running a business, not a charity. Forty credits.”
“Come on, Gregor,” Cerra urged. “We can find something else.”
“Twenty-two,” Gregor said.
“Are you trying to destroy my livelihood?” the vendor asked. “Thirty, and not a decicred less.”
“Twenty-five,” Gregor replied.
“You are breaking my heart,” said the Nithorn. “Fine, twenty-five. Be sure to eat it today, or it will rot.”
As they walked away with their prize, Cerra said in a low voice, “We don’t have that kind of budget, Gregor. What were you thinking?”
“I’ll make it up somewhere else,” he shrugged. “It was worth it.”
They wandered through the produce stands, selecting an assortment of fruits and vegetables as they caught Gregor’s eye. He spotted a table heaped with round, russet-colored fruits.
“What are these?” he asked the vendor.
“Kavasa,” Cerra replied, recognizing the fruit immediately.
“That’s right,” the Twi’lek vendor said. “Fresh kavasa, straight from Corellia. Just got a huge shipment this morning. I’m selling it for half price, if you’re interested.”
“We’ll take a kilo,” Gregor said.
“Are you sure?” Cerra asked. “Don’t you want to taste it first?”
“Do you like it?” he asked.
“Yes, it was my favorite when I was little,” Cerra admitted. 
“Then we’ll take a kilo,” he repeated.
Gregor found a vendor who sold freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, and he insisted on buying several cartons for their off-world missions. “If we have to eat rations, at least we can buy some that resemble real food.”
Their last stop was the meat market. He’d been wanting to try his hand at cooking brualki brisket since he’d first tasted it at Dex’s Diner. 
“We’re all out of brualki,” the butcher said. He was a burly Devaronian with two broken horns, and his arms bulged with muscles developed over years of breaking down enormous primal cuts. “But I’m sure we can find something that will suit you. Ever tried joopa?”
Gregor was intrigued. “Never heard of it. What’s it like?”
The butcher launched into a detailed sales pitch about the merits of joopa rib roasts, and Gregor asked a number of pointed questions about preparation techniques and flavor profiles as Cerra let her attention wander.
“Our joopa is wild-caught, from a place called Seelos,” the butcher said. “Never been there, myself.”
Cerra didn’t understand a word of the conversation, but one thing she did understand was sticking to a Force-damned budget. “How much per kilo?” 
“Ten credits,” the butcher replied. “It’s about half the price of brualki right now, so you’ll save a decent chunk of creds.”
“I’ll take a five-kilo roast,” Gregor said. 
The bags of groceries were heavy as they headed to the freighter, but Gregor wrangled them with ease. They were nothing compared to the weight of the armor that he normally wore. The market had become even more crowded as the day advanced, and beings of every imaginable species jostled around them. They retraced their route back to the ship, and as they passed through the fishmongers’ market district, disaster struck.
A large, boisterous family of Gabdorins blocked most of the path as the parents haggled with a merchant. Gregor and Cerra squeezed by them single-file. Suddenly, two of the youngest children broke free of the larger group and began chasing each other. Gregor tried to back up, but it was too late. The children ran straight into him, taking him out at the knees. As he fell, he collided with Cerra and knocked her down beneath him. They landed with a splash in a reeking puddle of water and rotting fish. 
“Sorry, mister!” the children shrieked as they ran off to continue their game.
Cerra gagged at the stench, and Gregor quickly scrambled to his feet. By some miracle, he’d managed to keep the grocery bags out of the splash zone, but his clothes were saturated with the putrid liquid, and Cerra’s were even worse.
“What the kriff?” Cerra sputtered.
“Watch your language, lady,” one of the adult Gabdorins snapped.
“Are you serious?” Cerra demanded, incensed.
“Hey, easy,” Gregor intervened. “It was just an accident. Let’s get home so we can get out of these clothes.”
Cerra grumbled mutinously, but nevertheless she followed Gregor as they hurried back to the freighter. Fortunately—if anything about the situation could be considered fortunate—the miasma of rotting fish guts cleared a path through the crowded market, and they made it to the ship in record time.
“In, in, in, in, in,” Cerra chanted, her words blending into each other in her urgency. “Put the groceries in the conservator. I’ll get the ship powered up.”
Gregor hadn’t even finished stowing the perishables by the time they were airborne. Cerra breathed through her mouth, but she couldn’t escape the fetid stench. The flight back to the garage felt like the longest of her life, and from Gregor’s occasional retching sounds, he was suffering just as much as she was. She piloted them down the underworld portal, and as soon as the ship touched down on the landing platform, they stripped out of their garments and ran for the refreshers.
Luckily, nobody else had returned to the garage yet. Cerra got there first and tugged her bra and briefs off before making a beeline for the farthest shower stall. Gregor was right behind her, pulling off his boxers and leaving them in a pile with Cerra’s things, then claiming the second shower stall.
“Uuuuuuuugh, that is the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me,” Cerra grunted. “Thank the stars I don’t have any hair; otherwise I’d have to shave my head all over again.”
“I’m not so lucky,” he said. “I hope I can get the smell out.”
The refresher began to fill with steam from both showers running at once. Cerra soaped her entire body from head to toe, and still the stench lingered. On the other side of the narrow tile barrier, she could hear vigorous splashing that indicated Gregor was scrubbing himself thoroughly. Cerra let out a low groan of pleasure as she stood under the hot spray. 
“At least it happened at the end of the trip instead of the beginning,” Cerra said.
“Mm-hmm,” Gregor said noncommittally.
“We might have to burn our clothes,” she observed. “I don’t know if the smell will ever go away no matter how many times we clean them.”
“Yeah.” Gregor’s voice was strained.
She shut her shower off and stepped out. Gregor was facing the wall of his shower stall, his back to her as he stood under the water. 
“Ah, kriff, I forgot a towel,” she said. “Do you need one?”
“No!” he said, keeping his back turned to her. “I mean, I’m not quite finished. I think I need to wash my hair again.”
“Okay,” she said, crossing to the bank of lockers where they kept a supply of towels and toiletries. “I’ll leave a clean one for you on the sink.”
“Thanks, Cerra,” he said. “You should go get something to eat. It’s been hours since we had those ronto wraps.”
His tone was brusque, and she hoped he wasn’t still angry about the Raada mission.
“Good idea,” she said. “I need to send the cleaning droid into the freighter anyway.”
She went to the barracks and dressed quickly, then powered up the cleaning droid and programmed it to decontaminate the ship. She lugged the groceries into the kitchenette and began to stow them away just as Gregor exited the refresher and headed for the barracks, wrapped in nothing but a towel. Droplets of water beaded across his broad shoulders and chest, and her gaze slid down his body, just for an instant, before she jerked her eyes away, focusing on finding space to fit the joopa roast in the conservator.
Nothing I haven’t seen before, she thought. Though if she were honest, Gregor was built differently from the other clones, even from the ARC troopers. He was thicker and denser, and she tried not to think about the way those shining droplets had slid down the planes of his—What the hell? This is Gregor! You know, your best friend and the one person you can count on in the galaxy? Stop thinking about his muscles, damn it!
She shoved the roast into the conservator and slammed the door, leaning against it to make sure it sealed. She swallowed. What was wrong with her? First sex dreams, and now this? She must be losing whatever tattered shreds of sanity she still possessed. 
This is all Echo’s fault, she thought irritably. I never even thought about Gregor that way until he put the idea in my head.
She sighed and dug through the bags of groceries until she unearthed the candilin orange and a kavasa fruit. She sliced them with unnecessary violence and arranged them on a plate as Gregor rejoined her.
He was dressed—thank the Maker for small mercies—and he looked far more relaxed than he had in a long while. Now that she thought about it, he had been tense ever since the night they’d gone to 79’s. A wave of guilt washed through her at the realization that she’d caused him that much distress.
“Want to catch up on the Bake Off?” he asked.
“I think we’ve earned it,” she replied. “Don’t tell Fireball we watched it without him, though.”
Gregor flopped down on the sofa and turned on the holotable, and Cerra curled up next to him. As the show’s opening jingle played, she passed him the plate of fruit. He tasted a slice of kavasa experimentally.
“That’s delicious!” he exclaimed. “No wonder it was your favorite.”
She swiped a slice and popped it into her mouth, enjoying the familiar burst of juicy sweetness across her tongue. It tasted like childhood. It tasted like home. She closed her eyes to blink away the tears that pricked behind her eyelids, and when she opened them, Gregor was watching her with a small, satisfied smile. He reached over and tugged her legs onto his lap and balanced the plate on top of her knees as he turned to watch the show.
The show hosts were droning on and on in some ridiculous opening skit about being turned into tookas. Cerra’s attention wandered, and her eyelids grew heavy. Gregor shifted her legs and stood to take the empty plate to the kitchenette, but before he could leave, she snagged his hand and tugged him back down onto the sofa with a sleepy grumble that sounded suspiciously like “No. My Gregor.” 
He laughed quietly and set the plate on the floor, then lay down next to her. It was a tight fit, and she wiggled up against the back of the couch to make room for him. He wrapped his arms around her and began to rub small circles on her back, and within minutes, the pair were asleep.
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The room was dark as Cerra floated toward consciousness. She felt wonderfully warm and safe, held securely in a strong embrace, and she closed her eyes again, drifting on the border between slumber and lucidity. Soft, even breaths fanned across the skin of her chest, where a head rested heavily against her. Their legs tangled together, one strong thigh trapped between her own, and she realized two things at once: first, that thigh was pressed against her achingly aroused sex; and second, he was hard as a kriffing rock against her hip.
“Fives,” she breathed.
She tightened her arms around his shoulders, determined to savor every second of their time together, knowing that they would have to wake up and return to their duties all too soon. She flattened her palm against the hard muscles of his upper back, stroking him languidly. Where were they this time? Florrum? Cato Nemoidia? Did it even matter? She pressed her lips against his forehead, inhaling deeply. Something was different about his scent. New soap? She liked it. It smelled comforting, somehow—familiar. 
“Where are we?” she whispered, but his only answer was a soft snore.
She shifted, inadvertently dragging herself along his thigh and moaning quietly at the friction. Fives, responsive even in his sleep, rumbled deep in his chest and rolled his hips, grinding his cock against her. Gods, it had been too long. She’d forgotten how damned big he was. How long had it been this time? Weeks? Months? She couldn’t even remember. The campaigns blurred together, punctuated by those brief, rare occasions when they both had shore leave at the same time. Where are we?
 Kriff, she was tired. Tired of fighting, tired of being away from him. She missed him so much that it poisoned their time together: even now, with him lying safe in her arms, the knowledge that he would be gone again soon weighed heavily on her chest. How long do we have this time? 
Where are we?
Her breathing settled into a regular rhythm, and she drifted back into oblivion. She was deep asleep when the man in her embrace shifted with a quiet, drowsy grumble and then went abruptly rigid. In the darkened garage, illuminated only by the Are you still watching? message on the holoprojector, he carefully disentangled himself from her and pulled away. 
Hours later, Cerra awoke, disoriented and utterly alone.
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Next chapter
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aliceismypixie · 9 months
The villain of my story ∥ All the way to the north
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or gn reader)
Warning - The reader is an immortal child, burning people, mention of dying (burning)
Words count - 1.43k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Chapter 3 - Masterlist
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"Soooo, is this what villains usually do all day ?" Redacted Renesmee asked, putting a red yellow on the piles of cards.
"Well, I don't think so. But your parents are taking too long to get you and you were being annoyingly talkative so I had to shut you up somehow." You replied, putting a plus four on the piles with a smirk and she glared.
"You're so cheating ! How come you only have good cards while I have almost half of the pack !" The hybrid weird kid exclaimed and you rolled your eyes.
"Life isn't fair child, I don't see why I should use some fair-play when no one was ever fair to me. Plus I love to see your face fall each time you take four cards." You calmly explained and she scoffed before throwing her cards on the ground.
"That's just rude and mean ! Why are you so mean to my family and I by the way ?! It's unfair. We did nothing to you !" Rikki Takki Tavi Renesmee pointed out and you glared at her with a scoff.
"Your mother specifically did nothing when we were younger ! She would never do anything ! Watch from the side or just ignore the truth ! I'm making her suffer like she made me suffer !" Your answer was cold and the kid frowned in confusion.
"My mom wouldn't just make you suffer for nothing !" The golden brunette defended and you rolled your eyes, feeling the fire slowly taking over your palms.
"Spoiled brat like you could never understand." You walked away and locked Renesmee's door behind you.
You could feel the flames wanting to burst out of your fingers as you reached the mail room of your lair and you immediately punched the wall in one swift yet hard motion causing the wall, as well as your cold stone skin, to crack.
You could feel the unshed tears in your eyes of anger as you remembered your childhood. It was horrible. Kids like Roseate could never understand the struggle of being in foster care. Kids like Renesmee were spoiled to the core and they thought that they were better than the rest because they were. They had the power, the looks, the love anyone envied. You never had it. Jumping from house to house but always ending up in the same mess every single time. You were lonely but then you got fostered by the Swans, then adopted by them under Isaella's request and then, she stabbed you in the back and never looked back at you.
You could feel your lips trembling as a few sobs escaped and you fell on the floor, broken, with a cracked hand and a cracked heart, not being able to let out those pained cries nor tears as you closed your eyes.
You were once again suffering.
And only by yourself.
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They only had three more days. Most of the Cullens feared that something happened to their little treasure in the past week but Jacob's imprint link was still there. As long as it was there, Renesmee was still alive. And as long as she was alive, they had a chance to save her.
"Do we at least have any clues ?" Leah asked.
"We know that the scent of the stranger is their way of hiding. They smell like lavender and wet grass which makes them blend into nature and hide themselves but, we've got you three. As much as it pains me to admit it… your sense of smell is better than ours so we'll need you." Jasper started and everyone nodded, they were all around the table of the meeting of the Cullen's house.
"When we went out with Seth two days ago, he could pick up their scent going south but we don't know more as we couldn't track it after the river. But we have a lead." Alice explained and once again everyone nodded.
"But what if this was a fake trail, what if they have Renesmee captive but more toward the Canadian border ?" Rosalie asked and everyone took in her words.
"This… could be an eventuality but for now we will check the south. A small group will go up toward the Canadian border to take a look and we will alarm the others if we notice anything." Jasper finished.
Being an ex-soldier of the army was actually pretty cool, and very hot but that was Alice's point of view (and mine), in this type of situation. Everyone could be organized in a military way and knowing that their enemy was a child was just better. Why ? Because as a child you don't think like an ex-military soldier. So they had the upper hand.
They could take their enemy by surprise and for all they know, their enemy was alone while they were twelve. Whoever was targeting them stood no chance.
Or at least they thought so until Alice's eyes turned glossy.
Once again there were flames everywhere. But this time they were still fighting, or at least they were trying to.
In the middle of a battle field stood a little girl, fire bursting from her palm as she aimed toward Emmett who quickly moved out of the way.
Thought there was someone who didn't move behind the big vampire.
It was Rosalie.
And the blond Goddess fell on the ground, screams escaping her lips the fire took over her cold marble skin.
And Emmett turned back around, his expression fell as he saw his wife slowly dying and in his moment of weakness, the little girl shooted him too.
But then the vision changed.
Jasper and Carlisle were the one burning on the ground.
But it changed again.
Esme and Edward.
Seth and Alice.
Jacob and Bella.
Leah and Seth.
Jasper and Emmett.
"Every single duo sent to the north is going to die either way…" Alice trailed off her eyes still looking elsewhere and Jasper clenched his jaw.
"You don't see any alternative ending ?" He asked softly to his wife who shook her head.
"Then we're abandoning the idea." Jasper solemnly announced and Bella frowned.
"But we will need to go to the north eventually. Renesmee could be there !" The shield expressed and everyone turned their attention toward Jasper.
"We can not. Two lives for one isn't―"
"But we're not just talking about one random life Jasper. We're talking about my daughter !" Edward replied stubbornly and Jasper scoffed.
"And I'm not talking about two random lives either Edward. I'm talking about two lives of our family. And Renesmee is not dead yet. We can not risk two lives to save someone who doesn't need saving at the moment." The ex-soldier pointed out and Edward growled.
"Edward, you saw it just like I did. You couldn't possibly think about killing two of us in vain. You already know that the plan couldn't work. Why would you want to send two of us there ?" Alice harshly pointed out and her brother looked toward his tortured wife on the side causing Rosalie to scoff.
"We should have known. You were always like that anyways. Putting everyone's life in danger for a human and now because she's your wife you're ready to sacrifice two of us just for her." The blond beauty expressed with a hint of venom.
See Rosalie Lillian Hale was the perfect example of an anti-hero. The one who does good only if it serves their interest. At least that's what she was in Bella Swan's story. No one clearly tried to understand her point of view. See Emmett tried, but most of the time he simply sticks to his wife. Rosalie Lillian Hale was only on Bella's side when it benefited her. But on the other side, she was probably the most attached to the family after Esme, holding on to the last thing that made her feel human.
But we will not talk about that. Rosalie Lillian Hale was only the anti-hero of Isabella Marie Swan's story.
"Rosalie please…" Esme tried to sooth her first daughter as much as possible until a paper plane passed through the opened window of the living room and posed itself on Rosalie's lap.
"What is that ?" Emmett asked and Rosalie opened the paper, her frown turning into an horrified expression.
"There's not only two of us that will go north." The blond vampire announced putting the paper on the table for everyone to see the words written on the unfolded half burned paper plane.
'All the way to the north you go. Or all the way to south she falls'
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Chapter 5
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esta-elavaris · 3 months
Major Fallen Through Time spoilers/potential plot discussions.
I have been meaning to discuss another aspect of changes in CTW/FTT -- spoilers beneath the cut? Kinda? Like I do fully discuss my plans and different options, not to the extent of every single change and all that, but nothing is set in stone, I'm just cut between trying to manage expectations, not disappoint people, while also judging what feels believable for the story --
So folk are getting very excited (which I LOVE) about how the adventure portion of the story would change -- a lot of people thinking Theo would end up on the Pearl with Elizabeth, as a captive of Barbossa.
The problem is...I can't actually think of a sequence of events where that would work? Like, the pirates make it very clear that they're happy to kill everybody in that mansion who is not Elizabeth. They kill the footman (butler?), and she has to make the maid hide so that she doesn't also die. I think they'd kill Theo. And that, by some miracle, even if they didn't, there'd be no convincing them to take a random spare along with them. All they want is the gold, and the Turner blood.
I did toy with the idea of them basically being like "we're sisters! we both work here!" and insisting they're both Turners, but a) Theo is quite a few years older than Elizabeth, and I think the only reason Elizabeth's story is so believable is that her and Will are the same age, and b) I just don't think the pirates would buy that...and even if they did, they don't NEED two Turners?
I think the odds of Theo surviving the whole thing are small, and the odds of them taking her along with Elizabeth are even slimmer. There's also the fact that Theo basically needed this arc to get a chance to prove her knowledge to Jack, impress him, and show she can hold her own. If she's on the Pearl with Barbossa, she can't do that half as much.
SO my plan was as follows:
The attack begins, Elizabeth sends Theo away with the maid to fetch help. The maid runs for the Fort, Theo runs to Norrington's house. There, she finds Hattie (either dead, injured, or in the process of trying and failing to fight off the pirate who attacks them in CTW, I hadn't decided that yet), and either saves her or uhhh? It seems a cop-out to not have her die tbh, but I'd be willing to "settle" on a pretty dire set of injuries (no SA though, not doing that, not willing to do that).
After that, things would more or less follow the CTW-verse, but start to diverge once Theo and Elizabeth are once again reunited - because by that point, Elizabeth would have to find out that Theo at least knew something of what was going to happen, and even a saint would not take kindly to that immediatley post-kidnapping, and of course the change also impacts Elizabeth convincing James to go after Will "as a wedding present".
That is what feels right and fitting and uhhh, for lack of a better word, "real" to me as far as the stories go, but I'm seeing a lot of excitement for big grand changes and I just do not want to disappoint 🫠🫠🫠🫠
So lmk your thoughts, all that, and we'll see ig.
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mariii1 · 1 year
🦋What your future partner/sexual encounter will sound like in bed🦋
18+ Photos from Bjork's mv for pagan poetry
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Am I going crazy? Maybe. Is this the first time in a while I've posted TWO pacs in such a short time period? Yes. Will this continue? Maybe if I keep letting the impulsive thoughts win. Tbh I'm thinking of creating like extended posts you can buy or maybe there's like a poll and it's like a paid general reading??? Anyway it won't be over 3 dollars but it depends on how many of y'all participate so we'll see 🤧
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1. Struggle bus. This is a cocky man who's not delivering on the cock if they have one frfr 😕 i feel they may be flashy with their self expression and definitely od with letting you know they came buttttt they're lacking. What could possibly make them so bad is not that they can't read your body like lets bffr nobody can read your mind, but they dont even take their partner's suggestions seriously and think they're all that. Lots of grunting and maybe even yelling but you might feel like you're at a zoo instead of in a bedroom 😭😭
2. DONT PLAY WITH IT DONT PLAY WITH IT COME ON BABY DONT PLAY WIT ITTT Its bussingg, its kinda giving unhinged tiktok comments, when they say out of pocket stuff like "bitch boy whimper" or sum 💀💀 yall relax plz. They're voice sounds like gold or the sounds their body makes are v nice. Like i think half of you are going to be surprised by how much you like how they sound bc they could have a unique voice or sum different. But you're going to rlly like it, the other half if you listen to audio porn or erotic asmr, you already know what to expect. 🤭
3. This will most definitely be with a future long term partner. This is giving the silent killer. They don't say a lot and don't need to. This is I'm not bragging because I know, I don't need to convince you, you feel me? Fuck around and you'll find out 😏 This could be a more reserved person in general, and I don't think they dirty talk because they're always so focused. You might not even hear them breathing, buttt you're going to be focused on not losing your mind in a good way. Honest to god they could hear you in bed all day but this is someone who knows if you're faking it or acting like it feels good when it doesn't. It will be embarrassing mostly for you only if you're not upfront about how you want to be touched 🤭 they could come off as intimidating for a few of you but they just are so focused on making you happy and get off from that; nothing you do will make them dry/limp. Unless you fake or just try to do the most when you really don't need to.
4. So you got the most amount of collaborative cards in heree. I welcome all poly AND/OR orgy fanatics in here. You're moans might actually be in sync, it might sound like a choir or gospel at a certain point 💀💀. Maybe you'll even climax together. Idk i got future partner for a lot of you so I feel like this is very healthy, everybody is pleased, no drama sex. This could also be lazy sex as well that turns into something more but it doesn't get too wild. Y'all might even smoke/drink after and get some delivery food👌
5. Like they sound like how you expect? Kinda like they sound like a grown person, like specifically i was getting how you would think a man would sound. So this person might ask you out after or your on a date and then you have sex after. Its not super set in stone yet like this feels like a very fresh relationship,like 2 min fresh. Anyway, I just think you guys are going to be in sync and whatever your first impression about them is, it's correct just know that.
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ymilksh · 1 year
♡theme/warnings: cyno/reader, fluff, slight jealousy
♡summary: cyno is terribly smitten by you. absolutely head over heels. thinks everything about you is great- but has no confidence to actually say it to you. you've picked up on his antics and so has your friend group... so will he stay love-sick, or tell you the truth?
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"kaveh, those balloons don't go there." you stated, pointing to a bunch of coloured balloons stuck behind your couch. "i know you're into interior design, but..." you put a finger to your chin, squinting your eye at his choice of decoration. "it really looks like a clown threw up behind our couch."
kaveh raises a brow at you, setting down the last group of balloons with a weight attached to their strings. "oh really now? since when did you spend years researching the ideal grouping of indoor decorations, miss decorator?"
"since it was my birthday, mister."
kaveh groans, moving the balloons back to their original position. "thank you, kaveh~" you sing, walking into the kitchen of your small dwelling. as students of the akademiya, you were given homes to share with each other for the duration of your schooling. you and kaveh shared a house along with al haitham, and cyno and tighnari shared a house with one of their acquaintances.
earlier that day, kaveh had helped you prepare some desserts and appetizers for your birthday party. it was lucky your birthday came on a saturday, leaving you some much needed space from your studies and some time to relax on your special day. some friends and family would be over to celebrate soon, and the after-party would consist of you and your buddies having a sleepover.
everything was perfect, until you realized after looking at what kaveh had made for you; you didn't have a birthday cake.
"kaveh? y-you never made a cake, did you?" you shouted from the kitchen, a little panicked at this discovery.
kaveh walked into the kitchen, analyzing the food on the counter. "shoot. i- sorry, y/n. i must have forgotten… the grand bazaar might have a few stalls with some ingredients- but al haitham said most of them were shut down for a performance." kaveh explained with a hint of regret. he had previously made a list of things to make for the day ahead- yet threw it out thinking he could rely on his memory to finish everything.
"this is because of you getting cocky again, isn't it? listen, i told you to stop being so competitive with al haitham! you can clearly plan a party better than him, i know that, there's no need to prove that to me." you scolded him, putting away the other food you inspected.
"really, y/n, it's nothing like that! i honestly forgot about that stone-faced al haitham today, he's been out all day since the morning doing who-knows-what. i just impulsively threw away the list of food i was supposed to make." he shook his head with his palm on his forehead, disappointed with himself.
"okay, kaveh. i forgive you. we'll just...have to go without one. i'm sure i can whip up some small tart or find a pie stall-"
a knock on the front door cuts your sentence short, some muttering outside catching your attention. kaveh stays in the kitchen, panicking at the leftover mess he forgot to clean up as well.
opening the door, your eyes light up when you see cyno next to tighnari, cyno's hands full with presents and an oddly large square box. "cyno, tighnari! you're here early! come on in." you smile, opening the door fully. cyno says hello and blushes after walking in, tighnari throwing you a wink as a greeting.
having your friends’ company was just the type of pick-me-up you needed after hearing your party wouldn’t be having a birthday cake. it was an integral part of the celebration, after all! kaveh definitely owed you one. after getting everyone situated in the living room, you helped cyno place the presents onto the coffee table.
“oh, ah, y/n. that one-“ he points to the large box, “it needs to be refrigerated.” tighnari quirks a brow at him, wondering what the box’s contents are. “sorry if it’s any trouble, i know it’s quite large.” he deadpans, making you chuckle.
“no, not at all. here, come bring it to the kitchen, we can put it in the fridge. just what is it, exactly?” you inquire, your brain brimming with curiosity. maybe a fruit platter? no… he would have let that stay in plain sight. a new type of mechanical device? nah, he knows you better than that.
“it’s…nothing too special, i’ll let you know when you can look inside.” cyno sounds unsure as he tells you, following you to the kitchen.
kaveh greets him immediately, jumping at your entrance. “ah, cyno’s here! and i’m guessing tighnari tagged along with you?” kaveh nervously asks, tucking his dirty cloth behind him. you roll your eyes, snatching the cloth from him and tossing it into the sink.
“don’t mind him, cy-cy. he’s just embarrassed he managed to make this much of a mess yet didn’t bake me a birthday cake like i asked.” you informed him, throwing a light fist bump to kaveh’s shoulder.
cyno’s eyes lit up at your nickname for him- did he hear you correctly? cy-cy? he could feel his heart begin to swell with joy, a small cough erupting from him out of shock.
“ah- cyno, are you feeling okay? that cough sounded a little dry. anything you wanna drink?” he shook his head, refusing the offer. “okay. just let me know.” you smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. he shuddered at the action; when did you get so friendly towards him? were you always so attentive like this… ?
at this moment, cyno realized tighnari was right. his worries had definitely caused some clouded judgement.
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at around 4:30pm, al haitham returned home with a bouquet of flowers and a couple bottles of wine to mark the occasion. closing the door behind him, he met with you all in the living room and set down his items on the coffee table, discussing everyone’s day so far.
after talking for some time, it was now around 5pm; the sun painting the sky a beautiful shade of blue with streaks of orange dawning the horizon. everyone gave their greetings to you, wishing you a happy birthday and all the best ahead. you beamed at the energy in the room, it was overwhelmingly positive.
cyno however, was lost in thought, imagining a million different ways this evening could go. would you enjoy your gifts? was what he prepared… too bold? tighnari had told him to make a passionate and sincere gift for you; explaining that when you don’t have the words, sometimes a handmade gift can communicate a message a lot easier. of course he would still have to clarify what his intentions were, but tighnari was sure you would love whatever cyno made. even if it wasn’t the prettiest.
still, the dark haired student had no idea what cyno ended up doing for you. he was just as confused as you when you saw the box, almost second-guessing his advice when he saw how large it was. but remembering how carefully cyno treated his interactions with you; in his heart, he had faith in his friend to make the right decision- to really put his heart into this gift. whatever it may be, tighnari trusted cyno’s judgement.
eventually, people started to filter in and out of the party, parents and grandparents parting a little earlier due to their older age. some presents were opened and others were left to be opened later, as you had gotten pretty tired from all the dancing you did and all the food you consumed. despite kaveh’s oversight of the cake, you would say your party went just as planned!
after all the excitement died down and the sun had finally set for the night, al haitham noticed you had fallen asleep on the couch, laying a blanket over your body. it was just the five of you once more; everyone taking a separate position in the house. cyno was sitting on the other sofa opposite you, head buried in a book al haitham had left on the side table. al haitham was checking to see if you had drank too much- kaveh was cleaning up the decorations strewn across the living room, and tighnari was packaging the leftover food.
as he put some containers of food away, tighnari noticed the box cyno had brought sitting in the middle of the fridge, a pang of guilt hitting his stomach as he forgot to remind cyno to take it out. “ah, dear me. he’s probably got his legs between his tail over this being left behind.” tighnari sat the leftovers down, grabbed the box and brung it to the living room.
“cyno, i think there’s something you forgot to give to miss y/n.” he smiles, setting the box down to poke you awake. you stir in your sleep, making a cute whimper sound that cyno can’t help but squeeze his eyes shut at. you were just… way too cute. it felt out of character for him to be so affected by your actions… but he nonetheless welcomed this warm feeling inside of him whenever he looked at you.
“hwaaa~ hey eweone, whad did i miss?” you yawned, your distorted voice causing kaveh to laugh at you. “don’t laugh, your words are barely comprehendable when you’re awake!” you retort, half smiling at him.
“well, cyno still hasn’t given you your present, you know.” al haitham explains, curious as to what this will lead to. his friends had clearly been planning something behind his back… and it seems behind yours and kaveh’s as well.
“ah, that box! well, come sit everyone. i’ll open it right now.” you smiled, tearing into the wrapping paper. cyno watched with anxiety, nervous about your reaction. tighnari just smiled at him, a silent plea for him to calm his nerves. you can do it, cyno. trust yourself with this.
“wow- oh my goodness, c-cyno, did you really make this…for me?” inside the box was a decorated cake with two layers, the words ‘happy birthday y/n’ written in cursive draped along the top. adorning the rest of the cake were stick figures made of pretzels and frosting, flowers and animals beside them representing you and your friends. “it’s so lovely, when did you have the time to make this?”
cyno’s face was now fully tinted with red, watching you examine each of his dressed pretzel figures with such precision and care as if they were real. “i took the time to study the preparations of a birthday cake a few days before the party. i wanted to make you a gift… that sent a message to you, one that symbolized your importance to me. to us.” he explained, holding your hand as you listened to him, teary-eyed.
“but that isn’t the only part of my gift. i wanted to take you somewhere to show you something. is…that alright?” he asked. tighnari was ecstatic at cyno’s response to his advice- he even planned something extra? it was quite the coincidence that he could make your dreams of having a birthday cake come true- but this was just the icing on top.
“yes, of course. do you guys mind at all? i’m sure it won’t take long.” you asked your friends, hearing no objections. al haitham smirked at the situation before him, of course it was like this, how could he have missed it? kaveh was thinking the same, both of them shooting a glance at each other.
“okay, we’ll be off then. i promise it won’t be long.” cyno smiled, nervously taking your hand in his to guide you outside. there was a small patch of land near the neighbourhood you lived in, clear enough to see the skies and all the stars that wandered across it. he laid next to you on the grass, turning to face you.
“y/n, i have something to tell you that i’ve been thinking of for a while.” he takes a deep breath, reciting his thoughts in his head. “the only reason i chose to say this today was because of tighnari- well, you know how he is. when he sees a flower beginning to bloom, he can’t keep his mouth shut about it.” he chuckled, looking off to the side.
you stared at him dreamily, wondering what his next words would be. the fact you were alone together enjoying the starry sky surely was a gift in itself, but was the flower… meant to represent you two?
“and, my pretty padisarah, you are who i’ve been wanting in my g-garden.” he stutters, making you giggle.
“oh archons, tighnari definitely said that to you as an example of what to say, didn’t he?” you continued to giggle, your contagious laughter spreading to him as well. resting the back of your hand against cyno’s cheek, you tucked a strand of his pearl coloured hair behind his ear, leaning a little closer to him.
“i want you in my garden, too, cyno.”
smiling, he leans further in as well, unsure about his next move until you press your lips to his. the kiss you share is sweet and pure, eliciting sparks in your chests at having your feelings reciprocated.
as you pull away, cyno lies flat on his back, and you copy him. “i’m relieved you feel the same, y/n. i’m sorry if i offended you with my staring lately, i couldn’t figure out how to tell you i liked you.”
you sigh happily, wrapping your arm around cyno’s waist. “oh, don’t worry, part of me felt it was something like this… i just wanted to see if it was really true. truth be told, i wouldn’t have known how to go about it either. i’m glad our friend did the heavy lifting, hehe.”
“yeah, me too.” cyno agrees, staring up at the sky with you. two constellations have become visible now, intertwined with each other as they float across the atmosphere.
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l-lend · 1 year
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a/n: okay first one done. I got Anakin for my square and this needed to involve a clone and well....Captain Rex is his right hand man. Hope you enjoy. Divider by @eloquentmoon
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@locitapurplepink, @rain-on-kamino, @writing-positivelyexisting, @burningfieldof-clover, @padawancat97, @ahsokastechie
“And you're sure you'll have them there.”
“A bit of faith would be nice, Anakin.”
The general swiped a hand through his mussed hair under the gaze of the hologram woman.
“I trust you, Padme. It's a private event right?”
She smiled, “Considering it's an exhibit on the flora of Naboo, I was able to ask for a private viewing before it's open to the public.”
“Alright, we'll make planet fall in a few days.”
He hesitated, that soft whisper always lit a smoldering inferno in him.
“Don't be too hard on him.”
He exhaled a huff of a laugh, “I can't promise that.”
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The captain of the 501st stood rigid at the entrance of his general's quarters. This was a regular occurrence for the pair. If his general was in need it was his Captain's job to watch out for him, be it01 on the battlefield or when a certain senator pages him on a private comm channel. The clone was pulled from his thoughts when the doors slid open.
“General,” He greeted.
“I need you in here.”
He quirked an eyebrow soon following his general. The doors slid shut and locked behind him.
“We're going on a mission together.” The general began, his announcement as casual as how how one would discuss the weather.
“and what kind of mission would that be?”
The jedi crossed his arms with a smirk touching his lips, “We've been asked to escort a senator's visit to an exhibit.”
The clone nodded, “So I take it Senator Amidala will be attending.”
“She will,” the general's smirk grew, “her assistant will be there too.”
The captain's calm facade shattered to pieces in front of his general.
“I- that's...great sir, but are you sure you'd need me. The boys-”
“Jesse and Snips can handle things while we're gone. A few days tops.”
The general felt a tinge of satisfaction at the captain being cornered.
“I...guess we're heading to Coruscant.”
“That we are. You brief Jesse, I got Snips.”
The captain took his leave from his general's quarters only pinching the bridge of his nose once he was out of sight. A frustrated sigh leaving his lips.
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The trip to Coruscant was uneventful, but that did nothing to ease the captain's restless thoughts. Certainly a trip to Coruscant was a nice break from blaster fire and Separatists, but being in a socially intimate setting? He would rather take his chances with the clankers. He could not even have the comfort of his armor and hide away behind his visor. Civilian clothes were called for to not raise suspicion.
He sat across from his general as their cab navigated the crowded pathways.
“Breathe, Rex.”
The clone glanced up to see the jedi's amused expression.
“I'm fine.”
“Sure, but try to relax and have some fun.”
Before a retort could be lobbed back, their cab slowed to a halt. A hand squeezed his shoulder.
“Look, I'll be nearby if anything happens. Think of me like a wingman.”
The captain pondered briefly if it was too late to jump from the cab. The doors popped open with the pair filing out. Rex's last ration bar sat like a stone in his stomach. He took a breath before following his superior. Hopefully this would not be a complete disaster.
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Her shoulders lowered as she exhaled. A nervous hand smoothing over the fabric of her top. Her companion offered a reassuring smile.
“They'll be here.”
“Thank you, Senator.” She replied, “tell me to proofread a speech that you need in ten minutes and I'm completely fine. This on the other hand...”
Padme chuckled, “Everyone has their strengths, and every senator needs a trustworthy assistant.”
The senator's gaze drifted elsewhere, her smile growing, “There they are.”
the assistant followed her gaze to see the pair of men approaching. General Skywalker was an individual that some could label as attractive, yet the assistant's eyes trailed onto the blonde clone next to him.
“Nice of you to join us.” Padme greeted as soon as they were in ear shot.
“Wouldn't miss it.” The jedi replied, “Rex, you remember Padme's assistant?”
The clone flashed a smile that caused a surge of heat to creep across her cheeks.
“It's great to see you again, Captain.”
“Good to see you again.”
Movement caught their attention to see the jedi and senator strolling away. The civilian bit her lip.
“I...guess we're going at our own pace.”
“I suppose we are.” He chuckled, silently cursing the jedi.
A beat of silence stretched between them before the captain offered his hand, “Shall we?”
She slipped her hand in his before they headed inside. The urban sprawl and durasteel of the ecumenopolis forgotten at the threshold. The pair entering a lush oasis. Flora of varying hues stretched out before them. Delicate blooms rested under the shelter of arboreal goliaths obscuring the artificial light of the exhibit.
“Pretty aren't they?”
The clone captain turned to reply, but the words died in his throat. The way her eyes lit up at the clusters of blossoms. The giddy smile curling her lips. He had to remind himself to breathe.
“They are....hard to believe this is on Coruscant.”
Her giggle had him second guessing his ability to stand.
“Some of these are actually quite fickle during travel, so I'm glad to see most of them made it.” She took a step towards one of the meticulously arranged flower beds. Rex being gently pulled along by their linked hands.
“Those right there,” She pointed towards a group of vermilion blooms, “are native to Naboo.”
He regarded the cluster of blooms, his breathing hitched when he felt her fingers brush against his hand that was still in her grasp. His heart rate picking up as she remained close.
The pair began their stroll through the botanical garden. Their hands remained clasped nearly forgotten about as they filled their time with small talk.
“You know,” She began as they neared the home stretch of their circuit of the garden, “people used to use flowers to communicate. Just about every flower has a meaning, and it was certainly something special if a guy would gift you flowers.”
He quirked a brow, “You mean there's a flower code?”
“Something like that. I made it a bit of a hobby to learn some meanings.”
“Really,” He challenged, an undertone of mirth in his voice.
His eyes scanned the sea of flowers before settling on the vermilion flowers from before, “What about those?”
She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it before trying again, “A uh....declaration..of love.”
A surge of heat coursed under the clone's skin. Was that all it took?
“That...that's quite a meaning.”
“That means that you have to be careful picking the best flower for what you need to say.”
Soon they neared the entrance to the garden much too soon for their liking. Her hand gently squeezed his to draw his attention.
He halted turning his gaze to her, but before he could ask the reached up pressing her lips to his warm cheek.
“Thank you for listening to my rambling.”
“It was no trouble. Perhaps you could show me more of that flower code sometime.”
She could have lit the planet with her smile alone.
“Of course, just let me know the next time you're planetside.”
The pair regrouped with their superiors soon after. The ladies disappearing among their armored escorts while the jedi and clone hailed a cab. Anakin smirked as he watched Rex.
“I take that it went well.”
Rex was quiet for a moment as his fingers smoothed over where she kissed him. He swore he could still feel his skin tingling.
“Something like that.”
Their transport slowed to a halt before them with the pair soon piling inside.
The jedi hummed in response.
“Before we ship off, I...need to find a place that sells flowers.”
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