#but now its like oh my bestie and this event have been taken from me? gotta skip school at a later date to see her
southislandwren · 2 years
that should be ME putting stickers on bags that was my fucking job for 3 months i bet hes not even happy to be doing that
#i should just stay away from facebook and instagram tomorrow. it fucking hurts to see what shes up to#i have to stop thinking about this stupid fucking event#i put up posters in 4 different towns i painted signs and the entire fucking barn#i made a website and i made cheese and i brainstormed with my boss#where we were gonna put the vendors (where we'd put them if it rained) who was doing what job#would i be in the creamery with her dad or in the barn#well depends on if we have the cows in the barn or in creekside field....#this was our project and its been ripped away from me and everything SUCKS#this is the most depressed ive been since my dog fucking died like its all the same coping mechanisms and mannerisms and everything#slightly different bc i dont necessarily want to kms but i would loooove to be dead rn you feel??#whereas with sam it was like oh ok. my besties gone? well im gonna fuckin go join him#but now its like oh my bestie and this event have been taken from me? gotta skip school at a later date to see her#even though i'll never have this event ever again#maybe next year but it wont be the same. it'll never be the same#im so mad at myself like WHY did my immune system have to fail THIS WEEK#and im pissed at my cousin for contaminating me. as far as im concerned shes never coming within 5ft of me ever again#and i know thats irrational but i was excited for this since JUNE and MINUTES BEFORE I GO its YANKED AWAY FROM ME#oh well time to keep coping well into the night. gotta distract myself so the anguish doesnt consume me#covid post#cant wait to go back to school and people ask me how my weekend was#and i'll get to say that was the closest ive come to killing myself since april 2021. does that answer your question#and then when they feign concern i'll just walk away. call the cops on me i dont fucking care#ill kill us both
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Hi!!! Okay girl, this is realll random but there's something that's been rotating in my mind and Ms. Rosehearts was stressing me out fr so I was like WAIT BUT HOW BOUT THE OTHER COOLER NICER MOMS and I think you'd enjoy the situational chaos so
Hear me out
The moms have a book club.
But it's really just a front for the REAL Yuu protection squad and also gossiping about their children LMAO.
I really love twisted wonderland mothers! They all sound like strong, compelling individuals (save for some Ms. Rosehearts PLS sit down maam😭😭😭)! Like, Mrs. business -woman-married-her-divorce-lawyer-owner-of-the-best-resturant-of-the-seas-girlboss Ashengrotto????? Ms. loving-caring-badass-single-mother-i-care-deeply-about-my-son-and-he-knows-and-loves-me-back-so-much-so-that-he-constantly-strives-to-be-a-better-person Spade???? Mrs. breaking-social-social-norms-marrying-the-man-i-love-probably-been-in-a-war-or-at-least-had-cool-sword-training-the-CROCODILE-FAE-HERSELF Zigvolt????? I like to think that over multiple breaks/events Yuu tags along with one (some?) of the boys and mom/grandma/aunt/whateverlmao just, just loves this kid and is like aw hi hon nice to meet you is my son being troublesome at school?😊💕💕💕 i hope not😇😇😇 and
ur alone??? w/o any resources or connections??? being taken advantage of by a scheming, fugly crow??? (and if it's Ms. Yuu, BBY UR A MAGICLESS GIRL IN A PRESTIGIOUS ALL BOYS MAGIC ACADEMY???) basically queen Asha but then add in mom authority and multiple mothers lmao
Like, there's a PTA meeting or a parents week lmao and Ms. Leech, Ashengrotto, Zigvolt, Spade AND YOU KNOW WHAT. EPELS GRANDMA, MAMA LILITH, AND QUEEN ASHA TOO BC SLAY MALLEUS' GRANDMA TOO???? etc... come over to check up on the prefect and they're all like
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Thus begins the OP Yuu protection squad and they use a Mom's book club as a front (maybe they were a book club at first anyway???? Lmao idk logistics) and its just like
Mrs. Ashengrotto: Heyyyy bby, do you need a job over breakkk aha cool bc the restaurant has an opening and OOP oh no! the ice cream machine is broken :(((( looks like you can't do your job :((( oh, sweetie don't worry about your paycheck it wasn't your fault you'll still get paid, aw, these ice cream machines really need to break less :((( sighhhh, it's okay love, anyway do you wanna go shopping with me???
Azul: AHA! You're now indebted to me and owe me all your robux AND a lifetime of indentured servitude whhhAT ARE YOU DOING
Power. Yuu'd be the most powerful person on campus. Think of the baby photos. The childhood stories. THE BABY PHOTOS. Meanwhile they'd also be getting advice from this circle of wise, beautiful women who also can give the smack down on any poor teenage boy that breathes incorrectly in Yuu's direction. I also think this could be absolutely incredible for a Ms. Yuu, who would suddenly have female connections all around twisted wonderland after being deprived for so long. Maybe free period stuff. A heating pad. Handmade dresses instead of our sad, overworn uniform bc we literally dont have any other clothes😭😭😭 Like, just,,,, female advice about survival in this new world while maybe also having tea, in depth discussions about literature, and teasing their boys. A comfy circle occasionally held in ramshackle dorm about art and gossip and caring for a kid who hasn't been cared for in a long time
Ms. Spade: So ladies, what's the schedule over spring break?
Queen Asha: I will have them assist me in court for the final two weeks. I belive that perhaps Zigvolt...?
Mrs. Zigvolt: Yuu inquired about dental practices in magically structured locals such as Briar Valley. My family will take them in during the first weekend of break.
Yuu can be in the bookclub too. Just to rant and snitch about their classmates. Bestie deserves it. There can be a group chat. Love it. And if this ever takes a romantic direction...
Mrs. Leech: You know, Yuu would make such a fantasic in-law.🤭😇😊😊😆💕🌸🌸💕🥺🙂
Queen Asha: Indeed.
Queen Asha Internally: leonagetyourSHITtogetherleonaliterallyplsleonailovethemsomuchboymovebeforeimoveFORyouomlLEONA-
Like, Mrs. Leech and Ashengrotto would totally tag team this bc theyre besties and if one of their sons wins they both win meanwhile someone like Mrs. Shroud (maybe? Idk how to feel about the Shroud parents LMAO) would be loosing her MIND
And speaking of
Yuu: GUYS.
Yuu: omf-
Najma: what
Yuu: You will not believe the SHIT your brothers pulled today istg---
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Yuu: its the second time this week
Najma: PLS
Sebek's Sister: babe it's literally tuesday????💀😭😭😭😭
Yuu: save. me.
Najma: no <3
Sebek's Sister: how are you still alive
girls Yuu's age ready to make fun of their brothers at any given moment???? yes??? hello??? the rants??? the insults??? the hilarity??? the 3am memes??? sign me up. Najma is literally RIGHT THERE and she's only had less than one chapter of sceen time total and i would still die for her
Yay women. At this point I honestly dont care about the boys just let me be besties with their moms and sisters and we can get starbucks or sth
Yay women.
Lmao thats it thanks for all you write for us its appreciated love ur humor thank you for reading this far hope all is well in life byeeee <3333
You're right, I love everything about this. 🥰
There is just just much potential to unfold here. With exception of event characters like Granny Felmeir and Najma, all female characters are all off screen. So we kind of have to fill in the blanks of who these women and how they act, and that is where the fun comes in.
Especially for a Miss Yuu, because by default the whole situation raises many questions and concerns that all the mama bears come out. Yuu gets more care packages than their sons. "What do you mean why am I sending her things? You have everything you need and she has nothing. Now be sure to ask if she liked the cookies I sent." Yuu went from barely scraping by to being in want of nothing in just a few months.
We all know Asha, we all know Lilith. I just know Deuces mom is so nice and offers to have her over for breaks if she ever needs it. "Does she have any family? No? Invite her for the holidays right now!" Or Sebeks mom, I like to headcanon that Mrs. Zigvolt is more or less twisted from Fauna, so she is the sweetest lady alive. Her children are her everything and she cannot stand the thought of Yuu being all alone. She will not stand for it.
Mama Ashengrotto and Mama Leech are instigating each other, I just know it. They both like Yuu and love having her around. Theyre going to set up some Kiss the girl type scenes for their sons and hope it works. If Azul or the Tweels win they both win.
I feel like they all have a friendly competition to see whose son Yuu ends up liking. The race to be her mother in law if you will.
Mama Ashengrotto: What's that land saying? We all have a horse in this race.
Queen Asha, thinking about Leonas shitty love letters: I think my horse is broken.
Meanwhile Yuu is having a blast with the sisters. Having everyones mom around means having their sisters pop in, and Najma and Sebeks sisters are pretty much the closest in age to her and are fun to hang out with. They want all the info on wtf their brothers are doing and laughing at all the phots of their fuck ups.
Anyway Yuu needs more female friends.
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nataliewrites · 2 months
April showers bring May flowers but around here April just brings more pain. 
April fools! Its 29/4 but guess who turned out to be the biggest fool? 
spoiler alert, me!
You surely have noticed many people having favorite and lucky numbers of 2 , 3 , 7 or even 11 but as a kid i couldn’t help but notice that somehow I’ve always been associated with the number 4 (which later on will be described as my cursed number and YOU will see why), It bothered me SO much for some sorta weird reason that i felt like it’s a sign for bad thing, I just HATED the goddamn number and i didn’t even know why. For example, l’m the 4th granddaughter from the oldest to youngest, my family consists of 4 members, ive sat in the 4th disk away from the board in elementary and middle school and ive meet my lifetime best friends in the 4th grade. Now pay attention as you’ll see this taking an absurd turn where you start overthinking your whole life as a kid, if we subtract our apartment floor from my grandparents’ apartment floor 11-7 = 4, the addition of my birth day numbers 3+1 = 4, the subtraction of my birth year numbers 6-0-0-2 = 4 and uk the silly tiktoks that gives you a number for whatever reason? It ALWAYS was a 4.
As i grew older, i never gave it much thought until ive met my beloved month of the year, April🫶🏻
Oh April, the month during which i spent and initiated the most painful moments and heart-wrenching relationships (with guys mostly) of my whole life. Today (more accurately tomorrow) marks the end of you, and believe me i ended it with a one good of a cry that I vomited :>
And for the special moment of it ending, let me recall the memorable events engraved in my heart that have taken place during this month.
*wild drums* 3rdddd of april marks the birthday of my ex! really what a fresh start, and the very next day that same ex first texted me privately, mad at me for befriending the most 2 popular guys of my high school (sounds insane out of context lol). Next! I had the best moments with three of my ex-guy bestfriends, one of which turned out to be THE “enemy” to most of my guy friends currently and the other two did me SO FUCKING dirty that i won’t forgive them for it until the end of time. Regarding these two, I spent the first few days of the month living the worst week (seriously whom I kidding the rest of my life) in fear, high blood pressures and sudden panic attacks, luckily for me tho god came to the rescue as always and I’ve met my soulmate who got me out of the troubles I made with my own consequences, thanks to him i am who i am today<3 Moving on, I also first met the first true love of my life and ex of 1 year :/ (i really miss you). Lastly, concerning my bestie best guy best of best friends, it marks your birthday on the 16th of April that I’ve celebrated with you(?) for the first time this year.. YAY 18th HAPPY BIRTHDAY :3 and whom i cant even talk to properly anymore :( 
I also just got to 400 songs on my playlist! And found out that there’s only a period of 4 days between the day on which I fell in love with the loml and the day that changed everything thereafter between us.
Moral is: shit happens and although I got to live through the miserable month over the past 2 years, I’m still quite excited (terrified) to see what it holds for me in the future, and owing to it, I’ve grown into the person I am today. Looking back, I could finally wrap my head around what my younger self had of what I like to explain as a vision of awful stuff happening to us associated with the number 4. 
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Surely they hoped for someone to see the truck, right? Unless... it was a mistake and they were supposed to release the info officially first 😭 either way it's hilarious.
I know many idols get happy when they recognise fans, but you don't have to be there EVERY FUCKING DAY. Speaking of insane fan calls white people have no fucking shame?! What the fuck is this, they're insane. Goddddd?!
Me trying to beat the furry allegations... I don't like anthropomorphic animals please 😭 and I don't wanna be one. Although life might have been easier if I was a furry animal, lol.
I read about someone's experience at Shinee's M&G and Jonghyun touched one fanboy's hair?! How do you win at life so hard. The first concert was a blur tbh, I was young, my first kpop gig and it was Shinee 💙 I was shocked by the way concerts in Japan look like. Then I damaged my shating star at the London concert 😭 if Shinee has an event while I'm in SK I'll be there front row, a week before idc, gonna camp. Btw 😆
Oh my driver will be in his baldie era soon... can't believe we're finally entering BTS enlistment era :o insane Amrchairs are going rabid, it's not good out there...
Yes, I like blondies with fangs and what about it...
Right it's all about the production, Japanese tracks have different rhythm, but Inception in Japanese is so good, a great anime opening imo! Some people aren't used to Japanese music I guess. And many JP tracks are different than the usual KR comebacks too. With Ateez I love Dreamers and Still Here - I try to remember Korean SH exists, because Mingi's part is really nice, but I'm too in love with the OG
The weird ass kitten birthing show is called Brand New Cherry Flavour, it's so gross and hilarious, but my god we're going a bit too far...
Angel Hwa... interesting that you asked me to choose between 😇 and 🧛‍♂️ I chose the latter and he showed up looking like a whole ass heavenly creature 😶
I don't even like simple suits, but Seonghwa always gets nice ones and yeah I'm just his trash :V in the ranking of lawyers Seonghwa is never up there, but at least he looks great. Maybe he'll visit us in jail
I hope SM artists deliver during the Halloween party, KIM KIBUM I'M WAITING FOR YOUR COSTUME. Some NCT guys had cool or funny costumes in the past too. SM was pissed at the visa thing 🙈 it's just fucked up. Not that European kpop festivals are well organised, but at least artists can get here lmao. This tweet I'm dysjshdhshsnahdjss
I'm so sorry I didn't want to imagine this Clannad AU, but it's imagining itself ;____;
Ah shit miss Jennie what do you want from me 😳
This is what we call duality, huh?
Mr Kai pls
Why is this mf so goddamn cute. I love that Hwa eats up not only on, but offstage as well.
I got "lovecore" on the quiz you sent, but that was so wrong, so retook it and got "cryptidcore" now that's better! What did you get 👁👁 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Surely they hoped for someone to see the truck, right? Unless... it was a mistake and they were supposed to release the info officially first 😭 either way it's hilarious.
LMFAOOOO ITS SO FUNNY 😭😭😭 they’re so endearing in the things they do it’s so cute rhwjhdwk
I know many idols get happy when they recognise fans, but you don't have to be there EVERY FUCKING DAY. Speaking of insane fan calls white people have no fucking shame?! What the fuck is this, they're insane. Goddddd?!
Me trying to beat the furry allegations... I don't like anthropomorphic animals please 😭 and I don't wanna be one. Although life might have been easier if I was a furry animal, lol.
UR NEVER ESCAPING THESE ALLEGATIONS BESTIE FBDBDB NEVER LETTING THAT AND WATER ANTI GO AWAY 😭😭😭 no bc ur right,,, constant love and affection as a furry animal??? im down <3
I read about someone's experience at Shinee's M&G and Jonghyun touched one fanboy's hair?! How do you win at life so hard. The first concert was a blur tbh, I was young, my first kpop gig and it was Shinee 💙 I was shocked by the way concerts in Japan look like. Then I damaged my shating star at the London concert 😭 if Shinee has an event while I'm in SK I'll be there front row, a week before idc, gonna camp. Btw 😆
Oh my driver will be in his baldie era soon... can't believe we're finally entering BTS enlistment era :o insane Amrchairs are going rabid, it's not good out there...
omg stop bc what is this
Yes, I like blondies with fangs and what about it...
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Right it's all about the production, Japanese tracks have different rhythm, but Inception in Japanese is so good, a great anime opening imo! Some people aren't used to Japanese music I guess. And many JP tracks are different than the usual KR comebacks too. With Ateez I love Dreamers and Still Here - I try to remember Korean SH exists, because Mingi's part is really nice, but I'm too in love with the OG
right!!!! there’s a little ✨oomph✨ about japanese tracks,, true!! most cb’s in japanese can easily be anime sound tracks,, STILL HERE JAPANESE VERSION >>>>>>> omg but better is so good!!! i prefer japanese version way more than the kr one,, SEONGHWA VOICE DROPPING TO MINGIS DEEP LEVEL ALWAYS GETS ME GOINGGG
The weird ass kitten birthing show is called Brand New Cherry Flavour, it's so gross and hilarious, but my god we're going a bit too far...
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ARE U NOW 🔫🔫🔫 🤨🤨 and what if hwa long haired king 🔫
oh and 👀
Angel Hwa... interesting that you asked me to choose between 😇 and 🧛‍♂️ I chose the latter and he showed up looking like a whole ass heavenly creature 😶
I don't even like simple suits, but Seonghwa always gets nice ones and yeah I'm just his trash :V in the ranking of lawyers Seonghwa is never up there, but at least he looks great. Maybe he'll visit us in jail
no bc some whore in me comes out when i see ppl in suits and they legitimately look good and seonghwa just makes me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 LMFAOOOO HE’LL BRING HIS LUNCH AT THE JAIL WHEN HE VISITS AND IT BE THOSE CUTE BENTO BOXES TOO 😭😭
I hope SM artists deliver during the Halloween party, KIM KIBUM I'M WAITING FOR YOUR COSTUME. Some NCT guys had cool or funny costumes in the past too. SM was pissed at the visa thing 🙈 it's just fucked up. Not that European kpop festivals are well organised, but at least artists can get here lmao. This tweet I'm dysjshdhshsnahdjss
I'm so sorry I didn't want to imagine this Clannad AU, but it's imagining itself ;____;
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Ah shit miss Jennie what do you want from me 😳
she took my heart bestie asking for my life too bff change passwords first i will be first in line <3 girlie was so pretty at the concerts!
This is what we call duality, huh?
JVVFMWBDMS EVIL VS NICE TWIN HWA but the nice one is evil 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ have a fic like this <3
Mr Kai pls
Why is this mf so goddamn cute. I love that Hwa eats up not only on, but offstage as well.
what’s that second slide 🤨
I got "lovecore" on the quiz you sent, but that was so wrong, so retook it and got "cryptidcore" now that's better! What did you get 👁👁 - DV 💖
omg??? cryptid core 👁👁
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do u rmr this song 😭😭🤚🏼he really dances to the best songs
hear me out, hwa dragon au
oh! and is this not mr and mrs park hwa and yn
0 notes
popurikat · 2 years
back on my soriku train of thought I guess
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I just finished watching a playthrough of kingdom hearts re:coded with my bestie here @skquill and when I saw this I thought, hey lets talk about yet another symbolism we find in the kh lore revolving these two boys. CAUSE I THINK WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.
Though this series created virtual copies of our beloved characters who don’t have the memories of their counterparts, they still feel and react to the given circumstances and the events in Jiminy’s journal like they would if it was them. What caught me off guard in the beginning was that digital Riku was confirmed to be the keeper of the journal, the guardian angel if you will of the information and to an extent memories of everything real Sora has been through. 
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It’s never explained why the journal takes the form of Riku, only that it simply exists as so. And though there is a sense of difference between data and real (Data is more soft spoken, apologizes frequently, and doesn’t want Data Sora to get hurt in ANY sense be it physical or emotional. Yet he still retains the sarcasm, calculative nature, and fondness for Sora as the real Riku would.) He’s also the main one in story to follow Data Sora into defeating all the “bugs” that are corrupting the journal as well as stopping Pete and Maleficent from doing further damage. I did quite enjoy this scene of Data Riku asking Sora to stay away when Pete corrupts him with said bugs:
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Data Riku takes his role seriously, even if he knows they aren’t the real deal, he has the instinct of keeping the face of the one he cares about alive at all costs, even if it means he goes corrupted. Huh, kinda reminds me of KH2 when Riku is ashamed at the thought of his friends looking at his Ansem form when he assists in Sora’s awakening. And we see another parallel again of the extent of Riku’s sacrafice:
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And what I absolutely adore is that Data Sora is always there to tell him he’s not alone, he has his support, and that self sacrifice is in vain if they don’t have each other or their friends. It grounds them, helps them get where they need to be and eventually helps them open up to each other a lot more easier. I joked in my watch through that “Oh, this Sora is the Chaotic good that we would’ve gotten if Sora never experienced Trauma and this Riku is the one that we would have gotten if he trusted in Sora and blocked out the control of Maleficent’s darkness!” But in reality, these two are the just purest essence of their true selves, its the sora and riku we should have ended with when all was said and done, just two people who look out for the other and confide about their fears, their strengths and weaknesses, and give each other the strength to move on.
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I also would like to point out that with Riku’s more mellowed attitude in this version, Sora takes charge in bringing up his self esteem, and in turn comes off as though he has grown more mature with each world they pass. But really the only difference is that this Sora is taking every bit of advice he’s taken from his peers and rewording it to fit the situation at hand. Riku’s down? Use a friendship quote he picked up from Donald/Goofy. But he is also sincere with it, where he doesn’t boast about being right or tease Riku when he feels insecure about a statement made, he genuinely wants Riku to feel worth and understand theres no need to apologize as nothing is wrong and what matters now is how they move forward.
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And after this set of pictures where Riku is about to send Sora to King Mickey to finalize their mission after they realize “uh oh, Sora’s heartless got illegally downloaded and is causing another virus!”, it brings us back to the top image...waaaaaay back in the beginning of this long post of a pretty little glass stained door. And BOY do I have thoughts on this sequence! Riku’s instinct is to summon a portal specifically for Sora, his priority is to keep him safe as usual. But out of all the doors hes created thus far in game, this one is the most detailed and symbolic. He MADE THE DETAILS INTO ROSES. A flower well known for its tie in with romance. And the colors? Blue, Red, Lilac, and purple; with a few accents of pink and lighter blues. Do you know why the colors matter? BECAUSE THEY ARENT FRIENDSHIP BASED. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS:  - Red roses: passion, desire, romance, eternal love (also Sora’s color) - Blue roses: Mysterious, Extraordinary, Unattainable Love (also Riku’s color) -Lilac: A promise to a future together -Purple: love at first sight -Pink: Appreciation, Gratitude, Admiration, unconditional love/affection
See, personally if I would’ve wanted to express a “friendship” between the puppet apparatuses of “real” individuals who carry very similar ideas of their counters, I would have gone with maybe a design that looks less like overlapping rose petals that concave into a secret tunnel, and gone more with a design thats like a forget-me-knot and stuck with blue for it as it IS Riku’s doing in this situation. He’s opening an escape for Sora. We don’t see a special portal like that when he teleports Mickey and co out the second time, its just bright light. So why give such a great detail to supposed best friends? On top of the design, it looks like stained glass. You know, like the ones used in churches? Typically meaning hope, togetherness, and love? Not to mention that the structure of the portal looks like a wedding arch, you know, the ones where people stand under to say their vows? SPEAKING OF VOWS! Don’t Sora and Riku in DDD create a heart song literally called “Dearly Beloved”, you know, the phrase said before wedding vows, and coincidentally with these characters creating the same colors we see in the portal. Listen, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. But at this point I will yell at the skies that Sora and Riku love each other in every form they take and are quite frankly married. Sorry, don’t make the rules, but this is def. beyond friendship.
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In conclusion, um...Riku and Sora? Yeah if their digital versions understood that they can be separated from their friends but live on in their memories as long as they have each other just through the sheer shared experience of a walk through memory line of Sora’s past....then what is stopping the real ones from realizing this? And the thing is again, we got something very close to this realization when real Sora and Riku were trapped in the darkness and just kinda kicking back contemplating life and how glad they have each other at least. But in this iteration, its a lot more than just giving in to the fact nothing else can be done, its honoring the adventure, the time spent, and the amount of growth they’ve gone through. This iteration understands their work is done and its okay to find solace in the other when all the rest of their memories from those not in the digital world will erase, yet never truly be gone because THOSE friends on the other side will always have them in their hearts. This was supposed to be how in my eyes KH3 ended and why after seeing this, I know that we need to get back to this point, because OUR story with OUR Sora and Riku has yet to aquire this level of understanding. I’m expecting a sorta, KH 3.5 in the future or some spinoff to tie their stories up and to have them be at peace that they probably will never return to the world they grew up in, but thats fine because they have each other and a whole new adventure. And thats what I enjoyed about this part of re:coded. In summary I guess, Sora and Riku are destined to end up in the same realm helping the other, thats their fate, reaching contentment in the others presence and to stop feeling like its their job to save everyone out of their reach. The heroes journey is over, its time to find the conclusion of their own inner turmoil and remember who was there since the start for them.
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17tetsuro · 3 years
could u do fake dating headcanons where they slowly fall for u w atsumu, kenma & oikawa,, gn pronounces are fine :)
haikyuu boys slowly falling for you (fake dating edition) (gn!reader)
feat: atsumu, kenma, oikawa
warnings: fake dating, abuse of cliche tropes and commas and question marks, timeskip setting because im anything but creative, swearing
requests are open!
a/n: thank you for requesting this!! i hope you like it :D
* you’ve been friends with him ever since high school and you watched his career grow
* youre both equally proud of each other n your friendship is built on mutual respect, trust and love
* you basically live in his apartment, with how much time you spend over there
* he would complain 24/7 about not having anyone to go to events with
* at one point you wanted to strangle him for never shutting up about it so you propose you go with him from time to time
* atsumu: “yeah, that was a setup”
* he KNOWS you’re drop dead gorgeous and everyone will be jealous of him that you’re with him (and you also look very good in formalwear, which he very much enjoys)
* and you get to have free food and drinks and also wear immaculate expensive clothes
* so,, you became his regular date for sponsorship events and stuff
* and you never really outright said you were just friends?? so you’re used to the media portraying you two as lovers but your close circle is aware that your relationship is platonic
* everything was going great until one of his sponsor company’s heir started hitting on you
* atsumu saw you flirting with the person and his mind went blank
* he,, he didn’t understand why he wanted to commit multiple crimes on the spot
* bokuto conveniently showed up next to atsumu at that moment
“hey, atsumu? why is your date flirting with them?” bokuto asked, suddenly appearing next to atsumu, which startled the latter out of his thoughts.
a better question would be why atsumu saw red at the thought of you getting friendly with anyone but him that night. he tried his best to keep his composure, but it was hard when you rested a hand on the heir’s shoulder, leaning your head back while laughing.
“atsumu, are you not going to answer me? your lover is-“
“my what?” atsumu asked, attention now completely off you.
“your lover? is that a term you don’t like? i could say partner... significant other... or anything you want, really,” bokuto answered, apologizing.
“you- you think me and (y/n) are together?”
“aren’t you? what, with the way you look at each other i was convinced you two were like... high school sweethearts or something, who hate pda,” bokuto explained, while atsumu’s eyes trailed back to you.
“you think... you think they’d wan’ me?”
“are you blind, buddy?”
you must have sensed their gazes, because as soon as those words left bokuto’s mouth, your eyes snapped towards atsumu and bokuto. the latter started waving with a cheerful smile while the former just stood, entranced by you and your presence. atsumu noticed traces of confusion appearing on your face, and watched as you excused yourself from the conversation you were previously interested in.
“‘tsumu, are you alright?” you questioned, approaching the pair. bokuto grinned and left, which made you even more confused.
“yeah, i’m fi- fine. hey, uh, (y/n), say... do you- why did you offer to come to these events as my date?” atsumu asked, eyes dead set on yours. you cracked a confused smile. you seemed to be capable of nothing but confusion at the moment.
“because you’re my best friend and i hated to see you so down because of your loneliness at these gatherings,” you replied, holding his gaze. “why didn’t you oppose it?”
his eyes studied you and when he saw nothing but sincerity, he let out a loud sigh. this was all very new and confusing to him. it’s like bokuto calling you atsumu’s lover set off a bomb inside his head that instead of causing a mess, made everything fall into place; why his gaze seemed to linger on you more often than before, why he was so eager to choose your outfits for these events, why he went to parties he didn’t even have to attend, why he got so jealous and angry when he saw you with the cute heir.
“holy shit,” he breathed and ran his hands through his hair, letting out a nervous chuckle and lowering his gaze to the ground. “holy shit.”
“you look like you’ve been enlightened, and i love that for you, but ‘tsumu, i’m still very confused.”
“i’m in love with you,” he said in disbelief, and quickly snapped his eyes back to your face when he realized he said it out loud. “i- i mean- i’m not in love with you, no way in hell, you’re- you’re my best friend, you- you smack my head whenever i say somethin’ inappropriate, you keep me from underminin’ myself, you always lift my spirits and for fuck’s sake, please, stop lookin’ at me like that because i will be getting hopeful and if you’re just joking, i will never hear the end of it and-“
you finally hd enough of his rambling and cut him off with a kiss. at first he froze, but seconds later he melted into your embrace, hands sneaking around your waist, pulling you closer.
when your lips separated, atsumu gasping for air after his word vomit and the long kiss you shared, you spoke up. “miya atsumu, you’re a real dumbass, you know that?”
his breath hitched and you kept quiet for a second to let him suffer a bit.
“but you’re my dumbass. i love you, you absolute piece of work.”
atsumu honest to god giggled and leaned in for another kiss, which you gave him without hesitation.
somewhere in the room, bokuto was collecting the money sakusa promised to give him if he got you two to kiss.
* kenma and you are both twitch streamers with similar content so you knew of each other but weren’t properly introduced
* until one of your mutual friends invited you both to stream among us with them
* you obv accepted
* so during the 3 hr stream, you and kenma were imposters together a lot and had the biggest, most twisted imp plays
* a friendly competition broke out at one point, too, trying to see who exposed the most impostors between the two of you
* your fans ate your dynamic up
* from then on, you two interacted more and started to appear in each others’ streams
* kenma even invited you to his minecraft smp
* you became besties basically
* SO
* all fun and games
* and then a huge sponsorship opportunity rolled in
* and the people at the company assumed you were dating
* uh oh
* you couldnt just tell them they have it wrong bc the whole thing depended on your relationship
* so
* big brain kenma suggest you two start to “date”
* you were against deceiving your followers but kenma assured you you could have a public breakup and tell everyone you were better off as friends
* so you reluctantly agreed
* it was only for two months anyways, what could go wrong?
* both of you, on week 3, in separate discord calls: uh oh, im in l*ve
* you both tried to cope (read: repress everything) but the realization on both of your parts threw your dynamic off a bit and fans have noticed
* so you had to do something abt it
* so kenma suggested you try your hand at a minecraft challenge together
* it was all fun and games until it wasnt
* you somehow ended up flirting back and forth ????
* chat was goin crazy, even in sub only mode
* both of you: ha ha im in danger
* when the stream ended, you stayed on call, because that was a routine you stuck to no matter what
“so... how are you doing?” you asked kenma, trying to clear the awkwardness from the air.
maybe you should have taken kenma’s refusal to talk about anything into account when initiating conversation.
kenma, on the other end of the call was anxiously playing with his fingers, trying to figure out if his chat was right, and you were indeed flirting with him. and him with you. god.
“hey, y/n,” kenma said after a while, “were you flirting with me?”
his bluntness startled you and you had to mute yourself for a few seconds while you collected yourself.
“is there a correct answer?” you asked hesitantly.
“oh... uhm, maybe? it wasn’t intentional. or maybe it was, subconsciously, i don’t know,” you admitted quietly.
“good. it was intentional on my part, i think,” and okay, that was not the reply you expected to hear.
“yeah, i- i like you i guess,” he said, sounding more confident by the minute. “do you like me too?”
“i- yeah. i do. i like you, kenma,” you replied, sighing a breath of relief. it felt good to admit it aloud to him.
“do you- would you maybe want to come over?” he asked sheepishly, which made absolutely no sense because he sounded so confident a second ago. “we could play mario kart?”
you let the beaming smile you were holding back take over your face. “i’ll be there in 10, kenma.”
“i’ll be waiting for you.”
* on god mans hated your guts
* like,, okay, you were iwa’s close friend but you were so annoyingly honest all the time
* it drove him mad
* what also drove him mad is the fact that you loved to tease him
* no matter what the circumstance, whether he was in japan or in argentina, you always found a way to make him blush
* okay so maybe hate is a strong word, because he kind of thought you were pretty, but in a platonic way
* dumbass
* iwa always give both of you shit for not liking each other
* so you came up with a big brain idea
* you: ”oikawa! we should date!”
* oikawa: “what”
* after you explained the concept of fake dating to him and its benefits (which included a staged dramatic breakup, giving you both a reason to hate each other without iwa complaining)
* he was totally down
* iwa, when he first saw you holding hands: “i knew it”
* SO!! thus began weeks of pretending to be in love with each other for the sake of iwa
* which turned from pretending to not pretending real quick for your liking
* falling in love with oikawa was not a plan of yours
* (falling in love with you wasn’t his, either)
* with iwa’s constant nagging of “i knew it, you both were head over heels for each other from the moment you met”, the time for the breakup came quicker than expected (maybe you both had enough. so what.)
* you agreed to do it in front of iwa so he could see it happen
* you chose a mcdonalds parking lot, because then you could storm off and iwa would follow you to make sure you were ok and oikawa could go home and sleep
* maybe winging it was not the best idea
“babe,” you said with venom, “haven’t i told you a thousand times that i do not want to hear about your exes? seriously, it’s like the only thing you talk about,” you complained, as your fake-boyfriend took a sip from his drink.
“well, babe,” his tone matching yours, “i would shut up about them if took the hint sometimes. maybe i don’t like going to the movies as much as you seem to, it’s boring,” he rolled his eyes, subtly glancing at iwa, who looked very uncomfortable third wheeling your argument. good
“jerk. i don’t even want to go to the movies that much, asshole,” you spat, crushing your empty cup in your hand.
“oh, you want to go to the movies plenty. face it, (y/n), you’re boring. no wonder you didn’t have a boyfriend before me,” he replied and his words, even though you knew were fake, still hit hard and you couldn’t help the tears gathering in your eyes.
“okay, then, thanks for these wonderful past few weeks, so glad you decided to take pity on me.” you tried to keep acting, encouraging yourself with the fact that if oikwa meant what he said, you wouldn’t have to talk to him if iwaizumi finally saw you two break up.
you expected a lot of things, but genuineness in oikawa’s eyes was not one of them.
“(y/n), i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it like that,” oikawa pleaded, clearly forgetting about your mutual goal.
with a mumbled whatever, you started walking home, letting the sunset wash over your face. when you knew you were out of sight, you sat down on a bench and just started crying.
you don’t know how much time passed, but you heard a voice behind you speak up.
“hey (y/n).”
“what the fuck do you want, oikawa? to rub in the fact that my first boyfriend was just faking it so his best friend would get off his back? leave me alone, jerk,” you said, trying to wipe your tears away.
“i- i didn’t mean it like that, please, believe me,” he replied, taking a seat next to you. you scooted away from him. he sighed.
“why would i believe you? why do you want to make up, anyways? this fight was pretty real, no way iwaizumi didn’t believe it,” you sniffed.
“because maybe... maybe i was very happy about the fact that i could be your boyfriend, even if it was fake. maybe i’m in love with you,” he said softly, leaning towards you.
“please, stop playing games. it’s over,” you replied, trying very hard to ignore the raw emotion in his voice as he spoke.
“i really am, (y/n). i wasn’t at first, i admit it, but now i am. i love you, please, believe me,” he begged and you finally made eye contact with him. eyes were mirrors of the soul, after all.
you studied his face for a few minutes, looking for anything that could indicate he was trying to pull a shit prank on you, but you found nothing.
“asshole. maybe i’m in love with you too, what would you do if i said that?” you asked, wiping your nose with your sleeves.
“kiss you.”
“do it, then, i guess. but you’re still not completely forgiven.”
“what do i have to do to earn your forgiveness, (y/n)?” he asked and you sent him a mischievous smile.
“take the blame for this whole fiasco with iwaizumi.” he froze at your words and visibly gulped, but nodded nonetheless.
“okay, i will. can i kiss you now?”
you rolled your eyes. “yeah.”
and he did.
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klaineownsmysoul · 3 years
Why does D agree to certain things? It’s probably because the alternative is worse but then I still don’t understand why he agreed to the sham. He could not have right? Idk what would have happened had he, but I feel anything is better than being married to her. All she does is ruin his reputation, and give him a straight image (to his team), so I genuinely wonder what image he wants for himself because if he didn’t go along with it, what else could they have painted him as that they haven’t already and continue to?
There are endless opinions on this, depending on who you ask. The m/iarren stans and the fans who believe that every message from D’s SM are actually from him will tell you that there was nothing to agree to because he loves her and wanted to marry her because he can’t live without her. They have a love that’s truer than true and are #couple goals. They are perfect for each other in every way and he adores her every breath and she’s just as devoted to him, which is why she follows him everywhere he goes. There’s nothing odd about the length of their relationship and the fact that no one involved in it can give you a consistent time frame. You ask 5 people how they met or when they started dating, you’ll get 5 different answers. All those pics of them together where she’s grabbing onto him and clutching at any limb within her reach are just her being affectionate. The fact that they sit like strangers on a subway during one part of an interview and when it’s noticed, the next part that’s released has both of them being all touchy feely is just coincidence. The dude bro slang and emoji filled posts are just him having fun and being spontaneous. They’re cheeky and silly. Its just him living his best life and there’s nothing forced or untoward about it. He loves only hanging out with her trashy besties and spending nights entertaining the masses in her piano baby/lifelong dream business that she can’t be bothered to promote or run while he accompanies her on the piano looking completely lifeless as she drunkenly butchers one of the 4 songs she knows and thinks she can sing. He’s just being a supportive partner when he talks about the awful branded merchandise from the strip bar during a tv segment that’s supposed to be about his career and then models it later on in a cute coupley pic where he looks like his soul has just left his body. Having her accompany his every move is just what married couples do or didn’t you know that? It’s not natural for one partner to do something without the other, especially if it’s career related. All celeb couples are joined at the hip once they officiate their own wedding. All celeb couples have a wedding - or a great party as it’s sometimes known as - that is corporate sponsored to within an inch of its life. All celeb couples who have one person say they didn’t want to be in a public relationship have a cover story done in Vogue magazine and then have their pr team make sure the link to that article is noted and shared in practically every print interview done for the other person for over a year. This is all completely normal behavior for a 100% believable couple.
There are no such things as contracts that dictate behavior and managers and pr teams don’t post things on their client’s behalf. Lavender relationships and marriages are a thing of the past. No one would dare impose something like that on a celeb in 2021. It must be nice to be that naive. Or sad. Mostly sad. If you believe that, then you haven’t been listening to the stories of celebs who’ve been closeted and decided to come out at the risk of their career. It’s a thousand times easier to market someone as straight - there’s no denying that. And when you’re young and just starting out, you have no leverage whatsoever and will go along with what people tell you to do. If you don’t, you don’t have a career. It’s as simple and evil as that. They hold all the cards and if you want to be a musician or an actor, you have to play by their rules. You sign a deal and before you know, everything has snowballed and you’re in so deep, you don’t know how to begin to climb out. Look at Taylor Swift and the mess she’s gone through with her songs and she’s one of the biggest singers on the planet. Whether you’re a fan or not, you know who she is. If she can’t get control over songs that she freaking wrote because of a shitty contract she signed when she was like 16 without massive amounts of legal issues, what hope do the people who are less famous have? Look at what D said about his lack of input on the evolution of Blaine’s hair and how he didn’t want to rock the boat. Something as simple as that and he didn’t feel like he could or should speak up. Now apply that same mentality to a legal document and think about how hard it would be to try to countermand any part of it, especially when you’re as young as he was then.
D’s team is particularly troublesome because they’re lazy and incompetent and have no interest in marketing him as he really is. The easy way out is the straight way out and that’s their lane. That’s the one they’ve chosen and they will ride that till the wheels fall off. Let’s be honest: D is all RR has. He’s going to milk every drop he can out of D while he can. There’s no celeb out there with an established career who’s considering new management who looks at D’s situation: the circus that is always around him, the garbage that’s posted on his SM in his name, the endless ads for things like ugly ass jewelry and a paid promo pic for a 5 star hotel in the Philippines from the group honeymoon (not a thing) that they crashed after D spent days sifting through garbage with women who live in abject poverty and will never make the kind of money that even a meal at that hotel would cost which totally makes him look awesome - and think “yes! This is what’s been missing all along. Where do I sign?” He’s not getting a free home reno and some TV time from the girl who played Luna in the HP movies and B/ecca T/obin - someone who played a forgettable and unremarkable bitchy blond cheerleader (def breaking the mold there, totally not a trope that can be found in every 80s high school movie or tv show) and now hosts a ridiculous podcast. So he’s going to push his own agenda and make sure that everyone knows his client is straight at every opportunity that’s presented and foist his bride in our faces at even more opportunities just in case it wasn’t clear because oh my god did you hear that D is straight? And he’s been dating this super cool rockstar woman since he was an embryo so there’s no way anything could have ever happened between him and someone else from this show he was on for a while. It wasn’t a big deal or anything. He had a small role and a love interest but they weren’t real popular. I mean if you’ve seen one gay teenage romance, you’ve seen them all. The show’s been over for 5 years and they’re hardly ever mentioned now so there’s no point in keeping them alive. It’s not a role that meant anything to him and it’s certainly not something he would want to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of. I wonder if he was allowed to do that as long as managed to shoehorn in a mention of his lovely ball and chain of many moons. Because that’s what always happens. Doesn’t matter what the topic at hand is - it always seems to come back around to her. And she just smirks and flashes her fake engagement ring at the camera and eats it up because he does all the work and she reaps all the rewards. Like RR, she’ll never give him up without a fight because what then? No one will write articles about what a badass she is. No one will be there to do free promo for her strip bar. No more red carpet pics or designer duds gifted to her. No more free trips to Europe or last minute weekend getaways with his stylist. No one will care about her super secret Instagram account and post pics from it that she’s forwarded over so they get picked up and pumped out to news blogs for maximum coverage. No more pics with actual famous people because who’s inviting a career less nobody to events? She’s a woman in her mid 30s who behaves like an 18 year old on spring break and thinks nothing of it. She doesn’t give a shit how her behavior reflects on D because she doesn’t care about him. All she cares about is what he can provide her and that’s secondhand fame, money, and the image of the best wife to ever wife. But if he was single, then there’d be even more questions about his sexual orientation than there are now and no way to refute anything. So we get this clusterfuck. What they fail to understand is that the harder they push, the more holes they create and the more distasteful this all becomes. I just want to be a fan of D. That’s all I want. But I can’t do that because he comes with a front and center “work family” that I can’t get away from.
I sometimes don’t know what he wants for himself image wise but I truly don’t think it’s this. The difference between in person D and SM D is too great for me to believe he’s really cool with all of it. I don’t know how many more times he has to say that he’s rarely on SM, which should be the reddest of red flags that most of the stuff posted is not coming from him. The fact that he’s taken to SM to rebuff things said in his name that are patently false and insulting reinforces that belief for me. He’s not perfect but he’s not the fake barely literate guy he’s portrayed as. I wouldn’t still be here if I thought that’s who he really was and I wouldn’t care at all about his personal life if it wasn’t shoved down my throat ad naseum.
Well this post kinda got away from me. 😊. I’m so very tired of all this and if I’m tired, D must be exhausted.
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toiletwipes · 3 years
Drunk Poly Jealousy.
Rosie and Wilbur had been out all weekend to some streaming event. Rosie having taken Wilbur with her specifically to leave you with a quiet apartment to focus on a midterm paper you desperately needed to finish soon.
Which to your credit, you did. You did make most of it. And you had been enjoying the quietness. But mostly you had been missing the morning cuddles, Rosie checking in if you had been eating. Wilbur complaining about his own paper. You had desperately been missing their company.
Worst of all, Rosie had given you one single rule to follow.
“No fun till we’re back, love.”
Then she had kissed you, and Wilbur had too. Wilbur had been so sweet to give you a gift before departing. The fucker had given you a new set of lingerie you had no use for until they came back. Specifically, the one you had pointed out to him, when you had somehow coached him into a lingerie shop with you.
On the other hand, had the situation been the other way around, you would absolutely have done the same to him. Knowing full well the punishment that would have followed that, if he tattled on you.
But the situation isn’t the other way around. You’re the one stuck at home, writing a paper for a class you barely enjoy taking. You find a bit comfort in the way that Rosie streams, although you’ve never watched her beyond the clips, she shows you herself. Her stream has been playing on loop since they left.
How could it not, your beautiful girlfriend right in frame, and your pretty boyfriend behind the camera, or awkwardly standing to the side as she talks to fans and the alike.
“Will turn the camera away, I’m buying something for our girl.”
Man, you wish you were there.
But you aren’t.
You are stuck in your apartment only able to listen and watch your lovers be cute together. You want to be the one to receive their affection. You want to be on the receiving end. You want to be the one to blush, to hide away, to be unable to speak.
But once again, you aren’t.
You grumble a bit before deciding your midterm paper is close enough to be finished another day, and instead you need something to dull yourself.
And if that happens to be a flask of wine, then so be it.
Leading to you an hour later being curled up on the couch, kinda drunk, wearing Wilbur’s sweater, and draped in Rosie’s blanket. The video of her most recent stream playing on the coffee table. And how you miss them.
It’s not fucking fair. Why does everyone else get to have their attention. You should have it. You deserve it.
As time goes on, you can’t help but feel the pit in your stomach grow.
The wine keeping your body nicely warm.
And your head filled with thoughts.
Thoughts about why you should follow the rules. Why should they get to dictate what you do if they aren’t even around.
You huff, getting up and finding the gift from Wilbur.
Who are they to dictate what you do?
You slip out of the hoodie, and your sweater pants. Your underwear is the next to go. Changing into the lingerie before slipping the hoodie on again.
See you can wear what you want when they aren’t around.
You can do stuff when they aren’t around…
You can… Do… Stuff…
Your eyes glide over to the vibrator on the nightstand.
Yeah, you deserve this, they have had each other alone for the last couple of days, while you’ve been suffering. You deserve this.
You deserve this.
You fetch Rosie’s blanket from the couch before settling on the bed. Wrapped in the smells of your lovers. The cherry smell of Rosie and the peppermint smell of Wilbur.
You need them.
Your legs are rubbing against each other, trying desperately to create some form of friction as you think of your lovers.
Touching you.
Kissing you.
Worshipping you.
Your hand slowly makes its way down through your body. You imagine Rosie teasing you, telling you how good a girl you are for her. While Wilbur is kissing your jawline. Down to your neck. Right behind your ear on your sweet spot.
You imagine Wilbur using your hand to get himself hard, while Rosie is kissing the inner sides of your thighs.
Your hand finds itself under your panties.
You’re wet.
You haven’t even touched yourself, and the thought of your lovers is enough to turn you on.
It’s enough for you to want more, crave more, need more.
You reach out for the vibrator. You deserve this.
Your hand pleasuring you, soon joined by the vibrator.
You gasp, hips buckling up at the new object.
Toes curling.
Door opening.
Pant’s flowing.
Rosie Wilbur.
You moan.
Then the pleasure is ripped away from you. Just like that.
You whine.
“Would you look at that, our baby can’t even follow simple rules?” Rosie speaks.
Wait Rosie?
You sit up.
“Babe! Love!” You slur out.
Wilbur looks at Rosie, who looks back at him.
“Is she drunk?”
Rosie laughs at the sight, and Wilbur can’t help but smile. There you are drunk, wearing his sweater, wrapped in Rosie’s blanket. Trying to chase what you aren’t allowed.
Oh, the punishment is going to be good. But for now, they just need to care for someone who has clearly missed them.
- Someone Blue :)
(Have your surprise)
this is perfect thank you bestie <33333
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mistaeq · 4 years
Multiple Character Work: an s/o Pulling them into Dancing
TW // none
This was a request by @memory-mortis , I wish I still could answer to it directly but Tumblr is a dick. Enjoy the answer hun, hope you like it! <3
Kujo Jotaro, Higashikata Josuke, Narancia Ghirga, Leone Abbacchio with an s/o who pulls them into dancing, fem!s/o
You felt incredibly good. The music was something you had needed for so much time, considering all the bad events that had happened lately. You kinda knew that all the eyes were on you, there was who was smiling, who was following the rythm of the music. And then there was your boyfriend.
May it be because he was tired, may it be because he was too focused on your moves. But he wasn't absolutely dancing. It was funny to finally dance after all that time. But after you had fell in love with him, you felt like dancing with him could have been even better.
If you could only convince him...
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You approached him, with a sly smile on your face. Jotaro willingly ignored you. You were in the middle of the desert and had found a working radio which was playing good music? It all looked too weird, to him. An enemy stand user who was try to make them let their guard down? It was night, and the six of you were getting ready to sleep, after a long day. But the music was inside of you, right now.
You started dancing around, jumping around Joseph and Polnareff, who were laughing, twirling all around Kakyoin while Avdol was clapping his hands. They also looked incredibly pleased, thanks to the music. But Jotaro, your boyfriend, was a mixture between kind and shocked. He was so stressed, poor boy, and you could tell by how he was staring at the radio.
"A... A radio enemy stand which makes people go crazy..." he was mumbling, while you were getting closer to him, wanting to take his hands in yours and pulling you into dancing with you. As soon as you were close enough to be in his range of action, he suddenly summoned Star Platinum, scaring you to death. You fell on the soft desert sand, looking at him in shock.
"J-Jotaro...?" he just stood there, angrily staring at you.
"Y/n. Are you being possessed by this enemy stand?" Star Platinum was just right in front of you, as you shook your head and swallowed. The crusaders were as shocked as you were. Jotaro was too stressed. After all, his mother's life was in danger and all he could think about was defeating Dio. After he understood what was going on, his stand disappeared, and he hid his face under his black hat. "Nevermind. Sorry."
You stood up, getting closer to him again. This time, instead of grabbing his hands, you took off his hat, putting it on your own head. It was too big for you, it fell on your eyes. You smiled to him.
"It's okay, JoJo. You can never know where an enemy might be. You've been careful, and that's always good." you wrapped your arms around his torso. "I just really, really wanna dance with the boy I love." The ordinary Jotaro would have never done it, but this Jotaro, so nervous, maybe needed it.
You took him by the hand, and pulled him away from his thoughts, gently moving his arms on the rythm of the music. His hands moved directly on your waist, and you smiled. This caused a bunch of whispered comments from the others.
"Oh my god."
"Ooh la la."
Jotaro killed Joseph and Jean Pierre with his gaze, but then went back at watching you. He held you closer, and you swore you saw a smile on him.
"Didn't know you were this good at dancing." You commented, caressing his neck.
"This is not... good." Jotaro snorted. "It's just dancing, y/n."
"Mind letting me decide whether this is good or not, Kujo?" at this answer of yours, he answered with a smirk. You broke the perfect dancing pose, to hug him tight and stand on tiptoe, leaving a quick peck on his lips.
"Thank you for dancing with me, JoJo."
"How cute, a kiss~" Joseph teased his grandson.
"Oh, l'amour." Jotaro killed his grandpa and his french friend, afterwards.
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The slight pain of an elbow on his arm and the sound of a raspy voice woke him up from his daydreaming. He'd never tried to go in a dance club. It was quite a mess.
"Oi Josuke." the boy huffed. "Your girlfriend over there is staring at you. She's totally hot, you should go, she looks like she wants to dance, huh Josuke?" you were, in fact, dancing around, kinda staring at him. But he was there with his best friend. You would have annoyed him, maybe?
"Okuyasu, are you hungry?" Josuke asked, staring at you from afar but talking to his bestie.
"Yes, like a lot."
"Fantastic." Josuke smirked. "I am not. How about you go eating something? Mh?" his best friend's eyes widened.
"Oooh... I understand, Josuke." unbelievable. "Have fun Josuke, okay Josuke? Bye J o s u k e e e ...."
As soon as he left, you kinda decided it was your time to shine. And he was slightly smiling, too.
"JoJo!" You approached your boyfriend wiggling your hips around - more or less like the iconic Suzi Q approaching Joseph -, and then rested your hands on his chest, right on the heart shaped unbuttoned part of his uniform. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Ah..." Josuke tried to play the victim, to make you baby him. "My best friend said he had better things to do and left me alone..."
"Yeah, right..." you teased him and gently kissed him, ignoring the voices of jealous girls behind you who would have wanted to be you. "You don't like it here?"
"I've never been in a dance club... 's pretty chaotic."
"Yes, but the good thing is you can be yourself without getting judged. Just dance, Josuke." you grabbed the hands he was resting on your back, and brought them to your hips.
As soon as you pulled Josuke with you, not in the middle of the crowd - you still wanted your intimacy with him -, but not too far, you felt someone pushing you, making you stumble on Josuke's feet. Luckily, he caught you just in time not to make you fall. You decided not to turn around. You just smiled, pissed off.
"Who pushed me, Josuke?" the boy watched. He saw a girl, he didn't know her, though.
"Someone jealous, I think." he just answered, giggling and holding you tighter while moving with you on the music.
Nobody in the dance club saw it coming, but Josuke knew pretty well what you were doing, seeing your stand pop up behind you and punching that girl. He laughed, and that made you the happiest. "Maybe we should look surprised?" he suggested. You shook your head.
"Nah, nevermind..." your hands moved to his shoulders, and you kissed him again, while you were dancing.
The only ones to dance, to be honest. Everyone was being shocked about the girl who had been punched by your stand - nobody could see it -, and everyone's eyes were on the couple who was ignoring her. You two. Josuke blushed a little, but he had to admit that night with you in the dance club was priceless.
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You were shocked. Bucciarati had asked to put such a cute music at Libeccio's purposely for the gang to relax a bit. Even Abbacchio was quietly humming on the music. But Narancia, a known music lover and great dancer, was just sitting at the table, his fork wandering around his plate, not wanting to eat.
Probably wanting to dance, but holding back. Why was he holding back? Even you, his girlfriend, were dancing, and he was just there, almost sad looking. From afar, you gestured him into joining you, but he just tried to avoid your gaze.
You then got worried and curious about what was he thinking about, and you reached for him.
"Oi... Nara?" you kneeled down, next to his chair, and kissed him on his cheek. "Won't you join us? Won't you join me?" He looked at you. You could tell he wanted to dance, too.
"Y/n... why do you want me to dance with you?" you got a little taken aback by his question. "I'm still trying to figure out why did you choose me over someone like Bruno or Abbacchio..." your expression softened.
"I chose you over them..." you hugged him to make him stand up from the chair. "...because it's you who I like, Narancia. Very easy. And I'd rather dance once with you than a million times with them. Understood?" you kissed his forehead, cheeks and nose. He smiled shyly.
"Are you sure we can dance together, then?" Narancia asked. You noticed how Bucciarati was actually listening to your conversation. He was thinking about how to thank you later for making Narancia happy and confident about himself again.
"It's you the real dance machine, come dance wi-" you saw Aerosmith flying over your head, and as you noticed it, Narancia had already disappeared.
You turned around and saw him dancing like he had wanted to do that for hours, Aerosmith flying all around him happily, hitting the rythm of the music with its user. You immediately joined him, but you were more focused on looking at how happy he was. Narancia was your ray of sunshine, you couldn't hold back from hugging him while he was dancing, so he could lead you and do the same dance steps with you.
As you two danced together, your two stands could be seen having fun together on the rythm. Bucciarati was laughing, Giorno was happily smiling, Fugo and Abbacchio humming the music along with the radio. Mista tried to stand up to join you and Narancia, but Abbacchio grabbed his blue turtleneck, pulling him back on his chair.
You couldn't understand if it was because he didn't want another idiot to dance or if he actually wanted you and Narancia to enjoy your moment together. Trish was sitting on the table, yelling for a good cause.
"Won't we get to see a kiss between you two?"
Narancia had never felt comfortable in kissing on your lips in front of the gang, but he was so excited thanks to the music, that he just got closer to you, pressing his lips on yours. You felt your cheeks go on fire, but you were happy that Narancia was happy, too.
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Narancia and Mista were dancing, their music so loud everyone even outside could hear it, you dancing along with them. Too many times you pretended to stumble on your boyfriend's foot, slouched on the couch, with his eyes closed and his headphones on, just to get his attention. But he just ignored you.
You grew tired of waiting for Abbacchio to care about you stumbling on his foot, and just did what you knew he hated. You didn't actually do nothing weird, just sat next to him, without him noticing. The two boys who were dancing immediately understood what you wanted to do.
"Oh, Mista, try to put your hands around my waist, so we can dance better." Mista and Narancia were quietly giggling.
"Mmmm." was the only sound Abbacchio produced, angrily opening an eye, just to see you were sitting next to him, luckily without Mista's hands around you. You laughed.
"Hi, love."
"Mmm." you got closer and took off his headphones, since you were the only one who could do this without risking an immediate death. He opened both his eyes, and looked at you. Then he managed to put together two words. "What is it, amore?"
You stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling it to make him stand up. He's heavy, and won't stand up.
"Please?" you puppy eyed him, shaking his hands a little. You understood you had to use your trump card. "I would be so happy if you danced with me... Leone." he just couldn't say no, when you called him with his first name.
He huffed, standing up and blushing.
"I'm... fine with it, but... please, change the song... I like something more classical."
"Mh..." you hummed. "We getting romantic?" you just succeeded in making Abbacchio blush even more. You should thank God that you're yourself, or Leone would have scolded you several times for exposing him like this.
"Kinda." he said, as Narancia changed his music to something slower. Abbacchio posed to start dancing, and you looked at him, confused. He smirked. "You want to dance with me and don't know how to dance what I like?" Leone giggled. "This means I'll have to teach you." He put a hand on your waist, and moved a hand of yours on his shoulder.
"Try to stay closer to me... our chests have to be close, our heads don't." he said, as he guided you in your dance steps, under the amused eyes of Narancia and Mista.
"What do you mean our heads don't... what are we, Transformers?" Abbacchio snorted, smirking a little. Okay, that had been so sudden and funny, not even him could hold back a laugh.
He suddenly pulled you up and kissed you, leaving the two boys that were watching you in a complete state of shock. You caressed his cheek, and smiled in his sweet kiss. "I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't implied in the dance step..." you whispered, smirking.
Abbacchio bit his lower lip, and smirked back. "Are you sure about this? Looks like our dancing was pretty... impressive." he gestured towards Narancia and Mista's shocked faces.
"I wouldn't mind dancing another time, would you, Leone?"
"No, I wouldn't surely mind."
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oldsmobile-hotdogs · 3 years
Willex + ⛵️💍💫
ohoho bestie i had fun with this (also it’s almost 2k oops lol)
it’s also available on ao3!
may i present to you:
Two Ghosts... Having a Date on a Stolen Boat... They Might Kiss...
Alex had to admit: even for Willie, this act of delinquency was a lot.
When he’d first floated the idea of joyriding a sailboat under cover of night to Alex, albeit somewhat casually and hypothetically as they strolled along the pier during a mild June afternoon, Alex had gone along jokingly in that way you do when a friend asks who’d be eaten first if the whole group were trapped on a desert island.
But then Willie had brought it up again on their next- Date? Outing? Meeting?
(Alex was vehemently avoiding putting labels on their spending time together, just in case Willie were to put a different one on it to the one he ascribed it.)
And then on their next, next… hanging-out session… Willie had mooted a date for the grand theft boat and didn’t phrase it much like a question. And then he’d gently pointed out when the sailing class stopped for the night on said date: a Sunday, no less, so it closed before the sun even got close to setting, meaning anyone inside the little shed where they stored the paperwork and lifejackets would certainly be gone by the evening.
This wasn’t accounting for how objectively shocked Alex had been to learn that Willie knew how to sail, of all things. He knew Willie knew how to skate, though that was hard to miss, and he knew Willie had mentioned he used to surf a little when he was alive, but as far as Alex was aware, and he was sorting through all of their conversations just to be sure that he was sure, Willie had never mentioned he could sail.
In retrospect, that could have largely been because he couldn’t, strictly speaking. Alex had watched on in a strange mix of awe and terror as Willie had untied a small sailboat that lent itself easily to being pitied, if he was honest- all chipping paint and scuffs on the body and sunbleached sails- from its docking, and then suddenly he'd been yanked onto the vessel by his arm and made to crouch just behind Willie, close enough for the wind kicking up to whip his hair occasionally in Alex's face, and then Willie had knelt behind the sails and done something, Alex couldn't be sure what, that meant they were off. It was pleasant at first, which had surprised him immensely. Initially they were travelling relatively slowly, but still smoothly, not too far out from the shore, and the longer the joyride had lasted at this pace, the closer Alex had been to letting himself relax.
But then it had very quickly become apparent that Willie was somewhat out of his element: not majorly- he'd probably taken a few classes in a summer, maybe- but enough that he had psyched himself out. And whenever Willie felt psyched out, he turned reckless. Well, more reckless.
Despite the fact that he was a ghost, which meant that even if they had capsized they would have both been able to breathe, and that even if they had crashed no one would have been hurt and it would be physically impossible for the crime to come back to them, Alex had found himself with a white-knuckled grip on either side of the boat as it had picked up speed almost exponentially and began coasting erratically from side to side, the sail changing direction so obviously and violently that even an absolute novice, which Alex was, could have seen that something was wrong.
'You alright up there?' Alex had asked, even though "up there" was about four inches from his face.
'Yeah, I'm just- hold on-' And then Willie had let go of the tiller, which had filled Alex with the fear of God for a good six seconds, before rolling his shoulders back, shaking out his hands, exhaling a quick breath through his mouth and grasping it again. Willie must have gotten himself out of his Beserker state in that time because the boat had then begun moving in a relatively straight line again and, after a little while, had eased itself back down to a manageable speed. Alex would have to ask about that coping mechanism when he got the chance.
After what felt like maybe ten more minutes of sailing lightly around, but may have been quite a bit more, spent mostly in comfortable silence, Willie had pulled clumsily back into where the boat had previously been docked and Alex had clambered out from the little space he had been guided to originally and had remained in the entire joyride, tying the rope back around the little wooden pole that tethered it to the beach. Sailors' knots Alex could do. He'd been so afraid of getting lost in the woods one spring when he was a child, although an opportunity had never presented itself for him to go into the woods, that he'd read a Boy Scouts handbook cover to cover to the point where, even now, if he closed his eyes, he could see the passage on how to sterilise river water laid out in front of him.
'When you're done come back onto the boat. I wanna sit here for a little bit.'
Alex had looked up from his handiwork to meet Willie's gaze. His eyes had been bright, filled with the leftover mischief from their escapade, and a soft smile which had made Alex wonder if Willie had something else up his sleeve had played on his lips.
'Okay, yeah, I'll be back in a second,' he had replied, leaning down one last time to tighten the knot in the right places.
Willie had genuinely expected Alex to tell him to stop at some point, but the more Alex had gone along with what was originally at least partially a joke, the more Willie had wanted to see if he could actualise what had previously only ever been a poorly planned pipe dream. When everything started more or less crashing down around them, however, and their outing previously slated as some dangerous, blockbuster-level adventure had fizzled out into the anticlimax of the season, Willie couldn't help but worry that he had done something to threaten what the two had going for them, which would be poor timing, considering.
Now sitting sideways on the boat together, ghost legs phasing into the shallow water below, hands in touching distance if one of them just worked up the courage to splay their pinky finger a little more, Willie was getting nervous. A little giddy, too, at the possibility of this going right, but mostly nervous.
'Alex?' he began, a little embarrassed, though he knew that was needlessly so, at how his voice hiked in pitch from the nerves.
'Yeah?' Alex responded, his eyes suddenly fixed on him. Willie felt his face grow warm at this, and hoped the relative darkness afforded him some ability to hide the blush he knew was developing.
An added problem was that now Willie had no idea what to say next. He was great at listening to people divulge their emotions, sure, but he always struggled a little with expressing his own, preferring to offer solutions to the other people in his life's struggles and pretend like his own feelings weren't always too close to overflowing for comfort. Willie was suddenly hit with the overwhelming urge to backtrack as quickly as was humanly possible.
'No, never mind, actually. It's not important.' Willie attempted to sound casual, but was unsure of how successfully it actually came off.
'Well, see, now I definitely wanna hear what you had to say,' Alex retorted jokingly.
‘No, it’s stupid. Really.’
‘No, it’s not,’ Alex was now looking Willie pointedly in the eyes. ‘I don’t think you’ve said a stupid thing ever-’ Willie opened his mouth, ready to counter him- ‘Not when it counts.’
And it’s not like that admission of blind faith in Willie made the next words out of his mouth any easier, but they were now propelled from hiding by an added energy that wasn’t there before.
‘Okay, so I went to Tokyo a few weeks back-’
‘You- ...okay.’ It was obvious that this anecdote would have Alex wanting to throw himself into one of his crises about the afterlife and ghost powers and the limitations of poofing, but he was, so far, very valiantly, in Willie’s opinion, holding back. ‘You’ll have to tell me about that later.’
Willie couldn’t help but giggle at how resigned Alex sounded. ‘Oh, I will, hotdog, don’t worry.’
'Anyway,' Willie began again, more confident now that the conversation had taken on some humour. 'So I went to Tokyo, and I was walking down a street with a bunch of vendor stalls, and I saw this one stall and I, uh.' He paused a little, taking a few gentle breaths to build up the courage necessary to continue. 'I remembered my Mom telling me about these, uh, these rings.' Willie could almost feel Alex's eyes widen as he drew out the small, purple pouch that kept them safe from his hoodie pocket. He rushed to clarify. 'They're not- it's not a big thing in Japan. They're not like promise rings.' Alex audibly exhaled. 'Yeah, don't- I wouldn't... spring that on you.'
'No, yeah, I didn't... think you would.'
A silence came over them, uncharacteristicallly awkward, and Willie felt a little hopeless to save the moment.
Eventually, it was Alex who broke it. 'So, these rings?'
'Yeah,' Willie quickly responded. 'I stole them.' Alex chuckled under his breath. 'They're called couple rings, and people- well, couples- they buy them to mark the fact that they're- well, that they're couples.'
'Seems simple enough,' Alex joked, evidently warming to the idea.
'Oh yeah, very simple.' Willie could feel a smile spreading across his face. 'And there's no implication that you're gonna, like, do anything else later on either, which I like because, I mean, we're ghosts.' He gestured at how their legs became translucent where they dangled into the water. 'And that's probably already enough thinking about "forever" on its own, without the added pressure of any big promises.'
'Yeah, I agree.' Alex let out a sigh.
There was a beat of quiet before Willie continued.
'But obviously actually seeing them and putting them on is the main event, so I'm going to get them out of the pouch now, finally,' he joked, pulling open the hole in the top and lightly shaking two thin, silver bands out onto his hand. He then placed them gently onto the edge of the boat, and turned them so that Alex could see clearly what they looked like, or as clearly as was possible at this time of night.
'They've both got this line engraved in them almost the whole way 'round, and then one has a star stamped into it, and the other has a moon,' Willie explained, the nerves returning now that his gift was out in the open.
'I can see that,' Alex responded breathily, leaning a little closer to the rings. 'Willie, these are- they're beautiful. Thank you.'
'I thought you could be the star,' Willie suggested, the arm of his that was further away from Alex reaching up to rub at his neck, lightly avoiding how to respond to Alex's gratitude.
Gingerly, Willie closed the gap between their hands and slipped the band onto Alex's ring finger, and then donned his own. Neither of them spoke for a little while, both stunned into silence and afraid to break this air of closeness they'd achieved. Once again, Alex was the first to move.
'So, this definitely means we're dating, right?'
Willie flung himself backwards into the hull of the ship, his hair somewhat cushioning his head as he landed, his legs sticking up over the top, now opaque. 'Ugh. Yes, hotdog, we're dating,' he called back up in fake annoyance.
'Cool, just checking,' Alex called back.
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chatonne-rousse · 3 years
Through a Different Lens
This incredible work of art by @lilianmorganart crossed my dash last week and has lived rent-free in my head since then. I made it my phone's wallpaper and found myself getting emotional every time I picked up the phone to use it (If that doesn't confirm my stratospheric level of unrepentant Adrienette trash, I don't know what does).
I told @tsuki-chibi about it and we discussed how Adrien would totally swoon over it, too, if it was the lock screen on his phone. And that's how this fic was born.
I hope you enjoy this little relationship study through Alya's eyes as she and Nino share life and love alongside their best friends.
Read it on Ao3 here.
"Last set of the night, dudes and dudettes. We're about to be upstaged big time." Nino points out the bank of windows toward the already-glittering Eiffel Tower before needle meets vinyl and the music starts, soft and undeniably romantic. "Let's wind it down by slowing it down."
A blue balloon flutters to the floor beside Nino's feet as he hops from the DJ platform and winds through a sea of his classmates to his waiting girlfriend. Alya wastes no time wrapping him in her arms and pressing a kiss to his lips, turning the greeting into dancing with the sway of her hips that he matches after a few beats.
"How many songs did you line up?" she murmurs when they finally part.
He smiles and winks at her. "Four. It's about fifteen minutes till fireworks."
"Mmm. Nice."
The back of his shirt is sweaty under Alya's hands, but she doesn't care. The lovely chignon Marinette had pulled her hair into before the party has come a bit undone and she can feel the damp curls at the back of her neck. That's July in Paris for you; even the air conditioning in Le Grand Paris doesn't make much of a difference. Thank goodness for the ceiling fans that make the white and blue and red streamers rustle above their heads.
She hears Nino snort softly near her ear. "Are they magical or something? How do they still look perfect?"
Alya doesn't need to turn to know he's talking about their best friends, but she twists anyway, pressing the opposite cheek to Nino's shoulder instead.
And of course he's right.
She's spent the evening drinking punch and giggling with Marinette, shimmying and whooping with her in a happy little clump with Nino and Adrien, making the rounds of friends and food and fun over the past few hours. Marinette and Adrien have, too, but somehow the only sign that it's the end of the evening is that Adrien has loosened his tie.
Marinette's hair falls across her shoulders in the same soft cascade Alya styled it into hours ago. Her gauzy white dress drapes better on her figure than it did on the mannequin in her bedroom. Even the corsage Adrien had presented to her when the girls descended the stairs into Marinette's living room, a stunning red rose in full bloom, sits perfectly on her slim wrist, not a petal out of place. Her best friend really does look like she's limned in magic.
But perhaps that's because of the strong hand splayed at Marinette's waist, pressing her ever closer to her dance partner, or Adrien's cheek at her temple, his blond halo a perfect contrast to her deep raven hair. Maybe it's whatever he's just whispered in her ear that makes her smile up at him, a wide grin of exasperated fondness lighting her face before gentling after a moment into an expression of softest serenity.
Alya's first thought is that it's like the bright and beautiful partnership of the full moon reflecting the sun. But that isn't quite right, because her best friend glows from within, providing her own light to meet Adrien's, radiant and returned in equal measure.
Just how they got to this point remains as baffling to Alya now as it was a year ago when her friends finally put themselves and everyone around them out of their misery and started dating. The blushes continued and the occasional shy stammers never quite disappeared, but she'd watched them blossom together like a spring garden before her eyes, though what she'd been sure would be daffodils had bloomed into beautiful irises instead.
Suddenly Mr. Sunshine had gleamed brighter than ever, his giddy joy nearly uncontainable. So many puns. So much laughter. The former would be unbearable were it not for the latter, which always seemed to brighten Nino's eyes as well, a welcome side effect.
And oh, her best friend had come alive. It was more than having someone to love and love her in return. Alya knew from the day they met that love was second nature to Marinette. It practically shone from her pores.
But this was different - a touch more boldness, a blaze of fierce protectiveness in her eyes, an ability to read and respond to Adrien's emotions in just the way he needed, just when he needed it. How did she know to do that? How had this easy familiarity grown between them so quickly, not a tender new sapling but already an unshakeable oak?
She knows the truth is deeper than what she's been able to wrangle from Marinette, but Alya learned long ago that her best friend held those cards too close to ever let her get a peek. But she sure had tried at the beginning.
"You can tell me, girl! I'm so happy for you, but I don't get it! What happened?"
Alya wheedled, needled, begged.
Marinette just smiled and finished watering her roses before leaning against the railing of her terrace.
"I did tell you! Adrien and I talked. We were honest with each other. That's it." She shrugged one shoulder before her smile turned sly and she bumped her hip into her best friend's. "You know, we can't all find love by getting trapped in a panther cage by a superhero. Not every relationship has an epic origin story."
"Damn right! Seriously, though, I can tell there's more to this. There are deets you're not sharing, and your bestie needs those deets!"
"I don't know what to tell you, Als. I just...saw him. All of him."
Alya just barely resisted the urge to make the obvious joke.
"Mari. My love. My best friend in the world. What could you possibly see now that you haven't seen in the past two years of crushing, staring, memorizing, obsessing, and finally just getting over your fears and becoming real, actual friends with him?" She ticked off each point on her fingers, ending with a grip on her pinky and an imploring look she hoped would coax a detail or two from her all-too-cagey best friend. "If you can't throw a bone to your BFF, think of me as the coordinator of Operation Secret Garden and its many, many, many side missions. At least tell me one thing about Sunshine that I don't know, something you didn't know before, either."
Silence fell over them like a blanket. Just when it started to feel stifling and itchy, Marinette spoke.
"He's the bravest person I know," she said quietly, gaze straying across the rooftop horizon.
Alya thought of the myriad times she'd watched Adrien run away in the direction of his house as she herself had run toward danger in the name of journalism and morbid curiosity. He was sweet and exceedingly kind, but she'd never considered him a bastion of courage. Though of course there had to be lots of things she didn't know, details of life at home beyond the isolated loneliness they were all aware of, things that hadn't occurred to her that her best friend now saw through a lens of love and not just friendly compassion. If the reason they were already so close was because Adrien was able to share the difficult parts of his life that he didn't even share with Nino? Well, Alya could understand and respect that.
She reached out and covered Marinette's hand in hers. "His dad is kind of the worst, isn't he?"
"Oh my gosh, you have no idea. The absolute worst. The other day..."
Listening to Marinette that day, Alya had decided that if her friends were happy, she'd be happy right along with them. The details would come in time.
They'd taken silly selfies in Marinette's mirror as they got ready earlier this evening. They'd posed for portraits in the Dupain-Chengs' doorway as though this was a gala event and not a Quatorze Juillet party that Chloé insisted was fancy dress, and snapped shots of their BFF squad together all evening. So without thinking, Alya reaches for her phone - her dress is a Marinette original, of course it has pockets - to document exactly how besotted their preternaturally beautiful best friends are. She grabs three photos in quick succession, thankful for her state-of-the-art camera as she smiles at how it captures the play of light and shadow across their matching white.
"Paparazzi," Nino fake coughs in her hair.
Alya grabs his butt with her free hand in retaliation, and they both laugh.
Marinette and Adrien sway together in a loose approximation of a dance, eyes closed, just barely turning in place, lost in each other. When Adrien reaches for Marinette's hand on his shoulder, Alya has to let go of her boyfriend completely to set her camera to burst mode, but laid-back, ever-patient Nino just huffs a laugh and holds her waist tighter. It's all worth it when she's able to capture the moment Adrien brings Marinette's hand to his lips and presses a series of slow, reverent kisses to her knuckles. She snaps one more photo after he's tucked their clasped hands beneath his chin and settled her against his shoulder.
Alya turns in the circle of Nino's arms and gleefully scrolls through the vast number of pictures she's just taken, pausing near the center of the burst shots and cooing with delight at the treasure she finds. "Oh my god, Nino, look." She shoves the phone under his nose and his eyes cross trying to focus on it.
"Damn. They're too pretty to be real."
She snorts. "Truth. Seriously, though. Have you ever seen two people more in love? I'd say it's gross, but I could also cry just looking at them."
Still smiling, Nino pulls their hips together again and sets them in a slow spin, punctuating the beat with his fingers at the small of her back. Alya pockets her phone and cuddles up to him, grinning into his chest when he speaks quietly for her ears only.
"You know I love you just as much, right? I'm not a model, and um, I'm not as...gooey. But—"
He's cut off when Alya presses her lips to his to stop him.
"You're just the right amount of gooey, mister, and I don't need a model when I've already snagged the hottest guy I've ever met." She delights in his blushing cheeks as she kisses him again. "And yes, I know you do...I love you, too. Thank god it's not a competition, or we'd be losing."
"Naaah," Nino drawls softly, hugging her close. "I've already won."
Alya just closes her eyes and hides her grin in his shoulder, letting him spin them again as the music swells.
Packed on the balcony and ready for the fireworks to start, she and Marinette are giggling over the photos on her camera roll from the course of the evening.
"I don't want to think about how much you pay for cloud storage, Als. You know you have a problem, right?"
Nino can't help his surprised laugh, but has the good sense to bite his lip and look away. Alya nudges him in the side and rolls her eyes good-naturedly. Scrolling through toward the latest photos, she stops on one in particular and flips the screen toward her best friend.
"Bet you're glad I got this one, eh, Mademoiselle Judgy Pants?"
Alya knows she's scored a direct hit when Marinette's eyes widen and her cheeks pinken visibly even in the ambient light of the city. In the same moment, Adrien breathes an "ooooh" in reverent awe from over her shoulder as he stares at the glowing phone screen. Impossibly, the look on his face as he takes in the image is even more tender than it is in the photo itself.
Marinette turns to press her burning cheeks to his chest and he wraps her in his arms, props his chin on her head and mouths, "Send me that, please," to Alya, gesturing vaguely from her phone to his pocket.
Request received loud and clear, she grins and gives him a quick salute.
When fireworks finally fill the Parisian sky, Alya attempts a few action shots, though she's well aware that fireworks photos rarely turn out. Next, she grabs a great picture of Nino with the lights reflected in his glasses that immediately gets posted on Instagram.
And when Marinette stands on her tiptoes, wraps her arms around Adrien's shoulders, and kisses him breathless, well, Alya can't resist snapping one last photo of her friends. Adrien's hair positively gleams in the ephemeral glow of the bright red firework that bathes flushed cheeks and white fabric in a dreamy, perfect pink. This one is sent straight to her best friend; she looks forward to the keysmash text of embarrassed delight she'll receive from Marinette later.
Nino's hand slides around her waist to pull her close and she snuggles into his side, stowing her phone in her pocket and simply enjoying the moment.
"Babe," Nino whispers under his breath, accompanied by a nudge of his knee against Alya's under the cafe table, "he's doing it again."
Sure enough, Adrien is gazing down at his phone. It's not even unlocked yet - he's just looking at his lock screen, waking it up each time it fades back to sleep.
"I know. That's why I'm looking up the movie time. We'd miss it completely if we left it to Sunshine."
"This is technically your fault. You do know that, right?"
Alya shrugs. "No regrets."
Marinette returns to the table, picking her purse off the back of her chair and lifting the strap over her head to settle in its perennial position across her torso. Instead of sitting down, she wraps her arms around Adrien's chest from behind and leans down to kiss his cheek. "Did you figure out if we can make it to the movie?"
The question is clearly directed at Adrien, who was supposed to be looking up the cinema schedule, but he's already pocketed his phone and turned his head to nuzzle into her hair.
Okay, Alya may have some regrets.
It's been months since she took the now-famous photo and sent it to him. To no one's surprise, it became his lock screen wallpaper immediately. It also became a distraction.
Because Adrien melts every time he looks at his phone.
No one can truly decide if it's exasperating or endearing, but there are classmates and friends in both camps.
Nino begged him to change it back to the picture of the two of them together, if only to shorten the time between sending his best friend a text and receiving one in return. Alya is nearly at her limit for heart eyes, but she's still the captain of Team Endearing. She did take the picture, after all.
Max programmed Markov to recognize each time Adrien reached for his phone and the time it took for him to unlock it and use it. Markov has perfected the algorithm over time and now has a saved log of each occurrence down to the millisecond. There's no real reason to track this data besides curiosity, but it does help Markov refine his processes, so Max has kept it up. It is vaguely fascinating, though he does feel that it's a terrible use of Adrien's limited free time.
Nathaniel illustrated a cartoon rendition of Adrien, phone in his hand and literal hearts in his eyes. Alya offered him €10 for it, but Adrien himself came in at €20 and now it sits on his desk at home.
Once, Adrien spent so much time gazing at the lock screen that he never did answer his ringing phone. Of course it was Nathalie calling, and of course his father grounded him when he got home.
(Neither Marinette nor Adrien seemed as bothered by those two weeks as everyone had anticipated. That mystery remains unsolved.)
When she thinks about it, Alya decides there are worse things than Adrien loving Marinette so much that he has an emotional reaction to seeing the evidence through a different lens.
Alya just slips her phone in her purse and corrals her boyfriend and their best friends. They have a movie to get to and they only have twenty-five minutes.
In time, the picture has found a place on the wall in Marinette and Adrien's apartment - printed on premium photo paper, lovingly matted and framed. No one would have expected any less.
And it has always made Adrien smile, sometimes when nearly nothing else could.
Several years, several revelations, and enough trauma to last a lifetime have led them all to this moment, on this day that shines with as much joy and light and love as they can muster. It's what a day like this deserves, after all.
With too much behind them to call it a beginning and too much hope for the future ahead to call it an ending, Alya decides she's just watched her best friends walk through a door they'd unlocked years ago and finally found the right time to step through together. The path hasn't changed, paved in hurt and heartache and the kind of helpless hope a person chooses when an abyss yawns below and there are no other ropes to grab. But it has always been lit by the glow of an almost unfathomable love, and that's where healing begins, grows, and flourishes.
So here they sit, surrounded by friends and family, in the same room where the four of them had danced all those years ago on a hot July evening. A towering croquembouche waits in the corner and a table full of photos and memories is on display along one wall; that heart-melting photo of the happy couple as lovestruck teenagers has pride of place in the center.
Clad again in radiant white, Marinette is the perfect picture of a blushing bride, and her groom has been unsurprisingly entranced all day. Alya isn't sure Adrien has stopped smiling since they first saw him this morning, and she and Nino are enjoying every moment of it.
Part of the brilliance shining in his grin is natural, springing from a heart so innately kind that it has countered evil and wielded destruction, yet still beats with compassion. But she and Nino know, better than anyone else, that the Adrien in front of them is a previously-shattered vase mended in gold, stronger and more beautiful in the broken places, and some of his gleam is reflected from those gilded seams.
When it's Alya's turn to toast, Nino helps her to her feet with a smile and hands her the mic before sitting back down beside her. She starts with a story only a best friend could get away with telling, bolstered by the laughter of the guests around her and the grins of the bride and groom. She has a toast carefully planned and memorized, but for all her preparedness, Alya also knows how to improvise. When her gaze sweeps across the picture gallery on the table and the faces of two of the people she loves most, she veers off course but finds her words with confidence.
"I've taken a lot of photos in my life - silly, scary, funny, serious, everything in between. Many of those photos have featured many of you here today. I know I caused my saint of a best friend here a lot of undeserved stress by taking a vast majority of my life's photos in places where I shouldn't have been."
She pauses when a laugh ripples through the room and Marinette shakes her head even as her watery eyes beam back at her. "But I was in just the right place when I took that one." She gestures toward the framed picture on the table, sparkling cider sloshing gently in her champagne flute. "Because the right place for both of us—" she reaches a hand back toward Nino blindly, finding and squeezing his shoulder, "has always been next to you, the most ludicrously attractive, kindest, bravest, best people we know."
Alya takes a deep breath that only shakes a little bit on the exhale. "I'm so—" she blinks and swallows around the lump in her throat. Damn hormones! "I'm so lucky to know you, to love you, and to have been part of your lives and your love story all these years. That's why I wish you nothing less than a lifetime of that kind of love," she inclines her head toward the photo on the table again, "that kind of tenderness and devotion. No one deserves it more than you two, and no one will be happier than Nino and I will to be right there beside you on the journey. So...cheers to the prettiest lovebirds I know, Marinette and Adrien!"
Champagne flutes clink amidst applause and hugs and sniffles.
Her best friends grin at her before turning the same soft gaze toward each other again, just like the picture she took all those years ago that turned Adrien to goo each time he looked at it.
Alya knows now, of course, what she didn't understand back then - that in the same way their wedding today was more than just a beginning, so were those early days of soft looks and fierce devotion that seemed to transcend the blush of new romance. Unbeknownst to their friends, they'd had an ironclad partnership and years of trust in place already. Open eyes and honesty allowed the confluence of several different kinds of love, and it only made sense that the resulting alloy stood stalwart and shone dazzling-bright.
Well, it didn't make sense then, but it certainly does now, even if the luster sparkles through a patina of nicks and dents. After all, even the strongest steel and the brightest gold are refined by fire.
Nino hands her a tissue and presses his palm to her back as she settles in her seat again.
When ever-romantic Adrien reaches for his bride's hand to press gentle kisses across the back of her fingers, Alya can't resist grabbing her phone from the table beside her bread plate. They're a little older but just as beautiful and even more in love, and the photo she snaps captures that perfectly. She smiles down at her phone, pleased, before locking the screen and twisting a little in her seat to place it back on the table, face down.
Alya gets comfortable, rests her head on her husband's shoulder, and simply enjoys the moment.
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dovveling · 3 years
Why must you keep giving me opportunities to spam your ask box 😔
❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation?
💍 Which one of them would propose? How would it happen? (or write if you feel like it!)
💋 Who is the best kisser? (if you’d like write a short smooch scene!)
❣️ When did your OC first realize they were in love? How did they react to the realization?
- Unfortunately, it was love at first sight-- Even if Iolas would rather drop dead than admit this. He probably saw the incredibly ostentatious portrait of Lucio in his wing and was taken aback by how attracted he was to this man who was supposedly dead. It only got worse after Lucio got attached to Iolas through the ghost binding within canon-- Iolas the whole time thinks Lucio's romantic advances are just for fun and doesn't expect Lucio to love him at all. All the While he's completely in love with Lucio. (even if he acts like a rude little shit to him 50% of the time) It isn't until Lucio asks him to go traveling in the upright ending that's when Iolas realizes that Lucio is serious about him and even if it scares the shit out of him he can't help but believe him. The events of everything come crashing onto him and he realizes that He's 100% in love and cannot escape it.
💍 Which one of them would propose? How would it happen? (or write if you feel like it!)
(THANK YOU-- I will put this under a read more because the next two answers will be LONg but look under if you wanna see two idiots fall in love)
The sun hung low in the sky as Lucio makes his way to the palace gardens. He has asked Iolas to meet him out by their favorite spot in the garden maze. the blonde smiles remembering how the two of them had found the hidden spot while goofing around and shoving each other into the hedges. It wasn't until one hard push sent Lucio through the hedge and where he expected to land on his ass but he found himself on the other side of a portal with Iolas calling for him from the other side. After Lucio had ushered the other man through the portal the two looked over a hidden meadow that seemed to be somewhere close to the center of the maze.
Lucio could picture it perfectly; the stark white gazebo in the center, the perfect sun rays that sprinkled the fluffy grass, and the willow tree with its small leaves that dripped and trickled. He loved when the wind would blow and the tendrils of the willow would tickle up the wooden beams of the gazebo and scare Iolas into laughter every time the leaves would brush against his lover.
As Lucio draws closer to the portal before he stops and stares at the ring he had spent hours picking out. He had never fussed so much over a gift for someone. He never had to worry about gift-giving, because anything he picked out was glamorous and simply perfect. this however wasn't just a gift. It was a question. It was a statement and soon as he would think he was close to picking he would look and see a flaw and wonder if Iolas could see it and if he did then he'd never get to hear the answer he so desperately wants to hear to the question He'd rather not be asking.
So many times Lucio doubled back on himself about the personal. Is this just too much? could he see himself getting married when his last marriage was such a failure? Then He would hear it. Iolas' laugh and the sunlight hitting his lover's coffee skin and every reservation burned away and was replaced with a deep desire to make this person his and only his.
Lucio steels himself as he pockets the ring, almost dropping the bottle of champagne he forgets he was holding. As he pushes through the portal the blonde's heart skips a little at the sight of his lover resting on the side of the white gazebo, wearing a white robe that Lucio had gotten commissioned to match his iconic white suit. His lover seems to be lost in thought, their crimson eyes gazing over the tree line until Lucio steps closer and knocks on the wood with a playful tune. His wolfish smile triggering a similar one on his lover's face.
"Hi, my Darling--" Iolas starts before pulling Lucio over by his collar to meet his lips. With a giggle, Iolas watches Lucio hop over the median of the gazebo instead of using the very close opening that's just a little be over to the side of them. Lucio tries to steady his face. He doesn't want to come off too excited or nervous. He needs to play it cool so Iolas doesn't suspect anything, but it's too late Iolas gives him a curious look. "What are you planning? I know that look."
Lucio however holds his hands up after he places the bottle of champagne down on the railing in front of them. "Why do I always have to be up to something huh? Can't a man just meet his lover in a secret hole in the woods for some late-night drinking and maybe some late-night macking?" the blonde throws the magician a wink, which is met with a playful smack that Lucio is too found of.
"Did you bring glasses, Oh Count of Macking?" Iolas teases with a click of his tongue and to that Lucio's face freezes for a second because he did not think about the glass part of drinking, but his shock lasts for a split second before he nudges his lover with an elbow and a cheeky grin. "Can't you just magic something up for us--" Before Lucio can even finish Iolas throws his head back, his whole body shakes with a genuine laugh, one that Lucio only sees when Iolas reacts to his particular stupidity. "Absolutely not. I cannot manifest glassware, but fret not Lulu I prepared for this." The silver-haired man stands on the railing of the gazebo and reaches up behind one of the posts and brings down two champagne glasses. Lucio helps the shorter man down before taking both glasses and leaning down to give his lover a short kiss on the head.
Snickering to himself Lucio places the glasses down and pops open the champagne. "See? Who needs magic when you have a lover who has the spirit of a squirrel. Why are those even up there?" Iolas can't seem to hold back his laugher and starts into a long dialogue about how the last party they hosted he was tasked with disposing of all the drinks Lucio downed after getting into a drinking match with Julian and at some point, he got too fed up hauling all the empty glass wear to and fro so he eventually gave up and used the portal which was much closer than the garbage. Soon as he finishes that story Lucio makes note that not only does he not remember this drinking contest at all, but he also notices that the whole upper layer of the Gazebo is littered with small drinking glasses of all shapes and sizes.
This brings the two of them to a comfortable speed of talking, to which Lucio adds more flavor by introducing the drinks. The sun finally settles and the garden lights are now on and thanks to all the glass wear in the gazebo there are small reflected lights scattered within their own space. Slowly the stories of their day dwindle and eventually, they huddle close to each other so they can look under the top of their gazebo and point out stars. Lucio watches the small warm lights bounce off his lover's face and his heart races. He can't chicken out now.
"Iolas." Lucio stops the silver-haired man mid-sentence as the other was just going on about his zodiac sign and how it will be visible in the sky until he hears his name.
Iolas pauses fully, not use to hearing his full name exit his lover's lips unless it was during a more intimate and scandalous situation. So he hides his hesitation with a smile and he answers the blonde with the same tone he just used but extracted with a deeper tone to lighten the mood. "Lucio." The count starts to fidget but just laughs when Iolas mocks his serious tone. "No really, uh... Listen for a second." Iolas' face now turns from curious to worried. " Uh oh. that's a real serious tone. What did you do?" Lucio brushes him off, biting his lip and rubs the back of his neck. He feels so lame doing this, but that's the point.
Lucio stands up straight taking Iolas' hands, looking directly into those red eyes. Something in him wants to run away, but the ring sits heavy in his pocket and he opens his mouth only to close it so he can bring Iolas' cold fingers to his lips. Iolas' however is completely taken aback. His lover has been romantic before but he was much more used to their back a forths of one-upping each other and superficial hyping each other up coupled with nightly flings where he ended up in the blonde's bed. So this sudden tenderness was jarring.
The magician could feel that dark feeling creep to his shoulders that say he shouldn't get his hopes up, that he's happy filling the count's time till he finds a real suitor. Even if Lucio was a temporary General at the palace was still a completely different status then Iolas and Royals don't have court magician as suitors. So he was happy to bid his time with Lucio because even with the teasing and snarky remarks that sometimes hurt Iolas' loved the other man's company, but love doesn't change status. Love doesn't guarantee a happy ending. He knew this from experience and learned his lesson the hard way.
So It was the last thing Iolas' expected when the taller man pulls out the biggest ring the magician has ever seen and gets down on one knee. Iolas' first thought is that he wants to shake his head so he can wake up. Then when air fills his lungs he realizes he is awake and this is happening. More than happening he's been silent for too long but all he can hear is the stinging sound of his fears buzzing in his head. The buzz is deafening and He can see that Lucio is speaking but he can't hear him.
You will just disappoint him. Iolas' thoughts curse. Better yet he'll disappoint you somehow. A shaky breath leaves him and all he can do is blink and look at Lucio with watery eyes. "I-- I'm sorry please can you say that again." Iolas stops and closes his eyes just so he doesn't have to look at the ring that's almost blinding with its meaning.
Lucio's normal wolfish grin falters but only returns once he hears Iolas speak. "I said. We should get hitched, ya know?" Lucio sputters, shit. "Look. Like I was saying we're surrounded by losers, Pet. Who else am I gonna get to match me other than you huh? come on, look at me. Then look at you! we're perfect for each other.. ya know?" Lucio now looks nervous as he speaks. Unable to keep eye contact. ...and.. I love your laugh."
This seems to pull Iolas' from his fears a little even enough to get him to let out a weak laugh. "What? what does that have to do with anything?" Lucio pouts and glares at his lover just a tiny bit. "I love your laugh! and I don't want anyone else to have it. I deserve it, I get you to do it most and I think you owe me. So like.." Lucio ushers Iolas' to the ring, his legs are starting to buckle. "I wouldn't admit this to anyone else but my knees aren't what they use to be so can we--" Iolas stops him with a curt turn, his shoulders shaking.
The blonde stands suddenly, his whole body rigid. This was it. the rejection he warned himself about. He's ruined everything, his heart screams to go back. Iolas is probably laughing at the proposal and Lucio's tacky way of offering himself. It isn't until the sound of a stuffy nose echo through the silent night that Lucio realizes his lover is crying and instantly he steps forward a different kind of fear gripping his heart. " W-wait-- wait, why are you crying? You never cry--" He falters and fidgets his hands around his lover unsure if he wants to be held or not.
Iolas turns finally, his red puffy eyes are turned down in a grimace as they glisten in the dim light. "Yeah, you idiot I never cry and look at what you made me do." His tone is harsh but it's followed by a sad shake that ruins any intention of anger. "Lucio I... I don't know how to do this." Lucio's heart slows but he's thrown for a loop and Iolas can sense his confusion and clears his throat as he wipes his leaking eyes. "No one has ever, wanted me like this before. I don't know if I can-- How do you know you want this? What if I disappoint you? What if you get tired of me and regret ever meeting me? At least if we keep things like before you can just get rid of me if I'm too much and I won't have to--" Lucio stops Iolas this time as he brings his lover close by pulling on his crossed arms.
"You won't have to worry about falling in love?" The blonde answers with his own sense of sadness, his eyes looking down at their feet before meeting with Iolas' who only nods in response. Lucio is a bit thankful that his lover didn't outright say no and is at least contemplating the idea of things. "No I had the same thoughts and honestly I don't know how I'm sure. I just... am." Lucio's normal bravado comes back now that he feels more secure in the conversation. "I know that I love seeing you every day. I know that I love sleeping with you every night. I know that I don't want anyone else to hold you the way I hold you and I know that you feel the same way about me." At that the blonde swallows hoping he isn't wrong. "But mostly I know I don't ever want you to leave. If you were to leave, do you know how fucking boring this place would be? I would set the parlor on fire within minutes of you being gone." The cheeky grin is back and Iolas snorts at the idea and manages a smile as he is now fully embraced by his lover.
Lucio rests his head on the shorter man's head and hums, kissing the top of it. Slowly he pulls Iolas back so he can look down at him. "But it's not just about what I want... you kinda need to want those things too." Now it's Iolas turn to nervously look away and slowly as the shorter man's courage builds he tights his grip in Lucio's jacket and more tears fall down his face as the realization comes crashing onto him that he'd do absolutely anything to be with the man in front of him forever. Before He can answer he shoves his face into Lucio's jacket rubbing his head back and forth on the soft fabric. "You moron-- Of course I want all that."
The blonde can't resist the urge to tease the other man however and laughs to himself. "I'm sorry, could you say that again I couldn't hear you from inside my jacket." Iolas hits the taller man's chest with a laugh before he goes to wipe his damp eyes yet again. "You know for a fact that I said YES-- urgh, gods look at what you did to my make searing the hell am I going to fix this now--" Iolas' whining is stopped short by his lover picking him up in a searing kiss that continues as the blonde twirls them both. With a firm grip on Iolas' was it Lucio Looks up at the magician with a smile that could blind the gods. "I wanna hear you say it." Iolas rolls his eyes, a large pout crosses the silver-haired man's lips as he kicks his legs from his newfound lifted position.
"I have zero ideas what you're talking about--" Iolas protests but Lucio shakes his head. "Say it or you are never leaving this gazebo." Iolas is about to rebuttal but the look in Lucio's eyes is that yes he is serious. Iolas' expression softens, even if it's despite himself. "Of course I'll marry you, LuLu." Lucio bounces in his spot and spins the both of them once again but this time continues to spin around the whole gazebo till Iolas can't help but laugh and struggle against the crazy man holding him. "Stop-- Lulu Stop we're gonna--" but it's too late. Lucio's legs trip over themselves and with zero grace they both tumble onto the hardwood floor.
Iolas rolls onto his back and groans, dizzy and sore his eyes dart over to the man beside him who is just as dazed. slowly Iolas entwines their hands with a smile and Lucio is about to kiss his lover's fingers before he remembers the ring. The blonde springs forward, getting up like the fall meant absolutely nothing but Iolas takes his time sitting up as his lover fumbles to find the ring he dropped.
Soon as it's found Lucio slides over, the scraping sound of the fabric of the taller man's pants on the hardwood makes the magician giggle. Iolas has to give the other man sheer points for his enthusiasm. Pompously Iolas sticks his left hand out, to which Lucio plays along and kisses the other man's ring finger dramatically before slipping the large ring onto Iolas' hand.
Carefully Iolas' holds his hand out to the light and observes the sheer size of the ring and can't help but grin. Lucio practically radiates waves of anticipation on his lover's thoughts "Was this the biggest ring they had?" Iolas wiggles his fingers, acting as if he's unimpressed. Lucio simply feeds back into him. "How dare you." Lucio sneers, pulling Iolas into his lap as he sits, unable to be on his knees any longer. "I had this one custom ordered. Not only is it the biggest ring in stores, but it's also the biggest wedding ring, period." He speaks into the shorter man's neck before he kisses it, The count's tone never faltering while he speaks. This sends Iolas into a giggle fit. He knows for a fact that this ring physically cannot be the biggest but another part of him can see Lucio putting up a fight with store owners about the pitful size of their rings to the point where he just orders them to make him a whole new size.
"Of course, I knew my Lulu would only get me the best. He not capable of anything less." Lucio preens in the praise and Iolas strokes the back of his fingers against his lover's face. For a moment they stay like that, both of them processing what exactly just happened and what this means for their future. Iolas is the first to break the silence with a soft hum as he presses against Lucio's chest. "Thank you... Lucio." the taller man responds by nuzzling his nose into the shorter man's hair with a confused hmm. "I never thought I could do this... but for the first time, I'm not scared." Lucio smiles at that. and squeezes his lover in his arms.
"Good. We can both be fearless together."
💋 Who is the best kisser? (if you’d like write a short smooch scene!)
The sound of wood creaking fills the otherwise quiet room as Lucio pushes his lover against the doors of his chambers. Lucio places on hand on the hip of the man under him and huffs a breath through his nose that leads to a soft moan as their lips bump against each other awkwardly for a second. Iolas snickers within the brief pause and pulls Lucio down by his collar. Now controlling their embrace the shorter man pushes the blonde backward and with a searing bite, he slams the count onto the disgustingly huge bed placed in the middle of his room. Breathless Lucio stares up at Iolas his bottom lip red and puffy from the bite, which only makes Lucio's slurry grin look even more dangerously attractive.
Iolas steps in between his lover's spread legs and uses one of his hands to tip the taller man's head back with a grunt. Lucio's hands wander over the man before him, knowing his place he doesn't try to switch their positions. He loves when Iolas gets pushy he knew if anyone could match him in greediness it would be his lover. Iolas however preoccupies himself with tracing his thumb over Lucio's red bottom lip till his nail presses a little too hard and draws just a few drops of blood to the surface of his lover's pale skin.
At the sight of this Iolas captures The count's lips once against and shamelessly sucks on the blood he just conjured. the kiss devolves as Iolas holds Lucio's head still with the grip on his hair and once the magician pulls back Lucio's face flushes at the sight of his blood dripping from his lover's lips. Lucio's voice comes out breathy and needy as he pulls against Iolas' grip on his hair. "Do that again."
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silvia7272 · 4 years
ML Salt Songfic ~ 3 I Won’t Go Speechless
So, I heard a song and I was immediately filled with a sense of, the finale of the Salt SongFic. I hope you like it; I don’t really think a lot of people liked the second one but that’s alright. More on Marinette this time.
I will have to state that events in this 3-piece story isn’t canon to my fanfic ok. These were just a bunch of ideas I want to put together.
Word Count: 3118
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @maribat-is-lifeblood, @raisuke06, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @luleck, @themotherofhogwarts, @more-or-less-human-i-guess, @emmathedestroyer, @gwennex, @amayakans, @angelaaali, if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Also, if you change your name please tell me, I don’t want to leave you out since you’ve asked to be tagged.
By the time the gang had arrived back at Marinette’s place, Marinette was still fast asleep, the poor girl really was drained. Beforehand Kagami noted that Crissi would detransform soon, and not wanting to be out in the open, she hurriedly ran off to an unoccupied alleyway as the beeps increased and a green light coated the girl.
Plagg hid inside her clothes, not thinking it would be safe out in the open. She was just about able to come back out when Kagami helped her up, she smiled before continuing towards the bakery.
Of course, Tom and Sabine were in hysterics after seeing her Daughter and friend like that but soon calmed down after Rosina explained everything.
“She’s incredibly strong, she didn’t mean to hurt anyone even while being an Akuma, this is my fault, I wanted to help Crissi.” The two Parents fussed and quickly led them up to the living room, Marinette lying down and Rosina sitting in a chair with the rest either standing or sitting on available places.
Once they had fully convinced Tom and Sabine their Daughter only needed to rest, and they could go back down to the bakery was when the group really started to worry.
“Rosina are you sure you’re ok? You seemed to really be struggling to walk.” The red-haired girl shook her head.
“I’m fine guys, it wasn’t that bad anyway. Besides, it's not the worse thing that happened. Marinette’s safe, that’s all that matters” They didn’t seem convinced but relented anyway, there was no use arguing with a girl that would willingly run through fire.
Don’t ask.
“I can see it now; everyone will be on their hands and knees just begging Marinette to give them another chance. As if they deserve that” Chloé ranted, the topic was bound to come up.
“Yes, now that they know the truth, they may start asking to become friends again. As long as all three of you have strong wills, they should take the hint soon.” Kagami said, she was worried for her friends and wished for some way to desperately help.
“I doubt that, it took them this long to figure out Lila was lying, they’re bound to never relent.” Chloé fell back in her chair as Kagami pats her head, the blonde jumped at the contact but didn’t shrug off the affection.
“Soo~ what are we gonna do?” They all ponded before the redhead had an idea.
“Hey hey. I think I know.” And they continued to make a plan, they would need Marinette’s consent of course, but just knew the girl would want to and it wouldn’t be too hard. Time passed and Marinette still hadn’t woken up but her breathing had evened out so they knew she was sleeping peacefully.
One by one they left but promised to visit and call later on before it was just Rosina and Marinette. Since they were both roommates.
Black and red soon entered the young girl's vision as the tiny gods sat on her lap.
“I’m so sorry Rosina, I had no idea this was going to happen. Are you sure you’re ok?” Tikki was ever so worried about her. She was trapped within Marinette, unable to help in case Hawkmoth saw her, at the end of the day, her identity could not be compromised.
She didn’t expect a hand to pet her so head affectionately.
“Its ok Tikki, I’m just glad we were able to fix this mess, I’m just glad it was only me that was hurt.” Plagg wanted to say something but couldn’t. If he could’ve foreseen this, he would’ve been able to stop thi-
“And thank you Plagg. If you hadn’t been able to find me, we would still be there by now. So, thank you. Oh wait, you need to recharge right? Here I’ll go get some cheese” Before they could protest, she fell onto the floor, a grunt following soon afterwards. Surprisingly that was all it took to wake Marinette up.
“W-What happened? … Rosy, why are you on the floor?” Marinette was worried, she knew she could be weird but, there were sofas for a reason.
But it seemed she was full of surprises. She learnt that there would be too many to keep track off.
Rosina picked herself up from the ground and rubbed the back of her head.
“I just fell, don’t worry Mari I’m alright, but are you ok Mari? Do you… Remember anything?” Marinette widened her eyes before some tears fell down her cheeks.
Rosina tried walking to her as fast as she could. She held her in her arms, asking Tikki to watch out for any Akuma’s, Tikki nodded before being on guard. Plagg followed suit.
“Hey… It's all ok now, nothing bad happened ok, we’re all safe”
“B-But I let myself… I hurt you so much. I hurt everyone. I don’t deserve to be Ladybug anymore” Rosina had to stop Marinette from taking her earrings out, she was still so hurt.
“Marinette. Please listen. I know it's tearing you down because you let your emotions become the best of you. But that’s just who we are, we are all human and we all make mistakes, but what separates us are the choices we make afterwards. So please Marinette. Don’t quit being Ladybug because of one mishap” Marinette stared into her eyes, they didn’t hold pity or resentment.
They held kindness and concern.
All for her.
She couldn’t help but lean forward.
Well… It was the next day.
And if they were prepared or not didn’t matter. They had to face their fears whether they were ready or not.
Luka and Kagami had already agreed to meet up with them after school, their plan should be in action by then. The bluenette took a deep breath in and out, her hands were fidgeting before a warm hand entwined with hers.
She looked up to see Rosina smiling her usual smile. She nodded back and the three approached the building, waiting for whatever would happen.
“Marinette, we’re so soo sorry for everything we said” Alya stated, trying to approach said girl but she hid behind the redhead. Chloé stood in front of both, glaring at all of them.
“If any of you had any brain cells, you’d know that Marinette wouldn’t want to speak to any of you now, probably never. So, do yourself a favour and stay out of our way” The group glared at the blonde, but she wasn’t wrong.
Nooo. Marinette would surely forgive them. She was the sweetest girl in the whole school, they made a few mistakes, but they realised now, and they would surely be forgiven.
“I wasn’t talking to you Chloé, do you mind moving out of the way so I can talk to my bestie, I want to make things right” Alya glared back, how dare she lecture her on this. Chloé and Marinette weren’t best friends, Chloé was just using Marinette until they understood Lila was lying. Nothing else.
“You can start by getting lost”
“Don’t you start Chloé. You bullied her for years and she easily forgave you, of course Marinette will forgive us.” Alix stated, she looked incredibly smug at that moment. The rest held the same expression, they had been Marinette’s friend for years. Of course, they could make things go back to the way they were before.
“But its Marinette’s choice” Rosina squeezed her friends’ hand to comfort her, she still wasn’t used to this whole argument thing yet, but she knew she had to defend her friend.
“She’s right” That voice… It was?
“Adrien, what's gotten into you? It was all a big misunderstanding, Marinette’s going to forgive us anyway so why wouldn’t we want to make things better?” Alya was shocked, he was always so reliable in these types of situations, now he looked sorta remorseful? No that couldn’t be, the class was just tricked that was all.
“And Marinette is her own person, she can decide and choose what to do, not be forced into it” When Marinette tried to look at Adrien he turned away, did he regret what he had said, did he feel remorseful forever telling her to take the high road? Marinette wanted to figure it out but knew it didn’t matter at that point. He already made his bed, what happens now is his choice, she shouldn’t have to make decisions for him.
“Stop it” The whole class turned towards the bluenette. Surprised that her smile was no longer on her face anymore. She was just looking at the ground, gripping Rosina’s hand.
“I’m sorry I got Akumatized and hurt you. I’m sorry I subjected you to that. And I do forgive you, because I know that would be the right thing to do” The class was ecstatic, things could go back to the way they were. Marinette can join in on the fun now, she wouldn’t have to be alone. Of course, they’ll try their hardest to make it up to her, but they knew they wouldn’t need to work too hard since it was Marinette. She would forgive and forget.
“However,” Wait… That didn’t sound good.
“I will never forget this, so don’t even think for a minute that we can be friends again” Her expression was of self-confidence, and if circumstances were different, they would be oh so proud of Marinette sticking up for herself.
But it wasn’t.
That declaration was meant for them and whether or not they choose to accept it was up to them.
Marinette grabbed her friend’s hands and pushed passed her former bestie. She wasn’t hurt anymore.
She would not be taken advantage of ever again.
The hand intertwined with hers would certainly make sure of it.
“Ok, I understood the plan. But how did they find out about it?” Marinette pointed to some people, having been accustomed to them a long time beforehand. Chloé looked away before being nudged by Kagami.
“Chloé… Care to explain?” The blonde gave a subtle glare to the short-haired girl, but she only giggled in retort.
“Look, I thought since we were going to do this fantastic plan of ours, we should have some help in this department. Plus, wouldn’t you just love to see the look on Lila’s face once she finds out you actually know them?” Marinette was still glaring at the girl, this was meant to be small and to express her voice. Not turn into a concert.
“But still” She wined, a hand wrapped around her shoulder, causing her to look up to and see her Uncle.
Not by blood but it was pretty close.
“Look, it still can be a little thing, Mari. We didn’t invite any of the public to watch this stunt, but what's music without some equipment to help. We just gave you a mic.”
“And a stage, and clothing, and lights-” Marinette counted on her fingers the amount of equipment that had been brought to the park. Jesus, how did he get this here so quick?
“These were necessary for the greater good Mari. Besides, you need to stand out along with your music” Marinette still looked unsure, but a hand grasped hers which made her lookup.
“I believe in you Mari. You have such a pretty voice; you should show it to the whole world to show how fantastic it is.” She opened her arms in exaggeration which may have caused a slight blush to appear on the pig-tailed girl.
“Alright. As stay you’ll, I-I mean as long as you’ll stay with me” The Silver-eyed girl nodded her head before they hugged.
Several hands appeared around the girls as well.
“You better not be leaving any of us out Dupain” Marinette cheekily rolled her eyes before hugging back.
The stage was set with no crowd in sight. But that was fine. She didn’t think her nerves would be able to take it, any eyes on her that she didn’t know, she’d rather roll over and die of embarrassment.
But this was for her. To express herself and all of her feelings.
In a song.
♫Here comes a wave
Meant to wash me away.
A tide that is taking me under♫
Wow, her voice was phenomenal, of course they had heard her before when they all hung out at her house once, but they were messing about. This was serious.
♫Swallowing sand
Left with nothing to say.
My voice drowned out in the thunder♫
Marinette looked at her friends again, they had all decided to stay with her through thick and thin, she smiled as she turned back.
♫But I won't cry
And I won't start to crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me or cut me down♫
She was talking about her class. For too long had they been making her do anything and everything for them. And she was finally expressing herself, without any help from an Akuma.
♫I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless~♫
She closed her eyes as she could feel a different type of power surging around her.
♫'Cause I'll breathe
When they try to suffocate me
Don't you underestimate me
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless!♫
People could hear the music of a girl singing, and they wished to investigate. Finding the source of the music was easy, and when they saw that it was a teenager no less, they were very impressed. Marinette’s friends couldn’t believe how popular this show was getting, it was incredible, and they were glad, Marinette deserved it.
The classmates of Bustier’s were all out, they wanted to meet up and devise a plan of how to get Marinette back and on friendly terms. This must’ve been some side effect of the Akuma, she didn’t really mean what she said of course. But they only wanted everything to go back to the way it was, back before Chloé and Marinette had this fake friendship.
But then they heard it.
♫Written in stone
Every rule, every word
Centuries-old and unbending♫
The park! They sprinted to see what the commotion was about. And they saw someone with blue hair singing on the stage.
♫"Stay in your place"
"Better seen and not heard"
Well, now that story is ending♫
What was she doing there? Why was she singing this song? There were so many questions circling around the teenager's heads. But then they started listening to the song.
They listened to the lyrics.
♫'Cause I
I cannot start to crumble
So come on and try
Try to shut me and cut me down♫
Was it about them? Had they really hurt her that much because of this misunderstanding?
♫I won't be silenced
You can't keep me quiet
Won't tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless♫
No… It wasn’t a misunderstanding. It wasn’t a misunderstanding at all. They had willingly believed Lila at face value, they didn’t check anything, or ask for any proof, they just foolishly believed her.
And when Marinette tried to warn everyone that Lila was lying, they just blew her off like it meant nothing, they tried to reason with themselves that it had been because she was jealous of Lila and how close she was with Adrien.
But in reality…
They had actively replaced her.
And they didn’t want to admit it so easily.
♫Let the storm in
I cannot be broken
No, I won't live unspoken
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless♫
Adrien had been excruciatingly lucky. If that ring on his finger was anything to go by at least. By a miracle, Rosina had found it in her heart to give Plagg back to him, she, of course, didn’t know his identity considering the 3 paged letter she sent him apologising profusely about having to use Plagg and asking if they could hang out at some point.
Behind closed doors of course.
♫Try to lock me in this cage
I won't, just lay me down and die
I will take these broken wings
And watch me burn across the sky♫
The young boy didn’t realise how much his former friend was hurting inside. He had honestly thought the situation wasn’t as bad as he believed. That Marinette would be strong enough to rise above it and come back even tougher.
But the previous day's events made him realise how wrong he was. They were all lucky that Rosina was there or Marinette would’ve defeated Ladybug and Chat Noir in no time.
♫Hear the echo saying I! Won't be silenced♫
He wanted to make things right, but he knew that Marinette would need time even thinking about accepting any apologies, and he wanted to give the girl space. A lot of it.
He would wait until she was ready for whatever apology he could form, if he even could apologise.
He would hope and pray that she would hear him out… But again, it was her choice, and he would respect her wishes.
♫Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it
All I know is I won't go speechless
But he also couldn’t help looking at the bluenette. She looked so… Confident.
So… What's the word?
How strange. She had the same postures as Ladybug…
♫'Cause I'll breathe!
When they try to suffocate me!
Don't you underestimate me!
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless!
All I know is I won't go speechless!♫
But he was regretful of everything.
He didn’t mind if the girl would ever believe him.
Screams of cheers were the last thing on the girl's mind as she opened her eyes to confront a crowd of people before her.
She was extremely surprised and flabbergasted, how did this happen?
This was meant to be a small thing Jagged what the hell?
But her thoughts were interrupted as arms flew around her neck, enveloping her in a hug. She would’ve lost her bal- no wait she did.
“Rosina!” She would’ve given the girl a stern look but failed to follow through on it.
“You did it Mari. You were amazing out there” It was then that Marinette realised something; as the crowd cheered, even more, something unexpected happened and her friends cheered from behind.
She wasn’t going to go speechless anymore.
Everyone else had.
She couldn’t wait to see what other adventures she would continue to have in the future.
Her future.
Their future.
Because it would be fine if she continued to trust her friends.
And maybe more.
The end. Oh boy its finally over. Definitely preferred the first one over the sequels but you guys asked for them and now the trilogy is complete. Hazar.
Well anyway thought you’d like it as it’s a little break from the other fics and its ended.
Hope you all know why I chose this song out of any others, hehe.
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favvnsongs · 4 years
Hey so what is ahead to still waters 👀👀
I - oof even what is Ahead to still waters, indeed, lmfao.
Uhm, so very long story short-ish:
Atsw is the sprawling, all over the place, sometimes a gritty traumatic war drama, sometimes an indulgent opulent space opera, occasionally an uncomfortable psychological horror, more often than not a heartbreakingly tragic and agonizing and tenderly romantic monsterbeast of a catradora(...?) fic that happened when a dubcon chipped!catra/adora pwp drabble morphed into Cry little sister and then that au morphed a second time into Ahead to still waters.
It's @trashcanpunch and I's favorite fic-child and we basically come crashing into one anothers DMs on a constant basis to scream feelings at each other. I mean mostly like angsty feelings as if we're on two different sides of a vicious guerilla war and heartbreaking plot moments or snippets or whatever the fuck are spike pits in the jungle but... yknow.
Lmfao no but uh. basically. Atsw, much like Cls, is the "what if" exploration i guess based on if adora&co had left catra behind after catra had helped to rescue glimmer off of prime's flagship.
(mind you that the backstory "lore" of the universe is only like... 5% canon compliant bc I dont fuck with canon when it comes to aus it's stupid and I dont like being limited like that lmao)
no but uhhh. yeah. without the events of Save the Cat, adora never really becomes she ra again. meanwhile, catra isn't forcibly baptized in the mountain dew pool of doom against her will and shoddy chipped and shoved into the hivemind. rather prime sees how much she's hurting and how much internal conflict and despair she's got in her, and very gently and tenderly and so so so uncomfortably grooms her into turning on etheria. essentially handing over not only everything she knows willingly, but also taking the light willingly, joining the hivemind willingly, but also giving herself over to the war effort bodily in letting him use her physically for the creation of little sister, who is kinda sorta an entirely separate personality? it's weird. that whole aspect is sorta... it hasn't been ironed out yet.
(if any of y'all are familiar with my aus, youll know nothing is concrete and everything is always changing and being retconned lol so things may change but)
catra is essentially given the light rather early? and the light and the chips and the hivemind all work differently than in the show, obvs. and she wants to repay prime for giving her a new home and a place of belonging and a purpose?
(oof and I loooove prime in this au. like. i love him because I have such a love hate relationship with him. and I think that's his entire point?? because he'll Make You Like Him??? and make you trust him??? and it's just So Good. and then you'll be reminded that he's an absolute fucking monster it's Amazing)
no but. so. catra. but also little sister. so like, catra is given the light and she's been relieved of her despair and her grief and her anger and bitterness and pain and all that jazz. she's also done some other shit too but we won't get into that here lol. she's earned her place, so to speak. but she wants to do more. she's a true believer. she has seen the truth and heard it from on high and followed him from out of the darkness with pure blind faith and been rewarded. she has really truly deeply drank the koolaid.
prime basically through some weird process splits her - personality? entire wholeass consciousness?? idek. but there's catra and little sister and theyre two different people but they're not and they have two separate personalities but they dont. and they have different memories and knowledge of things but then at the same time they dont. they share a body and a soul but thanks to chip shenanigans and prime's influence, little sister is intentionally so much stronger than catra, she's the one in control most of the time? and yeah sometimes, though very rarely, catra can shove her way to the front but more often than not prime has to allow catra to be present.
(it's not like she'd want to be anyways. committing warcrimes and whatnot. she's comfy where she is. as long as adora's safe she's okay to let little sister be of service to lord prime's plans. that's okay. as long as adora's okay, she's okay.)
but then yknow turns out prime is getting kinda bored af with the war and the heart of etheria isn't like. he doesnt really want it to blow up the universe bc that's dumb as fuck?? lmao what. he mostly either wants to harness that magic so no one else can have it who Would blow up the universe bc there are much more evil fuckers than Prime out there and they aren't members of the evil version of the space united nations or whatever who are all like "so hey uh what's the deal with basically that giant bomb I guess you were gonna take care of or something...?" or he wants to conquer etheria and her surrounding planets (which is mostly his current plan but etheria is kind of just... being a bitch..) bc he cant really just. leave something like that sitting in what is his backyard now. but either way he's getting really fed up and he's all "alright we're gonna just mass chip everyone fuck it i don't care" or something like that, and then honestly prolly destroy all the runestones or something and then just pack up and see if the planet explodes like a pressure cooker.
but also prime has a bit of a soft spot for catra (I mean its more that that but we're not gonna get into that rn) and shes all 🥺👉👈 do you think mebbe I could go and talk to adora and see if i could convince her to join the light? she might be so happy to see me that she'd say yes?
and little sister and prime are all "lmao this kid" and "oh you sweet summer child, how precious you are. sure, it's worth a try" but at the same time they both know that adora isn't an idiot and that she's gonna put two and two together and realize pretty quick why catra isn't dead and why she has a chip but hasn't been seen in years. and oh gee yeah I mean you've been committing God awful horrific atrocities but sure I'll come with you and join ur cult ex bestie sure ♡•°` so little sister pretty much promises prime that she'll kidnap adora if/when she says no to catra both bc adora is a good asset to have Anyway and bc like it or not she's got a soft spot for catra too, even if she's a spoiled little fuck who gets special treatment.
so adora obvs says no and catra is all 🥺 and little sister is all 😤🙄😒🗡🗡 and so adora gets kidnapped...? politely taken prisoner? ... rescued from maybe being blown up? ... reunited with her ex-bestie who she abandoned to prolly/potential doom? lmao pick one. catra is pouting bc adora was mean and rude even tho catra was so excited and happy to see her again and adora is grumpy and stubborn and impolite and little sister is like "I hate you both So Much" and prime is all "drama! I love it :3"
aaand I gotta go run errands and try to be productive so I guess thats all the explanation you'll get for now.
@trashcanpunch can prolly sum it up MUCH MORE seriously than I can tho lmfao
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anxresi · 4 years
Amity’s Amends
Story: After the events of 'Understanding Willow', Amity knows she has a lot to make up for. And she'll start tonight, right in front of four people who have been the bane of her existence for too long. Get ready for a roasting, s'mores optional.
Amity Blight arrived home that night after her adventure inside Willow’s head, full of more hope and determination for the future than she ever felt possible.
Her initial skepticism of the Earthling Luz Noceda had long since disappeared, and now the two could honestly even describe themselves as good friends. Maybe even more, if the way I blush whenever she hugs me is anything to go by. Just like my favorite ships in those Azura books we both like...
The young witch quickly dispelled all thoughts of frivolous romance from her head, using the same methodology she would dispel one of her enchantments if it got out of control. That’s for the future, if it happens at all. Right now I have other stuff to take care of…
She burst through the front door, half-expecting her strict parents to meet her there with the standard ‘where do you think you’re been?’ or ‘your darling brother and sister would never stay out this late’.
Whereas she dreaded such searching questions before, now an odd mixture of defiance and resilience made her itch to hear them, just so she could show off her new steadfast attitude.
Alas, there was no Mr and Mrs Blight in sight. They’d taken the night off (again) to mingle with the VIPs their family relied on for its ‘prestigious’ reputation, so her long-awaited confrontation with them was just gonna have to wait until later. Goodie. Gives me something to look forward to.
In the front room however, were two other people Amity wanted to put straight on a few things… along with a couple of surprise guests. Erica and Edmira Blight, her ‘dear’ siblings, sat on the couch with her so-called best friends, Boscha and Skara. They seemed deep in conversation, but the intense chat soon faded to a whisper the moment Amity strolled through the door.
“ Mittens!!” Edric was the first to greet his little sister, grabbing her by the shoulder to give her a light noogie. “We were wondering where you got to! I was just about to send out a search party… or at least, borrow mom’s crystal ball to track you down.”
“Great to see you, sis!” Emira smirked at Amity in a non-too genial way. “And look who’s here too! Your besties, Boscha and Skara. They came over because they tell me they’ve been worried about you lately… and I must say, me and Edric have been as well. So think of what you’re about to hear as an ‘intervention’, if you like.”
“Amity, you’ve changed! You don’t insult the other losers with us the way you used to, you don’t let us tell you how to dress, and we’ve even caught you hanging out with that Earth creature!” Skara stared at Amity unblinkingly, as if unwilling to let Luz’s dreadful name pass her lips.
“Yeah, exactly! And after all the bad stuff you said about Willow, I can’t believe you defended her today! Almost like you were... friends or something, but of course that can’t be the case.” Boscha sniggered to herself, like the mere notion was just impossible.
Amity listened to all this ‘selfless’ advice until it was over, with her arms firmly crossed and her left foot tapping on the plush carpet. “So, you’re all here today out of the goodness of your hearts, to tell me I’m hanging with the wrong crowd and I should act more like everyone else here?”
“Yeah, Mittens. I mean, we love Luz and all but…” Edric gave his opinion, hesitantly.
“...She’s just not right for you. She’s lucked out so far in her spell training, but when she crashes and burns she’ll take you down with her. Not a pretty sight.” Emira was a bit more forthright than her twin brother.
“Plus, she’s always with Willow. Ugh , instant popularity killer.” Boscha put her finger in her open mouth to illustrate her point.
“Also, what’s that other kid’s name? ‘Gas’, or something? He’s as much of a geek as the others, always going on about Earth stuff. If he likes it ssssoooo much, why doesn’t he just move there? And take those other two freaks with him?” Skara chortled at her joke, obviously thinking she’d said something hilarious.
Amity heard all this rudeness and bile aimed at her newest pals with the patience of a saint, but finally she could take no more. “ Excuse me , but his name happens to be ‘Gus’. Him and Luz are two of the nicest people I’ve met, so if you think I’m going to let you talk that way about them around me you’ve got another thing coming. If everyone in the Demon Realm was as stuck-up and conceited as you and Boscha are, believe me… I’d be on the first broomstick out of here with them! Now, what else was I going to say…”
Amity’s siblings and ‘friends’ sat there open-mouthed, unused to hearing such backtalk from someone usually so compliant, but she wasn’t finished yet. Not by a long shot. “Oh, yes. Sorry Skara, I am unable to attend your 15th birthday celebrations because of a prior… wait, I don’t have any pressing engagements. It’s just that you’re a total bitch, who I no longer want to be associated with. I set your butterfly free, too. Never mind, I’m sure there are loads of other brainless bullies out there you can hang around with, to make your fragile ego feel better about itself! Which brings me neatly to…”
If Boscha thought her obnoxious snickering was going to win her any brownie points from Amity, she was very much mistaken. “...You. I don’t know what you’re finding so funny Boscha, in many ways you’re twice as bad as Skara. You lead, her and me follow. At least, that’s the way it used to be. I hope you’re happy with this trio becoming a duo, because I am through . As for what you said about Willow, strange you should mention that as we were besties once, before I messed it all up. Now I’m trying to make up for it, by apologising a lot, attempting to be a better person and getting away from two horrible girls I only hung around with because my parents made me…”
To this last statement she gave a meaningful look at her quaking ex-pals on her couch. “...And I wonder who they could be.”
She turned around without missing a beat to her equally nonplussed siblings sitting nearby, but addressed them in slightly less harsh tones than the previous pair. “ Edric, Emira… you know I love you both dearly, even if your childish pranks do sometimes leave me wondering if you really are the older, more ‘mature’ brother and sister you claim to be. But please, stop trying to ‘encourage’ me by subtly putting me down. It’s not helpful, it’s just dispiriting. And please stop calling me ‘Mittens’. That was cute when I was a baby and couldn’t put my gloves on, now it’s just irritating and makes me think you don’t respect me. Lastly, you’ll be glad to know that by tomorrow, you’ll both stand out a lot more. I’m washing the green out of my hair! Brown is so much more my color, dontcha think?!”
At this juncture, and with everyone around her completely shut down by her searing outburst, Amity stretched and gave out a fake yawn. “Anyway… early start in the morning. You know how it is: the pressures of being top student never go away. Well, see you tomorrow brother, sister… and as for you other two, see you never . Ta-ta!”
She then made her way upstairs with a noticeable spring in her step, the only things on her mind being to work hard to achieve all her goals in life, being the best friend she could be to Willow to make up for years of neglect…
And the way her cheeks flushed whenever a certain Earth girl held her real close.
Oops. Here we go again.
Well, what do you think? I know this is very unlikely to happen... after all, they do have a lot of episodes to pad out. But hopefully, now that Amity understands how some of the more toxic influences in her life have been allowed to shape her, she can start confronting them and making her own decisions.Also, it's so obvious her and Luz are a future ship. Fight me if you disagree... kidding. ;)
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lovebubblechoices · 4 years
Frozen Forget-me-not
Author’s note : This, was requested a lot (no pressure haha ><) and then my twisted silly mind imagined this. I hope you will like it as much as I liked writting it. Of course it will be angsty and sad for the most part at the begining but the theme is not easy. There’s an accident, a car accident + coma involved. I’m not a specialist by the way so don't get mad at me… I’m doing it for the Community so feedback would be nice you know, just saying… Of course, apart from MC (Victoria “Vicky” Monroe) every characters belong to Pixelberry and lastly, as usual, English is not my first language so be nice and enjoy!
Word count : 2,346 (woopsie…)
Tags : @missmiimiie - @caroldxnvxrs - @unusualvisionsblog - @acourustic -@faithhasnowords - @wvndora - @tiki-tay​ - @noboundariesplease​ - @openheart12​ - @youcancallmeanet​ - @edgiestwinter​ -  @basicgirlwithbasicdreams​ - @nhievyenne​ - You, maybe?
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Chapter 1 : The Downfall
The ambulance was rushing toward the hospital at full speed and with the lights on. Rafael Aveiro was driving as his own life was on the line and the other paramedics within the ambulance were scared to death.
« You’re gonna get us killed Rafael! Slow down Jesus Christ! »
But the driver was so stressed he did not and then responded something in Portuguese while his brain could not proceed English at the moment. He never was so stressed by his job really; for him it was just about saving countless lives and heroism, making his Nana proud even. But tonight, as he hurried to Edenbrook hospital everything felt different. Rafael’s beliefs were shaken because of his friend lying at the back of the ambulance.
The night had started correctly for Dr. Victoria Monroe, just like any other nights when she wasn’t working. She had planned a lovely evening on her own, outside of Boston for once. What she did not planned at all was for her car to get hit by a trunk on her way back at some crossroad in Boston. Everything happened fast - her checking the road twice, her driving carefully then some horn on her right side and blinding lights, her screaming while the trunk get closer and closer. Finally brutal noises of shattering metal while the car took a dramatic fly in the air only to fall on concrete completely destroyed and its owner left unconscious inside. She had been bleeding nonstop and her life was endangered since then. When the ambulance arrived and that the paramedics managed to get her outside the still-steaming wreck, Rafael recognized her on the spot and insisted on driving whereas he was supposed to be in the back with her. The heartbreak was too much to handle for him - seeing one of the few he loved and cared about in this critical situation. Thankfully the ambulance finally arrived an eternity later, which was in fact 25 minutes later because of the speed and much to his displeasure, Rafael ran into Dr. Varma and Trinh.
« What do we g- VICKY??!!! » Jackie shouted, shocked as ever. « I’ll get her to the OR » indicated Sienna who was trying her best to remain calm and professional despite it was her bestie in front of her. « How long had she been unconscious Rafael? » asked Jackie « At least for 30 minutes I’d say... » the young man responded. « I don’t know her vitals, I was driving... probably too fast » he smiled to himself.
He left without another word, lost in his thoughts. Jackie sighed and went back to her other patients since she wasn’t a surgeon, unlike Bryce or Harper Emery. The young talented doctor wiped forming tears in her eyes as she smiled weakly. She was hoping her friend would be taken care of by Dr. Emery. She feared Bryce would paralysed in front of a lifeless Victoria. But she wasn’t worried that much: Edenbrook was considered to be the Elite. What could possibly go wrong?...
Dr. Emery had Dr. Lahela step down for this one. He usually assisted her because she could tell he was one of the most driven surgeon-to-be in here but the young fellow became paralysed when he heard it was Dr. Monroe and that it was ugly, very ugly. But he accepted his fate and welcomed it with some sort of relief. At least, he wouldn’t be the one to blame if the situation messed up and that comforted him somehow but deep down… he was genuinely worried for his friend – he had caught Harper’s look studying the body and he knew what it meant.
No good.
But Victoria, or Vicky for friends, was tough; a true force of nature. Surprisingly enough Bryce came to wonder if she had any lover… He wasn’t quite sure why the thought hit him but there he was gazing in front of him without noticing anything strange or out of the ordinary on the wall. As if the wall could give him that answer. Was it the terror of losing her for good that made him think of potential boyfriends she could have?
For sure, Bryce Lahela could have easily been one of them. At some point, the two were flirting back and forth but it was mostly pick-up lines that made them laugh like idiots. But there was somebody in the picture since last year because he wasn’t on the DT but Bryce noticed small changes in her behavior and he had teased Vicky multiple times about this but she never said anything. It was her secret and her lover’s.
“Not practicing with Harper tonight Lahela?” asked a deep masculine voice.
“Ah! Dr. Ramsey!” said Bryce, looking up. “No… Not tonight. Or this current one at least” he sighed in deafeat.
“How come?”
“I… I could mess it up Dr. Ramsey” Bryce explained “and obviously, I don’t want to” he added thoughtfully.
“I’ve been told you’re one of the promising one Lahela. Why the fear?”
“It’s one of friends in there… How do you put distance between your carrer and your personal feelings Dr. Ramsey?” Bryce genuinely asked the older doctor.”
“I guess everyone’s different Lahela” Dr. Ramsey chuckled.
He was giving the young surgeon the impression his argument for stepping down wasn’t valid but truth was Ethan Ramsey understood the young lad too much. He almost replied that he went to the Amazon for that same reason.
“I guess I’ll learn with time…” sighed Bryce.
“Who is it, if I may ask?”
“Oh… hum. Probably the best among our small gang. Dr. Monroe’s in there, fighting for her life and I literally cannot step up for the challenge…” the surgeon sighed once again.
“If you’ll excuse me Lahela… I have business to attend to” Ramsey uttered in a slow monotone voice.
“Oh! Of course Dr. Ramsey. Thank you for your time…” simply replied Bryce and Ethan nodded as he continue down the corridor.
He. Had. Not. Been. There. For. Her.
There was an earthquake beneath his feet. What kind of doctor he thought he was? What kind of man even? Ethan Ramsey couldn’t think straight. He wanted to go in the OR and helped Harper but could he? Could he help her colleague saving the woman he loved more than his own life?... He wasn’t so sure about that but his pager decided otherwise.
Need you in OR 2. HE
He was screwed. He wasn’t ready to see Victoria on the operating table but hell must be damned: he needed her in his life even if they were doomed to stay colleagues. He must do something, he had to save her. Everything but losing her.
Ethan clenched involuntarily his fists because of the anger growing in him. He was angry with him because he wasn’t able to protect her and he was angry with her because apparently, it was a 50/50 chance to save her. Why on Earth she had been outside of Boston? Why she hadn’t told him about her plans for tonight? Why she hadn’t texted him?
You idiot! You hate texting. And you make excuses up – boundaries, personal development and so on. The diagnostician hated himself. He ran down the corridor the other way and entered the Operating Room n°2 after he dressed up appropriately. Then, he silently acknowledged Harper and came by her side where she was doing was she did best…
Ethan mechanically followed Harper’s orders but his mind was focused on the body lying down the operating table. His hands were slightly shaking but still precise. That was his way to keep control over the whole situation but he knew he couldn’t hold this for long. The dam was thinner and emotions were ready to flood everything and everyone else.
Ethan was on thin ice.
After multiple surgeries and countless hours, Victoria’s state was finally stabilized and therefore she was put in a coma and transferred to the intensive care unit. She will be able to make it thanks to Harper Emery’s talent and dedication for her job. Ramsey was glad he had not lost it but he was exhausted and his early day shift wasn’t finished yet. He had to meet Mrs. Monroe and informed her about her daughter and this was dreadful even though Victoria Monroe was out of danger for now.
He called her name in the waiting area of Edenbrook and instantly a middle-aged woman stood up and walked towards him. Ramsey took a minute to detail the woman before him as they exchanged a formal handshake.
She had seemingly soft grey short hair that were unmistakably blonde when she was younger. Dark green eyes lighten her tired features and a worried smile soften her angular yet beautiful face. Ethan could say Mrs. Monroe was an elegant woman and a quick look to her clothes confirmed it. He also assumed a wealthy background but clearly the Monroes weren’t the richest but provided for their daughter or children if Victoria had siblings. He closed the door behind her and gentlemanly offered a seat which she accepted hastily. Then, he went behind his desk, sat and faced her for the first time.
“What happened? I’ve been told my daughter’s been transferred to intensive care” she sobbed quietly.
“That’s correct Mrs. Monroe. Would you like a glass of water before we continue?” he asked her.
He grabbed a plastic goblet and put some water in it before handed it to the lady. She accepted it gracefully and waited for him to unfold the events for her. Ethan Ramsey returned to his desk and explained as calm as he possibly could the events to the worried mother. He wished his own mother was like this but it never ever had been the case. That woman walked on them when he was only 9.
“But is she saved?”
“It’s too soon to be assertive but I know her quite well… she’s a tough one.” He smiled.
“That she is.” confirmed Vicky’s mother. “Could I see her anytime soon?”
“Not for a week at least, I’m sorry.”
“No, no! I understand Doctor. Don’t apologize for doing your work. I appreciate honesty. It’s just… hard, you know? She’s my baby” she justified herself.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Monroe, I perfectly understand it” Ethan assured her in return.
“Her friends must be devastated…” she tought for herself “I’m sorry but… do you know if there’ll be consequences? After-effects due to the coma?...”
Ethan Ramsey took the time to respond. This was a serious matter and he did not know the answer for sure. He sighed heavily as he was facing the truth also for himself.
“The coma here is designed to help the recovery, to ease it. The risks of after-effects are great and unfortunately” his tone darken “the loss of her memory is plausible at this stage. Depending on how long Victoria stays in coma”.
Silence enveloped them afterwards. Then, Mrs. Monroe looked Dr. Ramsey right in the eyes and said:
“Thank you Dr. Ramsey for you know… saying the truth and only the truth to me. And also caring this much for her. As I said, I feel very lucky she has you.”
“No need Mrs. Monroe. I’m just doing my job and… And she means a lot to me” Ethan vaguely concluded.
 If only you knew what your daughter meant to me, you’d be terrified dear… Ethan was trying to stay focused but his mind kept running back to the accident, to the fact that he wasn’t there with her when it happened. Moreover, there were all the things he left unsaid on purpose because he thought that was the best thing to do for both of them but now, he was losing her as Victoria was lying in a bed in the intensive care unit.
If only I had not been such of fool of myself… We’d be the power couple of Edenbrook and nothing could stop us from being the best diagnosticians… Ethan Ramsey sighed but he did not feel defeated as he had felt defeated when Naveen was dying and he didn’t know what to do. With Victoria, he instinctively knew what to do. He knew he had to be there for her, talk to her, wait for her to return from the darkness she was in. All he had to do was waiting for her to come back to him but the wait already promised to be ridiculously long and painful.
Ethan Ramsey promised Victoria’s mom to inform her of any development on her daughter’s case. Then he stood up, imitated by Mrs. Monroe. He accompanied her to the hospital exit and ran into Naveen who was looking for his protégé.
“How are you feeling my boy?”
“Exhausted and nervous. I extended my shift because Harper needed me” Ethan explained.
“I heard yes…” Naveen nodded “and about that Ethan…” he said cautiously “I should dismiss you of the case.” Naveen clarified sadly.
Ethan let out a sigh. Deep down he knew Naveen would do such a thing but he could he accept it without a word? Not that easy. “Listen, I know I’m close –“
“Ethan… I hope you know it is to protect both of you. What did exactly happen in Miami last year by the way?”
“I… We…” Ethan hesitated. “She kissed me” he finally murmured.
“I KNEW IT” Naveen shouted in the hall overjoyed. “You deserve happiness my boy, so does she”
“Maybe you’re right… But don’t dismiss me, I need her and she’ll need me”
“I won’t for now but I hope you’re aware she might not recognize you when she wakes up…” inquired Naveen
“Yeah… I know the risks. But I am willing to take them. She’s worth it” asserted Ethan.
For the first time in his life, Ethan Ramsey was willing to fight for a woman. Naveen smiled mischievously and pated Ethan on the shoulder.
“Congratulations my boy, you’re in love.” he beamed.
Ethan chuckled and they parted ways.
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