#but of course. the grabber is the ghosts
presidenttyler · 5 months
not that there is anything very high-brow about looking into hundred year old murder cases, but the fact that like every single one of them nowadays is just fodder for ghost hunt shows is really annoying. like you know there are no ghosts in that house right. if you could talk to them someone would have by now ok. the villisca axe murder family is not waiting with bated breath to finally share their secrets with Super Scary Paranormal Ghost Adventurers: Reloaded
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Bungou stray dogs X the Black Phone
His name was Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. But the kids at the Orphanage called him the Grabber.
The staff used him a ghost story, if you misbehave you'll be sent to the Grabber. None of the kids knew what happened when you got sent to the Grabber.
Only that no one ever came back.
Kids would tease Atsushi, tell him he'd be the next one. It terrified him, Atsushi was blamed for everything, innocent or otherwise.
"You know, one of these days you're gonna have to stand up for yourself." Said Robin as Atsushi bandaged his hands.
If the Orphanage was a dark night sky, than Robin Arellano was the stars.
Robin was Atsushi's first and only friend in this wretched place.
He was the only person to see Atsushi as human. He was always getting into fights with bullies, especially on Atsushi's behalf.
Atsushi tells him he shouldn't bother but Robin never listened. He saw red when Atsushi was hurt and always came to his rescue.
He was everything to Atsushi. So of course, Robin went missing one night.
Atsushi had waited for him to show up, he was helping Robin with their maths homework because the other didn't understand it.
But Robin never showed up. He'd been sent to the Grabber.
Atsushi had never felt so alone. He didn't have Robins protection so he was at the bullies mercy. The staff found amusement seeing his protector was gone and became more cruel.
And yet Atsushi refused to believe Robin wouldn't return. Because Robin would always return. He had promised Atsushi he would always have his back.
But days, weeks went on and Robin never came back. One night Atsushi bumped into one of the staff, sending his paperwork falling to the ground.
Atsushi helped him and it was the biggest mistake of his life.
Because this man was Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, this was the Grabber. Atsushi tried to run but he was knocked unconscious.
He woke up in the basement of the Orphanage. The basement was completely empty, the only thing was a black telephone on the wall.
Shibusawa told him the phone didn't work, and yet it rung. Through it Atsushi would get advice from the man's past victims.
Griffin Stagg, Billy Showalter, Vance Hopper, Bruce Yamada.
With every phone call Atsushi was left reeling, trying to use the pieces they'd left him to escape. They warned him of the Grabbers games, when he'd sleep.
The experiments.
There was one thing in common with all the kids the Grabber had taken, they were all gifted.
Griffin, invisible to everyone until he went missing could camouflage his skin like a chameleon.
Billy Showalter, now known only as the Paperboy could turn any object into paper.
Vance Hopper, one of the scariest kids in the Orphanage could set things on fire with his mind.
Bruce Yamada, the star athlete could destroy boulders with his bare hands.
Atsushi didn't understand it all until the final phone call, when he heard a familiar voice. One he wanted desperately to hear but also not, because it confirmed his fate.
Robin Arellano.
Atsushi's best friend who could move faster than light. But never ran away from a fight. He was gifted, so was Atsushi.
... Suddenly all the cat puns make sense.
Robin coached him through it, to transform his arm, raise his claws and bring it down on The Grabber.
"Will I still be able to talk to you?"
"This was the last call, Atsushi. It's all you from here on out."
"I miss you Robin."
"Than get out for me."
Atsushi used everything the others gave him, the things they'd left behind from their failed escapes. He trapped The Grabber in his own lair, bringing his claws down and killing him.
Just like Robin taught him.
So imagine Atsushi's suprise when the gifted suicide cases show up, and on the screen is the face of the man he killed.
The one who took the lives of many and killed his best friend.
Atsushi screams, just as the phone rings.
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Kate slaps ghosts ass in a 'good job team' gesture and he stares at gaz and soap like don't say a fuckin word I'll kill you
also, lbr, Soap and Gaz are a leeeeeelll jealous. This is reminding me of Go Go Nighthawks from Nerdy Prudes Must Die " we're all giving the butt slaps now, with consent of course, cause we care"
Anyway Gaz is like "how do I get one of those (butt slaps not your girlfriend Ghost calm down mate!!!!!)"
Important to note: Ghost does NOT slap Kate's ass (in public at any rate) because he does NOT want other people getting the idea that this is something appropriate to do to Kate and he knows that some idiot new recruit will attempt this. Obviously he doesn't give a shit about the hypothetical recruit but Kate shouldn't have to deal with that shit and none of them need to deal with the paperwork that would follow when she beats the stuffing out of said hypothetical recruit.
Ghost isn't really a slapper, anyway, he's a groper. Favorite place to put his hand is Kate's back pocket. Girl thicc (also he fucking LOVES the hip holes. They are Stupid as fuck but he's a grabber) He also does some non-sexual boob grabbing. Like a comfort hold. Or if she's having neck/shoulder issues he'll hold them to take some of the weight off. Or they will be getting in the way of something and he'll hold them back for her. I can't stress enough that the boob holding is not sexual. (Gaz falls asleep on her during a mission and is like. ah, i get it now. Very Comforting.)
A lot of Kate/Ghost Hawkeye/Ghost interactions wind up with Ghost giving this "i will kill you if you speak of this" glare to the boyos (Kate/Simon is different because he doesn't care when he's in full civilian mode. loves when she stakes a claim on him in public like that. he's obsessed with hickeys)
Also Ghost is in charge of correcting the assumption that Gaz and Soap have that, as Kate is an AVENGER, an HONEST TO GOD SUPERHERO, she has to be a little more indestructible than they are, aye? Kate does not realize this is the assumption and therefore doesn't bother to correct it which leads to Ghost bursting onto the roof of a building or something idk and being like NO NOPE KATE IS ACTUALLY VERY BREAKABLE SET HER DOWN GENTLY and all three of them pout at him. How is this his life.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
But of course! Any request shall be written! I'm gonna make this not naive reader but if you want a naive reader, request and lemme know! Love you! :)
Warnings: Toxic, guilt tripping, gas lighting, yandere shit
Aged up to 18!
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They would be so fucking manipulative. It's not even funny.
Billy would constantly degrade your ass.
Finney would guilt trip you about what happened to all of them with the Grabber.
Robin would be so damn possessive.
Vance would be extremely overprotective. Like, telling you who you can and can't hang out with.
Bruce would gaslight you by making you think you're going crazy like, that never happened sweets, and what are you talking about darling?
Griffin would come to you after like a balm, which would cause you to trust him more than the others so you would tell him everything
You never realized he told the others everything you told him.
If you saw them, say, murdering someone, they would be manipulating, gaslighting, and guilt tripping you until you were in a frenzy of tears, panic attacks, and in the middle of questioning your own sanity.
If you ever tried to break up with them, oh no. You're fucked.
Kidnapping is always their first go to option.
You're family? You woke up one morning to them being gone. As you accused them all of it, they manipulated you into thinking you drove them away with being so complicated and so spoiled.
But after all of this, they would always tell you they all love you more than anything in the entire world.
You stopped believing them after a while. So you left.
You didn't have any family. You graduated high school and you were done with that stupid town with all the stupid people. and one morning when they woke up, you were gone and your new occupants of your house were moving in.
Oh but they would find you. And when they did.
If you guys want imagines of when they get jealous, or when you try to break up with them, or when you leave and they track you down and find you years later, request and let me know. Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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"REMEMBER ME." A voice softly sang, leaning against the wall of this cold dark basement. Robin Arellano. Thhirteen years old, born February 2nd, 1965. Missing since November 9th, 1978. The boy had no bandana on, which was his fathers right before he went to war. And he wore it. Everyday. Mainly after his dad didn't come home from it. He took a shaky breath, his eyes closed. Before he felt someone push his shoulder. Blue eyes stared down into Robin's dark brown ones, an annoyed expression plastered across the blonde's face. Vance Hopper. Born August 10th, 1964. Missing since September 23rd, 1977. The blonde stared down at Robin, his arms crossed before he spoke. "Make the final call, Arellano. He'll listen to you. Rather than he'd listen to any of us."
There were three others. They stood facing Robin. Two were standing close to each other, and the third was quiet, seeming to be picking at his nails. There was Bruce Yamada. Born June 12th, 1965. Missing since July 12th, 1978. The golden boy of Denver. Alongside that, there was Billy Showalter. Born December 12th, 1964. Missing between March and April 1977. And Lastly, the first Victim, Griffin Stagg. Born September 8th, 1965. Missing in 1977. Five victims. And they all knew this new boy, Finney, Blake may be the sixth.
"He's your best friend... He'll listen to you better than he listened to me." Billy grumbled, seeming annoyed that Finney didn't listen to him. "Don't go upstairs" just meant nothing to Finney. Clearly. The second victim leaned against the wall, annoyance held all over his face and even how he stood. Of course he was annoyed. Finney had gone upstairs, gotten out, and then dragged right back down here. The same thing that he had done. It was annoying how Finney didn't listen to him once, even with the warning that The Grabber was waiting upstairs with that stupid belt. He took a breath in, looking between himself and the other four victims.
Robin looked between them all, his brows furrowed slightly as he took a breath in himself, and letting it out only seconds after. "Okay. I'll call him." He mumbled aloud, fixing his hair, even if it looked to be a tangled mess. That should've been expected. You're kidnapped for about a week, your hair was bound to be a mess. He took a step towards the phone, looking around the room for his best friend. Finney was leaned against a wall, just by the former panel that used to keep him separated from the freezer that contained meat. Into the storage room.
Tears fell out the closed eyes of Finney, his head down. But it slowly rose when he had begun to hear that annoying phone ringing off the wall. He stood to his feet with a slight stumble, his eyes red from tears. He took a step or two towards the phone, hesitant to take it off the ringer. Before he did. Holding it up to his ear, he seemed confused to that stupid phone. He spoke with an almost blank tone, his voice hoarse from crying. "What?" He asked, his eyes widening after he heard the voice of someone all too familiar. "Hey Finn. What's happening?" The voice of Robin Arellano, his best friend.
Finney stood with his eyes widened, before they narrowed slightly as he spoke up again. "Robin?" He spoke, hesitation clear in his voice as he tried to figure out everything. "Hey buddy. Don't cry." Robin spoke, shaking his head. Even though Finney couldn't see him, Robin had a slight smile on his face. Talking to his best friend that he cared about. Finney shook his head, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand. "I'm not." He lied, having not known Robin could see him. He grew quiet for a couple seconds, sniffling slightly.
"Yes, you are. I can see you." Robin spoke, leaning against the wall as he remained on the phone with his closest friend. Who he wished he never left. "You can?" Finn asked as he turned on his heel, facing the basement door. Just like he had with Billy. Except he wasn't going upstairs. Robin took a breath in, hesitance in his voice. A shaky breath almost. "I'm with you. I've been with you this whole time." He explained, looking back to the others ghosts, who only stood and stared at Robin as he tried talking with Finney.
"You have?" Another question. Finney raised a brow, trying to figure out if what Robin was saying was the full hard covered truth. Taking a breath in, yet another shaky one that seemed to be more hesitant than any, Robin spoke. "A man never leaves a friend behind. My dad didn't leave his buddies behind when he went to 'Nam." He started, fixing his outfit before speaking out again. "That's why he didn't come home. And I'm not coming home, either." He explained, looking down after speaking. A small tired chuckle had escaped Finney, who was now leaning against the wall. "We'll be together soon."
This caught Robin's attention as his eyes widened. His eyes narrowed right after, his determined tone beginning to pierce through the air. "Fuck that's you ain't gonna go like I did." He spoke, his voice going from determined to stern in the span of a second. Finney stared straight, trying to figure out what to say. "I've tried everything. Nothing's worked-" He went to speak, being cut off. "Yet." Robin cut him off, taking a step away from the phone. "Robin..." Finney muttered aloud. Shaking his head, Rohin's stern voice returned. "Remember what I told you?" He asked.
It took Finney a couple seconds to respond. "That I needed to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" He asked, gaining a slight laugh from Robin. "Before that." He explained right after. Finney realized just what Rob n now was beginning to mean. "That someday I have to stand up for myself." He mumbled, running a hand through his hair and continuing to try and keep himself calm and relaxed. But in his case, that was rather difficult.
"Someday is today, Finn." Robin spoke, the amount of determination and the feeling of being proud went through his head. "Today's the day you stop taking shit from anybody." He continued, a small smile appearing. Griffin sat, staring at Robin with a confused look. He couldn't talk. His vocal cords were messed up. After having his neck slit, you'd think so. Along with that, he couldn't walk. Both his ankles were broken. So without crutches, it was almost impossible to walk.
Vance only stood, staring at the situation with his arms crossed. It was like he was jealous. He should've been the one to escape. Not this bastard. He thought for a couple seconds, his angry demeanor showing up back on his face.  But it was whatever. He had run ins with the law plenty of time. Maybe he deserved all of this. He took a breath in, glaring daggers at Finney from where he was. Leaning against the wall, a foot prompted up against it, and himself leaning on it.
Billy was quiet as he too flared daggers straight at Finney. He was still annoyed that the brunette didn't listen to him. Don't go upstairs. What's the kid do? Go upstairs. That was the stupidest shit that Billy could remember. He looked between everyone at first, but his dagger glare never left Finney..
Griffin and Bruce were looking to Finney with almost pleading eyes. Bruce knew he was popular enough in Denver to not be forgotten for a long time, but Griffin wasn't. He only hoped people remembered his name. But he didn't think it would be for being missing.
With Robin... He listened to Finney speak, his eyes narrowed. "I'm not a fighter like you, Robin. You couldn't even take him." Now that was true. Robin couldn't fight the Grabber, but he sure as hell tried. Taking a breath in, Robin began to speak. "You've always been a fighter, Fin. That's what we have in common, why we're friends." He started to talk, leaning his head back against the cold basement walls he'd been confined it for weeks. "You were always afraid to throw a punch, but you always knew how to take one. And you always got back up every time." He finished.
"I'm not strong enough." Finney muttered, closing his eyes as he tried to process what Robin was saying. He wasn't a fighter. He was just a kid going through so much bullshit right now. Robin shook his head as he listened. "You have to be. You're getting out of here." He spoke, shaking his head. "If you can't do it for you, do it for me." He continued, now standing to Finney's left, the phone no longer in his hand, but rather hanging from the ringer on the ghosts side.
Finney stared blankly ahead of him. "What does it matter?" That question made Robin let out a sigh. "Because I don't want to die for nothing! I want to have at least died for a friend. And because I can't kill that hijo de puta, you have to do it for me." He grumbled out, staring at Finn with a look of almost desperation. But it wasn't. With a look of confusion, Finn looked down at the floor. "How?" He asked, confused now. What weapon?
"You're gonna use a weapon." Robin explained, looking at the phone that now dangled from the ringer. "What weapon?" Finn then asked, looking around the basement. Sure, there was the cable from Billy, and the lid that he used to try and get into the freezer and out to the storage room.. "The one in your hand." Robin then replied, calmly. The ghosts looked at him in confusion as he spoke.
"The phone..?" Finney muttered, looking at the phone in his hand from an almost side eye view. Robin nodded, knowing he wasn't able to be seen. "Fill the receiver with dirt. Pack it in tight. Give it some heft." He began to instruct, explaining what to do. Finney stared with confusion as he listened to Robin's instructions, not following on them yet. "Then what?" He asked.
Robin smirked at this. "Then you practice. Over. And over." He explained, acting as if he was doing the motions. "You raise the phone, take a fast step back. Step forward, step back and swing. Try it." He spoke to Finney. Who just remained confused for a couple seconds. "Now?" The brunette replied. "Yes." And so the training began. After a while, Robin spoke again.
"You got it. Now fill the phone with dirt like I told you." He instructed, turning to face the phone. He picked the dangling phone up, holding it his ear as he listened to Finney's question. "Will I still be able to talk with you?" That shattered Robin's heart to hear. He paused in his movements before taking a sharp breath in. "This was the last call, Finn. It's all you from here on out." He explained, feeling guilty for having to admit they wouldn't be able to talk again.
"I miss you, Robin."
"Then get out for me. Use what we gave you."
"I will."
"Bye Finn.”
"Bye Robin.."
Remember me. Don't let it make you cry.
And with silence overtaking, Robin put the phone back on the receiver. His shoulders slumped as he wiped his eyes. No. He wasn't supposed to cry. Bruce at this point had stood to his feet, placing a gentle hand on Robin's shoulder. "We know you'll miss him. You gave him good advice, man." He explained, trying to give a warm smile, but he felt weak, like he was going to disappear and fade away from anything going on. Griffin tried to speak in agreement, but again. He got sliced in the neck. He didn't really get to talk. He stumbled to stand, Billy quickly going to his side to help him up.
Griffin signed something, but Robin couldn't tell what it is. Billy had to translate. "Since he can't talk, he's trying to say you did your best." He explained, staring at Finney for a couple seconds. "He definitely cares about you." He mumbled aloud. He looked to Vance, who only rolled his eyes. As if he had anything nice to say at the situation. When the time came, each boy stood with their eyes focused on Finney.
Bruce and Billy's advice was taken, a hole in the ground and the cable being used as a tripwire. Robin's fighting helped too. Robin stood in front of every boy. After seeing the Grabber's ankle snap, Griffin made a noise of joy. Robin helped Billy bring him over to the phone, before it began to ring on the other side. On Finney's side. With an annoyed tone, he spoke. "It's for you."
Vance was the first to grab it. "Welcome to the nightmare end of your pathetic little life!" Next was Griffin. With a very little laughter, the youngest victim spoke slightly. “You don't have much time!" Then it was Vance again. "Today's the day, motherfucker!" He shouted, Robin taking the phone next with a smirk. "I can't kill you, you hijo de puta! So Finn is gonna do it for me!" Then Bruce was last. "Finn's arm is mint!"
And with that, the sound of a neck snapping echoed throughout the basement. Robin was cheering, having a large smirk on his face. Vance pushed himself away from the phone, looking at the door. If they went outside, what would happen?
When Finney went outside, as did the ghosts. Gwen, who was across the street, had ran across to her brother, engulfing him in a hug. Before she spoke up. "I found you! Finney, I found you! Oh! In one of my dreams.. Robin directed something to me." She spoke, taking something out of her pocket. The blue bandana. His fathers blue bandana. "And he's here. They all are, Finney..." She explained. "You just can't see them. I can."
Finney felt a shiver go down his spine as Gwen laughed. "Robin's hugging you. Vance and Griffin are over there," She pointed to one spot, more near the driveway. "Then Bruce and Billy are near the street." She pointed another way. Finney could feel himself tearing up. Before a song echoed through his mind. Through his ears.
"Remember me. Though I have to say goodbye, remember me. Don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each time we are apart."
"Remember me."
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daddythegrabber · 2 years
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@fierytteokbokki there you are. I dedicate this part to you. ❤️🥺
Pairing: Albert Shaw/The Grabber x Reader
Warnings: masturbation (male) nothing more
Summary: You and (Bf/n) decided on to go shopping, and that’s when Max shows up. You explain everything to your friend and she/he helps you to encourage Al to make you his. 😛😉
The Grabber 🔞
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
You still cannot process what happened. Even after you woke up and done your usual morning ritual. (Bf/n) were with you not the kitchen, making some breakfast, scrambled eggs she/he made. Played it up and placed it down in front of the two of you, both plates were filled with the eggs and ham, little toast in the side. And it reminded you of Him. How he made you scrambled egg and got you a soda. You sighed and dig in to the egg.
“You all right girl?”
“Yeah…. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You seem pretty off this morning…” she/he said and drank from the mug which was filled up with fresh coffee.
“I’m fine really, I’m just really hungry.” You lied…. You did not want to admit but you missed Al. “Hey do you know where does the name Al came from. I mean I think it’s not a full first name.”
“Why you ask? Obviously it’s from Albert. Duhh…” she/he shrugged her/his shoulder and bite a piece from the toast.
“Of course. I’m so dumb sometimes.” You slapped your forehead and (bf/n) laughed.
“Yeah you are. But….. you’re my dumb best friend. Nobody else’s.”
“After breakfast we can maybe go somewhere. Maybe for a walk, you know hang out.”
“Yeah I’ll like that, besides I do want to make some shopping, my fridge is hella empty. And I’ll need some supplies.”
“So it’s the shopping then?”
“Yeah, I’ll go and make myself presentable, would you be kind to place the plates and mugs into the sink, I’ll do the rest when we come home.” You asked and strolled up the stairs and she/he agreed with it. When you opened the door to your bedroom, the memories of him flew back to you. How he grabbed himself, fucked your panties. You bit your lip and closed your eyes a bit after you sat down on your bed and grabbed the mask from beneath the bed and placed it in your lap, hands either side of it and you just looked at it. Why he has this strong effect on you? You placed the mask down and pulled the covers over it to hide it, and decided on something cute to wear. And it was a summer dress in colour blue and the little flowers made it look cute. It ended at your knee so you could show off your legs easier. You decided on some shoes cause the high-heels killed you, it was not your favourite, so you did not even had a pair. Ohh how you wanted Al to undress you. Kiss your body as he do so.
‘Stop it (y/n). Just behave. Not like he’ll came back for you soon.’
The shopping went well.
“I still do not understand how he could be that douche… like damn I’m gonna bury his remains in my backyard.” (bf/n) was furious. Some guy hit on you and told you what he would „do“ to you. Whistled and winked and it made you sick. Thankfully there was a coffee shop and you grabbed (bf/n) hand and dragged yourselves inside. Sat down to a table and ordered two cappuccinos.
“Pheww…. That motherfucker’s gone.”
“I still cannot believe some people. Every man on this planet is a piece of shit, respect for the exceptions.” As she/he said the last part a cute guy whom worked there delivered us our order, placed it down.
“Enjoy.” He smiled at you and left.
“Ooohhh… I see someone got another admirer.” She/He wiggled her/his eyebrows and you just slapped her/his arm.
“Stop iiit.”
“Oh look. He even left his number.” (bf/n) said and grabbed the napkin and waved it in my eyesight. I grabbed it quickly and placed it down.
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes and enjoyed the rest of the cappuccino and (bf/n)’s company.
“(Y/n)?” You suddenly heard your name from afar and when you found who said your name, your eyes widened.
“Hi (y/n)” he strolled to our table and sat down on the remaining chair. (Bf/n) looked at me like ‘what the actual fugg?’
“I’m so glad to see you there.” You said
“What’s up? Everything’s alright between Al and you? He seems so stressed.” (Bf/n) cleared her/his throat and looked at me with wide eyes. Masking a little movement with her/his head to explain what’s going on here.
“Sorry. Max this is (bf/n), (bf/n) this is Max.”
“She’s dating my brother.” Max smiled at (bf/n) and winked. Your face burned up, and it did not go unnoticed.
“You’re…..dating? Why I do not know about this (y/n)?”
“I wanted to tell you (bf/n), but I did not have the opportunity to do so. And it’s so fresh.”
“They almost had sex, but I interrupted them accidentally.” Max said to (bf/n) and she/he gasped and looked at you. Like really dramatically.
“(Y/n) (L/n)!”
“Oh boy, here comes nothing.”
Not shortly after you bid goodbye to Max and he was kind to tell Albert’s phone number. That’s it you knew that you can talk to him again. Maybe even see him. He wanted to invite the two of you to Al’s apartment but you refused. And (bf/n) respected your decision. Did not even asked questions after. Cause maybe she/he knew that it was not her/his stuff to look into. You let her/him into your apartment and closed the door, you two stepped into the kitchen and made some lunch.
“Look (y/n). I may not know much, but I see that you really like this Albert guy.” She/he said and but into the French fry. You two made some hamburger with fries, the sauce you made was heavenly, and (bf/n) loved it.
“I don’t know. It’s complicated. Maybe he does not even like me that much.” You sighed and bit into your hamburger.
“Well…. What about making him a little worked up?”
“I’m all ears.” You responded immediately and it made (bf/n) chuckle.
“I still have my Polaroid camera if you know what I mean.” And you knew… you remember taking pictures with it. Capturing the best moments.
“I dunno.”
“I mean, that you go and grab something sexy from your wardrobe and I’ll take pictures for you. Ya know to make him needy, after that you’ll write a letter to him.” You managed to choke on a bite and coughed, after your feeding tube was clear you drank up almost all of your soda.
“Y….yeah sounds great. Go and get the camera.” You giggled and (bf/n) immediately wiped her/his mouth and went home for the camera.
Albert’s POV:
It was late night when Albert got home. After another unsuccessful day of kidnapping. He was frustrated because of you. He asks himself why he did it the way he did. He missed you so much. He opened the door and stepped into the living room, locking after. He knew max was home cause, his stuff was on the table.
“Of course… why he would… what the hell is this?” There was a note and a letter on the table.
‘Your girlfriend said to me that I must have this to you. I think it’s a love letter. You naughty boy.’
Albert tossed the note aside and his gaze fell upon the letter, his name written it the front.
“Girlfriend? I don’t even….. Ah son of a bitch.” He was so excited to hear from you. And what he found there was even more exciting. As he opened it he smelled the perfume that you wore when he kidnapped you. It smelled like a flower garden and it made his tummy flip.
“(Y/n)..” he murmured and proceeded, and a paper sheet was there, it was filled with words that you wrote for him, he did not even saw the polaroid pictures you sent him.
Dear Albert,
I knew you was in my room yesterday. I saw everything, and I liked it. I came so hard for you, fingering myself imagining that you’re the one doing it.
I am surprised but I miss you.
There’s some pictures here to make you remember me.
He cursed and immediately searched for the pictures, there were four of them. And when he saw what were on them, he almost choked on his own spit.
“Fuck.” He cursed and sat down on the couch, he smoothed his hair back and bit his bottom lip. His cock started to get hard, his forehead was painted with sweat.
You wore some sexy underwear, and a teeny tiny dress, which left nothing to the imagination and you wore the mask. That mask he desperately searched for. He must have left it at your house when he broke into your bedroom. And he had to admit your smile and the mask made him more aroused. He grabbed the rest of the letter and hurried into his room, slamming the door shut behind him and locked it. Cause what he’s about to do is not for Max’s eyes. Only for yours, but you’re not there to make him squirm as he would fuck your tight pussy and cum inside of it. Albert tossed all of his clothes aside and sat down onto the bed, backed his back up to the end of the bed and grabbed his cock in one hand, the other held the photos you have taken.
“Ahh… yes (y/n). Fuck. You look so good Bunny. My mask looks so good on you… fuck.” Al moved his hand up and down on his hard cock, already leaking with pre-cum. He cannot express how he really was needy and horny.
“I’m so hard for you. Mmm… I wanna fuck you so bad, but before I would eat your pretty pussy out. Ohh yes. Licking you while I destroy you with not only my mouth but my fingers. His cock was painfully hard now, and he rested his hand on his thigh and gripped the pictures harder. His wanton moans filled the bedroom.
“Ngghhhh… ah fuck. Come for me (y/n). Show me how a good girl you are. Yesss….” His hand moved now faster and his balls also moved with his fast movements. One of the pictures made him cum so hard it hurt. You were spreading your legs and your hand were between your legs touching your inner thigh, biting your bottom lip in the meantime.
“Ahh… yes, I’m coming.. ah.. ah.” And that’s when his hot cum shot out of his cock, painting the pictures with it. He threw back his head and closed his eyes, tried to slow down his breathing and come down from the high.
“I’ll come for you my dear (y/n). And trust me, I’ll make you Mine.”
That’s it. 🥳 phew.. I finished it. I hope you like it. Thank you again for the nice words❤️ appreciate it. 💋
Laters Gators 🐊
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nympippi · 2 years
Does the Ghost Boys go back to their Parents/Families? Or do they stay under the Blake household?
If they do return to their families, how do their families react to having their son/child back and having a second chance in life?
Interesting question and I think I answered something similar a while back and that link is here but,
yes, the boys do eventually go home to their parents and try to readjust back to their normal lives. Also in no way shape or form would Terrance adopt six boys when he’s already got a strained relationship with the one he’s already got. Griffin was the exemption because both Gwen and Finn insisted he be under his care.
But how their parents react to their children being “rescued” is varying,
Vance’s parents: Couldn’t care less, they really didn’t care if he showed up dead or alive. They are very abusive to Vance, his dad is a drunk and his mother is emotionally distant from him.
Bruces parents: Were extremely happy to have their son back, they are very supportive and try their best to accommodate Bruce. Amy was overjoyed to have her brother back even if it isn’t the Bruce she remembers.
Billy’s parents: His parents were also very happy to have him back. However they did get a divorce, but they co-parent and are very loving towards their son after what happened in the basement much like the Yamadas.
Robins parent: Like both the Showalters, and Yamadas, Mrs. Arellano was sobbing and clutching her son and never wanted to let him go. She and her brother do their best to help Robin.
Griffins parents: Weren’t there to even pick him up from the scene/ police station, they kinda never wanted him and when he was presumed dead they hitched out of town, further prompting led to him being adopted into the Blake’s.
Also none of the parents know their child was in fact dead for a period of time, the police in regards to this whole mess spun the story that the boys were being kept alive in the basement and that the grabber simply decided to keep them for himself. This of course never happened but it’s simply a fabrication of the truth. Only the detectives on the case, the boys and Finn’s dad know the truth.
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fans-on-the-run · 1 year
The Black Phone, Finney Blake, and the Chowchilla Kidnappings
So I was jumping onto another post about how quickly Finney seems to go back to school after being kidnapped, witnessing a murder, killing a grown man with his bare hands, and talking to ghosts. It's a lot. And yet, there he is and we have no idea how much time has passed.
The Black Phone takes place in 1978. You know what happened two years earlier? The Chowchilla kidnappings.
This scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. Three loser rich kids kidnapped an entire fucking BUS full of kids in a summer school program who were being driven home after a trip to the local pool. The kids were taken hours away from town, and put in a trailer that was underground. They were, essentially, buried alive.
They got out. Rather swiftly too, and found by some quarry workers. (Two of the rich brats were sons of the quarry owner.) Then they were sent home. Hurray! Everyone was saved!
...This turned out to be the biggest study of PTSD in kids to that point. They all suffered, and their parents for the most part, didn't get them help because they were too ashamed to admit they needed it.
Now, from that real case, we go back to Finney Blake. This kid is already repressing a hell of a lot of trauma. Dead mom, abusive dad, lost his best friend. And then the Grabber gets him, he sees Max die in front of him, ect. If they make a sequel that's nothing but Finney's trauma, I would think that was fair.
And remember what a conservative ass his dad probably is. HIS son doesn't need any s*ssy therapy, of course not. So the PTSD and the anger will fester, and grow. Eventually, it will come out. How, who knows. But it won't be pretty.
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The Black Phone! Loved that movie. Thanks for the recs btw. Speaking of, have you read Ghost in the Machine by BrightNebula? It's a personal favourite of mine. Canon-compliant, post canon, Finney gets haunted by the Grabber. Unfortunately none of the ghost boys made an appearance just yet but the characterisations on Terrence (who is no longer abusive in this fic), Gwen, Donna, and of course Finney and the Grabber are all so on point. CW for implied past rape and the Grabber's general creepiness. If you've read it, I would love to know your thoughts!
I have definitely seen it around before, but no I don't think I ever actually read it. I am not super interested in any highly Grabber related things, fics are for fun and character healing for me and I will stumble upon a good idea that is angst every once and a while. I saw it was ghost grabber and no ghost boys for a while and I wasn't interested. If you think its good, though, maybe I should check it out!
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bia23 · 2 years
Sigo pensando en como seria las cosas si los papeles se intercambiarán en tbp y en vez de Robin siendo secuestrado y asesinado por The Grabber fuera Finney.
Y realmente me destruye pensar en la expresión y en como se debió sentir Robin al darse cuenta que Finn murió dias antes en ese sótano en donde él mismo esta en ese momento.
En como debio haber llorado en el transcurso de su llamada con Finney
(En este AU Robin no tiene poder de escuchar y hablar con los fantasmas de las víctimas anteriores sino que de alguna manera Finney, logra comunicarse a través del capturó a cuatro chicos diferentes antes que Finney).
Como rogó que Finney no cortara la llamada cuando este le dijo que esta (llamada) iba a ser la ultima.
La ira y el odio que sintió minutos antes de partirle el cuello a The Grabber.
El alivio y felicidad que sintió mientras abrazaba a su madre.
El dolor e impotencia que sintio al ver como la policia sacaba los cuerpos(cubiertos) de los chicos de la casa y volver a recordar que uno de esos cuerpos es el de Finney.
Finney al cual nunca mas volverá a ver sonreir
Finney al cual nunca mas se enojara de esa forma graciosa y tierna cuando Robin intente distraerlo en sus sesiones de estudios.
Finney al cual Robin nunca le dijo cuanto lo amaba en realidad.
I keep thinking about how things would be if the roles were reversed in tbp and instead of Robin being kidnapped and killed by The Grabber it was Finney.
And it really destroys me to think about the expression and how Robin must have felt when he realized that Finn died days before in that basement where he himself is at that moment.
On how she must have cried during the course of her call with Finney
(In this AU Robin does not have the power to hear and speak to the ghosts of the previous victims but Finney somehow manages to communicate through the captured four different boys before Finney).
How she begged Finney not to end the call when Finney told her this (call) was going to be her last.
The anger and hatred he felt minutes before snapping The Grabber's neck.
The relief and happiness she felt as she hugged her mother.
The pain and helplessness he felt when he saw how the police took the bodies (covered) of the boys out of the house and remembering again that one of those bodies is Finney's.
Finney who will never see smile again Finney who will never again get angry in that funny and cute way when Robin tries to distract him in his study sessions.
Finney to whom Robin never told him how much he really loved him.
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brokenhcrt · 3 months
indie sideblog for my fandomless ocs. this blog is 21+, and my partners are to also be 21+. mun is 27
follows from: drummerdaines
low / sporadic activity. default muse is MADDOX LAKE if no muse is stated. opens memes navigation
maddox lake, model & bridesmade for hire, 25, sabrina carpenter | witch, bisexual phoenix hastner, receoptionist for a law firm, 25, joe keery, gay storm simms, lead guitarist & writer for vulgar crown, 22 - 29, joe quinn, pansexual theodora winifred, jobless, 140 ( immortal ), grace van dien, bisexual ashlee georgia, job tba, 25, miles robins | ghost human hybrid, bisexual mylene baines, librian, 48, leigh anne pinnock ( main ) | demon,bisexual sky carpenter, telemarketer, 50, mackenyu ( main ) | demon, bisexual whitney gibbs, horror com youtuber / gamer / twitch streamer, 25, adeline rudolph, bisexual tiffany 'tink' bell, retail worker, 26, katherine mcnamara, pansexual bianca winters, ice rink employee, 26. courtney eaton | winter spirit, pansexual harlow beaumont, ex childstar, waiter, 24 ( subjected to change ), charlie gillespie bisexual alexander wright jr, mechanic, 25 ( subjected to change ), jeremy shada, bisexual lavender henderson, lead singer of unholy martyr, 27, karen fukuhara bisexual mary castro, guitarist for unholy martyr, 26, camilla mendes lesbian
mun uses animated icons for ooc posts
drummerdaines ( oc drummer for a heavy metal band ; FOLLOWS FROM HERE )
piecedpirates ( mumu one piece ; main prioity / fixation )
wiildhcartsrun ( resource / writing blog ) 
hollowkidds ( ma.yahart & fark.leminkus )
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21+ for rp partners. this is a sideblog so follows will come from drummerdaines, who is a muse linked with storm
once sm.ut starts to happen, icons / gifs will be dropped out of respect for those who created the ones i use, a banner will be used in it's place , this made by cafekitsune
nsfw comes in many forms and i welcome all types as i do like my horror
blog runs on a queue & is low priorty ; i mainly work with muse instead of trying to force it
i am open to writing on discord, and have many more muses avalaible there too, including canon characters
will give out my discord to those intersted in it
due running three other blogs, i will be putting focus onto replies for here on saturdays and sundays. with piecedpirates getting most of my attention during the week though of course if something is giving me dopamine, i will chase that
will not
ship with muses under 18, prefered to not interact with muses under 18
ship minor x adult, incest ( inlcuding foster, adoptive & step )
write with characters like the grabber or pennywise
banned faces are: the dead, abusers, john.nydeep, amb.erheard, no.ahschnapp, chi.naannemc.lain, tay.lorswit, jos.huabassett
specfic bans, these fc aren't banned overall, i just wont engage in a romantic / shippy plot with: bar.rykeoghan fc with maddox and jose.phquinn fc with theo, gracevandien fc with storm. sorry h3llch33r fans ruined this for me
write with people writing real people, including wwe stars as their 'characters'
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
The Grabber (Albert) x Reader in Halloween
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*Halloween is his favorite night, obviously. The decoration, the cold weather, scare children before giving them candies, not killing...
*Carving pumpkins is a great activity to do and Al can get very into it... perhaps a little too into it, specially when it's time to empty the pumpkin.
*"You know you can do other things with the stuffing, right? Like... pumpkin pie and some beverages..." you explain to him while carving. He's an average cooker, just makes the basics for himself, sometimes Max, so baking isn't part of his skills and he's sincerely interested in the idea.
*You convince him to turn the other house (the one across the street with the big, dead tree) in your basement for Halloween night, since it's empty and useless (thanks heavens) . You end up hanging some sheet ghosts around the tree, a skelleton in the entrance, some fake tombs on the yard...
*"Did you know, (Y/N), the hardest bone to break is the femur?" "...Al, I don't think I need to know-" "Even a chainsaw can't break it quick!" "Keep going and you'll be grounded"
*He also likes horror tales. Sometimes he can be a little childish with them, specially around you, but if he has some good public (I mean older children) his stories can turn really intense and even gory but... in a special way. Like "Their guts began to fall, they were like -like spagetti, all covered in tomato sauce, warm and soft... Have you touched just cooked spagetti?"
*Of course the best part of Halloween night is dressing up, and he'll try to have matching outfits with you. The problem is he isn't very creative with the customes, perhaps because of the lack of sources, so he either picks his magician clothing (and you must be the assistant, obviously) or you're a witch and he's... well, the devil.
*Deep inside, the Grabber has some sense about spirits. He cannot communicate with them mostly because he's affraid of actually listen to them, so if you invite him to a walk by the local cementery he'll be nervous, wanting to leave and even anxious to levels you never knew before.
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bdudette · 2 years
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Summary: And she tried to help him live to destroy the bastard.
Character: Vance Hopper x Poltergeist! F! Reader
Warning Tags: Super, duper long — Violence, Lots of Cursing, Some Descriptions of Gore, Character Deaths, The Grabber, Some Angst, ghost kiss, kinda out of character Vance ? I hope not but yeah —
[A|N]: I hope you guys liked this. I had to cut it into two from how long it was since I didn’t wanna leave this in a cliffhanger like I had done on the first ever made fic. Yeah — still crappy but the longer the better … right ?
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Part 1 || Part 2 | Here || Part 3 ?
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And so, the few quiet days were of the ghostly apparition helping Vance dig down a hole — with Vance doing all of the physical job since she can’t really get a good grip on touching stuff —, find a cable and place it in a good position, remember the lock number he will need soon after he got rid of the human monster — all with the help of the other ghostly kids — and suggested for him to continue on breaking the wall for the thing he will need later on.
All whilst doing this, she also helped him hide and be sneaky about their plans and actions. Fearing the Masked Monster might figure out what Vance was doing and get rid of him way quicker than he seemed he might do whenever he came in to feed and eerily stare (?) at the blond teen as if he was expecting him to do something.
The only thing Vance did was say a few crude choices of words that were meant for the man. Holding back his anger, his bite, his fists in fear of ruining everything [Y|N], the other kids he couldn’t see, and he planned for a bit now.
Going back to planning and doing what he needed to do as soon as that bastard left.
The girl couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that Vance was up to doing this — well, she shouldn’t be surprised because from what she remembered of him — he is a fighter. A strong fighter that never backed down. At some point she was kind of scared of him when she was still alive. But — she also found him fascinating from what she remembered.
At some point she even found the blonde guy attractive — well, not that he still wasn’t of course. Even in her ghostly form she found the other attractive — ah. But now wasn’t the time to be thinking of these things. She was dead. There was no time for such romantic thoughts on how she had started liking him after seeing him that one sunny day in the drugstore where the sun’s rays radiated against his face and eyes and hair so beautifully as he passionately played pinball —
“ Fuckin’ shit ! “ her attention was brought back to Vance when she heard him hiss out, pulling his hand out the mattress as he accidentally cut himself with the small pocket knife she had when she was brought here and hid in there. She moved — more like kind of floated — towards the dirty blonde, staring down at his slightly bleeding pointer finger.
He brought it into his mouth, licking the blood off with a cringe, hoping to stop the bleeding. He moved his head to the right, squinting when he saw the slightly translucent figure of the ghostly girl right next to him. He tried not to flinch away at her sudden appearance … once again. He was — kind of getting used to her coming out of nowhere by now. Though — he still keeps on cursing at her to stop doing that.
“ are you okay ? “
The blue eyed punk moved his hand away with a scoff, shaking it with a frown as he went back to looking for the item, being more cautious and careful this time, “ ‘in’ course I am, just a small cut tha’z all. You could help me look for your little knife ya know ? “ he glanced at his finger once again, seeing that blood started piling up once again but decided to ignore it. He didn’t exactly have anything to cover it up right now anyways.
The girl smiled, sitting down on the bed — body making no difference at the weight change since she is a ghost — as she looked at Vance’s face, studying him with little shame and amusement, shrugging as she decided to be helpful once again and pointed somewhere on the mattress, an inch away from where Vance’s fingers were digging into the beaten up mattress.
“ it’s right here, be careful, it’s pointing towards your fingers, don’t want you getting hurt again “
Vance rolled his eyes at what she said, his cheeks heating up at the comment ever so lightly as he went to grab at the object. He didn’t really know how to respond to the concern, really. He wasn’t used to being cared for — not used to anyone telling him to be careful. And it’s so cringingly gross hearing her care … but uh, not in a bad way. It’s just … weird considering it sounded so genuine.
Maybe she was being genuine though. After all, despite her being dead and not having an actual need to worry for him — she continued to help him, continued to be there for him when he felt too off in the darkness after that monster left, it was so fucking weird !
But uh — yeah, wasn’t … so bad that he’d yell at her to stop. But he was still wondering, curious as to why she acted this way towards him.
“ Why are you … helping me ? Really, like … fuck, why are you even trying to help me live ? Help me get out of here ? I can’t really give you anything back, can’t even give you shit right now and probably will never — “ he was stopped abruptly from continuing his talking, a cold finger placed on his warm, cracked yet soft lips.
The girl smiled down sadly at Vance, yet her eyes held a hint of slight irritation and guilt — and even a hint of empathy. She shook her head as she moved her hand away from the pinball lover with an itch of hesitancy, the other didn’t move his mouth again, instead, he looked down at his hands that laid palm up with the small pocket knife laying on them.
She moved to say something — but suddenly, she looked behind her quickly, the knife in Vance’s hands flying out and digging down into the mattress’s ripped holes as to be hidden. Everything out of place was kept hidden as she disappeared along with the flickering light in the kind of dark place as the door suddenly opened to reveal the masked monster holding a tray of food.
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This stay from the monster was different from the rest of the other stays, every time he was fed and he finished, the guy left but even as soon as he finished eating, the bastard stayed. The thing Vance hated more in his moments in here was when he spoke, when he used that cheery, concerned, and cautiously used fake tone. It was so disgusting it always made the blond teen cringe in disgust visibly.
It also angered him when the masked motherfucker spoke too, the way he said things like ‘ I won’t hurt you, I will never hurt you, ‘ and all that crap almost always made Vance want to jump from the mattress and fucking kill that fucker — but, now is not the time … not yet.
Though, he had an itching feeling in his gut that told him that the time is near, soon, way too close for comfort. The long time the guy stayed behind and also he kept on staring at him with coldness in his eyes, right leg bouncing in anticipation as his eyes sometimes kept on glancing at the quiet phone as he spoke to him — that was enough signals to tell him that his stay here won’t be long.
Vance should speak to [Y|N] about this.
At least 30 minutes passed away until the monster left. He laid down on the mattress with a tensed body, never putting down his guard as he stared at the metal door with his arms propped behind his head. He must’ve been so focused on the door that he didn’t notice the girl’s bloodied body appearing right next to him on the big mattress.
Which is why he almost jolted again when he suddenly heard someone speak next to him, shivering at the coldness the girl brought with her. Noticing how this time, the lights flickered so softly he almost didn’t even notice that either from how lacking the light was.
“ there’s … there’s actually something you can give me … “ she spoke softly, well — softer than usual. Vance almost didn’t hear her but he was able to since he still laid down next to her, turning his head towards her to look at her with a raised brow.
Vance continued to stare at her as she continued to not move for a moment. Staring at the ceiling blankly as her hands laid next to her body. She almost looked … dead — well, she is but — “ … but it’s not the reason as to why i’m helping you. not really. the reason for doing that is because … i want you to live … live longer than we ever did — to remove this masked bastard off the streets before he does the same thing again … and because I care for you “
She stayed quiet for a little too long after saying her reasons, the teen boy gave a grunt next to her to continue speaking, trying to ignore the heat that slowly got a hold of his ears, face and neck. If he ignored it long enough these random unexplainable feelings might go away. The ghost girl turned her head to look at him with a small smile, noticing the scrunch expression he was giving her and even kind of noticed one of his ears turning a soft tint of red before she continued on.
“ My name. “
Vance stared blankly at her for a moment before suddenly sitting a bit up, setting both hands on the mattress to support his body as he gave a questioning look at the girl next to him. Soft curls of his dirty blond hair lightly rolled down the side of his head as they shaped and kissed his face ever so lightly. His beautiful blue eyes seemed to stare down intensely at her as they became a tad darker from the lack of light hitting them.
“ What do you mean by that ? You — don’t know know your name ? Did you forget it or something ? How the hell does that even work ? “
He asked curiously, no hint of malicious or taunting intent showed up in his words as the ghost girl sat up, turning her body slightly towards him as she crossed her legs criss crossed. She continued on smiling at the boy who kept on looking curious, confused, and … sadness. How could she still be smiling despite everything — everything that has happened to her ? Even when she was alive, the few times he saw her — she continued to smile. A long full, distant smile is what she always gave out.
“ I don’t really know but — everyone who is here with me … we’ve all forgotten our names as soon as we woke up looking — well, being — ghosts so … we don’t … we don’t really know ? “
Said the ghost girl, causing Vance to silence his words, opening his mouth for a second before closing it again. He furrowed his brows. Feeling down, for himself ? No. For her and the other guys he has seen as of yet — hopes he’ll never see them actually considering that’ll mean that he is is dead — ? Yeah.
He checked at the inward of his bottom lip, a thing of habit that shows up whenever he thought deeply of something. He stayed staring at the girl in front of him, biting at his own lip before stopping. Which the girl was glad for, the intense stare almost caused her to flush and disappear if he hadn’t stop any time soon.
“ [Y|N]. [Y|N] [L|N]. That’s your name. “
The light seemingly started to flicker rapidly, turning brighter and brighter by the second — this suddenness had Vance looking up and cringing as he scrunched his eyes before the supernatural activity slowly calmed down. He looked down at the girl again — only to tense up when he saw her smiling so brightly at him, tears at the inner corner of her eyes.
“ Thank you, thank you so much Vance ! “ She sniffles out loudly as she scotted closer to the living human, changing into a kneeling position and moving forward towards the tensed teen with her arms open wide. She wrapped her cold body against Vance’s own warm one with happiness pouring out of her.
The blond punk only continued to freeze as he didn’t really know how to react to this sudden sign of affection. Unused to such a thing as the inside of his body somehow started getting hotter and hotter by each passing moment. He slowly picked up an arm up, before awkwardly patting at the ghost’s body — or tried to. He really couldn’t do it since his hand seemed to go through her whenever he tried to touch her despite her being able to kind of touch him — so he just mock patted at her back.
Vance was expressively cringing as he looked to the side, body awkward, tense and hotter than ever before. Yeah. This was weird. This was also shitty — good shitty ? He wasn’t sure. A few moments passed before the blonde spoke up again. Hoping to ruin the mood and make this moment pass because all he felt was awkward and he was sure as hell not used to this shit.
“ Hey, uh — fuck — did you notice how that motherfucker acted when he was here ? Pretty sure he’s made up his mind on killing me off soon. “
He said quickly. And moment gone.
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Dumb Extra
The three boys in the shadows stared at the two figures that sat on the gross mattress. One felt a little jealous that the girl had gotten her name, the other couldn’t care less but still felt embarrassed by the public — not really — display of affection , whilst the youngest couldn’t help but stare as he observed.
It was quiet for a moment before the youngest decided to ruin the silence with his sudden rambling, “ No fair ! How come she got her name before us ? Pretty sure we died before her ! “
“ Hey, hey, do you think they are gonna kiss ? That’s gonna be a little weird since we’re watching, honestly “
“ Ahhhh , he seriously ruined the mood ! Probably lost his chance from getting his first kiss, haha ! “
The older boys groaned, one of them facepalming while the other shook his head at — what they both now saw [ and have for a while now since they’ve all been dead for long ] — their younger ‘ brother ‘, not yet used to his random, unnecessary ramblings.
“ Be quiet, dude “ said the paper boy
“ Yeah, what are you even talking about anyways ? I’m sure girl — [Y|N] … ? — is going to still kiss him by the end ! “ said batter as he disagreed yet somehow encouraged the youngest’s thoughts. Paper boy glared at him in exasperation while the batter shrugged with a ‘ what ? ‘ expression clear on his face.
Yeah. They need to stop gossiping.
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E|A|N : What have I done ? I wrote too long again. Unnecessarily. Sob ! Now I have to make a part three. I’m not even confident that this is good but uh — oh well. I promise that the next chapter is the last chapter !
@w4lkingcorpqe @cosmoony
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justldk · 2 years
You know what- screw it. Stranger Things and Black Phone Crossover.
Finney is now a freshmen in high school and Gwen is like in 7th grade. Idk what grade they were in when Finney got kidnapped
This takes place during Stranger Things season 2 because that’s like my favorite season.
After the traumatic popular case of The Grabber, Finney has been getting nightmares of the Grabber and has been hearing/seeing things (aka the ghosts). Each night waking up screaming bloody murder. His father has had enough and decides it’s time to move away and start off fresh. The whole situation has Finney uneasy and upset, especially now moving away from the last place he got to see Robin alive and now has to leave Donna behind. (I think that’s her name idk) Ofc they move to Hawkins, another small town. The town has a reputation of a good place to settle down and start a family so of course they move there. No Grabber, no danger whatsoever and absolutely no kidnappings. So yeah they move and yk settle down into their new home. Ever since then Gwen has been having strange dreams yet again. She hasn’t had these sort of dreams since- well ever since Finney had been taken. There’s something fishy about this place. Something very unnatural. Gwen makes it her mission to figure out what exactly is going on while Finney tries to be “normal” ignoring the very obvious warnings the ghosts are giving him. (Also if I do plan on writing more about this silly crossover I want Steve to meet Finney also The Party to meet Gwen before they meet Finney <3!! AAA)
IM JUST OBSESSED WITH THEIR POWERS 💀 also sorry if this doesn’t make sense. My head feels woozy 😵‍💫 I just had to write this down before I forget.
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bunny-lou · 2 years
One thing in the movie I thought was a nice touch was during the Vance dream, after he was arrested and escorted by the police they drop him off at his "house" as they normally would in that situation but instead it's the house where he is buried in. I think that also explains why the house across the street was shown and not the grabbers house. Vance in the vision wasn't leading Gwen to Finney he was going back "home" to where his body was. As he said before it "isnt about helping you" (1/2)
its about screwing over the grabber. What better way to that than undercovering the dead bodies of all the missing children in a house that he owns. It was probably just a little detail that didn't mean much but I thought it was pretty cool. That being said I dont know if the ghosts control gwens dreams or if they are aware of them but I dont like getting into semantics (2/2)
(This ask was so long, it got split into two separate parts. I copied and pasted the second part above to make it easier to respond to.)
That's a great catch! Vance didn't care about getting Finney to safety, Vance cared about revenge and getting even. Of course he wasn't going to where Finney was being kept, he was going 'home' to his body.
I liked Vance as a character because he doesn't give a shit about Finney, unlike the other boys. Bruce and Robin know him outside of the basement and Griffin helps him not get beaten. Vance doesn't give two shit and, even better, he goes out of his way to tell Finney he doesn't care about him. Vance is an angry boy who died in a horrible way, of course he's desperate for vengenence.
(You got to wonder if these boys find help in the afterlife, someone who works them through their trauma so they're not miserable for eternity.)
This is also why the boys weren't standing by the house with the basement they died in/where Finney is currently kept, they're standing by the house that has their bodies.
My theory is that the boys found peace after the Grabber died. They were forced to stick around until their bodies were found, their families got closure and they were properly laid to rest.
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Ok, I'm Not Done Talking About Max Yet
So, in my last post I briefly mentioned I had a theory that Max had supernatural gifts too. I'll be the first to admit I have no idea how the magic works in The Black Phone universe, so I'm just going off the little bit I do know. Here goes:
So, Gwen and Finney both inherited their gifts from their late mother, right? Gwen had her dreams, and Finney was able to hear the ghost kids on the phone. Who is the only other person confirmed to be able to hear them?
That's right, The Grabber.
If the gifts are really hereditary, where did The Grabber get his? From a parent? If that's the case, it would only make sense that Max would have inherited them too.
There's no onscreen evidence of this, of course, it's all speculation on my part. I just thought I'd share since it's something I've been thinking about for a while now.
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