#but outside of reader insert
yeyinde · 2 years
so someone said price is a manwhore and tbh i can see him being one but at the same i dont, what do you think????
i personally don't see him as having very established relationships/sleeping around. i don't think he's the type to do so as he feels too much, and so putting himself in these situations constantly seems like a recipe for disaster.
i don't think he's celibate, though. if anything, i think he has someone who he used to date in his 20s (i often headcanon him as only ever pursuing/dating much older women, older than himself, even, who have active lifestyles and careers and therefore can't commit, and expect nothing of him, and perhaps offers him Intel as well. maybe a foreign Secretary or a lawyer, etc) who he sometimes hooks up with whenever he's home.
its easier, and convenient, and both parties know what to expect, and neither have feelings for each other that will get in the way, but they still have love for each other.
basically, a exclusive/monogamous hookup but neither are stuck/locked into loyalty/cheating should they find someone else - it's just preferential with their careers!
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theghooligan · 6 months
aemond: my uncle is a challenge i welcome, if he dares face me—
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
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First month on the job and Sun seems already smitten.
They're lonely and touchstarved your honour.
Tari is also practically vibing, which is a nice change for them.
Part 1/2
This was originally just something silly to explain their drastic design divergence from anything even remotely canon in this au, but I went and I turned it into angst cuz that's what I do best 🙃
Part 2/2
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jingyuanswallet · 5 months
Might I suggest some reading material on neurobiology and neurodevelopment? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/
Tldr: Pedophilia isn't something you get from 'thinking about kids in sexual situations' just as you don't suddenly change sexual orientation from thinking about it.
people can like ts due to trauma but bro, instead of going on tumblr and making it normalized and spread to the whole wide world. go to a therapist and stop it instead of letting it get worse, the more you write about it and get validation on it by people just like them. they're gonna be like "oh okay, so ts is normal." when in REALITY its not, they say its gross irl but continue to say they have sexual thoughts about their sibling irl. im talking about a specific person in the hsr fandom, theres people with intrusive thoughts about the same shit but its usually people who seek help and dont talk about it on tumblr. they're sexualizing this and normalizing this, and romanticizing this. instead of using tumblr as a therapist and tagging it as a normal fanfic, go outside and seek help. NOT validation from people just like them.
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daintylovers · 3 months
I need MORE brat!tamer dally. MORE I SAY.
If you feel comfortable can you write like what rules dally gives you to follow? And what punishments he uses? Lowkey dally seems like he’d be creative when it comes to punishments.
That’s all, bye ml!! Have a good day!
u say more, and u shall receive more.
now, for the time, i feel like it makes sense he would have rules he wanted you to follow.
don't go anywhere alone!
this feels pretty obvious and straightforward. because of you're association with the greasers and dally, in particular, you now have a shiny red target on your back. and socs don't care about gender in relation to physical violence. if they would hit a soc' girl, then they would sure as hell hit a greaser. or at least a "pretend" greaser as they would say.
so dally gets more than a little nervous and always keeps tabs on your whereabouts and who you're with. more often than not he's right by your side, or at least in your vicinity. but on the off chance he isn't, he likes to have soda or darry watch out for you. he trusts them most because of how ponyboy is watched after.
when you do break this rule, because you're just a girl, after all, his punishment varies. it depends on how long you were alone and the amount of danger you got yourself into. if it was the quick walk from your house to soda's, a light reminder of why you shouldn't do that. if it's a drunken stumble from a house party (that you shouldn't have even been at) back to bucks place that sobers you up with the chills, you're in for it.
of course, he makes sure nothing happened, but once he gets the all clear he is bending you over his lap and making you count. he doesn't relent either, in fact, he reveals in the tears and jolts that come from you. he aims to leave handprints, smacking your bottom with a little too much force. enough that has you feeling it for the next few days. and even after you're tired out from the spanking, he's drilling into you, spearing you open on his cock. slamming into you with the same force, talking about how stupid you must be to wander off on your own. you babble back to him, incoherent moans only spring him on.
2. if you want to be a jerk, do it in private
we saw the repercussions of this one last time. not only do you get a physical punishment, but then the added embarrassment that comes from knowing that the gang also knows.
it also doesn't help because dally can't keep his trap shut. constantly telling the boys about having to "handle you". it's degrading, you aren't a puppy dog! but that's the point, he wants you embarrassed, so you won't act out again.
3. no smoking.
a hypocritical one, of course. but it's for your own good, he can't have his sweetheart getting lung cancer. but of course, it's okay for him to indulge in the habit. sure he lets you take a puff or two off his from time to time. but you aren't ever allowed to have your own.
so when he catches you in an alley with your good-for-nothing friends, smoking away, he gets furious. he's down the alley in an instant, grabbing a hold of your wrist and yanking you away. your friends are snickering and laughing behind your back as your big tough boyfriend drags you away. he stows you away in the car before zooming off to bucks.
once he's there he makes you sit on the bed and explain yourself. then he asks you to stick out your tongue. he lights a cig and then, when it's time, ashes it out on your tongue. the taste is foul and burns. but you aren't allowed to put your tongue in your mouth until he's finished. what? if you like to smoke so much, this shouldn't be a problem. maybe it will teach you a thing or two next time you want to harm your tiny lungs.
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carbondioxda · 2 months
Too hot to cuddle
Prince Zuko x reader<3
c/w: fluffy, too hot to cuddle trope (reverse trope), hot weather conditions, the reader is a girl, reader is a waterbender, no use of y/n, third person, frozen elsa reference don’t even ask, harsh language cause what the fuck is this weather
a/n: had this in my drafts for months but I just finished it because I’m living through a heatwave nightmare right now and actually feeling like reader. This is horrible. It’s 35 Celcius and my ass is tweaking
sorry for any mistakes! english isn’t my first language. and the way I write dialogue might be different than what you’re used to
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The air was suffocating. It felt as if she was breathing some kind of piping hot spores instead or oxygen. The girl was laying in a bed, that was way too warm for comfort and as embarrassing as it was, she swore she felt a sweat puddle on the mattress underneath her.
The fact that her boyfriend happened to be a firebender was making things even worse now. Firebenders are naturally warmer than others, maybe to adapt to the heat when they're fighting or for god knows what other reason. Still, Zuko's toned hands on her waist were making her feel as if he's gonna burn her body alive. They made her get those heat waves all over her, worse than chills every now and then.
"I'm gonna melt. Not in the good way." - she thought to herself. It's not like she wanted to get up. It was a cute little routine of theirs to cuddle and sleep together, ever since her and Zuko started traveling together.
However, The Earth Kingdom's summer nights were unbereable. Besides, that the little hut they rented was made for winter season, so it kept all of the warmth in. No wonder it was so cheap in this time of the year, anybody would go insane in those conditions.
She finally got up and sat on the bed. The hairs on her forehead were sticking to her skin and she had a sudden urge to chug a few litres of ice cold water. This was bad.
- You okay? - Zuko half-whispered, his voice cracking from tiredness.
- Yeah, it's just...hot as hell in here. - she got up and went to the bathroom. She was too exhausted to take a glass, so she drank right from the sink. The bed creaked, meaning that he also got up.
- Are you sure everything's okay? - he rubbed his eyes, speaking in his hoarse, tired voice.
- I feel like I'm melting. It's so hot I swear I'm gonna suffocate. - she said, gulping the water. Even the water didn't seem to be cold enough for her liking, so she had to chill the water with her waterbending.
- I guess it is a little warmer today. - he mumbled, finding her state funny somehow. The heat never bothered him anyway. She noticed him looking around and trying to think of some evil plan, as always.
- A little warmer today…for the love of god. What are you looking at? - she asked, catching eye contact with him in the mirror. He was staring somewhere.
- You've been staring at the...- she turned to where he was looking. - …bathtub?
- No I wasn't. - he shrugged. His actions didn't really match his words, as he turned the faucet on and plugged the drain.
- Are you seriously gonna take a bath now? It's 2 am.
- No. But you are. - he said, lifting her up bridal style and putting her into the bathtub. Before she could register what's happening, she was in the water, fully clothed.
- whattHEFUCK?! - she shouted, almostjumping when her pijama got wet in the cold water, that splashed around from the impact of her hitting it. It was a shock for a second and then, it was....nice? The air wasn't so suffocating anymore and her skin wasn't burning.
- You'd overheat if I didn't do that. - he smiled and sat down on the floor next to her.
- You could've given me a heads up. Now my clothes are wet.
- They were wet from the sweat anyway. I could’ve told you but naah, seeing your reaction was better. It's not so bad, is it? I mean, you stayed in.
- ...it's not worse. - she half-whispered.
- Just don't think of bloodbending my ass in there, I'm not as hot as you are.
- Aww, you think I'm hot?
- What? Uh-shit. Poor choice of words. I mean, you are, I just didn't mean...nevermind.
- Nah, I can't blame you, I'm hot as shit. - she scoffed, cold water meeting more of her skin and the material of her pijamas.
- Shut up. - he scoffed, which resulted in a splash of water being bended on his face. - That was unnecessary.
- It absolutely was. 
- Okay just find something to keep yourself busy for a few minutes. I'll open the windows, maybe it's gonna help. - Zuko smiled and headed out of the bathroom. In a few minutes of his absence and some chill water calming down the girl’s overheating situation, she felt exhaustion washing over her. She didn’t have to worry about the hotness of the room anymore and her body desperately needed rest. Her eyes grew heavy.
Zuko did manage to help her get out of the bathtub and got her some dry clothes. Then he carried her to the bed, this time not to throw her into another surprise but just to sleep. The room was colder, faint breeze hit their skins thanks to the opened windows from time to time. The sheets didn’t feel like lava anymore and it was good. Good enough to sleep.
- ’night. - she mumbled, getting comfortable.
- goodnight, love. - he mumbled back. She instinctively wanted to snuggle up to him, but he stopped her. - No cuddling for today. Otherwise I’ll have to carry you to the bathtub again.
- ’kay. - she said quietly. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead, before turning to his side. This was the first time in their lives that it was in fact too hot to cuddle.
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supercap2319 · 8 months
"Hey, Darr? You seen my jeans? I know I left em right outside the door when I went to take a shower." Soda asked, in a towel and dripping wet.
Darry looks at his younger brother. "Y/N went towards yours and Pony's room to hide em. Thought it would be funny."
"That little minx. I'ma teach him a lesson he won't forget." Soda walks towards his bedroom as Darry smiles.
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fun-k-boards · 11 months
People who just put reader when they actually mean curvy but also skinny, cishet, fem reader who has long hair, is white and American, has a wealthy family that's nuclear, likes to wear dresses and skirts, likes to wear makeup and nail polish, likes specific foods and wears high heels everywhere are my fucking enemy, especially if it's for a game WHERE THE PLAYER ISN'T LIMITED AND IS CUSTOMISABLE!!
If you do this I hope you get trapped in a ball pit full of legos, it takes approximately five seconds to put 'Oh btw the reader is basically just an oc but because I'm annoying I'm going to say it's a reader anyway to get more reach'
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sardonic-the-writer · 5 months
sodapop x female reader headcanons
he leaves you for a man
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imbadatwrighting · 7 months
Winston!reader: On Monday just let him down as gently as you can, like I did with my ex
Curtis!reader: …you sang a breakup song on his answering machine.
Winston!reader: It was a RAP, Curtis!
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imagine-you · 1 year
I'll Be the Vision of Your Happiness (Dallas Winston/Reader)
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Summary: "And then there was Dallas Winston. He was a troublemaker through and through and while he spent too much time behind bars for your liking, he also crashed on the couch in your living room often enough that you couldn't help but consider him a part of the fucked up little family you had. He was a rebel and a notorious flirt and had an obvious thing for you. You couldn't take him or his advances seriously, though. Not when he was always looking for his next fight or lay."  Word Count: 5.7k Author's Note: Just a silly, self-indulgent little thing I've had on my mind for years. I finally decided to write because damn it, I had to. Reader is Darry's, Soda's, and Ponyboy's sister. Just a year younger than Darry. Title comes from the song Earth Angel, because that was the title of this fic up until a few moments ago. Huge canon divergence in this fic...because I had to.
Read on AO3
Everyone on your side of town had a rough life, but growing up, you never would have guessed. Your parents had done their best to shield you from the worst of it and it wasn't until they were gone that you realized just how much they did for you and your brothers.  
Even though you were only a year younger than him, Darry tried to take full responsibility for you and your younger brothers. He quit school and got himself a job and then another one when he realized that wasn't going to cut it. When you tried to follow in his footsteps, he chewed you out for trying to ruin your life.  
"You even think of dropping out and so help me--" 
"So you get to bear the weight of all of our worlds on your shoulders, but I can't help? What the fuck, Dar? That's not fair," you argued, knowing that getting Darryl to budge would be near impossible, but you had to try.  
"Watch your language," Darry scolded, shooting you a disapproving glare.  
"You're not dad, Dar," you reminded him. "And just because you're the oldest--" 
"All of you are my responsibility. Who else is going to keep a roof over our heads? Mom and dad are gone and I'm the only one who can take care of the rest of you." 
"That's bullshit and you know it. Listen, I don't have to go to school--" 
"Stop," Darry snapped, his tone final, warning you not to argue. "You're going to school and you're gonna make something of yourself. Got it?" 
You knew it was no use trying to get through Darry's stubbornness, so you continued taking classes, but you would be damned if you didn't contribute. So, you got a job as a waitress on the other side of the train tracks, catering to socs and taking their money to benefit a bunch of greasers.  
Because while you had your brothers, you also couldn't deny that the rest of the gang was your family as well.  
Your not-so-secret favorite of the bunch was Two-Bit, because even though he was constantly mouthing off, he was also someone you knew would always have your back. He used his shoplifting habit to pick up things he thought you would like and while you didn't want to encourage him, you couldn't help but think he was incredibly sweet for someone who was always cracking jokes about everything and everyone. 
Johnny Cade was an absolute sweetheart and even though Ponyboy was the baby of the group, Johnny gave off a youthful innocence that had you wondering half the time how he ended up with a bunch of guys who would rather let their fists win their fights than words. You hated Johnny's parents for not protecting him from the world like they were meant to, so you took it upon yourself to watch out for him when you could and brought him food from the restaurant you worked at, since you knew his parents barely took the time to make sure he was eating enough.   
Steve Randall was Soda's best friend and while you hated the way he was so dismissive of Pony, you tolerated him for Sodapop's sake. It wasn't a secret he wasn't your favorite of the bunch and you had a feeling that the sentiment was mutual.  
And then there was Dallas Winston. He was a troublemaker through and through and while he spent too much time behind bars for your liking, he also crashed on the couch in your living room often enough that you couldn't help but consider him a part of the fucked up little family you had. He was a rebel and a notorious flirt and had an obvious thing for you. You couldn't take him or his advances seriously, though. Not when he was always looking for his next fight or lay.  
It didn't make sense and it was dysfunctional as all get out, but they were your family, and you'd do anything for them.  
The day your life got flipped around for what felt like the thousandth time, you were sitting on the porch steps, reading a book for class. You were drawn from the story of fake identities and counts seeking revenge by your brother's distressed voice.  
"Pony!" You heard Soda yell before he took off. Two-Bit, Johnny, and Steve were right behind him, barely taking a second to hesitate before following your brother into what sounded like a fight.   
You stood, carelessly throwing your book down on the steps, before you rushed toward the sounds of yelling and cursing and punches being thrown. All you managed to catch was the end of the scuffle, surprised to see Dally there, since the last thing you knew he was locked up again. He threw a rock at the socs' car, nearly hitting the back window, sending it skittering across the road as the socs fled.  
It was then you saw Ponyboy, blood welling from a cut on his neck.  
"What the fuck did they do to you?" You hissed, dropping to your knees at your brother's side.  
"They ran him down," Soda answered, tipping Pony's head back to get a better look at the cut. "Shit, Pony," he sighed, wincing at the sight of the blood staining his neck.  
"What the hell were you thinking anyway?" Darry asked, surprising you. You hadn't even seen your older brother approach, but you shouldn't have been surprised that if there was trouble, he wouldn't let it go ignored. "You shouldn't be walking around by yourself." 
"I wanted to see a movie," Pony offered, letting Two-Bit help him to his feet.  
"Movies and books," Darry scoffed, reaching out to tap a finger against Pony's forehead. "You're going to be so caught up in that head of yours one day that you're not gonna see the hit coming." 
"Aw, lay off him," Soda told Darry, starting to lead Pony back to the house. "Those things make him happy."  
"Next time you want to go to the movies, I'll give you a ride," you offered, not liking the idea of your baby brother walking all over town by himself. It wasn't just the socs you had to worry about. There were rowdy greasers and people who wouldn't take too kindly to a greaser walking on their side of town. You didn't want him getting jumped again, so you would do just about anything to prevent it.   
"And next time you need a ride," Dallas started, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "you know where to find me." 
"Dallas," you groaned, pushing him away. "What about Sylvia, huh?" 
Dallas' face scrunched up in annoyance before he shrugged his shoulders. "Cheated on me while I was locked up," he answered before reaching out to ruffle Johnny's hair. "That chick couldn't even wait a few months for me." 
"Shocker," you drawled, ignoring Dallas' noise of protest, before you sat back down on the porch steps and picked up your book.  
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dally asked, indignation in his tone.  
"Nothing. Just...," you trailed off, glancing up at Dallas. "Are you noticing a pattern with the kind of girls you go with?" 
"Well, it's not like you're giving me the time of day. Just say the word, babe," he added with a confident smirk.  
"Alright, can you two stop flirting and just get married already or something already?" Two-Bit joked, bumping into Dallas' side. "I'm sure Pony here would make a great flower girl, though. Leaving a trail of grease down the aisle and everything." 
"Knock it off, Keith," you scolded Two-Bit, grinning when his cheeks flushed red. You were the only one who got away with calling him by his actual name and you only ever used it when you needed him to back off.  
"Yeah, yeah," Two-Bit sighed, turning to look at the rest of the gang. "So, anyone want to do anything fun?" 
"There's a double feature tomorrow night at the drive-in," Pony piped up, ignoring Darry's pointed sigh, before he considered the rest of the gang.  
"I'll go," Johnny volunteered before he looked to Dallas. "What about it, Dally? You in?" 
"Sure," Dallas mused, dropping down onto the porch next to you. "Y/N can drive us." 
You snorted, elbowing Dallas in the side. "That offer stands for my brother and Johnny. You can walk, though," you told him, smirking at him.  
"Ouch," Dallas feigned hurt before he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "C'mon, doll, you really trust me out on these streets? I could get jumped. I could get arrested. I could get killed. Heck, I might just get all three in one night." 
"I know what you're capable of," you told him, not bothering to shake off his arm again, instead going back to your book. "Just this once," you allowed, since you weren't too keen on the idea of Dallas leading your brother all over town, starting trouble and dragging Pony and Johnny right into it.  
"Great," Dallas drawled, squeezing you close to him for a second before letting you go.  
Even though you hated yourself just a little bit for it, you couldn't help but think you liked being tucked against Dallas' side.  
You were able to drop the trio off at the drive-in the next night, but you had to take a reluctant shift at the restaurant, since one of your co-workers had fallen ill. Your boss offered you a little extra cash as an incentive and since Pony was going to need new running shoes for track, you couldn't exactly turn the offer down.   
If you had known what you would come home to, however, you would have told your boss there was no way in hell you were coming in on your day off.  
By the time you got back to the house, you were exhausted and tired and cold. Your feet were killing you and all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget that the world existed for the rest of the night.  
Instead, you came home to Darry sitting silent and still in the armchair by the phone and Soda nervously pacing the floor.  
"What happened?" You asked, stepping cautiously through the front door. "Is someone hurt? In jail? What's going on?" 
"Pony ran off," Soda answered, glancing at Darry, unsure. "He, uh, he got upset." 
"Have you looked for him? He runs fast, but he wouldn't go far. He probably just needs a minute." You weren't sure if you were trying to reassure your brothers or yourself.  
Darry shook his head and you couldn't tell if the expression on his face was one of guilt or anger. Knowing Darry, it was probably both.  
"Look, you two stay here," you told your brothers. "And I'll go look for Pony." 
"I don't like you out there at this time of night by yourself," Darry said, finally breaking his silence.  
"I'll be okay," you assured Darry, thinking of what you had stashed away in the glovebox of your car. The gun was the only reason Darry was okay with you having a job so far from home. It had belonged to your father and after he passed, Darry dug it out from beneath your parent's bed and presented it to you. 'Just in case,' he told you and you knew it was his way of trying to ensure he didn't lose any more family. 
Dallas had been the one to teach you how to use it. He was oddly pissed when he found out Darryl had handed you a gun with no pointers on how to use it. You chalked it up to grief on Darry's part, but Dallas wasn't willing to let it slide. He took it upon himself to make sure you knew how to use and aim it.  
He set up makeshift targets made out of tin cans in an empty field and didn't let you leave until he was positive you wouldn't hurt yourself if you ever had to use the weapon to defend yourself.  
You remembered the way his arms wrapped around your waist, keeping your back pressed firmly to his chest as he whispered in your ear how to gently squeeze the trigger. It shouldn't have made you so hot, but after years of ignoring Dally's advances, you couldn't stop yourself from turning in his embrace and pressing your lips to his. The kiss has been slow and languid, searching and questioning. You didn't know if it was the right thing to do, but in that moment, it certainly felt like it.  
Of course, your hopes for any future you might have with Dallas Winston were dashed the next day when you saw him flirting with the girl who worked as a cashier at the grocery store halfway across town. You had only been there to pick up some peanut butter and bread after your shift and at first you couldn't quite believe your eyes.  
It was then you realized Dallas was never really going to change and you shouldn't hold out hope that he ever would. You wanted two different things and you told yourself you were okay with that, even though you really weren't.  
"I'll be okay," you repeated, meeting Darry's eyes. "I'll bring him home. Trust me."  
Darry dipped his head in a nod, silently giving you permission to go. You ignored Soda's worried expression as he watched you leave the house, all your thoughts focused on finding your youngest brother and bringing him home. 
You had a hard time focusing on the road before you as you drove down the darkened streets of your neighborhood, searching fervently for Ponyboy. Every minute that passed had you clenching the steering wheel tighter in your hands. Anything could happen to Ponyboy if he was out alone at night and you didn't even want to consider the state you might find him in once you finally laid eyes on him.  
You wanted to find Pony so badly that you weren't sure if the commotion going on at the playground was real or all in your head. But there Pony was with Johnny, going up against four socs. You slammed your foot down on the brake, barely remembering to put the car in park, before you were hastily reaching into the glove box. Your fingers were just wrapping around the handle of the pistol when you saw a soc shove Johnny to the ground before they crowded around Pony, herding him towards the fountain.  
You were out of the car and rushing towards the group by the time they were dunking your little brother's head beneath the water. You could hear the socs laughing and you felt rage pour through your body, sweeping you up along with it. They were trying to kill your brother and they were laughing about it. It wasn't fair and it wasn't right. Indignation and panic were rising quickly up your throat and you weren't sure if you were about to start yelling or if you were going to throw up from the stress.  
You could see Johnny picking himself up from the ground, the glint of the knife in his hand catching your attention, and abruptly you knew how this would play out. Johnny would save your brother however he could, but he'd take the fall. Sweet, sensitive Johnny being locked up or worse wasn't something you were about to let happen.  
You raised the gun in the air and fired off a shot without a second thought about any consequences. The socs jumped and the one holding Pony let him go, startling so hard that he bumped into the lip of the fountain and fell to the ground. You saw the other socs stumble and scramble to turn towards you.  
While you had their attention, Johnny darted forward and grabbed Pony by the shoulders, hauling him up out of the fountain. Your brother spluttered, coughing up water and spitting it out onto the ground. 
"Hey," the blonde one slurred, clumsily getting to his feet before making a move towards Johnny.  
"Leave him alone," you shouted, keeping the socs' attention on you. Johnny was busy helping Ponyboy stay upright, patting his back when you brother started coughing up more water, but he kept a fearful, distrustful eye on the socs. "Or the next time I pull the trigger, I'll be aiming at you." 
"C'mon, Bob," one of the socs said. "Let's get out of here," he pleaded with his friend, reaching out to tug on his arm. "She's crazy and she's got a gun." 
"Not until they learn their lesson," Bob snarled, swaying towards your brother and Johnny. "They can't just talk to our girls and think they can get away with it. Not trash like them," he spat, bringing his fist back, as if he was going to aim a punch at Johnny. You saw the flash of rings caught in the streetlights and the absolute fear on Johnny's face and you knew without a doubt this was the soc that had jumped him not long ago.  
You pointed your weapon at Bob, not wanting him to have any doubt that he would be your target should you have to fire again. "Leave," you told him, trying to ignore the fact that your hands were shaking. Your confidence was waning with every second and you didn't want to lose it before the socs were gone. One slip and it was all over.  
"Let's go, man, she's off her rocker," you heard one of the socs mutter before they were all trailing back to their car. Bob looked like he still had half a mind to charge at your brother, even with the weapon pointed at him, but his friend with the curly brown hair kept a tight grip on his arm, towing him away.  
"We can go," you told the boys once you were sure the socs were gone and weren't going to circle back. 
"Y/N--," Johnny started. 
"Not now," you said, shaking your head, still on high alert waiting for headlights and cruel laughter to make a reappearance.  
The car was deathly silent as you drove home, keeping an eye on your rearview motor, while Johnny and Pony sat huddled together in the backseat. You could hear one or both of them shivering, so you drove a little faster, eager to get them back to the warmth and safety of your home.  
When you got back to the house, Soda was sitting on the front steps. He immediately stood up when he noticed your car and took off down the stairs and across the lawn when he noticed Johnny helping Pony out of the backseat. Your hands were trembling and you felt so restless that you knew going into the house would be a mistake. Darry would have questions and he would be gruff and stern and overprotective. Soda would be worried and nervous and you knew Pony and Johnny would be traumatized. You didn't have the energy to deal with all of that, so all you could think about was fleeing to a place where you felt safe.  
To your surprise, only one place came to mind.  
"I'll, uh, I've got something I've gotta do," you told Pony when he shot you a questioning glance. You knew he was wondering why you weren't shutting the car off or getting out. "I'll be home soon." 
"Y/N--," Soda tried to stop you, his brow furrowed with worry as he helped Johnny support Ponyboy.  
You shook your head, cutting him off. He frowned at you before reluctantly shutting the car door, allowing you to drive off.  
Your mind was spinning and you barely had the presence of mind to stuff the gun back into the glovebox. You didn't want Darry giving you the third degree and you didn't want Soda to pace nervously while he shot you what he thought were discreet, worried glances. Johnny and Pony could tell them what happened and Darry and Soda would watch out for them. They didn't need you, you told yourself over and over again. You didn't have to feel guilty for escaping when you needed to. For seeking out the one person who could help you process the events of the night.  
Two-Bit would just fuss over you and you sure as hell weren't going to go to Steve at a moment like this. You didn't realize your mind was fully made up until you found yourself pulling up to Buck Merrill's place.  
"Shit," you groaned, resting your forehead on the steering wheel. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, knowing that this was probably a mistake, before you forced yourself to get out of the car. You let your feet carry you to the front door while your mind spiraled through all the ways this could go wrong.  
"Yeah?" You heard someone ask, breaking you out of your trance.  
"Uh, hey," you managed to get out, recognizing Buck. "Is Dallas here?" 
Buck looked you up and down, leaning against the doorframe, as if keeping you from getting a good look at his place or who might be inside. "Who's asking?" 
"Just tell him it's Y/N, alright? He'll want to see me." It was a bluff and you suddenly had the striking fear that Dallas wasn't spending the night alone. What if he had a date? What if you were interrupting something? 
"Stay here," Buck's gruff voice pulled you out of your panic.  
You nodded your head, nervously tapping your fingers against your thigh as Buck shut the door on you. 
It wasn't long before you could see Dallas approach the door through the front window. He looked confused as he yelled something at Buck over his shoulder before he opened the door. His hair was sleep rumpled and there was a bruise blooming on his jaw, making you wonder if it was from a fist or a pair of lips.  
"Y/N? Do you know what time it is? What the hell is going on?" Dallas took a closer look at you before he seemed to notice the state you were in. You could feel yourself beginning to shake and you weren't sure if it was from the chill in the air or from shock. "Jesus, come on, get inside," he ordered, stepping aside to give you room to get past him. 
Dallas ushered you inside before leading you up the stairs and into a bedroom. The covers were rumpled and the pillow was halfway off the bed, as if Dallas had messed it up trying to get out of bed, but there was no sign that another person had been with him. You felt relieved for a brief, confusing moment, before the shock you had been fighting off hit you.  
"What's going on? You look spooked," Dallas observed, his brows furrowing in concern. 
You took a deep breath before you stumbled towards the bed. You dropped down onto the edge of it, fighting the urge to hide your face from Dallas so he wouldn't see you cry.   
"Johnny and Pony got into some trouble tonight."  
You knew Dally had a soft spot for Johnny and once he heard his name, his face drew tight in anger. You knew he was fearing the worst and while you had definitely avoided the worst-case scenario that night, you were having trouble trying to explain that at the moment. 
"Was it the socs again? They didn't get him, did they? Fuck, they're so dead this time." 
"Not really," you explained. "But they almost killed Pony. He could've died tonight, Dal." You could feel a sob working its way up your throat and you weren't sure if you would be able to stop it. You weren't all that surprised when you started rambling, instead. "They were trying to drown Pony and Johnny had a knife and I didn't know what to do, so I took the gun--" 
"Did you shoot one of 'em?" Dallas asked and from the calculating look on his face, you were sure he was already thinking of a dozen different escape plans that would have you running from the law and trying to evade a murder charge.  
"No, but I almost had to. They wouldn't back off and he was going to die, Dal. I could've lost my brother tonight. If I hadn't been there in time who knows what could have happened." You thought of Johnny and his knife and the determined glint in his eyes. "It could've been so much worse." 
"It's alright," Dallas soothed, dropping down to sit at your side. "You got there and you stopped them. That's what matters, right? And we'll make them pay for what they did. They can't just get away with it. They always get away with it and then we're the ones getting locked up because we don't have their connections."  
"I don't want you getting into any trouble. Not again," you told him, hating the thought of Dallas going away yet again.  
"I won't, doll," he said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side. You shivered and pressed closer against him, noticing the way his breath hitched.  
You turned your head to look at him, noticing the way his eyes dipped to consider your lips before meeting your eyes. All you could think about was that of all the places you could've run to, you went right to Dallas. It only felt right and after all this time of running away from him, when you couldn't deny how you felt any longer, you ended up right in his arms. Maybe it was where you should have been all along.  
"I don't want to get myself into any trouble either," you found yourself saying, focusing on Dallas' eyes and how he was zeroed in on you.  
"So, I'm trouble?" His lips quirked up in a smirk and you couldn't help the breathless laugh that escaped you.  
"You always have been. But maybe...," you trailed off, considering him. "But maybe I just don't care anymore," you said before you leaned forward and let your lips brush against his. Your hands were still shaking and you couldn't wrap your head around what almost happened to your brother, but you knew one thing. Dallas was where you turned when you felt unsafe and all you wanted at that moment was to be with him. You felt like nothing could go wrong as long as he was with you, holding you, pressed against you. So, you leaned into him, pouring every insecurity and fear into the kiss and letting him take them from you.  
You were tempted to spend the night with Dallas, but you only stayed for another few minutes. At some point during the kiss, Dallas had drawn away and simply pulled you close, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. He kept his arm tucked tight around your waist, a silent assurance that he had you.  
"I should go," you sighed, closing your eyes against the urge to look up at Dallas. You knew it would be hard to leave him, but it was something you had to do. Your brothers were probably worried sick about you and you didn't want to make them worry any longer.  
"You could stay," he offered. "Bed's big enough for two." 
"Darry would kill me," you told him. "Especially since i just drove off without a word once I dropped off Pony and Johnny." 
"Your big brother worries too much," Dallas complained before he reluctantly let you go.  
"He does," you agreed before taking a moment to kiss Dallas again. This one was quick and brief, a thanks for giving you refuge to sort yourself out, before you stood up. "I'll see you later," you promised. 
"Later," Dallas agreed, not bothering to get off the bed as you walked out.  
You figured it was better that way. If Dallas followed you, you'd have a hell of a lot harder time leaving him.  
Johnny was fast asleep on the couch when you wandered back into the house and Pony and Soda were both in bed, but you weren't surprised that Darry was waiting for you.  
"Where the hell did you go," he said, not bothering to phrase it as a question, but more of a demand for an answer.  
"I went to a friend's," you told him, completely aware of how much more he would worry if he found out you were with Dallas instead of staying home. "How are they?" You asked, gesturing towards where Johnny was still fast asleep on the couch.  
"Scared. Shaken up. They told us what happened." Darryl sighed, his shoulders releasing some of their tension. "It could have been a lot worse. I'm glad you got to them in time." 
"Yeah," you agreed, releasing a long breath. Your mind was finally starting to catch up to the fact that you were completely safe now. The adrenaline from the night was wearing and exhaustion was fast approaching to take its place. "I'm tired," you couldn't help but say, not even sure if you had the energy to drag yourself to bed. You thought for a fleeting moment of Dallas and his bed and the fact that you could have been sharing it with him right about now. But you knew it had been the right decision to go home, even if it wasn't completely what you had wanted.  
"Go to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow." Darry walked towards you, leaving his arms open for you to slip into his embrace. "Don't scare me like that again, alright?" He asked before he let you go. "I understand, but after everything we've been through...," he let the end of his sentence go unsaid, letting you mentally finish it yourself. "Love you, kid." 
"I'm only a year younger," you reminded him, fighting off the urge to roll your eyes.  
"Sure," he agreed with a grin. "Now, go on. Get some rest." 
"Thanks, Darry," you managed to say around a yawn before you went off to bed.  
You went to bed that night thinking about Dally and woke that morning worried about Dally. Tensions between the socs and greasers around town were swiftly rising and you knew that it would come to some kind of fight. It always came to a fight when class differences were involved and you hated that the people you loved most were being painted as the enemies.  
You knew it would come to a head sooner or later, but you didn't entirely expect for it to happen so soon.  
Within a week, everyone was on edge. Two-bit got followed walking to get some ice cream and Dally got jumped by three socs just outside a gas station. Thankfully it was the one Soda and Steve worked at, and while they almost got fired for the fight, all three of them managed to make it out nearly completely unscathed.  
You knew it would only get worse, so you weren't surprised when word of a rumble between the two groups started floating around.  
"No. Absolutely not," you argued once Dally told you he was set on fighting in the rumble "It's bad enough my brothers want to, but come on, Dallas. You never know when to stop and you're gonna end up in jail. Again," you added after a moment of thought. "It's all I can not to get Ponyboy mixed up in all of this, but now I've got to worry about you too? What're we going to do if you get locked up?"  
The thing between you was still fragile and new. You kept waiting for him to flirt around and he seemed to think you were going to change your mind. Despite that, it still felt incredibly exhilarating every time you were wrapped up in his arms and while you hadn't told anyone else that the two of you were an item, you knew it would happen once the both of you felt more settled in your relationship. 
"Well," he mused as he moved towards you, "guess you better wait for me." He reached up and behind his neck, unlatching his Saint Chrisopher necklace. "You'll keep this safe for me, then, won't you?" 
You knew what the necklace meant to Dally and you knew what it meant that he was giving it to you. He carried it with him for the protection and safekeeping he thought it gave him and if he was giving it to you, then he must have trusted you a hell of a lot more than you realized.  
"The last girl I was with, I gave her my ring, but I shouldn't have trusted her. I knew I should've waited for the right one." He let his lips twist up into a smile as you turned, letting your back face him. "And I've been waiting a long time for you, doll," Dallas said, his voice going lower, as if he was worried anyone but you would hear the words. He reverently brought the necklace up over your head and let it rest around your neck, taking care to make sure your hair didn't get caught up in the clasp as he closed it.  
"I'll take good care of it," you promised. "But you better not end up in jail. I've got plans for us, Dallas Winston," you told him as you turned to face him yet again. You could feel the medallion against your skin and you knew it was a promise and a declaration all in one.  
Dallas wanted to be with you and he wasn't about to go seeking out anyone else to fill his time or his bed. And once the guys realized you of all people were wearing Dallas' necklace, then they were soon to put the pieces together.  
"Oh yeah? Well, guess I better make sure I'm around for them," Dallas said, a smile still on his face as he considered you. You didn't remember the last time you had seen him so pleased and the fact that you were the reason for his happiness was downright intoxicating.    
You couldn't help but laugh, delighted and enthralled with Dallas as you pulled him into a kiss.  
Maybe your side of town would always be a little bit rough and maybe there was always a fight brewing, but you figured maybe it wasn't so bad as long as you had your family of greasers and Dallas Winston's arms around you. Maybe you didn't need money or connections or a fancy school to be happy.  
You already had all you needed and you would be damned if you were ever going to let it go. 
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 15 END)
Platonic Yandere Whitebeard Crew (Ft. Others) & Reader Insert
Warnings: Yandere behavior. Mild spoilers for Gear 6 iykyk. If yandere content makes you uncomfortable, please do block the tag 'oh sweet child of mine' as well as any variation of 'one piece yandere' that you feel is necessary.
Aside from AU romance endings with characters per request, this is the end! Marco and Luffy confirmed, btw. Now, I'm going to be playing Tears of the Kingdom so my responses will be slow lol
But thanks everyone for being here and enjoying this fic until now, expect it to be on AO3 soon!
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Word Count: 2,043
It was a minor miracle that Ace’s little ship made it through the blast that rocked Banaro island. Likely because it was made to handle Ace’s normal fire-shenanigans. It didn’t exactly have room for three on it, but that’s only if you’re of the opinion that people need personal space. Something that, as someone who has been thoroughly grounded, you apparently didn’t need. Marco held you to his chest as he sat in front of the ‘bucket’ where Ace fueled the engine with his fire. You suspect that he was using his phoenix legs to hold into the sides but couldn’t confirm with your poor eyesight.
If he wasn’t partially transformed to hold you both in place it was impressive considering the breakneck speed Ace pushed the Striker at.
You drifted off several times only to find that you three were still traveling. It was only when you woke up starving that you saw Ace lean Striker towards a landmass.
“We’ve made really good time. This island has an optometrist so we can get you new glasses.” Marco spoke into your ear softly despite the wind whipping by you. Not feeling like fighting to be heard, you nodded your head.
Ace expertly pulled the boat up to the docks, tying it off and offering his hand for Marco and yourself. After well over a day at sea, you were a bit shaky but pleased to find you didn’t trip. The docks blurred into what you assumed to be a marketplace, both Marco and Ace finding a reason to keep a hand on you as they guided your path into a shop.
You were utterly relieved when you were handed a new pair of glasses after a few tests. The thick lenses shifting the impressionist blurs into sharp contrasting shapes once again.
Marco gave Ace a sly look.
“You know, I thought I saw the Thousand Sunny on the other side of the docks.” Marco mused, watching Ace’s face abruptly light up.
“We should go see them!” Ace looked at Marco in excitement. When he nodded in acceptance, Ace grabbed your hand and pulled you along eagerly. “You’ll finally get to meet my little brother properly! Lu’s got a great crew you know—his chef is top notch, I’m sure he won’t mind making us something to eat!”
You laughed, using your free hand to make sure your glasses didn’t bounce off your face so soon after getting them.
“Do you even know if they’re on board?!” You asked as Ace tore through the town in his rush.
“Eh, it’s fine! Luffy won’t mind if I drop by!” Ace proclaimed. You looked behind you to find Marco gone. Hopefully he decided to just fly there rather than fight to keep up through the crowds.
The Thousand Sunny was a pretty big ship with a cute lion’s head on the mast with a pointy mane like the sun. The gangplank was out so Ace just steamed up it with you in tow.
“LUFFY!” Ace screamed out, whipping his head around as Marco landed on deck with an indulgent smile. There was a crash somewhere below and thudding steps.
“ACE!” Straw Hat slammed open the door with a wide, excited grin.
“Stop BREAKING SHIT, LUFFY!” A woman screamed from below, quickly following her captain. Straw Hat wasn’t listening as he launched himself at Ace, arms stretching out and wrapping around his brother as he laughed. Ace gripped his brother’s red vest, swaying the two of them in loose circles.
“Did ya get ‘em? Did ya?!” Straw Hat asked childishly as a young woman with orange hair emerged from below, panting for breath from running.
“Sure did, Lu! See, I—We—Even rescued our crewmate.” You raised your hand and smiled.
“Sup.” Straw Hat’s eyes were wide as he finally noticed you were there.
“Eh?!? What happened to you?!” Straw Hat asked, arm stretching out to drag you in close. While you looked way better than before, you were still wrapped with bandages to keep your healing wounds from getting irritated from the high speeds of the Striker. Marco had been strangely dragging out the healing process—or possibly you were just that exhausted that your fruit didn’t properly share the powers just yet.
Straw Hat’s fruit still thrummed against your skin. A calling of the drums that resonated in your chest with that snappy, elastic taste that made you want to smile.
“Well, I got launched out of a sudden volcano and then hitched a ride in Mao’s mouth.” You explained, tolerating the gentle manhandling as Luffy squeezed you into the hug with Ace.
“Mao?” The young lady asked.
“Yeah. Mao. They might be here, actually. Baby~!” You called out shamelessly.
There was a deep, resonating call from the sea as Mao rose up. You squirmed free and ran to the side of the ship.
“Mmmmaaaoooo~! Maaooo~!” Mao called out, leaning down for gentle pets.
“Baby! Pretty baby, lookachu! Ahah~!” You laughed, stroking their nose as Straw Hat laughed behind you.
“Cool! Ace! You didn’t tell me they were friends with a sea king!” Straw Hat ran up and reached out his hand.
“L-Luffy!? Don’t get close to it! You don’t know if it’ll eat you! Can somebody talk sense into him!?”
You grabbed Straw Hat’s hand and gently placed it under Mao’s jaw.
“Mao’s a baby still, so their scales aren’t completely hardened yet. A little scratching right here feels nice cause that’s usually where they start shedding.” You explained softly, Straw Hat absolutely enraptured with a wide, beaming grin. He looked back at his brother.
“This is a baby?!” Ace shrugged his shoulders helplessly and you grinned.
“Yep! Sea Kings grow a lot before they reach maturity. It’s when they grow whiskers that you know they’re fully grown!” You declared.
“Wow! How do you know that?!” You chuckled, pushing up your glasses.
“My home island was near a sea king nest!” You laughed, “But they didn’t tend to go near the island, so we just knew by proxy.”
“I heard we had guests?” A blond man ducked his head out, catching sight of Ace before sighing. “I’ll fire up the stove. Two Ds… sheesh.”
“Join my crew!” Straw Hat asked with starry eyes. You saw Marco and Ace stiffen with Ace looking conflicted. You couldn’t help but laugh and smile wryly.
“No can do. I’m grounded. Sides, you guys aren’t ready for the Grand Line yet.” You tipped your head to the side, expanding your still sore senses. “You have two other devil fruit users that are pretty strong but it only gets harder from here on out. I can’t be a crutch.” You sighed.
Straw Hat pouted.
“What do you mean?” You looked at him with a bit of an indulgent smile. You get why Straw Hat was viewed as a rising star in piracy. But charisma would only get him so far.
“My devil fruit can influence other devil fruits. Make them stronger—or as I realized recently—negate them completely. You… tell you what, ask me again when you find the drums.” You poked his chest teasingly. Everyone looked confused. “…What is your devil fruit power?”
“I’m a rubber man!” Straw Hat declared.
You gave a soft, mysterious smile, finally giving into the impulse to ruffle his hair through his hat.
“Are you sure about that? Find the drums, Straw Hat, and then maybe I’ll join you.” You said. If he managed to find the limits of his devil fruit all on his own, he would probably not suffer the same hubris as your previous ‘partners’. Ace and Marco hadn’t despite being in close contact with you, after all.
Straw Hat huffed, face twisting with determination.
“Fine! I’ll find those drums, wherever they are, and then you’ll join my crew!”
Marco looked like he ate a lemon with Ace not much better, though oddly a little touched in spite of himself. Like he was proud but not sure of what.
The Moby Dick came into view rapidly with Ace whooping in joy, firing off sparks to let the crew know of your approach. There was, even over the wind, cheers as Ace pulled up close to the ship.
Ace swept you up into his arms and leapt up, planting his feet firmly on the railing as Marco sighed and followed suit. You laid in his arms awkwardly, thinking that this time was hardly any better than your first time on board.
Whitebeard laughed, grinning as Ace skipped over.
“We’re back, Oyaji!”
“Welcome home, my children.” You sighed, not surprised in the least as Ace sat on Whitebeard’s knee.
Whitebeard looked at you, taking in the mostly superfluous bandages.
“Surprisingly, it’s good to be back.” You grumbled without any heat.
Did it still weird you out? Absolutely. You don’t get what any of them saw in you that inspired such ferocity as to track you down across the Grand Line to get you back.
Whitebeard’s smile softened.
“I’m glad you all returned safely.” He murmured as someone stomped up to the main deck.
“You’re back!” Thatch cried out joyously, his usual chef ensemble swapped for loose pants and a shirt. Clearly, he was still on light duty as the nurses nearby scolded him for running. You elbowed Ace to let go and hopped down to the floor, aware that everyone was watching as you approached the suddenly nervous chef.
He glanced around for a hint of what was going on as you walked up to him. Then while he was still stiff with nerves, you wrapped your arms around his chest, gently patting his back.
“I’m glad you’re alright, Thatch.” You mumbled into his shirt. There was a high pitched cry as his arms locked around you, spinning you in circles.
“AH! AHHHH?! You did it! You used my name~!” Thatch cried out as several nurses protested to the vigorous movement, though on who’s behalf you weren’t sure.
You grinned.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Twin-Blade.” You said dryly, loud enough to be heard by everyone while hiding your smile. The effect was instant. His arms twitching as he nearly fell to his knees in mock-despair.
“Noooooo! My name! Use my name, damnit!”
You laughed, patting his back consolingly.
“Sure thing, Twin-Blade.”
“No!” Thatch barked, as the crew laughed at his plight.
While not what you imagined, life as a pirate wasn’t so bad if it meant feeling like this.
You considered your now bare wrist, no supportive cloth there to remind you of your past. What you hoped for in your future. Not quite freedom symbolized in marine-standard blue but consistency and a promise to support people. Nor a chain to remind you of your literal, more understandable imprisonment. You were free to put whatever you wanted there once they decided you didn’t need the bandages anymore.
And then? Well, it was a pretty good place for a tattoo… whenever you’re not grounded anymore and can slip away to get it done.
“…Hey, what does being grounded even look like?” You asked Thatch, Marco and Ace having avoided the subject. You assumed it was because they didn’t know either.
Thatch paused, looking over at his brothers and Whitebeard.
“…Nooooo mooooorrreeee… avoiding… parties?” Thatch guessed, receiving cheerful agreements all around. You couldn’t help but snort.
“You know, usually groundings means less of those.” You pointed out but Thatch nodded resolutely.
“Eating every meal!” Thatch added.
“I already did that?”
“More training!” Someone suggested.
“Okay, that makes sense but—”
“Hanging out with Oyaji!”
“Hey now! Don’t get ahead of yourself!” You barked, feeling ganged up on as more suggestions were added, Whitebeard doing nothing but adding to the chaos.
“Given names only.” He nodded and you sputtered.
“I’m not calling you Edward!” You huffed, craning your neck to glare back at him. He paused before smiling.
“That’s alright. Oyaji or Pops is fine with me.” You groaned, burying your face into Thatch chest as you fought the urge to laugh.
“Hey, you have to follow the rules. You’re still grounded.” Thatch teased.
“Does that mean I can stop when I’m not grounded?” You needled. Thatch letting out a bark of laughter.
“Hah! No.”
Why did you decide to stay again?
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witchofthesouls · 8 months
What the hell was Overlord trying to do!?!
Overlord let the impulsive thoughts win. It's bad enough competing for Megatron's attention with other 'cons, but somehow, someway... a backwoods nobody has everyone wagging their mouths, even High Command is wondering over Tarn's mystery Conjunx.
The leader of the Justice Divison is stone-cold with anyone's questions, so Overlord decided to get creative with the base's medbay to find out about you.
He expected others to come, but you come alone. And Overlord can't help himself because it's absolutely foolish that no one had warned you about anything, especially if you're asking questions about the Ununtrium injection.
You don't scream or weep, nor is there any fear in your face with the realization that you're trapped as he twists your arm and the medberth fails to heed your commands.
It's not defiance or grim acceptance in those optics. Overlord doesn't see resignation. No. You knew this would happen. You're not quite a lamb to slaughter with that hard coldness, but there's nothing to be done. He does, however, commends your pain tolerance as you give nothing but a sharp inhale as your mediocre protection is torn away.
You spit something, and nothing touches him, but he can't let that go-
His vision tilts sideways, pixelating away as his HUD is overwhelmed by an avalanche of foreign commands and security breaches. He crashes down without a word, and the last thing Overlord sees is you standing above.
(Eventually, consciousness will hit Overlord with the force of a Titan's fist. He's fiendishly sore and feels like he drank a drum of Death by Fusion: Nightmare fuel equally mixed with Gladiator's Bane. He also has that persistent itch in his plating gone, systems running far faster, and transformation sequences are fluid and smooth.)
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chained-sweater · 1 month
so, uh, based on this post here, and this comment below 👇
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i somehow managed to barf this up in thirty minutes. (under cut.)
this was actually a pretty good way to practice my writing skills.
it's shit, but idgaf.
(tagging @dallasgallant bc their comment sparked my inspiration. hope you like it.)
───── ° ❤︎ 。 ─────
why, why, why?
"who're you?"
you bite your lip, wincing at the taste of blood. you stare up (and up and up and up) at dallas, who's giving you a disgruntled look.
you lick your lips nervously, looking down. "i...i—"
"well? spit it out, already."
you clear your throat. "i-it was—it—" you swear under your breath. "i-i got beat up by..by my old man, again," you finally manage, voice low. "i—i just ran off and...and to the first place i saw." you pause to look up at him again. "i...i knocked on your door because....'cause i was hopin' you'd be able ta help me out. help tend to my wounds, i mean," you add quickly.
dallas stared at you for a full minute before his face scrunched up in disgust. "the fuck kinda person do you take me for?"
your chest tightens, breathing speeding up. your eyes sting with tears. had the walls always been this close? "b-but i—"
"oh, i see." dally crosses his arms over his chest. "you thought that if ya came cryin' to me, i'd fuss all over you an' kick your daddy's ass for ya, huh? well, sorry, sweetheart—" he leans in until your faces are inches apart. "tough shit," he whispers.
you're breathing heavily when he steps back into his room and slams the door. the tears spill over, traveling down your face as you sink to your knees and let out a broken sob.
'why', you think. 'why, of all people, did i have to ask dallas winston for help?'
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daintylovers · 3 months
if ur comfortable ofc can you pretty please write a brat!tamer Dally Winston <33??
Like if you get too mouthy or have too much attitude all day he’ll punish you?
Despite popular belief I feel like hes actually pretty patient when it comes to his girl, but he still has a breaking point cause yk he is still Dallas Winston!
Thank you so much love!
*kicks feet and blushes like a slut* of course i can!!!
brat!tamer Dally feels like he's made for me-
it's not that he has a problem with you being mouthy, he loves that about you. hell, it's not even that you've had an attitude all day that's making his blood boil- he gets it, you have your days.
what's really making him want to bend you over his knee and spank your ass raw, is the fact that you're being a brat around the guys. come on now, you know his reputation. dally is this menace, someone not to be fucked with. so when his sweetheart angel baby girlfriend is rolling her eyes and giving him lip- the other guys start teasing him. and that is the breaking point.
so you're sat, huddled up in the curtis living room. and it's hot. uncomfortably hot. and dally is blowing smoke in your face. and you haven't properly eaten yet. and you're a little tired. so of course you start to get a little snippy with everyone. i mean, duh?
dally is pretty patient, so when it hits hour three of this behavior, and things have only gotten worse with you, he starts to clench his jaw. after you say something rude to soda, dally is quick to snatch your jaw into his hand, swerving your head so fast you swear you might have whiplash, what is your problem doll-face?
it's not sweet, and the pet name only further aggravates you. is that all you are to him? a doll there for whenever he wants someone to push around? the room has gone quiet- hell even the television seems to be listening in. glaring up at him through your lashes you say, you are my problem, dallas. you and your smoking is stinking up the house. it's disgusting. you're disgusting.
the full name is when he decides that the pair of you are leaving. but he lets you finish your sentence digging a deeper hole for yourself. the boys are taken aback, what happened to the sweet girl you were yesterday?
dally removes his hand from your jaw, attaching it to your bicep, yanking you off the couch so hard you go stumbling. but he's quick to catch you. drag you out the door. just for theatrics, so the boys know you'll get what's coming to you, he slams the front door closed.
neither of you says a word until you arrive at bucks. it's only when he's dragging you up the stairs do you realize the gravity of your situation. dally, I'm sorry! please, dal I'm so sorry! i was just hot and tired and i didn't mean to say that! practically pleading for your life.
he gets you into his room, and slams the door again. this time it makes you jump a little. is it bad that he likes you best like this? scared and wide-eyed, pleading with him. it's a power thing.
he sits on his bed and you stand to be in-between his spread legs. dally please, i really am sorry. i promise it won't happen again.
lay down, ass up.
you do as you are told, still pleading with him.
he flips your skirt up and the cold air has goosebumps rising.
you're gonna count. if you miss a number, i start all over again, got it?
and let's just say you have trouble sitting with everyone the next day.
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mothbeasts · 10 days
i miss posting and making and engaging with ieytd content but I will be honest sometimes it feels alienating. as a lesbian.
#bee's buzzing#ieytd#i dont know.. its probably just me being Strange. but.#the Main guy in the fandom is juniper. and he's interesting! but. i don't... think about him as often#and when i do it's never in the shipping / x reader context i see so frequently in the tags.#i dont ship him with agent phoenix because. my agent is an it/its dyke. so i dont really engage in that side of fandom#i also dont think about the handler as often because. idk i just think about the women more!#but juniper and agent phoenix and the handler are like. the only people i see talked about often#which is fine!! people like them. i also like them just. not in the same way/to the same extent.#im here for the women. but. they're not talked about often at all :[#when they are it's usually briefly in passing.#they get the worst of the mischaracterization too imo. because people just do not give them the same depth as they like to give-#- charas like john. it makes me kinda sad tbh.#and also the fandom does not. seem to make much space for f/f content.#i know like. the handful of other people who make f/f content for ieytd.#and. god. idk im still honestly a bit ticked off by one solaris post that 1) was not a good analysis i will be quite honest.#it was very surface level. like really basic info and also iirc not entirely accurate? i cannot remember anymore#but. 2). it started by saying 'nobody talks about solaris outside of fabbylaris' and that still makes my blood boil.#like. not to vaguepost but. the fabbylaris posters ARE talking about solaris outside of a shipping context. please. please#also there was a whole Thing a while back where people started being strange about non-feminine nonbinary agent phoenix.#and as a nonbinary butch-adjacent dyke. it made my skin crawl!!! im NOT feminine and idk why making agent phoenix not feminine is.#apparently Bad to a certain subset of the fandom#sorry but im a dyke and i WILL make the player insert protag a butch lesbian who doesnt use she/her.#and if you have a problem with that please think about Why people making the player insert nonbinary and androgynous/Vaguely Masc is-#- such a problem to you. and whether that is alienating to the trans people in the fandom.#okay. im normal now. goodnight.
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