#but please focus on my less serious stuff
heretherebedork · 11 months
I am maybe twenty minutes from saying goodbye to my mom because we went from working on PT to infection to pneumonia overnight and I rushed out at 6:30 am and I don't know what to think so I keep thinking about the shows I'm gonna watch today and I just wanna say how much I love everyone of you reading this and please don't make this my most popular post just go read all my La Pluie meta and love that part of my life.
Love people. Don't stop loving them. See them when you can and love them.
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blueish-bird · 1 year
Gege’s writing has felt mad frustrating and predictable lately; it’s like whenever he doesn’t know what to do he just introduces a time limit/ultimatum, kills someone (usually a woman), and/or includes incesty shit. Honestly the shock value has worn off at this point, it’s gotten boring.
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sofiareidings · 9 months
Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts
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Summary: At the New Year's party at Rossi's you have a little to much to drink and Spencer has to take you home. What will happen when the clock strikes midnight though?
A/N: Stated in the title but I'm also stating it now, this one-shot does mention alcohol. Also, thank you so much for all the love on yesterday's post! I'm going to try and post a story everyday until I start school, (September 6th) once I get back into the rhythm of school I'll try and make a posting schedule.
Word Count: 0.9k
Song Suggestions: Pacific - Sleeping At Last
Rossi had invited the entire team over for a New Years party. It had been a tough year, and everyone needed it. You spent the evening having fun, talking, dancing, and drinking.
Maybe a little too much drinking. It was thirty minutes to midnight and Garcia had finally cut you off. “I love you sweetie, but you’re sticking to water for the rest of the night.” You sighed at her comment and decided the best idea would be to vent about it to someone else.
“…and now she’s only giving me water!” You slumped back in the chair while Spencer just shook his head. He was completely sober that night and could tell how drunk you were. He knew it was time for you to go home. He stood up, putting a hand out for you to grab.
“Come on, it’s time to go home.” Taking his hand you groan and reluctantly grab your stuff while mumbling to yourself about the injustice. Once you got to Spencer’s car you turned on his radio, the first channel was a strange classical music channel and immediately changed. The next channel was counting down to midnight while playing what you assumed was the top 100.
Rossi’s mansion wasn’t far from your apartment complex and Spencer had gotten there in less than ten minutes. “Fifteen minutes till midnight! I wonder who my Near Year’s kiss will be. This next song is…” When the song started you stopped listening and turned to Spencer.
“I don’t want to be alone at midnight, can we stay here until then please?” The sentence came out a lot sadder than you expected. “And then if you’re here at midnight…I can have a New Year’s kiss.”
“Y/N…you’re drunk.” His face was red, you were drunk. He knew that but, the quote, ‘drunk words are sober thoughts.’ was all he could think of. He didn’t want to take advantage of the state you were in and didn’t dare try to make any advances. “We can stay here until midnight.”
“Only ten minutes until midnight folks! Here’s number two on…”
You were at the emotional stage of drunkenness, it was quite evident by the way you cried a little while talking. “You’re so cute, Spence. Whenever you make that little confused face when I talk about pop culture I can’t help but die inside because you look so pretty. Like a lost puppy…and when you wave instead of shaking someone's hand because shaking hands are gross or whatever I just melt. And everytime you wear your glasses I can’t focus on anything other than your cuteness…”
He was blushing hard but was still making sure not to take anything serious. “T-thanks Y/N, I really appreciate that…” His sentence trailed off as he watched your hand grab onto his arm and stay there. The butterflies were going crazy and he knew he needed to get out of here. “Why don’t I take you up to your apartment? I’ll stay till midnight but I want to make sure you make it the full way home.”
“That’s such a good idea, why didn’t I think of it!” You groaned while going to open the car door. The handle was jammed, when Spencer noticed he got out of the car leaving you alone in the car for a second.
“Six minutes until midnight! Here is the last song of the night folks…”
The door opened and there he stood, holding your bag and jacket waiting to take you upstairs. Opening the front door of the building you looked at your phone clock.
“11:57” You stated while he hit the elevator button. While waiting you managed to make your way to the live broadcast of the ball drop in New York.
“We are two minutes and fifteen seconds away from midnight!”
The elevator opened and you hit the button to take you to the third floor.
“Would you look at that, only a minute and twenty seconds left everyone.”
Spencer grabbed your hand and walked you towards your apartment while you listened to the announcer blasting from your phone.
“Thirty seconds!”
A loud countdown started on your phone while Spencer looked for your house key in your bag. You watched him try every key.
You hear a little click and he starts turning the key.
The key gets stuck in place.
He jimmies with the key.
The lock finally opens.
The door opens and you walk in.
You lean against the wall while Spencer shuts the door.
He turns your hallway light on.
You hear the sound of your purse hitting the table.
Spencer walks back over to you, preparing to say goodnight after the countdown.
In a moment of drunken boldness you wrap your hands around his neck and press your lips against his. He’s shocked and stumbles back a little, not sure what to do. You can feel his arm wrap around your waist tightly. After a couple seconds you let go and stagger backwards smiling. “Happy New Year’s.”
“Yeah, happy New Year’s…” He’s still in shock but makes sure that you make it to bed before leaving.
‘Drunk words are sober thoughts.’
Walking back down to the parking lot his mind is full of so many different thoughts. He’s not sure how seriously he should take your advances. What if you won’t remember them in the morning? What if it isn’t what you really feel? The final thought, one that had been coming back to him all night.
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roonilwazlibimagines · 5 months
annoying - d.m x female!reader
Blurb: draco will never beat the annoying allegations, because he is annoying, but he is also romantic or the three times draco was annoying but the three times he made it up to her or just like really fluffy draco malfoy stuff
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: this started as a list of things i thought draco malfoy would do as a boyfriend but it turned into this and i made them married because they're traditional!! and they would not live together before marriage!! and i wanted them to live together for this!! in hindsight i could have written around it but i wrote this by the pool and it didn't occur to me then!! i will not change it now!!
ps. in my mind this is with potter!daughter but there was no mention of other potters so i didn't force it, but if you would like to read draco x potter!daughter please check this tag or come talk to me about them because i am obsessed with them!
“I’d say,” she tapped her finger to her lip, noticing the blonde boy hanging on her every word, “annoying,” she said with a confident finality.
“What?” She had to stop the amused expression she would normally wear, trying to convince her astounded husband that she was being serious. “You’re so full of shit.”
She gasped.
“You’re literally proving my point.” He rolled his eyes and manoeuvred his body to grab onto her hips and pull her towards him.
“Take it back.” He was peppering kisses all over her neck making her let out a traitorous giggle. But she refused to deny it.
It had started less than five minutes earlier. It was well past eleven at night and the young, newly wed couple were still in that stage where neither necessarily wanted to sleep, still fascinated with the idea of being married and wondering what differences came with it.
Draco was reading a new book that she had bought because the blurb sounded like something he would like and she was writing something down in her notebook, being extra careful not to get ink in the bed. Again.
When she suddenly put her quill down, a thump eliciting from the force of it landing on the paper, Draco didn’t even finish the sentence he was on before he dogeared the page he was on and put the novel on his lap to look at the pretty girl slouched next to him.
“If you could describe me in one word, what would it be?”
“Beautiful,” he replied without an ounce of hesitation. She rolled her eyes, copying his actions with her own notebook and placing it on the bedside table with the quill that managed to keep its ink where it was meant to be.
“You’re flattering me,” she turned her head back towards, “tell me the truth.”
“I am,” he insisted, also placing his book on his side so he could reposition himself to look at her properly. Her pyjamas were hanging loosely over her body and she had various strands falling out of her ponytail framing her face that was ever so slightly starting to puff up due to the late hour. But Draco was telling the truth.
“Alright, well give me another.”
Draco thought about this one for a second, trying to find a word that suited her but would also appease her interest.
She stared up at him as he hummed to himself. His hair was dishevelled and his t-shirt clung onto his biceps in a way that forced her to focus on the words leaving his pretty lips.
“Interesting,” she hummed, having a feeling that he was trying to say something to get a reaction out of her. Well, a reaction was what he was going to get.
“Well, if I had to describe you in one word,” she paused noticing how he quirked up slightly at that, “I’d say…” and that was how she ended up being trapped by his arms, victim to his kisses and fingertips digging into the flesh on her sides.
“I’m not annoying, love.” He said, finally loosening his grip on her, but when she made no effort to move he kept his arm draped loosely over her hips, keeping her back pushed against his chest.
“Lies,” she basically hissed the word at him leaving him with a cocky smirk that she had to strain her neck to see.
Because he was annoying.
It was literally just this morning that he had annoyed her.
“Draco,” her voice echoed throughout the house and Draco put down his spoon to yell back, “What?”
He was at the dining table, eating a second breakfast, and he swallowed his cereal as he heard her footsteps thundering down the stairs.
“Did I leave my lip balm down there?” Her voice was slightly less loud as she made her way to him, confident she had left it on the table when they ate breakfast together. Or, Draco’s first breakfast together.
Draco’s eyes didn’t take long to land on the cylinder, stood up right in front of where his pretty wife had been sitting minutes ago. He quickly snatched it into his hand, securing it in his palm before she appeared in front of him.
“Haven’t seen it,” he mumbled, grabbing his spoon in his free hand to shove more cereal in his mouth, hoping it would prevent him from giving himself away.
“Really?” She asked, making her way over to the kitchen, “I could’ve sworn I left it here.” He could hear her moving around various objects and sighing when she gave up and moved to the living room.
“It’s literally just a white cylinder, are you sure you haven’t seen it?” She made her voice louder to reach him from the other room where he could hear her rummaging around the lounge, no doubt seeing if it had fallen into one of the many crevices. Why? He wasn’t sure. She hadn’t been there this morning.
“I know what your lip balm looks like,” he replied moodily. He heard her huff and when he looked back up from his bowl she was standing in front of him. Good to see she could be quiet when she wanted to be.
“You have it.”
“What?” Draco dropped his spoon again, said lip balm burning a hole through his palm.
“You have it.” And within seconds she was directly in front of him. But Draco was quicker and he had risen to his full height, putting his traitorous hand behind him as his chair made a loud scraping noise against their floor.
“Show me your hand.” She moved to grab his hand hiding behind his back but he turned so she couldn’t reach.
“You need to work on your reflexes, babe.”
“You need to stop acting like a child, babe,” she mimicked.
She had her hands folded across her chest, hoping to catch him by surprise when she made to move again.
He was looking down at her with a horrid smirk, her squinted eyes and downward curve of her lips only serving to make it stronger.
“Give it to me,” she whined, suddenly making a move to grab it. Draco had let his guard down ever so slightly, distracted by her pretty face and this time when she went to grab it, her fingers brushed his knuckle.
But Draco needed to make sure she couldn’t reach it so this time, his arm went above his head and he knew it was the right move when she whined once more, “Draco.” She dragged out the last vowel of his name and made a slight movement that looked like her stamping her foot in the ground in annoyance.
“Why are you like this?”
Draco only shrugged his shoulders, making her huff as she brought her arms around her chest once more.
When he didn’t say anything, she continued.
“I’m not going to beg for it.”
“But you sound so pretty when you do.” She scoffed at him and his stupid smirk and his stupid lanky height that meant there was no way for her to reach it without jumping. And even that would be a stretch.
“Draco Malfoy, I swear-“ but she never finished because he got an awful twinkle in his eye when she said his full name and she wasn’t having it. She took a step towards him and reached to the very tip of her toes to try and grab it.
Her hand only reached his wrist.
“You’re such a child.” She groaned, straining to reach even further. Draco brought his head back slightly to look at her determined face trying to and grab the lip balm, still secure in his palm.
She gave up trying to reach and instead wrapped her fingers around his wrist and tried with all her might to drag it down.
She let out a soft groan that made Draco chuckle.
“Maybe if you’d ask nicely I’d give it to you.”
Draco was sure the devil himself had taken the place of his pretty wife with the dirty look he was on the receiving end of.
“Draco,” she said, dropping her hold on his wrist and taking the tiniest of steps back.
“Yes, my love.”
“Can I please have my lip balm?” Her voice was steady and Draco knew that she was fighting her own mind not to scream and shout until she got her way.
“Well, because you asked so nicely.” He dropped his hand, but still put it behind his back as he lent down to press a soft kiss to her pouting lips.
When he pulled back she was giving him an impatient look, her palm out, waiting for him to give it back to her.
Still smirking, he put it in her hand, quickly pulling his hand away when her fingers wrapped around it and she snatched it away. Huffing as she made her way back up the stairs.
“A thank you would be nice,” Draco yelled out, going back to his soggy cereal and chuckling when a string of profanities floated all the way to his ears.
She was quick to remind him of this incident now that they were in bed and Draco still stood by the fact that he was not annoying.
“Well, I wouldn’t say that was annoying,” he argued, with her back still against his chest. She rolled her eyes, grateful that he couldn’t see.
“I would.”
“I was just teasing,” he insisted and she scoffed. “You know I would’ve given it back to you.”
He was partially right, he did like to tease her, but teasing her was annoying.
It was only that weekend that that had gone to a house party with some friends from high school. Everyone was taking advantage of the summer months, and most of them were sitting outside, enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon without the sun blaring down on them.
She had been inside for the last hour or so, trying to avoid any red flesh and catching up with some old friends, but when the noticed the guilty star had left the sky, they started to make their way out.
She noticed immediately that there weren’t going to be enough chairs, so she happily made her way over to Draco and sat on his lap.
He was halfway through a conversation with someone and even though he didn’t explicitly acknowledge her presence, he still manoeuvred his body so she could make herself comfortable. And once she stopped wriggling all over him, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
She was happy sitting there, sipping her drink, laughing at whatever her friends said, and enjoying the way the scent of her boyfriend overtook her senses.
Halfway through one of their stories she felt something crawling on her arm and with a quiet groan she twitched in Draco’s lap, flicking the intruder away.
“What’s wrong, lovey?” Draco bent down to whisper in her ear so as not to disrupt the conversation and draw attention to them.
“The bugs are eating me alive,” she huffed, repositioning herself so she was half draped over his lap.
“Can’t blame them,” he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder, “you taste so good.”
She gave him an unimpressed look and the edge of his lips quirked up in a familiar smirk before their attentions went back to the conversation.
Every now and then she’d twitch whenever a crawling trespasser appeared on her skin. Each instance followed by a huff and a sigh from the pretty girl resting on Draco’s lap.
Draco was trying his best to defend his girlfriend, removing his hand from her waist to wave it around anytime a bug even dared to look at her and keeping a loose arm around her so she could wriggle and swat away whenever she pleased. But for some reason, the bugs had chosen his pretty girl to annoy tonight, and no one was as in tune with her annoyance as he was.
That’s why he thought what he was about to do was risky. She was already annoyed, but it wasn’t at the hands of him, so he figured he’d do it anyway.
When the conversation had started to die down and people turned to the others around them, starting their own private conversations, Draco turned down to his wife and started a conversation with her.
She was happily chatting away, and Draco was listening intently. He promised. But when she got towards the end of her sentence and took a breath, Draco purposefully furrowed his eyebrows together.
He noticed immediately the increase of diameter of her pretty eyes and the way she froze ever so slightly in his lap.
“What’s that?” He asked, flicking his head up in the direction of her own.
“What’s what?” Her voice had risen an octave and Draco was glad the rest of the group were talking over each other loud enough to drown her out.
“That,” Draco said again, subtly taking his hand away from the valley of her spine. “I think,” he paused and got the desired effect with the look of fright she was giving him, “there’s a,” she was frozen on his lap, “a bug on you.” And as he finished the world’s longest sentence his fingertips found her neck and a tiny squeal left her lips as she contorted her body into his, naive to think she’d find safety with him.
She could feel his whole body shake as he let out a strong laugh, his arms returning around her waist and locking her into his grasp as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I hate you so much.”
Draco could feel her pulse and he almost felt bad for causing her such annoyance, but when she strained her neck to frown at him, a hard crease between her pretty eyes, he couldn’t help the boyish smirk that enveloped his face.
“Liar,” he retorted, not missing the way she clung to him when she thought there was danger.
“I apologised for that,” Draco whined, now in bed. Similarly pressing a kiss to the top of her head as she recalled just how annoying his teasing was.
He did feel bad for it. He didn’t think it would upset her that much. He just wanted to upset her slightly.
“Still annoying,” she grumbled, refusing to look back up at him.
“C’mon,” Draco continued, a tinge of a whine tainting his tone, “you love being teased.”
She rolled her eyes at his poor attempt of a double entendre.
But this time he was telling the truth.
It was only last week when this had occurred.
They had only been married for a couple of months after almost a year of being engaged, but their house was in the works the second Draco proposed to her so they would have somewhere to go when a permanent gold band rested where their fourth finger on their left hand came in contact with the knuckle.
Draco was at her house, going over the plans to ensure she was happy with anything. She was listening. Partly. She trusted Draco.
"Oh," he added as well, knowing that he didn't have her complete attention, "we also have to decide if we want a pool."
"Obviously," she scoffed, knowing by the way that the corner of his mouth tugged upward that he was just trying to get her involved.
Because Draco knew he wanted a pool, and he was glad for it when they woke up to the sun peaking through their window, waking them up and inviting them to join it outside while they played in the pool.
Draco was already in, unbothered by the wait of his pretty wife who took slightly longer to get ready. And the wait was worth it when she came out in a two-piece which Draco really thought was an overstatement considering how little of her was covered.
She swayed her hips on purpose, noticing the slight part in her husband's pretty lips, doing a faux pose when she reached the pool that made Draco clear his throat.
"You look good."
"I know," she beamed at him cheekily, throwing her towel on the chair next to his and tying her hair up in a high bun. "I'm not in the mood to get my hair wet today, I'm too lazy to wash it."
Draco didn't say anything, but she didn't give it a second thought knowing that his eyes were preoccupied.
Draco floated over to the stairs as she made her way in, letting out a little squeal as her feet touched the first step.
"It's so cold!"
"You can't be serious." Draco let out a small chuckle as she placed her weight from one foot to the other.
"I'm very serious, Draco," she whined, finding the courage to go to the next step.
It was up to her calves, and she was going against the water as she kicked her legs out, trying to acclimatise to the new temperature.
Draco, already knowing he consequences of his actions, placed his hands in the water and flicked it over at her.
"Draco!" She had put her hands out in a poor attempt to save herself from his attack and bent a leg up towards herself in some sort of defence.
He laughed.
"Stop being such a baby." She gave him a pout that very much reminded him of a baby.
But she took no note of her husband’s rude comments and instead put her hands in the water to splash him back. 
“C’mon, yours was much bigger than mine.” Draco rolled his eyes, running a hand through his now wet hair and putting his hands back in the water. 
“Draco Malfoy if you dare-”
She was already folding in on herself, but she never felt the splash or got to finish her statement because Draco had cut her off. 
“C’mon darling, I promise I won’t splash you if you just get in.” 
She put her hands down slowly, not sure how much she should trust the blonde haired boy giving her a sly grin. 
“I don’t trust you,” she said, her actions betraying her words as she took another step down. It reached just above her bottom piece and Draco heard her take a sharp breath in as a couple of goosebumps erupted on her lotioned skin. 
One more step to go.
“I promise I won’t splash you.” He had an odd look of sincerity on his face, but she made sure to keep eye contact with him as she placed her hands in the water and brought them to the tops of her shoulders in an attempt to let her body become familiar with the cool liquid.
She went to the next step. She took in a shaky breath, moving on the spot in a hurried motion to try to bring some warmth to her body. 
“One more step, love, c’mon.” Draco opened his arms in an attempt to get her into his embrace. 
“I swear, Draco, if you splash me,” she trailed off, letting her foot fall off the last step and pushing her body towards his arms. 
He grabbed onto her, his hands roaming around her hips as he bent his head down to press a kiss to her pretty lips. 
“Yeah,” he said, pulling away with a slight breathlessness, “you’ll what?” He lent back to kiss her, unashamed, he knew he was in trouble the second he saw her enter the backyard in her little bikini that didn’t leave a lot to his imagination. 
“I-I’ll,” she forced herself to pull away even though she wanted nothing more than to kiss her pretty husband until their skin shrivelled from the water. But Draco had other plans, because when she was looking at him, a soft look in her eyes from the way he had kissed her, he decided this was the perfect time.
His fingers locked around her waist and the last thing he saw was her pretty eyes widen as he pulled her under the water with him.
He knew he’d never hear the end of it the second he brought them to the surface and she let out a couple of dramatic coughs.
“Are you trying to kill me?” She shrieked, blinking the water out of her eyes and pushing his shoulders ever so slightly with the butt of her palm. His arms were still locked around her waist and he had no intention of letting go.
All he did was laugh in response, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes and leaning down to pepper kisses all over her slimey face. All he could taste was her sunscreen and she kept twisting in his grasp and trying to pull her face away from him, but he continued his attack bravely.
“Hey,” he said, letting out a chuckle despite the grumpy look on her pretty face, “I only promised not to splash you.”
She wanted to scream. Instead, she splashed him back.
“Well, I never promised not to splash you.” She said indignantly in a way that reminded Draco of a child.
“Ah,” he said, much too arrogantly for her taste, “is that how you want to play?” He removed his hands around her waist to splash at her, but even though she knew what was coming, she didn’t step away from him.
“Nuh uh,” she whined, turning her head to avoid the water coming into contact with her face, “you promised you wouldn’t splash me.”
“Well, I take it back.” It was then she decided that she hated Draco’s height. She used to admire it, loved how he towered over almost anyone in any room. But now, she came to realise that his arms were much too long, because before she even got the chance to splash him back he had reached out and grabbed onto her hips, pulling her closer to him and bringing her with him under the water once more.
This time she gave him a good shove on the shoulder while they were under the water, but she wondered if Draco even noticed with the way his hands were squeezing her hips and grabbing at her flesh.
It was only when he brought them to the surface that she realised he was trying to find the string keeping her bikini bottom up and once again, she cursed his long fingers for quickly untying the double knot.
“Draco!” Her hands left his shoulders to grab onto her swimmers before Draco got any other ideas, but Draco was quick and in one swift movement he grabbed both of her hands in his.
She wriggled against him, but movement only made the swimmers pull away from her skin so instead she gave him a defeated look.
He was laughing manically, his chest rumbling at her predicament and the pretty pout that was gracing her pretty lips.
In another swift movement he turned her around so her back was against his chest and her hands were still locked up in Draco’s large hand jail, but the movement was not her friend because with his other free hand, Draco had grabbed the traitorous bottom and thrown it out of the pool, quick to bring it to the front and give her top the same treatment.
He was taking his time, kissing all over her neck, trying to get her to succumb to his pleasures, but she was strong-willed and it was only the way her voice gave a slight tremble at the end of her sentence that gave her away.
“You’re so annoying.”
Draco was now kissing her neck in a similar fashion, but she wasn’t going to give in.
“Thought you liked it then?” He teased, his voice low from the late hour and soft due to their proximity.
“I mean it was alright.” Draco could tell by the slight quiver of her voice and lack of comeback that his little neck kisses were getting to her.
“Do you want to try another word, darling?”
But while the kisses may have softened her, she was still able to respond with, “romantic.”
Because he was.
The only reason she was looking for her lip balm was because he was taking her out for lunch.
And when she came down, all dressed up for him, she twirled on the spot, loving the soft look in his eyes compared to the mischievous twinkle he had worn trying to get a reaction out of her.
They were sitting across from each other and when she rested her hand on the table, Draco took it in his own and neither arm was strong enough to move from its position.
While they waited for the server to come over, she used her free hand to rifle through her bag and when she found the desired lipstick and started putting it on, Draco squinted his eyes at her.
“I want to ask you a question.” She gave a seconds pause before putting her lipstick away and facing her pretty husband.
“I’m scared.”
He disregarded her comment and asked, “what’s in your bag?”
“My bag?” She gave him a confused look, losing the warmth of his palm as she grabbed her bag for a second time. The very expensive bag Draco had bought for her only a month or so ago because she had made a trivial comment about how pretty it was when they first walked past it.
She opened it and showed it to him, he was her husband, she had nothing to hide.
Draco liked what he saw. Lipstick, a little mirror, the perfume she usually wore in a small cylindrical glass, and the lip balm he had teased her about this morning.
“What if I forgot the card at home?” he chuckled, his smile only intensifying at the confused look on his pretty girl’s face.
“The credit card?”
“What other card, darling?” The smirk on his face told her he was telling a fib, but she still asked, “did you?”
She never got her response though as the server politely interrupted the conversation, causing her to close her bag back up and listen to Draco repeat what she had told him she wanted from the menu.
The fact that he was ordering told her all she needed to know about the card situation, but she still continued the conversation as if there had been no interruption.
“In all honesty, I stopped bringing money with me after, like, our second month of going out.”
This made Draco let out a laugh that was an inappropriate volume given their surroundings, but the couple didn’t notice.
When Draco calmed down, he put his hand back on the table and she reached out to hold onto it.
“Good,” he said, bringing their intertwined hands towards him to press a row of soft kisses along her knuckles.
When he had frightened her over the bug situation, he kissed and doted on her the rest of the afternoon, feeling bad that he had upset her so greatly.
When her cup was empty he placed her on his seat and went inside to fill it back up for her. Lifting her back onto his lap when he returned.
When they arrived home he had her silk robe waiting for her the second her foot stepped out of the shower and he happily had her sit on the edge of the bathtub as he completed her skincare.
“You know,” she said, giving him the saddest look she could muster, “I was so scared when you pretended there was a bug on me, it really tired me out, I don’t think I can do my skincare.” He let out a large scoff, even though she was still frowning, giving him a faux innocent look with her silk robe wrapped tightly around her.
“C’mere,” he was sitting on the edge of the bathtub but reached out to grab her fingertips, bringing her closer to him so he could sit her on the edge next to him, “you big baby.”
And even after he played with her pretty hair until she fell asleep, he still felt bad. He let out a sigh as he begrudgingly got out of the comfortable bed and once he was outside of their room he called for the house elf and instructed him to get a bunch of her favourite flowers before they woke up.
Draco found that he fell asleep quite easily after he had settled that matter and his arms were wrapped around the waist of his pretty wife.
But he was disgruntled when he woke up hours later to find said pretty wife sitting on the edge of the bed, a small white card in her hand that he assumed belonged to the bunch of her favourite flowers that the house elf had delivered.
He lazily trailed his fingertips down her spine, enjoying the way she jolted at his touch.
“Come back to bed, lovey.” When she put the card down and turned around she found Draco’s arm sprawled out to the side from where he had let it linger on her skin. His eyes were still closed and his hair was sticking on his forehead.
She leant over to smooth it away from his pretty face and when he brought his arm back up she gingerly found her way back to him, his arm coming back down the second he was satisfied she was comfortable.
And it was after they christened the pool that she started to whine about her wet hair.
“I told you I didn’t want to wash it.” Draco wished he had a couple more minutes before her attitude came back, but was quick to remember he was the reason she was in a mood and so he kept that thought to himself.
She was behind him while Draco swam to the edge to receive the two pieces he had meanly thrown out of reach.
“I’m not getting them,” she had scoffed at his reply when she said she needed her swimmers back to which Draco pointed to the edge of the pool where they were sprawled haphazardly. “I’m naked,” she whispered as if it was a sin worse than what had just occurred in their own swimming pool.
“I’ll wash it for you,” he grumbled throwing her swimmers at her. She wasn’t quick enough to grab them so they floated on the surface of the water. She picked up the bottoms and started tying the knots in the appropriate places.
“Really?” She asked, Draco already swimming back to her, picking her top up and redoing the knots he had cruelly untied moments before.
“Of course my love.”
And that was how she found herself sitting in between his legs, warm water filling their bathtub with rose petals tickling her calves and the smoke of a coconut candle making its way into her nose.
She let out a hum as Draco’s fingertips circled her scalp. She let her head fall back so she could look up at him and he was quick to place a quick kiss on her forehead before gently pushing her head up so he could continue his service.
“You spoil me.” Draco liked when she whined and pouted and screeched whenever he found a new way to annoy her, but more than anything he loved the content in her tone knowing that he would always look after her. No matter how much he annoyed her.
“Romantic sounds better,” Draco hummed, leaning down to press some more kisses along her jaw.
But she was brave and she pulled away so she could turn around and face her lovely husband.
She ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in a way that brought a grin to what Draco thought was her precious face.
How lucky she was, really, to have such a beautiful husband. Who, despite his teasing, made sure that she was treated like royalty. Who would never let her worry about a single thing if he had his way and who made sure she knew he loved her, even if he liked to annoy her. Who called her beautiful even when she called him annoying.
“And handsome,” she whispered, bringing her hand to his soft cheek, not missing the way he leaned into her touch, “so handsome.”
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izvmimi · 2 months
All Roads Lead to Love? - Chapter III
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cw: alcohol mention. quirk use. medical scenes. bad fashion. Please see additional masterlist warnings! Masterlist
Izuku stares at your number on his phone and his stomach turns as his thumb hovers over the call button. 
Then he looks up. Shoto hasn’t said a word in the last ten minutes, content with finishing up the last of a sandwich and scrolling through his phone. Shoto has a bad habit of responding to every thirsty comment he gets and Izuku doesn’t bother telling him not to at this point. That’s PR’s problem and they get paid handsomely for it.
“How bad is it if I call a girl who might have a boyfriend?” Izuku says it wincingly, as if the very idea pains him.
Shoto doesn’t look up. “I mean if you’re just saying hi, it’s not illegal. Otherwise it’s harassment.”
Izuku should know better than to expect tact from him. Izuku pushes his phone away from him and replaces the emptiness of his right hand with a handful of fries to stuff into his mouth. Shoto looks up and raises his eyebrow at him, then shakes his head.
“I thought you and Ochaco broke up.”
“We DID.” Izuku insists, annoyed. “Over half a year ago?”
Shoto shrugs. “I mean it’s not like it’s obvious, the three of you still hang out all the time.”
Izuku frowns. This is true, but it’s been less so in recent times, and the media storm related to it is brewing, he feels, when the distance, now more obvious, gets spun into netizen debate but he’s hoping to shield himself from it.
Perhaps he shouldn’t bother you just for that reason alone. Especially if you have someone. You won’t have him. Not in this life, not in the next.
“It’s about ___,” he finally admits. Shoto looks slightly confused for a moment and Izuku practically growls at him before he recalls.
Sighing, Izuku leans back into his chair and lets his shoulders slump. Perhaps he’s creepy to still feel this way about you, but there’s not much he can do about it. He was doing so well too until he saw you yesterday, and… 
That fucking guy. 
Izuku runs his hands through his hair. Life is too cyclical for him right now.
“How are you and Mo-?” he asks instead but Shoto shrugs, interrupting him before he can ask any other questions.
Sometimes talking to Shoto is like pressing oil from a stone, but Shoto suddenly asks Izuku a follow-up question.
“You know, if you’re still pining for that long, does it really matter at this point if she has a boyfriend?”
Izuku looks shocked, but Shoto is dead serious. He blinks.
“Just tell her how you feel anyway. That way she can tell you no to your face and you’ll get over it.”
Izuku feels something in his heart rend, but Shoto’s insane advice has a shocking amount of weight to it.
As usual. He just has to work up the nerve to listen to it.
A couple of weeks pass. You’ve found yourself staring at Izuku’s number in your phone far more than you have in years, wondering if you should tell him what happened and knowing that it would make you sound crazy. How do you even start such a conversation?
Hey I know I haven’t spoken to you for real in years, but some kid with a quirk made clones of me that suggest you’re my soulmate? Oh by the way, I loved you back then but just never told you? Anyway, break up with your girlfriend, a literal angel, because I’m bored.
You call one of your friends, not the ones who went to UA with you and told you not to suppress your feelings, but another one who will tell you you’re ridiculous and to focus on the very available man in front of you, if you must insist on rekindling old flames.
And she tells you exactly what you want to hear.
“This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”
You sigh, absorbing the hit, but you’re thankful. “I know.”
“If he fumbled you then, he fumbles forever,” she says, unabashedly. You can see her now, painting her toenails with one hand, and petting her cat with another. It doesn’t matter to her that fate says otherwise, just the lack of effort on either part.
Don’t let us convince you how to feel, you remember an alternate version of you say.
It’s the wake-up call you need.
That evening, you meet up with Akira impromptu and he fulfills his promise of your favorite sushi and wine. Drinking more than usual to forget whatever your clones have to say, you find that Akira’s lips are somehow more comforting now that you’re older, and his hugs are tighter, and while you don’t end up sleeping together by the end of the night, the thought of laying under him in the near future brings a warmth to your chest that feels like the beginning of newly rekindled love.
“Are you this embarrassed to be seen with me?” Inko snickers, walking just a couple paces behind her son, whose broad shoulders are hunched over as he shrouds himself in a hoodie, a hat and sunglasses. He looks somewhat ridiculous like this, with the effect of making his already very noticeable frame stick out more, and the fact that he’s dressed head to toe in merch that doesn’t exactly match color scheme-wise (Froppy socks and Red Riot shoes, and Pinky’s iconic tie-dye pattern are not exactly easy on the eyes) doesn’t help.
“I just want to get in and out without incident,” Izuku murmurs quietly. Inko laughs and pats his back as he continues to push a shopping cart past the crowded hallways. He wishes his mother would have chosen a better day for grocery shopping because he woke up grumpier than usual today, which is really saying something, but these runs are important for her. She misses him and this is just one of the ways he can remind her that above all else, she’s still his son.
“That’s not like you.” She rubs his back gently and Izuku’s mouth twists to the side.
It isn’t, but it is him at the very moment. All he can think about is the fact that he feels like he should call you and he has no idea what to say, and the idea of you desperately finding ways to hang up on him makes him sick to his stomach. He’s tired and overworked. He’s seen at least one article speculating on his romantic life since this morning, now that Iida and Ochaco were found cavorting on a beach, and he’s starving. 
The last one is a problem he can fix. Realistically, the first one is too but all he can think of is rejection and the label of creep. 
Izuku Midoriya, current #1 Hero and absolute creep.
“I just need a break.” Polite enough to grab two cans of vegetables from the highest shelf, a couple for him and his mom, and one for the lady that seems to be reaching but too embarrassed to ask for help. She thanks him and he says not to mention it, then lets the cart speed off before she can think too hard about who he looks or sounds like. 
Deku is very popular with older middle-aged ladies.
A little further down, he stops so that Inko can catch up with him. She’s still in high spirits and he resists the urge to shudder when thinking about how well her and Toshinori’s date last night went. He’d picked her up from his apartment and that may have been a little too much for him but he’s accepted this arrangement for now.
If his mom is happy, then he is.
They chat more about everything then nothing, while Izuku keeps the conversation away from how good his mentor is as a lover, then earning a moment for himself to scroll through the news on his phone while his mother chats up the workers at the fish market. He’s too engrossed, analyzing the scathing review of property damage with Dynamight and Red Riot’s combined recent save, until he looks up and sees Inko walk in a sudden opposite direction. Curious as to where she’s going but not moving yet, his eyes follow her, but when he realizes where she’s waving to, he almost shits his pants.
This can’t be serious.
It’s you again. You look just as surprised as he is, your mouth slightly agape, a pomelo in your right hand over at the produce section. Suddenly, he is acutely aware of exactly what kind of fashion disaster he is, and looks around, calculating the chances he can hide without being noticed by anyone or being called out by his mother. It’s not like you are particularly dressed to the nines either - you’re in an oversized hoodie too (Izuku wonders if it’s yours or Akira’s for a moment), the hood drawn close around your unmade but clean face, and yoga pants, sneakers that at least match unlike his clashing shoes. Although you look slightly uncomfortable the longer Inko talks to you, he can tell it’s less about not being kind and more shyness. 
He spends more time observing you than making an escape route, and Inko finally betrays him by pointing over to him. You look like you’ve gone ashen when you see him, and it smarts; he offers you the smallest of awkward waves but Inko takes your wrist gently and pulls you over to him jovially. 
And now you’re face to face again. He swallows hard, feeling the palms of his hands get sweaty as he grips the shopping cart handles. He has no idea how it’s gotten like this, and neither do you. You’re stiff as a board, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
Just why do you dislike him so much? He wonders, but he has no time to lament, lest he make this worse than it already is. 
“You know, I still have a picture of you two in my house!” Inko says, cheerfully. “I’m surprised you guys don’t still hang out often.”
Your stomach turns, and both of you don’t realize that you’re thinking the same thing -
Because they didn’t like me back, back then.
Desperate to make small talk, you say, “Oh, do you come here often?”
Izuku blinks, trying to comprehend your own ridiculous question you regret asking, but only makes it worse.
“To the grocery store? Oh yeah, haha, need to eat too!”
He laughs a little too loud, and in attempting to convince himself and you that he’s funny, slaps the handle of the shopping cart, which subsequently tips backwards which he scrambles to resettle. You and Inko both look shocked, and by the time he’s guided things back into carts, Inko is laughing nervously too. By now, Izuku has garnered more than a couple of stares from nearby customers, and quickly bumping him out of the way, she picks up on his odd behavior and rescues him.
“Ha, well it was nice to see you again, hun, I hope things have been well! Say hi to the family for me,” she waves, and quickly pulls Izuku along with her.
You remain planted watching him, wondering what trick the universe is playing on you. 
Of all the grocery stores in Japan, your search for one specific food item brought you to Izuku, no matter how badly you try to avoid him.
“Can I ask a stupid question?”
Camilla looks up from where she’s perusing through a rack of work blouses then looks back to you.
“None of your questions are stupid. Shoot.”
You let your hands leaf through a stack of folded jeans, then pace a little as her eyes follow you, mulling over the words to use under your breath. After all, you haven’t explained the multiverse thing yet although you’re usually open about most things, for fear that she will hit you with an ‘I told you so’, even if she’s generally very kind about it. But you do still need to know.
“Do you still have people from way-back-when that you’ve liked?” you ask. Camilla gives you a look, then walks over and takes your face dramatically in her hands.
“Once again, I am begging you to stop going on dates with that weirdo,” she says. You find yourself laughing. She wasn’t too keen on the second date, and not the third, and while she didn’t explain in detail, she’s observed Akira enough over time (since they were both in the Support class) to not be particularly fond of him at all. 
“I mean he really isn’t that bad.”
“He’s boastful and a womanizer,” she says again, now turned back to laying shirts onto her chest. “How does this look?”
“Oh, it’s cute,” you approve, noting how nicely the turquoise in semi-sheer material appears against her complexion. 
“Great,” she takes it and pushes it into your arms. “This is for you. Glad you like it!”
Camilla’s tricked you again. You came out here intending not to leave with more clothing and yet…
“Let me be fair. Akira gives the energy of an unserious person, but perhaps he’s changed over time. I could be wrong.” She softens her stance, putting her hand on her hips. You snort for a moment, but you can easily see why she thinks this way - he is a bit airheaded for your liking, and the sudden declaration of re-interest in you does seem brusque. But the truth is you’re not tied up with anyone else, so it doesn’t really matter if you allow yourself to have some fun.
On top of that, you’re not really thinking about Akira in this particular case. 
Sucking in a deep breath, and considering that you might immediately regret it, you decide to tell her what happened just weeks ago. By the time you’re done explaining, her hand is over her mouth, but then she smiles practically to the back of her teeth, and you realize you’re in trouble.
“Now that’s what romance novels are made of.”
“Camilla…” you start. She giggles and twirls a bit.
“Why are you questioning it? We saw the way he looked at you-”
You grimace. “He did not.”
She rolls her eyes. “Listen, if a man looked at me like that, I’d truly not sit here and argue with my friend about it.” She’s wandering between racks of clothing again, and you find yourself following her naturally just as you have for the past hour.
Your lips press into a thin line. “It sounds like a good story, but truly if he wanted me back then, he would have had me by now.”
As it comes out, you immediately regret it. Lead forms in your stomach as you think of what you just admitted, and Camilla is now digging through skirts that you’re not sure are for you or for herself.
“So clearly the problem is him. .That’s something we can sort out soon enough, now can’t we?”
In seconds, she’s zapped your phone right out of your pocket, flying directly into her open right hand.
“I’ll call him,” she sings.
If the panic that overcame you at that moment could revitalize a human being, you’d have resurrected an entire cemetery at once. 
“… You wouldn’t,” is the phrase that comes out of you weakly, in a hush. Camilla grins, unlocking your phone (you consider that you probably shouldn’t have given out your passcode as recently as last week’s sleepover), and scrolls through your contacts briefly before settling on his name. She considers it for a moment, truly, but the deep frown on your face and your approach to her make it sufficiently clear that you’re not above wrestling your phone out of her very hands in the middle of a department store. Twisting her mouth to the side, she decides to throw the phone back to you.
”Coward,” she murmurs.
You slip your phone in your pocket, considering changing your passcode that very second, glaring at her. 
“Stay out of my business,” you snap, but then you break out into giggles, partially out of relief. She laughs too, and pulls out another dress, glimmering in the overhead light, a soft purple chiffon number.
”You’re coming with me to the next gala and you’re wearing this.”
”I don’t think Mirio will appreciate losing his date,” you muse. She’s already off looking at the rows of pumps and stilettos, giving you a throwaway glance, but not without a sparkle in her eye.
”I think sunshine boy has enough admirers, and you’ve spent enough time hiding in the shadows.” She beams as you take it from her hands, adding to the pile of things you already have to try on.
You huff in pretend annoyance but you can never fault your friend.
“I’ll consider it.”
3 months since your first meeting passing faster than you know it, your most involved pediatric patient returns, and right on time.
“How’s little Kazuo doing?” 
You’re excited to see him, and he looks better than you expected, the young boy kicking his feet comfortably, his blue eyes shaded this time by a toy replica of Can’t Stop Twinkling’s iconic red shades offered to him by Junko. He takes the time to remove a lollipop from his mouth and looks at you with a big grin, and it warms you inside out. 
“Good!” he says. Mrs. Minamoto smiles at him as you ruffle his hair gently then look at her to confirm that this is true, and she does.
The quirk stabilizers have been working wonders, she says, and you decline testing his quirk currently, not because you really don’t want to see another legion of Deku wives/girlfriends tell you that you’re making a wrong decision with your life, but because the child looks like he’ll do best undisturbed today.
“Any breakthroughs?” you ask. 
“No incidents,” she affirms. “No strangers, doppelgangers or weird unexplained objects, thank goodness,” she adds, and she appears genuinely relieved which makes you glad for her.
“Good!” You take a few notes down on your legal pad then clasp your hands together.. “Do you think you’d be comfortable with a spacing regimen?” 
She looks resistant immediately, which is understandable, and you quickly recant your suggestion. Rolling back in your wheeled stool to your computer where you’re documenting, you click a few buttons to renew the child’s prescription for another 3 months.
“We can give it time. So far we haven’t found anyone in the database reports with a quirk remotely similar to this, as you already know from our written communication, but if you’d like we can take some time to let him experiment with his abilities at small intervals, or we can continue the stabilizers until we can set you up with the appropriate coaching program.”
She picks the latter, as you expect.
“I… I just think he’s too young to be twisting and turning the universe like this,” she says. With this, she pulls her son closer to her, who looks comfortable yet concerned with his mother’s reaction.
You mean to be compassionate. After all, her son has already messed with your life as you know it, so perhaps a bit more time for things to normalize is warranted.
Mrs. Minamoto lets out a sigh, then taps her heels on the ground. You look back at her after signing a few electronic documents to approve medications and next time visits. 
“Is it wrong for me to stop him from using his ability?” she asks. “I don’t want to stunt him… I just…” she trails off and you shake your head.
“All you’re doing is giving him time to adjust safely. We’ll work on this together, okay? It’s a huge amount of power for such a tiny person, so let’s give him a little bit more time to grow into it.”
Mrs. Minamoto looks teary-eyed and you offer her a reassuring handhold. 
“It doesn’t hurt to give a little more time to reflect and plan. After all, what’s destined to happen will happen regardless.”
Kazuo’s sea-green eyes focus right on you at this moment, and for a moment you wonder if he’s challenging how much you believe in the words you so easily say.
“Oi, we’re heading out.”
Katsuki’s speech is partially slurred, and Ochaco giggles politely as she waves him and his date out, her own naturally pink cheeks red herself, just as quite a few others in this private room. She nudges Iida who is staring off very slightly into space, his own look somewhat dazed even though he looks like he’d be much less of a lightweight, and Izuku notices how quickly Iida returns to reality from her touch, then waves in turn. 
“Make sure to text when you get home!” Iida and Ochaco both practically say in unison.
Perhaps they are made for each other, he thinks for a moment. By now, the two are official with the group of Heroes they frequent in and no one bothers to ask him any more questions, and he’s thankful for it, but it’s still awkward to be invited to these group outings that feel more like dates these days, particularly since the girl who’s seated next to him has long since given up on conversation and is now blatantly swiping right on a dating app, hoping to get lucky somewhere else before the night is over. He’s not bothering paying her any mind more than is polite; after all his mind is elsewhere. Izuku watches Katsuki whisper something into Runa’s ear as he adjusts her jacket onto her shoulders, and she laughs and taps his shoulder back.
Izuku wishes he could broach the subject of you, one of her best friends, but Runa has been preoccupied for most of the night with talking to Katsuki, and he knows better than to interfere with Katsuki getting the attention he craves. A smaller part of him wonders if he could just ask her to bring you with her next time, but that’s an insane request, and while Runa once was partial to teasing both him and you more than a little often in high school, she does her best not to bring you up whenever he has the chance to speak to her. 
Almost as if you’ve told her explicitly not to. 
It’s nearing midnight, and Izuku calls over their waiter to foot the bill this time, having made arrangements early on with the group to manage the table. His ‘date’ orders another drink without looking up which Izuku doesn’t even bother to be annoyed about, while Shoto and his girlfriend, nicknamed Mochi, also look to be getting ready to leave, him sticking so close he’s practically wrapping her in his peacoat. It dawns on him that he might actually be stuck as the last person in the room with the most uninterested person in the world but thankfully Ochaco and Iida seem to remain steadfast in keeping him company.
“Thanks for paying, Izuku,” Ochaco says a little bit later, rubbing gentle circles on Iida’s back. Iida is now practically facedown, but still gesturing something with his hands in agreement. 
He smiles.
“Of course.”
“Thank you for coming out too,” she says again later, when Texter has found a match and makes her way out and Izuku is once again the third wheel to his two best friends. Iida has stepped out to use the bathroom before leaving, and he and Ochaco stand outside in the frigid night under the moonlight. It’s the first time they’ve stood like this together in months, but the silence between them was less uncomfortable than it was pensive then.
Izuku again continues to pretend that he hasn’t had a terrible night, but he knows Ochaco can tell. After all, Ochaco is one of the few people that knows him better than anyone, when his mind is preoccupied with something else, when he’s uncomfortable, when things are wrong. Just because she chose to ignore that feeling of being in the wrong place when the right person was standing next to her the whole time, does not mean she doesn’t know his heart intimately.
“Has everything been okay?” she asks.
Izuku offers a nervous laugh. “Yeah, don’t worry, I’m not sad or heartbroken or anything,” he replies. He’s assumed incorrectly that he knows what she means, and when he turns to look at her, she’s frowning.
“I didn’t mean it in that way,” she murmurs. 
Izuku knows she’s being honest.
“I know whatever is making you feel less you has nothing to do with me, or rather…-” she looks away for a moment, back towards the entrance of the restaurant - “us, but I just want you to be happy, okay?”
Izuku nods, his throat suddenly dry.
Iida arrives soon and with hugs, the two set off, and Izuku walks home alone, checking his phone the entire way, looking twice at the text he considered sending you just to say hello, liquid courage in his veins still not enough to press send.
“What are you looking at?” Akira asks. He’s grinning, gold eyes as  bright as the candles flickering on your dining table, and you turn off your phone, flipping it over and pushing it out of sight as you reach for the breadbasket.
“Runa’s out with friends and wanted to show me a pic.” The pic in question shows the group of your classmates at UA, including a couple of unidentified characters, and it looks like a group date. You take in the features of the girl who sits next to Izuku, beach-blonde and bright-eyed, staring a little too long, then focus back on Runa who is taking the selfie, Katsuki taking up far more of the picture than you wish he would but expect him to.
“Ah, your friend that hangs out with all the top Heroes, right?” he asks. You twist your mouth to the side, as you look up at him then click your screen off.
“Yeah. I mean, she too is a top hero…”
He shrugs, then returns to his cut of steak. Without looking up, he adds, “I’m surprised you distanced yourself from them after all this time, but can’t say I’m not thankful for it.”
“What do you mean?” you ask. Akira looks up at you, as though surprised that you’re even challenging him on that notion. You’ve had many a discussion on how detrimental heroes are to society, even after the meta war had almost ended Japan as you knew it, but you couldn’t imagine he still held those views all this time. Hero Society has settled, although it has morphed and changed. Heroes remain celebrities but they’re no longer gods among men in the way All Might was.
Well, at least most aren’t.
“I just think for regular people like us, it’s better not to stay so entangled with that archetype, you know,” Akira adds. You’ve been through this train of conversation before, and your lips press into a thin line but you hold your tongue for now. Regular people like us. Like you and him.
“I mean, think of that asshole Deku,” he starts. 
There it is.
“Akira, can you pass me the butter, actually?” You won’t let another night be ruined by the mere mention of his name. He passes it, but you can tell he’s annoyed by your interjection.
“As usual, you immediately defend Midoriya,” he presumes. You try to remain polite enough not to roll your eyes, but you’re really being tested, and are suddenly no longer able to hold it in.
“It’s been over a decade,” you remind him. “Will you get over whatever your preoccupation with him is? He hasn’t mattered to me in so long, but if you want to speak to him and talk through whatever feelings you have harbored all this time, hopefully I can find a way to hook the two of you up.” 
As the words come out, you start to regret your overreaction, but it’s just a couple months into this budding relationship and the thought of a repeat of Akira’s high school insecurity while you’re on your way to your 30s is unbearable.
Especially knowing that perhaps this time, there’s a good reason to.
Akira gives you a meaningful look, then takes a bite of his steak, chews and swallows, keeping his eyes on you the entire time. You take a sip of your sparkling water, keeping eye contact as well. It’s not meant to be a challenge but you want to convey that this particular conflict is over and not to be revisited. The message is clear.
“As long as it stays that way.”
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flymetosnarryland · 10 months
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Did anyone miss Muggle London like I did? 🙃
This series as a part of "Infraction" has grown incredibly. It helped me understand a lot about things I want to write and made me think about "Infraction" as... well, my first real baby, lol. I wrote one Snarry, "Oblivion" already, but I take that story as testing the waters. I tried to know Harry and Severus, placing them in situation close to, eh, something that happened to me in a way. It means a lot to me and I'm proud of myself that I managed to write a fic from the start to the end.
"Infraction" on the other hand... this one is going to be really FAT piece of work and I'm excited over the moon about it. First chapter and the first part of second already landed on Ao3, but when am I going to finish the next part of it? (If anyone is interested at all, because I personally don't touch unfinished pieces, knowing how it works 🤣)
Well, to be honest, I decided to not rush it. Not because I don't know what to write. The main outline of the story has 40k+ words. It appeared that planning a series of murders is not so easy 😂 especially when the politics are part of it (I mean, Merlin... that's the last thing I thought I will EVER write, lol) and on top of that I have some complicated relationships (or, I suppose, a cherry on molten chocolate cake 🤤). Which makes me shiver and scream, that much I want to jump into writing it again. But the more I am thinking about the plot and fitting everything I need into it (of course writing it down), the more I'm surprised that I am able to figure out something that seems damn complex to me and my three brain cells 😂 I want to be proud of this story. I want it to be... maybe not perfect, but as good as I can see, it can be. And I enjoy the idea of growing as hobby writer. It makes me really happy. Also it's my first serious CRIME story. I know I said before that I always wanted to write crime. I always thought though it's out of my range, you know, I'm too dumb to bring something interesting that other people could possibly like as I do. But with this story I'm trying new things (like bringing Marauders to life), I'm thinking in advance, I'm on both sides: the detective and the serial killer and... GOSH. I really think it will have sense and be worth to waste some time on reading it, lol!
Also there is Snarry AUctoberfest on the way and, you know, I decided I'll try to write something for the fest for the first time! (It's my year of many first times and I really like it!) Funny thing, it appears that my fic for the fest will be a little test to what I want to do with "Infraction." When it occured to me (don't ask how it happen, but the idea I've had in mind turned 180 degree and I couldn't help it! Had to just go for it 😂) I was stunned. But in the same way it's a great opportunity to try new things, see how it will go and how it will work before I'll jump back to my baby.
If anyone checked "Infraction", please don't be mad or sad or... disappointed or angry (?), that I'm not updating it yet. This fic is absolutely my main focus and I'm tinkering and working on it. As for everything, I need time (and probably cut some other projects while I will write it; so less drawing going to be main part of the writing process 🙃 I suppose in the last quarter of the year; except if I'll have my holiday from work!)
Ah, dang. I wrote a lot here, I suppose? Less shite than messy personal stuff, but still something I guess, I wanted to share? Even if I think it's pointless and worthless, because who cares, lol. I'm learning, trying to share, I think. I should, as I wasn't doing it at all and it suppose to help me to... leave the shell of person that other people think I am. Because I grew to be someone irl that I'm really tired of being. Of pretending to be. How stupid it all sounds it's beyond me and I still deny to admit it.
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suuuupernovaaa · 11 months
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Green | Hobie Brown x f!Spider!Reader
"And you are... green, everywhere?" "I am. Are you pierced everywhere?"
Based on this request.
My chest is heaving as the dust settles. Whatever they've got going on in this dimension, it's bigger than anything I've ever dealt with in mine. I handle mostly... petty crime, the occasional super boss, sometimes even a bad guy with powers but, none of them have really proven a match for me.
It helps that I can read their minds, but still, my dimension is pretty relaxed, as far as dimensions go. I've got it easier than other spider-people.
Feeling a little cramped up in my suit, I pull my mask off and take in a breath of clean, crisp air. No matter what I do, I can't make the mask breathable enough. If I'm fighting, I can put off thinking about it for long enough, but I'm always ready to get the mask off the moment the fighting is done.
"Whoa," someone says just behind me, the word quiet and heavy, let out on a puff of air.
I turn to see Gwen standing by one of her other Spider-friends, the one with the guitar and the studded vest. Please, take off your mask, I think. Are you as handsome as I'm thinking?
Gwen pulls hers off first, grinning at me with her gap-toothed smile. "Y/N!" she shouts, running over and wrapping me into a hug. "Thank you! Ohmigod, we could not have done that without you."
Leather-vest spider-man pulls his mask off next, and I have never been less disappointed in my life. Piercing brown eyes, full pierced lips, high sharp cheekbones, and a gorgeous head of voluminous hair shooting in every direction.
"Wow," I whisper, looking past Gwen, who giggles a little bit. I focus back on her, a little embarrassed. "Happy to help!"
She reaches up, taking a strand of braided hair between her fingers. "I like this! And seriously, thank you. It always gives us an edge when you help."
I wave my hand in the air and shrug. "It's usually such an annoying, uh, talent. I'm glad it helped."
"You read minds, right?" leather-vest spider-man says, coming up behind Gwen.
"Y/N, this is Hobie. Hobie, this is Y/N. And that's Miles over there, and Pavitr." Gwen does a round of introductions, and I wonder how many names I will remember. Miles and Pavitr are cute, to be sure, but Hobie...
"I do, but it doesn't work on Spider-People. That used to really piss Miguel off," I reply with a chuckle. "Probably why he didn't mind when I left his band."
Hobie raises an eyebrow. "Did you now?"
"Yeah. I didn't like being told what to do. I like my simple little universe."
He reaches out, grabbing my arm and turning it over, examining the suit. "And you are... green, everywhere?"
"I am. Are you pierced everywhere?"
"Jesus," Gwen hisses under her breath, and turns to join Miles and the other guy, who's name I have already forgotten.
"That came out much more suggestive than I meant it to. But yes, I am green all over and I read minds. But that's kind of it. It's the usual Spider stuff besides that. And you - someone said Spider-Punk?"
He shrugs, hands in the vest he wears over his spider suit. "Yeah. I didn't choose it. Kind of stuck."
"I like it. Mine is just Spider-Woman. Very basic."
"Yeah, but you can fuckin' read minds," Hobie replies, leaning forward, a very serious look on his face. "What's the best thing you've ever heard?"
I stop, pursing my lips as I think back over the hundreds of thousands of thoughts I've unwittingly heard. Before I could control my powers, it was loud all the time, like the volume was dialed all the way up on the entire world, and I could hardly filter of focus on one single thought.
"Honestly, usually the people I'm fighting, hearing their thoughts makes it hard. They usually aren't psychopaths or totally unfeeling. They have, y'know, internal conflict, the same as anyone else. Sometimes they've seen some really awful stuff, or something just, unimaginable has happened to them. And I feel kind of bad, kicking their ass, right? It gives me an advantage but... it makes it hard, to just see them as the enemy."
Hobie's face softens and he leans back, as if he is very carefully considering what I've just said.
"Shit. You're very interesting. I'm glad you can't read my thoughts."
I throw my head back laughing. "Me too. Maybe."
"Can I take you out, sometime? A show or, dinner, whatever?" he asks, and my laughter is stopped in its tracks.
A date?
We just met.
We're from different universes. He's not green. They'll notice him, if he comes to mine... they'll notice me, if I go to his. It wouldn't be sustainable.
But maybe it would be fun?
He bites his lip, rocking back and forth on the heels of his shoes as he waits for an answer.
It's not a very good idea. It probably couldn't go further than one date. It's not like either of us can leave our dimensions. They need us.
God, he's tall. He's lean but his muscles are firm, and his jawline makes me feel absolutely feral.
It's good he can't read my thoughts, either.
"I'm free tomorrow night. Gwen can tell you how to get ahold of me."
He smiles, a wide smile, nearly stretching ear to ear, and my heart speeds up in my chest.
"Brilliant," he says.
I know I'm making a mistake - but it won't be the first time, or the last.
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aniesvision · 27 days
hii anie, I hope you're doing well! 🙏🏻 can I request a johnnie fic where they're going out with friends after a huge fight, the others notice that something is off bc they are different with one another and it's just very angsty but also fluffy? 💞
Other girls (Johnnie G. x f! reader)
warnings: angst, suggestive jokes, crying, drinking, jealousy, I guess that's all!
a/n: heyy, I'm so happy to write my first request, and I just loved the idea!! thank you for sending it, I hope it's good enough 💕 just remembering that english is not my first language so if anything's wrong please correct me 💜
synopsis: basically the request!
-Are you fucking serious? -I ask, standing from the couch and making my way to his room.
-I said I'm sorry!
Johnnie follows me, watching as I gather my stuff. I was pissed. I've been working hard this last few days and didn't realize spending some days away would result in him talking to another girl non stop to fill the emptiness of my absence. But, he didn't stop talking to her even now that I'm literally right in front of him. I'm not the jealous type, and I know mostly all people he talks to is about business, but I can't deny it stings a little to see him ignoring me to be on his phone talking to another girl.
I don't even respond his apologies, my focus is on getting out of his house and going back to mine. He's just standing by the door, processing what was happening, knowing that arguing with me when I'm like this is the worst the could do. After successfully gathering all my stuff, I give him a look and pass through him straight to the front door.
-We can talk about it later. -I say, in a serious tone, before leaving.
I drive back to my house, collapsing on my bed as soon as I see it. I didn't want to cry, but I was so mad that the tears were inevitable. I knew from the start that being with Johnnie was going to be difficult. He's famous, he's always busy, he's always with girls around and they're all so beautiful, it's so hard not to compare myself. It's so hard to believe that he wants to be with me sometimes, and it hurts me to know that maybe seeing him so entertained talking to someone else might be the beginning of the end.
I waited until the tears stopped to try and talk to him about it. I wanted to feel a little less angry to avoid making things worse. When I pick up my phone, he was already calling me. I sigh, sitting down and wiping the rest of my tears before answering.
-I'm coming over, we don't need to talk, but you promised you'd be there with me and they're all waiting for you.
I furrow my eyebrows, confused, his tone was low and it was clear that he was upset.
-Jake's birthday. Tonight's Jake's birthday.
My eyes widen when I realize I totally forgot about it. I stand up, one hand holding the phone against my ear and the other searching for an outfit.
-Yeah, sorry, I forgot, I'm getting ready.
I can hear him sighning on the other line, witch makes me even more upset about forgetting it.
-Right. I'll be there in 20.
He hangs up before I could say anything else. I put my phone on my nightstand and focus on getting ready for the night. Deciding on a mini black skirt with some belts and a red and black crop top, I start to decorate my body with some accessories and big black boots to finish the look. Already on my bathroom, I clean my face and try to do some makeup that covered the sadness of my face. I opted to do a simple sharp eyeliner, mascara and some red lipgloss.
After making sure I was ready, I waited for Johnnie. He knocks on my front door a few minutes later and I walk straight to it, meeting him. He didn't even smile, just looked at me up and down and carefully guided me with him to the car. It was awkward and not even the music playing helped me to relax.
As soon as we get there, Johnnie gets out of the car and I do the same, just mimicking his actions. He didn't grab my hand, or wrapped an arm around my waist, nothing. We walk side by side, like we're just friends, and get in the party. I see Jake and Tara and point at their direction so Johnnie would know where I'm going, and he follows me.
Tara is quick to know something's up and immediately hug me, whispering in my ear so the guys wouldn't hear us.
-Hey, what's up?
I give her a small sad smile and she just nods, grabbing my hand and announcing that we were gonna get some shots. She guides me to the bar, asking for two tequilas.
-What's wrong? Wanna talk about it?
She asks, handing me one of the tequilas. We drink it and I shake my head a bit with the feeling of the alcohol burning my throat.
-We had a fight. He's been talking to a girl and I've been a bit distant, but today we were supposed to spend the day together and all he did was stay on his phone talking to someone else.
I explain, sighning and leaning against a wall nearby. Tara nods, rubbing my arm carefully.
-I'm sorry to hear it, babe. But try to talk to him, maybe it's just a misunderstanding.
She hands me a beer that I'm not even sure where it came from, but I accept it, nodding to her advice.
-Yeah, I'll try. Thanks.
She hugs me again, disappearing right after. I drink a few sips of my drink, looking around and trying to find Johnnie. When my eyes finally meet his, he was on the other side of the room, with Jake and two strange girls. I take a deep breath, standing in my place, just watching it from afar. Is it worth it? Is it worth all the pain and insecurity that this relationship gives me? Is he ever going to prefer me?
-What's a girl like you doing all alone here?
I hear a man's voice and I turn my head to look who it was. I've never seen this man before in my life, and I was definitely not interested. Not just because he was a random guy, but because I have a handsome boyfriend and even though we're not on good terms he's still the only one I want.
-I'm not alone, my boyfriend's right there.
I point at Johnnie, and the guy follows my finger, laughing when he sees it.
-Your boyfriend left you alone to be with other girls?
I sigh. Honestly, valid point. But it's complicated, I know it's not what it looks like, but it sucks that that's what it looks like to anyone. I need to talk to him, and this guy is just the perfect reason of why I hate to be on bad terms with Johnnie. With my lack of response, the guy continues.
-Maybe he's not fucking you right, huh?
I look at the guy with a disgusted face, rolling my eyes at him and starting to walk in Johnnie's direction. Not the time to deal with creepy randoms. I stop in front of Johnnie, giving a quick look and trying to be nice by smiling at the girls and Jake before meeting his eyes again.
-Can we talk?
For the first time I see a small smile on his lips and he nods. I guide him outside, standing by the garden and taking a deep breath. He starts talking before I do.
-I'm sorry.
I feel his hands interlocking with mine, making me relax immediately. He has such an effect on me, it's crazy.
-I just... feel like I'm not your girlfriend anymore sometimes.
My voice is low and shaky, he could see how upset I was, and I could see that this wasn't what he wanted for us. The guilt was evident.
-I know, I'm sorry, I was mad that you were always at work, so I tried to make you jealous and it didn't exactly work. The girl I was talking to was an actress to my next music video and those girls right there were just Jake's friends, I just want you, I promise.
He pulls me into a hug, making me smile. I fight the urge to cry and just hug him harder.
-I'm so sorry, I should've worked from home or something, I was so caught up on what I had to do. I'm sorry, I love you.
He pulls away and cup my cheeks with his hands, kissing my forehead gently.
-It's okay, we're good, I'm sorry too. I love you.
I smile, feeling finally relieved. It was definitely nothing that I was thinking about and the fact he wanted to make me jealous it's actually kinda funny. He pulls me into a soft kiss, making me melt into his touch.
-So, what did that guy said?
He asks, making me laugh and shake my head a bit.
-That you're probably not fucking me right.
I shrug, laughing at Johnnie's annoyed expression.
-We'll see if I fuck you right or not after the party.
My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks turning red. I push his arm playfully, rolling my eyes.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if they fought and after the fight Monkey King gets mad at Y/N and Y/N starts hugging him and purring(if she's a monkey) like apologizing.
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(Lmk Wukong) you were always super hard to be mad and stay mad at you. You have Useful methods to having him forgive you. But this time it might take a little more than that. The Monkey king of course was fighting a bunch of demons And you'll guy in the way and help him. But not without getting bruised. First of course you both won but that didn't mean he was not upset. He was venting electoring you about being more careful and to let him handle threads like that. Because he'll be better equipped for it. You powered it at his direction before slowly stalking towards him. Sit on his lap and rub your face against his. He was fighting to remain focus by the second he heard soft purrs From you as you cuddleton, he can no longer be angry. No instead he got cute aggression because of you.😖😖😖😖
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(MK Reborn) If you think for one Second, you can escape his fury by acting cute and giving him poppy eyes. Well most of the time you're right. But not this time you were pretty reckless on the battlefield. When you went to help him get his master back from some demon. Kidnappers granted you guys won but not without a Huge gash on your leg. Wukong Was less than pleased with the injury and began lecturing you about being more careful. First of all, he really shouldn't be talking and second. You were trying to make the job easier by having two a you fight of the demons. You know just what to do to calm down. You wrap your arms around his neck. Pull them closer chess and purr right next to his ear
Sowwy my king You pouted at him God he can't stand you sometimes😤😤😤😤
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(NR Wukong) This usually works on him not all the time but he usually does. Wukong They had everybody to be mad at you after Is draking an important part of Li's Motorcycle when he told you not to hang around there too much. But it wasn't even your fault you were Searching for loss idem but you didn't see them anywhere and you knocked it over set and everything was ruin. Wukong Gave you the silent treatment which you don't like. So you talk this time to come close and hug him or purring next to his ears. A blush developed on his face He still didn't face you and continued to ignore you and when you finally Kiss the edge of his ears he couldn't take it anymore and turned around and Kiss you. Hey he's paying attention to you isn't he😉😉😉😉
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(HIB Wukong) Oh he can be a piece of work sometimes. You guys were fighting because of the incident, That had been dued one of the demon raids. And at them got a whole of Liuer And almost ran off with him until you went savagely Leave that all up You got injured and had kind of looked serious. But you didn't seem to know due to adrenaline. But other than that he was seriously angry you were Calm him down because you've got a doubt with stuff like this before. So cuddle close to his chest and began purr. He was loud then got very quiet. He really thought he'll lose you out there but he should know that your not going anywhere.
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(Netflix Wukong) It's kind of easy for you to get him to forgive you. You just have to whine and give him you shiny puppy eye and he'll be putty in your hands. But he was literally mad at you today. Due to your recklessness against the problem of demons but you had to do something to help those children, That got caught in a crossfire so, but he wasn't having yet and was still fighting in the yelling at you. You don't like seeing him like this so you Cuddle him close and began purring to calm him down at first. He continue to yell at you but then he started to cry. He was just so afraid of losing you.
If this post gets 35 likes I'll make a Song-fic 😇👍
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
Hello! If requests are still open (if not please ignore ) May I request cute parental moments each bad batch member has with Omega with reader included? For example, Tech and Reader helping Omega with her first pilot lesson?
(The Bad Batch) Batch x Reader: Parent Moments
Author's Note: This is such an adorable request!! Thank you for dropping this in my box! I decided to do little blurbs to answer this. You are free to read each one individually as romantic xReader, or view this as a collection of platonic moments.
This got me thinking about the Bad Batch doing dad stuff, and some of that fed into this XD Will probably make a separate post about it.
Hunter: Teaching a New Skill 
  ��"Alright, kid. You ready?" Hunter asked, arms folded as he noted the eager expression on young Omega's face. You lifted your hand to cover your lips, stifling a chuckle as she practically bounced up and down.
   "I'm ready!"
   "First, you've got to ease up. Tracking requires patience and focus."
   "Right." Omega relaxed her shoulders. "Patience and focus."
   "That's right. It's about recognizing the signs. You may not be able to pick up on all the signs I can because of my...abilities. Neither can ________, as a matter of fact." He stole a glance your way. His tone was serious, instructive, but you caught the slightest taunting glimmer in his eye as he continued. "But she learned in her own way. And her skills aren't half-bad."
   You rolled your eyes playfully, kneeling down on one knee to survey the ground in front of you. "Yeah, sure." You eyed a branch from a shrub that had been bent in half, most likely stepped on by something large.
   "I didn't know you knew how to track," Omega said in fascination. She tilted her head curiously as your eyes scanned the area.
   "With him around-" you motioned vaguely in Hunter's direction "-we hardly need another tracker. But Hunter thought it would be a good idea to have someone else know a thing or two just in case."
   "And since you were curious about it before, _______ and I thought we'd teach you what we know." Hunter shifted his stance. He looked to you again. "So, what do you see?"
   "Looks like some sort of large leaf-eating mammal just came through here about an hour ago."
   Hunter lifted a brow at you. "And?"
   "Right. sorry. Two leaf-eating mammals. One of them is much smaller. Perhaps it's a mother and her young."
   He nodded in approval at your assessment. "Good."
   Omega's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! _______! You're really good!"
   "Not half-bad," Hunter repeated, his smirk growing.
   "Yeah," you chuckled. "What he said. So, let's get started. Hunter, if you would?"
   "Rule number one to tracking is..."
- - - - - - - - -
Wrecker: Protective
   You, Wrecker, and Omega were walking through the woods of a strange planet one of Cid’s jobs had landed the Bad Batch on.  Omega practically begged Hunter to give her a job on the mission.  He finally agreed to let her scout ahead, but only if she took someone with.  You volunteered to go, and for good measure, Hunter ended up sending Wrecker along just as a precaution.  Though Tech voiced that the possibility of encountering a danger was minimal, there was no telling exactly what was out there.
   “Keep an eye out, kid,” Wrecker said, though his tone suggested he wasn’t the least bit concerned.  There was a certain confidence he had as the biggest and strongest member of the squad.  It meant that things were less likely to want to go up against him.
   “Don’t worry,” Omega replied, narrowing her eyes as she looked around her surroundings.  “I’ve got my eyes peeled.”
   You were both proud and amused at how seriously she was taking the task that Hunter assigned her.  It was a good quality to have.  She didn’t scoff or complain at even the most mundane jobs aboard the Marauder.  She preferred anything to being left behind.
   Suddenly, you heard the quietest snap, like a twig.  You looked over at Wrecker to see he had picked up on a presence as well.  Omega hadn’t quite caught on yet.
   Another snap.
   This time, she heard it.  She looked over at you with wide eyes, and you put a finger to your lips as a sign to keep quiet.  You then motioned for her to return to your side, and she started taking careful steps in your direction.  
   The kid was brave.  She’d already faced many dangers and handled them pretty well, but in that moment, the worry was evident.  She didn’t like the unknown.  After some of the things you’d all faced, could you blame her?
   And then the threat revealed itself.
   It was a beast of some sort, something Tech had warned about in passing.  He’d said that the likelihood of them attacking was very low as they were mostly nocturnal.  The creature bared its sharp teeth in a fearsome snarl.
   You closed the gap between you and Omega in an instant, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her behind you.  The creature bounded toward the two of you huddled together, but its was stopped dead in its tracks by Wrecker, whose shoulder collided with the beast in a hard tackle to knock it away.
   He drew his blaster and planted his boots in the ground, shielding you and Omega from the danger, and took aim.  “Hey,” he growled.  “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size instead?”
   The creature raked its cold eyes over you and Omega once more, most likely debating whether its prey was worth the risk of dealing with Wrecker.  It lashed its tail furiously and gave another loud snarl.
   Wrecker took one step closer, and it stepped back.
   It finally decided to abandon the hunt.  The beast turned and sauntered back into the forest, leaving the three of you alone.
   Wrecker let out a hearty laugh.  “Smart animal.  Knew better than to tangle with me!”
   A big smile spread across your face.  “Thank you, Wrecker.”
   “Yeah, thank you,” Omega said.  She breathed a sigh of relief, the fear leaving her features and instead being replaced by wonder and admiration for her big brother.  “That was amazing!”
- - - - - - - - -
Tech:  Bickering
   “Very good, Omega,” Tech praised the young Bad Batcher for her ability to follow his instruction.  She beamed at the note of approval in his tone.  “What next?”
   “We take a look at the systems, make sure everything’s operational.”  She squinted at the collection of warning lights flashing across the dash.  Her lips formed a small frown.  “There are a lot that aren’t…”
   “Critical systems are,” he said, raising his index finger pointedly.  “That’s what’s important.”
   You couldn’t help the snicker that escaped you, swiveling your chair in a failed attempt to hide your humor from the pilot.  Tech looked in your direction curiously.
   “What’s so funny?” Omega asked, amusement creeping into her tone at hearing your laughter snowball.
   “Oh, nothing,” you wheezed
   “I believe ________ finds humor in how I maintain the Marauder.”
   You clutched your stomach.  “Sorry.  It’s just- you’re teaching her bad habits.  We really shouldn’t have so many alerts going off.”
   Tech’s voice remained even.   “Numerous events and projects have prevented Echo and I from doing proper maintenance.”
   “Right, right.  I’m sorry.”
   Tech held your gaze for another few seconds while you bit your lip to try and cover another laugh.  His tone was still calm, though you detected that hint of underlying sass.  “I don’t suppose you’d like to assist in repairs?  Seeing that it is a concern of yours?”
   “I’m just saying,” you replied, internally oooohing at his passive-aggressive comment, “that under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t advise Omega to take off with that many alerts.”
   “Critical systems are unaffected.”
   Omega glanced between the two of you.
   “I know, but-” You sighed, grumbling, “I think I will make some repairs.  Where’s the toolkit?”
   “Maybe Tech and I could help?” Omega spoke up helpfully.  “This way, Tech could show me more about the ship, and we can get caught up with repairs.”
   “Excellent idea, Omega,” Tech chimed in.
   “Yeah, sounds good!”  You exchanged looks with Tech, all sass forgiven and forgotten, before diving into the lesson.
- - - - - - - - -
Echo: Fashion Show
   “Hey, Echo!”
   He looked up from his data pad at the sound of Omega’s usual chipper greeting.  You boarded the ship close behind her and waved.  Both of you carried a few beaten-up bags from your trip to the market.
   “Hey there,” he said with a smile.  “Get anything good?”
   “Yes!  _______ helped me find some armor!”
   “At least for now,” you chimed in.  “Until we find something more suitable.  The kid needed it.”
   Echo nodded in agreement.  “Alright, let’s see it then.”
   Omega exchanged looks with you, her eyes alight with excitement, happily taking the second bag and hurrying over to her room.  While she got ready, Echo turned to you.  His brow furrowed in a look of confusion.
   “How’d you manage this?  We don’t exactly have a lot of credits to spare after that last job ended badly.”
   “I have my ways.”  Your tone was cryptic, but he didn’t miss the glint in your eye or the pendant that was missing from your neck.
   “_______….” he began, concerned.
   “Don’t worry about it,” you insisted, giving him a gentle nudge.  “She needs this more.  The kid comes first.  Besides, you saw how excited she is.”
   Just then, Omega emerged from her room, donning her new (slightly used) armor that you helped her pick out at the merchant’s table.  She held out her arms to show it off as she walked over.
  “What do you think?” she asked.
   Echo nodded in approval.  “You look like a Bad Batcher.”
   He was right.  The pieces of armor had been scrubbed as clean as it could, though it had its fair share of scuff marks and scratches from previous use.  She looked battle-ready.
   “It does look pretty cool, doesn’t it?”
   You tilted your head to the side.  “I’m afraid those boots might be a tad too big.”  
   “They’re perfect,” she insisted.  “Oh!  I have to show Echo the cloak!”  She climbed back into her room, and you and Echo both shared a laugh.
- - - - - - - - -
Crosshair: The Pet He didn’t Want
   “Look, Crosshair!”  Omega beamed as she held the pup up towards the sniper. “We found a lost voorpak.  Isn’t she cute?”
   The pup gave a little bark and wriggled around, sticking its tongue out.  Crosshair’s already stern face twisted into a look of mild disgust.  “It’s ugly.”  The pup looked unaffected as he turned to walk out of range, but Omega followed him, holding the voorpak even higher.
   “She is going to be named Brandi.  And she is adorable.”
   “We could use another girl around here,” you joked, resting your hands on your hips.  “Come on, Cross.  Even you have to admit it’s kind of cute.”
   He sat himself down on a crate and began to inspect his rifle, most likely for cleaning.  “Don’t tell me we’re keeping that thing.”
   “Hunter said we can look after her until we find a suitable home,” Omega replied victoriously.
   “How wonderful,” he muttered.
   You and Omega exchanged looks, laughing, and took the pup back toward her room so it could scurry around for a bit.
   Over the next few days, the voorpak began growing on the Bad Batch.  Even Hunter and Echo would smile in amusement watching Omega play with the creature.  Wrecker joined in.  But Crosshair preferred to keep his distance.  He would roll his eyes and offer up complaints if the creature didn’t do its business outside or was in his way.
   It was one afternoon that the others went out for supplies.  Omega asked you to keep an eye on Brandi for a while, to make sure she didn’t get into any trouble, since you were staying behind to do a few tasks around the Marauder.  Crosshair would be around, but of course, he didn’t like Brandi.
   The pup followed you around the ship, barking playfully and smothering you with kisses every time you had to kneel down or crawl into a small space.  It was a few hours in, and suddenly, you realized that she wasn’t at your heels.
   “I’d better check on her and make sure she’s still on board!” you commented to yourself.  So, you set your tools down and went looking.  There weren’t too many places for her to hide, but you kept your eyes peeled just in case.
   Faint yip-yip sounds coming from down the hall caught your attention.  You followed it cautiously, realizing quickly that Crosshair had been down there organizing gear.  You didn’t want him to be bothered by Brandi, so you hurried your pace.  But when you reached the doorway, you were met with a most unexpected sight.
   Crosshair was sitting on a crate, staring down at little Brandi, who was hopping around in circles.  There was a small huff of air, like a brief chuckle, and Crosshair leaned down to pat the creature.
   It yipped again and cuddled up against his leg.  He didn’t say much, but you couldn’t get over the soft expression on his face.  “You’re not all that bad,” he commented, scratching the little puff ball with legs.  “I suppose.”
   You felt a presence appear at your side, and you realized that the others had returned from their trip.  Omega was standing next to you and peering through the doorway with a smile on her face.  She didn’t look all too surprised to see him being so tender toward the voorpak pu, and neither of you had it in you to taunt.  You both nodded and backed away from the doorway, pretending to have just arrived.
   “Oh, there she is!” you stated.  “She disappeared for a few, and I got worried.”
   “There she is,” Crosshair said, standing to his feet with a sigh.  He looked at Omega.  “Took you long enough.”
   “Sorry, we got side-tracked.  There was a really cool snack stand!”
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intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Chasing The Shadows
Pairing: Reader x Robert Floyd
Warnings: Mentions of killing and death, and description of violence, some minor kissing, swear words
Summary: When a deadly new virus breaks out into the world you and Bob Floyd fight for survival and for each other
Okay y’all this is someone completely new I’m writing for so you’ll have to let me know what you think of it so far! Hearts, reblogs, and comments are highly encouraged and appreciated! If you wish to be tagged for Lewis Pullman or this series let me know! IM TAGGING EVERYONE ON MY TAG LIST FOR THE FIRST CHAPTER SO IT CAN REACH A BIGGER AUDIENCE! Thank you everyone so much I love you all! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"What's on the news?" Asking your husband as you plopped down on the couch a beer in hand passing him one.
"Somethin about a virus." He responded as he took a swig of his drink. "Already making its way into the states."
"A virus?" You questioned him as you looked over at him. "What kind of virus?"
"I don't know sounds like the flu or something." Shrugging your shoulders as you both continued to listen. Nothing was really being said about anything so it really peaked your curiosity as to what was really going on.
"Please the flu never really makes it through this town anyway." You scoffed hearing that. "Even if it did they wouldn't talk about it on the news."
"Well maybe if you stop talking and listen they'll tell us." He said making you lean back in exaggeration as you glared at him.
"What did you just say to me?" Placing your hands on your hips.
"You heard me." He mocked you as you opened your mouth partially lightly smacking his shoulder making him laugh. "Shhh there talking."
"You asshole." You joked both of you chuckling.
"Sources say this deadly virus is already spreading across the nation faster than the flu." Sighing loudly as that thought went out the window. "From what we've been told the major symptoms are high fever, rage, uncontrollable hunger, and swelling of gums."
"Jesus Christ what the hell kind of virus is this?" Bob asked leaning forward his elbows on his knees.
"Hospitals are filled with people all showing the same symptoms and doctors can't seem to figure out what the cause of this virus is."
"This definitely sounds worse than any flu I've heard of." Placing a hand on your chin eyes glued to the tv now.
"Hope they find the sorry son of a bitch who brought it here." Bob quipped as he quickly glanced at you.
"If he isn't already dead." Whispering but Bob still heard you anyway as he glanced at you with concern. "What?"
"Nothing." Stopping himself from really saying what was on his mind.
In that moment neither one of you really knew what to say or how to react exactly. This was the kind of stuff you saw on fantasy shows that had people wondering what if. Both of you were a little scared how how serious it sounded. Figuring you weren't the only ones who were feeling the same way.
"What should we do?" Whispering as you felt fear creeping up behind you. "Should we leave?"
"No I say we stay here until things calm down." Bob suggested sounding calm but you knew by the look on his face he was worried.
"Doesn't sound like things are gonna calm down soon."
"I bet in less than six months all that panic will have been for nothing." Bob shrugged his shoulders leaning back into the couch.
"Well there's no way in hell I'm gonna stay cooped up in this house for six months." You argued crossing your arms over your chest.
"State officials are asking that everyone stay inside and don't go out unless absolutely necessary." Bob looked at you with a proud smirk shaking your head at him with a giggle. "The only way to contract this unknown contagious virus is by being bitten or scratched."
"We'll just have to avoid being bitten or scratched." He joked nudging your shoulder.
"Please Robert don't joke this is serious." Keeping your focus on the news watching as they showed videos of different people being wheeled into hospitals and people driving by neighborhoods showing people losing control in their front lawns.
"I am taking it serious darlin." His tone softened when he could see the serious look on your face. "I'm sorry."
"Shit you'd think it was the end of the world or something." Bob shook his head as the newscaster continued to speak.
"Well it damn well looks that way." Showing a group of people already torching a building.
"Fucking hell." Bob exclaimed.
"Everyone is gonna lose their fucking minds once they all watch this." Taking a swig of your beer. "You remember what happened with that snow storm last year people wiped out everything in stores within days."
"Imagine what they'd do if we had an apocalypse." You continued feeling Bobs eyes on you.
"Baby I seriously doubt this is the apocalypse." Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder pulling you in close. "I'll keep you safe don't you worry."
"I know you will it's just scary." Admitting to him as you felt your eyes tearing up.
"Nothing and nobody is going to even come close to hurting you." Kissing the side of your temple his lips lingered for a few moments.
As the two of you sat there drinking your beer flipping through channel after channel, and all they were talking about was this virus. Even your reality shows were being interrupted by breaking news. You've never seen anything like this before in your life.
Friends and family texting you non stop asking if you were okay. You were just hoping Bob was right about everything will eventually blow over. They'd have to find someway to stop it or at least slow it down. Then everything would go back to normal, and you and Bob would be safe.
"Let's go to bed baby." Bob turned the tv off as he stood up grabbing your hand lifting you off the couch. "Enough of this shit."
"I don't think I can sleep now." Pulling the covers back as you climbed into bed Bob right behind you.
"I know what I can do to help you sleep." Wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you flush against him.
"Babe stop." Giggling as he wiggled his hands to the edge of your pajama bottoms.
"Come on I promise it'll be the best you've ever had." Burying his head in your neck kissing your collarbone trying to move on top.
“You’ve said that one before.” Hands pinching your sides going into a fit of giggles as he started tickling you.
“Better watch that pretty little mouth of yours.” He warned as he hovered his body over yours.
"Bob." Moaning as you felt him grinding on you hands moving along the length of your legs.
Before anything else could continue further a loud boom shook the house cause both you and Bob to look out the windows. Leaning up on your elbows as Bob jumped out to check what the noise was. Watching as he looked around not seeing anything that really stood out.
"The hell was that?" Asking him as you sat up completely.
"I don't know baby I don't see anything." Shaking his head as you walked back over to you. "I think maybe it was a crash or something."
"That sounded a lot louder than a car crash." Timing couldn't have been more perfect as you both heard another crash.
"Robert that's not a crash that sounds like something exploding." Standing up as he walked out of the room to the front door.
Following after him as some of the neighbors were already ahead of you and Bob. Standing on their lawns looking around to see what those noises were, and where they were coming from. Fear was written across everyone's face, and parents tried to keep their children inside.
"Did you see anything?" Bob yelled to the neighbor across the way.
"Looked like an explosion from the center of downtown." He responded watching as Bobs face fell hearing his words.
"Get inside." Bob pointed at you as he jogged in behind you slamming the door shut. "Get inside now."
"What?" You yelled at him as he paced around the room. "Robert what?"
"Sounds like someone is blowing up the town." Covering your mouth with your hand a gasp slipping past your lips.
“What do you mean blowing up?”
“I don’t know there just blowing up the town.”
"We can't stay here." It came out more as a suggestion than a question.
Before Bob could respond his phone started to ring. Walking back into the bedroom picking it up hearing his muffled voice as you just stood there. Feeling like your feet were stuck to the ground, and your body was starting to slowly freeze. 
You couldn't believe what you had been seeing and hearing. None of this felt like it was actually happening. Everything went quiet to where you literally could only hear yourself breathing. Your eyes staying open not even able to blink.
"Yeah yeah we'll meet you there." You heard him say as he hung up the phone and came back out to you. "That was my buddy he lives on the other side of town says we should leave he's got a safe house for us to stay at."
"What's going on?" Asking him your voice shaky as your eyes started to water.
"People are destroying the town and police are shooting people down in the streets." His words made your eyes go wide. "There patrolling neighborhoods and refusing to let people leave their homes."
"So then shouldn't we stay here." Whimpering as you could already hear commotion from outside.
"No it's not safe we have to leave now." Running to the closet grabbing a couple of bags. "Take only things that we need."
Handing you a bag you started filling them with medicine, food and bottles of water. Bob filling his with an extra set of clothes and other medical supplies. Once your bag was filled you quickly zipped it and then ran into your room to change into something else, and slipping on a pair of shoes.
Taking a solid minute to think about what was happening. Trying your hardest not to burst into tears. Leaning forward as your head started to spin, and you felt like you were going to be sick. Praying and hoping that this was all some kind of terrifying dream, and you would wake up safe in Bobs arms.
"Here." Bob blurted as he shoved something cold and hard in your hands.
"I've never shot a gun before." Looking at the dark gray steel weapon laying flat in your hands.
"Let's just hope you never have to." Not knowing whether he was telling you that or himself.
It seemed a little overdramatic having weapons, but judging on what you were hearing and seeing weapons were probably necessary. Besides Bob wouldn't just hand you a gun unless he absolutely thought you would need it to protect yourself. Especially if anything were to happen to him.
Setting the bags near the front door as you waited for Bob who grabbed yours and his phones. Bob taking one last look around the house making sure you guys didn't forget anything. Neither one of you knowing when you were going to be back if you would come back at all.
"Let's go baby military is moving in now." He looked up from his phone as you both grabbed a bag and headed to the truck outside.
Throwing your bags into the bed of the truck as you hopped inside. Bob starting the truck pulling out of the driveway and down the road. Looking around to see people loading their vehicles everyone with a look of panic on their faces not knowing what was gonna happen.
None of this felt real in your mind, and almost felt like it was some kind of drill. Maybe you and Bob were acting like everybody else, and just panicking for no reason. Maybe everything would die down in a few days. Or maybe things would only get worse and never end.
"Do you think we'll be able to make it?" You asked Chris after minutes of silence.
"I don't know sweetheart." His answer had your stomach churning. "But I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep us safe."
"How long are we gonna stay there for?"
"Until all of this blows over." Hearing the engine roar as he put his foot hard against the gas pedal.
"What if this never blows over?" Sniffling as a tear ran down your cheek.
"Then we'll stay together no matter what." Answering without hesitation.
"I love you Bob." His hand grabbed yours kissing your knuckles as he kept his eyes on the road.
"I love you too." Remaining calm was his man focus in order to help keep you calm so you didn't start to panic.
Neither one of you spoke the rest of the drive as you got closer to town. People yelling and screaming down the streets some people were even attacking others. If you weren't terrified before you were absolutely petrified now.
People were breaking into buildings, stores, shops, and pharmacies. Leaving them with handfuls of items running away nobody even attempting to stop them. It was pure madness and it was happening right in front of your eyes.
Hearing a loud rumble as you looked up to see a couple of helicopters flying over heading towards the center of town. Most likely military which means they were already in town blocking people from leaving. This was far more worse than you and Bob ever imagined.
Looking down one of the streets to see a military tank blocking anyone from leaving or entering. People filling the streets as they were begging and pleading to leave. Guns being drawn in their face to anyone who dared to get close enough.
"We'll go down this street avoid them as much as possible." Turning down another street that was empty.
"What if there at this safe house already?" Your mind going to worst case scenario.
"They won't." He snapped making you jump a little at his tone. "Besides he would have let us know and we'd go somewhere else."
That's when something started ringing in your ear, and that's when it hit you it was gunshots going off. You didn't want to look back, but you couldn't help it as you heard screams echoing around you.
Regrettably turning back watching as men opened fire on people bodies dropping to the floor, and blood filling the streets. Crying as you faced straight ahead Bob grabbing your thigh massaging it in comfort. Keeping his brave face on knowing exactly what was happening behind him.
He was going to protect you and keep you safe as long as he could. Even if it meant that he had to sacrifice himself to do so he would in a heartbeat. Your safety is a priority to him.
"Are we almost there?" You asked as he turned down a dirt road.
"Yeah baby less than a minute." Nodding his head as you rested your head against the head rest closing your eyes for a quick minute.
All you wanted to do in this moment was just sleep. Sleep and not wake up until all of this was over. Thinking that sleep would help calm your nerves, but in all reality all you would be able to do is just close them and not actually sleep.
Neither one of you prepared for anything like this, and never thought that you'd have to. You and Bob were clueless just like everybody else. The both of you were just going to have to take things one step at a a time, and hope things didn't take a turn for the worst.
"Baby we're here." Bob spoke softly your eyes opening slowly.
Looking forward as you saw a brick house straight ahead. The doors and window were sealed shut with some kind of steel. As Bob parked the car you both cautiously looked around. Everything was eerily quiet, and all you could hear was the sounds of the trees rustling, and the crickets chirping.
"Where is he?" You asked not seeing anyone.
"He's preparing the bunker." Looking over at Bob who was on his phone. "Said wait a minute and he'll be out."
"He's got a bunker hidden in this house?" Looking skeptically at the house raising your brows.
"Yep his old man left him this house." Bob turned to you. "Said it would take a lot more than a couple bombs to get through to this place."
"Gee that's comforting." Sighing out loud making Bob chuckle.
"It's better than being stuck out there baby." He did have a fair point there.
Which was the truth since it sounded like people were going crazy out there. If it meant staying in someone else’s bunker for a while to stay safe then that’s what you were going to have to do.
"God I hate when you're right." Grumbling as he grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him.
"Please you love it." Teasing you as he kissing your cheek multiple times.
"Just a little." Pressing your thumb and pointer finger together as you giggled.
"We're gonna be okay baby I can promise you that." Moving a hand up to your head stroking the back of it.
"I know you'll keep us safe." Pressing your hand against his both of you staring at each other.
A door creaked open catching both your attention as your focus now went to the opened door with a man standing in front of it. Bob hopping out of the car as you followed suit. Each grabbing a bag as you walked over to him. Eyeing the man with caution not knowing who he is.
Bob seemed to trust this man enough to do this, and you trusted Bob. Of all the people this guy could have called he chose Bob. Thanking your lucky stars that you would have some place to at least hide when all this is going down.
"Thank you for this Jake it means a lot." Bob patted the man on the back as he nodded.
"Bob this is my girl my wife Y/N." He introduced you the man glancing over to you. "Y/N this is an old very good buddy of mine Jake Seresin."
"The hell do you mean by old?" He scoffed cocking his head to the side.
"Your older than me." Bob joked as he punched his arm.
"Nice to meet you Y/N given the circumstances." Bowing his head down to which you gave a quick nod. "Alright let's head inside."
Following Jake inside the room it was practically empty. Expect for some desks and dressers that were opened and emptied. If you wouldn't have known better you would have thought this house was abandoned.
Your heart was starting to race a little bit more as you were being escorted around the house. Imagining a bunch of men running into the house with guns loaded ready to blow all of you sky high. Your breathing was becoming a little uneven and heavy.
Bob grabbed your hand in his noticing you were looking around and not really paying attention. Looking up at him as he gave you a weak smile and squeezed your hand. Silently telling you that everything was going to be okay.
Jake pulled back what looked like a bookshelf that revealed a metal door. Starting to feel a little hope and relief that things we're going to be okay with you both. Feeling a weight off your shoulders that you would both at least be sheltered.
"Just down these steps are where you'll both stay." He opened the steel door as Bob moved you in front of him hands on your shoulders.
Jake leading the way down a flight of steps turning on some fluorescent lights looking around to see steel walls. Multiples shelves stocked with food and water. Setting your bag down not noticing how dry your mouth was until you were staring at gallon jugs of water.
"This should last you both a couple months." Motioning around to all the food and water. "Here's where you two can sleep."
"And I even brought down some games so you two wouldn't die from boredom." Pointing to a shelf full of board games making Bob laugh. "Can't have any electronics on just in case there tracking."
"Which means turn your phones off." He requested as both you and Bob shut them down and threw them on the beds.
"What are you gonna do?" Bob asked Jake with concern and feeling bad you guys were taking over.
"Stay up top keep an eye on things." Shrugging his shoulders not sounding worried at all. "Make sure nobody gets in."
"Are you gonna be okay?" Bob not satisfied with that answer and worried for his friend.
"If I need you I'll holler brother." Jake joked both of them laughing while your face remained stoic.
"Jake thank you again for this." Bob praised with generosity.
"I would expect you to do the same thing for me." He responded smacking his arm with a grin.
"Absolutely brother." Bob shaking his hand with a loud clap.
"Do they know what kind of virus it is?" You spoke up both heads turning towards you.
"Yeah they do." He nodded his head as he looked down.
Neither you or Bob liked the way he said that or how his body language changed. Turning stiff and rigid like he just walked into something he didn't want to see. He stayed silent for a moment decided whether or not he wanted to tell you.
"What?" You pushed wanting an answer that he was hesitating on answering.
"The living dead."
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quinloki · 1 year
hello! i wonder if you still do the kinky one piece headcanon? if you do, could you please do ace, zoro, and smoker with brat taming, hate sex, and dirty talk? please and thank you!
feel free to customise this according to your liking ;)
You guys are hitting me with some good stuff I swear - but it's officially my long weekend start, so I can knock a few of these out if that's what I'm feeling like XD
Brat Taming, Hate Sex and Dirty Talk? Good, good options - I might end up with a more rival vibe, enemies starting to realize they're in deep for the hate sex, more than actual like angry-angry sex. We'll see how the mood carries me.
(I generally write these in one big go, for better or worse XD)
We'll go with the quasi alphabetical order you've provided (go go last names first alphabetical ordering).
Portgas D. Ace:
Brat Taming - Yes - Ace doesn't get into it too much, he makes a better brat than brat tamer, but he doesn't dislike it. He assumes his preference is in dealing with a brat that's not too willful, but if you give him serious hell one day and he doesn't use any safe words, he ends up pinning you down and fucking the brat straight out of you.
Emotions were flared, skin was flared, hell Ace probably literally caught on fire at some point. The whole thing was just hot and you were both an exhausted sweaty mess as the end of it. Switch that he is, he start leaning a little less 50/50 and more 70/30.
Hate Sex - Ace is completely undecided on this kink if you ask him, but if there's that one person - a rival probably, someone he keeps managing to cross proverbial swords with, someone who can keep up with him and with whom there never seems to be a clear winner. If at some point he and that one person end up crossing more than just swords he'll wake up the next day with a few revelations.
The sex was amazing, and the entire night was the two of you fighting for dominance. Ace will swear he won out, but hell, so will you, it probably starts another fight. But it was really really good sex, and oh god he didn't even know.
Dirty Talk - I guess - he's bad with words. He's so, SO BAD with words, bless his fiery little heart. He's a man of action. His words can be good, and they often come from the heart, and he has dropped some dirty talk in the midst of a good session, but he can't think about it, cause once he does he doesn't know what words to use. Whether he's the one gasping and moaning, or making you gasp and moan, he's more comfortable with the formless sounds of pleasure than trying to put it to words.
If you can get him blissed out and little and prompt him though, he's really good at it. But he can't realize it, that's the tricky part.
Roronoa Zoro:
Brat Taming - FUCK Yes - He likes the challenge of it. He'll grumble the entire time, he'll say it bothers him, he'll quip that you should just take things and stop struggle against him, but he loves it. It's like fighting with the shitty cook but better. He loves the banter, he loves the look in your eyes when he glares at you at the little bead of sweat slips down your back.
What he really enjoys is the conquest, and he's going to conquer you every single time. He loves the little quiver in your lip when your brattiness breaks and the shuddering intake of air before he claims your lips and shuts you up. He'll never admit to it, but he'll never say a safe word to get you to stop, and one the very rare occasions he doesn't have the focus for it, he'll kiss your cheek and pull you into his lap for a nap.
Hate Sex - rather not - Zoro can be, to be, completely feral in bed. He can be in control, he can let you control, he can be gentle, he can go from sunset to sunrise, and he can also go for months without so much as masturbation and be perfectly fine.
The one thing I think he needs is a connection. It's not that he couldn't just fuck, it's that he'd rather not. That feral part will be missing - there's just not going to be the same kind of enjoyment. It'll feel mechanical and it just doesn't vibe with him. The closest Zoro will get to hate sex is if he hasn't realized his feelings for someone are love.
But even if those cases, "hate" or "dislike" aren't the words he'd use to describe how he feels about the other person.
Dirty Talk - If you like being talked dirty to it's a Oh god you don't even know, but if you don't like being talked dirty to, it's a I guess. He doesn't have much of an opinion on it, but he is an Adept Student, and that's one of his strongest points when it comes to kinky things. He'll learn from you, adapt, adjust, discard what doesn't hit right, keep what does. He knows that the tone, volume, and octave of his voice can effect you almost more than the actual words.
He knows dirty talk isn't just the speech itself, it's the aura, the grip, the tug of hair or the pressure holding your body in place. It's a full package deal and don't doubt that he could talk you into an orgasm once he got good enough at it.
Brat Taming - Oh God you don't even know - this man is the Daddy Dom. Sorry, sorry to anyone out there, but I'm not even talking strictly Age Play when I say this. He's got that "Your Superior" vibe, and that DILF energy has nothing to do with actual fatherhood. He grips you by the nape of your neck and tells you to kneel while bringing you to your knees, and half the movement is because they're already weak from the sound of his voice.
Smoker isn't concerned how willful you are or aren't as a brat, at the end of the day you're going to shatter underneath him, one way or another. (He's a sweetheart at his core, he's not going to like, break you against your boundaries or anything.)
Hate Sex - No - Consent is king with this man. Agreements, safe words, contracts even - he's not getting into kinks with someone without express consent. Maybe it's the marine in him, I think it's because he's 60% Strong Daddy Dom Vibes and 40% Cinnamon Roll. He's just Too GODDAMN Sweet at the end of the day.
Brat taming, which he loves, is about as close as he'll ever get to hate sex. Now, make-up sex, that's a possibility.
Dirty Talk - Yes - and he's good at it too. He's more of a "bend to my will" kind of talker in the bedroom, lil' praise, lil' degradation if it turns you on, and dirty talk is certainly mixed in there as well. It's not going to be a large part of the night, but he's just as likely to force you to talk dirty as he is to talk dirty to you.
He's certainly more of a "Tell me what you want in exacting detail, and the better you are at it the better you'll be rewarded."
Kinky One Piece head canons
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Full Moon Stolitz thoughts
Alright I'm getting on this shit because I am obsessed with Stolitz unironically. Before I start this I want to be absolutely clear that (in my opinion) there is no "right" side in the overall situation between Blitz and Stolas. Both equally have problems that contribute to their miscommunication and I can sympathise with both of them. If you disagree, feel free to ignore this post and scroll on, I don't mind friendly debate with people I know well but strangers on the internet are a different story.
I do generally project heavily onto Blitz which yeah probably impacts my interpretation of this a lot but I'm just a guy on tumblr I'm not here to be 100% right I'm just posing my take on their behaviours etc etc
Mandatory Disclaimer: spoilers start below! Do not click read more if you care about spoilers for The Full Moon episode of Helluva Boss
That all said, I'm splitting this into three parts:
Blitz's behaviour throughout the episode
Stolas' behaviour throughout the episode
Blitz and Stolas' confrontation/argument/interaction at the end of the episode
Part One: Blitz's behaviour
Starting off with "When I See Him", the basics of it (that is played up a bit for comedy and more or less directly stated really at the start) is that Blitz is obviously covering up how he really feels by concentrating entirely on the sex he anticipates having, and acting like that is what is important to him.
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Are we okay? Can't really say I'm getting by By avoiding his questions It's so complicated, I hate when it's complicated Why do I always end up in situations that are complicated?
Blitz knows there is something wrong, or off, between the two of them but he'd rather not talk or communicate about it - literally preferring to avoid the topic entirely because "complicated" = bad, and he has no idea how to fix that, despite the fact that most of his relationships have been and/or are still complicated, he doesn't know how to deal with that because he never learnt. He's started to with Fizz a bit at the very least, but he's definitely not in a place to do that with romantic relationships yet - but I digress.
Here I go again, getting in my head So I'll focus on the sexy stuff instead
Not too much to say about this part other than he is actively choosing to disregard his anxieties and worries about him and Stolas by putting on this mask of caring about the sex and nothing else. Honestly, not a surprise with Blitz, this is pretty average behaviour and is very much likely a common coping mechanism of his to avoid serious feelings when engaging in relationships of a romantic nature. Especially since he seems to place a lot of value in himself in how good he is in bed.
When I see him, I'm gonna do that thing he likes No need to change things, I'll just bring the ropes and spikes[/spice*] We've got a nice arrangement And it's working out just fine We'll keep it light
Can't wait to lose ourselves in nasty sex And make that bird squawk We'll just stick with what makes sense
Same as above, he's going to what's familiar and directly deciding he'd rather ignore any issues they have and not talk about them in favour of doing what they normally do on full moons and call it a night.
*my audio processing disorder really did not like that line, and I cannot completely tell if that's right - any mistakes in lyrics or other quotes from the show before or after this are almost definitely because of this so please feel free to correct me.
Moving on from the song, some things Blitz does or says during the conversation with Moxxie and Loona in the office that stick out to me.
It's the full moon, I gotta meet up with Stolas tonight. Felt like dressing up a little since it's been a few months since I've been inside his feathered ass.
This is personally really interesting to me since he's not been known to dress up explicitly to see Stolas before (excluding the posts that have been seen on the instagram accounts but I'm hesitant to count those as 100% hard canon, and they were outfits of a different variety - not a bowtie and suspenders as he's seen wearing in the episode). It's like he's trying very hard to impress him for.. some reason? I'm guessing he sees it as part of his whole plan to really sort of wow Stolas, get in there, get out, no touchy feely stuff. It comes off as the opposite to me though, it shows that he kind of values what Stolas think of him and his appearance - and that he wants to impress Stolas. This could just be him trying to prove his worth to Stolas so he doesn't get cast aside, but it could also be more.
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This facial expression is very important to me. It's a split second frame of vulnerability in response to Loona saying the following:
Oh shit, he's getting bored of you.
This is genuine worry and concern on his face, he tried to cover it up with a smile but he is concerned. And yes, it could just be about losing the book, it probably is in part but I think it's more than that.
Loona also says this:
Yeah, man. If someone wants to see you less and less, big red flag. If they give you chances to ditch, they probably want out themselves. Just wanna be more passive aggressive about it, dicks.
When she says this Blitz reacts very on the defensive, repeating what she said mockingly and saying this:
How do you know, Loona?
It's a very defensive reaction and I'd bet he feels at least a little bit bruised and hurt at the thought of Stolas getting "bored" of him - which probably does not help at all with how he's struggling with how he currently feels about Stolas between the agreement for the book and not seeing him in a while.
Immediately after this interaction, he literally leaves his job (which like, yeah, he is own his boss I Guess he can do that whenever he wants but I can't imagine he does it a lot, I Hope, unless he thinks it's important) and goes shopping for more things to impress Stolas. It's a lot of effort to put into someone you don't really super care about, all things considered but let's just go with the devil's advocate here that it's not to lose the book and it doesn't really mean anything. Although I do find his choice to look at candles first interesting, assuming it's not for something else (resident sex repulsed asexual is struggling with thinking about that kind of thing - despite watching helluva boss lmao), Stolas seems to like candles. If I remember correctly, he has some near his bath.
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An interesting detail for Blitz to know/remember/take into account, for someone he allegedly does not care about. Anddd that's it for Blitz's scenes in this episode.
Part 2: Stolas' Behaviour
Like with Blitz, I'm gonna focus on how Stolas acts in "When I See Him" first, then move on to what we see of him alone in the rest of the episode (which there's very little of, I think, unfortunately).
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The summary of what I think of Stolas in this song is he clearly has a somewhat fairytale view of his relationship with Blitz still (which is only emphasised by how the song is disney princess like in nature), thankfully he knows he has to let him be separate from the terms of their agreement and has found a way for this to occur without horribly impacting Blitz's business. However, he (at least, at first) seems to think after this happens everything will go fine and be perfectly okay and happily ever after, or more likely hopes that is how the situation will end up - but we see more of his worries later on so he's evidently not completely deluding himself.
My derring-do is half disguised Behind a smile
I don't have a lot to say about this just that it shows Stolas is obviously aware that Blitz is performing at least a little when he's with him.
I swore I wouldn't dwell on the divorce
This line just interests me more than anything, it's understandable that he doesn't want to think about the divorce. God knows I wouldn't want to, but's it intriguing to see he's attempting to distance himself from it - I hope we see more about this in the future episodes, maybe.
So for my own health I'll remind myself That when I see him I know that it won't feel so tough I'll believe him And not the voice that says I'm not enough No need for an arrangement It can just be him and me I'll see us free How perfect it could be When I see him tonight
This bit is very sweet honestly, Stolas clearly yearns to be closer to Blitz - and he's trying his best to facilitate that. He just wants genuine connection and love, something he couldn't experience in his marriage with Stella. Stolas is obviously nervous and has some self worth issues to say the least, but he deals with them differently to Blitz. In fact, he finds that being with Blitz helps combat these (likely because he feels loved and/or wanted by someone).
Unrelated to dissecting the episode and the like, the voice acting for this part was incredible and I love the way Stolas' VA (his name has slipped my mind atm) conveys emotion in his voice - even while singing. He sounds very hopeful, yet the cracks and wobbles suggest how nervous he feels for the interaction with Blitz, even if he's currently acting as if he thinks it will end well.
Oh god I'll fucking die alone if this goes bad tonight
This bit really just kind of shows how nervous he does feel about talking with Blitz about giving him the crystal. And that he is scared it'll go wrong, it's nothing too crazy.
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The detail of him having none of the medication he takes left is interesting to me though, just that he's still taking it, I guess - could suggest he's still struggling with anxiety etc etc.
Am I doing something I can't take back? Would he want me if he was free? And if he's only here as a prisoner What kind of a monster does that make me
Stolas is clearly feeling a lot of guilt for his past treatment of Blitz, and fear that his feelings aren't reciprocated - but it seems like he's more scared that he's been taking advantage of Blitz, than the thought that Blitz doesn't like him.
My entire life's been written in stone He taught me that I could choose
Blitz is the first person he really chose to meet or associate with, as a child and as an adult. There was no obligation to know him or socialise with him, or to be his friend (or more). In fact, it was discouraged if anything but Stolas chose to do it anyway - and it helped him realise he could do what he wanted, and gain the confidence to do so.
Part 3: Blitz and Stolas' confrontation
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Stolas' body language here kills me, he's so nervous for what he's about to do, and despite his hopeful song early he's eerily somber - as if he knows this will end badly.
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Blitz looks so afraid here, he's gone through all of this effort to try to impress Stolas and keep him from getting "bored" of him. Part of this is probably because he doesn't want to lose the connection he and Stolas have but honestly it's largely probably the fear of losing the book and his business that he's worked so hard for. Blitz is an incredibly ambitious person, and he's put a lot of blood, sweat and tears (mostly blood) into I.M.P and to have it taken away because of someone else due to not being good enough for them is probably one of his worst fears.
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Blitz's immediate switch to trying to seduce Stolas is slightly jarring, but not all that surprising considering how this whole thing started. Blitz is desperate, trying anything to prove to Stolas he's worth keeping around. Meanwhile Stolas looks resigned, as if realising it really was just a performance for Blitz the entire time.
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Stolas, please, I- I need this book. Please, I need this book, Stolas. I will do anything.
The immediate switch to begging, mixed with tears, took me off guard honestly. I didn't expect to see him do that but it makes sense considering how badly he treasures I.M.P and he really is just at the whim of Stolas and it could all collapse at any given moment.
I don't understand, why are you giving me this? Am I not like, fucking you good enough? Because I can- I can always do better.
This being Blitz's immediate reaction to getting the crystal from Stolas is upsetting. I was on the verge of tears here, he can't even comprehend that Stolas might genuinely want to give him a gift, not because Blitz isn't good enough, but because Stolas wants him to be independent. Blitz has never viewed himself as "good enough" for people and he puts on a lot of performances to convince himself he's worthy of being associated with others. This probably feels like, to him, a convoluted way of "getting rid" of him, instead of giving him freedom so he and Stolas can interact with less of a power imbalance.
This in an interesting roleplay, never done this one but I can get into it. How's this? Oh, Stolas, I'll stay with you, I love you soo much.
Blitz's immediate response to Stolas' confession being one of disbelief leading him into thinking it's some sort of roleplay or pretense because he can't possibly believe that anyone would actually love him is honestly worse case scenario and probably where all of this starts going downhill.
I have my answer, Blitz. You needn't say anything. I have wanted you, for so long. The fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that it's always about... sex. That's enough to know what this is.
This right here, is terrible. Miserable, even. Communication is starting to break down, Stolas doesn't realise or understand Blitz's point of view and I certainly cannot blame him for getting upset but how these two are communicating yet somehow falling victim to miscommunication at the same time is impressive at this point. They're both getting emotional, and it's fucking everything up but to be fair no one can remain 100% logical, this is nerve wracking and stressful for them both.
What? Fuck you, Stolas. You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a fucking minute to think after everything you've put me through, you pompous rich asshole? Treat me like one of your little butler imps, you can't just dismiss me like that! I mean, you royal fucks think you can do this every time, like you can just play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as important! Well, I'm not letting you, bitch! Let's go!
This, this is incredibly cathartic in a weird way. It's not good by any means but for Blitz these bitter feelings have probably been somewhat simmering beneath the surface for a while and he hasn't been able to express them because of the nature of his and Stolas' relationship. The way he's phrasing this makes me wonder if he has previous experience with a royal demon doing this to him outside of now, and Stolas' father hiring him to be Stolas' friend when he was a child. It wouldn't be too unreasonable but putting that aside for a moment. The anger and lashing out here is probably a defense mechanism on his part, every time something has got vulnerable or upsetting in the past in this show Blitz always seems to get angry (an example that comes to mind at the minute is when Cash was celebrating Fizz's birthday - at the time he didn't say anything to Fizz but he stormed off, angry. Another one could be probably a few of his interactions with Verosika. I'd have to rewatch the show to find something more particular). The point is Blitz lashes out instead of being open and vulnerable, he doesn't mean or genuinely think any of this - and immediately regrets it as soon as he says it. But it's too late, it's been said.
Stolas flinches or pauses when walking a handful of times during this rant from Blitz, each time whenever he has an insult. Before he has even said anything it's immensely clear Stolas is very hurt by this.
Blitz. I think so very highly of you, I didn't realise you think so low of me.
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This is the regret I was talking about, it's probably helped along by Stolas admitting he thinks highly of Blitz but god - he is crushed. And he immediately tries to apologise but Stolas teleports him out of there before he can even process it, leaving us on a terrible cliffhanger.
God, it's a fucking mess. They're a mess I'm so scared for the next episode and how they are even going to fix this. Someone get these gay demons a therapist, please, I beg.
All in all, ow my feelings, this episode hurt, I did cry. Stolitz have mastered the art of miscommunication, but that is hardly news. Blitz seems to have got a genuine wake-up call, sort of similar to how he did with Fizz and I'm hoping that kickstarts something to help him improve, because he does need to. At the same time, Stolas has kinda fucked up here, and does need to give Blitz more time to process since I imagine this is very fucking shocking to him. It's all one biggggg mess and god knows how it'll work out but I'm looking forward to finding out and hopefully not having my heart ripped out and spat on by the end of this season.
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maxislvt · 2 years
I Love You More Than You Know
Summary: Wanda loves you so much. It was something made clear mere hours after you two made your relationship, and she continues to make it clear everyday she can. Extravagant gifts, the sweetest words, and the softest touches - she showers you in them. It's even the way she holds you close and whispers the sweetest words in your ears. She loves you, no matter how much her brother teases her for it.
A/N: What if I told you I posted this on my other account and then this account got fixed like two days later? Cause that's exactly what happened!! Anyways, have fun being friends with Pietro.
Warnings/Tags: Making Out, Possessive Behaviors, Semi serious conversations, I'm bad at angst.
"Part 1"
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Morning shined through your curtainless windows at a solid 6 o'clock in the morning. Normally, you'd have an extra two hours of sleep before classes and you honestly should've had more since you were home now, but there was no way you'd go back to sleep with sweat and cum covering your body. Not even the stupidly muscular and beautiful star baseball player you were wrapped in could keep you from breaking in your new shower.
After a rather strenuous game of what could only be called reverse human Tetris, you were freed from the sweaty confines of your lover. You stretched your limbs and turned to face your sleeping lover. It was crazy. Today wasn't the first time you've had to wriggle your way out of Wanda's arms to start the day, but this one felt different. This morning was your first morning being hers. No passive aggressive arguments in front of your friends or sneaking around just so Wanda could have her way with you. It was just you and Wanda against whatever laid outside your front door. Though that literally could've been anything, Wanda's words had done an amazing job at soothing your nerves.
You decided not to worry about what was to come next and focus more on what was happening now. For now, all you had to do was wake up Wanda, shower, and then make breakfast for the two of you. You were suddenly grateful Natasha had insisted on stocking up your fridge and Clint's reminder you buy new toiletries. Unfortunately, there was no life saver to help you wake up Wanda. That girl slept like a pile of magically unwavering bricks and it was seemingly genetic. It was something you figured out rather early into your friendship with the twins. Pietro managed to sleep through whatever lusty endeavors Wanda put you through and Wanda seemed to sleep through every house party Pietro had ever thrown. Though that knowledge didn’t immediately deter you, it certainly barred you from any ethical means of waking her up. First, you tried being sweet. Softly kissing Wanda’s cheeks and rocking her back and forth. You even tried deeper kisses, but that almost got you pulled back into the mess of limbs you were in before. When softness failed, you upgraded to annoying her. You sporadically poked at her stomach and sides but only received a displeased groan. You rolled your eyes and decided to just let her sleep in.
You turned around and headed to the master bathroom. It was on your top three things to finish decorating on your first day moving in, but had remained neglected due to your little interruption the night before. Not wanting to risk a fatal injury, you began unpacking and organizing items from cardboard boxes and plastic bags. Towels unrolled and folded to look aesthetically pleasing, bath mats rolled out and beat into shape, organizers maliciously filled just the way you liked and all the beautiful shade of dark green had grown to love over the years. After a half hour of constant rearranging and slight shifting of objects, you completed your decorating. You spent little time appreciating the hard work and immediately turned to the huge bag of less fun stuff that went in the bathroom. Though it was nothing more than toilet paper, hair products, and whatever else you use for cleaning yourself, there was a strange giddiness in your chest. It seemed your heart was several steps ahead of your brain because it didn’t make any sense until you got ready to put the wash clothes and toothbrushes in their proper places. The multipack of toothbrushes conveniently had one red and one green toothbrush. The wash clothes were the same way.
It made your heart skip a beat.
It was almost embarrassing how fast Wanda had wiggled into your heart. Technically, it took like six years, but you were strangely overjoyed to show it. You two had yet faced the outside world but something in you was so sure about. Even if it was chessy and Wanda was sure to tease you for it, you were happy. The time it took you to shower, brush your teeth, and wash your face, your head spiraled with all the other ways you and Wanda could match. You were sure Wanda would proudly wear any of your college merch or even swap shoelaces if you asked. It would definitely take a bit of pouting for her to wear matching Christmas pajamas with you, but you were planning for that even in early August.
Eventually, your fantasizing came to an end and you wrapped up your morning routine. You put your lounge clothes on and went to the kitchen. You were thankful Pietro hyperfocused on the kitchen and put everything up just the way you liked. Starting with the way your utensils were organized down to the way you liked your sodas stacked in the pantry. It was good considering you were far too hungry to waste time organizing. You quickly grabbed random breakfast foods and got to work. It was peacefully silent except for the sound of eggshells cracking and sausage patties sizzling. However, the peace was quickly interrupted by excited footsteps running towards you at an alarming speed.
“No morning kisses until you at least brush your teeth and wash your face,” You said without looking up from the pans in front of you. A giggle escaped your lips when you heard a frustrated sigh followed by distancing footsteps. They returned only moments later causing you to turn your head in disbelief. “If you expect me to believe you brushed your teeth that fast you’re- oh…”
Wanda had the cockiest smirk you’d ever seen. If it wasn’t for your now unrepressed love for her and the red and green toothbrushes she was excitedly holding, you would’ve rolled your eyes and went back to cooking. “Okay, I totally didn’t, but that’s not important,” She said, giddy from excitement. “What is important, is that your bathroom looks amazing and I think this,” she paused to wave your toothbrushes in your face, “is the most adorable thing I have ever seen and you’re literally the cutest person on earth. We're like strawberries…except the red goes on top! ” Her excitement quickly faded as she revealed the electric blue rag, dry towel, and toothbrush she had hidden behind her back. “However, this does not match and I think they would look much better in the guest bathroom- or even the trash can.”
You only sighed and shook your head at Wanda's antics. "I love you, but I'm not kicking your brother out of my life because you're jealous." You turned back to the stove, popping the yolks of the eggs so they'd flip easier. "I'll get a darker shade of blue, but his stuff is staying in my bathroom." You plated the sausage and eggs, then moved to your fridge to find something to fill the emptiness on the plates. "Also, bring some house shoes next time you come over," You grumbled softly as Wanda walked back to the bathroom. After you toasted bread and chopped fruit, breakfast was ready. Unfortunately, you were trapped in a back hug and couldn’t enjoy the fruits of your labor. “Is there a problem?”
Wanda shook her head. "I'm never going to step on your independence since this is your house, but I'm pretty sure I owe you breakfast in bed," She said as she wrapped her arms around you. She buried her nose into the nape of your neck before taking a deep breath. It wasn’t the first time she’d been so close enough to smell you — and now it certainly wouldn’t be the last — but it was addictive. Her grip on your waist only tightened as you began to wiggle. “I’ll let you go in a second, just let me hold you,” She mumbled as she pressed her lips against the side of your forehead. She nuzzled deeper into your neck until her entire face was in the crook of your neck. Her eyes flickered to the two plates sitting on the counter. Your favorite with the unusual addition of strawberries halved and grapes plucked off the stem. “You’re cheesy.”
You rolled your eyes before scooping the strawberry on Wanda’s plate onto yours. “Yea, and you don’t have any strawberries!” You blew a raspberry berry before grabbing your plate and dashing out of Wanda’s hug. Fortunately, your speed outmatched Wanda’s strength and you escaped to the dining table and curled up in the chair to protect your sides from any of Wanda’s potential tricks. You relaxed a little bit when she sat down next to you and began eating, but kept your legs close to your chest as you ate. It was impractical, but strangely comfortable.
The two of you ate in silence — something you normally would appreciate. However, today you just couldn’t. When the lack of noise settled in, your thoughts started to run rampant and not even the fluffiness of the eggs could ease them. Even if it didn’t happen today, you’d have to tell Pietro eventually. The others would surely be accepting. Just happy to see you in love and on the path of settling down. However, Pietro was forever critical of any potential girlfriends. If you weren’t wrapped around his sister’s finger and too shy to pursue a relationship at the time, it would’ve been considered cockblocking. It was unlikely he’d hate you for it, but that didn’t make it much easier.
“We don’t have to tell him.”
“He’ll find out eventually.”
“Then, he’ll just have to deal with it.”
That made you frown. Pietro never kept anything from you, it wouldn’t be fair to keep anything from him. However, the fear of ruining your friendship with him was strong. It wouldn’t be as bad if you just avoided the topic. Love Wanda the way you wanted, but never talk about it. Pietro wasn’t stupid , so it wouldn’t last for long, but it would give you sometime to come up with an explanation.
Though it was entirely Wanda's idea to keep your relationship secret, she did not make it easy.
Wanda was always an over-looming figure in your life. Whether it was a house party, a study session, or just hanging out with Pietro at their parents' house — Wanda was never too far away from you. She was looking out for you. Pietro did his best to keep you safe, but even he'd get wrapped up in a sticky situation or two. So, Wanda would simply pick up where Pietro left off. It didn't take long for her to learn your habits of working yourself to bone or drinking way more than you could actually handle. Wanda would always help you, regardless of how much you yelled at her or refused to eat the snacks she laid out.
However, Wanda wasn’t always a sweet guardian angel. She was desperate to have you and sometimes that meant playing dirty. It was rare, but there were times Wanda couldn’t control herself. Toying with you was an urge that could not be contained. You could play hard to get and she could chip away at that little facade until you completely fell for her.
She’d have you trapped in a corner and begging for mercy — and you’d love it, but that was during house parties with god knows how many people drunk out of their minds and focused on a hundred other things. Not a decently sized gathering filled with people you knew and would definitely notice if you slipped away with Wanda. You remembered most of her tricks. Ghosting her hands over your body or bumping into your backside whenever she was packing. If you kept close to Pietro or at least grouped together with enough people, you’d mostly be safe. Still subjected to sneak touches and the occasional groping, but better than being bent over in the guest room of your best friend's apartment.
Unfortunately, Wanda did not take avoidance well.
Mere hours after arriving, Wanda had sent you a text instructing you to leave five minutes after she did. Five minutes wasn't enough to shake anyone's tail, but she had clearly grown impatient. You replied to her with a simple 'in a minute' and continued to chat until you felt it was safe for you to slip out. You were only stalling for a total of ten minutes, but had been gleefully caught up in conversation with Carol at the front door for an extra five. Fifteen minutes seemed to be entirely too long to keep your lover waiting seeing as you were practically yanked into the back seat of her car.
"It's really funny watching you act like you don't belong to me."
You couldn't form a proper response with the way Wanda's hands started guiding your hips to grind against her. Her teeth had sunk into your neck and left a smoldering hot burn in their wake. "Wanda, we're going to get caught," You whimpered and attempted to push her head away. Despite your protests, your hips seemed to have a mind of their own. They bucked and rolled against Wanda's no matter how much you hated it. "And, I don't belong to..anyone," you barely managed to get out
"You don't seem to care," Wanda mumbled against your neck before continuing her tortuous treatment. A hand slipped underneath your shirt and dragged its nail down your back. "Just because I'm a secret doesn't mean you can give me the cold shoulder and get away with it." Her nails dug harder into your skin until you yelled. "You belong to me. That's final." Her hot tongue licke up the coloum of your throat before leaving more love bites on the sensitive skin. She'd barely done anything to you and you were practically melting in her hands.
"We can do this at home, just," Your bargaining was cut short by a kiss. Wanda had enough of your defiance and made it known. Her tongue pushed past your lips without hesitation and was quick to claim every inch of your mouth. It was like she wanted to eat you whole. The scariest part was that you'd let her. For a moment, all you wanted to do was be hers. If that meant being fucked in the back seat of her car while any of your friends could see.
Unless, of course, that friend was Pietro who stood less than a few feet away from the car and could tell exactly what was happening.
Wanda had been too focused on ruining you to notice him. She only pulled away when you completely tensed up underneath her and hadn't moved an inch. "I'm sorry, I thought you were just being…" She slowly turned her head to whatever caught your attention and soon she was frozen solid as well. "Fuck," She grumbled under her breath. Her gripped on your waist instinctively tightened as you began opening the door. "No, don't go out there, I'll talk to him- I said wait," She yelled as you dashed out of her car and chased after brother.
Sprinting for softball could never prepare Wanda for the speed that you and Pietro had control over. The two of you had left Wanda in the dust and had only a few minutes. There was no telling how much time you two had alone, but there wasn't much to be said.
Your mind was racing. Of course he'd find out this way. Part of you thought you'd have at least a week to come up with something. There was no telling how it was going to end. At best Pietro would be a little tense. At worst neither twin would associate with you. It wasn't fair to you, but somehow entirely your fault. "I'm so sorry, I really should have told you sooner. I just felt bad and- and I wasn't sure how to bring it up. The last thing I wanted was for you to hate me or think I only hangout with you for your sister. I'm the worst best friend you could've ever-"
Pietro wrapped his arms around and awkwardly patted your head. "I wish you would've told me, but you're not a bad friend for not telling me all your business." His grip tightened before you fully pushed back. "If you're happy, then I'm happy. That's what's most important." Pietro was rarely one for serious conversations. It was a wonder he hadn't burst into laughter the second he thought of Wanda's attempt to keep up with the two of you. However, you were clearly upset. It was a rare sight. Frustrated, irritated, or overwhelmed, but never upset. Especially not with him. "Nothing is ever coming between us. Unless you show her our special handshake, then I'm not talking to you ever again."
You were shocked. Pietro had always been laid back. Even when you were about to crack under pressure and turn into a human diamond, he'd be chill as the deep blue sea. You expected at least a little pressure from him. Maybe even a speech about keeping yourself safe in the claws of his conniving sister. "Pietro, I…I've been hooking up with your sister for like…at least five years! This is serious, I shouldn't just get away with that," Your voice began to strain. To say you were confused was an understatement. You'd seen first hand how protective Pietro could be — be it for you or his own sister. How could he be so casual about this? "If you were fine, then why'd you run away!?"
"You think we'd be able to talk like this with her between the two of us?"
Fair point.
"I didn't think it was that long, but you two are not as secretive as you think." Pietro rolled his eyes once Wanda had finally caught up to the two of you. "As I was saying, it was pretty obvious when a certain someone was coming to the practices every day and also painfully early." He accented his point by grandly gesturing to Wanda, who was struggling to catch her breath. "Especially since she obviously hadn't been gifted with speed as great as ours."
Wanda scoffed as she stood up. Her breathing was still uneven, but she had to pretend it wasn't as she began mouthing off to her brother. "Sorry. The only cardio I like is fucking your- ow!" She took a sharp breath through her teeth when you elbowed her in the side. An apology was softly mumbled in your direction. "If this little hostage situation is over, I'll be taking my partner now." Wanda reached for your hand only for you to snatch it away last minute.
"You knew this whole time?"
"'Pietro, is Y/N coming?' and 'I'm not going to dance if Y/N isn't going to be there.' I'd be an idiot to not think something was up."
You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. "Okay, fine. I'm going home," You spewed out as you snatched Wanda's keys from the loop of her belt.
The walk back to her car was somehow quicker than running away from it. The only thing quicker than your feet were your thoughts. How many people knew? Was it that obvious? Had everything been super awkward but you were just too stupid to notice it? Your brain repeatedly combed through every memory you had while you sat silently in the car. There was no way you were that stupid.
Not a word escaped from your mouth during the ride home. Wanda hated it. You looked insecure and there was no reason for you to be. As far as Wanda was concerned, you were absolutely perfect. Despite that, she decided it was safer to drive in silence. It wasn't a far drive, but with her foot heavy on the gas, she has you home in mere minutes. A heavy sigh escaped her nostrils once she had finally parked in your drive. She doesn't know what to say. The lack of words left at least five minutes of brooding silence before she spoke up. "I, uh, understand if you want to be alone tonight…" She understood it very well. You were overwhelmed, tired, and upset. It was completely fair if you wanted alone time. That didn't make the idea hurt any less. Wanda had her own apartment and both agreed that neither of you would get keys to the other's apartment until after a few months, but she spent a week straight in yours.
"Please spend the night, I need you." Your voice was buried under the weight of all your thoughts. "You don't have to spend the whole night, but please just a few hours at least."
Wanda's hand was quick to grab yours. Her fingers interlocked with yours and she held on as tight as she could. "I'll be here for you as long as you want me. I promised I'd be there for you through anything and honestly I didn't do a good job at that tonight." The car suddenly felt like a trap. Nothing but metal and uncomfortable plastic that kept her from holding you close the way she wanted to. "You can keep me locked up in your house forever if it'll keep you happy."
"Well, I hope you think my apartment is a cozy prison." You smiled as Wanda walked you through the front door of your apartment and to your bedroom.
There was more silence, but this was comfortable silence. Nothing needed to be said as Wanda carefully removed your clothes and dressed you in pajamas. There was no need to ask for cuddles considering Wanda knew what you wanted immediately. You two laid in the center of your bed underneath the covers. With your head buried into Wanda's chest and legs tangled up, your worries melted away.
Even if Wanda couldn't be there to protect you, she could definitely be the one to make all the hurt go away. The conversation about your relationship with the others would certainly be long, draining, and full of teasing, but for now all you had to think about was the warmth surrounding your entire body. Not even the impending game of reverse human Tetris could ruin your safety.
Only seven words were worthy of breaking the peace settled between you two.
"I love you."
"I love you so much more."
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mydetheturk · 5 days
Hi! My name is Myde, and for @trigunfanfic’s rare pair day, I’m going to rec a bunch of my own fics, because I’ve written an amount of rare pair fics. These are in no particular order, just kind of how I’ve found them in my AO3:
put your mind in my brain and you'll see (everything is better when you're everything)
Rating: E
Word Count: 2,582
No Archive Warnings, but the warning that it is both Knives and Zazie. My favorite way to describe this fic is “a comically biblical plague worth of bugs brings a (fallen) angel of the lord to climax.” Knives explodes! Semi-Literally, even! Some fun Plant and Worm lore/shenanigans, mostly me going “how weird can I get with this?”
All my Elendira/LR Fics are post-Trimax currently, in an AU where Elendira lives and goes through some serious recovery from her fight with LR. They all get Attached
give in to this holy terrible mess
Rating: E
Word Count: 1,235
No Archive Warnings, but Elendira is elbow deep in LR’s guts after the boys have a run-in with a Worm Cult. Tender Organ Touching. We love it. (keep in mind this fic in particular was written for body horror week)
Tags Include: Bugs & Insects, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Organ Touching, Declarations Of Love, Body Horror, Mild Dissociation, emergency surgery, Blood and Gore, Intense Emotional Realizations, Elendira having A Moment(tm)
in over my head and she's a high tide (that keeps pushing me away)
Rating: M
Word Count: 1,942
No Archive Warnings, but Elendira’s going through it. The trials of recovering from getting a yard long nail going through you sometimes include setbacks. Sickfic! With that fun aspect of Elendira’s where she can project horrible ways for someone to die. LivRaz are Sweet on Elendira tho.
(also written for body horror week, though the body horror is not the main focus)
Tags Include: Nightmares, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Telepathic Projection, Flaying, Sickfic
Hand Grenades and Razor Blades
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,143
No Archive Warnings.
The Official AO3 edition of my Kissies For Razlo Agenda. I should write more they’re silly and cute and we take the Razlo and we KISS the Razlo!
Features: Razlo being shy and blushy and angy about it because Elendira’s kick ass and he wants to smooch her and for her to kiss him again. I compare Razlo to a sunflower at one point.
Millions Knives/Domina
-leans very close into the microphone- I am unwell about these two. I want her to Wreck Knives. I accidentally created the tag on AO3, and please please please enjoy the fics I write about them. My mainline fics for them have them sharing a body but I do currently have something in the works that’s a little different.
Generally, fics for dominaknives include some fun and sometimes weird, exploratory Plant Stuff.
They’re all post-Trimax, by default, really, and Domina lives, with some caveats of course. The grief is baked in, it’s Trigun.
They have an emotional support alien terrorbird. I gotta include that bird more
Here on a Less-Travelled Road
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,927
No Archive Warnings.
Domina and Knives are having breakfast in some quiet, half-forgotten little town when Vash the Stampede slides into their booth.
Domina’s protective of Knives, Knives is afraid, and Vash is Tired. Minor allusions to Vash’s canonical alcoholism.
Six A.M., Mulholland Drive, Moonlight Sonata and I
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,336
No Archive Warnings
My first actually posted fic about the two of them, I think.
Chronica meets that which is KnivesandDomina. It goes about as well as you’d expect, honestly. Lots of tears. Some explorative Plant stuff in this one! It’s got some fun wording that I really enjoyed writing.
Haystack Boy and Dust-Cake Girl
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,815
No Archive Warnings
An alternate first meeting, for an AU of mine.
A heat exhausted Nicholas D. Wolfwood collapses at the gate of the Thompson Ranch. Milly nurses him back to health.
They’re cute. I loved writing this. It’s more proto-Millywood than Millywood proper, but shh
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urfavbooblover · 1 year
Hi can I make a request for a, Ada Wong x Reader Smut?. Could be set in a Safe Room or the Police Station.
Hi and thank you for your request! I know this took really long to be finished, but I actually haven’t got much time. I hope you’ll like it though! :)
I want you || Ada Wong x female/non-male reader (with female genitalia)
Warnings: smut (eating-out, fingering), cursing
(remind me if I missed any)
- Resident evil 2 Masterlist link -
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Y/N’s pov:
I watched as Ada leaned herself on the table, which is standing in the room, as we took a small break of work, checking up on our weapons and stuff.
My eyes explored every inch of her body, not even caring if she catches me or not. Just as less as I care for this mission right now. All I can think about is Ada, I can’t take my eyes off of her, so how am I supposed to focus?
“What are you staring at?”, her voice interrupted me and my thoughts, as I fixed my glance back at her beautiful face. “I’m just admiring, that’s all.”, I gave her a quick wink, trying to play the situation off cool.
And the way she was nodding her head, already told me, that she wasn’t fully believing me. “Do you mind coming over here for a second?”, she said, waving me over to her, before I eventually walked to stand right in front of her.
She pulled me closer to her, by grabbing ahold of my top, our faces only a few inches away from each other. “I would like it, if you would speak your real thoughts out more often, Y/N.”, she whispered, taking a quick look at my lips.
“How do you know I’m telling the truth, Ada?”, I whispered back, with the same amount of confidence, even though I was going fully insane inside.
“If you want me, you can just say it.”
I tilted my head a bit to the side, not breaking the eye contact once. I felt my heart beating faster, taking a deep breath, as I was obviously not expecting such an answer from her.
“Say it.”, she muttered, with a serious but attractive face expression, that could make me weak in just a second. I didn’t even hesitate for too long, I just decided to give her what she wanted.
“I want you, Ada.”
She seemed amused with my answer, as she bit down her lip. “Now show me, Y/N.”, she mumbled, grabbing the waistband of my pants and pushing my waist against her own.
I immediately pressed my lips on her own, kissing her passionately, but also with so much hunger and lost for more. So the kiss eventually turned into a rough making out session, as I started to kiss slowly down her jaw and neck.
My mouth sucked on her most sensitive parts, making sure to leave a few marks here and there. Her breathing became heavier, while she let out small moans.
My hands began to remove the dress off of her figure, letting her help me with it. It didn’t take much longer, till she wanted to get rid of my own clothes too.
I gently laid her down on the desk behind, as I started to kiss from her lips, down her collarbones, leaving gentle kisses everywhere. I moved to her breasts, beginning to suck on one of her nipples, while my fingers played with her other one.
After a while, I decided to continue down her body, stopping by her thighs, as my hands grabbed onto them.
“Are you really sure about this?”, I asked while looking up at her. “Yes, Y/N. Just stop teasing please.”
I couldn’t hide the smirk forming on my face, as I began to place my mouth on her pussy, starting of slow, by sucking slightly on her clit and my fingers holding open her folds.
I eventually sped up my tongue movements, as she couldn’t control her moans. Her hand found it’s way to my head, pushing me further down.
I felt myself getting lost in her, as I licked a long strip up her cunt, pulling her even closer to me. I noticed her legs already beginning to slightly shake, while she tried to control her moans.
“Fuck! I’m so close!”, she managed to shout, while I chose to rub her clit with my thumb. I didn’t stop, till she finally came all over my tongue, with a last groan slipping out of her mouth.
Just as she thought, she could go back to steady breathing, I started to slowly lick away all of her juice and the mess she made over herself, as things got even luckier for me, cause the sounds she makes, are like music to my ears.
I eventually crawled back up to her face, placing a long and soft kiss on her smooth cherry tasting lips.
“I wanna make you feel good too.”, she whispered, the second I pulled away, making me feel something special in my stomach.
No matter what this woman does, or how often, she’ll always be able to make me nervous. But it never becomes awkward between us, that’s what I absolutely love about our relationship, but she’s not even mine. Yet.
“No one is stopping you.”, I whispered back, still on top of her, our lips just a few inches away from touching again. And I know how bad she wanted to, but I’m desperate for her touch.
She started to run her hand up and down my exposed back, before turning us around. She’s in charge now, as she grabbed my wrists, pinning them up the desk we were laying on.
Her other hand made it’s way down my stomach, stopping by my most sensitive area, that was already wet, just for her.
Ada looked me deep in my eyes, while she used two of her fingers, to open the lips of my cunt. She slid her fingers down of them, teasing the shit out of me.
“Fucking hell, Ada. Just stop the teasing!”, I looked up at her, while she was already staring, biting her bottom lip. And without a warning she immediately slipped those fingers in, which made me threw my head back, letting out a loud moan.
My eyes were closed, as she plumped her fingers in and out of me, all while rubbing my g-spot faster and harder.
She leaned down to press her lips on my own again, making my moans sound muffled, as I came over her fingers, which she slowly took out of me.
She didn’t stop kissing me though, instead she deepened the kiss, till we both completely ran out of our breath. My gaze was set on her, watching her lick her fingers clean.
“I think we should continue our other mission now, hm?”, I spoke up, catching Ada’s attention again.
She gave me one of her best smiles, helping me get up. “You’re right. They’ll probably wonder why we’re taking so long.”, she chuckled and we both eventually got dressed.
And just as we were about to leave the room, I felt a touch on my hand. She intertwined our hands, without even saying a thing. I couldn’t help it, but feel my cheeks heating up.
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