#but poor Gil's car
some self-indulgent monster high headcanons
draculaura was clawdeen’s sexual awakening
but since drac and clawd are in a committed relationship, clawdeen never interfered. instead, she made out with toralei at a party once, and the two of them made it official about two months later (let’s go lesbians)
howleen bought twyla noise-canceling headphones and made her fidget bracelets for her birthday
with cleo dating frankie and nefara dating clawdia, they’re both the royal family disappointments, which has strengthened their bond since they each came out (i.e. since cleo came out to nefara, who just brought clawdia home for dinner one night)
literally none of the wolf siblings are straight
draculaura would drink blood to get melanie martinez tickets the second she learns about normie music
no one speaks to gil anymore. especially not lagoona
venus and howleen have both been taken home in a cop car multiple times for public protests
toralei, meowlody, and purrsephone expand their band to include clawdeen and frankie. their music is inspired by a mix of paramore, stela cole, and chappell roan (plz i need to see toralei do a cover of “red wine supernova”)
frankie went to howleen so she could help them figure out their identity. since then, she’s become their go-to source for other important life questions, such as, “is a hot dog really a dog” or, “how do you use a microwave please i can’t burn down cleo’s kitchen”
deuce dresses like he goes to fashion school. i’m talking crop tops and low-waisted skirts or jeans, platform boots, baggy pants, and more accessories than you can count. a bi icon. clawdeen uses him as her model for her masculine-bodied designs
heath has adhd (i would say heath-twyla-neurodivergent solidarity, but she’d actually combust if she had to spend 20 minutes with him the poor girl)
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doctor-caparty · 1 year
Also Jane thinking the bomb was the Halloween party has me fucking cackling now after the last two episodes. Like ah you poor sweet girl it will get so so much worse.
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Lots of…hearts hurt this episode. This is not organized whatsoever so bear with me.
I still think Olivia is out of line for blaming everything on Jane. Even Buddy recognizes that she has nothing to apologize for at the dance. I understand her feeling hurt and betrayed and putting her hurt and anger on Jane is easier than putting it on herself. I am genuinely shocked that Mr. And Mrs. Valdovinos are accepting of their 16 year old daughter marrying her teacher when less than a year ago she was locked in her room all summer for having a relationship with said teacher.
I feel bad for Nancy, I truly do, her social life is crumbling around her and her facade isn’t giving her any help. The Brutal Honesty number was a bop and the heart to heart that she had with Jane and Cynthia was really sweet.
Ms. McGee you poor poor burnt out assistant principal with an incompetent principal. I want to give her a hug like Jane. If the show is renewed I would be so pumped to see her transition from being a thorn in the gangs sides to being someone the T-Birds respect and fear from the movie. I also loved her standing up for herself in needing an assistant.
I am in love with all the Pink Ladies and T-Birds interactions we got this episode. Cynthia being accepted by the T-Birds, bonding with Gil in the car and talking about their hearts, Nancy and Potato building a dumb plan together (I’m curious as to what she wrote in the letters to make the others drop what they were doing to go find her), Cynthia and Edward 🥹 talking it out, the six of them going to find Olivia together.
Bro the last 5 minutes had me crying. We had no Richie this episode (I’m not sure about the timing but I think he might’ve been doing an Outsiders play at the same time?). Them getting to Olivia’s house looking for her and Richie “I’m sorry I thought you knew, he was put on a bus this afternoon” Olivia how would they have known? Huh? You sure as shit didn’t tell them. ANYWAY, poor fucking Gil trying his hardest only to be blocked each step of the way. Cynthia and Nancy comforting Jane in her room as she cries, Cynthia giving Jane Richie’s jacket as she cries and leans on them, the three of them being utterly lost in what to do.
Buddy literally just love triangle hopped as soon as he said goodbye to Jane he has feelings for Hazel who is dating his best friend. There’s more about the socs but I don’t care at this moment.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Poor Edmund he is gonna be so traumatized in the formula au like poor father Sharma in Good Gils
He’s seen Anthony’s car shaking on its poor little wheels in the carpark of Bridgerton Racing HQ more times than he wants to admit.
He’s taken to walking into the carpark just:
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s1e2 "Death Lends A Hand"
Okay so kinda big deal bc I'd skipped this episode in my dedicated series watch I started last year! Not on purpose, but the way I was watching e1 & 2 of season 1 were lumped into one big video file and so I forgot it existed. So really delightful to return to early Columbo and with an episode that was new to me!!
SPOILERS BELOW (for this episode and the other 2 Culp appearances)
As far as performances from series favorite Robert Culp this might be my fave of his! Like he's always exceptionally good at being mean and stern and being annoyed with Columbo, but something about the intensity of this feels different.
With how methodical and premeditated Culp's other two murders are, this one being a 'crime of passion'/manslaughter surprised me. Also THE SLOW-MO GLASS BREAKING AND HER FALLING!!! Like it's visually so cool. And very novel. The overlay shot where we see what Culp does after killing her, but as two different reflections in his glasses on an unmoving face - is very cool. It goes on a bit long, but it's very cool and I expect would be especially novel for audiences in 1971.
The score is by 4-time early Columbo composer Gil Mellé. It's got the spooky quasi-aleatoric spacey murder music thing, and a definite jazz flavor. Both me and the jazzer friend I watched it with were a bit thrown by the sudden capital juh-Jazz that starts when Culp gets into his car after killing this poor woman. Not that *J*azz is inappropriate for that moment, but something about that specific cue undermined the shock and weight of the sequence before. Maybe that's what they wanted, but I doubt it. I hear the blu-ray set that's out has versions of these episodes without music. It'd be a fun project to rescore some of these and fix some of those things that bother me.
Loved the detail of Culp knowing the name of one of his P.I.'s kids - just the sort of detail that helps a story feel 'lived-in'. I was shocked by Columbo playing up the astrology and palm-reading stuff LOL. The show depicts that sort of thing from time to time, but I don't remember Columbo himself hyping it outside of this. Of course it's part of the act to lower their guard, to make them think he's a fool, and as an excuse to get what he's really after (in this case examining the killer's hand and ring).
Ray Milland is fun to see, though part of me thinks he's not quite right in the role. He's not especially sympathetic somehow, which is maybe why they brought him back as a killer in "The Greenhouse Jungle". Some really great comic moments - Columbo complimenting Culp as being a 'man of purpose and intent' and immediately walking into a _closet_ is HILARIOUS. Lots of fun moments too with him snuffing out the golf instructor our victim had an affair with. I also thought it was hilarious that the golf instructor kinda lamely admits that he's not even really good at golf, pulling in women is the only thing he's decent at. Which like wouldn't be so bad if we felt he was a thoroughly charming person. But like it reads less as 'local rich women can't get enough of this studly golf instructor' and 'well I'm not really interested in the golf anyway, and at least he's not my husband - so I guess it's exciting enough. I can tell my bookclub friends I slept with my golf instructor and then I'll be cool.'...
The 'gotchya' is effective and satisfying. The mechanics of it are a bit paint-by-numbers. But this was so early in the run, it probably wouldn't have seemed so if I'd watched it in order. Still, the 'trick the killer into searching for evidence and catch them in the act of that' is worn. But also there's only so many ways for this all to play out!
Good episode, good early Columbo. Also shoutout to the victim cuz how she confronts Culp at his beach house is SOOO SATISFYING!!
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goldammerchen · 5 months
still thinking and feeling brrrrrrr, accelerated
iirc the nation-people immortality hasn't been given a biological explanation, and while trying to explain that with fantasy science is fun, i stick with magic. something something walking time anomalies, that can be sticked(?) to the ones that are close, and animals can handle but humans don't.
fin called ame and rus super humans once. on the other extreme you have rod being in a wheelchair for a while, and iirc other tans have had some poor health moments that aren't necessarily linked to economy before. i think the nation-people magic can be given, and also can be taken.
(also hima using for gil's eyes pink and/or light blue instead of deep red [like the first anime seasons] makes me think in albinism, plus sometimes the hair being white, but albinism does have different presentations. as said in tags before, i use this hc on and off)
(i still think he ISN’T [necessarily] in canon! but i like to headcanon the magic wearing off, my gil’s vision worsening, being this a sign he’s not like them rest anymore, perhaps even turning human--hc used in a post about him fixing random cars lol, and in a two parts post about an alternative universe where he manages to refuse to become the gd.r (neither kaIinin…), turning human. one + two)
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6kate1bishop6 · 2 years
okay so i rewatched the batman for like the 5th time last night / this morning and i was having too many thoughts to put them all as a letterboxd comment so here are all my little semi connected ramblings on the film 
starting off strong with right at the start the drophead guy that tried to rob the convenience store, its just so interesting to me that he was scared of the batman even when he wasnt there and so he ran back into the street and got hit by a police car but the police just yelled at him like they didnt try to stop him or anything -- metaphor for how the batman is offering solutions and providing suspects for the police and stuff but theyre too corrupt to do anything about it ? maybe 
it’s the whole system -- just that quote is so good, i should remember who said it considering i literally watched the film 2 hours ago i think it was gil but again super good line just encompassing the fact that the gotham justice system does not offer justice, it is corrupt down to its core and it is failing the people 
bruce wayne my blorbo this is just a point about how smart he is and like he just catches on to things but its interesting because he can understand how the riddlers brain works also when bruce punched jim and then jim was like you couldve pulled that punch and bruce was like i did he is so im just kind of obsessed with the fact that he trains for this and its just interesting anyway point about my poor little meow meow over back to analysis 
the good cop batshit cop contrasted with brains and brawn -- bruce and jim work together well, they bounce ideas off eachother especially in that scene with the penguim and the way when jim pretended to side with his captain (??? i cant remember) bruce was like et tu? and then that contrasted with batman and the riddler the way riddler thinks hes working with bruce because they both understand a fundamental aspect of eachother and sure bruce is on the same wavelength as him sometimes but its only to track him down and riddler just completely does not realise 
when alfred intercepts the assassination attempt and the card reads see you in hell, i feel like that wouldve twisted the knife even more; im not 100% familiar with the original deaths of martha + thomas but the whole senseless crime thing kind of echoes here, like all the other cards to the batman had a cypher or a clue or something but this is just senseless hatred that has no obvious lead for bruce to chase up 
he mindmaps, i just like that its fun its fresh hes just like me fr 
the way bruce and the riddler are tied together, like in the small things with the diaries but also theyre obviously both orphans and they can understand eachother, they were both born out of tragedy and that was the renewal fund and thomas + marthas deaths, where bruce was left without a mother or father alone in the world (ignoring alfred, as bruce did) the riddler was left without hope, they both use fear, though the batman uses it as a deterrant whereas the riddler uses it as inspiration and almost thrives off it 
the way bruce misses the tucker, the carpet tool, showing that even if he fights for the city, even if he walks its streets, he is still a billionaire in a bat suit and there will be experiences and little things that he does not know and that shape his personality and the way he solves crimes 
the way the batman begins with the whole i am vengeance thing but comes to realise that he needs to be a symbol of hope, someone for people to fall back on as he ends in the movie, the realisation as he hears his words come from someone wanting to cause only pain and immediatly sacrificing himself by cutting the electric thingy and falling into the water just seconds later 
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runawaymun · 2 years
“I’m extremely fond of Elrond in all sorts of relationships and various constellations and polycules” can you give some examples? Excluding ROP Elrond bc I’m not that interested in him (respectfully, still think he’s lovely)
Hello hello! 💕 thank you for giving me an opportunity to ramble about some more brainrot!
So excluding Rings of Power, here’s some fav polycules:
S-tier: Celrondir — Celebrían/Elrond/Lindir (hobbit films) I’m really fond of the Elrondir ship but I can never justify setting Elrond up with someone and not involving Celebrían, so in my head Lindir got a crush on Elrond, Elrond got a crush on Lindir, and meanwhile Cel was in the background also mildly attracted to Lindir (but mostly they’re just besties) & she was like ‘ok now kiss’. Bonus points if they eventually all get married to each other — peak sweet anxious wreck Lindir getting doted on by Cel & Elrond, but also Lindir and Elrond mutually sitting there fawning over their hot wife. Meanwhile Celebrían has this lil harem of husbands who adore her (and she and Lindir gossip about Elrond like girls at a sleepover). I just love them your honor.
S-tier - QPR Celrondgalad - I’m very much of the opinion that Elrond and Gil had some mutual devotion/fealty queerplatonic intense thing going on in the second age. Absolute platonic soulmates (who occasionally had sex). Celebrían and Gil were best buddies & like literally nobody was a bigger Celrond shipper than Gil. He loved seeing how happy they made each other 😭💕 and like Elrond and Celebrían didn’t really get a chance to talk about this because of Gil’s fate, but Elrond got this impression that he needed to break off the QPR thing with Gil, meanwhile Cel was like “what we have and what you two have are two completely different things and not mutually exclusive”. So at some point they did end up talking about this and once Elrond sails and reunites with both of them, it’s very much a “hi this is my husband and this is my best friend who’s my husband’s boyfriend” and I love them for that
A-tier - Celrondgalad 🤝 Celrondir - in a Celrondir verse, Lindir sails with Elrond to reunite with Cel and then also gets the shock of his life getting invited into a four-person polycule with the High King(tm) and is extremely embarrassed and worked up about this. I can’t really see Lindir and Gil being a thing except for besties who bond over their adoration for Elrond.
B-tier (fun to think about sometimes but mostly as a joke) - Celronduil and Celronduil 🤝 Celrondir - Celebrían and Thranduil tell Elrond to get in the car, loser, we’re going shopping. Weird on the surface but the more you think about the more entertaining the dynamics get. Especially if you toss Lindir in for fun because he is but one poor wet pathetic meow meow in a polycule of extremely strong personalities. It amuses me so I daydream about it often.
Basically all of these naturally revolve around Celrond, because I headcannon that Elrond just wasn’t really interested in romantic relationships very much prior to meeting Celebrían (except now I have a Celebrimbor brain worm that is changing that…), and Celrond is so endgame to me that all of my polycules are born out of me trying to reconcile my other pet Elrond ships without having to wave away my OTP 😂 plus it just makes sense. Elrond has so much love to give and I feel like he deserves a polycule. As a treat.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
I was reflecting on how much more entrepreneurial the adult Bates kids seem than the adult Duggar kids and it made me wonder if that’s because they grew up super poor and can remember it vs the Duggar kids who struck rich pretty young. Like nearly every adult Bates has a business but very few adult Duggars do and the ones who do got them from JB (car lot, construction business). It’s even more interesting because JB was the successful business man compared to Gil’s fluctuating tree cutting business. Curious to hear your thoughts!
That would make sense to me, although I would say I don't see much difference in the Bates guys vs. the Duggar guys, a lot of them even work for the same family/fundie businesses. For some reason the girls are the ones who have been more interested in things like getting degrees and securing multiple streams of income.
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deaneverafter · 2 years
A Brief History of Crime
That time of the week, folks, when I've watched the episode a couple of times and I'm ready to talk about it 😌
We got some more possible background information about Beau, and I love that. The scene with Ivan, it makes me think that probably his brother or possibly his old partner, made a sacrifice or got hurt to protect Beau during whatever it was that led to his retirement 🧐😔💔😭 And I'd be remiss if I didn't say that there aren't enough words or praise in the world to do justice to his talent and hardwork, but I'm going to say it anyway, Jensen absolutely knocked it out of the park in the scene while stopping Ivan and talking about "Gil". It's so subtle that there's a deeper meaning there, but somehow he finds that line every time, making it subtle enough to feel real, to only make sense completely much later, but still effective enough to drive the point home, still obvious enough that it can't be missed.
It was cute how Beau's cowboy coat had elbow patches 🥺💟 And I thought there would be one cowboy hat, we got two 💯💯👌🏻🤠 I love that for Beau, but I also love that for Jensen! Also, red/maroon outfits two episodes in a row? 🥰😍❣💯 And his hair looked so cute all episode (me after every episode: his hair 🥺🥰! But also, his everything 😂✊🏻)
Poor Jenny, everyone keeps leaving her, or picking other things or people over her, and I just- 😭💔 It's just not okay. I can't believe that Gigi tipped off Ivan, sending a crazed with grief, armed man, into a situation that her daughter was in, just to steal from said daughter 😡 Katheryn absolutely nailed it 💯 Especially Jenny in the car and in her kitchen in that ending scene 😭😭💔💔 She's so heartbroken and sad, rightfully so, and it's visceral and palpable. I think someone, uhm, a certain green-eyed sheriff mayhaps, needs to be there for her, and console and comfort her 😭💔 Here's to hoping we get some scenes of him checking up on her, making sure she's okay, being a shoulder to lean on next episode.
Speaking of which, so many nice Beau and Jenny moments! They're so in sync he didn't even have to look to give her his hand, I- 💘💕🥺💯💅🏻 Him saying he can't leave because "You'd miss me too much." 🥰🥺💘💕✊🏻 Also "Let's just keep it professional, Hoyt, for now." For now, you say? 👀 One might understand that to mean things are about to get "unprofessional" later 😏 (and I, for one, am here for it 💕) When she said "He's not that cute." And you can see that she's trying trying to convince herself 🥰😏👀💕
I've been waiting since we got the "there's a new sheriff dropping by" video to see why he was wearing a wedding ring in that clip, and I'm not disappointed. Going undercover as a married couple with Jenny was my top hope for it 👌🏻 The whole undercover op, a dream come true. Undercover AND married?! 💯 I like that this is the first scenario Jenny jumped to. And Beau's little smirk as Jenny explained their undercover story, where they're married..... 👀 But also, Beau's the one who suggested going undercover together, and there's not a whole bunch of different scenarios with an adult man and woman to be investing together, so really, who took them undercover as a married couple together? 🧐 Both? Both. Both is good. 😌✊🏻💕 And them being so touchy, I don't know, that isn't strictly necessary for the undercover, is it? 😏👀💕
Also, Jenny seemingly teasing Beau that he could go back to Texas, but actually only saying it to gauge if he plans to stay, because she wants him to (and wants to know if she might be able to let her walls down with him?) 🥺💕 Plus, I don't know, it kind of felt like Beau showed up at Dewell and Hoyt to get some insight about how to help Jenny and be there for her 🥺✊🏻 I like that Beau and Jenny have had this dynamic so far where they're skirting the boundaries, trying to come to a place where they get the other to let them in, pushing and pulling. It makes it more real and deep. But I'm ready for them to let each other in, be there for each other 🥺💕
Looks like Cormac is going to possibly have a dark streak.....? And how's that going to work out with whatever might happen with him and Cassie? Excited for that angst.
Cassie to the rescue again, helping stranded men with their trucks ✊🏻 Something tells me this time however, she's not going to be making a new bro though. Which, I do like that they're being very gung ho on her and Beau having a very "bros being bros" thing, because after everything that went down with Cody, I don't think realistically, Jenny and Cassie's friendship can afford another instance of having a love triangle like that.
I went into the episode thinking Emily couldn't possibly get any more annoying and obnoxious, and then the whole episode Emily was like, did someone say I couldn't get more annoying and obnoxious? Watch this.gif. Like, A, her continuing to get involved in things that she has no business is bad enough, now Avery too? And the knife thing is so over the top, after treating Beau like trash for two episodes and (the better part of the past year and more, presumably). Like, now she cares about her father? Yeah, sure, very believable, really feeling the love, definitely not too little, too late. And of course, she never could be bothered to even pick up his calls, but now she wants to call him, not to talk to him, not to let him know she's okay so he won't be worried, but to send him on her personal errands. Okay 🙄
Carla's going to be showing up soon, and we've seen the interviews about how there might be lingering feelings, but the last thing I want is for Beau to be running after Carla, a woman who already left him once, and humiliating himself like that. That's something I just don't want for him, regardless of everything else. So I'm really hoping that this storyline doesn't go down some reconciliation path, but rather him realizing that he's over her, and has just been holding on to some idea of the family he used to have. He deserves more than to be running after her. And there's clearly something between Beau and Jenny, where the natural progression is them getting together, AND let's just say if they hurt my girl Jenny, by having a man leave her, running after a different woman, a third time, that's just not okay on so many levels. And these two facts taken together, well, am I saying Beau and Jenny endgame solves all our problems? No, but it solves 98% of them (I still want a scene where Jenny has to be held back physically, preferably by Beau so she doesn't get in trouble, from decking Carla and/or Avery).
Walt might be a killer, but he's such a fun character to watch, I'm hoping to see more scenes with him soon. He did essentially kill Mark, but I'm not convinced he's the only danger lurking around those woods 😱👻
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Hey. Had this idea of Thena being a billionaire and Gil being her private chef on her private little beach house in the Hamptons!
Maybe you can do something with that? 😊
Gil smiled as he plated the perfect omelette, gleaming yellow, nice loose scramble in the middle with a pristine outside. He sprinkled on some green onion for garnish; Thena acted like she didn't care about presentation but he knew she liked it when her food looked nice.
Thena was...interesting. She could be hard to read, maybe. He had been in the private cooking business for a while, and he'd had a variety of clients. But no one like Thena.
Thena had this old family house, basically a castle, way out here in the Hamptons--as antisocial as possible. She was in charge of her family's generational wealth, he was pretty sure they did business with historical...stuff. Or something.
Thena didn't talk much. The first time he interviewed for the position with her in the room he wasn't even sure if she spoke English. But her assistant - a very sweet man named Karun - assured him that 'the Madame' was perfectly nice. Just not to bother her.
But Karun was right: Thena was nice. Sure, she didn't exactly make small talk with him while she was eating or anything. But she had a nice smile, she was prompt with money, both for his pay and for any of the ingredients he needed. He always had transportation home, or he had a room ready for him if he was staying for a whole weekend.
Gil put the plate on a place mat at the opposite counter top. Thena liked eating in the kitchen instead of the cavernous dining room. She ate a a French style omelette, or if she was feeling adventurous, maybe a frittata, or he had even prepared omurice for her once. She liked fresh pressed grapefruit juice with a little natural sweetener in it. And berries picked from the gardens.
And he liked to add a little flower if there were any blooming on the strawberry plants while he was out picking.
Thena came in through the patio. She had already done her morning routine, then. A light workout, a shower, maybe a sauna. Her phone was in her hand but she famously didn't accept anyone speaking to her before 9 in the morning. She smiled and nodded to him as she took her seat.
She was in a good mood.
Gil turned around, carefully transporting the gold rimmed cup with his best cappuccino yet. He had even looked up how to make latte art to make a heart design in it.
Thena blinked, surprised as it slid into her view. She looked up at him.
He just nodded, encouraging her to take a sip.
She raised an eyebrow but did so. Usually he waited for her to ask for a specific coffee, since it could vary largely depending on the morning.
He shrugged; something about how beautiful the sunrise was had told him she would want something fun. It wasn't sunday, so she wouldn't want something as filling as a latte. But she only drank black coffee when she was already in a bad mood. Actually, now that he thought about it he ought to get more vanilla soy milk.
Thena sighed at her first sip, her shoulders lowering as she let the hot beverage soak into her. She really was in a good mood.
Gil just chuckled, keeping his comments to himself. He had come to respect the serenity Thena created for herself in the early mornings. He turned again to clear his dishes and fill the dishwasher.
He had to get soy milk, and a few other general weekend groceries. And he needed to get ingredients for a recipe he saw online, essentially a lemon cake tiramisu. Thena liked zingy, fresh flavours, and she enjoyed having something sweet on hand for if a craving hit her out of nowhere or after a hard day.
"It's perfect."
He tried to conceal the surprise he was feeling. But he couldn't help it; Thena had almost never commented on anything he made her, unless it was a brief line attached in an email. He turned, "y-yeah?"
She nodded.
He pursed his lips faintly. Back to silence--okay, sure. He peeked in the fridge to examine what else they had and what he needed. When he had asked Karun what Thena liked to keep on hand, he had merely stated that Thena was so bad at cooking, and so selective about food, that if left to her own devices she would probably just eat raw fruit forever.
"How did you know?"
He grinned. So, he was making progress! He had tried more actively in the beginning to get her to warm up to him. But he had come to accept that Thena didn't withhold her words deliberately. Still, he liked it when she did talk. "Just thought you'd be in the mood for it."
She raised her eyebrows at him from behind the cup being tipped up to her lips again.
He closed the fridge and moved back to the counter. "It's nice and mild out this morning, so I think you should have slept well. Stocks are looking good and you don't have to travel this weekend, right? I figured you would want something a little fun."
Thena smiled through his explanation. Maybe some of his observations of her would be a little much to some. But she nodded, looking down into her cappuccino, one leg bent and resting on her cushioned stool. "I assumed you would prefer when I travel?"
Gil blinked.
She set the mug down, as if this were a very important business meeting. "If I'm here, you don't get the weekend off. Or at the very least, you have plenty of work to do before hand."
"I don't mind," he shrugged easily. It was part of the job, and as far as clients went, Thena really wasn't all that demanding. She wasn't even that high maintenance, all things considered.
Food was easy to procure, either grown here or paid for out of her pocket. The only real stipulations of what he made was that she had to eat it. Karun was kind of like a worrisome father in that way. He had added specifically that she needed more vegetables, and that meant it was up to Gil to make them in such a way that Thena would actually like them.
"Do you ever think you may be too agreeable?"
"Hm," Gil ran his hand over his chin (he needed to shave). "I think it's more like...part of the job, y'know?"
Gil blinked at the new tone of the sound. She looked back at her breakfast. She sounded almost...disappointed. Disheartened, and now poking at her omelette like a dejected little kid. Gil leaned off the further counter and moved closer to her. "I just...wanted to do something kind of special for you."
She peeked up at him. She was awfully cute for some zillionaire old money type. Her hair was nice and soft from being gently blow dried, she didn't have any makeup on, fresh from the shower. Maybe all rich people were really, really pretty.
"You're not contractually obligated to be thoughtful," she smiled as she said it, but he got the impression that she didn't fully believe in her own joke.
He shrugged again, pushing the little flower closer to her, "call it my signature, then. Every chef has their own style--I like being a little sweet."
Thena smiled at the little white strawberry flower. She even reached out to it, but just barely let her fingers brush its soft petals, as if she would make it burst into flame. "Quite."
Gil inhaled, feeling better now that she was smiling again. She looked up at him, the sun behind her, making her hair glow. He blushed.
"Thank you, Gilgamesh."
He laughed faintly, feeling shy as she turned those siren eyes on him. He leaned back from the counter, sticking his hands in his apron pockets. "Hey, it's my pleasure, really."
"If you have shopping to do, Karun will call for a car for you," she added as he started slowly slipping - stumbling - out of the kitchen.
"Th-Thanks!" Gil squeaked out before reaching the hallway. He pulled his apron off and gripped it on his way to take it to the laundry room.
"You require transport, sir!"
Gil jumped at the sudden appearance of the man in question. "God, man, can't you walk a little louder!"
"My apologies, sir," Karun just chuckled. "The Madame walks lightly--as do I."
Thena walked around like a cat. She was silent, graceful, long legs...
Fuck. Gil nodded, twisting his apron in his hands. He tilted his head as Karun shuffled closer, even waving him down so he could share something secretive.
"Excellent choice with the cappuccino, sir," he disclosed with glee. "The Madame has been trying to strike up a conversation with you for some time. I believe this was the perfect-"
"I must go," he waved to Gilgamesh before dashing off to see to Thena's needs.
Gil felt a little stunned. It sounded like Karun was telling him that Thena had been wanting to talk with him. But that didn't seem right. Of all the times he had tried to chat with her, she had never bit, even once. And he didn't really think of her as the shy type.
He sighed, shrugging it off. He had groceries to get, anyway. Maybe he would try talking with her again, later.
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teafiend · 1 year
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Oh, this was an unexpectedly nostalgic - and fun - show. I did not expect to go in and get a refresher course in “Pop Buddhism for Idiots”, nor the campy and breezy story. Neither did I anticipate the hilarity of watching Won Mi Ho (aka Lee Da Hee) run around screaming as demons chased after her in all her perfectly made up and fashioned stunning self, not one hair out of place.
It was funny, “unserious” and wacky. Just the kind of show I needed after a few heartbreaking and sobering crime/law procedural dramas.
It was far from perfect and made me laugh even when not intended, but as long as it did, I could care less whether it was fully intentioned or not. Not being a major fan of CGI or long action scenes, the less said about those on my part, the better. Overall, however, I think those aspects are acceptable for a show of this caliber.
Oh, I certainly did not expect another hot priest. Though this one is a bit too young to drool over, he is nonetheless extremely good looking and cute.
Kim Nam Gil, well, what else is there to say. ❤️‍🔥
The world-building is a somewhat interesting mish-mash of Korean shamanism, Catholic aesthetics, and “pop Buddhism”. Relatively predictable story/plot, but still had spots of surprising twists (mostly with regards to the Baeks), and moments of poignancy which I deeply appreciated.
It has been quite a while since I watched any show with an explicit world-building based on “folk Buddhism”, and that has been one of the main nostalgic factor. As was the affecting visage of Won Mi Ho in that ethereal white dress. She truly looked like “a fairy who has descended onto earth” and reminded me a lot of Joey Wang in her heyday of the “A Chinese Ghost Story”. I did not know exactly how Van felt but I was bowled over.
I know of Lee Da Hee from “I Hear Your Voice”, and always have a soft spot for her after her memorable role in that favourite of favourites. She was extremely entertaining here, with fantastic performances in many spots. She has truly grown more luminous the last time I watched her onscreen.
I completely enjoyed Won Mi Ho as a character, and given my obsession with “The Guest” and Kang Gil Young, just could not help but compare the two - in terms of stylistic/aesthetics choices between the shows - but not in any negative way. As much as I have enjoyed the more realistic, raw and gritty stylistic choices in TG (for KGY), I found myself marveling over the near flawlessness of Won Mi Ho here.
It was so entertaining to gawk at her clothes, the cars, the perfectly made up face, stylised hair etc. Won Mi Ho was fabulous in her chaebol-heir glory. (And few could carry the fashion choices like Lee Da Hee did in the show. What a body and posture ⭐️😍🤩). Also amazing as the selfless Saviour! (One dressed to the nines in couture fashion and high heels, what’s not to love? ⭐️😍🤩)
And I like her character a lot too. Lovely, adorable and easy to love!
The “almost-romance” (though it was basically full-blown romance in my estimation) was also extremely nostalgic and wonderfully moving. I am a sucker for romances of the chaste and yearning type, and they delivered here. 🥹 Roughly knowing how the ending was from lurking on socmed, I was prepared for the ending and was not too disappointed. Still, my poor babies. 😭
A show not to be taken too seriously, nor to have too high expectations of, it was overall an entertaining ride, and truly, I could not ask for more. Love it!
*Recalling the scene during the final showdown between Van and Gungtan when they were having their final “talk”, of Van’s words (paraphrased), “The only way to escape the Law of Causality is to cease to exist” made me chuckle/laugh a few times after the fact. That is basically one of the major pillars of Buddhist teachings, and he announced it as if he discovered that principle. It might be weird, but I found that assertion out of Van’s mouth hilarious.
*Won Jeong’s retelling of the parable of Angulimala was a very nice touch in the show, because I have always found that story illuminating and bittersweet, and it was indeed an important story of redemption and atonement in Buddhist lore. “Good job, show/writers!”
Edited on Sept 23, 2023:
*Read a comment describing this show as a hot mess, and won’t say I disagree, but I have enjoyed the mess, so I suppose there’s that. Especially since it felt true to what is simply a ‘fun webtoon’. There is literally little emotional core or narrative gravity to this show (or much of the original webtoon, I am arrogantly assuming) except a mix-and-match of tropes/lores, which veered from attempting to be angsty/dark to the cheesy and campy. So, I can see where the mess is. That said, the narrative was consistent and coherent, and the performers made me laugh, so I will give it credit where it is due, little as it was.
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
america & england "white corruption politics, the police use abusive 'sex psychology mixed with trafficking blood money or drugging influences of public belief by purposely condescending citizens into slanderous exploitations that corrupt teamwork make "sportsmanship of" "gaming people" ...quite frankly many are hidden just by the mere fact of mentioning farm animals and pet names "chicken poll tree poultry POOL PULL try the POOR" "veterinarians for pets, war, or life VETERNS for healthy world survival" VETS being called PETS, in hospitalization crimes on humanity Chicken slave mankind to animal names, mistreating them like cattle "cut til" & intimidation tactics hidden in commonplace languages of the peoples rights Chicken COOP... COO COO COPS.. AND BAD CO OPERATION ASSAULTS WORLD WIDE HEALTH RIGHTS "POOL" "POLL TRY COP" "POP" is what the COPS & CORRUPT (cop) old abuse men use telling people on siturations or "death halling" or "death row" "you're fixing to hear a POP, such as a gun pop..." where then is covered by saying "SODA POP" Abusive white men POLL political agendas saying "POP A SODOMITE BY FILL PETRA DIME BUST" "FEEL A BUST" pop... BUS traffic laws... coverts "FREE WAY" "HIGH WAY" roads. FREE WORLD CHANNELS. Disallowing corrupt government politics to "riddle" the lives and access rights of all lives. I pray for mass reform for the best interest of all lives. "RE TIL" "RETAIL" "RETALIATION RELATIONSHIPS" Retail money being stolen by "Re tell" "Re TIL" "Men TIL" Mentally "tally" mention tally & dally toll. DIDDLE DADDY PIT TIL PAT TEA. PILL, GRAM ASSAULTS. RAM, BULL. RAM LAMB GOD DAMN POP BAM. Is how america & england corrupt policing tries to summarize murdering and covering world crimes on humanity. "RE TIL" "RIDDLE" "WRIT A DEAL, RIP TIDE SEA SALT ASSULTS" "pool pie" "want to see a pool die? apple jail house & apple hospitals, beds filled with prisoners that corrupt psychology police use to torture & cripple "pull" "CRY PULL" innocents. IN CENT MONEY. COMMONWEALTH COMMON CENTS. FREE LEGAL HEALTH MARKET UPDATE RIGHTS AWARENESS "rip til" there is no financial market. too many lives were lost, now money is BLOOD... BY KEEP YOUR LIFE AT BEST REGARDS 24/7 Also be aware of bosses that are asking for "CO PSY" "CO SIGNING" purposed undermined "witness" positions. Making innocent co-workers WITNESS misguided training tactics, in blind layering, making so the co-worker believes their doing the right approach, however the boss and corrupt teamworkers are sadistically enjoying the 'plot twists" of targeting individuals for escapism guilt "gil "til" shifting mass population abuse crimes.
"potatoes mattress farming"
"hazmat carpit munch character defamation tactics"
"potato purple people pulling apple sting drills perverse government deals" "deal til" "dealt" "delta" "bravo" perverse government "potatoes shoe hoe cold hold farming"
"potatoes mattress farming"
"hazmat carpit munch character defamation tactics"
"potato purple people pulling apple sting drills perverse government deals" "deal til" "dealt" "delta" "bravo" perverse government "potatoes shoe hoe cold hold farming"
accessibility “til” A BILL, ABILITY
money ability
0 notes
spillsnchills · 5 years
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goldammerchen · 1 year
@polpruweek Day 6: Fake Dating & Nostalgia loosely interpreted (+ Day 7 Late nights at home)
Some new semi routine, and nosy people. >2k words / AO3
201X, Warsaw.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Hit me.”
“Do you go to Sunday service in Berlin, or you only go here?” Feliks asked to Gilbert, both walking away from the Holy Trinity Church to Feliks’ car. Picking Gilbert from said Church some Sundays’ evenings was starting to become routine.
“Almost never, and… Yes.” Gilbert smirked. “Didn’t think that before.”
Feliks rolled his eyes. He would ask more questions, but preferred to talk about different topics. If Gil only going to Church in his house and reverting to the average non religious Berliner at his home had a meaning, he didn’t want to think about it, at least not for now.
(Though, the other time it was fun seeing the Archbishop happy after a liturgy, having a supposedly young men in the service, and watch his face when he realized who Gilbert was: “Ah, it’s you, Mister… East Ge—Prussia.” “Bishop… I’m afraid you have mixed two things, but yes.”)
“Well, you went to Mass in the morning, I’m just back from the Holy Eucharist… Let’s go drinking!”
Feliks snorted. “No! We said we were going to eat pizza!”
“Boooo—Not to the pizza, boo to the lack of alcohol.”
“We can drink at my house.”
In a local restaurant, the two alone were eating a familiar size of a Margherita pizza (one that both liked without arguments). Feliks and Gilbert discussed while eating about the last few games they have played. By accident, both became followed Steam game reviewers, in their respective languages—besides the occasional reviews translated to English.
Were they paid for this? No, it’s just that both liked having the opinions heard. People didn’t know who they actually were, so it was a nice balance of people liking their opinions without getting, too personal. Both hoped it stayed that way, gamers communities often left a lot to be desired, extra attention would make things worse. But it wasn’t all bad, online they could just be just online users, common people.
“That was a disappointing game,” said Gilbert, “8/10 it’s too much!”
“Well, I just don’t think the same. Maybe you don’t know how to enjoy anything.” Feliks wanted to lightly hit his forehead with his palm, but resisted, instead taking a sip from his tea (“just drink something cold, like me!” “Don’t want to!”).
“Me, not knowing how to enjoy things? I live life to the fullest!”
Yeah, sure.
“In fact—!”
“Uh, excuse me…” A short young waitress—thankfully—interrupted Gilbert. She was carrying with her a fresh glass of sparkling water for the loud customer. “Here’s you water, sir.”
He picked the glass. “Thank you…” He turned to Feliks. “What I was saying…?”
Feliks gestured with his eyes to Gilbert, to make him look at the waitress again: she hadn’t move, standing there with the mouth slightly ajar. Crap.
“Can I help you?” asked Gil.
“Are you guys dating…?” she replied, almost murmuring.
“What?!” exclaimed Gilbert, startling the poor (albeit nosy) girl. “We are not!”
“I mean, like, kinda,” added Feliks, joking out of nervousness, while running his left on his hair: “but we are not together of course, he just comes here often.”
When Feliks looked up, both Gilbert and the waitress were staring at him with the mouths in agape. Gilbert in particular was furrowing his eyebrows.
The waitress bolted away from their table. “I’m so sorry!”
“What?” said Feliks, trying to not stammer. “I didn’t say anything wrong.”
“Then don’t say ‘kinda’!” he said through clenched teeth, gesticulating his mouth with exaggeration. Gilbert placed his elbows on the table, intertwining his hands’ fingers in front of his nose, which didn’t entirely hide his flushed face. He looked to the streets through the window.
Feliks, also blushing, lifted one of his pizza pieces, Gilbert having already finished his half. He put the pizza down again, not hungry anymore.
“Sorry, that was stupid.”
“Idiotic you mean,” snapped Gilbert, without changing his position.
“Come on, you don’t have to be an asshole.” One of Feliks’ lower eyelids twitched. He would have replied more beligerent if they weren't in public.
“If you want me to stop coming here just said it, and I’ll leave you alone.”
“I was just joking before! Stop jumping to conclusions.”
Gilbert shifted in his chair, now crossing his arms. Feliks would make fun of Gil sulking, if wasn’t that it would make things what he was trying to fix worse.
“Giiiil,” continued Feliks, “I like playing when you come here to play video games with. And you help me with my PC even if I can change parts myself.”
A quick smile flashed on Gilbert’s face, then scoffed. “Sure.”
“I’m serious!” Feliks was terrified of the possibility of ruining his computer with his own hands, if Gilbert could do the maintenance, he wasn’t going to say no. “What I don’t ask you do to it’s cleaning my actual house, and you it anyway! And I don’t know why you go to church in my house but not back in Germany, but I don’t mind, as long as you don’t try to proselyte. I do talk to talk about religion a bit…”
Feliks inhaled, recovering his breath after talking long with little no pauses. In front of him, Gilbert played with his glass of water, still frowning.
Say something.
“Of the other ones that play video games,” resumed Feliks, seeing Gilbert wasn’t going to talk yet, “Alfred is more friends with Tolys than me, and Matthew and Kiku are Alfred’s friends, not mine—and I’m not playing with Ivan, not unless everybody including Alfred is playing together, and I rather not even in that case, unless it’s a game where I can kick Ivan’s ass.”
That last comment seemingly amused Gilbert, who grinned briefly. He finally bothered to reply: “what about Tino?”
“Plays more with Edward and the Nordics.”
“Just ask Tino, he will tell you yes.”
“Yeah, probably—”
“He would,” interrupted Gilbert.
“Not my point.”
Gilbert raised an eyebrow.
“Tolys doesn’t care about my online interests. He tries, but I know he only uses the computer for work and chatting. Meanwhile, we kinda, no, practically we share the same interests, and I don’t have to chat in English with you, you talk to me in my language.”
“<As if you would speak German with me>,” Gilbert teased.
“Oh no… though I understand it.”
Gilbert chuckled, yet his face became serious again soon later. “So, you hang around me out of discard, and because I talk Polish, but mainly out of discard.”
“Oh come on! You say that because you think you’re the most important person on Earth.”
Gilbert grunted while he squinted. “Looks who’s talking.” He stood from his chair. “Sorry for having feelings I guess,” added, then shook his head. “Ah, I’m waiting in the car.”
He pulled out his wallet, throwing euros to the side of leftovers pizza.
“I told you I was going to use my debit card!” protested Feliks, being ignored by Gilbert who was leaving the place. “Since you never change your euros for złotych as you should!”
After asking for a take away box and paying, Feliks found Gilbert leaned in his car, breathing in his hands. He rubbed his hands together as he watched Feliks walk to the car.
“Fool, you’re going to become sick,” chided Feliks, opening the passenger door for Gilbert to get in, as well tossing the small box with pizza leftovers to the back seats.
Gilbert got into the car. “I won’t.”
“That’s not how it works…”
They waited in silence with the car turn on, until the vehicle got a little warmer. Gilbert leaned on the car door.
“Your money…” tried Feliks.
“Keep it, just send a transfer of the spare money later,” Gilbert replied in a monotone voice.
“I was going to tell you how much it was.”
Gilbert shrugged. “I trust you.”
Feliks tapped with his fingers on the steering wheel. He hated when Gilbert became this contemplative, when some centuries ago he simply at some point would disclosed (with anger) whatever annoyed him. The second half of the XX century changed everybody, ones more than others. In the case of Gil, little to no power finally made him an approachable and less threatening person, but the GDR also made him more secretive and distrustful.
So Feliks needed to figure this out, without relying in Gilbert.
“I don’t only hang around you only because of… video games.” Feliks started to figure out he might have been the one of the two being insensitive this time. “Remember when…” You still had your own government—don’t say that. “When you started to come here since the 60s after annoying the SED? Our bosses mutually hated each other, so that pissed my bosses too…”
Gilbert looked at him, confounded. “So that got you in trouble and you’re angry with me now?”
“No! I’m talking that we began to mingle again! And to bicker and drink a lot.”
Gilbert smiled slightly. “There was a lot of reasons to bicker and drink.”
“Yeah… ” From the past and during that present. “Since then…” No, during the nineties both were occupied. “We also go to medieval fairs together, besides traveling around my house.” The woods, the lakes, the rivers, the castles, churches and more. “…What about the horses?!”
How he could forget about the horses. One of the small luxuries he wasn’t going to get rid of, that weren’t cats or dogs, still a lovely pet regardless.
“I know.” Gilbert chuckled.
“So don’t think I’m only your friend because games… Wait.” 'I know?’
“You would have more friends if you weren’t so shy, that’s your own damn fault.” He laughed a bit, before sighing.
Feliks rolled his eyes. “I don’t need a ton of friends, I have enough!” Though he had to admit that type of comments always hurt. Feliks glimpsed Gilbert, still looking defeated instead of being his usual self. “Then what’s bothering you?!” He prodded Gilbert.
He grunted, moving away from the touch. “Nothing! Nothing is bothering me.”
“Uh, liar?”
“I’m not a liar!” Gilbert crossed his arms again.
Feliks licked his lips, recalling what happened in the restaurant. “Sorry for the joke again.”
“Wanna know why I said that?” Feliks kept his eyes on the road, hoping that Gilbert staring out the side window won’t allow him to notice Feliks’ subtle blushing.
“No,” snapped back Gilbert.
“As I said before, you’re often with me. So, a tiny, tiny-tiny part of me thought we kind of have something already, or could have…” His heart pounded in his ears… Gilbert didn’t even bother to turn around. “This is dumb, forget it.”
Neither said anything after that for a while, until Gilbert sighed again. Feliks saw him opening his mouth, and the closing it again.
“Nothing to say? Alright, I don’t mind,” Feliks stammered, feeling unable to stay quiet, and stupid for the same reason.
“I think we should keep things as they are,” said Gilbert, again in the deflated tone of voice.
Feliks turned around, forcing himself to smile, in an attempt to make Gilbert happy—not because that hurt his feelings. “Yeah, yeah, we can continue like this forever. I wouldn’t mind, I, I really like this…”
“Ha!” Gilbert laughed out of nowhere, making Feliks flinch. “Forever?”
“It’s the uncertainty that’s annoying.”
Hitting the brake, the car skidded forward: Feliks didn’t see a red light, out of his impression of being reminded of the depressing reality. They almost hit a car in the street intersection.
Gilbert, pale like paper, grabbed Feliks by the jacket.
“That doesn’t mean you get to accelerate things!” Gilbert screamed into Feliks’ face: Yup, that was the old aggressive Gilbert there.
“Sorryyyyy!” Feliks scrunched his eyes closed.
Gilbert moved back to his seat, lifting his arms up, frowning. “Just try to not fucking get us both killed, that isn’t funny anymore.” He snorted. “I mean it is, but I can’t play like that anymore.”
“Shut up!” exclaimed Feliks.
At least Gilbert seemed in a quasi good mood again. That man still had a morbid sense of humor, and a taste for danger—that couldn’t satiate as before anymore.
Feliks turned on the radio, although neither played attention to the people talking in there.
Soon after Feliks parked the car in front of his house, Gilbert took right his hand, putting it between his own two hands. He said:
“Let's keep things as they are, they are perfect like this.”
For a moment, it looked like he was going to say more. Feliks supposed he was going to add something about not risking ruining the something they have. Instead, Gilbert squeezed Feliks’ hand and got out of the car, opening the back door to get the pizza leftovers.
Feliks stayed in the car, with the safety belt still on, and his mouth open. It didn’t matter what Gilbert said, what he did meant something different, contradictory. For a moment, he dreamed awake about the times of the Commonwealth, being in good terms for some centuries with their then fief. It wasn’t a peaceful time, yet the enemy order was no more (or not his issue anymore).
“Hey! I’m gonna kick your door if you don’t come here soon! I’m going to die of cold!”
“No! Don’t you dare to touch my door!”
…Nor you dare to die.
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sailorkamino · 2 years
Hospital Bed Confessions
relationships: jake lockley x fem!reader, established marc spector x fem!reader, steven grant x fem!reader
word count: 2k
summary: As long as Jake can remember he's only had Marc and Steven to protect - then you came into the picture. Jake is scared to admit just how much you mean to him until you're injured, then he can no longer hide his feelings.
warnings: car accident/hospitalization/injuries, protective (but soft) jake, referenced childhood abuse, non sexual showering together, little bit of jealous!jake, jake has never been in a healthy/loving relationship and it shows.
translations: cariño- dear, princesa- princess, mi vida- my life, muñeca- doll
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‘Has Y/N sent her home text yet?’ Steven asks from his reflection in Gus’ II’s and Gil’s fish tank. Jake looks away from the TV, “her what?” His alter looks annoyed, ‘you know what I’m talking about. The text She sends everynight to tell us she got home safe.’
Jake sighs dramatically picking up their shared phone. When he sees the late time illuminated on the screen something twists in his gut. Ever since you started dating Steven, and later Marc, you would send daily texts to whoever was fronting. The amount would vary depending on your workload but there were always three constants: good morning, I’m home, good night. 
Jake clenches his jaw. He tells himself he’s being irrational, clingy even. He tries to keep his voice even when he responds. “No, but she said she was working late.” 
This time it’s Marc that speaks up. ‘She should definitely be home by now. Call her.’ 
“You two are so dramatic,” he grumbles, although he was about to do that anyway. You don’t answer. Jake tries to ignore the worry churning in his gut. You’re an adult, you don’t need him hovering, but something feels off. Marc and Steven are pestering him to go to your flat but he barks at them in Spanish, trying to gather his own thoughts. A notification has them all freezing. 
Jake takes only a moment to read the message before an unreadable expression flickers across his face. He bolts out of the flat, leaving his altars in the dark. If you heard the way he was yelling at the cabbie to hurry up you would be pissed but manners are the last thing on his mind. Once the car comes to a stop he throws some money (including a tip because he’s not a monster) at the poor driver before jumping out. 
He’s practically running through the hallways, ignoring the poor doctors and nurses dodging his path. Finally he finds the room. He bursts through the door but the sight before him makes him freeze. He’s seen, and done, many violent things but seeing you hurt is something he’ll never forget. 
You peer at him for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar stance and the way he holds his jaw, before a tired smile spreads across your cut lips, “Jake.”  He lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and approaches your bed. His hands clench by his sides. He wants to touch you, reassure himself that you’re here, but he’s afraid of hurting you worse. “You should see the other guy,” you joke. He doesn’t laugh, eyes becoming impossibly darker. 
“What happened?” 
You blink slowly at him. You know Jake is incredibly protective but you had never witnessed it towards you. Jake has always kept you at arms length so to speak. You would text some whenever he was fronting but he woukd mostly just tell you about Marc and Steven. He didn’t seem to realize that you cared about him just as much, and wanted to get to know him too.
“I don’t know, it happened so fast. I was driving home, I saw headlights then just… pain.” You wince at the memory.
His gaze is much softer now. “Are you in pain now, cariño?”
The pet name has you grinning, despite how sore your face is. “Some, but not too bad. They have me on a lot of drugs.” His eyes travel your scratched and bruised form. He wonders how many more injuries he can’t see and clenches his jaw. “Where are you hurt?”
You hesitate for a moment, knowing he won’t like the answers. “Umm my back is sprained, broken ribs, whiplash, and a concussion… plus I have some cuts but it’s not as bad as it sounds.” Your attempts to soften the blow do nothing as he curses in Spanish (which is actually really sexy but now is not in the time.) His brows are furrowed in concentration and you can only assume Steven and Marc are griping in his head.
You brush your fingers against his in an attempt to calm him down. He looks down to see you weakly grabbing his rougher hand, effectively making his heart stutter. “Fuck, you’re cold,” he hisses, gently running his thumb over your chilled skin. He lets go of your hand (much to your disappointment) so he can remove his jacket and drape it over your body. You breathe in the familiar cologne that all the boys wear, snuggling into the leather.
“Thank you, Jakey.”
He shakes his head at the nickname as he takes a seat in the plush chair beside your bed. You turn your head to look at him playfully. “You know this isn’t how I imagined our first date.” He scoffs in response, "this isn’t our first date." You feel the sting of rejection and consider hiding under his jacket to cry a little but then he takes your hand in his (where it belongs, in your humble opinion.)
"Once you're better I’ll take you somewhere real nice, okay? But you have to heal up first.”
Your heart rises from where it had fallen in the pit of your stomach to flutter in your chest. “I’d like that,” you hum. Your gaze travels to your interlaced fingers, thinking about your words carefully. “To be honest, I didn’t even think you liked me.”
‘Nice going, locker,’ Marc seethes mentally. ‘You hurt her feelings.’
Jake ignores him as usual. “Oh princesa,” he sighs deeply, “I’ll admit at first I didn’t trust you. Nothing personal, I just didn’t want Marc or Steven to get hurt. But then I saw the way you treated them and I started falling for you too.”
This time his altars are quiet. Your voice is soft when you ask, “why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t know how. I’ve never been in a relationship. I’ve never cared about someone the way I care about you. And you seemed so happy with them.”
Your heart melts at his confession. You’re not naive. You know Jake has a dark side. He’s the manifestation of anger and resentment Marc felt as an abused child, but he’s also a protector. “We’re lucky to have you,” you softly confess.
He looks at you in awe for a moment before you notice his lip slightly quivering. He bows his head but you can still tell he’s holding back tears. “Oh baby,” you coo softly, wanting nothing more than to wrap him in your arms and hold him against your chest, or even wipe his wet cheeks, but your injured back and sides won’t allow it.
‘You deserve to be happy too, mate,’ Steven pipes up, only making his eyes burn more. ‘Yeah man, stop shutting her out. She cares about you,’ Marc adds.
“Are you okay?”
He nods slowly, his altar’s words echoing in his mind. “Sorry princesa, I should be the one taking care of you.”
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. I’m glad you can be open with me.”
He looks at you with so much adoration it makes you shy. Then he gently kisses the back of your hand, “I should probably let Marc and Steven talk to you. They’re worried sick.”
“Okay, but only if you promise to visit me again, amor.”
He grins at the sound of you using his first language. “I promise, mi vida.”
Within a few days you’re released from the hospital. Your boyfriends insists on staying with you until you’re better.
“Alright muñeca, bed or couch?” Jake asks. “What about shower? I smell like the hospital.” You counter, leaning into his solid chest. His arm flexes around your waist as he leads (practically carries) you into the bathroom. “Do you need help, princesa?” He asks. You nod shyly.
You lean against the counter as he gingerly pulls your baggy shirt over your head, leaving your chest bare (you learnt quickly that broken ribs and bras don’t mix.) “There’s my beautiful girl,” he coos. You grin bashfully, looking away as he kneels in front of you to pull down your sweatpants and underwear, leaving a gentle kiss on your hip. “Jake!” You protest shyly with heated cheeks as he stands in front of you.
“Sorry mi vida, couldn’t resist. This is my first time undressing you, after all.” He smirks before ducking into the shower to turn it on. He strips himself before wrapping his large arms around you to help you in the shower. You let out a happy sigh as the warm water hits your sore body
“Stand still so I can wash you,” he instructs, reaching for your fruity body wash. “Wait,” you interrupt, making him freeze. “Can you use yours? I like smelling like you guys,” you sheepishly admit. It’s quiet for a moment, and you’re worried you weirded him out, when his lips brush against your ear,
“Marc wants you to know that that’s the cutest thing he’s ever heard.”
You grin at his words, trying to ignore the goosebumps left in their wake. “Tell Marc he’s cuter.”
“Alright, alright, enough flirting through me.”
You bring one of Jake's large hands to your mouth, pecking his knuckles. “Aw baby, don’t be jealous. You know I don’t play favorites with my boys.”
Jake smiles so big it makes his eyes crinkle. Suddenly belonging to someone doesn’t seem so bad, especially when they belong to you too. He wordlessly kisses your neck and reaches for their body wash. You giggle to yourself but it turns into a gasp when he puts the cold loofah on your back. “Did I hurt you?” He asks worridley, movements stilling. You shake your head softly, “no, I’m ok, just surprised me. I’ll tell you if it hurts.”
Once he’s washed your back and shoulders he helps you turn around to face him. He runs the loofah over your front, being extra careful of your broken ribs. He places intermittent kisses across your face and forehead to distract you from any discomfort, mumbling apologizes against your damp skin.
After you’re cleaned off he helps you out of the shower, running a fluffy towel across your body to dry you off. “Alright, let’s get you to bed, mi vida,” he coos as he walks you to your room and sits you on your bed. He grabs you some underwear then moves to your closet.
“What do you wanna wear?”
You immediately point to your favorite stolen item of clothing. “The black jumper.”
Jake takes it off its hanger, examining it closely. “Is this Steven’s?”
“Mhmm, I always take his clothes.” You confess as he lays it on the bed beside you.
“Well Steven isn’t the one who just helped you shower but by all means,” he grumbles to himself as he helps you pull up your panties. You playfully roll your eyes at his childness. “I already told you, baby, I don’t play favorites, it’s just that Stevie wears the comfiest shirts. And besides, I don’t have any of your clothes yet.”
“Oh, so now he’s Stevie?”
“I tried to call you Jakey and you said you didn’t like it.”
“I was lying! Obviously!”
You scoff at his unprecedented jealousy. “Just get in bed, Jakey. I want to watch Encanto.”
A few Disney movies later Jake leaves to get you dinner and feed Gus II and Gil. When he comes back he’s bearing gifts.
“This one’s from me,” he explains proudly, presenting an oversized Yankees shirt. “And this piece of trash is from Marc,” he groans comically, presenting a Chicago shirt. You giggle at his dramatics, making him smile proudly.
“Oh and the flowers were Steven’s ideas but I picked out the type,” he adds on, holding out a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. If your body wasn’t in so much pain you’re sure your heart would be beating out of your chest cartoon style.
“I have the best boyfriends ever.”
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brelione · 3 years
Messy Christmas Party (Eternals X Reader)
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It felt silly, sending out invitations after all these years.
But you still had a bit of hope
You made them look nice, smelling of pine with golden seals and pretty writing.
You included an address and a small map in case they had trouble finding your cabin along with a little PS saying not to feel pressured to come
The first answer you received was from Makarri. The leaves around your house were all mixed up and the snow looked as though it had been plowed through. It was more than safe to assume that she had decided to personally deliver her response.
Sersi was the second to write back and you could see how her excitement had translated into writing. The letters were messy and written down quickly, stating that she would be more than happy to come and that she would be bringing her fiance, Dane. 
The second response you received was from Gilgamesh. He said that he and Thena would be coming and they would be bringing a wagon of baked goods with them.
That put a smile on your face. Gil’s response had been very important for you. Of course you loved him but you also love his cooking.
Two more envelopes came in three days before Christmas. One from Kingo, stamped with a K and full of glitter so that when you opened it a trail of shimmer covered your pants. The second envelope was from Ikaris. It was short and blunt, saying that he might just drop in.
The day of the party you waited anxiously, still in your warm pajamas with a feast cooked up. Salads, a ginormous ham, fresh bread and biscuits, butter you had made yourself, juice, liquor, tea, coffee. Anything and everything. Christmas music plays throughout your cottage from a record that Phastos had sent you along with an indestructible record player. 
Makarri was obviously there first. Before the sun had even come up you heard a light knock on your door, the beautiful eternal on the other side. You immediately hugged her, excited to see eachother after so long. She plucked a hot biscuit from a plate, signing a review as she finished it. 
You didnt expect Phastos or Druig to show up. Really, going into this you tried to keep your expectations low just in case anyone forgot or just didnt feel like coming. But damn, did they deliver.
Phastos and his husband had come in a car that you couldnt recognize which meant that Phastos probably built it himself. It had no problem getting through the mountains and is that a flat screen tv and a snack bar in the back?
His husband had brought a loaf of blueberry bread,handing it to you shyly. You showed them around and told them to feel free to put whatever they wanted on the tv. Which for them meant watching Christmas Chronicles. Not a bad choice. 
Sersi, Dane and Sprite got there at 10 pm sharp just as the invitation said. Dressed in coats and scarves, Sprite lunging at you the second you opened the door. “Oh thank fucking god i’ve had to listen to them all day on the way here.”She says, kicking off her shoes and helping herself to blueberry loaf. 
It didnt take long for everyone to catch up, sharing their adventures and introducing spouses and making future plans. Somehow Dane ended up getting an invite to Phastos and Ben’s next spa trip since they all agreed that they needed some more time to relax.
Dane was a little too nice, complimenting everything about the house. 
Makarri scanned the pictures on your walls, waving you over when she saw a picture of Druig. Which shouldn’t be possible since cameras weren’t around the last time you all saw each other. It had been from twenty-something Christmas’ ago, faded and poor quality as he stared blankly at the camera with a Christmas hat clinging to his forehead. The one next to it made you grin since he had finally given up his act and burst into laughter.
Speaking of, a knock on your door pulled you away from the wall. Tall and in all black he stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. “Really, you’ve outdone yourself.”He comments, stating he could hear the shouting of Christmas carols from a mile away.
Every time he looks anywhere you immediately feel yourself getting nervous, getting his attention elsewhere
Its 11:30 when you hear a loud thump from outside and a Scottish voice shout to open the door
A tree comes through before he does, Ikaris standing with a blank expression and a Santa hat on
“We aren’t dressing up, are we?”He asks as everyone laughs
He puts the tree down and goes to shut the door when I hand stops him, Gilgamesh and Thena coming through dressed to impress. Red and green velvet elves, not bad. And a wagon of treats and potatoes behind them as promised.
And its twelve when you’re all hushed by Makarri who feels the vibrations of more footsteps
Well, Kingo and six cameras.
“These are my friends!”He says, opening the door and stepping right in. “Kingo, the movie star. Cant step out of the spotlight for a second, can you?”Druig asks. Oh, leave it up to him to stir up family drama. 
Ikaris sits like an elephant in the room, not talking to Dane or Sersi, rather keeping to himself until you call time for the feast
Most of the sounds are then just the sound of chewing and laughter
Well, until someone throws a potato at Irish man
“Ikaris.”You warn.
You get many compliments on your cooking along with a lot of requests for you to cook all the time. “Really, why haven’t we gotten together more?”Kingo asks, swallowing a mouthful of corn. “Because we’ve been everywhere but together.”You respond. Silence fills the room, broken by Sersi. “So why not get together every couple of holidays? I’m sure your fans could wait, Kingo.”She says. “Well, I guess now’s a good time to mention,”Phastos says, gaining everyone’s attention. He looks to his husband for support, taking his hand as they explain that they are planning on adopting. Everyone is happy for him, even Ikaris although he seems to be slightly bitter. “And you’ll let me be the number one babysitter, right?”You ask. “No, that would be me.”Thena says softly. Phastos chuckles, pointing to you. “I’ve got you on speed dial for when I need it. And you could make a huge feast for the birthday party, obviously.”He says. “Obviously.”You repeat. “And maybe one for my birthday.”Dane says jokingly. You frown, nodding. “I forget that some of us here have birthdays, all more reason to celebrate.”You say, taking a sip of cider. “Well i just gave myself a birthday.”Phastos says. Sersi hums, nodding as well. “Me as well, for an instagram account.”Kingo replies. “Pick a good one.”Gil says.
“Well how old do you say you are?”You ask Kingo. “Thirty-five as far as everyone is concerned.”He says, making Sprite crackle. “No way in hell!”She shouts. “What? I don’t look thirty-five?”He asks. “Dane is 35.”Sersi says, grinning.
After the age discourse, you settled on a birthday. 9/3/93.
“That wont work, you don’t look old.”Sprite says, making everyone laugh once more.
Then came time for presents, not that they knew that of course.
A bag and a box for each of them. A first edition copy of Emma by Jane Austen for Makarri, a new green sweater for Sersi that you had made yourself, a gold ring for both Phastos and his husband with sapphire stones, an 1800’s painting for Dane, leather arm cuffs for Druig since he always liked to look cool and proper, some gorgeous emerald moon earrings for Makarri, art supplies for Ikaris, a new white gown for Thena and an old fashioned cookbook for Gil, bound in leather.
 ‘Now this, this is just divine.’Thena says, taking in every detail of the gown.
‘Fluffy raspberry chocolate dipped macarons, that sounds like something I should keep in mind.’
‘Did you make these rings yourself?’
‘Goats fur paintbrushes?’
‘Is this a vangogh?’
‘How’d you estimate my wrist size so perfectly?’
These earrings are fabulous
Let’s just say there were many more messy Christmas parties to come
With a little note at the end of the invite that said it was not in fact a bring your own Christmas tree event
@i-am-the-1930s  @thorinslittlebitch​  @uwiuwi  @slytherin-shitposts  @jordynanderson9 
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