#but seriously as nuts as his whole life is AFTER he got to America
whoson1st · 8 years
Okay but seriously
I know everyone loves Hamilton and that’s great because it’s amazing but like, that intro song?  Does not even come close to covering what a fucking train wreck this guy’s life was before he even came to America.
His mom got an inheritance on St. Croix at 16 that gained her all sorts of suiters, and then, at her mother’s behest, she married this dude, Johann Michael Lavien, who was at least twelve years older than her.  He was kind of a douche but dressed pretty and made Mama happy despite the fact that she had a marriage so unhappy that she legally separated from Rachel’s father years before.  They had one kid and I’m assuming she never wanted to see dude naked again after that.
Anyway, after dwindling away her inheritance on pretty clothes and failed ventures, because of some obscure Dutch law (because it was the West Indies and basically any law you could find from any country dubiously in occupation could work), he got her thrown in jail for adultery (not refuted, but not actually substantiated, but WHATEVER, throw her in with murderers and runaway slaves because those are all the same sort of heathen anyway).  He thought her incarceration would make her a more godly and dutiful wife, til she got out and was basically just like LOL NAH and took off to St. Kitts.
After a while, our buddy Johann shacked up with another chick and decided he wanted to marry her.  He got a divorce decree that was Trump level of petty and nasty and gross, calling her a whore and demonizing her for leaving him to care for their son alone on his meager earnings, and managed to get it down that he could remarry, but she couldn’t.  Ever.
So over on St. Kitts, Rachel meets James Hamilton and they get together and have two sons and present themselves as James and Rachel Hamilton, but she has literally no ability to legitimize James Jr. and Alexander.  Fast forward about fifteen years, her boys are 12 and 10, and James brings them back to St. Croix where she has a Reputation and they can’t even fake that this is legitimate.  He’s involved in some legal action there, and when that’s over, he splits, probably because he couldn’t afford to take care of them anymore because he was ALSO kind of a giant loser.  Nice, but awful at trying to get rich quick and ending up in even more debt, time and time again.
So Rachel opens a mercantile in the first floor of their house...common practice as far as dwellings go, having a shop on the first floor, but unheard of for women.  Rachel gave no fucks, seriously.  Then obviously we know she got sick and Alexander got sick and they were given some weird treatments like enemas and bloodletting (????) and then his mom died in the same bed he was in.
So then Levine comes back, fights with the court and brandishes this divorce decree, and manages the get the sons who had no chance of being legitimate disinherited from whatever estate she DID have.  Instead it was all given to Peter, the son she hadn’t seen in 18 years, who showed up, collected what he was due, and left again, with nothing for his half brothers who, I’ll remind you, were 12 and 14.
They got sent to live with a cousin who was living with a mistress and their son...and then the cousin committed suicide, being found in a pool of blood in his bed.  Everything was given to the mistress and their kid, with nothing even mentioned about his orphan wards.  Their uncle shows up, trying to take care of things, and....dies a month later.  Again, no provisions for the boys, despite Uncle John having changed his will FIVE DAYS before he died.
At that point, James Jr. becomes a carpenter’s apprentice because he’s not super smart or super skilled at anything else (takes after his dad) and Alexander, in some weird Dickensian twist of fate, gets taken in by a trader who might or might not be his actual father but that’s for another time.  That’s when he started working as a clerk in a trading office and getting noticed, because he was smart, he could keep track of all the different currencies (there was a lot), was bilingual in French and English (even more so than Jefferson was in later years, and if you don’t think Hamilton taunted Jefferson in French because of that I don’t know what to tell you), he could chart ships, he read everything, he wrote poetry like the romantic hero weirdo he was.
And then there was a hurricane.  Because of course there was.  It was a letter to his father that he showed to the sometimes editor of the paper--well-written, intelligent, and full of melodramatic descriptions (something about distressed shrieks making angels weep or something???) that got him the attention of the whole island.  It was published anonymously, the editor even claiming that the youth who wrote it at first protested it being published, so it wouldn’t look like he was trying to capitalize on a tragedy.  Word still got out that he wrote it, and they did indeed take up a collection to send him to school in America, despite the devastation on the island.
So Alexander got a free ride to Boston and an allowance for his education, and boarded a ship with all sorts of new opportunities in front of him...and then the ship caught fire.  In the middle of the ocean.
I can only imagine that at that point, Alexander was just like...are you fucking kidding me???
tl;dr: Alexander Hamilton’s life was a shit show before he ever even came to America, but his mother’s intelligence and will and his father’s pride and a horror show history of violence and tragedy just made him more stubborn about surviving and rising above all of it.
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francesderwent · 2 years
I do like Marvel, and it saddens me to say this, but Spiderman: Far From Home is just not a good film.
it’s seriously confused about whether it is a Spiderman film or an Iron Man film. I know, I know. that’s the point, that it’s Peter realizing he doesn’t have to “live up” to the mantle of Iron Man because even Tony struggled to do that (???). but my point is it doesn’t work. it tells you that Tony didn’t intend for Peter to “be” Iron Man and then it shows you Peter...being Iron Man. it plucks Peter out of NYC (and then switches locations so often you get whiplash). the villain is Tony’s villain, Peter merely caught in the crosshairs of an old feud. after they have a nice heart-to-heart about Tony’s expectations, Peter turns around and picks up Tony’s tech like he was born to it while "Back In Black” plays and Tony’s old assistant gazes on fondly. is this Spiderman coming into his own or is this the new Iron Man? the audience is getting VERY mixed messages.
Mysterio is a weird choice for a supervillain without any superpowers (especially because, again, this puts him in the realm of typical Iron Man supervillains and not Spiderman ones). the sequences where Peter is trapped in an illusion don’t work for me because I keep thinking “wait, how is this working with drones??” those sequences might have been okay if Mysterio had initially claimed to have illusion powers. but he doesn’t make that claim, and even after Peter finds out it’s all illusion, there’s no point at which he thinks it’s “real” magical illusion, so he knows it’s drones, too. drones and projections laid onto real people? so when a whole crew of spidermen jump on top of Peter, smothering him, that’s just regular people jumping on top of him for the Aesthetic? what???
Mysterio’s desire to “become the next Iron Man” makes very little sense. the movie candidly admits that if there were any other avengers around he would get his ass kicked five ways to wednesday, so Mysterio’s plan is only going to work for as long as they’re off-world. and even if the avengers stay off-world, what’s Mysterio’s plan for when something actually bad happens? and you can’t tell me he’s just unhinged, because he got dozens of people to sign onto this plan with him, so the plan ought to make sense.
as previously stated by others more insightful than I, the whole conceit of who “ought” to have EDITH is absolutely insane. nobody ought to have EDITH. all those weaponized drones should be launched into the effing sun. Captain America didn’t almost drown taking down the hellicarriers for Project Insight for this kind of bs to continue--and Tony didn’t repent of creating Ultron to just turn around and create something like this! it’s bad character writing! and it’s bad morality!!
the plotline with Peter’s spider sense not working (??) needed to be way more spelled out. this could have been at the center of the film, Peter’s exhaustion and uncertainty of whether he’s Spiderman or Iron Man leading to the loss of his spider sense. they could have showed it slowing him down in the fights, and letting him be tripped up in his regular life, making him look even more awkward than usual. but as is, it’s just a plot device which allows him to get stuck in those aforementioned illusion sequences, and magically disappears just in time for Peter to stop Mysterio from shooting him in the head.
the final post-credits scene with Nick Fury being not the real Nick Fury is an absolutely off-the-wall terrible decision. in a movie which is in some sense about Peter learning to see through illusions to what’s underneath, to what’s real and what matters, to then turn around at the end and say “but not this, haha, you were all fooled!” leads to just feeling cheated, and for no good reason. and the movie is already struggling to deal with the loss of Tony as Peter’s mentor figure, so to replace Tony with Happy and Not-Even-The-Real-Nick-Fury is a crazy move.
the Happy and May subplot drives me nuts. the writers dance around it--do they have a thing? don’t they?--but then they refuse to commit at the last second because it’s only interesting to them insofar as it’s funny, they don’t want to actually have to deal with the emotional implications of Peter’s aunt having a new relationship, which is LAZY and CHEAP. and it’s worsened by the fact that Ned and Betty break up at the end of the film, too. everything is played for laughs, not played for keeps.
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eruanna1875 · 3 years
“Hope the stories are cool.”
At the half-murmured words, Ben turned to their source in the passenger seat beside him, brow furrowed. “What was that?”
Riley, staring out the window of Patrick’s weird-smelling car at the night around them, seemed surprised at the question. “Hm?” When he looked at Ben, however, it was clear he hadn't realized he'd said anything aloud until that moment. “Oh! Uh—" He shrugged it off with a nonchalant grin, turning away again. “Uh, nothing. Sorry.”
Oh, you’re not getting off that easy, Ben thought. “What’d you say? What stories?”
Riley rolled his eyes. “Ben—”
“No, no,” he interrupted, before a snide remark could be made, “I heard ‘stories’ and ‘cool’. Now, what cool stories were you talking about?”
Riley gave him perhaps half of a death glare, and for a moment, Ben thought he was going to ignore the question. But then he sulked back against his seat, and seemed to give in. “Well—” He scoffed, eyes on the ceiling. “Ours, I guess. I mean, we just stole the Declaration of Independence, Ben! The Declara—do you have any idea what this means?”
Ben frowned: maybe he was avoiding the question after all. “Yes, I think you've given me several ideas of the things this could possibly mean.” Besides, I thought you’d be worried out at this time of night, he added mentally.
“Yeah, but I'm not talking about going to prison, and Ian shooting us, and Abigail doing a lot more than slapping and shouting if we screw it up. She’ll probably… I dunno, impale us with those pointy heels or something.” He picked up an old neck pillow (he’d knocked it off the seat when he first climbed up front), and put it in his lap. “You know, maybe that’s why the spy chicks in the movies wear them all the time—if you can get used to running around and doing all those acrobatics in them, they can double as a lethal weapon.”
“Well, what are you talking about, then?” Ben pressed before the conversation could get too far off base: Riley could easily and resourcefully use the smallest sidetrack to avoid a topic he didn’t want to talk about. Kid was practically an escape artist.
“I’m talking about America. They're not gonna let us off with a simple little life sentence. They're gonna have us pegged even after we're dead.”
Ben bit back a comment about him watching too many ghost hunter shows, opting for the simpler, “How do you mean?”
Riley turned to fix blue eyes firmly on Ben; eyes that, to his surprise, he now saw were grounded in a gravity greater than worry. “Ben… whether we win or not, we’re gonna be locked up for basically the rest of time. Why?”
He leaned in closer, and spoke with such certainty, Ben had to suppress a shiver.
“Because we’re going to be in all the American history books for basically the rest of time. Do you understand that, Mr. History Buff? Kids are gonna be learning our names in the future. Your name, my name, maybe even her name—and unless something crazy happens, like really crazy, then…” He sighed, and plopped back against the seat. “Then even if we keep the Declaration away from Ian, we're gonna be the ones they remember stealing it.” He looked back up. “You know that, Ben?”
It took a moment for Ben to find the voice to reply. When he did, he let it out with a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, blinking a few times. “Huh, yeah.” He sat back, stunned, as the full weight of it befell him. “Yeah...” he whispered again.
The fact was, he had thought of it. From the moment he determined to undertake the task, he’d been aware of it. But throughout their escapades and machinations, he had kept it as just that—a fact—an awareness at the back of his mind. He hadn’t thought about it. Not until that moment, in an empty parking lot in the middle of the night. Not until Riley decided to be seriously, deeply right.
And… he wanted to tell him that. He wanted to tell Riley just how dead-center his aim had been. He wanted to confess to him the sudden fear it had struck in his heart. But somehow, he couldn’t. What somehow it was, he didn’t know. But it kept his voice from him.
He started to tell himself he just didn’t want to worry him further, especially with the way things were now, but he knew that wasn’t it. Riley was the one who started this particular concern anyway. It wasn’t a matter of trust, either. This was his best friend—Riley knew things about him even his father didn’t know, and Ben would have willingly put his life in his hands. There were times when he’d had to. And there were times that Riley’s life had been in his hands, his alone, and they both knew it. And for all he knew, that could’ve been what stopped him from saying those words.
You’re dead right. We’ll never be forgotten. And it terrifies me.
Ben’s highest hope, even beyond the actual finding of the treasure, had always been to become a part of history. Just like his ancestors. Just like the Founders. Just like the men who had been his heroes since he was a boy. And throughout his adventure, there had been many times when he had thought to himself, you’re continuing that story. This is the same old tale Grandpa told you, but it’s not over. It’s going on, in this exact minute, and you’re the one carrying it now.
The thought had given him purpose, over all those years. But now, he could not help but wonder what his part in that history would be. Would he be a hero, like those men of history, the knights (official or not) that he had always looked up to? Or would he be the one to bring it all down when he failed?
But, whatever the reason, he couldn’t say all that to Riley. He couldn’t say anything at the moment. So the moment was filled with silence instead, a weighty, waiting silence, on the precipice of what tomorrow might bring. The burden of history, both written and as yet unwritten, was for him in that moment almost physical.
“That wasn’t the story I was talking about when you heard me, though.”
The breaking of the silence almost startled him. Ben glanced up at Riley, confused and close to bewildered. For a moment, all he could manage was, “Then… what—what were you…?”
Riley also looked up, and seemed to notice something strange in his hushed tone. “Oh. Sorry.” What was there to apologize for? “It’s just, I accidentally had, like, a lot of thoughts, while you and Abigail were talking. That stuff was part of it, but it wasn’t the main thing.”
He fell silent a moment, but Ben gestured him on, almost insistently. If there was more, even if it was worse, he felt he had to hear it. What could Riley have possibly meant?
Riley hesitated, then looked down and began fidgeting with a loose string on the neck pillow in his lap. “You were telling her the story. About the treasure, and how you got all that history from your grandpa.”
Ben’s ears perked up: anybody talking about his grandfather got his full attention.
“And I got thinking about it, and I just…” He shrugged. “I wondered about, y’know, what if that’s us someday? What if… what if we’re the ones some cool old guy tells his grandkids about? I mean, I know he still might think it’s bad, but at least grandpas and textbooks don’t really tell stories the same way. I assume,” he added, with a glance at Ben for confirmation.
To his own surprise, Ben felt a smile tugging at his lips. Something in that homier view of history—despite the continued possibility of failure—put him more at ease, as if he were still listening to old yarns at his grandfather’s house, slowly losing the fear of the storms outside. The cloud of heaviness that had been on him began to dissipate. Even the night around them seemed less dark.
Ben breathed a chuckle. “No, you’re right. They really don’t.”
“Yeah, so he’d be telling like a grandpa, not like some bored guy in Milwaukee having to crank out school material! Right? And then, like, he says,” and at this, Riley briefly put on the persona of an old man, complete with motions and raspy grandpa voice, “‘Come here, m’boy, let me tell you the story of the Templar Treasure,’ and the kids go huddle up in front of him with those ginormous eyes little kids always have, because apparently the smaller you are the bigger your eyes look, and he tells ‘em the whole thing, right up to where your grandpa told it, and then—and then he tells about us.”
There was a noticeable pause, as if it even took a little of Riley’s breath away. He smiled softly, almost in awe himself. “He tells about us.”
A few seconds passed before he noticed the gap of words, which he immediately jumped over to continue his own tale. “And—and maybe there’ll be this one kid who actually thinks about it and is like, ‘man, this Ben guy was nuts! He just goes, oh let’s steal the Declaration of Independence, and expects everybody to be totally fine with it? How could anybody deal with such a crazy guy?’ And the grandpa would be like, ‘Well, shucks, I always knew you were a smart kid.’”
At this, Ben laughed. Really laughed, clear and from the heart. How in the world could Riley complain and fret about their plans so heavily, and yet paint the future with such lightness that you could laugh at it? All the time he’d known this kid, and he still couldn’t quite understand him. But he didn’t mind. And, for the moment, there seemed nothing to fear. The weight was gone.
But Riley wasn’t finished. “Oh, but you know he'd still get pulled into it, the same way your grandpa pulled you in—the same way you pulled me in—and end up thinking it's the coolest thing ever, of course. I mean, who wouldn't, if they tell it like a Gates tells it? You guys don't skimp on the history stuff, especially family history. That’s what bought my ticket for this whole… train of thought... thing... in the first place, you and Abigail and all your history nerd talk the whole way here.”
Ben reeled back, taking false offense. “Oh, nerd talk, is it?”
“One hundred percent, man, and don’t you forget it. And it’ll still be nerd stuff when you’re the subject boring another average guy like me to sleep in the back of the car.” Riley threw his hands in the air with an air of finality. “And, who knows? Maybe one of those cute little grandkids gets all inspired the same way you did, and wants to go find a treasure and fight bad guys and figure all kind of crazy puzzles, and, heck, probably decides to go be a knight and stuff, just like u—”
He bit his lip, checking himself. But Ben took note of his near-words. Riley quickly continued on a corrected course.
“You. Just like you,” and he shoved his arm with a smirk, “Mister Sir Benjamin Franklin knighted-at-age-eleven Gates. You and all your Templars and Crusaders. ‘Cause I mean, what kid wouldn't think a guy smart enough to steal the Declaration of Independence, and crazy enough or brave enough to try to save it from the bad guys, was totally awesome?”
Ben was unvoiced. All his mouth could manage was a speechless smile, as he looked at his young friend. He felt like he’d just heard a little brother tell him he was his hero. And… maybe, in a way, he had.
But it didn’t take long for Riley to notice the smile. The moment he did, he covered his tracks with a roll of the eyes, hoping to pretend he hadn’t said as much as he had. “Except for the kids who actually have the misfortune to know you, I mean.” And on “know”, he chucked the neck pillow at Ben’s face, nailing him squarely.
“Wha—they have the misfortune?”
“Yeah, you know, studies show, the coolness-craziness ratio really gets skewed over time, especially where little kids are involved.”
Snatching the pillow from where it had fallen, Ben grinned and replied, laughter in his voice. “Well, maybe they should ask you to tell the story, then. You seem to have it pretty well mapped out.”
Riley gave him a look. “If I live to have grandkids, I might. And if that pun was actually intended.”
Noticing suddenly how the thought had come out, Ben considered it. “It is now.”
“Thought so.”
As he studied the young snark, another thought lit up Ben’s mind. One that simply could not be left under a bushel. But he did hide a growing grin behind his hand, as he prepared to speak again.
“But you know,” he mused, acting thoughtful, “I’m a little surprised at you, Riley. I mean, you left out one of the key historical figures involved in the story of the Templar Treasure. And he’s not one I thought you’d forget, either, let me tell you.”
“Oh great, here comes the history lecture.” Riley turned to him, eyes firmly planted on the ceiling just above Ben’s head, looking like a teen braced for a parental scolding. “Fine. Who'd I miss?”
“The other knight.”
At his confused look, Ben leaned back, gesturing with a bit of storytelling flair himself. “Riley Poole: computer genius and sole source of common sense, fellow treasure protector against the forces of evil and Ian Howe.” Then, as Riley gaped, Ben launched into a series of smaller voices (although he barely tried to sound like a child, let alone the three to four he seemed to be acting out). “‘Tell me more about him, Grandpa! Oh, he's such a funny guy, I like his jokes! How ever did he put up with that crazy Ben? That guy couldn’t have got anywhere without Riley!’”
Riley stared at him for a few seconds. But then, to Ben’s surprise, his mouth snapped shut, and the jaw behind it seemed, for a second at least, to clench. “Come on, Ben, not cool,” Riley muttered, jerking his face the other way. “I was serious.”
Ben felt a twinge of guilt at the almost angry reaction: Riley thought he was being mocked. But before he could feel so (mistakenly) betrayed he cut himself off from anything Ben had to say—a situation Ben really, really hated—he settled a hand on Riley’s shoulder. This earned him a rather cross glance. But, seeing past the glare, he looked his young friend dead in the eyes, with a small, sincere smile.
“So was I.”
The glance lengthened into a full-on stare. “Wait, you—”
Ben could see the exact moment that the words fully sank in. The irritation became stunned surprise, and that turned to a swelling, glowing pride. It wasn’t a joke. Ben meant every word. A smile twitched at his lips. Then the swell burst, short and sudden, in a laugh like a firework. “Wow.”
And it pleased Ben mightily to see it. The sight of those blue eyes lighting up with real joy, with no hint of sarcasm, was rare. And he was doubly happy, because he was also telling the truth. Truth in every single word. Including one word in particular. One that required a little testing. Ben paused, taking the moment in a bit longer, then lifted his eyebrows, almost humourously. “Unless, of course, you’d prefer to drop the knight part…”
Ben nearly laughed again at the eager speed of the answer. But Riley, upon realizing the same, nearly stumbled over himself to cover up with, “Um, no, no, that’s fine. The knight part… the knight part works. D-don’t worry about it.”
“Who’s worrying?” Ben grinned, hopes fulfilled. Ever since he’d told Riley about his boyhood knighthood (and truth be told, he’d never really dropped the title, at least in his own mind), he’d found it easier and easier to think of the two of them as fellow knights. But he never said that. He didn’t want to push a title on someone else if they might think it a little childish. That was why he’d needed a test, which Riley had passed with eagerness.
And yet, pleased as he was by that eagerness, it suddenly hit him how easily it could be snuffed out. The nearer they got to the treasure, the greater the danger would grow. He was sure of that. They’d already been through some real perils, and they’d escaped without injury, but how long would it be before they wound up in front of Ian’s gun again, with ever-dwindling negotiables? The old weight began to creep back over him.
“You are.”
Ben looked back up, confused. “I’m what?”
Is it that noticeable? “Oh. Am I?”
At that, something inside Riley seemed to crumble, something he tried very much to hide. “Oh.”
Ben furrowed his brow, definitely worried now. What happened? Did I say something wrong?
He started to open his mouth to ask, but Riley seemed to steel himself, taking a breath and lifting his head. “Yeah, and you know, I totally get it,” he said, quickly and in something of an apologetic tone, “it’s a personal thing from your childhood, it feels weird letting somebody else take over it. I get it. The knight part is your thing. So if you don’t want me tacking it on,” he raised his hands in surrender, “it’s fine, I won’t say anything else about it.”
“What?” This was it? After all the—he still felt out of place in Ben’s life? He still felt like he was being just a burden, a tagalong?
Ben sighed and shook his head. “You’re not taking anything over. Knighthood is meant to be passed from one to another. And it’s too important a promise to tack on to just anybody.”
“Tell that to Jagger.”
“Too important for me to just tack on, then.”
Riley seemed reluctant to accept acceptance, no matter how many times he’d received it. “Really?”
“Trust me. You’re good. That wasn’t even close to what I was worrying about.”
He let out a quiet breath of relief. “Okay.” The pause wasn’t long, however, before he glanced back up. “But you were worrying, though. That was definitely the Ben Gates worry face.”
“I have a worry face?”
“Ehh, it’s rare, but I know it when I see it. I mean, it’s you. Worrying.” Ben conceded the point with a shrug. “So why?”
“Why?” Ben hesitated, taking a breath, but his mind made itself up quickly. No more. Riley had opened up to him; it was high time, however his friend reacted, he did the same. He slowly let out his breath. “Because I think we’re gonna need the knight part pretty soon. We’re probably coming up on some… well, some pretty difficult chapters of that story, if you know what I mean. And, if I’m gonna be honest,” and at this, his voice dropped, “I’m a little afraid to know the ending.”
Riley stared at him for a silent moment. Ben wasn’t quite sure what he was hoping for next. Hope I didn’t say too much. But then Riley nodded, slowly at first. “Wow. Yeah, I mean, me too, man.” His nodding sped up. “You know, maybe I will keep the knight part after all.”
Ben smiled, relieved, though he wasn’t sure why. “Sounds like a good idea.”
“Yeah.” Riley was quiet only a moment more before he scoffed. “You know, it’s all fine when you’re just hearing about the dangerous stuff the heroes go through. You don’t really think about how threats to your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness actually feel.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“But hey,” he shrugged, “at least those future-kids are gonna have a heck of a story. I mean, for them, we’re probably coming up on the best parts!” He laughed at his own words, but still grimaced slightly.
Ben smiled. Again, the complainer held the candle in the dark. And in that moment, Ben knew he was glad to have him on this… adventure, or whatever it could be called, no matter what happened. Riley really had been the common sense, the genius, the light (shaded in sarcasm though it was), throughout the whole thing. And Ben was sure he truly couldn’t have gotten this far without him. But he knew they were about to head off into more trouble when they got to Philadelphia tomorrow, very possibly of the life-threatening type. He had to make sure Riley was okay with facing it down.
“Sure you still wanna be a part of it?” he asked, nodding toward him. “It’s a big responsibility.”
Riley tapped the red, metal, tube-like container hanging on Ben’s seat. “I know.”
Ben nodded. “You’re right. There is a very big responsibility to keep the Declaration safe. We have enough danger just from that. But the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons, and the family Gates, now, that's all on me. Not you or Abigail or anybody else. I know I pretty much dragged you into this from the beginning, and if you’d rather stay out of the line of fire, I… wouldn’t mind letting you—”
“Oh no you don’t, Mr. Gates,” Riley interrupted, grinning widely and pointing threateningly, “you made me a treasure protector, same as all your Templars, Freemasons, and family Gates! And I promise you, I’m not about to let you write me out now!”
That’s a good enough promise for me. Then, attitude restored, Ben responded in a tone of dry humour. “Well, then, in that case, I dub thee Sir Riley.” And he smacked him on the shoulder with the neck pillow.
Sir Riley seemed to take offense to the smacking as a personal challenge, and snatched the pillow away. Ben could see a glint of war fire in his eye. However, before battle could be engaged, his eye caught a sight that was becoming pleasantly familiar, to him at least. He laughingly held up a hand.
“Okay, hold up, hold up, Abigail’s coming back.”
“Oh joy,” Riley deadpanned, a little disappointed in the forced ceasefire. Then, with a thought, he smirked at Ben. “You think even she’d be okay in a story? Like as a character?”
“Abigail?” Ben considered her qualifications for such a role. And he found he couldn’t help but smile; smile at her deep passion for history (close akin to his own), her unflagging determination, and of course, her absolute refusal to ever shut up. “Could be.” He chuckled softly. “Could be…”
He looked up to find Riley giving him a very pointed look, so Ben ignored him and glanced out at her instead. As Abigail crossed the parking lot, he pondered her a little longer. “Wonder if she thinks we're the heroes or the villains.”
By the time he noticed Riley’s movement, the window was already halfway rolled down. “Good question.” Riley stuck his head out the window and yelled across the parking lot, “Hey, Abi, do you think we're the heroes or the villains?”
Still halfway across, she stopped to give him a look and shook her head. “It’s Abigail to you, and for the record, I still think you’re lunatics.”
“Well, I knew that!”
“I mean for yelling across the parking lot.”
“Well, if we're stating things for the record, you're yelling too.”
Abigail simply rolled her eyes and resumed her walk. Riley laughed again. “Guess we’re gonna have to call off the Second Revolutionary War, huh, Ben?”
“Oh, you’ll probably break the truce at some point.”
“Keep on your toes, old man.”
Riley smiled, but fell silent as he did so, staring at the dashboard. In the moment before Abigail came up to the car, his voice returned. “So… just to be clear…” He took a breath before he spoke again, and looked up at Ben hopefully when he did. “Knights?”
Ben practically beamed as he nodded: he could finally say it was true. “Knights.”
Riley held up his fist, and they sealed their eternal covenant of knighthood and brotherhood with a knuckle-bump.
A moment later, the passenger door opened. “Also, you took my seat, Bill.”
“Sir Riley, actually. Nice to meet you, milady.”
Well, happy Independence Day, folks! Thanks for reading, and doubly so if you've stuck with me all the way through to the end here!
This is my first National Treasure fic, but my second Lord of the Rings fic (the first is ancient and in hiding somewhere). Since NT is so patriotic and honoring of America's history and forefathers, I figured I'd post this today.
The inspiration came from two things: firstly, that fanfiction I posted about a few weeks ago, and secondly, from the story scene in The Two Towers. The kids had the movie on, and I jumped in right around there. And maybe I just had NT on the brain, but that scene just suddenly struck me as very fitting for Ben and Riley. Who are awesome, by the way.
So I wrote up a (much shorter) first draft that day, and edited it over the next several weeks. And now it's done! And I'm rather pleased with it, for my part.
It's also on fanfiction.net and, for the first time for any of my fics, AO3, if you want to check that out too.
Again, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and happy Independence Day!
38 notes · View notes
daleisgreat · 3 years
30 Years of Super Nintendo - Flashback Special
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The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) recently celebrated its 30th anniversary of the North American launch, so it seems the perfect time to post a Flashback Special honoring it! Suppose you have not perused a past Flashback Special of mine (all linked at the bottom of this entry). In that case, they are essentially my history with the platform over the years, with a little bit of history thrown in, and recounting all my favorite games, accessories, memories, and moments with the system.
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Odds are for the average gaming enthusiast reading this, and you probably are familiar with the core details of the SNES launch stateside (if not, then I highly recommend CGQ’s video on it for a quick breakdown). The SNES launched in 1991 when I was eight. I did not have a subscription to any gaming magazines yet, so I most likely first found out about the system around that time from classmates at the time at school, the infamous Paul Rudd commercial, and the fourth season of Roseanne that transpired from 1991-92. I vividly remember the Roseanne episode with her son, DJ, pleading with his parents for the brand new SNES for his birthday gift and how his parents dreaded not being able to afford the system. I covered that episode when I did my Roseanne complete series re-watch here in the year leading up to the relaunch of the show several years ago. It brought back memories of how that was the story with my parents also denying me the much sought-after SNES, saying it cost too much and that I already have an NES to tide me over. ”But mommmmm, the SNES is 16-bits!!!!” Yeah….playing that angle got me nowhere. Kiosks & Friends The first couple of years for the SNES, I mostly remember playing at store kiosks. Super Mario World blew me away from the brief time I played it with it being such a leap from the NES installments. I always ate up the precious few minutes I could procure at a store kiosk if no one were playing Super Mario Kart. One last store kiosk memory was eye-gazing over the impressive WWF Royal Rumble. I loved WWF WrestleFest in the arcade, and for a couple of years, it was the only WWF game that offered up WWF’s marquee over-the-top rope elimination match, the Royal Rumble, and it was endlessly fun to play in the arcade. Fast-forward to playing it on console kiosks around its 1993 release, and I could not eat up enough of that game’s Royal Rumble mode either, and at the time, the graphics seemed like a huge step up from the wrestling games on NES. One of my favorite issues of Nintendo Power is the 50th issue that did a several-page spread on WWF Royal Rumble that I must have thoroughly re-read at least a dozen times.
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I read this NP spread of WWF Royal Rumble many times, and it was one of my initially most desired SNES games! Around 1993/94, a couple of friends and classmates started to get the Super Nintendo. An early SNES memory that stuck with me all these years is my grade school friend, Jon-Paul, having me over for his birthday where he rented a SNES console and Street Fighter II: Turbo from the video store, and we played it for several hours straight. Another is spending a lot of 1994 at my neighborhood friend’s place, where we played countless sessions of NBA Jam and Mortal Kombat II. Both games were big on codes and secrets and perfect two-player games. I was just regularly getting into video game magazines at this time and ate up issues of Tips & Tricks, Game Players, and Electronic Gaming Monthly to see what kind of hidden character and other much-rumored codes were making the waves each month for both of these games. Mortal Kombat II especially dominated the code-fervor that season with trying to uncover how to face off against secret characters like Jade, Noob Saibot, and Smoke, and trying to memorize all the input sequences for the game’s infamous Fatalities. Fast forward to late 1995/early 1996, and I still did not have a SNES, but a new neighborhood friend, Rich, just got one and the next several months at his place introduced me to so many SNES games. Rich kind of got me somewhat into RPGs at the time, and while it may not sound fun on paper, there were many times I recall just kind of embracing the role of “armchair gamer.” I did this for games like EVO: Search for Eden, and Eye of the Beholder while keeping an eye out during gameplay to offer whatever suggestions seemed viable.
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FFVI was eye-opening to me at the time of what video game narratives were capable of, and I devoured the latest secrets for FFVI discovered in the latest issue of my Game Players subscription that was delivered. The RPG I felt like that I contributed something to was the game that was originally released as Final Fantasy III. That game featured two-player support for battles only, so it was refreshing to help Rich with progressing through the game finally. My two favorite characters to use were Sabin and Cyan. That game especially blew me away with its larger-than-life story with two different game worlds, the momentous opera scene with Celes, the dazzling mode-seven graphics when traveling via airship or Chocobo, constantly getting irked at Shadow whenever he deserted the party, and so many other priceless moments. Over the years, I tried restarting the GBA version on a couple of occasions and regrettably have yet to finish it. Finally Owning a SNES….in 1996
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Growing up with divorced parents put me in a unique childhood when it came to gaming. I lived with my mom, who provided for us as best as possible for the three siblings I grew up with, so we only had an NES for us for the longest time. However, when visiting my dad on weekends, he would always be big on hitting up as many garage sales and second-hand stores as possible and would acquire whatever he thought seemed like a bargain. Games-wise, this usually meant he lagged behind a generation because everyone was offloading their Atari VCS/2600s at garage sales for cheap when the NES was king, so I could have a great couple of years to become familiar with the pioneering-era of games on Atari. He then got into the NES scene when the SNES hit in 1991. Sure enough, the same month the N64 launched in America in September 1996 was when he bought a Super Nintendo for the family used at our local Premiere Video. The game we picked up with it was Street Fighter II: Turbo. My dad instantly remarked upon booting it up the noticeable jump in graphics. We played nothing but Capcom’s second Street Fighter game on SNES for a few weekends. I could only finish that game by button mashing into a victory against the final boss, M. Bison, once….with M. Bison. I still have a lot of love for this era of Street Fighter - whether it be for the roster, every character’s stage and theme music, and receiving Nintendo Power’s strategy guide for the game for Christmas and studying it regularly to improve.
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After a few weeks, we realized we needed something else than a fighting game, and after another trip to Premiere Video, we came home with Super Mario All-Stars. It felt like the easy choice to go with 16-bit remakes of all four 8-bit versions of the core Mario Bros. games. Every game felt like a whole different game with all-new graphics and sound, and more importantly, being able to save progress midgame. This was a bigger hit with the entire family, and it provided many days of taking turns in its alternating two-player mode to see who could get the farthest in the four Mario games included.
Make sure to have some tissues by your side as you witness FFIII/VI's infamous "opera" scene. Seriously, this was mind-blowing stuff to 13-year old Dale in 1996. 16-bit Sportsball Fun
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After playing a lot of those first two SNES games, I went into this stretch for the next several years, where most of what I played was sports and wrestling games. I attribute this to many multiplayer sessions with Rich, my brother, Joe, and my dad. I know my dad was not all that into sports other than a passing interest in rooting on hometown Minnesota pro-sports teams. Still, I have to give him credit for spending as much time with us and taking the time to learn and become a pretty solid player at teaming up with me in many sports games. It is worth noting that I feel the 16-bit era is probably the last-gen where most of its library of sports games had a relatively simple pick-up-and-play feel that NES games had. That changed a little bit in the final SNES years, where it was usually EA’s games that started to incorporate more realism in their sports games and make use of most of the buttons of the SNES controller. For football, Madden NFL ‘97 was the one I played the most. I played plenty of the Genesis version at Rich's place, so much so that I noticed too many little differences with the SNES version to make it stand out on its own. For 16-bit sports nuts that want to know, the Genesis version had the better playing version, but the SNES had a better overall presentation and more popping audio and visuals. I was part of a small slice of sports gamers big into NES Play Action Football, and the 16-bit version played almost exactly like the NES version, but with a 16-bit upgrade and also has a nifty feature to play games at the high school, college, or NFL level.
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NBA Jam and NBA Hangtime dominated my 16-bit sports lineup. The code scene for these games were so intense at the time I had to keep my own binder of notes on them all that I still have today as seen above! As I alluded to earlier, when it came to hoops, I played way too much NBA Jam the first year it was out at my friend’s place. However, the arcade hoops game I played the most on SNES was NBA Hangtime, which was developed by the same people who made Jam. I got that game new for Christmas in 1996 and must have played it regularly with Rich for nearly a year straight. I do not hear that game receive the same level of praise as Jam, but it added a few new fun layers to freshen up the gameplay, like being able to do co-op dunks and earn “Team Fire,” and being able to create players. For more simulation-focused hoops, I played a lot of NBA Live ’96 with my dad, in addition to Nintendo’s NCAA Basketball which appeared like a technical marvel to me that was ahead of its time with the mode-seven camera allowing constant 3D rotation whenever possession of the ball changed and foreshadowed what would become the go-to camera perspective for the next-gen of basketball games. Finally, I will cherish my time with Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball for it being the only hoops game I ever had to consult a guide to figure out how to shoot the damn ball….and for its surprisingly rocking soundtrack. Find out all about it when I broke that game down with the Your Parents Basement crew on their penultimate podcast.
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Nintendo incorporated the same camera style into its hockey game, NHL Stanley Cup. Its graphics also impressed me, but it was rather challenging to score a goal, and I did not have as much fun with it. I played EA’s hockey games more on Genesis than SNES, but EA’s baseball game, MLBPA Baseball, was the hardball game I spent the most time with on Super Nintendo. Many years later, I picked up Nintendo’s Ken Griffey Jr. Presents: Major League Baseball, and had some fun with it, but already played the Game Boy version of it to death by the time I picked up the SNES version, and thus did not invest as much time with it as I did with EA’s game. Wanna Wrassle!?
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I must have read through this review of WWF RAW countless times in my youth, and seeing how this essentially is a bigger and better version of Royal Rumble only increased my desire to one day own a SNES! The North American wrestling library was a significant step up from the bottom of the stairwell where most of the NES games hung out….but on the SNES, it only made it roughly halfway up the stairs. The aforementioned WWF Royal Rumble provided many hours of fun for its day, but it has not stood the test of time with the button-mashing grapple meter it featured that will obliterate thumbs on the normal difficulty level! Its sequel, WWF RAW, was noteworthy for having more match types available and being one of the first games to have a selectable female wrestler in Luna Vachon, but it too used that same ill-fated grapple meter that has not aged well. WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game is a fun little hybrid of Mortal Kombat and wrestling, but the SNES version is notorious for lacking two wrestlers compared to all other home versions.
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For non-WWF games, WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling is rather unremarkable….except for its exceptional wrestler select screen.There were a few interesting unlicensed wrestling games in America. Natsume Championship Wrestling featured a solid wrestling engine but removed/altered the AJPW wrestlers from the Japanese version of the game. Hammerlock had a promising concept of having part of the screen dedicated to nonstop Tecmo-esque cinematics. In contrast, the other half of the screen featured 2D gameplay, but the cameras constantly flipped on screen, to which half was dedicated to cinematics or gameplay. It resulted in it being a jarring mess. Saturday Night Slam Masters is no such mess, however, and is a better hybrid of fighting game meets wrestling game, with this one done by Capcom. It features larger-than-life character sprites, full-on ring entrances with laser lights, and is a fun-playing combination of wrestling and Street Fighter. To top it off, Slam Masters has Final Fight’s Mike Haggar on the roster to boot!
Joey Pink does a fine job detailing why Capcom's "Street Fighter" in a wrestling ring should not be missed! Ensuring RPGs are here to Stay Aside from watching Rich play some of the RPGs I listed above, and of course, playing Final Fantasy VI with him, I did get a chance to play a few other RPGs on the SNES over the years, and it was not until the last few years that I finally finished a couple of them. In the late 1990s I first started two RPGs that stood out to me at the time because they broke out of the medieval fantasy mold most other RPGs at the time took place in. Shadowrun on the SNES was drastically different from the Genesis version I first encountered at Rich’s. This one still had the same futuristic cyberpunk world setting and terminology, but there were many more dialog options with NPCs that were pivotal in asking the right questions to progress the story. Additionally, the hacking games played out differently and had more of a puzzle theme to them than the action-oriented ones in the Genesis version, and the combat had kind a PC interface where a cursor had to be dragged across the screen on which target to aim at. I still wound up being totally into it and became stuck in the back half of the game before my save data became corrupted. I thought that would end my days with Shadowrun…
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SNES Shadowrun remains one of my all-time favorite RPGs as of this writing! The final gauntlet tower was an ordeal and a half to work through, only to face off against a dragon as the final boss! …until nearly two decades later in 2016. I mentioned on past flashback specials how I occasionally guest host on the Your Parents Basement podcast, where they cover a random retro game per episode. In 2016 they asked me if there were any games I had in mind to cover, and Shadowrun felt like worth revisiting and possibly knocking off the “must beat this game” bucket list. I progressed until about a little over halfway through by the time we all met to record and broke down the game, but by that point, I just started to make further progress than my last effort and was determined to see this one through! I was playing on actual SNES hardware and was surprised that the battery still held a save but ran into trouble in the final tower with a gauntlet of enemies on each floor to overcome before the final boss. I looked up a walkthrough and discovered an exploit to grind experience to beef up my character. Eventually, I managed to persevere and finally conquer the final boss, a fire-breathing dragon, to cross finishing Shadowrun off my bucket list! I had a riot podcasting with the YPB crew about it too, so please click or press here to give it a listen if you want to know more about this under-the-radar 16-bit RPG.
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Fast forward three years later in 2019, and the awesome YPB hosts of Steve, Huell, and Todd helped me once again restart and finish another SNES RPG that I came close to finishing in the late 1990s before evil corrupt save data reared its ugly head again. This time the game of choice is the uber-expensive Earthbound. Like Shadowrun, that game stood out to me because its setting went against the grain of fantasy settings and instead took place in modern times as grade school kids. The opening levels felt like getting lost in your neighborhood and using childlike items as weapons like Yo-Yos and baseball bats. I do not own that ridiculously expensive game, but by 2019 I did own a SNES Mini (more on that in a bit) that I made sure to abuse the save state and the rewind functions it provided to overcome some troubling bosses in the back half of the game. That final act of the game certainly goes places with its sci-fi twists and feels like an entirely different game, but I still loved it all the same! It felt exhilarating to finally knock this one off my “to do” list as well, and I had just as much fun dissecting it to pieces with the YPB crew that you can check out by click or pressing here. Unfortunately, this is where my extensive hands-on time with SNES RPGs comes to an end. I played a lot of FFIII/VI, and finished Earthbound, and Shadowrun. Sure, I dabbled in several other games but did not put more than an hour or two into them. One of those games is the much-heralded, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and I have no excuse for never sticking with it because I loved the NES original. It was the GBA re-release I played, and I think I was spreading myself thin while playing and reviewing too many games simultaneously. Lufia and Breath of Fire II were another pair of RPGs I put a couple of hours into that both left me with promising first impressions, but there was a whole other reason why I did not go back to those again, and that is because then I was waist-deep at the time in….. Discovering Emulation Right around the time my family acquired its first computer in the fall of 1997 was when I found out about emulation. It seemed way too good to be true to easily download and play games right on the computer, especially when factoring in the SNES was at the tail end of its lifecycle, and there were still new games releasing for it. As an unemployed 9th grader at the time, I sampled countless 8- and 16-bit ROMs with the SNES games I was the most curious about. A few of the RPGs in the previous paragraph being prime examples of the ones I invested the most time into. It proved to be overwhelming with so many choices, but I took a long sabbatical after a year or so of taking in the emulation scene after the family computer crashed and I lost all the save data I had amassed in so many games.
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It has been interesting to see how emulation has evolved over the years from programs like SNES9X and Retroarch to being incorporated into machines like the MISTer, RetroPi, and Retron 5. Nintendo has learned to embrace official, legal emulation over the years with purchasable digital classic games on systems such as the Wii, WiiU, and 3DS. Having a stable income as an adult now many years later, I feel guilty for embracing the emulation scene so hard in my teenage years, so much so that whenever Nintendo re-releases one of its classic hits several times over, I choose to purchase it again (well…usually at a sale price) to redeem myself. Keeping SNES Alive Today
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Over the years, I find myself diving into retro games versus the latest and greatest coming out. I am a fan of the various SNES hardware updates/clones, both officially from Nintendo and unofficially from other companies, which has kept my SNES and other retro game fandom blood flowing over the decades. I am unsure if it feels right to lump it in here, but the Super Game Boy lead to me getting a lot of extra life out of my SNES. Playing Game Boy games on the big screen was a big deal to me back then, considering it was always a pain to make out what was happening on the non-backlit handheld. For some reason, those special border screens that would eventually have funny animations after being left idle for so long made an impression on me. Game Boy games with the “Super Game Boy Enhanced” logo on the front of the box usually have their own exclusive border and special color palette. I loved the Mole Mania and Donkey Kong Land borders the most! I thought it was rad that around 15-20 special enhanced Super Game Boy titles featured multiplayer support with two SNES controllers. They consisted almost entirely of Bomberman and fighting games, but it was still a cool feature nonetheless. The handheld Hyperkin SupaBoy is the unauthorized SNES take on the Sega Nomad by having a portable SNES. It is a bit on the bulky side, but it has a rechargeable battery, and its support has been flawless with my entire SNES library. Another Hyperkin product I got a lot of use out of is the Retron 5. I know that particular clone system is controversial with retro game enthusiasts based on the unauthorized emulators it implements. However, the user interface and emulation support made it possible for me to make record progress in many SNES games by taking advantage of save states and its optional Game Genie-esque cheats library. The SNES Classic Edition is an excellent official piece of hardware from Nintendo that has the pint-sized SNES pre-installed with 21 SNES games, one of which is previously unreleased Star Fox 2. It has an adorably intuitive interface and supports game rewinding and save states, which made it the way I was finally able to finish Earthbound. It was also surprisingly not-so-difficult to plug into a PC and import a bunch of SNES ROMs into. Other companies like 8bitdo made that system extra convenient by making their recommended wireless controllers compatible with it!
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If you did not grow up with the SNES, then both of these options are great entry points for those looking to move on beyond emulators. The Analogue Super NT may have been pushing it too much price-wise. When it comes down to the nuts and bolts of emulation tech, I am not a wizard by any means, except that by all sources, it sounds like the Super NT offers the best hardware emulation with its FPGA technology. It makes SNES games appear as pristine as possible on an HD/4KTV without any or as minimal of the fuzziness that happens whenever I try plugging in the composite/RCA cables from a base SNES system into a 4K/HDTV. For those unfamiliar with the Super NT, this video from the My Life in Gaming crew does a thorough dissection of everything it has to offer. The list of options in there is intimidating to mess around with, but this sounds like the way to go if one wants to keep playing their cartridges……although I have to admit I am pretty satisfied currently with the Retron 5 and SNES Classic Edition.
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Odds are some of you are quite a bit younger than me and grew up post-SNES lifecycle. Not interested in going down the pricey road of hunting down old cartridges and hardware, and do not want to dabble on the dark side of illegal emulation? Then a terrific alternative is if you have a Switch with Nintendo’s $20/year online service membership and taking advantage of the Nintendo Switch Online and Super Nintendo Switch Online digital game portals. It has unlimited access to the slate of games on there, along with save points as long as your membership remains active. The implementation of save states and the user interface has also improved noticeably over the emulation used for NES & SNES Classic Editions. More importantly, it adds the feature to play online with a friend. Last year I played online SNES games with my nephew, who was wrapping up 6th grade at the time, and this was his first time playing SNES games. He loves Mario Kart 8 on Switch, and so when the first game we played was the original Super Mario Kart, I could not help but crack up when he instantly remarked, “Dale, this looks old!” He eventually came around, and then we had some fun playing co-op , Joe & Mac . A couple of years ago, on my Genesis Flashback Special, I made sure to reminisce of my fond memories of the summer I spent playing nonstop Sega Channel. These NES/SNES Switch portals are essentially the Sega Channel, but far better because it does not cost $15 a month (in 1994 dollars which equals $27.63 today per Google), offers multiple save states, and ability to play online for only $20 a year!!! Kids, get your parents to hook you up now!!! Miscellaneous Quick Hits
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SNES games were the most common denominator on six of the 13 episodes I guest hosted on the retro game podcast, Your Parents Basement. Check out their full archives by click or pressing here. -Turns out I did quite a few guest hosting spots on Your Parents Basement Podcast for SNES games. For those that are podcasting fiends and dug the three episodes I linked to already, then I will link you to three more SNES themed episodes I appeared on where I breathed in the Mode 7 skies of Pilotwings, embraced Capcom’s action-platformer prowess in X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, and made sure not to miss any Gatorade and Wheaties health pick-ups in Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City.
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-The SNES controller is my favorite pre-disc console era controller. It kept the similar button layout of the NES controller but rounded off the edges into its iconic “dog bone” feel so the controller no longer cramped in your hands! Throw in the two extra face buttons and two additional shoulder buttons, and it opened up all kinds of deeper gameplay possibilities! It made it perfect for most fighting games that used almost all the face and shoulder buttons. I found the shoulder buttons were also smartly implemented in NBA Jam/Hangtime for being assigned to use for turbo speed functionality. As far as other SNES controllers/peripherals go, since I loved the NES Zapper, I always wanted to try the Super Scope, but as a kiddo, its bazooka-sized proportions were kind of intimidating. It still kind of bums me out all these years I never got to experience it with epics like Yoshi’s Safari, T2: The Arcade Game, and Tin Star. I never had an opportunity to use the SNES mouse either, which I kind of regret all these years later after seeing all the marvelous creations from experts at Mario Paint, and it was cool to see some PC ports like Civilization, Doom, and Wolfenstein 3D take advantage of SNES Mouse compatibility.
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-The 16-bit era was when fighting games exploded, and as you can tell above, I spent a lot of time with Street Fighter II: Turbo, and the first two Mortal Kombat games. Other than that, though, the only other fighting game on SNES I put significant time into was TMNT Tournament Fighters. It was released at the tail end of the TMNT-mania when the cartoon peaked at its popularity. The game itself was a surprisingly competent licensed fighting game from Konami, and tried its best to feel like a solid Street Fighter-clone. Speaking of them pesky turtles… -…TMNT IV: Turtles in Time was the only beat-em-up brawler I put considerable time into on the SNES. I have vague memories of trying others out once or twice like The Peace Keepers, and Super Double Dragon, but Turtles in Time was the one I frequently revisited over the years. It is a superb rendition of the arcade game, with SNES-exclusive levels like the Technodrome that had a fantastic first-person boss fight against Shredder, where lowly Foot Soldiers had to be chucked right at him to defeat Shredder. The soundtrack is one of my favorite SNES scores, so much so that I went all-in to get the for it! I have so many great memories of this game, with the highlight being my friend Matt and I revisiting this for complete runs of it once every year or two for about a dozen years.
Turtles in Time and FFIII/VI are my favorite SNES soundtracks, but Turtles in Time I own on vinyl so I will embed it here in all its glory for you to enjoy as well!
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-The SNES library had a quality slate of racing games. Super Mario Kart quickly rose to the top of the ranks and was always fun to bust through a GP with a friend. Street Racer was one of the first kart-clones to hit in 1994, and for some reason, that one always stuck with me. As did it being one of the few games to have four-player split-screen support with all four screens being horizontal! Rock ‘n Roll Racing is another killer arcade racer on SNES; think of a more beefed up RC Pro-AM, but with a good dose of heavy metal mixed in. This past year saw it re-released as part of the Blizzard Arcade Collection for everyone to experience it! I remember trying out F-Zero at a store kiosk around SNES launch, but was too young at eight years old at the time to fully grasp its style of futuristic racing (or that the name was a riff on F1 racing until a couple of years ago). I was more into a game similar to its style that was the trilogy of Top Gear titles. Uniracers was a quirky racer I enjoyed with its unique aesthetic and one-wheeled racers taking advantage of their nature in races filled with jumps and loop-de-loops….too bad about Pixar holding a grudge against Nintendo and legally forcing them to yank it off shelves. Nintendo’s other racer, Stunt Race FX, was ahead of its time with the polygonal FX-based graphics running pretty chunky on the SNES. Still, it is a commendable piece of 16-bit tech they were just barely able to keep running at a passable-enough framerate. Another FX-chip game that did not originally gel with me was…
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-…the original Star Fox. Being 10 when it released in 1993, I thought those polygonal graphics looked blocky and horrendous and would have none of it! Many years later, I would revisit it and rightfully come around on it! -Another Nintendo-published game that received a lot of hype was Donkey Kong Country with its cutting-edge 3D models. They were plastered all over gaming mags at the time. I briefly recall trying out the first and second of the three Donkey Kong Country games on SNES. However, I did not put more time into them because I beat Donkey Kong Land on Game Boy before our family got a SNES, which was just a watered-down port with some remixed levels for the handheld. I enjoyed my time with it, but its disappointingly blunt “congratulations” ending left a bad impression on me, and I never felt like giving the other entries a serious go all these years.
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-Some may be wondering why there has yet not been anything dedicated to the pair of Super Mario World titles and Super Mario RPG? Super Mario World was probably one of the first SNES games I tried when I visited my older brother at his first apartment in the early 90s. I think the heavy-duty graphics and trying to comprehend attacking with Yoshi proved to be too much for eight or nine-year-old me at the time. I played it a few other times in my 20s, hanging out with coworkers on retro game nights, and had fun with it, but I think since I was exposed to the NES trilogy more and played the hell out of All-Stars, that those were the versions I preferred more. I appreciated how Nintendo stepped up to Sega’s edgier marketing at the time with Nintendo’s “Play it Loud” marketing campaign. Unfortunately, I think their ad for Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island was a bit too extreme for 12-year old Dale at the time. That ad (click here for it if you are feeling daring)was forever planted in my subconscious and always crossed my mind and indirectly caused me to avoid Yoshi’s Island for all these years. I did pick up Super Mario RPG and it is on my “bucket list” of games to play as well. I am holding off on it all these years because I was hanging out with Matt one day, and he explained how he was having a tough time with the final boss, Smithy. Well, he wanted to give me a quick demo to show how unforgiving of a challenge the boss was….but for some reason his clutch gaming skills kicked in right then, and he beat Smithy and was exposed to the ending right then and there!
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-As far as other tough SNES games go, the two most challenging for me are easily Contra III: The Alien Wars and Zombie Ate My Neighbors. Contra III is like the first two games on steroids. I love the boss battles and intense walk-n-shoot chaos, but do not love constantly dying in one shot! Zombies Ate My Neighbors is another fun action-platformer that is also equally tough to make it farther than a few levels in unless you seriously dedicate yourself to it. Hey, both of these games also saw re-releases this past year on current consoles with the Contra Anniversary Collection and Zombies Ate My Neighbors & Ghoul Patrol set for those wanting to experience 16-bit nail-biting difficulty (but with save state support!).
I hope this excellent video review from the quintessential retro video game source, Jeremy Parish, suffices for my lack of any meaningful Super Mario World memories here. -In 1997, I was hyped for a late SNES release, the original Harvest Moon. The farm/life/dating-sim series is still around today from publisher Natsume (as well as the original developers parting ways with Natsume and delivering their own competing Story of Seasons series). During the SNES era, I spent several summers out on a farm. I appreciated rural life's solitude and free spirit lifestyle, and that first Harvest Moon game perfectly encapsulated that. Trying to determine the best way to spend the day tending to the fields, livestock and managing a social/family life was surprisingly fun and engaging! Harvest Moon remain one of two games that I submitted a blurry Polaroid photo to Nintendo Power’s “Arena” high score section. I cannot recall if my score got posted or not.
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-The original Sim City port on SNES received a lot of love around the SNES launch window, with Nintendo giving it a unique makeover with bonus Nintendo characters in it and an exclusive tutor in the form of Dr. Wright to ease everyone into the simulation gameplay. I never played too much of that version, but one night at Rich’s, the game we decided to rent that night was Sim City 2000. That one was released way late into the SNES lifecycle and lacked any Nintendo extras the first SNES game had. Still, we stayed up all night playing it and looking at our daily news recap and mayor approval ratings and trying to figure out where to stop underwater pipe blockages! It ran slowwww on the SNES, but we tolerated it fine enough at the time because I had yet to play the PC version. Eventually, I would check out the PC version and came away surprised with so much I had to put up within the SNES game. -For those wanting to dare the Super Famicom scene, there are a plethora of great games that never made their way stateside, and better yet, a hearty chunk of them have received English fan translations. I am partial to the FirePro wrestling games that never made it here that are vastly superior to all the American wrestling games I broke down above, BS Out of Bounds Golf is an addicting take on miniature golf, the original Star Ocean, and the Back to the Future platformer that was not a five-star classic by any means, but blew away the poor NES and Genesis games that did release here. If you are not that familiar with the Super Famicom library, this top 50 list from RVG Fanatic is a great place to start your research and very much helped clueing me into a bunch of Super Famicom games I had little-to-no knowledge of. Conclusion
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If you are around my age reading this, you may be wondering why I have not gone on about the fabled “16-bit Wars” by now. Rest assured, I experienced it in the lunchroom and at recess and in gaming magazines at the time. I devoured all the side-by-side screenshots in gaming mags of dual-platform releases to see if I could spot which version was better. I want to say back then, I sided with the SNES because I grew up with the NES, but that does not seem like a fair choice since I did not own a SNES until 1996. Reflecting on it, although I experienced a fair amount of RPGs and other games on SNES with Rich, I primarily played endless hours of Genesis games with him back at the time. So whenever I hung out with Rich, I considered myself a Genesis fan, and when I finally got a SNES and grew my SNES library, I considered myself a SNES fan and avoided a lot of the “console wars” trash talk. For younger readers here who want to learn more about the fervor of the 16-bit wars, the book, Console Wars, and its corresponding documentary (which is currently only available on Paramount+/CBS All Access sadly) are my recommended ways to absorb all that hoopla. I will cherish all of the past 30 years of SNES memories and hope you have enjoyed reminiscing with me for the last several thousand words. If you want to hear more of my SNES memories in podcast form, I have a few SNES-centric episodes of my old podcast I recently un-vaulted and have embedded below for your pleasure. They have some of the friends I repeatedly mentioned above as co-hosts that share their SNES experiences and memories, so please load up a random SNES “podcast game” and boot one of these podcasts up for fitting background noise….
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10 years ago I did a 20th anniversary SNES special with Matt!
Here is the history of RPG series episode dedicated to the 16-bit era.
Finally, here is Matt and I hosting the 16-bit installment of our history of comic book games series. Bonus Overtime
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It would not be a Flashback Special without one random oddball bonus story to wrap it up with. The only Kirby game I ever finished receives that honor. One day, my brother and his friend Jake were over at my place. We were discussing SNES games at some point, and Jake mentioned how Kirby Super Star is his all-time favorite. I said how I never played it and did not think anything of it at the time, but the next time I met up with him and my brother, Jake had the copy of that game with him and insisted on borrowing it to me and said not to give it back until I finished it. I felt this sudden obligation to play through it as a priority, so I did not feel like I was keeping his game hostage. Luckily, Kirby Super Star is a damn fun game, which the front of the box labels as “8 Games in One!” Most of the games are abbreviated-length adventures of only a handful of missions in their unique theme of levels, and a few of the games are mini-games like a race against King DeDeDe. Regardless, almost every game provided that trademark Kirby lighthearted fun and was hard to put down! Kirby’s Dream Course is also a lot of fun on SNES, and is an interesting take of Kirby meets miniature golf! With that anecdote, I will wrap up yet another Flashback Special. Thank you for sticking with me this far, and If you dug reading about my trials and tribulations with Nintendo’s 16-bit machine, please take a look at the other Flashbacks I have linked below!
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My Other Gaming Flashbacks Dreamcast 20th Anniversary GameBoy 30th Anniversary Genesis 30th Anniversary NES 35th Anniversary PSone 25th Anniversary PS2 20th Anniversary PSP 15th Anniversary and Neo-Geo 30th Anniversary Saturn and Virtual Boy 25th Anniversaries TurboGrafX-16 30th and 32-X 25th Anniversaries Xbox 360 15th Anniversary
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck: The Buckaroo of the Badlands “It’s the Glory of Achievement that Counts”
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Hello you beautiful people and WELCOME BACK. It’s been a LONG time since I returned to this series hasn’t it? But I couldn’t put it off any longer especailly with a LOT of projects to do in February, so i’m pleased as punch to bring this series back for another round. And since like last time a lot of the behind the scene’s for this one can be dolled out as we go, join me under the cut as we get into some cowboy adventures with Srooge.. and President Teddy Rosevelt.  Bully!
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When we last left Scrooge almost a month ago, He’d decided, after bottoming out in riverboating, like many young men of his generation to Go West and seek his fortune and took up work on the Wabash Cannonball to do so.  So via letter we find out Scrooge eventually made enough money and has now afforded enough to take a train west, as a passenger. He’s also 15 at this point.. had to look that up because again, the comic dosen’t tell us the date.. and it’s you know been two months. He runs into a man selling square eggs who was SUPPOSED to be the professor from the Barks Story Lost in the Andes.. but he apparnelty died or something like that, and Barks was left to use another minor character in a way that didn’t make sense either it turned out and I don’t really feel like getting into. Point is the square eggs from that story make a cameo and Scrooge gets square egg all over his face after assuming the guy was just full of square chicken shit.  It’s then Scrooge runs into Jesse James, pre assasination by the coward robert ford, who shows up to the train to rob it.. but Scrooge tricks him when he and his crony take stock of Scrooge’s valuables, claming theirs jewels in the teeth of the golden dentures.. before slamming hard on them and giving the guy a bite and with their guns jammed and Scrooge prepared to beat them senseless, Jesse and goon wisely flee. Scrooge yells after them.. but the train speeds up to make distance between them and the bandits.. and accidenlty dumps Scrooge off, leaving him lost and alone in Montana. 
Thankfully it dosen’t take him long before he runs into people, specifically a cattle drive and wants to join them as a rootin tootin cowboy. Turns out the Cattle Baron and head of the drive, Murdo Mckenzie a real life cattle baron, is a fellow Scot and a nice enough guy to take Scrooge on, especially because Scrooge, due to his time on the cattle boat to get to america, has cattle experince. He just needs to ride a horse and he’s set.. but Scrooge never has.. and is put on their roughest horse the windowmaker
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Thankfully in a really funny sequence, Scrooge’s money belt is clipped, so he stays on and while he looses his other clothes. So Murdo hires the naked 15 year old on a horse....
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Thankfully this isn’t nearly as horrifying as it sounds as Murdo makes him put his clothes back on first, and let’s him keep the horse as he needs him for a special job. Also Scrooge calls himself Buck McDuck because it’s more of a cowboy name and not everyone can pull of cowboying without one on their first day. What i’m saying is the creed i live by every day.. not everyone can be Droopy. All you can do is try to be that cool.
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The job is to guard his prized angus steer he imported for a fortune from Scotland, which it’s current handlers the McViper brothers object to, though Murdo shrugs them off. Naturally with a name like McViper they were planning on stealing it. Seriously who hires someone with the name McViper unless your planning to try and murder batman with a nest of vipers or a viper shaped tank or a buzzsaw shaped to look like your dad who never loved you enough. 
So we then get a time passing montage via a letter Scrooge wrote. Originally this was supposed to be the majority of the story.. but Rosa’s editor rightly pointed out that while showing Scrooge as inexpericed and still not quite to his full strength yet was fine.. Rosa overdid it with his gags and made him look like a moron. So the finished product wisely dialed it back to just the horse riding gag. Honeslty it was the right call as his excitment to be a cowboy and episodes with the horse show he’s still got a ways to go and is far from the duck we know now, while the earlier fight on the train shows he’s still plenty badass. he’s just not properly seasoned yet. It’s how he is for the first third of the story: an idealisic teen who is slowly learning the ways of the world and finding good reason to do what he does and learning his morals. It’s the middle part that breaks him into the man he is today and the last one is the early days of that man and the horrible mistakes that cost him quite a bit: his family, his love for adventuring and nearly his soul.   We get a few gags about crossing the planes and the reveal Donald renamed his horse after his sister hortense due to his horse’s bad temper. Hortense takes it as you’d expect.. by snapping off part of her mother’s chair with her bare beak in a rage and grumbling. 
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Scrooge is finishing up another letter by the time we cut back to him, the drive having almost reach the ranch in Montana... only for the McViper’s to conk scrogoe on the head and take the steer towards the Dakota territory and the real life Dakota Badlands, because now as ever Rosa loved to set his stories in cool real life locations. After Murdo finds him and wakes him up, and fully buys his story since the McViper’s were acting suspcious.. which is kinda like saying water is wet or Rudy Guliani is a moron but regardless buck mcduck rides again and eventually makes his way to the badlands. Which are awesomely rendered and really do look like that. 
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As you can see our hero finds someone in need.. and it’s Teddy Fucking Roosevelt!
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As you can tell I love the guy. Really need to look into him more, but eveyr time I read his trope page or hear something about the man i’m in awe. He’s not without flaws, he was  man of the 1800′s and 1900′s, he supported eugenics.. but he was also the first “accidental” President (I.e. a vp who got the role) to formally win despite being given the roll soley to keep him out of the chair due to being a boisterous loveable maniac, invited Booker T. Washington, who I also need to look into, to the white house as the first African American to get invited to dinner there, founded so many parks they had to make the national park service, and supported women’s rights his whole political career. The man is larger than life and respecte din fiction and I intend to make a story with him as a cybernetic frankenstein one day because i’m kinda nuts too and relate to him. He also has a quote I find endlessly relevant after the last 4 years of misery. 
"This country has nothing to fear from the crooked man who fails. We put him in jail. It is the crooked man who succeeds who is a threat to this country." So yeah on top of everything else.. he’s smarter than pretty much the entirety of the modern republican party on top of that, not a HIGH bar to clear mind you but still. He cleared it. 
So naturally someone who was basically a real life Scrooge who, while not having earned his money, used it well and never stopped explorin, and also named his son Kermit for some reason, Rosa was not only a huge fan but couldn’t resisit putting him in the story as Scrooge’s mentor once he found out they were in the same area at the same time. He’s also the first one I feel changes him as a person.. his parents set down the foundation and Pothole was.. there I guess.. I mean he ran his first buiness thanks to him and had his first feelings that being rich isn’t an endgoal, But it’s Teddy who helps him realize one of his most important and lasting charactert traits: his love of adventure for the experince of it just as much as the prize. 
And we quickly get to that as Scrooge, after running into a dinosaur skeleton and then letting Teddy free, takes him along with him and finds out Teddy is rich, college graduate and former poltician too, and is out here simply because cattle ranching is way more exciting. Scrooge questions this as .. why do this? He’s rich, he dosen’t need to and Scrooge honestly wishes he was born rich instead. But Teddy shoots that down: He missed being born poor like Scrooge.. because being born wealthy is no acomplishment. You just get handed money to do whatever... but earning it with your own hands, the experinces that lead there.. that’s the real treasure and that’s why he’ll never stop. And he sees that in Scrooge, pointing out someone who didn’t LOVE adventure.. wouldn’t of leaped at a dinosaur skeleton without a second thought, all to save someone he just met. It’s what makes Scrooge likable: Sure he’s a greedy dick.. but he’s one who will never be satisfied, and who only stopped when he was close to death accoridng to Rosa, and even then i’m sure his and Goldie’s retirment wasn’t ENTIRELY peaceful or event free. HIs love of adventure and finding new discoveries and new worlds and ones lost to time... that’s infectious and what makes his stories, and the character work so well. And Rosa has him discover it beautifully, realizing that he never would’ve been satisfied even with cushy family money and that he truly does like this.. he still wants to be rich and understandably so, but he can have some fun along the way and afterwords. 
So truly changed by this Scrooge gets back to tracking and TR helps by... asking some local Native American Buffallo Hunters since he knows their expert trackers and while they haven’t seen the mcvipers they can SMELL them, and with a location , and his first apprication for other cultures, Scrooge and TR head up top to lasso em up... and while Scrooge grabs one.> TR grabs a bear and the insuing chaos, including Scrooge refusing to use up his bullets because “Do you know how much bullets cost”
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So in short the mcvipers end up chased by the bear, the native americans end up chased by a buffalo with a skull on it’s head and Scrooge ends up on the Angus. Teddy sums it up best. 
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It’s a great comedic set piece.. and leads to Murdo arriving and our heroes emerging, with the angus and tow and victorious. For his help and bravery, Scrooge is awarded the job as manager of the land, and while he plans to leave in a few years to find his fortune, it’s a good steady job he can help his family with and learn some skills so why not. TR leaves him with some last words of ecnouragment and says “There’s the makings of a great man” as he rides off into the susnset.. and his clothes once agian head the other way. 
Final Thoughts: Buckaroo of the Badlands is a solid chapter. After the overly long Master of the Missippi, this is a welcome return to form, with a hell of a guest star, an intresting setting and some fun slapstick. It also reminded me not EVERY chapter is super long, as most are only 13 pages but Rosa packs a LOT into them, and uses each one wisely. Overall an excellent return to the series and I hope to pick it up eveyr now and again between whatever I have scheduled for the day.. and to look into Teddy. Seriously what a man, what a man what a mighty good man. Next Time Scrooge meets another mentor, a future foe, and the lonliness of being rich Teddy warns him about here in “Raider of the Copper Hill” Until the next Rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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jawnkeets · 4 years
just saw that you love rilke's letters to a young poet as well! it's one of my favorite reads when i need a pick-me-up or motivation. but i wonder whether you agree with him when he says "works of art are infinitely solitary and nothing is less likely to reach them than criticism. only love can grasp them and hold them and do them justice"? xx
it is beautiful!! 💕
funnily enough this has been driving me nuts this entire year to the point where it has become almost academically central, especially during term time when i’m writing weekly essays and reading loads of crit. this is just my two cents, and i’m only just beginning to attempt to put my thoughts in order, which will be obvious, so pls no one hold me to this lol. this is also specifically about literature, though i’d love to hear people’s thoughts concerning other arts!
anyway, this started when i was working on george herbert, whose poetry is just stunning, but it’s so easy to push his ideas until they fall apart or contradict each other, and many critics have done so. however erudite and academically interesting this work was, though, i couldn’t shake the idea that it was entirely missing the point, and i couldn’t get a quotation by monet out of my head: ‘everyone discusses my art as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love’.* critics try to unravel the thread of herbert’s poetry, herbert pulls at their critical thread in turn. i’d read secondary criticism when trying to work out what to say about him, then come back to herbert and realise i had nothing to say at all which truly added to his poetry, or to use rilke’s words, did it justice.
and so from then on i often felt like i was writing to say something that seemed clever, or being original for originality’s sake (because i didn’t want to fall into certain critical grooves), or saying what everyone else had already said (and if it was bang on why not just read the poetry itself?!), and returning to the poetry would always make me feel so silly, though in a gentle, humbling way. rilke says as much: ‘it [criticism] will either be partisan views, fossilised and made meaningless in its lifeless rigidity, or it will be neat wordplay, where one opinion will triumph one day and the opposite the next.’ this was partly, practically, because i didn’t have time to discover what i ‘truly thought’ - when you’re reading the primary stuff, secondary stuff, and writing the essay in two or three days you often have to pick an idea somewhat arbitrarily and run with it. but it’s also embarrassing to say what you actually feel about a work of literature, even if it is possible within a critical framework (which i’ll come back to); if a tutor didn’t like something i’d written when i didn’t care for the opinion myself, no big deal, back to the drawing board. if it had been what i really thought about an author i revered, it would be hideous. sharing love with someone else makes you vulnerable, as in any other area of life.
but, to use the rilke quote, how can you ‘do them justice’ if not by criticism, and by criticism truly meant, if there is such a thing? by writing creatively yourself? by reading, absorbing and sharing with other people? passion/ effusion rather than ‘rigid’ academic analysis (i.e. old-school romantic 'criticism’, like lamb’s thoughts on hogarth)? this is kind of the problem with english literature as a discipline. i’m no expert on its development, but when i’m in a cynical mood i think it’s because to study english literature (i.e. for it to be institutionalised and taken seriously as an academic discipline, for us to ‘do’ it at all as anything other than recreation) it needs to have grounds for legitimacy, by which i mean that it needs to have scholarly method, quantifiable elements, be teachable, etc. unlike classics which arguably the institutional study of english (or substitute any vernacular) literature rose out of in european education, there’s no immediately obvious linguistic rigour (as in, fluency in another language or languages isn’t a primary focus of the discipline**), so we also need, if not english language as a module or core part of the course, which some courses do have, a focus on language and its constituent parts, or close-reading (the verb does this, the parallel structure does that, etc). but, less cynically, i think it also emerged because we felt there’s something to say about vernacular literature, and we wanted to try and do that. but the paradox is that whatever that is can’t really be said. hence the increasingly complicated 20th century stuff culminating in deconstruction, and now in the 21st century what is often a focus on manageable specifics - pathways through texts (like ‘wind in shakespeare’), spotlighting something in the historical moment and reading it in conjunction with the text (the laryngoscope really helps us read george eliot because...), etc.*** i should say that i do find this stuff really interesting, i just struggle to reconcile it with the feeling i get when i read and am spellbound by what i read, and what is so fundamental to reading for me - the ambiguity, the innumerable elements comprising the text that cannot be separated or delineated without the magic fading,**** the wholeness or completeness, the feeling of comprehending many if not all elements of the text at once.
i do think, as well, that reading and practicing critical writing has helped me to appreciate literature more. partly because it’s helped me realise what i don’t think literature is ‘about’, if there is such a thing, but also in terms of positive definition as well as negative, because rigour, deep thinking, attention to detail, extended and focused meditation on a single text/ idea/ theme/ topic/ word, etc are skills which are enriching. it’s a strange thing where i feel like i’m moving closer at the same time as i’m moving further away.
so basically, as the year’s progressed, i’ve been impetuously trying to fight criticism through the medium of criticism, which has its obvious ironies and shortcomings. i wrote an essay, for example, arguing that keats’ poetry is anti-taxonomical, and that criticism, conversely, is taxonomical - it’s from κρίνειν, to judge or decide, so to be a critic is to choose/ select/ interpret/ delineate - criticism of keats, then, is best when it’s as unlike criticism as possible (and so bad criticism), because otherwise it’s deliberately misunderstanding keats. i’m being as honest as i can be, and at times as embarrassing and embarrassed as i can be, and it’s working much better. but i think after all this that the best criticism, to be as generous to other critics as they really deserve (as i have not been all year, to my discredit), is passionate, and that critics show this in different ways.***** one way around my crisis is to take the view that literature reconciles work and play, and criticism does or at least should do the same, thus running parallel with the text instead of converging (because in ‘playing’ it will naturally be somewhat divergent). i buy this to a degree. and also some people do study literature on the grounds for which i’ve criticised criticism above (they love specifics, or creative pathways through texts, etc), and i don’t want to set myself against them at all; i’ve realised that i am also partly one of these people - some hugely inspiring tutors have shown me that it is amazing to study in this way, and i’ve seen from the work of tutors and fellow students that love can be suffused through criticism like this, that it can be genuinely moving and inspiring. i also get that this perhaps doesn’t feel like a binary split in other places or for other people as it does for me; i think creative writing for example is way bigger in america as a subject, so it might not feel like ‘enjoy literature and write literature recreationally’ and ‘do literature academically/ in an academic setting’ are diametrically opposed, or that you can do both but that they have to be separate, or that there’s a disconnect between the way you do one and the way you do the other. so now i’m trying to be as honest as i can be when it comes to criticism, and pushing forward whilst trying not to cover or lose sight of the little spark reading generates - i think that if your criticism bears this in mind, it might not be able to grasp the poetry like simply loving it does, but it can perhaps reach out and gingerly touch it. whether that makes it worth it is up to you.
i hope this answers your question - i realise this got long. what an interesting ask, thanks very much for sending it!! 🌹
* speaking of - i recommend this poem!!
** though some courses, like the oxford one, teach old english, which is arguably another language.
*** i appreciate that what rilke means by criticism is not necessarily identical to what i mean by criticism, which obviously developed a lot after rilke, but even so.
**** granted, in engineering a car is and should be taken apart so we can see how it works, but the end goal is still the working car!!
***** some would disagree, saying that we should be ‘objective’ and/ or shouldn’t be ‘on a poet’s side’ (i.e. trying to do them justice) and i struggle with them a lot more, but after a bit of grumbling they still have my firm respect.
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Braving the elements
(Bucky x OC and/or Bucky x reader)
A mutant with elemental control flees her life of crime after an altercation with her boss. In hopes of bringing him down she seeks out her old friend Wanda and offers to help the Avengers. Whilst there a certain avengers catches her eye and she catches his. As a more sinister plot begins to reveal itself, you realize that your former employer is the least of your worries and that something wicked was being planned for you since the day you were born.
Warnings; Violence, Swearing, Theft
Author's note: First piece of non-academic writing I’ve done in a while so feedback is always appreciated, but be kind! I may change this to be a reader insert, but I just don’t like how (Y/n) looks in the writing. If y’all want it changed though let me know! Bucky makes his appearance in Chapter 4 so it’s a slow burn romance, but there’s gonna be fluff, angst and smut involved! Steve/Nat and Wanda/Vision are in it later as well, but I wanted to establish the main character a bit first as she’s the only one who's made up
Word Count: 2.0K
Act 1: Chapter 1: The Robbery
Songs inspiring this chapter
Ain’t no rest for the wicked – Cage the Elephant (Bank robbery)
Boss Bitch - Doja Cat (Fight with the avengers)
Monday 10 AM, N.Y.C
“This is it?” you ask, pulling your sunglasses down slightly in order to get a better view of the building standing before you.
“That’s the one.” Your getaway driver Calvin says into your ear piece, he’s a block away in the back of a white van waiting for the go ahead from the boss.
You squint as the sun hits your eyes, letting out a low whistle “Pretty fancy for a bank, you gonna tell me what I’m getting out of here?” you muse.
“That’s on a need to know basis sweetheart.” He responds flatly.
“Well sweetheart, hate to break it to ya, but I need to know!” you pause for a moment to see if you’ve managed to make him laugh “Seriously Calvin this is some of my best stuff!”
“God do you ever shut up, cameras and emergency buttons are down, you just have the guards to worry about now so get on with the job. Once you’re out make sure your face is covered. Do you have your mask with you? ”
“”You know as the person doing most of the brute work I think I deserve a little respect” you retort “Do I have my mask? Do you have your mask Calvin? God your infuriating!” you mutter, pulling out your “mandatory” earpiece and throwing it into a nearby gutter, before taking a quick glance in your purse just in case you had forgot.
Seeing the mask in its place, you pull your leather jacket over a white t-shirt and tighten your belt ensuring your shorts stay in place. Alright let’s do this you think with confidence before immediately tripping over your shoe laces and falling to the ground.
“God how embarrassing” you say slightly louder than you meant too. Pushing yourself onto one knee you tie your laces up and hop back on your feet “Alright let’s try this again.”
You walk through the sliding doors into the marbled interior of the bank, smiling as you pass by two security guards. One with a long mustache and another with a poorly done tattoo of a tiger on his bicep. You make note of the other two guards who were currently leaning up against the roman-esque columns lining the perimeter of the building. One was wearing sunglasses and the other was casually twirling a baton around.
“Hey, only four of you guys defending this whole building?” You inquire
“Ya sweetheart just the four of us, but don’t you worry we’ll keep ya safe” Tattoo replied with a smile and a slightly unnerving arm touch.
“Well thank goodness for that and god bless America!” you say sweetly grinning from ear to ear. Turning on your heel you head towards the counter ringing the bell twice before a woman in her mid-twenties appears from the back room and walks over to the counter. She’s wearing a name tag that reads Sandy.
“Hi there Sandy, how are you today?”
“I'm doing just fine thanks for asking and what can I do for you today?” She replied with a smile.
“I’m here to retrieve my belongings. Vault 176 here’s the key.” you say sliding it under the protective glass. Sandy smiles politely and walks into the backroom for a few minutes before emerging with a small box.
“Alright, I’m just going to need see some ID then your good to go ma’am”
“Well you see Sandy, I left it at home and my husband’s gonna kill me if I don’t get this back to him tonight could you do a gal a favour and just look the other way?” you plead
“I’m really sorry ma’am, but I just can’t do that.” Sandy replies sympathetically.
“Well I understand,” you say “Oh and Sandy, I’m sorry about this really I am”
“Sorry for what exactly ma’am?” she asks with a worried tone
“For this' ' you jump onto the counter and pull out a gun “Hi, yea, hello, people of the bank can I have your attention please? I just wanted to inform you all that I’m gonna be robbing this branch, but this does not mean it has to be a traumatic or unpleasant experience. I just need that box there and I don’t want anyone to get hurt, really I don’t. So if you could pretty please hand it over to me and any spare cash you have lying around this joint.”
Unfortunately, Tattoo, Mustache, Sunglasses, and Twirly were now approaching you with guns raised.
“Ma’am drop your weapon and put your hands where I can see them” demands Mustache
“C’mon sweetheart we both know you don’t know how to handle that thing.” Sunglasses says patronizingly
“Fine you got me glasses.” you pout “My little lady brain doesn’t know how to use a gun!” you exclaim before quickly throwing the gun at him, hitting him right in the head and knocking him out “ You’re supposed to throw the gun right?”
Mustache rushes towards you at full speed. Before he can reach you, you jump off the counter connecting the soles of your feet to his face knocking him down onto the floor unconscious. You land painfully on your hip feeling a bruise forming almost instantly.
The last two guards begin their approach. From the ground you kick Twirlys feet out from under him and jump to fight the baton out of his hand. Punching him in the throat you stand up and turn to knock tattoo, your least favorite of the four, right in the stomach with the baton. He doubles over in pain. Twirly tries to stand up, but you bring the top of your foot down on his neck causing him to drop, this time staying down. Bringing the same leg forward you knee tattoo in the nuts and feign a pained look as he topples over. Bending over you pick up the three guns now lying on the floor
“You know, you should really learn how to use these properly. Wouldn’t want you hurting anyone, especially yourselves.” You scold. The few people in the bank remained still and decided it was probably best to comply with you. You turn back to the counter now sweating, and Sandy hands you the box from the vault and a bag full of cash which she had filled during the beatdown.
“Thanks Sandy you’re a peach!”
Sandy looks at you pleadingly “Oh come on, we both know you ain’t gonna get fired because some lady came in and threatened you. If anything you should sue them, unsafe workplace and all” you offer sincerely with a shrug of your shoulders.
You gingerly step over the four guards lying on the floor and slip on your mask before exiting the bank.
Monday 10:25 AM Avengers Tower
A field agent runs into Tony’s office where he and Steve were working “Sir one of the downtown branches has been broken into!” he wheezes.
“And?” says Tony
“And you’re going to want to see this” He pulls up a video taken by one of the bystanders in the bank. The video depicts the scene of you beating up the four guards.
“You know who that is?” Steve asks Tony
“Never seen her before in my life, which is surprising considering how well she fights. Let’s get in for questioning. I'm a bit busy here so Steve if you wouldn’t mind.” He says turning back to his work.
“Peter, Wanda suit up, we’ve got a robbery to stop” Steve orders.
10:35 AM Downtown N.Y.C
God this mask is hot you think struggling to get the eyes hole in place as you approach the white van concealing Calvin’s whereabouts. Knocking three times he open the door and you
throw the small box from the vault up to him.
‘’What have I told you about taking out your ear piece?” he fumed “And what the hell is in that bag?” he shouts pointing to the large bag of cash you had grabbed.
“Money.” you say with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Last time I checked boss said no extra risks, he ain’t gonna be happy about this.”
“Well last time I checked he likes money” you respond causing Calvin to become even more agitated. As you turn to grab the money you see a ball of red light come hurling at you. You duck just in time.
“Shit, how the hell did the goddamn Avengers get here so fast?” Calvin shouts, you grab the money and throw it into the back of the van he extends his hand and you’re about to grab it when BAM something hits you in the back knocking you forward.
“Alright who the fuck threw a whole ass shield at me!” You yell more irritated that angry
“We gotta go c’mon Eve” Calvin pleads “Boss really ain’t gonna like this!”
“Screw that, this just got personal! Go, i’ll catch up” you promise turning and running towards the shield throwing culprit a.k.a Captain American. You kick him right in the gut having caught him slightly off-guard he doubles over. You remove your belt and wrap it around his neck pulling as hard as you can.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a superhero or something?“ you begin to ask, but before you can fish the sentence something slaps you in the back of the head pulling off your mask. You're thrown off the captains back.
“Shit!” you mumble before turning to see one of spidey kids webs still holding your mask.
You hear her before you see her “Chris?” you turn to see someone you hadn’t seen in years
“Wanda?” you blink a few times no it can’t be. Just then a truck skids up behind you and firm hands hoists you up
“We gotta go now!” Calvin says angrily, shooting suppressing fire out towards the three avengers.
“Chris!” Wanda yells again before throwing energy towards the truck. You pull the air around it and throw the energy back her way.
With Spiderkid and the captain still on your tail you decide to pull out a few of your old tricks. You pull the branch from a tree up and wrap it around the kids arm trapping him in the tree
“Um Mr. Rogers I’m down and out” he sighs.
“Two down one to go.” you focus on the captain who's now running through the street after you at superhuman speed. Lucky for you it had rained the day before on the street was full of puddles. Crouching down you turn the puddles to ice causing the captain to wipe out. Hard. Closing the doors of the van as It turns the corner you make your way back to your headquarters.
“They made me. Spider kid took my mask.” you whisper hoping Calvin doesn’t hear you
“He ain’t gonna be happy” he chastised.
“God you don’t think I already know that! At least we got the goods. He’s gonna be real happy about that!”
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starker-fluff · 5 years
Redeemed steve rogers finds out about being Tony happily married to 19 years old peter parker and he doesn't approve of this. other redeemed avengers and bucky are fined with it
(you don’t understand how much I love this request. I hope I did ok)
Bitch Ass Boomer
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Warnings: Homophobia, light swearing, mentions of honeymoon fend frolicking to be had
Not everything can be forgiven, but at least this was a set in the right direction. The so called “rogues” are moving back into compound officially. Bucky, Natasha and a few others had came and milled around for a few days already. During those day, those few found out about Peter and Tony’s marriage and threw a makeshift party as a late celebration to make up for them not attending the wedding.
“Bucky!!” Came Peter’s excited screech as the boy came barreling down the expansive hall to bear hug the man to had basically become his brother over the short weeks they had spent together. Bucky had been away for a few days to go meet up with Steve and convince the man to come move into the compound. Bucky smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair as the previously mentioned blonde walked into the room, the mood of the room changed. It was an odd feeling and had the boy shuffling on his feet.
“Parker right? You’re the spider kid, Peter Parker right?” Steve finally broke the silence. Peter nodded, glancing up to Bucky who padded the boy’s head before walking outside to grab some boxes.
“Yeah. Um.. It’s actually Peter Stark now.. Tony m-“ Peter tried to explain about Mr Stark and his marriage but Steve interjected.
“Tony finally adopt you did he? Oh that’s great. I was starting to think he wasn’t gonna do it.” Steve had chuckled but stopped when he saw the discomfort of the boy’s face. “What kid?”
“He.. He didn’t adopt me. He married me.” Peter spoke shyly, eyes dropping to the ground as Steve started... started laughing at him.
“Aww kid. That’s funny. You marrying Tony. Tony being in a relationship with a kid, let alone a boy. That’s funny kid.” Steve ruffled the kids head, stopping when he head the boy whimper under his hand.
“Wait? You seriously believe that? God, does Stark know about this delusion? I’m sure we can get you some kind of help and get you a nice girl your age to marry.” Steve’s words cut deep, the boy had tears rolling down his cheeks when Bucky came back in. Seeing Steve’s hand on the boy and said boy sobbing.
“STEVE!! What the fuck did you do?!” He dropped the box and pushed the super solider away from his little brother.
“Bucky, he thinks he’s married to Tony? We have to fix him, like we fixed you.” Bucky’s concerned expression turned to one of down right anger.
“YOU DID NOT FIX ME!! Being bisexual is nothing bad!! Nor is being gay bad! Peter is married to Tony, no one in this world gives to shit apart from people like you. So Steve, Shut the fuck up.” Bucky hugged the sobbing boy close and guided him into the safety of the compound. Peter was hurt and confused as Steve was meant to be Captain America, he’s suppose to be kind and just... Not.. Not like this.
“Get your own fucking shit.” Bucky snapped back to the stunned and frustrated Steve.
Later That Night
The main gang, minus Thor, sat around in the living room enjoying a round of drinks after a stuffing dinner. Chatting and laughing, ignoring the awful tension hangin in the air. Tony was trying his best to get closer to Peter but every time he went to hold his husband’s hand the boy would move his hand away. After a long hour of Peter’s odd behaviour Steve decided to bring up the little conversation he and the boy had had earlier in the hall, thinking that everyone would back him up now.
“Hey, Tony. You know you’re kid there thinks you and he are married. He’s got Bucky convinced. You wouldn’t marry a nineteen year old, let alone a boy. I think you gotta send the boy to a camp or something. I’m sure they got those around still.” Everyone went dead silent at Steve’s words, watching Tony’s cigs slowly turn and figure out what had been going on all day.
“Excuse m-“ Tony went to question when Peter jumped to his feet and quickly rushed out of the room. Tony went to run after him but Bucky put a hand on the man’s shoulder.
“Nat and I have Peter.” Bucky said as the two Russians quickly made their way after the boy whilst Tony’s attentioned turned to Steve. The man was seeing red. Walking over to the super solider he landed a right hook straight into his jaw.
“Don’t ever talk to my husband like that ever again. There is nothing wrong with him! Sure he is young but he’s old enough. We didn’t want to wait and as for him being a boy! So what if he has a penis! If Peter was a girl I would still marry them. I love him so if you ever hurt him again... I’ll do more then hurt you.” Tony was seething, fire in his eyes and his fingers clenched in anger. Turning on his heel he marched out of the room, all the other tailing sending Steve looks of disappointment and disgust.
“Tony.” Peter’s soft voice squeaked from the arms of Natasha who was doing her best to calm the crying boy. Tony made quick work of bundling the boy up in his arms.
“I got you, Bambi. Don’t listen to anything that man says. He’s stuck in the past. You are perfect and I love you.” Tony continued to whisper sweet nothings to his distraught husband. Picking the boy up in his arm the older man smiled thankfully to those around him before taking his sweet doe eyed boy up to their bedroom.
“I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to cause all that.” Peter’s voice cracked, trilling with emotion as he was placed down on the bed. Tonight was suppose to be a fun night before the two would go off on their honeymoon, which they had put off for months now in order to try and get everyone back.
“Hey now, now of that was your fault. I didn’t know Steve was that kind of guy. I just assumed he was going to be like Bucky not... not like he was.” Tony slowly undressed, chucking his T-shirt beside the boy before pulling on some fresh underwear. Peter followed suit and changed out of his clothes, putting on fresh underwear as well as Tony’s discarded tshirt. It was a routine by now. If the shirt was dirty or sweaty it went in the hamper and Peter slept in his own shirt but if Tony’s shirt was clean and decent then it’s Peter’s. It started as a cute comfort thing and now it was just one of those things they did. The couple climbed into bed, Tony pulling his emotionally exhausted spider tight to his chest. Peter finally melted into his husband and let himself relax, the whole day had been full of Peter jumping away and turning away Stark’s affectionate advances which cut deeper then anything Steve could say but as the two listened to eat other’s heart beats every was fine and the cuts slowly healed. Well until Peter rolled over and sat in “Mr Stark’s” lap and started moving in a way that should be illegal. Guess the boy felt like he had to stake his claim, not that Tony was complaining.
The Next Day
The loved up couple woke the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping, a lovely alarm clock that Tony made for them because it was Christmas and even the evil guys don’t fuck with Christmas. Peter woke up with a giddy smile and wiggle of his sore bum and Tony woke up with a groan as he bitch slapped he alarm clock.
“Few more minutes..” Tony mumbled as Peter nudged at him. Ever since the two began to sleep in the same bed Tony’s been sleeping like the sleeping beauty, something about have his world in his arms just calmed him and out his anxieties to rest enough for the poor man to sleep. Now Tony was just like every other human once they discover the true power of sleep.
“No come on. It’s our honeymoon! Come one we gotta get going.” Tony show up and scooped Peter up in his arms.
“I was promised kinky sex and kinky sex I shall get.” Tony proclaimed as he marched the two of them to the bathroom to shower and get ready for their journey.
When Peter and Tony finally came out into the compound kitchen they were met by a lovely stack of waffles and assorted condiments as well as a large banner that hung across the roof saying “HAPPY HONEYMOON!” Peter beamed at those around him; Bruce, Nat, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey and even T’Challa and Everett were waving from a little hologram on the table but best for last.. Tony was there with him. Everyone sat down and had a nice breakfast. Tony gloated about having such a flexible young husband that could “do the rounds” which lead to Nat covering her ears and telling Tony to never speak like that about her child again. This was family, this was all Peter ever wanted. During the whole chaos of screaming Vision handed Peter a little gift that was a necklace that was a small avengers logo made out of vibranium. There was a small little icon for each member of the team, Tony and Peter being in the centre. It was a gift to bridge the gap, from one side to the other.
“Come one guys. This is ridiculous. Has he got you all drugged or something? There is no way that Tony married this kid! It del-“ Peter shot up and with a flick of his wrist Steve’s mouth was webbed shit. The tiny boy marched his way over to Steve, looking him square in the eye as he kicked the solider full force in the nuts. Sure that stuff wouldn’t usually hurt but Peter was one of the strongest on the team so.. Steve was doubles over clutching his parts for dear life.
“I have a honeymoon to get to.” Peter huffed as he turned around, waltzing back to Tony where he grabbed hold of his husband’s tie and tugged him towards the exit. The cheering avengers wolf whistled and hollered as the followed the couple to the door, waving them a goodbye before everyone went about their day. Bucky returned to where Steve was now sitting on the ground but the freezor with a pack of peas over his nuts.
“I told you Steve, shut the fuck up.” Bucky smirked as he left with a plate full of waffles.
@itfeelssogoodmrstark @stereksoulmates
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It’s a Fallout76/Bethesda rant
Bethesda just released Fallout 1st, a horseshit pay-to-win subscription system for their absolute cum-bubble of a game, and while it’s getting the flack it deserves there are people already putting on their kneepads so they can gobble down Todd Howards entire turgid cock, and as someone who likes rpg’s way too much this irked me, so have a massive and barely coherent rant i took off the discord because why not.
I want to start off with this:  Every good thing about current fallout comes from the fanbase. The stories people tell, the headcanons, the fanfics, the art, everything fans do for it is made with more love, and more thought, than anything Bethesda’s writing and games design team has done in the last 10 years
Now first of all, I haven’t bought or played 76. People are gonna stop me right there and go ”well you haven’t bought it how would you know its bad!!” yeah, I’ve never eaten dog shit either but I can pretty well guess that I ain’t gonna fucking like it.
I knew the second he said "there are no npcs" with actual enthusiasm that this game was gonna be shit. And if you give me 2 seconds to gloat, I never bought the game and I knew this was gonna happen and I was RIGHT so suck my fat hairy nuts all those fanboys who pre-order things mindlessly just because there's a brand name attached to it. If there is anything you take from this its DO NOT PREORDER. BRAND LOYALTY IS FOR BOOMERS AND BOOTLICKERS. FOR FUCKS SAKE BE SMART WITH YOUR MONEY.
Games like this are fucking 80-90 dollars or more in Australia so I actually have to think about whether this momentary distraction is worth almost an entire days paycheck, and I’m still looking for employment which means I actually haven’t bought shit in a while (side note, anyone wants to commission me for 10 dollars I’ll draw damn near anything. God I need to make rent)
Every executive at Bethesda seems to be playing catch-up to EA's monetisation scheme. Beth has abandoned their model of single-player rpg's in favour of a "games as a service" model. Fallout 76 seems to me like its a weird experiment for just how far they can stretch this and still make money. It actually makes me wonder if they are 
 a) just completely unaware of fanbase response [no idea HOW]
b) are running into financial problems and are doing this out of desperation
 c) todd howard is still mad that obsidian made a better fallout than he ever could and he's doing this out of spite 
  Games as a whole has become much like the movie industry where publishers will throw big buckets of cash around to development teams, and those teams have CEO's and higher ups that throw lavish meet n greets and have nice fancy suits and cars and then treat their development teams like shit, overworking them to the point of exhaustion, because the product has to be on time for release dates that are scheduled to be the most profitable (christmas is a notable one). 
And those products are consistently bland, shitty, shallow experiences. Narrative cum-dumpsters that are purposefully made to toe the line as safely as possible, to be open to as wide as an audience as possible so they can make the most money, and Bethesda is a huge offender. Skyrim was fun, sure, but it was watered down to fuck, it had shitty dialogue, it had bland one-note characters, it had a simplified skill system. It was impossible to lose. Seriously, try and fail a fucking quest in skyrim, other than one or two, it's a hand-holder of an rpg, but it has a huge community of fans that put in monumental effort, for free, because they like the Elder Scrolls, and they like the world bethesda made. 
  Then Bethesda goes "hey, that watered down thing we made got huge! lets release it about 12 more fucking times, with some of the SAME bugs, with the SAME content, with the SAME limitations and Yes, we absolutely expect you to pay for it, again. Then they release the remastered edition which, to their credit, is free to anyone who already bought the legendary edition (on PC), and does actually have updated 64bit capability and some graphical enhancements (that aren't anywhere near what some goober in his basement cooked up in his spare time, but whatever). Then, seeing that Skyrim was so popular, with kids especially, and made money, they turn their sights to fallout 4, a game that was so anticipated that someone made a fake countdown and caused a small meltdown on tumblr/social media when it was revealed to be fake (i was part of that fiasco, i remember the hype, i was there goddamnit)
So Fallout, a franchise that literally has its theme as its FUCKING TAGLINE, an ADULT game that is equal parts crude, gory and humorous. A game that satirises the cold war era of american my-country-tis-of-thee blind loyalty and openly mocks the way war was idealised, and shows that not even the literal end of the world could either stop humanity's lust for blood or its desire for conquest. Games that showed you the growth of the world - from shady sands to the NCR, from the vault dweller to arroyo, shit actually happened in the games, the world didn't just stop turning when the bombs dropped. A game where you you become a porn star for fucks sake, and it's funny. 
So Bethesda sees that, makes something like it (fallout 3) which is good, but a little rough around the edges when you look at it too hard. But the way they suck you into the vault, the way they build a relationship with your dad and your way of life is immersive as fuck, so when you leave the place you actually feel like you're leaving something important, not just finishing the tutorial
then they outsource a Fallout game to obsidian, because hey, we saved your franchise by buying it off you, but if you can make an entire game in one year and get a metacritic score of 85 we'll even throw in a bonus. And fuck me sideways and in the ear, if the obsidian devs didn't work themselves harder than a 4-armed hooker. And they made a game that on release was a clusterfuck of bugs, because they were given an unrealistic time limit and missed the metacritic score by ONE POINT so bethesda goes "nhey heh sucks to suck" and fucks them off the franchise forever. EXCEPT (and I admit I'm biased here) the game is good. The game is actually really good when you remove those bugs, and people start forming attachments to it, and mentioning how bad fallout 3's writing is by extension. 
  So Todd and Co. in his infinite wisdom, decide that the only thing a fallout rpg needs is 50s aesthetic and fuck all else, and he releases a game so watered down it can't even be called an rpg. And its not. There are no skills. There are barely any dialogue checks. Instead of dialogue, Nate/Nora is a flat, samrish individual that is either "yes sir right away sir may i have another", "yes but i'm gonna make an unfunny quip about it" "this option pretends to say no but its gonna give you the quest marker anyway". 
The game drops any pretence of difficulty by giving you a deathclaw, a minigun and some power armour in the first 10 minutes, allowing you to effectively reach late-game power levels with some minor scavenging for ammo or cores. Then the game ropes you into some inter-faction war that realistically you wouldn't give a shit about, because some spud in a cowboy hat fucking deputizes you into a military general because you shot like 4 raiders from a rooftop (with a minigun. in power armour. making you nigh-invulnerable to bullets). You're sad about your son about 3 times the whole game and then you're on your merry way to mowing down humans left right and center without a care in the world. God fallout 4's writing is so stupid it gives me an aneurysm.
 Remember the part about resources wars and america only having the veneer of a strong country while riots, inflation, and resource shortages tore it apart from within? Bethesda doesn't, have an eerily stepford pastel coloured glimpse at a world that was totally fine, nothing wrong here, shame it got nuked oh well moving on
Your spouse? yeah you love them, they're said 2 whole sentences to you then they died, be sad because you totally loved them and it is totally sad that they are dead. Your weird play-dough son shaun, you love him so much, you even tickled him on the chin once, okay he's gone off you go to chase him - woah now, don't chase him too hard we have all these side quests for you to do! What would be the narrative reasoning for a supposedly distraught parent to fuck around boston instead of finding their goddamn child? fuck knows! just go pick up some goddamn wood and get to base building sonny-jim! 
Companions? yeah, they're fun, we gave them a romance questline and it's thus: if you pick enough locks and pass a minor charisma check maccready will be ready and willing to tell you about his sick child, and then he'll ride you like a stallion. Talk to him like, 4 times, and he will be your bosom buddy for life in about 3-5 days if you just pick locks like a fucking madman, because character growth is hard and counting beans is easy.
 Also your son is a part of the faction we were talking about! something about synths, remember that one questline from rivet city that barely anyone actually remembers and was an interesting time waster at best? Well get ready to do that same quest but about! 15! more! times! because we could not think of anything else to write about synthetically produced humans that assume peoples identities other than having them as a hamfisted metaphor for slavery. Why do they take over people's identies? Well because the institute needs them to aasdkfjdh kshshshsh t9oe of course. 
Speaking of hamfisted metaphors, here's the underground railroad, named after the underground railroad that actually mattered, except this time its the same thing but synths. They are so top secret that the only way to find them is to follow the only bright red line in a street that is exclusively green-brown otherwise, and then enter their super secret password, which is "password"
They are then, like every other faction, absolutely willing to trust you, at face value, no questions asked, because have to actually do something or require a skill check might make this hard for people under the age of 12 to play. Then you go do whatever fuckin shit you do, I stopped playing at this point, and then you find out your son is actually 60, you guys have a tearful, 10 sentence reunion, then he diesthe whole reason you were out here in the first place dies, and you react appropriately, which is to say you say his name really sadly, and then go back to mowing down raiders with reckless abandon
And then 76 gets released, bethesda drops all pretense of fallout still being an rpg. You want a story? Fuck you, pay up. Its retro future and thats all that makes falloutSatirizing war mongering? You can nuke things in this game and its totally fine, its actually the goal, because fallout has nukes in it right? Pay us 10 dollars and you get army olive drab spraypaint because hurrgh war is fun and great, wasnt that the tagline from the first game?The more i rant the more angry i am because people put their heart and soul into writing this. The lore and dialogue is actual work that someone researched and loved and felt proud of and now  it's becoming a hilariously meta parody of itself. 
Honestly FUCK bethesda and and fuck todd howard for his pisspoor cash grab. Not even worth calling it a video game anymore
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unrighteousbooks · 5 years
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
This is the third part of a long story. What follows was told to me by a customer, and the issues he discusses -- art and character -- are things that I, too, have been thinking about. I have been thinking about them enough that I went on what could be described as a pilgrimage, and I will discuss that in the fourth part of this story.
This, however, is his story. After he told me, I asked him to put it in writing. It is about someone named Bill and someone named Ted, and although I once met two men by those names (see the previous post) I am unfamiliar with the individuals he discusses here.
* * * * *
I grew up in the age of 8-track tapes. Remember 8-tracks? I saw one in your shop once, you know. One 8-track tape, just sitting on a shelf. Not important, I guess, but yeah. The great thing about 8-tracks was that you could play them in your car. I started buying 8-tracks long before I even had a car, just because I was looking forward to the day, when I'd be sitting there in my own car, looking cool, popping in a 8-track and cruising around town, and probably I'd have a really cool car, like a Plymouth Barracuda, or an AMC Javelin.
Anyway, 8-tracks: I had a whole cabinet full of them. Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Kansas, REO Speedwagon, Nazareth. But you know who I really loved? Ted Nugent. He was a fantastic guitarist. He was precise and lightning fast, and his songs had fun, catchy rhythms. Lots of the lyrics were crass and sorta vulgar, but you didn't care, because you knew it was all just a little silly. I mean, how can you get all worked up about a song called Cat Scratch Fever? You didn't expect anything thoughtful or eloquent from Ted Nugent. You just expected lots of energy and good guitar. That was Ted. You didn't take him seriously, because hey, he was just being Ted.
Meanwhile, there was also Bill.
Bill was Bill Cosby. He was a brilliant comedian, and the ironic thing is that great comedians are serious. Underneath all the jokes, there's something genuine. Good comics point out the strange things that we do without thinking, and they remind us that we're all kind of nuts. I had an 8-track tape of Cosby, too. Can't remember the name of it now, but he talked about the Revolutionary War, talked about Superman, talked about Noah getting instructions to build the ark... all kinds of stuff. Cosby was hilarious. He had these wonderful stories about his brother, and his parents, and then later on he had brilliant routines about being a father. A while after that, in the Eighties, he had a TV show. It was warm and funny and thoughtful. In the Eighties, TV didn't get much better than that show.
Now, I've never been particularly interested in celebrities, beyond the thing that made them celebrities. By that I mean, if someone was a good musician, I was interested in their music, but nothing else. I couldn't care less about what kind of exotic sports car they drove, or their supermodel spouse, or whatever. If I had paid a little more attention, maybe I wouldn't have been so disappointed later on. All I knew about Ted Nugent was his music. I started to lose interest because he started to get repetitive, and when the guitar didn't hold your interest, you noticed the lyrics more. And once you've heard the words to "Wango Tango," you can't unhear them. You're gonna wonder if the guy singing them has regressed to a mental age of 12 or 13. Even so, the crappy music he did later didn't erase the good music that he did earlier, right?
Here's the weird thing, though: Somewhere along the way, people started listening to what Nugent said, even when he wasn't talking about music. He was babbling nonsense about how war was coming to America, and how he'd would wind up dead or in jail if Obama got re-elected... weird, batshit-crazy gibberish. But apparently a lot of people thought he made sense, and conservatives started trotting him out for rallies and conferences. It was weird as hell.
And meanwhile, there's Cosby: Cosby, who seemed like the polar opposite of Nugent, until we found out that he'd been drugging and molesting women for decades. We'd been looking at his work as a comedian, and we thought we knew him. We felt betrayed when we found out that the actor had only been acting.
Bogus, right? Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. The short trip from being respected to being reviled. But that brings us to an important question: Can we separate their work from everything else? And is that even something that we should do?
Maybe we have to realize that art and artists are separate and distinct, and they have to be judged differently. A work of art -- whether it's a song, or a painting, or a monologue about giving your kids cake for breakfast -- that work can stand alone. You hear two songs by the same artist, and you love one and hate the other. That's OK. The existence of the lousy song doesn't change anything about the great one. Every work of art succeeds or fails on its own merits, and in that sense, art is simple.
Artists, on the other hand, are complicated. People are complicated. We have to judge artists the same way we judge everyone else. We'll find that they have virtues and faults, just like the rest of us. But once we've seen someone's dark side, it's not easy to ignore. I still have an old CD of Nugent's first album, but I can't listen to it anymore, because it just makes me sad to think about what he's become. The same with Cosby. I remember laughing so hard at some of his old routines, but if I listened to them now, knowing what I know, it wouldn't be the same.
What makes this even harder is that there's this little voice in the back of my head, asking: Is this fair to them? To Bill and Ted, I mean. See, when you admire someone, you don't want to know about their flaws. And when dislike someone, you don't want to know about their virtues. Once you decide you're ready to write someone off, the last thing you want to do is to admit that there might still be some good somewhere inside them.
That little voice keeps reminding me: You're not perfect either. I'd love to be able to say that I'd never done a bad thing in all my life, but I can't. If I'm going to be judged, I want to be judged on everything. Take the bad into consideration, because yeah, sometimes I've fucked up. But I think I've done a few good things, too, and if your verdict is going to be fair, you need to consider as much evidence as you can.
I don't mean that everybody gets a free pass, so long as they did something good at some point in their life. But I do think that if you want to know where someone stands, you need to be able to trace all their steps. The good, the bad, the ugly, and all the stuff in between... it's all part of the same journey.
* * * * *
After he told me this, I realized that there were certain ideas that I had been struggling with for a very long time. I began thinking about a particular story, and a particular person.
One reason that I love bookstores is that they are the perfect place to ponder ideas. Being surrounded by books inspires us to think beyond the here and now. In this instance, however, I realized that there would be a better place to think about the things I needed to consider. In this case, I needed only one book.
I grabbed the book, closed the shop, and headed out the door. I needed to visit a place called Graceland.
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hiddleloki · 6 years
Masterpost of Dadneto and Quickson fics
Because let’s be real, we all need them. They fill my heart with warmth and joy while the movies continue to tear it apart.  UPDATED AS OF 19TH JULY (the newest/latest included fanfics are at the bottom of the post)
Somewhere Like Bolivia by iberiandoctor (jehane), Words: 8175 (COMPLETE) After Cairo, after the school is rebuilt, Erik has every reason to leave. Charles and Peter think about giving him a reason to stay.
To Boldly Dress (Like Those Who Might Have Gone Before) by iberiandoctor (jehane) (COMPLETE) Erik doesn’t do Halloween costumes. Peter and Charles try to change his mind.
Humanity by palmtreedragons, Words: 3676 (COMPLETE) Peter and his father were as different as two people could possibly be. But, heck, they're still family, and family sticks together, or whatever. Spans pre-FC to post-XMA
Immediate Family by Glass Shoe, Words: 175534 (COMPLETE) This is the story of how Peter Maximoff loses his mother, reconnects with his father, and finds something that he didn't know he'd lost in the first place.
That’s My Boy by oneiromancer242, Words: 1113 (COMPLETE) Erik is terribly proud of his son - as Charles and Raven are about to find out.
Peter Maximoff: a Loving Son Who Couldn’t Have Brought Up That Fact Sooner by Blueci1234, Words: 4848 (COMPLETE)  Peter was a tiny bit angry that he was going to die before telling Magneto that the all powerful ex-horseman-of-the-Apocalypse-and-a-giant-frienemy-slash-love-interest-of-Charles-Xavier named Erik Lehnsherr contributed as a sperm donor (not really) to the birth of the great-not-so-great Quicksilver circa 1960 c.e., the time of mutants.
Erik Lehnsherr and His Rotten Luck with His Children by Blueci1234, Words: 2208 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO PETER MAXIMOFF: A LOVING SON WHO COULDN’T HAVE BROUGHT UP THAT FACT SOONER What do you do when your children die?
Vati by naasad, Words: 254 (COMPLETE) Erik Lehnsherr is a man of many names.
A Million And One by Sam the Wise, Words: 1186 (COMPLETE) Peter tells Erik the truth, and that changes things.
Best - Laid Plans by rebecca-in-blue, Words: 2046 (COMPLETE) "Erik recognizes him immediately: the silver-haired mutant boy who broke him out of prison." My take on Erik, Mystique, and Peter post-Days of Future Past.
Peter, I Am Your Father by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 5576 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff knows he should tell Magneto, big-bad-but-not-that-bad-all-the-time-I-can-sense-there-is-good-in-him-Charles-always-insists-terrorist-guy, that he's Peter's father. But it's painfully difficult to bring himself to do so.
A Knife In The Gut by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 3081 (COMPLETE) - sequel to Peter, I Am Your Father "Every smile Peter warily offered him, every joke made at his expense, every midnight conversation pained him like a knife twisting in his gut." After Erik finds out the truth about the young man who once helped break him out of the Pentagon, he tries to connect with his son. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
That Whole Father/Son Thing by mysterytour, Words:  3054 (COMPLETE) Part of Erik doesn’t wasn’t to climb out of the well of depression and live in the world without Nina and Magda. How can he smile or laugh again when they can never smile or laugh ever again? He feels like ash caught in the chimney stacks. Everything is exhausting. Peter and Erik bond over food. Erik and Jean bond over tomato plants. Jean and Peter bond over prog rock.
Bad With Names by Cyane, Words:1469 (COMPLETE) Erik sighed. "Pietro-"He froze. Jesus Christ, did he just call him Pietro?!
The Day will Dawn by Cyane, Words: 11227 (COMPLETE) Four times someone else was there for Peter, and the one time Erik was.
We Live in a Beautiful World by Cyane, Words: 8405 (COMPLETE) His heart was screaming at him, telling him that he couldn't save all those people. He couldn't save his precious Nina, he couldn't save his lovely wife. He couldn't save any of them- he didn't. He lost that chance. What remained of his family was dead. Everyone. But he had the chance to save Peter.
The Five Times Peter Called Him Dad, And The One Time He Meant It by thecattydddy, Words: 5183 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff has known that Erik is his dad for a while now, but knowing something and admitting something are two very different thing.Classic Exactly What It Says on the Tin.  
Silver by thecattydddy, Words: 1609 (COMPLETE) Peter's about to die and as he stares up into the face of death, he can't help but wish they had been wrong about his father. That they had just misunderstood, but it was becoming apparent by every second ticking by that they had been right. Erik Lehnsherr - Magneto - was nothing more than a monster.
Woodstock 83 by blarfkey, Words: 7373 (COMPLETE) Peter's mouth runs just about as fast as his legs. No secret is safe from him! Except his own, apparently. The Universe hands him opportunities to confess on a silver platter and Peter just cannot freaking spit it out.
The Sun Will Shine When Morning Comes by blarfkey, Words: 5352 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO WOODSTOCK 83 If Erik and Peter were a Venn diagram, their circles would not intersect. Erik thanks God every day for it. Peter has no temper. He has no rage, no tragedy. He is light where Erik is a shadow. Right now he is moaning piteously on the couch because his medicine has worn off and his headache has returned. “I’m dying,” Peter croaks. “Dad, I’m dying. I’m not gonna make it. I’m going to the spirit in the sky.” Erik rolls his eyes. There is a certain twisting in his gut, both thrilling and painful every time Peter calls him “dad.” It snags like a hook.
Jail Break by blarfkey, Words:  Words:5717 (COMPLETE) It's totally normal in Suburban America for the dad to pick up his rebellious teenager from jail, right? Even when it's the Pentagon instead of the local police station, and your dad is a Mutant Supremacist Assassin and America's Most Wanted who didn't post bail so much as murdered all the guards? Whatever. Peter will take what he can get at this point, even if it means the most painfully awkward road trip in the history of the universe.
Two Lonely Souls In A Fish Bowl by blarfkey, Words: 14033 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK There are tons of fun activities in Peter’s new life at Westchester. You know, like the never ending cleaning and dusting of all four floors of that gigantic mansion, trying to arrange Charles’ old clothes into outfits that wouldn’t get Peter’s ass kicked in a theoretical high school, getting home-schooled by a genius telepath who always knows when Peter cheats, and Peter’s favorite: midnight visits from his crazy terrorist father who may not be as awful or crazy as Peter thought.
Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right by blarfkey, Words: 15735 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK & TWO LONELY SOULS IN A FISH BOWL “Look man,” Peter says, “you don’t wanna fuck with me, ‘kay? My – my dad’s gonna find me, he’s gonna kick your ass. He’ll kill everyone in the building. He’s fuckin’ nuts.” The Man smirks. “Aren’t you a little old to be depending on your old man to save you?” Before Peter can give a witty retort, The Man pats his cheek and leaves. No one is going to come for him. He is going to die here. Alone.
Shine On You Crazy Diamon by blarfkey, Words: 24335 (COMPLETE) - SEQUEL TO JAIL BREAK & TWO LONELY SOULS IN A FISH BOWL & CLOWNS TO THE LEFT OF ME, JOKERS TO THE RIGHT Five years later, Peter has gotten his college degree and settled into life as a P.E. teacher at Charles' school. He's got his whole routine mapped out: combat training with Erik and Raven in the mornings, running the Baby Mutants ragged on the field until they start planning his assassination in the afternoons, mixed in with calling Hank every variation of "nerd" American slang can provide and staring at Raven's butt when she's too busy to kick him in the throat. After all the crazy shit he's had to go through, he finds comfort in this new-found stability, even if it means he's officially a Boring Adult who shops for prunes and wheat bread. And then Wanda blows up a car.
Luke, I am your father! by PalauMaggot, Words: 2365 (COMPLETE) Okay seriously. He could have done so much better than that. Facing off with his father who gave him the best line to come clean about being related to him and he goes and says, ‘I’m here for family too.’ Yeah it’s serious and the truth and vague and everything else but come on. The guy had his wife and only child (that he knew about) killed in front of him. So he guessed that springing the whole “You have a son!” on him during the ending of the world probably would have done more harm than good. Erik might have thought they were trying to manipulate him or something. OR: How Peter tells Erik that he's sort of his long lost son.
Like Father, Like Son by leahx, Words: 4191 (COMPLETE) Peter Maximoff might not have his father's name, but evidently, he has more than enough of the infamous Lehnsherr genes, including the ones that will one day be responsible for Charles' inevitable breakdown. Or the time, after the Apocalypse, when Peter screws up and accidentally ups the population of Lehnsherr/Maximoff-ville to plus one. And Charles isn't amused.
7 Tries by krispool, Words: 741 (COMPLETE) The 7 or so tries it takes Peter to talk to his father.
And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one by AryYuna, Words: 25946 (COMPLETE) “She’d never really allowed herself to think about coming back to Westchester, lest she’d end up abandoning everything in exchange for the safety of that place. The mission was too important, more than her comfort, more than everything. Safety was for the others, for the dreamers like Charles, for the kids she rescued, but someone had to live in the real world so that others could hide – her brother, Erik, Hank.” Apocalypse has destroyed everything, but they can repair it. Together.
Late Again by Bravo_48, Words: 70931 (COMPLETE) The "Apocalypse Incident" has taken its toll on Erik Lehnsherr as the aftermath of the battle has left him hollow and lost on what to do with his life. He's been from a wanted terrorist to playing the role of a henchmen to a god, but nothing felt as important to him as being a father, but even that ended with tragedy. Bless Charles' heart of gold for helping him piece himself together, but he still feels so lost........ Peter Maximoff has always lived for the thrill (and speed) of life, but that doesn't mean he can always handle it. It took him a week for his brain to register that "Magneto" was his father and a month to fully accept it. The guy didn't seem so bad. Without Erik, Peter would have never found out how to break into highly secured prisons or how great it is to be an X-Men! Too bad Erik doesn't know how much of an impact he created in Peter's life... Funny part is that even with his ludicrous speed, Peter always seems too late to tell him so. (And always picks the worst times to try.) Especially when his life decides to turn upside-down in the process.
It’s Not So Black And White by Nishloo, Words: 6913 (STILL UPDATING) Peter Maximoff is an already complicated kid - boy turned x-men, a plethora of night terrors, and the inability to look his father in the eyes. When can a guy get a break? or Peter is an angsty teen with some major PTSD who can't tell Erik he's his son.
Grace Under Pressure by IreneADonovan, Words: 604 (COMPLETE) Father- son bonding over good music and bad beer. Set at least a year after Apocalypse.(The album Peter's listening to came out in September of 1984.) Peter has finally told Erik he's his dad, and Erik has returned to the mansion to see him.
Better Men and Better Beer by IreneADonovan, Words: 451 (COMPLETE) - sequel to Grace Under Pressure Bonding, act two.
Power Windows (aka The Road Trip) by IreneADonovan, Words: 226 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Grace Under Pressure & Better Men and Better Beer Just a little set-up scene for the road trip...
Manhattan Project by IreneADonovan, Words: 1548 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows Erik and Peter make their first stop of the road trip in Hell's Kitchen...
Grand Designs by IreneADonovan, Words: 507 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows & Manhattan Project Erik and Peter share a moment on the road...
Emotion Detector by IreneADonovan, Words: 566 (COMPLETE) - Sequel to Power Windows & Manhattan Project & Grand Designs A little more father/son interaction, post-XMA... 
Peter is Going To Tell Erik, Really...by ChasingAfterMidnight, Words: 4702 (COMPLETE) Peter thinks the secret of his parentage is safe, until Charles announces that Erik is going to be living at the mansion from now on. How long can Peter keep Erik from knowing? Just until the time is right... He'll definitely tell him. Totally.
Glowing Embers by Magnolie, Words: 5719 (COMPLETE) How do we move on from a shattered life? How do we rebuild bonds, trust and friendship? How do we go on, carrying those we have lost with us? There is no one right answer to these questions, but returning to those we love, endowing them with small acts of kindness and finding ways to fit in again is. Picks up right after the end of X-Men: Apocalypse and follows Erik, Charles, and the rest of their new-found family as fathers and sons grow closer and feelings that have long been forgotten slowly begin to bloom again.
Bonding by ontaunt, Words: 710 (COMPLETE) Peter finally tells Erik.
Let Yourself Fall Ill by valancysnaith, Words:  23763 (COMPLETE) Narrative blank spaces/missing scenes post-XMA. Erik comes down from a metal-high, gardens. Jubilee deserved better. Raven drinks too much, spills secrets. PSYLOCKE.
Hanging in the Stars by porcelainsimplicity, Words: 49769 (COMPLETE) note: if you want a good father/son bonding moments, along with the revelation, this one’s for you As En Sabah Nur faded from existence, Erik slowly floated down until his feet hit the ground and he could finally let go.
What Would You Have Me Do? by WhatTheWentz, Words: 860 (COMPLETE)
Peter Has Daddy Issues by Forever_A_Thief, Words: 10807 (COMPLETE) X-Men Days of Future Past through Peter Maximoff's eyes. Peter doesn't know who his dad is, but when guys show up talking about a guy who can control metal, he knows he has to check it out. But Peter definitely has some issues with the guy that turns out to be his dad...
Things That Travel Faster Than the Truth by d__aia, Words: 1597 (COMPLETE) Elizabeth meets Erik’s son.
You ARE the Father by Justbrowsing, Words: 862 (COMPLETE) Erik learns that Peter is his son.
whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one by murdershewrote, Words: 442 (COMPLETE) That day in Cairo, Peter can’t bring himself to introduce himself to his father, so instead he tells Magneto about his daughter.
Timestretch (Close Your Eyes And Count To (Mach) 5) by Marvelite5Ever, Words: 68838 (COMPLETE) Time stretches, reality alters, and Peter tries to tell Erik that they're related.
Something Rather Wonderful by GinnyGinger, Words: 2585 (COMPLETE) "So you'll rather go your whole life wondering?" Erik asked and damn if that wasn't a question Peter had asked himself enough already. Peter Maximoff has for months been trying to work up the courage to tell Erik the truth. Maybe today is the day.
Here For My Family (here for you) by PotterheadAvengerDemigod, words: 1364 (COMPLETE) “I’m your son!” Peter squeaks out. “Don’t kill me!”
I Miss You, I Miss You, I Miss You More by afrocurl, Words: 2108 (COMPLETE) It's only so awkward to divulge a big secret in the middle of other emotional trauma, but that's the only option Peter sees right now.
Peter’s ‘Terrible but Some Good Kind of Comes Out of it’ Day by SuperAwesomePandaKitty, Words: 20164 (COMPLETE) Set two weeks after X-Men Apocalypse, Peter's leg has finally healed. The Professor has a mission this evening but Hank doesn't want peter to go on any missions just yet as he still wants Peter to take it easy for at least a week so he's on babysitting duty. Wanda has no powers in this one, there's also a ten year age gap between them.
Peter’s Stepdad by nzeedee, Words: 30043 (COMPLETE) Peter takes his time to observe and learn more about Erik as he works up the courage to make a family connection. Soon he realizes that Charles is a valuable asset in Erik's life and they may come as a unified pair.
A Million Little Gods Causing Rainstorms by Inkjade, Words: 25704 (COMPLETE) Charles rolls forward for another few feet, looks back. “I wouldn’t be asking if I had better options,” he says quietly. Then he waits. He doesn’t need to say more: the weight of all that Erik owes him is pressing against the very air. “Verdammt,” Erik mutters, but follows.
Birthday Gift by still_lycoris, Words: 1109 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't mind if Erik doesn't come to his birthday party. Honest. 
Sweet Dreams (aren’t made of what you’d think) by rimle, Words: 32484 (MISSING LAST CHAPTER) Charles convinces Erik to stay and train the x-men. He soon finds himself falling for his old friend. Meanwhile, Peter is trying to spend more time with his father, struggling to tell him the truth about his lineage. Erik misunderstands the boy's attention as somethings else, and eventually turns to Charles for help.
Little Monster by Quicker Than Silver, Words: 48387 (COMPLETE) When Peter goes missing his mother contacts Charles who in turn contacts Erik in the hopes of convincing his friend to carry out a rescue. What happens however when Peter's true parentage comes to light? How will the other mutants, especially Erik, react to the news? Set after XM-DOFP
Patience by RobineBlack, Words: 1450 (COMPLETE) It was a well-known fact that Peter Maximoff didn’t do patience. Or slow. But he knew that when he would tell Erik that he had another family, patience would definitely be needed.
Holiday Dadneto by Queen_Valkyrie, Words: 4589 (COMPLETE) Through Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Peter and Erik get to know each other a little better and build their relationship as father and son.
Crystal Ball by oneiromancer242, Words: 1131 (COMPLETE) Magda gives Erik something very precious to take care of.
Daddy Issues by glanmire, Words: 7170, (COMPLETE) I have a son," Erik says from the rubble. He truly is the master of dramatic entrances. or, That time Erik got wasted and crashed into the side of the mansion.
Daddy Killed The President by mokonahapuuuuuu, Words: 937 (COMPLETE) It's not everyday the guy who shot the president's your dad.
Running Time by mokonahapuuuuuu, Words: 460 (COMPLETE) Time was running out. Well, more for Peter than for him...
Fathers, Sons and Brothers by thefuzzyone123, Words: 105619 (COMPLETE) Dadneto fic! Erik aka Magneto discovers he is a father. Set a year on from X-men: first class. Can Erik rescue his son from imprisonment before it's too late?
Get him! by oneiromancer242, Words: 2704 (COMPLETE) Mistakes can be very destructive when made in a houseful of superpowered kids, and sometimes, everyone finds that out the hard way. Pure silliness.
Premature Grays by monkeygirl77, Words: 4557 (COMPLETE) Having Peter as your son is no easy task. However, Erik finds that he would never trade it for anything in the world, even if the boy insists on giving him grays before the age of 40.  Or, the many moments of Erik and Peter; where they are most certainly Father and Son.
Sick Day by oneiromancer242, Words: 6666 (COMPLETE) We all get sick, some of us needing a little more TLC than others. Lucky that Peter has his devoted Dadneto to look after him.
Sins of the Father by movieholic, Words: 11425 (COMPLETE) In which Erik Lehnsherr learns that he is, in fact, the father.
Strangers by oneiromancer292, Words: 24298 (STILL UPDATING) Erik isn't usually the first to figure things out - but just for once, when a boy comes to rescue him from the Pentagon, he gets there first. Slight AU from a reader prompt, plenty of Dadneto and Teen!Peter.
Tested by oneiromancer292, Words: 1645 (COMPLETE) Erik doesn't think his son is ready for combat. The only way to find out is to try out his moves in the training room himself. Short, not entirely serious Dadneto one-shot for a reader prompt.
The Beginning Of Something Familiar by HawkDramione, Words: 10705 (COMPLETE) Post Apocalypse. Quicksilver paid Magneto a quick visit before he left, struggling to save his relationship with his father and to fix his troublesome family.
Best I can by oneiromancer292, Words: 1643 (COMPLETE) There's nothing worse than being by yourself and feeling left out on a special day. Erik tries to make it right.
Protection by Neocolai, Words: 389 (COMPLETE) Thoughts on what might have been running through Erik's mind during the scene with En Sabah Nur and Quicksilver.
Broken Wing by Neocolai, Words: 1973 (COMPLETE) In the aftermath, Erik tends to the wounded and Peter almost confesses. (Part 2 in the Protection series)
Troublesome Patiens by Neocolai, Words: 894 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't take well to lying in bed all day. Magneto accidentally helps. (Part 3 in the Protection series)
Stay by Neocolai, Words: 652 (COMPLETE) Peter doesn't want him to go. Erik doesn't have time to argue. (Part 4 in the Protection series)
Called Back by Neocolai, Words: 1640 (COMPLETE) Magneto had no intention of returning to the academy. Plans change. (Part 5 in the Protection Series)
Strike Out by Neocolai, Words: 463 (COMPLETE) Erik tries to appreciate Peter's effort. He really does. Some kids just can't take constructive criticism. (Part 6 in the Protection Series)
Oblivious by Neocolai, Words: 383 (COMPLETE) Erik still doesn't get it. (7th in the Protection Series)
Little Misfits by Neocolai, Words: 1314 (COMPLETE) Charles finally intervenes. (8th in the Protection Series)
Safe by Neocolai, Words: 1612 (COMPLETE) Erik checks up on his newest charge. (9th in the Protection Series)
Little Lost Bird by Neocolai, Words 931 (COMPLETE) Peter wants to know about his little sister. (10th in the Protection Series)
Newspapers and the Uses Thereof by Neocolai, Words: 783 (COMPLETE) Erik takes up the role of father. Peter is not happy. (11th in the Protection Series)
Differences by Neocolai, Words: 1492 (COMPLETE) Peter is impatient. So is Erik. (12th in the Protection Series) 
Little Genius by Neocolai, Words: 2463 (COMPLETE) Peter does the math. Literally. (13th in the Protection Series)
Jaded by Neocolai, Words: 7414 (COMPLETE) Peter discovers the memorials for those killed in the Apocalypse, and Charles is forced to mediate between two self-righteous parents. (14th in the Protection Series)
Family DIscussions by Neocolai, Words: 1541 (COMPLETE) Erik plays catch and remains oblivious. (15th in the Protection Series)
Torn From The Nest by Neocolai, Words: 6570 (COMPLETE) Peter has a no good horrible really bad day. Good thing Magneto's looking for him. (16th in the Protection Series)
Welcome to Mutant High by Neocolai, Words: 950 (COMPLETE) Charles thinks Erik should introduce his son to the newest member of the team. Erik wants to trip up his wheelchair. (17th in the Protection Series) 
You Have More Family Than You Know by Natileroxs, Words: 624 (COMPLETE) “Oh, my, god, Peter!” She hissed. “Just tell him!” X-men Apocalypse Canon Divergence because Peter should have told Erik the truth. Or at least, someone should've.
Tel Aviv by Glass_Shoe, Words: 5760 (COMPLETE) Peter leaves Cairo in shock, not because he's surprised that the incredible clusterfuck of a rescue operation cooked up by Raven and Hank and the rest of team Prevent World Destruction actually sort of worked, but because he's actually in shock, like, he's shaking and sweaty and pale. You know: shock, because you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs and you can't save the world without someone getting their knee completely shattered by a bald blue demi-god. A prequel to Immediate Family
Sometimes It Helps To Scream by SunnyMimi, Words: 1733 (COMPLETE) Peter was tired of it. For three years in the same vicious circle. Every day these damned missions against the Brotherhood. He was fed up. So, yes, it was time to scream at Magneto.Or...An overdramatic Peter, who thinks it would be a good idea to yell at his diva father during a fight against him.
How to Spend Time With Family by RockerRema13, Words: 27265 (STILL UPDATING) Erik is having a difficult time accepting that his tragic and cursed life now includes a long lost son. Meanwhile, Peter (his son!) seems to be getting along with everyone else at the mansion.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of... by talkativefangirl13, Words: 34493 (COMPLETE) Peter didn’t instantly jump into conclusion when he saw Erik from afar, he’s probably having a relaxing swim or a soothing ‘me time’ contemplating about life and his stupid choices while facing down on the water, literally not moving. Nope this guy’s dying. Or where Peter always saves Erik and that one time Erik tries to saves him.
Never Gonna Be Alone (I Knew I Loved You) by Redrink91, Words: 15417, (COMPLETE) In which there is hurting and healing, and many song lyrics, as Charles and Erik move forward together. 
Boogie Woogie Woogie by BananasofThorns, Words: 118 (COMPLETE) "I have a song stuck in my head," Peter said, appearing beside Erik. "Wanna hear?" 
hold your head up (to prevent whiplash) by zedille, Words: 18981, (COMPLETE) Peter makes it to Poland in time to save his stepmother and sister. Not that he knew they existed. This is the last place Peter expected Magneto to be. No wonder he’d never found him in all his time searching. Why isn’t Magneto out agitating for mutant rights, or trying to kill Reagan on live television, or living it up at a Renaissance Faire with his cape and armor and helmet, or shacking up with women under a false name and having children — Right. Well.
Revealed by Sophie21011995, Words: 3026; (COMPLETE) After the events of "X-Men Apocalypse" Peter finally finds the Courage to tell Erik that he's his son.
The Great Mix-Up by fairyScorpicus and kraefandoms, Words: 2255, (STILL UPDATING) Erik knows Peter is related to him. All the facts are there: they have the same type of colorblindness, they have the same blood type, Erik's got it all figured out. "Charles." Erik says, sitting up in his bed at three in the morning. "I've figured it out about Peter. I've connected the dots." Charles groans, not bothering to open his eyes as he uses his telepathy. "You haven't connected shit." "I've connected them!" Erik protests. "Peter is my nephew." "No."
From the Ground Up and the Foundations Down by cjr2, Words:  21853, (COMPLETE) While rebuilding the mansion, Erik realizes he's just starting to come to terms with the guilt of having been the one to put Charles in that chair. He's also just starting to come to terms with the fact that something about Charles in a wheelchair is the sexiest thing he's ever seen.
better off without by olivemartini, words: 1743, (COMPLETE) If Erik had thought what his long lost son would look like, he probably wouldn't have thought that they would look like this. Or that they would have a kleptomaniac streak a mile wide. Or that his son's best friend would be blue, and with a tail. But then again, children very rarely match what their parents intend them to be. Erik doesn't think that Peter is overly impressed with the dad he had been dealt, either, so maybe they're even. ~or~the one where Peter finds Erik leaving the academy and stops him by telling him that he's his son
Insult to Injury ft. Dadneto (Peter Maximoff - X-Men) by whumptasticwednesday, Words: 6299 (COMPLETE) If there’s anything Peter Maximoff knew in this moment, it was that not being able to do the one thing your body was genetically enhanced to do, sucked. A lot.
What'd Ya Do? by fairyScorpicus, words: 22688, (STILL UPDATING) Peter was a loser, but losers couldn't break into the Pentagon so if he could maybe he wasn't a loser. Erik isn't dumb. The boy was clearly his son, and looked so much like Magda it hurt. "They told me you can control metal." says the boy. "You know, my mom knew a guy who could do that." and yeah, Erik believes him. ----- Basically: what-if Erik had more than one braincell and figured out Peter was his son?
5 Times People Found Out Peter Smoked, and One Time Peter Told Someone by Isapunk, Words: 2595, (COMPLETE) Peter may seem like a chill calm and collected mutant and even though he seems alright he isn’t always. *Takes place a year after Apocalypse NO Dark Phoenix spoilers! NOW completely edited*
Five Times Quicksilver Doesn’t Tell Magneto He’s His Son and the One Time He Does by evilauthoroverlords, Words: 11855, (COMPLETE) It's not like Peter doesn't want Erik to know that he's his father. He wants to tell him, really ....Next time.
Hermes, god of...Sweet Dreams & Thieves by Webbtrinsic, Words: 10633, (COMPLETE) In which Erik is a good dad, who'd do anything to bring his brainwashed sixteen year old home. And kill Stryker and the freakish doctor who took advantage of his son along the way.
realisations. by steelatoms, Words: 1550 (COMPLETE) Dark Phoenix sort of Fix-It where I actually give these two their well-deserved storyline.
Running. by NaomiPT, Words: 2079 (COMPLETE) Peter was always running from his problems, granted most of them began with 'Erik' and ended in 'Lehnsherr'. After his encounter with Jean, Peter finds himself avoiding people more, but perhaps all he needs is the person he's been avoiding the most. Or better put: Dadneto! Dadneto! Dadneto!
don't go wasting your emotion by zedille, Words: 2894, (COMPLETE) Peter has a few things he'd like to say. (XMDP crackfic/parody/fixit where Peter shows up in New York to call out Erik & give Jean a pep talk)
Mistakes were made. by Quill18, Words: 1214, (STILL UPDATING) DARK PHOENIX SPOILERS! Kurt and Hank Mcoy bring an injured Pietro to Genosha. Magneto reflects on his son and realizes Pietro is best off staying with him. AU/Slight Fix-It Fic.
The Eagle and the Hummingbird by DigestedHuman, Words: 5851, (COMPLETE) "Let's say they get a really special delivery, not like some dirty feathers or dead worms. From a bird god. That's cool. A really cool bird with rainbow feathers with a colorful basket full of eggs, that would grow up to be another bird, any kind of bird that they couldn't have ever thought of and- maybe a big stinky surprise by a lizard, or a puny little-“ “What has that got to do with anything you want to tell me?” Erik was fully annoyed at this point. Peter was talking to him like a child having the talk about bees and butterflies for the first time, and he didn’t like it. Erik clearly wanted to get over with this quickly .---In which Peter thinks he’s prepared, but Erik is not.
More Family Than You Know by leahx, Words: 11116, (STILL UPDATING) “Hank, where are we going?” “You don’t want to know.” He didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but it was the truth. Had Peter known where Hank was headed before he had boarded the jet, he strongly doubted he would have joined him on this journey. “Why not?” Peter’s alert gaze was fixed on Hank as he waited for his response. Hank sighed, enjoying the last moments of peace. "We're going to Genosha." ...or the fic where Peter, instead of being in a coma for the entire movie, joins Hank on his revenge quest to Genosha, where he's forced to face none other than his father, who may or may not already know the truth about the cheeky speedster.
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cost-of-chaos · 6 years
All You Need Is Love (Chapter One)
Roger Taylor x OC
Summary: Ronnie is an art student who’s friendship with Freddie Mercury has turned her life into one of fun and constant adventure. Life with a famous drummer boyfriend has been amazing so far but what will happen when backs are turned?
Note: This is my first Queen fic, so uh please be nice?
Words: 1.6K+
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“Don’t go! Come with me on tour love, I’m gonna miss you so much!” The words echoed into the room from what must be our small kitchen down the hall. I was currently wedged between the bed and a small suitcase which was resting against our set of drawers in the fruitless endeavour of packing. I was surrounded by my whole wardrobe, and some of Rogers, as I attempted to pack clothes which wouldn’t add to the already mounting disappoint from my parents. The packing, however, was stalling as I tried to negotiate a clingy cat sitting I my lap nuzzling my arm for more chin scratches. I leant back against the wooden bed, groaning in frustration.
“Rog, you know I don’t want to go, but it’s Beatrice’s wedding, I need to go to it, I have no choice. You know I’d prefer to go on tour with you guys”
Roger appeared in the doorway cradling two steaming hand-painted mugs. After battling the messy room, he wedged himself beside me in the cramped space.
“I brought you a cuppa, that’s another thing they don’t have in lousy America, there’ll be no good tea over there!” He says, only half seriously, handing me a mug. I leant into his chest and the intoxicating scent of his expensive cologne combined with Marlboros filled my nose and a wave of sadness washed over me.
Taking a sip, I took up at him, he was looking rather adorable with messy bed hair and a three-day growth of stubble, and it made it even harder to go.
“Babe... Do you think they’d disown me if I abandoned my maid of honour duties to follow my rockstar boyfriend on tour to Japan?”
“How about we forget about the stupid wedding, we have...” he quickly glanced down at his black leather wrist watch, “ 6 hours until we need to leave for Heathrow, let’s make some fun memories for you to remember me by” he said with a wink, a cheeky grin rapidly growing across his face.
“ Hun, I’m only going for a wee-“ I was cut off mid-sentence by Rogers lips colliding with mine with such force and passion that a spark of heat instantly lit inside of me.
After a moment, I pulled myself away from his lips once I felt him start to deepen the kiss and unbutton my shirt. “I’m gonna miss you soo much, promise me you’ll miss me too?” I ask hating how whiny I was sounding. It was the first time I wasn’t accompanying the boys on tour and I knew how flirty he got after a good show, I mean that’s how we got together for god's sake!
-Flashback 1969-
“Alright love?” Roger flashed me the first of many cheesy grins, his eyes sparkled in a way that drew me in. He was pretty fit behind the drums during the show but now he’s standing in front of me his beauty shone.
His eyes slowly trailed over my body and I suddenly felt very subconscious in the short mini skirt and sheer blouse Freddie encouraged me to borrow from my roommate. “So Fred, care to introduce me to your friend?” He said, leaving his mouth slightly open in a way which made me wonder what they felt like.
Freddie turned back from the group of people he was talking to, bringing his attention back to the two strangers undressing each other with their eyes. “That’s just the most talented artist you’ve ever met! She’s making all of my work look like absolute shit in all my classes, her name is Veronica”
“You can call me Ronnie” I correct him, “and I’m not that amazing at art, really!” I force out a laugh, feeling awkward.
“I’d love to see your stuff sometime… Ronnie”
We were interrupted by Brian and John also wanting introductions to Freddie's new friend. The topic of the conversation quickly changed to one revolving the things which went wrong in the gig and new song ideas. Although I tried to keep up with the technical jargon I was hopelessly distracted by the gorgeous specimen in front of me enthusiastically talking about a new drum beat he’d made up the previous day. He was wearing an open vest and had necklaces adorning his neck. It was the type of outfit that would look ridiculous on anyone else but on him he oozed sex appeal. I couldn’t help but picture what it would be like to kiss that chest, to pull that soft looking hair as he did whatever he wanted to me. As he was standing there listening to the other guys, with his mouth hung open and his eyelids partially closed, I thought he was the prettiest man I’d ever seen before. It was while I was imagining kissing him that he finally looked up, noticing I was staring at him.
‘Fuck. Smooth Ronnie’, I mentally kicked myself. He gave me a cocky smile and I could have sworn he winked, but I started backing out of the little circle. “I’m just gonna get a drink!” I said quickly before running away to the bar.
Standing at the bar, I berated myself, 'how do I always embarrass myself like this? He’s going to think you’re pathetic'.
I turned around, leaning my back on the bar and watched as two beautiful women walked up either side of him. They were all over him, like cats in heat and I felt silly for even being interested in him. Of course, he's not going to be interested in me.
“Miss what will it be?” I tore my eyes off of the scene that was beginning to make me feel nauseous.
"A large Gin and Tonic please!" As I took a handful of nuts to occupy myself with as my drink was prepared, the couple next to me started bickering. Great! Even though I'm single I still get to listen to couple fights. What fun! I tried listening in to pick a side but my attention was drawn from them as I felt someone touch my bottom.
"How are you doin' love?" I heard a raspy voice in my ear.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled, slapping the handsy offender.
I felt my jaw drop as I turned around to see who it was, "Oh Roger, sorry I hit you!"
"Are you saying you want to be touched by me, Ronnie?" The sound of my name coming from him was intoxicating.
"Well, let’s just say you're a lot better than some of the guys who've hit on me recently." His face lit up with this, “Whatcha drinking Ronnie?”
“Just ordered a G and T”
“Make that two mate!” Roger yelled over the crowd to the barman.
"I thought you were talking to those two leggy blondes," I said, not being able to keep the judgement from seeping into my tone.
"Nah, I don't think either of them could even keep a conversation going... you, on the other hand, you seem interesting". I couldn't help but smile at his comment, "Why do you think that?"
"Well there is the obvious reason that you're a total fox, but I've also heard Freddie talk about how you're always reading, so you must be pretty smart, and on top of that, you have a bit of a personality, you actually stand up for yourself. You're different, and I like different."
He looked at you, his blue eyes twinkling, he looked so innocent and sincere. So different from the man with the groupies draped off his half-naked body a few moments ago.
"Well, you know how you wanted to see my artwork... do you want to come and see them now?" I asked in a moment of boldness.
"You know what? I'd love that Ronnie." He finished his drink in one gulp and took my hand in his, leading me through the crowd to the front door.
With the vinyl playing Fleetwood Mac softly in the corner of the room. Laying on our now unmade white linen in post-coital bliss, our legs intertwined and my head was resting on Rogers' chest as his breathing slowed down, this was the best goodbye I could’ve asked for. He looked boyishly handsome with his hair a mess and a rather large hickey now adorning his neck as my goodbye present to him. As he took a long drag of his cigarette, the sun came out of hiding behind the clouds and the sunflowers I’d painted on the window reflected on him making him look almost transcendent in the soft yellow light. He passed me the cigarette and I took a drag, blowing a smoke ring up in the air. I climbed off the bed and started to walk back to the packing pile but was pulled back onto the bed before I even made it halfway. I couldn't help but let out a squeal as Roger pinned me down onto the bed by my wrists, stealing back the cigarette and placing it in his mouth.
"Rog! I need to pack!" I argued, wanting nothing more but to stay in bed with him all day.
He put the cigarette out on the ashtray on the bedside table, "Just pack everything love" He said, nuzzling into my neck as he trailed kisses down my chest. "They won't like any of our clothes, we're too rock n roll for them" His kisses had now made their way past my belly button. He pulled my legs apart and kept going further down until he reached my wetness.
"Good idea" I stuttered out. It was going to be a miracle if I didn't miss this flight, but boy were we going to have a fun time being late.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Close Enough: Logans Run’d and Room Parents
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IT’S FINALLY HERE, PERFORMING FOR YOU. Seriously I have waited 3 years for this. And while yes thanks to a combination of a french animation festival and HBO’s own oopsie doodle I was able to watch 3 episodes already, and review them, it dosen’t make this any less sweet.  The fandom can finally come togehter as a whole and enjoy the hell out of the series. And doubling my excitment is the fact that HBO Max dropped 15 episodes! 14 episodes bundled into half hours and one extra long episode that seems to feature one of the greatest musicans and comedians of all-time, a man who needs no introduction but hell if i’m not giving him one. WEIRD, AL, YANKOVIC!
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I could not be more excited if I tried. And yes that’s with full awarness my pre-amphibia and owl house workload just became at LEAST 4 times what I expected and this may be all there is. Having to review 12 episodes still means getting to WATCH 12 episodes of a show I truly adore. It’s an easy trade off. So with that out of the way, we can dig into close enough’s second two episodes and see if the show can keep the momentum from the first pair! Door’s open, let’s do this! The full review and spoilers under the cut. 
Logans Run’d   With Candace having her first sleepover Josh and Emily (Who apparently aren’t on good enough terms with their parents to have them watch her something I hope they explore later in the series), have their first Candace free evening and spend it as you’d expect for a 35 year old couple: Pelvic thrusting to turn down to what while doing general errrands then planning to have a nice night in of tea and the great british baking show, which continues this show’s hard to get used to trend of using actual brand names.  The two invite Bridgette to join them which she scoffs at saying the pair, and Alex who is not only delighted to join them but is in an old timey sleeping costume with listening horn which, no joke, is his profile picture on the show’s website, which feels perfect honestly and I love everything about that. 
The three soon realize to their horror through flashback that they indeed are old (Hilariously alex’s is literally just his introduction in this episode), and beg Bridgette to take them along to a club, Logan’s Run’d. What follows is the three of them getting hard core drunk all the way to 9PM while  Bridgette flirts with a younger guy and youtube sensation and who looks like the earth 3 version of hank venture.. until it turns out he’s actually a toddler wearing some sort of robot suit because of course.  Things go south however both as our heroes realize their running out of steam.. and as another 30 something is made VIP>.. which in this club is being murdered to death by a giant fan. With blood which I”m sure JG was giddy to do first chance it was approriate given he did 8 years of a show on a children’s network and children’s networks hate blood as much as they hate actually letting shows mention the concept of death directly by name.  Naturally the four of them want to book it out of there: While Bridgette , if she wasn’t lying about her age to the toddler, isn’t in the danger zone, she still just hit on a toddler and is naturally afraid of going to prison, but get stopped by the bar guy. Alex, in a supremeley sad yet badass moment, pulls out his blockbuster card and prepares to sacrifice himself for his friend’s sake: Partly because he cares about them and candace and partly because he’s worried he has nothing left to live for now he’s old, something I myself worry about going into my 30′s next year. Josh (Emily takes a second to join in) rushes to save his best bud and the two reassure Alex he has a future, a future of not having to get new music, of having nights of just relaxing and watching tv and getting pepper in your beard for , as Alex puts it “That george clooney look” Bridgette was the last one and guards her friends from being murdered for obvious reasons before breaking the fan.  Our heroes are saved, alex and me honestly as all of that sounds really appealing to be honest and I live 2/3 of it already, are convinced that growing old is pretty sweet. Oh and the owner turns out to be an old guy, as Alex realizes when he refrences logans run and is murdered by the crowd. Our heroes enjoy pancakes, Bridgette still finds the guy cute which.. no no bridgette just no, and Alex muses about them having seen a man die.  Final Thoughts: A decent episode.. while not as good as 100% no stress day ahead of it or the previous episode, i’ts a simple episode with good gags, an utterly great character moment for Alex which shows that despite his weirdo exterior he’s a damn good guy and he has something to live for. Also the toddler subplot was stupid and kinda creepy. A decent gag filled episode withs ome great ones and some really good animation. Also the opening is utterly iconic, easily one of the shows best jokes so far and probably in total and still works despite the use of turn down for what being slightly dated, but it works because it’s just really damn funny. Not the series best thus far but it’s still okay if a standard episode is this enjoyable. 
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Room Parents: Now this is the good shit. It’s parent meeting time at Candace’s school with Me Daughter Teacher having one last announcment while Josh is about to pass out from having to hold in 3 powerades... dude should’ve gone for gatorade.. it still goes through you it just tastes objectivley better. Anyways me Daughter Teacher locks the room for the announcment because he needs a room parent and things quickly turn to purge as everyone is either fleeing or trying to murder each other to avoid it. While i’m not a parent, I can at leat understand not wanting to give time to do this when your schedule is likely already a hellscape. Josh (Who wonders if they got a purge going, got a good laugh out of me. ), being basically what if Mr. Peanutbutter had an illigitmate son he dind’t know about, and i’m still not convinced he’s not his dad until the show proves otherwise, happily volunteers to Emily’s horror.  Josh however.. is entirely game. He even makes a dad joke calling it a “Fun Raiser” to emily’s annoyance. It’s a nice show of just HOW opposite the two are: Emily being more stressed, as 100% stress day proved/will prove given it’s after this episode even though i’ve already seen it but it’s set later but...
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The point is she’s a ball of stress while he’s a ball of enthusasim just like his dad, who i’m now just.. 100% convinced is his dad and dosen’t know it. Prove me wrong. Anyways Josh meets Nikki another parent whose own son is ominously framed in shadow because of course something weird about her who offers to pitch in.. and is also transparently intrested in josh.  The next day Josh and nikki talk on the phone and Bridgette and Alex instantly pick up that she’s into him and that josh is the kind of guy every girl wants, with Bridgette sighting the look when he inhales mustard and Alex, being the objectivley best, citing his thin papery jack of clubs body type. I’m now 100% convinced they all had a foursome at some point before the divorce which Emily tries not to think about and Emily isn’t convinced.. until Josh, in another great gag, says Nikki said “wash your balls, so random”.  Emily, now panicked, enlists Pearle who gladly volunteers her spy van, because Pearle is also objectivity the best, to go spy on alex in a montage set to heart’s crazy on you were we get our image for this episode which is a great gag.. especailly Emily mouthing “Wait afterwords’ and it being followed by them going to the sex hotel.. which is actually the essex hotel.. which is for affairs as it’s sign says. It’s hard not to just list gags for this show because it’s damn good but i’ll try.  Emily then confronts Josh that night (doing the dramatic light turning on thing by holding the lamp another great gag), and Josh explains no he’s not cheating on her because he’s a pure boy, and he aquises to her, also finally realizing Nikki’s been transparently trying to seduce him.  Naturally their attempt to uncoroomparenther before the Fundraiser goes pear shaped as it turns out Nikki is a con artist who pulls what professionals call a josh , scam a stressed parent, tie him up or kill him and then steal the fundraiser money for a school, for a living (She has another one cooking at the moment) and leaves them. Emily orders a knife via a delivery service, while a waiting Pearle wonders where they are.. which raises a lot of questions. WHy pearle is there is easy, she’s supporting Candace and her friends/tennants. That part is easy. Why she brought Randy, who at least at this point is objectively useless and why Alex and BRidgette AREN’T there I can’t explain. Maybe mecha pope garfield rose from the grave. Maybe Bridgette’s fucking that clown again. Maybe Alex has more garifled theroies to bust out. Actually those last two answer my question for me.. I mean someome’s gotta reveal Garfield was a founding member of the Justice Society of America. 
Our heroes arrive however to Foil Nikki , who thent ries to escape on a children’s train.. which being a children’s train Josh and Emily just hop on and in a hilarious bit slowly remove the kids before ending up with Candace, who says “daddy’s girlfriend is getting away”. Jessica DiCiccio is a delight as Candace and her delivery is impecable here. However Nikki switches tracks and cranks up the speed. Thankfully while Emily and Candace fall off the train pearle and Randy, who I STILL don’t know why he’s in this episode he has no lines and does nothing, catch them, leaving it to Josh to fix his mess. After a breif fight and a nut shot Josh sucesfully swaps the money for Nikki’s fake son/dummy who she chokes bart style before both explodes when they hit a thermometor factory.  Our heroes win, the fundraiser is a sucess and the teachers have elected Josh room parent for life (”That can’t be legally binding” “IT’S LEGALLY BINDING!”)  Final Thoughts: A great , really damn funny episode with a great premise. While Emily being worried Josh would cheat seems weird given he’s a nice enough guy, it’s sometimes understandable to be panicky about that sort of thing and her worry is warnated given one party is trying to seduce her husband, josh is just too stupid to realize, which makes for a lot of great gags. It’s a really tighly done episode that like the above is more pure comedy and just hilarious, but has even better jokes and a much better executed premise to work with. And no weird toddler things. So overally a slam dunk.  I have more close enough reviews coming today, obviously though i’d rather watch the rest before reviewing them, but while I do you can shoot me an ask to talk more close enough, and in more serious matters... One of my best friend’s cat’s cancer has come back and being out of work and just having moved into a new appartment, he needs help paying for it. You can find the go fund me here.  And as always until we meet again, later days. 
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scbastlans · 5 years
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❝ He was both summer and winter when it came to people. To some he was the dreariest and most cold, and to others he was a sea full of emotions. People would leave either ways and he never understood why. Perhaps, he then thought, perhaps autumn and spring would suit him more. ❞ MIGUEL BERNARDEAU? No, that’s actually SEBASTIAN MONTAGUE. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as a CIS-MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SUPERFICIAL, GULLIBLE, and CARELESS but also ROMANTIC, CHARMING, and OPTIMISTIC. { SAM, 24, EST, THEY/THEM }
For Sebastian’s pinterest board, click here. For his connections, click here. Finally, for his stats page, click here. 
TWs: Colonization, genocide, NSFW, despicable family (this isn’t a joke; I just don’t know how to classify it in another way).
Sebastian Louis Montague was the first and only son of Louise Charlotte de Bourcier, a French pureblood heiress to a family fortune worth more than most people would ever imagine of. Add that to the fact that his father was Percival Montague, and that led to Sebastian thinking quite highly of himself and his family.
Sebastian’s a disaster, but if there’s one thing that’s been taught to him, and that he actually retained, it’s that family comes first. On both sides of his family. His mother’s family is smaller than his father’s family, for sure, but they both matter just as much to him. Though he does tend to feel like the less useful cousin out of all the Montagues, the rest are still his cousins, his family, and he’d do anything for them. Including joining the Death Eaters even though he couldn’t give any less of a shit about either side of the conflict. It’s what’s right for his family, though, and therefore, what makes the most sense for Sebastian. It’s not about pleasing them and making them proud; it’s about doing what’s right as a Montague and a de Bourcier. Because, honestly, if you thought the Montagues were intense about blood purity, good luck with the de Bourciers! They were the ones who sent the first wizarding colonizers to what is now known as Canada. They were close to the royal family of France, who they secretly despised, but kept close to for power. They were the ones who gave the idea to send “filles du roi” first. They were the ones responsible for sending poor, helpless girls to marry much older men in Canada. And those girls? Those girls they sent? All muggleborns they had torn away from their families, put in orphelinatsand then made disappear whichever way they could. For which the colonization (and genocide) in America were very useful. They saw a way to get rid of impurities, and they took it.
Sebastian is the apple of his French grandfather’s eye. Whilst Sebastian’s mother might be the official heiress, it’s truly because Joseph de Bourcier knows that his daughter adores her son and will give him everything when the time is right. Like, to say that Sebastian is spoiled would be a HUGE understatement.
His mother’s a horrible person. I can’t even write it down because she's that awful. She has no respect for anyone’s life but her own and her son’s and MAYBE her husband’s. She has always been a socialite who didn’t take much seriously, but if there was one single thing she was serious about, it was how protective and controlling she was when it came to Sebastian. Not that Sebastian realizes that his dear mother is manipulating him. She loves him, truly, but manipulating people comes naturally to her, and though Sebastian is her son, he’s almost like a precious doll to her. She’s constantly amused by what he does, lets him get away with everything, and tries to use him in whatever way she can to get what she wants in life. Basically, Sebastian’s mother is NOT a good person™.
His father’s pretty absent from Sebastian’s life, but that doesn’t stop Sebastian from hoping that he’s going to make his father proud one day. His parents are somewhat close, but in a weird way he prefers not to wonder about, and whilst his mother gives him everything he wants, Percival requires efforts and accomplishments from Sebastian. He’s not strict, per se, too busy caring about other things and finding his nieces and nephews much more capable, but he does roll his eyes a lot. And it highkey hurts Sebastian to know that his father thinks so little of him that he can’t even find it in himself to be disappointed by his failures. He might have been an only child, but he never felt like he was his father’s favourite.
It just… Made sense for him to join the Death Eaters at Hogwarts. All his life, the importance of blood purity had been ingrained in Sebastian’s mind, but he had never cared much either way. Which, really, put him on the bad guys’ side. After all, not doing anything is just as bad as fighting on the side of the “bad” side. Thing was, Sebastian did not care about people if they weren’t of any use to him, aka if he didn’t find them attractive. Sebastian was as superficial as can be, and still is to this day. Whilst he’s not the most useful Death Eater due to the fact that he’s always hesitant to hurt people he finds attractive, he is a good flirt, and has learned how to get information out of people without necessarily showing that he was doing so. He definitely couldn’t be a double agent, though. Not only is his last name a huge giveaway (and unlike Alice, he's thought of that), but also? He just… Wasn’t a good enough actor to be able to pretend to care about ugly people. So what if faceless people got hurt? There was no way to prove they were attractive; and even if they were, his family would never consider them worthy, so what was even the point?
Man, this foolish fool falls in love way too easily. When someone’s attractive, has the right blood status, acts somewhat meanly towards him? Sebastian’s a goner. He doesn’t really care about gender, and his parents either expect so little of him, or let him get away with anything, that they don’t care who he brings home either. As long as he settles down when he’s older and gives both the de Bourciers and Percival an heir, they couldn’t care less who he goes out with whilst he’s young. Well… As long as their blood is pure enough.
Loves himself so much. Like so, so much. Thinks he’s the most beautiful person that has ever stepped into Hogwarts, and the world in general. And he thinks he’s like… A gift to the rest of the world. Also, he loves attention SO DAMN MUCH. A drama king tm. He’s the worst, truly.
NSFW TW. Dreams of an archnemesis turned fuck enemies scenario. Not with a muggleborn or worse, a Weasley, but rather with another Death Eater. Or a neutral who leans on the Death Eaters side. He’s not too picky as long as they’re attractive, mean to him, hot, not a muggleborn, beautiful, and attractive (again, yes).
Wants to prove himself, but also doesn’t want to put too much effort into it.
Is excellent at Herbology, which he hates because it’s a “soft” subject and he hates getting dirty, but he can’t help it. He’s just really, really good at Herbology. Also, he thinks that Alice’s attractive (even though he doesn’t trust her), so he’s always confused as to how that can be her father, which is hilarious to me because I would bet a whole ten dollars that apart from being the Herbology teacher (and probably an Order member - from what Sebastian knows), Neville is not… That bad? Sebastian is just bitter that THIS has to be the subject he’s actually good at.
Hates sweating, which like, maybe I’m projecting, because Alice also hates sweating, but… Legit doesn’t even get up to clap at Quidditch matches because he’s scared he’ll sweat. Also, he doesn’t care much about sports. He’d much rather see the beaters’ arms after the game. In here, you could insert a video of Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (who would represent Sebastian) being like “You know what I mean?” and Monica (who would represent the rest of the world) being like “We always know what you mean.” Very discouraging, really. Oh my, Joey Tribbiani is a good comparison for Sebastian, except that Sebastian falls in love at the drop of a hat, unlike Joey, who pretty much never falls in love. Well, there were a couple of exceptions, but this is not the place for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. discourse.
Oh god, he IS a mix of Joey Tribbiani, Romeo Montague, Cher Horowitz, one of the blond guys from Glee (was there only one? I don’t know the name of the one I’m thinking of) and an evil person, isn’t he? RIP.
God. He is probably my worst character. No, not maybe. He is. He’s so not valid, I can’t even believe it. He’s just… Not a good person. He only cares about himself and his pleasure and his wants and his needs.
Is allergic to nuts, which is so ironic, and therefore HILARIOUS to me.
thanks to a, who showed me this picture:
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orchidbreezefc · 5 years
okay so!! if you don’t follow me on twitter, i went to the liveshow for the audio drama podcast king falls am this last weekend with my buddies @amarantae​ (whom i had known for 8 years before us meeting for the first time this weekend) and @wendy-comet​ (who is a newer friend but just as cool). this is a longass post to gush about [the fandom-relevant parts of] one of the best weekends of my life.
the liveshow was fantastic, of course, and it’s going to be available to listen to so i won’t belabor the point, other than that trent shumway is one of the major wonders of the modern world and watching him run through half the characters in the show for a simple skit was wild. 
wendy, ama, and i were the last three people to go through the autograph line as the venue was kicking everybody out so we didn’t get to talk much with most of the cast (and also i was so starstruck by noah james that there was a moment of awkward silence lmfao). 
we decided to hit the meet and greet hangout at the park the next morning, and that was a lot of fun! someone (i think emily from the discord?) brought a cards against kfam game and we played a few rounds with noah. kyle asked me to show him my hand of cards at one point as an example of what kind of cards were in the deck and i was like HHHH YEAH.
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(me with the blue hair on the right, noah in the silly two wolf tank top in the middle, and wendy with the red hair on the left.)
we also told kyle how much the queer rep in the show meant to us and got a couple great selfies with the cast. kyle and noah gave us the best hugs we’ve ever had in our LIVES.
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(left to right: noah james, eric kimelton, me, ama, trent shumway, wendy, and kyle brown)
after the big group picture, ama, wendy, and i took off and walked to the old los angeles zoo, which is long abandoned and super cursed, and messed around LA in general for a bit longer. then later that day we went to fucking??? karaoke??? with the cast?? absolutely wild. kyle went full troy bolton on us because he swore up and down ever since karaoke was planned months ago that he would go but not sing, and he definitely sang twice.
i have some videos of the karaoke that i hope to put on an unlisted youtube playlist once i get wendy’s videos. suffice it to say it was a blast, and the room only fit like 20, 25 people, so it was an incredibly intimate experience with, again, the goddamn cast of king falls am. owen sang freak on a leash in jacob williams’s voice. noah did prince and then got a 100% score on a rage against the machine song. wendy and i went three times and even got ama in on it once. kyle and noah did bohemian rhapsody. cameron chambers and mallori were there.
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this is how big the room was. the picture was taken by ama with her back to the wall. this was us singing a song on wendy’s kfam playlist. absolutely nuts.
afterwards we got kicked out of the karaoke room so kyle and noah decided that instead of saying our goodbyes on the sidewalk outside there in a not unsketchy part of town, we should grab midnight denny’s. so we did. with, not to put too fine a point on it, but the goddamn cast of king falls am. wendy played a game of ninja with noah and some others outside the restaurant.it was wild.
i sat directly across from noah and y’all. y’all. i would have been MORE than happy to eat tres leches pancakes and listen to noah james talk about his life for an hour and a half but the man was DETERMINED to hear all about us. i’m never going to forget him leaning across the table and fixing me with these beautiful brown eyes and going ‘tell me about your necklace’ and my starstruck ass, who had two necklaces on, holding up my crochet bat necklace and going “this one?” and him gesturing to my whole getup and saying ‘all of it’
LIKE. he paid RAPT attention and engaged and asked questions as we talked about things like how we met through fandoms and the bad rep slytherin gets in the harry potter books. he made me feel not like a nerd but the most fascinating person on the planet as i told stories about shiny hunting in pokemon and showed off the crochet pokemon i’ve made, both irl and in pictures. apparently he has played all the pokemon games, and was the second person to recognize my pin hat as being from pokemon since i made it for comic con 2018. he’s a slytherin too and so is his girlfriend, and they liked my ‘woomy’ pin because apparently they were inklings for halloween last year.
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(clockwise from bottom right: julie, noah, norma, ama, wendy, me, rachel, and meg)
we all followed each other on twitter before leaving. on our way out the door we got another hug each from kyle, who was clear that the cast members were, if possible, even more enthused about the whole weekend than we were. i had wanted to show noah my pokemon tattoo but had forgotten, but he reappeared right as our uber was showing up. i went over to show him and AS OUR UBER PULLED UP noah james, most beautiful man in america, went ‘wait. explain this to me. tell me what it means’. like SIR. you are too perfect.
and now my twitter follows look like this:
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(my most recent 5 followers, all of whom are on the king falls am cast)
and there’s also this:
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(sage’s tweet: night out with @KingFallsAM cast was fucking incredible beyond words, especially getting to sit and eat with @James_NoahJames. dude just radiated sincerity & genuine interest in our lives & creative efforts. it's probably painful to be so legitimately good & talented all at once.
noah’s response: 
Seriously had such a wonderful time [four heart emojis of different colors])
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rhiezus · 5 years
               1989 As Our Ships, Moments & Characters.
Welcome To New York
This song is kind of annoying but it’s a classic, of course that I thought of Kim Yura and Abe Chiyo first because... c’mon, first Yura was born in New York and second the lyrics is very them... Also a little bit of WNDR? Because of their tour? I mean they getting famous and coming to America, it also reminded me of them a lot because it’s like fame is been waiting for them.
Walking through a crowd, the village is aglow Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats Everybody here wanted something more Searching for a sound we hadn't heard before
I mean you can see why I mentioned WNDR right?
When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer Everybody here was someone else before And you can want who you want Boys and boys and girls and girls
Also Kim Yura and Abe Chiyo forgetting their past to be together and shit.
Blank Space
Okay I have no idea, I thought of Linlin but... I don’t know, the thing is this album has a lot of “personas” created by Taylor so it’s hard to tell which one of them is who. I have no idea, seriously, let’s just listen and think together. 
I was thinking about this one while I was washing the dishes, that’s why I decided to do this today, hehe. Okay so hear me out, first I remembered this whole album I tried to associate with Nayoung years ago but then I was remembering our ships and came up with Julie and Valak, but I was like? Not so much because they are very dragged only by each other, so I don’t know. Then I though of 2sun, I was like, yes? Very much. But then, finally out of nowhere I was... Oh my god this is Ruy and Hai.
The lights are off, he's taking off his coat (mm, yeah) I say, "I heard, oh That you've been out and about with some other girl" Some other girl He says, "What you heard is true, but I Can't stop thinking 'bout you, and I" I said, "I've been there too a few times"
Right? I mean... It was exactly why i thought about them.
Oh, you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye And I got that red lip classic thing that you like And when we go crashing down (and when we go) We come back every time 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
The gays literally never go out of style, that’s why we keep making them.
Out Of The Woods
Oh my baby, I love this song. Funny thing that when this about first launched, I didn’t like this song because I thought it was too repetitive but then when I came across while we were in the mood “nayoung x keun breakup fiasco thing”, I just fell in love with it. Because it’s literally Nayoung’s mind, I just- Yeah. I also I was just thinking about how it reminds me of Danbi and Daehyun too, somehow?
Looking at it now It all seems so simple We were lying on your couch I remember You took a Polaroid of us Then discovered (then discovered) The rest of the world was black and white But we were in screaming color
It makes so much sense, yes. I don’t have much to say about 1989 this album just speaks for itself, I just point the people that it speaks to.
Looking at it now Last December (last December) We were built to fall apart Then fall back together (back together) Your necklace hanging from my neck The night we couldn't quite forget When we decided, we decided To move the furniture so we could dance Baby, like we stood a chance
December? Does it ring a bell? Haha, we knew. 
Also, I gotta add this description by Genius, again: The repetitive nature of the chorus reinforces the idea that the fear and nerves that came with the relationship were overbearing and completely took over her thoughts. 
When you started crying, baby, I did too But when the sun came up, I was looking at you Remember when we couldn't take the heat? I walked out and said, "I'm setting you free" But the monsters turned out to be just trees When the sun came up, you were looking at me
I wanna cry this is so Nayoung and Keun, for god sakes... Finally they out of the woods kkkjkjk
All You Had To Do Was Stay
Anna and Kuen, I literally just thought of it. Before I thought of Haneul and Hyuntae, but honestly? Totally Anna and Kuen, I can literally see.
People like you always want back The love they gave away And people like me wanna believe you When you say you've changed The more I think about it now The less I know All I know is that you drove us Off the road
Yeah, I mean, I’m still out of words, I’m just trying to make my point cross effectively. 
Let me remind you This was what you wanted You ended it You were all I wanted  But not like this
Yes?? Also, she repeats the “stay” like a hundred times so, yeah.
Shake It Off
It is still Hailey to me, or just WNDR being goofyes in the dorm. Literally what Taylor says about this song just speaks to WNDR in a nutshell: I really wanted it to be a song that made people want to get up and dance at a wedding reception from the first drum beat. But I also wanted it to be a song that could help someone get through something really terrible if they wanted to focus on the emotional profile, on the lyrics.
But I keep cruisin' Can't stop, won't stop groovin' It's like I got this music in my mind Saying it's gonna be alright
So yeah, nothing more to say. 
I Wish You Would
I literally can’t stand the connections between Taylor’s songs and Harry anymore on genius, but here we go. This song is about while he was in the car making the decision to get out the car and see her, she was sitting in her bedroom, wishing he would make the move and go back to her and just pitch up at her house. She compared it to a classic John Hughes movie where both parties want the same thing but neither has the guts to say anything.... So it did kinda reminded me of Nayoung and Keun, can you blame me, no? BecUASE LITERALLY ALL THIS ALBNUM Oh MY gOD, This is so Bonghu and Sanchan breakup days too... 
I wish you would come back Wish I never hung up the phone like I did, I Wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as I live, and I Wish you were right here, right now, it's all good
Like, shut up?? It’s totally young Bonghu and Sanchan, okay? Okay.
It's 2AM in my room Headlights pass the window pane I think of you We're a crooked love in a straight line down Makes you want to run and hide But it makes you turn right back around
Hahahah, I soooo I’m right, I don’t knowkkjl.
Bad Blood.
THIS IS CHIHYE AND INNA. OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS SO CHIHYE AND INNA. ALSO. THIS IS 7SINS TO JULIE. KKKK IM DYING. Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?‘ she did something so horrible. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re just straight-up enemies.’ .... 7SINS ABOUT JULIE, AND CHIHYE AND INNA ABOUT Hmm NothING THEY JUST BITTER (MAYBE BC BOTH MARRIED PYONGHO AND ONE LITERALLY FOR NOTJISNJKJ)
Did you have to do this? I was thinking that you could be trusted Did you have to ruin what was shiny? Now it's all rusted Did you have to hit me where I'm weak?
I mean Julie literally kind of destroyed 7sins so I can see the point of anger, and Chihye is just a bitch so yeah...
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes You say sorry just for show If you live like that, you live with ghosts
Yes girls, that’s why them, in the end, make peace with each other is all good SPB is the bitch here c’mon... And I mean Chihye and Inna were never “friends” again because they never really saw each other again but Inna always made an effort and still wanted Chihye to be alright? So it’s true she lives with ghosts, she went nuts... But I wonder now if their friendship never ended because off status and guy problems, maybe... just maybe... Chihye would have moved on for a better life and maybe even Nayoung wouldn’t have been born and things would be good. In the other hand, 7sins was built to break because SPB was poor and hanging by a string, so all that shit just was the point of the iceberg so it was fine judging Julie for a while because she didn’t take it personally and when things were revealed that it indeed was for the best, they didn’t share grudges and just moved on with their lives like they were supposed to. 
Wildest Dreams.
We literally just talk about her, I mean Chihye is every tragic story about Taylor.. But, in a way, this could also be about Inna and Pyongho, or Lian and Chihye, it depends on the day. ALSO COULD BE OH MY GOD ARAKI AND KAYNKKKJ, yes. 
He said, "Let's get out of this town Drive out of this city, away from the crowds" I thought, "Heaven can't help me now" Nothing lasts forever But this is gonna take me down
He's so tall and handsome as hell He's so bad, but he does it so well I can see the end as it begins My one condition is
This just applies to Lian and Kayn, oh what a combination. Maybe not even them because they are nice too.
You'll see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night Burnin' it down Someday when you leave me, I'd bet these memories Follow you around
Yes, Araki and Kayn & Lian and Chihye all in one song. Maybe I was just crazy with Pyongho and Inna, I don’t know, I get crazy all the time. This verse made me want to answer one of smutty times between Araki and Kayn, because literally all they do is fuck and miss each other.
How You Get The Girl
Finally, you are here Haneul and Hyuntae, I’ve waited to talk about how much this song is them because... You will see it. First Taylor says: It’s written for a guy who has broken up with his girlfriend, then wants her back after six months. But it’s not going to be as simple as sending a text like, ‘Sup? Miss you.’ That won’t work. You need to do all the things I say.
Stand there like a ghost Shaking from the rain, rain She'll open up the door and say, "Are you insane?" Say it's been a long six months And you were too afraid to tell her what you want
It wasn’t exactly like that, but a girl can imagine and not everything has to be right. First, because that’s literally Hyuntae realizing he did things wrong and missed his timing to explain things, but Haneul is just pissed at his ass. 
I want you for worse or for better I would wait forever and ever Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait forever and ever
Like I said, it wasn’t exactly like that but it was pretty similar. 
Remind her how it used to be, be, yeah-yeah With pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks, cheeks Tell her how you must have lost your mind, ooh-ooh When you left her all alone And never told her why, why
I meAN, I MEAN??? CmOn. I love the “pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks” because it’s so cheesy and so Haneul and Hyuntae when they were dating, they probably do have pictures like that on their cellphones and at a time Haneul’s cheesy ass must even have one framed to give to Hyuntae. AND YOU LEFT HER ALL ALONE AND NEVER TOLD HER WHY, cmOn, yeah?kkjk Also lost your mind, yes, it was the anxiety talking, not Hyuntae, makes sense...
Anyways, I love this cheesy song because the beat, the lyrics, everything reminds me of Haneul and Hyuntae’s relationship not only as lovers but as friends too, you know? Yeah *sobs*
This Love
Oh, it’s Lian and Chihye again. Okay, let me think... yeah, can’t... Yeah. Also I was just about to go to the other song, when I thought “maybe this is Taewoon and Hojin” and then all of sudden... This is also Hansol and Chan-u.
This love is good, this love is bad This love is alive back from the dead, oh-oh, oh These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me, oh-oh, oh
The sad melody, the way Taylor is whispering? I mean, almost makes me wanna cry because I love young Lian and Chihye just trying to survive. (( I also love young and innocent Hansol with wicked and confused Chan-u, how they managed to survive and still get married and shit? wHO KnoWS
Tossing, turning Struggled through the night with someone new And I could go on and on, on and on Lantern, burning Flickered in my mind, only you But you were still gone, gone, gone
Totally Chihye about being with Pyongho but wanting to be with Lian... LeT IT GO, GO IN TO THE LIGHT CHIHYEEEEEEE
Your kiss, my cheek I watched you leave Your smile, my ghost I fell to my knees When you're young, you just run But you come back to what you need
*sOBS*, this part is so sad what the fuckkkjk. DIE CHIHYE DIE I CANT TAKE YOUR SADNESS IN THIS ALBUM ANYMOre for god sakes. “when youre young, you just run but you come back to what you need” sounds like a board name,, OH MY GOD THIS COULD ALSO BE TAEWOON AND HOJIN OH MY GODKKKJK shut up ..... Hansol and Chan-u got married and Chihye is dead, get over it, life is good xd
I Know Places
I don’t really listen nor like this song, but the lyrics reminded me of Julie and Valak, i’m telling this album is about the terrible and twisted people. ALSO YURA AND CHIYO TOO BECAUSE THEY ARE GAY AND MEDIA IS A BITCH.
You stand with your hand on my waistline It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight I can hear them whisper as we pass by It's a bad sign, bad sign Something happens when everybody finds out See the vultures circling, dark clouds Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out It could burn out
This is also jenkai. 
Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down 'Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places, I know places
For Julie and Valak the place is his car, that’s my theory. And Yura and Chiyo is just Japan... (jenkai is that park at midnight & jongin’s car). Oh my god, when Julie and Valak were discovered by dispatch imagine everyone like “valak drives?”
They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it My love
I’m addicted to this song now. 
My god I don’t know 2/4 of this album. It’s... Hansol and Chan-u, now that I remembered of them I simply won’t forget.
The drought was the very worst  When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst It was months and months of back and forth  You're still all over me Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore
See? I mean their relationship is very complicated, but according to genius this song is about getting over a heartbreak and moving on with your life to rediscover yourself and like Taylor said: When it did hit me, it was like, ‘Oh, I hope he’s doing well’. And nothing else. And you know how it is when you’re going through heartbreak. A heartbroken person is unlike any other person. Their time moves at a completely different pace than ours. It’s this mental, physical, emotional ache and feeling so conflicted. Nothing distracts you from it. Then time passes, and the more you live your life and create new habits, you get used to not having a text message every morning saying, ‘Hello, beautiful. Good morning.’ You get used to not calling someone at night to tell them how your day was. You replace these old habits with new habits, like texting your friends in a group chat all day and planning fun dinner parties and going out on adventures with your girlfriends, and then all of a sudden one day you’re in London and you realize you’ve been in the same place as your ex for two weeks and you’re fine. And you hope he’s fine. The first thought that came to my mind was – I’m finally clean....... Also, it reminded me of Haneul and Hyuntae. 
Ten months sober, I must admit Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it Ten months older, I won't give in Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
I’m speechless for both ships. Also they both risk it so... hHAHAJKk Oh my god this is so Kaili getting over Julie too jkjkk jeez But finally what she says in the end sends me: The hidden message to Clean is “She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything.” This song is not just about losing someone you love – it’s also about losing yourself. Being clean is about moving on as a person and really taking care of yourself mentally.
How many songs are left for this, oh god... At this point I can only point Hansol and Chan-u too, I’m tired I’ve written to much. But because too: It is a description of a toxic relationship, from beginning to end. It uses the story of Alice In Wonderland as inspiration for the highs and lows of enjoying this state of relationship wanderlust, irrespective of negative consequences.
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? I felt your arms twistin' around me I should have slept with one eye open at night
I seriously can’t take the Harry Styles on Genius anymore... You read this, you tell me who ship it is: https://genius.com/4254518
You Are In Love
I love this song *michael’s meme*. Seriously, ugh. Dedicated to all my lovebirds with a happy and healthy relationship who had been missing here because this album is so so very tragic and I haven’t got my time to mention them properly. Specially: Zeev and Eleanor, Kaili and Raye, Mark and Hana, Minhye and Jukan, Jinhyung and Kyungri... Who else?
Morning, his place Burnt toast, Sunday You keep his shirt, he keeps his word And for once, you let go Of your fears and your ghosts One step, not much, but it said enough You kiss on sidewalks You fight and you talk
This reminded me of Eleanor and Zeev... 
One night, he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says "You're my best friend" And you knew what it was, he is in love
And this... Minhye and Jukan.
You can hear it in the silence (silence), silence (silence), you You can feel it on the way home (way home), way home (way home), you You can see it with the lights out (lights out), lights out (lights out) You are in love, true love
And this... Jinhyung and Kyungri.
And so it goes You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown And you understand now Why they lost their minds and fought the wars And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words
Okay the “office downtown” reminded me of Keun and Nayoung... I’m telling, I love this song I just can’t pick one ship for it. Also this song Taylor wrote for her friends who are in love and this comment just cracked me up: Isn’t it much more likely (and adorable) to imagine Jack looking at a picture of Lena while he produces music in his home studio? kkkj 
New Romantics
just appreciate me screaming the lyrics of this song in telegram when it cames.
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